HomeMy WebLinkAbout1271 TAMARACK AVE; ; 83-318; Permiten z 0 ;:: C a: C .., (.) w 0 C I[ 0 (.) Cl: w 0 .., 3 !! Cl: w z ~ z 0 ~ en z w A. 2 0 (.) en ~ w !II:: Cl: 0 3 0 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provlalona of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profeaalons Code, and my license is in full force and effect. Loe No ______ Class I hereby a!form that I am exempt from the Conlrac· fO(S License !,aw for the following reason {Sec 7031.5 Business and Professions Code Any city or county which re-quires a permit to construct. alter. Improve, demolish,. or repair a11-y structure, prior 1011s issuance also requires ?heap-plicant tor such permit to file a s19ned statement !hat he Is ncensed pursuant to the prov1s1ons of rhe Con1rat't0r· s License Law (Chapfer 9 cornmencmg wolh Section 7000 ol Dtv1s1on 3 of the Business and Profess10ns Code} or tti.al 1s tx-empt therelrom and the basrs for Ille allegeo e>emploon Any voolat,on of Section 7031 .5 by an apphcant tor a perm,1 sub· 1ects the applicanl to a civol penally ol not more than t,ve hun· dred dollars {$500) 0 I, as owner of the property, or my employees w,th wages as their sokl compensation, W1II do the work, and lhe struc- ture ,snot Intended or offered for sale {Sec 7044, Business and Profess10ns Code: The Contractor·s License Law does not apply to an owner ol property Who builds or improves !hereon and who does such work llimsell or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intend-ed or offered for sale. 11, however. lhe building or improve- mem Is sold wrthin one year of ~omplelion. the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or Im· prove for the purpose o1 sale}. □ I. as owner of the property. am exclus1vety contracting with licensed contractors 10 construct the project (Sec 7044. Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner o1 property who buolds or im· proves lhereon, and who contracts tor each projects with a contraclor{s) license pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). □ As a homeowner I am improving my home, and the follow-ing conditions exist· I. The work is being performed prior to sale. 2. I have Hved m my home tor twelve months prior lo comptetton ot this work. 3. I have not claimed this exemption during the last three years. ~r ::'r":J;:;t under Sec. ______ , B & Pc. □ I hereby affirm that I ha.,e a cen1t1cate ot consen1 to sell-insure, or a cert1f1ca1e of Workers Compensation Insurance. Of a cen,t,ed copy ttlereot (Sec 3800. Labor Code! POLICY NO COMPANY □ Copy 1s filed with the clfy 0 Cen,hed copy 1s hereby lum1shed CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS· COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This sec1ton need not be completed 11 !he permII 1s for one hundred dollars ($'1()01 or less) 0 I cerMy that m the performance of the wo~ tor whtch 1h1s penmt 1s ,ssued. I shall nol empl0y any person m any manner so as lo become subIect 10 the Wonte,s· Compensation Laws of Cahtorn,a NOTICE TO APPLICAN s Ce,i, l,cate of Exemption. yo b1ect t'J lhe WOf'tl.ers· Compen e Labor Code, you musr fo such prov1s1ons or 1hIs perm voked Lenoer s Name ___________ _ Lender's Addres5 __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE1S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. ) CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 ~PPLICATION & PERMIT . , JOB ADDRESS 1211 LOT BLOCK STANDARD PLAN # BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE t-~-Z-0 F/P FL R ELEV . I 0 GRADING PERMIT ISSUED OCC LOAD FI RESPR CENSUS TRACT I GP LAND USE I p<t-f ~CE I RES 71TS I YO N □ I REDEVE LOPMENT AREA vO ~ v0 N'rX Not Valid Unless M~chine Certified QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE ~ ,~ EACH FIXTURE TRAP ) EACH BUI LO ING SEWER ') EACH WATER HEATER ANO /OR VENT I EACH GAS SYSTEM I TO 4 OUTLETS EACH GAS SYSTEMS OR MO RE EACH INSTA~. ALTER , REPAIR WATER PIPE EACH VACUUM BREAKER WATER SOFTNER ·-,,....r - , QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE / INSTALL FURN. OUCTS i.JP TO 100,000 BTU OVER 100,000 BTU BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP BOILER /COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP / METAL FIREPLACE / VENT FAN SINGLE OUCT / MECH EXHAUST H000/0 UCTS RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER '1-. - SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT SIGN PERMIT PLAN CHECK TOTAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL MOBILEHOME MOBILEHOM E PARK INSP 01 ·00·00·8220 01 ·00·00-B221 01 ·00·00·8806 01·00·00·8222 01 ·00·00·B223 01 ·00·00· 8224 01 ·00·00·8225 ., 'f...lJ... - = 0 --/J- EACH ROOF DRAIN ( INSIDE) -------------l------+----'---;-:-;-::--;--:-::=.,-.,-;-"""":-:-------,--_.1....------t--"'SO=LA,__,_R'-'----------'o'-'-"1-o,,_o .. -""-oo-A ......... ni::.,_,1--------7'~-,.--;,,.,-i, TOH,L MECHANICAL STRONG MOTION 80·92·33·0519 <){, ~r TOTAL PLUMBING I I l/.J.J-. .,.-,r._. -t "'1 . . FIRE SPRINi<LERS 01 ·00·00·8227 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT · ISSUE QTY. SOLAR · ISSUE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 32·00·00·8933 BRIDGE FEE NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT 1BKR lnD COLLECTORS SCHOOL FEE · DISTRICT 1 PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad 80-92·21·0519 --EXIST BLOG EA AMPISWT /BKR ROCK STORAGE Encinitas 80·92· 22·0519 I PH 3 PH PUMP San Dieguito 80·92·23·0519 RE-MOOEL AL TEA PER CIRCUIT PLAN CHECK Fo/ __. San Marcos 80·92·24-0519 TEMP PO LE 700 AMPS /4 /J .,}-<) 't OVER 200 AMPS LICENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162 TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 OAYSI I I / CREDIT DEPOSIT TOTAL ELECTRICAL I \...____ SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PE'lMIT, ANO DO HEREBY Exp,rallon Every perm<t issued by lhe8u1ld1ngOff•c1al under theprov,s,onsofll>os CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE CO<le shall expore by lomotahon and become null and vood If the buoldong or *Ork DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE IF A PERMIT IS authorozed by such perm,t 15 not commenced wolh,n 180 days from lne date of such ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY COUNl Y AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON ~;r;:;:;,:.:;, 1~1 t:~~•;~e~;h:~~,:'~~~e:te~~~~ .f"0:;;:~d•~t~Wd~~':' o, * AN OSHA PEIWIT IS REOUIR£0 FOR EXCAVATIONS OY£fl 5' 0 .. DEEP -'ND OEMC UTIOH OR CONSlltUCTIOtol OF STRUCl\JRES OVE~ 3 ~T, IN HEIGHT STRUCTION WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANDi$J . ~ :~ , :, .~..\af KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS. COSTS ANO p ANTS S NA URE ~ OWNER □ CONTRAC~....- EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN O.NY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE BY PH n GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT , Ill .