HomeMy WebLinkAbout1340 CORVIDAE ST; ; CBR2022-2837; PermitPrint Date: 03/08/2023 CBR2022-2837 Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit Permit No: Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 1340 CORVIDAE ST, CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4851 BLDG-Residential 2156913300 $2,000.00 Work Class: Lot #: Project #: P/M/E Status: Applied: Issued: 08/08/2022 08/10/2022 Finaled Close Out:03/08/2023 #of Dwelling Units: Track #: Plan #: Closed - Finaled Plan Check #: Orig. Plan Check #:Bathrooms: Final Inspection:10/11/2022Bedrooms:Construction Type: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: INSPECTOR:Dreibelbis, Peter Renfro, Chris Alvarado, Tony KITCHEN REMODEL- ROUGH PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL, STAY IN KIND (E-REVIEW)Description: Project Title: Applicant: TNT DESIGN AND BUILD INC VIRGINIA FAJARDO 3142 TIGER RUN CT, # 108 CARLSBAD, CA 92010-6693(760) 607-8138 Contractor: TNT DESIGN AND BUILD INC 3142 TIGER RUN CT, # STE 108 CARLSBAD, CA 92010-6693 (760) 363-5584 AMOUNTFEE REMODEL-RESIDENTIAL – KITCHEN or BATH $350.00 Total Fees:$350.00 Total Payments To Date:$350.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 ï 442-339-2719 ï 760-602-8560 f ï www.carlsbadca.gov Building Division Page 1 of 1 {"Cityof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan Check _______ _ Est. Value § 2 000 ) PC Deposit Job Address 1340 Corvidae St Unlt:. _____ APNi2156913300 CT/Pri>Je'ct#: ________________ lot II: Y.ear6ullt: _1_99_7 ______ _ 8.RIEI' 0ESCRIPl'ION OF WORK ,Kii'cnen Ri)ffioilel-i;;fuy In K111d, Roygh Pli,imblng & Elecll'ical 0 New SF: l:ivlngSF, ____ Deck SF,, ___ 'Patio SF, G.arage SF __ _ ls·thls to:cr.eale an Ac;cessorv Dwelling Unit? O V o N New Fire.plate? O VO N, if yes how many7 ___ _ l)i:) Remod_el: 1◊·0 Sf of affected are-a Is the area . .a conversfon or change ofose? O Ve N □ Pool/S·pa:. ____ SF Additional Gas-or flectrkal Fe.itures7, ___________ _ 0 Solar: KW,_ __ Modules, Mouriq?tl: O RoofO Ground, TIit: 0 VON, RMA: 0 YO N, Battery:OYO 1'1, Panel Upgr.l~@; O V ON Be_l;tric M.eter number: __________ _ Other: PRIMARY APflLICANT l'ROPEJITV OWNER Name:'Vlrglnfa Fa!arlJO Name:Vince & Ka\e Sanzone Address:3i 42 Tiger Run Ct Address: 1340 CorVidae St Clty:Carlsbad StatE::CA Zlp:,_92_0_1_o __ Crty:Carlsbad State_:GA Zip:,.c9.:.20"-, 1;..1 __ _ Phone: 760.607,81-38 Phone:614-204.2.!32.9 Email: wginia@tntdnb.com Email: vasanzone@gmail,oom Dl:SIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Name:. _________________ SU!$ir1ess.Name:TNT DESIGN & BUILD Addre$$: Address:3142 iTger Run Cl Qty': State;, ___ Zlp;,____ City:Car!sbad State:CA ~lp:,.;.9_20;;..1...;0 ___ _ Phone: Phone: 760.607,8138 Email: EmaU: vlrglnlat§itntdnb.