HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2018-0014; 635 PINE AVENUE CONDOS; ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT; 2020-10-29Eilar Associates, Inc. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting Services Prepared for: Tony Cassolato 576 Camino El Dorado Encinitas, California 92024 Phone: 619-823-3602 Prepared by: Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 Phone: 760-738-5570 info@eilarassociates.com Job# S201010 Octo her 29, 2020 -... -- ---- .. ... .. --.. .. - .. • - .... ... -----... Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Figures 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 . Executive Summary Introduction 2.1 2.2 2.3 Project Description Project Location Applicable Noise Regulations Environmental Setting 3.1 3.2 Existing Noise Environment Future Noise Environment Methodology and Equipment 4.1 4.2 Methodology Measurement Equipment Impacts and Mitigation 5.1 5.2 Exterior Interior Conclusion Certification References Vicinity Map Assessor's Parcel Map Satellite Aerial Photograph Showing Noise Measurement Location Topographic Map Site Plan Showing Current Traffic CNEL Contours Site Plan Showing Future Traffic CNEL Contours Site Plan Showing Outdoor Use Area Receiver Locations Site Plan Showing Facade Receiver Locations Appendices A. B. C. D. Project Plans Pertinent Sections of the City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual and California Building Code Railway Noise Calculations Cadna Analysis Data and Results 1 1 2 5 6 8 8 9 1.0 Executive Summary The proposed project, Roosevelt Street and Pine Avenue, consists of the construction of a new three-story residential townhome project with four attached multi-family dwelling units. The project site is located at the southeast comer of Roosevelt Street and Pine Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, California. The current and future noise environment primarily consists of traffic noise from Roosevelt Street and Pine Avenue and railway noise from the track system located to the west of the project site. As per City of Carlsbad requirements, noise levels at outdoor use areas of residential uses are required to be 60 CNEL or less. Worst- case combined traffic and railway noise impacts were calculated at private outdoor use areas to determine compliance with this requirement. It was determined that, as designed, all private outdoor use areas will have noise impacts of 60 CNEL or less, in compliance with City of Carlsbad noise standards. No project design features are therefore deemed necessary for the attenuation of exterior noise impacts. The City of Carlsbad and the State of California require interior noise levels not exceeding 45 CNEL in residential habitable space. As building facade noise impacts are not expected to exceed 60 CNEL, interior noise levels are expected to comply with the 45 CNEL requirement with typical building construction, and no detailed interior noise analysis would be required for this development. No special design features, such as mechanical ventilation or STC-rated glazing, are required for meeting interior noise limits. 2.0 Introduction This acoustical analysis report is submitted to satisfy the acoustical requirements of the State of California and City of Carlsbad for permit approval. This analysis addresses noise impacts from roadway traffic and the nearby rail line to determine project features necessary to achieve compliance with the City of Carlsbad noise regulations, which require exterior noise levels of 60 CNEL or less at outdoor use areas, and interior noise levels of 45 CNEL or less in residential spaces. All noise level or sound level values presented herein are expressed in terms of decibels, with A-weighting to approximate the hearing sensitivity of humans. Time-averaged noise levels are expressed by the symbol LEQ, for a specified duration. The Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) is a calculated 24-hour weighted average, where sound levels during evening hours of 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. have an added 5 dB weighting, and sound levels during nighttime hours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. have an added 10 dB weighting. This is similar to the Day-Night sound level, DNL, which is a 24-hour average with an added 10 dB weighting on the same nighttime hours but no added weighting on the evening hours. Sound levels expressed in CNEL are always based on A- weighted decibels. As DNL and CNEL are generally found to be within approximately 0.5 dB or less of one another, they are considered equivalent for purposes of this analysis. These metrics are used to express noise levels for both measurement and municipal regulations, for land use guidelines, and for enforcement of noise ordinances. Further explanation can be provided upon request. 2.1 Project Description The proposed project, Roosevelt Street and Pine Avenue, consists of the construction of a new three-story residential townhome project with four attached multi-family dwelling units. The dwelling units will each be three stories with terraces and a roof deck, and each will have an attached garage. The amount of habitable space provided for each unit will range from 1,720 to 1,760 square feet. For additional information, please refer to project plans provided in Appendix A. .Acou"'\tical Analysis R_t_;port for Roo:..;evdt ~)trect a11J Pinc Avenue• Jot# S2<>1()1() • CJctober 29, 2U20 Page 1 --.. - ------------------------ ----- - Eilar Associates, Inc. Awusticc,f und rnvironmcnraf Co115ulting Se,v1ccs 2.2 Project Location The project site is located at the southeast corner of Roosevelt Street and Pine Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, California. The Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) for the property is 204-082-01-00. The project location is shown on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1, following this report. An Assessor's Parcel Map, Satellite Aerial Photograph, and Topographic Map are also provided as Figures 2 through 4, respectively. 2.3 Applicable Noise Regulations This acoustical analysis report is submitted to satisfy the acoustical requirements of the City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual. The City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual requires that at a residential property, indoor noise levels are attenuated to 45 CNEL for residential space, and noise levels at residential outdoor use areas do not exceed 60 CNEL. The State of California Building Code contains a provision that similarly requires that residential uses maintain interior noise levels of 45 CNEL or less in habitable space. Please refer to Appendix B for pertinent sections of the City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual and California Building Code. 3.0 Environmental Setting 3.1 Existing Noise Environment The primary noise sources in the vicinity of the project site are traffic noise from Roosevelt Street and Pine Avenue and railway noise from the track system located to the west of the project site. No other noise source is considered significant. 