HomeMy WebLinkAbout1644 TAMARACK AVE; ; 84-114; PermitIr• (_,\ II: 7 I[ 0 0 0 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provlalona of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. Lie No ------Cl•ss .,, z 0 ;:: < a: < .J 0 Ill 0 a: Ill 0 .J 3 .. ii: Ill z ~ 0 z 0 ;:: < .,, z. Ill CL ~· 0 .,, ir Ill "" a: 0 3 I hereby alhrm that I am exempt from lhe Con!rac· tor's License Law tor lhe following reason (Set 7031 5 Business and ProtesslOfls Cade. Any city or county which re· quires a perm11 to construct, alter, improve, demohsh, or repair any structure. prior to its issuance also requires !heap-phcant tor such permn to hie a signed statement !hat he 1s keensed pursuant 10 the provisions of the COl'ltrac10, s License Law (Chapter 9 commencing wllh Section 7000 of 0wis1on 3 of the Business and Profess1ons Code) or that 1s ex· empl therefrom and the basis lor the allegeo exemphOn Any v1olatIon of Secl1on 7031, -~ by an apphcanl fD< a permit sub• iects the apphcant to a c.v,t penalty 01 not more than hve hun· dred dollars ($500). □ I. as owner ot the property. or my employees with wages as their sole compensatLOn. will do the work, and the struc· ture is not intended or _pflered lor saJe (Sec 7044, Business and Professmns Code: The Conl'ractor·s license Law does no1 apply to an owner of property who builds 0f improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provided thal such improvemenls are not inteM· ed or offered for sale~ If. however. the bwldfng or improve• ment ,s sold within one year of complehon, the owner·builder will have the burden of pr0V1ng lhal he did nol build or 1m· prove tor the purpose of sale). □ I. as owner of the property, am excluSJvely con1rac11ng with licensed contractors to construct the project {Sec. 7044. Business and Protessoos Code· The Contractcw·s License Law does not apply to an owner ol propecty who builds Of 1m• proves thereon_. and who contrac1s for each protects with a conlractOf(S) license pursuant to the Contrac1or's license law) -4.1 As a homeowner I am ,mprQVmg my home, and the follow mg condlttons ex,st: 1. The work IS being performed pnor to sate 2 I have Mvecl in my home for lwetve months puor to completion Of this WOfk 3 I have not claimed th1s exemption gmmg the • tasl three years g :b~~ r':a~~~t under Sec I \ / 0 I hereoy all1rm I hat I h.at'e ace~ 10 self,1nsure. o, a cer11hc Compensallon Insurance, or a ce1 !Sec 3800 Labor Codet POLICY NO COMPANY 0 Copy IS hlea Wt1h the CII)' D Cen1f1ed copy ,s hereby lurn,shed CERllFICAll OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COM PENSA l!ON INSURANCE (This se:c11on need not be completed 11 lhe permit 1s tor one hundred OOllars {$100) or less) 0 I cert,ty thal in the performance al the work tor wnach th,s perm,t ,s issued. I shall no1 employ an) person ,n any manner so as 10 become sub1ec1 10 lhe Wo~ers· Compensation Laws of Cal1lorn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT II. after makin;i 1n1s Cen• _,,,,; llcat~f Exemption you should become suo1ec1 t0 the Workers· Compensation provis,ons al rhe labof Code you mus1 !onh"'-•th comply ,,,11th sucn p,ov1s1ons or ttus permit shall t>e deemed re..,oked .. il 0 I hereby afl1rm !hat !here 1s a conslrucllon 1end•~ agency ror !he performance ot lhe work. 101 wruch ttus permit •S ,ssueo 1Sec 3097 C1v11 Cooe1 lender s Name ___________ _ Lenders AOdress -------~--- ~.,f BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD -·---... ··------. -. --' CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT I .. I 1200 Elm. Carlsbad. California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. I JOB ADORESS AV, ST. RO. NEAREST CROSS ST. 10ATE OF ~PLICATION! BUSI NE ~NS: # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER : I fc.4£[; \ o._~0-1ca.. c;,__,.\,( )) h l::J D ~+-11+ I LOT BLOCI( I SU.flDIVISION I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. l 7 in r3R13.R!\, tllirM~¥ CONTRAI TORS PHONE • ZONE I I 1 .:i...07-1~~--~oo : ftr.-:;;~E w~ r Tt; ; -~ 17 d 0cf:-a;;~~ To~~ ADraf{ fwl~~\CA-=-LICENSE NO. PLAN 1.D. # BLDG USE CODE ~ I 39 ~ 1 t., 4-OWNER'~ MAIL•NG ADORESS J : rP. _Q_ ~ x I O 4,;I (J LL¥ { S' bc:Ld 2 :, 1 :~~ µ~)<!ivi~ I LICENSE # STANDARO PLAN# BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE ~ 1 l \ I DESCRIPTION OF WORK I DESIGNERS AODRESS DESIGNER'S PHONE I ~FD /cq O £ f-y(\ Ste 2n4f°,,.....,. fu. L. lu,, 9-39, <;: I 3/ il:!/t:1ti7(1bb 3Fl09~,i' I -·-F/P F LR ELEV. 'J NO OCC GP EDU u~"-l74E>El I STORIES,.... ~-3_¼1 l j/_12/ 85 fiu s·1 ,"' I vO NO -- I CENSUS TRACT I GP LANO USE I PA;;l;S7 CE I RES \NITS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT TYPE j OCC (OAD' FIRE SPA AREA err I YO ND vO NO vO NO Not Valid Unlers MJchine Certified I 7-:>1 3. -SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE QTY . MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE .. ,~ EACH FIXTURE TRAP( ()I ~-~ ~1a.. ,£..,t... I INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTU 4.-BUILDING PERMIT 01·00·00·8220 .t-f l~ . =, u \ EACH BUILDING SEWER l,,..sc OVER JOO.ODO BTU . SIGN PERMIT -· 01 ·00·00·8221 I EACH WATER HEATER ANO,OR VENT -2. $"'2 BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 01 ·00·00·8806 .3 O<-f. I 0 ~-52 ~n I \ EACH GAS SYSTEM I TO 4 OUTLETS BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING 01 ·00·00·8222 __. ~ EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE 1 METAL FIREPLACE ~--ELECTRICAL 01 ·00·00·8223 ..3n-.Q ci EACH INSTA~. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE _::,. VENT FAN SINGLE oucy ~ .:2.o-o I"-. . -MECHANICAL 01 ·00·00·8224 I /,.., ->----.:]_ .5R. HOOD DUCTS I EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST MOBILEHOME 01 ·00·00·8225 WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE[ SOLAR 01-00-00-A??O TOTI.L MECHANICAL STRONG MOTION 80·92·33-0519 H. IJ_ r l C-i .-TOTAL PLUMBING I ~if'-FIRE SPRINKLERS 01 ·00·00·8227 QTY. • ELECTRICAL PERMIT, ISSUE .~--jQTY. SOLAR · ISSUE -PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 32·00·00·89:Il ..1. ....... ~4;,"'0 I -BRIDGE FEE NEW CONST EA AMP SWl BKR \ C5T) f\ . _L"'I ~s--COLLECTORS SCHOOL FEE • OISTRICT 1 PH 3 PH 'l STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad 1..:,-' K · 80·92·21-0519 EXIST.BLOG EA AMP'SWT BKR ROCK STORAGE Encinitas 80·92·22·0519 I PH 3 PH , PUMP San Dieguilo 80·92·23·0519 REMODEL ALTER PER CIRCUIT PLAN CHECK FEE San Marcos 80·92·24·0519 I", TEMP POLE 200 AMPS OVER 200 AMPS LICENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162 . TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS) MFF B0-92-57-0519 C.. k'r<1 t, .. :fD _?"(.l"'50~oo CREDIT DEPOSIT l ~q 7,,0./ ( TOTAL ELELTRICAL I .3<J .-TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I ~ ~o i.4, I l'-1. ,.... I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAM•NEO THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PERMIT ANO 00 HEREBY E,piratron Every perm,t rssued by theBurlding Off1c1al undeflheprov1s,onsolthrs * AN OSHA PERMIT IS REOUIREO F~R EXCAVATIONS OVER l CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void II the burld,ng or work 5' O" DEEP ANO DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF authorized by such permit 1s not commenced w1th1n 180 days lrom the date of such STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT ANO I FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE IF A PERMIT IS permit. or 11 the bu~ or work au1~i such perm,t is suspended or ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH·ALL CITY COUNlY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON abandoned_11t anv 11 ea r the wok 1• o e ed for a per,od of 180 days '""'"0' WHe>H<S "'°"" "'"" o, "" ' ,cso '""' ,0 '"' """'"' "° A/4' ""I ':It.• ~ CONTRACTOR I!( APPROVED BY · ~"\-'t \_v DATE KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND ~ NE"""!, f-i_\_. 0 -)i -;!J 9/g-~ EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE w BY PHONE cF-GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT ~ ~~ f '-... _/ \ ~l.{-1 11'1__ ,.. .. - ' - TYPE ' DATE INSPECTOR ~ -I I •. ' ,. , . BUILDING I ,, ---FOUNDATION 1 1,}; -~ 1/l. FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL I -' REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR"S NOTES M~SON~Y . fJ . -·i. \ i INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTORS --" iNITE OR GROUT I CHECKED APPROVAL DATE , ~t: DOR & CEILING SUB FRAME • ~ ~ r; ! ,• ' -\ I SOILS COMPLIANCE . / -SI--EATHING D ROOF □ SHEAR -PRIOR TO lt;L-//~ ,..-(/( FOUNDATION INSP FRAME I I STRUCTURAL CONCRETE EXTERIOR LATH -....... OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION $_~.LJ .L~ ,,,-, PRESTRESSED _,,,. C ONCRETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALLY i 1/ ......... ;t-J r~ V'.... -POST TENSIONED ~ -1 .l-· . . CONCRETE I PLUMBING \, : F'1Efo WELOl~G ---I I • "_:.. SEWER AND BUCO D IPUCO :"1 ·tt,~ ---~ HIGH STRENGTH '. ·._ -...... ~ .-.. -~-, l ~ BOLTS ,.. .... -' \ .. UNDERGROUND~ N'ASTE ~ATER rM SPECIAL MA:SO'N,RY • \ t - TOP OUT D WAST,E □ W,t,TER ' -• ..... 1 ... ... TUB AND SHOWER P~N _/'J,, I -GAS TEST ~-I ~/I.F5 vc... PILES CAISSO.NS ,-:-. □ SOLAR WA11"ER . □ WATER HEATER . ,--,-' -P' ' ' .... --C ' ... --· I . . .-. ·---t I ~--. ELECTRICAL I . ,, I -.../ . ,r ' I □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D l+JF!=ER :--, . ,1 .. '-. \. '· ,, i ~~ - ROUGH ELECTRIC I 1-7-//A i7A , .. ·. -+ ---. .--. ' .. --' , , ''.Y ' ""r-., I □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPO!RARJ' f' ... , ... ;:· --..... ..,_. ' --,;• □ BONDING □ POOL I I I I ' i :;. I .. i I I MECHANICAL I /1) I -□ DUCT & PLEM ., D REF. PIPINiG //..(_ I '' .r: •• -! . HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I // '-~ -I VENTILATING SYSTEMS . I V I ,J I . l , ........ -. .. ,---:..,· .. )\ ,. \_ ~ -~ it: -I ' .. ' -;·• ·-. ·-_., I I I I, 1, ~ CALL FOR FINAL INSPECT(~N WHEN ALL APP¥0PRIA1/J : ~ ' . • l f _..., ,_ ,· ; I .. I , ITEMS ABOVE HAV BEEN APPROVED. ,' ~ ,I J •• f . I FINAL I I j n ' J IV.! ,, ' . . -\ ~ I 1·. ; l X.• t' f • i fl ' \ ~ , ; PLUMBING -• I r\ ' '..' ,: I "--ELECTRICAL I .1' .. N \ V . . -r -. ., . ,· .. I . 'Ill ,J . . -. - MECHANICAL r\.-' -~ ..~. \:'"' •. I ' . t ' .. ' \ I I r\· -. . GAS I I ,-, • I BUILDING I .. (\,. ' : I ~ "· I SPECIAL CONDITIONS I \ ' l \ ~ . ' V \ I . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438-5541 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: , Nl :J.O'/-l;L.() -~7 LATERAL LOCATION Ii; ST. AP LATERAL NO, _______ INSTALLATION DATE------- SE ISSUED BY ----::~~=--=-..::...!:.~~~~------ DATE ISSUED -------';,-:_;;.._,:,, __ _;___:~---- VALIDATION LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION OVER 30' H. @ FT. _________ _ OVER 10' V. ___ @ ___ FT. _________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @. ___ FT. _________ _ OVER 10' V. @ FT.---------- TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) ________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO.-------------- FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT. ___ TOTAL __ _ OTHER ___________________ _ CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS__._ __ COST PER UNIT-'---'--_:_:.-TOTAL-;__- PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ____ TOTAL--- WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permltter -tJ Application for Grading Permit CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue PENO. ____ _ Validation by Finance Department Building Permit Plan Check No. ______ _ FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN Site Address I , 4 t a 0YW'lrl A-c:.k /},J , Legal Description I Subdivision Name Owner Owner's Address Plans by Civil Engineer Address Soi I Engineer ,,. '- J. Phone R.C.E. ' Phone Phone 1 \J Grading Contractor ,, '' I Z'Y..rl:S Address Party responsible for overall supervision I r l /. ~ ~ f f'-l~ Proposed use of grade site ::... Number of cubic yards Cut Fill Import I Proposed Schedule of Operations (dates) Start I Waste Finish I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and state that the information I have provided is correct and agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this application. , 1 ) } . _ • Signature of Permittee ... /,..:l~::..==-:.::.~:=..:=-..:....-=:=,--==;.--,;,.--=--°-=--- 438-5541 Bond No. Surety Address lu Date Filed '-Rec'd by Rec'd by Date filed The following dot uments are required and shall become a part of the grading permit when they are approved. -- ~ / / Grading plans --Specifications Soil report --Geologic Report Drainage structures --Other Compaction report SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT 1. Authorized hours of operation: 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday -Friday. 2. Haul routes are to be approved by City Engineer. 