¢om Architect ~tate Lice'n~: CSLS License 11·: 1012378 Cla~,,.;:8~------ Carl~bad Businnss Lie~ u (Requlred),BLNR00426ll-11-2018 APPLJGANT ~nFICATTQN, ttmifyt/,o! I /WW, rtod It,;, OR,;/!tullon omf rtai, Lh,r ll<t O . mfotm<Jtkm ;5a,r,c,:f •M '""' 1/r,-m/ormol11/1! pf the plait$ is.~, .. / ail'F~ fb co,nplY wlfh ,rllptyotdinante and $tote laws reimlnq t.o bujidmg amsJtCJCt/oo_,. THIS PA~E REQUIRED AT PERMIT ISSUANCE PLAN CHECK NUMBER: ______ _ A IIUILOING l'ERMIT CAN BflSSUEDTO mHER A STATE UCEN~EO CONTRACTOR OR A PROPERTY OWNliR. IFTHl:,PE!lSON ~11,NIN.G THIS FORM I~ AN A.GENT fOR EITHER ENTITY AN AUTHORlZATION ,fORM OR Ll:lTEII IS Ri:QUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT fSSUANCE, (OPTION A): LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION: I higrebyaffirm underpenal tya] petjury that I om lie.eased imclerprovislor.isof Chaptiir 9 (cam mem:ing with S1iction7000Jaf ()ivfs/Qri 3 of the 8usfnessqnd Profess/011,Cod1?1 ondmy liceme,/s In full f orce<Jndeff ect. I alsoaf/frm underpenalty of perju,yanlJO{ the falfowlng dec(ora tions.(ct/OOSE .(?NE!: 0 I have and wltl tnalnta10 .i «>nitit:ate ot conY:m to SQ.lf-inrure for~~ffl' comper,:a!.dtJon provided bv Seaton 3700 q:f chtlahor C4ide", for the pc,totmance of the work wh1th tbls: pennit I$ tuued.. Pollcvtlo.. · ~: ~ad will ~ln1~ln wcrrtlor'• o:t11'J>"IIS~don, as·refq~fn,.d by S<!J!lk>n l700 of u,e tabor C!)<fe; for•~• perlormsnce,ot u,.wc,t for which lhi> pom,lt ts •~!(I, ~ :ar1ren· «;mpRflulion lnsii~flte Glrr~f •ind polfcy nurnbe.-;u-(!: Jn;;umnce.Company Name.: s.,..=•cei;o,=='lf!9!="'='"::lo.;;'.::'h:tma== .. ="""==------------I Polf~·NQ, ll2!0m · £xplratlon.D9te: .:;l~=•c.m=-------------~I -OJ!' D (ertffia~ of ~einpiicn: J wtify'~h.a( fn the podo,manee of the._...,'Otk;ior wtl)'~h tnls_permi\ is-l~~d. I ~all f',Qt.ai:i,ploy tmV P')n,gn lh ~nv mmn~~•s to ~r£c()Jlle. t ubJect to the workt,,;,s• <'.O~pe.JU,iJ.tion: U~of C1tlfom1ll, W~JtNJN(J: F.a1turo to.sewl'e worl,en tomPtaiu.ition c;oYtrfe;e lnmla;wful and s.hiU su~j«t at1 empJoyeHo criminal ~nalde-, ai,d ~vO fin~up_to $100,000,00, in ~dtt)on the to thif.mrl af~pensatiott, dama.aes as-provided fot In Se.ctlon~3706of•the W:,orebf;Je., Interest l('d attol'n!!IV'• fem. · CONSTRU(.-rfON LENDING AGENC't.._lfANY! I tte.te-b~ affirm that there lfa coft!tfu<tlon lending agency fof UH? pc.rf'offl)ance of the wort th1;a ~rmtt. h ~s~d t~~711} CMI Cad.!!}. l'P.nd~s u amr. Lendet"'s Add~s:i CONTRACTOR:CERTTFJCATION; lhe .ipptl~\ cettlf;e.s 1htto!C docum:onu and pbru. dAJlY 1md accutat~y ,shu~ llll #):~Ul\C md propcttcd llult:dlnp. $inm~t~, ~ roam. llrn'J u1JhH~/11t1llr, Ea\!,ffl!f'U All rt'oC)m~ IJ!adifi~Jo,tt 1"4/Qr a!idifion, ant dtartv~bef:ed:o'l tbf:! Jltie pl,ttl. ,.,,,, j)Otintfa0y t,,i\lkig cletollwttflln. th~pbim lN:oa.:i~ttlft( ¥nth ~.site: ,plan~• t\Ot.tpprOWKI for ramtn1.nio.i llnd nlJJ' be miulrcd lO bl! a1te:mtormno..'Cd Thedt)'~ vpp.rav3I ul tbe ~PJl'latloo It 1,n.cid on ihe ~.remrse: ff'I~ lhl"' lUbm!t~ cmt\lJn~tAnd pti:ru ihrM' th(' l:ilrttel".t.dimenpo~ ~ 1"9t fl'OPMYi bul di~ sttui:ui,~iWflhtiT ;.cl~ei.t l,orr, p,Gperr;, IJ111e 11h11 from ons, inOlht:f'j ~ toads/eawnetl\t, l!1ld uti!itie:i. lh'f!