CUP2017-008 / GR2019-0013 /
DWG 517-4A
FEBRUARY 2, 2022 PROJECT NO. 06442-32-29A
Project No. 06442-32-29A February 2, 2022 OSL Construction 9240 Old Redwood Highway, Suite 200 Windsor, California 95492
CUP2017-008 / GR2019-0013 / DWG 517-4A
References: 1. Update Geotechnical Report, Oakmont of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Oaks North Business
Park – Lot 1, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated May 20, 2019 (Project No. 06442-32-29).
2. Geotechnical Pad Certification, Oakmont of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park – Lot 1, CUP2017-008/GR2019-0013/DWG 517-4A, Building 1 – Independent Living, 2580 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated August 4, 2020 (Project No. 06442-32-29A).
3. Geotechnical Pad Certification, Oakmont of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park – Lot 1, CUP2017-008/GR2019-0013/DWG 517-4A, Building 2 – Memory Care, 2580 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated August 4, 2020 (Project No. 06442-32-29A).
4. Geotechnical Pad Certification, Oakmont of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park – Lot 1, CUP2017-008/GR2019-0013/DWG 517-4A, Building 3 – Marketing, 2580 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated September 3, 2020 (Project No. 06442-32-29A).
5. Aggregate Base Conformance Testing, Oakmont of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated October 26, 2020.
Dear Mr. Taylor:
In accordance with your request and our Proposal No. LG-20073, dated February 12, 2020, we have
provided testing and observation services during grading and improvement construction at the subject
site. Our services during site grading and improvement construction were performed between July 15,
2020 and January 28, 2022. The scope of our services during grading and improvement construction
included the following:
Observing the grading operation, including the placement of fill as well as the processing of
loose topsoil, previously placed compacted fill, and formational materials.
6960 Flanders Drive ■ San Diego, California 92121-2974 ■ Telephone 858.558.6900 ■ Fax 858.558.6159
Project No. 06442-32-29A - 2 - February 2, 2022
Performing in-place density tests in fill soils placed and compacted at the site.
Performing laboratory tests to aid in evaluating compaction characteristics, expansion
potential and water soluble sulfate content of the on-site and imported soils placed during the
grading and improvement construction operations.
Preparing an "As-Graded" Geologic Map.
Preparing this final report.
The general contractor for the project was OSL Construction, Inc. The grading contractor for the
project was Green Wave Contractors. The project grading plans were prepared by Alliance Land
Planning and Engineering, Inc., titled Grading Plans For: Oakmont of Carlsbad, dated July 6, 2020.
Recommendations for the grading were provided in our referenced report (Reference No. 1).
The exhibit used as a base map to present the as-graded geologic information and density test
locations (Figure 1) is a reproducible copy of a compilation of digital information provided by
Alliance Land Planning and Engineering, Inc. The map depicts the structure footprints, and existing
and proposed improvements. We added the approximate locations of the field density tests performed
during grading and geologic contacts.
References to elevations and locations herein are based on as-graded survey information obtained
from grade checkers’ stakes in the field. Geocon Incorporated does not provide surveying services
and, therefore, has no opinion regarding the accuracy of the as-graded elevations or surface geometry
with respect to the approved grading plans or proper surface drainage.
Grading began by removing and exporting brush and vegetation from the areas to be graded. Grading
for Building Pads 1 and 2 consisted of removing previously-placed fill to expose competent granitic
rock or competent previously-placed fill in the basement level. Grading for Building Pad 3 consisted
of scarifying, moisture-conditioning, and compaction of the upper 1-foot of previously placed
compacted fill prior to additional fill placement. Grading outside the building pads generally
consisted of scarifying, moisture conditioning, and compacting the previously placed fill. Fill soils
derived from on-site excavations were then placed and compacted in layers until the design elevations
were attained. The maximum thickness of compacted fill placed during grading and building wall
backfill was approximately 10 feet. The grading was performed in conjunction with testing and
observation services provided by Geocon Incorporated.
Project No. 06442-32-29A - 3 - February 2, 2022
As requested by the City of Carlsbad, we prepared several pad certification letters (References 2
through 4) summarizing the as-graded conditions beneath the building pads prior to building
Fill Materials and Placement Procedures
The on-site fill materials generally consisted of silty, fine to coarse sand, sandy silt, and silty clay.
The fills were placed in lifts no thicker than would allow for adequate bonding and compaction. The
soil was moisture conditioned as necessary and mixed during placement.
Field In-Place Density and Laboratory Testing
During the grading operation, compaction procedures were observed and in-place density tests were
performed to evaluate the relative compaction of the fill material. The in-place density tests were
performed in general conformance with ASTM D 6938 (nuclear). Results of the field density tests and
moisture content tests performed during grading are summarized on Table I. The approximate
locations of the field density tests performed during grading and building wall backfill operations are
shown on the As-Graded Geologic Map. In general, the in-place density test results indicate that the
fill at the locations tested has a relative compaction of at least 90 percent and near or slightly above
optimum moisture content.
Laboratory tests were performed on samples of material used for fill to evaluate moisture-density
relationships, optimum moisture content and maximum dry density, expansion potential and water
soluble sulfate content. The results of the laboratory tests are summarized on Tables II through IV.
Finish-Grade Soil Conditions
Observations and laboratory test results performed during the grading operations indicate that the
prevailing soil conditions within three feet of finish grade have an Expansion Index of less than 90
and are classified as having a “low” to “medium” expansion potential. However, some highly
expansive soils are present on-site.
In general, the majority of the site consists of compacted fill over granitic rock. The fill generally
consists of a soil with maximum 6-inch size rock.
The soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading were found to be generally similar to
those described in the referenced project geotechnical report, except that we are mapping the
Project No. 06442-32-29A - 4 - February 2, 2022
formational material beneath the property as granitic rock instead of Point Loma Formation due to our
observations once the entire excavation was exposed. The geologic conditions observed during
grading are presented on the As-Graded Geologic Map.
In accordance with your request, we have provided testing and observation services for underground
utility and surface improvements. Our services were provided on an “on-call” basis between July 15,
2020 and January 28, 2022. The scope of our services consisted of performing in-place density tests on
a “call out” basis during backfill for retaining walls and underground improvements, consisting of sewer,
water, fire service, and joint trench and preparation of subgrade for curb/gutter, sidewalks, and interior
roadways. We also performed in-place density tests during preparation of off-site street (Faraday
Avenue) subgrade and placement of aggregate base and asphalt concrete pavement.
In-place density tests were performed using a nuclear gauge in accordance with ASTM Test
Procedure D 6938. Laboratory compaction tests were performed on soil samples in accordance with
ASTM Test Procedure D 1557. The results of the field tests are summarized on Table I and the results
of the laboratory maximum dry density/optimum moisture content tests are summarized in Table II.
