HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-11-07; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Complete Streets Engineering WorkshopMeeting Date: Nov. 7, 2022 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Tom.Frank@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2766 Subject: District: Complete Streets Engineering Workshop Citywide Recommended Action Receive a presentation on the transportation department approach to the design of complete streets throughout the city. Executive Summary Staff will present and discuss the transportation department approach to the design of complete streets throughout the city. This presentation will provide the Commission with a high-level understanding of the engineering best practices that the city follows consistent with the “Livable Streets” approach identified in the city’s General Plan Mobility Element to create safer, more vibrant streets that serve all users including people walking, riding bicycles and personal mobility devices, taking transit, and driving vehicles. A livable streets vision is more than implementation of a state-mandated approach during a general plan update process. It is a fundamental shift in how the city will plan and design the street system – recognizing the street as a public space and ensuring that the public space serves all users of the system (elderly, children, bicycles, pedestrians, etc.) within the urban context of that system (e.g. accounting for the adjacent land uses). These city’s approach to the design of complete streets projects is centered on using best practices in street design from Carlsbad, San Diego County, the state of California, and around the world. As such, they are intended to evolve and adapt to incorporate new treatments and techniques as they are developed and proven successful. These guidelines are meant only to guide future street design work in Carlsbad. While there may be streets that exist in Carlsbad today that are not consistent with these standards, it is intended that those conditions be addressed over time as street reconstruction or resurfacing projects are proposed. The development of the city’s Complete Street Design guidelines builds on national research, engineering standards, and best practices. Baseline precedents for these guidelines are set by the California Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or CAMUTCD, and national standards such as the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets published by the American Association Nov. 7, 2022 Item #4 1 of State Highway and Transportation Officials, or AASHTO, and the Federal Highway Administration, or FHWA. The National Association of City Transportation Official’s, or NACTO, Urban Street Design Guide and Urban Bikeways Design Guide provides a secondary source on complete streets best practices. Caltrans endorsed the NACTO design guides in 2014 and to the maximum extent possible; the principles and approach of these documents has been reflected. Discussion Questions and comments are encouraged at the end of a staff’s presentation. Fiscal Analysis This item is a presentation on the work related to management of the city’s transportation assets and, as such, there is no financial impact related to this item. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, receiving a presentation on the work of the Public Works Branch, Transportation Department does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Nov. 7, 2022 Item #4 2 Complete Streets Engineering Workshop Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Nov. 7, 2022 TODAY’S PRESENTATION •What is Complete Streets? •How do we design complete streets? ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop 2 Space needs for each mode? Budget? Schedule? Context? Hardscape design? 3 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Balance the Road to Users •Model Design Manual of Living Streets •http://www.modelstreetdesignmanua l.com/ 4 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Design Guidelines 5 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop What’s more inviting? 6 ITEM 2: Mobility What’s more inviting? 7 ITEM 2: Mobility What’s more inviting? 1.Review guidelines of topic 2.Case study 3.Carlsbad candidate projects 4.Frequently asked questions 8 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Approach for presentation 1.Horizontal design 2. Bikeway design 9 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Todays Topics ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Horizontal Design 1. What’s the current and future demand? 2. Address capacity 3. Balance mode area and lane widths 11 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Horizontal Design Case Study 1.Arterial Realignment-Avenida Pico, San Clemente. 2.Transformative Project –N. El Camino Real, San Clemente 12 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Horizontal Design ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Bicycle Design ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Horizontal Design ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Horizontal Design Carlsbad candidate projects 1.Arterial Realignment-El Fuerte, and La Costa Avenue 2.Transformative Project –S. Carlsbad Blvd. –Manzano Drive to Island Way 16 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Horizontal Design Frequently Asked Questions 17 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Horizontal Design Horizontal Design ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Questions? 1. What’s the current and future demand? 2. Address capacity 3. Balance mode area and lane widths ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Bikeway Design Case Study 1.Arterial Realignment-Avenida Pico, San Clemente. 2.Transformative Project –N. El Camino Real, San Clemente 20 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Bikeway Design Carlsbad candidate projects 1.Arterial Realignment-La Costa Avenue 2.Transformative Project –S. Carlsbad Blvd. –Manzano Drive to Island Way 21 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Bikeway Design ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Bikeway Design 23 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Bikeway Design Frequently Asked Questions 25 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Bikeway Design Bikeway Design ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Questions? •Pedestrian Crossings •Intersection Control •Traffic Calming •Others 27 ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop Potential Future Topics THANK YOU! ITEM 4: Complete Streets Workshop