Maxwell Dugan, PE
License No. 85985
Coast Waste Management, Inc. andPalomar Transfer Station, Inc. 5960 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008
Geosyntec Consultants, Inc
2355 Northside Drive Suite 250 San Diego, CA 92108
DATE: August 24, 2022
Certification Page Project Vicinity Map FORM E-34 Storm Water Standard Questionnaire Site Information FORM E-36 Standard Project Requirement Checklist Summary of PDP Structural BMPs Attachment 1: Backup for PDP Pollutant Control BMPs Attachment 1a: DMA Exhibit Attachment 1b: Tabular Summary of DMAs and Design Capture Volume Calculations Attachment 1c: Harvest and Use Feasibility Screening (when applicable) Attachment 1d: Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition (when applicable) Attachment 1e: Pollutant Control BMP Design Worksheets / Calculations Attachment 2: Backup for PDP Hydromodification Control Measures Attachment 2a: Hydromodification Management Exhibit
Attachment 2b: Management of Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Attachment 2c: Geomorphic Assessment of Receiving Channels Attachment 2d: Flow Control Facility Design
Attachment 3: Structural BMP Maintenance Thresholds and Actions Attachment 4: Single Sheet BMP (SSBMP) Exhibit
Project Name: Palomar Transfer Station Stormwater Improvements
Project ID:
I hereby declare that I am the Engineer in Responsible Charge of design of storm water BMPs for this project, and that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with the requirements of the BMP Design Manual, which is based on the requirements of SDRWQCB Order No. R9-2013-0001 (MS4 Permit) or the current Order.
I have read and understand that the City Engineer has adopted minimum requirements for managing urban runoff, including storm water, from land development activities, as described in
the BMP Design Manual. I certify that this SWQMP has been completed to the best of my ability and accurately reflects the project being proposed and the applicable source control and site design BMPs proposed to minimize the potentially negative impacts of this project's land
development activities on water quality. I understand and acknowledge that the plan check review of this SWQMP by the City Engineer is confined to a review and does not relieve me, as the Engineer in Responsible Charge of design of storm water BMPs for this project, of my
responsibilities for project design.
C-85985________________________________________________________ Engineer of Work's Signature, PE Number & Expiration Date
________________________________________________________ Print Name
3/22/2022____________________________ Date
Expires: 9/30/22
[Insert City’s Storm Water Standard Questionnaire (Form E-34) here]
To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the city requires that new
development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management
Practices (BMPs) into the project design per Carlsbad BMP Design Manual (BMP Manual). To view the BMP Manual, refer
to the Engineering Standards (Volume 5).
This questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision,
discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water
standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your
project will either be subject to ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ requirements, ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ with TRASH CAPTURE
Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City
staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines
that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed
by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to
the questionnaire and resubmit to the city.
If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the
questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff.
A completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted with each development project application. Only one completed
and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted
The project is (check one): New Development Redevelopment
The total proposed disturbed area is: ft2 ( ) acres
The total proposed newly created and/or replaced impervious area is: ft2 ( ) acres
If your project is covered by an approved SWQMP as part of a larger development project, provide the project ID and the
SWQMP # of the larger development project:
Project ID SWQMP #:
Then, go to Step 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your
application to the city.
This Box for City Use Only
City Concurrence:
YES NO Date: Project ID:
E-34 Page 1 of 4 REV 02/22
Development Services
Land Development Engineering
1635 Faraday Avenue
Palomar TS Stormwater Treatment Design
209-050-25005960 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008
19,848 0.46
3,631 0.1
E-34 Page 2 of 4 REV 02/22
To determine if your project is a “development project”, please answer the following question:
Is your project LIMITED TO routine maintenance activity and/or repair/improvements to an existing building
or structure that do not alter the size (See Section 1.3 of the BMP Design Manual for guidance)?
If you answered “yes” to the above question, provide justification below then go to Step 6, mark the box stating “my project
is not a ‘development project’ and not subject to the requirements of the BMP manual” and complete applicant information.
Justification/discussion: (e.g. the project includes only interior remodels within an existing building):
If you answered “no” to the above question, the project is a ‘development project’, go to Step 2.
To determine if your project is exempt from PDP requirements pursuant to MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(3), please answer
the following questions:
Is your project LIMITED to one or more of the following:
1.Constructing new or retrofitting paved sidewalks, bicycle lanes or trails that meet the following criteria:
a)Designed and constructed to direct storm water runoff to adjacent vegetated areas, or other non-
erodible permeable areas; OR
b)Designed and constructed to be hydraulically disconnected from paved streets or roads; OR
c)Designed and constructed with permeable pavements or surfaces in accordance with USEPA
Green Streets guidance?
2. Retrofitting or redeveloping existing paved alleys, streets, or roads that are designed and constructed in
accordance with the USEPA Green Streets guidance?
3. Ground Mounted Solar Array that meets the criteria provided in section 1.4.2 of the BMP manual?
If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, provide discussion/justification below, then go to Step 6, mark
the second box stating “my project is EXEMPT from PDP …” and complete applicant information.
Discussion to justify exemption ( e.g. the project redeveloping existing road designed and constructed in accordance with
the USEPA Green Street guidance):
If you answered “no” to the above questions, your project is not exempt from PDP, go to Step 3.
E-34 Page 3 of 4 REV 02/22
* Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special
Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies
designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments);
areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; Habitat Management
Plan; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the City.
To determine if your project is a PDP, please answer the following questions (MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(1)):
1. Is your project a new development that creates 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces
collectively over the entire project site? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use,and public development projects on public or private land.
2. Is your project a redevelopment project creating and/or replacing 5,000 square feet or more of impervious
surface collectively over the entire project site on an existing site of 10,000 square feet or more of
impervious surface? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public
development projects on public or private land.
3. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of
impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a restaurant? A restaurant is a
facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and
refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption (Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC) code 5812).
4. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious
surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a hillside development project? A hillside
development project includes development on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent or greater.
5. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of
impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a parking lot? A parking lot is a
land area or facility for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles used personally for
business or for commerce.
6. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more
of impervious street, road, highway, freeway or driveway surface collectively over the entire project
site? A street, road, highway, freeway or driveway is any paved impervious surface used for the
transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles.
7. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 2,500 square feet or more of
impervious surface collectively over the entire site, and discharges directly to an Environmentally
Sensitive Area (ESA)? “Discharging Directly to” includes flow that is conveyed overland a distance of 200
feet or less from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or open channel any distance as an
isolated flow from the project to the ESA (i.e. not commingled with flows from adjacent lands).*
8.Is your project a new development or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square
feet or more of impervious surface that supports an automotive repair shop? An automotive repair
shop is a facility that is categorized in any one of the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
codes: 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, or 7536-7539.
9. Is your project a new development or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square
feet or more of impervious area that supports a retail gasoline outlet (RGO)? This category includes
RGO’s that meet the following criteria: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b) a project Average Daily
Traffic (ADT) of 100 or more vehicles per day.
10. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land
and are expected to generate pollutants post construction?
11. Is your project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates 2,500 square feet or more of
impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? (CMC
If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, your project is a PDP. If your project is a redevelopment
project, go to step 4. If your project is a new project, go to step 6, check the first box stating, “My project is a PDP …” and
complete applicant information.
If you answered “no” to all of the above questions, your project is a ‘STANDARD PROJECT’. Go to step 5, complete the
trash capture questions..
Project Summary Information
Project Name
Project ID
Project Address
Assessor's Parcel Number(s) (APN(s))
Project Watershed (Hydrologic Unit) Carlsbad 904
Parcel Area ________ Acres (____________ Square Feet)
Existing Impervious Area
(subset of Parcel Area) 6
Area to be disturbed by the project
(Project Area) ________ Acres (____________ Square Feet)
Project Proposed Impervious Area
(subset of Project Area) ________ Acres (____________ Square Feet)
Project Proposed Pervious Area
(subset of Project Area) ________ Acres (____________ Square Feet)
Note: Proposed Impervious Area + Proposed Pervious Area = Area to be Disturbed by the Project. This may be less than the Parcel Area.
10.8 471,812
4______ Acres (___2_6_0_,_3_6_9___ Square Feet)
CD 2021-0024/GR2022-0014
Description of Existing Site Condition and Drainage Patterns
Current Status of the Site (select all that apply):
Existing development
Previously graded but not built out
Agricultural or other non-impervious use
Vacant, undeveloped/natural
Description / Additional Information:
Existing Land Cover Includes (select all that apply):
Vegetative Cover
Non-Vegetated Pervious Areas
Impervious Areas
Description / Additional Information:
Underlying Soil belongs to Hydrologic Soil Group (select all that apply):
Approximate Depth to Groundwater (GW):
GW Depth < 5 feet
5 feet < GW Depth < 10 feet
10 feet < GW Depth < 20 feet
GW Depth > 20 feet
Existing Natural Hydrologic Features (select all that apply):
Description / Additional Information:
Description of Existing Site Topography and Drainage [How is storm water runoff conveyed from the site? At a minimum, this description should answer (1) whether existing drainage conveyance is natural or urban; (2) describe existing constructed storm water conveyance systems, if applicable; and (3) is runoff from offsite conveyed through the site? if so, describe]:
Description of Proposed Site Development and Drainage Patterns
Project Description / Proposed Land Use and/or Activities:
List/describe proposed impervious features of the project (e.g., buildings, roadways, parking lots, courtyards, athletic courts, other impervious features):
List/describe proposed pervious features of the project (e.g., landscape areas):
Does the project include grading and changes to site topography?
Description / Additional Information:
Does the project include changes to site drainage (e.g., installation of new storm water conveyance systems)?
Description / Additional Information:
The project includes minor grading for installation of reinforced concrete pad, minor gradingto an existing basin, and minor grading around a proposed trench drain to direct flows into
the trench drain.
While no changes to site topography are proposed, the project will redirect surface flows to
a centralized location, effectively changing the drainage.
Identify whether any of the following features, activities, and/or pollutant source areas will be present (select all that apply):
On-site storm drain inlets
Interior floor drains and elevator shaft sump pumps
Interior parking garages
Need for future indoor & structural pest control
Landscape/Outdoor Pesticide Use
Pools, spas, ponds, decorative fountains, and other water features
Food service
Refuse areas
Industrial processes
Outdoor storage of equipment or materials
Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
Vehicle/Equipment Repair and Maintenance
Fuel Dispensing Areas
Loading Docks
Fire Sprinkler Test Water
Miscellaneous Drain or Wash Water
Plazas, sidewalks, and parking lots
Identification of Receiving Water Pollutants of Concern
Describe path of storm water from the project site to the Pacific Ocean (or bay, lagoon, lake or
reservoir, as applicable):
List any 303(d) impaired water bodies within the path of storm water from the project site to the Pacific Ocean (or bay, lagoon, lake or reservoir, as applicable), identify the pollutant(s)/stressor(s) causing impairment, and identify any TMDLs for the impaired water bodies:
303(d) Impaired Water Body Pollutant(s)/Stressor(s) TMDLs
Identification of Project Site PollutantsIdentify pollutants anticipated from the project site based on all proposed use(s) of the site (see BMP Design Manual Appendix B.6):
Not Applicable to
the Project Site
Anticipated from the
Project Site
Also a Receiving
Water Pollutant of
Heavy Metals
Organic Compounds
Trash & Debris
Oxygen Demanding Substances
Oil & Grease
Bacteria & Viruses
TABLE.-1. Anticipated and Potential Pollutants Generated by Land Use Type
General Pollutant Categories
Sediment Nutrients Heavy
Trash &
Oil &
Bacteria &
Viruses Pesticides
X X X P(1) P(2) P X
>one acre
P(1) P(1) X P(2) X P(5) X P(3) P(5)
Industry X X X X X X
Repair Shops X X(4)(5) X X
Restaurants X X X X P(1)
>5,000 ft2
Parking Lots P(1) P(1) X X P(1) X P(1)
Highways &
X P(1) X X(4) X P(5) X X P(1)
X = anticipated
P = potential
(1) A potential pollutant if landscaping exists onsite.
(2) A potential pollutant if the project includes uncovered parking areas.
(3) A potential pollutant if land use involves food or animal waste products.
(4) Including petroleum hydrocarbons.
(5) Including solvents.
Trash Capture BMP Requirements
The project must meet the following Trash Capture BMP Requirements (see Section 4.4 of the
BMP Design Manual): 1) The trash capture BMP is sized for a one-year, one-hour storm event
or equivalent storm drain system, and 2) the trash capture BMP captures trash equal or greater
to 5mm.
Description / Discussion of Trash Capture BMPs:
Hydromodification Management Requirements
Do hydromodification management requirements apply (see Section 1.6 of the BMP Design
Yes, hydromodification management flow control structural BMPs required.
No, the project will discharge runoff directly to existing underground storm drains discharging
directly to water storage reservoirs, lakes, enclosed embayments, or the Pacific Ocean.
No, the project will discharge runoff directly to conveyance channels whose bed and bank are
concrete-lined all the way from the point of discharge to water storage reservoirs, lakes,
enclosed embayments, or the Pacific Ocean.
No, the project will discharge runoff directly to an area identified as appropriate for an
exemption by the WMAA for the watershed in which the project resides.
Description / Additional Information (to be provided if a 'No' answer has been selected above):
Upper and lower basins and inlet screens provide trash capture, inlet screen is providing trash
capture for trench drain
Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas*
*This Section only required if hydromodification management requirements apply
Based on the maps provided within the WMAA, do potential critical coarse sediment yield areas
exist within the project drainage boundaries?
No, no critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected based on WMAA maps
If yes, have any of the optional analyses presented in Appendix H of the manual been
H.6.1 Site-Specific GLU Analysis
H.7 Downstream Systems Sensitivity to Coarse Sediment
H.7.3 Coarse Sediment Source Area Verification
No optional analyses performed, the project will avoid critical coarse sediment yield areas
identified based on WMAA maps
If optional analyses were performed, what is the final result?
No critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected based on verification of GLUs onsite.
Critical coarse sediment yield areas exist but additional analysis has determined that
protection is not required. Documentation attached in Attachment 8 of the SWQMP.
Critical coarse sediment yield areas exist and require protection. The project will implement
management measures described in Sections H.2, H.3, and H.4 as applicable, and the areas
are identified on the SWQMP Exhibit.
Discussion / Additional Information:
Flow Control for Post-Project Runoff*
*This Section only required if hydromodification management requirements apply
List and describe point(s) of compliance (POCs) for flow control for hydromodification
management (see Section 6.3.1). For each POC, provide a POC identification name or number
correlating to the project's HMP Exhibit and a receiving channel identification name or number
correlating to the project's HMP Exhibit.
Has a geomorphic assessment been performed for the receiving channel(s)?
No, the low flow threshold is 0.1Q2 (default low flow threshold)
Yes, the result is the low flow threshold is 0.1Q2
Yes, the result is the low flow threshold is 0.3Q2
Yes, the result is the low flow threshold is 0.5Q2
If a geomorphic assessment has been performed, provide title, date, and preparer:
Discussion / Additional Information: (optional)
There is only one point of compliance for this project. It is located at the southern portion of the site where an existing storm drain daylights and outfalls through natural drainage channel
tributary to Agua Hedionda Creek.
Other Site Requirements and Constraints
When applicable, list other site requirements or constraints that will influence storm water
management design, such as zoning requirements including setbacks and open space, or City
codes governing minimum street width, sidewalk construction, allowable pavement types, and
drainage requirements.
Optional Additional Information or Continuation of Previous Sections As Needed
This space provided for additional information or continuation of information from previous
sections as needed.
Additional Information on BMP selection
The Industrial General Permit1 does not provide specific guidance on BMP selection, but implements an
Exceedance Response Action (ERA) process that allows the discharger time to implement BMPs (or other
demonstrations) to iteratively meet the IGP’s numeric action levels (NALs). In IGP Section H.2.b, advanced
Treatment Control BMPs are defined as “the implementation of one or more mechanical, chemical,
biologic, or any other treatment technology that will meet the treatment design standard.” The IGP
provides the discharger, and their Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP), an opportunity to
determine the level of treatment needed to meet the IGP NALs and also meet the Best Available
Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT)
Geosyntec evaluated natural/passive treatment control options, such as bioretention to meet this
requirement; however, determined that based on available water quality performance, these passive
options are unable to consistently meet the IGP NALs and the Consent Decree (CD) numeric levels (NLs),
which include some more stringent goals established for this project. To evaluate potential performance,
Geosyntec used best professional judgment from years of work in the stormwater BMP design field, client-
specific data that could not be shared, and also reviewed the International Stormwater Best Management
Practice (BMP) Database2, which Geosyntec co-manages with other consultants and public agencies
including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The International Stormwater BMP Database summarizes the performance data from over 700 BMP
studies, which includes bioretention performance for a variety of constituents. The table below provides
a snapshot of the bioretention effluent results compared to the PTS CD NLs (the full data are provided in
the tables at the end of this document, taken from a published BMP performance report from the
Table 1: International Stormwater BMP Database Bioretention Effluent Data Compared to Consent Decree Numeric Levels
International Stormwater BMP Database
Bioretention Effluent Concentration Summary
PTS CD NLs Number of
Effluent range (25th
percentile - 75th
(MPN/100mL) 49 32 – 2,190 218 61
Total Phosphorus (mg/L) 667 0.0900 - 0.553 0.24 0.1
Total Iron (mg/L) 74 0.2 - 1.4 0.595 0.3
As shown from the table above, from the studies available, bioretention BMPs were not able to
consistently meet the PTS CD Numeric Level goals as demonstrated by the median concentrations all being
above the CD NLs. This conclusion for bioretention is typical in Geosyntec’s experience designing and
1 Order No. 2014-0057-DWQ; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number CAS000001 for
Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities issued by the State Water Resources Control Board 2 https://bmpdatabase.org/
3 https://www.waterrf.org/system/files/resource/2020-11/DRPT-4968_0.pdf
monitoring stormwater BMPs due to influent variability and natural process variability that is dependent
on changing conditions such as temperature. Therefore, Geosyntec has worked with our internal process
engineers and external vendors to design an advanced stormwater treatment system with a higher
likelihood of consistently reducing the industrial stormwater discharge constituents to below the CD NLs.
Excerpts from the 2020 International Stormwater BMP Database 2020 Summary Statistics
[Insert City’s Standard Project Requirement Checklist Form E-36 (here)]
E-36 Page 1 of 4 Revised 02/22
Development Services
Land Development Engineering
1635 Faraday Avenue
Project Information
Project Name:
Project ID:
DWG No. or Building Permit No.:
Baseline BMPs for Existing and Proposed Site Features
Complete the Table 1 - Site Design Requirement to document existing and proposed site features and the BMPs to be
implemented for them. All BMPs must be implemented where applicable and feasible. Applicability is generally
assumed if a feature exists or is proposed.
BMPs must be implemented for site design features where feasible. Leaving the box for a BMP unchecked means it
will not be implemented (either partially or fully) either because it is inapplicable or infeasible. Explanations must be
provided in the area below. The table provides specific instructions on when explanations are required.
Table 1 - Site Design Requirement
A. Existing Natural Site Features (see Fact Sheet BL-1)
1. Check the boxes below for each existing feature on
the site.
1. Select the BMPs to be implemented for each identified feature. Explain
why any BMP not selected is infeasible in the area below.
Conserve natural
Provide buffers around waterbodies
Natural waterbodies
Natural storage reservoirs & drainage corridors --
Natural areas, soils, & vegetation (incl. trees) --
B. BMPs for Common Impervious Outdoor Site Features (see Fact Sheet BL-2)
1. Check the boxes below for each
proposed feature.
2. Select the BMPs to be implemented for each proposed feature. If neither BMP SD-B nor
SD-I is selected for a feature, explain why both BMPs are infeasible in the area below.
Direct runoff to pervious
Construct surfaces from
permeable materials
Minimize size of
impervious areas
Streets and roads Check this box to confirm
that all impervious areas on
the site will be minimized
where feasible.
If this box is not checked,
identify the surfaces that
cannot be minimized in area
below, and explain why it is
Sidewalks & walkways
Parking areas & lots
Patios, decks, & courtyards
Hardcourt recreation areas
E-36 Page 2 of 4 Revised 02/22
Other: _______________ infeasible to do so.
C. BMPs for Rooftop Areas: Check this box if rooftop areas are proposed and select at least one BMP
If no BMPs are selected, explain why they are infeasible in the area below.
(see Fact
Sheet BL-3)
Direct runoff to pervious areas
Install green roofs
Install rain barrels
D. BMPs for Landscaped Areas: Check this box if landscaping is proposed and select the BMP below
SD-K Sustainable Landscaping
If SD-K is not selected, explain why it is infeasible in the area below.
(see Fact
Sheet BL-4)
Provide discussion/justification for site design BMPs that will not be implemented (either partially or fully):
Baseline BMPs for Pollutant-generating Sources
All development projects must complete Table 2 - Source Control Requirement to identify applicable requirements for
documenting pollutant-generating sources/ features and source control BMPs.
BMPs must be implemented for source control features where feasible. Leaving the box for a BMP unchecked means it
will not be implemented (either partially or fully) either because it is inapplicable or infeasible. Explanations must be
provided in the area below. The table provides specific instructions on when explanations are required.
Table 2 - Source Control Requirement
A. Management of Storm Water Discharges
1. Identify all proposed outdoor
work areas below
Check here if none are proposed
2. Which BMPs will be used to prevent
materials from contacting rainfall or
(See Fact Sheet BL-5)
Select all feasible BMPs for each work area
3. Where will runoff from the
work area be routed?
(See Fact Sheet BL-6)
Select one or more option for each
work area
flows from
Trash & Refuse Storage
Materials & Equipment Storage
E-36 Page 3 of 4 Revised 02/22
Loading & Unloading
Maintenance & Repair
Vehicle & Equipment Cleaning
Other: _________________
B. Management of Storm Water Discharges (see Fact Sheet BL-7)
Select one option for each feature below:
• Storm drain inlets and catch basins … are not proposed
will be labeled with stenciling or signage to
discourage dumping (SC-F)
• Interior work surfaces, floor drains &
sumps …
are not proposed
will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4
or receiving waters
• Drain lines (e.g. air conditioning, boiler,
etc.) …
are not proposed
will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4
or receiving waters
• Fire sprinkler test water … are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4
or receiving waters
Provide discussion/justification for source control BMPs that will not be implemented (either partially or fully):
E-36 Page 4 of 4 Revised 02/22
Form Certification
This E-36 Form is intended to comply with applicable requirements of the city’s BMP Design Manual. I certify that it has
been completed to the best of my ability and accurately reflects the project being proposed and the applicable BMPs
proposed to minimize the potentially negative impacts of this project's land development activities on water quality. I
understand and acknowledge that the review of this form by City staff is confined to a review and does not relieve me as
the person in charge of overseeing the selection and design of storm water BMPs for this project, of my responsibilities for
project design.
Preparer Signature: Date:
Print preparer name: Maxwell Dugan
PDP Structural BMPs
All PDPs must implement structural BMPs for storm water pollutant control (see Chapter 5 of
the BMP Design Manual). Selection of PDP structural BMPs for storm water pollutant control must be based on the selection process described in Chapter 5. PDPs subject to hydromodification management requirements must also implement structural BMPs for flow control for hydromodification management (see Chapter 6 of the BMP Design Manual). Both storm water pollutant control and flow control for hydromodification management can be achieved within the same structural BMP(s).
PDP structural BMPs must be verified by the City at the completion of construction. This may include requiring the project owner or project owner's representative to certify construction of the structural BMPs (see Section 1.12 of the BMP Design Manual). PDP structural BMPs must be maintained into perpetuity, and the City must confirm the maintenance (see Section 7 of the
BMP Design Manual).
Use this form to provide narrative description of the general strategy for structural BMP
implementation at the project site in the box below. Then complete the PDP structural BMP summary information sheet for each structural BMP within the project (copy the BMP summary information page as many times as needed to provide summary information for each individual
structural BMP).
Describe the general strategy for structural BMP implementation at the site. This information must describe how the steps for selecting and designing storm water pollutant control BMPs presented in Section 5.1 of the BMP Design Manual were followed, and the results (type of
BMPs selected). For projects requiring hydromodification flow control BMPs, indicate whether pollutant control and flow control BMPs are integrated together or separate.
[Continue on next page as necessary.]
[Continued from previous page – This page is reserved for continuation of description of general strategy for structural BMP implementation at the site.]
Structural BMP Summary Information
[Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed
structural BMP]
Structural BMP ID No.
DWG _________ Sheet No. __________
Type of structural BMP:
Retention by harvest and use (HU-1)
Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1)
Retention by bioretention (INF-2)
Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3)
Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1)
Biofiltration (BF-1)
Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention orbiofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or
biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below)
Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management
Other (describe in discussion section below)
Pollutant control only
Hydromodification control only
Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control
Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP
Other (describe in discussion section below)
Discussion (as needed):
442-3C 4
This is the cover sheet for Attachment 1.
Check which Items are Included behind this cover sheet:
Contents Checklist
Attachment 1a DMA Exhibit (Required)
See DMA Exhibit Checklist on the back of this Attachment cover sheet.
(24”x36” Exhibit typically required)
Attachment 1b Tabular Summary of DMAs Showing DMA ID matching DMA Exhibit, DMA Area, and DMA Type (Required)*
*Provide table in this Attachment OR
on DMA Exhibit in Attachment 1a
Included on DMA Exhibit inAttachment 1a
Included as Attachment 1b,separate from DMA Exhibit
Attachment 1c Form I-7, Harvest and Use Feasibility Screening Checklist (Required unless the entire project will use infiltration BMPs)
Refer to Appendix B.3-1 of the BMP Design Manual to complete Form I-7.
Not included because the entireproject will use infiltration BMPs
Attachment 1d Form I-8, Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition (Required unless the project will use harvest and use BMPs)
Refer to Appendices C and D of the BMP Design Manual to complete Form I-8.
Not included because the entireproject will use harvest and use
Attachment 1e Pollutant Control BMP Design Worksheets / Calculations (Required)
Refer to Appendices B and E of the BMP Design Manual for structural pollutant control BMP design guidelines
Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included on the DMA
The DMA Exhibit must identify:
Underlying hydrologic soil group
Approximate depth to groundwater
Existing natural hydrologic features (watercourses, seeps, springs, wetlands)
Critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected (if present)
Existing topography and impervious areas
Existing and proposed site drainage network and connections to drainage offsite
Proposed grading
Proposed impervious features
Proposed design features and surface treatments used to minimize imperviousness
Drainage management area (DMA) boundaries, DMA ID numbers, and DMA areas (squarefootage or acreage), and DMA type (i.e., drains to BMP, self-retaining, or self-mitigating)
Structural BMPs (identify location and type of BMP)
THREE (3) 21,000 GALLON
0 40 80
[This is the cover sheet for Attachment 2.]
Indicate which Items are Included behind this cover sheet:
Contents Checklist
Attachment 2a Hydromodification Management Exhibit (Required) Included
See Hydromodification Management Exhibit Checklist on the back of this Attachment cover sheet.
Attachment 2b Management of Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas (WMAA Exhibit is required, additional analyses are
See Section 6.2 of the BMP Design
Exhibit showing project drainageboundaries marked on WMAA
Critical Coarse Sediment YieldArea Map (Required)
Optional analyses for Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Area Determination
6.2.1 Verification of GeomorphicLandscape Units Onsite
6.2.2 Downstream SystemsSensitivity to Coarse Sediment
6.2.3 Optional Additional Analysisof Potential Critical CoarseSediment Yield Areas Onsite
Attachment 2c Geomorphic Assessment of Receiving Channels (Optional)
See Section 6.3.4 of the BMP Design Manual.
Not performed
Attachment 2d Flow Control Facility Design and Structural BMP Drawdown Calculations (Required)
See Chapter 6 and Appendix G of the BMP Design Manual
Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included on the
Hydromodification Management Exhibit:
The Hydromodification Management Exhibit must identify:
Underlying hydrologic soil group
Approximate depth to groundwater
Existing natural hydrologic features ( watercourses, seeps, springs, wetlands)
Critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected (if present)
Existing topography
Existing and proposed site drainage network and connections to drainage offsite
Proposed grading
Proposed impervious features
Proposed design features and surface treatments used to minimize imperviousness
Point(s) of Compliance (POC) for Hydromodification Management
Existing and proposed drainage boundary and drainage area to each POC (when necessary,create separate exhibits for pre-development and post-project conditions)
Structural BMPs for hydromodification management (identify location, type of BMP, andsize/detail)
Attachment 2b
Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Exhibit
Project Location
Attachment 2b
Enlarged Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Map
Project Location
From:Garcia, Mireille@Waterboards
To:Brandon Steets
Cc:Jose Avina; Richard Gonzalez; Miguel Parames; Walsh, Laurie@Waterboards
Subject:San Diego Water Board"s Determination for Carlsbad Palomar Transfer Station Stormwater Treatment BMPComparison Request
Date:Friday, December 17, 2021 9:35:00 AM
Attachments:Att 1 - Map of ESA.PNGAtt 2 - BMP Sizing.pdfAtt 3 - DMA Exhibit.pdf
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe. If you have any suspicion, please confirm with the sender
verbally that this email is authentic.
Hello Mr. Steets,
San Diego Water Board staff has reviewed your request regarding the proposed stormwater
treatment system at the Palomar Transfer Station in the City of Carlsbad. We have reviewed the
project design information provided by you, including the Numeric Levels required to be achieved by
the Consent Decree, the proposed treatment system layout, the proposed system pilot results
presentation, the proposed project site map, and technical documentation regarding the volume of
stormwater to be treated.
Based on the information provided, the project will create/replace 3,609 square feet of impervious
area on an existing site consisting of 5.98 acres (260,369 square feet) of impervious area (parcel
area). The entire property, including pervious areas and the impervious parcel area, is made up of
10.8 acres (470,616 square feet). On December 6, 2021, the City of Carlsbad provided to the San
Diego Water Board supporting documentation that shows the project site discharges directly to an
Environmental Sensitive Area designated by the city (see Attachment 1 – Map of ESA).
The project is a Priority Development Project (PDP) based on provision E.3.b(1)(d) of the Regional
MS4 Permit:
New or redevelopment projects that create and/or replace 2,500 square feet or more of
impervious surface (collectively over the entire project site), and discharging directly to an
Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). “Discharging directly to” includes flow that is conveyed
overland a distance of 200 feet or less from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or
open channel any distance as an isolated flow from the project to the ESA (i.e. not
commingled with flows from adjacent lands).
Under provision E.3.b.(2), redevelopment priority projects have special considerations for meeting
the structural BMP performance requirements of provision E.3.c. The proposed project is replacing
less than fifty percent of the existing development impervious area. Therefore, the project is only
required to treat the 3,609 square feet and not the entire 5.98 acres (260,369 square feet) of
existing impervious area to meet the requirements of provision E.3.c.
Provision E.3.c requires the project to implement onsite structural BMPs for mitigation of onsite
pollutants generated and the effects of hydromodification. The project is proposing to construct a
water quality treatment system to comply with both the State Water Board Industrial General
Permit (IGP) and the Regional MS4 Permit stormwater pollutant control requirements of provision
Due to project site space constraints, the stormwater runoff produced from a 24-hour 85th
percentile storm event (design capture volume) is not able to be captured onsite as required by the
Regional MS4 Permit. Instead, the equivalent design storm standards from section X.H.6.a.iii the IGP
will be applied to the project. Section X.H.6.a.iii the IGP defines the volume of runoff required to be
treated as the volume of annual runoff required to achieve 80 percent or more treatment,
determined in accordance with the methodology set forth in the latest edition of California
Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbook, using local, historical rainfall records. On
December 15, 2021, Geosyntec provided a technical document showing the sizing of BMP required
to capture and treat 80 percent of the annual runoff volume (see Attachment 2 – BMP Sizing). US
Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was used to
conduct a long-term continuous simulation to identify the storage tank, pumping flowrates,
conveyance sizing, and treatment flowrate combination capable of capturing 80 percent or more of
stormwater runoff over a long-term period of record to satisfy the requirement in section X.H.6.a.iii
of the IGP. Geosyntec used SWMM to provide a more representative site-specific estimate of
stormwater capture, accounting for facility infrastructure complexities and local precipitation
records as compared to using the California Stormwater Best Management Practices handbook
nomographs referenced in the IGP. According to the information provided by Geosyntec via email
dated November 23, 2021, and December 15, 2021, 10.49 acres of existing development areas and
pervious areas on the property will flow to the proposed treatment system (see Attachment 3 –
DMA Exhibit). This acreage includes the 3,609 square feet of impervious area to be replaced.
Therefore, the proposed project is expected to treat more than the 3,609 square feet of impervious
area required by the Regional MS4 Permit. The proposed project will consist of three storage tanks
with a combined total design capacity of 63,000 gallons and a treatment system flowrate of 210
gallons per minute (gpm). The stormwater storage and treatment system flowrate in combination
were modeled to provide more than 80 percent long-term stormwater capture from the entire
operational area. In comparison, based on rough calculations provided by Geosyntec the 85th
percentile 24-hr design storm (1.1-inch) requirement in the Regional MS4 Permit to treat runoff
from the redeveloped project area (0.16 acres) would require a storage volume of 1,000 gallons for a
volume-based BMP and a design flowrate of 9 gpm for a flow-based BMP.
If the City agrees that it is not technically feasible to meet provision E.3.c.(1)(a)(i) retention and
biofiltration of onsite pollutant requirements with LID or biofiltration BMPs for the 3,609 square feet
redevelopment project, the redevelopment project must provide mitigation for the volume not
reliably retained onsite; and the treatment system must meet the design requirements of provision
E.3.c.(1)(a)(ii) to remove pollutants in stormwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP), be
ranked with a high or medium pollutant removal efficiency for the PDP’s most significant pollutants
of concern, and meet either of the following design flow rates:
[b] Filter or treat either: 1) the maximum flow rate of runoff produced from a rainfall
intensity of 0.2 inch of rainfall per hour, for each hour of a storm event, or 2) the
maximum flow rate of runoff produced by the 85th percentile hourly rainfall intensity
(for each hour of a storm event), as determined from the local historical rainfall
record, multiplied by a factor of two.
The proposed treatment system proposes to not only provide pollutant removal treatment for the
square footage of impervious area to be replaced (3,609 square feet), but for a total of 10.49 acres
of property. The treatment of the 80 percent volume from the IGP far exceeds the treatment
volume required in the Regional MS4 Permit. The proposed treatment of the 10.49 acres on the
property therefore meets the intent of provision E.3.c.(1)(a)(ii) and is fundamentally equivalent with
respect to water quality treatment goals.
For questions pertaining to this letter, please contact me at (619) 521-8041 or
Mireille Garcia
Water Resource Control Engineer
Stormwater Management Unit
San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board
2375 Northside Dr., Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: (619) 521-8041
The San Diego Water Board Agency staff are teleworking due to a directive from the CalEPA Agency Secretary on COVID-19.However, we are available via email and voicemail. We are responding to emails throughout the workday.
2355 Northside Drive, Suite 250 San Diego, CA 92108 PH 619.297.1530 www.geosyntec.com
CWR0667/SWQMP Attachment 2d
City of Carlsbad
Storm Water Quality Management Plan
Attachment 2d
Date: 13 October 2021 [CD2021-0024]
15 December 2021 (Revision 1) [CD2021-0024]
15 February 2022 (Revision 2) [CD2021-0024]
16 May 2022 (Revision 3) [GR2022-0014]
This analysis is consistent with the guidelines in City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual (“BMP
Design Manual”) for hydromodification analysis using continuous long term simulation using
EPA’s Storm Water Management Model (SWMM).
This analysis uses rain gage information from a Project Clean Water approved station, the San
Diego County Oceanside ALERT rain data (Sensor ID 67) as the nearest available data to the
project location.
The project site underlying soil is classified as Hydrologic Soil Group D.
The model setup includes values found in Table G.1-4 of the BMP Design Manual
The project site is located in California Irrigation Management Information System “Reference
Evapotranspiration Zones” number 4. The analysis uses Zone 4 evaporation parameters as
described in Appendix G of the BMP Design Manual.
Infiltration data uses the Green-Ampt method in SWMM using parameters described in Table G.1-
4 of the BMP Design Manual for Hydrologic Soil Group D soils.
The sections below describe the pre-development and post-development conditions.
SWQMP Attachment 2d 16 May 2022
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CWR0667/SWQMP Attachment 2d
Figure 1 – Pre-Development Model Layout
Pre-development conditions draining to the Point-of-Compliance (POC) include DMA 1 and 3
only. DMA 1 drains to a separate discharge location and is not included as part of the pre-
development conditions. A summary of SWMM inputs for pre-development conditions is found
below in Table 1. Pre-development SWMM input and results files are found at the end of this
report. The project is classified as a redevelopment project with less than 50% created or replaced
impervious area and non-project “runon” from the site comingling with the project area. The
project goal is to capture and treat the drainage from industrial areas of the facility.
(Project Area)
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CWR0667/SWQMP Attachment 2d
Table 1 - Pre-Development DMA SWMM Input Parameters
Area ID Area
(acres) Width %
DMA 2 6.29 205 3.6 75
DMA 2 (Project Area) 0.13 23.1 0.028 0
DMA 3 1.59 176.4 2.1 75
In the pre-development condition the site generally drains southerly to the low point of the facility.
The POC is found at the low point of the site where flows are discharged to a steep hillside
bordering the site.
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CWR0667/SWQMP Attachment 2d
Figure 2 – Post-Development Model Layout
The post-development conditions will not alter the existing grading, land use, or significantly
impact pervious and/or impervious surfaces. In the post-development conditions, surface runoff
from DMA 1 will be re-routed and eventually discharged to POC and therefore included in the
post-development model and not the pre-development model. The re-routing of DMA 1 to the
POC is also the reason for increased total area in the post-development analysis compared to the
DMA 2.1
DMA 2.2
DMA 2.6
Area impacted by
project in DMA2 POC
Area impacted by
project in DMA3 DMA 2.3
DMA 2.4
DMA 2.5
DMA 4.1
DMA 4.2
SWQMP Attachment 2d 16 May 2022
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CWR0667/SWQMP Attachment 2d
pre-development analysis. Surface runoff from DMA 1 is collected at an existing catch basin and
routed through an 18-inch storm drain to an existing basin (north basin). The north basin discharges
to another existing basin (south basin) and flows finally reach the pump well. DMA 2 is divided
into seven subdrainge areas due to onsite conveyances such as concrete swales and storm drains.
Flows from DMA 3 sheet flow through an existing gravel lined employee parking lot before
discharging into existing north basin. DMA 4 drainage sheet flows partially from roof drainage
and partially from an existing vegetated area and comingles with DMA 2. A summary of SWMM
input parameters of the Post-Development Condition is presented in Table 2. Post-development
SWMM input and results files are found at the end of this report.
Table 2 - Post-Development DMA SWMM Input Parameters
Area ID Area (acres) Width % Slope % Imperv
DMA 1 1.67 146 5.2 56
DMA 2.1 1.24 94.7 4.6 60
DMA 2.2 1.2 121.5 4 80
DMA 2.3 0.35 47.8 4 80
DMA 2.4 0.86 85.8 9.2 83
DMA 2.5 0.23 49.2 5.9 80
DMA 2.6 2.65 358.1 0.7 50
DMA 2 (Project Area) 0.13 23.1 0.5 25
DMA 3 1.58 176.4 2.1 60
DMA 3 (Project Area) 0.03 5 0.05 0
DMA 4.1 0.3 79 15 40
DMA 4.2 0.37 96 10 50
To satisfy hydromodification requirements, the project incorporates a pump dedicated to
hydromodification flow control, an above ground 4,000 gallon storage tank with 2-inch low flow
orifice and another 2-inch overflow orifice. A flow diagram from the pump well to POC is shown
at the end of this report.
Low flow discharges to POC are controlled through the discharge of the 2-inch orifice of the 4,000
gallon storage tank. The maximum flowrate of the 2-inch orifice is 0.36 cfs, below the 0.1Q2 of
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CWR0667/SWQMP Attachment 2d
0.47 cfs. During normal operation, alternating pumps will divert flows from the pump well into
three 21,000 gallon storage tanks prior to entering the active treatment system. During high flow
events, once the three 21,000 gallon storage tanks reach capacity, a bypass pump will activate and
circumvent the active treatment system.
The Q2 and Q10 flows resulting from the SWMM analysis were 4.7 cubic feet per second (cfs) and
8.0 cfs, respectively. Therefore, the low (0.1Q2) and high (Q10) boundaries in the flow duration
curves are 0.47 cfs and 8.0 cfs, respectively. The flow duration curve below demonstrates that the
proposed project satisfies hydromodification requirements.
IGP Section X.H.6 “Design Storm Standards for Treatment Control BMPs” outlines three options
for volume-based BMP sizing1. Due to site footprint constraints, the first two options (i and ii)
were determined to be infeasible, since they require providing storage capable of capturing the full
volume of runoff produced from an 85th percentile 24-hour storm event. As a result, the third option
(iii) was selected, which includes sizing the BMPs to capture and treat 80% of the annual runoff
volume using local, historical rainfall records. Geosyntec used the US Environmental Protection
Agency’s (EPA) Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) [EPA August 2016] to conduct a
long-term continuous simulation to identify the storage tank, pumping flowrates, conveyance
sizing, and treatment flowrate combination capable of capturing 80% or more of stormwater runoff
over a long-term period of record to satisfy the requirement of option (iii). Using SWMM is
expected to provide a more representative site-specific estimate of stormwater capture accounting
for Facility infrastructure complexities and local precipitation records as compared to using the
California Stormwater Best Management Practices handbook nomographs referenced in the IGP.
SWMM results show the system is treating 81% of total rainfall runoff. Below is a summary table
of discharge from the site.
1 Sizing the treatment system to meet the IGP Section X.H.6 flow-based design storm standards was not recommended due to the absence of upstream equalization storage
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CWR0667/SWQMP Attachment 2d
Table 12. Summary of SWMM Runoff Volume Captured/Treated and Bypassed
Total Volume
(million gallons) Percent Treated
Captured and Treated 56 -
Bypassed 13.6 -
Total 69.6 81%
0+00 +25+50+751+00 +25+50+752+00 +25+50+752+99
4" (x3)
BOTTOM: 274.5
BOTTOM: 280.92
280.55 INV
275.95 INV
280.92 18" INV
283 4", 2-2" INV
MAY 2022
CWR0667/SWQMP Attachment 2d
Flow (cfs)Threshold
% Exceedance
% Exceedance Percentage Pass/Fail
