October 9, 2020
John Norum, Manager
320 Hemlock, LLC
2888 Loker Ave. E. Suite 220
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Via email: john@kmjre.com
Subject: Cultural Resources Study for the 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Mr. Norum,
Anza Resources Consultants (Anza) was retained by 320 Hemlock, LLC to conduct a cultural resources
study for the 320 Hemlock Project (project) in Carlsbad, California. Anza understands that the City of
Carlsbad required this cultural resources study for project compliance with the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA), the City of Carlsbad General Plan, and the City's "Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural, and
Paleontological Resources Guidelines" that was prepared by ECORP Consulting, Inc. (2017).
The cultural resources study includes the following tasks: cultural resources records search at the South
Coastal Information Center (SCIC), Native American scoping including a Native American Heritage
Commission (NAHC) Sacred Lands File search and letters to NAHC-listed contacts, pedestrian cultural
resources survey of the project site with Luise no Native American monitor, evaluation of historic built
environment resources, and preparation of this technical memorandum. A paleontological resources
records search conducted by the San Diego Natural History Museum is attached to this memorandum.
Project Description
The proposed project would construct a residential three-story fourplex with two attached garages on
the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site •
(Figure 1). An existing single-family home that was constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would
require demolition for the project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, on the northside
of Hemlock Avenue, east of Garfield Street and south of Juniper Avenue (Figure 1). The neighborhood is
residential, with single-family residences to the east, north and south, multi-family residences to the
west, northwest, and northeast. The proposed project would disturb sediments on site to an estimated
three to five feet below existing grade.
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
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Figure 1. Project Location Map
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San Luis Rey, CA 2018 USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
California Historical Resource Information System
Anza requested a search of cultural resource records housed at the California Historical Resources
Information System (CHRIS) South Coastal Information Center (SCIC) located at San Diego State
University. The search results were provided on October 2, 2020, to identify all previous cultural
resources work and previously recorded cultural resources within a 0.5-mile radius of the project site
(Attachment A). The CHRIS search included a review of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP),
California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR), the California Points of Historical Interest list, the
California Historical Landmarks list, the Archaeological Determinations of Eligibility list, and the
California State Historic Resources Inventory list. The records search also included a review of all
available historic United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-, 15-, and 30-minute quadrangle maps.
Previous Studies
The SCCIC records search identified 23 cultural resources studies that were conducted within a 0.5-mile
radius of the project site, one of which (SD-04111) is an overview that included the project site but did
not include pedestrian survey of the project site (see below). Report SD-09361 similarly included the
project site within its "study area" along the Interstate 5 corridor, but the current project site was not
within its "research [survey)" area. The previous studies within 0.5 mile are presented in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Previous Cultural Resource Studies within a 0.5-Mile Radius of the Project Site
Report Proxirrnty to
Number Author Year Title ProJect Site
SD-Cupples, Sue Ann 1976 Oceanside Harbor and Navigation Project: Outside
00535 Archaeological Survey Report
SD-Gallegos, Dennis 1986 Archaeological Test at SDl-10478 Agua Outside
01028 Hedionda Carlsbad, California
SD-Gallegos, Dennis, Archaeological Survey and Test of the Windsong Outside
01054 Richard Carrico, and 1983 Shores Property SDi-10965. Jay Thesken
SD-Woodward, Jim and Resource Inventory Cultural Resources San Outside
01638 George 1985 Diego Coast State Beaches Stammerjohan
Carlsbad Boulevard: An Archaeological Survey Outside
SD-Polan, H. Keith 1981 Report of the Right-of-Way for Proposed Bridge
01752 and Street Improvements Between Tamarack
Avenue and Cannon Road, Carlsbad, California
SD-Larry Seeman Draft Environmental Impact Report Revised Within
1982 Parks and Recreation Element, Carlsbad, (Overview) 04111 Associates California
SD-Rosen, Martin 1999 Historic Property Survey Report Oceanside to Outside
06629 San Diego-Rail to Trail
..... 320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
Report Prox1m1ty to
Number Author Year Title ProJect Site
SD-Byrd, Brian F. and Archaeological Survey Report for the Phase I Outside
2002 Archaeological Survey along Interstate 5 San 09361 Collin O'Neill Diego County, CA.
SD-Caterino, David 2005 The Cemeteries and Gravestones of San Diego Outside
09516 County: An Archaeological Study
SD-Guerrero, Monica C. City of Carlsbad Water and Sewer Master Plans Outside
09571 and Dennis R. 2003 Cultural Resource Background Study City of
Gallegos Carlsbad, California
Cultural Resource Records Search Results for T-Outside
SD-Bonner, Wayne H. 2007 Mobile Candidate SD06919B (Tamarack HOA),
11419 and Marnie Aislin-Kay 111 Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego
County, California
SD-Dominici, Deb 2007 Historic Property Survey Report, 1-5 North Coast Outside
11761 Widening Project
SD-Archaeological Resources Survey, Agua Outside
12153 Robbins-Wade, Mary 2009 Hedionda Sewer and Lift Station, Carlsbad, San
Diego County, California
Historic Property Survey Report for the Proposed Outside
SD-Tang, Bai "Tom" 2009 Construction of a Second Mainline Track in the
12693 City of Carlsbad by the North County Transit
Archaeological Survey Report: Carlsbad Double Outside
SD-Hogan, Michael and Track Project Control Point Carl (MP 229.3) to
2009 Control Point Farr (MP 231.7) North County 12738 Deirdre Encarnacion Transit District Mainline San Diego County,
California Caltrans District 11
SD-Interstate 5 North Coast Corridor Project Outside
13916 Caltrans 2012 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact
Report/ Environmental Impact Statement
SD-Interstate 5 North Coast Corridor Project Final Outside
14495 Caltrans 2013 Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental
Impact Statement and Section 4(F) Evaluation
SD-Caltrans 2013 1-5 North Corridor Project Supplementals Outside
Request for Concurrence on "Section 106" Outside
SD-Compliance and a Finding of "No Historic
14757 Flandreau, Madeleine 2013 Properties Affected" for Vista/ Carlsbad
Interceptor and Agua Hedionda Pump Station
Replacement Project (Project)
SD-Deb Dominici and 2008 2007 Cultural Resources Treatment Plan North Outside
16127 Don Laylander Coast Interstate 5 Corridor
SD-Sixth Supplemental Historic Property Survey Outside
16131 Michelle Blake 2013 Report (HPSR): Revised Area of Potential
Effects (APE) 1-5 North Coast Corridor
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
Report Prox1m1ty to
Number Author Year Title Project Site
Castells, Shelby
Gunderman, Shannon
Davis, Sarah Stringer-
Bowsher, Jennifer
Krintz, and Sinead Ni
Stropes, Jennifer
R.K., George L.
