HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-12-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street Improvements, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6075Meeting Date: Dec. 5, 2022
To: Traffic and Mobility Commission
Staff Contact: Brandon Miles, Associate Engineer
brandon.miles@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2745
Nikki Matosian, Community Relations Manager
nikki.matosian@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2841
Subject: Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street Improvements, Capital
Improvement Program Project No. 6075
Recommended Action
1.Receive a presentation regarding the Public Input Report, dated June 2022, on the Kelly
Drive and Park Drive Complete Street Improvements, Capital Improvement Program
Project No. 6075;
2.Receive input from the community; and
3.Support staff’s recommendation to implement buffered bike lanes along Kelly Drive
from Hillside Drive to Park Drive and on Park Drive from Kelly Drive to Neblina Drive, and
an urban compact roundabout at the intersection of Kelly Drive and Hillside Drive.
Executive Summary
The City of Carlsbad is working to design roads that encourage drivers to slow down, improve
safety for all modes of transportation, and improve access and connectivity to trails.
Improvements are being designed around Kelly Elementary School along Kelly Drive from El
Camino Real to Park Drive and along Park Drive from Kelly Drive to Neblina Drive to create a
roadway on which people can easily and safely get where they want to go through their choice
of travel such as driving, biking or walking. These infrastructure improvements to enhance
safety for all modes of travel create what are known as “complete streets.”
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Earlier this year, the city asked members
of the public to share their input about
specific areas in the project’s scope of
work – bike and pedestrian pathways on
Kelly Drive from Hillside Drive to Park
Drive, and on Park Drive from Kelly Drive
to Neblina Drive; and the traffic
intersection control options at Kelly and
This report highlights what was shared in
the public input process and how the
input was used to select staff’s
recommendation of buffered bike lanes along Kelly Drive from Hillside Drive to Park Drive and
on Park Drive from Kelly Drive to Neblina Drive, and an urban compact roundabout at the
intersection of Kelly Drive and Hillside Drive.
While this project started design in 2017, before the city’s current traffic safety emergency, the
proposed improvements support the city’s focus on creating safer streets for all modes of
The Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Streets Project, Capital Improvement Program, or CIP,
Project No. 6075 incorporates elements from the Carlsbad Comprehensive Active
Transportation Strategy, which was developed in coordination with the city’s Trails Master Plan,
Mobility Element of the General Plan and Sustainable Mobility Plan.
With the goal to enhance safety for all users including drivers, walkers and bicyclists, the scope
of work proposes improvements such as:
• Biking and walking connection from El Camino Real to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon
• Traffic calming features, or slowing down speeds, especially in the residential and school
• Wider and enhanced sidewalks
• Realigned crosswalks with high visibility
• Enhanced multi-modal safety features at the intersection of Kelly Drive and Hillside
Drive and the intersection of Kelly Drive and Park Drive
• Buffered bike lanes
• Enhanced curb ramps
Decisions already made
The Traffic & Mobility Commission supported implementing a modern-day roundabout at the
intersection of Kelly Drive and Hillside Drive; and buffered bike lanes along Kelly Drive, from El
Camino Real to Hillside Drive at its meeting on Aug. 2, 2021. Due to the concerns with the
number of conflict points and visibility at the driveways with a protected, two-way bike lane,
staff are designing buffered bike lanes for this segment, as supported by the Commission.
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Existing conditions
Kelly Drive currently has three driving lanes, one lane in each direction and one middle lane for
turning. There is also parking for the residents on each side and a separated bike lane. Due to
width constraints, the bike lane is not buffered; it runs along vehicle lane.
There are resident concerns about speeding on Kelly Drive, especially coming off El Camino
Real. During school hours, some drivers are observed using two-way left turn lanes to bypass
cars waiting to enter the school parking lot for pick up. This poses safety concerns for those
walking and biking to school or crossing the street.
At the intersection of Kelly Drive and Hillside Drive, there is a poorly design traffic calming
device that has not functioned properly and leads to driver confusion and frustration.
Park Drive, from Kelly Drive to Neblina Drive is a wide two-lane road. The unpaved part of the
road alongside the lagoon is used informally for pedestrians and there are no bike lanes. There
is parking in front of the homes along the residential part of the street. This street also has
speeding concerns due to the wide width of the roadway.
Public input
Since the project planning began in 2018, community feedback has helped shape the design of
these improvements, such as:
• Improving pedestrian safety with designated and enhanced crosswalk areas and
shortened crossing distances
• Maintaining and enhancing street parking for residents and users of Laguna Riviera Park
• Adding a designated right turn only lane on Kelly Drive into the school parking lot
separate from the lane for through traffic
• Improving the design of the intersection control that’s currently in place
As recommended at the Aug. 2, 2021, Traffic & Mobility Commission meeting, staff gathered
public input for a second time and asked the community about:
Bike lanes on Kelly Drive, between Hillside Drive and Park Drive; and on Park Drive, between
Kelly Drive and Neblina Drive.
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Bike lane options for Kelly Drive from Hillside to Park, and on Park Drive from Kelly to Neblina
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Intersection control options at Kelly and Hillside
The public input report, provided as Exhibit 3, summarizes the key themes and feedback
received from this outreach effort. Within the project area, the community identified the top
priorities as:
• Making crossing safest for walkers
• Slowing down traffic
• Separating all bicyclists from cars
Based on the community feedback highlighting the desire for more experienced cyclists to have
their own dedicated buffered bike lane without sharing the road with cars or being forced to
stay in a protected two-way lane, staff recommend a buffered bike lane on Kelly Drive, south of
Hillside Drive and on Park Drive from Kelly Drive to Neblina Drive. This option would provide
consistent buffered bike lanes throughout the whole project area and provide a multiuse path
along the lagoon side on Park Drive, allowing slower speed cyclists such as children, to be
separated from the buffered bike lane. The shared path can be used by different users,
including pedestrians and the casual bike rider. More experienced bicyclists and those traveling
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at faster speeds on an electric bike would have the option of using the buffered bike lane next
to the travel lane.
Based on the community feedback that a roundabout would be the safest option and change
the characteristics of the road to change driver behavior and force them to slow down, staff
recommend a modern-day roundabout as the intersection control at Kelly Drive and Hillside
Drive. Based on the engineering evaluation provided by the design consultant, a modern-day
urban-compact roundabout is recommended by staff. This intersection control option provides
most efficient traffic operations, safer and shorter pedestrian crossings, and an area for
potential landscaping in the middle. An example in the concept plans is provided in Exhibit 2.
A roundabout at this location would effectively slow down motorists and provide a more
efficient transition for bicyclists traveling southbound on Kelly Drive through the intersection at
Hillside Drive to the buffered bike lanes south of Park Drive. While it does not address all the
community’s concerns and desires, it overall is the recommended option to slow down speeds,
improve the efficiency of traffic flow through the project area and be the safest option.
To address concerns of a roundabout not fitting in the area and restricting access for the
resident at the intersection of Kelly Drive and Hillside Drive, staff met with the most affected
property owner and refined the design of the proposed roundabout to address the expressed
concerns and ensure delivery trucks, trash trucks and emergency service vehicles can navigate
the urban-compact roundabout.
Next Steps
Following the Traffic and Mobility Commission’s review, staff will finalize the construction plans
and environmental documents; and obtain the necessary permits for the project. Staff will then
present the project to the City Council in late 2023 with a recommendation to approve the
project plans and specifications and authorize the City Clerk to advertise for construction bids
for the project.
After the bidding process is complete, staff will return to the City Council with a
recommendation to award a construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible
bidder, which is expected to be in early 2024. The construction is targeted to begin in summer
2024 and be completed by late 2024.
1. Location map
2. Conceptual urban compact roundabout plan for Kelly Drive and Hillside Drive
3. Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Streets Public Input Report
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Exhibit 1
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Exhibit 2Dec. 5, 2022Item #3 Page 8 of 136
Kelly and Park Drive Complete Streets
Infrastructure Improvements
Public Input Report
June 2022
Exhibit 3
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Kelly and Park Drives Complete Streets Public Input Report
June 2022 2
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
Project background ................................................................3
Engagement goals and objectives .........................................4
About the input ......................................................................4
Opportunities for input ..........................................................5
Who participated ...................................................................5
Section 2: What we heard
Kelly and Hillside intersection design options .......................7
Kelly and Park walking and biking paths ................................11
Section 3: Next steps
Traffic & Mobility Commission ..............................................15
A. How opportunities were promoted
B. Survey responses
C. Workshop PowerPoint presentation
D. Workshop chat transcript
E. Emails
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June 2022 3
Section 1: Introduction
As part of Carlsbad’s active transportation strategy, the city is working to update and design
roads that encourage drivers to slow down, improve pedestrian and cyclist safety, and improve
pedestrian and cyclist access and connectivity to trails. These modernized roadways are often
called “complete streets.”
The neighborhood around Kelly Elementary School and Laguna Riviera Park has been selected
for “complete streets” improvements. The project area includes Kelly Drive, from El Camino
Real to Park Drive, and along Park Drive, from Kelly Drive to Neblina Drive. The project goals
• Enhance safety for people to walk, bike and drive
• Slow down traffic
• Improve all modes of mobility
• Improve how people can safely walk and bike from El Camino Real to Agua Hedionda
Lagoon based on the Mobility Element
Since project planning began in 2018, community feedback has helped shape the design of
these improvements, including:
• Improving pedestrian safety with designated crosswalk areas and shortened crossing
• Maintaining and enhancing street parking for residents and users of Laguna Rivieria Park
• Adding a designated right turn only lane into the school parking lot from Hillside Drive
separate from the lane for through traffic
• Improving the intersection control design that’s currently in place
As the design process progressed, the project team developed options for two project areas:
• Intersection of Kelly and Hillside Drive
a. Roundabout
b. Curb extension
• The biking and walking path design along Kelly and Park Drive
a. Buffered bike lanes and multi-use path
b. Physically separated bike path and walking path
To ensure the project continues to meet the needs and priorities of the community, staff
gathered input from the community to be used to help inform the final design of the complete
streets project.
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Public engagement goal
Gather input from the Carlsbad community that can be used by city staff to select a preferred
alternative design for 1) the intersection control of Kelly and Hillside and 2) walking and biking
paths for Kelly and Park.
Public engagement objectives
• Community members are aware of opportunities to provide input
• Community members have an opportunity to provide input in a way that is convenient
and comfortable, based on their preferences and levels of interest
• This public engagement process helps further build relationships between the city and
those it serves
• Participants have a clear understanding of how their input will be used
About the input
The International Association of Public Participation’s spectrum of public participation
illustrates a variety of approaches to involving the public in decision making. The Kelly and Park
input process falls in “consult” level – obtain input on the options or decisions that have already
been made. However, earlier in the process, community members were engaged at the
“involve” level as the project team worked with residents and school representatives to
develop project objectives and design priorities.
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Qualitative input with a convenience sample
The input in this report is qualitative in nature and was obtained through a convenience
sample. This means the city focused on gaining an in-depth understanding of community
member perspectives, and the results cannot be generalized to the entire population of the city
within a defined margin of error.
That’s why the input in this report should be considered with a similar weight as other forms
of feedback that have always been part of the city’s decision-making process, such as
comments made at City Council meetings or emails sent to the city expressing an opinion.
Opportunities for input
City of Carlsbad staff designed and implemented a public involvement strategy to engage
community members living in or travelling through the neighborhood near Kelly Elementary.
The city sought input on the two areas of focus through two specific opportunities:
Online survey, April 18 – May 15, 2022
Virtual public meeting, May 11, 2022
Who participated
Public meeting
A total of 21 people registered for the public meeting, 10 of whom attended. Attendees
included school parents, neighborhood residents and cyclists – all of whom were actively
engaged in the discussion and provided unique input on the proposed infrastructure
improvement options.
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A total of 201 people responded to the survey.
Almost 57% of the survey respondents live in the neighborhood. Over 66% of survey
respondents use nearby trails. Just under 66% said they walk in the neighborhood, while over
50% said they bike in the neighborhood.
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Section 2: What we heard
The following section summarizes key themes that emerged from feedback. This summary
reflects feedback that was most commonly shared, though it is important to acknowledge that
these themes may not fully represent the opinions of each individual living in or travelling
through the neighborhood near Kelly Elementary.
Verbatim responses can be found in the Appendix.
Kelly & Hillside intersection design options
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Respondent priorities for intersection
Each respondent was asked to review the two alternatives and rank the following categories by
importance, giving each a numerical value from 1 to 5 (1 – least important; 5 – most important).
What respondents liked: Roundabout
Positive feedback on the roundabout option centered around the following themes.
Theme: Roundabouts will slow down traffic.
• Roundabouts will do a better job of slowing down traffic from cars speeding off El
Camino Real.
• If the traffic circle is prominent, drivers will adapt by slowing and proceeding with
• A well-designed roundabout will slow traffic considerably.
Theme: Roundabouts will improve safety.
• It is the safest option for children.
• Shortened crossing paths are the best for kids going to and from school.
• It would be safest for drivers and pedestrians.
Theme: Roundabouts will keep traffic flowing.
• A roundabout keeps traffic moving.
• Doesn't require cars to stop if no traffic.
Theme: Roundabout option enhances aesthetics.
• It is attractive and helps beautify a street that has the drainage ditch along the whole
• It will clean up our community.
• There’s landscaping and more confined design.
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Concerns: Roundabout
Concerned feedback on the roundabout option centered around the following themes.
Theme: Not having a separate path for bikes at intersections causes conflict.
• There would be confusion and conflict between bicycles and pedestrians without a
separate route for bicycles.
• Collisions could occur with cyclists going up on the sidewalk where pedestrians are
• There needs to be markings to show that bicyclists will be merging with drivers in the
Theme: Roundabouts will cause traffic congestion, especially during pick up and drop off at
Kelly Elementary.
• Does not solve the problem at Kelly Elementary, allowing drivers to bypass school pick
• The roundabout will be congested and bottleneck, causing people to be stuck in the
school traffic.
• Not adding a dedicated right turn from Kelly onto Hillside causes congestion and
frustration during school pick up and drop off.
Theme: People don’t know how to drive in roundabouts.
• Many people don't know what to do and/or don't follow rules at roundabouts.
• Roundabouts are not common and confuse drivers leading to unnecessary hesitation
and danger.
Theme: A roundabout will not fit in the area.
• Not confident a true roundabout will fit in that area.
• Trucks run over current circle area now, so how will trucks and trailers fit in a
Theme: A roundabout would impact emergency response access.
• A roundabout would impede emergency access vehicles.
• It would hinder community members from evacuating their neighborhood in the event
of an emergency.
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What respondents liked: Curb extension
Positive feedback on the curb extensions option centered around the following themes.
Theme: Shorter crosswalks increase safety.
• It's safer for pedestrians to cross the street due to the shorter crosswalk.
• Pedestrians have a curb to protect them.
Theme: Curb extensions allow full visibility in all directions.
• Full visibility in all directions.
• Not as confusing for drivers.
Concerns: Curb extension
Concerns about the curb extension option centered around the following themes.
Theme: Lack of bike lanes in the intersection cause conflict.
• The bike lane ends abruptly at the curb extension, and will either force cyclists into
conflict with pedestrians or force them to enter the traffic lane suddenly.
• Curb extensions can be dangerous for cyclists.
Theme: Curb extensions will not slow down traffic.
• Cars will still speed coming off of El Camino Real and not follow the speed limit.
• It won’t do much to slow down traffic, which is a particular concern when school is in
• Drivers will still try to get around the school traffic, get frustrated and do unsafe driving.
Theme: Curb extensions inhibit right turn onto Hillside, making it difficult to bypass school
• The extended curb and lack of a right turn lane from Kelly to Hillside frustrates residents
trying to bypass school traffic.
• Traffic will still back up on Kelly Drive.
Other comments on Kelly and Hillside intersection
• Both options would impede drivers trying to avoid the traffic congestion at pick-up and
drop-off times for Kelly Elementary.
• Turning onto Hillside, the main way to avoid the traffic congestion, would be very
difficult in either option.
• Neither option sufficiently addresses how bicycles navigate the intersection.
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Walking and biking path options on Kelly and Park Drive
Respondent priorities for Kelly and Park Drive
Each respondent was asked to rank the following categories by importance, giving each a
numerical value from 1 to 5 (1 – least important; 5 – most important).
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What respondents liked: Buffered bike lanes + separate multiuse path
Positive feedback on the buffered bike lanes + separate multiuse path option centered around
the following themes.
Theme: There is a clear separation of cars and bicycles.
• No sharrows is good. Having a path for slower/less confident bicyclists totally separated
from traffic is safe.
• Bikes are not sharing the road with cars. The cars drive too fast along Park Drive and this
protects bikers by giving them their own lane.
• Gives cyclists the freedom to use buffered bike lane without obstructing car traffic.
Theme: There is a separation of experienced and slow bicyclists.
• Faster moving bicyclists will be able to ride without obstruction in the buffered bike
lanes, while slower moving cyclists will be able to ride comfortably with full separation
from traffic on the Class I path.
• The added buffered bike lane (by marking) is a good option for experienced cyclists.
• Does not cause cyclists to be “stuck” in a protected lane.
Theme: It’s a more efficient plan.
• Lower construction cost and shorter construction times.
Theme: Slows down traffic.
• The extra narrow car lanes encourage careful, safe and slow driving.
• Likely to slow cars.
Concerns: Buffered bike lanes + separate multiuse path
Concerns around the buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path centered around the
following themes.
Theme: Not enough room for walkers.
• Walkers & bikers need separate lanes. It is not safe for walkers when you have to share
lane with bikers in a multi-use path.
• No dedicated walking path for elderly, young children, dogs. This design favors bikes but
isn’t walker friendly.
Theme: The bike lane next to street parking could cause accidents.
• The lack of buffer along the parked cars would cause bike-open door crashes.
Theme: There is no physical barrier between cars and bicycles.
• Not as safe for bicyclists as cars could still hit them without a physical barrier.
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What respondents liked: Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking
Positive feedback on the two-way protected bikes lanes + separated walking path option
centered around the following themes.
Theme: There’s a separation of cars from slow-moving bikes and pedestrians.
• It’s safer to separate cars from bikers and pedestrians.
• Best separation for bikes who don't want to share the road with cars.
• Separation of cars and cyclists- cars still tend to use the whole lane/ and cyclists slow
down the flow of vehicle traffic.
Theme: There is separation of all types of cyclists from pedestrians.
• Separate facilities for cyclists, fast and slow and pedestrians with their own lane.
• Everyone has their space.
• Walkers do not have to share a path with cyclists.
Concerns: Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path
Concerns about the two-way protected bikes lanes + separated walking path option centered
around the following themes.
Theme: It is not safe for bicycles to share roadway with cars.
• This route is a major cycling route east-west to the coast and cyclists sharing the road is
not safe.
• Cars do not share the lane well with cyclists.
• Sharrows cycling is dangerous and frustrates vehicle drivers.
Theme: There is no good option for experienced cyclists.
• Cyclists are forced to make a commitment and stay in either the protected lane or road.
• No option to get in/out of the lane if there is a conflict.
Theme: It’s a less efficient plan.
• Higher construction costs, longer construction period.
Theme: The walking path is not a natural surface.
• The multi-use path surface is pavement instead of a more natural material to blend with
the surrounding lagoon environment.
• Prefers to have natural landscape, softer surface for walkers.
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Other comments on walking and biking path options on Kelly and Park Drive
• The lane designation for e-bikes was a major concern for both options. Multiple
respondents wanted more clarification, perhaps via signage, about where e-bikes should
• Put 25 mph speed limit signs along Kelly and Park Drive – for both cars and e-bikes
• Too much parking would be removed to make space for the biking and walking paths.
General project comments
• Traffic congestion caused by pick-up and drop-off at Kelly Elementary is not sufficiently
addressed by this project
• More traffic enforcement by local police is needed to dissuade cars from speeding
and/or attempting illegal maneuvers
• Commercial vehicles were the biggest speeding culprits.
• Show plans for the entire project area to better understand how it would improve traffic
flow and address their concerns.
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Next steps
City staff will consider the input and select a preferred alternative that best addresses
community needs, concerns and priorities, while meeting the project’s goals.
Staff will present the preferred design alternatives to the Traffic & Mobility Commission on
July 5, 2022 for their feedback and project approval. It’ll then go to the Carlsbad City Council for
approval to bid.
Depending on project permits and authorization, construction could begin in 2023 and will
notify the community at future project milestones.
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A. How opportunities were promoted
B. Survey responses
C. Workshop PowerPoint presentation
D. Workshop chat transcript
E. Emails
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How Opportunities Were Promoted
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City staff notified community members about opportunities to get involved through a variety of
print and digital channels including
Mailer to residents around the project area
Nextdoor social media post
Email notification to parents through Kelly Elementary Parent Teacher
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Survey Results – What Respondents Liked
Option A Roundabout
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What works for you in option A – roundabout?
Car traffic has to slow down, increasing safety. The median refuges help slower walkers cross safely. It isn't clear
from the renders, but it seems bikes get to ascend to the sidewalks and go around separate from the cars, which
is good, but...
The tree seems like it will in itself have a traffic calming effect since the visual of it will eliminate a straight
sightline beyond Hillside.
it is the safest option for people and has room for landscaping
Gorgeous, and love the safety. Roundabouts are great.
Nothing. Waste of money
(1) Safest design. (2) Maximizes traffic flow. (3) Aesthetics.
Safest and most efficient.
It is the safest option for my kids, and it appears to have no stop signs at roundabout. The current design of 3
roundabouts in this area uses a combination of stop signs and yield signs depending on the direction you are
coming from - right away is very confusing and dangerous, not every driver behaves the same (driver that enters
roundabout first or driver with yield vs stop sign before roundabout?)
Fantastic! Safe and beautiful!
Cyclists use roundabout as legitimate road users
this generally provides a better roadway intersection solution if it/they are specifically modeled to handle traffic
flow without more than 1-2 cars having to stop before entry into the circle.
Attractive and clear for walkers
No traffic having to stop
People crossing in middle of street with kids and cars and not using round about
Neither, traffic is going to back up to El camino real.
If the traffic circle is prominent, drivers tend t adapt by slowing and proceeding with caution. Since traffic moves
slowly through the circle, cyclists are able to easily merge with the automobile traffic. The bike lane leading to the roundabout must have an adequate merge area indicated with green paint or by changes in the bike lane
It slows traffic and the landscaped traffic circle makes it possible for drivers from all directions to have equal
access and enable people to safely turn left off of Kelly Dr. onto Hillside. It is attractive and helps beautify a
street that has the drainage ditch along the whole block.
These work extremely well in many areas and are very effective. I like the aspect of additional landscaping.
Slows traffic more.
It's pretty.
Initially this allegedly was installed to "calm traffic" my house is adjacent to existing circle... this has not
succeeded CIRCLE should be removed
Don't like roundabouts.
I don't feel that roundabouts are safer, so difficult to find what works for me. It's better than what is there now,
because it looks like there wouldn't be a stop sign at the Hillside entrance to Kelly Dr. anymore, that was
confusing, as many people were driving through it due to the traffic circle being there.
Slows down traffic
Some drivers ignore roundabout rules. Most of them are self-serving and/or stupid. Still, I think that they are
slowly catching on, and I am a big fan. Getting rid of stop signs and traffic lights is a good thing.
Safety and less road noise
Nothing. I like this will reduce car backups.
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What works for you in option A – roundabout?
Love the beauty of the scene.
It looks good and safest for pedestrians
calming auto movement is prime
giving cyclist equal rights is prime
making peds safe is prime
Roundabouts are significantly safer for all users than stop-controlled intersections, so a roundabout in this
intersection would help prevent injuries and deaths in Carlsbad. Traffic would also flow more smoothly,
feel safer, slow down cars since school nearby
Safety, aesthetics and traffic calming without stop signs or speed humps.
will slow traffic, keeping it safer
Roundabouts are terrible for bicycles
I like the concept, but in practice the size of the roundabout is too small and is more dangerous for cars.
Adds landscaping, slows traffic, maximizes traffic flow, safer crossing
It is a great option
Its the most aesthetic and functional.
Improvement over existing condition
Safest for everyone
Looks like a better option
Easier for cyclists to navigate
It will help slow down traffic.
Carlsbad does need any more roundabouts
Flow of traffic will be good
Kelly is not wide enough for a true roundabout. The present attempt at a roundabout is a perfect example!
Except for cost appears that it optimises all the benefits you want.
The island with a tree.
Slows down traffic from all directions
Slow, but flowing, traffic
A roundabout keeps traffic moving. That is great.
I like the planted median as you approach the roundabout. It should make drivers slow down.
Best for safety and flow of traffic
Looks nice. Need flow of traffic at school. Especially drop off and pick up
Keeps traffic moving, safer for everyone, and it’s very beautiful.
Easier to cross as a pedestrian
Slows traffic down
Clear, safe transit of all vehicles and peds around the circle
I love option a. I currently won’t cross at that intersection because cars fly through the “roundabout” (if you can
even call it that) that is there now. It does nothing to help slow cars down. Even tho there is the crosswalk down
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What works for you in option A – roundabout?
by the school, cars are going so fast they don’t usually stop for us to cross (non school hours). I think the true
roundabout will slow traffic considerably but still keep it moving. I love that there is shortened crossing paths
for the kids going to/from school. I also love that it looks beautiful and will clean up our community.
Beautifying the area with short crosswalks to middle safe holding islands.
Speed and aesthetics, concerns are solved
Roundabout isn't necessary.
Safest for pedestrians.
everything highlighted in question 6.
Love the landscaping and more confined design.
Safer crossing for students walking to school
People won’t drive over the roundabout bumps to get past school pick up and drop off line.
Continuous flow
A real roundabout with no stop signs is better than what is there now
Looks nicer and will slow cars more
It looks aesthetically pleasing
Kelly Drive ...
buffered lanes on Kelly Drive - great idea
will cars be parking in the bike lane?
so, no street parking?
Slows traffic
Perhaps in 100 years, the tree will look that pretty. I will be long gone.
I think it will help slow traffic
Feels like it will do a better job of slowing down traffic. Cars coming off El Camino speeding at 60mph never slow
down enough when they get to our 25mph street
safer, keeps traffic flowing, aesthetically better
Nothing. The current round about does not improve traffic flow especially during school drop off and pick up
Hate the idea
Stop signs would be a disaster. Entitled pricks in this community would run stop signs to get away to work 15
seconds earlier.
I like that it slows down traffic. Also it looks really nice and creates more crossing options. Also important: I
think it’s necessary for cars on Hillside to be able to take a left onto Kelly even during high traffic times, and the
round-a-bout allows this to happen. I also like that it prevents cars from driving down the middle of the road
when traffic is blocked for school dropoff and pickup.
As we have seen with the current two roundabouts people are too stupid to use them correctly. Also the stop
sign on Kelly and park is a safety hazard and cars end up getting stuck when people repeatedly run the stop sign.
Maximizing traffic flow.
Keeps traffic flowing, safer for pedestrian crossing
I prefer this roundabout.
It looks the nicest.
Roundabout and that big beautiful tree
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 34 of 136
What works for you in option A – roundabout?
No roundabouts. Put stop signs at the corners. They have been nothing but problems and where there are stop
signs most people do not stop because they think they have the right away. ): ):
Nice landscape
The beautification of the traffic circle and the slowing of traffic.
All of it
really will slow down cars. as of now most cars speed past the overly large roundabout going 40-50 mph as they
always do if they are speeding. The roundabout built as this shows will significantly decrease their ability to
continue speeding thru the roundabout. I go 25mph from el camino via Kelly Dr. , and on to my house on Via
Arequipa, but many car drivers will honk at me for not going fast enough on Kelly, or will tailgate me until I peel
left at park ave. They see the "25mph when children are present sign" as they first get onto Kelly, and assume
that it is 40-50mph at other times because it is so wide. Perhaps narrowing Kelly would stop this crazy driving.
It is pretty, eliminates the stop sign for vehicles from Hillside and gives good crosswalks.
Speeding cars only slow down for roundabouts.
This is my preferred option. All of it works for me.
I like the aesthetics and landscaping. I think this option will do better job of slowing down traffic along Kelly Dr.
And will also prevent drivers from cutting the circle when turning left onto Kelly Dr from Hillside.
Appears to have more landscaping options.
Maximizes traffic flow in all directions, less road noise and pollution
Well, it removes the crazy 1 stop, 2 yields that is there now. Not a fan of the roundabout- impossible to get
around Kelly parent traffic and to my house.
Nothing in this option works.
Not much
Crossing safety
Cars would need to slow down
The crosswalk is safer with pedestrian refuge island. More landscaping is good.
good flow. Doesn't require stopping of cars if no traffic.
landscaping & safety
Slows traffic, better for pedestrians, looks a lot better
They work for all reasons.
Roundabouts work
Slows traffic
Slows traffic
People will slow down with a large roundabout they can’t drive through.
It keeps traffic flowing AND slows down the flow of traffic. The permanent and raised curb and landscaping will
prevent drivers from driving through the circle when traffic backs up at the school start and end times.
It doesn’t work for me. They have proven to be a hinderance to drivers at the end of Kelly. Adding another one
is ridiculous.
It’s much safer and more beautiful.
A formal roundabout works best
Looks good and slows down traffic. People cut through that round about.
Slows traffic but supports continuous flow. Safer and more attractive.
I know roundabouts help traffic flow but the traffic from school dropoffs make this design useless
It is safest, looks nice
It’s aesthetically pleasing
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 35 of 136
What works for you in option A – roundabout?
Much bigger and better signage for roundabouts
Slows traffic
It does slow down traffic.
better traffic flow for all
Nothing. This area is wrong for roundabouts. Period!!! AND NO ROUND ABOUT FOR KELLY X PARK!!! WE
This seems safest.
Right now, cars enter the central part of the roundabout to get around the Kelly traffic, which is unsafe and will
cause a child to get hit in one of the crosswalks.
Neighborhood landscape and aesthetics
Everything. The current situation is a total mess and no one follows the traffic patterns intended
Enabling drivers to merge coming from Hillside is very useful, particularly when Kelly school is in drop off/pick
up mode.
Option A will help with some of the issues of walking children to and from school. Non parent driven vehicles
get VERY angry at parents waiting to collect children from school and drive around cars and through crosswalks.
Often when parents and children are in them! The option will prevent this action from being as easy for them.
Traffic can keep moving even if not dropping off/picking up from school.
Love the design
Looks like it would be safest for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.
Permanent, landscaped roundabout. Low-profile landscaping should have been included at Hillside and Cordoba
Slows traffic, aesthetically pleasing
Roundabouts are effective for slowing traffic. And the design shown here is attractive and effective.
The roundabout is definitely the best option. The speed of traffic should be slowed. As it is now, vehicles going
straight through on Kelly Drive go too fast, especially going past the school. The way it is currently is not good
because cars and trucks just speed past the "pretend roundabout" that is currently at the Kelly-Hillside
Landscape but that’s not a priority
That it is seems safe & drivers can’t just drive straight thru
I do not like this option
Multiple crossing opportunities. Will slow traffic and prevent speeding and burnouts (donuts) along Kelly.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 36 of 136
Survey Results – Concerns
Option A Roundabout
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 37 of 136
What concerns you about option A – roundabout?
Without a route for bicycles separate from pedestrians when going around the circle, I think there would be
confusion and conflict between bicycles and pedestrians on the zebra crossings. It should have a separate bike
circle if possible (check out bike roundabouts in the Netherlands for this design).
See concerns for Option B.
it might slow down cars too much so there is back ups
None whatsoever.
I oppose roundabouts at this location. It has shown they have created more traffic and congestion for the area.
It takes away from visual effects for drivers and parking for the area.
Still does not help to solve the problem of Kelly Elementary school drop off and pick up traffic in this area. It also
does not allow a driver to pass through the traffic if they do not need/intend to be in the drop off/pick up line.
Still somewhat confusing for some drivers.
no concerns, it is my preferred option as long as all directions approaching roundabout have yield signs and no
stop signs
Drivers will have a learning curve. But it’s all locals so they will learn.
having the cyclists go up on the sidewalk right where the pedestrians will be standing, waiting to cross, is asking
for a bicycle/pedestrian collision
drivers still don't know how to use roundabout correctly
Most bikers don’t slow down with walkers in same lane
Make it clear to drivers that bicycles will be merging, and don’t allow the bike lane to end abruptly, or force
cyclist into conflict with pedestrians by directing them onto the sidewalk.
Cyclist have to merge with cars.
People don't seem to know how to use them but they'll learn.
It takes up a lot of road space. Drivers will not see pedestrians directly and round a bouts are not handled well
in S Ca. Drivers don't know where to look...it may create bigger problems for pedestrians. No answer for bikes?
the proposed has further caused access to my driveway (property) to be difficult as I need to drive over circle to
make turn into driveway
Cars don't always yield to cars in the circle.
It looks complicated, many people don't know what to do and/or don't follow rules at roundabouts. There are
so many signs and markings on the road - All that is hard to take in when you are driving in a school area, and
you want to keep your eye on the pedestrians and bikers rather than driving around a circle and having so many
directional signs.
Signage to prepare driver
Drivers who ignore the rules. But I am mostly unconcerned. We can learn from other countries. Also, less
idling while waiting for red lights.
No concerns. Traffic needs calming in this area.
No delineated bike paths.
I would not want a “stop sign” on any section of the round about. That is a confusing traffic control even now.
Nothing! My only reservation would be if it takes significantly longer than the curb extensions. Carlsbad should
be striving for speed in improving bike and pedestrian safety.
Roundabouts are terrible for bicycles
Round about is too small. Not enough time for cars entering the round about to judge if a car to the left is going
to cross in front of them.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 38 of 136
What concerns you about option A – roundabout?
people who don't know how to use a roundabout
Where are the cyclists travelling? Shared lane? I don't see sharrows to determine. I'm concerned about cyclist
and vehicle collision in the roundabout. Additionally, concerned about the driveway in the roundabout -- which
is already a present day concern with the current configuration.
Having cyclists share sidewalk with pedestrians while going thur roundabout, bad idea, cyclists should stay on
street with appropriate signage to motorists
Can cats see pedestrians when they are in the roundabout
People don’t know how to use round abouts.
Same as B
Roundabouts are a hazard for emergency response vehicles.
Not understanding where the bikes go
Many people don’t have a concept of roundabout and don’t know how to use it. I live near the one on the State.
Many cars don’t stop for pedestrians either. A good marking and clear sign may help.
Please don’t spend our tax dollars on unnecessary artwork. It’s ridiculous how much the City paid to the out of
town artist who made that leaning metal structure on State.
See above reply
How do you handle cyclists and ebikes?
Not enough room to actually fire an island with a real tree (12' plus crown)
Too many Americans are clueless about how to use them safely.
Drivers in the USA are not taught how to do roundabouts properly
Where does the bike lane go? It is not apparent.
Bikes should be allowed to share the road with signage.
Inattentive drivers on a roundabout
Confused drivers
Experience of riders and walkers to learn the rules of this road.
Nothing :)
Roundabout alignment needs a true "turn" for cars heading E/W on kelly. Current alignment for roundabouts on
hillside/kelly dont slow cars enough and make it difficult to enter the roundabout in a zipper fashion as other
cars moving too quickly.
The extended curb and lack of a right turn lane from Kelly to Hillside very much concerns me. It concerns me
that so much design time and studies have been done for this project (i.e. years now) and the city still only
provided two options that did not consider for a right turn lane. I would much prefer to lose the parking spots
and to design for a right turn lane (i.e. it must accommodate for the long length of cars the queue before pickup
at the school --- a study should be done to know what this length needs to be). It is not acceptable to simply ask
the residents to wait in the queue to make a right turn when there is an easy solution that can be designed. If I
mistakenly turn left from El Camino and find myself stuck in the pick-up line on Kelly Drive, with the two current
options I only have two options to make it home: (1) remain in the line for upwards of 30 minutes before being
able to make a right turn onto hillside, or (2) make an illegal u-turn on Kelly drive to make a 0.5+ mile detour
before making it home. I want to remain legal and not get ticketed. I want our streets to be safe, especially
around a school. With that in mind, we must consider a legal option that considers the residents as well. My
preference is to design for a right turn lane from Kelly to Hillside and avoid this obstacle all together. If this is not considered, expect to see many illegal u-turns happening on Kelly Drive.
Extra crosswalk seems unnecessary
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 39 of 136
What concerns you about option A – roundabout?
When school is letting out, residents can't proceed on Kelly westbound. They're stuck in gridlock
Reduced bike and pedestrian paths beyond the round about
Will there be space for non-school related traffic to get through the circle?
Nothing. I think it works well as is.
More traffic build-up during elementary school drop off and pick-up
Not being able to get passed school pick up and drop
Off line when trying to park and allow my kids to walk to school or walk from school to the park together.
School will back up past the roundabout
Too big, will congest the intersection
There isn't a lane dedicated to Kelly school pickup/drop-off traffic. This traffic typically extends far down Kelly,
and without a dedicated lane will cause residents in the area to be stuck on Kelly for potentially 10's of minutes
waiting for pickup to be completed.
Bikes have to go onto the sidewalk to get around the intersection.
None other than people going way to fast on Kelly prior to roundabout. Need something along Kelly to slow
It seems very busy and people don’t seem to understand how round abouts work. I believe blocking the right
turn lane to hillside is a terrible idea and will increase the congestion/bottleneck that happens at this
intersection during school pickup and drop off.
You are creating a choke point at my driveway and eliminating all parking in front of my house 4870 Kelly. I
often receive deliveries to my driveway and there will be no traffic flow on Kelly during the time I have a truck
pull up to my driveway.
People do not know how to use a roundabout
Americans don’t understand the concept.
It's a 3-way intersection, not 4. It's really a straight street with an intersection by Hillside. A circle is not
conducive. Two high-visibility crosswalks will do. The area is too small for a roundabout. (so is the one on
Cordoba and Hillside BTW) The space is needed for a dedicated lane for school pickup which backs up twice a
day to the 4960's houses on Kelly. Local people can't get through so they go around on the right and then cut in
on the left side. Dangerous. You wouldn't be able to see kids over the plants. It would be very easy to hit a
parked car in the legal space in front of the last house on the So side of Kelly (the ones with the grape vines).
Most people don’t use round abouts properly so it could make things worse
Cars traveling down hillside might enter roundabout too quickly with the Stop Sign gone. Still in strong favor of
Option A
when cars are lined up for pickup/dropoff at Kelly, will it completed block the roundabout blocking traffic
attempting to go straight?
Round abouts are intended for merging traffic not speed control. Utilizing one lane merging in all directions
doesn’t work. Consider an extended lane strictly for school pick up and drop off
Not sure how it improves pollution when idling cars waiting 20 mins twice a day to pick up kids can’t help
Major traffic back up for residents
They aren’t helping slow down traffic and unfortunately seem to be confusing for people if there are any stop
Being too slow to get around the island. It will clog up traffic in morning.
The two separate crosswalks could get kind of hectic in that area with students using both crosswalks and cars
getting stuck in the middle between both of them could possibly backup traffic. I wish there could be a safe way
for cars to continue straight that aren’t turning right into the drop off line at school. Right now we feel the only
way to get by the line is to cross over the bumps in the roundabout defeating the purpose basically.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 40 of 136
What concerns you about option A – roundabout?
Tree creates potential hazard , blocks view of traffic. Potential backup when parents dropping off/picking up
Area is too small for existing roundabout. How do I turn from Kelly onto Hillside when parents utilize lane as a carpool pivk up point?
Traffic back up
Drivers, in general don't know how to procede in round about situations.
No roundabouts. Put stop signs at the corners. The roundabouts have been nothing but problems. People do
not stop at the stops signs there now they just think they have a right to shoot right through.
Roundabout confuses people and takes up too much space
I am not sure there is enough space in the intersection for the needed size of the traffic circle to truly ensure
slower traffic. The size of the traffic circle right now is completely inadequate for making traffic slow down.
What will happen when Kelly elementary gets out every day? Will drivers entering kelly from El Camino have to
go up Hillside to get around to the Laguna Riviera neighborhood? Or go up to Tamarack on El Camino and then
come down Park Dr. from the north?
Even the current roundabout is too large for the size of the intersection, causing trucks to cut across it. This
design would make even that option impossible.
Concerned that no speed bumps are included in design. They are desperately needed! This stretch of road is
notorious for excessive speeding & drag racing (as well as Park Dr from Neblina Dr to Park Ct)
Getting stuck waiting for cars during Kelly school drop off and pickup times. I live at Park and Kelly and often
must wait behind cars going to/coming from Kelly. Also, ability of emergency response vehicles to navigate the
The existing roundabout seems to have created far more problems than it solved. It forces cars to veer into
parking lanes and crosswalks. When cars approach the roundabout from the North on Kelly, you can't tell if
they are turning up Hillside or going straight on Kelly when they veer into the roundabout (creating a potential
accident if you misjudge and rush entering the roundabout). When stopping on Hillside, cars stop at an angle
instead of perpendicular to Kelly; the A pillar of the vehicle blocks the view of oncoming traffic on Kelly from the
South. Larger trucks and trucks with trailers just run right through the roundabout and over the bumps creating
additional noise. When some cars exit the roundabout, they drive as if they've been set free and hammer the throttle like they're on a freeway on ramp. IMO, the existing roundabout was completely ineffective and a total
waste of resources. I have no idea what problem it solved.
Only works IF all users know how to use it properly.
Currently the roundabout doesn't solve anything. People cut through it all the time. No one yields to cars with
the right of way. Now the school traffic will cause a huge bottle neck and no one will go anywhere. Currently
you can just drive to the left of the line... with this you can't.
Drivers don’t know how to use them
The extended curbs and solid round-about are going to cause major backups along Kelly during peak times. This
is already an on-going issue for folks who are travelling to/from their homes and NOT picking up/dropping off
children. There has to be a better way for parents to queue up for their children, while leaving the street as
clear as possible for regular traffic and more importantly emergency ingress/egress, not just of emergency
vehicles, but for residents as well, i.e. if there were a fire for example.
In addition, what happens to the bikes at these curb extensions, now they need to veer into the vehicle lane???
Further I don't understand how this design will maximize traffic flow, reduce noise or pollution ???
Seems like it would cause traffic to back up.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 41 of 136
What concerns you about option A – roundabout?
I don't see a dedicated space for bikes. Bikes would be on the sidewalk mixing with kids.
Overkill, not needed
People don't use roundabouts properly- more accidents
The round about is great, but we also need a solid barrier down Kelly Drive between Hillside and Park to prevent
parents from pulling U-turns in the middle of the street. It has been an issue for years and is dangerous. It
could be a simple fence barrier and perhaps the students at Kelly School could do a community art project and
create some kind of design to beautify it. It could be as simple as the character traits they focus on (kindness,
empathy, responsibility, etc.)
See above
I don’t like that roundabout. You almost go into the persons driveway near it on Kelly.
Lines of cars backed up at school pick-up times with no way around them.
You cheap out and make it an eyesore like the one at Hillside and Cordoba.
Education of community on the use of the round abouts. Round abouts are MUCH preferred over other
solutions; more efficient traffic flow and safer.
People get confused by them and drive the wrong way
Concern for traffic backup around the time school lets out. Already a long line if cars on Kelly backing up to the
east from the school, so cars just passing thru cant get through
I don’t think it’ll actually maximize traffic. That intersection during school hours is a mess and this looks like it’ll
make it worse. Plus it looks expensive
No lights to signal crossing at cross walks. The lights help the drivers a lot
Even with roundabout parents block intersection of Kelly and Highland.
we r not Europe - roundabouts are not a panacea; this looks very expensive
Roundabouts are not common and confuse drivers leading to unnecessary hesitation and therefore danger.
don't let waiting parents block travel lanes like it is now. when school lets out-the cars back up & I can't make a
rt. turn from Kelly onto Hillside
drivers don't know how to use roundabouts; a large tree as proposed may block sight lines. parents dropping off
and picking up students are inconsiderate of other drivers and the roundabout will just magnify the problem.
the curb around the roundabout needs to be raises so drivers don't cut through the roundabout as many now
Roundabouts do not belong in this area, PERIOD!!!
Existing roundabout is not helpful! drivers uncertain of right away!, backup delays, crosswalks,
Backup of traffic towards El Camino during school drop off and pickup. Must allow for cars to go around others
waiting to pick up kids
There will still be major congestion when school is picking up and no way for drivers on Kelly coming from El
Camino to get pass the roundabout if school drivers are blocking the way. At the moment drivers can slowly get
It does not address the way for which parents in vehicles drop off or collect their children from Kelly
Elementary. The city should block off the parallel parking along Kelly Drive and along Hillside Drive beside Kelly
Elementary during school collection times. Then require parents who are driving to drop off or collect their children to queue in that area. This would create a wraparound affect similar to what buses would do if we still
funded them. It would allow the people who are attempting to drive past at these times not to grow angry and
drive around waiting vehicles endangering children.
Parents who are picking up/dropping off children block the intersection of Hillside & Kelly.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 42 of 136
What concerns you about option A – roundabout?
Landscape maintenance burdensome. We live in a desert with water shortages. I don't see where school
access for drop off and pick up is addressed.
No concerns
Kelly school traffic may needs to be managed during pick and drop
Because of the tree in the middle, safety would be enhanced with on-demand flashing lights at crosswalks like
on Cbad Blvd.
The big tree pictured in the middle of the roundabout is not a good idea. Leaves and other debris would fall
from it into the roadway. It would be much better to plant shrubs or smaller trees there.
Appears to SLOW traffic vs B so why is this being claimed to maximize flow? Why not add flashing stop signs at
Hillside and Kelly because those cars slow the Kelly flow to the school. I used to drop and pick up and cars are
blocked from getting to the school from cars coming from Hillside and the way the school handles pick up and
drop off. Why not redesign the school for a better flow which is the main issue?!
Is it at a higher cost to the residents
The current roundabout has shown me that this is a bad space for a roundabout. It does not fit in the street and
makes it difficult for emergencies vehicles like fire trucks to pass. I worry this expansion of a failed project will
make my home less safe.
The road is not wide enough for a roundabout to work here. I see cars going the wrong way here constantly and
I once saw a fire truck go the wrong way on it too. It also disrupts the bike lane on one side of the street. It has
never worked from day 1 and it does nothing to slow down traffic between El Camino & Hillside, which is where
people tend to speed the most. I like roundabouts as a general concept, but it just does not work at this
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 43 of 136
Survey Results – What Respondents Liked
Option B Curb Extension
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 44 of 136
What works for you in option B – curb extension?
Shorter crossing distance.
The intersection is aesthetically very unpleasing. This does not change that.
it is still safer than what is there today
A little better as it gives better visual definition for crosswalk areas and the pop out areas gives drivers the signal
to slow down but unsure how bikers will manure the intersection.
Shorter walking distance.
Better than what exists now.
not safe enough for my kids crossing street to/from school, does not slow down cars
Less time spent by pedestrians in ROW
Least disruptive to cyclists
visual easy to maneuver through
Separates bikers from walkers
looks like traffic is going to back up to El camino during school drop off and pick up
It is better than the current traffic circle.
Better than what's there
if project must proceed this will allow me better access to my driveway and it would also provide greater traffic
calming than a circle
Straight roads. Slows traffic at intersection. Safer for peds.
It looks like it's easier for bikers, it would slow traffic down.
Deadly opposed to curb extension. Look at the ones
Seems less safe. Nothing works for me.
A clearly delineated bike path.
It doesn’t work. Curb extensions are dis regarded by ebike
This is an excellent design as well, but would not provide as substantial safety benefits as the roundabout.
It will work if everyone knows to slow down
Nothing works.
Curb extensions are terrible for bicycles
Better than what's there.
Safer crossing
That drivers won’t slow down.
safer for pedestrians
More direct path with no stopping except for pedestrians.
Not having to deal with a roundabout
Safer than today
It’s more normal set up
This is not an option.
Doesn’t work.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 45 of 136
What works for you in option B – curb extension?
Save for pedestrians at crossing and likely further discourage out-of-area drivers from using Hilside as a shortcut
To the freeway or beach
I disklike these choke points.
Narrows crosswalks.
Stop sign
It's safer for pedestrians to cross the street due to the shorter crosswalk.
Not as confusing for drivers
Clear demarcation of walkways and ride ways, familiar surroundings and traffic flow
It doesn’t work for me since it won’t help the speed of traffic.
Full visibility in all directions
I prefer this option over a roundabout. The roundabout simply makes this intersection more confusing than it
needs to be... BUT, THIS IS STILL NOT A GOOD OPTION as it excludes a right turn lane onto Hillside.
No middle lane for driving illegally
Residents can proceed through the intersection without being held up in gridlock when school lets out.
Pedestrian and bike path along Kelly Dr
More crosswalks than are currently available.
Safer street crossing
Better traffic flow
Cause less traffic than option A
Might give more options for Kelly school pick-up traffic to get out of the way and stop blocking the whole road.
Might give more street parking space for Kelly school.
It looks fine
There may be some room left in front of my house for deliveries and guest parking.
Keeps traffic moving. Kelly is not noted for its speedsters. Just keeping traffic moving during school start up
and let out times.
Not much. Did anyone actually go LOOK at the intersection when kids get out of school or did you just sit at your
computer and design? The traffic backs up and local people can't get through (see above). There are very few
bikes and more locals. Who sends their 2nd grader to school alone on their bike? People are inpatient and will
no doubt drive OVER the bulb-out to get by. Someone will get hit!
It will help slow traffic
I like the prioritization of traffic on Kelly and keeping the stop sign on Hillside
provides a temporary place for cars to line up while waiting for pickup/dropoff at Kelly without blocking traffic
going straight.
