HomeMy WebLinkAbout1630 FARADAY AVE; ; CBC2021-0055; PermitBuilding Permit Finaled (city of Carlsbad Commercial Permit Print Date: 10/26/2022 Permit No: CBC2021-0055 Job Address: 1630 FARADAY AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7313 Status: Closed -iinaled Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial 2121302200 $0.00 Work Class: Tenant Improvement Parcel#: Valuation: Occupancy Group: B, S1 #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load: 118 Code Edition: 2019 Sprinkled: Yes Project Title: Track#: Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type:VB Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Applied: 02/18/2021 Issued: 05/17/2021 Finaled Close Out: 10/26/2022 Final Inspection: 10/25/2022 INSPECTOR: Kersch, Tim Description: ELAGO USA: 26,320 SF Tl OF EXISTING OFFICE/STOREFRONT MODIFICATION/INTERIOR PARTITIONS/NEW LIGHTING/REDUCTING HVAC Applicant: SARAH AZARMI Property Owner: ACACIA AVE CAH LLC PO BOX 408 10165 BRIGHTWOOD LN, # 3 SANTEE, CA 92071-8450 (619) 564-9166 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) ELECTRICAL BLDG COMMERCIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION MANUAL BLDG PLAN CHECK FEE MECHANICAL BLDG COMMERCIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-COMMERCIAL Total Fees: $9,023.74 Total Payments To Date: $9,023.74 Contractor: CLTVT 507 VISTA WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92054-6438 (760) 529-8300 Balance Due: AMOUNT $3,981.75 $2,076.90 $1,510.00 $175.00 $710.33 $178.00 $49.00 $342.76 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired . • Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-2 Plan Check 'f!:E1£:;)()/;l/·{)J)) Est. Value 8:D9, 'Z o't ,,,.. PC Deposit ---,...-~--- Date _;;;>--4-/1,_,-~1+-2=.J..;::..c(J;;)..,""-'-j _ Job Address 1630 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sulte: ____ ,APN: 212-130-2200 Tenant Name:;.;;•;.;;la""go;..U;_S;_A.;.____________ Lot#: Loi 97 Traci 85.24 Vear Built: 1998 Occupancy: 8 Construction Type· Tvoe V NR Fire Sprinklers¼' ':JA/c:¼-Jt;,;J BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Tenant improvement of existing office space, new non-bearing partition walls, new lighting & power, re-ducting of existing HVAC system D Addltlon/New: __________ New SF and Use, __________ New SF and Use, ___ Deck SF, Patio Cover SF !not including flatwork) [!) Tenant lmprovement:,_1.;..:7,_41..:.0 ___ SF, Existing Use_:O.;cfl..:.ice.:_ ___ Proposed Use ...:O:c.ffc.:lc.:.• ___ _ 8160 SF, Existing Use Warehouse Proposed Use Warehouse O Pool/Spa: _____ .SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features?--=,-.,,=------ □ Solar:. ___ KW,_ __ Modules, ___ Mounted, Tilt:~/~ RMA: ~ /~, Panel Upgrade:~/~ D Plumbfng/Mechanlcal/ElectrlcalOnfy: ______________________ _ D Other: This permit Is to be Issued In tho name of the Property owner as Owner-Builder, licensed contractor or Authorized Agent of the owner or contractor. The person 1/sted as the App/leant below w/11 be the main point of contact throughout the permit process. PROPERTY OWNER Name: Andrew Lee Address:616O Innovation Way APPLICANT D City: Carlsbad State:_:Cc.;A.;.__Zip: 92009 Phone: 619.957.2227 fmall: tecscapedeslgn@gmail.com PROPERTY OWNERS AUTHORIZED AGENT APPLICANT ll) Name: SAftl.h A:J..a..r«\", C'Pt(I\\~) Address: q·Tu. S/).(\;;,,.a;~.a:;.:;..=;....:ck::;.;..;• _____ _ City: bQ.,l'\H'{: State:~Zlp: "IW"+1 Phone: 619.61f•I· 'II ~(ti~<, ..... ___________ _ Emall: .Sf1.!'..ilJ\U,U\.(ly\11:l@gmail.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL APPLICANT O CONTRACTOR BUSINESS APPLICANT 0 Name· Esteban Flores Name: Cl. Tv-f Address:2161 Newcastle Ave Address: 5V:f 0'1,rfii @3 City: Cardiff By The Sea State: CA Zlp:..;.92:.;0..;.07;.__ City: Q UJV),f/ cl{ State: l:f3 Zip: qqp 51--( Phone: 760.505.2045 Phone: • . • Email: esteban@floresmechanlcal.me Emall:,_;..:..:,i..;.:;7.:~i;:::~=.:...:.J.41.l.!..!..-:::--:--:-:::-:==r.-: Architect State License: M35091 State Lice ., _,_......,..;.;...,__, 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 B-2 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax; 760-602-8558 Page1 of2 Email: Bullding@carlsbadca,gov Rev. 08/20 IDENTIFY WHO Will PERFORM HIE WORK BY COMPLETING (OPTION A) OR jOPltON Ill BELOW: !OPTION Aj: J,JgNS~!H;QNI!!Ji<;~tQ!'lJ;!~.Q,_AAATLQft I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. I also affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 r have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-Insure for workers' compensation provided by Sectron 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work whkh thls permit is lsiued. Policy No. ______________________ _ d have and will maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for thfi-erformance of the)Y~rk for which this permit Is lssued:+-- ~y workers' com ensaUo insurance car ier and polky number are: lnsuram:eCompanv Name: ~f'&!Jf! kP?'1Pe;/lf1 ft/ f1:d: ~£ Polley No. ~D Ekplratlon Date: _..1l...µz..:J,'-1---$""-''2....._ _________ _ 0 Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work forwhkh this permlt Is Issued, I shall not employ any pe13on In any manner so as to become subject to the worke1s' compensation Laws of Callfornla. WARNING: Fallurtto :i:ecurewotkers compensation coverage Is unlawful and ,hall subJett an employer to c:rlmlnal penaltle:1, and clv!I fines up to $100,000.00, In addition the to the cost of compensatfon1 damages as provided for In seet!on 3706 of thie labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. CONSTRUCTION 1.ENOl~ENQ'.. IF ANY: ! hereby affirm that there Is a construction !ending agency for the performance of the work this permit Is Issued (Sec. 3097 (I) Clvll Code), lender'sName: __________________ ...cLender'sAddress: __________________ _ CONTRACTOR PRINT: 0 /1,,(MJ /t'14/(Yl,i SIGN: (OPTION B): OWNER•llUILOER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm rltot I om exempt from Contractor's lkeme Low Jar the fol/owing reason; DI, as owner of the property or mv employees with wages as their sole cornpensatton, wUI do the work and the structure ts not Intended or offered for safe {Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who bu lids or Improves thereon, and who does such work hlmself or through hls own employees, provided that such Improvements are not Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the bulldlng or Improvement is sold within one year of compfetlon, the owner-bu!lder wt/I have the burden of proving that he did not build or Improve for the purpose of sale), 0 r, as owner of the property, am excluslvely contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec, 7044, 8uslness and Professions Code: The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of property who buUds or Improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) Jlcensed pursuant to the contractor's License Lawt. 0 I am exempt under Business and Professions Code o/..,lslon 3, Chapler9, Article 3 for this reason: 0 "Owner Bu rider acknowledgement and verfflcatfon form" has been tllled out, signed and attdched to tills appllcatlon. Proof of Identification attached. 0 Owners "Authot/ted Asent Form" has been filled out, stsned and attached to this application giving the agent authority ro obtain the permit on the owner' behalf. Proof of identification nttached, By my signature below I acknowledge that, except for my personal residence In which I must have resided for at least one year prior to completlon of the Improvements covered by this permit, I canoot legally sell a $tructure tha1 I have buUt as an owner-builder If it has not been constructed In Its entirety by licensed conlr.lctors. I understood that a copy of the applicable low, Section 7044 of the 81/Slness and Professions Code, 15 availobfe upon request when this applfcotlon {$ submrtted or at the fol/owing Web .site; http://wwW.leglnfo.co.gov/colow.htmf. OWNER PRINT: -----------:=~:--------DATE: _____ _ APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: SIGNATURE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SUBMITTAL By my signature below~ I certify that; f am the property owner or State of Cofifomlo Ucensed Contractor or authorized to act on the property owner or contractor's behalf. I certify that f have read the app/lcotlon and state that the above information Is correct and that the information on the pfons is accurate. I ogree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to bufldlng construction. I hereby authorize ~~sentotJve of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for Inspection pvrposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABILfTIES, IUDGMEN15, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit Is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories In height. APPLICANT PRINT: vMtth z'.\:i:t½{l/4i, SIGN: m :h:W::o6, DATE:i1@1 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 B-2 Ph: 760·602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 08120 ( City of Carlsbad OWNERS AUTHORIZED AGENT FORM B-62 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT FORM Only a property owner, contractor or their authorized agent may submit plans and applications for building permits. To authorize a third-party agent to sign for a building permit, the owner's third party agent must bring this signed form, which identifies the agent and the owner who s/he is representing, and for what jobs s/he may obtain permits. The form must be completed in its entirety to be accepted by the City for each separate permit application. Note: The following Owner's Authorized Agent form is required to be completed by the property owner only when designating an agent to apply for a construction permit an his/her behalf. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT TO ACT ON PROPERTY OWNER'S BEHALF Excluding the Property Owner Acknowledgement, the execution of which I understand is my personal responsibility, I hereby authorize the following person ls) to act as my agent(s) to apply for, sign, and file the documents necessary to obtain an Owner-Builder Permit for my project. Scope of Construction Project (or Description of Work): --f. -:i: · (ex) o-f±u spac;..e.. Project Location or Address: I (p ?