3. Adequate provisions shall be made for erosion and siltation control . 4. All slopes shall be planted per City Code. 5. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optimum density unless noted otherwise. Under City Code Sec. 11.06 170 this grading is: 0 REGULAR GRADING · City inspector will make inspections listed below. 0 CONTROLLED GRADING • Private grading engineer shall observe work, coordinate tests, make reports. \ ~~IV)L_. Owner or authorized agent --=c:...~-=.c....:....:.=::;_==,,-~=-=---CF-.:..,,---. 1------------------'"'---....:"''-----=i--'-"..::.,..-----11nitial -site prep. -'___/ \ INSPECTION DATE INSP. SIGNATURE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE · Date ______ .;..._ )_ Rough -prior to drains ..___,/ EIA Log No. 1 l } ',/ r, By G 'f $ .,...,.,~ rading perrmt ee r li.lir> - Final -slopes planted Plan check fee $ Compaction reports rec'd. Permit lsst cl I J. Q by ...-,:,,,-' Date _,j_--=-7.._.4-_€>---"t;"=----""' Private engr. cert. rec'd. Permit Expiration Date -..., Copies: White-Office; Green-Building; Yellow-Inspector; Pink-Permittee; Goldenrod-Finance THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD To: ENGINEERING, FIRE, PLANNING, UTILITIES f:ec.b 1~f31 FINAL INSPECTION NOTICE 12-23--85_ • Date ~ " Address 16 if"4 "-Tamarack Plan# 84-114 T~~YcirRSFD ----------- Fire Pr~IIIEERING DE!>ARTME'ftte Planning Department Date Ph. No 729-3965 Approved Approved Approved Date/~ -4 J-J'SA"i,proved ~ Comments=----------------=--,---- IF A RESPONSE IS NOT RECEIVED WITHIN 24 HOURS, IT WILL BE ASSUMED IT IS OKAY TO FINAL I N s p E C T I 0 N R E Q u E s T <lCitp of <lCarl.~bab .,. -~,t. :G)c..,,~ l)H--17',-~~ L--:---. _), 7f rf'/ _--,___ ______ . Jt:RISOICTION: (!A/?Ls,t:!,AO DATE 3-,?O -&1/ ? ROJECT ADDRESS: ____ ___,l/-....:Ac..:..<.1'--1....c..,Ac..i....;A.:.?~/.-1_.;.:,_A;..·.__ __ _ ,o '---''"'"µ,,..€.,_£,.,_r_--1.H--=6~"'C::...:.:1<-'-,""IJ:....S..__ _______ _ G9o e~~ PLAN CORRECTION SHEET SINGLE FAMILY ANO DUPLEX DWELLINGS PI an Check No • __ ___._8..::..._Lf_,__ ___ /._/_y{ ______ _ ~~te plans received by jurisdiction 3-t3 -Sr I ~ate plans received by plan checker_..,3,._-_/;..L_./_--,,.__,. completed ?-2o by=<ll r~•-(6t'.ll ,6o-t46&) n~te initial plan check P0REWDRO: PLEASE READ ?Ian check is limited to technical requirements c~ntained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the ?tanning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modi!ication or change. All circled items have tc be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (cl, 1979 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or ci:y law. Q 8 / Please make all corrections on the original tr3~ings and submit two new sets of prints, anJ any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, cc,: l'ty?J .. 51.3110 /,5,1,. c ,•, I ·•,·- To facil1tate rechecking, please identify, nex: to each c1rcled item, the sheet of the plans upon wh1ch each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the rev1sed plans. Indicate on plans the name of the legal owner and name of person responsible for the preparation of the plans. Sec. 302(bJ 0 0 APPLICANT COPY j;zJ' CITY COPY 0 PLAN CHECKER COPY 5ubm1t fully dimens1oned plot p!3n d~a~n to scale show1ng loc3t1on s1:e, 3nd use ct 3ll ex1st1ng dnd proposed structures on :he lot. Identify property lines and __ ..... ...,._-:..lo:::.;t dimens1ons and all easements Show oc-atTonor-a1 I cu~rrTf\-slopes approximate finish floor elevations all structures and show elevations at corners. Sec. 302(bJ7. / yf. rndicate distance from center-line of street or alley to property line and distance from curh to property line. Sec. 302Cb J7 Plans, specificat1ons and calculations shall be signed by a California State licensed engineer or architec:. (California Sus1ness and Professions CodeJ F' f!l<: PROTECT IO~ Walls closer than 3 feet to property lines shall be one-hour fire-rated construction, have no openings, and shall have 30 inch parapets when the building floor area exceeds 1,000 square feet on any floor. (Table 5-A Sec. l 70 9 ( a l Projections, including eaves, may not extend more than 12 inches in~o the 3 foot setback f rom the property line. Sec. 1710 and Sec. 504(bl Projections, inc luding eaves,shall be one- hour fire-resistive construction, heavy ti~ber or of non-comoustible material if they project into the 3' setback area from the property line. Sec. 1710 She~ location of ~ern~nentl'l wired smoke dr.t,1ctor. !:ec. 1,10 C: c_ ROOM SIZES, (,ICHT, VENTILJITIONS /IND GL/IZitlC f· One room must conta1n a minim~m of 150 square feet of superficial f loor area. Sec. 1207(bl flabi:"ble rooms, oth'?r than kitchens, shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor urea. Sec. l207 (bl ~indow area must ~eat l east 1/10 of the floor area and a minimum of IC square feet per Sec. l207(al . llppears to be deficient in _________________ _ Openable window ared must be 1/20 of the floor area and a min1~u~ of 5 square feet. In bathrooms, laundry rooms and similar r ooms. Mini~um is l .3 sq.ft. (~ec.!205(al One-half of all required window are~ must be openable in Provide mechanic3l ventilation caoable of providing five air changes per hour in bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms if requ1red windows arc not prov1dcd. Sec. 1205faJ No habitable room, other ~han a kitchen, shall be less than ;•o• 1n any dimension. Sec. l207(cJ Show that ceil1ng he1r,ht for habitable rooms is a minimum or 1•~•. Sec. 1207(a) 5how ceiling height tor laundry rooms, hallways, corri dors, and bathrooms lS a minlmum of 7 '0". Sec. l2071a l Provlde Jo• clear Wldth !or water closet compartments and 24" clearance in front of water closet. Sec. l7ll(bl I No cooking room shall be used for sleeping · purposes, unless complying as an efficiency living ~nit. Sec. 1208 @specify safety glazing for glazing in hazardous locations such as glass doors, glazing adjacent to such doors and glazing adjacent to walking ~rf.,ces. Sec. 5406 ,..., W14JOo4.J Ir 1,J171-/1,V IJ"ot:°,voo,q_ 37 . Glazing in ower and tub enclosures (including windows ) shall be tempered, laminated or approved plastic. o. 4 7. 48. Sec. l 7 ll (fl ( g) Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door !or emergency exit. Sill ei ht shall not exceed 44" above tiii"Tloor. The wln ow mus n opena e area o at least 5.7 square feet with the minimwn openable width 20" and the minimwn openable heighc 24". Sec. 1204 Eaves a-nd cornices may noc project inco a required yard more than 2 inches for each fooc of yard width if required windows open inco the yard. Sec. 1206(d) A mezzanine is an incermediace floor and may noc have a floor area exceeding 33 l/3 percenc of Che cocal floor area in the room below, and Che mezzanine floor muse have a clear heighc ~f 7 feec, above and below,and muse have 651 of the long side open to the room below. The lofc you show does noc comply as a mezzanine floor and is, by Building Code definition, a scory _____________ _ EXITS1 STAIRWAYS. AND RAILINGS ~loors above the second scory shall have noc less than 2 exits. Sac. 3302(a) Required exit door,.,ays shall be noc lass Chan 36" in width and noc less than 6'-8" in heighc, and shall be capable of opening at least 90 degree~. Sec. 3J031el Provide 36" high proteccive railing for porches, balconies, and open sides of landings . ,~aximwn opening between railings shall be lass than 9". Sec. 1716 Show how guardrail conneccion details are adequate to support 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail. Tabla 23-!l Provide stair,.,ay and landing details. Sec. 33051b) , le> a. Maximwa rise a· and minimum run is b. Minimum head room is 6'-6". g •• 0) Minimum width i s JO". (9 51,/01,J ,.-,,,; .. ~·o .,, P.t,,-,,v s :.o~~;'°/.J~::, Handrails shall sacisty the following: a·. Provlde handrail for stalrways over 30" nlgn when serving a single dwelllng. Ticle 24, Sec. T25-221bl b. Handrail shall be 30" to 34 " above the nosing of treads. Sec. 3J05(jl c. Handrail projecting from a wall shall have a space not less than l l/2" between the wall and the handrail. The hand grip portlon of handrail shall be nee less than l l/4" nor more than 2 • in cross-secCLona l .dimension. Sec. 3305(j) (see attached) Every stair,.,ay landing shall have a dimension, measured in the directlon of cravel, at least equal co the stai ~Jay widch. , Sec. 3J05(g) t..J;-1::fl<'::.= 5r;::,11~; (!_,.,,.1-u,:i ~-,,,·:::' J <I > A door may open over a stairvay landing provlded the door, in any position, does noc reduce the clear area of the landing, in the direction ot stalrway travel, to less than one-half the required widch of the stair,.,ay. Sec. 33051g) A door may open inward at the t op step of a stairway provided the :op seep is not more than; l /2" lower than the floor level. Sec. 33 0 31 i) 2 Provide decails of winding stairway. a . Minimum tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a poinc 12 inches from the side of the scairway. b. Maximum rise is 9 inches. c. Minimum widch is JO inches. Sec. lJOSldl (see accachedl Provide spiral scair,.,ay details: a . Minimum run is 7 1/2 inches ac a point from where the tread is the narrowest. b. Maximum rise is 9 l /2 inches. c. Minimum headroom is 6 feet 6 inches. Sec. 3305( fl (see atcachedl Sprial scairvays may not be used for required exits when the &rea served is greacer than 400 sq. fc. Sec. 33051fl Spiral stairvays muse have & clear walking space of 26 i nches between the column and handrail. Sec. 3305(f) Provide I.C.8.0. Rease&rcn Report and ~umber for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved !abricacor re9iscered wich the Building Oepart:ment or note chat Che stairway fabrication shall be done under special inspeccion per the approved fabricacion plans. Sec. J06(al48 and Sec. J06(f) [n buildings over 2 stor!es in height, provide J/4 hour fire-rated assemblies for all openi ngs in Che exterior wall below or wlthin 10 feet horizontally of an exterior stai r- way. ~n exlc balcony ~i th 2 separaced stairways is •~~mpt. Sec. 3305 Exterior s:air~ays shal l not projec: into che J foot secback from :ne propercy lines. Sec. 3305( n l /. The walls and soffits of :he enclosed ~••able space under lnter1or sea rs shall be ?rotected on :he enclosed slde as equ1red for one-hour r1re-res1st1ve construct on. Sec. 3305 (mJ ~in1~um construct1on specifications shall be ~ade a part of the approved plans. (See attached) ROOFING Spec1fy roof pi.:ch. Roof p1tch is not adequate for roof type specified. Specify m1nimum pitch of ____ _ Specify roof material and application. Specify I.C.9.0. approval nwnber for roof mater1al~/c~<covered in USC. Specify ~slope for drainage or design to suppor t accumulated water. Sec. 3207(aJ Show roof drains and overflows. Sec. 3207 (aJ Provide skylight details to show compliance with Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide ICSO Show l 3/8" solid core self-c!osinq door for openinqs between garage and dwell1ng. Sec. 503CdJ Garages are not perm1tted to open lnto a room used for sleepinq ?urposes. Sec. 1104 Openings between carport and res1dence require self -clos1ng doors and stat~onary w1ndows. Sec. 1214 Show garage framing section, size of header over garage opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line and method of bracinq garage front. Chapter 23 NOTE: Minimum PlY"'ood diaphragm ratio is 3 1/2 to l or 2'8". Table 24-I e Doors between dwellings and attached garages may swing in e1ther direction prov1ded .,r. the difference in floor elevation between Ll,.)IM.., .,,1 the dwelling and garage does not exceed Qoo/t-7 l /2 inches and provided the door is not IH{o~,~ used as the primary means of egress from .JO f tr building. E't:;,~-,,, S<utAJ~C.~cJElf.. l.~1.Jt)IOJC, r J.,. ,.,_,, ,,,.,. 1,,1.p o,r-, < or" RPi/t~Ql"k I the difference i:n"'f'l~o'l-e!ev i'B/? G.:eeds o,.,,, 7 1/2 inches, or if the door is used as r the primary means of egress from the building, approval number. '(1µ1,u 13.! r'"-Jt;£,v ;0,,,,.,5 -,,~SKYttt;l-'r~ additional steps or landi ng must be ?rovided in accordance with stairway requirements, R. . J'3. r- Provide plastic roof panel details to show compliance with Section 5206 or provide ICSO number. Show attic ventilation. Mini~wn vent area is 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attice area if at least SOI of the required vent is at least 3 feet above ceiling joists. Sec. 3205(cl MASONRY Provide fireplace construction details or note construction to be per attached fireplace standard drawing. Sec. 3707 Show veneer support and connections comply with Sec. 3002, 4,5,6, and Sec. 2516(aJ regarding ties and t9 wire in horizontal joints or note construction to be perattached sheets 30-1 or 30-2. Show height and construction details of all masonry walls. Chapter 24 Note that cleanout openings shall ~•·provided at the bottom of all cells to be grout filled over 4' in a single pour. Cleanout shall be sealed before grouting, after i nspection. Sec. 2415 Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection sh,ll resist 200 pounds per lineal toot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Sec. 2310 Provide material specifications for mortar, grout, masonry and reinforcing steel. Sec. 2403 Show how masonry house walls retaining earth are to be waterproofed. Provide detail . Note that special inspection of the ~asonry will be required for _____________ _ G. GARAGE .\NO CARPORTS to6.Garage requires one-hour fire protection 7 -on the garage side of walls and ceilings co;; to the dwelling. Table 5-8 Sec.503(b) ~emenuppofting f~ above garage to aeon -our (1re-res1st1ve"'p!"l5tect1on on the garage side. Sec. 503. Beams and posts, not within the wall or ceil1ng con- struction, must comply with USC, Table 43-.\, or be mini mum 6" dimension beam and m1n1mum 8 • by 8 • post. and the door must not swing over the depressed level. (see 3303(i)2 and 330S (g). Provide 18" raised platforms for any PAU, water heater, or any other device which may generate a flame or spark. 6> Note that continuous fire wall protection shall be installed behind raised platform(sJ prior to framing platform. H. FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS 119. Note on plans that"A soils engineer shall eva•luate any unanticipated uncompacted fill or expansive soil or other soi! problems disclosed during construction•. Sec.306(aJ12. ~ Submit soils classification determination ~ by a licensed engineer or architec: ~ased / / on observation, tests, borings, or excavations, and containing comments on the degree of expansiveness, compressibility and bearing value. Sec. 2905 ~Note on the plan the soils classification, ~whether or not the soil is expansive, and note the allowable bearing value. Sec. 2905 1'111 The foundation plan does not comply with 7-· the soil report recommendation for this project ___________________ _ @Provide notes on the foundation plan listing . the soils report recommendations for foundations. slab and building pad preparation. I y5. Note on the foundat1on plan that "Prior to the Contractor requesting a Building Oepart:nent foundation inspec~ion, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: l. the building pad was prepared i n accor- dance with the soils report: 2. the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and: 3. the foundation excavations, forming and re1nforcement comply with the soils report and approved plan.• Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 ?SF soil beari ng or per bearing value as determined by an eng1neer or archi tect. Chapter 29 • /4 /4} .S r(!'",.., e.uA l(., Hr criD 3hojlf'eight of all foundation walls. c:,apter 23 y Show height of retatned earth on all foundation walls. Chapter :3 ~Show distance ot :oundation to edge of ~cut or fill slopes and show steepnass and heights of cuts and :ills. Chapter 29 1.24': Note on plans :hat wood shall be 6" above / !inish grade. Sec. 24li(cJ 7. ~ Note on plans t:,a,: surface water wil I drain away !rom building and show drainage patter~ and ~ey elevacions. Sec. 2905(fl 1/. Dimension foundacion per Table 29A. - TABLE NO. 29-A-FOUNDATIONS FOR STUD BEARING WALLS-MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DEl'TN o, fOUNDATION WIDTII TNICXNESS ■now NUMIU T!IICXNUS o, o, o, NATUUL o, fOUNOATION WALL fOOTINC: rooTINC SUUAC[ STORIES (IIICIIUI (lftCIIUI (lncftul o, CROUND AND FINISH CONCRETE UNIT CUD[ MASONRY (lncftul 1 6 6 12 6 1:2 2 8 g 15 7 18 3 10 10 18 8 24 :-iOTES: \Vherr unwu.U condition., or frost coaditions ;ire lounJ. footinp ,1,nc.l found:1tions \h:.11 be u requirNi in Stttion ~7 (~t. The Kl"Ound under the-Roor may be ea:avatf"d to the ,.-le,·;ition of tht> top of the foouna:. Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Sec. 2517(cl 3. Show foundation bole size and spacing. Sec. 2907(e) Specify size, ICBC number and manufacturer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distance and spacing. Sec,. 306 ( ! l Show size, il!ll:)edment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Sec. 2312(!) Note on plan that: hold down anchors must . 1r· Y'· be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Sec. 2 312 ( f J Cf2D 0· 0 · 0· J't. 7 I. Show adequate footings under all .....-/J~A;f1-.Je, walls. Sec. 23ll(e) ,4;-S-:""J ,,;.S Show stepped footings !or slopes steeper than 1:10. Sec. 2907(c) Show minimum 18" clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12" clearance to bottom of girders. Sec. 2517 Show pier size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil. Table 29-A Show minimum under floor access of l8"x 24". Sec. 2517 Show minimum under floor vent:ilation equal to l 1/2 sq. ft. for each 25 lineal feet of excerior foundation with openings as close to corners as practicable to provide cross ventilacion on at least two approximate- ly opposite sides. Sec. 2517 FRAMING Show all joists, ra!~ers, beams, and posts 2" :o 4" thick to be No. 2 Grade Douglas Fir-Larch or beccer. All posts and beams 5" and thicker shall be No. l Grade Douglas Fir-t.arch or beccer. (Table 25-A-ll Show wall bracing. Every excerior wood stud wall and main cross parcition shall be braced at: each end and at: least every 25 !eec of lengch with lx4 diagonal lee-in brace or equivalent:. Sec. 2518(g)5 ~oce cr~ss bridging or blocking. :loor Joists and rsf:ers more than 12" in depch and spanning more ~han 8 !eec shal l be supported lat:erally by bridq1nq a,: •ntervals not: exceeding 8 ceec. Sec. ZS06 ig l Show blocking at ends and at supports of ~loor joiscs, and !or rafters at: excerior walls. Sec. 2S06(g l 3how solid blocking at ridge tine and at: exterior walls on trussed roof s . Sec. 2506(g) Show double joists. Floor joists shall be doubled under bearing part1t:ions runninq parallel with the joiscs. Sec. 2518(dl 5 Show rafter t ies. Rafter cies shall be spaced no,: more chan 4 !eat on center where rafters and ceiling joists are not parallel. Sec. i518(hl 1y,. Show rafter purl in braces to be not less than 4S degrees to t:he hori:ont:al. Sec. 2 S 18 ( h I Show 1/2" minimum clearance becween top place of interior part:itions and boctom chord of t:russes. ( To ensure loading will be as designed.) Show double top plate wich minimum 48" lap splice. Sec. 2518Cgl4 Show nailing will be in compliance with Table 25-P. Provide !ire stops becween stories, becween top story and roof space, at: ceilings and floor levels in interior and excerior walls, in mansard roof or eyebrow so no concealed or furred space is greater than 10' horizontally or vercically, becween stair scrinqers at top and boctom and becween studs along and in line wit:h stair run adjoining stud walls and partitions, at perimeter of sliding door pockets, becween chimney and wood frame using metal or incombustibles for the fire stop and a,: other places chat could afford passage of flame. Sec. 2517(!) Show scud size and spacing. ~aximum allow- able stud heights: 2•x4•~ 16" is 14'; l"x4"&2"x6•~ 16"o.c. i s 20'. Sec. 2518(gl 2 Note an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Compliance for glued laminated wood members shall be given to the Building Inspector prior to erection. Sec. l06(f) Detail all post to beam and post to foocing conneccions. Sec. 2517(cl 4 Specify nail size and spacing for all shear walls, floor and roof diaphragms. Indicace required blocking. ~aintain maximum diaphragm dimension ratios. (Tables I,J,Kl. Show l"x4" or 2"x6" scuds in first story o! three st:ory building. Sec. 2518(!) Provide truss det:ails and truss calculat:ions. Provide roof framing plan. Sec. l02(a)7 Provide !raming seccions through ______ _ Seccion l02(a) 7 180. Specify all header sizes !or opening over 4' wide. Sec. 2518Cgl 7 @) Provide calculacions for /1'/us'!> ov&~ /(,rc/,/~AJ {0,,01 v < /("'I Seccion 302(a) 7 In areas subject: to wa ter splash and in exterior locat:ions, wood columns and posts shall be supporced by piers projecting at least 2" above the fini shed grade and shall bear on a metal base plate or treat:ed wood unless t:he columns or ;,oscs are foun- dation grade redwood or cedar. Sec. 2517(cJ4 <I!D'show location of attic access with m1n1mun s1:e 22• x 10•. Sec. l20S >'9· ~- /4· ~- y(. yf· ye . J. Show draft separation !or att1c areas in excess of ),000 sq.!t. Sec. 3205 Show draft seoaration !or space between dropped ceilings and !loor above 1n axcess of 1,000 sq.!t. Sec. 2Sl7 Spec1fy plyvood grade and panel indent1- f1cat1on index. !able 25-J When roof pitch is less than l :12, des1gn ridge as a :leam. Sec. 2518 (hi Wood shear walls shall not be used to resist horizontal forces contributed by masonry in buildings over one story in height. Sec. 2516(bl Gypsum lath and plaster, gypsum sheathing board and gypsum wallboard shall not be used in vertical diaphragms to resist forces imposed by masonry or concrete const=uction. Table 47-I If cripple wall studs are less than 14", framing shall be solid blocking. Sec.2Sl8Cgl6 Crippla wall studs exceedinq 4 !eet in height shall be l inch by 4 inch or 2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. Sec. 2Sl8(gl6 Show plyvood sheathing over exposed eaves, or other weather exposed areas, i s exterior qrade. Sec. 2Sl7(gl 3 Show a weep screed at the foundation plate line on a ll exterior stud walls to be stuccoed. Sec. 4706(el Provide an approved waterproof building paper under wood siding. Sec. l70l(al Specify an approved flashing for exterior openings and parapet walls. Sec. 3208 Show corri dor width to be minimWII 36". Sec. 3304(b) Specify truss layout for 30" x 30" attic access. Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at least one size larger than supported rafters. Sec. 2Sl8(h) 3 Provide metal st=aps across ridge beam and rafters. MECHMIICU. All heating, ventilating, and cooling systems and appliances shall comply with the Uniform /'lechanJ.cal Code. ~ Show the size, location an~ of all ~ heating and cooling applia~r systems. l"'ioi"'\ Show source of combustion air fo~ furnace \.::;.;.,, will comply with Chaper 6, U.M.C. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintain- ing a room temperat~re of 10• ~. ae J feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. Show basis for compliance. UBC Sec. l2ll Jlh· Show minimum JO" deep unobstructed working space in front of furnace. ~ Note on olans,clearances to be per manufac-~ curers listing. Sec. 704 UMC Furnace shall not be installed under any stairway. Sec. 70• UMC Furnace shall not be installed i n any bedroom, ~athroom, closet, o r 1n c onfined space wi=h access only through such room, ~nless specified as direce vent appl1ance, ~nclosed furnace or electric heating appliance . Sec. 70• UMC Show ICSO approval for prefab !ireplace and provide approved installat1on instruct1ons at joo site. Show access to the atti c or under floor furnace to be minimum JO 1nches by JO inches. Sec. 708 • 709 ~MC Note that passageway to the attic fu=nace shall be unobstructed and have continuous solid floor1ng not less than 24 1nches wide. Sec 708 UMC Show can.anent electrical outlet and lighting !1xture controlled by a sw1tch for the att1c furnace. Sec. 708 UMC Show details to comply with Section 109 for furnace under the floor, Section 108 for attic !urnace, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. Note on plan, gas vents and non-combustible piping passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft stopped at each floor or ceiling. UBC Sec. l706Cal6 ~. ELECTRICAL (National Electrical Code) All wiring shall comply with the National Electrical Code. Note on the plan the amperage of electrical service. If the elect=1cal installation is more than 200 amperes, show panel location and provide a single l ine diagram and load calculations including: a. Wiring method employed. b. Sizes of all conductors, switches, circuit breakers, fuses, and conduits. c. Approximate length of service feeders. d. Provide plot plan showinq services, all panel locations, circuit arrangement and load distribution on panel busses. e. Provide typical panel schedule(sl. Dwellings req~ire minimum 100 amp service. Show location of all electrical receptacles . Electrical receptacle locations and/or spacing is not .-idequa te in 84<2dM # 2 ~I l'1 ~l,J ,6,a W 5 ,n/! ()l-0,0')0 117 If .i; IJ,!-,V / 2'' At tone receptacle shall be installed ut oors, i n basements and attached garages, . n laundry outlets. Art. 2l0-25(bl Show minimum dwelling lighting (NEC _,...- Art. 2l0-26(a l and GFI'S in garage.'