Laboratory tests on asphalt concrete samples were performed in accordance with ASTM Test
Procedures D 2726 Hveem Density; D 2041 Theoretical Maximum Density; D 1560 Stability; D 6307
Asphalt Content; and C 136 Sieve Analysis for Asphalt. The laboratory test results are shown on
Tables III through V.
Results of the in-place density tests indicates that retaining wall backfill, sidewalk subgrade and
trench backfill materials possess a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry
density near to slightly above the optimum moisture contents at the locations tested. Similarly, in-
place density test results for roadway subgrade and aggregate base materials indicated a dry density of
at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density at the locations tested, except as noted
below. In-place density test results for the asphalt concrete indicates a density of at least 95 percent of
the laboratory Hveem density.
On January 6, 2022, we observed and tested three isolated roadway subgrade areas that were yielding
due to wet soil conditions. At that time, the contractor decided to leave these areas unmitigated. On
January 17, 2022, we again observed the subgrade in these areas to yield due to over optimum
moisture contents and our test results generally indicated 90 percent relative compaction or greater
instead of 95 percent. The contractor removed portions of the wet materials but the remedial work
was limited due to existing utilities. Aggregate base was placed in the depressions and compacted.
Project No. 06442-32-29A - 5 - February 2, 2022
The upper approximately 1-foot of aggregate base exhibited at least 95 percent relative compaction
prior to placing asphalt concrete.
1.0 General
Based on observations and test results, it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the grading and
improvement construction has been performed in substantial conformance with the recommendations
of the referenced project soil report. Soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading which
differ from those anticipated by the project soil report are not uncommon. Where such conditions
required a significant modification to the recommendations of the project soil report, they have been
described herein.
2.0 Future Grading and Improvements
Any additional grading or planned improvements performed at the site should be accomplished in
conjunction with our geotechnical services. Plans for any future improvements should be reviewed by
Geocon Incorporated prior to finalizing. Any additional trench backfill in excess of 1-foot-thick
should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. This office should be notified at least
48 hours prior to commencing additional grading or backfill operations.
3.0 Slope Maintenance
Slopes that are steeper than 3:1 (horizontal:vertical), under conditions which are both difficult to
prevent and predict, may be susceptible to near surface slope instability. The instability is typically
limited to the outer three feet of a portion of the slope and does not directly impact the improvements
on the pad areas above or below the slope. The occurrence of surficial instability is more prevalent on
fill slopes and is usually preceded by a period of heavy rainfall, excessive irrigation, or the migration
of subsurface seepage. The disturbance and/or loosening of the surficial soils, as might result from
root growth, soil expansion, or excavation for irrigation lines and slope planting, may also be a
significant contributing factor for surficial instability. It is, therefore, recommended that, to the
maximum extent practical: (a) disturbed/loosened surficial soils be either removed or properly
recompacted, (b) irrigation systems be periodically inspected and maintained to eliminate leaks and
excessive irrigation, and (c) surface drains on and adjacent to slopes be periodically maintained to
preclude ponding or erosion. It should be noted that although the incorporation of the above
recommendations should reduce the potential for surficial slope instability, it will not eliminate the
possibility, and, therefore, it may be necessary to rebuild or repair a portion of the project's slopes in
the future.
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4.0 Drainage
Adequate drainage provisions are imperative. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to
pond adjacent to footings. The building pads should be properly finish graded after the building and
other improvements are in place so that drainage water is directed away from foundations, pavements,
concrete slabs, and slope tops to controlled drainage devices.
The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply only to our work with respect to
grading and improvements and represent conditions at the date of our final observation on January 28,
2022 Changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time due to natural
processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or
appropriate standards may occur, resulting from legislation or the broadening of knowledge in the
fields of geotechnical engineering or geology. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be
invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to
review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. Any subsequent grading should be
done in conjunction with our observation and testing services.
As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of the work with
which we agreed to be involved. Our services did not include the evaluation or identification of the
potential presence of hazardous or corrosive materials. Our conclusions and opinions as to whether
the work essentially complies with the job specifications are based on our observations, experience
and test results. Due to the inaccuracies inherent in most field and laboratory soil tests, and the
necessary assumption that the relatively small soil sample tested is representative of a significantly
larger volume of soil, future tests of the same soil, location or condition should not be expected to
duplicate specific individual test results of this report. Subsurface conditions, and the accuracy of
tests used to measure such conditions, can vary greatly at any time. We make no warranty, express or
implied, except that our services were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally
accepted at this time and location.
We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others, by the
uncontrolled action of water, or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the
uncontrolled action of water. It is the responsibility of OSL Construction to ensure that the
information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and
civil engineer for the project, and are incorporated into the plans, and that the necessary steps are
taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field.
Recommendations that pertain to the future maintenance and care for the property should be brought
to the attention of the facilities department or entity responsible for future maintenance.
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FARADAYAVENUEFUERTESTREETELQcfKtQcfQcfKtQpfQcfKtKt23224723623924525125225725825623923522323023224724324923213472318192717141011121321626FG-2524FG-28FG-29215622201599A8WB-1WB-2WB-3WB-4WB-5WB-6WB-7WB-8WB-14WB-15WB-31WB-16WB-11WB-35WB-33WB-32WB-34WB-19WB-20WB-21WB-17WB-18WB-22WB-23WB-24WB-25WB-26WB-27WB-28WB-30WB-38WB-39WB-40WB-41WB-37WB-36WB-42WB-43WB-46WB-48WB-47WB-49WB-50WB-44WB-51WB-52WB-53WB-45WB-54WB-55WB-57WB-58WB-59WB-60WB-61WB-62WB-63WB-66WB-67WB-68WB-69WB-70WB-71WB-72WB-73WB-74WB-75WB-76WB-77WB-78WB-79WB-64WB-65WB-566960 FLANDERS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 - 2974PHONE 858 558-6900 - FAX 858 558-6159SHEET OFPROJECT NO.SCALEDATEFIGUREPlotted:02/01/2022 3:55PM | By:JONATHAN WILKINS | File Location:Y:\PROJECTS\06442-32-29A Oakmont of Carlsbad\SHEETS\06442-32-29A AsGradedMap.dwgGEOTECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS1" = AS - GRADED GEOLOGIC 1APOAKMONT OF CARLSBADCARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA30' 02 - 02 - 202206442 - 32 - 29A111GEOCON LEGEND........BONSALL TONALITE (Dotted Where Buried)Kt........APPROX. LOCATION OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT (Queried Where Uncertain)........APPROX. ELEVATION OF BASE OF FILL (In Feet)251........PREVIOUSLY-PLACED COMPACTED FILLQpf........APPROX. LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST FG....Finish Grade WB....Wall Backfill Test81?........COMPACTED FILLQcfii;•,y ""'i.,;jf .... '' ' 11----1•_:o u CT ~l ~ / \ 111.k-.;.!J ~ _,,,,,... ~ I I I """"" "'", ' ' ' ' ' ·rr= " IOI IOI " • o' 30' 60' 90' SCALE 1" 30' (On 36x24) 120' ~ "' "-k 1 -~ '\" }¾, t • c:::J ,-J c:::J I I I I I / c:::J \ GEOCON INCORPORATED • •
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.AC 1 03/04/21 E.side bldg 3 parking bay 0.0 AC-01 142.3 139.8 98 95AC 2 03/04/21 N.E. Corner Bdlg 1 parking bay 0.0 AC-01 142.3 140.1 98 95AC 3 03/04/21 E.side bldg 1 parking bay 0.0 AC-01 142.3 139.1 98 95AC 4 03/04/21 Ramp for bldg 1 underground parking 0.0 AC-01 142.3 140.2 99 95AC 5 03/04/21E.side bldg 3 drvwy 0.0 AC-01 142.3 139.7 98 95AC 6 03/04/21E.side bldg 3 drvwy 0.0 AC-01 142.3 140.5 99 95AC 7 03/04/21S.side bldg 1 drvwy 0.0 AC-01 142.3 140.0 98 95AC 8 03/04/21bldg 1 drvwy Porte-Cochere0.0 AC-01 142.3 141.3 99 95AC 9 03/04/21S.side bldg 1 drvwy 0.0 AC-01 142.3 140.0 98 95AC 10 03/04/21S.side bldg 1 parking bay 0.0 AC-01 142.3 140.9 99 95AC 11 03/04/21S.side bldg 3 drvwy 0.0 AC-01 142.3 139.9 98 95AC 12 03/04/21 drvwy at S.E. corner entrance0.0 AC-01 142.3 141.0 99 95AC 13 05/03/21ENTRANCE @ EL FUERTE0.0 AC-01 142.3 141.9 100 95AC 14 05/21/21Faraday Ave east cons. entrance patch0.0 AC-02 144.9140.197 95AC 15 05/21/21 Faraday Ave east cons. entrance patch 0.0 AC-02 144.9139.296 95AC 16 05/21/21 Faraday Ave west cons. entrance patch 0.0 AC-02 144.9139.596 95AC 17 05/21/21 Faraday Ave west cons. entrance patch 0.0 AC-02 144.9139.396 95AC 18 05/21/21 Faraday Ave west cons. entrance patch 0.0 AC-02 144.9140.697 95AC 19 05/21/21 Faraday Ave west cons. entrance patch 0.0 AC-02 144.9141.097 95AC 20 07/21/21 W OF BLDG 1 0.0 AC-02 144.9 142.2 98 95AC 21 07/21/21 W OF BLDG 1 0.0 AC-02 144.9 137.9 95 95AC 22 07/21/21 W OF BLDG 1 0.0 AC-02 144.9 139.6 96 95AC 23 07/21/21 W OF BLDG 1 0.0 AC-02 144.9 142.6 98 95AC 24 07/21/21 W OF BLDG 1 0.0 AC-02 144.9 142.8 99 95AC 25 07/21/21 S OF BLDG 2 0.0 AC-02 144.9 140.4 97 95AC 26 07/21/21 S OF BLDG 2 0.0 AC-02 144.9 141.3 98 95AC 27 01/19/22 SW of Bldg 2 0.0 AC-04 148.0 140.1 95 95AC 28 01/19/22 SW of Bldg 2 0.0 AC-04 148.0 139.9 95 95AC 29 01/19/22 SE of Bldg 1 0.0 AC-04 148.0 140.7 95 95Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Compaction (%)Elev. or Depth (feet)Curve No.Max. Density (pcf)Field Density (pcf)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Location
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.AC 1 03/04/21 E.side bldg 3 parking bay 0.0 AC-01 142.3 139.8 98 95Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Compaction (%)Elev. or Depth (feet)Curve No.Max. Density (pcf)Field Density (pcf)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)LocationAC 30 01/19/22SE of Bldg 10.0 AC-04 148.0 141.2 95 95AC 31 01/19/22NW of Bldg 10.0 AC-04 148.0 140.3 95 95AC 32 01/19/22NW of Bldg 20.0 AC-04 148.0 140.7 95 95
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.B 1 03/04/21 S.E corner bdlg 3 parking bay 0 7 0 123.6 9.3 118.9 10.8 96 95B 2 03/04/21 N.E. Corner bldg 3 parking bay 0 7 0 123.6 9.3 118.4 11.4 96 95B 3 03/04/21Ramp to underground parking0 7 0 123.6 9.3 117.1 11.2 95 95B 4 03/04/21E.side bldg 3 drvwy 0 7 0 123.6 9.3 117.5 11.4 95 95B 5 03/04/21E.side drvwy 0 7 0 123.6 9.3 118.3 10.8 96 95B 6 03/04/21S.E. Corner parking bay0 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.2 11.5 96 95B 7 03/04/21Entrance at El Fuerte0 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.0 11.4 96 95B 8 03/04/21S.E corner bldg 1 drvwy0 7 0 123.6 9.3 117.0 11.0 95 95B 9 03/04/21Porte-Cochere drvwy 0 7 0 123.6 9.3 118.9 10.6 96 95B 10 03/04/21Drvwy South of Bldg 10 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.1 10.4 96 95B 11 04/06/21Faraday Ave39+40 0 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.5 10.0 97 95B 12 04/06/21Faraday Ave33+80 0 7 0 123.6 9.3 120.1 9.4 97 95B 13 04/07/21Main Entrance south Patch0 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.3 10.3 97 95B 14 04/07/21Main Entrance south Patch0 7 0 123.6 9.3 118.4 9.6 96 95B 15 07/19/21S OF BLDG20 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.6 11.4 97 