May 5, 2022
Project No. 3653-SD
AB 3
C/O P&E Coast Construction
2834 La Mirada Drive, Suite E
Vista, California 92081
Subject: Response to Comments and Plan Review
Proposed Residence with ADU
786 Palm Avenue APN 214-39-010 & 11
Carlsbad, California 92008
This letter is prepared to respond to comments in in “Third-Party Geotechnical Review
(First), 785 Palm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, PD202 l-0040/GR202 l-0040” by
Hetherington Engineering, Inc. (HEI) dated October 20, 2021 (copy attached). The
comments by HEI are indicated below numbered as in the review, our response follows
the HEI comment.
1) Due to the age of the reports, the Consultant should update References 1 and 2 to
comply with requirements of the 2019 California Building Code, ASCE 7-16, and City of
Carlsbad requirements. Subsurface exploration soil/bedrock sampling and laboratory
testing should be presented to justify the grading and foundation recommendations.
a. Updated references are attached. Reference 1 has been updated, the 2019
California Building Code which was accidentally omitted from the
Reference it was cited in the text. Logs of the borings are attached
locations were indicated on Figure 2 in GeoTek’s reports. The locations are
also presented on Figure 4.
2) The Consultant should review the project grading plan (Reference 3) and foundation
plans, provide any additional geotechnical analyses/recommendations considered
necessary, and confirm that the plans have been prepared in accordance with the
geotechnical recommendations.
a. We reviewed plans for the project including the “Grading Plans” by bHA,
Inc. and applicable portions of the Structural Plans prepared by Nader's
Design Consulting, Inc. as indicated on the enclosed reference list. Provided that
recommendations for site grading are followed both the Grading and Structural
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786 Palm Avenue, Carlsbad PN 3653-SD
Response to Comments Page 2
plans are in accordance with the recommendations contained in Reference 8,
the plans are considered to incorporate GeoTek’s recommendations.
3) The Consultant should provide an updated geotechnical map utilizing the current grading
plan for the project to clearly show (at minimum): a) existing site topography, b)
proposed structures/improvements, c) proposed finished grades, d) geologic conditions, e)
locations of the subsurface exploration, f) temporary construction slopes, g) remedial
grading, etc.
a. A portion of the Grading Plan is used as the base plan for the Figure 4
Remedial Plan. (The figure is numbered sequentially with those in prior
reports). The requested items are indicated on the plan. The only
temporary construction slopes would be as the result of remedial grading.
Specifically, expected removals are 3 to 3.5 feet from finished or existing
grade in the foundation areas. Ideally these would extend at least 5 Feet
beyond the foundation perimeter grade considering the foundation setback
from property lines this should not impact adjacent properties with the
possible exception of approximately 30 feet along the north wall of the
structure on Lot 10. In that area a one-foot setback from the property line
should be maintained with a 1:1 slope down. Once removals are observed
and assessed to be sufficiently deep then the slope may be benched to
complete the removals. The benching should be restricted to 10-foot
horizontal slots and the fill in this area backfilled to within 2 feet of existing
grade in the course of one day. The only other anticipated temporary
slopes would be for utilities which were addressed in the original reports.
4) The Consultant should address impacts of the proposed grading and construction on
adjacent properties and improvements.
a. No significant impact from geotechnical conditions is expected on adjacent
5) The Consultant should provide the site Seismic Design Category and Risk Category.
a. Based on CBC Table 1604.5 Risk Category of Buildings and Other
Structures the Risk Category is “II”. Based on CBC Table 1613.2.5(1)
Seismic Design Category Based on Short-Period (0.2 second) Response
Acceleration and that SDS exceeds 0.5g the Seismic Design Category is “D”.
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786 Palm Avenue, Carlsbad PN 3653-SD
Response to Comments Page 3
6) Foundation and slab design criteria for soils should be consistent with Section 1808.6 of
the 2019 California Building Code. The Consultant should provide expansion index test
results and update foundation recommendations, as necessary.
a. In response a composite sample of soil from the upper one foot at the
locations of HA-1 and HA-2 was obtained. Attached is the result of an
expansion index test indicating an E.I. of zero and as such are not
considered to be expansive per CBC section 1803.5.3 Expansive soil. No
change in prior recommendation is needed.
7) The Consultant should specify the sulfate exposure category (ACI 3I8) based on soluble
sulfate testing and provide recommendations for sulfate resistant concrete, if necessary,
or default to a severe exposure category, if testing is not available.
a. Attached are the results on a sulfate test on the above describe sample,
indicating of 0.0087 which SO and does not require a sulfate resistant mix
The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you should have any questions,
please do not hesitate to call our office.
Respectfully Submitted,
GeoTek, Inc.
Timothy E. Metcalfe, CEG 1142
Principal Geologist
Chris E. Lillback, GE 35007
Senior Project Engineer
1. ASCE/SEI 7-16, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other
Structures, published by The American Society of Civil Engineers, 2017
2. ASTM, Test methods D-420 to D-5876, ASTM test method D-5877 to latest. (online
access at https://secure.astm.org)
3. California Code of Regulations, Title 24, 2019 “California Residential Building Code,” 3
4. California Code of Regulations, Title 24, 2019 “California Building Code,” Part 2,
Volume 1 of 2 volumes.
5. California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), 2008, “Guidelines for Evaluating and
Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California,” Special Publication 117A
6. GeoTek, Inc., In-house proprietary information.
7. Seismic Design Values for Buildings (http://seismic.org).
8. Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30' X 60' Quadrangle, California, Compiled by Michael
P. Kennedy and Siang S. Tan, 2005 Digital Preparation by Kelly R. Bovard1, Rachel M.
Alvarez1and Michael J. Watson1 U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Earth Sciences,
University of California, Riverside
9. “Limited Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Residence with ADU, 786 Palm Avenue
APN 214-39-011, Carlsbad, California 92008” by GeoTek, Inc. dated August 14, 2020
(PN 3653-SD)
10. “Grading Plans for: 786 Palm Avenue, Carlsbad, California” by bHA Inc. print date
September 13, 2021
11. Structural Plans: Single Family Home, ADU, Casita & Garage 786 Palm Avenue,
Carlsbad, CA specifically Foundation Plan Unit 10 Sheet S1, Foundation Plan Unit 11
also Sheet S1 Structural Details Sheet SD1, by Nader's Design Consulting, Inc dated
November 23, 2021
12. Third-Party Geotechnical Review (First), 785 Palm Avenue. Carlsbad, California,
PD202 l-0040/GR202 l-0040” by Hetherington Engineering, Inc. dated October 20,