HomeMy WebLinkAbout1305 TAMARACK AVE; ; CB993830; PermitCity of Carlsbad 10/20/1999 Plumbing Permit Permit No:CB993830 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: 1305 TAMARACK AV CBAD PLUM Status: Parcel No: 2062623200 Lot#: 0 Applied: Construction Type: NEW Entered By: Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: A&J FOSTER, INC. STEB WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT 13706 HWY 8 BUS EL CAJON CA 92021 619-390-44 77 Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Owner: ROBERTS EDWARD l&BETTY J 1306 TAMARACK AVE . CARLSBAD CA92008 ISSUED 10/19/1999 MOP 10/19/1999 10/19/1999 Total Fees: $27.00 ,:otat;Payments To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $27.00 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee TOTAL PERMIT FEES Inspector: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 FINAL APPROVAL Date: \ \ 13193 Clearance: $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition' of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter ccllectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 .. '·--: .. · .. L;~J I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. f/,if33o PERMIT APPLICATION . . . ! .. :< . C ·~ l l ) U]J CITY OF CARL~, •• b BUILDING DEPARTMENT EST. VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck, Depos-it,& ~:=-led By 5~ 2075 Las Palmas _Q_~;-Carlsbad c.,..,A~9:20~:0::_:9:__.......:~,jjjJJif (619) 438-1161 "" ,_~ .... --•·----l~l'JNF:OIUM'timl 1305 Tamarac' Avenue Addia• llrlclucl• 81dll/5Yi Lot No. SFR &ubdlvillon Nunl/Numbef Unh,No. PhH• No. Tolal • ot unlll AN1aot'a Parc:al I ExlllingUea Pl'opa■■d UH •at Badroom1 • of 8athra0m1 Name Addt111 · City s~~~~~!~~ St■t•/Zlp Ttl•Phan, , i:u , U.W~9.{fff4:77 Nam• Addrl•• City &tat•/Zip T el,phon■ , ~9.WN~flt~•ffltlgMJMIWltiJ ... ;NYl&il~~i~►-· Roberts, F.dwara~·-· -----r:3'0"5" Ntma Addt... CitY State/Zip T •lephona • ~ ;)I;~ tS.C. 70:11.l lwlnua 1111d Prat..i-Coda: Alr'f City er C-W which nqulras e Plfffllt ttl canatruct, lltar, lmllfOft. d1mDll1h or r•P1lr env am,c:turl, prior to Its la1111nca, alto raQ11k•• th• applicant for auc:h p■rmlt to ti• a lllgned atatlfflllnl that ha II IINnnd pursuant to thl provisions ol tht Contr1ctor'1 Uc1nf1 Law ICh■otet 9, commtnding with Section 7000 of Dlvltlon 3 of lhl 8UIUIIII and l'roltnlona CocllJ ar that ht II •xempt ther■lrom. l'}d_t,I\J P'P~A!_,'l'l)e.,J!l1g1d A 'T"~~o~·'i't~70i1.6~,m,~ •s•~acll tha •PPW§t ~vo0Mm~iQ2fl., ·~~aolfil.-nlklb!l. N1m1 630120 Addru■ C-36 Cltv sa.,11ziJ:200354.i•phon, , su,. Llcena• I----------l.lclne• ca.11________ _City.,...,... Uc-•·------- D111ign1t Nam, N/A Stale U.-• , _______ _ Addr111 Statl/Z.lp T1l1i,hone -ii.,·i;:woJUcmbCOMNNIA..~ Warll•' Com119M■&lon 0aclaratioll: I h-■il'I llflrm unds P■lllltv of plljury one of 1111 folllwlng~don■: O I hav■ end wlll mtlnt.aln a Cltllllc■t1 of conalllt to Nlf-wwe f• worklra" CllfflPllllltlon 11 prwldld by Stcllon 3700 al th• L•bo• Coo•. 