3.1.1 Railway Noise Sources The overall noise environment at the project site is influenced by train traffic traveling on a line located to the west of the project site. The centerline of the tracks is located approximately 670 feet from the western property line of the site. Based on the current schedules for Amtrak and Coaster, approximately 49 passenger trains pass the site each day. Scheduling information was not available for BNSF freight trains, but from prior experience with projects along this rail corridor, typical freight traffic includes approximately four to six freight trips per day. Calculations were performed using the CREATE Freight Noise and Vibration Model (see reference) to determine the noise impacts from train traffic on the project site. With the current peak volume of four passenger trains and one freight train passing the site per hour during the daytime hours, and one passenger train and one freight train passing the site per hour during the nighttime hours, the railway noise level was calculated to be approximately 60 CNEL at the western property line of the project site, without considering any shielding provided by intervening structures. With shielding taken into account, the noise impact at the west property line (near the southwest corner of the project site) is expected to drop to approximately 50 CNEL. Railway noise contours considering intervening structures were calculated for the site, and it was determined that noise impacts would range from approximately 47 CNEL to 52 CNEL at the site. Railway noise contours have not been presented graphically due to the low noise levels anticipated at the project site. Detailed calculations of railway noise have been performed for the determination of combined noise impacts at outdoor use areas and building facades, and are addressed in Section 5.1 of this report. Please refer to Appendix C for additional information. Acoustical Analysis Report for Roosevelt Street and Pinc Avenue • Job# S201010 • October 2'), 2020 Page 2 Eila1· Associates, Inc. Acou5t1C,d and Environmenra!Consuitmg 'Je,vic,:s 3.1.2 Roadway Noise Sources Current traffic volumes for all roadways are given based on information from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Transportation Data (see reference), which provides 24-hour traffic counts for segments in the vicinity of the project site and SANDAG Series 14 Transportation Forecast Information Center (TFIC). Roosevelt Street is a two-lane, two-way Local Road running generally north-south to the west of the project site. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. SANDAG traffic counts show a volume of approximately 5,600 Average Daily Trips (ADT) prior to the year 2011. Pine Avenue is a two-lane, two-way Local Road running generally east-west to the north of the project site. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. SANDAG traffic counts were not available for Pine Avenue; therefore, current traffic volumes were taken from the Series 14 forecasts for the year 2016, which show a volume of approximately 700 ADT. No current or future truck percentages were available for Roosevelt Street or Pine Avenue; however, based on neighboring and surrounding land use, roadway classification, professional experience and on-site observations, a truck percentage mix of 0.5% medium and 0.5% heavy trucks was used for both roadways. Traffic volumes for the roadway sections near the project site are shown in Table 1. For further roadway details and projected future ADT traffic volumes, please refer to Appendix D: Cadna Analysis Data and Results. Table 1. Overall Roadway Traffic Information Speed Vehicle Mix (%) FutureADT Roadway Name Limit Medium Heavy CurrentADT (2035) (mph) Trucks Trucks Roosevelt Street 25 0.5 0.5 5,600 (pre-2011) 3,100 Pine .Avenue1 25 0.5 0.5 700 (2016) 1,000 1Current .ADT for Pine .Avenue was obtained from SAND.AG Series 14. Without existing or proposed project structures, the current traffic noise contours calculated at ground level show that traffic noise impacts to the project site are between 52 and 61 CNEL. Current traffic noise contours are presented graphically as Figure 5. Combined railway and traffic noise levels are detailed in Section 5.0. 3.1.3 Measured Noise Level An on-site inspection and a traffic noise measurement were made on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 28, 2020. The weather conditions were as follows: sunny skies, moderate humidity, and temperature in the low 70s with winds at 9 mph. A noise measurement was made to the south of the project site, approximately 27 feet northeast of the Roosevelt Street centerline and approximately 36 feet southeast of the Pine Avenue centerline. The primary source of noise during the measurement was traffic noise. The microphone was placed at approximately five feet above the existing grade. Traffic volumes for Roosevelt Street and Pine Avenue were recorded for automobiles, medium-size trucks, and large trucks during the measurement period. After a 15- minute sound level measurement (paused for non-traffic noise sources such as aircraft), no changes in the LEQ were observable and results were recorded. The measured noise level and related weather conditions are shown in Table 2, and the noise measurement location is shown on Figure 3. Acoustical Analysis Report for Roosevelt Str(et and Pine Avenue• Job# S201010 • October 29, 2020 Page 3 Eilar Associates, Inc. Acriu,;tic:ol onc1 rnvironmemal ( on~ult,ng Scrv1rc,; Table 2. On-Site Noise Measwement Conditions and Results Date Wednesday, October 28, 2020 Time 3:09 p.m. -3:32 p.m. Conditions Sunny skies, wind at 9 mph, temperature in the low 70s, with moderate humidity Measured Noise Level 60.9 dB.A LEQ 3.1.4 Calculated Noise Level Noise levels were calculated for the site using the methodology described in Section 4.1 .3. The calculated noise levels (LEQ) were compared with the measured traffic noise level to determine if adjustments or corrections (calibration) should be applied to the traffic noise prediction model. Adjustments are intended to account for site-specific differences, such as reflection and absorption, which may be greater or lesser than accounted for in the model. The measured noise level of 60. 9 dB A L EQ at approximately 27 feet northeast of the Roosevelt Street centerline and approximately 36 feet southeast of the Pine Avenue centerline was compared to the calculated (modeled) noise level of 58.8 dBA L EQ for the same anticipated traffic flow. According to the Federal Highway Administration's Highway Traffic Noise: Analysis and Abatement Guide (see reference), a traffic noise model is considered validated if the measured and calculated noise impacts differ by three decibels or less. No adjustment was deemed necessary to model peak hour noise levels for the proposed building as the difference between the measured and calculated levels was found to be less than three decibels. This information is presented in Table 3. Please refer to Appendix D for more information. Table 3. Calculated versus Measured Traffic Noise Data Location Calculated Measured Difference Correction 27' northeast of Roosevelt Street C.L. and 58.8 dB.A L EQ 60.9 dB.A LEQ 2.1 dB None .Applied 36' feet southeast of Pine .Avenue C.L. 3.2 Future Noise Environment The future on-site noise environment will be the result of the same traffic and railway noise sources. Future rail noise is not expected to change significantly, and therefore, was modeled as described above. 3.2.1 Future Transportation Noise The future on-site noise environment will be the result of the same traffic noise sources. The future (year 2035) traffic volumes for surrounding roadways were obtained from the SANDAG Series 14 Transportation Forecast Information Center (TFIC). According to SANDAG, by the year 2035, the traffic volume of Roosevelt Street is estimated to decrease to 3,100 ADT. By the year 2035, the traffic volume of Pine Avenue is expected to increase to 1,000 ADT. The roadway alignment and roadbed grade elevations are expected to remain the same for these sections of roadways. The same truck percentages from the existing traffic volumes were used for future traffic volume modeling. For further roadway details and projected future ADT traffic volumes, please refer to Appendix D: Cadna Analysis Data and Results. Acou,tical Analy,is Report for Rc,o,,e,-elt Street and Pine 1\venue •Job# S201010 • Oct(,ber 29. 2020 Page 4 Eilar Associates, Inc. Without existing or proposed project structures, the future traffic noise contours calculated at ground level show that future traffic noise impacts to the project site will decrease slightly to be between 52 and 60 CNEL. Future traffic noise contours are presented graphically as Figure 6. Combined railway and traffic noise levels are detailed in Section 5.0. 