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CITY OF CARLSBAD TRASH CAPTURE STORM WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWQMP) FOR [INSERT PROJECT NAME] [INSERT PROJECT ID (CT/MS/SDP/CDP/PD)] [INSERT DRAWING No. (DWG ___-__)] [INSERT GR No. _________] ENGINEER OF WORK: [INSERT CIVIL ENGINEER'S NAME AND PE NUMBER HERE, PROVIDE WET SIGNATURE AND STAMP ABOVE LINE] PREPARED FOR: [INSERT APPLICANT NAME] [INSERT ADDRESS] [INSERT CITY, STATE ZIP CODE] [INSERT TELEPHONE NUMBER] PREPARED BY: [INSERT COMPANY NAME] [INSERT ADDRESS] [INSERT CITY, STATE ZIP CODE] [INSERT TELEPHONE NUMBER] DATE: [INSERT MONTH, DAY, YEAR] TABLE OF CONTENTS Certification Page Project Vicinity Map FORM E-34 Storm Water Standard Questionnaire Site Information FORM E-36 Standard Project Requirement Checklist Summary of Trash Capture Structural BMPs Attachment 1: Backup for Trash Capture BMPs Attachment 1a: DMA Exhibit Attachment 1b: Tabular Summary of DMAs Attachment 1c: Trash Capture BMP Design Calculations Attachment 2: Trash Capture BMP Maintenance Thresholds and Actions Attachment 3: Single Sheet BMP (SSBMP) Exhibit CERTIFICATION PAGE Project Name: [Insert] Project ID: [Insert] I hereby declare that I am the Engineer in Responsible Charge of design of storm water BMPs for this project, and that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with the requirements of the BMP Design Manual, which is based on the requirements of SDRWQCB Order No. R9-2013-0001 (MS4 Permit) or the current Order. I have read and understand that the City Engineer has adopted minimum requirements for managing urban runoff, including storm water, from land development activities, as described in the BMP Design Manual. I certify that this SWQMP has been completed to the best of my ability and accurately reflects the project being proposed and the applicable source control and site design BMPs proposed to minimize the potentially negative impacts of this project's land development activities on water quality. I understand and acknowledge that the plan check review of this SWQMP by the City Engineer is confined to a review and does not relieve me, as the Engineer in Responsible Charge of design of storm water BMPs for this project, of my responsibilities for project design. ________________________________________________________ Engineer of Work's Signature, PE Number & Expiration Date ________________________________________________________ Print Name ________________________________________________________ Company ____________________________ Date PROJECT VICINITY MAP To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the city requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the project design per Carlsbad BMP Design Manual (BMP Manual). To view the BMP Manual, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 5). This questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ requirements, ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ with TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS, or be subject to ‘PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT’ (PDP) requirements. Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the city. If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted with each development project application. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently. PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NAME: APN: ADDRESS: The project is (check one): New Development Redevelopment The total proposed disturbed area is: ft2 ( ) acres The total proposed newly created and/or replaced impervious area is: ft2 ( ) acres If your project is covered by an approved SWQMP as part of a larger development project, provide the project ID and the SWQMP # of the larger development project: Project ID SWQMP #: Then, go to Step 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your application to the city. This Box for City Use Only City Concurrence: YES NO Date: Project ID: By: E-34 Page 1 of 4 REV 02/22 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 442-339-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 INSTRUCTIONS: C cityof Carlsbad □ □ □ □ E-34 Page 2 of 4 REV 02/22 STEP 1 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL PROJECTS To determine if your project is a “development project”, please answer the following question: YES NO Is your project LIMITED TO routine maintenance activity and/or repair/improvements to an existing building or structure that do not alter the size (See Section 1.3 of the BMP Design Manual for guidance)? If you answered “yes” to the above question, provide justification below then go to Step 6, mark the box stating “my project is not a ‘development project’ and not subject to the requirements of the BMP manual” and complete applicant information. Justification/discussion: (e.g. the project includes only interior remodels within an existing building): If you answered “no” to the above question, the project is a ‘development project’, go to Step 2. STEP 2 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS To determine if your project is exempt from PDP requirements pursuant to MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(3), please answer the following questions: Is your project LIMITED to one or more of the following: YES NO 1. Constructing new or retrofitting paved sidewalks, bicycle lanes or trails that meet the following criteria: a) Designed and constructed to direct storm water runoff to adjacent vegetated areas, or other non- erodible permeable areas; OR b) Designed and constructed to be hydraulically disconnected from paved streets or roads; OR c) Designed and constructed with permeable pavements or surfaces in accordance with USEPA Green Streets guidance? 2. Retrofitting or redeveloping existing paved alleys, streets, or roads that are designed and constructed in accordance with the USEPA Green Streets guidance? 3. Ground Mounted Solar Array that meets the criteria provided in section 1.4.2 of the BMP manual? If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, provide discussion/justification below, then go to Step 6, mark the second box stating “my project is EXEMPT from PDP …” and complete applicant information. Discussion to justify exemption ( e.g. the project redeveloping existing road designed and constructed in accordance with the USEPA Green Street guidance): If you answered “no” to the above questions, your project is not exempt from PDP, go to Step 3. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-34 Page 3 of 4 REV 02/22 * Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; Habitat Management Plan; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the City. STEP 3 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL NEW OR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS To determine if your project is a PDP, please answer the following questions (MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(1)): YES NO 1. Is your project a new development that creates 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces collectively over the entire project site? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land. 2. Is your project a redevelopment project creating and/or replacing 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site on an existing site of 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surface? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land. 3. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a restaurant? A restaurant is a facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption (Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 5812). 4. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a hillside development project? A hillside development project includes development on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent or greater. 5. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a parking lot? A parking lot is a land area or facility for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles used personally for business or for commerce. 6. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious street, road, highway, freeway or driveway surface collectively over the entire project site? A street, road, highway, freeway or driveway is any paved impervious surface used for the transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles. 7. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire site, and discharges directly to an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)? “Discharging Directly to” includes flow that is conveyed overland a distance of 200 feet or less from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or open channel any distance as an isolated flow from the project to the ESA (i.e. not commingled with flows from adjacent lands).* 8. Is your project a new development or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface that supports an automotive repair shop? An automotive repair shop is a facility that is categorized in any one of the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes: 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, or 7536-7539. 9. Is your project a new development or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious area that supports a retail gasoline outlet (RGO)? This category includes RGO’s that meet the following criteria: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b) a project Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 100 or more vehicles per day. 10. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land and are expected to generate pollutants post construction? 11. Is your project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? (CMC 21.203.040) If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, your project is a PDP. If your project is a redevelopment project, go to step 4. If your project is a new project, go to step 6, check the first box stating, “My project is a PDP …” and complete applicant information. If you answered “no” to all of the above questions, your project is a ‘STANDARD PROJECT’. Go to step 5, complete the trash capture questions.. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-34 Page 4 of 4 REV 02/22 STEP 4 TO BE COMPLETED FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS THAT ARE PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (PDP) ONLY Complete the questions below regarding your redevelopment project (MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(2)): YES NO Does the redevelopment project result in the creation or replacement of impervious surface in an amount of less than 50% of the surface area of the previously existing development? Complete the percent impervious calculation below: Existing impervious area (A) = sq. ft. Total proposed newly created or replaced impervious area (B) = sq. ft. Percent impervious area created or replaced (B/A)*100 = % If you answered “yes”, the structural BMPs required for PDP apply only to the creation or replacement of impervious surface and not the entire development. Go to step 6, check the first box stating, “My project is a PDP …” and complete applicant information. If you answered “no,” the structural BMP’s required for PDP apply to the entire development. Go to step 6, check the first box stating, “My project is a PDP …” and complete applicant information. STEP 5 TO BE COMPLETED FOR STANDARD PROJECTS Complete the question below regarding your Standard Project (SDRWQCB Order No. 2017-0077): YES NO Is the Standard Project within any of the following Priority Land Use (PLU) categories? R-23 (15-23 du/ac), R-30 (23-30 du/ac), PI (Planned Industrial), CF (Community Facilities), GC (General Commercial), L (Local Shopping Center), R (Regional Commercial), V-B (Village-Barrio), VC (Visitor Commercial), O (Office), VC/OS (Visitor Commercial/Open Space), PI/O (Planned Industrial/Office), or Public Transportation Station If you answered “yes”, the ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ is subject to TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS. Go to step 6, check the third box stating, “My project is a ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ subject to TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS …” and complete applicant information. If you answered “no”, your project is a ‘STANDARD PROJECT’. Go to step 6, check the second box stating, “My project is a ‘STANDARD PROJECT’…” and complete applicant information. STEP 6 CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX AND COMPLETE APPLICANT INFORMATION My project is a PDP and must comply with PDP stormwater requirements of the BMP Manual. I understand I must prepare a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) per E-35 template for submittal at time of application. My project is a ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ OR EXEMPT from PDP and must only comply with ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ stormwater requirements of the BMP Manual. As part of these requirements, I will submit a “Standard Project Requirement Checklist Form E-36” and incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project. My project is a ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ subject to TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS and must comply with TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS of the BMP Manual. I understand I must prepare a TRASH CAPTURE Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) per E-35A template for submittal at time of application. Note: For projects that are close to meeting the PDP threshold, staff may require detailed impervious area