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1635 FARADAY AVE; ; AS990026; Permit
City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS990026 Job Address: 1635 FARADAY AV Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2121303100 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: PC #: Status: ISSUED Applied 7/6/1999 Approved: Issued: Inspector: Project Title: FARADAY BUSINESS PLAZA Applicant: Owner: FARADAY BUSINESS PLAZA L L C CIO SPECTRUM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 8799 BALBOA AVE #260 SAN DIEGO CA Fees ($) FAdcylFees ($) I Total ($) Balance ($) 556 0 556 0 THERE ARE NO PLANS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PERMIT Sent By: LINDLEY FIRE P901. CO.,INC.,; 714 535 0576; Nov-1-99 8:32AM; Page 1 AScoi LINDLEY FIRE PROTECTION CO., INC. FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION FACSIMILE NUMBER (714) 535-0576 company., Attention: 14 £LL&ZJ Facsimile Number: .• OLLi Number ofPages (including cover sheet): Comments. Ps-A ..~ir Pc T*f rr From: il . Thank you. Ifyou do not receive all pages listed, please call (714) 535-5761 This me.'isage is intendedfor the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed WW may contain iiftnnathin that i. privileged, confidential and r,rempt from disciosare under law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recple4 you are hereby notified that .tfly disscminadon distribution, or copying of this communication Is stiletly prohibited if you have recthed this communication in error, please call the above phone number inunediulely. 2220 E. Via Burton, Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 535-5761 FAX (714) 535-0576 California • Nevada •. .. Oregon • Oklahoma • Arizona E-Mail: cngineering©lindleyfire.com PSN 5 1 - 9 7 5 - X • X X X I TEMPERATURE RATING 155 1558C 200 [7ZQOFI3G COVER PLATE FINISH -. Chrome a Feinted White Sent By: LINDLEY FIRE PROT. C0..,INC.; 714 535 0576; Nov-1-99 5:39AM; Page 9/9 Auloniam spdiklers must novae be shipped or storad where their tempar, ature will exceed 100FI38C and they must navet be painted, plated, cpajg or otherwise altered alter leaving the ctory. Modified sprinklers must be reslaced. ftrinklOrs that have been exposed to corrosive products of com-bustion. btat have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be corn-plot&y cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth orby brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be marcl5ed to avoid dame age to the sprinklers both before and after installation, Sprinklers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twI51161, or the like, must be re placed. Also, aieplao* any sprinklerthat has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Fief. installation Section). If a sprinkler must be removed for some reason, do not rlristaft it or a replacement without minstaifirig the Cover Plate Assembly. if a cOverPlats Assembly becomes dislodged during service. replace It Immediately. NOIZS 1.. Absence f the Cover Plate 40enr- bly may ddy the limvtospnnMer ojlerr4sron in IL fire situation 2. When properly ins to11e4 there is a nqminai3/,52frh ar jop betWeen thettp Cover Piete and the ceili, as shown in Pig= A. Thla air gap is na"Sairy for proper o-cretio,s of the sprinhlelt If the ctii. ing is to be rapthrted after the in- stallation of the 7974 arerujtbe exercised IQ cnsurs that the MW pwml does NOT seal off any of the air gap Factory palated Cuer Plates MUST NOT be ?epahued They should be replaced, Ifnemsary, by factory painted wilts Vono1puht the Cover Plaleijasiue to the Enclosure. Sepa,utkn 'n £ Before closing a tfrtptOtestioa 5731 tern main cønfrol "aluc for maInte-nance luosiL on 11w fite p,015e1104 SysteM which it conirds, &n to f shut down the uflietsd 2ra proteøion ysMrn must beobtained from the properauthorilics and all pronnd who may be ajfltcted by this action Must be nolifled. It is rCconlrnended that automatic sprinkler systems be Inspected quar. terly by a qualified Inspection Service. Contact your .looal distributor for avaliabil!y. Product Symbol Numbers arena? specified when ordwtng F975 Sprink. iers with a special painted finish 91f the Cover Plate, it is Suggested that a color chip be provided when ordering Special pRInted finishes. Otherwieo responsibility for duplication of the do' sired finish cannot b$ accepted, Separately Ordered Parts: Specify: Modal F874 $prlhlar Wrench, PSN S"7&1 .001, Replacement Parts; Specify (d&crlption) far use with F$75 pzffikIer, PSN (specify). Sprinkler/Mounting Cup Assemblies are not available as replacement parts. The following patent is applicable to the Modal Fe75 Concealed Spunkier: U.S.A. 5,152,344 PslMeøWheo - 135F1570 cover Plas AsesinMy for iSs'FJSWC Shwoe , .., PSN 50475.0.155 train tffd,dafid"b1'jhl0qnt (w _V period) that the products furnished .......... ............P5W 5154 ur*under will be free from defects in oMen F=o material ançJWot1(rnanshiP., isrpisrc Cover Plea sainMy - :- - br15SF/$pi1nkiuf For /tcrilurr deiàils on Warranty, see ............... ChroraoPlow 1W4O Or Pteeby -- far 200'F1030 SprInklers -. .4 ............... P5P458-97M.0 kJl!•'IlflUI iii Product Symbol Numbers are not Sprinkler Assembiit$ specified for replacement Cover Plato Orders for F075 Quick Rosonso Assemblive with special painted tin- cealetiapr(nluers must include the do ihe. Records are not maintained of 5cnptiofl and Product Symbol Number previously ordered special palntad fin. (PSN), where applicable. ishes. Therefore, it is sugsstoct that a color chip be provided when ordering Specify: 1/2 inch orifice. (specW - re,?lacernont pails With special paIttt perature rating), MDaeJ F975 09 Con- finishes. Otherwise, responsibility for clod Sprinier with (specify type . duplication of the desired finish cannot Ish) Cover Plate, PS1J (specily from be accepted. Table ). Parenthetical metric conversions cited herein are approximate. 11110 ,. 9&400 mm I ftIe 1.5N N 14. , 5.4535415 TABLE PRODUCT SYMBOL NUMBER ULECTIOIl The nominal weight of the Model F075 Concealed 8pzio1'cler is 0.45 pounds. Re.tfetJemailL at OMINNELL OOPOfUTION, 3 T Ct,t,EXETR, t4MO$B$5 . t1Cfl INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANV coico O[.ON 60 66 6?/OL. • 6Z 1796 929 YIIIS 9 eO,j !3N1'00 .LO4d 381=1 A1ONT1 -c- 9E2 -V96 9Z9 •• wøc:o ino/oiOl :%60ei4 . * THE CLIP ARRAINS IN PLACE WITh. THE COVER PLA79 ASSEMBLY IC I INSTALLED, TO HELP PREVENT DAMASE TO THE DEFLECTOR AND ARMS. I THE UPm DESIGPDSUCI4ThAT1HE DECTDR WILL PROP IF ThE F570 L SPRINKLER OPERATES PRIOR TO INSTAU,*TIONOF THE COVER PLATE. 