4.0 Methodology and Equipment 4.1 Methodology 4.1. 1 Field Measurement Typically, a "one-hour" equivalent sound level measurement (LEQ, A-Weighted) is recorded for at least one noise-sensitive location on the site. During the on-site noise measurement, start and end times are recorded and vehicle counts are made for cars, medium trucks (double-tires/two axles), and heavy trucks (three or more axles) for the corresponding road segment(s). Supplemental sound measurements of one hour or less in duration are often made to further describe the noise environment of the site. For measurements of less than one hour in duration, the measurement time is long enough for a representative traffic volume to occur and the noise level (LEQ) to stabilize. The vehicle counts are then converted to one- hour equivalent volumes by applying an appropriate factor. Other field data gathered include measuring or estimating distances, angles-of-view, slopes, elevations, roadway grades, and vehicle speeds. This information is subsequently verified using available maps and records. 4.1.2 Railway Noise Calculation The airborne railway noise analysis is accomplished using CREA TE noise model (see reference). CREATE performs the evaluation of a site's exposure to railway noise by taking into account factors such as the distance from the site to the railroad track centerline, the number of diesel trains in both directions during the worst- case hour, the average number of diesel locomotives, the average length of each train, the average train speed past the site, the rail types, and whether the site is near crossings where train whistles or horns are sounded. 4.1.3 Roadway Noise Calculation The Traffic Noise Model (TNM) calculation protocol in Cadna Version 2020 (based on the methodology used in TNM Version 2.5, released in February 2004 by the U.S. Department of Transportation) was used for all traffic modeling in the preparation of tlus report. Using the TNM protocol, the CNEL is calculated as 0.092 times the ADT for surrounding roadways, based on the studies made by Wyle Laboratories (see reference). Future CNEL is calculated for desired receptor locations using future road alignment, elevations, lane configurations, projected traffic volumes, estimated truck mixes, and vehicle speeds. Noise attenuation methods may be analyzed, tested, and planned with TNM, as required. In order to determine the estimated traffic volumes of roadways during the traffic noise measurement made on site for model calibration, the approximate percentage of the Average Daily Trips (ADT) value for the time period in which the measurement is made is incorporated into the traffic model. These percentages have been established in a study performed by Katz-Okitsu and Associates, Traffic Engineers (see reference). For purposes of calibrating the Cadna TNM, 8.0% of the ADT values for the current environment were used in calculations (for roadways that were not manually counted) to account for traffic between the hours of 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. in the vicinity of the project site. Further explanation can be supplied on request. J\cousr,cal Analysis Report for Roos<:velr Street and Pine Avenue• Job II S2()l()J() • October 29, 2020 Page 5 Eilar Associates, Inc. Acoustical ,,nd EnvironmcmaJ lomulting Services 4.2 Measurement Equipment Some or all of the following equipment was used at the site to measure existing noise levels: • Larson Davis Model LxT Type 1 Sound Level Meter, Serial# 4084 • Larson Davis Model CA200 Type 1 Calibrator, Serial # 16454 The sound level meter was field-calibrated immediately prior to the noise measurement and checked afterward to ensure accuracy. All sound level measurements conducted and presented in this report, in accordance with the regulations, were made with a sound level meter that conforms to the American National Standards Institute specifications for sound level meters (ANSI Sl.4). All instruments are maintained with National Bureau of Standards traceable calibration, per the manufacturers' standards. 5.0 Impacts and Mitigation 5.1 Exterior As some current traffic volumes exceed those projected for the future, a combination of current and future traffic volumes were used for a "worst-case" analysis of anticipated noise levels at the proposed project site. 5.1.1 Noise Impacts to Outdoor Use Areas The City of Carlsbad requires residential projects to maintain noise levels of 60 CNEL or less at outdoor use areas. The project has incorporated private terraces and roof decks for each unit. Worst-case traffic and railway noise impacts have been calculated at each of these outdoor use areas using Cadna to determine whether noise impacts exceed the 60 CNEL thres hold. Calculations assume seated receivers on roof decks and shielding provided by surrounding building structures. Results of this analysis are shown in Table 4 below. Additional information is provided in Appendix D , and a graphical representation of outdoor use receiver locations is provided as Figure 7. Table 4. Worst-Case Combined Noise Levels at Outdoor Use Areas Combined Exterior Noise Level (CNEL) Receiver Location First Floor Second Floor Roof OUl North Facing Patio/Deck 59 60 N/A. OU2 North Facing Patio/Deck 59 59 N/A. OU3 North Facing Patio/Deck 58 58 N/A. OU4 North Facing Patio/Deck 58 58 NIA ous Roof Deck N /A. N/A. 56 OU6 Roof Deck N /A. N/A. 54 OU7 Roof Deck N /A. N/A. 53 OU8 Roof Deck N /A. N/A. 53 Acoustical Analysis Rcporr for Rc•osevclr Street and Pine /\venue • Job# $201010 • October 29, 2020 Page 6 Eilar Associates, Inc. As shown above, worst-case combined traffic and railway noise impacts at the project site are not expected to exceed 60 CNEL at private outdoor use areas of the project. N o project design features are required for the attenuation of exterior noise impacts at the project site. 5.1.2 Noise Impacts to Building Facades Worst-case combined traffic and railway noise impacts were also calculated at building facades of all units on site and were found to range from 50 CNEL at the first floor of the south facade to 59 CNEL at the west facade. A complete listing of calculated noise impacts is shown in Table 5, and a graphical representation of building facade receiver locations is shown in Figure 8. Table 5. Worst-Case Combined Noise Levels at Building Facades Combined Exterior Noise Level (CNEL) Receiver Location First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fl North N/A. 58 58 F2 East 53 53 53 F3 South so 52 53 F4 West 59 59 59 5.2 Interior 5.2.1 Transportation Noise Sources The State of California and the City of Carlsbad require buildings to be designed in order to attenuate, control, and maintain interior noise levels to 45 CNEL or less in habitable residential space. Current exterior building construction is generally expected to achieve at least 15 decibels of exterior-to-interior noise attenuation, with windows opened, according to the U.S. EPA (see reference). Therefore, proposed project building structures exposed to exterior noise levels greater than 60 CNEL could be subject to interior noise levels exceeding the 45 CNEL noise limit for residential habitable space. As shown in Table 5, noise impacts at project building facades are not anticipated to exceed 60 CNEL. As building facade noise impacts will not exceed 60 CNEL, all units on site are expected to comply with City of Carlsbad and State of California interior noise regulations of 45 CNEL or less with typical building construction, and therefore, no detailed interior noise analysis would be required for this project. No special design features, such as mechanical ventilation or STC-rated glazing, are required for meeting interior noise limits. Acoustical J'.nalysis Report for Roosevelt Srreel and Pine Avenue• Job I+ S201010 • October 29, 2020 Page 7 .. .. .. -- .. -- --- .. • -- - - • • -• .. 