HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-10; City Council; ; Agreement with Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC for Fire Plan Review ServicesCA Review __RK__ Meeting Date: Jan. 10, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Randy Metz, Fire Division Chief randy.metz@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2661 Subject: Agreement with Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC for Fire Plan Review Services District: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC to provide fire plan review services. Executive Summary The City Council is being asked to approve an agreement with an outside consultant to review fire plans. The city’s current professional services agreement with Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC for fire plan review services expires on Jan. 17, 2023. The city issued a request for quotations in October 2022. After reviewing all responses, staff identified Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC as the best value vendor. The proposed agreement offers an initial term of three years, which may be extended by the City Manager for an additional two years. The proposed agreement requires the City Council’s approval under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.060 - Procurement of professional services and services, subsection D.5, because it is worth more than $100,000 per agreement year. These costs are covered by fees charged for fire plan reviews. A resolution approving the agreement is attached as Exhibit 1, with the proposed agreement attached. Explanation & Analysis The city reviews all fire plans in Carlsbad to make sure they comply with the city’s Fire Code, as part of its fire prevention efforts. The Fire Department is required to review all plans and construction documents related to the development of commercial and residential developments to ensure compliance with state and national codes, standards and regulations. Jan. 10, 2023 Item #3 Page 1 of 16 These reviews include but are not limited to: • Safe exits in state-regulated buildings • Fire protection systems in all occupancies • Fire department access and water supplies • Hazardous materials storage and use • Specialized systems that pose a risk to the employees, patrons and the community The city outsourced fire plan review services in 2015 to help meet increased demands and maintain consistent customer service in reviewing fire plans as swiftly as possible. Outsourcing this service gives the city access to specialized technical expertise and helps ensure construction drawings and specifications are professionally reviewed for compliance with all state and local codes, including fire and building codes, National Fire Protection Association standards for fire protection systems, hazardous processes, hazardous materials storage, and life safety provisions. The current agreement for fire plan review services expires on Jan. 17, 2023. Following the city’s standard contract policies and procedures, the city released a request for quotations on Oct. 17, 2022. Four responses were received. An evaluation committee measured all responses against the following criteria: proposed services and methodology, overall response to the request, best value, related experience of consultant and project team and client reference information. Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC was identified as the vendor that could provide the best value for the city, with the experience, technical capabilities and resources needed for this work. Fire plan review fees consist of three components: fire plan review, administrative processing and inspection services. The fees are established by the city’s Master Fee Schedule. The city collects the fee from an applicant during plan submittal and in turn pays the vendor for the portion covering the cost of the fire plan review. The vendor is paid based on actual development activity, which can vary from month to month. The proposed agreement with Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC will maintain the current compensation methodology with no set maximum amount. This methodology enables the vendor to provide fire plan review services for as many projects as may be requested by the Fire Department. Fiscal Analysis Fees collected from applicants at the time they submit their plans pay for and cover the cost of fire plan review services. The Fire Department receives appropriations in the annual budget for fire plan review services and remits fee revenues for work performed accordance with the city’s Master Fee Schedule. The vendor is paid only the portion of the fee that covers the fire plan review service. Payments for administrative processing and inspection services are retained by the city. This agreement will have no fiscal impact to the General Fund. Jan. 10, 2023 Item #3 Page 2 of 16 Options Staff provide the following options for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC to provide fire plan review services. Pros • The Fire Department will continue to outsource fire plan review services with a professional firm specialized in technical review, fire protection engineering analysis and chemical classification evaluation. • The review process will meet the industry standard for a turn-around time of 10 working days. This standard cannot be met by using current fire employees. • Since plan review submittals are unpredictable in number and timing, an outside vendor allows for a more efficient fire plan review process for developers and city. Cons • None identified 2. Do not adopt a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC to provide fire plan review services. Pros • None identified Cons • The Fire Department will need to move fire plan review services in-house, using existing fire employees. This approach will delay review turn-around times, costing developers more money by waiting longer for reviewed plans • Transitioning fire plan review services in-house would also shift fire employees away from current tasks such as conducting inspections, investigating community concerns and public outreach programs. Additional employees will be needed to account for increased workloads • Rejection of all proposals will delay fire plan review services • Placing the agreement out for bid again will require additional time and expenditures and is not expected to result in better terms for the city Staff recommend Option 1 as the most cost effective and efficient option for both developers and city. Next Steps Following agreement execution, the Fire Department will issue a notice to Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC to continue fire plan review services. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution Jan. 10, 2023 Item #3 Page 3 of 16 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH DENNIS GRUBB & ASSOCIATES, LLC FOR FIRE PLAN REVIEW SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that it is in the best interest of the city to retain the professional services of an outside firm to provide fire plan review services on properties located in the city; and WHEREAS, fees collected from fire plan review service applicants pay for and cover the cost of these fire plan reviews with no impact to the General Fund; and WHEREAS, the city solicited quotations (RFQ No. 23-05) for fire plan review services and received four responsive bids by the deadline; and WHEREAS, the evaluation committee determined Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC represents the best choice to providing fire plan review services for the city; and WHEREAS, staff have negotiated an agreement with Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC with an initial three-year term and an additional two-year extension. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the agreement with Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC which is attached hereto as Attachment A. 3.That the City Manager is authorized to amend the agreement to extend the term for up to one (1) additional two-year period or parts thereof. 4.That the City Manager is authorized to amend the Agreement to adjust the fees shown in Attachment B to reflect any changes to the Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule approved by City Council. Exhibit 1 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #3 Page 4 of 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of January, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor � SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk {SEAL) Jan. 10, 2023 Item #3 Page 5 of 16 DocuSign Envelope ID: 85AE5845-08BE-406E-8F88-FA938D019A91 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Dennis Grubb & Associates, LLC (DGA) will provide plan review services to the City of Carlsbad Fire Department ( city) as follows: • Pick up and drop off plans at the city or use a courier/mail service at its own expense within the stated turnaround time. • Complete plan check review and return plans to the city within ten (10) business days. • Review and return resubmittals if required within five (5) business days of receipt. • Complete expedites within three (3) business days of receipt. • Return plans directly to the applicant or as directed by the city when corrections are required. Post correction letter, if applicable, to a cloud-based file system accessible to city personnel. • Update city's project tracking software as directed by the city. • Work within the city's selected Community Development Software Program which will be provided including any required licensing agreements. • Perform electronic plan review and provide all hardware necessary to perform such reviews. • Communicate and work directly with all submitting design professionals, builders, architects, or engineers to resolve all identified plan correction items and issues. • Be available to consult with city field inspection team(s) as needed. • Stamp and sign all plans in accordance with city policy and procedure. • Verify compliance with adopted state & local codes/ordinances including updates. • Coordinate with the fire marshal and/or building official for any alternate means or methods request. • Defer disputes or conflict related to interpretation or application of the Fire Code to the fire marshal. • Defer any disputes or conflict related to any other adopted code to the city building official. City will collect the fee listed in the City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule from each applicant. The portion of the Fire Department Fees contained in the Master Fee Schedule which are attributable to Contractor's scope of services are contained in Attachment 1 to this exhibit, which is attached and incorporated herein. As payment for Contractor's services described herein, Contractor shall receive the fee amount shown in Attachment 1 from each applicant. The City Manager may amend this Agreement to adjust the fees shown in Attachment 1 to reflect any changes to the Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule approved by City Council. For example, if the City Council approves a 2 percent (2%) increase to the Fire Department Fees in the Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule, the City Manager may amend Attachment 1 to pass through the council approved increase to the corresponding fees contained in Attachment 1. Contractor shall submit a monthly invoice for services performed under this Agreement. City Attorney Approved Version 8/2/2022 8 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #3 Page 13 of 16 Attachment 1 Fire Department Fee Schedule FIRE EXTINGUISHING AND ALARM SYSTEMS New Sprinkler System NFPA 13 System < 100 heads $240.00 NFPA 13 System > 100 heads (includes one riser) $440.00 Each Additional Riser $160.00 NFPA 13R System 3-16 units (per building) $440.00 NFPA 13D Single Family System (Plan Review Per Initial or Single Plan Type) $160.00 Per Additional Plan Type $160.00 ESFR Fire Sprinkler System (Initial system) $440.00 Each additional System $160.00 ESFR Fire Sprinkler System with In-Rack Sprinklers $520.00 Each additional System $160.00 Underground Piping with up to 4 Hydrants/Risers $280.00 Underground Piping with 5 or more Hydrants/Risers $360.00 Fire Pump (first pump) $440.00 Each Additional pump $160.00 TI Sprinkler System NFPA 13 or 13R System 6 heads or less $ 40.00 NFPA 13 or 13R System 7 - 100 heads $200.00 NFPA 13 or 13R System > 100 heads $240.00 Other Extinguishing Systems Pre-Action System with Alarm $280.00 Special Extinguishing System $360.00 Hood & Duct Extinguishing System $160.00 Each additional System $ 80.00 Attachment B Jan. 10, 2023 Item #3 Page 14 of 16 Special Equipment Ovens, Dust, Battery, Etc. $200.00 Refrigeration Systems < 500 lbs $480.00 Refrigeration Systems > 500 lbs $800.00 Spray Booths $200.00 Gas Systems (Med Gas, Industrial Gas, LPG) $200.00 Alarm Systems New Alarm System $520.00 TI Fire Alarm System $280.00 Sprinkler Monitoring $160.00 ARCHITECTURAL A-1 Occupancies – New $840.00 A-1 Occupancies – TI $630.00 A-2 & A-3 Occupancies – New $560.00 A-2 & A-3 Occupancies – TI $420.00 A-4 & A-5 Occupancies – New $840.00 A-4 & A-5 Occupancies – TI $630.00 E Occupancies New $840.00 E Occupancies TI $630.00 E Occupancies (Daycare only) $320.00 H Occupancies (not including Chem Class) New $560.00 H Occupancies (not including Chem Class) TI $420.00 F Occupancies New $560.00 F Occupancies TI $420.00 I Occupancies New $560.00 I Occupancies TI $420.00 L Occupancies New $320.00 L Occupancies TI $240.00 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #3 Page 15 of 16 R-1 & R-2 Occupancies <50 units New $840.00 R-1 & R-2 Occupancies ≥50 units New $1050.00 R-3 Townhomes New $560.00 R Occupancies All TI's $420.00 S Occupancies < 50,000sq. ft. New $320.00 S Occupancies < 50,000sq. ft. TI $240.00 S Occupancies ≥ 50,000sq. ft. New $560.00 S Occupancies ≥ 50,000sq. ft. TI $420.00 High Rise Structure greater than 55 feet (per floor) $160.00 OTHER REVIEW TYPES Vegetation Fuel Modification - Custom Home $240.00 Vegetation Fuel Modification - Tract <75 Homes $480.00 Vegetation Fuel Modification - Tract ≥75 Homes $720.00 Chem Class <10 Chemicals $240.00 Chem Class 10- 25 Chemicals $480.00 Chem Class 26 - 100 Chemicals $720.00 Chem Class >100 Chemicals $960.00 High Piled Storage $360.00 Underground Storage Tanks (First tank) $320.00 Each Additional Tank $ 80.00 Aboveground Storage Tanks (First tank) $320.00 Each Additional Tank $ 80.00 Smoke Control - Rationale Analysis & Plan Review $960.00 3rd & Subsequent Reviews (per hour) $160.00 Hourly Rate Only (Charged at Fire Marshal Discretion) $160.00 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #3 Page 16 of 16