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TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN TIER 3 CARLSBAD CORPORATE PLAZA PARKING STRUCTURE Carlsbad, California March 6, 2020 LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Prepared by: Under the Supervision of: Román Lopez, PTP Walter Musial, P.E. Transportation Planner II Principal LI NS COTT LAW & GREENS PAN engineers Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers 4542 Ruffner Street Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92111 858.300.8800 T 858.300.8810 F www.llgengineers.com LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx i Tiered Requirements TDM requirements for new developments vary by development type and the expected average daily employee trips (see Table 1 TDM Plan Applicability). Table 1 TDM Plan Applicability ADT New Development Tenant Improvement <110 Exempt 110 – 220 Tier 1 Tier 1 221 – 275 Tier 2 Tier 2 >275 Tier 3 Tier 2 Table 2 Employee ADT Estimation for Various Commercial Uses Use Employee ADT, 1st 1,000 SF Employee ADT/1,000 SF thereafter Office – all uses 13.0 13.0 Restaurant 11.0 11.0 Retail 8.0 4.5 Industrial 4.0 3.5 Footnotes: a. Unless otherwise noted, rates estimated from ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th edition. b. For all office categories. Calibrated based on typical number of employees/square foot for office uses. c. Retail uses include shopping center, variety store, supermarket, gyms, pharmacy, etc. Employee ADT Calculation Land Use: Office Size: 79,969 SF 13 trips – first 1,000 SF 13 trips - Emp ADT / 1,000 SF thereafter 79,969 SF – 1,000 SF = 78,969 SF (78,969 / 1,000) x 13 = 1,027 1,027 + 13 = 1,040 Tier Determination The Project is a calculated to generate 1,040 employee ADT. Although it is primarily a tenant improvement, the Project also entails construction of a parking structure. Therefore, a Tier 3 TDM plan will be prepared. LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx ii How to Use this Document: Non-residential developments that meet trip generation thresholds specified in the city’s TDM Ordinance must submit a TDM Plan. This template applies to projects identified as Tier 2 and Tier 3 projects. The average new development is required to submit and implement a TDM plan that achieves 18 points. The average redevelopment/tenant improvement is required to submit and implement a plan that achieves 9 points. The Carlsbad Transportation Administrator (TA) is available to support developers with TDM Ordinance compliance and completion of your plan. To get started or for questions, please contact: Jennifer Horodyski at (760) 602-2747 or via email at Jennifer.horodyski@carlsbadca.gov The process for non-residential development is outlined graphically below. The TDM plan process is organized into two separate parts: 1. All developments subject to the ordinance must submit Part I: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM Strategies of the TDM plan prior to building permit issuance. 2. Part II of the TDM Plan consists of non-infrastructure strategies and must be submitted and approved prior to certificate of occupancy issuance. Build-to-suit projects and tenant improvements may submit Part II along with Part I prior to building permit issuance. Lastly, all developments are required to begin to monitor the alternative mode share of commute trips to the site through employee surveys within 12 months of reaching 75 percent occupancy or within 18 months of initial occupancy, whichever comes first. Developments with multiple buildings or phases are required to conduct employee surveys within 12 months of reaching 75 percent occupancy of the first building or within 18 months of initial occupancy of the first building, whichever occurs first. For more detailed information please refer to section 2, Non-Residential Developer TDM Plan Guidelines within the TDM Handbook LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx iii Preapplication 1. Consultation Initiate TOM 2. Plan Development 3. Pre-Occupancy 4. Inspection & Part 2 Plan Review 5. Monitoring Build-to-suit Does project meet threshold for ordinance? Yes i Background & Pa rt 1: Infrastructure Part 2: Non-Infrast ructure & Implementation (may be completed anytime prior to pre-occupancy inspection) Building Permit Certificate of Occupancy Baseline Employee Commute Survey & Report Ongoing Employee Commute Survey & Report (ever 2 ears) Build-to-spec Does project meet threshold for ordinance? Yes Background & Part 1: Infrastructure Update Background, Part 2: Non-Infrastructure & Implementation Certificate of Occupancy Baseline Employee Commute Survey & Report Ongoing Employee Commute Survey & Report ever 2 ears Discretionary Does project meet threshold for ordinance? Yes Background & Pa rt 1: Infrastructure Discretionary Permit Update Background, Part 2: Non-Infrastructure & Implementation Certificate of Occupancy Baseline Employee Commute Survey & Report Ongoing Employee Commute Survey & Report ever 2 ears D developer deliverable -city approval LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx iv TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM Strategies ..................... 1 1.1 Developer Profile ................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Project Information ............................................................................................................. 1 1.2.1 Project Interim Transportation Coordinator ............................................................ 2 1.2.2 Land Use and Area.................................................................................................. 2 1.2.3 Automobile Parking ................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Existing Conditions & TDM Context ................................................................................. 3 1.4 Infrastructure TDM Selections ........................................................................................... 