HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; Parks & Recreation Department ReportMeeting Date: Oct 17, 2022 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager Subject: Parks & Recreation Department Report Recommended Action Receive a presentation from the Parks & Recreation staff. Executive Summary Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager and Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager will report on recently completed and upcoming parks and recreation activities, and other topics of local interest. Exhibits 1.Department report 1 of 1 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT Oct. 17, 2022 GENERAL & RECREATION Master Plan Update The final step in the community outreach and input process – a statistically reliable survey – has been completed, and results are being tallied. The survey identified levels of support for a wide range of ideas that were shared through the earlier input opportunities. Households were selected at random to take this survey and have received it only via the United States Postal Service. However, the public had the opportunity to review a copy of the survey at www.carlsbadparksplan.com and provide additional feedback via email and/or the “Your Comments” form on the website. Recreation staff has developed and established core program areas, and the recreation and adults 50+ program assessments, benchmarking, and fee studies are currently underway. A draft of the master plan will be made available for input by the Senior Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission, City Council, and the public in early 2023, with a final draft scheduled to be presented to the City Council for adoption in spring 2023. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Services Parks & Recreation Department staff met recently with a special education program specialist at a local school to begin an interactive process to accommodate a student with disabilities participating in one of the recreation programs. While specific accommodations for this student were especially challenging, staff remained dedicated to finding a solution and making a reasonable accommodation. They worked with a diverse group of other city staff – including Human Resources, and the City Attorney’s Office, to develop and ratify a contract with Teri, Inc. for registered behavioral therapist services. With necessary and appropriate assistance, the student is now fully integrated in the recreation program, and is having a great time socializing, learning, and hanging out with new friends. Staff’s persistence, knowledge, thoughtfulness, and kindness were instrumental in bringing the specialized inclusion services to fruition. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Update In response to community and business feedback, staff worked with the Communications & Engagement Department in developing an outreach campaign to inform and educate the public on acceptable and encouraged lagoon uses. Staff is in the process of reviewing and updating the Agua Hedionda rules and regulations brochure. In addition, posted regulatory signs are being reviewed and updated. Superhero Obstacle Race Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Ninja Turtles, the Incredibles, Wonder Woman, and many other superheroes joined us on Oct. 2, 2022 to conquer the 20 obstacles set up throughout Alga Norte Community Park. Superheroes leaped tall buildings, captured crooks, conquered the colossal slide, climbed the rock walls, challenged the military maze, crawled through the toxic tunnels, and much more. The event was a resounding success, thanks in large part to the nearly 85 hero volunteers that came out to support the race and serve their community in the process. Día de los Muertos – Open House Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park 1 of 4 Oct. 29-30, 2022 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Visit Leo Carrillo Ranch Oct. 15 through Nov. 2, 2022 to view the beautiful Día de los Muertos decorations that celebrate and honor those who have departed. The Hacienda is adorned in rustic traditional decorations and colorful ceramic art that includes an ofrenda (offering table) that highlights the life of Leo Carrillo and his family. Free guided tours are available on weekends at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. When docents are on duty, the Hacienda is available on weekdays for self-guided touring and viewing by request when staff is available. Festival of Lanterns A night of light and reflection Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022 5 – 7 p.m. Alga Norte Aquatics Center 6565 Alicante Road Be a part of a special night of light and reflection as hundreds of lanterns are floated in the recreation pool. Purchase a lantern a head of time, or at the event, and design yours with pictures, inspirational messages, poems, thoughts, hopes and/or dreams. At dusk, we will launch the lanterns into the pool while enjoying entertainment including music, performances, and readings. Admission is free; $5 per lantern Holiday at the Rancho Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022 5 – 8 p.m. Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park 6200 Flying Leo Carrillo Lane Experience a classic holiday setting at Holiday at the Rancho as the park is lit up with holiday lights and decorations. Watch the holiday tree lighting at 5:45 p.m. on the sand near the pool. Decorate holiday cookies, create crafts, participate in the ‘plush’ snowball fight, and enjoy festive entertainment. Face painting, train rides, an outdoor movie and a special visit by Santa are also included. The holiday film, Home Alone (rated PG; 1990) will be featured on the outdoor movie screen starting at 6 p.m. All activities and entertainment are included with admission. Food, beverages, and souvenir photos are available for an additional charge. Tickets are available for presale or onsite. PARKS Veterans Memorial Park On May 16, 2022, the Parks & Recreation Commission accepted the final Veterans Memorial Park Maser Plan. Then, on June 15, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7453, approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Veterans Memorial Park; and Resolution No. 7454, approving Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006 for Veterans Memorial Park. On July 26, 2022, the City Council adopted the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, and made a finding of compliance with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard. The associated staff report remains posted to city’s web site: City Council Meetings | Carlsbad, CA (carlsbadca.gov). Staff is now coordinating with the design firm on the initial development of the park’s construction plans and specifications. The target period for completion of the park’s construction is Spring 2025. 2 of 4 Village H South Off-Leash Dog Area and Trail Segment 5B Project On July 28, 2022, staff submitted the entitlements application for this project to the Planning Division. On Sept. 1, 2022, staff distributed a City Council memorandum, with an update on the environmental review and entitlement permit processing, as well as revision to the parking lot size and alignment. The notice of project application sign was installed, an e-mail blast sent to residents, an update posted on the Village H South Off- Leash Dog Area and Trail Connection Project website, and notification letters were mailed to all residents within 600’ of project, on Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022. On Oct. 11, 2022, the City Council adopted the Carlsbad Strategic Plan for 2023-2027: 638006528101870000 (carlsbadca.gov). Prior to adopting the strategic plan, however, the City Council opted to deprioritize the Village H South Off-Leash Dog Area and Trail Connection Project until staff has the opportunity to concentrate more on the other priority projects: Oct 11, 2022 City Council Meeting - Carlsbad, CA (swagit.com). A list of those priority projects is listed under the Community Character Goal within the plan. Staff will retain the work completed to date, including environmental analysis and partially completed construction drawings, for potential future use. In the interim, the property will continue to be maintained to city standards in its present form, which includes a loop trail, urban forest, open space and habitat preserve areas. Monroe Street Pool Renovation/Replacement Project Three design concept options were developed for this project, each with increased scope and cost. An agenda item on the project was presented at the Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting of Jan. 25, 2021, and the City Council Meeting of Jan. 26, 2021. Both bodies approved Concept 3, with the City Council directing staff to pursue a Proposition H ballot measure for the project on the June 7, 2022 Primary Election. On Feb. 22, 2022, an agenda item was presented to the City Council recommending deferring the timing of a Proposition H ballot measure for the project to an election cycle to be determined at a later date. City Council approved the deferral, with the item to be reconsidered in time for a ballot measure to be placed on the November 2022 election. On June 21, 2022, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the ballot measure language on this project for the November 2022 election. Stagecoach Park Community Garden Project Staff has received cost proposals for professional design services for a community garden at the area of the park formerly used for a maintenance yard. Staff has completed its evaluation of the proposals and has selected a consulting firm to provide design services. A task order for those services is currently being executed. Staff expects the design phase to commence this month, with the improvements tentatively anticipated to be bid in Spring 2023 and the improvements completed by the end of Fall 2023. Upcoming Trails Volunteers Event The next Trails Volunteers event is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., at Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park Trail (located at 3115 Melrose Drive). The tasks will include vegetation trimming, weeding, trail maintenance, erosion control and evasive species removal. Capital Improvement Program Projects - Status The following table provides the status of active Parks & Recreation Department led or sponsored Capital Improvement Program Projects. 3 of 4 Project Name Phase YTD Funding Identified Project Description Business Park Recreational Facility (Zone 5 Park) Not Started 5,065,200 9 remaining acres to be developed into a total 12-acre community park (3-acre athletic field was developed several years ago); amenities to be determined Stagecoach Community Park Community Gardens Planning 425,000 Former maintenance yard to be converted to approximately 20 raised planting beds, kiosks, composting bins, tool storage and benches Robertson Ranch Park Development Planning 17,108,940 11 acres to be developed into a community park; amenities to be determined Monroe Street Pool Renovation/Replacement Planning 5,719,747 Renovations to include replacement of pool deck, expansion of pool, solar p/v panels, reconstruction of mechanical building/equipment, parking lot refurb, storage and expansion of admin/restroom facilities Hosp Grove Park Improvements Design 5,626,252 Renovations to include new fencing, entry sign, play equipment, picnic areas, benches and construction of a restroom facility Veteran's Memorial Park Design 30,257,650 39 acres of total 94-acre community park to be developed; amenities include memorial plaza, trails, outlooks, three playgrounds, fitness equip, family bike park, picnic areas, restroom facilities, and public art 4 of 4