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1241 TAMARACK AVE; ; 80-502; Permit
LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby alflrm that I am licensed under pro, slons of Chapter 9 (commencing with Sectlo, 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profe: slons Code, and my license is In full force and eI { feet. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 0 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Co, tractor's License Law for the following reaso, (Sec. 7031.5,Buslness and Professions Code), A, city or county which requires a permit to co, struct, alter, Improve, demolish, or repair a, structure, prior to its Issuance also requires th, applicant for such permit to file a signed stat, men! that he Is licensed pursuant to the pro, slons of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 , the Business and Professions Code) or that is e: empt therefrom and the basis for the alleged e: emption. Any violation of Section 703 t .5 by an aI pllcant for a permit subjects the applicant to civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollar, ($500). □ I, as owner of the property, or my employe, with wages as their sole compensation, will de the work, and the structure Is not Intended or ol fered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Profe: slons Code: The Contractor's License Law do, not apply to an owner of property who builds Improves thereon and who does such wo, himself or through his own employees. provided that such Improvements are not Intended or ol fered for sale. If, however, the building or lmprov, men! Is sold within one year of completion, th, owner-builder will have the burden of proving th, he did not build or improve for the purpose , sale). '.JI, as owner of the property, am excluslvely co1 tractlng with licensed contractors to constru, the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Profession, Code: The Contractor's License Law does not ap ply to an owner of property ••ho builds or Im proves thereon, and who contracts for such pro jects with a contractor(s) license pursuant to the contractor's License Law). I am exempt under Sec _____ B. & P.I for this reaso,~--------------Date Owner - WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affl,m that I have a certificate of co, sent to self-insure, or a certlflCllle of Worker: Compensation Insurance, of J ~rtj,,!led cop: ,. 1' ,y thereof (Sec. 3800, Labor Cod..., POLICY N0---------1--..-1---COMPANY ______ _,.__,..111-~~ - □Copy is filed with the city. ~1 u Certlfied copy Is hereby furnls~ed. .; ,, CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed If the pe, mlt Is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less). I certify that In the performance of the work to, which this pe,mlt Is Issued, I shall not employ an• person In any manner so as to become subject the Workers' Compensation Laws of Callfomla. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Ce, tlflcate of Exemption, you should become subjecl to the Workers' Compensation provisions of th, Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with sucl provisions or this pe,mlt shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there Is a construction le, ding agency for the performance of the work f, which this oermlt IA huuu:w1 ,~ '\OCll7 r.1v11 r__..,, fcP ·tJrl'_~-- ,.. \),~'., Jo;:~.J./r f I J' ~ ~°k::D~REsls I tR~T. IDAT~\ A\~ATION 8 US, LICENSE PERMIT NUJ,48ER ~o7.Po ~-I I I I I I I I I I I I ii.JU ~~!~.i:.. • OWNER., OWNER'S PHONE l~~ON;i}:;~,~ h i Tu<-fo --5fa a_, 7 /17 / 80 -m.o .. ~,IJ I oor ¼ tN~ l"'f;?x)( 1A..k~7 STATE LICENSE L/') L. • 'l M ~-84-/q ~MiiN',., . OWNER'S 1tfA1LING /ADDRESS f~ (). CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS I CONTRACTOR'S ~ I \al ~fA1\il~\', l t. ~f' , ~✓ k::>b-Jd. I \Cf4 TA.W\Av:~\.c Ave., PHONE ··A+ 711 .,3c;t-s -es:;-n ·~ BLOCK SU8DIVISIO~~y I ~OE~R'S PAR;iL NO. 1,t,ilf_,, ~e::~¼"~ /{., 1"Uo<{f<.\ "''=' STATE LICENSE I I /_,(bl . . DESCRIPTION OF" WORK ~~'"D DESIGNER'S ADDRESS DESIGNER'S PHONE \ ,~q ~v\,y.~v.~ l~~ 753~A CENSUS TRACT GP LAND USE ZONING I RES. UNITS I ;ARKING SPACE sf I NUMBER Of STORIES ,, Not V•lid Un"1ss MachiM c.rtifi«J 8 LDG SO, FT. BLDG USE occ. GP I STANDARD PLAN # I PLAN ID II I TYPE CONST I occ. LOAD I QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT AMT. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT AMT. ~DO-~/ /o EACH FIXTURE TRAP ,..;z,,,,. rr,g,,. / INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU fr.cJ-0 r{f ( ro I EACH BUILDING SEWER ~ / <--2! -' /.. _ ~ ~ OVER 100,000 BTU 1/, V'!t I EACH WATER HEATER ANO/OR VENT ~ BOILER/!mMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP f I EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS v.~ BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE BOILER/COMPRESSOR 16-30 HP ~ EACH INSTAL, ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE 4-.~ VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT VALUATION: &! f✓ 71,2 , / ~ 0 EACH LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM MECH EXHAUST -HOOO/OUCTS WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER BUILDING PERMIT I .~....:21 7, el{) Issue 3.00 Issue 3 •. oo SIGN PER~ S" -.:l 7. i'c I , I I I TOTAL PLUMBING ~,: ~ TOTAL MECHANICAL 3 rlJ PLAN CH~tf ?~ ~--'!;;[ l-?.701". ~, I /17.dlO / .-. CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR ALL INCLUSIYc ~ .. ~ I 1' . I TOTAL PLUMBING I ~I 6-o-'!2J QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT AMT. QTY. MOBILE HOME PERMIT AMT. L.217.~~-ELECTRICAL 1/(Pt) NEW CONST EA AMPISWT/BKR ~, .:i.c::-v-0 AWNING ~. MECHANICAL 1 /i~. alb 1 PH .25 3 PH PORCH / MOBILE HOME I I I EXIST BLOG EA AMP/SWT/BKR SET-UP _/ SOLAR I , I I I 1 PH .25 3 PH RAMADA, CABANA / I I I I REMODEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT FENCE OVER 6' / I . I I I TEMP POLE 200 AMPS TOTAL MOBILE HOM¥ MICO·FILM ! , I I I OVER 200 AMPS / I . I I : I TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYSI / ~'T'R()N(:: M()'T'T()N • I . I 1~.riK Issue 2 .. 00 .., I I I I . . TOTAL ELECT RI CAL .;2-)~ TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I .-31214..RP CONTRACTOR . I I SCHOOL FEES: I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION ANO PERMIT, ANO 00 'AN OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON IS TRUE ANO CORRECT ANO I s·-o·· OEEP ANO DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE IF A PERMIT IS ISSUED; TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUI LO ING CONSTRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. I.ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANO KEEP HARM-- ! ~ ~ ~ j::= ~ a. V) ~ STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ~ ~0.-rl'l,v ~, ;. ~ LESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO /"'\ EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAIC CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. APPLICANT'S 111GNATURE • C WNE~ CONTRACTO~ rpw~7-~ATE . t GEN D BY PHONE O 17-17 ~ y # ,4 ~ITE: PERMIT NO: ~ ~ 5:l)~ AD~ESS: -OWNER: l ' FIELD INSPECTION RECORD _, INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR'S NOTES WOOD FLOOR FOUNDATION• FORMS• SET BACK• TOILET •.-\ ';.. .-4 ~-' UNDER FLOOR PLUMBING ~ ~ -----, ,_ ----.. -.., UNDER FLOOR HEATING .. OK TO INSTALL SUB FLOOR --. -- SLAB FLOOR UNDER SLAB PLUMBING FOOTING• FORMS• SETBACK • TOILET OK TO POUR CONCRETE FRAME ROUGH ELECTRICAL . ROUGH PLUMBING ROUGH HEATING/VENTILATING t I - FRAME OK• PLACE INSULATION - INSULATION OK • PLACE WALLBOARD WALLBOARD OK• PLACE TAPE EXTERIOR LATH OK• PLACE STUCCO FIREPLACE \'., - DAMPER & STEEL ,. ' ' PLATE Tl Es/HEIGHT OF CHIMNEY -- OTHER TEMP POWER (POLE} ' SEWER GAS TEST SWIM POOL • STEEL BONDING ' - • PRE DECK • FENCE PREP LASTER SHOWN . FRAME • PAN ' F INAL INSP BY BLOG DEPT OTHER DEPT'S REQ COMPLETED -·• ELEC METER-PERM-TEMP - GAS rlETER-PERM-TEMP j ' CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED REQUEST FOR INSPECTION =:~: 1'~ 5~~--1 _____ DATE: BUILDING □ FOUNDATION 0 REINFORCING STEEL □ MASONRY 0 GROUT -GUNITE 0 FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME 0 SHEATHING 0 FRAME □ EXTERIOR LATH 0 INSULAT □ IN IOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING □ UNDERGROUND PLUMBING □ UNDERGROUND WATER 0 ROUGH PLUMBING 0 TOP OUT PLUMBING 0 SEWER AND PL/CO □ TUB OR OWER PAN 0 GAS EST 0 W ER HEATER 0, FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: ~· 0P.M. □TUESDAY ELECTRICAL □ TEMPORARY SERVICE □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ ROUGH ELECTRIC 0 POOL BONDING 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 CEILING HEAT MISCELLANEOUS 0 PLENUM AND DUCTS 0 COMBUSTION AIR □ PATIO ONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS REFER PIPING D FINAL □WEDNESDAY □THURSDAY □FRIDAY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS _________________________ _ REQUESTED BY µ&f;,~ PHONENO. ~ PERSON TAKING REPORT= a,l/ " /:-{. i7 ~ ~ ~v.,U~ ~ ✓✓ • ,,.,,.,,,,------· }. J. . l l l. ''.-«~-€-~_f--".~_,r;-,;.u~ • .:;-~ J -~1 f ¥::2:S"{' -' '":'·"· ~~',)t'·~ -;,~,~-j' ........ . ,,. . ' --.......... , .• . ~-. -... -_., ~ I ---~ ,: ·-• ~· t.., 'J( ~,~,/:-./4,A,~\,(\\P.,/' ~_A,1.:-_,_.;, 1,\/\1~\t-\~~.A -~f:,A,~1:tlJA1~A 1-~.l,.,J\Al ~-A~ . .,(;._t ·' ' ~-' l:.,./.\AA.1i.l,. ;-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ('"' • ~ ~ ,! • J rt t• f t ·j· t r "t l i) .. ......., _\. ~.-~ t ,. t;. \ 4 ,c nf /-1. ll \ t i !. t· 1 t ·n ;~ -p f 1 f ' . ... ~'>-.i... ~-• .. . .. ~ 4 ,. .... r'"T'\/ Or--,,_., I .• ~ .... ,..r· r C._, ·\ ,.~ t S" f., r) /J ,,:, r ~~ ''""''.. f.. - • ,1 'fa, r.--, •-~l io •- This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 / ~f.,~,: ·•-;:-,-1-1.\ /. ~. ,..:·~ ·-f."' ~ . , .. -' .r,. {>j' ~ .. ,_. -, Lt , 1' '•1 ·•' , r. l' ' .. -.,,.ll #"'1 .;; ' •"' / -·•' __ ? 1 "" ci..,;f;co,;ro Single Fmaily Dwelling Bldg. P,rn;, No. 8 0 -50 2 ~ Group ______ Typc Construotion ______ Firc Zone 3 Use Zone _____ _ of the Uniform Building Code certifies that at the time of issuance this structure complies with applicable ordinances of the City regulat ing building co nstruction use . " ~~-,.. ------;,· ;;_-.... >- >; . ~--.. :a.-~,.,._ ~~- )-_;> }> ~ ~~ ,.. -~:,.. t> ;;:-- :;;> .-,.. ~- ~,:,. ,: ... ~ Occupant Load , ~ . . Thompson/Worthing . p O B · 1041 c 1 b d CA --Owner of Burld,n11 • Ad-dress • • OX ____.__, a T S a , . _ ~ 8 .1d. Add ' 1241 Tamarack L 1. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 ~ u, 1ng ress--..,....:.-----.-----~......__..__ oco 1ty_-rl'--------~~------~ t-~ . -~-" ,;:,,,)' /4 ~~-.,. /4 ~~ ~ ___________________ \__:,,,...i~---+----,'-------------~ ~ ~ NOTE: Alterations, changes, addi!ions or chcri;~s of occvflancy nvllifi,'s. this certificott1. ~\V_TW!\\'/\V/ \'I/W/\_-'.•,~tr: •• VJ"\\'1',;ff'.' "'\'{f'.vTl.\'-'\v1"'~•rw -,,.·-.11\'.f,'\V,r,yr;;:;~''''F\Vl'V! ,, , \•/' . '\'/:'/.'.."\ -'" .'f\','1;'-'f\'-("': ' , ••. ,~ .,,. \ V V y V V V '</ V \ <,./ V ., '-V / V " \' \1 'I V V ·_.! V .... , V /1 ✓ \/I'( \I \.. V 'f ,_., ~> i • •. v_, ~--~'\\n·•·,,_., '·""" l I " __ ,_,. ... l d•tW: _►..w~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM CITY OF CARLSBAD SE 11 BUILDING DEPT. ENGINEER ING DEPARTMENT 729-1181 EXT. 35 . j/ t'_ ISSUED BY FOR APPLICANT TO Fl LL IN 7 • I 7 DATE ISSUED . BUILDING .-! \/ I ADDRESS I At11\k /.1 c 4:..... VALIDATION OWNER I ~ i I MAILING ADDRESS LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION CONTRACTOR STANDARD 4 .. (Max. H. 30', V . 