711 1 FICUED MODEL PSle SPRINKLER WRENCh I DRIVE CUP Sent By: LINDLEY FIRE PROT. CO.,INC.; 714 535 0578; Nov-1-99 8:38AM; Page 6/9 Cup, whoIi is chrome plated standard gage (.021') low carbon sheet steel, is amked to a stainless steel MeurøJn Plite, and the Mounting Plate provides for tlglct enageinent of the sprinkler Wrench (flat. Figure D) with the Frame The Sprinkler/Mounting Cup Assembly is provided with a Clip to secum the Deflector in a retracted (non-ax- tended) position, to help prevent dam. ago to the Deflector and Arms before the Co'w Plato AseerTibJy Is Installed. The Clip Is designed auth that the De- hector will drop If iha F975 Sprinkler operates prior to lnstãtltion of the Cover Plate. The ClIp is discarded when the Cover Plate Assembly Is In stalled. Sprinhler/Meunthzg Cup: Assembly Other than as shownim j.sreD.. Dt not attempt to mo.he-up for Irisuf' flsent'àdjustmen* in nw Sprinkler Assemb EE der or ooer-tighten- big the /Mounniag Cup As- sembly. the posztioti of the snkic4tring to tuit. A te& t/ght 2/2 inch N?T eprinkler Jo list should he oblansd with a torTjue of Ito 14 at lbs.Moretham2I/t.Ms. of Eo,qiie — ii.,losv the epthth2er orifice seat with conss giant ieakagt. Proceed with the instailalion as fol- lows; -rho pipecOnnectBd1Othe spninkler. fitting should be cut so that the bot- tom face of the fitting Is b0tt105n 2-1/16 and 2-5116 inch above the ceiling line By usinga 1/4 hell range far the D! dknen&ion, the remaining 1/4 inch at adjustment can be used to compensate fartha possible man- uceiring vanal'rjlw In the make-in of the sprinklers and the lake-out of fittings (as permitted by ANSI 5120.1). Apply pipe thread sealant sparingly to the epiinklitr threads only. Use of a intent based pipe iolnt sealant Is recommended. Using the Model F874 Wrench, p0- sftlonedasshownlnFiqure D.lnslaU and tighten the F$75 Spflilk- ler/Mounting Cup AcnThly Into the Ilttin. The F874 wifi exoepta 1-1/16 Inchitex socket or a 112 Inch radial drive. of'iO 0120N 9540 661 6210L . eBie,i SONIO .1-0d BI4 A51-1OPII1 Cover Plate Assembly The Cover Plate Assembly, which SQTSW$ Onto the SpnnklorlMcundng Cup Assembly, consists of a Cover Plate which is soldered 10 an ncl)' aura at three equidistant locations around their peripheries. The Cover Plate and Enclosure are brass per ASTM 835 (026000 or 020600).. A Type 302 stainless steel compression Spring Is located belween the flange of tho Enolqure and the Cover Plate, to ensure separation of the two pieces When the solder melts. Solder having a tamperawre teting of 1357151'C is used with Cover Plate Assemblies for use with 155'F168'0 sprinklers, and adder with a tempera- ture rafing of 1WFt74'C Is used with Cover Plate Aacecnhhles for use with 200'FI9WC sprinklers (Ref. Table A). When the Cover Plato Assembly is ex- posed 10 a temperature aufficleni to fust the solder, the Cover Plato will fall away from the Enclosure which allows the Deflector to drop and to expose the Sptnkier for operation. A label located on the outside of thy Cover Plate Assembly Indicates the temperature rating of the Cover Plato Assembly and the temperature rating of the P975 Sprinkler with which It 10 to be used. NOTES Do not Inetall any bulb type 8pPithlr ifthe bulb Is cracked or there is a loss of liquid fron the bulb. With ike tprin)iler held her oziax4 a tmafi air Nubble SkQUW be pr.eenL The diwmr- ter of the air bubble varks ('am op. proxirnaicly 1116 inch for the I55F/870 rating to 3182 iso/i ibr the 2111) 119110 ro11ng Only use the Model P874 Sprinkler Wrench /bi £2&ttrdlation of the F976 Sprinkler Do not wrench on the Alter Instating the SpcoklarlMount- mg Cup Assembly verify that the De2cirisretaInec In the retracted (non-extended) position by the Clip. if not, gently push the Deflector up so that the Clip Isengaged. The Clip Is Intyrided to help prevent damage to the Deflector and AJYnS during coiling installation and/or during ap plkwbon of the finish coating of the ceiling. After the dellino has been completed with the 2-04 inch dametar cleap once hole and In propamlion 1r in- stallIM to Plato Assembly, remove and discard **CIO (Fig. D), and verify that the Deflector fails freely. If the F975 Sprinkler has been dam. aged and the p.floclor does not fall replace the entire F975 Sprinkler assembly. .6. Screw.on the Cover Plate Assembly unW s Rapp corn.s}n contact with the ceiling. Do not screw-on the Cover Plato . Aseembly such that ltwiuliftaoolilng penal out of its normal positIon. If the Cover Plate Assembly cannot be engaged with the Mounting Cup or the Cover Plate Assembly cannot be engaged sufficiently 10 nt the ádlvlg. the Sprinker has been positioned incorrectly and must be repositioned accordinglo Step No.1. 1 DuPont Registered Trademark !i96 99 10I3 YHI31S coos t'oa 90 rb-go;9 ooieioi sT) 1' THE CLIP REMAINS IN PLACE UNTIL THE COVER PLATE ASSEMRLV IS IN9TAU.EO, TO HELP PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE OFFLECrOR AND AFIUS. ThE GUP IS DEiNau SUCH THAT TIlE DEFLECTOR WILL DROP IF THE 1`975 SPRINKLER OPERATSS PRIOR TO IPST.1DN OF THE COVELATE. ENCLOSURE COVER PLP SPIJNG COVER PLATE AOSEMSLY Ff8UREB MODEL P975 OR (QUICK RESPONSE) CONCEALED SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY ã[1 a]1i SPRINKLER COVER PLATE MAXIM r' PINUM69 MCA GA"90 IF911 MMM (0"4 as TZMPERArVRE RATIN C TEMPERATURE RATING TEMPERATURE fr*L r,_ 1G;/ 73 $'lJitU:. ' 1•ua TABLE A • I.Ii.I I'•flflbA Uflflj i IU _LUJ _II L1iPf =t.A As •.u,. — 1. To IM MOUNTING CUP — SPRINO EJECTION PLATE NOMINAL OHARQ9 CURVIE. SPRING miscible coiling temperatures fox use with the F975. DEFLECTUR CQMPRESSIOI'J 8cHW Standard finishes for the Cover Plate are satin chram and painted white; however, otharfactory painted finishes for the Cover Plate are available on special order. The nominal discharge curve for the P975 Is plotted in Figure C and It rep- resents the flow *0"In U.S. gallons Per minute (GPM) as detoiTh1nd by the formula: H Aqp— wherere the nominal Sprinkler discharge coefilcient 'IC" = £6, and 'p' - pros- sure in pounds per aeuare Inch (jel). Listing standards permit the actual value of K to vary from 5.3 to 5.8. The E975 Sprinkler consists 0ttwo as- aembrwe, As shown in Figure 8: the sprlriklerlMcunting Cup Assembly and the Cover Plate Assembly. diction. Futhcrc to do no may irnpoir the i,tgriiy of $lwce deuice The P76 QR Concealed SprinMe,'a must not be used in applications whera HU air pressure abov. Me ceil- ing is grearer then that below. Down- drofla through the MOI.4ting Cup iouZd delay the tioxete *piik1eroper- ation jiio 'Zre witiwüon. TM owner ie rasp ibis for main taininj their lire protection g1'ztern and devices in proper operating cars. dicion. The installing contractor or n4Iqc:werthcN4d be sdreJ- ative La any questions, The 12 inch orifice Model F975 Quick Response Concealed Sprlithlers are rated for use at a maximum service pressure at 176 psi. The available tem- perature ratings end nominal installa-tion dimensions are given In Figure A. Table A summarizes ihe maximum per- SprinklertMountinq Cup A$embly The Spr)nidor/Mountutg Cup Assembly utilizes a 3mm Bulb and has a bronz& Frame pet ASTM 8176 (097500). The Sutton (bulb retainer) Is phosphor bronlle per ASTM 8103 (061000, 062000, or C54400). the EJek2fl Spring Is stemless steel, and the Corn- praseion Soaw is a plated bronze per ASTM 0140 (031400). The Gaskotad Spring Plate consists of an maceel (par ASTM 8168) disc spring that Is sealed on both &lnsld =outside edges with a Tettorit gasket. The 0e floater is brass per ASTM 936 (022000). the Arms are phosphor bronze per CDA Alloy $10, and the- Yoke Is high strength bra. The Frame Is secured to the Moun*In Cup and Mo?rWrig. Plate with a plate Bleat Retaining Ring. The Mounting OfW OL.ON Ls:Ao 661 6VOL 56 '96 99 € QN1'00 LOId 3HIA A21QN11 <- QOP 5iS gag .HVaD VlUTS !lfiavj,v:g eeia/ot. Sent By: LINDLEY FIRE PROT. CD.,INC.; 714 535 0576; Nov-1-99 8:36AM; Page 6/9 CONCEALED SPRINKLER, QUICK RESPONSE MODEL F975 DESIGNER, BULB TYPE, 1/2" ORIFICE REDUCER (TYPICAL INSTALLATION) TEMPERATURE RATINGS: 1557 68.0 2OD'/YC 1( UST 12.7n'MENTun) C (DIA.) l/2 IJPI - K-FACTOR (NaMlMAL): 5J (GPM+7) 80.8 (LPM44) ADJUSTMENT: 1/2 INCH (12.7mn COVEN PLATE FINISHES: OHME PLATEN WHIM PAINTED SPECIAl. COLOR PAINTED GPRINKLERI MOUNTING CUP ASSEMBLY I •.. 