-t2 :fturad.a{j frvy Name of Authorized Agent: ---'~=..:..('.L_f._;{,Y)'--'---'~....:...<.-'-'-''-'(Y).!....L.'--1 ____ Tel No. (£iq. 5)pLj. Cf {l/7/.P Address of Authorized Agent: __ 9...,1---'J-'-"J..'--..,S,-=a.t\,'-'---';....·"?ernv"-"'-'--'--=-_,,cl"-'--· ___________ _ sSliAf::lt c)1 q?:::U31 I declare under penalty of perjury that I am the property owner for the address listed above and I personally filled out the above information and certify its accuracy. Property Owner's Signature: -,ftf---'1-L«"'-=:;._ _____________ Date: _J~/_\_)..,_j _'J;_I __ 1 + " p PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBC2021-0055) Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Work Class: Tenant Improvement Status: Closed -Finaled Application Date: 02/18/2021 Owner: ACACIA AVE CAH LLC Issue Date: 05/17/2021 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#85-24 UNIT#05 Expiration Date: 12/06/2022 IVR Number: 31646 Address: 1630 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7313 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final Status COMMENTS See hold notifications. Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 2 of 2 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled ( City of Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBC2021-0055) Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 02/18/2021 Owner: ACACIA AVE CAH LLC Work Class: Tenant Improvement Issue Date: 05/17/2021 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#85-24 UNIT#OS Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 12/06/2022 Address: 1630 FARADAY AVE IVR Number: 31646 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7313 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 08/18/2021 08/18/2021 BLDG-84 Rough 164416-2021 Partial Pass Tim Kersch Re inspection Incomplete Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-14 Yes Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout Yes BLOG-34 Rough Electrical Yes BLDG-44 Yes Rough-Ducts-Dampers 08/26/2021 08/26/2021 BLDG-17 Interior 165104-2021 Partial Pass Tim Kersch Reinspection Incomplete Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency In suite drywall only. Yes Need repair of 2 hour wall!, 12/07/2021 12/07/2021 BLDG-85 T-Bar, Ceiling 172066-2021 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Grids, Overhead Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-14 Yes Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout Yes BLDG-34 Rough Electrical Yes BLDG-44 Yes Rough-Ducts-Dampers 01/13/2022 01/13/2022 BLDG-Final Inspection 174456-2022 Partial Pass Tim Kersch Re inspection Incomplete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency See hold notifications. No BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes 10/25/2022 10/25/2022 BLOG-Final Inspection 194936-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Page 1 of 2 .. PRO-ACTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Limited Asbestos Bulk Survey Report elago 1630 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Survey Of: elago Tenant Improvement Project Prepared For (Client): clago ATTN: Michael Linn, General Manager 6160 Innovation Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Prepared By: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. 14781 Pomerado Road #162 Poway, CA 92064 PES Project#: 1003023 Client Project #: Unknown Date Report Issued: March 5, 2021 >-1---0 • .. -~ • • • • Limited AsbesTO,\' Bulk Smw.>y Report Project Name: elago Tenant Improvement Project Address: 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 PES Project#: I 003023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On March I, 2021, Kyle Faulkner, Certified Site Surveillance Technician (CSST), of Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. (PES) conducted a limited asbestos bulk sampling survey at the clago building located at 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 (subject property) per the request of Michael Linn of elago (Client). The main purpose of this inspection was to identify and sample accessible suspect asbestos containing materials (ACM) that may be affected by the planned Tenant Improvement Project at the subject property. Based upon the visual inspection and bulk sampling of suspect ACM, all suspect building materials sampled were None Detected for asbestos content. ¥s·~ 14l81 Pomerado Road# ~ way CA 92064 • Phon~: (8.58) 451-7700 • \VV.'W.pro~nvca.com , . limited Ashestos Bulk SunY!Y Report Project Name: elago Tenant Improvement Project Address: 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 PES Project#: 1003023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 4 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ..................................................................................................... 4 3.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 4 4.0 SAMPLE RES UL TS ............................................................................................................ 5 5.0 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 6 6.0 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ............................................................................................ 7 6.01 Observations ............................................................................................................................. 7 6.02 Intended use of this report ......................................................................................................... 7 6.03 Conditions beyond the scope of this inspection and report ....................................................... 7 6.04 Final Written Report ................................................................................................................. 8 LIST OF TABLES Table l: Asbestos Bulk Sample "l'ione Detected" Results via PLM method ......................................... 5 PES • 14781 Pom<:rado Road #102. Poway CA 92064 • Phom:: (858) 451-7700 4 wv.'W.proenvca.com Limited Ashestos Bulk Survey Report Project Name: elago Tenant Improvement Project Address: 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 PES Prnject #: I 003023 1.0 INTRODUCTION On March I, 2021, Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. (PES), conducted a limited asbestos bulk sampling survey al the clago building located al 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 (subject properly). Kyle l'aulkncr, CSST, of PES performed the survey and visual inspection under the supervision of Mr. Jason Ziswasscr, Certified Asbestos Consullanl (CAC) of PES. This report is for clago (Client) and applies only to the area designated above. 2,0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this investigation was to provide a visual assessment while also inspecting, sampling and providing laboratory analysis of accessible suspect asbestos containing material which may present an asbestos exposure risk during planned construction, renovation or demolition work. The scope of this limited asbestos bulk sampling is the following: • Visually assess accessible suspect homogcnous ACM material in the area of the planned elago Tenant Improvement Project; • Collect samples of suspect ACM for asbestos content; • Submit samples to an accredited Laboratory for analysis. The analysis methods used are the following: c Analyze bulk samples utilizing the EPA-600/R-93/l 16 Method via Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). If sample results are<!% asbestos content, further analysis via an asbestos EPA 1000-point count may be necessary. This methodology, which has a detection limit of 0.1 %, increases the accuracy and precision of the asbestos content determined in a sample. • Provide a writlen report of findings. The delivery oflhis report does not indicate the completion of work to be performed at the subject property. This report is intended to be a record of the activities pcrfonned by PES during the site visit of March 1, 2021 and is intended to convey and report to the client PES's conclusions and recommendations based on the visual observations noted and the results of such sampling and analysis. 3.0 METHODOLOGY Asbestos The bulk sample analysis was perfonned using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) "Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials" (600/R-93/116). This method utilizes the optical properties of minerals to identify the selected constituent. The use of this method enables identification of the type and the percentage of asbestos in a given sample. "Friable ACM" is any material containing more than 1 % asbestos (as determined by PLM) that, when dry, may be crumbled, puh·erized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure and also includes non-friable ACM that may become friable during building demolition. PES • 14781 Pom~radu Road t/162, Poway CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 451~7700 • \\1ww.proenvca.ClllTI ., limited Ashesros Bulk Survey Report Project Name: elago Tenant Improvement Project Address: 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 PES Project#: I 003023 "Non-friable ACM" is any material containing more than 1 % asbestos (as determined by PLM) that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized. or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Federal, State. and Local laws require that building owner(s) and/or their representatives, prior to any demolition and/or renovation operations that may disturb any asbestos-containing materials in their buildings, must meet the following requirements: notifications, removal techniques for asbestos-containing materials, clean-up procedures, waste storage and disposal requirements. In San Diego County, the Air Pollution Control District, SDAPCD, must be notified 10 working days prior to the start of any asbestos-abatement projects that exceed I 00 square feet of asbestos-containing material. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) must be notified 24 hours prior to the start of any asbestos-abatement project. 4.0 SAMPLE RES UL TS PES collected forty (40) suspect bulk ACM samples and submitted them to EmLab P&K, located in San Diego, California for PLM analysis utilizing the EPA Method 600/R-93/116. The following tables report the findings: Table 1: Asbestos Bulk Samnle "None Detected" Results via PLM method Sample Number: Material DescrlpHon Asbestos% 3023-B I Drywall System: Joint Compound (JC)/Drywall (D) ND 3023-82 thru 3023-8t0 Drywall System Texture Coat ND 3023-B 11 Drywall System: Joint Compound (.IC)/Drywall (D) ND (Bathrooms) 302.l-812 Jhru 3023-8!6 Drywall System Texture Coat ND (Bathrooms) 3023-B! 7 Drywall System: Joint Compound (JC)/Drywall (D) ND (\Varehousc Room) 3023-B! 8 thru 3023-820 Drywall System Texture Coat :--ID (V/ arehouse Room) 3023-B2 I Black Base Cove w/ Glue ND 3023-822 Tan Base Cove w/ Glue ND 3023-B23 Brown Base Cove Vt'/ Gluc ND 3023-B24 Dark Brown Base Cove w/ Glue ND 3023-825 Tan Base Cove w/ Gluc ND 3023-B26 6" Tan Base Cove w/ Gluc ND PES • 14781 Pomerado Road #102, Poway CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 45 J. 7700 • \'ffi'\v.proenvca.com Sample Number: 3023-827 3023-B28 3023-B29 3023-B30 3023-B31 3023-B32 3023-B33 3023-B34 3023-B35 3023-B36 3023-B37 3023-838 and 3023-B39 3023-B40 Limited Asbestos Bulk Sun·ey Report Project Name: elago Tenant Improvement Project Address: 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 PES Project #: I 003023 Material Description Asbestos% Black Base Cove w/ Gluc ND Vinyl Sheet flooring (VSF)-Room B4 ND Vinyl Sheet Flooring (VSF)-Dual System ND (2nd Floor Kitchenette) Dark Vinyl Flooring (Wood Appearance) ND Light Vinyl Composite Tile (VCT) Flour System ND (2"a Floor Utility Room) Dark Vinyl Composite Tile (VCT) Floor System ND (2nd Floor Utility Room) Carpet Glue ND Carpel Glue ND Green Carpet Glue ND Fiberglass-Reinforced Panel (FRP) Gluc -Bathroom 4 ND Fiberglass-Reinforced Panel (FRP) Gluc -Janitor Closet ND Acoustical Ceiling Panels (ACP) ND HV AC Duel Sealant ND The complete list of all bulk asbestos samples collected may be found in the laboratory sheets at the end of this rcporl. Areas sampled are those accessible to visual inspection and per clienl 's request. If materials are uncovered during demolition or renovation that may be suspect ACM, these materials shall not be disturbed until they have been tested for asbestos content and verified to be non-containing. 5.0 CONCLUSION Based upon the visual inspection and bulk sampling of suspect ACM, all samples collected were None Detected for asbestos content. PES • 14781 Pl)ffi!.'raJu Road #102, Poway CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 451-7700 • ww1v.pro..:nvca.com 6.0 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Limited Asbestos Bulk Survey Report Project Name: elago Tenant Improvement Project Address: 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 PES Project#: I 003023 NOTICE: The Client should, and is expected, to read this entire report upon receipt. The Client is instructed to promptly contact PES with any que.~tions or ,·oncerns about the investigation, analysis or this associated report. 6.01 Observations An experienced PES inspector performed limited non-invasive field inspections. measurements. and investigation leading to the assessments, conclusions, and recommendations presented herein. These actions by the inspector are considered sutlicicnt in detail and scope to form a reasonable basis for a limited bulk asbestos survey of the subject property. The assessment. conclusions, and recommendations presented herein are based upon the inspector's subjective evaluation of the data. Other conditions, not brought to the inspector's attention, not ascertainable from a reasonably diligent visual inspection or not accurately reflected in the size and scope of the data sample obtained by PES at the date and time of the sample, may exist at the subject site. PES warrants that the findings and conclusions pertaining to the subject property and contained herein have been perfom1ed and obtained in accordance with generally accepted industrial hygiene methodology. In light of the foregoing limitations and site conditions, no report can possibly find and disclose every location of ACM on any specific site. 6.02 Intended use of this report This report was prepared for the Client pursuant to the Client's contract with PES and no third party beneficiary of that contract is intended. That contract provides for an exchange of information about the subject site that was particular to the Client"s needs and purposes for which this report was prepared. The assessments. conclusions. recommendations and findings in lhis report are intended to he strictly confidential and for the sole use and benefit of the Client. This report, its assessments, conclusions and recommendations may not be relied upon by any person other than the Client. The Client agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the report and agrees not to disclose any part ofit to any other person except to; A) a court or governmental body having jurisdiction to require such disclosure; or B) as required lo be appropriately responsive to law or lo any applicable rule or regulation of any governmental body claiming jurisdiction. Client may distribute copies of the report to third parties but PES docs not in any way warrant the assessments, conclusions, recommendations and findings to such third parties. Reliance on or any use of this report by third parties other than the Client is prohibited by PES. Any third party reliance on or use of this report. including any of its assessments. conclusions, recommendations or findings is unauthorized and solely at such third party's risk. No warranties or representations in this report. expressed or implied. are made to any such third party. 6.03 Conditions beyond the scope of this inspection and report The assessments. c.onclusions, recommendations and findings contained in this report arc limited to the conditions observed, information provided, samples obtained and methodologies employed al the time of the report. At the time of this report, PES has employed state-of-the-art practices at the subject property which practices, however, remain subject to ongoing review and modification. PES does not guarantee that all ACM in the subject property was identified or recognized during its inspection. sampling. evaluation and assessment. Additional inspection, sampling and/or assessment may be needed to further identity the nature and extent of other pollutants, or other ACM affected areas of the subject property. PES • 14781 Pomeradu Road #162. Poway C'A 92064 • Phone: (858) 45 I-7700 • www.proenvca.com 6.04 final Written Report Limited Ashestos Bulk S111Tey Report Project Name: elago Tenant Improvement Project Address: 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 PES Project #: I 003023 This written report shall be considered the final and exclusive findings of the inspector based on the site- specific assessment of the property. TI1e Client shall not rely on any oral statements made by the inspector prior to the issuance of this report. Thank you for selecting PES to provide this Limited Asbestos Bulk Survey Report. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this report, please contact us at your earliest opportunity. Respectfully submitted, Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. Written By, Kyle Faulkner, CSST Cal/OSHA CSST#: 19-6455 EXP: 3/12/2022 Attachments: ASB Bulk Survey Site Map Laboratory Report Chain of Custody CC: File Reviewed and Endorsed By. Jason Ziswasser, CAC Cal/OSHA CAC#: 12-4877 EXP: 5/16/2021 PES • 14 78 I Pumerado Roa<l rl l 62. Poway CA 920(>4 • Phone: (858) 45 I~ 7700 • www .procnvca.com limited Asbestos 811/k S11n1ey Report Project Name: elago Tenant Improvement Project Address: 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 PES Project #: I 003023 ASB Bulk Survey Site Map PES • 14781 Pomerado Road #162, Poway CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 451-7700 • www.proenvca.com Date Created: 3/1/2021 1st Floor Main ? <f 'r -+--------~---~-0 i --j I I o ,,__, ____ ..,__ ... ...1 ... ~--..+---..,, ,-t I I I -----r---1-0 i i I I I I • I Comments ASB Bulk Surve Site Ma North B#: ASB Bulk Sam le Location .. t---------'---------1 P6S • l4nl Pomerado Road #162, Poway CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 451-7700 • Fax: (858) 451-7710 • www.proenvcn.com IIIAO-AC:iwe t!NV111lONMIV'ffAL. !!IE~Vla!S Comments Date Created: 3/1/2021 Warehouse i ' I ' I ' I i I --------------1---, I I I i --------------+--~- ' ! I i I I I --------------~--- ' j ' .. .., -·-------------~- i i . ' t.. I I o I I I I I ASB Bulk Surve North B#: ASB Bulk Sam le Location ......... 1-----_______:....;~~~---------1 ~ PES • 147!1 I Pornerado Road # 162, Poway CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 451-7700 • Fax: (858) 451-7710 • www.proenvca.com ES Pf'!O-ACTIVB l!NVIRONMl!.NTAL !!ERVIC.l!S Date Created: 3/1/2021 2nd Floor Main -----------------j---------~---~-< Comments Utility Roo B U I U6 ' ' ' I I I ' ' ' \ I I North B#: ASB Bulk Sam le Location .. t---___ __.____ ___ _ PES • 14781 Pomerndo Road #162, Poway CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 451-7700 • Fax: (858) 451 -7710 • www.proenvca.com Limited Asbestos Bulk SuMJey Report Project Name: elago Tenant Improvement Project Address: 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 PES Project #: I 003023 Laboratory Report and Chain of Custody PES • 14781 Pomerado Road #162, Poway CA 92064 • Phone: (858) 451-7700 • www.proenvca.com =:~ eurofins EMLab P&K Report for: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasser Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. 