HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-30; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; AgendasCLEAN ENERGY ALLIANCE ACTION AGENDA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda September 30, 2021, 2:00 p.m. City of Carlsbad I Virtual Meeting Members of the public can watch the meeting live by clicking the Live Stream Link at: https://thecleanenergyalliance.org/agendas-minutes/ or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGXJILzlTUJOCZwVGpYoC8Q Per State of California Executive Order N-29-20, and in interest of public health and safety, we are temporarily taking actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by holding Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority meetings electronically or by teleconferencing. All public meetings will comply with public noticing requirements in the Brown Act and will be made accessible electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and address the Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors. - You can participate in the meeting by e-mailing your comments to the Secretary at secretary@thecleanenergyalliance.org 1 hour prior to commencement of the meeting. If you desire to have your comment read into the record at the meeting, please indicate so in the first line of your e-mail and limit your e-mail to 500 words or less. These procedures shall remain in place during the period in which state or local health officials have imposed or recommended social distancing measures. CALL TO ORDER: 2:00 pm ROLL CALL: Board member Druker, Vice-Chair Bhat-Patel, Chair Becker FLAG SALUTE: Vice-Chair Bhat-Patel led the flag salute. BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PRESENTATIONS Report from the Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee Chair of the September 9, 2021, Meeting (This presentation followed Special Counsel Tosdal's update.) Chair Worden presented highlights of the CAC meeting noting that Climate Action Plans of the cities of Carlsbad, Del Mar, and Solana Beach were presented with a focus on what CEA might be able do to help facilitate implementation of plans and noted that the next meeting of the CAC in December will focus preparing recommendations in that regard. City of Carlsbad I City of Del Mar I City of Solana Beach CLEAN ENERGY ALLIANCE ACTION AGENDA CEO Boswell commented regarding the enthusiasm and resource of the CAC and initiating ideas for programs that the CEA might consider as it starts to develop the next fiscal year budget to help with each of the member cities achieve their Climate Action Plan goals. In addition, the CAC is interested in potentially having more frequent meeting and a request will be forthcoming to the Board for consideration in developing the plan for next year. Vice Chair Bhat-Patel commented on ensuring that the Board is doing everything possible to empower and further engaging the CAC in providing policy recommendations to the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 26, 2021 Minutes of the Special Meeting held September 16, 2021 ACTION: Approved unanimously, 3/0. Consent Calendar Item 1: Clean Energy Alliance Treasurer's Report RECOMMENDATION Receive and File Clean Energy Alliance Interim Treasurer's Report. Item 2: Amendment to Agreement with Bayshore Consulting Group Revising Scope to Remove Interim from Title of Chief Executive Officer RECOMMENDATION Approve amendment to agreement with Bayshore Consulting Group revising scope to remove Interim from the title Chief Executive Officer, and authorize Clean Energy Alliance Board Chair to execute amendment, subject to General Counsel approval. ACTION: Approved unanimously, 3/0. New Business Item 3: Clean Energy Alliance Interim Chief Executive Officer Operational, Administrative and Regulatory Affairs Update RECOMMENDATION 1) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Update Report from Interim CEO. 2) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Regulatory Affairs Report from Special Counsel. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Agenda September 30 , 2021 2 CLEAN ENERGY ALLIANCE ACTION AGENDA CEO Barbara Boswell introduced the item and General Counsel Greg Stepanicich who updated the Board Members on AB 361 commenting that the new legislation allows CEA to continue to hold virtual meetings if certain conditions are met. Mr. Stepanicich indicated that the following certain findings need to be made prior to the start of the virtual October Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting and that additional finding will need to be made every 30 days thereafter to continue remote meetings: 1) Governor proclaimed state of emergency, 2) State or local officials have recommended measures to promote social distancing, and 3) the CEA Board has determined that as result of proclaimed state of emergency, meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health and safety of attendees. In addition, procedures for allowing real time public comments must be in place. CEO Barbara Boswell updated the Board on CEA expansion and continuing discussions with north county cities including positive developments with San Clemente and Oceanside and gave an overview of timeline involved. Board member Druker inquired regarding the interest of the cities of Vista, San Marcos, and Escondido. CEO Boswell commented that staff is reaching out and to set up meetings and encouraging that the recommendation be brought before their respective city councils and that Chair Becker has been participating in calls with elected officials of each city. Board member Druker commented on reaching out to the Mayors of Vista and San Marcos. CEO Boswell updated the Board on programs including the marketing partnership with OhmConnect which provides free thermostats to customers available through the end of October and allows customers to earn rewards for reducing energy usage during peak times, and the reguest for proposals for the Commercial Storage Battery Program. Chair Becker commented on encouraging customers to opt up to the 100% renewable energy program and recognizing those enrolled. Special Counsel Ty Tosdal updated the Board on the following regulatory affairs: the formal protest filed to an advice letter that SDG&E filed making changes to Financial Security Requirements (FSR) raising concerns regarding changes with Resource Adequacy (RA) values and planning reserve margins and receiving better notice regarding changes to the FSR; developments regarding Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) including comments submitted on a proposed change to the schedule in the Energy Resource Recovery Account (ERRA) proceedings to allow for additional time for review and advance the date for the release of the Market Price Benchmark and updates; the advice letter regarding a RPS Voluntary Auction Market Offer (VAMO) designed to provide CCA programs with access to Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) resources in the utility portfolio for which the PCIA is being paid; and changes in the Resource adequacy framework requiring Load Serving Entities (LSEs) to maintain enough energy or capacity to meet the peak for each time period throughout the day and adjusted by season. ACTION: Reports received. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Agenda September 30, 2021 3 CLEAN ENERGY ALLIANCE ACTION AGENDA Item 4: Adopt Resolution Amending Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Agreement Related to Term of Board Chair and Vice Chair RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution amending Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Agreement related to term of Board Chair and Vice Chair from fiscal year to calendar year. CEO Barbara Boswell presented the item and General Counsel Stepanicich clarified timeline of the terms. ACTION: Approved unanimously, 3/0. Item 5: Approve Assignment of Shell Energy North America Portfolio Category 1 Long-Term Renewable Agreement from Solana Energy Alliance to Clean Energy Alliance RECOMMENDATION Approve assignment of Shell Energy North America Portfolio Category 1 Long-Term Renewable Energy Agreement from Solana Energy Alliance to Clean Energy Alliance for delivery period 2022-2034, for an amount not to exceed $1,131,000 and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute all documents. CEO Barbara Boswell presented the item and there answered questions of Board Member Druker regarding the percentage of long-term contracts commenting that the minimal renewable increases annually. ACTION: Approved unanimously, 3/0. BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: ADJOURN: Chair Becker adjourned the meeting at 2:39 p.m. NEXT MEETING: October 28, 2021, 2:00 p.m., hosted by City of Del Mar (Virtual Meeting) Reasonable Accommodations Persons with a disability may request an agenda packet in appropriate alternative formats as require by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids will be provided to effectively allow participation in the meeting. Please contact the Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at 760-434-2808 (voice), 711 (free relay service for TTY users), 760-720-9461 (fax) or clerk@carlsbadca.gov by noon on the Monday before the Board meeting to make arrangements. Written Comments To submit written comments to the Board, please contact the Clean Energy Alliance Board Clerk at secretary@thecleanenergyalliance.org. Written materials related to the agenda that are received by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting will be distributed to the Board in advance of the meeting and posted on Clean Energy Alliance webpage. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Agenda September 30, 2021 4