Safest for the kids crossing and it’s not a round about
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 46 of 136
What works for you in option B – curb extension?
Even flow of traffic
Ways for residents to not be stuck in school traffic
A stop sign would be a disaster. See answer 7
Not much….
Improved safety for pedestrians
Slows traffic without impeding
The bigger bike lane is good but what happens when they get to the intersection? Do bikes have to pull out into
traffic to turn right on hillside?
Stop sign option, limited landscape
Okay I’ll just
I prefer this design to allow slower traffic to and from Kelly school. Why are we not diaxuasing the round about
proposal at Kelly dr and park
Nothing works! curb extensions are just taking up the road. Safety hazards. Put in stop signs at all corners for
Simpler, cleaner approach
There is likely enough space for it.
will somewhat slow down traffic cruising 40-50mph on Kelly
It eliminates the obnoxious roundabout that frustrates traffic in every direction.
Nothing in option B works for me.
I’m not a fan of this option.
I'm unclear what problem the curb solves. Does it slow cars down when turning on Hillside? Please explain.
Probably works most of the day, except school start and end times.
Removes the roundabout.
Stop sign
None of it. I don't' think the curb extensions are necessary and will only impede traffic further. Again, I strongly
suggest sending the designer out to see how the space is used, especially during peak times. Very few children
are crossing the streets in relation to the number being picked up by vehicle.
The stop sign on hillside.
Please put stop signs on all corners on Kelly and Park!
Better than what is there now.
Just ok
I bike and walk this often, these minor improvements are more than sufficient, as I have never felt unsafe at this
Cycling and traffic flow well
Slows traffic
Pedestrians have a curb to protect them.
Looks safer fro bikes and walkers while allowing cars to move with ease.
Nothing. Doesn't slow down cars at all, they just hit the curb at times.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 47 of 136
What works for you in option B – curb extension?
Not as effective.
Helps walkers but that is all.
Shorter distance crossing is great.
I dont see any advantage of B..
Minimal changes is nice. Getting rid of that traffic circle is a huge plus. No one uses that circle correctly nor does
it reduce traffic speed
Nice for walkers
It removes the roundabout which is a positive step.
don't like at all
very little
Shorter crossing for children.
Drivers will understand it better than roundabouts.
safer than what is there today.!
Less construction time!
Nothing. It doesn’t solve the problem
Please do NOT do this design!
Easier for parents to block intersection.
Bike lanes and wider sidewalks
Less landscaping maintenance.
I don't see where school access for drop off and pick up is addressed.
Walking safety
I suppose the crosswalks are good, but drivers who want to speed down Kelly Drive will still speed. It's not
Gives walkers and bikers more space without building a roundabout.
Anything would be better than a roundabout there.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 48 of 136
Survey Results – Concerns
Option B Curb Extension
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 49 of 136
What concerns you about option B – curb extension?
Only two of the four sides have crosswalks? Seems a bit skimpy. And it seems, again, bicycles will conflict with
pedestrians, or dive into the car traffic instead. Finally, there is little to slow down traffic barreling down Kelly
other than the bulbouts.
The curb extensions will make it very difficult for people who live in the neighborhood to navigate the
intersection when school is letting out. There is no way to get around the traffic if you turn down Kelly without
going in the parking lane to take a right since traffic is backed up past Hillside from 2 PM on.
it has a longer crossing distance and is not as safe for people
Less safe, less attractive, somewhat confusing. Generally an unfortunate option, in light of the alternative.
I am concerned regarding the curb extensions due to bike pathways and if this would impede the mobility of
pedestrians, moving vehicles and bikers at this locations plus parked vehicles.
Does not allow space for more lanes. It would be nice to have one lane for drop off/pick up for Kelly Elementary
and another lane for driver’s passing through with no intention of turning into Kelly Elementary.
Not as forward looking.
some directions have stop signs, some do not
Confusing cycle lane conflict.
The design is wrong with the bulb out. The bike lane ends before the bulb and run into the bulb out. Class 2
ends with dashing and cyclists have to merge out into the travel lane. This doesn't work at the speeds of this
design. Don't put a bulb out into a class 2
I can’t understand any of this. I need this to be easier to understand.
I don’t like sharing the road with cyclists - they hog the road and slow everything down and make the road
unsafe for cars and pedestrians.
The kids on ebikes are the most dangerous. Kids on skateboards are pretty bad too.
Spraying toxic chemicals on the sidewalk adjacent plants isn’t ok either. It’s toxic to our beloved pets, and even
more so negatively impacts the health of life saving service dogs. Carlsbad is supposed to be “non toxic” but the
contractors don’t do the manual weeding and instead come up with excuses to spray with toxic chemicals. How
about we have beautiful walkway and median landscapes and we don’t spray em all up with chemicals cuz the
contractors are too lazy to manually weed.
How about more handicap parking ?
less safe
It still is going to push cyclists either out into the main traffic at a point that is going to be congested. As a
Cyclist, both of these options are worse than current.
The bike lane ends abruptly at the curb extension, and will either force cyclists into conflict with pedestrians or
force them to enter the traffic lane suddenly.
Abrupt end to the bike lane.
With a stopping on Hillside traffic will back up, encouraging drivers to enter the intersection dangerously.
Where do bike drivers go? Couldn't you simply add a pedestrian crossing light to make it safer?
it does not provide full traffic calming that speed bumps would similar to what you already installed on Hillside
Signage is important.
Not sufficient mitigation
They are terrible and in my opinion dangerous. Drivers don't slow down, and it makes driving difficult. Look at
Town Garden Road in Bressi Ranch. Terrible.
Bikes abruptly merging with traffic lane.
Probably won’t do much to prevent car backups.
It doesn’t work. Curb extensions are dis regarded by ebike
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What concerns you about option B – curb extension?
Too much going on.
not as good at slowing autos
Stop controlled intersections are significantly more dangerous than roundabouts, with more potential conflict
points, and a greater possibility of high-speed collisions.
Cars will speed if no safety features are in place
Curb extension pushes bikes out of bike lane and into traffic. Stop sign causes possible traffic backup and is not
fuel efficient. Lack of safety compared to option A.
Curb extensions are terrible for bicycles
It won't slow traffic at all.
Why create a barrier for bicyclists and force them into a traffic lane?
No reason to add the extension. Just leave the stop sign on the side with less traffic.
safety for cyclists
If this option is selected, it won't slow traffic down (similar to what the current roundabout doesn't do. It leaves
less distraction for drivers who aren't accustomed to roundabouts. However, I feel there should be a pedestrian
triggered crossing light to make drivers aware of a crossing pedestrian.
Cyclists sharing sidewalk with pedestrians
Walkers crossing might need a light or something to alert cars
The rest of the points.
Curb extension are very dangerous for cyclists!
Not understanding where the bikes go
Looks unsafe
How do you handle cyclists and ebikes?
Back ups for school will gridlock Kelly to thru traffic and emergency vehicles.
No stop sign for other direction
Hazard to cyclists at intersection.
You force bike riders onto the sidewalk. Bike riders need to become pedestrians under Carlsbad regulations
which means dismount off the bike. That is a bad option if you want to ride a bike. So this design doesn't
accomodate bike riders.
Drop off pick up.
Unsafe, if cars don’t have to slow down.
Bikes and cars in same position.
Cars still flying down the street at 55 vs. the speed limit.
Hard to make left turn from hillside onto kelly going east.
The extended curb and lack of a right turn lane from Kelly to Hillside very much concerns me. It concerns me
that so much design time and studies have been done for this project (i.e. years now) and the city still only
provided two options that did not consider for a right turn lane. I would much prefer to lose the parking spots
and to design for a right turn lane (i.e. it must accommodate for the long length of cars the queue before pickup
at the school --- a study should be done to know what this length needs to be). It is not acceptable to simply ask
the residents to wait in the queue to make a right turn when there is an easy solution that can be designed. If I
mistakenly turn left from El Camino and find myself stuck in the pick-up line on Kelly Drive, with the two current
options I only have two options to make it home: (1) remain in the line for upwards of 30 minutes before being
able to make a right turn onto hillside, or (2) make an illegal u-turn on Kelly drive to make a 0.5+ mile detour
before making it home. I want to remain legal and not get ticketed. I want our streets to be safe, especially
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 51 of 136
What concerns you about option B – curb extension?
around a school. With that in mind, we must consider a legal option that considers the residents as well. My
preference is to design for a right turn lane from Kelly to Hillside and avoid this obstacle all together. If this is
not considered, expect to see many illegal u-turns happening on Kelly Drive.
May not slow down traffic
Nothing. Best option. I don't see pictures of the roundabout or curb extension on Park Drive at Kelly. either
options must allow for RV's to easily turn left on Park Drive from Kelly.
Lack of safety
Does not seem safe enough.
This would be a step back from the current temporary roundabout. Without a roundabout, students (in
vehicles) coming from the west wouldn’t be able to get in the school drop off line.
Not being able to bypass the school line to park and walk. It would be nice to have two lanes and speed bumps.
Not everyone is dropping off/picking up their kids in line. It will cause traffic to back up on Kelly.
Curb extension slows right turn
There isn't a lane dedicated to Kelly school pickup/drop-off traffic. This traffic typically extends far down Kelly,
and without a dedicated lane will cause residents in the area to be stuck on Kelly for potentially 10's of minutes
waiting for pickup to be completed.
Bikes have to go onto the sidewalk to get around the intersection.
Don’t think it will really slow down cars
Again, I think it is a bad idea to get rid of the right hand turn lane for when the intersection is backed up.
The elimination of parking from Kelly. The street is currently full of cars when school is in session. Where will
they go? The school hasn't increased the size of their parking lot as it increases the size of their
See above. There really needs to be a dedicated lane for backed up school traffic when school is getting out or
starting. Have two highly visible crosswalks where kids can walk with or without the bike. People will drive over
the bulb. This is not safe. Go see for yourself.
It might not do enough when the pick up line backs up
but I worry it won't slow cars down enough - they are coming off El Camino at very high speeds.
not much
Thanks for seeking feedback. Carlsbad is awesome
Residents getting through
Makes it really hard and unsafe for cars to turn left onto Kelly from Hillside (nobody will stop and it will be hard
to see around car dropoff and pickup line to check for northbound traffic when turning left). Also looks like it
would be hard/awkward to turn right onto Hillside from Kelly. And the looks aren’t very appealing!
The stop sign on hillside seems like it might be more effective than the yield but it seems like cars on Kelly won’t
really stop to let cars turn and that could cause some accidents or frustration. It seems like the bike lane there
just kind of disappears and that could cause some confusion. A lot of Valley students bike there and turn right
on hillside and that needs to be as safely designed as possible.
Difficulty getting from Hillside onto Kelly during high traffic periods
How one enters neighborhood when parents idling cars on Kelly as a carpool pickup after school. Appears both
plans have eliminated access for drivers to byoass these cars and enter via Hillside
If there’s enough room for people on feet and people on bicycles
This option will not slow down traffic and will make it unsafe for pedestrians
Curb extension
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 52 of 136
What concerns you about option B – curb extension?
Nothing works! Curb extensions make it hard for motorized vehicles. Safety hazards. Put in stop signs at all
corners for safety.
No concerns
It won't do much to slow down traffic, which is a particular concern when school is in session.
Not enough improvement
Will not slow the speeders down enough
It will make it very difficult for trucks turning from Kelly onto Hillside to not cut across the curb.
No improvement at all. I see no reason for cars to slow down.
No center turn lane. How are residence going to safely turn into their driveways?
Lack of landscaping; only one stop sign on Hillside - drivers not familiar with area may not realize cross traffic
does not stop, which could result in accidents/near misses
Don't understand the functionality of Option B or what problem it solves. Unclear whether left turns will be
allowed on Kelly across the double yellow lines. If not, where do cars make a U turn to get back to their
driveway? The existing turn lane is missing which provides a safe area for cars backing out of their driveway
when the street is very busy. Are the sidewalks being widened as indicated in other documents? If so why?
They don't appear to be congested. What problem is being solved? Please consider that the biggest speeding
problem is due to commercial vehicles not cars; trash trucks, UPS and FEDEX drivers, construction vehicles, etc.
They all drive way too fast and the diesels are very loud. Please considering asking the trash trucks to slow
down especially since the City must have some influence over the contract.
Pedestrians have to cross two streets to go south/east.
Once again, you won't be able to get around the Kelly parent traffic. This, this, should be discussed. Those
parents keep all of us who live in that neighborhood trapped.
Both of these options are unacceptable. Please see my video and concerns regarding this circle at Hillside and
Kelly. If you close off that middle lane, residents like me will not be able to get home since the parents block
the entire street from El Camino Real all the way past Kelly School, then to Park drive where I live. I've been
here since the 70's on Park.
PLEASE take the time to see my short video regarding this situation: https://youtu.be/ziOmvImKi0A
I don't' think the curb extensions are necessary and will only impede traffic further. I also see this being a big
issue with bikes having to veer into the main vehicle lane at these extensions. Again, I strongly suggest sending
the designer out to see how the space is used, especially during peak times. Very few children are crossing the
streets in relation to the number being picked up by vehicle.
During normal times, none of this is an issue. But during peak traffic, the designs are flawed.
PS. I have lived on Park Drive (parallel to Kelly for 30 years), the circles that have been in place these past few
years have done very little to slow traffic. People still drive like maniacs and a few of our neighbors think the
circles are for doing donuts in the middle of the night.
In addition, no one knows how to use the circles. If the City of Carlsbad is going to continue to put them in, they
need to provide public service "training" on circle etiquette.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide input.
Stop sign at Hillside
Not as safe to cross and people would still drive fast
There is no stop sign or pedestrian refuge islands or raised crosswalk in the picture.
weird flow for bikes. Stop sign at hillside leaves that street clogged during high trafffic times on Kelly.
Not a big improvement
Bulb outs are worse for bikes - wedges them out into traffic. Annoying for drivers, and don't look nice.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 53 of 136
What concerns you about option B – curb extension?
Traffic backup
People would likely drive fast through there by the school.
Cars will still drive too fast and possibly hit children in crosswalks.
Cars are not forced to slow down since there is no traffic circle to drive around.
The extension appears to be an unsafe transition for bikes. In the photo, the curb appears too narrow.
It doesn’t force drivers or bicyclers to slow down.
Lines of cars backed up at school pick-up times with no way around them.
Should just make it a normal intersection instead of this concept. Watch cars at the slowing roundabout at
Hillside and Cordoba. No one slows down, they swerve to try and not hit a curb.
Just seems like a waste. Not as effective. Either do it and do it right or leave it alone.
Not most efficient use of the intersection. Round about is more efficient for traffic flow while offering safety.
It appears the extended curbs put the bicycles in with the cars at the point of the extension. Again both dont
seem to eliminate the traffic backup when school lets out
No real meaningful changes will have been made and it’s a waste of tax payer dollars
No flashing lights for crosswalk
Nothing to slow the flow of traffic on park and hillside
Cars bump tires on curb extensions.
these curb extensions could prove to be a problem bc they place pedestrians almost in direct line to oncoming
Curb extension is not helpful to anyone especially traffic waiting lines combined with traffic needing to move
thru the area at school pickup time.
the stop at Hillside will back up traffic on that street as the through triffic won't yield or let them turn left. very
poorly thought out solution
Difficult for residents who are not waiting to pick up or drop off children at Kelly. The right turn onto Hillside
would be hindered.
This pushes the bikes into the cars and makes their bike lane just disappear.
I think this makes it more dangerous - right now cars back up to drop off/pick up and the real issue is people
trying to get around and going fast once they're past the line. This will make that even harder and drivers will
get frustrated and do unsafe things.
We need to have an option for right hand turn at Hillside and Kelly.....so that there is NOT a large backup of cars
during school hours on Kelly. Not a curb /sidewalk push out blocking this option.
Doesn’t solve the problem. Bad band aid
Not an improvement on present roundabout. Loses the advantages for drivers coming down hillside with
present setup.
I think that this is a poor design and will increase the likelihood of an accident with non parent drivers. Just
because you say it is safer than what is there at present does not make it so! It is spending money to say you are
fixing a problem without actually doing so.
Not visually nice. Cars are not slowed down so crosswalks are still in danger
Traffic flow with stop sign.
Curb extension interrupts bike lane. This is inelegant traffic calming. People wanting to turn right from
southbound Kelly to Hillside during school pickup will have to wait in a long line. To optimize safety,
recommend engineering to accommodate school pickup and dropoff as this is the most dangerous time and definitely the highest use.
Won’t slow traffic
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What concerns you about option B – curb extension?
The extension doesn’t concern me. But this design doesn’t slow traffic or make it easier to turn left from Hillside
to Kelly.
Option B would not effectively slow down the traffic that is going down Kelly Drive past the school, so this option is not good enough.
The closest right corner shows space for landscape that’s not being added? There are 2-3 sections that could be
landscaped. Option B shows a wide lane w a biker not shown on A but not explained? Why not fix the school’s
pick up and drip off flow which causes the back up or use school buses vs cost of parent car, gas, time,
construction, etc.
Traffic does not stop for residents waiting at stop sign on Hillside
I worry that eliminating the median will make it more difficult for people who live on the streets to access their
homes during peak school traffic, and that it would be hard for emergency vehicles to pass during peak traffic
No concerns
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 55 of 136
Survey Results – What Respondents Liked
Option A Buffered Bike Lanes + Separated Multiuse Path
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 56 of 136
What works for you in option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
No sharrows is good. Having a path slower/less confident bicyclists totally separated from traffic is very cool and
very safe. The extra narrow car lanes encourage careful, safe, and slow driving.
It creates a safe place for families to cycle together down to the lagoon.
ebikes would not have to pass regular bikes
Bikes have options, which increases likelihood people will use bikes.
Cars in their own lane, bikes and people in their own lane/path.
E-bikes are separated from younger children riding on bikes.
Bikes and pedestrians are separated from traffic.
Separate bike lanes from cars, lower costs and shorter time
Both are good
Different speeds can use a class 2 bike lane as they are not locked in and can easily pass others. Kids can share
a multiuser path with pedestrians. There should be a class 2 next to the multiuser path. Removing an existing
class 2 for sharrows won't go over well
likely to slow cars
It leaves the most budget open for other trails projects.
I don't think it is a good idea to mix cars and bikes in the same lanes, so I prefer option A to B
separate lanes for bikes so they won't get hit by a car
Separate pedestrian facilities. Buffered bike lane is the most flexible for a wide variety of cyclists.
Separate pedestrian facilities. Buffered bike lane helps cyclists of various levels.
Simpler option. Faster vehicles and ebikes in one stretch...slower bikes and pedestrians in another...makes
Separates cars from bikes. Dedicated lanes for bikes. Will be safer.
I like separating bikes from cars, bikers often ride side by side in the street and passing isn't possible because of
blind curves and the dangerous pick up/drop off area by the school. The shorter construction period.
i'm okay with anything except slowing down traffic. Why should bicyclists take so much priority. Are they going
to work? Doubt it. Do I see them coming back from the grocery story with bags of groceries? No. So, really
they are just leisure riders. Most car traffic has a valid purpose -- picking up the kids, shopping for the family, go
to the doctor, etc.
Separating bicycles from cars.
Bikes accessing exit to street for turns to side roads
I like that the bikes are not also in the road with cars
It does not, You have the room to put paths apart and keep bikes off road of vehicles. I always look to be away
from the cars while riding
slow and fast bikes are separate slow bikers and peds are good slow bike/peds curb barrier and fast bikes
buffered from autos
This seems like the ideal design to me. Faster moving bicyclists will be able to ride without obstruction in the
buffered bike lanes, while slower moving cyclists will be able to ride comfortably with full separation from traffic
on the Class I path. Since mostly slower cyclists will using the Class I path in this design, pedestrians should be
able to comfortable share the path with cyclists.
Option A is better than Option B. Path (aka Multi-path) for both pedestrians and kids with bikes.
Dedicated bike lane in main road. This option is the best, but should be reworked to keep ALL bike traffic on
road and leave the added path for pedestrians ONLY.
bikes separate from cars and pedestrians, lower cost
Separate walking path and buffered bike path
A bike lane is always better than nothing.
Best design. Gives adequate separation from cars for fast bikes and separate lanes for walkers and slow bikers
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 57 of 136
What works for you in option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
Lower cost, quicker build, and buffered lanes for faster cyclists
It’s safe
Bicyclists would be safer separated from cars.
The separation of bicyclists from vehicle traffic is important. Presently, bicycle traffic on Park Dr creates
problems as they move slower and have right to the full lane creating a backup. Would like to avoid that on
Separating bicyclists from pedestrians and cars
Lower construction cost and shorter construction times sounds like the best option. I’ve noticed most people
use the sidewalk. I bike this route daily.
I like that the bikes can be separated from cars
Allows faster bikers to maintain higher speed safely.
The extra path for walkers & runners
At least there’s a buffered lane
Shorter construction time
There is no need to have bicycle lanes on these streets.
Buffered bike lanes are important
1. Cyclists will not block cars
2. Less our tax money spent on elaborate construction
3. Good & safer option for slower cyclists (me!)
Cars completely separate from bikes. Wasted space used only for diagonal buffering lines which are also ugly.
Expert bike riders share the roads with cars, path for all others and walkers.
Clear areas for each type of travel
As a cyclist, freedom to use a buffered bike lane without obstructing motor vehicle traffic. This is the ideal
I think fast riders will be comfortable using a sharrows lane as long as vehicle speed is 25 MPH or less.
All cars are separated from bikes and walkers, etc.
This is the way.
All bicycles separated from cars
This is the safest and best option to allow motorists and bike to co-exist. Clear defined and separated lanes
Driveway access/egress is improved (bike lane serves as additional buffer for residents backing out). We live on
Park and it is a challenge to pull out due to cars driving too fast on Park.
I like that there is at least a separate walking/biking section that’s separated from traffic, but option b is the better/safer option here.
Cars are separate from bikes/walkers with no shared lane.
Slowing cars down
Bicyclist safety
I like the buffered bike lanes and multi use path.
Separating all bicyclists from car lanes
Separate paths for bikes from cars
I want to be able to ride my bike with my daughter on the back and feel safe in a buffered/protected bike lane.
Clearly marked bike lane in each direction with a separation from car lanes
Bikes can use either path
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 58 of 136
What works for you in option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
Shorter and cheaper
No sharrow. Currently you are stuck behind cyclists for the entirety of Park
cars and all bikes are separated ...
lots of traffic moving fast - speed limit should be changed to 25mph on all of Park Drive
Dedicated bike lanes
A - Buffered
I like option a best
Multiuse paths, How about a stop sign at Neblina and Park, people speed along Park all the time.
I could use the shared lanes to bike or walk with my kids.
Feels safer as both a bicyclist and driver. Bicyclists won't be holding up traffic or fear getting hit.
Lower cost and time while still creating a safer bike use
Looks good
I like that the bikes and cars are separate and that walkers have their own path.
Isn't that what went wrong in other cities
Option A looks safer for my kids who will eventually have to ride their e-bikes to high school
Like A
Keeping the bikes out of the car lanes, especially for e-bikers plus more room for safer walking.
Separates bikes from pedestrians. Safer than auto/bike shared lanes
Think the separate lanes are the best for faster moving bikes
No option for the most obvious problem, so I’m putting it here - We need speed bumps or 25mph signage
improvements between the section of road from El Camino to Kelly school. It is like a racetrack. It’s all very well
improving the hillside section, but what is being proposed for this, fastest, section of road to protect residents,
cyclists and pedestrians?
Everything! It’s perfect!
Protects bicyclist and walkers. Walkers can walk on sidewalks. School Children are protected from moving cars
and bicyclist. Get rid of roundabout. Stop signs at all corners.
Bikes are separated from cars
It provides a separate lane for bicyclists from cars.
keeps bicyclists safe and with their own lane that cars cannot infringe upon
Keeping bikes out of traffic lanes
A all the way. The other is no improvment at all.
At least there are lanes off to the side
Not my preferred option. But I do like that the car lane is not mixed with cyclists.
Seems like a more conventional option.
It separates the bikes from the cars.
Would prefer this option with to have a separate trail and bike lanes. We have a lot children and people who
walk/jog along with bikers that use this route. High traveled street for many modes this would make the most
Separated bike lane
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 59 of 136
What works for you in option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
Better for children/families going to school in the morning and after school. Looks like there is space for this
buffered bike lanes keeps vehicle lane clear for just vehicles.
Cars are kept away from all other
I like the walking path separated from the cars
The multiuse path is good for kids riding bikes to school.
Seperating bikes from car lanes
Accommodates slower bikers and walkers
Not having the bike and cars sharing the exact same area.
Serious bicyclists like me prefer this
Love this one. Bike lanes in the road are fine. Separate multi use path is wonderful.
Multi-use path is good for kids
I think it’s a good option.
Bikes are not sharing the road with cars. The cars drive too fast along Park Drive and this protects bikers by
giving them their own lane.
A separate lane for bikes and walkers
Separate lanes for all. No mix of car and bike.
Separating traffic from bikes.
Keeps bicyclists out of cars way and vice versa
The added buffered bike lane (by marking) is a good option for experienced cyclists (like myself). I don't want to
be 'stuck' in the protected bike lane with the curb. The buffered bike lane is MUCH preferred.
The curb separation of the multiuse path for vulnerable road users.
Bike Lanes separate from cars is good. Multiuser path is also good, but there is a sidewalk where I any many
others already walk that is separate from both bikes and cars.
Bikes should have their own lane separate from foot and automobile traffic
Bikes have their own lane separate from cars and walkers. Separate walking path for people/dogs is great!
Separated multiuse path
Keeping bikes and car separate.
separate cars and bicycles
I like the separated multi-use path
separating cars & all others is good
Cars and bikes separated
lower costs; buffered lanes
Cars should not share with bikes. Bike lanes only with faster bikers to share with slower bikers and not interact
with cars. Too dangerous.
This is a great option.
Separated bike/walking lane helps with safety a lot
All of the options in option A are a great idea!
Solves some of the main issues along this stretch of Park and provides some great use of open space
Road bike racers have a need for speed and often travel in packs. Slower bikes and pedestrians should be able
to mix on the multi use path, and if not the other sidewalk can be used. It is cheaper to build.
I run along Park and then up Neblina after dropping my youngest children at Kelly. Either design will be an
improvement from what is currently there. I do not see a strong difference between the two designs for the
bike lanes. I do like that both have an area for plants.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 60 of 136
What works for you in option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
Keep bikes & cars separate.
Separation of walkers and bicycles
Option A is my choice for safety as well as travel. The Roadway is designated for bike lane. The cyclists have a
safe designated lane.
Narrowed traffic lanes. Pedestrians separated from traffic.
Separates e bikes from walkers
This option is the better one
It's an improvement over what exists today, but option B would be much better.
Seems like a sufficient solution at a lower cost. 2nd bike lane for safety. I won’t let my son ride as it is right now.
Bikers separated from drivers
Separates bikes and cars
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 61 of 136
Survey Results – Concerns
Option A Buffered Bike Lanes + Separated Multiuse Path
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 62 of 136
What concerns you about option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
Crazy drivers could still wipe out hapless cyclists in the buffered lanes. The side of the road with all the
driveways would present a ton of conflict points with bicycles traveling in that bike lane, and the lack of buffer
along the parked cars would cause bike-open door crashes.
bikes and people have to share a path
At what speed is a bike “fast?” Will there be signage?
In these pictures it depicts by adding designated bike lanes will create no parking on the streets and this will
immediately impact the homeowners/residents parking choices and quality of life.
Nothing concerns me. Just please do not put in speed bumps.
Might be too much space for bikes and not enough for pedestrians.
combining walkers with bikes on same path
Too much unnecessary landscaping in the median. Takes up right of way and is expensive to maintain.
Best option
Less safe for cyclists than full seperation
Separated multiuse path is expensive and of limited utility in this location.
Sharing of walking path
E-bikes should not be allowed on the multi-use path.
Inpatient drivers not paying attention to ebike kids...but the ebike kids won't be in the same area as
Kelly Drive is a SCHOOL ROAD... emphasis should be on safety of children not convenience of cyclists
No concerns.
From the photos it looks like Park St. bikers have more options going from Neblina towards Kelly than they do
going the opposite direction, what is the reasoning? Curious to know how the different options will be marked
as I can't picture bikers stopping to read signage. BTW the speed limit for cars changes a lot in that short stretch,
so I hope that is being looked at as well for the purpose of simplification.
Not seperated from walkers
I don't care about bike lanes just so long as they stay out of vehicular traffic. And don't install and so-called
"traffic calming".
None. I like it!
Not enough protection for cyclists from ebike. Ex: children riding bikes (10&under)
It dose not
Nothing! I think is a gold standard design proposal.
Bicyclists still ride on car lane even though has its own bike lane. Sharrow lane is preferred
Bikes sharing a sidewalk with pedestrians. I thought bikes were prohibited from riding on sidewalks because of
the danger of hitting pedestrians. It should be reworked to keep all bikes on the road and make the added path
for pedestrians ONLY.
pedestrians can be hit by cyclists
No concerns
Not enough separation of bike/pedestrians.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 63 of 136
What concerns you about option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
No concerns. Walkers still have access to a somewhat dedicated walking path and slower moving bicyclists can
use that walking lane as a turnout to allow faster cycling traffic to pass.
Putting slower cyclists on same path as pedestrians
Cyclists and walkers together?
I like this option- I hope to see it in more places around Carlsbad.
Ebikes going to fast
Kids on ebikes while walkers, runners on path
I would rather have a better divider between cars and bikes
Walkers & bikers need separate lanes. Not really all that safe for walkers when you have to share Lane with bikers.
Walkers should be separated from bicycles
We do not need any more bike lanes in our city.
Why lose so much space to landscaped medians? Why can't bikes have a non shared protected lane and
walkers have a non shared protected lane?
1. Definition of slow is vague. I’m concerned about dangerous, oblivious cyclists may hit walkers especially
senior citizens.
2. Runners are also dangerous to regular pedestrians. Can we designate fast runners to bike lanes?
3. Same as jogging style baby stroller . I’ve seen runners with those strollers pushing people away. Can we
designate them to bike lanes?
Multiuse will place cyclists and walking children and adults on a confrontational path
Parked cars along shared lanes. Open doors = cyclist accidents
Enough vertical displacement speed controls to keep cars under 35 (25 preferred).
Bikers somehow never seem to care about staying in bike lanes anyway
The physical separation of peds and bikes is very important. Too often, in bike/ped shared multi-use lanes,
pedestrians and bikes walk/ride multiple persons across. This creates a direct conflict , a game of chicken. Who
is going to move? This conflict makes the ride/walk very stressful. So separate peds and bikes.
Walkers with dogs
Overly accommodating to bikes, with minimal pedestrian path. Lots of asphalt!
Bicyclists can be completely unaware of their surroundings. Also, teens on ebikes these days are scary. I
wouldn’t want to be walking with my child on a narrow path where one of us may get hit by a cyclist going at
crazy speeds.
Ebikes using walking/slow bike path when they should be in bike lane next to vehicles.
I am okay with this option so long as e-bikes (type 1 and 2) are able to use the buffered bike lane.
Traffic concerns
Not enough space for walkers on multi use path.
Not as much landscaping. Wider streets equal longer cross walks.
You need more than paint to have a true bike lane
Adding more traffic for school pick up/drop off
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 64 of 136
What concerns you about option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
Mixing bikes and pedestrians in the same multi-use path.
The multi-use path surface is pavement instead of more natural material to blend with the surrounding lagoon
environment, e.g. decomposed granite.
Speed bumps - they are bad for cars (suspension, breaks) and bad for the environment (breaking requires more
fuel usage to accelerate after the bump).
Bikes going to fast next to walkers
Taking up too much space and reducing parking
Seems overkill for the extra walking path when there is a sidewalk on one side of the street already
sharing multiuse path -- bikes and pedestrians and pedestrians walking dogs
an accident waiting to happen
You’re going to chew too much into a residential street.
Doesn't feel as safe - cars travel way too fast down that stretch
Is it too wide? it won't require widening the road, compared to the other option, right?
People are unfamiliar with a buffered bike lane and it’s use
The speed of traffic
Nothing much.
Utilized road space takenaway for delivery and turning when cars are stacked waiting; access difficulty into
neighborhood off Kelly Drive shen parents waiting yo pick up kids at school. Appears there is no extra lane space
around waiting cars in either option.
Nothing! Best option!
Roundabouts are a terrible idea. People have always walked the sidewalk. Have seldom seen anyone walking on
the lagoon side which is basically fenced off since I have lived in the area since 1976. They only need a little dirt
walking path anyway if they are going to enjoy the scenery. Stop signs at all corners!
A lot of bike space with narrower lanes for cars
The possibility of fast bicyclists using the multiuse path irresponsibly.
Shared multiuse path
Kelly Drive is not wide enough to have the extra lanes and still provide for street parking, and it will make the
traffic congestion around the school even worse.