~a~~ /''" ,, and outdoors. ~EC Art. 210-81a l. th tc1'l.r!1';/•J · r ' ·• ,.4,;.,.l ... ., Note "UFER" ground to be provided CNECl. "' Art. 250-81 h PLUMBING (Unifor111 Plumbing Code) All plumbing shall comply with the Unifrom Plwnbing Code. 0 - 0- vs - Show water heater size , type and location on plans. Show method of providing combustion air to fuel burning waeer heater. Sec. 1)07 Fuel combustion water heater shall not be installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet openinq i nto bath or bedroom. Sec. 1309 Provide adequate barrier to protect water heater from vehicle damage. Sec. 1310 Show T and P valve on water heater and show route of discharge line to exterior Sec. l007 (el ,~. Provide dryer vent to outside. UMC y • Sec. 1903 ~ ~ote on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn ~ spr1nkler systems shall ~ave approved backflow prevention dev1ces. Sec. 1003 Shower stall shall accomodate a lO"circ le and have a min1mum floor area of 900 sq.J.n. UPC 909C d l I OUPt.E:XE3 I ihow Jet~Ll~ ot juple,c :o~n •P•r'!'(I ·•.ills ~nd !!oar. :a1l1nQ ~••~m0l1es ~o 1c~1~v• ~ Sound ~rJn~■\s~1on ~:~•• :~":"C l r•c~n~ ,n ·••l l.• ot ~•1 ,tee,ul,,s ~nd ~n :111p,et cn~u1.u~10n ~t••• 1 C :'-=l =-~~inc, an flour. c••l•nq ot ~o Jote1aL••· r1c1• 2, Show ~ow ?•necrac1on at •••-al1•• !or p1p1nq, electr1eal dev1c••• cec■aaed aa1necs. ~•cntuaa. sot!ica, or ~••t1nq vent1l•t1nq, or exAAuat ju=• snall be se•led, l1ned, or Ln■ul•ced co -1nca1n cequ1red saund tr•n-1aa1on cac1nq. T1cl• 2, ,~ov1de 1naul•t1on ,n ~all• .nd ca1l1n4 co •cn1•,,. STC at 10 b•~ qaraq• •nd L1vin4· area 1t 9araq• ua• •• nae controlled by rea1dent T1cle 2,. l:IIDCY COIISEJIVATIOH1 Pl--Read New Stace Mandated Requlation■ (Cali!. Adlll1n. Code) bee ... et!eetiv• June 16 , 1913 •nd require that th• design satisfy one o! th• alterftative ener9y ~ekaqes I••• atuched pae.ltaq•• A, a. c. I, 2. l, 4 and AB ·163). Th• law al so requires that 11U1ny 11U1ndatory eq_Qsvrvation item■ be sati.,.ied. Cd,91.,{C~a U 1n Zone , Copies of th• Residential Energy Conservacion Manual may be obuined !r0111 Publications Unit, California Enerqy Commission, 1111 Hove Ave, MS-50, Sacramento, California 9512,. (Tel. (9161 920-621611. California Building Officials also 1aa1ntain a telephone "hotline• between 10:00 A.H. and Noon and 1:00 P.H. to 4t00 P.H. at (9161 456-1123. ~~ on t~• title sh-tot the u•n•,~~ ~ • •ltar itiv• irilt9Y picii9• ac waa selected i.e. A, 1, c, 1, 2, 3, ~ ,,... 4, or Al 163 to show e0911lianea, and ,,r,~ provide calculation■ and other dau, S,,.,U"f appropriate to that selected ~e.ltag•·/ ~ • responsible deai9ner should sign ~ a state-nt, on the plan title sheet SU itte Y conforms to the Energy Requlation■ for Reeidential Building••· Show the "R" value for th• walls and ceiling and relaced area•. Note that the insulation used shall comply with California Quality Standard•. Note the insulation installer shall post a signed certificate, in a eonspieioua place in the building, ~Utinq the insulation complies with Title 24, Chapter 2-Sl and Title 20, Chaptar 2, Subehapter 4, Art1ele 3. Note doors and window■,G;eludinq skAlight;;:, between conditioned and non-eond1tlo id sp•ce snail be full weatherstripped. hat weather-_. nppin9, cau 1 or ••lanes ■uat ;-,,.,,_,... .._, ~ be used to I im1 t t il Cration in th• ,t:? ,4,v bu1ld1n9 envelope •t the following loeationa1 ~ Exterior Joints around window■ and door fr••••: between wall sole plate• and floor■, •nd Y~tww•n ~•~vr1or -•11 pa.n•1•; penetrations 1n walls, ceilings, and floors for plwnb1n9, electricity, and 9as l 1n~s; op~n1n9s in attic Cloors1 and JI\ otner opening• in the building envP.l Op\l . Not~ ~~•t doocs and windows to be certified and l•oeled •• eoapl yin9 with the Energy lle9ul•t1ona. llote fans e,chauat1n9 air to have back draft daapers. 12· II r r: H,A,, ~ r!' .~ ,:;.~~~ P c.AA.) Note (~ the e,ctenor "•IL tireplae;) ·r1r•P .c. Eo K.Vi iin1aua 11• squ•r• 1nenes of outs•d• a1r; to have 9la•• or metal door cover1n9 the entire opening of the firebOx; to have tight-fitting damper with readily aecesa1ble control •nd should noc have• continuous burning piloc light". Note duets shall comply with Chapter 10, 1976 Ul'IC and shall be tightly sealed with stie or ta•· Noto all circulating hot water pipe• in unconditioned spaces shall be inaulated. Note that all 9as fired heatinq and cooling appliances, showers and faucet■ shall comply with th• Energy Efficiency Standards. Show,(at S:.th and kitchen) that the 9oneral l19ht1ng shall have an efficiency of not lesa than 25 luaen■ per watt i.e. flore■eent. Note that heating or cooling syst-■ (oxeopt heat pw■pel shall have an autcaatir thel"IIIO■tat with INChanis■ which can be -nually pro9ra-•d to automatically ••t back the theCIIIO■tat set points tor at leaat two period■ within 24 hours. Show th• size, type and location of Che space heating (or cooling) •Y•t- and provide energy calculation• if th• ou~put ITU/Hr. exceeds 45,000 111'U/Hr. output. Show ---a..,. --.1 tor FAU _.... -tu ,._t•r are 011 State •Pl'rov.d liat. Oucd-r pools .,.,en ,oau,l fuel heacars requ~.r• paoi cover• •• -11 aa ocner .n•rff 1av,a~ dev,e■• sue~•• c1ae cloc:u, etc. ~0-1401 HISC"'..LLANEOUS Show a minimum 2" air space and flashing between planter and building walls. Sec:. 2517(el Specify material to be used ~nder ~he shower ti le. See. l i07(al Specify lath and plascer co comply wi ch Chapter 47, UBC. Two l /4" copper pipes must be installed from water heater location co conveni ent location of future solar panels (City Ord.I Provide sleeves (root jae~sl in roof !or two !ueure l /4" copper pipes co c~nvenienc location of !ucur• solar ?•n■ls (City Ord.I 0 eu,ldinq plane are aubetantially correct and complete. By, __________________ _ Data, _________________ _ 0 Building plan■ would be subatantially correct and complete ia minor eorr•e~iona are 11U1d■ ac. c:ouncer. By1 _________________ _ Date: _________________ _ ·ii. Building plans require major correction• and r complete pan recheck, by plan cheek en91neer 1a. req'tired. By: 7 / ~ ... ;4, ., /_. Date , __ __._'$.._-.....;;2;,... _~_-_,g...._..;.'-';.._ ___ _ l! you have any queatione r■<J•rd~pg thu plan cheek, plu■e call (;,._,.._, /IDA,..,..;. C at ',q~,:,,,r. {Ir,,,-,'), '---:;('.,j -Jff,,8 We would also be pl••••d to -et with you, at no ehar9■, it additional •••i■tanea •• needed. 3/o 311 312.. 313 31~ 315 3/b 3/1 .318 3/Cf · (itp of (arl~bab PLAN CHECK NO. @Y-IIY O\\INER /3,/i, /,Jo11r-¥, .. J,; PLAN REC'D. 3 -I 3 PLAN CHK'D. 3-20 CHK 'D. BY C,r,u /l~,11,.,,~'" 51--/0t,J ;,/o,.; L?e!c-t-O •/~R {_f A fl -"Cl/ / 5 C,J,4 re,,.,,, __L!_;;Joa .C:tFo f¾R .Sec 9?13 (cl) i,-.1e l11AJ J./e IC •• -r--/; -/. ~"'JC -r-..; /?,,.:J -,,,, ---,,'-_,;,.,...1 <:-r,..1cco use-::; A~ S,J-/6/J."< /A.1,4(.. l. ., .s I½ io 1. (o~ 5' ,, ..., 'I t..v1t:Je _b-1,v u :.. ;:',,..e., ~ 1 /At..t-tA.J A '-c_) t:Jes1 c,v r-:~ /0 f' <; -;' O; 'f' J. 1 <t I l~ (3) I.(,..., d {t ') A.::::~o t, ., A.J e-IA) L..,,,, J E ~ h.oo.o<.. /J~ov 1,01£ L).,,-,.-.,,:;,~ ~ (1 r:: C:o"-J ~!..'l~.J J c2P //1:,, -;. ... -1°"> 0 '.I (.£A 0, -u,,ur:; # .... f L<, 1'c ,,.,._· ,u ( A~,u-; J : L? u , /-... -:-o "-J S,re::) ./3-::,vv :1/ LJe5.,-:.v ('} A c..t<s ~o,no€ ~,-<.J ft)oc1_!<1,u<.i, e. ~ (i_,IJ I( ,,4-,J C if fi 7 e°~P.e. T . I"% ,..J t:fL. r -·· ~. I~ M1oi ,r:1,,." r~o..,, Ce-,v -r-~n /,,.JI!. ,, ,:-,Lfo....,e, '-:!0"1o-r-1l ) ,(} t£ 1 .4tL. < "<. p,,:;cJ/:> 7' '.?. ,~ H~P/Rto~ t! (: 0"..J Ne' 4, 1"10~ Q'-L ~'< AJ001s P/,Jo,J,o~ H -4,uu ,~Ac -ro ,e Ji ,L)A 7',4 r-;""' JI/? .=? -30 /,U 5~ t.A 7'/:,,u $Woe...) So c..A;;,Cou.e ~ ,~,,., ;C?,.,.,,J(;!'-s, Z.t:f:5 cE1 ~ 4<:!;d '1'10KJ > -r a~-r ~RG. ~ rp Or (},t.,-1 7.,;,.J:::, (/..Ja r~ · ~As>-1.4Rt:A h'-1 sr /.1s- Cou.J T::!O As 0 ,.,.: z . ·•)::; /11;:,d'A {.ro ~At-~i!°IJ,UJ o~oal i Ac., fHt. I!! ,,v,: / V ~,()(Je[-<.J Cv1tvOoeu5, ) LJc£rAn-IJ...as ,J. OU~ -r;, 11" r!,,.) a /?A-,u C 6 0 ( t.{utJd"? 5,,.-s;:) -t4ov,JCJC:-/1:,5 r /t;a.~re:rrt > I hoor? Jo ,~.,.. A -r o/'8 1 d ~ u ,u 1::::u:f ~ t:' -· - -.. ·--. . ·-. -- . -- ·--·· TABLE 2-1. ALTERNATIVE COMPONtNT PACKAGES FOR CLIMATE ZONE 7 Component B~!tD!~ ENVELOPE insulation Minimums Cdiling Walll Slab Floor Perimeter Raised Floor Glazing H ... ximum U-Value Maximum Total Area Maximum Total Non-South Facing Area Minimum South Facing Area Thcnncil ~ass SPAC£ CONDITIONING SYSTEM Hcjtir~ System Type2 DOMESTIC WATER HEATING SYSTDi TYPE A R 19 R 11 (R 2.5) no req 'ment R 11 1.10 no req 'ment 9.6% 6.4% required gas gas, heat pump, or solar w/ any type of backup heat Package B R 30. R II (R 2.5) 1l 7 R 11 0.65 14.0% no req 'ment no req 'ment not req 'd gas gas, heat pump, or solar w/ any type of backup heat C R 19 . R 11 (R 2.5) no req 'ment R 11 1.10 14.0% no req 'ment no req 'ment not req 'd gas solar with gas backup heat 1. The value in parentheses is the R-value for the entire wall assembly if the wall weight exceeds 40 pounds per square foot. The insulation must be integral with or installed on the outside of the exterior mass. The inside surface of the thermal mass, including plaster or gypsum board in direct contact with the masonry wall, shall be exposed to the room air. The exterior wall used to meet the R-value in parentheses cannot be used t~ oeet the above thermal mass requirement. ~-~ncre natural gas is not available, zonally controlled electric resis- CJ1;..:e or radiant heating systems may be used. 48 HM:11 U I .. J,U 94/fr 1111:U IJ I .. J,U •ttr AllCIUTIY( COWOICIJ PACU17.S r011 nlMlt ZOii: 7 All(hATlf( COWOllllT PACI~$ r01 ntMT( 1011( 7 Appltc••· ftr@_ .. :r~c.i,t'11Ctf .. ' a,,11, .. ,. ,.,c .. ~-~ rl~C.•lt'11Ctl .. • J (~~Ill Coai,o;,e11t IUIUlll. (H(lo,( IUllOIICi (IIYUOP( ltt le I ......... ..t .... ,,.. Atttc1 .... ,r .. •t .... ,.. l•••htto• ,tl•I-• l•111htt .. llf•t-• Ctll l"f •-JO I-It Cellt119 1-lO 1-11 11111 •-11 1-11 11111 1-11 1-11 \1111 floor Pul•lff' .. , .... ,'" .. , .... ,,.. floor 1-11 1-11 Iii 111119 Cil11t119 ""'-u .. ,. O,H 1,1 "-••-u .. , .. O.H I.I "•••-lotal Artt ZOI 141 ""'-lout Arte ZOI 141 Nu I-lot1I lo111011tll Mui-lout lolllHlll r a,'"' a,u lo ltq11tr-t .. ltq11lr-t rac1,.. Arte lolt•lr-t lole•lr-' 11111I-So11tll flCl"t lru lo le•lr-t lo ll•fr-t Nl11f-So11tll fact., ArN lo lt•fr-t ....... "-' 9'•41"9 Slladl"t So11tll he 1"9 '1111"' lolt•fr-t ...... ,,_, So11tll fact., 51111-. ..... ,r-t • .... fr-' W.lt ,.,, ... '1111119 ...... ,r-t .. ll•lnaeat lint ract., 51111-. ...... ,r-t ...... ,r.-1 1111,.at "• n lfl oo, Artel1 .,. '" llle,.11 11u1 II r1 oo, Art111 ,0 II Co11tl11uo111 l11ffltr1tlt11 a.rrltr .... .,,r_t ..... ,,,_, Co11tlll110II\ l11flltr1t1 .. lkrrler ..... ,r-t ...... ,~, (lt<trlcal Olltttt Ptata Clp1t1 ..... ,,_, ...... ,r-i (IKtrtc•• Olltltt ,1,te c., •• u ..... ,,-t ...... ,r.-1 S,l(( COIIOl11011l11Ci SYSlOt S,AC( CONDlllOIIIIIG USlOt Mt1tl119 S11t,_ lJ,e I.la er Mut ,-,• "' er ... , ,_,. Mt1tl119 S11ltll TJPt Sea er llut ,-, • .... tr .... , ,.,. • llr•to-llr i.1t (1clla•ffr lo ltqufr-t ..... ,r-, Air-to-Air Hut hthallfl" ..... ,,-t ...... 1,..., "11CSTIC IIAlll 11:,'TIIIC ......... , ,.,. .,. S.lw 111111 511 OOt(STIC IIATCI 11:ATIIG Cie. • .. .. t ,_, .,. .olar Ill UI C.1 \ISHN 11,C Solar llftlll Aa1 lr,e tf a.c:•-..... , StSIU. UP( So hr wt ti1 '-, r r,t • f a.c•-.. lltat a.ct ... lut lul--. •ut CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION . ~16 NINTH STREET .ACRAM[NIO. CAllFORNIA 93814 NO~IC.E OF STATUTORY CHANG.ES IN THE ~IDENTIAL DUILDING STANDA.1-WS CEO.GE 0fUICMEJIAN, c.,,.,.,,.,, AUG l 9 1983 r sc,L CCf:P()R.:.T1;):1 ', lJO C~~ $AP£ -11£ OR Newly enacted legislation (AB 163 [Go€.t.:1n]), which became law ar1 July 29, 1983, provides builders new options and additional flexibility in complying with the energy conservation standards for new residential buildings. The princip3..l features of the bill are described below: • GROUP AVERAGING fuilders may comply with the standards by averaging the performance of groups of buildings. All buildings in an averaged group must be in the same subdivision, and all must be based on the same model. Reverse plans and different elevations of a model are regarded as the same model. fuildings based on the model and with the same floorplan ( including reverse plans) but with different conservation features, such as shadine, insulation levels, theraal mass, etc, are still regarded as the same model. Different models may not be grouped together for averaging. fuilders who elect 1;0 average must apply for permits for all buildings in an averaged group on the same day, and each application must indicate the group to which the averaging approach is applied. The builder demonstrates compliance by using either the Point Sys tan or any other approved calculation method, such as CALPAS 1 A or CALPAS 3, to show that a si.ulple arithmetic average of t he enerfY performance of all buildings in the group meets the standards' energy budget. \~1Kn the b~ildings are offered for sale, builders must also notify potential buyers th~t co~pliance with the energy standards used averaging and that the perforuance of a particular home relative to the performance standard is available upon request. • NEW PACKAGE:> :alilders may also use new i::ackai;es enacted by AB 163, in place of Paclffiees A, B, and C in the standards. The new packages for each climate zone are summarized in the TABLE attached to this notice. Notes explaining the i:ackages appear on i:age 2 of this notice. • ALTERNATIVE PACKAG:ES AB 163 also allows builders to develop and use their own i:ackages of measures, provided such i:ackages result in the same energy performance as the new pick.ages in AB 163, To use this approach, builders may use either the Point Systan or another approved calculation method (e.g., CALPAS 1A or 3) and follow these steps: 1. Calculate the energy consumption or point system total of the building floorplan including all of the comp:ments in an AB 163 package (see attached TABLE). Assume the building has the maximum amount of glazing al.lowed in that i:nc~e and that this glazing is equally distributed north, east, south, and west. This calculation sets the energy goal or standard that the proposed buildir,e must meet. Hate: points. If the point system is used, this goal will not necessarily be zero 2. f~rr.:-:·::1 the same computation, usine the pror,osed building's actual glazing area, c.rio::r.tation, and ciis tribution, and it:; actual energy conservation features. •~·r.