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2017-02-01; Planning Commission; ; EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61
The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. Application complete date: February 1, 2017 P.C. AGENDA OF: February 1, 2017 Project Planner: Teri Delcamp Project Engineer: Tecla Levy SUBJECT: EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14- 34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 — Request for the certification of an Environmental Impact Report, including the approval of Candidate Findings of Fact and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and a recommendation of approval of a General Plan Amendment from R-4 to R-8 (no change to project unit yield) and to adjust the boundaries of the open space and residential land use designations, a Zone Change from One family Residential (R-1) and Open Space to Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) and Open Space (OS) and OS Land Use and zoning for an adjacent 10 acre site as mitigation land, a Local Coastal Program Amendment, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit, Site Development Plan (affordable housing component), Hillside Development Permit and a Habitat Management Plan permit for the development of a 50.8 acre site for a 123-unit single family detached condominium project and construction of the last remaining section of Poinsettia Lane ("Reach E"), all located south of Cassia Road, between the existing western and eastern segments of Poinsettia Lane, and east of Ambrosia Lane within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 21. The project is not within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7224 RECOMMENDING that the City Council CERTIFY the Environmental Impact Report EIR 15-03, including the approval of Candidate Findings of Fact and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7225 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of General Plan Amendment GPA 14-06, Zone Change ZC 14-04 and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 14-06, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution Number 7226 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Carlsbad Tract Map CT 14-10, Planned Development Permit PUD 14-12, Site Development Plan SDP 14-15, Coastal Development Permit CDP 1434, Hillside Development Permit HDP 14-07 and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 14-04 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Lennar Homes of California has submitted an application for the development of a 123-unit single family detached condominium subdivision on 50.8 acres of land generally located south of Cassia Road, between the existing western and eastern segments of Poinsettia Lane, and east of Ambrosia Lane. The site is comprised of gently rolling hills and a canyon in the east, and ranges from approximately 260 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) in the south to approximately 305 feet AMSL in the north. The area of the project site that is proposed to be developed is primarily located within the previously disturbed agricultural area on the easterly and westerly sides of the future extension of Poinsettia Lane midway between Cassia Road and Oriole Court. The project includes construction of the last remaining segment 1 0 EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 2 of Poinsettia Lane and will require a bridge at the eastern portion to span a canyon over an existing habitat wildlife corridor. The southern portion of the project site, comprising approximately 25 acres, would not be developed and would remain as open space. The existing R-4 General Plan Land Use designation is proposed to change to R-8 without increasing the project unit yield to accommodate a clustered single family detached condominium project. The land use change would also adjust the boundaries of the Open Space and residential land use designations on the project site. In addition, a land use and zone change to Open Space is also proposed for an adjacent 10 acre mitigation site. An environmental impact report has been prepared which analyzes the potential impacts to the environment that may be caused by the development of the site. The environmental analysis identified that there are no significant unmitigable environmental impacts. The project's proposed residential density is 6.1 dwelling units per acre. The area to be developed is divided into two development areas located on the easterly and westerly sides of the Poinsettia Lane extension. The eastern development area (noted as Lot 1 on the tentative map) would be developed with 61 detached single family detached condominium units. Two community recreation areas (pool and passive area) are proposed within Lot 1, as well as a recreational vehicle storage area. The western development area (noted as Lot 2) would consist of 62 detached single family detached condominium units and a third community recreation area (tot lot). Access will also be provided in the southwest of Lot 2 to a proposed trail within the SDG&E easement that extends south through the project area. Four different floor plans are proposed for the detached single family condominium homes, ranging in size from 1,745 square feet to 2,718 square feet. One single story floor plan is proposed, and the other three are two-story plans. One of the floor plans provides an alternative layout to include 15 second (accessory) dwelling units that will assist in meeting the project's inclusionary housing requirement. The home exteriors will feature three different architectural styles — Craftsman, Spanish and Tuscan – to ensure a varied yet harmonious architectural theme for the development. The project will also purchase a total of four affordable housing credits to complete the inclusionary housing requirement. Primary access to the proposed development will occur through a full-access intersection on Poinsettia Lane to private streets on both sides. There will also be right-in/right-out secondary accesses on each side of Poinsettia Lane, one a main drive aisle on the east and the other a private street on the west. No access will be provided from Ambrosia Lane. Circulation through the development will occur via the three private streets and one main drive aisle, along with 16 private driveways that each provide access to three to six condominiums. Pedestrian circulation is afforded by sidewalks on both sides of the three private streets and a sidewalk on one side of the main drive aisle that all connect to Poinsettia Lane. There will be sidewalks or a sidewalk and meandering trail on both sides