-.PPROI 0.qy ... ~ ~,~. -,. .. ... .... " , ~ ii: >-r.i 0 C. E Q) t- i 32 0 (.'.l C: 111 () C. 0 "' "' (I) "' "' <l: I ;;:: 0 Q) > "' "' Q) () 0 a: 111 co 0 ~ (I) () C: 111 C: ii C: Q) ~ (.'.l 0 t, (I) a. "' C: QJ .t:. 3: TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING I FOUNDATION I o,f4-A8 ~ REINFORCED STEEL I II MASONRY I GUNITE OR GROUT I I FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME I SHEATHING ~ROOF \Qi SHEAR 11. ~ F½'Z ~~L FRAME I ~,. '14 ,?¥;" I ,IL EXTERIOR LATH I l~.?~~I~ ' l1~1:~,~ f ' INSULATION I ,... INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I 11,~'1.,AA Ir. I PLUMBING I I SEWER AND BUCO DIPUCO I UNDERGROUND J. WASTE D WATER fl},{:~,~ (1 '" TOP OUT ~ WASTE ~ W.f'TER l t, t9i£91~ ~ ... TUB AND SHOWER PAN I GAS TEST I lt,tA·AA N½- D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WA1ER ~11 I ELECTRICAL I \ D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D t:JFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I \\,75l•~ M- D ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 TEMPOAARY t'J D BONDING D POOL ' 1 I MECHANICAL I D DUCT & PLEM., 0 REF. PIPl~G /l,,fJ/,,, fib fJr HEAT-AIR COND. SYSTEMS I n VENTILATING SYSTEMS 1 I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTJ©N WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REQ. IF INSPECTOR'S CHECKED APPROVAL SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTAESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELD1NG - HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS •,. -. --' -- -· ~ ..... . -' .. - -- 'I" • ~-.... ~-. • ......._ ~ ~~-318' ( .,.,,.., - INSPECTOR'S NOTES ' DATE . ·., ~ . r i;\ ~ .. - - '· , --..:....·~ '• I --- , - •. -'i < . . ~ ... ,_ ' ,· i '·, ~ ;. , .. ..... - , , . , <\• . -' . l -.. --. . --. ., ~ . ... ,~ " - . I : I --' ' . I ,., I• APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438•5541 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: EXISTING BUILDING LATERAL LOCATION ST. LATERAL NO. _______ INSTALLATION DATE--------1 ISSUED BY __________________ _ DATE ISSUED-------"-------------- VALIDATION LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V . 10') OVER 30' H. @ FT. OVER 10' V. @ FT. STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') OVER 30' H. ___ @. ____ FT. _________ _ OVER '10' V. ___ @ ___ FT __________ _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) _________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO.-,--''-------------- FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT. ____ TOTAL __ _ OTHER ____ -'----------------- CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS __ \ __ COST PER UNIT---TOTAL--- PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ____ TOTAL __ _ TOTAL cHARGEs (LATERAL ETc., _ _:__I ,__o_o_o ____ _ WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permitter Citp of Carlsbab cs\\~ ' 1 .JUUSDtCTlOlh DATE c:a ~ _?> .... ""'" .,,. ..... /../21 ~ ~01 riJJPflt1111JT: PLAN coaJltc'TlON SREft SIICL& PANILY ANO DUPLD DIIZU.lllCI Plaft Check No. c!3 ,3 -.,3 '8 -_zz= Date pl&11a received by juri ■diction •J#ff tfJ'.JJO :>u.e plane received by plan checkeL 4)c0 1/dJ D CITY COPY D PLAN CHECKER COPY r":::=r--~-------------- ,, .. , •••• , •• , ••••••••• ·-···""~ .,.:r;;,, M~NC'IIDI PLtASt RU.O ~ 'r!2,, 1--+-,.;..,,...,.;;;__"'"-__ .;.,;..--=:;;,__.;....;..._.;...;...,.....;...;;,,.._c/VJ ____ __ Plan c~ack ta li~ited to technical requir-nt• contained 1n th• Unifor11 8uilding Code, Unifora Pl~lng Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Nati onal £1ectrlcat Coda and 1tate law1 regulating energy conaarvation, noise attenuation and acca■■ for the I\And1~pped. The plan check i a baaed on requlatton.■ enforced by the 8utlding tnapection :leparuient. You INY have other correction■ ~•ed on law■ and ordinance■ enforced by the ?Lanning O.partlllent, Engineer ing Department or other depacUlents. ~he 1t••• circled below need clarification, ~od1!1cat1on or change. All ci ccled it••• have tc be sat11f1ed before the plant will be in ccntor~•nce with the cited code• and regulation■• P~r Sec, 303 lcl, 1979 Uniform Building Code, t~• approval of the plans does not permit the v1olat1on of any 1tate, county or city lav. '. Pl•••• uke all correction■ on the original tr.a.::1n9a and 111t111it two nev ••t• of print■, anJ any or191nal plan 1et1 that 111ay have oeen returned a~the juriadic:tion, tG: @L.af: "" • ;P ~a tac1l1tat• rechec~1n9, plea■• identity, n•~: to each c ircled item, th• sheet ot :r.e plans upon which each correction on :h11 sheec has been . ad• and return thi ■ ~hec k sheet with the revised plane. / tn~1cat• on plans the name of the legal cwner and na~• ot person re1ponsible for :~e preparation of the plans. Sec. l02fbl , • PLAN CHECK NO. €itp of <arl.sbab ---OWNER ------PLAN REC'D. ----PLAN CHK'D. ----CHK'D. BY --~- 'd...=L._;....:;....,;.;;;_-;.,,,c;..:...._ __ ____,;;.._ ____ .. ~-+--e?:.~==-~~~l.l.u~~--~~-+-~~~~------~ --+-----------· ·-···· ,,__..., __________ ---------_________ _, ~itp of ~arlibab ,, '2.: ,~ :s, 1.::, ,, 0~ /il.-7/ JURISDICTION: DATE g/ofa 3 i'ROJECT ADDRE-SS_:_/,_"_?_'l_t:_,,,~ ... m-a12r:K,J:' /7tE" TO: c:2C'f7,?/ 'JJZ: • PLAN CORRECTION SHHT SINGLI!! PMILY AND DUPLEX DW!!LLINGS Date plan• received by ~ate plans received by Date i nitial plan check FOREWORD: PLEASE READ Plan check ia l imited to technical requirements conta1ned in the Uniform Building Code, Unitora Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check i s based on regulations enforced by the Buildi ng Inspection Department. You may have other corrections aased on laws and ordinances enforced by the ?lann1ng Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, mod 1f1cat1on or change. All circled items have tc be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c l, 1979 Uniform Building Code, the approva l of the plans does no t permit th• v iol at1on of any s tate, county or city law. Pl ease make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have oeen returned to you by the jurisdiction, cc,, .&u?6' 01;--2 r To facil1tat e rechecking, please i dentify, ~e.: to each c ircled item, the sheet of :~e plans upon whic h each correction on :h1s shee t has been made and return this =he ck sheet wi t h t he revised plans. rndicate on plans the name of the legal c ner and name of person responsible for the prepara t ion of the plans. Sec. l02(b ) /. 