8- 3116 4.8 - A C. 2U 50,8 COVER PLATE ASSEMBLY —'a 04Ain. 115/1e 40.2 3152° AP D-Nom. 24f11 85.6 - -• A (DIA.) (2-4 mm) 0442x. 2-7/16 61.5 FIGURE MODEL F675 OR (QUICK RE5PONSE) CONCEALED SPRINKLER NOMINAL INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS The 1/2 Inch orifice Model F97S Quick Response Designer Concealed Sprinklers (Rat. Figure A) are pendant automatic sprInklers of the frangible bulb type. They are 'standard sprinldere and produce a hemispheri- cal water distribution pattern below the deflector. Each unit included a Mount- ing Cup and Cover Plat* AssmbIy which conceal the sprinkler operating components above the ceiling. Tho small Cover Plate is flat, to blond In with the coiling for an ansthotically pleasing and relatively unnoticeable appearance. Standard firtishes for the Cover Plate we satirt chrome plated and painted while. Other factory ap- plied painted finishes for the Cover Plato are available on 3pciuI order. The separable two-piece design of the Cover Plate and Mounting Cup As- semblies allows installation of the sprinklers and pressure testing of the fire protection system prior to installa- tion of a suspended ceiling or applica- tion of the tlriish coaling to a fixed ceiling.- They also permit removal of suspended ceiling panels tot access to building aervicO equipment, without having to first shut down the fire protection system and remove spnnk- lere. Also; the separable tw-pieee design f thu the... F975 OR Concealed SprInkler provides for 1/2 inCh of verti-cal adjustment to reduce the accuracy to which the length of fixed pipe drops to the Sprinklers must be cut The 1/2 inch orifice Modal F975 Con- cealed Sprinklers are listed by Under- writers Laboratories Inc. and Un- derwrhere' L.aboratodes of Canada as Quick Response Sprinklem. The laborAtory Iletinga apply to the temperature ratings and fireehes indi- cated in Psgure A. 7LL1 TAv U,id P9 76 Quickltceponu Con-cealed Spi'bihlera dsici'ibed herein must be znatlZed end ,nrthththzed in compliance with We document. as vmu as with the c.pplLiable nderdo of the NatiOlrwt Eiro PlrctectlOm Mao-dalton, in addition so the towsaarda of an' otherhoritice having/uris- Printed in U.S.A 642 TDe76M SO/CO OL'ON 9LU 66 5/0lo - .. . 96 99 I.:IVU3 V11I9TS OOl3 QNIOc .LOd A91.11 - ace, B6 8 vivi.o:o 68167I01. ;p9,vre0ey PSN 57-XXX- SPRINKLER FINISH TYPE I 31 I On PENDENT I 370 I OR UPRIGHT 1 NATURAL BRASS 4 WilliS POLYESTER 9 CHROME PLATED Model F850 Nylon Coated Sprinkler Wrench Sent By: LINDLEY FIRE PROT. CO.,INC.; 714 535 0578; 4Nov-1-99 8:35AM; Page 5/9 SELECTION: Select the appropriate wrench based on the lollowing (e4u1ram0n15: i Model A Sprinklers with a natural brass or chrome plated finish and where the Wrench Flats sham in Figure Aare ecces- slble, may bebe Installed using ansorlo ® inch adjustable Crescent type wrench or the Model F850 Sprinkler Wrench. kicciel Asprinklors with apalyeetorcoated finish must only be Installed with the Model F850 Sprinider Wrench. Model A Recessed Pendent Bpdnldor which are to be Installed after completion of a fixed ceiling must only be installed with the Model FSSO Sprinkler Wrench. USE: When using an or 10 Inch adjustable Crescent type wrench, the wrench Isle be applied to the sprinkler wrench fiats only (Ref. Figure A). To use the F850 Sprinkler Wrench, slip the Wrench opening over the Medal A Sprinkler Oooctor by passing the Sprinkler Wrench around the Side of the Sprinkler as Shown In the above Illustration. Using a 1/2 inch ratchet drive or by applying an U or 10-inth adjuet.abie.vironch to the hex. and of the Sprinkler Wrench, tighten the sprinkler into the fittln. The MOlugs located on opposite sides of the Wrench indicate the orientation of the sprinkler from* arms. NOTh Push up on the Sprinkler Wrench, while It Is befng :rsrnrd. Co enaiz re that the Wrench recess enzyefuUy engaged with the sprinkler wrench fiere. Carefully rorirnvo the Sprinkler Wrench by disengaging Itfrom the spunkier wrench Hate, and thsn passing ii sideways over the sprinkler deflector- FIGURE D SPRINKLER WRENCH SELECTION AND USE - TABLE B - PRODUCT SYMBOL NUMBER SELECTION FOR 1/2 INCH ORIFICE MODEL A QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS. WITH 1/2 INCH NPT CONNECTIONS.. has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb (ref. Installation Section Note) NOTES Absence of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, may Care must be exercised to avoid dam- delay the time to sprinkler operation age to the sprinklers - both before in a fire siluàton. and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench Before &Ds nga(Ire protection system been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced It they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing It with a soft bristle brush. troLq, permission to shut down the af- fected fire protection system must be obtained jh*tn the proper authorities and allperaonnaf who may be affected by this aclioss inisdt be notified. It is recommended that automatic ' aprinlder systerpa be inspected quar- terly by a qualifIed Inspection Service. Seller warrants for a period of one year from the date of shipment (warranty period) that the products furniahod hereunder will 'be free from defects In material and wMnianship. For further dtlis on Waranr?ty, see Prico List. A ProductSyrnboi -Number (PSN) is not specified when ordering polyester coated Model A Sprinklers with other than a white cu1ur when ordering color coated Recessed Escutcheons with other than a whltecolor; or. when or- dering sprinklers with thread connec- tions per iso 7/1. It is suggested that a color chip be provided when ordering special color fiisshes. Otherwise, ye- sponsibility: for duplication cannot be accepted. Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. Sprinkler Assemblies: Spacify. 1/2M orifice. (specify tempera, lure rating), M6del A Quick Response (specify Pondent or Upright) Sprinkler With (specify .1yDe of finish). PSN (specify froiflTgble 0). 'Special Order... Sprinkler Assemblies with ISO ill Thread Connections: Specify: l/T orifice, (specify tempera- ture rating), Mbdel A Quick Response (specify Pendant or.Upnght) Sprinkler with (specify type of finish) and with thread connection per ISO 7/1. Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: 112 (15mm) Model (specify) Recessed Escutcheon with (specify finish). PSN (specify). 112' F700 CtflQ(n ....... PEN 567Oi-9-01O t' Pt00 White ..........PSN 58701-4-0O 112' F705CIVOme ........PON 55-705+010 1/2' F705Wlri1e ...........PSN -705-4-qo Sprinkler Wrench: Specify; Model F850 Sprinkler Wrench, PSN 56-a50-4-001. 1 twist/siippage, or tue like, must be re- control va ue/brmnntcziance work on placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that the fireprotectionsystemwkich it 0Roy. 55dcmack of GRJNNEiL CQRPQRAnON, 3 TYCO PAHK EXETER, NH 03S3, A tqco INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY Sent By: LINDLEY FIRE PROT. CO.,INC.; MODEL F700 FULLY RECESSED DIMENSIONSt Up to 112 Inch gIjustment from minimum 1/4 loch to maximum 3(4 Inch recessed position, Dim. Irtchs MM A- S1&t141ff 15,92 9-Mm. 3/4 1911 P-NonL I 25,4 B-Max. 1.1(4 31.8 C-Min. 1/4 64 C-Max. 314 10.1 HIGH ADJUSTMENT DIMENSIONS Up to 3/4 Inch adjustment from the flush ceiling position to 3/4 Inch recessed pàaltlon. Dim. Inches MM A- i/2.tl/4ff 12,7±6,4 8-Mm. 3/4 16,1 B-Nom.1-118 28,6 B-Max. 1-1/2 38.1 C-Mm. FLUSH. - C-Max. 3/4 19,1 I MODEL F705 I FULLY RECESSED DIMENSION6f Up to 1/4 Inch adjustment from Minimum 1/4 Inch to maximum 1/2 Inch recessed position. Dim. inches MM A. 1/2' 1217 U-Mm. 1 25,4 0-Norn. 14/6 28.6 amax 1.1)4 31,9 0-Mlri. 1/4 8,4 C-Max. 1/2 12,7 HIGH ADJUSTMENT DIMENSIONS Up to 1/2 Inch adjustment from the flush ceiling position to 1/2 Inch recessed position. s v Dim. Inches MM A- 3/8±1/aft, 9,5±32 fl.Min .,., 25.4., B-Nom 1-1/4 3118 B-Max. 14/2 *1 C-Mm. FLUSH. - 0-Max. 112 12,7 I I Sprinkler with the either the F700 or 17705 Recessed Escutcheon, for boot overall appearance, use Di- mension "A Indicated under the 'Fully Recessed Dimensions" head-ing of Figure C. Otherwise, use Di-mension 'A' under the 'High Adjust-ment Dimensions! heading. In either case, the remaining adjustment can be used to compensate for the pos-sible manufacturing variations in take-out of the flitting, as well as in the make-hi of the sprinklers (as per- mitted by ANSI 8120.1). After installing the F700 or F706 Mounting Plate (or other escutch- eon, as applicable) over the sprink-ler threads, apply pipe thread seal- antapamingly to thespdnklerthraads only. Use of a Teflont based pipe thread sealant Is recommended. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Refer -to Figure D and select the I Sprinkler Wrench for tightening the sprinkler Into the sprinkler fitting. The F650 Sprinkler Wrench must be used for Installing polyester coated sprinklers, In order to prevent dam- age to the sprinkler finish. NOTES A leak light .1/2 inch NPTepriitk- terjoint should be obtained with a torque of 7 to 14 ftlbe. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maximum of 21 ft. Abs (28,5Nin) of torque is to be used to install the aprinklers. HigbsT iou- ale of torque may, distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler Do not amempt to make-up for in- sufficient adjtzatnttnt in the es- cutcheon plate by under. or over. tightening the sprinkler. Readjust the posUlon of fits sprinkler fitting to suit. In recessed pendent spnniderinstal. lations after the ceding has been Installed or the finish coat has been applied, slide on the F700 or F705 Closure over the Model A Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plato until its flange comas in contact with the ceiling. Automatic sprinklers must never be shipped or stared where their temper- atures will exceed 100'Fl3e'0 and they must never be painted, plated, coated or otherwIse altered after leav- ing the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have 714 535 0576; Nov-1-99 B:35AM; Page 4/9 2-7/8* 01A. •-- I • (73.Omm)( 2-I/4"plA. FACE; 157.2mm) OF - rIt1lNO7 . MOUNTING SURFACE LA L j_ 7 t For best overall appearenre. tt Remaining 114 lnch.(64mmn) of I. Model A Pendent Spunkier Ddjucnent can be used to compensate 2- Model F700 or F705 Recessed Escutch5ofl for variations in sprinkler make-in and a- Mounting Plate fitting lake-out D. Closure FIGURE C MODEL.A HECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE MODEL FTOO OR F705.RECESSED ESCUTCHEON NOTES: 1.Llsled by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as Quick Response Spnnklers. - 2.1-lsled by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada as Quick Response Sprinklers. . 3.Approved by Factory Mutual Reseanh Corporation asTQfflckRaspbñSprinlders for UMM In light or Ordinary Hazard (Groups 1 and 2) Occupencles.The FM Approvals are for wet sprinkler systems only and exclude occupancies involving low flash point (lees than 100F/35'C) flammable liquids or flammable hydraulic liquids. 4.Approved by the Lose Provestion Council (United Kingdom) an Quick ResponsoSprinklora. -. 5.Approvod by the Scientific Services Laboratory (Australia) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 6.Accepted by the City ol Now York under MEA241-84-E. ................. . .. . TABLE LABORATORY LISTINGS £ TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB RATING LIQUID COLOR NATURAL I CHROME POLYEST BRASS PLATED I COATED -. fMtQoiora 135FMC Orange PENDENT 155-Fme0 Red and - UPRIGPIT 1.23,4,5,0 - 175F/79C VOIIOW 200F193C Green 2W7/141'0 Blue cEesau PENDENT with 1357/5TC Orange -• 155FI5rC Red F700 RECESSED 1.2,4,5,6 1175F/79'C Yellow ESCUTCHEON -. uieac Green RECESSED PENDENI with RECESSED I3SFJSTC Orange 1.2, 1.2,.6 135-F157,0 Rod 175F179'C Yellow ESCUTCHEON Green äóFi93c r I Sent By: LINDLEY FIRE PROT. CO.,INC.; 714 535 0576; Nov-1-99 5:34AM; Page 3/9 Model A Pendont Sprinkler in cozubi. nation with either the Model F700 or F705 Recessed Escutcheon. The Re- cessed Escutcheons are available with a chrome plated finish or a coated finish In any color. The nominal discharge curve plotted in Figure B represents the flow Q" in GPM (LPM) as determined by the fol- lowing formula: K-FP where the nominal discharge coeffi- cient 'K" equals 5.6 (807); and, "p' equals the residual flowing pressure in psi (bar). Listing standards permit the actual value of 5K to vary from 5.21 to 5.8 (76.4 to 83.6); however, for hydrau- lic calculations, a K-factor 015.6 (80.7) is to be applied. The Frame of the Model A Sprinkler (Ref. Figure A). Is bronze per ASTM B178 (C87800) or, a proprietary alloy designated OM. The Button (bulb re- tainer) is phoepher bronze per ASTM 8103 (CE1000 or 052100). The Gee- keted Spring Plate consists of a Beryl- lum Nickel (N03360) disc spring that is sealed on both its Inside and outside faces with a Tefionf gasket. The Corn- 014 sion Screw is bronze per ASTM 0 (C31400) and the Deflector is brass per ASTM 8I$2 (Cl 1000). The Model A Spnnwere utilize a 3mm diam- eter frangible bulb. Table A indicates the bulb liquid color. as a function of temperature rating. The P700 and F705 Rscøssed Es- cutcheons provided for use with the Model 'A Pendent Sprinkler (Ref. Fig- ure C)havoa Closure and Mounting Plate fabricated from low carbon steel. The Mounting Plate prongs, which are compressed-back into the Mounting Plate as the Closure is pushed over It, maintain a tight friction fit between the two pieces. The Mounting Plate and Closure oarif also swivel relative to each other and compensate for minor non-perpendicularity between the Model A Sprinkler and the ceiling. ! NOTES Dv nut wwtali any bulls type sprinkler if thebülb is cracked or there is e. lose of ZiUW fràm the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontal, a small air bubble should.be present. The diame- ter of the air bubble s approximately 1116 inch (1,8mm) for the 1857/57V to I/,I2 inch (2,4mm) for the 286'FII4IC rating. (At higher ambient temperatures, the bubble may he barely pereeptable for. She lower temperature ratings.) Intaliation of Model A Pendent Sprinklers in recessed escutcheons. other than the P100 or 1705 will void IS 11 IN 111 lIS D155 *&ITM5 Pill WS1flE FIGURE B NOMINAL DISCHARGE CURVE all sprinkler wan-antics, as well as possibly void the sj3rink7er's Approv- als and/or Listings. The Model A' Sj,rihklers must be in- stalled in accordance with the follow- ing instructions. 1. Prior 10 installing pendent sprinklers and it applicable, verily that the face of the •sprinkler lifting is within the proper mnf distance which can be accommodated by the type of escutcheon beiny used. When installing a Model A Pendant ? DuPont Registered Trademwk Sent By: LINDLEY FIRE PROT. C0.,INC.; 714 535 0576; Nov-1 -99 B:33AM; Page 2 PENDENT, RECESSED PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS UNIVERSAL MODEL A QUICK RESPONSE, 3mm BULB TYPE, 1/2" (15mm) ORIFICE, 1/2" NPT Z. PENDENT RCESSE()PENDENT • UPRIGHT "Pipe thread connections per ISO 711 can be provided on special request Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to orifice seat on frame. 2- Button Spring 5 - Compression 3-Gktnd 4-Bulb - PiSte Screw 6 • DelioCtor FIGURE A . 1/2 INCH ORIFICE MODEL A QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT, AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS _____ refinishing of a ceding surface without eiation in a&Ution to the sta,tdarda qsIai1.i]Ms,Hl[.0 having to first shut down the tire pro- of any ulher wtIwr4Cku !iciuinjuriu - tectidn system and remove the sprink diction. Failure to dose may impair lots. the integrity of these devises. The 1/2 inch (15mm) orifice Universal Model A Quick Response Pendant, The vertical adjustment provided b The owner is responszbk for main- Recessed Pendent. and Upright the Recessed Escutcheons siubstan-t. taming their fire protection system Sprinklers (Ref. Figure A) are auto- tially reduces the accuracy to which and devices in proper operating con. matic sprinklers of the frangible bulb the length of fixed pipe drops to the,)dir ion. The installing contractor or type. They are quick response - stan- sprinklers must be cut. Also, the Clo- manufacturerakould be contacted i-el, dard orifice spray sprinklerso intended sure has a-1/2 Inch (12,7mm) widell ative toanj juestions. for use In fire sprinkler systems do- flange which provides ample clear- •- - signed in accordance with the Stan- ance for covering the mounting hole. Installation of Model A Pendent dard installation rules recognized by Sprinklers in recessed escutcheons the applicable Listing or Approval other than the-F700 or F706 will void agency (e.g., UL Listing is based on all sprinkler warranties, as well as NIPA 13 requirements). The Pendent, possibly void the sprinkler's Approv- Recessed Pendent, and Upright als and/or Listings. Sprinklers all produce a hemispherical water distribution pattern below the do- Laboratory listings and approvals f, - ftootor.. the 112 inch (15mm) orifice Model A Quick Response Pendant, Recessed. The recessed versions of the Model A Sprinkler are obtained by utilizing the Pendant, and Upright Sprinklers are Model A Pendant Sprinkler in combi- givert.in Table A. nation with either the Model F700 or FigS Recessed Escutcheon (Ref. Fig- WARNING urea A and C). The Recessed Escutch- The 1/2 inch orifice Model A Quick Response Pendent. Recessed Pendent, eons have a separable two-piece de- and Upright Spnn*lers described sign which allows installation of the herein must be installed and main-: sprinklers and pressure testing of the tatned In compliance with this docu- fire protection system prior to ceiling ment, as well as applicable standards construction and/or application of afin- ih coat to the culling. They also permit of she Nutio,ial Fire Protection Mw- Printed in U.SA 12-96 TDSI5M The 112 Inch (15mm) orifice Model A Quick Reisporad Pendant, Recessed Pendant, and Upright Sprinklers are rated for use at a maximum service pressure of 15 psi (12.1 bar) andihey are availeble-iri the temperature rat- ings and finishes indicated in Table A. Recessed versions of the Model A Sprinkler are obtained by uulllzlng the The 1/2 Inch (iSnun) orifice Universal Model A Quick Reeponee Pendent, Reos$ed Pendant, and upright $prhItdera (Ref. Figuw A) are auto- metprunW ard Ôdlico ere of the frangible bulb i, type.They "quick reeporise - stan- d epray nprinldar&' Intended for 14e in fire epdnkter systems da- aJgnel In ocoardonea with the etn-clard Installation rules MoOnlzed by the 4pphe01* LI6IICI9 or Appreval aqeniy (e.g., UL Ustlig is based on NPP/I 13 mqialremente). 1?re Pendent, Rnceliaed Pendent, AM Upright prInIdora&I produoo a hemispherical waterldlstrjbullon oSitem below the de The coesed votIcns of the Model A Spin let era obtained by utilizing the Moth A Pendant Sprinkler In Combi node with either the Modal F?(tti or F70s ecqgssd Escutcheon (Ref. R- sjree and C). The eseed Eccuich' eerie iava a Reparable two-piece de- &gri rhich ijilwo iriatellatlurt of the ái$ sptlfl end pressure testing of the (Ire p canal 10c00r1 ayslem, prior to calling ichetotho ctIon andler application Otelin- ceiling. They also permit 10/21)/90 14:4 FAX 7607449064 rIL by LLNULbY bJ.HE PHOI. CO., INC.; LTJSARDI CONSTRUCTION t002 (14 bab 051ii UOt- 1UM A 4 .4- PENDENT, AND SPRINKL MODEL A ONSEII 3mm 112" iiz'NPi mu 1; 1 11 FmorFift Sfr DEFLcT0tt rieb (Tvfflml OIL 7115" CI IjIfl'fl) PNOERIT PEcESSEO PEIIDENT 1PR1!i 'lbrfipemlwe rating IshWlcatadcn detector or ed$cent toodflce eeat cii Irene. 