HomeMy WebLinkAbout5434; 2525; LA COSTA VALLEY UNIT 1; 01-16LA COSTA VALLEY UNIT N2 1 we HEREBY C.ER TIFY TH/1.T WE AR.E THE OWNERS OF OR ARE' INTERESTED IN THE L.l>.NO 5Ui3DIV10EO e,, THI'; MAP AND WE C.ONi:>ENT TO THE PREPl>.RATION AND R.ECOR.OA- T\ON OF nu;, M"'"'· WI, 1-<E!R!!B\ OEOICATE TO THE. PUBllC- E $ TR tR .. L A oe A-;"AR' R{'A O., (.~ALE TA C. 011£ T, (.",4-'! AC 0,(.. C0(.1.£ T,, MAk' ..JZi/i_ WAY',• 4/4.'61/AL. ROAD• PLA hi ROA~" 1 PAI.MAR ,Ci/RT; Rr4L:1F/CO RL1.-4o., co.srA a;-~ +14e !('L~o, THE. pcu:1. T10N o,= EL CAM/N/7 //t4L, ANDr~ORT!ON Of' ALGA ROAD, LOTA Dt"!i!GNATED "LOT A RESERVED FOR FUl"Uh'f' ~•rRUT. "."OR USE 45 ;,TREETS AN.7 ::JED;CATc TO THE P:.BL,C ..JND R£ ... NQ"::H .4NC HA1/E 4:L ,;gJfTER!' i?/Gh1S O,,=-A.::C.ESS A~P['R7EN...J,v;r 1-..J.,.(JT A :JCS16NAtE:J ll;_OTA Ri'St:RVE.? FO,? F1Jt.tc SN'£E,-t :,1,41,.;, m S4:D ."V,?".•"Oi\ 0,•· 4 .. ,GA ,'?OAD A1V:J .. ?!~.?,·c .. :r:,;: lt) 7H'E ,•'='LJBL..'C ?'/-f'C-Jt:-Ht."/2 4,\/0 /],{' . ..J,,\A6E ~Jf£Al£".\,rs AS J,..L"IJ-1-··,.v C,t S,,,J.",CJ ,\..-/4?. NEIA/)A CORPORATION, 4S OWNER!> 7'.'TLE ,-;cs,;,R,4.VCc oWO TRUST C()Mq.J VY,A CAU"'<'<',IM ,·ol(PO- RAr;O.v", .45 TR(l5TE't!, 1,'V/JER THA~ C't!:l(T4,N ,;Jl!:l!O o:c ~//ST 1(£- t:Oll!OEO .7€CEM13eR I 8,. 9,:;, 2 ,1.5 OOC(IM~VT ,\'9 ,!J!i/C.', IN THE c.~~/r::E L.,P i,',",'e COUNTY-.(BC:OltOCR 016 SAN C),5/CO cou,-V/►·, (.'°Ai'.,;,.:-oRA''/A. ~ ~:£ ?;;tf!i~:v?:;?:rlu BY t:½;9:~~~j,.zz«~ ,__ STATE OF NeV40R ) COUNTY OF C.(_J7RK.. > S ON THJ,5 I/ ~-•DAY OF .1,,·, ,/~J,i,"f{. 19<-:,. , BEF,.'fi, ME ,-,:,,:./1,;1,'~ r ..;,··.-,'. . A NOT4RV PUBLIC IN ANO !=OR , SAID COUNT ►" ANO 5TATI:, PFRS0N4U.Y APPFAl!/;0 ?.',!'-1';. /.' C'.c.:.,:: -• ,\ . MOWN 10 ME /VB.= Tlllf ?Rts;Of,'YT /1'1/J J~w;N 4. M(JUS1<y ,U(J,t,V ,;, M( !(' !JE .'I,£ il!C£-PR6POEIYT N£4NCH'O 1./i CCSTA .NC. A NEIi.NW CJRPO,MT,'01'. NE C:OR/1),f,71'0-<l !-"RT ,5<tfctlTED Tff ;1,5()/Jc CcR!if'IOT.f, ,If OWNfRS ,IN/) KA'OW,\'' ro ,'vi£ 7D 8£ THE PERSON.I" W#O E,r£Ci.lTEO Tp£ Af!0//6 CERnncATl: ON P.EHALI: Vr THE C()RPO,:ArtJN TH[k(/N NAMED AND AC~N()W/ t",JG/D T() /\IE THAr 5UCI-I COR /\_')/<:.'47"/0N C~ECU:Eo ~.,,,:/ (~f'., .. '~/F.'CA''F PUR5'f/ANr TO /T.S 81--.,,ll".S t,,1,;· 4 .{'t:'s,1.',/i"/1,.1.\ ,1rt"r,f BOAR!)OFOIRECt"I.Jl?'::i ·,\ l-'Y1i't,,t~.) .-i,-1t."-·'E'tJi--,-,_,...,,:·L? f'fEli'E1.' .. :vrc SCTJ\..1fffr1N;_1 A.\.) A•--~,'i/"D A-Ir" f)F/-1(./AL SEAL IN.SAi-'-' C,JU,'I,.'"} ANL> ',/A't:, ~~-~-,~,'~)"AND YFAR IN THIS CE/4'T/FICA/'C f·".'R'.JT, .. ,.l,:(:.z:.: 1.{;" I ,": 'J NO~AR Y Pu&/C IN AND !'Ji 5AID CO///Vl"Y MC> 5TATE STA."L c'F CA.,"c1<'t\'IA _) > ~- ,.."OJI\ rY or-Sr>-, I'\ ~:~/"' ,· ON Thi, DAr· (JI: -i , 19(,. 1t, BEFc:J?E Ml" 'd~, • .·•. • •.• ,,.,., ,_, · . A ~·orARY /'111<uc IN ANO FOlt S'·V.J (.'"i,J,J,Yn-•tNO ~-;T~TE, Pt:.:,;·.~,"~)/VA.1..-I Al'PF.Al?E[) :, l ~-·.,,.:-· ~, .. ~ .. 11rm',',\' /i.,:,-.,cr.JHfTH_rv1c1P1:1:.:.;,'!0£"tVr AND•. JJ. ·:,._ .. ,., , ,.,_, N.//WIN IO Mt TON' THC A\J "r ~[Ul/,11:Y OF TiTU' /NsoRANc, .. AND T!l../':., 1 co,1vfr,..,~NY1 A c--1uF, .. k',v11-1 i__'Vl('f\J/4'A7'10N. riit' C.YPORATl<JV ,·H.\T Ext'C,'.JIIJ' !'/IF •11'CV/! CU!'.'iFICATE A~·; TRus·rc't" AND )\':",,)WV h) /\,ti; ~a l~L INE Pl.1:.'s"ON /h-iO t\'i.CUTLJ FHE .480.£ CEY,",,'i(A:,' ON ,3E!IAI.FOf f":-/E (Ol(PORAJ",·0,\' Tfrf-kt·'/,/ NA/ld/ .. 7, ,AN/_! A(-'l'iWt'r'{,f.:·tJ(j'£() 10.',f( 7:i-1.,' S,J(/-1 (Oi/P'..JRl'ti",O.\' l.Xf.'(t..11"!"°/) ~A,:..) Cft:!lif:tL..Jil"/:- p _ _,,:;;:_su.JN;~ 7""U ,TS Sr ~AW:,,./: .t; f(f;_,;;o..,_u;·,(,: .. \,t: 1rs AOAfO Of.. Dtl't"( (OR':, /N W/TNt~s,;; WNFJlt),,~, / flAVF 11£'/IFIIN ro scr M>' /-/AND AND AF!"1AfD /1.f~' c>FFIC!AL S"EAL IN >AID COUNT>'. AN{) ,,TATE, T!!F DA)" AND IEA4' IN IHl'i ,Hil"/F!c-A!F F//4'1/" All<Wic /</J.'IT /[N MV COMM!5Sl,.iN {;{-'!RPS" N(.)T.Ail'Y l\ L!t:il Or OEOICAT/(J# t+'E s:,,y /)IE6C' GA.f ef E'!ECTRIC CCA/04,Vf' ~:l?E,5)· C<Jv.,sv,r_,· Tl-IA,' A Pl'BUC .f,Z!tf,'.11AY & c,::W5TRi/CTE.0 4\10 MAINT.4/~'t!