101 tl'l1 p11lorm1net of Ula werll fol' Which thla 1111mlt I■ IIIUICI. t ! X □ I hi¥■ and wll rnllntaln WGrlwa' COffllllllllllon. • raqulrad bV Stcllon 3700 ofthe Llllot Codi, fol th■ p■rformance of th■ work IC ~fflT'lt 11 •luued, My worur'~~ and po11cy numbtnre; • N20 Q7-56-51 0 INUhnee Company -· Ney No. · Explr1\ion 0111 ______ _ mu IICTlON NEED NOT IE COWU"TED IF THI PERMIT IS FOR ON& HUNDRED DOIJ.Alla lHOOI OR LE811J □ cumACATl OP EXEMPTION: I arillv that In tha ,..Olffilne. ot Iha wan fGf which 1h11 Plfflllt II luulcf. I ■hall not 1mploy 1nv PlfHII '" ,ny 111ann1r 10 II ta NCOm• lhlbJ1ct to tilt WorklrS' COmp■nution Lawa of C■lllornla, WARNING: F .... to •■--•warbra' COfflPlnNtlon ~ la unlawlul, Ind lh■II ■ub)lct 11t ■mployar to ....._. penalU.1 and cl'III ti~• up 10 on• huridr■d thautlnd do1Jar1 lt100,00 , _ to .l of~.._. .. U provlllad lerln ~tellon 3701 ~--~c:o~• !i'}f~wna l\\orn1y'11111. SIGNATURE • .,, · ,._, , • DAtlj_LJ_j t1 -p.~ ~!i_ 7_,"::0WHEA-IUILD _ DECt..AMTIOtr·· Jt . . a~i,~\,~i~~•;• ·' I h111by 1fflr"' that I am HlftlPl tram th■ Conu ■ U.:-1 Law.for the falloWlng raaoru ~; _ D I, u •wna, of tha proplNty rat mv •mpjoy•■ with wagu II th■ir Hie COfflPIRlltlon, will d.o 1h■ work and tM atructur■ Is not int■nd1d or ofl11td 101 nl1 fSee. 1044, Bulina11 .... llrol...._ Code: The Ctntnctot'I Liana Law dou not apply \9 1110-Df PIOllfflY who bullcb o, lrnprovu 1h111on. end who dol■ 1uch wor1l hlmaml ar IKrllUllh hi■ •wn •IIIPlavau, PIINIMd lhlt IUCh inlpntnMantl .,. not lnttndld • offllld for 1111. II, how111er, th■ buUdln; or improv1m1nt It IClld wlrhln 11M Yl■r of COffllllatlon. VII ow,......, will han Iha llunllft of llfllWIII that he 11d not ~ W lrnprn1 tor th■ purpo11 ., .... ,. □ I, .. DWIW al th■ ""'"'1Y, lffl uc:lu■lv■IV' ODnltl01ing wilh --NnlrllOl.,. to flONltUCl'lhe p,oj■iil IS.O, 7044, Bu■lnN■ Ind Prof111lon1 Cod,: Thi Contncllt'e IJClna• law dotl not IHIY IO an ...., of llfOPIRY ,!¥ho llulkll • im,,ov. thltMlto Ind conll'ICIII fo, auch projKU with contrac:1O,tal llc1n11d IMIUMt to th■ Can1r1ctor'1 l.ic■nl1 LlwJ. -: , · · . 1 ' -_ • □ 11m txtmpt 1.1111.r S1e1lon _____ ·a~1n111 and Prof•• Codi far this rU1an: 1. 2. 3. I --■IINllv pgn to PfOlrid■ tha major labor ■ncl matltf.i. f« canatruatlon el 1he prllllOPd Pl'l:IPWIV' 1mp,v,,....,. 0 Viii ONO I °""' '"'" flOU.lillMCl--ln u,llcldiM.., I bulldiu; Pll'lllil •• , lhe prllPOIICf wart:· I .,...,. i:ontracted with th■ !allowing paqon lflrmJ C,, provide the pNIPD■ld conaltuctlon llncludl nem■ I 1cklt111 / phone numb,, I conu1e:tor1 lic:•n•• numl:larl: 4. 1 olen to provide Portlana of Iha work, lbut 1 ·hav• hlrld lhl follawlng PlflDII to CDDrcllnat1, aupwvl11 ■ncl provld1 lh■ m~jor worll linclud1 ruim1 / 1dd1111 / phone 1'1Ufflb1t/conu1c1oralic-• numbarl:. _______________________________________ _ &. f wil provid• IOffll ol lhl work. but I "'"' c:anlrlC\ld lhiredl th■ follDWlng ,.,.... to provldl the work Indicated linclucle. n,m, / 1ddrH1 I phone nurnbtr / typ1 ol workl:,__ _______________________________________________ _ ,110P111TVOWNEII IICINATUM _____ ~---.