calculations and exhibits to verify if ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ stormwater requirements apply. My project is NOT a ‘development project’ and is not subject to the requirements of the BMP Manual. Applicant Information and Signature Box Applicant Name: Applicant Title: Applicant Signature: Date: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ SITE INFORMATION CHECKLIST Project Summary Information Project Name Project ID Project Address Assessor's Parcel Number(s) (APN(s)) Project Watershed (Hydrologic Unit) Carlsbad 904 Parcel Area ________ Acres (____________ Square Feet) Description of Existing Site Condition and Drainage Patterns Select applicable Land Use Category: High Density Residential R-23 (15-23 du/ac) R-30 (23-30 du/ac) Industrial PI (Planned Industrial) Commercial CF (Community Facilities) GC (General Commercial) L (Local Shopping Center) R (Regional Commercial) V-B (Village-Barrio) VC (Visitor Commercial) O (Office) VC/OS (Visitor Commercial/Open Space) Mixed Urban PI/O (Planned Industrial/Office) Public Transportation Stations Description / Additional Information: Description of Existing Site Topography and Drainage [How is storm water runoff conveyed from the site? At a minimum, this description should answer (1) whether existing drainage conveyance is natural or urban; (2) describe existing constructed storm water conveyance systems, if applicable; and (3) is runoff from offsite conveyed through the site? if so, describe]: Description of Proposed Site Development and Drainage Patterns Project Description / Proposed Land Use and/or Activities: Does the project include grading and changes to site topography? Yes No Description / Additional Information: Does the project include changes to site drainage (e.g., installation of new storm water conveyance systems)? Yes No Description / Additional Information: Optional Additional Information or Continuation of Previous Sections As Needed This space provided for additional information or continuation of information from previous sections as needed. E-36 Page 1 of 4 Revised 02/22 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 442-339-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STANDARD PROJECT REQUIREMENT CHECKLIST E-36 Project Information Project Name: Project ID: DWG No. or Building Permit No.: Baseline BMPs for Existing and Proposed Site Features Complete the Table 1 - Site Design Requirement to document existing and proposed site features and the BMPs to be implemented for them. All BMPs must be implemented where applicable and feasible. Applicability is generally assumed if a feature exists or is proposed. BMPs must be implemented for site design features where feasible. Leaving the box for a BMP unchecked means it will not be implemented (either partially or fully) either because it is inapplicable or infeasible. Explanations must be provided in the area below. The table provides specific instructions on when explanations are required. Table 1 - Site Design Requirement A. Existing Natural Site Features (see Fact Sheet BL-1) 1. Check the boxes below for each existing feature on the site. 1. Select the BMPs to be implemented for each identified feature. Explain why any BMP not selected is infeasible in the area below. SD-G Conserve natural features SD-H Provide buffers around waterbodies Natural waterbodies Natural storage reservoirs & drainage corridors -- Natural areas, soils, & vegetation (incl. trees) -- B. BMPs for Common Impervious Outdoor Site Features (see Fact Sheet BL-2) 1. Check the boxes below for each proposed feature. 2. Select the BMPs to be implemented for each proposed feature. If neither BMP SD-B nor SD-I is selected for a feature, explain why both BMPs are infeasible in the area below. SD-B Direct runoff to pervious areas SD-I Construct surfaces from permeable materials Minimize size of impervious areas Streets and roads Check this box to confirm that all impervious areas on the site will be minimized where feasible. If this box is not checked, identify the surfaces that cannot be minimized in area below, and explain why it is Sidewalks & walkways Parking areas & lots Driveways Patios, decks, & courtyards Hardcourt recreation areas □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ C cityof Carlsbad □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-36 Page 2 of 4 Revised 02/22 Other: _______________ infeasible to do so. C. BMPs for Rooftop Areas: Check this box if rooftop areas are proposed and select at least one BMP below. If no BMPs are selected, explain why they are infeasible in the area below. (see Fact Sheet BL-3) SD-B Direct runoff to pervious areas SD-C Install green roofs SD-E Install rain barrels D. BMPs for Landscaped Areas: Check this box if landscaping is proposed and select the BMP below SD-K Sustainable Landscaping If SD-K is not selected, explain why it is infeasible in the area below. (see Fact Sheet BL-4) Provide discussion/justification for site design BMPs that will not be implemented (either partially or fully): Baseline BMPs for Pollutant-generating Sources All development projects must complete Table 2 - Source Control Requirement to identify applicable requirements for documenting pollutant-generating sources/ features and source control BMPs. BMPs must be implemented for source control features where feasible. Leaving the box for a BMP unchecked means it will not be implemented (either partially or fully) either because it is inapplicable or infeasible. Explanations must be provided in the area below. The table provides specific instructions on when explanations are required. Table 2 - Source Control Requirement A. Management of Storm Water Discharges 1. Identify all proposed outdoor work areas below Check here if none are proposed 2. Which BMPs will be used to prevent materials from contacting rainfall or runoff? (See Fact Sheet BL-5) Select all feasible BMPs for each work area 3. Where will runoff from the work area be routed? (See Fact Sheet BL-6) Select one or more option for each work area SC-A Overhead covering SC-B Separation flows from adjacent areas SC-C Wind protection SC-D Sanitary sewer SC-E Containment system Other Trash & Refuse Storage Materials & Equipment Storage □ □ □ D □ □ □ D D □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-36 Page 3 of 4 Revised 02/22 Loading & Unloading Fueling Maintenance & Repair Vehicle & Equipment Cleaning Other: _________________ B. Management of Storm Water Discharges (see Fact Sheet BL-7) Select one option for each feature below: • Storm drain inlets and catch basins … are not proposed will be labeled with stenciling or signage to discourage dumping (SC-F) • Interior work surfaces, floor drains & sumps … are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4 or receiving waters • Drain lines (e.g. air