~ Ji=s1gn canplies if the en<;:rgy cunsumption or ~int system total is equal to or tetter than the goal established in Step 1 • Mailed to lists 408, 409, 050, 053 on 8/15/83 • OTH!R PROVISIONS OF AB 163 1. Regardless of the method of compliance, every building must still comply 1'i th. th~ mandatory features and devices requirements of the standards. The reqturements appear in Section 2-5352 of Title 24, CAJ.i£orni~ ~@it\i~~r~~iva ~~~. 2. Any application for a building ~rmit pending on or after July 29, 1985, may use any of the compliance methods in AB 163 to meet the new energy stan<lar<lo. 3. If a fireplace is not located near an exterior wall, outside combustion air is not required in climate zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, and 15. Note that this provision of the bill is an express exeuiption for those cltaate zones from the outside canbustion air requirement in the stan1ards. (The requirement in the standards appears in Section 2-5352(d) of Title 24, Cal.iforriid Administrative Code.) • EXPLANATIONS OF' THE ~UIREMEHTS IN THE N1'W AB 163 PACKAGE3 (See ~ABLE) The follo'w'ing requirements apply if builders elect to \llie the p:i.ckages in AB 163. (For requirer.;ents of other packaees or ca11pl iance methods, consult the standards or the .Energy Conservation ~ianual.) 1. All concrete slab floor buildings are required to have 25 percent of the floor area directly exposed to the conditioned space. To determine the floor area, count only the first floor in conditioned areas. Uncarpeted first floor areas, such as linoleum or tiled entry ways, kitchens, bathrooms, and utility closets may all be counted towards this requirewent. 2. In some climate zones, a building with raised floors ( rather than concrete slab) must also include thermal mass with an area exposed to the conditioned space equal to a certain percentage of the ground floor floor area. The percentage for each zone is listed in the attached TABLE. To qualify for thermal mass, the material used must have a performance equivalent to masonry two inches thick, with a voll.lr.letric heat capacity of 28 Btu per cubic foot :i;:er degree 1''ahrenhei t :i;:er hour, a then:ial conductivity of one Btu :i;:er foot per foot per degree Fahrenheit per hour, and a surface area directly exJ:X)sed to the roa:i air of the required percentage of the ground floor floor space. A list of materials that meet these requirements is being developed by the CoI!l.lllission. 3. The attic requirement means that an attic is installed under not less than 75 percent of the roof that is over any conditioned space. 4. The air conditioner efficiencies must be cet if an air conditioner is installed, ·out AB 163 does not require that an air conditioner be inst!:l.l.led. ,. If a teat pucp is used, an automatic setback thermostat is required in cli:.oate zor.es 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, and 16 if building :i;:ermits are applied for ou or aftcr Aue,.'"USt 1 , 1983. In all zones, an automatic setback thermostat is required for i::erai ts "-Hli~ for on or after July 1, 19ei. 6. Infil ~ratic;n barriers ai1d air-to-air heat exchangers are not required in aey cl i:..ate zor.e by these pack3ees. RECUIREJ:1EtiIS NE)j AB 163 PACKAGES ',,:'.En:: liEC'JlRE}::.:rrs DIFFER FOk SlA& AND RAISED FLOOR CGNSTROCTION, Fl:1ST VALUE IS FCR ~U.B FLOOR A~J SECOND VALUE. IS FOR RAISED FI..OOR. EX!~LE; L'l CLil'..\"i'E ZONE 1, TnE FLOOR II-SLUTICN REQUIR&iEHT, "NR/19", MEANS IBAT THERE IS NO REQUlnE}IU."T FOR SUB ELG£ INSUlATION BUT R-19 FLOOR IHSUUTIOH IS flEQUIRED FOR RAISED FLOORS. ClJmte Zone .l z. 1 :!. 5. 6. l a. .9. .lQ. ll lZ. ll 1!i. l5. .lA ouilding Envelope Insula•.ion l"JnimlCS Ceiling, R value 38 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 38 38 Wall, R value 19 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11/19 11 11/19 Floor, R value tlll/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 NR/19 7/19 A•.•.ic REQ REQ REQ REQ REQ REQ ~ REQ REQ REQ RE<; REQ REQ REQ REQ R£Q Glazing taxia:1.111 i.i' 2 o.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 tlaxi:m.m area, J 16 16 20 20 16 20 20 20 20 20 16 16 16 16 16 16 Shading Coefficient So~• h-facing NH Nk t-:n :~ t-ft NR t,R 0.36 0,36 0.36 hR 0.)6 0.)6 0.36 0. 35 hR Ecas•.-racin6 NR Nit NI NR Nh NR t,R 0.36 0,36 0.36 t.R o. 36 0.)6 C.36 0. 36 t.il :..e.;•.-facjng lffl NR t.'R NI NR 0.36 HR/0.36 0. 36 0.36 0.36 0.)6 0.)6 0.36 0. 36 0.36 NI t-:or•h-f3c1ng tlR tJt Nil NR NR NR NII 0.36 0.36 0.36 ~R 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 NR The mal 1-'.ass, J 25/NR 25/NR 25/NR 25/NR 25/NR 25/5 25/5 25/5 25/10 25/5 25/NR 25/5 2515 25/NR 2515 25/NR Electrica.li OJtlei: Caske•.s REQ NR NR/REQ t-R NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR REQ/NR REQ hR iiea•ing & Cooling Sys•.ems Cas furnace efficiency, i 72171 71 71179 71 71179 71 71 71 71174 71 71 79 71 71 71 71 Cli.::ut:e Zone 1 z.. 1 :i. 5.. 6. l a. .9. .lQ. 11 lZ. ll l.!i. l5. .1.6. Hea•. pung C.O.P. 2.512.5 2.5 2.5/2.8 2.5 2.5/2.8 2.5 2.5 Air conditioner, 2.5 2.512.6 2.5 2.5 2.8 2.5 2.5 .2.5 2.8 Sc:ER 6.0 8.0lb.5 e.019.s Cj. 0/9. 5 6.0/9.0 6.0 8.0 8.0/9.5 Cj. 5 6.5 9,519.0 9.5 a.o 9.5/8.8 Cj.·5 8.5 iia~r neai:ing Syste:n ly;>e !:a•ural gas, hea•. pu:,p, or s:>lar wP.h any :dnd of bac1eup NQiES: 1. li nh:e of Ci. f.5 c:<?ans :.:>ut> le glazed. 2. C:i~lr.~ area is perce~•a0e of conal•lont'<S floor space. ). n-,cnr.a~ r.-.ass requi rer.ien•. based on percent.a.;e of fl rs• floor area. Ii. Ci~K~•s r~~~lre.J only ~n ex•erlor walls. 5. l1E:1• ~-r.;,:; :nu:;t. ha·,e a..:•oc: .. •.lc dual se•baci< r.nerP10s•a•s In zone:; 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, and lo. Af•er July 1, 1S811, .ll!. nu•. pu3ps 1ns•alled as car,ponen•.s of •.nese packages musr. have aur.o::.atic ~ual se•.ia.:.c t.i'leniios•.ats. Prepared by, {]i,.t{,u 1-loAM~l'C Jurisdiction 0fr'ls,<3AO VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE a Bldg. Dept. O Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. B I/ -I I 'I BUILDING ADDRESS /Al'-1A/( A C.. k APPLICANT/CONTACT ~r,:-~~N,1(1,vs PHONE NO. ?2 9 -3 '7' '-:,; BUILDING OCCUPANCY /?-,_L/1 DESIGNER PHONE ------ TYPE oF coNSTRUCTioN IL AJ coNTRACTOR PHONE 7-:z r-3 ~ 5- BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER L /1/U,JI; A/?t! ,4 :l I I I .52. /Oy 77_2 fl.,"' 11,4 C ,t: <"2? IZ /432'1 /').r.r I< ?~ B (p;; 'I / Air Condi tiot<in~· Commercial @ 2.80 Residential 2.40 Res. or Comm. Fire Snrinklers @ 1. 50 Total Value \ fee Adjusted To Reflect r-.--L '-_"'-...._./__.. /JA _,. .. r e1)1Jl<r'-~U-, __ /4-.........:_ /./ ,~ . ~u-l-a:'.."'": u., 7 ---) -'l6-5,-) Building Perm it fee $ ____________ ___:_· --'-/ _____ · _,s.___'/_7_~_--_. _S_o __ P Ian Che ck f ee_$=-------------------------'-$ __ 3'-0___,;._;9:e-/,_O __ _ COM MEN rs_•----------------------------- 8/4/82 CH.[CK NUMBE s la~MM. tr--{l.-/G DATE • /i tECEIV ED ----=--~_._.._ ____ MA-~..,......13~1-99-J4-- f ~HNG ; TYPE .. oF STRUCTURE 5Fo ·-c1r~~r oARLssAo /;!:2': Buildin?, f)~rnrtment ( I I If n:: u.J GS SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO ENCINITAS -------- CARLSB~D--~~----SAN MARCOS ------- % COVERP.GE BUILDING HE-IG_H_T ____ \_L ____ _ FENCES/WALLS ___ ._m~ TWO CAR GARAGE ----------- REQUIRED SETBACKS ----- FRONr_f\~ SIDE b1-t'--- REAR ;: . ~ COMMENTS: u.J ex: ------------0! Cl ·----------~ c::, [.:~ REDEVELOPP1ENT APPHOVAL REQUIRED : ___ , ___ nJ_,.~--------·----~---- t-· UJ r I ~ ;·; , ___ J ___ ,._ ·-··------------,,,. _____ ----------- ~ kJ [-J LANDSCAPE PLAN COi~ENTS: _______ n/_fr _______ _ ---··--- -· .. ---··-· ---------------------·--- ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREP_;_ __ ~----i ____ _ ADDITIONJ\L COMMF.NTS: OK TO 1ssuE: __ ~_ DATE::,(~~ m: TO FINAL: ____ r,ATE: DATE : PUBLIC ~!ORKS INSPECTOR: ____________________ _ FINAL OK: DATE: ____________ _ * IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAINAGE, ETC.) GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION WORTHING-JONES RESIDENCES 1644 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR G. T. W. 690 Elm Avenue , Suite 204 Ca rlsbad, California 92008 PREPARED BY Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. Post Office Box 20627 6280 Ri verdale Street San Diego, Ca lifo rni a 92120 • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL ANO TESTING , INC . 62B0 RIVERDALE ST, SAN D I EOC , CALIF, 92120 • TELE 2B0·4321 • P.O. BOX 20627 SAN OIEDO, CALIF', 9 2 120 7 4 -B 3 1 VE LI E W A Y P ALM O E S ER T, C AL I F". 9 2 2 6 a • T E L E 3 4 6. 1 0 7 B 67 8 E NT E RPRI SE S T , E SC ONDIDO, C ALI F, 9 2 0 25 • T E L E 74 6-45 4 4 October 1, 1984 G. T. W SCS&T 25170 690 Elm Avenue Report No. 1 Suite 204 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Brooks Worthing SUBJECT: Report of Geotechni cal Investigation, Worthing-Jones Residences, 1644 Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have completed a geotechnical investi- gation for the proposed project. We are presenting herewith our findings and recommendations. The findings of this study indicate that the site is suitable for t he proposed development provided the special site preparation and foundati on recommendations presented in the attached report are complied with. If you have any questions after reviewing the findings and recommendations contained in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC • ~32142 RRR:CRB:mw cc : (6) Submitted (1) SCS&T, Escondido S O U T H ER N CALIF O RN I A Curtis R. Burdett, C.E.G. #1090 S OIL A N D TE STI NG, I N C. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction and Project Descri ption ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! Proj ect Scope •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Find ings •••••••·••··••••·•··•·•••···•••••···•·····•··••••••••••••••••••••2 Site Description ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Gene ral Geol ogy and Subsur face Cond itions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Geo log ic Setting and So il Description ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Tect onic Setting ·•·•••••••••••••·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3 Geol ogi c Hazards •••••••••••••••••••••••••··••····••••••••••••••••••·•4 Groundwater ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Recommendations and Con clu s i ons •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 Site Pre paration•••·•••·•••••·••••··•·•••·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••5 Del eterious Mat erials•·•·••••••••••••••·•••••••••·•·••·•••••••·•5 Corrective Grading.•••••·•••·••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·5 Surface Dra inage••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·•••••••5 Earthwor k•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·•••••••••••••••••••••••5 Foundations •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 General•••••••••••••••••••••••·•••••••·••••····•·•··•·•···•·•••·6 Lateral Resi st ance •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Set t l ement Ch aracteri sti cs •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Expans ive Characteri stics•·•••··•·••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••6 Limitati ons •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Re view, Obse rvati on and Testing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Uni f ormi ty of Condi t ions•·•••••••••••••·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••7 Change in Scope •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Time Li mi t at i ons •·•••·•••••·••·••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••8 Professi ona l St andard•••••••••••••••••••••·•••·•·····••••••••••··••••8 Cli ent's Res ponsi bilitY••••••••••••••••••••·••••••••••·••••••·•···••·8 Fiel d Explorat i ons ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 Laboratory Testin g••••••••••••••••···•·••••••·•·••••••••••••••••••··•·•••g Pl at e Pl ate Plat e Pl at e 1 2 3-4 5 ATTACHMENTS Pl ot Pl an Uni f i ed Soil Cl assifi cation Cha rt Trench Logs Di r ec t Shea r Test Resu lts Max i mum Dry Densi ty and Optimum Moi st ure APPENDIX Recorrmended Grad i ng Specifi cati on an d Spec ial Provis i ons •• • • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING , INC . 