7 1.5 Authorization for Building Permit Issuance ..................................................................... 12 2.0 Non-Infrastructure TDM Strategies, Implementation and Monitoring Plan .................... 13 2.1 Non-Infrastructure TDM Selection ................................................................................... 13 2.1.1 Required Strategies ............................................................................................... 13 2.1.2 Elective Strategies ................................................................................................. 14 2.2 Implementation (New Developments Only) ..................................................................... 21 2.3 Monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 22 2.4 Authorization for Certificate of Occupancy ..................................................................... 23 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 1 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND, EXISTING CONDITIONS AND INFRASTRUCTURE TDM STRATEGIES Submission Date: March 5, 2020 Prepared By: Linscott, Law & Greenspan Engineers This section must be completed prior to building permit issuance and is required to be updated prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. 1.1 Developer Profile Developer Name: Scott Leggett, Nextmed III Property Manager Name: Developer Mailing Address: 6125 Paseo Del Norte Suite 210 Number Street Suite Carlsbad CA 92011 City State Zip Code Primary Contact Bill Hofman, Hofman Planning Email:Bhofman@Hofmanplanning.com Phone: 1.2 Project Information Project Name: Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure Project Address: 6183 & 6185 Paseo Del Norte Number Street Suite Carlsbad CA 92011 City State Zip Code LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 2 1.2.1 Project Interim Transportation Coordinator ☒Developer agrees to provide an on-site Interim Transportation Coordinator responsible for ensuring the infrastructure is developed as agreed upon with the City of Carlsbad, development and execution of TDM Plan requirements, and transitioning Transportation Coordinator duties to new owners or property managers upon occupancy. Provide name, title, and contact information. This individual may be the primary contact listed above for the project. 1.2.2 Land Use and Area Complete the chart below to include each non-residential use, gross floor area and expected number of employees allocated to each use. Land Use GFA Employees H-0 Hospital C-1 Neighborhood Commercial C-2 General Commercial C-T Commercial Tourist C-M Heavy Commercial C-L Local Shopping Center O Office 79,969 GFA 160 V-R Village Review L-C Limited Control M Industrial P-M Planned Industrial Total 79,969 GFA 160 Technical Note: 2 employees per 1,000 GFA office assumed. 1.2.3 Automobile Parking Automobile Parking Existing # of Allocated Spaces Proposed # of Allocated Spaces Proposed # of New Parking Spaces Surface Parking Spaces 306 254 (52) Structure Parking Spaces 0 97 97 Total Parking Spaces 306 351 45 Kelly GergurichNextMed Group Kelly@surgeryone.com 858-361-0984 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Suite 210 Carlsbad, CA 92011 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 3 1.3 Existing Conditions & TDM Context Complete the following section to establish existing conditions and TDM context. Relevant Existing TDM Infrastructure Network Please provide a brief discussion or map that describes the alternative transportation infrastructure available that serves the project site. Include the following items: •Pedestrian Infrastructure adjacent to the site (e.g. sidewalks, nearby crosswalks or signalized crossings) •Bike infrastructure by type (e.g. Class I, II, or III) adjacent to the site •Transit or shuttle services serving the site with a stop/station within ¼ mile (or a 5-minute walk) Relevant Project-Specific TDM Infrastructure (Tenant Improvements Only) Please provide a brief discussion and site plan describing the onsite TDM infrastructure currently available: •Number of public bike racks and approximate location with regards to building entrance •Average utilization of bike racks (in %) •Number secure bike racks (specify whether in bike cage, bike room or bike lockers) •Average utilization of bike racks (in %) •Number of designated carpool/vanpool spaces and location with regards to building entrance •Average utilization of carpool/vanpool spaces (in %) •Any other infrastructure or services available to property tenants that encourage the use of public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, walking and biking, such as a bike repair station, an onsite shelter or waiting area for buses or shuttles, etc. No relevant project-specific infrastructure is currently in place. •Sidewalks are provided on both streets adjacent to the Project site, Camino Del Parque and PaseoDel Norte. •Class II bike lanes are provided on Paseo Del Norte adjacent to the Project site. •There are currently no HOV lanes on nearby regional facilities (I-5). The I-5 Express Lanes projectis under construction to add two express lanes in each direction from Lomas Santa Fe Drive to StateRoute 78. There are no park-and-ride lots in the immediate vicinity. The closest park-and-ride lot islocated on La Costa Avenue. •Transit service is provided by NCTD Routes 444/445, with stops located approximately 0.4 milesfrom the Project site on Palomar Airport Road, east of Paseo Del Norte. LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 4 Environmental In the box below, please provide maps of the relevant topographical and experiential conditions that will influence travel behaviors to the project site. At a minimum, provide the following: •A Google map with terrain view and bike lanes showing approximately a 2-mile radius around the site •Photos (or street view screenshot) of the roads adjacent to the property •If relevant, discuss additional environmental aspects that may impact use of active and alternative transportation, such as traffic speeds, pedestrian safety, lighting, etc.) Pedestrian and bicycle barriers such as natural topography (i.e. Canyon De Las Encinas) and manmade structures (i.e. Interstate 5) may impede active transportation mobility. A topography map shown below illustrates these potential barriers. Elevation changes along Paseo Del Norte are minimal with an approximate 10-foot elevation change from the project site to Palomar Airport Road. ,,_63/t NIKE ~ Coaster-Carlsbad Po{B)ttla ,,_ 168ft Palomar Airport Rd Costco se.a Gate Rd J3ft 1.dlllUll!ld Resort ~ 8. ,.193ft Q ,. 