HomeMy WebLinkAbout1644 TAMARACK AVE; ; 87-555; Permiten z 0 ,= C er C .., 0 Ill 0 a; I[ 0 0 • a; Ill 0 .., 5 I Ill z 31: 0 z 0 ,= C en z Ill A. 2 0 u en a: Ill " er 0 31: il O I hereby attlrm that I am licensed under p,ovl•lona ot Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) ot Division 3 ot the Business and ProlHalons Code, and my license Is in full tore• and effect. I hereby athrm tl\at I am exempt trom the Contrac- lor s Lteense Law t0< the toflow,ng reason (Sec 7031 5 Sus,ness and Profess,ons Code Any 0Iy or counly wh,c.r, re- quires a permit to construct, alttt 1mJ)fove. demohsh. or res>14, any structure pnOf 10 IIs issuance also requires !heap• plttant tor such permtl 10 file a ~Qned statement 11\Jt he ,s ttCensed pursuant to lhe 0tOV1Sl()llS ot lhe ContractOI' s LK-anse Law (Cl\apter 9 commenc,ng Wlth Sec1t0n 7000 of Olv1st00 3 0, UM! BuS&Oess a.no Proteu.ons Code} o, lhit tS ex empl therefrom and lhe basis !Of the aliegeo eiemp110n Any v!Ola1K>l1 o4 Seclm 7031 5 by •n ,pplic,nl 10< • perm,1 $Ob· 1ects the applant to a CMI penalty of not more 1t1an trve hun Oree! dollars ($5001 I as owner ol the property. Of my emp~s wdh wJgeS as !heir sole compensa11on will do the WOfk. and tne strut· lute IS not lfllended OI ottered lor sate (Sec 7044 BuSlness al'ld Protess,ons. COde The COntracIor·s License Law does not apply lo an owner ot p,operty who bu•lds or improves thereon and who does such wOlk tumselt Of lhiough his 17#n em?fOyees. p,cw.oed tNlt such 1mp.ovemen1s are nol intend- ed or ottered tor saJe II. however tne building or 1mpr0ve- men1 1s soid w1lh1n one yur ot com.pieoon. lhe 0Wnef·bu11der w1U have lhe burden ol proving Iha! he did not blHk:3 or 1m-orovo lo! 11,-ll"fpose ot sa1t1 I as owner ot 1ne property, am exclusrvefy contracting wnh hctnsed conlraclors to conslrucl the proteel tSec 7044 Business anc:J Professt0ns Code The Contractor s Lttense l aw does nol apply to an owner ot property who budds 01 1m• proves !hereon. and who con1rac-ts toe each Pfotecls \llll1h a conlractor(s) lttense pursuant to lhe ContractOf's L,cense law) I As•""'-""' 1 •m ,mprovmg my home. and Ille loolow mg cond1hons e.10s1 1 The -k ,s being pertormed pnor 10 sale 2 I have hved ,n my nome lo, twelve monlhs pnor 10 comi,tet,on oc this WOfk 3 I have nol claimed 1nIs ex.emption during lhe tut three years 0 1 •m exempl under Sec ______ 8 & P C lor thts reason ____________ _ 0 I hereby affirm that t nave a certihcate of consent 10 sell-insure Of a certificate ol Workers Compensallon In-surance. or a cert1f.1ed copy thereot (Sec. 3800. Labof Cooel POLICY NO COMPANY _ Copy 1s hied with the c:1ty 0 Cemhed copy 1s hereby fu1n11heo CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be comoleted 1I the permit tS fo, one hundred dollars (S 100, Of lf'SSI :J I c:ert,ty that in the pe,to,mance of 1he work lo, which tn1s pe1m11 ,s 1ssued. I shall not employ any person in any manna, so as 10 become sub1ec1 to the Workers Compen- sa1t0n Laws ot C1llto,n1a. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: It. after making lhis Certificate of E.