-e,!\1lnc.and piopmr:d i;"' 01 'eJCh bu1td!ng__as nate\l it vuuru!aur£t, •~ P...atemems.aOO b1h11 '-ftWl'l\hl'ar.cuto devw;lop,Mn1 hiive b~ acw.-10.tv ~owthml tttbeteCJ.as ~I at -.11 Qr! 'lite aradtniPfi-e·pn;1121.tfloo~ All m;ptth'~!flti e,lrnn&~ th•pcop-my wt,~ (QfY!p.1ita<t m-.im;rd,nce.w'\thalliicuJ,tior,s ·iri E.-lstate:e 81 · • Th ' Of'lSUUdiot\, 1,11.ier.<rthawhe netd • NAME (PRINT); _V_lf_g1_·n_ia_F ____ _ DATE:08/08/2022 N.~ If tlta pe159n iignlfipboYi Is an a·uthori.~d ipnt. for the COntnlctor (OPTION B): OWNfR-llUILOER DECLARATION . I t,ereby affirm t/lot I om exempt from (ontractor's License Ltlw for the following reason: OJ 1 a,·ownot of the pc:~rtyormy etnplove.e> With w;ag,:!'S-M \he![_$Qle cqn,penGtian, 'Ml1 de, lhe work and the ~ructufe!Snottnte-nded o, oft e,ed1TJ:(S:."ll€fSet. ~ tlu.-m~and Pco'f~slpn~ Codl3: The ciinuactor"S lt((!·n~_l!!.w dOMnorap-pfy l_o .111 own.it ar ptopcrtywbQ l:rui!d>or impt()'fQSll;<'JCO'), and w'h.o d:oi!J &1.1c.b wt;nk ltifiu,c-lJ qr1hro.U2.-'h h" Own eml)foytt.s, p't'O'llided lh:ait:Suc.h:imp,Mrrt.ef\t\ are-no1 intonded ci.rofhm1d for.s:ile.. It, h0Wt!,ver__,.Uitt.ll\lildin3 Of lmpr<1vome.m is iohJ w'llh)n one vmu of eo~l)iel:ton, tha:oWrret-.builde-cwlll h.olV!: the burden of fl'JVJlng 1b.il htt tljd not lkllld orlmgrqVef(lr the purp.o~cf ~t~) . .. QR-· o~ as. 0Wt.'ll'f'Of1:he ptCi)Cf\'v.·a-m e.)(clus!veJy c.antri!'ctJng-wrth ltc~~ oontrJrtOfT.lO a uutmO the pr'OJ!:C-1 ($ft. ·1044,nu~lne!... .. and P.rofe'.S·s.ion.s. code: fhe- 1':ot!trac:tor'i llw.nS!-~w doe no\ apptv to l,n.own9rof tJfQpetty who trutldsoritl\P,WWS1;h(!reont 1i1ndtorltraru for-wet, ptojecLS with tontrott,o.ri5) Ii~!'~~ PUf~llilnt lo tfie.CQ1'11r..tt.~r's tiWlM! .IJ.\w). · -08-0 I .im exetnpt under iu~t~s and Pror6,~f Cod!-! Dlv1:ston ~. (itt{fptec.91 Arlitle-3'fcr tl1b reason: .A~--0. 0 Ft\HM J;S.,6+ .,Own~ Dull~, Acknow1edttii'nent and Vorfflclltlwi form" 1, 1-eq:ulnd lot oriy parmlt·•swea re-; prol).erty o.wrre-r~ O'f 'm'/tignaturo ~tcw-1 ac.VnmvlOOge-,Jh.n, fPXE.pl for mY rmnonal tf!\kl1rnr111 ill whklt I mu~t tt,w, t.!!ljd!HI fQrflt leiW. tm~ ye:JF prior to com.pfedon..ol the- 1mp.1~1?1ne.nnc0Ytred bv U,h, permit. I C:J,nnot l_,..pUv t»II il ,uructwe thiil J 1i-,11e b1ttlt :11 an pwne:-builder If n ba~(IDtbettn•ccn~try.i~ed ,n_t~mlrr.rv by-tlceth.~t ""'"•<'•"·'•Mmtarnlt"'1(occpyoftheopplicab(etaw,5,ctlon7JU4-ofth,c/J,Jnn,,,..andP.rofesnQO>~,lsa>Vilu!rltupooreq,,e,twn.ntllfsam,llcntlMU ~ibmltfto<i or Qt th~followin'J )V~ ,tte; htrp:I /WWW, le!l}afo.ca. j~l <nJaw.lttnit. ~ER CERTIF)OA!J():N: TI'!~.appl,c1n\ certl&!s: thou.II ltoP?menb_ ii nit t,l•m tlr-◄tt'/ lllill ~tm1111ly 1bbW .ail effl'lit1& ;:mJ~ed1>ui@ings:SUUCuus, ~r,eg\ food\, a-niJ uUIJ~·~JlltV UU!mtntl, All pt~ modificaflOm.a·nd/ot"-aoditt,c;nt.ilt.edea,jyl~ O(l tne me:pl..nr. -Mv Jl(ltW.ttallv ClBll11' detall whbln th=U pl•M tfi~l.efl' Wllh tilt: •!te plMl a,e ~ilpprnvt1f ~ con,1ruGt1on ;a.nd m•v tm ,eqvi~ to b-9 M~t!d;tl("-fffl!OVCIJ me aw-, il?PmY.4l of ~ ~~• 1, 11as1!d 00 the ~ie lhat tt)e.sVti(httmi docums:nn W p,13m 1~w 1hec UIN!Cf wmemlmi of: th" p<operty; buil~ tuuct.u:res._,,tf \hc!r.l$3ch.frcn'l1)n)perw li,nes..;nd trO(f, CM-MOther; ~ •6Kb/.~~1~a11d ~lllitfp. nil! ~s-Mf ~nd Jlf~ed use.ore~ ~U11dlnfl: .as it1111d k 1,1.1~ and -~_.,. amt1ffl1\ JM ~~11"'b1•t.1ta to dev~e,1,1 h~w be«t atcut.ateiv ihcwn and l:3be!ed as ,llt'.01 ._ .:.tt on:iite gri;:it±ngld1! pr~••tlon► ;,1t il?qlrrM111.U1ttu~d stiniion ""° p;a:m.tY Wl".f'CCOt'l'IPt~d.in Ba't.11'"3n~ Wflh.all tltg%•~~ in otst~ ie lJ ,., of th if ..otl!tuuaiOI', l.irllts) othN'Wf!i" m:.ted, Em,1111 Hi!lldinp6!'oul.!.lljtdts;•gm, 2 /IEV, 04µ2 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-2837) BLDG-Residential 08/08/2022Application Date:Permit Type:Owner: P/M/E 08/10/2022Work Class:Issue Date:Subdivision:CARLSBAD TCT#90-36 UNIT#01 02/15/2023Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 42511 Closed - Finaled 1340 CORVIDAE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4851 Address: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection InspectionActual Start Date 08/19/2022 08/19/2022 BLDG-24 Rough/Topout 189498-2022 Passed Peter Dreibelbis Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-34 Rough Electrical 189613-2022 Passed Peter Dreibelbis Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No 09/26/2022 09/26/2022 BLDG-Final Inspection 192584-2022 Cancelled Chris Renfro Reinspection Incomplete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 09/29/2022 09/29/2022 BLDG-Final Inspection 192910-2022 Cancelled Chris Renfro Reinspection Incomplete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 10/03/2022 10/03/2022 BLDG-Final Inspection 193169-2022 Cancelled Chris Renfro Reinspection Incomplete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 BLDG-Final Inspection 193692-2022 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Tuesday, October 11, 2022 Page 1 of 2 {cityof Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-2837) BLDG-Residential 08/08/2022Application Date:Permit Type:Owner: P/M/E 08/10/2022Work Class:Issue Date:Subdivision:CARLSBAD TCT#90-36 UNIT#01 02/15/2023Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 42511 Closed - Finaled 1340 CORVIDAE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4851 Address: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No.Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection InspectionActual Start Date Tuesday, October 11, 2022 Page 2 of 2