HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-12-12; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2022-23Meeting Date: Dec. 12, 2022 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager Subject: Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2022-23 Recommended Action Review, edit as needed, and adopt the Commission’s work plan for Fiscal Year 2022-23, and recommend approval by the City Council. Discussion Background In 2018, the City Council revised the Carlsbad Municipal Code to create uniform policies and procedures related to boards and commissions. CMC Section 2.15.020 (C) requires that each board or commission provide to the City Council for its approval an annual work plan of activities to be undertaken. At the regularly scheduled meeting of Jan. 24, 2022, the Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed the existing annual work plan and discussed the opportunity for making edits to the content. The Commission agreed to make limited edits to the work plan’s Goals and Tasks section. At the conclusion of the discussion, the Commission approved its work plan for Fiscal Year 2021-22 as edited, and recommended approval by the City Council. On Feb. 8, 2022, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2021-22. Next Steps The Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2022-23 will be presented to the City Council for approval. Exhibits 1. Draft Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2022-23 1 of 1 EXHIBIT 1 City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan Fiscal Year 2022-2023 I.Mission Statement The Mission of the Parks & Recreation Commission is to promote community health and wellness while supporting a culture that embraces change and continuous improvement. II.Composition Consistent with Chapter 2.36 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Parks & Recreation Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. Members shall serve four-year terms. The Parks & Recreation Commission shall have the power, and it shall be the duty of the commission, to make recommendations to the city council and to advise the council in matters pertaining to the creation, operation, maintenance, management and control of community recreation programs, of playgrounds and indoor and outdoor recreations, activities and facilities. Further, it shall be the duty of the commission to advise and make recommendations to the city council on matters pertaining to planting, trimming, pruning, and care of all trees, shrubs or plants and to the removal of all objectionable trees, shrubs and plants in and upon any park of the city. The parks and recreation commission shall have the additional power, and it shall be the duty of the commission to review tree-related issues and to determine the needs of the city with respect to its tree planting, replacement, maintenance and preservation programs. The commission will also make recommendations to the city council on policies, regulations or ordinances pertaining to the care and protection of public trees and the selection of specific species of trees for designation along city streets, including the development of a community forest management plan for the city. In addition, in accordance with Section 11.12.150 of the municipal code, the Parks & Recreation Commission shall hear appeals from decisions of the city manager acting through the parks and recreation director or designee, regarding the planting or removal of street trees. III.FY 2022-2023 Goals & Tasks The Parks & Recreation Commission will focus on the following FY 2022-2023 Goals and Tasks: (Goals identified in numerals; Tasks to accomplish those Goals identified in alphas) 1.Advise City staff and City Council on projects and programs a.Focus on progress and impact 2. Enhance accessibility, visibility and engagement a. Ensure a quorum at all Commission meetings b. Conduct site visits to parks, facilities and programs c. Attend at least two Parks & Recreation events 3. Broaden outreach and education a. Connect with other relevant agencies and organizations b. Invite educational presentations at Commission meetings