HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-14; City Council; ; FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Priorities, the FY 2020-21 Funding Plan, and authorization to distribute the FY 2020-21 Notice of Funding Availability for the Community DeveJan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 1 of 17 E) CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Jan. 14,2020 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Nancy Melander, Program Manager nancy.melander@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2812 CA Review {a/(_ Subject: FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Pri'orities, the FY 2020-21 Funding Plan, and authorization to distribute the FY 2020-21 Notice of Funding Availabi lity for the Community Development Block Grant program Recommended Action That the City Council hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving the FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Priorities and FY 2020-21 Funding Plan, and authorize the distribution of the FY 2020-21 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Community Development Block Grant . program. Executive Summary The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires local jurisdictions to prepare a Consolidated Plan to receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The Consolidated Plan is carried out through the Annual Action Plan which provides a summary of the actions, activities, and the specific resources that will be used each year to address the priority needs and specific goals identified by the Consolidated Plan. The FY 2020-21 Funding Plan is the first step in the development of the Annual Action Plan. The purpose of the Funding Plan is to confirm the Consolidated Plan priorities and provide an estimated amount of funds available for the FY 2020-21 program year. Once the priorities are approved, they will be incorporated into the FY 2020-21 Notice Of Funding Availability (NOFA). NOFA is the process by which a portion of the city's CDBG funds is distributed annually. Applications will be made available via the city's website www.carlsbadca.gov and are to be submitted for review by Feb. 15, 2020. Discussion FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan In May 2019, the city engaged the services of LeSar Development Consultants (LDC) to assist with the development of the FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan and the formulation of the recommended priorities. Throughout the months of Oct. and Nov. 2019, LDC, in conjunction with city staff, engaged in an extensive community outreach program to solicit input from residents, as well as the agencies that utilize HUD funds. Additionally, on Nov. 14, 2019, staff Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 2 of 17 residents, as well as the agencies that utilize HUD funds. Additionally, on Nov. 14, 2019, staff presented to the Housing Commission the FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan for review and comment. Based on the information gathered through the community forums, the Carlsbad Housing Commission meeting, survey, and other source data, an analysis was conducted in order to reach the recommended Consolidated Plan priorities. As a result of this analysis, the following FY2020-25 Consolidated Plan priorities are recommended for City Council approval: PRIORITY 1: Increase and preserve affordable housing opportunities for low-and- moderate income households PREVIOUS PRIORITY: Increase the supply of affordable housing units The proposed language still applies to the previous priority, while also allowing the preservation of current affordable housing inventory within the city. This is based on community feedback that overwhelmingly focused on housing as the top need in the city. PRIORITY 2: Prevent and reduce homelessness PREVIOUS PRIORITY: Provide support services for the homeless, lower-income residents, and persons with special needs The focus on homelessness, by both residents and stakeholders, reflects the need to incorporate a standalone priority for homelessness. Keeping the ianguage general provides the city flexibility in prioritizing its goals and spending to address this community-wide challenge with CDBG funds. PRIORITY 3: Strengthen support services for lower income residents and residents with special needs PRIORITY 4: Improve and provide facilities to serve lower income persons PRIORITY 5: Provide fair housing services to residents PRIORITY 6: Plan and administer the CDBG program Community priorities have not drastically changed over time, but it is important to consider updating them to reflect key issues. Therefore, the Consolidated Plan recommends expanding the language of Priority 1 to include the preservation of affordable housing opportunities and the addition of Priority 2 to bring additional focus to homelessness. Priority 3 through Priority 6 are from the previous FY 2015-20 Consolidated Plan and are recommended as priorities based on community needs. The previous FY 2015-20 Consolidated Plan priorities were developed and approved by the City Council in May 2015. Once the priorities are approved, they will be incorporated into the NOFA for FY 2020-21 funds. Additionally, the approved priorities will provide the basis in the FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 