HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 2018-0002; AVIARA APARTMENTS EAST; TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SHORING DESIGN; 2022-12-07SHORING DESIGN GROUP 7727 Caminito Liliana|San Diego, CA 92129|phone (760) 586-8121 Email: rreed@shoringdesign.com    ĞĐĞŵďĞƌϳ͕ϮϬϮϮ   Dƌ͘:ĞĨĨtŝůůŝĂŵƐ ƌŝĚŐĞ,ŽƵƐŝŶŐ WŚŽŶĞ;ϲϭϵͿϴϭϰͲϭϮϴϭ ϰϭϰϮĚĂŵƐǀĞŶƵĞ͕^ƵŝƚĞϭϬϯͲϲϮϳ  ^ĂŶŝĞŐŽ͕ϵϮϭϭϲ    ZĞ͗  ǀŝĂƌĂƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚƐ :KηϮϬͲϭϲϰ ĂƌůƐďĂĚ͕ĂůŝĨŽƌŶŝĂ  ^ƵďũĞĐƚ͗ dĞŵƉŽƌĂƌLJΘWĞƌŵĂŶĞŶƚ^ŚŽƌŝŶŐĞƐŝŐŶ^ƵďŵŝƚƚĂů ZĞǀŝƐŝŽŶϭ    ĞĂƌDƌ͘tŝůůŝĂŵƐ͗  hƉŽŶ LJŽƵƌ ƌĞƋƵĞƐƚ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĨŝŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƉĞƌŵĂŶĞŶƚ ƐŚŽƌŝŶŐ ĚĞƐŝŐŶ ĐĂůĐƵůĂƚŝŽŶƐĨŽƌƚŚĞĂďŽǀĞ ƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞĚƉƌŽũĞĐƚ͘  ^ŚŽƵůĚLJŽƵŚĂǀĞĂŶLJĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂůƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶƐŽƌĐŽŵŵĞŶƚƐƌĞŐĂƌĚŝŶŐƚŚŝƐŵĂƚƚĞƌ͕ƉůĞĂƐĞĂĚǀŝƐĞ͘  ^ŝŶĐĞƌĞůLJ͕    ^,KZ/E'^/'E'ZKhW͕           ZŽLJW͘ZĞĞĚ͕W͘͘ WƌŽũĞĐƚŶŐŝŶĞĞƌ   ŶĐů͗ĞƐŝŐŶĂůĐƵůĂƚŝŽŶƐ THESE PLANS/DOCUMENTS HAVE BEENREVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THEAPPLICABLE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDSCODES AS ADOPTED BY THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA AND AMENDED BY THEJURISDICTION. PLAN REVIEW ACCEPTANCE OFDOCUMENTS DOES NOT AUTHORIZECONSTRUCTION TO PROCEED IN VIOLATION OFANY FEDERAL, STATE, NOR LOCAL REGULATION. BY: _________________ DATE: ________________ True North Compliance Services, Inc. THIS SET OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSMUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMESAND IT IS UNLAWFUL TO MAKE ANY CHANGES ORALTERATIONS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THECITY. OCCUPANCY OF STRUCTURE(S) IS NOTPERMITTED UNTIL FINAL APPROVAL IS GRANTEDBY ALL APPLICABLE DEPARTMENTS. Alaa Atassi 01/19/2023 SHORING DESIGN GROUP 7727 Caminito Liliana| San Diego, CA 92129| phone (760) 586-8121 Email: rreed@shoringdesign.com   Temporary Shoring Design Calculations        Aviara Apartments    Carlsbad, California      December 7, 2022    SDG Project # 20‐164        Table of Contents:  Section    Shoring Plans: ........................................................................................................................................... 1    Shoring Load Parameters: ........................................................................................................................ 2    Soldier Beam Design #1, 14 (H=5’, with 1‐1 Slope Surcharge): ............................................................... 3    Soldier Beam Design #2 (H=6’, with 1‐1 Slope Surcharge): ..................................................................... 4    Soldier Beam Design #3 (H=10’, with 2‐1 Slope Surcharge): ................................................................... 5    Soldier Beam Design #4 (H=11’, with 2‐1 Slope Surcharge): ................................................................... 6    Soldier Beam Design #5‐6 (H=12’, with 2‐1 Slope Surcharge): ................................................................ 7    Soldier Beam Design #7 (H=13’): ............................................................................................................. 8    Permanent Soldier Beam Cases (Temporary & Permanent Design Cases)    Soldier Beam Design #8‐13 (H=12’, Max. Temporary State): .................................................................. 9    Soldier Beam Design #8‐13 (H=10’, Max. Permanent State): ................................................................ 10    Shotcrete Facing & Lagging Design: ....................................................................................... 11    Soldier Beam Schedule: .......................................................................................................... 12    Geotechnical Report: ............................................................................................................. 13                Section 1     CUT:FILL:IMPORT:EXPORT:REMEDIAL: CYEARTHWORK QUANTITIESCYCYCYCYGRADING NOTES(IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 15.16 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE.)1. THIS PLAN SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER PLANS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING GRADING SHOWN ON THIS SET OF PLANS.2. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN DOES NOT LESSEN OR WAIVE ANY PORTION OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, RESOLUTION OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL, CITY STANDARDS OR OTHER ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS LISTED HEREON AS THEY MAY PERTAIN TO THIS PROJECT. THE ENGINEER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE SHALL REVISE THESE PLANS WHEN NON-CONFORMANCE IS DISCOVERED.3. CITY APPROVAL OF PLANS DOES NOT RELIEVE THE DEVELOPER OR ENGINEER-OF-WORK FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CORRECTION OF ERRORS AND OMISSION DISCOVERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALL PLAN REVISIONS SHALL BE PROMPTLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL.4. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT FROM THE CITY ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE, A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT MUST BE FILED NAMING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED ON THE PERMITTEE'S POLICY IN THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF $1,000,000.00 FOR EACH OCCURRANCE OF LIABILITY. THE INSURANCE COMPANY WRITING THE POLICY MUST HAVE A RATING OF "A-" OR BETTER AND A SIZE CATEGORY OF CLASS VII OR BETTER AS ESTABLISHED BY "BESTS" KEY RATING GUIDE.5. NO WORK SHALL BE COMMENCED UNTIL ALL PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES.6. REVISION OF THESE PLANS MAY BE REQUIRED IF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE DATE OF THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT.7. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY ENGINEER DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK OR GRADING TO BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE PROPERTY OWNER'S PERMISSION HAS BEEN OBTAINED AND A VALID GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED.8. NO REVISIONS WILL BE MADE TO THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER, NOTED WITHIN THE REVISION BLOCK, ON THE APPROPRIATE SHEET OF THE PLANS AND THE TITLE SHEET.9. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CITY UPON BEING SIGNED BY THE CITY ENGINEER.10. THE ORIGINAL DRAWING SHALL BE REVISED TO REFLECT AS-BUILT CONDITIONS BY THE ENGINEER-OF-WORK PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK BY THE CITY.11. ACCESS FOR FIRE AND OTHER EMERGENCY VEHICLES SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION.12. WHERE TRENCHES ARE WITHIN CITY EASEMENTS, A SOILS REPORT COMPRISED OF: (A) SUMMARY SHEET, (B) LABORATORY WORK SHEETS AND (C) COMPACTION CURVES, SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, PRINCIPALLY DOING BUSINESS IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED SOILS MECHANICS. THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEERING INSPECTOR WITHIN TWO WORKING DAYS OF THE COMPLETION OF FIELD TESTS.13. A SOILS COMPACTION REPORT AND COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION REGARDING ADHERENCE TO RECOMMENDATIONS OUTLINED IN THE SOILS REPORT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. ALL CONTROLLED GRADING SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA PRINCIPALLY DOING BUSINESS IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED SOILS MECHANICS. ALL FILL OR FUTURE FILL AREAS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND THE " EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS " ATTACHED TO THE PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION. DAILY FIELD COMPACTION REPORTS WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE PROJECT INSPECTOR.14. A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE HELD PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF WORK AND SHALL BE ATTENDED BY ALL REPRESENTATIVES RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTION, SUPERVISION, TESTING AND ALL OTHER ASPECTS OF THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE CONTACTED BY THE PROJECT INSPECTOR TO COORDINATE A DATE AND TIME FOR THE PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. APPROVED DRAWINGS MUST BE AVAILABLE PRIOR TO SCHEDULING. THE GRADING PERMIT WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT INSPECTOR AT THE MEETING.15. ALL INSPECTION REQUESTS OTHER THAN FOR PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING WILL BE MADE BY CALLING THE ENGINEERING 24-HOUR INSPECTION REQUEST LINE AT (760) 438-3891. INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO 2:00 P.M. ON THE WORKING DAY BEFORE THE INSPECTION IS NEEDED. INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE THE NEXT WORK DAY UNLESS YOU REQUEST OTHERWISE. REQUESTS MADE AFTER 2:00 P.M. WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR TWO FULL WORK DAYS LATER.16. THE OWNER AND/OR APPLICANT THROUGH THE DEVELOPER AND/OR CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGN, CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN ALL SAFETY DEVICES, INCLUDING SHORING, AND SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFORMING TO ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS, LAWS AND REGULATIONS.17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO LABOR CODE SECTION 6705 BY SUBMITTING A DETAIL PLAN TO THE CITY ENGINEER AND/OR CONCERNED AGENCY SHOWING THE DESIGN OF SHORING, BRACING SLOPING OR OTHER PROVISIONS TO BE MADE OF WORKER PROTECTION FROM THE HAZARD OF CAVING GROUND DURING THE EXCAVATION OF SUCH TRENCH OR TRENCHES OR DURING THE PIPE INSTALLATION THEREIN. THIS PLAN MUST BE PREPARED FOR ALL TRENCHES FIVE FEET (5') OR MORE IN DEPTH AND APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND/OR CONCERNED AGENCY PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. IF THE PLAN VARIES FROM THE SHORING SYSTEM STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS, TITLE 8 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, THE PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY A REGISTERED ENGINEER AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. A COPY OF THE OSHA EXCAVATION PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO EXCAVATION.18. NO BLASTING SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL A VALID BLASTING PERMIT HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. SUBMIT APPLICATION FOR BLASTING PERMIT WELL IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULING OF BLASTING OPERATIONS.19. IF ANY ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES ARE DISCOVERED WITHIN ANY WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION, OPERATIONS WILL CEASE IMMEDIATELY, AND THE PERMITTEE WILL NOTIFY THE CITY ENGINEER. OPERATIONS WILL NOT RESTART UNTIL THE PERMITTEE HAS RECEIVED WRITTEN AUTHORITY FROM THE CITY ENGINEER TO DO SO.20. ALL OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE SITE OR ADJACENT THERETO, INCLUDING WARMING UP, REPAIR, ARRIVAL, DEPARTURE OR OPERATION OF TRUCKS, EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND ANY OTHER ASSOCIATED GRADING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 6:00 P.M. EACH DAY, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY AND NO EARTHMOVING OR GRADING OPERATIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED ON WEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS. (A LIST OF CITY HOLIDAYS IS AVAILABLE AT THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COUNTER.)21. ALL OFF-SITE HAUL ROUTES SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL TWO FULL WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBRIS OR DAMAGE OCCURRING ALONG THE HAUL ROUTE OR ADJACENT STREETS AS A RESULT OF THE GRADING OPERATION.22. IMPORT MATERIAL SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM, AND WASTE MATERIAL SHALL BE DEPOSITED AT, A SITE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBRIS OR DAMAGE OCCURRING ALONG THE HAUL ROUTES OR ADJACENT STREETS AS A RESULT OF THE GRADING OPERATION.23. BRUSH SHALL BE REMOVED ONLY WITHIN THE AREA TO BE GRADED. NO TREES ARE TO BE REMOVED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THE PLAN.24. ALL AREAS SHALL BE GRADED TO DRAIN. GRADING RESULTING IN THE PONDING OF WATER IS NOT PERMITTED. ALL EARTHEN SWALES AND DITCHES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM ONE PERCENT SLOPE.25. THESE PLANS ARE SUBJECT TO A SIGNED AND APPROVED SWPPP AND/OR SET OF EROSION CONTROL PLANS. EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE AS SHOWN AND AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OR AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT INSPECTOR.26. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE TRIMMED TO A FINISH GRADE TO PRODUCE A UNIFORM SURFACE AND CROSS SECTION. THE SITE SHALL BE LEFT IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY CONDITION. ALL STONES, ROOTS OR OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF AT A SITE APPROVED OF BY THE CITY ENGINEER.27. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE IRRIGATED, STABILIZED, PLANTED AND/OR HYDROSEEDED WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF THE TIME WHEN EACH SLOPE IS BROUGHT TO GRADE AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED GRADING PLANS.28. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED ON ALL SLOPES AND PADS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, THE LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR THIS PROJECT, DRAWING NO. 535-1P , AND/OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OR PLANNING DIRECTOR.29. THE OWNER/APPLICANT SHALL INSURE THAT ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL COORDINATE THE WORK OF THESE GRADING PLANS WITH THAT SHOWN ON BOTH THE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS AND THE IMPROVEMENT PLANS AS REQUIRED FOR THIS WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL TIME REQUIREMENTS.30. WHERE AN EXISTING PIPE LINE IS TO BE ABANDONED AS A RESULT OF THE GRADING OPERATION, IT SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN TWENTY FEET OF BUILDING OR STREET AREAS AND REPLACED WITH PROPERLY COMPACTED SOILS. IN OTHER AREAS THE PIPE WILL BE PLUGGED WITH CONCRETE OR REMOVED AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER.GRADING NOTES (continued)31. THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF UTILITY STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE RECORDS. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE POSSIBLE EXISTENCE OF OTHER UTILITY FACILITIES OR STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN OR IN A LOCATION DIFFERENT FROM THAT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND ANY OTHER EXISTING FACILITIES OR STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN.32. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING FACILITIES ( ABOVE GROUND AND UNDER GROUND ) WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE SUFFICIENTLY AHEAD OF GRADING TO PERMIT THE REVISION OF THE GRADING PLANS IF IT IS FOUND THAT THE ACTUAL LOCATIONS ARE IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED WORK.33. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY AFFECTED UTILITY COMPANIES (SEE BELOW) AT LEAST 2 FULL WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING GRADING NEAR THEIR FACILITIES AND SHALL COORDINATE THE WORK WITH A COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE.UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (800)422-4133SDG&E (800)411-7343AT&T (800)892-0123TIME WARNER CABLE (760)438-7741COX COMMUNICATIONS (619)262-1122CITY OF CARLSBAD(STREETS & STORM DRAIN) (760)434-2980CITY OF CARLSBAD(SEWER,WATER & RECLAIMED WATER) (760)438-2722SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT (760)633-2650LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT (760)753-0155VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT (760)744-0460OLIVENHAIN WATER DISTRICT (760)753-6466BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT (760)726-1340 x1330 *AS APPROPRIATE34. PERMIT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS: A. FOR CONTROLLED GRADING - THE APPLICANT HIRES A CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILSENGINEER, AND/OR GEOLOGIST TO GIVE TECHNICAL ADVICE, OBSERVE ANDCONTROL THE WORK IN PROGRESS {15.16.120 A.8} CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE.B. PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF A GRADING PERMIT - THE FOLLOWING REPORTS MUST BESUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER VIA THE PROJECT INSPECTOR {15.16.120 A.10}CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE:(1) FINAL REPORT BY SUPERVISING GRADING ENGINEER STATING ALL GRADING IS COMPLETE. ALL EROSION CONTROL, SLOPE PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ARE INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH CITY CODE AND THE APPROVED PLANS ( OBTAIN SAMPLE OF COMPLIANCE LETTER FROM CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT).(2) AS-BUILT GRADING PLAN(3) REPORT FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER, WHICH INCLUDES RECOMMENDEDSOIL BEARING CAPACITIES, A STATEMENT AS TO THE EXPANSIVE QUALITY OFTHE SOIL, AND SUMMARIES OF FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTS AND PLOTTEDTEST POINTS THE REPORT SHALL ALSO INCLUDE A STATEMENT BY THE SOILSENGINEER THAT THE GRADING WAS DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEREQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OUTLINED IN THE PRELIMINARYSOILS REPORT AND ANY SUPPLEMENTS THERETO.(4) REPORT WITH AS-BUILT GEOLOGIC PLAN, IF REQUIRED BY THE CITY.35. UNLESS A GRADING PERMIT FOR THIS PROJECT IS ISSUED WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE CITYENGINEER'S APPROVAL, THESE PLANS MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE RESUBMITTED FOR PLANCHECK.PLANCHECK FEES WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ANY SUCH RECHECK.36. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY STORM WATER STANDARDS, ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS CONSTRUCTEDBY THIS PLAN SHALL INCLUDE "STENCILS" BE ADDED TO PROHIBIT WASTEWATER DISCHARGEDOWNSTREAM. STENCILS SHALL BE ADDED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER.OWNER'S CERTIFICATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A REGISTERED SOILS ENGINEER OR GEOLOGIST HAS BEEN OR WILL BE RETAINED TO SUPERVISE OVE-ALL GRADING ACTIVITY AND ADVISE ON THE COMPACTION AND STABILITY OF THIS SITE. IF THIS PROJECT/DEVELOPMENT IS SUBJECT TO A STATE REGULATED SWPPP, I ALSO AGREE A QUALIFIED SWPPP PRACTITIONER (QSP) HAS BEEN OR WILL BE RETAINED TO SUPERVISE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP IN ACCRDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION ORDER AND MUNICIPAL PERMIT, LATEST VERSION.JEFF WILLIAMS DATEBRIDGE HOUSING CORP. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGEI HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE ENGINEER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS.I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF THE PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DOES NOT RELIEVE ME AS ENGINEER OF WORK,OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE PROJECT DESIGN.SHORING DESIGN GROUP7727 CAMINITO LILIANASAN DIEGO, CA 92129BY: _______________________________________ ________________ ROY P. REED RCE No. 80503 DATE SOILS ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATEI, JAMES C. SANDERS, A REGISTERED CIVIL/GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, PRINCIPALLY DOING BUSINESS IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS, HEREBY VERIFY THAT A SAMPLING AND STUDY OF THE SOIL CONDITIONS PREVALENT WITHIN THIS SITE WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION ON MARCH 14, 2022. TWO COMPLETE COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT COMPILED FROM THIS STUDY, WITH MY RECOMMENDATIONS, HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER.SIGNED: ______________________________ DATE: _______________James C. Sanders, CEG 2258DISCIPLINE: ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST EXPIRATION DATE: 7/31/23SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY:TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WAS GENERATED BY AERIAL SURVEY METHODS FROM INFORMATION GATHERED ON 8-5-21 BY R.J. LUNG. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN HEREON CONFORMS TO NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS.PROJECT LOCATION:THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER(S) 212-040-5600 THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE INDEX OF THIS PROJECT IS: N 1988 E 6237SHORING PLANS FOR:AVIARA APARTMENTS EASTINDEX OF SHEETSSHEET 1:TITLE, NOTES & LEGENDSHEET 2: NOTESSHEET 3: OVERALL SITE PLANSHEET 4: PLAN & ELEVATIONSHEET 5: DETAILS & SECTIONSSHEET 6: DETAILS & SECTIONSSHEET 7: NOTES & INSEPCTIONSLEGAL DESCRIPTIONLOT 4 OF MAP 16521, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA.REFERENCE DRAWINGSDWG. 345-9, 432-2, 535-1, 535-1B, 535-1PDEVELOPERBRIDGE HOUSING CORP.4142 ADAMS AVE., SUITE 103-627SAN DIEGO, CA 92116(619) 814-1281ATTN: JEFF WILLIAMSBENCH MARKDESCRIPTION: MONUMENT CLSB-053LOCATION: SET 2.5" DISK IN NW CORNER OF VAULT ON THE W. SIDE OF HIDDEN VALLEY RD. 0.1 MI. SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT RD.RECORDED FROM: ROS 17271ELEVATION: 82.744DATUM: NGVD 29PROJECT ADDRESS6145 LAUREL TREE LANECARLSBAD, CA 92011WORK TO BE DONETHE GRADING WORK SHALL CONSIST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL CUTS AND FILLS,REMEDIAL GRADING, DRAINAGE FACILITIES, EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES, AND PLANTING OF PERMANENT LANDSCAPING AND PREPARATION OF AS-BUILT GRADING PLANS, AS-BUILT GEOLOGIC MAPS AND REPORTS, ALL AS SHOWN OR REQUIRED ON THIS SET OF PLANS AND THE CITY STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES CITED ON THESE PLANS.THE GRADING WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWINGDOCUMENTS, CURRENT AT THE TIME OFCONSTRUCTION, AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER.1. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE2. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING STANDARDS3. THIS SET OF PLANS4. RESOLUTION NO. 7399 DATED 12-16-20205. THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (GREEN BOOK).6. SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS BY GROUP DELTA DATED APRIL 14TH, 20227. THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWINGS AND AS MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARDS.8. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CONDITIONS DATED N/A .9. ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL DOCUMENT RESOLUTION NO. 7398 DATED 12-16-2020 FOR EIR 2018-0001 AND ASSOCIATED MMRP.10. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PREPARED BY H&A DATED 8-16-2022 WDID NO. 9 37C39924211. STORM WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARED BY H&A DATED 8-16-202212. CALIFORNIA STORM WATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION BMP CONSTRUCTION HANDBOOK AND CALTRANS CONSTRUCTION SITE BMP MANUAL.SYMBOLDESCRIPTIONDRAWING NO.QUANTITYLEGENDSITEPROJECT00BASIS OF BEARINGS:THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM ZONE 6, NAD83 1991.35 EPOCH, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY BY A LINE BETWEEN STATION CLSB-64 AND CLSB-63 AS SAID COORDINATES ARE PUBLISHED IN RECORD OF SURVEY 17271 AND ARE PART OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD HORIZONTAL CONTROL NETWORK. I.E. N02°17'35"W.DISTURBED AND IMPERVIOUS AREA:TOTAL LOT AREA= 1.49 ACTOTAL DISTURBED AREA= 0.35 AC(THIS AREA INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO OFF-SITE WORK INCLUDING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND TEMPORARY DISTURBANCE SUCH AS VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT STAGING AREAS, CONSTRUCTION TRENCHES, BACKFILL CUTS, AND SLOPE KEYWAYS)TOTAL REPLACED IMPREVIOUS AREA= 0 SFTOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA= 0 SFR:\1718\&Eng\Shoring Plans\1718SHORING-01.dwg[]Dec-07-2022:15:26REVIEWED BY:DATEINSPECTORDATE"AS BUILT"ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTRCEEXP.EXISTING CONTOUR......................................................................................................RIGHT OF WAY............................................................................................................................................TEMPORARY SHORING......................PER PER DETS. SHT. 5-7.........................PERMANENT SHORING W/.................PER PER DETS. SHT. 5-7.........................SHOTCRETE WALL FACING (REFER TO LS PLAN SHT LC-01 FOR FINISH).....553 SF416 SF17821782ABANDONMENT NOTESPARTIALLY COMPLETED PROJECTS SEEKING TO INDEFINITELY STOP WORK AND CLOSE THE GRADINGPERMIT MUST IMPLEMENT APPROPRIATE ACCESS RESTRICTION AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLMEASURES TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING:1) PERMANENTLY STABILIZE ALL SLOPES (>5%) - 70% COVER WITH WELL-ESTABLISHED, SUSTAINABLE,NON-WEED VEGETATION (SEE CITY LANDSCAPE MANUAL FOR GUIDELINES) IS CONSIDEREDADEQUATE.2) PERMANENTLY STABILIZE FLAT AREAS (≤5%) - 70% COVER WITH WELL-ESTABLISHED, SUSTAINABLE,NON-WEED VEGETATION (SEE CITY LANDSCAPE MANUAL FOR GUIDELINES) OR 2 INCHES (MINIMUM) OFPERMEABLE COVER (E.G., GRAVEL) ISCONSIDERED ADEQUATE.3) RESTRICT ACCESS TO SITE - COORDINATE WITH CITY STAFF TO DETERMINE APPROPRIATE FENCINGTYPE.4) SIGNAGE ALONG FRONTAGE ROAD(S) POSTING THAT DUMPING, LITTERING, AND TRESPASSING AREPROHIBITED.5) TRESPASS ENFORCEMENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER MUST BE SENT FROM THE OWNER TO THE CITYOF CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT.6) NOTARIZE AND RECORD AGAINST THE PROPERTY AN AGREEMENT STATING THAT OWNER ISRESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING FENCING AND SIGNAGE, ADHERING TO THE FIRE PREVENTIONORDINATION, KEEPING THE SITE FREE FROM LITTER ACCUMULATION AND VEGETATION GROWTH, ANDREMOVING ANY ILLEGALLY DUMPED MATERIALS AT THE SITE UNTIL THE PROPERTY IS DEVELOPED INTHE FUTURE.PROPOSED RETAINING WALL ...............................PER DWG 535-1B................SOLDIER BEAM COUNT100 R:\1718\&Eng\Shoring Plans\1718SHORING-02.dwg[]Dec-07-2022:15:27REVIEWED BY:DATEINSPECTORDATE"AS BUILT"ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTRCEEXP.TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANTING AND IRRIGATIONALL PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANTING AND IRRIGATION SHALL BEINSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 212 OF THE STANDARDSPECIFICATIONS AND THE FOLLOWING:A. HYDROSEEDING SHALL BE APPLIED TO:1. ALL SLOPES THAT ARE GRADED 6:1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) OR STEEPER WHEN THEY ARE:a. THREE FEET OR MORE IN HEIGHT AND ADJACENT TO A PUBLIC WALL OR STREET.b. ALL SLOPES 4 FEET OR MORE IN HEIGHT.2. AREAS GRADED FLATTER THAN 6:1 WHEN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSEXIST:a. NOT SCHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS(CONSTRUCTION OR GENERAL LANDSCAPING) WITHIN 60 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING.b. IDENTIFIED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR AS HIGHLY VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC.c. HAVE ANY SPECIAL CONDITION IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY ENGINEER THAT WARRANTS IMMEDIATE TREATMENT.B. HYDROSEEDED AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWINGCRITERIA:1. ALL SLOPES THAT ARE GRADED 6:1 OR STEEPER AND THAT ARE:a. THREE TO EIGHT FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE IRRIGATED BY HAND WATERING FROM QUICK COUPLERS/HOSE BIBS OR A CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM OF LOW PRECIPITATION SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 100% COVERAGE.b. GREATER THAN 8 FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE WATERED BY A CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM OF LOW PRECIPITATION SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 100% COVERAGE.2. AREAS SLOPED LESS THAN 6:1 SHALL BE IRRIGATED AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, PRIOR TO HYDROSEEDING. THE DEVELOPER SHALL SUBMIT A PROPOSED SCHEME TO PROVIDE IRRIGATION TO THE CITY ENGINEER. THE PROPOSAL SHALL BE SPECIFIC REGARDING THE NUMBERS, TYPES AND COSTS OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE THE PROPOSED SYSTEM.3. IRRIGATION SHALL MAINTAIN THE MOISTURE LEVEL OF THE SOIL AT THE OPTIMUM LEVEL FOR THE GROWTH OF THE HYDROSEEDED GROWTH.C. HYDROSEEDING MIX SHALL CONSIST OF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:1. SEED MIX SHALL CONSIST OF NO LESS THAN:a. 20 lbs. PER ACRE OF ROSE CLOVERb. 20 lbs. PER ACRE OF ZORRO FESCUE c. 3 lbs. PER ACRE OF E SCHOOL CIA CALIFORNICA d. 4 lbs. PER ACRE OF ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIA e. 3 lbs. PER ACRE OF ALYSSUM (CARPET OF SNOW)f. 1/2 lb. PER ACRE OF DIMORPHOLECAg. ITEMS c,d,e, AND f OF THIS SUBSECTION MAY BE OMITTED ON LOCATIONS WHERE THE AREA BEING HYDROSEEDED IS NOT VISIBLE FROM EITHER A PUBLIC STREET OR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES.h. ITEM a OF THIS SUBSECTION MUST BE INOCULATED WITH A NITROGEN FIXING BACTERIA AND APPLIED DRY EITHER BY DRILLING OR BROADCASTING BEFORE HYDROSEEDING.i. ALL SEED MATERIALS SHALL BE TRANSPORTED TO THE JOBSITE IN UNOPENED CONTAINERS WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE CERTIFICATION TAG ATTACHED TO, ORPRINTED ON SAID CONTAINERS.j. NON-PHYTO-TOXIC WETTING AGENTS MAY BE ADDED TO THE HYDROSEED SLURRY AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CONTRACTOR.2. TYPE 1 MULCH APPLIED AT THE RATE OF NO LESS THAN 2000 lbs PER ACRE. TYPE 6 MULCH (STRAW) MAY BE SUBSTITUTED, ALL OR PART, FOR HYDRAULICALLY APPLIED FIBER MATERIAL. WHEN STRAW IS USED IT MUST BE ANCHORED TO THE SLOPE BY MECHANICALLY PUNCHING NO LESS THAN 50% OF THE STRAW INTO THE SOIL.3. FERTILIZER CONSISTING OF AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULFATE, 16-20-0, WITH 15% SULPHUR APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 500 lbs. PER ACRE.D. AREAS TO BE HYDROSEEDED SHALL BE PREPARED PRIOR TO HYDROSEEDING BY: 1. ROUGHENING THE SURFACE TO BE PLANTED BY ANY OR A COMBINATION OF:a. TRACK WALKING SLOPES STEEPER THAN 6:1 b. HARROWING AREAS 6:1 OR FLATTER THAT ARE SUFFICIENTLY FRIABLE. c. RIPPING AREAS THAT WILL NOT BREAK UP USING ITEMS a OR b ABOVE.2. CONDITIONING THE SOILS SO THAT IT IS SUITABLE FOR PLANTING BY:a. ADJUSTING THE SURFACE SOIL MOISTURE TO PROVIDE A DAMP BUT NOT SATURATED SEED BED.b. THE ADDITION OF SOIL AMENDMENTS, PH ADJUSTMENT, LEACHING COVERING SALINE SOILS TO PROVIDED VIABLE CONDITIONS FOR GROWTH.E. HYDROSEEDED AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PROVIDE A VIGOROUS GROWTH UNTIL THE THE PROJECT IS PERMANENTLY LANDSCAPED OR, FOR AREAS WHERE HYDROSEEDING IS THE THE PERMANENT LANDSCAPING, UNTIL THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED AND ALL BONDS RELEASED.EROSION CONTRAL NOTES1. IN CASE EMERGENCY WORK IS REQUIRED, CONTACT JEFF WILLIAMS AT (619) 814-1281.2. EQUIPMENT AND WORKERS FOR EMERGENCY WORK SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE RAINY SEASON. ALL NECESSARY MATERIALS SHALL BE STOCKPILED ON SITE AT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO FACILITATE RAPID CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY DEVICES WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT.3. FOR PROJECTS COVERED BY STATE SWPPP/WDID, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION ORDER ISSUED BY THE CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, THE QUALIFIED SWPPP PRACTITIONER (QSP) SHALL UPDATE AND MAINTAIN THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL (WPC) PLAN TO ADDRESS UPDATED SITE CONDITIONS OF THE PROJECT. THE UPDATED WPC PLAN AND UPDATED SWPPP SHALL BE KEPT AT THE PROJECT SITE AND MADE AVAILABLE TO THE CITY INSPECTOR. ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION BMP'S BEYOND THE ORIGINAL APPROVED SWPPP SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ADDRESS SITE CONDITIONS NOT ANTICIPATED. THE QSP SHALL REPORT BMP DEFICIENCIES TO THE CITY INSPECTOR. THE QSP SHALL OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM THE QUALIFIED SWPPP DEVELOPER AND THE CITY INSPECTOR REGARDING ANY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO BMP DEPLOYMENT.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL.5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE.6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND SHALL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT PUBLIC TRESPASS ONTO AREAS WHERE IMPOUNDED WATERS CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDITION.7. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PROVIDED PER THE APPROVED SWPPP AND/OR EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE INCORPORATED HEREON.8. GRADED AREAS AROUND THE PROJECT PERIMETER MUST DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FACE OF SLOPE AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH WORKING DAY.9. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHOWN SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FIFTY PERCENT (50%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL.10. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGRATE.11. SHOULD GERMINATION OF HYDROSEEDED SLOPES FAIL TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE COVERAGE OF GRADED SLOPES (90% COVERAGE) PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 15, THE SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED BY PUNCH STRAW INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 35.023 OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. SSSSSSSFFFFFFFFFFFFFFWWWWWWWFFFFFF F F F F F F F F FFFF F F12/7/2022ROY P. REEDR.C.E. 80503EXP. 3-31-2023 DATE7727 CAMINITO LILIANASAN DIEGO, CA 92129, (760)586-8121R I O FT AAN ILFOEATSC NGNLANOFOPIIRRSSEEEEDERETSIGER DEREP.ORExp.C 805033/31/23LIVICYREVIEWED BY:DATEINSPECTORDATE"AS BUILT"ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTRCEEXP.STATE OF CALIFORNIADEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONSDIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTHTRENCH/EXCAVATION PERMIT NO._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRDIG ALERT!! TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE DIGALL EXISTING UTILITIES MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THESE PLANSDIG ALERT & GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE & POTHOLE(AS NEEDED), ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE SHORING WALLCONSTRUCTION BEGINS.GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL DE-WATER THE PROPOSEDSHORED EXCAVATION, IN THE EVENT OF ENCOUNTEREDGROUND WATER TABLE, ACCORDING TO GEOTECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS.AVIARA PARKWAY LAUREL TREE LANERIGHT-OF-WAYRIGHT-OF-WAYRIGHT-OF-WAY151014PROPOSED AVIARA APARTMENTSPER DRAWING 535-1B~PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED SHORING(SEE SHEET SH4, TYP.)DESIGN CRITERIA1.SOIL DESIGN DATA IS BASED ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS PROVIDEDIN THE FOLLOWING GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS:A. REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONAVIARA APARTMENTS - EAST PARCEL6145 LAUREL TREE LANECARLSBAD, CALIFORNIAPREPARED BY: GROUP DELTA, DATED 4-14-22 2. SOIL DESIGN PRESSURESA. PASSIVE PRESSURE = 350PSF/FT (TEMPORARY CONDITION)B. PASSIVE PRESSURE = 250PSF/FT (PERMANENT CONDITION)C. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE = 45PSF/FT (LEVEL)D. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE = 60PSF/FT (2-1 SLOPE)E. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE = 45PSF/FT + 45PSF/FTxHslope (1-1 SLOPE)F. MINIMUM SURCHARGE = 72PSF (UNIFORM)G. SEISMIC SURCHARGE = 15PSF/FTPROPOSED STORM DRAIN(TO BE INSTALLED PRIORTO SHORING INSTALLATION)TEMPORARY 1-1 SLOPE FOR PLAN 535-1C.(ANALYSIS OF TEMPORARY SLOPESTABILITY BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER)LOT LINELOT 4TEMPORARY 1-1 SLOPE FOR PLAN 535-1C.(ANALYSIS OF TEMPORARY SLOPESTABILITY BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER) 100.00'90.00'110.00'WALL BENDSB#2SB#3SB#4SB#5SB#6SB#7SB#8SB#9SB#10SB#11SB#12SB#1SB#13SB#14BEND BEND 100.00'90.00'110.00'B.O.W. = 92.50'104'-0"FINISH SURFACE5 SPACES @ 8'-0" O.C. = 40'-0"7 SPACES @ 8'-0" O.C. = 56'-0"8'-0"PERMANENT SHORING WALLTEMPORARY SHORING WALLTEMPORARYSHORINGEXISTING GRADEWALL BEND WALL BEND WALL BEND WALL BEND WALL BEND ~98.33'99.24'T.O.W. = 97.50'102.10'B.O.S.97.00'B.O.S.107.10'T.O.S.106.40'T.O.S.106.40'T.O.S.105.70'T.O.S.B.O.W.=92.50'B.O.W.=93.50'B.O.W.=94.50'B.O.W.=96.50'B.O.W.=96.50'1SH7TEMPORARY 1-1 SLOPE FOR PLAN 535-1C.(ANALYSIS OF TEMPORARY SLOPESTABILITY BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER)~8" THICK SHOTCRETE FACE INFRONT OF 3x12 DF#2 PRESSURETREATED LAGGING (SEE 2/SH6)"H""D"~T.O.W.=102.50'T.O.W.=103.50'T.O.W.=104.50'T.O.W.=106.50'T.O.W.=105.50'T.O.W.=105.50'2'-0"OVERX3SH5TOP OFSIDEWALKFINISHGRADEPROPOSED CMU WALLFOOTING PER DWG 535-1BGROUND WATERELEV. = 80.00'TEMPORARY 1-1 SLOPE FOR PLAN 535-1C.(ANALYSIS OF TEMPORARY SLOPESTABILITY BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER)F FFFF12/7/2022ROY P. REEDR.C.E. 80503EXP. 3-31-2023 DATE7727 CAMINITO LILIANASAN DIEGO, CA 92129, (760)586-8121R I O FT AAN ILFOEATSC NGNLANOFOPIIRRSSEEEEDERETSIGER DEREP.ORExp.C 805033/31/23LIVICYPROFILE VIEW LOOKING SOUTH SCALE: 1" = 8'REVIEWED BY:DATEINSPECTORDATE"AS BUILT"ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTRCEEXP.1105141.SEE SOLDIER BEAM SCHEDULE ON SHEET SH7 FOR SHORING ATTRIBUTES.2.POTHOLE/FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SHORING INSTALLATION.3.PERMANENT SHORING IN THESE PLANS HAS BEEN ALIGNED WITH RESPECT TO THE EXISTING & PROPOSED FEATURES,AS PROVIDED. ACTUAL FIELD LOCATION OF THE SHORING WALL SHALL BE ESTABLISHED USING ACCURATEHORIZONTAL CONTROL & COORDINATED TO FOLLOW THE PLANNED LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS.REPORT ANY VARIATIONS TO THE SHORING ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK.LEGEND:T.O.W. = TOP OF LAGGING WALLB.O.W. = BOTTOM OF LAGGING WALLAVIARA PARKWAYLAUREL TREE LANE RIGHT-OF-WAYPROPERTY RIGHT-OF-WAYPROPOSED PERMANENT SOLDIERBEAM & SHOTCRETE SHORING(SB# 8-13, SEE DETAIL 4/SH6)CURB6SH5 PROPOSED CMU WALL(PER DWG 535-1B)EXISTING CURBSTART EXISTINGSIDEWALKEXISTING SIDEWALK(E) TRAFFIC LIGHT1SH63SH69'-0"10'-0"1'-0"RIGHT-OF-WAY9'-1 1 " (VAR IE S )4'-5"1'-0" (TYP . )TOP OF SLOPETOP OF SLOPE7SH52SH52SH6PROPOSED AVIARA APARTMENTSPER DRAWING 535-1BDESIGNATES 3x12 DF#2PRESSURE TREATED LAGGING8" THICK SHOTCRETE FACE INFRONT OF 3x12 DF#2 LAGGING(SEE DETAIL 2/SH5)T.O.S. = TOP OF SHOTCRETE FACET.O.S. = BOTTOM OF SHOTCRETE FACE1SH71S H 5 4SH513'-8"TEMPORARY 1-1 SLOPE FOR PLAN 535-1C.(ANALYSIS OF TEMPORARY SLOPESTABILITY BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER)PROPOSED CMU WALL(PER DWG 535-1B)BEAM #1 BEGINTEMPORARY SHORING BEAM # 8 E N D T E M P O R A R Y BEGI N P E R M A N E N T S H O R I N G BEAM #13 END PERMANENTBEGIN TEMPORARY SHORINGBEAM #14 ENDTEMPORARY SHORINGPROPOSED CMU WALL(PER DWG 535-1B)PROPOSED STORM DRAIN(TO BE INSTALLED PRIORTO SHORING INSTALLATION)SOLDIER BEAMSUBDRAIN VARIES (SEE PLAN)90.00'100.00'TEMPORARY EXCAVATION ALONG LAUREL TREE LANEN.T.S.NOTES: 1. POTHOLE/FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING & PROPOSED UTILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 2. FOR REFERENCE ONLY. TEMPORARY 1-1 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.5'-0"7'-0"10'-0"12'-0"110.00'RWNEW RIGHT-OF-WAYPROPOSED WALL11FINISHGRADE(E) FENCE(E) BERMLAUREL TREEEASEMENT96.20'2'-0"90.00'100.00'110.00'A-B-C SLOT CUT(AS NEEDED)TEMPORARY1-1 SLOPE90.00'100.00'TEMPORARY EXCAVATION ALONG AVIARA PARKWAYN.T.S.9'-6"2'-9"110.00'PROPOSED WALL11FINISHGRADE(E) SIDEWALK96.90' TF2'-0"90.00'100.00'110.00'TEMPORARY1-1 SLOPERW(E) FENCE(P) 18" RCP STORM DRAINFL 87.25 ±97.87' FSEXISTING GRADEB.O.W(T.O.W., SEE ELEVATION)"H""D"DshaftTIMBER LAGGING (SEEELEVATION FOR SIZE)1.5 SACK SLURRY (MINIMUM)BACKFILL (T.O.W. TO B.O.W)2,500 PSI CONCRETE BACKFILL(B.O.W TO PILE TIP)TEMPORARY CANTILEVERED SOLDIER BEAM (SB#1-7, 14)N.T.S.NOTES: 1. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING & PROPOSED STRUCTURES PRIOR TO SHORING INSTALLATION. 2. SEE SOLDIER BEAM SCHEDULE ON SHEET SH7 FOR SOLDIER BEAM ATTRIBUTES.SOLDIER BEAM, TYPICAL(SEE SCHEDULE FOR SIZE)SOLDIER BEAM PLAN DETAIL (TYPICAL)N.T.S.DRILL SHAFT (SEE BEAMSECTIONS FOR BACKFILLMATERIAL)SEE ELEVATION FOR SPACINGFILL VOIDS BEHIND LAGGING WITHCOMPACTED SOIL OR LEAN CONCRETESOLDIER BEAM20d COMMON NAIL FOR LAGGINGINSTALLATION (TYP., AS REQ'D)1.5" (MIN.)BEARINGTIMBER LAGGING(SEE ELEVATIONS)44"2"21"21"CAL-OSHA GUARDRAIL DETAILN.T.S.L3x3x1/4 ANGLE IRON ATOPEACH SOLDIER BEAM MEMBERSOLDIER BEAM, TYP.(SEE SCHEDULE)DRILL SHAFT (SEE BEAMSECTIONS FOR BACKFILLMATERIAL)EACH BEAM1/4"3/8-inch Ø WIRE ROPEALONG ENTIRE SHORINGPERIMETER (TYP.)L=6"42" (MIN.)SAFETY CABLE RAILING, PERCAL-OHSA REQUIREMENTS(TYP., AROUND ENTIRE SHOREDPERIMETER, SEE 5/SH5)1SH52SH55SH53SH5TIMBER LAGGING DIAGONAL SUPPORT DETAIL (AS REQ'D)N.T.S.20d COMMON NAIL FOR LAGGINGINSTALLATION (4 PER BOARD)TIMBER LAGGING(SEE ELEVATION)2" (MIN.)BEARINGSOLDIER BEAMSH54SH56SH5OUTSIDE CORNER DETAIL (AT BENDS)N.T.S.SOLDIER BEAMTIMBER LAGGING(SEE ELEVATION)DRILL SHAFT (SEE BEAMSECTIONS FOR BACKFILLMATERIAL)2" (MIN.)BEARINGSHIM (AS REQ'D)7SH51.25" CONTROL JOINTWITH SEALANT1"VERTICAL & HORIZONTALWALL REINFORCEMENTCONTRACTION JOINT IN SHOTCRETEAPPLY @ 16'-0" INTERVALSFOR REFERENCE ONLY: SHOTCRETE WALL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMITSHOP DRAWINGS DETAILING CONTRACTION JOINTS & WALL LOCATIONS.NOTES: 1. POTHOLE/FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING & PROPOSED UTILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 2. FOR REFERENCE ONLY. TEMPORARY 1-1 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.PLFUTURE WALL PERDWG 535-1BEXISTING GRADE2'-9" (SEE PLAN)BOTTOM OFEXCAVATION12/7/2022ROY P. REEDR.C.E. 80503EXP. 3-31-2023 DATE7727 CAMINITO LILIANASAN DIEGO, CA 92129, (760)586-8121R I O FT AAN ILFOEATSC NGNLANOFOPIIRRSSEEEEDERETSIGER DEREP.ORExp.C 805033/31/23LIVICYREVIEWED BY:DATEINSPECTORDATE"AS BUILT"ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTRCEEXP. FINISH GRADE(VARIES, SEE PLAN)1.5 SACK SLURRY SHAFT BACKFILL(FROM T.O.W. TO B.O.W.)"H"Dshaft4,000 PSI CONCRETE SHAFT BACKFILL(FROM BOTTOM OF WALL TO PILE TIP)1SH6PERMANENT CANTILEVERED SOLDIER BEAM (SB#8-13)N.T.S.NOTES: 1. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING & PROPOSED STRUCTURES PRIOR TO SHORING INSTALLATION. 2. SEE SOLDIER BEAM SCHEDULE ON SH7 FOR VARIABLES "H" & "D".T.O.S. ELEVATIONSEE PROFILE VIEWRECESSED TIMBER LAGGING(SEE DETAIL 2/SH6 &ELEVATION FOR SIZE)FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATIONSEE DWG 535-1B"D"PERMANENT SHOTCRETEFACE (SEE DETAILS 4/SH6)T.O.B. ELEVATION6" BELOW GRADEEPOXY PAINT BACK FLANGE & 3"INTO EMBEDDED BEAM WEBALONG HEIGHT "H" + 2'-0"~6"± (TYP.)SEEPLANB.O.S. ELEVATIONSEE PROFILE4SH6SHOTCRETE COLOR & FINISHTO BE SUBMITTED & APPROVEDBY ARCHITECT.PLVAIRES(SEE PLAN)EXISTING WALLPERMANENTLY ENCASED SOLDIER BEAM PLAN DETAIL (SB#8-13)N.T.S.BURN HOLES THROUGH STEELSHORING FOR #5 HORIZONTALBARS (1" MAX., TYPICAL)SEE ELEVATION FOR SPACING3/16"EPOXY PAINT BACKFLANGE & 3" INTOEMBEDDED WEB (TYP.)#5 GRADE 60 BARS AT 12"(HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL)WITH W4.0xW4.0 - 6x6 GRIDATTACHED BETWEEN BEAMS)EQ.EQ.8"FILL VOIDS BEHIND LAGGINGWITH COMPACTED SOIL ACCORDING TO THEONSITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER2" COVER2SH63/16"L 1/4" x 3" x 3"ANGLE IRONS(EPOXY COATED)1"± DRAINAGE BOARDEPOXY PAINT BACKFLANGE & 3" INTOEMBEDDED WEB (TYP.)8" SHOTCRETE FACE6"2"3"TIMBER LAGGINGMIRADRAIN DRAINAGE BOARDNOTES: 1. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING & PROPOSED STRUCTURES PRIOR TO SHORING INSTALLATION. 2. FIELD TOUCH UP ALL EPOXY SURFACES (AS NEEDED) PRIOR TO SHOTCRETE FACE. 4. SEE SOLDIER BEAM SCHEDULE ON SH7 FOR VARIABLES "H" & "D".SITE ADDRESS: AVIARA APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIAPROJECT # 22164BASED ON THE PROJECT SCOPE, PLEASE IDENTIFY THE ELEMENTS AND/OR CONNECTIONS THATREQUIRE STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION. SPECIFY THE INTERVAL OR STAGE OF CONSTRUCTION.TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER INCLUDED ON CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSTYPESTRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND/ORCONNECTION TO BE OBSERVEDSTAGE OF CONSTRUCTIONSTRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONSFOUNDATIONSWALL FACINGS FOOTINGS, SLAB FOUNDATION, ANCHORSMAT FOUNDATION, PRE-STRESED CONC.CAISSON, PILE, GRADE BEAMOTHERSHOTCRETEMASONRYSHOTCRETE & MASONRY JOINTSOTHERFINAL OBSERVATION & REPORTPILE LAYOUT PRIOR TO DRILLINGREBAR PLACEMENT PRIOR TO SHOTCRETE1.STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION DOES NOT WAIVE THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTION BYTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD.2.THE OWNER SHALL EMPLOY A LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL TO PERFORM STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONSITE VISITS, AND TO ISSUE ALL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORTS.3.THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVER SHALL SUBMIT A WRITTEN STATEMENT TO INSPECTION SERVICES THAT THESITE VISITS HAVE BEEN MADE AND IDENTIFYING AND REPORTED DEFICIENCIES THAT TO THE BEST OF THESTRUCTURAL OBSERVE'S KNOWLEDGE HAVE NOT BEEN RESOLVED. THE STRUCTURE WILL NOT BE INCOMPLIANCE UNTIL THE REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL HAS NOTIFIED INSPECTION SERVICES IN WRITING,THAT ALL DEFICIENCIES ARE RESOLVED.JOINT PLACEMENT PRIOR TO SHOTCRETE4SH6PERMANENT SOLDIER BEAM DRAINAGE (SB#8-13)N.T.S.NOTES: 1. FIELD TOUCH UP ALL EPOXY SURFACES (AS NEEDED) PRIOR TO SHOTCRETE FACE. 2. SEE SOLDIER BEAM SCHEDULE ON SH7 FOR SOLDIER BEAM ATTRIBUTES.EQ.8"#5 GRADE 60 HORIZONTALBARS AT 12" O.C. (TYP.)48" WIDE, MIRADRAIN 6000 DRAINAGEBOARD STRIPS, CENTERED BETWEENSOLDIER BEAMS VERTICALLY WITH 24"WIDE HORIZONTAL STRIPS CENTEREDABOUT WEEP HOLES.3" CLR. (TYP.)12"MINFACE LAG BELOW BOTTOM OFSHOTCRETE (B.O.S.) ELEVATIONWHERE APPLICABLE1.5 SACK SLURRYSHAFT BACKFILLEQ.