----~======~=~-OATE ________ _ ~.i.'IIC~~~illBW(~- ll lhl ...,uan.t er futtn bulldlna OCCIUPlllt r■quifld ta IUbmlt • bullMN plan, acutllf lllurdjf maledlll Mgiatr1Uon f01m or rl1k rr11nag1m101 and Pllv■ntion .... ffl undll Sletlonl 21505, aw er 2&&34 of the Prlll■v-JMlllf Hlllftlaua lubltlnce Ait=,iunt AGt1 □ YU O NO ;;· la Iha~ or Mura bulllllna DCCUpent rlqlafld to N&lln • ,-mlt from 1M Ill pollullon ~ dlltrlcl • • qudcy m111111•m1nt dillllct1 O YES O NO .. thl flell&y ,. be lana\lUC\ld wttHn 1,000 , ... , of tha _11!,Uh!f INMnluy., • NhNl..llh1 C-----0 NO .. ., """°" THE ANIWIRI ARE YD, A FINAL CERMCATII-o, occu,MCY MAY NOT ■■ IIIUID UHi.EU THE N'l'UCANT HAS MET OR LS MEETING THE RlGUIIIIMINTI o, THI! OFFICE Of EMERCIENCY IERVICU AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIITRICT. ■.;.,~:~aucrnoN LENDING'AC1ENC\'~3il1M--t11111111111iamWIPMDSi~IJ~,i1i,'f.;i;:,[,· ___ , .. I hartD'f 1fflnn thlt lharl 11 I canatruc:llon lending IIJIRC't for \hi plffarmana• of the work fer whl!llh thla """'' II luued IS■c, 3017UI CMI Coo,!. I.IHOEJl'I NAME____________ UNDER'& ADDRU& :1.;.~ .AeNCAN'l'.;CERTIACA,llOll,.~ iiiv.'~:-~.if.ffii~ -. ~l~~-X, s, ~. I canlty that I h■v■ raid the 1pplic:allon end 1tall 1h1t 1hs above lnlarrnlllon le correct lftd lhlt th■ Information on tha plans 11 acC\lr1t1. I •11•■1 ta comply with 111 City INdnanCla and s .. ,. llw1 ,.._ling 10 buildlng conltnlCIIIDn. I h■tllly IU\harl&I r■pralllltllhlff fll Iha Oty of C1rlab~ to entar ut1on the ■llov■ m1n1lontd proPlftY for inlPICtlan Pllt!IOHS, I ALSO AGRH TO SAYE. INDEMNIFY AND l£EJI .HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDOMINTS, C08TI AND EXPENSU WHICH MAY IN Airt WAY ACCRUIAGAINIT SAID CITY. COIUE.CWENQ OF THi GR.ANTING UF THIS PERMIT. OIHA: An O&HA pe,rnjt Is r■quirld ,., UClvtdon■ ov111•0· .., Ind tl.noa,Jan ar conalnlc1ian .. llrUClUrU °"" 3 ltotll• In h1lght. OPIRATION: Evvy ,-mlt lalUlcl by tha Building Oftlclal ._ thl 1111Mlilaill ol thll Cad■ lhlll Wire by llmlt11lon 1nd bac:ome nuU and void ii th• building or work llllhori&■d by ■uc:h permit I■~-within;,,-: dlya tr91n __ .. • of luch PlffllU o.eji,11 the liullclng ar work authorized by such permit 11 1usp1nd1d or lbtnclDned 1t any tJma 11hr the 1111!.tl t 11 (&ectlon 108.4,4 Umform Building Codll, n APPUCANT'S SIGNATUR£ ' v-' ·,i· DATE () CT 1 9 1qq'.'1 City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 10/28/99 Permit# CB993830 Title: WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT Description: Type: PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: 1305 TAMARACK AV Lot APPLICANT A&J FOSTER, INC. 0 Owner: ROBERTS EDWARD l&BETTY J Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Act Comments Inspector Assignment: ~ Phone: 7607299115 Inspector: 5\Q \ Requested By: EDWARD Entered By: CHRISTINE 25 Water HeaterNents ~ t:~~ Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments