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GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT for Proposed Warehouse Development SEC Melrose Drive and Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA Prepared For: Hines 444 South Flower Street Los Angeles, California 90071 Prepared By: Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150 Irvine, California 92612 16 April 2021 Langan Project No.: 700086702 Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page i TABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 1 3.0 REVIEW OF AVAILABLE INFORMATION ...................................................................... 2 4.0 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION .................................................................................. 5 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ......................................................................................... 7 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATION ......................... 8 6.6.1 General Conditions ......................................................................................................10 6.6.2 Material Properties ......................................................................................................10 6.6.3 Static Gross and Seismic Slope Stability .....................................................................11 7.0 BUILDING AND SITE PREPARATION...........................................................................13 Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page ii 8.0 PROTECTION OF NEIGHBORING STRUCTURES ........................................................15 9.0 RECOMMENDED FUTURE TASKS AND INTERACTION .............................................15 10.0 SERVICES DURING DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE ...........................................................................................................15 11.0 OWNER AND CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................16 12.0 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................16 13.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................17 REFERENCES FIGURES Figure 1 – Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 – Regional Geologic Map Figure 3 – Regional Seismicity Map Figure 4 – Fault Map Figure 5 – Liquefaction Hazard Zone Map Figure 6 – Flood Hazard Zone Map Figure 7 – FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Figure 8 – Dam Inundation Hazard Map Figure 9 – Boring Location Plan Figure 10A – Generalized Subsurface Cross Section A-A’ Figure 10B – Generalized Subsurface Cross Section B-B’ APPENDICES A Historic Earthquake Search B Boring Logs C Field Percolation Results D Laboratory Test Results E Field Shear Wave Testing Results F Slope/W Stability Graphical Outputs Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION As requested and in accordance with our Proposal for Design Level Geotechnical Exploration Services, dated 2 September 2020 and revised 11 December 2020, and following subsequent authorization by Hines Conceptual Construction and Ware Malcomb, Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (LANGAN) has prepared this geotechnical exploration report for the proposed warehouse building (Project) located on South East Corner of Melrose Drive & Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California (Site). This report updates and supersedes our report titled ”Limited Geotechnical Exploration & Report “, dated 21 October 2020 and revised 28 October 2020. Provided herein is a summary of LANGAN’s understanding of the geotechnical and geological aspects of the Site, including the existing site conditions and proposed improvements; a description of the subsurface investigations that have been performed at the Site to date; and geotechnical and construction related recommendations pertaining to foundations, retaining walls, site grading, and utility support. Recommendations provided herein are in accordance with the 2019 California Building Code (2019 CBC) and the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 2.1 Existing Site Conditions The proposed Project is located on an approximate 840,000-square-foot vacant parcel in Carlsbad, California. The Site is bounded by Lionshead Avenue to the north, Eagle Drive to the east, commercial development to the south, and Melrose Drive to the west. Refer to Figure 1 for a site vicinity map. Most of the Site has generally flat to gently sloping terrain that ascends from north to south and west to east, with 2H:1V (horizontal to vertical) slopes,up to approximatey 6 feet high, along the perimeter that descend from the Site to Lionshead Avenue and Eagle Drive (north and northeast limits) and ascend up to approximately 50 feet from the parcel to the streets and neighboring development (east, west, and southern limits). Concrete v-ditches are installed along the slope and direct water onto this Site at various locations. Burrow holes up to 4-inch diameter are present at the surface of the slopes. Site elevations vary from approximately el 375 on the western portion of the Site to approximately el 382 on the eastern portion. Elevations referenced herein are in feet and are above mean sea level (MSL), unless indicated otherwise. Aerial photographs from Google Earth indicates that the Site appears was previously mass graded (cut/fill) to a relatively flat parcel between the years 2004 and 2006. Two storm drain basins are located adjacent to Lionshead Avenue. These basins capture storm water on the Site, which is discharged into the City’s storm drain. Landscape features such trees and vegetation occupy the east, northern, and western Site limits adjacent to Eagle Drive, Lionshead Avenue, and Melrose Drive. 2.2 Proposed Development We understand the proposed development consists of an approximately 250,000-square-feet warehouse building and new retaining wall. Based on the plans titled “Conceptual Grading Plans” by Thienes Engineering the pad elevation for the warehouse is approximately el. 382 Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 2 which would require 4 to 5 feet of cut and fill across the building footprint. A new retaining wall will need to be built within the limits of the existing slope on the southern part of the property. We have assumed that the tallest portion of the wall will be in the southeast corner of the Site and will have a height of up to 25 feet; full design recommendations for the retaining wall will be included in a separate addendum to this geotechnical investigation report when final wall plans are available. The remainder of the site improvements include new pavement, truck and trailer parking areas and new detention ponds adjacent to Lionshead Avenue. 3.0 REVIEW OF AVAILABLE INFORMATION Document Review Information that LANGAN reviewed included reports, maps, and other publically available information from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), California Geological Survey (CGS), California Department of Conservation – Division of Mines and Geology (DMG), City of Carlsbad (City), County of San Diego (County), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM), land title surveys, and a Phase I ESA dated October 12, 2020. Site Development History Based on our review of provided documents and aerial imagery on Google Earth for the Site, the Site was initially occupied by Carlsbad Raceway consisting of asphalt dragstrip, dirt tracks, bleachers, and one-story wooden structures. This raceway occupied the Site until approximately 2004 to 2006 when the Site and surrounding area were mass graded for future developments. Three natural canyons crossed the Site, two smaller canyons on the western half and one larger canyon on the eastern half of the Site. After mass grading occurred these canyons were no longer visible. Based on documents reviewed the western half of the Site was generally in a cut condition during grading with the eastern half having cut and fill areas. LANGAN was provided copies of two ALTA surveys, one Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1, and a copy of a report titled “Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading” from a public records request from the City of Carlsbad. Brief summaries of geotechnical information from the referenced documents are provided below. O’Day Consultants, “ATLA Survey of Carlsbad Raceway” dated June 2004 In 2004, O’Day consultants prepared an ALTA Survey of Carlsbad Raceway. This survey identifies the following: existing ground elevations at the time of the survey, the raceway had concrete pad areas with the raceway constructed out of asphalt, various one-story wooden sheds, bleachers, fencing, easements, and identifies sewer lift station and sewer pipelines controlled by the City of Vista. Geocon, Inc., “Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading”, dated 5 June 2006 The site is identified as Lots 1 (adjacent to Melrose Drive) through Lot 4 (adjacent to Eagle Dr) on the grading plans prepared by O’Day Consultants. The report documents the installation of canyon subdrains in “Lot 4” and the placement of up to 45 feet of compacted fill at the site. The canyon subdrains in Lot 4 are reported to connect to the Carlsbad Raceway Business Park subdrain system. Expansion Index testing performed on compacted fills range from 18 to 130. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 3 Based on the report, density testing performed on compacted fills indicated fills were placed at a minimum compaction of 90 percent based on ASTM D1557. Thienes Engineering, Inc. “ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey – Southeast corner of S Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue” dated October 2020. In October 2020, Thienes Engineering, Inc. prepared an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey at the Southeast corner of Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue. The survey identifies existing features, utilities, and easements. The southern limits of the subject property is an ascending graded slope with concrete v-ditches and discharge outlets at various locations along the toe of the slope. Two locations are mapped as storm drain collection inlets that are connected to the existing city storm water infrastructure. Regional and Local Geologic Setting The Site is located within the north-central coastal plain of San Diego County, which is part of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province of Southern California. This Province consists of a series of mountain ranges separated by northwest trending valleys sub-parallel to faults that branch from the San Andreas Fault and is characterized by erosional processes (i.e., gully erosion and washing). Bedrock typically consists of a small volume of high-grade metamorphic rocks intruded by Mesozoic-age igneous plutons, overlain by Cenozoic-age sedimentary rocks. According to the CGS Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30’ by 60’ Quadrangle (2007), the Site is underlain by the middle Eocene Santiago Formation (map symbol Tsa), characterized by moderately sorted arkosic sandstone, with vertical and lateral interbeds, tongues, and lens of claystone and siltstones. The Santiago Formation is underlain at depth by middle Cretaceous tonalite. This igneous bedrock is described as massive, coarse-grained, light gray, hornblende- biotite tonalite. See Figure 2. Geologic Hazard Review Our geologic hazard review was performed in general accordance with CGS Special Publication 117A, “Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California,” dated 2008. The following subsections present the results of our hazard review. Regional Faulting - Recognized and mapped faults that are located within a 100-kilometer (km) radius of the Site based on the “2014 USGS National Seismic Hazards Maps” are shown on Figure 3. Based on our review, the closest known fault to the Site is the Rose Canyon Fault located approximately 8.2 miles (13.6 kilometers (km)) west of the Site. The next closest faults are the Oceanside alt1 Fault located approximately 12.1 miles (20.4 km) south of the west and Elsinore (Temecula) Fault located approximately 19.8 miles (31.8 km) east of the Site. The Site is located in an active seismic area that has historically been affected by generally moderate to occasionally high levels of ground motion. Therefore, the proposed development will probably experience moderate to occasionally high levels of ground motion from nearby faults as well as ground motions from other active seismic areas of the southern California region. Regional Seismicity - A search of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3), accessed on 12 October 2020, using a web-based Earthquake Archive Search and URL Builder tool, found that 28 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 5.0 have Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 4 occurred within a 100-km radius of the Site since 1800. A summary of the UCERF3 reported earthquake events are provided in Appendix A. Surface Rupture - Earthquake Fault Zones are regulatory zones delineated by CGS around active faults with the potentials to cause surface rupture. The zones average approximately ¼-mile in width. A review of the Earthquake Faults within the City of Carlsbad General Plan (Figure 3.5-2 indicates that the site is not within a mapped, currently established Alquist-Priolo Special Study Zone or a Fault Rupture Study Area (Figure 4). Liquefaction – Liquefaction is a transformation of soil from a solid to a liquefied state during which saturated soil temporarily loses strength resulting from the buildup of excess pore water pressure, especially during earthquake-induced cyclic loading. Soil susceptible to liquefaction includes loose to medium-dense sand and gravel, and low- plasticity silts below the groundwater table. Based on a review of the General Plan Chapter 6 Public Safety, the Site is not located within a mapped, currently established liquefaction-potential investigation zone. Based on our review of available soil and geological conditions, the Site generally consists artificial fills of sandy clays and clayey sands, underlain by silty and clayey sandstones and sandy claystones and siltstones. Due to the presence of fine-grained materials at the Site, liquefaction potential is anticipated to be low. See Figure 5. Historical High Groundwater – As noted above, the presence of groundwater may increase the susceptibility to liquefaction for loose to medium granular soils and low- plasticity silts at the Site when subjected to sufficient ground shaking. Based on our limited geotechnical field exploration at the Site, groundwater was not encountered to the maximum explored depth of 26.5 feet. A review of the Department of Water Resources also does not indicate the presence of monitoring wells with groundwater measurements within or adjacent to the Site. Landslides – A review of the City’s Public Safety indicates that the Site is not located within a mapped area, currently established zone of landslide susceptibility. Seismically-Induced Ground Deformations - Seismically-induced ground deformations include ground-surface settlement and differential settlement resulting from liquefaction- induced ground deformation and cyclic densification of unsaturated sands and gravels from earthquakes. As discussed above, the Site is not within a mapped liquefaction- hazard investigation zone. Therefore, liquefaction-induced settlement of soils below the groundwater table and cyclic densification of dry sand and gravels is not an anticipated hazard at the Site. Lateral Spreading - Lateral spreading is a phenomenon in which surficial soil displaces along a shear zone that has formed within an underlying liquefied layer. The surficial blocks are transported downslope or in the direction of a free face, such as a slope, by earthquake and gravitational forces. The Site is not located within a currently established liquefaction hazard zone; therefore, lateral spreading is not anticipated within the Site. Flood Mapping – According to the San Diego Geographic Information Source Interactive Map and the City of Carlsbad General Plan, the Site is not located within a mapped 100- year floodway or 100-year floodplain, as shown in Figure 6. Additionally, based on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Number 06073C0788J, dated 16 May 2012, the Site is not located within a determined flood hazards area, as shown in Figure 7. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 5 Tsunami and Seiche and Inundation – A tsunami is a long, high sea wave based by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbances. A seiche is an oscillation of surface water in an enclosed or semi-enclosed basin such as a lake, bay, or harbor. According to information and maps available from the California Department of Conservation and the City of Carlsbad General Plan Chapter 6, the Site is not within a mapped tsunami inundation hazard zone, as shown. The closest mapped Dam is the Bressi Dam which according to the city does not have inundation zones associated with it. The second closest Dam is the Maerkle Dam and Reservoir which have mapped inundation zones and the Site is not mapped within this zone. The Site is not within close proximity to adjacent water bodies; therefore, site inundations from a tsunami, seiche, and dam failure are not anticipated (Figure 8). Subsidence - Land subsidence may be induced from withdrawal of oil, gas, or water from wells or from settlement of the landfill. According to a search on the CalGEM Well Finder online tool, there are no oil, gas, or geothermal wells within or immediately adjacent to the Site. Therefore, the Site is not considered to be subject to land subsidence from oil, gas, or water withdrawal from oil wells. Expansive Soils – Expansive soils can result in differential movement of structures, including slab heave and cracking, differential movement between foundations, and cracking of pavements and sidewalks. Potentially expansive soils are defined by the 2019 California Building Code (CBC) as soils with expansion indices (EI) greater than 20. Based on our geotechnical exploration, and review of the reported Geocon, Inc., “Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading”, existing fill at the Site exhibited a “medium to very high” expansion potential. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION 4.0 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Our geotechnical subsurface exploration program consisted of nineteen hollow stem auger (HSA) borings, identified as LB-1 and LB-19, drilled to approximately 9 feet and 51.5 feet below ground surface (bgs), respectively. Prior to drilling, the boring location was marked out on site by a LANGAN field engineer. Underground Service Alert of Southern California (USA/DigAlert) was contacted to locate and mark known public underground utilities present within the public rights- of-way. A private utility-locating subcontractor also performed underground utility check at the boring location to confirm the location was clear of subsurface utilities and obstructions. Refer to Figure 9 for approximate boring locations. Borings LB-1 through LB-4 was drilled by Yellow Jacket Drilling on 8 October 2021 using a truck- mounted drill rig under the full-time observation of a LANGAN field engineer. The borings were advanced with the drill rig using conventional drilling techniques. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT)1 and California Modified Ring sampling were generally performed at 5-foot intervals until boring termination depth, following the guidelines of ASTM D1586 and ASTM D3550. California Modified Ring samples were collected at select locations using a 3.0-inch-outer-diameter split- barrel California sampler lined with 2.42-inch-inner-diameter brass rings. SPT N-values were 1 The Standard Penetration Test is a measure of the soil density and consistency. The SPT N-value is defined as the number of blows required to drive a 2-inch outer diameter split-barrel sampler 12-inches, after an initial penetration of 6 inches, using a 140-pound automatic hammer free falling of a height of 30 inches (ASTM D1586). Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 6 recorded to identify the relative density and stiffness of the cohesionless and cohesive soils, respectively. Upon completion, the borings were backfilled with soil cuttings to near ground surface and excess auger cuttings were dispersed on-site around the borehole location. Borings LB-5 through LB-17 and LB-19 were drilled by Yellow Jacket Drilling between 8 and 10 March 2021 and on 15 March 2021 using a truck-mounted drill rig under the full-time observation of a LANGAN field engineer. Boring LB-18 was drilled by Yellow Jacket Drilling on 10 March 2021 using a limited access track-mounted rig. The borings were advanced using conventional drilling techniques. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT)1 and California Modified Ring sampling were generally performed semi-continuously within the upper 10-feet and at 5-foot intervals until boring termination depth, following the guidelines of ASTM D1586 and ASTM D3550. California Modified Ring samples were collected at select locations using a 3.0-inch-outer-diameter split-barrel California sampler lined with 2.42-inch-inner-diameter brass rings. SPT N-values were recorded to identify the relative density and stiffness of the cohesionless and cohesive soils, respectively. Upon completion, the borings were backfilled via tremie method with cement-grout slurry to near ground surface. Excess soil cuttings generated during drilling were temporarily stored on-site in Department of Transportation (DOT) approved 55-gallon drums soil and disposed by Belshire Environmental Services, Inc. Retrieved soil samples were visually examined and classified in the field following the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and confirmed by re-examination in our office. A copy of the boring logs are provided in Appendix B. 4.1 Field Percolation Testing The field investigation for the percolation testing program consisted of drilling two (2) borings, identified as LP-1 and LP-2, and within two (2) soil borings, identified as LB-5 and LB-6, to depths of approximately 5 and 9 feet below existing grade (el 368 and 363), respectively. The borings were drilled and percolation tests were performed between 8 and 10 March 2021 by Yellow Jacket Drilling under the full-time engineering observation of a field engineer from our office. Percolation testing was performed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad “Carlsbad BMP Design Manual”. Results of the percolation testing are provided in Appendix C. 4.2 Laboratory Testing Select representative soil samples retrieved from the borings were delivered to a geotechnical laboratory to determine the physical and engineering index properties of the samples. Our laboratory testing program included the following analyses: Dry Density & Moisture Content (ASTM D7263) Modified Proctor (ASTM D1557) Direct Shear (ASTM D3080) Sieve Analysis (ASTM D422) R-Value (ASTM D2844) Expansion Index (ASTM D4829) Consolidation (ASTM D2435) Electrical Resistivity – CTM 643 Chloride Content – CTM 422 Sulfate Content – CTM 417 Soil pH – CTM 643 Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 7 Copies of the laboratory test results are provided in Appendix D. 4.3 Geophysical Testing Shear wave velocity profiling was performed by Atlas Technical Consultants (Atlas) using surface geophysical testing method to obtain estimates of the average shear wave velocity within 100 feet bgs. Atlas performed the refraction microtremor (ReMi) technique to estimate in-situ Rayleigh-wave (shear-wave) velocities. Atlas summarized the results of their testing in a report dated 17 March 2021 that is presented in Appendix E for reference. Based on the results of two field refraction microtremor profiles SL-1 and SL-2, average shear wave velocities to 100 feet bgs were 1,094 feet-per-second and 1,316 feet-per-second. 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on our field exploration and interpretation of laboratory testing, the Site is generally underlain by existing fill underlain by either alluvium or bedrock. Alluvial deposits were encountered where previously drainage channels existed. Details of the subsurface conditions encountered in our borings are summarized below. See Figure 10a and 10b for a generalized graphical representation of the subsurface conditions. Existing Documented Fill: We encountered existing fill within all borings. In borings LB- 1, LB-2, LB-5, LB-7, LB-17, and LB-19 existing fill ranges from approximately 1 feet to 3 feet below ground surface and in borings LB-3, LB-4, LB-6, LB-8 through LB-16, and LB- 18 existing fill ranges from approximately 10 feet to 45 feet. Existing Fill consists of clayey sands and sands with varying amounts of gravel. SPT N-values generally ranged from 11 blows per foot to 28 blows per foot. Laboratory testing performed on select samples measured dry densities ranging from 98.4 to 126 pounds per cubic foot (pcf), moisture contents ranging from 2.5 to 23.8 percent. Near surface soil collected measured fine content of 57 percent, and an expansion indices of 54, 63, 66, and 78. Atterberg Limits testing was performed on select soil samples which measured Liquid Limits ranging from 32 to 49, Plastic Limits ranging from 20 to 24, and Plastic Indices ranging from 8 to 26. Direct shear testing was performed on select samples within the proposed building footprint measured ultimate cohesion ranging from 300 to 700 pound per square foot (psf) and internal friction angles ranging from 23.5 to 30 degrees. Direct shear testing was performed on select samples for the proposed site retaining wall measured ultimate cohesion ranging from 300 to 800 psf and internal friction angles ranging from 25 to 28 degrees. Alluvial Deposits: An approximately 3 feet thick layer of Alluvial deposits were encountered in boring LB-4 and LB-9 at approximately 13 and 23 feet below ground surface, respectively. The alluvial soils were observed to consist of stiff clay with trace rootlets consistent with bottom of drainage channels. Santiago Formation (Tsa): Santiago formation deposits were encountered in all borings to the maximum explored depth of 51.5 feet, consisting of claystones and sandstones. SPT N-values generally ranged from 13 blows per foot to 50 blows per foot to sampler refusal (i.e. sampler did not penetrate the full 12 inches) where Santiago Formation was encountered. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 8 Laboratory testing performed on select samples measured dry densities ranging from 106.8 to 111 pounds per cubic foot (pcf), moisture contents ranging from 6.9 to 19.4 percent. Direct shear testing was performed on select samples within the proposed building footprint measured ultimate cohesion ranging from 0 to 400 psf and internal friction angles ranging from 25.5 to 28 degrees. Groundwater: Groundwater was not encountered to the maximum depth explored of 51.5 feet. 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Evaluation of Fill Settlement potential of the existing fill soils were evaluated by analyzing the in-place relative compaction. Using the in-place dry densities obtained from the California Modified sampler and the maximum densities obtained in the laboratory, we calculated relative at or greater than 90% relative compaction. . 6.2 Seismic Design Criteria Seismic design of structures can be designed in accordance with the provisions of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7-16 and 2019 CBC. Specific seismic site class information can be developed with site specific testing and measurement. Based on the available subsurface information at the site and the seismic provisions of these codes and the two field refraction micro-tremor tests and the proposed subsurface under the building, the following seismic design parameters are recommended for the proposed development: Type Value Description SS 0.925 MCER mapped spectral response acceleration at short period S1 0.34 MCER mapped spectral response acceleration at one-second period Fa 1.0 Site Amplification Factor at 0.2 second Fv 1.7 Site Amplification Factor at 1.0 second SMS 1.045 Site-modified spectral acceleration at short period SM1 0.578 Site-modified spectral acceleration at one-second period SDS .697 Design earthquake spectral response acceleration at short period SD1 0.385 Design earthquake spectral response acceleration at one-second period PGAM 0.481 MCE geometric mean peak ground acceleration adjusted for site class effects Notes: 1. Values based on Site Class D. 2. MCE = Maximum Considered Earthquake 3. MCER = Risked-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake Based on deaggregation of the probabilistic seismic hazard spectrum from the USGS Unified Hazard Tool, the mean and modal earthquakes for the 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years (2,475-year return period) event are 6.63 and 6.89 moment magnitudes, respectively. Seismic design parameters were determined for a Site Class D, assuming that the proposed structures have fundamental periods of vibration equal to or less than 0.5 seconds. The structural Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 9 engineer should confirm the structural fundamental period of vibration and the seismic design approach. The structural engineer should provide the fundamental period of vibration to LANGAN and confirm if Exception No. 2 of Section 11.4.8 of ASCE 7-16 and if simplified design procedures in accordance with Section 12.14 of ASCE 7-16 will be utilized for seismic design. If the exception is not being used a site specific seismic site response analysis may be required for final design. 6.3 Expansive Soil Potentially expansive soils are defined by the 2019 CBC as soils with EI greater than 20. Based on laboratory test results and the previous grading report, the on-site existing fill soils generally exhibit medium to very high expansion potential (EI range 54 to 130). Expansive soils swell or shrink when the moisture content of the soil changes. A soil’s moisture content can change through cyclic wet/dry weather cycles, variations in the groundwater level, installation of irrigation systems, change in landscape plantings, and changes in site grading. Leaking utilities can also drastically change soil moisture content. Methods commonly used to reduce the effects of expansive soils include controlling the moisture content of the soils prior to placement of surface finishes, use of impermeable barriers around foundations, confinement of expansive soils through the use of non-expansive soil caps, and chemical stabilization. The Site should be designed to promote positive drainage away from the pavements and landscaping should consist of mainly drought tolerant native planting that requires limited irrigation. Confirmatory expansion index testing should be performed on the actual subgrade material during grading. 6.4 Building Foundations The existing fill soils within the proposed building footprint are suitable for support of the proposed warehouse building. Provided grading is performed as recommended herein, a bearing value of 3,500 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used for continuous and isolated footings founded at a minimum depth of 24 inches below the lowest adjacent grade and having a minimum width of 24 inches. Recommended allowable bearing values include both dead and live loads, and may be increased by one-third for wind and seismic forces. The proposed warehouse building excavation will result in a cut/fill transition between existing fill soils and bedrock as a result of the previous mass grading. The proposed building pad should be over-excavated so that the footings are bearing on a minimum of 4 feet of recompacted fill. and the recompacted fill limits should extend at least 4 feet beyond the lateral limits of the largest footing in the area. Footing total settlement of less than 1 inch and total differential settlements of less than ½-inch over 50 feet is anticipated with foundations bearing on controlled compacted fill soil. Since the entire building will be sitting on engineered fill over rock, seismic settlement of less than ½ inch is anticipated under the design earthquake ground shaking. Footing excavations should be performed using a backhoe bucket fitted with a smooth steel plate welded across the bucket teeth to reduce the potential for disturbance during excavation and to provide a smooth bearing surface. The footing subgrades should be firm and unyielding inspected and approved by a qualified geotechnical engineer prior to steel placement and/or concrete placement. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 10 Foundations should be constructed as soon as possible following subgrade approval. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the subgrade in its as approved condition (i.e. free of water, debris, etc.) until the footing is constructed. Foundations may be designed to resist lateral loads with an allowable passive pressure of 100 psf/ft. Footing’s lateral sliding resistance can be designed using an ultimate coefficient of friction equal to 0.30. The use of full passive pressure should be used with caution as significant movement is necessary to mobilize the allowable resisting passive pressure. Any excavations for permanent utility installations performed in front of footings would prevent the use of passive pressures as utility damage could occur with excessive movement. Additionally, the use of sliding resistance, sliding friction alone or in combination with passive resistance, should be based upon the conditions at the building foundation location. Should additional lateral resistance be required, Langan should be notified so we can perform additional analyses and develop supplemental recommendations. Should higher bearing capacities be requested, the fill could be improved with ground improvement methods such as rammed aggregate piers that extended 5 feet into the Santiago Formation. Typically this type of ground improvement method can achieve bearing capacities of 6,000 psf or higher. If this ground improvement technique or an alternate method is proposed, we can provide a supplemental memorandum to address the proposed method. 6.5 Proposed Site Retaining Walls Site retaining walls of the proposed development are on the southern limits of the Site. The retaining wall system is anticipated to be a two to three-tier system. These retaining walls are presumed to be free to rotate. Retaining wall recommendations will be provided in a separate addendum to this geotechnical report once final wall plans are available. 6.6 Existing Fill Slope Stability Analysis 6.6.1 General Conditions A two-dimensional (2D) slope stability evaluation was performed using the “SLOPE/W” computer modeling software. “SLOPE/W” is a limit equilibrium analysis package capable of modeling soil and rock conditions to assess stability for a variety of slope and potential slide surface configurations. Based on the ALTA/NSPS Survey plans provided by the Client, the slope at Section B-B’ was evaluated for static and pseudostatic stabilities. 6.6.2 Material Properties Based on our interpretation of the subsurface conditions at the site, a generalized two- dimensional (2D) subsurface profile was developed and used in our analysis. The 2D models and plane-strain analyses were developed to approximate the actual three-dimensional (3D) conditions of the slopes, taking into consideration that 2D models are generally considered to result in lower factor of safety for slope stability than 3D models. The subsurface is generally underlain by Documented Fill underlain by the Santiago Formation, with properties based on laboratory testing performed on samples collected during our March 2021 subsurface exploration. The engineering properties of subsurface materials are shown in Table 1. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 11 Table 1 – Properties of Subsurface Materials Material1 Total Unit Weight, γ (pcf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Cohesion, c (psf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Friction Angle, φ (degrees) Sandy CLAY (CL) [FILL] 115 400 28 Silty CLAY (CL) [FILL] 120 300 25 Silty CLAY (CL) [FILL] 125 800 26.5 SantiagoFormation (Tsa) 127 400 25.5 Assumed MSE Wall Backfill2 125 0 30 Notes: 1. Material properties for this layer are based on laboratory test results (Appendix C). 2. Assumed MSE Wall Backfill parameters used based on previous projects were Segmented Block Walls were designed. 6.6.3 Static Gross and Seismic Slope Stability Under static loading, the slope configuration at Section B-B’ is considered stable with a factor of safety greater than 1.5. Under pseudostatic loading, the slope is also considered stable with a factor of safety greater or equal to 1.1. The results of our analyses for the proposed slope configurations are summarized below. Outputs from SLOPE/W for the slope configuration are included in Appendix F. Table 2 – Static Loading Global Slope Stability Analysis Results Section Factor of Safety Static Condition Factor of Safety Pseudostatic Condition 1 B-B’ 2.1 1.5 Notes: 1. Maximum horizontal seismic coefficient kh = 0.15 under pseudostatic condition. 6.7 Pavement Sections The appropriate pavement section depends on the type and strength of subgrade soil at final subgrade, traffic load, and planned pavement life. Recommendations provided herein are in accordance with the 2017 California Department of Transportation Highway Design Manual (HDM) and American Concrete Institute Guide for Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots (ACI-330R). Preliminary pavement recommendations are provided herein to support the anticipated traffic loads for the proposed pavement uses. Traffic indices were assumed based on similar projects and should be confirmed for the final pavement design. Parameters for the flexible and rigid pavement designs, using a laboratory R-value of 6 are summarized in Table 3. Table 3 – Pavement Recommendations Pavement Type Traffic Index Section Thickness Asphalt Concrete Portland Cement Concrete Class 2 Aggregate Base Asphaltic Concrete 5.0 4 inches --- 10 inches 6.0 4 inches --- 12 inches Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 12 7.0 4 inches --- 16 inches 8.0 4 inches --- 20 inches Portland Cement Concrete (4,000psi) 5.0 – 8.0 --- 6.5 inches 6 inches Pavements are presumed to be underlain by subgrade soils consisting of compacted fill or competent alluvium. The subgrade within the upper 24 inches of the pavement section should be moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). Following subgrade preparation and compaction, Class II aggregate base should be moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). The concrete should have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 psi. Rigid concrete pavement sections should be sufficiently reinforced to resist the intended loading conditions and designed for soils with medium to high expansion potential. Jointing details should follow American Concrete Institute (ACI) recommendations. Final structural pavement section design should be based on the traffic indices provided by the project’s traffic engineer and the R-value test results of the subgrade soils upon completion of site grading. Due to the extensive grading that will be required to develop the Project, we recommend performing post-grading confirmatory laboratory testing to confirm the applicability of geotechnical recommendations on the future subgrade soils after mass grading. 6.8 Corrosion Considerations Chemical analyses performed on select samples obtained in the upper 5-feet across the site are summarized in Table 4. Table 4 – Chemical Analytical Results Date of Investigation Sample Depth (feet) Resistivity (ohm-cm) pH Soluble Sulfate (ppm) Chloride (ppm) October 2020 LB-4 / B-1 0 - 5 710 7.1 395 110 March 2021 LB-10 / B-1 0 – 5 720 7.6 2921 418 March 2021 LB-16 / B-1 0 - 5 <500 7.2 1794 252 Notes: 1. ppm = parts per million 2. NT = not tested for the select sample Based on our review of the minimum resistivity, pH, soluble sulfate, and chloride contents on the select soil samples, the surficial soil at the site is considered corrosive to concrete and ferrous metals (ANSI/AWWA Standard C105/A21.5, ACI 318-14, and ASTM A674). All subsurface structures and utilities in contact with the existing fill should be protected against corrosion. Based on the samples collected to date, ACI 318-14 classified the soil as Exposure Class S1 for sulfate and Exposure Class C1 for chloride. A corrosion expert should be consulted Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 13 if metal pipe is proposed to be in contact with soil. Based on the laboratory data summarized herein, ACI 318-14 requires that concrete should be designed using Type II cement (ASTM C150), a maximum water-to-cement ratio of 0.5, and a minimum specified compressive strength (f’c) of 4,000 pounds per square inch (psi). A copy of the corrosion results is provided in Appendix D. 6.9 Floor Slabs The floor slab for the proposed warehouse is anticipated to be four feet above the adjacent ground to allow for dock high loading docks. Therefore, saturation of the soils immediately beneath the slab is unlikely. However, if existing onsite soils are to be used immediately below the slab, the upper three feet should consist of onsite soils with lower clay content, or the soils should be mixed with nonexpansive imported fill to reduce expansion potential. Expansion testing should be performed on the soil mix used beneath the slab to confirm that the soils are low to medium expansion. The following parameters are recommended for design: Subgrade modulus, k, equal to 80 pounds per cubic inch (pci); 4-inch minimum thickness; A minimum slab underlayment consisting of 4 inches of coarse aggregate or 2 inches of clean sand, with a 15-mil moisture barrier properly lapped at joints. Steel reinforcing should be designed by the project’s Structural Engineer presuming low to medium expansive soil potential conditions and sufficient to meet shrinkage reinforcement limits. T 6.10 Utility Support Utilities can be supported on grade, bearing on compacted fill or approved native soils. In areas where utility inverts are within the fill material, we recommend that these utility trenches extend a minimum of 1 foot below the design invert and that backfill material consist of material similar to a Caltrans Class 2 Base or clean sand with a sand equivalent (S.E.) value of 30 or greater, or as approved by the utility owner. The gradation of the proposed fill should be compared with the gradation of the native soils to determine if a separation fabric, such as Mirafi 140N or equivalent, is required between the two materials. The bedding material should extend at least 12-inches over the top of the utility, unless otherwise required by the utility owner. Utility subgrade should be confirmed to be free of standing water, firm and unyielding prior to placement of bedding material. Utility trenches above pipe bedding should be backfilled in accordance with the recommendations provided herein for fill compaction requirements using either previously excavated soil (if suitable), or with approved imported material. All utility trench backfill should be compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density and moisture conditioned to within 3 percent of the optimum moisture content, as determined by ASTM Test Method D1557 (Modified Proctor). Jetting should not be used as a method to compact the soil or bedding and shading materials. 