3 of 17 from which strategic objectives and action items can be developed to further advance the priorities. FY 2020-21 Funding Plan The FY 2020-21 Funding Plan is the first year of the FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan. The Funding Plan includes the priorities established in the Consolidated Plan which organizations must meet to apply for funding and an estimated budget for the program year. The estimated budget of the FY 2020-21 Funding Plan is $565,819 and is based on the city's prior year entitlement. Should the final allocation be 20 percent higher or lower than anticipated, staff will return to the CDBG Advisory Committee and/or City Council to revise the funding proposals, in accordance with HUD guidelines. The budget outlined in the Funding Plan, and shown below, includes the anticipated entitlement ($565,819), and the maximum percentage of dedicated funding for Public Services (15%) and Administrative Costs (20%) which are HUD regulated formulas and cannot be adjusted. Budget for the FY 2020-21 CDBG program: Summary of Estimated Funds Available for FY 2020-21 Activity Proposed Allocation Administration & Fair Housing $113,163 (20% annual grant) Public Services $84,872 (15% annual grant) Facility Improvement and $367,784 Affordable Housing (Uncapped) Total Available Funds $565,819 FY 2020-21 Notice of Funding Availability for the Community Development Block Grant program Applications will be made available via the city's website www.carlsbadca.gov and are to be submitted for review by Feb. 15, 2020. The FY 2020-21 CDBG allocation is estimated based on the prior year allocation outlined in the Funding Plan. City staff reviews each application for eligibility and completeness. Funding recommendations made by the CDBG Advisory Committee are presented by staff to the City Council at a public hearing scheduled for Spring 2020. Fiscal Analysis CDBG is a fully funded program and there is no fisca l impact on the General Fund. Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 4 of 17 Next Steps Beginning Jan. 15, 2020, organizations will be able to access the FY 2020-21 NOFA on the city's website. The deadline for all applications is Feb. 15, 2020. CDBG Advisory Committee funding recommendations will be presented by staff to the City Council for comment and approval in late-February 2020. The draft Consolidated Plan and Action Plan will be released for a 30-day public review in April 2020 and presented to the City Council for final approval in May 2020. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore, does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach In accordance with CDBG guidelines, this item requires a 10-day public notice period. Staff published the notice of Public Hearing on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2019 in the Coast News and on the City's website. The public review period will end Jan. 14, 2019 with a public hearing before the City Council. Workshop participants as well as past and current subrecipients of CDBG funds were directly notified of the recommended FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Priorities, the proposed FY 2020-21 Funding Plan and FY 2020-21 Notice of Funding Availability for the Community Development Block Grant program. Public comments from the public review period and the public hearing will be addressed through written respo_nse and included in the final FY 2020-21 Action Plan as part of the citizen participation section of the plan. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 5 of 17 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-25 CONSOLIDATED PLAN PRIORITIES, APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 FUNDING PLAN, AND AUTHORIZING THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held a noticed public hearing to obtain comments on the CDBG FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Priorities, the FY 2020-21 Funding Plan, and authorize the distribution of the FY 2020-21 Notice of Funding Availability; and, WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is anticipating a new allocation of CDBG funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for FY 2020-21; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves the FY 2020-25 CDBG Consolidated Plan Priorities, required by federal regulations, for Carlsbad's CDBG program (Attachment A). 3. That the City Council approves the FY 2020-21 CDBG Funding Plan (Attachment B). 4. That the city manager, or his designee, is authorized to distribute the Notice of Funding Availability (Attachment C) for the City of Carlsbad FY 2020-21 CDBG program and accept applications for funding, and process them for review by the CDBG Citizen Advisory Committee. Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 6 of 17 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of January 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ~ J.lui« ~ma /Jt:pvlj -f'I BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk / c/0 (SEAL) Cit/✓ Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 7 of 17 City of Carlsbad, FY 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan Priorities DRAFT ATTACHMENT A PRIORITY 1: Increase and preserve affordable housing opportunities for low-and- moderate income households PRIORITY 2: Prevent and reduce homelessness PRIORITY 3: Strengthen support services for lower income residents and residents with with special needs PRIORITY 4: Improve and provide facilities to serve lower income persons PRIORITY 5: Provide fair housing services to residents PRIORITY 6: Plan and administer the CDBG program Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 8 of 17 ATTACHMENT B CITY OF CARLSBAD Community Development Block Grant Prograni (CDBG). 