190ft Poinsettia Park Beacon Bay Dr :;; ~ Seahorse Ct ~ lighthouse Rd I I < 3 ~ Paclf Elem ~ Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS, FEMA J SanGIS, Esri, HERE, Garmin LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 5 Project-Specific and/or Nearby Amenities Count and report the number of project-specific and neighboring amenities onsite or within a 5-minute walk (1/4 mile) of the project site and provide map. •Report the number of amenities or establishments by type. Include number of food establishments, child-care facilities, fitness/healthcare facilities and other relevant services such as dry-cleaning that can impact trip generation. Anticipated Workforce and Commute Patterns The makeup of the existing or anticipated workforce will help shape the approach to TDM for a given site. Include the following: •Existing or anticipated commute hours based on shifts or typical work hours •Existing or anticipated percentage of part-time employees •If available, any existing commuting information, such as the percentage of employees using different commute modes and the average commute distance. The Project’s anticipated workforce is expected to be up to 160 employees. The Project is expected to have typical 8am-5pm business hours with a mix of full-time and part-time shifts. The average mode split for the City of Carlsbad is shown below. The information is based on Census data and the Project is expected to have similar travel patterns. Carlsbad Ranch Market and Tip Top Meats are located approximately ¼ mile from the site. The commercial area extends northward on either side of Paseo Del Norte and contains several food establishments and a dry cleaners which are less than ½ mile from the site. Means of transportation to work 77% Drove alone Carpooled Public transit 0% Bicycle • Universe: Workers 16 years and over; ACS 2017 5-year data 1% Walked Other 12%i Worked at home Show data/ Embed LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 6 Anticipated Workforce and Commute Patterns (cont.) The anticipated commuter distribution is shown below. ~ ca•/ [n¾j ~ \ '"~ Pacific Ocean §) 0 @ 5bm'/II\IE!~ I~ 1noo: :1:1 1r , Di!.'.riculbn "llt oul!loo i,p,□imutixl G) [63,%] 0 ~ ' 't-6'11 'II -.l_ --4'!1. "" !I · MP!f1Rll ~ Gi-"~'1-, <!P /~ P.a!'«, Nate \.---'\ 137%] i \ @ @ i ~ ~ ' .. :! .... :n1' nr, 2='11, ............. ------2Til ( 33,. i r . f j ~:ti © ~ ~'II .... t..noC.t..Q,d,,, 63'1, J 3 'Ii, ~ ; :!I i ' ~ !( "' @ m .. ,,-2n. -.. 1 - <D -Nlio -.. ,,,_,. 9'11 5 0 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 7 1.4 Infrastructure TDM Selections The developer will work with the TA to determine infrastructure strategies applicable to the site and the appropriate placement of TDM infrastructure. Please reference Table 2-4 Menu of TDM Strategies, Part I: Infrastructure found in the Non- Residential Developer TDM Plan Guidelines within the TDM handbook for infrastructure strategies and points. An average project is required to achieve a total of 18 points, while a redevelopment/tenant improvement is required to achieve 9 points. Required strategies add 4 points towards the total required number of points. New developments must achieve a minimum of 6 points through infrastructure strategies unless otherwise agreed upon with city staff. Tenant improvement projects are eligible to achieve all required points in Part II. In case of a tenant improvement, if the tenant has access to any infrastructure amenity below, the tenant can claim that amenity in their plan unless that amenity does not meet minimum standards or is, on average, full utilized, such as two carpool spaces are both occupied on most weekdays. The capacity of an existing infrastructure amenity will need to be evaluated at the time the strategy is proposed. Points not earned through infrastructure strategies will be expected to be earned in Part II. Reference Part II strategies to ensure the appropriate infrastructure is selected to support desired amenities or programs. Infrastructure strategies must be selected and approved prior to building permit issuance. Programmatic strategies in Part II may be submitted after the building permit has been issued, but must be approved prior to occupancy. Check the box to the left of the strategy to include it in the plan. Provide information as requested in the box below the strategy and indicate the points requested for the strategy, using the handbook as a guide. For strategies with a range of points, work with the TA who will assist in determining the appropriate number of points based on the unique context of the site and the proposed project. Refer to the Carlsbad TDM Handbook for details about each strategy. LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 8 ☐Secure Bike Parking Points Requested: 0 Indicate the number of secure, long-term bike parking spaces to be provided, how they will be accessed and where they will be located on the project site. Refer to the handbook for the number of spaces required to earn points. If practical, include location on the site map. ☒Public Bike Parking Points Requested: 1 Indicate the number of short-term spaces and the type of bike rack to be provided and where they will be located on the project site. Refer to the handbook for the number of spaces required to earn points and guidance on installation. If practical, include location on the site map. Short-term bicycle parking will be provided for