0 APPLICANT COPY CITY D PLAN CHECKER COPY Submit fully dimensioned plot plan drawn to scale showing loc3tion size, and use of all existing and proposed structures on the lot. Identify property lines and show lot dimensions and all easements. Show locati on ot all cut or fill slopes and approximate finish floor elevations tor all structures and show elevations at all corners. Sec. 302(b)7. Indicate distance from center-line of street or alley to property line and distance tram curb to property line. Sec. 302(bl7 Plana, specifications and calculations shall be signed by a California State licensed engineer or architect. (California Business and Professions Code) 0. FIR~ PROTECTION Walls closer than shall be one-hour have no openings, parapets when the 1,000 square feet Sec. l 709(a) 3 feet to property lines fire-rated construction, and shall have 30 inch building floor area exceed• on any floor. (Table 5-A '). Projections, including eaves, may not extend , more than 12 inches into the 3 foot setback from the property line. Sec. 1710 and Sec. 504(b) -: Projections, including eaves,shall be one- hour tire-resistive construction, heavy timber or of non-combustible materi al it they project into the 3' setback area from the property line. sec. 1710 1·~ Show loc a tion of perm~nently wired smoke / dec-~c tor. Sec. 12 10 C. ROOM SIZES, r,IGHT 1 VENT I LATIONS AND GLAZING Ona room must conta1n a m1nimum of 150 square fcl t of superficial floor area. Sec. 1207(bl fi: ttab Ltable rooms, other han kitchens, shall / co nt i n at least 70 square feet of floor rea . Sec. 1207<bl /.. Window area must be at least 1/10 of the fl oor area 3nd a mi ~1mum of IC square feet pe r Sec. 1207(al. Appears to be deficient 1n 28. Openable window area must oe 1/20 of the / floor area and a minimu~ of 5 square feet. In bathrooms, l a undry rooms and similar rooms. Minimum is 1.5 sq.ft. (Sec.l20S (al One-half of all required window area must be openable in ,/ Provide mechanical ventilation capable of / 0 providing five air changes per hour in bathrooms , water closet compartments, laundry rooms and s1mLlar rooms if requ ired windows are not provided . Sec. 1205fal l ' .lo hab1to1ble room, ocher o:han a lutchen, shall be less than 7"0 " 1n any d Lmension. Sec . 1207 1c) 3how that ce i ling height f or habitable reams 1s min1mum of 7'6". Sec. 1207(a l Show eeil1ng height for Laundry rooms, :ia llways , corridors, and bathrooms is a m1n1mum of 7'0". Sec. L207(al ✓ Provide JO" clear width for water closet compartments and 24" clearance in front of water closet. Sec. l7ll(bl .o cooking room shall be used for sleeping purposes. unless complying as an efficiency living unit. Sec. 1208 6 . Specify safety glazing for glazing in hazardous Locations such as glass doors, glazing / J7. J8. adJacent t o suc h doors and glazing adjacent :o walking surfaces. Sec. S406 Gl azing i n shower snd tub enclosures (including windows) shall be tempered, laminated or approved plastic. Sec. L7ll (f l(gl Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door for emergency exit. Sill height shall not exceed 44" above the floor. The window must have an openable area of at east 5.7 square feet with the minimum openable width 20• and the minimum openable hei ght 24". Sec. 1204 Eaves and cornices IIUIY not project into a r equired yard more than 2 inches for each foot of yard width if required windows open into the yard. Sec. l206Cdl / A mezzanine h an intermediate floor and may not have a floor area exceeding)) L/J percent of th• total floor area in the room below. and the mezzanine floor must have a c lear he ight of 7 feet, above and below.and must have 651 of the long side open to the room below. 41 . The loft you show does not comply as a / mezianine floor and i s, by Building Code :iefi.n1t ion, a story ______________ _ O. EXITS, STAIRWAYS , AND RAILINGS ~-:Loors above the second story shall have not Less than 2 exits. Sec. JJ02 (a) ~p . ~squired exit doorways shall be not Less / t:ian 36" i.n ,.,idth and noc Less than 6 • ·8" i.:, hcught, .1nd shall be capable of opening at leasc 90 degrees. Sec. JJOJ <el '1~ Provide 16-n1qh protective ra1lLnq for porches, balcon1es , and open sides of landi ngs . MaximWII opening between railings shall be l ess than 9". Sec. 1716 ~-Show how guardrail connection deca1ls are adequate to support 20 pounds per li.neal :~ot at r~gnc angl e to the top rail. r.sble 23-B t . ?:-0111 • staJ.rway and landing deca d s. 3ec. )305(bl • (C ) ~-~ax1.mum rise a• and m1.nimum run i.s 9". ~1n1mum head room 1s 6 '-6". ~l:il.mum width 1 30". (spl Handrails shall satisfy the fol lowing: a. Provide handrail tor stairways over JO" high when serving a single dwelli ng. Title 24, Sec. T25-22(b) ,<"l b. Handrail shall be 30" to )4" above the ,.'/ ·~ noaing of treads. Sec. 3J05(j) llt.fe ,:-') Handrail proj ecting from a wall shal ~ ~J have a space not less than l l /2" b~tw~!n_ Y) che wall and the handrail. · )'2.- ~n• h~nd grip portion of handrail shall be not Less than l L/4" nor more than 2• in cross-secti onal ,di menaion. Sec. 3~05(jJ (see attached) Every sca1rway landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direct.i on of travel, at least equal to the stair-~ay width. Sec. 3J05(gJ A door may open over a stairway Landing provided the door, in any pos1tion, does noc reduce the clear area of the landing, i n che direct1.on of stairway cravel , to less than one-half the required width of the stairway. Sec. JJ05(gl A door may open inward ac the top step of a stairway provi ded the top scep 1s noc more than 7 1/2" Lower than the floor Level. Sec. 3 3 0 3 I i J 2 54. Prov1de decails of winding stairway. a. Minimum tread i s 6 1nches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches f rom the s1de of the st.airway. b. Maximum rise i s 9 inches. c . Minimum width is 30 inches. Sec. 3)05(dl Csee attached ) 55. Provide spiral stairway details: a . ~in imum run i.s 7 1/2 i nches at a point E:-om wnere :he tread 1s the narrowest . b. ~ax1.mum r i.se 1 9 1/2 i.nches. c. Minimum headroom 1s 6 feet 6 1ncnes. c. 3305( El Csee atcacned l 56 . Spi ral sta1r#ays may not ~e ~sed for requ1red exits when the area served i.s greater chan 4 O O sq. ft. sec. 3 3 0 S ( ! I 57. spiral s cairways musc have a clear wal~ing space of 26 inches between cne column and handrul. Sec. 3305 (f l 58. Provi.de r.c.a .o. Reasearch Report and Number !or metal sta1r.,ay, or submit plans and calculac1on1 and approved fabricator registered wich the Bui lding Department or note chac the sta1rway !abricacion shall be done under special i nspection per che approved fabricacion ~lans. Sec. J06(al4B and sec. J06 1fl rn buildi.ngs over 2 stories i.n he1ghc, provide 3/4 hou r fire-rated assemblies for all openings i.n the exter1or wall below or w1thln 10 ~eec hor izoncally of an eKterior st lr- .., y. An ex1t oa lcony w1th 2 separated sc:urwa ys 1s ~xP.m9 t . :5e c . JJOS Ex~a r 1or sc~ ~..,ays snall not pro3ec~ i.nto c:,e J foot sec~ac~ :rom :~e ?rO~er~, lines. Sac. JJOS(n l ) --wa !s 1nd sof!its of :!'le ~nclosed usable sp e Jnder 1nter1or stairs shall be protected on :!'le enelos d side ss required ~or one-hour :1re-re11stive constr~ccion. Sec. 3l05(ml ~1n1:11um con■truction specit1cations shall ~e made a part ot the approved plans. ,See .attached) OOFING a. Spec1ty roof pitch. ✓ l. Root pitch 11 not adequate for roof type specified. Specify minimum pitch of ____ _ Specify roof ruterial and application. lJ,Tl;f Specify t.C.a.o. approval nW11ber for roof ,:-~LL l 2. Show J,a• solid core self-closing door !or openings oet~e•n garage and dwelling, Sec. 50l (d) LOJ. Garages are not pennitted to open 1nco a room used for slaeping ?urposes. Sec. 1104 104. Open1ngs bet~een carport and res1dence require self-closing doors and stationary w1ndows. See. 1214 ./ J Q5. Show garage framing section, s ize of header / over garage opening, lateral cross bracing · at plate line and method of bracing garage front. Chapter 23 NOT~: ~nimwn plywood diaphraqm ratio 1s 3 l/2 tot or 2'8". Table 24-I 1✓-Doors between dwelling• and attached garages ·· may swing i.n either direction provided the difference i n floor elevation between the dwell1ng and garaga does not axcaed .~acera s not covered in OBC. ( \·\r. :: ; Speci. t y root lop• tar dra1.nage or des1.gn l_. I t I. 7 1/2 lnches and prov1dad the door is not uaad as the primary maans of egress from to upport accumulated water. Sec. )207(al ;5. Show roof rains and overflows. Sec. 3207 (a) ?rov1de Kyl1ghc dee ils to show compliance Ji:h Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide ICBO tpproval nu111ber. 1 • ?rov1de plastic roof panel details to show compliance with Section 5206 or provide I BO number. a. Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent area is l /150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if at least 501 of the required vent 1s at least l feet above ceiling joists. sec. J205(cl ·o, -IJ ')\ \\ , 1e.,~17. ., ,~ > B. MSOHR\,,. '\ ,, l " <;: ,,,.,~) -v~I , -•\~-'-•·•'\I ::, .,;\ L_.('. ._.. ~-?rov1de f~replace construction details or note construe~~on to be per attached fireplace t n ard rawing. See. 3707 6 . Show ve neer 1upport and connections comply with See. 3002, 4,5,6, and Sec. 2516(al regarding ties and •9 wire in horizontal Joines or note construction to be per tt ched i . n et 30-1 or 30-2. Show hight nd construction 11 1 ~asonry ~al ls. Chapcer 24 et lls oE ·ota Chat e eanout opan1ng t t!'le bottom of ll cel l single pour. efor 1routl.ng, h l be·provi ad to be rout fi lad Cleanout s nall after inspactlon. i . Sh t oor nd roof connections to masonry ~a ts. onneetion sh,11 resl.st 200 pounds pa r llneal foot or the actual dasign load, wn1 chever i s greater. Sec. 2Jl0 9 • ?rov1 e ~ateria spee1fieatlons for mortar , :;=out, , :ion=y and re1nfore1ng steel . Sac. 2403 the bu1ld1ng. !t the difference 1n floor elevation axceeds 7 l /2 inches, or if the door is used a• the primary means of egress from the buildin .. additional steps or landing must be ?rovided 1n accordance with stairway r~quirements, and the door must not swing over the depressed level. (see 3303(1)2 and 3305 (gl. ~8. Provide 18" raised platform• for any ~AO, water heater, or any other device which ~ay generate a flame or spark. l09. Nota that continuous fire wall protection shall be installed behind raised platform(s) prior to framing platform. ff. ~OONOATION REQUIREMENTS 119. Note on plans that"A soils eng1neer shall evaluate any unanticipated uneompaeted !ill or expanaiva soil or other 1011 problems ~ disclosed dur1ng construction". Sec.J06(al 2. ( 120 ,) Subm1t so1 ls class1fieat1on detennination ,J_ / by a licensed engineer or architect based --., I · on observation, tests, borings, or excavations_,_) and eonta1ning c01M1ents on the degree of expansiveness. eompress1b1l1ty and bear~n J v I e . Sac. 2905 it . ~or.• on -:h ?lan the soil class1 1eat1on. n8tn r or ,ot tne 01 1 xpan 1ve, and not ':!'le !owaola bear1nq va u . Sac. 2 05 l 2. The (ound tion plan does not comp y w1ch the 0 11 r por-: recommen dation ,or this proJeet ___________________ _ l2J. ?rov1d• noces on th• :oundet10n plan lis cing the soils r~porc reeonunendac~ons :or !o n t~ons . slab lnd bu1l 1ng pad ?r•par t1on. l 2•. Note on the :oundet1on plan that "Prior 93 . Show how masonry house walls retaining earth to th• Contractor requesting a Building are to • aterprooted. Provide detail. Oeparc:nent :oundat1on inspection, the 10111 eng1neer shall advise the Bu1td1ng 4. . ote tha c specu l 1nspeetion of the masonry Ot f ic i.i 1n wn ting that: will be required :or______________ 1. the bu1ld1ng p~d was prepared 1n aceor- r'• 1 , I .._ ,Zu ~,;· dance with the soils report: AHO I,.· ~,,.,, u 2. the t1 lt'/ trenches have been proper ly requires one-hour fire protection ~ackf illad nd compacted, and: gar ge side of wa l ls nd ceiling l. the foundation excavations, :orm1ng eo1M1on co the dwell ing, Ta le 5_8 Sec.so 3,bl and rei nforcement comply wi th tne soi s report and approved plan.• •• ~: e ements supporting !loor bove garage :o ~ v one-hour f1ra-res1 tlve orotect1on S. :oot nqs !or =oncontr ted j/\ :!'le :;ar ge de. Sec. 50J. B!! m nd for l,ilOO ?SF 01. oe rln ?O :s, ,o· ~1~h1n :he v tl or ;e1l 1ng ~on-or ?er va Je s determ ne oy n:-e:~on. ,llust comply w1th :.isc , T ole 41-A. ~n en 1na11r or .1re!11cec-:. :~ p !!r ~roe ~ n~m m 6" ime nsion beam .1n m1n1mum 3" oy 3" ;;ost. - / Ehow neignc of all !oundation walls. Chapter 23 ~how height of :etained earch on a l l !oundacion walls. ·hapcer 23 ~how distance or !oundacion t o edge of cue or :ill slopes and show steepness and .. eights of c:.ics and tills. Chapter 29 '.9 .. oce on plans :hat wood shall be 6" above :1nish gr ade. Sec . 24171cl 7. )0 . ~oce on plans chat surface water wil l drain / away !rom building and show drainage pattern and key elevations. sec. 2905(f l Jimens ion foundation per Table 29A. '~ TABLE NO. 29-A-FOUNOATIONS FOR STUD BEARING WALLS-MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS HnN Of PDUIIDATIOII WIDTM TMICIIIIISS IUOW NUIIIIII TIIICIINIA Of OP OP NATUHL o, ,au11DATION WAU POOTIIII FDOTIIII SUIF&CI STHIIS (IKMtl (l■CIIIIJ (l■CIIHJ OP UDUNI AIII fllllSII COIIClffl UNIT IIUll IIIASOIIH (IIICIHI l 6 6 12 6 12 2 --8 s 15 --7 18 -18 --s· ---2 4 3 IO 10 SOTES: \Vbeft Wlwi&al condi~• 01 float COGditioftl are found, faotan11 and found:luan1 sh;,.11 be u requirNi in Section Z907 t&I. n. pow,d w,dcr the Boor may be ••cavalN1 10 lh~ elc,·atlOn of 1hr top of I001in11. / Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Sec. 2517(c ) l , Jl . Show foundation bole size and spacing. ~ec. 2907 (el l Specify size, ICBO nwaber and manufacturer of power driven p1ns. Show edge and end distance and spacing. Sec. 306(fl 'J ~. Show size , unbedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. See. 2312(fl Note on plan Chae hold down anchors muse - b t ed 1n place prior co foundation lnspecc1on. S.ic. 2J 2 ( f) 37. She adequat foo tings nder all shear walls. S<1c. 2Jll (el )~. Show tepped footings for s lopes ceeper t~an 1:10. See. 2907 (cl !9 . Show m1nimum 18" clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum l2" cl ear ance to bottom of girders. Sec. 25l7 I l ~ ,I I. ef. Show pier s i ze , spacing and depth into Jn i cur bed soil . ~able 29-A {. Show minim\lJII under floor access of 1a~x 24". Sec. 2517 Sh01,1 riunimum under floor ventilation equal to l 1/2 sq. !t. for each 25 lineal f eet of excer ior foundation with opening■ a■ ~Los to corners as pr&ecicable ~o provide cross ventilation on at lease two approximate-ly oppos1ce sides. See. 2517 !'R>.J4ING ,, j,iO . Show all JOl cs, rafters, beams, and poses ,,,-• to ~• th1ek to be ~o. 2 Grade Douglas ~i:-: r:h or bette r . All posts and beams s· ~nd ch1c~ r sha ll be so. l Grade Oouglas ,~r-:.a rcn or oec:er. (Tabl 25-A-l J ., •. s~ow wa I or cing. Eve r y exterior wood sc~d wall 3nd ma1n cr oss part i tion shall oe oraced ~c each nd nd t l ease every J~ !eet of !engch with t xq dlagon l :et·1~ brace or equiva lent. Sec. 2Sl8(g lS :62. ~oce c:oss bridging or blocking. Floor JOtscs and rafters ~ore ~nan 12" in depth ~nd spanning ~ore ~han 8 Eeec shall be supporced laterally !:iy bridging at lnte r •,als noc exceeding 8 feec. Sec. 2S06(gl 16 3. Show blocking ac ends and ac supports / of :loor joists, and for ratters at exterior walls. Sec. 2506(gl 164, Show solid blocking at ridge line and at exterior walls on trussed roofs. Sec. 2506(g l 166. I ,_,67. / Show double joists. Floor joists shall be doubled under bearing parcitigna running p•rallel with the joists. Sec. 2Sl8(d) S Show rafter ties. Rafcer ties shall be spaced noc more than 4 !eec on center where rafters and ceiling joist• are nee parallel. See. 2518(hl ~~ow rafter ourlin braces co be not less cnan 45 degrees co the horizontal. ~ Sec. 2Sl8(f\l Show l/2" minimum clearance !:iecween cop place or interior parci:ions and =ottom chord gf trusses, (To ensure loading___:::> will be as designed.) Show double top place with minimum 49• lap splice. Sec. 2518 (g l4 Show nailing will be in compliance with Table 25-P. lyl. Provide tire stops between stories, between / top story and roof space, at ceilings I and floor levels in interi or and exterior ~alls, in mansard roof or eyebrow so no concealed or furred space is greater than 10 ' horizontally or vertically, between sta1r scrinqers ac cop and bottom &nd between scuds along and in line with stai.r r un adjoining scud walls and parc1cions, at perimeter of sl i dinq door pockets, between chimney and wood frame usinq metal or ineombusc1bles for the fire stop and at ocher places that could afford passage of flame. Sec. 25171!) 12. Show scud size and spacing. ~ax1mum allow- able scud heights: 2•x4•~ 16" i s 14': )"x4"&2":<6"~ 16"o.c. l.S 20'. Sec. 2518 <gl2 17 3. ~ocean A.I .~.~-Cerc1!icace of Compliance Eor glued l amln :.ed ·•..-cod :nemcers s~al l be gLven co :he 8u1 d Lng I nspee :.or prior c e rec:.1on. Sec. J06 (cl l H. Oecai. l 11 po t co oeam and pos c ::o !oot ~nq c:,nnect1on . Sec . 2517(c) ~ 175. 5pecify na1l 31ze ~nd spac1ng tor all 3near wall s , tloor 1nd roof l phr gm Cndi.cace requ ired ~Locking. Ma i ntain :nax1mUJ11 diapnr3gm d1mensi.on raci.os. /'!'ables [,J,Kl . 16 . Show J"x4• or 2"x6• studs in first story oe three story building. Sec. 2Sl8(f l 11 7. Provi de truss details and truss calculations. i1a. Provide roof framing plan. Sec. J02(a )7 179 . Provide fruti ng sections through ______ _ j,.80. Section 302 (&) 7 Specify all header s izes for opening over 4' wide. Sec. 2518(g) 7 tat . Provide c&lculations for ___________ _ Section JO r l 7 \82. i:n rea suoJec:: co ·-acer splash ¼nd ln exterior Loc3tions. ~cod co l umns and ~oscs snal L be s· pporced oy ;aers pr0Jec:.1ng at lea se 2" above :he :ini shed grade a n snall bear on a ~ecal base pl ce ~r er e tad ~ood unl ess ::~e col mns r ooscs ¼re foun- ation gra e =edwood or cedar. 3ec. 25l7 1cl ~ , a1': 3l'low locac1.on or attic: access with m1.n1.mun sue 2::• x 30". Sec:. 3205 ) 10. I 9 l. Shew draft separation fo r attic: areas 1.n excess of J,000 sq.!C. Sec:. 3205 3how draft iecaration for space between drocoed ceilings and floor above in excess ot · :ooo sq.ft. Sec. 2517 Specify pl~ood grade and panel indenti- f1.cation index. Table 25-J ~hen roof aitch is lass than 3:12, design ridge .is •· oea111. Sec. 2518 (hl wood shear •.ial ls shall not b• used to resist horizontal forces contributed by masonry in buildings over one story in height. Sec. 2516(bl Gyps1.1111 lath end plaster, gyps1.1111 sheathing board and gypsum wallboard shall not be used in vertical diaphragms to res1st forces imposed by masonry or concrete construct10n. Table 47-I [f cr1pple wall studs are less than 14", framing shall be solid blocking. Sec:.25l8(gl6 Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in height shall be 3 1nch by 4 inch or 2 . . 1.nches by 6 1.nches when supporting 2 stories. Sec:. 2518 Cgl6 92 . Show plywood sheathing over exposed eave■, or oeher weather exposed areas, is exterior / grade. Sec. 2517(g) l 19 3. Show a weep screed at the foundation plate line on all excer1or stud wall• to be stuccoed. Sec. 4706(el 94. Provide an approved waterproof building / paper under wood s1ding. Sec. l70l(al 95. Specify an approved flaah1ng tor exterior openings and parapet walla. Sec. 3208 ~08. , .)09. 210. 21 l. ' 212. / It. how acc:asa ~o t~e 3ttlC: or under floor urnac:e co be m1n1.mum 30 1.nc:hes by 30 nches. Sec:. 708 • 709 UMC Note that passageway co :he atc1c: furnace shall be unobscruc:ed and have continuous solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide. Sec 708 UMC Show permanent electri.cal outlet and lighting ~ixture controlled by a switch for the ac:ic furnace. Sec:. 708 UMC Show dec1il1 co comply with Section ·709 for furnace under the floor, Section 708 tor attic furnace, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. Note on plan, gas vents and non-combusti ble piping paesing through three floors or le•• 1hall be effectively draft stopped ac each floor or ceiling. uac Sac. 1706(al6 ELECTRICAL (National Electrical Code) All wi:ing shall comply with the National Elec:tric a, Code Note on the pl.an the amperage of elec:ricsl e ■rvice. t! th• electri.cal installation is more chan 200 amperes, show panel location and provide a single line diagram and load calculations including: a. Wiring method employed. c. d. b. Sizes of all conductors, switches, circu1t breakers, fuses, and conduits. Approximate length of service feeders. Provide plot plan showing serv1c:es, .. all panel locations, circuit arrangement and load distribution on panel busses. ----Provide typical panel schedule(s) . f96. Show corridor width to be mini111wa 36". Sec. 3304 (b) l 7. Specify truaa layout for 30 • x 30 • attic acceas. ;J2l. Dwelling• require mln1mum 100 amp service . /~~ Show location ot .all electrical r■c:apcacle1. ~~22 Eleccr1c:al receptacle locat1ona and/~ ~ ~ -spac:1ng is not adequate in /{JI bcwi y_~·r /awp 1~ / l.1:1:c,i1:fl{>!l•V/}' lt-1.?i ,:'f.f r qlj 1.11 111N '11?.. /1(.7"/.t-'te , 7 . 26. At least one receptacle shall be installed outdoors, 1n basements and attached garages, 98 . R1dga1 , hi.pa, and val lays shall be at least one siie larger than supported rafters . Sec:. 25 18(h) J .99. J. ?rovide :n cal nd rafc11rs. MECHANICAL ridge be m A heating, venc1lac1n9, and cooling systems "nd app i anc:es snal l comp ly with the Uniform ~echan1cal Code. 00 . Show the sue, location and type of all heac1ng and cooling appliances or systems. 01 . Show source of c:ombu1t10n air for furnace wi compl y with Chaper 6, u.~.C. 202. Every dwe lin,; •.JnJ.t shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintain- i ng a r oom temperature of 70" F. at 3 feet above the floor ln all habitable rooms. Show baais tor compliance. UBC- Sec. 1211 03 . Show mini.mum 30" deep unobstructed working space 1.n front of furnace . O~. No te on plans,clearances to be per manufac- turers ist.ing. Sec. 704 UMC OS. Furnace h 11 not be i nstalled under any Jta1rway. Sec:. 70 4 UMC 07. furnace sn 11 not be installed 1n any :edroom, o cnroom. close t, or in confined 3oace w1:h c:ce sonly through 3uc:h room, nless specified .is d1recc vent app 1.anc:e, ¾nc:losed !Jrnac:e or electric h ting appl1ance . Sec. 70 ~ t:MC ~how rcso approva l for prefao fireplace .in prov1de approved tnst3llacion .nscruct10ns .it Joo site. > 227. / othar than laundry outlets. Ar:. 210-25(bl Show minimum dwelling lighting (NEC Art. 210•26 (3 ) and GFI 'S in garage , baths nd outdoors. ~EC Ar c. 210·3(4 l. oce "UFER " ;round co be provided C~EC l . ACC. 250•8 l PLUMBING (Unifor-m Plumbing Code) ~11 plumbing sh•ll comply with the Uniform Pluff!b1ng Code. - 2J,. Show wacer heacer siie, t ype and /' location on plans. ,,;, 7 . /e. J 2,"0 . 2 / Show mechod of prov1ding c:omousti.on a r co fuel burning water heater. Sec. 1307 Puel combustion water heater shall not be in■t•lled in bath or bedroom or in a closet opening into b•th or bedroom. Sec. 1309 Provide adequate barrier co protect water heater from vehicle damage. Sec:. 13'10 Show T and P v lve on water heater and show rout■ of discharge line co exterior Sec:. l007(el Provide dryer vent co out 1de . sec. 1903 UMC Mot on t he pan tha t hose b1bos 1nd :"wn ipr 1~kl~r systems hall ~ave .1pproved oac flow prevention devices. Sec:. llJOl Shower Jta snal l sc:comodace 3 JQ•c~rcl~ and have a ~1nimum Eloor area of 300 sq.in. 'Ji'C 909 Cd l 26 .• .ors£ ISSUUTION (DUPLEXES) Show detail s o: duplex common (pareyl wa l ls and !loor1:1il1ng 3ssemblies t o achieve a Sound ~ransmission Class (STCJ rating Ln walls of SO decibles and an Impact !nsulation Class !IICJ rating on floor/ ceiling of 30 decibles. Titl• 25 Show now ~enetrat1on of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed eab1net1, oathtubs, sof!its, or heating venti lati ng, or exhaust ducts shal l be sealed, lined, or i nsulated to maintain required sound /t ransmission rating. Titre 25 Prov1de ins ulat1on in walls and ceiling to aeh1eve STC of 50 between garage and L1v1ng area if garage u1e is not controlled by re1ident Title 25 . ENERGY CONSERVATION Al 1dditions to existing res1dential bui dings must comply with Title 24 energy regulat1ons. Additions exceeding 30 of the existing building requires the exist1ng snd addition to have R-19 ceiling insulat1on if the ex1st1ng ce i l i ng area i s accessible for insulation in■tallation IT20 -l ~0 1Cel . Spec1fy the in■ulation R. values-for wall1, roof and ceiling. (R-ll for walls: R-l9 for ce1l1ngs , or provide details and analysi s for alternate deeign. T20-l 403 Table A, 21. Specify the groea floor area or heated portion• of the dwelling, and the area of glazed openings on the plan. (T20-l430) Provide an analysis ju1tifying increa1ing :he s1ngle glazed area beyond 161 of the grose floor area. Show method to reduce heat oss to tha t which would occur with ba11e glaz1ng. IT20-l 40 2,def .) Provide energy analysis to show tha t the bonnet capacity of the gas central furnace does not exceed the building design heat 1011 by more than 30 1. (Exceptions: 48 ,000 BTU Hr. output furnace . See also C~l1forn1a Effi ciency Ad justment.) T24-l404 27 6. ote on pan that a l l t r anverse duct s, ,, 28 0. \.- plenums, nd f1t:1ng Jo1nts of HVAC sy t ern sn ~• sea ed wi t h pr essur e sens 1t1v t3pe or ~ast1c to prevent a1r loss . T20-l 404 .ota on p an thac 1nsulat 1on of ducts shall conform co ~MC Sect i on 100 5. (T20-l404) No te on? an that all doors and wi ndows co :he axter1or or to unconditioned areas sn l ~e ful y weather striped per ANSI Sundard. !T20-1403). Note on? an thac back draft daMpers are required on al l fan systems exhausting air from tne bui lding. T20-1403 _ eccr1c~l resi cane• space heat1ng hall not be used·unless: a . 60 of heaci ng/coolinq is supplied by a nondepletable source. b. suppl ■men ts a heat pump sys tem. l ess than 101 of t ot l heati ng system. d . life cycle cost analys is just ifies . T20 -l 404 .'ct on pl n that a l l heating and cooling a uipment eff i ciencies sh ll conform to ~Lt e 20-Cha pter 2, Subcha pter 4, Article 4. / 5 ~o r ~cr eed air furnaces }. Soce on p an ch t no nacural ga , central ~eatl~ plant ~ay be 1nstal led wi:houc 3n tr.term1ccenc Ignition Dev1ce. T20-l 405 E.~==~i= ~• 1stance water heac1ng is not ?er.II c:e ~n ess ver~ied s cosc effectl ve oy a !1fe cycle :ost analys1s. T20 -l~06 !Q!!i / 4. 2.:. .,)Ol . Outdoor pools with fossil :uel heaters requ1re pool covers as well as other energy saving dev1ces such as time clocks, etc. T20-l406 MISCUI.AN'EOUS Show a minimum 2• air space and flashing between planter and building walls. Sec. 25l 7(e) Specify material t o be used shower t ile. See. 17071a ) Specify lath and plaster to Chapter 47, use. under the comply with TWO l/4" copper pipes muet be in1talled from water heater locati on to convenient location of future solar panels (City Ord.) }OS.~ Provide sleeves (roof jacks) in roof for r two future )/4" copper pipes to c~nvenient 307. ,location of fut~r• solar panels (City Ord.) Note that solar water p1p1ng is to be insulated in areas that are not heated or cooled. (City Ord. I See attachment tar roofi ng requirements. The plans were reviewed baaed an the 1nformation shown on the plans. If the plans are in error, or changed during constructi on, the permittee shall contact the Building Department tor revi ew and prior approval before proceeding wi th the work: 0 Buildinq pl ans are substantially correct nd comp lete. By, __________________ _ Cate : __________________ _ 0 Build ing ;il.sns would be substant:i I ly orrec: and complete if m1nor corrections are ~ad• at counter . By: ________________ _ Oace: __________________ _ (-□) uilding pl.ans r equire major corrections and 1-/ complete plan recheck, by plan check / eng ineer, i s required. By: __ --;;;,__.....:.._"'....;V..-'\L-(.,=~;;..