HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-10; City Council; 12; Mayoral, District 1 and District 3 Appointment of Five Members to the Traffic & Mobility CommissionCA Review CKM Meeting Date: Jan. 10, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Tammy McMinn, Senior Deputy City Clerk tammy.mcminn@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2953 Subject: Mayoral, District 1 and District 3 Appointment of Five Members to the Traffic & Mobility Commission District: All Recommended Action Adopt the following: 1)Resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (Mayoral) 2)Resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (Mayoral) 3)Resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (Mayoral) 4)Resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (District 1) 5)Resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (District 3) Executive Summary The City Council is being asked to appoint five members to the Traffic & Mobility Commission, which reviews staff studies and makes recommendations to the City Council on matters involving traffic and pedestrian safety and provides a public forum to review related complaints and requests, among other duties. The Traffic & Mobility Commission consists of seven members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Members must be residents of Carlsbad and normally serve four- year terms. Explanation & Analysis Commissioner Edward Newlands was initially appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in March 2022, to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Dominic Peterson with a term ending in December 2022. Commissioner Newlands is eligible and is seeking reappointment. This term will expire in December 2026, to coincide with the term of the Mayor. Commissioner Peter Penseyres was initially appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in November 2017, to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Ervin Poka with a term ending in July 2020. Commissioner Penseyres was reappointed in January 2021 with a term ending in December 2022. Commissioner Penseyres is eligible for and is seeking reappointment. This term will expire in December 2026, to coincide with the term of the Mayor. Commissioner Diane Proulx was initially appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in December 2021, to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Monica Gocan with a term ending Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 1 of 22 in December 2022. Commissioner Proulx is eligible for and is seeking reappointment. This term will expire in December 2026, to coincide with the term of the Mayor. Commissioner Steve Linke was initially appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in February 2019 to fill a new position created per Ordinance No. CS-342, with a term ending in December 2022. Commissioner Linke is eligible for and is seeking reappointment. This term will expire in December 2026 to coincide with the nominating City Council Member from District 1. Commissioner Brandon Perez was initially appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in February 2019 to fill a new position created by Ordinance No. CS-342, with a term ending in December 2022. Commissioner Perez is eligible for reappointment, but has not requested reappointment. This term will expire in December 2026 to coincide with the nominating City Council Member from District 3. The City Clerk’s Office received 11 applications from residents wishing to serve on the Traffic & Mobility Commission. In keeping with City Council Policy No. 88, Mayor Blackburn, Council Member Burkholder and Council Member Bhat-Patel have recommended the following six residents wishing to serve on the Traffic & Mobility Commission to advance in the process and interview with the full City Council: Mayoral recommendation • Verenice Garcia – District 1 • Colin Monaghan – District 2 • Edward Newlands – District 4 (seeking reappointment) District 1 recommendation • Peter Penseyres – District 1 (seeking reappointment) • Diane Proulx – District 2 (seeking reappointment) District 3 recommendation • Peter Kohl – District 3 Exhibit 6 contains the applications of those applicants moving forward in the interview process. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.15.050(2), which covers the general functions, powers, and duties of boards and commissions, states, “Although each member of the City Council elected by a district shall use his or her best efforts to appoint individuals residing in that district to these commissions, members of the City Council may appoint individuals not residing in their districts in their discretion in order to assure that the most interested and qualified individuals serve on the commissions.” According to City Council Resolution No. 2018-178, nominees to these scheduled vacancies on the Traffic & Mobility Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor and Council Members for District 1 and District 3 with the approval of the City Council. Current members of the Traffic & Mobility Commission are: Commission member District Josh Coelho 2 Bill Fowler 2 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 2 of 22 Members of the Traffic & Mobility Commission are subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act and must file statements of economic interest each year, and complete two hours of ethics training every two years. The Maddy Act (California Government Code Sections 54970-54974) requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative body must prepare a local appointments list which contains the appointive terms of board and commission members that will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee, the date of appointment and the term expiration date is also included on the list. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk’s Office accepts applications (available on the city’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office) for any upcoming vacancies. Fiscal Analysis This action has no financial impact. Next Steps Following the appointment of five members to the Traffic & Mobility Commission, the City Clerk’s Office will update the commission roster and coordinate the oaths of office and the filing of the appointees’ statements of economic interest and ethics training certificates. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (Mayoral) 2. City Council resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (Mayoral) 3. City Council resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (Mayoral) 4. City Council resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (District 1) 5. City Council resolution appointing one member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission (District 3) 6. Applications received from residents advancing to the interview process Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 3 of 22 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-026 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Edward Newlands was appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in March 2022, to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Dominic Peterson for a term ending in December 2022; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Newlands is eligible for reappointment; and WHEREAS, a scheduled vacancy on the Traffic & Mobility Commission exists with a term ending in December 2026. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Traffic & Mobility Commission, for a term ending in December 2026, to coincide with the term of the Mayor, or until a replacement is appointed. Edward Newlands PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of January, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor +2/Y j.f\/" SHERRY FREISINGER, City ClerklJ (SEAL) Exhibit 1 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 4 of 22 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-027 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Peter Penseyres was appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in November 2017, to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Ervin Poka for a term ending in July 2020;and WHEREAS, Commissioner Penseyres was reappointed in January 2021, with a term ending in December 2022; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Penseyres is eligible for reappointment; and WHEREAS, a scheduled vacancy on the Traffic & Mobility Commission exists with a term ending in December 2026. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Traffic & Mobility Commission, for a term ending in December 2026, to coincide with the term of the Mayor, or until a replacement is appointed. Verenice Garcia PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of January, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder. None. None. None. � KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) Exhibit 2 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 5 of 22 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-028 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Diane Proulx was appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in December 2021, to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Monica Gocan for a term ending in December 2022; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Proulx is eligible for reappointment; and WHEREAS, a scheduled vacancy on the Traffic & Mobility Commission exists with a term ending in December 2026. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Traffic & Mobility Commission, for a term ending in December 2026, to coincide with the term of the Mayor, or until a replacement is appointed. Diane Proulx PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of January, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor j , SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk1 (SEAL) Exhibit 3 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 6 of 22 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-029 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Steve Linke was appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in February 2019, to fill a new position created per Ordinance No. CS-342, with a tern ending in December 2022;and WHEREAS, Commissioner Linke is eligible for reappointment; and WHEREAS, a scheduled vacancy on the Traffic & Mobility Commission exists with a term ending in December 2026. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Traffic & Mobility Commission, for a term ending in December 2026, to coincide with the term of the nominating City Council Member from District 1, or until a replacement is appointed. Peter Penseyres PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of January, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor j-�HERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk .,�{SEAL) Exhibit 4 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 7 of 22 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-030 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Brandon Perez was appointed to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in February 2019, to fill a new position created per Ordinance No. CS-342, with a term ending in December 2022; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Perez is eligible for reappointment but has not requested reappointment; and WHEREAS, a scheduled vacancy on the Traffic & Mobility Commission exists with a term ending in December 2026. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Traffic & Mobility Commission, for a term ending in December 2026, to coincide with the term of the nominating City Council Member from District 3, or until a replacement is appointed. Peter Kohl PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of January, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor � SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) Exhibit 5 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 8 of 22 Exhibit 6 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 9 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 10 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 11 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 12 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 13 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 14 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 15 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 16 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 17 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 18 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 19 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 20 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 21 of 22 Jan. 10, 2023 Item #12 Page 22 of 22