2020-21 FUNDING PLAN Prepared December 2019 Housing & Neighborhood Services 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 9 of 17 CITY OF CARLSBAD FY 2020-21 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The City of Carlsbad Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds will be allocated to organizations, agencies, City Departments, or persons to implement programs or develop/improve public facilities which meet the following community development objectives: 1. INCREASE AND PRESERVE AFFORDABLE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOW-AND-MODERATE INCOME HOUSEHOLDS • Provide direct benefit to lower income persons through the provision or retention of affordable housing units in Carlsbad; • Provide direct assistance to lower income households to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or improve the quality of housing units in Carlsbad through residential (rental and/or owner occupied) rehabilitation programs. 2. PREVENT AND REDUCE HOMELESSNESS • Provide shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families which results in an improved situation through employment, permanent or transitional housing, treatment of mental, or substance abuse problems, etc.; 3. STRENGTHEN SUPPORT SERVICES FOR LOWER INCOME RESIDENTS AND RESIDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: • Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who meet the basic needs of lower income residents and residents with special needs. Basic needs are defined as those which provide food, shelter, clothing and, in some cases, health care; • Provide assistance to organizations administering programs that directly benefit lower income children living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the following activities: daycare, after-school care, cultural enrichment, recreation, health care/immunization or self- improvement. The City may also give priority to single-parent assistance programs such as counseling services; and • Provide assistance to organizations administering programs that directly benefit low income adults living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the following activities for adults: employment services, job training, and educational programs. 4. CITY PROJECTS SERVING LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS: • Provide assistance to City projects or facility improvements by public service providers which 2 of 4 Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 10 of 17 are intended to benefit lower income households. Such projects must be able to demonstrate that they will serve areas or residents of the City of Carlsbad that meet HUD requirements regarding household incomes for that area. 5. PROVIDE FAIR HOUSING SERVICES TO RESIDENTS • Provide assistance to organizations administering a fair housing program that directly benefits low income residents living in Carlsbad. The program must include conducting workshops, distributing literature on fair housing, monitoring related legislation, responding to inquiries related to fair housing from the public and processing inquiries, providing conflict resolution counseling on the telephone or in-person, and resolving discrimination complaints received from Carlsbad residents. 6. PLAN AND ADMINISTER THE CDBG PROGRAM • Provide planning and administration of the CDBG program which includes, but is not limited to, financial management, compliance, program reporting, contract management, and data input. (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) 3 of 4 Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 11 of 17 CITY OF CARLSBAD FY 2020-21 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR FY 2020-21 PROGRAM YEAR Source of Funds New Entitlement Grant Funds Available by Activity Public service (maximum of 15 percent of new grant) Affordable housing Public facilities, improvements/other Amount{$) $565,819 Program administration/fair housing (maximum 20 percent of new grant) Total Available Funds (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) 4 of 4 Amount $84,872 $183,892 $183,892 $113,163 $565,819 Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 12 of 17 ATTACHMENT C ~ Cicyof Carlsbad COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FY 2020-21 FUNDING PROPOSAL APPLICATION The following information must be completed by each qualified nonprofit organization interested in being considered for CDBG funding. Please type or print clearly. Attach additional sheets or information as necessary. All information requested must be provided or the application will be considered incomplete and will not be further evaluated for funding consideration. The application must not exceed a total of fifteen (15) pages, please reference the Checklist of Required Documents. (Attachments D and E may also be required depending on the proposed project, but will not count towards the 15 page limit.) Ten copies, unstapled and three-hole punched, of the completed application package, including appropriate attachments, must be submitted prior to 5 P.M. on February 15, 2020, to Nancy Melander, Housing and Neighborhood Services Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Electronic and faxed applications will NOT be accepted. Applicants may obtain a copy of this form in Microsoft Word format via internet email by contacting Nancy.Melander@carlsbadca.gov. ➔THEME: Preference will be given to applications that specifically address the City Council approved theme for the year. FUNDING APPLICANT Name of Agency: Address: Federal DUNS Number: ___________________________ _ PROPOSED PROGRAM/PROJECT Title of Program/Project: Location of Program/Project: Contact Person: ___________ Telephone No.: _..__ __ ,L.._ ______ _ Email address: ____________ Requested Funding Amount: $ _______ _ Brief Description of Program/Project (Describe the work to be performed, including the activities to be undertaken or the services to be provided, the goals and objectives of the program/project, etc.): I. ORGANIZATIONAL ABILITY /CAPACITY A. This agency is: □ Nonprofit □ Local public agency □ □ For-profit State public agency □ Other (Please specify.) _____________ _ 1 Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 13 of 17 B. What is the purpose/mission of the agency? C. How long has this agency been in operation? Please include the date of incorporation? D. How long has this agency been providing the proposed program/project? E. Please submit an organizational chart for the agency as Attachment B. F. Please describe the agency's existing staff positions directly responsible for the proposed program/project and their qualifications and experience in implementing such a program/project. (Resumes may also be submitted as an optional Attachment C but not in lieu of a complete response.) G. Please indicate your agency's level of experience with the CDBG program. CDBG program: □ No or little experience (up to 1 year of using CDBG funds) □ Some experience (2 to 3 years of using CDBG funds) □ Moderate experience (4 to 5 years of using CDBG funds) □ Considerable experience (more than 5 years of using CDBG funds) H. If you have received federal funds, including CDBG funds, in previous years, have program violation findings ever been made against your agency/organization? □ No □ Yes If yes, please explain nature of finding(s) and how finding(s) has been addressed by your organization. 2 Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 14 of 17 II. FINANCIAL CAPACITY/STABILITY A. Please complete Page 6 itemizing revenues and expenses (sources and amounts) for the proposed program or project in which CDBG funds would be used. Indicate how the requested CDBG funds would relate to the overall proposed budget. B. Did you receive any of the following sources of funding from the City of Carlsbad within the last two fiscal years (2018-2019 and 2019-2020) for the proposed program/project? Sources of Funding CDBG □ □ Community Activities (or other General Fund monies) D D If yes, please indicate amount and status of previously awarded funds (fully expended, funds remaining, program/project discontinued, etc.). Amount Received CDBG funds Community Activities/Other C. Did you receive any federal funds, including CDBG funding from other cities, last year (July 2019 - June 2020)? □ No Program Source Amount Received $ $ $ □ Yes (Please list funds below) D. Will additional CDBG funds be required in future years for the project? □ No □ Yes Ill. BENEFITS & BENEFICIARIES A. How accessible or convenient is the proposed program/project to Carlsbad residents? (Please be specific such as direct services to client's home, transportation provided to and from facility, or relation to public transportation.) B. What is the approximate percentage of your clients that have annual family incomes in each of the following ranges: (Percentages should add to 100%; Please see the 2019 Income Limits for the CDBG 3 Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 15 of 17 Program included in the Request for Proposals package.) ___ %of clients are at 30 percent or below of the area median income ___ %of clients are between 31 and 50 percent of the area median income ___ %of clients are between 51 and 80 percent of the area median income ___ %of clients are above 80 percent of the area median income C. Please describe how low-and-moderate income persons will benefit from the proposed program/project. Include the need or problem to be addressed in relation to Consolidated Plan housing and community development priorities, as well as the population to be served or the area to be benefited. (Reference Consolidated Plan Priorities) D. Please indicate the number of clients benefiting from the proposed activity and the percentage that are Carlsbad residents. ___ Persons of which __ . are Carlsbad residents E. Does your agency focus its activities on populations with special needs? □ No □ Yes (Please specify) Please specify which special needs populations. (homeless individuals/families, persons with disabilities, persons with substance abuse problems, veterans, farmworkers and day laborers, seniors, children, etc.) F. Does your organization charge recipients for the provided services? □ No □ Yes (Please specify)-"'--------- IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIVITY A. Please submit a schedule for implementation as Attachment E if this proposal is for construction, rehabilitation, property acquisition, and construction related activities, or a new public/community service program/project. Acquisition of property or construction related projects must also include an Attachment D for plans, scope of work, cost estimates, property listing, or other appropriate documents. THE AGENCY MUST ENSURE THE EXPENDITURE OF ALL CDBG FUNDS AWARDED WITHIN THE PROGRAM YEAR. I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 4 Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 16 of 17 Signature Title Date NOTE: Applications must include a resolution from your organization's Board of Directors authorizing the person signing above to submit funding applications and to enter into funding agreements if selected. Information below to be completed by Housing and Neighborhood Services Department staff Date Received: Date Reviewed: Staff Person Completing Review: National Objective: Local Objective: Eligibility Determination: 5 Jan. 14, 2020 Item #7 Page 17 of 17 2020-2021 PROJECT BUDGET Organization: _______________ Total organization budget$ _________ _ Program/Project name requesting funds: CDBG funds requested:~--------Total program/project budget:~-------- Note: Indicate with an asterisk(*) funds that are volunteer time or in-kind contribution. 1. Sources of funding for programLproject: a. Funding requested from the City b. Other federal funds (if any) C. State or local government funds d. Donations and contributions e. Fees or memberships f. In-kind contributions/ Volunteer time g. Other funding h. TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING (project budget) 2. Uses of CDBG funds requested for the programLproject: (1.a.) a. Wages and salaries b. Personnel benefits c. Materials and supplies d. Program expenses and evaluation e. Rent and utilities f. Insurance g. Mileage ( __ @ SSC/mile) h. Incentives and Special Events i. Indirect costs j. k. I. TOTAL REQUESTED FUNDING (same as 1.a.) 3. Percentage of project budget represented by CDBG request % 6 NOTICE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City of Carlsbad will conduct a public hearing on January 14, 2020 at 6 p.m. at the Carlsbad Council Chamber at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California to discuss and obtain comments on the recommended FY 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan Priorities, FY 2020-21 Funding Plan and release of the FY 2020-21 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires local jurisdictions to prepare a Consolidated Plan to receive CDBG funds. The Consolidated Plan and Funding Plan provides a summary of the actions, activities, and the specific resources that will be used each year to address the priority needs and specific goals identified through the city's CDBG program. The estimated total amount of CDBG funds available to the City of Carlsbad is $565,819; an estimated $84,872 will be available for public service activities and up to $113,163 will be available for program administration. It is estimated that up to $183,892 wi.11 be available for affordable housing and up to $183,892 may be available for facility improvements or other eligible projects. The release of the associated NOFA is sch.eduled for January 15, 2020 with applications due before the close of business on February 15, 2020. Organizations are strongly discouraged from applying for funds unless they are ready to implement the activity proposed for funding. The draft FY 2020-21 CDBG Funding Plan and FY 2020-21 NOFA will be available for public review beginning on Tuesday, December 31, 2019, at the Housing & Neighborhood Services Department and the City Clerk's Office, located at Carlsbad Ci_ty Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive and also available on the City's website at www.carlsbadca.gov. All interested persons are encouraged to submit written comments on or before Tuesday, January 14, 2020, to the Housing and Neighborhood Services Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, or to Nancy Melander, Program Manager (Contact information: Phone 760-434-2812 or email nancy.melander@carlsbadca.gov) CASE NAME: FY 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan Priorities, FY 2020-2021 Funding Plan, and FY 2020-2021 Notice of Funding Availability PUBLISH: December 31, 2019 CITY OF CARLSBAD TO: AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: -+-()t--'-\-+\_,_jL-\_\_W __________ _ suBJEcT: Fiio lb ✓2-s CckaYlan ?g102d1c~,)1;.16\ v16 J~l V\) !hod No Flt CCitm , c Y¼,Wl ~ LOCATION: IJ--02 evtnsbd \/dl'½le,, tJ'(,ve,Ck\HSt?Att.cA tf2:ffiB DATE NOTICES MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS: 0) ---------- NUMBER MAILED: ~(_'52 ____ _ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SENT TO FOR PUBLICATION VIA E-MAIL TO: ~ Union Tribune D Coast News PUBLICATION DATE: Coast News -------------- I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad in the City Clerk's Office and the foregoing is true and correct. ( 19 Attachments: 1) Mailing Labels 2) Notice w/ attachments All Receive -Agenda Item# 7 For the Information of the~ Cl rv COUNCIL Date 1+!3/~i) CA t_ CC ~ CM~COO.K_DCM (3) X Council Memorandum {city of Carlsbad Jan. 13, 2020 To: From: Via: Re: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members ofth~ City Council Nancy Melander, Program Manager J,;r- Elaine Lu key, Chief Operations Officer 'f) Additional Information Related to Staff Report Item No. 7 -FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Priorities, the FY 2020-21 Funding Plan, and Authorization to Distribute the FY 2020-21 Notice of Funding Availability for the Community Development Block Grant Program This memorandum provides corrections to Agenda Item #7 for the City Council meeting on January 14, 2020. 