Kennedy, and Brian
F. Smith
Source: SCIC, October 2020
SD-04111 (Larry Seeman Associates 1982)
Cultural and Historical Resources Existing
Conditions and Evaluation Report for the Pacific
Surfliner Carlsbad Village Double-Track Project,
San Diego County, California
A Cultural Resources Study and a
Paleontological Assessment for the Walnut
Community Project, Carlsbad, California
Larry Seeman Associates completed the "Draft Environmental Impact Report Revised Parks and
Recreation Element, Carlsbad, California" in January 1982. This environmental impact report for parks
within the city of Carlsbad includes a cultural resources section but did not include pedestrian survey
within or adjacent to the current project site.
Previously Recorded Resources
The SCCIC records search identified five cultural resources previously recorded within a 0.5-mile radius
of the project site (Table 2). Four additional historic addresses were also recorded within 0.5 mile of the
project site (Table 2). None of these ten resources is within or adjacent to the project site.
Table 2. Previously Recorded Cultural Resources within 0.5-Mile of the Project Site
Primary T I D t NRHP/CRHR Elig1b11ity Recorded Year (By Relat1onsh1p
Number nnomia escrip ion Status Whom) to Project Site
P-37-CA-SDI-Prehistoric marine shell Insufficient information; 1986 (Andrew Approximately
010478 010478 and lithic artifact at least partially Pigniolo and 0.45 mile
deposit on edge of destroyed Dennis Gallegos) south-
lagoon southeast
P-37-CA-SDI-Multicomponent site 1993 (Jim Eighmey
013076 013076 with prehistoric marine and John Approximately shell and lithic artifact Insufficient information Boughton) 0.45 mile deposit and historic southeast refuse scatter on edge
of lagoon
P-37-Eight historic period Determined not eligible 2008 (Caltrans) Approximately
029981 for NRHP or CRHR 0.45 mile duplexes c.1953 listing northeast
P-37-Encina Power Plant Recommended not 2013 (Shannon L. Approximately 035530 Smoke Stack c. 1952-eligible for NRHP Loftus) 0.4 mile south 1954 listing
P-37-Historic period isolate Not eligible for NRHP 2017 (Lauren Approximately
036871 (two bricks) or CRHR listing Downs, AECOM) 0.3 mile south
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
Primary T I D . t NRHP/CRHR El191bility Recorded Year (By Relat1onsh1p
Number nnomia escnp ion Status Whom) to Proiect Site
N/A Insufficient Approximately
Insufficient information information 0.4 mile
519 Chinquapin Ave southeast
N/A 3630 Harding Street, c. n.d. (Dominici) Approximately
1955; Ranch style Insufficient information 0.45mile
residence northeast
N/A 3660 Harding Street, c. n.d. (Dominici) Approximately 1952; minimal Insufficient information 0.45 mile traditional style northeast residence
N/A 3676 Harding Street, c. n.d. (Dominici) Approximately 1952; minimal Insufficient information 0.45 mile traditional style northeast residence
Source: SCIC, October 2020
Native American Scoping
Anza contacted the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) to request a review of the Sacred
Lands File (SLF) on September 29, 2020. The NAHC responded via email on October 5, 2020, stating that
a search of the SLF was completed for the project site "with positive results" and a recommendation to
contact the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians for additional information (Attachment B). In
anticipation of an NAHC response and based on recent experience with nearby projects, Anza sent
letters on September 30, 2020, to 23 tribal groups or individuals asking if they have knowledge of
cultural resources within or near the project site.
Kevin Hunt of Anza Resource Consultants emailed Cami Mojado of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission
Indians (SLRBMI) on October 1, 2020, and texted with her October 5 and 6, 2020, regarding the
proposed project. Ms. Mojado presented no additional information regarding the positive SLF results
but coordinated a SLRBMI Native American monitor to participate in the survey.
As of October 9, 2020, no additional responses have been received.
Anza understands that the City of Carlsbad is required to offer government-to-government consultation
to any Native American tribes who requested notification regarding projects in accordance with
Assembly Bill 52 of 2014 (AB 52). Anza assumes that the City will address any additional Native American
concerns regarding the project based on the results of AB 52 consultation.
Pedestrian Survey
On October 7, 2020, Anza Principal and Senior Cultural Resources Specialist Kevin Hunt conducted a
pedestrian survey of the project site accompanied by Mario Herrera, SLRBMI Native American monitor.
The pedestrian survey consisted of walking north-south trending transects, spaced no more than five
meters apart, in areas of the project site with exposed ground surface. These areas were a dirt strip
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
along the street, an area west of the driveway, the eastern portion of the backyard, and along the east
side of the house behind the fence.
Mr. Hunt and Mr. Herrera examined all areas of exposed ground surface for prehistoric artifacts (e.g.,
chipped stone tools and production debris, stone milling tools, ceramics), historic debris (e.g., metal,
glass, ceramics), or soil discoloration that might indicate the presence of a cultural midden. Mr. Hunt
recorded the characteristics of the project site and survey conditions using a notepad and digital
camera. Copies of the field notes and digital photographs are on file in Anza's on line storage.
The project site is developed as a single-family residence with a well-maintained yard (Photograph 1).
Ground visibility during the survey was poor to fair (approximately 20 percent) because of the extant
building, front and rear lawns, asphalt driveway, and concrete rear patio. Ground visibility within bare
dirt areas (approximately 20 percent of project site) was excellent (approximately 95 to 100 percent) as
these areas were raked and had no weeds or other ground cover. Four pieces of marine shell -three
Chione sp. and one unidentified but of consistent thickness of Chione sp. -were observed within the
northeast portion of the project site behind the house. No evidence was observed that these shell were
of historic or prehistoric cultural origin. No archaeological resources were identified within or the
project site during the pedestrian survey.
Photograph 1. South elevation of 320 Hemlock Avenue
The background research and pedestrian survey identified no archaeological or tribal cultural resources
within the project site. The paleontological resources records search revealed the project site to be
mu.a 7
, 320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
highly sensitive for paleontological resources as shallow as the surface. One historic period residence
(320 Hemlock Avenue) was identified on the project site and is described below. Additional background
research including review of Weis Environmental's (2020) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 320
Hemlock Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 and historic building permits for the project site provided by
the City of Carlsbad.
320 Hemlock Avenue Residence
This residence consists of a 1,055 square single-story single-family residence with attached garage on an
8,269 square-foot (0.19-acre) lot (Photograph 1). The residence has a low pitch roof with gable central
portion, overhanging shed roof on east side, and two overlapping shed-roofs on the west side over the
two-car garage. All roof surfaces are sheathed in tar and gravel (also called a "built-up" roof). The walls
are clad in horizontal shingle siding and the fenestration is entirely modern vinyl frame windows on all
elevations, including the bay window on the southern fa<;:ade. The condition of the house is good to
excellent, with no observed concerns.
