HomeMy WebLinkAbout1088 LAGUNA DR; ; CBC2021-0204; PermitBuilding Permit Finaled Print Date: 08/11/2022 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel#: Valuation: Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: 1088 LAGUNA DR, BLDG-Commercial 1552721900 $30,000.00 TMOBILE SD06088A Commercial Permit CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1858 Work Class: Track#: Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Tenant Improvement DEV2020-0184 Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: ("city of Carlsbad Permit No: CBC2021-0204 Status: Closed -Finaled Applied: 06/09/2021 Issued: 07/13/2021 Finaled Close Out: 06/23/2022 Final Inspection: 06/23/2022 INSPECTOR: Renfro, Chris Project Title: Description: T-MOBILE: CELL SIT EU PG RADE; SWAPPPING OUT (6) ANT. REPLACING CABINET/UPGRADE TO 200AMP PANEL Applicant: JS IN FRASTRUCTURE PARTNERS CHRIS VUONG 17169 BOTERO DR SAN DIEGO, CA 92127-1403 (858) 205-4150 FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) ELECTRICAL BLDG COMMERCIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL FIRE Special Equipment (Ovens, Dust, Battery) MECHANICAL BLDG COMMERCIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-COMMERCIAL Total Fees: $988.00 Total Payments To Date: $988.00 Contractor: SOLEX CONTRACTING INC 42146 REMIN GTON AVE TEMECULA, CA 92590-2547 (951) 308-1706 Balance Due: AMOUNT $278.00 $194.60 $43.00 $417.00 $45.00 $2.00 $8.40 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-3 39-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov , l_ c:ity of Carlsbad COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-2 ~Ian Check Cf¼UJ21-tnOt./ Est. Value ~ PC Deposit --....---,,----- Date --""-le_.__[ 9_/_2,_.._/ _ ·--------------·----------' Job Address~aguna Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sulte:._n_/a ___ APN: ~-272-19-00 l'enant Name:_T_-M_o_b_il_e ____________ _ l.ot ti: Year Built: 1987 Occupancy: ___ _ Construction Type-· ____ fire Sprinlders:~ i;iA/C:~ ~ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WOHi<: Cell site upgrade. Swapping out (6) antennas. No increase in antenna count. In equipment area, replacing (1) large cabinet with (2) small cabinets. Also, upgrading electrical panel to 200 amps. Fully stealth. 0 Additlon/New:. __________ New SF and Use;, __________ New SF and Use, ___ Deck SF, Patio Cover SF (not Including flatwork) [!] Tenant lmprovement:. _____ SF, Existing Use._C_o_ll_s_lte ___ Proposed Use _S_am_e ___ _ _____ SF, Existing Use Proposed Use _____ _ O Pool/Spa: ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? __________ _ n □ □□ □□ 0 Solar:. ___ KW, __ Modules, ___ Mounted, Tilt ?es/ No, RMA: Yes/ No, Panel Upgrade: Yes/ No D Plumblng/Mechanlcal/Electrlcal Only: ______________________ _ O Other: This permit Is to be Issued In the name of the Property Owner as Owner-Builder, licensed contractor or Authorized Agent of the owner or contractor. The person listed as the Applicant below will be the main point of contact throughout the permit process. PROPf:IUY OWNER Al'PLICAN'f O PROPERTY OWNERs(8UTH.Q~!~D £GEN} j APPLICANT Iii Name: VSCRE l:! . ..;.o--lcl--in~g..;..s __ L_L--C ______ Name: _ Chris Vuong, on behalf of T-Moblle Address:9510 Ormsby Station Rd #1 Q.1._ Address: .!Z2,69 Botero Drive City: Louisville state: KY Zip:40223 City:~ Diego _state:~Zlp: 92127 Phone: 760-434-7116 Phone: !!58-205-4150 Email: Cbanuelos@elmcroft.com Email:_ cvuong@j5ip.com 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 B-2 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Page 1 of 2 APPi 10\N'I 0 /. h c,. Rev. 08/20 IDENTIFY WHO WILL Pf:RroRM THE WORK BY COMPLETING (OPTION I\) OR (OPTION B) BELOW; (OPTION A): LICENSED CONTHA_!::TOR DECLAHATIO!:':t; I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in fulf force and effect. I also affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-Insure.for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the labor Code, forthe performance of the work which this permit Is Issued. Polley No. ____________________ _ f.91 have and will maintain worker's compensation, as re(Julred by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for thY,erf~rm~nce ~f ~he work for which thJs permit Is Issued. My workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: lnsuranceCom1>nny Name: :U ..1.(/ 1lfl\'.;1 b{zaa ( _ Polley No • ....S..i-J$ /QJ O i)_, E1<plratloll Date: ...J/~().;.;,;~ni:..u..,:2,_...,.Q,,1.,,/,__ _______ _ [] Certificate of Exemption: I certify that In the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation coverage Is unlawful and shall ~ubject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, In nddltlo11 the to the colt of compensation, damages as provided for In Section 3706 of tho labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. ~ONST~YCJION LENDING AGENCY, I_F ANY;. I hereby affirm that there Is a construction lending agenr.y for the performance of the work this permit ls Issued (Sec. 3097 (I) Civil Code). Lender's Name:, ___________ ~ ________ lendcr's Ad1lress: ____ ~-------------- CONTRACTOR PRINT: I'2c11 ndon S:Ji;y) e... srGN: ZJ-,~, (OPTION B): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby off/rm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Low for the fol/owing reaso11: O I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure Is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's license law does not apply to an owner of property who bullds or Improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such Improvements are not Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or Improvement Is sold within one yearof completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or Improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the properly, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, end contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License law). 01 am exempt under Business and Professions Code Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 3 for this reason: [] "Owner Oulldcr acknowledgement and verlncallon form" has been filled out, signed and attached to this application. Proof of Identification attached. 0 Owners "Authorized Agent Form" has been lilied out, signed and attached to this application giving the agent authority to obtoitt the permit on the owner' behalf. Proof of lclentlflcation ilttached. By my signature below I acknowledge that, eKcept for my personal residence In which I must have resided for at least one year prior to completion of the Improvements covered by this permit, I cannot legally sell a structure that I have built as an owner-bullder if it has not been constructed in Its entirety by licensed contractors. I understand that a copy of the app/lcoble law, Section 7044 of the Business and Professions Code, Is oval/able upon request when this app/lcotlon Is submitted or at the fol/owing Web site: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calo111.html. OWNER PRINT: ___________ _ SIGN:_, ________ DATE: ______ _ AP PU CA NT !.. F_~D ~ 1c:_AT_I_ 0N:2K!..N..~ TYH~ ~ s.. Q u 1 !ig?._ ~-1:J:.!J E T !_IVI f.Pt ~-U.~M_I _n~A ~ By my signature below, I certify that: I om the property owner or State of Calif om/a Licensed Contractor or ovthorlzed to act on the property owner or contractor's behalf. I certify that I have read the application and state that the above Information Is correct and that tire Information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize rep((!sentative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for Inspection 11urposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SA VE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS mE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF 1HE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep cmd demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories In height. APPLICANT PRINT: Chris Vuong 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 B-2 SIGN: _{/j,p;~ //4(Jl(j__DATE: 06/08/21 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 08/20 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled {City of Carlsbad ' PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBC2021-0204) Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 06/09/2021 Owner: VSCRE HOLDINGS, LLC Work Class: Tenant Improvement Issue Date: 07/13/2021 Subdivision: Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 12/20/2022 Address: 1088 LAGUNA DR IVR Number: 33860 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1858 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 04/14/2022 04/14/2022 BLDG-33 Service 180552-2022 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Re inspection Incomplete Change/Upgrade Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Partial pass on rough electrical for 200 amp Yes panel upgrade. BLDG-Final Inspection 180553-2022 Failed Chris Renfro Re inspection Incomplete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 04/18/2022 04/18/2022 BLDG-34 Rough 180787-2022 Cancelled Chris Renfro Reinspection Incomplete Electrical Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready No 06/23/2022 06/23/2022 BLDG-34 Rough 185528-2022 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Electrical Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Final Inspection 185529-2022 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Thursday,August11,2022 Page 1 of 1 • 1W INTERWEST A SAfl:budf COMPANY DATE: 6-15-21 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK#.: CBC2021-0204 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1088 Laguna Dr SET: I PROJECT NAME: T-Mobile Cell Site Modifications □ APPLICANT □ JURIS. cgj The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at lnterwest until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: cgj lnterwest staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. 0 lnterwest staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person 0 REMARKS: By: Scott Humphrey lnterwest 6-10-21 Enclosures: 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ♦ San Diego, California 92123 ♦ (858) 560-1468 ♦ Fax (858) 560-1576 [DO NOT PAY -THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE) VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Scott Humphrey BUILDING ADDRESS: 1088 Laguna Dr BUILDING OCCUPANCY: PLAN CHECK#.: CBC2021-0204 DATE: 6-15-21 BUILDING AREA PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code I 1997 UBC Building Permit Fee 3 I 1997 UBC Plan Check Fee 3 Valuation Reg. VALUE Multiplier Mod. Type of Review: r Complete Review r Structural Only ,, r Repetitive Fee 3 Repeats ... ,, ~ Other r Hourly E Hrs. @ * lnterwest Fee ,, Comments: In addition to the above fee, an additional fee of$ $ /hr.) for the CalGreen review. ($) J 7 $135.ooJ is due ( hour@ Sheet of 'js iN~R~sTR~cEr~R~ 2030 Main St, #200, Irvine, CA 92614 Structural Analysis (Anchorage) May 19, 2021 Site: SD06088A, "Las Flores" Type: Rooftop Address: 1088 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 County: San Diego County Lat/Long: 33° 10' 0.6" N, 117° 20' 41.4" W (33.166838, -117.34482) SIGNED: 2021/05/19 EXPIRES: 2023/03/31 JS Infrastructure Partners (JSIP) is pleased to submit this structural analysis report to T-Mobile. The purpose of this analysis is to design anchorage for proposed equipment . The project scope of work relevant to this report includes the following items: -Install (1) (P) E6160 SSC Cabinet -Install (1) (P) 8160 Battery Cabinet A site visit was performed by JSIP personnel on October 30, 2020. Existing elements relevant to the project scope of work were visually inspected and found to be in good condition. This report was prepared in accordance with the 2019 CBC, ASCE 7-16, ACI 318-14, and the AISC 360-16. This analysis is based off third party data and assumes satisfactory workmanship of all previously-installed and proposed components. If existing conditions vary from what is shown in this report, or if assumptions made within this analysis are inaccurate, the Engineer of Record shall be notified immediately in writing. It has been our pleasure to be of service to you in this matter. The results of our analysis are summarized in the table below. Please contact us should you have any specific questions, require further clarification, or if we can be of further service. Sincerely, JS Infrastructure Partners, Inc. CITY Description of Element Demand- Capacity Ratio Result Notes (P) Equipment Anchorage 37% PASS 2" embed. (1/2"~ Hilti KB T2} Refer to Hilti PROFIS Report ASCE. M1ERIC/\N SOCIETY OF CM1. ENf~NEffiS Address: No Address at This Location Wind Results: Wind Speed: 10-year MRI 25-year MRI 50-year MRI 100-year MRI Data Source: Date Accessed: ASCE 7 Hazards Report Standard: ASCE/SEI 7-16 Risk Category: II Soil Class: D -Default (see Section 11.4.3) 96 Vmph 66 Vmph 72 Vmph 77 Vmph 82 Vmph Elevation: 77.22 ft (NAVO 88) Latitude: 33.166838 Longitude: -117 .34482 ASCE/SEI 7-16, Fig. 26.5-18 and Figs. CC.2-1-CC.2-4, and Section 26.5.2 Mon May 17 2021 Value provided is 3-second gust wind speeds at 33 ft above ground for Exposure C Category, based on linear interpolation between contours. Wind speeds are interpolated in accordance with the 7-16 Standard. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 7% probability of exceedance in 50 years (annual exceedance probability = 0.00143, MRI= 700 years). Site is not in a hurricane-prone region as defined in ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 26.2. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 1 of 3 Mon May 17 2021 ASCE. MlERll'.AN SOCIETY Of a\111. ENGINEERS Seismic Site Soil Class: D -Default (see Section 11.4.3) Results: Ss : s, Fa : 1.057 0.383 1.2 F. : N/A SMs 1.268 So, TL : PGA : PGAM : FPGA SM, N/A 1. : N/A 8 0.465 0.558 1.2 Sos 0.845 Cv : 1.311 Ground motion hazard analysis may be required. See ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 11.4.8. Data Accessed: Mon May 17 2021 Date Source: USGS Seismic Design Maps https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 2 of 3 Mon May 17 2021 ASCE. AMERICAN SOCIETY Of CMl ENGINEERS The ASCE 7 Hazard Tool is provided for your convenience, for informational purposes only, and is provided ·as is" and without warranties of any kind. The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed, produced, and maintained by third party providers; or has been extrapolated from maps incorporated in the ASCE 7 standard. While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from reliable sources or methodologies, ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, currency, or quality of any data provided herein. Any third-party links provided by this Tool should not be construed as an endorsement, affiliation, relationship, or sponsorship of such third-party content by or from ASCE. ASCE does not intend, nor should anyone interpret, the results provided by this Tool to replace the sound judgment of a competent professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s) of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals In interpreting and applying the contents of this Tool or the ASCE 7 standard. In using this Tool, you expressly assume all risks associated with your use. Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers, directors, employees, members, affiliates, or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from or related to your use of, or reliance on, the Tool or any information obtained therein. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 3 of3 Mon May 17 2021 Project: SD06088A Engineer: ZG Date: May 18, 2021 Seismic Design Criteria where ASCE 7-16 CH 11.4.8 Applies The web-based tools used to determine seismic design criteria do not produce values for F. and F0 where ASCE 7-16 CH 11.4.8 is applicable. This tool produces the missing values and determines if a site-specific ground motion study per ASCE 7-16 CH 21.1 is required. Site Information For Site Class D, Only Site Class: D {Stiff soil) Is Site Class assumed? Yes Ss: 1.057 S1: 0.383 F.: 1.200 fv: 1.917 SMs: 1.268 SM1: 0.734 Sos: 0.846 S01: 0.489 TL: 8 Ts: 0.579 To: 0.116 Notes regarding ASCE 7-16 CH 11.4.8 A site-specific analysis is not required for structures on Site Class D sites where S, ~ 0.2, provided the seismic response coefficient, C5, is modified per ASCE CH 11.4.8 Exception 2. There are no additional requirements for non-structural components designed per ASCE CH 13. Project: Engineer: Date: May 19, 2021 Equipment Anchorage Forces -Determine maximum anchor forces for equipment due to wind and/or seismic forces. -Seismic coefficients are per ASCE 7-16 CH 13.3 -Assumes rectangular 4-anchor layout -Wind pressures are per ASCE 7-16 CH 29.4.1 Unit Information Name: E6160 SSC Cabinet WP: 465 lb (Component operating weight) W: 26.0 in (Equipment width) D: 26.0 in (Equipment depth) H: 63.0 in Seismic Coefficients S05: 0.845 g z/h: o.o ft/ft 1.00 Wind Pressures (Equipment height) 1.00 2.50 2.00 Unit is exposed to wind Exposure: C V: h: 96 mph 5 ft 77 ft 1.00 (Basic wind speed) (Building mean roof height) (Ground elevation) (Topographic factor) Maximum Anchor Forces (LRFD) Tu: 4 lb (Seismic) Vu: 29 lb (Seismic) OoTu; 112.5 lb (Seismic) OoVu; 58.939 lb (Seismic) Maximum Anchor Forces (ASD) T.: 6 lb (Seismic) v.: 21 lb (Seismic) Equations for Seismic Forces Tu: Vu: T.: v.: A: B: C: 22.1 in 20.9 in 31.5 in (Bolt spacing) (Bolt spacing) (Height to center of gravity) FP: 0.25Wp = 118 lb Fpv: 0.17Wp = 79 lb {Per Section 13.3.1) {Per Section 13.3.2) 264 lb 92 lb 151 lb 55 lb qh: 0.00256K,KztKdKe V2 qh: 0.QQ256(0.85}(1.QQ)(Q.85}(1.QQ)(96)2 = 17.Q psf Fh: qh(l.9) = 32.3 psf Fv: qh(l.5) = 25.5 psf (Wind) {Wind) (Wind) (Wind) Equations for Wind Forces Project: Engineer: Date: May 19, 2021 Equipment Anchorage Forces -Determine maximum anchor forces for equipment due to wind and/or seismic forces. -Seismic coefficients are per ASCE 7-16 CH 13.3 -Assumes rectangular 4-anchor layout -Wind pressures are per ASCE 7-16 CH 29.4.1 Unit Information Name: B160 Battery Cabinet WP: 1772 lb (Component operating weight) W: 26.0 in (Equipment width) D: 26.0 in (Equipment depth) H: 63.0 in (Equipment height) Seismic Coefficients S05: 0.845 g z/h: 0.0 ft/ft 1.00 Wind Pressures Unit is exposed to wind Exposure: C 1.00 2.50 2.00 V: h: 96 mph 5 ft 77 ft 1.00 (Basic wind speed) (Building mean roof height) (Ground elevation) (Topographic factor) Maximum Anchor Forces (LRFD) Tu: 15 lb (Seismic) 112 lb Cl0Tu: 428.71 lb Cl0Vu: 224.6 lb (Seismic) (Seismic) (Seismic) Maximum Anchor Forces (ASD) r.: 24 lb (Seismic) v.: 79 lb (Seismic) Equations for Seismic Forces A: B: C: 22.1 in 20.9 in 31.5 in (Bolt spacing) (Bolt spacing) (Height to center of gravity) Fp: 0.25Wp = 449 lb Fpv: 0.17Wp = 299 lb (Per Section 13.3.1) (Per Section 13.3.2) 0 lb 92 lb O lb 55 lb qh: 0.00256K,K,1KdKe V2 qh: 0.QQ256(Q.85){1.QQ){Q.85){1.QQ){96)2 = 17.Q psf Fh: qh(l.9) = 32.3 psf F.: qh(l.5) = 25.5 psf (Wind) (Wind) (Wind) (Wind) Equations for Wind Forces ,:,,s., Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.0.69 www.hlltl.com Company : Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Item number: Effective embedment depth: Material: Evaluation Service Report: Issued I Valid: Proof: Stand-off installation: Profile: I Equipment Kwlk Bolt TZ -CS 1/2 (2) not available her.act = 2.000 in., h00m = 2.375 in. Carbon Steel ESR-1917 11112020 I 51112021 Design Method ACI 318-19 / Mech Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: Base material: Installation: cracked concrete, 2500, fc' = 2,500 psi; h = 4.000 in. hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry Reinforcement: Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) tension: not present, shear: not present; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Tension load: yes ( (d)) Shear load: yes ( (c)) Note: the Kwik Bolt TZ -CS anchor is in the process of phase-out. Application also possible with Kwik Bolt TZ2 -CS under the selected boundary conditions. Application also possible with Kwlk Bolt TZ2 -CS 1/2 (2) hnom2 under the selected boundary conditions. More Information In section Alternative fastening data of this report. Geometry [in.] & Loading [lb, in.lb] Input data and results must be cheeked for conformity with the existing conditions and tor ptausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c) 2003-2021 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilt/ AG, Schaan 5/19/2021 i : i i S 9' • ----------------------Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.0.69 www.hiltl.com Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: I Equipment 1.1 Load combination and design results Case Description ! Seismic 2 Wind Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: Forces [lb] / Moments [in.lb) N = 429; Vt = 225; V 'L = O; ,M! = O; My = O; M3 = O; N = 92; Vx = 264; Vy= O; Mx = O; My= O; Mz = O; Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2021 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 2 5/19/2021 Seismic Max. Util. Anchor[%) ll no 16 2 • l i : i i S • • ----------------------Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.0.69 www.hlltl.com Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: I Equipment 2 Proof I Utilization (Governing Cases) Loading Proof Tension Concrete Breakout Failure Shear Pryout Strength Loading Combined tension and shear loads 3 Warnings PN 0.366 Please consider all details and hints/warnings given in the detailed report! Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: Design values [lb] Load Capacity 429 1,172 225 1,683 Pv t 0.134 5/3 Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for confonnity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c) 2003-2021 Hllti AG, FL-9494 Schaan HilU Is a registered Trademar1< of Hilti AG, Schaan Utilization PN / Pv [%] 37 /- -/14 Utilization PN,V r1.1 23 3 5/19/2021 Status OK OK Status OK 3 c., 1 : i i S ~ • ----------------------Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.0.69 www.hilti.com Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: I Equipment Fastening point: 4 Alternative fastening 4.1 Alternative fastening data Anchor type and diameter: item number: Effective embedment depth: Material: Evaluation Service Report: Issued I Valid: Proof: Stand-off installation: Profile: Kwlk Bolt TZ2 -CS 1/2 (2) hnom2 2210254 KB-TZ2 1/2x3 3/4 hef,act = 2.000 in., hnom = 2.500 in. Carbon Steel ESR-4266 12/1/2020 J 12/1/2021 Design Method ACI 318-19 / Mech Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: Base material: Installation: cracked concrete, 2500, fc' = 2,500 psi; h = 4.000 in. hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry Reinforcement: tension: not present, shear: not present; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) Tension load: yes ( (d)) Shear load: yes ( (c)) Max. Utilization with Kwik Bolt TZ2 -CS 1/2 (2) hnom2: 30 % Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c) 2003-2021 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 4 5/19/2021 4 i : i i S • • ----------------------Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.0.69 www.hllti.com Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: I Equipment 5 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: 5 5/19/2021 • Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be ched<ed for confom,ity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c) 2003-2021 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 5 t 2030 Main St, #200, Irvine, CA 92614 Antenna Mount Analysis May 18, 2021 Site: SD06088A, "Las Flores" Type: Rooftop Address: 1088 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 County: San Diego County Lat/Long: 33° 10' 0.6" N, 117° 20' 41.4" W (33.166838, -117.34482) SIGNED: 2021/05/18 EXPIRES: 2023/03/31 JS Infrastructure Partners (JSIP) is pleased to submit this antenna mount analysis report to T-Mobile. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate existing antenna mounts. The project scope of work relevant to this report includes the following items: -Remove (6) (E) Panel Antennas -Remove (3) (E) RRUS Units -Install (6) (P) Panel Antennas -Install (6) (P) RRUS Units CITY A site visit was performed by JSIP personnel on October 30, 2020. Existing elements relevant to the project scope of work were visually inspected and found to be in good condition. This report was prepared in accordance with the 2019 CBC, and the ASCE 7-16. FRP components were analyzed per the Strongwell Design Manual. This analysis is based off third party data and assumes satisfactory workmanship of all previously-installed and proposed components. If existing conditions vary from what is shown in this report, or if assumptions made within this analysis are inaccurate, the Engineer of Record shall be notified immediately in writing. It has been our pleasure to be of service to you in this matter. The results of our analysis are summarized in the table below. Please contact us should you have any specific questions, require further clarification, or if we can be of further service. Sincerely, JS Infrastructure Partners, Inc. Description of Element Demand-Result Notes Capacity Ratio (E) Pipe Mast 41% PASS (Pipe 2 STD.) (E) Mount M ember 14% PASS (FRP Tube 4x4xl/4) Due Diligence Review This report is based on the information obtained in the documents listed below. Documents Summarv No. Document Type Firm Date 1 Site Visit Photos JS Infrastructure Partners Oct 30, 2020 2 Mapping Report Platinum Mar 25, 2021 Mitchell J Architecture, 3 As-Built Drawings Aug 15, 2012 Inc. 4 Record Drawings Project: SD006088A Engineer: ZG Date: May 18, 2021 Information Obtained General Site Conditions FRP Screen Detail FRP Screen Drawings No detail provided on drawings. FRP Screening likely performed by other firm. Building Original Drawings ASCE. MIIERlr.AN SOCIETY Of CML ENGINEEIIS Address: No Address at This Location Wind Results: Wind Speed: 10-year MRI 25-year MRI 50-year MRI 100-year MRI Data Source: Date Accessed: ASCE 7 Hazards Report Standard: ASCE/SEI 7-16 Risk Category: 11 Soil Class: D -Default (see Section 11.4.3) 96 Vmph 66 Vmph 72 Vmph 77 Vmph 82 Vmph Elevation: 77.22 ft (NAVO 88) Latitude: 33.166838 Longitude: -117.34482 ASCE/SEI 7-16, Fig. 26.5-1B and Figs. CC.2-1-CC.2-4, and Section 26.5.2 Mon May 17 2021 Value provided is 3-second gust wind speeds at 33 ft above ground for Exposure C Category, based on linear interpolation between contours. Wind speeds are interpolated in accordance with the 7-16 Standard. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 7% probability of exceedance in 50 years (annual exceedance probability = 0.00143, MRI = 700 years). Site is not in a hurricane-prone region as defined in ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 26.2. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 1 of 3 Mon May 17 2021 ASCE. AM:fllCAN SOCIETY Of CML ENGINEERS Seismic Site Soil Class: Results: D -Default (see Section 11.4.3) 1.057 So, 0.383 TL : 1.2 PGA: N/A PGAM: N/A 8 0.465 0.558 SMs 1 .268 F PGA 1.2 SM, N/A 1. : Sos 0.845 Cv : 1.311 Ground motion hazard analysis may be required. See ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 11.4.8. Data Accessed: Mon May 17 2021 Date Source: USGS Seismic Desi(Jn Maos https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 2 of 3 Mon May 17 2021 ASCE. M'ERICAN SOCIETY Of CML ENGINEffiS The ASCE 7 Hazard Tool is provided for your convenience, for informational purposes only, and is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind. The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed, produced, and maintained by third party providers: or has been extrapolated from maps incorporated in the ASCE 7 standard. While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from reliable sources or methodologies, ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, currency, or quality of any data provided herein. Any third-party links provided by this Tool should not be construed as an endorsement, affiliation, relationship, or sponsorship of such third-party content by or from ASCE. ASCE does not intend, nor should anyone interpret, the results provided by this Tool to replace the sound judgment of a competent professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s) of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the contents of this Tool or the ASCE 7 standard. In using this Tool, you expressly assume all risks associated with your use. Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers, directors, employees, members, affiliates, or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from or related to your use of, or reliance on, the Tool or any information obtained therein. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 3 of 3 Mon May 17 2021 Project: SD06088A Engineer: ZG Date: May 18, 2021 Seismic Design Criteria where ASCE 7-16 CH 11.4.8 Applies The web-based tools used to determine seismic design criteria do not produce values for F. and Fv where ASCE 7-16 CH 11.4.8 is applicable. This tool produces the missing values and determines if a site-specific ground motion study per ASCE 7-16 CH 21.1 is required. Site Information For Site Class D. Only Site Class: D (Stiff soil) Is Site Class assumed? Yes Ss: 1.057 S1: 0.383 F.: 1.200 Fv: 1.917 SMs: 1.268 SM1: 0.734 Sos: 0.846 Soi: 0.489 Tl: 8 Ts: 0.579 To: 0.116 Notes regarding ASCE 7-16 CH 11.4.8 A site-specific analysis is not required for structures on Site Class D sites where S1 ~ 0.2, provided the seismic response coefficient, C,, is modified per ASCE CH 11.4.8 Exception 2. There are no additional requirements for non-structural components designed per ASCE CH 13. Project: 5D06088 Engineer: ZG Date: May 18, 2021 Load Combinations for Building Appurtenances Codes & Standards -2018 IBC Project Criteria S0s: 0.845 -ASCE 7-16 00 : 2.0 f1: 0.5 {ASCE Table 13.6-1} {!BC 1605.2) f2: 0.2 {!BC 1605.2) Load Combinations -LRFD -The following load combinations are applied in our analysis model. -Lateral loads are considered in 2 orthogonal directions. -For load definitions see IBC 1605.2 and ASCE 12.4 LCl: 1.4(0 + F) LC2: 1.2(0 + F) + l.6(L + H) + O.S(L, or Sor R) LC3: 1.2(0 + F) + 1.6(L, or Sor R) + 1.6H + (f1L or O.SW) LC4: 1.2(0 + F) + W + f1L + 1.6H + O.S(L, or Sor R) LCS: (1.2 + 0.2S05)(0 + F) + E + f1L + 1.6H + f2S LC6: 0.9D + W + 1.6H LC7: (0.9 -0.2S0S)(D + F) + E + 1.6H Load Combinations -ASD -The following load combinations are applied in our analysis model. -Lateral loads are considered in 2 orthogonal directions. -For load definitions see IBC 1605.2 and ASCE 12.4 LCll: D + F LC12: D + H + F + L LC13: D + H + F + (L, or Sor R) LC14: D + H + F + 0.75L + 0.75(L, or Sor R) LC15a: D + H + F + 0.6W LC15b: (1.0 + 0.14S05)(0 + F) + H + 0.7E LC16: D + H + F + 0.45W + 0.7SL + 0.75(L, or Sor R) LC17: (1.0 + 0.10S05)(D + F) + H + 0.525E + 0.75L + 0.75S LC18: 0.6D + 0.6W + H LC19: (0.6 -0.14S05)(D + F) + 0.7E + H Load Combinations for Anchorage to Concrete -LRFD (/BC Eq 16-1} (/BC Eq 16-2) {!BC Eq 16-3} {!BC Eq 16-4} {!BC Eq 16-5, ASCE} {!BC Eq 16-6} {!BC Eq 16-7, ASCE} (/BC Eq 16-8) {!BC Eq 16-9) (/BC Eq 16-10) (/BC Eq 16-11} {!BC Eq 16-12) {!BC Eq 16-12) {!BC Eq 16-13} (/BC Eq 16-14) (/BC Eq 16-15} {!BC Eq 16-16} -The following load combinations are used to determine anchorage forces for concrete anchorage. LC21: 1.2(D + F) + W + f1L + 1.6H + O.S(L, or Sor R) {!BC Eq 16-4) LC22: (1.2 + 0.2S05)(0 + F) + 00E + f1L + 1.6H + f2S LC23: 0.90 + W + 1.6H LC24: (0.9 -0.2S0s)(D + F) + 00E + 1.6H {/BC Eq 16-5, ASCE} {/BC Eq 16-6} (/BC Eq 16-7, ASCE Project: SD06088A Engineer: ZG Date: May 18, 2021 Loads on Building Appurtenances (page 1 of 2} -Design is in accordance with the 2018 IBC. -Wind loading procedure is per ASCE 7-16 CH 29.4 Site Criteria -Wind (ASCE CH 26.10.2) Exposure: C (ASCE CH 26. 7) K,1: 1.00 (ASCE CH 26.8.2) K,: 1.00 (ASCE CH 26.9) V: 96 mph {ASCE CH 26.5.1) Site Criteria -Seismic (ASCE CH 13.3) Sos: IP: aP: RP: Building Info h: Zg: 0.845 g 1.0 1.0 2.5 33 ft 77.22 ft (ASCE CH 13.1.3) (ASCE Table 13.6-1} (ASCE Table 13.6-1) {Mean roof height) {Ground elevation) -Seismic loads are l.OE -Wind loads are l.OW Figure 1 Flat Appurtenance Plan View F., Figure 2 Round Appurtenance Plan View See next page for individual appurtenance loads. Project: SD06088A Engineer: ZG Date: May 18, 2021 Loads on Building Appurtenances (page 2 of 2) Buildint? Aoourtenances Dimensions & Weight Wind Description Type z H w D WP FA1 FAZ q, ft in in in lb lb lb psf lb Air6449 Flat 37 33.1 20.6 8.6 116 135 58 21.7 47 Ericsson Air32 Flat 37 Ericsson 56.6 12.9 8.7 142.2 150 103 21.7 58 FFHH-65A-R3 Flat Commscope 37 48.2 25.2 9.3 88 241 93 21.7 36 RRUS4415 Ericsson Flat 37 14.19 13.2 5.4 44.1 37 15 21.7 18 RRUS449 Flat 37 17.9 13.19 10.6 75 47 38 21.7 30 Ericsson Seismic Fp z/h WP 0.41 1.00 0.41 1.00 0.41 1.00 0.41 1.00 0.41 1.00 0 N I w Q. a:: ~ N w' Q. a.: Member Material Sets • RIGID A53 Gr.B FRP -58 lb -71 lb -58 lb -71 lb -5 Loads: BLC 1 , D lb -24 lb -24 lb -18 lb Loads: BLC 2, Ex -24 lb -24 lb -24 lb Loads: BLC 3, Ez ,..._ ~ 0 co 0 0 Member Code Checks Displayed (Enveloped) Envelope Only Solution Code Check (Env) No Cale > 1.0 .90-1 .0 .75-.90 .50-.75 0.-.50 Envelope Only Solution Shear Check (Env) No Cale > 1.0 .90-1.0 .75-.90 .50-.75 ■ 0.-.50 N90 N79 • N91 N70 9 • N67 N48 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company : J5 lnfrustructure Partners Designer : Zahra Gerami Job Number : SD06088A Model Name : Mount Checked By : ___ _ Detail Report: M20 Unity Check: 0.127 (LC 24) Load Combination: Envelope ,-------~ ----------------- Input Data: Material Properties: Material: E(ksi): G(ksi): Nu: Shape Properties: d(in): b1(in): t(in): Design Properties: Lb y-y (in): ~:::: ~: ::~: : Ltorque (in): FRP 2600 480 0.3 4 4 0.233 N/A N/A Lbyy N/A N/A l Lb z-z (in): ------------- N28 Diagrams: 6 162.82 at 92 in Axial Force (lbs) RISA-3D Version 19 Shape: Member Type: Length (in): Material Type: Design Rule: Number of I ntemal Sections: Therm. Coeff. (1e5•F-1): Density (lb/ft'): F y (ksi): HSS4X4X4 None 128 Hot Rolled Steel Typical 97 0.65 120 16.7 ----- lyy (in4): lu(in4): --- Ky-y: K,_,: y sway: z sway: Function: Seismic DR: M20 -0.185 at 69.333 in r -T'--,---r y Deflection ( in ) 240.641 at 0 in 7.8 7.8 No No Lateral None j _,,,:S +-----,--,-~.' --··~ y Shear Force ( lbs ) I Mount.r3d ) I Node: J Node: I Release: J Release: I Offset (in): J Offset (in): Ry: Fu (ksi): Rt: Area (in2): J (in'): Max Defl Ratio: Max Defl Location: Span: 0.042 at 49.333 in -0.086 at 50.667 in ~~-~~-~· z Deflection ( in ) 130.388 at 0 in -142.923 at 105.333 in z Shear Force (lbs) N28 N29 Fixed Fixed N/A N/A 1.4 1 3 ~ I ~ 3.37 12.8 L/692 0 N/A N29 Page 1 IIIRISA Company : JS lnfrustructure Partners Designer : Zahra Gerami ANEMETSCHEK COMPANY Job Number : SD06088A Model Name : Mount 13.145 at 14.667 in -19.997 at 56 in ~--~~ Torsion (lb-ft) 0.048 at 92 in -0.119 at 0 in ' ' ' Axial Stress ( ksi ) Flexural Analysis: M = 338 lb-ft S= 4.41 fb = 338x12/4.41 = 920 psf Fb = 6631 psf fb/Fb = 0.14 < 1 OK RISA-3D Version 19 ~ ~66 at 14.667 in N~ ~ I -337.495 •t106.667i, _ z-z Moment ( lb-ft) 1.038 at 106.667 in , -1.0~8 at 106.?67 if Bending Strong Stress ( ksi) [ Mount.r3d ) Checked By : ___ _ -131.438 at 106.667 in T y-y Moment ( lb-ft) 0.465 at 56 in -0.465 at 56 in ' ' Bending Weak Stress ( ksi) Page2 IIIRISA A NEME TSCHEK COMPANY Node Coordinates Label 1 N28 2 N29 3 N31 4 N32 5 N6 6 N7 7 N8 8 N9 9 N10 10 N11 11 N12 12 N13 13 N14 14 N15 15 N16 16 N17 17 N18 18 N19 19 N20 20 N21 21 N22 22 N23 23 N24 24 N25 25 N26 26 N27 27 N30 28 N33 29 N34 30 N35 31 N36 32 N37 33 N38 34 N39 35 N40 36 N41 37 N42 38 N43 39 N44 40 N45 41 N46 42 N47 43 N48 44 N49 45 N50 46 N51 47 N52 48 N53 49 N54 50 N55 51 N56 52 N57 53 N58 54 N59 55 N60 56 N61 57 N62 58 N63 RISA-3D Version 19 Company : J5 lnfrustructure Partners Designer : Zahra Gerami Job Number : SD06088A Model Name : Mount X[inl Y linl 0 72 128 72 0 39 128 39 106 72 106 39 106 72 106 39 14 72 14 39 56 72 56 39 92 39 92 72 92 39 56 39 14 72 14 39 56 72 92 72 14 84 56 84 92 84 14 24 56 24 92 24 106 72 106 39 106 72 106 39 106 72 106 39 109.25 72 109.25 39 109.25 72 109.25 39 109.25 72 109.25 39 109.25 84 109.25 84 109.25 84 109.25 24 109.25 24 109.25 24 14 84 14 28 14 28 56 84 92 84 56 51 56 51 92 36 92 36 121.25 84 121 .25 84 121.25 84 109.25 28 121 .25 28 Zlinl 22 22 22 22 22 22 118 118 22 22 22 22 22 22 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 40 40 70 70 100 100 40 40 70 70 100 100 100 70 40 70 100 40 6.75 6.75 18.75 6.75 6.75 18.75 6.75 18.75 6.75 40 70 100 40 40 [ Mount.r3d I Checked By : ___ _ Detach From Diaohraam Page 1 IIIRISA Company : JS lnfrustructure Partners 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Designer : Zahra Gerami A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Job Number : SD06088A Model Name : Mount Node Coordinates (Continued) Label Xlinl Ylinl N64 109.25 51 N65 121.25 51 N66 109.25 36 N67 121.25 36 N68 -40 72 N69 -40 39 N70 -34 24 N71 -34 84 N72 -28 72 N73 -28 39 N74 -34 72 N75 -34 39 N76 -34 72 N77 -34 39 N78 -64 39 N79 -70 24 N80 -70 84 N81 -76 72 N82 -76 39 N83 -64 72 N84 -70 72 N85 -70 39 N86 -70 72 N87 -70 39 N88 -70 84 N89 -34 84 N90 -70 28 N91 -70 28 N92 -34 51 N93 -34 51 N94 56 66 N95 109.25 66 N96 56 46 N97 109.25 46 N98 56 66 N99 56 46 N100 104.25 66 N101 104.25 46 Member Primary Data Label I Node J Node Section/Shaoe M20 N28 N29 FRP Memeber M21 N31 N32 FRP Memeber M3 N6 N8 FRP Memeber M4 N7 N9 FRP Memeber MS N10 N18 RIGID M6 N11 N19 RIGID M7 N12 N20 RIGID M8 N13 N17 RIGID M9 N15 N21 RIGID M10 N14 N16 RIGID M11 N25 N22 Pioe Mast M12 N26 N23 Pipe Mast M13 N27 N24 Pioe Mast M14 N36 N42 RIGID M15 N37 N43 RIGID M16 N35 N41 RIGID M17 N34 N40 RIGID RISA-3D Version 19 Z linl 70 70 100 100 16.75 16.75 18.75 18.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 18.75 18.75 16.75 18.75 18.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 18.75 18.75 30.75 30.75 18.75 30.75 18.75 30.75 18.75 70 18.75 70 23.75 23.75 70 70 Tvoe None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None [ Mount.r3d I Checked By : ___ _ Detach From Diaohraam Desian List Material Design Rule None FRP Tvoical None FRP Tvoical None FRP Typical None FRP Typical None RIGID Tvoical None RIGID Tvoical None RIGID Tvoical None RIGID Tvoical None RIGID Tvoical None RIGID Tvoical None A53 Gr.B Tvoical None A53 Gr.B Tvoical None A53 Gr.B Typical None RIGID Typical None RIGID Tvoical None RIGID Typical None RIGID Tvoical Page 2 IIIRISA Company : J5 lnfrustructure Partners Designer : Zahra Gerami Job Number : SD06088A Model Name : Mount A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Member Primary Data (Continued) Label I Node J Node Section/Shape Type 18 M18 N33 N39 RIGID None 19 M19 N30 N38 RIGID None 20 M22 N48 N44 Pipe Mast None 21 M23 N47 N45 Pipe Mast None 22 M24 N49 N46 Pipe Mast None 23 M25 N22 N50 RIGID None 24 M26 N52 N51 RIGID None 25 M27 N23 N53 RIGID None 26 M28 N24 N54 RIGID None 27 M29 N55 N56 RIGID None 28 M30 N57 N58 RIGID None 29 M31 N46 N59 RIGID None 30 M32 N45 N60 RIGID None 31 M33 N44 N61 RIGID None 32 M34 N62 N63 RIGID None 33 M35 N64 N65 RIGID None 34 M36 N66 N67 RIGID None 35 M37 N70 N71 Pioe Mast None 36 M38 N68 N72 RIGID None 37 M39 N69 N73 RIGID None 38 M40 N74 N76 RIGID None 39 M41 N75 N77 RIGID None 40 M42 N85 N87 RIGID None 41 M43 N79 N80 Pioe Mast None 42 M44 N81 N83 RIGID None 43 M45 N82 N78 RIGID None 44 M46 N84 N86 RIGID None 45 M47 N80 N88 RIGID None 46 M48 N71 N89 RIGID None 47 M49 N90 N91 RIGID None 48 M50 N92 N93 RIGID None 49 M51 N94 N98 RIGID None 50 M52 N96 N99 RIGID None 51 M53 N95 N100 RIGID None 52 M54 N97 N101 RIGID None Hot Rolled Steel Section Sets Label FRP Memeber Desion List None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Material FRP 2 Pi e Mast A53 Gr.B Hot Rolled Steel Properties Label E fksil G fksil Nu Therm. Coeff. r1e•°F-1l Densitv flb/ft31 1 A992 29000 11154 0.3 0.65 490 2 A36 Gr.36 29000 11154 0.3 0.65 490 3 A572 Gr.50 29000 11154 0.3 0.65 490 4 A500 Gr.B RND 29000 11154 0.3 0.65 527 5 A500 Gr.B Rect 29000 11154 0.3 0.65 527 6 A53 Gr.B 29000 11154 0.3 0.65 490 7 A1085 29000 11154 0.3 0.65 490 8 FRP 2600 480 0.3 0.65 120 RISA-3D Version 19 I Mount.r3d I Checked By : ___ _ Material Desion Rule RIGID Typical RIGID Typical A53 Gr.B Typical A53 Gr.B Typical A53 Gr.B Tvoical RIGID Tvnical RIGID Tvoical RIGID TvPical RIGID TvPical RIGID Tvpical RIGID Tvpical RIGID Tvpical RIGID Typical RIGID Tvpical RIGID Typical RIGID Typical RIGID Typical A53 Gr.B Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical A53 Gr.B Tvpical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID Tvoical RIGID TYPical Area in2 in• lzz in• J in• 3.37 7.8 7.8 12.8 1.02 0.627 0.627 1.25 Yield fksil Rv Fu fksil Rt 50 1.1 65 1.1 36 1.5 58 1.2 50 1.1 65 1.1 42 1.4 58 1.3 46 1.4 58 1.3 35 1.6 60 1.2 50 1.4 65 1.3 16.7 1.4 30 1.3 Page 3 IIIRISA Company : JS lnfrustructure Partners Designer : Zahra Gerami Job Number : SD06088A Model Name : Mount I\ NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Hot Rolled Steel Design Parameters Label Shaoe 1 M20 FRP Memeber 2 M21 FRP Memeber 3 M3 FRP Memeber 4 M4 FRP Memeber 5 M11 Pioe Mast 6 M12 Pioe Mast 7 M13 Pipe Mast 8 M22 Pipe Mast 9 M23 Pipe Mast 10 M24 Pipe Mast 11 M37 Pipe Mast 12 M43 Pipe Mast Basic Load Cases BLC Description Cateaorv X Gravitv 1 D DL 2 Ex ELX -0.41 3 Ez ELZ 4 Wx WLX 5 Wz WLZ Load Combinations Descriotion s olve P-Delta BLC Factor BLC 1 **LC11 /IBC Ea 16-8)** 2 LC11 Yes y DL 1 FL 3 4 **LC12 {IBC Ea 16-9)** 5 LC12 Yes y DL 1 HL 6 7 **LC13 (IBC EQ 16-10)** 8 LC13a Lr Yes y DL 1 HL 9 LC1 3b S Yes y DL 1 HL 10 LC13c /R Yes y DL 1 HL 11 12 **LC14 nae EJ 16-11i·· 13 LC14a Lr Yes y DL 1 HL 14 LC14b S Yes y DL 1 HL 15 LC14c R Yes y DL 1 HL 16 17 **LC15 /IBC Ea 16-12)** 18 LC15aa Wx) Yes y DL 1 HL 19 LC1 Saa (-Wx) Yes y DL 1 HL 20 LC15ab Wz Yes y DL 1 HL 21 LC15ab 1-Wzl Yes y DL 1 HL 22 LC15ba Ex Yes y DL 1.12 FL 23 LC15ba 1 -Ex) Yes y DL 1.12 FL 24 LC15bb Ez Yes y DL 1.12 FL 25 LC15bb 1 -Ezl Yes y DL 1.12 FL 26 27 **LC16 {IBC EQ 16-13)** 28 LC16aa (Lr+ Wx) Yes y DL 1 HL 29 LC16aa (Lr -Wx) Yes y DL 1 HL 30 LC16ab (Lr+ Wz) Yes y DL 1 HL 31 LC16ab (Lr -Wz) Yes y DL 1 HL 32 LC16ba (S + Wx) Yes y DL 1 HL Lenath linl 128 128 96 96 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Y Gravitv -1 Factor BLC Factor 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1.12 HL 1 1.12 HL 1 1.12 HL 1 1.12 HL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 1 FL 1 RISA-3D Version 19 I Mount.r3d I Checked By : ___ _ Lcomo too linl Function Lbvv Lateral Lbvv Lateral Lbvv Lateral Lbvv Lateral Lbvv Lateral Lbvv Lateral Lbvv Lateral Lbvv Lateral Lbyy Lateral Lbvv Lateral Lbyy Lateral Lbyy Lateral Z Gravitv Nodal 20 20 -0.41 20 BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC LL 1 RLL 1 SL 1 RL 1 LL 0.75 RLL 0.75 LL 0.75 SL 0.75 LL 0.75 RL 0.75 WLX 0.6 WU( -0.6 WLZ 0.6 WLZ -0.6 ELX 0.7 ELX -0.7 ELZ 0.7 ELZ -0.7 WLX 0.45 LL 0.75 RLL WLX -0.45 LL 0.75 RLL WLZ 0.45 LL 0.75 RLL WLZ -0.45 LL 0.75 RLL WLX 0.45 LL 0.75 SL Page4 Company : JS lnfrustructure Partners Designer : Zahra Gerami IIIRISA Job Number : SD06088A Model Name : Mount Checked By : ___ _ A NEMETSCHE~ COMPANY Load Combinations (Continued) DescnotIon SI o ve PD I BLC F -eta actor BLC F actor BLC F actor BLC F t ac or BLC F t ac or BLC 33 LC16ba S-Wx Yes y DL 1 HL 1 FL 1 WLX -0.45 LL 0.75 SL 34 LC16bb 1 S+Wz Yes y DL 1 HL 1 FL 1 WLZ 0.45 LL 0.75 SL 35 LC16bb S-Wz Yes y DL 1 HL 1 FL 1 WLZ -0.45 LL 0.75 SL 36 LC16ca R+Wx Yes y DL 1 HL 1 FL 1 WLX 0.45 LL 0.75 RL 37 LC16ca R-Wx Yes y DL 1 HL 1 FL 1 WLX -0.45 LL 0.75 RL 38 LC16cb R+Wz Yes y DL 1 HL 1 FL 1 WLZ 0.45 LL 0.75 RL 39 LC16cb R-Wz Yes y DL 1 HL 1 FL 1 WLZ -0.45 LL 0.75 RL 40 41 **LC17 (IBC EQ 16-14)** 42 LC17a Ex) Yes y DL 1.08 FL 1.08 HL 1 EU< 0.525 LL 0.75 SL 43 LC17a (-Ex) Yes y DL 1.08 FL 1.08 HL 1 EU< -0.525 LL 0.75 SL 44 LC17b Ez) Yes y DL 1.08 FL 1.08 HL 1 ELZ 0.525 LL 0.75 SL 45 LC17b (-Ez) Yes y DL 1.08 FL 1.08 HL 1 ELZ -0.525 LL 0.75 SL 46 47 **LC18 (IBC Ea 16-15)** 48 LC18aa Wx Yes y DL 0.6 WLX 0.6 HL 1 49 LC18aa -Wxl Yes y DL 0.6 WLX -0.6 HL 1 50 LC18ab Wz Yes y DL 0.6 WLZ 0.6 HL 1 51 LC18ab 1 -Wzl Yes y DL 0.6 WLZ -0.6 HL 1 52 53 **LC19 (IBC Eci 16-16)** 54 LC19a Ex) Yes y DL 0.48 FL 0.48 EU< 0.7 HL 1 55 LC19a -Ex) Yes y DL 0.48 FL 0.48 EU< -0.7 HL 1 56 LC19b Ez) Yes y DL 0.48 FL 0.48 ELZ 0.7 HL 1 57 LC19b (-Ez) Yes y DL 0.482 FL 0.482 ELZ -0.7 HL 1 Node Loads and Enforced Displacements (BLC 1 : DJ Node Label L, D, M Direction Maonitude [(lb, lb-ft), (in, rad), (lb*s2/in, lb*s'*in)] 1 N88 L y -58 2 N59 L y -58 3 N91 L y -58 4 NS0 L y -58 5 N51 L y -58 6 N63 L y -58 7 N53 L y -71 8 N65 L y -71 9 N60 L y -71 10 N56 L y -71 11 N89 L y -71 12 N93 L y -71 13 N58 L y -44 14 N67 L y -44 15 N54 L y -44 16 N61 L y -44 17 N98 L y -44 18 N100 L y -44 19 N99 L y -75 20 N101 L y -75 Node Loads and Enforced Displacements (BLC 2: Ex) Node Label L, D M Direction Maonitude [(lb, lb-ft), (in, rad), (lb*s2/in, lb*s2*in)] 1 N88 L X -24 2 N59 L X -24 3 N91 L X -24 4 NS0 L X -24 5 N51 L X -24 RISA-3D Version 19 [ Mount.r3d) Page 5 <l I IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company : JS lnfrustructure Partners Designer : Zahra Gerami Job Number : SD06088A Model Name : Mount Checked By : ___ _ Node Loads and Enforced Displacements (BLC 2 : Ex) (Continued) Node Label L D M Direction Maonitude [(lb, lb-ft), (in rad), (lb•s2/in, lb•s,.in)l 6 N63 L X -24 7 N53 L X -29 8 N65 L X -29 9 N60 L X -29 10 N56 L X -29 11 N89 L X -29 12 N93 L X -29 13 N58 L X -18 14 N67 L X -18 15 N54 L X -18 16 N61 L X -1 8 17 N98 L X -18 18 N100 L X -18 19 N99 L X -30 20 N101 L X -30 Node Loads and Enforced Displacements (BLC 3 : Ez) Node Label L D M Direction Maonitude [(lb lb-ft), (in rad), (lb•s2/in lb•s2•in)l 1 N88 L z -24 2 N59 L z -24 3 N91 L z -24 4 N50 L z -24 5 N51 L z -24 6 N63 L z -24 7 N53 L z -29 8 N65 L z -29 9 N60 L z -29 10 N56 L z -29 11 N89 L z -29 12 N93 L z -29 13 N58 L z -18 14 N67 L z -18 15 N54 L z -18 16 N61 L z -18 17 N98 L z -18 18 N100 L z -18 19 N99 L z -30 20 N101 L z -30 Envelope Node Reactions Node Label X [lb] LC Y[lb] LC Zflbl LC MX fib-ft] LC MY fib-ft] LC MZ [lb-ft] LC 1 N29 max 105.367 22 192.176 23 34.933 57 0 57 0 57 0 57 2 min -64.827 55 78.496 54 -73.206 24 0 2 0 2 0 2 3 N32 max 48.785 54 187.135 22 63.603 25 0 57 0 57 0 57 4 min -89.104 23 80.115 54 -24.905 56 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 N28 max -87.836 54 242.206 22 131.857 24 0 57 0 57 0 57 6 min -401 23 90.762 55 2.578 57 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 N31 max 393.406 22 235.172 23 -13.534 56 0 57 0 57 0 57 8 min 95.1 05 55 92.618 54 -120.231 25 0 2 0 2 0 2 9 NS max 15.147 54 225.7 25 686.54 24 0 57 0 57 0 57 10 min -121 .981 23 90.263 56 18.418 57 0 2 0 2 0 2 11 N9 max 104.911 22 216.12 23 -60.805 56 0 57 0 57 0 57 12 min 1.167 55 91.064 54 -644.772 25 0 2 0 2 0 2 13 N68 max 14.4 22 3.123 54 17.768 54 0 57 0 57 0 57 14 min -14.4 23 -44.202 23 -66.822 23 0 2 0 2 0 2 15 N69 max 8.391 54 127.584 25 50.055 22 0 57 0 57 0 57 RISA-3D Version 19 [ Mount.r3d) Page6 IIIRISA Company : JS lnfrustructure Partners Designer : Zahra Gerami Job Number : SD06088A Model Name : Mount A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Envelope Node Reactions (Continued) Node Label X llbl LC Yflbl LC Zflbl LC 16 min -8.391 55 40.935 56 -1 .002 55 17 N72 max 14.4 22 3.123 55 17.768 55 18 min -14.4 23 -44.202 22 -66.822 22 19 N73 max 8.391 54 127.584 25 50.055 23 20 min -8.391 55 40.935 56 -1.002 54 21 N78 max 9.707 54 79.423 25 48.185 23 22 min -9.707 55 -25.854 56 -7.972 54 23 N81 max 9.583 22 79.042 24 7.931 54 24 min -9.583 23 -25.861 57 -48.143 23 25 N82 max 9.707 54 79.423 25 48.185 22 26 min -9.707 55 -25.854 56 -7.972 55 27 N83 max 9.583 22 79.042 24 7.931 55 28 min -9.583 23 -25.861 57 -48.143 22 29 Totals: max 410.127 22 1603.467 25 410.126 56 30 min -410.123 55 687.2 56 -410.131 25 Envelope A/SC 15TH (360-16): ASD Member Steel Code Checks Member Shaoe Code Check Locfin LC Shear Check Loclin LC Pnc/om fib 1 M11 PIPE 2.0 0.406 15 22 0.094 47.5 24 15840.679 2 M12 PIPE 2.0 0.176 47.5 23 0.052 26.875 23 15840.679 3 M13 PIPE 2.C 0.225 15 24 0.065 47.5 24 15840.679 4 M22 PIPE 2.0 0.377 15 25 0.083 47.5 23 15840.679 5 M23 PIPE 2.C 0.161 47.5 24 0.05 26.875 24 15840.679 6 M24 PIPE 2.0 0.108 15 22 0.043 15 23 15840.679 7 M37 PIPE 2.C 0.083 48.125 25 0.023 15 23 15840.679 8 M43 PIPE 2.0 0.068 48.125 25 0.024 15 23 15840.679 Material Take-Off Material Size Pieces 1 General Members 2 RIGID 40 3 Total General 40 4 5 Hot Rolled Steel 6 A53 Gr.B PIPE 2.0 8 7 Total HR Steel 8 RISA-3D Version 19 ( Mount.r3d] Checked By : ___ _ MX flb-ftl LC MY flb-ftl LC MZ flb-ftl LC 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 57 0 57 0 57 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 57 0 57 0 57 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 57 0 57 0 57 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 57 0 57 0 57 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 57 0 57 0 57 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 57 0 57 0 57 0 2 0 2 0 2 PnUom fib Mnvv/om fib-ft Mnzz/om fib-ft Cb Ean 21377.246 1245.259 1245.259 1.507 H1-1 21377.246 1245.259 1245.259 1.52 H1-1 21377.246 1245.259 1245.259 1.50! H1-1 21377.246 1245.259 1245.259 1.62! H1-1 21377.246 1245.259 1245.259 1.927 H1-1b 21377.246 1245.259 1245.259 1.94• H1-1 21377.246 1245.259 1245.259 1 H1-1 21377.246 1245.259 1245.259 1 H1-1b Lenathfinl WeiahtrLBl 307 0 307 0 480 138.833 480 138.833 Page 7 Section 8 Flexural Members (Beams) STRONG WELL BEAMS SQUARE TUBES -EXTREN® 625 E = 2.8 X 106 psi y Allowable Uniform Loads in Pounds Per Foot x-$-x LATERALLY SUPPORTED--GOVERNED BY: SPAN IN FEET Stress Deflection *Fb or Fv //100 //150 //180 //240 3 X 3 X 1/4 W= 2.2 lb/ft 3 1,250 -934 779 584 b/t1 = 12.0 4 *822 673 449 374 280 Fb = 8,468 psi 5 *526 368 245 204 153 A = w 1.25 sq. in. 6 *365 221 147 123 92 I = 3.5 in.4 7 *268 143 95 79 59 s = X 2.33 in.3 8 *206 97 65 54 40 J = 5.913 in.4 9 *162 69 46 38 29 10 *132 51 34 28 21 ** 3-1/2 X 3-1/2 X 1/4 W= 2.57 lb/ft 3 1,500 -1,410 1,175 881 b/t1 = 14.0 4 *1,037 -702 585 439 Fb = 7,428 psi 5 *664 588 392 327 245 A = w 1.5 sq. in. 6 *461 358 239 199 149 I = 5.86 in.4 7 *339 233 155 129 97 s = X 3.35 in.3 8 *259 159 106 88 66 J = 8.582 in.4 9 *205 113 76 63 47 10 *166 84 56 46 35 4 X 4 X 1/4 W= 3.08 lb/ft 5 *780 -564 470 352 b/~ = 16.0 6 *542 521 347 289 217 Fb = 6,631 psi 7 *398 341 228 190 142 A = Vf 1.75 sq. in. 8 *305 235 157 130 98 I = 8.82 in.4 9 *241 168 112 93 70 s = X 4.41 in.3 10 *195 124 83 69 52 J = 14.937 in.4 11 *161 94 63 52 39 12 *135 73 49 41 30 13 *115 58 39 32 24 ** Non-stock size subject to mill run requirements. Copyright C 2013 Strongwell Corporation All Rights Reserved 8-45 y //360 389 187 102 61 40 27 19 14 588 292 163 99 65 44 32 23 235 145 95 65 47 35 26 20 16 Rev.1113 Hazardous Materials Questionnaire County of San Diego, Department of Environmental Health PO Box 129261, San Diego, CA92112-9261 Record ID#: Not in System Plan Check#: DEH2020-HHMBP-009175 (858) 505-6700 (800) 253-9933 www.sdcdeh.org Business Name Business Contact Telephone# Plan File# T-Mobile Chris Vuong 8582054150 Project Address City Zip Code APN# 1088 Laguna Dr Carlsbad I State CA 920081858 155-272-19-00 Applicant Applicant E-Mail Applicant Telephone# Chris Vuong cvuong@j5ip.com 8582054150 The following qu&1tlona rep1'911ent the facility'• actlvltlH, NOT the apeclflc project daacr1ptlon. PART I; EIRE DEPARTMENT· HAZARDOUS METERIALS PIYISION· OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: (Not required for project■ within the City of San Olego.) Indicate by selectlng the item, whether your business wUI use, process, or store any of the following hazardous materials. If any of the items are selected, Applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. Occupancy Rating: □ Explosive or Blasting Agents D Compressed Gases □ Flammable/Combustible Liquids □ Flammable Solids □ Organic Peroxides D Oxidizers D Pyrophorics □ Unstable Reactives F■clllty'• Square Footage (Including proposed project): □ Water Reactives □ Corrosives □ Cryogenics □ Other Health Hazards D Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials □ None of These □ Radioactives PART II; SAN DIEGO COUNIY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DMSION {HMDl; If the answer to any of the questions is yes, applicant must contact the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division, in person at 5500 Overland Ave., Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92123, or by phone at (858) 505-6700 prior to issuance of a building permit FEES ARE REQUIRED. Project Completion Date: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. YES NO llll □ □ 1111 □ □ □ □ □ □ 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 II Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). WU your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste In any amount? WII your business store or handle Hazardous Substances In quantities equal to or greater than 55 gallons, 500 pounds, or 200 cubic feet? WII your business handle carcinogens or reproductive toxins in any quantity? WII your business use an existing, or Install an underground storage tank? WII your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? WII your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (TiUe 22, Article 10)? WII your business store petroleum in tanks or containers at your facility with a total storage capacity equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons? (California's Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act). □ □ □ CalARP Exempt CalARP Required CalARP Complete Review Date: PART Ill; SAN DIEGO COUNIY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT {APCD): If the answer to Question #1 Is 'Yes' and the answer to Question #2 Is 'No', the applicant must contact the APCD prior to the Issuance of a building or demolition permit. If any answer to Questions #3, #4, or #5 Is 'Yes', the applicant must contact the APCD prior to the issuance of a building or demolition permit. If the answar to Question #3 or #4 is 'Yes', tha applicant may need to submit an asbestos notification form to the APCO at least 10 working days prior to commencing damolition or renovation (some residential projects may be exempt from the notification requirements). Contact the APCD at 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131 or telaphone (858) 586-2600 for more Information. 1. 2. 3. 4. YES NO □ 1111 □ □ □ □ □ II WII any existing building materials be disturbed as part of this project? (If the answer is 'Yes', an asbestos survey may be required.) Has a survey been performed to determine the presence of asbestos containing materials? WII the project Involve handling or disturbance of any asbestos containing materials? 5. 6. □ □ II □ WII the project Involve the removal of any load supporting structural member? WII the subject facility or construction activities Include operations or equipment that emit or are capable of emitting an air contaminant? (See the APCD factsheet at httpJ/www.sdapcd.org/info/facts/permlts.pdf (ANSll'w£R ONLY IF QUESTION 5 IS 'YES) WIii the subject facility be located within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school (K through 12)? Search the California School Directory at http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/sd/ for public and private schools or contact the appropriate school district. Briefly describe business activities: Unmanned cell alt■ Briefly describe proposed project: Removal / replacement of antennH and ■upportlng equipment. Battery backup cabinet contain• 3-4.7 gallons of electrolytes. I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the responses made herein are true and conect. Ill; Fees Acknowledged: Ill Chris Vuong 10/12/2020 Name of Owner or Authorized Agent Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: BY: DATE: __________ _ EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMO• APCD COUNTY-HMO APCD COUNTY-HMO APCD i--,,.iOFs..._.;;() ov ~ c; REVIE'WEO BY ~ S. Khalid 10/13/2020 1-(1,10 •A stamp in this box .QD.(y_ exempts businesses from completing or updating a Hazardous Materials Business Plan. Other permitting requirements may still apply. DEH_HMD_Plan_Check_Questlonnalro v1 .2 (10/2015) Printed on: 10/1312020 @ 12:09 PM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SCREENING SURVEY 6200 Avenlda Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Phone: 760-438-3941 Fax: 760-476-9852 SourceControl@encinaJpa.com Date: 06/08/21 Business Name: T-Mobile ------------------- Street Address: 1088 Laguna Dr, Carlsbad , CA 92008 Email Address: CVUOng@j5ip.COm PLEASE CHECK HERE IF YOUR BUSINESS IS EXEMPT : (ON REVERSE SIDE CHECK TYPE OF BUSINESS) □ Check all below that are present at your facility: Acid Cleaning D Food Processing D Metal Powders Forming Assembly D Glass Manufacturing D Nutritional SupplemenWitamin Automotive Repair D Industrial Laundry D Manufacturing Battery Manufacturing D Ink Manufacturing D Painting/Finishing Biofuel Manufacturing D Laboratory D Paint Manufacturing Biotech Laboratory D Machining/Milling D Personal Care Products Bulk Chemical Storage D Membrane manufacturing D Manufacturing Car Wash D (i.e. waterfilter membranes) D Pesticide Manufacturing/ Packaging Chemical Manufacturing D Metal Casting/Forming D Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Chemical Purification D Metal Fabrication D (including precursors) D Dental Offices D Metal Finishing D Porcelain Enameling D Dental Schools D Electroplating D Power Generation D Dental Clinics D Electroless Plating D Print Shop D Dry Cleaning D Anodizing D Research and Development □ Electrical Component D Coating (i.e. phosphating) D Rubber Manufacturing □ Manufacturing D Chemical Etching/Milling D Semiconductor Manufacturing □ Fertilizer Manufacturing D Printed Circuit Board D Soap/Detergent Manufacturing □ Film/ X-ra y Processing D Manufacturing D Waste TreatmenUStorage New Business? YesQNoE] SIC Code(s) if known: ______ Date operation began/will begin: _____ _ Tenant Improvement? Yes E)NoO If yes, briefly describe improvement: _C_e_l_l _s_it_e_u_p'---""g_ra_d_e _________ _ Description of operations generating wastewater (discharged to sewer, hauled orevaporated):_N_o_n_e ______ _ Estimated volume of industrial wastewater to be discharged (gal/ day) : _n_/_a _________________ _ List hazardous wastes generated (type/volume):_n_/_a ________________________ _ Have you applied for a Wastewater Discharge Permit from the Encina Wastewater Authority? YesODate: _____ No[!] Page 1 of 2 ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SCREENING SURVEY 6200 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Phone: 760-438-3941 Fax: 760-476-9852 SourceControl@enclnajpa.com The commercial enterprises listed below are a partial listing of businesses that are exempt from industrial wastewater discharge permitting under normal operating conditions. They are exempt because (a) they discharge no process wastewater (i.e., they . only discharge sanitary wastewater with no pollutants exceeding any local limits), and (b) they have no potential to negatively impact the EWPCF or other wastewater treatment plants in the ESS. Any questions regarding exemptions should be referred to EWA Source Control staff. □ Automobile Detailer s □ Hotels/ Motels (no laundry) □ Barber/Beauty Shops □ Laundromats □ Business/Sales Offices □ Libraries □ Cleaning Services □ Medical Offices (no x-ray developing) □ Carpet/Upholstery □ Mortuaries □ Childcare Facilities □ Museums □ Churches □ Nail Salons □ Community Centers □ Nursing Homes □ Consulting Services □ Office Buildings (no process flow) □ Contractors □ Optical Services □ Counseling Services □ Pest Control Services (no pesticide repackaging for sale) □ Educational Services (no auto repair/film developing) □ Pet Boarding/Grooming Facilities □ Financial Institutions/Services □ Postal Services (no car wash/auto repair) □ Fitness Centers □ Public Storage Facilities □ Gas Stations (no car wash/auto repair) □ Restaurants/Bars □ Grocery Stores (no film developing) □ Retail/Wholesale Stores (no auto repair/film □ Residential based Businesses developing) □ Theaters (Movie/Live) CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I certify that the information above is true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge. 06/08/21 Signature: (j/e,~/~ l/«..P1f Print Name: Chris Vuong Date: ____ _ Facility Contact:._T_B __ D _______ _ Title:. _____________ _ ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY 6200AVENIDAENCINAS,CARLSBAD,CA Phone: 760-438-3941 Fax:760-476-9852 SourceControl@encinajpa.com Page 2 of 2