HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 80-26; NAVARRA DRIVE; Site PlanI , , ,PAr_king ,:_lot trcee ·eha.~.l qe 11 minimum 15 ga.llon, ei~e. ,. i i.'. -' . -., ·; ,:· . .-' . .-,. :.-,;,. ' .... :,. . ---~· - 11.ny' signs ·proposed !oc-. this ·devalo12ment ehcll be.designed in confo1·mance with the City' a Sign Ordinartco and shall require teview and approval· by thQ Planning Dcpsr.troent prior• to instal- lation of auc-h .d9ns. ' All landacoped ar~as shall be mninta.ined· in a he!ilthy and thriving,condition 1 .(rec from weedg, !:rash, and debri!I. All roof appur b.munceP., including air condit.ioners, shall be architecturnl.ly intQgrated 1:rnd shielded from view and -;;he sound buffered from adjac~nt propertios and streets to the satisfaction of the Planning Department und Building Depart-,' ment. Approval of t.hJ.s requ~n;t shall not excuse comp:li~nc0. with all sections of lhe Zonin~J Ordinance and all other ripplicable City o:cc.Jjnancc:j in effecl nt time of building pc>rmit issuance., The developer ,shall rt!ccive the npproval Of the City Engineer. for a site grading pltm and obl;ai.n a grading permit prior to h:~mance of Duilcling Lle.cmits, ,(·rndimJ shall occur in accordance with an approv<2d grading and ~rosion control plnn, city slandurds, und un approvBd soils and goologic investigation repor::. \>1hich_ shall include -slope at..ibility calculatio11s and construction i.J?ecificat.ions. i\l.l cxpos(!<l slopes shall be hydromuls.hed 01: othen-:-ise slabilized prior. to the .lsauance of b~ihling rcrmJ.tS subJcct to ·the rrppro- v«l of the cit~' Englncer,·· · Drairn:icJe impcovcments :.;hu.11 be constructed in accordzmce with an iipprovcd plan, and tbu 'work slml~ be coordinatt!d 'w~th the overall plnn [oz: grading to t:ht.l £H1t:.1sf_flC'.:.ion of the City Engineer. 'rhc apvlic.:rnt ~;hnll inutull u.utomutio garngo door openerR prior to final occlqiilnc:y of ony u1dts. 'l'hC' 10 [oot fronll'u.rd :>ctback sh~1ll be hcRvUy londscD.pod to the sot:! sfuction o.( tlu-i Planning lJit·octoc priuc to final occu- pancy ol: lrny un.i t.s, 5 '''J;'hc:¼ -nppJ,lcnnt shnll prepare· a del:ailed' landscape and irrigation.' pl..i.u which :;hall t-,c sub'.llit.ted to and· ci.pprovcd by tr>e Planning Oepartment prior to :!;in.:i~ mllp app;-oval. ~, · ,~' ,t"~,- 'l'rash rC~eptacle areas shull be ~enclo~ed by a 6 foot high maaon:ry wall with gates pursuant to City standards. locatlOn of said receptacles shall be approved by the Planning Depart- ment. (. The. applicant shall establish u homeowner 1s association and corresponding covenants, conditions _and restrictions. Said CC&.R 1 s shall be submittt~d to and approv~d by the Planning De- partment prio:r to final map approval. In order to provide for fire protection during the construction period, the applicant shall maintain passible vehicular access to all buildings. In addition, adequate fire hydrants with re- quired fire flows shall Pe instulled on and off site as requirr:!d by the Fire Department. Th~ applicant shall install strcef. tr:oes t.o City specifications at ~O foot intcrvala along all public street frontages prior to .final accupuncy of any builcling. The V<'.lricty of said tre0s shall be subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Dc1.,urtmen t. Fir~ Department! In order to provide for firo protection, adequate fire hydrants with rcquir0d fiT.8 flows shall ba installe:!d on und oft ~ito cs · rE!quircd by the Fire Marshall. 1\11 pdvato driveways shull be "kept clear of parked vehicles at ·1111 time::, and huve posted "No Pnrki.ng/Fire Lane/Tow Away ~one" as per condition in Municipal Code. /\ fire r~tardnnt roof shall be requirE!d on all structures by BuilcHiig u:i.d 1''J1:e DcparLment. C::JNCIZ-'=-~,r-E ::::.,"s./VE•nA /' I " '() ot I I I L --__ J_ ___ ---___ _j N E ) r:,·· A V A R R ';5' 'C A,' L S- \ -E. G A L D E S C r-, I I r pf'l...0V1DE TWP..F dLocK.. IN F11Z.E LANE! oNLf PRO,,. LI f-../ E J 7. 7 I ,Lo rs 1'3/ LA cosrA A /92., /93 AND 1'='4- SoUTH U/'-Jtr "'2. u L A r: I 0 squA,~~ EocrAGE Lor ARt:0A ~DLJtLCtNG DR.IVEVvA1"'- TP.ASH 1/R.r<A f?.RIVATE pATIO..S P-._cc-~EATICt-1 1-\A~A Lar,1:-::-:.:·~J:1NG WAL J<..ir/A,y'..:: 73. 5G2.. 00 .3a~ G53 .oo /3) 7r.:.:2 .ao z., 15, 5, '21:3 ,co 3.:35 _ co 347 . 00 7 c;o ... oo 548 .. co N ~I j'"~~d±f ~pf~ ';;,~c;c1 '.i,:;:1'£1~'f=Et ,· :-~~'.l~r cc,,1::P-.EJe OR..! VE'/'/A ( A N~•.v CIP..i~ ~lVc:,F.,},Nj ,I I Pj ', 1 I : /12. 8 u e s1, A p_ ;<,,, NG I I I I _____ L _____ _l _____ I _____ _J _______ L _____ L _____ I ___ _ D R V E p L A I (II "1 I pr-1 o 7J /OD, 00 36. 52. 24-. 77 00, rz._7 '(J ?. • ~4- / '3, ,50 (o • '='7 N 0 V) ,_ Q) C Cl C'l 00 0 N 0 Cl en p C ·-"C ::I CD "C (]) en C (]) (.) ·-__J Q) ..... cc Ct:! ..... Cl) !J.1 i ~I n, cil Z' '"' ~ ..J Q w ii- ,.,.. ,--Gli ~ ({('i 'i!J ,) .J l]J (D 1-. er'. < 0 lJJ U) - (I) u. ro -C ro (/') 0 (/') I,() 00 en \ ,, (,