· .....;,...1!...:::✓:.....:...b.1..L.., c:~ Dace, _______ 'i:...~:..;,_5"___,),...~;:.;;1...:3::...:;_ ___ _ rE you ha ve ny ques t1ons reg rd~ng chis plan ;heck , ;>lease ca 11 r H <.d·, ~7.,,✓ I 1, .. i. j add1t1onal assistance 1s needed. TABLE 2-1. ALTERNATIVE COMPONENT PACKAGES FOR CLIMATE ZONE 7 Component BUILDING ENVELOPE Insulation Minimums Ceiling wa11l Slab Floor Perimeter Raised Floor Glazing Maximum U-Value Maximum Total Area Maximum Total Non-South Facing Area Minimum South Facing Area Thermal Hass SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEM Heating System Type2 DOMESTIC WATER HEATING SYST~ TYPE A R 19 R 11 (R 2.5) no req'ment R 11 1.10 no req'ment 9.6% 6.4% required gas gas, heat pump, or solar w/ any type of backup heat Package B R 30 R 19 (R 2.5) R 7 R 11 0.65 14.0% no req 'ment no req 'ment not req 'd gas gas, heat pump, or solar w/ any type of backup heat C R 19 R 11 (R 2.5) no req 'ment R 11 1.10 14.0% no req 'ment no req'ment not req'd gas solar with gas backup heat 1. The! 11alue in parentheses is the R-value for the entire wall assembly if the wall weight exceeds 40 pounds per square foot. The insulation must be integral with or installed on the outside of the exterior mass. The inside surface of the thermal mass, including plaster or gypsum board in direct contact with the masonry wall, shall be exposed to the room air. The exterior wall used to meet the R-value in parentheses cannot be used to ne~t the above thermal mass requirement • ... -. :,'her<? :iat?1ral R:tS is not available, zonally controllecl ::.1:,~~ ,,r :-1di.1nt he,1tin~ s y,;t cms m.1y be used. electric r es is- (NOTE 1 See additioal packages on next sheet) Al JERIIATlY[ COMPOIIUT ,ACUG£S fOI CllMAT[ ZOii[ 7 C 0"1!)ontn t IIUllOIIIG (IIV£l0P( lttlc1 Ctllh19 Vall Sl1b Floor Ptrf-ttr Gluf119 ~••-U Ytl• ,. .. ,_ Total llonsoutll r,ctnq Aru Mini-South r1cln9 Art1 'illldl 119 South F1cln9 Gl11ln9 Hl Feting Gluing lhtr~•l M•\\ trloor Art1ll Conll~uoui lnflltr,tlon Barrftr ~l \I IC WAIIR HCI\TING ~T\l(tt l!Pl ltqi,lrld 1-30 1-11 .. t .... ,"' 0.'5 '°' lo lequtr-,11t lo ltqulr-11t 11o l1qulra.tit -lequtr-11t I ft llo ltqulr-11t llo ltqufratnl 4.ls or llfat ,uw,p • llo ltqulrtatnt Gu. Hut ,var, or Soter Vlth Any Trpt of ll1tl-uo Hut l lot llqutrld 1-lt 1-ll .. , ......... I.I ZCI lo ... ,,_, llo leo,tr-.11t llo ltCl,lfratftt lo ltqufr-.nt 11• lo ltqulr-t lo ltqufrtatnt Gu or llut ,-,• IIO lttqulr-nt 50hr lfflll Cu lact-vp llt1t Al TCIINATIVE tOMPONCIIT P~CUCES FOR tllMATE ZOii( Appllc1bl1 fo 'l1t11d loor Con1truc:tfoR l Compontnt IIUllOJNr. (NYHOP{ Attic! c,111 .. 9 Floor Gluing 111, I-Toll I Arn ~.,, • .,.. lot1l Non\outh r.,,,.g •••• "W\t r1cl119 Cl111n9 n,.,.,1 M1n I \ floor Arulz Contlnuou\ lnflltr1tfon e,rrftr [hictdc,1 l)itltt Pltlt Gutttl PAC( t0N01110NING STSIOI ()'>4(\Tlr VIT(II Ml'ITIN(; \•\ If'" I fPf Rtqulrtd 11-)0 1-ll 1-lt o.,s 101 llo ltc,,fr-nt llo lec,,I rtatllt No ltqufr .. tnt llo ltqutr-t 20 llo lt"'lr-t llo ltqufr-nt t.1, or Hut Pua, • Mo lec,,lrtatnt Ga,, It Puap or 5o1 1r With•~, r,Pf or 1ct -up H•et • llot hCJJf rtd R-19 1-11 lt-19 1.1 ?U Ila ltqulr-nt l,o ltqulrtat t Ila RtCJJI reotf't llo lt4',llr-t IS llo ltt4',11r_,.t llo lequfr_,.t Gu or Hut "-I,• Ito ••qulr-nt I r illtll ' ~•(•·up t're t RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CONSER'/ATI DN CORRECTION LIST Plan Ch eck No . Date: Owner: Address: Phone: Applicable to all residential buildings exceot hotels , motels and multi ple dwellings with four or more habitable floors . Th e following circled items must be complied with prior to issuance of a building permit: ? Provide p l ans and specific:ations w1 th adequate detai,ls for determining compliance with the State of California Energy Requirements of Title 24, Part 2, Chapter 2 -53 . 2 Designer , ow~er or api:l icant to sign plans and calcula- tions sta t ing t hat the building design meets t he re _u i rement3 uf Title 24, Part 2, Chapter 2 -53 of the C. A. C • . ) Provi de an Energy Co ns ervation Sheet ·..r 1 t h t he fo l lowi ng neral Not es and Specifi cations : a . The building design meets the r equireme~ts of Ti tle 2 4, Part 2, Chapter 2 -53. b. Insul a tion installer shall post in a conspic uous location in the building a certif icate signed by the installer and builder stating that the install ation confo~:ua wi th ~l!e requirement s 1J f Title 2 4 , Cha pter 2 -53 and that the materials installed conform with t he requireme~:s of Title 20, Chap ter 2, Subc ha pter 4, Articl e 3. All insul a t i on materials Hh8li be certified by the ma nu f a cturer a s comp l ying with the California Quality St andards for Insulating Mater!al . oors and windows between condi tione11 a nd ou::s ide or nconditioned spaces such as garag es and c omD art- me ~~s for ce ntral air gas fur~a -es shell ce f l y wen.-chers t!"ipped . YI I -1 R~sidential Energy Conservation Corre~tion List Page 2 · e. ~anufactured doors and windows shall be certified and labeled in complianc~ with the appropriate infiltration standards listed in Table 2 -53V of the energy regulations. f. All fan systems exhausting air from the building · shall be provided with back draft dampers. g. Caulk around all plumbing and electrical penetra- tions into the building envelope . h. Caulk and seal around all window and door frames and between wall sole plates and floors and between exterior wall panels. 1. Masonry and factory built fireplaces' shall have the following: 1) Tight fitting closeable metal or glass doors covering the entire opening of the fire~ox. 2) A combustion air intake to draw air from the outside of the building directly into the firebox, which is at least six square inches in area and is equipped with a readily accessible, operable and tight fitting damper. 3) Tight fitting flue damper 1-ri t h read_:.y accessible control. 4) Continuous burning pilot lights are prohibited . Du ct s shall be constructed , installed and insulated according to Chapter 10 of the 1976 Uniform Me~~~nical Co de. All parts of the duct system shall be tightly sealed with mastic or tape. k . Storage type water heaters and storage tanks for solar water heating systems shall be externally wrapped with insulation of R-12 or greater. l. Provide minimum R-3 insulation for water heater outlet pipe for first five feet in unconditioned space . m. Insulate recirculating hot war~r piping in 1 nhea ed spaces. as fire household heatin an cool n ppliances , hewer heads and faucets shall omol wi h the appliance efficiency standards . o . eneral lighting in kitchen and bathrooms shall have an efficiency of not less thar. 25 lum~ns/watts . (Specify flourescent lighting). p. The rmostatically controlled h~~, ing or cooling systems (except heat pumps) shall have an automatic thermos t at with a clock mechanism which can be manually programmed to automatically set back the thermostat set pcints for at least two periods within 24 hours . So cify on the plans wate':-' t1eater size, fuel type, manufacturers name and model number and that it 1s . E. C. listed . R~s iden~ial Energy Conservation Correction List Pag·e 3 ~he buil ding e nveloped must not exceed "::he State mandat ed energy budget for the climate zone in which it is located. a . Comp ly with the ene~gy budget requirements of Climate Zone __ 7....,_ ___ ~ b . Show conformance by complying with one of the alternative component packages; or c . Provide a "simplified points method" analysis as described in the State Energy Conservation Manual; or Provide a computer analysis of the building energy comswnption using one of the State approved computer programs. Provide users manual and label all input/output tor proper check. Specify on plans the energy budget compliance method an the following additional information: Mini mum ceil ing and exterior wall insulation. (No t less than R-19 and R-11 respectirely) b . Minimum raised floor insulation, (minimum R-11). c . Window schedule descr:th:i ng orientation, U value and tinting or shading requirements. Total glazing percentage a::-;<J prec~n":: glazing oriented within 22½ south and withi~ 22~ west. e . Slab edge perimeter insulation R----,-----...--f . Th ermal mass areas used with Package A; provide al culations for the allowed equivalent glazing. g . So lar Co llector requirements. 1) Pr ovide substantiating calculations and docwnent ation for size. 2) ~pec i fy on p l ans solar collector manufacturer, mo del numbe r, area and e ffici nc y . 3) Submit "TIPSE " data for olle or . ) So lar collectors us e d f or ompl anc ~it Package Car e required to ovi e mi. im m 60 % o f the annua l water heat ing ene rgy . Soace he ati ng and air conditioning s ystems are rea uired to be s i zed in accordance with the heating and cooling _______ lea on t he building. e,lr_/.~.5 1/ --; BTV a . S bmi t calculations Justifying heater size. 0:.1 t o,Jt:.. (For m 2 acc e ptable if heating only) t. r-- ubmi t calculations justifying A/C size. (Manual J me thod if heating and A/C) c . Show on plans the capacity in B /HR, t he manufactur er, mo el number a nd e fficiency of t he heating and A/C nits sed . Res~~e t+"l Energy Con servation Cor~ect1on List Pa ge 8 . 9. a . b • C . ,, 'i -cions and r emodeling must comply with the following: o ections 1 through 4 above. mp, with prescriptive package of the alternative compon t packages for: / 1) Wa ll sulation / 2) Ceilin nsulation ;? 3) ~aximum g zing lim_t_e......,.~-t-o___,,1~6-%,,,_e-xclusive of ) 5) 6) displaced g ing. Glazing orient~~ and shading . Underfloor ins~ ion: R-11. Slab perimete ins ation: R-7 for Climate Zone n l ieu -07---c-oo~--·,,lying with p ckage A requirements, a perfor1!1~1}.?e analysis may be er.formed on the total bu;t°_ing envelope. m:;ing th~ ooints method escril}.ed in the State EnArgy Marius.J. determine the pain t' value for the existing buildtn and the e:dst- in plus the addition. 1) ~he points value for the existing nlus the addition should be greater. The produc t of the points value and the area of the new olus existing should be more than that of ~he existing building. Resi ential Energy Conservation Manuals are available "rom: Publ1~at1ons Unit Ca 1 rnia Energy Commission 1111 owe Ave. MS-50 wac ramento , Ca . 95825 L 6) 920-6 216 lifornia Building Officials have a "hotline" you may call between 10:00a. m. and Noon and between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. The number is (916) 4;6 J82J. rr _ -I te: Jurisdiction VALUATION AND PI~N CHECK ~EE □ Bldg. Dept . O Esg i 1 "") --:> I ~. A C .t:. K NO . _.,; ~ ._-; :;> E I T 1 NG ADDRESS -..,.,/;.__:,;::J::i...,..:,2~/--+-~_,;..:_.;..;:_~'---"'=_..;.._...!;:::.-==-s;__' _____ _ , !CANT/CONTACT -,-, ·'7,"l CJ :?d?,L n --✓-1 ... a..,'1~~____,;;------->< ,l. __,, fr -::) E ILDING OCCUP ANCY £ ..3 /lf T • E OF CON TRUCTIO N v-Al EU ILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA C Iv 11? ?/ -::, '..S --:, ~) ,__.,, c:-.: 1> / ( /.. ---~4-rz_ !./-? 4-¢1 , ___ - 1·1. , i l1. ( I I 1 ) - l "t I 1· I I ' ) ,_ ------ Al u .. ..1 i tl-.1!. nil -... ---·-.... ~t.: 1 l --·--- Res l dt:nt ial R . , . ) I ' mu . F ire Sor.inklers - o t..:l V lue IJ , f I I I " I I I I DESTGNER PHONE ------- CONTRACTOR PHONE ------ VALUATION VALUE ~ULTIPLIER L:'.;;/ rv /;)o &l/-0 : :::x.. . _.; /~. ~ ~-xY Os- / (II ; , t! 00 ~ _!_, N,~_ ·----------, .. l . d1 --·-,--- 1,1 I, -l ll (<I I . 'J I J ri.111•,l 1111·11 I 1111 ',I .Il l' M;,1 1r!o1 I I'd ll.1111111 •'l 'lll'd 1\1 ·, I •,•, 11,·t l'I I ;ii 11111:, I • II I I • ' • 11 I I -~ Cr VY-0-- I ll 't I ~ARilS : INTERDEPARTME.NTAL INFORMATION SHEET RTME~T D'tfECEIVED I DEPARTMENT Building_ Oopartment I ,1~E : _____ SCHOOL fEES: 5::::EGUITO_. ____ SAN MARCOS--,-,-__ I ENCINITAS CARLSBAD Q ~ . 1 ·UNITS REQ'D: PROVIDED: -------------------- ' COVERAGE ALLOWED; .PROVIDED: ___ _,_ g~t}-1-___;....,.?. , ____ _ PARKING SPACES REQ'D: PROVIDED: -----...---------------IL DING HEIGHT. REQ'D: PROVIDED:..__;;_ __ ___;. ___ _ tONT SETBACK . •· SIDE SET.BACK ' REAR SETBACK ALLOWED: . I ' PROVIDED-:~-~~~~D--ai+-/::::::~. -. INTRUSIONS:) -~----'-- ·-... : 0 (l. RE-DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL REQ' D :--.-----a}rlr-1f-_+'Pr+-- LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: fV -------------- ,P I TIQNAL COMMENTS:_:,.. _ _,.;,;,,..: _______ -"'--__________ ;.._··; --,-,-----r-~ ~--DAT~: 1\a?\'C>oK TO FlNAL: ___ DATE: __ __ ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT . R. 0. W: O,K, IMPROVEMENTS.:...: ....:f:;c:f~Nt::;g~~ ~:.....JCl:::'L:::...UlZC:.....~~~ ~ IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CllnCKI:D, BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE FINAL INSPECTION. /f_fflltl" q-7· ~} COMPLETE IN DUPLICATE AND POST WITH THE INSPECTION RECORD CARO THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORM.A.NCE WITH THE • CURRENT ENERGY REGULATIONS, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 25, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE BUILDING LOCATED AT: Term A /!.A el SI TE ADDRESS Number Street City EXTERIOR WALLS Manufacturer __ O~W~E=N~S;..._;;_CO~R~N_I_N_G __ Thickness/Type ___ 3¼~2_"_ R Value -~1~1 __ CEILINGS 9" 30 Batts: Manufacturer __ o_w_E_N_s_c_o_R_N_I_N_G __ Thickness/Type __ 6'_'_ R Value __ 19_ Bl; 11· Manufacturer Thickness/Type No. Bags ---------------- Wt./Bag _______ _ Sq. Ft. Covered R Va~ue --------- FLOORS II /}S 3 11-, l \ Manufacturer --~Ln=-......,6::~----Thickness/Type--~-----R Value-~--'--- SLAfl or~ 8RABE Manufacturer _________ Thickness/Type ____ _ R Value ___ _ Width of Insulation Inches ---- Manufacturer __________ Thickness/Type _____ R Value ___ _ GENERAL CONTRACTOR _______________ LICENSE NUMBER ____ _ BY ____________ TITLE __________ DATE _______ _ Bl Form #121 22175 Authorized Representative