6.0 Conclusion As per City of Carlsbad requirements, noise levels at outdoor use areas of the residential uses are required to be 60 CNEL or less. Worst-case combined traffic and railway noise impacts were calculated at private outdoor use areas to determine compliance with this requirement. It was determined that, as designed, all private outdoor use areas will have noise impacts of 60 CNEL or less, in compliance with City of Carlsbad noise standards. No project design features are therefore deemed necessary for the attenuation of exterior noise impacts . The City of Carlsbad and the State of California require interior noise levels not exceeding 45 CNEL in residential habitable space. As building facade noise impacts are not expected to exceed 60 CNEL, interior noise levels are expected to comply with the 45 CNEL requirement with typical building construction, and no detailed interior noise analysis would be required for this development. No special design features, such as mechanical ventilation or STC-rated glazing, are required for meeting interior noise limits. 7.0 Certification All recommendations for noise control are based on the best information available at the time our consulting services are provided. However, as there are many factors involved in sound transmission, and Eilar Associates has no control over the construction, workmanship or materials, Eilar Associates is specifically not liable for final results of any recommendations or implementation of the recommendations . The findings and recommendations of this acoustical analysis report are based on the information available and are a true and factual analysis of the potential acoustical issues associated with the Roosevelt and Pine project, located at the southeast corner of Roosevelt Street and Pine Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, California. This report was prepared by Rachael Cowell and Amy Hool. &iwcl\§Ead Acoustical Consultant Ac(>usticat AnaJ~,sis Report for R110:-;e1:clt ~-~trcet and Pint' ;\venue• Job# S20HHO • ()ctubcr 29, 202{) Page H 8.0 References City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual, September 1995. California Building Code, Based on the International Building Code, Chapter 12, Section 1207 -Sound Transmission Control. Harris Miller Miller & Hanson, Inc., CREATE Freight Noise and Vibration Model, 2006. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Website, Demographics and Other Data, 2015 Transportation Data, http://www.SANDAG.org/resources/demographics_and_other_data/transportation/ adtv/index.asp. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Traffic Forecast Information Center, Series 14, http:/ /tfic.sandag.org. Federal Highway Administration, Highway Traffic Noise: Analysis and Abatement Guide, December 2011. Wyle Laboratories, Development of Ground Transportation Systems Noise Contours for the San Diego Region, December 1973. Traffic Distribution Study, by Katz-Okitsu and Associates Traffic Engineers, 1986. DataKustik, CadnaA (Computer Aided Noise Abatement), Version 2020. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Noise Abatement and Control, Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare With an Adequate Margin of Safety, March 1974. Acoustical Analysis Report for ltoosevclt Street and Pinc Avenue• Job# S21Jl1)1() • October 29, 2020 Page 9 - -... -- -.. - -- --.. .. -- -- ... - .. • Eilar Associates, Inc. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting Services 1~21) <:,< ~t>t,e b ~f>. c.,,"b~~ 0 0~ <01- ~ -. . -·.' ··-6... 'o 4:) ._' --~ \./ .>: ~ .. . ;,/z Project Location I ~ .... a;: ~·~ ~(/, ,,~ o?>'f- ,..~e ~,~" ... . . \ \ . . . . . . -....... . ... ... \ ·· . . . . . . t--""e 01;"+- .. ~" o•"'" ~~ ~,~e t-,_.e ~,~e 1b ~ ~...)~ e,~e§-. ~ ~ <o ~ . . . . ~~ ~ ~ ~ % o.., Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 . ..n . Vicinity Map Job #S201010 ~ f??>\~ Figure t San Diego County Assessor's Parcel Number: 204-082-01-00 Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Assessor's Parcel Map Job # S201010 Figure 2 i , Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Satellite Aerial Photograph Showing Noise Measurement Location Job # S201010 Figure 3 Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Topographic Map Job # S201010 Figure 4 -55 CNEL Contour -60 CNEL Contour Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Site Plan Showing Current Traffic CNEL Contours Job # S201010 Figure 5 -55 CNEL Contour -60 CNEL Contour Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Site Plan Showing Future Traffic CNEL Contours Job # S201010 Figure 6 ..... w w ~ !;; ..... ...J w ~ V') 0 0 ~ Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 SETBACK PINE AVE 21.0·~ GARAG~ 24.0' BACKUP DRIVEWAY ■■-■■-■■-■■-■■ 20.0' 139. 9' ---------------~ ALLEY Site Plan Showing Outdoor Use Area Receiver Locations Job # S201010 Figure 7 1--w w ~ 1--V> 1-- ...J w ~ V> 0 0 ~ [7" F4 Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 PINE AVE Ft~ •• •• •• tP• •• J: ® DD 26.0' I 21 .0' GARAGE I F3 , - 24.0' SETBACK BACKUP DRIVEWAY ··-··-··-··-·· 20.0' 139.9'-----------r-ALLEY Site Plan Showing Facade Receiver Locations Job # S201010 Figme8 • Eilar Associates, Inc. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting Services CARLSBAD1 CA Tony Cassolato 576 Camino El Dorado Encinitas, CA 92024 ROOSEVELT STREET AND PINE AVENUE APRIL 28, 2020 SCALE: SHEET INDEX A-SP SITE PLAN A-I CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN A-2 CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN A-3 BUILDING COMPOSITE A-4 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A-5 BUILDING PERSPECTIVES A-6 BUILDING PERSPECTIVES A-7 BUILDING PERSPECTIVES A-8 BUILDING PERSPECTIVES COVER SHEET ~ 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198 A-8 CARLSBAD1 CA Tony Cassolato 576 Camino El Dorado Encinitas, CA 92024 ~ UJ ~ 5.0' ~ SETBAC V) ~ UJ > UJ V) 0 0 a:: 17-· DD PINE AVE 0.0' SETBACK 5.0' 10.0' DEDICATION .. •~-//,,~"J .','/// ,,., //,, :-✓/,./< O' PROJECT SUMMARY 3-STORY TOWNHOMES HOMES 4 UNITS GROSS AREA .19AC NET AREA .16AC DENSITY 21 DU/AC PARKING 8 SPACES UNIT MIX 2 PLAN IA 48D/38A 1720SF 2 PLAN I B 4BD/3BA 1760 SF 4 TOTAL UNITS PARKING REQUIRED 2 SPX 4 DU= 8 SPACES j~:~;:~~ Il l~ H 1 ± A l ~~q ., , , ---+ ~ -_, r ,/, SETtCK 50.0' PARKING PROVIDED J GARAGE 8 SPACES 18.0' SETBACK 24.0' BACKUP 20.0' DRIVEWAY t-----------139.9'------------l-- ROOSEVELT STREET AND PINE AVENUE APRIL 28. 2020 ([) 0 10 20 30 SCALE: ~ N 20.0' ALLEY PROPERTY OPEN SPACE REQUIRED 6994 SF X . IO = 699 SF PROVIDED 927 SF PRIVATE OPEN SPACE REQUIRED 60 SF/DU= 240 SF PROVIDED PLAN IA(255 SF X 2)= 510 SF PLAN I 8(255 SF X 2)= 510 SF TOTAL l,020SF CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ~ 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 160.124_119s A-SP CARLSBAD1 CA Tony Cassolato 576 Camino El Dorado Encinitas, CA 92024 DECK r.o·xr..,- '°" ,--7 119•.11· L ROOF DECK '"" -7 I I I I I I I ______ _J ROOF DECK DINING 11'-0"'Xl2'-4i" 0 GREATRO?M IS'-O"X IS'-6 II SECOND FLOOR ._, 1r.:i!· 11·.7.!• 0 HAmR BEOFi "'~ BEDRM "'4 THIRD FLOOR 11 ~ I OFFICE T.(1' X 14".(I'" L_7 L__ ____ _ FIRST FLOOR PLAN IA: 1ST FLR - 2ND FLR- JRD FLR- TOTAL 4BD/3BA 200 S.F. 800 S.F. 750 S.F. 1,750 S.F. ROOSEVELT STREET AND PINE AVENUE CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN APRIL 28, 2020 0 4 8 12 SCALE: L___r-7____j ~ 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198 A-I CARLSBAD1 CA Tony Cassolato 576 Camino El Dorado Encinitas, CA 92024 ,_._.. 1-----~ ON ........... ~ LJ DECK w.o·xr4 70Sf i I • ROOF DECK IIUf 7 [_ ROOF DECK l Ii j i ii 18 D GREAT ROOM IS'-4"XIS'-6" SECOND FLOOR ~. ~ )_Q'-'" DINING 11'-0"X ll'-6" 0 7 I I I I I I I J I I I ---' J u, PATIO OFFICE 7-0-X 12'-0" L_7 rJ-9" 12'-11" MASTER BEDR9 '"yj BEDROOM 12,-erx11·.o· THIRD FLOOR 88 GARAGE N-O"Xl0'-0' lrJ-6" L _______ _j FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1B: 1ST FLR - 2ND FLR- 2ND FLR- TOTAL 4BD/3BA 200 S.F. 820 S.F. 765 S.F. 1,765 S.F. ROOSEVELT STREET AND PINE AVENUE CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN APRIL 28, 2020 0 ◄ 8 12 SCALE: L____f"""""7___ ~ 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198 A-2 CARLSBAD1 CA Tony Cassolato 576 Camino El Dorado Encinitas, CA 92024 17_ 1 17__T _ _17 Ii l l I I I PLAN IA PLAN 1B I I I PLAN 1B ..___...._ -_l_ ---- = = _l7 PLAN IA ROOF DECK ~ ..:i F?iL I ,I THIRD FLOOR t w·• 17 'H ' "'·• J7 <'.Y AM I '"• ,' AM 1------:-) 1 """ □□ ,~ [ I PLAN IA 1 = = DD 11 I DD I PLAN 1B PLAN 1B SECOND FLOOR + L -7_ -L_ __ _j ___ _L ___ __J L_ __ _____J FIRST FLOOR ROOSEVELT STREET AND PINE AVENUE APRIL 28, 2020 0 4 8 12 SCALE: L____f"""""7___ BUILDING COMPOSITE ~ 5256 S, Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198 A-3 CARLSBAD! CA Tony Cassolato 576 Camino El Dorado Encinitas, CA 92024 WEST (ROOSEVELT ST) EAST ROOSEVELT STREET AND PINE AVENUE APRIL 28, 2020 0 4 8 12 SCALE:~ SOUTH NORTH {PINE AVE) MATERIAL SCHEDULE I ROOF -CONCRETE TILE 2 FASOA -2 X 6 RESAWN WOOD WALL -STUCCO WALL -STONE VENEER TRIM -2X STUCCO OVER METAL RAIUNG 7 TRELLIS 8 DECORATIVE FOAM EA VE 9 DECORATIVE AWNING IO DECORATIVE SHUTTERS 11 DECORATIVE POTSHELF 12 DECORATIVE GABLE ACCENT BUILDING ELEVATIONS ~ 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198 A-4 • Eilar Associates, Inc. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting Services ---.... - ---- ---- - -... - --- .. ----- • -.. Noise Guidelines Manual CITY OF CARLSBAD Selected Land Use/Noise Compatlblllty Policies and ObJectlves from the Noise Element IV. OBJECTIVES AND IMPLEMENTING C.1 Encourage the development of POLICIES AND ACTION PROGRAMS compatible land uses in areas which are sub- ject to excessive noise levels. GENERAL C. IMPLEMENTING POLICIES AND ACTION PROGRAMS C.1 Control harmful or undesirable sounds through the planning and regulatory process with emphasis on noise/ land-use compatibility planning. C.2 Review all development propos- als, both public and private, for consistency with the policies of this element. C.4 Continue to enforce . building codes to ensure adequate sound insulation be- tween dwellings and to ensure adequate sound insulation of interior areas from loud external noise sources. The City shall continue to enforce project conditions of approval related to noise control. C.5 Attempt to control noise primarily at its source. Where this is not feasible, controls along the transmission path of the noise should be required. LAND USE B. OBJECTIVES 8.1 To achieve noise compatibility between industrial/ commercial and surround- ing land uses and achieve an acceptable noise environment in industrial/ commercial areas. 8.2 To achieve noise impact compati- bility between land uses through the land use planning/development review process. C. IMPLEMENTING POLICIES AND ACTION PROGRAMS C.2 Develop specific noise standards for use in reviewing noise sensitive devel- opment. C.3 Require the use of project design techniques, such as, increasing the distance between the noise source and the receiver; placing non-noise sensitive uses such as park- ing areas, maintenance facilities, and utility areas between the source and the receiver; using non-sensitive structures, such as a ga- rage, to shield noise sensitive areas; and, orienting buildings to shield outdoor spaces from a noise source to minimize noise impacts · during any discretionary review of a residential or other noise sensitive project. C.5 Enforce the policy of the City that 60 dBA CNEL is the exterior noise level to which all residential units should be mitigated. Sixty-five (65) dBA CNEL ls the maximum noise level to which residential units subject to noise from McClellan-Palomar Airport should be permitted. Additional disclosure actions (easements, deed restric- tions, recorded notice, etc.) may be required of developers/sellers of noise impacted residential units . For residential properties identified as requiring a noise study, a study shall be pre- pared by an acoustical professional. This study shall document the projected maximum exterior noise level and mitigate the projected exterior noise level to a maximum allowable noise level as identified in this policy. Interior noise levels should be mitigat- ed to 45 dBA CNEL when openings to the exterior of the residence are open or closed. If openings are required to be closed to meet Noise Element Policies 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD the interior noise standard, then mechanical ventilation shall be provided. If the acoustical study shows that exte- rior noise levels cannot be mitigated to the level allowable as identified in this policy or less, the development should [JQJ. be approved without one or more of the following findings: 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the sig- nificant environmental effect (noise). 2. Changes or alterations to avoid or substantially lessen the significant environ- mental effect (noise) are within the responsi- bility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the City of Carlsbad. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. 3. Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives to avoid or substantially lessen the significant environ- mental effect (noise). If a project is approved with exterior noise levels exceeding the level allowable pursuant to this policy, all purchasers of the impacted property shall be notified in writing prior to purchase, and by deed disclosure in writing, that the property they are purchasing is, or will be, noise impacted and does not meet Carlsbad noise standards for residential property. Notwithstanding project approval, no residential interior CNEL should exceed 45 dBA. C.6 Require that a •Noise• Study be submitted with all discretionary applications for residential projects of five or more single family dwelling units or any multiple family dwelling units located within or 500-feet beyond the 60 dBA CNEL Noise Contour Lines Noise Guidelines Manual as shown on the Map 2: Future Noise Exposure Contour Map. C. 7 Enforce the policy of the City that site design techniques such as increasing the distance between the noise source and the receiver; placing non-noise sensitive uses such as parking areas, maintenance facilities and utility areas between the source and the receiver; using non-noise sensitive structures, such as a garage, to shield noise-sensitive areas; and orienting buildings to shield outdoor spaces from a noise source, be the first tool used to mitigate noise impacts on noise sensitive land uses rather than the construction of walls or berms. C.8 Recognize that mitigation of existing or future noise impacts from Cir- culation Element roadways, AT&SF railroad or McClellan-Palomar Airport for existing or future development within the City, shall not be funded by the City. However, the City shall assist applicants with the processing of neces- sary permits for mitigating noise on private property, which permits may include right-of. way permits, encroachment permits, retaining wall permits and zoning variances. The City shall also assist property owners in the establishment of assessment districts, to fund noise mitigation improvements, in accordance with established City policies and procedures. Cl RC ULA noN C. IMPLEMENTING POLICIES AND ACTION PROGRAMS C.2 Consider noise impacts in the design of road systems and give special con- sideration to those road corridors in scenic or noise sensitive areas. C.4 Apply the residential noise poli- cies of this element in the review of proposals for the construction or improvement of any roadway, railroad, transit system or other noise producing facility. Noise Element Policies 5 ---.. -... - -.. .. - - - ---.. .. .. - ----- ------ -.. .. -... -... -.. .. -------- --- --- ... ------- Section 1206 Sound Transmission 1206.1 Scope This section shall apply to common interior walls, partitions and floor/ceiling assemblies between adjacent dwelling units and sleeping units or between dwelling units and sleeping units and adjacent public areas such as halls, corridors, stairways or service areas . 