/J CYER,, l'PC'N ANO 401?05:,· PoR,7<2,v.:< OF 1,.,..5 ."ASE MENT.f ANO .{¼SH." tJF ill'/'! RECCRIJcO 1,1/ ,:JOOJ: 5201 41CE ,c,/ ANO !\I &JtJ,f' ~!tJI /.MG,li i~l . 3/)Th' LV 0//'/C'IA REC't'RDS CF :$#I /.JIE6C Ct'U-V.>"1;' ,: YING /V'T,1//N TkE 8Ct1,1/l,),f.f'/,Pi CV Tl£ Ft't:£,J/(/,16 STREET§ ii. C4#,!/0 ?EAl, 4/(/,'"/(t! ROALJ ES7il'Et.LA ,J.f' MAI' 4'/J,10 ,Mi.? Cf-5>:,( t¥L A-:Af' Ra40 5(11.JJECT l'D mE ,9dC/I.I/A,iS: (a) ltt' !#£ EYEJIT TII.IT THE ;:"t/Ttl.R~ {/6£ ..7A: ,J,:_ TE.J,;.~..//i(..1,,V L 1,~0 $"A/,.,_? ~ (., A.:..:.. ;,/J~S c:",€ .5A,'l) ~""7'"R,=,E,-.a ,4,?,._.:45 ,:..'1)1 ,E'/ l"li~K' ,=).;fi'FY (e )E~\;:£PT .4J [.t -X'€,55.;,. Y l-t'52(i,>\/ 5E7" FOl?;t/1,. TH,5 4,,1:"t"cMENT 5'-1.4L:., 1/.'.).7' 1\ AVY HA.> .4/J,f,e YVL'!l'Y CZ TERMINATE A,1-"!' .Y <'iMV)l,\113 P.01.>;;,' ,1/(i;,'!5 !.¥ 5.../, .. -7 ,..J,?~,.:1 .. -;·_ .4£CAJ ij/' ,.J.::;.;:-vn·· ,9.t:--:1' 5,1",'CEE, ... ..S ,".'£ .~:.s.:..·C ;.,~~ .. ::~,.,.('1,'~;\,:'£Nt.! .$44i.L. B.f 5.::,-i:.",",'.4,"I H'l'.;.L ,1,t1,.-PE...-?MA!VENnY INTER .. IN.C./1.0EV;'74.'... Tl-!£i'?£fl7 Shi/LL Ar 4,'\)· T..+:"E l,1/;: .--::11£:, £1./t:ir .~.:..,.E !/55 ()/I CPF-?A;~10N .Jr' Th€ iCA(/LI T!E5 i?IERE· ,ti'<"t :,51r,,1;;,· A REARR,1)/(;EME!.IT, .<nJa7i.-W ,w .,'t~.,,.,:,-N·1.-_11 W C/C T~E 01H81? P,N!TY.: ,)SES Or 5.1;,,o ,'RE,15 Br OF,.:.,,>_,,, COMPc!NV3 FA,'! •. 'TIES ,4,VO / <JR ,T4E ,/Cfi/5, -•~-CW '1-' EITHER PA,('T;' #'i!CH TEMPC'RAR!L Y !,VT5R"El2E 400/FONAl £A5eMENf"$ <JR ,"RCP5R,,5i ?4Cl'5MIVT TffEREll' TkE ,vn:, THE ?'.ft: ,JR OP-,RAT"!ON ,?I'" TH£ FAU.:..1 nes Th'l/i'E· !iAMti SkAU. 8£ PUrt'RME.J BY CVM:-",,{,-V> CR 8F A,<!"" C,w".f /il/i."T/' IN IY TH£ O,',i£.,Z PARTY Ni.:...:.. 6E MACE OV.c Y /W-iEN ";v Wt.iN£55 11/.,S('.Ed~,. 54,V 54,t· Dlfr60 .,.,;,;45 d £i6'("T1?lC Cl?A..JPA,.YY HAS t;;..tkS'c.'"'!J i''°H/.:'f ,;y-.,-,:,,e,;.,;-iJE\7 TO BE G,.r .. s: t/.r.!:-=-.'J l,'i-;,:.Ji-"."..;;.~ ;;:•5 CC.,;:',4_:"""1.--;!.,../ .. 'r,: .·1l·=H··1.:=· /WW P,E co,i,:n,v OF CCMR<,< I'. AT T;,,,f CJJT CF Th'£ .Z,,W,7 ,",fJJNOEI.) REAS..)M.'l.:.>'NEc:c55,4,.~y {/,t;_JE/47 54'0 EA.iEWENl' Oi.? !'(}/? HvffEVE,i', ,W ,"/IE EI/EA/T ;t?,;,,i,-,k<?t'!.flT!ON.5 tJF AiJO/l"/C/,/,11. oil-.s·T,ct'," t,R /;\"C,:JENT.4L ft'Rcr5.fS AN.? /YILL BE P\'t'll~/2Y .i!E.\T.<" JR Pl.'o?c,~."'F ,,., R,-,;/.11Rt-:o_, Th'£ 5AMli &,tu IJE MT.41'/EP IJY ,,.ER.Mi,A.'"S:J A.f sro,v A5 ,,.ff. VEC'ESS!TY wc-?Z?POR .4,11..} 5!Z4i. 8) · 17~ Pi?OPEA? {).,'--;",:/t.:'6'-'?5 ;:r;-.i.,~~"tVI~ 'JL .. " 0,::/LY At/l':'iOJ?/...::.•EC 71-IE 04Y 4/~ .. ,o .YEA~1 ,~t' T!i/5 CER,T7Fll'4."E FIRS,--4SClc 11,,'l:-·/;,c,v THE CtJUNTY !,.\I fl7RM SATiO,'"A(TCRY TC (0.-\'1P4AJr OR BY THG ,h' _'.,/h,c'/4' t'l/:,1;,- C"OMP,4,t/Y WITH Ffi,E ;,Va"IFTE,V CON56v,-a,c 1'H$ _·i,;,\;;4·_r)"J 4/ ... ,;'",-IE cc; r o;o Th'c ca:v:x ( b) /,\I TIIE .f/lENT J:IIAT T)I,: R/Tl.lf',f USE ilF J..J10 l:'45.ol.!!:vr JR f'ROPER.'7,f.5 Jy td)IF T!.{E (01/VTY .51-!AI.L I-IER54FTE'~ VAC4Tc (JR, A('l',f#tl?I,/ (i),-t1.P .. :-c..-y JJ,;.Ji:, .... .(,~ Af'}• "7',1.-:"'~--Ok..~ 17.1-"/E-_"i ,VRC.5.SJ.-Wk"-.. / ,?t3".4.,l,{,..µ..l(J· ~ hV Wl"rOi...E OR ,w ,OA,?T Th1E STREET$ ;-v.,.-_,c,.,. .4RC XLPPtE;J EMC#T RE"L"t:..4,~1.)/1,'.;l( R/iC.{)/,.'.:,'/";/,.,.:.·,---;,o,v .__},,'; '"'":...,,£ ~'.; ~.., ."-1,i.3L/C ,gy .5.4 ·,:} .S456l-1E;\,'i"-~. o;:? PR{,PCRTICS,' Ti-It: c..J ... 1.'1/,T\· _,J,"'4..'.'...'.,. s·.,r:-,:.;'~E';'"" .,...,e f-t·3L../L~ ,,1 .. _1,~R .. ..,,-E,vc:,..,.176 1At"1N~m'--r~.i~-.?Em} THE /1/ -:1--r'E t .4c,4 ;--,-l,.,,,1\-' CR ,.J,54N001\141Ev-r /r;.('X.5E0/1\...,.,-, 13> : .5A,\...:1E S,-1.4;_:, 8E P.~J?ri..'J.Z,iI!"O .4T _r:.i..f..5 .:.c~,:,·· t..':'_£." L . ."l?l,'.~4.-\i); R£.5"t--k7J.E ,.7)·ca,1--!P.41VY ,-ILL .C$J-IT5 o,t,.;1/.-f;;'..? dJ 1-'.'('\l? 7/;J Tl-IE G,1£a,r10N' CF T!-115 CERTIF!C,4(/01>. ORDf/4' N2 780032 T!TlE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMP4Nf' HEREBY CER- TIFIES THAT' A Cc ORO/NG TO TIIE OFFICIAL RFCORDf OF THE,- COLJNTV OF SAN {)!EGO. RANOIO LA COSTA INC . A NEVAOA CORPO!lATION, AS OWNER. AND TITLE !N5URANCE AND (RUSI COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION., Tl(ilfrt.E, UN[>EN IHAr CERTAIN DEt-D OF TRUST REC0/4'{)ED Df.'CEMBEN 1eb1<J,2 AS DOCUMENT N~ 21;101, IN Tl-IE OFFICE OF THE C UNTV f?ECDi<'f,_'Ef.' 01= SAN DiEGc' CO/JNO'. CAL/1-"0!i'N!A WO.'F ON TH(' /1tli[)A) Or. ;T"_v)-f _ /9,;,+, Ar ..f..•og_O lcOC/( ,4 M .. , I/LL Tfli" hU'!IES HA VI Ill(, ANr' NE CO,UJ I I fl.£ INT EA't\ TIN !Ht· LAND 51/BLJIVIDED 8V !//!_\ M1IP, OIHER !"HAN /'fl{ UJL/NTY Of-\Al\' Dll"CO A5 f/OUJ(i? ,JF t,i,E/./EN/" .NTCNEST., R[CO!l{f<J IN 8001/ 35'11:l P/\ui:.0 i' 21 OF OH!(IAL REC:0110~ AN/J ~A.<; t:!,EGO GAS t EL£CTR/C C(),#P,,f#t; A.f HOiDER CF £;45EMEl,/T iNTERE5T.f ll£CO£.OE1) IN /3)0K 5201 AIGE !(,I CF o.rf?C/AL REC'OROS, !3COK C,3CI ,I.J,4(,£ ;,:;,z (}" arr";:: ,1~~{;,1°;:./;,,~: ~,;1-;1 ~:~:':u11~:C~ :::~5;;~01: /:'!· Oi-.lEt' ."1115 1,'5,'RvM£N! 7V IJE EXEC11T£D i.14DER 1rs CORPORA,'£ ,1,;./,1,1£ IIA/0 6£.4.. dr IS l'ROffi' C,,:'f';C[RS ,WERE ilN TO Di/LY Al'TIICR.'Z-,f.) T/1£ :Ur k,,~ YE,,4R ,';R.f" AIJC!/,;' Wi'!TT£N'. ,"!fl£ 1NS11R,4ACE ANO TRUST C'OM'AWY j ==.'! ~--·..L:.;_· .s:~-~ -L~ff····:,-:a--'~:>.2z/Z-WcE p,;~,::E;;;,5'.;;"!~0::::cN~T-.......,,ccc--------- ~· "'t,2--2.;:~~.:<&-~~~-'-_/ '~-'--· • ' AS5l5TAN7'5EC'Rtf'TARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY" OF ~AIII OIE6o "-$. VVE COUNTY TREASURER OF THE COUPJTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY 5UrlVEVOR OF SAID COUNTY, AND 01Re'C TOR OF SPE<'.IAL P>5T"'-1C T SERVICES OF SAID COUNTY, \.IEREB'V CEl<.TIFY T.11>.1" THERE AR.E 1\10 UNPAID SPECIAL ASSESS ME.NTS OR BONDS WHICl-i MAV i3E PAIO IN FULL I SHOWN BY Tl-IE BOOKS IN OUR OFTl(ES, .\6AIIJST THE TRACT OR SUB- DIVISION OR ANY PAl<.T 1">\Ef:EOF SHOWN OtJ 11-1E MIIJEXED MAP 1>.ND Dlcc.,(.RISE'-D IN Tl-IE CAPTION THEREOF STATE OF C4.:.JFORNiA j S S COUNTY OF S4N CJ/iiGO ' ON ."/-/, S ;:,,: ,,,:;,c4 ;-Of' 7t,:'.tl:-.'%-I-, .:',£.RJR.E 14E _ -~ 11-;,,, c;,d,, . A ;,or l?Y ,"'i.8UC IN 4,'\.J !'OR SAIC' COill\ TY 4NO STA':':!, "'ER'SuiVA I. I. Y APl"E4REO _ ,,<;.11, Hj,;41Ltl,l1,t . __ . . . KNOWN ."O lv'E TO SE THE VICE· PR£S;OEN; ANO. I,}CE..aA,-__ KNO,WN 7DME TOBE TH.£ ASS1 SeCR£1JJ;?y 0i' S4N 01E60 GAS ANO £1.ECTR/C COM· PANY, THE CORl"OR4Ti0N THAT £.1(£Ci,'7'EO Tl-IE ABOVE CGR- TIFICATE AS EASii,\,ff:NT HOI.OER, ANOX,W'WN TOME roas 7Mi l''.ERSON HHO EKEC,:,TE,::> THE 480VE CEcTIF!CAT£ O,V 8£#,4J OF 7'/.E co,2P0£4T/O,V Ti-lE/2!:lil/ NA.A,,1EO. 4N04C· KNO/Vi:.EOGEO 1V BE ME THAT SL.iCi--1 CORP:JRATION D'f:· Cl/TE/::, SAID CE/RTll;t_CATE Pl/,f"S(.IANT TO !TS Sy 1.AWS 0€ A RE~C'L...,'T.·0,,v 0,.1: ,;.:, B0A,'?O OF O/i?ECrtJ£'S. . V WiT,,£55 WHEREOF I H'4VE HEREUNTO SET MY hAN:J ANO AFF/Xi:0 MY OFFICIAL $£Ai. /I\ SA,O COuNTY _.jl\·O STA;£, THE 04)-4N0 )t?"4R IN TH:S C!:RT!F!C.4TE ,"'."l?ST 480V!: It 2l7T£W. Mr COMMISSION E'XPIRES: __ 7il/,,-)-'l:i.,-/'f,{,, 7 .-I --~vo-r:.i,;r PusLf ~1:~!t:r-,£.~;; 11so iiX,i ,{, #EL,EN Kt..E'CKN!!,'?,.S.LERK Or T/1£ !JOA ROOF SLll"E'£V/SORS OP Tl-!£ CCJ<,NT'Y OF S4N 0/l>VO CERTIFY Ti-lAT S.410 804R,::J OF s11PE,?1'.SOes /.JAS APl"ROVEO T/-11S M.4P; h'AS .4CC£1"TEO ON 8£#41.F OF Th'E Pi19UC c:STREUA !:JI: M.AR !Z040 CALETA COt.,,'i!T, C,U!ACOI.. COURT, MAR AZYL WA JI, A,€'ENAL 'if!0.4D, PLAYA ROAO PALMA£ COU,?"T PAC!l''ICO l?OAO, COSTA Ot;L M4.e ,eOAD1 .4Nl:J TJIE PORr?ON 0!' .J...G,4 £'0.40, ,~lie' l'!:),er;o,v OF EL C,4,\.J,WO iZ£At. ANO ;h'E ASVTTt:!2S R:Gh'TS O!" AC::CESS Al"l'Ji2TENA,VT TO ~OT A 0£S!GNATliO 11LOT A RESE,e, .::·o r'OR F/.ITUr.?E STi:?EeT11 /.V A.\O TO S,410 PORTION OF ,41.CA ,?DAD AA'i::J SE11E,? t';4fEM.E\,TS ,4S ,0£0iC4.•cv o,v SA/0 MA? 4NO hr!5 '2E~•ECTED O,\' BEI-IAU· OF 7,-.,,; P1.,8L/C LO,T A OES-'GNATED'LOT A RESEi~vEO FORl'i/Ti/Rc S"R£ET4 AND TIIE 0124/NAGE ~·;1_,E"'1£,\.~S AS SHO;VV 0,V S.-JIOMAI" ( ,VOTE' SECTION//~/~ CF 'H£ 8i/S.A:'.$S A11;0 ,7.€'0FESSION5' CODc OF ;-HE STATE OF c.-1, '""C'~v,,; "'l<?C-1·.•C.:".C --,4T A .;?EJEC::TE[JOFrER OF OED.CATtO,\ S;,4, • tf·,_ 'A \ ::,~:: \ A . .'47 J.,,s..,.5a· 70 FUTU/2£ ACCEPTANCE ,:JY Tl-,£ .;.'J\ • y ' HE~EN KLE'CK/\_~-2. Citrl at t/Je Board of S1.1perv1sccs. ·, I ... . /I l<&.. ., I'· .. ·· > r---_, ...... ,.,L : <,. "..t..-<::---ff--t<-t., "-"'-~-,, ,:-• .r£ : ~ _ ,;l,,_ 7_/9G4 I I ···.·:·-·· :::··.·•. ... . . . . . .. . ... ·... : · .... : ·. : ......... MAP N! S_lf 3.,. SHEET 1 OF 16 SHEETS I, EL., GERKIN I A Ll(ENSED LAND SURVEYOr.?1 C.ERTIFY THAT THE 5Vf'?VEY OF THl:5 5Ul!>PIYl510N WA:5 MADE av ME Oli! VNDER MY DIRECTION JUL.Y 10 1 1'3<o3 !>.NO SAID SURVEY 15 TRUE AND COMPLETE A:5 :SHOWN J TH,o,T MONUMENTS OF' Tl-IE CHl>.!'111,C, TER INDIC,4,,TED 1-11'.VE 8EEN SET 01<. FOUND ,>.T Tl-lt'c SUBDIYl510l,J 60UNDAl<!Y CORNERS, ANO I WILL :SET ALL. OTHl,I': MONUMENTS OF THE <:HAR ... CTEI.: Al.ID "T THE POSITION INDl<:ATtcD e,y LEGEND IN Ti-115 MAP WITHIN ~O DA'f$ AFTER TtlE COMPLETIO"I OF THE l<E.QUIREO IMPROVEMENTS AND THEIR ALLEPTAIKE BY THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ANO $U(H MONUMENTS l.~~ 01': W•LL e,E 5VFFICIENT TO ENl>.BLE 77-1E :5VP.VEY TO ee "'" ,-" "'c e;o , ;-,✓., L _-; Z;~;;~IN: __ .,. ____ _ _ L1CEN5Eol.,, LAND SURVEYOR Nn ... eis I, D ..,,' :5►6.ER. COUNTY 5URVE.'fOR, CERTIFY TH ... T I H,_Vli EliAMINf:c() THl5 MAP, THAT THE SUBDIVISION 15 SUEbTl>.NTIALl,Y THE 51>.ME A"i, IT APPE.AR.e.D ON THE TENT ... 1-WE MAP, ANO Al.I\ "-PPROVEO AL.TERATION5 THEREOF; THAT AL.L THE PRow:,10N<> OF Tl-IE SIJ8DIVl510N MAP ACT ANO DIVl<>ION l OF TITLE 8 OF Tl<E :!<AN DIE<lo COVNTV cooE, 1-10.vi. B!cEN COMPLIED WITH, ,._NO T\.1AT I AM 5AT151"-IEPTll~T THIS MAP 15 TECHNICAL.LY C~i<.ECT. D K. SPEER I COUNTY suRvevo, e,y: I, HeLeN K.LECK,NE.R, Cl..1:'.R"'--OF Tl--1\aC eo .. R.O OF :SUP!!lt· V150R5, HER:1:l'JY cei::.TIF'{ THAT THE PROl/1!.ION:!!> Of UU.PTEI.: 2, P,0,1':T '2, DIVISION 4 OF THE 6l.151"1e55 M,ID PROfES:IIONS (ODE. 1-\AI/E Bl N COMPL.IED WITI< 11:euAl'-DING DEPO:!!>llS FOR TA)l,E5 ON T\.IE. PROPEl<.TY W•T'Hl>,I Tl'IS 5UBDIVlfol0"1. DATE. #"f ),? if"-l<EI..IEN K.C"Ec l<..N>!I':, c. LE1'.1<. OF Tl'E &<l'-ltD .' ,i,,;. . , OF 5UP!cRVl50R,.; -, ' ; ,,_- ____ ,1,..,.q~-~'-"-----'~·-··~< ~------ APPRO\IED AS TO FORM 6ER.T1'!AM M~ LEES JR.. COUNTY COUNSE'L. I HERE'BY ll.PPRove Tf.lE N"-Me LA (0$T,. v .. LL.EY UNIT N~ 1 FOR ~E 5UBDlvl5IOIJ 51-!0WJ,.J ON Tl-IE ANl,JE><ED MAP DATE.~,.,2.3 .,~A.S. GRAY, COUNTY RECORDER ~L,~l-~/j/'r...,._ ... _ , sy: ---~~~~~------·~ vJ ,'L..!,,e'._~~~,oePurv FILE Ni I.J[)J1(.3 , I, A, 5. GRA'f I RECOR.Pg!<'. OF THE CO\.H,JTI/ OF SAN DIEGO, HEREBV CEi::.T1F\' Tl-\1>.T I H"VE ALlEPTED FOR. REC.Oli!OATION Tl--05 MAP, FILE'O AT Tl-IE REQUEST OF E.L.C,ERk:IN, THIS .,-,'1 DAV 01=-JULY 1 1~~, AT ,t; Q$"-oc1..oc1<.e_M, FEE·,$ 35~ A 5 GRAY, COUNTY 1<.ECOO<.DER. ~ BY:-,..;~:C,..'1.~r::::awi=::114~■~~~---; DEPUTY v \· J ' ,J MAP NQ LA COSTA VALLEY UNIT 1 SHEET 2 OF 16 SHEETS Those portions of the Southl'ast Quarter of Section lb, ancl nf Lots 3 and 4 of Section 35, all in T<>wnship 12 South, Ra.nge 4 WP.st, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of S;p1 JJH'go, St.=i.te of Callfornia, ac('ordin~ to th~ United St.:\tt-s Go,vernment Survey approved October 25, l87'i, ;,nd thus.· \" , li,>ns oi L,,,,s 11 1tnd 14 of Section l S, Township IZ South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, 1n the County n( Si.l.n D1,.:gn, .'.'Jt:1t,~ elf c.-~lifornia, ,-\ccPrding tn the:• Unitcrl St:::1.t~s Government Survey, approved May 3, !88'1, des<erihed as a whole as follows: Be~inning at the intersertion of the north.-rly line of the Southeast Quarter of said S,,ction 26 with the east-,rJy line of El Camino Real, 60 feet wide, as shown as Road Survey Map Number 682 <>n file in the office c>f the County Surveyor of said County, and as described in the Deed record<'d in Book 3518, Page 221 of Official R<>cords, in th" offic e of the County Recorder of said County; thence South 89° 14' 58" East, along said northerly lint•, a dist,~nce of 1222. 22 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the southwest and having a radius of 1010. 00 feet, th.e radial line to the beginning of said non-tangent curve bearing North I',' ll' 42" East; thence southeasterly ,,long said non-tangent curve through a c<-ntral angle of 12' 41' 3')" an arc distance of Z23, 77 feet; thence radi,11 to said non-tangent curve South 2'(' 54' 21" West 2l5. 00 f<"ct; thence North 68° 16' 10" West 170. 00 fe.,t; thcncc South 32." 38' 30" West IOZ. 32 feet; thence South 36° 41' 56" West 166, 22 feet; thence South 10• 26' 44" West 40, 00 feet; thence South 43' /.7' J5" East 66, 00 feet; thence South :J4• 20' 41" East 182, 50 feet; thence South 27° 20' 48" East 101. 38 fe,•t; thence South 8' 54' 07" West 200. 26 feet; then<:e Sonth 20' 30' 50" West 186. 9'J feet; thence South 77• 23' 07" F,ast 65. 76 feet; th,ence North 68° 55' 29" East 7. 21 feet; thence Sooth 77' 2.l' 07" East 20. 00 f<let; thence S0u1hl1'3''W'/le1t 18.00feet;thtnce ~or1h77'2YW'lle~T'I0.00'; thence North 43• 4l' 43" West 7.21 fe,.t; thence North 77' 23' 07" West 67.14 feet to the northeasterly hne of the ease- ment of rightof way, 100 feet wide, of the San Diego Gas and Eknric Co\-np;1ny, as described in D,•ed recorded in Book 5207, Page 161 Official R"cords of said County; tlH,nce North 64° 55' 05" West, along said northeasterly line 197. ')fl fe<"t; thence leaving said northe;1stcdy line, North 38° 50' 11" West 162. 6l feet; thence North z4• 00' 44" West 125. 71 feet; them;e North 5" 57' 20" West 62. 83 feet; thence North 8° 00' 02" East 93. 28 feet; then<ee North 52' 28' 36" East 140. 00 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve ,onc;ave to the southwest and having a radius of l 7l5. 00 feet, the radial line to the beginning of said last mentioned non-tangent curve bearing North 56' 06' 06" East; thence north- westerly along said la•t mentioned non-tangent curve through a central angle of o• 40' 03" an arc distance of 20, 10 foct;thence tangent to aaid !~st mentioned curve North 34• 33' 57" West 39, 99 feet; thence Socrth 52' 28' 36" West 24l. 94 feet; th"""" South 15° 0l' 58" West 65. 08 feet; thence South 03° 30' 49" East 196. 67 feet to said northeasterly line of the easen .. ,nt of right <>f way, 100 feet wide, of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company; thence North 64' 55' 05" West, along said northeasterly line, 1.55. 00 fc<:t; thence South oz· 21' 05" West 108. 42 feet to a point in the south- westerly line of said easement of right of way, 100 feet wide, of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company; th,·nce South 64' 55' 05" Ea•t along said southwesterly line, 315. 86 feet; thence leaving. said southwesterly line, South 52° 12' 30" East 117,48 feet; th,:snce South 42° 38' 40" East 82. 50 {<,et; thence South 33• 28' 10" East 78. 00 feet; thenc:.e South 6° 26' 30" E.,sl 78, 84 feet; then,e South Z8' 01' 40" West 83. 00 feet; thence South 54• 16' 40" West 78. 66 feet; thence South 21• 19' 30" E:ast 28. 28 feet; thence South 77• 38' 06" East 9. 01 feet; thenc., South 21' 19' 30" East 15, 00 feet; 1hen,ce South 68' 40' 30" West 25.00 feet; thC'nC<' North 21' 19' 30" West 15.00 feet; thence North 34' 59' 06" East '). 01 feet; th<'ncc North 21° 19' 30" West 28. 16 feet; thence South 81° 47' 10" West 71. 87 feet; thence North 79• 58' 30" Weot 73. 92 feet; thence North 32° 02' :JO" West 98. 00 feet; thence North 9• 03' 20" West 39. 55 feet; thence North 48° 25' 40" West 59. 74 feet;then<:.e South z• 22' 00" w .. st 188. 00 feet; thence South 16" I0' 10" West 80, 57 feet; thenco, South 83° 3Z' 54" East 38. 26 feet; lhl"nce North 76° 27' 06" East 154. 12 feet; thence North 37' 47' 31" East 6. 40 feet; tlwnce North 76' 27' 06" East 20, 00 feet; thence South 13' 32' 54" East 18. 00 feet; them,e ·South 76' 27' 06" West 20. 00 feet; thence North 64° 5J' 19" West 6. 40 feet; th<·ncc South 76' 27' 06" West 155. 88 feet; thence North 83" 32' 54" West 36. 49 feet; thence South .l4 ° 55' 10" East Z7. 07 fe.,t; thence South 80" 07' 10" East 113, 21 feet; thence South 10' :JO' 55" East 370. 16 feet; thence South 17' l3' 10" W<'st 80. 00 feet; thence South 49• 46' ;o" W,-st 71. 97 feet; thence South 33• 59' 45" East 149. 55 feet; thence South 78' 59' 4S" East 7. 07 feet; thence South 33" 59' 4~" East 15. 00 feet; thence South 56° 00' 15" West 20. 00 frot; thence North Yl• 59' 45" West 15. 00 feet; thence North 11' 00' 15" Eas,t 7. 07 feet; thence North 33' 59' 45" W<'st 148. 45 feet; thence South 49° 46' 50" West 92, 97 feet; thence South 73" 12' .lO" West 90, 00 feet; thence North 73• 00' 00'' West 65. 00 feet; thence North 18° 39' 30" West 129, 04 ft>et; thenc;c North o• 03' 40" West 130. 00 feet; thence North 4' 25' 30" w.,,t 55. 00 feet; thence North. 31 • 12' 40" West 81. 00 feet; tht;ncc South 87° 47' 30" West 160, 09 feet; thence South 85' 44' 20" Wc:st 131. 64 feet; thence South 20• 0 l' 42" West 58. 23 feet; th.,nce South 57' 24' 00" East 12'.l. 03 feet; th.,nce South 41' 51' 00" East 130. 00 feet; thence South 1 • 22' 00" E;,st 141. 00 feet; thence South 13 • .l0' 40" E;~•t 295. 00 feet; thence South 66' 48' 00" West ZOO, 44 feet; thence South 01' 55' 00" West 34.03 feet; th,·nc,· North 88° 05' 00" West 25.00 feet; thence North 01• 55' 00" East 22.06 feet; thence South 65' 37' LO" West 94. 88 feet; th<'n.<:e South 19" 13' 00" E;,st 175, 67 fct't to the beginning of" non-tangent curv,-conc.,ve to th,-northw<,st and having a radius of 690. 00 feet the radial line to the beginning of said last rnentioned non-tangent c:u:rvc bec1ring South 19° 13 1 0011 F:.i-lst ; thence southwesterly a.long said curve th:-·~11~h a . cntral angle of 14° 31' 45" an arc distance of 175. 57 feet to the beginning c,f a curve conc,,ve to the west :rnd h,lving ,1 radius of 430, 00 feet, the radial line to the heginning of said last m"ntioned curve bearing North 83° 24' 31" East.; thence southerly along said last mentioned c:urve through;, central a.ngle of 4" 03' 43" an arc dist:.nce of 30. 48 feet to the beginning of a compound curve concave to the west and having a radills of 3530, 00 feet, the radial line to th,· beginni11g of said com- pound curve bearing North 87" 28' 14" East ; thence southerly along said c<>mpound curve through" central angle of 1° 25' 36" an arc distance of 87. 'N f<•et; thence non-tang,•ntftoms;,id compound curve, South 86' 49' 40" East 114, 00 feet; thence South 65• 05' SO" East 127. 00 f.,et; thence South 45" 21' 00" East 127. 00 fePt; thence South 32' 52' 40" Eas( 127. 00 fe<'t; thence South l' 54' 30" East 70, 00 /.,et; thence South 10• 45' 00" West 99. 00 feet; thence South 46° 50' 20" West 103. 00 feet; thence South 71' •19' 30" West 95. 00 feet; thenc.e North 67° 32' 00" West 108. 00 feet; thence North 44° 03' 50" West 86, 00 feet; thenc,• North 15' 20' 10" W,·st 8l. 85 feet; thence North 85' 37' 21" West 95. 00 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve crnncave to the west and having a radius of 3-170. 00 feet, a radial line to the beginning of said last mentioned curve hears South 8S'' .J7' 21" East; thence northerly along said last mentioned curve throu~h a central angle of 6° 0l' 46" an arc: ,hst,.nce of 365. 16 feet to the beginning of a compound <eurve concave to the sC>uthwest and hilv ing a radius of 25. 00 fi,d; thence north.,rly and northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a. central angle of 8()0 30' 5611 a:n ~1.rc distance of 37. 75 feet t(;) the beginning of a reverse C'.urve concave to the m>rth having a radius of 750. 00 feet, d radial line to the heginning of said last mentioned reverse curve hears South I' 4'-)' 57" West ; thencc westerly along said last m"ntibned reverse curve through a central angle of 18° l I' 4S" an arc distance o! 238. 18 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curvo, North 69' 58' 18" West 27, 81 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the southeast and having a radius of 25. 00 feet; thence westo,rly and south- westerly along said last mentioned curve through a (:entral angle of 90' 00' 00" an arc distance of 39, 27 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve Soutn 20• 01, 42" West 1206. 4$ feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the east and having a radius o{ 1440. 00 feet; thence southerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 20' 51' 37" an arc distance of 524. 27 f-,et; thence North 88' 341 16" East 14. 93 feet; thence South I' 25 1 44" East 20. 00 feet; thence South 88° 34' 16" Wcat 15. 00 fed to the beginning of a non-tangent curve con<.:avc to the East and having a radius o/1440.00 feet. a radial line to the beginnirig of said last mentioned curve bea.rs South 88' 22' 20" West ; thence southerly along said last mentioned curve through a central ang!e of l' 47' 05" an arc distance of 69, 99 feet to the beginning of a compound curve concave to th" northeast and having a ra,dius of SO. 00 feet; a radial line to the l.H~ginning of tiai<l last nu.~ntioned coinpoun<l curve I.Hiars South 85° 35' 1511 Wc[-;t; thence southt•rly ;ind e,tsterly ,dong said last rnentioncd con-1pound curvie throunh :\ centr~l ,H"J.gle of f)(1° 18' 54 11 an iirC distance of 84. 05 feet; thence radi.:tlly frorn sr1id last rnPntiotH:'d cornpound curve. South 10° •13' 39" East 102.. 00 fr~et to the beginning of <t non-tangerit curve conC:<LVt': to the northwc~t and h:lving ,'.-:l. radius of 80 I. 00 feet, thl:" radial line to the beginning of said last rnention(:d curve be;1rs South 10° -13 1 3()11 E:1st; thenc:e sol1tli1..11esterly ,7-dong said last tnentioned curve through a central anglt· of 0° -14' 00'1 an ar(' di~tiu1C:i' o( 10. 2.5 (,~et to the beginning of ;t reverse curve concave to th(• southeast :ind having a radius of C:,0. 00 f,,,~tt the r,tdLil line to the beginning uf said r<.•verse curve bearing North c) 0 59' 3911 Westi thence ~outhwesterly :d1fr1g .s,i.id re,vcrst~ curve through ii central angle of 88<> 47' -14 11 an <lrc dis- tance o! 77. 49 ft~,·L thenct.> non-t,:1npyt1t tr) s.1id rE!v,~rsf: curve alnn.g the westerly prolong,ition. of the :r,,dia.l line through the 190uthwcsterly terrnin11s of ti<1id r('Verse c11rv,.1 South H l O 12.t 37 11 West 30. 00 ft1:et to the (~;1stcrly line of s;dd El C>,rnin<> He.,!, 60 fo1:t wide; tlu,nc<' along s.,id El C;imino He,d, North i\0 47' 1.3" West 96. 09 feet to the beginning <..)f ,t t;ingcnt curve concdVC to tht.• c~.,st and h,1ving il. ra<lius nf 1470. 00 fc~et, northerly along said last men- tioned cu:rvc through ;i central .1ngh~ of 2.8<> 4()1 (JIS" ,ul arc di:-;t,1.nct! of 73(L 37 feet, t.:t.ngent to sc1id last rnention.ed curve, North ZO() 0 l' 4l11 l<,lst L.47?-. ",i::,, (i:·ct ti··, the hegirining of ,·t tangent ctlrvc-concave to the w(~st and having a r,t<lius of L.030. 00 feet.1 northerly ..:..tl()ug H.-li<l l.Jst ,nentioned curve through <l central ;tnglc of l.7° 35' 42 11 i.in arc dis- tance of ()77. 70 feet, ;1nd tangent to ~aid last rne-ntioned CU"l"Vt! North 7,;1, 34 1 0011 West 729. J& feet to the µoint of be ginning. :·• ••t :·. :. : :·. •• : ... : : . . .. . . . .. :· .... :.· :·:: .. : "1'M 252 5 \ ,, \ \ (\' /)... '.) { i) LA COSTA VALLEY UN IT N!! BASIS OF BEARINGS: r.17'£ B~AR/NG N 3~".;.:'~ ·z(,·'c PJ:'1)/\,·f STATIOIV '' V,.1/! .. .f'TT'1 POINT NJ. 2" 8AVING COORI'INATES (1F N 338 338. 18 A,\D EI G14 17:J. /G TO STATION "ROCH'HA,'ING COOk'/.l/NATES ,OF N.345,::40.54 ANOE I <-79,2G'1-2S 7ER ZON€.:; "' THE us Ct!-G 5' ,clNITED STATE5 ca,15;· ,IND GEODETIC SURVEY.' TR!ANGUlAT!ON ;5 TH£ 8A5'l5 c'F -3EAR!NG F,'t: /",,,S MAP SA;,;;, BEARING IS/,\' l"ERMS OF THE CA::FOl<'N'A CO·ORDINATe SySTE!vf lONE 6,Clli./rORNIA 4 & VJ --IS> I ' (\/ u, I() - ' I -; I 4 1 • 0 LLLi..j MAP N.2 SHEET 3 OF 16 SHEETS LECEND: INDICATE'S MONUMENT FOUND INOICAT&S (SeE 05l'eR~6D ,10N0ME:NTING CEHl>ICAiE ON SHEET I) INDICATES ACCESS RIGHTS RHINQUISHED AND WAIVE() ll"-C>. INDICATES ll.ADIAL I , l.