HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-12-14; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Reports for October 2022Meeting Date: Dec. 14, 2022 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director sheila.crosby@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5520 Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director katie.nye@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2094 Subject: Library Reports for October 2022 District: All Recommended Action Receive the Narrative Report and Statistical Report for October 2022. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the library’s monthly narrative and statistical report for October 2022. These reports provide a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as data and information about the services and programs presented for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.Narrative report for October 2022 2.Statistical report for October 2022 Dec. 14, 2022 ITEM 1 Page 1 of 9 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report EXHIBIT 1 Carlsbad City Library Monthly Library Report October 2022 Highlights: 1.Fiesta Cultural The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee hosted a Fiesta Cultural for city staff at the Library Learning Center on Oct. 6. Library staff participated in the planning and hosting of this event celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month. Music, food, games, and an informative slide show were all highlights. 75 city employees attended the event. 2. 3.Author Jennifer Coburn Best-selling author Jennifer Coburn spoke about her latest novel “Cradles of the Reich,” a historical fiction set in the WWII era on Oct. 8 in the Schulman Auditorium. The event drew 62 attendees. The talk was followed by a Q&A with the audience and autographed book sales. 4.Fix it Clinic Intended to divert waste from landfills and encourage recycling and reuse, the library has partnered with other city departments for quarterly Fix It Clinics. Patrons are invited to bring small appliances, bikes, and clothing to events for onsite repair and live demonstrations. Adult & Teen Services hosted a Fix It Clinic at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane on Oct. 1 with 12 attendees. 5.Pumpkin Festival The Georgina Cole Library hosted its inaugural family Pumpkin Festival – a celebration of fall, pumpkins, and Halloween. 81 attendees joined the event on Oct. 26. The program consisted of crafts, games, and other similar activities. In addition, the library partnered with the San Diego Food Bank to hold a “harvest” in the form of a food drive at the event. Dec. 14, 2022 ITEM 1 Page 2 of 9 -■ In conjunction with the Pumpkin Festival, the library held a month-long virtual pumpkin decorating contest. Participants decorated pumpkins as their favorite literary characters. The winning submissions for children’s (Meg by Juliet) and adult (Charlotte by Cathleen) are below. 6. Citizens Academy Library staff hosted a session of the city’s six session Fall Citizens Academy at the Dove Library on Oct. 13. Citizens Academy is an opportunity for city staff to share with the community the roles of the various city departments and talk about ways the community can get involved. Highlights included raffle items designed by Exploration HUB staff, a “trade show” in the Kulchin Courtyard featuring the Parks & Recreation and Library & Cultural Arts departments, and an overview of the departments core services. Programs: 7. Carlsbad Reads Together Children’s Librarian Missy Shaw and Library Assistant Christina Lorenzo launched the second round of voting for the Carlsbad Reads Together 2023 title selection. Voting opened on Oct. 14 and concluded on Oct. 25 with a total of 126 votes submitted. The selected title will be revealed after the author contract is finalized. 8. Storytime Theater In the spirit of Halloween, Storytime Theater shared a Star Wars costume party puppet show on Oct. 27. Library Assistant Hugo Ricalday-Cuevas, Library Technicians Sheryl Goto and Elizabeth Curley led everyone in songs and stories. Dec. 14, 2022 ITEM 1 Page 3 of 9 9. Tuesday Afternoon Adventure – Fire Prevention Week Cole Children’s Division partnered with the Carlsbad Fire Department for a Fire Prevention Week program during Tuesday Afternoon Adventures. 47 attendees learned about fire prevention, heard stories about firefighters, made a craft and even met Sparky the Fire Dog. Fire Prevention Week was the week of Oct. 9, with the event taking place on Oct. 11. 10. Hispanic Heritage Month In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, all library locations hosted special storytime and craft events for families. Patrons enjoyed making an ojo de dios (Eye of God)) and a flower headband craft. Ojo de dios crafts are traditional to the Huichol Indigenous communities of Latin America often given to newborns, children and others to be protected by the Gods. The flower headband is associated with and was popularized by the renowned Mexican painter Frida Kahlo and often worn during Day-of-the-Dead celebrations. A combined total of 62 participants enjoyed one of the events held by all three library locations. • 27 at the Cole Library • 20 at the Dove Library • 15 at the Library Learning Center Dec. 14, 2022 ITEM 1 Page 4 of 9 11.Sugar Skull Craft Community members had the opportunity to learn about the centuries-old tradition of remembrance of departed loved ones, Día de los Muertos. The festivities included decorating a sugar skull, making a greeting card with Cultural Arts’ Pop-Up Instructors at the Library Learning Center, and a bilingual special performance by youth singer Maya Jaimes of Tierra Caliente Academy. 121 community members participated in events hosted at all library locations. •39 at the Cole Library •36 at the Dove Library •46 at the Library Learning Center 12.Pokemon Scavenger Hunt Families searched for the pocket monsters, also known as Pokemon, in the Children’s Area at the Dove Library in the month of October to encourage visitors to explore various areas of the library. This new self-directed activity created by Library Assistant Hugo Ricalday- Cuevas was well received, and over 200 patrons completed the challenge. 