320 Hemlock Avenue was constructed in a Vernacular style, with minimal nods to Mid-century Modern
and Contemporary styles (e.g., low pitch roof with shed roof segments, front-facing garage attached to
house) but lacking many of the significant features of these styles. At best, the home could be described
as "Mid-century Modest," a term recently coined to capture the numerous small, simple, affordable-at-
the-time, unpretentious homes of the era (Kueber 2009).
A review of City of Carlsbad historical building permits for the project site revealed that in 1991 a 210
square-foot garage addition was constructed (Photograph 2). Presumably, this expanded the garage
from a single-car to two-car capacity and based on a review of historic aerial photographs expanded the
garage to the west. It is likely that this is when the westernmost shed roof feature was constructed. In
1997 a 99 square-foot bathroom was added to the house.
The backyard contains a children's playset in the northwest corner set in an imported sand play area,
grass in the middle behind a covered concrete patio, and an avocado tree, dwarf lime tree, and plumeria
within a fenced northeast portion of the yard that is otherwise bare dirt.
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
Photograph 2. North elevation of 320 Hemlock, displaying garage addition on west end
Historic Context
The 1950s were a period of major growth for Carlsbad (c.f., Harmon 1961). Prior to World War II,
Carlsbad was known for its mineral water but primarily considered an agricultural region producing and
shipping winter vegetables, flowers, and bulbs (Federal Writers' Project 1954:406). With its fabled
climate, water, and convenient rail stop, Carlsbad experienced significant post-war residential
development. The City of Carlsbad was incorporated in 1952, partially to avoid annexation by the
neighboring city of Oceanside. This growth was reflected by the completion of Carlsbad High School in
1958 and the Palomar Airport in 1959. The airport was later renamed the McClellan-Palomar Airport
after Gerald C. McClellan, a former president of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and longtime
advocate for the North County region. Carlsbad's growth during the 1950s was consistent with the post-
war boom occurring throughout southern California. This boom was reflected in the phenomena of tract
housing, automobile culture and interstate freeways, and the optimistic architecture of Mid-century
Modern, Googie, and other styles (City of San Diego 2007).
The 1960s and 1970s saw continued expansion for the city, primarily through annexations such as La
Costa and the Leo Carrillo Ranch. Later decades brought continued expansion, redevelopment, and
establishment of a vision for the City moving forward (Dyett & Bhatia and Dudek 2010).
Evaluation of Built Environment Resources
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
CEQA requires a lead agency determine whether a project may have a significant effect on historical
resources (Public Resources Code [PRC], Section 21084.1). A historical resource is a resource listed in, or
determined to be eligible for listing, in the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR), a resource
included in a local register of historical resources or any object, building, structure, site, area, place,
record, or manuscript that a lead agency determines to be historically significant (State CEQA
Guidelines, Section 15064.5[a][l-3]).
"A resource shall be considered historically significant if it meets any of the following criteria:
1. Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of
California's history and cultural heritage;
2. Is associated with the lives of persons important in our past;
3. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction,
or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values;
4. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history."
No resource listed on the or recommended eligible for the CRHR was identified within 0.5 mile in the
SCIC records search. One residential building greater than 45 years old was identified in the project site
during the background research and survey and is discussed below.
320 Hemlock Avenue Residence
This residence was constructed in 1955 and had building additions in 1991 (garage addition) and 1997
(bathroom). The residence is typical of the postwar mass market housing boom of the 1950s but has no
direct association with important events in California history (does not meet CRHR Criterion 1).
Ownership records identified no persons important in California's past (does not meet Criterion 2). The
modified Vernacular residence possesses a modest set of design elements and does not embody a
distinctive style of construction nor does it represent the work of a master (does not meet Criterion 3).
The residence does not possess significant data potential (does not meet CRHR Criterion 4). Anza
Resource Consultants recommend that 320 Hemlock Avenue is not eligible for listing in the CRHR, nor is
it a contributor to a larger California Register-eligible historic district.
Management Recommendations
The residence at 320 Hemlock Avenue is not eligible for listing on the California Register of Historical
Resources and therefore requires no further consideration. No archaeological resources were identified
within or near the project site during the study and the project site is not considered sensitive for buried
archaeological resources. Anza recommends a finding of no impacts to historical or archaeological
resources under CEQA. Although the current project is unlikely to encounter previously unidentified
cultural resources or human remains, the recommendations below are provided in the event of
unanticipated discoveries.
Unanticipated Discovery of Cultural Resources
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
If previously unidentified cultural resources are encountered during ground-disturbing activities, work in
the immediate area must halt and an archaeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Professional
Qualifications Standards for archaeology (National Park Service 1983) must be contacted immediately to
evaluate the find. If the discovery proves to be significant under CEQA, additional work such as data
recovery excavation may be warranted avoid significant impacts. In the event that an identified cultural
resource is of Native American origin, the qualified archaeologist will consult with the project owner and
the City of Carlsbad to implement Native American consultation procedures.
Unanticipated Discovery of Human Remains
If human remains are found, the State of California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no
further disturbance shall occur until the county coroner has made a determination of origin and
disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. In the event of an unanticipated
discovery of human remains, the county coroner must be notified immediately. If the human remains
are determined to be prehistoric, the coroner will notify the Native American Heritage Commission
(NAHC), which will determine and notify a most likely descendant (MLD). The MLD shall complete the
inspection of the site within 48 hours of notification and may recommend scientific removal and
nondestructive analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American burials.
Please do not hesitate to contact Anza Resource Consultants if you have any questions regarding these
findings or recommendations.
Kti~~ t/J--
Senior Cultural Resources Specialist/Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Drive, #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Attachment A: Records Search Summary
Attachment B: Native American Scoping
Katherine Collins, MA, RPA
Principal Investigator, Cultural Resources
Attachment C: Paleontological Resources Locality Search
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
City of San Diego
2007 San Diego Modernism Historic Context Statement. Electronic document accessed
October 8, 2020. Available online at:
https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/modernism 2007.pdf
Dyett & Bhatia and Dudek
2010 Envision Carlsbad Existing Conditions and Issues Exploration Working Paper 4 History,
the Arts and Cultural Resources; High Quality Education and Community Services.
Electronic document accessed October 8, 2020. Available on line at:
https ://www .ca rlsbadca .gov/ civicax/fi leba n k/blobd load .aspx ?Blobl 0=23349
ECORP Consulting, Inc.