14 781 Pomerado Road, #162 Poway, CA 92064 Regarding: Project: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA EML ID: 2586279 Appr~~ Approved Signatory Kyle Demsko Dates of Analysis: Asbestos PLM: 03-04-2021 Service SOPs: Asbestos PLM (EPA 40CFR App E to Sub E of Part 763 & EPA METHOD 600/R-93-116, SOP EM-AS-S-1267) NVLAP Lab Code 500056-0 All samples were received In acceptable condition unless noted in the Report Comments portion in the body of the report. The results relate only to the samples as received and tested. The results include an inherent uncertainty of measurement associated with estimating percentages by polarized light microscopy. Measurement uncertainty data for sample results with >1% asbestos concentration can be provided when requested. Eurofins EMLab P&K ("the Company") shall have no liability to the client or the client's customer with respect to decisions or recommendations made, actions taken or courses of conduct implemented by either the client or the client's customer as a result of or based upon the Test Results. In no event shall the Company be liable to the client with respect to the Test Results except for the Company's own willful misconduct or gross negligence nor shall the Company be liable for incidental or consequential damages or lost profits or revenues to the fullest extent such liability may be disclaimed by law, even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages, lost profits or lost revenues. In no event shall the Company's liability with respect to the Test Results exceed the amount paid to the Company by the client therefor. Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab ID: 2586279, Page 1 of 12 Eurofins EMLab P&K Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/0: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasser 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Re: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday A venue, Carlsbad, CA ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Date of Sampling: 03-01 -2021 Date ofReeeipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03 -04-2021 Total Samples Submitted: Total Samples Analyzed: Total Samples with Laver Asbestos Content> 1 %: 40 40 0 Location: 3023-81, Drywall system, JC/O, WH, South Lab ID-Version:: 12340023-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Tape ND White Joint Compound ND White Drywall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < 1 % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homoe:coeitv: Poor Location: 3023-B2, Drywall system, texture coat, closet, N hall, North, 1st n Lab ID-Version!: 12340024-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drvwall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < 1 % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homoe:eneity: Poor Location: 3023-B3, Drywall system, texture coat, D1, NE Lab ID-Version!: 12340025-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Texture with Paint ND White Drvwall with Brown Paoer ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < I% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homo~eneitv: Poor The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. Eurofins EMLab P&K reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all state and federaJ guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than I% unless point counting is performed. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. :j: A "'Version" indicated by -"x" after the Lab ID# witl1 a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is renected by the value of"x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab JD: 2586279, Page 2 of 12 Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/0: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasscr Re: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday A venue, Carlsbad, CA ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Eurofins EMLab P&K 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01 -2021 Date of Receipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03-04-2021 Location: 3023-84, Drywall system, texture coat, D3, East Lab ID-Version!: 12340026-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drywall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < I% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homogeneity: Poor The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without writ1en approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. Euro fins EMl.ab P&K reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all state and federal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting Limit is less than l % unless point counting is perfonned. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. t A "Version" indicated by -"x" atler the Lab ID# with a value greater 1han I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision m1mber is reflected by the value of "x". Eurofios EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab ID: 2586279, Page J of 12 Eurofins EMLab P&K Client: Pro-Active Envirom11ental Services, Inc. C/O: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasscr 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01-2021 Re: l 003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday A venue, Carlsbad, CA Date of Receipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03-04-2021 ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Location: 3023-B5, Drywall system, texture coat, D16, South Lab ID-Vcrsiont : 12340027-1 Sample Lavers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drywall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < 1 % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homo2cneitv: Poor Location: 3023-B6, Drywall system, texture coat, DU, North Lab ID-Version!: 12340028-1 Sample Lavers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drvwall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < 1% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homo2eneitv: Poor Location: 3023-B7, Drywall system, texture coat, U4, South Lab ID-Version!: 12340029-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drvwall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < 1 % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homo2eneitv: Poor Location: 3023-B8, Drywall system, texture coat, U5, North Lab ID-Version!: 12340030-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drvwall with Brown Paoer ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: t 0% Cellulose < I% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homoe:eneitv: Poor The test repon shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The repon must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. Eurofins EMLab P&K reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all state and foderal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than 1% unless point counting is performed. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. t A "Version" indicated by -"x" after the Lab JD# with a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is reflected by the value of "x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab ID: 2586279, Page 4 of 12 Eurofins EMLab P&K Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/O: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasscr 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01-2021 Re: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday A venue, Carlsbad, CA Date of Receipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03-04-202 1 ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Location: 3023-B9, Drywall system, texture coat, US, West Lab ID-Version!: 12340031-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drywall with Brown Paper N D Composite Non-Asbestos Content: I 0% Cellulose < 1 % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homo2eneity: Poor Location: 3023-810, Drywall system, texture coat, Ul5, West Lab ID-Version!: 12340032-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Drvwall with Brown Paper and Paint ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: I 0% Cellulose < 1 % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homo2eneity: Poor Location: 3023-Bll, Drywall system, JC/D, bathrooms, B2, East Lab ID-Version!: 12340033-l Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Tape ND White Joint Compound ND White Drywall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: I 0% Cellulose < l % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homo2eneity: Poor Location: 3023-812, Drywall system, texture coat, bathroom, 81, South Lab I D-Vcn;ion!: 12340034-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Painr ND White Drvwali with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: I 0% Cellulose < I% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homogeneity: Poor The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. Eurofins EMLab P&K reserves the right to dispose of all samples ailcr a period of thirty (30) days, according lo all state and federal guidelit1es, unless otherwise specified. ll1bomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than 1 % unless point counting is perfonned. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and lo aid in asbestos identi fi cation. :j: A ''Version" indicated hy -"x" after the Lab ID# with a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is renected by the value of"x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab ID: 2586279, Page 5 of 12 Eurofins EMLab P&K 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/0: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasser (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01-2021 Re: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday A venue, Carlsbad, CA Date of Receipt: 03-01-202 t Date of Report: 03-04-2021 ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Location: 3023-B13, Drywall system, texture coat, bathroom, 84, North Lab ID-Vcrsiont: 12340035-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drvwall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < l % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homol!eneitv: Poor Location: 3023-B14, Drywall system, texture coat, bathroom, B3, West Lab rD-Vcrsion!: 12340036-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drvwall with Brown Paoer ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: I 0% Cellulose < I% Glass Fibers Sample Composite 1-lomogeneitv: Poor Location: 3023-B15, Drywall system, texture coat, bathroom, BS, North Lab ID-Ven;iont: 12340037-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drvwall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: I 0% Cellulose < l % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homoc:eneitv: Poor Location: 3023-B16, Drywall system, texture coat, bathroom, B6, East Lab ID-Version!: 12340038-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drvwall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: I 0% Cellulose < I% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homo2eneitv: Poor The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any a~ency oftbe federal government. Eurofins EMLab P&K reserves tbe right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, accord mg to all state and federal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analy:ted individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than I% unless poinl counting is performed. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. t A "Version" indicated by -"x" at\er the Lab ID# with a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is reflected by the value of"x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab ID: 2586279, Page 6 of 12 Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/O: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasscr Re: I 003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Eurofins EMLab P&K 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01-2021 Date of Receipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03-04-202 1 Location: 3023-Bl 7, Drywall system, JC/D, warehouse room, NW Lab ID-Version!: 12340039-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content WhHe Texture with Paint ND White Tape ND White Joint Compound ND White Drvwall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < I% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homogeneity: Poor Location: 3023-B18, Drywall system, texture coat, warehouse room, SE, Ext Lab ID-Version!: 12340040-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Drywall with Brown Paoer and Paint ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: I 0% Cellulose < I% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homogeneity: Poor Location: 3023-819, Drywall system, texture coat, warehouse room, North, Ext Lab ID-Version!: 12340041-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Drywall with Brown Paper and Paint ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: I 0% Cellulose < l % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homogeneity: Poor Location: 3023-820, Drywall system, texture coat, warehouse room, SE Lab ID-Version!: 12340042-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Texture with Paint ND White Drywall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 10% Cellulose < 1 % Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homogeneity: Poor The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency oftbe federal government. Eurofins EMLab P&K reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all slate and federal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than 1 % unless point counting is performed. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and ii is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. t A "Version" indicated by -"x" after the Lab ID# with a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is reflected by the value of"x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab ID: 2586279, Page 7 of 12 Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/O: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasser Re: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Eurofins EMLab P&K 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01-2021 Date of Receipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03-04-2021 Location: 3023-B21, Black base cove with glue, SW, warehouse room Lab ID-Version!: 12340043-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Black Baseboard ND Cream Glue ND White Mud ND Sample Composite Homoeeneitv: Moderate Location: 3023-822, Tan base cove with glue, 84, West Lab ID-Vcrsioo!: 12340044-l Sample Layers Asbestos Content Tan Baseboard ND Cream Glue ND Sample Composite Homoe:eneitv: Moderate Location: 3023-B23, Brown base cove with glue, North hall, 1st floor, near closet Lab LO-Version!: 12340045-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Brown Baseboard ND Gray Glue ND White Mud ND Sample Composite Homoszeneitv: Moderate Location: 3023-824, Dark brown base cove with glue, Bl 6, SE Lab ID-Yersiou!: 12340046-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Browo Baseboard ND Transparent Glue ND Sample Composite Homoeencity: Moderate The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without wriuen approval of the laboratory. The repon must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. Eurofins EMLab P&K reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thiny (30) days, according to all state and federal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Jnbomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, lhe minimum detection and reporting limit is less than l % unless point counting is performed. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and ii is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. t A ·•version" indicated by -"x" after the Lab ID# with a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is reflected by the value of "x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab ID: 2586279, Page 8 of 12 Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/O: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasser Re: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Eurofins EMLab P&K 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01 -202 1 Date of Receipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03-04-2021 Location: 3023-B25, Tan base cove with glue, 1st floor West hall Lab ID-Version!: 12340047-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Tan Baseboard ND Transparent Glue ND Sample Composite Homoe:eneity: Moderate Location: 3023-B26, 6" tan base cove with glue, D12, South Lab ID-Version;: 12340048-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Tan Baseboard ND Tan Glue ND White Mud ND Sample Composite Homoe:eneity: Moderate Location: 3023-B27, Black base cove with glue, 46, SW corner Lab ID-Version!: 12340049-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Black Baseboard ND Tan Glue ND White Mud ND Sample Composite Homo!!:eneity: Moderate Location: 3023-828, VSF, B4, West Lab ID-Version;: 12340050-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Multicolored Sheet Flooring with Fibrous Backing ND Yellow Mastic ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 20% Cellulose 5% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homogeneity: Moderate The test repon shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The repon must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. Eurofins EM.Lab P&K reserves tbe right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all state and foderal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, Lhe minimum detection and reporting limit is less than 1% unless point counling is performed. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended tbat tbe sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. t A "Version" indicated by -"x" after the Lab ID# with a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is reflected by the value of "x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab JD: 2586279, Page 9 of 12 Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/0: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasser Re: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Eurofins EMLab P&K 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01-2021 Date of Receipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03-04-2021 Location: 3023-B29, VSF, dual system, 2nd floor, kitchenette, North Lab ID-Version!: 12340051-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Tan Sheet Flooring with Fibrous Backing ND Yellow Mastic ND Multicolored Sheet Flooring with Fibrous Backinl.! ND Yellow Mastic ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 20% Cellulose 5% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homol!eneitv: Moderate Location: 3023-B30, Dark vinyl floor, wood appearance, 1st fl NE hall near D17 Lab JD-Version;: 12340052-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Brown Flooring ND Tan Mastic ND Sample Composite Homoe:eneity: Moderate Location: 3023-B31, Light VCT floor system, 2nd t1 vanity, South Lob JD-Version!: 12340053-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Gray Flooring ND Tan Mastic ND Sample Composite Homo1?eneitv: Moderate Location: 3023-B32, Dark VCT floor system, 2nd fl utility, South ub JD. Version!: 12340054-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Dark Gray Flooring ND White Mastic ND Grav Cementitious Material ND Sample Composite Homoe:eneitv: Moderate The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without writ1en approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification. approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. Eurofins EMLab P&K reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, accordit1g to all state and federal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than 1% unless point counting is performed. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. t A ·•version" indicated by •"x" after the Lab ID# with a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision nwnher is renected by the value of "x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EM Lab ID: 2S86279, Page IO of 12 Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/0: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasscr Re: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday A venue, Car.ls bad, CA ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Location: 3023-B33, Carpet glue, 01, SW Sample Layers Yellow Glue Eurofins EMLab P&K 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01-2021 Date of Receipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03-04-2021 Lab ID-Version!: 12340055-1 Asbestos Content ND Sample Composite Homogeneity: Good Location: 3023-834, Carpet glue, D15, North Lab TD-Version!: 12340056-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Yellow Glue ND Sample Composite Homoeeneity: Good Location: 3023-835, Carpet glue, green, Ul3, Northwest Lab ID-Vernion!: 12340057-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Green Glue ND Sample Composite Homogeneity: Good Location: 3023-B36, FRP glue, B4, North Lab I D-Yersion!: 12340058-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Cream Glue ND Sample Composite Homogeneity: Good The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to cloim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. Eurofins EM Lab P&K res.:rves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all state and federal guidelines, ualess othe1wise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than 1% unless point counting is perfonned. Floor tile samples may conlain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. t A "Version" indicated hy -"x" after the Lab ID# with a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is reflected by the value of"x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMlab ID: 2586279, Page I I of 12 Client: Pro-Active Environmental Services, Inc. C/O: Kyle Faulkner, Mr. Jason Ziswasser Re: 1003023; elago Tenant Improvement, 1630 Faraday A venue, Carlsbad, CA ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Eurofins EMLab P&K 6100 Mountain Vista St, Ste #160, Henderson, NV 89014 (866) 888-6653 Fax (623) 780-7695 www.emlab.com Date of Sampling: 03-01-2021 Date of Receipt: 03-01-2021 Date of Report: 03-04-2021 Location: 3023-B37, FRP glue, 1st floor j closet, Jl, West Lab I D-V crsion!: I 2340059-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Cream Glue ND Sample Composite Homo2eneitv: Good Location: 3023-B38, ACP, U14, South Lab ID-Version;: 12340060-l Sample Layers Asbestos Content W11ite Ceiling Tile with White Surface ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 35% Cellulose I 0% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homo2eneitv: Good Location: 3023-839, ACP, D-6 North Lab ID-Version!: 12340061-l Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Ceiling Tile with White Surface ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 35% Cellulose I 0% Glass Fibers Sample Composite Homogcncitv: Good Location: 3023-840, Duct sealant, HVAC, warehouse, South Lab ID-Version!: 12340062-l Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Sealant ND Sample Comoosite Homol!eneitv: Good The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. Eurofins EMl.ab P&K reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all state aud federal guidelines, unless otherwise s1>ecified. lnbomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detecled, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than I% unless poinl counling is performed. Floor tile samples may conlain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and lo aid in a~bestos identificalion. t A ''Version" indicated by -"x" after the Lab ID# with a value greater than I indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is reflected by the value of"x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC EMLab ID: 2586279, Page 12 of 12 ~r->ES If IJU~"t-t~1m111r1 ~H~::ru~ ~;~~rrtmf ,, · , -l i ! : ~ • • r· w:i±d 0025862 79 STD lll<AO-.ACl'\V9 .......... OHM-TA&-sa.r•v:<•• .. - I Asbe1tos Chain of Custodi Form• Bulk sampling ' . ~:eii,lect:-t:m• , . :}~GNent·NI :Ii!· .. .. ··ev .: ... : I '::·.-Date -~ I ,., . ',:I ·Paael 1 .. ~ttotal.P.""~ I • .. : ~ lOOJOlJ t.h,know• I K. .Fa11lkner I J/1/lOlt I Lin I l l :6l;1 ~ ·:=-,.:-......:...:&Mel J-!~: .. • t:;. !t .. ; : . · '~li. · CNont ... ..:."-lorif:. :~H "•I~. . . . , . ""l-1 • . '" .. '!• ··r·. . dafo Te1~ant Tmprov~1n c11t 'Pr<>-Attlvo Em1froJ1lllt utal Senices, Int. 16Jlt Faraday Avtnue 14781 Po111erado Road #162 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Poway, CA 92064 =,P..t · ·;r •· ., ~--....... ·\HM·· · Samofe l;oc:21fc)A • : • ·,. ·' · : .. •';. ··~:.:__ .-n· ,fitW>lilYJ n . ~-.. : . •; ,, . ... I, _3023-•.. . -~-~-,WPl-~ :$.'Ciot._.e, -~I. b .... ... 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'!; ! f.• .. :cJliant Raf, . ; :. : I (I. ·\ .. -.... 8v: i : ,. j_l)* .;: ,I ,·-·-;,r, eaoa1. ,~s. •h T-ctat ~--·: , .,. 1 1003023 Uok11own I K. Faulkner J/l/1011 I J.fn I ;). (b, I ~ :Pioletfi~--. ... •; ;f; ,i. . : · .P ,J· , ~ t . .,, . , ... ·CMA " Inf ott1'itkSn: · i '.: . :~:. . \ . ·-,~. I, . .. , .. .. ' ' .. t:. ..... ••. dtto Tmant hnprovemcut Pr~Adh·e [U\'lnlQfflC ~ta1 Senka, lilt. 16.30 Faraday A\'caue 14781 Pomemdo Road-#162 Carlsfutd. CA 91008 rowia)', CA 91064 I l!JOj~: ... ~• lilah,QI:--· . .1. ... .. .. ', ,HM,. :lalriolatocatlon:i , , ,11· ~ I ·:,! , .. . . .. 'l\l.•--•r.., • ~ ~ •· . -; ·, .. I J0.2,l. --~~r.iJ.~-~---... ------. -~---·· --~--~-L~t-~.:-:--~~---·· ____ fr ____ ... ~ ..... --~-ff.:. 811.1 .•• ,.& ... 30U-. ~..,\l.,...\l~-Y: •. F.La-=-...•.......•. . .Jf ... . -~ -'='~-.t:'1 .. ~l,,~,~~---':" •. ~~ --·---••••• C,.,r. ••• .ct . .. --. -11.its.E . Dl'l-.. C ~ ~ 30l3-.... 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G= 0000 F• FAit IP= POOR I Ve YES Ill• llO I If • .,, HOMOGEIIEfXISJIATERIAL SF• S~Ft I l f-LINEAAft ~-----1 Analyze all samples via PLM me~on a layer by laytr basis. ____ .......................... ····-·· .. ---·-····· .. . ·-....... --.. -·------.. -----....... ·--·-. -----. ----...... ---.......... ----. -----...... -------................. ---·-.. .. -... .. ................. ........ ---........... --..... ---...... --- ,....,,, .:~-.; ~':1,•. 1:,. :-~ ...... ) ~.nw. ".1::•-.,.,. ,.· •, ; .. ..:-, r• . ~: , ... :r §i ., . ,.o.A: ,•''.1•· . . .. . . ......... t. FetJI I(" "/" ~ u o..l '3/t/.il .Plf I J"lf 3 ,1~2.., ~ , u;:.-!.l'; _,.rq_ .. ,. '\ .~ .. n.at' .Rfflmdh.-.. ·-..x---: •} : " . :, ..... . 1., :ii! '1 ' ...~: .... ,·-.. ... .. ' . ., #i// ,I t" ~61f" IJ/J({µf '£"7\ / _,., V ,· . .:t.•· •·'':''Ll!. .. , ,_ .,._, ._ !":""T :··-:.,-··-· ..:,.:•.· ... , ..... -... -.~ -•.·. ····--.. • ··.:t .• n-•' . .,,;-,-.· •·,. :.=r •• '\..,'I i'f-:S • 1478! Poo'lfnalo ttoed ft 61, Plr,\5~ (',\ ')106,1 • eilonc: (&S3) 451,7700 • l'ax: (1158 -a.st 771ll•\w,.,.· (&00!11 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE OFFICE USE ONLY RECORD ID# __________________ I PLAN CHECK# ________________ ! BP DATE Business Name Business Contact Michael Limm Telephone# 858-527-5724 Elyel Corporation APN# Project Address 1630 Faraday Ave. City Carlsbad, State CA Zip Code 92008 212-130-22-00 Mailing Address 6160 Innovation Way City Carlsbad, State CA Zip Code 92009 Plan File# Project Contact Applicant E-mail Telephone j# ""'\\.,.""' 6 \"I. 611-5'to,, circling the item, con act the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. Occupancy Rating: Facility's Square Footage (including proposed project): 13. Corrosives 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 5. Organic Peroxides 9. Water Reactives 2. Compressed Gases 6. Oxidizers 10. Cryogenics 14. Other Health Hazards 3. Flammable/Combustible Liquids 7. Pyrophorics 11. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials 15. None of These. 4. Flammable Solids 8. Unstable Reactives 12. Radioactives PART I: 0 UN N D : If the answer to any of the uite 1 0, an Diego, CA 92123. questions , licant must co Call (858) 505--6700 prior to the issuance of a building permit. Expected Date of Occupancy: FEES ARE REQUIRED Project Completion Date: (for new construction or remodeling projects) Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). 0 CalARP Exempt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. YES NO □ Ill! Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? □ Ill! Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities greater than or equal to 55 gallons, 500 pounds and/or 200 cubic feet? □ Ill! □ □ □ □ □ I&) Will your business store or handle carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? IX) Will your business use an existing or install an underground storage tank? I&] Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? (gj Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System {Title 22, Article 10)? [xi wm your business store petroleum in tanks or containers at your facility with a total facility storage capacity equal to or reater than 1,320 allons? California's Abo round Petroleum Stora e Act . Date Initials 0 CalARP Required Date Initials 0 CalARP Complete I Date Initials P/\RT 111; §~N DIE~ C~~ Al~ P!~TION CONT~O~ Dl~TRICT fAPCDI: Any YES" answer requires a stamp from APCD 10124 Old Grove Road, San D,ego, CA 9131 a7o J/cou ty. V (858) 586-2 5 ), r ostamp required if Q1 Yes i!!lll Q3 Yes lll!l! Q4-Q6 No]. The following questions are intended to identify the majority of air pollution issues at the planning stage. Projects may require additional measures not identified by these questions. For comprehensive requirements contact APCD. Residences are typically exempt, except -those with more than one building+ on the property; single buildings with more than four dwelling units; townhomes; condos; mixed-eommercial use; deliberate bums; residences forming part of a larger project. rExcludes garages & small outbuildings.] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. YES NO ~ ~ Will the project disturb 160 square feet or more of existing building materials? Will any load supporting structural members be removed? Notification may be required 1 O working days prior to commencing demolition. (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 or 2 IS YES) Has an asbestos swvey been perfonned by a Certified Asbestos Consultant or Site Surveillance Technician? IS □ □ □ □ l:iil (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 3 IS YES) Based on the survey results, will the project disturb any asbestos containing material? Notification may be required 10 working days prior to commencing asbestos removal. igJ Will the project or associated construction equipment emit air contaminants? See the reverse side of this form or APCD factsheet (www.sdaocd oro/info/facts/pepnits odO for typical equipment requiring an APCD pem,it. O (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 5 IS YES) wm the project or associated construction equipment be located within 1,000 feet of a school bounda Briefly describe business activities: ~,c.. us~ Briefly describe proposed project: 'if,.\~ \ I"-""""~~ Date FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY: FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: ___________________________________ _ BY DATE I I EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMO" APCD COUNTY-HMO APCD COUNTY-HMO APCD *A stamp in thtS box only exempts businesses from completing or updating a Hazardous Materials Business Plan. Other permitting requirements may still apply. HM-9171 (08115) County of San Diego -DEH -Hazardous Materials Division □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ B Date: 2/16/21 ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SCREENING SURVEY 6200 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Phone: 760-438-3941 Fax: 760-476-9852 SourceControl@encinajpa.com Business Name: elago USA -~~------------------ Street Address: 1630 Faraday Ave Email Address: alee@elago.com PLEASE CHECK HERE IF YOUR BUSINESS IS EXEMPT (ON REVERSE SIDE CHECK TYPE OF BUSINESS) !v'I Check all below that are present at your facility: Acid Cleaning B Food Processing B Metal Powders Forming Assembly Glass Manufacturing Nutritional SupplemenWitamin Automotive Repair D Industrial Laundry D Manufacturing Battery Manufacturing D Ink Manufacturing D Painting/Finishing Biofuel Manufacturing B Laboratory B Paint Manufacturing Biotech Laboratory Machining/Milling Personal Care Products Bulk Chemical Storage D Membrane manufacturing D Manufacturing Car Wash D (i.e. waterfilter membranes) D Pesticide Manufacturing/ Packaging Chemical Manufacturing B Metal Casting/Forming B Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Chemical Purification Metal Fabrication (including precursors) D Dental Offices D Metal Finishing D Porcelain Enameling 0 Dental Schools D Electroplating D Power Generation O Dental Clinics D Electroless Plating D Print Shop 0 Dry Cleaning D Anodizing D Research and Development D Electrical Component D Coating (i.e. phosphating) D Rubber Manufacturing □ Manufacturing D Chemical Etching/Milling D Semiconductor Manufacturing □ Fertilizer Manufacturing D Printed Circuit Board D Soap/Detergent Manufacturing □ Film/ X-ray Processing D Manufacturing D Waste Treatment/Storage New Business? YesONoO SIC Code(s) if known: ______ Date operation began/will begin: ______ _ Tenant Improvement? Yes0No0 If yes, brieftydescribe improvement. __________________ _ Description of operations generating wastewater (discharged to sewer, hauled or evaporated): __________ _ Estimated volume of industrial wastewater to be discharged (gal/ day) Listhazardouswastesgenerated(type/volume): ____________________________ _ Have you applied for a Wastewater Discharge Permit from the Encina Wastewater Authority? YesODate: _____ .No□ Page 1 of 2 ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SCREENING SURVEY 6200 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Phone: 760-438-3941 Fax: 760-476-9852 Sou rceControl@enci naj pa. com The commercial enterprises listed below are a partial listing of businesses that are exempt from industrial wastewater discharge permitting under normal operating condItIons They are exempt because (a) they discharge no process wastewater (i. e, they only discharge sanitary wastewater with no pollutants exceeding any local limits). and (b) they have no potential to negatively impact the EWPCF or other wastewater treatment plants in the ESS. Any questions regarding exemptions should be referred to EWA Source Control staff. D Automobile Detailer s D Hotels/Motels (no laundry) D Barber/Beauty Shops D Laundromats D Business/Sales Offices D Libraries D Cleaning Services D Medical Offices (no x-ray developing) D Carpet/Upholstery D Mortuaries D Childcare Facilities D Museums D Churches D Nail Salons D Community Centers D Nursing Homes D Consulting Services [!] Office Buildings (no process flow) D Contractors D Optical Services D Counseling Services D Pest Control Services ( no pesticide repackaging for sale) D Educational Services (no auto repair/film developing) D Pet Boarding/Grooming Facilities D Financial Institutions/Services D Postal Services (no car wash/auto repair) D Fitness Centers D Public Storage Facilities D Gas Stations (no car wash/auto repair) D Restaurants/Bars D Grocery Stores (no film developing) D Retail/Wholesale Stores (no autorepair/film D Residential based Businesses developing) D Theaters (Movie/Live) CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I c:ert{!i,: that the information above is true and correct to the best <~(my knol1'/edge. Olgltally signed by Andy 02/16/21 Andy McCabe ~~;~:21.02.1514·41:oe Signature: -08'00' Print Name Andy McCabe Date: ____ _ Facility Contact: Andrew Lee Title Owner/Tenant ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY 6200AVENIDAENCINAS, CARLSBAD, CA Phone: 760-438-3941 Fax:760-476-9852 SourceControl@encinajpa com Page 2 of 2 {city of Carlsbad PURPOSE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST B-50 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov This checklist is intended to assist building permit applicants identify which Climate Action Plan (CAP) ordinance requirements apply to their projects. The completed checkl_ist must be included in the building permit application. It may be necessary to supplement the completed checklist with supporting materials, calculations or certifications, to demonstrate full compliance with CAP ordinance requirements. For example, projects that propose or require a performance approach to comply with energy-related measures will need to attach to this checklist separate calculations and documentation as specified by the ordinances. NOTE_: TheJc,llowing.type c,fpermits are nc,t required to fill out this form ❖ Patio I ❖ Decks I ❖ PME (w/o panel upgrade) I ❖ Pool ,. If an item in the checklist is deemed to be not applicable to a project, or is less than the minimum required by ordinance, an explanation must be provided to the satisfaction of the Building Official. ,. Details on CAP ordinance requirements are available on the city's website. ,. A CAP Building Plan template (form B-55) shall be added to the title page all building plans. This template shall be completed to demonstrate project compliance with the CAP ordinances. Refer lo the building application webpage and download the latest form. Project Name/BuHdlng _,,,.,.. Permit No.: elago Tenant Improvement BPNo.: {:1!£.,;;l:l;J)-00,5S PropertyAddress/APN: 1630 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 / APN 212-130-2200 Applicant Name/Co.: Andrew Lee / elago USA ApplicantAddress: 6160 Innovation Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009 ContactPhone 619.957.2227 ContactEmail: alee@elago.com "---=---------- Contact information of person completing this checklist (if different than above): Name: Company name/address: Andy McCabe Contact Phone: Tecscape Design Contact Email: 1889 Bacon St, Ste 8 San Diego, CA 92107 619.677.5600 tecscapedesign@gmail.com Applicant Signature: -~~'-•-=.1-='----------Date 02/22/21 B-50 Page 1 of 6 Revised 06/1 B City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist Use the table below to determine which sections of the Ordinance Compliance checklist are applicable to your project. For alterations and additions to existing buildings, attach Building Permit Valuation worksheet. Building Permit Valuation (BPV) from worksheet: $---4 Z-.2:4i \4 □ New construction D Additions and alterations: □ BPV < $60,000 NIA NIA All residential additions and alterations □ BPV" $60,000 1A, 4A 4A 1-2 family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages □ Electrical service panel upgrade only only 'Multi-family dwellings only where interior finishes are removed □ 8PV;,; $200,000 1A, 4A' 18, 4A' and significant site work and upgrades to struclural and mechanical. electrical, and/or plumbing syslems are proposed . :>, ' / -l!J Nonresillalltial □ New construction 18, 2B, 3B, 4B and 5;r• CE) BPV 2 $200,000 or additions" 1,000 1B, S square feet ~ ( ' ) BPV 2 $1,000,000 1B,2B,5 Building alterations of 2 75% existing gross floor area □ 2 2,000 sq. ft. new roof addition 2B, 5 1 B also applies if BPV"' $200,000 Please refer to Carlsbad Murucipal Code (CMC) sections 18.21.155 anc 18.30.190, and the California Green Building Standards Code (CAI.Green) for more lnformaoon when complaling this section. A O Residential addition or alteration~ $60,000 building permit valuation. □ NIA. _______ _ See CMC section 18.30.190. D Exception: Home energy score~ 7 (attach certification) VearBulH Slngle-famHy Requirements MUIIHamlly Requirements □ Before 1978 Select one: Cl Duct seallno C Attic insualion Cl Cool roof □ Attic Insulation □ 1978 and later Select one: Cl Lighting package Cl Water healing Package □ Between 1978 and 1991 Select one: []Duct seallno OAHic insulaoon OCoolmof D 1992 and later Select one: CILighting package CIWater heating package rfEJ :l:aidcmtial* now oonotructlon or alt4Jration• :i: $2001000 building ponnit voluation1 or dltions ~ 1,000 square feet. D NIA Updated 8/15/2019 2 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist See CMC 18.21.155 and CALGreen AppendiK A6, Division A6.2-Energy Efficiency, AS.203.1.1 Choose one: ll .1 Outdoor lighting IJ .2 Warehouse dock seal doors □ .3 Restaurant seNice water healing (comply with California Energy Code section 140.5, aa amended) 13 NIA _________ _ □ .4 Daylight design PAFs Cl .5 Exhaust air heat recMry AS. Choose one as applicable: 0.95 Energy budge! 