HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-27; Library Board of Trustees; ; Semi-Annual Donation Report July 27, 2022 ITEM 5 1 of 2 Meeting Date: July 27, 2022 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Debbie Jo McCool, Management Analyst Staff Contact: Debbie Jo McCool, debbiejo.mccool@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Semi-Annual Donation Report District: All Recommended Action Receive the Semi-Annual Donation Report for the second half of FY 2021-22. Executive Summary/Discussion Management Analyst Debbie Jo McCool will present the library’s semi-annual donation report for the second half of FY 2021-22 (Jan. to June 2022). The report identifies monetary donations deposited into the library’s gifts & bequests special revenue fund and general fund, designated donation requests, and donation activity over time. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Semi-annual Library Donation Report LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report Donations Received - January 1 to June 30, 2022 Value Category Contributors Amount $.01 - $99 15 $296.25 $100 - $249 4 $574.84 $250 - $499 2 $600.00 $500 - $999 0 $0.00 $1,000 - $4,999 2 $2,000.00 Over $5,000 0 $0.00 Totals:23 $3,471.09 Donation Designations Non-specified:$1,513.25 Specified:$1,957.84 $2.00 Support seed program $440.00 Funding for general library materials $515.84 Funding for genealogy specific materials $1,000 Children's programs & materials TOTAL $3,471.09 2nd Half of Fiscal Year FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 January $932.67 $377.14 $330.15 $51.52 $150.00 $1,222.00 February $8,154.34 $128.04 $9,065.68 $52.15 $1,150.00 $50.00 March $57.20 $170.91 $96.34 $61.55 $50.00 $85.00 April $56.97 $275.55 $4,678.77 $50.00 $1,930.00 $597.84 May $253.53 $53.30 $1,057.18 $50,050.00 $1,137.00 $142.46 June $2,861.45 $353.01 $638.87 $195.00 $215.83 $1,373.79 Total $12,316.16 $1,357.95 $15,866.99 $50,460.22 $4,632.83 $3,471.09 1st Half of Fiscal Year July to Dec. 31 Totals $12,474.73 $4,351.81 $865,174.75 $8,671.68 $6,020.00 $3,580.00 Fiscal Year Donation Totals $24,790.89 $5,709.76 $881,041.74 $59,131.90 $10,652.83 $7,051.09 Source: IFAS accounts - 0014010-5651 (General Fund), 1454010-5651 (Special Revenue - Library Gifts & Bequests) Notes: Funding provided by Friends of the Library, special trusts and endowments managed by Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation, or any Cultural Arts special revenue accounts. January 2015 to June 30, 2017 - Pre/Post Carlsbad City Library & Cole Library renovation donation activity FY 2018-19, Oct. 2018, Received one-time trust donation of $861,163.01 from the Rosemary Falkenstein Estate FY 2019-20, May 2020, Received one-time trust donation of $50,000 from the Frank S. Sutton Revocable Living Trust 7/1/2022 Special Revenue donations not included in report: EXHIBIT 1 City of Carlsbad Library Semi-annual Library Donation Report Period Ending June 30, 2022 Totals Fiscal Activity July 27, 2022 ITEM 5 Page 2 of 2 ( City of Carlsbad Semi-Annual Library Donation Report Debbie Jo McCool Management Analyst July 27, 2022 1 CARLSBAD Cl 'TY LI RARY {city of Carlsbad PRESENTATION OVERVIEW •Report Specifics •Donations Received •Donation Designations •Comparison Over Time •Donation Recognition •Questions 2 ITEM 5: Semi-Annual Library Donations {city of Carlsbad REPORT SPECIFICS •Includes monetary gifts from patrons with or without specific designations •Does not include annual donations from support organizations 3 ITEM 5: Semi-Annual Library Donations {city of Carlsbad DONATIONS RECEIVED Value Range Amount Donors $.01 -$99 $ 296 15 $100 -$249 $ 575 4 $250 -$499 $ 600 2 $500 -$999 $ 0 0 $1,000 -$4,999 $ 2,000 2 Over $5,000 $ 0 0 TOTALS $ 3,471 23 4 ITEM 5: Semi-Annual Library Donations ( City of Carlsbad DONATION DESIGNATIONS $1,513 –Non-Specified Donations $2 –Seed Program $440 –General Library Materials $516 –Genealogy Materials $1,000 –Children’s Program & Materials 5 $3,471 ITEM 5: Semi-Annual Library Donations ~----- - ®~----~'•~ - .NV._ {cityof Carlsbad COMPARISON OVER TIME –2nd Half Note: FY 2019-20, May 2020, One-time trust $50,000 donation, Frank S. Sutton Revocable Living Trust 6 ITEM 5: Library Donations $60,000 .. 00 $50,000..00 $40,000 .. 00 $30,000 .. 00 $20,000 .. 00 $10,000 .. 00 $- $1,600.00 January to June $1,400.00 $1,222.