1206.2 Airborne sound Walls, partitions and floor-ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units and sleeping units from each other or from public or service areas shall have a sound transmission class of not less than 50, or not less than 45 if field tested, for airborne noise where tested in accordance with ASTM E90. Alternatively, the sound transmission class of walls, partitions and floor-ceiling assemblies shall be established by engineering analysis based on a comparison of walls, partitions and floor-ceiling assemblies having sound transmission class ratings as determined by the test procedures set forth in ASTM E90. Penetrations or openings in construction assemblies for piping; electrical devices; recessed cabinets; bathtubs; soffits; or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined, insulated or otherwise treated to maintain the required ratings. This requirement shall not apply to entrance doors; however, such doors shall be tight fitting to the frame and sill . 1206.2.1 Masonry The sound transmission class of concrete masonry and clay masonry assemblies shall be calculated in accordance with TMS 0302 or determined through testing in accordance with ASTM E90. 1206.3 Structure-borne sound Floor-ceiling assemblies between dwelling units and sleeping units or between a dwelling unit or sleeping unit and a public or service area within the structure shall have an impact insulation class rating of not less than 50, or not less than 45 if field tested, where tested in accordance with ASTM E492. Alternatively, the impact insulation class of floor-ceiling assemblies shall be established by engineering analysis based on a comparison of floor- ceiling assemblies having impact insulation class ratings as determined by the test procedures in ASTM E492. Exception: Impact sound insulation is not required for floor-ceiling assemblies over nonhabitable rooms or spaces not designed to be occupied, such as garages, mechanical rooms or storage areas. 1206.4 Allowable interior noise levels Interior noise levels attributable to exterior sources shall not exceed 45 dB in any habitable room. The noise metric shall be either the day-night average sound level (Ldn) or the community noise equivalent level (CNEL), consistent with the noise element of the local general plan. 1206.5 Acoustical control [BSC-CGJ See California Green Building Standards Code, Chapter 5, Division 5.5 for additional sound transmission requirements. 1 of 1 2019 California Building Code Exported from Q UpCodes • Eilar Associates, Inc. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting Services Noise Model Based on Federal Transrt Adminstration General Transrt Noise Assessment Developed for Chicago Create Project Copyright 2006, HMMH Inc. Case: $201<!10: RESULTS Noise Source Ldn (dB) All Sources 60 Source 1 48 Source 2 43 Source 3 53 Source 4 53 Source 5 0 Source 6 0 Hom Ldn 1 50 Hom Ldn 2 56 Enter noise receiver land use c•tegory below. LAND USE CATEGORY Noise receiver land use category (1.i. 2 or 3 -··--· --·-· -,----··-·-----· -----·-·· ---·-·-·-·--.. -. -. -·· NOISE SOURCE PARAMETERS Parameter Source 1 Source Num. Corrmuter Diesel Locomotive Distance (source to receiver) distance (ft) Daytime Hours speed (mph) (7 AM-10 PM) trains/hour locos/train Nighttime Hours speed (mph) ~10 PM-7 AM) trains/hour locos/train vvneel Flats? Jointed Track? YIN Embedded Track? YIN Aerial Structure? YIN Barrier Present? YIN lntervenino Rows of of Buildinas number of rows SOURCE REFERENCE UST Source Number Commuter Electric Locomotive 1 Commuter Diesel Locomotive 2 Commuter Rail Cars 3 RRTILRT 4 AGT, Steel Wheel 5 AGT, Rubber Tire 6 Monorail 7 Maglev 8 Freight Locomotive 9 Freight Cars 10 Hopper Cars (empty) 11 Hopper Cars (full) 12 Crossover 13 Automobiles 14 City Buses 15 Corrmuter Buses 16 Rail Yard or Shop 17 Layover Tracks 18 Bus Storage Yard 19 Bus Op. Facility 20 Bus Transit Center 21 Parking Garage 22 Park & Ride Lot 23 -· Jl~'121i~.c i" 670 , ~~: ~·t~· i;i Iii iii .C i" ~Nm i,.·,,N~' ., .. oNo .. , [II N .. , .. 0 " Leq -daytime (dB) 52 46 41 47 46 0 0 Source 2 Corrmuter Rail Cars distance (ft) speed (mph) trains/hour cars/train speed (mph) trains/hour cars/train o/o of cars w/ Y8leel Oats YIN YIN YIN YIN number of rows HORN NOISE CALCULATION iFreight trains/day trains/night distance (ft) speed (mph) ground absorption {Q-. 1) Hourly Leq at 50 feet (day1ime) Hourly Leq at 50 feet (nighttime) Ldn at 50 feet Ldn at specified distance mmuter trains/day trains/night distance (ft) speed (mph) ground absorption (0-1) Hourly Leq at 50 feet (daytime) Hourly Leq at 50 feet (nighttime) Ldn at 50 feet Ldn at specified distance Noise Model Leq -nighttime (dB) Source 3 Jl~lil3'lil,t Freight Locomotive i" 670 • distance (ft) speed (mph) trains/hour :::y~: .5 . , locos/train .;1°:; speed (mph) trains/hour locos/train 20.00%. i" ~Nm • YIN 11,·•,,N~' YIN !.",N."' YIN lD,N .. • YIN '" 0 .. 3 3 670 35 69.2 75.3 50.4 ·,10 9 670 40 ..1- 77.6 73.4 80.7 55.8 number of rows Page 1 50 40 35 47 46 0 0 Source 4 I p_gga_. Freight Ca"' .,._.,()',,~ i" 670 " distance (ft) 670 < ~==c speed (mph) s trains/hour .2 , . length of cars (ft) I train SY~, speed (mph) ~3:,t trains/hour length of cars (ft) I train 2000., Ja ..... % of cars w/ wheel nats 20.00% p ~Nm YIN I' mNm Ii l,"~N~~-c YIN 11,·,,N~',i 1L!l.i,.,N,.,MI~ YIN ., .. ,N,"A l".N.iil. YIN 111 N.lilJ '" 0 ill number of rows ,., 0 al • Eilar Associates, Inc. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting Services I I I I I I I I I a I a I I I S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Calibration Model Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025-4230 Phone: (760) 738-5570 Date: 29 Oct 2020 Calculat' Conti t' Configuration Parameter Value General Country (user defined) Max. Error (dB) 0.00 Max. Search Radius (#(Unit.LEN)) 2000.00 Min. Dist Src to Rcvr 0.00 Partition Raster Factor 0.50 Max. Length of Section (#(Unit.LEN)) 1000.00 Min. Length of Section (#(Unit.LEN)) 1.00 Min. Length of Section (%) 0.00 Proj. Line Sources On Proj. Area Sources On Ref. Time Reference Time Day (min) 960.00 Reference Time Night (min) 480.00 Daytime Penalty (dB) 0.00 Recr. Time Penalty (dB) 6.00 Night-time Penalty (dB) 10.00 DTM Standard Height (m) 0.00 Model of Terrain Triangulation Reflection max. Order of Reflection 0 Search Radius Src 100.00 Search Radius Rcvr 100.00 Max. Distance Source -Rcvr 1000.00 1000.00 Min. Distance Rvcr -Reflector 1.00 1.00 Min. Distance Source -Reflector 0.10 Industrial (ISO 9613) Lateral Diffraction some Obj Obst within Area Src do not shield On Screening Exd. Ground Att. over Barrier Dz with limit (20/25) Barrier Coefficients C 1,2,3 3.0 20.0 0.0 Temperature (#(Unit.TEMP)) 20 rel. Humidity(%) 50 Ground Absorption G 0.35 Wind Speed for Dir. (#(Unit,SPEED)) 3.0 Roads(TNM) Railways (Schall 03 (1990)) Strictly acc. to Schall 03 / Schall-Transrapid Aircraft (???) Strictly acc. to AzB Eilar Associates, Inc. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S201010-Roosevelt and Pine -Calibration Model Receivers Name M. ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night Day Night Type Auto Noise Type X y z (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (m) I (m) (m) (m) NML 58.8 -62.3 0.0 0.0 X Total 1.s2Ir 273.48 177.96 1.52 Eilar Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S20101 0 -Roosevelt and Pine -Calibration Model Roads Name M. ID Lme Count Data exact Count Data Speed Limit scs Surface Gradient Mult. Reflection Day Evening Night DlV Str.class. M p (%) Auto Truck Dist. Dstro Type Drefl Hbuild Dist. (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night (km/h) (km/h) (dB) (%) (dB) (m) (m) Roosevelt Street R 1 50.0 0.0 0.0 212.