HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-24; Municipal Water District; Resolution 1694RESOLUTION NO. 1694 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TO AUTHORIZE A PRE-EXCAVATION AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN LUIS REY BAND OF MISSION INDIANS FOR TRIBAL MONITORING DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, or CMWD, Board of Directors of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined that it is necessary, desirable and in the public interest to replace water distribution pipelines for the Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement, Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, Project No. 3904-C, or Project; and WHEREAS, on Aug. 30, 2022, the CMWD Board adopted Resolution No. 1682, accepting bids and awarding the contract for the construction of the Project; and WHEREAS the CMWD Board, has determined that it is necessary, desirable and in the public interest to enter into a Pre-Excavation Agreement between the CMWD and the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians for tribal monitoring during ground disturbing construction activities for the Project, and if found, the treatment and protection of Native American cultural resources or unique archaeological resources; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that the Project is categoricaUy exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15302(c), as a replacement or reconstruction of existing utility and/or facilities, and that no exception to the exemption as set forth in CEQA Guidelines section 15300.2 applies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the CMWD Board President is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Pre­ Excavation Agreement between the CMWD and the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians for tribal monitoring during construction of the Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement Project, provided as Attachment A to this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District on the 24th day of January, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, President U�m,__� /r SHERRY FREISINGER, Secretary {SEAL} CIP 3904C Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement Project 2022 Pre-Excavation Agreement CMWD Page 1 of 7 San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians TRIBAL CULTURAL RESOURCES TREATMENT AND TRIBAL MONITORING AGREEMENT (PRE-EXCAVATION AGREEMENT) CIP 3904C DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT CARLSBAD, CA I. PARTIES The Parties to this Agreement are (1) The San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians ("San Luis Rey Band" or "Tribe") and (2) Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a public agency organized under the Municipal Water Act of 1911 and a Subsidiary District of the City of Carlsbad (“CMWD”) Developer/Landowner”). All notices to the Parties will be given at the addresses below: San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians 1889 Sunset Drive Vista, CA 92081 Developer/Landowner CMWD ATTN: General Manager 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 (442) 339-2300 II. SUBJECT MATTER This Agreement concerns a project known as the CIP 3904C Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement Project ("Project"). The Project is located in the City of Carlsbad, the County of San Diego, State of California. The Project proposes Main Replacements for the CIP 3904C Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement project. The Project is located at various locations throughout Carlsbad including areas to be monitored at Juniper Avenue, Hemlock Avenue, Garfield Street, Tierra del Oro and Shore Drive in Carlsbad, CA (“Project Site/Area”). The San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office will be provided a copy of this Agreement by the Tribe. The City of Carlsbad is the Lead Agency for the Project ("Lead Agency") and therefore responsible for the environmental compliance of this Project. Attachment ADocuSign Envelope ID: 2D83FE14-5A14-4C86-93FD-79D352B0B129 CIP 3904C Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement Project 2022 Pre-Excavation Agreement CMWD Page 2 of 7 San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians III. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to formalize procedures for the treatment of Native American human remains (“human remains”), and other Native American grave goods, ceremonial items, and cultural items (collectively, “cultural items” or “tribal ceremonial and cultural items”), in the event that any are found in conjunction with the development of this Project. This Agreement is in furtherance of the protection of significant Native American cultural resources or unique archaeological resources consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act, Cal. Public Resources Code §21000 et seq. ("CEQA"), the conditions of approval for this Project, and subject to compliance with all applicable laws and permits. This Agreement is effective as of the date provided for in Section XVI. IV. CULTURAL AFFILIATION The Parties agree that the Project area is in the vicinity of land which has been traced to and traditionally occupied by the San Luis Rey Band. The San Luis Rey Band has designated Saving Sacred Sites to act on the Band's behalf with respect to the provisions of this Agreement. Any human remains, which are found in conjunction with the development of this Project, will be treated in