7.0 BUILDING AND SITE PREPARATION 7.1 Excavation and Grading Prior to the commencement of excavation and grading, a meeting should be held at the site with the owner, city inspector, excavation/grading contractor, civil engineer, and Geotechnical Engineer to discuss the work schedule and geotechnical aspects of the grading. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 14 All pavement, vegetation, and deleterious materials should be disposed of off-site prior to initiation of grading operations. Any foundation and abandoned utility remnants or construction debris associated with former site structures encountered within excavations should be fully removed, where practical, and any void spaces that may be created should be backfilled with approved compacted structural fill. If utility pipes are too deep to be removed economically in proposed pavement areas, they should be filled with cement and sand grout or equivalent material that will prevent future collapse of the pipe. After completion of excavation, including removal of all below grade remnants, stripping, grubbing, removal of asphalt, base course material, the soil subgrade should be compacted in- place by proofrolling with at least 6 passes of a roller compactor having a minimum static drum weight of 5 tons. Due to the high clay content of existing soils, vibratory roller is not recommended. Any areas exhibiting rutting or pumping should be removed and replaced with approved compacted secondary structural fill. Any soft, loose, or unsuitable soils identified by the geotechnical engineer during subgrade preparation should be removed and replaced with approved compacted secondary structural fill. Any environmentally unsuitable soils encountered during the excavation process should be removed and properly disposed of off-site in accordance with all state and local regulations. 7.2 Fill Material and Compaction Criteria Fill material (imported or re-used) should be free of organic and other deleterious materials and should have a maximum particle size no greater than 3 inches. All fills should be placed in accordance with the placement and compaction criteria discussed in this report. Imported fill should contain no more than 12 percent passing the #200 sieve by dry weight and have a plasticity index less than 7. Grain size distributions, maximum dry density, and optimum water content determinations should be made on representative samples of the proposed fill material. All structural fill beneath building foundations should be placed in uniform lifts (maximum 8-inches thick prior to compaction) and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density at a moisture content within 3 percent of optimum moisture content, as determined by ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor compaction). All non-structural fill should be placed in uniform lifts (maximum 8-inches thick prior to compaction) and compacted to at least 90 percent of its maximum dry density at a moisture content within 3 percent of optimum moisture content, as determined by the ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor compaction). All structural and non-structural fill placement should be subject to controlled engineering observation by the geotechnical engineer. No fill material should be placed on areas where free water is standing or on surfaces which have not been approved by the geotechnical engineer. 7.3 Site Drainage Proper drainage should be maintained at all times. Ponding or trapping of water in localized areas can cause differing moisture levels in the subsurface soil. Drainage should be directed away from the tops of excavations and existing foundations. Erosion protection and drainage control measures should be implemented during periods of inclement weather. During rainfall events, Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 15 backfill operations may need to be restricted to allow for proper moisture control during fill placement. The Project Site should be graded to ensure positive drainage away from the locations of the proposed development. 7.4 Hardscape Elements Site pavers and walkways can be supported on compacted fill or native soils after excavating to the required subgrade level, then proof-rolled using an approved compactor such as a 5-ton (static drum weight) vibratory roller compactor, or equivalent. Any soft, loose or unsuitable soils identified by the geotechnical engineer during proof-rolling should be removed and replaced with approved structural fill. 8.0 PROTECTION OF NEIGHBORING STRUCTURES All new construction work should be performed so as not to adversely impact or cause loss of support to neighboring structures, hardscape and landscape elements, paving, or utilities to remain. Special care will be required during grading and construction activities to ensure adverse vibrations or movements are not induced in these structures, and site activities do not result in their loss of support or instability. We recommend, at a minimum, a pre-construction condition documentation comprised of photographic and videographic documentation of accessible and visible areas of neighboring landscaped, and hardscaped areas including pavements and sidewalks be performed prior to initiating construction activities at the site. 9.0 RECOMMENDED FUTURE TASKS AND INTERACTION At this time, we recommend performing the following supplemental tasks: Review civil and grading plans, structural plans and loads as they become available and throughout the design phase. To maintain our continuity of responsibility on this project, we recommend the above work be performed by LANGAN. 10.0 SERVICES DURING DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE During final design, we should be retained to consult with the design team as geotechnical questions arise. Technical specifications and design drawings should incorporate Langan’s recommendations. When authorized, Langan will assist the design team in preparing specification sections related to geotechnical issues such as earthwork, ground improvement, shallow foundations, backfill and excavation support. Langan should also, when authorized, review the project plans , as well as Contractor submittals relating to materials and construction procedures for geotechnical work, to confirm the designs incorporate the intent of our recommendations. Langan has investigated and interpreted the site subsurface conditions and developed the foundation design recommendations contained herein, and is therefore best suited to perform quality assurance observation and testing of geotechnical-related work during construction. The work requiring quality assurance confirmation and/or special inspections per the Building Code includes, but is not limited to, earthwork, backfill, ground improvement, shallow and deep foundations, and excavation support. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 16 Recognizing that construction observation is the final stage of geotechnical design, quality assurance observation during construction by Langan is necessary to confirm the design assumptions and design elements, to maintain our continuity of responsibility on this project, and allow us to make changes to our recommendations, as necessary.. The foundation system and general geotechnical construction methods recommended herein are predicated upon Langan assisting with the final design and providing construction observation services for the Owner. Should Langan not be retained for these services, we cannot assume the role of geotechnical engineer of record, and the entity providing the final design and construction observation services must serve as the engineer of record. 11.0 OWNER AND CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor is responsible for construction quality control, which includes satisfactorily constructing the foundation system and any associated temporary works to achieve the design intent while not adversely impacting or causing loss of support to neighboring property, structures, utilities, roadways, etc. Construction activities that can alter the existing ground conditions such as excavation, fill placement, foundation construction, ground improvement, pile driving/drilling, dewatering, etc. can also induce stresses, vibrations, and movements in nearby structures and utilities, and disturb occupants. Contractors are solely responsible to ensure that their activities will not adversely affect the structures and utilities, and will not disturb occupants. Contractors must also take all necessary measures to protect the existing structures, utilities, etc during construction. By using this report, the Owner agrees that Langan will not be held responsible for any damage to adjacent structures, utilities, etc. The preparation and use of this report is based on the condition that the project construction contract between the Owner and their Contractor(s) will include: 1) Langan being added to the Project Wrap and/or Contractor’s General Liability insurance as an additional insured, and 2) language specifically stating the Foundation Contractor will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Owner and Langan against all claims related to disturbance or damage to adjacent structures, utilities, etc or properties. 12.0 LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations provided in this report result from our interpretation of the geotechnical conditions existing at the site inferred from a limited number of borings as well as architectural information. Actual subsurface conditions may vary. Recommendations provided are dependent upon one another and no recommendation should be followed independent of the others. Any proposed changes in structures or their locations should be brought to Langan’s attention as soon as possible so that we can determine whether such changes affect our recommendations. Information on subsurface strata and groundwater levels shown on the logs represent conditions encountered only at the locations indicated and at the time of investigation. If different conditions are encountered during construction, they should immediately be brought to Langan’s attention for evaluation, as they may affect our recommendations. This report has been prepared to assist the Owner, architect, and structural engineer in the design process and is only applicable to the design of the specific project identified. The information in this report cannot be utilized or depended on by engineers or contractors who are involved in evaluations or designs of facilities (including underpinning, grouting, stabilization, etc.) on adjacent properties which are beyond the limits of that which is the specific subject of this report. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 Page 17 Environmental issues (such as permitting or potentially contaminated soil and groundwater) are outside the scope of this study and should be addressed in a separate evaluation. 13.0 REFERENCES 13.1 Publications American Society of Civil Engineers (2016), Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE/SEI 7-16. California Building Standards Commission (2019), California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24. California Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey (2002), Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30’ by 60’ Quadrangle, California, A Digital Database, prepared by Siang S. Tan and Michael P. Kennedy, dated 2007. California Department of Transportation (2012), Corrosion Guidelines. California Department of Transportation (2017), Highway Design Manual. City of Carlsbad (1993), “Technical Guidelines for Geotechnical Reports,” dated January 1993. City of Carlsbad, “General Plan – Chapter 6 Public Safety” dated September 2015. County of San Diego (2004), “San Diego County Grading, Clearing and Watercourses Ordinance,” effective 23 April 2004. County of San Diego (2011), “General Plan – Safety Element,” dated August 2011. County of San Diego, Planning & Development Services (2017), “Expansive Soil Foundation Design – Building Division,” dated 1 January 2017. Federal Emergency Management Agency (2012), National Flood Insurance Map Program, Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Map Number 06073C0788J, Panel 788, dated 16 May 2012. 13.2 Plans O’Day Consultants, “ATLA Survery of Carlsbad Raceway” dated June 2004 Thienes Engineering, Inc. “ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey – Southeast corner of S Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue” dated October 2020. Ware Malcomb (2020), “Conceptual Site Plan – Phase I,” dated 23 August 2020. 13.3 Reports Vinje & Middleton Engineering, Inc. “ Grading Plan Review“ dated 12 February 2003 Geocon, Inc., “Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading”, dated 5 June 2006 SCS Engineers (SCS), “Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment” dated 12 October 2020. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 FIGURES SITE Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\GEOTECHNICAL FIGURES.dwg Date: 4/7/2021 Time: 18:05 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: 1 - SVM © 2021 Langan18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA LEGEND: APPROXIMATE LIMITS REFERENCE: BING MAPS, ACCESSED 10/12/2020. SITE Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\GEOTECHNICAL FIGURES.dwg Date: 4/7/2021 Time: 18:05 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: 2 - GEO © 2021 Langan18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA LEGEND: REFERENCE: "GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE OCEANSIDE QUADRANGLE", FIGURE 3.5-1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN. 100 KM SITE Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\GEOTECHNICAL FIGURES.dwg Date: 4/7/2021 Time: 18:06 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: 3 - EQ CATALOG © 2021 Langan18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA LEGEND: REFERENCE: USGS ONLINE EARTHQUAKE DATABASE ACCESSED 10/12/2020. NOTES: 1.THE FIGURE DISPLAYS EARTHQUAKE EPICENTERS OF MAGNITUDE 5.0 OR GREATER SINCE JANUARY 1, 1900 AND WITHIN 100 KILOMETERS OF THE SITE. SITE Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\GEOTECHNICAL FIGURES.dwg Date: 4/7/2021 Time: 18:06 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: 4 - FAM © 2021 Langan18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA LEGEND: REFERENCE: "EARTHQUAKE FAULTS", FIGURE 3.5-2 - CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN. SITE Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\GEOTECHNICAL FIGURES.dwg Date: 4/7/2021 Time: 18:06 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: 5 - LIQ © 2021 Langan18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA LEGEND: REFERENCE: "LIQUEFACTION HAZARDS", FIGURE 3.5-3 - CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN. SITE Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\GEOTECHNICAL FIGURES.dwg Date: 4/7/2021 Time: 18:07 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: 6 - FLOOD © 2021 Langan18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA LEGEND: REFERENCE: "POTENTIAL FLOOD HAZARDS", FIGURE 6-1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN. SITE Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\GEOTECHNICAL FIGURES.dwg Date: 4/7/2021 Time: 18:07 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: 7 - FEMA © 2021 Langan18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA LEGEND: REFERENCE: FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO (MAP NUMBER 06073C0788J, 2012). SITE Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\GEOTECHNICAL FIGURES.dwg Date: 4/7/2021 Time: 18:07 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: 8 - DAM © 2021 Langan18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA LEGEND: REFERENCE: "DAM INUNDATION AREA", FIGURE 6-2 - CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN. NOTES: 1.* - THERE IS NO INUNDATION ZONE ASSOCIATED WITH BRESSI DAM AA'LB-1LB-3LB-4LB-6LB-5LB-7LB-8LB-14LB-12LB-10LB-9LB-11LB-15LB-13LB-16LB-18LB-17LP-1LP-2LB-19AfAfAfTsaTsaLB-2BB'LB-4NOTES:1.BACKGROUND SITE PLAN REFERENCED FROM "CONCEPTUAL SITEPLAN", PREPARED BY WARE MALCOMB, DATED 08/23/2020.2.LANGAN BORINGS LB-1 THROUGH LB-4 WERE DRILLED BY YELLOWJACKET DRILLING ON 10/08/2020, UNDER THE FULL-TIMEOBSERVATION OF A LANGAN FIELD ENGINEER.2.LANGAN BORINGS LB-5 THROUGH LB-19 WERE DRILLED BY YELLOWJACKET DRILLING BETWEEN 8 AND 10 MARCH 2021, UNDER THEFULL-TIME OBSERVATION OF A LANGAN FIELD ENGINEER.3.REFRACTION MICROTREMOR FIELD TESTING WAS PERFORMED BYATLAS TECHNICAL ON 15 MARCH 2021, UNDER FULL-TIMEOBSERVATION OF A LANGAN FIELD ENGINEER.4.PREVIOUS CARLSBAD RACEWAY LIMITS ARE REFERENCED FROM"ALTA SURVEY OF CARLSBAD RACEWAY" DATED JUNE 2004PREPARED BY O'DAY CONSULTANTS.5.BEDROCK/ FILL LINE IS APPROXIMATE AND BASED ON BORINGSPERFORMED AT THE SITE WHERE FILL WAS ENCOUNTERED.6.SITE LIMITS AND BORING LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE.7.PERCOLATION TESTING WAS PERFORMED WITHIN BORING LB-5 ANDLB-6.Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\Geotech Task II Proposed Boring Plan.dwg Date: 4/9/2021 Time: 18:06 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: FG918575 Jamboree Road Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612T: 949.561.9200F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com© 2021 Langan NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIAWASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDATEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIAABU DHABI ATHENS DOHADUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMALEGEND:APPROXIMATE SITE LIMITSAPPROXIMATE BOUNDARY CUT/ FILL LINEAPPROXIMATE SEISMIC LINE LOCATIONAPPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION(LANGAN, OCTOBER 2020)APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION(LANGAN, MARCH 2021)APPROXIMATE PERCOLATION TEST LOCATIONAPPROXIMATE FOOTPRINT OF PROPOSED WAREHOUSEARTIFICIAL FILLSANTIAGO FORMATION (CIRCLED WHERE BURIED)APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CROSS SECTIONLB-19SL-2SL-1SL-2 LP-2AfTsaBB' 390 385 380 375 370 365 360 355 350 345 340 335 390 385 380 375 370 365 360 355 350 345 340 335 A A' 395 390 CLAYSTONE CLAYSTONE CLAYSTONE CLAYSTONE CLAYSTONE SANDSTONE SANDSTONE SAND- STONE SANDSTONE SANDSTONE SANDSTONE SANDSTONE SANDSTONE CL(afu) CL(afu) CL(afu) CL(afu) CL(afu) CL(afu) CL(afu) SP(afu) LB-1 ELEV=±377 33(R) 20 1853 11 74(R) 23(R) 24(R) 68(R) 42 28(R) 50 22(R) 27 11 57(R) 39(R) 14 LB-7 ELEV=±377 SC(afu)SC(afu) SC(afu) LB-2 ELEV=±374 83/8" 56(R) 44 50/4"(R) LB-3 ELEV=±378 LB-9 ELEV=±376 SANDSTONE SANDSTONE SANDSTONE LB-4 ELEV=±378 CL LB-15 ELEV=±382 17 25(R) 13 35(R) 25 33(R) 89/10" ?? ? ? ? afu afu afu APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF PROPOSED WAREHOUSE BUILDING PL PL ELEVATION (FEET, NGVD 29)ELEVATION (FEET, NGVD 29)? ? CL 390 385 380 375 370 365 360 355 350 345 340 335 390 385 380 375 370 365 360 355 350 345 340 335 395 390 GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CROSS-SECTION A-A' AS SHOWN MAG 10A LEGEND:NOTES: 1.THE FIGURE SHOWS GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT THE RESPECTIVE BORINGS. VARIATIONS IN CONDITIONS SHOULD BE EXPECTED BETWEEN BORINGS. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED REFER TO BORING LOGS. 2.LANGAN BORINGS LB-1 THROUGH LB-4 WERE DRILLED ON 8 OCTOBER 2020 UNDER FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BY A LANGAN FIELD ENGINEER. LANGAN BORINGS LB-5 THROUGH LB-19 WERE DRILLED BETWEEN 8 MARCH 2021 AND 15 MARCH 2021 UNDER FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BY A LANGAN FIELD ENGINEER. 3.PROPOSED BUILDING LIMITS ARE APPROXIMATE AND INFERRED FROM "CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN" BY THIENES ENGINEERING, DATED 15 APRIL 2021. 4.SEE FIGURE 9 FOR LOCATION OF CROSS-SECTION WITH RESPECT TO BORING LOCATION PLAN. 5.BORING AND GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION REFERENCED FROM SURVEY OF "CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN" BY THIENES ENGINEERING, DATED 15 APRIL 2021. BORING IDENTIFICATION AND APPROXIMATE ELEVATION (FEET,MSL) STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOWCOUNT: NUMBER OF BLOWS OF A 140-LB AUTOMATIC HAMMER FREE FALLING 30 INCHES TO DRIVE A 2-INCH O.D. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER 12 INCHES AFTER 6 INCHES OF INITIAL PENETRATION. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOWCOUNT: NUMBER OF BLOWS OF A 140-LB AUTOMATIC HAMMER FREE FALLING 30 INCHES TO DRIVE A 2.5-INCH I.D. CALIFORNIA MODIFIED SAMPLER 12 INCHES AFTER 6 INCHES OF INITIAL PENETRATION. Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\Fig.10 Cross Section A-A' revised 4.7.2021.dwg Date: 4/16/2021 Time: 15:49 User: djudge Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: Cross-Section A-A' 700086701 APRIL 2021 SAN DIEGO COUNTY CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD PROPOSED WAREHOUSE BUILDING 18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com © 2021 LanganNEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA INFERRED GEOLOGIC CONTACT (afu)UNDOCUMENTED ARTIFICIAL FILL (CL)CLAY (SC)CLAYEY SAND SANDSTONE CLAYSTONE ? UNDOCUMENTED ARTIFICIAL FILL YOUNG ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS BEDROCK - SANTIAGO FORMATION afu Qya Tsa LB-15 ELEV=±### N N(R) LB-15 ELEV=±### N N(R) Tsa Tsa Qya CL(afu) SC(afu) CLAYSTONE SANDSTONE 14(R) 22 39(R) 21 31(R) 25 60 97/9" SM(afu) SC(afu) CL(afu) SANDSTONE 45(R) 22 29(R) 20 31(R) 24 33(R) 22 44(R) 45 B B' ? ? afu Tsa ? Filename: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\CAD\01\2D-DesignFiles\Fig.10 Cross Section A-A' revised 4.7.2021.dwg Date: 4/9/2021 Time: 17:57 User: ssong Style Table: Langan.stb Layout: Cross-Section B-B'© 2021 Langan18575 Jamboree Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92612 T: 949.561.9200 F: 949.561.9201 www.langan.com NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON DC VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA OHIO FLORIDA TEXAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ABU DHABI ATHENS DOHA DUBAI ISTANBUL LONDON PANAMA GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CROSS-SECTION B-B' 10B SS LEGEND: INFERRED GEOLOGIC CONTACT (afu)UNDOCUMENTED ARTIFICIAL FILL (CL)CLAY (SC)CLAYEY SAND SANDSTONE CLAYSTONE ? UNDOCUMENTED ARTIFICIAL FILL YOUNG ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS BEDROCK - SANTIAGO FORMATION afu Qya Tsa NOTES: 1.THE FIGURE SHOWS GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT THE RESPECTIVE BORINGS. VARIATIONS IN CONDITIONS SHOULD BE EXPECTED BETWEEN BORINGS. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED REFER TO BORING LOGS. 2.LANGAN BORINGS LB-12 AND LB-18 WERE DRILLED ON 8 AND 10 MARCH 2021, RESPECTIVELY, UNDER FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BY A LANGAN FIELD ENGINEER. 3.PROPOSED BUILDING LIMITS ARE APPROXIMATE AND INFERRED FROM "CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN" BY WARE MALCOLB, DATED 23 AUGUST 2020. 4.SEE FIGURE 9 FOR LOCATION OF CROSS-SECTION WITH RESPECT TO BORING LOCATION PLAN. 5.BORING AND GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION REFERENCED FROM SURVEY OF "SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE", PREPARED BY THIENES ENGINEERING, INC., DATED OCTOBER 2020. BORING IDENTIFICATION AND APPROXIMATE ELEVATION (FEET,MSL) STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOWCOUNT: NUMBER OF BLOWS OF A 140-LB AUTOMATIC HAMMER FREE FALLING 30 INCHES TO DRIVE A 2-INCH O.D. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER 12 INCHES AFTER 6 INCHES OF INITIAL PENETRATION. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOWCOUNT: NUMBER OF BLOWS OF A 140-LB AUTOMATIC HAMMER FREE FALLING 30 INCHES TO DRIVE A 2.5-INCH I.D. CALIFORNIA MODIFIED SAMPLER 12 INCHES AFTER 6 INCHES OF INITIAL PENETRATION. LB-15 ELEV=±### N N(R) LB-15 ELEV=±### N N(R) SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1" = 30' VERTICAL: 1" = 15' Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 APPENDIX A HISTORIC EARTHQUAKE SEARCH Limited Geotechnical Investigation Report SEC S Melrose Dr Lionshead Ave Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086701 October 2020 700086701 Fault Name Distance (km) Rose Canyon 13.34 Newport-Inglewood (Offshore) 17.54 Carlsbad 23.37 Elsinore (Julian) 31.76 Elsinore (Temecula) rev 31.76 Oceanside alt1 35.68 Oceanside alt2 35.75 Coronado Bank alt2 38.59 Coronado Bank alt1 38.59 Earthquake Valley (No Extension) 45.27 Elsinore (Stepovers Combined) 53.15 San Diego Trough north alt2 53.67 San Diego Trough north alt1 53.90 Elsinore (Glen Ivy) rev 54.77 Palos Verdes 58.34 Peralta Hills 60.58 Earthquake Valley 61.53 San Joaquin Hills 63.09 Whittier alt 2 63.58 Whittier alt 1 63.58 Newport-Inglewood alt 2 63.74 Newport-Inglewood alt 1 63.81 Thirty Mile Bank 65.57 Chino alt 1 67.90 Chino alt 2 67.95 San Jacinto (Anza) rev 72.24 San Jacinto (Stepovers Combined) 73.57 San Jacinto (Coyote Creek) 75.07 San Jacinto (San Jacinto Valley) rev 75.92 Earthquake Valley (So Extension) 77.85 San Diego Trough south 78.03 San Jacinto (Clark) rev 78.61 San Gorgonio Pass 93.50 San Jacinto (San Bernardino) 98.02 Notes: 1. Sources are within a 100-kilometer (62-mile) search radius. TABLE A.1 - SUMMARY OF USGS 2014 CALIFORNIA SEISMIC SOURCES i^kd^k Limited Geotechnical Investigation Report SEC S Melrose Dr Lionshead Ave Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086701 October 2020 700086701 Date 1,3 Latitude 1,3 Longitude 1,3 Approximate Magnitude 1,3 Magnitude Type 2 Approximate Distance from Site (km) 1,3 7/7/2010 33.4205 -116.489 5.54 Mw 77 6/12/2005 33.5288 -116.573 5.21 Mw 76 10/31/2001 33.5083 -116.514 5.02 Mw 79 7/13/1986 32.971 -117.874 5.81 Mw 62 2/25/1980 33.4753 -116.5 5.34 ML 79 4/28/1969 33.2592 -116.361 5.46 ML 83 9/23/1963 33.7037 -116.938 5.29 ML 69 5/31/1938 33.6993 -117.511 5.23 ML 68 3/11/1933 33.6238 -118.001 5.29 Mh 89 3/11/1933 33.6308 -117.999 6.40 Mw 89 10/2/1928 33.6 -116.7 5.50 Unk 72 7/23/1923 34 -117.25 6.20 Unk 96 1/1/1920 33.2 -116.7 5.00 Unk 51 6/6/1918 33.6 -116.7 5.50 Unk 72 4/21/1918 33.75 -117 6.80 Unk 72 4/11/1910 33.5 -116.5 5.80 Unk 80 5/13/1910 33.7 -117.4 5.00 Unk 65 5/15/1910 33.7 -117.4 6.00 Unk 65 12/25/1899 33.8 -117 6.70 Unk 78 10/23/1894 32.8 -116.8 6.10 Unk 55 9/13/1885 33 -117.9 5.80 Unk 63 11/22/1880 34 -117 5.50 Unk 99 12/19/1880 34 -117 5.90 Unk 99 6/25/1863 32.4 -117.1 5.80 Unk 82 5/27/1862 32.55 -117.15 6.20 Unk 65 9/21/1856 33.1 -116.7 5.50 Unk 51 5/25/1803 32.8 -117.1 5.50 Unk 39 11/22/1800 32.9 -117.8 6.30 Unk 58 Notes: 1. The listed Earthquake Catalog Search results were obtained from Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3) Catalog on 12 October 2020. 2. Refer to Appendix K of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forcast, Version 3 for additional information on magnitude types. 3. Earthquake Catalog search results include earthquake events within 100 km of the Site with magnitudes of 5.0 or greater since 1800. TABLE A.2 - UCERF3 CATALOG SEARCH RESULTS i^kd^k Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 APPENDIX B Boring Logs 6 16 16 5 7 11 6 5 6S-1S-2S-3SPTCRSPT181818Brown-gray, fine to medium SAND, moist. [SP] [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Medium dense, orange-dark brown-gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Medium dense, orange-brown-gray, CLAYSTONE, dry. Medium dense, orange-dark brown-gray, CLAYSTONE, tracegypsum, dry. Bottom of boring at 16.5 feet.Groundwater was not encountered. Borehole backfilled with auger cuttings. Bulk sample collected from 0to 5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) N/A N/A N/A 36-inch OD Hollow Stem Auger Date Started 10/8/20 N/A N/A 16.5 ft Field Engineer 140 N/A Drilling Foreman N/A N/A 10/8/20 Drilling Company N/A Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 85 Truck Mounted Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) N/A 2-inch OD Spilt Spoon & 3-inch OD Cal. Mod. N/AN/A Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed SEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 20 of 1 Project No. Approx. 377 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-1 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:45 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 50/2" 35 38 22 33 18 10 8 10S-1S-2S-3CRSSCR121818Brown-gray, fine sandy CLAY, trace claystone fragments, moist. [CL] [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Dense, orange-brown-light gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Very dense, orange brown-gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Dense, orange brown-gray, CLAYSTONE, dry. Bulk sample collected from 0to 5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) N/A N/A N/A 56-inch OD Hollow Stem Auger Date Started 10/8/20 N/A N/A 26.5 ft Field Engineer 140 N/A Drilling Foreman N/A N/A 10/8/20 Drilling Company N/A Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 85 Truck Mounted Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) N/A 2-inch OD Spilt Spoon & 3-inch OD Cal. Mod. N/AN/A Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed SEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 374 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-2 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:46 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 50/4" 25 19 12 12S-4S-5SSCR182Dense, light gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Dense, orange-brown-gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Dense, brown-gray, CLAYSTONE, dry. Bottom of boring at 26.5 feet.Groundwater was not encountered. Borehole backfilled with auger cuttings.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 374 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-2 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:47 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 8 17 25 3 11 17 2 5 10S-1S-2S-3SSCRSS181818Brown, fine to medium sandy CLAY, trace fine gravel, moist. [CL] [FILL]. Stiff, brown-gray, fine to coarse sandy CLAY, trace sandstonefragments, moist. [CL] [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Medium dense, brown-gray, SANDSTONE, trace rootlets,moist. Dense, light gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Dense, brown-gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Bottom of boring at 16.5 feet.Groundwater was not encountered. Borehole backfilled with auger cuttings. Bulk sample collected from 0to 5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) N/A N/A N/A 36-inch OD Hollow Stem Auger Date Started 10/8/20 N/A N/A 16.5 ft Field Engineer 140 N/A Drilling Foreman N/A N/A 10/8/20 Drilling Company N/A Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 85 Truck Mounted Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) N/A 2-inch OD Spilt Spoon & 3-inch OD Cal. Mod. N/AN/A Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed SEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 20 of 1 Project No. Approx. 378 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-3 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:48 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 11 8 13 13 6 9 8 4 4S-1S-2S-3CRSSCR181818Yellow-brown, fine to coarse sandy CLAY, claystone fragments, dry. [CL] [FILL] Stiff, brown, fine to coarse sandy CLAY, claystone fragments,dry. [CL] [FILL] Medium dense, brown-gray, clayey fine to medium SAND,trace fine gravel, moist. [SC] [FILL] Medium dense, brown-gray, clayey fine to medium SAND,trace fine gravel, moist. [SC] [FILL] Bulk sample collected from 0to 5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) N/A N/A N/A 56-inch OD Hollow Stem Auger Date Started 10/8/20 N/A N/A 26.5 ft Field Engineer 140 N/A Drilling Foreman N/A N/A 10/8/20 Drilling Company N/A Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 85 Truck Mounted Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) N/A 2-inch OD Spilt Spoon & 3-inch OD Cal. Mod. N/AN/A Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed SEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 380 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-4 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:50 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 11 26 9 13 3 8S-4S-5SSCR1818Medium dense, brown-gray, clayey fine to medium SAND,trace fine gravel, trace twig fragments moist. [SC] [FILL] ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS Very stiff, black, CLAY, trace rootlets, moist. [CL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Medium dense, brown-gray, SANDSTONE, moist. Bottom of boring at 26.5 feet. Groundwater was not encountered.Borehole backfilled with auger cuttings.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 380 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-4 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:50 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 18 30 24 11 23 16 8 12 11S-1S-2S-3SPTSPTSPT181818 SANTIAGO FORMATION Red-brown, CLAYSTONE, moderately weathered. Tan to gray, fine SANDSTONE, moderately weathered. Gray, fine SANDSTONE, moderately weathered. Boring completed at 9 feet bgs.Groundwater not encountered.Borehole converted to percolation well for testing then backfilled with five feet of open-graded sand and four feet ofsoil cuttings.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 0 - 38-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/8/21 - - 9 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/8/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 1 Project No. Approx. 375 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-5 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:21:29 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 29 5353 40 Sample Data 6 20 11 6 11 7 4 4 6S-1S-2S-3SPTSPTSPT181818Stiff, brown to tan, sandy CLAY, trace sandstone fragments, trace claystone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Dense, brown gray, clayey SAND, (SC), moist. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Black, CLAYSTONE, moderately weathered, trace sandstonefragments. Boring completed at 9 feet bgs.Groundwater not encountered.Borehole converted to percolation test then backfilled with two feet of sand and seven feet of soil cuttings.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 7.5 ft - 38-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/8/21 - - 9 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/8/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 1 Project No. Approx. 371 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-6 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:21:31 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 12 31 18 Sample Data 45 32 29 21 9 27S-1S-2CRSPT1818Red brown, clayey SAND, (SC), moist. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Red brown, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered. Gray, CLAYSTONE, moderately weathered. Red brown, moderately hard, SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered. Gray, CLAYSTONE, moderately weathered. Boring completed at 11.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered.Borehole backfilled with soil cuttings.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 1 ft - 28-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/9/21 - - 11.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/9/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 1 Project No. Approx. 376 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-7 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:21:32 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 7474 5353 Sample Data 13 33 10 10 4 9S-1S-2CRSPT1818Brown, fine sandy CLAY, trace coarse sand, trace claystonefragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Brown gray, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderately weathered. Tan to gray, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered. Boring completed at 11.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered.Borehole backfilled with soil cuttings.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 5 ft - 28-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/9/21 - - 11.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/9/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 1 Project No. Approx. 378 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-8 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:21:33 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 23 43 Sample Data 21 12 50 12 6 18 7 3 2S-1S-2S-3CRSPTCR181818Very stiff, brown gray, fine sandy CLAY, trace claystonefragments, trace sandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, dark brown, fine sandy CLAY, trace claystonefragments, trace sandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] ALLUVIAL DEPOSITSHard, dark brown, CLAY, trace rootlets, (CL), moist. SANTIAGO FORMATION Red brown, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 16 ft - 48-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/9/21 - - 21.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/9/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 375 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-9 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:21:34 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 33 18 6868 Sample Data 28 22 10 S-4SPT18Tan to gray, fine SANDSTONE, moderately weathered, traceclay. Boring completed at 21.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered. Borehole backfilled with bentonite grout.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 375 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-9 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:21:35 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 50 Sample Data 50/3" 50/2" 15 25 8 13 4 3 17 15S-1S-2S-3S-4SPTCRSPTSPT181898Brown, fine sandy CLAY, trace claystone fragements, (CL),moist. [FILL] Medium dense, clayey fine to medium SAND, trace claystone fragments, (SC), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, fine to medium sandy CLAY, trace sandstonefragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Red brown, fine SANDSTONE, slightly weathered, trace cemented lens. Red brown, fine to medium SANDSTONE, slightly weathered. Boring completed at 21.5 feet bgs.Groundwater not encountered. Borehole backfilled with bentonite grout. Bulk sample collected from 0-5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 15 ft - 48-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/9/21 - - 20.7 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/9/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 25 of 1 Project No. Approx. 376 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-10 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:16 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 23 38 50/3" 50/2" Sample Data 7 17 18 7 15 10 2 8 6S-1S-2S-3SPTCRSPT181218Stiff, brown gray, fine sandy CLAY, trace claystone fragments,trace rootlets (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, brown gray, fine to medium sandy CLAY (CL), tracesandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, brown to black, fine sandy CLAY, trace sandstonefragments, trace wood chips, (CL), moist. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 18 ft - 58-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/9/21 - - 26.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/9/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 372 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-11 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:17 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 14 32 28 Sample Data 30 45 18 40 6 16S-4S-5CRSPT1218Brown gray, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered. Red brown, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered. Boring completed at 26.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered.Borehole backfilled with bentonite grout.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 372 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-11 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:17 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 48 8585 Sample Data 8 11 22 6 11 17 4 5 5S-1S-2S-3CRSPTCR181818Yellow brown, CLAY, trace coarse sand, (CL), moist. [FILL] Stiff, dark brown, CLAY, trace coarse sand, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, dark brown, CLAY, trace coarse sand, tracesandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, dark brown, CLAY, trace coarse sand, tracesandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Bulk sample collected from 0-5feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 35 ft - 88-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/8/21 - - 41.3 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/8/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 395 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-12 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/9/2021 4:35:24 AM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 14 22 39 Sample Data 50/3" 14 20 15 45 7 11 10 15 47 4 2 6 5 21S-4S-5S-6S-7S-8SPTCRSPTSPTSPT1818181815Very stiff, dark brown, CLAY, trace coarse sand, tracesandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, dark brown gray, CLAY, trace sandstone fragments,(CL), moist. [FILL] Medium dense, tan to brown, clayey SAND, trace sandstonefragments, (SC), dry. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Gray, CLAYSTONE, moderately weathered. Light tan to gray, SANDSTONE, moderately weathered, traceclay. Boring completed at 41.3 feet bgs.Groundwater not encountered. Borehole backfilled with bentonite grout.