#5 GRADE 60 VERTICALBARS AT 12" O.C. (TYP.)TIMBER LAGGING(SEE ELEVATION)8" THICK PERMANENTSHOTCRETE FACE (TYP.)PERMANENT SOLDIER BEAM(SEE SCHEDULE FOR SIZE)N.T.S.SH63SH6NOTES: 1. POTHOLE/FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING & PROPOSED UTILITIES PRIOR TO SHORING INSTALLATION. 2. SLOT CUT OVER-EXCAVATION IN A-B-C SEQUENCE ACCORDING TO GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.PROPOSED WALLPERMANENT SHORING SECTION ALONG AVIARA PARKWAY90.00'100.00'110.00'(E) GRADEBOTTOM OFEXCAVATIONSOLDIER BEAM(SEE SCHEDULE)12" MIN.(BELOW)"H""D"RIGHT-OF-WAY1'-6"AVIARAPARKWAY 51'-4" (VARIES)(E) FENCE90.00'100.00'110.00'(E) CURB10'-0"VARIES FINISH GRADE(VARIES, SEE CIVIL GRADING PLAN)0"DRAIN GRATE & 3"SUBDRAIN (MID-BAY,SEE DETAIL 4/SH6)2%FINISH GRADE(PER CIVIL DWG.)W4.0xW4.0 - 6x6 GRID(ATTACHED BETWEEN BEAMS)3"Ø PVC PIPE CONNECTEDTO SUBDRAIN (MID-BAY)24" (MIN)2" STEEL TUBE POSTS AT 8'-0"O.C. EMBEDDED 18" INTOSHOTCRETE FACE (BY OTHERS)42"SET TOP OF SOLDIER BEAM 6"BELOW FINISH GRADE (TYPICAL)12"±EPOXY PAINT BACK FLANGE & 3"INTO EMBEDDED BEAM WEBALONG HEIGHT "H" + 2'-0"EXISTING GRADE12/7/2022ROY P. REEDR.C.E. 80503EXP. 3-31-2023 DATE7727 CAMINITO LILIANASAN DIEGO, CA 92129, (760)586-8121R I O FT AAN ILFOEATSC NGNLANOFOPIIRRSSEEEEDERETSIGER DEREP.ORExp.C 805033/31/23LIVICYREVIEWED BY:DATEINSPECTORDATE"AS BUILT"ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTRCEEXP. SH7GENERAL NOTES1.CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND CALCULATIONS CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE.2.PERMANENT SHORING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS (CAL-OSHA).3.HEAVY LOADS SUCH AS CRANES OR CONCRETE TRUCKS IS PROHIBITED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE TOP OF EXCAVATIONEXCEPT WHERE THE SHORING DESIGN PROVIDES FOR THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE.4.AN UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT MUST BE OBTAINED 2 DAYS BEFORE COMMENCING ANY EXCAVATION.5.THE OWNER OR THE REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ACTING AS THE OWNER'S AGENT SHALL EMPLOYONE OR MORE APPROVED AGENCIES TO PERFORM INSPECTIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION.6.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL INSPECTION SERVICES, TESTING & NOTIFICATIONS.7.ALL PERMITS SHALL BE PROCURED AND PAID FOR BY THE OWNER OR GENERAL CONTRACTOR.8.ALL MONITORING PROVIDED IN THESE PLANS HEREIN, SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR.9.PERMANENT SHORING IN THESE PLANS HAS BEEN ALIGNED WITH RESPECT TO THE EXISTING & PROPOSED FEATURES, ASPROVIDED. ACTUAL FIELD LOCATION OF THE SHORING WALL SHALL BE ESTABLISHED USING ACCURATE HORIZONTALCONTROL & COORDINATED TO FOLLOW THE PLANNED LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. REPORT ANYVARIATIONS TO THE ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK.10.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR OWNER SHALL LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES PRIOR TO EXCAVATIONAND THE INSTALLATION OF SHORING.11.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THAT THE PROPOSED SHORING DOES NOT CONFLICT WITH FUTUREIMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.12.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE MEANS TO PREVENT SURFACE WATER FROM ENTERING THE EXCAVATION OVERTHE TOP OF SHORING BULKHEAD.13.INSTALLATION OF SHORING AND EXCAVATION SHALL BE PERFORMED UNDER CONTINUOUS OBSERVATION AND APPROVAL OFTHE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION.14.ALTERNATIVE SHAPES, MATERIAL AND DETAILS CANNOT BE USED UNLESS REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE SHORINGENGINEER.15.SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR FINISH SURFACE ELEVATIONS & DRAINAGE. ADDITIONALLY, THE ARCHITECT SHALL APPROVE THETOP OF WALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN PER PLAN, PRIOR TO FABRICATION.16.IT SHALL BE THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, TO VERIFY CONDITIONS AT THEJOB SITE AND TO CROSS-CHECK DETAILS AND DIMENSIONS WITHIN THE SHORING PLANS WITH RELATED REQUIREMENTS ONTHE ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND ALL OTHER PERTINENT DRAWINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITHCONSTRUCTION.17.ALL SOIL BACKFILL & COMPACTION SHALL BE OBSERVED & PERFORMED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICALENGINEER OF RECORD.STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONSSOLDIER BEAM SCHEDULE3/8"BACKUP ROD &CAULKING1/2"8" THICK SHOTCRETEFACE (END OF WALL)PROPOSED CMUWALL (START)DETAIL OF CONSTRUCTION JOINT BETWEEN WALLS.N.T.S.1SH7CONSTRUCTION JOINT AT ADJOINING WALLSSHORING INSTALLATION PROCEDURE1.FIELD SURVEY DRILL HOLES & SHORING ALIGNMENT ACCORDING TO WALL DIMENSIONS & DATA SHOWN OR AS APPROVED BYTHE SHORING ENGINEER.2.DRILL VERTICAL SHAFTS TO THE EMBEDMENT DEPTH AND DIAMETERS SHOWN. ALLOWABLE PLACEMENT TOLERANCE SHALLBE 2" IN OR 2" OUT OR AS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE SHORING ENGINEER.3.INSTALL SOLDIER BEAMS ACCORDING TO THE DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN IN PLAN. IF NECESSARY, CASING OROTHER METHODS SHALL BE USED TO PREVENT LOSS OF GROUND OR COLLAPSE OF THE HOLE.4.START EXCAVATION AFTER CONCRETE HAS CURED FOR A MINIMUM OF (3) THREE DAYS.5.INSTALL LAGGING BETWEEN INSTALLED SOLDIER BEAMS IN LIFTS NO GREATER THAN 5'-0" OR AS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZEDBY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.6.BACKFILL ALL VOIDS BEHIND LAGGING WITH COMPACTED SOIL OR LEAN CONCRETE AS SPECIFIED IN THE DETAILS HEREIN.7.REPEAT STEPS 5-6 UNTIL BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION IS REACHED.8.FOR PERMANENT SHORING INSTALL DRAINAGE MAT AND REBAR (TOUCH UP WITH EPOXY AS NEEDED), THEN INSTALLSHOTCRETE FACING ACCORDING TO PLAN.MONITORING1.MONITORING SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AT THE TOP OF SOLDIER BEAMS SELECTED BY THE ONSITEGEOTECHNCIAL REPRESENTATIVE AND AT INTERVALS ALONG THE WALL AS CONSIDEREDAPPROPRIATE.2.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM A PRECONSTRUCTION SURVEY INCLUDINGPHOTOGRAPHS & VIDEO OF THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS.3.MAXIMUM THEORETICAL SOLDIER BEAM DEFLECTION IS 1-INCH ADJACENT TO THE EXISTINGRESIDENCE AND 1-INCH ELSEWHERE. IF THE TOTAL CUMULATIVE HORIZONTAL OR VERTICALMOVEMENT (FROM START OF CONSTRUCTION) EXCEEDS THIS LIMIT, ALL EXCAVATION ACTIVITIESSHALL BE SUSPENDED AND INVESTIGATED BY THE SHORING ENGINEER FOR FURTHER ACTIONS (ASNECESSARY).4.LONG TERM MONITORING SHALL BE PERFORMED ANNUALLY UPON THE COMPLETION OF THEPERMANENT WALL (I.E., SURVEY MONUMENTS, VISUAL INSPECTIONS) AND PERFORMED BYUNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED CIVIL ENGINEER, RETAINED BY THE OWNERMATERIAL SPECIFICATIONSSTRUCTURAL STEEL1.STRUCTURAL STEEL (WIDE FLANGES) SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS ASTM A-572 OR ASTMA-992 (GRADE 50).2.MISCELLANEOUS STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A-36, ASTM A-572 (GRADE50) OR ASTM A-992.3.SHOTCRETE REINFORCEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A615 (GRADE 60).STRUCTURAL & LEAN CONCRETEA. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE:1.STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (DRILL SHAFT TOE BACKFILL) SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH OF 4,000PSI AT 28-DAYS, W/C = 0.45. CONCRETE PLACED BELOW GROUNDWATER,SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 1,000PSI GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM SPECIFIED.2.STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (FOR TEMPORARY SOLDIER PILES) SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH OF 2,500 PSI AT 28-DAYS. CONCRETE PLACED BELOW GROUNDWATER, SHALL HAVE ACOMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 1,000 PSI GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM SPECIFIED.3.CONCRETE MIX SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI-318 & 2019 CBC TO MEET THE FOLLOWING:A. MAXIMUM 1-INCH HARDROCK CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ASTM C-33.B. TYPE II/V NEAT PORTLAND CEMENT CONFORMING TO ASTM C-150.C. SLUMP FOR WET 6"-8" & 4"-6" FOR DRY HOLES.4.SHOTCRETE: SHALL BE PLACED ACCORDING TO ACI 306 & HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH OF 4,000PSI @ 28-DAYS (TYPE II/V CEMENT). WHEN REQUIRED BY THE BUILDINGOFFICIAL, A TEST PANEL SHALL BE SHOT, CURED, CORED OR SAWN, EXAMINED AND TESTED PRIORTO COMMENCEMENT OF PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC SECTION 1913.5. ALL CONSTRUCTIONAND EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ACI 224.B. LEAN CONCRETE (SLURRY)1.LEAN SAND SLURRY MIX SHALL CONTAIN A MINIMUM OF 1.5 SACK TYPE II CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD.TIMBER1.TIMBER LAGGING SHALL BE ROUGH SAWN DOUGLAS FIR LARCH NO. 2 OR BETTER.2.TIMBER LAGGING SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWPA U1 USE CATEGORY 4A.WELDING1.ELECTRIC ARC WELDING PERFORMED BY QUALIFIED WELDERS USING E70XX ELECTRODES ORCONTIUOUS WIRE FEED.2.SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL FIELD WELDING.GEOCOMPOSITE DRAINAGE BOARDS1. GEOCOMPOSITE DRAINAGE BOARD SHALL BE MIRADRAIN 6000 BY MIRADRI (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)CORROSION PROTECTION1.EPOXY COATING: SOLDIER BEAM EPOXY COATING SHALL BE BITUMASTIC COAL-TAR EPOXY TWOCOATS SHALL BE APPLIED FOR A TOTAL DRY FILM THICKNESS OF 16 MILS. ALL STEELSURFACES SHALL BE BLAST WITH SSPC-SP 10 (NEAR WHITE) BEFORE COATING IS APPLIED.12/7/2022ROY P. REEDR.C.E. 80503EXP. 3-31-2023 DATE7727 CAMINITO LILIANASAN DIEGO, CA 92129, (760)586-8121R I O FT AAN ILFOEATSC NGNLANOFOPIIRRSSEEEEDERETSIGER DEREP.ORExp.C 805033/31/23LIVICYREVIEWED BY:DATEINSPECTORDATE"AS BUILT"ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTRCEEXP.               Section 2     7 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES FOR YIELDING RETAINING WALLS SD722 AVIARA APARTMENTS EAST PARCEL CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA NO SCALE PP ΔPE H D q D/3 FR,PP PA H/3 FR,PA H/3 FR,PE 2H:1V S L O PI N G B A C K FI L L 1’ MIN LEVEL GROUND LEVEL BACKFILL NOTES: 1. PASSIVE PRESSURES MAY BE INCREASED BY ⅓ DURING SEISMIC LOADING. THE UPPER 12 INCHES OF MATERIAL NOT PROTECTED BY CONCRETE SLABS OR PAVEMENTS SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE ESTIMATION OF PASSIVE RESISTANCE. 2. ASSUMES NO HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. A WALL BACK DRAIN SHOULD BE INSTALLED AS RECOMMENDED IN THE WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL FIGURE. 3. SURCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, EXCAVATED SOIL, TRAFFIC LOADING OR OTHER UNIFORM LOADING ABOVE THE WALL SHOULD BE CALCULATED USING THE SURCHARGE LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE, P . POINT LOADS OR OTHERS SURCHARGES CAN BE EVALUATED UPON REQUEST. 4. SEISMIC INCREMENT LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE (ΔP ) IS BASED ON A DE LEVEL PEAK GROUNDE ACCELERATION OF 0.35g . SEISMIC INCREMENT SHOULD BE APPLIED TO WALLS SIX FEET OR GREATER IN HEIGHT. 5. H AND D ARE MEASURED IN FEET. 6.PRESSURES ASSUME EXISTING LOW EXPANSION SOIL (EI < 50) USED FOR COMPACTED BACKFILL, AS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ACTIVE, PA LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE TYPE EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE (PSF) LEVEL BACKFILL 2H:1V SLOPING BACKFILL 45H 60H SEISMIC INCREMENT, ΔP *E PASSIVE, P **P LEVEL GROUND 250D 15H *SEISMIC PRESSURE, P = P + ΔPAE A E **PASSIVE RESISTANCE VERSUS DISPLACEMENT CURVES CAN BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. 0.3qSURCHARGE, PS RETAINING WALL PS H/2 FR,PS NO SCALE PROJECT NUMBER FIGURE NUMBER 1 9 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES FOR CANTILEVER TEMPORARY SHORING SD722 AVIARA APARTMENTS EAST PARCEL CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA NO SCALE NO SCALE H/3 DGWL GROUND SURFACE H D CANTILEVER SHORING 45 H PSF H/3 FR,PA MAINTAIN MINIMUM 5 FEET ƒTOE ALLOWABLE PASSIVE SOIL RESISTANCE = 350 PCF ALLOWABLE PASSIVE SOIL RESISTANCE = 175 PCF DGWL MAX = 1 INCH P = 0.3qS q NOTES: 1. ASSUMES LEVEL BACKFILL AND NO HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. 2. H IS MEASURED IN FEET. 3. FIGURE SHOULD BE USED WITH GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 4. FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN. 5. DGWL: DESIGN GROUNDWATER LEVEL PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 6. SURCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, EXCAVATED SOIL, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, TRAFFIC LOADING OR OTHER UNIFORM LOADING (q) ABOVE THE WALL SHOULD BE CALCULATED USING THE SURCHARGE LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE, P . POINT LOADS OR OTHER SURCHARGES CAN BES EVALUATED UPON REQUEST. EARTH PRESSURE TRAFFIC AND CONSTRUCTION SURCHARGE GROUND SURFACE PROJECT NUMBER FIGURE NUMBER 2               Section 3     Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Cantileverd Soldier Beam Design Sb_No "1, 14" Soldier Beam Attributes & Properties Temporary Design Case H 5 ft= Soldier beam retained height x 1 Hs 10 ft--->= Height of retained slope (As applicable) y 1 xt 4 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 24 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter de' dia= Effective soldier beam diameter below subgrade dt 2 H= Assumed soldier beam embedment depth (Initial Guess) w_table H 12.5 ft= Depth below top of wall to design ground water table 40200 20 40 0 10 Shoring Design Section Depth (ft) ASTM A992 (Grade 50) E 29000 ksi Fy 50 ksi ASCE (2) D + H + L Lateral Embedment Safety Factor FSd 1.30 Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 3 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Soil Parameters Pa 45 pcf= Active earth pressure Pp 350 pcf= Passive earth pressure (Temporary condition) Pmax "n/a"= Maximum passive earth pressure ("n/a" = not applicable) dz 0 in= Overburden depth at subgrade Pps Pp dz= Passive pressure offset at subgrade ϕ 29 deg= Internal soil friction angle below subgrade be 0.08 deg 1ϕde'= Effective soldier beam width below subgrade a_ratio min be xt 1  = Soldier beam arching ratio qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction γs 125 pcf= Soil unit weight Bouyant Soil Properties (As applicable) γw 62.4 pcf= Unit weight of water Pp' Pp w_table "n/a"=if Pp γs γs γwotherwise  Submereged Pressures (As Applicable) Pp'175 pcfPa' Pa w_table "n/a"=if Pa γs γs γwotherwise  Pa'22.5 pcf Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 4 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Lateral Live Load Surcharge Uniform Loading Full Pa Hs= Uniform loading full soldier beam height (Slope surcharge) Partial 0 psf= Uniform loading partial soldier beam height Hpar 0 ft= Height of partial uniform surcharge loading Ps y( ) Full Partial0 ftyHparif Full Hpar yHif 0 psfotherwise  Uniform surcharge profile per depth Eccentric/Conncentric Axial & Lateral Point Loading Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam e 0 in= Eccentricity of applied compressive load Me Pr e xt = Eccentric bending moment Ph 0 lb= lateral pont load at depth "zh" zh 0 ft= Distance to lateral point load from top of wall Seismic Lateral Load (Monobe-Okobe, Not Applicable) EFP 0 pcf= Seismic force equivalent fluid pressure Es EFP H= Maximum seismic force pressure Eq y() Es Es H yyHif 0 psfotherwise = Maximum seismic force pressure Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 5 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Boussinesq Lateral Surcharge Load Q 0 plf= Surcharge load of continous footing z'0 ft= Depth below adjacent grade to application of surcharge load x1 0 in= Distance of line load from back face of wall Surcharge Coefficients ny()yz' Hmx1H 1 Boussinesq Equation Pb y()0 psf0 ftyz'if if m 0.40Q H 0.20ny() 0.16 ny()()221.28Q H m2 ny() m2 ny()()22   z' yHif 0 psfotherwise  0 100 200 300 400 5000 1 2 3 4 Lateral Surcharge Loading Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Maximum Boussinesq Pressure Δy 5 ft Given Δy Pb Δy()d d 0 psf= Pb Find Δy()()0 psf 0 H yPb y() d 0 klf Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 6 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Resolve Forces Acting on Beam (Assume trial values) z 6 ftDdt PA H()224.6 psf a_ratio PA H()224.6 psf O 0 ft Given Summation of Lateral Forces PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()    2 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()y d HO HDz yPEy()  d H HO yPEy()  d 0 H yPAy() d 0 HD yPs y() d 0 HD yPb y() d 0 H yEq y() dPh xt  0= Summation of Moments PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()   2  6 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()yzy() d HO HDz yPEy() H Dy()  d H HO yPEy() H Dy()  d 0 H yPAy() H Dy()  dMe  0 HD yPs y() H Dy() d 0 H yEq y() H Dy() d 0 HD yPb y() H Dy() dPh xt HDzh()  0= z 0z D  Find z D()z 2.8ft D 9 ft Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 7 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 410321030 21034103 0 5 0 Soldier Beam Pressure Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Soil Pressures PA H()224.6 psf PD HD()3369.8psf PE HD()3145.2psf PK HD()4882.9 psf PJ HD()4882.9 psf 6420 2 4 0 5 0 Shear/ft width Shear (klf)Depth (ft)Distance to zero shear (From top of Pile) ε aH ε Va() aa0.10 ft ε Va() ε 0while areturn  ε 9 ft Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 8 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Determine Minimum Pile Size My() 0 y yVy() dMeMmax M ε()xtMmax 55.8 kip ft AISC Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition Ω 1.67= Allowable strength reduction factor AISC E1 & F1 Δσ 1.33= Steel overstress for temporary loading Fb Fy Δσ Ω = Allowable bending stress Required Section Modulus: Zr Mmax FbFlexural Yielding, Lb < Lr Zr 16.8 in3 Beam "W14 x 30" Fb 39.8 ksi A 8.9 in2bf 6.7 inK 1Lu H Pile "Concrete Embed"=if ε otherwise  d 13.8 intf 0.4 inZx 47.3 in3 tw 0.3 inrx 5.7 inIx 291 in4Fe π2 E KLu rx   2 Axial Stresses λ Fy Fe Fcr 0.658λ FyKLu rx 4.71 E Fyif 0.877 Fe( ) otherwise = Nominal compressive stress - AISC E.3-2 & E3-3 = Allowable concentric force - AISC E.3-1Pc Fcr A Ω  Ma Zx Fb= Allowable bending moment - AISC F.2-1 Ma 157 kip ftInteraction Pr Pc 8 9 Mmax Ma     Pr Pc 0.20if Pr 2 Pc Mmax Ma  otherwise = AISC H1-1a & H1-1b Mmax 55.8 kip ftInteraction 0.36 Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 9 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Global Stability FSd 1.3= Minimum embedment depth factor of safety Embedment depth increase for min. FS Dh Ceil D ft()1 ft Slidding Forces: Fs V H O() O2 HDh xPnx()  d Resisting Forces: Fs 7.8 klf FR HO O2 xPnx()  d FR 10.2klf Overturning Moments: Mo 0 H yDh Hy()PAy() d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Ps y()d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Pb y()d 0 H Dh Hy()E H HO yPEy()  dDhO 3  O2 HDh yPny()  d HDhO2 3MePh xt Dh Hzh()  Resisting Moments Mo 37.8 kipMR HO O2 yHDhy()Pny()  d MR 50.3kip Factor of Safety: Slidding if FSd FR Fs"Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"  Slidding "Ok"FR Fs 1.31 Overturning if FSd MR Mo "Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"   Overturning "Ok"MR Mo 1.33 Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 10 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Vertical Embedment Depth Axial Resistance qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam p'π diaPile "Concrete Embed"=if 2 bf dotherwise = Applied axial load per beam Allowable Axial Resistance Qy( ) p' fsyπ dia2qa 4 Pile "Concrete Embed"=if bf dqaotherwise  Dv ε 0 ft τ Q ε() εε0.10 ft τ Pr Q ε() τ 0while εreturn  Dv 0 ft Dh 10 ft Selected Toe Depth Dtoe if Dh DvDhDv() Dtoe 10 ft Maximum Deflection L' H D 4= Effective length about pile rotation Δ xt EIx0 L' yyM'y()dΔ 0.14 in Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 11 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Design Summary:Sb_No "1, 14" Beam "W14 x 30" H 5 ft= Soldier beam retained height Dtoe 10 ft= Minimum soldier beam embedment H Dtoe15ft= Total length of soldier beam xt 4 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 24 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter Δ 0.14 in= Maximum soldier beam deflection Cantilever H = 5', bm 1, 14 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 12               Section 4     Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Cantileverd Soldier Beam Design Sb_No "2" Soldier Beam Attributes & Properties Temporary Design Case H 6 ft= Soldier beam retained height x 1 Hs 9 ft--->= Height of retained slope (As applicable) y 1 xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 24 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter de' dia= Effective soldier beam diameter below subgrade dt 2 H= Assumed soldier beam embedment depth (Initial Guess) w_table H 12.5 ft= Depth below top of wall to design ground water table 500 50 10 0 10 20 Shoring Design Section Depth (ft) ASTM A992 (Grade 50) E 29000 ksi Fy 50 ksi ASCE (2) D + H + L Lateral Embedment Safety Factor FSd 1.30 Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 13 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Soil Parameters Pa 45 pcf= Active earth pressure Pp 350 pcf= Passive earth pressure (Temporary condition) Pmax "n/a"= Maximum passive earth pressure ("n/a" = not applicable) dz 0 in= Overburden depth at subgrade Pps Pp dz= Passive pressure offset at subgrade ϕ 29 deg= Internal soil friction angle below subgrade be 0.08 deg 1ϕde'= Effective soldier beam width below subgrade a_ratio min be xt 1  = Soldier beam arching ratio qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction γs 125 pcf= Soil unit weight Bouyant Soil Properties (As applicable) γw 62.4 pcf= Unit weight of water Pp' Pp w_table "n/a"=if Pp γs γs γwotherwise  Submereged Pressures (As Applicable) Pp'175 pcfPa' Pa w_table "n/a"=if Pa γs γs γwotherwise  Pa'22.5 pcf Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 14 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Lateral Live Load Surcharge Uniform Loading Full Pa Hs= Uniform loading full soldier beam height Partial 0 psf= Uniform loading partial soldier beam height Hpar 0 ft= Height of partial uniform surcharge loading Ps y( ) Full Partial0 ftyHparif Full Hpar yHif 0 psfotherwise  Uniform surcharge profile per depth Eccentric/Conncentric Axial & Lateral Point Loading Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam e 0 in= Eccentricity of applied compressive load Me Pr e xt = Eccentric bending moment Ph 0 lb= lateral pont load at depth "zh" zh 0 ft= Distance to lateral point load from top of wall Seismic Lateral Load (Monobe-Okobe, Not Applicable) EFP 0 pcf= Seismic force equivalent fluid pressure Es EFP H= Maximum seismic force pressure Eq y() Es Es H yyHif 0 psfotherwise = Maximum seismic force pressure Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 15 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Boussinesq Lateral Surcharge Load Q 0 plf= Surcharge load of continous footing z'0 ft= Depth below adjacent grade to application of surcharge load x1 0 in= Distance of line load from back face of wall Surcharge Coefficients ny()yz' Hmx1H 1 Boussinesq Equation Pb y()0 psf0 ftyz'if if m 0.40Q H 0.20ny() 0.16 ny()()221.28Q H m2 ny() m2 ny()()22   z' yHif 0 psfotherwise  0 100 200 300 400 5000 2 4 6 Lateral Surcharge Loading Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Maximum Boussinesq Pressure Δy 5 ft Given Δy Pb Δy()d d 0 psf= Pb Find Δy()()0 psf 0 H yPb y() d 0 klf Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 16 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Resolve Forces Acting on Beam (Assume trial values) z 6 ftDdt PA H()270 psf a_ratio PA H()189 psf O 0.8ft Given Summation of Lateral Forces PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()    2 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()y d HO HDz yPEy()  d H HO yPEy()  d 0 H yPAy() d 0 HD yPs y() d 0 HD yPb y() d 0 H yEq y() dPh xt  0= Summation of Moments PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()   2  6 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()yzy() d HO HDz yPEy() H Dy()  d H HO yPEy() H Dy()  d 0 H yPAy() H Dy()  dMe  0 HD yPs y() H Dy() d 0 H yEq y() H Dy() d 0 HD yPb y() H Dy() dPh xt HDzh()  0= z 0z D  Find z D()z 3.7ft D 12.6 ft Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 17 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 21030 21034103 0 10 5 0 Soldier Beam Pressure Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Soil Pressures PA H()270 psf PD HD()4396.7psf PE HD()2888.7psf PK HD()6496.7 psf PJ HD()4547.7 psf 6420 2 4 0 10 5 0 Shear/ft width Shear (klf)Depth (ft)Distance to zero shear (From top of Pile) ε aH ε Va() aa0.10 ft ε Va() ε 0while areturn  ε 12 ft Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 18 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Determine Minimum Pile Size My() 0 y yVy() dMeMmax M ε()xtMmax 183.5 kip ft AISC Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition Ω 1.67= Allowable strength reduction factor AISC E1 & F1 Δσ 1.33= Steel overstress for temporary loading Fb Fy Δσ Ω = Allowable bending stress Required Section Modulus: Zr Mmax FbFlexural Yielding, Lb < Lr Zr 55.3 in3 Beam "W16 x 36" Fb 39.8 ksi A 10.6 in2bf 7 inK 1Lu H Pile "Concrete Embed"=if ε otherwise  d 15.9 intf 0.4 inZx 64 in3 tw 0.3 inrx 6.5 inIx 448 in4Fe π2 E KLu rx   2 Axial Stresses λ Fy Fe Fcr 0.658λ FyKLu rx 4.71 E Fyif 0.877 Fe( ) otherwise = Nominal compressive stress - AISC E.3-2 & E3-3 = Allowable concentric force - AISC E.3-1Pc Fcr A Ω  Ma Zx Fb= Allowable bending moment - AISC F.2-1 Ma 212.4 kip ftInteraction Pr Pc 8 9 Mmax Ma     Pr Pc 0.20if Pr 2 Pc Mmax Ma  otherwise = AISC H1-1a & H1-1b Mmax 183.5 kip ftInteraction 0.86 Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 19 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Global Stability FSd 1.3= Minimum embedment depth factor of safety Embedment depth increase for min. FS Dh Ceil D ft()1 ft Slidding Forces: Fs V H O() O2 HDh xPnx()  d Resisting Forces: Fs 9.2 klf FR HO O2 xPnx()  d FR 12.5klf Overturning Moments: Mo 0 H yDh Hy()PAy() d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Ps y()d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Pb y()d 0 H Dh Hy()E H HO yPEy()  dDhO 3  O2 HDh yPny()  d HDhO2 3MePh xt Dh Hzh()  Resisting Moments Mo 60.2 kipMR HO O2 yHDhy()Pny()  d MR 81kip Factor of Safety: Slidding if FSd FR Fs"Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"  Slidding "Ok"FR Fs 1.36 Overturning if FSd MR Mo "Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"   Overturning "Ok"MR Mo 1.35 Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 20 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Vertical Embedment Depth Axial Resistance qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam p'π diaPile "Concrete Embed"=if 2 bf dotherwise = Applied axial load per beam Allowable Axial Resistance Qy( ) p' fsyπ dia2qa 4 Pile "Concrete Embed"=if bf dqaotherwise  Dv ε 0 ft τ Q ε() εε0.10 ft τ Pr Q ε() τ 0while εreturn  Dv 0 ft Dh 14 ft Selected Toe Depth Dtoe if Dh DvDhDv() Dtoe 14 ft Maximum Deflection L' H D 4= Effective length about pile rotation Δ xt EIx0 L' yyM'y()dΔ 0.45 in Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 21 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Design Summary:Sb_No "2" Beam "W16 x 36" H 6 ft= Soldier beam retained height Dtoe 14 ft= Minimum soldier beam embedment H Dtoe20ft= Total length of soldier beam xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 24 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter Δ 0.45 in= Maximum soldier beam deflection Cantilever H = 6', bm 2 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 22               Section 5     Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Cantileverd Soldier Beam Design Sb_No "3" Soldier Beam Attributes & Properties Temporary Design Case H 10 ft= Soldier beam retained height x 2 Hs 5 ft--->= Height of retained slope (As applicable) y 1 xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 24 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter de' dia= Effective soldier beam diameter below subgrade dt 2 H= Assumed soldier beam embedment depth (Initial Guess) w_table H 12.5 ft= Depth below top of wall to design ground water table 500 5020 10 0 10 20 Shoring Design Section Depth (ft) ASTM A992 (Grade 50) E 29000 ksi Fy 50 ksi ASCE (2) D + H + L Lateral Embedment Safety Factor FSd 1.30 Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 23 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Soil Parameters Pa 60 pcf= Active earth pressure with 2-1 Slope Pp 350 pcf= Passive earth pressure (Temporary condition) Pmax "n/a"= Maximum passive earth pressure ("n/a" = not applicable) dz 0 in= Overburden depth at subgrade Pps Pp dz= Passive pressure offset at subgrade ϕ 29 deg= Internal soil friction angle below subgrade be 0.08 deg 1ϕde'= Effective soldier beam width below subgrade a_ratio min be xt 1  = Soldier beam arching ratio qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction γs 125 pcf= Soil unit weight Bouyant Soil Properties (As applicable) γw 62.4 pcf= Unit weight of water Pp' Pp w_table "n/a"=if Pp γs γs γwotherwise  Submereged Pressures (As Applicable) Pp'175 pcfPa' Pa w_table "n/a"=if Pa γs γs γwotherwise  Pa'30 pcf Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 24 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Lateral Live Load Surcharge Uniform Loading Full 0 psf= Uniform loading full soldier beam height Partial 0 psf= Uniform loading partial soldier beam height Hpar 0 ft= Height of partial uniform surcharge loading Ps y( ) Full Partial0 ftyHparif Full Hpar yHif 0 psfotherwise  Uniform surcharge profile per depth Eccentric/Conncentric Axial & Lateral Point Loading Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam e 0 in= Eccentricity of applied compressive load Me Pr e xt = Eccentric bending moment Ph 0 lb= lateral pont load at depth "zh" zh 0 ft= Distance to lateral point load from top of wall Seismic Lateral Load (Monobe-Okobe, Not Applicable) EFP 0 pcf= Seismic force equivalent fluid pressure Es EFP H= Maximum seismic force pressure Eq y() Es Es H yyHif 0 psfotherwise = Maximum seismic force pressure Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 25 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Boussinesq Lateral Surcharge Load Q 0 plf= Surcharge load of continous footing z'0 ft= Depth below adjacent grade to application of surcharge load x1 0 in= Distance of line load from back face of wall Surcharge Coefficients ny()yz' Hmx1H 1 Boussinesq Equation Pb y()0 psf0 ftyz'if if m 0.40Q H 0.20ny() 0.16 ny()()221.28Q H m2 ny() m2 ny()()22   z' yHif 0 psfotherwise  10.50 0.5 10 2 4 6 8 10 Lateral Surcharge Loading Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Maximum Boussinesq Pressure Δy 5 ft Given Δy Pb Δy()d d 0 psf= Pb Find Δy()()0 psf 0 H yPb y() d 0 klf Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 26 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Resolve Forces Acting on Beam (Assume trial values) z 6 ftDdt PA H()600 psf a_ratio PA H()348 psf O 1.7ft Given Summation of Lateral Forces PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()    2 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()y d HO HDz yPEy()  d H HO yPEy()  d 0 H yPAy() d 0 HD yPs y() d 0 HD yPb y() d 0 H yEq y() dPh xt  0= Summation of Moments PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()   2  6 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()yzy() d HO HDz yPEy() H Dy()  d H HO yPEy() H Dy()  d 0 H yPAy() H Dy()  dMe  0 HD yPs y() H Dy() d 0 H yEq y() H Dy() d 0 HD yPb y() H Dy() dPh xt HDzh()  0= z 0z D  Find z D()z 3.8ft D 14.9 ft Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 27 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 21030 21034103 0 10 0 Soldier Beam Pressure Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Soil Pressures PA H()600 psf PD HD()4790.2psf PE HD()2430.3psf PK HD()8290.2 psf PJ HD()4808.3 psf 86420 2 4 0 10 0 Shear/ft width Shear (klf)Depth (ft)Distance to zero shear (From top of Pile) ε aH ε Va() aa0.10 ft ε Va() ε 0while areturn  ε 17.5 ft Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 28 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Determine Minimum Pile Size My() 0 y yVy() dMeMmax M ε()xtMmax 224.1 kip ft AISC Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition Ω 1.67= Allowable strength reduction factor AISC E1 & F1 Δσ 1.33= Steel overstress for temporary loading Fb Fy Δσ Ω = Allowable bending stress Required Section Modulus: Zr Mmax FbFlexural Yielding, Lb < Lr Zr 67.5 in3 Beam "W16 x 40" Fb 39.8 ksi A 11.8 in2bf 7 inK 1Lu H Pile "Concrete Embed"=if ε otherwise  d 16 intf 0.5 inZx 73 in3 tw 0.3 inrx 6.6 inIx 518 in4Fe π2 E KLu rx   2 Axial Stresses λ Fy Fe Fcr 0.658λ FyKLu rx 4.71 E Fyif 0.877 Fe( ) otherwise = Nominal compressive stress - AISC E.3-2 & E3-3 = Allowable concentric force - AISC E.3-1Pc Fcr A Ω  Ma Zx Fb= Allowable bending moment - AISC F.2-1 Ma 242.2 kip ftInteraction Pr Pc 8 9 Mmax Ma     Pr Pc 0.20if Pr 2 Pc Mmax Ma  otherwise = AISC H1-1a & H1-1b Mmax 224.1 kip ftInteraction 0.93 Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 29 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Global Stability FSd 1.3= Minimum embedment depth factor of safety Embedment depth increase for min. FS Dh Ceil D ft()2 ft Slidding Forces: Fs V H O() O2 HDh xPnx()  d Resisting Forces: Fs 9.9 klf FR HO O2 xPnx()  d FR 14.7klf Overturning Moments: Mo 0 H yDh Hy()PAy() d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Ps y()d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Pb y()d 0 H Dh Hy()E H HO yPEy()  dDhO 3  O2 HDh yPny()  d HDhO2 3MePh xt Dh Hzh()  Resisting Moments Mo 71.7 kipMR HO O2 yHDhy()Pny()  d MR 106.5kip Factor of Safety: Slidding if FSd FR Fs"Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"  Slidding "Ok"FR Fs 1.48 Overturning if FSd MR Mo "Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"   Overturning "Ok"MR Mo 1.49 Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 30 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Vertical Embedment Depth Axial Resistance qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam p'π diaPile "Concrete Embed"=if 2 bf dotherwise = Applied axial load per beam Allowable Axial Resistance Qy( ) p' fsyπ dia2qa 4 Pile "Concrete Embed"=if bf dqaotherwise  Dv ε 0 ft τ Q ε() εε0.10 ft τ Pr Q ε() τ 0while εreturn  Dv 0 ft Dh 17 ft Selected Toe Depth Dtoe if Dh DvDhDv() Dtoe 17 ft Maximum Deflection L' H D 4= Effective length about pile rotation Δ xt EIx0 L' yyM'y()dΔ 0.84 in Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 31 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Design Summary:Sb_No "3" Beam "W16 x 40" H 10ft= Soldier beam retained height Dtoe 17 ft= Minimum soldier beam embedment H Dtoe27ft= Total length of soldier beam xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 24 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter Δ 0.84 in= Maximum soldier beam deflection Cantilever H = 10', bm 3 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 32               Section 6     Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Cantileverd Soldier Beam Design Sb_No "4" Soldier Beam Attributes & Properties Temporary Design Case H 11 ft= Soldier beam retained height x 2 Hs 4 ft--->= Height of retained slope (As applicable) y 1 xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 24 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter de' dia= Effective soldier beam diameter below subgrade dt 2 H= Assumed soldier beam embedment depth (Initial Guess) w_table H 12.5 ft= Depth below top of wall to design ground water table 500 50 20 10 0 10 20 Shoring Design Section Depth (ft) ASTM A992 (Grade 50) E 29000 ksi Fy 50 ksi ASCE (2) D + H + L Lateral Embedment Safety Factor FSd 1.30 Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 33 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Soil Parameters Pa 60 pcf= Active earth pressure with 2-1 slope Pp 350 pcf= Passive earth pressure (Temporary condition) Pmax "n/a"= Maximum passive earth pressure ("n/a" = not applicable) dz 0 in= Overburden depth at subgrade Pps Pp dz= Passive pressure offset at subgrade ϕ 29 deg= Internal soil friction angle below subgrade be 0.08 deg 1ϕde'= Effective soldier beam width below subgrade a_ratio min be xt 1  = Soldier beam arching ratio qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction γs 125 pcf= Soil unit weight Bouyant Soil Properties (As applicable) γw 62.4 pcf= Unit weight of water Pp' Pp w_table "n/a"=if Pp γs γs γwotherwise  Submereged Pressures (As Applicable) Pp'175 pcfPa' Pa w_table "n/a"=if Pa γs γs γwotherwise  Pa'30 pcf Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 34 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Lateral Live Load Surcharge Uniform Loading Full 0 psf= Uniform loading full soldier beam height Partial 0 psf= Uniform loading partial soldier beam height Hpar 0 ft= Height of partial uniform surcharge loading Ps y( ) Full Partial0 ftyHparif Full Hpar yHif 0 psfotherwise  Uniform surcharge profile per depth Eccentric/Conncentric Axial & Lateral Point Loading Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam e 0 in= Eccentricity of applied compressive load Me Pr e xt = Eccentric bending moment Ph 0 lb= lateral pont load at depth "zh" zh 0 ft= Distance to lateral point load from top of wall Seismic Lateral Load (Monobe-Okobe, Not Applicable) EFP 0 pcf= Seismic force equivalent fluid pressure Es EFP H= Maximum seismic force pressure Eq y() Es Es H yyHif 0 psfotherwise = Maximum seismic force pressure Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 35 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Boussinesq Lateral Surcharge Load Q 0 plf= Surcharge load of continous footing z'0 ft= Depth below adjacent grade to application of surcharge load x1 0 in= Distance of line load from back face of wall Surcharge Coefficients ny()yz' Hmx1H 1 Boussinesq Equation Pb y()0 psf0 ftyz'if if m 0.40Q H 0.20ny() 0.16 ny()()221.28Q H m2 ny() m2 ny()()22   z' yHif 0 psfotherwise  10.50 0.5 10 5 10 Lateral Surcharge Loading Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Maximum Boussinesq Pressure Δy 5 ft Given Δy Pb Δy()d d 0 psf= Pb Find Δy()()0 psf 0 H yPb y() d 0 klf Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 36 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Resolve Forces Acting on Beam (Assume trial values) z 6 ftDdt PA H()660 psf a_ratio PA H()382.8 psf O 1.9ft Given Summation of Lateral Forces PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()    2 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()y d HO HDz yPEy()  d H HO yPEy()  d 0 H yPAy() d 0 HD yPs y() d 0 HD yPb y() d 0 H yEq y() dPh xt  0= Summation of Moments PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()   2  6 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()yzy() d HO HDz yPEy() H Dy()  d H HO yPEy() H Dy()  d 0 H yPAy() H Dy()  dMe  0 HD yPs y() H Dy() d 0 H yEq y() H Dy() d 0 HD yPb y() H Dy() dPh xt HDzh()  0= z 0z D  Find z D()z 4.3ft D 16.4 ft Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 37 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 410321030 21034103 0 10 0 Soldier Beam Pressure Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Soil Pressures PA H()660 psf PD HD()5057.5psf PE HD()2550.5psf PK HD()8907.5 psf PJ HD()5166.3 psf 1050 5 0 10 0 Shear/ft width Shear (klf)Depth (ft)Distance to zero shear (From top of Pile) ε aH ε Va() aa0.10 ft ε Va() ε 0while areturn  ε 19.2 ft Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 38 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Determine Minimum Pile Size My() 0 y yVy() dMeMmax M ε()xtMmax 298.3 kip ft AISC Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition Ω 1.67= Allowable strength reduction factor AISC E1 & F1 Δσ 1.33= Steel overstress for temporary loading Fb Fy Δσ Ω = Allowable bending stress Required Section Modulus: Zr Mmax FbFlexural Yielding, Lb < Lr Zr 89.9 in3 Beam "W18 x 50" Fb 39.8 ksi A 14.7 in2bf 7.5 inK 1Lu H Pile "Concrete Embed"=if ε otherwise  d 18 intf 0.6 inZx 101 in3 tw 0.4 inrx 7.4 inIx 800 in4Fe π2 E KLu rx   2 Axial Stresses λ Fy Fe Fcr 0.658λ FyKLu rx 4.71 E Fyif 0.877 Fe( ) otherwise = Nominal compressive stress - AISC E.3-2 & E3-3 = Allowable concentric force - AISC E.3-1Pc Fcr A Ω  Ma Zx Fb= Allowable bending moment - AISC F.2-1 Ma 335.2 kip ftInteraction Pr Pc 8 9 Mmax Ma     Pr Pc 0.20if Pr 2 Pc Mmax Ma  otherwise = AISC H1-1a & H1-1b Mmax 298.3 kip ftInteraction 0.89 Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 39 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Global Stability FSd 1.3= Minimum embedment depth factor of safety Embedment depth increase for min. FS Dh Ceil D ft()1 ft Slidding Forces: Fs V H O() O2 HDh xPnx()  d Resisting Forces: Fs 12 klf FR HO O2 xPnx()  d FR 15.6klf Overturning Moments: Mo 0 H yDh Hy()PAy() d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Ps y()d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Pb y()d 0 H Dh Hy()E H HO yPEy()  dDhO 3  O2 HDh yPny()  d HDhO2 3MePh xt Dh Hzh()  Resisting Moments Mo 92.9 kipMR HO O2 yHDhy()Pny()  d MR 122.2kip Factor of Safety: Slidding if FSd FR Fs"Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"  Slidding "Ok"FR Fs 1.3 Overturning if FSd MR Mo "Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"   Overturning "Ok"MR Mo 1.31 Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 40 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Vertical Embedment Depth Axial Resistance qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam p'π diaPile "Concrete Embed"=if 2 bf dotherwise = Applied axial load per beam Allowable Axial Resistance Qy( ) p' fsyπ dia2qa 4 Pile "Concrete Embed"=if bf dqaotherwise  Dv ε 0 ft τ Q ε() εε0.10 ft τ Pr Q ε() τ 0while εreturn  Dv 0 ft Dh 18 ft Selected Toe Depth Dtoe if Dh DvDhDv() Dtoe 18 ft Maximum Deflection L' H D 4= Effective length about pile rotation Δ xt EIx0 L' yyM'y()dΔ 0.88 in Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 41 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Design Summary:Sb_No "4" Beam "W18 x 50" H 11ft= Soldier beam retained height Dtoe 18 ft= Minimum soldier beam embedment H Dtoe29ft= Total length of soldier beam xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 24 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter Δ 0.88 in= Maximum soldier beam deflection Cantilever H = 11', bm 4 (T) with Slope Surcharge_R1.xmcdz 42               Section 7     Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Cantileverd Soldier Beam Design Sb_No "5-6" Soldier Beam Attributes & Properties Temporary Design Case H 12 ft= Soldier beam retained height x 2 Hs 3 ft--->= Height of retained slope (As applicable) y 1 xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 30 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter de' dia= Effective soldier beam diameter below subgrade dt 2 H= Assumed soldier beam embedment depth (Initial Guess) w_table H 12.5 ft= Depth below top of wall to design ground water table 1000 100 20 10 0 10 20 Shoring Design Section Depth (ft) ASTM A992 (Grade 50) E 29000 ksi Fy 50 ksi ASCE (2) D + H + L Lateral Embedment Safety Factor FSd 1.30 Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 43 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Soil Parameters Pa 60 pcf= Active earth pressure with 2-1 slope Pp 350 pcf= Passive earth pressure (Temporary condition) Pmax "n/a"= Maximum passive earth pressure ("n/a" = not applicable) dz 0 in= Overburden depth at subgrade Pps Pp dz= Passive pressure offset at subgrade ϕ 29 deg= Internal soil friction angle below subgrade be 0.08 deg 1ϕde'= Effective soldier beam width below subgrade a_ratio min be xt 1  = Soldier beam arching ratio qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction γs 125 pcf= Soil unit weight Bouyant Soil Properties (As applicable) γw 62.4 pcf= Unit weight of water Pp' Pp w_table "n/a"=if Pp γs γs γwotherwise  Submereged Pressures (As Applicable) Pp'175 pcfPa' Pa w_table "n/a"=if Pa γs γs