accordance with Section VII of this Agreement. Any other cultural resources will be treated in accordance with Section VIII of this Agreement. V. MOST LIKELY DESCENDANT In the event that Native American human remains are found during development of this Project, the Parties understand that the determination of Most Likely Descendant ("MLD") under California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98 will be made by the Native American Heritage Commission ("NAHC") upon notification to NAHC of the discovery of said remains at the Project site. Until such time, neither the San Luis Rey Band nor the Developer guarantees that the San Luis Rey Band or one of its members will be so named. However, given the location of the site and the history and prehistory of the area, the Parties agree that their good faith belief is that, when and if such human remains are discovered at the Project site, either Henry Contreras of the San Luis Rey Band or another member of the San Luis Rey Band will be named MLD. Should the NAHC determine that a member of a Native American tribe other than the San Luis Rey Band is the MLD, the provisions of this Agreement relating to the treatment of such Native American human remains will be null and void in their entirety. VI. COORDINATION WITH COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER’S OFFICE The Lead Agency and the Developer will immediately contact the Medical Examiner and the San Luis Rey Band in the event that any human remains are discovered during the development of the Project. Once the Medical Examiner is contacted, determination of whether the remains are human shall be conducted on-site and in situ where they were discovered by a forensic anthropologist with experience in the field of human and faunal osteology. It is understood by the Parties that any unnecessary transportation of the suspected Native American remains would be considered an undignified treatment of those remains. Moreover, it is understood by the Parties that, to the extent required by law and as may be feasible, the suspected and/or identified Native American remains shall DocuSign Envelope ID: 2D83FE14-5A14-4C86-93FD-79D352B0B129 ---- CIP 3904C Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement Project 2022 Pre-Excavation Agreement CMWD Page 3 of 7 San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians stay and/or remain on-site in a secure location, preferably in situ, until the MLD is so identified and a recommendation can be provided in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Medical Examiner will ensure that notification is provided to the NAHC as required by California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5. Developer/Landowner agrees that no construction and/or earth disturbing activities may take place near the area of discovery until the medical examiner has complied with California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 and the procedures outlined in California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98 have been completed. VII. TREATMENT AND DISPOSITION OF REMAINS In the event that Native American human remains are found during any phase of the Project and the San Luis Rey Band or a member of the San Luis Rey Band is determined to be the MLD, pursuant to Section V of this Agreement, the following provisions will apply. The San Luis Rey Band will be allowed, pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(a), to: (1)Inspect the site of the discovery, and (2)Make determinations as to how the human remains and grave goods should be treated and repatriated with appropriate dignity. The Tribe will complete its inspection and provide a recommendation or preferences for treatment within forty-eight (48) hours of being granted access to the site in accordance with California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(a). The term "human remains" encompasses more than human bones because the San Luis Rey Band’s traditions call for the ceremonial burning of human remains, associated funerary objects, and animals. Ashes and other remnants of these burning ceremonies are to be treated in the same manner as bones or bone fragments that remain intact. When there is an inadvertent discovery of human remains, the Parties acknowledge the Tribe’s cultural practice and desire for the human remains to be left “in situ,” or reburied within an area near or in close proximity to the area of discovery and not be subject to future disturbances over a prolonged period of time. A good faith effort will be made by the Parties to accommodate the Tribe’s cultural practices. In addition, pursuant to California Public Resources Code §5097.98(f), upon discovery of multiple human remains, the Landowner, agrees to consult with the Tribe to consider appropriate treatment of multiple human remains. Culturally appropriate treatment of such remains may be ascertained from a review of the site utilizing cultural and archaeological standards. The Parties agree that good faith consultation with one another will be required in discussing appropriate treatment. The Parties agree to discuss in good faith what constitutes "appropriate dignity," as that term is used in the applicable statutes and in the San Luis Rey Band's customs and traditions. Reburial of human remains must be accomplished in compliance with the California Public Resources Code Sections 5097.98. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2D83FE14-5A14-4C86-93FD-79D352B0B129 CIP 3904C Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement Project 2022 Pre-Excavation Agreement CMWD Page 4 of 7 San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians The Tribe and the Landowner will have the final determination as to the disposition and treatment of the Native American remains and/or Native American grave goods. The Parties acknowledge that it is the tradition and preference of the San Luis Rey Band to rebury their ancestor remains, associated grave goods, ceremonial goods, or cultural items on or in close proximity of the site of their discovery and in an area which will not be subject to future disturbances over a prolonged period of time. If the Landowner cannot come to an agreement with the Tribe, the Landowner acknowledges its responsibility under California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(e) in that the Landowner shall reinter the human remains and items associated with Native American remains with appropriate dignity on the property in a location not subject to further and future surface disturbance. Landowner further acknowledges that upon the discovery of Native American remains, the Landowner, in accordance with California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(b), shall ensure that the immediate vicinity where the Native American remains are located is not damaged or disturbed by further development activity. Parties acknowledge that the Tribe’s highest priority is to avoid disturbing human remains through consultation and appropriate avoidance and mitigation measures. It is understood by the Parties that avoidance of human remains and grave goods may require changes to the Landowner/Developer’s Project plans and activities. No pictures may be taken of the remains and/or associated burial goods, except by written authorization from the Tribe. In addition, no photographs or electronic means of recording the human remains and/or associated burial goods shall be permitted. Any Native American remains, associated burial and/or funerary goods, and cultural items found during the excavation should be returned to the San Luis Rey Band and not curated in any facility in accordance with the Tribe’s traditional and cultural beliefs. VIII.TREATMENT OF CULTURAL ITEMS Treatment of ceremonial and cultural items will reflect the religious beliefs, customs, and practices of the San Luis Rey Band. The Developer agrees to give all tribal ceremonial and cultural items which may be found at the Project site to the San Luis Rey Band. Tribal ceremonial, religious and/or burial related items may not be removed from the site without the express written consent by the Tribe. The Tribe shall be responsible for appropriate treatment of cultural items, unless the Developer is otherwise ordered by a court or agency of competent jurisdiction. The Developer, therefore, waives any and all claims to ownership of Tribal ceremonial and cultural items that may be found on the Project site in favor of the San Luis Rey Band. If temporary possession of ceremonial or cultural items (by an outside agency or individual) is necessary as part of the Environmental Impact Review mitigation process, said agency or individual will not possess those DocuSign Envelope ID: 2D83FE14-5A14-4C86-93FD-79D352B0B129 CIP 3904C Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement Project 2022 Pre-Excavation Agreement CMWD Page 5 of 7 San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians items for longer than is reasonably necessary. If temporary possession of ceremonial or cultural items by an entity or individual other than the San Luis Rey Band is necessary, said entity or individual shall not possess those items for longer than is reasonably necessary. If any items are to be analyzed and/or evaluated by said agency, entity and/or individual, the Tribe reserves the right to have a representative of their choosing to be present during such analysis and/or evaluation of the cultural resource. The Developer agrees to consult with the Tribe when unique archaeological resources are discovered during the Project and in determining culturally-appropriate treatment of those resources, including but not limited to potentially avoiding the resource(s), placing a conservation easement over the resource(s), funding an ethnographic or ethnohistoric study of the resource(s), and/or developing a data recovery plan. IX. NON-DISCLOSURE OF LOCATION OF REBURIALS AND CULTURAL ITEMS It is understood by the Parties that, unless otherwise required by law, the site of any reburial of Native American human remains will not be disclosed and will not be governed by public disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act, Cal. Govt. Code §6250 et seq. The site of reburial will be disclosed (if requested) to the entity ultimately responsible for managing all the Open Space associated with the Project. The Medical Examiner will withhold public disclosure of information related to such reburial pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code Section 6254(r). In addition, the Parties agree that, unless otherwise required by law, the location of any cultural items associated with the Band which have been reburied pursuant to Section VII will not be disclosed by either Party. However, the Band may disclose the location to other tribal members as necessary for maintenance and preservation efforts. X. ROLE OF NATIVE AMERICAN AND/OR TRIBAL MONITORS IN PROTECTING AND PRESERVING THE TRIBE’S SACRED CULTURAL RESOURCES The Developer