0.90 Energy budge! El NIA A5,211,1H □ On-site renewable energy l!I NIA A5.211.3H □ Green power Of offered by local uulily provider, 50% minimum renewable sources) □NIA A5.212.1 D Elevators and escalators □ NIA A5.213.1 □ Slee! framing 0 NIA • Includes hotels/motels and high-rise residential buildings H For altere!ions ~ $1,000,000 BPV and affecting > 75% existing gross floor area, or alterations !hat add 2,000 square feet of new roof addition: comply with CMC 18.30.130 instead. A. 0 Residential new construction (for tow-rise residential building permit applications submitted after 111120), Reier to 2019 California Energy Code section 150.1(c)14 for requirements. Notes: 1) High-rise residential buildings are subject to nonmsldenflal photovoltaic requirement (28 below) Instead. 2) ff project Includes installation of an electric heat pump water heater pursuant to CMC 18.30.150(B) (high-rise residentla~ or 18.30.170(B) (low-rise residential), Increase system size by .3kWdc II PV offset option is selected. Floor Plan ID (use additional CFA #d.u. Calculated kWdc' sheets if necessary) . Toial System S'~e: kWdc = (CFAK.572) I 1,000 + (1.15 x#d.u.) 'Formula calculation where CFA = conditional ffoor area, #du = number of dwelings per plan type If proposed system size is less than calculated size, please explain. Eicception □ □ □ □ kWdc B. Nonresidential new construction or alterations ~$1,000,000 BPV and affecting 2:75% existing floor area, or addition that increases roof area by ~2,000 square feet Please refer to CMC section 18.30.130 when completing this section. Note: This secHon also applies to high-rise residential and hotel/motel buBdings. Choose one of the folJowing methods: □ Gross Floor Area (GFA) Method GFA: ')..(, l '3t,o S'r Min. System Size: '.3"1.4i kWdc 011 < 10,000s.f. Enter: 5 kWdc □If 2: 10,000s.f. calculate: 15 kWdc x (GFN10,000)" "Round building size factor to nearest tenth, and round system size to nearest whole number. □ Time--Dependent Valuation Method Updated 8/15/2019 3 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist Annual TDV Energy use:~• ______ x .80= Min. system size: _____ kWdc -•Attach calculation documentation using modeling software approved by the California Energy Commission. 3 .. Water Healing A. D Residential and hotel/motel new construction ___ P_lea~•e refer to CMC sections 18.30.150 and 18.30.170 when completing this section. O For systems serving individual dwelling units choose one: D Heat pump water heater AND Compact hot water distribution AND Drain water heat recovery (low-rise residential only) □ Heat pump water heater AND PV system .3 kWdc larger than required in CMC section 18.30.130 (high rise residential hotel/motel) or CA Energy Code section 150.1(c) 14 (low-rise residential) □ Heat pump water heater meeting NEEA Advanced Water Heating Specification Tier 3 or higher □ Solar water heating system that is either .60 solar savings fraction or 40 s.f. solar collectors 0 Exception: D For systems serving multiple dwelling units, install a central water-heating system with all of the following: D Gas or propane water healing system O Recirculation system per CMC 18.30.150(8) (high-rise residential, hotel/motel) or CMC 18.30.170(8) (low- rise residential) D Solar water heating system that is either: □ .20 solar savings fraclion □ .15 solar savings fraction, plus drain water heat recovery □Exception: B. D Nonresidential new construction Please refer to Calisbad Ordinance CMC section 18.30.150 when completing this section. D Water heating system derives at least 40% of its energy from one of the following (attach documentation): D Solar-thermal □ Photovoltaics D Recovered energy □Water heating system is (choose one): Cl Heat pump water heater Cl Electric resistance water heater(s) □Solar water heating system with .40 solar savings fraction 0 Exception: Updated 8115/2019 4 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist 4. Elettrlc\/ehlcle Charging A O Residential New construction and major alterations* Please refer to Carlsbad Ordinance CMC section 18.21.140 when completing this section. 0 One and two-family residential dwelling or townhouse with attached garage: 0 One EVSE Ready parking space required D Exception : D Multi family residential· D Exception · - Total Parking Spaces EVSE $n,ices Proposed Capable I Reaav I I I Calculalions: Total EVSE spaces = .10 x Total parking (rounded up lo nearest whole number) EVSE Installed = Total EVSE Spaces x .50 (rounded up lo nearest whole number) EVSE other-T o!al EVSE spaces -EVSE lnst~led (EVSE olher may be "Capable," "Ready" or "Installed.') Installed I Total I 'Major alterations are: (1) for one and two-family dwellings and lol'Alhouses v,lh attached garages, alterations have a building permil valuation ~ $60,000 or include an electrical service panel upgrade; (2) for multifamily dwellings ~hree units or more 'Mlhout attached garages), alterations have a building permit valuation~ $200,000, inlertor finishes are removed and significant site work and upgrades to stiuctural and mechanical, elecllical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed. B O Nonresidential new conskuctlon (includes hotels/motels) D Exception · Total Parking Spaces EVSE Snaces Proposed Caoable I Readv I Installed I Total I I I Calculatioff Refer to the table below· Total Number of Parking Soaces orovlded Number of r"'uired EV Soaces Number of =uired EVSE Installed Soaces fl 0-9 1 1 □ 10-25 2 1 □ 26-50 4 2 □ 51-75 6 3 □ 76-100 9 5 11 101-150 12 6 □ 151-200 17 9 11 201 and over 1 o oercent oftotal 50 rn,rcent of RMuired EV Spaces Updated 8/15/2019 5 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist An approved Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Plan is required for all nonre~dential projects that meet a threshold of employee'98fl"rated ADT. Cily staff \WI use the table below based on your submitted plans to delermne whether or nor your permit requires a TOM plan. lfTDM is applicable to your permit, staff Viii! contact the applicant to develop a sile-specific TDM plan based on lhe permit details. Acl<nowledgment: Emp ADT to, Emp ADTI Use first 1,000 sf 1000 sf., Office (all), 20 Restaurant 11 Retaib 8 Industrial 4 Manufacturing 4 Warehousina 4 , Unless otherwise noted, rates estimated from /TE Trip Generation Manual, 1 CJfhEdition 13 11 4.5 3,5 3 1 2 For all office uses, use SANDAG rate of 20 ADT/1,000 sf to calculate employee ADT , Retail uses include shopping center, variety store, supermarket, gyms, pharmacy, etc. · Other commercial uses may be subject to special consideration Sample calculations: Office: 20,450 sf 1. 20,450 sf/ 1000 x 20 = 409 Employee ADT Retail: 9,334 sf 1. First 1,000 sf= 8 ADT 2. 9,334 sf -1,000 sf= 8,334 sf 3. (8.334 sf/ 1.000 x 4.5) + 8 = 46 Emolovee AOT I acknw.iedge that lhe plans submitted may be subject lo lhe Cily of Carlsbad's Transportation Demand Management Ordinance. I agree to be contacted should my permit require a TOM and understand that an approved TOM plan is a cond'llion of permit issuance, Date: 02/22/21 Person other than AppHcantto be contacted for TDM compHance (if applicable): Name (Pnnled): Andy McCabe Phone Number: 619.677.5600 Email Address: tecscapedesiqn@gmail.com Updated 8/1512019 6 Building Permit Finaled Revision Permit Print Date: 10/26/2022 Job Address: 1630 FARADAY AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7313 ( City of Carlsbad Permit No: PREV2021-0112 Status: Closed -Finaled Permit Type: BLDG-Permit Revision Work Class: Commercial Permit Revision Parcel#: 2121302200 Track#: Valuation: $0.00 Lot#: Occupancy Group: B, S1 #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load: 118 Code Edition: 2019 Sprinkled: Yes Project Title: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type:VB Orig. Plan Check#: CBC2021-0055 Plan Check#: Description: ELAGO USA: DEMISING WALL TO CREATE SUITES #100 AND #120 Applicant: SARAH AZARMI 10165 BRIGHTWOOD LN, # 3 SANTEE, CA 92071-8450 (619) 564-9166 FEE BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (manual) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (manual) Total Fees: $154.50 Building Division Property Owner: ACACIA AVE CAH LLC PO BOX 408 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 Total Payments To Date: $154.50 Applied: 08/30/2021 Issued: 09/15/2021 Finaled Close Out: 10/26/2022 Final Inspection: INSPECTOR: Contractor: CLTVT 507 VISTA WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92054-6438 (760) 529-8300 Balance Due: AMOUNT $64.50 $90.00 $0.00 Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov ( City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK REVISION OR DEFERRED SUBMITTAL APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Original Plan Check Number C/:)CW/ ~ 00$ Plan Revision Number ffi.e;,1 cfu12 J ·~ 15 I I ;;L. Project Address / {R, 3 O =[ilr 1tda!j General Scop~ ~fe)B~ion/Deferred Submittal: 1Cuo lU1fe addrc.rJ--<;s, I 00 and. '!:fl!Q 1~equ,1tf-l.-ed.. / CONTACT INFORMATION: Name c':>f{;(f{,n friar~ Phone (fig 5/fG/-Pf/l,(pFaxL.._ _____ _ Address qJJd-&Mi P.emo (;;,t. City (\11(1-k,.e. Email Address 0ar ab aum11 ii, cJ@:Wai I tVIY) ZipCA ~ Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 . Elements revised: ~Plans D Calculations D Soils D Energy D Other 2. 3. Describe revisions in detail 4. Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? D Yes ~ No 5. Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? D Yes £3 No 6. Does this revision affect any fire related issues? D Yes ~ No 7. Is this a complete set? 'lp1 Yes D r-:o £>Signature 8a1afi Ct2fA;t/l,M.,; Date Q' ID-2/ 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 fl:r 760-602-2719 fall: 760-602-8558 Erlli.!it building@carlsbadca.gov www carlsbadca,gov