13.Human Genome Project – DNA Interest Group Professional genealogist Kelli Bergheimer presented on the Human Genome Project at the DNA Interest Group partnership program between North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS) and the library. The Human Genome Project made DNA testing affordable and available for genealogists. This presentation explained how the information can be used to help people understand their DNA and health reports. The program was offered both in person and virtually with a combined attendance of 29. 14.Focus On Library Technician Jenna Soliani presented a Focus On class that taught patrons how to use the FindAGrave website to help locate death dates, burial information, and photos of tombstones for genealogy research. This hands-on computer class was offered at the Library Learning Center and had an attendance of six. Dec. 14, 2022 ITEM 1 Page 5 of 9 15.Land Records – Genealogy Professional genealogist Lisa Medina provided a lecture on using United States land records for genealogy research as part of the Genealogy Program Meeting partnership program between the NSDCGS and the library. Lisa introduced the history of how land has been divided, surveyed, granted, claimed, and sold in what is now the United States, and how this history can guide genealogical research. She also reviewed resources for locating land records for family history research. The program was offered in person and virtually with a total attendance of 67. Special Projects: 16.Teen Art Display An art exhibit was installed in the Adult & Teen Services area at the Cole Library. Provided by Carlsbad Sister City Association, the artwork is from a teen art contest about water conservation. 14 pieces of artwork are on display for the public to view and enjoy. This display will be available for viewing for a minimum of six months. 17.October Teen Calendar Teen Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden and Library Assistant Christina Lorenzo collaborated with Principal Librarian Laura Mendez and the Communications Department to create a new teen calendar that can be printed from the website when requested. This new print-on- demand teen calendar template will save paper (staff won’t have to request a certain number be pre-printed every month) while still meeting the needs of patrons that want a calendar in hand. The first calendar for October is published on the library’s website. Accomplishments: 18.Foundations of Early Literacy The following Bilingual Services Technicians completed the course “Foundations of Early Literacy” offered through the Library Juice Academy on Oct. 2. The course was paid for by the Family Literacy Grant to provide staff with a deeper understanding of early literacy and child development. •Jasmine Venancio •Linsey Brizuela Dec. 14, 2022 ITEM 1 Page 6 of 9 I! ~ [!] \~t ~~@]fg.J f2J I I ~ ', ... • Emily Sirkin • Amairani Palacios • Fanny Cruz 19. Scholarship Community Outreach Supervisor Bilingual Services Mayra Turchiano won a scholarship through the California Libraries Learn (CALL) program to attend the 2022 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums held at the Pechanga Resort in Temecula, CA. Mayra had the opportunity to connect with and view presentations from archives, libraries, and museum professionals from countries as far as New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, and England. Community Connections: 20. Latino Book & Family Festival Bilingual Services Technicians Yazmin Cervantes and Emily Sirkin, and Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott staffed an outreach table at the Latino Book & Family Festival on Oct. 15 at MiraCosta College. The event was held to reach out to Latino families and youth to highlight the importance of literacy and awareness of college, career paths and community resources. The table was visited by 362 community members who received 200 books, children’s masks, toys, and information about literacy, high school diplomas and bilingual programs at the Carlsbad City Libraries. 21. Costume Drive The Library Learning Center collected new costumes, masks, Halloween crafts, small toys and candy to support families impacted by domestic violence in partnership with Your Safe Place. The collection drive yielded 15 full costumes, 13 accessories and one mask for a combined total of 29 donated items. Dec. 14, 2022 ITEM 1 Page 7 of 9 22.Books To Go Pedaling around Carlsbad, the Books To Go book bike team hosted 11 events and engaged with 919 people. At the Farmer’s Market and at the Sea Wall, 446 community members were reached. On five trips to local schools, they connected with 63 preschoolers, 325 elementary school students and 104 teens. Books To Go events promote reading, library services, library events and traffic safety. Patron Stories (heard around the library) Girl Scout Troop 1054 sent a thank you card to Missy Shaw for conducting a tour and scavenger hunt with them. “I love this place. I love this library even though I no longer live in Carlsbad. It’s always so clean. Everyone is so nice” Library Learning Center patron Five-star review posted on Google, “A great smart place that's chill. Quiet. No 'tude from staff. Kid friendly, for the well behaved.”-Learning Center patron Dec. 14, 2022 ITEM 1 Page 8 of 9 EXHIBIT 2 LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS October 2022 October 2019 (Pre-COVID-19) October 2022 Total Library Hours Open 840 621 Total Visitors On-site (2022 includes curbside) 58,532 34,966 Library Services Circulation of Library Materials 95,259 72,036 eAudiobook/eBook/eMagazine Downloads Audio/Video Streaming* *Available offerings have adjusted 2022: Kanopy relaunched Aug. 1; Hoopla launched Aug. 17 13,833 1,260 17,430 665 Circulation Total 110,352 90,131 Reference Questions 16,564 10,903 Technology eResource Use Web Sessions In-House Computer Use 7,082 41,189 7,466 6,955 37,331 2,491 Programs, Facility Usage Number of Programs Presented (On-site, Off-site, 2022 includes virtual) Programs Attendance 234 7,085 93 3,505 Number of Community Rentals Community Rentals Attendance 96 5,716 70 2,963 Dec. 14, 2022 ITEM 1 Page 9 of 9 (carlsbad City Library m: 0000 ~ ~ ~ 0 fl □ ~i ooo DriCl C)