0.1Q2 0.47 0.00710 0.00237 33% Pass
0.48 0.00692 0.00158 23% Pass
0.49 0.00674 0.00157 23% Pass
0.5 0.00663 0.00156 24% Pass
0.51 0.00653 0.00155 24% Pass
0.52 0.00646 0.00154 24% Pass
0.53 0.00641 0.00152 24% Pass
0.54 0.00635 0.00151 24% Pass
0.55 0.00623 0.00151 24% Pass
0.56 0.00613 0.00148 24% Pass
0.57 0.00595 0.00148 25% Pass
0.58 0.00567 0.00146 26% Pass
0.59 0.00540 0.00144 27% Pass
0.6 0.00504 0.00143 28% Pass
0.61 0.00466 0.00142 30% Pass
0.62 0.00430 0.00141 33% Pass
0.63 0.00413 0.00141 34% Pass
0.64 0.00395 0.00139 35% Pass
0.65 0.00384 0.00139 36% Pass
0.66 0.00376 0.00139 37% Pass
0.67 0.00368 0.00138 38% Pass
0.68 0.00362 0.00138 38% Pass
0.69 0.00354 0.00137 39% Pass
0.7 0.00343 0.00137 40% Pass
0.71 0.00337 0.00136 40% Pass
0.72 0.00324 0.00135 42% Pass
0.73 0.00314 0.00135 43% Pass
0.74 0.00303 0.00133 44% Pass
0.75 0.00294 0.00132 45% Pass
0.76 0.00286 0.00000 0% Pass
0.77 0.00281 0.00130 46% Pass
0.78 0.00277 0.00000 0% Pass
0.79 0.00273 0.00129 47% Pass
0.8 0.00268 0.00129 48% Pass
0.81 0.00266 0.00000 0% Pass
0.82 0.00264 0.00129 49% Pass
0.83 0.00261 0.00000 0% Pass
0.84 0.00259 0.00128 49% Pass
0.85 0.00257 0.00000 0% Pass
0.86 0.00256 0.00127 50% Pass
0.87 0.00254 0.00127 50% Pass
0.88 0.00252 0.00126 50% Pass
0.89 0.00250 0.00126 50% Pass
0.9 0.00243 0.00000 0% Pass
Hydromodification Results Flow Duration Comparison Table
Flow (cfs)Threshold
% Exceedance
% Exceedance Percentage Pass/Fail
0.91 0.00241 0.00000 0% Pass
0.92 0.00240 0.00000 0% Pass
0.93 0.00239 0.00125 53% Pass
0.94 0.00236 0.00000 0% Pass
0.95 0.00234 0.00000 0% Pass
0.96 0.00230 0.00000 0% Pass
0.97 0.00229 0.00000 0% Pass
0.98 0.00227 0.00000 0% Pass
0.99 0.00226 0.00125 55% Pass
1 0.00224 0.00000 0% Pass
1.01 0.00223 0.00000 0% Pass
1.02 0.00222 0.00000 0% Pass
1.03 0.00221 0.00124 56% Pass
1.04 0.00220 0.00124 56% Pass
1.05 0.00218 0.00122 56% Pass
1.06 0.00216 0.00120 56% Pass
1.07 0.00215 0.00117 54% Pass
1.08 0.00215 0.00000 0% Pass
1.09 0.00214 0.00067 31% Pass
1.1 0.00214 0.00000 0% Pass
1.11 0.00212 0.00000 0% Pass
1.12 0.00212 0.00000 0% Pass
1.13 0.00211 0.00065 31% Pass
1.14 0.00210 0.00000 0% Pass
1.15 0.00209 0.00000 0% Pass
1.16 0.00199 0.00000 0% Pass
1.17 0.00198 0.00065 33% Pass
1.18 0.00197 0.00000 0% Pass
1.19 0.00194 0.00064 33% Pass
1.2 0.00187 0.00064 34% Pass
1.21 0.00184 0.00063 34% Pass
1.22 0.00180 0.00000 0% Pass
1.23 0.00175 0.00000 0% Pass
1.24 0.00171 0.00000 0% Pass
1.25 0.00167 0.00062 37% Pass
1.26 0.00164 0.00000 0% Pass
1.27 0.00163 0.00000 0% Pass
1.28 0.00159 0.00061 38% Pass
1.29 0.00156 0.00061 39% Pass
1.3 0.00153 0.00000 0% Pass
1.31 0.00151 0.00060 40% Pass
1.32 0.00148 0.00060 40% Pass
1.33 0.00146 0.00060 41% Pass
1.34 0.00144 0.00059 41% Pass
Hydromodification Results Flow Duration Comparison Table
Flow (cfs)Threshold
% Exceedance
% Exceedance Percentage Pass/Fail
1.35 0.00142 0.00058 41% Pass
1.36 0.00141 0.00058 41% Pass
1.37 0.00139 0.00000 0% Pass
1.38 0.00136 0.00000 0% Pass
1.39 0.00133 0.00000 0% Pass
1.4 0.00133 0.00000 0% Pass
1.41 0.00131 0.00056 43% Pass
1.42 0.00129 0.00000 0% Pass
1.43 0.00126 0.00000 0% Pass
1.44 0.00123 0.00056 45% Pass
1.45 0.00122 0.00000 0% Pass
1.46 0.00120 0.00055 46% Pass
1.47 0.00118 0.00055 46% Pass
1.48 0.00116 0.00053 46% Pass
1.49 0.00114 0.00000 0% Pass
1.5 0.00112 0.00000 0% Pass
1.51 0.00110 0.00000 0% Pass
1.52 0.00107 0.00052 49% Pass
1.53 0.00105 0.00052 49% Pass
1.54 0.00103 0.00051 49% Pass
1.55 0.00102 0.00000 0% Pass
1.56 0.00101 0.00000 0% Pass
1.57 0.00100 0.00000 0% Pass
1.58 0.00099 0.00000 0% Pass
1.59 0.00098 0.00050 51% Pass
1.6 0.00097 0.00049 50% Pass
1.61 0.00097 0.00000 0% Pass
1.62 0.00095 0.00000 0% Pass
1.63 0.00095 0.00048 50% Pass
1.64 0.00094 0.00047 50% Pass
1.66 0.00093 0.00000 0% Pass
1.67 0.00092 0.00046 50% Pass
1.68 0.00092 0.00045 49% Pass
1.69 0.00091 0.00045 49% Pass
1.7 0.00090 0.00000 0% Pass
1.71 0.00090 0.00000 0% Pass
1.72 0.00089 0.00000 0% Pass
1.73 0.00089 0.00000 0% Pass
1.74 0.00088 0.00044 50% Pass
1.75 0.00088 0.00043 49% Pass
1.76 0.00087 0.00043 49% Pass
1.77 0.00086 0.00000 0% Pass
1.78 0.00084 0.00000 0% Pass
1.79 0.00084 0.00042 50% Pass
Hydromodification Results Flow Duration Comparison Table
Flow (cfs)Threshold
% Exceedance
% Exceedance Percentage Pass/Fail
1.8 0.00083 0.00042 51% Pass
1.81 0.00080 0.00041 51% Pass
1.83 0.00079 0.00000 0% Pass
1.84 0.00078 0.00000 0% Pass
1.85 0.00078 0.00000 0% Pass
1.86 0.00077 0.00000 0% Pass
1.89 0.00077 0.00000 0% Pass
1.9 0.00075 0.00000 0% Pass
1.91 0.00074 0.00000 0% Pass
1.92 0.00073 0.00000 0% Pass
1.93 0.00073 0.00000 0% Pass
1.94 0.00073 0.00000 0% Pass
1.95 0.00072 0.00000 0% Pass
1.96 0.00072 0.00000 0% Pass
1.97 0.00071 0.00000 0% Pass
1.98 0.00070 0.00000 0% Pass
1.99 0.00069 0.00000 0% Pass
2 0.00068 0.00000 0% Pass
2.01 0.00068 0.00000 0% Pass
2.02 0.00067 0.00000 0% Pass
2.04 0.00066 0.00040 60% Pass
2.05 0.00065 0.00040 60% Pass
2.06 0.00065 0.00039 60% Pass
2.07 0.00065 0.00000 0% Pass
2.08 0.00064 0.00000 0% Pass
2.09 0.00063 0.00039 62% Pass
2.1 0.00062 0.00000 0% Pass
2.11 0.00062 0.00000 0% Pass
2.12 0.00061 0.00000 0% Pass
2.13 0.00061 0.00000 0% Pass
2.14 0.00060 0.00000 0% Pass
2.15 0.00060 0.00000 0% Pass
2.16 0.00059 0.00000 0% Pass
2.17 0.00058 0.00000 0% Pass
2.18 0.00058 0.00000 0% Pass
2.19 0.00057 0.00038 66% Pass
2.2 0.00057 0.00038 66% Pass
2.21 0.00056 0.00000 0% Pass
2.22 0.00054 0.00000 0% Pass
2.23 0.00053 0.00000 0% Pass
2.24 0.00053 0.00036 69% Pass
2.25 0.00052 0.00000 0% Pass
2.26 0.00051 0.00000 0% Pass
2.28 0.00050 0.00000 0% Pass
Hydromodification Results Flow Duration Comparison Table
Flow (cfs)Threshold
% Exceedance
% Exceedance Percentage Pass/Fail
2.29 0.00048 0.00000 0% Pass
2.3 0.00048 0.00000 0% Pass
2.31 0.00047 0.00000 0% Pass
2.33 0.00046 0.00000 0% Pass
2.34 0.00046 0.00035 77% Pass
2.35 0.00045 0.00035 76% Pass
2.37 0.00045 0.00000 0% Pass
2.39 0.00045 0.00000 0% Pass
2.4 0.00044 0.00034 76% Pass
2.42 0.00043 0.00000 0% Pass
2.44 0.00043 0.00000 0% Pass
2.45 0.00043 0.00000 0% Pass
2.46 0.00042 0.00033 78% Pass
2.47 0.00041 0.00000 0% Pass
2.5 0.00041 0.00000 0% Pass
2.51 0.00040 0.00031 78% Pass
2.52 0.00040 0.00000 0% Pass
2.57 0.00039 0.00000 0% Pass
2.58 0.00039 0.00000 0% Pass
2.6 0.00039 0.00000 0% Pass
2.61 0.00038 0.00030 78% Pass
2.62 0.00038 0.00029 78% Pass
2.67 0.00037 0.00000 0% Pass
2.69 0.00037 0.00028 77% Pass
2.72 0.00036 0.00000 0% Pass
2.73 0.00036 0.00000 0% Pass
2.76 0.00035 0.00000 0% Pass
2.79 0.00035 0.00000 0% Pass
2.8 0.00034 0.00000 0% Pass
2.81 0.00034 0.00027 81% Pass
2.82 0.00033 0.00000 0% Pass
2.84 0.00033 0.00000 0% Pass
2.88 0.00032 0.00000 0% Pass
2.9 0.00032 0.00000 0% Pass
2.91 0.00031 0.00000 0% Pass
2.92 0.00031 0.00000 0% Pass
2.93 0.00031 0.00026 85% Pass
2.95 0.00030 0.00000 0% Pass
2.96 0.00029 0.00025 85% Pass
2.97 0.00029 0.00024 85% Pass
2.98 0.00028 0.00024 85% Pass
3 0.00028 0.00000 0% Pass
3.01 0.00027 0.00024 88% Pass
3.03 0.00027 0.00000 0% Pass
Hydromodification Results Flow Duration Comparison Table
Flow (cfs)Threshold
% Exceedance
% Exceedance Percentage Pass/Fail
3.04 0.00027 0.00000 0% Pass
3.05 0.00026 0.00024 92% Pass
3.06 0.00025 0.00023 93% Pass
3.08 0.00024 0.00023 92% Pass
3.09 0.00024 0.00000 0% Pass
3.1 0.00023 0.00000 0% Pass
3.12 0.00022 0.00022 100% Pass
3.27 0.00021 0.00018 87% Pass
3.29 0.00021 0.00017 83% Pass
3.3 0.00020 0.00016 81% Pass
3.32 0.00020 0.00000 0% Pass
3.33 0.00020 0.00000 0% Pass
3.38 0.00019 0.00000 0% Pass
3.43 0.00019 0.00000 0% Pass
3.45 0.00019 0.00000 0% Pass
3.48 0.00018 0.00000 0% Pass
3.5 0.00018 0.00000 0% Pass
3.57 0.00018 0.00014 80% Pass
3.6 0.00017 0.00000 0% Pass
3.63 0.00017 0.00000 0% Pass
3.64 0.00017 0.00013 78% Pass
3.66 0.00017 0.00000 0% Pass
3.67 0.00016 0.00000 0% Pass
3.68 0.00016 0.00000 0% Pass
3.69 0.00016 0.00012 78% Pass
3.72 0.00015 0.00000 0% Pass
3.75 0.00015 0.00000 0% Pass
3.76 0.00014 0.00000 0% Pass
3.77 0.00014 0.00012 83% Pass
3.78 0.00014 0.00000 0% Pass
3.8 0.00013 0.00000 0% Pass
3.9 0.00013 0.00000 0% Pass
3.91 0.00013 0.00000 0% Pass
3.93 0.00013 0.00010 78% Pass
3.94 0.00012 0.00000 0% Pass
4.1 0.00012 0.00008 72% Pass
4.15 0.00011 0.00000 0% Pass
4.17 0.00011 0.00000 0% Pass
4.23 0.00011 0.00007 65% Pass
4.4 0.00010 0.00000 0% Pass
4.48 0.00010 0.00000 0% Pass
4.49 0.00009 0.00000 0% Pass
4.5 0.00009 0.00000 0% Pass
4.54 0.00009 0.00000 0% Pass
Hydromodification Results Flow Duration Comparison Table
Flow (cfs)Threshold
% Exceedance
% Exceedance Percentage Pass/Fail
4.6 0.00009 0.00000 0% Pass
4.66 0.00008 0.00005 57% Pass
4.68 0.00008 0.00000 0% Pass
4.72 0.00007 0.00000 0% Pass
4.87 0.00007 0.00004 58% Pass
4.9 0.00006 0.00000 0% Pass
5.05 0.00006 0.00000 0% Pass
5.25 0.00006 0.00000 0% Pass
5.28 0.00006 0.00000 0% Pass
5.39 0.00005 0.00000 0% Pass
5.47 0.00005 0.00000 0% Pass
5.5 0.00005 0.00003 67% Pass
5.55 0.00004 0.00000 0% Pass
5.56 0.00004 0.00000 0% Pass
5.59 0.00004 0.00000 0% Pass
5.67 0.00003 0.00003 74% Pass
5.68 0.00003 0.00002 73% Pass
5.85 0.00003 0.00001 51% Pass
5.93 0.00002 0.00000 0% Pass
6.39 0.00002 0.00000 0% Pass
7.62 0.00002 0.00000 0% Pass
7.87 0.00002 0.00000 0% Pass
Q10 8.08 0.00001 0.00000 0% Pass
Hydromodification Results Flow Duration Comparison Table
;;Project Title/Notes
;;Option Value
START_DATE 01/01/1968
START_TIME 00:00:00
END_DATE 12/31/2008
END_TIME 00:00:00
REPORT_STEP 01:00:00
WET_STEP 00:05:00
DRY_STEP 01:00:00
RULE_STEP 00:00:00
;;Data Source Parameters
;;-------------- ----------------
MONTHLY 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.15 0.11
0.08 0.06
;;Name Format Interval SCF Source
SWMM Pre-Development Inputs
;;-------------- --------- ------ ------ ----------
1.1-inch-85th CUMULATIVE 0:05 1.0 TIMESERIES 1.1-inch-85th
Oceanside VOLUME 1:00 1.0 FILE "C:\Users\JAvina\OneDrive -
Geosyntec\Documents\Projects - Temp\Palomar\Rain Gauge\9967Ocea.ncd" 100000 IN
;;Name Rain Gage Outlet Area %Imperv Width %Slope
CurbLen SnowPack
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- -------- --------
-------- -------- ----------------
DMA-2 Oceanside SW-200 6.29 75 205 5
DMA-3 Oceanside North-Basin 1.59 75 176.4 2.1
DMA-2-project-area Oceanside SW-200 0.13 0 23.1
0.028 0
;;Subcatchment N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv S-Perv PctZero RouteTo
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
DMA-2 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DMA-3 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DMA-2-project-area 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
;;Subcatchment Param1 Param2 Param3 Param4 Param5
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
DMA-2 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DMA-3 93 0.5 7 7 0 CURVE_NUMBER
DMA-2-project-area 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
;;Name Elevation MaxDepth InitDepth SurDepth Aponded
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SW-200 282.3 0 0 0 0
North-Basin 293.5 1.15 0 0 0
South-Basin 288 4.1 0 0 0
;;Name Elevation Type Stage Data Gated Route To
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- -------- ----------------
;;Name From Node To Node Length Roughness InOffset
OutOffset InitFlow MaxFlow
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SWMM Pre-Development Inputs
---------- ---------- ----------
18-inch-pipe-2 North-Basin South-Basin 37.4 0.013 0
0 0 0
4 South-Basin SW-200 300 0.01 0
0 0 0
2 SW-200 POC 100 0.012 0
0 0 0
;;Link Shape Geom1 Geom2 Geom3 Geom4
Barrels Culvert
;;-------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
---------- ----------
18-inch-pipe-2 CIRCULAR 1.5 0 0 0 1
4 CIRCULAR 1 0 0 0 1
2 CIRCULAR 1.5 0 0 0 1
;;Name Type X-Value Y-Value
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PUMP Pump1 0 0
PUMP 0.01 0.667
PUMP 8 0.667
PUMP 9 0.667
pump-1 Pump4 0 0
pump-1 0.01 1
pump-1 2 1
pump-1 4.5 1
pump-1 10 1
pump-1 15 1
pump-1 16.6 1
pump-0.6 Pump4 0 0
pump-0.6 0.01 0.6
pump-0.6 2 0.6
pump-0.6 4.5 0.6
pump-0.6 10 0.6
pump-0.6 15 0.6
pump-0.6 16.6 0.6
pump-2 Pump4 0 0
pump-2 0.01 2
pump-2 2 2
pump-2 4.5 2
pump-2 10 2
pump-2 15 2
SWMM Pre-Development Inputs
pump-2 16.6 2
100gpm Rating 0 0
100gpm 3.95 0
100gpm 4 0.223
100gpm 9 0.223
210gpm Rating 0 0
210gpm 2 0.467
210gpm 4 0.467
210gpm 9 0.467
290gpm Rating 0 0
290gpm 2 0.64
290gpm 4 0.64
290gpm 9 0.64
60000galbaker Storage 0 1002
60000galbaker 8 1002
60000galbaker 9 1002
20000galbaker Storage 0 334
20000galbaker 8 334
20000galbaker 9 334
North-basin Storage 0 0
North-basin 0.5 415.12
North-basin 1 593.28
North-basin 1.15 650.5
South-Basin-existing Storage 0 0
South-Basin-existing 0.5 14.46
South-Basin-existing 1 46.33
South-Basin-existing 1.5 88.48
South-Basin-existing 2 140.97
South-Basin-existing 2.5 206.74
South-Basin-existing 3 287.4
South-Basin-existing 3.2 325.6
Pump_station Storage 0 19.625
Pump_station 10 19.625
Pump_station 17.15 19.625
;10% volume reduction asssumed due to sedimentation
60kgal_reduced Storage 0 902.3
60kgal_reduced 8 902.3
60kgal_reduced 9 902.3
;existing condition
North-Basin-existing Storage 0 50.89
SWMM Pre-Development Inputs
North-Basin-existing 0.5 213.71
North-Basin-existing 1 418.61
;;Reporting Options
DIMENSIONS 6249971.378 1993844.489 6250920.751 1994736.807
Units Feet
;;Node X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
SW-200 6250453.344 1994030.649
North-Basin 6250017.213 1994035.517
South-Basin 6250300.550 1993934.234
POC 6250492.379 1993973.139
;;Link X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
;;Subcatchment X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
DMA-2 6250305.777 1994025.460
DMA-2 6250319.004 1994054.320
DMA-2 6250326.817 1994058.226
DMA-2 6250345.046 1994066.039
DMA-2 6250364.577 1994073.851
DMA-2 6250381.504 1994082.966
DMA-2 6250397.129 1994094.685
DMA-2 6250415.359 1994107.705
DMA-2 6250358.067 1994213.174
DMA-2 6250322.911 1994201.455
DMA-2 6250298.171 1994187.133
DMA-2 6250268.223 1994217.080
DMA-2 6250240.188 1994285.519
DMA-2 6250309.890 1994312.133
DMA-2 6250363.275 1994338.174
DMA-2 6250342.442 1994366.820
DMA-2 6250248.692 1994616.820
DMA-2 6250311.192 1994664.997
DMA-2 6250347.650 1994584.268
SWMM Pre-Development Inputs
DMA-2 6250408.848 1994610.310
DMA-2 6250442.702 1994618.122
DMA-2 6250457.025 1994618.122
DMA-2 6250489.577 1994618.122
DMA-2 6250520.827 1994627.237
DMA-2 6250562.494 1994642.862
DMA-2 6250811.192 1994472.289
DMA-2 6250833.327 1994451.455
DMA-2 6250855.463 1994430.622
DMA-2 6250867.181 1994414.997
DMA-2 6250874.994 1994395.466
DMA-2 6250877.598 1994382.445
DMA-2 6250868.484 1994359.008
DMA-2 6250854.161 1994345.987
DMA-2 6250828.119 1994330.362
DMA-2 6250803.379 1994316.039
DMA-2 6250470.046 1994107.705
DMA-2 6250330.723 1994041.299
DMA-2 6250305.777 1994025.460
DMA-3 6250240.188 1994285.519
DMA-3 6250268.223 1994217.080
DMA-3 6250298.171 1994187.133
DMA-3 6250322.911 1994201.455
DMA-3 6250358.067 1994213.174
DMA-3 6250415.359 1994107.705
DMA-3 6250397.129 1994094.685
DMA-3 6250381.504 1994082.966
DMA-3 6250364.577 1994073.851
DMA-3 6250345.046 1994066.039
DMA-3 6250326.817 1994058.226
DMA-3 6250319.004 1994054.320
DMA-3 6250305.777 1994025.460
DMA-3 6250248.692 1993989.216
DMA-3 6250179.681 1993931.924
DMA-3 6250147.129 1993904.580
DMA-3 6250144.525 1993885.049
DMA-3 6250123.692 1993908.487
DMA-3 6250086.036 1993958.695
DMA-3 6250089.838 1993985.310
DMA-3 6250089.838 1993998.330
DMA-3 6250087.234 1994008.747
DMA-3 6250059.890 1994046.508
DMA-3 6250042.963 1994082.966
DMA-3 6250037.754 1994098.591
DMA-3 6250027.338 1994136.351
DMA-3 6250027.338 1994159.789
DMA-3 6250019.525 1994193.643
DMA-3 6250020.827 1994223.591
DMA-3 6250029.942 1994243.122
DMA-3 6250040.359 1994260.049
SWMM Pre-Development Inputs
DMA-3 6250055.984 1994267.862
DMA-3 6250084.629 1994280.883
DMA-3 6250122.390 1994282.185
DMA-3 6250132.806 1994279.580
DMA-3 6250133.953 1994282.009
DMA-3 6250134.109 1994278.278
DMA-3 6250179.681 1994303.018
DMA-3 6250238.275 1994284.789
DMA-3 6250240.188 1994285.519
DMA-2-project-area 6250633.887 1994171.416
DMA-2-project-area 6250667.221 1994072.697
DMA-2-project-area 6250586.451 1994052.184
DMA-2-project-area 6250546.707 1994129.108
;;Gage X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
Oceanside 6250094.981 1994482.654
SWMM Pre-Development Inputs
WARNING 02: maximum depth increased for Node North-Basin
Rainfall File Summary
Station First Last Recording Periods Periods Periods
ID Date Date Frequency w/Precip Missing Malfunc.
100000 08/28/1951 05/23/2008 60 min 9134 0 0
NOTE: The summary statistics displayed in this report are
based on results found at every computational time step,
not just on results from each reporting time step.
Analysis Options
Flow Units ............... CFS
Process Models:
Rainfall/Runoff ........ YES
RDII ................... NO
Snowmelt ............... NO
Groundwater ............ NO
Flow Routing ........... YES
Ponding Allowed ........ NO
Water Quality .......... NO
Infiltration Method ...... MODIFIED_GREEN_AMPT
Flow Routing Method ...... DYNWAVE
Surcharge Method ......... EXTRAN
Starting Date ............ 01/01/1968 00:00:00
Ending Date .............. 12/31/2008 00:00:00
Antecedent Dry Days ...... 0.0
Report Time Step ......... 01:00:00
Wet Time Step ............ 00:05:00
Dry Time Step ............ 01:00:00
Routing Time Step ........ 30.00 sec
Variable Time Step ....... YES
Maximum Trials ........... 8
Number of Threads ........ 1
Head Tolerance ........... 0.005000 ft
************************** Volume Depth
SWMM Pre-Development Results
Runoff Quantity Continuity acre-feet inches
************************** --------- -------
Total Precipitation ...... 332.869 498.680
Evaporation Loss ......... 31.584 47.317
Infiltration Loss ........ 61.947 92.804
Surface Runoff ........... 239.737 359.157
Final Storage ............ 0.000 0.000
Continuity Error (%) ..... -0.120
************************** Volume Volume
Flow Routing Continuity acre-feet 10^6 gal
************************** --------- ---------
Dry Weather Inflow ....... 0.000 0.000
Wet Weather Inflow ....... 239.769 78.132
Groundwater Inflow ....... 0.000 0.000
RDII Inflow .............. 0.000 0.000
External Inflow .......... 0.000 0.000
External Outflow ......... 239.961 78.195
Flooding Loss ............ 0.000 0.000
Evaporation Loss ......... 0.000 0.000
Exfiltration Loss ........ 0.000 0.000
Initial Stored Volume .... 0.000 0.000
Final Stored Volume ...... 0.000 0.000
Continuity Error (%) ..... -0.080
Time-Step Critical Elements
Link 18-inch-pipe-2 (7.45%)
Link 2 (1.37%)
Highest Flow Instability Indexes
All links are stable.
Routing Time Step Summary
Minimum Time Step : 0.73 sec
Average Time Step : 28.19 sec
Maximum Time Step : 30.00 sec
Percent in Steady State : -0.00
Average Iterations per Step : 2.00
Percent Not Converging : 0.01
Time Step Frequencies :
SWMM Pre-Development Results
30.000 - 13.228 sec : 92.74 %
13.228 - 5.833 sec : 5.01 %
5.833 - 2.572 sec : 2.24 %
2.572 - 1.134 sec : 0.00 %
1.134 - 0.500 sec : 0.00 %
Subcatchment Runoff Summary
Total Total Total Total Imperv
Perv Total Total Peak Runoff
Precip Runon Evap Infil Runoff
Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Coeff
Subcatchment in in in in in
in in 10^6 gal CFS
DMA-2 498.68 0.00 45.77 96.24 330.05
27.17 357.22 61.01 7.45 0.716
DMA-3 498.68 0.00 56.59 53.23 332.93
56.68 389.62 16.82 1.90 0.781
DMA-2-project-area 498.68 0.00 8.54 410.39 0.00
80.57 80.57 0.28 0.10 0.162
Node Depth Summary
Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Reported
Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Max Depth
Node Type Feet Feet Feet days hr:min Feet
SW-200 JUNCTION 0.01 0.43 282.73 12887 16:00 0.43
North-Basin JUNCTION 0.00 0.22 293.72 12887 16:00 0.22
South-Basin JUNCTION 0.01 0.37 288.37 12887 16:00 0.37
POC OUTFALL 0.01 0.42 260.42 12887 16:00 0.42
Node Inflow Summary
SWMM Pre-Development Results
Maximum Maximum Lateral
Total Flow
Lateral Total Time of Max Inflow
Inflow Balance
Inflow Inflow Occurrence Volume
Volume Error
Node Type CFS CFS days hr:min 10^6 gal 10^6
gal Percent
SW-200 JUNCTION 7.53 9.43 12887 16:00 61.3
78.1 -0.075
North-Basin JUNCTION 1.90 1.90 12887 16:00 16.8
16.8 -0.003
South-Basin JUNCTION 0.00 1.90 12887 16:00 0
16.8 -0.021
POC OUTFALL 0.00 9.43 12887 16:00 0
78.2 0.000
Node Surcharge Summary
No nodes were surcharged.
Node Flooding Summary
No nodes were flooded.
Outfall Loading Summary
Flow Avg Max Total
Freq Flow Flow Volume
Outfall Node Pcnt CFS CFS 10^6 gal
POC 8.64 0.50 9.43 78.189
System 8.64 0.50 9.43 78.189
SWMM Pre-Development Results
Link Flow Summary
Maximum Time of Max Maximum Max/ Max/
|Flow| Occurrence |Veloc| Full Full
Link Type CFS days hr:min ft/sec Flow Depth
18-inch-pipe-2 CONDUIT 1.90 12887 16:00 7.65 0.05 0.20
4 CONDUIT 1.90 12887 16:00 6.52 0.30 0.40
2 CONDUIT 9.43 12887 16:00 >50.00 0.17 0.28
Flow Classification Summary
Adjusted ---------- Fraction of Time in Flow Class
/Actual Up Down Sub Sup Up Down Norm
Conduit Length Dry Dry Dry Crit Crit Crit Crit Ltd
18-inch-pipe-2 1.00 0.48 0.05 0.00 0.39 0.08 0.00 0.00 1.00
4 1.00 0.06 0.75 0.00 0.11 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.94
2 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conduit Surcharge Summary
No conduits were surcharged.