agrees to permit Native American and/or Tribal monitoring during grubbing, grading and/or other ground disturbing activities of soils, including the placement of imported fill materials, to identify any evidence of potential archaeological resources (“Project Activities”). The Parties agree that if the Lead Agency modifies the Project’s mitigation measures for tribal cultural resources that limits the presence of Native American and/or Tribal monitors during the placement of imported fill materials, such as requiring proper documentation stating that the fill material is absent any cultural resources, then both Parties will honor any such modification. Developer further agrees that to mitigate any potential impact to the Tribe’s sacred cultural resources during Project Activities that Tribal monitors shall be empowered to stop or relocate excavation activities for short periods of time to allow the Project archaeologist to conduct controlled excavation for evaluation of the significance of discovered cultural items. Developer agrees to invite the Project’s designated Native American and/or Tribal monitor (Saving Sacred Sites) to participate in any and all pre-construction conference(s) held by the Lead Agency and/or the Developer to best clarify monitoring specifications and/or cultural landscape sensitivities with the Developer’s Project inspector(s), contractor, and/or Project manager. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2D83FE14-5A14-4C86-93FD-79D352B0B129 ---- CIP 3904C Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement Project 2022 Pre-Excavation Agreement CMWD Page 6 of 7 San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians XI. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, successors, representatives, executors, administrators, and assigns of the Parties, including subsequent land owners and Developers of the Project area and any person or entity obligated to comply with environmental and cultural/archaeological protection laws applicable to this Project. XII. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE Nothing in this Agreement excuses the Lead Agency on this Project or the Developer from their obligations under any applicable state or federal laws or regulations, including but not limited to the California Environmental Quality Act CEQA, Public resources Code §21000 et seq.; the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), 16 U.S.C. §470 et seq.; California Public Resources Code Sections 5097.98, 5097.98(c), and 5097.99; California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5(c); California Government Code Section 6254; the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, 25 U.S.C. §3001 et seq., the California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 2001, California Health and Safety Code §8010 et seq.; and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to make any of the above-referenced laws applicable where such laws would otherwise be inapplicable. XIII. INSURANCE AND INDEMNITY The Tribe, its officers, members, directors, council members, agents, employees, affiliates, successors, subsidiaries, assigns, and related organizations or entities, in no way agree to defend, hold harmless, indemnify nor guarantee in any way the Developer from any and all claims, obligations, liabilities, damages or actions arising out of, relating to or connected with the Projects. The Developer, its officers, members, directors, agents, employees, affiliates, successors, subsidiaries, assigns, and related organizations or entities, in no way agree to defend, hold harmless, indemnify nor guarantee in any way the Tribe from any and all claims, obligations, liabilities, damages or actions arising out of, relating to or connected with the Projects. XIV. SEVERABILITY Should any part of this Agreement be found by any court or agency of competent jurisdiction to be to any extent invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected thereby and will be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. XV. LIMITATION ON SCOPE This Agreement is unique to this Project only and does not set a precedent for other projects. XVI. AMENDMENT DocuSign Envelope ID: 2D83FE14-5A14-4C86-93FD-79D352B0B129 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2O83FE14-5A 14-4C86-93FD-79O352B0B129 Any amendment and/or modification to this Agreement must be made in writing and agreed to by all interested Parties. XVII.BREACH OF CONTRACT Any violation and/or disregard of the terms of this Agreement, material or otherwise, willconstitute a breach of contract and allow either Party to seek judicial relief against the other Party in the applicable court of law. Relief sought by the Party may be injunctive or monetary, or both, when applicable. XVIII.COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be signed in two or more counterparts and will be effective when all Partiesand signatories have affixed their signatures to two or more of the counterparts and said counterparts have been delivered to all Parties, at which time the counterparts together will be deemed one original document. Date: By: 12/28/2022 San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians Melvin J. Vernon Tribal Captain Date: By: ClP 3904C Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement Project CMWD Page 7 of7 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Keith Blackburn I� President 2022 Pre-Excavation Agreement San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians