HomeMy WebLinkAbout1175 TAMARACK AVE; ; 69-853; PermitX CITY OF CARLSBt BUILDING DEPARTtJ. __ , _ 729-1 181 -Ext. 36 Appll~;,r LENDnr'NiUiiB1ti&R)Permil Building Permit~ For A Ii cant to Fill In -8'.£3 SEP -l-69 !'~~o .(i~g. t~~5 Owner's Nomi' --zi?i,v/p)t/} /fift;A# Moil Add ress ----------------- Contr. Address _______________ _ To Const. ~ Add 0 To Alter 0 Convert 0 To Move From ____ ,,,,,:,, ______ -=---'---- Type of Const. __ b _ _,,_"f?~~B ........ _~__,'--"e""--------- etc. Frame, Masonry, To Be Used For ~/J~UJ=:......e..::.f:_.,_/_l ...!....:J .)l::....c. 10 -=''------ Kind of Foundation C Q.IV' (!. No. of Stories £2 Floor Space (Sq. Ft.) -=2=-"'S-,:.._J,/J':"--L1_...:..~..,,.__~---7'%--4L- Attached -4,.bz r_. Garage Floor Space (Sq. Ft.) De tached _______ _ ~ Legal Description -----''--------------Lot Block Subdivision C A:J.11,e.:,_k __.::cO _ __.O-'-'E ...... ,IL--S~o _.__I _ or Section Townsnip Range No. of Existing Building -------~,,,__--_____ _ Will this constr1k£include any plumbing installation or alter- ation? Yes ~-No 0 Signature of Applicant I ACKNOWLEOGE THAT I HAVE REAO THIS APPLICATION ANO STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT ANO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY ANO STATE LAWS REGULATING BUI LOI NG. I CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY REGISTEREO ANO/OR LICENSEO AS REQUIREO BY CITY OF CARLSBAO ANO STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBEO RESIOENTIAL PROPERTY. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE ---------------- Building De Building Address //2.s: /AM.iAAck Front P.L. Main Bid Side P.L. Garage Rear P.L. Contractor City Bus. Lie. No. Inspection Utility Company Notified -Dale ______ By ____ _ Final If a check is rcnder~d for poyment for the above foe and the check is not hcncr•.'d when presented for payment, your build;,'.g permit v,il1 be imrr.cdialely revoked. City of Carlsbad Building Dept. Permit void if work is not commenced within 60 days of issuance, CITY OF CARLSBAD SEWER BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT • APPLICATION ~,.. 2:8-''1 _, 11-69 -cc ......... 50.00 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN L EGAL /4-LA-J,,/1 /,J() D~t '\,.( BU ILDING LL75 T /ff.-( A,/Z.-,4-t:,,IC DESCRIPTION LOT NO. ADDRESS BLOCK TRACT NEAREST CROSS ST. A-0 A,-,( S. USE OF gt_,;;;' s ! BUILDINGS OWNER .,., 7" 19-12-A-A/ ~ Q MAIL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS ADDR ESS CITY TEL. NO. CITY TEL. NO. CONNECTION DATA CONTRACTOR·& STATE CARLSBAD BUSINEU Lateral Charge Computation LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO. \.. 30' H., 10' V. @ -4" = __ 6" ---'\ Add. Horiz. @ -4" = __ 6" -NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK FEE ---I HOUSE SEWER CONNECTING TO Add. Vert. @ -4" = __ 6"=--PUBLIC SEWER • f3.OO SEPTIC TANK, SEEPAGE PIT OR Tot11I Construction Cost PITS 0 flS.OO I OVERFLOW SEEPAQlt PIT, DRAINP'IELD EXTN., 10% Service Ch11rge CESSPOOL, DRYWELL, MANHOLE O flS.OO • HOUSE SEWER CONNECTING TO PRIVATE D ISPOSAL SYSTEM 0 ft.ISO Tot11I L11ter11I Ch11rge CONNECT A DDITIONAL BLDG. OR L11t. No.: Logged in Pl11t: WORK TO HOUSE SEWER O fl.ISO ALTER, REPAIR OR ABANDON HOUSE SEW ER OR DISPOSAL SYSTEM O f2.00 LINE COST DATA • • A. D. & Assmt. No • B+/Z:T OF LI NE COST: °ScJ.IJ.Qllt.l S.lQ W C. C. @S'!, ~/ dwelling -5'0~ I s l:l 00 OWNER'S PERMIT AUTHORIZATION TOTAL l"EE P. S. @ __ / dwelling OTHER ~ I HAVE A T THIS DATE A CONTRACT WITH THE HEREIN ~ CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED BUILD-TOTAL So I NG TO THE PUBLIC SEWER. SIGNED THIS DAY OF Gr11nd Tot11I, L11ter11I, etc. OWNER OR OWNER·s AGENT FOR SEWER LOCATION ADDRESS I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICAT ION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE 18 CORRECT ..: ..: AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY ORDINANCES AND V) V) STATE LAWS REGULATING PLUMBING AND SEWERS. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY REGISTERED St. NORTH AND/OR LICENSED AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY 0 1" CARUI• BAD AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR THAT I A M THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED )USIDENTIAL PROP. El NEERING SEWER DEPT. ERTY. SIGNATURE Signed 1Ql'.,4c, l' I Signed O F PERMITTEE This Is • s.-r Permit When Properly RIied Out, Signed end Velidated 294 luued By --------·--------- PERMIT VALIDATION ~ PERMIT NO. ____ ......, TOTAL FEE $ ~?-£} __ _ CITY OF CARl.::,SAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 729-1181 -Ext. 36 I • 7. cJ-!rT? . App ,cation 'lor' ELECTRICAL Permit For Applicant to Fill In Buildi•~ptnU"'p~o., ;,******7, PERMIT FEES: Each F ee Item R.ecpt. Sw. BUILDING ADDRESS:, , .. {RV //?~u -_p' /,) ~,. - Light mg fixtures w ballast for each 10 $ 1.00 ~,Oc., St. Near f1... P~ SIi y -_.,, .A -• Elec. Ranges, Clothes Dryers, Water flu,Hers .50 , ~ (. ,!~~ Dislwlashers, Garbage OWNER~ .J'~-.J ----~r-~ Elec. Space Heaters -tl Disp/sers, Auto. wishers, Sta. Cooking Units .50 /,~( <::""----(7 ADDRESS: MOTORS: Per each motor H.P. 0 to 1 $ .25 CITY: 1 to 2 $ .50 2 to 5 $ 1.00 TELEPHONE NO. 5 to 15 $ 1.50 State City Business 15 to 50 $ 2.50 License -=<:::: License ,. 50 to 200 $ 5.00 If< -I B/2,R Group --r:::-r Zone SIGHS: No. trans. Ea. $ 1.00 -. No. lamps over 50 ea. $ .50 Inspection Record: SERVICE: 0 to 150 AMPS $ 10.00 ft),00 For each additional 100 Amps. $ 2.00 Temp. Power Pole, 100 AMPS or LESS $ 3.00 For Each add'I Meter, over one per service $ 3.00 MISC: Approvals Date By: SUPPLEMENTARY PERMIT FEE: S 2.00 Conduit ~,1 Temp. Power TOTAL: R. Wir1nq Fixtures S.D. G. & E. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND ST ATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY FINAL: WI TH ALL CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING ELECTRICAL WI RING. I CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY LICENSED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA OR THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED RESI- DENTIAL PROPERTY. ~◊O c-----:1 ~!M SIGNATUR -/J~ ~ PERMITTEE. ./ AJ,; - /J .o 0 ........ CITY OF CA BUILDING DEP I ENT 729-1181 -Ext. 36 PERMIT NO. ~ TOTAL FEES ---- 1• 7t?-fS~ 7,.&o App 1cafion or MECHANICAL Permit For Applicant to Fill In HO. ITEM INST ALLATIOH ANO OA: A:ELOCATIOH EACH AMT. JAM 23·70 ~cc3261f*******7. PAID 00 For the installation or relocation of each forced-au or gravi• ty type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached IA",<1 d to such appliance, up to and Including 100,000 B.t.u.'s S 4.00 For the Installation or reloc.ation of each forcNl-air or gravi• tt type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appllanc• over 100,000 B.t.u.'s S 5.00 For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, in· eluding vent. S 4.00 For U1e Installation or relocation of each suspended he,iter, recessed wall heater or floor mounted unit heater S 4.00 For the installation, relocation or replacement of each ap~ Building Dept. Use Only pllance vent Installed and not included In an appllcr1tlon. S 2.00 For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, comfort cooling unit, absorption BUILD INC ADDRESS // 7 c:;-~ -_L /J~J-f unit, or evaporative cooling system, Including lnstallatlon ol -~ controls regulat•d by this Code. S 4.00 -~ For the installation or relocation of each boiler or comp,es- sor to and Including three horsepower, or each absorption system to and Including 100,000 B.t.u.'s. S 4.00 5TRl:'ET NAME For the Installation or relocation of each boiler or compres- COM TRAC TO~ sor over t11ree horsepower to and including 15 horsepower, or each absorption system, over 100,000 8.t.11.'s to and lnclu- ding 500,000 B.t.u.'s S 7.50 I' ,,/4,,,/l~ ~ For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compres-nw•"" -J'A / ~ ---~ --sor over 15 horsepower to ••nd including JO horsepower, or --each absorption system over 500,000 B.t.u.'s and including , -~~ I 1,000,000 B.t.u.'s. Sl0.00 .------«:::"'~ ---,. For the Installation or relocation of each boller or comprts- sor over :,o hors,power to and including 50 horsepower, or for each absorption system over 1,000,000 8.l.u.'s to and in• eluding 1,750,000 B.t.u.'s. 515.00 r,yy For the Installation or relocation of each boiler or retrlgera~ tion compressor over 50 horsepower, or each absorption ~ systtm over 1,750,000 B.t.u.'s. S25.00 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. For each air handling unit to and Including 10,000 cubic feet per minute, including ducts attached thereto. S ).00 ..., For each an handling unit over 10,000 cubic feet per minute. S 5.00 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. For each evaporative cooler otlter 111.111 portable type. S ).00 / __ , For e;1ch vent fan connected to .l single duct. S 2.00 r.Rn11p For each ventilation system which 1s not a portion of any heating or air conditioning system authorized by a permit. S ).00 For the installation of each hood which Is served by me• INSPECTION RECORD chanlcal exhaust, Including th• ducts for •ach hood. S ).00 For Uie installation or relocation of each domestic typo incinerator. S 5.00 For the installation or relocation of each commercial or Industrial type Incinerator. S20.00 For tach appllanet or ploc• of oqulpm,nt rtgulat•d by this Code but not classed In other appliance categories, or for which no other fe• Is llsttd in this Code. S ).00 For the issuance of this permit. S ).00 l'C'AO 7.£?0 I ACKNOYiLEOGE TH.AT I HAVE Rt::AO TH£ APPLICATION ANO STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT ANO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL STATE ANO CITY LAWS REGULATING THE MECHANICAL CODE OF THE UN IF.ORM BUILDING CODE, I CERTIFY THAT AM PROPERLY REGISTFRFO ANO OR LICENSED AS RE- QUIRED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANOt TATE OF CALIFORNIA OR THAT I AM THE' LEGAL OWNER OF 9j;B~ OE Rtser;,:·R':f!RTY~"'fc nATE JO• FINA.LEO SIGNED BY PERM!-_;:. ./ -i ; --. l'1, /) 171_,,,,~ -51-'( _/ '-'---"-,..__ l i . l I. 1 INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET·// ./ ... ' . . -~7-~ /4q . DATE: ---------------- BUILDING DEPARTMENT OWner '.s Name--:/ Ju ,,,(!.,,,{ .J'a/u ;,r Address ____________ ____. ____ _ Contractor ~ - Address ------------------ Approval to Issue Permit _______ _ Permit No. -------------- Lot No. ---------------- Leg a 1 Description//~ 7'r Certificate of Occu~ancy _____ _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT Parking Spaces P rovided Required ./ Setbacks .,,, Zone, ,; ) REHARKS: IZQI£, Date ~£,vii Date Ar:iproval to Issue Fermit Approval for Occu8a ncy .) i .. ENG INEERHTG DEPARTMENT . . • .. Irnprovements __ q_~/~.$'~;1~""'-~-~·------- Driveway Locations ___ C>_/c_· ______ _ . Water Connection i'A-JZ::r Of: S-v80,v1Svo ,J Industrial Wa s te ,,O:.,,t;J. ---~--------- REMARKS : _&-n--,' r /4- Date ¥ ~/4 ;z Date_• ___ =z.--,,/_~?:x:.......,.</-L?_;;;;JJ _____ _ -~~prov21l to I ssu e Pcrrni~~~~·---Approval -7 I // for Occupanc y-r~ / ' . I h c1vc r ead the ab ov e informc1 lion a nd ag r c0. to co mply with the r cquiremont..s s e t forth . S igna tu r e _______________ _ Date --------------