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2882 WHIPTAIL LOOP; 100; CBC2021-0447; Permit
Building Permit Finaled (city of Carlsbad Commercial Permit Print Date: 10/17/2022 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel#: Valuation: Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: 2882 WHIPTAIL LOOP, # 100, CARLSBAD, CA 92010-6758 BLDG-Commercial Work Class: Cogen 2091200700 Track#: $0.00 Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Permit No: CBC2021-0447 Status: Closed -Finaled Applied: 11/18/2021 Issued: 02/15/2022 Fina led Close Out: 10/17/2022 Final Inspection: 09/28/2022 INSPECTOR: Alvarado, Tony Kersch, Tim Description: ZODIAC POOLS: ROOF MOUNTED PV SYSTEM GRID-TIED; 1083.6KW(DC), 2408 MODULES Applicant: BAKER ELECTRIC INC COURTNEY CABRAL 1298 PACIFIC OAKS PL ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 (760) 745-2001 x5148 FEE BUILDING INSPECTION FEE BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (manual) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (manual) Property Owner: 4433 SOUTH ALAMEDA LLC 3850 WILSHIRE BLVD, # STE 304 LOS ANGELES, CA 90010-3206-LOS ANGELES (213) 389-9000 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW -MINOR PROJECTS (PLN) SB1473 -GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE SOLAR-COMMERCIAL: per kW Total Fees: $7,340.00 Total Payments To Date: $7,340.00 Contractor: BAKER ELECTRIC INC -DO NOT USE 1298 PACIFIC OAKS PL ESCONDIDO, CA 92029-2900 (760) 745-2001 Balance Due: AMOUNT $516.00 $300.00 $330.00 $98.00 $1.00 $6,095.00 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTH ER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov (°'Cityof Carlsbad Job Address 2882 Whiptail Loop, Carlsbad CA 92010 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-2 Plan CheckC:f£202J-Ov/L{J Est. Value PC Dep:::: 4r:t;it Suite: NIA APN: 637-021-19-00 ----- Tenant Name#: Zodiac Pools Lot#: 8 Year Built: 1977 Under TR 8476 ----------------------- Year Built:_2_01_7 __ Occupancy:_nl_a __ Construction Type:_n,_a __ Fire sprinklersQYESQNO A/C:(:)YESQNO BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Proposed Rooftop Solar (Grid-Tied) on Existing roof PV System size DC STC: 1,083.6 kW / 725.0 kW total of D Addition/New: ____________ New SF and Use, __________ New SF and Use _______ SF Deck, _______ SF Patio Cover, SF Other (Specify) ___ _ □Tenant Improvement: _____ SF, _____ SF, Ii] Other: No added SF proposed, Existing Use: _______ Proposed Use: ______ _ Existing Use: Proposed Use: ______ _ Proposed PV Solar mounted on Ballasted Racking System PCLAW clawFR-10 PRIMARY APPLICANT Name: Courtney Cabral Address: 1282 Pacific Oaks Pl City: Escondido State:._c_A __ Zip: 92029 Phone: 760-690-5027 Email: Ccabral@baker-electric.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: Sol Rebel Power Systems Address: 2315 Lincoln Ave City: Alameda Phone: (503) 896-7365 State:_c_A __ .Zip: 94501 Email: randybatchelor@solrebel.com PROPERTY OWNER Name: 4433 South Alameda, LLC Address: 4311 Whilshire Blvd. Suite 508 City: Los Angeles State: CA Zip: 90010 ---Phone: Christine Lee (510) 332-9410 Email: Chris@leefpartners.com CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Business Name: Baker Electric ------------------Address: 1282 Pacific Oaks Place City: Escondido State:_c_A __ Zip: 92029 Phone: 760-690-5017 Email: Aearley@baker-electric.com Architect State License: CA E21292 CSLB License#: 161756 Class: c-10 -------------------- Carlsbad Business License# (Required):_B_Lo_s_1_2_11_8_97 ____ _ APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. NAME (PRINT}: Miguel A. Fierro 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 SIGN: Lfl Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 7,602-8558 11/17/2021 -DATE:------- Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov REV. 10/21 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled {city of Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBC2021-0447) Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 11/18/2021 Owner: 4433 SOUTH ALAMEDA LLC Work Class: Cogen Issue Date: 02/15/2022 Subdivision: Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 03/21/2023 Address: 2882 WHIPTAIL LOOP, # 100 IVR Number: 37149 CARLSBAD, CA 92010-6758 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 03/15/2022 03/15/2022 BLDG-34 Rough 178287-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Electrical Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 06/08/2022 06/08/2022 BLDG-35 Solar Panel 184266-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Final Inspection 184267-2022 Cancelled Tim Kersch Re inspection Incomplete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final Work not complete No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 09/22/2022 09/22/2022 BLDG-34 Rough 192379-2022 Partial Pass Tony Alvarado Reinspection Incomplete Electrical Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Commercial building PV solar system. Yes 1. future MSP-load side tap, verifying torqued down lugs per specifications, and grounding. 2. After hours inspection, contact person Rick at (760)484-4863. 3. After hours inspection scheduled shut down-Saturday 912412022 @ 9:00 am. 09/28/2022 09/28/2022 BLDG-Final Inspection 192880-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Work not complete Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Monday, October 17, 2022 Page 1 of 1 DATE: 02-02-2022 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK#.: CBC2021-0447.RC1 ✓• EsG1I A SAFEbuilt Company SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 2882 WHIPTAIL LOOP EAST □ APPLICANT □ JURIS. PROJECT NAME: ROOF MOUNTED PV SYSTEM 1083.6KW(DC), 2408 MODULES FOR ZODIAC POOL SYSTEMS ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person 0 REMARKS: By: Erich A. Kuchar, P.E. (For B.D.) EsGil Enclosures: 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ♦ San Diego, California 92123 ♦ (858) 560-1468 ♦ Fax (858) 560-1576 DATE: 12/01/2021 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK#.: CBC2021-0447 ✓• EsG1I A SAFEbuolt Company SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 2882 WHIPTAIL LOOP EAST □ APPLICANT □ JURIS. PROJECT NAME: ROOF MOUNTED PV SYSTEM 1083.6KW(DCt, 2408 MODULES FOR ZODIAC POOL SYSTEMS 0 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. 0 The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person . ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: COURTNEY CABRAL 0 EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: COURTNEY Telephone#: 760 690 5027 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: CCABRAL@BAKER-ELECTRIC Mail Telephone 0 REMARKS: By: Bert Domingo EsGil Fax In Person Enclosures: 11/22/2021 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ♦ San Diego, California 92 123 ♦ (858) 560-1468 ♦ Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD CBC2021-0447 12/01/2021 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK#.: CBC2021-0447 OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: SPRINKLERS?: REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: 12/01/2021 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD USE: ACTUAL AREA: STORIES: HEIGHT: OCCUPANT LOAD: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 11/22/2021 PLAN REVIEWER: Bert Domingo This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 2019 CBC, which adopts the 2018 IBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2018 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. CARLSBAD CBC2021-0447 12/01/2021 GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to lnterwest and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring I:f/..f,)_ corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to lnterwest, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to lnterwest only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by lnterwest is complete. PLANS 2. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. California State Law. 3. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information for each building proposed: ♦ Occupancy Classification(s) ♦ For Mixed Occupancy Buildings, state whether the "nonseparated" or "separated" option was chosen from Sections 508.3/508.4. • Description of Use ♦ Type of Construction ♦ Sprinklers: Yes or No • Stories ♦ Height ♦ Floor Area ♦ Occupant Load CARLSBAD CBC2021-0447 12/01/2021 4. ADDITIONAL STRUCTURAL To speed up the review process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: 81 Yes □ No The jurisdiction has contracted with EsGil, located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Bert Domingo at Esgil. Thank you. Orie2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 31 0 San Diego, CA 92126 Structural Calculations PROJECT: Zodiac Pools (Project# 145.047-21 ) CLIENT: Baker Electric DESIGNED BY: ESY DATE: 10/25/21 Orie1 -Structural Engineers Phone: (858) 335-7643 CIT ., Orie2 Engineering Structural and Bridge Engineers ...,....__. ..____-------------------'---'~ Project and Location: Scope: Zodiac Pools Carlsbad, CA Orie2 Job No. 145.047-21 To provide a structural evaluation of this existing building roof system to verify the capacity to support weight of new solar panels. Note: By adding the solar panels on the roof, it would be virtually impossible for the roof to ever experience Live Load on top of the solar modules. To be conservative, the existing roof framing is checked against a total Dead Load of 16.0 psf (11 psf + 5.0 psf solar panel + rack/ballast weight) and 20 psf Live Load (reducible). Codes: California Building Code (2019 CBC) Design Criteria: Dead Loads: 5.0 psf max due to the weight of added solar panels and racking Note that the actual max array area distributed weight is 5.34 psf, however the arrays do not cover the entire tributary area of the truss-joists, therefore 5.0 psf is within reason. Also note that aggregate system load over all arrays is 3.97 psf. Wind Design Loading: Wind design of solar racking and components provided by PanelClaw. Existing Structure: The existing structure is approximately 287-0" wide by 496'-0" long building with Concrete tilt up panels. The existing roof consists built-up roofing with 1 /2" plywood decking over 2x4 sub- purlins, supported by LH truss joists spaced at 8'-0" on-center. These are supported girder trusses. Solar Panel Rack System: The racking system is a semi ballasted hybrid system by PanelClaw, and the existing roof framing have been checked for a dead load of 5.0 psf along with loading provided by PanelClaw. Findings and Recommendations: 1. The existing roof framing members are okay to support the additional 5.0 psf weight of solar panels, ballast blocks, and support racks. ORI£ 2 Zodiac Pools Orie2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road , Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Structural Calculations -Table of Contents Orie2 Job No. 145.047-21 1. Design Criteria ............................................................................................... 1 -3 2. Building Summary & Design Loads ............................................................... 4 -5 3. Added Seismic Mass Analysis ............................................................................ 6 4. Module Wind Pressure & Analysis ................................................................ 7 -9 5. Roof Framing Member Wind Pressure, Loading & Analysis ....................... 10 -27 6. Mechanical Attachment Analysis ................................................................ 28 -38 7. Equipment Anchorage ................................................................................ 39 -52 8. Appendix ..................................................................................................... 53 -55 Pag~ 1 Project No. : Orie2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Ad., Suite 310 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 San Diego, CA 92126 www.orie2.com PROJECT : PV Projects ---------- DATE : 10/25/21 BY: ESY Description: CBC 2019 Roof Solar Panels 1607.13.S Photovoltaic panel systems. Roof structures that provide suppott for photovoltaic panel systems shall be designed in accordance with Sections 1607.13.5.1 through 1607.13.5.4, as applicable. 1607.13.S.1 Roof live load. Roof structures that sup~ port photovoltaic panel systems shall be designed to resist each of the following conditions: I. Applicable uniform and concentrated roof loads with the photovoltaic panel system dead loads. Exception: Roof live loads need not be applied to the area covered by photovoltaic panels where the clear space between the pan- els and the roof surface is 24 inches (610 mm) or less. 2. Applicable uniform and concentrated roof loads without the photovoltaic panel system present. Per CBC 2019 Section 1607.13.5, rooftop solar panels not more than 24 inches in heig ht shall be considered inaccessible, thus roof live load is not applicable in areas covered by solar panels. Code Section 1607.12.5 for Photovoltaic Panel Systems states that areas where solar systems are installed permits a displacement of roof live load due to the area being inaccessible. This means that the roof live load does not need to be considered in the analysis. However, in addition to the solar system loads, our team attempts to include as much roof live load in the analysis as possible. In cases where the member cannot support the full live load prescribed, the live load is reduced until the member can support the loading, shown as "Lr reduced" 10/25/21, 8:22,AM ATC Hazards by Location OTC Haz~rds by Location Search Information Address: Coordinates: Elevation: Timestamp: Hazard Type: 2882 Whiptail Loop E, Carlsbad, CA 92010, USA 33.1405433, -117.2483214 353 ft 2021-10-25T15:22:07.0852 Seismic Catalina Island Essential Fish Hablt9I... Reference Document: ASCE7-16 II D-default Go gle Risk Category: Site Class: Basic Parameters Name Value Description Ss 0.923 MCER ground motion (period=0.2s) S1 0.34 MCER ground motion (period=1.0s) SMs 1.108 Site•modified spectral acceleration value SM1 • null Site•modified spectral acceleration value Sos 0.739 Numeric seismic design value at 0.2s SA So, • null Numeric seismic design value at 1.0s SA • See Section 11 .4.8 ... Additional Information Name Value SDC • null Fa 1.2 Fv • null CRs 0.91 CR1 0.917 PGA 0.401 FPGA 1.2 PGAM 0.481 TL 8 SsRT 0.923 SsUH 1.015 SsD 1.5 S1RT 0.34 S1UH 0.37 S1D 0.6 PGAd 0.5 • See Section 11.4.8 Description Seismic design category Site amplification factor at 0.2s Site amplification factor at 1.0s Coefficient of risk (0.2s) Coefficient of risk (1.0s) MCEG peak ground acceleration Site amplification factor at PGA Site modified peak ground acceleration Long-period transition period (s) Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion (0.2s) Factored uniform-hazard spectral acceleration (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) Factored deterministic acceleration value (0.2s) Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion (1.0s) Factored uniform-hazard spectral acceleration (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) Factored deterministic acceleration value (1 .0s) Factored deterministic acceleration value (PGA) Temecula 0 353ft Page 2 -Cleveland Ocea.,ns National Forest o~dldo Anza•Borrego San Diego 0 Desert State Park i Map data 11:>2021 Google, INEGI The results indicated here DO NOT reffect any state or local amendments to the values or any delineation lines made during the building code adoption process. Users should confirm anv twln11f nhfAinArl fmm fhi.~ fnnl with fhR lnr.RI A11fhnritv 1-favinn .l11ri.<:rlir.fi()n hRfnrA ntnr.AArlinr, with rlA~inn https://hazards.atcouncil.org/#/seismic?lat=33.1405433&1ng=-117.2483214&address=2882 Whiptail Loop E%2C Carlsbad%2C CA 92010%2C USA 1/2 I 10/25/21, 8:21 AM l\TC Hazards by Location Search Information Address: Coordinates: Elevation: Timestamp: Hazard Type: 2882 Whiptail Loop E, Cartsbad, CA 92010, USA 33.1405433, -117.2483214 353 ft 2021-10-25T15:21 :43.6942 Wind ATC Hazards by Location Catalina Island Essentlil Fish Habitat... Page 3 Temecula 0 353 ft -Cleveland Ocea.,ns National Forest s o~dldo Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Go gle San Diego 0 ij i Map data IC>2021 Google, INEGI ASCE 7-1 6 ASCE 7-10 ASCE 7-05 MRI 10-Year 67 mph MRI 10-Year 72 mph ASCE 7-05 Wind Speed 85 mph MRI 25-Year 72 mph MRI 25-Year 79 mph MRI 50-Year 77 mph MRI 50-Year 85 mph MRI 100-Year 82 mph MRI 100-Year 91 mph Risk Category I 89 mph Risk Category I 100 mph Risk Category II 96 mph I Risk Category II 110 mph Risk Category Ill 102 mph Risk Category Ill-IV 115 mph Risk Category IV 107 mph The results indicated here DO NOT reflect any state or local amendments to the values or any delineation lines made during the building code adoption process. Users should confirm any output obtained from this tool with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction before proceeding with design. Disclaimer Hazard loads are interpolated from data provided in ASCE 7 and rounded up to the nearest whole integer. Per ASCE 7, islands and coastal areas outside the last contour should use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area -in some cases, this website will extrapolate past the last wind speed contour and therefore, provide a wind speed that is slightly higher. NOTE: For queries near wind-borne debris region boundaries, the resulting determination is sensitive to rounding which may affect whether or not ii is considered to be within a wind- borne debris region. Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions. While the information presented on this website is believed to be correct, ATC and its sponsors and contributors assume no responsibility or liability for its accuracy. The material presented in the report should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by engineers or other licensed professionals. ATC does not intend that the use of this information replace the sound judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and knowledge in the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the results of the report provided by this website. Users of the information from this website assume all liability arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsible for building code approval and interpretation for the building site described by latitude/longitude location in the report. https://hazards.atcouncil.org/#/wind?lat=33.1405433&Ing=-117 .2483214&address=2882 Whiptail Loop E%2C Carlsbad%2C CA 92010%2C USA 1/1 Orie ' Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 Page 4 Project No.: _1...;.4.;;..5·;..;;.0_4_7-..;;;;2-'-1 ______ _ DATE : 10/25/21 PROJECT: Zodiac Pools BY : ESY Building Summary: Building Information: Length, L: 496.25 ft (Average) Width, W: 287.00 ft Parapet Height: 5.00 ft Roof Elevation: 35.00 ft Roofing Type: Modified Bitumen Roofing Roof Decking: 1/2" Plywood Decking Roof Member: Trib: (ft) Span: (ft) 2x4@2' O.C. 2.00 8.00 32 LH Truss @ 8' O.C. 8.00 53.40 36 LH Truss @ 8' O.C. 8.00 64.25 Wind Parameters: Exposure Category: C Basic Wind Speed, V: 96.0 mph Seismic Parameters: Trlb. Area: (ft"2) 16.00 427.20 514.00 Mapped Short-Period Spectral Acceleration, Ss: 0.923 g Mapped One-Second Spectral Acceleration, S1: 0.340 g Short-Period Site Coefficient, Fa: 1.200 Long-Period Site Coefficient, Fv: 1.960 Roof Live Load: (psf) Wind Down: (psf) Check: 20.0 15.5 13.7 See Pt. Loading 16.7 16.7 (ASCE 7-16, Section 26.7.3) (ASCE 7-16, Section 26.5.1) Okay Okay Okay (ASCE 7-16, Fig. 21-1 through Fig. 21-6) (ASCE 7-16, Fig. 21-1 through Fig. 21-6) (ASCE 7-16, Table 11.4-1) (ASCE 7-16, Table 11.4-2) Orie ' Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers Project No.: _1_4_5_.0_4_7-_2_1 _______ _ 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 PROJECT: Zodiac Pools Code: 2019 California Building Code (CBC) Roof Dead Loads: Modified Bitumen Roofing 1 /2" Plywood Insulation 2x4@ 24" O.C. Plumbing/Electrical/Mech Misc 32-36 LH Trusses@ 8'-0" O.C. Total Total Roof Dead Load = 11.0 psf Gravity Design Loads: 2.0 psi 1.5 psi 1.0 psi 1.0 psi 1.0 psi 1.0 psf 7.5 psf 3.5 psf 11.0 psf Solar Dead Load: 5.00 psf (Actual Max Array Area Load = 5.34 psf) Note that array does not cover whole truss tributary area, 5.0 psf okay Roof Live Loads: 2019 CBC, Section 1607.11.2.1 Unreduced Live Load, Lo: 20.0 psf Tributary Width: 8.0 ft Beam Span Length: 53.4 ft Roof Rise, F: 0.0 in/ per foot Tributary Area, At= 53.4 ft• 8.0 ft Al= 427.2 ftA2 Since 200.0 ft"2 <At= 427.2 ft"2 < 600.0 ft"2, R1 = 1.2 -0.001 • 427.2 ft"2 R1 = 0.77 Since F = 0.0 in / per foot <= 4.0, R2 = 1.00 R2 = 1.00 Page 5 DATE: 11/03/21 BY : ESY Reduced Roof Live Load, Lr = Lo• R1 • R2 = 20.0 psf • 0.77 • 1.00 (2019 CBC, Equation 16-26) Lr = 15.5 psf Roof Live Load = 15.5 psf Wall Dead Loads: 9.25" Concrete Tilt Up Panels= 150 pcf x 9.25"/12" = 115.6 psf Wall Dead Load = 115.6 psf Orie • Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 Page 6 Project No.: _____________ _ DATE : 11/03/21 PROJECT: BY : ESY -------------- Check {El Building For Added Seismic Load of Solar System ect on . s a es t at existing structura e emen s carrying atera oa 1s perm1 e to remain una tere given t at e percent increase to that element does not exceed 10%. The critical element that experiences the highest percentage increase of the lateral load carrying system is the diaphragm. This analysis compares the seismic mass of the existing structure with the addition of the solars stem to veri that the % increase to the dia hra m does not exceed the allowable 10%. Design Criteria: Total Seismic Mass of (El Bulding Length, L: 496.25 ft Width, W: 287.00 ft Parapet Height Hp: 5.00 ft Roof Height H: 35.00 ft Roof Dead Load: 11.0 psf Wall Dead Load: 115.6 psf Seismic Mass of Roof, Wr = 11 .0 psf • 496.25 ft • 287.00 ft Wr = 1566661.3 lbs L = 496.25 ft Hp= 5.00 ft Seismic Mass of Walls, WI = 115.6 psf • ((35.0 ft / 2) + 5.00 ft] • (2 • 287 .00 ft ) ~mmmmn,,, mnm u H = 35.00 ft WI= 1492974.0 lbs Total Seismic Mass of (E) Building, W = Wr + WI = 1566661.3 lbs+ 1492974.0 lbs W = 3059635.3 lbs Total Seismic Mass of Solar System Number of Solar Panel(s): 2408 Panels Total Solar System Weight = 287892 lbs Ws = 287892.0 lbs Percent Increase in Building Seismic Mass Due to Addition of Solar System = Ws / W = 287892.0 lbs/ 3059635.3 lbs Percent Increase in Building Seismic Mass Due to Addition of Solar System = 9.4% e ercent ncrease m u1 mg Per 2019 CEBC Section 502.5 [BS] 502.S Existing structural elements carrying lateral load. Where the addition is structurally independent of the existing structure, existing lateral load-carrying s tructural e le- ments shall be permitted to remain unaltered. Where the addi- tion is not strucrurally independent of the existing structure, the existing structure and its addition acting together as a sin- gle structure shall be shown to meet the requireme nts of Sec- tions 1609 and 16 13 of the California Building Code using full seismic forces. ay Exceptions: I. Any existing lateral load-carrying structural element whose demand-capacity ratio w ith the addition con- sidered is not more than IO percent greater than its demand-capacity ratio with the addition ignored shall be permitted to remain unaltered. For purposes of calculating demand-capacity ratios. the demand shall consider applicable load combinations with design lmeral loads or forces in accordance with Sectfons I 609 and 16 13 of the California Building Code. For purposes of this exception, comparisons of demand-capacity ratios and calculation of design lateral load5, forces and capacities shall account for the cumulative effects of additions and alterations since original construction. Module Wind Pressure Page 7 Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone # : (858) 335-7643 www.orie2.com Project No. : _1_45_.0_4_7_.2_1 ________ _ Project : Zodiac Pools Rooftop Solar BY: ESY ASCE 7-16 29.4.3: Rooftop Solar Panels w/ Flat/Gable/Hip Roofs w/ Slopes< 7° MWFRS -Other Structures -Rooftop Solar Panels Step 1: Determine risk category of building or other structure Risk Category =III I Table 1.5-1 Step 2: Determine the basic wind speed, V, for applicable risk category Wind Speed, V=l96 !mph Figure 26.5-1A, B, C, orD Step 3: Determine wind load parameters: Wind Directionality factor, Kd = 0.85 Exposure Category = C Topography factor, Kz1 =1-,1...,.0,...,,,0--i Gust Effect factor, G = 0.85 Ground Elevation Factor, Ke= 1.00 Step 4: Determine velocity pressure exposure coefficient, K, or Kh Height above ground level, z =~ft Exposure coefficient, Kh=~ Step 5: Determine velocity pressure, q, or qh qh = 0.00256*Kh*Kz1*K/K/VL = 20.25 psf Step 6: Determine Net Pressure Coefficient, GC,n: Building width, W s = ft 287.0 496.0 Building length, WL = ft 35.0 Roof height, h = ft 5.0 Parapet height, hpt = ft 6.92 Panel length, LP= ft Tilt, w = Effective wind Area, A = 10.00 23.80 deg ft" 2*h = 70.0 ft Roof Zone =I 31- Nominal Net pressure Coeff, GCrnnom = 1.826 - Yp = min(1.2, 0.9+hp/h) = 1.0 - Ye = max(0.6+0.06Lp, 0.8) = 1.0 - YE (Uplift)=~- YE_ (?ownward) =~- Net Pressure Coefficient, GCm + -Yp Ye YE GCrnnom = 1.933 Net Pressure Coefficient, GCrn -= Yp* Yc°YE*GCrnnom = 2.900 Step 7: Calculate wind pressure to panels, p: P (+) = qh*(GCrn) = P (-) = qh*(-GCm) = 39.2 psf -58.7 psf All Loads In Strength Value, multiply by 0.6 to get to ASD Design Value Section 26.6 and Table 26.6-1 Section 26. 7 Section 26.8 and Figure 26.8-1 Section 26. 11 Section 26.9 Table 26. 10-1 Equation 26.10-1 s 35° Section 29.4.3 Figure 29.4-7 Figure 29.4-7 Section 29.4.3 Section 29.4.3 Section 29.4.3 Section 29.4.3 Eqn 29.4-6 Eqn 29.4-6 Eqn 29.4-5 Eqn 29.4-5 YE= 1.5 for uplift loads YE = 1.0 for downward loads Downward Wind Load Upward Wind Load In cases where an additional support bar is recommended to improve both mechanical stability and long-term module performance, we recommend selecting a sufficiently resistant material. Canadian Solar Inc. recommends bars with a minimum thickness of 50 mm (1 .97 in). The support bar centerline should be positioned within 100 mm (3.94 in) of the side frame centerline (slight shifts may be necessary to access module grounding holes). · The loads described in this manual correspond to test loads. For installations complying with !EC 61215-2: 2016 and UL 1703, a safety factor of 1.5 should be applied for calculating the equivalent maximum authorized design loads. Project design loads depend on construction, applicable standards, location and local climate. Determination of the design loads is the responsibility of the racking suppliers and/ or professional engineers. For detailed information, please follow local structural code or contact your professional structural engineer. 6.1 MOUNTING METHOD: BOLTING · This mounting method has been qualified by Canadian Solar Inc. as well as certified by VOE. and CSA. · Modules should be bolted to supporting structures through the mounting holes in the rear frame flanges only. Each module must be securely fastened at a minimum of 4 points on two opposite sides. MS X 1.25 · Grade 8.8 (5/16"-18 Grade 87) galvanized or A2-70 stainless steel bolt and nut should be used. The yield strength of bolt and nut should not be less than 450 MPa. · Tightening torques should be 17-23 Nm (12.5-17.0 ft-lbs) respectively for MS (5/16"-18) coarse thread bolts, depending on bolt class. · In areas with heavy wind loads, additional mounting points should be used. The system designer and the installer are responsible for Page 8 113 correctly calculating the loads and ensuring that the supporting structure meets all the applicable requirements. Mounting method: Bolting Bolt Washer Frame Rail Spring Washer Nut Washer Modules should be bolted at the following hole locations depending on the configuration and loads: www.canadiansolar.com Bolting on the long frame side using four middle moun- ting holes. Mounting rails run perpendicularly to the long frame side. Maximum Load: Uplift loads 2400 Pa Downforce load s 5400 Pa Compatible module types: CS3U-P, CS3U-MS, CS6U-P, CS6U-M, CS3W-P and CS3W-MS Bolting on the long frame side using four innermost mounting holes. Mounting rails run perpendicularly to the long frame side. Maximum Load: Uplift load s 2400 Pa Downforce load s 5400 Pa Compatible module types: CS3L-P, CS3L-MS, CST H-MS and CS1K-MS Page 9 Bolting on the long frame side using four middle moun- ting holes. Mounting rails run parallel to the long frame side. ··············································· .. ... ... ······································ Maximum Load: Uplift loads 2400 Pa Downforce load s5400 Pa Compatible module types: CS3U-P, CS3U-MS, CS6U-P and CS6U-M 115 Bolting on the long frame side using four middle moun- ting holes. Mounting rails run perpendicularly to the long frame side. Maximum Load: Uplift load s 2400 Pa Downforce load s 5400 Pa Compatible module types: CST U-MS P allow= 0.020885 x 2400Pa I (SF = 1.5) = 33.4 psf (ASD) P module DL = 54.9 lbs/ 23.8 W·2 = 2.3 psf P wind uplift = 0.6 x 58.7 psf = 35.22 psf P uplift = 35.22 psf -2.3 psf = 32.92 psf P uplift / P allow= 32.92 / 33.4 = 0.99 < 1.0 OKAY www.canadiansolar.com LH Truss Wind Pressure Page 10 Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 www.orie2.com Project No. : _1_45_.0_4_7_.2_1 ________ _ Project : Zodiac Pools Rooftop Solar BY : ESY ASCE 7-16 29.4.3: Rooftop Solar Panels w/ Flat/Gable/Hip Roofs w/ Slopes< 7° MWFRS -Other Structures -Rooftop Solar Panels Step 1: Determine risk category of building or other structure Risk Category =III I Table 1.5-1 Step 2: Determine the basic wind speed, V, for applicable risk category Wind Speed, V =196 1mph Figure 26.5-1A, B, C, or D Step 3: Determine wind load parameters: Wind Directionality factor, Kd = 0.85 Exposure Category = C Topography factor, K21 =,..1,....0-0--1 Gust Effect factor, G = 0.85 Ground Elevation Factor, K0 = 1.00 Step 4: Determine velocity pressure exposure coefficient, K2 or Kh Height above ground level, z =~ft Exposure coefficient, Kh =~ Step 5: Determine velocity pressure, q2 or qh qh = 0.00256*Kh *K.i*K/K/VL = 20.25 psf Step 6: Determine Net Pressure Coefficient, GC,n: Building width, W s = ft 287.0 496.0 Building length, WL = ft 35.0 Roof height, h = ft 5.0 Parapet height, hpt = ft 6.92 Panel length, LP= ft Tilt, w = Effective wind Area, A= 10.00 427.20 deg ft' 2*h = 70.0 ft Roof Zone =I 3 I- Nominal Net pressure Coeff, GCmnom = 0.780 - Vp = min(1 .2, 0.9+hp/h) = 1.0 - Ve= max(0.6+0.06Lp, 0.8) = 1.0 - Ye (Uplift)=~- Ye (?ownward) =~- Net Pressure Coefficient. GCrn + -Vp Ve Ye GCrnnom = 0.826 Net Pressure Coefficient, GCrn -= Vp* y/ye*GCmnom = 1.239 Step 7: Calculate wind pressure to panels, p: P (+) = qh*(GCrn) = P (-) = qh*(-GCrn) = 16.7 psf -25.1 psf All Loads in Strength Value, multiply by 0.6 to get to ASD Design Value Section 26.6 and Table 26.6-1 Section 26. 7 Section 26.8 and Figure 26.8-1 Section 26. 11 Section 26.9 Table 26.10-1 Equation 26. 10-1 s 35° Section 29.4.3 Figure 29.4-7 Figure 29.4-7 Section 29.4.3 Section 29.4.3 Section 29.4. 3 Section 29.4.3 Eqn 29.4-6 Eqn 29.4-6 Eqn 29.4-5 Eqn 29.4-5 Ye = 1.5 for uplift loads Ye = 1.0 for downward loads Downward Wind Load Upward Wind Load 16 NOT APPROVED FOR CONSTRU CTION · ® 2x4 Point Loading 09/30/202 1 PANELCLAW" 6.0 Deshm Loads· Downward (Cont,}: 6.2 Racking Dimensions for Point Loads <Cont.): a'~ ~ 43" f f 51" f 41" f BASE 1 BASE 2 BASE 3 BASE 4 Section A-A Fig. 6.2 Section A-A 6.3 Point Load Summary: DLsys = 69 lbs./module -Base 2 repeat for larger width arrays. Total DL = (Varies on location and ballast quantity) SLm = 0 lbs./module WLin (no snow)= 561 lbs./module WLin (with snow)= 149 lbs./module Analyze 2x4 for Base 2 Loading @ Midpoint Assume Load is distributed to (2) 2x4 Subpurlins DL = 164 lbs / 2 = 82 lbs W = 280 lbs / 2 = 140 lbs ax To al oad er se (lbs. loa combinat"ons (AS DL+ Snow DL 0.6 r Wind Wind (Strength) 14 148-64 = 84# 84# / 0.6 = 140# 33 332-164 = 168# 168# / 0.6 = 280# 125 293 293-125 = 168# 168# / 0.6 = 280# 128 212 212-128 = 84# 84# I 0.6 = 140# ax o tact ressur able er Base (psi) ad c bi io s (ASD) DL + Snow DL + 0. in DL 0. 5 m 0. ( .6 il) 3 8 4 9 18 II 16 9 7 12 8 4 2 4 9 5 8 4 3 6 Table 6.1-8 Max Point Load Summary (psi) PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Orie~ Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Rd., Suite 310 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 San Diego, CA 92126 www.orie2.com 2x4@ 24" O.C. (RISA 3D Analysis) DL = 4.5 psf x 2' = Dsolar = Lr = 20 psf x 2' = Wdown = I Lr reduced = 92.5% x 40 lb/ft = 32 LH Truss @ 8' O.C. DL = 11 psf x 8' = Dsolar = 5 psf x 8' = Lr = 15.5 psf x 8' = Wdown = 16.7 psf x 8' = TL allow, min = 284 lb/ft Load Combination D + Lr Project No. ; 145.047-21 PROJECT: Zodiac Pools Beam Loading 9 lb/ft (self weight not included) See Panel Claw Point Loading 40 lb/ft See Panel Claw Point Loading 37 lb/ft I 88 lb/ft (self weight incl uded) 40 lb/ft 124 lb/ft 134 lb/ft TL = D +Lr = 88 lb/ft+ 124 lb/ft= TL / TL allow= 212 / 284 = 0.75 < 1.0 212 lb/ft OKAY Page 12 DATE ; 10/25/21 BY : ESY Joist is capable of supporting full DL + Lr, OKAY to install solar on these members. Load Combination D + Dsolar + Lr TL = D + Dsolar + Lr = 88 lb/ft + 40 lb/ft + 124 lb/ft = TL / TL allow = 252 I 284 = 0.89 < 1.0 Load Combination D + Dsolar + 0.75Lr + 0.45W 252 lb/ft OKAY TL= D + Dsolar + 0.75Lr + 0.45W = 88 lb/ft + 40 lb/ft+ 0.75(124 lb/ft)+ 0.45(134 lb/ft)= 282 lb/ft TL / TL allow= 282 / 284 = 0.99 < 1.0 OKAY Load Combination D + Dsolar + 0.6W TL= D + Dsolar + 0.6W = 88 lb/ft + 40 lb/ft+ 0.6(134 lb/ft)= 209 lb/ft TL / TL allow= 209 / 284 = 0.74 < 1.0 OKAY Code Section 1607.12.5 for Photovoltaic Panel Systems states that areas where solar systems are installed permits a displacement of roof live load due to the area being inaccessible. This means that the roof live load does not need to be considered in the analysis. However, in addition to the solar system loads, our team attempts to include as much roof live load in the analysis as possible. In cases where the member cannot support the full live load prescribed, the live load is reduced until the member can support the loading, shown as "Lr reduced" Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Rd., Suite 310 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 San Diego, CA 92126 www.orie2.com 36 LH Truss @ 8' O.C. DL = 11 psf x 8' = Dsolar = 5 psf x 8' = Lr = 13. 7 psf x 8' = Wdown = 16.7 psf x 8' = TL allow, min = 230 lb/ft Load Combination D + Lr Project No. : 145.047-21 PROJECT : Zodiac Pools Beam Loading 88 lb/ft (self weight included) 40 lb/ft 110 lb/ft 134 lb/ft TL = D + Lr = 88 lb/ft + 110 lb/ft = TL / TL allow= 198 / 230 = 0.86 < 1.0 198 lb/ft OKAY Page 13 DATE : 10/25/21 BY: ESY Joist is capable of supporting full DL + Lr, OKAY to install solar on these members. Load Combination D + Dsolar + Lr reduced TL = D + Dsolar + Lr= 88 lb/ft + 40 lb/ft + 90% (110 lb/ft) = TL / TL allow= 227 / 230 = 0.99 < 1.0 I Lr reduced = 90% x 110 lb/ft = Load Combination D + Dsolar + 0.75Lr + 0.45W 227 lb/ft OKAY 99 lb/ft I TL = D + Dsolar + 0.75Lr + 0.45W = 88 lb/ft + 40 lb/ft+ 0.75(45% (110 lb/ft))+ 0.45(134 lb/ft)= 226 lb/ft TL / TL allow= 226 / 230 = 0.99 < 1.0 OKAY I Lr reduced = 45% x 11 O lb/ft = Load Combination D + Dsolar + 0.6W TL= D + Dsolar + 0.6W = 88 lb/ft+ 40 lb/ft+ 0.6(134 lb/ft)= TL/ TL allow= 209 / 230 = 0.74 < 1.0 49.5 lb/ft I 209 lb/ft OKAY Code Section 1607.12.5 for Photovoltaic Panel Systems states that areas where solar systems are installed permits a displacement of roof live load due to the area being inaccessible. This means that the roof live load does not need to be considered in the analysis. However, in addition to the solar system loads, our team attempts to include as much roof live load in the analysis as possible. In cases where the member cannot support the full live load prescribed, the live load is reduced until the member can support the loading, shown as "Lr reduced" 32LH06 14 32 32LH07 16 32 18800 32LH08 17 32 20400 32LH09 21 32 25600 32LH10 21 32 283001283001 571 550 531 512 495 478 462 445 430 416 402 352 332 315 297 282 267 254 240 228 217 206 32LH11 I 24 I 32 I 310001 310001 625 602 580 560 541 522 505 488 473 458 443 385 363 343 325 308 292 277 263 251 239 227 32LH12 I 27 I 32 I 36400 I 36400 I 734 712 688 664 641 619 598 578 559 541 524 450 428 406 384 364 345 327 311 295 281 267 32LH13 I 30 I 32 I 40600 I 4osoo I 011 801 785 n1 742 715 690 666 643 621 600 500 480 461 444 420 397 376 354 336 319 304 32LH14 I 33 I 32 I 418001 41800[ 843 826 810 795 780 766 738 713 688 665 643 515 495 476 4-58 440 417 395 374 355 337 321 32LH15 I 35 I a2 I 43200 I 43200 I 870 853 837 821 805 791 776 763 750 725 701 51 1 492 473 454 438 422 407 393 374 355 I 42-46 1 47-56 1 bl bS b9 l;U 1>1 I>.! IN 64 IS!> 6 36LH07 I 16 I 36 I 16800 I 188001 292 I 283 274 286 258 251 244 237 230 224 218 212 207 201 196 191 1An 1 !';.'ll 146 140 134 128 122 117 112 107 103 99 95 91 36LH08 I 18 I 36 I 185001 185001 321 I 311 I 302 293 284 276 268 260 ?.la 246 239 233 227 221 215 209 176 168 160 153 146 140 134 128 123 118 113 109 104 100 36LH09 I 21 I 36 f 23100 I 23700 I 41 1 I 398 I 386 374 363 352 342 333 323 314 306 297 289 282 275 267 24 214 ,t'l4 195 186 179 171 lfl':1 157 1M 144 138 133 127 36LH10 I 21 I 36 I 26100 I 261 oo I 454 440 426 413 401 389 378 367 357 347 338 326 320 311 303 295 273 260 248 236 225 215 205 197 188 HlO 173 165 159 152 146 140 36LH11 I 23 I 36 I 28500 r 2H5oo I 495 480 465 451 438 425 412 401 389 378 368 358 348 339 330 322 297 283 269 257 246 234 224 214 205 196 188 180 173 166 159 153 36LH12 I 25 r 36 I 341 oo I 341 oo I 593 575 557 540 523 508 4m 478 464 450 437 424 412 400 389 378 354 338 3?? 307 ?9? · 27Q ?Fil ?AA ?A'.1. ?'.1? '>"? ?1'.1. ?n.t 19~ 187 179 36LH13 I 30 1 367 40100TT01001 697 675 654 634 615 596 579 562 546 531 516 502 488 475 463 451 41 5 395 376 ~~ 342 ~7 31? ?QA 285 273 262 251 240 231 222 213 36LH14 I 36 I 36 I 44200 I 44200 l 768 755 729 706 683 661 641 621 602 584 567 551 535 520 505 492 456 434 412 ~Q2 373 356 339 323 ~ ')QI:. ?A..'\ ?70 259 247 237 228 36LH15 l 36 I 36 I 46600 I 46600 I ao9 795 781 769 744 721 696 an 656 637 618 600 583 567 551 536 480 464 448 _A-'U _il_3___39.4_._375 358 -~" 327 312 1_299_,.__2&i_ _274.... 2~ 2~2 Section Set .. Page ~5 !ix I Section Sets IC 2x4 4 1 ~~ ~ Orie2 Engineering, Inc. SK-1 ESY Oct 25, 2021 at 11 :00 AM 2x4.r3d Page 16 Dead Load -oo,e~ 1 Loads: BLC 1, D Orie2 Engineering, Inc. SK-2 ESY Oct 25, 2021 at 11 :00 AM 2x4.r3d Page 17 Solar Dea dl d oa lix -.084k :Ai1 t ~ Loads: BLC 2, Dsolar Orie2 Engineering, Inc. SK-3 ESY Oct 25, 2021 at 11 :00 AM 2x4.r3d Page 18 .. Wind Loa d Ii x -.14k Ai1 t ~ Loads: BLC 4, Wdown Orie2 Engineering, Inc. SK-4 ESY Oct 25, 2021 at 11 :01 AM 2x4.r3d Roof Live Load (Full} Page !9 Loads: BLC 3, Lr Orie2 Engineering, Inc. SK-5 ESY Oct 25, 2021 at 11 :01 AM 2x4.r3d Code Check (Bending) -Load Combination D + Lr (Full) Page 20 Code Check flx ( LC 1) No Cale > 1.0 .90-1.0 .75-.90 • .50-.75 0.-.50 7A ,6M1 ~ All roof members can support Dead & Roof Live Load, (per CBC 1607.12.5) Therefore they are all capable of supporting the new solar system. Member Code Checks Displayed Results for LC 1, D + Lr Orie2 Engineering, Inc. SK-6 ESY Oct 25, 2021 at 11 :01 AM 2x4.r3d Roof Live Load (Reduced) Page 21 Lr reduced = 92.5% x 40 lb/ft = 37 lb/ft (92.5% of Live Load) Loads: BLC 3, Lr Orie2 Engineering, Inc. SK-7 ESY Oct 25, 2021 at 11 :01 AM 2x4.r3d Code Check (Bending) -Envelope Solution w/ Reduced Roof Live Load Page 22 Code Check flx ( Env) I No Cale > 1.0 .90-1.0 .75-.90 .50-.75 I 0.-.50 Ah 1 00 & Member Code Checks Displayed (Enveloped) Envelope Only Solution Orie2 Engineering, Inc. SK -8 ESY Oct 25, 2021 at 11 :02 AM 2x4.r3d IIIRISA Company Designer Job Number Model Name Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY A NEMET SC c> CO,,PAvr Wood Material Properties Label Tvoe Database Snecies Grade 1 DF Solid Sawn Visuallv Graded Doualas Fir-Larch No.1 2 SP Solid Sawn Visuallv Graded Southern Pine No.1 3 HF Solid Sawn Visuallv Graded Hem-Fir No.1 4 SPF Solid Sawn Visuallv Graded Soruce-Pine-fir No.1 5 24F-1 .8E DF Balan .. Glulam NDS Table 5A 24F-1 .8E DF BAL na 6 24F-1.8E DF Unba .. Glulam NDS Table 5A 24F-1 .8E DF UNBAL na 7 24F-1.8E SP Balan .. Glulam NDS Table 5A 24F-1 .8E SP BAL na 8 24F-1.8E SP Unba .. Glulam NDS Table 5A 24F-1.8E SP UNBAL na Wood Section Sets Label 1 2x4 Joint Coordinates and Temperatures Label X ft y N1 0 0 2 N2 8 0 Connection Rules Label r.onn TvnP TvnP. 1 Col/Bm Sinale Anale Shear Shear Column/Beam Clip Single Angle Shear 2 Col/Bm Double Anale Shear Shear Column/Beam Clip Double Angle Shear 3 Col/Bm Two Side Clip Angle Shear Shear Column/Beam Clip Double Angle (Both ... 4 Col/Bm End Plate Shear Shear Column/Beam End-Plate Shear 5 Col/Bm Shear Tab Shear Shear Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear 6 Girder/Bm Single Angle Shear Shear Girder/Beam Clip Sinale Angle Shear 7 Girder/Bm Double Angle Shear Shear Girder/Beam Clip Double Angle Shear 8 Grd/Bm Two Side Clip Angle Shear Shear Girder/Beam Clip Double Angle (Both Si .. 9 Girder/Sm End Plate Shear Shear Girder/Beam End-Plate Shear 10 Girder/Sm Sh.,.~r Tab Shear Shear Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear 11 Beam Shear Solice Shear Beam Shear Tab Snlice 12 Column Shear Solice Shear Column Shear Tab Solice 13 Col/Bm Ext. End Plate Moment Moment Column/Beam Extended End-Plate Mo ... 14 Col/Bm PartExt. End Plate Moment Moment Column/Beam Partially Extended End-Pl. . 15 Col/Bm Flush End Plate Moment Moment Column/Beam Flush End-Plate Moment 16 Col/Bm Flanae Plate Moment Moment Column/Beam Flange Plate Moment 17 Col/Bm Direct Weld Moment Moment Column/Beam Direct Weld Moment 18 Col/Bm Seismic Moment Moment Column/Beam Seismic Moment 19 Beam Moment Plate Solice Moment Beam Moment Plate Snlice 20 Column Moment Plate Solice Moment Column Moment Plate Snlice 21 Beam Direct Weld Moment Splice Moment Beam Direct Weld Snlice 22 Col Direct Weld Moment Splice Moment Column Direct Weld Solice 23 Bm Ext. End Plate Moment Splice Moment Beam Extended End Plate Solice 24 Col Ext. End Plate Moment Splice Moment Column Extended End Plate Splice 25 Diaaonal Vertical Brace Brace Dianonal Vertical Brace 26 Chevron Vertical Brace Brace Chevron Vertical Brace 27 Seismic Diaaonal Brace Brace Diaaonal Brace Seismic 28 Seismic Chevron Brace Brace Chevron Brace Seismic 29 Knee Brace Brace Knee Brace 30 Sinale Column Base Plate Basenlate Sinnle Column Basenlate 31 Base Plate with Vertical Brace Basenlate Brace to Column Base Plate Page 23 Oct 25, 2021 11:09 AM Checked By: DJF Cm Em ... Nu The ... Dens ... 1 .3 .3 .035 1 .3 .3 .035 1 .3 .3 .035 1 .3 .3 .035 1 .3 .3 .035 1 .3 .3 .035 1 .3 .3 .035 1 .3 .3 .035 in4 lzz in4 J in4 4 5.359 2.87 Beam Conn rnl/t::irder Conn Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted N/A Bolted Bolted N/A Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted N/A Bolted Bolted N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bolted NIA Bolted N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [Z:\PROJECTS\145 -Baker Electric\047-21 -Zodiac Pools\calcs\2x4.r3d] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY Connection Rules (Continued) I 32 I HSS Truss Connection Label Conn Type Truss Wood Design Parameters Label M1 Joint Loads and Enforced Displacements Type HSS T-Connection Joint Label L D M Direction No Data to Print ... Member Point Loads (BLC 2 : Dsolar) M m er Label i ec ion Ma nitude k k-ft M1 y -.084 Member Point Loads (BLC 4 : Wdown) Dire lion Ma nitude k k-ft y -.14 M m er Lab I M1 Basic Load Cases BLC D"'"-"riotion Cateaorv X Gravit~ Y Gravit~ Z Gravit• 1 D DL -1 2 Dsolar DL 3 Lr RLL 4 Wdown WL Load Combinations De~criotion S .P .S . B .F .. BLC i=-a . BLC F:a ... RLC Fa . RI r JC:a 1 D + Lr Y .. y 1 1 RLL 1 2 D + Dsolar + Lr Y .. y 1 1 2 1 RLL 1 3 D + Dsolar + 0.6W Y .. y 1 1 2 1 WL .6 4 D + Dsolar + 0.75Lr + 0 ... Y .. y 1 1 2 1 RLL .75 WL .45 5 D + Dsolar Y .. y 1 1 2 1 Load Combination Design Joint 1::11 r Descri lion ASIF CD Service Hot Rolled Cold For... Wood Concrete D + Lr 1.25 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 D + Dsolar + Lr 1.25 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 24 Oct 25, 2021 11:09 AM Checked By: DJF Beam Conn Col/Girder Conn N/A N/A CV L Point Distrib• • .. Aro<>IM .. c::, irfar-. 1 1 1 1 JC:a . . R . F:a .. 8 . F:a .B .. Fa ... 8 ... Fa ... Aluminum Stainless Connecti. .. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 (Z:\PROJECTS\1 45 -Baker Electric\047-21 -Zodiac Pools\calcs\2x4.r3d] Page 2 IIIRISA Company Designer Job Number Model Name 3 D + Dsolar + 0.6W 4 D + Dsolar + 0.75Lr + 0.4 .. 5 D + Dsolar Envelope Joint Reactions Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Joint X rkl LC Y rkl LC Z rkl 1 N1 ma~ 0 5 .231 2 0 2 min 0 1 .083 5 0 3 N2 ma~ 0 5 .231 2 0 4 min 0 1 .083 5 0 5 Totals: ma~ 0 5 .462 2 0 6 min 0 1 .166 5 0 Envelope Member Section Deflections Service Member Sec X finl LC v rinl LC z finl 1 M1 1 max 0 5 0 5 0 2 min 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 max 0 5 -.191 5 0 4 min 0 1 -.479 4 0 5 3 max 0 5 -.274 5 0 6 min 0 1 -.682 4 0 7 4 max 0 5 -.191 5 0 8 min 0 1 -.479 4 0 9 5 max 0 5 0 5 0 10 min 0 1 0 1 0 Envelope Wood Code Checks Member Sha e 1 M1 2X4 Yes Yes Yes l(": MX rk-ftl LC MY rk-ftl 5 LOCKED 0 1 LOCKED 0 5 0 5 0 1 0 1 0 5 1 LC x Rotate L .. LC 'n\ Uv' Ra ... LC 5 0 5 NC 5 1 0 1 NC 1 5 0 5 502.9 5 1 0 1 200.62 4 5 0 5 350.515 5 1 0 1 140.755 4 5 0 5 502.9 5 1 0 1 200.62 4 5 0 5 NC 5 1 0 1 NC 1 LC 5 1 5 1 Page 25 Oct 25, 2021 11:09 AM Checked By: DJF MZ rk-ftl LC 0 5 0 1 0 5 0 1 fn\ Uz' Ratio LC NC 5 NC 1 NC 5 NC 1 NC 5 NC 1 NC 5 NC 1 NC 5 NC 1 RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [Z:\PROJECTS\145 -Baker Electric\047-21 -Zodiac Pools\calcs\2x4.r3d] Page 3 Check Deflection of 2x4 Without Solar System : Load Combination D + Lr Beam: M1 Shape: 2X4 Material: DF Dy in Length: 8 ft I Joint: N1 Dz in J Joint: N2 LC 1: D + Lr Code Check: 0.735 (bending) -.509 at 4 ft Report Based On 97 Sections .201 at Oft A k Vy k Vz k -.201 at 8 ft Mz k-ft T --------k-ft My --------k-ft -.402 at 4 ft 1.576 at 4 ft ft ksi fa --------ksi fc ksl -1 .576 at 4 ft AWC NDS-15: ASD Code Check Deflection OKAY Max Defl Ratio U188 Max Bending Check Location 0.735 4ft 3.9-3 Equation CD 1.25 Cr 1.15 Fe' Ft' Fb1' Fb2' Fv' E' (ksi) .627 1.266 2.143 2.372 .225 1700 RB 6.11 Cfu 1.1 Cm 1 1 1 1 1 1 Max Shear Check 0.255 (y) Location 8 ft Ct 1 1 1 1 1 1 CL .994 CP .291 CF 1.15 1.5 1.5 1.5 Location 4 ft Span 1 y-y Lb 2 ft le/d 16 Sway No Le-Bending Top Le-Bending Bot 2 ft 8 ft z-z 8 ft 27.429 No Page 26 Check Deflection of 2x4 With Solar System : Load Combination D + Dsolar Beam: M1 Shape: 2X4 Material: OF Dy in Length: 8 ft I Joint: N1 Dz in J Joint: N2 LC 5: D + Dsolar Code Check: 0.358 (bending) -.274 at 4 ft Report Based On 97 Sections .083 at Oft A k Vy k Vz k -.083 at 8 ft Mz k-ft T --------k-ft My --------k-ft -.25 at 4 ft .98 at 4 ft ft ksi fa --------ksi fc ksi -.98 at 4 ft AWC NDS-15: ASD Code Check Deflection OKAY Max Defl Ratio U350 Max Bending Check Location 0.358 4ft 3.9-3 Equation CD 1.6 Cr 1.15 Fe' Ft' Fb1' Fb2' Fv' E' (ksi) .64 1.62 2.738 3.036 .288 1700 RB 6.11 Cfu 1.1 Cm 1 1 1 1 1 1 Max Shear Check 0.082 (y) Location 8 ft Ct 1 1 1 1 1 1 CL .992 CP .232 CF 1.15 1.5 1.5 1.5 Location 4 ft Span 1 y-y Lb 2 ft le/d 16 Sway No Le-Bending Top Le-Bending Bot 2 ft 8 ft z-z 8 ft 27.429 No CBC 1607.12.5 for Photovoltaic Panel Systems states that areas where solar systems are installed permits a displacement of roof live load due to the area being inaccessible. The deflection check is therefore performed with the omission of roof live load in the load combination "D + Dsolar". Page 27 9750 Miramar Rd., Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers Phone # : (858) 335· 7643 www.orie2.com Page 28 Project No. : DATE: PROJECT: BY: ESY U Anchor Anchorage to 1 /2" Plywood U-ANCHO R (VERIFY MODEL W / ~ ROOFING TYPE AND MANUF.) ._..,..4,--_ U-ANCHOR ROOFING PATCH WATERPROOFING TO BE INSTALLED BY A QUALIFI ED ROOFING CONTRACTOR '-->'--(8) 1 / 4" WOOD SCREWS TO (E) PLYWOOD SECTION A-A U-ANCHOR (VERIFY MODEL W/ ROOFING TYPE AND MANUF.) A (8) 1 / 4" WOOD SCREWS TO (E) PLYWOOD (E) RO OFIN G (E) PLYWOOD 9750 Miramar Rd .. Sule 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers Phone # : 1858) 335-7643 www.orie2.com Project No. : PROJECT: Combined Vertical & Horizontal Loading V MA STRUT BOLTED CONNECTIONS 2.2 in Moment From Eccentricity of Horizontal Shear, H Mh = 320 lbs x 2.2 in = 704 lb-in Tension From Moment Over Plate Th= M / 4.125 in x (1 / 3 screws) = 704 lb-in/ 4.625 in x ( 1 / 3 ) = 51 lbs/ screw Tension from Vertical Attachment Load, V Tv = V / 8 screws = 320 lbs / 8 = 40 lbs / screw Max Tension on ( 1 ) Screw T =Th+ Tv = 51 + 40 = 91 lbs Max Shear on (1) Screw V = H / 8 screws= 320 lbs / 8 = 40 lbs Horizontal & Vertical Loading MECHANICAL ATTACHMENT WORKING LOAD {LB} HORIZONTAL (H) VERTICAL (V) 320 320 Page 29 DATE : BY: ESY Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone #: (858) 335-7643 www.orie2.com Project No. : _________ _ PROJECT : ---------- Page 30 DATE: 10/27/21 BY : ESY Solar Panel Mount: Solar Mechanical Attachments to Roof Fastener Information: APA Wood (Engineering Wood Association) Fastener Type: #14 Wood Screws Total Number of Screws: 12 Screw(s) Withdrawal Design Value, Wult: 350 lbs Load Duration Factor, Cd: 1.6 Safety Factor= 5 W' = Wult * Cd IQ = 350 lbs* 1.6 W' = 112.0 lbs Shear Design Value, Z: 670 lbs Z' = Zult * Cd I Q = 670 lbs* 1.6 / 5 Z' = 214.4 lbs Tension Capacity, Tallow: 112.0 lbs/ Screw Shear Capacity, Vallow: 214.4 lbs/ Screw Tension and Shear Check: T = 91 lbs 91 lbs/ Screw T I Tallow= (91.0 lbs / Screw) I (1 12.0 lbs / Screw) T I Tallow= 0.81 < 1.0, OK V = 40 lbs 40 lbs / Screw V /Vallow= (40.0 lbs/ Screw) I (214.4 lbs/ Screw) V /Vallow= 0.19 < 1.0, OK Tension and Shear Interaction Check: (T/Tallow)+ (V /Vallow)= 0.81 + 0.19 = 1.00 < 1.0, OK USE: Min. (12) #14 Wood Screws TABLE 3 . Wood and Sherr i\lrtal Screws: Meral-10-Ply\Vood Connecrlons<•J 0,.poh of /\,•crage Ul1h11a1r Wl1hclraM1l Load (It,) Threaded S<-rew Size l~11etrmlo11 (111.) #G #8 #10 #12 H 1,1 #16 318 150 180 205 -G> 1/2 200 2•10 275 315 - 5/8 250 295 345 390 - 3/4 300 355 415 "70 525 I -625 700 775 I 1/8 --705 790 875 2-1/4 ----1580 - W Plywood,.. .. C-0 gr.de "'"h "'1NIO< glue (all pli., Croup I) TABLE 1. Screws: M ct al -1 o-Plywood Co nnec ti ons<•J Depth or Ultimate Lateral Load (lb)<b) Threaded V,.~Sa-ews Sheet Metal Screws P<,nctratlon (In.) #8 #10 #12 #8 #10 1/2 415 (500) 590 465 (565) 5/8 ---500 (600) 3/4 ---590 (655) (ii) ~.W.:;:Jl~1c:r~l<rior glue (;Ill pli..Croup I). lac,: llf'in par.oll<I 10 lood (b) Values ln ~theses are CSU:m.ill.t'!S basrd on other tests. Tension Capacity for (1) Screw Shear Capacity for (1) Screw #12 ~ 7 15 9750 Miramar Rd., Suite 310 San D~go. CA 92126 Orie2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers Phone#: (858) 335•7643 www.orie2.com Project No. : PROJECT : Horizontal Loading Only MA STRUT BOLTED CONNECTIONS 2.2 in Moment From Eccentricity of Horizontal Shear, H Mh = 490 lbs x 2.2 in = 1,078 lb-in Tension From Moment Over Plate Th = M / 4.8 in x (1 / 3 screws) = 1,078 lb-in / 4.625 in x ( 1 / 3 ) = 78 lbs/ screw Tension from Vertical Attachment Load, V Tv = V / 8 screws= 0 lbs Max Tension on (1) Screw T = Th + Tv = 78 + 0 = 78 lbs Max Shear on (1) Screw V = H / 8 screws= 490 lbs/ 8 = 62 lbs Horizontal Loading Only MECHANICAL ATTACHMENT WORKING LOAD (LB} HORIZONTAL (H) VERTICAL (V) 490 0 Page 31 DATE : BY: ESY Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 www .orie2.com Project No.: ________ _ PROJECT : ---------- Solar Panel Mount: Solar Mechanical Attachments to Roof Fastener Information: APA Wood (Engineering Wood Association) TABLI, 3. Page 32 DATE: 10/27/21 BY: ESY Fastener Type: #14 Wood Screws Wood and S/1Per o\lera/ Scr~ws: o\lera/-ro-Plywoocl Co1111ecrfo11sl•I Total Number of Screws: 12 Screw(s) Withdrawal Design Value, Wult: 350 lbs Load Duration Factor, Cd: 1.6 Safety Factor = 5 W' = Wult •Cd/ 0 = 350 lbs • 1.6 W ' = 112.0 lbs Shear Design Value, Z: 670 lbs Z' = Zult • Cd I 0 = 670 lbs * 1.6 / 5 Z' = 214.4 lbs Tension Capacity, Tallow: 112.0 lbs/ Screw Shear Capacity, Vallow: 214.4 lbs/ Screw Tension and Shear Check: T = 78 lbs 78 lbs / Screw T /Tallow= (78.0 lbs/ Screw)/ (112.0 lbs / Screw) T /Tallow= 0.70 < 1.0, OK V = 62 lbs 62 lbs / Screw V /Vallow= (62.0 lbs/ Screw)/ (21 4.4 lbs/ Screw) V /Vallow= 0.29 < 1.0, OK Tension and Shear Interaction Check: (T/ Tallow)+ (V /Vallow)= 0.70 + 0.29 = 0.99 < 1.0, OK USE: Min . (12) #14 Wood Screws D,•pth of Average UhhunlP Wlohdrawnl Load (lb) Threaded Screw Site l\•,1etra1lon (111.) #ll #8 11 10 3/8 150 180 205 112 200 240 275 5/8 250 295 345 3/4 300 355 41 5 I --- I 1/8 --2 1/4 --- C.I Plywood,.,.. C,D pie wtth 0<tt<IO< gtu, l•ll pl""' Croup I) TABLE I. H12 -315 390 470 625 705 - H 1,1 G> 525 700 790 1580 Screws: Metal-lo-Plywood Connections!•/ Depth of Ulllmate Latoral Load (lb)tb) Throadod WoodScrt!ws Shccl Metal Screws Pc.nctratton On.) #8 #10 #IZ #8 #10 1/2 415 (500) 590 465 (565) 5/8 ---500 (600) 3/4 ---590 (655) (a) =tc '°'.,:; 3/~ rtict~ltf!or glue (oil plies Group I). lal..., grain para I Id to _., (b) ~uc:s In p.-.m,Lhcscs arc ~lc:5 ba.K'd oo other tesa. Tension Capacity for (1) Screw Shear Capacity for (1) Screw #16 --- 775 875 - #12 670 715 9750 Miramar Rd., Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 MA STRUT Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers Phone# : (858) 335-7643 www.orie2.com V Project No. : PROJECT : Vertical Loading Only BOLTED CONNECTIONS 2.2 in Tension from Vertical Attachment Load , V Tv = V / 8 screws = 350 lbs / 8 = 44 lbs / screw Max Tension on (1) Screw T = Tv = 44 lbs Max Shear on (1) Screw V = H = 0 lbs Vertical Loading Only MECHANICAL ATTACHMENT WORKING LOAD (LB) HORIZONTAL (H) VERTICAL (V) 0 350 Page ~3 DATE : BY: ESY Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 www.orie2.com Project No. : _________ _ PROJECT : ---------- Solar Panel Mount: Solar Mechanical Attachments to Roof Fastener Information: APA Wood (Engineering Wood Association) TABLE 3 . Page 34 DATE: 10/27/21 BY: ESY Fastener Type: #14 Wood Screws Wood and S h~N Metal Screws: Metal-to-Plywood Co1111ec1lons<•J Total Number of Screws: 12 Screw(s) Withdrawal Design Value, Wult: 350 lbs Load Duration Factor, Cd: 1.6 Safety Factor = 5 W' = Wult • Cd I 0 = 350 lbs• 1.6 W' = 112.0 lbs Shear Design Value, Z: 670 lbs Z' = Zult • Cd I 0 = 670 lbs • 1.6 / 5 Z' = 214.4 lbs Tension Capacity, Tallow: 112.0 lbs/ Screw Shear Capacity, Vallow: 214.4 lbs/ Screw Tension and Shear Check: T = 44 lbs 44 lbs / Screw T I Tallow= (44.0 lbs/ Screw) I (112.0 lbs / Screw) T I Tallow= 0.39 < 1.0, OK V = 0 lbs O lbs / Screw V /Vallow= (0.0 lbs/ Screw) I (214.4 lbs/ Screw) V /Vallow= 0.00 < 1.0, OK Tension and Shear Interaction Check: (T/ Tallow)+ (V /Vallow)= 0.39 + 0.00 = 0.39 < 1.0, OK USE: Min. (12) #14 Wood Screws Dep1h or /\verng< Uhl111a1• Wl1hdraw;il Load (lb) Thread<,d Screw Sile l't-11e1rn1lon Un.I #(j #8 #10 #12 #14 3/8 150 180 205 G> 1/2 200 240 275 315 518 250 295 345 390 3/4 300 355 41 5 470 525 I --625 700 I 1/8 705 790 2 1/4 ---1580 TABLE I. Screws: Metal-to-Ply wood Conncctlonsf•J Depth or UIUm:ite t ater.al l.oad (lb)lb) Titroadcd Wood Screws Sheet. Metal Screws PcnctraUon On.I #8 #10 #12 #8 #10 1/2 415 (500) 590 465 (565) 5/8 ---500 (600) 3/4 ---500 (655) W r~u,"',!!;j~/f-"':l:'1cf!:::.l<rioc glue (aU pli<,; Croup I). lac• Gl'fn parallel ID load. (b) V-..&lucs ln parcnlhcscs iln' ~les bas(:,cJ on other lob. Tension Capacity for (1) Screw Shear Capacity for (1) Screw #IG ---775 875 - #12 670 715 f ASlfNfR lo nos fOR PlYWOOO -~CRfWS Number E830C December 1995 Intro duction The integrity of a structure is frequently dependent upon the connections between its component elements. For maximum strength and stability, each joint requires design which is adapted to the fastener type and to the strength pmperties of the individual structural members. Included ·in the following tables are ultimate withdrawal and lateral loads for plywood joints fastened with wood and sheet metal screws. These load values are ba5ed upon tests conducted by APA -The Engineered Wood Association. Test Res ults Plywood-and-Metal Connections Self-drilling, self-tapping screws are commonly used to attach plywood up to 1-1/8 in. thick to steel flanges up to 3/16 in. thick. However, since threads are usually pmvided on only a portion of the fastener shank, it is important to specify the appropriate fastener length for a given plywood thickness. This precaution ensures that the threaded portion of the shank will engage in the steel framing. Several lengths and styles are available. Additional details for these types of screws may be obtained from specific fastener manufucturers. The following data apply to wood screws and sheet metal screws. Lateral Resistance: fuforrrance of plywood-and-metal connections is dependent upon the strength properties of all three elements. a) Plywood-critical joints are characterized by a shearing of the plywood veneers oriented parallel to the direction of the applied force. Veneer plugs, whose width equals the diameter of the screw shank, may shear loose and protrude at the loaded end. b) Fastener-critical joints are characteriz.ecl by a shear fuilure of the screw shank. As shown in Figure 1, once localiz.ed crushing of the wood has occurred, resistance to fastener- head embedment into the metal causes the screw to become a shear specimen and joint behavior is dependent upon the shear strength of the fastener: Shear failure of the screw shank occurs at the wood-metal interface. A P A The Engineered Wood Association FIGURE 1. Failure of Laterally Loaded, Single-Shear Metal-to-Plywood Connection Shearing of screw shank ◊1 ~ 1J£( I 19 "' Crushing of plywood c) The metal-critical joint may fail in one of two ways. Failure occurs when the resistance of the screw head to embedment is greater than the resis- tance of the metal to lateral and/or withdrawal load, and the screw tears away from the metal framing. Failure also occurs when thin metal in a metal-to-plywood joint crushes or tears away from the screw. Tables 1 and 2 present ultimate lateral loads for wood-and sheet-metal-screw connections in plywood-and-metal joints. Loaded end distance in these tests was one inch. Plywood face grain was parallel to the load since this direction yields the lowest lateral loads when the joint is plywood-critical. All wood-screw specimens were tested with a 3/16-in.-thick steel side plate, and values should be modified if thinner steel is used. © 1995 APA -The E11gi11eered Wood Associatio11 ► "' Q = => "' " 0 "' 0 z 0 z 0 "' z 1;' 0 u ► z < Q > "' = "' = " "' ix TA BL E I. Screws: Meta l-to -Plywood Connections/a ) Depth of Ultimate Lateral Load Ob)(b) Threaded Wood Screws Sheet Metal Screws Penetration (in.) #8 #10 #12 #8 #10 #12 1/2 415 (500) 590 465 (565) 670 5/8 ---500 (600) 705 3/4 ---590 (655) 715 (a) Plywood was C-D grade with exteiior glue (all plies Group 1), face grain parallel to load. Side plate was 3/16"-thick steel. (b) ¼I ues in parentheses are estimates based on other tests. _l_ 1. T ,__ 5 ,__ Wood Screw .._ ) N J - Sheet Metal Screw TAB LE 2. Sheet Meta l Screws: Plywood-to-Meta l Connecti ons/a) Plywood Ultimate Lateral Load Ob)(b) Framing Thickness Screw Size (in.) #8 #10 #12 #14 0.080" 1/4 330 360 390 410 Aluminum 1/2 630 850* 860 920 3/4 910* 930* 1250 1330 0.078" 1/4 360 380 400 410 Galvanized 1/2 700* 890* 900 920 Steel (14 gage) 3/4 700* 950* 1300* 1390* (a) Plywood was A-C fXf (all plies Group I), face grnin parallel to load. (b) Loads denoted by an asterisk(*) were limited by screw-to-framing strength; others were limited by plywood strength. -- ~ I ) J ~~ 2 l/4"-20 Self Tapping Screw 590 970 1440 650 970 1500 Page 36 Withdrawal: Tables 3 and 4 present average ultimate withdrawal loads for wood and sheet metal screws in plywood- and-metal joints, based on analysis of test results. Wood screws have a tapered shank and are threaded for only 2/3 of their length. Sheet metal screws typically have higher ultimate load than wood screws in the smaller gages, because of their uniform shank diameter and full-length thread. The difference is not as apparent in the larger gages and lengths because the taper is not as significant. ¼lues shown in Table 3 for wood screws are based on 1/4-in. protrusion of the wood screw from the back of the panel. This was to assure measur- able length of thread embedment in the wood, since the tip of the tapered wood screw may be smaller than the pilot hole. This was not a factor for sheet metal screws due to their uniform shanks. Adjustment for Species Other Than Group 1: All the ultimate loads presented in Tables 1 through 4 are based on plywood panels of all-Group 1 con- struction. For plywood panels of other species groups, the ultimate loads in these tables must be adjusted by correction factors presented in Table 5. Correction factors apply for both lateral and withdrawal loading. The adjustment factor for the highest numbered species group present in any veneer should be used. Fastening Into Plywood Panel Edges Fastening into plywood panel edges is not normally recommended. For some purposes, however, edge fastening may be necessary. Table 6 presents ultimate lateral and withdrawal loads for various sizes of wood screws in this application. Estimating Allowable Design Loads It is the responsibility of the designer to select a working load suitable for the particular application. A high degree of variability is inherent in individual fastener test results. Therefore, for screws in withdrawal, a working load of about one-sixth of the ultimate load has traditionally been used for long-duration loads. For normal load duration, the long-term working load may be increased by 10 percent. Normal load duration contemplates fully stressing the con- nection for approximately ten years, either continuously or cumulatively. Page 37 TABLE 3. Wood and Sheet Meta l Screws: Metal-to-Plywood Connections(a) Depth of Average Ultimate Withdrawal Load (lb) Threaded Screw Size Penetration (in.) #6 #8 #10 #12 #14 #16 3/8 150 180 205 --- 1/2 200 240 275 315 350 - 5/8 250 295 345 390 440 - 3/4 300 355 415 470 525 - I ---625 700 775 1-1/8 ---705 790 875 2-1/4 ----1580 - (a) Plywood 'Ml.'l C-D grade with exterior glue (all plies Group I). ~ t i.-,,1 t -.... .... .... b,:; Wood Screw Sheet Metal Screw TABLE 4. Sheet Metal Screws: Ply wood-to-Metal Connections{a) Plywood Ultimate Lateral Load (lb)(b) Framing Thickness Screw Size l/4"-20 Self (in.) #8 #10 #12 #14 Topping Screw 0.080" 1/4 130 150 170 180 Aluminum 1/2 350 470 500 520 3/4 660 680 790 850* 0.078" 1/4 130 150 170 180 Galvanized 1/2 350 470 500 520 Steel ( I 4 gage) 3/4 660 680 800 900 (a) Plywood Wd'i A-C EXr (all plies Group I). (b) Loads denoted by an asterisk(•) were limited by screw-to-framing strength: others were limited by plywood strength. 3 220 500 790• 220 500 850 © 1995 APA -The E11gi11eered Wood Associario11 For laterally loaded screws, a working load of normal duration may be approximated by dividing the tabulated ultimate load by 5 or 6. For practically all laterally loaded screw connections shown, the normal-duration working load will correspond to a joint slip of less than 0.01 inch. Adjustments for shorter or longer duration of load apply to design values for mechanical fasteners where the strength of the wood {i.e., not the strength of the metal fastenetJ deter- mines the load capacity. Adjustments of design values for varying durations of load and combinations of load should be in accordance with the current AF &PA National Design Specification for Wood Construction. TABLE 5. Types of Loading Lateral Withdrawal Load Adjustment for Screws into Plywood for Species Groups No ted(a)(b) All-All- Group 1 Group 2 100% 78% 100% 60% All- Group 3, 4, 5 78% 47% .(a) Adjustments based on the species groups for plywood shown in Voluntary Product Standard PS I and the equations in U.S. Agricultural Handbook No. 72. (b) Face, back, and core veneer must be of the same species group. When species group is unknown, assume all-Group 4. TABLE 6. Wood Screws: Plywood-to-Plywood Edge Connections/a) Depth of Ultimate Lateral Ultimate Withdrawal Threaded Load (lb)(b) Load (lb) (bl Penetration (in.) #8 #IO #12 #8 #10 #12 I 180 (185) 195 360 (405) 450 1-1/2 180 (185) 195 410 (455) 500 (a) Plywood receiving screw thread was 3/4"-thick C-O grade with exterior glue (Group 2 inner plies). (b) Values in parentheses are estimates based on other te.ts. 0 11 [) • \. \. \ l) ..._ ______ _ A P A The Engineered Wood Association Page 38 We have field representatives in most major U.S. cities and In Canada who can help answer questions involvin9 APA trademarked products. For additional assistance in specifying APA en9inecred wood products, get in touch with your nearest APA regional office. Call or write: WESTERN RECIO N 7011 So. 19th St • P.O. Box 11700 Tacoma, Washington 98411-0700 (253) 565-6600 • Fax: (253) 565-7265 EASTERN REGION 2130 Barrett Park Drive, Suite 102 Kennesaw, Georgia 30144-3681 (770) 427-9371 • Fax: (770) 423-1703 u.s_ HEADQUARTERS AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIVISION 7011 So.19th St.•P.O. Box 11700 Tacoma, Washington 98411-0700 (253) 565-6600 • Fax: (253) 565-7265 ~e@e~. www.apawood.org PRODUCT SUPPORT HELP DESK (253) 620-7400 E-mail Address: help ~ apawood.org (Offices: Antwerp, Belgium; Bournemouth, United Kingdom; Hamburg, Germany; Mexico City, Mexico; Tokyo, Japan.) For Caribbean/Latin America, contact headquarters in Tacoma. The product use recommendations in this publication are based on APA -The Engineered Wood Association's continuing programs of laboratory testing, product research, and comprehensive field experi- ence. However. because the Association has no control over quality of workmanship or the conditions under which engineered wood products are used, it cannot accept responsi- bility for product performance or designs as actually constructed. Because engineered wood product performance requ,rements vary geographically, consult your local archi- tect, engineer or design professional to assure compliance with code, construction, and performance requirements. Form No. E830C Revised December 1995/0100 © 1995 APA -The Engineered Wood Association Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Rd., Surte 310 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 San Diego, CA 92126 www.orie2.com Project No. : 145.047-21 PROJECT : Zodiac Pools Electrical Equipment Anchorage NOTE: 1 . ALL STRUT AND FASTENERS TO BE GALV. ANCHOR EA. MOUNTING --- BRACKET w/ 1/4" DIA. BOLTS w/ UNISTRUT CHANNEL NUT {CALV.) PER MANUFACUTER'S RECOMMENDATIONS ~--ELECT. EQUIP ---- MAX WT = 300 LBS Pl OOO UNISTRUT---~ ATTACH EA. HORIZ. STRUT TO {E) CONCRETE WALL w/ (2) 3/8" DIA. x 2-1/4" EMBED HILTI KB-TZ EXPANSION ANCHORS (ICC ESR-1917) (E) CONCRETE WALL: AT CONCRETE WALL ANCHOR EA. MOUNTING --- BRACKET w/ 1/4" DIA. BOLTS w/ UNISfRUf CHANNEL NUT (CALV.) PER MANUFACUTER'S RECOMMENDATIONS ~-ELECT. EQUIP --~ MAX Wf = 300 LBS P1000 UNISTRUT ---- rATTACH EA. HORIZ. STRUT TO (E) METAL STUD WALL w/ (2) 1/4" DIA. TEK SCREWS. SPAN MIN. (2) STUDS (ICC ESR-3223) (E) METAL STUD WALL AT METAL STUD WALL 0 0 Page 39 DA TE : 1 0/25/21 BY : ESY _ _.-"" Orie 2 EngineerinQ Project No.:_14_5_.0_4_7-_2_1 _____ _ Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone # : (858) 335-7643 www.orie2.com PROJECT: Zodiac Pools SEISMIC DEMANDS ON NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS ASCE 7-1613.3.1 Code: 2019 CBC, ASCE 7-16 CHAPTER 11, 12, 13 SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA Soil Site Class: D, Default Table 20-3-1, If default is chosen, Min F • = 1.2 S,: 92.3 S1: 34.0 F1: 1.200 F.: 1.960 SMs: 1.108 SM1: 0.666 Sos: 0.738 So1: 0.444 %9 %9 Occupancy: II (USGS using Latitude/Longitude) Table 11.4-1 Table 11.4-2 F ••S, F.•S, 213(SMsJ 2/3(S Ml) IP: 1 ASCE 7-16, Section 13.1.3 Component= Other Electrical Components constructed of sheet Metal Framing Page 40 BY: ESY ap = 2.5 Rp = 6 height of struct to pt. of attachment, z = 1 ave. roof height to base, h = 2 ASCE 7-16, Table 13.5-1 or 13.6-1 Seismic Force: F P = 0 .4a0S05 (R.,110) Fp = 0.246 x WP F p,mln = 0.3Soslp X WP F p,mln = 0.222 X WP F p.max = 1.6Soslp x WP Fp.max= 1.181 xWP x (1 +2(z/h)) x WP ASCE 7-16, Eq 13.3-1 <-Governs ASCE 7-16, Eq 13.3-3 ASCE 7-16, Eq 13.3-2 (LRFD) Orle 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Rd., Suite 310 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 San Diego, CA 92126 www.orie2.com Project No. : 145.047-21 PROJECT : Zodiac Pools Electrical Equipment Anchorage Wt= 300 lbs -CJ) I n Fp = 0.246 x 300 lbs= 74 lbs 6" Fpv = 0.2SdsWp = 0.2 x 0.738 x 300 lbs= 45 lbs (Wt+ Fpv) = 300 + 45 = 345 lbs M = Fp x 45" / 2 + ( Wt + Fpv ) x 6" M = 74 x 22.5" + 345 X 6" = 3,735 lb-in T,M = M / 45" = 3735 / 45 = 83 lbs (LRFD) (LRFD) (LRFD) T anchor= T,M / 2 anchors+ Fp / 4 anchors= 83 / 2 + 74 / 4 = 60 lbs V anchor= ( Wt + Fpv ) / 4 anchors = 345 / 4 = 87 lbs 1) Check Concrete Anchors (LRFD) Page 41 DATE : 10/25/21 BY: ESY 2) Check Screws to Metal Studs (ASD) -Use LRFD Loads -Conservative www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Evaluation Service Report: Issued I Valid: Proof: Stand-off installation: Profile: Base material: Installation: Kwik Bolt TZ -CS 3/8 (2 3/4) h81,ac1 = 2.750 in., hnom = 3.063 in. Carbon Steel ESR-1917 11112020 I 51112021 Design method ACI 318-14 / Mech. Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: -(Recommended plate thickness: not calculated) cracked concrete, 3000, fc' = 3,000 psi; h = 9.250 in. hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry Page 42 1:11s-• Profis Anchor 2.8.9 10/27/2021 Reinforcement: tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) Tension load: yes ( (d)) Shear load: yes ( (c)) R -The anchor calculation is based on a rigid anchor plate assumption. Geometry [in.] & Loading [lb, In.lb) Z: ' ' Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan HilU is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Page 43 1:115;.1 www.hiltl.us Profis Anchor 2.8.9 Company: Page: 2 Specifier: Address: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: Date: 10/27/2021 E-Mail: 2 Proof I Utilization (Governing Cases) Design values [lb] Utilization Loading Tension Shear Loading Proof Pullout Strength Steel Strength Combined tension and shear loads 3 Warnings Load 60 87 PN Pv 0.036 0.059 Please consider all details and hints/warnings given in the detailed report! Capacity PN I Pv [%] 1,685 4 / - 1,466 -I 6 l; Utilization PN,v [%] 5/3 2 Fastening meets the design criteria! 4 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Status OK OK Status OK Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademarl< of Hilti AG, Schaan Orie• Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 Project No.: 145.047-21 PROJECT: Zodiac Pools Tek Screw Tek Screw Capacity Fastener Information: Attaching Material: Steel Fastener Type: Tek Screws Material Thickness not in contact with Screw head: 16ga Material Thickness in contact with Screw head: 14ga Fastener Size: 1/4 in Fastener Length: 1.00 in Allowable Tensile Pull-Out Capacity, Tnot / n: Allowable Tensile Pullover Capacity, Tnov / n: Allowable Shear (Bearing) Capacity, Vns / n: Allowable Tensile Fastener Capacity, Tts / n: Allowable Shear Fastener Capacity, Vss / n: 191.0 lbf/ Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 2) 700.0 lbf I Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 3) 463.0 lbf / Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 4) 1605.0 lbf I Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 5) 990.0 lbf / Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 5) Allowable Tensile Capacity, Tallow= MIN[(Tnot / 0), (Tnov I 0), (Tis/ Q)] Tallow = MIN[(191 .0 lbf / Fastener), (700.0 lbf / Fastener), (1605.0 lbf / Fastener)] Tallow= 191 .0 lbf / Fastener Allowable Shear Capacity, Vallow= MIN[(Vns / n), (Vss / Q)] Vallow= MIN[(463.0 lbf / Fastener), (990.0 lbf / Fastener)] Vallow= 463.0 lbf / Fastener T anchor = 60 lbs V anchor = 87 lbs TIT allow = 60 / 191 = 0.32 < 1.0 V /Vallow= 87 / 463 = 0.19 < 1.0 TIT allow+ V /Vallow= 0.32 + 0.19 = 0.51 < 1.0 OKAY OKAY OKAY Page 44 DATE : 10/27/21 BY: ESY Page 45 Orie' Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road , Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone # : (858) 335-7643 Project No.: --'1--'4.::..5·:.:c0....:4.:...7--=2:...:.1 _____ _ PROJECT: Zodiac Pools ESR-1976 DATE : 10/27/21 BY : ESY ESR-19711 Most W,d-,/y Acc-,pted and Tru.stod Page 5 of 8 TABLE 2-ALLOWABLE TENSILE PULL-OUT LOADS (P,..,/0), pounds.force'·~ 1'' Steel F .. •45 ksl, Applled Factor or Safety, Cl•3.0 Screw Nomlnal Design Thickness of Member Not In Contact w 1111 the Screw Head (In) Designation Diameter 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.048 0.075 0.105 0.187 (In.) 0.038 0.0110 0.125 0.250 10-10 0.190 44 58 73 07 110 145 1112 254 303 . . 12-14 12-24 0.216 50 66 63 99 132 16S 207 289 344 S1S 689 I •-14, / ,.-28 0.250 S7 77 98 11s 153 191 239 33S 398 598 797 ForSI: 1 W\oh•2$.4mm. 1 lbf•4.45N, 1 ktl•tS OtMP• 'For tent~ connectiona. lhe .... , of the aUownbte pun-out pul!CHer, end rattener teneion ••tngO'I founcun Tabfet 2. 3, and 5, r~d iit~. IT'IJtt be used t>r ~.:~~As ME tt■nd•d tcrew dlamelera were uaed In the catwle6ont and•'• U.ted int~ tabf• >nw aKowable pull-out c•p1city fOtottl'tr m.,,,btr thlckn••can be d•t•ml,-d by lnla~allng v.i"thin ti-. tabfe ~o catc.u&ateLRFO vah••• mull~ v■W• lnt■tleby theASD H fety ra:10rof 30 ancsmutlpty, againwithlheLRF04>facl0rot 0.$, 'ForF _,, • 58 kal. mul•piy veluea by 1.29: for F .,. e,s kei, mU1Jply values t,, 1 4-"' 'outakH drilltng c.epaei'Y kmla TABLE 3-ALLOWABLE TENSILE PULLOVER LOADS (P-/0), pounds.force'•~•'' Steel Fu• 45 ksl. Applied Factor of Safety, 0 •3.0 Heed or Design lhickn••• of M ember In Cont.act with~ Sc:rew Head (In) Screw Nomfnal Int.oral Diameter Washer Designation (In.) Diameter 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.036 0.048 0.060 0.075 0.105 0.125 .187 (In.) Hex Washer Head (HWH) 10-16 0 190 0.400 162 218 270 324 432 540 1175 945 1125 . 12-1<4. 12-24 0.218 0.415 168 224 280 336 448 580 700 960 1167 17411 ,,..14 0.250 0.500 .<03 uo 338 40S 540 67S 1144 1181 1406 2 104 , •• 14, , ... 28 0.250 0.410 188 224 280 336 448 560 700 980 1167 1746 HWH w ith Serrations 10-16 I 0.190 I 0.435 I 1,0 I 23S I 294 I 352 I 4 70 I 587 I 734 1028 (1223( /,1•14 I 0250 ' 0,810 I 203 I 270 I 338 I 405 I 540 I 117S I 844 1181 14015 2104 Phllllps Pan HHd 10-115 I 0.190 ' 0.365 I 148 I 107 I 246 I 296 I 304 I 493 I 616 882 110271 For SI; 1 lneh • 25 4 mm, 1 _,, • 4.45 N, 1 kel • 6.80 MPa 0.250 . 2334 2111;, 2334 . . 1Fo, tens~ conneclOna. lhe lowe,r ot th• allowable pun-GJt, pullo,er. end f•tener tef'9k>natr«"gthfound In T.abtea 2, 3, and$, r•apectt.'ety n-iu.t be u,e<f for ~~\~/ASME 11and•d ,crew<tlam•_,.,.....,. ualtd k'I lhe celcula~n• and ere l~ted In the tebta, ,,,... anowabte pulf..ovet capacity tor other member lhk:Kn1s1 can b4I deiermned by lnttrp<Maling w.thh'l lhe table ♦,'o calculate LRFD v■lun. rn.tttlpt/ vauea In tatie by theASO safety facb' of 3.0 end mui•p,, again "'1th the LRFO<P rector Of O 5. 'For Fu• 54 kal. muttlPb' 'tfalueaby 1.29, lot Fu• es k•I. multipt/ vaIUHbY 1.44 'Out·alde drlthng capacity lwrits. Page 46 Orie • Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 Project No.: _1_45-'-.--'-0_47_-_2_1 _____ _ PROJECT: Zodiac Pools ESR-1976 DATE : 10/27/21 BY: ESY ESR-1,16 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page I of I TABLE 4-ALLOWABLE SHEAR (BEARING) CAPACITY (P,./0), pounds.force'~•~• Steel Fu• 45 k•I. Applied Factor of Sar.ty, 0-3.0 Oe•lgn Design Thtckness of Member in contact w ith the Screw Head (In) Thickness or Screw Nominal Member Not Diameter In Contact Otslgnatlon (In.) wlthtM 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.038 0.048 0.080 0.075 0.105 0.125 0.187 Screw Head (In) 0.0 18 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 - u.024 10;, 1u;, 10;, 10;, 1u;, 1u;, 1u;, 1u2 1u;, - 0 .030 111 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 - 0 .038 120 152 185 188 188 188 188 188 188 - 10-111 0 190 0 .048 139 1118 199 228 289 289 289 289 289 - 0 .080 139 185 213 239 327 404 404 404 404 -0.075 139 185 231 251 337 427 584 584 584 - 0.105 1311 185 231 277 356 436 570 808 808 - 0.125 1311 185 231 277 3611 442 571 808 1162 - 0 .018 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 0 .024 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 0.030 125 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 0.038 138 170 205 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.048 157 190 223 253 308 308 308 308 3011 308 12-14 0 216 0 .060 157 210 240 266 362 430 430 430 430 430 12-24 0 .075 157 210 262 262 375 468 601 601 601 601 0 ,105 157 210 262 315 402 483 624 919 919 919 0.1;,:, 1 "' ;,1u 262 315 4;,u 4V4 VO 111 .. 1094 1U'14 0 .187 157 210 ,:o,: 315 420 :,,<:, 642 919 1094 1636 0.250 157 210 262 315 420 525 656 9111 1094 16311 0.0 18 78 711 78 re 76 re 711 78 711 711 0.024 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 "117 117 117 0 ,030 142 184 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 0 .036 156 193 215 215 215 215 215 2 15 2 15 215 0 .048 182 218 253 283 331 331 331 331 331 331 1,,..1,4 0.250 0 .uou 182 243 '10 300 406 463 463 4113 4!13 483 'l,•28 "'•u ·g, 182 243 304 322 424 021 .,~, 847 1147 1147 0.105 162 243 304 365 461 544 6114 10113 10113 1063 0.125 182 243 304 365 488 580 703 1063 1266 1268 0 187 182 243 304 365 468 606 731 1063 1266 16113 0 .250 182 243 304 385 488 608 7511 1063 1286 18113 For St: 1 inch •25 4 mm, 1 lt>f•4 45N, 1 kel •9 89 ~• 'The to,,w,r of tM elk>wabte Shffr (beari,,g) end.,. •No'Nabf• tesener •Mar•l~th tound ln TabfH 4 •net 5, re~br1•¥, MUii be u•~ fordHlgn 1ANSI/ASME atand•d •aewdiamellrtwet'e u.ed in lh• c:alc:ut•,ons and are listed In lhe tab4•. >t'M ano~t>t• tM.•rino C6J'IIClt,' f0< Olh« m•~ lht::W,•• can be CMterniM>d t,y tnt«J)datW1Qwtehin th• 1•1J• "To c:alculate LRFO vaiun. mJII~ vaw, In t•t:f• by theASO 1efety fa:::tor of 3.0 .no mutll~ •~.n \Mth the LRFO • facllOr of 0.5 11r"orF,. •50kll, mut,PVvatv.by 12StfOtF,.•05ka,', mlitip~v■IUlll:7,t 1 44 TABLE 5-FASTENER STRENGTH OF SCREWS'•''• 0.250 --------- 7 1 109 152 200 3011 430 601 9 19 1Ui14 10J0 2 187 711 117 164 215 331 463 1147 1063 1288 1693 2531 SCREW DIAMETER ALLOWABLE FASTENER STRENGTH NOMINAL FASTENER STRENGTH DESIGNATION (In,) Tenslle, p,.,n ~bl) Shear, P _,n (lbl) Tenslle, p,. (lbf) Shear, P. (lbl) 10-16 0.190 865 :,,3 2654 1718 12-14 0,216 1184 724 3551 2171 .......... ~ ... , ... ... 4750 21554 , ... , .. 0.250 1eo5 11110 48111 2970 ••-<O u. 'Y46 5767 3925 For St: 1W,e,h•254mm, t lbf•4 45N 1For1en1,on conn.cti0n1, the least of tr. allowable pun.out. puU011•er. and ratt•ner tenllon •••no" lounclln Tables 2, 3, •nc1 5, l'ffP'KlN~. m..1tlbe Uj;ed tor OH!gn .:For aMar connect kin. tN tow.r of the allowable shear (t>eanng) and tht al1owable faste.--st\ear suergth fcund In T~• 4 and S. respec:dr,e~. m.Jstbe used for OHign >s.e S.CUon 4 1 r« «.sane, apachg and end di••~ raquJrements ~ominal atrengt11 are baNd on laboratory tea ta s-ro oaleufate LRFO values. multipt,' nominal sl'•ngtt, va.lues by the LRFO 4> facto, of 0.5. Orie2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Rd., Suite 310 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 San Diego, CA 92126 www.orie2.com Project No. : 145.047-21 PROJECT : Zodiac Pools Disconnect & Panelbaord Anchorage ANCHOR EA. MOUNTING BRACKET w/ 1/2" DIA. BOLTS w/ UNISTRUT CHANNEL NUT (GALV.) PER MANUFACUTER'S RECOMMENDATIONS ANCHOR EA. VERTICAL STRUT TO HORIZONTAL STRUTS w/ 1/2" DIA. BOLTS w/ UNISTRUT CHANNEL NUT (GALV.) P1001 UNISTRUT lYP. P1000 UNISTRUT TYP. ATTACH EA. HORIZ. STRUT TO (E) METAL STUD WALL w/ (1) 1/4" DIA TEI< SCREWS. SPAN MIN. (3) STUDS (ICC ESR-3223) (E) METAL STUD WALL---[ r VERTICAL UNISTRUT BEARING ...----,----,.,11~11 1.........__..__·1 _IIL ~ON ELECTRICAL ROOM FLOOR ... · .. ... .. ~ ' ~ • • • -4 ,. ~ . •. C ~ ~ ~ I i i i t •·· i -' ~ i J ~~ • .,.,..,-- ANCHOR EA. MOUNTING BRACKET w/ 1/2" DIA. BOLTS w/ UNISTRUT CHANNEL NUT (GALV.) PER MANUFACUTER'S RECOMMENDATIONS ANCHOR EA. VERTICAL STRUT TO HORIZONTAL STRUTS w/ 1/2" DIA. BOLTS w/ UNISTRUT CHANNEL NUT (GALV.) ~~ P1001 UNISTRUT lYP. PlOOO UNISTRUT TYP. ATTACH EA. HORIZ. STRUT TO (E) METAL STUD WALL w/ (1) 1/4" DIA. TEI< SCREWS. SPAN MIN. J (3) STUDS (ICC ESR-3223) (E) METAL STUD WALL---w VERTICAL UNISTRUT BEARING ----.---'--r-'I. IH,___._.___,.,.._ l I J__._,_____,._I I.. ~................. . ON ELECTRJCAL ROOM FLOOR I,. + Page 47 DATE: 10/25/21 BY : ESY PANELBOARD MAX WT = 650 LBS 90-DECREE STRUT FITTING "P1026" w/ (1) a• DIA. x ~• EMBED. HILT! "KB-TZ" TO CONC. & ( 1) i" DIA. BOLT w/ CHANNEL NUT TO STRUT DISCONNECT MAX WT= 470 LBS 90-0EGREE STRUT FITTING "P1026" w/ (1) r DIA. x ~• EMBED. HILTI "KB-TZ" TO CONC. & ( 1 ) ff" DIA. BOLT w/ CHANNEL NUT TO STRUT -~-~ Orie 2 Engineering Project No.: --'-14"'"'5"'.0'--'4'---7-=21-'---------- Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone # : (858) 335-7643 www.orie2.com PROJECT: Zodiac Pools SEISMIC DEMANDS ON NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS ASCE 7-16 13.3.1 Code: 2019 CBC, ASCE 7-16 CHAPTER 11, 12, 13 SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA Soil Site Class: D, Default Table 20-3-1, If default is chosen, Min F • = 1.2 S,: 92.3 S1: 34.0 F,: 1.200 F.: 1.960 SMs: 1.108 SM1: 0.666 Sos: 0.738 So1: 0.444 %g %g Occupancy: II (USGS using Latitude/Longitude) Table 11.4-1 Table 11.4-2 F ,•S, F.•S I 2!3(SMs) 2!3(SM,) 1.: 1 Component = Panel Board ASCE 7-16, Section 13.1.3 Page 48 BY : ESY ap = 2.5 ASCE 7-16, Table 13.5-1 or 13.6-1 Rp=6 height of struct to pt. of attachment, z = 1 ave. roof height to base, h = 2 Seismic Force: F • = o .4a0S0s x (1+2(z/h)) x w. ASCE 7-16, Eq 13.3-1 (RJl0) F0 =0.246 xw. <-Governs F o.mln = 0.3Soslo xw. ASCE 7-16, Eq 13.3-3 F o,mln = 0.222 xw. F o,max = 1.6Soslo xw. ASCE 7-16, Eq 13.3-2 Fo,max = 1.181 xw. F0 = 0.246 xw. (LRFD) Orle2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Rd., Suite 310 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 San Diogo, CA 92126 www.orie2.com Project No. : 145.047-21 PROJECT : Zodiac Pools Disconnect & Panelbaord Anchorage 0 0 0 0 - PANELBOARD MAX wr = 650 LBS Fp = 0.7 x 0.246 x Wp = 0.7 x 0.246 x 650 lbs= 112 lbs (ASD) 0 0 0 0 Page 49 DA TE : 1 0/25/21 BY : ESY DISCONNECT MAX wr = 470 LBS Note: Equipment Dead Load and Vertical Seismic Load bears on facility floor, consider only tensile seismic load. T screw= Fp / 6 screws= 112 / 6 = 19 lbs / screw Orie' Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 Project No.: _1_45_._04_7_-2_1 _____ _ PROJECT: Zodiac Pools Tek Screw Tek Screw Capacity Fastener Information: Attaching Material: Steel Fastener Type: Tek Screws Material Thickness not in contact with Screw head: 16ga Material Thickness in contact with Screw head: 14ga Fastener Size: 1/4 in Fastener Length: 1.00 in Allowable Tensile Pull-Out Capacity, Tnot I 0: Allowable Tensile Pullover Capacity, Tnov / 0: Allowable Shear (Bearing) Capacity, Vns / 0: Allowable Tensile Fastener Capacity, Tis/ 0 : Allowable Shear Fastener Capacity, Vss IO: 191.0 700.0 463.0 1605.0 990.0 lbf I Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 2) lbf / Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 3) lbf I Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 4) lbf I Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 5) lbf I Fastener (ICC-ESR-1976, Table 5) Allowable Tensile Capacity, Tallow= MIN[(Tnot I 0), (Tnov I 0), (Tis/ O)] Tallow= MIN[(191.0 lbf I Fastener), (700.0 lbf / Fastener), (1605.0 lbf / Fastener)] Tallow= 191 .0 lbf / Fastener Allowable Shear Capacity, Vallow= MIN[(Vns / 0), (Vss / O)] Vallow= MIN[(463.0 lbf / Fastener), (990.0 lbf / Fastener)] Vallow= 463.0 lbf / Fastener T screw = 19 lbs / screw T allow= 191 lbs T/Tallow= 19/191 =0.10< 1.0 OKAY Page 50 DATE : 11/03/21 BY : ESY Page 51 Orie• Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 Project No.: 145.047-21 PROJECT: Zodiac Pools ESR-1976 DATE : 10/27/21 BY: ESY ESR-1976 Ma&t W1delyAccepled and Trusted Page 5 of 8 TABLE 2-ALLOWABLE TENSILE PULL-OUT LOADS (P.,.,/O), pounds-force'•••'' Steel F .. •◄5 ksl. Applied Factor of Safety, 0•3.0 Screw Nominal Design Thickness of Member Not In Contact w Uh lhe Screw Head (In) Diameter Designation (In.) 0,0111 0 .024 0.030 0,0311 0.048 0.0110 0.075 0.105 0 .125 0.187 0.250 10-1e 0.190 44 511 73 117 11e 145 1112 254 303 . . 12-14 12-24 0 .2 18 50 88 83 99 132 16" 207 289 344 515 889 1,-14, 1,-28 0.250 57 77 98 115 153 191 239 335 398 598 797 FOf'SI: 1 Inch■ 25 4 mm, 1 lbf • 4 45N, I ksl •e 89 MP• 'For1en11oneonnecb0na. the teastof IN allowable pull--oul pullolet, and fattenerten•on •••noth founcUn Tables 2. 3. and 5, tupeco,et,o. mutt be used ,o, ?~'r.;ASME 11and•d aaewdiam ... ,a ..... re ut,ed In lhe catouta1cx,9and ••• ltlled In lM tabl• ~c:=1~t~f~1~~-•~t:~~~'!'~=:~~~:'ti~".~::::~3bJ =~:~ .~:~"..!,~ ~~~tRFo• fac10t ot 0.6. 'ForF .. •.SSkal, mut•ptf val!AI by 1..29:f«F.,.•0.Skel, m\Jhp)J val!.as t,, 1 44 'Outek:le dtllSlng c■pec,iy llmet, TABLE 3-ALLOWABLE TENSILE PULLOVER LOADS (P-/0), pounds-force' & •'' Steel Fu• 45 kal, Apptled Factor of Safety, n •3.0 Head or Design Thickness of Member ln Contact with the Screw Head (In) Sorew Nomlnal Integral Diameter Washer Designation (In.) Diameter 0 .018 0.024 0.030 0.038 0.048 0.0110 0.075 0.105 0.125 .187 (In.) Hex Washer Head (HWH) 10•18 0 190 0 .400 Hl2 216 270 324 432 540 675 945 1125 . 12-1 ... 12-2 .. 0 .218 o ... ,s 188 22 .. 280 338 448 5110 700 880 1187 17 .. 8 , ... 14 0.2S0 0.500 203 270 338 405 540 875 a .. 1181 1406 12104 , •• 1•. , .. ..,2e 0 .250 0 415 1118 224 280 3::16 448 580 7 700 1180 1187 1748 HWH w Ith Serrations 10-16 I 0 .190 I 0 .435 I 176 I 235 I 294 I 352 470 1 --S-8, ' 134 1 1028 1 12231 • I /,•14 I 0.250 0 ,610 203 I 270 I 338 I 405 I 540 I 875 I 844 I 1 181 11401112104 1 Phillips Pan Head 10-18 I 0.190 I 0 .38S I 148 I 107 I 246 I 298 I 394 I 493 I 818 I 882 I 1027 I • I Fo, SI: 1 inch• 2:5.4 mm. 1 tbr •4.45 N, 1 kal • $.89 MP• 0.250 . 2334 2813 2334 . . . 1Fo, tension cOf'lnecions. lhe low., of tM •UowatMe puli--a.,I, putlc,.,e,, and f•tener t•,.lonatr.,gtf'lfound In Teblfl 2. 3, and 5. respacb.rely must be used tl< ~~IASlwE atandatd aa.wdleme'9fa.,....,e uaed In the caloJl•'°na and are fisted In th• tabla >rh• aUow•bfe pulk>ver capadly br otMr member thick,.sacan be dettirmned by lnllr-pola'ling within the tabte .,.o celcutate LRFD valu..., n"l.lJtli», vallea In 16t:M by theASO •••tv faclOf' of 3.0 end mutliptf 1ga1nw.tn lf'le l.RFO«> rR110t of 0.5 SJ:or Fu• 58 k1I. moth~ va.k.,eaby 1..29~ br Fu •65 k■l,muttis>¥ values by 1.44 'Out1kk1 OriUing CaJ)eCltf ktnlt .. Page 52 Orie• Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers Project No.: ..;1c..:4.=c5.:..:.0c..:4..:..7-..:;2:...;1 _____ _ DATE : 10/27/21 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 PROJECT: Zodiac Pools ESR-1976 I ESR-1976 M0$1 W1delyAccepted end TfU$/lld Page 6 of 8 TABLE •-ALLOWABLE SHEAR (BEARING) CAPACllY (P,.1O), pounds.force' ~ • u Steel Fu • '5 ksl, Applied Fac,to< of Safety, 0-3,0 Design Oe•lgn Thickness of Member in Contact with the Screw Head (In) Thickness of Serew Nominal MembtrNot Designation ~•meter In Contact 0.018 0.02, 0.030 0.038 0.0'8 0.080 0.075 0 .105 0.125 0.187 (In.) w lthtM Screw Head (In) 0.018 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 - 0.024 102 1u:, 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 - 0.030 111 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 - 0.038 120 152 185 188 188 188 188 188 188 - 10•18 0 .1110 0,048 139 188 199 226 289 289 289 289 289 - 0,060 139 185 213 239 327 404 404 404 404 - 0.075 139 185 231 251 337 427 584 564 564 - 0.105 139 185 231 277 358 436 570 808 808 - 0.125 139 185 231 277 3811 442 571 808 1162 - 0 .018 71 71 7 1 71 71 71 71 71 T1 T1 0 .024 109 1011 1011 1011 109 109 1011 1011 109 1011 0.030 125 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 0.036 136 170 205 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.048 157 190 223 253 308 308 308 308 308 308 12-14 0.216 0,060 157 210 240 268 362 430 430 430 430 430 12-24 0.075 157 210 262 282 375 468 601 601 601 601 0.105 157 210 282 315 402 483 624 1119 919 919 0.125 1:>f :,1u 262 315 420 4114 8211 1119 1094 1094 0.187 157 210 282 315 420 :>L:> 842 11111 1094 1636 0.250 157 210 262 315 420 525 658 9 19 1094 1838 0.018 76 76 76 76 78 78 78 78 78 78 0.024 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 0.030 142 164 184 184 164 184 164 164 164 164 0.036 156 1113 215 215 2 15 215 215 215 2 15 215 0 048 182 218 253 283 331 331 331 331 331 331 1/,.14 0.250 0,DHD 182 243 278 300 406 463 483 483 483 463 '1,..2s 0 D ':) 182 243 304 322 424 521 'l'ITT 647 647 847 0,105 182 243 304 385 481 544 894 1083 1083 1063 0.125 182 243 304 355 486 580 703 1083 1268 1268 0 187 182 243 304 365 488 608 731 1083 1268 18113 0.250 182 243 304 365 488 808 7511 1083 1266 '18113 Fo, SI: 1 inch• 25.<t mm, I lbr • 4.45 N, 1 kal • 8,89 MPa 'The ~ of 1he a11ow11i,-. ahea, (beanng) end_,. al'ctWllbf• , •• .,., atwtar1trcngth found in TablN • and 5, respecw•~. mwt be vied ford•••on ~ANSIIASME 1tand.-d screwd.ame•r1<were ueed In the c•kU•kana and are 1;.i.c1 an the lat>a•. >rhe aUo¥.ebl• bearing capK.lty fO< olher merrt,e, lhcktleu c.an be ot1ermn«t bJ intef'Pdatlng'Mthtf\ th• t•tf•. ~o cek:ulate LRFO V8'1H>._ multlP'f vaw1 In tat:fe by tMASO 1lfet, factor of 3.0 and mulf~ aoa,1nwtlh the LAFO~faclOf oro.s 'For II' .. • 58 kel, multi)~ vatue. by 1 29; for F w • 65 k"-ml.ftlpt, valuH ~ 1 •4 TABLE 5-f'ASTENER SlRENGlH OF SCREWS'•~•' 0,250 --- - -- 71 109 152 200 308 4 30 601 9111 1094 1636 2187 76 117 164 215 331 483 847 1083 1266 1893 2531 SCReW DIAMeTER ALLOWABLE FASTENER SlRENGlH NOMINAL FASTENER SlRENGlH DESIGNATION (In.) T•nsll•. p_,n Obi) SMar. p .,n (lbl) Tensll•. P. (lbl) SMar, P. (lbl) 10-16 0.190 885 573 2654 1718 12-14 0.2 16 1184 724 3551 2171 --·---4750 2854 , ... 14 0,250 1805 11110 4818 2970 ., ... ,o -u. 5767 3925 For SI : 1 Inch• 25 4 mm, 1 lbf • • •s N 'For•~•'°" conneeaon, 1M i.astof tl"e al!OrNable puU-oul puno .. ..-. and ratter.er tenllon aweng1h found#\ T•t>te• 2, 3, and 5. ,..~N•~. 1T1Jttb4 ut..:I '°4' \IHign "For ahear conneeuon, the lower of tM 1110\Nab .. 1heer (bearing) and thl atlo"'11blefa••n41' shear •r•rgthfound In Table• and 5. re.sped Wet,,, must be used br dHign 'see S.clk>n 4, 1 r Of' faatener~chg •nd end distance requlrements 'Nominal •trenglt\9 are baMd on laboral(.)ty teats 5ro cafculate LRFD vafues, n-ulttpt,, nominal ••e.ngth values b/ the LRFD 4> factor of 0.5. BY : ESY HiKu SUPER HIGH POWER MONO PERC MODULE 430 W ~ 455 W CS3W-430 I 435 I 440 I 445 I 450 I 455MS MORE POWER 8 26 % more power than conventional modules Up to 4.5 % lower LCOE Up to 2.7 % lower system cost Low NMOT: 42 ± 3 °c Low temperature coefficient (Pmax): -0.35 % I °C (6':\ Better shading tolerance ~ MORE RELIABLE Lower internal current, lower hot spot temperature Minimizes micro-crack impacts Heavy snow load up to 5400 Pa, wind load up to 3600 Pa* * For detail information, please refer to Installation Manual. CANADIAN SOLAR INC. Page 53 ~~ CanadianSolar linear power output warranty* @ enhanced product warranty on materials and workmanship* *According to the applicable Canadian Solar Limited Warranty Statement, MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATES* ISO 9001 :201 5 / Quality management system ISO 14001 :2015 / Standards for environmental management system OHSAS 18001 :2007 / International standards for occupational health & safety PRODUCT CERTIFICATES* !EC 61215 / IEC 61730: VOE / CE/ MCS / INMETRO UL 1703: CSA/ !EC 61701 ED2: VOE/ !EC 62716: VOE/ !EC 60068-2-68: SGS UNI 9177 Reaction to Fire: Class 1 / Take-e-way * As there are different certification requirements in different markets, please contact your local Canadian Solar sales representative for the specific certificates applicable to the products in the region In which the products are to be used. CANADIAN SOLAR INC. is committed to providing high quality solar products, solar system solutions and services to cus- tomers around the world. No. 1 module supplier for quality and performance/price ratio in !HS Module Customer Insight Survey. As a leading PV project developer and manufacturer of solar modules with over 40 GW deployed around the world since 2001. 545 Speedvale Avenue West, Guelph, Ontario N1 K 1 E6, Canada, www.canadiansolar.com, support@canadiansolar.com ENGINEERING DRAWING (mm) Rear View □ ELECTRICAL DATA I STC* Frame Cross Section A-A Mounting Hole ilt([T-P-( Lffi LID CS3W 430MS 435MS 440MS 445MS 450MS 455MS Nominal Max. Power (Pmax) 430 W 435 W 440 W 445 W 450 W 455 W Opt. Operating Voltage (Vmp) 40.3 V 40.5 V 40.7 V 40.9 V 41.1 V 41 .3 V Opt. Operating Current (Imp) 10.68 A 10.75 A 10.82 A 10.89 A 10.96 A 11 .02 A Open Circuit Voltage (Voe) 48.3 V 48.5 V 48.7 V 48.9 V 49.1 V 49.3 V Short Circuit Current (!SC) 11.37 A 11.42 A 11.48 A 11.54 A 11.60 A 11 .66 A Module Efficiency 19.5% 19.7% 19.9% 20.1 % 20.4% 20.6% Operating Temperature Max. System Voltage Module Fire Performance Max. Series Fuse Rating Application Classification Power Tolerance -40°c -+85°c 1500V (!EC/UL) or 1 00OV (!EC/UL) TYPE 1 (UL 1703) or CLASS C (!EC 61730) 20A Class A 0-+10 W • Under Standard Test Conditions (STC) of irradiance of 1000 Wlm', spectrum AM 1.5 and cell tempera- ture of 2s•c. ELECTRICAL DATA I NMOT* CS3W 430MS 435MS 440MS 445MS 450MS 455MS Nominal Max. Power (Pmax) 321 W 325W 328W 332W 336W 339W Opt. Operating Voltage (Vmp) 37.6 V 37.8V 37.9V 38.1 V 38.3 V 38.5 V Opt. Operating Current (Imp) 8.54 A 8.59A 8.65A 8.71 A 8.76A 8.82A Open Circuit Voltage (Voe) 45.4 V 45.6V 45.8V 46.0V 46.2 V 46.4 V Short Circuit Current (Isc} 9.17 A 9.21 A 9.26A 9.31 A 9.36A 9.41 A • Under Nominal Module Operating Temperature (NMOn, lrradiance of 800 Wlm'spectrum AM 1.5, ambient temperature 2o•c. wind speed 1 mis. * The specifications and key features contained in this datasheet may deviate slightly from our actual products due to the on-going Innovation and product enhancement. Canadian Solar lnc. reserves the right to make necessary adjustment to the information described herein at any time without further notice. Please be kindly advised that PV modules should be handled and Installed by qualified people who have professional skills and please carefully read the safety and installation instructions before using our PV modules. Page 54 CS3W-435MS / 1-V CURVES ,.. 12 t--------11 10 ,.. 12 11 10 '--~~~~~~--....,...._,vo v 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO S 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 so ■ 1ooow1mi s·c ■ ■ soo w1m1 2s•c ■ ■ 600 w1m1 45•c ■ ■ 400 W/m1 6S·c ■ ■ 2oow1m1 MECHANICAL DATA Specification Cell Type Cell Arrangement Dimensions Weight Front Cover Frame J-Box Cable Cable Length (Including Connector) Connector Per Pallet Data Mono-crystalline 144[2X(12X6)] 2108 X 1048 X40 mm (83.0 X41.3 x 1.57 in)6.92'x3.44'=23.8 ft"2 24.9 kg (54.9 lbs) 3.2 mm tempered glass Anodized aluminium alloy, crossbar enhanced IP68, 3 bypass diodes 4 mm2 (!EC), 12 AWG (UL) Portrait: 500 mm (19.7 in)(+)/ 350 mm (13.8 in)(-); landscape: 1400 mm (55.1 in); leap-frog connection: 1670 mm (65.7 in)* T4 series or H4 UTX or MC4-EVO2 27 pieces Per Container (40' HQ) 594 pieces * For detailed Information, please contact your local Canadian Solar sales and technical representatives. TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS Specification Temperature Coefficient (Pmax) Temperature Coefficient (Voe) Temperature Coefficient (lsc) Data -0.35 % I°c -0.27 % I °C 0.05 % I °C Nominal Module Operating Temperature 42 ± 3°C PARTNER SECTION . .............. ··········•·····•························•··················· .................................................................................................. ·····························•·····•···················•···················· .. CANADIAN SOLAR INC. 545 Speedvale Avenue West, Guelph, Ontario N1 K 1 E6, Canada, www.canadiansolar.com, support@canadiansolar.com May 2020. All rights reserved, PV Module Product Datasheet VS.59_EN ,,vv, I IGHIIIII~ t,-''Cil V I I.Ci Yl~ll U. L.111111.VU n~-uu,u.~ ► n 0 i ~ -·-·--·-i--·---1-·-·-·-·-1-·-·.~.-·-'-·-·--·-~ ·-·-·---!-·-·-·-·-!---·-·-·-i-·-·-·-·-i---·-·--- :=:=:=:=l=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=L:=:=:=:_j =:=:=:=:= ~1~ ~:~ : ~~ I -:::::: :::::!== ::::::: ::: =! = • • =! • • • = I • • • • :6 "' ~ 0 D!. I ~ ~ =:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=:= =:=:=:=:=/=:=:=:=:=I ·=:=:=-.=I-=:=:=:=:= =:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=i-:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=:= =:=:=:=:=;=:=:=:=:l :=:=:=:_j=:=:=:=:= -·---·-•-:=:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=:= -·-------1---·-·-·-1-----·-·--·-----·-1 -·-·-1-·-·-·-·-=·=:=:=:=1=:=:=:=-.=1=·=:=·=·= -·-·-·-·-i---·-·-·-i-·-•-·-·-=:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=:= =:=:=:=:=t=·=:=:=·=r=:=:=:=:= -·-·-----l-·-·-·-·-1-·-·-·---=:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=:=i-·-----·--·-·-·-·-1-·-·-·-· =:=:=:=:=f =:=:=: -·-----·-1-·-·-·-· =:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=: =:=:=:=:=i=:=:=:=: :6 :6 :6 :6 ~ ... ~ "' ~ ! 0 0 0 0 D!. ~ co D!. I ~ I ~ ~ ~ p ~ p r> r> = ;:; .:; Page 55 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT structural engineers STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING EXPERTS PARTNERS Richard Turley. SE Paul Scotl. SE, PE Sandra Herd, SE, PE, LEED AP Chris Atkinson, SE, PE, LEED AP Thomas Morris, SE, LEED AP Richard Dahknann, SE, PE Troy Turley, SE, PE, LEED AP Brady Notbohm. SE, PE PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION 50 States Washington D.C. U.S. Virgin Islands Puerto Rico 1215 W. Rio Salado Pkwy. Suite 200 Tempe, AZ 85281 T: (480) 774-1700 F: (480) 774-1701 www.ctsaz.com Job No. 21-0242-2343 By PMP/PGS CLIENT: ® PANELCLAW. 1600 Osgood Street Suite 2023 North Andover, MA 01845 PROJECT: Zodiac Pool Systems 2882 Whiptail Loop East Carlsbad, CA GENERAL INFORMATION: 2019 CBC ASCE 7-16 Sheet No. Cover Date 11/16/21 BUILDING CODE: With SEAOC PV1-2012 and PV2-2017 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT structural engineers STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING EXPERTS PARTNERS Richard T ur1ey, SE Paul Scott, SE, PE Sandra Herd, SE, PE, LEED AP Chris Atkinson, SE, PE, LEED AP Thomas Morris, SE, LEED AP Richard Dahlmann, SE, PE Troy Turley, SE, PE, LEED AP Brady Notbohm, SE, PE PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION 50 States Washington D.C. U.S. Virgin Islands Puerto Rico 1215 W. Rio Salado Pkwy. Suite 200 Tempe, AZ 85281 T: (480) 774-1700 F: (480) 774-1701 www.ctsaz.com Date: November 16, 2021 Mr. Ryan Heil PanelClaw 1600 Osgood Street, Ste. 2023 North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Evaluation of PanelClaw system Project Name: Zodiac Pool Systems CTS Job No.: 21-0242-2343 Per the request of Ryan Heil at PanelClaw, CTS was asked to review the PanelClaw system with respect to the system's ability to resist uplift and sliding caused by wind and seismic loads. Wind Evaluation: PanelClaw has provided CTS with wind tunnel testing performed by CPP, Inc. The system tested was the "clawFR 10 Degree" system. This system consists of photovoltaic panels installed at a 10 degree tilt onto support assemblies. The support assemblies consist of a support frame for the PV panels, wind deflectors and areas for additional mass/weight as required for the ballast loads. The wind tunnel testing was performed per Chapter 31 of ASCE 7-16. The parameters of the testing were a flat roof system in both Exposure B and C on a building with and without parapets. The testing has resulted in pressure and/or force coefficients that were applied to the velocity pressure qz in order to obtain the wind loads on the PV system. From the wind load results it is then possible to calcu late the ballast loads required to resist the uplift and sliding forces. PanelClaw has provided CTS with the excel tool that was developed to obtain the uplift and sliding forces. CTS has reviewed this tool and the wind forces obtained to find that the amounts of ballast and mechanical attachments provided are within the values required. Furthermore, CTS agrees with the methodologies used to develop the uplift and sliding forces for the "clawFR 10 Degree" system per the wind tunnel testing results. Seismic Evaluation (Arrays 2-11, and 13-21): Calculations have been provided utilizing the method found in SEAOC PV1- 2012, Section 9 for the use of non-linear response history analysis to determine the seismic displacement of non-structural components located on a roof per SEAOC PV-2012 and ASCE Section 13.6.12. These calculations have determined that the friction generated from the ballast (allowed per IBC Section 1613.3 and ASCE Section 13.6.12 per Section 13.4 exception) is sufficient to restrict displacement due to seismic forces to acceptable distances, and that no mechanical attachments are required. Seismic Evaluation (Arrays 1, 12, and 22): CTS was asked to review the PanelClaw system to determine attachments required to resist seismic loading of the ballasted solar support system on the • • CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT structural engineers STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING EXPERTS PARTNERS Richard T urfey, SE Paul Scott, SE, PE Sandra Herd, SE, PE, LEED AP Chris Atkinson, SE, PE, LEED AP Thomas Morris, SE, LEED AP Richard Dahlmann, SE, PE Troy Turley, SE, PE, LEED AP Brady Notbohm, SE, PE PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION 50 States Washington D.C. U.S. Virgin Islands Puerto Rico 1215 W. Rio Salado Pkwy. Suite 200 Tempe, Al 85281 T: (480) 774-1700 F: (480) 774-1701 www.ctsaz.com roof of the existing building. Following CBC Load Combination 16-16 and ASCE Section 2.4.5, the Dead Load value has been reduced by subtracting the vertical component of the seismic forces (0.6*0 -0.14Sds*D). The contribution of friction due to the component weight was not considered to resist lateral forces caused by seismic loads per ASCE Section 13.4. Uti lizing this method, calculations have been provided for the number of mechanical attachments that are required to resist seismic forces that are applied to the system. Conclusion: Therefore, it has been determined that the system as provided by PanelClaw is sufficient to resist both wind and seismic loads at this project. Please contact CTS with any questions regarding this letter or attachments. Respectfully, 114 ' Matt Pellow, E.I.T. Structural Designer Paul G. Scott, SE, PE Partner APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION © 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW" Partner Name: Baker Electric Project Name: Zodiac Pool System Project Location: 2882 Whiptail Loop East, Carlsbad, CA, USA Racking System: clawFR 10 Degree Structural Calculations for Roof-Mounted Solar Array Submittal Release: Rev 2 Engineering Seal 2 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW" Section: 1.0 Project Information 1.1 General 1.2 Building Information t .3 Structural Design Information 2.0 Snow Load 2. 1 Snow Load Data 2.2 Snow Load Per Module 3.0 Wind Load 3. 1 Wind Load Data 3.2 Roof I Array Zone Map 3.3 Wind Design Equations 4.0 Design Loads -Dead 4. t Dead Load of the Arrays 5.0 Design Loads -Wind 5. 1. 1 Global Wind Uplift Summary Table: 5.1.2 Global Wind Shear Summary Table: 6.0 Design Loads -Downward 6. t Downward Wind Load Calculation 6.2 Racking Dimensions for Point Loads 6. 3 Point Load Summary 7.0 Design Loads -Seismic 7. f Seismic Load Data 7.2 Seismic Design Equations 7.3 Lateral Seismic Force Check: 7.3. t Seismic Displacement of Unattached Solar Arrays: 7.4 Vertical Seismic Force Check: Table of Contents Page# 4 4 4 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 18 PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com 3 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW" Appendix: A. Wind Tunnel Tests and Load Analysis for PANELCLAW ROOF MOUNT 10° TILT SOUTH-FACING, CPP Project 11828, Dated 15 March 2019. 8. Building Code and Technical data PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com ·, 4 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® PANELCLAW. 1.0 Project Information: 1.1 General: Project Name: Zodiac Pool System 2882 Whiptail Loop East, Carlsbad, CA, Project Location: USA Racking System: clawFR 10 Degree Module: Canadian Solar Module Weight: S3.S7 Module Tilt: 9.73 Module Width: 41.26 Module Length: 82.99 Module Area: 23.78 Ballast Block Weight: 32.60 1.2 Buildini: Information: I Roof Name Height (ft.) Parapet Height (ft.) I Roof I 45 3.0 CS3W-4S0MS lbs. deg. in. in. sq.ft. lbs. Sub-Array Name Pitch (deg.) Membrane Material Coeff. of Friction (µ} I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com J 1/05/2021 5 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® PANELCLAW" 1.0 Project Information (Cont.): 1.2 BuHdin2 Information <Cont.): Sub-Array Name Pitch (deg.) Membrane Material Coeff. of Friction (µ) 20 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 21 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 22 2 Modified Bitumen SBS Adhered 0.64 PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com 11/05/2021 6 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® PANELCLAW 1.0 Project Information (Cont.}: 1.3 Structural Desii:n Information: ASCECode: Building Code: Risk Cat.: Basic Wind Speed (V): Exposure Category: Ground Snow Load (Pg): Is: Site Class: Short Period Spectral Resp. (5%) (Ss): ls Spectral Response (5%) (Sl): le: Ip: ASCE 7-16 IBC 2018 II 96 mph C 0 psf I D 0.923 0.34 PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com 11/05/2021 7 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW. 2.0 Snow Load: Snow Calculations per ASCE 7-16, Chapter 7 2,1 Snow Load Data· Ground Snow Load (Pg) = Exposure Factor (Ce) = Thermal Factor (Ct) = Importance Factor (ls) = 0.00 psf 1 1.2 (ASCE, Figure 7.2-1) (ASCE, Table 7.3-1) (ASCE, Table 7.3-2) (ASCE, Table 1.5-2) Flat Roof Snow Load (Pf) = Min Snow Load for Low Slope Roof= Snow Load on Array (SLA) = 0.7*Pg*Ce*Ct*ls= Pg*Is = Q.QQpsf Q.QQ psf (ASCE 7.3-1) Q.QQ psf (ASCE 7.3.4) Fig. 2.1 -Uniform Roof Snow Load 011 Array 2.2 Snow Load Per Module: Snow Load per Module (SLM)= Module Projected Area SLA Where; Module Projected Area (Amp)= Module Area * Cos(Module Tilt) Where; Module Area= 23.78 sq.ft. Module Tilt = 9.73 deg. Amp = 23.44 sq.ft. SLM= Amp SLA = QJJfl lbs. PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com 8 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® PANELCLAW" 3.0 Wjnd Load: Wind Analysis per ASCE 7-16-Wind Tunnel Procedure. Chapter 31 3 J Wjnd Load Data: Basic Wind Speed (Vult) = Exposure Category: Topographic Factor (Kzt) = Directionality Factor (Kd) = 96 mph C I 0.85 (ASCE. Figure 26.5-lA/ (ASCE. Sec. 26.7.3) (ASCE. Fig. 26.8-1 I (ASCE. Table 26.6-1 I Exposure Coefficient (Kz) = 1.07 (ASCE. Table 26.10-// Ground Elevation Factor (Kc)= 0.99 (ASCE. Table :!6.9-1 / Velocity Pressure (qz) = 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*Ke*V"2 = 2..L..L.8..Jlsf (ASCE. Eq11. 26.10-1 i 3,2 Roof/ Array Zone Map: u N @ i u !N i i i i i i i i i i i i ! @ l l/05/2021 Figure 3-1. South comer zones -90-I 80° wind directions Figure 3-2. North comer zones -0-90° wind direction Roof Zone Map Dimensions per CPP Wind Tunnel Study Height (ft.) LB• (ft.) Velocity Pressure (qz) (psi) 45 45.00 21.18 *LB = Characteristic length per wind tunnel study 3,3 Wjnd Desien Equations: Where FL = q, A"' GCL Fo = q, A,.,r GCo q,= Velocity Pressure A,.p Module Area GCL GCo. GC1,,o compan;on= Vary and related lo wind zone map FL= sum of lift on panel and deflector. Fo = sum of drug on panel and dellector. FL. OCompanioo = The accompanying uplift corresponding to maximum drag. (Ref. Pg. 3. \Vind Load) (Ref Pg. 1, Project illformatio11/ (Pro()rietary Wind Ta1111el Coelficie111s)J PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com 9 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW. 4.0 Desilm Loads -Dead: There are two categories of dead load used to pe,form the structural a11alysis of the Pa11e/Claw racking system; Dead load of the Array (Dl11) and Dead load of the Components (Dlc/. DLA is defined as the weight of the entire array including all of the system components and total ballast used on the array. DLc is defined as the weight of the modules and the racking components within an array. The DLc does not include the ballast used 10 resist loads on this array. 4.1 Dead Load oftbe Arrays; Sub-Number Array of Name Modules 1 273 2 134 3 86 4 108 5 12 6 24 7 12 1 8 57 9 24 10 154 I I 52 12 178 13 52 14 84 15 63 16 126 17 84 18 189 19 187 20 94 2 1 116 22 190 Total: 2408 Array lnfom1ation Results Sub-Sub-Array Sub-Array Max DLc DLA DLc Array Roof Roof Allowable (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.)/module Area Pressure Pressure Pressure on (ft."2) (DLc) (psi) (DLA) (psi) Roof (psi) 18,659 40,371 68 8,241 2.26 4.90 9,091 15,350 68 4,040 2.25 3.80 5,868 13.659 68 2,593 2.26 5.27 7,328 12,283 68 3,257 2.25 3.77 829 1,774 69 360 2.30 4.92 1,650 3,150 69 722 2.29 4.36 8,197 11,294 68 3,645 2.25 3.10 3,933 5,497 69 1,711 2.30 3.21 1,638 2,583 68 722 2.27 3.58 10.384 14,296 67 4,643 2.24 3.08 3,520 5,542 68 1,569 2.24 3.53 12.193 24.777 69 5,370 2.27 4.61 3,551 5,181 68 1,564 2.27 3.31 5,726 9,409 68 2,532 2.26 3.72 4,347 6,140 69 1,891 2.30 3.25 8,528 11,657 68 3,796 2.25 3.07 5,744 8,254 68 2,526 2.27 3.27 12.790 18,104 68 5,702 2.24 3.18 12.680 20.765 68 5,641 2.25 3.68 6,429 15,133 68 2,833 2.27 5.34 7,943 16,745 68 3,495 2.27 4.79 12.992 24.793 68 5,733 2.27 4.32 164,018 lbs. ~86.757 lbs. *Racking component weight range between 13 to 15 pounds per module Table 4.1 -Array Dead Loads and Roof Pressures 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Acceptable? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW" 5.0 Design Loads -Wind: 5.1.1 Global Wind Uplift Summary Table: The necessity to add mechanical attachmellls can arise/or several reasons. Building code requirements, roof load limits and array shape all may come into play when determining their need. The table below provides the mechanical a/lachmem req11irements for each s11b-array within this project. Applied Load Resisting Load Code Check Sub-FL =Total DL= Maximum Allowable Total MA Calculated Array Wind Total Dead Mechanical Attachment Capacity Factor of Name Uplift (lbs.) Load (lbs.) Strength (lbs.) (lbs.) Safety* I 48,135 40,371 350 6,111 1.61 2 16,544 15,350 NIA 0 1.55 3 14,824 13,659 NIA 0 1.54 4 12,857 12,283 NIA 0 1.59 5 1,819 1,774 NIA 0 1.63 6 3,220 3,150 NIA 0 1.63 7 11,256 11,294 NIA 0 1.67 8 5,025 5,497 NIA 0 1.82 9 2,474 2,583 NIA 0 1.74 10 14,386 14,296 NIA 0 1.66 II 5,636 5,542 NIA 0 1.64 12 29,474 24,777 350 4.030 1.63 13 4,965 5,18 1 NIA 0 1.74 14 9,346 9,409 NIA 0 1.68 15 5,727 6,140 NIA 0 1.79 16 I l,734 11,657 NIA 0 1.66 17 8,461 8,254 NIA 0 1.63 18 19,258 18,104 NIA 0 1.57 19 21,452 20,765 NIA 0 1.61 20 16,141 15,133 NIA 0 1.56 21 17,712 16,745 NIA 0 1.58 22 28,609 24,793 350 4,077 1.68 Total: 309,055 lbs. 286,757 lbs. 14,218 lbs. Table 5.1 Summary of Mechanical Attachment Requirements • Back calculated factor of safety provided to detem1ine factor of safety applied to dead load in lieu of0.6 in ASCE 7-16 equation 7. BACK CALCULATED SAFETY FACTOR= (DEAD LOAD+MECHANICAL ATTACHMENT)/(.6)WIND LOAD PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Check OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 11 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW" 5.0 Desi~n Loads -Wind {Cont.): 5.1.2 Global Wind Shear Summary Table: Mechanical al/achments may be required/or several reasons including building code. roof load limits and array shape. The table he/ow provides the mechanical allachment requiremell/s for each sub-array within this project. Applied Load Resisting Load Code Check DL= Maximum Check FL-D= FD= Sub-Total Allowable Total MA Wind Wind Calculated Array Dead Mechanical Capacity Factor of Name Uplift Drag Load Attachment (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) Strength (lbs.) Safety* 1 14.943 4,642 40,371 490 10.780 3.84 2 8,164 2,304 15,350 490 0 2.17 3 7,665 2,068 13,659 490 0 2.09 4 6,423 2,327 12,283 490 0 2.03 5 1,058 428 1,774 490 0 1.7 1 6 2,076 680 3,150 490 0 1.67 7 5,622 2,106 11,294 490 0 2.11 8 2,866 947 5,497 490 0 2.1 1 9 1,646 638 2,583 490 0 1.63 10 6,970 2,542 14,296 490 0 2.18 II 3,194 1,323 5,542 490 0 1.76 12 7,882 3,418 24,777 490 6,860 3.99 13 2,947 1,165 5,181 490 0 1.8 1 14 4,639 1,970 9,409 490 0 2.03 15 3,102 1,036 6,140 490 0 2.17 16 5,790 2,234 11,657 490 0 2.09 17 4,359 1,851 8,254 490 0 1.90 18 7.898 3,575 18,104 490 0 2.24 19 7,955 3,540 20,765 490 0 2.57 20 7,855 2,346 15,133 490 0 2.19 21 8,664 2,634 16,745 490 0 2.18 22 10,402 3,583 24,793 490 6.860 3.30 Total: 132,120 lbs. 47,357 lbs. 286,757 24,500 lbs. Table 5.2 Summary of Mechanical Attachment Requirements • Back calculated factor of safety provided to detem,ine factor of safety applied to dead load in lieu of 0.6 in ASCE 7-16 equation 7. BACK CALCULATED SAFETY FACTOR= (DEAD LOAD+MECHANICAL ATTACHMENT)/(((.6)\VIND DRAG /FRICTION)+(.6)WLND UPLlFT) PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Check OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® l l/05/2021 PANELCLAW 6.0 Desii:n Loads -Downward: 6.1 Downward Wjnd Load Cakulatjon: WL;,, = q, * A,,, * Gcp * cos a Where: 2l.18 psf (Ref. Pg. 3, Wind Load) 23.78 sq.ft. (Single Module Area) (Ref. Project Information) 9.73 deg. (Ref. Project Information) q, = Am= 8 = GCP= Ger = 1.13 (Inward) (Proprietary Wind Tunnel Data) 0.30 (Inward with snow) (ASCE 7-16 figure 30.4-2A) WL;11(no snow)= 561 lbs /module WL;11(with snow)= 149 lbs !module Contact Base by Location: I= South 2 = Interior 3 = 2nd from North 4 = North Contact Pad by Information: Distance Between C.C. outer Pads= 12.5 in. Typical Pad Area= 9 sq.in. 6.2 Racking Dimensions for Point Loads: Inter-Module Support spacing (S) = 48.3 l in. inter-Column Support Spacing (L) = 35.43 in. -- I I f I I r-1" •dlon,...lor ..... loc.111:kwl• I '~" --- :---~ Fig. 6./ Typical Array Plan View (Section A-A) 011 Next Page ---i i - l ·-··--h PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 0 1845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com 13 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW" 6.Q Desien Loads -Downward <Cont.}; 6.2 Rackine Dimensions for Point Loads <Cont,}: 43" l l 51" l 41" BASE 1 BASE 2 BASE 3 Section A-A Fig. 6.2 Section A-A ~ 6.3 Point Load Summary; DLsys = 69 lbs./module -Base 2 repeat for larger width arrays. Total DL = (Varies on location and ballast quantity) SLm = O lbs /module WLin (no snow)= 561 lbs./module WLin (with snow) = 149 lbs /module T tal L ad Per Base (lbs.) Location ' ■ • load c inatio s (AS + 1 W DL+ . X . rn DL + 0. 5 SL + .75(0.6 X 64 148 8 164 332 197 122 291 156 128 212 145 Table 6./-A Max Total Load per Base (lbs.) Max Contact Pressure Table Per Base (psi) load combinations (ASD) in DL + Snow DL + 0.6 X Wlin DL + 0.75 X SLm + 0.75(0.6 X WLin) 3 8 II 16 8 7 12 8 2 4 2 4 9 s 3 8 4 3 Table 6.1-8 Max Point load Summary (psi) PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com l BASE4 14 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW" 7.0 Deshm Loads -Seismic: Seismic Calculations per ASCE 7-16, Chapter 11 -Seismic Design Criteria Chapter 13 -Requirements for Nonstructural Components 7.1 Seismic Load Data; Site Class : D Seismic Design Category : D Short Period Spectral Resp. (5%) (Ss): 0.923 Is Spectral Response (5%) (S I) : 0.34 Bldg. Seismic Imp. Factor (le)= Site Coefficient (Fa) = 1.2 Site Coefficient (Fv) = 2.0 Adj. MCE Spec. Resp. (Short) (Sms) = Fa*Ss = Adj. MCE Spec. Resp. (I sec.) (Sm!)= Fv*S I = Short Period Spectral Response (Sds) = 2/3(Sms) = One Second Spectral Response (Sd I) = 2/3(Sm I) = Component Seismic Imp. Factor (Ip)= I Repsonse Modification Factor (Rp) = 2.5 Amplification Factor (ap) = 7.2 Seismic Design Eguations; 1.108 0.666 0.738 0.444 Lateral Force ( Fp ) = 0.4apSDSWp (l + 2(..:. )) ( R,) h Ip Lateral Force ( FPLmln ) = 0.3S DSlpWp Lateral Force ( FPLmaK) = 1.6SDS[pWp Vertical Force (Fpv) = ±[0.20S vsWvJ Lateral Resisting Force (FRL)* = ((0.6-(0.14 S05)) (0.7) (mu)(Wp)) Vertical Resisting Force (FRV) = 0.G*W p (Ref. Project Information) (ASCE, Tables 11.6-1 and 11.6-2) (Ref. Project Information) (Ref. Project Information) (ASCE, Table 1.5-2) (ASCE, Table 11.4-1) (ASCE, Table I 1.4-2) (ASCE, Eqn. 11.4-1) (ASCE, Eqn. 11.4-2) (ASCE. Eqn. 11.4-3) (ASCE, Eqn. 11.4-4) (ASCE, Sec. 13.1.3) (ASCE. Table 13.6-1) (ASCE, Table 13.6-1) (ASCE, Eqn. 13.3-1) (ASCE, Eqn. 13.3-3) (ASCE, Eqn. 13.3-2) (ASCE, Eqn. 12.4-4) (Factored Load, ASD) (Factored Load, ASD) * Frictional resistance due to the components weight may be used to resist lateral forces caused by seismic loads. PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 0 1845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com 15 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW" 7.0 Desi~n Loads -Seismic (Cont.): 7.3 Lateral Seismic Force Check: The necessity to add mechanical attachments can arise for several reasons. Building code requirements, roof load limits and array shape all may come into play when detem1ining their need. The table below provides the mechanical attachment requirements for each sub-array within this project. Nomenclature: Wp = Sub-Array Weight FPL = Lateral Seismic Force FRL = Lateral Seismic Resisting Force Array Information Lateral Force Verification Sub-Wp FpL FRL 0.7 Fpl -Array (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) FRL (lbs.) Name I 40,371 14,309 0 10,016 2 15,350 5,441 3,415 393 3 13,659 4,841 3,039 350 4 12,283 4,354 2,733 315 5 1,774 629 395 45 6 3,150 I. 116 701 81 7 11 ,294 4,003 2,513 289 8 5,497 1,948 1,223 141 9 2,583 916 575 66 10 14,296 5,067 3,181 366 11 5,542 1,964 1,233 142 12 24,777 8,782 0 6,147 13 5,181 1,836 1,153 133 14 9,409 3,335 2,093 241 15 6,140 2,176 1,366 157 16 11,657 4,132 2,594 299 17 8,254 2,926 1,836 211 18 18,104 6.417 4,028 464 19 20,765 7,360 4,620 532 20 15,133 5,364 3,367 388 21 16,745 5,935 3,726 429 22 24,793 8,787 0 6,151 Totals: 286,757 lbs 101.636 lbs. 43,789 Ibs. 27,356 lbs. Results Total MA MA's Required Capacity (lbs.) 21 10,780 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l3 6,860 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 6,860 47 24,500 Table 7. I -Summary of Mechanical Attachment Requirements • MA's Required = 0.7 Fr1.-FotfMA strength MA's Provided 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 50 PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Acceptable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 16 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® PANELCLAW" 7.0 Desi~n Loads -Seismic (Cont.): 7 .3.1 Seismic Displacement of Unattached Solar Arrays: Per ASCE 7-16, Section 13.6.12. the use of non-linear response history (NLRH) analysis is permitted to determine the seismic displacement of non-structural components located on the roof µ = specific to each array, see table 7.3 Roof Pitch: specific to each array, see table 7.3 Ip= 1 for all arrays le = I for all arrays Pane/Claw, Inc. has engaged the services of a 3rd party consulting engineer to perform NLRH analysis on its c/awFR product. Utilizing that analysis, and the report contained in the Appendix of this package, we are able to determine the displacement of the arrays during seismic events.for the system design life of 25 years. The distance, called .:1 MPV, noted below represents the displacement due to the maximum seismic event with a 700 year MRI. The .:1 MPV also incorporates the cumulative displacements, over the arrays design life, of smaller seismic events. As a company policy, Pane/Claw, Inc., limits the use of this data to .:1 MPV displacement of 48" or less . .:1MPV distances are derived from App. B, "Executive Summary: clawFR Seismic Displacement Demands of Unattached Arrays." Using the .:1MPV value above, ASCE 7-16 has adopted the following equations to set the minimum separation between unattached solar arrays and rooftop obstruclions. Table /0./ below lists !he required separation per ASCE 7-16. REQUIRED ARRAY CLEARANCES PER ASCE 7-16 I 1/05/2021 Condition# Condition Description Minimum Separation Equation I Between separate solar arrays of similar construction (0.5)(Mpv) 2 Between a solar array and a fixed object on the roof or solar array of different construction (Mpv) 3 Between a solar array and a roof edge with a qualifying parapet (Mpv) 4 Between a solar array and a roof edge without a qualifying parapet (2.0)(Mpv) >= 4 ft NOTE: YOU SHOULD PROVIDE SUFFICIENT SLACK IN ARRAY ELECTRICAL WIRING TO ACCOMMODATE ALL POTENTIAL ARRAY MOVEMENT. PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com 17 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW" 7.0 Design Loads -Seismic (Cont.): 7.3.1 Seismic Displacement of Unattached Solar Arrays <Cont,): Sub-Array Information Required Clearances per Min. Provided Clearance per Is Provided Clearance Condition (in) Condition (in) Acceptable (Y/N) Sub-Array µ Slope tiMPY I 2 3 4 2 3 4 I 2 3 I Name(s) = (deg) (in) 2 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 114 13 257 257 y y y 3 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 115 18 72 72 y y y 4 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 119 17 758 758 y y y 5 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 134 18 237 237 y y y 6 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 140 31 549 549 y y y 7 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 115 19 525 525 y y y 8 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 119 18 237 237 y y y 9 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 140 30 1,017 1,017 y y y 10 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 114 17 964 964 y y y II 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 89 18 972 972 y y y 13 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 115 30 1,017 1,017 y y y 14 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 89 12 375 375 y y y 15 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 119 18 228 228 y y y 16 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 116 18 516 516 y y y 17 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 115 31 945 945 y y y 18 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 81 18 338 338 y y y 19 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 81 18 103 103 y y y 20 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 28 20 8 1 81 y y y 21 0.64 2 6 3 6 6 48 28 36 72 72 y y y Table 7.3 -Sub-Array predicted movement, required clearances, provided clearances, and acceptance PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com 4 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 18 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ® 11/05/2021 PANELCLAW. 