1. The last paragraph on page one of the staff report, under the section titled "FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan", contains additional repeated text and should be corrected to read as follows: FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan In May 2019, the city engaged the services of LeSar Development Consultants (LDC) to assist with the development of the FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan and the formulation of the recommended priorities. Throughout the months of Oct. and Nov. 2019, LDC, in conjunction with city staff, engaged in an extensive community outreach program to solicit input from residents, as well as the agencies that utilize HUD funds. Additionally, on Nov. 14, 2019, staff presented to the Housing Commission the FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan for review and comment. 2. The staff report incorrectly states the CDBG funding application deadline is February 15, 2020 (pages 1, 3, 4 and 12). The correct deadline is February 14, 2020. cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager Mike Peterson, Interim Community Development Director David de Cordova, Principal Planner Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Services Manager Community Services Branch Housing Services 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA ZIP 92008-1949 I 760-434-2812 t Community Development Block Grant Program: Consolidated Plan Priorities, Funding Plan, and Notice of Funding Availability Staff: David de Cordova, Principal Planner Nancy Melander, Program Manager January 14, 2020 Overview The Consolidated Plan •Describes community development needs and conditions •Sets community development priorities for next five years •Plans future uses for CDBG funds The Action Plan •Describes activities and allocations for the upcoming fiscal year’s CDBG funds 2 Overview Funding Plan •Reaffirms the city’s Consolidated Plan Priorities •Provides an estimated budget The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) •Process by which a portion of CDBG funds are distributed annually 3 FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Outreach Process •Survey (open between Oct. and Nov.) •Community workshops ( Nov. 13 and Nov. 18) •Presentation: Regional Analysis of Impediments Workshop (Nov. 7) •Presentation: Carlsbad Housing Commission (Nov. 14) 4 FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Outreach Process •Press release (Oct. 17) •Union Tribune (Oct, 29, Nov. 3) •Coast News (Oct. 18, Nov.1) •Facebook Post (Nov. 26, Oct 21) •Facebook Advertisement (Oct.) •Desk copy at City Hall, Housing Services counter (Oct., Nov.) 5 FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Outreach Process •Total Attendees: 14 •Survey Respondents: 214 •Summary •Affordable housing and homelessness as areas of need that is the most important to the greatest number of respondents •Overwhelmingly, written comments addressed housing and homelessness needs 6 Recommended Priorities 7 •Increase and preserve affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate income households* •Prevent and reduce homelessness* •Strengthen support services for lower income residents and residents with special needs •Improve and provide facilities to serve lower income persons •Provide fair housing services to residents •Plan and administer the CDBG program FY 2020-21 Funding Plan 8 Summary of Estimated Funds Available for FY 2020-2021 Activity Proposed Allocation Administration & Fair Housing (20% annual grant)$113,163 Public Services (15% annual grant)$84,872 Facility Improvement and Affordable Housing (Uncapped) $367,784 Total Available Funds $565,819 Notice of Funding Availability •Applications available at www.carlsbadca.gov –Notifications to past and present service providers –Notifications to individuals and organizations who have expressed interest in the program and funding •Deadline to submit applications: *Feb.14, 2020 *The staff report incorrectly states the CDBG funding application deadline is February 15, 2020 (pages 1, 3, 4 and 12). The correct deadline is February 14, 2020. 9 Next Steps •Staff will review each application for eligibility •CDBG Committee to review, interview, and score applicants •CDBG Committee recommended funding to be presented to the City Council for approval •DRAFT Consolidated Plan/Action Plan for 30 day public review and comment •FINAL Consolidated Plan/Action Plan for City Council Approval 10 Requested Action •Consider and adopt a Resolution approving: –The FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan Priorities –The FY 2020-21 Funding Plan 11 •Authorize: –The distribution of the FY 2020-21 Notice of Funding Availability