the project site. A location visible or in close proximity to the entrance is ideal. The location of bicycle parking is indicated on the site plan. A minimum of eighteen (18) bicycle parking spaces will be provided at a rate of 1 space per 20 parking spaces. (352 / 20 = 17.6) The bicycle rack shall meet minimum performance criteria which include a) supports bike upright without putting stress on wheels, b) accommodates a variety of bicycles and attachments, c) allows locking of frame and at least one wheel with a u-lock, d) provides security and longevity with a sturdy and well-anchored rack, and e) rack use is intuitive. Below are potential rack styles that typically meet the performance criteria and will be considered for the project. Inverted U or Post & Ring racks can be used as double-sided, requiring 9 racks for 18 spaces. Wheelwell-secure racks would require 18 racks for the same number of spaces. N/A INVERTED U also called staple. loop POST&RING WHEELWELL- SECURE nn Common style appropriate for many uses: two poin s o ground contact. Can be installed in series on rails to create a free-standing parki ng area in variable quantities. Available in many variations. Common style appropriate for many uses: one point of ground contact. Compared to inverted-U racks. these are less prone to unintended perpendicular parking. Products exist for converting unused parking meter posts. Includes an element that er dies one wheel Design and perform nee vary by manufacturer: typically contains bikes well, which is desirable for long-term par ing and in large-scale installations (e.g. campus); accommodates fewer bicycle types and attachments th n the two styles above. LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 9 ☒Bicycle Repair Station Points Requested: 1 Describe what items will be included in the bicycle repair station and where it will be located within the project site. ☐Micromobility Parking Points Requested: 0 Indicate where micromobility parking space (or interim bike racks) will be located on the project site. If practical, include location on the site map. ☐Transit Shelter Additions or Improvements Points Requested: 0 Describe the location of transit stops and what types of additions/improvements are being proposed. ☒Preferential Parking for Car/Vanpools Points Requested: 2 Indicate the number of carpool and vanpool reserved spaces to be provided and where they will be located on the project site. Refer to the handbook for guidance on the required number of spaces. Maximum points will be awarded when offered in conjunction with ride-matching services. The project will provide preferential parking for carpool and vanpools. Carpool or vanpool serve one or more employees to share a ride to the same destination. There are also online marketplaces or ride-matching to assist employees secure a ride. A minimum of eight (8) parking spaces will be provided at a rate of 5% of employee parking spaces based on 160 employees (as shown in Section 1.2.2). The spaces will be provided close to and visible from the building entrance to encourage use and are indicated on the site plan. N/A A bicycle repair station will be provided on-site. The bicycle repair station will provide on-site tools and will include at a minimum a repair stand, air pumps, and other hand tools to quickly complete minor bicycle repairs. The project Day Porter will be the caretaker of the on-site tools and will be accessible at the front entrance. Information of the bicycle repair station will be posted in the common area of the project entrance to ensure tenants are aware of this resource. LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 10 ☐Parking Spaces for Car Share Vehicles Points Requested: 0 Indicate the number of reserved spaces to be provided for car share vehicles and where they will be located on the project site. Should be offered in conjunction with car share vehicles. ☐End of Trip Facilities Points Requested: 0 Indicate the number of showers and changing rooms and where they will be located on the site/building plan. ☐On-site Amenities Points Requested: 0 Discuss the on-site amenities that will be located at the development and explain how these offerings will mitigate trips rather than serve as trip-generators. Discuss discounts available to tenants if applicable. Provide a map showing the location of these amenities. ☐Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections Points Requested: 0 Provide a map showing proposed pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and connections to existing facilities. ☒Passenger Loading Zone Points Requested: 1 Describe location of and denote loading zone on building/site plan. A passenger loading zone will be provided by the project. The loading zone will provide a formalized area for passenger, ride-hailing (i.e. Uber, Lyft), or other transportation service pick-up/drop-off. The loading zone will provided at the entrance ‘breezeway’ as indicated on site plan. N/A N/A N/A N/A LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 11 ☐Innovation (Infrastructure-Based)Points Requested: 0 Describe the strategy and discuss how it will lead to reduced single-occupancy vehicle trips to and from the site. N/A 1.5 Authorization for Building Permit Issuance By signing below, Developer certifies that the information provided in this document is complete and accurate. By signing this document, a developer is committing to build/provide the infrastructure strategies identified in this document. Failure to provide the identified infrastructure may result in a building not obtaining an occupancy permit until such infrastructure is constructed or other commitments are made to reduce vehicle trips by an amount equivalent to the trips that would have likely been reduced by constructing and providing the listed infrastructure strategies. The developer also acknowledges that commitments to implement additional TOM strategies and monitor and report on those strategies must be made prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. These commitments can be made by completing Part 2 of this document and obtaining subsequent approval of the proposed strategies and monitoring plan. Name and Signature of Developer Representative or Designated Applicant: 0/4::\.-\-1-l-. \_~=-''-'!-'_.-~ ~. '-P &=""+--·-_J_2 -I '--/ -2. Q..., _ __, Printed Name Signature Date Name and Signature of Interim Transportation Coordinator (if different from above): b ec\\~c~~~Q{-"'-"-'1--'' l'-'~:q.,-;_ ;y-,___ Printed Name Signature Date Name and Signature of City of Carlsbad Representative: ~'P_ri_n_te_d_N_a __ m_e _____ -~'S_i~gn __ a_t_u_re __________ ,Date LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers 12 LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N.\3089\TOM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Drafl docx LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx13 2.0 NON-INFRASTRUCTURE TDM STRATEGIES, IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING PLAN Submission Date: March 5, 2020 Prepared by: Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers. This section must be completed prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. 2.1 Non-Infrastructure TDM Selection The developer will work with the TA to determine strategies applicable to the site. Please reference Table 2-5 Menu of TDM Strategies, Part II: Non-Infrastructure found in the Developer TDM Plan Guidelines within the TDM handbook for relevant infrastructure strategies and points. It is expected that Part II will contain a sufficient number of strategies to earn the remaining required points not earned through infrastructure strategies. A total of 18 points is required from Part I and Part II combined for new developments and 9 points for redevelopments/tenant improvements. Required strategies add 4 points towards the required total. The non-infrastructure strategies are organized into the following categories: amenities, policies, developer/employer programs, employer programs, partnerships and innovation. A well-rounded, effective and sustainable TDM plan should include strategies from multiple categories and be applicable to the anticipated workforce and commute patterns. Check the box to the left of the strategy if it will be included in the development. Provide information as requested in the box below the strategy. Additionally, indicate the points requested for the strategy. Refer to the Carlsbad TDM Handbook for additional guidance and for the number of points available for each strategy. 2.1.1 Required Strategies ☒Transportation Coordinator Points: 1 All developments subject to the TDM ordinance are required to designate an on-site transportation coordinator responsible for ensuring that infrastructure is maintained, policies and programs are implemented, and amenities and partnerships are maintained as described in the approved TDM Plan and otherwise ensuring compliance with City of Carlsbad TDM Plan requirements. Provide the name, title and contact information for the TC. Kelly Gergurich NextMed Group Kelly@surgeryone.com 858-361-0984 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Suite 210 Carlsbad, CA 92011 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx14 ☒Distribute New Hire Transportation Information Points: 1 All development subject to the TDM ordinance are required to ensure that transportation options information is distributed to new employees during the hiring and orientation process. ☒Citywide TDM Program Points: 2 Transportation Coordinators of all developments subject to the TDM ordinance are required to meet with the citywide TDM programs outreach staff on a regular basis (at least annually) and participate in at least one event held by the citywide TDM program (if available). 2.1.2 Elective Strategies Amenities ☐Car Share Vehicles Points Requested: 0 Identify the number of car share vehicles that will be provided on-site and if these vehicles will be provided by an existing car share operator or by the employer/property owner. Indicate whether membership will be fully or partially subsidized for employees/tenants. Indicate the number of reserved spaces to be provided for car share vehicles and where they will be located on the project site. ☐Micromobility Service Credits Points Requested: 0 Describe the micromobility service that will be available for use by employees/tenants and the level of service credits/subsidy. Indicate if all employees/tenants will have access to the service credits and how the program will be administered. N/A N/A LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx15 ☒Real-Time Travel Information Points Requested: 0 Describe the proposed location of the resources and any other relevant information (i.e., range of the WiFi hotspot, location of real-time travel information screens or kiosk). ☒Mobile On-site Amenities Points Requested: 1 Discuss the mobile on-site amenities that will be located at the development and explain how these offerings will mitigate trips rather than serve as trip-generators. Discuss discounts available to tenants. Provide a map showing the location of these amenities if applicable and discuss agreements between vendors and schedules. Policies ☒TDM in Leases and Purchase Agreements Points Requested: 4 Applies to new developments only. Provide language that will be included in the lease that will allow for TDM supporting roles. The applicant shall establish requirements in leases that bind tenants to comply and support the current project TDM strategies. Specific requirements shall include: •Identifying a liaison to the Transportation Coordinator •Agreeing to participate in transportation surveys or focus groups •Committing to distribute transportation materials (including new hire information), ridematchinginformation, information about at least one citywide event/challenge, and any other mobilityinformation shared by the property owner/manager. •Agreeing to communicate carpool/vanpool parking parameters and potential fines for infringement toemployees •Agreeing to explore employer policies and programs that enable and incentivize employees to reducetheir drive alone commuting. The project will provide access to on-site amenities which focus on reducing employee discretionary trips to/from the site. The applicant will explore opportunities with vendors to provide food trucks, mobile cafes, mobile dry cleaning, and other services based on tenant demand. The applicant will use online booking platforms and coordinate with vendors directly. The mobile amenities will be provided near the building entrance and the Transportation Coordinator (TC) will assist in facilitating services without disrupting on-site circulation. The location for mobile amenities is indicated on the site plan. N/A LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 16 ☐Non-Standard Vehicle Policies Points Requested: 0 Applies to new developments only. Describe the site’s non-traditional vehicle management plan. This strategy may be implemented with the non-standard vehicle parking infrastructure strategy (micromobility/ bicycle/etc.). N/A LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx17 Developer/Employer Programs ☐Mobility Services Incentives Budget Points Requested: 0 Include details of program including how the program will be administered. Indicate the total annual budget, describe what percentage of the workforce will be eligible to participate, how the program will be marketed and how participation will be monitored. ☒Ride-matching Services Points Requested: 1 Developer should discuss plans to create an internal ride-matching program. At a minimum, developer will promote existing ride-matching platform. ☐Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) Services Points Requested: 1 Developer should discuss plans to create an internal GRH program. At a minimum, developer will promote existing services, such as SANDAG’s iCommute. The project will communicate SANDAG’s GHG service as a ride option to the tenants of both buildings The project shall promote existing ride-matching platforms such as Waze Carpool through on-going outreach and the travel information/mobility options bulletin board. N/A X LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 18 ☒Marketing and Outreach Points Requested: 2 Include details of marketing and outreach efforts. Employer Programs ☐ Telework Program Points Requested: 0 Include information about the program, such as the infrastructure policies that will be available to support teleworking, the anticipated percentage of employees that will be eligible and any limits or guidance on the number of days employees can telework per week or month. The number of points range based on the expected number of telework days and associated trip reductions (see handbook for further guidance. ☐ Flexible/Alternative Work Schedules Points Requested: 0 Include information about the program, such as the anticipated percentage of employees that will be eligible and any limits or guidance on the arrangements that are acceptable. N/A N/A The project will provide marketing and outreach to encourage tenants to make sustainable travel choices. As part of these efforts, a travel information/mobility options bulletin board will be provided at the entrance common areas of each building or other suitable location. The travel information/mobility options bulletin board will provide a community map that shows area businesses/parks/community centers, information on existing area bicycle lanes and on-site parking/repair station, transit stops/service/timetables, car/vanpool information and on-site preferential parking, ride-matching services and car sharing preferential parking, micromobility options and on-site parking, mobile on-site amenities, and online resources or “apps” that may assist employee transportation planning. The Transportation Coordinator’s (TC) contact information will also be provided. The project shall conduct an annual event for employees where they can learn about their travel options and interact with their neighbors and fellow employees, e.g., barbeques, food truck events. On-going outreach between the TC and tenants to educate employees about their travel options and encourage them to commute using sustainable travel modes. LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 19 ☐ Alternative Transportation Incentive Points Requested: 0 Include details of program including how the program will be administered. Indicate the total annual budget, describe what percentage of the workforce will be eligible to participate, how the program will be marketed and how participation will be monitored. ☐ Commuter Tax Benefits Points Requested: 0 Include how the program will be marketed to employees. ☐ Customized Travel Plans Points Requested: 0 Identify department/position that will be responsible for implementation. Partnerships ☐ Establish and Maintain Partnerships with Area Businesses Points Requested: 0 Identify partner business(es) or entities and the TDM resource(s) that will be provided through the partnership. Describe how costs will be shared. N/A N/A N/A N/A LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan 3rd Draft.docx20 ☐Establish and Maintain Partnerships with Private Vendors Points Requested: 0 Identify partner business(es) or entities and the TDM resource(s) that will be provided through the partnership. Innovation ☐Innovation (Non-Infrastructure-Based)Points Requested: 0 Describe the strategy and discuss how it will lead to reduced single-occupancy vehicle trips to and from the site. SUMMARY OF TDM STRATEGIES & REQUESTED POINTS Infrastructure Strategies Strategy Points Public Bike Parking 1 Bicycle Repair Station 1 Preferential Parking for Car/Vanpools 2 Passenger Loading Zone 1 Sub-total Infrastructure 5 Non-Infrastructure Strategies Strategy Points Required Strategies Transportation Coordinator 1 Distribute New Hire Transportation Information 1 Citywide TDM Program 2 Elective Strategies Guaranteed Ride Home 1 Mobile On-Site