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 395 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-12 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/9/2021 4:35:25 AM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 21 31 25 6060 50/3" Sample Data 12 13 24 10 7 15 3 3 6S-1S-2S-3CRSPTCR141810Brown, fine sandy CLAY, trace coarse SAND, (CL), moist.[FILL] Sitff, brown gray, clayey medim to coarse SAND, (SC), moist.[FILL] Very stiff, brown to dark brown, medium sandy CLAY, (CL),moist. [FILL] Medium dense, brown to dark brown, clayey medium to coarseSAND, trace claystone fragments, (SC), moist. [FILL]Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 20 ft - 58-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/9/21 - - 26.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/9/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 379 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-13 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:21 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 22 20 39 Sample Data 17 37 12 27 7 12S-4S-5SPTSPT1818 SANTIAGO FORMATION Light gray, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderately weathered. Light gray, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered. Boring completed at 26.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered.Borehole backfilled with bentonite grout.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 379 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-13 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:22 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 29 6464 Sample Data 8 28 11 5 18 6 3 5 5S-1S-2S-3SPTCRSPT181614Stiff, brown, fine sandy CLAY, trace sandstone fragments,(CL), dry. [FILL] Medium dense, brown gray, clayey fine to medium SAND (SC),trace sandstone fragments, (SC), moist. [FILL] Medium dense, brown gray, clayey fine to medium SAND,trace sandstone fragments, (SC), moist. [FILL] Minor glass debris.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 25.5 ft - 68-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/8/21 - - 31.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/8/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 382 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-14 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:23 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 13 46 17 Sample Data 20 15 40 19 9 18 8 4 6S-4S-5S-6CRSPTCR141818Very stiff, fine to medium sandy CLAY, trace sandstonefragments, trace claystone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] ALLUVIAL DEPOSITSBlack, CLAY, with rootlets, (CL). SANTIAGO FORMATION Brown, CLAYSTONE, deeply weathered. Light brown to gray, SANDSTONE, moderately weathered,trace clay. Boring completed at 31.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered. Birehole backfilled with bentonite grout.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 382 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-14 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:24 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 39 24 5858 Sample Data 11 14 9 6 11 4 4 2 3S-1S-2S-3SPTCRSPT181218Very stiff, brown gray, fine sandy CLAY, trace sandstonefragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Stiff, brown gray, fine sandy CLAY, trace sandstonefragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Medium dense, brown to tan, clayey fine to coarse SAND,trace sandstone fragments,(SC), moist. [FILL]Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 35 ft - 78-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/8/21 - - 36.3 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/8/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 381 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-15 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:25 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 17 25 13 Sample Data 50/4" 21 15 20 14 10 13 39 4 6 5 17S-4S-5S-6S-7CRSPTCRSPT18181816Medium dense, clayey medium to coarse SAND, tracesandstone fragments, (SC), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, brown gray, medium to coarse sandy CLAY, traceclaystone fragments, trace sandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, brown gray, medium to coarse sandy CLAY, traceclaystone fragments, trace sandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Tan to gray, SANDSTONE, moderately weathered, trace clay. Boring completed at 36.3 feet bgs.Groundwater not encountered. Borehole backfilled with soil cuttings.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 381 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-15 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:26 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 35 25 33 50/4" Sample Data 17 9 18 12 6 11 6 4 3S-1S-2S-3CRSPTCR181814Very stiff, red brown, fine sandy CLAY, trace sandstonefragments, trace sandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Medium dense, red brown, clayey medium to coarse SAND,trace sandstone fragments, trace claystone fragments, (SC), moist. [FILL] Medium dense, red brown, clayey medium to coarse SAND,trace claystone fragments, trace sandstone fragments, (SC), moist. [FILL] Bulk sample collected from 0-5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 30 ft - 78-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/8/21 - - 36.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/8/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 378 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-16 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:27 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 29 15 29 Sample Data 14 15 11 17 8 11 7 12 4 2 4 3S-4S-5S-6S-7SPTCRSPTCR18101818Medium dense, red brown, clayey medium to coarse SAND,trace claystone fragments, trace sandstone fragments, (SC), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, brown gray, sandy CLAY, trace sandstonefragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Red brown, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderately weathered. Brown gray, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered, some clay. Boring completed at 36.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered.Borehole backfillled with soil cuttings.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 378 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-16 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:27 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 22 26 18 29 Sample Data 42 20 30 11 10 5S-1S-2CRSPT1618Brown gray, fine to medium sandy CLAY, (CL), moist. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Brown gray, SANDSTONE, moderately weathered. Yellow brown gray, CLAYSTONE, moderately weathered. Boring completed at 11.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered.Borehole backfilled with soil cuttings.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) Iszzy 5 ft - 28-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/10/21 - - 11.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/10/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 95 Truck-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 1 Project No. Approx. 385 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-17 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:29 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 7272 31 Sample Data 28 12 15 17 10 14 13 7 11S-1S-2S-3CRSPTCR131818Brown, silty SAND, trace fine gravel, (SM), moist. [FILL] Medium dense, brown gray, clayey fine SAND, trace claystonefragments, trace sandstone fragments, (SC), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, brown gray, fine sandy CLAY, trace seashellfragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, brown gray, fine sandy CLAY, trace claystonefragments, (CL), moist. [FILL]Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) - 50 ft - 108-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/10/21 - - 51.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/10/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) Limited Access Track-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 3 Project No. Approx. 397 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-18 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:30 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 45 22 29 Sample Data 13 17 15 17 11 7 14 9 16 11 5 6 7 15 6S-4S-5S-6S-7S-8SPTCRSPTCRSPT1818181818Very stiff, brown gray, fine to medium sandy CLAY, traceclaystone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, brown gray, fine to medium sandy CLAY, traceclaystone fragments, trace sandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, brown gray, fine sandy CLAY, trace coarse sand,trace claystone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, dark brown, fine to coarse sandy CLAY, tracerootlets, (CL), moist. [FILL] Very stiff, dark brown gray, fine to coarse sandy CLAY, traceclaystone fragments, trace sandstone fragments, (CL), moist. [FILL]Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 45 of 3 Project No. Approx. 397 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-18 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:31 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 20 31 24 33 22 Sample Data 24 25 20 20 10 15S-9S-10CRSPT1818Very stiff, dark brown gray, fine to medium sandy CLAY, traceclaystone fragments, (CL), dry. [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Brown, SANDSTONE, moderately weathered. Boring completed at 51.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered.Borehole backfilled with bentonite grout.Recov.(in)Number45 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 70 of 3 Project No. Approx. 397 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 3LB-18 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:31 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 44 45 Sample Data 25 25 31 21 21 26 12 14 15S-1S-2S-3SPTSPTSPT181818Brown, fine sandy CLAY, trace claystone fragments, (CL),moist. [FILL] SANTIAGO FROMATION Light gray orange, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderately weathered, trace clay. Light gray yellow, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered, trace clay. Light gray yellow, fine to medium SANDSTONE, moderatelyweathered, trace clay. Ground cover: Grass. Bulk sample collected from 0-5feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) - 5 ft - 108-inch O.D. Hollow-stem-auger Date Started 3/15/21 - - 51.5 ft Field Engineer 140 -Drilling Foreman - - 3/15/21 Drilling Company - Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) Limited Access Track-mounted Drill Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) - 2-inch O.D. SPT Split-Barrel; 2.5-inch I.D. Cal Mod Split Spoon -- Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J. Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed Lots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 20 of 3 Project No. Approx. 384 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-19 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:33 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 46 46 5757 Sample Data 50/5" 50/5" 22 24 37 20 20 25 29 13 19 18 29S-4S-5S-6S-7S-8SPTSPTSPTSPTSPT1818181111Gray orange, CLAYSTONE, slightly weathered. Light gray orange, fine to medium SANDSTONE, slightlyweathered, trace clay. Gray brown, fine to medium SANDSTONE, slightly weathered. Light gray, fine to medium SANDSTONE, fresh, trace clay. Gray brown, medium to coarse SANDSTONE, fresh, traceclay.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 45 of 3 Project No. Approx. 384 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-19 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:33 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 42 44 6262 50/5" 50/5" Sample Data 50/5" 25 S-9SPT11Gray, medium to coarse SANDSTONE, fresh, trace clay. Gray orange, medium to coarse SANDSTONE, fresh. Boring completed at 51.5 feet bgs. Groundwater not encountered.Borehole backfilled with bentonite grout. SPTS-10 3 50/3"Recov.(in)Number45 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inLots 1-4 SEC S. Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Avenue,Carlsbad, CA N-Value(Blows/ft) 10 20 30 40 70 of 3 Project No. Approx. 384 ft NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 3LB-19 Project Proposed Warehouse Development Sample Description DepthScale 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 700086702 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086702 - GINT - LB 5-19.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 8:23:34 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) 50/5" 50/3" Sample Data Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 APPENDIX C Field Percolation Test Results Geotechnical Exploration ReportProposed Warehouse BuildingCarlbad, CaliforniaLangan Project No.: 7000867014/8/2021Project:Project No.: 700086702 Date of Test:Tested By: DJJSTrial No. DateTime of MeasurementInitial Depth to Water (Feet)Time of MeasurementFinal Depth to Water (Feet)Time Interval (min)Change in Water Level (Feet)> than 6-inch drop?Infiltration Rate (in/hr)PRESOAK # 1 3/9/2021 2:00 PM 2.00 2:25 PM 2.60 25 0.60 YesPRESOAK # 2 3/9/2021 2:25 PM 2.00 2:50 PM 2.30 25 0.30 NO1 3/10/2021 7:00 AM 3.00 7:30 AM 3.20 30 0.20 0.080.192 3/10/2021 7:30 AM 3.00 8:00 AM 3.20 30 0.20 0.080.193 3/10/2021 8:00 AM 3.00 8:30 AM 3.15 30 0.15 0.060.194 3/10/2021 8:30 AM 3.00 9:00 AM 3.10 30 0.10 0.040.195 3/10/2021 9:00 AM 3.00 9:30 AM 3.15 30 0.15 0.060.196 3/10/2021 9:30 AM 3.00 10:00 AM 3.10 30 0.10 0.040.197 3/10/2021 10:00 AM 3.00 10:30 AM 3.15 30 0.15 0.060.198 3/10/2021 10:30 AM 3.00 11:00 AM 3.10 30 0.10 0.040.199 3/10/2021 11:00 AM 3.00 11:30 AM 3.05 30 0.05 0.020.1910 3/10/2021 11:30 AM 3.00 12:00 PM 3.10 30 0.10 0.040.1911 3/10/2021 12:00 PM 3.00 12:30 PM 3.10 30 0.10 0.040.1912 3/10/2021 12:30 PM 3.00 1:00 PM 3.10 30 0.10 0.040.19BMF2.00Design Rate0.092. Infiltration Rate was calculated using Porchet Method.Comments:1. Percolation test was performed in accordance wth City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual, Appendix D: Approved Infiltration Rate Assessment Methods, Effective February 20163. Per the procedures for shallow percolation tests in non-sandy soils, a minimum of twelve measurements were taken in 30-minute intervals for six hours after sandy soil criteria was not met. 4. Weather: Partly Cloudy/Sunny: 55-65 degrees F5. Measurements were collected from the Top of PVC Pipe Depth of Test Hole (ft):5 Soil Classification: SandstoneCasing Depth (ft): 5' PVC Pipe; Screened entire length of pipeTest Hole Diameter (in):8PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEETi^kd^kProposed Warehouse Building3/10/2021Test Hole No.:LP-1 Geotechnical Exploration ReportProposed Warehouse BuildingCarlbad, CaliforniaLangan Project No.: 7000867014/8/2021Project:Project No.: 700086702 Date of Test:Tested By: DJJSTrial No. DateTime of MeasurementInitial Depth to Water (Feet)Time of MeasurementFinal Depth to Water (Feet)Time Interval (min)Change in Water Level (Feet)> than 6-inch drop?Infiltration Rate (in/hr)PRESOAK # 1 3/9/2021 2:00 PM 1.00 2:25 PM 1.20 25 0.20 NOPRESOAK # 2 3/9/2021 2:25 PM 1.00 2:50 PM 1.20 25 0.20 NO1 3/10/2021 7:00 AM 1.00 7:30 AM 1.05 30 0.05 0.020.052 3/10/2021 7:30 AM 1.00 8:00 AM 1.10 30 0.10 0.040.053 3/10/2021 8:00 AM 1.00 8:30 AM 1.10 30 0.10 0.040.054 3/10/2021 8:30 AM 1.00 9:00 AM 1.10 30 0.10 0.040.055 3/10/2021 9:00 AM 1.00 9:30 AM 1.05 30 0.05 0.020.056 3/10/2021 9:30 AM 1.00 10:00 AM 1.05 30 0.05 0.020.057 3/10/2021 10:00 AM 1.00 10:30 AM 1.05 30 0.05 0.020.058 3/10/2021 10:30 AM 1.00 11:00 AM 1.05 30 0.05 0.020.059 3/10/2021 11:00 AM 1.00 11:30 AM 1.05 30 0.05 0.020.0510 3/10/2021 11:30 AM 1.00 12:00 PM 1.05 30 0.05 0.020.0511 3/10/2021 12:00 PM 1.00 12:30 PM 1.05 30 0.05 0.020.0512 3/10/2021 12:30 PM 1.00 1:00 PM 1.05 30 0.05 0.020.05BMF2.00Design Rate0.022. Infiltration Rate was calculated using Porchet Method.Comments:1. Percolation test was performed in accordance wth City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual, Appendix D: Approved Infiltration Rate Assessment Methods, Effective February 20163. Per the procedures for shallow percolation tests in non-sandy soils, a minimum of twelve measurements were taken in 30-minute intervals for six hours after sandy soil criteria was not met. 4. Weather: Partly Cloudy/Sunny: 55-65 degrees F5. Measurements were collected from the Top of PVC Pipe Depth of Test Hole (ft):5 Soil Classification: fine sandy CLAY (CL)Casing Depth (ft): 5' PVC Pipe; Screened entire length of pipeTest Hole Diameter (in):8PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEETi^kd^kProposed Warehouse Building3/10/2021Test Hole No.:LP-2 Geotechnical Exploration ReportProposed Warehouse BuildingCarlbad, CaliforniaLangan Project No.: 7000867014/8/2021Project:Project No.: 700086702 Date of Test:Tested By: DJJSTrial No. DateTime of MeasurementInitial Depth to Water (Feet)Time of MeasurementFinal Depth to Water (Feet)Time Interval (min)Change in Water Level (Feet)> 6-inch drop ? Infiltration Rate (in/hr)PRESOAK # 1 3/8/2021 2:00 PM 4.50 2:25 PM 4.80 25 0.30 NOPRESOAK # 2 3/8/2021 2:25 PM 4.50 2:50 PM 4.75 25 0.25 NO1 3/9/2021 7:00 AM 4.50 7:30 AM 4.80 30 0.30 0.120.182 3/9/2021 7:30 AM 4.50 8:00 AM 4.80 30 0.30 0.120.183 3/9/2021 8:00 AM 4.50 8:30 AM 4.75 30 0.25 0.100.184 3/9/2021 8:30 AM 4.50 9:00 AM 4.75 30 0.25 0.100.185 3/9/2021 9:00 AM 4.50 9:30 AM 4.75 30 0.25 0.100.186 3/9/2021 9:30 AM 4.50 10:00 AM 4.75 30 0.25 0.100.187 3/9/2021 10:00 AM 4.50 10:30 AM 4.75 30 0.25 0.100.188 3/9/2021 10:30 AM 4.50 11:00 AM 4.70 30 0.20 0.080.189 3/9/2021 11:00 AM 4.50 11:30 AM 4.70 30 0.20 0.080.1810 3/9/2021 11:30 AM 4.50 12:00 PM 4.70 30 0.20 0.080.1811 3/9/2021 12:00 PM 4.50 12:30 PM 4.70 30 0.20 0.080.1812 3/9/2021 12:30 PM 4.50 1:00 PM 4.70 30 0.20 0.080.18BMF2.00Design Rate0.092. Infiltration Rate was calculated using Porchet Method.Comments:1. Percolation test was performed in accordance wth City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual, Appendix D: Approved Infiltration Rate Assessment Methods, Effective February 20163. Per the procedures for shallow percolation tests in non-sandy soils, a minimum of twelve measurements were taken in 30-minute intervals for six hours after sandy soil criteria was not met. 4. Weather: Partly Cloudy/Sunny: 55-65 degrees F5. Measurements were collected from the Top of PVC Pipe Depth of Test Hole (ft):9 Soil Classification: SandstoneCasing Depth (ft): 9' PVC Pipe; Screened entire length of pipeTest Hole Diameter (in):8PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEETi^kd^kProposed Warehouse Building3/9/2021Test Hole No.:LB-5 Geotechnical Exploration ReportProposed Warehouse BuildingCarlbad, CaliforniaLangan Project No.: 7000867014/8/2021Project:Project No.: 700086702 Date of Test:Tested By: DJJSTrial No. DateTime of MeasurementInitial Depth to Water (Feet)Time of MeasurementFinal Depth to Water (Feet)Time Interval (min)Change in Water Level (Feet)> 6-inch drop ? Infiltration Rate (in/hr)PRESOAK # 1 3/8/2021 6:00 AM 2.00 6:25 AM 2.10 25 0.10 NOPRESOAK # 2 3/8/2021 6:25 AM 2.00 6:50 AM 2.05 25 0.05 NO1 3/9/2021 7:00 AM 2.00 7:30 AM 2.10 30 0.10 0.040.032 3/9/2021 7:30 AM 2.00 8:00 AM 2.10 30 0.10 0.040.033 3/9/2021 8:00 AM 2.00 8:30 AM 2.10 30 0.10 0.040.034 3/9/2021 8:30 AM 2.00 9:00 AM 2.10 30 0.10 0.040.035 3/9/2021 9:00 AM 2.00 9:30 AM 2.05 30 0.05 0.020.036 3/9/2021 9:30 AM 2.00 10:00 AM 2.05 30 0.05 0.020.037 3/9/2021 10:00 AM 2.00 10:30 AM 2.05 30 0.05 0.020.038 3/9/2021 10:30 AM 2.00 11:00 AM 2.05 30 0.05 0.020.039 3/9/2021 11:00 AM 2.00 11:30 AM 2.05 30 0.05 0.020.0310 3/9/2021 11:30 AM 2.00 12:00 PM 2.05 30 0.05 0.020.0311 3/9/2021 12:00 PM 2.00 12:30 PM 2.05 30 0.05 0.020.0312 3/9/2021 12:30 PM 2.00 1:00 PM 2.05 30 0.05 0.020.03BMF2.00Design Rate0.012. Infiltration Rate was calculated using Porchet Method.Comments:1. Percolation test was performed in accordance wth City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual, Appendix D: Approved Infiltration Rate Assessment Methods, Effective February 20163. Per the procedures for shallow percolation tests in non-sandy soils, a minimum of twelve measurements were taken in 30-minute intervals for six hours after sandy soil criteria was not met. 4. Weather: Partly Cloudy/Sunny: 55-65 degrees F5. Measurements were collected from the Top of PVC Pipe Depth of Test Hole (ft):9 Soil Classification: fine sandy CLAY (CL)Casing Depth (ft): 9' PVC Pipe; Screened entire length of pipeTest Hole Diameter (in):8PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEETi^kd^kProposed Warehouse Building3/9/2021Test Hole No.:LB-6 MOISTURE DENSITY TESTSPROJECT Langan # 700086702 JOB NO. 2012-0057 BY LD DATE 03/17/21Sample No. LB-7 / S-1 LB-9 / S-1 LB-13 / S-1 LB-14 / S-2 LB-15 / S-2 LB-15 / S-4 LB-15 / S-6 LB-16 / S-1Depth (ft)5.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 5.0TestingSoil TypeBrown, Sandy ClayBrown, Sandy ClayBrown, Silty Clay w. SandBrown, Sandy ClayBrown, Silty ClayBrown, Clayey SandBrown, Silty Clay Brown, Silty ClayWet+Tare563.8 1002.7 567.3 402.0 932.1 959.5 1148.9 937.5No. Ring3 5 3 2 5 5 6 5Wet Weight126.3 118.8 126.0 95.1 98.9 110.8 112.1 105.8Dry Weight118.2 115.9 114.4 85.4 91.7 102.4 106.5 99.7Wet density118.6 129.1 119.6 129.5 117.3 121.9 121.6 118.2% Water6.9 2.5 10.1 11.4 7.9 8.2 5.3 6.1Dry Density111.0 126.0 108.6 116.3 108.8 112.7 115.5 111.4O.B.Press(psf)Sample No. LB-16 / S-3 LB-16 / S-5 LB-17 / S-1 LB-18 / S-1 LB-18 / S-3 LB-18 / S-7Depth (ft)15.0 25.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 35.0TestingSoil TypeBrown, Sandy ClayBrown, Silty Clay Brown, Silty ClayBrown, Sandy ClayBrown, Silty Clay Brown, Silty ClayWet+Tare974.5 970.7 595.6 939.3 959.2 598.6No. Ring5 5 3 5 5 3Wet Weight308.9 66.3 84.4 100.5 94.7 136.3Dry Weight259.7 54.9 70.7 87.2 76.5 116.5Wet density124.4 123.8 127.4 118.5 121.8 128.3% Water18.9 20.8 19.4 15.3 23.8 17.0Dry Density104.6 102.5 106.8 102.8 98.4 109.6O.B.Press(psf) Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 APPENDIX D Laboratory Test Results PLASTICITY INDEX _ ASTM D4318 Sample Depth (ft) LL PL PI USCS Material Description LB-16 / S-1 5 49 23 26 CL LB-16 / S-2 10 37 21 16 CL LB-16 / S-3 15 40 20 20 CL LB-16 / S-4 20 32 24 8 ML Job Name:Langan # 700086702 Date: 3/17/21 Job No.: 2012-0057 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Plasticity IndexLiquid Limit LB-16 / S-1 LB-16 / S-2 LB-16 / S-3 LB-16 / S-4 CH OH and MH CL ML and OLCL-ML "A" line COMPACTION TEST REPORT Project:Langan # 700086702 GLA No.2012-0057 Sample:LB-10 @ 0 - 5'Date:03/17/21 Description:Brown, Silty Clay w. Gravel By:LD ASTM D1557 Method C Volume (cf): 0.075 # Blows: 56 # Layers: 5 Specimen A B C D Wet Weight (lbs)10.05 10.02 9.54 9.17 Wet Density (pcf)134.0 133.6 127.1 122.3 Moisture Content (%)12.8 10.6 7.7 5.9 Dry Density (pcf)118.8 120.8 118.1 115.5 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 0 5 10 15 20 25 30Dry Density (pcf)Moisture Content (%) Gs = 2.60 Gs = 2.70 Gs = 2.80 Max. Dry Density : 121.0 pcf Opt. Water Content: 10.5% COMPACTION TEST REPORT Project:Langan # 700086702 Job No.2012-0057 Sample:LB-16 @ 0 - 5'Date:3/17/2021 Description:Brown, Silty Clay By:LP ASTM D1557 Method A Volume (cf): 0.03333 # Blows: 25 # Layers: 5 Specimen A B C D Wet Weight (grs)2032 1994 1880 2016 Wet Density (pcf)134.4 131.9 124.3 133.3 Moisture Content (%)12.1 10.0 7.4 14.2 Dry Density (pcf)119.9 119.9 115.8 116.8 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 0 5 10 15 20 25 30Dry Density (pcf)Moisture Content (%) Gs = 2.60 Gs = 2.70 Gs = 2.80 Max. Dry Density : 120.5 pcf Opt. Water Content: 11.0 % COMPACTION TEST REPORT Project:Langan # 700086702 Job No.2012-0057 Sample:LB-13 @ 0 - 5'Date:3/17/2021 Description:Brown, Silty Clay By:LP ASTM D1557 Method A Volume (cf): 0.03333 # Blows: 25 # Layers: 5 Specimen A B C D Wet Weight (grs)2048 2043 1969 1873 Wet Density (pcf)135.4 135.1 130.2 123.9 Moisture Content (%)11.8 13.9 9.3 7.1 Dry Density (pcf)121.2 118.6 119.1 115.7 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 0 5 10 15 20 25 30Dry Density (pcf)Moisture Content (%) Gs = 2.60 Gs = 2.70 Gs = 2.80 Max. Dry Density : 121.0 pcf Opt. Water Content: 11.5 % Langan # 700086702SOIL TEST RESULTSJob No. 2005-011SAMPLE NO.:LB-10 @ 0 - 5' LB-16 @ 0 - 5'DESCRIPTION Silty Clay Silty ClayDIRECT SHEAR TEST (type)Initial Moisture Content %Dry Density (pcf)Normal Stress (psf)Peak Shear Stress (psf)Ultimate Shear Stress (psf)Cohesion (psf) Internal Friction Angle (degrees)EXPANSION TEST UBC STD 18-2Initial Dry Density (pcf)Initial Moisture Content %Final Moisture Content %Pressure (psf)Expansion Index Swell %CORROSIVITY TESTResistivity (CTM643) (ohm-cm)720 <500pH (CTM643)7.6 7.2CHEMICAL TESTSSoluble Sulfate (CTM 417) (ppm)2921 1794Chloride Content (CTM 422) (ppm)418 252Wash #200 Sieve (ASTM-1140) %Sand Equivalent (ASTM D2419)GeoLogic Associates 'R' VALUE CA 301 Client: Langan Date: 3/17/21 By: LD Client's Job No.: 700086702 Sample : LB-12 @ 0 - 5' GLA Reference: 2001-034 Soil Type: Brown, Silty Clay TEST SPECIMEN A B C D Compactor Air Pressure psi 150 100 70 Initial Moisture Content %5.6 5.6 5.6 Water Added ml 100 120 140 Moisture at Compaction % 14.4 16.2 17.9 Sample & Mold Weight gms 3180 3182 3189 Mold Weight gms 2098 2102 2114 Net Sample Weight gms 1082 1080 1075 Sample Height in.2.51 2.54 2.54 Dry Density pcf 114.2 110.9 108.8 Pressure lbs 9045 5670 2880 Exudation Pressure psi 720 451 229 Expansion Dial x 0.0001 117 64 41 Expansion Pressure psf 507 277 178 Ph at 1000lbs psi 28 50 58 Ph at 2000lbs psi 80 115 132 Displacement turns 3.11 3.87 4.76 R' Value 45 20 10 Corrected 'R' Value 45 20 10 FINAL 'R' VALUE By Exudation Pressure (@ 300 psi):12 By Epansion Pressure :6 TI =5 Langan # 700086702 CONSOLIDATION TEST - ASTM D2435 Job No. 2012-0057 Boring / Sample No. LB-15 / S-4 Depth: 20' Date 03-11-21 0.1 0.3 0.79 1.41 1.57 3.33 5.17 4.27 2.77 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 100 1000 10000 100000% StrainVertical Pressure (psf) Clayey Sand Dry Density: 112.7 pcf Initial Water Content: 8.2 % Final Water Content: 10.0 % H2O @ 2400 PSF .Natural o Submerged Langan # 700086702 CONSOLIDATION TEST - ASTM D2435 Job No. 2012-0057 Boring / Sample No. LB-15 / S-2 Depth: 10' Date 03-11-21 0.49 0.85 1.52 1.44 2.97 6.27 8.68 7.77 6.14 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 100 1000 10000 100000% StrainVertical Pressure (psf) Silty ClayDry Density: 108.8 pcfInitial Water Content: 7.9 %Final Water Content: 9.3 %H2O @ 1200 PSF .Natural o Submerged 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Normal Pressure (psf) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Shear Strength (psf)peak shear strength strength at 1/4" displacement Sample Type Description Dry Density (pcf)Initial W.C. (%)Final W.C. (%) LB-7/S-1 Undisturbed Sandy Clay 111.0 6.9 28.4 & Saturated Strain Rate: 0.0042 in. / min. Langan # 700086702 DIRECT SHEAR TEST - ASTM D-3080 Date: 03-17-2021 GeoLogic Associates Normal Pressure (psf)Peak Shear Strength (psf)Ultimate Shear Strength (psf) 1000 960 @ 0.0350" 500 2000 1780 @ 0.0850" 1300 4000 3220 @ 0.0500" 2240 C = 300 psf C = 0 psf 35.5 deg.28 deg. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Normal Pressure (psf) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Shear Strength (psf)peak shear strength strength at 1/4" displacement Sample Type Description Dry Density (pcf)Initial W.C. (%)Final W.C. (%) LB-9/S-1 Undisturbed Sandy Clay 126.0 2.5 22.0 & Saturated Strain Rate: 0.0042 in. / min. Langan # 700086702 DIRECT SHEAR TEST - ASTM D-3080 Date: 03-17-2021 GeoLogic Associates Normal Pressure (psf)Peak Shear Strength (psf)Ultimate Shear Strength (psf) 1000 1380 @ 0.1100" 860 2000 2120 @ 0.0850" 1330 4000 2940 @ 0.0500" 2640 C = 800 psf C = 300 psf 30 deg.30 deg. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Normal Pressure (psf) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Shear Strength (psf)peak shear strength strength at 1/4" displacement Sample Type Description Dry Density (pcf)Initial W.C. (%)Final W.C. (%) LB-13/S-1 Undisturbed Silty Clay 108.6 10.1 25.8 & Saturated Strain Rate: 0.0042 in. / min. Langan # 700086702 DIRECT SHEAR TEST - ASTM D-3080 Date: 03-17-2021 GeoLogic Associates Normal Pressure (psf)Peak Shear Strength (psf)Ultimate Shear Strength (psf) 1000 710 @ 0.1750" 680 2000 1670 @ 0.1650" 1520 4000 2540 @ 0.1750" 2450 C = 800 psf C = 700 psf 23.5 deg.23.5 deg. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Normal Pressure (psf) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Shear Strength (psf)peak shear strength strength at 1/4" displacement Sample Type Description Dry Density (pcf)Initial W.C. (%)Final W.C. (%) LB-17/S-1 Undisturbed Silty Clay 106.8 19.4 23.3 & Saturated Strain Rate: 0.0042 in. / min. Langan # 700086702 DIRECT SHEAR TEST - ASTM D-3080 Date: 03-17-2021 GeoLogic Associates Normal Pressure (psf)Peak Shear Strength (psf)Ultimate Shear Strength (psf) 1000 1500 @ 0.0800" 740 2000 2040 @ 0.0950" 1320 4000 2980 @ 0.1000" 2270 C = 1000 psf C = 400 psf 26.5 deg.25.5 deg. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Normal Pressure (psf) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Shear Strength (psf)peak shear strength strength at 1/4" displacement Sample Type Description Dry Density (pcf)Initial W.C. (%)Final W.C. (%) LB-18/S-1 Undisturbed Sandy Clay 102.8 15.3 20.4 & Saturated Strain Rate: 0.0042 in. / min. Langan # 700086702 DIRECT SHEAR TEST - ASTM D-3080 Date: 03-17-2021 GeoLogic Associates Normal Pressure (psf)Peak Shear Strength (psf)Ultimate Shear Strength (psf) 1000 1320 @ 0.2400" 1320 2000 1490 @ 0.1700" 1380 4000 2960 @ 0.1655" 2620 C = 800 psf C = 400 psf 28 deg.28 deg. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Normal Pressure (psf) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Shear Strength (psf)peak shear strength strength at 1/4" displacement Sample Type Description Dry Density (pcf)Initial W.C. (%)Final W.C. (%) LB-18/S-3 Undisturbed Silty Clay 98.4 23.8 27.1 & Saturated Strain Rate: 0.0042 in. / min. Langan # 700086702 DIRECT SHEAR TEST - ASTM D-3080 Date: 03-17-2021 GeoLogic Associates Normal Pressure (psf)Peak Shear Strength (psf)Ultimate Shear Strength (psf) 1000 790 @ 0.0800" 680 2000 1250 @ 0.1500" 1210 4000 2160 @ 0.2450" 2160 C = 300 psf C = 300 psf 25 deg.25 deg. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Normal Pressure (psf) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Shear Strength (psf)peak shear strength strength at 1/4" displacement Sample Type Description Dry Density (pcf)Initial W.C. (%)Final W.C. (%) LB-18/S-7 Undisturbed Silty Clay 109.6 17.0 20.6 & Saturated Strain Rate: 0.0042 in. / min. Langan # 700086702 DIRECT SHEAR TEST - ASTM D-3080 Date: 03-17-2021 GeoLogic Associates Normal Pressure (psf)Peak Shear Strength (psf)Ultimate Shear Strength (psf) 2000 2090 @ 0.0950" 1540 4000 3200 @ 0.1500" 2950 6000 4140 @ 0.1550" 3880 C = 1100 psf C = 800 psf 26.5 deg.26.5 deg. EXPANSION INDEX - UBC 18-2 & ASTM D 4829-88 PROJECT Langan Engineering # 700086702 JOB NO. 2012-0057 Sample LB-12 / Bulk @ 0 - 5' By LD Sample LB-13 / Bulk @ 0 - 5' By LD Sta. No.Sta. No. Soil Type Brown, Silty Clay Soil Type Brown, Silty Clay Date Time Dial Reading Wet+Tare 600.6 Date Time Dial Reading Wet+Tare 605.8 3/17/2021 16:20 0.2679 Tare 214.8 3/17/2021 16:20 0.3383 Tare 219.9 H2O Net Weight 385.8 H2O Net Weight 385.9 3/18/2021 10:00 0.2139 % Water 11 3/18/2021 10:00 0.2724 % Water 11 Dry Dens. 105.3 Dry Dens. 105.3 % Max % Max Wet+Tare 643.3 Wet+Tare 651.4 Tare 214.8 Tare 219.9 Net Weight 428.5 Net Weight 431.5 INDEX 54 5.4% % Water 23.3 INDEX 66 6.6% % Water 24.1 Sample LB-16 / Bulk @ 0 - 5' By LD Sample By Sta. No.Sta. No. Soil Type Brown, Silty Clay Soil Type Date Time Dial Reading Wet+Tare 604.4 Date Dial Reading Wet+Tare 3/17/2021 16:20 0.329 Tare 217.8 Tare H2O Net Weight 386.6 Net Weight 3/18/2021 10:00 0.2659 % Water 11 % Water Dry Dens. 105.5 Dry Dens. % Max % Max Wet+Tare 652.5 Wet+Tare Tare 217.8 Tare Net Weight 434.7 Net Weight INDEX 63 6.3% % Water 24.8 INDEX % Water MOISTURE DENSITY TESTSPROJECT Langan # 700086701 JOB NO. 2012-0057 BY LD DATE 10/14/20Sample No. LB-2/S-1 LB-3/S-2 LB-4/S-1 LB-4/S-3 LB-4/S-5ALB-4/S-5BDepth (ft)5.0 10.0 5.0 15.0 20.0 20.0TestingSoil TypeL. Brown, Sandy ClayBrown, Sandy ClayL. Brown, Silty ClayOrange Brown, Sandy ClayOrange L. Brown, Sandy ClayD. Brown, Silty ClayWet+Tare1189.0 1172.6 556.3 1013.0 381.3 590.2No. Ring6 6 3 5 2 3Wet Weight154.4 136.1 189.6 140.1 142.8 150.8Dry Weight125.2 116.2 166.9 120.5 124.0 128.5Wet density133.8 131.5 123.2 137.5 127.5 132.6% Water23.3 17.1 13.6 16.3 15.2 17.4Dry Density108.5 112.3 108.4 118.3 110.7 113.0O.B.Press(psf)Sample No.Depth (ft)TestingSoil TypeWet+TareNo. RingWet WeightDry WeightWet density% WaterDry DensityO.B.Press(psf) WASH #200 SIEVE - ASTM D 1140-92 Job Name Langan # 700086701 Date 10-14-20 Job No. 2012-0057 By LD Sample LB-4 / B-1 Sample Sample Soil Type Soil Type Soil Type % water 9.8 % water % water Wet weight 265.7 Wet weight Wet weight Dry weight 242.0 Dry weight Dry weight + 200 sieve 103.8 + 200 sieve + 200 sieve % Retained 42.9 % Retained % Retained %Pass. #200 57 %Pass. #200 %Pass. #200 Sample Sample Sample Soil Type Soil Type Soil Type % water % water % water Wet weight Wet weight Wet weight Dry weight Dry weight Dry weight + 200 sieve + 200 sieve + 200 sieve % Retained % Retained % Retained %Pass. #200 %Pass. #200 %Pass. #200 Sample Sample Sample Soil Type Soil Type Soil Type % water % water % water Wet weight Wet weight Wet weight Dry weight Dry weight Dry weight + 200 sieve + 200 sieve + 200 sieve % Retained % Retained % Retained %Pass. #200 %Pass. #200 %Pass. #200 Sample Sample Sample Soil Type Soil Type Soil Type % water % water % water Wet weight Wet weight Wet weight Dry weight Dry weight Dry weight + 200 sieve + 200 sieve + 200 sieve % Retained % Retained % Retained %Pass. #200 %Pass. #200 %Pass. #200 Langan Engineering # 700086701SOIL TEST RESULTSJob No. 2012-0057SAMPLE NO.:LB-4 / B-1DESCRIPTION Sandy ClayDIRECT SHEAR TEST (type)Initial Moisture Content %Dry Density (pcf)Normal Stress (psf)Peak Shear Stress (psf)Ultimate Shear Stress (psf)Cohesion (psf) Internal Friction Angle (degrees)EXPANSION TEST UBC STD 18-2Initial Dry Density (pcf)Initial Moisture Content %Final Moisture Content %Pressure (psf)Expansion Index Swell %CORROSIVITY TESTResistivity (CTM643) (ohm-cm)710pH (CTM643)7.1CHEMICAL TESTSSoluble Sulfate (CTM 417) (ppm)395Chloride Content (CTM 422) (ppm)111Wash #200 Sieve (ASTM-1140) %Sand Equivalent (ASTM D2419) EXPANSION INDEX - UBC 18-2 & ASTM D 4829-88 PROJECT Langan # 700086701 JOB NO. 2012-0057 Sample LB-4 / B-1 By LD Sample By Sta. No.Sta. No. Soil Type Brown, Sandy Clay Soil Type Date Time Dial Reading Wet+Tare 600 Date Dial Reading Wet+Tare 10/13/2020 15:30 0.2958 Tare 219.7 Tare H2O Net Weight 380.3 Net Weight 10/14/2020 12:00 0.2174 % Water 11.5 % Water Dry Dens. 103.3 Dry Dens. % Max % Max Wet+Tare 651.2 Wet+Tare Tare 219.7 Tare Net Weight 431.5 Net Weight INDEX 78 7.8% % Water 26.5 INDEX % Water Sample By Sample By Sta. No.Sta. No. Soil Type Soil Type Date Dial Reading Wet+Tare Date Dial Reading Wet+Tare Tare Tare Net Weight Net Weight % Water % Water Dry Dens.Dry Dens. % Max % Max Wet+Tare Wet+Tare Tare Tare Net Weight Net Weight INDEX % Water INDEX % Water 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Normal Pressure (psf) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Shear Strength (psf)peak shear strength strength at 1/4" displacement Sample Type Description Dry Density (pcf)Initial W.C. (%)Final W.C. (%) LB-4/S-1 Undisturbed Silty Clay 108.4 13.6 24.6 & Saturated Strain Rate: 0.0042 in. / min. Langan # 700086701 DIRECT SHEAR TEST - ASTM D-3080 Date: 10-14-2020 GeoLogic Associates Normal Pressure (psf)Peak Shear Strength (psf)Ultimate Shear Strength (psf) 1000 830 @ 0.0700" 740 2000 1450 @ 0.1500" 1430 4000 2200 @ 0.2400" 2200 C = 400 psf C = 400 psf 24 deg.24 deg. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 APPENDIX E Field Shear Wave Testing Results Page | 1 6280 Riverdale Street San Diego, CA 92120 (877) 215-4321 | oneatlas.com March 17, 2021 Atlas No. 121097SWG Report No. 1 MR. DANIEL JUDGE SERRANO LANGAN 18575 JAMBOREE ROAD, SUITE 150 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92612 Subject: Geophysical Evaluation South Melrose Drive & Lionshead Avenue Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Judge Serrano: In accordance with your authorization, Atlas Technical Consultants has performed a geophysical evaluation pertaining to the project located in the vacant lot at the intersection of South Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, in San Marcos, California (Figure 1). The purpose of our study was to develop one-dimensional (1-D) Shear-wave velocity profiles to be used for design and construction at the study site. This letter report presents our methodology, equipment used, analysis, and findings. Our services were conducted on March 15, 2021. Our scope of services for the project included performance of two 1-D refraction microtremor (ReMi) profiles (RL-1 and RL-2) at preselected areas of the site (Figure 2). The ReMi technique uses recorded surface waves (specifically Rayleigh waves) that are contained in background noise to develop a Shear-wave velocity profile of the study area down to a depth, in this case, of approximately 100 feet. The depth of exploration is dependent on the length of the line and the frequency content of the background noise. The results of the ReMi method are displayed as a one-dimensional profile which represents the average condition across the length of the line. The ReMi method does not require an increase of material velocity with depth; therefore, low velocity zones (velocity inversions) are detectable with ReMi. Our ReMi evaluation included the use of a 24-channel Geometrics Geode seismograph and 24, 4.5-Hz vertical component geophones. Geophones were spaced 10 feet apart for a total line length of 230 feet. Fifteen records, each 32 seconds long, were recorded and then downloaded to a computer. The data was later processed using Surface Plus 9.1 - Advanced Surface Wave Processing Software (Geogiga Technology Corp., 2020), which uses the refraction microtremor method (Louie, 2001) and other surface wave analysis methods. The program generates phase- velocity dispersion curves for each record and provides an interactive dispersion modeling tool where the users determine the best fitting model. The result is a one-dimensional shear-wave velocity model of the site with roughly 85 to 95 percent accuracy. Figure 3 depicts the general site conditions in the study area. Atlas No. 121097SWG Report No. 1 Page | 2 Figures 4a, 4b and Table 1 present the results from our evaluations for RL-1 and RL-2. Based on our analysis of the collected data, the average Shear-wave velocities down to a depth of 100 feet are 1094 (ft/s) for RL-1 and 1316 (ft/s) for RL-2. These values all correspond to a site classification of D for RL-1 and C for RL-2. Based on our discussions with your representative at the site, it is our understanding that the drilling results indicate a thicker sequence of fill material beneath the subsurface where RL-1 was performed. The differing results between RL-1 and RL-2 are likely due to this change in fill thickness. It should be noted the ReMi results represent the average condition across the length of the line. Table 1 – ReMi Results Line No. Depth (feet) Shear Wave Velocity (feet/second) RL-1 (N-S) 0-17 627 17-19 641 19-26 729 26-33 741 33-39 803 39-47 857 47-57 1674 57-67 1762 67-86 2380 86-100 2394 RL-2 (E-W) 0-7 585 7-19 868 19-28 1011 28-35 1129 35-42 1263 42-51 1610 51-61 1618 61-68 1639 68-93 2356 93-100 2400 The field evaluation and geophysical analyses presented in this report have been conducted in general accordance with current practice and the standard of care exercised by consultants performing similar tasks in the project area. No warranty, express or implied, is made regarding the conclusions and opinions presented in this report. There is no evaluation detailed enough to reveal every subsurface condition. Variations may exist and conditions not observed or described in this report may be present. Uncertainties relative to subsurface conditions can be reduced through additional subsurface exploration. Additional subsurface evaluating will be performed upon request. Atlas No. 121097SWG Report No. 1 Page | 3 This document is intended to be used only in its entirety. No portions of the document, by itself, is designed to completely represent any aspect of the project described herein. Atlas should be contacted if the reader requires additional information or has questions regarding the content, interpretations presented, or completeness of this document. This report is intended exclusively for use by the client. Any use of or reuse of the findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations of this report by parties other than the client is undertaken at said parties’ sole risk. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have questions related to this report, please call us at (858) 527-0849. Respectfully submitted, Atlas Technical Consultants LLC Thomas M. Bouleanu Patrick F. Lehrmann, P.G., P.Gp. Senior Staff Geophysicist Principal Geologist/Geophysicist TMB:PFL:ds Attachments: Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Seismic Line Location Map Figure 3 – Site Photographs Figure 4a – ReMi Results, RL-1 Figure 4b – ReMi Results, RL-2 Distribution: Mr. Daniel Judge Serrano at djudge@langan.com SITE LOCATION MAPFigure 1South Melrose Drive & Lionshead AvenueCarlsbad, CaliforniaProject No.: 121097SWGDate: 03/21APPROXIMATE SEISMICLINE LOCATIONS Figure 2SEISMIC LINELOCATION MAPProject No.: 121097SWGSouth Melrose Drive & Lionshead AvenueCarlsbad, CaliforniaDate: 03/21approximate scale in feet1002000RL-2ReMi LineLEGENDRL-2 Figure 4a ReMi RESULTS RL-1 Project No.: 121097SWG Date: 03/21 South Melrose Drive & Lionshead Avenue Carlsbad, California SHEAR-WAVE VELOCITY (feet per second)RELATIVE ELEVATION (feet)Vs Model -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Vs100'= 1094 ft/s Figure 4b ReMi RESULTS RL-2 Project No.: 121097SWG Date: 03/21 South Melrose Drive & Lionshead Avenue Carlsbad, California SHEAR-WAVE VELOCITY (feet per second)RELATIVE ELEVATION (feet)Vs Model -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Vs100'= 1316 ft/s Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Warehouse Development Carlsbad, California Langan Project No: 700086702 16 April 2021 APPENDIX F Slope/W Stability Graphical Outputs 1.5Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)Capistrano FormationMohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1)Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0silty CLAY (S-3)Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7)Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kAssume Surcharge: 3,500 pcfMethod: BishopHorz Seismic Coef.: 0.15Vert Seismic Coef.: 0sandy CLAY (CL)silty CLAY (CL)silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationAssumed MSE Wall BackfillSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 03/25/2021; Time: 12:07:40 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. SantiagoFormation 2.1Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)Capistrano FormationMohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1)Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0silty CLAY (S-3)Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7)Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kAssume Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: Bishopsandy CLAY (CL)silty CLAY (CL)silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationAssumed MSE Wall BackfillSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 03/25/2021; Time: 12:07:40 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. SantiagoFormation 13 October 2021 Mr. Benton Swift Hines 600 W Broadway, Suite 1150 San Diego, California 92101 Re: Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 Dear Mr. Swift: As requested by Hines (Client), Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (Langan) has prepared an addendum to our previously prepared geotechnical investigation report in support of the proposed mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall. This addendum has been prepared to provide geotechnical recommendations for the proposed MSE Retaining walls provided by Thienes Engineering, Inc. and design team interactions with the proposed MSE wall designer. We performed our services in accordance with our 2 September 2020 proposal, revised on 11 December 2020 following authorization by Hines. Presented herein are a summary of the proposed MSE wall configuration and geotechnical recommendations pertaining to the MSE wall design soil parameters. This letter serves as an addendum to our geotechnical report titled, “Geotechnical Investigation Report for Proposed Warehouse Development, SEC Melrose Drive and Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, California,” dated 16 April 2021. Unless indicated otherwise, the recommendations provided in the aforementioned report remain valid. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Existing Conditions The proposed Project is located on an approximate 840,000-square-foot vacant parcel in Carlsbad, California. The Site is bounded by Lionshead Avenue to the north, Eagle Drive to the east, commercial development to the south, and Melrose Drive to the west. Refer to Figure 1 for a site vicinity map. Proposed Development We understand the proposed development consists of an approximately 250,000-square-feet warehouse building and new retaining wall. Based on the plans titled “Conceptual Grading Plans” by Thienes Engineering the pad elevation for the warehouse is approximately el. 382 which would require 4 to 5 feet of cut and fill across the building footprint. A new retaining wall will need to be built within the limits of the existing slope on the southern part of the property. The proposed retaining wall is a multi-tiered mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall. The proposed tier #1 wall heights are ranging from up to 6 feet , tier #2 wall heights up to 9 feet, tier #3 heights up to 5 feet, tier #4 heights up to 9 feet, and tier #5 wall heights up to 6.5 feet, depending on site grades. Behind the top of wall is a 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope up to the neighboring property. Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 Page 2 of 5 = GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Slope Stability Analysis General Conditions A two-dimensional (2D) slope stability evaluation was performed using the “SLOPE/W” computer modeling software. “SLOPE/W” is a limit equilibrium analysis package capable of modeling soil and rock conditions to assess stability for a variety of slope and potential slide surface configurations. Based on the Civil plans provided by Thienes Engineering, Inc., the proposed slopes at Section B-B’ includes a multi-tiered mechanically stabilized earth wall. Section B-B’ was evaluated for static and pseudostatic stability, and tension cracks, and temporary excavation conditions. Material Properties Based on our interpretation of the subsurface conditions at the site, a generalized two- dimensional (2D) subsurface profile was developed and used in our analysis. The subsurface is generally underlain by Documented Fill underlain by the Santiago Formation, with properties based on laboratory testing performed on samples collected during our March 2021 subsurface exploration. The engineering properties of subsurface materials are shown in Table 1. Table 1 – Properties of Subsurface Materials Material Total Unit Weight, γ (pcf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Cohesion, c (psf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Friction Angle, φ (degrees) Sandy CLAY (CL) [FILL] 115 400 28 Silty CLAY (CL) [FILL] 120 300 25 Silty CLAY (CL) [FILL] 125 800 26.5 SantiagoFormation (Tsa) 127 400 25.5 Proposed Tiered MSE Wall3 120 2,000 40 Assumed Neighboring MSE Wall Backfill2 125 0 30 Notes: 1. Material properties for this layer are based on laboratory test results (Appendix A). 2. Assumed MSE Wall Backfill parameters used based on previous projects were Segmented Block Walls were designed. 3. Proposed MSE Retaining Wall evaluated for Global Stability only. Static Gross and Seismic Slope Stability Under static loading, the slope configuration at Section B-B’ is considered stable with a factor of safety greater than 1.5. Under pseudostatic loading, the slope is also considered stable with a factor of safety greater or equal to 1.1. The results of our analyses for the proposed slope configurations are summarized below. Outputs from SLOPE/W for the slope configuration are included in Appendix F. Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 Page 3 of 5 = Table 2 – Static Loading MSE Wall Stability Results Section Factor of Safety Static Condition Factor of Safety Pseudostatic Condition 1 B-B’ MidSlope Entry2 2.1 1.5 B-B’ with Tension Crack3 1.9 1.5 B-B’ Global Deep Seated4 1.9 1.4 Notes: 1. Maximum horizontal seismic coefficient kh = 0.15 under pseudostatic condition. 2. Entry within Project Limits 3. Tension Crack depth = 12 feet 4. Entry within Neighboring property Proposed Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall MSE walls are constructed from the bottom up with facing consisting of precast concrete panels or masonry blocks that are tied to metal strips, metal grids/bar mats, or geogrid placed horizontally in the backfill. The reinforcing elements should be designed to meet requirements with respect to internal and external stability of the structure. The fill placed within the reinforced zone (reinforced fill) and in the zone behind the reinforced section (retained fill) should meet the fill placement and compaction criteria presented herein. The existing slopes to be retained by the MSE wall should be cut back prior to construction of the MSE walls. The temporary slope should be cut back at a maximum 1H:1V slope. Any loose fill/soft soil below the retaining wall site should be removed. The subgrade for the MSE wall should be graded level for a width at least equal to the length of the reinforcing elements. We should observe the condition of the materials exposed on the excavation bottom to check that the materials are adequate to support the design loads of the retaining wall. The surface of the firm soil should be scarified, moisture-conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and recompacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. Reinforced fill should be non-corrosive, free of organic matter, have a maximum particle size no greater than 2 inches., have less than 35 percent passing the No. 200 Sieve, and have a plasticity index less than 20. The reinforced fill should be compacted in lifts not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness and compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. From a geotechnical point of view, excavated sandstone onsite can be used as the reinforced fill assuming it meets the above reinforced fill criteria. This may require segregation of the sandy and clayey soils. We should test representative samples of proposed fill materials to evaluate their suitability during construction. Light compaction equipment should be used for compacting backfill within three feet of the back of the wall facing. The MSE walls should be designed using the soil design parameters for the reinforced, retained, and foundation zoness presented below. Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 Page 4 of 5 = Table 3 – Retained and Foundation Zone Soil Parameters MSE Wall Zone Total Unit Weight, γ (pcf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Cohesion, c (psf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Friction Angle, φ (degrees) Foundation Zone 125 300 25 Retained Zone 125 400 28 Table 4 - Reinforced Zone Soil Properties* Sieve Size Percent Passing Unit Weight Friction Angle Plasticity Index (PI) 1in 100 120 pcf 30° < 20 No.4 100-20 No.40 0-60 No.200 0-35 *If imported fill is to be used for reinforced fill, the parameters will need to be reconfirmed. The retaining structure should be designed to resist the lateral pressures imposed by the earth and earthquake loading. We should review the design of the MSE wall to confirm that it meets the intent of our recommendations. The internal stability of the MSE walls should be evaluated by the manufacturer. LIMITATIONS Actual subsurface conditions present in areas not investigated may vary from conditions reported herein. Recommendations provided are dependent upon one another and no recommendation should be followed independent of the others. Any proposed changes in the proposed development or their locations should be brought to Langan’s attention as soon as possible so that we can determine whether such changes affect our recommendations. Information on subsurface strata shown on the logs represents conditions encountered only at the locations indicated and at the time of investigation. If different conditions are encountered during construction, they should immediately be brought to Langan’s attention for evaluation, as they may affect our recommendations. This report has been prepared to assist the owner and civil engineer, in the design of the project and is only applicable to the design of the specific project identified. The information in this report cannot be utilized or depended on by engineers or contractors who are involved in evaluations or designs of facilities on adjacent properties that are beyond the limits of that which is the specific subject of this report. Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 Page 5 of 5 = CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to have provided these services for this project. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. Enrique Riutort, PE, GE Diane M. Fiorelli, PE, GE Senior Project Manager Principal/ Vice President GE #2683 GE #3042 Enclosures: Appendix A – Slope/W Graphical Results of Section B-B’ \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Reports\GIR\Addendum #1 MSE RTW\700086701 Addendum .docx Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 = APPENDIX A Slope/W Graphical Results of Section B-B’ 1.9Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 04:39:20 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL)Tension Crack 1.5Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 04:49:03 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL)Tension Crack 2.1Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 01:02:04 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL) 1.5Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 01:02:04 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL)Horz Seismic Coef.: 0.15Vert Seismic Coef.: 0 1.9Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Julia Xu; Date: 09/30/2021; Time: 09:30:36 AMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL) 1.4Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopHorz Seismic Coef.: 0.15Vert Seismic Coef.: 0Silty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Julia Xu; Date: 09/30/2021; Time: 09:30:36 AMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL) 1.6Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 04:56:58 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL)Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Temporary Excavation 15 February 2022 Benton Swift Hines 600 W Broadway, Suite 1150 San Diego, California 92101 Re: Response to Third Party Geotechnical Review Proposed Warehouse Development Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086702 Dear Mr. Swift: This update letter report has been prepared to respond to comments letter prepared by Carlsbad Third Party Geotechnical Reviewer titled “Third Party Geotechnical Review” Project Number 109343002, dated 8 December 2022. Provided below are the comments and Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc.’s (LANGAN) responses. A copy of the comment letter is included as Attachment A. Review Comment 1: The Geotechnical Consultant should review the project grading and foundation plans and provide any additional geotechnical recommendations, as appropriate, and indicate if the plans have been prepared in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations provided in the referenced geotechnical report. Response: Please find our Plan Review Letter in Attachment B. Review Comment 2: The Geotechnical Consultant should provide an updated geotechnical map/plot plan utilizing the latest grading plan for the project to clearly show the lateral limits of the recommended remedial grading. Response: Please find the latest grading plans showing the lateral limits of remedial grading in attachment C. Review Comment 3: Sections 2.2 and 6.5 of the referenced geotechnical report indicate that the full design recommendations for the retaining wall will be included in a separate addendum. The Geotechnical consultant should provide the addendum addressing the recommendations for the retaining wall. Response: Please find our Addendum #1 for the proposed Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall in Attachment D. Response to Third Party Geotechnical Review Proposed Warehouse Development Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086702 15 February 2022 Review Comment 4: Section 4.0 of the referenced geotechnical report indicates that borings LB-1 through LB- 4 were drilled on October 8, 2021. Based on the date of the referenced geotechnical report, we anticipate that it should be amended to October 8, 2020. Response: Langan has confirmed boring LB-1 through LB-4 were performed on 8 October 2020 as published on the boring logs in Appendix E. Review Comment 5: Section 6.1 of the referenced geotechnical report indicates that the settlement potential of the existing fill soils was evaluated, however no conclusions or anticipated settlement amounts were provided. The Geotechnical Consultant should provide a conclusion regarding the anticipated amount of settlement of the existing fills. Response: Based laboratory results and review of rough grading reports and reported density testing, footing total settlement of less than 1 inch and total differential settlements of less than ½-inch over 50 feet is anticipated with foundations bearing on controlled compacted fill soil. Since the entire building will be sitting on engineered fill over rock, seismic settlement of less than ½ inch is anticipated under the design earthquake ground shaking. Review Comment 6: The referenced grading plans depict a detention basin with slopes at inclinations of 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) to be constructed at the northern end of the lot. The Geotechnical Consultant should comment as to whether or not these inclinations are suitable for slopes within the interior of detention basins. Response: Langan has reviewed the grading plans and has confirmed the 3:1 (horizontal:Vertical) slope inclinations are adjacent to the detention basin and not in the interior of the detention basin and are suitable slopes as proposed on the civil plan set. Review Comment 7: The referenced grading plans depict a detention basin to be constructed at the northern end of the lot. Although the detention basin includes multiple outlets, it is unclear if the detention basin is to be unlined or lined. If the basin is intended to be unlined, there is a potential for infiltration of surface water into the underlying subsurface materials. The Geotechnical Consultant should comment on whether or not infiltration is feasible at the site, whether or not infiltration will impact surrounding improvements, and provide recommendations, as appropriate. Response: Based on the referenced civil plan set as shown on sheet C19, the biofiltration basin typical detail shows a proposed 30-mil pvc linear to be installed. Based on our percolation testing and the encountered subsurface materials, on-site infiltration is not feasible for the proposed development. All detention basins should be lined to prevent infiltration into the subsurface. Response to Third Party Geotechnical Review Proposed Warehouse Development Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086702 15 February 2022 CLOSURE We trust that this provides the information required. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. Enrique A. Riutort, PE, GE Diane M. Fiorelli, PE, GE Senior Project Manager Principal/Vice President GE #2683 GE #3042 ER, DMF:djjs Enclosure(s): Attachment A – Comment Letter Attachment B – Plan Review Letter Attachment C – Grading Plans Attachment D – Addendum #1 Attachment E – Boring Logs LB-1 through LB-4 \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Reports\2022-02-10 - Response to 3rd Party Review\2022-02-10_Response to Carlsbad 3rd Party Reveiw Letter.docx Response to Third Party Geotechnical Review Proposed Warehouse Development Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086702 15 February 2022 ATTACHMENT A 5710 Ruffin Road | San Diego, California 92123 | p. 858.576.1000 | www.ninyoandmoore.com December 8, 2021 Project No. 109343002 Ms. Jessica Nishiura, P.E. Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. 9707 Waples Street San Diego, California 92121 Subject: Third-Party Geotechnical Review Proposed Warehouse Development Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue Carlsbad, California References: LANGAN Engineering and Environmental Services, 2021, Geotechnical Engineering Report, Proposed Warehouse Development, SEC Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California, Langan Project No. 700086702: dated April 16. Thienes Engineering, Inc., Undated, Grading Plans for: Raceway Industrial, Carlsbad, CA, Sheets C1 through C53. Dear Ms. Nishiura: At your request, we have prepared this letter providing our review comments to the referenced geotechnical report prepared by Langan dated April 16, 2021. Our comments regarding the geotechnical report include the following: Comment 1: The Geotechnical Consultant should review the project grading and foundation plans and provide any additional geotechnical recommendations, as appropriate, and indicate if the plans have been prepared in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations provided in the referenced geotechnical report. Comment 2: The Geotechnical Consultant should provide an updated geotechnical map/plot plan utilizing the latest grading plan for the project to clearly show the lateral limits of the recommended remedial grading. Comment 3: Sections 2.2 and 6.5 of the referenced geotechnical report indicate that the full design recommendations for the retaining wall will be included in a separate addendum. The Geotechnical consultant should provide the addendum addressing the recommendations for the retaining wall. Comment 4: Section 4.0 of the referenced geotechnical report indicates that borings LB-1 through LB-4 were drilled on October 8, 2021. Based on the date of the referenced geotechnical report, we anticipate that it should be amended to October 8, 2020. Comment 5: Section 6.1 of the referenced geotechnical report indicates that the settlement potential of the existing fill soils was evaluated, however no conclusions or anticipated settlement amounts were provided. The Geotechnical Consultant should provide a conclusion regarding the anticipated amount of settlement of the existing fills. Ninyo & Moore | Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California | 109343002 | December 8, 2021 2 Comment 6: The referenced grading plans depict a detention basin with slopes at inclinations of 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) to be constructed at the northern end of the lot. The Geotechnical Consultant should comment as to whether or not these inclinations are suitable for slopes within the interior of detention basins. Comment 7: The referenced grading plans depict a detention basin to be constructed at the northern end of the lot. Although the detention basin includes multiple outlets, it is unclear if the detention basin is to be unlined or lined. If the basin is intended to be unlined, there is a potential for infiltration of surface water into the underlying subsurface materials. The Geotechnical Consultant should comment on whether or not infiltration is feasible at the site, whether or not infiltration will impact surrounding improvements, and provide recommendations, as appropriate. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, NINYO & MOORE Christine M. Kuhns, PE Project Engineer Jeffrey T. Kent, PE, GE Principal Engineer CMK/JTK/gg Response to Third Party Geotechnical Review Proposed Warehouse Development Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086702 15 February 2022 ATTACHMENT B Response to Third Party Geotechnical Review Proposed Warehouse Development Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086702 15 February 2022 ATTACHMENT C BID-SET-02-04-2022- LEGEND: APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OVER EXCAVATION - NOTES: 1. Overexcavation limits should extend a minimum of 4 feet beyond the limits of the warehouse and a minimum of 4 feet beneath lowest proposed foundations as per the geotechnical investigation report prepared by Langan dated 16 April 2021. BID-SET-02-04-2022- LEGEND: APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OVER EXCAVATION - NOTES: 1. Overexcavation limits should extend a minimum of 4 feet beyond the limits of the warehouse and a minimum of 4 feet beneath lowest proposed foundations as per the geotechnical investigation report prepared by Langan dated 16 April 2021. Response to Third Party Geotechnical Review Proposed Warehouse Development Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086702 15 February 2022 ATTACHMENT D 13 October 2021 Mr. Benton Swift Hines 600 W Broadway, Suite 1150 San Diego, California 92101 Re: Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 Dear Mr. Swift: As requested by Hines (Client), Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (Langan) has prepared an addendum to our previously prepared geotechnical investigation report in support of the proposed mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall. This addendum has been prepared to provide geotechnical recommendations for the proposed MSE Retaining walls provided by Thienes Engineering, Inc. and design team interactions with the proposed MSE wall designer. We performed our services in accordance with our 2 September 2020 proposal, revised on 11 December 2020 following authorization by Hines. Presented herein are a summary of the proposed MSE wall configuration and geotechnical recommendations pertaining to the MSE wall design soil parameters. This letter serves as an addendum to our geotechnical report titled, “Geotechnical Investigation Report for Proposed Warehouse Development, SEC Melrose Drive and Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, California,” dated 16 April 2021. Unless indicated otherwise, the recommendations provided in the aforementioned report remain valid. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Existing Conditions The proposed Project is located on an approximate 840,000-square-foot vacant parcel in Carlsbad, California. The Site is bounded by Lionshead Avenue to the north, Eagle Drive to the east, commercial development to the south, and Melrose Drive to the west. Refer to Figure 1 for a site vicinity map. Proposed Development We understand the proposed development consists of an approximately 250,000-square-feet warehouse building and new retaining wall. Based on the plans titled “Conceptual Grading Plans” by Thienes Engineering the pad elevation for the warehouse is approximately el. 382 which would require 4 to 5 feet of cut and fill across the building footprint. A new retaining wall will need to be built within the limits of the existing slope on the southern part of the property. The proposed retaining wall is a multi-tiered mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall. The proposed tier #1 wall heights are ranging from up to 6 feet , tier #2 wall heights up to 9 feet, tier #3 heights up to 5 feet, tier #4 heights up to 9 feet, and tier #5 wall heights up to 6.5 feet, depending on site grades. Behind the top of wall is a 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope up to the neighboring property. Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 Page 2 of 5 = GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Slope Stability Analysis General Conditions A two-dimensional (2D) slope stability evaluation was performed using the “SLOPE/W” computer modeling software. “SLOPE/W” is a limit equilibrium analysis package capable of modeling soil and rock conditions to assess stability for a variety of slope and potential slide surface configurations. Based on the Civil plans provided by Thienes Engineering, Inc., the proposed slopes at Section B-B’ includes a multi-tiered mechanically stabilized earth wall. Section B-B’ was evaluated for static and pseudostatic stability, and tension cracks, and temporary excavation conditions. Material Properties Based on our interpretation of the subsurface conditions at the site, a generalized two- dimensional (2D) subsurface profile was developed and used in our analysis. The subsurface is generally underlain by Documented Fill underlain by the Santiago Formation, with properties based on laboratory testing performed on samples collected during our March 2021 subsurface exploration. The engineering properties of subsurface materials are shown in Table 1. Table 1 – Properties of Subsurface Materials Material Total Unit Weight, γ (pcf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Cohesion, c (psf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Friction Angle, φ (degrees) Sandy CLAY (CL) [FILL] 115 400 28 Silty CLAY (CL) [FILL] 120 300 25 Silty CLAY (CL) [FILL] 125 800 26.5 SantiagoFormation (Tsa) 127 400 25.5 Proposed Tiered MSE Wall3 120 2,000 40 Assumed Neighboring MSE Wall Backfill2 125 0 30 Notes: 1. Material properties for this layer are based on laboratory test results (Appendix A). 2. Assumed MSE Wall Backfill parameters used based on previous projects were Segmented Block Walls were designed. 3. Proposed MSE Retaining Wall evaluated for Global Stability only. Static Gross and Seismic Slope Stability Under static loading, the slope configuration at Section B-B’ is considered stable with a factor of safety greater than 1.5. Under pseudostatic loading, the slope is also considered stable with a factor of safety greater or equal to 1.1. The results of our analyses for the proposed slope configurations are summarized below. Outputs from SLOPE/W for the slope configuration are included in Appendix F. Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 Page 3 of 5 = Table 2 – Static Loading MSE Wall Stability Results Section Factor of Safety Static Condition Factor of Safety Pseudostatic Condition 1 B-B’ MidSlope Entry2 2.1 1.5 B-B’ with Tension Crack3 1.9 1.5 B-B’ Global Deep Seated4 1.9 1.4 Notes: 1. Maximum horizontal seismic coefficient kh = 0.15 under pseudostatic condition. 2. Entry within Project Limits 3. Tension Crack depth = 12 feet 4. Entry within Neighboring property Proposed Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall MSE walls are constructed from the bottom up with facing consisting of precast concrete panels or masonry blocks that are tied to metal strips, metal grids/bar mats, or geogrid placed horizontally in the backfill. The reinforcing elements should be designed to meet requirements with respect to internal and external stability of the structure. The fill placed within the reinforced zone (reinforced fill) and in the zone behind the reinforced section (retained fill) should meet the fill placement and compaction criteria presented herein. The existing slopes to be retained by the MSE wall should be cut back prior to construction of the MSE walls. The temporary slope should be cut back at a maximum 1H:1V slope. Any loose fill/soft soil below the retaining wall site should be removed. The subgrade for the MSE wall should be graded level for a width at least equal to the length of the reinforcing elements. We should observe the condition of the materials exposed on the excavation bottom to check that the materials are adequate to support the design loads of the retaining wall. The surface of the firm soil should be scarified, moisture-conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and recompacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. Reinforced fill should be non-corrosive, free of organic matter, have a maximum particle size no greater than 2 inches., have less than 35 percent passing the No. 200 Sieve, and have a plasticity index less than 20. The reinforced fill should be compacted in lifts not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness and compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. From a geotechnical point of view, excavated sandstone onsite can be used as the reinforced fill assuming it meets the above reinforced fill criteria. This may require segregation of the sandy and clayey soils. We should test representative samples of proposed fill materials to evaluate their suitability during construction. Light compaction equipment should be used for compacting backfill within three feet of the back of the wall facing. The MSE walls should be designed using the soil design parameters for the reinforced, retained, and foundation zoness presented below. Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 Page 4 of 5 = Table 3 – Retained and Foundation Zone Soil Parameters MSE Wall Zone Total Unit Weight, γ (pcf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Cohesion, c (psf) Mohr-Coulomb Peak Friction Angle, φ (degrees) Foundation Zone 125 300 25 Retained Zone 125 400 28 Table 4 - Reinforced Zone Soil Properties* Sieve Size Percent Passing Unit Weight Friction Angle Plasticity Index (PI) 1in 100 120 pcf 30° < 20 No.4 100-20 No.40 0-60 No.200 0-35 *If imported fill is to be used for reinforced fill, the parameters will need to be reconfirmed. The retaining structure should be designed to resist the lateral pressures imposed by the earth and earthquake loading. We should review the design of the MSE wall to confirm that it meets the intent of our recommendations. The internal stability of the MSE walls should be evaluated by the manufacturer. LIMITATIONS Actual subsurface conditions present in areas not investigated may vary from conditions reported herein. Recommendations provided are dependent upon one another and no recommendation should be followed independent of the others. Any proposed changes in the proposed development or their locations should be brought to Langan’s attention as soon as possible so that we can determine whether such changes affect our recommendations. Information on subsurface strata shown on the logs represents conditions encountered only at the locations indicated and at the time of investigation. If different conditions are encountered during construction, they should immediately be brought to Langan’s attention for evaluation, as they may affect our recommendations. This report has been prepared to assist the owner and civil engineer, in the design of the project and is only applicable to the design of the specific project identified. The information in this report cannot be utilized or depended on by engineers or contractors who are involved in evaluations or designs of facilities on adjacent properties that are beyond the limits of that which is the specific subject of this report. Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 Page 5 of 5 = CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to have provided these services for this project. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. Enrique Riutort, PE, GE Diane M. Fiorelli, PE, GE Senior Project Manager Principal/ Vice President GE #2683 GE #3042 Enclosures: Appendix A – Slope/W Graphical Results of Section B-B’ \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Reports\GIR\Addendum #1 MSE RTW\700086701 Addendum .docx Addendum #1 to Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Warehouse Building SEC of South Melrose Dr. & Lionshead Ave., Carlsbad, California Langan Proposal No: 700086701 13 October 2021 = APPENDIX A Slope/W Graphical Results of Section B-B’ 1.9Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 04:39:20 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL)Tension Crack 1.5Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 04:49:03 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL)Tension Crack 2.1Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 01:02:04 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL) 1.5Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 01:02:04 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL)Horz Seismic Coef.: 0.15Vert Seismic Coef.: 0 1.9Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Julia Xu; Date: 09/30/2021; Time: 09:30:36 AMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL) 1.4Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0Reinforced Soil Mohr-Coulomb 125 2,000 40 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopHorz Seismic Coef.: 0.15Vert Seismic Coef.: 0Silty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Julia Xu; Date: 09/30/2021; Time: 09:30:36 AMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL) 1.6Distance (feet)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180Elevation (NAVD 29, ft)327337347357367377387397407417427437Proposed Warehouse Building Lot 4 Fill Slope Stability AnalysisLangan Project No.: 700086702i^kd^kParking Lot Surcharge: 100 pcfMethod: BishopSilty CLAY (CL)Silty CLAY (CL)Santiago FormationNeighboring MSE WallSubsurface Conditions Developed from Langan Borings LB-18 and LB-12Material Strength Parameters selected from Laboratory Test Results or AssumedDirectory: \\langan.com\data\IRV\data7\700086701\Project Data\_Discipline\Geotechnical\Analyses\RTW Global Stability\; Last Edited By: Daniel Judge; Date: 10/01/2021; Time: 04:56:58 PMStability Analysis performed on Cross-Section B-B'. See Figure 9 for approximate location of Cross-Section B-B'Model Developed from Plans Titled, "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S. MELROSE DRIVE AND LIONSHEAD AVENUE" prepared by THIENES ENGINEERING, INC. dated OCTOBER 2020. Sandy CLAY (CL)Color Name Model Unit Weight(pcf)Cohesion'(psf)Phi' (°)Phi-B(°)MSE Backfill Mohr-Coulomb 125 0 30 0RTW High Strength 150Sandy CLAY (S-1) Mohr-Coulomb 115 400 28 0Santiago Formation Mohr-Coulomb 127 400 25.5 0silty CLAY (S-3) Mohr-Coulomb 120 300 25 0silty CLAY (S-7) Mohr-Coulomb 125 800 26.5 0Temporary Excavation Response to Third Party Geotechnical Review Proposed Warehouse Development Melrose Drive and Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Langan Project No.: 700086702 15 February 2022 ATTACHMENT E 6 16 16 5 7 11 6 5 6S-1S-2S-3SPTCRSPT181818Brown-gray, fine to medium SAND, moist. [SP] [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Medium dense, orange-dark brown-gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Medium dense, orange-brown-gray, CLAYSTONE, dry. Medium dense, orange-dark brown-gray, CLAYSTONE, tracegypsum, dry. Bottom of boring at 16.5 feet.Groundwater was not encountered. Borehole backfilled with auger cuttings. Bulk sample collected from 0to 5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) N/A N/A N/A 36-inch OD Hollow Stem Auger Date Started 10/8/20 N/A N/A 16.5 ft Field Engineer 140 N/A Drilling Foreman N/A N/A 10/8/20 Drilling Company N/A Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 85 Truck Mounted Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) N/A 2-inch OD Spilt Spoon & 3-inch OD Cal. Mod. N/AN/A Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed SEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 20 of 1 Project No. Approx. 377 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-1 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:45 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 50/2" 35 38 22 33 18 10 8 10S-1S-2S-3CRSSCR121818Brown-gray, fine sandy CLAY, trace claystone fragments, moist. [CL] [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Dense, orange-brown-light gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Very dense, orange brown-gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Dense, orange brown-gray, CLAYSTONE, dry. Bulk sample collected from 0to 5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) N/A N/A N/A 56-inch OD Hollow Stem Auger Date Started 10/8/20 N/A N/A 26.5 ft Field Engineer 140 N/A Drilling Foreman N/A N/A 10/8/20 Drilling Company N/A Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 85 Truck Mounted Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) N/A 2-inch OD Spilt Spoon & 3-inch OD Cal. Mod. N/AN/A Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed SEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 374 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-2 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:46 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 50/4" 25 19 12 12S-4S-5SSCR182Dense, light gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Dense, orange-brown-gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Dense, brown-gray, CLAYSTONE, dry. Bottom of boring at 26.5 feet.Groundwater was not encountered. Borehole backfilled with auger cuttings.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 374 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-2 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:47 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 8 17 25 3 11 17 2 5 10S-1S-2S-3SSCRSS181818Brown, fine to medium sandy CLAY, trace fine gravel, moist. [CL] [FILL]. Stiff, brown-gray, fine to coarse sandy CLAY, trace sandstonefragments, moist. [CL] [FILL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Medium dense, brown-gray, SANDSTONE, trace rootlets,moist. Dense, light gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Dense, brown-gray, SANDSTONE, dry. Bottom of boring at 16.5 feet.Groundwater was not encountered. Borehole backfilled with auger cuttings. Bulk sample collected from 0to 5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) N/A N/A N/A 36-inch OD Hollow Stem Auger Date Started 10/8/20 N/A N/A 16.5 ft Field Engineer 140 N/A Drilling Foreman N/A N/A 10/8/20 Drilling Company N/A Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 85 Truck Mounted Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) N/A 2-inch OD Spilt Spoon & 3-inch OD Cal. Mod. N/AN/A Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed SEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 20 of 1 Project No. Approx. 378 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-3 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:48 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 11 8 13 13 6 9 8 4 4S-1S-2S-3CRSSCR181818Yellow-brown, fine to coarse sandy CLAY, claystone fragments, dry. [CL] [FILL] Stiff, brown, fine to coarse sandy CLAY, claystone fragments,dry. [CL] [FILL] Medium dense, brown-gray, clayey fine to medium SAND,trace fine gravel, moist. [SC] [FILL] Medium dense, brown-gray, clayey fine to medium SAND,trace fine gravel, moist. [SC] [FILL] Bulk sample collected from 0to 5 feet.Recov.(in)Number0 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSize and Type of Bit Drop (in) Sampler Water Level (ft.)Casing Depth (ft) N/A N/A N/A 56-inch OD Hollow Stem Auger Date Started 10/8/20 N/A N/A 26.5 ft Field Engineer 140 N/A Drilling Foreman N/A N/A 10/8/20 Drilling Company N/A Completion Sampler Hammer Date Finished UndisturbedNumber of Samples Drop (in) Casing Diameter (in) CME 85 Truck Mounted Rig 24 HR. Weight (lbs) N/A 2-inch OD Spilt Spoon & 3-inch OD Cal. Mod. N/AN/A Drilling Equipment Rock Depth Casing Hammer Automatic Core 30 Weight (lbs) Yellow Jacket Drilling Daniel J Judge Serrano Completion Depth First Disturbed SEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 20 of 2 Project No. Approx. 380 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 1LB-4 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:50 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data 11 26 9 13 3 8S-4S-5SSCR1818Medium dense, brown-gray, clayey fine to medium SAND,trace fine gravel, trace twig fragments moist. [SC] [FILL] ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS Very stiff, black, CLAY, trace rootlets, moist. [CL] SANTIAGO FORMATION Medium dense, brown-gray, SANDSTONE, moist. Bottom of boring at 26.5 feet. Groundwater was not encountered.Borehole backfilled with auger cuttings.Recov.(in)Number20 TypePenetr.resistBL/6inSEC S Melrose Dr & Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA 45 of 2 Project No. Approx. 380 feet NAVD 88 Elevation and DatumLocation MATERIALSYMBOLSheet 2LB-4 Project Proposed Warehouse Building Sample Description DepthScale 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 700086701 Log of Boring \\LANGAN.COM\DATA\IRV\DATA7\700086701\PROJECT DATA\_DISCIPLINE\GEOTECHNICAL\GINTLOGS\700086701 - GINT - LB 1-4.GPJ ... 4/7/2021 7:49:50 PM ... Report: Log - LANGANRemarks (Drilling Fluid, Depth of Casing,Fluid Loss, Drilling Resistance, etc.) Elev.(ft) Sample Data