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.0 40 6.1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Pine Avenue R 2 51.6 0.0 0.0 64.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40 7.32 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 G Road Name Height Coordinates Dist LSlope Begin End X y z Ground (m) (%) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) Roosevelt Street 0.00 r 266.16 222.09 0.00 0.00 264.08 21.38 0.00 0.00 Pine Avenue 0.00 r 206.37 189.46 0.00 0.00 372.72 189.46 0.00 0.00 Eilar Associates, Inc. I I S20101 O -Roosevelt and Pine -Current Model Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025-4230 Phone: (760) 738-5570 Date: 29 Oct 2020 Confi Configuration Parameter Value General Country ( user defined) Max. Error (dB) 0.00 Max. Search Radius (#(Unit.LEN)) 2000.00 Min. Dist Src to Rcvr 0.00 Partition Raster Factor 0.50 Max. Length of Section (#(Unit.LEN)) 1000.00 Min. Length of Section (#(Unit.LEN)) 1.00 Min. Length of Section (%) 0.00 Proj. Line Sources On Proj. Area Sources On Ref. Time Reference Time Day (min) 960.00 Reference Time Night (min) 480.00 Daytime Penalty (dB) 0.00 Recr. Time Penalty (dB) 6.00 Night-time Penalty (dB) 10.00 DTM Standard Height (m) 0.00 Model of Terrain Triangulation Reflection max. Order of Reflection 0 Search Radius Src 100.00 Search Radius Rcvr 100.00 Max. Distance Source -Rcvr 1000.00 1000.00 Min. Distance Rvcr -Reflector 1.00 1.00 Min. Distance Source -Reflector 0.10 Industrial (ISO 9613) Lateral Diffraction some Obj Obst within Area Src do not shield On Screening Exd. Ground Att. over Barrier Dz with limit (20/25) Barrier Coefficients C 1,2,3 3.0 20.0 0.0 Temperature (#(Unit.TEMP)) 20 rel. Humidity (%) 50 Ground Absorption G 0.35 Wind Speed for Dir. (#(Unit.SPEED)) 3.0 Roads (TNM) Railways (Schall 03 (1990)) Strictly acc. to Schall 03 / Schall-Transrapid Aircraft (???) Strictly acc. to AzB Eilar Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Current Model Roads Name M. ID Lme Count Data exact Count Data Speed Limit scs Surface Gradient Mull. Reflection Day Evening Night DlV Sir.class. M p (%) Auto Truck Dist. Dstro Type Drefl Hbuild Dist. (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night (km/h) (km/h) (dB) (%) (dB) (m) (m) Roosevelt Street R 1 54.0 0.0 0.0 515.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 40 6.1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Pine Avenue R 2 52.2 0.0 0.0 64.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 40 7.32 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 G Road Name Height Coordinates Dist LSlope Begin End X y z Ground (m) (%) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) Roosevelt Street 0.00 r 266.16 222.09 0.00 0.00 264.08 21.38 0.00 0.00 Pine Avenue 0.00 r 206.37 189.46 0.00 0.00 372.72 189.46 0.00 0.00 Eilar Associates, Inc. I I S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Future Model Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025-4230 Phone: (760) 738-5570 Date: 29 Oct 2020 Confiouration Parameter Value General Country (user defined) Max. Error (dB) 0.00 Max. Search Radius (#(Unit.LEN)) 2000.00 Min. Dist Src to Rcvr 0.00 Partition Raster Factor 0.50 Max. Length of Section (#(Unit.LEN)) 1000.00 Min. Length of Section (#(Unit.LEN)) 1.00 Min. Length of Section (%) 0.00 Proj. Line Sources On Proj. Area Sources On Ref. Time Reference Time Day (min) 960.00 Reference Time Night (min) 480.00 Daytime Penaltv (dB) 0.00 Recr. Time Penalty (dB) 6.00 Night-time Penalty (dB) 10.00 DTM Standard Height (m) 0.00 Model of Terrain Triangulation Reflection max. Order of Reflection 0 Search Radius Src 100.00 Search Radius Rcvr 100.00 Max. Distance Source -Rcvr 1000.00 1000.00 Min. Distance Rvcr -Reflector 1.00 1.00 Min. Distance Source -Reflector 0.10 Industrial (ISO 9613) Lateral Diffraction some Obj Obsl within Area Src do not shield On Screening Exel. Ground All over Barrier Dz with limit (20/25) Barrier Coefficients C 1,2,3 3.0 20.0 0.0 Temperature (#(Unit.TEMP)) 20 rel. Humidity(%) 50 Ground Absorption G 0.35 Wind Speed for Dir. (#(Unit.SPEED)) 3.0 Roads (TNM) Railways (Schall 03 (1990)) Strictly acc. to Schall 03 / Schall-Transrapid Aircraft (???) Strictly acc. to AzB Eilar Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I t I I I • I I I I t I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Future Model Roads Name M. ID Lme Count Data exact Count Data Speed Limit scs Surface Gradient Mull. Reflection Day Evening Night DTV Sir.class. M p (%) Auto Truck Dist. Dstro Type Drefl Hbuild Dist. (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night (km/h) (km/h) (dB) (%) (dB) (m) {m) Roosevelt Street R 1 51.4 0.0 0.0 285.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 40 6.1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Pine Avenue R2 53.7 0.0 0.0 92.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 40 7.32 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 G Road Name Height Coordinates Dist LSlope Begin End X y z Ground (m) (%) (m) {m) (m) (m) (m) (m) Roosevelt Street 0.00 r 266.16 222.09 0.00 0.00 264.08 21.38 0.00 0.00 Pine Avenue 0.00 r 206.37 189.46 0.00 0.00 372.72 189.46 0.00 0.00 Eilar Associates, Inc. I I S20101 O -Roosevelt and Pine -Outdoor Use Area Model Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025-4230 Phone: (760) 738-5570 Date: 29 Oct 2020 Calculation Conti Configuration Parameter Value General Country (user defined) Max. Error (dB) 0.00 Max. Search Radius (#(Unit.LEN)) 2000.00 Min. Dist Src to Rcvr 0.00 Partition Raster Factor 0.50 Max. Length of Section (#(Unit.LEN)) 1000.00 Min. Length of Section (#(Unit.LEN)) 1.00 Min. Length of Section(%) 0.00 Proj. Line Sources On Proj. Area Sources On Ref. Time Reference Time Day (min) 960.00 Reference Time Night (min) 480.00 Daytime Penalty (dB) 0.00 Recr. Time Penalty (dB) 6.00 Night-time Penalty (dB) 10.00 DTM Standard Height (m) 0.00 Model of Terrain Triangulation Reflection max. Order of Reflection 0 Search Radius Src 100.00 Search Radius Rcvr 100.00 Max. Distance Source -Rcvr 1000.00 1000.00 Min. Distance Rvcr -Reflector 1.00 1.00 Min. Distance Source -Reflector 0.10 Industrial (150 9613) Lateral Diffraction some Obj Obst within Area Src do not shield On Screening Exd. Ground Att. over Barrier Dz with limit (20/25) Barrier Coefficients C1 ,2,3 3.0 20.00.0 Temperature (#(Unit.TEMP)) 20 rel. Humidity (%) 50 Ground Absorption G 0.35 Wind Speed for Dir. (#(Unit.SPEED)) 3.0 Roads(TNM) Railways (Schall 03 (1990)) Strictly acc. to Schall 03 / Schall-Transrapid Aircraft (???) Strictly acc. to AzB Eilar Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I S20101 O -Roosevelt and Pine -Outdoor Use Area Model Receivers Name M. ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night Day Night Type Auto Noise Type X y z (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (m) (m) (m) (m) OU1-1 59.4 49.8 0.0 0.0 X Total 1.52 r 280.61 177.71 1.52 OU1-2 59.5 51.0 0.0 0.0 X Total 4.57 r 280.61 177.71 4.57 OU2-1 58.5 49.0 0.0 0.0 X Total 1.52 r 290.20 177.66 1.52 OU2-2 58.6 49.5 0.0 0.0 X Total 4.57 r 290.20 177.66 4.57 OU3-1 58.1 48.2 0.0 0.0 X Total 1.52 r 305.62 177.66 1.52 OU3-2 58.1 48.7 0.0 0.0 X Total 4.57 r 305.62 177.66 4.57 OU4-1 57.9 47.8 0.0 0.0 X Total 1.52 r 315.18 177.60 1.52 OU4-2 57.9 48.2 0.0 0.0 X Total 4.57 r 315.18 177.60 4.57 OU5 55.5 53.8 0.0 0.0 X Total 11.58 r 282.58 173.44 11.58 OU6 54.1 52.6 0.0 0.0 X Total 11.58 r 292.12 173.48 11.58 OU7 53.3 51.8 0.0 0.0 X Total 11.58 r 303.75 173.52 11.58 OU8 52.9 50.7 0.0 0.0 X Total 11.58 r 313.38 173.61 11.58 Eilar Associates, Inc. S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Outdoor Use Area Model Line Sources Name M. ID Result. PWL Result. PWL' Lw/Li Correction Sound Reduction Attenuation Operating Time KO Freq. Direct. Moving Pt Src Day IEveningl Night Day IEveningl Night TypelValuel norm. Day I Evening I Night R I Area Day I Special I Night Number ISpeed (dBA) I (dBA) I (dBA) (dBA) I (dBA) I (dBA) I ldB(A) dB(A) I dB(A) I dB(A) I (m•) (min) I (min) I (min) (dB) (Hz) Day IEveningl Night l(km/h) Train + 117.91 117.91 117.9 95.0I 95.0I 95.o Lw I L1 I 0.01 0.01 0.0 I I I 0.0 (none) I I I G Line S Name Height Coordinates Begin End X y z Ground (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) Train 2.00 r 72.73 220.90 2.00 0.00 74.23 23.38 2.00 0.00 Eilar Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Outdoor Use Area Model Roads Name M. ID Lme Count Data exact Count Data Speed Limit scs Surface Gradient Mult. Reflection Day Evening Night DTV Str.class. M p(%) Auto Truck Dist. Dstro Type Drefl Hbuild Dist. (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night (km/h) (km/h) (dB) (%) (dB) (m) (m) Roosevelt Street + R 1 54.0 0.0 0.0 515.