Analysis begun on: Fri Feb 11 22:54:01 2022
Analysis ended on: Fri Feb 11 22:55:21 2022
Total elapsed time: 00:01:20
SWMM Pre-Development Results
;;Project Title/Notes
;;Option Value
START_DATE 01/01/1978
START_TIME 00:00:00
END_DATE 12/31/2008
END_TIME 00:00:00
REPORT_STEP 01:00:00
WET_STEP 00:05:00
DRY_STEP 01:00:00
RULE_STEP 00:00:00
;;Data Source Parameters
;;-------------- ----------------
MONTHLY 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.15 0.11
0.08 0.06
;;Name Format Interval SCF Source
;;-------------- --------- ------ ------ ----------
1.1-inch-85th CUMULATIVE 0:05 1.0 TIMESERIES 1.1-inch-85th
Oceanside VOLUME 1:00 1.0 FILE "C:\Users\JAvina\OneDrive -
Geosyntec\Documents\Projects - Temp\Palomar\Rain Gauge\9967Ocea.ncd" 100000 IN
;;Name Rain Gage Outlet Area %Imperv Width %Slope
CurbLen SnowPack
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- -------- --------
-------- -------- ----------------
DA-1 Oceanside SW-100 1.67 56 146 5.2
DA-3 Oceanside north-basin 1.58 60 176.4 2.1
DA-2-project-area Oceanside DA-2-trench 0.13 25 23.1 0.5
DA-3-project-area Oceanside North-Basin .03 0 5 0.05
DA-2.1 Oceanside 6 1.24 60 94.7 4.6
DA-2.2 Oceanside 7 1.2 80 121.5 4
DA-2.3 Oceanside 7 0.35 80 47.8 4
DA-2.4 Oceanside 8 0.86 83 85.8 9.2
DA-2.5 Oceanside 10 0.23 80 49.2 5.9
DA-2.6 Oceanside DA-2-trench 2.65 50 358.1 0.7
DA-4.1 oceanside 12 0.3 40 79 15
DA-4.2 oceanside 12 0.37 50 96 10
;;Subcatchment N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv S-Perv PctZero RouteTo
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
DA-1 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-3 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-2-project-area 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-3-project-area 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-2.1 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-2.2 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-2.3 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-2.4 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-2.5 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-2.6 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET
DA-4.1 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 PERVIOUS
DA-4.2 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 PERVIOUS
;;Subcatchment Param1 Param2 Param3 Param4 Param5
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
DA-1 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-3 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-2-project-area 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-3-project-area 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-2.1 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-2.2 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-2.3 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-2.4 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-2.5 9 0.025 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-2.6 9 0.25 0.3 7 0 GREEN_AMPT
DA-4.1 9 0.025 .3 GREEN_AMPT
DA-4.2 9 0.025 0.3
;;Name Elevation MaxDepth InitDepth SurDepth Aponded
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SW-100 305.85 4 0 0 0
POC-out 280.92 4.5 0 0 1000
1 301.65 3.45 0 0 0
2 299.4 4 0 0 0
6 310.72 0 0 0 0
7 306 0 0 0 0
8 296.7 0 0 0 0
10 287.65 0 0 0 600
12 285.91 0 0 0.25 1000
;;Name Elevation Type Stage Data Gated Route To
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- -------- ----------------
Overflow-treated-tank 0 FREE NO
POC1 280.4 FREE NO
;;Name Elev. MaxDepth InitDepth Shape Curve Name/Params
N/A Fevap Psi Ksat IMD
;;-------------- -------- ---------- ----------- ----------
---------------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
North-Basin 291.3 1.15 0 TABULAR North-Basin-existing
0 1 9 0.02 0.3
South-Basin 281.8 5 0 TABULAR South-Basin-existing
0 1 9 0.02 0.3
pump-well 274.65 14.45 0 TABULAR Pump_station
0 0
treatment-storage 290 9 0 TABULAR 63000galbaker
0 0
flow-control 285 12 0 TABULAR 4000gal
0 0
DA-2-trench 277.75 7.75 0 TABULAR trench-drain
0 0
;;Name From Node To Node Length Roughness InOffset
OutOffset InitFlow MaxFlow
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
---------- ---------- ----------
18-inch-pipe-2 North-Basin South-Basin 37.4 0.013 0
0 0 0
24-inch-pipe South-Basin pump-well 123 0.01 0
6.05 0 0
Out-pipe POC-out POC1 50 0.013 0
0 0 0
4 SW-100 1 113 0.01 0
0.1 0 0
6 1 2 213 0.01 0
0.1 0 0
7 2 North-Basin 37 0.01 0
0 0 0
24-inch-pipe-1 DA-2-trench pump-well 179 0.01 0
1.45 0 0
conc-swale-1 6 7 263 0.013 0
0 0 0
downpipe 7 8 315 0.013 0
0 0 0
conc-swale-2 8 10 169 0.013 0
0 0 0
conc-swale-3 10 12 63 0.013 0
0 0 0
conc-swale-4 12 DA-2-trench 338 0.013 0
0 0 0
;;Name From Node To Node Pump Curve Status Sartup
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------ --------
pump pump-well treatment-storage pump-0.6 ON 4
hydro-pump pump-well POC-out pump-0.6 OFF 4
;;Name From Node To Node Type Offset Qcoeff
Gated CloseTime
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------
---------- -------- ----------
TreatedFCBypass flow-control POC-out BOTTOM 10.5 0.61
NO 0
treated-low-flow flow-control POC-out BOTTOM 0 0.61
NO 0
;;Name From Node To Node Type CrestHt Qcoeff
Gated EndCon EndCoeff Surcharge RoadWidth RoadSurf Coeff. Curve
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------
---------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
treatment-storage-overflow treatment-storage Overflow-treated-tank TRANSVERSE 8.5
3.33 NO 0 0 YES
DA-2-overflow DA-2-trench POC-out TRANSVERSE 6.85 3.33
NO 0 0 YES
;;Name From Node To Node Offset Type
QTable/Qcoeff Qexpon Gated
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------------
---------------- ---------- --------
Treated treatment-storage flow-control 0 TABULAR/DEPTH
210gpm NO
;;Link Shape Geom1 Geom2 Geom3 Geom4
Barrels Culvert
;;-------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
---------- ----------
18-inch-pipe-2 CIRCULAR 1.5 0 0 0 1
24-inch-pipe CIRCULAR 2 0 0 0 1
Out-pipe CIRCULAR 1.5 0 0 0 1
4 CIRCULAR 1.5 0 0 0 1
6 CIRCULAR 1.5 0 0 0 1
7 CIRCULAR 1.5 0 0 0 1
24-inch-pipe-1 CIRCULAR 2 0 0 0 1
conc-swale-1 TRAPEZOIDAL 0.25 2 2 2 1
downpipe CIRCULAR 1 0 0 0 1
conc-swale-2 TRAPEZOIDAL 0.25 2 2 2 1
conc-swale-3 TRAPEZOIDAL 0.25 2 2 2 1
conc-swale-4 TRAPEZOIDAL 0.25 2 2 2 1
TreatedFCBypass CIRCULAR 0.167 0 0 0
treated-low-flow CIRCULAR 0.167 0 0 0
treatment-storage-overflow RECT_OPEN 1 20 0 0
DA-2-overflow RECT_OPEN 0.5 2.833 0 0
IF NODE treatment-storage DEPTH < 8
AND NODE pump-well DEPTH >= 1
IF NODE treatment-storage DEPTH >= 7.5
AND NODE pump-well DEPTH >= 1
THEN PUMP hydro-pump STATUS = ON
;;Name Type X-Value Y-Value
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
;variable pump rate
pump-hydro Pump4 0 0
pump-hydro 0.01 0.6
pump-hydro 4 0.6
pump-hydro 4.01 0.6
pump-hydro 8 1
pump-hydro 11 1
pump-1.5 Pump4 0 0
pump-1.5 0.01 1.5
pump-1.5 2 1.5
pump-1.5 4.5 1.5
pump-1.5 10 1.5
pump-1.5 15 1.5
pump-1.5 16.6 1.5
pump-0.6 Pump4 0 0
pump-0.6 0.01 0.6
pump-0.6 2 0.6
pump-0.6 4.5 0.6
pump-0.6 10 0.6
pump-0.6 15 0.6
pump-0.6 16.6 0.6
pump-1 Pump4 0 0
pump-1 0.01 1
pump-1 2 1
pump-1 4.01 1
pump-1 6 1
pump-1 15 1
pump-1 18 1
100gpm Rating 0 0
100gpm 3.95 0
100gpm 4 0.223
100gpm 9 0.223
210gpm Rating 0 0
210gpm 2 0.467
210gpm 4 0.467
210gpm 9 0.467
290gpm Rating 0 0
290gpm 2 0.64
290gpm 4 0.64
290gpm 9 0.64
0.41cfs_control Rating 0 0.41
0.41cfs_control 1 0.41
0.41cfs_control 10 0.41
63000galbaker Storage 0 1264
63000galbaker 8 1264
63000galbaker 9 1264
20000galbaker Storage 0 334
20000galbaker 8 334
20000galbaker 9 334
North-basin Storage 0 0
North-basin 0.5 415.12
North-basin 1 593.28
North-basin 1.15 650.5
South-Basin-existing Storage 0 0
South-Basin-existing 0.5 14.46
South-Basin-existing 1 46.33
South-Basin-existing 1.5 88.48
South-Basin-existing 2 140.97
South-Basin-existing 2.5 206.74
South-Basin-existing 3 287.4
South-Basin-existing 3.2 325.6
Pump_station Storage 0 19.625
Pump_station 10 19.625
Pump_station 18.3 19.625
;10% volume reduction asssumed due to sedimentation
60kgal_reduced Storage 0 902.3
60kgal_reduced 8 902.3
60kgal_reduced 9 902.3
;existing condition
North-Basin-existing Storage 0 50.89
North-Basin-existing 0.5 213.71
North-Basin-existing 1 418.61
80000galbaker Storage 0 1336.8
80000galbaker 8 1336.8
80000galbaker 9 1336.8
10000gal Storage 0 167
10000gal 8 167
10000gal 9 167
;underground storage
4000gal Storage 0 48.61
4000gal 6 48.61
4000gal 7 48.61
4000gal 8 48.61
4000gal 11 48.61
;7ft diameter manhole
pump-station-large Storage 0 38.48
pump-station-large 12.15 38.48
pump-station-large 15.15 7.07
pump-station-large 17.15 7.07
trench-drain Storage 0 201.6
trench-drain 3 201.6
trench-drain 5.85 201.6
trench-drain 5.86 1000
trench-drain 6.85 1000
parking Storage 0 40414
parking 0.5 40414
;;Name Date Time Value
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1.1-inch-85th 3/20/2017 0:00 0
1.1-inch-85th 0:05 0.002036913
1.1-inch-85th 0:10 0.004073826
1.1-inch-85th 0:15 0.006110739
1.1-inch-85th 0:20 0.008147174
1.1-inch-85th 0:25 0.010184087
1.1-inch-85th 0:30 0.012221
1.1-inch-85th 0:35 0.014283739
1.1-inch-85th 0:40 0.016346478
1.1-inch-85th 0:45 0.018409217
1.1-inch-85th 0:50 0.020471957
1.1-inch-85th 0:55 0.022534217
1.1-inch-85th 1:00 0.024596957
1.1-inch-85th 1:05 0.026686478
1.1-inch-85th 1:10 0.028776
1.1-inch-85th 1:15 0.030865522
1.1-inch-85th 1:20 0.032955043
1.1-inch-85th 1:25 0.035044565
1.1-inch-85th 1:30 0.037133609
1.1-inch-85th 1:35 0.039251348
1.1-inch-85th 1:40 0.041368609
1.1-inch-85th 1:45 0.04348587
1.1-inch-85th 1:50 0.04560313
1.1-inch-85th 1:55 0.047720391
1.1-inch-85th 2:00 0.049837652
1.1-inch-85th 2:05 0.051984087
1.1-inch-85th 2:10 0.054130522
1.1-inch-85th 2:15 0.056276957
1.1-inch-85th 2:20 0.058423391
1.1-inch-85th 2:25 0.060569826
1.1-inch-85th 2:30 0.062716739
1.1-inch-85th 2:35 0.064893304
1.1-inch-85th 2:40 0.067070348
1.1-inch-85th 2:45 0.069247391
1.1-inch-85th 2:50 0.071423957
1.1-inch-85th 2:55 0.073601
1.1-inch-85th 3:00 0.075778043
1.1-inch-85th 3:05 0.077986652
1.1-inch-85th 3:10 0.080195739
1.1-inch-85th 3:15 0.082404348
1.1-inch-85th 3:20 0.084612957
1.1-inch-85th 3:25 0.086822043
1.1-inch-85th 3:30 0.089030652
1.1-inch-85th 3:35 0.091272739
1.1-inch-85th 3:40 0.093514826
1.1-inch-85th 3:45 0.095756435
1.1-inch-85th 3:50 0.097998522
1.1-inch-85th 3:55 0.100240609
1.1-inch-85th 4:00 0.102482696
1.1-inch-85th 4:05 0.104759696
1.1-inch-85th 4:10 0.107036696
1.1-inch-85th 4:15 0.109313696
1.1-inch-85th 4:20 0.111590696
1.1-inch-85th 4:25 0.113867696
1.1-inch-85th 4:30 0.116144696
1.1-inch-85th 4:35 0.118458043
1.1-inch-85th 4:40 0.12077187
1.1-inch-85th 4:45 0.123085696
1.1-inch-85th 4:50 0.125399043
1.1-inch-85th 4:55 0.12771287
1.1-inch-85th 5:00 0.130026696
1.1-inch-85th 5:05 0.132378783
1.1-inch-85th 5:10 0.134731348
1.1-inch-85th 5:15 0.137083435
1.1-inch-85th 5:20 0.139436
1.1-inch-85th 5:25 0.141788565
1.1-inch-85th 5:30 0.144140652
1.1-inch-85th 5:35 0.14653387
1.1-inch-85th 5:40 0.148926609
1.1-inch-85th 5:45 0.151319826
1.1-inch-85th 5:50 0.153713043
1.1-inch-85th 5:55 0.156105783
1.1-inch-85th 6:00 0.158499
1.1-inch-85th 6:05 0.160934783
1.1-inch-85th 6:10 0.163371043
1.1-inch-85th 6:15 0.165806826
1.1-inch-85th 6:20 0.168242609
1.1-inch-85th 6:25 0.17067887
1.1-inch-85th 6:30 0.173114652
1.1-inch-85th 6:35 0.175596348
1.1-inch-85th 6:40 0.178078043
1.1-inch-85th 6:45 0.180559739
1.1-inch-85th 6:50 0.183040957
1.1-inch-85th 6:55 0.185522652
1.1-inch-85th 7:00 0.188004348
1.1-inch-85th 7:05 0.19053387
1.1-inch-85th 7:10 0.193063391
1.1-inch-85th 7:15 0.195593391
1.1-inch-85th 7:20 0.198122913
1.1-inch-85th 7:25 0.200652435
1.1-inch-85th 7:30 0.203181957
1.1-inch-85th 7:35 0.20576313
1.1-inch-85th 7:40 0.208344304
1.1-inch-85th 7:45 0.210925478
1.1-inch-85th 7:50 0.213506652
1.1-inch-85th 7:55 0.216087826
1.1-inch-85th 8:00 0.218669
1.1-inch-85th 8:05 0.221305174
1.1-inch-85th 8:10 0.22394087
1.1-inch-85th 8:15 0.226577043
1.1-inch-85th 8:20 0.229212739
1.1-inch-85th 8:25 0.231848913
1.1-inch-85th 8:30 0.234484609
1.1-inch-85th 8:35 0.23717913
1.1-inch-85th 8:40 0.239873652
1.1-inch-85th 8:45 0.242568174
1.1-inch-85th 8:50 0.245262696
1.1-inch-85th 8:55 0.247957217
1.1-inch-85th 9:00 0.250651739
1.1-inch-85th 9:05 0.253408913
1.1-inch-85th 9:10 0.256166087
1.1-inch-85th 9:15 0.258923739
1.1-inch-85th 9:20 0.261680913
1.1-inch-85th 9:25 0.264438087
1.1-inch-85th 9:30 0.267195739
1.1-inch-85th 9:35 0.270020348
1.1-inch-85th 9:40 0.272845435
1.1-inch-85th 9:45 0.275670522
1.1-inch-85th 9:50 0.278495609
1.1-inch-85th 9:55 0.281320217
1.1-inch-85th 10:00 0.284145304
1.1-inch-85th 10:05 0.287043565
1.1-inch-85th 10:10 0.289941348
1.1-inch-85th 10:15 0.29283913
1.1-inch-85th 10:20 0.295737391
1.1-inch-85th 10:25 0.298635174
1.1-inch-85th 10:30 0.301532957
1.1-inch-85th 10:35 0.304510609
1.1-inch-85th 10:40 0.307488261
1.1-inch-85th 10:45 0.310465435
1.1-inch-85th 10:50 0.313443087
1.1-inch-85th 10:55 0.316420739
1.1-inch-85th 11:00 0.319398391
1.1-inch-85th 11:05 0.32246213
1.1-inch-85th 11:10 0.325526348
1.1-inch-85th 11:15 0.328590565
1.1-inch-85th 11:20 0.331654304
1.1-inch-85th 11:25 0.334718522
1.1-inch-85th 11:30 0.337782261
1.1-inch-85th 11:35 0.340941652
1.1-inch-85th 11:40 0.344101043
1.1-inch-85th 11:45 0.347259957
1.1-inch-85th 11:50 0.350419348
1.1-inch-85th 11:55 0.353578739
1.1-inch-85th 12:00 0.356737652
1.1-inch-85th 12:05 0.360001783
1.1-inch-85th 12:10 0.363265913
1.1-inch-85th 12:15 0.366530043
1.1-inch-85th 12:20 0.369794174
1.1-inch-85th 12:25 0.373057826
1.1-inch-85th 12:30 0.376321957
1.1-inch-85th 12:35 0.379702783
1.1-inch-85th 12:40 0.383083609
1.1-inch-85th 12:45 0.386464435
1.1-inch-85th 12:50 0.389845739
1.1-inch-85th 12:55 0.393226565
1.1-inch-85th 13:00 0.396607391
1.1-inch-85th 13:05 0.400118783
1.1-inch-85th 13:10 0.403630174
1.1-inch-85th 13:15 0.407141565
1.1-inch-85th 13:20 0.410652957
1.1-inch-85th 13:25 0.414164348
1.1-inch-85th 13:30 0.417675739
1.1-inch-85th 13:35 0.421334913
1.1-inch-85th 13:40 0.424994565
1.1-inch-85th 13:45 0.428654217
1.1-inch-85th 13:50 0.432313391
1.1-inch-85th 13:55 0.435973043
1.1-inch-85th 14:00 0.439632696
1.1-inch-85th 14:05 0.443461652
1.1-inch-85th 14:10 0.447290609
1.1-inch-85th 14:15 0.451120043
1.1-inch-85th 14:20 0.454949
1.1-inch-85th 14:25 0.458777957
1.1-inch-85th 14:30 0.462607391
1.1-inch-85th 14:35 0.466632913
1.1-inch-85th 14:40 0.470658913
1.1-inch-85th 14:45 0.474684435
1.1-inch-85th 14:50 0.478710435
1.1-inch-85th 14:55 0.482736435
1.1-inch-85th 15:00 0.486761957
1.1-inch-85th 15:05 0.491020391
1.1-inch-85th 15:10 0.495278826
1.1-inch-85th 15:15 0.499536783
1.1-inch-85th 15:20 0.503795217
1.1-inch-85th 15:25 0.508053652
1.1-inch-85th 15:30 0.512311609
1.1-inch-85th 15:35 0.516850304
1.1-inch-85th 15:40 0.521388522
1.1-inch-85th 15:45 0.525927217
1.1-inch-85th 15:50 0.530465435
1.1-inch-85th 15:55 0.535003652
1.1-inch-85th 16:00 0.539542348
1.1-inch-85th 16:05 0.544300565
1.1-inch-85th 16:10 0.549058304
1.1-inch-85th 16:15 0.553941348
1.1-inch-85th 16:20 0.558824391
1.1-inch-85th 16:25 0.563841826
1.1-inch-85th 16:30 0.568859739
1.1-inch-85th 16:35 0.574025435
1.1-inch-85th 16:40 0.579191609
1.1-inch-85th 16:45 0.584519435
1.1-inch-85th 16:50 0.589847739
1.1-inch-85th 16:55 0.595355391
1.1-inch-85th 17:00 0.600863043
1.1-inch-85th 17:05 0.606570609
1.1-inch-85th 17:10 0.612278652
1.1-inch-85th 17:15 0.618210522
1.1-inch-85th 17:20 0.624142391
1.1-inch-85th 17:25 0.630329174
1.1-inch-85th 17:30 0.636515957
1.1-inch-85th 17:35 0.642994957
1.1-inch-85th 17:40 0.649473957
1.1-inch-85th 17:45 0.656293478
1.1-inch-85th 17:50 0.663113
1.1-inch-85th 17:55 0.670335696
1.1-inch-85th 18:00 0.677558391
1.1-inch-85th 18:05 0.685270826
1.1-inch-85th 18:10 0.692983739
1.1-inch-85th 18:15 0.701306435
1.1-inch-85th 18:20 0.709629609
1.1-inch-85th 18:25 0.718746696
1.1-inch-85th 18:30 0.727863304
1.1-inch-85th 18:35 0.737748
1.1-inch-85th 18:40 0.748282652
1.1-inch-85th 18:45 0.759624609
1.1-inch-85th 18:50 0.772006304
1.1-inch-85th 18:55 0.785800304
1.1-inch-85th 19:00 0.801679043
1.1-inch-85th 19:05 0.821141391
1.1-inch-85th 19:10 0.849699304
1.1-inch-85th 19:15 0.89958
1.1-inch-85th 19:20 0.912929696
1.1-inch-85th 19:25 0.922592957
1.1-inch-85th 19:30 0.930610043
1.1-inch-85th 19:35 0.937631391
1.1-inch-85th 19:40 0.943964043
1.1-inch-85th 19:45 0.949784
1.1-inch-85th 19:50 0.955202696
1.1-inch-85th 19:55 0.960294739
1.1-inch-85th 20:00 0.965114652
1.1-inch-85th 20:05 0.969704043
1.1-inch-85th 20:10 0.974094
1.1-inch-85th 20:15 0.978309391
1.1-inch-85th 20:20 0.982370304
1.1-inch-85th 20:25 0.986293
1.1-inch-85th 20:30 0.990091348
1.1-inch-85th 20:35 0.993777304
1.1-inch-85th 20:40 0.997359957
1.1-inch-85th 20:45 1.000848391
1.1-inch-85th 20:50 1.004249304
1.1-inch-85th 20:55 1.007570348
1.1-inch-85th 21:00 1.010815348
1.1-inch-85th 21:05 1.013991
1.1-inch-85th 21:10 1.017101609
1.1-inch-85th 21:15 1.020150043
1.1-inch-85th 21:20 1.023142043
1.1-inch-85th 21:25 1.026079043
1.1-inch-85th 21:30 1.028964391
1.1-inch-85th 21:35 1.0318
1.1-inch-85th 21:40 1.034590652
1.1-inch-85th 21:45 1.037337304
1.1-inch-85th 21:50 1.040041391
1.1-inch-85th 21:55 1.042706739
1.1-inch-85th 22:00 1.045332391
1.1-inch-85th 22:05 1.047922652
1.1-inch-85th 22:10 1.050478
1.1-inch-85th 22:15 1.052999391
1.1-inch-85th 22:20 1.055488739
1.1-inch-85th 22:25 1.057947
1.1-inch-85th 22:30 1.060375609
1.1-inch-85th 22:35 1.062775043
1.1-inch-85th 22:40 1.065147696
1.1-inch-85th 22:45 1.067492609
1.1-inch-85th 22:50 1.069813609
1.1-inch-85th 22:55 1.072108304
1.1-inch-85th 23:00 1.074380043
1.1-inch-85th 23:05 1.076627391
1.1-inch-85th 23:10 1.078852739
1.1-inch-85th 23:15 1.081055609
1.1-inch-85th 23:20 1.083236957
1.1-inch-85th 23:25 1.085398696
1.1-inch-85th 23:30 1.087540348
1.1-inch-85th 23:35 1.089662391
1.1-inch-85th 23:40 1.091765304
1.1-inch-85th 23:45 1.093851
1.1-inch-85th 23:50 1.095918043
1.1-inch-85th 23:55 1.097967391
1.1-inch-85th 3/21/2017 0:00 1.1
;3-inch storm event (hypothetical)
test-large-storm 3/20/2017 0:00 0
test-large-storm 0:05 0.005555217
test-large-storm 0:10 0.011110435
test-large-storm 0:15 0.016665652
test-large-storm 0:20 0.022219565
test-large-storm 0:25 0.027774783
test-large-storm 0:30 0.03333
test-large-storm 0:35 0.038955652
test-large-storm 0:40 0.044581304
test-large-storm 0:45 0.050206955
test-large-storm 0:50 0.05583261
test-large-storm 0:55 0.061456955
test-large-storm 1:00 0.06708261
test-large-storm 1:05 0.072781304
test-large-storm 1:10 0.07848
test-large-storm 1:15 0.084178696
test-large-storm 1:20 0.08987739
test-large-storm 1:25 0.095576086
test-large-storm 1:30 0.101273479
test-large-storm 1:35 0.107049131
test-large-storm 1:40 0.112823479
test-large-storm 1:45 0.118597827
test-large-storm 1:50 0.124372173
test-large-storm 1:55 0.130146521
test-large-storm 2:00 0.135920869
test-large-storm 2:05 0.141774783
test-large-storm 2:10 0.147628696
test-large-storm 2:15 0.15348261
test-large-storm 2:20 0.159336521
test-large-storm 2:25 0.165190435
test-large-storm 2:30 0.171045652
test-large-storm 2:35 0.176981738
test-large-storm 2:40 0.182919131
test-large-storm 2:45 0.188856521
test-large-storm 2:50 0.19479261
test-large-storm 2:55 0.20073
test-large-storm 3:00 0.20666739
test-large-storm 3:05 0.212690869
test-large-storm 3:10 0.218715652
test-large-storm 3:15 0.224739131
test-large-storm 3:20 0.23076261
test-large-storm 3:25 0.23678739
test-large-storm 3:30 0.242810869
test-large-storm 3:35 0.248925652
test-large-storm 3:40 0.255040435
test-large-storm 3:45 0.261153914
test-large-storm 3:50 0.267268696
test-large-storm 3:55 0.273383479
test-large-storm 4:00 0.279498262
test-large-storm 4:05 0.285708262
test-large-storm 4:10 0.291918262
test-large-storm 4:15 0.298128262
test-large-storm 4:20 0.304338262
test-large-storm 4:25 0.310548262
test-large-storm 4:30 0.316758262
test-large-storm 4:35 0.32306739
test-large-storm 4:40 0.329377827
test-large-storm 4:45 0.335688262
test-large-storm 4:50 0.34199739
test-large-storm 4:55 0.348307827
test-large-storm 5:00 0.354618262
test-large-storm 5:05 0.361033045
test-large-storm 5:10 0.367449131
test-large-storm 5:15 0.373863914
test-large-storm 5:20 0.38028
test-large-storm 5:25 0.386696086
test-large-storm 5:30 0.393110869
test-large-storm 5:35 0.399637827
test-large-storm 5:40 0.406163479
test-large-storm 5:45 0.412690435
test-large-storm 5:50 0.41921739
test-large-storm 5:55 0.425743045
test-large-storm 6:00 0.43227
test-large-storm 6:05 0.438913045
test-large-storm 6:10 0.44555739
test-large-storm 6:15 0.452200435
test-large-storm 6:20 0.458843479
test-large-storm 6:25 0.465487827
test-large-storm 6:30 0.472130869
test-large-storm 6:35 0.478899131
test-large-storm 6:40 0.48566739
test-large-storm 6:45 0.492435652
test-large-storm 6:50 0.49920261
test-large-storm 6:55 0.505970869
test-large-storm 7:00 0.512739131
test-large-storm 7:05 0.519637827
test-large-storm 7:10 0.526536521
test-large-storm 7:15 0.533436521
test-large-storm 7:20 0.540335217
test-large-storm 7:25 0.547233914
test-large-storm 7:30 0.55413261
test-large-storm 7:35 0.561172173
test-large-storm 7:40 0.568211738
test-large-storm 7:45 0.575251304
test-large-storm 7:50 0.582290869
test-large-storm 7:55 0.589330435
test-large-storm 8:00 0.59637
test-large-storm 8:05 0.603559565
test-large-storm 8:10 0.610747827
test-large-storm 8:15 0.61793739
test-large-storm 8:20 0.625125652
test-large-storm 8:25 0.632315217
test-large-storm 8:30 0.639503479
test-large-storm 8:35 0.646852173
test-large-storm 8:40 0.654200869
test-large-storm 8:45 0.661549565
test-large-storm 8:50 0.668898262
test-large-storm 8:55 0.676246955
test-large-storm 9:00 0.683595652
test-large-storm 9:05 0.691115217
test-large-storm 9:10 0.698634783
test-large-storm 9:15 0.706155652
test-large-storm 9:20 0.713675217
test-large-storm 9:25 0.721194783
test-large-storm 9:30 0.728715652
test-large-storm 9:35 0.736419131
test-large-storm 9:40 0.744123914
test-large-storm 9:45 0.751828696
test-large-storm 9:50 0.759533479
test-large-storm 9:55 0.767236955
test-large-storm 10:00 0.774941738
test-large-storm 10:05 0.782846086
test-large-storm 10:10 0.790749131
test-large-storm 10:15 0.798652173
test-large-storm 10:20 0.806556521
test-large-storm 10:25 0.814459565
test-large-storm 10:30 0.82236261
test-large-storm 10:35 0.830483479
test-large-storm 10:40 0.838604348
test-large-storm 10:45 0.846723914
test-large-storm 10:50 0.854844783
test-large-storm 10:55 0.862965652
test-large-storm 11:00 0.871086521
test-large-storm 11:05 0.879442173
test-large-storm 11:10 0.887799131
test-large-storm 11:15 0.896156086
test-large-storm 11:20 0.904511738
test-large-storm 11:25 0.912868696
test-large-storm 11:30 0.921224348
test-large-storm 11:35 0.929840869
test-large-storm 11:40 0.93845739
test-large-storm 11:45 0.94707261
test-large-storm 11:50 0.955689131
test-large-storm 11:55 0.964305652
test-large-storm 12:00 0.972920869
test-large-storm 12:05 0.981823045
test-large-storm 12:10 0.990725217
test-large-storm 12:15 0.99962739
test-large-storm 12:20 1.008529565
test-large-storm 12:25 1.017430435
test-large-storm 12:30 1.02633261
test-large-storm 12:35 1.035553045
test-large-storm 12:40 1.044773479
test-large-storm 12:45 1.053993914
test-large-storm 12:50 1.063215652
test-large-storm 12:55 1.072436086
test-large-storm 13:00 1.081656521
test-large-storm 13:05 1.091233045
test-large-storm 13:10 1.100809565
test-large-storm 13:15 1.110386086
test-large-storm 13:20 1.11996261
test-large-storm 13:25 1.129539131
test-large-storm 13:30 1.139115652
test-large-storm 13:35 1.149095217
test-large-storm 13:40 1.159076086
test-large-storm 13:45 1.169056955
test-large-storm 13:50 1.179036521
test-large-storm 13:55 1.18901739
test-large-storm 14:00 1.198998262
test-large-storm 14:05 1.209440869
test-large-storm 14:10 1.219883479
test-large-storm 14:15 1.23032739
test-large-storm 14:20 1.24077
test-large-storm 14:25 1.25121261
test-large-storm 14:30 1.261656521
test-large-storm 14:35 1.272635217
test-large-storm 14:40 1.283615217
test-large-storm 14:45 1.294593914
test-large-storm 14:50 1.305573914
test-large-storm 14:55 1.316553914
test-large-storm 15:00 1.32753261
test-large-storm 15:05 1.339146521
test-large-storm 15:10 1.350760435
test-large-storm 15:15 1.362373045
test-large-storm 15:20 1.373986955
test-large-storm 15:25 1.385600869
test-large-storm 15:30 1.397213479
test-large-storm 15:35 1.409591738
test-large-storm 15:40 1.421968696
test-large-storm 15:45 1.434346955
test-large-storm 15:50 1.446723914
test-large-storm 15:55 1.459100869
test-large-storm 16:00 1.471479131
test-large-storm 16:05 1.484456086
test-large-storm 16:10 1.497431738
test-large-storm 16:15 1.510749131
test-large-storm 16:20 1.524066521
test-large-storm 16:25 1.537750435
test-large-storm 16:30 1.551435652
test-large-storm 16:35 1.565523914
test-large-storm 16:40 1.579613479
test-large-storm 16:45 1.594143914
test-large-storm 16:50 1.608675652
test-large-storm 16:55 1.623696521
test-large-storm 17:00 1.63871739
test-large-storm 17:05 1.654283479
test-large-storm 17:10 1.669850869
test-large-storm 17:15 1.686028696
test-large-storm 17:20 1.702206521
test-large-storm 17:25 1.719079565
test-large-storm 17:30 1.73595261
test-large-storm 17:35 1.75362261
test-large-storm 17:40 1.77129261
test-large-storm 17:45 1.789891304
test-large-storm 17:50 1.80849
test-large-storm 17:55 1.828188262
test-large-storm 18:00 1.847886521
test-large-storm 18:05 1.868920435
test-large-storm 18:10 1.889955652
test-large-storm 18:15 1.912653914
test-large-storm 18:20 1.935353479
test-large-storm 18:25 1.960218262
test-large-storm 18:30 1.985081738
test-large-storm 18:35 2.01204
test-large-storm 18:40 2.040770869
test-large-storm 18:45 2.071703479
test-large-storm 18:50 2.105471738
test-large-storm 18:55 2.143091738
test-large-storm 19:00 2.18639739
test-large-storm 19:05 2.239476521
test-large-storm 19:10 2.317361738
test-large-storm 19:15 2.4534
test-large-storm 19:20 2.489808262
test-large-storm 19:25 2.51616261
test-large-storm 19:30 2.53802739
test-large-storm 19:35 2.557176521
test-large-storm 19:40 2.57444739
test-large-storm 19:45 2.59032
test-large-storm 19:50 2.605098262
test-large-storm 19:55 2.618985652
test-large-storm 20:00 2.632130869
test-large-storm 20:05 2.64464739
test-large-storm 20:10 2.65662
test-large-storm 20:15 2.668116521
test-large-storm 20:20 2.679191738
test-large-storm 20:25 2.68989
test-large-storm 20:30 2.700249131
test-large-storm 20:35 2.710301738
test-large-storm 20:40 2.72007261
test-large-storm 20:45 2.729586521
test-large-storm 20:50 2.738861738
test-large-storm 20:55 2.747919131
test-large-storm 21:00 2.756769131
test-large-storm 21:05 2.76543
test-large-storm 21:10 2.773913479
test-large-storm 21:15 2.78222739
test-large-storm 21:20 2.79038739
test-large-storm 21:25 2.79839739
test-large-storm 21:30 2.806266521
test-large-storm 21:35 2.814
test-large-storm 21:40 2.821610869
test-large-storm 21:45 2.829101738
test-large-storm 21:50 2.836476521
test-large-storm 21:55 2.843745652
test-large-storm 22:00 2.850906521
test-large-storm 22:05 2.857970869
test-large-storm 22:10 2.86494
test-large-storm 22:15 2.871816521
test-large-storm 22:20 2.878605652
test-large-storm 22:25 2.88531
test-large-storm 22:30 2.891933479
test-large-storm 22:35 2.89847739
test-large-storm 22:40 2.904948262
test-large-storm 22:45 2.911343479
test-large-storm 22:50 2.917673479
test-large-storm 22:55 2.923931738
test-large-storm 23:00 2.93012739
test-large-storm 23:05 2.936256521
test-large-storm 23:10 2.942325652
test-large-storm 23:15 2.948333479
test-large-storm 23:20 2.95428261
test-large-storm 23:25 2.960178262
test-large-storm 23:30 2.966019131
test-large-storm 23:35 2.971806521
test-large-storm 23:40 2.977541738
test-large-storm 23:45 2.98323
test-large-storm 23:50 2.98886739
test-large-storm 23:55 2.994456521
test-large-storm 3/21/2017 0:00 3
;;Reporting Options
DIMENSIONS 6249971.378 1993844.489 6250920.751 1994736.807
Units Feet
;;Node X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
SW-100 6249992.626 1994347.848
POC-out 6250251.270 1993963.530
1 6250003.537 1994289.610
2 6249996.274 1994238.769
6 6250480.650 1994506.810
7 6250644.934 1994462.713
8 6250727.075 1994199.860
10 6250575.511 1994120.642
12 6250485.417 1994081.588
Overflow-treated-tank 6250016.138 1993968.449
POC1 6250317.185 1993931.065
North-Basin 6250007.284 1994178.001
South-Basin 6249999.906 1994106.568
pump-well 6250146.985 1994067.814
treatment-storage 6250061.394 1994003.867
flow-control 6250134.196 1993963.530
DA-2-trench 6250328.299 1994019.840
;;Link X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
TreatedFCBypass 6250248.057 1993885.633
;;Subcatchment X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
DA-1 6250311.192 1994664.997
DA-1 6250248.692 1994616.820
DA-1 6250342.442 1994366.820
DA-1 6250363.275 1994338.174
DA-1 6250309.890 1994312.133
DA-1 6250238.275 1994284.789
DA-1 6250179.681 1994303.018
DA-1 6250134.109 1994278.278
DA-1 6250132.806 1994309.528
DA-1 6250113.275 1994310.830
DA-1 6250082.025 1994308.226
DA-1 6250052.077 1994292.601
DA-1 6250046.869 1994329.060
DA-1 6250052.077 1994344.685
DA-1 6250069.004 1994375.935
DA-1 6250132.806 1994696.247
DA-1 6250167.963 1994694.945
DA-1 6250311.192 1994664.997
DA-3 6250240.188 1994285.519
DA-3 6250268.223 1994217.080
DA-3 6250298.171 1994187.133
DA-3 6250322.911 1994201.455
DA-3 6250358.067 1994213.174
DA-3 6250415.359 1994107.705
DA-3 6250397.129 1994094.685
DA-3 6250381.504 1994082.966
DA-3 6250364.577 1994073.851
DA-3 6250345.046 1994066.039
DA-3 6250326.817 1994058.226
DA-3 6250319.004 1994054.320
DA-3 6250305.777 1994025.460
DA-3 6250248.692 1993989.216
DA-3 6250179.681 1993931.924
DA-3 6250147.129 1993904.580
DA-3 6250144.525 1993885.049
DA-3 6250123.692 1993908.487
DA-3 6250086.036 1993958.695
DA-3 6250089.838 1993985.310
DA-3 6250089.838 1993998.330
DA-3 6250087.234 1994008.747
DA-3 6250059.890 1994046.508
DA-3 6250042.963 1994082.966
DA-3 6250037.754 1994098.591
DA-3 6250027.338 1994136.351
DA-3 6250027.338 1994159.789
DA-3 6250019.525 1994193.643
DA-3 6250020.827 1994223.591
DA-3 6250029.942 1994243.122
DA-3 6250040.359 1994260.049
DA-3 6250055.984 1994267.862
DA-3 6250084.629 1994280.883
DA-3 6250122.390 1994282.185
DA-3 6250132.806 1994279.580
DA-3 6250133.953 1994282.009
DA-3 6250134.109 1994278.278
DA-3 6250179.681 1994303.018
DA-3 6250238.275 1994284.789
DA-3 6250240.188 1994285.519
DA-2-project-area 6250547.989 1994059.876
DA-2-project-area 6250580.040 1993995.773
DA-2-project-area 6250649.272 1994050.902
DA-2-project-area 6250592.861 1994106.030
DA-2-project-area 6250544.143 1994059.876
DA-3-project-area 6249874.058 1994246.796
DA-3-project-area 6249894.254 1994280.763
DA-3-project-area 6249857.533 1994293.615
DA-3-project-area 6249833.665 1994244.960
DA-3-project-area 6249847.435 1994221.091
DA-2.1 6250314.350 1994671.993
DA-2.1 6250314.350 1994671.993
DA-2.1 6250253.131 1994624.688
DA-2.1 6250300.437 1994501.321
DA-2.1 6250326.409 1994491.118
DA-2.1 6250564.793 1994489.263
DA-2.1 6250551.807 1994525.438
DA-2.1 6250316.205 1994671.993
DA-2.2 6250296.263 1994492.857
DA-2.2 6250341.713 1994368.564
DA-2.2 6250364.903 1994336.099
DA-2.2 6250546.705 1994355.578
DA-2.2 6250552.271 1994450.189
DA-2.2 6250561.546 1994480.799
DA-2.2 6250318.524 1994481.726
DA-2.2 6250297.190 1994494.712
DA-2.3 6250578.243 1994477.913
DA-2.3 6250567.112 1994452.869
DA-2.3 6250560.619 1994354.547
DA-2.3 6250599.577 1994350.837
DA-2.3 6250617.200 1994311.879
DA-2.3 6250664.506 1994221.905
DA-2.3 6250690.478 1994226.543
DA-2.3 6250599.577 1994439.883
DA-2.3 6250577.315 1994480.696
DA-2.4 6250673.782 1994224.791
DA-2.4 6250651.520 1994222.008
DA-2.4 6250584.736 1994350.940
DA-2.4 6250544.850 1994353.722
DA-2.4 6250443.746 1994340.737
DA-2.4 6250488.269 1994272.097
DA-2.4 6250578.243 1994279.517
DA-2.4 6250586.591 1994215.515
DA-2.4 6250545.778 1994189.543
DA-2.4 6250576.387 1994145.948
DA-2.4 6250696.971 1994170.992
DA-2.4 6250677.492 1994226.646
DA-2.5 6250493.834 1994271.169
DA-2.5 6250484.558 1994235.922
DA-2.5 6250464.152 1994198.819
DA-2.5 6250505.892 1994111.628
DA-2.5 6250577.315 1994139.455
DA-2.5 6250545.778 1994188.616
DA-2.5 6250577.315 1994216.443
DA-2.5 6250569.894 1994275.807
DA-2.5 6250489.196 1994271.169
DA-2.6 6250364.903 1994209.022
DA-2.6 6250419.629 1994103.280
DA-2.6 6250320.379 1994050.409
DA-2.6 6250308.321 1994021.654
DA-2.6 6250504.037 1994110.700
DA-2.6 6250461.369 1994196.036
DA-2.6 6250481.776 1994228.501
DA-2.6 6250490.124 1994268.386
DA-2.6 6250360.265 1994211.805
DA-4.1 6250241.221 1994285.152
DA-4.1 6250266.202 1994220.202
DA-4.1 6250283.189 1994202.216
DA-4.1 6250399.100 1994256.174
DA-4.1 6250363.128 1994337.112
DA-4.1 6250243.220 1994285.152
DA-4.2 6250368.124 1994335.114
DA-4.2 6250405.096 1994256.174
DA-4.2 6250288.185 1994202.216
DA-4.2 6250298.178 1994191.224
DA-4.2 6250487.033 1994269.164
DA-4.2 6250443.067 1994340.110
DA-4.2 6250367.125 1994334.115
;;Gage X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
Oceanside 6249714.215 1994689.501
Rainfall File Summary
Station First Last Recording Periods Periods Periods
ID Date Date Frequency w/Precip Missing Malfunc.
100000 08/28/1951 05/23/2008 60 min 9134 0 0
NOTE: The summary statistics displayed in this report are
based on results found at every computational time step,
not just on results from each reporting time step.
Analysis Options
Flow Units ............... CFS
Process Models:
Rainfall/Runoff ........ YES
RDII ................... NO
Snowmelt ............... NO
Groundwater ............ NO
Flow Routing ........... YES
Ponding Allowed ........ NO
Water Quality .......... NO
Infiltration Method ...... MODIFIED_GREEN_AMPT
Flow Routing Method ...... DYNWAVE
Surcharge Method ......... EXTRAN
Starting Date ............ 01/01/1978 00:00:00
Ending Date .............. 12/31/2008 00:00:00
Antecedent Dry Days ...... 0.0
Report Time Step ......... 01:00:00
Wet Time Step ............ 00:05:00
Dry Time Step ............ 01:00:00
Routing Time Step ........ 30.00 sec
Variable Time Step ....... YES
Maximum Trials ........... 8
Number of Threads ........ 1
Head Tolerance ........... 0.005000 ft
************************** Volume Depth
Runoff Quantity Continuity acre-feet inches
SWMM Post Development Results
************************** --------- -------
Total Precipitation ...... 355.152 401.680
Evaporation Loss ......... 24.274 27.454
Infiltration Loss ........ 118.075 133.544
Surface Runoff ........... 213.588 241.570
Final Storage ............ 0.000 0.000
Continuity Error (%) ..... -0.221
************************** Volume Volume
Flow Routing Continuity acre-feet 10^6 gal
************************** --------- ---------
Dry Weather Inflow ....... 0.000 0.000
Wet Weather Inflow ....... 213.568 69.594
Groundwater Inflow ....... 0.000 0.000
RDII Inflow .............. 0.000 0.000
External Inflow .......... 0.000 0.000
External Outflow ......... 208.022 67.787
Flooding Loss ............ 4.603 1.500
Evaporation Loss ......... 0.131 0.043
Exfiltration Loss ........ 0.055 0.018
Initial Stored Volume .... 0.000 0.000
Final Stored Volume ...... 0.000 0.000
Continuity Error (%) ..... 0.354
Time-Step Critical Elements
Link Out-pipe (8.30%)
Link 7 (7.85%)
Highest Flow Instability Indexes
Link Treated (6)
Link pump (1)
Routing Time Step Summary
Minimum Time Step : 0.50 sec
Average Time Step : 26.59 sec
Maximum Time Step : 30.00 sec
Percent in Steady State : -0.00
Average Iterations per Step : 2.04
Percent Not Converging : 0.00
Time Step Frequencies :
SWMM Post Development Results
30.000 - 13.228 sec : 86.38 %
13.228 - 5.833 sec : 8.77 %
5.833 - 2.572 sec : 4.76 %
2.572 - 1.134 sec : 0.10 %
1.134 - 0.500 sec : 0.00 %
Subcatchment Runoff Summary
Total Total Total Total Imperv
Perv Total Total Peak Runoff
Precip Runon Evap Infil Runoff
Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Coeff
Subcatchment in in in in in
in in 10^6 gal CFS
DA-1 401.68 0.00 25.99 132.83 201.63
42.18 243.81 11.06 1.96 0.607
DA-3 401.68 0.00 27.91 121.14 215.55
37.94 253.49 10.88 1.86 0.631
DA-2-project-area 401.68 0.00 14.62 230.74 90.24
67.05 157.29 0.56 0.14 0.392
DA-3-project-area 401.68 0.00 6.70 325.41 0.00
70.59 70.59 0.06 0.02 0.176
DA-2.1 401.68 0.00 27.87 121.24 215.57
37.87 253.44 8.53 1.46 0.631
DA-2.2 401.68 0.00 35.64 59.92 287.24
19.74 306.98 10.00 1.43 0.764
DA-2.3 401.68 0.00 35.06 59.53 287.95
20.13 308.08 2.93 0.42 0.767
DA-2.4 401.68 0.00 36.09 50.41 298.90
17.32 316.22 7.38 1.03 0.787
DA-2.5 401.68 0.00 34.06 58.96 289.27
20.75 310.01 1.94 0.27 0.772
DA-2.6 401.68 0.00 21.92 197.24 179.35
3.59 182.94 13.16 2.77 0.455
DA-4.1 401.68 0.00 20.42 222.90 145.63
160.61 160.61 1.31 0.35 0.400
DA-4.2 401.68 0.00 24.31 200.97 181.71
178.73 178.73 1.80 0.43 0.445
SWMM Post Development Results
Node Depth Summary
Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Reported
Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Max Depth
Node Type Feet Feet Feet days hr:min Feet
SW-100 JUNCTION 0.01 0.28 306.13 9234 16:00 0.28
POC-out JUNCTION 0.02 0.79 281.71 9234 15:18 0.79
1 JUNCTION 0.01 0.38 302.03 9234 16:00 0.38
2 JUNCTION 0.00 0.18 299.58 9234 16:00 0.18
6 JUNCTION 0.00 0.16 310.88 9234 16:00 0.16
7 JUNCTION 0.01 0.60 306.60 9234 16:00 0.60
8 JUNCTION 0.00 0.21 296.91 9234 16:00 0.21
10 JUNCTION 0.00 0.25 287.90 3 13:22 0.25
12 JUNCTION 0.01 0.50 286.41 3 13:12 0.50
Overflow-treated-tank OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00:00 0.00
POC1 OUTFALL 0.02 0.79 281.19 9234 15:18 0.79
North-Basin STORAGE 0.01 0.27 291.57 9234 16:00 0.27
South-Basin STORAGE 0.05 3.75 285.55 9234 15:19 3.74
pump-well STORAGE 1.02 10.88 285.53 9234 15:19 10.87
treatment-storage STORAGE 0.29 8.00 298.00 10925 19:48 8.00
flow-control STORAGE 0.70 11.45 296.45 14 05:49 11.45
DA-2-trench STORAGE 0.16 7.75 285.50 3 13:49 7.75
Node Inflow Summary
Maximum Maximum Lateral
Total Flow
Lateral Total Time of Max Inflow
Inflow Balance
Inflow Inflow Occurrence Volume
Volume Error
Node Type CFS CFS days hr:min 10^6 gal 10^6
gal Percent
SW-100 JUNCTION 1.96 1.96 9234 16:00 11.1
11.1 -0.007
POC-out JUNCTION 0.00 5.85 9234 16:03 0
67.8 0.004
1 JUNCTION 0.00 1.96 9234 16:00 0
SWMM Post Development Results
11.1 0.003
2 JUNCTION 0.00 1.96 9234 16:00 0
11.1 -0.009
6 JUNCTION 1.46 1.46 9234 16:00 8.53
8.53 -0.012
7 JUNCTION 1.85 3.31 9234 16:00 12.9
21.5 0.012
8 JUNCTION 1.03 4.34 9234 16:00 7.38
28.8 -0.006
10 JUNCTION 0.27 4.61 9234 16:00 1.94
30.8 -0.004
12 JUNCTION 0.78 4.55 9234 16:00 3.1
33.8 -0.015
Overflow-treated-tank OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0 00:00 0
0 0.000 gal
POC1 OUTFALL 0.00 5.85 9234 15:18 0
67.8 0.000
North-Basin STORAGE 1.88 3.83 9234 16:00 10.9
22 -0.006
South-Basin STORAGE 0.00 3.83 9234 16:00 0
22 0.049
pump-well STORAGE 0.00 4.91 9903 22:03 0
61.1 -0.061
treatment-storage STORAGE 0.00 0.60 3 14:03 0
56 -0.136
flow-control STORAGE 0.00 0.47 2 17:38 0
56 0.139
DA-2-trench STORAGE 2.91 7.41 9234 16:00 13.7
49.5 0.565
Node Surcharge Summary
Surcharging occurs when water rises above the top of the highest conduit.
Max. Height Min. Depth
Hours Above Crown Below Rim
Node Type Surcharged Feet Feet
10 JUNCTION 3.58 0.000 0.000
12 JUNCTION 66.37 0.250 0.000
Node Flooding Summary
Flooding refers to all water that overflows a node, whether it ponds or not.
SWMM Post Development Results
Total Maximum
Maximum Time of Max Flood Ponded
Hours Rate Occurrence Volume Depth
Node Flooded CFS days hr:min 10^6 gal Feet
10 3.57 0.85 9234 16:00 0.034 0.000
12 58.93 3.28 9234 16:00 1.388 0.250
DA-2-trench 3.03 2.03 9234 16:00 0.077 0.000
Storage Volume Summary
Average Avg Evap Exfil Maximum Max Time
of Max Maximum
Volume Pcnt Pcnt Pcnt Volume Pcnt
Occurrence Outflow
Storage Unit 1000 ft3 Full Loss Loss 1000 ft3 Full days
hr:min CFS
North-Basin 0.000 0 0 0 0.026 9 9234
16:00 3.83
South-Basin 0.004 0 0 0 0.589 46 9234
15:19 3.83
pump-well 0.020 7 0 0 0.213 75 9234
15:19 3.83
treatment-storage 0.368 3 0 0 10.113 89 10925
19:48 0.47
flow-control 0.034 6 0 0 0.556 95 14
05:49 0.47
DA-2-trench 0.044 1 0 0 3.075 100 3
13:49 5.38
Outfall Loading Summary
Flow Avg Max Total
Freq Flow Flow Volume
Outfall Node Pcnt CFS CFS 10^6 gal
SWMM Post Development Results
Overflow-treated-tank 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000
POC1 16.23 0.27 5.85 67.782
System 8.11 0.27 5.85 67.782
Link Flow Summary
Maximum Time of Max Maximum Max/ Max/
|Flow| Occurrence |Veloc| Full Full
Link Type CFS days hr:min ft/sec Flow Depth
18-inch-pipe-2 CONDUIT 3.83 9234 16:00 9.37 0.07 0.59
24-inch-pipe CONDUIT 3.83 9234 16:00 5.37 0.14 1.00
Out-pipe CONDUIT 5.85 9234 15:18 6.19 0.55 0.53
4 CONDUIT 1.96 9234 16:00 8.56 0.08 0.19
6 CONDUIT 1.96 9234 16:00 5.51 0.14 0.26
7 CONDUIT 1.96 9234 16:00 11.81 0.03 0.15
24-inch-pipe-1 CONDUIT 3.42 5494 04:01 3.56 0.12 1.00
conc-swale-1 CONDUIT 1.46 9234 16:00 2.98 0.44 0.81
downpipe CONDUIT 3.31 9234 16:00 10.95 0.54 0.41
conc-swale-2 CONDUIT 4.34 9234 16:00 7.57 0.77 0.93
conc-swale-3 CONDUIT 3.76 3187 21:41 6.02 0.93 1.00
conc-swale-4 CONDUIT 3.37 3 13:12 5.39 0.89 1.00
pump PUMP 0.60 2 15:20 1.00
hydro-pump PUMP 0.60 13 23:55 1.00
TreatedFCBypass ORIFICE 0.10 14 05:49
treated-low-flow ORIFICE 0.36 14 05:49
treatment-storage-overflow WEIR 0.00 0 00:00
DA-2-overflow WEIR 5.38 3 13:49 1.00
Treated DUMMY 0.47 2 17:38
Flow Classification Summary
Adjusted ---------- Fraction of Time in Flow Class
/Actual Up Down Sub Sup Up Down Norm
Conduit Length Dry Dry Dry Crit Crit Crit Crit Ltd
SWMM Post Development Results
18-inch-pipe-2 1.00 0.72 0.17 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.00 0.00 1.00
24-inch-pipe 1.00 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.05
Out-pipe 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.01
4 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
6 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
7 1.00 0.52 0.01 0.00 0.38 0.10 0.00 0.00 1.00
24-inch-pipe-1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00
conc-swale-1 1.00 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
downpipe 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00
conc-swale-2 1.00 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.00 0.00 1.00
conc-swale-3 1.00 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.99
conc-swale-4 1.00 0.00 0.86 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
Conduit Surcharge Summary
Hours Hours
--------- Hours Full -------- Above Full Capacity
Conduit Both Ends Upstream Dnstream Normal Flow Limited
18-inch-pipe-2 0.01 0.01 5255.28 0.01 0.01
24-inch-pipe 527.85 527.85 732.58 0.01 0.01
24-inch-pipe-1 1334.04 1334.04 1866.99 0.01 0.01
conc-swale-1 0.01 0.01 195.23 0.01 0.01
conc-swale-2 0.01 0.01 3.57 0.01 0.01
conc-swale-3 3.57 3.57 66.34 0.01 0.01
conc-swale-4 66.34 66.34 1923.77 0.01 0.01
Pumping Summary
SWMM Post Development Results
Min Avg Max Total
Power % Time Off
Percent Number of Flow Flow Flow Volume
Usage Pump Curve
Pump Utilized Start-Ups CFS CFS CFS 10^6 gal
Kw-hr Low High
pump 1.27 284438 0.00 0.60 0.60 55.962
2431.19 0.0 0.0
hydro-pump 0.04 1700 0.00 0.60 0.60 1.738
12.56 0.0 0.0
Analysis begun on: Mon May 16 14:37:30 2022
Analysis ended on: Mon May 16 14:42:18 2022
Total elapsed time: 00:04:48
SWMM Post Development Results
Structural BMP Maintenance Information
Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included in the Structural
BMP Maintenance Information Attachment:
Preliminary Design/Planning/CEQA level submittal:
Attachment 3 must identify:
Typical maintenance indicators and actions for proposed structural BMP(s) basedon Section 7.7 of the BMP Design Manual
Final Design level submittal:
Attachment 3 must identify:
Specific maintenance indicators and actions for proposed structural BMP(s). Thisshall be based on Section 7.7 of the BMP Design Manual and enhanced to reflect
actual proposed components of the structural BMP(s)
How to access the structural BMP(s) to inspect and perform maintenance
Features that are provided to facilitate inspection (e.g., observation ports,cleanouts, silt posts, or other features that allow the inspector to view necessarycomponents of the structural BMP and compare to maintenance thresholds)
Manufacturer and part number for proprietary parts of structural BMP(s) whenapplicable
Maintenance thresholds for BMPs subject to siltation or heavy trash(e.g., silt levelposts or other markings shall be included in all BMP components that will trap andstore sediment, trash, and/or debris, so that the inspector may determine how fullthe BMP is, and the maintenance personnel may determine where the bottom ofthe BMP is . If required, posts or other markings shall be indicated and describedon structural BMP plans.)
Recommended equipment to perform maintenance
When applicable, necessary special training or certification requirements forinspection and maintenance personnel such as confined space entry orhazardous waste management
City of Carlsbad
Storm Water Quality Management Plan
Attachment 3 – Structural BMP Maintenance
Date: 16 May 2022 [GR2022-0014]
The Palomar Transfer Station Stormwater Improvements Project is designed to route all site
drainage to a centralized location for on-site treatment prior to discharge offsite. To comply with
stringent numeric levels, the active stormwater treatment system is recommended to be maintained
per manufacturer’s guidelines. A template of the manufacturer’s guidelines for the active treatment
system is attached and will be updated once the system has been installed. A trash screen is also
to be installed in the trench drain and should be inspected and maintained per the table below.
Table 1 – Trash Screen Maintenance Indicators and Actions
Typical Maintenance Indicators for Trash Capture BMPs Maintenance Actions
Accumulation of sediment,
litter, or debris
Remove and properly dispose accumulated
Obstructed inlet Clear obstructions
Water Treatment System
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Document # 907371
Rev Description Date
1 Initial release. 12/1/2020
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4.30 Backflush Tank .......................................................................................................... 20
4.31 Air Compressor .......................................................................................................... 20
4.32 CO2 Injection Quill ...................................................................................................... 21
4.33 CO2 Dewar Tank ........................................................................................................ 21
4.34 CO2 Tank Heated Regulator ...................................................................................... 21
4.35 CO2 Solenoid Valve ................................................................................................... 21
4.36 Junction Box .............................................................................................................. 22
4.37 System Disconnect .................................................................................................... 22
4.38 Pole Light and Audible Alarm ..................................................................................... 22
5. Internal System Components ............................................................................................ 23
5.1 Pre-Treatment Turbidity Probe ..................................................................................... 23
5.2 Pre-Treatment pH Probe .............................................................................................. 23
5.3 Media Filter Pump ........................................................................................................ 24
5.4 MF Pump Sample Valve .............................................................................................. 24
5.5 MF Pump Pressure Gauge .......................................................................................... 24
5.6 Treatment Polymer Injection Quill ................................................................................ 24
5.7 Treatment Static Mixer ................................................................................................. 25
5.8 Polymer Chemical Metering Pumps ............................................................................. 25
5.9 Chemical Pump Calibration Cylinder ........................................................................... 25
5.10 Polymer Chemical Tote .............................................................................................. 26
5.11 Treatment pH Probe................................................................................................... 26
5.12 Treatment Turbidity Probe ......................................................................................... 27
5.13 Effluent Sample Valve ................................................................................................ 27
5.14 Effluent Flow Meter .................................................................................................... 27
5.15 Discharge and Recirculate Valves ............................................................................. 28
5.16 Main Control Panel (MCP) ......................................................................................... 28
5.17 Emergency Stop ........................................................................................................ 29
5.18 Siemens Human Machine Interface (HMI) ................................................................. 29
5.19 Hach sc200 Controllers .............................................................................................. 29
5.20 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) ....................................................................... 30
5.21 Unmanaged Ethernet Switch ..................................................................................... 30
5.22 TosiBox ...................................................................................................................... 30
5.23 AC to DC Power Supply ............................................................................................. 30
5.24 Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) ............................................................................ 31
5.25 480 V Panelboard ...................................................................................................... 31
5.26 120/240 V Load Center .............................................................................................. 31
5.27 10 kW Transformer .................................................................................................... 31
6. Using the HMI Interface Screens ....................................................................................... 32
6.1 Navigation Bar ............................................................................................................. 32
6.2 System Page ................................................................................................................ 33
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6.2.1 System Page Icons ............................................................................................ 33
6.3 Pumps Page ................................................................................................................ 36
6.4 Media Filter Page ......................................................................................................... 37
6.5 Trends Pages ............................................................................................................... 38
6.5.1 Pre-Treatment Trends Page ............................................................................... 38
6.5.2 Treatment Trends Page ..................................................................................... 39
6.6 Alarms Page ................................................................................................................ 40
6.6.1 Alarms Page Stat Column Legend ..................................................................... 40
6.7 Help Page .................................................................................................................... 41
6.8 Configuration Page 1 ................................................................................................... 42
6.9 Configuration Page 2 ................................................................................................... 43
6.10 Communications Page ............................................................................................... 44
6.11 Email Page ................................................................................................................. 45
6.12 Config Chemical Pumps Page ................................................................................... 46
7. Commissioning and Startup after Downtime ................................................................... 47
7.1 Visual Inspection .......................................................................................................... 47
7.2 System Startup ............................................................................................................ 47
8. Operation ............................................................................................................................. 50
8.1 Media and GAC Filter Operation .................................................................................. 50
9. Shutdown ............................................................................................................................ 52
9.1 Warm Weather/Short Term Shutdown ......................................................................... 52
9.2 Freezing Weather/Long Term Shutdown ..................................................................... 52
10. Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 54
10.1 Media Filter ................................................................................................................ 54
10.1.1 MF Filtration Media Replacement .................................................................... 54
10.1.2 Performing a Media Filter Manual Backflush .................................................... 54
10.2 GAC Filter .................................................................................................................. 55
10.2.1 GAC Filtration Media Replacement .................................................................. 55
10.2.2 GAC Filters Manual Backflush ......................................................................... 55
10.3 Verifying Correct Polymer Pump Dosage................................................................... 57
10.4 Turbidity Probe Calibration ......................................................................................... 58
10.5 pH Probe Calibration .................................................................................................. 60
10.6 pH Probe Storage ...................................................................................................... 61
10.7 Solids Management ................................................................................................... 62
10.8 Air Compressor .......................................................................................................... 62
11. Routine Maintenance Schedule ....................................................................................... 63
Appendix A - Operations Log ................................................................................................ 64
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Document Number 907371 Proprietary
1. Safety Information
Read this entire manual before operating this equipment. Pay attention to all danger, warning,
and caution statements. Failure to do so could result in serious injury to the operator or damage
to the equipment.
To ensure that the safety and protection mechanisms designed into this equipment are not
impaired, do not use or install this equipment in any manner other than that specified in this
1.1 Operational Safeguards
The system is equipped with an external power disconnect to provide a
single point for power management.
Exercise caution at all times while working inside the system. Do not
disconnect or reconnect any tri-clamps, pipes, hoses, components, or
cables while the system is operating.
This system operates under pressure (up to 100 psi). Improper use, such
as dead-heading pumps, can result in even higher pressures.
1.1.1 Safety Notations and Symbols
The following notations and symbols emphasize important safety information in this manual:
DANGER: Indicates a potentially or imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in minor or moderate
NOTE: Information that requires special attention.
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2. Terminology
The following table explains the abbreviations and terminology used in this document.
Term Definition
bbl Barrel, a measurement of volume. 1 bbl equals 42 gallons.
Coagulation The process of forming semi-solid lumps in a liquid.
CO2 Carbon dioxide; a gas that becomes a weak acid when dissolved in water;
used for pH adjustment.
Conex The shipping container that houses some system components. Refer to the
Internal System Components for a list of the components inside the
AcistBox Conex.
Flocculation Separation of solid particles from water to form loose aggregations.
GAC Granular Activated Carbon; filtration media in the GAC filters, used for
removing organic compounds.
gpm Gallons per Minute
HMI Human Machine Interface, the system touchscreen
ml Milliliters.
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
psi Pounds per Square Inch
VAC Volts Alternating Current
VDC Volts Direct Current
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3. Introduction
This manual contains instructions for the operation and maintenance of the
AcistBox Water Treatment System. The intended audience for this document
includes trained operators, technicians, and WaterTectonics personnel.
3.1 System Description
Influent water enters the in-ground vault and is pumped to the source tank by the vault pump,
which is located in the vault. The vault pump is called to run by the system's programmable logic
controller (PLC), which is located in the main control panel inside the Conex. The PLC calls the
vault pump to run if the level transmitter in the vault indicates enough water is present to avoid
running the pump dry, and if the source tank level transmitter and level switch high high also
indicate that the water level in the source tank has not reached the high high level.
On the piping that leads to the source tank, a sample valve can be opened for the operator to
take grab samples of influent water, or to bleed air from the piping during startup. A flow switch,
also located on the piping, provides feedback to the PLC that the vault pump is operating and
water is flowing into the source tank.
The level transmitter in the source tank also indicates to the PLC when enough water is present
in the source tank to run the source pump, which pumps water from the source tank into the
settling tanks. Source pump speed is controlled by a variable frequency drive (VFD) located
inside the AcistBox.
On the piping that leads from the source tank to the settling tanks, a second sample valve is
located, along with a pressure indicator and a second flow switch. The pressure indicator
provides a check for the operator that the source pump is operating correctly and pumping water
at sufficient pressure into the settling tanks. The second flow switch provides feedback to the
PLC that water is flowing into the settling tanks.
Downstream of the second flow switch, polymer is injected into the water stream by an injection
quill. Polymer is a chemical coagulant and flocculant used to encourage aggregation of particles
suspended in the water during residence time in the settling tanks. To avoid wasting polymer, if
the source pump is not running, the PLC is programmed to cut power to the chemical pump
receptacles so that the pumps cannot supply polymer to the injection quill. Immediately
downstream of the injection quill, a static mixer ensures thorough mixing of the polymer into the
The five, 10,500-gallon settling tanks are connected by an influent and an effluent manifold.
These manifolds equalize the water level across all the settling tanks. The settling tanks provide
approximately 20 minutes of residence time for particulates to flocculate and form larger solids,
which sink to the floor of each tank.
The settling tanks gravity drain into a single, 10,500-gallon clearwell tank. A level transmitter in
the clearwell tank communicates the water level to the PLC. If the signal from the level
transmitter indicates the water level in the clearwell tank is at or below a pre-programmed
setpoint, the PLC will turn on the source pump, if there is sufficient water in the source tank. The
PLC will not turn on the media filter pump, or will stop it if it has been running, until this level
transmitter indicates sufficient water in the clearwell tank. Also in the clearwell tank, a level switch
high high provides a backup for the level transmitter.
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Inside the AcistBox Conex, a turbidity probe measures the amount of total suspended solids
(TSS) in the water and communicates this measurement to the pre-treatment Hach sc200
controller, one of two Hach sc200 controllers located on the main control panel door inside the
Conex. The pre-treatment Hach sc200 controller communicates its measurement to the PLC.
The pre-treatment pH probe is located in the first clearwell tank. The pre-treatment pH probe
measures influent water pH and communicates its measurement to the pre-treatment Hach
sc200 controller.
The media filter pump draws water from the clearwell tank into the piping inside the Conex.
Immediately downstream of the media filter pump a third sample valve allows the operator to
take grab samples of water after it has been through the settling tanks, and a second pressure
indicator provides an indication of pump operation.
Downstream of the pressure indicator, a second injection of polymer takes place through another
injection quill. A static mixer thoroughly mixes the water and polymer. The water stream then
leaves the Conex and enters the media filter.
The media filter (MF) consists of five filter vessels filled with filtration media that consists of a
layer of crushed gravel and a layer of crushed glass (sand) that will remove coagulated particles
and fines down to approximately 20-30 microns in size.
Water is pumped into the MF filter vessels through three-way valves located at the top of each
filter vessel. As the water is forced down through the filtration media in the filter vessel, solids
are filtered out and remain in the filtration media. The MF also includes a control panel that can
be programmed to manage periodic backflushing of clean water backwards up through the
filtration media to lift and wash away filtered solids from each filter vessel in sequence. Backflush
water is sent to the 8,250-gallon backflush tank, and then back to the source tank for re-treatment
through the system.
Filtered water leaves each media filter unit through its pressure sustaining valve, which opens
in response to pressures greater than the media filter working pressure, typically 35-40 psi. After
the water leaves the media filter, the third injection quill doses the water with CO2 to lower the
pH. The water then re-enters the Conex, where pH and turbidity are again measured in the water
quality management (WQM) section.
Low turbidity at this point in the treatment train is critical. The granular activated carbon (GAC)
filtration media in the GAC filter, which is immediately downstream of the WQM section, is the
most expensive consumable item on a cost-per-gallon treated basis. The most efficient use of
the GAC filtration media is to ensure that the bulk of the larger contaminants are removed by the
sand media filter that employs considerably less expensive filtration media. Therefore, the
system has been programmed to allow only water with low turbidity to be sent to the GAC filter.
The system does this using readings from the treatment turbidity probe. If this probe – or the
treatment pH probe - sends a reading that is outside a pre-programmable range to the treatment
Hach sc200 controller, a signal is sent to the PLC. The PLC will then close the discharge valve
and open the recirculate valve, so that water with high turbidity is recycled back to the main
source tank for re-treatment until turbidity is low enough for the GAC filter to remove the much
smaller chlorine compounds, organics chemicals, and hydrocarbons.
The GAC filter has five filter vessels. Each filter vessel is filled with a layer of crushed gravel and
a layer of granular activated carbon (GAC). The GAC filter vessels are deeper than the media
filter vessels to allow for greater adsorption of organic compounds from the water.
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As with the media filter, water is pumped into the GAC filter vessels through three-way valves
located at the top of each filter vessel. As the water is forced down through the filtration media
in each filter vessel, solids are filtered out and remain in the filtration media. Unlike the media
filter that can be automatically backflushed, the GAC filter must be manually backflushed so the
operator can closely monitor backflush effluent in the sight glass to avoid losing GAC filtration
media, which is much lighter than sand. As with the media filters, GAC filter backflush water is
also sent to the backflush tank. Clean, filtered water is sent to final discharge.
The system includes an air compressor to supply air to the media and GAC filters. Compressed
air is used to close one three-way valve port and open the other during backflushing.
3.2 System Diagram
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4. External System Components
This section describes components outside the WaterTectonics Conex (container unit).
4.1 Vault
The vault is a large, concrete, in-ground vault that holds influent water before it is pumped into
the AcistBox Water Treatment System.
The vault pump is located in the vault and pumps water into the AcistBox system for treatment.
A level transmitter, also located in the vault communicates the water level to the system's
programmable logic controller (PLC), which will shut off the vault pump when the water level is
to low to run the pump without damaging it.
4.2 Vault Pump
Located in the vault, the Flygt Model 2640.181 BS228MT
vault pump (P-100) pumps water into the AcistBox system
source tank.
The vault pump operates whenever the following conditions
are in effect:
The level transmitter (LT-100) in the vault indicates
sufficient water to run the pump without damaging it,
The level transmitter (LT-101) and high high level
switch (LSHH-101) in the source tank (T-101) do
NOT indicate a high water level in the source tank.
The vault pump requires a daily check to verify that it has
not become clogged with foreign material. Additional
inspections and maintenance are required to keep the pump functioning optimally. Refer to the
Flygt 2640.181 BS228MT Pump Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for
4.3 Vault Level Transmitter
Located at the bottom of the vault, the level transmitter (LT-
100) measures the water level in the vault and transmits that
measurement to the PLC. If this level transmitter indicates
that the water level in the vault is at or above a user-
programmable setpoint, the PLC will run the vault pump.
Figure 1: Vault pump
Figure 2: Vault Level Transmitter
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4.4 Influent Sample Port
Use the influent sample port (V-131) to take grab samples
of water when it first enters the
AcistBox Water Treatment System. During system
startup, open this sample port to release air from piping that
leads to the source tank.
4.5 Influent Flow Switch
The influent flow switch (FS-100) is a McDonnell & Miller
SPDT Model FS7-4WL, located on the piping that leads to
the source tank. If this flow switch does not register flow after
the vault pump has been called to run, the PLC will stop the
vault pump and trigger a no-flow alarm.
4.6 Source Tank
The source tank (T-101) is a 10,500-gallon, polyethylene
tank. Water from the vault is pumped into this tank by the
vault pump (P-100). Water is pumped out of the source tank
to the settling tanks by the source pump (P-101).
Backflush water from the media and GAC filters re-enters
this tank from the backflush tank and is sent back through
the system for re-treatment.
4.7 Source Tank Level Transmitter
The level transmitter (LT-101) in the source tank (T-101)
measures the water level in the source tank and transmits
that measurement to the PLC. If this level transmitter
indicates that the water level in the source tank is above a
user-programmable low setpoint, the PLC will run the source
pump. If this level transmitter indicates the water level is at
or above the user-programmable high setpoint, the PLC will
shut off the vault pump so the source tank does not overflow.
Figure 5: Source Tank
Figure 6: Source Tank Level Transmitter
Figure 4: Influent Flow Switch
Figure 3: Influent Sample Port
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4.8 Source Tank Level Switch High High
Located near the top of source tank (T-101), the SJE
Rhombus SignalMaster SPDT level switch high high
(LSHH-101) alerts the system to a water level that is close
to overflowing the source tank. When the PLC receives a
signal from this level switch, it will generate an alarm and
stop the vault pump. The level switch is normally closed and
opens when the float tips slightly above horizontal at a high
water level.
4.9 Source Pump
The source pump (P-101) is a Goulds Model 10BF2K9A0
pump head powered by a 7.5-hp, 60-Hz Baldor Reliance
SuperE motor that runs on 3-phase 480V power.
The source pump pumps water from the source tank to the
settling tanks.
Two isolation valves (V-102 and V-103) on either side of the
isolate the pump for servicing. A sample port (V-133)
immediately downstream can be opened to vent air from the
piping during priming. A drain valve (V-132) can be opened
to completely empty the pump of water.
4.10 Pre-Treatment Sample Valve
Use the pre-treatment sample valve (V-133) to take grab
samples of the water before it enters the settling tanks.
4.11 Source Pump Pressure Gauge
Use the source pump pressure gauge (PI-131), located
downstream of the source pump, to monitor water pressure
to verify that the pump is operating correctly.
Figure 7: Source Tank Level Switch
High High
Figure 8: Source Pump
Figure 9: Influent Sample Valve
Figure 10: Source Pump Pressure
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4.12 Pre-Treatment Flow Switch
The pre-treatment flow switch (FS-101) is a McDonnell &
Miller SPDT Model FS7-4WL, located on the piping that
leads to the settling tanks. If this flow switch does not
register flow after the source pump has been called to run,
the PLC will stop the source pump and trigger a no-flow
4.13 Pre-Treatment Polymer Injection Quill
Located on the piping that leads from the source tank to the
settling tanks, the pre-treatment polymer injection quill
(INJ-161) injects polymer into the water before the water
enters the settling tanks. Polymer injected into the water
stream encourages coagulation of solid particles in the
water. Particles that have flocculated together into solids
settle out more easily while the water is in the settling tanks.
Polymer is pumped by the pre-treatment polymer chemical
pump to the injection quill from a chemical tote. Both the
chemical pump and the tote are located inside the AcistBox
4.14 Pre-Treatment Static Mixer
Located between two flanges on the piping that leads from
the source tank to the settling tanks, the pre-treatment static
mixer (U-101) mixes the polymer with the water before the
water enters the settling tanks.
4.15 Settling Tanks
The five 10,500-gallon, polyethylene settling tanks provide
residence time for flocculation of dissolved solids. Heavier
solids sink to the bottoms of the tanks, while lighter
contaminants float to the surface and may become trapped
against the tank walls. All the tanks need to be drained and
cleaned twice a year for this reason. Each settling tank
includes two isolation valves. The isolation valves are
connected by separate influent and effluent manifolds to
allow the water level to equalize among the tanks.
Figure 12: Polymer Injection Quill
Figure 13: Pre-Treatment Static Mixer
Figure 14: Example Settling Tank
Figure 11: Pre-Treatment Flow Switch
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4.16 Clearwell Tank
The clearwell tank is also a 10,500-gallon, polyethylene
tank. Water gravity flows from the settling tanks into the
clearwell tank from the settling tanks.
Water is pumped from the clearwell tank into the AcistBox
Conex by the media filter pump.
4.17 Clearwell Tank Level Transmitter
The level transmitter (LT-102) in the clearwell tank transmits
water level measurements to the PLC. If this level
transmitter indicates that the water level in the clearwell tank
is at or above a user-programmable low setpoint, the PLC
will call the media filter pump to run. If this level transmitter
indicates the water level is at the user-programmable high
setpoint, the PLC will shut off the source pump so the tank
does not overflow.
4.18 Clearwell Tank Level Switch High High
Located near the top of clearwell tank, the SJE Rhombus
SignalMaster SPDT level switch high high (LSHH-102)
alerts the PLC to a water level that is close to overflowing
the clearwell tank. When the PLC receives a signal from this
level switch, it will generate an alarm and stop the source
pump. The level switch is normally closed and opens when
the float tips slightly above horizontal at a high water level.
4.19 Media Filter (MF)
Water is pumped out of the AcistBox Conex by the media filter pump into the media filter (MF).
The media filter includes five filter vessels. Each filter vessel holds a filtration media bed
consisting of crushed glass (sand) above a layer of crushed rock.
Water typically flows into each filter vessel from the influent manifold (located above the row of
filter vessels), through each filter vessel's three-way valve, and down through the filtration media.
Contaminants adhere to the filtration media and the filtered water exits the filter vessels to an
effluent manifold, which is located below the row of filter vessels. At the end of the effluent
manifold, a pressure sustaining valve (PSV) maintains a constant operating pressure (typically
35-40 psi) inside the filter vessels.
When the filter vessels are first filled with water, such as during startup or after the filtration
media has been replaced, air vent valves are opened to allow the incoming water to displace as
much air as possible, and then are closed once the filter vessels are filled and operation begins.
Figure 15: Clearwell Tank
Figure 16: Clearwell Tank
Level Transmitter
Figure 17: Clearwell Tank Level Switch
High High
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Periodic backflushing to remove filtered sediment and debris from the filtration media is essential
for system performance and maintaining treatment flows. The backflush process is managed by
each media filter's control panel using user-configurable settings.
NOTE: Any configuration changes made at the control panel must be saved either to local
memory or to a USB drive or they will be lost if there is a power outage or the control panel is
reset. Filter vessels are backflushed one at a time in sequence for a specific length of time.
Backflushing can be manual, timed, or automatic. The automatic backflush feature is based on
the pressure differential between the influent and effluent sides of the filter. If manual
backflushing is required, refer to Section 10.1.2 Performing a Media Filter Manual Backflush on
Page 54 for instructions.
During backflushing, the solenoid valve for the backflushing filter vessel is opened by the
controller to allow air from the AcistBox system air compressor to move a plunger inside that
filter vessel's three-way valve. The three-way valve is designed and positioned so that the
plunger shuts off inflow from the influent manifold to only the backflushing filter vessel, and opens
outflow to the backflush manifold for only the backflushing filter vessel. The backflush manifold
is also located above the row of filter vessels. Water flowing into the effluent manifold from the
other filter vessels that are not being backflushed then seeks the path of least resistance, which
is the lower pressure in the backflushing filter vessel. The water moves up through the
backflushing filter vessel, lifting contaminants from the filtration media and passes out through
the outlet port of the three-way valve and into the backflush manifold.
The filtration media is a consumable and must be replaced periodically. When backflushing no
longer lowers the differential pressure sufficiently, does so only for a short period, or when water
turbidity remains high, refer to Section 10.1.1 MF Filtration Media Replacement on Page 54 of
this manual, and the Yardney INSMAN-200 5436-5A Industrial Sand Media Filter Installation
and Operation Instruction Manual for instructions on replacing the filtration media.
After the water has been filtered through the media filter, it returns to the WQM section of the
Conex so the effluent turbidity and pH can be measured in real-time. This is critical for protecting
the downstream GAC filter. The system will only allow water with low turbidity to be sent to the
GAC filter, thus ensuring a longer life for the GAC filtration media. Water that exceeds the pH
and turbidity requirements exits through the recirculate valve in the Conex and is returned to the
source tank, and from there to the source tank to be pumped back through the system for re-
Figure 18: Media Filter
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4.20 Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Filter
After the water's turbidity level has been measured in the water quality management (WQM)
section of the Conex, if it is found to be within the acceptable range, the water enters the GAC
filter. The GAC filter includes five filter vessels. Each filter vessel holds a filtration media bed
consisting of granular activated carbon (GAC) above a layer of crushed rock.
Water typically flows into each filter vessel from the influent manifold (located above the row of
filter vessels), through each filter vessel's three-way valve, and down through the filtration media.
Contaminants adhere to the filtration media and the filtered water exits the filter vessels to an
effluent manifold, which is located below the row of filter vessels. At the end of the effluent
manifold, a pressure sustaining valve (PSV) maintains a constant operating pressure (typically
35-40 psi) inside the filter vessels.
When the filter vessels are first filled with water, such as during startup or after the filtration
media has been replaced, air vent valves are opened to allow the incoming water to displace as
much air as possible. When the filter vessels are filled and operation begins, the air vent valves
are closed.
Periodic backflushing to remove filtered sediment and debris from the filtration media is essential
for system performance and maintaining treatment flows. If the system is functioning as
designed and influent water characteristics have not changed appreciably, backflushing of the
GAC filters should only be necessary once a quarter. The need for backflushing is triggered by
a pressure differential greater than 10 psid, or degradation of contaminant removal shown by
analytical testing. The GAC filter vessels are backflushed one at a time, in sequence, for
5-15 minutes each.
Do NOT program the GAC control panels to do automatic backflushes. GAC filtration media is
much lighter than sand, and much easier to lose through backflushing. The operator should
perform only manual backflushes and closely monitor the backflush effluent so that loss of
expensive GAC filtration media can be avoided. Refer to Section 10.2.2 GAC Filters Manual
Backflush on Page 55 for instructions.
During backflushing, the solenoid valve for the backflushing filter vessel is opened by the
controller to allow air from the AcistBox system air compressor to move a plunger inside that
filter vessel's three-way valve. The three-way valve is designed and positioned so that the
plunger shuts off inflow from the influent manifold to only the backflushing filter vessel, and opens
outflow to the backflush manifold for only the backflushing filter vessel. The backflush manifold
is also located above the row of filter vessels. Water flowing into the effluent manifold from the
other filter vessels that are not being backflushed then seeks the path of least resistance, which
is the lower pressure in the backflushing filter vessel. The water moves up through the
backflushing filter vessel, lifting contaminants from the filtration media, and passes out through
the outlet port of the three-way valve and into the backflush manifold.
The filtration media is a consumable and must be replaced periodically. When backflushing no
longer lowers the differential pressure sufficiently, does so only for a short period, or when water
samples taken after final discharge show turbidity is too high, refer to Section 10.2.1 GAC
Filtration Media Replacement on Page 55 of this manual, and the Yardney INSMAN-204 5472-
5A Industrial GAC Multi Tank Instruction Manual for instructions on replacing the filtration media.
After the water has been through the GAC filter, it is discharged from the
AcistBox Water Treatment System.
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Figure 19: GAC Filter
4.21 MF and GAC Filter Control Panels
The media filter and the GAC filter each have control panels
that are used to configure pressure settings, backflush
timing, and to initiate manual backflushes.
NOTE: Any configuration changes must be saved either to
local memory or to a USB drive or they will be lost if there is
a power outage or the control panel is reset.
For additional instructions on using the control panel, refer
to the Synergy Instruction Manual.
4.22 MF and GAC Filter Pressure Gauges
The MF and GAC filter are both equipped with two pressure
gauges each. One pressure gauge shows the pressure of
water flow as it goes into the MF or GAC filter and the other
shows the pressure of the water flow as it exits the MF or
GAC filter. The difference between the influent and the
effluent pressure is shown by the pressure differential
indicator. When the pressure differential indicator shows a
10 psid pressure drop, a backflush cycle is initiated if the
backflush cycle is set to automatic.
Figure 20: Media Filter and GAC Filter
Control Panel
Figure 21: Media Filter and GAC Filter
Pressure Sensors
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4.23 MF and GAC Filter Pressure Differential Indicators
Located underneath the MF and the GAC filter control
panels, the pressure differential indicator (PD-201 on the
media filter and PD-301 on the GAC filter) shows the
difference between the pressure of the water going into the
MF or GAC filter and the pressure of the water as it exits the
MF or GAC filter. When the pressure differential indicator
shows a 10 psid pressure drop between these two
pressures, a backflush cycle is initiated if the backflush cycle
is set to Pressure Differential AUTO.
4.24 MF and GAC Backflush Solenoid Valves
Located on the sides of the MF and GAC filter control
panels, the backflush solenoid valves (MF: V-271 through
V-275 and GAC: V-371 through V-375) provide air to the
three-way valve actuator to change the direction of water
flow during backflushing. The solenoid valves are closed
during the MF or GAC filtration cycle. When a backflush is
initiated, the solenoid valve for the filter vessel being
backflushed opens and fills the three-way valve actuator
cavity with air. Increased pressure forces a plunger to seal
off the inlet port of the three-way valve, preventing water
from entering the filter vessel from the MF or GAC filter inlet
manifold. At the same time, the three-way valve outlet port
is opened, which allows water to exit the filter vessel into the
backflush manifold. The solenoid valves can also be opened
manually to perform a manual backflush, but this is NOT
4.25 MF and GAC Three-Way Valves
Each of the MF and GAC filter vessels is fitted with a three-
way valve (MF: V-211 through V-215, and GAC: V-311
through V-315). During normal operation, water flows from
the inlet manifold down into each filter vessel through the
inlet port of its three-way valve. During a backflush cycle, the
inlet port is closed and the outlet port opens when air fills the
actuator and the increased pressure moves the plunger
inside the three-way valve.
Figure 22: Media Filter and GAC Filter
Pressure Differential Indicator
Figure 23: Media Filter and GAC Filter
Solenoid Valves
Figure 24: Three-Way Valve
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4.36 Junction Box
The junction box contains terminal blocks for connecting the
devices such as the level transmitters, pre-treatment pH
probe, flow switches, float switches, and client-provided
ethernet connection to the PLC.
4.37 System Disconnect
The system power disconnect is actuated by a lever on the
right side of the fused disconnect on the Conex exterior. To
disconnect all power to the system, pull the lever DOWN
until it locks in position.
WARNING: Follow all company lockout/tagout procedures
prior to performing any electrical service or maintenance.
4.38 Pole Light and Audible Alarm
An amber pole light and an audible alarm alert the operator
when the system is recirculating water. These alarms
indicate the system is recirculating water because the
treatment pH probe or treatment turbidity probe has returned
a reading that is outside the treatment Hach sc200
controller's pre-programmed limits. The alarm will sound for
approximately 25 seconds while the discharge valve is
closing and the recirculate valve is opening.
Figure 35: System Disconnect
Figure 34: Junction Box
Figure 36: Pole Light
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5. Internal System Components
This section describes components inside the WaterTectonics Conex (container unit).
5.1 Pre-Treatment Turbidity Probe
Located on the piping just after the water enters the Conex
and immediately upstream of the MF pump, the pre-
treatment turbidity probe (AE-104) is a Hach Solitax Inline
Model LXV424.99.00100 with an automatic wiper cleaning
system. The turbidity probe uses light scatter to measure the
quantity and size of suspended particles in the water after it
leaves the clearwell tank. Readings taken by the turbidity
probe are monitored by the pre-treatment Hach sc200
controller, forwarded to the PLC and displayed on the HMI.
NOTE: To function effectively, the turbidity probe requires
monthly calibration. For instructions, refer to Section 10.4
Turbidity Probe Calibration on Page 58.
5.2 Pre-Treatment pH Probe
Located in the first clearwell tank (T-102), the pre-treatment
pH probe (AE-101) measures the water's pH while it is in the
settling tank. Readings from this pH probe are transmitted
to the pre-treatment Hach sc200 controller, located in the
main control panel inside the Conex. An alternate position
for this pre-treatment pH probe is on the piping inside the
Conex immediately downstream of the pre-treatment
turbidity probe.
WARNING: Allowing a pH probe's salt bridge to dry out
will permanently damage the probe. The pH probe is
shipped with a black plastic cap that has a damp sponge
inside it to protect the salt bridge from drying out. Before the
probe is put into service, remove the reusable cap and sponge and store in a safe, easily
accessible place. Whenever the system is to be drained of water for more than one hour,
unscrew the collar, remove the probe from the pipe mounting saddle, wet the sponge, and put
the cap and sponge on the end of the probe to keep the salt bridge wet.
WARNING: To avoid probe damage, do NOT store pH probes at temperatures below 40° F or
above 158° F. If temperatures are expected to fall below 40° F during a storage period, store the
probe in a heated area. Refer to Section 10.6 pH Probe Storage on Page 61 for instructions on
how to store the pH probe. Replace the pH probe salt bridge and fill solution annually.
NOTE: To function accurately, pH probes require monthly calibration. For instructions, refer to
Section 10.5 pH Probe Calibration on Page 60.
Figure 37: Pre-Treatment Turbidity
Figure 38: Pre-Treatment pH Probe
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5.3 Media Filter Pump
The media filter pump (P-102) is a Goulds Model
10BF1T9D0 pump head, powered by a 40-hp, 60-Hz Baldor
Reliance SuperE motor that runs on 480 V power.
The media filter pump pumps water from the clearwell tank
through the Conex, where pre-treatment turbidity and pH are
measured, and then into the media filter.
Two isolation valves (V-114 and V-115) on either side of the
pump isolate the pump for servicing. A sample port (V-142)
immediately downstream can be opened to vent air from the
piping during priming. A drain valve (V-141) can be opened to empty the pump of water.
5.4 MF Pump Sample Valve
Use the MF pump sample valve (V-142) to take grab
samples of the water before it enters the media filter, and to
release air from the piping while priming the MF pump.
5.5 MF Pump Pressure Gauge
Use the pressure gauge (PI-132), located downstream of
the MF pump, to monitor water pressure to verify that the
pump is operating correctly.
5.6 Treatment Polymer Injection Quill
Located on the piping that leads from the MF pump to the
media filter, the treatment polymer injection quill (INJ-162)
injects polymer into the water before the water enters the
media filter.
Polymer is pumped to the injection quill by the treatment
polymer chemical pump from the chemical tote. This
chemical pump and the tote are located inside the AcistBox
Figure 39: Media Filter Pump
Figure 40: MF Sample Valve
Figure 41: MF Pump Pressure Gauge
Figure 42: Treatment Polymer Injection
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5.7 Treatment Static Mixer
Located between two flanges of the piping between the
treatment polymer injection quill and the media filter, the
treatment static mixer (U-102) ensures thorough mixing of
the polymer with the water before it enters the media filter.
5.8 Polymer Chemical Metering Pumps
The polymer chemical metering pumps (pre-treatment: P-161
and treatment: P-162) supply polymer to the pre-treatment
injection quill (INJ-161) and the treatment injection quill
(INJ-162) from the chemical tote located inside the Conex.
The pumps are both Chem-Pro Model C3V242XVA and have
variable speed drives and built-in leak and diaphragm failure
detection systems.
Polymer pumping takes place when the chemical pumps are
in AUTO. Set the pumps to AUTO using the selector switches
on the MCP door.
The pre-treatment polymer chemical pump is interlocked with
the source pump (P-101). If the source pump is not running, the pre-treatment polymer chemical
pump does not run.
The treatment polymer chemical pump is interlocked with the media filter pump (P-102). If the
media filter pump is not running, the treatment polymer chemical pump does not run.
If it becomes necessary to verify that the chemical pumps are delivering the correct chemical
dose rate, use the calibration cylinder and instructions in Section 10.3 Verifying Correct Polymer
Pump Dosage on Page 57.
5.9 Chemical Pump Calibration Cylinder
The calibration cylinder is used to verify that each chemical
pump is supplying the correct amount of chemical. Refer to
Section 10.3 Verifying Correct Polymer Pump Dosage on
Page 57 for instructions on how to use the calibration
Figure 44: Polymer Chemical Pumps
Figure 45: Chemical Pump Calibration
Figure 43: Treatment Static Mixer
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5.12 Treatment Turbidity Probe
Located on the piping in the WQM section of the Conex
immediately downstream of the treatment pH probe, the
treatment turbidity probe (AE-103) is a Hach Solitax Inline
Model LXV424.99.00100 with an automatic wiper cleaning
system. The turbidity probe uses light scatter to measure the
quantity and size of suspended particles in the water after it
has been through the media filter. Readings taken by the
treatment turbidity probe are monitored by the treatment
Hach sc200 controller. If a turbidity reading is above the
acceptable discharge range programmed into the Hach
sc200 controller, the controller communicates that to the
PLC. The PLC will close the discharge valve (V-119) if it is
open, and open the recirculate valve (V-120) to prevent
discharge of high-turbidity water from entering the GAC filter.
NOTE: To function effectively, the turbidity probe requires monthly calibration. For instructions,
refer to Section 10.4 Turbidity Probe Calibration on Page 58.
5.13 Effluent Sample Valve
Use the effluent sample valve (V-143) to take grab samples
of the water before it enters the GAC filter.
5.14 Effluent Flow Meter
The effluent flow meter (FIT-102) is a Siemens SITRANS F
M with a MAG 5000 transmitter. It is located on the piping
immediately before the discharge and recirculate valves.
The effluent flow meter measures the flowrate of water
before it is discharged or recirculated, and provides daily
flow totals that can be viewed on the HMI Flow Trends Page.
For more information and instructions on how to use the
transmitter, refer to the Siemens Sitrans F M MAG 5100 W
Electromagnetic Flow Meter Operating Instructions.
Figure 48: Turbidity Probe
Figure 49: Effluent Sample Valve
Figure 50: Effluent Flow Meter
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5.17 Emergency Stop
When activated, the fail-safe emergency stop (E-Stop) stops all the pumps and closes the
electrically actuated recirculate and discharge valves. Lighting, the media filter controller, the air
compressor, the HMI, and the PLC remain operational. The E-Stop button is located on the MCP
cabinet door.
To reset the E-Stop, first rotate the red button clockwise. Then press the E-Stop Reset button.
5.18 Siemens Human Machine Interface (HMI)
Located on the system control panel door, the Siemens
Simatic TP1200 Comfort Panel HMI is the main system
control interface. Refer to Section 6 Using the HMI Interface
Screens on Page 32 for instructions on how to use the HMI
and what each of the different pages are for.
5.19 Hach sc200 Controllers
The two Hach sc200 controllers include display modules
(located on the MCP door) and receive data from the four
digital sensors used in the system: the two pH probes and
the two turbidity probes. One controller monitors influent
pre-treatment water characteristics communicated to it by
the pre-treatment pH probe and the pre-treatment turbidity
probe, and the other monitors effluent water characteristics
communicated to it by the treatment pH probe and the
treatment turbidity probe. The controllers compare each
reading to a range of acceptable values for pH and turbidity
that were programmed into the controllers during
commissioning. If a reading is found to be outside the pre-programmed range limits, the
controller signals the PLC, which will close the discharge valve, if it is open, and open the
recirculate valve to prevent discharge of water that does not meet specifications.
If influent water characteristics change, the range limits can be adjusted.
Each controller is programmed to store water quality probe data on a secure digital (SD) card in
configurable time intervals (in minutes). The range limits programmed into the controllers can
serve as water quality verification, should a regulatory body require such verification.
Figure 54: Hach sc200 Controller
Figure 53: HMI Touchscreen
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5.20 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
The Siemens SIMATIC S7-1200 PLC is the primary system
controller. The PLC monitors electrical inputs from system
components and provides control signals.
5.21 Unmanaged Ethernet Switch
The Siemens Scalance Model XB008 6GK5008-0BA00-
1AB2 8-port 24 VDC unmanaged ethernet switch connects
the system's ethernet-enabled equipment, such as the main
PLC, HMI, TosiBox, and pump VFDs.
5.22 TosiBox
The TosiBox Model TBL2US Lock 200 acts as a router and
provides VPN connectivity for the digital components of the
AcistBox Water Treatment
System. This allows the operator to remotely access the
PLC, VFDs, and HMI pages.
5.23 AC to DC Power Supply
The AC to DC Power Supply converts alternating current
(120 VAC) to direct current (24 VDC) for some equipment,
such as the PLC, TosiBox, ethernet switch, HMI, and
Figure 55: PLC
Figure 56: Unmanaged Ethernet Switch
Figure 57: TosiBox
Figure 58: AC to DC Power Supply
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5.24 Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs)
The source pump and the media filter pump are controlled
by separate VFDs. When a pump starts, its VFD ramps up
pump speed slowly to greatly reduce water hammer in the
system. Safe operational minimum and maximum
frequencies are programmed into each VFD. The VFDs are
housed in the VFD control panel cabinet.
5.25 480 V Panelboard
The 480 V panelboard houses the 480 V breakers.
5.26 120/240 V Load Center
The 120/240 V load center houses the 120/240 V breakers.
5.27 10 kW Transformer
The 10 kW transformer is an HPS Fortress 240X480V that
converts 480 V to 120/240 V.
Figure 59: VFDs
Figure 60: 480 V Panelboard
Figure 61: 120/240 V Load Center
Figure 62: 10 kW Transformer
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6.3 Pumps Page
Press a pump icon on the System Page, or press the Pumps Button on the Navigation Bar to
access the Pumps Page. Use the Pumps Page to do the following:
View whether the source pump and the media filter pump are off, in standby mode, failed,
or running.
View pump and VFD runtime hours.
Reset total pump runtime hours.
View the speed the source and media filter pumps are set at (Commanded Speed) as
well as the actual speed and the amperage the pump motor is drawing.
View the estimated usage of the main VFD component (IGBT Usage).
View current flow and flow totals as measured by the flow meter.
View daily totals of how many gallons have gone through the discharge valve (into the
GAC) and how many gallons have gone through the recirculate valve to be recirculated
through the system.
Figure 65: Pumps Page
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6.4 Media Filter Page
Press the media filter icon or the clearwell icon on the System Page, or one of the green arrows
on the Navigation Bar to go to the Media Filter Page. Use the Media Filter Page to do the
View the water level in the clearwell tank.
View the setpoints at which the media filter pump is started and stopped by the PLC. To
change the setpoints, press the blue boxes and enter new setpoints using the popup
keypad. The START setpoint is the green box at the bottom of the green line. The
STOP setpoint is the red box at the top of the red line.