γwotherwise  Pa'30 pcf Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 44 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Lateral Live Load Surcharge Uniform Loading Full 0 psf= Uniform loading full soldier beam height Partial 0 psf= Uniform loading partial soldier beam height Hpar 0 ft= Height of partial uniform surcharge loading Ps y( ) Full Partial0 ftyHparif Full Hpar yHif 0 psfotherwise  Uniform surcharge profile per depth Eccentric/Conncentric Axial & Lateral Point Loading Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam e 0 in= Eccentricity of applied compressive load Me Pr e xt = Eccentric bending moment Ph 0 lb= lateral pont load at depth "zh" zh 0 ft= Distance to lateral point load from top of wall Seismic Lateral Load (Monobe-Okobe, Not Applicable) EFP 0 pcf= Seismic force equivalent fluid pressure Es EFP H= Maximum seismic force pressure Eq y() Es Es H yyHif 0 psfotherwise = Maximum seismic force pressure Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 45 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Boussinesq Lateral Surcharge Load Q 0 plf= Surcharge load of continous footing z'0 ft= Depth below adjacent grade to application of surcharge load x1 0 in= Distance of line load from back face of wall Surcharge Coefficients ny()yz' Hmx1H 1 Boussinesq Equation Pb y()0 psf0 ftyz'if if m 0.40Q H 0.20ny() 0.16 ny()()221.28Q H m2 ny() m2 ny()()22   z' yHif 0 psfotherwise  10.50 0.5 10 5 10 Lateral Surcharge Loading Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Maximum Boussinesq Pressure Δy 5 ft Given Δy Pb Δy()d d 0 psf= Pb Find Δy()()0 psf 0 H yPb y() d 0 klf Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 46 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Resolve Forces Acting on Beam (Assume trial values) z 6 ftDdt PA H()720 psf a_ratio PA H()522 psf O 2.1ft Given Summation of Lateral Forces PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()    2 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()y d HO HDz yPEy()  d H HO yPEy()  d 0 H yPAy() d 0 HD yPs y() d 0 HD yPb y() d 0 H yEq y() dPh xt  0= Summation of Moments PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()   2  6 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()yzy() d HO HDz yPEy() H Dy()  d H HO yPEy() H Dy()  d 0 H yPAy() H Dy()  dMe  0 HD yPs y() H Dy() d 0 H yEq y() H Dy() d 0 HD yPb y() H Dy() dPh xt HDzh()  0= z 0z D  Find z D()z 4.1ft D 16.5 ft Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 47 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 410321030 210341036103 0 10 0 Soldier Beam Pressure Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Soil Pressures PA H()720 psf PD HD()5070.5psf PE HD()3154.1psf PK HD()9270.5 psf PJ HD()6721.1 psf 151050 5 0 10 0 Shear/ft width Shear (klf)Depth (ft)Distance to zero shear (From top of Pile) ε aH ε Va() aa0.10 ft ε Va() ε 0while areturn  ε 20.3 ft Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 48 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Determine Minimum Pile Size My() 0 y yVy() dMeMmax M ε()xtMmax 375.5 kip ft AISC Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition Ω 1.67= Allowable strength reduction factor AISC E1 & F1 Δσ 1.33= Steel overstress for temporary loading Fb Fy Δσ Ω = Allowable bending stress Required Section Modulus: Zr Mmax FbFlexural Yielding, Lb < Lr Zr 113.2 in3 Beam "W18 x 65" Fb 39.8 ksi A 19.1 in2bf 7.6 inK 1Lu H Pile "Concrete Embed"=if ε otherwise  d 18.4 intf 0.8 inZx 133 in3 tw 0.5 inrx 7.5 inIx 1070 in4Fe π2 E KLu rx   2 Axial Stresses λ Fy Fe Fcr 0.658λ FyKLu rx 4.71 E Fyif 0.877 Fe( ) otherwise = Nominal compressive stress - AISC E.3-2 & E3-3 = Allowable concentric force - AISC E.3-1Pc Fcr A Ω  Ma Zx Fb= Allowable bending moment - AISC F.2-1 Ma 441.3 kip ftInteraction Pr Pc 8 9 Mmax Ma     Pr Pc 0.20if Pr 2 Pc Mmax Ma  otherwise = AISC H1-1a & H1-1b Mmax 375.5 kip ftInteraction 0.85 Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 49 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Global Stability FSd 1.3= Minimum embedment depth factor of safety Embedment depth increase for min. FS Dh Ceil D ft()1 ft Slidding Forces: Fs V H O() O2 HDh xPnx()  d Resisting Forces: Fs 15 klf FR HO O2 xPnx()  d FR 19.2klf Overturning Moments: Mo 0 H yDh Hy()PAy() d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Ps y()d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Pb y()d 0 H Dh Hy()E H HO yPEy()  dDhO 3  O2 HDh yPny()  d HDhO2 3MePh xt Dh Hzh()  Resisting Moments Mo 114.3 kipMR HO O2 yHDhy()Pny()  d MR 148.5kip Factor of Safety: Slidding if FSd FR Fs"Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"  Slidding "No Good: Increase Dh"FR Fs 1.28 Overturning if FSd MR Mo "Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"   Overturning "No Good: Increase Dh"MR Mo 1.3 Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 50 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Vertical Embedment Depth Axial Resistance qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam p'π diaPile "Concrete Embed"=if 2 bf dotherwise = Applied axial load per beam Allowable Axial Resistance Qy( ) p' fsyπ dia2qa 4 Pile "Concrete Embed"=if bf dqaotherwise  Dv ε 0 ft τ Q ε() εε0.10 ft τ Pr Q ε() τ 0while εreturn  Dv 0 ft Dh 18 ft Selected Toe Depth Dtoe if Dh DvDhDv() Dtoe 18 ft Maximum Deflection L' H D 4= Effective length about pile rotation Δ xt EIx0 L' yyM'y()dΔ 0.93 in Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 51 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Design Summary:Sb_No "5-6" Beam "W18 x 65" H 12ft= Soldier beam retained height Dtoe 18 ft= Minimum soldier beam embedment H Dtoe30ft= Total length of soldier beam xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 30 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter Δ 0.93 in= Maximum soldier beam deflection Cantilever H = 12', bm 5-6 (T)_R1.xmcdz 52               Section 8     Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Cantileverd Soldier Beam Design Sb_No "7" Soldier Beam Attributes & Properties Temporary Design Case H 13 ft= Soldier beam retained height x 0 Hs 0 ft--->= Height of retained slope (As applicable) y 0 xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 30 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter de' dia= Effective soldier beam diameter below subgrade dt 2 H= Assumed soldier beam embedment depth (Initial Guess) w_table H 13.5 ft= Depth below top of wall to design ground water table 1000 100 20 10 0 10 Shoring Design Section Depth (ft) ASTM A992 (Grade 50) E 29000 ksi Fy 50 ksi ASCE (2) D + H + L Lateral Embedment Safety Factor FSd 1.30 Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 53 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Soil Parameters Pa 45 pcf= Active earth pressure Pp 350 pcf= Passive earth pressure (Temporary condition) Pmax "n/a"= Maximum passive earth pressure ("n/a" = not applicable) dz 0 in= Overburden depth at subgrade Pps Pp dz= Passive pressure offset at subgrade ϕ 29 deg= Internal soil friction angle below subgrade be 0.08 deg 1ϕde'= Effective soldier beam width below subgrade a_ratio min be xt 1  = Soldier beam arching ratio qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction γs 125 pcf= Soil unit weight Bouyant Soil Properties (As applicable) γw 62.4 pcf= Unit weight of water Pp' Pp w_table "n/a"=if Pp γs γs γwotherwise  Submereged Pressures (As Applicable) Pp'175 pcfPa' Pa w_table "n/a"=if Pa γs γs γwotherwise  Pa'22.5 pcf Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 54 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Lateral Live Load Surcharge Uniform Loading Full 0 psf= Uniform loading full soldier beam height Partial 72 psf= Uniform loading partial soldier beam height Hpar 10 ft= Height of partial uniform surcharge loading Ps y( ) Full Partial0 ftyHparif Full Hpar yHif 0 psfotherwise  Uniform surcharge profile per depth Eccentric/Conncentric Axial & Lateral Point Loading Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam e 0 in= Eccentricity of applied compressive load Me Pr e xt = Eccentric bending moment Ph 0 lb= lateral pont load at depth "zh" zh 0 ft= Distance to lateral point load from top of wall Seismic Lateral Load (Monobe-Okobe, Not Applicable) EFP 0 pcf= Seismic force equivalent fluid pressure Es EFP H= Maximum seismic force pressure Eq y() Es Es H yyHif 0 psfotherwise = Maximum seismic force pressure Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 55 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Boussinesq Lateral Surcharge Load Q 0 plf= Surcharge load of continous footing z'0 ft= Depth below adjacent grade to application of surcharge load x1 0 in= Distance of line load from back face of wall Surcharge Coefficients ny()yz' Hmx1H 1 Boussinesq Equation Pb y()0 psf0 ftyz'if if m 0.40Q H 0.20ny() 0.16 ny()()221.28Q H m2 ny() m2 ny()()22   z' yHif 0 psfotherwise  0 20 40 60 800 5 10 Lateral Surcharge Loading Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Maximum Boussinesq Pressure Δy 5 ft Given Δy Pb Δy()d d 0 psf= Pb Find Δy()()0 psf 0 H yPb y() d 0 klf Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 56 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Resolve Forces Acting on Beam (Assume trial values) z 6 ftDdt PA H()585 psf a_ratio PA H()424.1 psf O 1.7ft Given Summation of Lateral Forces PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()    2 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()y d HO HDz yPEy()  d H HO yPEy()  d 0 H yPAy() d 0 HD yPs y() d 0 HD yPb y() d 0 H yEq y() dPh xt  0= Summation of Moments PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()   2  6 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()yzy() d HO HDz yPEy() H Dy()  d H HO yPEy() H Dy()  d 0 H yPAy() H Dy()  dMe  0 HD yPs y() H Dy() d 0 H yEq y() H Dy() d 0 HD yPb y() H Dy() dPh xt HDzh()  0= z 0z D  Find z D()z 4.1ft D 16.3 ft Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 57 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 410321030 210341036103 0 10 0 Soldier Beam Pressure Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Soil Pressures PA H()585 psf PD HD()5212.9psf PE HD()3355.2psf PK HD()9762.9 psf PJ HD()7078.1 psf 151050 5 0 10 0 Shear/ft width Shear (klf)Depth (ft)Distance to zero shear (From top of Pile) ε aH ε Va() aa0.10 ft ε Va() ε 0while areturn  ε 20.9 ft Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 58 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Determine Minimum Pile Size My() 0 y yVy() dMeMmax M ε()xtMmax 402.8 kip ft AISC Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition Ω 1.67= Allowable strength reduction factor AISC E1 & F1 Δσ 1= Steel overstress for temporary loading Fb Fy Δσ Ω = Allowable bending stress Required Section Modulus: Zr Mmax FbFlexural Yielding, Lb < Lr Zr 161.4 in3 Beam "W18 x 76" Fb 29.9 ksi A 22.3 in2bf 11 inK 1Lu H Pile "Concrete Embed"=if ε otherwise  d 18.2 intf 0.7 inZx 163 in3 tw 0.4 inrx 7.7 inIx 1330 in4Fe π2 E KLu rx   2 Axial Stresses λ Fy Fe Fcr 0.658λ FyKLu rx 4.71 E Fyif 0.877 Fe( ) otherwise = Nominal compressive stress - AISC E.3-2 & E3-3 = Allowable concentric force - AISC E.3-1Pc Fcr A Ω  Ma Zx Fb= Allowable bending moment - AISC F.2-1 Ma 406.7 kip ftInteraction Pr Pc 8 9 Mmax Ma     Pr Pc 0.20if Pr 2 Pc Mmax Ma  otherwise = AISC H1-1a & H1-1b Mmax 402.8 kip ftInteraction 0.99 Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 59 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Global Stability FSd 1.3= Minimum embedment depth factor of safety Embedment depth increase for min. FS Dh Ceil D ft()2 ft Slidding Forces: Fs V H O() O2 HDh xPnx()  d Resisting Forces: Fs 15.6 klf FR HO O2 xPnx()  d FR 24klf Overturning Moments: Mo 0 H yDh Hy()PAy() d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Ps y()d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Pb y()d 0 H Dh Hy()E H HO yPEy()  dDhO 3  O2 HDh yPny()  d HDhO2 3MePh xt Dh Hzh()  Resisting Moments Mo 125 kipMR HO O2 yHDhy()Pny()  d MR 195.4kip Factor of Safety: Slidding if FSd FR Fs"Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"  Slidding "Ok"FR Fs 1.54 Overturning if FSd MR Mo "Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"   Overturning "Ok"MR Mo 1.56 Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 60 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Vertical Embedment Depth Axial Resistance qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam p'π diaPile "Concrete Embed"=if 2 bf dotherwise = Applied axial load per beam Allowable Axial Resistance Qy( ) p' fsyπ dia2qa 4 Pile "Concrete Embed"=if bf dqaotherwise  Dv ε 0 ft τ Q ε() εε0.10 ft τ Pr Q ε() τ 0while εreturn  Dv 0 ft Dh 19 ft Selected Toe Depth Dtoe if Dh DvDhDv() Dtoe 19 ft Maximum Deflection L' H D 4= Effective length about pile rotation Δ xt EIx0 L' yyM'y()dΔ 1 in Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 61 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Design Summary:Sb_No "7" Beam "W18 x 76" H 13ft= Soldier beam retained height Dtoe 19 ft= Minimum soldier beam embedment H Dtoe32ft= Total length of soldier beam xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 30 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter Δ 1 in= Maximum soldier beam deflection Cantilever H = 13', bm 7 (T)_R1.xmcdz 62               Section 9     Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Cantileverd Soldier Beam Design Sb_No "8-13" Soldier Beam Attributes & Properties Temporary Design Case H 12 ft= Maximum Soldier beam retained height x 0 Hs 0 ft--->= Height of retained slope (As applicable) y 0 xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 30 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter de' dia= Effective soldier beam diameter below subgrade dt 2 H= Assumed soldier beam embedment depth (Initial Guess) w_table H 14.5 ft= Depth below top of wall to design ground water table 1000 100 20 10 0 10 Shoring Design Section Depth (ft) ASTM A992 (Grade 50) E 29000 ksi Fy 50 ksi ASCE (2) D + H + L Lateral Embedment Safety Factor FSd 1.30 Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 63 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Soil Parameters Pa 45 pcf= Active earth pressure Pp 350 pcf= Passive earth pressure (Temporary condition) Pmax "n/a"= Maximum passive earth pressure ("n/a" = not applicable) dz 18 in= Overburden depth at subgrade Pps Pp dz= Passive pressure offset at subgrade ϕ 29 deg= Internal soil friction angle below subgrade be 0.08 deg 1ϕde'= Effective soldier beam width below subgrade a_ratio min be xt 1  = Soldier beam arching ratio qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction γs 125 pcf= Soil unit weight Bouyant Soil Properties (As applicable) γw 62.4 pcf= Unit weight of water Pp' Pp w_table "n/a"=if Pp γs γs γwotherwise  Submereged Pressures (As Applicable) Pp'175 pcfPa' Pa w_table "n/a"=if Pa γs γs γwotherwise  Pa'22.5 pcf Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 64 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Lateral Live Load Surcharge Uniform Loading Full 0 psf= Uniform loading full soldier beam height Partial 72 psf= Uniform loading partial soldier beam height Hpar 10 ft= Height of partial uniform surcharge loading Ps y( ) Full Partial0 ftyHparif Full Hpar yHif 0 psfotherwise  Uniform surcharge profile per depth Eccentric/Conncentric Axial & Lateral Point Loading Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam e 0 in= Eccentricity of applied compressive load Me Pr e xt = Eccentric bending moment Ph 0 lb= lateral pont load at depth "zh" zh 0 ft= Distance to lateral point load from top of wall Seismic Lateral Load (Monobe-Okobe, Not Applicable) EFP 0 pcf= Seismic force equivalent fluid pressure Es EFP H= Maximum seismic force pressure Eq y() Es Es H yyHif 0 psfotherwise = Maximum seismic force pressure Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 65 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Boussinesq Lateral Surcharge Load Q 0 plf= Surcharge load of continous footing z'0 ft= Depth below adjacent grade to application of surcharge load x1 0 in= Distance of line load from back face of wall Surcharge Coefficients ny()yz' Hmx1H 1 Boussinesq Equation Pb y()0 psf0 ftyz'if if m 0.40Q H 0.20ny() 0.16 ny()()221.28Q H m2 ny() m2 ny()()22   z' yHif 0 psfotherwise  0 20 40 60 800 5 10 Lateral Surcharge Loading Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Maximum Boussinesq Pressure Δy 5 ft Given Δy Pb Δy()d d 0 psf= Pb Find Δy()()0 psf 0 H yPb y() d 0 klf Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 66 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Resolve Forces Acting on Beam (Assume trial values) z 6 ftDdt PA H()540 psf a_ratio PA H()391.5 psf O 0.1ft Given Summation of Lateral Forces PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()    2 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()y d HO HDz yPEy()  d H HO yPEy()  d 0 H yPAy() d 0 HD yPs y() d 0 HD yPb y() d 0 H yEq y() dPh xt  0= Summation of Moments PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()   2  6 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()yzy() d HO HDz yPEy() H Dy()  d H HO yPEy() H Dy()  d 0 H yPAy() H Dy()  dMe  0 HD yPs y() H Dy() d 0 H yEq y() H Dy() d 0 HD yPb y() H Dy() dPh xt HDzh()  0= z 0z D  Find z D()z 3.5ft D 12.8 ft Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 67 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 410321030 210341036103 0 10 0 Soldier Beam Pressure Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Soil Pressures PA H()540 psf PD HD()5017.6psf PE HD()3246.3psf PK HD()8692.6 psf PJ HD()6302.1 psf 1050 5 0 10 0 Shear/ft width Shear (klf)Depth (ft)Distance to zero shear (From top of Pile) ε aH ε Va() aa0.10 ft ε Va() ε 0while areturn  ε 17.7 ft Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 68 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Determine Minimum Pile Size My() 0 y yVy() dMeMmax M ε()xtMmax 263.3 kip ft AISC Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition Ω 1.67= Allowable strength reduction factor AISC E1 & F1 Δσ 1.33= Steel overstress for temporary loading Fb Fy Δσ Ω = Allowable bending stress Required Section Modulus: Zr Mmax FbFlexural Yielding, Lb < Lr Zr 79.4 in3 Beam "W14 x 74" Fb 39.8 ksi A 21.8 in2bf 10.1 inK 1Lu H Pile "Concrete Embed"=if ε otherwise  d 14.2 intf 0.8 inZx 126 in3 tw 0.5 inrx 6 inIx 795 in4Fe π2 E KLu rx   2 Axial Stresses λ Fy Fe Fcr 0.658λ FyKLu rx 4.71 E Fyif 0.877 Fe( ) otherwise = Nominal compressive stress - AISC E.3-2 & E3-3 = Allowable concentric force - AISC E.3-1Pc Fcr A Ω  Ma Zx Fb= Allowable bending moment - AISC F.2-1 Ma 418.1 kip ftInteraction Pr Pc 8 9 Mmax Ma     Pr Pc 0.20if Pr 2 Pc Mmax Ma  otherwise = AISC H1-1a & H1-1b Mmax 263.3 kip ftInteraction 0.63 Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 69 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Global Stability FSd 1.3= Minimum embedment depth factor of safety Embedment depth increase for min. FS Dh Ceil D ft()5 ft Slidding Forces: Fs V H O() O2 HDh xPnx()  d Resisting Forces: Fs 12.3 klf FR HO O2 xPnx()  d FR 28.6klf Overturning Moments: Mo 0 H yDh Hy()PAy() d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Ps y()d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Pb y()d 0 H Dh Hy()E H HO yPEy()  dDhO 3  O2 HDh yPny()  d HDhO2 3MePh xt Dh Hzh()  Resisting Moments Mo 95.7 kipMR HO O2 yHDhy()Pny()  d MR 227.2kip Factor of Safety: Slidding if FSd FR Fs"Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"  Slidding "Ok"FR Fs 2.33 Overturning if FSd MR Mo "Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"   Overturning "Ok"MR Mo 2.37 Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 70 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Vertical Embedment Depth Axial Resistance qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam p'π diaPile "Concrete Embed"=if 2 bf dotherwise = Applied axial load per beam Allowable Axial Resistance Qy( ) p' fsyπ dia2qa 4 Pile "Concrete Embed"=if bf dqaotherwise  Dv ε 0 ft τ Q ε() εε0.10 ft τ Pr Q ε() τ 0while εreturn  Dv 0 ft Dh 18 ft Selected Toe Depth Dtoe if Dh DvDhDv() Dtoe 18 ft Maximum Deflection L' H D 4= Effective length about pile rotation Δ xt EIx0 L' yyM'y()dΔ 0.97 in Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 71 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: October 25, 2022 Design Summary:Sb_No "8-13" Beam "W14 x 74" H 12ft= Soldier beam retained height Dtoe 18 ft= Minimum soldier beam embedment H Dtoe30ft= Total length of soldier beam xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 30 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter Δ 0.97 in= Maximum soldier beam deflection Cantilever H = 12', bm 8-13 (T) _R1.xmcdz 72               Section 10     Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Cantileverd Soldier Beam Design Sb_No "8-13" Soldier Beam Attributes & Properties Permanent Design Case H 10 ft= Soldier beam retained height x 0 Hs 0 ft--->= Height of retained slope (As applicable) y 0 xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 30 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter de' dia= Effective soldier beam diameter below subgrade dt 2 H= Assumed soldier beam embedment depth (Initial Guess) w_table H 14.5 ft= Depth below top of wall to design ground water table 500 5020 10 0 10 Shoring Design Section 2019 CBC 1605A.3.1 Load Cases: D + H + L - (Eqn. 16A-9) D + H + 0.7E - (Eqn. 16A-12) D + H + 0.75(0.7E) + 0.75L (16A-14) Lateral Embedment Safety Factor FSd 1.50= Static Case FS'd 1.13= Seismic Case Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 73 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Soil Parameters Pa 45 pcf= Active earth pressure Pp 250 pcf= Passive earth pressure (Permanent condition) dz 12 in= Overburden depth at subgrade Pmax "n/a"= Maximum passive earth pressure ("n/a" = not applicable) σ'133%= Passive pressure short term increase for seismic loading Pps Pp dz= Passive pressure offset at subgrade ϕ 29 deg= Internal soil friction angle below subgrade be 0.08 deg 1ϕde'= Effective soldier beam width below subgrade a_ratio min be xt 1  = Soldier beam arching ratio qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction Bouyant Soil Properties (As applicable) γw 62.4 pcf= Unit weight of water Pp' Pp w_table "n/a"=if Pp γs γs γwotherwise  Submereged Pressures (As Applicable) Pp'125 pcfPa' Pa w_table "n/a"=if Pa γs γs γwotherwise  Pa'22.5 pcf Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 74 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Lateral Live Load Surcharge Uniform Loading Full 72 psf= Uniform loading full soldier beam height Partial 0 psf= Uniform loading partial soldier beam height Hpar 0 ft= Height of partial uniform surcharge loading Ps y( ) Full Partial0 ftyHparif Full Hpar yHif 0 psfotherwise  Uniform surcharge profile per depth Eccentric/Conncentric Axial & Lateral Point Loading Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam e 0 in= Eccentricity of applied compressive load Me Pr e xt = Eccentric bending moment Ph 0 lb= lateral pont load at depth "zh" zh 0 ft= Distance to lateral point load from top of wall Seismic Lateral Load EFP 15 pcf= Seismic force equivalent fluid pressure Es EFP H= Maximum seismic force pressure Eq y( ) EFP yyHif 0 psfotherwise = Maximum seismic force pressure Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 75 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Boussinesq Lateral Surcharge Load Q 0 plf= Surcharge load of continous footing z'0 ft= Depth below adjacent grade to application of surcharge load x1 0 in= Distance of line load from back face of wall Surcharge Coefficients ny()yz' Hmx1H 1 Boussinesq Equation Pb y()0 psf0 ftyz'if if m 0.40Q H 0.20ny() 0.16 ny()()221.28Q H m2 ny() m2 ny()()22   z' yHif 0 psfotherwise  0 50 100 1500 5 10 Lateral Surcharge Loading Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Maximum Boussinesq Pressure Δy 5 ft Given Δy Pb Δy()d d 0 psf= Pb Find Δy()()0 psf 0 H yPb y() d 0 klf Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 76 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Resolve Forces Acting on Beam (Assume trial values) Summation of Lateral Forces PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()    2 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()y d HO HDz yPEy()  d H HO yPEy()  d 0 H yPAy() d 0 HD yPs y() d 0 HD yPb y() d 0 H yEq y() dPh xt  0= Summation of Moments PJ HD()z PE HDz() mE zD()   2  6 0 PE HDz() mE zD() yPEHDz()mEzD()yzy() d HO HDz yPEy() H Dy()  d H HO yPEy() H Dy()  d 0 H yPAy() H Dy()  dMe  0 HD yPs y() H Dy() d 0 H yEq y() H Dy() d 0 HD yPb y() H Dy() dPh xt HDzh()  = z 0 MOMENT FORCE EQUILLIBRIUM D + H + L - (Eqn. 16A-9) D 15.2 12.26 12.99   ftz 3.9 3.2 3.4   ftD + H + 0.7E - (Eqn. 16A-12) max D()15.2 ft D + H + 0.75(0.7E) + 0.75L (16A-14) Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 77 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 21030 21034103 0 10 0 Soldier Beam Pressure Pressure (psf)Depth (ft) Soil Pressures PA H()450.4 psf PD HD15268.1psf PE HD13112.3psf PK HD18381.3 psf PJ HD15785 psf 1050 5 0 10 0 Shear/ft width Shear (klf)Depth (ft)Distance to zero shear (From top of Pile) ε aH ε Va() aa0.10 ft ε Va() ε 0while areturn  ε 16.1 ft Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 78 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Determine Minimum Pile Size M 215.1 175.5 208.7   ft kipMmax max M()Mmax 215.1 kip ft AISC Steel Construction Manual 15th Edition Ω 1.67= Allowable strength reduction factor AISC E1 & F1 Δσ 1= Steel overstress for temporary loading Fb Fy Δσ Ω = Allowable bending stress Required Section Modulus: Zr Mmax FbFlexural Yielding, Lb < Lr Zr 86.2 in3 Beam "W14 x 74" Fb 29.9 ksi A 21.8 in2bf 10.1 inK 1Lu H Pile "Concrete Embed"=if ε otherwise  d 14.2 intf 0.8 inZx 126 in3 tw 0.5 inrx 6 inIx 795 in4Fe π2 E KLu rx   2 Axial Stresses λ Fy Fe Fcr 0.658λ FyKLu rx 4.71 E Fyif 0.877 Fe( ) otherwise = Nominal compressive stress - AISC E.3-2 & E3-3 = Allowable concentric force - AISC E.3-1Pc Fcr A Ω  Ma Zx Fb= Allowable bending moment - AISC F.2-1 Ma 314.4 kip ftInteraction Pr Pc 8 9 Mmax Ma     Pr Pc 0.20if Pr 2 Pc Mmax Ma  otherwise = AISC H1-1a & H1-1b Mmax 215.1 kip ftInteraction 0.68 Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 79 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Global Stability FS'd 1.13= Minimum embedment depth factor of safety [Seismic Load Case] Embedment depth increase for min. FS Dh' Ceil max D2 D3ft1 ft Slidding Forces: Fs V H O2 η H Dh' xPnx()  d Dh'14ft Resisting Forces:Fs 10.1 klf FR HO2 η xPnx()  dFR 12.2klf Overturning Moments: Mo 0 H yDh' Hy()PAy() d 0 H yDh' Hy( ) Ps y()Ud 0 H yDh' Hy( ) Pb y()d 0 H Dh' H(  H HO2 yPEy()  d Dh' O2 3   η H Dh' yPny()  d H Dh'η 3MePh xt Dh' Hzh()  Resisting Moments Mo 64.9 kipMR HO2 η yH Dh'y()Pny() d MR 79.2kip Factor of Safety: Slidding if FS'd FR Fs"Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"  Slidding "Ok"FR Fs 1.21 Overturning if FS'd MR Mo "Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"   Overturning "Ok"MR Mo 1.22 Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 80 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Global Stability FSd 1.5= Minimum embedment depth factor of safety [Eqn. 16A-9] Embedment depth increase for min. FS Dh Ceil D1 ft2 ft Slidding Forces: Fs V1 HO1 η HDh xPnx()  d Dh 18 ft Resisting Forces:Fs 9.5 klf FR HO1 η xPnx()  dFR 14.4klf Overturning Moments: Mo 0 H yDh Hy()PAy()d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Ps y()d 0 H yDh Hy( ) Pb y()d H HO1 yPEy()  dDh O1 3   η HDh yPny()  d HDhη 3MePh xt Dh Hzh()  Resisting Moments Mo 71.8 kipMR HO1 η yHDhy()Pny() d MR 113.6kip Factor of Safety: Slidding if FSd FR Fs"Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"  Slidding "Ok"FR Fs 1.52 Overturning if FSd MR Mo "Ok""No Good: Increase Dh"   Overturning "Ok"MR Mo 1.58 Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 81 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Vertical Embedment Depth Axial Resistance qa 0 psf= Allowable soldier beam tip end bearing pressure fs 600 psf= Allowable soldier skin friction Pr 0 kip= Applied axial load per beam p'π diaPile "Concrete Embed"=if 2 bf dotherwise = Applied axial load per beam Allowable Axial Resistance Qy( ) p' fsyπ dia2qa 4 Pile "Concrete Embed"=if bf dqaotherwise  Dv ε 0 ft τ Q ε() εε0.10 ft τ Pr Q ε() τ 0while εreturn  Dv 0 ft Dh 18 ft Selected Toe Depth Dtoe if max Dh Dh'()Dvmax Dh Dh'()Dv() Dtoe 18 ft Maximum Deflection L' H D1 4= Effective length about pile rotation Δ xt EIx0 L' yyM'y()dΔ 0.61 in Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 82 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Design Summary: Beam "W14 x 74"Sb_No "8-13" H 10ft= Soldier beam retained height Dtoe 18 ft= Minimum soldier beam embedment H Dtoe28ft= Total length of soldier beam xt 8 ft= Tributary width of soldier beam dia 30 in= Soldier beam shaft diameter Δ 0.61 in= Maximum soldier beam deflection Cantilever H = 10' sb 8-13 (P)_R1.xmcdz 83   Section 11  Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Timber Lagging Design Lagging Geometry Lagging "3x12, DF#2" L 8 ft= Soldier beam center to center space b 1 ft= Lagging width shaft 24 in= Min. drill shaft backfill diameter S L shaft= Lagging clear span S 6 ft Soil Parameters ϕ 29 deg= Internal soil friction angle c 100 psf= Soil cohesion (Conservative) γ 125 pcf= Soil unit weight ka tan 45 degϕ 2  2 = Active earth pressure coefficient area π S2 8= Silo cross sectional area (See figure) Lagging soil wedge functions Wz( ) area γz= Columnar silo vertical surcharge pressure fs z() kaγtan ϕ()zc= Soil column side friction ka 0.35 w 0 psf= Additional wedge surcharge pressure area 14.1ft2 Surcharge 72 psf= Lateral surcharge pressure Timber Lagging Design.xmcdz 84 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Maximum Lagging Design Pressure Summing forces vertically Fv z() Wz( ) w areaπ S 2 0 z zfs z() d Summing forces horizontally Pz()ka γS 2 ckaSurchargeFv z()ka area Given , inital guess:z 3 ft Taking partial derivative with respect to z: z Pz()d d 0=D Find z() γ S4 c 4 γkatan ϕ()()3.6ftDepth to critical tension crack & maximum lagging design pressureD3.6 ft Maximum design pressure Pmax PD()= Maximum lagging pressure 2 4 60 2103 4103 Soil Pressure Lagging Length (ft)Soil Pressure (psf)Pmax 180 psf Sectional Properties Lagging "3x12, DF#2" d 3 in= Lagging thickness = Section modulus (Rough Sawn)Sm bd 1 4 in  2  6 Abd1 4 in = Lagging cross sectional area (Rough Sawn) Timber Lagging Design.xmcdz 85 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Allowable Stress Design 0 2 4 6 82104 1104 0 1104 2104 3104 4104 Shear & Moment Diagrams Lagging Length (ft) Maximum lagging stresses Mmax M 0.5 L()= Maximum bending moment Vmax V 0.5 shaft()= Maximum shear force Mmax 1035.2 ft lbffb Mmax Sm Vmax 360.1 lbffv 3 2 Vmax A NDS Allowable Stress & Adjustment Factors Fb 900 psi= Allowable flexural stress_NDS Table 4A Fv 180 psi= Allowable shear stress_NDS Table 4A CD 1.1= Load duration factor_NDS Figure B1, Appendix B Cr 1.15= Repetative member factor_NDS 4.3.9 Cfu 1.2= Flat-use factor CF 1= Size factor Ct 1= Temprature factor_NDS Table 2.3.3 Ci 1= Incising factor CL 1= Beam stability factor (Flat) CF Fb900 psi Maximum Design Stress CM 1 CF Fb1150 psiif 0.85 otherwise = Wet service factor fb 821.4 psi fv 16.4 psi CM 1 Timber Lagging Design.xmcdz 86 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments East Eng: RPR Sheet____of____ Date: 10/26/2022 Tabulated Stresses Bending Stress Fb' CD CMCtCLCFCfuCiCrFb= Tabulated bending stress_NDS Table 4.3.1 Bending if fb Fb'"Ok""No Good"() Fb'1366 psi fb 821 psiBending "Ok" Shear Stress Fv' CD CMCtCiFv= Tabulated shear stress_NDS Table 4.3.1 Shear if fv Fv'"Ok""No Good"() Fv'198 psi fv 16.4 psiShear "Ok" Timber Lagging Design.xmcdz 87 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments Engr: RPR Date: 10/26/22 Sheet:______ of ______ Shotcrete Facing Design Input Parameters: Sectional Geometry H10ft= Maximum shotcrete retained height b12in= Cross sectional width for analysis tw 8 in= Shotcrete wall thickness bf 10 in= Soldier beam flange width d' 4 in= Distance to compressive reinforcement xt 8ftbf= Maximum shotcrete clear span Governing Load Combinations Pa 45 pcf= Active earth loading Ps 72 psf= Live load surcharge Eq 15 pcf= Seismic surcharge CBC Eqn. 16A-5: 1.6H + 1.0E + 0.5L w b 1.6 PaH1.0 EqH0.5 Ps()= Factored line loading w 0.9 klf Mu wxt2 8= Maximum bending moment Mu 5.8 ft kip Wire "W4.0 x W4.0" grid 6 in= Welded wire center-to-center grid spacing Ast 0.08 in2 ft= Weld wire reinforcement area per foot width Shotcrete Facing Design.xmcd 88 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments Engr: RPR Date: 10/26/22 Sheet:______ of ______ Reinforcement Properties Steel "Deformed Rebar ASTM A615" Es 29000 ksi= Elastic modulus of steel fy 60 ksi= Rebar yield strength (Grade 60) εy 0.002 in in= Steel yielding strain εcu 0.003 in in= Concrete compressive strain ϕ 0.90= Bending moment strength reduction factor γc 150 pcf= Concrete unit weight fc' 4000 psi= Concrete compressive strength Steel Geometry NLayer 1---> Number of longitudinal layers i12NLayer Bar 5 0()= Bar size per layer s0in= Compressive face rebar spacing s' 12 in= Tensile face rebar spacing d'i d' i 1=if d otherwise = Depth to effective centriod of tensile steel reinforcement β1 0.85 fc' 4 ksiif 0.85 0.05 fc' 4 ksi ksi4 ksifc'8 ksiif 0.65 otherwise  = Equivalent stress block coefficient - ACI318_10.2.7.3 Shotcrete Facing Design.xmcd 89 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments Engr: RPR Date: 10/26/22 Sheet:______ of ______ Strain Compatability Solve Block Asi areabar1 Bar11 b s'  Ast bi1=if areabar1 Bar12 b s  Ast botherwise  = Area of steel per layer As 0.39()in2 Strain Compatability Solver c ci 0.1 in Fsum 1kip ci ci 0.001 in a β1 ci Ac b a εsi εcu εcu di ci i 1 Layersfor fsi Es εsiif di a0.85 fc'0εsi εyif fsi fyif di a0.85 fc'0otherwise i 1 Layersfor Fsum 1 Layers i fsi Asi Ac 0.85fc' Fsum 0while cireturn  Neutral Axis Depth c 0.67 in Shotcrete Facing Design.xmcd 90 Shoring Design Group 7727 Caminito Liliana San Diego, CA 92129 Aviara Apartments Engr: RPR Date: 10/26/22 Sheet:______ of ______ Concrete Nominal Compressive Strength a β1 c= Equivalent stress block depth Ac a b= Concrete compressive block equivalent area Cc Ac 0.85fc'= Concrete compressive force Reinforcing Steel Nominal Tensile Strength εsi εcu εcu di c= Steel strain profile fsi Es εsiif di a0.85 fc'0εsi εyif fyif di a0.85 fc'0otherwise  = Reinforcing steel stress Fsi fsi Asi= Reinforcing steel tensile force Nominal Moment Capacity Summation of Forces (Strain compatibility check) Mn Cc tw 2 a 2  1 Layers i Fsi tw 2 di    1 Layers i Fsi Cc0 kip ϕ Mn6.5 ft kip CHECK AGAINST GOVERNING LOAD FACTOR Check if Mu ϕ Mn"Ok""No Good"() ϕ Mn6.5 ft kip Mu 5.8 ft kip Check "Ok" Shotcrete Facing Design.xmcd 91   Section 12  Shoring Design GroupAviara ApartmentsSoldier Beam Schedule10/26/2022Revision 0Maximum Toe Total ToeFromTo Beam Beam Shored Depth Drill DiameterBeamBeam Qty Section Height DepthH D H+D Dshaftft ft ft in1 1 1 W 14 x 30 5.0 10.0 15.0 242 2 1 W 16 x 36 6.0 14.0 20.0 243 3 1 W 16 x 45 10.0 17.0 27.0 244 4 1 W 18 x 50 11.0 18.0 29.0 245 6 2 W 18 x 71 12.0 18.0 30.0 307 7 1 W 18 x 76 13.0 19.0 32.0 308 10 3 W 14 x 74 12.0 18.0 30.0 3011 12 2 W 14 x 74 10.0 18.0 28.0 3013 13 1 W 14 x 74 12.0 18.0 30.0 3014 14 1 W 14 x 30 5.0 10.0 15.0 2492   Section 13  REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AVIARA APARTMENTS – EAST PARCEL 6145 LAUREL TREE LANE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009 Prepared for BRIDGE HOUSING 4142 Adams Avenue, Suite 103-627 San Diego, California 92116 Prepared by GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, California 92126 Project No. SD722 October 24, 2022 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92126 TEL: (858) 536-1000 Anaheim – Irvine – Ontario – San Diego – Torrance www.GroupDelta.com October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing 4142 Adams Avenue, Suite 103-627 San Diego, California 92116 Attention: Mr. Jeff Williams, Senior Project Manager SUBJECT: REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Aviara Apartments – East Parcel 6145 Laurel Tree Lane Carlsbad, California 92009 Mr. Williams: Group Delta Consultants (Group Delta) is submitting this geotechnical investigation report to support the design and construction of a 70 unit, four story “tuck under” apartment complex on a 2.31-acre site (1.49 acres for development). Group Delta prepared this report per the referenced proposal (Group Delta, 2022). We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued professional service. Please contact us with questions or comments, or if you need anything else. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS Allison Bieda, P.G. 10048, E.I.T. James C. Sanders, C.E.G. 2258 Project Geologist/Engineer Principal Engineering Geologist Charles Robin (Rob) Stroop, G.E. 2298 Associate Engineer Distribution: Addressee – Jeff Williams (jwilliams@bridgehousing.com) 03/31/24 Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page i 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Scope of Services .................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Site Description ....................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Project Description ................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Previous Geotechnical Studies ................................................................................ 2 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION .................................................................... 3 3.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ................................................................... 3 3.1 Artificial Fill – Undocumented (afu) and Roadway (afr) ............................................ 3 3.2 Young Alluvium (Qya) .............................................................................................. 4 3.3 Santiago Formation (Tsa) ........................................................................................ 4 3.4 Groundwater........................................................................................................... 4 4.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS .................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Strong Ground Motion ............................................................................................ 5 4.2 Earthquake Surface Fault-Rupture Hazard .............................................................. 5 4.3 Liquefaction and Secondary Effects ........................................................................ 6 4.4 Seismic Compaction ................................................................................................ 6 4.5 Landslides and Slope Instabilities ............................................................................ 6 4.6 Seiches and Tsunamis ............................................................................................. 6 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS ....................................................................................... 7 5.1 Compressible Soils .................................................................................................. 7 5.2 Expansive Soils ........................................................................................................ 7 5.3 Reactive Soils .......................................................................................................... 7 5.4 Stormwater Infiltration ........................................................................................... 7 6.0 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................. 8 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................... 9 7.1 General ................................................................................................................... 9 7.1.1 Design Groundwater Elevation ................................................................... 9 7.1.2 Seismic Design ............................................................................................. 9 7.1.3 Surface Drainage ....................................................................................... 10 7.2 Earthwork ............................................................................................................. 10 Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page ii 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 7.2.1 Site Preparation ........................................................................................ 11 7.2.2 Remedial Earthwork .................................................................................. 11 7.2.3 Fill Compaction .......................................................................................... 12 7.2.4 Reuse of Existing Soils ............................................................................... 12 7.2.5 Import Soil ................................................................................................. 12 7.3 Foundation Recommendations ............................................................................. 13 7.3.1 Post-Tensioned Slabs ................................................................................ 13 7.3.2 Conventional Shallow Foundations – Accessory Structures ...................... 13 7.3.3 Settlement ................................................................................................ 14 7.3.4 Lateral Resistance ..................................................................................... 14 7.4 On-Grade Slabs ..................................................................................................... 14 7.4.1 Subgrade Support and Preparation ........................................................... 14 7.4.2 Slab Thickness and Reinforcement ............................................................ 14 7.4.3 Moisture Protection for Interior Slabs....................................................... 15 7.5 Earth Retaining Structures .................................................................................... 15 7.5.1 Free Standing Gravity or Cantilever Retaining Walls ................................. 15 7.5.2 Temporary Shoring .................................................................................... 15 7.6 Exterior Surface Improvements ............................................................................ 16 7.6.1 Asphalt Concrete Pavements .................................................................... 16 7.7 Interlocking Concrete Pavers ................................................................................ 16 7.7.1 Exterior Concrete Slabs ............................................................................. 17 7.7.2 Pavement Subgrade Preparation .............................................................. 17 8.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................ 17 9.0 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION ................................................... 18 10.0 LIMITATIONS .............................................................................................................. 18 11.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 20 Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page iii 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc FIGURES Figure 1 – Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 – Exploration Location Map Figure 3A – Cross Section A-A’ Figure 3B – Cross Section B-B’ Figure 4 – Geologic Map Figure 5 – Regional Fault Map Figure 6 – Shallow Foundation Dimension Details Figure 7 – Lateral Earth Pressures for Yielding Retaining Walls Figure 8 – Wall Drainage Detail Figure 9 – Lateral Earth Pressures for Cantilever Temporary Shoring APPENDICES Appendix A – Previous Subsurface Exploration Appendix B – Current Subsurface Exploration Appendix C – Current Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Appendix D – Calculations Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 1 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a geotechnical investigation by Group Delta Consultants (Group Delta) for a proposed 70 unit, four story “tuck under” apartment complex on a 2.31-acre site (1.49 acres for development) in Carlsbad, California. The site is northeast of the intersection of Laurel Tree Lane with Avia Parkway. Figure 1, Site Vicinity Map, shows the location of the site. The purpose of this report is to provide geotechnical recommendations for design and construction. Group Delta developed the recommendations using information from the previous geotechnical studies referenced in this report, recent subsurface exploration and laboratory testing, geologic and geotechnical engineering interpretation and analyses, and our previous experience with similar geologic conditions. 1.1 Scope of Services Group Delta prepared this report per the referenced proposal (Group Delta, 2022). We provided the following scope of services. • Desk study review of the referenced previous geotechnical studies. Appendix A provides relevant information. • A site reconnaissance and field investigation consisting of one exploratory boring and three cone penetrometer tests. Figure 2, Exploration Location Map, shows the approximate locations of these explorations. Appendix B provides relevant information. • Geotechnical laboratory testing of soil samples collected from the borings. Appendix C provides the test results. • Engineering analysis of the field and laboratory data to develop geotechnical parameters and preliminary recommendations for design and construction. • Preparation of this report with our findings, conclusions, and recommendations. 