95B 16 07/19/21S OF BLDG 20 7 0 123.6 9.3 117.8 9.9 95 95B 17 07/19/21W OF BLDG 10 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.9 11.7 97 95B 18 07/20/21W OF BLDG 10 7 0 123.6 9.3 118.6 12.9 96 95B 19 07/20/21W OF BLDG 10 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.3 10.8 97 95B 20 07/20/21W OF BLDG 10 7 0 123.6 9.3 120.7 12.2 98 95B 21 01/18/22SW of Bldg 10 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.0 10.6 96 95B 22 01/18/22SE of Bldg 20 7 0 123.6 9.3 117.9 11.2 95 95B 23 01/18/22SE of Bldg 20 7 0 123.6 9.3 118.4 11.5 96 95B 24 01/18/22NW of Bldg 10 7 0 123.6 9.3 119.5 10.9 97 95B 25 01/18/22NW of Bldg 20 7 0 123.6 9.3 120.1 11.7 97 95Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.CG 1 02/17/21 in front of office trailer SG 6 6 139.0 6.0 127.0 8.0 91 90CG 2 02/17/21 in front of office trailer SG 6 6 139.0 6.0 126.1 6.1 91 90CG 3 02/17/21 in front of office trailer SG 6 6 139.0 6.0 126.9 8.2 91 90CG 4 02/18/21 in front of bldg3 eastwards SG 6 6 139.0 6.0 127.2 9.0 92 90CG 5 02/18/21 in front of bldg3 eastwards SG 6 6 139.0 6.0 126.2 8.3 91 90CG 6 02/18/21 NE corner of Bldg3 SG 6 6 139.0 6.0 127.8 8.8 92 90CG 7 06/22/21 south of Independent Living Building SG 6 6 139.0 6.0 129.1 6.4 93 90CG 8 06/22/21 south of Independent Living BuildingSG 6 6 139.0 6.0 128.4 8.0 92 90CG 9 06/22/21 south of Independent Living BuildingSG 6 6 139.0 6.0 129.0 4.8 93 90CG 10 06/22/21 south of Independent Living BuildingSG 6 6 139.0 6.0 126.3 5.7 91 90CG 11 06/30/21South of Building 2SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 127.8 6.3 93 90CG 12 06/30/21South of Building 3SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 123.4 7.2 90 90CG 13 06/30/21South of Building 4SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 128.5 5.9 93 90CG 14 06/30/21South of Building 5SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 129.2 7.1 94 90CG 15 06/30/21South of Building 6SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 128.8 6.5 93 90CG 16 06/30/21East of Building 2SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 128.7 6.6 93 90CG 17 06/30/21East of Building 3SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 127.7 7.5 93 90CG 18 06/30/21East of Building 4SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 127.0 7.0 92 90CG 19 06/30/21East of Building 5SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 125.3 6.2 91 90CG 20 06/30/21SW of building 1SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 126.6 6.7 92 90CG 21 07/08/21W. of Building 1SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 124.9 7.2 91 90CG 22 07/08/21W. of Building 1SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 123.5 9.4 90 90CG 23 07/08/21W. of Building 1SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 124.6 7.8 90 90CG 24 07/08/21W. of Building 1SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 123.7 7.5 90 90CG 25 07/08/21W. of Building 1SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 127.5 8.2 93 90CG 26 07/08/21W. of Building 1SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 125.7 7.5 91 90CG 27 07/08/21W. of Building 1SG 8 0 137.8 7.0 124.3 7.6 90 90Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.ET 1 08/19/20 E to W package in courtyard -1 5 0 113.5 16.6 103.4 16.6 91 90ET 2 08/19/20NW toSE pakage in courtyard-1 5 0 113.5 16.6 104.1 17.5 92 90ET 3 11/12/20W of Bldg No. 10 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.5 13.9 90 90ET 4 11/18/20Courtyard, south side0 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.9 13.5 90 90ET 5 11/19/20Courtyard, south side0 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.0 12.8 90 90ET 6 11/19/20Courtyard, south side0 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.1 11.8 91 90ET 7 11/20/20Courtyard, south side-1 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.4 12.5 90 90ET 8 11/20/20Courtyard, south side0 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.8 12.9 90 90ET 9 02/09/21in front of office trailer-1 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.5 12.5 91 90ET 10 02/09/21in front of office trailer-1 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.8 12.1 90 90ET 11 02/10/21in front of Bldg1 entrance-1 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.4 12.6 90 90ET 12 02/10/21in front of Bldg1 entrance-1 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.7 12.3 90 90ET 13 02/15/21W of office trailer-1 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.9 12.9 90 90ET 14 02/15/21W of office trailer-1 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.2 11.2 90 90ET 15 02/15/21W of office trailer-1 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.3 11.7 91 90ET 16 03/22/21West Entrance off Faraday-3 4 0 123.1 11.9 113.6 12.9 92 90ET 17 03/22/21West Entrance off Faraday-2 4 0 123.1 11.9 112.4 10.7 91 90ET 18 03/22/21West Entrance off Faraday-1 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.7 11.0 91 90ET 19 06/15/21SW corner of Indep. Living Bldg.-2 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.3 11.8 92 90ET 20 06/15/21SW corner of Indep. Living Bldg.-1 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.9 11.5 92 90Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.FS 1 02/08/21 NE of Bldg 3 -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.2 10.1 90 90FS 2 02/10/21 NE of Bldg 1 -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.9 10.8 90 90FS 3 02/10/21 NE of Bldg 2 -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.5 11.4 91 90FS 4 04/08/21 office trailer westwards 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.9 10.1 90 90FS 5 04/08/21 office trailer westwards 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 114.1 10.2 93 90FS 6 04/08/21 office trailer westwards 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 112.2 11.7 91 90FS 7 04/08/21 office trailer westwards 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.7 13.0 91 90FS 8 04/08/21 office trailer westwards 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.2 12.9 90 90Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.1 07/15/20 S of Bldg 1 253 2 0 117.0 14.7 106.4 14.6 91 902 07/15/20 E of Bldg 1 255 1 0 122.0 11.8 114.3 13.7 94 903 07/15/20 S of Bldg 1 254 2 0 117.0 14.7 107.0 15.8 91 904 07/15/20 W of Bldg 1 258 