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PS 2020-0113; JERSEY MIKE'S SUB; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
Ccicyof Carlsbad REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services ......... DMllon 1635 f,rtct.y Av.nue C760} 602-4610 www.car1sbadc:a.p ~-~--v' ? o 1,,-0 -c1 < 8 2- PLANNING AP-fUCATION # es 'U)Z,0 -O I I 3 REC'DBY c:)et,,v?\:b, c,~q DATE 1 L Li I 2,,<J I SIGN FEE £t; 7~J SIGN PROGRAM FEE _______ _ RECEIPT NO. __________ _ NOTe: AN A#OINW IS ll!QUllll'O flOlt .tUlllffAL. PUA• CCW,ACf De"""""""'' MICKUST AT (HIJJ .,_ 171S TO ICHIDUI.EANA#OINW. -UM! ~y Alfl'Ollf1till/AMNOT AVM.A81.1E" AU plans submitted for tign pennitllalgn programs shall consist of a mintn.Jm of a lite plan and lign elevations containing the following information: 1. NOfth arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or H"Udures. parking areas. and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of al existilg and pn,posed 1911 for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(1) for 11 proposed freestandwtg sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for al proposed 11gn(1) ~ich 1pecffie1 the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed lign(s). B. Materials lhe 1ign(1) wil be cons1ructed of. C. Soun:e of llk,mination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST 8UBMIT THREE (3) 8ET8 OF 81GNl81TE PlAN8, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. Average proceuing lime: 2 weeks Name of Ptojecl: JERSEY MIKE'S SUBS Addren of Project 7110 AVENIDA ENCINAS, STE. D100 MHISOf'ParcelNumber: ___________________ _ Related Planning cau Number(S): ________________ _ TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (1) Reeidanilll (d) HolelMolel (g) Theater <Oh Commen:11 > (e) Service Slatton (h) Gov"t/Church/Schoot (c) Ofticellnulrill (f) Prof. Care (i) Pubic Part SIGN PROGRAM ANO/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA 0) PrNlceSbtnd (k) .... rsery (I) P-UIOSZone Yes □ No □ Specific Plan Nun1Jer ___ _ VILLAGE REVIEW AREA (If m, WR complete inlonmltion on NA! 3> Yes 0 SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REVIEW AREA Yes 0 SIGN ORDINANCE: Yes li) No O COASTAL ZONE: Yu □No 0 P--11 No!] Noli] EXISTING SIGNS: N/ A TYPE NUMBER SIGNARE.A SIGNHEIGHT Pote Monument Walt Suspended/Projecting Onctfonal Can0P'f Freeltanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes O No O Date _____ _ PROPOSED PERMANENT ltGNS: MQIMUM NUMBl!R MAJOMUII PROPOll!D MAXIMUM PROPOSm TYPE NUMBER IIGN IION SIGN ALLOW!O PROPOSED ARP IIONAREA tl!tGtfT Hl!IGHT Pole" Monument"" Wal 2 2 24sa ft 22sa. ft 18 16 SUlpendedlProje Directional Canopy Freet4:lndtng" (Project ldenlty) Dlgllll Dllplay PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: N/ A MAXNUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOIED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER IIGN SIGN SIGN AU.OWED PROPOSED AREA SIGN AREA HUIHT HEIGHT Construction•• For Sale .. Bamer Interim •Prior to approval, Ill propoMd pole, monument. and flMttandlno eigna must be ,.viewed for potltnlllll alght distance and vlalblllty luun. Additional lnformdon must auppltlmant this application showing how the propoMd lignage will not encroach into e. public right-of• way or ,.,...nt a traffic hazard. Page S of 4 ■uatratN an example for whit would be NqUlrH for auch propoMd allflll. P..11 PIIQe2ot4 Rcw.02128{18 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE. MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The follCMing exaq,le illustrates the information that is required for al pole, monument, and freestanding sign pennit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed ligns must be revieMd for potential iuues by the Transportation Department, ~ich will not allow""' to bit approypd 2nr t,e gpyDJlr. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection . ...... ....,1c:a .......... ............... M. 21A1.0IO Sign clalgn standards Relationship to StlNts: Signs shall be designed and located so a not to inteffe,. v.ith the unobsttucled clear view of the pubic right-of.way and nea,t,y traffic ,.gulatory signs of any pedestrian, bk:yclst or motor vehicle driver. light DiA1nc:e: No sign or sign atn,du,. shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any pubic or private street intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS Oft RECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA Total Bulking Square Footage: ____ 1...,,2 .... 00 ........... _ sq. fl Total Bulding Street Frontage: 40 lnear ft. Total Signage Allowance: 24 sq. fl Existing Signage (sq. ft.): sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance at Present sq. ft. Proposed Signage (sq. ft.): 22 sq. ft. Remainlng Sign Allowance After Proposed Sign: 2 sq. fl VIUAGE REVEWAREA Total Signable Arita: _______ sq. ft. Total Signable Area Length: sq. ft. Total Slgnable Area Height: sq. ft. Total Projectlon from Wall Face: inches P.11 R1t11.02126'18 • PROPERTY OWNER NAME PRINT OR TYPE MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE APPLICANT NAME PRINT OR TYPE MAILING ADDRESS f o /3 o~ / 3 I .f CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS E AND CORRECT I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 1.,,.µ.~=u::._BEST MY EDGE. DATE SIGNATURE DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: ❖ In right-of-way ❖ In visibility triangle at corner 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Transportation Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entry APPROVED: Planner: ~ ~ Date: 7/ l'r/2.I ; i P-11 Page 4 of4 Rev. 02/28/18 7/6/2020 From: MA1cantara@dsrg.com, To: richmainst@aol.com, Poinsettia Village -Jersey Mikes Subs Sign Approval Cc: TSchriberJr@dsrg.com, ymarsh@dsrg.com, rvidales@dsrg.com, DArmstrong@dsrg.com, Subject: Poinsettia Village -Jersey Mikes Subs Sign Approval Date: Wed, Jun 10, 2020 3:56 pm Attachments: Jersey Mikes Subs -Signage Approval Ltr -06-10-2020.pdf (607K) Good afternoon, Please find attached Landlord signage response for your file/reference. Thank you, Melody Alcantara Construction Administrator -Construction Donahue Schriber Realty Group 200 E. Baker Street, Suite 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 D:+1(714)966-6430 F:+1(714)966-6530 malcantara@dsrg.com www.donahueschriber.com From: Don Armstrong <DArmstrong@dsrg.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 1 :24 PM To: Richard Allen <richmainst@aol.com> Cc: Melody Alcantara <MAlcantara@dsrg.com>; Thomas Schriber Jr <TSchriberJr@dsrg.com>; Yolanda Marsh <ymarsh@dsrg.com> Subject: RE: Jersey Mikes Subs Poinsettia Village Sign Approval We will review and get back to you shortly. https://mail.aol.com/webmail-std/en-us/PrintMessage 1/3 7/6/2020 Don Armstrong Director -Construction Donahue Schriber Realty Group 12925 El Camino Real, Suite J-28 San Diego, CA 92130 D: + 1 (858) 793-5752 C: +1 (714) 824-0736 F: +l (714) 966-7997 darmstrong@dsrg.com www.donahueschriber.com Poinsettia Village -Jersey Mikes Subs Sign Approval From: Richard Allen <richmainst@aol.com> Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 9:33 AM To: Don Armstrong <DArmstrong@dsrg:.£Q111> Cc: Melody Alcantara <MAlcantara@dsrg.com>; Thomas Schriber Jr <TSchriberJr@dsrgm>; Yolanda Marsh <Y.marsh@dsrg.com> Subject: Re: Jersey Mikes Subs Poinsettia Village Sign Approval Don, Layout drawings, with the listed sign sizes and specifications are on the attachments for your review. Richard Allen Main Street Signs 760-632-5250 ---Original Message---- From: Don Armstrong <DArmstrong@dsrg.com> To: Richard Allen <richmainst@aol.com> Cc: Melody Alcantara <MA1cantara@dsrg.com>; Thomas Schriber Jr <TSchriberJr@dsrg.com>; Yolanda Marsh <Y.marsh@dsrg.com> Sent: Tue, Jun 2, 2020 1 :37 pm Subject: RE: Jersey Mikes Subs Poinsettia Village Sign Approval We need a few more details before we can formally review the sign design: • Show the size of each part of the sign. I see the overall length and only the letter height of the "J" & "M". I also need the overall height of the sign. • Provide dimensions for the fa~de on each elevation {height and width of tower). • Show dotted outline how you calculated the square footages. https://rnail.aol.corn/webrnail-std/en-us/PrintMessage 2/3 7/6/2020 Please revise and send back to my attention. Don Armstrong Director -Construction Donahue Schriber Realty Group 12925 El Camino Real, Suite J-28 San Diego, CA 92130 D:+1(858)793-5752 C:+1(714)824-0736 F: +l (714) 966-7997 darmstrong@dsrg.com www.donahueschriber.com From: Richard Allen <richmainst@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 11 :59 AM To: Don Armstrong <DArmstrong@dsrg.com> Poinsettia Village -Jersey Mikes Subs Sign Approval Subject: Jersey Mikes Subs Poinsettia Village Sign Approval Hi Don, Attached are the proposed signs for Jersey Mike's Subs, Poinsettia Village in Carlsbad, CA. Please review/approve and send back an acknowledgment so that we can submit for the city sign permit. If you have any questions, or comments, please let me know. Thanks, Richard Allen Main Street Signs 760-632-5250 https://mail.aol.com/webmail-std/en-us/PrintMessage 3/3 ' . DocuSign Envelope ID: 953CD8F0-1 E7D-428A-8F3A-5D9EF0970759 June 10, 2020 Philip Jones SYWAS 901 Poppy Lane Carlsbad, CA 92011 DONAHUE SCHRIBER RE: Sign Response for Jersey Mike's Subs Poinsettia Village Carlsbad, California The sign submittal received at our office for the above-referenced project has been reviewed and approved as noted. Please use the comments noted on the drawings and the guidelines listed below to make any necessary adjustment to your documents and the installation of your sign. 1. Sign on front Elevation needs to be centered. Plan shows equal dimensions but clearly not centered. 2. The spacing for a halo illuminated sign should be 2". 3. Far;ade sign should be vertically centered. 4. All signs shall be reviewed for conformance with the sign criteria and overall design quality and is not a plan check for dimensional errors, code violations or any other restrictions to the property. Approval or disapproval of sign submittals based on aesthetics of design shall remain the sole right of the Landlord/Manager. 5. Prior to the installation and manufacture of any sign, the Tenant shall provide Landlord with a copy of the sign permit from the governmental agency having jurisdiction. 6. Each tenant shall be responsible to repair any damage to any surface caused by the signage or its' installation. 7. All building penetrations are to be properly sealed and weathertight. Installer to contact Landlord for inspection upon completion. 8. Landlord reserves the right to periodically hire an independent electrical engineer, at Tenant's sole expense, to inspect the installation of all Tenants' signs. Tenants shall be required to have any discrepancies and/or code violations corrected at Tenant's expense. Any code violations, requests for sign removals, or discrepancies not corrected within fifteen (15) days of notice, may be corrected by the Landlord at Tenant's expense. i:A,)I._ • "'"'4\ ·-;45,,::;;: J:>1t8""':..;f~'°":::"it'be~ '-s:-.'r-11-: w OocuSign Envelope ID: 953CD8F0-1 E70-428A-8F3A-5O9EF0970759 June 10, 2020 Jersey Mike's Subs Poinsettia Village Page2 9. Upon vacancy, Tenant shall remove sign and restore fascia to original condition at Tenant's sole cost and expense within fifteen (15) days of expiration of term or earlier termination of Tenant's lease. 10. Exposed junction boxes, transformers, lamps, tubing, conduit, or raceways of any type are NOT PERMITTED. 11. Sign manufacturer's names, stamps, or decals may not be visible from the street or normal viewing angles. 12. All signs must be pegged off wall½" minimum. 13. Tenant's sign contractor shall install and connect sign display and primary wiring at sign location approved by Landlord. Signs are to be connected to the J-box provided by the Landlord, which is connected to the Landlord's house panel, and shall be wired to Landlord's control at Landlord's timer for uniform control of hours of illumination unless otherwise directed by Landlord. 14. Prior to sign installation, we require the following: a. A copy of your sign contractor's insurance certificate naming DS Properties 18 LP and all related affiliates, as additional insured {with additional insured endorsement page attached). b. A copy of the permit and the contractor's license. c. At least 48-hour notice of date of install and requesting access to electrical room, if required. Should any other contractor provide installations or other work on the site, please call me to coordinate insurance requirements. In the event that the above information contradicts the lease signage criteria, the lease signage criteria are to supersede. Should you have any questions, please call me at 858.793.5752. Sincerely, DONAHUE SCHRIBER ~ DocuSlgned by: vblA, aV\\\W'b"'-1 oH4~5r1ffiMrong Director, Construction cc: Tom Scriber Jr., DSRG ~ r--0 S; 0 u. w 0) Cl ~ u. ; ~ Cl r--w 6 u. CX) Cl (.) (') LO 0) Q & 0 1 , w C C) ii5 a •8 JOB TITLE JERSEY MIKE'S SUBS l1110A:enida Encinas, carlsbad, CA 92008 22J~ FARADAY AVE .. STE l CARlSBAO. CA 92008 EQ.14 9·.7• ___ _..EQ. SIGN TYPE •A• JOB NUMBER FRONT AND BACK UT ILLUMINATED CHA.~NEL LETTERS I. S" DEEP CHANNEL LTR INTERIOR. WHITE RETURNS: BRIGHT BRUSHED CLEAR ANODIZED ALL'M. 2 114" DRAINHOLl:.S 3. PLEXIGLASS FACE COLOR. RED 4. TRJMCAP COLOR BRUSIIED SILVER S LED COLOR: RED 6. LETTERS PEGGED OUT 1-114" 7. 3-112" ANCHORS M IK 4 PER LITTER k. POWER SUPPLY. U.L. APPROVED 9. DISCONNECT SWITCH SION AREA ~ 21.5 SQ. Fi. NORTHWEST MA I ~T STATE LIC. #693248 (FRONT) l ' ELEVATION STREET @t;;: •. (1Go)sJ2.5250 SIG NS THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE REPRODUCED IN WIIOLI:. OR IN PART. Wll HOUT WRITTEN CONSENT 01 MAIN STREET SIGNS U.L. LISTED EXISTING Page I of 2 ~ R a, 0 u.. ~ Cl '? <I'. M u.. ; N ..,. Cl tu ~ 6 u.. co Cl (.) ~ a, g Q) a. 0 1 , LU C: O> ii5 B 0 • Cl JOB TITLL JERSEY MIKE'S SUBS l1110RA~Kia Encinas, Car1sbad, CA 92008 2m FARADAY AVE.. STE T. CARLSBAD. CA 92008 SIGNTYPET 1 ~ ~~ FRONT ANO BACK UT ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS ~ i ~ 8 B~ ~ ~- ,., .. I S" DEl::P OIANNEL L TR INTERIOR WHITE RETURNS: BRIGHT BRUSHED CLEAR ANODIZED ALUM lt 2. I 4" DRAINHOLES i.---1 956 •• •--t su•~·· l+-ir- 3 PLEXJGLASS FACE COLOR,RED 4. TRIMCAP JOBNl'MBER COLOR: BRUSHED SIL VER 5. LED COLOR· RED 6 LETTERS PEGGED OUT 1-114" 7. 3-112" A."CHORS MIN. 4 PER LETTER 8. POWER SL PPL Y, U.L. APPROVED 9 DISCON?'>ECT SWITCII SIGN AREA • 144 SQ FT. SOUTHWEST MAJ N I STATE LIC, #693248 (SIDE/FRONT) s TREE T @:;-;:: .. ELEVATION (160)632-s2so S I G NS THIS DESIGN CANSOT BE REPRODl.:C'ED IN WHOLE. OR IN PART. WITHOUT WRITTEN CO:SSEITT OF MAIN STRF.ET SIG:SS U.L. LISTED EXISTING ----lia&j Pagdof 1 :, ~ .9 :~ i ~ ~ ~o -0 a, > e 0. 0. (0 ~ -0 a, ~ a, -~ a:: . ·-I ' \ I ' I ' ' ' . \ " ... ~ Map data ©2020 SIGNTYP . •A• LOCATION &Vlo?-o -OI 2.-, SIGN PERMIT NO. PS To 1-0 ~ 16. 1 .. l ·3 ; : .. · APPROVED BY DATE JOB TITLE JERSEY IIKE'S SUBS ADDRESS 7110Averila Eraa, Se. D100 5i1 JOB NUMBER PO I NSCTtfA VILLAGJ: .. N 1Ntl .. 1'ATf:S This sign_ is intended to be installed in accordance with The requrrements of article 600 of the National Elec Code and/or other applicable local codes. · MAIN STATE LIC. #693248 STREET @~::,:,nc. (160)6J2.5250 s I G NS 2235 FARADAY AVE., STET, CARLSBAD , CA 92008 THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE, OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN' CONSENT OF MAIN STREET SIGNS SITE PLAN .. This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with The requirements of article 600 of the National Elec. Code and/or other applicable local codes. J JERSEY MIKE'S SUBS ADDRESS 7110 Avenda Encinas, Ste. D100, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2235 FARADAY AVE., STET, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 JOB NUMBER FRONT AND BACK LIT ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS I. 5" DEEP CHANNELL TR. lNTERIOR: WHITE RETURNS: BRIGHT BRUSHED CLEAR ANODIZED ALUM. . + 5 ~'\ /!'./ 2. 1/4" DRAlNHOLES '071 3. PLEXJGLASS FACE I -------='---::--COLOR:RED 1-:-~1 l- EQ. TRIM CAP COLOR: BRUSHED SIL VER 5. LED COLOR: WHITE 6. LETTERS PEGGED OUT 2"FROMWALL 7. # 10 x 4-1/2" ANCHORS MlN. 4 PER LETTER 8. POWER SUPPLY, U.L. APPROVED 9. DISCONNECT SWITCH SIGN AREA = 11 SQ. FT. NORTHWEST (FRONT) ELEVATION STREET @~:~:Inc. THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE, OR IN PART, WITHOUT WRITTEN 1160)6J2.5250 SIGNS CONSENT OF MAIN STREET SIGNS ;, / I · EXISTING Page I of 2 t+-----8'-3"'----~ EQ. 72" l EQ. t+------18 LINEAR FEET----------..! JOB TITLE SIGNnPE,• FRONT AND BACK LIT ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS 1. 5" DEEP CHANNELL TR. INTERIOR: WHITE RETURNS: BRIGHT BRUSHED CLEAR ANODIZED ALUM. . + 2. 1/4" DRAINHOLES 3. PLEXIGLASSFACE COLOR: RED 4. TRIMCAP COLOR: BRUSHED SIL VER 5. LED COLOR: WHITE 6. LETTERS PEGGED OUT 2" FROM WALL. 7. #IO x 4-1/2" ANCHORS MIN. 4 PER LETTER 8. POWER SUPPLY, U.L. APPROVED 9. DISCONNECT SWITCH SIGN AREA = 11 SQ. FT. SOUTHWEST STATE LIC. #693248 (SIDE/FRONT) ELEVATION U.L. LISTED EXISTING JERSEY MIKE'S SUBS ADDRESS 7110Averida Eoonas, Se. D100, Carlsbad, CA 92008 STREET @r.;::,n~. THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE, OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN' 2235 FARADAY AVE., STET, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 JOB NUMBER (160J6J2.5250 SIGNS CONSENT OF MAIN STREET SIGNS Page 2 of 2 16" CALCULATIONS FOR SIGN TYPES A & B. _1 31" I 4 _,, 5 I N C E 1 9 5 6~ 54" SINCE 1956 = 124sq. in Jersey = 864sq. in Mike's ~ 512sq. in SUBS = 85sg. in TOTAL = 1,585 sq. inches 1,585 divided by 144 sq. inches= 11 sq. ft. THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF MAIN STREET SIGNS MAIN STATE UC. #693248 STREET (760) 632-5250 SIGNS I --32" L 16" SUBS-; I 17" I CUSTOMER APPROVA=L ________ ~DATE ___ _ JOB TITLE JERSEY ■IKE'I IUBI CATE ADDRESS 7110 Avenida Encinas, Ste. D100 Carlsbad CA 92008 D£51GNNO ;