conditioning, boiler, etc.) … are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4 or receiving waters • Fire sprinkler test water … are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4 or receiving waters Provide discussion/justification for source control BMPs that will not be implemented (either partially or fully): □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-36 Page 4 of 4 Revised 02/22 Form Certification This E-36 Form is intended to comply with applicable requirements of the city’s BMP Design Manual. I certify that it has been completed to the best of my ability and accurately reflects the project being proposed and the applicable BMPs proposed to minimize the potentially negative impacts of this project's land development activities on water quality. I understand and acknowledge that the review of this form by City staff is confined to a review and does not relieve me as the person in charge of overseeing the selection and design of storm water BMPs for this project, of my responsibilities for project design. Preparer Signature: Date: Print preparer name: I SUMMARY OF TRASH CAPTURE BMPS Trash Capture BMPs All projects subject to trash capture requirements must implement trash capture BMPs (see Chapter 4 of the BMP Design Manual). Selection of trash capture BMPs must be based on the selection process described in Chapter 4. Trash capture BMPs must be verified by the City at the completion of construction. This may include requiring the project owner or project owner's representative to certify construction of the trash capture BMPs (see Section 1.12 of the BMP Design Manual). Trash capture BMPs must be maintained into perpetuity, and the City must confirm the maintenance (see Section 7 of the BMP Design Manual). Use this form to provide narrative description of the general strategy for trash capture BMP implementation at the project site in the box below. Then complete the trash capture BMP summary information sheet for each trash capture BMP within the project (copy the BMP summary information page as many times as needed to provide summary information for each trash capture BMP). Describe the general strategy for trash capture BMP implementation at the site. This information must describe how the steps for selecting and designing trash capture BMPs presented in Section 4.4 of the BMP Design Manual were followed, and the results (type of BMPs selected). [Continue on next page as necessary.] [Continued from previous page – This page is reserved for continuation of description of general strategy for trash capture BMP implementation at the site.] Trash Capture BMP Summary Information BMP ID No. Type of Trash Capture BMP Permit No. Drawing No. ATTACHMENT 1 BACKUP FOR TRASH CAPTURE BMPS This is the cover sheet for Attachment 1. Check which Items are Included behind this cover sheet: Attachment Sequence Contents Checklist Attachment 1a DMA Exhibit (Required) See DMA Exhibit Checklist on the back of this Attachment cover sheet. (24”x36” Exhibit typically required) Included Attachment 1b Tabular Summary of DMAs Showing DMA ID matching DMA Exhibit, DMA Area, and DMA Type (Required)* *Provide table in this Attachment OR on DMA Exhibit in Attachment 1a Included on DMA Exhibit in Attachment 1a Included as Attachment 1b, separate from DMA Exhibit Attachment 1c Trash Capture BMP Design Worksheets / Calculations (Required) Refer to Appendices J of the BMP Design Manual for trash capture BMP design guidelines Included Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included on the DMA Exhibit: The DMA Exhibit must identify: Site topography and impervious areas Site drainage network and connections to drainage offsite Proposed grading (if applicable) Drainage management area (DMA) boundaries, DMA ID numbers, and DMA areas (square footage or acreage) Trash Capture BMPs (identify location and type of BMP) 2 DMA 1 DMA 2 DMA 3 DMA 4 PROPOSED CONCRETE PADS 780 SF 245 SF PROPOSED ADA PARKING RE-STRIPING BMP-2 1BMP-1 2BMP-4 1 BMP-3DARWIN CT . APN: 212-120-16-00 APN: 212-070-09-00 APN: 212-070-08-00 APN: 212-120-18-00 APN: 760-256-07-27 EX. SDMH EX. SDMH BMP TYPEBMP ID #SYMBOL CASQA NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.(S)QUANTITY THE EOW WILL VERIFY THAT PERMANENT BMPS ARE CONSTRUCTED AND OPERATING IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS. PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY THE EOW MUST PROVIDE: 1. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE INSTALLATION OF PERMANENT BMPS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND AT FINAL INSTALLATION. 2. A WET STAMPED LETTER VERIFYING THAT PERMANENT BMPS ARE CONSTRUCTED AND OPERATING PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROVED PLANS. 3. PHOTOGRAPHS TO VERIFY THAT PERMANENT WATER QUALITY TREATMENT SIGNAGE HAS BEEN INSTALLED. PRIOR TO RELEASE OF SECURITIES, THE DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THE PERMANENT BMPS HAVE NOT BEEN REMOVED OR MODIFIED BY THE NEW HOMEOWNER OR HOA WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE: BMP NOTES: 1. THESE BMPS ARE MANDATORY TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND/OR THESE PLANS. 2. NO CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED BMPS ON THIS SHEET WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 3. NO SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE MATERIAL OR TYPES OR PLANTING TYPES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 4. NO OCCUPANCY WILL BE GRANTED UNTIL THE CITY INSPECTION STAFF HAS INSPECTED THIS PROJECT FOR APPROPRIATE BMP CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION. 5. REFER TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT DOCUMENT. 6. SEE PROJECT SWQMP FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. PHONE NO. ADDRESS COMPANY NAME SIGNATURE CONTACT PLAN PREPARED BY: BMP CONSTRUCTION AND INSPECTION NOTES: TRASH CAPTURE BMP TABLE NAME PHONE NO. ADDRESS INSPECTION* FREQUENCY MAINTENANCE* FREQUENCY BLT ENTERPRISES 1714 16TH STREET SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 3911 SORRENTO VALLEY BLVD. WARE MALCOMB SAMUEL BELLOMIO SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 858-638-7277 DMA TOTAL AREA PERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA *PERCENT IMPERVIOUS C-VALUE 1-YEAR STORM 1-HOUR DURATION SF AC SF SF %CFS 1 29,498 0.677 2,950 26,549 90%0.82 0.23 2 58,144 1.335 5,814 52,329 90%0.82 0.46 3 17,324 0.398 1,732 15,591 90%0.82 0.14 4 48,823 1.121 4,882 43,941 90%0.82 0.39 BMP DATA TABLE PRATT & WHITNEY PHASE 6 1 1 310-314-0800 ROBERT LUMELY TRASH CAPTURE DESIGN CRITERIA THE WEIGHTED RUNOFF FACTOR HAS BEEN CALCULATED PER THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGN MANUAL, APPENDIX B. THE 1-YEAR, 1-HOUR DESIGN FLOW RATE HAS BEEN CALCULATED PER THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGN MANUAL, APPENDIX J INTENSITY (i) = 0.422 IN/HR (PER NOAA ATLAS 14 POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES)S A M U E L M I C H A E L B E L L O M I O PD 2021-0036 0 15 30 60 DETAIL A A B SECTION B-B SECTION A-A d f d d B A OLD CASTLE FLOGARD NOTES: 1. FILTER INSERT SHALL HAVE A HIGH FLOW BYPASS FEATURE. 2. FILTER SUPPORT FRAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM STAINLESS STEEL TYPE 304. 3. FILTER MEDIUM SHALL BE FOSSIL ROCK!, INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. 4. STORAGE CAPACITY REFLECTS 80% OF MAXIMUM SOLIDS COLLECTION PRIOR TO IMPEDING FILTERING BYPASS. f SECTION VIEW f OLDCASTLE FLOGARD CATCH BASIN INSERT FILTER (GRATED INLET STYLE) NOT TO SCALE OLDCASTLE FLOGARD CURB INLET INSERT FILTER NOT TO SCALE \ \ \ \ I~ I ·.· I!} ;{it\ ~~~'rlf. :\}?:/:./~%~{!;;. -,-:~;,_,:,~f ' t t I t t .-. . _. . ... . ~~f~tf. .. ~:. : /.-_:·:{. "-:::: ·.-.::---r ·.:: lt1{ l ... .-.1.- ··:.-·(· . llii I .-.. _., . . :·-·:._:•.J".:_: ·._ FILTER Ul'ER ii: SUPPORT BASKET. STAINI.DS S1!!I... R.1911 l'IWa!: 'M1H ltUIIIIEt aASIE'. PQ.WIROP'ILENE CEO'IDfflLE n..mt !L!M!NT. STAN..ES5 S1EE.. !lJPl'alT HOClt """ ""' MOUNTING BMCKET 6' DPillNSION IIOLTS SEE NOlE 2 """""' E..~-e.?t -..... ---_. L AoG .. CURB INLET FIL1ER ASSEMBLY. CATCH BASIN. '· 8.50" T c""' OPENING. w ~L,...,~~_J_ -~-'-::.~;"-...... -.. ~-,:-• ... -·. ...... ..... ... FloGard OJRB IM.ET FLTER ASSEMBLY. CATCH BASIN. ... .... """'""' FOSSIL Roa< ABSORBENT POUQi . SEE DETAIL A .,. 1-FIL1ER UMER & l.. SUPPORT BASKET. ------------!® SCALE: 1" = 30' DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK No. 90818 TRASH CAPTURE BMPs CD GRATE INLET II MP-52 2EA. FILTER ® CURB INLET c:CJ MP-52 2EA. FILTER DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL * CHOOSE FROM THE LIST BELOW FOR COMPLETING THE FIELDS IN THE INSPECTIONS & MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY COLUMNS: ANNUAL SEMI-ANNUALLY QUARTERLY BIMONTHLY MONTHLY AS NEEDED NONE WEEKLY 1 TIME PER YEAR 2 TIMES PER YEAR 3 TIMES PER YEAR 4 TIMES PER YEAR REV. 5/2021 CITY AS-NEEDED AS-NEEDED AS-NEEDED AS-NEEDED OF CARLSBAD I SHEET I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I SHEETS I SINGLE SHEET TRASH CAPTURE BMP SITE PLAN DWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: RVWD BY: 11/9/22, 4:11 PM Precipitation Frequency Data Server https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=33.1295&lon=-117.2845&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 1/4 NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 6, Version 2 Location name: Carlsbad, California, USA* Latitude: 33.1295°, Longitude: -117.2845° Elevation: 309.6 ft** * source: ESRI Maps ** source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Sanja Perica, Sarah Dietz, Sarah Heim, Lillian Hiner, Kazungu Maitaria, Deborah Martin, SandraPavlovic, Ishani Roy, Carl Trypaluk, Dale Unruh, Fenglin Yan, Michael Yekta, Tan Zhao, GeoffreyBonnin, Daniel Brewer, Li-Chuan Chen, Tye Parzybok, John Yarchoan NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF_tabular | PF_graphical | Maps_&_aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 Duration Average recurrence interval (years) 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min 0.122 (0.102‑0.146) 0.154 (0.129‑0.185) 0.198 (0.166‑0.238) 0.235 (0.196‑0.286) 0.289 (0.232‑0.364) 0.333 (0.261‑0.429) 0.379 (0.289‑0.502) 0.430 (0.318‑0.586) 0.502 (0.356‑0.715) 0.562 (0.384‑0.831) 10-min 0.174 (0.147‑0.209) 0.220 (0.185‑0.265) 0.283 (0.238‑0.342) 0.337 (0.280‑0.410) 0.414 (0.332‑0.522) 0.477 (0.374‑0.615) 0.544 (0.415‑0.719) 0.616 (0.456‑0.839) 0.719 (0.510‑1.02) 0.805 (0.550‑1.19) 15-min 0.211 (0.178‑0.253) 0.266 (0.224‑0.320) 0.343 (0.287‑0.413) 0.408 (0.339‑0.496) 0.501 (0.402‑0.632) 0.577 (0.452‑0.744) 0.657 (0.502‑0.870) 0.745 (0.552‑1.01) 0.870 (0.617‑1.24) 0.974 (0.665‑1.44) 30-min 0.298 (0.251‑0.358) 0.377 (0.317‑0.453) 0.485 (0.406‑0.584) 0.577 (0.479‑0.701) 0.709 (0.568‑0.893) 0.816 (0.639‑1.05) 0.929 (0.710‑1.23) 1.05 (0.780‑1.44) 1.23 (0.872‑1.75) 1.38 (0.941‑2.04) 60-min 0.422 (0.355‑0.506) 0.533 (0.448‑0.640) 0.685 (0.574‑0.826) 0.815 (0.677‑0.991) 1.00 (0.803‑1.26) 1.15 (0.903‑1.49) 1.31 (1.00‑1.74) 1.49 (1.10‑2.03) 1.74 (1.23‑2.48) 1.95 (1.33‑2.88) 2-hr 0.586 (0.493‑0.703) 0.734 (0.617‑0.882) 0.936 (0.784‑1.13) 1.11 (0.920‑1.35) 1.35 (1.08‑1.70) 1.55 (1.21‑2.00) 1.76 (1.34‑2.32) 1.98 (1.47‑2.70) 2.31 (1.63‑3.29) 2.57 (1.76‑3.80) 3-hr 0.703 (0.592‑0.844) 0.879 (0.739‑1.06) 1.12 (0.938‑1.35) 1.32 (1.10‑1.61) 1.61 (1.29‑2.03) 1.84 (1.44‑2.37) 2.08 (1.59‑2.76) 2.34 (1.74‑3.20) 2.72 (1.93‑3.87) 3.03 (2.07‑4.47) 6-hr 0.944 (0.794‑1.13) 1.18 (0.995‑1.42) 1.51 (1.26‑1.82) 1.78 (1.48‑2.16) 2.15 (1.73‑2.72) 2.46 (1.92‑3.17) 2.77 (2.12‑3.67) 3.11 (2.30‑4.23) 3.58 (2.54‑5.10) 3.96 (2.71‑5.86) 12-hr 1.24 (1.05‑1.49) 1.57 (1.32‑1.89) 2.00 (1.68‑2.42) 2.36 (1.96‑2.87) 2.86 (2.29‑3.61) 3.25 (2.55‑4.19) 3.65 (2.79‑4.83) 4.07 (3.02‑5.55) 4.66 (3.30‑6.64) 5.12 (3.50‑7.57) 24-hr 1.55 (1.37‑1.79) 1.98 (1.74‑2.29) 2.54 (2.24‑2.95) 3.01 (2.62‑3.52) 3.64 (3.07‑4.39) 4.13 (3.42‑5.08) 4.63 (3.75‑5.83) 5.15 (4.06‑6.66) 5.86 (4.45‑7.89) 6.42 (4.72‑8.93) 2-day 1.91 (1.68‑2.21) 2.45 (2.16‑2.84) 3.17 (2.79‑3.68) 3.76 (3.28‑4.39) 4.56 (3.86‑5.51) 5.19 (4.30‑6.39) 5.83 (4.72‑7.34) 6.49 (5.12‑8.40) 7.41 (5.62‑9.96) 8.13 (5.96‑11.3) 3-day 2.13 (1.88‑2.47) 2.76 (2.43‑3.19) 3.58 (3.14‑4.15) 4.25 (3.71‑4.98) 5.18 (4.38‑6.26) 5.91 (4.89‑7.27) 6.65 (5.39‑8.38) 7.42 (5.86‑9.60) 8.49 (6.44‑11.4) 9.32 (6.85‑13.0) 4-day 2.33 (2.06‑2.70) 3.03 (2.67‑3.50) 3.94 (3.46‑4.57) 4.69 (4.09‑5.49) 5.73 (4.85‑6.92) 6.55 (5.43‑8.06) 7.38 (5.98‑9.30) 8.25 (6.51‑10.7) 9.45 (7.17‑12.7) 10.4 (7.63‑14.5) 7-day 2.72(2.40‑3.15)3.56(3.14‑4.12)4.67(4.11‑5.42)5.59(4.87‑6.54)6.86(5.80‑8.28)7.85(6.51‑9.67)8.88(7.19‑11.2)9.96(7.86‑12.9)11.5(8.68‑15.4)12.6(9.28‑17.6) 10-day 3.01 (2.66‑3.49) 3.97 (3.50‑4.59) 5.23 (4.60‑6.07) 6.28 (5.48‑7.35) 7.73 (6.54‑9.33) 8.88 (7.36‑10.9) 10.1 (8.15‑12.7) 11.3 (8.92‑14.6) 13.0 (9.89‑17.5) 14.4 (10.6‑20.1) 20-day 3.66 (3.23‑4.24) 4.87 (4.29‑5.64) 6.49 (5.70‑7.53) 7.84 (6.84‑9.17) 9.72 (8.22‑11.7) 11.2 (9.30‑13.8) 12.8 (10.4‑16.1) 14.4 (11.4‑18.7) 16.8 (12.7‑22.6) 18.7 (13.7‑25.9) 30-day 4.38 (3.86‑5.07) 5.85 (5.16‑6.78) 7.83 (6.89‑9.10) 9.50 (8.28‑11.1) 11.8 (10.0‑14.3) 13.7 (11.4‑16.9) 15.7 (12.7‑19.7) 17.8 (14.0‑23.0) 20.7 (15.7‑27.9) 23.1 (17.0‑32.1) 45-day 5.19 (4.58‑6.00) 6.93 (6.10‑8.02) 9.29 (8.16‑10.8) 11.3 (9.84‑13.2) 14.1 (11.9‑17.0) 16.4 (13.6‑20.2) 18.8 (15.2‑23.7) 21.4 (16.9‑27.6) 25.1 (19.0‑33.7) 28.1 (20.6‑39.1) 60-day 6.03 (5.32‑6.98) 8.02 (7.07‑9.29) 10.7 (9.44‑12.5) 13.1 (11.4‑15.3) 16.4 (13.8‑19.7) 19.0 (15.8‑23.4) 21.9 (17.7‑27.6) 25.0 (19.7‑32.3) 29.5 (22.4‑39.7) 33.2 (24.4‑46.2) 1 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical ------ □: C II C II C II C II C JI C II C II C II C II C II C II C II C II C II C II C II C JI C II D I 11/9/22, 4:11 PM Precipitation Frequency Data Server https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=33.1295&lon=-117.2845&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 2/4 Back to Top Maps & aerials Small scale terrain 35 30 ,:: 25 _,:: .