7 .0 Design Loads -Seismic (Cont.): 7.4 Vertical Seismic Force Check: Mechanical attachments may be required for several reasons including building code, roof load limits and array shape. The table below provides 1he mechanical atlachment requiremenls for each sub-array within this project Nomenclature: Wp = Sub-Array Weight Frv = Vertical Seismic Force FRv = Vertical Seismic Resisting Force Array Infom1ation Vertical Force Verification Results Sub-Total MA Total Wp Frv FRv 0.7 Frv -MA's Capacity Array MA's Name (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) FRv (lbs.) Required (lbs.) Provided I 40,371 5,962 24,223 -20,049 0 6,111 22 2 15,350 2,267 9,210 -7,623 0 0 0 3 13,659 2,017 8,196 -6,784 0 0 0 4 12,283 1.814 7,370 -6,100 0 0 0 5 1,774 262 1,064 -88 I 0 0 0 6 3,150 465 1,890 -1,564 0 0 0 7 11,294 1,668 6,776 -5,609 0 0 0 8 5,497 8 12 3,298 -2,730 0 0 0 9 2,583 381 1,550 -1,283 0 0 0 10 14,296 2,111 8,578 -7,100 0 0 0 11 5,542 818 3,325 -2,752 0 0 0 12 24,777 3,659 14,866 -12,305 0 4,030 14 13 5,181 765 3,108 -2,573 0 0 0 14 9,409 1,390 5,646 -4,673 0 0 0 IS 6,140 907 3.684 -3,049 0 0 0 16 11,657 1,722 6,994 -5,789 0 0 0 17 8,254 1,219 4,952 -4,099 0 0 0 18 18,104 2,674 10,862 -8,991 0 0 0 19 20,765 3,067 12,459 -10,313 0 0 0 20 15,133 2,235 9,080 -7,SIS 0 0 0 21 16,745 2,473 10,047 -8,316 0 0 0 22 24,793 3,661 14,876 -12.313 0 4,077 14 Total: 286,757 42,348 lbs. 172,054 lbs. -142,4 10 lbs. 0 14,218 so lbs. Table7.2 -Summary of Mechanical Attachment Requirements • MA's Required= 0.7 Fpv -FRv/MA strength PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Acceptable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 19 ® PANELCLAW' Appendix A PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix A 20 ® PANELCLAW. - PANElCLAW ROOF MOUNT to• SOUTH-FACING I CPP PROJECT 11818 WINO ENGINEERING & AIR QUALITY CONSULTANTS FINAL REPORT CPP PROJECT 11828 15 MARCH 2019 PANELClAW ROOF MOUNT 10• SOIJTH-FAONG PREPARED FOR: PUllt!Cl.aw, lnc. 1600 Osgood St., Suit. 20"..3 North AndOflr, 11,IA 01~ Mil:.o Jovmovlc, PhD VicR Pttsidlftt. Appliations, CoditS&o:St.mdllds m/9'909vlefPmrtcaw com PREPARED BY: Anis<1 Como, Enginffring 11,f.m.ogH acoirl9':cppwind.com Cnvid B.mlcs, U'h.D., Prindp,1) dbmkse£Ppwlnd.com C.PP, Inc. 240-0 Midpoint Drive, Unit 190 Fort Collins, Col001do 80525 USA Tel:+ 1-970-221,3371 \.YWW,cppwind.com PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix A 21 ® PANELCLAW. I PANHClAW ROOF MOUNT 10° SOUTH-J ACING I CPP PROJECT 11818 INTRODUCTION Tfltlng to d•lel'DUN 1"-tnd lC>l.d.s on ttw hna!O..w 10• lilt south-b.cing root mount sow re1ddn,g syst.m (Figure 1) wu pufomwd in A CPP boundAr)' Lt)-.r wind hll'IMI. A sc.t• modd of m indkmn arr~ wu tHted on thrtt different sind fut-roof~ buildings. Tiw m.tjcrtty cf 11w te-sts .... re conducted on & building with a roof aru of 6 by 6 building lwy\ts (H). An array musuring 7 modulu 1"ide by 10 rows 1011& wu tut.d in , roof ngions on the 6H by 6H roof. Addllicn.ll tests wett conducted on & 2H by 2H roof md A 61-l by 12H roof, to quanfily ttw ~ of building siz•-All puwls wen instnmlenl.ed with pmssur• b.ps. 'IN tutitd building l:utight W&S 27 ft;. but m•ASUI"ed loads wer• divided by re!etwnee presS\lff at roof bttght so thd results a.n be &pp!Md &t amy roe! l:utip'rt with the ~propri.at. refu•enc• pressur._ 'IN results cf this testir\g were present~ &s rm gust coeffic»nis to b. multiplied by a 3-s«ond gust wind pressure &t roof Night, which is consistent with Iha prootdllrti cf ASCE 7. 'IN wind turow study w&s conducted in accordana with tlv wind tunnel test pn:,adurH ~ in aupm 31 cf ASCE 7-16 (also mffting tlw requitt!Mnts of ASCE 7--05 &nd 7-10), and In ..«crd.mc. with tlw spedtia&ns of ASCEJSEI ~-12, "Wind 'I\JnMl Testing for Buildings &nd 011:wr Structuns•. Tests .md reporting are also consistent 1"-ith tl:ut r•quiremmts of SEAOC: P\'2 2017, #\Vind Design fnr Solar Amyl". Guid.mce regarding Appropriate use of ttw zwsults of Ibis study ,.-u also provided in 11w CPP report 11828 "Wool Tw,r,w Tatum! toed A!Ulysis for PIIXdCI= ltoof MalDlt IO" l'ilt Soutlt-fari,<g.• SCALE MODEL WINO TUNNEL TESTING Sale model wind tunnel t.sting is A proven nwtl\cd tor &ecua.. ... ly eV&lu&ting ttw wind loads on ,1 siructure. Howewr, the results of the le.st are only &s valid &s tl:ut &sSUmpticns and methods wed to design tti. experiment, conduct Iha test, md reduce tlw dat&. O.wad lntorm&ticn is provided In h tun wrsion of CPP 11528 sou!h- f&dng report. nu, wind tunntl te.sts wue conctuct.d with & rougbnns equiv.tmt to &n ASCE B (subuzbm ft!.viromnmt) exposure at 11w sc.ue ol 1:40. All tuting wu don• in ACCord&nce with the wind tumwl proceduns described in Ch&pm 31 ot ASCE 7-16 (7-10 md 7--05), ASCEISEl '9-ll, md SEAOC PV2. Wind plCHSIUeS were mnsured ~ el.Ktronic pressure tnnsducers a:mnec:ted viA tubing to pressure t.aps on the surf&ce o! A scAle mod.i of ttw roof mount arny. MHswwments "'-.re t.u:en At tiip locations on the upper And lower surfACes of the ~ls, u well AS on the deflectors_ A anredi.on to ttw pnssura sigt>Al w&s me1de to account for my resonanc• or .attenuation in Iha tubing- A repttsent.1tin arre1y consi5ting of 10 rows of 7 modu!M (Fi,gur• 2) wu constructed for A single tilt of lOt a.t a. sw• of 1:40. n.o pmels ..,..,. offset trom the root ed,ge by ~-1 ft (full se&le). nu, pressure model wu m&de with mno-U!hogre1piy. Imporunt g.cmttric futures of ttw mD<Hl wu• includPd wlwre .1ppropriaie. nu, mod-1 wu inst:ummted with approxiuut.ly 700 pressure taps on the PV modules and deflectors, select.d to a.dequ.it.ly delint the passure lo&d on ea.ch panel. nu, moo.I wu pl.teed en top of tlU"ff diltffwnt sin low-rise buildings on a turntable in Iha wind tunNl.. Tlwt tum!.lble pemillt•d rotollicn of the building md model tor exmwu.tion cf wind pressures and wlocities from m y &pproa.ch wind dir.ction. Tho! model wu tested from 0-(ncmin&l p.mel/bulldlng north) to 3SO•in 10' incmnfl\b.. - WIND ENGINEERING & AIR QUALITY CONSULTANTS PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix A 22 ® PANELCLAW. PANHCLAW ROOF MOUNT 10° SOUTH-FACING I CPP PROJECT 11828 UPLIFT AND DRAG COEFFICIENTS Su!istic;al m&lysis gm.a~ ,. n.t gust nomw fore. co.fli.cwit, GCH, coznbinillg the gust ~ctor, G, me! thc .net nomw tone• coefficient, 01. The GCw tenn rti.ltH the peak nomw Cerce e,q>Kifflced by 1. structunl •:l.mwnt to the dynm,ic pnuur• du• lo 1. design ~ond gust immedwaly upwind in tbt ~pr~ flow. This d.Rfinition tor GOris coru:lstent withASCE 7 de!lmtloa. so INt Ille design wind forceisff"8\ giwnby: p= cc,.q, (1) md I/• (velocity pas.mre) is comput..t u roof height tor ttw site. 11w nomw. fozn wu deccmpo...i. into the lift md dug for the p-1 .arul IN defl.Ktor. For cxmsis1n>ey with ASCE 7, ,. positive GO, .a..--ts tow.uds the module's u~r surf AU. Tbtrtiere, m~1.tivw numbers ue .usocuted with litl Tbt 1.ccompu,ying uplift co.fli.<ifllt cornsponding to mmmum dr;ag is Also prorided. Tbt sliding coeffldfltts (GCs) of tlw system cui be ulculmd u 1. fundicn at dr~ &ecompuiying uplift, .and friction coefflcimt. Sliding occurs wlwn th• lift deauses lbc resistmce ;agmut horizont.u forCH Ul0Ugh th&t tbe horlzont.u fore. overcomes the fnction l\o}d1n& Iha system in pl&ee. Gu is usuAlly mpti" unwu. ttwre is significant downtonce. Tbt r6Ults AH presmt.d u Nt gust couftcimb to be multipli.d by 1. J•second gust wind prtisure 1.t roof Night, consistfllt with ASCE 7 procedures.. Th.y wer. then incotpor&ted into llw Wind~ l.Jy,,\lt md u.lcul.ttion tool for use by Pm.lC!Aw. n.. tool Allows PmelC1.w to lay out modules on A root md hav,t the 101.ds ulcul&ted mtom&ttc&lly. Like the -11-xcepw! SEAOC PV2 proc.dure (wbich has been included In ASCE 7-16), IO&ds 1.re sci.led by buildi1lg siz• (lwight .and ..,;,tth) md Arr&y size, .aru1 include the uttct at FM~-w~ So1u p«Comu thts« .tdjustmmts 1.utom&tic.ally based ca the bulldlng md 11.yout speclt!a.. Altun&tely, 1. zomd-roof 1.ppro.ach is used wtwre wind lo&d coettidmts for each comer amd edge z:om &re provid..t u 1. function of the norm&lind trlbutuy &rH, A. This 1.ccounh for the efftct of building size rel.mvw to the size of the tributuy &re& of inter.sL lber• is no building size limit in the &pplic.ation of th•se wind tunn.1 ruults. A. ts ,. tundion of IN tributary 1.ru (A...h-,) which is ~tannined by 1. structurill uwysis of ttw systm\. For & b.llluted syst.m, it ,. p&ml will net lift ott tlw root signilk.mtly without requiring th&t neighboring paws ;also 11.!'t, than .all ot tha neighboring p&mb cm be lndud..S in ,. "duster". Smee ttw .. -om-as. 101.ds on &11 p&nels in 1. dustu do not occur simult~usly (or even At tht SI.ml! wind direction). wind lo&ds &re reduc..t due to tlw 11.rger bibutuy ue&. P&r~ts ot typic&l Mights hl.ve consist.ntty been shewn to inaus. wind loads on root mount..S sow pu,als for 8w p&rts ot the root where lo&ds &re drlvwn by the com..r -.,ortia-s. A puapet f~r is provid..S to 1.ccount for lhls.. Edge fxtors b.&ve ;also been prorided And should be •pplied to .ul exposed p«'rillMter puws. APPROPRIATE USE OF WIPJD TUNNEL RESULTS 11w results given in tlw wind tunnel nport ~ bu.d upon the study of 1. gmelic 1.rr,.y louted on the roof of a building sitad in suburbm t.rrm (ASCE 7 exposure c1,!l!goxy 8). The results ue 1.ppropruh! for upwind open coun!ry (ASCE 7 uposure C) or suburbu, exposur.s. Tbt tHt..t PV tilt .angl• was 10-Uld th• modul• size tHted WilS 3.35 by 6.5 ft. -WIND ENGINEERING & AIR QUALITY CONSULTANTS l"•g• )o.16 PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix A 23 ® PANELCLAW. I I PANHCLAW ROOF MOUNT 10° SOUHHACING I CPP PROJECT 11878 In ttw wind tunnel study, it is assumed Uwt no signific.mt bller structuru .ttt loa.t•d n..u ttw roof in quffllon. A tuler nt.uby building an signilicmliy dung• ttw wind flow putRms on ttw roof, md such situmons nffd to ti. us.ssed on.& a.se-by-c~ N:Sis.. Cautian should be used in "PJ>lying thase ruulb for modules in tht direct proidmHy of my signitiant objtcts on the root, such as HVAC unib, scrHn-w..ns, penthouses, elev.ttor runs, •tc. n.se objects will shellH S0IIIW of thAI ponals funn thAI winds, but accmr.&t.d flow will "1so be Sffl\ nur tht cotMIS of Lug. objects protruding .&bow tt.. roof. A comprebl!nslw list reg-uc:ling IN ~pproprute use ot ttw wind tumwI :.sulb ls indud.ct in IN! tun vMsion of CPP 118".ll south-b.cing-report. REFERENCES A?n.lianSod.ty ot Ci""il Ez\plffrs (2006), MillilltlDft Deip Law for Bwil,li>l.fS our ow,-Slnlmars (ASCE 7~)- Ammcm Sod.ty ot Civil Ez\plffts (2010), Mi>tintlDft Dmp LDob for BwiW>lgs our Otl'.a Slnlctl<ffS (ASCE 7-10). Ammcm Soci•ty of Civil Engl.nffrs (2012), Vv'ind Tlmrw T..tmg for Buildings md O!hu Stnictuus (ASCE '9-- 12). Americm Somly of Civil u,gineen (1999), Wi"4 nnoul Stwti<s of Blli14utgs lx4 Sm.cnira (ASCE M.uuw of iPudfce Number 67). Sttuctual Enp,Hts As~t!on of Cdfomu Sow Photovolbic Systems Committee, 2017. Report SEAOC: PVl- 2017, Wind o.stgn tor Sow Arr.&ys. -WIND ENGINEERING & AIR QUAllTY CONSULTANTS P;ago !of 6 PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix A 24 ® PANELCLAW. - PANELCLAW ROOF MOUNT 10° SOUTH-FACING I CPP PROJECT 11828 Fig1<r, lr Pc,t«IClu, zo• lilt ,ntlt•fo•ircg •y•I•"' WIND ENGINEERING & AIR QUALITY CONSULTANTS PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix A 25 ® PANELCLAW. - PANELCLAW ROOF MOUNT 10° SOUTH-FACING I CPP PROJECT 11828 Fisw.n 2: PcndCl•w to• tilt sowt1t.-/acin.g 11.rr•y as tut~d in. the wiHl tu.Mfl~l WIND ENGINEERING & AIR QUALITY CONSULTANTS PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix A 26 ® PANELCLAW. Appendix B PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix B 27 ® PANELCLAW. -----------------MAFFEI RTAUC:TIIAA l .. NGIN r s RING T«hnkal Report Paneldaw dawFR: Seismic Displacement Demand of Unattached (Ballast-Only) Solar Arrays per ASCE 7-16 10June 2019 OVerview This report provides design values for seismic displacement demand when the PanelClaw OawFR solar panel support system Is used for unattached (ballast-only) solar arrays on flat and low-slope roofs of buildings. This report addresses the following versions of OawFR: • South-facing module orientation with 10-degree module tilt • East-west (dual-tilt) module orientation with 10-degree module tilt • South-facing module orientation with 5-degree module tilt Table 3 presents design seismic displacement (4,.,.) considering a range of value.s for friction coefficient (representing different roofing materials), roof slope, and seismicity parameters. To determine these demands, Maffei Structural Engineering performed seismic nonlinear analyses. The analyses follow the provisions of ASCE 7-161 Section 13.6-12. A summary is provided herein. DHlcn to accommodate seismic displacement The ~ values in Table 3 are to be used with the coefficients specified In ASCE 7-16 Section 13.6.12 (summartted in Table 1 and Table 2). These coefficients determine minimum requirements for separation between solar arrays, roof edges, and fixed objects on the roof. Electrical wiring for the solar array ls to be designed to accommodate the seismic displacement demand, and the roof structure must be capable of supporting the gravity load when the array is in the displaced condition. Table 1 Minimum separation distances for unattached arrays Condition 8el'Ween s•parate solar a mys of similar construction Between a soi;or arny and~ fixed object on the roof (,uch as equipment, curb, ~r arny of dift4!fent construction, or any other obstruction to slldi111t 1.0d.,.. ,llt!l'Ween a solar array and• roof •di• with• qualifyk'f par.1pel.. 1.0J- -llt!l'Wt<!n a solar array andll roof ed&e without• qualify!ng parapet 2.0S,..., 2 4 IL • Importance ~,tors .,ire not Included In the uparatlon expressions because, In ASCE 7-16, the bulldlng Importance factor '• Is indud•d In th• caladatlon of is_. (P•r the note In Table 3, multiply tabulated values by 1.25 to lhltermlne ii., for Risk Catqo,v nt bul!dlngst Whil• not speelflally required by ASCE 7-16, If an unattached solar arr-av Is located adjacent to a component with comp<>ntnt lniporunce factor '• > 1.0 and '•>,.,we recommend that Pane!Claw multiply the separation di=nce to that component by 1,/1,. •• ASCE 7-16 deflnes a quaUfvins parapet at a roof edge or offset as "not l"ss than U inches in height and designed to resist a conc•ntnted load appl ed at the probllble points of Impact between the curl, or parapet and the panel of not less than O.?So, times the wel&ht of the panel." Table 2 Other requirements for accommodating seismic displacement of unattached arrays Consideration Accommoclat• dlsplacefflltnt Gravity support Roof drainage to remain unobstructed Electrical cables and other systems attached to tt.e arrays 41~:ZUIOO ) ~,~tCrUi:.tllR'.eo-m 0 San 11rancbico::Oaka..,d " PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix B 28 ® PANELCLAW. -----------------Tcdmi<>lll,pmt Pu¥80aw ClawAl MAFFEI Sc"""' D"l'loo<""',c O.mondof Uo,u•ddfllolluu,c,I),) Sol.-A,nys por ASCI: 7-16 lOJanc 2019 STAUC::TURII~ IINQINrl'RINQ ""a•2 Table 3 ASCE 7·16 design seismic displacement demand ~ .. (In.), from nonlinear analysis, for Risk Cate&o!i'. I and II bulldinss. For Risk Cateso!i'. 111, multie!x the values in this table b:z: I,= 1.25. Ca.ffick>nt Roof Slope of Friction 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.S 1.6 1.7 o· 6 6 6 7 a 9 10 u 13 14 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 a 1.2· Cross-slope 6 6 6 7 a 9 10 12 13 lA Down-~ 6 9 14 16 18 20 22 2S 27 30 0.40 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2.4" Cross-slope 6 6 6 7 a 9 11 12 13 15 Down-~ 9 16 2S 29 33 37 41, 45 49 S3 Up-slope ,6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4.8". Cross-slope 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 Down-slope 1S 30 48 56 64 72 IO II 97 105 O" 6 6 6 6 6 II a g 10 12 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 1.2· Cr01s-slope 6 6 6 6 6 7 a 9 10 12 Down-slope 6 6 9 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 o.so Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2.4" Cross-slope 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 u 12 Down--slooe 6 10 16 11 21 24 27 31 34 31 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4.8" • Cross-slope 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Down-slope 10 11 29 3S 40 46 S3 S9 Mi 73 o· 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.2· CrosMIOpe 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 Down-stoc-6 6 6 7 a 10 12 13 1S 16 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.60 VI' Cross-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 a 9 10 Down-ilooe 6 6 10 12 14 16 11 21 23 26 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4.8". Cross->lope 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 Down-sloe! 6 11 11 22 26 30 3S 39 44 so o· 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.2· Cross-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 Oown-slopa 6 6 6 6 6 7 a 10 u 13 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.70 2.4" Cross-Slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 Down-sloe! 6 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 17 19 Up-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4.8" • Cross-slope 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 a 9 Down-slope 6 7 12 u 17 20 23 26 30 34 • In S.lsrnlc oesicn Category E and F, unatuched arrays arf! not permitted on roof slope gruu.r than 1:20 (2.9 degrees). Per ASCE 7-16 S.ctlon 11.6, Seismic ~lgn Category E and F apPly to structures located "where the m:,pp@d specual response acc~tion at 1-s per1od, Sr. Is greater than or equal to 0. 75. • PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 · www.panelclaw.com Appendix B 29 ® PANELCLAW. -----------------MAFFEI !lTAUC:TUAAl n1c::1N r 5 AIHG Deslcn Earthquake T«boical Kc-poft PlurlC'low Cllwf11 Sc:iJ-,m,c Dilpbor:mca Oc-.mandot Unabc:hcd(BalWMIDlyl Solar Amy• f'C'I" ASCI: 1-16 IOJIIDC:1>19 "'ac l Consistent with the design forces for non-structural components specified in ASCE 7 Chapter 13, the design seismic displacement presented In this report corresponds to the Design Earthquake in ASCE 7, which In many locations has a return period of approximately 475 years. Sites may also experience smaller, more frequent earthquakes. Our analysis shows that the frequent smaller earthquakes tend to produce much smaller displacement -In some cases, no sliding displacement. After any earthquake that causes residual displacement of an array, the array should be checked to verify that it still satisfies all requirements of ASCE 7-16 Section 13.6.12, such as minimum separation and flexibility of electrical wiring. Friction, fon:e path, and lnten:onnectfon strength The analyses are based on values for coefficient of friction provided by PanelClaw and the assumption that the seismic force path and interconnection strength of the ClawFR system Is such that an arrav responds to seismic shaking by sliding as an Integral unit. Evaluation of force path (per ASCE 7-16 Section, Interconnection strength (Section, and friction testing (SEAOC PVl Section 8) are outside the scope of this report. System desalptlon and appllcablllty of ASCE 7-16 Section 13.6.12 dawfR (Figure 1) by PanelClaw, Inc. is a solar panel support system (racking system) for installing solar photovoltaic arrays On flat and low-slope roofs of buildings. The system can be structurally attached to the roof structure, or it can be unattached (ballast-only), depending on the needs of specific applications. dawFR consists of a planar grid of steel supports, plus two vertical members at each module supporting the module's high edge. For south-facing module orientation, there are two continuous north-south members per row of panels, and one continuous east-west member per row; for dual-tilt module orientation, there are two east-west members per row, and one north-south member per row. Modules are placed in landscape orientation. Ballast Is supported beneath the modules. Rubber pads are attached to the bottom of the supports. For south-facing module orientation, wind de0ectors run beneath the high edge of the modules. Figure 1 ClawFR. 10-degree tilt system pictured, 5-degree system similar. (a) South-facing system, example array. (b) East-west (dual-tilt) system, example array. (c) One module. PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix B ' , : ® PANELCLAW. 30 -----------------MAFFEI 5:TRUCTUR/11 FNQINr l'RIN<l Tcichnicallk-pon P.,,.,ICaw CbFll S.l<ric °""""'"""' °'1Mndoru ... txh<d(Bal-ly) Sobr A,,.,,,.p<rASC01-16 10, .... 1019 r.ce• We find that the ClawFR system is permitted by ASCE 7-16 Section 13.6.12 to be designed as an unattached system based on its conformance with the requirements of that section, summarized in Table 4: • Buildlnc Risk Catq ory: For projects governed by ASCE 7-16, we understand that PanelClaw will use the ClawFR only for buildings within the specified Risk Category and height limits. • Maximum roof slope: We understand rrom PanelClaw that the ClawFR system ls for roof slopes less than or equal to 1:12 (4.8 degrees). • low-profile conflcuratlon: The height above the roof surface to the center of mass of aawFR arrays Is approximately 6 Inches, which Is less than 3 feet and less than half of the lea.st spacing of panel supports. • Deslcn to accommodate seismic displacement demand: This report describes non-linear response history analysis performed by Maffei Structural Engineering to assist PanelClaw In determining the seismic displacement per ASCE 7-16 Section 13.6.12. Table 4 Conditions where unattached (ballast-onty) rooftop solar arrays are permitted by ASCE 7-16 Conclltlon Raqulntmant Buildin& Risk C:otgory auildina IH!;ah1 Roofslopa Prescriptive p,ocedurt loqu.iUon) Analysis/tt!stl,_ wltl\out peer rWlew Analys.s/lestinc with pett ntvlew H~&ht of center of mus of array above roof ,urlac:e 1,11.IIJ s 6 stories s 1:20 (2.9 dl!11ees, s 1:20 (2.9 dearees) s 1:12 (4.8 degreesl• s half the least spacing of the pa Ml supports s3feet Oqn to, stiSmic du.placement Accommodate withoot Impact,, instability, or loss or support a sol,mic displacamont .S..... • Not permltted for sttuclllres assi&ntd to Seismic Oeslgn Cate10,y E or F. Analysis models and parameters considered The paper by Maffei et al: identifies the following key variables that affect the design seismic displacement of unattached nonstructural components, such as solar arrays: • Site selsmlcity (characterized by the parameter Sos per ASCE 7) • Roor surface Interface (coefficient of friction) • Roof slope In addition, the analyses described here consider the direction or displacement with respect to roof slope ( up-slope, cross-slope, or down-slope) as well as the stiffness of the system. To perform seismic nonlinear response-history analysis, we use computer structural analysis models that capture the key properties affecting the seismic displacement of unattached solar arrays: stick-slip (friction) beh3vior in horizontal directions, bearing (no-tension) support In the vertical direction, and the PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com Appendix B 31 ® PANELCLAW. -----------------MAFFEI Toctm.C'alltq,on hr1CfClawCbwF1il Sc.Ui.ni:: Dilpbocmc11 OcmandofUNlt.ac:'h:d(IW1:ul,.only►.SOWA,ny.t. pa-ASC(ll.16 ,o,..,. :?019 "'8<S ability to rotate the support surface to simulate roof slope. The models use the structural analysis program OpenSees. Spectral-Matched Eilrthquake Roof Motions The analyses determine the design seismic displacement 4-.. corresponding to the Design Basis Earthquake using input motions consistent with ASCE 7 Chapter 13 design forces for non-structural components on a roof. This is achieved using roof motions that are spectrally matched to broadband design spectra per AC 1561 (referenced In ASCE 7 Section 13.2.5), plus additional requirements specinc to solar arrays per SEAOC PVl' Section 9 (referenced in ASCE 7 Section CB.6.12). Per SEAOC PVl Section 9, Paragraph 4: "Spectrally Matched Rooftop Motions: This method requires a suite of not less th.in three appropri.ite roof mo!lons, spectrally matched to broadband design spectra per AC 156 (ICC-ES 2010) Figure l .ind Section 6.5.1. The spectrum shall Include the portion for T>0.77 seconds (frequency 1.3 Hz) for which the spectrum is permitted to be proportional to l/T." The analyses include seven roof motions. Maffei et al (2014) defines broadband design spectra per these requirements as shown In Table S. Table 5 Seismic acceleration design spectrum for rooftop solar arrays Period T (sec.) Desian •~ S. (gl · Hori.lontal acc1len1tlon V~rtlcal accelenltlon for T < 0.01 1.25.os 0.27Sm for 0.01 ST< 0.12 Unur Interpolation Une~r lntt<J)Olatlon for 0.12 s TSO. 7S 1.6S.o, 0.67S.. for 0.75 < r. Inversely proPortlonal to r Inversely proponlOMl to r SEAOC PVl Section 9 Paragraphs 6 and 7 also require: "Each roof motion sh.ill have a total duration of at least 30 seconds and shall contain at least 20 54!conds of strong shaking per AC 156 Section 6.5.2. For analysis, a three-dimension.ii model shall be used .ind the roof motions shall lndude two horizontal components and one vertical component applied concurrently.• Motions that were used In this analysis were recorded on the roofs of buildings during past earthquakes, and were selected to satisfy all of the above criteria. We obtain the recorded motions from the CSMlP database (CESMD 2008), and the records are selected to be consistent with records used in published research on this topic (Maffei 2014). We use the software EZ-FRISK version 7.62 (Fugro N.V ., 2011) which uses a time-domain procedure to perform spectral matching or the recorded motions to match the broadband design spectra in Table 2. The design seismic displacement values include results from 4760 analyses: We consider 200 cases of project conditions (4 coefficients of friction, S roof slopes, and 10 levels of seismiclty parameter Sos); each case conslders 7 earthquake motions and 4 orientations of each motion with respect to roof slope (except for the 2ero-slope cases, where orientation has no effect). We also performed a sensitivity study consisting of 38,080 additional analyses to evaluate the effect of the stiffness of the s~tem. PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 -www.panelclaw.com . . Appendix 8 32 ® PANELCLAW. -----------------MAFFEI 8TRIICTURAI ENOINFCRINO T « ....... it.pa,, Pll.,_y llat.w0.WF1it S.lsoxO;.pba:mmo.-nd•fUaaJa<l,,d(llalk,t.only)Solo<Aony,paASCll7-lo I0h,-'2019 .. 6 Design seismic displacement demands are calculated as 1.1 times the average of the peak displacement values from the analyses, consistent with the recommendations of SEAOC PVl Section 9. RKommendatlons for Des11n For designs governed by ASCE 7-16, we recommend using Table 3 to determine the desi8n seismic displacement demand, ~"'" of unattached solar arrays that have the friction and stiffness properties assumed in this report. The 4,p,-values are to be used with the coefficients specified in ASCE 7-16 Section 13.6.12 (summarized in Table land Table 2 of this report) to determine minimum requirements for separation between solar arrays, roof edges, and fixed objects on the roof, as well as displac~ment that must be accommodated by electrical wiring and gravity support for the array. For cases where SOS, roof slope, and/or coefficient of friction for a project is between the values listed In Table 3 use linear interpolation. Unless the values presented in this report are validated by an independent peer review, o..,,., shall not be taken less than 80'6 (per ASCE 7-16 Section of the prescriptive procedure of ASCE 7-16 equation 13.6-1 and shall not be used on roof slope greater than 1:20 (2.9", per Section Maffei Strudural Enclneerlna Joe Maffei, S.E. Ph.0, LEED AP Principal Joe@maffel-1trueture.com 1 Arnel'IQft Soaety of o,,tt "'51ocn fASCl).101'-0Mfnlmlfflt Oa4p Lokts and As3od.Jtcd Cmtta for autldlnp arid Otha, )tn,c~ • A.Set 1 16, bsmt\. VA. i Mafhrl J,. htNli, ~ leilffn., W.ard, a .• and Sdwflenber1,. 4... 2014, -S.amlc doRJII of -1:talbued ICN' attav,. on tow-dope ,ooh,.· Jounv:1' of~ r.,,._,,.. lin(l~ 11. dol 1CUC6l/t"5aJSU !Ml S4 U.0000ol6S 'ftltcmallCN\M Godft Coundf lva~ s..rvic.1~) .. .2010, "N."Pbllc.l! Ctitaria for ~ C.rt&bon. D, s.ha ... l~ fetwe al Nonstn.tdaral Com.;ioM.nt:s.~ 11,,C IY. ~ Oub Hilb. •L ' StnKUnt (l'lfir.eers ~ o# o~ .. fstAOQ. 2012. '"'StA!ctu,.., SdMMC bcuir•fflfl!U and ComrneM>ry for bofmp Sobr Pho10'110lbic: Atra.,s.• SLaOC /IVl 2012. s..:r-a~nto, t.A. PanelClaw, Inc., 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2023, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688.4900 · www.panelclaw.com Appendix B OFFICE USE ONLY SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE RECORD ID# _________________ _ PLAN CHECK # _________________ _ Business Name Zodiac Pools Systems LLC Business Contact Christine Lee Telephone# (510) 332-9410 BP DATE Project Address (include suite) 2882 Whiptail Loop City Carlsbad State CA Zip Code 92010 APN# 637-021-19-00 Mailing Address (include suite) 4311 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 508 Project Contact Courtney Cabral City Los Angeles Applicant E-mail Ccabral@baker-electric.com State CA Zip Code 90010 Telephone# (760) 690-5027 Plan File# The following questions represent the facility's activities, NOT the specific project description. PART I: FIRE DEPARTMENT -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: (not required for projects within the City of San Diego): Indicate by circling the item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of the following hazardous materials. If any of the items are circled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. Occupancy Rating: Facility's Square Footage (including proposed project): 13. Corrosives 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 5. Organic Peroxides 9. Water Reactives 2. Compressed Gases 6. Oxidizers 10. Cryogenics 14. Other Health Hazards 3. Flammable/Combustible Liquids 7. Pyrophorics 11. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials 15. None of These. 4. Flammable Solids 8. Unstable Reactives 12. Radioactives PART 11: SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION (HMO): If the answer to any of the questions is yes, applicant must contact the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division, 5500 Overland Avenue, Suite 170, San Diego, CA 92123. Call (858) 505-6700 prior to the issuance of a building permit. Expected Date of Occupancy: FEES ARE REQUIRED Project Completion Date: (for new construction or remodeling projects) Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. YES NO □ 0 □ 0 □ 0 Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities greater than or equal to 55 gallons, 500 pounds and/or 200 cubic feet? □ □ □ □ □ 0 Will your business store or handle carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? 0 Will your business use an existing or install an underground storage tank? 0 Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? 0 Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Title 22, Article 10)? G] Will your business store petroleum in tanks or containers at your facility with a total facility storage capacity equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons? (California's Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act). 0 CalARP Exempt I Date Initials 0 CalARP Required I Date Initials 0 CalARP Complete I Date Initials PART 111: SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT (APCDI: The following questions are intended to identify the majority of air pollution issues at the planning stage. Your project may require additional measures not identified by these questions. Some residential projects may be exempt from APCD requirements. If yes is answered for either questions 1, 2 or 5 or for more comprehensive requirements, please contact APCD at apcdcomp@sdcounty.ca.gov; (858) 586-2650; or 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131. YES NO 1. 0 0 Will the project disturb 100 square feet or more of existing building materials? 2. 0 0 Will any load supporting structural members be removed? 3. 0 0 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 or 2 IS YES) Has an asbestos survey been performed by an individual that has passed an EPA-approved building inspector course? 4. 0 0 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 or 2 IS YES) Based on the survey results, will the project disturb any asbestos containing material? If yes, a notification may be required at least 1 O working days prior to commencing asbestos removal. Additionally, a notification may be required prior to the removal of a load supporting structural member(s) regardless of the presence of asbestos. 5. O G] Will the project or associated construction equipment emit air contaminants? See the reverse side of this form for typical equipment requiring an APCD permit. If yes, contact APCD prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. 0 0 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 5 IS YES) Will the project or associated construction equipment be located within 1,000 feet of a school bounda ? Briefly describe business activities: Briefly describe proposed project: no business activities generated from Proposed Roof mounted PV solar Roof mounted PV solar herein are true and correct. I I I I ( / W2-{ orized A ent Date FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY: FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:. ________________________________ _ BY· DATE· I I EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMO• APCD COUNTY-HMO APCD COUNTY-HMO APCD •A stamp in this box only exempts businesses from completing or updating a Hazardous Materials Business Plan. Other permitting requirements may still apply HM-9171 (9/18) County of San Diego -DEH -Hazardous Materials Division LIST OF BUSINESSES WHICH REQUIRE REVIEW AND APPROVAL FROM THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Check all that apply: AUTOMOTIVE D Battery Manufacturing/Recycling 0 Boat Yard 0 Car Wash 0 Dealership Maintenance/Painting D Machine Shop 0 Painting 0 Radiator Shop 0 Rental Yard Equipment D Repair/Preventive Maintenance D Spray Booth D Transportation Services 0 Wrecking/Recycling CHEMICAL HANDLING 0 Agricultural supplier/distributor 0 Chemical Manufacturer 0 Chemical Supplier/Distributor 0 Coatings/Adhesive 0 Compressed Gas Supplier/Distributor D Dry Cleaning 0 Fiberglass/Resin Application D Gas Station 0 Industrial Laundry 0 Laboratory 0 Laboratory Supplier/Distributor 0 Oil and Fuel Bulk Supply 0 Pesticide Operator/Distributor CHEMICAL HANDLING 0 Photographic Processing 0 Pool Supplies/Maintenance 0 Printing/Blue Printing D Road Coatings D Swimming Pool 0 Toxic Gas Handler 0 Toxic Gas Manufacturer METAL WORKING 0 Anodizing 0 Chemical Milling/Etching 0 Finish-Coating/Painting 0 Flame Spraying 0 Foundry 0 Machine Shop-Drilling/Lathes/Mills 0 Metal Plating 0 Metal Prepping/Chemical Coating 0 Precious Metal Recovery 0 Sand Blasting/Grinding 0 Steel Fabricator 0 W rought Iron Manufacturing AEROSPACE D Aerospace Industry 0 Aircraft Maintenance 0 Aircraft Manufacturing MISCELLANEOUS 0 Asphalt Plant 0 Biotechnology/Research 0 Cannabis-related D Manufacturing D Dispensary D Other 0 Co-Generation Plant D Dental Clinic/Office D Dialysis Center 0 Emergency Generator 0 Frozen Food Processing Facility 0 Hazardous Waste Hauler 0 Hospital/Convalescent Home 0 Laboratory/Biological Lab 0 Medical Clinic/Office 0 Nitrous Oxide (NO.) Control System D Pharmaceuticals 0 Public Utility 0 Refrigeration System D Rock Quarry 0 Ship Repair/Construction 0 Telecommunications Cell Site D Veterinary Clinic/Hospital D Wood/Furniture Manufacturing/Refinishing 0 Brewery/Winery/Distillery ELECTRONICS 0 Electronic Assembly/Sub-Assembly 0 Electronic Components Manufacturing 0 Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing NOTE: THE ABOVE LIST INCLUDES BUSINESSES, WHICH TYPICALLY USE, STORE, HANDLE, AND DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. ANY BUSINESS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS LIST, WHICH HANDLES, USES OR DISPOSES OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES MAY STILL REQUIRE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION (HMO) REVIEW OF BUSINESS PLANS. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (858) 505-6880. LIST OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT CATEGORIES Businesses, which include any of the following operations or equipment, will require clearance from the Air Pollution Control District. CHEMICAL 47 -Organic Gas Sterilizers 32 -Acid Chemical Milling 33 -Can & Coil Manufacturing 44 -Evaporators, Dryers & Stills Processing Organic Materials 24 -Dry Chemical Mixing & Detergent Spray Towers 35 -Bulk Dry Chemicals Storage 55 -Chrome Electroplating Tanks COATINGS & ORGANIC SOLVENTS 27 -Coating & Painting 37 -Plasma Arc & Ceramic Deposition Spray Booths 38 -Paint, Stain & Ink Mfg 27 -Printing 27 -Polyester Resin/Fiberglass Operations METALS 18-Metal Melting Devices 19 -Oil Quenching & Salt Baths 32 -Hot Dip Galvanizing 39 -Precious Metals Refining ORGANIC COMPOUND MARKETING {GASOLINE, ETC) 25 -Gasoline & Alcohol Bulk Plants & Terminals 25 -Intermediate Refuelers 26 -Gasoline & Alcohol Fuel Dispensing COMBUSTION ROCK AND MINERAL 34 -Piston Internal -Combustion Engines 04 -Hot Asphalt Batch Plants 13 -Boilers & Heaters (1 million BTU/hr or larger) 05 -Rock Drills 14 -Incinerators & Crematories 06 -Screening Operations 15 -Burn Out Ovens 07 -Sand Rock & Aggregate Plants 16 -Core Ovens 08 -Concrete Batch, CTB, Concrete Mixers, Mixers 20 -Gas Turbines, and Turbine Test Cells & Stands & Silos 48 -Landfill and/or Digester Gas Flares 10 -Brick Manufacturing ELECTRONICS 29 -Automated Soldering 42 -Electronic Component Mfg FOOD ~sh Canneries 12 -Smoke Houses 50 -Coffee Roasters 35 -Bulk Flour & Powered Sugar Storage SOLVENT USE 28 -Vapor & Cold Degreasing 30 -Solvent & Extract Driers 31 -Dry Cleaning OTHER 01 -Abrasive Blasting Equipment 03 -Asphalt Roofing Kettles & Tankers 46 -Reverse Osmosis Membrane Mfg 51 -Aqueous Waste Neutralization 11 -Tire Buffers 17 -Brake Debonders 23 -Bulk Grain & Dry Chemical Transfer & Storage 45 -Rubber Mixers 21 -Waste Disposal & Reclamation Units 36 -Grinding Booths & Rooms 40 -Asphalt Pavement Heaters 43 -Ceramic Slip Casting 41 -Perlite Processing 40 -Cooling Towers -Registration Only 91 -Fumigation Operations 56 -WWTP (1 million gal/day or larger) & Pump Station NOTE: OTHER EQUIPMENT NOT LISTED HERE THAT IS CAPABLE OF EMITTING AIR CONTAMINANTS MAY REQUIRE AN AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, CONTACT THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT AT (858) 586-2600. HM-9171 (9/18) County of San Diego -DEH -Hazardous Materials Division