() <Y) ,.__,, ,..._, '.-, _-::z 4'.., :r I I I I ! - TM2 25 ,i,,,,•,-·--.. -· I -----1 ( 1·1 a... t) ,n . r' :1,._1 SCALE: -,.9 ,{', ,·y\ ,., ) r: ... t~ ~, .. .!!, ' I I I I I ' :)._,~ c~~- 30 to', :,o· . C)Q ;z C) ~., "' <,; "I '" l\. \~ \[) SEE I / / LA COSTA VALLEY UNIT OBTAI~ OF L,.OT .. A .. ~0 SCAC.Ei. ,,~sc~Ti-lc,::,v ,.i,\E o,c· /!J,S,7NG EASEA/£/VT rOli' !'LOPE ,Zfcih'TSi SER/ES 5, ~OOK l9G4-:;JCC,...?3£C,4, AS Sh'0/11/V ON S.-,cET .3 -- I -SLJBDI I'/ S/0/\/ ,.3,l,'00' , c,'S ').oo' to"'\ :ii ,00 , • (0' ,. "( II ' : i1, I \·J ~ : '? __ , __ -,, ______ a/--1 -, r, ··--····-·"•'-··· ' .. ' ' -" . 'i..n '<'-J '. ' --- I ' I SHEE1 EAST 1 s:::i oo' ... . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. :· .... :.·: ·: : .. : MAP NQ "R£S£iW~D FOR FUTURt STRUT" ACCESS RIGHTS R£LINQUIS>IW AND 1,\1,111 ~o 1222.2.z· 7 1-u., ~ ; ' '1- \0 I ~'i ' I I \.(j w t){ 1-w l :)' '"',?3f> C"" .--.·,;-. ' " . • Cf .;i#-<'•·(1 ~-· ~-; .. ~,,,.,..---Q ,,. SEE LA COSTA VALLEY UN IT '• ' . ' 8 47 1 SGA\.E: MAP NQ SHEET 5 OF I G SHEETS 4l, TM2525 SEE I ' , . I • 0 o· . ' ----- I I ~•1 I , J f\ ,,, I' • I r-1 ' I "' :-1 J·.z:\ uJ\ \ \ SE~ I& 2 LA COSTA VALLEY UN IT /I SHEET ' I / I ,' I , I , 0 r., 0 0" 1 --lfl"" µJ --n "' ' ..-, '" • 1/\ ' \ ?. •'' I -- SHEET 1. t-- Ct'. 0 l. .; : ' ; \4 ct) (JI <:l" :I: ..... r,i 0 z 7 ' 0 0 0 q-- 43 \3 ' ' .. 1 4 ) \ \ "T ,, ..... ( ). cl. ('-I \J\ (.) 12 7 ' \ \, \ •'' .. . ,: .. , MAP NQ SHEET (;, OF I b SHEETS / l"a40' ' ' ' TM2525 SCALE: 1"=40' LA COSTA N. &2 "41'25E "11J"--- UJ C! VALLEY UNIT r() a) r- .;:.· t/ ff) . 0 z ' IY\ (l) rJ ((J w II\ • N 0 ( '.'::! _ro cu rn I I 41 40 1 ~-- ' I) ' ~ '<t- N 0 0 30' 6 9 3 o' O' 6 ,-•·· ,··•. :".-··, '---'i 4J 4J Cl) MAP NQ SHEET ,_ IU LU :c V) Q) 7 OF / b SHEETS TM2525 lJJ /f/ \"" 0 o, rn " Ci "<t (N .!..i co G,1 155. oo· SEE N. l;,4'55'0 5"W / / / / 1 vP 57 ~ (_; c_ ·z D '> n -"' \ \ I \ I MAP NQ SHEET 8 OF Ito SHEETS TM2525 5cote: 1''" 40' LA COSTA VALLEY UNIT SEE SEE Lf\ N 0~ :z (J) -~ -~J < 0 .-· 1 I,. .. ',,, \0\,00 I \ ---140 301 ····· _J~ .. --· *. ~-~':)0 0':l' oe,· E 25' I 251 ~ , I '7 <" ~-. ' "' "} " .., I • I- 0 l/\ c., ({) _o "-N -. Ur!. l ' M "<t- ' I ~ 0 '-.Ji -II 25 ,-'1 I/ 25 1 """1 --t--l _J 0 (l\ " _J • _2 ,...._ w • <N ■ 24 IOZ.01' 25 105.90' 26 2.8 SHEET Q -;z SHEET 1 7 1 1 0 ___,.....--.......---- \ \ I I -_) MAP NQ SHEET ~ OF 1 <;, SHEETS Ul w Ul TM2525 ,,. fr·/ I/ ,L 1,.1 111 / /" LA COSTA VALLEY UNIT SHEET N!? 1 ' ///·,\• ""'·:a .... -.., MAP N2 SHEET to OF I '7 SHEETS ·,,":::,_ ORAINAGI: EA!;EMENr _? SIJ/3[)/Vlf!0N 13OUNDAI/Y -- TM 2 5 2 5 -llh/\,1 '1 • t;,--. )/~' '-9• I 5 • ·-_•r,,,J;,--. Sa, "<1 . ,f; ;-,....,_ I • . "...',. l:t•4,,sn?o•·--,,.--,.._J_o, , ... I,(.,: ~ . Ji;, -2 !.1_ • ""· 1>,, .... • c;g, . -~~-~~D' v-"81iF ... --· 1/1 Q'\' 'V f◄jj' . IJ.J ?!i lfJ 9!3 . ~- .._ 0 • Sf£ :.i ,a 29 oo' 0, 34 83" 32'54' w. 2 / 3.74' 33 N-e,7' 47' 30' E. BOUNDARY C < o. . Otw, • 0 -.Jo 0 . ,._p -{f) ,...... - N 1 . 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P,C.(., 107 108 5UBDI //15/0N BOUNDARY . .. .. , .. . : ·, .. , l • ... : ... 13 e rzo.oo' 10, $CALI:' MAP NQ SHEET 14 OF 1, SHEETS 1 "=-40' TM2525 ...................... __ ..................... ---............~ ............... -- SCALE' I ! 1"=40' ·.J 1.9 - lU llJ V') ,9 ..,._ ~ rn . -~ '"° ..... 0 • \9 r--- "' w 0 \ I VALLEY UN IT 122 127 -- 'SUB0!//1510/V BOUNDARY ---· --- • 0 00 0 . -0 "-9 '<t rn -- • 0 . z 12G, / 0 0 MAP NQ 1 SHEET 15 OF 11, SHEETS TM 2525- ,_ ; VI -----.---,--~-....- ) -·-- DETAIL "A" ( No Seate> .----- LA COSTA VALLEY UNIT N!:! IS -ESTRELLA D£ MAR ROAD --- DETAIL "B" (No Scolel -------. __ -- ·------....._, __ SH OE1Ml "I!," ------------------SEE DETAIL "A" 1 ... 8 -• = - •• Ill .., ~ en .,.,,,! MAP N2 SHEET LG OF IG SHEETS z ' 7 ,, r-\:, I 'N \~ I ~