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $800.00 $600.00 $400.00 $200.00 $0.00 January $15,866.,99 $12,316 .. ,16 $1,357.,95 $4,632 .. ,83 $3,471.09 ------ FY 2016-17 ~y 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 $50.00 -February FY 2021-22 $85.00 -March $1,373.79 $597.84 $142.46 ■ April May June {city of Carlsbad DONATION RECOGNITION Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.08.100 “Delegation of authority to accept donations” <$5,000 •City Manager accepts donations on behalf of the city •Department staff will acknowledge and recognize the donors for their gifts •Donors will receive a thank you letter from department director •If requested, a bookplate will be placed in items purchased with a donation to celebrate a special occasion or remember a loved one •NEW!Donors can be recognized on the department’s webpage for donations >$250 –Gold, Silver & Bronze levels >$5,000 •Requires City Council acceptance •Donor is given the option for public recognition at a City Council meeting 7 ITEM 5: Library Donations LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS DONORS 8 ITEM 5: Library Donations Visit: https://library.carlsbadca.gov/our-library/support-us/library-donors Gold Level - Gold Level donors have contributed $5,000 and up to Library & Cu ltural Arts. • Friends of the Carlsbad Library, June 2022 • Carlsbad Library & Arts Fou 11dation 1 June 2022 • Carlsbad Friends of the Arts, Ju ly 2021 Silver Level - Silver Level donors have cont ributed $1,000 -$4,9,99, to Library & Cultural Arts. • Jea nne & Scott Dickson, June 2022 • D.O. & C.O.1 Jan uary 2022 • North San Diego County Genea logica l Society, December 2021 • B.H., Decem ber 2021 ----------------------------------------------- 8 r on z e Level - Bronze Level donors have contributed $250 -$999 to Libra ry & Cultura l Arts. • De Anza Chapter, NSDAR, June 2022 • D.W.1 December 2021 • J.W. & B.F. in honor of Russell "Rusty" Wilcox Grosse, July 2021 • W.S.W. & S.W. in honor of Russell "Rusty" Willcox Grosse, July 2021 QUESTIONS Thank you to our generous donors 9 ITEM 5: Library Donations 10 WAYS TO SUPPORT THE LIBRARY Visit: https://library.carlsbadca.gov/our-library/support-us 11 Our Library Locations & Hours + Library Cards Fines & Fees Library Policies Strategic Planning & Mission Library Board of Trustees -Support Us Friends of the Carlsbad Library Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation North San Diego County Genealogical Society Carlsbad Friends of the Arts Library & Cultural Arts Donors Contact Us 0 ur L1 brary » Suppo rt Us Font Size: ■ ■ II Share & Bookmark .. Feedback i!i Prmt There are many ways you can support your library and become involved with the library's mission: Support Organizations + Volunteer + Donate Materials + Donate Money + Special Gifts + Donations from Authors + CASH DONATIONS https://library.carlsbadca.gov/our-library/support-us 12 D,onate Mon,ey - Th e I ibrary accept s t ax deduct ible donatio11s t h at will only be used to support Ii bra ry programs a 11d services or purchase Ii bra ry materia Is. Dona tio11s may be made ii11 the fo llowing ways: • IPaylPa ll: Th e City of Carlsbad accepts cr ed it and debit ca rd do11ations t hrough PayPa l's secu red webs ite donat ion service. Pay Pa I will deduct 30t pl us a 2.9% service fee from each t ransaction. • IBy c,ash : Cash do11ations can be made at any library fac ility. • IBy check: Donations made by check can be dropped off at any library faci lity or mailed direct ly t o the Car lsbad City Library at 1775 Dove Lane, Car lsbad, CA 92011. To make a gift t hrollgh your donor advised fund or trust , please co11tact your financial advisor or t rust admi11·st rator direct ly fo r details. Ca r lsbad City Lib rary iis recogn ized as a qua lified cha ritable organizat ion under IRS Code Section 170(c)(l ). All gifts are tax deductible to t he ext e11t al lowed by law. The city's tax identificat ion number for t ax purposes is 95-6004793. SPECIAL GIFTS DONATIONS https://library.carlsbadca.gov/our-library/support-us 13 Sp,edal Gifts - Mo111eta ry do111at ions may a lso be use d to ce lebrate a specia l occasion or remember a loved 0111e. If requested1 a specia I bookplate will be pla(ed in all items purchased wit h your donatio111 . (PayPal don ors: t here is a sma ll t ext box if you would like to direct your donat ion or be contact ed for addit i1onal det ail.} Let t he library know: • A general description of what to buy such as chi ildren•s books, fiict ion 1 nonfiction, CDs1 DVDs or a ud iobooks, e-books, et c • If t he donated item(s) shou ld go t o Dove Li brary1 Co le Libra ry or t hte Library Lea ming Cen ter • If t hte donat ion is in memory or in ce lebration of someone • Donor cont a(t information includ ing name1 address and phone num ber (o r email address if through PayPa l).