5 0 113.5 16.6 103.3 18.6 91 905 07/16/20 Bldg 1 courtyard 255 5 0 113.5 16.6 103.4 16.4 91 906 07/16/20 Bldg 1 courtyard 256 5 0 113.5 16.6 105.1 17.6 93 907 07/16/20 S of Bldg 1 258 3 0 127.9 9.9 115.3 10.0 90 908 07/16/20 E of Bldg 1 258 5 0 113.5 16.6 104.3 19.7 92 909 07/17/20 Bldg 1 courtyard 259 1 0 122.0 11.8 108.4 9.0 89 909 A 07/17/20 Bldg 1 courtyard 259 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.9 12.0 90 9010 07/17/20 Bldg 3 250 2 0 117.0 14.7 107.7 15.8 92 9011 07/20/20 Bldg 3 254 3 0 127.9 9.9 115.5 9.8 90 9012 07/20/20 Bldg 3 253 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.5 13.6 91 9013 07/21/20 E of Bldg 1 254 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.2 12.2 91 9014 07/21/20 E of Bldg 1 256 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.4 11.9 91 9015 07/21/20 NE of Bldg 1 255 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.3 12.5 92 9016 07/21/20 Driveway E of Bldg 3 253 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.1 12.3 93 9017 07/22/20 S of Bldg 1 255 3 0 127.9 9.9 116.6 10.0 91 9018 07/22/20 S of Bldg 1 255 3 0 127.9 9.9 115.8 9.6 91 9019 07/22/20 S of Bldg 1 257 3 0 127.9 9.9 118.6 10.1 93 9020 07/23/20 N of Bldg 1 258 5 0 113.5 16.6 103.6 18.4 91 9021 07/23/20 N of Bldg 1 258 5 0 113.5 16.6 104.3 17.7 92 9022 07/23/20 West side Bldg1 245 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.8 13.1 91 9023 07/24/20 SW of Bldg 1 258 5 0 113.5 16.6 104.6 18.0 92 9024 07/24/20 S of Bldg 1 256 5 0 113.5 16.6 105.0 17.7 93 90FG 25 07/31/20Bldg 3255 3 0 127.9 9.9 117.8 11.4 92 90FG 26 07/31/20Bldg 3255 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.0 11.7 92 9027 08/03/20S of Bldg 1258 5 0 113.5 16.6 103.5 16.5 91 90FG 28 12/08/20N section of Bldg 2 - Mem Care249 3 0 127.9 9.9 116.3 11.191 90FG 29 12/08/20N section of Bldg 2 - Mem Care249 3 0 127.9 9.9 115.4 10.090 90Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.JT 1 04/07/21 Main Entrance south -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.7 10.6 91 90JT 2 04/07/21 Main Entrance south -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.2 10.2 90 90JT 3 04/07/21 Main Entrance south -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.9 9.8 91 90Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)111111111111 111111111111 111111111111
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.SD 1 07/15/20 Entrance HDPE Rem/Recomp 250 5 0 113.5 16.6 104.2 19.1 92 90SD 2 08/20/20 Subterranean Parking Ribbon Gutter 248 4 10 126.3 10.7 113.5 11.5 90 90SD 3 08/21/20 Subterranean Parking Ribbon Gutter247 4 10 126.3 10.7 114.1 11.7 90 90SD 4 08/21/20 Subterranean Parking Ribbon Gutter247 4 10 126.3 10.7 114.8 11.0 91 90SD 5 8/24/20 Subterranean Parking Ribbon Gutter247 4 10 126.3 10.7 113.8 11.1 90 90SD 6 08/25/20 Subterranean Parking to lift station247 4 10 126.3 10.7 115.1 11.9 91 90SD 7 08/31/20Southeast Entrance248 4 10 126.3 10.7 114.8 11.1 91 90SD 8 08/31/20Southeast entrance250 4 10 126.3 10.7 116.3 11.8 92 90SD 9 09/01/20SD 1248 4 10 126.3 10.7 114.4 10.8 91 90SD 10 09/01/20SD 1250 4 10 126.3 10.7 115.6 11.5 92 90SD 11 09/03/20SD14 10 126.3 10.7 116.3 11.7 92 90SD 12 09/03/20SD14 10 126.3 10.7 115.9 11.1 92 90SD 13 09/10/20SD14 10 126.3 10.7 114.9 11.5 91 90SD 14 09/10/20SD14 10 126.3 10.7 115.8 10.7 92 90SD 15 09/15/20SD14 10 126.3 10.7 117.2 11.8 93 90SD 16 09/15/20SD24 10 126.3 10.7 115.6 11.2 92 90SD 17 09/15/20SD24 10 126.3 10.7 117.4 11.5 93 90SD 18 09/16/20SD24 10 126.3 10.7 115.5 11.8 91 90SD 19 09/16/20SD24 10 126.3 10.7 116.9 11.2 93 90SD 20 12/30/20S. BASIN256 4 10 126.3 10.7 114.3 11.2 90 90SD 21 12/30/20S. BASIN257 4 10 126.3 10.7 115.9 10.8 92 90SD 22 12/30/20N. BASIN255 4 0 123.1 11.9 114.9 13.1 93 90SD 23 12/30/20N. BASIN257 4 0 123.1 11.9 113.8 12.5 92 90SD 24 01/14/21N basin from marketing Bldg-2 4 0 123.1 11.9 112.8 13.5 92 90SD 25 01/14/21N basin from marketing Bldg0 4 0 123.1 11.9 113.3 13.0 92 90SD 26 01/14/21N basin from marketing Bldg-1 4 0 123.1 11.9 114.5 12.9 93 90SD 27 01/14/21N basin from marketing Bldg-2 4 0 123.1 11.9 112.9 12.0 92 90SD 28 01/14/21N basin from marketing Bldg0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.5 12.5 91 90SD 29 02/04/21N Retirement Building0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.6 12.1 91 90Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)SD 30 02/04/21N Retirement Building0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.4 13.5 90 90SD 31 02/05/21 N Retirement Building 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.6 13.0 90 90SD 32 02/05/21 N Retirement Building 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.9 11.9 90 90SD 33 02/05/21 N Retirement Building 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 112.1 12.5 91 90SD 34 02/05/21 N Retirement Building 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.3 12.2 90 90SD 35 02/08/21 N. Basin 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.1 12.0 90 90SD 36 02/08/21 N. Basin 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.3 13.8 90 90SD 37 02/09/21 in front of office trailer 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.3 12.6 90 90SD 38 02/09/21 in front of office trailer 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 112.1 12.1 91 90SD 39 02/11/21 Entrance construction -4 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.2 12.8 90 90SD 40 02/11/21 Entrance construction 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.7 11.6 90 90SD 41 02/16/21 N of Bldg 3 -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 114.5 12.9 93 90SD 42 02/16/21 N of Bldg 3 -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 112.9 12.0 92 90SD 43 03/01/21 SW Building 2 -2 4 0 123.1 11.9 113.4 12.0 92 90SD 44 03/01/21 SW Building 2 -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 114.0 13.8 93 90SD 45 03/01/21 SW Building 2 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 113.8 13.2 92 90SD 46 05/10/21 BLDG #1 PATIO 0 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.4 11.9 90 90SD 47 05/11/21 BLDG #1 PATIO 0 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.2 12.2 90 90SD 48 05/11/21 BLDG #1 PATIO 0 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.4 11.0 90 90SD 49 05/18/21 W OF BLDG 1 0 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.6 12.3 91 90SD 50 05/18/21 W OF BLDG 1 -1 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.2 12.5 93 90SD 51 05/18/21 W OF BLDG 1 0 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.9 11.9 91 90SD 52 05/28/21 NE to NW corner of Bldg2 -1 1 10 125.3 10.6 112.9 9.8 90 90SD 53 05/28/21 NE to NW corner of Bldg2 -1 1 10 125.3 10.6 112.5 11.1 90 90SD 54 05/28/21 NE to NW corner of Bldg2 -1 1 10 125.3 10.6 113.7 10.5 91 90SD 55 05/28/21 W OF BLDG 2 -1 1 10 125.3 10.6 112.6 11.0 90 90SD 56 05/28/21 W OF BLDG 2 -1 1 10 125.3 10.6 113.2 10.2 90 90
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)SD 57 05/28/21W OF BLDG 2-1 1 10 125.3 10.6 113.9 9.8 91 90SD 58 05/28/21SW corner of Bldg 2 eastwards-1 1 10 125.3 10.6 114.1 10.391 90SD 59 05/28/21SW corner of Bldg 2 eastwards-1 1 10 125.3 10.6 114.9 10.892 90SD 60 06/07/21W OF EL FUERTE ENTRANCE-1 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.9 12.6 90 90SD 61 06/07/21W OF EL FUERTE ENTRANCE0 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.3 11.9 90 90SD 62 06/23/21NE Corner of BLDG 1-2 1 0 122.0 11.8 101.3 16.6 83 90SD 62 A 06/23/21NE Corner of BLDG 1-2 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.2 16.4 90 90
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.SG 1 02/15/21 W of office trailer 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 116.5 12.1 95 95SG 2 02/15/21 S of Bldg1 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 117.5 11.1 95 95SG 3 02/15/21 S of Bldg 1 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 116.7 13.0 95 95SG 4 02/15/21 S of Bldg1 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 118.1 12.1 96 95SG 5 02/15/21 SE of Bldg2 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 118.7 12.9 96 95SG 6 02/15/21 SE of Bldg 1 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 119.7 12.4 97 95SG 7 02/16/21 entrance northwards 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 117.5 12.3 95 95SG 8 02/16/21 entrance northwards 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 116.7 12.1 95 95SG 9 02/16/21 E of Bldg3 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 118.1 11.4 96 95SG 10 02/16/21 in front of underground parking 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 117.3 12.095 95SG 11 02/17/21 underground parking entrance N 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 118.1 11.3 96 95SG 12 02/17/21 underground parking entrance N 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 119.3 12.5 97 95SG 13 02/17/21 NE corner Bldg1 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 119.7 11.9 97 95SG1401/06/22SW of Bldg 1030127.99.9106.218.98395SG1501/06/22SW of Bldg 1030127.99.9110.420.08695SG1601/06/22S of Bldg 2030127.99.9115.617.99095SG1701/06/22W of Bldg 1030127.99.9115.418.39095SG1801/06/22NE of Bldg 1030127.99.9116.119.29195SG 19 01/17/22W. of Bldg 10 4 0 123.1 11.9 118.2 11.7 96 95SG 20 01/17/22W. of Bldg 10 9 0 128.0 7.6 115.7 9.5 90 95SG 21 01/17/22SW of Bldg 10 9 0 128.0 7.6 115.8 12.0 90 95SG 22 01/17/22SW of Bldg 10 9 0 128.0 7.6 115.1 9.6 90 95SG 23 01/17/22NE of Bldg 10 9 0 128.0 7.6 115.3 10.4 90 95SG 24 01/17/22W of Bldg 10 9 0 128.0 7.6 118.1 9.2 92 95SG 25 01/17/22W of Bldg 1040123.1 11.9 120.6 11.0 98 95Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.SM 1 09/25/20 Btween MH 1 & 5 -5 2 0 117.0 14.7 105.1 15.3 90 90SM 2 09/25/20 Btween MH 1 & 5 -3 5 0 113.5 16.6 102.3 16.8 90 90SM 3 09/25/20 Btween MH 1 & 5 -1 2 0 117.0 14.7 105.5 15.8 90 90SM 4 09/28/20 MH-1 -2 2 0 117.0 14.7 106.2 14.9 91 90SM 5 09/29/20 MH 5 -3 2 0 117.0 14.7 105.1 14.8 90 90SM 6 09/29/20 NE of marketing bldg. -2 2 0 117.0 14.7 106.3 15.0 91 90SM 7 09/29/20 NE of marketing bldg. -2 2 0 117.0 14.7 105.5 15.4 90 90SM 8 10/09/20 S of independent living -4 2 0 117.0 14.7 109.5 16.0 94 90SM 9 10/09/20 S of independent living -1 2 0 117.0 14.7 107.3 15.7 92 90SM 10 10/12/20 S of independent living -4 2 0 117.0 14.7 110.0 13.5 94 90SM 11 10/12/20 S of independent living -2 2 0 117.0 14.7 108.2 14.2 92 90SM 12 10/14/20 S of independent living 4+50 -5 1 10 125.3 10.6 113.9 14.2 9190SM 13 10/14/20 S of independent living 4+30 -3 1 10 125.3 10.6 113.3 14.3 9090SM 14 10/14/20 S of independent living 4+15 -1 1 10 125.3 10.6 109.1 13.7 8790SM 14 A 10/14/20 S of independent living 4+15 -1 1 10 125.3 10.6 114.8 13.2 92 90SM 15 10/15/20 S of independent living 5+00 -4 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.1 14.5 92 90SM 16 10/15/20S of independent living 5+30 -2 1 0 122.0 11.8 114.2 13.8 94 90SM 17 10/15/20S of independent living 5+80 -4 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.9 14.1 92 90SM 18 10/15/20S of independent living 6+00 -2 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.7 13.0 93 90SM 19 10/19/20NE of marketing bldg. 3+30 -2 2 10 120.5 13.2 109.7 13.5 91 90SM 20 10/19/20NE of marketing bldg. 3+00 -1 2 10 120.5 13.2 112.1 13.9 93 90SM 21 10/19/20NE of marketing bldg. 2+70 -2 2 10 120.5 13.2 110.9 14.1 92 90SM 22 11/25/20GREASE TRAP BOX-3 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.3 13.6 91 90SM 23 05/13/21E OF BLDG N0. 2-2 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.3 12.5 90 90SM 24 05/13/21E OF BLDG N0. 2-2 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.6 12.8 92 90SM 25 06/16/21S of Memory Care Building-1 1 0 122.0 11.8 114.9 13.1 94 90SM 26 06/16/21S of Memory Care Building-1 1 0 122.0 11.8 117.2 13.4 96 90SM 27 06/16/21S of Memory Care Building0 1 0 122.0 11.8 119.5 13.7 98 90SM 28 06/16/21S of Memory Care Building0 1 0 122.0 11.8 118.5 14.0 97 90Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.SW 1 04/06/21 Faraday Ave 33+80 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 113.6 10.6 92 90SW 2 04/13/21 W of entrance Faraday Ave 39+00 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 112.5 12.6 9190SW 3 04/13/21 W of entrance Faraday Ave 38+50 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 113.1 12.0 9290SW 4 04/13/21 W of entrance Faraday Ave 38+00 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 114.2 11.9 9390SW 5 04/13/21 W of entrance Faraday Ave 37+50 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.4 12.9 9090SW 6 04/13/21 W of entrance Faraday Ave 37+00 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 115.4 11.6 9490Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.WB 1 11/03/20 N OF BLDG N0. 1 251 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.9 13.4 92 90WB 2 11/03/20 N OF BLDG N0. 1 252 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.6 12.8 91 90WB 3 11/03/20 N OF BLDG N0. 1 254 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.0 13.3 92 90WB 4 11/04/20 W OF BLDG N0. 1 255 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.5 11.4 90 90WB 5 11/04/20 W OF BLDG N0. 1 253 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.1 11.9 91 90WB 6 11/05/20 W OF BLDG N0. 1 255 5 0 113.5 16.6 105.9 12.7 93 90WB 7 11/05/20 S OF BLDG N0 . 1 254 5 0 113.5 16.6 103.2 13.6 91 90WB 8 11/06/20 S OF BLDG N0 . 1 253 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.2 12.7 93 90WB 9 11/06/20 W OF BLDG N0. 1 256 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.7 11.7 92 90WB 10 11/06/20 S OF BLDG N0 . 1 253 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.2 13.4 92 90WB 11 11/10/20 N OF BLDG N0. 1 256 5 0 113.5 16.6 106.0 16.7 93 90WB 12 11/10/20 W OF BLDG N0. 1 255 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.8 13.3 92 90WB 13 11/10/20 S OF BLDG N0 . 1 254 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.9 11.9 91 90WB 14 11/11/20 W OF BLDG N0. 1 257 5 0 113.5 16.6 104.2 16.2 92 90WB 15 11/11/20 S OF BLDG N0 . 1 256 5 0 113.5 16.6 103.5 15.8 91 90WB 16 11/11/20 COURTYARD BLDG N0. 1 252 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.8 12.7 91 90WB 17 11/11/20 COURTYARD BLDG N0. 1 254 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.3 12.3 90 90WB 18 11/12/20 COURTYARD BLDG N0. 1 257 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.7 12.0 92 90WB 19 11/12/20 COURTYARD BLDG N0. 1 255 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.1 12.4 93 90WB 20 11/13/20 COURTYARD BLDG N0. 1 253 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.6 12.6 93 90WB 21 11/13/20 COURTYARD BLDG N0. 1 253 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.5 10.4 92 90WB 22 11/16/20 N OF BLDG N0. 1 253 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.6 11.3 91 90WB 23 11/16/20 N OF BLDG N0. 1 256 1 0 122.0 11.8 114.2 11.9 94 90WB 24 11/16/20 W OF BLDG N0. 1 254 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.5 11.5 91 90WB 25 11/16/20 N OF BLDG N0. 1 254 1 0 122.0 11.8 108.8 11.5 89 90WB 25 A 11/17/20 N OF BLDG N0. 1 254 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.3 12.6 93 90WB 26 11/17/20 COURTYARD BLDG N0. 1 256 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.6 13.4 92 90WB 27 11/17/20 W OF BLDG N0. 1 257 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.0 12.0 93 90WB 28 11/18/20 N OF BLDG N0. 1 257 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.3 11.8 92 90Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)WB 29 11/18/20N OF BLDG N0. 1255 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.8 12.2 92 90WB 30 11/18/20N OF BLDG N0. 1255 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.6 13.0 91 90WB 31 11/18/20S OF BLDG N0 . 1257 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.8 12.1 91 90WB 32 11/20/20W OF BLDG N0. 1255 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.8 11 9 90 90WB 33 11/20/20W OF BLDG N0. 1257 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.0 12.0 91 90WB 34 11/23/20W OF BLDG N0. 1255 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.6 12.3 90 90WB 35 11/23/20W OF BLDG N0. 1257 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.2 11.6 90 90WB 36 04/20/21E OF BLDG N0. 2250 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.4 13.0 92 90WB 37 04/21/21E OF BLDG N0. 2250 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.5 12.3 91 90WB 38 04/21/21E OF BLDG N0. 2252 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.9 12.8 91 90WB 39 04/22/21E OF BLDG N0. 2252 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.0 12.1 92 90WB 40 04/22/21E OF BLDG N0. 2253 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.8 12.4 91 90WB 41 04/22/21E OF BLDG N0. 2253 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.8 12.8 92 90WB 42 04/23/21E OF BLDG N0. 2254 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.0 13.5 92 90WB 43 04/23/21E OF BLDG N0. 2255 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.4 13.3 91 90WB 44 04/26/21E OF BLDG N0. 2253 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.9 12.1 92 90WB 45 04/26/21E OF BLDG N0. 2254 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.5 12.3 93 90WB 46 04/27/21E OF BLDG N0. 2255 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.6 13.8 91 90WB 47 04/27/21E OF BLDG N0. 2256 1 0 122.0 11.8 114.2 12.0 94 90WB 48 04/28/21E OF BLDG N0. 2257 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.5 11.8 92 90WB 49 04/28/21E OF BLDG N0. 2258 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.3 13.0 91 90WB 50 04/29/21E OF BLDG N0. 2255 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.5 12.8 91 90WB 51 04/29/21N OF BLDG N0. 2251 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.4 13.3 93 90WB 52 04/30/21 N OF BLDG N0. 2253 1 0 122.0 11.8 114.0 12.6 93 90WB 53 04/30/21N OF BLDG N0. 2254 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.9 11.9 92 90WB 54 04/30/21N OF BLDG N0. 2256 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.1 11.7 93 90WB 55 04/30/21W OF BLDG N0. 2251 3 0 127.9 9.9 118.7 11.5 93 90
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)WB 56 05/01/21W OF BLDG N0. 2253 3 0 127.9 9.9 115.8 10.6 91 90WB 57 05/01/21W OF BLDG N0. 2255 3 0 127.9 9.9 116.3 11.7 91 90WB 58 05/01/21W OF BLDG N0. 2253 2 0 117.0 14.7 107.6 15.3 92 90WB 59 05/01/21W OF BLDG N0. 2254 2 0 117.0 14.7 109.3 15.6 93 90WB 60 05/03/21W OF BLDG N0.2252 3 0 127.9 9.9 116.4 11.5 91 90WB 61 05/03/21W OF BLDG N0. 2254 3 0 127.9 9.9 118.2 12.6 92 90WB 62 05/04/21W OF BLDG N0. 2256 3 0 127.9 9.9 115.8 11.0 91 90WB 63 05/04/21W BLDG N0. 2258 3 0 127.9 9.9 114.7 11.9 90 90WB 64 05/10/21S OF BLDGN0. 2250 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.5 13.4 91 90WB 65 05/10/21S OF BLDG N0. 2252 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.1 12.8 91 90WB 66 05/11/21S OF BLDG N0. 2250 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.4 12.2 92 90WB 67 05/11/21S OF BLDG N0. 2252 1 0 122.0 11.8 113.6 12.5 93 90WB 68 05/11/21S OF BLDG N0. 2253 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.8 12.3 92 90WB 69 05/12/21S OF BLDG N0. 