6280 R IVERDALE ST, SAN DIEGO, CALIF", 92120 • T ELE 2B0·4321 • P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF", 92120 7 4 .. B 3 1 V E LI E WAY PALM O E 6 ER T, CAL I F. 9 2 2 6 0 • TELE 3 4 6 .. 1 o 7 a 67B ENTERPR I SE BT. ESCOND IDO, CALI F. 92025 • TELE 746 .. 454 4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION WORTHING-JONES RESIDENCES 1644 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for two proposed residences which are to be 1 ocated at and adjacent to 1644 Tama- rack Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, State of California. A brief legal description of the site is Parcel 2 and 3 of P.M. 12830 in the City of Carlsbad. It is our understanding that two, one or two-story, wood-framed structures with slab-on-grade construction are planned for this site. It is our understanding that some grading will be necessary to develop the site and that the maximum cuts and fills planned are in the order of 5 feet or less. This information was taken from the grading plan prepared by Brian Smith Engineers. The site configuration and exploration loca- tions are shown on Plate Number 1. PROJECT SCOPE This investigation consisted of: surface reconnaissance; subsurface explorations; obtaining representative disturbed and un disturbed samples; laboratory testing; analysis of the field and laboratory data; research of SOUTHERN CAL IFORNIA S OIL AND TESTING, I N C . SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Page 2 available geological literature pertaining to the site; and preparation of this report. Specifically, the intent of this analysis was to: a) Explore the subsurface conditions to the depths influenced by the proposed construction. b) Evaluate, by laboratory tests, the pertinent engineering prop- erties of the various strata which will influence the develop- ment, including their bearing capacities, expansive characteris- tics and settlement potential. c) Define the general geology at the site including possible geo- logic hazards which could have an effect on the site development. d) Develop soil engineering criteria for site grading. e) Determine potential construction difficulties and provide recom- mendations concerning these problems. f) Recorm1end an appropriate foundation system for the type of struc- tures anticipated and develop soil engineering design criteria for the recommended foundation design. FINDINGS SITE DESCRIPTION The project site is a nearly rectangular shaped lot, approximately 100 feet wide by 210 to 220 feet deep, that is located adjacent to and north of Tamarack Avenue in the City of Carlsbad. The site is bounded on the east and west by developed residential lots and on the north by vacant land. The lot slopes gently to the south with elevations ranging from SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL ANO TESTING. INC . • SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Page 3 approximately 175 feet to 183 feet. An existing 10-foot wide drainage easement is present along the eastern property line. Vegetation consists of a moderate growth of grasses, shrubs, and trees. No structures cur- rently occupy the site but a substant i a 1 amount of end-dumped fi 11 is present in the central portion of the site. GENERAL GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS GEOLOGIC SETTING ANO SOIL DESCRIPTION: The subject site is located in the Coastal Plains Physiographic Province of San Diego County and is underlain by Quaternary-age alluvial deposits and artificial fill. Specific soils conditions as encountered in our exploratory trenches consisted of brown to reddish brown and dark brown, medium dense, porous, silty sands. End- dumped fill soils also consisting of brown to reddish brown, silty sands are present in the central portion of the site • TECTONIC SETTING: A review of available geologic maps indicates the subject site to be located approximately 5 miles east of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone is a series of northwest trending faults of Quaternary age that is currently classified as potentially active, rather than active according to the criteria of the Ca 1 i forni a Division of Mines and Geology. This classification is based on the lack of conclusive evidence to verify Holocene movement along this fault zone. No fault traces have been mapped through, or inrnediately adjacent to, the subject site and a surface reconnaissance yielded no evidence of faulting at the site. It should be recognized that much of Southern California is characterized by major, active fault zones that could possibly affect the subject site. The nearest of these are the ·Elsinore Fault Zone, located approximately 25 miles to the northeast, and the Coronado Banks Fault zone, located approxi- mately 20 miles to the southwest. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL ANO TESTING, INC . SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Page 4 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS The subject site can be considered to be relatively free of geologic hazards. Potential hazards such as tusnamis, seiches, l iquefaction, or landsliding should be considered to be negligible or none xistent. The most likely major geologic hazard to affect the site is groundshaking as a result of movement along one of the major active fault zones men- tioned previously. The maximum bedrock accelerations that would be attri- buted to a maximum probable earthquake occurring along the nearest portion of selected fault zones that could affect the site are summarized in the following table. TABLE I Maximum Probable Maximum Bedrock Fault Zone Classification Distance Earthguake Acceleration Rose Canyon Potentially 5.0 miles 6.0 magnitude 0.38 g Active E 1 si nore Active 25 miles 7.3 magnitude 0.20 g Coronado Banks Active 20 miles 6.0 magnitude 0.12 g Based on the current fault zone classification and the maximum bedrock accelerations capable of developing, it is recommended that the Elsinore Fault Zone be considered the design earthquake source for the subject development. Construction in accordance with the minimum standards of the Uniform Building Code and the governing agency should minimize potential damage due to seismic activity. GROUNDWATER: No groundwater was encountered during our subsurface explora- tion and we do not anticipate any major groundwater related problems, either during or after construction. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA S OIL AND TESTING. INC . • • SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Page 5 RECOMMENDATIONS ANO CONCLUSIONS SITE PREPARATION DELETERIOUS MATERIALS: All deleterious materials generated from the clearing and grubbing operations should be legally disposed of off-site. CORRECTIVE GRADING: We recommend that the existing fill soils and loose native soils be removed to firm natural ground and be stockpiled for future use. Firm natural ground is defined as native soil which possesses an in-situ density equal to or greater than 85% of its maximum dry den- sity. The soils exposed at the base of these excavations should then be scarified 12 inches, be moisture treated to at 1 east 2% over optimum and densified to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. The stockpiled soils may then be replaced in eight inch lifts, moisture treated and compacted as indicated above. Based on the findings of this study, it appears that the maximum depth of removal and recompaction will be on the order of 2 to 3 feet. SURFACE DRAINAGE: We recommend that all surface drainage should be direc- ted away from the proposed structures and that ponding of water not be allowed adjacent to their foundations. EARTHWORK: Al I earthwork and grading contemplated for site preparation should be accomplished in accordance with the attached Recomnended Grading Specifications and Special Provisions. All special site preparation recomnendations presented in the sections above will supersede those in the standard Recommended Grading Specifications. All embankments, struct- ural fi 11, and fi 11 should be compacted to a minimum of 90%. Utility trench backfill within 5 feet of the proposed structures and beneath asphalt pavements should be compacted to a minimum of 90% of its maximum dry density. The maximum dry density of each soil type should be deter- mined in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method 1557-78, Method A or C • SOUTHERN CALIF"ORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC . SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Page 6 FOUNDATIONS GENERAL: It is our op1n1on that the proposed structure may be supported by spread footings. All footings should be founded at least 12 inches belm1 lowest adjacent finished grade with a minimum width of 12 inches. An allowable soil bearing pressure of 1800 pounds per square foot may be used for foundation design~ We further recommend that all continuous footings~ reinforced with at least one No. 4 bar top and bottom. LATERAL RESISTANCE: Resistance to lateral loads may be provided by fric- tion at the base of the footing and by passive pressure against the adja- cent soil. For concrete footings on compacted soil, a coefficient of friction of 0.38 may be used. For calculating passive pressure, an equiva- lent fluid unit weight of 250 pounds per cubic foot may be used. Passive pressure should not exceed 1,500 pounds per square foot. When combining frictional and passive resistance, the latter should be reduced by one- third. SETTLEMENT CHARACTERISTICS: The anticipated total and/or differential settlements for the proposed structure may be considered to be within tolerable limits provided the recommendations presented in this report are followed. EXPANSIVE CHARACTERISTICS: The prevai 1 ing foundation soi 1 s were found to be nondetrimentally expansive and will not require special consideration and/or design. LIMITATIONS REVIEW, OBSERVATION AND TESTING The recomnendations presented in this report are contingent upon our review of final plans and specifications. The soil engineer and en gineer- SOUTHERN CALIF"ORNIA SOIL AND TESTING . INC . SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Page 7 ing geologist should review and verify the compliance of the final grading plan with this report and with Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code. It is recorrmended that Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. be retained to provide continuous soil egineering services during the earth- work operations. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from that anticipated prior to start of construction. UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS The recommendations and opinions expressed in this report reflect our best estimate of the project requirements based on an evaluation of the subsur- face soil conditions encountered at the subsurface exploration locations and the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered. It should be recognized that the performance of the foundations and/or cut and fi 11 slopes may be influenced by undis- closed or unforeseen variations in the soil conditions that may occur in the intermediate and unexplored areas. Any unusual conditions not covered in this report that may be encountered during site development should be brought to the attention of the soils engineer so that he may make modifi- cations if necessary. CHANGE IN SCOPE This office should be advised of any changes in the project scope or proposed site grading so that it may be determined if the recorrmendations contained herein are appropriate. This should be verified in writing or modified by a written addendum. SOUTHERN CALIF"ORNIA SOIL AND TESTING . INC. • • SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Page 8 TIME LIMITATIONS The findings of this report are valid as of this date. Changes in the condition of a property can, however, occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natura 1 processes or the work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in the State-of-the-Art and/or Government Codes may occur. Due to such changes, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or in part by changes beyond our control. Therefore, this report should not be relied upon after a period of two years without a review by us verifying the suitability of the conclusions and recommendations. PROFESSIONAL STANDARD In the performance of our professional services, we comply with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of our profession cur- rently practicing under similar conditions and in the same l oca lity. The client recognizes that subsurface conditions may vary from those encoun- tered at the locations where our borings, surveys, and explorations are made, and that our data, interpretations, and recommendations are based solely on the information obtained by us. We will be resp onsible for those data, interpretations, and reco~nendations, but shall not be respon- sible for the interpretations by others of the information developed. Our services consist of professional consultation and observation only, and no warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, is made or intended in connection with the work performed or to be performed by us , or by our proposal for consulting or other services, or by our furnishing of oral or written reports or findings • CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of G. T. W., or their representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to SOUTHERN CALIF'ORN I A S OIL ANO TESTING, INC. • • • • • • SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Page 9 the attention of the engineer and architect for the project and incorpo- rated into the project's plans and specifications. It is further their responsibility to take the necessary measures to ensure that the contrac- tor and his subcontractors carry out such recormiendations during construc- tion. FIELD EXPLORATIONS Two subsurface explorations were made at the locations indicated on the attached Plate Number 1 on September 14, 1984. These explorations con- sisted of trenches dug by means of a backhoe. The field work was con- ducted under the observation of our engineering geology personnel • The explorations were carefully logged when made. These logs are presen- ted on the following Plate Numbers 3 and 4. The soils are described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System as illustrated on the attached simplified chart on Plate Number 2. In addition, a verbal textural description, the wet color, the apparent moisture and the density or consistency are presented. The density of granular material is given as either very loose, loose, medium dense, dense or very dense • Disturbed and "undisturbed" samples of typical and representative soils were obtained and returned to the laboratory for testing. LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with the generally accepted American Society for Testing and Materials (A.S.T.M.) test methods or suggested procedures. A brief description of the tests performed is presented below: SOUTHERN CALIF'ORNIA SOIL AND TESTING. INC . ' • • • • • • scs&r 25170 October 1, 1984 Page 10 a) MOISTURE-DENSITY: Field moisture content and dry density were determined for representative undisturbed samples ·obtained. This information was an aid to classification and permitted recogni- tion of variations in material consistency with depth. The dry unit weight is determined in pounds per cubic foot, and the field moisture content is determined as a percentage of the soi 1 's dry weight. The results are summarized in the trench logs • b) CLASSIFICATION: Field classifi cations \~ere verified in the laboratory by visual examination. The final soil classifications are in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System • c) DIRECT SHEAR TESTS: Direct shear tests were performed to deter- mine the failure envelope based on yield shear strength. The shear box was designed to accomodate a sample having a diameter of 2.375 inches or 2.50 inches and a height of 1.0 inch. Samples were tested at different vertical loads and at saturated moisture content. The shear stress was applied at a constant rate of strain of approximately 0.05 inches per minute. The results of these tests are presented on attached Plate Number~. d) COMPACTION TEST: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical soils were determined in the laboratory in accordance with A.S. T .M. Standard Test D-1557-70, Method A. The results of these tests are presented on the attached Pl ate Number 5 • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL ANO TESTING, INC . LEGEND: -TRENCH LOCATION ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA w SOIL & TESTING,INC. BY: SHS JOB NUMBER: DATE: 9-26-84 25 170 Plate No . 1 e Q - . ' SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION 1. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieve size but smaller than J •. GRAVELS WITH FINES . (Appreciable a.mount of fines) S.\NDS CLEAN SANDS ~than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size . S.\NOS WITH FINES (Appreciable a.mount of fines) 11. ·rL~E <.MINEO, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit less than 50 SILTS .\NO CLAYS Liquid Limit greater than 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS . -. ---. . . -... .. ... .. GROUP SYMBOL TYPICAf. NA.'tES ,. GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH ... OH PT -· --··- Well graded gravels, gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines. ,Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay mixtures. Well graded sand;'9'ravelly sands, little or·no fines. Poorly graded sands,gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silt mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. Inorga~ic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandv silt or clayey-silt-sand • mixtures with slight plast- icity Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity.gravelly clays, sandy clays.silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic . silts. . .. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic: clays of medium to high plas~ic:ity. -· Peat and other highly organi c: soils . -.. -·-· ·-·-.. ... . . ~ -Water level at time of ex:::avation or as indicated .. us -Undi sturbe_d, driven r.ing _. .. CK -Undisturbed chunk sampl~ BG -Bulk sample SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING , INC. ■aec RIVERCALI! IITREl!T ■AN c1aoo, CALIFORNIA 11a1ac .. sample or tube sample .. :· ... ,, .. .. BY DATE 9-26-84 JOB NO. 25170 Plate No . 2 • -z UJ 0 ' ' -atl. Q. TRENCH NUMBER 1 ► ► I- I-w 0 ► -- ► z I-I-I--atl. z -I-< a: z z --w -UJ 0 -_,J u w ::> w w Cl) Cl) a: -> X w -LL ELEVATION a: I-a: I-z z -::> I-I- I-_,J 0 -< Cl) < Cl) w w -I-z I-0 Q. en en a. -0 0 u Cl) w < Q. :E en a. 0 a. Cl) 0. < a. -I-_,J Q. UJ < :E z ► 0 0 < < < a: z w :E en _,J 0 0 a: ::E 0 a: u D ESCRIPTION u 0 u 0 u SM Redd i sh Brown , Silty Dry Loose --Sand (Fill ) 1 CK SM -BG Brown To Reddish Brown, Hum i d Med ium 114. 5 4.5 - 2 -Silty Sand Dense - (Nati ve ) -- 3 -CK - -101.1 3.1 - 4-- -- 5-- -- 6 -- -- • 7-- CK -- 8-- -- 9-- ---l(J -- 11 -------• ------- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY: CRB DATE LOGGED: 9_14_84 JOB NUMBER: ? "17(1 Pl;:i+o Nn 1 -z UJ ·o . ' TRENCH NUMBER 2 ► -,,e.. CL .... .... UJ 0 ► ► -- -: ► z .... .... .... -,,e.. z -.... ,c( a: z z -UJ -(.) w -w 0 -~ :::, w w Cl) Cl) a: > J: UJ u. ELEVATION a: .... a: .... z z -:::, .... -.... ..J 0 -< fl) ,c( fl) w w -.... z .... (.) .... CL (/) (/) CL 0 u w ,c( CL :::E (/) CL 0 CL Cl) 0 a. Cl) < w CL -.... ..J CL 0 ,c( ,c( ,c( ~ ,c( z a: ► 0 z w ~ (/) ..J 0 0 a: ~ 0 a: CJ . DESC RIPTION 0 0 (.) 0 0 • -SM Reddish Brown , Silty Loose To Dry Medium - 1-Sand Dense - -CK - 2-BG - -- 3-CK - -- 4 -CK SM Dark Brown, Silty Sand Humid 96 .4 Medium 5.5 - 5-BG -Dense - -- 6-CK 96.2 5.7 - -- 7-CK - -- 8-- --• 9-- ---1cr -- lI ------• -- ------ ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED ev: DATE LOGGED: 9-14-84 rRR JOB NUMBE'R: 25170 Plate No. 4 c. . ' . DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS • angle of cohesion SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Internal intercept friction (0) (psf) T-1 @ 1-2 Remol ded To 90% 28 100 • T-2@ 2¼ Undisturbed 23 225 • MAXIMUM DENSITY and OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT ASTM 1557 -78 METHOD_A_ maximum optimum SAMPLE DESCRIPTION density moisture (pct) content (%) T-1 @ 1-2 Reddish Brown, Silty Sand 103. 6 9.0 ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING , INC. BY RRR DATE 10-2-84 ■■■D RIV■IIIDAL■ ■Tlll■■T ■AN Dl■OD , CALii-DANiA ■■i■D JOB NO. 25170 Plate No. 5 • G') ;a l> z (/) N fT1 0 (/) -; ;a CD C -; 0 z @I ~ ~ ;,::, NI;,:, <.n ;;o ,_. -..J 0 -o I _, ii, :~ 0 I °' ~ • ~ m mO aC --( i J: ..-m -4D mZ m -40 -l> Zr Cl --11 -0 ZD nz "j; • J ~ >d ... lJ.S. Slondord Steves 36° 18" 2• 1• Y2° ¼" <tio 1120 tlolo llso _{,_ -~ Hydrometer (Minutes) - fl .t) 24" 12" y• 3• I!,,,• ~• :\I,• ~ #f! «16 ll-.n •'-n 111nn 11-,nn I 2 5 30 1110 •••s ISO O•.J 10°, I I I l I . I l I I I I. I I I I· 1 • I· 1 . 1-1 1 1 ·I · ,. 1 1 . 1 1 . 'H-J.. I ; t I O 901111 I I I I I I I 1-1 I I I I I I II1-H I I I I I I 1:1 r;;.. : t 11 l •I I I I I· I. 11 I l I I I I I i 90 j',; 80111 I l 1 · I l I l 11 I· I I I 1· I I' I · l"I I I ·I 1· I I I I ·" 1 · 1 1 1 1 ;1 1 1 ·I f 1 · 11 1 · 1 1 1 1 l 1 : 1 80 --· · · -· -I : \f • I • 111-1 I I -1 I I-11 1-1 I I I -I I -I M I . M ~ H-+--i-l-+--+--+--+-+-+t-11--HI--+-·t---l--+--I-H-+-lc-t-----1--+--i I • _ : \ \ \ I: 2 5 : D 1eO ".'40,J.OOC.J C::: 60 j: · I• • i · f i : i i eoq, i:;'. ,: : • j'.! f f i ; ~ so ' · · · : .' ' so', .: : . \ ; i : i .... . . I . , . , . , • c::: • • . . : • • .... l!i q, 40 . . . . \ . : . ; . . . ; 40i ---~ : ! ; . \.~ f :: .· :! :! -~ ~ ,a, 30 ~ i . ; . . . ; . ; 30 q, -::: ~ __ _: _ • 1---HI-I-+-+--+---+-~-_ ; . 1 1 Jl 1 / J 20 ~ _: 101 1 I I 1 1 · I 1 I l I H+H i • I I . : : I i . : IO -~ ,. t i ! i Ii :, 11 I I 1 I ' I J I J I J. i:.u_1 r I r I · r · · t • • I l f ; : 1 ! 0 9 a 1 6 s ◄ J 2 9a 1 6 s • 3 2 911 7 e s ◄ 3 2 111 a 7 a s • 3 2 g a 7 e s • 3 2 · 9 a 7 6 s ◄ 3 2 0 1000 100 10 I. .I .01 .001 Groin Size (mm/ PARTICLE SIZE LIMITS : GRAVEL SAND I BOULDER I COBBLES l Coorn I I SILT OR CLAY ! Coorn Fine Medium Flnt (12 in.) 3in. 3/4ln. No.4 No.lO No,40 No.200 u. s. ST4NDARD -SI EVE SIZE SAMPLE T-1@ 1-2 • • • • • • SCS&T '25170 · ' October 1, 1984 Appendix, Page 1 WORTHING-JONES RESIDENCES, 1644 TAMARACK AVENUE, CARLSBAD RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -GENERAL PROVISIONS GENERAL INTENT The intent of these specifications is to establish procedures for clear- ing, compacting natural ground, preparing areas to be filled, and placing and compacting fi 11 soi 1 s to the 1 i nes and grades shown on the accepted plans. The recommendations contained in the preliminary soil investiga- tion report and/or the attached Special Provisions are a part of the Recommended Grading Specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict. These specifications shall only be used in conjunction with the soil report for which they are a part. No deviation from these specifications will be allowed, except where specified in the soil report or in other written communication signed by the Soil Engineer. OBSERVATION AND TESTING Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. shall be retained as the Soil Engineer to observe and test the earthwork in accordance with these speci- fications. It will be necessary that the Soil Engineer or his representa- tive provide adequate observation so that he may provide an opinion that the work was or was not accomplished as specified. It shall be the re- sponsibility of the contractor to assist the soil engineer and to keep him apprised of work schedules, changes and new information and data so that he may provide these opinions. In the event that any unusual conditions not covered by the special provisions or preliminary soil report are encountered during the grading operations, the Soil Engineer shall be contacted for further recommendations. • SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Appendix, Page 2 • If, in the opinion of the Soi l Engineer, substandard conditions are en- countered, such as; questionable or unsuitable soil, unacceptable moisture content , inadequate compa ction, adverse weather, etc., he will be empower- ed to either stop construct'ion until the conditions are remedied or cor- rected or recommend rejection of this work. Test methods used to determine the degree of compaction should be per- formed in accordance with the following Ame rican Soci ety for Testing and Materials test methods: Maximum Dens ity & Optimum Moisture Content -A.S.T.M. 0-1557-78. Density of Soil In-Place -A.S.T.M. 0-1556-64 or A.S.T.M. 0-2922. All densities shall be expressed in terms of Relative Compaction as deter- mined by the foregoing A.S.T.M. testing procedures • PREPARATION OF AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL All vegetation, brush and debris derived from clea ring operations shall be removed , and legally disposed of. All areas disturbed by site grading should be l eft in a neat and finished apperance, free from unsightly debris. Any abandoned buried structures encountered during grading operations must be totally removed. All underground utilities to be abandoned beneath any proposed structure should be r emoved from within 10 feet of the structure and properly capped off. The resulting depressions from the above des- cribed procedures should be backfilled with acceptable soil that is com- pacted to the requi rements of the Soi l Engineer. This includes, but is not limited to, septic tanks, fuel t anks , sewer lines or leach lines , SOUTHERN CALIF"ORNIA SO IL ANO TESTING. INC . ' . . SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Appendix, Page 3 storm drains and water lines. Any buried structures or utilities not to be abandoned should be investigated by the Soil Engineer to determine if any special recommendation will be necessary. All water wells which will be abandoned should be backfilled and capped in accordance to the requirements set forth in the Geotechni ca 1 Report. The top of the cap should be at least 4 feet below finish grade or 3 feet below the bottom of footing whichever is greater. The type of cap will depend on the . diameter of the we 11 and should be determined by the Soil Engineer and/or a qualified Structural Engineer. When the slope of the natural ground receiving fill exceeds 20% (5 hori- zontal units to 1 vertical unit), the original ground shall be stepped or · benched. Benches sha 11 be cut to a firm competent soil condition. The lower bench shal 1 be at least 10 feet wide or 1 1/2 times the equipment width which ever is greater and shall be sloped back into the hillside at a gradient of not less than two (2) percent. All other benches should be at least 6 feet wide. The horizontal portion of each bench shall be compacted prior to receiving fi 11 as specified herei nbefore for compacted natural ground. Ground slopes flatter than 20% shall be benched when considered necessary by the Soil Engineer. After clearing or benching, the natural ground in areas to be filled shall be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to the proper moisture con- tent, compacted and tested for the minimum degree of compaction in the Special Provisions or the recommendation contained in the preliminary soil investigation report. All loose soils in excess of 6 inches thick should be removed to firm natural ground which is defined as natural soil which possesses an in-'situ density of at least 85% of its maximum dry density. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING. INC. • SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Appendix, Page 4 FILL MATERIAL Materials placed in the fill shall be approved by the soil engineer and shall be free of vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. Gran- ular soil shall contain sufficient fine material to fill the voids. The definition and disposition of oversized rocks, expansive and/or detrimen- tal soils are covered in the soils report or Special Provisions. Expan- sive soils, soils of poor gradation, or soils with low strength character- istics may be thoroughly mixed with other soils to provide satisfactory fill material, but only 'with the explicit consent of the soil engineer. Any import material shall be approved by the Soil Engineer before being brought to the site. PLACING AND COMPACTION OF FILL Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in layers not to exceed 6 inches in compacted thickness. Each layer shall have a uniform moisture content in the range that will allow the compac- tion effort to be efficiently applied to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Each layer shall be uniformly compacted to the minimum speci- fied degree of compaction with equipment of adequate size to economically compact the layer. Compaction equipment should either be specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability. The minimum degree of compaction to be achieved is specified in either the Special Provisions or the recommendations contained in the preliminary soil investigation report. When the structural fill material includes rocks, no rocks will be allowed to nest and all voids must be carefully filled with soil such that the minimum degree of compaction recommended in the Special Provisions is SOUTHERN CALIF"□RNIA SCIL ANO TESTING , INC. • SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Appendix, Page 5 achi eved. The maximum size and spacing of rock permitted in structural fills and in non-structural fills is discussed in the soil report, when applicable. Field observation and compaction tests to estimate the degree of compac- tion of the fill will be taken by the Soil Engineer or his representative. The location and frequency of the tests shall be at the Soil Engineer's discretion. When the compaction test indicates that a particular layer is less than the required degree of compaction, the layer shall be reworked to the satisfaction of the Soil Engineer and until the desired relative compaction has been obtained. Fi11 slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compaction by sheepsfoot rollers shall be at vertical intervals of not greater than four feet. In addition, fill slopes at ratios of two horizontal to one vertical or flatter, should be track- rolled. Steeper fill slopes shall be over-built and cut-back to finish contours. Slope compaction operations shall result in all fill material six or more inches inward from the finished face of the slope having a relative compaction of at least 90% of maximum dry density or that speci- fi ed in the Special Provisions section of this specification. The compac- tion operation on the slopes shall be continued until the Soil Engineer is satisfied that the slopes will be stable in regards to surficial stabil- ity. Slope tests will be made by the Soils Engineer during construction of the slopes to determine if the required compaction is being achieved. Where failing tests occur or other field problems arise, the Contractor will be notifi ed that day of such conditions by written communication from the Soil En gineer in the f orm of a daily field report. SOUTHERN CALIF"ORNIA SOIL AND TESTING . INC . • • SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Appendix, Page 6 If the method of achieving the required slope compaction selected by the Contractor fails to produce the necessary results, the Contractor shall rework or rebuild such slopes until the required degree of compaction is obtained, at no additional cost to the Owner or Soils Engineer. CUT SLOPES The Engineering Geologist shall inspect all cut slopes excavated in rock or lithified formational material during the grading operations at inter- vals determined at his discretion. If any conditions not anticipated in the preliminary report such as perched water, seepage, lenticular or confined strata of a potentially adverse nature, unfavorably inclined bedding, joints or fault planes are encountered during grading, these conditions shall be analyzed by the Engineering Geologist and Soil Engi- neer to determine if mitigating measures are necessary. Unless otherwise specified in the soil and geological report, no cut slopes shall be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of the controlling governmental agency. ENGINEERING OBSERVATION Field observation by the Soil Engineer or his representative shall be made during the filling and compacting operations so that he can express his opinion regarding the conformance of the grading with acceptable standards of practice. The presence of the Soil Engineer or his representative or the observation and testing shall not release the Grading Contractor from his duty to c ompact all fill material to the specified degree of compac- tion. SOUTHERN CALlf"ORNIA SOIL AND TESTING . INC . • • • • 4 ' SCS&T 25170 October 1, 1984 Appendix, Page 7 SEASON LIMITS Fill shall not be placed during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rain, filling operations shall not be resumed until the proper moisture content and density of the fill materials can be achieved. Damaged site conditions resulting from weather or acts of God shall be repaired before acceptance of work. RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS-SPECIAL PROVISIONS The minimum degree of compaction to be obtained in compacting natural ground, in the compacted fill, and in the compacted backfill shall be at least 90 percent • Detrimentally expansive soil is defined as soil which will swell more than 3 percent against a pressure of 150 pounds per square foot from a condi- tion of 90 percent of maximum dry density and air dried moisture content to saturation. Oversized fill material is defined as rocks or lumps over 6 inches in diameter. At least 40 percent of the fill soils shall pass through a No. 4 U.S. Standard Sieve. Transition Lots: Where transitions between cut and fi 11 occur within the I proposed building pad, the cut portion should be undercut a minimum of one foot below the base of the proposed footings and recompacted as structural backfill. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL ANO TESTING , INC . @ CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT □ C,ARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL RECEIPT NO. □ VALLEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ,EIVEO FROM tr ()CK~ i\_ w~l."i\..h 09422 )\)1~)~- \ s~ ) :: \\;I..\ L.\ \0-.. ~<lC.k::_ ~\;~- OF SCHOOL FACILITIES/RENTALS $ ____ _ OF SCHOOL BUS AAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY AAGED OR LOST BOOKS .E OF SURPLUS $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ REl,MBUflSijMENTS ~c>'\.C.t\ ~> DATE Ti'LP'tfOPJE C~ISS!eNS $ ,~~is¼--,~'"-'(·~~ $ \ ~ '1 a('.) . e c"> (t'd.. lg \ INSURANCE CLAIMS $ ____ _ REIMBURSEMENTS (EMPLOYEES) $ ____ _ TOTAL $ \ ,W~-~ \ ICOME [:J ABATEMENT O ~ ~3 ~_] ~AGE TO ACCOUNT NO. _y_ -~ B 0l1 -____ RECEIVED CASH □ CHECK ~ RECEIVED BY L£f:i ~ I I ' 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Brooks Worthing PO Box l 04 l Carlsbad, Calif 92008 <ttttp of <ttarl.~bab BUILDING DEPARTMENT August 21 , l 985 1644 Tamarack, BP 84 -11 4 The Car l sbad School District has informed us that yo u hav e fa iled to pay your school fees. Failure to pay al l fees due at the time of issuance of a building permit tends to invalidate the permit . e pay your school fees to the district immediately and bring pa id receipt. am sorry to say no further inspections will be made until this fee i s paid. ~ CARTER DARNELL xc: Joe Ra tza Nancy Gi 11 espi e TELEPH ONE (619) 438-5525 Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 9:ZU08 729-9291 "Excellence In Education" BOARD OF TRUSTEES JAMES McCORMICK President JOHN J. MAMAUX Vice President JULIANNE L NYGAARD Clerk JOE ANGEL Member ). EDWARD SWITZER, JR. Member DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION JAMES M. STARK Interim Superintendent SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY Instructional Services DAVID WM. BATES, SR. Employee Relations K.C. DUNLAP Facilities/ Services August 8, 1985 Mr. B. A. Worthing P. 0. Box 1041 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Worthing: From information furnished us by the City of Carlsbad, we note that you applied for and were issued on March 12, 1985 a building permit (No. 84-114) for one single family dwelling located at 1644 Tamarack Avenue in Carlsbad. It is .required that contributions of $1,720 per unit be paid to Carlsbad Unified School District at the time the building permit is applied for and issued. It is further required that any payments not made by the developer when due and payable shall bear interest at the rate.of seven (7) percent per annum. We are, therefore, calling this.matter to your attention. It will be most helpful to us if you will adivse us wi thin the week as to your arrangements for providing the District with the contributions. The check should be made out in favor of the Carlsbad Unified School District in the amount of $1,770.16 ($1,720 + $50.16 interest). Please call me at (619) 438-6610 in the event there is some problem in connection with this matter, as we would like to get it resolved. (t:ely,~~ Nancy ~espie Business Services cc: M. 0renyak, Bldg. & Plan. Dir., Ci ty of Carlsbad njg Distinguished School Board Award 1984, United States Department of Education