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5781 VAN ALLEN WAY; ; FPC2021-0086; Permit
PERMIT REPORT C('City of Carlsbad Print Date: 11/18/2021 Job Address: 5781 VAN ALLEN WAY, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7321 Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Commercial Work Class: Fire Sprinklers Parcel #: 2121304400 Track #: Valuation: $1,248,793.50 Lot #: Occupancy Group: Project 1*: #of Dwelling Units: Plan #: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Plan Check #: Permit No: FPC2021-0086 Status: Closed - Finaled Applied: 05/20/2021 Issued: 06/01/2021 Finaled Close Out: 11/18/2021 Inspector: Final Inspection: Project Title: Description: THERMO FISHER GOLDRUSH PH 1 PART 1- SPRINKLER TI (276 HEADS)**INCORRECTLY LINKED TO CBC2021-0135, SHOULD BE PART 1 OF CBC20210227** Applicant: __-T FPContractor: WESTERN FIRE PROTECTION INC WESTERN FIRE PROTECTION INC MARIO MACK 13630 DANIELSON ST 13630 DANIELSON ST P0 WAY, CA 92064-6830 POWAY, CA 92064-6830 (858) 513-4949 (858) 513-4949 FEE AMOUNT FIRE Hourly Services (first hour) $175.00 FIRE NFPA 13 or 13R System > 100 heads $654.00 Total Fees: $829.00 Total Payments To Date: $829.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-4665 1 760-602-8561 f I www.carlsbadca.gov ''No. 226 CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Prevention Division 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.602.4665 WATER AVAILABILITY FORM SECTION A: TO BE COMPLETED BY CUSTOMER PROJECT NAME: Thermo Fisher (All areas Nos. 2 -7) SR#: (Assigned upon plan submittal) PROJECT ADDRESS: 5781 Van Allen Way CITY: Carlsbad PHONE: (858) 513-4949 x1310 (Western Fire Protection) FAX NUMBER: Largest Building (ft.2) Sprinkled? Construction Type: SECTION B: TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL WATER COMPANY. CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE RESULTS TO CFD. Water Purveyor: City of Carlsbad Location of test'(reference map required): Van Allen Way west of College Blvd TEST INFORMATION IS VALID FOR 6 MONTHS FROM DATE PERFORMED Flow Test Results Static pressure 131 PSI Hydrant Number (if applicable): H61391 & H61385 Elevation of test: 248 Feet Main Size: 8 INCH Pressure Zone: 550 Feet.- bate/Timeof Test:1 Pitot Tube Reading Corresponding Flow: Total Flow: 2,700 _GPM Residual Pressure108PSI At peak demand, this water system is capable of providing a fire flow discharge at 20 psi in excess of 8,000 gpm. However, this exceeds the City's maximum velocity criteria. The fire flow that meets both velocity and pressure criteria is 2,700 gpm. Flow was split evenly between the two hydrants shown. Note: If the water availability information was obtained in a manner other than a flow test (i.e. computer modeling), fill out the information above as applicable and check here: x Name: Jennifer R. Mael, P.E. Eng. Lic. No. (if applicable):C69606 Signature: - a — Title/Org: P_iectMana er Date: 05/07/2020 PR/VA oy T Fire Flow Test Ci Lo cation H61385 a / AV _____ • Halley b a 550/430 PRS IProject I :te a e. • cb . Fire Flow Test Location H61391 Colleae 550/430 PIRS CO a • 18 7e a a Legend I w_Hydrant Pipe N ZONE - 430 8 -550 a #226 Thermo Fisher (5781 Van Allen Way) - Fire Flow Analysis 4 I I U U I I I I I I I I Western Fire Protection Inc. I I ThermoFisher Scientific Gold Rush Tenant Improvement 5781 Van Allen Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Automatic Wet Fire Sprinkler System 21-3573-02 Hydraulic Calculations 5-18-2021 13630 Danielson Street • Poway, CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 513-4949 • Fax: (858) 513-1322 Western Fire Protection Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I LI I I 13630 Danielson Street • Poway, CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 513-4949 • Fax: (858) 513-1322 I Hydraulic Calculations for Project Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Location: 5781 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad, CA 92008, Drawing Name: PRG FP WFP Design I Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Remote Area Location: LAB AREA Occupancy Classification: Ordinary Group II I Commodity Classification: Ordinary Group II • Density: 0.200gpm/ft2 Area of Application: 2500.00ft2 (Actual 2548.02ft2) Coverage per Sprinkler: 120.00ft2 Type of sprinklers calculated: No. of sprinklers calculated: Pendent 30 In-rack Demand: N/Agpm at Node: N/A — Calculation Date: 5/18/2021 I Hose Streams: 0.0 gpm at Node: 1 Type: Allowance at Source - 250.00 at Node: 21 Type: Hydrant I Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 1: 1029.43 @ 95.496 Type of System: Wet Volume of Dry or PreAction System: N/A I Name of Contractor: Western Fire Protection Address: 13630 Danielson Street, Poway, CA 92-64 Phone Number: 858-513-4949 I Name of designer: Authority Having Jurisdiction: City of Carlsbad Notes: Automatidieaking results Left: 95.496 I U I I I I I I © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:49:47AM Page 1 Right: 95.496 1111Hydraulic Summary Job Number: 21-3573-02 Report Description: Ordinary Group II (#1 - LAB AREA Job Job Number 21-3573-02 Design Engineor Job Name- Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush State CettifleationvlLiConce Number Address I 5781 Van Allen Way AHU City of Carlsbad Address 2 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Job Site/Building Address 3 Stewing Name PRG_FP_WFP System Remote Area(s) Most Onnrendimrg Sprinkler Data 5.6 K-Factor 24.00 at 18.367 Occupancy Ordinary Group II Job Suffio Hose Allowance At Source 0.00 Density 0.200gpm/ft2 Area of Aypllcal/efl 2500.00ft2 (Actual 2548.02ft2) Additional Hose Supplies Node Hydrant At Node 21 Flow(pøm) 250.00 Number Of Sprinklers Caloulotad 30 Coverage Pee Sprinkler 120.00ft2 AutoPeok Results: Pressure For Remote Amelia) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Left: 95.496 Right: 95.496 Total Hose Streams 250.00 System flow Demand 1029.43 Total Water Required (Inducting Hose HJtowenoe) 1029.43 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 24.72 between nodes 204 and 205 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 7.07 between nodes 1 and 2 Volume capacity of Wet Pipec 11640.33ga1 Volume capacity of Dry Pipes Supplies Node Name Hose Flow (gpm) Static (psi) Residual (psi) -: Flow @ (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) @ (gpm) Required (psi) Safety Margin (psi) 1 Water Supply 117.900 97.200 I 2700.00 114.423 I 1029.43 95.496 18.927 Contractor Contractor Number 21-3537-02 Contact Name Grant Coito Contact Tide Designer Name of Contractor Western Fire Protection Ph000 858-513-4949 Eoleeslon Address I 13630 Danielson Street FAX 858-513-1322 Address 2 Poway, CA 92-64 E.mait grantwesternfireprotection.com Address 3 Web.Slte ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. W AutoSPRINK 2018 5/18/2021 9:50:35AM Page 1 U ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. -jj AutoSPRINK 2018 v1 5/18/2021 9:49:58AM Page 3 Job Number: 21-3573-02 Rnnrt r)prrintinn flrdin2r, (rn,n II (1 - I AR APIA\ 1111Summary Of Outfiowing Devices Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Hydrant 21 250.00 250.00 0 92.089 Sprinkler 1001 25.70 24.00 5.6 21.062 Sprinkler 1002 25.79 24.00 5.6 21.213 Sprinkler 1003 28.15 24.00 5.6 25.266 Sprinkler 1004 26.67 24.00 5.6 22.685 Sprinkler 1005 25.76 24.00 5.6 21.159 Sprinkler 1006 25.35 24.00 5.6 20.496 Sprinkler 1007 24.38 24.00 5.6 18.950 Sprinkler 1008 25.34 24.00 5.6 20.481 Sprinkler 1009 25.39 24.00 5.6 20.552 Sprinkler 1010 25.56 24.00 5.6 20.826 Sprinkler 1011 26.69 24.00 5.6 22.708 Sprinkler 1012 25.75 24.00 5.6 21.146 Sprinkler 1013 25.84 24.00 5.6 21.297 r Sprinkler 1014 24.00 24.00 5.6 18.367 Sprinkler 1015 24.77 24.00 5.6 19.561 Sprinkler 1016 25.19 24.00 5.6 20.236 Sprinkler 1017 24.63 24.00 5.6 19.339 Sprinkler 1018 24.53 24.00 5.6 19.193 Sprinkler 1019 25.82 24.00 5.6 21.259 Sprinkler 1020 25.93 24.00 5.6 21.439 Sprinkler 1021 26.77 24.00 5.6 22.859 Sprinkler 1022 26.32 24.00 5.6 22.095 Sprinkler 1023 26.44 24.00 5.6 22.299 Sprinkler 1024 26.12 24.00 5.6 21.754 Sprinkler 1025 26.19 24.00 5.6 21.878 Sprinkler 1026 26.49 24.00 5.6 22.382 Sprinkler 1027 26.99 24.00 5.6 23.222 Sprinkler 1028 27.11 24.00 5.6 23.436 Sprinkler 1029 27.83 24.00 5.6 24.699 Sprinkler 1030 27.92 24.00 5.6 24.856 c> Most Demanding Sprinkler Data I I I I I I I I I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Supply Analysis Node Name Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) (gpm) Required Pressure (psi) Water Supply 117.900 97.200 2700.00 114.423 1029.43 95.496 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 1 -3'-0 Supply 95.496 1029.43 21 2-0 Hydrant 92.089 250.00 1001 10-0 Sprinkler 21.062 25.70 1002 10-0 Sprinkler 21.213 25.79 ..1003 10-0 Sprinkler 25.266 28.15 --1004 10-0 Sprinkler 22.685 26.67 1005 10-0 Sprinkler 21.159 25.76 .J006 10-0 Sprinkler 20.496 25.35 1007 101-0 Sprinkler 18.950 24.38 1008 10-0 Sprinkler 20.481 25.34 1009 10-0 Sprinkler 20.552 25.39 .1010 10-0 Sprinkler 20.826 25.56 1011 10-0 Sprinkler 22.708 26.69 1012 10-0 Sprinkler 21.146 25.75 1013 10-0 Sprinkler 21.297 25.84 1014 9-0 Sprinkler 18.367 24.00 1015 101-0 Sprinkler 19.561 24.77 1016 10-0 Sprinkler 20.236 25.19 1017 10-0 Sprinkler 19.339 24.63 .,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRlNK 2018 5/18/2021 9:50:01AM Paqe 4 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 1018 10-0 Sprinkler 19.193 24.53 1019 10-0 Sprinkler 21.259 25.82 1020 10-0 Sprinkler 21.439 25.93 1021 13-0 Sprinkler 22.859 26.77 1022 13-0 Sprinkler 22.095 26.32 1023 13-0 Sprinkler 22.299 26.44 1024 13-0 Sprinkler 21.754 26.12 1025 13'-0 Sprinkler 21.878 26.19 .1026 13-0 Sprinkler 22.382 26.49 1027 13-0 Sprinkler 23.222 26.99 ...1028 13-0 Sprinkler 23.436 27.11 1029 13-0 Sprinkler 24.699 27.83 ---A 030 13'-0 Sprinkler 24.856 27.92 2 4-0 95.472 3 4-0 94.425 4 4-0 94.155 5 4-0 93.781 6 -5-0 88.719 8 -3'-0 86.757 9 1-0 Gauge 84.890 22 4-0 94.287 100 28-9 71.685 101 28-9 70.715 L I LI I I I I I I I I L I I I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2018 v14.4.5.0 5/18/2021 9:50:01AM Paqe 5 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 102 29-3 69.355 103 28'-9 70.549 104 29-3 69.346 105 28-9 70.393 106 29-3 69.339 107 28-9 70.245 108 29-3 69.324 109 28-9 70.105 110 29-3 69.300 111 28'-9 69.972 112 29'-3 69.268 113 28-9 69.844 114 29-3 69.226 115 28'-9 69.721 116 29-3 69.174 117 28-9 69.603 118 29-3 69.114 119 28-9 69.489 120 29-3 69.045 121 28-9 69.379 122 29-3 68.967 123 28'-9 69.272 124 29-3 68.879 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 v14.4.5.0 5/18/2021 9:50:01AM Page 6 I I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 125 28-9 69.169 126 29'-3 68.783 127 28-9 69.068 128 29-3 68.680 129 28-9 68.970 130 29'-3 68.567 131 28-9 68.875 132 29-3 68.446 133 28'-9 68.784 134 29-3 68.429 135 28-9 68.695 136 29'-3 68.426 137 28-9 68.607 138 29-3 68.422 139 28-9 68.584 140 29-3 68.419 141 28'-9 68.585 142 29-3 68.418 143 28-9 68.585 144 29'-3 68.417 145 28-9 68.585 146 29-3 68.415 147 28-9 68.585 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. j AutoSPRINK 2018 5/18/2021 9:50:01AM Page 7 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 148 29-3 68.415 149 28-9 68.585 150 29-3 68.414 151 28-9 68.585 152 29-3 68.414 200 28-9 68.584 201 13-7 70.341 202 13-7 70.341 203 13-7 68.730 204 13-7 64.423 205 15-1 35.597 206 15-1 34.106 207 15-1 33.545 208 15-1 32.449 209 15'-1 32.175 210 142h/2 26.817 211 13-7 30.817 212 13-7 30.574 213 13-7 30.456 214 13-7 30.450 222 13-1 74.829 224 29-3 67.997 225 29'-3 68.095 .,© M.E.p.cAD, Inc. iIJAutoSPRlNK 2018 5/18/2021 9:50:01AM Page 8 ' Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 226 29'-3 68.431 897 32-5% 67.561 1101 1421/2 27.930 1102 14-2'/2 28.137 1103 1421/2 33.727 1104 14'-2% 30.170 1105 14-2% 28.063 1106 14-21/2 27.361 1107 14-2% 27.137 1108 142h/2 27.127 1109 142h/2 27.225 1110 14-2% 27.603 1111 13-7 30.473 1112 14-2% 28.046 1113 1421/2 28.254 1114 14-2% 23.950 1115 14-2% 24.114 1116 14-2% 24.993 1117 14-2% 25.547 1118 14-2% 25.345 1119 15-8% 28.400 1120 15-8% 28.655 1121 15-8% 29.051 I kl@ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. IAutoSPRlNK 2018 5/18/2021 9:50:01AM Page 9 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 1122 15-8% 30.006 1123 1581/2 30.288 1124 158h/2 29.536 1125 15-8% 29.707 1126 15-8% 30.403 1127 15-8% 31.561 1128 15-8% 31.856 1129 15-8% 33.596 1130 15-8% 33.813 1252 29-3 68.915 &© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2018 v14.4.5.0 5/18/2021 9:50:01AM Paqe 10 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (PQ and shown as r2J5tiY2 value. Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit i Elev(Pe) ________________ Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) - Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 1014 91-0 5.6 24.00 1 (See Notes) 11-0 0 120 18 . 367 Route..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 42-0 0.182334 -2.258 1114 14-2% 24.00 1.0490 43'-0 7.840 1114 1421/2 11/2 9,-0 120 23.950 0.018292 1115 1421/2 24.00 1.6820 0.165 1115 14-2% 24.77 11/2 12-11 120 24.114 Flow (q)from Route 5 0.067908 1116 14-2% 48.77 1.6820 12-11 0.878 1116 14-2% 25.19 1% (See Notes) -: 2-6% 120 24.993 Flow (q) from Route 6 T(9'-11) 9-11 0.146727 210 14-2% 73.96 1.6820 12-5 1.824 210 14-2%. - 49.16 1% (Se Notes)91-11 - 0-0 120 26.817 Flow (q) from Route 3 - P0(9-lI) 0.376688 0.271 211 13'-7 - _123.12 1.6820 9-11 3.729 211 13':7 200.06 3 (See Notes) 9-0 120 30.817 Flow (q) from Route 9 2fE(6 8%) 13'-S% 0089486 -0.650 209 16-1 32318 32600 22 2.008 209 15-1 78.52 - 2'-O% 120 32.175 Flow (q) from Route 15 - - 0 133817 208 151-1 401.70 3.2600 2 0% 0.274 208 15-1 52.77 6-6 120 32.449 Flow (q) from Route 20 0.168140 207 15-1 454.47 3.2600 6-6 1.096 207 15-1 78.81 3 2-6 120 33. 545 Flow (q) from Route 18 0.226020 206 15-1 533.28 3.2600 2-6 0.561 206 15-1 54.10 5-6 120 34.106 Flow (q) from Route 26 0.270256 205 15-1 587.37 3.2600 5-6 1.491 205 151 55.75 3 'See Notes) 54'6% 120 35.597 Flow (q) from Route 28 fE(6'-8%), E(9'-5), fT(17-5%) 33-7 0.319616 0.650 204 13-7 643.12 3.2600 88-2 28.175 (,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK201804.4.5.0 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 11 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node I El v1 v (Fo K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length F 00, t' Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 204 13-7 3 28-0 120 64.423 0.153866 -0.000 203 13-7 433.19 3.2600 28-0 4.307 203 13-7 136.31 3 6-4 120 68.730 Flow (q) from Route 2 0.255240 202 13-7 569.50 3.2600 6-4 1.612 202 13-7 4 0-0 120 70.341 0.069357 201 13-7 569.50 4.2600 0.000 201 13-7 4 (See Notes) 26-3 120 70.341 2fE(8'-ll%), mecT(26'-4) 44'-2Y2 0.069357 -6.575 200 28'-9 569.50 4.2600 6951,4 4.818 200 28-9 6 151/2 120 68.584 0.000047 139 28'-9 31.78 6.3570 1'-5% 0.000 139 28'-9 6 6-0 120 68.584 0.000036 141 28-9 27.39 6.3570 6-0 0.000 141 28-9 = 6 10-0 120 68.585 0.000025 143 28-9 - 22.67 6.3570 0.000 143 28-9 2 (See Notes) 140-1 120 68.585 P0(12-31/2) 2T(12'-3Y2), PO(12-3V2) 49'-2% 0.000256 -0.217 144 29-3 - - 4.60 2.1570 189'-4 0.049 144 29-3 18.08 4 6-0 120 68.417 Flow (q) from Route 42 0.000178 142 29-3 22.67 4.2600 6-0 0.001 142 29'-3 4.39 4 4-0 120 68.418 Flow (q) from Route 65 .000247 0.000247 '-0 140 29'-3 27.06 4.2600 4-0 0.001 140 29'-3 471 4 10-0 120 68.419 Flow (q) from Route 49 0.000333 138 29-3 31.78 4.2600 0.003 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JM AutoSPRlNK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 12 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fillings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Filling/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable are added directly to (PQand shown as Filling (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) - - Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 138 29-3 3.65 4 10-0 120 68.422 Flow (q) from Route 59 0.000407 136 29'-3 :. 35.43 4.2600 0.004 136 29'-3 4 10-0 120 68.426 0.000312 134 29-3 30.68 4.2600 10-0 0.003 134 29-3 4 8101/z 120 68.429 0.000177 226 29'-3 22.61 4.2600 8-10% 0.002 226 29-3 20993 4 1-1 V2 120 68.431 Flow (q) from Route 32 0.013227 132 29'-3 232.54 4.2600 0.015 132 29-3 - 4 10-0 120 68.446 - 0.012175 130 29-3 222.36 4.2600 10,-c 0.122 130 29-3 - - - - 4 10,-0 120 68.567 - 0.011234 128 29-3 - - 212.89 - 4.2600 10,-c 0.112 128 29'3 - 4 10-0 120 68.680 - 0010367 126 293 20385 42600 100 0.104 126 29'-3 4 101-0 120 68.783 124 29 195.76 0.009619'-3 4.2600 10,-c 0.096 124 29-3 4 4-0 120 68.879 0.008977 1252 29'-3 188.58 4.2600 4'O 0.036 1252 29'-3 4 6-0 120 68.915 0008589 122 293 18414 42600 60 0.052 122 29-3 4 10,-0 120 68.967 0.007773 120 29'-3 174.46 4.2600 0.078 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JAutoSPRINK 2018 v14.4.5.0 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 13 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node I Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (P0 and shown as v _________ a n99at1y9 31u9. ___ Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) - - - Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 120 29-3 4 101-0 120 69.045 0.006929 118 29-3 163.95 4.2600 10-0 0.069 118 29-3 4 10-0 120 69.114 116 29'-3 152.34 4.2600 0.006049 10-0 0.060 116 29-3 4 10-0 120 69.174 0.005135 114 29'-3 139.44 4.2600 10-0 0.051 114 29'-3 4 10-0 120 69.226 0.004199 112 29'-3 125.06 4.2600 10-0 0.042 112 29-3 4 10-0 120 69.268 0.003258 110 29-3 -. 109.04 4.2600 10-0 0.033 110 29-3 4 10-0 120 69.300 0.002343 108 - 29-3 -. 91.25 4.2600 10-0 0.023 108 . 29'-3 101-0 4 120 69.324 0.001496 106 29-3 71.60 4.2600 10-0 0.015 106 29-3 4 10-0 120 69.339 0.000771 104 29-3 50.03 4.2600 101-0 0.008 104 29-3 2 (See Notes) 138'1 120 69.346 P0(12-3%) 21(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 49-2 V2 0.005263 0.217 103 28'-9 23.56 2.1570 187.31/2 0.986 103 28-9 729.40 6 10'-O 120 70.549 Flow (q) from Route 33 0.016552 101 28'-9 752.96 6.3570 10-0 0.166 101 28-9 26.47 6 (See Notes) 29'101/2 120 70.715 Flow (q) from Route 47 2fE(12'-7), TOR 25'-2 0.017644 100 28'-9 - 779.43 6.3570 55-0 0.971 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 14 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (PQand shown as Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction (psi) Loss Per Unit Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 'Foot -- - Total Flow Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 100 28-9 6 (See Notes) 3141/2 120 71.685 2E(17-7), BOR 3521/2 0.017644 12.030 9 1-0 779.43 6.3570 66'-7 1.174 9 11-0 8 (See Notes) 91 10 140 84.890 LtE(22'-01/4, PIV(6-91h) 28-10 0.003435 1.734 8 4-0 779.43 8.3900 38-8 0.133 8 -3'-0 8 (See Notes) 139'2 150 86.757 E(22'-111/2), T(44-8), 2LtE(16'- 1001-10 0.004563 0.867 6 -5-0 779.43 7.7100 240-0 1.095 6 -5-0 8 (See Notes) 12'0 140 88.719 T(59'-4%), BFP(-5.533), 2LtE( 22-0%) 103-6 0.003435 -0.867 5 4-0 779.43 8.3900 115-6 5.929 5 4-0 8 (See Notes) 20'-9 150 93.781 LtE(16-7), T(44'-8) 61'-3 0.004563 4 -3'-O - .779.43 7.7100 82-0 0.374 4 4-0 8 (See Notes) 97'4 150 94.155 - -- EE(11'-6) 11-6 0.002474 - 3 4-0 - .559.94 7.7100 108-9% 0.269 -. 3 4-0 - 250.00 8 (See Not es, 1901 11 150 94.425 Flow (q) from Route 31 E(22-111/2) 22-11% 0.004898 2 4-0 - 809.94 7.7100 213-10% 1.048 2 4-0 219.49 8 (See Notes) 3'1,4 150 95.472 Flow (q) from Route 68 Water Supply 0.007633 -3-0 1029.43 7.7100 3'i y 0.024 0.00 95.496 Hose Allowance At Source Total(Pt) Route 1 1 1029.43 1007 10-0 5.6 24.38 1 (See Notes) 9'-4 120 18.950 ..... Route 2••••• Sprinkler. E(2'-O), P0(5-0), fd(37-0) 44-0 0.187675 -1.824 1107 14-272 24.38 1.0490 10.011 1107 l421/2 6.00 1% (See Notes , 3'0 120 27.137 Flow (q) from Route 7 E(4'-1 11/2) 4ll1/2 0.028285 1106 l421/2 30.38 1.6820 71lh/2 0.225 (, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 15 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/20210 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes I Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent (q) Fitting Length) Equiv. (Foot) Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Pressure Losses, Node 2 Elev 2 Total Flow Actual ID Length Total Loss Per Unit (psi) when applicable, are added (Foot) (Q) (Foot) (Foot) Friction(Pf) directly to (PQand shown as a n?gativ2 value. __________________ 1106 14-2% 25.35 1/2 8-1 120 27.361 1 Flow (q)from Route 8 -0.000 1105 14-21/2 55.73 1.6820 0.086920 8-1 0.702 1 1105 14-2% 25.76 1/2 12-0 120 28.063 Flow (q) from Route 13 1104 14-21/2 81.49 1.6820 0.175550 1 12-0 2.107 1104 14-2% 26.67 1% 12-0 120 30.170 Flow (q) from Route 23 1103 14-21/2 108.16 1.6820 0.296416 12-0 3.557 1103 14- 2% 28.15 1% (See 56-7 120 33.727 1 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 30 19'-g% 0.271 203 13-7 136.31 1.6820 0.454723 T(9'-11), P0(9-Il) 76-4% 34.732 68.730 Total(Pt) Route 2 1018 10-0 5.6 24.53 1 (See 0-0 120 19.193 "" Route 3 Notes) Sprinkler, I 42-0 -1.824 1118 14-2% 24.53 1.0490 0.189903 P0(5-0), fd(37-0) 42-0 7.976 1 10-7% 120 25.345 1118 14-2% 1% 1117 14-2% 24.53 1.6820 0.019052 10'-7% 0.202 1117 14-2% 24.63 1% (See 8-6% 120 25.547 - Notes) Flow (q) from Route 4 91-11 -0.000 1 210 14- 2% 49.16 1.6820 0.068923 T(9'-l1) - 18-5 1.270 26.817 Total(Pt) Route 3 1017 101-0 5.6 24.63 1 (See 0-0 120 19.339 ••"• Route 4..... Notes) Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.824 1117 14-2% 24.63 1.0490 0.191 239 P0(5-0), fd(37-0) 42-0 8.032 25.547 Total(Pt) Route 4 1015 10-0 5.6 24.77 1 (See 01 0 120 19.561 ••••• Route 5..... I _____ _____________ _________ Notes) Sprinkler, 33-0 -1.824 1115 14-2% 24.77 1.0490 0.193268 P0(5-0), fd(28-0) 33'-0 6.378 24.114 Total(Pt) Route 5 Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 1 © M.E.P.CAD, , #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 16 Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush I Job Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) • ------ (q) Length) Fixed Pressure Losses Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total Node 2 (Foot) Actual ID Length i (Foot) (Foot) Friction(Pf) directly to (Pf) and shown as 1016 10-0 5.6 25.19 1 (See 0-0 120 20.236 Route ..... Notes) Sprinkler, 33-0 -1.824 1116 1421/2 25.19 1.0490 0.199428 P0(5-0), fd(28-0) 33-0 6.581 24.993 Total(Pt) Route 6 1008 10-0 5.6 25.34 1 (See OO 120 20.481 42'-0 -1.824 Notes) 14-2% 25.34 1.0490 0.201665 P0(5-0), fd(37-0) 1108 42-0 8.470 1108 14-21/2 1% 6111/2 120 27.127 6-11%0.001407 1107 1421/2 6.00 1.6820 0.010 27.137 Total(Pt) Route 7 1006 101- 5.6 25.35 1 (See 1-0% 120 - 20.496 - -. Notes) 42-0 -1.824 1106 14-2% - - 25.35 1.0490 43-0% 0.201800 PO(5'-0),fd(37'-0) 8.689 27.361 Total(Pt) Route 8 1009 5.6 . 25:39 I (See o'-O 120 20.552 ..... Route Sprinkler, - 42-0 -1.824 -100 - Notes) 1109 14'2% - - 25.39 1.0490 - 0.202313 P0(5'0), fd(37'-O) 42-0 8.497 - 14-2,4 19.35 ----19.35- 1/2 6-6% 120 27.225 - - - Flow (q) from Route 67 1110 14-2% 4473 1.6820 0.057882 - - 6-6% 0.378 1110 14-2% - 25.56 11/2 (See 4-6 120 27.603 - Flow (q) from Route 10 Notes) 14-10 0.271 213 13-7 70.29 1.6820 0.133542 E(4'-ll%), P0(9-l1 2.582 ) 19-4 213 13-7 51.49 3 1-2% 120 30.456 Flow (q) from Route 11 1111 13-7 121.78 3.2600 0.014710 1-21/2 0.017 1111 13'-7 26 . 69 3 4-9 120 30.473 Flow (q) from Route 24 212 13-7 148.47 3.2600 0.021223 0.101 212 51.59 3 6-7 120 30.574 13' - 7 Flow (q) from Route 12 211 13 200.06 3.2600 0.036850'-7 6-7 0.243 IM.,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK2018v14.4.5.0 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 17 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes I Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) - Fitting/Device (Equivalent (q) Fitting Length) Equiv. (Foot) Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Pressure Losses, Node 2 Elev 2 Total Flow Actual ID Length Total Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added (Foot) (Q) (Foot) (Foot) (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to (Pf) and shown as n"Jtiv9 value. 30.817 Total(Pt) Route 9 1010 10-0 5.6 25.56 1 (See 0-0 120 20.826 Route 10..... Notes) Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.824 I 1110 1421/2 25.56 1.0490 0.204800 P0(5-0), fd(37-0) 42-0 8.602 27.603 Total(Pt) Route 10 1001 10-0 5.6 25.70 1 (See 01-0 120 21.062 "•• Route ll..... Notes) Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.824 1101 1421/2 25.70 1.0490 0.206951 P0(5-0), fd(37-0) 42-0 8.692 1101 142h/2 11/2 10-0 120 27.930 1 1102 14-2% 25.70 1.6820 0.020762 101-0 0.208 1102 14-21/2 25.79 11/2 (See 12-4 120 28.137 Flow (q) from Route 14 1 Notes) 14-10 0.271 214 13-7 51.49 1.6820 0.075094 E(4'-11Y2), P0(9-li) 27-2 2.041 1 214 - 13-7 2-1 3 120 30.450 23 0.002992 1 13'-7 .51.49 3.2600 2-1 0.006 30.456 Total(Pt) Route 11 120 I 0-0 21.146 "" Route 12•••• - 1012 10-0 5.6 25.75 1 (See Notes) Sprinkler, 42'-0 -1.824 1112 14-2% 1 25.75 1.0490 0.207714 PO(5'-0),fd(37'-0) 42-0 8.724 1 1112 14-2% . 1% 10-0 120 28.046 - 0.020839 1 1113 142l/2 25.75 1.6820 10-0 0.208 1113 14-21/2 25.84 1% (See 12'4 120 28.254 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 16 1 14-10 0.271 212 13-7 51.59 1.6820 0.075371 E(4'-ll%), P0(9-i1) 27'-2 2.049 1 30.574 Total(Pt) Route 12 1005 10-0 5.6 25.76 1 (See 0-0 120 21.159 "" Route 13 ..... Notes) Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.824 1105 14-2% 25.76 1.0490 0.207830 P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 42-0 8.729 28.063 Total(Pt) Route 13 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. jAutoSPRlNK 2018 , #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 18 Pipe Information Elev Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) (q) Fitting Pf Friction Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length Total (psi) (Foot) (Foot) 1002 101-0 5.6 25.79 1 (See 0-0 120 Notes) 42-0 1102 14'-2V2 25.79 1.0490 42-0 0.208316 I 1019 10-0 5.6 25.82 1 (See Notes) -. 1119 1581/2 25.82 1.0490 1119 15'-8V2 1/2 1120 1581,4 25.82 1.6820 1120 1581/2 25.93 11/2 I 11 21 - 15-8% 51.75 1.6820 1 1121 1581/2 26.77 1% (See :R ____ ______ ____ ______ Notes) _____ 209 15,-1 78.52 1.6820 -- 1013 10'-0 5.6 25.84 1 (See I Notes) 1113 1421/2 25.84 1.0490 I I 102010-0 5.6 25.93 1120 1581/2 25.93 I 1024 1124 13-0 1581/2 5.6 26.12 26.12 1124 15-8% - -- 1125 158h/2 26.12 2-0% 120 44-0 0.208742 46-0% 122h/2 120 0.020942 12-2 V2 5'-3 120 0.075790 5,-3 261/2 120 14-10 0.163921 17'-5 0,-0 120 42-0 0.209084 42-0 I (See 2'-0/ Notes) 44-0 1.0490 I I 4601/2 120 0.210376 1 (See Notes) 01 0 120 42-0 0.213230 1.0490 42'-0 11/2 8-0 120 0.021392 1.6820 8-0 Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev(Pe) when applicable, are added Friction(Pf) directly to (P0 and shown as a negative 5Irn 21.213 Route 14 ..... Sprinkler, -1.824 PO(5'-O), fd(37'-O) 8.749 28.137 Total(Pt) Route 14 21.259 Route 15 ..... Sprinkler, -2.475 E(2'-O), P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 9.615 28.400 0.255 28.655 Flow (q) from Route 17 0.396 29.051 Flow (q) from Route 25 E(4'-E(4'-11Y.),P0(9-li) 0.271 2.853 32.175 Total(Pt) Route 15 21.297 ..... Route 16..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) -1.824 8.782 28.254 Total(Pt) - Route 16 21.439 ••"• Route 17..... Sprinkler, E(2'-O), P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) -2.475 9.690 28.655 Total(Pt) Route 17 21.754 Route 18 ..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) -1.174 8.956 29.536 0.171 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 I I U& ©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J§1 AutoSPRINK2018v14.4.5.O #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 19 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) Equiv. Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev 2 Total Flow Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total ________________ Friction(Pf) Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length (Foot) (psi) directly to (130 and shown as (Foot) n9ga+2 va1u9. 1125 1581/2 26.19 11/2 9-0 120 29.707 Flow from 1 0.077321 (q) Route 19 1 1126 15-8% 52.31 1.6820 9,-c 0.696 1126 1581/2 26.49 11/2 (See 2'-61/2 120 30.403 Flow (q) from Route 22 14-10 0.271 Notes) 207 15'-1 78.81 1.6820 0.165012 E(4'-11'/2), P0(9-11) 17-5 2.872 33.545 Total(Pt) Route 18 01-0 120 21.878 "•• Route 19••••• j 1025 13-0 5.6 26.19 1 (See Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.174 Notes) 1125 i581/2 26.19 1.0490 0.214354 PO(5'-0),fd(37'-0) 42-0 9.003 U 29.707 Total(Pt) Route 19 1022 13-0 5.6 26.32 1 (See 0-0 120 22.095 •••- Route 2O•"•• I 42-0 -1.174 Notes) Sprinkler, 1122 15-8% 26.32 1.0490 0.216319 PO(5'-O), fd(37'-O) 42'-O 9.085 1 1122 . 5'-8%• . 1% 13-0 120 30.006 0.021702 1123 15-8% 26.32 - 1.6820 13-0 0.282 1123 115-8%26.44 1% (See 921/2 120 30.288 Notes) 14-10 0.271 Flow (q) from Route 21 208 15,-i 52.77 1.6820 - 0.078570 E(4'-ll%), P0(9-11) 240h/2 1.890 32.449 Total(Pt) Route 20 1023 13'-0 5.6 26.44 1 (See o'-o T 120 22.299 ••••• Route 21. Notes) Sprinkler, I 42'-0 -1.174 1123 15-8% 26.44 1.0490 0.218169 P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 42-0 9.163 30.288 Total(Pt) Route 21 1026 13-0 5.6 26.49 1 (See 0-0 120 22.382 ••••• Route 22 ..... Notes) Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.174 1126 15-8% 26.49 1.0490 0.218919 P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 42-0 9.195 30.403 Total(Pt) Route 22 01-0 120 22.685 ••"• Route 23 I 1004 101-0 5.6 26.67 1 (See Notes) Sprinkler, - 42-0 -1.824 0.221657 1104 1421/2 26.67 1.0490 P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 42-0 9.310 __________________________ 1 30.170 Total(Pt) Route 23 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JAutoSPRlNK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 20 Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID De vices (Foot) __________ (q) Fitting Pf Friction Elev 2 ---- - Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit Total Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length (psi) (Foot) I (Foot) 1011 10-0 5.6 26.69 1 (See 01 0 120 42-0 Notes) 1111 13-7 26.69 1.0490 0.221869 42'0 I 1021 13-0 5.6 26.77 1121 15-8% 26.77 1027 13-0 5.6 26.99 1127 1581/2 26.99 1127 - 1581/2 1 1128 15-8% 26.99 1128 15-81/2 27.11 206 15'-1 - - 54.10 I 1028 13-0 5.6 27.11 1128 15-8% 27.11 1029 13-0 5.6 27.83 - I 1129 15-8% 27.83 1129 15-8% 1130 15-8% 27.83 1130 15-8% 27.92 205 15-1 55.75 I I 1 I (See 0-0 120 Notes) 33-0 1.0490 33-0 0.223229 1 (See Notes) 01 0 120 42'-0 0.226505 1.0490 42'-0 11/2 13-0 120 0.022724 1.6820 13-0 1% (See Notes) - 921/2 120 14-10 0.082268 1.6820 - F2 4 '-O% - (See Notes) 00 120 42-0 0.228437 1.0490 42-0 1 (See Notes) 01 0 120 42-0 0.239800 1.0490 42-0 1% 9-0 120 0.024058 1.6820 9-0 11/2 (See Notes) 2'61/2 120 14-10 0.086983 1.6820 17-5 Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev(Pe) when applicable, are added Friction(Pf) directly to (PO and shown as 2 rgv 22.708 Route 24 ..... Sprinkler, -1.553 Z, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 9.318 30.473 Total(Pt) Route 24 22.859 ••• Route 25••••• Sprinkler, -1.174 P0(5-0), fd(28'-O) 7.367 29.051 Total(Pt) Route 25 23.222 •••" Route 26•••• Sprinkler, -1.174 P0(5-0), fd(37-0) 9.513 31.561 0.295 31.856 Flow (q) from Route 27 0.271 E(4-11%), P0(9-11) 1.979 34.106 Total(Pt) Route 26 - 23.436 Route 27•.••• Sprinkler, -1.174 P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) - 9.594 31.856 Total(Pt) Route 27 - 24.699 ••••• Route 28.... Sprinkler, -1.174 P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 10.072 33.596 0.217 33.813 Flow (q) from Route 29 E(4'-E(4'-111/.),P0(9-il) 0.271 1.514 35.597 Total(Pt) Route 28 IJob Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 U (, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 #1 -LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 21 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node I Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as 3 fl V31U9. Jp+jf9 Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction (psi) Loss Per Unit Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pt) 1030 13'-O 5.6 27.92 1 (See Notes) 0-0 120 24.856 Route 29 Sprinkler, PQ(5'O), fd(37'-O) I 1 42-0 0.241211 -1.174 1130 15-8% 27.92 1.0490 42-0 10.131 33.813 Total(Pt) Route 29 1003 10-0 5.6 28.15 i (See Notes) 01 0 120 25.266 "•• Route 3O••••• Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) I 42-0 0.244890 -1.824 1103 14-21/2 28.15 1.0490 42-0 10.285 33.727 Total(Pt) Route 30 1 21 2-0 250.00 6 (See Notes) 3-0 140 92.089 ••••• Route 31. LtE(14-2) 1 14'-2 0.001718 2.168 22 -3-0 250.00 6.2800 17'-2 0.030 22 -3-0 6 (See Notes) 23'41/2 150 94.287 GV(3'-lO%), T(38'-111/2) 42-10 0.002083 0.000 3 4-0 -- 250.00 5.8800 66-3 0.138 - 94.425 Total(Pt) Route 31 - - - 222 13-1 4 (See Notes) 16-2 120 74.829 Route 32.... - fE(8'-l1%) I I 0.010946 120 -7.009 224 224 29-3 29'-3 - 209.93 4.2600 4 16'-2 01 0 0.177 67.997 8-11% 0.010946 -0.000 225 29-3 209.93 4.2600 8'-11% 0.098 225 29'-3 4 (See Notes) 9'7 120 68.095 I 21-1 0.010946 -0.000 226 29-3 209.93 4.2600 M21'-1)30-8 0.336 68.431 Total(Pt) Route 32 122 29-3 2 (See Notes) 143-2 120 68.967 Route 33..... P0(12-3%) 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 49-2% 0.001015 0.217 121 28-9 - 9.68 2.1570 192-5 0.195 121 28-9 595.29 6 101-0 120 69.379 Flow (q) from Route 34 0.011041 119 28'-9 604.97 6.3570 10,-0 0.110 I © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 22 U Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information I El Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID ev Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting Pf Friction EIevPe, Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, I Elev 2 Total Flow E uiv q . (Foot) Loss Per Unit ________________ when applicable, are added Total Node 2 (Foot) Actual ID Length (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to (P0 and shown as • 119 28-9 10.51 6 10-0 120 69.489 fltJP9 Flow (q) from Route 51 117 28'-9 615.48 6.3570 • 0.011399 10-0 0.114 117 28-9 11.61 6 10-0 120 69. 603 Flow (q) from Route 50 115 28'9 I 0.011800 627.09 6.3570 10'-0 0.118 I 115 28'-9 12.90 6 101-0 120 69. 721 Flow (q) from Route 60 - 113 28-9 - 639.99 6.3570 0.012253 10-0 0.123 • 113 28-9 14.38 6 10-0 120 69.844 Flow (q) from Route 52 111 28-9 654.37 6.3570 0.012767 io'-o 0.128 - lt1_ 28'-9 16.02 6 10-0 120 69.972 Flow (q) from Route 56 109.. 28-9 - 670.39 6.3570 0.013351 0.134 I 1 0 28'9 iio .6 10-0 120 . 70105 - Flow (q) from Route 58 107 28-9 88 6.18 6.3570 0.014014 10-0 0.140 - I • 107 28-9 1965 6 10-0 120 70.245 Flow (q) from Route 46 - - 105 28-9 - - 707.83 6.3570 • 0.014763 10-0 0.148 1 105 28-9 21.57 .6 10-0 120 70.393 Flow (q) from Route 63 103 28-9 I 0.015606 729.40 6.3570 10-0 0.156 70.549 Total(Pt) Route 33 I 123 28-9 583.67 + 11.62 6 10-0 120 69.272 •••"Route34••••• Flow (q) from Route 35 and 0.010717 ________________ 54 121 28-9 595.29 6.3570 10-0 0.107 69.379 Total(Pt) Route 34 10-0 120 I 125 28-9 575.59 + 8.09 6 69.169 Route 35 ..... Flow (q) from Route 36 and ________________ 0.010333 123 28-9 583.67 6.3570 45 10-0 0.103 I 69.272 Total(Pt) Route 35 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 v14.4.5.0 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 23 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes I Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Equiv. Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev 2 Total Flow Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total Friction(Pf) Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length (Foot) (psi) directly to (PQand shown as (Foot) a 127 28-9 566.54+9.05 6 10-0 120 69.068 Route 36 ..... Flow (q) from Route 37 and 53 125 28-9 575.59 6.3570 0.010070 10,-U 0.101 69.169 Total(Pt) Route 36 129 28-9 557.08 + 9.46 6 101-0 120 68.970 Route 37 ..... Flow (q) from Route 38 and 61 127 28'-9 566.54 6.3570 0.009779 _______________ 10-0 0.098 69.068 Total(Pt) Route 37 131 28-9 546.89+ 10.19 6 101-0 120 68.875 ••••• Route 38•"•• Flow (q) from Route 39 and 48 - 129 28-9 557.08 6.3570 0.009479 ______________ 10-0 0.095 68.970 Total(Pt) Route 38 133 28'-9 538.82+8.06 6 10-0 120 68.784 ••••• Route 39..... - Flow (q) from Route 40 and 55 131 28'-9 546.89 6.3570 0.009161 10-0 0.092 - 68.875 Total(Pt) Route 39 135 28-9 534.074.76 6 - 10-0 120 68.695 Róuté4O••.•• - - Flow (q) from Route 41 and 0008912 133 289 - -- - - 53882 63570 10-0 0.089 68.784 Total(Pt) Route 40 2'-6V2 120 68.584 ••"• Route 41 I 200 28-9 31.78 6 Flow (q) from Route I 0.008879 137 28-9 537.72 6.3570 2 -6% 0.023 137 28'-9 6 10-0 120 68.607 0.008767 I 135 28-9 534.07 6.3570 10-0 0.088 68.695 Total(Pt) Route 41 143 28-9 4.60 6 10-0 120 68.585 "•• Route 42..... Flow (q) from Route 1 0.000017 145 28'-9 18.08 6.3570 10-0 0.000 145 28-9 6 10-0 120 68.585 0.000010 147 28-9 13.55 6.3570 10-0 0.000 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J.91M AutoSPRINK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 24 IJob Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information I Elev i Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent • (q) Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, - •Elev Node 2 2 Total Flow Actual ID Equiv. Length (Foot) Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total (Foot) (Q) (Foot) (Foot) t Friction(Pf) directly to (Pf) and shown as I 147 28-9 2 (See 14051/2 120 68.585 Notes) P0(12-3%) 4921/2 -0.217 148 29'-3 4.48 2.1570 0.000245 21(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 189'-8 0.046 148 29-3 906 . 4 10-0 120 68.415 Flow (q) from Route 43 146 29 13.55 0.000069'-3 4.2600 10,-a 0.001 146 29-3 4.53 4 10-0 120 68.415 Flow (q) from Route 62 144 29-3 18.08 4.2600 0•000117 0.001 I 68.417 Total(Pt) Route 42 147 ' 4.48 6 101-0 120 68.585 "•• Route 43..... I 28-9 Flow (q) from Route 42 149 28'-9 - 9.06 - 6.3570 0.000005 0.000 149 28'-9 2 (See 140'11 120 68.585 P0(12-3%) Notes) 49'-2% -0.217 150 29'-3 4.46 2.1570 0.000242 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) - , 0.046 U 150 - 29'3 .461 4 10,-a 120 68.414 . Flow (q) from Route 44 148 29'-3 06 4.2600 0.000033 10,-a 0.000 68.415 Total(Pt) Route 43 I 149 28'-9 4.46 6 (See 10'-0 120 68.585 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 43 - 37-8% 151 28'-9 4.61 6.3570 47-8% 0.000001 P0(37-81/2) 0.000 151 28'-9 2 (See 141-5 120 68.585 36'-11 -0.217 Notes) 152 29'-3 4.61 2.1570 0.000257 21(12-3%), P0(12-31/2) 178-4 0.046 152 29'-3 4 10-0 120 68.414 0.000009 150 29-3 4.61 4.2600 10,-0 0.000 1 68.414 Total(Pt) Route 44 26 29-3 2 (See 158'-9 120 68.783 Route 45..... • Notes) P0(12-3%) 72-7% 0.217 125 28-9 8.09 2.1570 0.000728 21(12-3%), fr(10'-51/4, 3fE(4'- 231, -4/2 0.168 3%), PO(12'-31A) ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. jAutoSPRlNK2018v14.4.5.0 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 25 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) No (Foot) (q) Node I K-Factor this step Nominal ID (Foot) Fitting/Device Devices Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit when applical Fitting Len Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Press Node 2 Actual ID Length Total (psi) (Foot) (Foot) (Foot) (Q) Friction(Pf) directly to (Pf) and shown as 69.169 Total(Pt) Route 45 108 29-3 2 (See 138-1 120 69.324 ••••• Route 46•"•• N P0(12-3%) - Notes) 49-2 % 0.217 107 28'-9 19.65 2.1570 187-3% 0.003763 0.705 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 70.245 Total(Pt) Route 46 104 29-3 23.56 4 (See 101-0 120 69.346 •.•" Route 47••••• Flow (q) from Route 1 Notes) 26'-4 102 29-3 26.47 4.2600 36'-4 0.000237 0.009 P0(26-4) I 102 29-3 2 (See 138'1 120 69.355 Notes) 36'-11 0.217 I 101 28-9 26.47 2.1570 175-0 0.006530 1.143 2T(12'-31/2), P0(12-3%) 70.715 Total(Pt) Route 47 132 29'-3 2 (See 14161/2 120 68.446 ••••• Route 48"•" oes, 49 N P0(12-31/2) 21,4 0.217 131 28-9 10.19 2.1570 190-9 0.001116 0.213 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-31/2) 68.875 Total(Pt) Route 48 141 28-9 2 (See 140'-3 120 68.585 Route 49 ..... - -- _ - ________ Notes) 49-2 V2 -0.217 P0(12-3%) 140 29'-3 4.71 2.1570 189-5% 0.000268 0.051 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 68.419 Total(Pt) Route 49 118 29-3 2 (See 142'9 120 69.114 ••"• Route 5O I - Notes) 49-2% 0.217 P0(12-3%) 117 28'-9 11.61 2.1570 0.001421 0.273 21(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 69.603 Total(Pt) Route 50 120 29-3 2 (See 143-6 120 69.045 ••••• Route 51•". Notes) 49-2 . N + % 0.217 P0(12-3%) 119 28-9 10.51 2.1570 192-9 0.001183 0.228 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 69.489 Total(Pt) Route 51 114 29-3 2 (See 140-11 120 69.226 ..... Route 52..... _____ Notes) 49'-2% 0.217 P0(12-3%) 113 28-9 14.38 2.1570 190-2 0.002111 0.401 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 69.844 Total(Pt) Route 52 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 v14.4.5.0 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 26 I tes (Equivalent gth) ure Losses, le, are added Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush I Job Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information I Elev I Flow added . Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) • (q) . Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Node 2 Elev 2 I Equiv. Total Flow Actual ID Length (Foot) Loss Per Unit ________________ when applicable, are added Total (Foot) (Foot) (Foot) Friction(Pf) directly to (Pt) and shown as 128 29-3 2 (See 142-2 120 68.680 " Route 53"" Notes) 4921/2 0.217 127 28-9 9.05 2.1570 0.000896 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 191'-4% 0.171 69.068 Total(Pt) Route 53 I 124 29-3 2 (See 91'91/2 120 68.879 ..... Route 54"" Notes) 2471/2 -1.387 897 32-5% 7.18 2.1570 0.000584 T(12-3%) i 116-5 0.068 897 32-5% 4.44 2 (See 51'1 120 67.561 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 64 24-7% 1.604 123 28-9 11.62 2.1570 0.001423 T(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 75-8 0.108 69.272 Total(Pt) Route 54 I 14 29-3 2 (See 141-1 120 68.429 Route 55 Notes) 49-2% 0.217 133 28-9 8.06 2.1570 190'-3% 0.000724 2T(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 0.138 68.784 Total(Pt) Route 55 112 29-31 - 2 (See 1398% 120 69.268 49'-2% 0.217 Notes) - 111 28'-9 .16.02 .. 2.1570 0.002578 2T(12-31/2), P0(12-3%) . - 188-11% 0.487 I - ...:. 69.972 Total(Pt) Route 56 136 29'-31 - - 2 (See 140-9% 120 68.426 Route 57 ..... - - P0(12-3%) Notes) 49-2% I 0.217 135 28-9 A.76 2.1570 - 0.000273 21(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 1901-0 0.052 I 1 68.695 Total(Pt) Route 57 110 29-3 2 (See 138-6 120 69.300 ••"• Route 58 ..... - I Notes) P0(12-3%) 49-2% 0.217 109 28'-9 17.80 2.1570 0.003132 2P0(12-3%), T(12'-3%) 187-9 0.588 70.105 Total(Pt) Route 58 137 28- 9 2 (See 140'6 120 68.607 ..... Route 59 P0(12-3%) 49-2% -0.217 • Notes) 138 29-3 3.65 2.1570 0.000168 2T(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 189-8% 0.032 68.422 Total(Pt) Route 59 1'J, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 27 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes I Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting Foot Pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) E Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Node 2 Total Flow Actual ID Length Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total Ft (Foot) (Foot) Friction(Pf) directly to (Pt) and shown as n9tiv9 vlug. 116 29-3 2 (See 141'-lO 120 69.174 ••••• Route 6O I 4921/2 0.217 Notes) P0(12-3%) 115 28'-9 12.90 2.1570 0.001729 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-31/2) 191,-1 0.330 69.721 Total(Pt) Route 60 130 29'-3 2 (See 141-9% 120 68.567 Route 61••••• P0(12-3%) Notes) 49-2% 0.217 129 28-9 9.46 2.1570 0.000974 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 0.186 68.970 Total(Pt) Route 61 145 28'-9 2 (See 140'2 120 68.585 ••••• Route 62••••• P0(12-3%) 49-21/2 -0.217 Notes) 146 29'-3 4.53 2.1570 0.000249 21(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 189-4% 0.047 68.415 Total(Pt) Route 62 106 29'-3 2 (See 138-1 120 69.339 ..... Route 63"" Notes) P0(12-3%) 49'-2% 0.217 105 28-9 - 21.57 2.1570 0.004471 21(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 187-31/2 0.837 70.393 Total(Pt) Route 63 1252 29-3 2 (See 95-101/2 120 68.915 Route 64 ..... - Notes) 0es) 2fT(10'-5%), fE(4-3%) - 3761/ 0.000240 -1.387 897 32'5% 4.44 2.1570 133-5 0.032 - 67.561 Total(Pt) Route 64 - - 150'0% 120 68.584 "" Route 65•"•• I 139. 28'-9 2 (See. Notes) mecT(12'-3%) 62'-9 -0.217 142 29'-3 4.39 2.1570 0.000235 2fT(10'-5%), 4fE(4'-3%), mecl( 212-10 0.050 12-3%) 68.418 Total(Pt) Route 65 204 13-7 3 (See 182-3 120 64.423 "" Route 66 ..... Notes)fr(17'-5%) 70-8 0.217 222 13-1 209.93 3.2600 252-11% 0.040283 3fE(6-8%),fEE(3'-5%), 1(20-2 10.189 74.829 Total(Pt) Route 66 1108 14-2% 6.00 1% 8-0 120 27.127 "" Route 67"" Flow (q) from Route 7 1109 14-2% 19.35 1.6820 8-0 0.012276 0.098 27.225 Total(Pt) Route 67 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 28 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fillings & Length C Factor Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices ___ (Foot) (q) Filling Pt Friction Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit Node 2 (Foot) - (Q) Actual ID Length Total (psi) (Foot) (Foot) 4-0 559.94 8 (See 2851'7 150 Notes) 158-3 - 2 -3-0 219.49 7.7100 3009-10 0.000438 U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JAutoSPRINK 2018 Date: 5/18/2021 Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev(Pe) when applicable, are added Friction(Pf) directly to (Pt) and shown as 'n23ativ9 va1u9. 94.155 Route 68 ..... Flow (q) from Route 1 4EE(11'-6), E(22-11Y2), 21(44 -8) 1.317 95.472 Total(Pt) Route 68 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 29 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C120 only) Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 ( \ =Factor Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter J Date: 5/18/2021 C Value Multiplier Value OfC 100 130 140 150 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DeIV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 900 Elbow EE 45° Elbow Eel 111/40 Elbow Ee2 221/20 Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GIoV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap &@ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 #1 - LAB AREA 5/18/2021 9:50:04AM Page 30 1 I I I I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #1 - LAB AREA Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 5/18/2021 i mu- - SWater upply __[_SummarSheet 135 - - 120- Static Pressure 117.900— - 105 029.43 @ 114.423 @ 95.496 _70000@97.20U1029.43 90 T 75- 60- tem demand curve i - - ,45 I 30- 15 LLLLLLI iLLLLLUillllllII 111111111 IllIllill 111111111I III I III I I till I liii I III I I I I I I 0- 0550 1100 1650 2200 . - 2750 3300 W50 oo 4950 5500 I I &©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 5118/2021 9:49:49AM Page 2 I I 1 I I Hydraulic Calculations for Project Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush I Location: 5781 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad, CA 92008, Drawing Name: PRG FP WFP Design I Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Remote Area Location: Lab Area Occupancy Classification: Ordinary Group II I Commodity Classification: Ordinary Group II • Density: 0.200gpm/ft2 Area of Application: 2500.00ft2 (Actual 2555.80ft2) Coverage per Sprinkler: 120.00ft2 Type of sprinklers calculated: Pendent No. of sprinklers calculated: 32 In-rack Demand: N/A gpm at Node: N/A Calculation Date: 5/18/2021 N Hose Streams: 0.0 aom at Node: I Tvne: Allowance at Source I 250.00 at Node: 21 Type: I Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 1: 1143.17 @ 73.643 Type of System: Wet Volume of Dry or PreAction System: N/A I Name of Contractor: Western Fire Protection Address: 13630 Danielson Street, Poway, CA 92-64 Phone Number: 858-513-4949 I Name of designer: Authority Having Jurisdiction: City of Carlsbad I Notes: AutOmatic peaking results Left: N/A 1 Right: N/A Hydrant I I I I I I M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 11 AutoSPRlNK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:25AM Page 1 1111 Hydrau1ic Summary I Job Number: 21-3573-02 RWnnrt DWserintion: Ordinry Grnun II (92 - Lh Arpal Job Job Number 21-3573-02 Design Engineer Job Name; Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush State Cetgfiealieeflieanse Number Address I 5781 Van Allen Way AHJ City of Carlsbad Address 2 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Job Site/Building MdreNN 3 Drawing Name PRG_FP_WFP System Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data 5.6 K-Factor 24.00 at 18.367 Occupancy Ordinary Group II Job Sutfe leon Nleeanee At Source 0.00 Density 0.200gpm/ft2 Area etAppllnat/en 2500.00ft5 (Actual 2555.80ft2) Additional Peso Supplies Node Hydrant At Node 21 Flow(aom) 250.00 Number OrSpltykiers Cetuuleted 32 Coverage Per Sprirkier 120.00ft2 siulePeak Results; Pressure For Remote Ares(s) Adjacent To Most Remote A,ea Fetal lose Streams 250.00 System Flew Demand 1143.17 Fetal Water Required (Including Floss Pllewsnco) 1143.17 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Leaps 0.000 Maoimum Velecitydbooe Ground 26.57 between nodes 219 and 218 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 7.86 between nodes 1 and 2 Vetunro capacity of Wet Pipes 11640.33ga1 Volume capacity at Dry Pipes .. Supplies Node Name Hose Flow (gpm) Static (psi) Residual (psi) Flow @ (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) @ (gpm) Required (psi) Safety Margin (psi) 1 Water Supply 117.900 97.200 I 2700.00 113.679 I 1143.17 73.643 40.036 Contractor Contractor Number 21-3537-02 Contact Name Grant Coito Certact title Designer Name of Centnautoc Western Fire Protection Phone 858-5134949 Extension Address I 13630 Danielson Street FAX 858-513-1322 Addrsso 2 Poway, CA 92-64 E.meil grantwesternfireprotection.com Address 3 Web-She ©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK 2018 v14.4.5.0 5/18/2021 9:53:00AM Page 1 1111Summary Of Outfiowing Devices Job Number: 21-3573-02 Report Description: Ordinary Group II (#2 - Lab Area) Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Hydrant 21 250.00 250.00 0 70.011 Sprinkler 2001 26.60 24.00 5.6 22.559 Sprinkler 2002 26.74 24.00 5.6 22.809 Sprinkler 2003 26.95 24.00 5.6 23.157 Sprinkler 2004 28.57 24.00 5.6 26.030 Sprinkler 2005 27.09 24.00 5.6 23.403 Sprinkler 2006 27.16 24.00 5.6 23.515 Sprinkler 2007 27.58 24.00 5.6 24.253 Sprinkler 2008 27.73 24.00 5.6 24.516 Sprinkler 2009 28.46 24.00 5.6 25.826 Sprinkler 2010 27.45 24.00 5.6 24.028 Sprinkler 2011 26.95 24.00 5.6 23.156 Sprinkler 2012 27.04 24.00 5.6 23.319 Sprinkler 2013 27.45 24.00 5.6 24.033 Sprinkler 2014 26.35 24.00 5.6 22.134 Sprinkler 2015 25.64 24.00 5.6 20.960 Sprinkler 2016 25.38 24.00 5.6 20.540 Sprinkler 2017 25.18 24.00 5.6 20.223 Sprinkler 2018 24.09 24.00 5.6 18.502 c Sprinkler 2019 24.00 24.00 5.6 18.367 Sprinkler 2020 24.32 24.00 5.6 18.863 Sprinkler 2021 26.14 24.00 5.6 21.796 Sprinkler 2022 28.33 24.00 5.6 25.597 Sprinkler 2023 28.39 24.00 5.6 25.706 Sprinkler 2024 28.68 24.00 5.6 26.228 Sprinkler 2025 30.83 24.00 5.6 30.305 Sprinkler 2026 30.95 24.00 5.6 30.547 Sprinkler 2027 31.37 24.00 5.6 31.389 Sprinkler 2028 32.41 24.00 5.6 33.503 Sprinkler . 2029 30.77 24.00 5.6 30.192 Sprinkler 2030 30.89 24.00 5.6 30.432 Sprinkler 2031 31.32 24.00 5.6 31.272 Sprinkler 2032 32.35 24.00 5.6 33.379 ' Most Demanding Sprinkler Data , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 5/18/2021 9:52:36AM Page 3 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Supply Analysis Node Name Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) @ (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) (gpm) Required Pressure (psi) Water Supply 117.900 97.200 1 2700.00 113.679 1143.17 73.643 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 4 4-0 71.994 5 4-0 71.512 6 -5-0 66.268 8 4-0 63.992 9 1-0 Gauge 62.087 22 4-0 72.208 100 28-9 48.546 101 28-9 47.297 102 29-3 45.242 103 28-9 47.086 104 29-3 45.229 105 28-9 46.888 106 29'-3 45.216 107 28-9 46.704 108 29'-3 45.191 109 28-9 46.531 110 29-3 45.151 111 28-9 46.368 112 29-3 45.094 ,© M.E.P.CAD. Inc. ffl AutoSPRINK 2018 5/18/2021 9:52:39AM Paqe 4 I 1 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 113 28-9 46.215 114 29'-3 45.019 115 28-9 46.071 116 29-3 44.923 117 28'-9 45.936 118 29-3 44.806 119 28-9 45.808 120 29'-3 44.666 121 28-9 45.689 122 29-3 44.501 123 28-9 45.578 124 29-3 44.300 125 28-9 45.477 126 29-3 44.065 127 28-9 45.384 128 29'-3 43.797 129 28-9 45.299 130 29-3 43.488 131 28-9 45.223 132 29-3 43.129 133 28'-9 45.156 134 29-3 43.235 135 28-9 45.097 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. EJ AutoSPRINK 2018 5/18/2021 9:52:39AM Page 5 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 136 29'-3 43.371 137 28'-9 45.046 138 29-3 43.478 139 28-9 45.032 140 29-3 43.560 141 28-9 45.027 142 29-3 43.584 143 28-9 45.021 144 29-3 43.611 145 28-9 45.017 146 29'-3 43.640 147 28-9 45.014 148 29-3 43.656 149 28-9 45.013 150 29-3 43.664 151 28-9 45.013 152 29-3 43.673 200 28-9 45.034 201 13-7 50.955 202 13-7 50.955 203 13-7 50.736 204 13-7 49.880 213 13-7 49.916 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. igAutoSPRINK 2018 5/18/2021 9:52:39AM Page 6 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 215 13-1 42.299 216 1381,4 35.045 217 13-1 42.263 218 13-8% 34.208 219 13-1 42.320 220 13'-1 42.401 221 13-1 42.568 222 13-1 44.532 223 141Oh/2 43.835 224 29-3 39.062 225 29'-3 39.971 226 29-3 43.082 227 14-10% 42.166 228 14-10% 42.003 897 32-5% 43.275 1252 29-3 44.385 2101 13-3 30.195 2102 13-8% 30.341 2103 13-8% 30.822 2104 13'-8% 32.513 2105 13-8% 31.161 2106 13-8% 31.315 2107 13-8% 32.332 &© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. jAutoSPRlNK 2018 v14.4.5.0 5/18/2021 9:52:39AM Paqe 7 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 2108 1381/2 32.694 2109 1381/2 32.248 2110 1381/2 32.022 2111 13-8% 30.820 2112 13-8% 31.044 2113 138h/2 32.028 2114 13-8% 29.409 2115 13-8% 27.788 2116 13-8% 27.207 2117 13-3 26.968 2118 14-10% 25.480 2120 14-10% 26.211 2121 13-8% 28.943 2122 13-8% 34.183 2123 13'-8% 34.332 2124 13-8% 35.051 2125 14-10% 37.537 2126 14-10% 37.849 2127 14-10% 38.937 2128 14-101/2 41.665 2129 14-10% 37.390 2130 14-10% 37.701 2131 14-10% 38.785 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 5/18/2021 9:52:39AM Paqe 8 I LI I I I I I I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 2132 141O1/2 41.504 4-0 Supply 73.643 1143.17 21 2-0 Hydrant 70.011 250.00 2001 9-6 Sprinkler 22.559 26.60 2002 9-6 Sprinkler 22.809 26.74 2003 9-6 Sprinkler 23.157 26.95 2004 9-6 Sprinkler 26.030 28.57 2005 9-6 Sprinkler 23.403 27.09 - 2006 9-6 Sprinkler 23.515 27.16 2007 9-6 Sprinkler 24.253 27.58 .2008 9-6 Sprinkler 24.516 27.73 2009 9-6 Sprinkler 25.826 28.46 .2010 9-6 Sprinkler 24.028 27.45 2011 9-6 Sprinkler 23.156 26.95 2012 9-6 Sprinkler 23.319 27.04 2013 9-6 Sprinkler 24.033 27.45 2014 9-6 Sprinkler 22.134 26.35 2015 9-6 Sprinkler 20.960 25.64 2016 9-6 Sprinkler 20.540 25.38 2017 9-6 Sprinkler 20.223 25.18 2018 9-6 Sprinkler 18.502 24.09 2019 9-6 Sprinkler 18.367 24.00 2020 9-6 Sprinkler 18.863 24.32 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 5/18/2021 9:52:39AM Paqe 9 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 2021 9-6 Sprinkler 21.796 26.14 2022 9-6 Sprinkler 25.597 28.33 2023 9-6 Sprinkler 25.706 28.39 2024 9-6 Sprinkler 26.228 28.68 2025 9-6 Sprinkler 30.305 30.83 2026 9-6 Sprinkler 30.547 30.95 2027 9-6 Sprinkler 31.389 31.37 2028 9-6 Sprinkler 33.503 32.41 2029 9-6 Sprinkler 30.192 30.77 2030 9-6 Sprinkler 30.432 30.89 - 2031 9-6 Sprinkler 31.272 31.32 2032 9-6 Sprinkler 33.379 32.35 2 -3-0 73.614 3 4-0 72.346 Date: 5/18/2021 I I ,©M.E.p.cAD, Inc. JOAutoSPRINK2018v14.4.5.0 5/18/2021 9:52:39AM Page 10 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (PQ and shown as na"ve value. Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) -- - -- Total Flow Actual ID __________ Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 2019 9-6 5.6 24.00 i (See Notes) 4-9% 120 18.367 Route I ..... Sprinkler, T(5'-O), P0(5-0), fd(37-0) 47-0 0.182334 -2.330 2118 14-10% 24.00 1.0490 5191/ 9.443 2118 14l01/2 24.09 11-0% 120 25.480 Flow (q) from Route 2 0.066167 2120 14'-lO% 48.09 1.6820 11-0% 0.731 2120 14-10% 24.32 1% (See Notes) 5'lO% 120 26.211 Flow (q) from Route 3 2E(4'-ll%) 9-11 0.141091 0.506 2121 13-8% - 72.41 1.6820 15-9% 2.226 2121 13-8% 26.14 1% (See Notes) 33'0% 120 28.943 Flow (q) from Route 7 2E(4'-11%), P0(9-il) 19-9% 0.249558 0.271 220 13-1 98.55 1.6820 52-10 13.188 220 13'-1 - 264.80 3 1-6 120 42.401 Flow (q) from Route 4 0.111146 221 13-1 . 363.35 3.2600 1-6 0.167 221 -----. 13' 1 854 P 3 (See. Notes) - - 2'6% 120 42.568 - Flow (q) from Route 20 - E(9'-5) 9-5 0 11--111/2 .164251 -0.000 222 13-1 - 448.76 3.2600 1.964 222 13'-1 4 1'-9% 120 44.532 - 0.044633 -0.777 14'-lO% - - 448.76 4.2600 1-9% 0.080 223 14-1 oh 250.90 4 14-4% 120 43.835 Flow (q) from Route 25 0.101500 -6.232 224 29-3 - ---- 699.66 4.2600 14-4% 1.459 224 29-3 4 (See Notes) 01 0 120 39.062 fE(8'-ll%) 811h/2 0.101500 -0.000 225 29-3 699.66 4.2600 8-11% 0.909 225 29'-3 4 (See Notes) 9'7 120 39.971 fT(21'-l) 21'-1 0.101500 -0.000 226 29-3 699.66 4.2600 30'-8 3.111 226 29-3 4 1-1% 120 43.082 0.041542 132 29-3 - -- 431.69 4.2600 0.047 JAutoSPRINK 2018 v14.4.5.0 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 11 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as fl2JI', V5'U I Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 132 29-3 4 10-0 120 43.129 I I 0.035852 130 29-3 398.65 4.2600 0.359 130 29-3 4 10,-0 120 43.488 I 0.030986 101-0 128 29-3 368.42 4.2600 0.310 128 29-3 4 10-0 120 43.797 126 29 340.61 0.026798'-3 4.2600 0.268 126 29'-3 4 10-0 120 44.065 0.235 1 0.023503 124 29-3 317.29 4.2600 124 29'-3 4 4-0 120 44.300 - 1 .021135 0.021135 '-0 1252 29-3 - 299.59 4.2600 4-0 0.085 1252 29-3 • 4 6-0 120 44.385 - 0.019315 122 29-3 285.35 4.2600 6-0 0.116 122 29'-3 4 10-0 120 44.501 - I 0.016530 120 29-3 . 262.32 4.2600 10,-0 0.165 120 29-3 4 10,-0 120 44.666 1 0.014011 118 29-3 239.90 4.2600 0.140 118 29-3 4 10.-0 120 44.806 0.011698 116 29-3 217.60 4.2600 10,-c 0.117 116 29'-3 4 10,-0 120 44.923 0.095 I 0.009550 114 29-3 195.00 4.2600 114 29'-3 4 10,-0 120 45.019 1 0.007548 112 29'-3 171.72 4.2600 0.075 ,,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 12 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal lb Fittings & Devices uiv. Eq. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 112 29-3 4 10-0 120 45.094 0.005688 110 29'-3 147.37 4.2600 0.057 110 29-3 4 10,-0 120 45.151 108 29' -- 121.64 0.003989-3 4.2600 io'-o 0.040 108 29'-3 4 10-0 120 45.191 0.002492 106 29-3 - - 94.33 4.2600 0.025 106 29-3 4 10-0 120 45.216 0.001260 104 29'-3 65.25 4.2600 0.013 104 29-3 2 (See Notes) 138'1 120 45.229 P0(12-31/2) 21(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 49-2% 0.008759 0.217 103 . 28'-9 . .31.02 2.1570 187-3% 1.640 103 ' 28-9 827.92 6 101-0 120 47.086 Flow (q) from Route 9 - 0021118 10C 28'-9 85895 63570 10 0 0.211 101 28-9 34.22 6 (See Notes) - - 29-10% 120 47.297 Flow (q) from-Route 45 - - 2fE(12-7), TOR 25-2 0.022701 100 28-9 - - 893.17 6.3570 55'-O 1.249 100 28'-9 6 (See Notes) 31'-4% 120 48.546 2E(17'-7), BOR 352h/2 0.022701 12.030 9 1.-0 893.17 6.3570 66-7 1.511 9 1-0 8 (See Notes) 91-10 140 62.087 LtE(22-0%), PIV(6-91/2) 28-10 0.004419 1.734 8 -3-0 893.17 8.3900 38'8 0.171 8 -3'-0 8 (See Notes) 139'2 150 63.992 - E(22'-111/2), T(44'-8), 2LtE(16'- 1001-10 0.005870 0.867 6 -5-0 893.17 7.7100 240-0 1.409 6 -6-0 8 (See Notes) 170 140 66.268 T(59'-4'/2), BFP(-5.601), 2LtE( 2201/2) 103-6 0.004419 -0.867 5 4-0 893.17 8.3900 116-6 6.111 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK 2018 v1 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 13 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node I Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (P0 and shown as a nejathre ,aIug. I I Fitting (Foot) ___________ Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) ________________ Friction(Pf) _______ 5 -3-0 8 (See Notes) 20'9 150 71.512 LtE(16'-7), T(44-8) 1 61-3 0.005870 4 -3-0 893.17 7.7100 82-0 0.481 4 -3-0 8 (See Notes) 150 71.994 EE(11'-6) I 11-6 0.003239 3 4-0 - 647.70 7.7100 108'-9/2 0.352 3 4-0 250.00 8 (See Notes) 1901 11 150 72.346 Flow (q) from Route 33 E(22--1 11/2) 22-11% 0.005925 2 4-0 897.70 7.7100 21310h/2 1.267 2 4-0 245.47 8 (See Notes) 311/ 150 73.614 Flow (q) from Route 70 Water Supply I I 0.009267 -3-0 1143.17 7.7100 3-1'/2 0.029 0.00 73.643 Hose Allowance At Source Total(Pt) Route 1 I 1143.17 2018 9-6 5.6 24.09 1 (See Notes) 381/2 120 18.502 Route 2•••• Sprinkler, T(5'-O), PO(5-O),fd(37'-O) - I 47-0 0.183566 -2.330 2118 14'-10% 24.09 1.0490 50'-8/2 9.309 -1 25.480 Total(Pt) Route 2 2020 9-6 5.6 24.32 1 (See Notes) 591/2 120 18.863 ••••• Route 3 ..... Sprinkler, 2E(2-0), P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 46-0 0.186880 -2.330 2120 14'-10% - 24.32 1.0490 51-9% 9.678 26.211 Total(Pt) Route 3 I 2017 9'-6 5.6 25.18 1 (See Notes) 0-0 120 20.223 ••••• Route 4..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37-0) 42'-0 0.199310 -1.626 2117 13-3 25.18 1.0490 42-0 8.371 2117 13-3 11/2 (See Notes) 12'0 120 26.968 2E(4--1 1%) Flow (q) from Route 5 0.581 I 91-11 0.019996 120 -0.199 2116 2116 13-8% 13-8% - 25.18 25.38 1.6820 1% 21-11 8-0 0.438 27.207 0.072605 2115 13- 81/2 50.56 1.6820 8 -0 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 14 Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush I Job Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information I Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, I Node 2 Elev 2 Total Flow Actual ID 'i Ii Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total (Foot) (Q) (Foot) (Foot) (psi)Friction(Pf) directly to (P0 and shown as lug. riy9 I 2115 13-8% 25.64 10-5% 120 27.788 Flow (q) from Route 6 2114 13-8% 76.20 1.6820 0.155061 10-5% 1.621 2114 13-8% 26.35 1% (See 7'11% 120 29.409 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 8 • 9-11 218 13-8% 102.55 1.6820 0.268586 T(9'-11) 17101,/2 4.799 218 13-8% 81.44 1% (See 01-0 120 34.208 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 11 9'-11 0.271 219 13-1 183.99 1.6820 0.792037 P0(9-11) 9-11 7.841 - 219 13-1 80 . 81 3 1-4 120 42.320 Flow (q) from Route 14 13'-1 264.80 3.2600 1 220 0.061899 1-4 0.082 42.401 Total(Pt) Route 4 I 2016 9-6 5.6 25.38 1 (See O'O 120 20.540 Route 5••••• Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.824 Notes) -_-_--__ 2116 13'- 13-8% - 25.38 1.0490 0.202195 PO(5'-0),fd(37-0) 42,-0 8.492 I - .1 27.207 Total(Pt) Route 5 -, - • 2015 9'-6 5.6 25.64 1 (See 120 20.960 ..... Route6..... Notes) I Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.824 -- 2115 13'-81/,. 25.64 1.046d - - 0206019 P0(5 0) fd(37 0) 42 0 8653 27.788 Total(Pt) Route 6 2021 9'-6 5.6 26.14 1 (See [ 0-0 120 21.796 Route 7 ..... I Notes) ,Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.824 2121 13-8% 26.14 1.0490 0.213608 PO(5'-0),fd(37-0) , 42-0 8.972 28.943 Total(Pt) Route 7 2014 9-6 5.6 26.35 1 (See T 0-0 120 22.134 Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.824 Notes) I 2114 2114 13-8% 26.35 1.0490 0.216669 PO(5'-0),fd(37'-0) 9.100 I 29.409 Total(Pt) Route 8 ••"• Route 9••••• 2001 9'-6 5.6 26.60 1 (See 0-0 120 22 . 559 Sprinkler, 42-0 -1.626 Notes) 2101 13'-3 26.60 1.0490 0.220521 P0(50), fd(37'-o) 42-0 9.262 (,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 15 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/20211 Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes I Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) Equiv. Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Node 2 Elev 2 Total Flow Actual ID Length Loss Per Unit (psi) when applicable, are added Total (Foot) (Q) (Foot) (Foot) Friction(Pt) directly to (Pf) and shown as S nogv2 2101 13-3 1% 5-8 (See 120 30.195 I 9-11 -0.199 Notes) 13.81/2 26.60 1.6820 0.022123 2E(4'-111/2)2102 156h/2 0.344 I 2102 13.81/2 26.74 11/2 6-0 120 30.341 Flow (q)from Route 10 I 0.080162 2103 13-8% 53.34 1.6820 6-0 0.481 2103 13-8% 26.95 11/2 9,-li 120 30.822 Flow (q) from Route 12 0.1708 11 2104 13-8% 80.29 1.6820 9-11 1.691 2104 13-8% 28.57 1% (See 16'lo% 120 32.513 14-10 0.271 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 23 215 13-1 108.86 1.6820 0.299988 E(4'-11%), P0(9-I1) 31'-8% 9.515 215 13'-i 84.65 3 (See 163.91/2 120 42.299 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 68 61-3 -0.217 204 13-7 193.51 3.2600 0.034649 1(20-2), fEE(3'-5%), 3fE(6'-8% 225'-O% 7.798 fT(17'-5%) 204 13-7 3 28-0 120 49.880 -0.000 203 13'-7 180.89 3.2600 0.030585 28'-O 0.856 - 203 1-7 12.62 3 6-4 120 50.736 Flow (q) from Route 34 0.034649 202 13-7 193.51 3.2600 6-4 0.219 202 13'-7 4 0-0 120 50.955 0.009415 I 201 13-7 193.51 4.2600 0,-c 0.000 201 13'-7 4 (See 25-3 120 50.955 4421/2 -6.575 Notes) I 200 28-9 193.51 4.2600 0.009415 2fE(8'-li%), mecT(26'-4) 69-51/2 0.654 200 28'-9 179.42 6 2'-6% 120 45.034 Flow (q) from Route 35 0.004512 137 28'-9 372.93 6.3570 2-6% 0.012 137 28'-9 27.73 6 10-0 120 45.046 Flow (q) from Route 60 I 0.005152 135 28'-9 1 400.67 6.3570 10-0 0.052 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 16 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step Nominal ID Fittings & Devices uiv. E Length oo) Length (Foot) t CFac or Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as valuw. Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID __________ Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 135 28-9 29.42 6 10-0 120 45.097 aegatime Flow (q) from Route 59 0.005873 133 28'-9 430.09 6.3570 0.059 133 28-9 31.40 6 10-0 120 45. 156 Flow (q) from Route 55 0.006691 131 28'9 461.49 6.3570 10-0 0.067 131 28-9 33.04 6 10-0 120 45.223 Flow (q) from Route 46 0.007604 - - - --- - 129 28-9 - - - 494.52 6.3570 10-0 0.076 129 28-9 30.23 6 10-0 120 45. 299 Flow (q) from Route 63 0.008486 127 28-9 524.75 6.3570 0.085 127 28'9 27.81 6 10-0 120 45.384 - Flow (q) from Route 52 0.009337 125 28-9 . .552.56 6.3570 101-0 0.093 - 125 - 28-9 -- 2332 6 - 10-0 120 45.477 Flow (q) from Route 43 -- - 0.010079 123 28'9 - - - - 575.88 6.3570 10-0 0.101 123 28-9 31.94 -6 10-0 120 45.578 Flow (q) from Route 53 - 0.011138 121 28'-9 - - - -- - - 607.82 6.3570 10-0 0.111 121 28-9 23.04 6 10-0 120 45.689 Flow (q) from Route 36 - 011931 0.011931 1-0 119 289 63085 63570 100 0.119 119 28-9 22.42 6 10-0 120 45. 808 Flow (q) from Route 50 0.012727 117 28'9 653.27 6.3570 10-0 0.127 117 28-9 22.30 6 10-0 120 45. 936 Flow (q) from Route 49 0.013543 115 28-9 675.57 6.3570 10-0 0.135 115 28-9 22.60 6 10'-O 120 46.071 Flow (q) from Route 62 0.014393 113 28-9 698.17 6.3570 10-0 0.144 ,,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 17 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/20211 Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes I Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting (Foot) ___________ Pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) Equiv. Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, -- Node 2 Elev 2 Total Flow Actual ID Length Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total (Foot) (Foot) (Foot) (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to (Pt) and shown as 113 28'-9 23.29 6 10'-0 120 46. 215 I 0.015293 Flow (q)from Route 51 111 28'-9 721.45 6.3570 101-0 0.153 I 111 28'-9 24.35 6 101-0 120 46. 368 Flow (q) from Route 57 0.016262 109 28'-9 745.80 6.3570 10,-U 0.163 109 28'-9 25.72 6 101-0 120 46. 531 Flow (q) from Route 61 0.017315 107 28-9 i 771.53 6.3570 10,-U 0.173 107 28-9 27.31 6 10,-U 120 46.704 I 0.018466 Flow (q) from Route 44 105 28'-9 798.84 6.3570 10,-U 0.185 105 28-9 29.08 6 10-0 120 46. 888 Flow (q) from Route 66 I 0.019729 103 28'-9 827.92 6.3570 10,-U 0.197 47.086 Total(Pt) Route 9 22.809 "" Route lO"" I U -U 120 2002 9'-6 5.6 26.74 1 (Seé - _______ Notes) Sprinkler, - 42-0 -1.824 2102 --I 13-8% 26.74 1.0490 0.222775 P0(5-U), fd(37-0) 42-U 9.357 30.341 Total(Pt) Route 10 2011 9'-6 5.6 26.95 1 (See 01-0 120 23.156 •••.• Route ll..... I 42-0 -1.824 Notes) Sprinkler, 2111 13-8% I 26.95 1.0490 0.225909 P0(5-U), fd(37'-O) 42'-U 9.488 2111 13-8% 1% 9'-ll 120 30.820 0.022664 2112 13-8% 26.95 1.6820 9-11 0.225 2112 13-8% 27.04 1% 12-U 120 31.044 Flow (q) from Route 13 0.081970 2113 13-8% 53.99 1.6820 12-0 0.984 13-8% 27.45 1% (See 2'6% I2113 120 32.028 Flow (q) from Route 17 9-11 Notes) - 218 13-8% 81.44 1.6820 0.175370 1(9-11) 12-5 2.180 34.208 Total(Pt) Route 11 j,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. r1fi AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 18 Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as p pgirnvalaw- Elev(Pe) Friction(Pf) 23.157 Route 12 ..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) -1.824 9.489 30.822 Total(Pt) Route 12 23.319 ••• Route 13..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) -1.824 9.550 31.044 Total(Pt) Route 13 23.403 ••• Route 14 ..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) -1.824 9.582 31.161 0.154 31.315 Flow (q) from Route 15 1.017 32.332 Flow (q) from Route-1 8 T(9 1) 2.713 35.045 Flow (q) from Route 16 Flow PO(8'-O) 0.271 6.946 42.263 IJob Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Futtings& Length C Factor Node 0 e (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) - q, Fitting Pf Friction Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length Total (psi) (Foot) (Foot) 2003 9-6 5.6 26.95 1 (See 01 0 120 -- Notes) 2103 1381/2 26.95 1.0490 ::'i: 0.225923 2012 9-6 5.6 27.04 1 (See 00 120 42-0 2112 13-8% 27.04 1.0490 0.227381 42'-0 2005 9'-6 5.6 27.09 1 (See 01 0 120 • Notes) 42-0 - 2105 13-8% 27.09 1.0490 0.228143 42-0 _2105 - 3'-8% iv2 681/2 120 - . -. -- - 2106 13-8% 27.09 1.6820 0.022888 6-8% 210 13-8% 27.16 1% 1231,/2 120 2107 138% 54.25 1.6820 0.082694 12-3% 13-8% 27.58 11/z (See 551,4 120 2107 Notes) 9-11 216 13'-8/2 - - 8183 - 1.6820 0.176898 15-4 216 13-8% 83.64 1% (See 0'7% 120 Notes) 8-0 217 13-1 165.46 1.6100 0.805382 8-7% 217 13-1 3 8-3 120 13-1 80.81 3.2600 0.006888 219 8-3 Date: 5/18/2021 0.057 (See 0'0 120 Notes) 42-0 0.229148 42-0 42.320 J Total(Pt) Route 14 23.515 Route 15 ..... Sprinkler, PO(5'-O), fd(37-0) -1.824 9.624 31.315 Total(Pt) Route 15 2006 9-6 5.6 27.16 1 2106 13-8% 27.16 1.0490 I I, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 19 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as I Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per U • (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) . Frrction(Pf) 2010 9'-6 5.6 27.45 1 (See Notes) 0-0 120 24.028 Route 16..... Sprinkler, PO(5'-0),fd(37'-0) 42-0 0.233769 -1.824 2110 13-8% 27.45 1.0490 420 9.818 2110 13-8% 9-8 120 32.022 0.023453 2109 13-872 27.45 1.6820 9-8 0.226 2109 13-8% 28.46 V,' 5-1 120 32.248 Flow (q) from Route 22 0.087442 2108 13-8% 55.91 1.6820 5-1 0.446 2108 13-8% 27.73 11/2 (See Notes) 21O% 120 32.694 Flow (q) from Route 19 T(9-11) I -11 .184210 0.184210 '-9 216 13-81/2 83.64 1.6820 12-9 2.351 35.045 Total(Pt) Route 16 2013 9'-6 5.6 27.45 1 (See Notes) 0-0 120 24.033 ... Route 17..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 42'-0 0.233810 -1.824 - 2113 13-8% - 27.45 1.0490 42-0 9.820 32.028 Total(Pt) Route 17 - I 2007 9'-6 5.6 27.58 1 (See Notes) - 0-0 120 24.253 " Route 18..... Sprinkler, - PO(5'-0),fd(37'-0) I 42-0 0.235794 -1.824 - 2107 - 13-8% - 27.58 1.0490 42-0 9.903 - 32.332 Total(Pt) Route 18 2008 9-6 5.6 27.73 1 (See Notes) 01-0 120 24.516 Route 19..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 42-0 0.238159 -1.824 2108 13-8% 27.73 1.0490 42-0 10.003 32.694 Total(Pt) Route 19 2022 9-6 5.6 28.33 1 (See Notes) 0-0 120 25.597 Route 2O ..... Sprinkler, P0(5-0), fd(37'-O) 42-0 0.247860 -1.824 2122 13-8% 28.33 1.0490 42-0 10.410 2122 13-8% 1% 6-0 120 34.183 r:6;0:: 0.02 4866 2123 13-8% 28.33 1.6820 0.149 I © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 20 - Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information E levi Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Node 2 Elev 2 Total Flow Actual ID Equiv. Length (Foot) Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total ________________ (Foot) (Q) (Foot) (Foot) (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to (PQ and shown as 2123 1381/2 28.39 VI 8-0 120 34.332 Flow (q) from Route 21 2124 13-8% 56.73 1.6820 0.089818 8-0 0.719 2124 1381/2 28.68 11/2 (See 1801/2 120 35.051 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 24 19-9% 0.271 221 13-1 85.40 1.6820 0.191479 2E(4'-ll%), P0(9-il) 37-10 7.246 42.568 Total(Pt) Route 20 ••••• Route 21•"•• 2023 9-6 5.6 28.39 1 (See 01 0 120 25.706 Notes) Sprinkler, 42'-0 -1.824 2123 13-8% 28.39 1.0490 0.248831 PO(5'-0),fd(37'-0) 42-0 10.451 34.332 Total(Pt) Route 21 2009 9-6 5.6 28.46 1 (See O'O 1 120 - 25.826 ..... Route 22. Notes) t Sprinkler, 33-0 -1.824 2109 13-8% 28.46 1.0490 33-0 0.249904 P0(5-0), fd(28'-O) 8.247 32.248 Total(Pt) Route 22 - 2004- 9'-6 5.6 :28.57 I (See 0-0 120 26.030 Route 23 ..... Notes) Sprinkler, 33-0 -1.824 2104 . 13-8% 28.57 1.0490 0.251734 P0(5-0), fd(28'-O) 8.307 .- __________ I _____ _________ _____ _________ ______ 32.513 Total(Pt) Route 23 26.228 Route 24 ..... 2024 9'-6 5.6 28.68 1 (See 0-0 120 Notes) Sprinkler, 42'-0 -1.824 0.253504 2124 13-8% 28.68 1.0490 PO(5'O), fd(37'-O) - 42-0 1 10.647 35.051 Total(Pt) Route 24 2029 9-6 5.6 30.77 1 (See 0-0 120 30.192 ••••• Route 25••••• Notes) Sprinkler, 33'0 -2.330 2129 14-10% 30.77 1.0490 0.288748 P0(5-0), fd(28'-O) 33-0 9.529 2129 14-10% 1% 10-9 120 37.390 0.028968 2130 14-10% 30.77 1.6820 10'-9 0.311 2130 14-101/2 30.89 1% 10'-4 120 37.701 Flow (q) from Route 27 2131 14-10% 61.66 1.6820 0.104815 1.084 (//, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 21 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/20211 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes I Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent (q) Fitting Length) Equiv. (Foot) Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Pressure Losses, Node 2 Elev 2 Total Flow Actual ID Length Total Loss Per Unit (psi) when applicable, are added (Foot) (Foot) (Foot) Friction(Pf) directly to (POand shown as 14101/2 31.32 1% (See 451, I2131 120 38.785 Flow (q) from Route 29 Notes) 9-11 228 14-101/2 92.98 1.6820 14-4% 0.224073 3.218 P0(9-1I) A 228 141O1/2 32.35 3 10-6 120 42.003 Flow (q) from Route 31 227 14-10% 125.33 3.2600 10-6 0.015513 0.163 227 14-10% 93.15 + 32.41 3 (See 2'-11 120 42.166 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 26 and I 26-10% -0.000 32 223 14-10% 250.90 3.2600 0.056022 fE(6'-8%), P0(20-2) 29-9% 1.669 43.835 Total(Pt) Route 25 2025 9'-6 5.6 30.83 1 (See 0-0 120 30.305 Route 26..... Notes) Sprinkler, 33-0 -2.330 I 2125 14-10% 30.83 1.0490 0.289753 P0(5-0), fd(28'-0) 33-0 9.562 2125 14-101/2 11/2 101-9 120 37.537 I 2126 14-10% 30.83 1.6820 0.029069 10-9 0.312 10-4 120 37.849 1 2126 14'-101/2 30.95 1% Flow (q) from Route 28 2127 1410h/2 61.78 1.6820 0.105180 10-4 1.088 - I 2127 14'-10% 31.37 11/2 (See 4'-5% 120 38.937 Notes) Flow (q) from Route 30 9-11 j 227 14-10% 93.15 1.6820 0.224853 ______________ P0(9-11) 14 -4% 3.229 42.166 Total(Pt) Route 26 2030 9-6 5.6 30.89 1 (See 0-0 120 30.432 ' .. . Route 27. Notes) _______ ____________ Sprinkler, - 33-0 -2.330 2130 14-10% 30.89 1.0490 0.290877 P0(5-0), fd(28'-O) 33-0 9.599 37.701 Total(Pt) Route 27 0-0 120 30.547 . .. . Route 28 ..... 2026 9-6 5.6 30.95 1 (See Notes) Sprinkler, 33-0 -2.330 2126 14-10% 30.95 1.0490 0.291889 PO(5'-O), fd(28-0) 33'-O 9.632 37.849 Total(Pt) Route 28 I © M.E.P.cAD, Inc. j AutoSPRINK 2018 I , #2- Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 22 Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev(Pe) when applicable, are added Friction(Pf) directly to (Pf) and shown as a n2Jat'v9 v'l. 31.272 Route 29•• Sprinkler, -2.330 P0(5-0), fd(28'-O) 9.844 38.785 Total(Pt) Route 29 31.389 "•• Route 3O••••• Sprinkler, -2.330 PO(5'-O), fd(28-0) 9.878 38.937 Total(Pt) Route 30 33.379 ..... Route 31..... Sprinkler, -2.330 P0(5-0), fd(28'-O) 10.456 41.504 0.499 PO(9'-ll) 42.003 Total(Pt) Route 31 33.503 ••••• Route 32••••• Sprinkler, -2.330 P0(5-0), fd(28'-O) 10.492 iLII 0.501 PO(9'-ll) - - - 42.166 Total(Pt) Route 32 70.011 .Route 33 ..... LtE(14'-2) 2.168 0.030 72.208 GV(3-101/2), T(38'-l1%) 0.000 0.138 72.346 Total(Pt) Route 33 49.916 Route 34 ..... Flow (q) from Route 69 2E(4-11%), T(9-11), PO(9'-l1) -0.000 0.821 50.736 Total(Pt) Route 34 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Pf Friction Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. Fitting (Foot) Loss Per Unit Node 2 (Foot) Actual ID Length Total (psi) (Foot) (Foot) 2031 9-6 5.6 31.32 1 (See 00 120 Notes) 33-0 2131 1410h/2 31.32 1.0490 33-0 0.298290 2027 9-6 5.6 31.37 1 (See OO 120 33'-O 14101/2 31.37 1.0490 0.299326 2127 33'0 2032 9-6 5.6 32.35 1 (See 01 0 120 • Notes) 33-0 2132 14101/2 32.35 1.0490 0.316834 2132 14-10%_ - 1% (See 5-9% 120 Notes) 9-11 228 14-10% 32.35 1.6820 1581/2 0.031786 2028. 9-6 - 5.6 32.41 1 (See OO 120 33'-O 2128 . 14'-lO% 32.41 1.0490 0.317931 33'0 2128 140_ i% (See 5'9% 120 Notes) 9-11 227 14-101/2 32.41 1.6820 15-8% 0.031896 21 2'-0 250.00 6 (See 3'0 140 Notes) 14'-2 22 4-0 250.00 6.2800 0.001718 17-2 22 -3-0 6 (See 23'4% 150 - Notes) 42-10 3 -3'-0 250.00 5.8800 0.002083 66-3 213 13'-7 12.62 1% (See 117'7% 120 -- Notes) 29-8% 203 13-7 12.62 1.6820 147-4 0.005570 Date: 5/18/2021 (,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JAutoSPRINK 2018 v14.4.5.0 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 23 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Elev i Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes 1 Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) Equiv. Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, I Node 2 Elev 2 - Total Flow Actual ID Length Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total _________________ (Foot) (Q) (Foot) (Foot) (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to (PQand shown as a nejative value. _______ 139 28-9 154.63+24.79 6 V51/2 120 45.032 Route 35 ..... Flow (q) from Route 37 and 54 200 28-9 179.42 6.3570 0.001165 151/2 0.002 45.034 Total(Pt) Route 35 122 29'-3 2 (See 143-2 120 44.501 ••••• Route 36 ..... I Notes) P0(12-31/2) 49-2% 0.217 121 28'-9 23.04 2.1570 0.005049 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-31/2) 192-5 0.972 45.689 Total(Pt) Route 36 1 141 28-9 128.01 + 26.62 6 6-0 120 45.027 ..... Route 37..... Flow (q) from Route 38 and 65 0.000885 139 28-9 154.63 6.3570 ______________ 6-0 0.005 45.032 Total(Pt) Route 37 143 28-9 - 102.04+25.97 6 1 10-0 120 45.021 Route 38..... Flow (q) from Route 39 and 48 141 28'-9 128.01 6.3570 0.000624 ____________ 10-0 0.006 45.027 Total(Pt) Route 38 145 28-9 76.46+25.58 6 101 -0 120 45.017 Route 39 ..... - - _____ - Flow (q) from Route 40 and 56 0.000410 143 28-9 -. 102.04 6.3570 _________ ______________ 10-0 0.004 45.021 Total(Pt) Route 39 147 28-9 51.14 +25.32 6 10-0 120 45.014 ••"• Route 4O I Flow (q) from Route 41 and 64 0.000241 145 28-9 76.46 6.3570 ______________ 10-0 0.002 45.017 Total(Pt) Route 40 149 28-9 25.96+25.18 6 101-0 120 45.013 "" Route 41" I Flow (q) from Route 42 and 58 147 28-9 51.14 6.3570 0.000114 ______________ 10,-0 0.001 45.014 Total(Pt) Route 41 151 28'-9 25.96 6 10-0 120 45.013 ••"• Route 42 ..... - Flow (q) from Route 47 0.000033 149 28-9 25.96 6.3570 10,-0 0.000 45.013 Total(Pt) Route 42 1 &@ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 24 2 I (See I 138'-I 120 Notes) 49-21/2 2.1570 18731/2 0.006920 4 (See Notes) 101-0 26-4 4.2600 36-4 2 (See Notes) 138-1 36-11 2.1570 175-0 - 2 -- (See. Notes) "141-6% 49-2% 2.1570- 190-9 4 - 6-0 4.2600 6-0 4 10,-0 4.2600 101-0 4 10,-0 4.2600 101-0 4 10,-0 4.2600 10,-0 120 0.000382 120 0.010502 120 0.009839 120 0.004383 120 0.002882 120 0.001690 120 0.000803 Date: 5/18/2021 Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as Elev(Pe) Friction(Pf) 44.065 a naga 1" vsl'•2. Route 43 ..... P0(12-3%) 2T(12'-3%), fT(10'-51/,), 3fE(4'- 3%), P0(12-3%) 0.217 1.195 ___________ 45.477 Total(Pt) Route 43 45.191 ..... Route 44 ..... P0(12-3%) 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 0.217 1.296 46.704 Total(Pt) Route 44 45.229 "•• Route 45..... Flow (q) from Route 1 P0(26-4) 0.014 45.242 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 0.217 1.838 47.297 Total(Pt) Route 45 43.129 Route 46..... P0(12-3%) 2T(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 0.217 1.877 45.223 Total(Pt) Route 46 43.584 ••••• Route 47..... 0.026 43.611 0.029 43.640 0.017 43.656 0.008 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) (q) ___________ Fitting Pf Friction I EIev 2 Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit Node 2 (Foot) - ----------- Total (Q) Actual ID Len gthF(Foot) Total (psi) (Foot) 126 29-3 2 (See I 158'9 120 Notes) 72-7% 125 28-9 23.32 2.1570 0.005164 2314h/2 I 108 29-3 I 107 28-9 27.31 104 29-3 31.02 I 102 102 29-3 29-3 34.22 101 - 28-9 34.22 ----I .12 I 131 28-9 33.04 142 29-3 - 1 144 144 29'-3 29-3 128.01 146 29-3 102.04 146 29-3 1 148 29-3 76.46 148 29-3 150 29'-3 51.14 I I (/, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 25 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Pipe Information Node I El (Fo v 1 e ot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (P0 and shown as I Fitting (Foot) ___________ Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 150 29'-3 4 (See Notes) 10,-0 120 43.664 PO(26'.4) I 26'-4 0.000229 152 29'-3 25.96 4.2600 364 0.008 152 29'-3 2 (See Notes) 141'5 120 43.673 2T(1231/2), P0(12-3%) 36'11 0.006298 0.217 151 28-9 - 25.96 2.1570 178-4 1.123 45.013 Total(Pt) Route 47 144 29-3 2 (See Notes) 140-1 120 43.611 Route 48 ..... P0(12'31 2T(17-3%), P0(12-3%) 49'-2% 0.006303 0.217 143 28-9 25.97 2.1570 189-4 1.193 45.021 Total(Pt) Route 48 118 29-3 2 (See Notes) 142-9 120 44.806 ••••• Route 49•••• P0(12-3%) P0(12-3%) 0.913 %), I 49-21/2 0.004755 0.217 117 28'-9 22.30 2.1570 191 2T(12'-3-11% 45.936 Total(Pt) Route 49 120 29-3 - 2 (See Notes) 143'-6 120 44.666 Route 5O..... P0(12-3%) - 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) I 49-2 V2 0.004802 0.217 119 28'-9 22.42 2.1570 192-9 0.926 - - 45.808 Total(Pt) - Route 50 1 114 29'-3 2 (See Notes) 140'11 120 45.019 Route 51..... P0(12-3%) 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 1 49'-2% 0.005151 0.217 113 28'-g 23.29 2.1570 190-2 0.980 46.215 Total(Pt) Route 51 128 29'-3 2 (See Notes) 142-2 120 43.797 ••••• Route 52..... P0(12-3%) 2T(12'-3% ), P0(12-3%) I 49-2% 0.007155 0.217 127 28'-9 27.81 2.1570 191-4% 1.369 45.384 Total(Pt) Route 52 124 29'-3 2 (See Notes) 91-9% 120 44.300 "•• Route 53..... P0(12-3%) T(12'-3%) I 24-7% 0.003102 -1.387 897 32'-5% I 17.70 2.1570 116-5 0.361 897 32-5% 14.24 2 (See Notes) 511 1 120 43.275 Flow (q) from Route 67 T(12'-3%), PO(12'-3%) 24'-7% 0.009243 1.604 123 28'-9 31.94 2.1570 75'-8 0.699 f,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JAutoSPRlNK2018v14.4.5.0 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 26 IJob Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Date: 5/18/2021 Information Pipe Total(Pt) Node 1 Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Length (Foot) Total Flow Loss Length (Foot) C Factor Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as yalu. Equiv.(Foot) Fitting Pf Friction Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 45.578 J Total(Pt) Route 53 226 29'-3 431.69 4 8101/2 120 43.082 ••••• Route 54•"•• Flow (q) from Route I 0.017195 134 29-3 267.97 4.2600 810h/2 0.153 134 29-3 4 10-0 120 43.235 0.013654 136 29'-3 236.58 4.2600 0.137 136 29'-3 4 10-0 120 43.371 0.010680 138 29'-3 - 207.15 4.2600 10-0 0.107 138 29-3 4 10-0 120 43.478 0.008186 101-0 140 29-3 - 179.42 4.2600 0.082 140 29-3 - 4 4-0 120 43.560 0.006082 142 29-3 - 152.80 - 4.2600 40 0.024 • 142 -. 29-3 - 2 (See - Notes) . 150'-o% 120 43.584 mecl(12,-3/z) 2fT(10'-5%), 4fE(4-3%), mecl( 123h/2) 62-9 0.005785 0.217 139. - -. 28-9 24.79 ---. -2.1570 212-10 . 1231 - .. 134 29'-3 2 (S &e 1411 120 Notes) 49'-2% 133 28-9 31.40 2.1570 19031/2 0.008954 45.032 Total(Pt) Route 54 43.235 Route 55"" 2T(1231/2), P0(12-3%) 0.217 1.704 45.156 Total(Pt) Route 55 1 146 29-3 2 (See Notes) 140'2 120 43.640 ..... Route 56"" 2T(12'-31/2), P0(12-3%) 49-2% 0.006127 0.217 145 28-9 25.58 2.1570 1894h/2 1.160 45.017 Total(Pt) Route 56 112 29 -3 2 (See 139'-8Y2 120 Notes) 49-2% 111 28'-9 24.35 2.1570 188'-111A 0.005594 45.094 "" Route 57 P0(12-3%) 21(12-31/2), P0(12-3%) Total(Pt) Route 57 0.217 1.057 46.368 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 v14.4.5.0 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 27 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) __________ (q) Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit Total Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length (psi) (Foot) (Foot) Friction(Pf) Date: 5/18/2021U Notes I Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as aus n nag- a.. . p1WV. 150 29-3 2 (See Notes) 140-11 120 43.664 Route 58 ..... P0(12'-3 2T(12'-3%), P0(12-3%) 49-2% 0.005953 0.217 149 28-9 25.18 2.1570 190-1% 1.132 45.013 Total(Pt) Route 58 136 29-3 2 (See Notes) 140'-9% 120 43.371 ••••• Route 59•••• P0(12-3%) 21(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 49-2% 0.007941 0.217 135 28-9 29.42 2.1570 190-0 1.509 45.097 Total(Pt) Route 59 138 29-3 2 (See Notes) 140'-6 120 43.478 ••••• Route 6O ..... P0(12-3%) 21(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 49-2% 0.007118 0.217 137 28'-9 27.73 2.1570 189-81/2 1.351 45.046 Total(Pt) Route 60 110 29-3 2 (See Notes) 138-6 120 45.151 ••••• Route 61 ..... P0(12-3%) 2P0(12'-3%), 1(12-3%) 492h/2 0.006194 0.217 109 28-9 25.72 2.1570 187-9 1.163 46.531 Total(Pt) Route 61 116 29-3 2 (See 141-10 120 44.923 ••"• Route 62 ..... - - - - - -- _- Not Notes) P0(12-3%) 49-2% 0.217 115 289- 22.60 2.1570 0.004874 2T(12'-3%), PO(12'3%) - 191'-1 0.931 46.071 Total(Pt) Route 62 141'-9% 120 43.488 ..... Route 63..... 130 29-3 2 (See - Notes) P0(12-3%) - 49-2 % 0.217 129 28-9 30.23 2.1570 0.008347 21(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 191-0 1.594 45.299 Total(Pt) Route 63 148 29'-3 2 (See 140-51/2 120 43.656 ..... Route 64.. ... Note P0(12-3%) / 49-2% 0.217 147 28-9 25.32 2.1570 0.006016 2T(12'-31/2), P0(12-3%) 189-8 1.141 45.014 Total(Pt) Route 64 140 29-3 2 (See 140'3 120 43.560 ••"• Route 65 ..... Notes) . P0(12-3%) 49-2% 0.217 141 28-9 26.62 2.1570 0.006598 21(12'-31/2), P0(12-3%) , 189-5/2 1.250 45.027 Total(Pt) Route 65 Inc. I ,©M.E.P.CAD, JAutoSPRlNK 2018 #2- Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 28 Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (PO and shown as 2 n292tiv9 v2lug. Elev(Pe) Friction(Pf) 45.216 Route 66 ..... P0(12-3%) 21(12-3%), P0(12-3%) 0.217 1.456 46.888 Total(Pt) Route 66 44.385 •••" Route 67••••• mecT(12-3%) 2fT(10'-5%), fE(4'-3%) -1.387 0.277 43.275 Total(Pt) Route 67 42.263 ••••• Route 68•••• Flow (q) from Route 14 0.036 42.299 Total(Pt) Route 68 49.880 ••••• Route 69•"•• fT(17'-5%) E(9-5), 3fE(6'-8%), PO(20'-2) -0.000 0.035 49.916 Total(Pt) Route 69 71.994 . ..... Route 7O ..... Flow (q) from Route 1 4EE(11'-6), E(22'-11 %), 21(44' -8) 1.620 73.614 Total(Pt) Route 70 I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area I Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Node I (Foot) Devices K-Factor this step Nominal ID (Foot) __________ (q) Fitting I - - Pf Friction Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit Node 2 (Foot) Actual ID Length Total (psi) (Foot) (Foot) 106 29-3 2 (See 1381 120 Notes) 49-2% 105 28'-9 29.08 2.1570 187-3% 0.007773 1252 29-3 2 (See 95101,/2 120 Notes) 376h/2 897 32-5% 14.24 2.1570 133-5 0.002073 217 13'-1 80.81 3 4-10 120 215 13-1 84.65 3.2600 4-10 0.007506 204 13-7 3 (See 92'-8 120 I Notes) 67-2% 213 13'-7 .12.62 3.2600 159-10 0.000222 4 4-0 647.70 8 (See 2851'7 150 ___________ - Notes) 158-3 2 . -0 - 245.47 7.7100 3O09'-lO 0.000538 -3 I I I I I I I Date: 5/18/2021 - [/, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. ffl AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:43AM Page 29 Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (Cr120 only) Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 ( \ =Factor Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter J Date: 5/18/2021 Value - Value OfC 100 130 140 150 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 I ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 900 cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DelV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90° Elbow EE 45° Elbow Eel 11%° Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 900 FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 450 FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GIoV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2018 #2 - Lab Area 5/18/2021 9:52:42AM Page 30 - Water Supply Summary Sheet Node: I - ____ tT - tic Pessure --- 143.17 117.900- 0 113.679 2700.00 @ 97.200 I _ ___ ___ II 17730_________ - 4 em demand cue - 1 1 lIIIIIII liii liii III liii II II I I I I &© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2018 5/18/2021 9:52:28AM Paqe 2 .11111111 LJ.LJ.0 UL.LJ.J..LLJ 0550 fl00 1650 2200 -. 2750 3300- 4400 3850 Flow - gpm 5 4950 500 I I I I Job Name: Thermo Fisher - Project Gold Rush Remote Area Number: #2 - Lab Area 12 I I I I I I 1 Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 5/18/2021 I I -w ! AEFJL j PR D T C C T I D NI .- Western Fire Protection Inc. I I I ThermoFisher Scientific I Gold Rush Tenant Improvement I 5781 Van Allen Way I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I - Automatic Wet Fire Sprinkler System 21-3573-02 I I Seismic Calculations I I I I I I I 5-18-2021 I 13630 Danielson Street 9 Poway, CA 92064 9 Phone: (858) 513-4949 • Fax: (858) 513-1322 "ZW EE~: S i - r F - :FR;Z*N:, Western Fire Protection Inc. 1 I I I I I I I I 13630 Danielson Street • Poway, CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 513-4949 • Fax: (858) 513-1322 I TOLBraceTM Seismic Bracing Calculations Contractor: Western Fire Protection Project Address: ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Address: 13630 Danielson Street FJON Poway, CA 92064 5781 Van Allen Way Phone: 858-513-4949 PusgWos(uwfde Carlsbad, California 92008 License: 588039 Job # 21-3573-02 Calculations based on 2016 NFPA Pamphlet #13 Brace Information TOLCOTM Brace Components Maximum Brace Length 7'0" (2.134 m) TOLCOTM Component Listed Load Adjusted Load Diameter of Brace 1" Sch.40 Fig. 1001 Clamp 1200 lbs (544 kg) 1200 lbs (544 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) 1970 lbs (894 kg) Type of Brace Sch. 10 Fig.825Across Beam 1360 lbs (617 kg) N/A Angle of Brace 450 Mm. .Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading *Please Note: These calculations are for TOLCOTM components only. Use of any other components voids these calculations and the listing of the assembly. Least Rad. of Gyration 0.42" (11 mm) Seismic Brace Assembly Detail LIR Value 200 Max Horizontal Load 1310 lbs (594 kg) TOLCO FIG. 825 BAR JOIST SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT Other ReQuirements - FM Approved Loads TOLCO FIG. 980 Fastener Information UNIVERSAL SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT 021 Orientation to Connecting Surface NFPA Type E STEEL PIPE Fastener Type Fig.825 Across Beam / Diameter N/A / Length N/A Maximum Load 1360 lbs (617 kg) TOLCO FIG. 1001 FAST CLAMP Brace Identification on Plans BR1 Prying Factor N/A T . - Brace Type Lateral [X] Longitudinal [ ] 4-Way Sprinkler System Load Calculation (Fpw = CpWp) Cp = 0.5034 Diameter Type Length Total Length Weight Per Unit Length Total Weight 4(100mm) Sch. 10 40 ft (12.2 m) 40 ft (12.2 m) 11.78 lb/ft (17.53 kg/m) 471 lbs (214 kg) Subtotal Weight 471 lbs (214 kg) Wp (incl. 15%) 542 lbs (246 kg) Main Size Type/Sch. Spacing (ft) 40 Sch. 10 40 I Total (Fpw) Maximum Fpw per (if applicable) 273 lbs (124 kg) 769 lb (348 kg) I orace version at use OT I uLerace - is sunjeci to terms ana conaltuons per tne ena user iicense agreement TOLBraceTM Seismic Calculations ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Job #21-3573-02 E1.I'[.IlI 5781 Van Allen Way POKT*V own= WOMWO Brace Identification BR1 Brace Type (Per NFPA#13) NFPA Type E Braced Pipe (ft) 4 Sch.10 Steel Pipe Spacing of Brace 40 0 (12.19 m) Orientation of Brace Lateral Bracing Material 1 Sch.40 Maximum Brace Length 7 0 (2.13 m) Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation 200 True Angle of Brace for Calculation 45 Type of Fastener Fig.825 Across Beam Length of Fastener N/A Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 4 Sch.10 Steel Pipe (101.6 mm) 140 ft (12.2 m) G-Factor Used 0.5034 Allowance for Heads and Fittings 15% Conclusions Total Adjusted Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence 273 lbs (124 kg) Material Capacity 1310 lbs (594 kg) Fastener Capacity 1360 lbs (617 kg) Fig. 1001 Clamp 1200 lbs (544 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) Structural Member (E) BAR JOIST Calculations prepared by Grant Coito * The description of the Structural Member is for informational purposes only. TOLBrac&* software calculates the brace assembly only, not the structure it is attached to. Calculated with TOLBrace' 8 Visit us at www.tolco.com TOLBraceTM Seismic Bracing Calculations Contractor: Western Fire Protection Project Address: ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Address: 13630 Danielson Street ET•N Poway, CA 92064 5781 Van Allen Way Phone: 858-513-4949 Carlsbad, California 92008 License: 588039 Job #21-3573-02 Calculations based on 2016 NFPA Pamphlet #13 Brace Information TOLCOTM Brace Components Maximum Brace Length 7'0" (2.134 m) TOLCOTM Component Listed Load Adjusted Load Diameter of Brace 1" Sch.40 Fig. 4L Clamp 730 lbs (331 kg) 730 lbs (331 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) 1970 lbs (894 kg) Type of Brace Sch. 10 Fig.825 Along Beam 630 lbs (286 kg) N/A Angle of Brace 450 Mm. .Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading *Please Note: These calculations are for TOLCOTM components only. Use of any other components voids these calculations and the listing of the assembly. Least Rad. of Gyration 0.42" (11 mm) Seismic Brace Assembly Detail L/R Value 200 TOLCO FIG. 825 Max Horizontal Load 1310 lbs (594 kg) BAR. JOIST SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT Other Requirements - FM Approved Loads TOLCO FIG. 980 UNIVERSAL SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT o:I STEEL PIPE Fastener Information - Orientation to Connecting Surface NFPA Type H Fastener / / Type Fig.825 Along Beam Diameter N/A TOLCO FIG. 4L PIPE CLAMP FOR 0 SWAY BRACING . Length N/A Maximum Load - . 630 lbs (286 kg) - 0 Brace Identification on Plans BR2 PryingFádtoFT - Brace Type Lateral [ ] Longitudinal [X] 4-Way Sprinkler System Load Calculation (Fpw = CpWp) Cp = 0.5034 Diameter - Type Length Total Length Weight Per Unit Length Total Weight 4" (100 mm) Sch. 10 80ft(24.4m) 80ft(24.4m) 11.78 lb/ft (17.53 kg/m) 942 lbs (427 kg) Subtotal Weight 942 lbs (427 kg) Wp (incl. 15%) 1083 lbs (491 kg) Main Size Type/Sch. Spacing (ft) 4" Sch. 10 80 I Total (Fpw) Maximum Fpw per (if applicable) 545 lbs (247 kg) I N/A UOLBrace"" Version 81 Use of TOLBrace is subject to terms and conditions per the end user license agreement I I I I I I I I I I I I Fi I I I I TOLBraceTM Seismic Calculations ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Job #21-3573-02 FAXON 5781 Van Allen Way ttv*tg &I3 l4 Brace Identification BR2 Brace Type (Per NFPA#13) NFPA Type H Braced Pipe (ft) 4" Sch.10 Steel Pipe Spacing of Brace 80'0" (24.38 m) Orientation of Brace Longitudinal Bracing Material 1" Sch.40 Maximum Brace Length 7'0" (2.13 m) Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation 200 True Angle of Brace for Calculation 450 Type of Fastener Fig.825 Along Beam Length of Fastener N/A Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 4 Sch.10 Steel Pipe (101.6 mm) 180 ft (24.4 m) G-Factor Used 0.5034 Allowance for Heads and Fittings 15% Conclusions Total Adjusted Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence 546 lbs (248 kg) Material Capacity 1310 lbs (594 kg) Fastener Capacity 630 lbs (286 kg) Fig. 4L Clamp 730 lbs (331 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) Structural Member (E) BAR JOIST Calculations prepared by Grant Coito * The description of the Structural Member is for informational purposes only. TOLBrace'° software calculates the brace assembly only, not the structure it is attached to. Calculated with TOLBrace* 8 Visit us at www.tolco.com TOLBraceTM Seismic Bracing Calculations Contractor: Western Fire Protection Project Address: ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Address: 13630 Danielson Street Em'[•N Poway, CA 92064 5781 Van Allen Way Phone: 858-513-4949 Carlsbad, California 92008 License: 588039 Job #21-3573-02 Calculations based on 2016 NFPA Pamphlet #13 Brace Information TOLCOTM Brace Components Maximum Brace Length TO" (2.134 m) TOLCOTM Component Listed Load Adjusted Load Diameter of Brace 1" Sch.40 Fig. 1001 Clamp 1200 lbs (544 kg) 1200 lbs (544 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) 1970 lbs (894 kg) Type of Brace Sch. 10 See Fastener Information Angle of Brace 45° Min.*Please *Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading Note: These calculations are for TOLCOTM components only. Use of any other components voids these calculations and the listing of the assembly. Least Rad. of Gyration 0.42(11 mm) Seismic Brace Assembly Detail LIR Value 200 Max Horizontal Load 1310 lbs (594 kg) TOLCO FIG. 980 UNIVERSAL SWAY BRACE Other Requirements - FM Approved Loads ATTACHMENT ol Fastener Information STEEL PIPE Orientation to Connecting Surface NFPATypé E Fastener , Type Bolt / Diameter 1/2n. (12 mm) + S Length N/A TOLCO FIG. 1001 Maximum Load 2050 lbs (930 kg) FAST CLAMP Brace Identification on Plans BR3 Pqift—g Factor Brace Type Lateral [X] Longitudinal [1 4-Way Sprinkler System Load Calculation (Fpw = CpWp) Cp= 0.5034 Diameter Type Length Total Length Weight Per Unit Length Total Weight 3(80mm) Sch. 10 30ft(9.1 m) 30ft(9.1 m) 7.94 lb/ft (11.82 kg/m) 238 lbs (108 kg) 1.5' (40 mm) Sch. 10 130 ft (39.6 m) 130 ft (39.6 m) 3.04 lb/ft (4.52 kg/m) 395 lbs (179 kg) 1" (25 mm) Sch. 40 5 ft (1.5 m) 5 ft (1.5 m) 2.05 lb/ft (3.05 kg/m) 10 lbs (5 kg) Subtotal Weight 643 lbs (292 kg) Wp (incl. 15%) 739 lbs (335 kg) Main Size 3" Type/Sch. Sch. 10 Spacing (ft) 30 Total (Fpw) Maximum Fpw per (if applicable) 372 lbs (169 kg) 633 lb (287 kg) froLBrace Version 81 Use of TOLBraceTM Is subject to terms and conditions per the end user license agreement I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOLBraceTM Seismic Calculations ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Job #21-3573-02 E111.N 5781 Van Allen Way wvy*g MR= ftAmft Brace Identification BR3 Brace Type (Per NFPA#13) NFPA Type E Braced Pipe (ft) 3" Sch.10 Steel Pipe Spacing of Brace 30 0 (9.14 m) Orientation of Brace Lateral Bracing Material 1 Sch.40 Maximum Brace Length 7'0" (2.13 m) Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation 200 True Angle of Brace for Calculation 45" Type of Fastener 1/2 (12mm) Bolt Length of Fastener N/A Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 3 Sch.10 Steel Pipe (76.2 mm) 30 ft (9.1 m) 1.5 Sch.10 Steel Pipe (38.1 mm) 130 ft (39.6 m) 1" Sch.40 Steel Pipe (25.4 mm) 5 ft (1.5 m) G-Factor Used 0.5034 Allowance for Heads and Fittings 15% Conclusions Total Adjusted Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence 373 lbs (169 kg) Material Capacity 1310 lbs (594 kg) Fastener Capacity 2050 lbs (930 kg) Fig. 1001 Clamp 1200 lbs (544 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) Structural Member C-CHANNEL Calculations prepared by Grant Coito * The description of the Structural Member is for informational purposes only. T01-Brace"" software calculates the brace assembly only, not the structure it is attached to. Calculated with T0LBrac&" 8 Visit us at ww.tolco.com TOLBraceTM Seismic Bracing Calculations Contractor: Western Fire Protection Project Address: ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Address: 13630 Danielson Street E r '•N Poway, CA 92064 - — 5781 Van Allen Way Phone: 858-513-4949 popffldny Carlsbad, California 92008 License: 588039 Job #21-3573-02 Calculations based on 2016 NFPA Pamphlet #13 Brace Information TOLCOTM Brace Components Maximum Brace Length TO" (2.134 m) TOLCOTM Component Listed Load Adjusted Load Diameter of Brace 1" Sch.40 Fig. 4L Clamp 730 lbs (331 kg) 730 lbs (331 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) 1970 lbs (894 kg) Type of Brace Sch. 10 See Fastener Information Angle of Brace 450 Mm. *Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading Please Note: These calculations are for TOLCOIM components only. Use of any other components voids these calculations and the listing of the assembly. Least Rad. of Gyration 0.42" (11 mm) Seismic Brace Assembly Detail L/R Value 200 TOLCO FIG. 980—. J' Max Horizontal Load 1310 lbs (594 kg) ATTACHMENT Other Requirements - FM Approved Loads UNIVERSAL SWAY BRACE, , STEEL PIPE Fastener Information Orientation to Connecting Surface NFPA Type H Fastener -..- Type Bolt TOLCO FIG. 4L PIPE CLAMP FOR"\ \ / Diameter - .1 /2fl. (12 mm) SWAY BRACING It ---- Length N/A ------- e-) Maximum Load -. -1830 lbs (830 kg) --. ---' Brace Identification on Plans BR4 Prying Factor - - N/A - Brace Type Lateral [] Longitudinal [X] 4-Way Sprinkler System Load Calculation (Fpw = CpWp) Cp = 0.5034 Diameter Type Length Total Length Weight Per Unit Length 17.94 Total Weight 780 mm) Sch. 10 80ft(24.4rn) 80ft(24.4m) lb/ft (11.82 kg/m) 635 lbs (288 kg) Subtotal Weight 635 lbs (288 kg) Wp (incl. 15%) 730 lbs (331 kg) Main Size Type/Sch. 3" Sch. 10 Spacing (ft) 80 I Total (Fpw) Maximum Fpw per (if applicable) 368 lbs (167 kg) N/A (roLBrace Version 81 Use of TOLBraceTM is subject to terms and conditions per the end user license agreement TOLBraceTM Seismic Calculations ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Job #21-3573-02 FAXON 5781 Van Allen Way Pbivtiog 8VWi Brace Identification BR4 Brace Type (Per NFPA#13) NFPA Type H Braced Pipe (ft) 3" Sch.10 Steel Pipe Spacing of Brace 80'0" (24.38 m) Orientation of Brace Longitudinal Bracing Material 1" Sch.40 Maximum Brace Length 7'0" (2.13 m) Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation 200 True Angle of Brace for Calculation 450 Type of Fastener 1/2 (12mm) Bolt Length of Fastener N/A Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 3" Sch.10 Steel Pipe (76.2 mm) 180 ft (24.4 m) G-Factor Used 0.5034 Allowance for Heads and Fittings 15% Conclusions Total Adjusted Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence 368 lbs (167 kg) Material Capacity 1310 lbs (594 kg) Fastener Capacity 1830 lbs (830 kg) Fig. 4L Clamp 730 lbs (331 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) Structural Member C-CHANNEL Calculations prepared by Grant Coito * The description of the Structural Member is for informational purposes only. T01-Brace" software calculates the brace assembly only, not the structure it is attached to. Calculated with TOLBrace* 8 Visit us at www.tolco.com TOLBraceTM Seismic Bracing Calculations Contractor: Western Fire Protection Project Address: ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Address: 13630 Danielson Street FMTDN Poway, CA 92064 5781 Van Allen Way Phone: 858-513-4949 Carlsbad, California 92008 License: 588039 Job # 21-3573-02 Calculations based on 2016 NEPA Pamphlet #13 Brace Information TOLCO TM Brace Components Maximum Brace Length 7'0" (2.134 m) TOLCOTM Component Listed Load Adjusted Load Diameter of Brace 1" Sch.40 Fig. 1001 Clamp 1200 lbs (544 kg) 1200 lbs (544 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) 1970 lbs (894 kg) Type of Brace Sch. 10 Fig.828 Across Beam 2220 lbs (1007 kg) N/A Angle of Brace 450 Mi 0Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading 0Please Note: These calculations are for TOLCOTM components only. Use of any other components voids these calculations and the listing of the assembly. Least Rad. of Gyration 0.42" (11 mm) Seismic Brace Assembly Detail LIR Value 200 Max Horizontal Load 1310 lbs (594 kg) TOLCO Fig 828 Other Reuuirements - FM Approved Loads Fastener Information TOLCO Fig 980 Orientation to Connecting Surface NFPA Type B Fastener Type Fig.828 Across Beam 4 fri Diameter N/A Length N/A TOLCO Fig 1001 Maxi,iium Load 2220 lbs (1007 kg) Brace Identification on Plans BR5 Pryin9 Factor N/A - - Brace Type Lateral [X] Longitudinal [] 4-Way - Sprinkler System Load Calculation (Fpw = CpWp) Cp = 0.5034 Diameter Type Length Total Length Weight Per Unit Length Total Weight 3" (80 mm) Sch. 10 30 ft (9.1 m) 30 ft (9.1 rn) 7.94 lb/ft (11.82 kg/m) 238 lbs (108 kg) 1.5" (40 mm) Sch. 10 215 ft (65.5 m) 215 ft (65.5 rn) 3.04 lb/ft (4.52 kg/m) 654 lbs (297 kg) Subtotal Weight 892 lbs (405 kg) Wp (incl. 15%) 1026 lbs (465 kg) Main Size 3" Type/Sch. Sch. 10 Spacing (ft) 30 Total (Fpw) Maximum Fpw per (if applicable) 516 lbs (234 kg) 633 lb (287 kg) ii uorace....version use OT iuorace - is suoject to terms ann conaitions per me ena user iicense agreement TOLBraceTM Seismic Calculations ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Job #21-3573-02 FOXON 5781 Van Allen Way PuwñJ!g8,eaaWxktw*!e Brace Identification BR5 Brace Type (Per NFPA#13) NFPA Type B Braced Pipe (ft) 3" Sch.10 Steel Pipe Spacing of Brace 30 0" (9.14 m) Orientation of Brace Lateral Bracing Material 1" Sch.40 Maximum Brace Length 7' 0" (2.13 m) Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation 200 True Angle of Brace for Calculation 450 Type of Fastener Fig.828 Across Beam Length of Fastener N/A Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 3" Sch.10 Steel Pipe (76.2 mm) 130 ft (9.1 m) 1.5 Sch.10 Steel Pipe (38.1 mm) 1215 ft (65.5 m) G-Factor Used 0.5034 Allowance for Heads and Fittings 15% Conclusions Total Adjusted Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence 516 lbs (234 kg) Material Capacity 1310 lbs (594 kg) Fastener Capacity 2220 lbs (1007 kg) Fig. 1001 Clamp 1200 lbs (544 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) Structural Member I-BEAM Calculations prepared by Grant Coito * The description of the Structural Member is for informational purposes only. TOLBrace'0 software calculates the brace assembly only, not the structure it is attached to. Calculated with TOLBrace'0 8 Visit us at www.tolco.com 1 TOLBraceTM Seismic Bracing Calculations Contractor: Western Fire Protection Project Address: ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Address: 13630 Danielson Street FAXON Poway, CA 92064 5781 Van Allen Way Phone: 858-513-4949 Carlsbad, California 92008 License: 588039 Job #21-3573-02 Calculations based on 2016 NFPA Pamphlet #13 Brace Information TOLCO Tm Brace Components Maximum Brace Length 7'0" (2.134 m) TOLCOTM Component Listed Load Adjusted Load Diameter of Brace 1" Sch.40 Fig. 41- Clamp 730 lbs (331 kg) 730 lbs (331 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) 1970 lbs (894 kg) Type of Brace Sch. 10 Fig.828 Across Beam 2220 lbs (1007 kg) N/A Angle of Brace 45° Min. .Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading Please Note: These calculations are for TOLCOTM components only. Use of any other components voids these calculations and the listing of the assembly. Least Rad. of Gyration 0.42" (11 mm) Seismic Brace Assembly Detail LJR Value 200 Max Horizontal Load 1310 lbs (594 kg) TOLCO Fig 828 Other Requirements - FM Approved Loads TOLCO Fig 980 Fastener Information 0 Orientation to Connecting Surface NFPA Type B Fastener Type Fig8 Across Beam Diameter . N/A - - -: TOLCO Fig 4L Length N/A Maximum Load 2220 lbs (1007 kg) --V Brace Identification on Plans BR6 Prying Factor ITT N7 = TT. Brace Type Lateral [ ] Longitudinal [X] 4-Way Sprinkler System Load Calculation (Fpw = CpWp) Cp = 0.5034 Diameter Type Length - ... Total Length Weight Per Unit Length Total Weight 3(80mm) Sch. 10 80ft(24.4m) 80ft(24.4m) 7.94 lb/ft (11.82 kg/m) 635 lbs (288 kg) Subtotal Weight 635 lbs (288 kg) Wp (incl. 15%) 730 lbs (331 kg) Main Size Type/Sch. 3" Sch. 10 Spacing (ft) 80 Total (Fpw) Maximum Fpw per (if applicable) 368 lbs (167 kg) N/A ii uLerace version si use ot IULbrace is subject to terms ana conairions per me ena user uicense agreement I I TOLBraceTM Seismic Calculations ThermoFisher - Project Gold Rush Job #21-3573-02 ETON 5781 Van Allen Way Brace Identification BR6 Brace Type (Per NFPA#13) NFPA Type B Braced Pipe (ft) 3 Sch.10 Steel Pipe Spacing of Brace 80'0" (24.38 m) Orientation of Brace Longitudinal Bracing Material 1" Sch.40 Maximum Brace Length 7'0" (2.13 m) Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation 200 True Angle of Brace for Calculation 45 Type of Fastener Fig.828 Across Beam Length of Fastener N/A Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 3 Sch.10 Steel Pipe (76.2 mm) 180 ft (24.4 m) G-Factor Used 0.5034 Allowance for Heads and Fittings 15% Conclusions Total Adjusted Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence 368 lbs (167 kg) Material Capacity 1310 lbs (594 kg) Fastener Capacity 2220 lbs (1007 kg) Fig. 4L Clamp 730 lbs (331 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1970 lbs (894 kg) Structural Member I I-BEAM Calculations prepared by I Grant Coito * The description of the Structural Member is for informational purposes only. TOLBracel software calculates the brace assembly only, not the structure it is attached to. Calculated with TOLBrac&' 8 Visit us at www.tolco.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Western Fire Protection Inc. ThermoFisher Scientific Project Gold Rush TI 5781 Van Allen Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Automatic Wet Fire Sprinkler System 20-3573-02 Product Submittal 5-18-2021 13630 Danielson Street 9 Poway, CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 513-4949 • Fax: (858) 513-1322 I SECTION DESCRIPTION CONTENTS 1. SPRINKLERS I E. F. GLOBE GL-QR UPRIGHT GL5615 GLOBE GL-QR SEMI-RECESSED PENDENT GL5601 GLOBE GL-SR UPRIGHT GL8 164 VICTAULIC V3605 DRY PENDENT SR RELIABLE G5-56 PENDENT WITH G5 SR GASKET RA3415 VICTAULIC VICFLEX SERIES AH2-CC BRAIDED FLEXIBLE HOSE -I -- PIPE & FITTINGS BULL MOOSE SCH 10 & SCH 40 BLACK STEEL PIPE WHEATLAND SCH 10 & SCH 40 BLACK STEEL PIPE TEX-TUBE SCH 10 & SCH 40 BLACK STEEL PIPE VICTAULIC FIRELOCK FITTINGS VICTAULIC FIRELOCK RIGID COUPLING #009N VICTAULIC FIRELOCK RIGID COUPLING #005H VICTAULIC FIRELOCK FLEXIBLE COUPLING #75 VICTAULIC No. 50 CONCENTRIC GROOVED REDUCER VICTAULIC STYLE 750 REDUCING COUPLING VICTAULIC STYLE 920 MECHANICAL-I BOLTED BRANCH OUTLET VICTAULIC STYLE 922 MECHANICAL-I BOLTED BRANCH OUTLET MERIT WELDED OUTLET FITTINGS SMITH COOPER DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS SMITH COOPER CAST IRON THREADED FITTINGS 0. VICTAULIC FIRELOCK IGS FOR 1" PIPE 2. 1 I 3. VALVES -- A. WATTS SERIES 709 DCDA BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY -- 4. HANGERS & EQB I -- I --------- - - = A. TOLCO FIG 200 ADJUSTABLE BAND HANGER TOLCO FIG 25 SURGE RESTRAINER TOLCO FIG 100 ALL THREAD ROD I D. TOLCO FIG 980 SWIVEL SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT - E. TOLCO FIG 4L IN-LINE SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT TOLCO FIG 1001 SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT TOLCO FIG 828 UNIVERSAL SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT I TOLCO FIG 825 BAR JOIST SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT ERICO CADDY BRANCH LINE RESTRAINT TOLCO FIG 65XT REVERSIBLE STELL C-TYPE BEAM CLAMP I TOLCO FIG 69 BEAM CLAMP RETAINING STRAP TOLCO FIG 58 THREADED SIDE BEAM BRACKET POWERS SNAKE+ THREADED SCREW ANCHOR ' DeWALT SUSPENDER DUAL-DIRECTIONAL 5. MISCELLANEOUS I A. ARGCO FIRE SPRINKLER SPARE HEADBOX B. ARGCO FIRE SPRINKLER IDENTIFICATION SIGNS MATERIALS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED WITH LISTED EQUAL DUE TO PRODUCT AVAILABILITY* I GI.1IBE 4077 SERIES GL-QR STANDARD COVERAGE, QUICK RESPONSE UPRIGHT, PENDENT & RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS K-FACTOR: 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, 8.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Globe Series GL-QR sprinklers are Listed Quick Response sprinklers which utilize a 3mm frangible glass bulb as the thermosensitive operating element. These sprinklers are available in upright, pendent, and recessed pendent orien- tations. They are Listed and Approved as Standard Cover- age sprinklers and are to be installed in accordance with the guidelines of the appropriate Installation Standard being mandated by the AHJ (i.e. NFPA 13; FM 2-0). These sprin- klers are available in various K-factors, temperatures and finishes as shown. Recessed escutcheons with either 1/2' or %" vertical adjustment are available (See Approvals Ta- bles for appropriate sprinkler/escutcheon combinations and Listings). Some pendent models are additionally available with a special "Seismic" escutcheon to meet the IBC-ASCE/ SEI 7 requirements for use in seismic design categories C, D & E. i ZI RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT SEISMIC IBC!ASCE/SEI CODES FINISHES AND ACCESSORIES Finishes Factory Bronze • Chrome • White Polyester Black Polyester - special order Escutcheons Brass• Chrome • White Polyester. Black Polyester Wrenches Standard• Recess • 1/2" NPT • 3/4" NPT - OPERATION Upon exposure to heat such as from a fire, the fluid in the bulb expands, compressing the air bubble within the bulb. When the air bubble can no longer compress, the fluid ex- pansion causes breakage of the glass bulb, resulting in re- - leaseof the water -seat assembly, and discharge of water from the sprinkler. TECHNICAL DATA SIN Upright: GL2815, GL4215, GL5615, GL8115, GL8118 Pendent, Recessed Pendent: GL2801 GL4201, GL5601, GL8I0I, GL8106 Approvals cULus•FM'LPCB•CE See Approval Tables Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (l2bar) Factory tested to 500 psi (34 bar) Minimum Operating Pressure 7 psi (48 kPa) Temperature Rating See Approval Tables Materials of Construction Frame - bronze • Deflector - brass • Screw - brass Lodgement Wire - stainless steel • Bulb seat - copper Spring - nickel alloy• Seal - teflon Bulb - glass with alcohol based solution, 3mm Escutcheon Assembly - carbon steel SEP 2019 NOTE: Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be expected when exposed to corrosive atmospheres. Although corrosion resistant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the applicable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible corrosive atmo- spheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these coatings for any given corrosive environment. The effects of ambient temperature, concentration of chemicals, humidity, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. NOTE: Users should refer to Globe's web site (www.globesprinkler.com) to ensure that the most recent technical literature is being utilized. GFS-1 00 PAGE 1 OF 6 INSTALLATION NOTICE Do not install any bulb-type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is loss of liquid from the bulb. Sprinklers should be tightened enough to obtain a leak-tight joint when water pressure is applied and/or hydrostatic test is performed. Sprinklers should not be overtightened as this can result in distortion and subsequent leak- age. It is recommended not to exceed 14 ft.-lb. (19.0 Nm) torque for 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler threads; 20 ft.-lb. (26.8 Nm) to 3/4 inch NPT threads. Stepi. Sprinklers must be properly oriented. Step2. With pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprin- kler fitting. Note: Do not grasp the sprinkler by the deflector. Step3. Wrench-tighten the sprinkler using only the appropriate wrench. Wrenches are only to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats or wrench hex as applicable. Note: Do not apply wrench to frame arms. FIGURE 1: STANDARD SPRINKLER WRENCH V NPT P/N 325390 %" NPT P/N 312366 FIGURE 2: RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH V NPT PIN 325391 %" NPT P/N 325401 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Prior to installation, it is important to read and follow the "Sprinkler Caution" sheet (GFS-840) included within each box of sprinklers. This sheet is available on Globe's web site (www.globesprinkler.com). Store sprinklers in a cool, dry place. Exposure to extreme heat will damage the thermal sensing element, possibly re- sulting in premature activation., Avoid direct sunlight. Replace any sprinkler that shows any corrosion, damage, or loss of liquid from the glass bulb. Do not attempt to paint or alter the sprinkler's coating in any manner after leaving the manufacturing plant. Do not attach wiring, ropes, decorations or fixtures to a sprinkler. Absence of an escutcheon, used to cover a ceiling hole, may delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. It is the owner's responsibility for inspection, testing and maintenance of the fire sprinkler system with all components and devices in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 25 as well as any other requirements as set forth by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). SEP 2019 GFS-100 PAGE 2 OF 6 I TABLE A: UPRIGHT SPRINKLER APPROVALS SIN GL2815 GL4215(1) I GL5615" I GL8115* I GL8118'" I ORIENTATION UPRIGHT UPRIGHT UPRIGHT UPRIGHT UPRIGHT K-FACTOR 2.8 (40 metric) 4.2 (60 metric) 5.6 (80 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) NPT 1/2' (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 3/4" (20mm) HAZARD L.H. L.H L.H./O.H. L.H./O.H. L.H./O.H. 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) cULus Listed 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) FM Approved NA NA 175-F (79-C) NA 175-F (79-C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) LPCB 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) Ref. No. 147c/05 NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286-F (141-C) 286°F(141°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) CE NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) * FOR RETROFIT USE ONLY (1) cULus LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT WITH POLYESTER COATING. I I I 1-1±- - I I I I I SEP2019 DEFLECTOR FRAME COMPRESSION SCREW BULB 2-1/4' (57.1 mm) OBE BULB SEAT WRENCH FLAT 1/2 NPT 7/16" (11.1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN FIGURE 3: SERIES GL-QR UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS GL2815, GL4215, GL5615, GL8115 COMPRESSION SCREW- 2-7/16" BULB SEAT (62 mm) LOBE WRENCH NPT 1/2(12.7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN FIGURE 4: SERIES GL-QR UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS GL8118 GFS-1 00 PAGE 3 OF 6 TABLE B: PENDENT SPRINKLER APPROVALS I SIN GL2801 GL4201 (1) GL5601 (1) GL8I0I * GL8106(1 ORIENTATION PENDENT PENDENT PENDENT PENDENT PENDENT K-FACTOR 2.8 (40 metric) 4.2 (60 metric) 5.6 (80 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) NPT 1/2" (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 1/2' (15mm) 3/4" (20mm) HAZARD L.H. L.H L.H./O.H. L.H./O.H. L.H./O.H. 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) cULus Listed 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) FM Approved NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) LPCB 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) Ref. No. 147c/05 NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286-F (141-C) 286°F(141°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) CE NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) * FOR RETROFIT USE ONLY (1) cULus LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT WITH POLYESTER COATING. 7/16" (11.1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN 1/2 NPT WRENCH FLAT BULBS BULB O1OI $T COMPRESSION SCREW FRAME DEFLECTOR FIGURE 5: SERIES GL-QR PENDENT SPRINKLERS GL2801, GL4201, GL5601, GL8I0I 1/2(12.7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN 3/4" NPT WRENCH FLAT 2-7/16" BULB BULB SEAT (62 mm) COMPRESSION SCREW FRAME DEFLECTOR _____ FIGURE 6: SERIES GL-QR PENDENT SPRINKLERS GL8106 SEP 2019 GFS-1 00 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I PAGE 4OF6 I 41 2" (114mm)DIA. 37/8" (98mm)- NER 4°(lllmm) DIA. MIN,— HOLE IN CEILING - REDUCER ILI I - -- / 1/8° (3mm) MIS. r 1/2" (12mm) AD). 7/8" (22mm) MAX.- 3/4" (19mm) AD). CCEIUNG CUP I 1/4°(mm) 1" (25mm) MIN. 11/2" (38n,n,) MAX. - 1/2" AD). 1 3/4° (44mm) MAX. - 3/4° AD). FIGURE 8: SEISMIC RECESSED ESCUTCHEON Meets IBC-ASCE/SEI 7 Codes for Seismic areas C, D, & E. TABLE E: SEISMIC ESCUTCHEONS 3/4" ADJUSTABLE FRICTION FIT RECESSED ESCUTCHEON (SEISMIC) FINISH 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT Chrome 326170 326177 White 326172-W 326178-W 1/2" ADJUSTABLE FRICTION FIT RECESSED ESCUTCHEON (SEISMIC) FINISH 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT Chrome 326201 326208 White 326203-W 326210-W I TABLE C: RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER APPROVALS SIN GL2801 (2) GL4201 (1)(2) r GL5601 (1)(2) GL8I0I * (1)(2) GL8106 (1)(2)(3) ORIENTATION RECESSED FEND, RECESSED PEND. RECESSED PEND. RECESSED PEND. RECESSED FEND. K-FACTOR 2.8 (40 metric) 4.2 (60 metric) 5.6 (80 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) NPT 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" HAZARD L.H. L.H L.H./O.H. L.H./O.H. L.H./O.H. 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) cULus Listed 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) FM Approved 135:F (57C) 135:F (57:C) Note: %" Adjustable Recessed NA NA NA Escutcheon only 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) LPCB 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) Ref. No. 147c105 NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) ,'E NA NA 155°F (68°C) NA 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) * FOR RETROFIT USE ONLY (1) cULus LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT SPRINKLER WITH POLYESTER COATING (2)cULus / LPCB ICE APPROVED WITH 1/2" ADJUSTABLE AND 3/4' ADJUSTABLE RECESSED ESCUTCHEON (3) FM APPROVED FOR BRASS FINISH ONLY - - —2 15/16" DIA. - 2" DIA. MIN. HOLE IN CEIUNG "-1 29/32" DIA. - - REDUCER 5/8 MAX. 1/2' AD). 7 CELUNGJ - RETAINERJ 13/4"M.9X. FIGURE 7: RECESSED ESCUTCHEON I TABLED: STANDARD ESCUTCHEONS 3/4" ADJUSTABLE FRICTION FIT RECESSED ESCUTCHEON FINISH 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT Chrome 325422 325423 Brass 325424 325420 White Polyester 325426-W 325427-W Black Polyester 325426-B 325427-B Stainless Steel 326140 NA 1/2" ADJUSTABLE FRICTION FIT RECESSED ESCUTCHEON FINISH 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT Chrome 332071 326040 Brass 332072 326041 White Polyester 332073-W 326042-W Black Polyester 332073-B 326042-B SEP 2019 GFS-1 00 PAGE 5 OF 6 TABLE F: PART NUMBER SELECTION PART NUMBER SIN + TEMPERATURE + FINISH xxxx xxx xx T -L F SIN I TEMPERATURE GL2815 2815 GL4215 4215 GL5615 5615 GL8115 8115 GL8118 8118 GL2801 2801 GL4201 4201 GL5601 5601 GL8101 8101 GL8106 8106 135 135°F(57°C) 155 155°F(68°C) 1- 175 175°F(79°C) 200 200°F (93°C) 286 286°F(141°C) FINISH / 01 BRONZE I 02 CHROME 03 WHITE POLYESTER 04 BLACK POLYESTER Note: All combinations may not be available. Refer to Listing/Approval Tables for available listed combinations. ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFY: SPRINKLER Quantity. SIN • Orientation • Orifice° NPT° Temperature Rating Finish • Part Number (See TABLE F) ESCUTCHEON Quantity• Finish• Part Number (See TABLE D & TABLE F) WRENCH Quantity. Part Number 1/2" NPT Standard ....................325390 3/4" NPT Standard ....................312366 1/2" NPT Recess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325391 3/4" NPT Recess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325401 GLOBE® PRODUCT WARRANTY Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its manufactured products found to be defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). 4077 Airpark Dr. Standish, MI 48658 . 989-846-4583 . www.globesprinkler.com Technical Support. 989-414-2600 . techservicegIobesprinkIer.com S SEP 2019 GFS-100 PAGE 6 OF 6 GLbBE Upright SR to match existing at roof 4077 Airpark Dr. Standish, Ml 48658. 989-846-4583 www.globesprinkler.com Technical Support 989-414-2600 • techserviceglobesprinkler.com SERIES GL-SR STANDARD COVERAGE, STANDARD RESPONSE UPRIGHT, PENDENT & RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER K-FACTOR: 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, 8.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Globe Series GL-SR sprinklers sheet are Listed Standard Response sprinklers which utilize a 5mm frangible glass bulb as the thermosensitive operating element. These sprinklers are available in upright, pendent, and recessed pendent orientations. They are Listed and Approved as Standard Coverage sprinklers and are to be installed in ac- cordance with the guidelines of the appropriate Installation Standard being mandated by the AHJ (i.e. NFPA 13; FM 2-0). These sprinklers are available in various K-factors, temperatures and finishes as shown. Recessed escutch- eons with either 1/2" or %" vertical adjustment are available (See Approvals Table for appropriate sprinkler/escutcheon combinations and Listings). Some pendent models are ad- ditionally available with a special "Seismic" escutcheon to meet the IBC-ASCE/SEI 7 requirements for use in seismic design categories C, D & E. OPERATION. Upon exposure to heat such as from a fire, the fluid in the bulb expands, compressing the air bubble within the bulb. When the air bubble can no longer compress, the fluid ex- pansion causes breakage of the glass bulb, resulting in re- lease of the water seat asehibly, and 'discharge of water from the sprinkler. TECHNICAL DATA SIN - Upright: GL2861, GL4261, GL5661, GL8161, GL8164 Pendent, Recessed Pendent: GL2851, GL4251, GL5651, GL8151, GL8156 Approvals cULus • FM - LPCB • CE See Approval Tables Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12 bar) Minimum Operating Pressure 7 psi (48 kPa) Temperature Rating See Approval Tables Materials of Construction Frame - bronze• Deflector - brass• Screw - brass Lodgement Wire - stainless steel • Bulb seat - copper Spring - nickel alloy• Seal - teflon Bulb - glass with glycerin solution, 5mm Escutcheon Assembly - carbon steel FINISHES AND ACCESSORIES - Finishes Factory Bronze • Chrome • White Polyester - - Black Polyester - special order Wax Coated - special order Escutcheons Brass• Chrome• White Polyester. Black Polyester Wrenches Standard • Recess• 1/2" NPT• 3/4" NPT NOTE: Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be expected when exposed to corrosive atmospheres. Although corrosion resistant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the applicable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible corrosive atmo- spheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these coatings for any given corrosive environment. The effects of ambient temperature, concentration of chemicals, humidity, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. NOTE: Users should refer to Globe's web site (wwwglobesprinkler.com) to ensure that the most recent technical literature is being utilized. 49 UPRIGHT I PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT Ci RECESSED PENDENT SEISMIC IBCIASCEISEI CODES DEC 2019 GFS-110 PAGE 1 OF 6 INSTALLATION NOTICE Do not install any bulb-type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is loss of liquid from the bulb. Sprinklers should be tightened enough to obtain a leak-tight joint when water pressure is applied and/or hydrostatic test is performed. Sprinklers should not be overtightened as this can result in distortion and subsequent leak- age. It is recommended not to exceed 14 ft.-lb. (19.0 Nm) torque for 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler threads; 20 ft.-lb. (26.8 Nm) to 3/4 inch NPT threads. Stepi. Sprinklers must be properly oriented. Step2. With pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprin- kler fitting. Note: Do not grasp the sprinkler by the deflector. Step3. Wrench-tighten the sprinkler using only the appropriate wrench. Wrenches are only to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats or wrench hex as applicable. Note: Do not apply wrench to frame arms. FIGURE 1: STANDARD SPRINKLER WRENCH V NPT PIN 325390 V NPT P/N 312366 FIGURE 2: RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH V NPT P/N 325391 CARE AND MAINTENANCE 3/4 NPT PIN 325401 Prior to installation, it is important to read and follow the "Sprinkler Caution" sheet included within each box of sprin- klers. This sheet (GFS-840) is available on Globe's web site (www.globesprinkler.com)J Store sprinklers in a cool, dry place. Exposure to extreme heat will damage the thermal sensing element, possibly re- sulting in premature activation. Avoid direct sunlight. Replace any sprinkler that shows any corrosion, damage, or loss of liquid from the glass bulb. Do not attempt to paint or alter the sprinkler's coating in any manner after leaving the manufacturing plant. Do not attach wiring, ropes, decorations or fixtures to a sprinkler. Absence of an escutcheon, used to cover a ceiling hole, may delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. It is the owner's responsibility for inspection, testing and maintenance of the fire sprinkler system with all components and devices in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 25 as well as any other requirements as set forth by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). I I I DEC 2019 GFS-110 PAGE 2 OF 6 TABLE A: UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS SIN GL2861 (I)(2) GL4261 (1((2) GL5661 (1)(2)(3) GL8I6I (4) GL8164 (1)(2)(3( ORIENTATION UPRIGHT UPRIGHT UPRIGHT UPRIGHT UPRIGHT K-FACTOR 2.8 (40 metric) 4.2 (60 metric) 5.6 (80 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) NPT 1/2" (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 3/4° (20mm) HAZARD* L.H. L.H ALL ALL ALL 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) CJLUS 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) NOTE: 500-F (260°C) available upon request without approvals. 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) Fr°A uv NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 360°F (182°C) - 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) LPCB NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) Ref. No. 147C104 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) CE NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) *NOTE: Conditions of use for sprinklers within different Occupancy Hazards may vary depending on Density and sprinkler K-Factor. Refer to the appropriate Design Standard being utilized (i.e. NFPA; FM) for these conditions. I (1) AVAILABLE AS cULus LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT WITH POLYESTER COATING. AVAILABLE AS cULus LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT WITH WAX COATING FOR 155°F (68°C), 200°F(93°C)EXCLUDING GL8161. AVAILABLE ASbULU1LISTED, FM APPROVED CORROSION RESISTANT WITH WAX COATING FOR 155°F (68°C), 200-F (93-C) FOR RETROFIT USE ONLY. 1-- ____ DEFLECTOR FRAME BULB :B COMPRESSION SCREW _________________________ 2-1/4° ______________________ (57.1 mm) BULB SEAT _______ WRENCH F ________ 1/2NPT 7/16(11.1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN FIGURE 3: SERIES GL-SR UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS GL2861, GL4261, GL5661, GL8161 DEFLECTOR FRAME COMPRESSION SCREW BULB _________________________ 2-7/16° ______________________ (62 mm) BULB SEAT _______ WRENCH FLAT ________ GLOB ___ __ I 3/4" NPT 1/2" (12.7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN FIGURE 4: SERIES GL-SR UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS GL8164 GFS-110 Ii I I I DEC 2019 PAGE 3 OF 6 V TABLE B: PENDENT SPRINKLERS SIN GL2851 (1)(2) GL4251 (1)(2) GL5651 ((2) GL8151 (4) GL8156 (1) (2)(3) ORIENTATION PENDENT PENDENT PENDENT PENDENT PENDENT K-FACTOR 2.8 (40 metric) 4.2 (60 metric) 5.6 (80 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) NPT 1/2 (15mm) 1/2° (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 1/2" (15mm) 3/4" (20mm) HAZARD* L.H. L.H ALL ALL ALL 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) CIJLUS 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) NOTE: 500° F (260°C) available upon request without approvals 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) FIV' NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) LPCB NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) Ref. No. 147C104 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F ('141°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) CE NA NA 175°F (79°C) NA 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) *NOTE. Conditions of use for sprinklers within different Occupancy Hazards may vary depending on Density and sprinkler K-Factor. Refer to the appropriate Design Standard being utilized (i.e. NFPA; FM) for these conditions. AVAILABLE AS cULus LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT WITH POLYESTER COATING. AVAILABLE AS cULus LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT WITH WAX COATING FOR 155°F (68°C), 200°F (93°C) EXCLUDING GL8151. AVAILABLE AS cULus LISTED, FM APPROVED CORROSION RESISTANT.WITH WAX COATING FOR 155°F (68°C), 200°F (93°C) (4) FOR RETROFIT USE ONLY. 7/16" (11.1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN 1/2°NPT WRENCH FLAT 9010 BULB SEAT ____________________ 2-1/4" BULB (57.1 mm) 1H COMPRESSION SCREW FRAME DEFLECTOR . FIGURE 5: SERIES GL-SR PENDENT SPRINKLERS GL2851, GL4251, GL5651, GL8151 DEC 2019 1/2" (12.7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN 3/4" NPT t WRENCH FLAT 8019 BULB SEAT 2-7/16" BUL3 _____________________ (62 mm) COMPRESSION SCREW FRAME DEFLECTOR - - ___________ FIGURE 6: SERIES GL-SR PENDENT SPRINKLERS GL8156 GFS-110 PAGE 4 OF 6 I TABLE C: RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS SIN GL2851 (1) GL4251 (1) GL5651 (1) GL8151* (1) GL8156 (1)(2) ORIENTATION RECESSED FEND. RECESSED PEND. RECESSED PEND. RECESSED PEND. RECESSED FEND. K-FACTOR 2.8 (40 metric) 4.2 (60 metric) 5.6 (80 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) 8.0 (115 metric) NPT 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" HAZARD* L.H. L.H ALL ALL ALL 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) cULus 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) FM 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) Note: 1/2" Adjustable Recessed NA NA NA Escutcheon only 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 155°F (68°C) LPCB NA NA 175°F (79°C) A 175°F (79°C) Ref. No. 147c104 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) 286°F (141°C) 286°F (141°C) 360°F (182°C) 360°F (182°C) 135°F (57°C) 135°F (57°C) CE NA N A 155°F (68°c) NA 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) 175°F (79°C) 200°F (93°C) 200°F (93°C) I *NOTE: Conditions of use for sprinklers within different Occupancy Hazards may vary depending on Density and sprinkler K-Factor. Refer to the appropriate Design Standard being utilized (i.e. NFPA; FM) for these conditions. * FOR RETROFIT USE ONLY I (1) cULus/LPCB/CE APPROVED WITH 1/2° ADJUSTABLE AND 3/4" ADJUSTABLE RECESSED ESCUTCHEION (2) FM APPROVED FOR BRASS FINISH ONLY -2 15/16' DIA. 2" lEA. MEN. HOLE IN CEIUOA -129/32' DL° REDUCER - 1J8'MIN.' CEILINGJ P -. 1, MIN.'" - RETAINER lUll.-. FIGURE 7: RECESSED -ESC UTCHEON TABLE D: RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 3/4" ADJUSTABLE FRICTION FIT RECESSED ESCUTCHEON FINISH 1/2" NPT 3/4° NPT Chrome 325422 325423 Brass 325424 325420 White Polyester 325426-W 325427-W Black Polyester 325426-B 325427-B Stainless Steel 326140 NA 1/2" ADJUSTABLE FRICTION FIT RECESSED ESCUTCHEON FINISH 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT Chrome 332071 326040 Brass 332072 326041 White Polyester 332073-W 326042-W Black Polyester 332073-B 326042-B 4 1/2' (114mm)DIA. 37/8' (98mm)- 4(101mm) lEA, MIN,- REDUCER / HOLE IN CEILING [ 1/8' (3mm) MON. 5/8.(16mm) MAX.- __________ 1/2' 12 m) AD). (22 mm) MAX.- 3/4' (19mm) AD). _ - CEILING CUP 1/4" m) I. (25mm) MON. RETAINER 11/2' (38mm) MAX. . 1/2" AD). 13/4" (44mm) MAX. 3/4" AD). FIGURE 8: SEISMIC RECESSED ESCUTCHEON Meets IBC-ASCE/SEI 7 Codes for Seismic areas C, D, & E. TABLE E: SEISMIC ESCUTCHEON 3/4" ADJUSTABLE FRICTION FIT RECESSED ESCUTCHEON (SEISMIC) FINISH 112" NPT 3/4"NPT Chrome 326170 326177 White 326172-W 326178-W 1/2" ADJUSTABLE FRICTION FIT RECESSED ESCUTCHEON (SEISMIC) FINISH 1/2" NPT 3/4"NPT Chrome 326201 326208 White 326203-W 326210-W DEC 2019 GFS-110 PAGE 5 OF 6 TABLE F: PART NUMBER SELECTION PART NUMBER SIN + TEMPERATURE + FINISH xxxx xxx xx IliL F SIN I IF IF I TEMPERATURE GL2861 1 2861 GL4261 4261 GL5661 5661 GL8161 8161 GL8164 8164 GL2851 2851 GL4251 4251 GL5651 5651 GL8151 8151 GL8156 8156 -I- 135 135F(57C) 155 155F(68C) 175 175°F(79°C) 200 200'F (93-C) 286 286°F(141°C) 360 360°F(182C) FINISH 01 BRONZE 02 CHROME 03 WHITE POLYESTER K LACK POLYESTER AX COATED Note: All combinations may not be available. Refer to Listing/Approval Tables for available listed combinations. ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFY: - - SPRINKLER Quantity• SIN- Orientation- 0rifce NPT Temp?rature Rating Finish• Part Number (See TABLE F) ESCUTCHEON - - -- Quantity. Finish • Part Number (See TABLE D and TABLE E) WRENCH Quantity. Part Number 1/2" NPT Standard ...................325390 3/4" NPT Standard ...................312366 1/2" NPT Recess ....................325391 3/4" NPT Recess ....................325401 GLOBE® PRODUCT WARRANTY Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its manufactured products found to be defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). 4077 Airpark Dr. Standish, MI 48658 989-846-4583 www.globesprinkler.com Technical Support. 989-414-2600. techservice@gIobesprinkler.com 6) DEC 2019 GFS-110 PAGE 6 OF 6 I FireLockTM Model FL-SR/DRY Standard Coverage Standard Response I Dry Upright, Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers 's,.4tauiicr K5.6 (8.1 SO, K8.0 (11.5 SO 45.51 UPRIGHT STANDARD RESPONSE DRY SPRINKLERS SIN V3601 V3603 Orientation UPRIGHT UPRIGHT K-Factor1 5.6 Imp/8.1 S.I. 8.0 Imp./11.5 S.I. Connection 1" NPT/25mm BSPT/1" IGS 1" NPT/25mm BSPT/1' IGS Max. Working Pressure - 175 psi (1200 kPa) 175 psi (1200 kPa) Escutcheon Plain Plain Globe Equivalent GL5683 GL8183 PENDENT STANDARD RESPONSE DRY SPRINKLERS SIN I V3605 1 V3607 Orientation PENDENT PENDENT K-Factor' 5.6 1mpi8.1 SI. 8.0 Impi1 1.5 S.I. Connection 1' NPT/25mm BSPT/1" IGS 1" NPT/25mm BSPT/1' IGS Max. Working Pressure 175 psi (1200 kPa) 175 psi (1200 kPa) - Escutcheon - Plain/Flush/Sleeve and Skirt/Extended Plain/Flush/Sleeve and Skirt/Extended Globe Equivalent GL5680 GL8179 RECESSED PENDENT STANDARD RESPONSE DRY SPRINKLERS - SIN V3605 V3607 Orientation PENDENT PENDENT K-Factor1 5.6 1mpi8.1S.I. 8.0 Impf 11.5 S.I. Connection_. 1.' NPT/25mm BSPT/1" IGS 1' NPT/25mm BSPT/1" IGS Max. Working Pressure 175 psi (1200 kPa) 175 psi (1200 kPa) -Escutcheon Recessed Recessed Globe Equivalent J GL5680 I GL8179 I AVAILABLE GUARDS/SHIELDS SPRINKLER - - V34/V36 V34/V36 Intermediate Shield V34/V36 Int. Shield/Guard Upright I Pendent AVAILABLE WRENCHES SPRINKLER V36 Recessed V36 Open End 3M Hex-Bit (V9) Upright U Pendent U I Factory Hydrostatic Test: 100% © 500 psi/3447 kPa/34 bar Mm. Operating Pressure: Pendent: 7 psi/48 kPa/.5 bar Upright: 12 psi/83 kPa/0.8 bar I Temperature Rating: See tables in section 2.0 For K-Factor when pressure is measured in bar, multiply S.I. units by 10.0. ALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT. I . victaulic .com 45.5115956 Rev B Updated 03/2021 © 2021 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. 1 ictaulic victaulic.com 2.0 CERTIFICATION/LISTINGS C®Us USTED APPROVALS/LISTINGS SIN V3601 V3603 Nominal K Factor Imperial 5.6 8.0 Nominal KFactor SI.2 8.1 11.5 Orientation Upright Upright Escutcheon Plain Plain Approved Temperature Ratings F°IC1 135F/57°C 135°FI57C 155°F/68'C 155°F/68°C cULus 200F/93°C 200°F193°C 286F/141°C 286°F/141C 135F/57°C FM 155°F/68°C 135°F/57°C 155°F/68C 200F/93°C 200°F/93°C 286F/141°C CCC I 155F/68°C - APPROVALS/LISTINGS SIN V3605 V3607 V3605 V3607 Nominal K Factor Imperial 5.6 8.0 . 5.6 8.0 Nominal K Factor S.l.2 8.1 11.5 8.1 11.5 Orientation Pendent Pendent Pendent Pendent Escutcheon Plain, Flush, Sly & Skt, Ext Plain, Flush, Sly & Skt, Ext Recessed Recessed Approved Temperature Ratings F°/C° 135°F/57°C 135°F/57C 135F/57'C 135°F/57C cULus 155'F/68°C 155°F/68°C 155°F/68'C 155F/68C 200'F193°C 200F/93°C 200°F/93'C 200°F/93C 286'F/141 C 286°F/141'C 286°F/141°C 286F/141°C 135°F/57°C 135F/57'C 155F/68°C 155F/68°C 135°F/57°C 135°F/57'C FM 155°F/68°C 155'F/68'C 200°F/93°C 200°F/93°C 200°F/93°C 200'F/93°C 286°F/141'C 286°F/141'C CCC - 155°F/68°C - - 155°F/68°C 2 For K-Factor when pressure is measured in Bar, multiply S.I. units by 10. NOTES Listings and approval as of priiting. Temperatures are listed for all hazards and approved for V3605 and V3606 dry sprinklers up to 48 length. CCCf approved for V3605 dry sprinklers 107 to 1250 mm/4.2 - 49.2 in length. 45.51 15956 Rev B Updated 03/2021 © 2021 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 2 \Ai tauIic Spring seal assemb Torsion sprir Inlet fittin Orifice ins Escutcheon ply Frarn Split spatt Pip Ca Bul Load scre Deflect( Material Specifications V3605, V3607 Outer tufi Inner tufi Deflector Load screw Bulb Pip cap Split spacer Frame Orifice insert Outer tube Inner tube Escutcheon optional (Not provided) Torsion spring Inlet fitting Spring seal assembly Material Specifications V3601, V3603 I victaulic.com 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS - MATERIAL Deflector: Brass or Stainless Steel Bulb nominal diameter: 5.0mm Split spacer: Stainless Steel Load screw: Brass Pip cap: Stainless Steel Spring seal assembly: PTFE Coated Beryllium Nickel Alloy and Stainless Steel Frame: Brass Inlet fitting: Brass Outer tube: Galvanized Steel Pipe Inner tube: Stainless Steel Orifice insert: Stainless Steel Escutcheon/plate: 1010 - 1018 mild steel and stainless steel Torsion spring: SST wire Installation wrench: Ductile Iron Sprinkler frame finishes: Plain brass Chrome plated White painted34 Bright White painted34 Flat black painted3 Custom painted34 VC-2505 Not available on the Intermediate Level Style Pendent. UL Listed for corrosion resistance. UL Listed and FM Approved for corrosion resistance. NOTES Weather resistant escutcheon available upon request. For cabinets and other accessories refer to separate sheet. I I I 1-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 45.51 15956 Rev B Updated 03/2021 © 2021 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. I victaulic.com 3 J"tauIic 4.0 DIMENSIONS Tee with same outlet size - - as sprinkler thread size. See 'Important Installation Information', later in this document NPT/BSPT (2'! 51 mm Mm,) 47mm Plain Barrel, Threaded V3605.V3607 IGS Fitting 79mmMin) 1W! 47 mm Plain Barrel, Grooved V3605, V3607 For wet system installation or dry/preaction systems installed in areas above 40'F/5'C Tee with same outlet size - - fl as sprinkler thread size. See important Installation Information',later in this document 11- NPT/BSPT 11/4'/44mmMin. 11½! Hole in ceiling 38 mm Mini ITTypjcal,ceiliflg 4/102mm '- Finished surface 2½/63mm LJ 3¼'/82mm Sleeve and Skirt, Threaded - V3605,V3607 1' IGS Fitting A 2W! ~"/44 mm Mm. ( 67 mm Min Hole in ceiling T Typical ceiling 4'/102 mm I '-Finished surface 2½'/63 mm 1*- 31/4'782 mm- Sleeve and Skirt, Grooved V3605, V3607 For wet system installation or dry/preaction systems installed in areas above 40017/50C Standard offering includes made-on escutcheon with 'A' dimension shown above. Use the 'Adjustments for Optional Interchangeable Escutcheons' table when making optional field adjustments to the standard ordered escutcheon. Adjustments for Optional Interchangeable Escutcheons Escutcheon "A" Dimension Adjustment Plain Barrel A=A Flush A=-¼"/6mm Recessed A=+'/4'/6mm Slv/Skrt A = -1 W/35mm I I I I 45.51 15956 Rev B Updated 03/2021 © 2021 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. 11 __-1" IGS Fitting (2"M'/ A 75 mm Min.) - -- 1½'I38 mm Min I Hole in ceiling ¼'! I i /Typical ceiling Finished surface 51 victaulic.com 4.0 DIMENSIONS (CONTINUED) Tee with same outlet size as sprinkler thread size. - I Seeimportant Installation Information",later in this document PT (13/~! 1½'/38 mm Min. 44 mm Mm.) JTypical Hole in ceiling '/4,', I 6 mm I ceiling 2/ 51 mm surface —3776 mm—"4 L-3776 mm—" Flush, Threaded Flush, Grooved V3605, V3607 V3605, V3607 For wet system installation or dry/preaction systems installed in areas above 40'F/5'C Standard offering includes made-on escutcheon with A" dimension shown above. Use the "Adjustments for Optional Interchangeable Escutcheons' table when making optional field adjustments to the standard ordered escutcheon. Adjustments for Optional Interchangeable Escutcheons Escutcheon "A' Dimension Adjustment Plain Barrel A=A Flush A=-¼'/6mm Recessed A=+¼"/6mm Slv/Skrt A=-13/s735mm Tee with same outlet size as sprinkler thread size. See"lmportant Installation Information" later in this 1NPT/ document BSPT - - 214,60 mm Mm. (1½'! 38 mm Min.)_.Hole in ceiling ypicaiceiiing 45.51 15956 Rev B Updated 03/2021 © 2021 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 5 j4'tauiic• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 57126 mm V J LFinished surface 31/"/96n,m I I r 3½'/89 mm Extended Sleeve and Skirt, Threaded V3605,V3607 Extended escutcheons are not available as interchangeable. IGS Fitting (1½'! 23/a"/6Omm Min. 38 mm Mm.) Hole in ceiling T ITypical.ceiling surface 57126 mm 3%"/96 mm lw— 31/2789 mm *l For wet system installation or dry/preaction systems installed in areas above 40'F/5'C Adjustments for Optional Interchangeable Escutcheons Escutcheon "A" Dimension Adjustment Plain Barrel A=A Flush A=-'/4"/6mm Recessed A = +1/4'/6mm Slv/5krt A=-1 34/35mm 45.51 15956 Rev B Updated 03/2021 © 2021 victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 6 victaulic.com I 4.0 DIMENSIONS (CONTINUED) I - - ..._.......- Tee with same outlet size as sprinkler thread size. See'Important Installation Information" later in this document PT/BSPT (2/ 51 mm Min.) 6 m m Ti 2/ L 51 mm Intermediate, Threaded V3605, V3607 Tee with same outlet size - - --___---_-- as sprinkler thread size. See important Installation Information, later in this document 1 NPT/BSPT A[ L 2751 mm Mm. (2'/4"/ l Hole in ceiling 57mmMin.) I / 1 IGS Fitting AF' 0 74 mm Mm.) - -, - F 6 mm 4 2/ 51 mm 3/76mm Intermediate, Grooved V3605, V3607 For wet system installation or dry/preaction systems installed in areas above 40'F/5'C S36-380-S409_LIT-0 1 1' IGS Fitting (37Ao"/ 87 mm Mm.) I 2751 mm Mm. Hole in ceiling I I I I I LI I I Typical ceiling 1W/47mm I I[1fl1 1 \. + 1 Ye'/28 mm Finished surface L-27/8/73 mm Recessed, Grooved V3605, V3607 For wet system installation or dry/preaction systems installed in areas above 40'F/5'C Standard offering includes made-on escutcheon with A dimension shown above. Use the Adjustments for Optional Interchangeable Escutcheons table when making optional field adjustments to the standard ordered escutcheon. * -- 1Y"/47mm [1J 1 + LFinished surface 114'/28 mm Recessed, Threaded _.V3605,V36O7 I I I I victaulic.com I 4.0 DIMENSIONS (CONTINUED) I I I 1W/47 mm 1½'738mmMin. Hole in ceiling A (2/51 mm Mm.) r -- Jypicaiceihng "- Finished surface T PT/BSPT Tee with same outlet size as sprinkler thread size. See important Installation 47 mm 11/2738mmMin. — Hole in ceiling - 4- Typical ceiling A (3Y8'/80 mm Mm.) LFinished surface Li— - - II Information",later in this '" 1' IGS Fitting Installed Dimensions, Threaded document Installed Dimensions, Grooved V3601, V3603 V3601, V3603 For wet system installation or dry/preaction systems installed in areas above 40'F/5'C Standard offering includes made-on escutcheon with 'A' dimension shown above. Use the Adjustments for Optional Interchangeable Escutcheons' table when making optional field adjustments to the standard ordered escutcheon. Adjustments for Interchangeable Escutcheons Escutcheon "A" Dimension Adjustment Plain Barrel A=A Flush A=-¼/6mm Recessed A = +Y4"/6mm SIv/Skrt A = -1 3/a"/35mm 45.51 15956 Rev B Updated 03/2021 © 2021 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 7 \t61uIic I I I I I I I I I [1 I I 1 I victaulic.com 5.0 PERFORMANCE Sprinkler is to be installed and designed as per NFPA, FM Datasheets, or any local standards. 6.0 NOTIFICATIONS Read and understand all instructions before attempting to install any Victaulic products. Always verify that the piping system has been completely depressurized and drained immediately prior to installation, removal, adjustment, or maintenance of any Victaulic products. Wear safety glasses, hardhat, and foot protection. Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious personal injury and property damage. These products shall be used only in fire protection systems that are designed and installed in accordance with current, applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 13, 13D, 13R, etc.) standards, or equivalent standards, and in accordance with applicable building and fire codes. These standards and codes contain important information regarding protection of systems from freezing temperatures, corrosion, mechanical damage, etc. The installer shall understand the use of this product and why it was specified for the particular application. The installer shall understand common industry safety standards and potential consequences of improper product installation. It is the system designers responsibility to verify suitability of materials for use with the intended fluid media within the piping system and external environment. The material specifier shall evaluate the effect of chemical composition, pH level, operating temperature, chloride level, oxygen level, and flow rate on materials to confirm system life will be acceptable for the intended service. Failure to follow installation requirements and local and national codes and standards could compromise system integrity or cause system failure, resulting in death or serious personal injury and property damage. 7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS Ratings: All glass bulbs are rated for temperatures from -67°F/-55°C to those shown in the table below. 1-40: Victaulic FireLockoM Automtic Sprinklers Installation and Maintenance Instructions l-V9: Style VY Victaulic FireLockTM IGSTM lnstgllation -Read ynM Sprinkler Coupling Installation Instructions User Responsibility for Product Selection and Suitability Each user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, in accordance with industry standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warning instructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation, advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation guide, or this disclaimer. Intellectual Property Rights No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as recommendation for the use of such material, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patent or other intellectual property right. The terms "Patented" or "Patent Pending" refer to design or utility patents or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United States and/or other countries. Note This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications, All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. Installation Reference should always be made to the Victaulic installation handbook or installation instructions of the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products, providing complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victuulic.com. Warranty Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. Trademarks Victaulic and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries. 45.51 15956 Rev B updated 03/2021 © 2021 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victauliccom J Ai tauIic. Model G4/G5 OR Gasket Cover Plate Model G4/G5 SR Gasket Cover Plate Model G4/G5 Series Sprinkler Cover Plates Model G4/G5 Cover Plate I Concealed pendent with - Bulletin 034 January 2020 gasket at cleanrooms I I Rellmabii Model G5 Series Sprinklers Standard Spray, Flat Concealed Pendent Available with Gasketed Cover Plate Features Standard Coverage, Concealed Pendent (K2.8, 4,2, 5.6, & 8.0 [40, 60, 80, & 115 metric]) Flat concealed cover plate available in a variety of finishes. Available with Stainless Steel Clad cover plate (see Table 3/4-inch (19 mm) cover plate adjustment. Cover plate available with optional gasket. Product Description Model G5 series sprinklers are standard coverage, flat plate concealed sprinklers designed for installation in accordance with NFPA 13 and FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets. The sprinklers are offered with a standard Model G4/ G5 cover plate, a Model G4/G5 cover plate with a Quick- response (OR) gasket, or a Model G4/G5 cover plate with a Standard-response (SR) gasket. Model G5 sprinklers with a gasketed cover plate are intended for use in dust free environments such as clean rooms. Model G5 sprinklers must only be used with the Model G4/G5 cover plate listed or approved with the sprinkler. All Model G5 series sprinklers use a fusible-link operating element. Table A provides a summary of available Model G5 series sprinklers, along with Listing and Approval in-formation for each sprinkler and cover plate combination. Li H I [1 F I Model G5 Series Sprinkler Summary - - Sprinkler K-Factor Cover Plate Listings Max. Working Sprinkler Model - -gpm/psi112 Model ... and Sensitivity Pressure Identification (LImin/bar1 ) Approvals psi (bar) Number (SIN) cULus OR G4/G5 FM SR -G5-28 , 2.8 -- , 175 (12) RA3411 G4/G5 OR Gasket cULus OR - (40) G4/G5 SR Gasket cULus, FM SR 4.2 G5 cULus OR G4/G5 OR Gasket G5-42 (60) 175 (12) RA3413 G4/G5 SR Gasket cULus SR cULus OR 250 (17) G5 FM, LPCB, VdS, CE SR 175 (12) ____________________ ' G556I I - 5.6 I RA3415 I G4/G5 OR Gasket cULus OR 250 (17) (80) cULus SR 250 (17) G4/G5 SR Gasket I FM 1 SR 175 (12) 5.6 G5 cULus OR G4/G5 OR Gasket G5-56 300 (80) 300 (21) RA4014 G4/G5 SR Gasket cULus SR 8.0 G5 cULus OR G4/G5ORGasket - G580 (115) 175(12) RA3412 G4/G5 SR Gasket cULus SR G5-80F 8. 0 (115) G5 FM SR G4/G5 SR Gasket 175 (12) RA3417 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2 NPT or ISO 7-1 RI!2 Nominal K-Factor: 2.8 (40 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Fusible Link: Beryllium Nickel Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing washer: Nickel with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Model G5-28 Sprinkler Threads Body Cup Tower Fusible Link Deflector (retracted) Pin (extended) Deflector (extended) Model G5-28 Sprinkler Sensitivity Sprinkler Temperature Ratings 165°F (74°C) 212°F (100°C) Sensitivity (See Table B) Cover Plates Model G4/G5 Model G4/G5 OR Gasket (cULus only) Model G4/G5 SR Gasket Cover Plate Finishes (See Table I) Sprinkler Wrench Model W3 Model FC Listings and Approvals cULus Listed (Light Hazard only) FM Approved and Dimensions Ceiling 3/4 (19 mm) Ma Cover Plate Adjus ent delG4/overPlate FM SR 1 V ____ I z1 IuIi I I I —3/16°(5mm) I Ceiling i 01 01 ra I I -- I I I I I Page 2of9 www.reliablesprinkler.com 2-5/16° (58 mm) Dia. 3-5/16(84 mm) Dia. ur; uuIuK-resporise SR: Standard-response etin 034 uary 2020 Cover Plate Model Listing or Approval Agency • cULus G4/G5 OR G4/G5 OR Gasket / - OR G4/G5 SR Gasket SR SR Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1!2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.2 (60 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Fusible Link: Beryllium Nickel Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing washer: Nickel with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Sprinkler Temperature Ratings 165°F (74°C) 212°F (100°C) Sensitivity (See Table C) Cover Plates Model G4/G5 Model G4/G5 OR Gasket Model G4/G5 SR Gasket Cover Plate Finishes (See Table I) Sprinkler Wrench Model W3 Model FC Listings and Approvals cULus Listed (Light Hazard only) Model G5-42 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions 2-5/16" (58 mm) Dia. Threads Body Cup Tor Fusible Link Deflector (retracted) Pin (extended) Deflector (extended) Ceiling 3/4(19 mm) Ma Cover Plate Adjus ent Model G4/ Cover Plate 3-5/16" (84 mm) Dia. j__3/16(5mm) Ceiling Model G5-42 Sensitivity Listing or Approval Agency Cover Plate Model cULus G4/G5 OR G4/G5 OR Gasket OR G4/G5 SR Gasket SR OR: Quick-response SR: Standard-response 034 Page 3of 9 2020 Reliable www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2 NPT or ISO 7-1 Ri2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 (80 me:ric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) 250 psi (17 bar) (cULus only) Material Specifications Fusible Link: Beryllium Nickel Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing washer: Nickel with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Sprinkler Temperature Ratings 165°F(74°C) 212°F (100°C) (cULus, FM, LPCB, CE only) Sensitivity (See Table D) Cover Plates Model G4/G5 Model G4/G5 OR Gasket (cULus only) Model G4/G5 SR Gasket (cULus and FM only) Cover Plate Finishes (See Table I) Sprinkler Wrench Model W3 Model FC Listings and Approvals cULus Listed (Light & Ordinary Hazard only) FM Approved LPCB Approved VdS Approved [165°F (74°C) only] CE Listed Model G5-56 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions E'LJ1 2-5/16" Threads Body Cup Tower Fusible Link Deflector (retracted) - Pin (extended) Deflector (extended) Ceiling - 3/4(19mm) Max. Cover Plate Adjustment Model G4/G5 Cover Plate 3-5/16" (84 mm) Dia. 3/16(5 mm) Ceiling Model G5-56 Sensitivity - - Cover Plate Model Listing or Approval Agency cULus FM LPCB, VcIS, CE G4/G5 OR SR SR G4/G5 OR Gasket OR -- -- G4/G5 SR Gasket SR SR -- ur: uuIu.-respurlse SR: Standard-response Bulletin 034 Page 4 of 9 January 2020 Reliable www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1!2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 (80 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 300 psi (21 bar) Material Specifications Fusible Link: Beryllium Nickel Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing washer: Nickel with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Sprinkler Temperature Ratings 165°F (74°C) 212°F (100°C) Sensitivity (See Table E) Cover Plates Model G4/G5 Model G4/G5 QR Gasket Model G4/G5 SR Gasket Cover Plate Finishes (See Table I) Sprinkler Wrench Model W3 Model FC Listings and Approvals cULus Listed (Light & Ordinary Hazard only) Model G5-56 300 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions 2-5/16' (58 mm) Dia. U Ceiling—.. ( 3/4(19mm) Max/ Cover Plate Adjus$ent 4/ Model G4/Q Cover Plate Threads Body Cup Tor Fusible Link Deflector (retracted) Pin (extended) Deflector (extended) —3/16'(5mm) 3-5/16" (84 mm) Dia. Ceiling - Model G5-56 300 Sensitivity Cover Plate Model G4/G5 G4/G5 OR Gasket G4/G5 SR Gasket OR: Quick-response SR: Standard-response Listing or Approval Agency cULus OR OR SR 1. tin 034 Page 5of9 ary 2020 Reliable www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 3/4 NPT or ISO 7-1 R3/4 Nominal K-Factor: 8.0 (115 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Fusible Link: Beryllium Nickel Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing washer: Nickel with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Threads Body Cup Tower Fusible Link Deflector (retracted) Pin (extended) Deflector (extended) Sprinkler Temperature Ratings 165°F (74°C) 212°F (100°C) Sensitivity (See Table F) Cover Plates Model G4/G5 Model G4/G5 OR Gasket Model G4/G5 SR Gasket Cover Plate Finishes (See Table I) Sprinkler Wrench Model W3 Model FC Listings and Approvals cULus Listed (Light & Ordinary Hazard only) Ceiling- 3/4 (19 mm) Max. Cover Plate Adju t Model G4/ver Plate ' .1 i J lI:? \I o I I 1-3/16"(5mm) V, Ceiling i I I I I I I Page 6 of 9 www.reliablesprinkler.com 2-5/16' (58 mm) Dia. 3-5/16' (84 mm) Dia. UN: uuIcK-response SR: Standard-response Bul tin 034 J uary 2020 Model G5-80 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Model G5-80 Sensitivity Cover Plate Model Listing or Approval Agency cULus G4/G5 OR G4/G5 OR Gasket 00, OR G4/G5 SR Gasket / SR Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 3/4" NPT or ISO 7-1 R3/4 Nominal K-Factor: 8.0 (115 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Fusible Link: Beryllium Nickel Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing washer: Nickel with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Stainless Steel Cup: Steel Sprinkler Temperature Ratings 165°F (74°C) 212°F (100°C) Sensitivity Standard Response Cover Plates Model 04/G5 Model 04/G5 SR Gasket Cover Plate Finishes (See Table I) Sprinkler Wrench Model W3 Model FC Listings and Approvals FM Approved Model G5-80F Sprinkler Components and Dimensions U Threads Body 2-5/16" (58 mm) Dia. I Cup Tower Fusible Link I -Deflector (retracted) Pin (extended) Deflector (extended) Ceiling - 3/4(19 mm) Max. Cover Plate Adiustro 1-3/16"(5mm) Model G Plate ' i.- 3-5/16(84 mm) Dia. Ceiling Model G5-80F Sensitivity Cover Plate Model - Listing or Approval Agency FM G4/G5 SR G4/G5SR Gasket SR I I Page 7 of 9 www.reliablesprinkler.com Installation Dimensions and Cover Plate Information Min. to Max. Mm. to Max. Cover Plate Recommended Cover Plate Face of Fitting Dropped Cover Plate Cover Plate Diameter Hole Diameter Adjustment to Deflector Temperature Model Inch in Ceiling Inch Ceiling(') Distance Rating (mm) Inch (mm) Inch below Ceiling OF (mm) (mm) Inch (°C) (mm) G4/G5 3-/i (84) (57°C) 135°F3 G4/05 OR 3.11/16 Gasket(') (94) 2-5/8 3/4 1_1/2 to 2-1/4 1/4 to 1 (67) (19) (38t057) (6t025) or G4/G5 SR 4 1650F41 Gasket(2) (101 mm) (74°C) Notes: Face of fitting to ceiling dimensions are based on nominal thread make up. Verify dimensions based on fitting and thread sealing method prior to installation. A 1/2 x 1/2" brass nipple extension (Reliable P/N 6999991900) is available to assist with replacement of Reliable Model G4A sprinklers. Model G4/G5 OR Gasket and Model G4/G5 SR Gasket cover plates are sold as assembled units including both the cover plate and gasket. Model G4/G5 _OR Gasket and Model G4/G5 SR Gasket cover plates and gaskets are not interchangeable. For use with 165°F (74°C) temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100°F (380C). For use with 212°F (100°C) temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 150°F (660C). Cover Plate Finishes" Standard Finishes Special Application Finishes White Paint Off-White Paint Chrome Black Paint Custom Color Paint - Specify(2) - Raw Brass (Lacquered) Bright Brass Finished Bronze Black Plated Satin Chrome Stainless Steel Clad(3) Application - - Model G5 series sprinklers are standard coverage, flat plate concealed pendent sprinklers. The sprinklers are intended for use in accordance with NFPA 13 and FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets, as well as the requirements of the applicable approval agencies. Model G5 series sprinklers are available as either Quick-re- sponse (OR) or Standard-response (SR) depending on the approval agency and cover plate selected. Model 05 series sprinklers use Model G4/G5 flat cover plates Model G4/G5 OR Gasket and G4/G5 SR Gasket cover plates are available to limit air and dust movement through the ceil- ing. Notes: Paint or any other coating applied over the factory finish will void all approvals and warranties. Gaskets for Model GE OR Gasket and Model 04/G5 SR Gasket cover plates are only available in white. Custom color paint is semi-gloss unless specified otherwise. Stainless steel clad cover plates are Type 316 Stainless Steel on the finished side and C102 Copper Alloy on the back side. Cover plates are not listed or approved as corrosion resistant. Bulletin 034 January 2020 Listing & Approval Agencies Individual Model G5 series sprinkler may be listed or ap- proved by the following agencies: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and UL Canada (cULus) Listing Category: Sprinklers, Automatic and Open Guide Number: VNIV FM Approvals (FM) Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) VdS Schadenverhutung GmbH (VdS) EC-Certificate of Conformity 0832-CPD-2062 (CE) See Table A and the individual sprinkler data sheets in this Bulletin for listings and approvals applicable to each sprinkler. Installation Model G5 series sprinklers are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 13, FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets, and the requirements of applicable authorities having jurisdiction. Model G5 series sprinklers must not be installed in ceilings with positive pressure in the space above. Ensure that the 4 slots in the cup are open and unobstructed following installation. Model G5 series sprinklers are shipped with a wrench-able protective cap that should remain on the sprinkler until the sprinkler system is placed in service following construction. Model 05 series sprinklers can be installed without removing the wrench-able protective cap using the Model W3 wrench. Alternatively, Model G5 series sprinklers can be installed using the Model FC wrench by temporarily removing the protective cap during installation of the sprinkler. The use of any other wrench to installed Model G5 series sprinklers is not permitted and may damage the sprinkler. Fully insert the Model W3 wrench over the cap until it reaches the bottom of the cup, or the Page 8 of 9 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model FC For use with Model G5 Series sprinklers without wrench-able cap installed Model W3 For use with Model G5 Series sprinklers with wrench-able cap installed I Model FC wrench over the sprinkler until the wrench engages the body. Do not wrench any other part of the sprinkler/cup assembly. The Model W3 and FC wrenches are designed to be turned with a standard 1/2" square drive. Tighten the sprinkler into the fitting after applying aPTFE based thread sealant to the sprinkler's threads. Recommended installation torque is specified in Table J. Installation Torque Recommended Installation Sprinkler Threads Torque (mm. - max.) ftlb I N.m ½" NPTor 1S07-1R1/2 8-18 11-24 3/4" NPT or 1S07-1R3/4 14-20 19-27 Do not exceed the maximum recommended torque. Exceeding the maximum recommended torque may cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Use care when inserting or removing the wrench from the sprinkler to avoid damage to the sprinkler. Install the cover plate by hand, pushing and then turning the cover iri the blobkwisédirection until it is tight against the ceiling. For Model G4/G5 OR Gasket and Model G4/G5 SR Gasket cover plates, the gasket should beattachd to the flange of the cover plate skirt only. Do not glue the gasket in place or allow the gasket to overlap both the cover plate and the flange of the skirt. - Maintenance Reliable Model G5 series sprinkler should be inspected and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25, as well as the requirements of any Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Prior to installation, sprinklers should remain in the original cartons and packaging until used. This will minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that could cause improper operation or non-operation. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia liquid or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by gentle vacuuming without touching the sprinkler. Replace any sprinkler or cover plate which has been painted (other than factory applied). Properly installed Model G5 cover plates will have an air gap that is required for proper operation, do not seal the gap or paint the cover plates. Model G5 series sprinklers have holes in the cup that must remain unobstructed. Replace any sprinkler which has been damaged. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick re- placement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Failure to properly maintain sprinklers may result in inadvertent operation or non-operation during a fire event. Guarantee For the Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. guarantee, terms, and conditions, visit www.reliablesprinkler.com. Patents Model G5 series sprinklers may be covered by one or more of the following patents: U.S. Patent 6,554,077, U.S. Patent 7,275,603, U.S. Patent 8,776,903, U.S. Patent 9,248,327 Ordering Information Specify the following when ordering. Sprinkler Model [G5-28] [G5-42] [G5-56] [G5-56 300] [G5-80] [G5-80F] Temperature Rating [165°F (740C)] [212°F (1000C)] Threads [NPTor ISO 7-1] Cover Plate Model [G4/G5, G4/G5 OR Gasket, 04/G5 SR Gasket] Finish (See Table I) Sprinkler Wrench Model W3 Model FC I I I I (N It N-0) 0) 0) 0) 0) Z Bulletin 034 Page 9 of 9 January 2020 www.reliablesprinkler.com Series AH2 I I Victaulic® VicFIexTM Sprinkler Fittings Series AH2 and AH2-CC Braided Flexible Hoses JtauIic 10.85 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Available Sizes by Component Series AH2 1"/DN25 Nominal ID Braided Hose: 31, 36, 48, 60, 72/790, 915, 1220, 1525, 1830 mm. Note: length includes adapter nipple and 5.757140 mm straight reducer. Series AH2-CC 1"/DN25 Nominal ID Braided Hose: 31, 36, 48, 60, 72/790, 915, 1220, 1525, 1830 mm. Note: length includes captured coupling and 5.757140 mm straight reducer. Sprinkler Reducers: Sprinkler Connections: ½ and 3/4'/15 and 20mm Straight Lengths: 5.75, 9, 13/140, 230, 330 mm 90" Elbows: Short (typically used with concealed sprinklers) Long (typically used with recessed pendent sprinklers) Low Profile-Short (for use with Style ABS, AB11, AB12, ABBA and ABMM Bracket) . Low Profile Long (for use with Style ABS, AB11, AB12, ABBA and ABMM Bracket) Inlet Connections: 1/25mm Grooved IGS 1/25mm NPT or BSPT adapternipples for attaching to pipe and fittings outlined in NFPA standards. 3/4720 mm NPT or BSPT adapter nipples available for VdS. 11/47 32mm BSPT adapter nipples available for LPCB. I I I ALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT. I System No. Location Spec Section Paragraph Submitted By Date Approved Date I s victaulic.com 10.855839 Rev AG updated 07/2019 © 2019 victaulic company. All rights reserved. 1 iCtUIiC I I I I I I I I I %IiI42IIIif ,nm 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION (Continued) Brackets: Style AB1 for suspended and hard-lid ceilings and sidewalls, allows installation before most ceiling tiles in place Style A132 for suspended and hard-lid ceilings and sidewalls, allows for vertical sprinkler adjustment, and installation before most ceiling tiles n place Style A133 for surface mount applications, wood, metal and block walls, or ceilings Style A134 for hard-lid ceilings with hat furring channel grid systems, allows for vertical sprinkler adjustment Style A135 for hard-lid ceilings and sidewalls, allows for vertical sprinkler adjustment Style A137 for suspended and hard-lid ceilings Style A137 Adjustable for suspended and hard-lid ceilings Style A138 for hard-lid ceilings with CD 60/27 profile metal studs (regionally available) Style A139 for hard-lid ceilings with hat furring channel grid systems Style AB10 for Armstrong® TechZoneTM ceilings Style AB11 for lay-in panel suspended t-grid ceilings or drywall suspended t-grid ceilings, allows for low profile installations (use only with 90° low profile elbows) Style AB12 for suspended and hard-lid ceilings, allows for vertical sprinkler adjustment, and allows for low profile installation down to 47100mm. Style ABBA bracket for suspended, exposed, and hard-lid ceilings Style ABMM bracket for surface mount and stand off-mount applications, wood, metal and block walls, or ceilings and hard-lid ceilings Maximum Working Temperature 225°F/107°C Maximum Working Pressure 200 psi/1375 kPa (FM Approval) 175 psi/1206 kPa (cULus Listed) 1600 kPa/232 psi (VdS/LPCB Approved) 1.4 MPa (000f Approved) Connections To adapter nipple (inlet) via 1725.4mm Grooved IGS F/25.4 mm NPT or BSPT male thread 3/4720 mm BSPT male thread (VdS only) 11/4732 mm BSPT male thread (LPCB only) To sprinkler head (outlet) via ½" or 3/4'715 mm or 20 mm Minimum Bend Radius 7/178 mm (FM/CCCf Approval) 2/51 mm (cULus Listed) 3776.2 mm (VdS/LPCB Approved) Maximum Allowable Sprinkler K-Factors FM (1/2715mm reducer) K5.6/8,1 (SI.), 0/4720mm reducer) K14.0/20,2 (SI.) cULus (1/2715mm reducer) K8.0/11,5 (SI.), (3%/20mm reducer) K14.0/20,2 (SI.) VdS/LPCB (1/2"/15mm reducer) K5.6/8,1 (SI.), (3%'/20mm reducer) K8.0/11,5 (S.l.) 10.85 5839 Rev AG updated 07/2019 © 2019 victaulic Company. All rights reserved. ,itI,iiIir 2 J1tlGIUIiC I I I H 1 I I I victaulic.com 2.0 CERTIFICATION/LISTINGS LISTED R ME NOTE The VicF/ex Series AH2 Hose has been tested and evaluated by Spears® for acceptable use with Spears® CPVC Products and is therefore covered under the Spears® FlameGaurd® Installer Protection Plan. 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS - MATERIAL Series AH2 Flexible Hose: 300-series Stainless Steel Collar/Weld Fitting: 300-series Stainless Steel Gasket Seal: Victaulic EPDM Isolation Ring: Nylon Nut and Nipple: Carbon Steel, Zinc Plated Reducer (1/2715 mm or 3/4720 mm): Carbon Steel, Zinc-Plated Low Profile Elbows: Ductile Iron, Zinc-Plated Brackets: Carbon Steel, Zinc-Plated Series AH2-CC Flexible Hose: 300-series Stainless Steel Collar/Weld Fitting: 300-series Stainless Steel Gasket Seal: Victaulic EPDM Isolation Ring: Nylon Coupling Retainer Ring: Polyethelene Nut and Nipple: Carbon Steel, Zinc Plated Reducer (1/2"/15mm or 3/4"/20mm): Carbon Steel, Zinc-Plated Housing: Ductile iron conforming-to ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 395, Grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Coupling Housing Coating: Orange enamel (North America, Asia Pacific). Red enamel (Europe). Hot dipped galvanized. Gasket:' Grade "E" EPDM (Type A) FireLock EZ products.have teen Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Limited, and Approved by Factory Mutual Research for wet and dry (oil free air) sprinkler services within the rated working pressure. 1 Services listed are General Service Guidelines only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not compatible. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket service guidelines and for a listing of services which are not compatible. Bolts/Nut: Zinc electroplated carbon steel, trackhead meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A 449 and physical requirements of ASTM A 183. Linkage: CrMo Alloy Steel zinc electroplated per ASTM B633 Zn/Fe 5, Type Ill Finish I I 7 I I I 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. I victaulic.com 3 'j(ctauIic victaulic.com 4.0 DIMENSIONS Product Details - Series AH2 Braided Hose 4 13 - Hose Length Dimensions Hose Length inches mm A inches mm B inches mm 31/790 25.3/641 31/790 36/915 31.3/794 36/915 48/1219 42.3/1073 1 48/1220 60/1525 54.3/1378 60/1525 72/1830. 66.3/1683 - 72/1830 IliIi : 1zs.i :tt I:ose : -I pII Hose Length inches mm A inches mm B inches mm 3 1/790 24.5/622 29.8/757 36/915 29.5/749 34.8/884 48/1219 41.5/1054 46.8/1189 60/1525 53.5/1359 58.8/1494 72/1830 65.5/1664 70.8/1798 Item Description _1 Flexible Hose 2_ Isolation Ring 3 Gasket 4 Nut _5 - Adapter Nipple 6 Braid 7 Collar/Weld Fitting 8 Sleeve Item Description - - Flexible Hose - - Isolation Ring - - Gasket Nut - - Captured Coupling - - Braid 11 7- Collar/Weld Fitting Sleeve 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 4 '/(tauIiC victaulic.com 4.0 DIMENSIONS (Continued) - Standard Reducer 5.75/140 mm straight reducer Optional Reducers IJllIllllllI011llL IJ1 I 9.0/229 mm straight reducer I E11 13.0/330 mm straight reducer 2.62/ 665mm 2.627 66.5 mm 6.577 166.9 mm 122.7 ) I )' Short 90° elbow reducer Long 90° elbow reducer NOTE The Short 90° elbow reducer is typically used with concealed sprinklers while the longer 90 elbow is typically used in the installation of recessed pendent sprinklers. FM/VdS Approved only. Low Profile '72 m m 47 136 4/ 1.4/ mm 36 mm Short 90° elbow reducer Long 90° elbow reducer NOTE Style ABI1: When low profiles elbows are used with the Style AB11 bracket, the Low Profile Short Elbow is typically used with concealed sprinklers while the Low Profile Long Elbow is typically used in the installation of recessed pendent sprinklers. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 Q 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 5 J1taulic I I I P1 1 I 1 victaulic .com 4.1 DIMENSIONS VicFlex Brackets Styic AB1 Suspended Ceilings Hard-Lid Ceilings (FM Only) Item L Description 1 [ 24/610mmor48/1219mm Square Bar 2 Patented Center Bracket 3 j End Bracket NOTE Both sizes FM/VdS/LPCB Approved, cuLus listed Style AB2 Suspended Ceilings Hard-Lid Ceilings Item Description 24"/610 mm or 48/1219mm Square Bar F 2 Patented Vertically Adjustable Center Bracket End Bracket NOTE Both sizes FM/VdS/LPCB Approved, cULus listed CtyleAD3 Surface Mount Applications FM/LPCB Approved LI 10.85 5839 Rev AG updated 07/2019 0 2019 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 6 \4taui1c : victaulic.com 4.2 DIMENSIONS VicFlex Brackets 3tyIe A04— Hard-Lid Ceilings with Hat furring channel grid system Item Description 1 24/610mm 0r48I1219mm Square Bar 2 Patented Vertically Adjustable Center Bracket 3 End Bracket for Hat Furring ChanneIIII NOTE Both sizes FM/VdS/LPCB Approved, cULus listed. I I I [1 I -Style A85 Hard-Lid Ceilings Item Description 1- 24/610mmor48/1219mm Square Bar 2 Patented Vertically Adjustable Center Bracket L_3._.L End Bracket NOTE Both sizes FM/VdS/LPCB Approved, cULus listed. Style A87 - .. Suspended Ceilings Hard-Lid Ceilings - Item ] - . Description L 1 f 24"/610mm0r4871219mmSquareBar 2 Patented 1-Bee2° Center Bracket L 31 - End Bracket NOTE Both sizes FM/VdS/LPCB Approved. "-"- Stylc AB7 Adju3tablc Suspended Ceilings Hard-Lid Ceilings Item - Description 1 700 mm or 1400 mm Square Bar 2 L Patented 1-Beer Center Bracket 3_J End Bracket (adjustable) NOTE Both sizes FM/VdS/LPCB Approved. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 7 11., A_C_tau_lic~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I victaulic.com 4.3 DIMENSIONS VicF!ex Brackets Styk AD8— Hard-Lid Ceilings Item Description 1j 700 mm or 1400mm Square Bar 2 Patented Vertically Adjustable Center Bracket 3 End Bracket NOTE Both sizes FM/Vd5/LPCB Approved. —Styla AR1Q_ Suspended ceilings Armstrong® TechZoneTM 1 Item Description 1 6"/152mm Square Bar 2 Patented I -Bee2l Center Bracket I3 End Bracket NOTE FM/VdS/LPCB Approved, cULus listed. Style AD11 Suspended ceilings Hard-Lid ceilings Item Description r 1 247610 mm or 48"/1219 mm Square Bar 2 Patented 1-Bee2 Center Bracket I3 End Bracket NOTE FM/Vd5 Approved, cULus listed. 3L,k AB12 Suspended ceilings Hard-Lid ceilings Item Description Style AB1 2 Bracket Body 2 #2 Square Drive Set Screw NOTE FM/VdS Approved. . p o 0 10.85 5839 Rev AG updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 8 A—c—ta—ulicr Style ABMM Surface mount Stand-off mount Item Description JIIIJ Style ABMM Bracket Body 2 Cap Screw, Serated Flange, M6 x x 15.24, 125 Torx Drive Recessed I I [1 I victaulic.com 4.3 DIMENSIONS (CONTINUED) VicFlex Brackets Style ABBA Floor-above mount Cantilever mount Temporary mount in exposed ceilings Item Description - 1 Style ABBA Mounting Plate 2 Style ABBA Square Bar Cap Screw, Serated Flange, M6 x 1 x 20, 125 Torx Drive Recessed 4 Style ABMM Bracket Body -- Cap Screw, Serated Flange, M6 x x 15.24, T25 Torx Drive Recessed I I I I I LI 1 I I I I I I [1, I 10.85 5839 Rev AG updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com See 48/1219 mm on Center 2W/60 mm 2't1r/68 mm max. hole max. hole ] 2751 mm 2%"/60 mm 4.47 mm. hole min. hole 113 mm V27 V38 Pendent 1.7743mm Typical ceiling grid See no victaulic.com 4.4 DIMENSIONS Clearances Sorioc AH2 Br-aided Hoco 3nd Style AR! Bracket Hose Clearance Chart Straight Reducer Long Elbow Short Elbow V2707 V3802 V2707 V3802 3/4"½" 3/4" ½" V2707 V3802 V2707 V3802 Max Recess Max Recess Max Recess Max Recess 3/4" Max Recess ½ Max Recess 3/4" Max Recess ½" Max Recess inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm "R" Minimum . 2.0 3.0 7.0 - Bend Radius 50 80 175 "A' Minimum Required 8.6 10.1 9.6 11.1 13.6 15.1 5.8 5.8 Installation 218 269 244 281 345 383 147 147 Space NOTE Variations of ceiling grids, sprinkler heads, brackets, and hoses are permitted but may result in clearance differences from the figures above. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 10 \/ftauIic" victaulic.com 4.5 DIMENSIONS Clearances Series AH2 Braided Hose and Style AB2 Bracket A See Chart 1*1 J 2llx'/68 mm 2%'760 mm 2W/60 mm 45 mm max. hole max. hole max. hole 2W/60 mm 2/51 mm 2/51 mm mix, hole mix, hole mix, hole -Finished ceiling Hose Clearance Chart Straight Reducer V2707 V3802 V2709 V2707 V3802 V2709 V2707 V3802 V2709 3/4 120mm ½" 113mm 3/4'l 20mm /4'l 20mm WI 13mm 3/4" 120mm 3/4" 120mm ½" 113mm /4'l 20mm Max Recess" Max Recess Sidewall Max Recess Max Recess Sidewall Max Recess Max Recess Sidewall inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm "R" Minimum 2.0 3.0 7.0 Bend Radius 50 175 "A"Minimum Required 6.2 7.6 E6~ 7.2 8.6 7.1 11.2 12.6 11.1 Installation 158 ' 193 183 218 180 285 320 282 Space Hose Clearance Chart Long Elbow Short Elbow V2707 V2709 V3802 3/4" 120mm 3/4" 120mm ½1 13mm Max Recess Sidewall Max Recess inches inches inches mm mm mm "R" Minimum Bend Radius "A" Minimum Required 3.3 3.6 3.3 Installation 84 91 84 Space NOTE Variations of ceiling grids, sprinkler heads, brackets, and hoses are permitted but may result in clearance differences from the figures above. I 1 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. I victaulic.com 11 jtauIic I I 1 I I i:i I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I victaulic.com 4.6 DIMENSIONS Clearances 60ri36 AH2 Dr6idcd I Io3e 8nd Style AB4 Diket A 21/8/60 mm 2'i46768 mm See Chart max. hole max. hole 2751 mm 2W/60 mm mm. hole mix hole See note 4 /e/tsgmm Typcal Typical finished ceiling tile ceiling face '/a723 mm mm - V38 Typical 167406 V27 24/610 mm on Center Typical Ceiling grid Pendent Hose Clearance Chart Straight Reducer Long Elbow Short Elbow V2707 V3802 V2707 V3802 3/411 ½" 3/4' ½" V2707 V3802 V2707 V3802 Max Recess Max Recess Max Recess Max Recess 3/4" Max Recess ½" Max Recess 3/4' Max Recess ½" Max Recess inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm "R" Minimum 2.0 2.0 5.0 3.0 7.0 7.0 - Bend Radius 1 50 50 80 80 175 175 "A" Minimum Required 8.8 10.2 9.8 11.2 13.8 15.2 8.0 5.9 Installation 224 259 249 285 351 386 203 150 Space NOTE Variations of ceiling grids, sprinkler heads, brackets, and hoses are permitted but may result in clearance differences from the figures above. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 12 A-c-ta-ulicr vctaulic.com 4.7 DIMENSIONS Clearances Series Al 12 Braided Hose and Style A95 racket Hose Clearance Chart Straight Reducer "V2707 V3802 V2709 V2707 V3802 V2709 V2707 V3802 V2709 /4"1 20mm ½" 113mm 3/4"I20mm 3/4" 120mm ½" 113mm 3/4" 120mm 3/4" I 20mm ½" I 13mm 3/4' I 20mm Max Recess" Max Recess Sidewall Max Recess Max Recess Sidewall Max Recess Max Recess Sidewall inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 'R" Minimum 2.0 3.0 7.0 Bend Radius 50 80 175 "A" Minimum Required 6.0 7.7 6.1 - 7.0 8.7 7.1 11.0 12.7 11.1 Installation 158 196 155 178 221 180 279 323 282 Space Hose Clearance Chart Low-Profile Long Elbow Long Elbow Short Elbow - V2707 V3802 V2709 V3802 V3802 3/4" 120 mm ½' 113mm 3/4"l 20mm WI 13mm ½" I 13mm Max Recess Max Recess Sidewall Max Recess Max Recess inches inches inches inches inches mm mm mm mm mm "R" Minimum - Bend Radius "A" Minimum Required 3.5 4.9 3.6 2.9 3.3 Installation 89 124 91 . 74 84 Space NOTE Variations of ceiling grids, sprinkler heads, brackets, and hoses are permitted but may result in clearance differences from the figures above. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. viCtaulic.Com 13 'JftauIic I I LI I I I I LI victaulic.com 4.8 DIMENSIONS Clearances Series Al 12 Braided I baa and 6t'le AB11 Bracket (LOW PROFILE SOLUTION) 2/s'I60 mm 21'A768 mm I ,- StyleAB1 1 Bracket I Assembly 2/51 mm 2W/60 mm mm. hole mm. hole See Chart 76 mm max. hole max. hole L4 14 im Fi 1.7743 mm /s/15.9 mm ci?5hed Typical ceiling ceiling grid Typical See Note 247610mm0r Ifac tile V27 V38 4871219 mm on center Pendent Hose Clearance Chart Low-Profile Low-Profile Long Elbow Short Elbow V2707 V3802 3/4'I2Omm 1/2'113mm Max Recess" Max Recess inches inches mm mm "A" Minimum Required 4.0 3.9 Installation 102 99 Space NOTE Variations of ceiling grids, sprinkler heads, brackets, and hoses are permitted but may result in clearance differences from the figures above. I I LI 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 14 \JtauIic Squari Nominal 4/355 V2707 W112.7 ,rnn MAX. RECESS ypn,* n9 V2707 W/19 mn MAX. RECESS I I I 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 15 j A _C_ t au I ic victaulic.com 4.9 DIMENSIONS Clearances Style A1312 dnd ABBA Bracket Suspended Ceiling Grid with Recessed Sprinkler with Suspended Ceiling Grid with Recessed Sprinkler and Low Profile Short Elbow Straight 5.75"/140mm Reducer Low Profile Low Profile Standard Standard Standard Dimension Short Elbow 'Long Elbow Short Elbow Long Elbow Straight Reducer 3/4!719 MM 3/4'/l9mm 3/4'719 MM 3/4719 MM 3/4!719 MM - Recessed* Concealed Recessed Concealed Recessed Concealed Recessed Concealed Recessed Concealed inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Minimum Required 4.0 5.5 5.6 7.2 5.9 7.5 7.7 9.3 15.0 16.6 A Installation Space 101.6 139.7 142.2 182.9 149.9 190.5 195.6 236.2 381.0 421.6 I Distance from,Top of B ITypical Ceiling Tile to '0.5 2.0 '1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 12.7 50.8 38:1 38.1 Bottom of Gate 38.1 38.1 76.2 76.2 76.2 76.2 * Adjustability will be limited Style ABMM Bracket Stand-off Dimensions I 222/ I 56 mm 2 94/ 75 mm II 0.28/ 10 6m 7mm/ Squarebar 29 mm I I I I I [1 ri I I I I I. I I I I victaulic.com 4.10 DIMENSIONS Clearances Style A03 and ABMM Draeket Surface Mount Application with Recessed Sprinkler 2/51 mm mm. hole Hose Clearances inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches Dimension mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm walilhickness 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 "A" 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250 Outlet Length 5.75 1 9 f 13 5.75 9 13 9 13 13 13 5.75 9 13 5.75 9 13 9 13 13 13 "B' 146.1 228.6p2 146.1 228.6 330.2 228.6 330.2 330.2 330.2 146.1 228.6 330.2 146.1 228.6 330.2 228.6 330.2 330.2 330.2 lloseClearance 11.6 14.8 18.8 9.6 12.8 116.8 10.8 14.8 12.8 10.8 12.6 15.8 19.8 10.6 13.8 17.8 11.8 1 15.8 13.8 11.8 294 1376 1478 243 325 427 275 376 325 275 319 402 1 503 268 1 351 1 4521 300 1 402 1 351 1 300 Bend Radius 7 8 175 200 NOTE Variations of ceiling grids, sprinkler heads, brackets, and hoses are permitted but may result in clearance differences from the figures above. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com ' 16 \J(ctauIic 5.0 PERFORMANCE - FRICTION LOSS DATA Series AH2 and AH2-CC Braided Hoses with Straight 5.757140 mm Reducers LISTED Style AB1, AB2, AB4, AB5 and AB1O Brackets Maximum Equivalent Length Number of of 1733.7mm 900 Bends at 2751 mm Sch. 40 Pipe (C=120) Bend Radius inches/mm inches/mm/type feet/meters 31/790 ½'/15/Straight 16/4.9 4 6'/20/Straight 17/5.2 4 36/915 '/2/15/Straight 21/6.4 5 3/4 /20/Straight 23/7.0 5 48/1220 1/2 /15/Straight 32/9.8 8 1/4'/20/Straight 37/11.3 8 60/1525 Vz/15/Straight 46/14.0 10 '4/20/Straight 46/14.0 10 72/1830 ½/15/Straight 55/16.8 12 3/4"/20/Straight 53/16.2 12 Series AH2 and AH2-CC Braided Hose with 90° Low Profile Elbows LISTED Style AB11 VicFlex Bracket Maximum Equivalent Length Number of of 1°/33.7 mm 90° Bends at 2751 mm - Sch. 40 Pipe Bend Radius -- inches/mm inches/mm feet/meters 31/790 1/2715 24/7.3 4 3/4 /20 24/7.3 4 - 36/915 1/2"/15 26/7.9 5 3/4"/20 28/8.5 5 48/1220 - '/2'715 43/13.1 8 3/4 '/20 42/12.8 8 60/1525 1/2'715 49/14.9 10 '4/20 50/15.2 10 721 / 830 1/2'715 65/19.8 12 '/4/20 63/19.2 12 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 17 ___________ victaulic.com 5.0 PERFORMANCE - FRICTION LOSS DATA (CONTINUED) Series AH2 and AH2-CC Braided Hoses Equivalent Length Design Guide Equivalent length values at various numbers of 90 degree bends at 2/51 mm center line bend radius Length of Stainless Steel Flexible Outlet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hose Size Bend Bends Bends Bends Bends Bends Bends Bends Bends Bends Bends Bends inches/ inches/ feet/ feet/ feet/ feet/ feet/ feet/ feet/ feet/ feet/ feet/ feet/ feet/ mm mm meters I meters meters I meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters ½"!15 8.5!2.6 11.0/3.4 13.0!4,0 16.0/4.9 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 1' 90 /4"!20 10.0/3.0 12.5!3.8 14.0/4.3 17.0/5.2 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A ½!15 13.5/4.1 16.0/4.9 18.0!5.5 19.0/5.8 21.0/6.4 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 36!915 3/4'!20 14.0/4.3 17.0/5.2 19.5/5.9 20.0/6.1 23.0/7.0 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A Y2!15 15.5/4.7 17.0/5.2 19.5/5.9 20.0/6.1 21.0!6.4 22.0/6.7 28.0/8.5 1 32.0!9.8 N.A N.A N.A N.A 48/1220 Y4"!20 17.0!5.2 19.0/5.8 21.5/6.6 24.5/7.5 26.0!7.9 27.0!8.2 30.0/9.1 37.0!11.3 N.A N.A N.A_ _N.A 1/2715 21.5!6.6 24.0!7.3 27.0!8.2 28.5/8.7 30.0/9.1 31.0/9.4 37.0/11.3 42.0!12.8 44.0/13.4 46.0/14.0 N.A N.A 60!1525 W!20 23.0!7.0 24.0/7.3 28.0!8.5 29.5/9.0 30.5!9.3 31.0!9.4 38.0/11.6 42.0!12.8 44.0!13.4 46.0/14.0 N.A N.A ½!15 30.0/9.1 32.0/9.8 36.5/11.1 37.5/11.4 40.5/12.5 41.0/12.8142.0/12.8 46.0/14.0 49.0!14.9 52.0115.8 54.0/16.5155.0/16.8 72/1830 W!20_1 32.0/9.8 32.5/9.9 35.0/10.7 35.5/10.8 40.0/12.3 40.5/1i11.0!12.5 46.0!14.0 50.0/15.2 51.0/15.5,152.0/15.8153-0/16.2 NOTES: Values for use with 5.757140 mm straight reducers. How to use this Design Guide: For some systems, it may be advantageous for the designer to calculate the system hydraulics using shorter equivalent lengths associated with fewer than the maximum allowable number of bends. In this case, the designer may select a design number of bends for the job and use the associated equivalent length from the design guide to determine the system hydraulics. It is possible that the actual installed condition of some of the flexible drops may have more bends than the designer selected. When this happens, the design guide may be used to find equivalent lengths based on the actual installed number of bends for particular sprinkler installations. The system hydraulics can be recalculated using actual equivalent lengths to verify the performance of the system. I I Li I I I I I I I 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 18 victaulic.com 5.1 PERFORMANCE -FRICTION LOSS DATA Series AH2 and AH2-CC Braided Hoses Style AB1, AB2, A133, AB4, A135, AB7, AB7 Adj., A138, A1310, AB12, ABBA and ABMM VicFlex Brackets Length of Stainless Steel Flexible Hose inches/mm K-Factor Imperial/S.I. Outlet Size inches/mm/type Equivalent Length of 1733.7mm Sch. 40 Pipe feet/meters Maximum Number of 900 Bends at 7/178mm Bend Radius 31/790 5.6/8.1 1/2'/15/Straight 13.8/4.2 2 23.5/7.1 1/2'/15/90 Elbow 36/915 5.6/8.1 1/2"/15/Straight 16.6/5.1 2 25.6/7.8 1/2715/90 Elbow 48/1220 5.6/8.1 1/2"/15/Straight 23.4/7.1 3 30.7/9.3 1/2'/15/90 Elbow 60/1525 5.6/8.1 1/2 /15/Straight 30.2/9.2 4 35.9/10.9 1/2 /15/90 Elbow 72/1830 5.6/8.1 1/2715/Straight 37.0/11.3 +• — 4 41.1/12.5 1/2715/90 Elbow 31/790 8.0/11.5 3/4V20/Straight 16.8/5.1 2 16.8/5.1 %/20/90 Elbow 36/915 8.0/11.5 1/4"/20/Straight 20/6.0 19.7/6.0 Elbow 2/4 /20/90 48/1220 8.0/11.5 34'/20/Straight 27.8/8.4 3 26.6/8.1 1/4'/20/90 Elbow 60/1525 8.0/11.5 34/20/Straight 35.7/10.9 4 3/4"/20/90 Elbow - 33.6/10.2 72/1830 8.0/11.5 3/4'/20/Straight 43.5/13.2 4 40.6/12.2 %/20/90 Elbow 31/790 11.2/16.1 3/4"/20/Straight 16.5/5.0 2 17.8/5.4 a/4 /20/90 Elbow 36/915 11.2/16.1 3/4"/20/Straight 19.5/5.9 2 20.7/6.3 3/4'/20/90 Elbow 48/1220 11.2/16.1 34/20/Straight 26.7/8.1 3 27.9/8.5 34V20/90 Elbow 60/1525 11.2/16.1- 3/4 /20/Straight 33.9/10.3 4 35/10.7 /4/20/90 Elbow 72/1830 11.2/16.1 3/4"/20/Straight 41.3/12.5 4 42.2/12.8 3/4"/20/90 Elbow 31/7 90 14.0/20.2 3/4"/20/Straight 14.9/4.5 2 15.5/4.72 4°/20/90 Elbow 36/915 14.0/20.2 3/4 /20/Straight 19.4/5.9 2 19.6/5.9 - /4/20/90 Elbow 48/1220 14.0/20.2 3/4 /20/Straight 30.3/9.2 3 29.5/8.9 V4"/20/90 Elbow 60/1525 14.0/20.2 ~ /20/Straight 33.9/10.3 4 34.1/10.4 /4/20/90 Elbow 72/1830 14.0/20.2 3/4'/20/Straight 37.5/11.4 4 4'/20/90 Elbow 38.6/11.7 FM NOTES: The Series AH2 hose has been tested and Approved by FM Global for use in wet, dry and preaction systems per NFPA 13, 13R, and 13D and FM data sheets 2-0, 2-5, and 2-8. FM 1637 standard for safety include, but are not limited to, pressure cycling, corrosion resistance, flow characterisitics, vibration resistance, leakage, mechanical and hydrostatic strength. EXAMPLE: A 48-inch hose installed with two 30° bends and two 90° bends is permitted and considered equivalent to the data in the table shown above. In this example, the total number of degrees is 240°, which is less than the allowable 270°. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 19 \tauIic I I I I I I I I I I victaulic.com 5.2 PERFORMANCE - FRICTION LOSS DATA Series AH2 Braided Hose with 900 Low Profile Elbows Style AB5, AB11, AB12, ABBA and ABMM VkFlex Bracket Length of Stainless Steel Flexible Hose inches/mm K-Factor Imperial/S.I. Outlet Size inches/mm Equivalent Length of 10133.7mm Sch. 40 Pipe feet/meters Maximum Number of 900 Bends at 71178mm Bend Radius 31/790 5.6/8.1 1/2715 13.7/4.2 2 36/915 5.6/8.1 1/2 /iS 17.0/5.2 2 48/1220 5.6/8.1 M271 25.0/7.6 3 60/1525 5.6/8.1 M271 33.0/10.1 4 72/1830 5.6/8.1 1/20/15 41.1/12:5 4 31/790 8.0/11.5 3/4'/20 13.6/4.14 2 36/915 8.0/11.5 3/4'/20 16.9/5.2 2 48/1220 8.0/11.5 3/40/20 27.8/8.5 3 60/1525 8.0/11.5 3/4 /20 32.6/9.9 4 72/1830 8.0/11.5 1/4'/20 40.6/12.4 4 31/790 11.2/16.1 1/40/20 13.7/4.2 2 36/915 11.2/16.1 /4/20 17.0/5.2 2 48/1220 11.2/16.1 /4"/20 24.9/7.6 3 60/1525 ._.. 11.2/16.1 3/4'/20 32.9/10.0 4 72/1830 11.2/16.1 /4/20 40.9/12.5 4 31/790 14.0/20.2 J /'/20 13.5/4.1 2 36/915 14.0/20.2 3/4'I20 16.8/5.1 2 48/1220 14.0/20.2 /4/20 24.7/7.5 3 60/1525 14.0/20.2 3/4"/20 32.7/9.9 4 72/1830 1 14.0/20.2 3/4 /20 40.7/12.4 4 FM NOTES: The Series AH2 hose has been tested and Approved by FM Global for use in wet, dry and preaction systems per NFPA 13, 13R, and 130 and FM data sheets 2-0, 2-5, and 2-8. FM 1637 standard for safety include, tut are not limited to, pressure cycling, corrosion resistance, flow characterisitics, vibration resistance, leakage, mechanical and hydrostatic strength. EXAMPLE: A 48-inch hose installed with two 300 bends and two 900 bends is permitted and considered equivalent to the data in the table shown above. In this example, the total number of degrees is 2400, which is less than the allowable 270°. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 20 %JAi -C- tauIic victaulic.com 5.3 PERFORMANCE -FRICTION LOSS DATA Series AH2 and AH2-CC Braided Hose Style AB1, A132, AB4, AB5, AB7, AB7 Adj., AB8, AB10, AB11 and AB12 Brackets Equivalent Length of Maximum Number Length of steel pipe according to of 90" Bends at Stainless Steel Outlet EN 10255 DN 25 3°/76.2mm Bend Flexible Hose Size (33,7 x 3,25) Radius mm/inches mm/inches meters/feet meters/feet l5mm/W 31/790 55/18.0 20mm/W 3 15mm1½" 36/915 6.4/21.0 3 20mmlW 15 mmP/2 48/1220 8.5/27.9 20 mm/W 3 15 mmu/2 60/1525 10.7/35.1 4 20 mm//4 15 mm/½ 72/1830 12.8/42.0 4 20mm/Y4' VDS CEILING MANUFACTURERS LIST AB1, AB2, AB7, AB1O ,AB11 A1134 AB5, A88 1. AMF No specific approval 1. Hilti 2. Armstrong Knauf Chicago Metallic 3. Lafarge 4. Dipling 4. Lindner 5. Durlum 5. Rigips Geipel Gema-Armstrong Hilti Knauf Lafarge Linder Odenwald Richter Rigips Rockfon Pagos Suckow & Fischer USG Donn Series AH2 and AH2-CC Braided Hose 1[1 Style AB1, AB2, AB3, A134, AB5, AB7, AB8, and AB10 Brackets I I I I I I I I I I Series AH2 Braided Hose Style AB1, AB2, AB3, AB4, AB5, AB7, AB8, AB10 and AB12 Brackets Length of Equivalent Length Maximum Stainless of steel pipe Number of Steel according to 90" Bends at Flexible Outlet EN 10255 DN 25 3776.2mm Hose Size (33,7 x 3,25) Bend Radius mm/inches mm/inches/type meters/feet 790/3 1 15 m/1/2 "/Straight 1.8/6.0 2 20 mm/3/4"/Straight 15 mm/l/2"/Straight915/36 3.6/11.9 2omm/~/Straight 3 15 mm/W/Straight 1220/48 4.3/14.0 20 mm/3/4VStraight 3 15 mm/l/2"/Straight1525/60 4.1/13.6 20 mm/34/Straight 3 lsmm/½"/Straight 1830/72 - 5.5/18.1 .20 mm/l/4"/Straight 3 Length of Flexible Equivalent Length of Hose 1/33.7mm Sch. 40 Pipe mm inches Straight Configuration Bend Configuration 790 0.87 2.70 31 2.9 8.9 915 1.00 2.80 36 33 9.2 1220 2.23 4.66 48 7.3 15.3 1525 2.90 6.5 60 9.5 21.3 1830 3.31 7.16 72 10.9 1 23.5 CCCF NOTE Friction loss data is in accordance with GB5135.16 tested at a flow rate of 114 liters per minute (30 gallons per minute). 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 21 J'tauIiC victaulic.com S 6.0 NOTIFICATIONS A WARNING Read and understand all instructions before attempting to install, remove, adjust, or maintain any Victaulic piping products. Always verify that the piping system has been completely depressurized and drained immediately prior to installa- tion, removal, adjustment, or maintenance of any Victaulic products. Wear safety glasses, hardhat, and foot protection. Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious personal injury and property damage. WARNING, It is the responsibility of the system designer to verify suitability of 300-series stainless steel flexible hose for use with the intended fluid media within the piping system and external environments. The effect of chemical composition, pH level, operating temperature, chloride level, oxygen level, and flow rate on 300-series stainless steel flexible hose must be evaluated by the material specifier to confirm system life will be acceptable for the intended service. Failure to follow these instructions could cause product failure, resulting in serious personal injury and/or property damage. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 22 \J(tauIic 8.7 39 2.2 168 :;.:::: 72/1830 Total Load is defined as the sum of the weights of the following: . water-filled flexible sprinkler hose with threaded end fittings, including a typical fire sprinkler -.. = bracket assembly (any applicable Victaulic bracket model of the relevant associated size) ASTM C 635: Suspension System Load-Carrying Capabilities (excerpted) Actual Length Total Load Max. Uniform Load ft Model Size m . lb N lb/linearft N/linearm 31/790 2.6 6.1 27 1.5 22 0.8 36/915 0.9 6.4 29 1.6 23 48/1220 7.2 32 1.8 26 1.2 60/1525 7.9 35 2.0 29 15 32 victaulic.com 7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS - CHARACTERISTICS VicFlex Maximum Load Values Series AH2 Hose with 24" Bracket Actual Length Total Load Max. Uniform Load ft Model Size m lb N Ib/linearft N/linearm 31/790 0.8 5.2 23 2.6 38 36/915 0.9 5.5 25 2.8 40 48/1220 12 6.3 28 3.1 46 60/1525 1.5 7.0 31 3.5 51 72/1830 18 Series AH2 Hose with 48" Bracket Suspension System Actual Length ft/rn Mm. Allowable Uniform Load lb/linear ft N/linear m Direct Hung Light 5.0 75.7 Intermediate 12.0 J 181.0 Heavy 16.0 241.7 SUMMARY: All direct-hung suspension system duty classifications per ASTM C 635 are able to withstand the I maximum water-filled weight of the VicFIex sprinkler hose and bracket. I I I I 10.85 5839 Rev AG updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. I victaulic.com 23 ___________ victaulic.com 7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS - CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED) Flexible Hose In-Plane Bend Characteristics One Bend Two Bends Three Bends fin 2X minimum Minimum M, Mini mum mum bend bend radius bend radius bMnd radmius radius bend radius OR Minimum OR bend radius 90* mrad miu, b e n d Mm bend radius Minimum bend radius Minimum bend radius NOTE For out-of-plane (three-dimensional) bends, care must be taken to avoid imparting torque on the hose. l-VicFlex-AB1-AB2-AB1O l-VicFlex-AB3 I-VicFlex-AB4 l-VicFlex-AF I-VicFlex-AB8 I-VicFlex-AB12 1-Vic Flex-AS BA l-VicFlex-ABMM User Responsibility for Product Selection and Suitability Each user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, in accordance with industry standards and project specifications, and the applicable building coces and related regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warning instructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation, advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation guide, or this disclaimer. Intellectual Property Rights No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual properly right of Victaulic or any of its subsidaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as recommendation for the use of such material, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patent or other intellectual property right. The terms "Patented" or "Patent Pending" refer to design or utility patents or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United States and/or other countries. Note This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. Installation Reference should always be made to l-VICFLEX-AB1-AB2-AB10, l-VICFLEX-A84, I-VICFLEX-AB7, or I-VICFLEX-AB8 for the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com. Warranty Refer to the Warranty section of the Current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. Trademarks Victaulic and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries. 10.85 5839 Rev AG Updated 07/2019 © 2019 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 24 \,.4tauIic I I As the leading supplier of steel sprinkler pipe, we understand that there are no second chances in fire suppression. You need products of enduring quality and exceptional strength-plus reliable service. You need Bull Moose. OR (in) - 1.315= -1.660 --1900- 2.375 2.815 1 3.500 4.500 6.625 1 8.625 I.D. (in) 1.097 1.442 1.682 2.151 2.635 3.260 4.260 6.357 8.249 Emptv weight (lb/ft) 1410 - 1810_ 2.090 2.640 .3.530. 4.340 5.620 9.290 16.940 water Filled Weight (10/ft) 1820 - 2.518 3.053 4.223 5.89F 7.957 - 11.796 23.038 40.086 LR,R, 15.27 9.91 7.16 6.27. 4.92 3.54 2.50 1.158 1.805 Pieces per Lift 91 61 61 - - 37 j 30 19 19 10 7 Lift Weight (lOs) 21 lengths 2,695 2,319 2,617 2,051 2,224. 1,732 2,242 1,951 1 2,490 Lift Weight (los) 24 lengths 3,019 2,650 - 3,060 2,344 2,542 1,919 2,563 2,230 1 2,848 Lift Weight (lOs) 25 lengths - 3,208 2,160. 3,187 2,442 2,648 2,062 2,610 1.049 1.380 t610 2.067 2.459 3.068 4.026 .680 2.210 2.720 3.660 5.800 7.580 10.800 055 11,70 2.918 3.602 5.114 7.815 10.783 16.316 too too i.00 too too too 51 44 30 30 1 19 19 OTHER BENEFITS/SERVICES: We have the most stocking Locations in the industry, for best delivery and availability Plain end or roll groove Eddy Guard II" bacterial-resistant internal coating Custom Length options Hot dipped galvanization Reddi-Pipe® red or black pipe eliminates field painting Compatible for use in wet, dry, preaction and deluge sprinkler systems The only maker with EPDs (to help earn LEED points). SCHEDULE 10 B 40 ADVANTAGES: UL listed (US & Canada) and FM approved ASTM A135 and A795 Type E,-Grade A Certified Complies with NFPA-13, 13R and 14 Industry-leading hydraulic characteristics CRR of 1.0 and greater All pipe NDT weld tested c®us LISTED [41 ONFSA FM Approved and Fully Listed Sprinkler Pipe Wheatland Tube's Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 steel fire sprinkler pipe is FM Approved and UL® and C-UL Listed. Approvals and Specifications I Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 meet or exceed the following standards: ASTM A135, Type E, Grade A 1 (Schedule 10, 1-8 NPS) ASTM A795, Type E, Grade A I (Schedule 40,1-2 NPS) ASTM A53, Type E, Grade B (Schedule 40, 2-8 NPS) I . ASTM A53, Type F, Grade A (Schedule 40,1-4 NPS). I . NFPA0 13 and NFPA14 Manufacturing Protocols Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 are subjected I to the toughest possible testing protocols to ensure the highest quality and long-lasting performance. 11 I I Finishes and Coatings All Wheatland black steel fire sprinkler pipe receives a proprietary mill coating to ensure a clean, corrosion-resistant surface that outperforms and outlasts standard lacquer coatings. This coating allows the pipe to be easily painted, without special preparation. Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 can be ordered in black or hot-dip galvanized, to meet FM/UL requirements for dry systems that meet the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A795 or A53. Product Marking Each length of Wheatland fire sprinkler pipe is continuously stenciled to show the manufacturer, type of pipe, grade, size and length. Bar coding is acceptable as a supplementary identification method. PROJECT: CONTRACTOR: I ENGINEER: SPECIFICATION REFERENCE: 1 LOCATIONS: COMMENTS: I El BLACK U HOT-DIP GALVANIZED 1 Council Avenue, P.O. Box 608 info@wheatland.com I Wheatland, PA 16161 wheatland.com P 800.257.8182 Follow us on Twitter: F 724.346.7260 - cäWheatlandTube DATE: SYSTEM TYPE: I MMeatiandTube A DIVISION OF ZEKEL PlAN INDUSTRIES SCHEDULE 10 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS WT./FT. WT./LIFT WT./LIFT WT./LIFT NPS NOMINAL OD NOMINAL ID NOMINAL WALL WT./FT. H2OFILLED PCS./LIFT 21 24 25 UL [ f mm In. II mm in. mm lbs. lbs. 1[ 4 lbs. lbs. II lbs. II CRR 1 1.315 33.4 1.097 27.9 0.109 2.77 1.405 1.814 70 2065 2360 2459 11.4 j[ 1660J[ 422 1442_ [p366 ][ 0109 277 [1807 [[ 2514 r 61 2315 i[2645 [ 2756 [7.3 1'/s 1.900 48.3 1.682 42.7 0.109 2.77 2.087 3.049 61 2673 3055 3183 5.8 I iL { 603 1[ 2157 54.8 1Lo9 277 [24o 1[ 4.222 [ 2051-'[- 2344 L 2442 [47 2Yz 2.875 73.0 2.635 66.9 0.120 3.05 3.354 5.895 30 2226 2544 2651 3.5 3_j[ 3500 ¶ 889 iL 2602 L JL0i12 305 4336 [ [ T9 L 173O[ 1977 r2060 26 4 4.500 114.3 4.260 108.2 0.120 3.05 5.619 11.789 19 2242 2562 2669 1.6 LiL .56 ][ 349 ± 7780 17309 L52t'L _iJ 6 6.625 168.3 6.357 161.5 0.134 3.40 9.298 23.038 10 1953 2232 2325 1.0 88625f 21j549l[2O9S Lo188 478 [16960 ][ 40086 [ 7[ 24931r 2849 [2968 -2.1 SCHEDULE 40 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS WT./FT. WT./LIFT WT./LIFT WT./LIFT NPS NOMINAL OD NOMINAL ID NOMINAL WALL WT./FT. H20 FILLEDPCS./LIFT 21 24 25' UL [ _j In. mm in. mmlt In. mm IL lbs. [lbs. ][ lbs. ] lbs. lbs. 17c* ik 1 1.315- 33.4 1.049 26.6 0.133 3.38 1.68 2.055 70 2470 2822 2940 1.000 1¼ t1660 L 422 L1380 P 1 I L0140 356 227 2922 51 [[ 2431 "2778 'E-2894 1000 1% 1.900 48.3 1.610 40.9 0.145 3.68 2.72 3.602 44 2513 2872 2992 1.00 .0 2 T[2375 [03 [067 1r525E0154 391 366 5109 24 [[1845 2108 2196 21/s 2.875 73.0 2.469 62.7 0.203 5.16 5.80 7.871 20 2436 2784 2900 1.000 - 3 3.500 88.9 3 068[ 77 9_0 216 549 758 10.783 13 2069 _2365 L2464 1.000 L 31/2 4.000 101.6 3.548 90.1 0.226 5.74 9.12 13.400 10 1915 2189 2280 1.000 4 4500 1143 j[ 4026 L 0237 602 L 1080 [ 16 311 o 2268 _2592 2700 1.000 I 1 5 5.563 141.3 5.047 158.2 0.258 6.55 14.63 23.262 7 2151 2458 2560 1.000 6 6625 1683 J1 6065 'L 1541 0280 i 711 1899 31498 L s 1994 ["29 2374 1000 8.. 8.625 219.1 7.981 202.7 0.322 8.18 28.58 50.240 5 3001 3430 3573 1.000 Calculated using Standard UL CPR formula, UL Fire Protection Directory Category VIZY The CRR is a ratio value used to measure the ability of a pipe to withstand corrosion. Threaded Schedule 40 steel pipe is used as the benchmark (value of 7.0). 8 NPS Schedule 40 is FM Approved but not UL Listed. (9 C (@ < APPROVED WFS-060520 1 Council Avenue, P.O. Box 608 info@wheatland.com Wheatland, PA 16161 wheatland.com P 800.257.8182 Follow us on Twitter: F 724.346.7260 6lWheatlandTube IItWheatland Tube A DIVISION OFZEKELMAN INDUSTRIES - - P 1- 1 L . . SCHEDULE 10 , High Strength Steel Fire Sprinkler Pipe I Schedule 10 steel sprinkler pipe is available in the listed nominal diameters for wet, dry, preáction and deluge type sprinkler systems with unthreaded ends intended to be joined by welding or by Listed rubber gasketed fittings as indicated in Underwriters Laboratories Listings I . urde- the category for Fittings, Rubber Gasketed (VlZM), when installed in accordance with the filling manufacturers specifications. It i Fatory Mutual approved for roll-grooved, plainéiid and welded lengths for wet systems. Schedule 10 pipe products are coated with a durable, paintable, environmentally approved acrylic or water-based coating. 1 Specification: ASTM A795, Grade A, Type E NPS NOMINAL WALL, WEIGHT WEIGHT NUMBER LENGTH' RATED CORROSION =(inches) ID (inches).. THICKNESS jinc1zes) .r(lb/fl) - -. 1120 FILLED LENGTHS PER (ft) PRESSURE (psi) RESISTANCE RATIO (CRR) BUNDLE UL [_FM SCH.1O SCH.40 3 3.250 120 433 795 I 6 6.357 4.260;.,.......120-5.61 .134 9.29 11.79 23.04 8 8.249 .188 16.94 40.10 Notes: i. - Other lengths are available upon request. I 24 21 300 300 3.00 1 1.0 19 21 300 300 1.90 1,0 10 21 300 300 1.21 1.0 7 21 300 300 1.81 1.0 I . High Strength Steel Fire Sprinkler Pipe /1 Schedule 40 steel sprinkler pipe is available in the listed nominal diameters for wet, dry, preaction and deluge type sprinkler I systems with unthreaded ends intended to be joined by welding or by Listed rubber gasketed fittings as indicated in Underwriters Laboratories Listings under the category for Fillings, Rubber Gasketed (VlZM), when installed in accordance with the filling manufacturers specifications. t is Factory Mutual approved for roll-grooved, plain-ended and welded lengths for wet systems. Schedule 40 pipe products are coated with a durable, paintable, environmentally approved acrylic or water-based coating. Specification: ASTM A795, Grade A, Type E NPS NOMINAL WALL WEIGHT WEIGHT NUMBER LENGTH' RATED CORROSION (inches) ID THICKNESS (lb/fl) HO LENGTHS (ft) PRESSURE RESISTANCE (inches) (inches) FILLED PER (psi) RATIO (CRR) (lb/fl) BUNDLE UL I FM Reference Value 3 3.068 .216 7.58 10.78 1 24 21 300 300 1.0 I 4 4.02.6 .237 10.79 16.31 19 21 300 300 1.0 6 6.065 .280 18.97 31,50 10 21 300 300 1.0 82 791 322 2855 5024 7 21 300 300 10 I Notes: 1. - Other lengths are available upon request. 2 8 inch SCH 30 (.277 inches) pipe can be supplied from 8 Sch 40 I c®ususmo TEX-TUBE FIRE PROTECTION PIPE - . -. __________ .._.APPPflU1fl I I I Victaulic® FireLockTM Fittings A tauIic 10.03 I I I 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION I Available Sizes 11/4 - 87DN32 - DN200 Maximum Working Pressure I . Pressure ratings for Victaulic FireLockTM Fittings conform to the ratings of Victaulic FireLock EZTM Style 009N couplings (refer to publication 10.64 for more information). Application I • Firel-ock TM fittings are designed for use exclusively with Victaulic couplings that have been Listed or Approved for Fire Protection Services. Use of other couplings or flange adapters may result in bolt pad interference. Connects pipe, provides change in direction and adapts sizes or components Pipe Materials Carbon steel 2.0 CERTIFICATION/LISTINGS c®<R> LPCB PIS CEUSTED © I EN 10311 Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 I 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS - MATERIAL Fitting: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12. I Fitting Coating: El Orange enamel. o Red enamel in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and India. 0 Optional: Hot dipped galvanized. ALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT. I System No. Location Spec Section Paragraph Submitted By Date Approved Date I s victaulic.com 10.031539 Rev N Updated 09/2017 © 2017 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. 1 ictaulic victaulic.com 4.0 DIMENSIONS k.CtoE1 to El to to E Cto L. Li --. Cr 'b Ü a No. 001 No. 003 No. 002 No. 006 No. 001 No. 003 No. 002 No. 006 900 Elbow 45° Elbow Straight Tee Cap Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate Actual Nominal Outside Weight Weight Weight Weight Size Diameter C to E Each C to E Each C to E Each T Each inches inches inches lb inches lb inches lb inches lb DN mm mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg 11/4 1.660 - - - - - - 0.82 0.3 DN32 42.4 - - - - - - 21 0.1 11/2 1.900 - - - - - - 0.82 0.4 DN40 48.3 - - - - - - 21 0.2 2 2.375 2.75 1.7 2.00 1.8 2.75 2.4 0.88 0.6 DNSO 60.3 70 0.8 1 51 0.8 70 1.1 22 0.3 21/2 2.875 3.00 3.1 2.25 2.2 3.00 3.6 0.88 1.0 73.0 76 1.4 57 1.0 76 1.6 22 0.5 3.000 3.00 3.30 2.25 2.4 3.00 3.8 DN65 76.1 76 1.5 57 1.1 76 1.7 - - 3 3.500 3.38 4.0 2.50 3.1 3.38 5.3 0.88 1.2 DN80 1 88.9 86 1 1.8 64 1.4 86 2.4 22 1 0.5 4.250 4.00 5.7 3.00 5.1 4.00 7.5 108.0 102 2.6 76 1 2.3 102 3.4 - - 4 4.500 4.00 6.7 3.00 5.6 4.00 8.7 1.00 2.4 DN100 114.3 - 102 3.0 76 2.5 102 3.9 25 1.1 5 5.563 4.88 12.6 3.25 8.3 4.88 15.7 1.00 4.1 141.3 124 5.7 83 3.8 - 124 1 7.1 25 1.9 - 5.500 -. 4.88 12.4 3.25 8.2 4.88 15.4 DN125 139.7 124 5.6 1 82.6 1 3.7 124 6.9 - - 6.250 5.50 12.6 3.50 9.2 5.50 17.9 158.8 140 5.7 89 4.2 140 8.0 - - 6 6.625 5.50 18.3 3.50 11.7 5.50 22.7 1.00 5.9 DN150 168.3 140 8.3 89 5.3 140 1 10.3 25 2.7 6.500 5.43 17.6 3.50 11.4 5.50 f 22.0 165.1 . 140 7.9 89 5.2 140 9.9 - - 8 8.625. .. 6.81 . 25.5 . 4.25 20.4 6.94 38.7 1.13 12.7 DN200 219.1 173 11.6 108 9.3 176 17.6 29 5.8 8.515 6.81 23.1 - - 6.94 33.6 - - 216.3 173 10.5 - - 176 15.2 10.03 1539 Rev N Updated 09/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 2 \Jtt -au Iic I I I I F '\4t1IUIiC 10.03 1539 Rev N Updated 09/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 3 vctaulic.com 5.0 PERFORMANCE Flow Data Size Frictional Resistance Equivalent of Straight Pipe' No. 002 Actual Elbows Straight Tee No. 001 No. 003 Nominal Outside Size Diameter 900 Elbow 450 Elbow Branch Run inches inches feet feet feet feet DN mm meters meters meters meters 11/4 1.660 - - - - DN32 42.4 - - - - 1½ 1.900 - - - - DN40 48.3 - - - - 2 2.375 3.5 1.8 8.5 3.5 DNSO 60.3 1.1 0.5 2.6 1.1 21/2 2.875 4.3 2.2 10.8 4.3 73.0 1.3 0.7 3.3 1.3 3.000 4.5 2.3 11.0 4.5 DN65 76.1 1.4 0.7 - 3.4 1.4 3 3.500 5.0 2.6 13.0 5.0 DN80 88.9 1.5 0.8 4.0 1.5 4.250 6.4 3.2 15.3 6.4 108.0 2.0 0.9 4.7 2.0 4 4.500 6.8 3.4 16.0 6.8 DN100 114.3 2.1 1.0 4.9 2.1 5 5.563 8.5 4.2 21.0 8.5 141.3 2.6 1.3 6.4 2.6 5.500 . 8.3 4.1 20.6 8.3 DN125 139.7 2.5 1.3 6.3 2.5 6.250 9.4 4.9 25.0 9.6 158.8 2.9 1.5 7.6 2.9 6 6.625 10.0 5.0 25.0 10.0 DN150 . 168.3 :. 3.0 1.5 7.6 3.0 6.500 9.8 4.9 24.5 9.8 165.1 3.0 1.5 7.5 3.0 8 8.625 13.0 5.0 33.0 13.0 DN200 . 219.1 4.0 1.5 10.1 4.0 8.515 13.0 - 33.0 13.0 216.3 4.0 - 10.1 4.0 ' The flow data listed is based upon the pressure drop of Schedule 40 pipe. I I F] 'Ii I I I I 1 I I I I I. victaulic.com 6.0 NOTIFICATIONS General Notes NOTE: When assembling FireLock EZTM couplings onto end caps, take additional care to make certain the end cap is fully seated against the gasket end stop. For FireLock EZTM Style 009N/009H couplings, use FireLocklM No. 006 end caps containing the "EZ" marking on the inside face or No. 60 end caps containing the "QV EZ" marking on the inside face. Non-Victaulic end cap products shall not be used with Style 009/009V/009H/009N couplings. 7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS 10.64: Victaulic® FireLock nu Rigid Coupling Style 009N 10.02: Victaulic® FireLockTM Rigid coupling Style 005H with VicPlusTM Gasket System 29.01: Victaulic® Terms and Conditions of Sale I I I I User Responsibility for Product Selection and Suitability Each user bears final responsibility for making a determination auto the suitability of Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, in accordance with industry standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warning instructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recnrnmendation, advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation guide, or this disclaimer. Intellectual Property Rights No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such material, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patentor other intellectual property right. The terms "Patented" or "Patent Pending" refer to design or utility patents or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United States and/or other countries. Note This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. Installation Reference should always be made to the Victaulic installation handbook or installation instructions of the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products, providing complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com. Warranty Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. Trademarks Victaullc and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries. 10.03 1539 Rev N Updated 09/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved, victaulic.com 4tauiicr Victaulic® FireLockTM Installation-ReadyTM Rigid Couplings Ac—t a —U1 ii d Style 009N and Style 109 10.64 *:> 400 Patented Patented 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Available Sizes Style 009N: 11/4 - 12/DN32 - DN300 Style 109: 11/4 - 2 Y2IDN32 - 73.0 mm Pipe Material Schedule 10, Schedule 40 or specialty carbon steel pipe listed in Section 5. For use with alternative materials and wall thicknesses please contact Victaulic. Maximum Working Pressure Up to 365 psi/2517 kPa. Function Joins carbon steel pipe with grooved ends conforming to publication 25.01. Provides a rigid pipe joint designed to restrict axial or angular movement. 2.0 CERTIFICATION/LISTINGS PIS CE usm C104-la/36 EN 10311 Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 I 1 E I ALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT. System No. Location Spec Section Paragraph Submitted By Date Approved Date victaulic.com 10.64 7072 Rev M Updated 12/2018 © 2018 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. ictaullicr 1 victaulic.com 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS - MATERIAL Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 395, Grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: (specify choice) Orange enamel (North America, Asia Pacific) Red enamel (Europe) Optional for Style 009N: Hot dipped galvanized Gasket: (specify choice) El Grade "E" EPDM (Type A) VicPIusTM Pre-lubricated Gasket EPDM (Violet Color Code). Applicable for wet and dry (oil-free air) fire protection systems only. Listed/Approved for continuous use in wet and dry systems. Listed/Approved for dry systems at -40017/400C and above. Not compatible for use with hot water services or steam services. NOTES Reference should always be made to oublication 1-100, Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for gasket lubrication instructions. Services listed are General Service Guidelines only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not compatible. Reference should always be made to publication 05.01, victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket service guidelines and for a listing of services which are not compatible. Bolts/Nuts: (specify choice) El Standard: Carbon steel oval neck track bolts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A449 (imperial) and ISO 898-1 Class 9.8 (M10-M16) Class 8.8 (M20 and greater). Carbon steel hex nuts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A563 Grade B (imperial) and ASTM A563M Class 9 (metric). Track bolts and hex nuts are zinc electroplated per ASTM B633 Fe/Zn 5, finish Type Ill (imperial) or Type II (metric). Optional for Style 009N: Stainless steel oval neck track bolts meeting the requirements of ASTM F593, Group 2 (316 stainless steel), condition CW. Stainless steel Heavy Hex nuts meeting the requirements of ASTM F594, Group 2 (316 stainless steel), condition CW, with galling-resistant coating.' Optional bolts/nuts are available in imperial size only. Coupling Linkage: High Strength Steel with comparable physical properties to that of the Track Bolt (ASTM A449). Linkage is zinc electroplated per ASTM B633 Fe/Zn 5, Type Ill Finish. 10.64 7072 Rev M Updated 12/2018 © 2018 victaulic company. All rights reserved. virtiiIirrnm 2 ,4tauiic I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I victaulic.com 4.0 DIMENSIONS Style 009N Two-Bolt Installation-Ready Coupling Size Maximum Maximum Allow. Bolt/Nut - Dimensions Weight Actual Outside Working End Pipe End Pre-assembled Joint Assembled Approx. X Y Nominal Diameter Pressure2 Load2 Separation3 Qty. Size X V Z (Each) inches inches psi lb inches inches inches inches inches inches inches lb ON mm kPa N mm - mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 11/4 1.660 365 790 0.10 2 3/8 X2 3.13 5.00 2.75 5.00 2.00 1.4 0N32 42.4 2517 3514 2.54 - M10x51 79 127 - 70 127 51 0.6 11/2 1.900 365 1035 0.10 2 3/8X2 3.38 5.13 3.00 5.13 2.00 1.5 DN40 48.3 2517 4604 2.54 - M10x51 86 130 76 130 51 0.7 2 2.375 365 1617 0.12 3/eX2Yz 4.00 5.63 3.50 5.63 2.00 1.9 DN50 60.3 2517 7193 3.05 2 - M10x63 102 143 89 143 51 0.9 21/2 2.875 365 2370 0.12 2 3/8 X2½ 4.50 6.13 4.00 6.13 2.00 2.1 73.0 2517 10542 3.05 M10x63 114 156 102 156 51 1.0 3.000 365 2580 0.12 2 3/8 X2½ 4.63 6.00 4.13 6.13 2.00 2.1 0N65 76.1 2517 11476 3.05 - M10x63 118 152 105 156 51 1.0 3 3.500 365 3512 0.12 2 3/a X2½ 5.13 6.75 4.63 6.75 2.00 2.3 DN80 88.9 2517 15622 3.05 - M10x63 130 171 117 171 51 1.0 4 4.500 365 5805 0.17 2 3/8 X2½ 6.00 7.88 5.63 7.50 2.13 2.9 _DN100 114.3 2517 25822 _4.32 - M10x63 152 200 143 191 _54 1.3 4.250 365 5178 0.17 2 3/8 X2½ 5.63 7.38 5.38 7.38 2.13 3.1 108.0 2517 23020 4.32 - M10x63 152 1.87 137 187 54 1.4 5 5.563 365 8872 0.17 2 1/2 X3 7.25 9.25 6.75 9.13 2.25 5.0 - 141.3 2517 39456 4.32 - M12x76 184 235 171 232 57 2.3 5.250 365 7901 0.17 ½ x 3 6.63 9.00 6.38 9.00 2.25 4.8 133.0 2517 35106 4.32 - 2 M12x76 168 229 162 229 57 2.2 5.500 365 8672 0.17 2 ½x3 6.88 9.25 6.75 9.13 2.25 4.9 _DN125 139.7 2517 38529 4.32 - M12x76 175 235 171 232 57 2.2 6 6.625 365 12582 0.17 ½x3¼ 8.38 10.38 7.88 10.13 2.25 6.0 DN150 168.3 2517 44469 4.32 2 M12x83 213 264 200 257 57 2.7 6.250 365 11198 0.17 1/2 x31/4 7.88 10.00 7.38 9.88 2.25 5.6 159.0 2517 49753 4.32 2 - M12x83 200 _254 1 187 _251 57 2.5 6500. 