2253 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.4 12.4 92 90WB 70 05/12/21S OF BLDG N0. 2255 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.8 11.8 92 90WB 71 05/12/21S OF BLDG N0. 2256 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.9 12.2 90 90WB 72 05/13/21S OF BLDG N0. 2254 1 0 122.0 11.8 114.3 12.6 94 90WB 73 05/13/21S OF BLDG N0. 2254 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.2 12.3 91 90WB 74 05/14/21S OF BLDG N0. 2255 1 0 122.0 11.8 112.4 14.1 92 90WB 75 05/14/21S OF BLDG N0. 2257 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.7 13.2 91 90WB 76 06/04/21E OF BLDG N0. 2254 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.8 12.9 92 90WB 77 06/04/21E OF BLDG N0. 2256 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.1 12.4 90 90WB 78 06/07/21E OF BLDG N0. 2254 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.8 12.0 91 90WB 79 06/07/21E OF BLDG N0. 2256 1 0 122.0 11.8 109.9 12.6 90 90WB 80 06/21/21 south of Independent Living Building.0 1 0 122.0 11.8 111.0 13.2 91 90WB 81 06/21/21 south of Independent Living Building.0 1 0 122.0 11.8 110.6 13.8 91 90
TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTSProject Name:Project No.:Pre. No. Re.WM 1 02/03/21 South of building 3 -1 2 0 117.0 14.7 115.1 16.5 98 90WM 2 02/03/21 South East of building 1 -1 2 0 117.0 14.7 114.6 14.6 98 90WM 3 02/03/21 South of building 1 -1 2 0 117.0 14.7 112.5 15.1 96 90WM 4 02/04/21 N of Building 1 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.7 13.0 91 90WM 5 02/04/21 N of Building 1 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.1 12.1 90 90WM 6 02/05/21 W of Building 1 -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.7 12.9 90 90WM 7 02/05/21 W of Building 1 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 110.3 12.6 90 90WM 8 02/05/21 W of Building 1 -1 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.7 13.0 91 90WM 9 02/05/21 W of Building 1 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 112.0 11.9 91 90WM 10 04/08/21 Entrance West 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 114.0 10.6 93 90WM 11 04/08/21 Entrance West 0 4 0 123.1 11.9 111.1 10.9 90 90WM 12 04/14/21 Abondoned WM tie in West entrance -3 7 0 123.6 9.3 118.2 8.6 96 90WM 13 04/14/21 Abondoned WM tie in West entrance-1 7 0 123.6 9.3 117.7 9.1 95 90WM 14 04/14/21 Abondoned WM tie in Eest entrance-3 1 0 122.0 11.8 115.3 11.5 95 90WM 15 04/14/21 Abondoned WM tie in Eest entrance-1 7 0 123.6 9.3 121.1 8.8 98 90Oakmont of Carlsbad06442-32-29ARequired Relative Compaction (%)Max. Dry Density (pcf)Opt. Moist Content (%)Field Dry Density (pcf)Field Moisture Content (%)Relative Compaction (%)Test No. Date (MM/DD/YY)Curve No.>¾" Rock (%)LocationElev. or Depth (feet)
TABLE I EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMSAC Asphalt Concrete ITIrrigation TrenchSG SubgradeAD Area Drain JTJoint TrenchSL Sewer LateralBBaseMMoisture TestSM Sewer MainCG Curb/Gutter MGMinor GradingSR Slope RepairDW Driveway MSE Mechanically Stabilized Earth WallST Slope TestET Electrical Trench PTPlumbing TrenchSW SidewalkETB Exploratory Trench RGRegradeSZ Slope ZoneFB Footing Backfill RWL Reclaimed Water Lateral UT Utility TrenchFG Finish Grade RWM Reclaimed Water Main WB Wall BackfillFS Fire Service SBTSubdrain TrenchWL Water LateralGT Gas Trench SDStorm DrainWM Water MainA, B, C, …R*SC Denotes Sancone Density TestCorresponds to the curve numbers presented in the summary of the laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content test results. The field representative selected the curve no. based on the laboratory test results and field observations.>¾" ROCK - ROCK CORRECTIONThe laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content can be adjusted for in-place soil that possesses rock larger than ¾ inch. The curve no. is adjusted for the percentage of ¾ inch rock in accordance with ASTM D 4718 or Woodward Clyde guidelines.TEST NO. - PREFIXTEST NO. - RE.Retest of previous density test failure following additional moisture conditioning or recompactionFill in area of density test was removed during construction operationsELEVATION OR DEPTHCorresponds to the elevation or the depth, in feet, of the in-place density/moisture content test. The value has been rounded to the nearest whole foot. CURVE NO.
Project No. 06442-32-29A February 2, 2022
No. Description
Dry Density
Moisture Content
(% dry weight)
1 Light yellowish brown, Silty, fine to coarse
SAND with silt 122.0 11.8
2 Dark brown, Clayey, fine to coarse SAND with
trace gravel 117.0 14.7
3 light brown Clayey f-c SAND with trace gravel 127.9 9.9
4 Light reddish brown silty (f-c) sand trace gravel 123.1 11.9
5 Greenish-brown Silty CLAY with fine sand 113.5 16.6
6 gm-greenish brown silty gravel with a little (f-c)
sand 137.6 6.3
7 Recycled Aggregate Base (Vulcan) 123.6 9.3
8 Aggregate Base (on-site) 137.8 7.0
Sample No. Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Expansion Index Before Test After Test
3 9.5 20.4 110.8 44
5 14.7 30.8 95.0 94
EI-1 (Bldg 1) 10.0 21.0 110.3 50
EI-2 (Bldg 1) 10.2 19.6 110.2 33
EI-3 (Bldg 3) 9.1 18.0 111.9 59
Sample No. Water-Soluble Sulfate (%) Sulfate Exposure
EI-1 (Bldg 1) 0.311 S1 (Moderate)
EI-2 (Bldg 1) 0.248 S1 (Moderate)
EI-3 (Bldg 3) 0.455 S1 (Moderate)
Project No. 06442-32-29A February 2, 2022
Test Greenbook
Size (inch)
Density (pcf)
Density (pcf)
Stability Stability
AC-1 3/4 153.2 142.3 47 > 35
AC-2 1/2 151.6 144.9 35 > 35
AC-3 3/4 151.9 146.5 39 > 35
AC-4 3/4 158.5 148.0 40 > 35
AC-5 1/2 154.2 147.3 38 > 35
Sieve Analysis (Sieve Size)
½-Inch Aggregate (% Passing) 2018 Greenbook Specifications 203-6.5.4 A (Class C3)
AC-2 AC-5 (% Passing)
3/4 inch 100 100 100
1/2 inch 97 97 89 – 100
3/8 inch 78 89 74 – 100
No. 4 48 64 50 – 78
No. 8 34 43 32 – 60
No. 30 19 22 14 – 38
No. 200 6 6 2 – 10
Oil Content (%)* 5.6 6.4 4.6 – 7.0
*Greenbook refers to as “Asphalt %”
Project No. 06442-32-29A February 2, 2022
Sieve Analysis
(sieve size)
¾-Inch Aggregate (% passing)
2018 Greenbook
Section 203-6.5.4
Class B3
(% passing) AC-1 AC-3 AC-4
1 inch 100 100 100 100
¾ inch 94 94 98 90 - 100
⅜ inch 72 66 71 60 - 84
No. 4 52 49 52 40 - 60
No. 8 36 34 36 24 - 50
No. 30 19 19 21 11 - 29
No. 200 5 6 6 1 - 9
Oil Content (%)* 5.3 5.5 5.8 4.6 -6.0
*Greenbook refers to as “Asphalt %”.