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C En~ineering Construction Testing & Enginee ring, In c. © A Universa l CSciences Inspection I Testing I Geotechnical I Environmental & Construction Engineering I Civil Engineering I Surveying ompany August 10, 2022 Attn.: Mr. Lenny Zelms Cambridge Companies CTE Job No. 10-15362T 500 E. Ridge Road, Suite 202 Griffith, Indiana 46319 Phone (2 19) 972-1155 Via Email: Lenny@cambridgeconstruction.com CC: John DeFranco: jdefranco@cabridgecoinc.com Subject: Reference: Mr. Zelms: Final Letter for Observation and Testing of Compacted Fill Palomar Transfer Station: Building Addition 5960 El Camino Real Carlsbad, California Geotechnical Investigation Report Improvements to the Palomar Transfer Station Orion Street and Faraday A venue Carlsbad, California Converse Consultants Project No. 06-32-110-0 I, dated April 5, 2006 Grading Plans For Palomar Transfer Station Project No. CUP260(D), approved September 30, 2020 As requested, Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. (CTE) provides this compaction report summarizing the required observation and testing of fill materials during recent earthwork that was perfonned at the referenced site. This summary report is provided as certification that the recent fill placement has been conducted in general conf01mance with the grading plan and recommendations specified in the approved project geotechnical investigation referenced above. As a result, the prepared subject site is considered suitable for support of the proposed improvements. In addition, CTE observed the excavations for the caissons and footings. Based on our observations the following was noted: • Excavations appeared to be dimensioned as per or greater than indicated on the approved project plans and extend to appropriate bearing strata. •The bottoms of all foundation excavations appeared or probed dense indicating adequate bearing capacity. •The materials exposed at the bottom of the foundation excavations appeared to be dense native materials as anticipated by the project soils report. •The proposed foundations are considered suitable for supp01t of the proposed improvements. 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 I Escondido, CA92026 I Ph (760) 746-4955 I Fax (760) 746-9806 I www.cte-inc.net Job Name: Job Address: Date Test No. 12/21/2021 l 12/21/2021 2 12/21/2021 3 12/21/2021 4 12/21/2021 5 12/21/2021 6 12/21/2021 7 12/2 1/2021 8 12/21/2021 9 12/21/2021 10 12/22/2021 1 I 12/22/2021 12 12/22/2021 13 12/22/2021 14 4/6/2022 15 4/6/2022 16 4/6/2022 17 4/6/2022 18 4/19/2022 19 4/19/2022 20 4/19/2022 21 6/3 0/2022 22 6/30/2022 23 TABLEI COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY Palomar Transfer Station: Building Addition Job No. 5960 El Camino Real, Carlsbad Date: Location Elevation Density or Depth pcf Feet First Lift, Southern Section 296.0 122.9 First Lift, Southern Section 297.0 121.4 First Lift, Southern Section 298.0 120.8 Second Lift, Southern Section 297.0 123 .6 Second Lift, Southern Section 298.0 124.4 Second Lift, Southern Section 299.0 122.8 First Lift, Middle Section 300.0 124.0 First Lift, Middle Section 301.0 126.1 Second Lift, Middle Section 301.0 127.5 Second Lift, Middle Section 302.0 126.8 N011h Half of Building Addition 311.0 122.5 N011h HalfofBuilding Addition 311.0 119.7 N011h Half of Building Addition 312.0 120.6 Nmth Half of Building Addition 312.0 I 18.4 NW Wall Backfill 299.0 122.5 N Wall Backfill 300.0 I 18.1 N Wall Backfill 301.0 I 18.2 NE Wall Backfill 302.0 116.5 N hnd ot ~ubgrade, 'l. l'eet ot Fill From Prev10us Day 302.9 1 I 8.3 Middle ofSubgrade, 2 Feet of Fill 304.9 116.2 South End ofSubgrade 4 Feet of Fill 306.9 116.8 Drive Entrance to Bay #6 AB 114.1 Drive Entrance to Bay #6 AB 114.5 ** TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST I0-15362T 8/10/2022 Moisture Relative Soil Content Compaction Type %Dry % Weight 12.7 97% 1 13 .3 96% 1 13.5 95% 1 11.9 98% I 11.5 98% l 12.4 97% I 13.0 96% 2 11.2 98% 2 11.9 99% 2 11.7 98% 2 12.6 97% I 12.4 94% I 11.9 95% I 12.7 93% I 12.4 95% 2 12.7 92% 2 13.1 92% 2 12.9 90% 2 11.3 93% 1 10.6 92% 1 10.3 92% 1 14.4 95% 3 14.7 96% 3 Job Name: Job Address: Sample No. 2 3 Palomar Transfer Station TABLE IT LABORATORY TEST DATA Job No. I0-15362T 5960 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA Date 8/10/2022 Maximum Dry Density pcf 126.7 129.0 11 9.7 Optimum Moisture Content 2 %wt 9.7 9.2 11.9 Ligh Brown SM Light Brown SM Class 2 Base Soil Description I Job Name: Job Address: Date Test No. 12/21/2021 1 12/21/2021 2 12/21/2021 3 12/21/2021 4 12/21/2021 5 12/21/2021 6 12/21/2021 7 12/21/2021 8 12/21/2021 9 12/21/2021 IO 12/22/2021 I I 12/22/2022 12 12/22/2022 13 12/22/2022 14 TABLEI COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY Palomar Transfer Station: Building Addition Job No. 311 Date: Location Elevation Density or Depth pcf Feet First Lift, Southern Section 296.0 122.9 First Lift, Southern Section 297.0 121.4 First Lift, Southern Section 298.0 120.8 Second Lift, Southern Section 297.0 123.6 Second Lift, Southern Section 298.0 124.4 Second Lift, Southern Section 299.0 122.8 First Lift, Middle Section 300.0 124.0 First Lift, Middle Section 301.0 126.l Second Lift, Middle Section 301.0 127.5 Second Lift, Mjddle Section 302.0 126.8 North Half of Building Addition 311.0 122.5 North Half of Building Addition 311.0 119.7 N01th Half of Building Addition 312.0 120.6 No1th Half of Building Addition 312.0 I 18.4 ** TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST 10-15362T 4/20/2022 Moisture Relative Soil Content Compaction Type %D1y % Weight 12.7 97% 1 13 .3 96% 1 13.5 95% 1 11.9 98% l 11.5 98% 1 12.4 97% I 13.0 96% 2 11.2 98% 2 11.9 99% 2 11.7 98% 2 12.6 97% l 12.4 94% 1 11.9 95% 1 12.7 93% 1 Job Name: Job Address: Sample No. 2 Palomar Transfer Station TABLE II LABORATORY TEST DAT A Job No. 10-l 5362T 5960 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA Date 4/20/2022 Maximum Dry Density pcf 126.7 129.0 Optimum Moisture Content %wt 2 9.7 9.2 Ligb Brown SM Light Brown SM Soil Description