µ C. Q) 20 "O r:: 0 '.i:i 15 <Q .µ 'a. u ~ 10 ll.. 5 0 r:: -~ U"l 35 30 '2 25 -_,:: .µ c.. Q) 20 "O r:: 0 '.i:i 19 15 'a. u ~ 10 ll.. 5 0 1 PDS-based depth-dura tion-frequency {DDF) curves Latitude: 33.1295°, Longitude: -117 .2845° ........... i • - -•• ) ••••• .J ••• J • -••• ., •••••• ,_ •••• -~ •• - - • ~ ••• ,_ • .J -• -• ., • -·'-•••• -' ' . ' ' I t I I I , t , t I I I I •.• t ••. -. ; •••.• ·•, ..••• ••• •. ;. -.•• · ...••• ·.• •... -.-••. -. ; •• ·,-. ·, .• -. -.• -·.· ••• ·····,····· ;•··,···,·· C: C: C: C: '-'-... '-'->, >, >, >, >, >, >, .E .E .E .E .r:: .r:: .r:: .r:: .r:: <Q <Q <Q <Q <Q <Q <Q N rA th I I "O "O "O "9 "O "O "O N r:!i I I I I .-1 N rA .,\-I I I 0 U"l 0 0 r-. 0 0 0 .-1 .-1 l'fl '-0 .-1 N l'fl Duration ·----·--- ····,----·-·· 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 Average recurrence interval {years) >, >, <Q <Q "O "O I I U"lO ,:;t'-0 1000 NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 6, Versio n 2 Created (GMT): Thu Nov 10 00: 11:35 2022 Average recunenc-e inte,val (years) 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Duration 5-mln 10-mln 15-mln 30-mln 60-mln 2-tlr 3-hr 6-tlr 12-hr 24-<hr 2-<lay 3-day 4-day 7-day 10-day 20-Clay 30-Clay 45-day 60-day 11/9/22, 4:11 PM Precipitation Frequency Data Server https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=33.1295&lon=-117.2845&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 3/4 Large scale terrain Large scale map Large scale aerial + – 3km 2mi + – 100km 60mi + – 100km 60mi vIctorv111e SAl\f:.9 l"Rl\f-4 Riverside 1, li'L114--0 • <.fi\lr. , h Anaheim ca-lhedral-City -4/~J' Long Beac • •• J , •,. .. Santa Ana Pa1mDl!sel't , Indio ;1.il CilJUjl(il Ox.narcl 0 Long B Murriet11 ~ ( ge~e oRiv rsicte allei1 c';i;; En senada 0 Salton Sea ijj--.... 11/9/22, 4:11 PM Precipitation Frequency Data Server https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=33.1295&lon=-117.2845&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 4/4 Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions@noaa.gov Disclaimer + – 100km 60mi TRASH CAPTURE CALCULATIONSPERVIOUS AREAIMPERVIOUS AREA*PERCENT IMPERVIOUS1-YEAR STORM 1-HOUR DURATIONTRASH CAPTURE TREATMENT FLOW RATESFACSFSF%CFSCFS1 29,498 0.677 2,950 26,549 90% 0.82 0.23OldCastle FloGard Catch Basin Insert Filter (Grated)FF-24D OR FGP-24F 1.502 58,144 1.335 5,814 52,329 90% 0.82 0.46OldCastle FloGard Catch Basin Insert Filter (Curb)FGP-8.0CI3.513 17,324 0.398 1,732 15,591 90% 0.82 0.14OldCastle FloGard Catch Basin Insert Filter (Grated)FF-24D OR FGP-24F 1.504 48,823 1.121 4,882 43,941 90% 0.82 0.39OldCastle FloGard Catch Basin Insert Filter (Curb)FGP-8.0CI3.51C-VALUE0.10.9THE WEIGHTED RUNOFF FACTOR HAS BEEN CALCULATED PER THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGN MANUAL, APPENDIX B.THE 1-YEAR, 1-HOUR DESIGN FLOW RATE HAS BEEN CALCULATED PER THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGN MANUAL, APPENDIX J.i = 0.422 IN/HR (PER NOAA ATLAS 14 POINT PRECIPTATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES)MODEL NO. SURFACE TYPEIMPERVIOUS*ALL DMAs ASSUMED TO BE 90% IMPERVIOUSPERVIOUSTOTAL AREADMAC-VALUEBMP TYPELCs11rface1 As11rface1 + Csurface2Asurface2 + CsurfacexAsurfacu· Carea-weighted = '\' A t., all surfaces STORMWATER Removes Pollutants from Runoff Prior to Entering Waterways Two-part stainless-steel insert to filter solids and oils/grease. Easy to install, inspect and maintain, even on small and confined sites. Efficient System Catches pollutants where they are easiest to catch, at the inlet. Variable Design Able to be retrofitted or used in new projects. Treatment Train Can be incorporated as part of a “Treatment Train”. No Standing Water Helps to minimize bacteria and odor problems. Focused Treatment Removes petroleum hydrocarbons, trash and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Maximum Flexibility Available in a variety of standard sizes to fit round and square inlets. Economical Earn a higher return on system investment. By the Numbers*: Filter will remove up to 80% of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), at least 70% of oils and grease, and up to 40% of Total Phosphorus (TP) associated with organic debris as well as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) from oil leaks and spills. *Approximate for urban street application. CATCH BASIN FILTER TEST RESULTS SUMMARY Testing Agency % TSS Removal % Oil & Grease Removal % PAH Removal UCLA 80 70 to 80 U of Auckland Tonking & Taylor, Ltd(for City of Auckland) 78 to 95 U of Hawaii (for City of Honolulu) 80 20 to 40 INLET FILTRATION PUT A STOP to TSS 0 Oklcastle lnfrast~~S!!;!~~· 0 PUT A STOPto TSS Multi-Purpose Catch Basin Insert Retains Sediment, Debris, Trash and Oils/Grease FloGard® catch basin insert filters are recommended for areas subject to silt and debris as well as low-to-moderate levels of petroleum hydrocarbons (oils and grease). Examples of such areas include vehicle parking lots, aircraft ramps, truck and bus storage yards, business parks, residential and public streets. Flat-Grated Inlet Circular Frame InletCaptured debris from FloGard catch basin insert filter in Dana Point, California. Combination Inlet CATCH BASIN FILTER COMPETITIVE FEATURE COMPARISON Evaluation of Catch Basin Filters (Based on flow-comparable units) (Scale 1-10) Oldcastle Other Insert Filter Types** Flow Rate 10 7 Removal Efficiency*80%45% Capacity - Sludge & Oil 7 7 Service Life 10 3 Installation - Ease of Handling / Installation 8 6 Ease of Inspections & Maintenance 7 7 Value 10 2 *Approximate, based on field sediment removal testing in urban street application **Average Long-Term Value Comparison (Based on flow-comparable units) (Scale 1-10) Oldcastle Other Insert Filter Types** Unit Value - Initial ($/cfs treated)10 4 Installation Value ($/cfs treated)10 7 Absorbent Replacement (annual avg ($/cfs treated)10 2 Materials Replacement Value (annual avg ($/cfs treated)10 10 Maintenance Value (annual avg ($/cfs treated)10 7 Total First Year ROI ($/cfs treated)10 5 Total Annual Avg Value ($/cfs treated, avg over 20 yrs)*10 5 (800) 579-8819 oldcastleinfrastructure.com (I Oldcastle lnfrast~~l\;!~f 0 STORMWATER INLET FILTRATION FLOGARD®Catch Basin Insert Filter Catch basin insert designed to capture sediment, gross solids, trash and petroleum hydrocarbons from low (“first flush”) flows, even during the most extreme weather conditions Flat-Grated Inlet Circular Frame Inlet Combination Inlet Example Types, Sizes and Capacities: Additional sizes, including regional and custom options are available. FloGard Combination Inlet STANDARD DEPTH INLET ID Inside Dimension (inch x inch) GRADE OD Outside Dimension (inch x inch) TOTAL BYPASS CAPACITY (cu. ft. / sec.) SOLIDS STORAGE CAPACITY (cu. ft.) FILTERED FLOW (cu. ft. / sec.) SHALLOW DEPTH SOLIDS STORAGE CAPACITY (cu. ft.) FILTERED FLOW (cu. ft. / sec.) FGP-1633FGO 16 X 33 18 X 36 7.0 2.5 1.7 FGP-1633FGO8 1.4 1.1 FGP-1836FGO 18 X 36 18 X 40 6.9 2.3 1.6 FGP-1836FGO8 1.3 .9 FGP-2234FGO 22 X 34 24 X 36 8.1 3.6 2.1 FGP-2234FGO8 2.1 1.4 FGP-2436FGO 24 X 36 24 X 40 8.0 3.4 2.0 FGP-2436FGO8 1.95 1.15 STANDARD DEPTH INLET ID Inside Dimension (inch x inch) GRADE OD Outside Dimension (inch x inch) TOTAL BYPASS CAPACITY (cu. ft. / sec.) SOLIDS STORAGE CAPACITY (cu. ft.) FILTERED FLOW (cu. ft. / sec.) SHALLOW DEPTH SOLIDS STORAGE CAPACITY (cu. ft.) FILTERED FLOW (cu. ft. / sec.) FGP-12F 12 X 12 12 X 14 2.8 0.3 0.4 FGP-12F8 .15 .25 FGP-16F 16 X 16 16 X 19 4.7 0.8 0.7 FGP-16F8 .45 .4FGP-18F 18 X 18 18 X 20 4.7 0.8 0.7 FGP-18F8 .45 .4 FGP-1836F 18 X 36 18 X 40 6.9 2.3 1.6 FGP-1836F8 1.3 .9 FGP-21F 22 X 22 22 X 24 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-21F8 1.25 .85 FGP-24F 24 X 24 24 X 27 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-24F8 1.25 .85 FGP-2436F 24 X 36 24 X 40 8.0 3.4 2.0 FGP-2436F8 1.95 1.15 FGP-2448F 24 X 48 24 X 48 9.3 4.4 2.4 FGP-2448F8 2.5 1.35 FGP-32F-TN 28 X 28 32 X 32 6.3 2.2 1.5 FGP-32F8-TN 1.25 .85 FGP-30F 30 X 30 30 X 34 8.1 3.6 2.0 FGP-30F8 2.05 1.15 FGP-36F 36 X 36 36 X 40 9.1 4.6 2.4 FGP-36F8 2.65 1.35 FGP-3648F 36 X 48 40 X 48 11.5 6.8 3.2 FGP-3648F8 3.9 1.85 FGP-48F 48 X 48 48 X 54 13.2 9.5 3.9 FGP-48F8 5.45 2.25 FGP-1633F 16 X 34 18 X 36 6.9 2.3 1.6 FGP-1633F8 1.3 .9 FGP-2234F 22 X 34 24 X 36 8.0 3.4 2.0 FGP-2234F8 1.95 1.15 FloGard Flat Grated Inlet SPECIFIER CHARTSTANDARD & SHALLOW DEPTH (Data in these columns is the same for both STANDARD & SHALLOW versions) STANDARD DEPTH -20 Inches- SHALLOW DEPTH -12 Inches-MODEL NO.MODEL NO. STANDARD DEPTH -20 Inches- SHALLOW DEPTH -12 Inches- SPECIFIER CHARTSTANDARD & SHALLOW DEPTH (Data in these columns is the same for both STANDARD & SHALLOW versions)MODEL NO.MODEL NO. MODEL NUMBER INLET ID (inches) GRADE OD (inches) SOLIDS STORAGE CAPACITY (CU FT) FILTERED FLOW (CSF) TOTAL BYPASS CAPACITY (CFS) FGP-RF15F 15 18 0.3 0.4 2.8 FGP-RF18F 18 20 0.8 0.7 4.7 FGP-RF20F 20 23 0.8 0.7 4.7 FGP-RF21F 21 23.5 0.8 0.7 4.7 FGP-RF22F 22 24 0.8 0.7 4.7 FGP-RF24F 24 26 0.8 0.7 4.7 FGP-RF30F 30 32 2.2 1.5 6.1 FGP-RF36F 36 39 3.6 2.0 8.1 FloGard Circular Grated Inlet SPECIFIER CHART 0 Oklcastle lnfrast~~S!!;!~~· 0 C\I 0 0 0 I a.. (9 LL MOUNTING BRACKET. <J ) / Ll / ~ FILTER LINER & ~.,__, __ SUPPORT BASKET. DETAIL A -~XPANSION BOLT. MOUNTING BRACKET & EXPANSION BOLTS SEE NOTE 2 SCALE: 6X RUBBER GASKETS. CURB OPENING. FloGard® ------i--'---.r:-----'-~......:.J_=_=_'=-_,f~t----,- CURB INLET FILTER ASSEMBLY. CATCH BASIN. SPECIFIER CHART Curb Opening Storage Filtered Bypass MODEL NO. Width Capacity Flow Rate Flow Rate -W--Cu. Ft.--GPM/CFS- -GPM/CFS- FGP-24CI 2.0' (24") .95 338 / .75 2,513 / 5.6 FGP-30CI 2.5' (30") 1.20 450 / 1.00 3,008 /6.7 FGP-36CI 3.0' (36") 1.50 563 / 1.25 3,547 / 7.9 FGP-42CI 3.5' (42") 1.80 675 / 1.50 3,951 / 8.8 FGP-48CI 4.0' (48") 2.10 768/ 1.76 4,445 /9.9 FGP-5.0CI 5.0' (60") 2.40 900/ 2.00 5,208/ 11.6 FGP-6.0CI 6.0' (72") 3.05 1,126 / 2.51 6,196 / 13.8 FGP-7.0CI 7.0' (84") 3.65 1,350 / 3.01 7,139 / 15.9 FGP-8.0CI 8.0' (96") 4.25 1,576 / 3.51 8,082 / 18.0 FGP-10.0CI 10.0' (120") 4.85 1,800 / 4.01 9,833 / 21.9 FGP-12.0CI 12.0' (144") 6.10 2,252 / 5.02 11,764 / 26.2 FGP-14.0CI 14.0' (168") 7.30 2,700 /6.02 13,515 / 30.1 FGP-16.0CI 16.0' (192") 8.55 3.152 / 7.02 15,446 / 34.4 FGP-18.0CI 18.0' (216") 9.45 3,490/7.78 17,152 / 38.2 FGP-21.0CI 21.0' (252") 10.95 4,050/ 9.02 19,891 / 44.3 FGP-28.0CI 28.0 (336") 14.60 5,400 / 12.03 26,311 / 58.6 NOTES: 1. Filter insert shall have a high flow bypass feature. 2. Filter support frame shall be constructed from stainless steel Type 304. 3. 4. Filter medium shall be Fossil Rock ™, installed and maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications. Storage capacity reflects 80% of maximum solids collection prior to impeding filtering bypass. FloGard® Inlet Filtration Catch Basin Insert Filter Curb Inlet Style I I w L -:.._L_~~------,-*::::::t:~ _jj SECTION B-B TOP VIEW SCALE: 1X FloGard® CURB INLET FILTER ASSEMBLY. r---; • a B 12.00" CATCH BASIN. SECTION A-A SIDE VIEW SCALE: 1X 02~!~~~: FOSSIL ROCK™ ABSORBENT POUCH. I I t B SEE DETAIL A FILTER LINER & SUPPORT BASKET. 7921 Southpark Plaza, Suite 200 I Littleton, CO 180120 I Ph: 800.579.88191 oldcastlestormwater.com THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF OLDCASTlE PRECAST, INC. IT IS SUBMlfilD FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY INJURIOUS TO THE INTERESTS OF SAID COMPANY. COPYRIGHT@ 2010 OLDCASTLE PRECAST, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DRAWING NO. REV ECO ECQ-0127 DATE FGP-0002 E JPR 5 18 15 JPR 1/3/06 SHEET 1 OF 1 T"" 0 0 0 I (9 LL SPECIFIER CHART MODEL INLET ID GRATE OD COMMENTS FF-12D 12" X 12" 15" X 15" GRATED INLET FF-16D 16" X 16" 18" X 18" GRATED INLET FF-18D 18" X 18" 20" X20" GRATED INLET FF-1836SD 18" X 36" 18" X40" GRATED INLET FF-1836DGO 18" X 36" 18" X40" COMBINATION INLET FF-24D 24" X24" 26" X26" GRATED INLET FF-2436SD 24" X36" 24" X40" GRATED INLET FF-24DGO 24" X24" 18" X26" COMBINATION INLET FF-2436DGO 24" X36" 24" X40" COMBINATION INLET FF-36D (2 PIECE) 36" X36" 36" X40" GRATED INLET FF-3648D (2 PIECE) 36" X48" 40" X48" GRATED INLET OPTIONAL FOSSIL ROCK ABSORBANT POUCHES -------'-------- FOUR EACH. STAINLESS STEEL FILTER FRAME ------- WITH RUBBER GASKET. POLYPROPYLENE GEOTEXTILE ~--'--._ Fl LTER ELEM ENT. STAINLESS STEEL SUPPORT HOOK. _ ___,___ FOUR EACH. NOTES: 1. Filter insert shall have a high flow bypass feature. 2. Filter support frame shall be constructed from stainless steel Type 304. 3. Filter medium shall be Fossil Rock ™, installed and maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications. 4. Storage capacity reflects 80% of maximum solids collection prior to impeding filtering bypass. FloGard® CATCH BASIN.---.. (BY OTHERS) 02~~~~: GRATE. (BY OTHERS) Catch Basin Insert Filter Grated Inlet St le 7921 Southpark Plaza, Suite 200 I Littleton, CO 180120 I Ph: 800.579.88191 oldcastlestormwater.com THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF OLDCASTLE PRECAST, INC. IT IS SUBMITTED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY INJURIOUS TO THE INTERESTS OF SAID COMPANY. COPYRIGlfT © 2016 OLDCASTLE PRECAST, INC. ALL RIGlfTS RESERVED. Inlet Filtration DRAWING NO. REV ECO ECO-Q 142 DATE FG-0001 E JPR 7 13 16 JPR 12/18/06 SHEET 1 OF 2 T"" 0 0 0 I (9 LL FILTER FRAME.------ GRATE FRAME. ---=----+-----I (GRATE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) OPTIONAL FOSSIL ROCK™ ABSORBANT POUCHES. CONCRETE DROP INLET. (BY OTHERS) -~ . .... II -.