2017 Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural, and Paleontological Resources Guidelines. Electronic document
accessed October 1, 2020. Available online at:
Federal Writers' Project
1954 California a Guide to the Golden State. American Guide Series. Hastings House
Publishers, New York.
Kueber, Pam
2009 The Mid-Century Modest Manifesto. Electronic document accessed October 8, 2020.
Available online at: https:/lretrorenovation.com/mid-centurv-modest-manifesto/
Weis Environmental
2020 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 320 Hemlock Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008.
On file with 320 Hemlock, LLC.
Attachment A:
Records Search Summary
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
South Coastal Information Center
1 San Diego State University
-11 . 5500 Campanile Drive
•• San Diego, CA 92182-5320
•. 1 , • Office: (619) 594-5682
· • www.scic.org
· nick@scic.org
Company: Anza Resource Consultants
Company Representative: Kevin Hunt
Date Processed: 10/2/2020
Project Identification: 320 Hemlock Project
Search Radius: 1/2 mile
Historical Resources: JL
Trinomial and Primary site maps have been reviewed. All sites within the project
boundaries and the specified radius of the project area have been plotted. Copies of
the site record forms have been included for all recorded sites.
Previous Survey Report Boundaries:
Project boundary maps have been reviewed. National Archaeological Database
(NADB) citations for reports within the project boundaries and within the specified
radius of the project area have been included.
Historic Addresses:
A map and database of historic properties (formerly Geofinder) has been included.
Historic Maps:
The historic maps on file at the South Coastal Information Center have been reviewed,
and copies have been included.
Summary of SHRC Approved
CHRIS IC Records Search
.RSID: 2782
RUSH: yes
Hours: 1
Spatial Features: 28
Address-Mapped Shapes: yes
Digital Database Records: 34
Quads: 1
Aerial Photos: 0
PDFs: Yes
PDF Pages: 381
This is not an invoice. Please pay from the monthly billing statement
Attachment B:
Native American Scoping
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
Sacred Lands File & Native American Contacts List Request
Native American Heritage Commission
1550 Harbor Blvd, Suite 100 West Sacramento, CA 95691
916-373-3710 916-373-5471-Fax nahc@nahc.ca.gov
Information Below is Required for a Sacred Lands File Search
Project:_ 320 Hemlock Project
County: San Diego
USGS Quadrangle Name: San Luis Rey. CA
Township: 12S Range: 4W Section(s): z
Company/Firm/Agency: Anza Resource Consultants
Street Address: 603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
City: Oceanside
Phone: 760-207-9736
Fax: NA
Zip: 92054
Email:_kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com _______ _
Date: 9/29/2020
Project Description:
The proposed project would construct a residential three-story fourplex with two attached garages on
the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site
(Figure 1). An existing single-family home that was constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would
require demolition for the project. The project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
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Figure 1. Project Location Map (project site in red)
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1,8 069 0.25
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0.5 1'o.75 lmi
Laura Miranda
Reginald Pagallng
Merri Lopez-Keifer
Russell Attebery
Marshall McKay
William Mungary
Paiute/White Mountain
Julie Tumamait-
Christina Snider
1550 Harbor Boulevard
Suite 100
West Sacramento,
California 95691
(916) 373-3710
nohc@nahc.ca .gov
STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gavin Newsom Governor
October 5, 2020
Kevin Hunt
Anza Resource Consultants
Via Email to: kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com
Re: Native American Tribal Consultation, Pursuant to the Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52), Amendments
to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Chapter 532, Statutes of 2014), Public
Resources Code Sections 5097,94 (m), 21073, 21074, 21080.3.1, 21080.3.2, 21082.3, 21083.09,
21084.2 and 21084.3, 320 Hemlock Project, San Diego County
Dear Mr. Hunt:
Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21080.3.1 (c), attached is a consultation list of tribes
that are traditionally and culturally a ffiliated with the geographic area of the above-listed
project. Please note that the intent of the AB 52 amendments to CEQA is to avoid a nd/or
mitigate impacts to trib al cultural resources, (Pub. Resources Code §21084.3 (al) ("Public
agencies shall, when feasible, avoid damaging effects to any tribal cultural resource.")
Public Resources Code sections 21080.3.1 and 21084.3(c) require CEQA lead agencies to
consult with California Native American tribes that have requested notice from such agencies
of proposed projects in the geographic area that are traditionally and culturally affiliated with
the tribes on projects for which a Notice of Preparation or Notice of Negative Declaration or
Mitigated Negative Declaration has been filed on or after July 1, 2015. Specifically. Public
Resources Code section 21080.3.1 (d) provides:
Within 14 days of determining that an application for a project is complete or a decision by a
public agency to undertake a project. the lead agency shall provide formal no tification to the
designated contact of, or a tribal representative of, traditionally and culturally affiliated
California Native American tribes that have requested notice, which shall be accomplished by
means of at least one written notification that includes a brief description of the proposed
project and its location, the lead agency contact information, a nd a notification that the
California Native American tribe has 30 days to request consultation pursuant to this section.
The AB 52 amendments to CEQA law does not preclude initiating consultation with the tribes
that are culturally and traditionally affiliated within your jurisdiction prior to receiving requests for
notification of projects in the tribe's areas of traditional and cultural affiliation. The Native
American Heritage Commission (NAHC) recommends, but does not require, early consultation
as a best practice to ensure that lead agencies receive sufficient information about cultural
resources in a project area to avoid damaging effects to tribal cultural resources.
The NAHC also recommends, but does not require that agencies should also include with their
notification letters, information regarding any cultural resources assessment that has been
completed on the area of potential effect (APE), such as:
1. The results of any record search that may have been conducted at an Information Center of
the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS), including, but not limited to:
• A listing of any and all known cultural resources that have already been recorded
on or adjacent to the APE, such as known archaeological sites;
Page 1 of 2
• Copies of any and all cultural resource records and study reports that may have been provided by the
Information Center as part of the records search response;
• Whether the records search indicates a low, moderate, or high probability that unrecorded cultural
resources are located in the APE; and
• If a survey is recommended by the Information Center to determine whether previously unrecorded
cultural resources are present.
2. The results of any archaeological inventory survey that was conducted, including:
• Any report that may contain site forms, site significance, and suggested mitigation measures.
All information regarding site locations, Native American human remains, and associated funerary
objects should be in a separate confidential addendum, and not be made available for public disclosure
in accordance with Government Code section 6254. 10.
3. The result of any Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission
was positive. Please contact the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians on the attached list for more information.
4. Any ethnographic studies conducted for any area including all or part of the APE; and
5. Any geotechnical reports regarding all or part of the APE.
Lead agencies should be aware that records maintained by the NAHC and CHRIS are not exhaustive and a negative
response to these searches does not preclude the existence of a tribal cultural resource. A tribe may be the only
source of information regarding the existence of a tribal cultural resource.
This information will aid tribes in determining whether to request formal consultation. In the event that they do, having
the information beforehand will help to facilitate the consultation process.
If you receive notification of change of addresses and phone numbers from tribes, please notify the NAHC. With your
assistance, we can assure that our consultation list remains current.
If you have any questions, please contact me at my email address: steven.quinn@nahc.ca.gov.
Steven Quinn
Cultural Resources Analyst
Page 2 of 2
Native American Heritage Commission
Tribal Consultation List
Barona Group of the Capitan
Edwin Romero, Chairperson
1095 Barona Road Diegueno
Lakeside, CA, 92040
Phone: (619) 443 -6612
Fax: (619) 443-0681
Campo Band of Diegueno
Mission Indians
Ralph Goff, Chairperson
36190 Church Road, Suite 1 Diegueno
Campo, CA, 91906
Phone: (619) 478 -9046
Fax: (619) 478-5818
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay
Robert Pinto, Chairperson
4054 Willows Road Diegueno
Alpine, CA, 91901
Phone: (619) 445 -6315
Fax: (619) 445-9126
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay
Michael Garcia, Vice Chairperson
4054 Willows Road Diegueno
Alpine, CA, 91901
Phone: (619) 445 -6315
Fax: (619) 445-9126
/ipay Nation of Santa Ysabel
Virgil Perez, Chairperson
P.O. Box 130
Santa Ysabel, CA, 92070
Phone: (760) 765 -0845
Fax: (760) 765-0320
San Diego County
Jamul Indian Village
Erica Pinto, Chairperson
P.O. Box 612
Jamul, CA, 91935
Fax: (619) 669-4817
Jamul Indian Village
Lisa Cumper, Tribal Historic
Preservation Officer
P.O. Box 612
Jamul, CA, 91935
Phone: (619) 669 -4855
Kwaaymii Laguna Band of
Mission Indians
Carmen Lucas,
P.O. Box 775
Pine Valley, CA, 91962
Phone: (619) 709 -4207
La Jolla Band of Luiseno
Fred Nelson, Chairperson
22000 Highway 76
Pauma Valley, CA, 92061
Phone: (760) 742 -3771
La Pasta Band of Diegueno
Mission Indians
Javaughn Miller, Tribal
8 Crestwood Road
Boulevard, CA, 91905
Phone: (619) 478 -2113
Fax: (619) 478-2125
La Pasta Band of Diegueno
Mission Indians
Gwendolyn Parada, Chairperson
lnaja-Cosmit Band of Indians
Rebecca Osuna, Chairperson 8 Crestwood Road Diegueno
2005 S. Escondido Blvd. Diegueno Boulevard, CA, 91905
Escondido, CA, 92025 Phone: (619) 478 -2113
Phone: (760) 737 -7628 Fax: (619) 478-2125
Fax: (760) 747-8568 LP13boots@aol.com
This list is current only as of the date of this document. Distribution of this list does not relieve any person of statutory responsibility as defined in Section 7050.5 of
the Health and Safety Code, Section 5097.94 of the Public Resources Code and section 5097.98 of the Public Resources Code.
This list is only applicable for consultation with Native American tribes under Public Resources Code Sections 21080.3.1 for the proposed 320 Hemlock Project,
San Diego County.
10/05/2020 04:26 PM 1 of 2
Manzanita Band of Kumeyaay
Angela Elliott Santos, Chairperson
P.O. Box 1302
Boulevard, CA, 91905
Phone: (619) 766 -4930
Fax: (619) 766-4957
Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno
Mission Indians
Michael Linton, Chairperson
P.O Box 270
Santa Ysabel, CA, 92070
Phone: (760) 782 -3818
Fax: (760) 782-9092
Pala Band of Mission Indians
Shasta Gaughan, Tribal Historic
Preservation Officer
PMB 50, 35008 Pala Temecula
Pala, CA, 92059
Phone: (760) 891 -3515
Fax: (760) 742-3189
Pauma Band of Luiseno Indians
Temet Aguilar, Chairperson
P.O. Box 369
Pauma Valley, CA, 92061
Phone: (760) 742 -1289
Fax: (760) 742-3422
Pechanga Band of Luiseno
Mark Macarro, Chairperson
P.O. Box 1477
Temecula, CA, 92593
Phone: (951) 770 -6000
Fax: (951) 695-1778
Native American Heritage Commission
Tribal Consultation List
San Diego County
Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians
Cheryl Madrigal, Tribal Historic
Preservation Officer
Diegueno One Government Center Lane
Valley Center, CA, 92082
Phone: (760) 297 -2635
Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians
Bo Mazzetti, Chairperson
One Government Center Lane
Valley Center, CA, 92082
Diegueno Phone: (760) 749 -1051
Fax: (760) 749-5144
San Luis Rey Band of Mission
San Luis Rey, Tribal Council
1889 Sunset Drive
Vista, CA, 92081
Cupeno Phone: (760) 724 -8505
Luiseno Fax: (760) 724-2172
Soboba Band of Luiseno
Scott Cozart, Chairperson
P. 0. Box 487
San Jacinto, CA, 92583
Luiseno Phone: (951) 654 -2765
Fax: (951) 654-4198
Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay
Cody Martinez, Chairperson
1 Kwaaypaay Court
El Cajon, CA, 92019
Luiseno Phone: (619) 445 -2613
Fax: (619) 445-1927
Viejas Band of Kumeyaay
John Christman, Chairperson
1 Viejas Grade Road
Alpine, CA, 91901
Phone: (619) 445 -3810
Fax: (619) 445-5337
This list is current only as of the date of this document. Distribution of this list does not relieve any person of statutory responsibility as defined in Section 7050.5 of
the Health and Safety Code, Section 5097.94 of the Public Resources Code and section 5097.98 of the Public Resources Code.
This list is only applicable for consultation with Native American tribes under Public Resources Code Sections 21080.3.1 for the proposed 320 Hemlock Project,
San Diego County.
10/05/2020 04:26 PM 2 of 2
September 30, 2020
Barona Group of the Capitan Grande
Edwin Romero, Chairperson
1095 Barona Road
Lakeside, CA, 92040
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Romero:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincerely.' If J ___
Ke~in/Hunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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SCALE 1 :24
September 30, 2020
Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
Ralph Goff, Chairperson
36190 Church Road, Suite 1
Campo, CA, 91906
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Goff:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, µ-
KetlHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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Produced by the United Stotes Geolotlc,eil Survey
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wo,ld Ctodeuc 5!'"..m "' 1~~" 1wr...x◄1 PmJ"'!tM)(I and
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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$CALE 1 :24 .. ,
September 30, 2020
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians
Robert Pinto, Chairperson
4054 Willows Road
Alpine, CA, 91901
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Pinto:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, M-
KetlHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
Project Site
1'1(11 I( oc /·,'\\
t\ N
Pr-oduced b)f tho Unftod States. Geolog!c«I SYrvey
HOntl Amedc.an O..tum of 191] 1MADIJI
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Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians
Michael Garcia, Vice Chairperson
4054 Willows Road
Alpine, CA, 91901
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Vice Chairperson Garcia:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, HJ---
KetlHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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South t> ~,.
On~a8n:!~~ ~-
Project Site
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Produced by the Unltod St.ates Geolot;lcal Survey
Nor\11 A1TC11an D,m.1f'f'I of 191) tHAD6JI 'lforld G.o,letJC SY'V'ffl r,f t'Q"'°' fw<'•°"',., PrnJ-.t1on •M
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
Jamul Indian Village
Lisa Cumper, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
P.O. Box 612
Jamul, CA 91935
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear THPO Cumper:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u---
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
" 11
Project Site
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Produced by tho United Sta.tes G•olot,lcal Survey
~1'\ "'~'~ o.~..,,,. or 191) (H.40111 'll'Ofld Gtooieuc. !,~ ,., 1sQ114 t'Nr.\11◄) Pmj~tton •nd
Figure l. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
lipay Nation of Santa Ysabel
Virgil Perez, Chairperson
P.O. Box 130
Santa Ysabel, CA, 92070
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Perez:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincere; u---
Ketlunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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Project Site
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Pr'OdUC~d by tho Unttcd States Geological Svrvey
Nont, i\lroc11G1.n O.u,m of 19U 1HADlll
wo,14 C..adetK S--,,tt~m r,f l<QM 1wr.'-'W) P,nJH:lMJon •M
Figure 1. Proj ect Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
lnaja-Cosmit Band of Indians
Rebecca Osuna, Chairperson
2005 S. Escondido Blvd.
Escondido, CA, 92025
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Osuna:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Since•:· u--
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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Nor"tti Atr1e1iur, O.tarn or 191) 1HAD1l1
'lt'o1kl G«>deuc S~st~ ,.,, 1-QA,i (IN("',VI"'> Prn_]M:tl()tl and
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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SCALE 1:24 .. ,
September 30, 2020
Jamul Indian Village
Erica Pinto, Chairperson
P.O. Box 612
Jamul, CA, 91935
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Pinto:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, µ-
KetlHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
South O<eans,~
Project Site
l '.t (JI I• I ( I ,\I\
t\ N
Produced by tho Unltod St.lte-J ~ologfcal Survey
Non.f\ Nnel-tictn O.t~ o, 191l 1MAOll1
World Gaodet.: Syll-«n M IQM fWC.'Vl.-4) PMjH.tlNI al"(!
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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SCALE 1 :24 ., ... o ....
September 30, 2020
Kwaaymii Laguna Band of Mission Indians
Carmen Lucas
P.O. Box 775
Pine Valley, CA, 91962
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Ms. Lucas:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u---
KetlHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
Project Site
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Produc~d by t ho Unitod Stotei GeotQ1lcal Survey
NOnl\ Alnc'11Ur, O.tum of 191111HA.Olll
W0tld G.adetlc. S~t"'"' nf 1~11 .. (Wf.'-11 .. 1 PmJ~n-•NI
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
0 69 0.25
\ ~ ~
1. ~ \
0.5 7~.75
?~ \,
Gemol°'11C•I \
"" ~ ...... ,
l mi
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
La Pasta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
Javaughn Miller, Tribal Administrator
8 Crestwood Road
Boulevard, CA, 91905
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Tribal Administrator Miller:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u--
KetlHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
Project Site
/'.\(,JI/I It IA'\
t\ N
Produc~d by tho Unttod Stotes G.ologlc,al Survey
t,l,(),fll'I ~,,car, Datum of 191) rMAOIJ1
'lf'orld Gaodetk SIi"-'"" r,f 1'411◄ (Wt"t'-M◄t Pt'n)""(:UOtl •nd
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
\ '
ii . \
i "' I I ~
o bQ 0.25
\ ,.
1, ... "\
0.5 1YJ. 75
.. ,
G,e,nolac,c•I \ ""1!11,, ..
of NnctlCG
'\ ·?-" §
~ " ... \~ '!,
l mi
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
La Pasta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
Gwendolyn Parada, Chairperson
8 Crestwood Road
Boulevard, CA, 91905
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Parada:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u--
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
11,\(./1 Ji Pl/ •\!",
Produced by tho Unltod Stat1ts Geologful Survey
~" Ame'IIUf', O.t"""' o, !9U !MAl>llll World c..odeuc Sift~ nl !"IA• f\,W;vtAI PrnJ,.<".t"""' .and
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
"' \
"' ~.
0.25 0.5 1<o. 75
"" " oi> '1,.\ .J"✓ ~ .e I o
, l
G.-l!lo«)Qi(.•l 1t1\llr1,u• ct Amen<a
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
Manzanita Band of Kumeyaay Nation
Angela Elliott Santos, Chairperson
P.O. Box 1302
Boulevard, CA, 91905
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Santos:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u---
Ketlunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
Project Site
/',IC/I /I <It/ l'I.
Produc~d by the United States G~o1011cal Survey
NOn/1 Amerbl\ C.lutn ot 191l lNADll,
• ..,.o,10 C.ad~tJC <;y~m N 1~11◄ (WC",Vl4j Pm~tM>" 1"'1
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
:I \
I !l ·"' . ~ ' </
I ,~ .
0.25 0.5
0 •
Ge-,no\oq•u l "'~,., .. , .. u'Aoc:,-,.._~
l mi
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
Michael Linton, Chairperson
P.O Box 270
Santa Ysabel, CA, 92070
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Linton:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, µ-
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
,,,~,, It
.~ J, t1 , "'r,f t znr,<Hn
41 -_,-r co11':1-)d,,9 ~.,'< .,,,,.
,, 35 n ,\
\I ' '\. ~ -p •
'\.; ✓ ~bf✓ ,. f,,.. '.'--( ~ ""~
Project Site
J•. \(JI/( f C / I '\
67 1\ N
Produced by tho Unltod States Geoloalcal Survey
~ti Amc1iutl Dlll.lffl of 19U 1MADIJI
'H'o,\d G.adetlc S\lst-m r,f I~"" 1WC.""'-.,.I Prl"'J~Uon •lld
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
( :, ,,.._
\} 1 ",_,)-1
-'-..:."!.-~~-____ ..:;,:;;;,,;;:::.;..-1-J...\---""'---
,;. ""'
,;t-►·.:-~~ ~\~x. ~\ · .. ~~,, ·t J-,"~-
~'?:,.f'-?._ .✓., .,r
. ~ .Y' ~f --'----'<''
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069 0.25
II '• ,,
~ ........ ~fl/)
Ge:inolou,u t \
\ of A<nc,-•c:o
~ ' \ ;~ 1, § ~ ·.,. ~ \ 'i.
0.5 1'b.15 lmi
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
Allen Lawson, Chairperson
P.O. Box 365
Valley Center, CA, 92082
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Lawson:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincere; u-
KetlHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
Project Site
I' \LIi JI fll I \'\
Produced by tho United St.Jtes C.e-0101rcal Survey
N()f'11'1 Amcriu,n Datum of 191l 1Hi\O&l1 World Geodeuc S)/SlHI\ rt 1~11 .. 1Wf';VIA) PrnJ•r.tN)n •nd
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
069 0.25
~ ..
~ ~
1 \
0.5 1'b. 75
lr\"111,r"' or ,.,.ni:,-,1:11
"' ?. \ :\ ii , ,;: 'l, i 'i.
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
Pala Band of Mission Indians
Shasta Gaughen, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
PMS 50, 35008 Pala Temecula Rd.
Pala, CA 92059
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear THPO Gaughen:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u---
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
J'.\(J/ /( )l / I \
Pr-oduce-d by tho Unttod States Geological Svrvey
NOrll\ Amelrbl'I Oalurn of 191) IMAOIJ/
'rlo,ld G~•tK 5~st~ n, l~ll .. (W(;<;M) PmJll'<.UOn •r'ld
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
, ...
I, I
0.25 0.5
\ /
1\ j ,l \
• J
II , ,, I
Ci,e,nolcxr,u t lfHT(lt,t• of An"oe~ICG
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
Pauma Band of Luiseno Indians
Temet Aguilar, Chairperson
P.O. Box 369
Pauma Valley, CA 92061
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Aguilar:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you .
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, HJ--
Ket/Hunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
f t vi [
;'\ Jtff ' '67~~-~~t---'.....,_
-~ r Escun ·~o ~4..,,
5 ,<'
' ' -\ -:,.;ii
., ~-~ ~b
.;.' .r,. ~,,. '1,~~~ :.l,; .,..,. .... 'ft "": .,. ,..,,,
Produced by tho Unttod Sti\tes Coeolotlcal Survey
NOn.11 AmetflQt'I O.tum of 191) ,MAOaJ1
'NOdd C#4'04etK S:,il'"'" nf l~ft◄ fWC,~◄) PfnJ#<.t!On ltnd
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
I """""► ,. ;~
f ,, .• /,_ __,,_~
•·· SCALE 1 :24
September 30, 2020
Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
Cody Martinez, Chairperson
1 Kwaaypaay Court
El Cajon, CA, 92019
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Martinez:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer: #J----
KeD Hunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
Project Site
1'1<,1/ It Pl I I\
67 j\
Procluc~d by the United States Geolot;lcal Survey
Nol'th Alncncal'I Ootum or 191) 1NAOll1 World G«<Qdeuc ~ ,,, 1~111• 1wr.vi◄1 Pm~ •M
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
0.25 0.5
.. ,
C.O,,ngl,OQl<•L ~u""'~ ~ Amcfte•
7~.75 lmi
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians
John Christman, Chairperson
1 Viejas Grade Road
Alpine, CA, 91901
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Christman:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u-
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
'\,, ~ l ~ I ~y '. ,;,,..·~ It) ....:· ~, ! r \ ...... " f,1t+-/
---~-.... ,-3~ y '
'do -,.-."' \:
( "' ~ 3 ◄~ ~-,t,.tf 0
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-----ll'--'---'~;,:;:...c::_=:i;;;:;::..;.;."-..... --:;..::-l.~..;...;:"'v"'\~4'~;-;,;; ,·~ .
' 1 ..,."½. G)
Project Site
l'll(J//t ( < 1 1'\
i\ N
Produced by the Unttod States c;e.01011cal Survey
No<'th Amer~ O.tum of 1911 lMAOlll
World Geoo•uc SIii~ "' '~""' 1Wr.Vl"'I Pm~UOn •nO
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
' "'
.,, ~' ~· \{:_ Q~~;_'.~,
~~J '\ . \~ i ~ ~;
.~~ ' -~ " I' <,
ML Kefty
' '.\
'I, ~ 11111.S.,oc o'., ,~ .
II t, ,, ..
0.5 7~.75
Ge-mc,~te•t ln~,irnt,.
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians
Mark Macarro, Chairperson
P.O. Box 1477
Temecula, CA, 92593
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Macarro:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u---
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
Project Site
I' \(,1 /Lt ()C I A\
Produced bV t h@ Unttod States Geolc>Jlcal Surv,ey
l'k>f11, Amct11e.1r, 0.llllll of 191U •MAD8l1 Wo,ktGtod«tK. S""Sl"'"' nf 1q11-4 1Wfi...,.◄1 Pm.v-r.uon and
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
0 69
CANNt.t,v lltJ
0.25 0.5 7'6.75
ln•l!IM .. oK Arnc:n~;,
SCALE 1:24
September 30, 2020
La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians
Fred Nelson, Chairperson
22000 Highway 76
Pauma Valley, CA 92061
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Nelson:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:: u--
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
~"' ..... .,, -~
_ .. .J.~.,,., S<>u
.,., Oc~a ' '· / '-< ; ',,_.,;.
"" .,. lb ,.r i~ -';.~~~ \,
\t\ '~
South , .... , Ot'~ons,M <S:-' ,-=,.
Beach -~.,."-
Project Site
l'At J1 I<
Produced by tho Unttod Stiltes Geological St.Jrvey
Nort'I Amc:11<-a" ~tum of 1911 ,MAOUI 'flo,kl Gewet1c. Svu-m ,.., •~"" tWfiVl.<1) P'm~uo" a1'd
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
... -.r ... fZ=>
:, 'b,...,\.q, ,.. ~ ·"A ·t. ~~.t . r, .
I •
I -<.
o.5 7'o.75
~,t✓ ... .,..
Gemol~•I ln'11f/,t ..
SCALE 1 :24
September 30, 2020
Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians
Cheryl Madrigal, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
One Government Center Lane
Valley Center, CA, 92082
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear THPO Madrigal:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u-
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
)',\(.J /II 01 I A "Ii
Produced b)' the United States G~o1011cal Survey
Hont'l ~nu,I"+ 0.ti,rn of 191l 1HAO&ll WorkJ Gt'OdelK S,nt_,om rtt ,,.,-,. 1wr.V1<1) PmJ..-.:uon •nd
Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
~1 ,..\ i .~ ,· \1
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069 0.25
.\-) )i
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1n~•11ur ..