1.2 Site Description The entitlement package (KTGY Architecture + Planning, 2020) refers to the project site as the “East Parcel”. The site is northeast of the intersection of Laurel Tree Lane with Avia Parkway, and slopes descend from the roadways down to the parcel on the west and south sides. The East Parcel is lightly vegetated, relatively level land with elevations ranging from west to east of about 90 to 100 feet (NGVD 27). A natural channel with abundant vegetation borders the northern perimeter. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 2 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 1.3 Project Description Earthwork to form the site will require an estimated 3,140 cubic yards of import to establish a finished subgrade elevation of approximately 97 feet. Cut and fill depths are less than 5 feet, except in the retained areas as described below. There will also be five perimeter retaining walls with exposed heights ranging from 1.5 to 10 feet. Most of these walls will be constructed within the existing roadway embankment slopes (i.e., “cut” retaining walls). The wall along the northern perimeter will retain about 5 feet of new fill. Four of the walls will conform to San Diego Regional Standard Drawings C-1, C-4, C-5, and C-6. The highest wall has a site specific design by the Structural Engineer, VCA. Exterior surface improvements will consist of asphaltic concrete paving drive areas and concrete sidewalks. New underground utilities will be storm drain, sewer, and domestic and fire water. The proposed apartment buildings totaling 21,097 square feet (ground level) will be 4-story wood framed with 12-inch thick post-tensioned mat slab foundations. The edge of the post tensioned mat slab will be 12 inches below the bottom of the mat slab. There will also be 32 carports supported on conventional shallow foundations. We have based our understanding of the project from a review of the grading plans (Hunsaker & Associates, 2022) and the structural plans (VCA, 2022). 1.4 Previous Geotechnical Studies A previous preliminary geotechnical evaluation (GeoSoils, 2016 and 2018) indicated that 17 to 20 feet of undocumented fill, roadway fill and alluvium overlie sandstone mapped as belonging to the Santiago Formation. The geotechnical evaluation report encountered perched groundwater at a depth of about 21 feet. The report opined that the fill, alluvium and weathered sandstone were compressible and unsuitable for support of the improvements. The report provided preliminary recommendations for removal and recompaction, deep foundations, or ground improvement alternatives. The subsurface exploration within the East Parcel comprised one hollow stem auger test boring to a depth of 50 feet with associated laboratory testing of soil samples, two Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) to a depth of 50 feet with shear wave velocity measurements at 5- to 10-foot depth increments, and one 44-inch-deep percolation test. The Categorization of Infiltration Conditions Checklist, Form I-8 concluded that full or partial infiltration was not possible. The grading plans included with the entitlement package show stormwater detention basins. An earlier geotechnical investigation completed for the Cobblestone Sea Village offsite improvements (Geocon, 1989), included explorations within Aviara Parkway directly adjacent to site. The explorations indicate approximately 50 feet of alluvium overlie the Santiago Formation, Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 3 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc however, the soil descriptions and CPT outputs match the information from GeoSoils’ investigation. Therefore, Geocon may have logged the upper weathered Santiago Formation as Alluvium. An additional 20 feet of roadway fill was placed for the development of what is now Aviara Parkway. Cross-Section E-E’ (Geocon, 1989) indicates that Geocon recommended a minimum of 5 feet of removal and recompaction below the roadway embankment. They further recommended extending the removal and recompaction at horizontal distance outside of the toe of the embankment that is equal the depth of the removal and recompaction. 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION The field investigation included a site reconnaissance and advancing one exploratory boring and three CPT soundings. The field explorations were completed on March 14, 2022. The maximum depth of exploration was approximately 52 feet. Figure 2, Exploration Location Plan, shows the approximate locations of these explorations. Figures 3A and 3B are the cross-sections A-A’ and B-B’ showing the subsurface conditions encountered. Appendix B provides relevant information. Soil samples were collected from the borings for laboratory testing. The testing program included sieve analyses and plasticity index testing to classify the soil using the Unified Soil Classification System. Index tests were also completed to evaluate the soil expansion potential and corrosivity. The laboratory test results are provided on the Boring Records in Appendix B and in Appendix C. 3.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The site is located within the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic province of California. This province is characterized by rugged north-south trending mountains separated by subparallel faults and a coastal plain of subdued landforms underlain by sedimentary formations. The site is within the coastal region in Carlsbad within a natural drainage underlain by young alluvium (map symbol Qya) and Eocene-aged Santiago Formation (map symbol Tsa). Figure 4, Geologic Map, shows the mapped limits of these geologic units relative to the site. There are also local areas of fill above these units that is not shown on the geologic map. We consider this fill to be “undocumented” since there are no records of observation and testing by a Geotechnical Engineer available for review. This fill stems from prior grading at the site and development of the adjacent roadways. 3.1 Artificial Fill – Undocumented (afu) and Roadway (afr) Undocumented artificial fill soils were encountered in all the exploratory borings. The fill soils typically ranged from about 5 to 13 feet in thickness. The fill soils were primarily observed to consist of clayey sand (Unified Soil Classification System - SC) and sandy clay (CL). The relative density and consistency based on drive sampler resistance was loose to medium dense sand and medium stiff to stiff clay. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 4 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc Fill associated with the roadway construction also underlies the site. This fill may have been placed under the observation and testing of a Geotechnical Engineer. While record requests by Group Delta and GeoTek (GeoTek, 2021) to the City of Carlsbad for as-built geotechnical reports did not provide report(s) of the grading observations for review, an earlier geotechnical investigation completed for the Cobblestone Sea Village offsite improvements (Geocon, 1989) has a cross section (Section E-E’) for the portion of Aviara Parkway that borders the site. This cross section shows a recommended minimum of 5 feet of removal and recompaction below the contact of the roadway embankment with the original ground surface, which is shown to be at an elevation of about 85 feet. Geocon recommended extending the removal along a 1:1 projection beyond the toe of the embankment to the bottom of removal. Group Delta and Geosoils (Geosoils 2016) did not have subsurface explorations within this fill for the geotechnical investigation of the eastern site. However, GeoTek (GeoTek, 2021) located subsurface explorations within this fill in the western site and reported “The road fill was sufficiently dense enough to cause auger resistance and slight chatter during field operations, however, blow counts indicate moderate compaction of these fill soils”. 3.2 Young Alluvium (Qya) Beneath the undocumented fill in each boring, young alluvium was encountered. The alluvial soils primarily consisted of sandy clay (CL) and clayey sand (SC), and silty sand (SM). These young alluvial soils varied in thickness from about 4 to 15 feet. The relative densities and consistencies based on drive sampler resistance was medium dense sands and stiff to very stiff clays. 3.3 Santiago Formation (Tsa) Sandstone and claystone mapped as the Santiago Formation was encountered in all the borings and CPTs below the alluvium to the maximum depth explored, as summarized below. The depth to this material varied from about 11 feet to 22 feet below the current ground levels. This material is very weathered, and samples obtained using driven split barrel samplers were observed to mostly consist of fine to medium grained clayey sand (SC) and silty sand (SM), with some occasional sandy clay (CL). The relative density based on drive sampler resistance was medium dense to dense, becoming very dense at depth. 3.4 Groundwater During our exploration in March 2022, groundwater was encountered in the Group Delta borings at depths of about 16 feet below the existing ground surface during drilling (approximate elevation of 79 feet). This is generally consistent with the groundwater elevation encountered by GeoSoils during their 2016 investigation, which was at depths of about 17 feet to 21½ feet below grade (approximate elevations of 79 to 80 feet). Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 5 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc Changes in rainfall, irrigation, or site drainage may produce seepage or perched groundwater at any location underlying the site. Such conditions are difficult to predict and are typically mitigated if and where they occur. Groundwater production wells could influence groundwater levels in some areas. 4.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS The primary geologic hazard is the potential for strong ground motion from a nearby or distant earthquake. Secondary, but relatively low geologic hazards include soil liquefaction that could occur from strong ground motion or potential for slope instability. We did not find evidence of a potential earthquake surface fault rupture, tsunamis or seiches. Geologic hazards are further described below. 4.1 Strong Ground Motion The site is in an area of high seismicity, with many faults in the area capable of producing strong ground motion. The closest active fault to the site is the Rose Canyon fault, located about 8 kilometers (km) to the west. Rose Canyon is generally considered to be capable of producing earthquakes with a maximum magnitude (MW) of 7. Other regional faults include numerous offshore faults, including Carlsbad (Mw = 6.7) which is located about 18 km west of the site, Oceanside (Mw =7.2) which is about 30 km west of the site, Coronado Bank (Mw = 7.4) located about 34 km west of the site. One of the most active regional faults is the Elsinore fault system, which consists of a series of sections that are estimated to be capable of producing earthquakes with a maximum magnitude of 7.8 when they rupture in combination. The Julian section is located about 36 km northeast of the site. Regional faults are presented in Figure 5, Fault Map. The site could be subject to moderate to strong ground motion from a nearby or more distant, large magnitude earthquake occurring during the expected life span of the structure. This hazard is managed by structural design using the latest edition of the California Building Code. Seismic design parameters are provided in the Recommendations section. For the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) hazard level, the PGA is the geometric mean (MCEG) peak ground acceleration of 0.52g. 4.2 Earthquake Surface Fault-Rupture Hazard The potential for surface fault rupture is very low. Surface rupture is the result of movement on an active fault reaching the ground surface. The site is not crossed by a Holocene-active fault and structures intended for human occupancy as defined by the California Geological Survey (CGS, 2018) are located outside of Earthquake Fault Zones. Figure 5, Fault Map, indicates the closest known Holocene-active fault is the Rose Canyon fault zone that is approximately 5 miles (8 kilometers) west of the site. Small, unnamed faults are closer to the site (Figure 4, Geology Map); however, these small faults have not ruptured within Holocene time and are not considered active by the State of California or the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 6 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 4.3 Liquefaction and Secondary Effects The potential for liquefaction and secondary effects to occur should generally be very low. The potential for liquefaction may be higher within the southwest portion of the site that may have originally been a confluence of channels, due to the interpretation of older topography maps and the presence of thicker alluvial sands in CPT-03. The potential for liquefaction should be very low in the northern and eastern portions of the site, where the groundwater is typically located below the alluvial soils within the Santiago Formation. In our opinion, mitigation of liquefaction is not needed. Liquefaction is the sudden loss of soil shear strength within saturated, loose to medium dense, sands and non-plastic silts. Liquefaction is caused by the build-up of pore water pressure during strong ground motion from an earthquake. The secondary effects of liquefaction are sand boils, settlement, and instabilities within sloping ground. Of these, liquefaction-induced settlement should be the most likely to occur given the site surface and subsurface conditions. Group Delta assessed the potential for liquefaction using current cone penetration test data, the results of laboratory index testing on soil samples, and the earthquake magnitude and peak ground acceleration required by the California Building Code and the current standard of practice. The liquefaction-induced settlement was estimated to range from negligible to 1.5 inches. Appendix D provides the calculations. 4.4 Seismic Compaction An additional effect of strong ground motion is the potential for densification of loose to medium granular soils that are above groundwater, referred to as seismic compaction. This hazard should be low at the site based on our evaluation. 4.5 Landslides and Slope Instabilities Based on the relatively flat topography of the site, landslides and large-scale slope instability are not significant design considerations. However, our observations of the slopes ascending the roadway to Laurel Tree Lane and Aviara Parkway suggest that they are susceptible to erosion and shallow slump failures in the upper foot or two of soils. We understand that part of the site development includes the placement of retaining walls along these areas, and it is anticipated that the slopes above these walls would be regraded to accommodate the construction. Assuming site grading and preparation follows the Recommendations section of the report, the risk of adverse slope instability is low. 4.6 Seiches and Tsunamis Seiches are standing waves that develop within rivers, reservoirs, and lakes from strong ground motion. There are not any nearby bodies of water, therefore the risk of seiches is nil. Tsunamis are sea waves created by the sudden uplift of the sea floor. They are not a design consideration because of the site elevation above sea level and the distance of the site from the coast. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 7 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS The primary geotechnical condition at the site requiring engineering mitigation is the compressibility and low soil shear strength of the undocumented artificial fill and alluvial soils. 5.1 Compressible Soils The undocumented artificial fill has a potential for adverse differential settlement and/or shear strength failure due to the variable physical characteristics and relative densities that stem from the uncontrolled placement and compaction of the fill. The alluvial soils are also potentially compressible. The loads imposed on these soils from additional fill and shallow foundations are likely to generate short- and long-term total and settlement. 5.2 Expansive Soils GeoSoils (2016) reported the soils they sampled and tested for Expansive Index exhibited a “low” potential for expansion when tested per ASTM D4829 at the eastern site. Group Delta tested a clayey soil sample of undocumented fill that also resulted in a “low” potential for expansion. However, samples of the clay in the western parcel, on the other side of Aviara Parkway, indicate a “medium” expansion potential (GeoSoils, 2016). 5.3 Reactive Soils One corrosion suite (pH, resistivity, soluble sulfate, and chloride) was conducted at the site using soil samples obtained within the upper 5 feet of the existing ground level. Appendix C provides these data. The samples were tested for water-soluble sulfate content to assess the sulfate exposure of concrete in contact with the site soils. The test results indicate the on-site soils should have a negligible potential for sulfate attack. The sulfate content of the finish grade soils should be evaluated at the completion of earthwork. The samples were tested for pH, resistivity, and chloride content to assess the reactivity of the site soils with buried metals. The test results indicate the on-site soils may be very corrosive to buried metals in some portions of site. A Corrosion Consultant may be contacted for specific recommendations. 5.4 Stormwater Infiltration The previous study by GeoSoils (2016) performed one percolation test and concluded that the site does not support either full or partial infiltration. We concur with their assessment. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 8 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 6.0 CONCLUSIONS In our opinion, the site is geotechnically suitable for the proposed development. However, remedial grading or ground improvement will be needed to support the new structure considering the geotechnical conditions at the site combined with the expected structural loads. The design team should consider using remedial grading by overexcavating the undocumented fill and replacing it with new structural fill. This approach may be more economical than ground improvement since it can be readily accomplished with conventional grading equipment and does not require a specialty design or additional equipment mobilization. Specific conclusions are provided below. • Compressible and low shear strength soils underlie the sites. Each site is underlain by a sequence of undocumented fill over young alluvium that ranges from about 11 to 22 feet thick. • Competent geotechnical materials consisting of very weathered sandstone and claystone mapped as the Santiago Formation was encountered in the borings below the alluvium to the maximum depths explored. The top surface of this material may vary by about 10 feet across the site. • Groundwater was encountered at a typical elevation of 79 to 80 feet across the site (about 16 to 21.5 feet below existing grades). • The potential for liquefaction to occur should be very low. The potential for liquefaction may be higher within the southern portion of the site due to the presence of a thicker layer of alluvial sand in that area. The potential for liquefaction may be much lower in other areas of the site as groundwater is generally within the Santiago Formation and not present within the alluvial soils or fill. Liquefaction-induced settlement was estimated to range from negligible to less than 1.5 inches. • The expansion potential of the near-surface soils was generally found to be low (EI of 20 to 32 in the eastern parcel). However, testing in the nearby western parcel suggests that some soils may have a medium expansion potential within these soils. Additional testing should be performed during grading to ensure that highly expansive soils are not placed within 3 feet of the building slab subgrade. • Corrosion test data indicates that the onsite soils have a negligible potential for sulfate attack of concrete but may be very corrosive to buried metals based on commonly accepted criteria. A Corrosion Consultant may be contacted for specific recommendations. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 9 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The remainder of this report presents recommendations for the site development and structural design. We have prepared them for the planned four-story tuck-under apartments that we understand will be supported using post-tensioned mat slab foundations, and the associated site improvements. The recommendations consider that the site formation will require relatively limited cut and fill earthwork (about 10 to 15 feet) and that exterior surface improvements will primarily consist of asphalt concrete paving. If these recommendations do not address a specific feature of the project, please contact Group Delta for additions or revisions. We have based these recommendations using empirical and analytical methods that are typical of the standards of practice in southern California and the San Diego area. They will need to be updated for the design development, and the results of field testing (e.g., ground improvement pilot studies) or actual subsurface conditions encountered during construction. 7.1 General 7.1.1 Design Groundwater Elevation We recommend a design ground water elevation of 80 feet. Note this elevation may differ from groundwater levels that could be encountered during construction. 7.1.2 Seismic Design The site classification for seismic design is Site Class D per Chapter 20 of ASCE 7-16. Mapped design acceleration parameters are presented in the table below. Per Section 11.4.8 of ASCE 7-16, a site- specific ground motion hazard analysis is required for “structures on Site Class D and E sites with S1 greater than or equal to 0.2”, unless certain exceptions are met. The mapped design acceleration parameters provided can only be used if Exception 2 of ASCE 7-16 Section 11.4.8 is met: • If T ≤ 1.5 TS: The value of the seismic response coefficient CS is determined by Eq. (12.8-2), i.e., SDS is used to obtain CS, or • If TL ≥ T > 1.5 TS: The value of seismic response coefficient CS is taken as 1.5 times the value computed in Eq. (12.8-3), i.e., 1.5*SD1 is used to obtain CS, or • If T > TL: The value of seismic response coefficient CS is taken as 1.5 times the value computed in Eq. (12.8-4), i.e., 1.5*SD1 is used to obtain CS. Based on this exception, if the fundamental period is less than or equal to 1.5TS, SDS must be used to determine the seismic response coefficient, CS, with equation 12.8-2. If the fundamental period is higher than 1.5 TS (longer period structures), then the determination of CS is increased by a factor of 1.5. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 10 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc MAPPED SEISMIC DESIGN ACCELERATION PARAMETERS (ASCE 7-16 Section 11.4) Design Parameters Mapped Value Site Latitude 33.12208 Site Longitude -117.30127 Ss (g) 1.035 S1 (g) 0.375 Site Class D Fa 1.086 Fv 1.925 TS (sec) 0.642 TL (sec) 8 SMS (g) 1.124 SM1 (g) 0.722 SDS (g) 0.7491 SD1 (g) 0.4812 1: For T ≤ 1.5 Ts, SDS should be used only to obtain Cs using Equation 12.8-2. 2: If SD1 is used to obtain CS with either equation 12.8-3 or 12.8-4 of ASCE 7-16, the value must be increased by a factor of 1.5. This may only be used for T > 1.5 TS. 7.1.3 Surface Drainage Foundation and slab performance depend on how well surface runoff drains from the site. The ground surface should be graded so that water flows rapidly away from the structures and tops of slopes without ponding. The surface gradient needed to achieve this may depend on the planned landscaping. Planters should be built so that water will not seep into the foundation, slab, or pavement areas. If roof drains are used, the drainage should be channeled by pipe to storm drains or discharge 10 feet or more from buildings. Irrigation should be limited to that needed to sustain landscaping. Excessive irrigation, surface water, water line breaks, or rainfall may cause perched groundwater to develop within the underlying soil. 7.2 Earthwork Earthwork should be conducted per the current applicable requirements of the County of San Diego, the California Building Code, and the project specifications (that will be prepared). This report provides the following recommendations for specific aspects of earthwork, which may need to be revised based on the conditions observed during construction. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 11 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 7.2.1 Site Preparation General site preparation should begin with the removal of deleterious materials and demolition debris from the site, such as landscaping and topsoil, existing structures, foundations, concrete slabs, asphalt concrete, demolition debris, and any potentially expansive soils (EI>50) located within 24 inches of the planned finished subgrade elevations. Areas disturbed by demolition should be restored with a subgrade that is stabilized to the satisfaction of the Geotechnical Engineer. Areas to receive fill should be scarified 12 inches and recompacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557. In areas of saturated or “pumping” subgrade, a geogrid such as Tensar BX-1200, Terragrid RX1200 or Mirafi BXG120 may be placed directly on the excavation bottom, and then covered with at least 12 inches of ¾-inch Aggregate Base (AB). Once the subgrade is firm enough to attain compaction with the AB, the remainder of the excavation may be backfilled. It may be necessary to place additional AB to stabilize the subgrade sufficiently to place fill. Existing subsurface utilities that will be abandoned should be removed and the excavations backfilled and compacted as described below. Alternatively, abandoned pipes may be grouted using a two-sack sand-cement slurry under the observation of the Geotechnical Engineer. 7.2.2 Remedial Earthwork The table below provides requirements for remedial earthwork at the site for support of new improvements. It is our opinion this remedial earthwork should provide satisfactory long term performance of the improvements. REMEDIAL EARTHWORK REQUIREMENTS Type of Improvement Minimum Depth of Overexcavation Lateral Extent of Overexavation beyond Improvement Main Building Foundations ~ 10 feet (all Undocumented Fill) 1 5 feet Accessory Building Foundations 2 feet below bottom of footing 2 feet Exterior Surface Improvements 2 feet below finished subgrade 2 2 feet Notes: 1. The recommended remedial grading 10 feet is an average depth. The Geotechnical Engineer and/or their field designate will determine the actual depth during grading. 2. The Geotechnical Engineer and/or their field designate should pot-hole, and probe the bottom of retaining wall foundations to further evaluate foundation bearing. It may be necessary to locally remove and recompact additional potentially unsuitable foundation soil, or replace these materials with cement-sand slurry or compacted gravel surrounded with filter fabric. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 12 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc The bottom of the excavation should be prepared as recommended in the Site Preparation section of this report. The excavation should be fill with the excavated soils, or other onsite soils or import soils that are placed and compacted as recommended in the Fill Placement and Compaction section. 7.2.3 Fill Compaction All fill and backfill should be placed at slightly above optimum moisture content using equipment that can produce a uniformly compacted product. The loose lift thickness should be 8 inches, unless performance observed and testing during earthwork indicates a thinner loose lift is needed, or a thicker loose lift is possible, up to a loose lift thickness of 12 inches. The recommended relative compaction is 90 percent or more, or 95 percent or more where specified, of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557. A two-sack sand and cement slurry may also be used for structural fill as an alternative to compacted soil. It has been our experience that slurry is often useful in confined areas that may be difficult to access with typical compaction equipment. Samples of the slurry should be fabricated and tested for compressive strength during construction. A 28-day compressive strength of 100 pounds per square inch (psi) or more is recommended for the sand and cement slurry. Gravel (¾- inch) completely wrapped in filter fabric (Mirafi 140N, or approved equivalent) may also be used as backfill in confined areas. 7.2.4 Reuse of Existing Soils Most of the existing soils at the site should be suitable for reuse. Soil with an EI greater than 20 should be placed at depths greater than 5 feet below finished subgrade or disposed offsite. Rocks or concrete fragments greater than 6 inches in maximum dimension should not be reused. 7.2.5 Import Soil The Avira East project plans for 3,140 cubic yards of import. In general, import for fill should consist of granular soil with less than 35 percent passing the No. 200 sieve based on ASTM C136, a maximum particle size of 3 inches, and an Expansion Index (EI) less than 20 based on ASTM D4829. Imported fill sources should be observed prior to hauling onto the site. The project Geotechnical Engineer should test samples of all proposed import to evaluate the suitability of these soils for their planned use. During earthwork, soil types may be encountered by the Contractor that do not conform to those discussed within this report. The Geotechnical Engineer should evaluate the suitability of these soils for their proposed use. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 13 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 7.3 Foundation Recommendations 7.3.1 Post-Tensioned Slabs A post-tension slab foundation may be designed to bear directly on the low expansion potential clayey soils (EI less than 50). The subgrade should be prepared following the earthwork recommendations above. Provided below are preliminary post-tension slab foundation design parameters. Group Delta developed these parameters using PTI DC10.5, Standard Requirements for Design and Analysis of Shallow Post-Tensioned Concrete Foundations on Expansive and Stable Soils (PTI, 2019). Preliminary Post-Tension Slab Design Parameters: Moisture Variation, em: Center Lift: 9.0 feet Edge Lift: 5.2 feet Differential Swell, ym: Center Lift: 0.4 inches Edge Lift: 0.7 inches Allowable Bearing: 1,000 pound per square foot (psf) at slab subgrade* Minimum Thickness: 12 inches * Internal bearing values within the perimeter of the post-tension slab may be increased to 1,500 psf for a minimum embedment of 12 inches, then by 20 percent for each additional foot of embedment to a maximum of 2,500 psf. 7.3.2 Conventional Shallow Foundations – Accessory Structures Continuous strip and isolated spread footings for accessory structures such as carports, retaining walls, and other minor structures, may be designed using the following geotechnical parameters and recommendations, which assumes site preparation and foundation subgrade is completed as recommended in this report. • Allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). • The above parameters assume infinite level ground in front of the footing. • Bearing pressure may be increased by one-third for short term seismic and wind loads. • Minimum width and embedment as shown in Figure 6, Shallow Foundation Dimension Details. • Reinforcement should be provided by the Structural Engineer. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 14 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 7.3.3 Settlement Total settlement should not exceed 1 inch and the differential settlement over typical column spacing (horizontal distance of 30 to 40 feet) should not exceed ½ inch, provided the site preparation and grading is completed as recommended in this report. The majority of the settlement should occur when loads are applied. In addition to static settlement, the site may experience some dynamic settlement, with total and differential dynamic settlements on the order of 1 ½ inches and ¾ inches or less, respectively. 7.3.4 Lateral Resistance Lateral loads against the structure may be resisted by friction between the bottoms of footings and slabs and the underlying soil, as well as passive pressure from the portion of vertical foundation members embedded into compacted fill. A coefficient of friction of 0.25 and a passive pressure of 250 psf per foot of depth may be used. 7.4 On-Grade Slabs Conventional concrete slabs should have slab thickness, control joints, and reinforcement designed by the project structural engineer and should conform to the requirements of the current California Building Code. 7.4.1 Subgrade Support and Preparation We recommend removing the upper 24 inches of soils below finished subgrade elevation and properly recompacting these soils as recommended in this report. Where expansive soils are encountered in the upper 24 inches of subgrade, which are soils with an EI greater than 20, we recommend removing and replacing them with properly compacted non-expansive soils (EI less than 20). 7.4.2 Slab Thickness and Reinforcement There are several chart solutions (ACI, 2006) to complete analyses to develop the slab-on-grade thickness and reinforcement for preliminary evaluation. These charts use modulus of subgrade reaction (k). We recommend using 100 pounds per cubic inch (pci). Where software is used, the Geotechnical Engineer should review the specific input parameter needed and how it is applied in the software used by the Structural Engineer. The slab thickness, control joints, and reinforcement should be designed by the Structural Engineer considering the type of support (structural or subgrade) and should conform to the requirements of the current California Building Code. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 15 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 7.4.3 Moisture Protection for Interior Slabs Moisture protection should comply with requirements of the current CBC, American Concrete Institute (ACI 302.1R-15), and the desired functionality of the interior ground level spaces. The Architect typically specifies an appropriate level of moisture protection considering allowable moisture transmission rates for the flooring or other functionality considerations. Moisture protection may be a “Vapor Retarder” or “Vapor Barrier” that use membranes with a thickness of 10 and 15 mil or more, respectively. ACI 302.1R-15 provides a flow chart to determine when and where these membranes should be used. Note the CBC specifies a Capillary Break, as defined and installed per the California Green Building Standards, with a Vapor Retarder. 7.5 Earth Retaining Structures 7.5.1 Free Standing Gravity or Cantilever Retaining Walls Site development may include relatively low height free standing gravity and/or cantilever retaining walls that could be constructed with masonry block or cast-in-place reinforced concrete. Some of the retaining wall designs may adopt City or County of San Diego Standards. Permanent cantilever retaining walls should be free to yield at the top at least ½ percent of the wall height and may be designed using the earth pressure diagram presented in Figure 7 for level backfill or 2H:1V (horizontal to vertical ratio) sloping backfill. The lateral earth pressures provided assume the on- site low expansive soils will be reused as backfill placed within 5 feet horizontally of the back face of the retaining wall and within a 1:1 plane projected up and away from back of footing. Figure 8 provides recommendations for subsurface drainage behind the wall to avoid the buildup of hydrostatic pressures from irrigation, surface runoff, or leaking underground utilities. The toe pressures and backfill friction angles typically used for City and/or County Standard Drawings and corresponding retaining wall designs should not exceed the allowable bearing pressure where fill has been placed. However, there may be a need to selectively use the existing soil as backfill. A Geotechnical Engineer should review the requirements of the specific standard retaining wall design and where the wall will be used. 7.5.2 Temporary Shoring The Exploration Location Plan shows the anticipated locations for shoring . Cantilevered temporary retaining walls may be designed using the earth pressure diagrams and other geotechnical parameters provided in Figure 9. Special construction methods may be needed for installation of soldier piles. Typical shoring systems should be designed against geotechnical failure mechanisms, such as external stability, foundation heave, and hydraulic failure. The shoring designer should coordinate with the Geotechnical Engineer during the shoring design to address these potential failure Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 16 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc mechanisms. The shoring designer is responsible for evaluating structural, facing, and internal failure mechanisms, such as the lateral and axial capacity of the soldier pile (bending or penetration failure), rupture of the temporary ground anchor, yielding of the lagging, headed stud failure, facing flexure and punching shear failure, nail tensile, bending or shear failure, and nail-soil pull out failure among others. The shoring designer should verify locations of existing foundations and utilities to avoid anchor conflicts and should select appropriate tieback and soil nail depths and inclinations. 7.6 Exterior Surface Improvements 7.6.1 Asphalt Concrete Pavements Exterior surface improvements will be Asphalt Concrete (AC) paving for the new service road. Preliminary sections are summarized below for an R-Value of 12. PRELIMINARY ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTIONS Traffic Index Asphalt Section (inches) Class 2 Aggregate Base Section (inches) 5.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 10.0 7.7 Interlocking Concrete Pavers Interlocking concrete paver block design was developed using Technical Specification No. 4 of the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI). For preliminary design purposes, we have assumed that the paver blocks will have a minimum nominal thickness of 80 mm. The 80 mm concrete paver blocks were assumed to be equivalent to 3-inches of asphalt concrete. An R-Value of 12 was assumed for preliminary design, based on the soils anticipated on site and our experience with similar material. The following preliminary paver block pavement sections apply: PRELIMINARY INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVER SECTIONS Traffic Index Paver Section (mm) Class 2 Aggregate Base Section (inches) 5.0 80 9.0 Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 17 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 7.7.1 Exterior Concrete Slabs Exterior slabs and sidewalks should be at least 4 inches thick. Crack control joints should be placed on a maximum spacing of 10-foot centers, each way, for slabs, and on 5-foot centers for sidewalks. The potential for differential movements across the control joints may be reduced by using steel reinforcement. Typical steel reinforcement would consist of 6x6 W2.9/W2.9 welded wire fabric placed securely at mid-height of the slab or sidewalk. Expansion Index (EI) tests should be performed on the finished subgrade and expansive soils below exterior slabs and sidewalks should be mitigated per the Geotechnical Engineer as needed if and where they occur during construction. 7.7.2 Pavement Subgrade Preparation The upper 12 inches of vehicular pavement subgrade should be scarified immediately prior to constructing the paving, brought to slightly above optimum moisture content, and compacted to 95 percent or more of the maximum dry density per ASTM D1557. The upper 12 inches of sidewalk pavement subgrade should be scarified immediately prior to constructing the paving, brought to slightly above optimum moisture content, and compacted to 90 percent or more of the maximum dry density per ASTM D1557. Aggregate Base, where specified, should also be brought to slightly above optimum moisture content and compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Imported aggregate base should conform to Caltrans Standard Specifications ¾-inch maximum Class 2 Aggregate Base (Caltrans, 2018). 8.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Construction of the new structure and improvements will need to adapt to the geotechnical conditions at the site. Summarized below are the primary geotechnical-related construction considerations known at this time. • Existing undocumented fill is anticipated to be on the order of 5 to 13 feet deep. Remedial grading up to 10 to 15 feet in depth should be anticipated. • For the temporary slopes and shoring, the Contractor should monitor potential horizontal or vertical movement of the ground surrounding the excavation. Existing utilities to remain in place, City of Carlsbad pavements, sidewalks and infrastructure, and structures, should be protected in-place during construction. • Cal-OSHA Soil Type C may be assumed for preliminary planning purposes where site surface and groundwater conditions allow for open cut excavation. • Analyses of the stability of the proposed temporary slopes with 1:1 (h:v) inclinations that are shown on the grading plans indicate they should perform satisfactorily. We have adopted a factor of safety (FS) of 1.2 as suitable for the evaluation of the short-term stability of the temporary slopes. Appendix D provides a typical calculation. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 18 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc 9.0 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION Geotechnical services during construction are anticipated to consist of the following activities: • Continuous onsite observation and compaction testing by a Geotechnical Technician during earthwork with associated laboratory testing (e.g., compaction curves, physical and engineering properties of engineered fill and import soils, confirming R-Value tests, etc.). • Full and part-time observation and compaction testing by a Geotechnical Technician as needed during the backfill of underground utility trenches and retaining walls, the preparation of pavement subgrade and aggregate base, and the placement of asphalt concrete. Full time observation is needed when trench excavations are too deep to safely enter for compaction testing. • Observation by a Geotechnical Technician to observe that remedial grading removal bottoms extend to the correct depth and bearing strata is suitable. • Observation by a Geotechnical Technician to observe that shallow foundation excavations have the correct plan dimensions and extend to the correct depth and bearing strata is suitable. • Geotechnical observations and testing for retaining wall subdrains and hardscape improvements, as needed to supplement the observations made by the Contractor’s Competent Person. • Geologic observations of temporary slopes. • Consultation by the Geotechnical Engineer for unforeseen conditions, responding to Requests for Information and Submittals, and attending construction coordination meetings. • Preparation of an As-Built Geotechnical Report. 10.0 LIMITATIONS The recommendations in this report are preliminary and subject to revision from changes that occur during design development or from the results of field testing or actual subsurface conditions encountered during construction. Group Delta needs to continue to be part of the project design and construction for these recommendations to remain valid. If another geotechnical consultant provides these services, they should prepare a letter indicating their intent to assume the responsibilities of the project Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record. This letter should also indicate their concurrence with the recommendations in the report or revise them as needed to assume the role of the project Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record. This report was prepared using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in similar localities. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional opinions included in this report. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Project No. SD722 Aviara Apartments – East Parcel October 24, 2022 BRIDGE Housing Page 19 2022-10-24 BRIDGE Aviara East GeoRpt (Group Delta).doc The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the condition of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the work of humans on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards of practice may occur from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years.