1CY) I OVER 30• H. @ FT. CONTRACTOR'S OVER HY V . @ FT. ADDRESS STANDARD 6 .. (Max. H. 30', V. HY) OVER 30' H. @ FT. NEW BUI LDING \..--"""""" I EXISTING BUILDING I OVER 10' V. @ FT. LEGAL DESCRIPTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST ~ ( -4 SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) T OTAL LATERAL CHARGE REMARKS: LINE COST DATA •NEW BlilLDING·: Expires with" Building Permit or, if none, in 120 days ASSESSMENT DIST. NO. EXISTING BUILDING: Expires 120 FRONTAGE COST PER FT. TOTAL days from date of issuance'' OTHER LATERAL LOCATION CONNECTION FEE ...: I I ...: Cl) C/l NO. UNITS I COST PER UNIT TOTAL r rl'\ /~ PUMP STATION FEES \...~ \..l/ NO. UNITS COST PER UNIT TOTAL I I ST. --;;;, TOTAL CHARGES (LATERAL ETC.) /(?':}[) ~ LATERAL NO. INSTALLATION DATE \ --~--.. ·· ( CITY OF CARLSBAD 03923 ENGINEERING DEPARTMEN_T r ~ (JJ , . 438 SiH ,ji.3?__;_;,..u:' rt,·-~:; I -, J . PERMIT FOR WORK ON CITY RIGH Of•~ WA.YJ4 I J • J , ' BUILDING :::;:Aa:::D~D:.:.;Rc::E::SS:::__~=:..l.-.,_..L!.~.:......;....:...-=-__;_~~::,,.._-----1 VALIDATION STAMP STARTING DATE EST. DATE OF COMPLETION I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appllcatlon and state that the Information given Is correct. I agree to comply with all appllcable City Ordinances and State Laws and with the requirements of this permit. lO 2.°? SIGNATURE 0 PERMITTEE --~,}l-~4..Y~~z..._:::::::::..~r------f ADDRESS AUTHORIZED AGENT ENDORSEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I have examined this application and have found that It complles with all requirements of the Carlsbad e Ir mental protection ordi/~l3 )f'J PERMITTEE CALL CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FOR INSPECTIONS CHECKED BELOW: 24 Hours Notice Required. D EXCAVATION r:fFORMS D BACKFILL D PAVEMENT 0 PRIOR TO BACKFILL D PRIOR TO CURB CUT DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS INSPECTOR (Al ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS OF CITY OF CARLSBAD ST ANDAROS, PLANS AND A.P.W.A. SPECIFICATIONS. (B) INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFIC MUST BE Kl]'TTO A MINIMUM. (C) PERMIT EXPIRES SIX (6) MONTHS FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE UNLESS EXTENDED BY CITY ENGINEER. (0) OTHER PERMIT FEE INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE TOTAL $ APPROVAL FOR RELEASE DATE COPIES: BLUE-OFFICE YELLOW-INSPECTOR GREEN-FINANCE PINK-PERMITTEE MANILA CARD MUST BE POSTED ON JOB INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATERECEIVED #• BUILDING ADDRESS: I ·~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,./, ZONE ________ LOT SI ZE_7_l/___;_f_O __ f ___ LOT WI DTH _ __.7.__t?_/ ____ _ UNITS ALLOWED ___________ UNITS PROVIDED ___ ~'--------- PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 2-PROVIDED ___ ,_-,-_____ _ % COVERAGE ALLOWED U 7~ PROVIDED ~/-~_~_J""--_f,_f_4M_-----=--Y._'/J_f_~_ EUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED ---~-=-.>:..._.,. _____ PROVIDED _11 ___ ~ ___ J_S __ 7 __ FRONT SETBACK: SIDE SETBACK: REAR SETBACK: ALLOWED OI( 0,1( PROVIDED ------- INTRUSIONS LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: -~----------------------------------. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: SCHOOL FEES: $ ------------------~~---~--~-j~~-~-~~-_-]-~-~-~-=-]-~-~-~-]-~-~~E-~-~~-G-c;-~~~-~-,-'.:-~-~~-~-~-~-A DD IT I ON AL COMMENTS: ~Y?f'/ '7 '1 ~ ~,r p • F. FEES: I $ Pl ~1-~,---n,;~:--:=-;-;r;-~'Y, ·~~ ______ .:.,._ _ ___;~...:....:::...:__--=-...c~._Jl:-~....:....J,:......:..:...l-..!!:..___:__.s,c....,,Ll.----l--~~,A--~~,:_:__-;,e...:.._g.-- K TO ISSUE: ?J/. 0 -l--8a '-'-~~- lNGINEERING DEPARTMENT /.JJ,;J_ JZI S-: F •/) • Fu7111'<£ ~-"· 4,~~,,.,p,11 f .3 I iii 1111 AIDITIONAL CO P. F. FEES: FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ SPRI!l'KLING SYSTEM ___________ FIRE PROT UIP. ______ _ FlRE ALARJ\1S EXITS __ -4-------1,~-2..------------ FIRE HYDRANTS __________ LOCATION ____ ------\----1--------------- AllDITIONAL COMMENTS ___________________________ _ lK TO ISSUE: _____ DATE _______ OK TO FINAL ______ DATE ____ _ wA1'ER DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS OF APPROPRIAT~ DIS,RICTS MET ________ DATE _______ _ J Ii I il' r{' l~ ~ (i ~-~-· BN FORM 116 BIA FORM 1486 INSULATION CERTIFICATION This is to certify that, in confomiance with the current energy regulations (California Adminis- trative Code, Titfe 25, State of California*) and approved plans, insulation has been installed in the building located at: . l.a 1~1 s bad San Die ··o cu, 12Ai ~ A'.)'Av-n-.c=-k..;....,,...Aa:.:cv..;;;..e __ (tic .... 1'-,,.l<.,f./1~W ........ _ Strwe Ne. (If AllilaMel S-> 2 Trwct Ne. DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATION IOOfS Type of Materia._ ________ Manufacturer ________ Thicknes,~--R Value .. __ _ (Or T-N1-i EXTDIOI WAW .r'i b ~r l as~ Jo ms:!-anv ill'3 -.;... 11 Type of Materia Manufacturen Thickness .) 2 · R Value .. _ (Ory,..,. .... CIIUNGS IAffl: L~i be:r. l a '3c U.. f ct J clU1f"11 unv ill l"ll-1 JO Type of Materiaa.l _________ .-nu a urer ________ Thickne~s J "' R Value .. __ fJ)O (0, T,_ Nwl Sq. Fl Cover-«l'----- ILOWN: Type of Materia.__· ________ Manufacturer ________ ..fhickne .... u..._ __ No. Bap <Orr.-,., ... Wl/8,a1.,__ __ Sq. Fl Coffll!lj.._ ___ R Value••__.___ FlOOIS Type of Materia._ ________ Manufacturer ________ Thicknes..___ __ R Value••-- <Or y,_. 11-, sua ON GUDI Type of Mater .. ·.__ ________ Manufacturer__._ _______ Thicknes;o,_ __ R Value••--· (Or T,_ Nw1 Width of Insulation Inches FOUNDATION WAW (If required) Type of Materia11 _________ Manufacturer ________ Thicknes..___ __ R Value .. __ (Orr,... 11,-i RIMARKS (If desired)- l0o,d K1,\) 6,,.. LJc , License Number_'3fl:.a..L.::ZE=c..itt:l--l------ ~~..L.l....:~~~---n~=@ J~· Ditta 1/Jq(GtJ ( ·c.u,-;e ..... ,.,.,, ....... c-. !• .. Y ,.,., .... s-. •eel-• "c-.tl-. U-ceM■lotlM el ,.,_ ;., .. lletlM 9' 1-lett..,, • - cwtffyi11t9 ...... htw,eflMI Ml~ i ...... a.4 Ill ce,tfw IACI wittli f'M •-i-" -,...,eH-_, lie ......... ---"" ,.,_ ;.,..,ett.., _,_ -lty !tie lMll<ler. TM, 1-etl• _ _.,_ en ...... lie,-et e <--'-,_._ ..... , .. !lte -11119.") 1••1 VolM it tM ... ,.,... el tk rN,,__ el• ....... w IMN141AII cN1..-...t te tM "' .... M heal. TM Nii•,.._ •tHN (II el._., . ..,._ ifl14111ffl41fll ...... "9t fftdMe ..., ••·-fw ,.fleclf¥e '-itte.) Oat._ _________ _ EXOIP'f !NM Sec. 1917, el the "-IHI -S.,_,, C.. of Nie Slot• ., c.1,-;., ''Ne certtflcete .f MC111..-C, « 1ifltifff catfflcwtf• t'flet • fl .. l., < ... • tfNCtN ~. ...... ......... ... .. , h.-. ., ...., ,..,~., 4welli119 It llelti .... le ,kit lie ltt-~y 1udt • ltull41•t __,.,..,, ........ .... lfflfCt'W'e at ,.... ••thfiM ttle Milli••· ....,.., intuleN ... ,......,.., ",. .. ,, ..... ._,...,.. te ..... di••-· .. . Form 116 ~ BUILDING NEWS. INC., 3055 Over1and Ave .. Los Angeles. Calif. 90034-12131 870.9871 · Form 14~ BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA, INC., 1571 Beverly Blvd., Los Anrefts, Calif. 9002~2131 625-5771 ·. ,,. - ....,. , ' :'I,. :,;,;:,A\. ~ ... 11_.~ 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Building Depart ment TELEPHONE: (114) 'l28-118 I .. :-.· ,-, .. .... Q <[itp of <!Car!sbab RESID.EtIT..IB.LENERGY ]ES IGN CERTJFICATIQcl Permi t No. -------- !~sue Date. --------.-- CERTIFICATE .OF .CCT·1~LINJCE WI.lli ENU,GY COJ:!SERV~IION -DESI.GU REQUIREJr1ENTS CONTA INED IN ART IUE L PART 6~ TITLE 24~ C!~IFORNIA !-\1T1. CODE I, /8@J.ch t ·1D?<-\-i'l1~ here by certify that I am fami 1 i a r with the sta te e nergy ,conslrvati on standards mandated in CAC Titl e 24, Secti o n T20-1 40l through T20~1 406 , a nd th a t the · plans and o ther .documen ts ~bmi.tted in s upport o f the app_1·i cat ion .·_ for a buil ding P,ermit atzJ _ IZ.4l ~~~ l&te · Address · '"::"""-11Jo~,I/Jti).---=--l(o~·--,.,---, . Assessor's Parcel No . t Dated comply with. all current re uireme nts of t he se r eg ul a ti ons. :Signature I --~'---'---,;:...J..l'---,~;;__----. _______________ .... . State Li cens e or Certificate No. --------------- Date ~ {f2f;/@ Submit to the Building Department with pennit application . Form 78-101 ' l l i I ,, I) J 1 "" CeJ~ I'- I'- ' ' I I "' I I I"' I I I I ---rs.: I ..._ .._ I-..__ --I I -1/ ;--I I I ..._ ~/ 1_[;) 7 \:::.1 • I I I 11 17 -,-'I, I i,. ', 1;44. I/ I '\ I/ J ~~ ~ ' \A 1, 2.!.o"' A-fAY. SEc "OilTLtcr;aR. c M1NAIL. OL/TL00~1 T~-8L,e" 7i'IIZ TOP Cl-b£0 (w/:i-"t-d -tud ::.>-ltt;d✓ t __ ffl===: i r==rl ~ ~v.4-~IZ/Jy(,,:J '· lJ OIITLOOKEe5 FA~IA ~ (a) .!1 t:Z "O.C. , FIRST6TD 7)?(./'$~ T)"r? lt?UT LOl?KeR: LONN'EC7ION5 /t;.d@/l3"o.c. '2>f4 /ZATE Fl'.A:>71:'2 0/Z De Y:: W'A LL. CV, Nd!L~O /1;,e. .tll3C 4.45L~ ~»D A'5~6L'( ·1~d(i) l8"t:J,C, ~-~'1(4 r~?M~ '2Y:451l/O~ @/~11P,C. I rtP. c,,4.BLE e.VD ctl/llJ.lr-CT/0/..l"S A-5=:-eM8L Y · d~ 4-ll~O-lx4.~ RATc tveA -~,1./,0 11.)I _I ,~.j -ryr:,. 572/0 ~r.1A/ec77pAJ a,t& ✓1,orJ, e,1e"'-., 1 0' I I ~ Jf-', • 'ovs:._ Alo~/ ri7tZ ALU7w'4&,e 0//EEHMC~ see ;OVe/Z#AA/4'_ r~1 r41 w.esTe~1 L.ae, r,ell-½,,;l!:!>e>a.K... .:S#J!!'IT A/'1, ~' DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: ThisdeSlg,'1 i, W'1 aecordance w11h: "~t'5lgn Cr11eri, tor Trus'Sed Rahus", fHA G 4$4 I.IA .. Tht Ou19" Sc,.tcthy1ions...fo, light Mtl~ PIJH Conn«1ed Wood Trussrs", TPI, 1910 ·•Nai,onal Otsi~ Specitica1,on1 f Of S1f~u Grade lumber And Its F.ntcmng,,", NFPA, 1971 LUMBB SPECIFICATIONS: LOADING: ,tt ,, 0~ -~ ..........__ ' 'r ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ '\) :-1 ,_;~) ~ A~ £,"1? · 1¢.~ c,1~::be'¢ ,,r 51'°· ;. -;J,f!ecl "t' ,ii ~":/j_ dl,.e ;e,1-re"-'»' 15 "'11'"~" ,c,, ;1£1! L M ,,r,""' 5 -" ~ ,:;_' ~ 6µAll Gt! 1 ~JS~ 5,P, ,,ell?'?' , ;11AX', O//.eJZIIA,<Jt;, rt?£ ovr .Wc:7k.E £7> LB.e, OR.. QcS/~N LCJA0..5 ;Vo.-2 1----...----r---""T"----r----1 Or. t., -::Z(p,PS,F 30P.5F .3(,Psr 4-0Psr 44-PSr Q'l<4 "J'y: {,p 1 ~ q0J:I 1!..851..t l 1 '--'71/e I 1'-v ¼: 2~a-¼'.'I 11-11~•1 1!..10-¾t l 1'-t?o/;;' I .J:: '7/. /I /--;., I~ /!.8¾" c;A&c eA/P ~/tfe,L. Y TOl)Cho,d· 71) MA_Ef:{:$7Z?i. ID/½ Top Cho•• :;:: : ::: ...... a..,, :;:: = ----;;; l-GANG-NAll:1 -· l<P,Di!: l_,,,,....~"". UP J7;J 82.11 J/IC,H ~.,P,64,e,. ~p P"'24JV/PCj ----~~ BouomC-d: L/2_ MA7-Z:/I ~ Z&t/2_~ :;1i~Iii'4:z_tfrc; '% ~-~==-...... :>paced 24" o.c. ~{/ !}$:.9~0. Wooc 2:{_2,lv'e_~ tlro.i1lpi_t1{'{l~4{)i_ ·:::~::::::~~~!ff : ~ WESTERN LUMBER CO.- . t.~4 mtlo ~at:M/J,'l'J.-J '-'fTjo~ c.,..,,., •• ,,> -~ATIOt4Al CITY. CALIF. PH. 474-3341 __ ..,, ______ _ 0.cAW/4/q ,v,?. c;e:2.1-ai -----------------·-·----- . .,,. "-- nt!'U~fiil> ~ :24" t7, C, ~It ..e!to, ~ eeA C//../q ~ c?A.e.t.e 8./D u:1 u · !5r4R.e 9.d:'.'~: ,, Pf7We£-L/-Vc" !2'1LO</~ w/~¼.., ~N'. -/~ 4. (1ce.<? N (), ~) 4'A81..L-e -1/0 co1<1,v1.ecn~..v. '-' . llom5 / I,_ TOP~ L30Tn7M c.ltt:Je.o O.F T.li!l/6-6 70 ,._,,ATC-H !5"TAv'OA/ZO T,li?L/9.S,eS e,e,I-//A/0, -:2. -PeA.t::,, .llc~L ~ ~ ✓PA/T 5'UIU 6E /Z4TE /OeM'77C.AL AG STP. r.ev:5-6.eG. 3,-f(/#e,</ "l/~Sn/~~ /6 OYe.€ 72.''LOA/~~ L./6,e ON!:IP-"2x.-3,q /ZAJ'Z: /..V.5Te4o o,ic= ''.A7WE.L-Ullc' 5~, 4._ !VO TC,,l/S s (ii) uABL.c ellO ,/,& £..£RV/ 2£0, .5.l-l4L./. ,15e° .,,,:/.e!~-,'-('4L:)_e .!3..,,. ~I~ CoN7,eA.::.,,V,e. ~-.AL.L. ~C/A/4, ~,Vq_, REC2U/£e.0, ro ~c ,;v~.-v/~J!!"o..; /A/,Pt1~0 e...., c,;eM-'L u,-vr.e. 'f ,o 1.-.._ . l ( /. 'I< 4-CA TJ</,4 LI( ~T6MOWN' rcX ~~IT'Y) '''''"''''•• .... ----'~ioF ESSto,t.''•,, .. .. ~'-:) ····••.. ~{ ,,, :~ ,,••Zr-.W RE,t"• .. ~',, =~ .. ~ C'<"\ ~~ =~ .. ~ ✓'., -z.~ :1..u :co O \ r,'\~ .. a:MO 98 :z• ,.., .. :: l cc: . 49 . ~ : ::o :: ~ ,,,. ✓--,·· "'i = -A...~➔-= •• ••• t; Af I \. ,,,/ ~ .:-: /( :J. ...... ~~ , .... I OF CAU~I.) ,..,,, ... 111117;;/73 1-4111,,,..a.UL M~I.DWUJ HHUltd lMS· U•1~1,0_th l-.t J ,11tO• Ll••l-•U Sc• ltlU h•••Uh '-•~--.--,,,,,.,,, it•r••• :olo. 11:• tilUQ: irLclf1L•111r., n h ..... 1 .. u ., .u.,.,,.,, """· I . 11 ~'"" 0 .. 1,n Spirtllnu ,,n, '"'' \.t11\1 'h t1I fhlt' CnOlfllflt4 ,._, 1, ...... ,. 111, l't1f'I. ~paced 24 o.c. _o.:u 1o~•I 0,,111n Sp , lllrttlor,, lor ~l ritu t r~J ~_l_~~~_!_•____!_!•U~•1"~~f_t~. 11,',, STD, qA8L~ eN'O TRJl&S "•"•f~d 1117 A .. 1-.1H t ull41"1 Co•,o•••U. IN:., lte• 1•l••fttu• •h•I IIIWil .. •t• er ••t•••• A!n. A44f,,~t 1 l ltl••U Su•,..lh • 641.llOft 111 """ s«,....,.,... • u.oor. ,,, II•••• -•l .._, 11'1t 1t1htt'f14 C.."-&•'f•II U ICir .,.,\,. LUKBER SPECIFICATIONS To.t>.. Chord: 70M..4Tc.H 6TD 7".EII~~~ ""'" Bot tom Cho rd : LU4.Dl!tt· 1e, , .... , .. ····-, .... ,. 1, ,.,1 !--,~ 5'4M~ A. Ll ut. LL .. , ,,, -SPA..V6 7l1 M4Tt:H ero, 7X?t/~ . ~tlP £'£.4W/N'4 WESTERN LUMBER CO. CQ~. 'P~O :: ':.!::~-;~.:!·:: ;!.~!:'~ -H tlll ..... , Jot.... I-:=======:..------------:,,:-----~ All.OWAILl 'sflLU l!ir ,u.Sl; ® ), ....... ''"" .,... ..... 11, -Joh,,...... w b -:Z,c3 /.IP 3 J:),t: t/P ro C,8~N'q ..... , ••.. , t .. , t_,.. . -i( t l ....... , .. , ,..,.,-, .. .,_, ....... ,. e s: 1 ~11 , ,;.,i. ·J C .1 aUTOMaT110 ■U1\....DWe car,rDNaN'T'9. we . ....... '--hwlh. ---2 ~4 No, 3 OF UP ro "'I-;;, L./)N~ hpUIU•• N.-u v.,... •_J~T. ,..._GANG ........... , ...... JU. , ••• ,OI CAUi. ro-o.no . LQIIC:IIOII ... . '· :::.:;·::·.~!Jt1!:~':!.!!:~-:, 7Ll!!~ltl WITNfXIT ~IM'°f (le, .at!AC.A'~ , •• _. ... , .... ,, 11'.J'S& lvt'<". '°""" ... MullC. MlllaOUNII. AUa1MIO I J I 0811VIJ'IL LIJI LflllC tn 4{MJ:II IQeA,cttJ, NP. q-,ca?(7.2/ I . DESIGN SPEClflCA TIONS, This design i.s In occordonce with, ; "Design Criteria for Trussed Rafters", FHA G .(541.lA ~ , "The Oe1ign Specifications For light Metal Plate Connected 1 Wood Truues", TPI, 1970 1: 1; "Notional Design Specifications For Streu Grode lumber And Its fastenings", NFPA, 1971 CM, ... ..,... .. .,.. G.A.NG-N.AIL HAIOWAU SPICIFICATIONS: 80CA -RA-71-8 SPECIES DF-l HEM-FIR FHA -14.01 GN 20 13"/.vA11, :UJ"-/;.1,i11. ICBO -1329 SBCC -7204 GN 80 Manufactured by Automated Bv,ld1ng Components, Inc., from galvanized steel that meets or exceeds ASTM A446.67. Ultimate Strength • 48,000 psi. Yield Strength • 33,000 psi. Plates must bear the registered Gong-Noil;t trademark. I, The manufacturer is not responsible for loo_ds applied to trusses · when the trusses ore not plumb and vertical. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses plumb and for resisting · lateral forces shall be de119ned ond instolled by others. No loods ore to be opplied to trusses until ofter all bracing ond fastenings ore completed. At no time shall concentrated loads, g,eafer than design foods. b■ applied to trusses. All lateral bracing specified hereon ,s for bracing elements of individual truss membe,s only. l?JL• /~L• ~ l;JL.6 /1.;,L# I C d i l/.5L" ~II, 2~ ei 8 I _. ~ 1-1 ~ ~ L. IIJL.1 /Z,3t.l..• L' LOAD DIA c,/ljV','f -E-+=::.;,,....:::::___...:::::,-.,j z fl © I uu2o-/,tfyf1.,t3 :]'1 ~ ' ~ Foece 01A~£AM MAX. S,ANS ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASE, lUMIU GU.DIS TOP CHORD IOT. CHORD Durorion of load lvmber = ~ % ?x6 No. 1 DF-L Nails = . .-E.L 1. 2x6 <No. 2 DF-l Repetitive Member Value = _LL_% !bending only) 7x4 No. I Df.l 241-0" 2"-'-o • LOADING, 2x4 Jo. 2 DF-l 24-'-O" 2,4!(7" Top Chord LL = /{, psi 2x4 s. ~-HEM-flR 24'-tr 24'-0" DL = /0 psi Bottom Chord LL =---WEBS, • 2x3 or 2x4 No. 3 DF·L to 2 4 '-0" DL = 10 p,f WESS, 2',cJ or 2x4 No. 3 HEM-FIR to 24 '.. O' Total load Tl = JU, psf f~ N~ Dl'.L IJI/Hhl. i ... _.I.,, @ a/./120-a,4-,P :20:e," 1p.'..o" 1-----------l (jA/::lO-;Jd,.,P, ;!,f-!I)' 24-!o' OA/!2l7-4-•4-.f; 2,l-~O' 24-'../J' @1C,,l./20-4x -4.6 I !-@ D--fl-p ~~l .... __.J t t --LT-l -} ~-------1@1 C/,<./,20. £'1>''1 @ I c,,,1./zo-,:;~7, <1 s YM J;l!MUT"' PNU-G!!> Nt:7/1!!0 I . /A\ I• Al"Peox 10:; -Z-/4 I @!o~@ @~-- 1 ,1~ ~='/+ i L/2-= /~ .!. O" M4x'. l ,,,~- e '?-..uHs~7u" :::,\) / ~✓, -.., ,, \\. Htn ' ~ q~ t ' 1~;1~:i--t. r") 1.-1 •• ')l ~ j 'f-l.p-7f -. L1-,JL .J:,>-.' ,, ·:I[ oj ~h\\' ....... -_,_,,,.,,··' SHOP FOR PLATE LOCATION -t ONL y SEE DRAWING NO 4P-4/tl0 I" I GANG-NAIL" U U STAHDAllD TRUSS = SUIES ..5TO ✓~ue.e,,</11 7/4?d.S5 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS, Top Chord, 2 K4 llP, :2 o;:;z Bottom Chord, 2 JC 4 PP. 2 O,;::L. Webs,!2r3 0/l. '2x4 NP. :3 OrL ll_,. TO 2~'-0' ~,PAN Spoced 24" O.C. WESTERN LUMBER DRAWING NO. 4(l/./40IOO A DIVISION OF IOISE CASCADE CORPORATION PAC:< NATIONAL CITY, CALIF. PHONE 474-3341 We8 MeM8e.es CRECJ:: /4 ~~x-4 11.: _ !::..::!3:.., ~ ✓ 50.0 ~~.c-. n,pc-~ .· ~\~i)bs1oJ· W= Lx :Zx4,) 'd -,.-, -...... l"'Q,iL ~. 5,gt:,' e • /,'/XII?(, 8{).0 rEN'SIQ/1/ ~\) ---'-11 ~ 7 .. ,~ /~\\-He,;c: <' ·, R =-"'½_ P£01//0e £AT=-4£ 8.f!AC/NG, ,.::::_] .,,, t, I'/ ,,. ¼ #(X/:2 /4) ,M/O-PO,-vr ~ W~6 r1 ~~-{,,~,. ?~ c~ \ fJ =--="20.0C/= !i().t) .M"eM-c!!le~ As /,</0 /CATeO t <, I al= 3t,,Pf3r -8.t=LOK/ (ye.,,) :x: No. 18.251 . . ~-~ 'f-,o-7'/ e"" /, t; " /o c, A= 3,7>-){.. CIVIL . 1 W= lQL:: 172/3 "' t le, o.3 xe ~ J't, / I o.3e Au,,w (~/,/)2. . 1![ ('\.~~ . OF " . R= -31,L =-g~4~ ,4U4w ('fd )2 /-4, p 2 I.Z( Fa.= AFa. lc'=1-2c,4 r1:51 Wee, l/d LAT r4, p '2 /.2? Ah t:&e .e.eav MA. R.r=3t-L-11.-'fL=-24-."fL I c=77.4-(2L= 1s5&# Ir= 7:MJL =nt.4-,e th. -16.0 ,✓c 21~ !i04-418 2 )t'~ ~ .,£),t: t.. TCJP C= 1858 A= 6-2~ ..s-= :3. or, rc = /17170 1"1.: /~5t7 11/=5-?Ptf'=-:z/~ ~o.o J, 47> ~62 ~Z2-1 .1-l. ChtJRD M =-a/L:rA::: = ?~ "5".?C,z.,t/.!7 = 2#/,r~ !If' tu/ •b'' lb /YI '2.411 -tJ.478 ;2x4 ---rb SFb -5't74-C/ ,✓o'2 C..W4-N'AIL. U' M (,i} .J( /,,_ C 185°8 IJ354 ,'ZAT.t:::$ '2() :73 -/t<//11/.. ,"'.._ = -= t?rZ aer MSR. L0-40 NA/L rZATe ,e-,,;,,::; NeT Ara. 172-SO [J 1?2 ~/.2~ ~b .S✓Zc N.4/LS ..SCCJ'NlA/ -., 1/f:"cL 1658 4-3 ~h4.f '77 T= /7{,4-A::a 5.27 ..::5:r. ?},01, 7 BOT. r, = G5o r6 = ;t,!(;o J,Us::Jt)/7£,C 4 ;:~'1K, /35(,, 19 4x4,-.( 2(, CIIORO M=-"1L2K= ::10-tt/47/z.-,.l,5= 4114-111/: -(///w/ It? 8~ht'F l7t,,4-3/ ,t;x"J,1 to . l-1 lb M -fl/4-:::a81? -:2x4 .,J, Z/3 55;;1 lo .; 217 --= = rb Srb ;P°P4"'/ if 1/z 504· s /.S ,t 2, fJ /2 /11. T 17(,,4 /J,¥jf 1tlo'2. ra. = Ara--= #{,4-/. 210 ~12!5 !/;CL 8Y~ WESTERN LUMBER cooe: DE~..e/PT,'O,v ,: F/~I /Vt,. t14 ?A/41 -24!..0" 7/'l'J,.<./ i) -:2 ..--/ // r ,,✓, c: 4a;.J4tJ lt?tJ D"lre: @ a Boise Cascade Division <1/18 NATIONAL CITY. CALIF. a✓ 3?' 1.::-15;= .sNll!T -<.ta ,e.ev: PH. 474-3341 MY OANO-NAIC {}j,y(j(l n.-,.., .. a1uu .. :·• DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, This design i_s In accordonce with: "Design Criteria for Trussed Railers", FHA G 4541.1 A , "The Design Specifications Fo, light Metal Plate Connected Wood Truue,", TPI, 1970 1 "Notional Oe1ign Specifications For Streu Grode Lumber And Its Fastenings", NFPA, 1971 c.., ••~"•I Ne. OANC-NAIL HAIIOWAU s.ncu:1cA.T10NS: f I l I t , W/ Ori-I w/4,;. BOCA -RA-71-8 FHA -14.01 IC80 -1329 I SBCC -7204 SPECIES Df-L GN 20 734hlAIL GN 80 HEM-FIR 1C9//A11.. 0 1 /'$/./::LO-3X&,$ 1@16//:20-3Kt'.,R I@ V#:20-3)Cq 3,f':.JpA ,3,J':.3' v,.;a,o.,f.,.7.1, u~~ ::,3'-1,,• o,va.,. 4-r.l..8 y,,.'-f! ~f,!o' Manufactured by Automated Building Components, Inc., from galvanized steel that meets or exceeds ASTM A-446.67. Ultimate Strength • 48,000 psi. Yield Strength -33,000 psi. Plates must bear the registered Gong-Noil-8 trademark. The manufacturer is not responsible for loads applied to trusses when the trusses ore not plumb and vertical. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses plumb and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and instolled by others. No loods ore to be opplied Jo trusses until ofter all bracing and fastenings ore completed. At no time shall concentrated loads. greater than design loads, be applied to trusses. All lateral btocing specified hereon is for bracing elements of individual truss members only. · @1 t/.</2.Q-J.~.,,2.s I B."' . .6 4~• 4~• . 1.,~,· I II"-'" I =-~ ii . t,"L' • "z1~l ~ L' LCJ.40 0/AuEAM ,3 t, t\/ C ~ '-I J. ~ /(. I ,FOR££ 0//14'£/1.M LUMIH GU.OU MA'll. s, ... Hs Tor CHOiD ,.-IOf cHOAO AllOWABLE STRESS INCREASE, Ourofion of load lumber 2x6 No. DF-l Nails Reper.rive Member Vulue ,-;;; -----1 (bending only) 2x4 'No. ~-_Df.l f'~-_t!,• 3~'-8" LOADlflG, .2x-4 No. 2 DF-l 3t. /_8• 3::Z ~(J" Top Chord 2•4 5. S. HEM-F;-----3~ ,_ g ;, 3.5 io11 '2x6 No. 2 DF-l LL DL LL Bottom Chord AP.¥,!JX L/3 z~ '!. 2T'/. Jj •4 I(, psf JD psi ~~BS, •• M or 2,~--~;;-3DF-l ~o--3~_ '-,!J ,; ___ _ WEBS,• 2x3 or 2x4 No. 3 HEM-FIR lo lotul load DL = /0 p,f T l ---;---3(,,--p,i @ I I©~ t'/u2o-;n<1 l/"i/4 &Al:20,/.~ ><:2. S q · ,PJZ • v!!.. / 4'#:2.o-4.,,7_4 it/.</Qo. :71'11;./ .5YM. I A8DllT se' t:./N',f..E:1'~ I A/07.eO .@i APP..et7X' '.2 !o~ ~ L/"' _r-;-,)r . I ' ~ '· ~\;) ·i!'-: "" -~ ri~ .;,· 1:;! ~~ ~ /~ t4 AIVO ~ #l (i,Ne. [,,,..,,l@ A/>1".eo x' SHOP ONLY C4teee = %/ FOR PLATE LOCATION SEE DRAWING N04P-441.Jo LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS, Top Chord, ~ >" 4-,</p, :2. Z)r/_ Bottom Chord, ;;l >t'4-N'P, / O,FL Web,, ::z.,,3 DL. '2><4 NP, 3 t),&L, L/i3 L/2 = //3 :_4" I" I GANG-NAIL· LI U STANDARD TRUSS ~ SERIES ..:5TO, 11rA/J" TRL.l~,,S .V,P To -3? ~8 '' ..S.PA/J Spaced 24" O.C. WESTERN LUMBER A OIYISION OF 11015£ CASCADE CORPORAflON NATION-"l CITY, CALIF. PHONE 474-3341 DRAWING NO. 4FIJ40/00 CODE 1 :5A,v ,t:>/L!C,P PAGE ----··-W.l!"8 MeMcJ~,es C#.cc~h ~ :::/ ... 4 11.: -~ !: ✓ 50,0 ~~..:-. ,..~iof ESSto~"" n,p~ 1/<:;) ~<' 'd -1-1' ' F,7.IZ.. ,~ , \\. He11q. ~ W= Lx :lxw .;t_' a _5. Cf"/ I C• /. 7XIO(, E!,0.0 r£N5IO,,, ,'<;.m ~'j-~, r'-? ~-X ~ --✓ <J.-:z R=-"'½_ P£OVIOJ!!' ~T=AL 8.f!AC/NC, C .., -f .,.I,. •. "" ¾ ,<lfl:2 .:P -✓O-Pr:wvr a--W~6 a: No. 18,251 ::_- m=3fRr5F 'd =--=20.4-8 = 7().() -~M-~ AS /,</0/CAT~O i--,,p-?'j 8£Lt:7Kt' {Ye-s) ~-~ • CIVIL .//r- E :z /, S " /o 6 A= 3,-z5° J'14rr OF ct-'-'\· W= 12 L = 12x 3t.t.7 = 2e,4-o t 0.3~ -i_ o.~•4 .::-, -~ ~ ('/di"-p ;(~u,w (1ie1)2 /-4. 2 t.ZJ R= 3e,L =!32.0 -= AFa. l·= /2/f,l"S'l Fa- We6 l/d £AT r.a, p 2/.2f A6,. L&e .eeav MA. ijz. 4-8.E llo IBC/ 514-ggr, "2x 3.,/c.3 o,CL R,, =28.3/L = /OJ 8 I C= 8r./.-1tt..-=: 32804 1 T= !J4.-tf3L:: 3//4-~ 1,/3 :?o,J f 48'7 316 2283 I C=-3280 A= :7,J; ~-= 3 ,o(. re= /r.1Clt> rl.= /~SO 111'=5 :ZrcF 3/4 ~{.~ .Lt 47( Jo28 zzz 7 1, TClP Cht7,2£J M-=-a!L2AC::5-:2x5.t-73-,,_1,5: :250,51/tt: (/JI( aJ / ''b ,, lb /Vt 2?08 0417 -;Jxd-rb :: Srb :5'74'1 tJ.~21i /t/o2 '-'W4-N'AIL /., C 3:280 .ll!Ar~~ --= = = ~T MS£-L.a4D NAIL n!Are ,en<; NET ,-:.,._ Ara -5''2-S-O I. /22. ~/,~? p;::L ~o .5/Z,e ,V,;f/45 ..SCC77'7A/ -, ~ JIEE.L :!J?go 7c,. 4-x7.'1 '14 BOT. r= .2lf..1_ A= 5,Jr .::;:: 3,01:, r,=1050 r6=2oso w2 :Jt)/71/" I ~'n.1c£ 27{, '1 39 3 )((,,8 /co Cl/0£D /YI=-"42K = 2 o "II. 9:J -1~ I, 5.,, 4-2. 7011 ii' 6'Zc(J/ 4--f'EAtt 27r,9 31 4 y(,.Z, 4-r, t lb M 4-:270 = tJ, ~g/ '2X4-'2 1~/[l-lt/tJ~ 34-3Jl.(,,8 /,O --= -Fb SF'b t,::Z73 /0 ..t, -3 /14 57 7'1.7,t/ '12 IL T Jl/4 {?7~.f ;tlol a th. I E'? ,z ;. r,. ·z. g I tl -= c~ z/3 318 ?, .t, 12 ra. Ara.. p~/3 /, -24~ ~ 1. '27 OrL /0 3/ 4-/0? 8 IA 5¥7,1 18 I '· I a 'Y':~· WESTERN LUMBER c,:,oe : CIE.:H:-e/Pn'ON ~ ,,..,,L,il """'· tc.tf!IJ ~AJ 3?'-8"5PAJ ff) 2411 {?( 4/';<14()/{l(l 04re: @ a Boise Cascade Division 1a/JfJ NATIONAL CITY. CALIF. a.)/ 3 (c 1:;:;r; F 3N~er ,..<,~ ~v: PH. 474-3341 ~ OANO•NAIC OJ/://0 ff#CMMTIIIIUaa•kl ' • DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS. Thi, design i1 in occordonce with, "Design Criteria for Truued Rafters". FHA G .f5-41.1A "Tho Design Specilicotions for light Metol Plot• Conn.!cted Wood Trusses", TPI, 1970 "National Design Specifications For Streu Grode lumber And_lls fastenings", NFPA, 1971 Co4. A,,,,,..,.t N♦, GANG-NAIL HAI0WAH StlCIFICATIONS: f 1 BOCA -RA-71-8 SPECIES FHA -14.01 ICBO -1329 GN 20 SBCC -7204 GN 80 Df.l HEM-FIR 13 "M'4ll. 20• /4{~,, 01 &u~o-3,,4,13 I@ I c,~a~-!1~6-S I@ tJ.</20-3.1.8 27!,o' 24 ~2." t'/A/2.o.-s~,s.t-;Jo'...7• 28~11' ffA/{10.~>ct'{ iir.'~7" 3r.,~;,, Manufactured by Automated Suifding Components, Inc., from galvanized steel that meeh or exceeds ASTM A,446.67. Uhimote Strength • 48,000 psi. Yield Strength • 33,000 psi. Plates must bear the registered Gon9•Noiltl trademark. .... The monufocturer is not ,espo.;sible for loads applied to trusses when the trusses ore not plumb and vertical. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses plumb and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. No loads ore to be applied to trusses until ofter oll bracing and fastenings ore completed. At no time shall concentrated loads, greater than design loads, be applied 10 truss.es. All lateral bracing specified hereon is for bracing elements of individual truss members only. ® I ~.,.n.o-:3 «4-:~ 1@1 c,,,/ao-1.7,c::z,B I till~ I /~# . ~ J l ,,,,4'.. ,, . , ~ ~ e I '-''"" ~' L~' ,:_a£~ L' LOAO _c..;.c'_!_U'✓< , " 1:\1 \ '.J ' ~ --:"'5-~ ~:a·,::::---:--:::::::: Ii. \'I) 1~/7 ..:::== C:::::::::::::: 74.~aL-1 I '3' 2 /"(?£Ce 0/At'd!AM I AfflWl'I L/3 -·--------------- -MAI. s,.t.NS ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASE, lUWIU GlAOH "toicHOi'o" r-iO~CHOio DurotiOn of load lumber = _EL"{. 2•6 No. l DF-l Noil, = 26 "/. 2•6 No. 2 DF-l Repetitive Member Volue = I# "/. 30'..7" 30 ,_ 7" (bending only) 2•4 No. l DF-l LOADING, 2x4 No. 2 Df.l 28'---II" ~0~7" Top Chord ll = Iv psi 2x4 S. S. HEM-FIR :2'?!../" iJ0'-7. DL = IV psi WEBS,. 30~7" Bottom Chord LL =---2•3 or 2x4 No. 3 DF-l to DL = ,o psi WUS, 2•3 or 2x4 No. 3 HEM-FIR to Total load Tl = .37.,, psi - SHOP ONLY .sYNf fA&7i/r UN£4!S~ 1,1oreo @_i l£~u·J ® owt.e=~• FOR PLATE LOCATION SEE DRAWING NP-0 4 4 -'400 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS, Top Chord, -2 ,,4 ,VP, I OFL. Bottom Chord, ~ >t 4-,<./~. 2 .C>PL. Web,, :::Zv:3 OIZ ~x4-,V0-;3 O~,t. i-----1~-l_/~ ..... ----◄ I I I --~0 K'{-,,r•L ['%,-41 VN~."';' .. ~'l'~.v _:::,~:,It ~o!C* /JA/:2p .. ~x7.~ ~0 :7, ~0!7' -- ,. ,._J ~,,.;IL~.~:,,. ' ,:::;,"' y'i~ ,1 .. > :-✓ ll -~ )·. ·. ~11i ~-.. ;\ ~:!.;/}•,~ ~ ' (l\l'IL J';: J;l 1,;-:-------<., 01 \.~'- .____.r,· At./0 N /vh'LJ;!. j ®()I! ©A.t.7Z'e#A~ i."~)( L~ '/ I I ,/., l 4:2 === 7 -81a MAX. In I GANG-NAIL" U U STAHD.UO TRUSS = sum '5TO: "~//41,.l(i' T,eL/ ..... ~.S UP ro ..:10 ~ 7" .:SPA,/,/ Spaced 24" 0.C. WESTERN LUMBER DRAWING NO. 4-rK 4t:/ I t:10 A DIVISION OF 101$£ CASCADE CORPOAAllON ~ii PAGE NATIONAL CITY, CAiif. PHONE 474-3341 .0/EC,O -(. 7 ----.. W~6 MeMB~.es C#fC.t: h - ~~x4 1;_ -~ ~ / 50,0 ;;',.:,.c, '?';J,f t:,,:,,(j :n,p~ 'J -I-~ ...._ FOA. . .J -. • W= L K :2..xa.) _-c,. 1,~'7' e • /,Bx;ot, 8{).(J rEN'.5tQN f ,, ,,,,,,,, . :;-. ~~,.,,, ~,J c,·. R: "'½_ P~I//Oe .t.ATJUZAL 8.eACINCr 'G ~0./. /.~ z \ ¾ ~,,,a .-.P ,,.,,✓O-Pc;,✓,vr """' w~e. !~ -:.. No. 1a.251 ~ • -~M-Jt:.S As /,</O/cAreo aJ= 3t,p5,c 'd =---= 2t,02 = ~-P 8.t!=LOK/ (Yl!!"S) \ L/, le'· 71/ :at, ~-~ . {{ /, e"" /.5 "✓o <, A= 3,75 •. CIVIL JI./ W= 72. L ,:: 220:2 .ff ,{_ O,?> •£ ~ J'1; ,i t o.~e .:;-~,£ OF Cl\\.,~·, ~ (-l/,1)2. ---~/4 R= 3!/L =-lle71 " ;(UIIHI (1/d )2 la. p 2 1.'25 Fa,,= AFa. .fc,= 7t:f1?5/ W'E6 l/J LAT .F4, p ~ J,:2,(?AF"-Ls.e .eeav 6"',4. R4'=21,,/(,,L = #Po#l C=~2.t7t.=25:Zo--I T=7G,4tfL=24oo11 1:z 27.4 ;,./o ~Ot> 4~8 ~i/3 :2X3No ~O.,t::L TOP C=~5-28 A= 5,26 ...5= -3.tJ~ rc = 1q1 rl,: :2050 w'=52r'tr :'L/3 14.~ + 47~ 713 :222-7 -,b Cht7R£J M.,. a/L~~=5:2x7. 21 -z.-,t/,!i = 4,755✓1a-. tfli< ti)/ 'b" /1, M 4-tJ:56 0, t,,44, :Jxd-.rb.:: -= SFb 6273 I .. o,~o4 J,/0, I 6o-Wc:t-.N'AIL U# # C :25~ ,!!, ,re,m~:s t, '20 (,i) 2-3 /#.tf/L --= = = L.040 N,4/L. JZAre &'n"': N'eT r.., Ara 41&4-/, 2?0211~ -CrL ~r MS£ ~b .SIZe /\/Al~S .SCC77QA/ .... 3 1lc:1.0L 2528 ' ~1 4-t.?,IR C, 7 BOT. T-24-tJo A=-5,2§'~=-:l,O(., r,= g.50 r6 = /65t, W"".:7017/I~ I fjN!-;-2::ZI 7 3/ 3 'i I, ,,f fD 0 Cl/0.eo M':::. <dL2K= 2o x '1.t?Pz.>< 1,5":: 2q40✓14:_ #< tl)/ 4 ?£AK-27../7 :z I 4 Y-.S•u 3$ lb M .:V/4?> = {J,? g~ B c; 3t..(;.! r J ~ ~)(,4-'2. $ /~I£.€ /f;tJo 2J (r 0 --= : .,/, 4-S rh S,,,-b 504-q -7 2~c?O 4 2 51-!.l /4, T '/ef.OO (l.?38 ;1/02 (., lj7 428 /-./, r ,n. t /-Z.. :;:., ra. -Ara--44~? = ~ 2./ !S 713 /~ 3 ~ t/. ( I /3 /, 120 ~12 ( 0/.:t__ OYp;f(} WESTERN LUMBER COo.t!: : Cle.5e..e/ ,P770 .IV ~ ,!'/LI Nd, ;iAftl 3 or_ 7 11 :;;~/A 1 ~ ;:✓-~ RO,_~. 4F~40IOO ~TE(~ @ a Boise Cascade Division /:2 1/3 NATIONAL CITY. CALIF. f cf 3 t'~ ,,[!;;::-· ,Sl(~~r ""'"'.I! ,eev: PH. 474-3341 l1\J OANO•NAIL! OIEto _...., rt.tilCAMl--aNll t • ~ • '-.....: I . ,.- · !;;TATE 0,-: CALI FvRrJiA-CAll~O:--lt J! ,'\ COJ\!;TAL C0!'.1r.,1SStON 1:0r.,uNO G. a::iovm. JP. .• Gov.-rnor . ======= -=~·=--~·=========='============== SM/ DIEGO COAST HEGIO~JAL COt,IMlSSION ,.,~,. "11:.i:ilOI, GCtiGE rl(.)AO, SUITE no o# • • • - •, ✓• • Tlm C.chelz.n · O,air.n.in tAt: l)tECO.C:ALtFOfWIA !):.!l::O-TEL.17l41 280-6!J'J2· • .. -.... · ·· B:Jger lf~dgccoc . DEVELOPt-!:i:~IT' PF.RHI'I' Viet Chairman . l{a.!"rict Allen Rep,cnntative to the ~lifo,·niJ Coasta: Corn"· Tom· Cra.,dall. DATE OF ca-~-ITSSICX! ACTION": June 6, 1980 CONTROL NO. : E•ec~tti•,::: Oir~tor F~_094 I..PPLICANT: Thorr.pson 6 Wo~thi~g Assoc. . €05 S. Vulcan, #2 Encinitas, CJ,. 92024 AGENT: None ·:'ROJECT LCCATIO:,f: 11991Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad. (APN 206-260-16) .. ~ov. are hereby granted a coastal de,reloprr:ent permit. This perm.it. is i~sued after a duly ·public hearing be.fore the San Diego Coast Regional C_ornmission .ar!d after the Regional co.~nissioc .found th2.~ the proposed developr..ent is in con.formit.y with the provisions oi: t :-. <.;al.j fo:.n; a Coast.al Ac-.t of 1976 incl..i.dirig the followlng: . . . . 1.. That the develO:!;'IT.ent is in conformity with Chapter 3 · of the _CaJ.if"ornia Coastal. · ~c:t of 1976: (comr.:cnci.ne with Public Resources Cc<le, Section 30200). . · · 2~ · ·rhat. the permitted dev-elopment will not· prejudice the ability or· an:,~ affected · J.ccal eo~rn,.:ent to prepare a local coastal progra-:i that_ is in ccruormity with Qha.pter or the California Coastal. Act of' 1976. :;. •.rhat if th~ deve lor,>:r:c=-it is located between the nearest public roa.d and the sea r:. :;horcline cf a.,..,_y bcd:r of water located within the coastru. zone , that the develop,r.ent i : in coruormity with the public access and public rec·reation ·policies of Chapter 3 of t c:i..: .·California Coastal Act of 1976 (Public Resources Cede, Sections 30~10 -30221~). 4.. 'l"'hat the re are no fe.:::.sible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures, a!:i prc-- vided in the California Environ.mental Quality Act, available which wou1.d S'..!:::>st.:mtially :,.e~s:fa ar,.:y si~ificant. e<l•,~rse impact that. the development. as .finally proposed. may hai.;-:: on the env.ironment. · . . . This permi't is limited · to developmc:-it. described· below and set .forth in material on file ., . th,? R.£:e;ion;_il CcIT1~11.i.zs.i.on, and subject to the terms, conditioqs, and provisions herelnaft-::r stntcc1: A. Subdivision of existing 36-,563 sq. ft. parcel· into four parcels and construction 9f single-family.residence on each of th parcels and t . . . . ree re ain existing single-family residence on parcel 1. . , .. Parcel 1: Lot area 10 ,40·3 sq. ft. Parking . 2 Building coverage 2,200 sq. ft. (21%j Zoning R-1-7500 Paved area cover~ge 400 sq. ft. ( 4\) General plan Lew-med, Land~cape coverage & res. Unimproved area ·7 ,803 Pro ject density NI\ sq. ft. (75\) Hgt. abv. avg. fin. grade: (cxtg ... : < ~ ' ..--.. DEVELOFMEN'l' P:SRMI'l' 1?9094 Page 2 P.arcel -2: Lot area '1,519 sg. ft. Parking _1 ______ _ Building co•rerage 816 sq. ft. (11%) Zoning R-1-7500 -------Paved area coverage 337 ss-ft. (.. 5%) General plan · Low-med. res. Landscape coverage & Project density NA --------Unimproved area 6,366 sq. ft. (84\) Hgt. abv. avg. fin. gr~~e: 20 f ParcE:1 3: Lot area 9 ,.628 sq·. ft. Parking Q --------Building coverage 1 ,160 sg;. ft. (12%) Zoning R-1-7500 Paved area coverage 470 sq. ft. ( 5%) General plan Low-med. res. Landscape coverage & Unirnprove.d . area 7,988 sg. ft. (83\) Project density NA --------Hgt. abv. avg. fin. grade: 26 f ~ .. Parcel 4: Lot al.:~a 9,012 s9.. ft. Parking 2 --------Building coverage 1,064 sq . ft. (12%) Zoning R-1-7500 . Paved area coverage 1,012 so. ft--· (11%) General plan Low-med. r e s. Landscape coverage & -unimproved ·area 6,936 sq. ft. C 77~) .. · Project density _N_A _____ _ Hgt_. abY. avg. fin. grade: 22 J/2: ,. . . . ' ··- .. . ... ·• . . . • j . • s;. • ... .. • • ... .. . . . • • • . J>~tH A•:r-n"'t_!nrrrn•:~, Th,.t.. lh,;, r.pp1.1c::.nt.· or:r.::c:::, '.o :,..!!,era !'ll1!ct.ly to· t!';o cun-.. .nt. rilA-"'\:1 r::,r-lh~ riroJcct. a,:, Of'~:o .. c.S. Ly U ,o r.-:~1c.~1. cc:--~:,::,icn .. · ,.. Th:it. lha or.,llc~t. "CTC'C':l lo r.::t1f":r t.h-:: P.-:~O:"\:ll. Co~:-..i.:,:1cn (or !:t.rit.o Ccr.cl:,:1e.3 ~t I.here .1:, no J:::c;'-c.1~ C\l:-:-.-:.~:,;1ic:.""1) ot n.,y ch=icc.::. !.."l t.h:: r,r-oJcc:t.. ;Jut. t.1,c a~;,llc:-.1,t will. c-:e:t. .1.ll the lot"o.l c:0.::c TCC".!..!rc:::ic:nt.3 .1.r.;1 on!lr~"lcc:,• a.'lc1 o~t.41n a.l.l. necc::,:..1ry ~i-::-~:.::, !rc:n :;"~ut.: c."ld 1-1:::::r~ J..e::ncic:::s. Th:st th.: cr:;-lic:i~t :i~e.::. to ccn.!0..2 t.o t.h:: pc::-=::.t. rule: .,..,4 rcc-.tl.et.1cn:, or C,c. ~1!0:-:u:i Co:i:~.u. c~:=~.::.:icn. $. Th:st. t.~e :i;:;:!ll=..'"'~ :ic::-ce:1 ;.h:it t.h~ Ccr.:-.1::s:ic..--i .::.t.:i!"!' c,:i:, ~c slt.e ,i.'1,.":ye:.:t.ic.,r.3 o: t,.",c ;.roJc c~ c..::-i..--c cc::: t.r-.i=:.ion .c..,:i. u;x.,n cc...-:;:lc t.:1.c:i • .. .. • .. . ,,• ·· .. · • . ,_ - .·•··: · ... • .. . · . .·.· Te~• 2-~-d c~~.i~'!.~~ e~ ~o :-_-: "-~4!.!'! ~~~ li»-.,~-~~~e ~e:=:.s ~~:! cc:i~!.~:!::-:s _:s~:ul. l:,~ pc~ r-'l.u3.l. .:..~ i:. ::..s ._:.: • -· •-· · -~""I ;:.: -•• -:-~=--i:::: to bi.:..:i c.:!.. !'.:~= ~...-:\~= .:..~~ ~:,ssc::s~r:s 0£ t.h: z~~.!:=t. ;;=-=:;>e:t.;,· _t.~ :;.:.:_c t.c..~~ .::d. c::::--iet.ic:u. · m:::-t:.~:, P:::'::1!~rc~:s·: · 11) ~;; ;-·?:~:~~:~~~=;~: ::~;~~~/-~~~=~~-~;~~;~~ ~~ c:~ff~s~t=-:.~tly ~o pc=!.~ (2) •:!::.=:::~ ;;'.'.:.:.r7":--::-:-:.::-:: c::,.·-:.=-0 -e"7:-::,,: F::--:::.~tc: ~:-:tll. c:::.~~~ce ~=·.-c!.c?--==nt. "1.~tl4 t..~·;, y~~!""':i .1c.=.....=..:-...---:~ i::.:.:~ :7:=,~.::·.·a.t c!' t.::~ ;::=--=.!~::-:..· t;r t.!:: ~~--i ::-:.c:~:, C=.:s:?~ P.~~10..-,~ eo=-~.:.!:s::.:--~. ::::::-..5-::::-..:.=.:.c:..~ :i~...U :: F.:...-s..:.:~ ~.,, ~ c;:..:.::.6=.!-==c=-a..~~ c~plete~ ,._.:.,~~.;:, .1 rczs=-~~~le ~:-ic..! o!' t.!.:::.e •. :c::-.:•' .. '=~:-::1;:1 ::,:-:;";:s:c:::s: i=:!:-:-:~~~e-e c.::.;y :-::r..::S-:. ~~ cr-~--::ic::-! o~ ~i.-=~ fort?:~ .cc.r,- ·C""M::-~:-.::.~:-.t.. o:: c.:-,s ~i.c."'l ;::-=·.'i~=:! !...~: re~~c:~ is .. 2r,1.?-c~ ~c-: ;=-:..c~ t.0 ex;:i...--;?_~~ or t.?'!c p,e:-::--.!.t. (~) (I.) 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