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7315 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD; ; FPC2019-0090; Permit
(rrcity of PERMIT REPORT Carlsbad •• Print Date: 04/20/2022 Permit No: FPC2019-0090 Job Address: 7315 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD, CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Status: Closed - Finaled Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Commercial Work Class: Fire Sprinklers Parcel #: 2165900500 Track #: Applied: 04/09/2019 Valuation: $116,275.00 Lot #: Issued: 04/18/2019 Occupancy Group: Project #: DEV02092 Finaled Close Out: 02/25/2021 #of Dwelling Units: Plan #: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Inspector: Plan Check #: Final Inspection: Project Title: OMNI LA COSTA BALLROOM Description: OMNI HOTELS -KITCHEN SPRINKLER TI (33 HEADS) FPContractor: INDUSTRIAL FIRE SPRINKLER CO INC 3845 IMPERIAL AVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92113-1702 (619) 266-6030 FEE AMOUNT FIRE NFPA 13 or 13R System 7 - 100 heads $553.00 Total Fees: $553.00 Total Payments To Date: $553.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-4665 1 760-602-8561 1 I www.carlsbadca.gov Project Name: Drawing I Location: Drawing Name: Kitchen caic Design Remote Area Number: Hydraulic Calculations for f ~C_"?o 19 90 Calculation Date: 4/8/2019 Occupancy Classification Ordinary Group II Density: 0.20gpm/ft2 Area of Application: 1500ft2 (Actual 1504ft2) Coverage per Sprinkler: 1 30ft2 Type of sprinklers calculated: Pendent No. of sprinklers calculated: 19 In-rack Demand: N/A gpm at Node: N/A Hose Streams: 250.00 at Node: I Type: Allowance at Source Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 1: 797.52 @ 100.476 Type of System: Volume of Dry or PreAction System: N/A Name of Contractor: Address: Phone Number: Name of designer: Authority Having Jurisdiction: Notes: © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK 2018 4/8/2019 8:28:03AM Page 1 8000 !JIl1u1 I•1I&____i!Z 6400 7200 3200 4800 4000 5600 Flow - gpm ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 4/8/2019 8:28:05AM Page 2 ci 60 (0 0 75 Job Name: Drawingi Remote Area Number: 150- 120 105 135 45 30 15 Water Supply I Summary Sheet Node: I - Static Pressure 115.000 97.52 @ 114.443 7 Static Pressure 103.500 (90%)- 795 with Hose Allowance atSource 1000.00 S stem demand curve LLUIJ-Li111111! 11111111 11111111 I II I III 1111 III II I I I I I I I I I I I Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 4/8/2019 Job Name: Drawingi Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Supply Analysis Node Name Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) @ (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) (gpm) Required Pressure (psi) Water Supply 115.000 104.000 4000.00 114.443 797.52 100.476 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 1 -3-0 Supply 100.476 547.52 214 9'-10% Sprinkler 26.852 29.02 215 9-10% Sprinkler 27.207 29.21 217 9-10% Sprinkler 29.836 30.59 218 9-10% Sprinkler 32.363 31.86 219 910h/2 Sprinkler 22.110 26.33 220 9-10% Sprinkler 25.709 28.39 221 9-10% Sprinkler 25.719 28.40 222 9-10% Sprinkler 26.119 28.62 223 9'-10 Sprinkler 23.457 27.12 224 9-10 Sprinkler 24.867 27.93 225 9-10% Sprinkler 27.417 29.32 226 9-10% Sprinkler 25.665 28.37 227 9-10% Sprinkler 21.367 25.89 228 9'- 101/2 Sprinkler 21.556 26.00 229 9'- 101/2 Sprinkler 27.140 29.17 230 9-10% Sprinkler 27.626 29.43 231 9'- 101/2 Sprinkler 27.666 29.46 232 9-10 Sprinkler 28.013 29.64 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK 2018 04.3: 4/8/2019 8:28:08AM Page 3 Job Name: Drawingi Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 233 9'-10V2 Sprinkler 34.239 32.77 2 -3-0 98.949 3 -3-0 99.278 4 -3-0 99.321 14 12'-0 77.082 63 12-0 35.193 65 12-0 35.342 75 12'-0 60.566 81 12-0 35.003 86 12'-0 34.950 96 12-0 33.450 98 12-0 33.459 100 12-0 34.946 101 12-0 29.272 103 12'-0 29.223 105 12'-0 28.735 107 12-0 28.732 109 12-0 28.746 111 12-0 28.987 113 12'-0 29.203 116 12-0 30.935 118 12-0 31.056 121 12-0 54.628 1&© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK 2018 04.3: 4/8/2019 8:28:08AM Pacie 4 Job Name: Drawingi Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 124 12-0 35.284 135 12'-0 35.893 136 12-0 35.704 138 12'-0 35.756 140 12-0 36.189 142 12-0 37.329 146 12-0 51.711 156 12-0 39.690 157 12'-0 47.914 158 12-0 40.305 159 12-0 47.299 160 12'-0 40.975 161 12-0 47.017 162 12'-0 41.259 163 12'-0 46.941 13,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. MlAutoSPRINK 2018 v14.3. 4/8/2019 8:28:08AM Page 5 Job Name: Drawingi Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev i (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as Fitting (Foot) Pt Friction Loss Per Unit Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) ,. Total Flow Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 228 9'1O1/2 5.6 26.00 1 (See Notes) 6'-6 120 21556 a n9ptive val"e. •••••Routel•.... Sprinkler, 2E(2 0) P0(5 0) fd(24 0) 33'-0 0211435 -0.921 111 12'-0 2600 10490 39'-6 8.352 111 12-0 36.67 1 2-0 120 28.987 Flow (q) from Route 5 0.108010 ________ 113 12-0 :, 62.67 1.6820 2-0 0.216 113 12-0 28.62 1/2 8'-O 120 29.203 Flow (q) from Route 13 0216608 116 12'-0 9129 16820 8 0 1.733 116 120 29.17 1/2 0'-4 120 30.935 Flow (q) from Route 7 0361803 118 12'-0 12046 16820 04 0.121 118 12-0 27.12 1/2 See Notes) 34' lO 120 31.056 Flow (q) from Route 10 P0(9 11) 9-11 0526768 121 120 14759 16820 23572 121 12-0 293.29 2/2 13'-3 120 54.628 Flow (q) from Route 4 0448164 75 12'-0 44088 26350 13 5.938 75 12'-0 106.64 21/2 (See Notes) 16-51/2 120 60.566 Flow (q) from Route 2 E(8'-3) 8-3 0.669091 14 12-0 . 547.52 2.6350 24-8 16.516 14 12-0 3 (See Notes) 366 120 77.082 3E(9-5) 28-21/2 0.237310 6.506 2 -3-0 547.52 3.2600 64'-9 15.361 2 -3'-0 6 (See Notes) 22'- 101/2 140 98.949 E(22-1) 22-1 0.007324 3 -3-0 547.52 6.2800 44-11 0.329 3 -3'-0 6 6-6 140 99.278 0.006679 0.000 4 -3-0 547.52 6.4000 6-6 0.043 4 -3-0 6 (See Notes) 121'l1 150 99.321 E(21-7), EE(10'-9%), S 32-4 0.007487 1 4-0 547.52 6.0900 154'-3 1.155 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. §1 AutoSPRINK 2018 v14.3.10.0 4/8/2019 8:28:11AM Page 6 Job Name: Drawingi Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node I (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent (q) Equiv. Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Fitting (Foot) Pt Friction Loss Per Unit Elev(Pe) Elev 2 Total Flow Node 2 (Foot) Actual ID Length (psi) when applicable, are added Total (Foot) (Foot) Friction(Pf) directly to (Pt) and shown as flAaflthlfl ,nIi ip 250.00 100.476 Hose Allowance At Source Total(Pt) Route 1 1 79752 214 9'- 101/2 5.6 29.02 1 (See Notes) 2-9 120 26.852 .... Route 2 Sprinkler, 2E(2'-O), P0(5-0), fd(24'-O) 33'-0 0.259076 -0.921 63 12-0 29.02 1.0490 9.262 63 12-0 11/2 5'-81/2 120 35.193 ,0.025992 0.001 65 12-0 29.02 M/2 5-8% 0.149 65 12-0 77.62 (See Notes) 77'5% 120 35.342 Flow (q) from Route 3 P0(9'11) 9-1 1 0.288755 -0.001 75 12'0 106.64 1.6820 87-4% 25.225 60.566 Total(Pt) Route 2 215 9'- 101/2 5.6 29.21 1 (See Notes) 2'-31/2 120 27.207 •••••Route 3••••. Sprinkler, E(2 0) P0(5 0) fd(24 0) 31-0 0.262240 -0.930 81 12'-0 29 21 1 0490 8 726 81 12-0 48.41 21/2 (See Notes) 2'4 120 35.003 Flow (q) from Route 9 P0(165%) 16-5% 0.018027 0.000 65 12-0 77.62 2.6350 18-9% 0.339 35.342 Total(Pt) Route 3 226 9'- 101/2 5.6 28.37 1 (See Notes) 9'O% 120 25.665 "•• Route 4..... Sprinkler, 2E(2 0) P0(5 0) 9-0 0.248467 -0.930 103 12'-0 28.37 1.0490 18 0% 4488 103 12-0 46.01 11/2 0-4 120 29.223 Flow (q) from Route 11 0.148271 101 12-0 : 74.38 1.6820 , 0-4 0.049 101 12-0 26.33 I/2 (See Notes)91-11 11111/2 120 29.272 Flow (q) from Route 6 P0(9-i1) 0.259756 0.000 100 12-0 100.71 1.6820 21-10 5.673 100 12'-0 21/2 6'-1 120 34.946 0.055586 -0.000 124 12-0 142.67 2.6350 6-1 0.338 CM, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 v1 4/8/2019 8:28:11AM Page 7 Job Name: Drawingi Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev i 'Foot' K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Filling/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction (psi) Loss p Unit • Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) :: Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 124 12-0 29.32 2% 7-9 120 35.284 negative vl"e. Flow (q) from Route 8 0078550 -0.000 135 12'-0 17199 26350 7-9 0.609 135 12'-0 15.73 2,4 (See Notes) 2471/2 120 35.893 Flow (q) from Route 24 2E(8-3) 16-51/2 0.092355 0.000 156 12'0 187.72 2.6350 41'-l% 3.797 156 12'-0 11/2 (See Notes) 90'111/2 120 39.690 P0(9-li) P0(9-I1) 19-9% 0.074256 0.000 157 12'-0 51.18 1.6820 110-9 8.224 157 12-0 136.54 21/2 (See Notes) 247% 120 47.914 Flow (q) from Route 20 2E(8 3) 16-5Y2 0092355 146 12'-0 18772 26350 41'-11/2 3.797 146 12-0 105.57 21/2 13-10 120 51.711 Flow (q) from Route 14 0210838 121 12'-0 29329 26350 13-10 2.917 54.628 Total(Pt) Route 4 227 9-10% 5.6 25.89 1 (See Notes) 6-6 120 21.367 •••. Route 5 Sprinkler, 2E(2'-O), P0(5-0), fd(24'-O) 33'-0 0.209719 -0.921 107 12-0 25.89 1.0490 39'6 8.286 107 12-0 11/2 5'-8 120 28.732 0.002549 109 12-0 8.27 1.6820 5-8 0.014 109 12'-0 28.40 11/2 6'-0 120 28.746 Flow (q) from Route 12 0.040077 111 12-0 36.67 1.6820 6-0 0.240 28.987 Total(Pt) Route 5 219 9-10% 5.6 26.33 1 (See Notes) 4'-4 120 22.110 "••Route 6••••• Sprinkler, 2E(2'-O), P0(5-0), fd(24'-O) 33-0 0.216451 -0.921 101 12'-0 26.33 1.0490 8.084 29.272 Total(Pt) Route 6 229 9-10% 5.6 29.17 1 (See Notes) 9-0% 120 27.140 ""Route Sprinkler, 2E(2'-0), P0(5-0) 9-0 0.261644 0.930 116 12'-0 29.17 1.0490 18-0% 4.726 J , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 v14.3. 10.0 4/8/2019 8:28:11 AM Page 8 Job Name: Drawinqi Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev i 'Foot' K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID . Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) _________ C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as n93tiVe value. Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction L P U °(p flit Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 30.935 Total(Pt) Route 7 225 9'- 101/2 5.6 29.32 1 (See Notes) ] J_2-3% 120 27.417 •••• Route 8••... Sprinkler, E(2-0), P0(5-0), fd(24'-O) r 31-0 0.264112 -0.921 124 12-0 29.32 1.0490 8.788 35.284 Total(Pt) Route 8 224 9'-10 5.6 27.93 1 (See Notes) 6-6 120 24.867 ... ' Route 9" Sprinkler, 2E(2 0) P0(5 0) fd(24 0) 33-0 0.241310 -0.939 98 12'-0 27.93 1.0490 39 6 9 532 98 12-0 30.59 11/2 (See Notes) 5'8% 120 33.459 Flow (q) from Route 17 P0(9-11) 9,-li 0.095128 0.000 100 12-0 58.51 1.6820 15-7 % 1.486 100 12'-0 142.67 21/2 3'-11 120 34.946 Flow (q) from Route 4 0.001034 0.000 86 12'-0 - ; 16.55 2.6350 3-11 0.004 86 12-0 31.86 21/2 7-0 120 34.950 Flow (q) from Route 18 0.007527 0.000 81 12'-0 48.41 2.6350 7-0 0.053 35.003 Total(Pt) Route 9 223 9-10 5.6 27.12 1 (See Notes) 4'-4 120 23.457 Route 10 Sprinkler, 2E(2'O), PO(5'O), fd(24'O) 33'-0 0.228624 -0.939 118 12-0 H 27.12 1.0490 8.539 31.056 Total(Pt) Route 10 220 9'- 101/2 5.6 28.39 1 (See Notes) 6-11 120 25.709 Route 11 Sprinkler, 2E(2'O), PO(5'O) 0.248862 -0.930 105 12-0 28.39 1.0490 15-11 3.956 105 12'-0 17.61 11/2 8'-0 120 28.735 Flow (q) from Route 25 0.060972 103 12-0 . 46.01 1.6820 8-0 0.488 29.223 Total(Pt) Route 11 221 9'- 101/2 5.6 28.40 1 (See Notes) 6-11 120 25.719 Route 12 Sprinkler, 2E(2'-O), P0(5-0) 9-0 -0.930 109 12 28.40 0.248949'-0 1.0490 15-11 3.957 28.746 Total(Pt) Route 12 f, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 4/8/2019 8:28:11 AM Page 9 Job Name: Drawingi Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev i (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step Nominal ID Fittung:& Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) - C Factor Total(pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction LossPU • i n (psi' ' Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 222 9-10% 5.6 28.62 1 (See Notes) 6'11 120 26.119 ."• Route 13..... Sprinkler, 2E(2'-O), PO(5'-O) 9-0 0.252525 0.930 113 12-0 - 28.62 1.0490 15-11 4.014 29.203 Total(Pt) Route 13 230 9-10% 5.6 29.43 1 (See Notes) 0'-10 120, 27.626 "••Route 14••••. Sprinkler, 2E(2 0) P0(5 0) fd(24 0) 33-0 0.265980 -0.921 136 12 0 2943 1 0490 33 10 8 136 12-0 11/2 81-0 120 35.704 0.006486 138 12-0 .'. 13.70 1.6820 8,-0 0.052 138 12-0 29.46 11/2 8'-0 120 35.756 Flow (q) from Route 15 , 0.054169 140 12-0 Y' '", 43.16 M/2 8-0 0.433 140 12-0 29.64 8-0 120 36.189 Flow (q) from Route 16 0.142496 142 12'-0 72.80 1.6820 8-0 1.140 142 12-0 32.77 11/2 (See Notes) 40'10 120 37.329 Flow (q) from Route 19 P0(9 11) 9-11 0283399 . 146 12'-0 10557 16820 50 14382 51.711 Total(Pt) Route 14 231 9-10% 5.6 29.46 1 (See Notes) 0-10 120 27.666 ••'• Route 15•••• Sprinkler, 2E(2'-O), P0(5-0), fd(24-0) 33-0 0.266336 -0.921 138 12-0 ' 29.46 1.0490 33'-10 9.011 35.756 Total(Pt) Route 15 232 9-10 5.6 29.64 1 (See Notes) 0-10 120 28.013 •••" Route 16••••• Sprinkler, 2E(2-0), P0(5-0), fd(24-0) 33-0 0.269424 -0.939 140 12-0 29.64 1.0490 33-10 9.115 36.189 Total(Pt) Route 16 217 9-10% 5.6 30.59 1 (See Notes) 6-11 120 29.836 "••• Route 17•••• Sprinkler, 2E(2'-O), P0(5-0) 16-110.285602 -0.930 96 12-0 '. 30.59 1.0490 (,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK2O18v14.3.1O.O 4/8/2019 8:28:11 AM Page 10 Job Name: Drawingi Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Pipe Information Node I Elev I (Foot)K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) _________ C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction L '' Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) (ps Friction(Pf) 96 12-0 iv2 0'4 120 33.450 negative value. 0.028653 98 12-0 . 30.59 1.6820 0-4 0.010 33.459 Total(Pt) Route 17 218 9101/2 5.6 31.86 1 (See Notes) 4'-5 120 32.363 ..... Route 18..... Sprinkler, E(2'-O), P0(5-0) 7-0 0.307910 -0.930 86 12-0 31.86 1.0490 11'-5 3.517 34.950 Total(Pt) Route 18 233 9-10% 5.6 32.77 1 (See Notes) 3-4% 120 34.239 . •'• Route 19 Sprinkler, 2E(2-0), PO(5'-O) 9-0 0.324379 -0.930 142 12'-0 j. 32.77 1.0490 12'-4% 4.021 37.329 Total(Pt) Route 19 158 12'-0 136.54 11/2 (See Notes) 90-111/2 120 40.305 ••••• Route 20•"•• 0(9-1 , Flow (q) from Route 23 P0(9 11) 19-9% 0063150 0.000 159 12'-0 4689 16820 110 6.994 159 12-0 89.65 21/2 12-0 120 47.299 Flow (q) from Route 21 0051250 157 12'-0 . 13654 26350 12-0 0.615 47.914 Total(Pt) Route 20 158 12-0 136.54 2% (See Notes) 12-0 120 40.305 ••••• Route 21•" •• Flow (q) from Route 23 P0(16-5%) 16-5% 0.023534 0.000 160 12-0 89.65 2.6350 28'-S% 0.670 160 12-0 11/2 (See Notes) 90'-111/2 120 40.975 P0(9-il) 9-11 0.059905 0.000 161 12-0 .. . 45.57 1.6820 100'- 101/2 6.042 161 12-0 44.08 21/2 12-0 120 47.017 Flow (q) from Route 22 0.023534 159 12-0 89.65 2.6350 , 12-0 0.282 47.299 Total(Pt) Route 21 160 12-0 21/2 (See Notes) 12-0 120 40.975 ••••• Route 22 ... •• P0(16-51/2) P0(16-5%) 32-111/2 0.006329 0.000 162 12-0 : 44.08 2.6350 44-11% 0.284 1.,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK2O18v14.3.1O.O 4/8/2019 8:28:11 AM Page 11 Job Name:. Drawing 1 Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev i 'Foot' K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) _________ C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (PQand shown as netive value. Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss P Un (psi' it U Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 162 12-0 11/2 (See Notes) 90111/2 120 41.259 P0(9-i1) 9-11 0.056331 0.000 163 12-0 : 44.08 1.6820 iooio% 5.681 163 12'-0 21/2 12'-0 120 46.941 0.006329 161 12-0 44.08 2.6350 12-0 0.076 47.017 Total(Pt) Route 22 156 12-0 51.18 2% 12-0 120 39.690 ••••• Route 23••••. Flow (q) from Route 4 0051250 0.000 158 12 0 & 13654 26350 12-0 0.615 40.305 Total(Pt) Route 23 136 12'-0 13.70 1% (See Notes) 12'-7% 120 35.704 ••••' Route 24..... Flow (q) from Route 14 P0(9 11) -11 0008373 0.000 135 12'-0 1573 16820 22'-6 0.188 35.893 Total(Pt) Route 24 107 12-0 8.27 1% 0-4 120 28.732 "••Route 25••••• Flow (q) from Route 5 0.010321 105 12-0 17.61 1.6820 0 -4 0.003 28.735 Total(Pt) Route 25 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2018 4/8/2019 8:28:11 AM Page 12 Job Narne: Drawing 1 Remote Area Number: Date: 4/8/2019 qunialent FipeLengthsofVãlves andFitting(C120 only)' I jCváiue MU!tiplier . I / Actual Inside Diameter . 4.87 =Factor Value Of 100 130 140 150 ( % Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameterj Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DelV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90° Elbow EE 45° Elbow Eel 111/40 Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connectk fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc..11 AutoSPRINK 2018 v14.3.10.0 4/8/2019 8:28:11 AM Page 13 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping O01O Insert logo here Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by the property owner or their authorized agent. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. 5-29-2020 Property name Omni La Costa Date Property address 17315 Estrella Del Mar Carlsbad, CA 92009 Accepted by approving authorities (names) Carlsbad Fire Department Address 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 90210 Plans Installation conforms to accepted plans 0 Yes LI No Equipment used is approved Yes LI No If no, state deviations Has person in charge of fire equipment been instructed as to location of Yes LI No control valves and care and maintenance of this new equipment? If no, explain Have copies of the following been left on the premises? Instructions System components instructions 0 Yes LI No Care and maintenance instructions M Yes LI No 3.NFPA25. EYes El No 4. With whom have the copies been left? General Contractor Location of Supplies buildings system Year of Make Model manufacture Orifice size Quantity Temperature rating Viking VK 302 2019 1/2 95 1550 Sprinklers Viking VK 602 2019 3/4" 110 1550 Viking VK 300 2019 1/2" 295 2000 Viking VK 950 2019 1/2" 40 2000 Pipes and Type of pipe DOM BLACK/GALV SCH10/SCH40 Type of fittings DUCTILE IRON/CAST IRON fittings Maximum time to operate through test Alarm device connection Alarm valve Type Make Model Minutes Seconds or flow indicator SYSTEM VANE TYPE FLOW SENSOR WFD ________________ 45 For individual use. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted. 1 of 3 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping Dry valve Q.O.D Make Model Serial No. Make Model Serial No. Dry pipe Time to trip through test connection a,b Water pressure Air pressure Trip point air pressure Time water reached test outlet a,b Alarm operated properly operating test Minutes Seconds psi psi psi Minutes Seconds Yes No Without Q.O.D. With Q.O.D. If no, explain Operation LI Pneumatic LI Electric LI Hydraulics Piping supervised fl Yes LI No I Detecting media supervised LI Yes 0 No Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both control stations? LI Yes 0 No Deluge and preaction Is there an accessible facility in each circuit for testing? If no, explain N/A valves LI Yes 0 No Does each circuit operate Does each circuit operate Maxijnum time to operate Make Model supervision loss alarm? valve release? release Yes No Yes No Minutes Seconds Location and Make and Pressure- floor model Setting Static pressure Residual pressure (flowing) Flow rate reducing Flow valve test N/A Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) (gpm) Hydrostatic: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for 2 hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bar) for 2 hours. Differential dry pipe valve clappers shall be left Test open during the test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. description Pneumatic: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 11/2 psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shall not exceed 11/2 psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at 200 psi ( bar) for 2 hours If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested N Yes LI No Equipment operates properly N Yes LI No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing systems or stopping leaks? NYes LINo Drain Reading of gauge located near water supply Residual pressure with valve in test connection Tests test test connection: 125 psi( bar) open wide: 110 psi( bar) Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers flushed before connection made to sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the Contractors Material and Test N Yes LI No Other Explain Certificate for Underground Piping. By Others Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping N Yes LI No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, has N Yes LI No If no, explain representative sample testing been satisfactorily completed? N/A a Measured from time inspector's test connection is opened. b NFPA 13 only requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections. For individual use. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted. 2 of 3 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping Blank testing Number used Locations Number removed gaskets N/A Welding piping 0 Yes U No If yes... Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures used complied with the Yes 0 No minimum requirements of AWS 132.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as required by the AHJ? Do you certify that all welding was performed by welders or welding operators qualified in Yes 0 No accordance with the minimum requirements of AWS B2.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Welding Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as required by the AHJ? Do you certify that the welding was conducted in compliance with a documented quality Z Yes U No control procedure to ensure that (1) all discs are retrieved; (2) that openings in piping are smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed; (3) the internal diameters of piping are not penetrated: (4) completed welds are free from cracks, incomplete fusion, surface porosity greater than 1/16 in. diameter, undercut deeper than the lesser of 25% of the wall thickness or 1/32 in.; and (5) completed circumferential butt weld reinforcement does not exceed /32 in.? Cutouts (discs) Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that all cutouts (discs) are retrieved? Yes U No Hydraulic Nameplate provided If no, explain data nameplate 0 Yes U No Sprinkler contractor removed all caps and straps? Z Yes U No Date left in service with all control valves open Remarks Name of sprinkler contractor INDUSTRIAL FIRE SPRINKLER CO. INC. 3845 IMPERIAL AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92113 (619) 266-6030 Tests witnessed Signatures The property owner or their authorized agent (signed) Title Date For sprinkler contractor (signed) Title Date JAKE SANDAGE Vice President 5-29-2020 Additional explanation and notes For individual use. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted. 3 of 3