NOTE: The green line represents the water level at which the pump will run. The red
line represents the water level at which the pump will be stopped.
Click in the "Pump Off" and "Pump On" blue boxes to change the clearwell tank water
level at which the media filter pump runs or is stopped.
View whether the media filter pump is off, in standby mode, failed, or running.
NOTE: The media filter pump icon on the Media Filter Page does NOT allow the
operator to change pump speed. Navigate to the System Page to change pump speed.
View which media filter is currently in a backflush cycle.
View and reset flow totals for the media filter, as measured by the media filter flow meter.
View and reset the recirculate valve and the discharge valve flow totals.
Reset trip totals. The Trip Totalizers allow the operator to see how much water has flowed
through the system since the last reset of the Trip Totalizer.
Figure 66: Media Filter Page showing the GAC Backflushing
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6.7 Help Page
Press the "Help" Button on the Navigation Bar to navigate to the Help Page.
The Help Page provides access to the setup pages and technician-only pages. After logging in
as an administrator, press the buttons in the "Technician Screens" Box to access the
administrator-only pages.
Figure 70: Help Page
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6.8 Configuration Page 1
Communications Page 1 is available when the user is logged in as an admin and should be used
ONLY by, or under the direction of, WaterTectonics personnel.
Configuration Page 1 allows a user logged in as an administrator to do the following:
Configure flow meter and level transmitter analog/transducer scaling.
NOTE: The values in the Analog/Transducer Scaling Box must first be configured on the
flow meter display before the proper analog signal (4-20 mA DC), totalizing pulse
frequency (1 pulse per 100 gallons) and full scale flow measurement (1000 gallons per
minute) can be output to the PLC. Once that is done the full scale flow and gallons per
pulse values can be entered at the Analog/Transducer Scaling Box. Configuration is done
at the factory and should only need to be done again in the event of a flowmeter
Adjust low flow alarm setpoints and set the delay before an alarm is triggered after the
the low flow setpoint has been reached. This delay reduces nuisance alarms and
compensates for reading errors, etc., when the water level is close to the setpoint.
Adjust vault, source tank, and settling tank water level alarm and notification setpoints.
Figure 71: Configuration Page 1
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6.9 Configuration Page 2
Access the Configuration 2 Page by pressing the right-hand green arrow on the Navigation Bar
while on Configuration Page 1. Configuration Page 2 is available when the user is logged in as
an administrator and should be used ONLY by, or under the direction of, WaterTectonics
Configuration Page 2 allows an administrator to do the following:
Adjust the open/close fail delay time for the recirculate and discharge valves. This is the
length of time the PLC will wait for a valve open/close confirmation signal before
generating a "Valve Fail" alarm. (This is a necessary precaution against nuisance alarms,
because the electrically actuated valves typically take approximately 15-20 seconds to
transition between open and closed and vice versa.)
Disable the horn and light. The horn sounds and the pole light flashes for 25 seconds
when the discharge valve is closing and the recirculate valve is opening and the system
begins to recirculate water instead of discharging it to the GAC filters.
Reset all or any of the flow totalizers from one place. Press the appropriate button(s) in
the Reset Master Flow Totals Box.
Figure 72: Configuration Page 2
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6.10 Communications Page
The Communications Page is available when the user is logged in as an administrator and
should be used ONLY by, or under the direction of, WaterTectonics personnel.
Use the Communications Page to configure settings for:
ModBus TCP. In this system, the ModBus TCP enables the PLC to communicate with
the email server and send data about system operation, including alarm states. Use the
ModBus TCP Settings window to make changes to the IP address, port, and message
length, if necessary.
Hach sc200 Profibus. Use the Profibus Communications window to make changes to the
probe reading values sent to the PLC that trigger alarms.
Reset the time and date for the system. This is displayed on the lower left of each HMI
screen. In the event of an extended power failure, the time the PLC displays on the HMI
may need to be corrected to the current time.
Figure 73: Communications Page
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6.11 Email Page
Use this page to resend the previous day's totals to selected email recipients. This page is only
available when the user is logged in as an administrator. Select and send only one email at a
Figure 74: Email Page
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6.12 Config Chemical Pumps Page
Access the Config Chemicals Page by pressing the Chem Pumps Button on the Help Page. Use
the Config Chemical Pumps Page to change which components the chemical pumps and the
CO2 solenoid valve are interlocked with, if necessary. This page is only available when the user
is logged in as an administrator.
Figure 75: Config Chemical Pumps Page
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7. Commissioning and Startup after Downtime
The following procedures should be conducted (generally in order) for proper system
commissioning and startup. Make notes and inform the project supervisor of any and all
necessary repairs to complete prior to system startup. Many pieces of equipment included in the
overall system have technical manuals beyond the scope of this document and should be
referenced for detailed startup, operating, and troubleshooting information.
7.1 Visual Inspection
Complete the following steps to perform a visual system inspection.
1. Visually inspect hydraulic fittings for damage or leakage. Make notes if any issues are
observed and replace components, as necessary.
2. Visually inspect the service disconnect on the exterior of the Conex for damage.
3. Visually observe all exterior (influent/effluent) piping for damage or leakage.
4. Visually inspect control panels for dents, scratches, or other damage.
5. Visually inspect the chemical tote and CO2 tank for damage. If damage or leakage is
observed, photograph the leakage, verify that chemical containment is in place below the
chemical tote, and notify the project manager immediately.
6. Visually inspect the pH and turbidity probes, pressure gauges, and flow meters for
7. Visually inspect chemical metering pumps and connections for leaks.
8. Ensure all electric power cords for items such as the chemical metering pumps, media
filters, GAC filters, and air compressor are plugged in, as necessary.
9. Ensure the compressed air pneumatic line is connected from the air compressor to the
MF and GAC filters.
10. Ensure the air compressor is properly serviced, such as checking the oil level and air
filter, if applicable.
7.2 System Startup
1. Set all main control panel selector switches to the OFF position.
2. Verify that all breakers are in the ON position.
3. Set the system disconnect lever to the ON position.
4. During the initial startup, set the system to recirculate by turning the
RECIRCULATE/DISCHARGE selector switch on the main control panel door to
5. Make sure the E-Stop button is pulled out by rotating it in the clockwise direction. Press
the E-Stop reset button on the control panel.
6. Verify all manual hydraulic path valves are open.
7. Verify that all drain valves and sample valves are closed.
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8. Verify the water level in the vault is sufficient to allow the system to operate properly.
9. Turn the VAULT PUMP selector switch on the MCP door to the AUTO position to start
the vault pump.
10. While the source tank is filling, open the drain valve on the bottom of the source pump.
11. When water starts to come out the source pump drain valve, close the drain valve, and
open the sample valve above the pump.
12. Turn the SOURCE PUMP selector switch on the MCP door to the HAND position and set
the pump speed to 15-20% using the Pump Speed Popup on the HMI System Page.
13. When water starts to spurt out the sample valve above the pump, close the sample valve.
14. Turn the SOURCE PUMP selector switch on the MCP door to the AUTO position.
15. While the clearwell tank is filling with water, open the drain valve on the bottom of the
media filter pump.
16. When water starts to come out the MF pump drain valve, close the drain valve, and open
the sample valve above the pump.
17. Turn the MEDIA FILTER PUMP selector switch on the MCP door to the HAND position
and set the pump speed to 15-20% using the Pump Speed Popup on the HMI System
18. When water starts to spurt out the sample valve above the pump, close the sample valve.
19. Turn the MEDIA FILTER PUMP selector switch on the MCP door to the AUTO position.
20. Refer to the main flow meter icon on the HMI System Page to view the flow rate. Adjust
the source pump and media filter pump speed to obtain the desired flow rate by pressing
the pump icons and entering the speed in the popup keypads.
NOTE: Pump speed adjustments may take a moment to complete as the VFDs process
the signal request and adjust the pump speed. The VFDs are programmed with a
10-second ramp time.
21. Allow the system sufficient time to fill all hydraulic paths, MF and GAC filter vessels, and
other components to ensure an accurate flowrate measurement.
NOTE: A low-flow error will occur if the flowrate is below 30 gpm for more than
30 seconds.
22. Open the air vent valves on the top of the MF and GAC filter vessels to allow air to escape
as the filter vessels fill with water. Close each air vent valve when water spurts out of it.
23. Verify correct backflush intervals and pressure settings for the media filters, and pressure
settings for the GAC filters.
24. Verify the amber pole light is illuminated.
25. Turn the following selector switches on the MCP door to the AUTO position:
26. Record initial pH and turbidity readings on a daily log. See Appendix A - Operations Log
on Page 64 for an example log.
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27. Take grab samples and use field instruments calibrated to manufacturer’s specifications
to cross-check system pH and turbidity probe readings. Make note of variations outside
of specified limits and do not discharge until acceptable limits are achieved.
28. When all equipment calibration and system inspections are complete, turn the
RECIRCULATE/DISCHARGE switch to the AUTO position. The AUTO position governs
whether or not the system discharges water to the GAC filters based on readings from
the treatment Hach sc200 controller.
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8. Operation
8.1 Media and GAC Filter Operation
The following section describes media and GAC filter operation and components.
1. Direction of Flow: Water flows in through the top of the filter and down through the
filtration media, which captures the suspended solids.
2. Air Pressure: An MF or GAC filter with new or clean filtration media will operate at similar
influent and effluent pressures. These pressures are indicated by gauges on the top and
bottom of the MF or GAC filter. The air pressure supplied by the air compressor should
be approximately 5-10 psi higher than the pressure on the influent (inlet) upper manifold
pressure gauge. Overall pressure should be 35 to 65 psi.
3. Differential Pressure: As sediment loading occurs in the filtration media, the influent
pressure will increase. The influent pressure is visible on the influent (inlet) manifold
pressure gauge. The effluent pressure is visible on the effluent header pressure gauge.
Calculate the differential pressure by subtracting the effluent pressure from the influent
pressure. Differential pressure should be 10-15 psi.
4. Differential Pressure Setting: The pressure differential (PD) indicators for the MF and
the GAC filter are located just below the control panel. The setting for this indicator
determines when an automatic backflush is triggered. When the differential pressure
meets or exceeds the PD indicator setpoint, the backflush cycle begins automatically. A
typical setpoint is 8-12 psi.
NOTE: Do NOT backflush the GAC filter using the automatic settings. GAC filtration
media is much finer than sand filtration media. To avoid losing expensive GAC filtration
media, always perform manual backflushes while closely monitoring the sight glass for
escaping GAC particles.
5. Pressure Sustaining Valve (PSV): On the effluent side of the MF or GAC filter is a PSV.
This valve maintains a constant backpressure on the MF or GAC filter to enable proper
backflushing. The setscrew for the PSV should be set to maintain approximately
35-40 psi.
Figure 76: Example Pressure Sustaining Valve
6. Backflush Line: The backflush line is located at the end of the backflush manifold and
has a smaller diameter than the backflush manifold.
7. Backflush Gate Valve: The backflush gate valve is mounted to the backflush line
manifold on the top of the MF or GAC filter unit. The backflush gate valve is a critical
component for proper backflush operations. If the valve is opened too far, filtration media
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can exit the filter vessels during backflushing, causing loss of filtration media. If the valve
is overly restrictive, sediment deposited on the filtration media will not be fully discharged
during a backflush. The PSV and the backflush valve are directly related to each other
and are set for optimum backflush performance during commissioning.
If filtration media accumulates in the sight glass during backflush cycles, backflush
pressure is too high and the backflush valve is too far closed. Use the key to open the red
cover on the backflush valve, remove the cover, and turn the handle clockwise to open
the valve further. During commissioning, WaterTectonics personnel will adjust the
backflush valve to the correct setting. Only qualified operators or WaterTectonics
personnel should attempt to adjust the backflush valve if it becomes necessary after
commissioning is complete.
8. Backflush Cycle: During a backflush cycle, each filter vessel will clean in series. Water
filters down through all the vessels that are not in a backflush cycle as normal. The PSV
creates high enough pressure to force water upward through the filter vessel that is
backflushing. For the MF only, an automated sequence controls the rate at which each
filter vessel cycles through the backflush based on control panel settings. The GAC filter
must be manually backflushed.
9. Media or GAC Filter Control Panel: These control panels control media filter backflush
settings and are located on the front of the MF units. Refer to the manufacturer’s
documentation for information on the controls, switches, and indicators on the automatic
MF and GAC filter control panels.
The following typical timed backflush settings are provided for reference purposes:
Periodic Flush (Hours): 2
Flush Duration (Minutes): 4
Delay (Seconds): 0
Figure 77: MF and GAC Filter Control Panel
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9. Shutdown
9.1 Warm Weather/Short Term Shutdown
Use the following instructions if water will be left in the system, and/or the shutdown is NOT
expected to last longer than 3-4 hours:
1. Press the emergency stop button.
2. Turn off the air compressor.
3. To prevent irreparable damage to the pH probes, the probes must be kept wet. If the
shutdown will result in either of the pH probes being out of the water for longer than an
hour, remove the pH probes and store using the instructions in Section 10.6 pH Probe
Storage on Page 61.
4. Leave power ON.
CAUTION: Polymer coagulant begins to gel at 40° F. This greatly decreases its
effectiveness. Leaving power to the heating system in the Conex when temperatures
are low, but not necessarily freezing, prevents waste.
9.2 Freezing Weather/Long Term Shutdown
In the event of an extended shutdown, several options will need to be evaluated by the project
management team. These options include, but are not limited to:
Arranging temporary on-site storage of water for clarification at a later time.
Arranging temporary water discharge to sanitary sewer in accordance with local
guidelines, requirements, and regulations for treatment at a Publicly Owned Treatment
Works/Plant (POTW).
Arranging off-site water trucking for authorized disposal.
Arranging a replacement system and/or components of the system for on-site use prior
to discharge.
Draining the water from the system piping and pumps and removing chemicals to prevent
Use the following instructions if the shutdown is expected to last longer than 3-4 hours:
1. Turn the POLYMER PRE-TREAT selector switch on the front of the MCP to OFF.
2. Turn the AUXILIARY PRE-TREAT selector switch on the front of the MCP to OFF.
3. Turn the ACID TREAT selector switch on the front of the MCP to OFF.
4. Turn the VAULT PUMP selector switch on the front of the MCP to OFF to stop the vault
5. Remove the vault pump from the vault using the guided rail system, and store.
6. Turn the SOURCE PUMP selector switch on the front of the MCP to OFF to stop the
source pump.
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7. Close all ten of the settling tank isolation valves.
NOTE: If the system is to be shut down for longer than a month, open each tank's drain
valve and drain to containment using the blind flanges at the end of the manifold.
8. Drain the settling tanks, clearwell, and backflush tank.
9. Open sample port (V-131) to drain the piping that leads to the source tank.
10. Open sample port (V-133) to drain the piping that leads to the settling tanks.
11. Turn the POLYMER TREAT selector switch on the front of the MCP to OFF.
12. Turn the ACID TREAT selector switch on the front of the MCP to OFF.
13. Run the MF pump to empty the piping to the MF and GAC filters until the effluent flow
meter (FIT-102) registers no flow.
14. Turn off the air compressor.
15. Turn the MEDIA FILTER PUMP selector switch on the front of the MCP to OFF.
16. Turn pump breakers to the OFF position.
17. Close the MF and GAC filter isolation valves (MF: V-207 and V-208, GAC: V-307 and
18. Open the 3/4-inch ball drain valves on the lower effluent header of the MF and GAC
filter units, and drain all the filter vessels. Leave the ball valve open during the shutdown
19. Remove the pH probes and store using the instructions in Section 10.6 pH Probe
Storage on Page 61.
20. Remove regulator from CO2 dewar tank and seal the tank.
21. Empty all the chemical hoses.
22. Store chemicals in a heated environment.
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2. Open the solenoid valve for the first filter vessel.
NOTE: Do NOT open all the solenoid valves at once. Wait until the previous filter
vessel has finished backflushing and its solenoid valve has been closed before opening
the solenoid valve for the next filter vessel.
3. Use the sight glass to monitor the effluent once backflushing begins. The backflush
water in the sight glass should appear "turbid", but carbon particles should NOT be
present in it. If carbon particles appear in the sight glass, do the following:
a. Unlock and open the cover on the backflush valve.
b. Turn the handle clockwise a tiny amount to reduce the backflush flowrate.
c.If GAC particles are still visible, repeat Step B until none appear in the sight
d.If no GAC particles are visible in the sight glass replace the backflush valve
cover, lock it, and continue to Step 3.
4.Allow the filter vessel to be backflushed for 5-15 minutes.
5.Close the solenoid valve. To ensure the next filter vessel will be backflushed properly,
do NOT omit this step before continuing to the next step.
6. Open the solenoid valve for the next filter vessel and repeat Steps 4 and 5 for that filter
7.Continue until each of the filter vessels has been backflushed.
8. Turn the handle on the pressure sustaining valve back to OPEN.
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10.3 Verifying Correct Polymer Pump Dosage
If the effective dose rate has been determined but does not result in water that meets the
discharge criteria, check the chemical pumps to verify that the stated dose rate is actually being
This section describes how to use the graduated calibration cylinder for pump dose rate
verification. Verify the dose rate for one pump at a time.
1. Stop the polymer pump.
2. To fill the calibration cylinder, close the chemical pump isolation valve (V-166 or V-167,
depending on which pump is being verified).
3. Leave open the polymer tote isolation valve (V-165) and allow the calibration cylinder to
fill to a set level, for example 400 or 500 ml.
NOTE: Zero is the highest line on the calibration cylinder, not the lowest.
4. Close the valve to the polymer tote isolation valve (V-165).
5. Reopen the polymer chemical pump isolation valve (V-166 or V-167).
6. On the MCP door, turn either the POLYMER PRE-TREAT or the POLYMER TREAT
(depending on which pump is being verified) selector switch to the HAND position.
7. Using a timer, run the chemical pump for exactly one minute.
8. Turn the either the POLYMER PRE-TREAT or the POLYMER TREAT (depending on
which pump is being verified) selector switch on the MCP door to the OFF position.
9. Note the level of the calibration cylinder. If the amount of polymer pumped out of the
calibration cylinder is markedly different from the calculated dose rate, inspect the pump's
diaphragm to determine if replacement is necessary.
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10.4 Turbidity Probe Calibration
Perform this calibration every month. Keep a record of each calibration using the Turbidity Probe
Calibration Record form or similar provided on Page 59.
1. Assemble the following items for this calibration:
a. Hach calibration kit (No. 57330-00), which includes a calibration chamber and
clamp, as well as two bottles of 800 NTU turbidity standard solution.
NOTE: If NOT using a calibration kit, obtain a clean, black plastic container that
will hold approximately 1200 mls, a blackout cloth to cover it completely, and two
bottles of 800 NTU turbidity standard solution (PN 2660549 or WT# 100118).
b. Approximately 200 ml deionized water.
2. Set the Outmode:
a. At the TREAT Hach controller's Main Menu, select Sensor Setup and press the
green check mark symbol.
b. Select the name of the sensor being calibrated and press the green check mark
c. Select Calibrate and press the green check mark symbol.
d. Select Set Outmode. The options are Active, Hold and Transfer. Select Hold to
hold the output at its present state during the calibration procedure. Press the
green check mark symbol.
3. Place the sensor in the calibration cylinder with deionized water and hold in place using
the clamp. The tip of the probe should be approximately 1 inch below the surface of the
water. If not using a kit with a clamp, hold the probe in the water and cover the probe and
black plastic container with a blackout cloth. The measurement must be taken with as
little ambient light as possible.
4. On the Hach controller, select Sensor Measure and press the green check mark symbol.
Record the reading in the "Initial Reading" box on the Turbidity Probe Calibration Record
form provided on Page 59.
5. Press "Back" to return to the Calibrate menu. Select Offset. Multiply the reading obtained
in step 5 by -1, and enter that value. For example, if the reading obtained in Step 4 was
10 NTU, enter -10. Press Enter to save this value.
6. Rinse clean the outside of each bottle of 800 NTU turbidity standard solution to avoid
contaminating the solution when the bottle is opened.
7. Gently invert both bottles of 800 NTU turbidity standard solution a minimum of 50 times.
Remove the lid and seal from each bottle.
8. Leaving the deionized water in the calibration cylinder or black plastic container,
slowly pour the contents of both bottles into the calibration cylinder or black plastic
container. Do NOT create bubbles.
9. Immediately place the probe tip in the calibration cylinder and hold in place with the clamp,
or hold the probe in the black plastic container. The tip of the probe should be
approximately 1 inch below the surface of the 800 NTU turbidity standard solution.
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10.5 pH Probe Calibration
To ensure proper operation, the pH probes should be calibrated monthly or any time grab
samples taken from the sample ports do not match the pH probe readings. Use the PRE-TREAT
Hach sc200 controller to calibrate AE-101 (in settling tank T-102). Use the TREAT Hach sc200
controller to calibrate AE-102 (on the piping in the WQM section of the Conex). Keep records of
the calibrations of each probe on a copy of the sample pH Probe Calibration Record form or
similar on Page 61.
The Hach sc200 controllers are capable of four different calibration types. WaterTectonics
recommends performing the 2 Point Manual Calibration.
To calibrate the pH probes, complete the following steps. Refer also to the Hach DPD1P1 probe
1. For this calibration, obtain two different pH buffer solutions (a buffer solution with a pH of
4.0 and a second buffer solution with a pH of 7.0 are recommended).
2. Before performing the calibration, isolate the pH probe from the water stream by disabling
the pump. Follow lockout/tagout procedures. If necessary, drain the pipe before removing
the pH probe.
3. Unscrew the collar at the top of the probe mount and remove the pH probe from the
4. Clean probes before calibration. Use a soft cloth and clean water. Do NOT use cleaning
agents or abrasives as this will damage the glass lens located on the bottom of the probe.
5. From the Hach sc200 controller’s Main Menu, select Sensor Setup and press the green
check mark symbol.
6. Select the pH probe to be calibrated from the menu and press the green check mark
7. Select Calibrate and press the green check mark symbol.
8. Select 2 Point Manual. Select the Output Mode: The choices are Active, Hold, or
Transfer. Choose Hold to hold the output at its present state during the calibration
procedure. Press the green check mark symbol.
9. Place the pH probe in the pH 4.0 buffer solution and press the green check mark symbol.
10. Record the reading in the "Before pH 4 Calibration" box on the pH Probe Calibration
Record form on Page 61.
11. On the Hach controller screen, change the reading to pH 4.0, if the reading is not the
same as the pH of the buffer solution.
12. Rinse the pH probe thoroughly with deionized or clean, potable water to prevent
crossover contamination from one buffer solution to the next.
13. Place the pH probe in the pH 7.0 buffer solution and press the green check mark symbol.
14. Record the reading in the "Before pH 7 Calibration" box on the pH Probe Calibration
Record form on Page 61.
15. On the Hach controller screen, change the reading to pH of 7.0 if the reading is not the
same as the pH of the buffer solution.
A screen will display 2 Point Calibration Complete and the slope (XX.X mV).
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10.7 Solids Management
The settling tanks provide space and time for heavy solids to settle out of the water. Heavier
solids sink to the bottom while lighter contaminants float to the surface and may become trapped
against tank walls. After a period of operation the settling tanks need to be drained and cleaned.
10.8 Air Compressor
The following is only a partial list of maintenance activities that may be required. Refer to the
Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor Model P1IU-A9 Owner's Manual for additional information and
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11.Routine Maintenance Schedule
Refer to the accompanying manufacturers' manuals for instructions, if instructions for performing
the following tasks are not in this manual.
Component Maintenance Task Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly 6 months Annually Vault Pump Check for worn or damaged parts.
Check oil. Replace seal if oil
contains particles.
Inspect impeller, zinc anodes,
Source Pump Inspect and clean.
Lubricate springs, screws, and
Tanks Drain and clean.
pH and
Clean and calibrate.
Media Filter Automatic backflush. When differential pressure is > 10 psid.
Replace filtration media.
GAC Filter Manual backflush.
Replace filtration media.
Media Filter
Inspect brushes and blow dust
from motor.
Lubricate bearings.
Inspect for leaking, swelling,
cracking, discoloration, or
Inspect and clean injection, foot
valve, strainer, pump head valves.
Replace brush kit.
Air Compressor Drain receiver tank condensate.
Check lubricant level. Fill if
Check for unusual noise or
vibration. Verify that guards and
covers are securely in place.
Check for air leaks.
Change lubricant.
City standard Single Sheet BMP (SSBMP) Exhibit
[Use the City’s standard Single Sheet BMP Plan.]
40 80N
RCE No. C 85579 EXP. 09/30/2022
TC-40 1 EA.
1 EA.
RCE # 85579
SCREEN 1 EA.4, 73
4, 6, 7
4, 6, 7
4, 6, 7