Amenities 1 TDM in Leases and Purchase Agreements 4 Ride-matching Services 1 Marketing and Outreach 2 Sub-total Non-Infrastructure 13 Grand Total 18 N/A N/A 2.2 Implementation (New Developments Only) By signing below, developer agrees to inform the city of a sale and provide contact information for a new owner to ensure that the plan will continue throughout the life of the project. Name an d Si1mature of Develo er Reoresentative or Desi1mated A mlicant: ~ ~jj:_ __ I::\_, ~~ __ s~~- Printed Name Signature LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers 21 l..o 'Q ~_cl± I '2.. -I '=I -2J'' Date LLG Ref. 3Hl9H3089 Carlsbad Corporalc Plaza Parking Structure N:\3089\TDM Plan\3089 TOM Plan 3rd Draft doc:-t 2.3 Monitoring By signing below, developer agrees to distribute commute surveys to employees every two years following the baseline survey conducted within 12 months of occupancy reaching 75 percent or within 18 months of initial occupancy. Alternatively, developer may provide a copy of the signed lease that stipulates that the employer tenant(s) will administer employee commute surveys on the same schedule. In addition, developer acknowledges the interim and final alternative mode share goals, listed below, that the development is required to achieve. Should the goals not be achieved, transportation coordinator agrees to work with the citywide program to identify and implement additional measures suitable to the project site . . Present till 2025 25% 24% 2025 -2029 30% 26% 2030-2034 35% 28% 2035 on 40% 30% Name and Si natnre of Develo er Re resentative or Designated A _.s_~ t-\: ~ . '-.t J ~ t\ -:r: \.\ '\..,_ Printed Name Signature LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPA~, engineers 22 Iicant: Date LLG Ref. 3~ I 9~3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\1089\TDM Plan\3089 TOM Plan 3rd Draft.docx 2.4 Authorization for Certificate of Occupancy By signing below, Developer certifies that the information provided in this document is complete and accurate. By signing this document, a developer is committing to providing the non- infrastructure (Part 2) strategies identified in this document. Unless other arrangements have been made with the city, failure to provide the identified strategies may result in fines, payable to the city or transportation management association for the implementation of additional TDM strategies either at the development or elsewhere within the city, or revocation of occupancy permit. Name and Si licant: ·~----~-~-~'r---------~~----'t· s tA-\-\ Printed Name Date Name and Si nature of Interim Trans ortation Coordinator if different from above : _h~~\ \ ~ &.e..,v _gu-i,c~, ~ \ 2--1 ~ --:)..,6 Printed Name Signature Date Name an · nature of Ci (\~.f.ev Printed Name LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers 23 Date LLG Ref. 3-19-3089 Carlsbad Corporate Plaza Parking Structure N:\.1089\TDM Plan\3089 TDM Plan Jf<I Drallrlocx A R C H I T E C T U R E13280 Evening Creek Drive South | Suite 125San Diego, CA 92128858.793.4777 | sca-sd.com2 0 1 8 S M I T H C O N S U L T I N G A R C H I T E C T S 19000.S01 NH 3/6/2019 - - - - - - DRAWING DATE: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: SCALE: JOB NUMBER: SHEET NUMBER: PLANNING: DESIGN DEVELOPMENT: PLAN CHECK: BID SET: PERMIT SET: CONSTRUCTION SET: SUBMITTAL DATES: ISSUE DATES:6183 & 6185 Paseo Del NorteNexMed - Parking GarageCarlsbad, Ca 92011ML - 3/6/19 2nd SUBMITTAL REVIEW 6-17-19 3rd SUBMITTAL REVIEW 8-12-19 4th SUBMITTAL REVIEW 11-19-19SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDF W W W SSSS S S S S S S S S S S S S S SSSSSS S S S FFFFF WWWW W WWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W W SD SDSDSDWWWWWWWWWWWWSDSDSDSD SD SD SDWWW F SSSSSSSSSSSS S S S S S S S S S S S SSSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDFFNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNO PARKIN G NO PARKING NOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGVANPOOLCLEAN AIR/EVVANPOOLVANPOOLNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGVANEVCHARGINGONLYEVCHARGINGONLYEVCHARGINGONLYCLEAN AIR/EVCLEAN AIR/EVEVCHARGINGONLYPASSE N G E R LOADIN G CLEAN AI R/E V VANPO OL CLEAN AI R/ E V VANPOO L CLEAN AI R/ E V VANPOOL CLEAN AI R/E V VANPO OL CLEAN AI R/ E V VANPOOL CLEAN AIR/ E V VANPOOL MOBILE AMENITIE S 6183 P A S E O D EL N O R T E 2 - ST O R Y B UIL DI N G 34,992 s.f Gros s are a 6185 P A S E O D E L N O R T E 2 - STOR Y B UI L DI N G 44,977 s.f. Gro ss are a CONTACT: NED HASKELL SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS 13280 EVENING CREEK DR. S., SUITE 125 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92128 PHONE: (858) 793-4777 ARCHITECT: OWNER: CONTACT: RON STARK FAX: (949) 387-1303 PHONE: (949) 387-1323 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:CIVIL ENGINEER: PASCO LARET SUITER & ASSOCIATES SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 535 N. HIGHWAY 101, STE A FAX: (858) 259-4812 PHONE: (858) 259-8212 EXISTING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT SCHOOL DISTRICT: WATER DISTRICT: SEWER DISTRICT: PROPOSED USE: EXISTING ZONE: A.P.N.: PROJECT ADDRESS: .871 ACRES 37,940 S.F. 19%EXISTING BUILDING COVERAGE: 199,702 S.F. (4.585 ACRES)GROSS EXISTING LOT AREA: SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT, MINOR SITE DEVELOPMENT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT APPLICATIONS: YES III-BTYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BOCCUPANCY: CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF CARLSBAD MEDICAL OFFICE SP23(H) 6183 & 6185 PASEO DEL NORTE 211-040-18 PC (PLANNED COMMUNITY) STORM DRAIN DISTRICT:CITY OF CARLSBAD GAS & ELECTRIC:SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC FIRE SPRINKLERED: 3152 LIONSHEAD AVENUE PHONE: 760-692-4019 CARLSBAD, CA 92010 APPLICANT: HOFMAN PLANNING AND ENGINEERING CONTACT: BILL HOFMAN RIDGE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 3415, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 21, 1975 AS FILE NO. 75-01422 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. NONEPROJECT PHASING: EXISTING SIGNAGE UNCHANGEDSIGNAGE: (NOT INCLUDED IN THIS APPLICATION) 6125 PASEL DEL NORTE PHONE: CARLSBAD, CA 92011 NEXTMED III, LLC CONTACT: SCOTT LEGGETT CONTACT: RYAN TAYLOR 8841 RESEARCH DR. STE 200 8 (2 VAN) (3%)ADA STALLS: 221 (77%) EXISTING PARKING STANDARD STALLS (8.5' X 20'): COMPACT STALLS (8' X 15'):77 (25%) 306 EXISTINGTOTAL: 79,969 S.F.GROSS BUILDING AREA 35,360 S.F.PROPOSED SINGLE LEVEL PARKING GARAGE 0 10' 30'100' SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" PROPOSED PARKING PROVIDED 351 TOTALTOTAL: EXISTING LAND USE:OFFICE 10 (3%)PROPOSED ADA STALLS: 265 (76%)PROPOSED STANDARD STALLS PROPOSED COMPACT STALLS 76 (21%) 5 BUILDING SITE PALOMAR AIRPORT RD.PASEODELN O R T E 26'-0" 15'-0"10'-0" SETBACK 47 59 70 CONTACT: RAY THOPSON MWE ENGINEERING, INC 4115 SORRENTO VALLEY BLVD. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 PHONE: (858) 812-9162 ELECTRICAL: 5 PARKING STALL COUNT 5c c - REPRESENTS DESIGNATION COMPACT STALLS FIRE HYDRANT: 2'-0'' OVERHANG (WHERE OCCURS)15'-0"18'-0"8'-6" 8'-0" PARKING STALLS: SITE ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL (MIN. 4' WIDE) PARCEL LINES STORM WATER TREATMENT FACILITY (BIORETENTION.) EXISTING E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 71 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 82 E E E E E E E E E E 102 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT:(E) E E - REPRESENTS DESIGNATION FOR EXISTING STALLSEXISTING PARKING LOT LIGHTS (E)(E) EXISTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING WATER LINE EXISTING SEWER LINE EXISTING STORM WATER (E) FIRE TRUCK TURNING RADIUS: (42' DIA. CITY OF CARLSBAD F.D.) 115 E E E E E E E E E E E E E 1 10E E E E E FIRE LANE 147 13717 19 11 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 119 136 10'-0"15'-0"24'-6"6'-0"10'-0"FIRE LANE24'-0"19'-0"19'-0"26'-0"18'-0" FIRE LANE 1'-9" 24'-6"42'-7"14'-0"1 1 1 BIO RETENTION PER CIVIL DRAWINGS 2 EXISTING ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER 3 EXISTING SEWER MAIN PER CIVIL DRAWING 4 EXISTING WATER LINE WITH PUBLIC EASEMENT PER CIVIL DRAWINGS 2 3 4 20'-0"WATER LINEEASEMENT5 5 EXISTING LIGHT POLE TO BE REMOVED (6 TOTAL) 6 6 EXISTING COOLING TOWER YARD UNCHANGED. 7 EXISTING ACCESSIBLE PATH 7 CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 35,900 S.F. - SINGLE LEVEL PARKING GARAGE WITH 98 SPACES ON THE UPPER LEVEL. INCLUDES MODIFICATION TO EXISTING ON GRADE PARKING IN ORDER FOR BOTH ON GRADE PARKING AND FIRE LANES TO FUNCTION WITH THE NEW PARKING GARAGE. NO CHANGES ARE PROPOSED TO THE EXISTING BUILDINGS. 8 PROPOSED SITE STAIR TO EXISTING PATH LINE OF PARKING STRUCTURE EXISTING SLOPE 3 20'-0" EASE M E N T 2 0 ' - 0 " E AS EM EN T 24'-0"RAMP UP 2 0 ' - 6 " 2 0 ' - 0 " 25'-4"22'-10"2 4 ' - 9 " 1 8 ' - 0 " 1 2 ' - 4 " 9 9 PROPOSED COVERED TRASH ENCLOSURE PER CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS. 10 EXISTING STORM DRAIN LINE PER CIVIL DRAWINGS 11 PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LINES. 12 PROPOSED RELOCATED WATER LINE & EASEMENT PER CIVIL DRAWINGS. 10 11 12 21'-0"15'44'-0"13 13 EXISTING RETAINING WALL TO REMAIN UNCHANGED. 3 16 26 27 32 33 46 58 81 92 93 103 126 127 148 159 118 117 172 173 116 200 201 216 228 229 241 242 253 272'-0"132'-0"160 185 186 215 SEE SHEET A2 FOR GRADE AND UPPER LEVEL PARKING LAYOUT 14 14 EXISTING CONCRETE BLOCK SCREEN WALL 6'-0" UNCHANGED. E - REPRESENTS DESIGNATION FOR EXISTING STALLS E COMPACT PARKING EXISTING STALLS: 519'-0"9'-0"PARKING GARAGE PROPOSED STALLS PARKING STALL COUNT EEE EE15 9 PARKING SPACES DENOTED FOR CLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EV SPACES PER TDM PLAN AND CAL GREEN TABLE (BASED ON 45 NEW PARKING SPACES) 16 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING PARKING SPACES "EV" PER CAL GREEN TABLE (BASED ON 45 NEW PARKING SPACES) 15 16 1.69 ACRES 73,840 S.F. 37%PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE: (BASED ON 46 NEW PARKING SPACES ADDED) 4E.V. PARKING SPACES PROVIDED CLEAN AIR/VAN POOL / EV SPACES 4 CLEAN AIR/ EV/VANPOOL SPACES PROVIDED: 16'-4" MAX HEIGHTPROPOSED PARKING GARAGE MAX HEIGHT PLAN AND COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 17 AN AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING AND DETECTION SYSTEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL BUILDINGS. DESIGNATED FIRE LANES SHALL BECOME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER TO HAVE SAID ACCESS RESTRICTIONS RECORDED, THAT THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN TO IDENTIFY AND ENSURE ENFORCEMENT OF THOSE DESIGNATED ACCESS. 1. 2. 17 PROPOSED AREA OF ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR PANELS - PER GROSS FLOOR AREA METHOD ON CLIMATE ACTION CHECKLIST (15 kWdc x 79,969/10000) = 119.953 kWdc REQUIRED AREA 320 PANELS @ 375 watts EA = 120 kWdc @ APPROX. 21sf / PANEL = 6,720 S.F. required PROVIDED AREA = 7,020 S.F. provided E SETBACKSETBACK51'-0" MIN 55'-6" MIN3°x7° GATE w/ INTERIOR PANIC BAR SITE ACCESS GATE ENTRANCE GATE CARD READER PARKING SPACE REQUIRE BY AREA: (see sheet A5 & A6 for floor plans) NET COMMON AREA - 12,701 sf @ 1 per 1000 NET USEABLE AREA - 67,268 sf @ 5 per 1000 13 spaces 336 spaces TOTAL REQUIRED 349 spaces (required) 17 17 2,340 sf 2,340 sf 2,340 sf NPROPOSED/RELOCATE LIGHT POLE N N N N N 5 15 18 18 PASSENGER LOADING ZONE PER TDM PLAN 19 19 18 BICYCLE SPACES INCLUDING A BICYCLE REPAIR STATION PER TDM PLAN 20 MOBILE ON-SITE AMENITIES ZONE PER TDM PLAN 20 SITE PLAN LEGEND ----- tx><I tx><I / 0 12] 0 L:'.] o-0 IT] a S 77"29'55" W 363.12' 363.12' .r I .------r---r-1 ,l ,l ~I tl }ID 8= _,,,_,,,_ JI -s s-11 ,• 1 I ti SD--J ..--~ / -/ ~---~ 01 SITE PLAN n,- u VICINITY MAP AMEND 2019-0002/SDP 2019-0003/CDP 2019-0005 (DEV2018-0131) EXISTING/ PROPOSED PROJECT DATA EXISTING/ PROPOSED LOT SUMMARY EXISTING/PROPOSED BUILDING AREA SUMMARY EXISTING PARKING SUMMARY PARKING SUMMARY PROJECT DESCRIPTION FIRE NOTES SITE PLAN LEGEND © co (.) en AS SHOWN A1