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'• '\:, · ... %. §
\ <j,
0.5 7~.75 lmi
SCALE 1 :24
September 30, 2020
Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians
Bo Mazzetti, Chairperson
One Government Center Lane
Valley Center, CA 92082
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Chairperson Mazzetti:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincere;, u----
KetlHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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September 30, 2020
San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians
San Luis Rey, Tribal Council
1889 Sunset Drive
Vista, CA, 92081
RE: 320 Hemlock Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Ms. Mojado:
Anza Resource Consultants (Anza) has been retained to prepare a cultural resources study for
the 320 Hemlock Project. The project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad,
California (see enclosed map). The proposed project would construct a residential three-story
fourplex with two attached garages on the ground floor and a separate garage structure for two
units on a 0.19-acre (8,920 square feet) site (Figure 1 ). An existing single-family home that was
constructed in 1955 is present on the site and would require demolition for the project. The
project is subject to CEQA and City of Carlsbad is lead agency.
As part of the process of identifying cultural resources issues for this project, Anza contacted
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and requested a Sacred Lands File search
and a list of Native American tribal organizations and individuals who may have knowledge of
sensitive cultural resources in or near the project site. We do not yet have the results but
anticipate the NAHC will recommend we contact you.
If you have knowledge of cultural resources that may exist within or near the project site, please
contact at kevin@anzaresourceconsultants.com or by telephone at (760) 207-9736. Thank you
for your assistance.
Sincer:, u----
KeDHunt, Principal
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Dr. #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
Enclosure: Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
Project Site
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Figure 1. Project Location Map
320 Hemlock Project
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SCALE 1:24
Attachment C:
Paleontological Resources Locality Search
320 Hemlock Project
Cultural Resources Study
7 October 2020
Kevin Hunt
Anza Resource Consultants
603 Seagaze Drive, #1018
Oceanside, CA 92054
RE: Paleontological Records Search -320 Hemlock (Anza Project No. 20-0014)
Dear Mr. Hunt:
This letter presents the results of a paleontological records search conducted for the 320
Hemlock project (Project), located in the northwestern portion of the City of Carlsbad, San Diego
County, California. The Project site is located at 320 Hemlock Avenue, and is bordered to the southeast
by Hemlock Avenue, and on all other sides by existing residential development.
A review of published geological maps covering the Project site and surrounding area was
conducted to determine the specific geologic units underlying the Project site. Each geologic unit was
subsequently assigned a paleontological resource sensitivity (Demere and Walsh, 1993). In addition, a
search of the paleontological collection records housed at the San Diego Natural History Museum
(SDNHM) was conducted in order to determine if any documented fossil collection localities occur at the
Project site or within the immediate surrounding area.
Published geological reports (e.g., Kennedy and Tan, 2007) covering the Project area indicate
that the proposed Project has the potential to impact late Pleistocene-age old paralic deposits, Units 6-7
(broadly equivalent to the Bay Point Formation of Kennedy, 1975). This geologic unit and its
paleontological sensitivity are summarized below. The SDNHM has two recorded fossil localities that lie
within one mile of the Project site; however, these localities are from late Oligocene-age deposits of the
undifferentiated Sespe & Vaqueros formation, which are not anticipated to be impacted by Project
Old paralic deposits (Bay Point Formation) -Old paralic deposits, Units 6-7 underlie the
entire Project site at the surface, as mapped by Kennedy and Tan (2007), and are broadly equivalent to
the nears ho re marine deposits of the Pleistocene-age (approximately 750,000 to 10,000 years old) Bay
Point Formation of Kennedy (1975). The SDNHM does not have any fossil collection localities from the
Bay Point Formation within a one-mile radius of the Project site. The Bay Point Formation has been
assigned a high paleontological sensitivity for the diverse and well-preserved fossils of marine
invertebrates and marine vertebrates, and occasional terrestrial vertebrates, that have been recovered
from these deposits elsewhere in western San Diego County.
thenat P.O. BOX 121390, SAN DIEGO, CA 92112-1390
SDNAT.ORG 619.232.3821 619.232.0248
Summ1.ry and Recommendations
The high paleontological sensitivity of the Bay Point Formation in San Diego County (Demere
and Walsh, 1993) suggests the potential for construction of the proposed Project to result in impacts to
paleontological resources. Any proposed excavation activities that extend deep enough to encounter
previously undisturbed deposits of this geologic unit (i.e., below the depth of any previously imported
artificial fill or disturbed sediments present within the Project site) have the potential to impact the
paleontological resources preserved therein. If such excavation is required for Project construction,
implementation of a complete paleontological resource mitigation program during ground-disturbing
activities is recommended.
The fossil collection locality information contained within this paleontological record search
should be considered private and is the sole property of the San Diego Natural History Museum. Any use
or reprocessing of information contained within this document beyond the scope of the 320 Hemlock
project is prohibited.
If you have any questions concerning these findings please feel free to contact me at
Katie Mccomas, M.S.
Paleontological Report Writer & GIS Specialist
San Diego Natural History Museum
Enc Figure 1 · Pro1ect map
Appendix List of SDSNH Jorn! localillt', in the v1cin1ty of the Pro1Ea
Lit~r tur"' Ci .P.d
Demere, T.A., and S.L. Walsh. 1993. Paleontological Resources, County of San Diego. Unpublished
technical report prepared for the San Diego County Department of Public Works: 1-68.
Kennedy, M.P., and S.S. Tan. 2007. Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30' x 60' Quadrangle, California.
California Geological Survey, Regional Geologic Map Series 1:100,000 scale, map no. 2.
San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM), unpublished paleontological collections data.
l2C lt'mlot k Pal 'untoloq1c(JI R,,Lords 5C:.orc/l
ProJect boundary
1 mile radius buffer
• SDSNH fossil collection localities
Figure 1: Project Map
320 Hemlock PALEOSERVICES City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
320 Hemlock Poleonto/og,co/ Records Search
map ~ extent
San Oieao
scale in miles
Locality Number Locality Name
7519 Carlsbad Energy Center
7520 Carlsbad Energy Center
Appe ndix: Locality List
San Diego Natural History Museum
Department of Paleontology
Elevation (feet)
City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 28
City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 28
1 of 1
Geologic Unit Era Period Epoch
Sespe/Vaqueros Formation Cenozoic Paleogene late Oligocene
Sespe/Vaqueros Formation Cenozoic Paleogene late Oligocene