HomeMy WebLinkAbout1175 TAMARACK AVE; ; CB070294; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 02-01-2007 Plumbing Permit Permit No: CB070294 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1175 TAMARACK AV CBAD PLUM Status: Parcel No: 2062610500 Lot #: 0 NEW Applied: Construction Type: Entered By: Reference #: Plan Approved: Issued: Project Title: AGUIRRE RES REPLACE WTR HTR Inspect Area: Applicant: WATER HEATERS ONLY INC. 400S EL CAMINO REAL SAN MATEO, CA 94402 415-375-8751 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Owner: AGUIRRE DONNA TRUST 04-15-05 3621 VISTA CAMPANA S #75 OCEANSIDE CA 92057 ISSUED 02101/2007 KG 0210112007 0210112007 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 Total Fees: $27.00 Total Payments To Date: $27.00 Balance Due: Inspector: FINA,L)':_ Date: '--t' Clearance: $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions, If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required infonnation with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack. review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY lo water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY lo any f /exac i ns f whi h ou h v revio I b n iv n a N Tl E imilar o hi r as o which the st ute of limi i ns has re i sl oth rw· e ex ired Feb 01 07 02:49p PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad CA 92008 __ (at ... _ Let tih ~ I Meb1 ~ Unlllo. Aqes,o(s PIIICel # REPLACE WATER HEATER Desa1ptlon of Work 2J."Li:9.ilt,\i;;.W:&&S A§ ill Nam, . ;3::7);;~ WATER HEATERS Namo ~-- _,_ state License# ______ _ _,,,.,.. SQ.FT. . ........ City WOIQr3' Cori,penealkrO 1alkw, l~aflrmtnler...-,dpmjl.wyoneofthefolkMaVdc:I a11w:s. p.2 FOR OfflCE USE ,9J'l,n Y_. , / PLAN CHECK Na.J:1}702 t:f ,T EST.VAL ~ :c:-~ 11-'. :~-/~ ......... T atal # oh.nts #of-............. Telephone# ·-+'OCXXI hawand'Ml lnatntalnac.lilcatad_..._lD....., b-worta,ls' ...... ,.. 7 ·-~bySedb,3700dtt.LaborCode. fi:rlte ~-r;1theWOO( for'WWctllhitparmll'lslssued. □ r have and •ma1n1a1n WIWMl"1:oa>,11j)Q a ,. • ..,.._. bySedkn3700of._laborCoda. 1Dra.paroa,,-.aceof1ha11110lkfor-'ictl till permit is ISsuad. My worker's cornpenmlQn lnsUQlllCB...-am polq,runberare: ........ ,.Cc,mpany _____________ .....,...., ___________ c._.. _______ _ CTHISSECllOH-., NOTBECOla'UEIEDD'DIE-■RIRONEIIIMR!DDCUARS(S100JORLESS) □ CERTIFICATE OF EW'i-.Ni: I cmtll'ylllt kl .... ,-bu.a_. d,_ \Dir: li:rwhlcl\ NI penrit it i!la.md. I 9hal mt ~_.,pman In anyrnmuw so as to tNw:ome~blheWorbra"Ca1,..aa 5 1t.a..ol0dltamla.. WARIING: ,._1o-.cur.......-w+a M ................................. ....,,,.. .. Clfmlml ............ cMl-wp•w........,u.ous.tel :;':'~:.. --;;;:~~~~~---..... ._.,...,._....,.,_,_~,... I IV-~--- ~0f!i. --· , . ::. e~§i -~_i§~,,~~ht'<l?ir~.~r0s~·-;..::::~~"·'.~--~i I ...,affim, that lam exempt Cclnba:fDr'sU.W. l.awbthtWcMil'lg l8ISDIC 0 t. as owner of tha PfflPll1r army..._,,.. 'MIii wages as hir sda w r '--all d tt. MIik --, the llrucbn Is rmt inlanded or o&,,ed b-sale (Sec. 7044, BU!lmaS8 and Pi r i • Code llm Cod:raclm's Ucanse ~--mt apply-man ...,dpripa,ty who bulds « Improves lhMDn. and who ct,-Sidi work limsaff or through his awn ernplo)w, JRMfld ltlll IUl:h inJCIC ualS n not fntBrded ar o&m-1 far.._ ll. hall!Nw, ._ tdlding « i.a.p1cua1111111l: ia add .nhh one )'Ur of ~ 1hfJ. CIIM» t Jlder"wll'--,_bulwlld~hltMclcfnct.tulldorbnpn1W'b-lha~alsale). C I, as CM.8'd 1he prq,edf, Bll'l ecuiiwlly cannt1JnO 1111h kenw1 ~ bcc.m.ut:1:h PffJieet {Sec. 7044. .,.._ and P f I • Cock The~• Lk:eriae law 1kJes IIDt allPfr lO an OMSol ...,,_.,..., l1ul:il Of~ lhen,an,. and contta:ls farach prcfedS .tll canl.YaClrll'(s} rlCIIIINICI .....-ilfD the Canlrac1ct'9 L-..Law), □ lam~underSedb'l __ -,-____ BclllneesandP. ( I •CodabtistllllSOn: 1. lpersonatlyplanloprvvlde1Mmajo,°taborancl ...... farconstn.c:lion~1heplapoNlel~ln4-1M1116iL □ YES ONO 2. I {haValhaverlDl)aJgned an1IJll)llcallmliratdrdlngpennttb._Pftlp058dwtl'k. 3. , ____ .,.,..-.,_(frm, .. _ ... ___ .....,,_, __ , __ _ 4. I plan to~ portlonia' oflhell'Dlt. but l hawa hhd bi follawlng:---■ bCl00l'Chll9. supeM9D and J:W'D'llde lhe majcrwork (lncll.Jde ratMt / addlaa / phone numbar I ------------------------------------s. lwlllprovjde&Uffl80fthe1101i,.butft....CONl'Klld(l'hct)thafoblifngPllnfflSIDprowicle-lbtNri:lntblllld(lnduclerwne/adlbss/phananumbef"/lypecfWOfk): PFIOPERTYOWNERSIGNATIJRE _______________________ DATE _________ _ WHITE: File YELLOW: Allllltanl PINK: Finance Feb 01 07 02:49p PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad CA 92008 Page 2 of 2 p.3 ~~ ... ~ ~m,~~\£'~%ti#~~;~~r~~i?:::~;~~:~'.cf;·)}~,(::'.;'/'.':·':,'.'.:,·,,··:;·· Is thit appflcant orfuttn bwding ~ ~ fD IUbllllt a lltdrlMI plan. acutaly trmdDas malarials niglatralion b-ar rish. 1,a. ... ..0.4:end ~ p,ogram under Seclions25505,25533or25534of118Prelllatf-T--Haraniu~Acco&nltd1 0 YES O NO Is ttteapplicantorfuuetddrng~ _,...tDcMlrrl•pmnitian ._llirpaltllananiddtslrlc:twalr~ a•,._•••t-dllldct'l D "iES a NO bthefaclltytobeanstn.dadllilhln1.000reetdlVJ:CUltbDtnlaryafamlOOlllf.t? a YES [J NO IF MY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES. A AMAL CERTAeA1E OF OCCIPNICY MAY IIOT BE ISSUED UNLESS TI£ M'PUCAN'I' HAS MET OR IS MEETING T1fE REQUJREMENTSOFTIEOfFNZO-REFGBICYS&UILESAND11EMIPOUU'IDIC0111ROLDIS1RICT. ~~J;~f&~M!i! ~..Ji.Q&iMP4Af™lM!&§j1a-~J§~-~ i'i~l~_;:::_.·:·~?-:·.-1heNbyafflnn1t1at1t11te1saconsi1m:&nlendingagefq'b-11a,..t..u=.wJ .. wttcr-.HcltMpann1a-.led(Sec.3097(1)avtCode). ~=~NAME _________________ LENDER'S~jiiiiGk@ffliiiei~~i,~,,:~~ir~E~0i"•~~~-~~·-\i~~~if;~~~i%~•~~~-~~--~ij~i-h~~~~~~·:=ij2~~~0 I car1lfy lhat I have lflf:lcl 1he applcalai'l..., _.,, lllt ,_ above lnbmallal ii a:nect and that tt. i'limnallon on lhe plans Is acctnl9. I llgl'N ID CClfflPV wfth all Ctv ""'lnenceo..SSlal!,laws,-.Uo,-.,-. ,....,_, ... www11a_.J .. CilydCafad0>-_,lho ___ lornspection purp088S. J ALSO AGREE 10 SAVE. NJEllllfY AND KEEP tlNN FSS llE CRY OF CA• MAD AGAINST AU. LIABII..ITU, JI.IJGEMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSESWtllCHUAYDIAll'tWAYACCRUEAGMISTUIDaJY■lCOI lllENCEDFntEGRM'DtGOF11USPERlll1'. OSHA: AnOSHApennttisraqadredb'aieca al •<ISVdeepanddemolllonor~dmansoriier3--.nhlliFt- EXPIRAllON: Ewry--blflholllM,-gOllldol __ ... _ofHsCods--blf-and-ldandwidflho_or_aulhorizad b>/ SLICh pamlt is JM rma:aced wllfm 180days irmthadd9dsuahperri.«f._ tuldinrJ•wadt...,. byaucfl pe,mitisSUlilf9w:led or abandoned at-, lime a1'18r ::=·::::-a(Jb7if ;;;p~~ DATE ;2 I I I D1 WHITE: Ale YELLOW: AolJllcant PINK: Finance City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 04/10/2007 Permit# CB070294 Title AGUIRRE RES REPLACE WTR HTR Description Type PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: Suite Location· 1175 TAMARACK AV Lot: 0 APPLICANT WATER HEATERS ONLY INC. Owner· AGUIRRE DONNA TRUST 04-15-05 Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 25 Water HeaterNents ff(} gcomments ~ Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments Inspector Assignment: Phone: 7602121344 Inspector: e---'--=--.,, Requested By: NA Entered By: CHRISTINE ~