~ •. ~,6,,-: ~. ,.· • •• ~ .• "'·. • "'· ··-:•·· PAVEMENT SURFACE. (BY OTHERS) ., ~: . . ,· . . ~ ·. REFER TO SPECIFIER CHART----- FOR CATCH BASIN & FILTER SIZING. SEE SHEET 1 OF 2. FOSSIL ROCK™ ----+-------9'1-1.1: "' ABSORBANT POUCHES. CONCRETE DROP INLET. __ __..,___ (BY OTHERS) ·&_<! Ll "1. <1 ll " <I ·.cl.. . " PAVEMENT SURFACE. 8.50" ----OUTLET SECTION VIEW Inlet Filtration FloGard® Catch Basin Insert Filter Grated Inlet St le 7921 Southpark Plaza, Suite 200 I Littleton, CO 180120 I Ph: 800.579.88191 oldcastlestormwater.com THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF OLDCASTLE PRECAST, INC. IT IS SUBMITTED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY INJURIOUS TO THE INTERESTS OF SAID COMPANY. COPYRIGlfT © 2016 OLDCASTLE PRECAST, INC. ALL RIGlfTS RESERVED. DRAWING NO. REV ECO ECQ-Q 142 DATE FG-0001 E JPR 7 13 16 JPR 12/18/06 SHEET 2 OF 2 ATTACHMENT 2 Trash Capture BMP Maintenance Information Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included in the Structural BMP Maintenance Information Attachment: Preliminary Design/Planning/CEQA level submittal: Attachment 2 must identify: Typical maintenance indicators and actions for proposed trash capture BMP(s) based on Section 7.7 of the BMP Design Manual Final Design level submittal: Attachment 2 must identify: Specific maintenance indicators and actions for proposed trash capture BMP(s). This shall be based on Section 7.7 of the BMP Design Manual and enhanced to reflect actual proposed components of the trash capture BMP(s) How to access the trash capture BMP(s) to inspect and perform maintenance Features that are provided to facilitate inspection (e.g., observation ports, cleanouts, silt posts, or other features that allow the inspector to view necessary components of the trash capture BMP and compare to maintenance thresholds) Manufacturer and part number for proprietary parts of trash capture BMP(s) when applicable Maintenance thresholds for BMPs subject to siltation or heavy trash (e.g., silt level posts or other markings shall be included in all BMP components that will trap and store sediment, trash, and/or debris, so that the inspector may determine how full the BMP is, and the maintenance personnel may determine where the bottom of the BMP is . If required, posts or other markings shall be indicated and described on structural BMP plans.) Recommended equipment to perform maintenance When applicable, necessary special training or certification requirements for inspection and maintenance personnel such as confined space entry or hazardous waste management Inspection and Maintenance Guide DRAINA G E P R OTECTION SY ST E MSA division of Oldcastle Infrastructure FLOGARD+PLUS® CATCH BASIN INSERT FILTER 0 Oldcastle lnfrast~~S!~!'.( ()water SCOPE: Federal, State and Local Clean Water Act regulations and those of insurance carriers require that stormwater filtration systems be maintained and serviced on a recurring basis. The intent of the regulations is to ensure that the systems, on a continuing basis, efficiently remove pollutants from stormwater runoff thereby preventing pollution of the nation’s water resources. These specifications apply to the FloGard+Plus® Catch Basin Insert Filter. RECOMMENDED FREQUENCY OF SERVICE: Drainage Protection Systems (DPS) recommends that installed FloGard+Plus Catch Basin Insert Filters be serviced on a recurring basis. Ultimately, the frequency depends on the amount of runoff, pollutant loading and interference from debris (leaves, vegetation, cans, paper, etc.); however, it is recommended that each installation be serviced a minimum of three times per year, with a change of filter medium once per year. DPS technicians are available to do an on-site evaluation, upon request. RECOMMENDED TIMING OF SERVICE: DPS guidelines for the timing of service are as follows: 1. For areas with a definite rainy season: Prior to, during and following the rainy season. 2. For areas subject to year-round rainfall: On a recurring basis (at least three times per year). 3. For areas with winter snow and summer rain: Prior to and just after the snow season and during the summer rain season.4. For installed devices not subject to the elements (wash racks, parking garages, etc.): On a recurring basis (no less than three times per year). SERVICE PROCEDURES: 1. The catch basin grate shall be removed and set to one side. The catch basin shall be visually inspected for defects and possible illegal dumping. If illegal dumping has occurred, the proper authorities and property owner representative shall be notified as soon as practicable. 2. Using an industrial vacuum, the collected materials shall be removed from the liner. (Note: DPS uses a truck-mounted vacuum for servicing FloGard+Plus catch basin inserts).3. When all of the collected materials have been removed, the filter medium pouches shall be removed by unsnapping the tether from the D-ring and set to one side. The filter liner, gaskets, stainless steel frame and mounting brackets, etc., shall be inspected for continued serviceability. Minor damage or defects found shall be corrected on-the-spot and a notation made on the Maintenance Record. More extensive deficiencies that affect the efficiency of the filter (torn liner, etc.), if approved by the customer representative, will be corrected and an invoice submitted to the representative along with the Maintenance Record. 4. The filter medium pouches shall be inspected for defects and continued serviceability and replaced as necessary, and the pouch tethers re-attached to the liner’s D-ring. 5. The grate shall be replaced. REPLACEMENT AND DISPOSAL OF EXPOSED FILTER MEDIUM AND COLLECTED DEBRIS The frequency of filter medium exchange will be in accordance with the existing DPS-Customer Maintenance Contract. DPS recommends that the medium be changed at least once per year. During the appropriate service, or if so determined by the service technician during a non-scheduled service, the filter medium will be replaced with new material. Once the exposed pouches and debris have been removed, DPS has possession and must dispose of it in accordance with local, state and federal agency requirements. DPS also has the capability of servicing all manner of storm drain filters, catch basin inserts and catch basins without inserts, underground oil/water separators, stormwater interceptors and other such devices. All DPS personnel are highly qualified technicians and are confined-space trained and certified. Call us at (888) 950-8826 for further information and assistance. 2 FLOGARD+PLUS® CATCH BASIN INSERT FILTER BUILDINGSTRUCTURES OUR MARKETS TRANSPORTATION WATER ENERGYCOMMUNICATIONS February 2019 v.1 www.oldcastleinfrastructure.com 800-579-8819 I : I 0 Oldcastle lnfrast~~S!~~f I ()water