365 .12112 .0.17 ½x3'/4 8.00 10.25 7.75 10.13 2.25 6.0 165.1 2517 1 53813 :. 4.32 2 - M12x83 203 260 197 257 57 2.7 8 8.625 365 21326 0.17 5/8 X4 10.88 13.38 10.25 13.13 2.50 11.4 DN200 219.1 2517 94863 _4.32_ 2 M16x 101 276 340 260 333 1 64 5.2 8.500 365 20712 0.17 /eX4 10.63 13.25 10.25 10.13 2.63 11.4 216.0 2517 55968 4.32 2 M16x 101 270 337 260 257 67 5.2 10 10.750 300 - 27229 0.25 /8X61/2 13.75 17.00 13.25 17.13 2.75 22.6 0N250 273.0 _2068_ 121121 - 6.4 2 - M22 165 349 432 337 435 70 10.3 1273;'3.9 750 300 38303 0.25 7/8 X 6V2 16.00 19.00 15.50 19.13 2.75 27.6 DN3 2068 170380 6.4 2 - M22 x 165 406 483 394 486 70 12.5 2 Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all internal and external loads, based on standard weight (ANSI) steel pipe, standard roll or cut grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. See the Listings/Approvals section of this publication for ratings on other pipe. The allowable pipe separation dimension shown is for system layout purposes only. Style 009N couplings are considered rigid connections and will not accommodate expansion or contraction of the piping system. NOTES When assembling Style 009N or Style 109 couplings onto end caps, take additional care to make certain the end cap is fully seated against the gasket end stop. For Style 009N or Style 109 couplings, use FireLock No. 006 end caps containing the "EZ" marking on the inside face or No. 60 end caps containing the "QV EZ" marking on the inside face. Non-Victaulic end cap products shall not be used with Style 009N or Style 109 couplings. IMPORTANT: Gaskets intended for the Style 009 or Style 009V couplings cannot be used with the Style 009N or Style 109 coupling. There is no interchanging of gaskets or housings between coupling styles. Use Of FlushSeal Gaskets For Dry Pipe Systems Style 009N or Style 109 couplings are supplied with Grade 'E" Type A gaskets. These gaskets include an integral pipe stop, that once installed provides the similar benefits as a FlushSeal gasket for dry pipe systems. It should be noted that standard Victaulic FlushSeal gaskets cannot be used with the Style 009N or Style 109 couplings. 10.64 7072 Rev M Updated 12/2018 © 2018 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 3 J1tauIic I I I I I I LI I I victaulic.com 4.1 DIMENSIONS Style 109 One-Bolt Installation-Ready Coupling YB Z YB Z YL YL 0 A <* XiA Style 109 Pre-Assembled Style 109 Joint Assembled Size Maximum Maximum Pipe End Bolt/Nut Dimensions Weight Actual Pre-assembled Joint Assembled Outside Working End Separation Approx. YL YB X Z YL YB X Z Nominal Diameter Pressure4 Load4 Allowable5 Qty. Size (Each) inches inches psi lb inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches lb mm mm kPa N mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm I kg 1¼ 1.660 365 790 0.10 1 3/sx2¼ 1.88 2.50 3.13 1.88 1.88 2.63 2.75 1.88 1.4 DN32 42.4 2517 3514 2.54 M10x57 1 48 64 79 48 48 67 70 48 0.6 11/2 1.900 365 1035 0.10 3/sx2¼ 2.00 2.63 3.25 1.88 2.00 2.75 3.00 1.88 1.5 DN40 48.3 2517 4604 2.54 1 M10x57 51 67 1 83 48 51 70 76 48 0.7 2 2.375 365 1616 0.12 3/8x2½ 2.25 2.88 3.88 2.00 2.25 3.13 3.50 2.00 1.8 0N50 60.3 2517 7193 3.05 1 M10x63 57 73 98 51 57 79 89 51 0.8 21/2 2.875 365 2370 0.12 1 3/8x21/2 2.50 3.13 4.38 2.00 2.50 3.38 3.88 2.00 2.1 73.0 2517 10542 3.05 M10x63 64 79 111 51 64 86 98 51 0.9 Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all internal and external loads, based on standard weight (ANSI) steel pipe, standard roll or cut grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. See the Listings/Approvals section of this publication for ratings on other pipe. The allowable pipe separation dimension shown is for system layout purposes only. Style 109 couplings are considered rigid connections and will not accommodate expansion or contraction of the piping system. NOTES When assembling Style 009N or Style 109 couplings onto end caps, take additional care to make certain the end cap is fully seated against the gasket end stop. For Style 009N or Style 109 couplings, use FireLock No. 006 end caps containing the "EZ" marking on the inside face or No. 60 end caps containing the "QV EZ" marking on the inside face. Non-Victaulic end cap products shall not be used with Style 009N or Style 109 couplings. IMPORTANT: Gaskets intended for the Style 009 or Style 009V couplings cannot be used with the Style 009N or Style 109 coupling. There is no interchanging of gaskets or housings between coupling styles. Use Of FlushSeal Gaskets For Dry Pipe Systems Style 009N or Style 109 couplings are supplied with Grade E" Type A gaskets. These gaskets include an integral pipe stop, that once installed provides the similar benefits as a FlushSeal gasket for dry pipe systems. It should be noted that standard Victaulic FlushSeal gaskets and cannot be used with the Style 009N or Style 109 couplings. LI I I I I I 10.64 7072 Rev M Updated 12/2018 © 2018 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. I victaulic.com 4 jtauIic I 5.0 PERFORMANCE Style 009N Two-Bolt Installation-Ready Coupling Listings/Approvals6 The information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at the time of publication. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approval agencies. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and the latest listings and approvals. Size cULus" FM" VdS LPCB Actual Outside Sch. 10 Sch. 40 Sch. 10 Sch. 40 Nominal Diameter psi psi psi psi psi psi inches inches kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa DIN mm bar bar bar bar bar bar 365 365 363 363 363 363 11/4 1.660 0N32 42.4 2517 2517 2503 2503 2500 2500 _25 25 25 25 25 25 365 365 363 363 363 363 1 1/2 1.900 DN4O 48.3 2517 2517 2503 2503 2500 2500 25 25 25 25 25 25 365 365 363 363 363 363 2 2.375 DNSO 60.3 2517 2517 2503 2500 2500 2500 25 25 25 25 25 1 25 365 365 363 363 363 363 21/2 2.875 2517 2517 2503 2500 2500 2500 73.0 25 25 25 25 25 25 3657 3638 363 363 0N65 3.000 76.1 2517 N/A 25038 N/A 2500 2500 25 7 258 25 25 365 365 363 363 363 363 3 3.500 0N80 88.9 2517 2517 2503 2503 2500 2500 25. 25 25 25 25 25 365 365 363 363 363 363 4 4.500 DN100 114.3 2517 2517 2503 2503 2500 2500 25 25 25 25 25 25 4.250 363 363 N/A N/A 2503 2503 N/A N/A 108.0 25 25 290 365 363 363 232 363 5.563 2000 2517 2503 2503 1600 2500 141.3 20 25 25 25 16 25 3638 5.250 N/A N/A 25038 N/A N/A N/A 133.0 25 290 3638 232 363 DN125 5.500 2000 N/A 25038 N/A 1600 2500 139.7 20 258 25 25 - 300 -: 365 363 363 232 363 6 6.625 DN150 168.3 2068 2517 2503 2503 1600 2500 20 25 25 7 25 16 25 3638 6.250 N/A N/A 25038 N/A N/A N/A 159.0 25 290'° 3638 363 6.500 200010 N/A 25038 N/A N/A 2500 165.1 20 258 25 6 Listed/Approved for continuous use in wet and dry systems. Listed/Approved for dry systems -40° F/C and above. Please see the victaulicInstallation Manual I-009N for details concerning when supplemental lubrication is required. cULus listed for DIN 2458 (EN 10220) 2.6 mm pipe wall. 8 FM approved for BS 1387 (EN 10255) Medium 3.6 mm pipe wall. O cULus listed for EN 102204.0mm pipe wall. 10 cULus listed for EN 10255 4.5 mm pipe wall. 11 With optional stainless steel fasteners, cULus Listed to 175p5i/1207 kPa/12 bar and FM Approved to the FM ratings shown in the above table. The stainless steel fasteners have a marking designation of 316 on the end face of the bolt. 12 cUL listed to 250 psi/1720 kPa /17 bar. 10.64 7072 Rev M Updated 12/2018 © 2018 victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 5 \JtauIiC 11 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I victaulic.com 5.0 PERFORMANCE (CONTINUED) Style 009N Two-Bolt Installation-Ready Coupling Listings/Approvals6 The information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at the time of publication. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approval agencies. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and the latest listings and approvals. Size cULus" FM" VdS LPCB Actual Outside Sch. 10 Sch. 40 Sch. 10 Sch. 40 Nominal Diameter psi psi psi psi psi psi inches inches kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa DIN mm bar bar bar bar bar bar 300 365 363 363 232 363 8 8.625 2068 2517 2503 2503 1600 2500 DN200 219.1 20 25 1 25 25 16 25 290 3638 8.500 2000 N/A 25038 N/A N/A N/A 216.0 20 25 7 300 300 300 300 10 10.750 2068 2068 2068 2068 N/A N/A DN250 273.0 20 20 20 20 30012 300 250 300 12 12.750 206812 2068 1720 2068 N/A N/A DN300 323.9 2012 25 17 20 6 Listed/Approved for continuous use in wet and dry systems. Listed/Approved for dry systems -40 F/c and above. Please see the Victaulic Installation Manual 1-009N for details concerning when supplemental lubrication is required. cULus listed for DIN 2458 (EN 10220) 2.6 mm pipe wall. 8 FM approved for BS 1387 (EN 10255) Medium 3.6 mm pipe wall. cULus listed for EN 10220 4.0 mm pipe wall. '° cULus listed for EN 10255 4.5 mm pipe wall. 1 With optional stainless steel fasteners, cULus Listed to 175psi/1207 kPa/12 bar and FM Approved to the FM ratings shown in the above table. The stainless steel fasteners have a marking designation of 316 on the end face of the bolt. 12 cUL listed to 250 psi/1720 kPa /17 bar. 5.1 PERFORMANCE = --Style 109 One-Bolt Installation-Ready Coupling Listings/Approvals13 The information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at the time of publication. Listings/ Apprbvalsare subject to change and/or additions by the approvals agencies. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and the latest listings and approvals. Size cULus FM_______________ Actual Outside Sch. 10 Sch. 40 Sch. 10 Sch. 40 Nominal Diameter psi psi psi psi inches inches kPa . kPa kPa kPa DIN mm bar bar bar bar - 365 365 365 1 365 1¼ 1.660 2517 2517 2517 2517 DN32 42.4 25 25 25 25 365 365 365 365 1'/2 DN40 1.900 48.3 2517 2517 2517 2517 25 25 25 25 365 365 365 365 2 DNSO 2.375 60.3 2517 2517 2517 2517 25 25 25 25 365 365 365 365 2½ 2.875 2517 2517 2517 2517 73.0 25 25 25 25 13 Listed/Approved for continuous use in wet and dry systems. Listed/Approved for dry systems -40° F/C and above. Please see the Victaulic Installation Manual 1-109 for details concerning when supplemental lubrication is required. 10.64 7072 Rev M Updated 12/2018 © 2018 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 6 J1'tauIiC 5.2 PERFORMANCE Specialty Pipe Style 009N Two-Bolt Installation-Ready Coupling Listings/Approvals Size PressureRating cULus FM psi psi inches kPa kPa Pipe Type DN bar bar 1¼-4 300 EF 0N32—DN100 2068 N/A 20 300 300 EL 1¼-2 2068 2068 DN32 - DN50 20 20 300 ET4O lh/4 _2 2068 N/A DN32 - DN50 20 3-4 300 EZF 2068 N/A DN80—DN100 20 300 300 EZT 1¼-2 2068 2068 DN32 - DN50 20 - 20 300 FF 1½-4 2068 N/A DN40—DN100 20 300 GL 1 1/4-2 300 2068 2068 DN32 - DN50 20 20 300 300 lh/4_4 DN32—DN100 2068 2068 20 20 MF _____________________________ 175 175 6 DN150 1205 1205 12 12 300 300 MT 1¼-2 2068 2068 DN32 - DN50 20 20 300 MLT 1¼-2 N/A 2068 DN32—DN50 20 300 TF 2½-4 N/A 2068 73.0mm—DN100 20 175 300 W GS,WGSE,WFS,WG7,WG7E,WL7 - 1 1/4 _4 1205 2068 DN32— DN100 12 20 300 300 WLS 1¼-2 2068 2068 0N32—DN50 20 20 NOTES EF = EDDY FLOW steel pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. EL = EDDYLITE steel pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. ET40 = Eddythread 40 steel pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. EZF = EZ-Flow steel pipe manufactured by Northwest Pipe Co. EZT = EZ-Thread steel pipe manufactured by Youngstown Tube Co. FE = Fire-Ho steel pipe manufactured by Youngstown Tube Co. GL = GL steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. ME = Mega-Flow steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. MT = Mega-Thread steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. MLT = MLT steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co TE = Tex-Flow steel pipe manufactured by Tex-Tube Co. WG5, WG5E, WF5 = WGalweld 5, WGalweld 5E, WElow 5 steel pipe manufactured by Wuppermann Stahl GmbH. WG7, WG7E, WL7 = WGalweld 7, Wgalweld 7E, WLight 7 steel pipe manufactured by Wuppermann Stahl GmbH WLS = WLS steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. 10.64 7072 Rev M Updated 12/2018 © 2018 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 7 ,4tauiic I I I I victaulic.com 5.3 PERFORMANCE Specialty Pipe Style 109 One-Bolt Installation-Ready Coupling Listings/Approvals I Size Pressure Rating cULus FM inches PSI Psi kPa kPa Pipe Type DN bar bar 300 1 ¼-2'/2 N/A 2068 DN32 —73.0mm 20 EF 300 - 11/2 -21/2 2068 N/A DN40 —73.0mm 20 300 Easy-Flow 1 /4-2 N/A 2068 DN32—DN50 20 300 EL 1¼-2 N/A 2068 DN32 —DN50 20 300 300 ET4O 1¼-2 2068 2068 DN32—DN50 20 20 300 1¼-2 DN32—DN50 N/A 2068 EZT 20 300 1½-2 DN40 - DNSO 2068 N/A 20 300 300 FF 1½-2½ 2068 2068 DN40 —73.0mm 20 20 300 GL 1¼-2 N/A 2068 0N32 - DN50 300 300 MF lh/4 _2V2 2068 2068 DN32 —73.0mm 20 20 300 300 MT lh/4 2 2068 2068 DN32 - DNSO 20 20 300 300 MLT 1¼-2 2068 2068 DN32 - DNSO 20 20 300 TF 2½ N/A 2068 73.0 mm 20 300 WG7,WG7E -- 1 1/4_2 N/A 2068 DN32—DN50 20 11/4_2 300 WLS DN32—DN50 N/A 2068 20 NOTES EF = EDDY FLOW steel pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. Easy-Flow = Easy-Flow steel pipe manufactured by Borusan Mannesmann Boru. EL = EDDYLITE steel pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. ET40 = Eddythread 40 steel pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. EZT = EZ-Thread steel pipe manufactured by Youngstown Tube Co. FE = Fire-Flo steel pipe manufactured by Youngstown Tube Co. GL = GL steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. MF Mega-Flow steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. MT = Mega-Thread steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. MLT = MLT steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. TF = Tex-Flow steel pipe manufactured by Tex-Tube Co. WG7, WG7E = WGalweld 7 and WGalweld 7E steel pipe manufactured by Wuppermann Stahl GmbH. WLS = WLS steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. 10.64 7072 Rev M Updated 12/2018 © 2018 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 8 tauIic 6.0 NOTIFICATIONS Read and understand all instructions before attempting to install any Victaulic L.P..J products. Always verify that the piping system has been completely depressurized and drained immediately prior to installation, removal, adjustment, or maintenance of Q o any Victaulic products. Wear safety glasses, hardhat, and foot protection. Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious personal injury and property damage. These products shall be used only in fire protection systems that are designed and installed in accordance with current, applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 13, 13D, 1311, etc.) standards, or equivalent standards, and in accordance with applicable building and fire codes. These standards and codes contain important information regarding protection of systems from freezing temperatures, corrosion, mechanical damage, etc. The installer shall understand the use of this product and why it was specified for the particular application. The installer shall understand common industry safety standards and potential consequences of improper product installation. It is the system designer's responsibility to verify suitability of materials for use with the intended fluid media within the piping system and external environment. The material specifier shall evaluate the effect of chemical composition, pH level, operating temperature, chloride level, oxygen level, and flow rate on materials to confirm system life will be acceptable for the intended service. Failure to follow installation requirements and local and national codes and standards could compromise system integrity or cause system failure, resulting in death or serious personal injury and property damage. 7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS 05.01: Seal Selection Guide 25.01: Original Groove System (OGS) Groove Specifications I I-009N: Installation Instructions FireLock EZTM Rigid Coupling Style 009N 1-100: Victaulic Field Installation Handbook 1-109: Installation Instructions FireLockTM One-Bolt Rigid Coupling Style 109 l-ENDCAP: Victaulic End Caps Installation Instructions I I I I Note User Responsibility for Product Selection and Suitability Each user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, is accordance with industry to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warning equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. instructions. Nothing is this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation, Installation advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, Reference should always be made to the Victaulic installation handbook or installation or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation instructions of the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment guide, or this disclaimer, of Victaulic products, providing complete installation and assembly data, and are available Intellectual Property Rights in POE format on our website at www.victuolic.com. No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, warranty product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. under any palest or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such Trademarks material, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patentor other intellectual Victaufic and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of property right. The terms "Patented" or Patent Pending" refer to design or utility patents Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries, or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United Slates and/or other countries. 10.64 7072 Rev M Updated 12/2018 © 2018 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com \4tauIic I I I 11 I I I I 1 I NON 1ThliUIa77E72il Patented U t-_ PIus 5ye Approvals/Listings: c®us<e>@ FL LISTED 104-la/02 See Victaulic Publication 10.01 for more details. LPC and VdS Approved, see notes on page 3 I Product Description: FireLock Style 005H rigid coupling has a unique, I patented angle-pad design which allows the housings to offset while clamping the grooves. By permitting the housings to slide on the angled bolt pads, rigidity is obtained. I I I FireLock® Rigid Coupling Style 005H I with Vic-PlusTM Gasket System \/t _au I—id 10.02 Material Specifications: Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: (specify choice) Standard: Orange enamel (North America); red enamel (Europe) 0 Optional: Hot dipped galvanized Coupling Gasket: (specify choice) NOTE: Additional gasket styles are available, contact Victaulic for details. 0 Grade "E" EPDM Type A Vic-Plus° Gasket System' EPDM (Violet color code). FireLock products have been Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and Approved by Factory Mutual Research for wet and dry (oil free air) sprinkler services up to the rated working pressure using the Grade "E" Type A Vic-Plus'° Gasket System, requiring no field lubrication for most installation conditions. 0 Grade 'L" silicone Recommended for dry heat, air without hydrocarbons to +350°F and certain chemical services. I 'I Support and hanging requirements correspond to - - - NFPA ,j3_Spr1nkjr Syern Angle-pad design permits _st assembly by removing one nut/bolt and swinging the housing over the gasket. This reduces components to handle during assembly. - Style 005H FireLock coupling are designed and recommended for use ONLY on fire protection systems. Vic-Plus°'Gasket System: Victaulic offers a gasket system which requires no field lubrication on wet pipe systems that are hydrostatically tested. The Vic-Plus System (patented) is dry, clean, and nontoxic. It reduces assembly time substantially and eliminates the mess and chance of over-lubrication. Please refer to the latest copy of the Victaulic Field Installation Handbook (1-100) for supplemental lubrication requirements and dry pipe fire protection system notes. For dry services, Victaulic continues to recommend the use of Grade "E" Type A FlushSeal Gasket. Contact Victaulic for details. Bolts/Nuts: Heat-treated plated carbon steel, trackhead meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A-449 and physical requirements of ASTM A-183. 1 Standard gasket and FlushSeal gasket approved for dry pipe systems to —40°F/-40°C. Based on 'typical" pipe surface conditions, supplemental lubricant is recommended for services installed below O°F/-18°C and for all dry pipe systems or systems to be subjected to air tests prior to being filled with water. Supplemental lubrication may also be required on pipe with raised or undercut weld seams or pipe that has voids and/or cracks at the weld seams. Victaulic continues to recommend the use of Flush5eal gaskets for dry services. I I I Job/Owner System No. Location Contractor Submitted By Date Engineer Spec Section Paragraph Approved Date I E victaulic.com I Couplings I Rigid I Style 005H I Publication 10.02 10.02 1538 Rev M Updated 10/2014 © 2014 Victaulic company. All rights reserved, 1 \4tauIic victaulic.com I Couplings I Rigid I Style 005H I Publication 10.02 Dimensions: Rated for wet and dry sprinkler systems at 350 psi/2413 kPa for 1 ¼ - 4732 - 100 mm sizes and 300 psi /2068 kPa for 4 ¼ - 8/108 - 200 mm sizes; Schedule 10 roll grooved or oug Schedule 40 cut or roll grooved steel pipe. Style 005H is rigid and does not accommodate expansion, contraction or angular deflection. Actual Maximum Maximum Allow. Approx. Nominal Outside Working End Pipe End Dimensions __________ Weight X V Z Size Diameter Pressure 14 Load' Separation Bolt/Nut3 Each inches inches psi lbs. inches No. - size inches inches inches lbs. mm mm kPa N mm inches mm mm mm kg 11/4 1.660 350 755 0.05 2.75 4.50 1.88 1.2 32 42.4 2413 3370 1.2 2-3/8 X2¼ 70 114 48 0.5 11/2 1.900 350 990 0.05 3.00 4.75 1.88 1.2 40 48.3 2413 4415 1.2 2- 3/a x 2¼ 76 121 48 0.5 2 2.375 350 1550 0.07 3.50 5.25 1.88 1.6 50 60.3 2413 6900 1.7 2-3/,x2½ 89 133 48 0.7 21/2 2.875 350 2270 0.07 4.00 5.75 1.88 1.9 65 73.0 2413 10110 1.7 2-3/,x2½ 102 146 48 .09 76.1 mm 3.000 350 2475 0.07 2- ~ x 21/2 4.13 5.75 1.88 1.9 76.1 2413 11010 1.7 105 146 48 0.9 3 3.500 350 3365 0.07 4.63 6.13 1.88 2.1 80 88.9 2413 14985 1.7 2-3/8X2½ 118 156 48 1.0 4 4.500 350 5565 0.16 2-¼x2½ 5.75 7.25 2.13 3.1 100 114.3 2413 24770 4.1 146, 184 54 1.4 108.0 mm 4.250 300 4255 0.16 2-3/8 X2½ 5.63 7.25 2.13 3.1 108.0 2068 18940 4.1 143 184 54 1.4 5 5.563 300 7290 0.16 6.88 9.00 2.13 4.5 125 141.3 2068 32445 4.1 2-1/2 x3 175 229 54 2.0 133.0 mm 5.250 300 6495 0.16 2-½x2~ 6.63 9.00 2.13 4.5 133.0 2068 28900 4.1 168 229 54 2.0 139.7 mm 5.500 300 7125 0.16 2-½X23/4 6.88 9.00 2.13 4.8 139.7 2068 31715 4.1 175 229 54 2.2 6 .. 6.625 300 10340.. 0.16 8.00 10.00 2.13 5.0 150 168.3 2068 46020 4.1 2- 1/2 x 3 203 254 53 2.3 159.0 mm 6.250 300 9200 0.16 2-½x2~ 7.63 10.00 2.13 5.5 159.0 2068 40955 4.1 194 254 54 2.5 165.1 mm - 6.500 300 9955 0.16 2- ½ x 3 8.15 10.00 2.13 5.5 165.1 2068 44295 4.1 207 254 54 2.5 8 8.625 300 17525 0.19 10.50 13.14 2.63 11.3 200 219.1 2068 78000. 4.8 2- 5/a x4¼ 267 334 67 5.1 1 Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all internal and external loads, based on standard weight (ANSI) steel pipe, standard roll or cut grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 11h times the figures shown. 2 The allowable pipe separation dimension shown is for system layout purposes only. Style 005H couplings are considered rigid connections and will not accommodate expansion or contraction of the piping system. 3 Number of bolts required equals number of housing segments. Metric thread size bolts are available (color coded gold) for all coupling sizes upon request. Contact Victaulic for details. 4 Style 005H couplings are VdS and LPC Approved to 16 Bar/235 psi. 10.02 1538 Rev M Updated 10/2014 0 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 2 \j$'ftaUIic victaulic.com I Couplings I Rigid I Style 005H I Publication 10.02 Listings/Approvals: The information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at the time of publication. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approvals agencies. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and the latest listings and approvals. Related Working Pressure psi Related Working Pressure psi Related Working Pressure psi Pipe Sch. Size inches UL ULC FM Pipe Sch. Size inches UL ULC FM Pipe Sch. Size inches UL I ULC FM 5 U/43 175 175 175 EL lh/4 _2 300 N/A N/A MT 11/4 _2 300 N/A N/A 11/4 _3 350 350 350 El 11/4 -2 300 N/A N/A STF 11/4-4 N/A N/A 300 10,40 5-8 300 300 300 EZ 4-6 3006 N/A 300 Steady 11/4 _2 N/A N/A 300 BLT 1'/42 300 300 N/A FF 11/4-4 N/A N/A 300 IF 3-8 N/A N/A 300 DF 11/4 -4 300 300 300 GAL -7 11/4 -2 300 N/A N/A WLS 11/4 -2 300 300 N/A Dl lh/4 2 300 300 N/A MILT 11/4-2 300 N/A N/A XL 1¼-3 300 1 300 300 EF 11/4 -4 175 N/A 1 175 MF 11/4-4 300 N/A 300 5 FM approved for service in 11/2 - 4 pipe. 6 UL Listed for service up to 4" pipe only. 7 UL Listed for service up to 3 only. I I I I I I I I Installation Reference should always be made to the -100 Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com. Warranty Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. Note This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. Trademarks Victaulica is a registered trademark of Victaulic Company. ,htauiicr I ~1 I I I I I I I I I 10.02 1538 Rev M Updated 10/2014 © 2014 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 3 I I Victaulic® Flexible Coupling Style 75 Ai -0 —ta -U1 i C 06.05 I I a 1 - 8/DN25 - DN200 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Available Sizes 1 - 8'/DN25 - DN200 Pipe Material Carbon steel Stainless steel Maximum Working Pressure Accommodates pressures ranging from full vacuum (29.9 in Hg/760 mm Hg) up to 500 psi/3447 kPa/34 bar Working pressure dependent on material, wall thickness and size of pipe Application Joins standard roll grooved and cut grooved pipe, as well as grooved fittings, valves and accessories Provides a flexible pipe joint which allows for expansion, contraction and deflection U5tO50%lighter in weight than standard Victaulic Style 77 or Style 177N flexible couplings 2.0 CERTIFICATION/LISTINGS c®us ::S. R FL-PCB] (r NOTES Download publication 10.01 for Fire Protection Certifications/Listings Reference Guide. Seepublication 02.06: Victaulic Potable Water Approvals ANSI/NSF for potable water approvals if applicable. IALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT. I I System No. Location Spec Section Paragraph Submitted By Date Approved Date I . victaulic.com 06.051470 Rev P Updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. 1 Atc—ta—uiic~ victaulic.com 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS - MATERIAL Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A395, Grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: (specify choice) O Standard: Orange enamel O Optional: Hot dipped galvanized El Optional: Contact Victaulic with your requirements for other coatings. Gasket: (specify choice') Grade "E" EPDM EPDM (Green stripe color code). Temperature range —30"F to +230"F/-34"C to +110"C. May be specified for hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemical services. UL Classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +73°F/+23°C and hot +180°F/+82°C potable water service and ANSI/NSF 372. NOT COMPATIBLE FOR USE WITH PETROLEUM SERVICES OR STEAM SERVICES. El Grade "1" Nitrile Nitrile (Orange stripe color code). Temperature range —20"F to +180"F/-29"C to +82"C. May be specified for petroleum products, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oils within the specified temperature range; not compatible for hot dry air over +140°F/+60°C and water over +150°F/+66°C. NOT COMPATIBLE FOR USE WITH HOT WATER. Others For alternate gasket selection, reference publication 05.01: Victaulic Seal Selection Guide - Elastomeric Seal Construction. Services listed are General Service Guidelines only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not compatible. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Seal Selection Guide for specific gasket service guidelines and for a listing of services which are not compatible. Bolts/Nuts: (specify choice2) O Standard:-Carbon steel oval neck track bolts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A449 (imperial) and ISO 898-1 Class 9.8 (metric). Carbon steel hex nuts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A563 Grade B (imperial - heavy hex nuts) and ASTM A563M Class 9 (metric - hex nuts). Track bolts and hex nuts are zinc electroplated per ASTM B633 ZN/FE5, finish Type III (imperial) or Type II (metric). Optional (imperial): Stainless steel oval neck track bolts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM F593, Group 2 (316 stainless steel), condition CW. Stainless steel heavy nuts meeting the mechanical property requireméhts Of ASTM F594, Group.2 (316 stainless steel), condition CW, with galling reducing coating. 2 Optional bolts/nuts are available in imperial sizes only. 06.05 1470 Rev P Updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com JtauIic victaulic.com 4.0 DIMENSIONS Style 75 Pipe End Deflection from Size Separation3 Centerline3 Bolt/Nut - Dimensions Weight Actual Outside Approx. Nominal Diameter Allowable Per Cplg. Pipe Qty. Size X Y Z (Each) inches inches inches inches/ft. imperial inches inches inches lb ON mm mm Degrees mm/rn - metric mm mm mm kg 1 1.315 0-0.06 0.57 %x2 2.38 4.27 1.77 1.3 DN25 33.7 0-1.6 2 -43' 48 2 - M10x51 61 108 45 0.6 1 1/4 1.660 0-0.06 0.45 3/8x2 2.68 4.61 1.77 1.4 0N32 42.4 0-1.6 2 -10' 38 2 M10x51 68 117 45 0.6 1 1/2 1.900 0-0.06 0.40 3/8x2 2.91 4.82 1.77 1.5 DN40 48.3 0-1.6 1 - 56' 2 M10x51 74 122 45 0.6 2 2.375 0-0.06 0.32 %x2 3.43 5.22 1.88 1.7 DNSO 60.3 0-1.6 1 - 31' 26 2 - M10x51 87 133 48 0.8 21/2 2.875 0-0.06 1 - 15' 0.26 2 /8 x 2 3.88 5.68 1.88 1.9 - 73.0 0-1.6 22 - M10x51 98 144 48 0.9 3.000 0-0.06 1 - 12' 0.26 2 x 2 4.00 5.90 1.88 1.9 DN65 76.1 0-1.6 22 - M10x51 1 102 150 48 0.9 3 3.500 0-0.06 0.22 ½ x 2~ 4.50 7.00 1.88 2.9 DN80 88.9 0-1.6 1 - 2' 18 2 - M12x70 114 178 48 1.3 31/2 4.000 0-0.06 0 ' 0.19 2 ½x2 3/4 5.00 7.50 1.88 2.9 DN90 101.6 0-1.6 16 M12x70 127 191 48 1.3 4 4.500 0-0.13 1 - 36' 0.34 2 ½x2~ 5.80 8.03 2.13 4.1 DN100 114.3 - 0-3.2 28 - M12x70 147 204 54 1.9 4.250 0-0.13 1 -41' 0.35 2 1/2x2Y4 5.55 7.79 2.13 3.7 108.0 0-3.2 29 - M12x70 141 198 54 1.7 5.000 0-0.13 1 26' 0.25 2 5/ax3¼ 6.13 9.43 2.13 5.5 127.0 0-3.2 21 - M16x83 156 - 240 54 2.5 5 - 5.563 0-0.13 1 -18' - 0.27 2 %x3¼ 6.88 10.07 2.13 5.8 141.3 0-3.2 - 23 M16x83 175 256 54 2.6 5.250 1 21' 0.28 2 %x3'/4 6.55 9.37 2.13 6.0 1339_ 0-3.2 24 - M16x83 166 238 54 2.7 5.500 0-0.13 1 18' - 0.28 2 %X3'/4 6.80 9.59 2.13 6.3 DN125 139.7 0-3.2 - J 24 - M16x83 173 244 54 2.9 6.000 0-0.13 1 - 12' 0.21 2 5/ex3¼ 738 10.48 1.88 6.2 152.4 0-3.2 18. M16x83 187 266 48 2.8 6 6.625 0-0.13 1 - 5' 0.23 2 % x 3¼ 8.00 11.07 2.13 7.0 DN150 168.3 0-3.2 - 18 - M16x83 203 281 54 3.2 6.250 0-0.13 0.24 2 %X31/4 7.63 10.49 2.13 6.8 159.0 0-3.2 1 - 9' 20 - M16x83 194 266 54 3.1 6.500 0-0.13 1 7' 0.23 2 5/8x3 ¼ 7.84 10.66 2.08 6.6 165.1 0-3.2 - - 58 - M16x83 199 271 53 3.0 - 8.515 0-0.13 0.18 2 ~x4¼ 10.19 13.75 2.32 13.2 216.3 0-3.2 0 - 51' 46 - M20 108 259 350 59 6.0 8 8.625 0-0.13 0.18 ~x4¼ 10.34 13.97 2.13 12.4 DN200 219.1 0-3.2 , 0-50 14 2 M20 108 263 1 355 59 5.6 Allowable Pipe End Separation and Deflection figures show the maximum nominal range of movement available at each joint for standard roll grooved pipe. Figures for standard cut grooved pipe may be doubled. These figures are maximums; for design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for 1/4 -3 1/2 /DN20 - DN90; 25% for 4'/DN100 and larger. NOTE Metric thread size bolts are available (color coded gold) for all coupling sizes upon request. Contact Victaulic for details. 06.05 1470 Rev P Updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 3 \JtaUliC 06.05 1470 Rev P Updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 4 victaulic.com 5.0 PERFORMANCE Style 75 Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all internal and external loads, based on ANSI 636.10 sized carbon steel pipe, grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe. NOTE WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 16 times the figures shown. I Size Maximum Actual Outside Working Maximum Nominal Diameter Pressure End Load4 inches inches psi lb ON mm kPa N 1 1.315 500 680 DN25 33.7 3447 3,025 11/4 1.660 500 1080 DN32 42.4 3447 4,805 1 1/2 1.900 1 500 1420 DN40 48.3 1 3447 6,320 2 2.375 500 2215 DN50 60.3 3447 9,860 21/2 2.875 500 3245 73.0 3447 14,440 3.000 500 3535 DN65 76.1 3447 15,730 3 3.500 500 4800 DN80 88.9 3447 21,360 31/2 4.000 500 6300 DN90 101.6 3447 28,035 4 4.500 500 7950 DN100 114.3 3447 35,380 4.250 450 6380 108.0 3103 28,395 5.000 450 8820 127.0 3103 39,250 5 5.563 450 10935 141.3 3103 48,660 5.250 1 450 9735 133.0 1 3103 43,325 5.500 450 10665 DN125 139.7 3103 47,460 6.000 450 12735 152.4 3103 56,670 6 - 6.625 450 15525 DN150 168.3 3103 69,085 6.250 450 13800 159.0 3103 61,405 6.500 450 14930 165.1 3103 66,412 8.515 450 25625 216.3 3103 113,986 8 8.625 450 26280 DN200 219.1 3103 116,945 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I victaulic.com 6.0 NOTIFICATIONS e! Victaulic RX roll sets must be used when grooving light-wall/thin-wall stainless steel pipe for use with Victaulic Couplings. Failure to use Victaulic RX roll sets when grooving light-wall/thin-wall stainless steel pipe may cause joint failure, resulting in serious personal injury and/or property damage. NOTICE Victaulic RX grooving rolls must be ordered separately. They are identified by a silver color and the designation RX on the front of the roll sets. I 7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS 02,06: Victaulic® Potable Water Approvals ANSI/NSF 05.01: Victaulic® Seal Selection Guide - Elastomeric Seal Construction I 06.15: Victaulic® Pressure Ratings and End Loads for Victaulic Couplings on Steel Pipe 10.01: Victaulic® Products for Fire Protection Pipings Systems - Regulatory Approval Reference Guide 17.01: Victaulic® Pipe Preparation for Use on Stainless Steel Pipe With Victaulic Products 17.09 Victaulic® Ductile Iron Grooved Couplings Performance Data for Stainless Steel Pipe I 25.01: Victaulic® Standard Groove Specifications 26.01: Victaulic® Design Data 29.01: Victaulic® Terms and Conditions of Sale 1-100: Victaulic® Field Installation Handbook I I III I I I User Responsibility for Product Selection and Suitability Note Each user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic spec ficatinris. All products Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, is accordance with industry to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warning equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. instructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation, Installation advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, Vary, supersede, Reference should always be made to the Victaulic installation handbook or installation or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation instructions of the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment guide, or this disclaimer, of Victaulic products, providing complete installation and assembly data, and are available Intellectual Property Rights in PPF format on our website at www.victaulic.com. No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, warranty product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grunt any license Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. under any patent or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such Trademarks material, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patent or other intellectual Victaulic and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of property right. The terms "Patented" or "Patent Pending" refer to design or utility patents Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries. or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use is the United States and/or other countries. 06.05 1470 Rev P Updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved, victaulic.com 5 \4taulicr 4.15 DIMENSIONS Concentric/Eccentric Reducer No. 50 Concentric No. 51 Eccentric to El E to E - - E to E E to E - No. 50 No. 51 Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel No. 50 No. 51 No. 50 concentric No. 51 Size Reducer Eccentric Reducer Approx. Approx. Weight Weight Nominal E to E (Each) E to E (Each) inches inches lb inches lb DN mm kg mm kg 1¼ 3/4 1.9 DN32 DN20 + 0.9 - - 1 1.9 DN25 + 0.9 - 1½ 3/4 1.4 DN40 DN20 + 0.6 - - 1 2.50 0.8 8.50 (sw) 4.5 DN25 64 0.4 216 2.0 11/4 2.50 1.0 - DN32 64 0.5 - - 2 3/4 2.50 0.9 9.00 (sw) 2.0 DN50 DN20 64 0.3 229 0.9 1 2.50 0.7 9.00 (sw) 2.3 DN25 64 0.3 229 1.0 2.50 1.2 9.00 (sw) 4.6 11/4 DN32 64 0.5 229 2.1 11/2 2.50 1.0 3.50 1.1 DN4O -- 64 0.5 89 0.5 21/2 3/4 13. . 3.3 DN20 + 0.6 + 1.5 1 2.50 1.1 9.50 3.5 DN25 64 0.5 241 1.6 11/4 3.50 3.3 3.50 1.4 DN32 89 .. 1.5 89 0.6 11/2 2.50 3.6 9.50 (sw) 3.7 DN4O 64 1.6 241 1.7 2 2.50 3.9 3.50 4.3 DN50 64 1.8 89 2.0 3 3/4 1.5 4.5 DN80 DN20 + 0.7 + 2.0 1 2.50 1.3 9.50 (sw) 4.8 DN25 64 0.6 241 2.2 2.50 1.4 4.8 1¼ 0N32 64 0.6 + 2.2 2.50 5.1 9.50 (sw) 5.1 11/2 1N4O 64 - 2.3 241 2.3 2 2.50 1.6 3.50 6.0 DN50 64 0.7 89 2.7 21/2 2.50 1.8 3.50 7.0 64 0.8 89 3.2 2.50 2.1 N D65 64 1.0 31/2 3 2.50 2.0 9.50 (sw) 7.0 DN90 DN80 64 0.9 1 241 3.2 4 1 3.00 3.0 13.00 (sw) 6.5 DN100 DN25 76 1.4 330 2.9 toE 14-EtOE--)1 r4-EtoE - - EtoE No. 50 No. 51 Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel No. 50 No. 51 No. so concentric No. 51 Size Reducer Eccentric Reducer Approx. Approx. Weight Weight Nominal E to E (Each) E to E (Each) inches inches lb inches lb DN mm kg mm kg 1¼ 4.6 DN32 + 2.1 - - - 11/2 3.00 (sw) 2.6 10.00 (sw) 8.1 DN40 76 1.2 254 3.7 2 3.00 2.4 4.00 3.3 DNSO 76 1.1 102 1.5 21/2 3.00 2.7 4.00 3.4 76 1.2 102 1.5 3 3.00 3.2 4.00 3.5 DN80 76 1.4 102 1.6 31/2 3.00 2.9 10.00 (sw) 8.0 DN90 76 1.3 254 3.6 5 2 11.00 (sw) 9.0 11.00 (sw) 5.2 DNSO 279 4.1 1 279 2.4 21/2 4.00 4.3 11.00 (sw) 10.8 102 2.0 279 4.9 3 4.00 5.5 11.00 (sw) 11.1 DN80 102 2.5 279 5.0 4 3.50 4.3 5.00 12.0 DN100 89 1.9 127 5.4 6 1 4.00 5.0 11.50 (sw) 14.5 DN150 0N25 102 2.3 292 6.6 5.5 1½ DN40 + 2.5 + + 2 4.00 6.6 11.50 (sw) 14.5 DN50 102 3.0 292 6.6 21/2 4.00 6.4 11.50 (sw) 14.2 102 2.9 292 6.4 3 4.00 6.4 5.50 15.0 DN80 102 2.9 140 6.8 4.00 6.5 5.50 17.0 4 DN100 102 2.9 140 7.7 4.00 6.4 5.50 17.0 5 102 2.9 140 7.7 8 21/2 16.00 7.9 12.00 (sw) 26.1 DN200 406 3.6 305 11.8 3 5.00 9.3 12.00 (sw) 22.0 DN80 127 4.2 305 10.0 4 5.00 10.4 12.00 (sw) 23.0 DN100 127 4.8 305 10.4 5 5.00 11.6 12.00 (sw) 23.0 127 5.2 305 1 10.4 6 5.00 11.9 6.00 1 24.0 DN150 127 5.4 152 10.9 07.01 1449 Rev AF Updated 08/2017 © 2017 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 21 _/tauIic VictaulicO Reducingr Coupling I Style 750 A iiuluii '4tauIic 06.08 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Available Sizes: 2 x 10 through 10 x 87DN50 x DN25 through DN250 x DN200 Pipe Material: Carbon steel Maximum Working Pressure: Up to 500 psi/3447 kPa Working pressure dependent on material, wall thickness and size of pipe Application: Joins OGS roll grooved and cut grooved pipe, as well as OGS grooved fittings, valves and accessories Permits direct reduction on piping run Optional steel washer prevents telescoping of the smaller pipe inside the larger pipe during vertical system assembly Pipe Preparation: Cut or roll grooved in ádcordance with publication 25.01: Victaulic Standard Groove Specifications. 2.0 CERTIFICATION/LISTINGS I NOTES Download oublication 10.01 for Fire Protection certifications/Listings Reference Guide. I I I ALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT. I System No. Location Spec Section Paragraph Submitted By Date Approved Date I , victaulic.com 06.081536 Rev L Updated 10/2017 © 2017 victaulic company. All rights reserved. 1 iCtUliC I I 2 06.08 1536 Rev L Updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com J A _C_ t _au I ic victaulic.com 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS - MATERIAL Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A395, Grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: (specify choice) o Standard: Orange enamel. 0 Optional: Hot dipped galvanized conforming to ASTM A153. O Optional: Contact Victaulic with your requirements. Gasket: (specify choice') El Grade "E" EPDM EPDM (Green stripe color code). Temperature range —30"F to +230"F/-34"C to +110"C. May be specified for hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemical services. UL Classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +73°F/+23°C and hot +180°F/+820C potable water service and ANSI/NSF 372. NOT COMPATIBLE FOR USE WITH PETROLEUM SERVICES OR STEAM SERVICES. El Grade "1" Nitrile Nitrile (Orange stripe color code). Temperature range —20"F to +180"F/-29"C to +82"C. May be specified for petroleum products, hydrocarbons, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oils within the specified temperature range; not compatible for hot dry air over +140°F/+60°C and water over +150°F/+66°C. NOT COMPATIBLE FOR USE WITH HOT WATER SERVICES OR STEAM SERVICES. Others El For alternate gasket selection, reference publication 05.01: Victaulic Seal Selection Guide. Services listed are General Service Guidelines only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not compatible. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Seal Selection Guide for specific gasket service guidelines and for a listing of services which are not compatible. Bolts/Nuts (specify choice2): O Standard: Carbon steel oval neck track bolts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A449 (imperial) and ISO 898-1 Class 9.8 (metric). Carbon steel hex nuts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A563 Grade B (imperial - heavy hex nuts) and ASTM A563M Class 9 (metric - hex nuts). . Track. bolts and hex nuts are zinc electroplated per ASTM B633 ZN/FE5, finish Type Ill (imperial) or Type II (metric). El Optional (imperial): Stainless steel oval heck track bolts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM F593, Group 2 (316 stainless steel), co,ndition CW. Stainless steel heavy nuts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM F594, GrOup 2 (316 stainless steel), condition CW, with galling reducing coating. Assembly Washer (optional): Galvanized carbon steel. 2 Optional bolts/nuts are available in imperial size only 4.0 DIMENSIONS Style 750 MCI 11 &011 Pipe End Size Separation2 Deflect. From CL3 Bolt/Nut Dimensions Weight Approximate Nominal Allowable Per Cplg. Pipe Qty. Size X V Z (Each) inches inches In./Ft. inches inches inches inches lb DN mm Degrees mm/rn - mm mm mm mm kg 2 1 0-0.07 0.20 3.38 5.28 1.88 2.7 0°-57' 1/8 x 2 DN50 DN25 0-1.8 17 85 134 48 1.2 1 ½ 0-0.07 0.20 3.38 5.28 1.88 2.0 0°- 57' 2 /8 x 2 DN40 0-1.8 17 - 85 134 48 1.0 21/2 2 0-0.07 0.16 4.00 5.93 1.88 3.1 x 0°-47' 2 /8 x 2 DN50 0-1.8 14 1 102 151 48 1.4 2 0-0.07 0.16 4.38 6.63 1.88 4.6 0°-47' 2 DN65 DN50 0-1.8 14 ½ x 21/4 111 168 48 - 2.1 3 2 0-0.07 0.13 4.75 7.13 1.88 4.9 o° ' 2 DN80 DNSO 0-1.8 ½ x 23/4 121 181 48 2.2 21/2 0-0.07 0.13 4.75 7.13 1.88 4.3 2 1/2 X23/4 0-1.8 11 121 181 48 2.0 0-0.07 0.13 4.75 7.13 1.88 4.2 0°-39' 2 ½ x2~ DN65 0-1.8 11 121 181 48 1.9 4 2 0-0.13 0.28 6.25 8.90 2.25 8.1 X 1°-19 2 /s x3¼ DN100 DNSO 0-3.2 = 25 159 226 57 3.7 21/2 0-0.13 0.28 6.25 8.90 2.25 8.6 1°-19' 2 5/ X3Y4 0-3.2 25 159 226 57 3.9 0-0.13 0.28 6.25 8.90 2.25 6.9 1°-19' 2 s/o X31/4 DN65 0-3.2 25 - 159 226 57 3.1 3 0-0.13 0.28 6.00 8.90 2.25 6.7 1°-19' 2 ¼ x31/4 DN80 0-3.2 25 - 152 226 57 3.0 5 4 .. 0-0.13 . .. 0.22 7.18 10.70 2.13 11.2 x 1°-3 2 1/4 x4¼ DN100 __0-3.2 . 19 182 272 54 5.1 4 0-0.13 0.19 8.63 11.90 2.25 15.2 0°-55' 2 3/4 x 4¼ 165.1 DN100 0-3.2 16 219 302 57 6.9 6 4 0-0.13 - 0.18 8.63 11.90 2.25 16.7 0°-52' 2 3/4 x 41/4 DN150 DN100 0-3.2 .. 15 219 302 57 7.6 5 0-0.13 0.18 8.31 11.90 2.25 12.9 0°-52' 2 1/4 X4'/4 0-3.2 15 211 302 57 5.9 8 0-0.13 0.13 10.75 14.88 2.50 23.2 0°-38' 2 'Is x DN200 165.1 0-3.2 11 273 378 64 10.5 6 0-0.13 0.13 10.81 14.88 2.50 22.4 0'- 38' 2 '/s X 5 DN150 0-3.2 11 - 275 378 64 10.2 10 8 0-0.13 0.90 13.12 17.26 2.62 31.4 0°-25' 2 1 x 5½ DN250 DN200 0-3.2 8 333 438 67 14.2 Allowable Pipe End Separation and Deflection figures show the maximum nominal range of movement available at each joint for standard roll grooved pipe. Figures for standard cut grooved pipe may be doubled. These figures are maximums for design and installation purposes, these figures should be reduced by: 50% for 3%_3 ½/DN20 - DN90; and 25% for 4/DN100 and larger. NOTE Metric thread size bolts are avaialble (colord-coded gold) for all coupling sizes upon request. Contact Victaulic for details. 06.08 1536 Rev L Updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 3 'j(ctauIic. victaulic.com 5.0 PERFORMANCE Style 750 Size Maximum Working Maximum End Nominal Pressure4 Load4 inches psi lb DIN kPa N 2 1 350 500 DN50 DN25 2413 2,225 350 1000 1 /2 DN40 2413 4,450 21/2 2 500 2215 DN50 3447 9,850 2 350 1550 DN65 DNSO 2413 6,900 3 2 350 1550 DN80 DNSO 2413 6,900 500 3250 21/2 3447 14,460 350 2475 DN65 2413 11,010 4 2 350 1550 DN100 DNSO 2413 6,900 350 2275 21/2 2413 10,125 350 2475 DN65 2413 11,014 500 4810 3 DN80 3447 21,400 5 4 350 5565 DN100 2413 24,765 6 4 350 5565 DN150 DN100 2413 24,765 350 8500 - 5 2413 37,825 8 350 11610 DN200 165.1 2413 51,645 350 12060 6 DN150 2413 53,645 10 8 .350 20450 DN250 DN200 2413 90,970 Working Presssure and End Load are total, from all interral and external loads, based on standard weight (ANSI) steel pipe, standard roll or cut grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and material. Maximum working pressure rating based on larger pipe size. Maximum end load rating based on smaller ie size. NOTES WARNING: FOR ONE-TIME FIELD USE ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 1 ½ times the figures shown. For joint pressure ratings on additional carbon steel wall thicknesses, see publication 06.15. 06.08 1536 Rev L Updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 4 'JtauIic victaulic.com 5.1 PERFORMANCE Flow Data - Head Loss Equivalent lengths of standard weight steel pipe are shown in the tables. All data is based on water flowing at +60°F/-i-16°C. 1 I I I I I I I Flow Reducing Equivalent Size Pipe Length Small Nominal Diameter inches ft DN m 2 1 5.9 DN50 DN25 1.8 2.0 1½ DN4O 0.6 2½ 2 1.9 DN5O 0.6 2 1.9 0N65 DNSO 0.6 3 2 5.5 DN8O x DN50 1.7 3.8 2½ 1.2 3.8 DN65 1.2 4 2 6.0 DNIOO x DN50 1.8 6.0 2½ 1.8 6.0 DN65 1.8 6.0 3 DN8O 1.8 5 4 3.0 DN100 0.9 4 6.0 165.1 DN100 1.8 6 4 6.0 DN150 DN100 1.8 4.5 5 1.4 8 7.3 DN200 165.1 2.2 7.3 6 DN1SO 2.2 10 8 8.7 DN250 DN200 2.7 Flow Expanding Equivalent Size Pipe Length Small Nominal Diameter inches ft DN m 1 2 2.7 DN25 DN50 0.8 1½ 2 1.9 DN40 DNSO 0.6 2 1.0 0N50 x 2½ 0.3 1.0 DN65 0.3 3.5 3 DNJ8O 1.1 3.0 4 DN100 0.9 2½ 3 2.5 DN8O 0.8 3.0 4 DN100 0.9 3 2.5 DN65 DNSO 0.8 3.0 4 DN100 0.9 3 4 2.5 DN80 DN100 0.8 4 5 3.3 ON100 1.0 4.6 165.1 1.4 - 4.6 6 DN15O 1.4 5 6 2.3 DN15O 0.7 8 5.4 165.1 0N200 1.7 6 8 6.0 DN150 DN200 1.8 8 10 6.3 DN200 DN250 1.9 I 1 I 06.08 1536 Rev L updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. I victaulic.com 5 'JtauIicr 6.0 NOTIFICATIONS Read and understand all instructions before attempting to install, remove, adjust, or maintain any Victaulic piping products. Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to install, remove, adjust, or maintain any Victaulic piping products. Wear safety glasses, hardhat, and foot protection. Only No. 61 bull plugs shall be used with Style 750 reducing couplings in systems where a vacuum may develop. Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious personal injury and property damage. 7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS 05.01: Victaulic® Seal Selection Guide 10.01: Victaulic® Products for Fire Protection Piping Systens - Regulatory Approval Reference Guide 25.01: Victaulic® Orielnal Groove SYstem (OGS) Groove Specifications 26,01: Victaulic® Design Data 29.01: Victaulic® Terms and Conditions of Sate -100: Victaulic® Field Installation Handbook User Responsibility for Product Selection and Suitability Each user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, in accordance with industry standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warning instructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation, advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation guide, or this disclaimer. Intellectual Property Rights No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such material, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patent or other intellectual property right. The terms "Patented" or "Patent Pending" refer to design or utility patents or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United Stales and/or other countries. Note This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. Installation Reference should always be made to the Victaulic installation handbook or installation instructions of the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products, providing complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com, Warranty Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. Trademarks Victaulic and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries. 06.08 1536 Rev L Updated 10/2017 © 2017 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 6 ___________ Mechanical-I® STYLES 920 AND 920N Victaulic Mechanical_T® Outlet provides a direct branch connection at any location a hole can be cut in pipe. The hole is cut oversize to receive a "holefinder" locating collar which secures the outlet in position permanently. A pressure responsive gasket seals on the pipe O.D. Cross-type connections can be achieved by utilizing two upper housings of the same style and size, with the same or differing branch size connections. NOTE: Style 920 and Style 920N housings cannot be mated to each other to achieve a cross connection. Style 920 and Style 920N Mechanical-T outlets are available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. Units are supplied painted with plated bolts. Galvanized hous- ings are available, supplied with plated bolts. All sizes of Style 920 and 920N are rated at 500 psi/345OkPa working pressure on Schedule 10 and 40 carbon steel pipe. They may also be used on high density polyethylene or poly- butylene (HDPE) pipe. Pressure ratings on HDPE are dependent on the pipe rating. Contact Victaulic for ratings on other pipe. Style 920 and 920N are not recommended for use on PVC plastic pipe. Standard piping practices dictate that the Mechanical-T Styles 920 and 920N must be installed so that the main and branch connections are a true 90° angle when permanently attached to the pipeline surface. Additionally, the Vic-Tap Il® hole cutting tool, which allows for hole cutting capabilities on pressurized systems, utilizes the Style 920 Mechanical-T in conjunction with the Series 726 Vic-Ball Valve to create the Style 931 Vic-Tap Il Mechanical-T unit. See page 8 for further information. 30 STYLE 920 CROSS PATENTED STYLES 920 AND 920N I MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing/Coating: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12, with orange enamel - .coating. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. I . Optional: Hot dipped galvanized Gasket: (Specify choice*) Grade "E" EPDM I - - - -. EPDM (Green color code). Temperature range —30°F to +230°F/-34°C to +110°C. Recommended for cold and hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemical services. UL Classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +86°F/+30°C and hot +180°F/+82°C. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR -- PETROLEUM SERVICES. I- Grade "T" nitrile -- - - - Nitrile (Orange color code). Temperature range —20°F to +180°F/-29°C to +82°C. - - Reconimended for petroleum products, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oils within the speëified temperature range. Not recommended for hot water services over +150°F/+66°C or I for hot dry air over +140°F/+60°C. *Services listed are General Service Recommendations only. It should be noted that there are I - services-.for which these gaskets are not recommended. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket service recommendations and for a listing of services which are not recommended. Bolts/Nuts: Heat-treated plated carbon steel, trackhead meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A-449 and physical requirements of ASTM A-183. I I JOB/OWNER System No. CONTRACTOR Submitted By ENGINEER Spec Sect Para Location Date Approved I Date I www.victaulic.com VIcTAuuc IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAuLIC COMPANY. © 2018 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV-0 JtauIic 11.02_i www.victaulic.com - - VIcTAULIC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF vicTAuLic COMPANY. 0 2018 vicTAuLic COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. X,ic-tau lic 11.02_2 REV-0 IMPORTANT NOTES: Style 920 and Style 920N housings cannot be mated to one another to achieve cross connections. Provides a direct branch connection at any location where a hole can be cut in the pipe A pressure responsive gasket provides the seal Request Publication 11.03 for Mechanical-T cross assemblies Pressure rated up to 500 psi/3450kPa on steel pipe; also available for use with HDPE pipe Sizes from 2 x ½/SO x 15 mm through 8 x 4/200 x 100 mm Mechanical-I® Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 920N DIMENSIONS GROOVED OUTLET FEMALE THREADED OUTLET Center of run to engaged pipe end, female threaded outlet only (dimensions approximate). t Available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. * Center of run to end of fitting. # Female threaded outlets are available to NPT and BSPT specifications. @ See page 7 for Fire Protection approvals and pressure ratings. (a) British Standard female pipe threaded outlet is available as listed. Specify 'BSPT" clearly on order. (b)For 76.1 mm threaded outlet, specify 21h' BSPT clearly on order. § Vds approved for fire protection services a LPCB approved for fire protection services 0 Approved for use in China by Tianjin Approvals Company. Size Style Max.Work No. Pressure@ Approx. Dimensions Weight Each Inches RIM 1/2 (a) a x or psi 20N kPa 920N 500 +0.13 -0.00 1.50 Inches mm 2.00 Inches mm 2.53 Inches Inches Inches Inches Lbs. Lbs. mm mm mm mm kg kg 1.61 5.35 2.75 3.1 50 15 3450 38.1 51 64 - 41 136 70 1.5 3/4 (a) a 920N 500 1.50 1.97 2.53 1.61 5.35 2.75 3.1 20 3450 38.1 50 64 41 136 70 1.5 1(a) a 920N 500 1.50 1.85 2.53 1.61 5.35 2.75 3.0 25 3450 38.1 47 64 41 136 70 14 11/4 (a) to 920N 500 1.75 2.05 2.75 3.00 1.61 5.35 3.00 3.5 3.2 32 3450 44.5 52 70 76 41 136 76 17 1.5 1 1/2 (a) to 920N 500 1.75 2.03 2.75 3.12 1.61 5.35 3.25 3.6 3.2 40 3450 44.5 52 70 79 41 136 83 1.7 1.5 21/2 x 1/2 (a) 920N 500 1.50 2.21 2.74 1.82 5.64 2.75 3.0 65 15 3/4 (a) § 920N 500 1.50 2.18 2.74 1.82 5.64 2.75 3.0 20 3450 38.1 55 70 46 143 70 1 A 1(a) §a 920W 500 1.50 2.06 2.74 1.82 5.64 2.75 2.9 25 3450 38.1 52 70 46 143 70 1.4 - 1 1/4 t (a) a 920W 500 1.75 2.30 3.00 3.25 1.82 6.29 3.00 3.5 32 32 3450 445 58 76 83 46 160 Th U 1.5 1½ t (a) a 920W 500 2.00 2.28 3.00 3.25 1.82 6.26 3.25 3.6 3.3 40 3450 50.8 58 76 83 46 159 83 17 1.6 761 x 1/2 (a) 920W 300 1.50 2.22 2.75 2.25 6.46 3.18 3.9 15 2065 38.1 56 70 U 164 81 U 1/4 (a) 920½ 300 1.50 2.19 2.75 2.25 6.46 3.18 3.9 20 2065 38.1 U U U 164 81 U 1(a) 920W 300 1.50 2.07 2.75 2.25 6,46 3.18 3.8 25 - - -- 2065 38.1 53 70 57 164 81 1.7 1 1/4 (a) a 920N 500 1.75 2.30 3.00 3.31 1.92 6.29 3.00 3.5 3.2 32 445 58 76 84 U 160 U U 1.5 1½ (a) a 920N 500 2.00 2.28 3.00 3,31 1.92 6.29 3.25 3.5 3.3 40 3450 50.8 58 76 84 49 160 83 U 1.5 1/2 (a) a 920N 500 1.50 2.52 3.05 2.28 6.15 2.75 3.4 80 15 3450 38.1 64 U U 156 U U 1/4 (a) a 920W 500 1.50 2.49 3.05 2.28 6.15 2.75 3.4 20 3450 38.1 63 78 U 156 U U 1(a) 920N 500 1.50 2.38 3.06 2.28 6.15 2.75 3.3 25 3450 38.1 61 78 58 156 70 1,6 - 11/4 (a) to 920N 500 1.75 2.55 3.25 3.56 2.28 6.15 3.00 3.8 3.7 32(b) 445 U U 90 U 156 U U 1.8 11/2 (a) to 920N 500 2.00 2.78 3.50 3.56 2.28 6.15 3.25 4.1 3.8 40(b) 3450 50.8 71 U 90 U 156 U U 1.8 2 (a) a 920N 500 2.50 2.75 3.50 3.56 2.28 6.75 3.88 4.9 4.6 50 3450 63.5 70 89 90 58 172 99 23 2.1 3½ 2 920½ 500 2.50 3.00 - 3.75 2.44 6.72 3.88 3.8 >< 90 50' 3450 63.5 76 95 - 62 171 99 1.8 TABLE CONTINUED ON PG. 3 - I I I U 1 I I I I 'I -I I I I 1 I I I CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS 11.02 I I DIMENSIONS ___ I _ GROOVED OUTLET f , F-T Y z FEMALE THREADED OUTLET Provides a direct branch connection at any location where a hole can be cut in the pipe A pressure responsive gasket provides the seal Request Publication 11.03 for Mechanical-I cross assemblies Pressure rated up to 500 psi/3450 kPa on steel pipe; also available for use with HDPE pipe Sizes from 2 x ½/50 x 15 mm through 8 x4"/200 x 100mm I I I I I I I CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS 11.02 I Mechanical-I® Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 920N Style Max. Work Approx. Size No. Pressure@ Dimensions Weight Each Inches or psi +0.13 Inche s Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Lbs. Las. mm 920N kPa -0.00 mm mm min mm mm Min kg kg TABLE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 4 1h (a) U 920N 500 1.50 3.03 1 3.56 2.69 7.01 2.75 3.7 100 15 3450 38.1 77 90 - 68 178 70 1.8 - 3/4 (a) U 920N 500 1.50 3.00 3.56 2.69 7.01 2.75 3.7 20 3450 38.1 76 90 - 68 178 70 1.8 - 1 (a) 920N 500 1.50 2.88 3.56 2.69 7.01 2.75 3.6 25 3450 38.1 73 90 - 68 178 70 1.8 1.75 3.08 3.78 4.00 2.69 7.01 3.00 4.0 3.6 1 4(a) to 920N 500 32(b) 3450 445 78 96 102 68 178 Th 1 1/2 (a) tU 920N 500 2.00 3.28 4.00 4.00 2.69 7.01 3.25 4.2 3.9 40(b)3450 50.8 83 102 102 68 178 83 20 1.9 2 (a) to 920N 500 2.50 3.25 4.00 4.00 2.69 7.01 3.88 5.0 4.6 50 3450 63.5 83 102 102 68 178 99 2.3 2.1 21/2 (a) t 920 500 2.75 288 400 4.00 2.69 7.34 4.63 5.8 5.0 65 3450 69.9 73 102 102 68 186 118 2.6 2.3 76.1 mm 920 500 2.75 2.88 4.00 2.69 7.34 4.63 6.4 3450 69.9 73 - 102 68 186 118 - 2.9 3(a) t 920 500 3.50 3.31 4.50 4.12 2.69 7.73 5.12 8.4 6.4 80 3450 88.9 84 114 105 68 196 130 3.8 2.9 108.0 X 1 'A (a)[( 920N 500 1.75 3.08 3.78 2.63 7.64 3.05 5.0 32 3450 44.5 78 96 - 67 194 78 2.3 - 11h(a)D 920N 500 2.00 3.28 4.00 2.63 7.64 3.25 5.0 40 3450 50.8 83 102 - 67 194 83 2.3 - 2 (a) 920N 500 2.50 3.25 4.00 2.63 7.64 4.00 4.0 50' 3450 63.5 83 102 67 194 102 1.9 - 76.1 mm 920 500 2.75 2.88 4.00 4.00 2.63 7.64 4.29 8.0 7.8 3450 69.9 73 102 102 67 194 109 3.6 3.5 3 (a) 920 500 3.50 3.31 4.50 4.50 2.63 7.63 4.88 6.8 6.5 80 3450 88.9 84 114 114 67 194 124 3.1 3.0 5 1½ (a) t 920 500 2.00 4.03 4.75 4.75 3.16 9.70 3.69 7.4 7.6 125 40 3450 50.8 102 121 121 80 1 246 94 3.4 3.4 920 500 2.50 4.00 4.75 4.75 3.16 9.70 4.38 8.2 8.0 50 3450 63.5 102 121 121 80 246 111 3.7 36 2½ (a) t 920 500 2.75 3.63 4.75 4.75 3.16 9.70 4.63 83 7,9 65 3450 69.9 92 121 121 80 246 118 3.8 3.6 --. 76.1 mm 920 500 2.75 3.75 4.75 3.16 9.70 4.63 8.0 3450 69.9 95 - 121 80 246 118 3.6 3(a) 920 500 3.50 3.81 5.00 4.63 3.16 9.70 5.31 8.4 8.8 80 . 3450 88 118 80 246 135 3.8 45 1330 x 920N 500 2.50 3.75 4.50 3.17 8.00 3.88 8.0 3450 63.5 95 114 - 81 203 99 3.6 - 920 500 3.50 3.81 5.00 3.00 9.46 5.31 8.0 80 3450 88.9 97 127 - 76 240 135 3.6 - TABLE CONTINUED ON PG. 4 IMPORTANT NOTES: Center of run to engaged pipe end, female threaded outlet only (dimensions approximate). Style 920 and Style 920N housings cannot be 'f Available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. mated to one another @ Center of run to end of fitting. to achieve cross connections. # Female threaded outlets are available to NPT and BSPT specifications. @ See page 7 for Fire Protection approvals and pressure ratings. (a) British Standard female pipe threaded outlet is available as listed. Specify BSPT" clearly on order. (b)For 76.1 mm threaded outlet, specify 21/2 BSPT clearly on order. § Vds approved for fire protection services LPCB approved for fire protection services 0 Approved for use in China by Tianjin Approvals Company. I I www.victaulic.com viclAuLic IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF vicTAuLic COMPANY. © 2018 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV_O X04-ic-ta-uh,07 11.023 I I I I I 11.02 1 I CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS Mechanical-I® Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 920N I I I I I I I I I I I I LI www.victaulic.com ictaulill vicTAuLic IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF vicTAuLic COMPANY. © 2018 viclAuLic COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11.02 REV_O Request Publication 11.03 for 4 920 500 4.50 3.81 4.5 5.75 - 3.63 9.40 6.25 18.0 Mechanical-.T cross assemblies 100 3450 114.3 96.80 146 92 159 8.2 - -. TABLE CONTINUED ON PG.5 - • Pressure rated -up to5O0 pi/3450'kI5e Center of run to engaged pipe end, female threaded outlet only (dimensions approximate). on steel pipe; also available for use t Available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. with HDPE pipe * Center of run to end of fitting. Sizes from 2 3' ½"I50 x 15mm # Female threaded outlets are available to NPT and BSPT specifications. through 8 x 47200 x 100mm @ See page 7 for Fire Protection approvals and pressure ratings. (a) British Standard female pipe threaded outlet is available as listed. Specify "BSPT" clearly on order. (b)For 76.1 mm threaded outlet, specify 21/2" BSPT clearly on order. § Vds approved for fire protection services D LPCB approved for fire protection services IMPORTANT NOTES: 0 Approved for use in China by Tianjin Approvals Company. Style 920 and Style 920N housings cannot be mated to one another to achieve cross connections. Provides a direct branch connection at any location where a hole can be cut in the pipe A pressure responsive gasket provides the seal DIMENSIONS GROOVED OUTLET Fa- f T ,V FEMALE THREADED OUTLET '4 11111. Size No. Ityle f Weight Each _ Run x Branch Hole VI# V 1+ Female Nominal Size 920 Diameter T- Thd. Grv. W Y Z T11. I ni. Inches of psi +0.13 Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Las. Lbs. min 920N kPa III mm mm min mm mm Run kg kC~ TABLE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 139.7 x 1 ½ t 920N 500 2.00 3.78 1 4.50 3.30 8.23 3.25 7.0 40 3450 50.8 96 114 84 209 83 32 2t 920N 500 2.50 3.75 4.50 3.30 8.23 3.88 9.0 50 5 95 114 84 209 99 1¼ (a) x 920N 500 1.75 4.43 5.13 5.13 3.79 9.15 3.25 5.1 4.8 150 32(b) 0 U2 0 0 % fl 2.2 1½ (a) to 920N 500 2.00 4.40 5.13 5.13 3,79 9.15 3.25 5.4 5.1 40(b) 112 130 130 96 24 fl 2(a) to 920N 500 2.50 4.38 5.13 5.13 3,79 9.15 3.88 6.0 5.6 50 3450 63.5 111 130 130 96 232 99 2.7 2.5 2½ 920 500 2.75 4.01 5.13 5.12 3.69 10.51 4.63 8.3 7.6 .65 3450 69.9 UO 130 130 94 267 118 38 3.4 76.1 mm c 920 500 2.75 4.15 5.21 3.69 10.51 4.63 8.4 3450 69.9 105 132 94 267 118 3.8 3(a) t 920 500 3.50 4.31 5.50 5,13 3.69 10.51 5.31 9.9 8.4 80 3450 88.9 110 140 130 94 267 135 45 3.8 4(a) to 920 500 4.50 3.81 5.75 5.38 3.69 10.51 6.25 10.1 10,1 100 3450 114.3 97 146 137 94 267 159 46 4.6 159.0 x 1 1h (a) 920N 500 2.00 4.41 5.13 3.63 9.40 3,25 7.8 40 3450 50.8 112 130 92 239 83 3.5 - 2 (a) 920N 500 2.50 4.38 5.13 3.63 9,40 3.88 8.0 50 3450 63.5 111 130 - 92 239 99 3.6 - 76.1 mm 920 500 2.75 4.38 5.50 5.13 3.63 9.40 4.63 9.5 9.5 3450 69.9 111 140 130 92 239 118 4.3 4.3 920 1 500 3.50 4.31 5.50 5.13 40 5.31 8.1 14.0 80 3450 88.9 110 140 130 92 39 135 3.7 64 108.0mm 920 500 450 4.45 5.38 3.6311 239 3.6340 6.12 10.0 3450 114.3 113 - 137 92 39 155 - LI LI CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS 11.02 I Mechanical-I® Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 920N I. DIMENSIONS ___ ow f GROOVED OUTLET 0_n W FEMALE THREADED OUTLET Provides a direct branch connection at any location where a hole can be cut in the nine Size Dimensions Weight Each IncAhes 13 Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inche Lbs. Lbs. mm 0 .0 .00 mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kg TABLE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 1 165.1 x 920N 500 1.50 3.88 4.56 3.79 9.34 2.75 8.0 25 3450 38.1 99 116 - 96 237 70 3.6 - 1 l/ a 920N 500 1.75 4.43 5.13 3.79 9.34 3.25 8.4 32 3450 44.5 113 130 - 96 237 83 3.8 11/2 (a) to 920N 500 2.00 4.41 5.13 5.13 3.79 9.34 3.25 8.4 5.4 40 3450 50.8 112 130 130 96 237 83 3.8 2.4 2(a) t 920N 500 2.50 4.38 5.13 5.13 3.79 9.34 3.88 8.5 6.0 50 3450 63.5 111 130 130 96 237 99 3.9 2.7 76.1 mm 920 500 2.75 4.01 5.13 5.21 3.63 10.51 4.63 8.6 7.6 3450 69.9 110 130 132 92 267 118 3.9 3.4 3(a) t o 920 500 3.50 4.31 5.50 5.13 3.63 10.51 5.31 10.2 8.4 80 3450 88.9 110 140 130 92 267 135 4.6 3.8 4 (a) to 920 500 450 3.81 5.75 5.38 3.63 10.51 6.25 10.5 8.4 100 3450 114.3 97 146 137 92 267 159 4.8 3.8 2(a) t X 920 500 2.75 5.44 6.19 6.25 4,81 12.42 4.50 11,6 11.6 200 50 3450 69.9 138 157 159 122 316 114 5.3 5.3 21/2 (a) t 920 500 2.75 5.07 6.19 6.19 4.81 12.42 4.50 11.6 11.6 65 3450 69 6 114 76.1 mm c 920 500 2.75 5.25 6.25 4.81 12.42 4.56 11.6 3450 69.9 133 - 159 122 316 116 - 5.3 3(a) '' 920 500 3.50 5.31 6.50 6.50 4.81 12.42 5.31 12.6 11.6 80 3450 889 135 165 165 122 316 135 5.7 5.3 4(a) to 920 500 4.50 4.81 6.75 6.38 4.81 12.42 6.25 15.3 12.5 100 3450 114.3 122 171 162 122 316 159 6.9 5.7 . Center of run to engaged pipe end, female threaded outlet only (dimensions approximate). A pressure responsive' gasket provides t Available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. the seal * Center of run to end of fitting. Female threaded outlets are available to NPT and BSPT specifications. . Request Publication 11.03 for # Mechanical-T cross assemblies @ See page 7 for Fire Protection approvals and pressure ratings.' Pressure'rated up to 500 psiI345OkPa (a).British Standard female pipe threaded outlet is available as listed. Specify "BSPT" clearly on order. on steel pipe; also available for use (b)For 76.1 mm threaded outlet, specify 21/2" BSPT clearly on order. -with HDPE pipe § Vds approved for fire protection services o LPCB approved for fire protection services Sizes from 2.x ½750 x 15mm 0 Approved for use in China by Tianjin Approvals Company. through 8x 411/200 x 100mm I I IMPORTANT NOTES: Style 920 and Style 920N housings cannot be mated to each other to achieve cross connections. I I I I www.victaulic.com ictsulice vlclAuuc IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF vICTAuLIC COMPANY. 0 2018 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I REV-0 11,025 CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS 11.02 Mechanical—I® Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 920N FLOW DATA Flow test data has shown that the total head loss between point (1) and (2) for the Style 920, 920N and 929 MechanicalT® fittings can best be expressed in terms of the pressure difference across the inlet and branch. The pressure difference can be obtained from the relationship below. C. and Ky Values Values for flow of water at +60°F/+16°C are shown in the table below. Formulas for C,K. Values: = Q2 Where: - p Q2 Where: cV = Pressure Drop (psi) v P = Pressure Drop (Bar) Q = Flow (GPM) - K 2 Q = Flow (m3/hr) Q = CV x j2 CV = Flow Coefficient Q = K x "A-p- K = Flow Coefficient Exaggerated for clarity Equivalent Length of Outlet Size Schedule 40 Carbon Steel Pipe OUTLET SIZE (C 120)t FT II Values L[ NOMINAL ACTUAL DIAMETER 11.1 h!Ll, GROOVED THREADED GROOVED THREADED ½0.840 11 15 21.3 2 - 9.4 1/4 1.050 16 20 26.7 - 4 - 13.7 1 1.315 21 3 8 - 25 33.7 1.8 1 ¼ 1.660 50 48 32 42.7 5½ 6 42.9 41.1 1 ½ 1.900 11 11 53 53 40 . 48.3 45.4 45.4 2 2.375 112 104 50 60.3 9 10½ 96 89.1 21/2 2.875 119 150 65 72.0 20 12 ½ 102 128.5 3.000 161 76.1 mm 16* - - 76.1 138.1 3 3.500 249 237 80 88.9 14 15½ 213.4 203.1 4 4.500 421 401 100 114.3 20 22 360.8 343.6 Hazen-Williams coefficient of friction is 120. Pipe with a wall thickness of 0.165in14.2mm. 1 FireLock Innovative Groove System (IGS) outlet www.victaulic.com 14tauIjc vICTAuLIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. 0 2018 vICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11.02_6 REV-0 U CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS 11.02 I Mechanical-I® Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 920N I. FIRE PROTECTION APPROVALS I AND PRESSURE RATINGS The information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at the time of publication. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approvals agencies. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and the latest listings and approvals. Run Nominal Size Actual Outside Outlet ISize Pipe Approval Agency Vds Size 21/2-6 Diam flI 2.875 - 6.625 ITTU11111 All Schedule P 10,40 400 ii i 400 400 (Style 920) (Style 920N) 290 232 362 65-150 73.0- 168.3 2755 2755 2755 1999 1599 2496 21/2 -4 2.875 - 4.500 All DF 300 300 300 290 232 362 65-100 73.0-114.3 2065 2065 2065 1999 1599 2496 21/2-4 2.875 - 4.500 All SF 300 300 300 290 232 362 65-100 73.0-114.3 2065 2065 2065 1999 1599 2496 6 6.625 3,4 10 300 300 250 290 232 362 150 168.3 2065 2065 1724 1999 1599 2496 6 6.625 34 30,40 300 300 300 290 232 362 150 168.3 2065 2065 2065 1999 1599 2496 8 8.625 21/2 10,40 400 - - - 145 - 200 219.1 2755 1000 8 8.625 3,4 10 300 - 250 - 145 - 200 219.1 2065 ____________ 1724 1000 8 8.625 3,4 30,40 300 - 300 - 145 - 200 219.1 2065 2065 1000 NOTES: 10 refers to Listed/Approved Schedule 10 steel sprinkler pipe. 40 refers to Listed/Approved Schedule 40 steel sprinkler pipe. DF refers to Listed/Approved Dyna-Flow steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by American Tube Company. SF refers toListed/Approved Super-Flo steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by Allied Tube and Conduit Corporation. VIC-TAP II HOLE CUTTING TOOL FOR The Vic-Tap II hole cutting tool is designed for use with the Style 931 Vic-Tap II Mechanical-T unit, 4 - 87100 - 200 MM CARBON STEEL PIPE which is a combination of the Style 920 Mechanical-I and Series 726 Vic-Ball Valve. The Vic-Tap II . is capable of tapping into carbon steel pipe systems under pressures up to 500 psi/3450 kPa. The Stylè 931 Vic-Tap II Mechanical-I unit is a full port ball valve which can be mounted on 47100 mm, 57125mm, 67150mm and 87200 mm diameter pipe. The Style 931 comes with a 2½"/65mm grooved outlet. The drill motor is an electric motor with ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) in accordance with safety codes. For more information, refer to publication 24.01. www.victaulic.com taLIIiC viclAuLic IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF viclAuLic COMPANY. © 2018 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV-0 11.027 STYLES 920 AND 920N I INSTALLATION Reference should always be made to the 1-100 Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com. WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. NOTE This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. For complete contact information, visit www.victaulic.com 11.02 1480 REV UPDATED 11/2018 vlcTAuuc IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 201E vicTAuLic COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11.02_L J'tauIic Victaulic® FireLockTM Outlet-T /-ir.__t a —U1 i C Style 922 10.52 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Available Sizes 1 1/4 -2 1/2 '/DN32—DN65 Threaded Outlet Sizes: 1/2"/DN15, 3/4 /DN20, and 1/DN25 NOTE IGS Grooved 1/DN25 Outlets available for this product. See publication 10.54. Maximum Working Pressure 300 psi/2068 kPa/21 Bar Application Provides a convenient method of incorporating outlets for directly connecting sprinklers, drop nipples, sprigs, gauges, drains and other outlet products Pipe Material Carbon steel Contact Victaulic for use on additional pipe types and wall thicknesses 2.0 CERTIFICATION/LISTINGS USTED NOTES See Section 7.2 REFERENCE MATERIALS for additional certification information. ALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT. p System No. Location Spec Section Paragraph Submitted By Date Approved Date victaulic .com 10.52 3355 Rev H Updated 06/2018 © 2018 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. iir-\.Jt3IUIiC 1 ________________ ,irt,iiIir mm 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS - MATERIAL Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A395, Grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: (specify choice) o Orange enamel (North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific). O Red enamel (Europe). O Optional: Contact Victaulic with your requirements for other coatings. Gasket': 0 Grade "E" EPDM (Type A) EPDM (Violet color code) Applicable for wet and dry (oil-free air) sprinkler services only. Listed/Approved for continuous use in wet and dry systems. Listed/Approved for dry systems at -40F/-40C and above. NOT COMPATIBLE FOR USE WITH HOT WATER SERVICES OR STEAM SERVICES. 1 Services listed are General Service Guidelines only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not compatible. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Seal Selection Guide for specific gasket service guidelines and for a listing of services which are not compatible. Bolts/Nuts: 0 Standard: Carbon steel oval neck track bolts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A449 (imperial) and ISO 898-1 Class 9.8 (metric). Carbon steel hex flange nuts meeting the mechanical property requirementsf ASTM A563 Grade B (imperial - hex nuts) and ASTM A563M Class 9 (metric - hex nuts). Track bolts and hex flange nuts are zinc electroplated per ASTM B633 Fe/Zn 5, finish Type III (imperial) or Type II (metric). LI I I I I I I Li I I 10.52 3355 Rev H updated 06/2018 © 2018 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 2 I I I I \htaulicr victaulic.com 4.0 DIMENSIONS Style 922 A A •Il II ,_..• Style 922 Size Bolt/Nut - Dimensions Weight Nominal Actual Approximate Run x Branch FPT2 Outside Diameter Qty. Size T3 V W V Z (Each) inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches lb DN mm - mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 1 1/4 1/2 1.660 0.840 1.30 1.83 1.10 3.87 2.56 1 DN32 DN15 42.4 21.3 2 x1 33 47 28 98 65 0.5 1.28 1.83 1.10 3.87 256 1 3/4 1.050 DN20 26.9 2 X 1 33 1 47 28 98 65 0.5 1.52 2.18 1.10 3.87 2.56 1 1 1.315 DN25 2 X 1 39 55 28 98 65 - 0.5 11/2 1/2 1.900 0.840 1.42 1.95 1.22 4.08 2.56 1 40 DN15 48.3 21.3 2 x1 36 50 31 104 65 0.5 2 X 1 1.40 1.95 1.22 4.08 2.56 1 3/4 1.050 DN20 26.9 36 50 31 1 104 65 0.5 1.64 2.30 1.22 4.08 2.56 1 1 1.315 DN25 2 X 1 42 1 58 31 104 65 0.6 2 1/2 2.375 0.840 . 1.66 2.19 1.46 4.60 2.56 1 50 DN15 60.3 21.3 2 42 56 37 117 65 0.6 1.64 2.19 1.46 4.60 2.56 1 3/4 1.050 DN20 26.9 2 X 1 42 56 37 117 65 0.6 1.88 2.54 1.46 4.60 2.56 2 1 1.315 DN25 2 X 1 48 65 37 117 65 0.7 2½ . 1/2 2.875 0.840 1.91 2.44 1.71 5.40 2.56 2 DN1S 73.0 21.3 2 %x il 49 62 43 137 65 0.7 1.89 2.44 1.71 5.40 2.56 2 1/4 1.050 DN20 26.9 2 X 1 48 62 43 137 65 0.7 2.13 2.79 1.71 5.40 2.56 2 1 - 1.315 DN25 2 X 1 54 71 43 137 65 0.7 DNJ65 ½ 3.000 0.840 1.91 2.44 1.71 5.50 2.56 2 DN15 76.1 21.3 2 X 1 49 62 43 140 65 0.7 1.89 2.44 1.71 5.50 2.56 2 3/4 1.050 DN20 26.9 2 X 1 48 62 43 140 65 0.7 2 X 1 2.13 2.79 1.71 5.50 2.56 2 1 1.315 DN25 54 71 1 43 140 65 0.8 2 Victaulic female threaded products are designed to accommodate standard NPT or BSPT (optional) male pipe threads only. Refer to the specific literature for these types of special male-threaded products for guidance and possible limitations for use. Failure to verify suitability in advance may result in assembly - problems or leakage. Center of run to engaged pipe end for NPT threads (dimensions are approximate). 10.52 3355 Rev H Updated 06/2018 © 2018 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 3 \4tauIic victaulic.com 5.0 PERFORMANCE Style 922 Equivalent Length of 1 inch Schedule 40 Steel Pipe (per UL 213, Section 16) (C=120)4 Run Size x Outlet Size Threaded Grooved5 inches feet feet DN meters meters 11/4 1 8.5 12.5 DN32 DN25 2.6 3.8 11/2 1 8.5 12.5 DN40 DN25 2.6 3.8 2 1 8.5 12.5 DN50 DN25 2.6 3.8 21/2 1 8.5 12.5 DN25 2.6 3.8 1 8.5 12.5 DN65 DN25 2.6 3.8 Hazen-Williams coefficient of friction is 120. 1 FireLocklm Innovative Groove System (IGS) outlet 6.0 NOTIFICATIONS WARNING Read and understand all instructions before attempting to install, remove, adjust, or maintain any Victaulic piping products. Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to install, remove, adjust, or maintain any Victaulic piping products. Wear safety glasses, hardhat, and foot protection. Failureto follow these instructions could result in death or serious personal injury and property damage. 7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS Dimensions Minimum Hole Diameter! Maximum Hole Diameter! Hole Saw Size Hole Saw Size inches inches mm mm All Outlet Sizes 13(6 11/4 30 32 10.52 3355 Rev H Updated 06/2018 © 2018 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 4 'j(ctauIic Size ServicesPressures per Regulatory Approvals and Listings6 Nominal UL ULC FM VdS LPCB CNBOP inches psi psi psi psi psi psi DN kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa 1 ¼x½ 300 300 300 232 232 232 DN32XDN15 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 1 1/4 X~ 300 300 300 232 232 232 DN32XDN2O 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 1¼x1 300 300 300 232 232 232 DN32XDN25 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 1½x'/2 300 300 300 232 232 232 DN40XDN15 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 1½x3/4 300 300 300 232 232 232 DN40XDN20 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 1½x1 300 300 300 232 232 232 DN40XDN25 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 2x1/2 300 300 300 232 232 232 DN50XDN15 - 2068 - 2068 2068 1600 - 1600 - 1600 2x1/4 300 300 300 232 232 232 DN50X20 2068 . 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 2x1 300 300 300 232 232 232 DN50XDN25 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 2½x½ 300 300 300 232 232 232 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 2½x3,4 300 300 300 232 232 232 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 2½x1 300 300 300 232 232 232 2068 2068 2068 1600 1600 1600 300 232 232 232 DN65XDN15 - 2068 1600 1600 1600 300 232 232 232 DN65XDN20 - - 2068 1600 1600 1600 300 232 232 232 DN65XDN25 - - 2068 1600 1600 1600 F1 I I I H H I I I victaulic.com 7.1 REFERENCE MATERIALS Pressures listed in this chart are based upon standard wall pipe. Approved and Listed pressures may vary by pipe schedule. NOTE .. Consult regulatory agency websites for details and the most recent regulatory information. 7.2 REFERENCE MATERIALS 05.01: Victaulic Seal Selection Guide 29.01: Victaulic Terms and Conditions of Sale 1-100: Installation Instructions 1-922: Installation Instructions FireLockiM Outlet-T I User Responsibility for Product Selection and Suitability Note Each user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, in accordance with industry to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warning equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. instructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation, Installation advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, Reference should always be made to the Victaulic installation handbook or installation or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of tale, installation instructions of the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment guide, or this disclaimer, of Victaulic products, providing complete installation and assembly data, and are available Intellectual Property Rights in POF format on WeChat. No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, Warranty product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details, under any patent or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such Trademarks material, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patent or other intellectual Victaulic and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of property right. The terms "Patented" or "Patent Pending" refer to design or utility patents Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries. or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United States and/or other countries. 10.52 3355 Rev H Updated 06/2018 © 2018 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com JtauIicr TR a.r Ftr.Pocuct Vi&oh of Anvil! IntrflatiqQaI MERIT. @IJj I ERIT Weld-MiserTM Tee-Let® Welding Outlet Fittings I I Unified Design TM Series Merits Unified Design Series carries all important design considerations into its entire line of welding branch outlet fittings. Merit® WeldMiserTM Tee-Lets® are designed and Manufactured to reduce the amount of weld required to install the Tee-Lets on thin wall or proprietary flow pipe. Typically only one weld-pass completes the installation. Merit Tee-Lets install with less I weld volume than any other brand of welding outlet fittings for fire sprinkler applications. To accomplish this: - - -- - - The contoured end of the fittings employs a reduced outside diameter. Two major advantages are immediately apparent: The thinner wall on the contoured end permits welding temperatures to be matched to the thickness of the branch line or I main thereby insuring complete penetration without cold welds, weld roll-off, burn-through or excessive distortion. On smaller sizes a heavier section is maintained on the threaded end of the fitting. This protects the threads from damage during shipping and handling prior to installation as well as from weld distortion. Each outlet size 11/2 and larger, whether male or female threaded, cut grooved or beveled requires the same hole size in the header pipe. This simplifies the installation process. General Specifications Tee-Let welding outlet fittings are manufactured from highly weldable steel which conforms to the chemical and physical requirements of ASTM A-53, Grades A or B, Type E. Ease of installation is assured when automatic welding equipment is used to install Merit Tee-Lets. Threads are cut in accordance with the requirements of ANSI 81.20.1, national standard for tapered pipe threads, or ISO-7-1 threads are available. Tee-Let threaded and grooved welding outlet fittings are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved for use in the fire sprinkler systems installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA Bulletin 13. They are rated for 300 PSI operation in fire sprinkler systems, and higher pressures in other non-critical piping systems. Tee-Lets are offered in a wide variety of header sizes. The -consolidated header sizes shown in the following charts allow the fittings to be installed on more than One header size, permitting the first size listed to fit the header perfectly, while a small gap along the longitudinal center line of the header will appear for the second size listed. Merit® Weld-Miser1M Tee-Lets® are identified by a lot number that full traceability ISO 9000 I provides per specifications. - For Your Piping Systems Specify WeldMiserTM Tee-Let® Branch Outlet Fittings shall be Merit Weld-Miser Tee-Let; Lightweight forged steel, employing low weld volume profile to provide for full penetration Welds with minimum burn through and pipe distortion on Schedule 5 thru 10, proprietary thin wall, and standard wall pipe. Threads are to be ANSI B1.20.1, or ISO-7-1, and the bore of the fittings calculated to improve flow. Welding outlets to be UL Listed, FM Approved for use conforming to NFPA, Bulletin 13 and pressure rated for 300 PSI maximum. How to Order - Use either of the following methods for ordering Merit® WeldMiserTM Tee-Let® I I I I I Method No. 2 Use the following system: - Type Merit Quantity Outlet Size Header Size * Weight End Tee-Let * * Always Column "A" Insert size Sch. 10 A - Female Thread order a few of Chart consolidation Standard B - Male Thread more than from Column C - Cut Groove actually "B" of chart. C/R - Roll Groove required for the job. Method No. 1 Specify quantity desired followed by the part number shown in the "dimensions" chart for the type and size of outlet desired. Quantity Part Number Steel Material —2— AwILStar Fire Products Division TEE-LET WELDED OUTLET Outlet Model FITTING (LIL VIZU — EX6032, Outlet Pipe Size (Inch) FM APPROVAL GUIDE CHAPTER Header Pipe Size (Inch) 1 PIPE FITTINGS) Rated Pressure (psig) Tee-Let Type A (F-Threaded End) 1/2,3/4,1 11/4, 11/2, 2, 21,, 3,4 1/2-8(Sch.10,40) 300 6 (EZ-Flow) 1 -4 (Sch. 5, DynaFlow) 2 4 (EZ-Flow) 2,4 Tee-Let Type C (Grooved End) 11/4-8 11/4 8 (Sch.10, 40) 300 2½-8 ½-4 (Sch. 5, DynaFlow) Tee-Let Type C/R (Roll _Grooved _End) 11/4 6 11/4 8 (All Schedules) 300 1 I I I WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® I Welding Outlet Fittings I F1 I I I I For Fire Protection & Other Low Pressure Piping Systems Merit WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® Welding Branch Outlet Fittings offer the user a high strength, low cost forged threaded and grooved line of fittings spe- cifically designed and manufactured to be installed on Schedules 5 thru 10, proprietary thin wall flow pipe and standard wall pipe. Merit Tee-Lets are forged steel welding outlet fittings. The material used in manufacture meets the chemical and physical requirements of ASTM A 53, Grades A or B, Type E, A-135, A-795, Tee-Lets employ a low weld volume design to provide for either a partial or full penetration weld employing a single pass with minimum burn-through and pipe distortion. Weld Miser Tee-Lets are recommended for use on proprietary thin wall, Schedules 5, 10 and 40 pipe. Threads comply with ANSI B1.20.1 or ISO7/1. They are UL Listed and FM Approved for use conforming to the requirements of Bulletin 13 1999 of the National Fire Protection Association. When used in fire sprinkler systems, Tee-Lets are rated for 300 psi, When used in mechanical systems, maximum pressures are calculated using criteria de- veloped for ASME B31 piping code. I For listing/approval details contact your AnvllStar'-Representative. - APPROVED D 1 Size-on-size (i.e. 2 x 2) Tee-Lets are not FM Approved. - FM rated working pressure when welded on Sch. 5 or non-threadable lightwall pipe is 175 psi. I AiiIiStar —3— Fire Products Division I Type A Female Threa Air, 111111116, MERIT® WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® Welding Outlet Fittings WELD -MISER Tfl r1PARTNUMBERS II Nominal Nominal Outlet Inside Make Weight Numher Outlet Header Length Diameter Up Each A B C D M NPT(BSPT) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) Lb. (kg) 1002002 1/4 X 11/4 -8 0.080 - 6x 1 6-200 0.04 1005012 11/4 11/2 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 - 32-40 270 17.8 12.7 0.08 1005015 11A -2 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 - ½x 13K 40-50 270 178 12.7 0.08 1005020 2- 21A 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 - 50-65 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.08 1005025 2½ -8 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.169 - 65-200 270 17.8 12.7 0.08 1007012 11/4 - 11A 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 - 32-40 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1007015 1½-2 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 3/4 x 19x 40-50 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1007020 2-21/2 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 - 50-65 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1007025 2½-8 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.256 65200 2& -22.9 12.7 1010012 11/4 1½ 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.331 1110012 32-40 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15 1010015 1½-2 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.331 1110015 40-50 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15 1010020 2- 21A 1.250 1.145 0.500 0320 1110020 1 X 25x 50-65 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15 1010025 2½-3 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.314 1110025 65-80 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.14 1010030 3-4 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.309 1110030 - 80-100 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.14 1010050 5-8 1.250 1.145 0.500 .0.291 1110050 125-200 1 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.13 1012012 11/4 1½ 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.432 1112012 32-40 34.9 37.8 1 12.7 .019 1012015 1½-2 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.421 1112015 40-50 34.9 378 12.7 .019 1012020 2-2½ 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.421 1112020 1¼x 32x 50-65 1 34.9 37.8 12.7 .019 1012025 2½-3 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.411 1112025 65-80 34.9 378 12.7 .019 1012030 3-4 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.389 1112030 80-100 34.9 378 12.7 .018 1012050 5-8 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.389 125-200 34.9 378 12.7 .018 1015015 11/2 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115015 40 1 41.3 40.9 1 22.2 .022 1015020 2 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1 1115020 11x 50 41.3 40.9 22.2 .022 1015025 21/2 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115025 40x 65 41.3 40.9 22.2 .022 1015030 3-4 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115030 80-100 41.3 40.9 22.2 .022 1015040 4 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115040 100 1 41.3 1 40.9 22.2 .022 1015050 5-8 1 1.625 41.3 1 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115050 125-200 40.9 22.2 1 .022 WELD-MISER - DIMENSI ONS f1 PART NUMBERS Nominal Nominal Outlet Inside Make Weight Number Outlet Header Length Diameter Up Each A B C D M NPT (BSPT) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) Lb. (kg) 1020020 2 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.857 1120020 50 44.5 52.5 1 22.2 0.38 1020025 2½ 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.829 1120025 65 44.5 52.5 22.2 033 1020030 3 1.750 2.067 &875 0.829 1120030 2x 80 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.39 1020040 4 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.800 1120040 50x 100 44.5 52.5 22.2 036 1020050 5 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.743 1120050 125 44.5 52.5 22.2 034 1020060 6 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.743 1120060 150 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.34 1020080 8 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.743 1120080 200 44.5 52.5 22.2 034 1025025 2½ 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.250 1125025 65 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.55 1025030 3 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.200 1125030 80 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.55 1025040 4 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1125040 2½x 65K 100 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1025050 5 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1125050 125 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1025060 6 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1125060 150 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1025080 8 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1125080 1 200 1 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1030030 3 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.750 - 80 63.5 77.9 38.1 079 1030040 4 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.700 - 3x 100 63.5 77.9 38.1 077 1030050 5 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.700 - 80K 125 63.5 779 38.1 0.77 1030060 6 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.650 - 150 63.5 779 38.1 075 1030080 8 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.650 - 200 63.5 779 38.1 0.75 1040040 4 3.000 4.026 2.000 3.000 - 100 76.2 102.3 50.8 1.36 1040050 5 3.000 4.026 2.000 2.900 - 4x 100 125 76.2 102.3 50.8 1.32 1040060 6 3.000 4.026 2.000 2.800 - 150 76.2 102.3 50.8 1.27 1040080 8 3.000 4.026 1 2.000 2.800 - 200 76.2 102.3 50.8 1.27 Note: Part #1002002 is not UL Listed or FM Approved. All size-on-size (i.e. 2 X 2) Tee-Lets are not FM Approved. iWtLStar Fire Products Division Type B Male Thread Standard Weight Type C Cut Groove Standard Weight Weld-Miser TM Tee-Let® Welding Outlet Fittings WELD-MISER Tm TEE -LET' - iiiiii lrii,ii SIZES!i:iauW Male Thread Std Wt Cut Groove Std. Wt. Nominal Outlet A Nominal Header B Outlet Length C Inside Diameter Outside Diameter D E Wall Thickness F NPT(BSPT) NPT(BSPT) In. (mm) In.(mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) In, (mm) In. (mm) 1310012 2010012 11/4 11/2 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 32-40 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 1310015 2010015 11/2 -2 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 40-50 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 1310020 2010020 2-2½ 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 lx 25x 50-65 80 26.6 33•4 3.4 1310025 2010025 2½-4 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 65-100 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 1310050 2010050 5-8 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 125-200 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 1312012 2012012 11/4 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 32 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1312015 2012015 1½ 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 40 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1312020 2012020 2-2½ 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 -- 1¼x 32x 50-65 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1312025 2012025 3-4 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 80-100 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1312050 2012050 5-8 3 1.368 1.660 . 0.140 125-200 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1315015 2015015 ' 1½ 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 40 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 1315020 2015020 2 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 r 50 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 1315025 2015025 21A 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 1½x . 65 80 40.9 48.3 .. - 3.7 1315030 2015030 3-4 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 80-100 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 1315050 2015050 5-8 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 125-200 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 1320020 2020020 2 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 50 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320025 2020025 2½ 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 65 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320030 2020030 3 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 80 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320035 2020035 4 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 2x 50x 100 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320050 2020050 5 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 125 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320060 2020060 6 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 150 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320080 2020080 8 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 200 1 80 1 52.5 1 60.3 1 3.9 Note: Tee-Lets are manufactured to fit size-on-size, that is the contoured shape on a given Tee-Let is made to fit perfectly on the first listed header size. If installed on the second header size marked on the fitting, a slight gap of approximately 1/32" will appear along the longitudinal centerline of the header. For example, aix 2 - 21/3' Tee-Let, is a 1 outlet fitting manufactured to fit perfectly on the 2" header size listed, while leaving a 1/32 gap along the longitudinal centerline of the 21/f size. If a perfect fit is required for a 21& header pipe, then a 1 x 21h - 3" Tee-Let would be ordered. Size consolidations are employed to reduce inventory and provide for greater flexibility. iMiLStar Fire Products Division Type C/A Roll Groove Schedule 10 Type B Male Thread Standard Weight / MERIT® WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® Welding Outlet Fittings Type C Cut Groove Standard Weight E -b-i A ! fl L4 fl [I 4JF TflII lTEE-LET' - D Ek1Ii .j Cut Nominal Roll Groove Nominal Outlet Inside Diameter - 0 Outside Wall Thickness - F Standard Schedule Standard Schedule MaIfedT ad Groove Stdwt.. Wt.Sch Outlet Header Length Diameter A B . C Weight 10 E Weight 10 NPT (180-7-1) NPT (ISO-i-i) NPT(ISO-7-1) In. (lam) in. (mm) in. (mm) In.(mm) In. (mm) in. (MM) in. (mm) In. (mm) 1325025 2025025 2225025 2½ 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1 2125025 65 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1325030 2025030 2225030 3 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125030 80 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1325035 2025035 2225035 4 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125035 2½x 65x 100 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 1 5.0 3.0 1325050 2025050 2225050 5 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125050 125 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1325060 2025060 2225060 6 . 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125060 175 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1325080 2025080 2225080 8 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125080 200 80 62.7 67.0 762 50 3.0 1330030 2030030 2230030 3 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 80 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 1330035 2030035 2230035 3½ 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 85 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 1330040 2030040 2230040 4 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 3x 80x 100 80 78.0 83.0 1 88.0 5.0 3.0- 1330050 2030050 2230050 5 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 125 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 50 3.0 1330060 2030060 2230060 6 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 150 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 1330080 2030080 2230080 8 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 200 80 78.0 83.0 1 88.0 5.0 3.0 1340040 2040040 2240040 4 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 100 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 1340050 2040050 2240050 5 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 4x bOx 125 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 1340060 2040060 2240060 6 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 150 100 102.0 708.0 1 114.0 6.0 3.0 1340080 2040080 2240080 8 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 200 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 - 2060060 2260060 6 4 6.065 6.357 6.625 0.280 0.134 6x 150x 150 100 155.0 1615 168.3 71 3.0 - 2060080 2260080 8 4 6.065 6.357 6.625 0.280 0.134 200 100 155.0 161.5 168.3 71 3.0 - 2080080 - 8x 8 4 7.981 8.329 8.625 0.322 0.148 200x 200 100 203.0 212.0 213.0 8.0 1 3.0 Note: Tee-Lets are manufactured to fit size-on-size. that is the contoured shane on a aiven Tee-Let is made to fit nerfer.tiv on the first listed header sim If installed c n the second header size marked on the fitting, a slight gap of approximately 1,2" will appear along the longitudinal centerline of the header. For example, a 1" x 2 - 21h" Tee-Let, is a 1' outlet fitting manufactured to fit perfectly on the 2" header size listed, while leaving a 1/2 gap along the longitudinal centerline of the 21,'t size. l a perfect fit is required for a 21W header pipe, then a V x 21A - 3" Tee-Let would be ordered. Size consolidations are employed to reduce inventory and provide for greater flexibility. -6- iN'Ji..Star Fire Products Division I I I I I i Threading Practice Weld-Miser Tm Tee-Let"" F~ I Mc,itTe-Let Pitch U,, MERIT NPT THREAD Eftectice Thread L2 Farrel. Threads Pipe Stindsd tap drill truticatian ell L11h d' STANDARD NPT THREAD FORM Installation Welding Outlet Fittings I I NPTi TAPERED PIPE THREADS Drop Nipple Li 13 Total L2 or Tee-Let Hand Tight Wrench Tight Li - 13 Effective Outlet Size Lenoth Threads In. (mm) In. (mm) Threads Threads fmlThreads In. ds 1& 0.320 448 0.214 3.00 . 13 0534 0.534 7.48 7.47 15 81 136 3/4' 0.339 0.214 3.00 0.553 0546 7.64 20 86 5A - - _1..9_ ill 0.400 460 0.261 3.00 0.661 7.60 7.85 25 102 6.6 0.4204.83 1 11/4" 0.261 3.00 0.681 7.83 iL 8.13 32 JQL 1½" 0.420 0.261 3.00 0.697 0.724 7.83 8.32 40 10.7 - 6.6 _ - - 184 2" 0.436 501 0.261 300 0.706 8.01 8J0 50 11.1 6,6 17.9 JL 21," 0.682 46 0.250 200 0.932 7.46 1.138 9.10 65 17.3 _2L -28.9 3 0.766 613 0.250 2.00 1.016 8.13 1.200 9.60 80 195 - 258 - 4 1 0.844 675 0.250 1 2.00 094 . 1 8.75 10.40 IOU L_ 6.4 - 33.0 Domestic Manufacture Increasingly, federal, state, municipal, and quasi municipal authorities require domestic content for fire sprinkler systems. Merit® Tee-Lets® meet these requirements. The need to maintain dual inventories; one domestic; one import is eliminated. Welding Practice Tee-Let® thread form is consistent with Aeronautical National Form (ANPT) AS71051. The thread is fully formed over both the L-1 hand tight and L-3 wrench tight threads. NPT tapered threads are typically gauged only over the L-1 threads. This makes Tee-Lets more forgiv- ing of field cut threaded pipe that may only marginally conform to the specification. Fewer leaks translate into lower costs. Ease of Installation Merit Manufacturing Tee-Lets are designed to sit higher on the pipe, thereby requiring less weld and eliminating burn through. Tee-Lets sit higher on the header or branch line pipe than competitive fittings. This allows the welding torch to remain in an optimum position for welding. In addition, 11& and larger Type A female threaded and Type - C grooved Tee-Lets require the same hole size for installation. This re- sults in fewer change overs when installed using automatic welders. When measured with respect to linear inches of weld required for installation, Tee-Lets require up to 15% less weld than competitive fittings. This reduces time and savings over time are substantial. The diameter of the contoured end of Type A Tee-Lets has been reduced so that the wall thickness more nearly matches the header or branch line pipe wall thickness. Therefore, current and voltage settings required for welding are set to provide for adequate penetration without burn through and cold shutting. Also, weld volume required for installation is lower for Tee-Lets than most other fittings. Typically, Tee-Lets re- quire one-weld pass for attachment. 2650"- (j 2820" -j 2" Merit Weld-Miser 2" Competitive Tee-Let Fitting WELDING PRACTICE Outlet I MERIT WELD-MISER TEE-LET I COMPETITIVE FITTING WELD VOLUME* LINEAR WELDING WELD VOLUME" LINEAR WELDING Size In. (mm) Cross Sec. Area %Iess In. (mm) %Iess Cross Sec. Area %more In. (mm) %Iess ill 0.051 sq. in. 2.48 0.058 sq. in. 2.48 12% 0% 12% 0% 25 32.9 sq mm 62.9 37.4 sq mm 62.9 11/4" 0.032' 2.88 0.063 3. 01 48% 4% 48% 4% 32 20.6 73.1 40.6 76.4 114" 0.036 3.12 0.060 46 40% 10% 40/ 10% 40 23.2 1 ___ 79.2 1 38.7 1 87.8 2 0.040 3.77 0.106 41 62% 15% 62% 15% 50 1 25.8 95.7 68.3 112.0 iiMLStar -7- Fire Products Division RECOMMENDED TEE-LET HOLE SIZES Tee-Let Size Type ' Recommended Hole Size In.Imm ½ Type ½ 13 16 14 Type /8 19 22 1 Type 1½ 25 28 11/4 Type 1½ 31 38 11/4 Type 1% 31 35 1½ Type AorC 1% 38 41 2 Type AorC 2 50 50 2½ Type AorC 2/it 63 61 3 Type Aorc 3 75 75 4 Type Aorc 4 100 100 Holes may be cut employing mechanical means—including hole sawing, mechanical flame cutting (oxy-acetylene or propane), and air plasma cutting (constricted tungsten arc) machines. Merit offers a simple approach to cut- ting the hole. Hand-held templates are sized to match your plasma cutter. MERIT® Weld-Miser Tm Tee-Let® Installation (cont.) Welding Outlet Fittings Recommended Installation Procedures Merit Weld-Miser Tee-Let Welding Outlet Fittings are designed and manufactured to reduce the cost of installa- tion from both the standpoint of labor required and energy consumed. In addition, by following the recommended in- stallation procedures, many of the problems associated with installing welding outlet fittings on standard weight or light weight pipe are eliminated, including burn through and excessive shrinkage resulting in pipe distortion. Recommended Hole Sizes The hole cut in the branch or header pipe can be cut prior or sub- sequent to attachment of the Tee-Let. One advantage of cutting the hole after welding is that the pipe is left intact during welding thereby reducing shrinkage and possible distortion. If holes are cut prior to welding, as some codes require, then the following hole sizes are recommended. Note that the same hole diameter for a given outlet size is required for both Type Aand Type C Tee-Lets 11l/2 larger. Recommended Welding Procedures Merit Weld-Wiser Tee-Lets are designed to be installed on standard weight or light weight pipe with one weld pass on Type A outlet sizes from 1/2fl through 21/2 inclu- sive, and on Type C outlet sizes through 4. Moreover, the wall thickness at the weld end of the fitting approximately matches standard weight pipe. Accordingly, heat setting can be made to optimize penetration on both the fitting and the pipe which it is being welded. Aside from reducing the likelihood of burn through and distortion resulting from excessive heat, the amount of weld required for adequate penetration is significantly reduced. Merit Tee-Lets are manufactured from continuous cast aluminum killed steel with a carbon range of from 0.05 to 0.25. Merit specifies that residuals, such as chrome, nickel and other metals resident in the scrap used for production of the steel be reported and kept to a minimum. On the other hand, certain grades of carbon steel pipe are manufactured from skelp whose chemical composition is not speci- fied. When the metal inert gas shield (MIG) welding process is employed, certain residuals may cause excessive porosity, spatter or lack of penetration. Specifically, gases released during the welding process do not escape before the molten puddle sets up. When porosity or lack of penetration occurs, one approach is to slightly increase the heat in order to give the gases time to escape from the puddle. A flux cored wire can also be used. This wire contains scavengers which allow gases in the molten weld puddle to escape before the weld solidifies.The following recom- mended settings for welding therefore may need to be adjusted slightly higher if any of the above mentioned adverse conditions exist. As a general rule, the weld should be only as hot as required to allow the weld to Denetrate the materials being welded while concomitantly allowing gases developed n the welding process to escape. Every effort must be made to avoid welding too hot or overheating both the pipe and the Tee-Let. Excessive heat may cause the wrench tight threads (those in the bottom of the Tee-Let near the weld zone) to distort while also causing the branch pipe to bend. It should be noted that Merit Tee-Lets have been subjected to exhaustive testing and evaluation, and only negli- gibly distort when subjected to excessive heat. The threads, on the other hand, may not return to their gauged form after cooling if excessive heat causes them to expand. The following is intended only as a guide, and assumes that the welding equipment is properly calibrated and functioning normally and the operator is qualified. -8- RECOMMENDED AMOUNT OF WELD Outlet A B Size In./mm In ./mm In/mm ½ ¼ 13 7 5 1/4 3As 19 7 5 1 ¼ 3A 25 7 5 1¼ ¼ 3A6 31 7 5 1½ 5A6 ½ 38 8 7 2 5A6 ¼ 50 8 7 2½ /i& 1/4 63 8 7 3 75 10 5 4 /l6 7 100 10 5 iiMLStar Fire Products Division 1/2 % & 1 Outlet 114 21/2 Outlet I I WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® Installation (cont.) Welding Outlet Fittings I I I I I I UM I I I'TRECOMMENDEDr,iiiirti'iFOR11l1irit;iiwiiiWELDING i ;IiII**1 CONTINUED iiiiu NEXT lH Header Size Pipe Wall Thickness Tee-Let Types A, B, C Electrode Size Welding Current Arc. Volts Wire Feed Travel Speed In./mm lnjmm In./Mn? AMPS-DC P05. IPM IPM 1,42 0.035 100-130 16-20 210 25-30 0.065 13-50 2 2V2-4 0.035 115-150 17-21 270 20-25 11A2 63-100 31-50 1/2-2 0.035 110-140 18-22 220 25-30 0.109 13-50 2!/2-4 0.035 120-160 19-22 290 20-25 3 63-100 'h-2 0.035 110-140 17-20 210 20-25 0.083 13-50 2.5 21/2 -4 0.035 120-150 17-20 270 20-25 2,4-4 63-100 1/2 0.035 120-160 19-22 290 20-25 63-100 0.120 13-50 2V2-4 0.035 130-160 19-22 240 20-25 3 63-100 ½-2 - 0.035 120-150 17-20 210 20-25 0.109 13-50 3 2h/2 4 0.035 130-150 18-20 270 15-20 63-100 - 1,4 ---0.035 130-160 19-22 290 20-25 5-6 125-150 13-50 0.134 21/2-4 -0.035 140-160 20-22 270 15-20 3.5 - 63-100 21h -4 0.045 180-205 20-24 - 245 27-32 63-100 --0.035 120-150 17-20 240 20-25 13-50 0.109 21/2 -4 --0.035 130-150 18-20 260 15-20 3 63-100 2½-4 0.045 170-220 18-22 290 12-18 63-100 ½-2 0.035 130-160 19-22 240 20-25 200 13-50 0.148 21/2-4 0.035 140-160 20-22 260 15-20 3.5 63-100 21/2 -4 0.045 180-225 20-24 290 12-18 63-100 1 Shielding Gas Flow (FOR ALL SIZES) 20.25 CFH I Merit assumes no liability for any consequential damages resulting Co2 - Deeper penetration, faster welding, low cost. I from the improper use of its Tee-Let Welding Outlet Fittings, nor for 25% - Argon, 75%_ CO2, Recommended for .134 wall and lighter, high welding speeds any recommendations made with respect to installation procedures. I without melt through, minimum distortion and spatter, good penetration. I I I I iiMLStar Fire Products Division Corporate Offices 110 Corporate Drive, Suite 10' P.O. Box 3180 P') Portsmouth, NH 03802-3180 aI%I(I 1.1. Tel: 603-422-8000 • Fax: 603-422-8033 INTERNATIONAL, INC. E-mail address - Webmaster©anvilintl.com www.anvilintl.com For Sales and Service Information Contact the Regional Service Center Nearest You or Visit Our Website at www.anvilstar.com U.S. Regional Service Centers NORTHEAST REGION Servicing: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, East Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia 2530 Pearl Buck Road Bristol, PA 19007 Tel: 215-788-4056 • Fax: 215-788-4475 Toll Free: 1-800-451-2935 MIDWEST REGION Servicing: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Ohio, West Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Wisconsin - 750 Central Avenue University Park, IL 60466 Tel: 708-534-1414 • Fax: 708-534-5441 Toll Free: 1-800-301-2701 SOUTHERN REGION Servicing: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming 1313 Avenue R Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Tel: 972-343-9206 • Fax: 972-641-8946 Toll Free: 1-800-451-4414 WESTERN REGION Servicing: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington 1385 Greg Street Sparks, NV 89431 Tel: 775-331-7029 • Fax: 775-331-5075 Toll Free: 1-800-572-0051 EUROPE & MIDDLE EAST REGION Rick van Meesen, Business Director the Netherlands Tel: +31 53 5725570 Fax: +31 53 5725579 U.S. Customer Service Tel: +1 708 534 1414 LATIN AMERICA, PUERTO RICO & MEXICO Art Gutierrez, Sales Manager Tel: 813-300-3721 U.S. Customer Service Tel: 708-534-1414 • Fax: 708-534-5441 Iiñ/iLBtar TM Fire Products Division of Anvil International ANVILSTAR CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER Tel: 708-534-1414 • Fax: 708-534-5441 Toll Free: 1-800-301-2701 I I I I I I #327/ Printed in USN RPI / 2.5M / 4.05 / ©2005 Anvil International, Inc. luctile Irc SCI ProPakm System I - Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings Specifications <@> branded fittings are UL Listed and FM Approved at 500 psi I Rated to300 psi WSP CqD Ductile iron castings conform to ASTM-A536 us LISTED Fitting dimensions conform to ASME B16.3 I Bushings and plugs conform to ASME B16.14 FM All fittings are 100% air tested APPROVED NPT threads on all fittings conform to ASME B1.20.1 Independent lab verification that fittings meet applicable chemical & mechanical properties Manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001 ProPakTM Packaging Temperature Degrees F Working Pressure, Non-Shock psig Class 300 Threaded Fittings -20 to 100 500 150 500 200 480 250 460 300 440 350 420 400 400 450 380 500 360 550 340 600 320 650 300 Size in Part Number A in B in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 3/4x 1/2 35RE3006004 1.20 1.22 80 160 0.3 1 x 1/2 35RE3010004 1.26 1.36 70 140 0.4 1x3/4 35RE3010006 1.38 1.45 50 100 0.4 1-1/4 x1/2 35RE3012004 1.34 1.53 1.88 - 35 70 0.5 1-1/4 x 3/4 35RE3012006 1.45 1.63 35 70 0.6 1-1/4 x 1 35RE3012010 1.58 1.67 30 60 0.7 1-1/2x 1/2 35RE3014004 . .35RE3020010 1.52 1.75 30 60 0.6 1-1/2x3/4 35RE3014006 1.52 1.75 25 50 117 1-1/2 x1 35RE3014010 1.65 1.80 20 40 0.8 1-1/2.x 1-1/4 35RE3014012 1,82 18 36 1.0 2x 1/2 35RE3020004 1.60 1.97 18 36 1.0 2x 3/4 35RE3020006 1.60 1.97 18 36 1.0 2x 1 1.73 2.02 16 32 1.2 2xu11/4 .35RE3020012 1.90 2.10 12 24 1.3 2x1-1/2 35RE3020014 2.02 2.16 10 .20 1.5 r2-1/2x1-112 :35RE3024014 2.16 2.51 6 12, 2.2 2-1/2 x 2 '35RE3024020 2.39 2.60 6 12 2.5 Size in Part Number A in Packing Weight' lb Inner Master 1/2 35F 3004 0.88 150 300 0.2 3/4 35F3006 0.98 80 160. 0.3 1 35F3010 1.13 40 80 0.5 1-1/4 35F3012 1.29 25 50 0.7 1-1/2 35F3014 1.44 20 40 1.0 2 1 35F 3020 1.69 10 20 1.6 2-1/2I 35F3024 1.95 4 8 2.7 I I I c®uS <> APPROVED LISTED Fig. 35E 3-90° Elbow I Size in Part Number A in Packing Weight lb Inner Master I 1/2 35E 3004 1.13 100 200 0.2 Ir 35E 3006 1.31 70 140 0.3 1 35E 3010 1.50 40 80 0.5 35E3012 1.75 25 50 1 0.8 1-1/2 35E3014 1.94 18 36 1.1 2 35E3020 2.25 10 20 1.8 2-1/2 35E 3024 2.70 4 8 3.2 Fig. 35RE3 - 90° Reducing Elbow I!!1IIIIr U I 237 SMITH-COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 • www.smithcooper.com Size in Part Number A in Packing Weight lb . 0.5 Inner Master 1/2 3513004 1.13 80 160 0.3 3/4 3513006 1.31 30 60 1 35T3010 1.50 25 50 0.7 1-1/4 35T3012 1,75 10 20 1.1 1-1/2 35T3014 1.94 10 20 1.5 P 2 35T 3020 2.25 6 12 - 2.4 2-1/2 35T 3024 2.70 4 8 4.3 Size in Part Number A in B in C in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 3/4x 1/2 35RT3006004 1.20 1.20 1.22 60 120 0.4 1x1/2 35RT3010004 1.26 1.26 1.36 30 60 0.6 1x1/2x1 35RT3010004010 1.50 1.36 1.50 30 60 0.6 1x 3/4 35RT3010006 1.38 1.38 1.45 25 50 0.6 1x3/4x3/4 35R13010006006 1.38 1.31 1.45 35 70 0.6 1x3/4x1 35RT3010006010 1.50 1.45 1.50 25 50 0.7 1-1/4x1/2 35R13012004 1.34 1.34 1.53 20 40 0.8 1-1/4x1/2x1-1/4 351R13012004012 1.75 1.53 1.75 25 50 0.9 1-1/4x 3/4 35R13012006 1.45 1.45 1.62 15 30 0.9 1-1/4x3/4x1-1/4 35R13012006012 1.75 1.62 1.75 20 40 1.0 1-1/4x1 35RT3012010 1.58 1.58 1.67 15 30 1.0 1-1/4 x1x1/2 35R13012010004 1.34 1.26 1.53 25 50 0.7 1-1/4x 1 x3/4 35R13012010006 1.45 1.38 1.63 20 40 0.8 1-1/4 x1x1 35R13012010010 1.58 1.50 1.56 ,- 1.69 20 40 0.9 1-1/4 x1x1-1/4 35R13012010012 1.75 1.69 1.75 15 30 1.0 1-1/2x1/2 35R13014004 1.41 1,41 1.66 16 32 : .1.0 1-1/2x1/2x1-1/4 35R13014004012 1.81 1.88 24 48 1.1 1-1/2x1/2x1-1/2 35R13014004014 1.94 1.66 1.94 12 24 1.2 1 1-1/2x 3/4 35R13014006 1.52 1.52 1.75 16 32 1.1 1-1/2x 3/4 x1-1/4 35R13014006012 1.94 1.66 1.88 20 40 1.1 1-1/2x3/4x1-1/2 35R13014006014 1.94 1.75 1.94 18 36 1.2 1-1/2x1 35RT3014010 1.65 1.65 1.80 12 24 1.2 1-1/2x1x1/2 35RT3014010004 1.44 1.25 1.69 20 40 0.8 1-1/2x1x3/4 35RT3014010006 1.50 1.44 1.75 16 32 0.9 1-1/2x1x1. 35RT3014010010 1.65 1.50 1.80 16 32 1.0 1-1/2x1x1-1/4 35RT3014010012 1.82 1.67 1.88 12 24 1.2 1-1/2x1x1-1/2 35RT3014010014 1.94 1.80 1.94 12 24 1.3 1-1/2x1-114 35RT3014012 1.82 1.82 1.88 12 24 1.4 1-1/2x1-1/4x1/2 35RT3014012004 1.41 1.34 1.66 16 32 0.9 1-1/2x1-1/4x3/4 35RT3014012006 1.52 1.45 1.75 16 32 1.0 1-1/2x1-1/40 35R13014012010 1.65 1.58 1.80 16 32 1.1 1-1/2x1-1/4x1-1/4 35R13014012012 1.82 1.75 1.88 14 28, 1,3 1-1/2x1-1/4x1-1/2 35R13014012014 1.94 1.88 1.94 14 28 1.4 2x1/2 .35RT3020004 1.49 1.49 1.88 10 20 1.5 2x3/4 35RT3020006 1.60 1.60 1.97 10 20 1.6 2x1 35RT3020010 1.73 1.73 2.02 8 16 1.7 2 x 1 x 2 35RT3020010020 2.25 2.02 2.25 8 16 1.9 2x1-1/4 35R13020012 1.90 1.90 2.10 8 16 1.9 2x1-1/4x2 351RT3020012020 2.25 2.10 2.25 8 16 2.0 2x1-1/2 35R73020014 2.02 2.02 2.16 8 16 2.1 2x1-1/2x1/2 35R13020014004 1.49 1.41 1.88 10 20 1.3 2x1-1/2x3/4 35RT3020014006 1.60 1.52 1,97 10 20 1,4 2x1-1/2x1 35RT3020014010 1.73 1.65 2.02 8 16 1.5 2x1-1/2x1-1/4 35RT3020014012 1.90 1.82 2.10 8 16 1.7 2x1-1/2x1-1/2 35R13020014014 F2.02 1 1.94 2.16 8 16 1.8 B A Fig. 35BT3 - Bull Head Tee Size in Part Number A in B in C in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 3/4x1 35B13006010 1.45 1.45 1.37 30 60 0.6 1x1-1/4 35BT3010012 1.67 1.67 1.58 20 40 0.91 1 x1-1/2 35B13010014 1.80 1.80 1.65 15 30 1.0 1-1/4x1x1-1/2 35BT3012010014 1.88 1.80 1.82 15 30 1.2 1-1/4x1-1/2 35BT3012014 1.88 1.88 1.82 15 30 1,3 1-1/4x2 35BT3012020 2.10 2.10 1.90 10 20 1.6 1-1/2x1-1/4x2 35BT3014012020 2.16 2.10 2.02 10 20 1.8 1-1/2x2 35B13014020 2.16 2.16 2.02 8 16 1.8 C® Us Fig. 35RT3 - Reducing Tee LISTED APPROVED SMITH-COOPER INTERNATIONAL® 9 TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 • wwwsmithcooper.com 238 U C&US APPROVED Fig. 3503 - Straight Coupling with Ribs LISTED Size in Part Number A in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 1/2 35CP3004 1.38 200 400 0.1 3/4 35CP3006 1.63 100 200 0.2 1 35CP3010 1.75 60 120 0.4 1-1/4 35CP3012 2.00 35 70 0.5 1-1/2 350P3014 2.19 25 50 0.7 1 2 35CP3020 2.62 15 30 1.2 2-1/2 35CP3024 3.00 9 18 2.2 11 IN Size in Part Number A in B in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 1x1/2 35HB3010004 1.06 1.40 180 360 0.2 1<3/4 35HB3010006 1.06 1.40 180 360 0.1 1-1/4x1 35HB3012010 1.19 1.80 90 180 0.2 1-1/2 x1 35HB3014010 1.25 1.95 75 150 0.4 1-1/2x1-1/4 35HB3014012 1.25 1.95 75 150 0.3 2x1 35HB3020010 1.38 2.55 40 80 0.6 2x1-1/4 35HB3020012 1.38 2.55 40 80 0.6 2x1-1/2 35HB3020014 1.38 2.55 40 80 0.6 Fig. 35SP3 - Square Head Plug Size in Part Number A in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 1/2 35SP3004 0.94 600 1200 0.07 3/4 35SP3006 1.12 350 700 0.1 1 - 35SP3010 1.25 200 400 0.1 1-1/4 35SP3012 1.37 1 100 200 0.3 1-1/2 35SP3014 1.44 80 160 0.4 2 35SP3020 1.50 45 90 0.6 Fig. 35U 3- Union with Brass Seat Size in Part Number A in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 1 35U3010 2.19 20 40 1.0 1-1/4 35U3012 2.50 15 30 1.2 1-1/2 35U3014 2.62 10 20 1.7 2 35U3020 3.12 6 12 2.4 I Fig. 35RC3 - Hex Reducing Coupling Size in Part Number A in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 1x1/2 35RC3010004 1.69 80 160 0.3 1x3/4 35RC3010006 1.69 60 120 0.4 1-1/4x3/4 35RC3012006 2.06 40 80 0.6 2x1(nothex) 35RC3020010 r. 281 20 40 10 Fig. 35HB3 -Hex Bushing U I I 239 SMITH-COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX(323)890-4456 • www.smithcooper.com Fig. 35R13 - Reducing Cross Size in part Number A in B in Packing 11 Weight lb Inner Master 1-1/4x1 35RX3012010 1.67 1.58 15 30 1.2 1-1/2x1 35RX3014010 1.80 1.65 12 24 1.4 2x 1 35RX3020010 2.02 1.73 8 16 2.0 "flip I Fig. 35C 3- Cap Size in Part Number A in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 1/2 35C 3004 0.87 300 600 0.1 3/4 35C 3006 0.97 200 400 0.1 1 35C 3010 1.16 110 220 0.2 _1-1/4 350 3012 1.28 70 140 0.4 1-1/2 35C 3014 1.33 50 100 0.5 2 35C 3020 1_1.45 25 50 0.8 2-1/2 3503024 1.70 18 36 1.6 Fig. 300 - Beam Clamp Size in N b Part umber A in Packing. Weight lb - Master 3/8 35BC3003 0.75 lnner± 100 200 0.3 1/2 35BC3004 0.75 80 T 160 0.5 0 IIii'I* I c®uS <e> APPROVED LISTED Size in Part Number A in Packing Weight lb Inner Master 1 35X 3010 1.50 20 40 0.9 1-1/4 35X 3012 1.75 12 24 7 7174 1-1/2 35X3014 1.94 8 16 1.8 IF777771 35X3020 1 2.25 j 6 12 2.8 Fig. 35X 3- Cross A A I I I I SMITH-COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 9 wwwsmithcooper.com 240 I I i Cast Iron Threaded Fittings I F Cast Iron Threaded Fittings -- I LSpeeifications branded cast iron threaded fittings are UL Listed and FM Approved at 300psi I Rated to 125# WSP Casting date on each fitting C &us Grey iron castings conform to ASTM A126 LISTED Cast iron fitting dimensions conform to ASME B16.4 Class 125 NPT threads on fittings conform to ASME B1.20.1 APPROVED Cast iron fittings have SCI Trademark and are 100% air tested Manufacturing facility is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001 Fig. 37F1 -45° Elbow - Size IN Part Number A IN Packing Weight LB Inner Master 1 37F 1010 1.26 40 80 0.7 1-1/4 37F 1012 1.29 22 44 1.2 1-1/2 37F 1014 1.44 16 32 1.5 JL~2 I 37F 1020 1.69 8 16 2.6 c®uS <e> APPROVED Fig. 37E 1-90° Elbow LISTED Size IN Part Number A IN Packing Weight LB Inner Master 1/2 37E 1004 1.13 90 180 0.3 3/4 37E 1006 1.31 50 100 0.5 1 37E 1010 1.50 35 70 0.8 1-1/4 37E 1012 1.75 20 40 1.3 1-1/2 37E 1014 1.94 15 1 30 1.7 2 37E 1020 2.25 7 1 14 2.7 2-1/2 37E 1024 2.70 4 8 4.3 Fig. 37RE1 - 900 Reducing Elbow Size IN Part Number A IN B IN Packing Weight LB Inner Master 1 x 1/2 37RE1010004 1.36 1.26 50 100 0.5 1x314 37RE1010006 1.45 1.38 40 80 0.7 1-1/4 x1/2 37RE1012004 1.53 1.34 32 64 0.8 l-1/4x3/4 37RE1012006 1.63 1.45 28 56 0.9 1-1/4x1 37RE1012010 1.67 1.58 25 50 1.0 1-1/2x1/2 37RE1014004 1.75 1.52 25 50 1.0 1-1/2x3/4 37RE1014006 1.75 1.52 20 40 1.1 1-1/2x1 37RE1014010 1.80 1.65 18 36 1.3 1-1/2x 1-1/4 37RE1014012 1.88 1.82 14 28 1.5 2x1/2 37RE1020004 1.97 1.60 15 30 1.4 2x3/4 37RE1020006 1.97 1.60 15 30 1.6 2 x 1 37RE1020010 2.02 1.73 12 24 1.8 2x1-1/2 37RE1020014 2.16 2.02 10 20 2.3 Fig. 37T1 -Tee Size I' IN Part Number A IN Packing Weight LB Inner Master I 1/2 3711004 1.13 60 120 0.4 3/4 3711006 1.31 30 60 0.7 1 3711010 1.50 20 40 1.1 [ 1-1/4 3711012 1.75 12 24 1.8 1-1/2 37T 1014 1.94 8 16 2.4 2 37T 1020 2.25 L 10 3.8 Fig. 37R1 -Hex Coupling Size IN Part Number A IN Packing Weight LB Inner Master 1 x 1/2 37RC1010004 1.69 60 120 0.5 1x3/4 37RC1010006 1.69 50 100 0.6 2 x 1 (nothex)l 37R01020010 2.81 16 32 1.5 I 0'7 QT,rTT'LT r'rrtnt'D TTmc'DTAmTrNTAT ® - 'TV\T I E'DE'C' I QAñ 14 AAIAZ - E'AV I2)2\ QOA AACf - 1 B.Z. 37RT1 - Reducing Tee c@US .-~ I APPROVED LISTED Size IN Part Number A IN B IN C IN Packing Weight _jLB Inner Master 1x1/2 37RT1010004 1.26 1.26 1.36 25 50 0.9 1x1/2x1 37RT1010004010 1.50 1.36 1.50 24 48 0.9 1 x 3/4 37RT1010006 1.38 1.38 1.45 22 44 1.0 1x3/4x1 37RT1010006010 1.50 1.45 1.50 20 40 1.0 1x1-1/4 37RT1010012 1.67 1.67 1.58 15 30 1.4 1-1/4x1/2 37RT1012004 1.34 1.34 1.53 18 36 1.3 1-1/4x1/2x1-1/4 37RT1012004012 1.75 1.53 1.75 18 36 1.4 1-1/4x3/4 37RT1012006 1.45 1.45 1.62 15 30 1.4 1-1/4x 3/4x1-1/4 37R11012006012 1.75 1.62 1.75 15 30 1.5 1-1/4 x1 37RT1012010 1.58 1.58 1.67 15 30 1.6 1-1/4x lx 1/2 37R11012010004 1.34 1.26 1.53 20 40 1.1 1-1/4 x1x 3/4 37RT1012010006 1.45 1.38 1.63 16 32 1.2 1-1/4x1x1 37R11012010010 1.58 1.50 1.69 15 30 1.4 1-1/4x1x1-1/4 37RT1012010012 1.75 1.69 1.75 12 24 1.6 1-1/4x1x1-1/2 37RT1012010014 1.88 1.80 1.82 12 24 1.8 1-1/4x1-1/2 371RT1012014 1.88 1.88 1.82 10 20 .20 1-1/2x1/2 37RT1014004 1.41 1.41 1.66 12 24 1.6 1-1/2x1/2x1-1/4 37R11014004012 1.81 1.56 1.88 12 24 1.7 1-1/2x1/2x1-1/2 37RT1014004014 1.94 1.66 1.94 12 24 1.8 1-1/2x3/4 37R11014006 1.52 1.52 1.75 12 24 1.8 1-1/2x3/4x1-1/4 37RT1014006012 1.94 1.66 1.88 12 24 1.7 1-1/2x3/4x1-1/2 37R11014006014 1.94 1.75 1_1.94 12 24 t 1-1/2x1 37RT1014010 1.65 1.65 1.80 10 20 1.9 1-1/2x1x1/2 37R11014010004 1.44 1.25 1,69 18 36 1.3 1-1/2x1x3/4 37R11014010006 1.50 1.44 1.75 15 30 1.4 1-1/2x1x1 37RT1014010010 1.65 1.50 1.80 12 24 1.6 1-1/2x1x11/4 37RT1014010012 1.82 1.67 1.88 10 20 1.8 1-1/2x1x1-1/2 37RT1014010014 1.94 1.80 1.94 . 8 16 2.1 1-1/2x1-1/4 37R11014012 1.82 1.82 1.88 8 16 2.2 1-1/2x1-1/4x1/2 37RT1014012004 1.41 1.34 1.66 15 30 1.5 1-1/2x1-1/4x3/4 37R11014012006 1.52 1.45 1.75 12 24 1.6 1-1/2x1-1/4x1 37R11014012010 1.65 1.58 1.80 12 24 1.8 1-1/2x1-1/4x1-1/4 37RT1014012012 1.82 1.75 1.88 10 20 2.1 1-1/2x1-1/4x1-1/2 37RT1014012014 1.94 1.88 1.94 8 16 2.3 1-1/2x1-1/4x2 37RT1014012020 2.16 2.10 2.02 6 12 2.7 1-1/2x2 37RT1014020 2.16 2.16 2.02 5 10 2.9 2x1/2 37R11020004 1.49 1.49 1.88 8 16 2.6- 2 x 3/4 37RT1020006 1.60 1.60 1.97 8 16 2.6 2 x 1 37R11020010 1.73 1.73 2.02 6 12 2.9 2 x 1 x 2 37R11020010020 2.25 2.02 2.25 5 10 3.1 2x1-1/4 37R11020012 1.90 1.90 2.10 5 10 3.2 2x1-1/4x2 37RT1020012020 2.25 2.10 2.25 5 10 3.2 2x1-1/2 37RT1020014 2.02 2.02 2.16 5 10 3.3 2x1-1/2x1/2 37R11020014004 1.49 1.41 1.88 8 16 2.1 2x1-1/2x 3/4 37RT1020014006 1.60 1.52 1.97 8 16 2.2 2x1-1/2x1 37811020014010 1.73 1.65 2.02 8 16 = 2x1-1/2x1-1/4 37RT1020014012 1.90 1 1.82 1 2.10 7 14 2.7 2x1-1/2x1-1/2 37RT1020014014 .2.02 .1.94 2.16 7 14 2.9 2x1-1/2x2 37RT1020014020 2.25 2.16 2.25 5 10 3.4 2 x 2-1/2 37R11020024 2.60 2.60 2.39 3 6 4.6 I CTqtT'T'LI rrrnE'D TrT9t'DTAmTr1.TAT 0 mrr T E'Dt'E' 1 01111Itt 11117t - t'AV i2')2\ QflA AACf 00 Victaulic FireLockTM Innovative Groove System I IGSTM for 1"/DN25 Sprinkler Pipe Ct 1054 IGS' No. 142 Style 922 Style 920N No. 101 Style 108 No. 102 Style 115 Welded Outlet Outlet-I Mechanical-T Outlet Installation-Ready"" Installation-Ready"' nstallation-Ready"' OGS x IGS' 90" Elbow Rigid Coupling I Tee Reducing Coupling fop No. 148 Sprinkler No. 65 Reducer, NPT or Grooved End BSPT sprinkler outlet of Run Fitting i % No. 144 No. 145 Female NPT OGS x IGSTM Grooved or BSPT Threaded x Concentric Reducer Groove 90" Elbow or to 10 No. 147 No. 143 No. 140 Back-To-Back Close Nipple Male NPT or BSPT sprinkler tee Threaded x Groove Adapter No. 141 No. 146 Cap Female NPT or BSPT Threaded x Groove Adapter 1 1.0 I Pipe Material - Carbon steel, Schedule 10, Schedule 40. For use with alternative materials please contact Victaulic. Maximum Working Pressure I . Up to 365 psi/2517 kPa/25 bar Pipe Preparation Cut (Sch. 40) or roll (Sch. 10 or Sch. 40) grooved in accordance with publication 25.14: Victaulic /GS Groove Specifications. I RG2100 Grooving Capability 1'/DN25 Workstation designed to cut, ream and form a roll groove on carbon steel, Sch. 10 or Sch. 40 pipe. I • This tool has a minimum pipe length requirement of 41/27114 mm. ALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT. I System No. Location Spec Section Paragraph I Submitted By Date i Approved Date I victauliC.Com 10.54 10161 Rev G updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights 1 reserved. A—c—ta-ulicr ii Al WB-1 - NAP-1 RG2100 Roll VicFlex'"' Series VicFlex'"' Series IGS"" Weld IGS' Weld Grooving Tool AH2-CC Braided AH1-CC Braided Plunger Cone Plunger Cone Flexible Hose Flexible Hose with Captured with Captured Coupling (Refer to roupling (Refer to publication 10.85) ublication 10.95) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION victaulic.com 2.0 CERTIFICATION/LISTINGS usmG& <R> FLP7CB VdjS NOTES Approvals listed above do not apply to the RG2100 Roll Grooving Tool, and the WB-1 and NAP-1 IGS" Weld Plunger Cones. 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS - MATERIAL Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12 1 Housing Coating: Orange enamel Red enamel (Europe) Optional: Hot dipped galvanized Gasket: Victaulic Grade "E" EPDM (Type A) VicPIusTM Pre-lubricated Gasket EPDM (Violet Color Code). Applicable for wet and dry (oil-free air) fire protection systems only. Listed/Approved for continuous use in wet and dry systems. Listed/Approved for dry systems at -40°F/-400C and above. NOT COMPATIBLE FOR USE WITH HOT WATER SERVICES OR STEAM SERVICES. NOTES: Reference should always be made to publication 1-100, Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for gasket lubrication instructions. Services listed are General Service Guidelines only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not compatible. Reference should always be made to publication 05.01, Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket service guidelines and for a listing of services which are not compatible. Bolts/Nuts: D Carbon steel oval neck track bolts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A449 (imperial) and ISO 898-1 Class 9.8 (M10-M16) Class 8.8 (M20 and greater). Carbon steel hex nuts meeting the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A563 Grade B (imperial - heavy hex nuts) and ASTM A563M Class 9 (metric - hex nuts). Track bolts and hex nuts are zinc electroplated per ASTM B633 Fe/Zn 5, finish Type III (imperial) or Type II (metric). Coupling Linkage: High Strength Steal With óömparable physical properties to that of the Track Bolt (ASTM A449). Linkage is zinc electroplated per ASTM B633 Fe/Zn 5, Type III Finish No. 140, 141, 142, 143, 144,148: Carbon steel meeting the chemical and mechanical property requirements of ASTM A53 Grade A, Type E or S No:65, 145, 146, 147: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12 No. WB-1: Steel Alloy No. NAP-1: Aluminum Alloy RG2100 Roll Grooving Tool: Required Power Supply: Power Drive with Foot Switch (½ HP, Universal reversible motor, single-phase, 25-60 HZ) Accessories/Components: O Tool head assembly 0 Carriage assembly - accepts RG2100 tool head assembly, Standard Cutter, Standard Reamer and Standard Lever 10.54 10161 Rev G updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 2 JAic tauIic I victaulic.com 4.0 DIMENSIONS No. 142 Welded Outlet I D. fl E to E Actual Inside Nominal Outside Diameter Diameter Weight inches inches Approximate DN mm l. D. E to E (Each) inches inches lb Run x Branch Run x Branch mm mm kg 1 1/4 - 11/2 1.660 - 1.900 1.049 1.00 0.2 DN32 - DN401 42.4-48.3 26.6 25.4 0.1 1.049 1.00 0.2 11/2 -2 1.900-2.375 DN40 - DN50 48.3-60.3 26.6 25.4 0.1 1.049 - 1.00 0.2 2-21/2 1 1 2.375-3.0ö] 1.315 DN50 - DN65 DN25 60.3-76.1 33.7 26.6 25.4_ 0.1 1.049 1.00 0.2 21/2-3 2.875-3.500 DN65 - UNIJ 1 73.0-88.9 1 26.6 1 25.4 1 0.1 1.049 1.00 0.2 3-4 1 3.500 - 4.500 DN80- DN100 1 88.9-114.3 26.6 25.4 0.1 4.1 DIMENSIONS Style 922 Outlet-I I Size Bolt/Nut . Dimensions Weight Actual Nominal Outside Diameter Minimum Hole Maximum inches inches Diameter/Hole Hole Diameter! Approximate ON mm Size Saw Size Hole Saw Size Y V W Z (Each) Run x Branch Run x Branch inches .inches inches inches inches inches inches lb Qty. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 11/4 I 1.6601 3/8 X 1% 1 /6 1 ¼ 4.13 1.98 1.10 2.70 1.1 2.Ll _._:_ 30.0 32.0 105.0 50.3 27.9 68.6 0.5 1 3M 1 1/4 4.25 2.11 1.22 2.70 1.2 11/2 1.900 DN4O 48.3 2 %x13/s 30.0 32.0 108.0 53.6 31.0 68.7 0.5 1 /l6 11/4 4.75 2.34 1.46 256 1.2 1 2.375 ;~] 1.315 DN25 J?__l 337 ___ 3/8 X 1 /8 30.0 32.0 120.6 59.4_ 37.1_ _65.1 0.5 1 I16 1 ¼ 5.50 2.67 1.71 2.56 1.6 21/2 2.875 73.0 2 3/8 x13/a 30.0 32.0 139.7 67.8 43.4 65.1 0.7 2 ¼x 1% 1 3A6 1 1 ¼ 5.52 2.75 1.71 2.56 1.7 :]D 767 __ 30.0 32.0 140.3 69.8 43.4 65.1 0.8 10.54 10161 Rev 0 Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 3 \j(ctauIic victaulic.com 4.2 DIMENSIONS Style 920N Mechanical-I Outlet - - L 90 m!'sq Size Bolt/Nut Dimensions Weight Actual Nominal Outside Diameter Minimum Hole Maximium inches inches Diameter/Hole Hole Diameter! Approximate DN mm Size Saw Size Hole Saw Size Y V W Z (Each) Run x Branch Run x Branch inches inches inches inches inches inches inches lb Qty. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 3.500 1½ 1/8 6.42 3.12 2.28 2.75 2.7 DN80 J 1 ______ 88.9 j 1.315 ______ 2 1x2l 38.1 41.0 163.0 79.2 57.9 69.9 1 1.2 4 DN25 4.500 33.7 11/2 15/8 186.6 3.62 2.69 2.75 3.0 t DN100 114.3 2 1/2 x2BA 1 38.1 41.0 7.35 91.9 68.3 1 69.10 1.4 4.3 DIMENSIONS No. 101 Installation-Ready 900 Elbow - - C Size Bolt/Nut Dimensions Weight Actual Outside - F. Approximate Nominal -Diameter Qty. Size Take Out C to E B Pre-Assembled Assembled (Each) inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches lb DN mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 1 1.315 3/8 x2 1.25 2.13 4.25 2.75 2.75 2.2 DN25 33.7 - M10x50 32 54 108 70 1 70 110 NOTE Not for use with grooved sprinklers, for grooved sprinkler connections please refer to oublication 10.65 for the Style V9 sprinkler coupling. 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 4 \J(tauIic I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I victaulic.com 4.4 DIMENSIONS Style 108 Installation-Ready Rigid Coupling Preassembled Assembled Pipe End Size Separation' Bolt/Nut Dimensions Weight Actual Pre-Assembled Assembled Outside Approx I I I I Nominal Diameter Allowable Qty. Size YL YB X Z YL YB X Z (Each) inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches lb DN mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 1 1.315 0.14 3/8 x2 1.66 2.17 2.58 1.43 1.61 2.29 2.27 1.43 1.5 DN25 1 33.7 1 3.6 1 M10x50 42.2....L..55.2_ 65.51 36.3_ _41.0J.....58.2 57.5....[..36.3 _0.7 The allowable pipe end separation dimension shown is for system layout purposes only. rireLocklM Style 108 rigid couplings are considered rigid connections and will not accommodate expansion or contraction of the piping system. NOTE Not for use with grooved sprinklers, for grooved sprinkler connections please refer to publication 10.65 for the Style V9 sprinkler coupling. 4.5 DIMENSIONS No. 102 Installation-Ready Tee Size Bolt/Nut Dimensions Weight Actual Outside F .. Approximate Nominal Diameter Qty. Size Take Out C to B C to R D Pre-Assembled Assembled (Each) inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches lb ON mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 1 1.315 3/8X2 1.25 2.13 2.13 4.13 2.75 2.75 3.0 _DN25 33.7 M10x50 32 54 54 1 105 70 70 1.4 NOTE Not for use with grooved sprinklers, for grooved sprinkler connections please refer to publication 10.65 for the Style V9 sprinkler coupling. 10.54 10161 Rev 6 Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com '%JtaUIicr victaulic.com 4.6 DIMENSIONS Style 115 0G5 A I63 Reducing Cuupliiig Y Y—i Pre-Assembled Assembled Pipe End Dimensions Pre-Assembled Assembled Size Separation2 Bolt/Nut Weight Actual Approximate Nominal Outside Diameter Allowable Qty. Size X Y Z X Y Z (Each) inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches lb DN mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 11/4 1 1.660 1 0.14 %x2 1 3.13 475 1.75 2.63 4.75 1 1.75 1.9 DN32J 1 42.4......j 1.315 3.6 2 M10x50 1 79 121 44 67 121 44 0.9 11/2 DN25 1.900 33.7 0.14 3,€x2 3.25 4.88 1.75 2.88 4.88 1.75 2.1 DN40 48.3 3.6 2 M10x50 83 124 44 73 124 1 44 0.9 2 The allowable pipe end separation dimension shown is for system layout purposes only. FireLock Style 115 rigid couplings are considered rigid connections and will cot accommodate expansion or contraction of the piping system. NOTE Not for use with grooved sprinklers, for grooved sprinkler connections please refer to oublication 10.65 for the Style V9 sprinkler coupling. 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 6 JttauIic. Length Size Threaded Outlet Size Weight Actual Outside Approximate E to E Nominal Diameter (Each) inches inches inches inches inches lb mm DN mm DN DN kg 3 1 1.315 ½ 1/4 0.4 76 .0N25 33.7 DN15 DN20 0.2 3.5 1 1.315 ½ 3/4 0.5 89 DN25 33.7 DN15 DN20 0.2 4 1 1.315 ½ 3/4 0.6 102 DN25 33,7 DN15 DN20 0.3 4.5 1 - 1.315 ½ 3/4 0.6 114 DN25 33.7 DN15 DN20 0.3 5 1 1.315 ½ 3/4 0.7 127 DN25 33.7 DN15 0N20 0.3 5.5 1 1.315 ½ 1/4 0.8 140 DN25 33.7 DN15 DN20 0.3 6 1 1.315 ½ 3/4 0.8 152 DN25 33.7 DN15 DN20 0.4 12 1 1.315 ½ 3/4 1.7 305 DN25 33.7 DN15 DN20 0.8 18 1 1.315 ½ 3/4 2.5 457 DN25 33.7 DN15 DN20 1.1 24 1 1.315 ½ 3/4 3.4 610 DN25 33.7 DN15 0N20 1.5 30 1 1.315 ½ 3/4 4.2 762 DN25 33.7 DN15 I DN20 1.9 I I victaulic .com 4.7 DIMENSIONS No. uS Sprinkler Rod-car E1E LL, I I I I I I NOTE NPT or BSPT available It is acceptable to cut and groove any No. 148 longer than 6/152mm. The minimum allowable cut length is 6/152mm for a No. 148. No. 145 Doublc Ended Sprinkler Reducer p E to 0 Length Size Threaded Outlet Size Weight Actual Outside Approximate E to E Nominal Diameter (Each) inches inches inches inches inches lb mm DN mm DN ON kg 36 1 1.315 ½ 3/4 5.0 914 0N25 33.7 0N15 _DN2O 2.3 I I I I I I I I I NOTE 36/914mm size features sprinkler outlet on both ends for field fabrication. 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 7 '/tuIicr Size Dimensions Weight Actual Approximate Nominal Outside Diameter E to E (Each) inches inches inches lb DN mm mm kg 1 1/4 I 1.660 3.00 0.5 DN321 1 J42.4 j 1.315 76 0.2 1½ DN25 1.900 33.7 3.00 0.6 DN40 48.3 76 0.2 4.9 DIMENSIONS No. 111 OGS x ICS Grooved Concentric Reducer I I I I victaulic.com 4.8 DIMENSIONS NO. b IGS Grooved End of Run Fitting Size Dimensions Weight Actual Approximate Nominal Outside Diameter C to E (Each) inches inches inches lb DN mm mm kg 11/4 1.660 I 1.88 0.7 DN32 42.4j 48 0.3 2.00 0.8 1 ½ 1.900 DN40 48.3 51 0.4 2 1 1 2.375 1.315 2.25 1.2 DN5O I DN25 60.3 33.7 57 0.5 2.50 1.6 21/2 2.875 73.0 64 0.7 3.500 1 2.75 2.6 DN8O j 88.9 1 70 1.2 I 1 I I I I I L I [ii 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. I victaulic.com 8 jtauIic I victaulic.com 4.10 DIMENSIONS No. 115 Female Threaded x Croove 90" Elbow COT to GE Size Dimensions Weight Actual Outside Nominal Diameter inches inches Approximate ON mm C-TE inches C-GE inches (Each) lb Threaded Grooved I Threaded Grooved Outlet Outlet Outlet Outlet mm mm kg ½ 0.840 I 1.45 1.60 0.5 DN15 j 21.3 j 36.8 40.6 0.2 1.45 36.8 1.60 40.6 0.5 0.2 3/4 1 DN20 DN25 1.050 1.315 26.9 33.7 1 j 1.3ff] 1.50 1.60 0.5 DN25 33.7__J 38.1 40.6 0.2 4.11 DIMENSIONS No. 147 Back-To-Back Spriiikler Tee toTE-*4-C to TE tj Size Dimensions Weight Nominal Actual Outside Diameter inches inches Approximate ON _.. mm C-TE inches C-GE inches (Each) lb Threaded Threaded Grooved Threaded Threaded Grooved Outlet Outlet: - Outlet Outlet Outlet Outlet mm mm kg ½ ½ 1 0.840 0.840 1.315 1.75 1.60 0.7 DN15 DN15 DN25 21.3 21.3 33.7 44.5 40.6 0.3 NOTE: Approved for use with one or two ½" NPT Sprinklers threaded directly into outlet connection(s). 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com \JtauIicr 4.12 DIMENSIONS No. 143 Close Nipple Size Dimensions Weight Actual Outside Approximate Nominal Diameter E to E (Each) inches inches inches lb DN mm mm kg 1.53 0.2 38 0.1 2 0.3 51 0.1 2.5 0.4 64 0.2 3 0.4 1 1.315 76 0.2 DN25 33.7 3.5 0.5 89 0.2 4 0.6 102 0.3 4.5 0.6 114 0.3 5 0.7 0.3 Bolt pad interferences may occur in some installation configurations. 4.13 DIMENSIONS No. 140 Male Threaded x Groove Adapter Ej Size Dimensions Weight Actual Outside Approximate Nominal Diameter E-E (Each) inches inches inches lb DN mm mm kg 1 1.315 2.50 0.3 DN25 1 33.7 63.5 0.1 No. 141 Female Threaded x Groove Adapter E to E :Z] Size Dimensions Weight Actual Outside Approximate Nominal Diameter E.E (Each) inches inches inches lb DN mm mm kg 1 1.315 2.00 0.5 DN25 33.7 50.8 0.2 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 10 'S. ctauIic victaulic.com 4.14 DIMENSIONS No. 146 Cap Size Dimensions Weight Actual Outside Approximate Nominal Diameter I (Each) inches inches inches lb DN mm mm kg 1 1.315 0.55 0.2 DN25 33.7 14.0 0.1 4.15 DIMENSIONS WB-1 Weld Plunger Cone PD21 D1I j E to E Dimensions Weight I Approximate E to E Dl D2 (Each) inches inches inches lb mm mm mm kg 3.75 1.63 2.00 2.2 95.3.........L. 41.3 50.8 51.0 NOTE WB-1 Weld Plunger Cones are for use with the No. 142 weld outlets and protect the groove during weld process. 4.16 DIMENSIONS NAP-i Weld Plunger Cone E to E Li Dimensions Weight I Approximate E to E Dl D2 (Each) inches inches inches lb mm mm mm kg 1.75 1.88 1.50 0.3 44.5J 47.6 I 38.0 0.2 -. NOTE NAP-1 Weld Plunger Cones are for use with the No. 142 weld outlets and protect the groove during weld process. 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company, All rights reserved. victaulic.com 11 j%ctauiic. 4.17 DIMENSIONS RG2100 Roll Grooving Tool Tool A B C Weight inches inches inches lb mm mm mm kg 8.5 17.1 8.7 37.5 216 435 222 17.0--- 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victauliC.Com \s4(ct -Su Iic. victaulic.com 5.0 PERFORMANCE Friction Flow Data Size EquivalentLength of 1" Sch. 40 Pipe (C=120) Actual No. 102 No. 102 Nominal Outside Diameter No. 101 (Branch) (Run) Style 115 No. 148 No. 144 inches inches feet feet feet feet feet feet DN mm Style 922 Style 920N meters meters meters meters meters meters 1 I 1.315 I See publication See publication 2.0 5.0 2.7 DN25] 1 33.7 .j 1.315 JQ 11.02 0.61 1.52 0.82 - See note - 11/4 1.660 DN32 0N25 1 42.4 33.7 - - - - - 1.74 - 1.19 1½ 1 1.90ö7 5.0 4.3 DN4OI 48.31 - - - _1.52 - 1.31 NOTE In accordance with NFPA 13, friction loss shall be excluded for fittings directly connected to a sprinkler. For hydraulic calculations, Victaulic recommends using the installed length (E-E or cut length) of the No. 148 Sprinkler Reducer as the equivalent length of 1'/DN25 Sch. 40 pipe. 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 13 \j'taUIic cULus FM LPCB VdS psi psi psi psi kPa kPa kPa kPa Style/No. bar bar bar bar 1424 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 16 9224 300 300 365 232 2100 2100 2517 1600 _________ 21 21 25 16 920N4 365 300 365 232 2517 2100 2517 1600 25 21 25 16 1015 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 16 1085 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 16 1025 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 __________ 25 25 25 16 1154 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 . 16 148 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 16 65 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 16 144 365 365 365 232 2517 . 2517 2517 1600 25 .. 25 25 16 145 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 16 147 365 365 2517..- 2517 N/A N/A 25 25 143 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 16 140 365 365 365 232 251711i.. 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 16 141 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 1 25 25 16 146 365 365 365 232 2517 2517 2517 1600 25 25 25 16 I Li C, Ll I Li Li I I I I victaulic.com 5.0 PERFORMANCE (CONTINUED) Maximum Working Pressure I I Maximum pressure rating is 300 psi/21 bar when installed on lightwall steel pipe, as follows: Mega-Flow and Mega-Flow-GF steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. Mega-Thread steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. M.T steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. WLS steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. Eddy Flow steel pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. Eddythread steel pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. EZ-Thread steel pipe manufactured by Youngstown Tube Co. Fire-Flo steel pipe manufactured by Youngstown Tube Co. Easy-Flow pipe manufactured by Borusan Mannesmann Maximum pressure rating is 300 psi / 21 bar when installed on lightwall steel pipe, as follows: Mega-Thread steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co. MLT steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co WLS steel pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Co Eddythread steel pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. EZ-Thread steel pipe manufactured by Youngstown Tube Co. 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 14 I I] I I I I I I ,irfu,Iir rnnn 6.0 NOTIFICATIONS Read and understand all instructions before attempting to install any Victaulic products. Always verify that the piping system has been completely depressurized and drained immediately prior to installation, removal, adjustment, or maintenance of Q any Victaulic products. Wear safety glasses, hardhat, and foot protection. Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious personal injury and property damage. These products shall be used only in fire protection systems that are designed and installed in accordance with current, applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 13, 13D, 13R, etc.) standards, or equivalent standards, and in accordance with applicable building and fire codes. These standards and codes contain important information regarding protection of systems from freezing temperatures, corrosion, mechanical damage, etc. The installer shall understand the use of this product and why it was specified for the particular application. The installer shall understand common industry safety standards and potential consequences of improper product installation. It is the system designers responsibility to verify suitability of materials for use with the intended fluid media within the piping system and external environment. The material specifier shall evaluate the effect of chemical composition, pH level, operating temperature, chloride level, oxygen level, and flow rate on materials to confirm system life will be acceptable for the intended service. Failure to follow installation requirements and local and national codes and standards could compromise system integrity or cause system failure, resulting in death or serious personal injury and property damage. I I I1 I I I I Failure to follow instructions and warnings could result in serious personal injury, - property damage, and/or product damage. - Before Operating or servicing any grooving tools, read all instructions in the manual and all warning labels on the tool. - .. '_Wearsafety glasses, hardhat, foot protection, and hearing protection while * working around the tool. --Save--the operating and maintenance manual in a place accessible to all operators of the tool -. If-you need additional -copies of any literature, or if you have questions concerning the safe and proper operation of the tool, contäctVictaulic, P.O. Boi31, EastOn, PA 18044-0031, Phone: 1-800-PICK VIC, E-Mail: pickvic@victaulic.com. 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. I victaulic.com 15 '%.JtauIic iiirtiiIir mm 7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS 10.06: FireLock Installation-Ready Fittings 10.52: Style 922 Outlet Tee 10.85: VicFlex Series AH2 ad AH2-CC Braided Hose 11.02 Mechanical-T Bolted Branch Outlets 25.14: Victaulic IGS Groove Specification 1-101-103: FireLockTM Installation -Read ynM Fittings Installation Instruction -102: FireLocklM InstaJlation.ReadyTM Fittings Installation Instruction 1-108: FireLockTM lnslallation.ReadyTM Couoline -115: FireLock EZT1 lnstallptipn.ReadytM Reducing Coupling Installation Instruction I-ENDCAP: Victaulic End Ceo Installation Safety Instructions l-V9; Style V9 Victaulic FireLockTM IGSTM lnstallption.ReadyTM Sprinkler Coupling TM-RG2100: Operating and Maintenance Instructions Manual Victaulic No. 148 Length ½" DN15 outlet DN20 outlet Equivalent Length of 1" E to E Sched. 40 Pipe (C=120) inches feet mm meters 6.6 3.8 152 2.0 1.2 6-12 5.5 3.8 152-305 1.7 1.2 12-18 6.2 - 4.3 305-457 1.9 1.3 18-24 6.7 4.7 457-610 2.0 1.4 24-30 7.1 5.2 610-762 2.2 1.6 30-36 7.4 5.4 762-914 2.3 1.6 NOTE When installed in pipe to pipe connections or it is required by the authority having jurisdiction, the equivalent length data in the table above may apply. I I I I I I [1 I I I [1 I I User Responsibility for Product Selection and Suitability Each user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, in accordance with industry standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warning instructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation, advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation guide, or this disclaimer. Intellectual Property Rights No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such material, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patent or other intellectual property right. The terms "Patented" or "Patent Pending" refer to design or utility patents or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United States and/or ether countries. Note This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/asoembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. Installation Reference should always be made to the Victaulic installation handbook or installation instructions of the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products, providing complete installation and assembly data, and are available in POF format on our website at www.victautic.com. Warranty Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details, Trademarks Victaulic and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries. I I I 10.54 10161 Rev G Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. victaulic.com 16 A—Cta-ulid I 11 F Existing- For reference only ES-7O9DCDA Job Name Contractor Job Location Approval Engineer Approval Series 709DCDA Double Check Detector Assemblies Sizes: 3" -10" (80-250mm) Series 709DCDA Double Check Detector Assemblies are designed exclusively for use in accordance with water authori- ty containment requirements. It is mandatory to prevent the reverse flow of fire protection system substances, i.e. glycerin wetting agents, stagnant water and water of non-potable qual- ity from being pumped or siphoned into the potable water line. Benefits: Detects leaks. . . with emphasis on the cost of unac- countable water; incorporates a meter which allows the water utility to: detect leaks underground that historically create great annual cost due to waste. provide a detection point for unauthorized use. It can help locate illegal taps. - Modular check design concept facilitates maintenance and assembly access. All sizes are standardly equipped with resilient seated OSY-shutoff valves, %" x 3/4" (16 x 19mm) meter and ball type test cocks. Features - Body construction fused epoxy coated cast iron Replaceable bronze seats - Maximum flow at low pressure drop - Compact for economy combined with perföi-ftiànce Design simplicity for easy maintenance Furnished with s/a" x 3/4 ' (16 x 19mm) bronze meter No special tools required for servicing Specifications A Double Check Detector Assembly shall be installed on fire protection systems when connected to a potable water sup- ply. Degree of hazard present is determined by the local authority having jurisdiction. The unit shall be a complete assembly including UL listed resilient seated OSY shutoff valves and test cocks. The unit shall be ULJFM approved with UL/FM approved OSY shutoff valves. The auxiliary line shall consist of an approved backflow preventer and water meter. The assembly shall meet the basic requirements of ASSE 1048; A'MA/A Std. C510 for Double Check Valves. Approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. Assembly shall be a Watts Regulator Company Series 709DCDA. Contractor's P.O. No. Representative 7O9DCDAOSY Check. Mo Test Cock Cover Seat • Disc Check Assembly Module Features a modular design concept which facilitates complete maintenance and assembly by retaining the spring load. First and second check valve spring modules are not inter- changeable. Now Available WattsBox Insulated Enclosures. For more information, send for literature ES-WB. IMPORTANT INQUIRE WITH GOVERNING AUTHORITIES FOR LOCAL INS TALL.A770N REQUIREMENTS Watts product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, AINNIL please contact Watts Technical Service. Watts reserves the light to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials with- Va out prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Watts products previously or subsequently sold. WATM Materials Body: Epoxy coated cast iron Seat: Bronze Disc Holder: Bronze Trim: Stainless steel Check Valve Discs: Rubber Test Cocks: Bronze Models Suffix: OSY - UL/FM outside stem and yoke resilient seated gate valves CFM - cubic feet per minute meter GPM - gallons per minute meter LF - 4" - 10" (100 - 250mm) without shutoff valves Dimensions - Weights Pressure - Temperature Temperature Range: 33°F - 110°F (05 - 43°C) continuous, 140°F (60°C) intermittent Maximum Working Pressure: 175psi (112.1 bar) Standards AWWA Standard C510 Approvals 00 u. Appmed SSlp1 QL US _ 9M u NP8, B.64 1048 Approved by the foundation for Cross-Connection Controland Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. Sizes 4' - 10" (100— 250mm) approved for horizontal and vertical "flow up". Size 3° (76mm) approved for horizontal only Factory Mutual approved 4° - 10° (100-250mm) vertical "flow up". A SIZE (DN)•,iigiiLIJiF. WEIGHT In. mm in. A mm C in. mm 0 in. mm in. E mm in. L mm in. R mm I M. mm in. U. mm WIOSYt gates lbs. kgs. 3 80 40 1016 18/ 479 3½ 89 12 305 24 610 14 356 3 76 14 356 190 86 4 100 52 1321 22/4 578 33/4 95 17 432 34 864 15 381 6 152 14 356 403 183 6 150 62½ 1588 301/8 765 1 4½ 114 21 533 41½ 1054 16 406 7½ 191 16 406 727 330 8 200 75 1905 373/4 959 51/2 140 26 660 52 1321 17 432 9 229 21 533 1327 602 10 250 90 2286 453/4 1162 1 61/2 165 32 813 64 1626 18 457 101/4 260 25 635 2093 949 * Service clearance for check assembly from center. tUL'FM approved backflow preventers must include UL/FM approved OSY. I Capacity *Typical maximum system flow rate (7.5 ft/Sec.) **UL rated flow 3" (80mm) 8" (200mm) MMMMMMEMIMMMMKMMMMM IMMMMMMEIMMMMMEMMMMM ••••••r•• ..______. ....--==:••• ••••ra••••u ••••••••• i .....MEMMEM 0 380 760 1140 5 7.5 15 1.5 2.3 4.6 Flow .I[I:trn1Th .Ul•I ---- ---- riii' ------ ---- -- IIIII =-- ---- I_i. ---- ---- !4i• --- ---- ---- ill ---- ---- I I II I I l'' If .11 III .I 1I I.1I •III iu i•i ! i• .. ------ __I I. i: L, r•iui r r--. . •--.• w&. l_ .•. ii• I_ ---. . •.• III u_ [Ii! I 111 I I I I I. I I I ii I I U I I Pipe _Hangers TOLCOTM Fig. 200 - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger TOLCOTM Fig. 200F - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Felt Lining for Copper Tubing TOLCOTM Fig. 200C - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Plastic Coated TOLCOTM Fig. 200S - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Removable Nut (For sizes 1" thru 2") Size Range: Fig. 200 - 1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm) pipe Material: Steel, Pre-Galvanized Function: For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Features: 1/2" (15mm) thru 2" (50mm) sizes have flared edges for ease of installation on all pipe types and protects CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured knurled nut design (flared top) on 1" thru 2" sizes keep nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily installed around pipe. 1/2" (15mm), 3/4" (20mm), and 21/2" (65mm) thru 8" (200mm)) Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Knurled nut is easily removed. For 1/2" (15mm) and 3/4" (20mm) sizes with non-captured knurl nuts order Fig. 200S Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories listed (1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm)) in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Fig. Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (FM) (3/4" (20mm) thru 8" (200mm)). 2004 to Conforms to Federal Specifications VV\N-H-171 E & A-A-i i92A, Type 10 200-2 and Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS SP-69 & SP-58, Type 10. ' Maximum Temperature: 650°F (343°C) Finish: Pre-Galvanized. Stainless Steel materials will be supplied with (2) hex nuts in place of a knurl nut. Order By: Part number and pipe size ** Note: Fo' r)etric hanger rod sizes add the metric rod size to the figure number. Example: 200M8-11/2 or200M10-11/2 --Fig.-200C Fig. 200F Fig. 200 Fig. 200 & Fig. 200S t M8 rod size is not UL Listed or FM Approved 200C11/2 shown 200E-11/2 shown shown with captured nut shown with . . 1" thru 2" sizes only non-captured nut Pipe Size Rod Size B D Max. Rec. Load Approx. Wt./100 Part No.** in. (mm) in. - mm**. in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kN) lbs. (kg) [ 200-1/2 1/2" (15) /8'-16 M8t or M1O 31/8" (79.4) 2/8' (66.7) 111/32" (34.1) 400 (1.78) 11 (5.0) j 200-/4 3/4' (20) /8'-16 M8t or MiD 31/8" (79.4) 21/2" (63.5) 11/16" (27.0) 400 (1.78) 11 (5.0) F 200-1 1' (25) /8"-16 M8t or MiD 3/8" (85.7) 2/8" (66.7) 11/8" (28.6) 400 (1.78) 12 (5.5) ] 200-11/4 11/4' (32) /8"-16 M8t or M10 33/4" (94.0) 2/8" (73.0) 15/32" (29.3) 400 (1.78) 13 (5.9) 200-1/2 11/2" (40) /8'-16 Mt8 or M1O 31/' (98.4) 2/8" (73.0) 1/16" (30.2) 400 (1.78) 14 (6.4) 200-2 2" (50) /8'-16 W or M10 41/2' (114.3) 3" (76.3) 1/1 ' (30.2) 400 (1.78) 15 (6.9) I 200-21/2 21/2' (65) /8'-16 M10 5/8' (142.9) 41/8' (104.7) 1/16' (36.5) 600 (2.67) 27 (12.3)_jj 200-3 3" (75) /8'-16 M10 5/8' (149.1) 4" (101.6) 11I4 (31.7) 600 (2.67) 29 (13.3) L 200-3'I2 1/2" (90) /8'-16 1010 7/8" (187.3) 51/4fl (133.3) 2/16' (55.6) 600 (2.67) 34 (15.6)__j 200-4 4" (100) /8"-16 M10 73/8" (187.3) 5' (127.0) 1/8' (34.9) 1000 (4.45) 35 (16.0) 200-5 5' (5) 1/".13 M12 91/8" (231.8) 61/4" (158.7) 311/32" (84.9) 1250 (5.56) 66 (30.2) 1 200-6 6' 150 1/2'_13 M12 101/8" (257.2) 6/4' (171.4) 2/32' (56.3) 1250 (5.56) 73 (33.4) 200-8 8" (200) 1/2 -13 M12 131/8" (333.4) 8/4' (222.2) 3/32" (81.7) 1250 (5.56) 136 (62.3)1 I All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions 23 Eaton I I I I n I I I A C®US Overall Height LISTED APPROVED B Center of pipe to top of knurled hanger rod nut D Top of pipe to bottom of hanger rod nut 44 B / f A Fig. 20021/2 to 200-8 I I I Pipe TOLCOTh' Fig. 1CBS - Clevis Bolt Spacer Size Range: Size 1' (25mm) thru 20" (500mm) clevis hanger Material: Steel Function: Used as a spacer at a seismic brace location to keep clevis hanger from collapsing during seismic event. Approvals: Included in our Seismic Engineering Guidelines approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to our Seismic Engineering Guidelines OPM-0052-13, for 21&" -8" (133100) only Installation Note: Fig. 1 CBS fits easily over the cross bolt and attaches by pinching tabs down. Finish: Pre-Galvanized. Contact customer service for finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number and finish. tll1 Sizes 1"(25) Part No. )E' Pipe)e (mm) Approx. Wt.I100 lbs. (kg) [ 1CBS-1 (25) 3.2 (1.4) 1 1CBS-1' 11/4" (32) 4.1 (1.8) [C -11/2 11/2" (40) 4.8 (2.2) J CBS-2 (50) 9.4 (4.2) 1CBS-2'/2 21/2" (65) 11.4 (5.2) 1CBS-3 (75) 13.9 (6.8) 1CBS-3'/2 31/2" (90) 16.0 (7.2).J 1CBS-4 (100) 18.0 (8.1) F1 _CBS-5 (125) 27.3 (12.4) 1 1CBS-6 (150) 32.5 (14.7) I 1CBS-8 8" -(200) 42.5 (19.2) 1 1CBS-10 10" (250) 72.7 (32.9) !CBS-12 12" (300) 86.3 (39.1) 1 1CBS-14 14" (350) 157.6 (71.5) 1CBS-16 16" (400) 183.7 (83.3) 1CBS-18 18" (450) 224.6 (101.9) F 1CBS-20 20" (500) 254.0 (115.2) TOLCO Fig. 25 - Surge Restrainer Size Range: - One size fits 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (40mm) pipe. Material: - Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: - Designed to be. used in conjunction with Fig. 200 band hangers to restrict the upward movement of piping as it occurs during sprinkler head activation or earthquake type activity. The surge restrainer is easily and efficiently installed by snapping into a locking position on-the band hanger. This product is intended to satisfy the requirements asir1icated in the National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13, 2016 edition, and Can be used to restrain either steel pipe or CPVC plastic.Pipe. Approvals: - Underwriters Laboratories Listed only when used with band hanger Fig. 200, in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number and band hanger, size from 3/4' (20mm) thru 2' (40mm). Patent #5,344,108 Approx. Wt./100 Part No. lbs. (kg) 25 4.8 (2.2) Al) dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. Eaton Revised 8/8/2014 22 B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions A Thread Size I Threaded Accessories B3205 - Threaded Rod (right-hand threads - both ends) B32051 - Threaded Rod (right & left hand threads) Size Range: /8"-16 thru /8'-9 rod I Material: Steel Function: Recommended for use as a hanger support in hanger assemblies. Rod is threaded on both ends with right hand threads of the length shown. Also I available with left and right hand threads - specify Fig. B3205L when ordering. Maximum Temperature: 750°F 1399°C) Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact customer service for alternative I finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, rod size, length and finish I Specify Length - 1' ../ Standrd Design Load Thread Size Threa(ingth TI 650°F (343°C) 150°F (399°C) Part No. A in. (mm) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) B3205-3/8 X 'I' 21I2 (63.5) 730 (3.25) 572 (2.54) B3205-1/2 X 'I' 21/2' (63.5) 1350 (6.00) 1057 (4.70) I B3205-5/s 21/2' (63.5) 2160 (9.61) 1692 (7.52) B3205-3/ B -7/8 x'L 3" (76.2) 31/2" (88.9) 3230 4480 (14.37) (19.93) 2530 3508 (11.25) (15.60) Iarger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. 1 .. - ATR - All Threaded Rod - 120' (3.05m) Lengths TOLCO Fig. 99 - All Threaded Rod Cut To Length Size Range: 1/4'..20 thru /8'-9 rod in 120' lengths or cut to length Material: Steel Maximum Temperature: 7500F)399°C) Finish: Plain or Electro-Ga Ivan ized. Contact customer service for alternative finishes and materials. Approvals: Included in our Seismic Engineering Guidelines approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to our Seismic Engineering Guidelines, OPM-0052-13. Order By: Figure number, rod size, length and finish Part No. - Size x Length ATR Fig. 99 Threads Per Inch Recommended load Lbs. (kN) Approx. Wt1100 Ft. Lbs. (kg) [_ATR 1/4" x 120 991/4" x length 20 240 (1.07) 12 (5.44) ATR 3/8" x 120 993/8" x length 16 730 (3.24) 29 (13.15) [ATR '/2" x 120 '/2"iIéih 13 1350 (6.00) 53 (24.04) ATR 5/8"x120 99-5/8"xlength 11 2160 (9.60) 89 (40.37) [ATR 3/4" x 120 i 3/(ilength 10 3230 (14.37) 123 (55.79) J ATR hg" x 120 991/8" x length 9 4480 (19.93) 170 (77.11) For larger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. 96 B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions L I Li L Eaton Set Bolt Included Mounting Hardware Is Not Included KLongitudinal Fig. 980 Fig. 41 ce Lateral Brace Seismic Braci TOLCO Fig. 980 - Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment - /8" to 3/4" (FM Approved) OPM Size Range: One size fits bracing pipe 1' (25mm) thru 2' (50mm), B-Line series APPROVED 12 gauge (2.6mm) channel, and all structural steel up to 1/4' (31,7mm) thick. Material: Steel Function: Multi-functional attachment to structure or braced pipe fitting. Features: This product's design incorporates a concentric attachment opening which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 (2016) indicates clearly that fastener table load values are based only on concentric loading. Mounts to any surface angle. Break off bolt head assures verification of proper installation. Installation: Fig.980 is the structural or transitional attachment component of a longitudinal or lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the 'bracing pipe and TOLCO braced pipe attachment, Fig. 1000, 1001, 3000, 4L, 4LA, or other TOLCO approved attachment to pipe to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. I I I I I To Install: Place the Fig. 980 onto the "bracing pipe". Tighten the set bolt until the head breaks off. Attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Approvals: —Approved by Factory Mutual Engineering (FM). Included in our Seismic Engineering Guidelines approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to our Seismic Engineering Guidelines, OPM-0052-1 3. For UL Listed information refer to UL Listed page 60. Note: Fig. 980 Swivel Attachment and Fig. 1000, 1001, 4L, 4LA or other -TOLCO approved attachment to pipe that make up a sway brace system of bracing materials which satisfies the requirements of Factory Mutual Engineering and the National Fire Protection Association (NF Finish: Plain, Electro-Ga Ivan ized or Stainless Steel. Contact customer service for alternative finishes. Order By: Figure number and finish. #6,273,372, Pat. #6,517,030, Pat. #6,953,174, Pat. #6,708,930, Pat. #7,191,987, Pat. #7,441,730, Pat. #7,669,806 Designed 'to: meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 28' Part Mtg. Hdw. Mounting Hole Max. Design Load** (FM) Approx. Number Size ' A. ' -B" D 300 -440 45° - 590 600 -740 750 -900 Wt./100 in. (mm) in. ' (mm) in. •(mm) in. (mm) lbsl(kN) lbsl(kN) lbsj(kN) lbsf(kN) 'lbs. (kg) (476) 13/32" (10 3) 1320 1970 2310 2550 148 (67.1) 980-1/2 * 1/2" (12.7) 51/4" (133.3) 1/8" (47.6) 17/32" (13.5) [ö5/8 /8" (15.9) 51/4" (133.3) 1/8" (47.6) 11/16" (17.5) (5.87) (8.16) (10.27) (11.34) 147 (66_j 146 (66.2) 980-/4 3/4" (19.0) 51/4" (133.3) 11/8" (47.6) 13/16" (20.5) * Standard size. ** Installed with 1" or 11/4" Schedule 40 brace pipe. FM Approved design loads are based on ASD design method. Important! - For load information when using Fig. 980 with pre-installed or post-installed concrete anchors in compliance with NFPA 13 (2016) or ASCE 7-10, including prying factors, see page 106. Eaton's B-Line series seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other B-Line series bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Eaton B-Line Division warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Eaton B-Line Division standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Eaton, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Eaton B-Line Division warranty, Eaton makes no warranty relating to B-Line series seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Eaton. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions 61 Eaton OPM APPROVED Set Rolt & Hardware Included Seismic Braci TOLCOTM Fig. 41 - Longitudinal In-Line Sway Brace Attachment (FM Approved) Size Range: 21/2 (65mm) through 8(200mm) IPS. Material: Steel Function: For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance Approvals: Approved by Factory Mutual Engineering (FM), 21/2' (65mm) through 8' (200mm) pipe. For UL Listed information refer to UL Listed page 74. Included in our Seismic Engineering Guidelines approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to our Seismic Engineering Guidelines, OPM-0052-13. Installation Instructions: Fig. 4L is the 'braced pipe" attachment component of a longitudinal sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe" and TOLCO structural attachment component to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 and/or FM guidelines should be followed. I To Install: Place the Fig. 4L over the pipe to be braced and tighten bolts. Then engage "bracing pipe" into jaw opening and tighten set bolt until head snaps off. Jaw attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. I Finish: Plain. Contact customer service for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, pipe size and finish. Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-8. P I I Part No. Pipe Size in. (mm) A - in. (mm) C in. (mm) . .. 0 in. (mm) Bolt Size 30°-44° lbs. (kN) Max. Rec. Load (FM) 450590 600-74° lbs. (kN) lbs. (kN) 750 900 lbs. (kN) Approx. Wt./100 lbs. (kg) 4L-2/2 21/2" (65) 6/16" (163.5) 21/2' (63.5) 2/4" (69.8) 1/2°-13 1030 (4.58) 1180 (5.24) 1420 (6.31) 1590 (7.07) 253 (114.7) 1 41-3 (80) 7' (177.8) 2/4" (69.8) 31/16" (77.8) 1/2 -13 1030 (4.58) 1180 (5.24) 1420 (6.31) 1590 (7.07) 268 (121.5) 414 (100) 81/2" (215.9) 3/8" (85.7) 311/16(93.7) 1/2'_13 530 (2.36) 730 (3.25) 890 (3.96) 990 (4.40) 348(157.8) 41-5 5' (125) 93/4" (247.6) 3/8' (98.4) 4f8" (111.1) 1/2"13 530 (2.36) 730 (3.25) 890 (3.96) 990 (4.40) 380 (172.3) [4L-6 6" (150) 111/2" (292.1) 5' (127.0) 51/8" (130.2) 1/2 .13 530 (2.36) 730 (3.25) 890 (3.96) 990 (4.40) 640,150.3)7] 4L-8 8" (200) 131/4' (336.5) 5/8" (142.8) 5/8" (142.9) 1/2"13 490 (2.18) 680 (3.02) 830 (3.69) 930 (4.13) 728 (330.2) FM Approved when used with 1", 11/4", 1½' or 2' Sch. 40 brace pipe. FM Approved design loads are based on ASD design method. * UL Listed not FM Approved. Eaton's B-Line series seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other B-Line series bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Eaton B-Line Division warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Eaton B-Line Division standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Eaton, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Eaton B-Line Division warranty, Eaton makes no warranty relating to B-Line series seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Eaton. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions 75 Eaton OPM APPROVED Seismic Braci TOLCO Fig. 1001 - Sway Brace Attachment (FM Approved) Size Range: Pipe size to be braced: 1" (25mm) thru 8' (200mm) (PS. Pipe size used for bracing: 1 (25mm) and 11/4" (32mm) Schedule 40 (PS. Material: Steel Function: For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. The pipe attachment component of a sway brace system: Fig. 1001 is used in conjunction with a Fig. 900 Series fitting and joined together with bracing pipe per NFPA 13, forming a complete sway brace assembly. Features: Can be used to brace schedule 7 through schedule 40 IPS. Field adjustable, making critical pre-engineering of bracing pipe length unnecessary. Unique design requires no threading of bracing pipe. Can be used as a component of a four-way riser brace. Comes assembled and ready for installation. Fig. 1001 has built-in visual verification of correct installation. See installation note below. Installation Note: Position Fig. 1001 over the pipe to be braced and tighten two hex head cone point set bolts until heads bottom out. A minimum of 1 (25mm) pipe extension is recommended. Brace pipe can be installed on top or bottom of pipe to be braced. Approvals: Approved by Factory Mutual Engineering (FM). Included in our Seismic Engineering Guidelines approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to our Seismic Engineering Guidelines, OPM-0052-13. For UL Listed information refer to UL Listed page 66. Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact customer service for alternative finishes and materials. - Order By: Order by figure number, pipe size to be braced, followed by pipe size used for bracing (1' (25mm) or 11/4' (32mm)) , and finish. Important Note: Fig. 1001 is precision manufactured to perform its function as a critical component of a complete bracing assembly. To ensure performance, the FM Approval requires that Fig. 1001 must be used only with other TOLCO bracing products. Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-8. Design Load - For Sch.7,Sch.1O,&Sch. 40 Pipe Pipe Part Number & ApprOx. Wt./100 Allowable Horizontal Capacity (lbf) Per Installation U3 Size 1" (249m) Brace Pipe : 11I47 (32mm) Brace Pipe 300440 450-590 60°-14° 150-900 in. (mm) - Lbs. (kg) I Lbs. (kg) Lbs. NN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. NN) Lbs. NN) L 1" (25)1001-1 X 100.0 (45.3) 1001-1 X1'/4 . 118.0 (53.5) 1800 (8.00) 2550 (11.34) 3120 (13.88) 3490 (25.52) 1 1/4" (32) 1001-11/4 X 100.0 (45.3) 100111/4 X 1/4 114.0 (51.7) 1230 (5.47) 1740 (7.74) 2140 (9.52) 2380 (10.58) [1/2"(40) 1001-11/2X1 100.0 (45.3) 1001-1'/2X1'/4 115.0 (52.1) 1230 (5.47) 1740 (7.74) 2140 (9.52) 2380 (10.58) (5)J L./2"(65) 1001-2X1 1001-21/2 X 108.0 138.6 (49.0) (62) 1001-2X1'/4 1001-21I2X11/4 121.0 160.4 (.)jj (72.7) 1230 (5.47) 800 (3.56) 1740 (7.74) 1130 (5.02) 2140 (9.52) 1380 (6.14) 2380 (10.58) 1540 (6.85) (80) 1001-3 X 147.2 (66.7) j01_3 X 11/4 168.7 (76,5)850 (3.78) 1200 (5.34) 1470 (6.54) 1640 (7.29) (100) 1001-4 X 160.9 (73.0) 1001-4 X 11/4 182.4 (82.7) 850 (3.78) 1200 (5.34) 1470 (6.54) 1640 (7.29) 1001-6X1 190.0 (86.2) 1001-6X1'/4 211.4 (95.9) 510 (2.27) 730 (3.25) 890 (3.96) 990 (4.40) [8(200) 1001-8 Xi 217.4 (98.6) . 1001-8 X 1'/4 238.8 (108.3) 510 (2.27) 730 (3.25) 890 (3.96) 990 (4.40) 1 FM Approved when used with 1 or 11/4 inch NPS Schedule 40 GB/T 3091,EN 10255H, or JlS G3451 steel pipe as the brace member. 2 Load rating for LW above refers to FM Approved Lightwall Pipe commonly referred to as "Schedule 7". These ratings may also be applied when EN 10220 and GBiT 8163 steel pipe. 3 Load rating for Schedule 10 above may be applied to GBIT 3092,EN 10255M and H, or JIS G3454, FM Approved Thinwall, or Schedule 40 steel pipes. Note: See UL load ratings in UL Listed Design Load chart shown under drawing. Note: Metric sizes are available, contact factory. q] 4 ibHig. ~1001 All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions 67 I I I I Eaton Seismic Brad OPM <*> APPROVED Cone Point o Set Bolts A Set Bolts eh Included Cone Point Set Bolt B TOLCO Fig. 828 - Universal Sway Brace Attachment to Steel (FM Approved) Size Range: One size accommodates all Fig. 900 Series sway brace attachments. Fits from /8" (9.4mm) to /8" (22.2mm) thick steel structure. For thicknesses less than /8" (9.4mm) refer to Fig. 825. Material: Steel Function: To attach sway bracing and/or hangers to various types of steel structural members. Features: Permits secure non-friction connection without drilling or welding. Unique design allows offset placement on wide flange beam, I-beam, C-channel, open web, welded steel trusses, etc.. Secures brace to structure either across or along the beam. Break-off set bolts allow for visual verification of proper installation torque. Approvals: Factory Mutual Approved (FM). Included in our Seismic Engineering Guidelines approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to our Seismic Engineering Guidelines, OPM-0052-13. For UL Listed information refer to UL Listed page 52. Installation Instructions: The Fig. 828 is the structural attachment component of a Iongitudinaor lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with a TOLCO transitional attachment, 'bracing pipe' and a TOLCO braced pipe" attachment to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 or FM guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 828 on the flange of the beam, truss, or girder. Be sure the attachment is fully engaged to the rear of the opening. Tighten the cone point set bolts (A) until the heads break off. Tighten the cone point set bolt (B) until the head breaks off. Remove the flange nut from set bolt (B). Install a TOLCO swivel fitting Fig. 980 or any other TOLCO approved transitional fitting). Use flange nut to secure the swivel fitting*. Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized I Approx, Weight/100: 275 Lbs. (124.71g) Order By: Figure number and finish Patent #6,098,942, #8,534,625 Canada Patent #2,286,659 I Patent Pending Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-8. * Retaining strap not required. FM Approved Allowable Horizontal Load* -------With Brace Perpendicular To Beam I Brace Angle (degrees from vertical) 300-440 450590 600-740 750-900 - 1570 2220 1210 - 700 I - (6.98kN) (9.87kN) (5.38kN) (3.11kN) FM Approved Allowable Horizontal Load* With Brace Parallel To Beam I Brace Angle (degrees from vertical) 300-440 450590 600.740 750 900 690 970 1210 1330 I (3.O1kN) FM Approved design loads are based on ASD design method. Eaton's B-Line series seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other B-Line series bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Eaton B-Line Division warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Eaton B-Line Division standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Eaton, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Eaton B-Line Division warranty, Eaton makes no warranty relating to B-Line series seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Eaton. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions 53 Eaton Fig Fig. 828 Shown with May pivot in any Fig. 980 direction Shown with Afig. 980 OPM <~> APPROVED (9.5) Set Bolts & Hardware Included . Side View Fig. 825 Fig. 980 Brace Seismic Brad TOLCO Fig. 825 - bar joist sway brace attachment to steel (FM approved) Size Range: One size accommodates all Fig. 900 Series sway brace attachments. Material: Steel Function: To attach sway bracing and hanger assemblies to steel members. Features: This product's design incorporates a concentric attachment point which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 indicates the importance of concentric loading of connections and fasteners. Permits secure non-friction connection without drilling or welding. Unique design reinforces point of connection to joist. Break off head set bolt design assures verification of proper installation torque (mm. 31 ft.-lbs.). Approvals: Approved by Factory Mutual Engineering (FM). Included in our Seismic Engineering Guidelines approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to our Seismic Engineering Guidelines, OPM-0052-13 For UL Listed information refer to UL Listed page 54. Installation Instructions: Fig. 825 is the structural attachment componentof a I longitudinal or lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with a TOLCO" transitional attachment, "bracing pipe" and a TOLCO "braced pipe" attachment, to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 or FM guidelines should be followed. 1 Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-8. Fig. 41 Retaining strap not required. FM Approved design loads are based on ASD design method. ' FM Approved Design Loads 30'-44* 450590 600.740 750 900 lbs.! (kN) lbs.! (kN) lbs.! (kN) lbs.! (kN) I Maximum Perpendicularto 990 1360 1670 1860 s/a" Thick flange Structural Member (4.40) (6.05) (1.43) (8.27) I-Beam Maximum Parallel to 460 630 770 860 s/a" Thick Flange Structural Member (2.04) (2.80) (3.42) (3.82) Eaton's B-Line series seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other B-Line series bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Eaton B-Line Division warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Eaton B-Line Division standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Eaton, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Eaton B-Line Division warranty, Eaton makes no warranty relating to B-Line series seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Eaton. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions 55 Eaton I I I I I I I Top View \ (25.4mm) .. '/2" Bolt & Nut Furnished I: I I 111 I I 1 I To Install: Place the Fig. 825 on the steel beam, tighten the cone point set bolts until heads break off. Attach other TOLCO transitional attachment fitting, Fig. 980, 910, 909, or any other TOLCO approved transitional fitting. Transitional fitting attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Finish: Plain, Electro-Galvanized and HDG Approx. Wt./100: 247.5 Lbs. 1112.2kg1 Fig. 825 Order By: Figure number and finish .. . Fig. 980 Fig. 1000 US Patent #6,098,942, Canada Patent #2,286,659 Fig. 1001 L] u, ;::.:. , 4- I I I I I - ( LzRIC13 • Branch Line Restraint System (Traditional methods for installing branch line restraints in fire sprinkler systems are cumbersome and time-consuming. Contractors often cut (and re-cut) threaded rod to precise measurements to restrain the sprinkler pipe with a loop hanger and r--' surge restraint. Traditional methods also commonly require five or more parts per restraint. To avoid these labor-intensive methods, ERICO has streamlined the process and developed the Branch Line Restraint System, part of the CADDY line of hanging and bracing solutions for the fire protection market. Ideal for restraining 1" (25 mm) through 2" (50 mm) branch lines, this innovative system is significantly faster and easier to install than current methods. It attaches directly to steel bar joists, I-beams or purlins, as well as concrete and wood structures. The hardware is installed with only one tool, a 5/16" (8 mm) socket drill driver, which provides significant labor savings and convenience. It features a simple, two-step installation process, allowing a time savings of up to 80% compared to other methods. Unlike most solutions that only accept 3/8" (MW) threaded rod, the versatile Branch Line Restraint System features a swivel attachment that can be rotated to accept 3/8" or 1/2" (M10 or M12) threaded rod. This allows greater restraint distances from the pipe to structure with 1/2" (M12) threaded rod. - . The system meets the requirements of NFPAr 13, making it ideal for new construction applications. The total system is cULus Listed and FM Approved, and has been pre-approved by the state of California (OSHPD OPA-2629-10). Features Accepts 3/8" or 1/2" (M 10 or M12) threaded rod Quick grip clamp simplifies measuring and, cutting of threaded rod Works with rough-cut threaded rod and eliminates pipe-side deburring Can be installed with threaded rod above or below the service pipe Shear-off head helps ensure correct torque and simplifies inspection I I I I I I I I PS T I I I I I I I Specifications Material: Steel Finish: Electro-galvanized c®us Part Number Pipe Size Diameter Rod Size HeightOuter r OD RS H L W CSBBRP0100EG 1.32" ' 3/8". 1/2° ' 6.67" ' 1.63° ' 0.88" CSBBRP0125EG 1 1/4" 1.66" 3/8", 1/2° 7.56°, 1.97" 0.88° CSBBRP0150EG 1 1/2" 1.901, 3/8°, 1/2" 8.20" 2.21" 0.88" CSBBRP0200EG 2.38" 3/8", 1/2" 9.45" 2.69" 0.88" www.erico.com 94 III Specifications Material: Steel Finish: Electro-galvanized Swivel connector accepts 3/8" or 1/2" (M10 or M12) threaded rod Attaches to concrete anchors or structural attachments with female threads Branch line structural attachments are for restraint only and not for the hanging of fire sprinkler piping. www.erico.com 97 ERIED' Set Screw and Locknut Included I Beam C1amrs I Fig. 65 - 1/2'13 rod sizes, and /8"-11 rod sizes Fig. 65XT - /'-16 rod size (see below) Material: Steel with hardened cup point set screw and jam nut Function: Recommended for hanging from steel beam where flange thickness does not exceed 3/4" (19.omm). Features: All steel construction eliminates structural deficiencies associated with casting type beam clamps. May be used on top or bottom flange of beam. (Beveled lip allows hanging from top flange where clearance is limited.) May be installed with set screw in up or down position. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment by allowing the rod to be threaded completely through the clamp. Open design permits inspection of thread engagement. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Exceeds requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), pamphlet 13, /8"-16 rod will support 1/2" 115mml thru 4" (100mm) pipe 1/2"13 rod will support thru 8" (200mm) pipe Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact customer service for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number and finish Fig. 65 Patent #4,570,885 Part Rod Size B C D E No. A in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) [ 65-1I2 1/2"13 11/2" (38.1) 3/4" (19.0) 1" (25.4) /16" (14.3) ] 65-/ /8"-11 11 /2" (38.1) 3/4" (19.0) 1" (25.4) /16" (14.3) I I I I I TOLCOTM Fig. 65 - Reversible Steel C-Type Beam Clamp 3/4" (19.0mm) Throat Opening Size Range: I I Part F Approx.Wt.I100 No. in. (mm) Lb (kg) 65_1/2 11/4" (31.7) 55 (24.9) 65-/8 11/4" (31.7) 55 (24.9) TOLCO Fig. 65XT - Reversible Steel C-Type Beam Clamp 3/4" (19.0mm) Throat Opening 25.41 c®uS LISTED ; APPROVED Feature: Extruded holes allows for more thread - I engagement of threaded rod and set screw. Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized I Order By: Figure number and finish Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed (cULus) and FM Approved (FM) for up to 4" 3/4fl (100mm) pipe. (19.0) ,.- Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-0 and NFPA 13. Set Screw and I Locknut Included Part For Approx. W000 I No. Rod Size Lbs. (kg) 65XT /8"-16 28.0 (12.7) I Al) dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. Eaton 14 B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions Fig. 69-si Fig. 69-I8-I4 Beam Clam TOLCOTM Fig. 69 - Beam Clamp Retaining Strap Size Range: I8'-16 thru /4-10 rod 4" (101.6mm) thru 16" (406.4mm) lengths Note: longer lengths are available consult factory Material: Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: To offer more secure fastening of various types of beam clamps to beam where danger of movement might be expected. NFPA 13 requires the use of retaining straps with all beam clamps installed in earthquake areas. Satisfies requirements of NFPA 13. Important Note: Good installation practice of a retaining strap requires that the strap be held tightly and securely to all component parts of the assembly. Therefore a locking mechanism of some kind, such as a hex nut for the Fig. 69 or the beveled locking slot of the Fig. 69R will provide a more secure reliable installation. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Approved for use with any listed B-Line series or Tolco beam clamp. Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number, length (L), and finish. Note: Minimum return on strap is 1" (25.4mm). Lengths over 16" 1406mm1 are not UL Listed. Hole Dia. D For Use With Length P&t No. in. (mm) 133033-3/8, 133034-3/8, B3031-3/8, see Detail A 65-/8, 65X1-3/8, 66-/8 Specify B3033-1/2, 83034.1/2, 65-/2, 66-1/2 69-5/8-L 11/16" (17.5) 133033-5/8, 65-/8, 66-/8 Specify [ 69-314-L 13/16" (20.6) B3033-314 Specify 1 All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions 17 Eaton c®us LISTED APPROVED I. 2- #14 x 1" Tek Type Screws Into Mm. 16 Gauge Steel Up to 4" (100mm) pipe I UL Listed Fastener Table PipeSiie -_Oty Fastener Type _-Material Bolt& Hex Nut Up to 4 (100mm) pipe x2" Drive screws Wood ] I L_2'2#16 2" 1 /8" Lag bolt Wood 2 /2"-4"1 '/2" Lag bolt Wood I 1_4"2 /4"x2" 31/2" 2 1/4" x 11/2" Lag bolts Lag bolts **Wood Wood 4' 2 1/4" xl' Tek screws Metal (15 gauge) I 4'2 1/4" No x1"Tek screws Metal (16gaugj Larger pipe sizes can be hung with reduced spacing. I Part No. Pipe Size Rod A B C Approx. Wt./100 I in. (mm) Size in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) Lbs. (kg) 1 53 1/2" - 4" (15- 100) /8"-16 2/4" (69.8) 11/2" (38.1) 11/8" (28.6) 14 (6.3) Per NFPA 1 - or ,If Lag Bolts Up to 4" (100mm) pipe 2- #16x 2" Drive Screws 'If (15mm) - 4" (100mm) pipe I _____ ____-___ ______-- Upper Attachments TOLCO Fig. 58 - Threaded Side Beam Bracket Size Range: /"-16 rod, pipe sizes 1/2' (15mm) thru 4" (100mm) Material: Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: Practical and economical bracket used to support piping from wood, concrete or steel beams. Features: Unique design allows rod to be easily threaded into bracket. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment. Center mounting hole will accept /8' and 1/2' fastener bolts. Per NFPA 13: 1/2' (15mm) thru 2" 150mm1 pipe requires /8' fastener, 21/2" )65mm) thru 4" (100mm) pipe requires 1/2" fastener.* Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL), and Factory Mutual Engineering approved thru 4" lloOmml pipe. Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number and finish *Note: Additionally UL has listed the Fig. 58 with fasteners as shown in table below. 2- t/4" x 2" Lag Bolts (No Pro-Drilling Up to 4" (100mm) pipe I I All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. B-Line series Fire Protection Solutions 91 Eaton International Code Council, Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), ESR-2272 for concrete. Code compliant with the 2015 IBC, 2015 IRC, 2012 IBC, 2012 IRC, 2009 IBC, 2009 IRC, 2006 IBC, and 2006 IRC. 0 Tested in accordance with ACI 355.2 and ICC-ES AC 193 for use in structural concrete :P - rundér the design provisions of ACI 318 (Strength Design method using Appendix D) Evaluated and qualified by an accredited independent testing laboratory for recognition in ISTED cracked and uncracked concrete indudingseimic and wind loading (Category 1 anchor) rCODE -2212 Evaluated and qualified by an accredited independent testing laboratory CONCaRETE for reliability against brittle failure, e.g. hydrogen embrittlement This Product Available In Evaluated and qualified by an accredited independent testing laboratory for supplemental recognition in redundant fastening applications PDA FM Global (Factory Mutual) - File No. 3038104 (see report for sizes) www.approvalguide.com - Pipe hanger components for automatic sprinkler systems tc1uJIb]SPECIFICATIONSI[Powers Design Assist's Real-Time Anchor Design Software CSI Divisions: 0316 00 - Concrete Anchors and 05 05 09 - Post-Installed Concrete Anchors. www.powersdesignassist.com Internally threaded anchors shall be Snake+ as supplied by Powers Fasteners, Inc., Brewster, NY. Anchors shall be installed in accordance with published instructions and the Authority Having Jurisdiction. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS I I I Anchor component I Specification Anchor Body Case hardened carbon steel Plating Zinc plating according to ASTM 8633, SCI, Type Ill (Fe/Zn 5) Minimum plating requirements for Mild Service Condition I I I I I 'ovvers, GENERAL INFORMATION FASTENING INNOVATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION CONTENTS General Information..... SNAKE+® Material Specifications ................. 1 Internally Threaded Screw Anchor Installation Specifications............2 _____________________________________________________________________________ Installation Instructions ................ 3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION IIdII] Performance Data..........................4 The Snake+ anchor is an internally threaded, self-tapping screw anchor designed for performance Installation Specifications............8 in cracked and uncracked concrete. Suitable base materials include normal-weight concrete, Ordering Information....................9 sand-lightweight concrete and concrete over steel deck. The Snake+ screw anchor is installed into I a drilled hole with a power tool and a Snake+ setting tool. After installation a steel element is threaded into the anchor body. GENERAL APPL AND USES Suspending conduit, cable trays and strut • Pipe supports SNAKE+ Interior applications/low level • Seismic and wind loading applications corrosion environment • Fire sprinklers INTERNAL THREAD VERSION Tension zone areas • Suspended lighting • Unified coarse thread (UNC) FEATURE AND BENEFITS ___________________________________________ ANCHOR MATERIALS • + Cracked concrete approved alternative to a dropin anchor • Zinc plated carbon steel body q + Designed for use in holes drilled with standard ANSI carbide drill bits ANCHOR SIZE RANGE (TYR) 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" diameters + Anchor design allows for shallow embedment and mechanically interlocks with base material + Internally threaded anchor for easy adjustment and removability of threaded rod or bolt SUITABLE BASE MATERIALS Normal-weight concrete + Fast anchor installation with a powered impact wrench • Sand-lightweight concrete + Hammer not used for installation • Concrete over steel deck APPROVALS AND LISTINGS I www.powers.com ?owers INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS FASTENING INNOVATIONS INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Installation Information for Snake+ Screw Anchor for Single Point Applications Anchor Property! Notion Unit Nominal Anchor Size __________________ 114 318 1!2 Setting InformatIon Nominal outside anchor diameter da(do)3 in. (mm) 0.375 (9.5) 0.500 (12.7) 0.750 (19.1) Internal thread diameter (UNC) d in. (mm) 0.250 (6.4) 0.375 (9.5) 0.500 (12.7) Minimum diameter of hole clearance in fixture for dh in. 5/16 7/16 9/16 steel insert element (following anchor installation) Nominal drill bit diameter dbit in. 3/8 ANSI 1/2 ANSI 3/4 ANSI Minimum hole depth h0 in. 2 (51) 2 (51) 2-1/2 (mm) (64) Overall anchor length Lh in. (mm) 1-1/4 (32) 1-1/4 (32) 1-11/16 (43) Minimum nominal embedment depth, hnom in. 1-5/8 (41) 1-5/8 (41) 2-3/16 (mm) (55) Effective embedment her in. (mm) Not Applicable' 1.10 (28) 1.54 (39) Maximum impact wrench power (torque) Tew ft-lb. (N-m) 120 (163) 345 (468) 345 (468) Maximum tightening torque of steel insert ft.-lb. 4 8 36 element (threaded rod or bolt) (N-m) (6) (11) 1 (49) Anchors Installed in Concrete Construction, Minimum member thickness' hmin in. (mm) Not Applicable' 4 (102) 4 (102) Critical edge distance' -. ca in. (mm) Not Applicable 3 (76) 4 (102) Minimum edge distance' c1, in. (mm) Not Applicable' 3 (76) 4 (102) Minimum spacing distanc& Srain in. (mm) Not Applicable' 3 (76) 4 (102) Anchors Installed in the Topside of Concrete-Filled Steel Deck Assembliess Minimum member topping thickness h ã mi in. (mm) Not Applicable' 3-1/4 (83) Not applicable Critical edge distance - . in. (mm) (mm) Not Applicable' 3 (76) Not applicable — Minimum edge distance in. (mm) Not Applicable' 3 (76) Not applicable Minimum spacing distance - 5min,de&t in. (mm) Not Applicable' 3 (76) Not applicable The information presented in this table is to be used in conjunction with the design criteria of ACI 318 Appendix D. For installations through the soffit of steel deck into concrete, see nstallation detail. Anchors in the lower flute may be installed with a maximum 1-inch offset in either direction from center of the flute. In addition, anchors shall have an axial spacing along the flute equal to the greater of 3hef or 1.5 times the flute width. The notation in parenthesis is for the 2009 IBC. The 1/4-inch diameter anchor is limited to redundant fastening design only. For 3/8-inch diameters installed in the topside of concrete-filled steel deck assemblies, steel installation detail. Do not exceed Do not exceed 2 www.powers.com i 'owers FASTENING INNOVATIONS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ii Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Using the proper drill bit size, drill Select a powered impact wrench Drive the anchor into the hole Insert threaded rod or a bolt into a hole into the base material to the that does not exceed the maximum until the shoulder of the Snake+ the Snake+, taking care not to required depth. The tolerances torque, T, for the selected anchor setting tool comes into contact exceed the maximum specified of the carbide drill bit used diameter Attach the Snake+ setting with the surface of the base tightening torque of the steel should meet the requirements tool supplied by Powers Fasteners materiaL Do not spin the setting insert element, Te Minimum of ANSI Standard B212.15. to the impact wrench. Mount the tool off the anchor to disengage. thread engagement should be anchor onto the setting tooL at least one anchor diameter. Installation Detail for Snake+ in the Topside of Concrete-Filled Steel Deck floor and Roof Assemblies SAND-IJGH1WEIGHT CONCRETE OR NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE - OVER STEEL DECK (MINIMUM 2.500 PSI) Snake+Andrw llri.3.1I4 0.v . cv r" 4 v Max M Mm.4'liT(yp) Miii 12CL(Typ) Upper Flute (Valley) Lower Flute (Ridge) J No. 20 Gage Steel Deck Min. 1. 3/8-inch diameter anchors may be placed in the topside of steel deck profiles provided the minimum topping thickness, minimum spacing distance and minimum edge distance are satisfied. Installation Detail for Snake+ Installed in the Soffit of Concrete over Steel Deck floor and Roof Assemblies' STRUCTURAL SAND'UGHIWEIGHT CONCRETE OR NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK (MINIMUM 3,000 P51) 1. Mn 3 clearance , Mm. Upper Flute (Valley) Ma)L : M=: Min4l/2 Min. 4-1/2' Min.12(Typ) Lower Flute (Ridge) No. 20 Gage Steel Deck Mm. Flute Edge 1. Anchors may be placed in the upper flute or lower flute of the steel deck profiles provided in minimum hole clearance is satisfied. Anchors in the lower flute may be installed with a maximum 1-inch offset in either direction from the center of the flute. The offset distance may be increased proportionally for profiles with lower flute widths greater than those shown provided the minimum lower flute edge distance is also satisfied. w.powers.com 3 Nominal Anchor Diameter Design Characteristic Notation Units 318 inch 1/2 inch Anchor category 1,2 or 3 - 1 1 Nominal embedment depth h in. 1-5/8 (41) 2-3/16 (mm) (55) STEEL STRENGTH IN TENSION' ksi ASTM A36 36.0 2 Minimum specified yield strength of steel insert element fy (N/mm') ASTM A193, 105.0 Grade B7 (724) - Minimum specified ultimate strength ,, ksi ASTM A36 58.0 (4 0) ASTM A193, 125.0 - of steel insert element "i (N/mm) Grade B7 (862) Effective tensile stress area of steel insert element 0.0775 0.1419 lb ASIM A36 4.495 (20.0) 8,230 Steel strength n tension i ASTM A193, (37.0) (kN) 9,685 Grade 87 (43.1) - Reduction factor for steel strength3A 4, - 0.65 CONCRETE BREAKOUT STRENGTH IN TENSION' Effective embedment h,i Effectiveness factor for uncracked concrete k162 - 24 30 Effectiveness factor for cracked concrete ka - 17 24 Modification factor for cracked and uncracked concretes V01 - Cracked concrete = 1.0 o Critical edge distance - CK (mm) (76) I (102) Reduction factor for concrete breakout strength' 4) 1 - Condition B = 0.65 PULLOUT STRENGTH IN TENSION (NON-SEISMIC APPLICATIONS? Characteristic pullout strength, .. uncracked concrete (2,500 psi)' - - N ,,0 lb See note s See ee note Characteristic pullout strength, N lb 1,665 cracked concrete (2,500 psi)6 (kN) See note __(7.4) Reduction factor for pullout strength, 4) - I 0.65 (Condition B) - PULLOUT STRENGTH IN TENSION FOR SEISMIC APPLICATIONS' Characteristic pullout strength, seismic (2,500 psi)' - Ne..,, 1 lb (J) See note 7 Reduction factor for pullout strength' _____ - Condition B = 0.65 PULLOUT STRENGTH IN TENSION FOR SOFFIT OF SAND-LIGHT WEIGHT AND NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK Characteristic pullout strength, N lb 1,515 1,625 uncracked concrete over steel deck5° (kN) (6.7) (7.2) Characteristic pullout strength, N lb 1,075 1,300 cracked concrete over steel deck5' (kN) (4.8) (5.8) Characteristic pullout strength, lb 1,075 1,300 cracked concrete over steel deck, seismic553' (kN) (4.8) (5.8) concrete over steel deck' Reduction factor for pullout strength, (/1 0. 1 6 - LonUitiOfl = The data in this table is intended to be used with the design provisions of ACI 318 Appendix D; for anchors resisting seismic load combinations the additional requirements of Section D.3.3 shall apply. Installation must comply with published instructions and details. All values of 0 were determined from the load combinations of AC! 318 Section 9.2. If the load combinations of AC! 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of 0 must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 Section D.4.4. For reinforcement that meets AC! 318 Appendix D requirements for condition A, see AC! 318-11 D.4.3 for appropriate 4, factor. it is assumed that the threaded rod or bolt used with the Snake+ anchor will be a steel element as defined by AC! 318 Section D.1. However, the anchor steel is considered a brittle steel element in tension as defined by AC! 318. Dl. Tabulated values for steel strength in tension must be used for design. For all design cases use ip' = 1.0. Select appropriate effectiveness factor for cracked concrete (ku) or uncracked concrete (k=). For all design cases use i/A, = 1.0. For concrete compressive strength greater than 2,500 psi, Wp = (Pullout strength value from table)*(specified concrete compressive strength/2500)°'. For concrete over steel deck the value of 2,500 must be replaced with the value of 3,000. Pullout strength will not control design of indicated anchors. Do not calculate pullout strength for indicated anchor size and embedment. Anchors are permitted to be used in sand-lightweight concrete provided that Nv and N1.3 are multiplied by a factor of 0.60 (not required for steel deck). Reported values for characteristic pullout strength in tension for seismic applications are based on test results per AC! 355.2, Section 9.5. Values for Np,d,,k are for sand-lightweight concrete (f',w = 3,000 psi) and additional lightweight concrete reduction factors need not be applied. In addition, evaluation for the concrete breakout capacity in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.2 is not required for anchors installed in the flute (soffit). The notation in brackets is for the 2006 IBC. ?owers PERFORMANCE DATA FASTENING INNOVATIONS PERFORMANCE DATA Tension Desian Information (For use with load combinations taken from ACI 318 Section 9.2 1,2 4 www.powers.com Ii I I I 1 I I I ?owers FASTENING INNOVATIONS PERFORMANCE DATA ASTM A36 770 1,995 Steel strength in shear, concrete over steel deck, seismic' V&e (kN) ASTM Al 93, 1,665 - Grade B7 (7.4) - Reduction factor for pullout strength' .. - Condition B = 0.60 1 The data in this table is intended to be used with the design provisions of ACI 318 Appendix D; for anchors resisting seismic load combinations the additional requirements of ACI 318 D.3.3 shall apply. Installation must comply with published instructions and details. All values of çb were determined from the load combinations of IBC Section 1605.2. or ACI 318 Section 9.2. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of (/ must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.4. For reinforcement that meets ACI 318 Appendix 0 requirements for Condition A, see ACI 318-11, D.4.3 for the appropriate 5 factor. It is assumed that the threaded rod or bolt used with the Snake+ anchor will be a ductile steel element as defined by ACI 318 D.1. Tabulated values for steel strength in shear must be used for design. These tabulated values are lower than calculated results using equation D-29 in ACI 318-11 (DC-20 in ACI 318-08 and ACI 318-05) and ACI 318 Anchors are permitted to be used in sand-lightweight concrete provided that Vb is multiplied by a factor of 0.60 (not required for steel deck).. Tabulated values for steel strength in shear are for seismic applications and based on test results in accordance with ACI 355.2 Section 9.6. Tabulated values for are for sand-lightweight concrete (f',. = 3,000 psi) and additional lightweight concrete reduction factors need not be applied. In addition, evaluation for the concrete breakout capacity in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.2 and the pryout capacity in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.3 are not required for anchors installed in the deck soffit (flute). Shear loads for anchors installed through steel deck into concrete may be applied in any direction. The notation in parenthesis is for the 2006 IBC. I I I www.powers.com 5 I I I I I I -- . Tension and Shear Design Strengths Installed in Uncracked Concrete I I I I I I 6 w.powers.com I ?owers PERFORMANCE DATA FASTENING INNOVATIONS Factored Design Strength (ON And OV) Calculated In Accordance With ACI 318 Appendix D: Tabular values are provided for illustration and are applicable for single anchors installed in normal- weight concrete with minimum slab thickness, ha = hmin, and with the following conditions: - cat is greater than or equal to the critical edge distance, c (table values based on cat = cac). - ci is greater than or equal to 1.5 times Calculations were performed according to ACI 318-11 Appendix D. The load level corresponding to the controlling failure mode is listed (e.g. For tension steel concrete breakout and pullout For shear steel concrete breakout and pryout). Furthermore, the capacities for concrete breakout strength in tension and pryout strength in shear are calculated using the effective embedment values, hef, for the selected anchors as noted in the design information tables. Please also reference the installation specifications for more information ." ha Strength reduction factors (0) were based on ACI 318 Section 9.2 for load combinations. Condition B is assumed. 4 Tabular values are permitted for static loads only, seismic loading is not considered with these tables For designs that include combined tension and shear, the interaction of tension and shear loads must be .:. calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D. Interpolation is not permitted to be used with the tabular values. For intermediate base material compressive strengths please see ACI 318 Appendix D. For other design conditions including seismic considerations please see ACI 318 Appendix D. I Tension and Shear Design Strengths Installed in Cracked Concrete Mw Steel Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength. f'c (psi) Nominal Anchor Nominal Embed. Insert Element ZSOO I 3,000 I 4,0() I 6,000 8.000 ___________________________________________ Nn n I 4JNn n I Tension Star Size (in.) I fin.) (Threaded Rod or Bolt) Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension ar (lbs.) (Ibs) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) I (lbs.) ASTM A36 635 ¶1 700 II. 805 985 ¶111 1.140 ¶III -3/8 1-5/8 PSTMA193 Grade 87 635 685 700 750 805 870 985 1,140 K!7 1/2 2-3/16 ASTM A36 1,080 • 1,185 • 1,370 1,675 • 1,935 0- Anchor PulloutlPryout Strength Controls 0- Concrete Breakout Strength Controls • - Steel Strength Controls i ?owers FASTENING INNOVATIONS PERFORMANCE DATA I •REDUNDANTIFASTENING APPLICATIONS For an anchoring system designed with redundancy, the load maintained by an anchor that experiences failure or excessive deflection can be transmitted to neighboring anchors without significant consequences to the fixture or remaining resistance of the anchoring system. I In addition to the requirements for anchors, the fixture being attached shall be able to resist the forces acting on it assuming one of the fixing points is not carrying load. It is assumed that by adhering to the limits placed on ni, n2 and n3 below, redundancy will be satisfied. I Anchors qualified for redundant applications may be designed for use in normal weight and sand-lightweight cracked and uncracked concrete. Concrete compressive strength of 2,500 psi shall be used for design. No increase in anchor capacity is permitted for concrete compressive strengths greater than 2,500 psi. The anchor installation is limited to concrete with a compressive strength of 8,500 psi or less. I Redundant applications shall be limited to structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories A or B only. Redundant applications shall be limited to support of nonstructural elements. .1 Number oiAnct,oraga Psintsn1 n3 1 013 Strength Design (Redundant Fastening): For strength design, a redundant system is achieved by specifying and limiting the following variables n = the total number of anchorage points supporting the linear element = number of anchors per anchorage point __n3_::E_factored_Ioad at each -anchorage point,_ lbs., using load combinations from IBC Section 1605 21 or ACI 318 Section 9.2 - n2=At Least I -' \ Andror -. V13 .3 Per LU POW Utear r11 EkrsrstU Allowable Stress Design (Redundant Fastening): Design values for use with allowable stress design shall be established taking Rd, ASD = • Fm Where o is the conversion factor calculated as the weighted average of the load factors from the controlling load combination. The conversion factor, c is equal to 1.4 assuming all dead load. i. Strength Design (SD) Design values for use with strength design shall be established taking • -See redundant fastening design information table for Snake+ design resistance. z I I I I I X I ww.powers.com 7 ?owers INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS FASTENING INNOVATIONS INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Installation Information for Snake+ Screw Anchor in Redundant Fastening Applications Anchor Property! Notation Units Nominal Anchor Size 114" 3/8" 112" Setting Information Nominal drill bit diameter dbft in. 3/8 1/2 ANSI 3/4" ANSI ANSI Nominal embedment depth h in. 1-5/8 (41) 1-5/8 (41) 2-3/16 (mm) (55) Effective embedment het in. 1.10 (28) 1.10 (28) 1.54 (mm) (39) Minimum hole depth h in. (mm) 2 (51) 2-1/20 2 (51) (64) Minimum concrete member thickness hmir in. 3 (76.2) 3 (76.2) 3 (mm) (76.2) Overall anchor legnth in. (mm) 1-1/4 (32) 1-1/4 (32) 1-11/16 (43) Minimum edge distance, redundant fastening' Cmin = C. in. 4 (102) 4 (102) 4 (mm) (102) Minimum spacing distance, redundant fastening' 5,mn in. (mm) 8 (203) 8 (203) 8 (203) Maximum tightening torque of steel insert Ta. ft-lb. 4 8 36 element (threaded rod or bolt) (N-m) (6) (1 1) (49) Maximum impact wrench power (torque) T T— j ft-lb. (N-m) 120 (163) 345 (468) 345 (468) 1. Tabulated minimum spacing and edge distances are applicable only for redundant fastening applications. Redundant Fastening Design Information for Snake+ Anchorsu Anchor Property! Notation Units Nominal Anchor Size __________________ 114" 318" 112" Setting Information Anchor category 1,2 or 3 - 1 1 1 Nominal embedment depth h, in. 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-3/16 (mm) (41) (41) (55) CHARACTERISTIC STRENGTH (RESISTANCE) INSTALLED IN CONCRETE" - Number of Number of Number of - - - anchorage points anchorage points anchorage points Resistance, cracked -or Uncracked concrete (2,500psi) F lb (0) ni~4 ni~3 ni~4 ni~3 ni~4 n~3 550 360 675 450 675 450 (2.5) (1.6) (3.0) (2.0) (3.0) (2.0) Effective tensile stress area 4)" - 0.65 CHARACTERISTIC STRENGTH (RESISTANCE) FOR SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT AND NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK Number of Number of Number of anchorage points anchorage points anchorage points Resistance, cracked or uncracked concrete over steel deck (2,500 psi) lb (kN) n2:4 nik3 fli2t4 n2t3 ni24 ni~3 550 360 1 675 450 1 675 1 450 1 (2.5) (1.6) (3.0) (2.0) (3.0) (2.0) Strength reduction factor' 4),' - 0.65 The data in this table is intended to be used with the design provisions of this product; loads may be applied in any direction. Installation must comply with published instructions and details. All values of 4) were determined from the load combinations of IBC Section 1605.2.1, or ACI 318 Section 9.2. It is assumed that the threaded rod or bolt used with the Snake+ archor has minimum specified properties as listed in the table above or an equivalent steel element. Anchors are permitted to be used in structural sand-lightweight concrete, provided the resistance value is multiplied by 0.6. 8 w.powers.com Settino Tool for Snake+ Screw Anchor Cat. No. Anchor Size Std. Ctn. 6402SD 1/4" 1 6407SD 3/8" 6404SD 1/2" 1 ?owers FASTENING INNOVATIONS ORDERING INFORMATION Ultimate Tension Load Capacities for Snake.,. in Normal-Weiaht Uncracked Concrete 1,1.1.4 Minimum Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength f'c = 2,500 psi (17.2 MPa) fc = 3,000 psi (20.7 MPa) f'c = 6,000 psi (41.4 MPa) Nominal Anchor Embedment Diameter Depth in. Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear in. (mm) lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) 1/4 1-5/8 2,130 1,045 2,335 1,045 (41) (9.5) (4.6) (10.4) (4.6) - 3/8 1-5/8 2,165 1,045 2,370 1,045 3,190 1,045 (41) (9.7) (4.6) (10.6) (4.6) (14.2) (4.6) 1/2 2-3/16 5,590 2,050 6,125 2,050 7,240 2,050 (55) (24.9) (9.1) (27.3) (9.1) (32.0) (9.1) Tabulated load values are for anchors installed in concrete. Concrete compressive strength must be at the specified minimum at the time of installation. Ultimate load capacities must be reduced by a minimum safety factor of 4.0 or greater to determine allowable working load. The tabulated load values are applicable to single anchors in uncracked concrete installed at critical spacing distance between anchors and at critical edge distance. Ultimate shear capacity is controlled by steel strength of ASTM A36 element (or equivalent). ORDERING INFORMATION Carbon Steel Snake+ Screw Anchor Cat. No. Anchor Size Embedment Internal Thread Depth Std. Box' Std. Ctn. 6400SD 1/4" 1-5/8" 11/32" 100 1,000 64015D 3/8" 1-5/8" 23/32" 50 500 64035D 1/2" 2-1/2" 15/16" 50 300 1. Each box comes with one free setting tool 1• www.powers.com 9 I 1 Fri I; DEWALT,Rod Haw, Concrete ENGINEERED BY'?owers I I ii .:*L• *Jl ii - L VzI r.T PONAV Hanq,ermate'+ Rod Hanging Anchors for Steel DESCRIPTION SAMMYS® MODEL 4 HANG ROD SIZE Q1Y MSTR OTY Hangermate+ For Steel - Vertical PFM2231 000 1/4-201' #3 DSTR 100 Vertical 1/4" 25 125 PFM2231 100 1/4-20x 1" #3 - Vertical 3/8' 25 125 \ PFM2231 ON 1/4-20 x 1" #3 / nut DSTR 1 Vertical 3/8' 25 125 s 1/4-20 xl -1/2" #5 DSTR 1-1/2 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 1/4-20x1-1/2" #5/nut ' : \ DSTR 1 V:cal 3/8" 25 125 PFM r 1/4-20x1-1/2" #3 /nut DST15 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 PFM2231250 1/4-20 x 2" #3 DST 20 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 Hangermatei- For teeI - Horizontal Ijt 1/4-20 x " #3 SDW 10 Horizontal 3/8 25 125 I I i/4-2Ox#3Jnut SDWR 1- :1/4-20x 1-1/2 #3 - Horizontal 3/8 25 125 - J./4-,20 x 1 1/2".#3 /nut - Horizontal 3/8 25 125 " 4-20x-1/2' #5 SWT15 Horizontal 38 t25 125 I 1k 4-20 xl-1/2" 45 /nut SWDR 1-1/2 Horizontal 3/8 25 125 Han9ermate+ Pivot For Steel -Angled Applications . 1/4-20 xl" #3 SH-DSTR 1 Variable 3/8" 25 125 12-20*1-3/4" #5 SH-TEK 50 Variable 3/8" 25 125 1': !i. I 1/4-14 xl" #3 - Variable 3/8" 25 125 . Hangemate+Suspender'fbrSteel - Dual -Directional II 1/4-261"U/nut - Vert. &Horz 3/8 25 125 20 x2l'2".#31nut - Vert.& Horz 8 125 u I 2i420 xiii 2' #5/nm - Vert.&Ho. 3/8:-25 25 Hangennate+ Fo Stel--"Acoustical Cellmg Screw Eyelet 9irfIfl''i 1i4'x3" - CWSD1 Vert.&Horz.Elefl.I 25 125 - iEIM!i1 1/4'x3-1/4" CWSD2 Vert&Horz. 3,'16" 25 125 Re jm eVed 1 OO to °000 rpms for proper n tallation - '-.Th-- ---- --.-- '-=-- I.. - Anchoring Solution.- mstaMalion Accessofles and Tools - DESCRIPTION HANGERMATE+ 0Th' MSTR I Steel Socket (Silver) Rod Hanger 1 5 I •. Suspender Driver Suspender 1 5 Pivot Driver Pivot 1 5 Ceiling Screw Eyelet Driver Acoustical 1 5 Pole Tool Kit Rod Hanger 1 5 - Adapter for hanging 1/2 rod (3/8' to 1/2" Adapter) - 20 V MAX* XR Lithium Ion Brushless 3-Speed Drill / Driver Kit 20V MAX* XR 1/4" 3-Speed Impact Driver Kit // Specialty Rod Hanging Anchors / 1'1 ,apenderTM APPRIVED MULTIPLE THREADS different thread and point styles PFM2271 050 PFM227 1000 PFM227' 10 PFM2271 20I PFM2271 30 I / DUAL DIRECTIONAL THREAD one part for vertical or horizontal application s . Ø• TWIN LEAD THREAD for thread engagement (concrete & wood) .rivotFor, steel -, Anglell Appilcatlons 3,210 ' - 0.188 . - - - ___________ . I 1/4-20 xl' #3 ---' - . - - Variable 3/8" PFM201250' 0.060 . 975(0,188) 40 - - "- - 3,270 (0.188") V - - - - -'-12-20 x 1-3/4" #5 Variable 3/8" PFM2201250 0.11 0.188 45' - - - - 975 (0.188") 2,875(0.188') i1/44 xl" riabIe3/8"M2201250 0.188 0.5 -. I IRodiJ'IL APPROVALS I Hangermate+ For Steel - Vertical ® <? ULTIMATE ' EV1siIIIiEi DESCRIPTION HANG ROD DRIVER MIN MAX TENSILE LOAD PIPE 4JL IPEr FM' I SIZE THICK. THICK. (MA LOAD TERIAL DIRECTION THICKNESS)' SIZE THICK. SIZE THICK. flhI.I.I 1/4-20 1" #3 Vert. 1/4 PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,375 (0.125) V 4" 0.120" 4" 12 ga. I .:Mr4MI1IIII' 1/4-20 x " #3 Vert. '3/8 " PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 V 4" 2,375 (0.125") 0,060 1 4 1 16,ga. K4'MIIi1I 1/4-20x1"#3/nut Vert. 3/8 PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 4,690(0.125") V 4" 0.125" 4' 12 ga. I•/IWlI 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #5 Vert. 3/8' PFM2201200 0.188 O.20 3,675 (0.188") . V .4". 0:060" , ,,4. . - 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #5/nut Vert. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 5,810 (0.188") V 4" 0.1251 ' 4" 12 ga. 1/4-200-1/2"#3 •' Vert. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.188 0.250 2,375 (0.125") V 4" ' 0060 4' 16 ga KIILI]I 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #3/nut Vert. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 4,690 (0.125") V - - 4" 0.125' .nK7 .1/4-20 x 2" #3 Vert. 3/8" PFM22012150 0.060 0.250 2,375 (0.125") V - . Hangermaté+ For Steel - Horizontal - KZIIIIII' 1/4-20 x 1" #3 Horiz. 3/8" - PFM22u1200 0.060 0.250 2,570 (0.111") - 1/4-20 x 1" # /nut Horiz. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,810(0.111") H 4" 0.060" 4" 16 ga. 'K&.iIi9i "11/410 x 1-1/2" #3 Horiz. 3/8" PFM22'012Ob 0.060 0.250 2,570 (0.111') H, I ' 1/4-20x1-i/2"#3/nut Horiz. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,810(0.111") H 4" 0.060" 4" 16 ga. '1 1 -20 x 1-1/2" #5 Horiz. 318" PFM2201 2ö0. 0.060 0.500 3,530 (0.188") H' - - - - 'Ki2W2IJI 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #5/nut Horiz. 3/8 PFM2201200 0.060 0.500 2,810(0.111") H 4" 0.00 4 lo ga. ,.nflfl.uu. I UI nau - .,uua-.,uu t,IIUIIau Vert 'V 4" 0.060 4 1 ga 1/4-20 xl" #3/nut , 3/8" PFM2201300 Horz. 0.060 0.210 4,690 (0.125") '''" . , H 4" - 0.060" 4 1,ga. Vert. 9 (.X V 4" 0.060" 4" 16 ga. 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #3/nut 3/8" PFM2201300 Horz. 0.060 0.210 4,690 (0.125") H 4" 0.060" 4" l6ga. e 16g3 1/4 4". -20x 1-1/2"# nut , 3/8" PFM2201300 Horz. 0.188 0.500 4,690 (0.125") EE 00 0.060 , 4" 16 ga Hangermate+ For Steel - AcouticaI Ceiling Screw Eyelet 9rq+ 1/4" x 3" 3/16" PFM2201350 - 0.060 590 (0.188") - - - - - T.Jdw ili 1/4" x 3-1/4 3/16" PFM2201350 - 0.060 590 (0.188") - - - - - Loads vary depending on steel thickness. Contact DEWALI for more information. I I - --I WEWO flWALT LOCATIONS Fin1d PJck-Up & oe6vnry CEWALT Factory Service Curler Aj-ic9A( Dtntriblit.ion Cnnlht ALABAMA BimiogIsaara 205-942-0538 Mobile 251-602-1000 _ - - ALASKA Anchorage 907-561-7181 41111110 ARKANSAS tJthe Rock- 501-372-3090 lu ARIZONA Phoenix 602-437-1200 Phoenie 602-4318024 CALIFORNIA San Francisco 510-783-3959 Hayward 510-293-1500 San Diego 858-279-2011 Anaheim 714-414-6369 . Sacramento 916-344-3520 Ontario -- - 909-930-1437--- - - Tustin 714-731-2500 - COLORADO 0ea20r(DPWALT) -- 303-922-8325 a--- - Denver )Poweral 303-922-9202 - - - - CONNECTICUT - Hartford--- -860-563-5800-- - .- - FORDA -954-321-6635 Tampa -8137884-0434 - - Jacksonville 904-781-2253 0#aado Orlando - .819-826-4500 - W Palm Beach 561-689-3247 GEORGIA Atlanta 770-Z46-1 ' 710 Atlanta -----------8o6-2a493.9t -T- ----- ----Oi508Jl0 808 42-4425Illill IOWA DeaMo4eo 5]5 1 IlLINOIS AdthoOn 930 I isa As0dioon 630 556 IrIlbIANA 1ndna IDEWALT) .9j T71. M8 Jim 317-:7'1048 KANSAS K09000 City 1 130 Raroas City 816 1 333 Wichita -- ----316-903-1271 KENTUCKY Louisville 502-380-3748 • ______________ ____________ LOUISIANA ________ 118w Orleans 504 : - 8 onRooge .:191 -- Sve. MARYLAND BaIKrnore i0-im722 Capital Heights- - -- 301333:0865 Baltimore /DC 301-773-1722 - - MASSACHUSETTS Boston 781-32163407 MICHIGAN Grand Rapids 616-261-0425 Detroit 248-597-5603 - Detroit 248-543-8000 MINNESOTA Minneapolis (DEWALT) 952-884-9191 Minneapolis Powers) 612-644-3047 141550681 St Louis 314-997-9100 Kansas City 816-472-5033 IIIMIlI MONTANA Billings 40672-5532 Hangermate ! Anchors i13''ttlk I III![I1 Cold PicK-Up &0910vnry OEWALE pOcmory Seivv -Cents- Anchor LHotnib!vheri - Cantor ,.NEVADA SEVADA Los Vegas 702-889-6525 - B - - 5095308506 Elmvkood Park 201-475-3524 NEWMEH300 Albuquerque 585-8.94-1002 I - NOWYORK B1lalo 71644-6220 0anann 718-335-1642 Rochester 585-334-1423 Lang Island 631-952-2008 - Albany 518-785-1867 New9ork 000-524-3244 NORTH Charlotte IDEWAL17 704-392-0245 - CAROLHIA Charlotte Powers) 704-375,5012 I1IS1IMa -70 .' Greensboro 336-852-1300 Raleigh 919-878-0357 OHIO Cleveland 440-842-9100 1 Cincinnati 513-772-3111 Columbus 614-695-3112 - Toledo 419-867-8561 - OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City 405-6348403 Tulsa 918-2498641 OREGON Portland 503-255-6556 414 YEIINSYIVANIA I Philadelphia 215-271-55110, JOW, -- Pittsburgh 412-642-0204 Milli .- - Allentown 610-435-9544 York 717-755-3441 - - ciliA Greenville 864-299-8662 - TENNESSEE Memphis 901-384-8100 NashvIlle (DEW901) 615w242-1633 - Nashville (Powers) 615-248-2667 . - 101065 -'- Dallas (DEWALT) 972-,-.446-2'996 Dallas Powers) 972-506-9258 Houston 713-466-1194 - Houston 281-401-0351 - San Antonio 210-722-1221 Fort Worth 817:831-3828 . El PasO 915-778-9768 Mcalten 0564661-1122 - Auntie 512-382-3971 Ltyq 4 Ila8akACiy(DbW4Lh)911Cai926'WR24 . Salt Lake City (Powers) 801-466-9428 VIRGINIA . Virginia Beach 757-363-0091 111111111,01111, WASHINGTON SeatUe 206:763-2018 fop - Spokane 509-535-9252 Seattle 844-483-4232 1 . 1110111111-. WEST OIEGINLA Charleston 304-343-0289 WISCONSIN Milwaukee EWALT) 414-645-4285 Milwaukee Powers) 414-645-8821 DEWAI.1 ELCO & POWERS Anchors and Fasteners Inquiries: 800-5N-3244 DEWALT, ELCO, & POWERS Anchors and Fasteners Technical Questions: email eng:neorIngev9o2nr6.coer Dealer Stamp construction I Red powder coated finish I Knockouts and shelf to accommodate any 1/2" or 3/4" sprinkler head I All-welded construction and full length hinge Slotted for easy mounting with screws, rivets or strapping (6510150) 6 Large Head Box (6510152) 6 Head Box 12 Head Box I I I I I (6510151A) (6510151) _1:tciuis I FIRE SPRINKLER SPARE HEADBOXES I I The information contained herein is produced in good faith and is believed to be reliable but is for guidance only. ARGCO and its agents cannot assume liability or responsibility for results obtained in the use of its product by persons whose methods are outside or beyond our control. It is the users responsibility to determine the suitability of any of the products, methods of use, or preparation prior to use, mentioned in our literature. It is the user's responsibility to observe and adapt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of personnel and property in the handling and use of any of our products. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL ARGCO AT 1-800-854-1015 I OR LOG ONTO WWW.ARGCO.COM ARGCO I VINYL SPRINKLER IDENTIFICATION DECALS 'White Vinyl Crack and Peel Decals with Bright Red Ink. -Available as generic signs or personalized. 'ID signs, inspection decals, hydracalc placards and services stickers. AIR CONTROL 50-20-010 [ AIR LINE 50-20-020 ALARM LINE 50-20-030 ALARM TEST 50-20-040 ANTI-FREEZE SYSTEM FIRE EXTINGUISHER 50-20-045 50-20-200 AUXILIARY DRAIN [[FIRE DEPARTMENT VALVE INSPECTORS TEST 50-20-270 MAIN CONTROL 50-20-280 MAIN DRAIN 50-20-290 I OPEN SPRINKLER CONTROL 50-20-300 SPRINKLER 50-20-317 TEST & DRAIN 50-20-355 WATER MOTOR LINE 50-20-390 SPRINKLER SPRINKLER 8 x 2 50-20-219 SERVICE STICKERS A Great Way to Advertise Right on the Jobsite cm NI11UIOI ii II LLAR1C Put your Company Name & Logo on your Service Decals A AN ARGCO's art department can take your personalized artwork and recreate it on your signs - SPR1 CORP. MORn! 110TISII 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE Custom to your specs. II 770-339-3737 ill The information contained herein is produced in good faith and is believed to be reliable but is for guidance only. ARGCO and its agents cannot assume liability or responsibility for results obtained in the use of its product by persons whose methods are outside or beyond our control. It is the users responsibility to determine the suitability of any of the products, methods of use, or preparation prior to use, mentioned in our literature. It is the user's responsibility to observe and adapt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of personnel and property in the handling and use of any of our products. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL ARGCO AT 1-800-854-1015 OR LOG ONTO WWW.ARGCO.COM