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 40 6.1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Pine Avenue + R 2 53.7 0.0 0.0 92.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 40 7.32 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Name Height Coordinates Dist LSlope Begin End X y z Ground (m) (%) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) Roosevelt Street 0.00 r 266.16 222.09 0.00 0.00 264.08 21.38 0.00 0.00 Pine Avenue 0.00 r 206.37 189.46 0.00 0.00 372.72 189.46 0.00 0.00 Eilar Associates, Inc. S201010-Roosevelt and Pine -Outdoor Use Area Model Build' mus Name M. ID RB Residents Absorption Height Begin (m) X 0 10.00 r X 0 4.00 r X 0 6.00 r X 0 6.00 r X 0 10.36 r Geometrv -Build. Name M. ID RB Residents Absorption Height Coordinates Begin X y z Ground (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) X 0 10.00 r 106.76 146.57 10.00 0.00 187.11 145.57 10.00 0.00 186.11 63.23 10.00 0.00 104.10 62.73 10.00 0.00 X 0 4.00 r 151.66 189.52 4.00 0.00 165.60 189.49 4.00 0.00 165.62 165.35 4.00 0.00 151.65 165.32 4.00 0.00 X 0 6.00 r 143.86 201.66 6.00 0.00 143.36 218.83 6.00 0.00 192.70 218.66 6.00 0.00 192.20 189.49 6.00 0.00 175.53 189.49 6.00 0.00 175.69 201.33 6.00 0.00 X 0 6.00 r 219.46 176.31 6.00 0.00 248.83 176.44 6.00 0.00 248.91 162.10 6.00 0.00 219.27 162.44 6.00 0.00 X 0 10.36 r 278.95 177.25 10.36 0.00 316.87 177.23 10.36 0.00 316.87 169.19 10.36 0.00 278.99 169.19 10.36 0.00 Eilar Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Outdoor Use Area Model Name ID Type Oktave Spectrum (dB) Source Weight.I 31.5 I 63 I 125 I 250 I 500 11000 I 2000 J 4000 I aooo I A I tin Train L1 Lw(c) A I I I111.4J 104.9J 111.3l 111.5I 110.1I101.5I I111.9J 12a.1 HUD/Typ Spectrum Eilar Associates, Inc. I I S20101 O -Roosevelt and Pine -Building Facade Model Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025-4230 Phone: (760) 738-5570 Date: 29 Oct 2020 Calcu1··· Conti Configuration Parameter Value General Country (user defined) Max. Error (dB) 0.00 Max. Search Radius (#(Unit,LEN)) 2000.00 Min. Dist Src to Rcvr 0.00 Partition Raster Factor 0.50 Max. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN)) 1000.00 Min. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN)) 1.00 Min. Length of Section (%) 0.00 Proj. Line Sources On Proj. Area Sources On Ref. Time Reference Time Day (min) 960.00 Reference Time Night (min) 480.00 Daytime Penalty (dB) 0.00 Recr. Time Penalty (dB) 6.00 Night-time Penalty (dB) 10.00 DTM Standard Height (m) 0.00 Model of Terrain Triangulation Reflection max. Order of Reflection 0 Search Radius Src 100.00 Search Radius Rcvr 100.00 Max. Distance Source -Rcvr 1000.00 1000.00 Min. Distance Rvcr -Reflector 1.00 1.00 Min. Distance Source -Reflector 0.10 Industrial (ISO 9613) Lateral Diffraction some Obj Obst. within Area Src do not shield On Screening Exd. Ground Att. over Barrier Dz with limit (20/25) Barrier Coefficients C 1,2,3 3.0 20.0 0.0 Temperature (#(Unit,TEMP)) 20 rel. Humidity(%) 50 Ground Absorption G 0.35 Wind Speed for Dir. (#(Unit.SPEED)) 3.0 Roads(TNM) Railways (Schall 03 (1990)) Strictly acc. to Schall 03 / Schall-T ransrapid Aircraft (???) Strictly acc. to AzB Eilar Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Building Facade Model Receivers Name M. ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night Day Night Type Auto Noise Type X y z (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (m) (m) (m) (m) F1-2 F1 58.4 49.3 0.0 0.0 X Total 4.57 r 297.44 177.97 4.57 F1-3 F1 57.9 49.9 0.0 0.0 X Total 7.62 r 297.44 177.97 7.62 F2-1 F2 52.6 37.4 0.0 0.0 X Total 1.52 r 317.50 173.09 1.52 F2-2 F2 53.1 37.4 0.0 0.0 X Total 4.57 r 317.50 173.09 4.57 F2-3 F2 52.7 38.3 0.0 0.0 X Total 7.62 r 317.50 173.09 7.62 F3-1 F3 50.2 46.2 0.0 0.0 X Total 1.52 r 298.18 168.73 1.52 F3-2 F3 51.5 47.7 0.0 0.0 X Total 4.57 r 298.18 168.73 4.57 F3-3 F3 52.5 49.3 0.0 0.0 X Total 7.62 r 298.18 168.73 7.62 F4-1 F4 58.9 50.0 0.0 0.0 X Total 1.52 r 278.33 173.04 1.52 F4-2 F4 59.3 51.3 0.0 0.0 X Total 4.57 r 278.33 173.04 4.57 F4-3 F4 59.0 52.1 0.0 0.0 X Total 7.62 r 278.33 173.04 7.62 Eilar Associates, Inc. S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Building Facade Model Line Sources Name M. ID Result PWL Result. PWL' Lw/Li Correction Sound Reduction Attenuation Operating Time KO Freq. Direct. Moving Pl Src Day IEveningl Night Day I Evening I Night TypelValuel norm. Day I Evening I Night R I Area Day I Special! Night Number !Speed {dBA) I (dBA) I (dBA) (dBA) I (dBA) I (dBA) I ldB{A) dB(A) I dB(A) I dB(A) I (m2) (min) I (min) I (min) (dB) (Hz) Day I Evening I Night l(km/h) Train 117.91 117.91117.9 95.ol 95.ol 95.o Lw I L1 I 0.01 0.01 0.0 I I I 0.0 (none) I I I G Line S Name Height Coordinates Begin End X y z Ground {m) {m) {m) {m) (m) {m) Train 2.00 r 72.73 220.90 2.00 0.00 74.23 23.38 2.00 0.00 Eilar Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S201010-Roosevelt and Pine -Building Facade Model Roads Name M. ID Lme Count Data exact Count Data Speed Limit SGS Surface Gradient Mull. Reflection Day Evening Night DlV Sir.class. M p (%) Auto Truck Dist. Dstro Type Drefl Hbuild Dist. (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) Day Evening Night Day Evening Night (km/h) (km/h) (dB) (%) (dB) (m) {m) Roosevelt Street + R 1 54.0 0.0 0.0 515.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 40 6.1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Pine Avenue + R 2 53.7 0.0 0.0 92.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 40 7.32 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Road Name Height Coordinates Dist LSlope Begin End X y z Ground (m) (%) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) Roosevelt Street 0.00 r 266.16 222.09 0.00 0.00 264.08 21.38 0.00 0.00 Pine Avenue 0.00 r 206.37 189.46 0.00 0.00 372.72 189.46 0.00 0.00 Eilar Associates, Inc. S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Building Facade Model Build' lnCS Name M. ID RB Residents Absorption Height Begin {m) X 0 10.00 r X 0 4.00 r X 0 6.00 r X 0 6.00 r X 0 10.36 r Geometry -Build" Name M. ID RB Residents Absorption Height Coordinates Begin X y z Ground {m) {m) {m) {m) {m) X 0 10.00 r 106.76 146.57 10.00 0.00 187.11 145.57 10.00 0.00 186.11 63.23 10.00 0.00 104.10 62.73 10.00 0.00 X 0 4.00 r 151.66 189.52 4.00 0.00 165.60 189.49 4.00 0.00 165.62 165.35 4.00 0.00 151.65 165.32 4.00 0.00 X 0 6.00 r 143.86 201.66 6.00 0.00 143.36 218.83 6.00 0.00 192.70 218.66 6.00 0.00 192.20 189.49 6.00 0.00 175.53 189.49 6.00 0.00 175.69 201.33 6.00 0.00 X 0 6.00 r 219.46 176.31 6.00 0.00 248.83 176.44 6.00 0.00 248.91 162.10 6.00 0.00 219.27 162.44 6.00 0.00 X 0 10.36 r 278.95 177.25 10.36 0.00 316.87 177.23 10.36 0.00 316.87 169.19 10.36 0.00 278.99 169.19 10.36 0.00 Eilar Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I S201010 -Roosevelt and Pine -Building Facade Model s Name ID Type Oktave Spectrum (dB) Source Weight.I 31.5 I 63 I 125 I 250 I 500 11000 I 2000 I 4000 I 8000 I A I lin Train L1 Lw(c) A I I I 111.4I104.9I111.3I111.5I110.7I107.5I I 117.9I128.1 HUD!Typ Spectrum Eilar Associates, Inc.