-emouon you shOuld become subject to ltw Workers· Compensation provisions ct the Lab<>f Code. you musl forthwith comply with such p,ov1~ons or lh1s pemut sha.JI be deemed revoked 0 I hereby afh1m that lhetl 1s a constructte>n lending agency lor lhe performance of the wori( tor wh,ch th,s per m1t 1s issued (Sec 3097 C1v,t Code) Lenders Name Lender s Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRES.S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. -. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT -. APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 JOB .ADDRESS AV ST RO. THOMAS BROS NO IOATi1;:i;CnNI BUSINESS LICENSE • ~trS?J PERMIT NUMBER /~.Y¢ U~A~AC!~ /s-7/ '1-t1-5S3 LOT I BLOCI( I sueo,v,s10N I AssE~~ 7=c✓ .:fa ~ 7 o D CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE • ZONE /Jlu(l1""4 o~ 1 ~ -,, ~ Ce-.;;( ~ 72-Ci/o~ OWNER'S N.AME I OWNER'S PHONE s ·(J.,J G--t-,~ o 7:;i_q 936 I CONTR.ACTOR'5'°"DDRESS , STATE LICENSE NO BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE -:i........-,77 u✓;·/~ 0...-"( 35"8"~7' OWNER'S MAt L •"'4G AOOAESS /69--4--ro-.~a,:, ~ c.. tt: DESIGNER /{f_/J DESIGNER'S PHONE O[SCF!IPTION OF Wl!-1( OOl6 W03 0101 02EldPat so.c ---+-6 l-e~ .,,-/ ~ DESIGNER'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO #y ~}-£ ~~ /ersJ S-.,.no / y FIP F LR ELEV NO OCC GP EDU STORIES -vO "'O -- I CENSUS TRACT I PAP KING SP.ACE RES UNITS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT TYPE OCC LOAD FIRE SPP AREA CONST '. YO N 0 ,□ r,;Q vO NO Nor Valid Unwss Machin~ C~rtd,«J QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE 7-e QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT · ISSUE IS~ SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS iJP TO 100 000 BTU llUILUIN\J PtHMI 1 U01 ·810·00·00·l!UU .5D EACH BUILDING SEWER OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 001 ·810-00·00·8221 EACH WATER HEATER ANO OR vrnT BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 001 ·810·00·00·8891 ,:J', fACH GAS SYSTEM l TO 4 OUTLETS BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 lS HP TOTAL PLUMBING 001 ·810·00·00·8222 EACH GAS SYSTEMS OR MORE METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL 001·810·00·00·8223 EACH INSTAL . ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE OUCT MECHANICAL 001 ·810·00·00·8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOOO OUCTS MOBILEHOME 001·810·00·00·8225 WATER SOFTNE R RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE,HEATER SOLAR 001·810·00·00·8226 EACH ROOF DRAIN O'lSIOE I DRYER VENT STRONG MOTION 880·519·92·33 TOT /;L MECHANICAL FIRE SPRINKLERS 001·810·00·00·8227 TOIAL PLUMBING I PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320·810·00·00·87 40 BRIDGE FEE 360·810·00·00·8740 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT · ISSUE £12E-QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP PARK·IN·LIEU (AREA ) NEWCONSTEAAMP SW1 ijKR CAR PORT r •~ TIF 312-810·00·00·8835 1 PH 3 PH AWNING /'lr ~ LA COSTA TIF 311·810·00·00·8835 EXIST BLOG EA AMP•SWT BKR GARAGE /lv , ~('}. FMF 1 PH 3 PH ,~ ''UV 7nf', . ~ \ LICENSEJi1¥T ~ a O~lQ.llO·ll!l.:.8162 REMODEL Al ltR PER CIRCUIT 'N .. •V/ MFF '-'~£Jri.rv.e•hfl...J:7 I EMP POLE 700 AMPS \N l:'H OVER 700 AMPS \C:.. ~"'-•n ~u..l!} Nnv 1 ., 100., TEMP OCCUPANCY f30 DAYSI '~~ ..... _,t;'j ---,, . o.V1/ CREDII-IW<>lhf ~ADI • ., 1.-<4S/ TOIAL ElELlRILAl I TOiM .~ ti~~_:.;, OMlON&!mAJReCESSINC. SERVS. Jfrso .0 ro 1 HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION ANO PERMIT ANO 00 HEREBY E1tperahon Ewry permit 111ued by the Bu1ld1ng Ott,c1a1 undef the pro'11s1on1 of th11 ~ P£Mil:T IS flEQUIREO FOIi UCAVATIOHS OVEA CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall ••otre by hm1t~1ton and become null and vo•d 'If lhe building 01 work P AHO DEIIOllTION OR CONSTRUCTlON OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT ANO 1 FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE ff A PERMIT I'> autno11zed by such permit ,snot commenced w1th1n 180 days from the date"' such T\JllfS OYER 3 STONES IN HEIGHT ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH All CITY COUNlY ANO STATE LAWS GO\IERNING BUILDING CON =~~,:, l!t t~y t::x.~;~~~,:~:h:~~:.:~~~ ::.r::~•~,•r:r;r.~ Of I STRUCTION WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPUCANT S SIGNATURE Jf. ./2,WNE.Rf}__ CONTRACTOR Qlt A~ r,v"ZBY DATE l<EEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABILITIES. JUDGMENTS COSTS ANO JdlJ!'» ._ -;;:J,7~ _ ~ _ ~ Bv ~ONE [J VO _ -30 c-t i EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT I' j \,--~-"'7 - ~ u: >,. o5 0 C. E Q) f- l 'O 0 (!) C: "5 -~ C. C. <( I .><. C: a: 0 "' "' Q) "' "' <( I 3 .Q ai >- Q) 0 C: "5 C: u: ::. C: Q) Q) C, 0 u Q) a. "' C: Q) C ~ -TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR '67--~ - BUILDING I ,. :. FOUNDATION I I FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL I MASONRY I I GUNITE OR GROUT ' I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR"$ NOTES .• --· . REO IF INSPECTORS 4'1, I, f ,t ''" ·~ INSPECTION DATE ,.. .. . CHECKED APPROVAL .. \.. .~ ,.., ,r.1--r ,..t r ·-:a~.;--.,,...-4 , :. I -.. SUB FRAME □ FLOOR □ CEILING 't.r·•...-.. . ... -SOILS COMPLIANCE SHEATHING D ROOF D StiEAR FRAME I I EXTERIOR LA TH I PRIOR TO p,'I ; .. ~ -i ,.!: FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE ,r·, .----, -, "\-" ,~' ·v l ··, OVER 2000 PSI : 1. ' ,._ ... •. . ' INSULATION I INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I I ". i, ~., ' •· •·"r PRES TRESSED -CONCRETE POST TENSIONED I CONCRETE ,, PLUMBING I t FIELD WELDING - □ SEWER AND BUCO CJ PU CO UNDERGROUND D WASTE D I WATER HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER SPECIAL MASONRY - . TUB AND SHOWER PAN I I GAS TEST I PILES CAISSONS D WATER HEATER D SOLAR \/\/ATER . I ELECTRICAL I c · D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I - D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY ' -, D BONDING D POOL I ~ -• - ! MECHANICAL I D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIP)NG HEAT -AIR CONO. SYSTEMS I -~ VENTILATING SYSTEMS I I I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE oon fl\~ c~; :..'"= .,~c .. .:.._· ~ ..... ·-··--·-.. ,.,,,_ -••••• ■ ··-. -· FINAL I - PLUMBING I :I \ I I ,'O ELECTRICAL ! "\\ \t'J/ MECHANICAL I \ '\.v GAS I ,' .. ~ I . .. 1 . -. -· - BUILDING I " ' " SPECIAL CONDITIONS I " I I