Bikes and people together, children bike safety
Too much emphasis/room given to cyclists. They only need 1 dedicated lane regardless of their speed. We live
at Park/Kelly roundabout and the neighborhood is HEAVILY WALKED (90% more than cycled), majority are
walkers with dogs, seniors & parents walking kids. Laguna Riviera park is on this route and heavily used by kids, families, and sports groups so parking is extremely limited, esp. before & after school. Priority should be for
reduced speeds, and safety of people walking who continually have to dodge bikes & speeding cars. Terrible
idea to have cyclists on same path as people walking esp. when most have dogs and or kids with them. Also
concerned that no speed bumps are included in design. They are desperately needed! This stretch of Park Dr
from xNeblina Dr to xPark Ct. have blind curves before and after the roundabout/crosswalks and is notorious for
excessive speeding & drag racing.
Bike and walking lanes too close together. I think it’s dangerous for bikes to be so close to lanes where people
walk with their children and dogs
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 65 of 136
What concerns you about option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
It's a relatively short distance. Most bikers will just use the main road. Don't see an effective improvement over
existing infrastructure and sidewalks. Not sure what problem is being solved.
Going westbound- will pedestrians be allowed to share bike lane or stay on the sidewalk as they should. Please include signage as to where pedestrians should be per CVC Section 21966.
The median in the center of Option A concerns me as doing so leaves no room for emergency ingress/egress
along Kelly.
Elderly walkers are unprotected
There could be too many bikes on the path and I would have to worry about telling my kids to move over for
Walkers and bike riders are using the same space.
Need to be clear that e-bikes prohibited / speed limit about slower speed bike lanes.
With more e-bikes pedestrians are more at risk. How to monitor different bike speeds? Seems futile.
separation of cars and cyclists- cars still tend to use the whole lane/ and cyclists slow down the flow of vehicle
Only concern I see is having slower bikes share lane with pedestrians.
No safety barrier
The cars could drift into bike lane or a biker could drift into car lane.
It’s not as safe for bikers, cars can still veer over into bikers if not paying attention.
Bikes and pedestrians sharing a path.
People walking in them
Only concern is the complete inability of cyclist in the separated / multiuse bike path to be able to exit the
multiuse path.
Paint is a poor buffer.
Multiuser path means walkers must watch out for bikes, and bike will be going in both directions
How narrow the lane is for automobiles
Parents blocking lanes waiting for kids going in and out of school.
THERE IS NO REASON TO GIVE BIKES 4 LANES - keep 2 car lanes, put bike lanes off to side of road, w pedestrians
is there enough room for all this?
I see two types of bike lanes. I believe only one bike lane should be used with room for passing slower bikes.
Cars need to have their own lane. People can use sidewalks.
No concerns
That bikers will overuse path and be a hazard to those going for a stroll
Leave enough room for cars.
Bikes so close to cars
I do not have any concerns.
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What concerns you about option A - Buffered bike lanes + separated multiuse path?
No dedicated walking path for elderly, young children, dogs. This design favors bikes but isn’t most walkers
friendly, limit’s enjoyment of beautiful lagoon
I don’t see a need for two bike lanes. Park is not a heavily travelled road. Have the buffered bike lane and a separated walking path.
Separated bike lane next to parallel-parked cars is not as good as a protected bike lane, because in the
separated lane, cyclists face the risk of being "doored" by someone opening the door of a parked car.
Also, with that separated bike lane, drivers will park their cars in the bike lane if they feel like it's more
convenient to them to stop there. Parking in a separated bike lane may be technically prohibited, but it's very
unlikely that would ever be enforced.
I think bikes hinder drivers when they share lanes.
Nothing seems fine
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 67 of 136
Survey Results – What Respondents Liked
Option B Two-Way Protected Bike Lanes +
Separated Walking Path
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 68 of 136
What works for you in option B - Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path?
Fearless lycra cyclists would get to zip around with cars, away from the dreaded slow cyclists. Timid slow cyclists
would get to trundle around with each others, away from the pedestrians and safe from cars. Pedestrians would
be safe from everyone else. Less conflict alongside the driveways.
I prefer Option A. All road cyclists can use the street.
there is a separate path for pedestrians
People walking are further distanced from driving cars.
I oppose Option B
Nothing. Dedicated walking path is nice, but not necessary.
Pedestrians are separated from both cars and bikes.
separate path for walkers and bikes
Both are good
The road is not used enough to separate pedestrians from slow bikes. If multiuser is wide enough there is no
problem passing pedestrians as per the rail trail. As long as you keep a separate class 2
This is a nice design.
But this design should have been also presented to Citizens and used for Carlsbad's Rail-Trail improvements
along Ave Encinas, v. just showing/giving a painted buffer option. Seems the City always proposes/shows better
options and spends more in North Carlsbad than South Carlsbad.
separate walk
The safest for bicyclists
bikers blocking traffic
Separate walking and bike lanes this is very important to me I love this option worth the price. B please
Safer for walkers, joggers, and bikers
Separates bike and ped lanes.
If there isn't enough space for bikers going from Kelly Dr to Neblina in plan A, that is the only reason I might like
the part of plan B that provides for bikers in both directions.
Two way protected lanes and seperated walk path
That's good.
Yes this is the best method
No, if your putting a path on the side put bikes and pedestrians on the separate paths, Regarding safety it
protects everyone.
The separation of cyclists and pedestrians is somewhat useful, but I think it is unnecessary considering that most
fast-moving cyclists will choose to ride in the traffic lane. This is a low-speed, residential street, where almost all
recreational road cyclists will be comfortable using the sharrowed traffic lane.
It will work if small kids with reg bike or Ebikes stay in there lane and NOT to use pedestrian path
Dedicated sidewalk for pedestrians.
everything is good, protected fast and slow bike lanes- bikes sharing road with cars is a bad options
Option A all the way
Everything. Best option all around.
Separate facilities for cyclists and pedestrians are a nice idea. Separate facilities for fast and slower cyclists is a
good idea too.
It’s safe
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What works for you in option B - Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path?
Walkers have more room
The protected cyclist lane and pedestrian paths are nice.
Sharrows on roadway
Separate bikes from walkers
Walking path is good
Less chance of a vehicle-bicycle accident
Addresses the 3 different activities, fast cycling, relaxed cruise bikes and those on foot.
This option keeps everyone safe and happier
The separated walking & bikes lanes is a much safer option.
Separate walkers.
These bike lanes will just be dangerous as they are in Encinitas.
walkers are safe
Safest proposal since many cyclist simply speed past walking school children and pedestrians
Separate bike lane for those moving slowly. Shared lanes for those on ebikes. Pedestrians completely separate.
Only attractive if all bikes are in the new-vehicle lanes. Lanes too narrow otherwise.
Separate walking path
I like the bike-ped separation.
I like the bike car separation by a barrier.
I like the no parking so there is no door zone like the unsafe design in coastal Encinitas
I like the sharrows for faster bikes as long as vehicle speeds are 25 mph or less.
Doesn't work for me
Electric bikes and road bikes go faster than cars.
It’s safer to separate cars from bikers and pedestrians.
Clear and distinct path for motorists and bikes. Separate wlakways.
Dedicated walking path. Solana Beach executed their rail trail path well: it is well utilized, protects pedestrians
and incorporates DG and low water landscaping. Encinitas (Vulcan) similarly executed a walking path, which is
well utilized, but in my opinion over-used asphalt (replaced a more natural trail that many enjoyed prior to the
Everyone has their space. I can be walking with my young kids and know they are ok to be walking along side me
or in front without having to worry about the surroundings as much as I currently do.
Dedicated walking path.
I prefer that the bike and walk lanes are separated.
Giving a space for pedestrians
There aren't enough bikes to make this necessary
I like separate walking and bike paths.
I don't fee like they need two separate lanes for bikes and walking.
Separate recreational path from automobiles. Aesthetically better with more landscaping. Higher quality and
provides more long term value for the neighborhood. Narrows the street and creates shorter safer cross walks.
I like this plan for protecting students walking to and from school
Feeling safe from cars on my bike
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What works for you in option B - Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path?
Separate pedestrian path
I like that bikes have their own path
I do not see heavy bicycle traffic in this area so two bike lanes seems excessive
protected bike lane - one way
the Oceanside bike trail - on coming bike traffic does not stay on their side .. groups of bikers use entire path --
extremely dangerous - especially now with e-bikes
Does not work
Seems like the safest option. Best separation for bikes who don't want to share the road with cars, and safe for
us to walk along path without getting plowed down by fast cyclists.
not much
None of it
Some bikes can be protected from cars.
The walking path
Walking path
I just need
This is the preferred option.
Dedicated walking path
Nothing. Curb extensions make it hard for motor vehicles. Put stop signs at all corners.
The completely separate options for bicyclists and people walking.
Separate walking path
not much -- still compete with cars for space if you are a cyclist
This plan would work well on Park Drive but not on Kelly.
Confusion, conflict between bikes and cars.
Dedicated lanes
This is my preferred option. I like the dedicated walking path separated from bike lane.
I like that this option keeps bikes and walkers separated, which I think provides a safer environment for all.
Like the dedicated walking path but unclear how this is better than existing sidewalks.
Pedestrians have separate lane. But will they stay in it? This option provides most possible separation.
It doesn't work for me. It is bad enough trying to deal with the elementary traffic (this should also be in this
discussion) as they keep us from entering and exiting our neighborhoo.
Shared bike lane is what we do now this option wouldn't change much from how it currently is
Whatever is safer for the kids.
Why do we need a separate walking path, when we have sidewalks??
Walkers are protected
My family could walk together and I would feel safe and comfortable knowing the bikers are in a different area
Cars, walkers and bike riders are separated.
pedestrians and bikes not mixed.
Like the separation of bikes and pedestrians. Looks better - not so many lines painted all over the streets.
Keep bikes and pedestrians separate!
Just ok
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 71 of 136
What works for you in option B - Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path?
Nor preferred
Multi use path.
separation of cars and cyclists- cars still tend to use the whole lane/ and cyclists slow down the flow of vehicle
It is a nice offering.
Pedestrians are separated from bikes
A separate bike and walkway
Love the separate lane for walkers and bikers
Safer for bikers and for walkers.
Dedicated walking path.
Designated walking path the keep people out of bike lanes.
Not preferred as I would have to use the sharrows (as an avid cyclist) and car lane; conflicting with traffic. Cars
will likely be impatient with cyclists taking the lane and avoiding the bike path.
The curb separation of the walking path and the bike path is really important to me.
This is best protection for pedistrations
Separated walking path
keep bike lanes out of car lanes and on side of road
Hate option B where bikes are sharing car lanes especially when there is already a bike lane. Bikes should use
their own lane and cars should use their own.
This also looks like a good option. Could there be a dirt path for running?
Separated bike/walking lane helps with safety a lot
None of the options seem good for option B
That is a perfect scenario and provides something for everyone from the youngest to oldest to safely enjoy an
under appreciated stretch of Park
Overly complicated. Use may not warrant the extra expenditure.
Seems very clean.
There is nothing that I find advantageous about Option B.
Seems the safest
Walker friendly, greater benefits to immediate area residents
I don’t like option B
Protected bike lane is preferable because it eliminates the risk of cyclists being "doored" by someone opening
the door of a parked car.
Also, there is the option of requiring e-bikes to use the road so that traditional bikes and pedestrians can have
the protected lane (i.e., nothing with a motor or engine would be permitted in the protected lane).
Two way bike lanes
Separate walking path from bikes
Walkers get their own space
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 72 of 136
Survey Results – Concerns
Option B Two-Way Protected Bike Lanes +
Separated Walking Path
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 73 of 136
What concerns you about option B - Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path?
The car lanes seem too wide, inviting drivers to speed and potentially causing more dangerous crashes. Lycra
cyclists would be less protected from drivers, but they don't seem to mind mixed traffic from what I've read.
I don't think the benefit of multiple lanes is worth extra money.
it would take longer to build
Cars and bikes sharing a narrower roadway. I’d prefer if bikes are cars were totally separate.
I oppose road share options because as a taxpayer and vehicle owner, bicyclists are not licensed nor insured or
do they pay for the roads they are using. There road usage slows down the normal flow of traffic, it increases
our commuting time and potential loss of wages of the working class.
(1) E-bikes should NOT share the road with younger children on bikes. A lot of tweens/teens on e-bikes go too
fast and are reckless drivers, putting young children who are inexperienced with riding in danger. E-bikes should
be grouped together with cars going approximately the same slow speed of 25 mph. (2) Higher costs which
could be a waste of money due to some people not waiting for the opening to cross over and damaging
plants/vegetation in the process. (3) No need to separate slower bike riders from walkers. I’ve never
experienced any problems using Irvine’s extensive multi use paths.
Time and cost to complete. Congestion on bike path.
combining cyclists with cars
Unnecessary landscaped medians.
Removing a bike lane for sharrows won't go over well for the cyclists that use this route which is a major cycling
route east west to the coast. It is THE major east west route as it is the least used by motorists and has the
least elevation change on the north side of town. You need to make quarry creek Marin road usable for bikes
and peds between college and El Camino
Seems over-engineered for a road that's not a major throughfare.
I can't stand what Encinitas has done to share the road with bikes and cars. It's so dangerous and such a poor
plan. I would never use it
bikers should not take precedence on the road
Expensive. Two-way protected bike paths force cyclist traveling opposing directions into close proximity with no
room for error. Pedestrians tend to use cycle pass regardless of signage.
Too much space required and too expensive.
Kids on ebikes will be more likely to switch lanes...slower kids will have to manage the ebike's as opposed to
experienced drivers. Cost and time.
Kelly Drive is a SCHOOL ROAD...emphasis should be on safety of children not convenience of cyclists
Bikes and cars on same lane. Safer if bikes have dedicated lane.
The longer construction period.
2-way bike lanes? You mean that the cyclists would be coming head on to each other? I really don't care as long
as they are separatd from cars. And what about these 12-year-olds going fast on their electric bikes?
Dangerous. Keep them away from cars.
Bikes and cars need separate lanes
Shared lanes (“sharrows”). Puts cars and bicycles in the same lane.
Why are we not charging bike registrations on all bike owners over 18. I have lived in Carlsbad now for 60 years
and I feel too much is taken from vehicles and bikes are always being given more. I have a bike and ride a few
time a week but feel this is not fair to the vehicles to pay registrations
My largest concern is the time and money that would be required during construction. Bike safety is an urgent
issue in Carlsbad, and the city should be seeking to make roads safe as quickly as possible. I am also concerned
that many road cyclists would use the traffic lane rather than the multi-use path in this design, where they
would be much less safe than they would be when riding in buffered bike lanes. Overall, I think the separation
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 74 of 136
What concerns you about option B - Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path?
between bikes and pedestrians on the Class I paths is unnecessary in this context, and might actually result in
more injuries than Option A.
Kids with Ebike and bikes will take over pedestrian path unless there's a 24-hr law enforcement apllied.
cost, time to build
Wasting money
Doesn't provide as much benefit as option A
Higher construction costs, longer construction period.
Cyclists are more likely to be hit by cars.
I don't like the idea of sharing the vehicle roadway with sharrows for faster moving cyclist traffic. A clean
separation is more important.
Cyclists confined to narrow path with no room to manuver
Bikes still not protected from card
Multi use restricts the ability of bikers to travel "fast"
Higher construction costs
Not much
We do not need walking paths at all.
Having bikes and cars have to share space is not great for either
Mixing cars and bikes are purely bad idea. Fast cyclists are often inconsiderate- blocking cars, endanger slower
cyclists etc. Also I’m against spending our tax dollars to elaborate construction.
Best alternative for controlling auto speeding in our area
You are taking a lot of land on the lagoon side if the paths are wide enough to be useful (4 feet pedestrian - 10
feet bikes).
Bikes and cars on same lanes
1) Being forced to obstruct traffic or plod along in a separated path.
2) Being forced to ride contraflow if on the separated path.
That drivers will complain about losing a lane and the city council will kill this project.
Bikes and cars using same lanes
Never good to have bikes in car lanes.
Bikes and cars using the same single lane
Cars on bike road. NOT SAFE!
Consider a DG strip — it provides a softer surface other than asphalt for walkers and runners, and would retain
some of the natural landscape feel (the current unimproved trail feels like an extension of the wetland). This
area has a great lagoon/wetland so it would be ideal to incorporate some natural materials into path design and
help integrate the improvements with the existing natural landscape. Sidewalks already exist if you want to
walk on concrete!
Nothing :)
Bikers too frequently holding up traffic in shared lane.
May be much more expensive. I am okay spending a bit more for a more aesthetically pleasing design, but it
should be reasonable.
Not slowing down traffic enough
Vehicle and bicycle collisions
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What concerns you about option B - Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path?
I do not like sharing the road way with bikers. Too dangerous
That bikes are still allowed in the car lane. Why do they need multiple lanes?
Cyclists in the roadway seems unnecessary with a separate bike path and separate pedestrian path.
Encouraging cyclists to share the road with cars feels less safe without road shoulders.
I’d feel more comfortable being able to have a separate bike lane to feel safe riding my e-bike with family
Adding more traffic in school zone
Bikes in the same lane as cars.
Bikes travelling in opposite directions in the same small lane.
Restricting bike entry/exit points.
The multi-use path surface is pavement instead of more natural material to blend with the surrounding lagoon
environment, e.g. decomposed granite.
Speed bumps - they are bad for cars (suspension, breaks) and bad for the environment (breaking requires more
fuel usage to accelerate after the bump).
Higher construction costs.
How about Option C? Option A but the mult-use path is instead a pedestrian-only path.
Too many lanes for bikers and walkers
I do not see heavy bicycle traffic in this area so two bike lanes seems excessive
It doesn't improve on current conditions and restricts motorists to the arbitrary speed of a bike
bikes sharing the road with cars --
the bicycle figure on the road means nothing to cars!
all traffic signs for cars -- 25mph
cars will pass on the left side/lane into oncoming traffic - moving quickly around the biker
Again, you’re going to chew too much into a residential street.
I want to make sure you don't cut into the protected wildlife area.
No concern - in strong favor of Option B
bikes don't need two designated lanes
Vehicles and bikes sharing the road and the cost/time commitment
Traffic back up because of shared bikers in street
Bikes and cars sharing the road can be dangerous.
The bikes having to
Share the road with the cars
So much space taken up. Is the fence coming down?
The bikes holding up cars behind them waiting to safely pass them.
Bikes and cars should not be sharing same lanes with cars in heavily trafficked area
Cost, time, and same concern about lack of space available to enter neighborhood when parents stacked in cars
waiting to pick up children
Concern is how long it will take.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 76 of 136
What concerns you about option B - Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path?
Sharing a lane with cars will slow down traffic
Not concerned with motorized vehicles. Taking away most of the road from them. Favoring motorized bicycles
and walkers. Curb extensions take away the road. Put stop signs at all corners.
Cars and bikes in same lane
The cost and the space needed that will impinge on the protected lagoon habitat.
the painted signs on the road indicating that cars should "share the road" with bicyclists often goes unheeded,
with cars often zooming very close to us bicyclists, and them acting agitated that we are "hogging the road"
even when we huddle to the far right side of the "protected" bike lane. Its so much better to simply have an
actual bike lane, since cars very often don't want to "share" the lane
We already have sidewalks…what is a walking path going to add?
That's a confusing mess
Both fast/slow cyclists should only be in 1 protected lane, not mixed in the car lane. Keep all three: cars, cyclists
& walkers separated w/protected barriers. Also concerned that no speed bumps are included in design. They
are desperately needed! This stretch of Park Dr from xNeblina Dr to xPark Ct. have blind curves before and after
the roundabout/crosswalks and is notorious for excessive speeding & drag racing.
If this was implemented for many many miles it would be very nice but I don't understand what problem is
being solved in this relatively short distance.
Will both slow and "fast" bicyclists use separated lanes or still use the street? Will runners stay on the "walking"
path? All users need to be clearly directed with signage as to where they should optimally be.
Having the bikes and cars share a lane. Why??? They already have a protected lane, they don't need two!
Nothing, just won't be any different
Bikes sharing lanes with cars
The homes nearby and affected should given a huge consideration of their feelings.
Why do we need a separate walking path when we have sidewalks on both side of Kelly??
The idea of having the vehicles and bikes share same lane can cause some serious backup of traffic along Kelly
when there are multiple groups of bicycles travelling at the same time as high traffic vehicles, such as school
pick up and drop off. I feel very strongly that the bikes/e-bikes should be separated from the vehicles along
Please, please send a survey team out during the peak times (am 7:45-8:15am and 1:15-1:45 on short days,
2:15-2:45 on regular days) to determine what is best here.
Takes up too much space
Nothing - I love it!
The sharrows will make bike riders mix with cars. Sharrows do not improve safety.
bikes / cars mixed.
E-bikes are too fast too share paths with slower bikes or walkers
Another option - bikes are all on the street, pedestrians have their own path which would reduce the number of
paved paths.
Confusing as to what bikes go where
Higher costs, unnecessary
Don’t need a protected bike lane AND a separate multi use path. Bike lanes in the street are fine.
Increase in price and I don’t think that many people use this street for walking/bicycling. A path away from cars
is a great option. Two paths separated for bicyclists and pedestrians is a little too much.
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 77 of 136
What concerns you about option B - Two-way protected bike lanes + separated walking path?
It is dangerous to have cars and bikes share the same lane. Cars go too fast on Park Drive (and Kelly as well),
they do NOT share the lane well now, painting a “share the lane” icon in the road isn’t going to change that. I
ride my bike to and from work most weekdays. Cars honor the painted bike lane on the side of the road. My
experience is that they do not “Share” well when bikes and cars share the same lane. That’s why I prefer option
A. It’s safer for bikers.
Nothing concerns me. We enjoy the wonderful bike paths in Mammoth and Reno that keep both walkers and
bikers safe from cars.
Mixing cars and bikes in same lane
Bikes and cars sharing a lane. Have any of you actually tried riding like this? Cars squeeze past you, think you're
an enemy and drivers swerve due to their phones.
I would have to make a commitment to the either the protected bike lane or staying the road... no option to get
in/out of the lane if there is a conflict. The curbs reduce flexibility of the maneuvering along the cooridor.
Would prefer intermittent, short posts instead of a separated curb. Otherwise, Option A is preferred.
No concerns-looks good.
As I said above there is already a side walk many people use now for walking
Walkers don’t need their own lane nor do bikers traveling at different speeds
Bike lane is same as car lane. This does not work.
Mixing kids/bikes and cars in same lane.
I don't like driving in the lane with bikes also. I like them to use a separate lane.
TOO many bike lanes. bikes need to be out of the car lanes
don't wants cars & others sharing road
Cars and bikes sharing is dangerous for the biker and frustrating for the driver!
cost and length of time to construct; sahrows don't work on a 1 lane road. inconsiderate bikers
Bicyclists should use lanes and pass each other in that lane. Cars need their own lane. Pedestrians need their
own sidewalk. School kids walk to school and don't need to collide with several lanes of bikers and cars.
bikers sharing road with cars. No need for separate walking path - as I think slower bikes can work together with
Longer construction times. and more costly
costs and extensive construction times are not as attractive. Additional traffic and/or attractiveness to homeless
Sharrows cycling is dangerous and frustrates vehicle drivers.
Bikes and cars sharing the road.
Cost and so much work for a small stretch of road not used that much
Cyclists in roadway is a danger. The project would be more expensive than needed.
A lot of separation -- too much curbing
I’d like to understand cost premium, but in general I favor option B
The shared car/bike lane.
If e-bikes are permitted in the protected bike lane, the city should make sure the walking path is truly separated
so that pedestrians aren't mixing with e-bikes.
Don’t need an extra walking path
Bikers taking up the road where cars are
I do not like that cars and bikes share the road
Dec. 5, 2022 Item #3 Page 78 of 136
Workshop PowerPoint Presentation
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May 11, 2022
Kelly Drive and Park Drive
Complete Street
Infrastructure Improvements
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•About the project
•Proposed design alternatives
•Feedback and questions
•Next steps
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Project Overview
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•Improve all modes of mobility
•Slow traffic to create safe space to walk, bike and drive
•Safe access to drop off and pick up students at school
•Intersection control improvements
•Maintain and enhance parking
•Improve connection from El Camino Real to Agua
Hedionda Lagoon
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Workshop, survey, mailer
Project enhancements
Alternative recommendation
Feedback about
Approval to bid
Tentatively scheduled
June 2022
Target 2023
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•Operational improvements
•Right turn only out of school parking lot
•More school crossing guards
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•Adding dedicated right turn lane into school parking lot, new lane
for through-traffic
•Adding raised median to support right turn only out of parking lot
•Realigning crosswalks
•Parking on Kelly –across from school along canal and along school
past parking lot toward Park Drive
•Maintain northbound left turn lane into school
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•Reversed angled parking at Laguna Riviera Park
•Intersection improvements, curb extensions
•Painted and enhanced crosswalks
•Speed cushions in both directions on Kelly and Park
•Narrowed lanes
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Input Opportunity:
Kelly & Hillside Intersection Control Options
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What questions do you have about
the designs?
What features of the design options
do you like?
What features concern you?
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Input Opportunity:
Walking & Biking Path Options
Kelly Drive, between Hillside and Park
Park Drive, between Kelly and Neblina
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What questions do you have about
the designs?
What features of the design options
do you like?
What features concern you?
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Workshop Meeting Transcript
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18:08:05 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Testing chat. Do you have an estimated completion date?
18:08:27 From Ellie Paiva, City of Carlsbad to Everyone:
Hello David, and welcome
18:09:18 From Brandon Miles, City of Carlsbad to Everyone:
Duration is expected to 12-18 months and targeted to start summer 2023.
18:10:17 From Heather MacFreier to Everyone:
live in the neighborhood,
18:10:55 From David Carlton to Everyone:
How to you select an answer.
18:10:56 From Matt Evans to Everyone:
I”m only seeing the results
18:11:02 From Jeff Morness to Everyone:
Same as Matt
18:11:40 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Submit not working
18:11:55 From Kristine Wright to Everyone:
Submit not working
18:11:58 From David Carlton to Everyone:
I live on Kelly
18:11:59 From Jeff Morness to Everyone:
Question 2 was blank
18:12:00 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
untitled question #2 is required and won't let me submit
18:12:03 From Matt Evans to Everyone:
Answer second question and submit button will work
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18:12:07 From Heather MacFreier to Everyone:
it is forcing you to submit for a blank second answer
18:12:15 From David Carlton to Everyone:
The selection box works but the submit does not
18:12:38 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
If you need help with Polls for future meetings, I would be happy to provide a tutorial
18:12:41 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
Greg Rodesch - on Park next to the part (opposite end from tennis courts). Use the part,
trails, and bike.
18:13:53 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
I cycle through the area frequently (ride through the corridor this morning)
18:16:33 From David Carlton to Everyone:
These feel like solutions without well defined problems. What specific problems are you
solving? What are the current major concerns?
18:18:47 From brett strother to Everyone:
current problems;
18:19:26 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
Brandon, diagrams would be helpful to visualize these proposals. It is a little difficult to
visualize some of this...perhaps there will be imagery later in this session?
18:19:56 From Tom Frank, City of Carlsbad to Everyone:
Speeding, and not inviting infrastructure for Pedestrians and Bicyclists of varying
experience levels.
18:20:07 From Tom Frank, City of Carlsbad to Everyone:
Diagrams will be presented shortly
18:20:12 From Jeff Morness to Everyone:
18:20:13 From brett strother to Everyone:
speeding and illegal use of the center lane are a problem
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18:20:17 From Jeff Morness to Everyone:
18:21:17 From David Carlton to Everyone:
We’ve all seen large roundabouts function well. What is the minimum acceptable size
for a roundabout ?
18:21:19 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
How will you fit the roundabout shown with the eisting space? It is already too tight
(goes curb to curb).
18:21:45 From David Carlton to Everyone:
How do curb extensions work? What is the purpose?
18:22:25 From Kris Wright to Everyone:
With the curb extension at Hillside and Kelly, would there be stop signs or yield signs?
18:22:48 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
On previous view with the bump out off Hillside, the stop sign is closer to the parallel
sidewalk. If Option B is chosen, the stop sign should be moved closer to the pedestrian
crosswalk to improve it’s visibility
18:23:25 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
Is there data on how many children actually cross at Kelly vs Hillside vs Center school?
18:23:37 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Trucks with trailers run right over the current round about. They can’t negotiate the
18:23:50 From Kris Wright to Everyone:
Why isn’t the intersection at Kelly and Park being discussed?
18:24:20 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
Did any of the options considered include a middle lane for trhu traffic along Kelly drive
that doesn’t stop at the school? Preferably with speed bumps to control speed? It can be quite
the log jam for the residents who live in that area.
18:24:53 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
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Extended curbs will also block all of the traffic entering Kelly that is NOT getting in the
line to enter the school. Right now with traffic able to bypass the line the cars still line up mid
block. Removing this option will back them up.
18:25:06 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
Also, what Kris said - what about Kelly + Park intersection? Why isn’t that part of this
plan. It is a disaster and needs improved design. So hazardous as it is
18:25:26 From Jeff Morness to Everyone:
Greg and Marie have voiced my same concerns
18:27:04 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Do you consider the current roundabout successful? What problems did it solve?
18:29:38 From brett strother to Everyone:
It's illegal to do what jeff has suggested he does which is unsettling. I've witnessed
people crash in that center lane doing what you suggested.
18:29:59 From Matt Evans to Everyone:
I share the concern about the curb extensions preventing a right turn onto Hillside from
Kelly for those not picking up from school.
18:30:42 From brett strother to Everyone:
fair concern not valid enough to run over my children
18:31:12 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
Jeff - you can go around like I do. I go all the way up to Tamarack and cut through on
Skyline and head down Hillside then cut over to Park.
18:31:25 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
(All to avoid coming down Kelly during those times)
18:31:25 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Congestion is largely due to parents dropping off kids. I’m not optimistic that any
solution will solve congestion. It’s not a major issue if you live on Kelly. We accept it.
18:34:43 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
I can’t figure out how to raise my hand
18:36:02 From Susan Harden, Facilitator to Everyone:
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I'll call on you Marie
18:36:04 From Heather MacFreier to Everyone:
Two of my children cross at Hillside plus six other children from Neblina.
18:36:05 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
I think the data of how many kids are crossing at each intersection should be taken into
account when deciding what to do here at Hillside
18:37:34 From Ellie Paiva, City of Carlsbad to Marie Monforte(Direct Message):
Marie, under "reaction" the is a button to raise your hand
18:38:10 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
Doug, that is a great idea!
18:38:10 From Jeff Morness to Everyone:
Yes, please eliminate several parking spots and modify the bike lane to allow for a right
turn. We should be considering solutions and not settling on making the residents divert miles
around or wait 20 minutes.
18:38:55 From brett strother to Everyone:
he's right
18:39:06 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
The biggest issue here outside of slowing traffic (which certainly needs to be done), is
safety vehicles being able to get into and out of the area, especially during these peak times.
18:39:27 From David Carlton to Everyone:
With Option B, will cars be able to cross the double yellow line when they turn into their
driveway on Kelly?
18:40:16 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
Option A w/roundabout is preferable as roundabouts are proven to be safer and more
traffic efficient. Roundabouts inherently slow traffic. With shorter crosswalks, safer for
pedestrians. Cyclist ‘take the lane’ and cars will have too slow. The bump outs alone will not
necessarily slow traffic to safer speeds.
18:41:30 From David Carlton to Everyone:
How the heck do you raise your hand?
18:41:53 From Susan Harden, Facilitator to Everyone:
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ll call on you David
18:42:03 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
reactions on bottom of screen after you hover over screen.
18:42:05 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
David, there is a menu at the bottom of Zoom, look for Reaction, Raise hand is at the
very bottom
18:42:30 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Only seeing icons as reactions. Don’t see raise hand
18:42:45 From Ellie Paiva, City of Carlsbad to David Carlton(Direct Message):
David, on the bottom of the screen you have some icons, click on the "Reactions" icon
and then click on raise your hand
18:42:51 From brett strother to Everyone:
I agree with her, option A and changing the school set up is a must.
18:43:24 From David Carlton to Ellie Paiva, City of Carlsbad(Direct Message):
Options A doesn’t seem like a valid option based on the current roundabout.
18:43:40 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
I recommend Pete Penseyres review the final stripping on the solution. The one view
had cycle lane at a bump out that didn’t look right.
18:44:31 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Don’t see hand raise but mic is off.
18:45:25 From Ellie Paiva, City of Carlsbad to David Carlton(Direct Message):
Susan will give you a chance to talk. she is aware...
18:50:47 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
Parents pull over and park to drop their children off, but then make crazy U-turns once
their kids are out and I have had to jam my brakes multiple times.
19:03:57 From Jeff Morness to Everyone:
Final comment from me on this topic. Please remove the extended curbs and include a
right turn lane. There are many residents in this neighborhood that should have a means for
avoiding this congestion.
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19:04:56 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
The access for emergencies is of major concern. I agree with others about avoiding Kelly
during drop off/ pickup.
19:05:15 From Matt Evans to Everyone:
No more speed bumps please!
19:06:41 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
Sadly, it is not just commercial vehicles that are speeding. I agree with an earlier
comment that the CBPD needs to start issuing tickets for infractions.
19:07:09 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
Please speed humps (not the narrow bumps) along Park. We have had dozens of calls to
racers out by the Park, and people routinely want to hit 45 along the arcing Park area.
19:07:29 From David Carlton to Everyone:
For the record, one of the concerns is getting rear ended on Kelly when turning into
your driveway; or being passed on the left before you can turn.
19:07:53 From Susan Harden, Facilitator to Everyone:
thank you for all the comments!
19:08:25 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Can you make a left turn across the double yellow lines
19:08:40 From Tom Frank, City of Carlsbad to Everyone:
We are planning to install speed cushions similar to what is installed on Hillside.
19:09:36 From David Carlton to Everyone:
The speed cushions are nice reminders to slow down approaching the school but they
don’t really make you slow down. Drive the speed limit and the bounce isn’t bad.
19:09:50 From Kris Wright to Everyone:
Yes I have spoken with Brandon for several years. In case I am not called on, I strongly
oppose a roundabout at Kelly and Park. I live in a neighborhood that has 130 homes and the
only way out of our neighborhood is via the Park and Kelly intersection. We unfortunately have
increased fire and our community borders a fire hazard to the south. In case of a fire, all
residents will have to evacuate via that route, in most likely a double lane exit. A roundabout
would be a huge impediment to our community who would be trying to evacuate safely. Please
consider our families and figure that at least 500 people live up here. And at the bottom of
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Park Dr there has always been a yield sign. A STOP sign would insure that kids crossing would
be safe and allow us a safe evacuation.
19:09:53 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
I agree - those cushions don’t do much for people dateto drive fast
19:10:00 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
*Determined to drive fast
19:10:08 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
Can you please leave the design image back on
19:13:15 From David Carlton to Everyone:
With these options will there are parking on both sides of Kelly?
19:16:27 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
Though option A offers good solution for experienced riders, the inexperienced would
still have the multi use path for slower/less experienced cyclists. Also, Option B would have
cyclists competing with cars either trying to pass on a yellow center line and cyclist have no
choice to move out of the way for vehicles.
19:17:05 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
But if we applied Option A in front of Kelly that wouldn’t affect the drop-off lane being
created for the school, right?
19:18:12 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
just one note on Option A, cyclists need to wary of the ‘door zone’… it’s not optimal and
I would tend to ride on the left side to avoid the door zone.
19:18:50 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Option A or B would work on Park but there’s just not enough bike or foot traffic to
justify a complex solution. Option A seems more that adequate. Most bikers will just ride in
the street anyway.
19:19:35 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
I agree with David Carlton
19:20:07 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
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David - I used to think that too but now I think there will be a lot more once these
improvement are made. Similar to how the crosswalk at Kelly & Park is used SO MUCH more
now that we have a dedicated Crossing Guard. Parents wants safe options.
19:20:59 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Is just such a short distance. Not much bang for the buck.
19:22:09 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
The multi use in Option A is a very good solution for non experienced and multi use
19:22:47 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
Will there be an open access to multi use at the Park and Valencia intersection?
19:23:24 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
angled goes to 1.3X, but not the 2X that is already there.
19:24:11 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
Bikes are another good point here (thanks Greg), part of this needs to include safety
training for bikers (traditional and e-bikes), Also drivers need to be provided with training on
how to use the traffic circles.
19:24:36 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
Or speed bumps to slow them down too.
19:24:48 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Aren’t the current sidewalks a walking path? What’s the issue with sidewalks?
19:28:21 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Traffic enforcement.
19:29:40 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
How about a raised "tabled" crosswalk at the middle of the park to slow cars on the
19:29:48 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Do you consider the noise created with speed bumps? Every truck or trailer that goes
over them makes a crashing sound.
19:29:56 From David Carlton to Everyone:
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My truck does it.
19:31:07 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
We had a car "mount" the curb midway down the park and crash through our back
19:31:49 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
With the limitation of no "E-bikes" I would switch to option B from option A.
19:32:35 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
We are trying to switch kids to walking and bikes, and I can't see many kids these days
on non E-bikes these days.
19:33:33 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
Faster bikes would not be permitted on the protected bike lane anyway…
19:34:14 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
faster ebikes have limits on the protected bike lanes.. depending how fast they are.
19:34:27 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
No one should be going 28 MPH on Park. My $0.02.
19:35:26 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
it depends on the TYPE of ebike
19:35:56 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
Just Type 3s are limited?!? If so, switch me back to option A.
19:37:55 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
I vote for Option B
19:39:27 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Are you covering the Kelly layout north of Hillside to El Co?
19:39:33 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
I think the conversation of Type of ebikes is irrelevant. Who is going to validate? How
many people with ebikes even know? Putting kids on bikes in the same lane as cars is seriously
19:40:20 From Robbin Lynn to Everyone:
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Thank you for hosting this. It has been informative and nice to hear others' input.
19:40:54 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
Option A is most preferred as it provides the best solutions for the most users while
maintaining safety.
19:44:24 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Repeating… small circles that direct the momentum of vehicles towards crosswalks and
sidewalks seem like a bad idea to me. Large ones with buffers between traffic and sidewalks
seem fine. Do you have an example of a small roundabout anywhere in Carlsbad that you view
as being completely suitable and effective?
19:51:26 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
Horizontal deflection needs space that is already limited, but I am all for vertical as it will
slow everything (vehicles, e-bikes, etc).
19:53:27 From David Carlton to Everyone:
Appreciate the work. Difficult problems and no clear completely effective solution.
19:54:56 From Greg Rodesch to Everyone:
Thank you all for taking your time tonight.
19:54:59 From Jeff Morness to Everyone:
Can you provide a link here to the survey?
19:55:10 From Marie Monforte to Everyone:
Thank you for putting this meeting together. For future reference, I would love to see
integrated graphics showing the whole area being improved (including the Kelly+Park
intersection) so I can better understand how these areas connect/transition. Also, I think it may
be helpful to have Educational Meetings informing people what the laws/rules are once all
these changes are in place. Lastly - what is the timeline for final decisions, construction start,
and construction end?
19:55:32 From Tom Frank, City of Carlsbad to Everyone:
Thank you all for the comments which are very helpful for us to refine our design and
make it as good as it can be.
19:55:41 From Nikki Matosian, City of Carlsbad to Everyone:
Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LC7WC3R
19:55:53 From Stephen Stewart to Everyone:
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Thank you for taking in public input… always tradeoffs. I do agree with the one
comment about have a ‘problem statement’ up front. thank you!
19:55:57 From Nikki Matosian, City of Carlsbad to Everyone:
Thank you everyone!
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From: Mike Anderson <mike.p.anderson@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2022 10:29 AM
To: Tom Frank <Tom.Frank@carlsbadca.gov>
Cc: Pete Anderson <eusinus@gmail.com>; Nikki Matosian <Nikki.Matosian@carlsbadca.gov>;
Hossein Ajideh <Hossein.Ajideh@carlsbadca.gov>; Brandon Miles <Brandon.Miles@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Re: Kelly Hillside proposed roundabout
Good morning Tom,
Thank you and Brandon for keeping us apprised with this process!
Below is a statement on behalf of myself and my father we would like to have read into the record at
today's Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting.
My father, Peter Anderson, and I, Michael Anderson, who both reside at 4870 Kelly Drive, are in
favor of the staff's recommendation for the traffic feature at Kelly and Hillside Drives. Specifically we
would like to see the tree in the roundabout and also a hammerhead spot in front of our house.
Initially my father and I wanted nothing to do with another roundabout/traffic circle given all that
has come with living with the current one in front of our driveway. But through their
professionalism, courtesy and patience, Mr. Frank and Mr. Miles, who visited us on a couple
occasions, ultimately quelled our apprehensions. They provided us detailed drawings and
explanations for the proposed roundabout and curb extensions weighing all of the pros and cons for
each. These discussions led us to the decision the roundabout is the safest and most efficient traffic
control option available for our location. We are in favor of staff's recommendation.
Thank you for your time.
Michael Anderson
On Sat, Dec 3, 2022 at 11:03 AM Tom Frank <Tom.Frank@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:
From:Elyse O"Neill
Subject:Agenda Item 3: PROJECT NO. 607
Date:Friday, December 2, 2022 11:04:23 AM
My name is Elyse O'Neill and I have lived on Kelly Drive my entire life. When I was a kid, I
loved living on Kelly Drive because I could easily and safely walk to school.
I am writing today because I am deeply concerned about making the roundtable permanent. In the write up about the proposal, the committee mentioned that the current roundabout has led
to driver confusion and issues that made it difficult for safely vehicles to pass. I do not see how these issues will be resolved by making it a permanent fixture. Everyone on our street has
universally hated the roundabout since the day it was put up. Please do not make us live with it any longer.
I also worry about eliminating the middle lane of traffic. We live close enough to the school
that it is not uncommon for cars to block our driveway during pick up and drop off. Without the middle lane, we may have to hold up traffic going the other way just to get home.
Living near a school has its benefits and challenges. I worry that the changes you are
proposing will slow some cars down, but will make life more challenging for the residents of Kelly Drive. Expanding the curbs is a good middle ground solution that makes the street
usable while still mitigating traffic speeds.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best,Elyse O'Neill
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From:Nicole Burgess
Date:Monday, December 5, 2022 12:01:50 PM
Thank you for your time to comment on agenda item #3 for Kelly Dr and Park Dr Complete Streets Improvements.
My name is Nicole Burgess and very supportive of this proposal. As an advocate for our youth and healthy
lifestyles, I support safe bike infrastructure and traffic calming projects in our communities. The urban roundabout
will be a great way to improve movements for all modes and create safer conditions for people walking, biking, and
I thank you for supporting this project to improve the safety in our neighborhoods.
Wishing everyone a safe way to move in our city.
Nicole Burgess
Sent from my iPad
CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
From: Mike Anderson <mike.p.anderson@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2022 10:29 AM
To: Tom Frank <Tom.Frank@carlsbadca.gov>
Cc: Pete Anderson <eusinus@gmail.com>; Nikki Matosian <Nikki.Matosian@carlsbadca.gov>;
Hossein Ajideh <Hossein.Ajideh@carlsbadca.gov>; Brandon Miles <Brandon.Miles@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Re: Kelly Hillside proposed roundabout
Good morning Tom,
Thank you and Brandon for keeping us apprised with this process!
Below is a statement on behalf of myself and my father we would like to have read into the record at
today's Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting.
My father, Peter Anderson, and I, Michael Anderson, who both reside at 4870 Kelly Drive, are in
favor of the staff's recommendation for the traffic feature at Kelly and Hillside Drives. Specifically we
would like to see the tree in the roundabout and also a hammerhead spot in front of our house.
Initially my father and I wanted nothing to do with another roundabout/traffic circle given all that
has come with living with the current one in front of our driveway. But through their
professionalism, courtesy and patience, Mr. Frank and Mr. Miles, who visited us on a couple
occasions, ultimately quelled our apprehensions. They provided us detailed drawings and
explanations for the proposed roundabout and curb extensions weighing all of the pros and cons for
each. These discussions led us to the decision the roundabout is the safest and most efficient traffic
control option available for our location. We are in favor of staff's recommendation.
Thank you for your time.
Michael Anderson
On Sat, Dec 3, 2022 at 11:03 AM Tom Frank <Tom.Frank@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:
From:Elena Thompson
Subject:12-5-22 Carlsbad Traffic Meeting, Agenda items 3 & 4 - In full support YES
Date:Monday, December 5, 2022 7:53:47 AM
https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/11973 Agenda
Hello Traffic Planning Carlsbad,
I live in northern Encinitas and am an avid recreational cyclist. We fully
support the widespread and vital mobility changes Carlsbad is undergoing, in
efforts to better support public safety and multi-user mobility.
When my husband and I head out on a bike ride, we usually always head north,
biking to Carlsbad up the 101. We do this for the following reasons:
1. Encinitas roads are a public safety hazard overall, especially when
compared to Carlsbad. They are unsafe for bicyclists and pedestrians, too
fast (high MPH), inconsistently striped (thus confusing), especially the
101, and lack the road and driver friendly performance features compared
to Carlsbad’s.
2. In our view, the Carlsbad mobility team has properly striped the
roadways, in a consistent manner where possible, providing enough safe
space for cyclists (and walkers) and a buffer, so we don’t feel like we’ll be
struck by a car when riding. Paint has magic impacts and we support its
widespread use on the road. We also like your roundabouts and other
traffic calming measures being utilized and promoted.
3. It’s very impressive to see city leadership prioritize public safety and
mobility, fund your priorities, and hire a professional team to fulfill on the
vision. The City of Encinitas should follow your lead in all areas.
4. Carlsbad businesses offer delicious coffee and breakfast/lunch, so we
don’t forfeit anything by avoiding Encinitas on our northbound journeys,
even though Encinitas businesses miss out on our business. The point is,
user friendly mobility infrastructure spurs economic development, boosts
taxes for your city, AND SAVES LIVES.
5. Our overall stress is down venturing to Carlsbad on bikes (and on foot),
and due to this, our overall health is better as a result!
Given the above, we applaud your traffic and mobility team for pursuing
meaningful and appropriate continued mobility enhancements in Carlsbad, and
we support a YES vote on agenda item 3 and agenda item 4 tonight. Please
vote Yes on Agenda Item 3: we support the beautiful roundabout design, and
Agenda Item 4: we fully support the city-wide initiative to enhance mobility
throughout Carlsbad, prioritizing key roads and around schools).
Thank you for taking seriously mobility in Carlsbad, and having a sound and
proactive mobility-investment strategy overall: good hiring, very good planning
(an impressive Staff Report), community consensus, good design work, safer
outcomes. And thank you for your focus on completing and initiating critical
city-wide projects, in light of your current emergency ordinance, now in effect.
Well done City of Carlsbad!!!
The Thompsons
Encinitas residents
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Kelly Drive and Park Drive
Complete Street Improvements
Project No. 6075
Brandon Miles, Associate Engineer
Public Works
Nikki Matosian, Community Relations Manager
Communication & Engagement
Dec. 5, 2022
1.Receive a presentation regarding the Public Input Report
on the Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street
2.Receive comments from the community; and
3.Support staff’s recommendation to implement buffered
bike lanes along Kelly Drive and on Park Drive, and an
urban compact roundabout at the intersection of Kelly
Drive and Hillside Drive.
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
•About the project
•Public input
•Recommended design improvements
•Next steps
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
•Get where you want to go by your choice of
travel –walking, biking, driving
•Safety for all modes of travel
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
•Biking and walking connection from El Camino Real to the Agua Hedionda
•Traffic calming features, or slowing down speeds
•Wider and enhanced sidewalks
•Realigned crosswalks with high visibility
•Enhanced multi-modal safety features at the intersection of Kelly Drive
and Hillside Drive and the intersection of Kelly Drive and Park Drive
•Buffered bike lanes
•Enhanced curb ramps
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
•On Aug. 2, 2021, the Traffic & Mobility
Commission supported implementing a modern-
day roundabout at the intersection of Kelly Drive
and Hillside Drive; and buffered bike lanes along
Kelly Drive, from El Camino Real to Hillside Drive.
•Staff completed additional Public Input
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
•Open-ended questions
•201 participants
•Qualitative input
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
•Make crossing safest for walkers
•Slow down traffic
•Separate bicyclists from cars
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
1.Implement buffered bike lanes
a)Kelly Drive from Hillside Drive to Park Drive
b)Park Drive from Kelly Drive to Neblina Drive
2.Utilize an urban compact roundabout at the
intersection of Kelly Drive and Hillside Drive.
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
Kelly Drive looking north –Hillside Drive and El Camino Real
Park Drive looking east –Neblina Drive and Kelly Drive
*For graphical purposes only.
Final design may vary
Kelly Drive looking south
*For graphical purposes only.
Final design may vary
Kelly Drive
Kelly Elementary
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
Right-Turn Only Lane
Class II Buffered Bike Lanes
Class II Buffered Bike Lanes
Main Island with
Vertical Element
Raised Medians
Pedestrian Ramp and Crosswalk
Pedestrian Ramp and Crosswalk
Kelly Drive looking north
*For graphical purposes only.
Final design may vary
Hillside Drive looking east
*For graphical purposes only.
Final design may vary
•Finalize project plans, specifications and cost estimate
•Finalize environmental documents
•Obtain necessary permits from resource agencies
•Request Planning Commission approval
•Request City Council to
•approve plans and specifications and authorize
for bids
•request City Council to award a construction
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075
1.Receive a presentation regarding the Public Input Report
on the Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street
2.Receive comments from the community; and
3.Support staff’s recommendation to implement buffered
bike lanes along Kelly Drive and on Park Drive, and an
urban compact roundabout at the intersection of Kelly
Drive and Hillside Drive.
ITEM 3: Kelly and Park Drive Improvements -6075