1- Fiuiiti per TI' cm be prcivbled on special request a- Dam FICUPIA 1/aNON ORIFICE HODL A GIICK RESPONGE PENDENTR!CESSED PEI4DEt4T -IN " - CR055 SECT!O! 3.Gedet 4.811b 6- CwTpreelon e-Oaltet UPRIGPrr aPIlINKLERS mfinishing of a callina ouilace without having to first shut cftiwn the fire pro- tection syem and remove Iha prink- era. The vertical adJualmeril provided by the fieceused Escutcheons eubalali" tially reduces the accuracy to wh' the length of find pipe drops to the sprinklers must be out. Also, the Clo- sure has a 1/2 Inch (12,7mm) wIde, ftnge which provides ample olcar- aitca for covering the mounting halO. Laboratory ti1unge and approvals for the 1/2 inch (lEnum) urilica Model A Quick Response Pendant, Recessed Pendeni. and Upright Sprinklera are' given in Table A W4PWD1G The lf2frchorificeMQ44HAQuick &vponm Pendant, Recessed Pendant. and Upright Sprinklers deerlbed herein meet be inatolled and main tinned in tompliojar-e with thie cu- p'teM, at sodina applicable &tdd?id9 of the National Fire Protection Aetu- iiIr1on io the otwadarde (lld7itCW lwingigjurir. tram to do so may imair gj'theer deuiceL w responsible for nia- r fire proarcriom system in proper opeaeasg eOn- in Ung vunSzoctur or I= ershouldbt t!tllitit clod nit- jistlame. bf Model A Pendem in ,reee,sed escufrheen* tej7(70 ar1705 wilt &aaid r ww,intlrt, o8i as d the sprfn*ttr's Appras- The lihich (15mm) irffice Model A QUICK Ispwiti Pendent. Recessed Pendaj and Upri * sprkilders era rated f use at a rTmxkt,um service pressuSof 176p*; (ILl bar) end IhIY are ay.ble-h', the temperature rat- higa $rfllllshse In*ated In Table A. Recss vereicrie at the Model A Sprint4 are 9bWned by r*ilizlng the PrInteiinU.SA is-se 11 tOSISM syHUM (Groups1 pjuf 21 low flash point (lass then .w a I UP in IN e aumw' FIGURE B DISCHARGE CURVE 10/29/09 1455 FAX 707449064 LIJSARDI CONSTRUCTION II003 DWI i'. ey; LJMULtY I-.L FHOI CO. INC. (14 LJt-d- 1u;MM; SPRINKLER FII4IEL RATING 1JUUU COLOR WWW01 - Vl.AIW PENOEIrr end 1'F/Z7'C 155F'G80 - Red 17W 750 YwUPRIW gialpaye I3raen RECESSED PENwith T F7l RECESSED ERCUTCI$EØN I 1Fd3?O Omnge Gi'eSfl i'C Red MM vu wbw 20073C Rnecam O4T PENWM .IJL i55'FE7'C Omn 3,4 5 0 1357W ne€i by Ummrwitan L.betd.t, 1ns. am Quick ReepOnea npifrikIur. 2.Ueted 4 UmlerwrlteW LeboiabI as Quick Response Sprinklers. &Approvd Faotixy ptrni FOeee,nJ1 Corporation as Quick Resporias Sp,inidors for use In Light OF ON b 4.AppnvØd by the Lou F!IVUfl1JWI Ceunell (United KInbm) as Quick fleepcnu $pzirdOFO 5.Atiprovdby the SctenVflc SerAces tabontibry (AUeb'alle) as quick Papeneo rikism. B.AceeplId by the City I New VUk Under MEA 24144-9. TABLCA ____I____ LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPIWVALS - Model P Pendant Spdrilder In cumbi- the bulb liquid color as a tunolion of niclil nation With either the Model F700 or temparalure rating, all F?D5 Rice$$d Eagutoheon. The tie- Eacutchoons are available The P700 and F7us Recoseed Es- j41 viithem8 plated finish oracaaled cuttheuns pnMded for use with lbS finish hi;anyooIot Model A Pendant Sprinkler (Ref. R5- 140 we C) have a Closure and Meunlirtq The noMinal discharge curve platted in Pinto fabricated from low constewl- Figure 0 represerite the flow Q In The Mcunllng Plate prongs. which am GPM (LlM) determIned by tel- back the McwiPIn in as the compressed into IwMng fflffliul& Plate as the Closure in pushed over It. S malntainatIh friction fit betweenIhe 0=2 K4 two pieces. The Mounting Plato and Cicouro can idea swivelel relative to whore the nominal dlschera coaffi. each other and compensate for minor ' cient 'Kr e'uels 5.8 (80.7): and, ' non-porpendlcularlty between the f to oquele the residuei flowing pressure in Model A ftdrilder and the calling. psi (tiarl, USUnO standards permit the I aCtual v$ua (if TKO tovaryfium 5.3 to 5.8 (71614 to may trowover,for hydrau- ti celcuietiune, a K4actor of 5.0 (80,7) it to be lapplind. The Fmfln at the Model A Sprinider (Ref. RIUm A). Is broeze per ASTM 81%( (TS00) or, a propdetaty alloy dealgnand CM, The Button (bulb re- tainer 4&'reftnt hoapher bronze per ASTM 6103 0Oo or C52100). The Gee- Kated ng Plate consists or Belyl- (urn N (NO3$0O) disc spring that Is sOata both ha bnlde Sed outaide fiten gasket Thepressicrew is bronze per ASTM 0140 (31400) and the Pefiuctor is brass pr ASTM sts (Cl 1000). The McdelA$nupt3mmdIm-eler lrai1cbIe bulb. Table A iuidicatee When f 0 NOTh Do nel burfall any bJdb typd epnnkler ifthe bulb is c,v*jvd or thwa lea toza of liquid from The bidb. With the Wn*ler held harlzrmtal, a small air buble should be prrzenl. The theme- for of the air bubble Is approximately 1116 inch (1,6mm) for the 1357(57C Co 3/32 inch (2 4=4 fir X 286717410 rating. Itt higher 2mbient temperatures. the bibbk may be barely pereeptable for the lower temperature rallrr.gsJ Iris,eaitatiwi of Model A Pendenr 8priimk1ers ini recessed escutcheons othet then. the P700 or P705 will void all wrãi PWWO in Y141 The Mod stalled In ing )n5lru 1. poor and 0 drnvztiex, as well as the zn*kr'z Apprriiir. Sri mute be in With the fellow- tailing pendant .pdnkleis cabin, verily that Iho face hider fitting is within the bI dlstae WldQh can newialedby the lypaof n lsd.Inq used. euing a Model A Pendont ttjalatered Trademark P2'90wy I T 6 FAX 7607440064 MODEL FIOD FULLY REVEGSED UP DIMEN5IN$t to 112 Incb sfijuitmsnt frQm nili*lmum 114 IcIt to msxlmum 4 Inch r.cernd Position. MM A-i sle±plm 15.2 2/4 19,1 a4licui. i 1-1/4 319 C-Mn. 114 - 0,4 CIL 214 ie.i hiGH ADDJ5TMENT DIMENSIONS to 214 Inch 4ua1m.nt from tIM flush csiinj positton to 214 Inch ecuod Dhfl. Inches MM A- 112*il4tl 12,7l.4 3(4 19,1 B-Nctm. i-118 26.6 D-M. 1-1012 3L1 UEM - riCe FITTING 7 - t if I MODEL F705 I FULLY I10ESSED IMEN5lONSf Up to 114 Inch edjimiment from nilnhnum 114 Inch to ms*bflum 112 inch rocesued position. Dim. lndai MM A. 1(2tt 12.7 I 25.4 8-Non. 1-1/8 29.8 O-M. 1-1/4 silo C-PAIr,. 1/4 6.4 C-PAul. 1/2 IZV HIGH ADJU1MEPJT DIMENSIONS Up to U2 Inch adJustment from the 110011 cellleg petition to 112 Inch r.c.ssed posttlqr Dim ! T C, J1,1nchs\ TU NM (I A. 218±li8tt 9,5+3,2 0-hth. 1 25,4. 54Nom. 1-114 31.8 1-12 09,1 C.MI1. C-Ma. w A So (2 I, all L MOUNTING all SURFACE - th 14 1l t.Tnm) ar k*mlhoawiurtheFl0llor Ft000000 Eacutchoor,, for overall .rpearance, tus 0'- Ion'Al indtoaied iaidor the Recoiled 0lmermlanV hem* 'Foote C. Othmwbo, t*e 01- WX under the 'HIshAdltmt' itenslom' hndlr. IneHhov the wmeNno allJuevyMnt on edoerustefeTthepoe - manufacwilflg varIations In et of the 0tIIlti, uo well as IA Iby ANSI BI.2Q1). kniftOng the F100 or FIOS tRig Pia[ (or other escutch- ie apcabIe) over the spit Ic- cede, 1111111114 pe thread ead-singly to IlIq LIOO cif . lellont bueed pipe I eselori is mnimgnded. 11gttn the innkIei' Into the FIgure 0 and select the to SprInkler Wrench for the sprinkler Into the 850 Spdr*iar Wrench nliMtbe Icr Inataflln polyseter coated dais, In order to ikevent dam- the epd1bi15h1 NOTSR tight 112 inakNP1'spriik- ml ,huuM brubldb,edwLtF&o eof7to14tlb&(Ufr' 19.0 A md.nwriiif2llt & NmMr'uemto be rt.edfo U the apnnkkri. Hi(hfr lou- f torque may dla?-ort Ike hier -;n&t uiSffi oonaequcvsr 190 OP impoirmenf of the u#cmpl to ipwhe-up for hp Be a,zafieont Lii the eo- n plate by tinder- or cuer- iiw the xMinuar. Readiust and Pendent spnr*ier Inslall often the coRing him boon or the lKdati coat hac been elide on the FY00 or FlOE over the Model A SprInkler oh the Ctoure over the Flats until Its Itonge cameo With the coOing. spinkleru must never be r otorod whom their temper- II exceed loOFigfc and I never be painted pIa1*, othoiwine it$rad di0r bay- actoty. Modified splinfilm placed. Sprinklers that have LTJSARDI CONSTRUCTION II WL-- IJ.L3UMNI W1 004 A Lc:2j boat ovofelt eoemm., 2. 4, (1'3,Oiiuti) U- .' VI 1 A PuIRl $pifnIJ otmein om be mod M conipansote 2. ti Tv .es R,vmud Eevub 5?Iel1On6 RI ep'imler ITiike4n ad o- Mang Plata 9 take-out. -b- clmfu FIGURE C MOI)EL.A RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY Till TWOPIECE MODEL FTOO ON FY05 REOEEELD ESCUTCHEON I QD Modal Fasa Nylon Coated Sprinkler Wrench freIe pljniuiups o abut d.owiv flee af. Jckd !* abtatneUnm by this widalIJltwoimei proketkn rjsfrm mtIf be cM pncper iiu1hiwhea !ó110 mr flfrd u,a rnia benotjfivd It Ia I tatfy by apyatae fl{ZOf1 (flat veiloiit.11c be 1napectd 1Ua8I?,d hwpedllon $ervfce Bader wIwnIp fur a po4od of ur year fivm ih4iaI0 of ihlpment pe,tod tat tbp ptoduote furr0shed hereundt will be free from defodi In mteI1al1td wakiitanshIp. P For "Up ktj On WumhflP/, aDO I SPRINKLER I MNISH E 1 14ATURALRFAW 4fiI!NT4 WHME POLYf 1 r-r TABLE I JCT SYMbOL NUMBER SELECTION FOR .11 INCH ORIFICE A QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS WITH 11 INCH NPT CONNECTIONS ailol (apoolfy) with (apecI P5N5-7O1aO1O Psle6e4ol44rn 0 ......... P*N-7034O1O LUSARDI CONSTRUCTION Fjq- ucr--u iu;OIMWJj IN 005 ry 10/9/99 14:57 FAX 7607440064 jy LJ.PIL1LI r.LrIo IMW. I..U., Salaet he eppropifale wjvnthbeeedon the !oIog twofmana 'ModI AbPN kivit with anehuej twees or ch,one pfal.d finish and where the $IDI5i 'TlkYb&bA InsW1,d un an Boric blth k4uoteble ei* Iyp. wrwidi of Ut. P cit.t PaSO Sp,WUsr WPnch. • 1InIv! must Ont be Imftmo with the Mw,I PaSO 8pt1r*Isrwmnoii. . Modl A Received Pendant 3pflnkters wkith *re lobe litetelled able completion Of 41 ftxsd C191119 muat only be I1lIed with the Modal P850 bpMit.v Wtenth. in 0 o 10 Vidi e6seleblo Ciaacasfl type wroxh, the wroncti is to be applied to rwmlicpi lisle only JRAF. ROwO A). P850 Eprinlder Wrench 210 the wrvnth openIng over the Model A Sptlnlu.r peaeinp the Spilnk)er Wienth erownI lila aide of the pdnldev aa ahown In Ow 112 InaPt iviOPiSt *lv* or by applying on S or 10 Inch adjuetebto wrench to the tm A Proc Is RpllNdsr Wrench. lh1en the ap,lrilder into the lluIn. The two luga Ioemcl on eldue aVOw mendi indicate ma o,lantallon of 1hprI NOTR than vn rA i e Sprin k1rWeneh white it jig acing rceiwd, ro 4wu ry Me the Wreneh reeeee en.gegad z,jth the ,prishefer wrench flow, cooled MMM ft8pdWwWf@n9h bydIsengngin Ilfimw epñnldertwench lisle. and daft Con p ling It eIdawau over the sppiniderd&luc*or. PIGUREO BPRJNKL WRENCH BaECTION AND UBE sponsh 8N57—XXX—x—XXX MRE I RNIM UM: When the opt 7b use Oulleci above and of then ymDolNuntber (MN) Is I when ordating polya*tar of A Sprinklere wish other cuQl when ordering cater aened Eacuicheone with WhImloolor, or, when or- klerewllh thread nnec- ) 711. ItIs suggested that )e provided vt(ien ordu,lflg ir Ilittehee. Otherwipo, iv. for dugllcatkm cannot be local dletilbutor for avail- Oebn 0X6 390 to cot atee pruduola of c0mbuSon, but have not operated, shouid 1$ replaced II they cannot be COMMatty cleaned by wiping the apttnld wI(hei edoth Or by brushing It With a acyl bdelje bnasI. (are mut be a*ercad to avuid darn-ape to the apririldoys - both bolero and after tn*tuIlIj. Spilniderg dam-aged b dmppinp, ablklnq, wrench twlsVsIkiaa. or the like, muat be re. pieced. Iso. replace any sprinkler that turn rafinli Mdat A Quicifteupunae (ped(y Ipfldent or Uptight) Spñnld.r with (gi*lfv i00 of Entail). MN (epacily ficTablo 5). 'Special I'ø.r Sodnkla P to we with ISO 711 Thread cpin.utlenm. Sp50lfy 11' ailtico, (speCify tempera- ture ralIn MndaI.A QW0 Reeponse (specify Filideni with (spolly orUprIght) 3pMder type off and with thread c1ecd0n per 1807/1. has a cracked bulb or that has lost tint liquid from its bulb (rot. Installation Section Note). IIr "a. NOTER Absence of we eecatcheon1 which g i used to comer q cjcaranse Aol0, rny dday Ma Umv W sprnhler upane#wz Spi inc fire- süuaton. &femroagafl,opecleetloji system coataluefo-maisnsnewerhoa the fire protcctioa iatem whieJa tiin Rev. Vi mui of G'r€U. CORPORA110tI,aTYCOPAM E*CTL NI 0Gto3 A *1JDD 1O/2'O9_7 .1:M. ?T 4 IU31MIJI Joo8 ry a/ )NCALED SPRINKLER, QUICK RESPONS_.. DEL F975 DESIGNER, BULB TYPE, 1/2" ORIFICE r , rit Ttma eAIH9 maucto I I (TYPICAL INSTALLATION) 2rJIIJFc r -- BIG lopm-64m) CfDIA.) / ." ADJUSTMENT / I 12 (i2.7lnm) PN I.AY!O I PAW4TD mAmH,aaEa * I ep IMCLC PNNThD MOUNTING cu ASSEMBLY DIm ItieltIl MM A. we &i __JLi1 ____ WI 40 COVER PLATE 4 3/52"GAP 2-te 5U 14&%9 4q — B - - A (DlA] -- (24mm) DM *-ino ei.o FIGURE A MOM F70 OR (CUIK flCNS) 000EALD SPRINKLE - -. NØIZIIMAL INSTALLAWIR DAPMON11 -- The evparablu twopIece aeifl of the Dover PJie ind Mounlng Cup M- n,IIiie aI!ow InetaOatIon of 11w TM 1l2 ln th 1111110Mo0e F975 Quick epriniders and preuure ttn of the The 1)2 iii etIft MtdOI FT5 Con- R$,,?nI. D.$ignw Concealed fire prtectiwi system pdcro rnefoga- asaled ore am hated by tiMer- fl!oera(RetPA)erepend.nt lion enihingar'sOca- writeri ratorle8 lPIO cud Un- *utone4c nptthklere of the ft*ibJO ilue of the fln aaIIn to a fixed davwrfterV erlee of Coriade us kvibjtypw. They are 'stesward coIhng They alfie pelmit remoi'a) of Quick SpI4flhUth epfll11f$biW and preduce & bemlepherl. ou.ddowpwi&sfor 00co55t0 tndw*ter disblbuUOn pfltlnl balm the buOding eeMee equipmenT, wIthout The bber Ueth9 e to the de1te4toi. Eofi itih Inclus a Mount- hrvlrtp to 1l,t etwt down the fire en)pra no slid f&sheo indt- - c end Cw,r Flat, Aiwzihy protection oyntem niicl remove epñnk- eatod In Fl A the opevetIn love. aboverft ohllng. the c,prabls eeo dao fors k=ftafthis Coyer Plate In *af, blend of the the F975 OR ConoeIed TAgMo4ti ?5 Q Rupen.e Cos' e ceIling In, n aecthaVeahy pvLderpivIdeeføv 112 h of imtli- eM4 S P end v lively wrnotleebf, J adIusmtu re1e theacjraoy AlUt lie ltd On njeinEali*j In ee. Stnndud ilnlehos for the lo wI)lr2i the lenOlh of f1wd pipe dropete em zatiii chrome pl*t,d liv 11w spvinWors 'm.tet be i&t qed wh1te Other fac*giy up. t5d tàh,i for the Covet on the idwdw Ie an epeolel WV igthi*va hiiInIJtIrfr. PARMI in u.s.. 14.2 SO,?O OLZON 9S4.O 66 6V0L. 960 '196 9!9 .LAV)E) VNtlR1S a 084, 3NX"p0 *=Vd BUIA i.aiurix, - cea toe &w'49 oes'oaIu. IPaQ*e QA1cETEI BuTToN V tamrLivi FPIAM wiihth& F T uLg ') nrp r1r huwever apadaJ o ---coMPREsloN scw FIGURE C DISCHARGE CURVE tem$rnlwee ior U$ for the Cover Plets evid painted whitE IwypehiIedfiniafwa is are available on for the in Figure C*,i a ow as 'O9nU5.gdtafleer teiwinedbgtne C whom the eui• in P0I UetJng st value of ON The M3 .1 a 917 with Cf Yoke Is hI'l fl FNm. CLIP dM 10/29__.8 7607449084 LTJSARDI CONSTRUCTION I1007 , thUS. UW. uiu iu,uup, rug 'l GPMNM TUUIIE RAMQ TABLE A OF MAXgMUM PERIBITED CEILM TEMPERATURE RATINQS AIM CVMOUNTIWC ctl_! ASSIL PLATE -- ,RTAIN1NG RN3 V iTHE CUP ABMAINI IN PLACE UNTIL 1MB GWM gI!*l1..w PUP PREVENT DAMAGE TO ThE 0 WE D _m4 jT SPITINo PLATE COVER WTIE ASSEMBLY ROURIIII MODEL F15 OR (QIRCK RESPONSE) CONCEALEC SPRINKLER AESIMBLY Fóke e do ao mW impair 2he bi$tiOrOAM dmvàu. The J78 QR Ceiicewl.d $p,inh1ow Jivat not be iiaed In app1IelUtorzi W*r Mr ct&PMftQM eiovu Mr Cfil. hwLl ihen thor beiuu4 D"4 - AM the M v-tine Cup 4klyi& Akrw. Oltiim a fim iitjwli6. 1k 4er igM E= faFnf their wzd ii wn4 The wraCfor or a /t'lj iinel ep,tnlda, dIedg. - 58 and .p1b$ S per aquaro Mcfl (pel), rde PInTIR tile actual vatyfrana3teLO. nkfsrcenc*e cv two thown In FEM L the taUie pIIopIrnt IM 511,0156 (C51000, 4400) the EjsUen vjm4 aiidz* Cam- a plated broe per 1400). Th• 0*olnd nafela of an ftwd I) deo aprino mat Is te IflOin DI' OUbM iif Bukof. Thu Do-in per A51M 559 th waw Rlledta the MuntIn CPnt, uulth a plate The Mowlilno iewulf4eIwrshCf44 be anhudmdrol-048En anj' V=IbAL The 1/2 Inch o'*.e MOdM r*e Quick Rreponee CoieaIed SpñnMore we ratod for a* 0 a mazimuin .arl4e pvmiareut 173 psL The aveIu tam pQI2ITo Cftira sind ncailnal huaft- lkm cilmonWom we gWen In Figure A. Ti1aAsumi*rIze the mexlnwm perk co/co 0L0N LsLc 66 6E/ .. OL 96 'p96 99 LIVtb VI3TS tN co 1OUd RU2A JCNII - $'UB DQ IRVIle eelae/al THE CLI' RWM8 IN FLACIR UNTIL. TM C IP1O1ALL. TO H!LP PREVThT DAM5E TO IM 19/29/99 14:59 FAX 760744904 LUSARDICONSTRTJCTION 09%Ivhith I, chwmo plated ztondOrd ge .O2V') law corbon ehoelsteel, ic slaked lea aliiWoa .t,el Mevnthg FIazeand1he Mounting Pinto provlUe. for ilód anggemM of lhp Gp1i*Ier )i!'1 (Ref. Figure D) with lii. xmUr,O cup Aeeembip ha clip to eecijm the rebacted l-a lgn*d euch thel the DO' IT ma F975 Sprinkler 10 inatellaiion of the The Clip I. ditcerded or Pat. Assembly is In. "1. The the $prtnkkrIM V eonsIei of it I soldemd to an IJEe bi thi',e eq%110151sn1 loritionv -- -- FIGURE am" tbefr perlplte,I.s. The Comer I Lb Pintejand enclosure are mm per S F8TI SPR ER WRIP 5 (CS0000 or 02$500) A TTAD CUC.'N. Typo __Jnine steel oseIan -. $p.Ljgis basiN b.eee thdsne of S ,JMotaitk,g C'sw Assembly 4. After mi t)O1Owaft nd the Cover Plato. to 4lksr thor or thozni In Ftw*D. 15g Cqi iliiltt uWatLOn of to plece Dulleolu When pie seldor lmlt. Do not empz to ma z, iMlq. idint a4amiunt in the prai*lcr Sside Ito a eiipormu,e rati of M.,j'M wad or sg1isen- scoot seed with Cover pat, ,g the 6l opM- is fool tnd AsoeMbQes for with 1SF/WC sornM ReofrmaI Lbs ;fIç f the o the I Sptkd4m. end solder wfth atanipa'- IJ.$11LII1 fuZL esMg I' bbPSfPfl of 1CfFfl4Cl5u.idyith Covri Plato Aegembline for um iIth A iai UhL 112 inek PJ'ipriobkr C&Tn. 200F49TC sprmklers (Ret Table Al. johit should &ru&tui. tOnpiC nIeCsrPIet.MoumbIylaex. i7foJdfl Lb.. Mon &s, 5. AlWrthI M46. 9 to a telbpa,tiAve sufflojni 1 ' QrTp( mq di,iovt the spdnkkr with the tHe iuWeth. QQver Plato WNW ojflm scat wIth .onwqueet(ekc. BMW Ov ibm I .ialaawwwItkh allows stalIng i theD!Ieodlr3dtaoipoBetho Pmcesd widi the InstallatIon afob WIflOVØI 3ofneior for opereu iiid veil 1. Th Bp onncttovopIit*W Covet Plate Assembly InOMS tm TMAnkahmutomm that1ii bot U the 9 ue rating 01 the cent Plato font Peno of III fIaln is botvoai ugod an wWt Wltiith it Is Is fr line. By uslnge ll4Lrdimft9e Sprlflkei Ass end the fornpersturo rating 2'1il and W6 iii e *eelv be uoed. forte 'W dmondmh the rwplialflll 114 inch of a ju 1ifl5ohiP be used 0 6ccwwo I lompemarafcrth.possmtonwn. wig IN in ufaaln1ra varfaore In tho mnla4n Sin coli of the ems mug am U&B-M of Ti!s (az perm by ANSI Do (WI Assembi Dung Iu.tgU &V bulb 7pcaprLnkIcr p50101' tub Is rmctod or msmi a On L Apply pipe It.ed sealont apedngty of t1 id from the balb. With she wllw spilnkler Uue&s wy. Use 01 lIthe CO .pru.i rr he horscnsc1, analL air a Tstlun -b5sod PØ1ClrT1 sealnt&s 00 en bbbi should (ient Thu dlei,ie- iocnmmntdecL tsr 4 u air 1ni4 i'iu*z fr,nz no. he prvxi sSdy 1116 inch for the 3. Using the "I F374 Winch. po. the =1 15$?J IC rnthu,t,312 Inch twat &cned as ahoiei in Flguw• 0, IThsU Posmont Men tho F976 Spth*- rspseliio IDF Cup Assenth hne iho Only the Model P74 ir inth, hex nudiSt or a 112 met, radisi Sprbvb er. Do not iu,endi cis the driim, ow IS0/10 OLON 9540 66 6IOL. 56E ,96 99 1' 9I ONIv .LQHd BUZza AINI1 noon was ezu 1"W PLAN Aeft.Y so retained Iherebnded 115CI9UØ4L 1110010 to h., preveld dimeg. WW Anne - the lift coadnd of die engItnorl cemed 56 mel diMthf CbL- Md In obneiStton tf in- Cover Pl km6l pdth that the - beraiddn ue Dutfecwd000flolfftt lace the .tire FOIS e OSr Plate AOSwTIbEY jecxeseliui1iI will' Plato Aeveenbly nuituiit wlh the - cup Ptatehssenthty ouviot eufllde* le corded NO $pufoher Pin bonn wonectiv add mm be adllknoSpeeNo.1. Regissered flademnik .LlVJ3 V)IPJJIS e eeresioi .°°i 1O/2t/90 15, 00 FAX 7807440 _.._. I LUARDICONSTRtTCTI.. 3. Foczo T NO painted Couir Pletee Contact - Wf .loc*I dieidbutr for MUSZ 1rpem4 They dwuWbe rep10 fnrceeai IftwPASver to spvinadem must iivor e paüI&IutIc Product mbol Plumbers ore not U! toretI Wbem th* arnoe apecMed n arti1ng F915 a$alk. ll mceeed 1OOF38C iI1 ttey 4 D uUth,CYeerflen,54liup ter5M!h eola ishfècthe be painted. plated oatH to me ndntu,r. okmm fim map' Oovir P . It Is 5uØilwd that * 0? 1hGiwI,e eIlived stint luvin the ri4 cobr ehlj pmvjed v/am fact ry.. Modlflad r1nkIw muse be epedeli tad tnI5his. OlbeitwiD. d. SrnkI*,s that hive been £ $reifvepi rçwcnizit faf elp ad to w1vepvothe of corn- im 4aiiz omutof uebsfr ctefi*- mred 1W. nnot be eocept bU5 011. but time not epweted, mhrndd FARM hrm* on VAE AM be pl*ced if they catutol be acm- iIii With it eatro1a, pcypnb- 9epartu )idavd Pant Plot dtrind by wiping thi apvinkler zfr t the Øtai fiPa D*&fy: !0d& P074 $Vflnkler With asaft pmhdion Wm,ih I lm.e70.140$. br bnj&i. from Me.wiwepoithop*k. vIdI1 priirnna. tvO nty öe onilued Iy Rspller iPø9 for use with Ciii fltUbi be axstoIg To Avoiddam- lh.ii Octn meet o nat4iet SPC1IY 0C?1 TbeiflklBt5- bath barer. end 37 Spil P$N (specfly3 IflstpjgJ 1c1kIU!$Jflgac ft Ii fCOlflJflfldCf that ainomatic bYJraPPIn. strikg, wietigh spdptder Syslame be inepeciad uer- Sprl&d*n iinllng Cup Aisntbffh3 tWlp or the ltko. muM be m tedy by a qualified Inapeetloji SaMoa. erenotav bleecaerdpavN cveoked bulb r ibm his foal -- - 15FTG wPowAu.wm lqui4 I'om [@ nult,. (Ret. Ina*&Itfo ___________________WWW SecV1t)s ....,... .. If a $prInkls mn** be tenioved for SeUerwirrailorzipdolatwyoir 4101711 do ita lelnetaW ft or item the dote o ;F. 43%9= fiBlily for $pbMw, vepin tit without ,elniroh1n the Dartaif) thai thq.o Cs, PI*to Assemosy, Ito Cv.rPtat. Asbly bisonlos dielOdged dudn matedol and Workmanship. twev me • replace It Immediately. For ftai?er dtMil* on Woxrard7, *, .. . PNMYi44$ NOTE'S Price IdrL irnwrscMV PtePa.ung f to yiheQ rPlaia Maim- $p,iaaini WIN im hi fire illuiipn, ____ mqy gij ... . . ........ 56-57 JlWiløllhfit Product aItsej NUrnbr8 *rO hOt rpr(ytiesMft.d, ther*is a add 2. apaTaZ13I32bW4a17JJP hetwcea tlltkTer AisotuibIloe th ((p .of the Cow the miders for F$7 Quick RsponO 0011- a, This alod Spnkiesa mum! icbide the do- ithea. Fit tin ito? ma(n*li*d of i iIi ttaisuvy for p,r0par op. eo$On and Product Symbol Number PV1O4Odf1P0OIsiP1'Iind ills supitadUatt5froa ofthe eprMklrn . inc rnu (PSf', where applicable. j lObe iweaAnt.d after me hi. - ro4artswNi I palMed ah$Uasite r C4 %WFmceraniu.ts6e $pedfyt 1/2 kWh pOOM. voupar,plt*y for mtwa that the new p015for0 rnthi), Model I'' a Con.. Pat4$I NC?atal offonyofde aatd Sprleklerwilh (epedfyt'pe0n' hiM .8UP SII) Covor Plate. P$N (apedly from ?ablo 0). -I--- P5 N b 1 - 0 7 6 • - X X I uLs.152.344 ftbbd y4ft - 2OOF1J hL 6~9 7,0 wam F TA0L U PItODlICT SYMBOL NUMBER $EI.WUON The now" Spiel. n,jkot Ufl1NTIcLL GRPQMtI aO la ExOTEF NM O3* A 1qflINY.l ko,co OI,ON 6S:LO 66 6fO1. 96 r96 99 9 •b* hp•• a.aae MUZzi .aiuiez, c- 900a ,on of Iha P1if*l FM Is 0.45 pmda. L LTb. cDPAPANV 14Vl) vauis a. ealea,'Oi. ;peAteaeU