of Poinsettia Lane connecting to existing sidewalks. Turn-outs for bus stops will be provided on both sides of the Poinsettia Lane frontage. Table 1 below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 3 TABLE 1 Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site R-4 Residential/Open Space (OS) R-1 Residential/OS Former Agricultural/Open Space North OS/R-15 Residential OS/Residential Density- Multiple, Qualified Overlay (RD-M-Q) Open Space/Multi-family Residential South R-4/OS R-1/OS Open Space East R-4/OS R-1/OS Open Space/Single-family Residential West R-4/R-23/OS Planned Community (P-C) Multi-family Residential/Single-family Residential/Open Space Table 2 below includes a summary of the project site's gross and net acreage, the number of dwelling units allowed by the General Plan's Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) density for the existing Land Use designation, and the proposed project's number of dwelling units and density. TABLE 2 Gross Acres Net Acres DUs Allowed at GMCP Density DUs Proposed and Project Density Project Site: 50.8 39.88 (of which 20.1 acres will be developed for residential) Existing R-4 Land Use: 128 (3.2 du/ac based on 39.88 net acres) Proposed R-8 Land Use: 123 units (6.1 du/ac based on 20.1 acres to be developed for residential)* *With the clustering of development on the northern portion of the property, the land use is proposed to be changed to reflect the density of the project design. However, the proposed number of units is five fewer than was anticipated and would be allowed under the existing land use. Therefore, five dwelling units will be deposited into the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. In addition, the two parcels that comprise the mitigation site currently have a land use designation of R-4 and Open Space. The parcels represent 4.37 net acres of developable land, and would allow for 14 units of residential development based on the GMCP for the R-4 land use designation. The change in land use designation and conservation of the entire site as Open Space voids potential development on these parcels. Therefore, an additional 14 dwelling units will be deposited into the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank for these mitigation parcels. The project will require the following discretionary actions: Certification of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 15-03) The project EIR constitutes all environmental review required for the approval of the General Plan Amendment and all related discretionary applications. General Plan Amendment (GPA 14-06) An amendment to the Land Use and Community Design Element is required for the change in land use from Residential 4 (R-4) to R-8, to adjust boundaries between residential and open spaces areas, and to designate Open Space (OS) on-site and for off-site mitigation land areas. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 4 Zone Change (ZC 14-04) A zone change is required to change the zone from R-1 to Residential Density-Multiple (RD- M) and OS on-site and for off-site mitigation land areas. Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 14-06) A LCPA is required to amend the LCP Land Use and Zoning maps to be consistent with the proposed General Plan and Zoning Amendments and maps. The LCPA will require action and approval by the California Coastal Commission. Vesting Tentative Tract Map (CT 14-10) A Vesting Tentative Tract Map has been filed concurrently for the creation of two residential condominium lots (with 123 units), six HOA lots, and two dedicated open space lots. Planned Development Permit (PUD 14-12) A Planned Development Permit for individual ownership of and subdivision of the residential areas with private streets. Site Development Plan (SDP 14-15) A Site Development Plan permit for the Affordable Housing component of the project. Coastal Development Permit (CDP 14-34) A Coastal Development Permit to construct the project within the Mello II Segment of the City's Local Coastal Program. Hillside Development Permit (HDP 14-07) A Hillside Development Permit to allow grading of existing slopes greater than 15 feet in height and 15% in slope that complies with the City's Hillside Development ordinance standards and policies. Habitat Management Plan Permit (HMP 14-04) and Consistency Findings A Habitat Management Plan Permit for impacts to sensitive biological resources, conversion of a HMP Standards Area to a Hardline Preserve Area, and a Minor Amendment to the City's HMP through Consistency Findings. III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards as analyzed within the following section of this staff report: A. General Plan Residential R-8 and Open Space Land Use Designations; B. Residential Density-Multiple Zone and Planned Development Ordinance (Chapters 21.24 and 21.45 of the Municipal Code); C. Subdivision Ordinance, Title 20 of the Municipal Code; D. Local Coastal Program (Mello II Segment); E. Site Development Plans, Chapter 21.53 (Affordable Housing) and Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Chapter 21.85) of the Municipal Code; F. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95) of the Municipal Code EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 5 G. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (Chapter 21.201) of the Municipal Code; H. McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP); and I. Growth Management, Chapter 21.90 of the Municipal Code - Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 21. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. General Plan The General Plan Amendment (GPA) will modify and reconfigure the land use designations of the property. The existing Residential R-4 designation will be removed from the project site. For the portion of the project site proposed to be developed, the R-4 designation will be replaced with the R-8 designation. The remainder of the project site currently designated as R-4 will be replaced with the Open Space (OS) land use designation. In addition, the R-4 designation on portions of the two adjacent, off-site mitigation parcels to the southeast of the project site will be replaced so that the entirety of both parcels are designated OS. Approximately 25.1 acres of the project site would be designated as open space as a result of the GPA. The project complies with Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table 3 below. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 6 TABLE 3— GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE Land Use and Community Design Element Goal, Policy Project Consistency Land Use Goal 2-G.1: Maintain a land use program with amount, design and arrangement of varied uses that serve to protect and enhance the character and image of the city as expressed in the Carlsbad Community Vision, and balance development with preservation and enhancement of open space. The proposed project changes the R-4 land use designation to R-8 for the portion of the project site proposed for development. This allows development to be clustered and the remainder of the project site to be designated as open space (OS). The northern portion of the project site would be developed with 123 detached single- family residential units which is below the GMCP for the existing land use designation. The proposed 123 units on approximately 20.1 developable acres equates to a density of approximately 6.1 dwelling units per acre. This density is consistent with the R-8 General Plan land use designation which is why the project proposes to change the land use to the R-8 designation. Pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, the project would include 15 on-site accessory dwelling units attached to the main home and featuring a separate private entrance, bedroom, bathroom, laundry, eat-in kitchenette and living room. Approximately 25.1 acres of the project site will be recorded as open space lots and conserved as permanent open space. Land Use Goal 2-G.2: Promote a diversity of compatible land uses throughout the city, to enable people to live close to job locations, adequate and convenient commercial services, and public support systems such as transit, parks, schools, and utilities. The proposed project provides residential uses that would complement existing residential development located to the north, west, and southeast. The proposed project includes residential development in a location that is central to urban land uses and services, including nearby community retail shopping center, Carlsbad City Library, elementary and middle schools, and parks. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 7 Land Use and Community Design Element, continued Goal, Policy Project Consistency Land Use Goal 2-G.4: Provide balanced neighborhoods with a variety of housing types and density ranges to meet the diverse demographic, economic and social needs of residents, while ensuring a cohesive urban form with careful regard for compatibility. The proposed project provides residential uses that would complement existing residential development located to the north, west, and southeast. The northern portion of the project site would be developed with 123 detached single-family residential condominium units, at a density of approximately 6.1 dwelling units per acre that is consistent with the proposed R-8 General Plan land use designation. The proposed residential units would be constructed in four different floor plans ranging from 1,745 square feet to 2,718 square feet in size, and featuring three architectural styles. To comply with the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, 15 of the homes will include an accessory dwelling unit attached to the main home. The project therefore provides housing types to meet the diverse demographic, economic and social needs of residents in a cohesively designed community. Goal 2-G.15: Support agricultural uses throughout the city while planning for the transition of agriculture to other uses. The proposed project would convert approximately 20 acres of land designated as Unique Farmland to non-agricultural use. This is considered a significant impact and would require mitigation. A mitigation measure requires the payment of the Habitat Management Plan mitigation fee for the loss of disturbed lands. This mitigation measure reduces the impact to a less than significant level and allows the site to transition from agriculture to a residential use. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 8 Land Use and Community Design Element, continued Goal, Policy Project Consistency Goal 2-G.18: Ensure that new development fosters a sense of community and is designed with the focus on residents, including children, disabled and the elderly, by providing: safe, pedestrian-friendly, tree-lined streets; walkways to common destinations such as schools, bikeways, trails, parks and stores; that exhibit visual diversity, pedestrian-scale and prominence to the street; central gathering places; and recreation amenities for a variety of age groups. The proposed project includes residential development in a location that is central to urban land uses and services, including nearby community retail the shopping center, Carlsbad City Library, elementary and middle schools, and parks. The extension of Poinsettia Lane would improve the connectivity of the residential communities located on both current termini of homes Poinsettia Lane. Poinsettia Lane within the project site would be constructed with two lanes in each direction, bike lanes, a trail on the eastbound side and a sidewalk on the westbound side. Additionally, a 15-foot wide pedestrian trail easement is planned within the existing SDG&E easement. This improved pedestrian network would encourage pedestrian activity within the project site and to nearby uses and services. The project provides its own common and private amenities for a variety of age groups in two active and one passive recreational areas. Policy 2-P.44: Encourage clustering of development to preserve natural terrain and maximize open space areas around developments. The project site is approximately 50.8 acres in size. The area proposed to be developed is the previously disturbed agricultural area on the easterly and westerly side of the future extension of Poinsettia Lane. The change in land use to R-8 allows for a planned unit development of detached single family condominiums that are clustered to maximize and preserve open space areas around the development. Approximately 25.1 acres of the project site will be recorded as open space lots and conserved as permanent open space. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 9 2013-2021 Housing Element Goal, Policy Project Consistency Goal 10-G.2: New housing developed with diversity of types, prices, tenures, densities, and locations, and in sufficient quantity to meet the demand of anticipated city and regional growth. Per CMC Section 21.85.030, a project is required to provide 15 percent of the total units as affordable units. The change in land use designation and zoning in conjunction with the project does not result in an increase in unit yield. The proposed project would provide a diversity of housing. The northern portion of the project site would be developed with 123 detached single- family residential condominium units. The proposed residential units would be constructed in four different floor plans ranging from 1,745 square feet to 2,718 square feet in size, and featuring three architectural styles. To comply with the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, 15 of the homes will include an accessory dwelling unit attached to the main home. The 15 accessory dwelling units will feature a separate private entrance, bedroom, bathroom, laundry, eat-in kitchenette and living room. Because the project is required to provide 15 percent of the total units as affordable units, and the 15 accessory dwelling units account for 12 percent, the additional three percent (4 units) will be provided through the purchase of affordable housing credits in the southwest quadrant of the city. Policy 10-P.15: Pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, require affordability for lower income households of a minimum 15 percent of all residential ownership and qualifying rental projects. For projects that are required to include 10 or more units affordable to lower income households, at least 10 percent of the lower income units should have three or more bedrooms (lower income senior housing projects exempt). Policy 10-P.19: Address the unmet housing needs of the community through new development and housing that is set aside for lower and moderate income households consistent with priorities set by the Housing and Neighborhood Services Division, in collaboration with the Planning Division, as set forth in the city's Consolidated Plan. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 10 Mobility Element Goal, Policy Project Consistency Goal 3-G.1: Keep Carlsbad moving with livable streets that provide a safe, balanced, cost- effective, multi-modal transportation system (vehicles, pedestrians, bikes, transit), accommodating the mobility needs of all community members, including children, the elderly and the disabled. The proposed project includes residential development in a location that is central to urban land uses and services, including nearby community retail shopping center, Carlsbad City Library, elementary and middle schools, and parks. The extension of Poinsettia Lane would improve the connectivity of the residential communities located on both current termini of Poinsettia Lane. The project's internal circulation will connect to the existing circulation system by completing the last remaining section of Poinsettia Lane ("Reach E"). The main entry into the development will be via a full-access intersection. The main internal streets and drive aisle will provide safe sidewalk access to Poinsettia Lane. Poinsettia Lane within the development will have a sidewalk on one side and a decomposed granite trail on the other side that will connect to the existing sidewalks on the current termini of Poinsettia Lane. A trail will also be provided within the SDG&E easement extending south through the project. Bus turnouts are provided within the project frontage on the eastbound and westbound sides of Poinsettia Lane. The project will be appropriately landscaped to invite and encourage pedestrian activity along Poinsettia Lane. Goal 3-G.2: Improve connectivity for residents, visitors and businesses. Goal 3-G.3: Provide inviting streetscapes that encourage walking and promote livable streets. Policy 3-P.21: Implement connections and improvements identified in the Mobility Element, including those identified in Policy 3-P.19, as well as: Extension of College Boulevard from Cannon Road to El Camino Real; Completion of the Poinsettia Lane connection near El Camino Real (Reach E); Extension of Camino Juniper to the eastern city boundary; A bicycle/pedestrian trail/pathway connecting the eastern terminus of Marron Road to the east; A bicycle/pedestrian trail/pathway connecting the eastern terminus of Cannon Road to the east, and coordination with adjacent agencies to appropriately link their facilities. As part of the development of the project site, the last remaining section of Poinsettia Lane ("Reach E"), one of the City's most important transportation linkages, will be constructed and completed. Reach E of Poinsettia Lane is approximately 1,600 linear feet and would be constructed within the project site to its full width. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 11 Mobility Element, continued Goal, Policy Project Consistency Policy 3-P.25: Implement the projects recommended in the pedestrians, trails and bicycle master plans through the city's capital improvement program, private development conditions and other appropriate mechanisms. The City is proposing a 15-foot wide trail easement within the existing 100-foot SDG&E easement that traverses the project site. This trail is designated as a future unpaved trail per the City's Pedestrian Master Plan (2008). Under existing conditions, the bike lane on Poinsettia Lane begins on Carlsbad Boulevard and ends at Cassia Road (western terminus of Poinsettia Lane). The bike lane continues again on Poinsettia Lane from Skimmer Court (eastern terminus of Poinsettia Lane) to Melrose Drive. Implementation of the proposed project would close this current gap and increase connectivity to the existing bicycle network. When the Poinsettia Lane extension is completed, the bike lane on Poinsettia Lane would connect from Carlsbad Boulevard to Melrose Drive. Noise Element Goal, Policy Project Consistency Goal 5-G.1: Protect public health and welfare by eliminating existing noise problems where feasible, maintaining an acceptable indoor and outdoor acoustic environment, and preventing significant degradation of the acoustic environment. Project-related traffic noise would not have any significant noise impacts to off-site land uses. With installation of a 6-foot high wall along Poinsettia Lane, all outdoor active use areas would not be exposed to traffic noise levels exceeding the City's 60 dBA CNEL exterior noise standard for residential uses. All on- site residential buildings/structures that are directly adjacent to Poinsettia Lane would require mechanical ventilation systems to meet the 45 dBA CNEL interior noise standard for noise-sensitive uses. Goal 5-G.2: Ensure that new development is compatible with the noise environment, by continuing to use potential noise exposure as a criterion in land use planning. Goal 5-G.3: Guide the location and design of transportation facilities, industrial uses and other potential noise generators to minimize the effects of noise on adjacent land uses. Goal 5-G.4: Ensure long-term compatibility between the airport and surrounding land use. The project site is located outside (and to the south) of the 60 dBA CNEL noise contours generated by typical McClellan-Palomar Airport operations, but is located within the Airport Overflight Notification Area (Review Area 1) for Palomar Airport. The ALUCP requires that all new residential projects located within the overflight notification area record a notice informing future residents that the property is subject to overflight, sight and sound of aircraft operating from the airport. A project mitigation measure requires recordation of an aircraft overflight notice, and ensures that impacts associated with intermittent airport overflights remain less than significant. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 12 Public Safety Element Goal, Policy Project Consistency Goal 6-G.1: Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from fire, flood, hazardous material release, or seismic disasters. The project site is located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. The City has adopted the City of Carlsbad Emergency Plan, which addresses the City's planned response to extraordinary emergency situations. The City's plan identifies certain open space areas and public buildings to serve as emergency shelters when residents must be relocated. The project is located in proximity to El Camino Real, which is designated as an emergency access or emergency evacuation route under the City's Emergency Plan. Completing Reach E of Poinsettia Lane improves emergency access and evacuation routes in the area. The project site is within the five minute response time of Fire Station 2, located less than one mile southeast of the project site, and Fire Station No. 4, located approximately 1.4 miles west of the project site. In accordance with the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual and fire department requirements, a Conceptual Fire Protection Plan is required when a proposed project contains or is bounded by hazardous vegetation and/or within an area bounded by a Very High Hazard Severity Zone. A Conceptual Fire Protection Plan has been prepared for the project to demonstrate how the proposed project will conform to the policies and requirements of the Landscape Manual, particularly the Fire Policies and Fire Protection Requirements. The plan includes written and graphic illustrations of fire hydrant locations, rear yard setbacks, fuel modification zones, emergency/maintenance access, maintenance responsibility and schedule of frequency, any other project modification to protect the development from fire hazards, and street widths. 60 foot fire fuel modification zones are provided for both manufactured slope areas and native slope areas. Adherence to the Conceptual Fire Protection Plan, which includes the fuel modification zones, would ensure the potential fire hazard remains at a less than significant level. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 13 Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element Goal, Policy Project Consistency Goal 4-G.1: Develop a balanced and integrated open space system reflecting a variety of considerations – resource conservation, production of resources, recreation and aesthetic and community identity – and ensuring synergies between various open space components and compatibility with land use planning. Approximately 25.1 acres of the project site will be recorded as open space lots and will be conserved as permanent open space. Goal 4-G.3: Protect environmentally sensitive lands, wildlife habitats, and rare, threatened or endangered plant and animal communities. Implementation of the proposed project has the potential to result in direct and indirect impacts to sensitive vegetation communities, special status wildlife species, and special-status plant species. However, implementation of mitigation measures would reduce impacts to less than significant levels. Mitigation includes the recordation of a conservation easement and implementation of: an approved Preserve Management Plan for 25.1 acres of on-site open space; an on-site habitat restoration plan totaling 7.8 acres; an onsite Post-fire Habitat Recovery Stewardship Plan; a Contractor Education Program and biological construction monitoring; City review of project design features to minimize indirect impacts; and avoidance of habitat clearing and reduction of construction noise during the breeding season. The project will also preserve 10 acres of off-site habitat as permanent open space. Policy 4-P.9: Maintain and implement the city's Habitat Management Plan (HMP), including the requirement that all development projects comply with the HMP and related documents. Require assessments of biological resources prior to approval of any development on sites with sensitive habitat. The site is identified as a "Standards Area" in the HMP. The project would convert the properties from a Standards Area to a Hardline Area based on Consistency Findings in Section E-38 of the HMP. The project maintains conformance with HMP standards including provisions for habitat connectivity and wildlife movement through the area, avoidance of impacts to wetlands, and implementation of minimum buffer widths. The proposed project is not in conformance with HMP standards that limit residential development to the western half of the northern parcel. This exception was discussed with the resource agencies and a number of alternatives were developed and analyzed at their request. The analysis indicates that the proposed project meets all of the objectives of the HMP and LCP and that a further reduction in the amount of residential development would not provide meaningful biological benefits and would not be economically feasible. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 14 Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element, continued Goal, Policy Project Consistency Policy 4-P.15: Maintain functional wildlife corridors and habitat linkage in order to contribute to regional biodiversity and the viability of rare, unique or sensitive biological resources throughout the city. The proposed project would improve the habitat linkage in this area. A minimum 500-foot-wide- east-west corridor is proposed within the project open space, south of Poinsettia Lane. The Poinsettia Lane Bridge span is the maximum length to feasibly construct the road based on available and projected funding. The bridge span is sufficient in length to allow for movement of all wildlife species that occur in the area. A 300-foot constriction north of Poinsettia Lane is allowed because it preserves the natural topography of the canyon and is sufficient to connect habitats through this region. Policy 4-P.18: Require that, at the time of any discretionary approval, any land identified as open space for its habitat or scenic value shall have an appropriate easement and/or land use and zoning designation placed on it for resource protection. Approximately 25.1 acres of the project site will be recorded as open space lots and will be conserved as permanent open space. The project will apply Open Space land use and zoning designations to the conserved open space lots for resource protection. In addition, the project will preserve 10 acres of off- site habitat as permanent open space. Sustainability Element Goal, Policy Project Consistency Policy 9-P.1: Enforce the Climate Action Plan (CAP) as the city's strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The project implements and is consistent with measures identified in the CAP through the provision of renewable energy generation (photo- voltaic (PV) systems on rooftops), energy conservation (Green Building Code), LED or similarly efficient project lighting, solar water heating as part of the residential PV rooftop systems, accommodating Zero-Emission vehicles, and other greenhouse gas reduction measures and features. B. Residential Density-Multiple Zone and Planned Development Ordinance The proposal is to create an eight-lot residential development (two lots for residential development and six homeowners association (HOA) lots) in addition to the two open spaces lots that will be part of the HMP Preserve. The residential lots will share access and necessitate that a Planned Development Permit be processed to supplement the proposed Vesting Tentative Map (CT 14-10). The 123 detached condominium homes will have exclusive use easements for the private yards. They will share private street and common drive aisle access, parking areas, recreation areas, RV storage and landscaped areas, which will be commonly maintained by the HOA. The proposed project is required to comply with all applicable use and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) including the Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) Zone (CMC. Chapter 21.24) and Planned Developments (CMC. Chapter 21.45). EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 15 The 123 detached single family residential condominium unit project meets or exceeds the requirements of the RD-M Zone. The Planned Development regulations provide most of the development standards with the exception of those RD-M standards listed in Table 4 below. TABLE 4— RD-M COMPLIANCE RD-M Standards Required Proposed Comply Lot Area 6,000 sf 6.7 acres Yes Lot Width 60' 600' Yes The project is in compliance with all applicable development standards and City Council Policies for Planned Developments. The compliance tables, Tables C and E of the Planned Development regulations and City Council Policies 44 and 66, are included in Attachment 4. C. Subdivision Ordinance, Title 20 of the Municipal Code The project necessitates the processing of a Tentative Tract Map because it involves the subdivision of more than five lots by creating 10 individual lots and 123 individually owned detached condominium homes with exclusive use easements for the private yards. The applicant has requested a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (CT 14-10). A Residential Planned Development Permit (PUD 14-12) accompanies this application for the condominium units. The Land Development Engineering Division has reviewed the proposed Tentative Tract Map and has found that the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20) for Tentative Tract Maps. The project has been conditioned to install all infrastructure-related improvements and the necessary easements for these improvements concurrent with the development. D. Local Coastal Program and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay The project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, but is not within the appealable jurisdiction of the California Coastal Commission. However, the project's LCPA requires approval by the Coastal Commission after city approvals are obtained. The development area of the project site is proposed to have a Local Coastal Program Land Use designation of Residential (R-8) and zoning of Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) consistent with the proposed General Plan Land Use designation and Zoning for the site. The site is also located within and subject to the Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone. A six week notice of intent of a land use change in the Coastal Zone was filed with the California Coastal Commission and ran from December 11, 2015, to January 22, 2016. The project's compliance with each of the applicable Coastal Program policies programs and ordinances is discussed below. One of the primary requirements of the applicable coastal regulations pertains to the conversion of agricultural land to urban use. The property is not identified as an active "Map X - Designated Coastal Agricultural Lands" site. However, as noted above, the project will need to pay a HMP mitigation fee for the loss of 20 acres of Unique Farmland which is considered disturbed lands under the HMP. Hillside grading and geological stability are other areas of coastal regulations that are applicable to the project. Hillside grading within the Coastal Zone is discussed later in this report. The project's geotechnical report indicates that some areas of the property are subject to potential expansive soils, unstable geologic units and liquefaction, and landslides. Mitigation measures require adherence to the recommendations of the project's geotechnical report which include the following to address each of these areas of concern: EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 16 Expansive soils: Removal of the upper two to four feet of clayey soil and replacement with a very low expansion sandy material (El<20) and additional expansion index testing during mass grading of the site. Unstable geologic units and liquefaction: Complete removal of the loose, compressible undocumented fill and alluvial soils and replacement with compacted fill. Landslides: Buttressing excavations, keyways, liners and subdrains, and landscaping for slope stability. With the above mitigation measures, the project adequately addresses regulations of the Coastal Act. The project is consistent with other policies of the Coastal Act in that a) the project has been designed to reduce the amount of runoff off-site through the use of Low Impact Development (LID) design features and has been conditioned to implement the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards; b) the project does not preclude any recreational opportunities or shoreline access as the property is not located adjacent to any waterways or bodies of water; and c) the development does not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public rights-of-way. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203) in that the project will adhere to the City's Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban run-off, pollutants and soil erosion. Limited development, less than five percent, is proposed on natural steep slopes (≥25 percent gradient) and justification has been provided for the proposed grading volumes as discussed later in this report. Habitat impacted by the project is being mitigated according to the mitigation standards of the Habitat Management Plan. In addition, the site is not located in an area susceptible to accelerated erosion or floods and the discussion above addresses the requirements of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone related to geologic stability. E. Site Development Plan and Inclusionary Housing Ordinance The proposed project involves the creation of 123 residential units through a subdivision and, therefore, must provide affordable housing to lower-income households as specified in the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Chapter 21.85 of the Zoning Ordinance). A Site Development Plan (SDP) is required for inclusionary housing projects. For residential development of seven or more units, not less than fifteen percent of the total units approved shall be constructed and restricted both as to occupancy and affordability to lower-income households. Therefore, the project is responsible for providing 19 inclusionary units. To satisfy this requirement, the applicant proposes to build secondary (accessory) dwelling units integrated with 15 of the Plan 4 homes. A maximum of 15 accessory dwelling units are allowed to meet inclusionary housing requirements, so the applicant will purchase credits for the remaining four inclusionary units. Based on feedback and direction from the city's Housing Policy Team, the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director has recommended approval of the developer’s request to include 15 accessory (second) dwelling units within the development to satisfy the city’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, subject to an accessory unit floor plan layout as detailed in the proposed conditions of approval. To meet the condition, the inclusionary unit floor plan will be designed as a modification of the NextGen unit currently shown on the project plans. However, for clarification, the NextGen unit as currently shown on the project plans will not count toward the project’s inclusionary housing requirement (15 units) but would be an available option for the rest of the Plan 4 homebuyers. The project meets all necessary findings for approval of the SDP. The applicant has been conditioned to satisfy the inclusionary housing requirement for lower-income households by entering into an Affordable Housing Agreement prior to final map approval. By entering into the agreement prior to final map approval, the applicant is providing its fair share of housing affordable to lower income households, and therefore is consistent with the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 17 F. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95) of the Municipal Code The project site exhibits a change in grade elevation greater than 15 feet and slopes greater than 15 percent, and therefore requires a Hillside Development Permit. In addition, development on natural slopes of 25 percent or greater within the Coastal Zone needs to meet additional requirements. The project meets requirements of the Hillside Development Regulations and has provided findings to justify the proposed grading volume which is considered to be potentially unacceptable. Hillside conditions of the project have been properly identified on the constraints map, which show existing and proposed conditions and slope percentages. Coastal Zone Hillside Development Regulations (CMC 21.95.140(A)) The project contains existing natural slopes of 25 percent or greater and is subject to the applicable requirements for development in the Coastal Zone (CMC 21.203.040). The intent of these requirements is to preserve steep (greater than 25 percent) natural slopes and vegetation. A development constraints exhibit has been prepared for the project showing the areas of steep slopes and habitat areas. Grading and construction of streets in the city's Mobility Element are exempt from this policy per CMC Section 21.95.150(B)), so it does not apply to the grading and construction of the Poinsettia Lane extension. Impacts to natural slopes from the residential development are subject to the Coastal Zone policy to preserve steep slopes, unless the application of the policy would preclude reasonable use of the property or the encroachments would preserve natural habitat per the HMP, and the required amount of area to be preserved could not be achieved by strict adherence to the policy. In addition, those remaining slopes and habitat areas outside of the development are to be placed in a permanent open space easement. The project's biological resources report documents that the clustering of the development in the northern portion of the project site results in a higher percentage of preserved habitat, and better preserves and maintains wildlife corridor linkages. Development of Natural Slopes of 40% Gradient (CMC 21.95.140(B)) Development shall not occur on natural slopes which exhibit all of the following characteristics: 1. A gradient of greater than 40%; and 2. An elevation differential of greater than 15 feet; and 3. A minimum area of 10,000 square feet; and 4. The slope comprises a prominent land form feature. There are natural slopes on the site that possess slopes with a gradient greater than 40%, an elevation differential of greater than 15 feet, and are greater than 10,000 square feet in area. However, the slopes that will be graded do not comprise prominent land form features. Moreover, the majority of the slopes over 40% are in the southern portion of the project site that will be preserved as open space. Some small portions of the site to be developed are over 40% but do not meet all of the above criteria and are enveloped in primarily lower gradient slopes. Therefore the slopes may be developed. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 18 Development of Manufactured Slopes Over Forty Percent Gradient and Greater than 20 Feet in Height (CM. 21.95.140(C) and (F)(1)) The project includes manufactured slopes that are over 40 percent gradient and greater than 20 feet in height. These are located along perimeter property lines, primarily downhill slopes along the southerly edge of Lot 1 north of the existing riparian habitat areas that are required to be preserved and buffered, and uphill slopes along the northerly edge of Lot 1. These slopes are designed with single or two terraced planted gravity walls, or mechanically stabilized earth walls. For the most part, these walls comply with the maximum six foot height limit, but a small section of the southerly wall reaches heights of eight to 12 feet. The proposed grading volume (9,648 cubic yards/acre) also falls within the potentially acceptable level, rather than the acceptable level, per CMC Section 21.195.140(D). The manufactured slopes that are over 20 feet in height are contour graded so that they either follow the topography and buffer line of the riparian area to the south or transition the development to existing slopes to the north of the project. The applicant has justified the reasons for the proposed grading volume to the satisfaction of the City Planner and the City Engineer. The reasons are discussed in the Habitat Management Plan section below. Exclusions for Circulation Element Roadway (CMC Section 21.95.150(B)) Within the coastal zone, grading and construction of circulation element roadways are excluded from CMC Section 21.203.040(A)(1). Thus, the development of Poinsettia Lane Reach E is excluded from the requirements to preserve steep slopes and vegetation. Encroachments for Habitat Preservation (CMC Section 21.95.160(E)) Within the Coastal Zone, encroachments may be approved to slopes of 25 percent and greater in order to preserve natural habitats as required by the HMP and in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.203, provided that the required amount of preservation could not be achieved by strict adherence to the requirements of Sections 21.95.140(A) or (B) of the Hillside Development Ordinance. As discussed in the next section, the applicant has demonstrated that the required amount of habitat preservation could not be achieved by strict adherence to these requirements. G. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements The project occurs within a potential habitat linkage and wildlife corridor situated north to south along the eastern portion of the property. In addition, the project will impact 6.3 acres of southern maritime chaparral and disturbed southern maritime chaparral (Habitat Group B) as well as approximately 20 acres of agricultural and disturbed lands (Habitat Group F). As such, the project is subject to the Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (CMC Chapter 21.210) as well as parcel-specific standards in the Mello II Segment of the LCP. The project also proposes conversion of a HMP Standards Area to a Hardline Preserve area, which is defined as a minor amendment to the HMP. Approximately 80 percent of the residential development would occur in existing agricultural and disturbed areas. The LCP states that development for the existing most northerly parcel (APN 215- 020-07) should be clustered on the "western half” of the property, assumed to mean 50 percent of this parcel. The other lots in the project site are intended by the LCP to be developed on the westerly 25 percent. Essentially, these requirements would shift development to the west and extend it south into existing open space, effectively blocking a wildlife corridor linkage, and would preserve the eastern half of already disturbed agricultural land. EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 19 The project instead clusters proposed development primarily in the northerly parcel from west to east, and will preserve and add the southerly open space and wildlife corridor to the Habitat Preserve. The project also includes a span bridge design for Poinsettia Lane that preserves and enhances wildlife and habitat connectivity. Under strict adherence to HMP requirements, a culvert would be required instead of a span bridge, and would result in increased impacts to native habitat on the order of 5 acres. In addition, a more compliant alternative would create additional development edges next to preserve open space. Although the bridge would constrain the wildlife corridor somewhat in a "pinchpoint" width of 272 feet, the corridor would still be 300 feet wide at the northern end and expand to 1,000 feet wide south of the project site. The existing width in the location of the bridge is currently less than 100 feet due to the existing agricultural use of the site in this location. The project would restore over 200 feet of this area and create a viable habitat linkage. The biological resources report states that habitat linkage constrictions of 300-400 feet are common within San Diego County regional conservation plans and limited to no more than a 500-foot length. The proposed project falls within these thresholds and, given the small size of the habitat preserves that this project connects with, such a constriction would not reduce regional conservation value. The project is designed to implement the purpose and intent of the HMP and LCP development restrictions and guidelines. The project will fully mitigate impacts to southern maritime chaparral on-site as well as off-site locations in adjacent parcels to the southeast, at Veteran's Park and Aviara Park as described in the project's biological report. The overall function of the Habitat Preserve will be enhanced by the proposed clustered development layout. In particular, the requirement for a 500-foot east – west corridor through the zone can only be achieved by the proposed clustering of development. The strict interpretation of the HMP and LCP standards would create development along the entire western boundary of the project, eliminating an east – west habitat linkage. The proposed project is in compliance with HMP and LCP standards with the exception that residential development is not restricted only to the western portions of the lots within the project boundary. This single exception has been discussed with the resource agencies and a number of alternatives were developed and analyzed at their request. The analysis indicated that the proposed project meets all of the objectives of the HMP and LCP, and that a further reduction in the amount of residential development would not provide meaningful biological benefits and would not be economically feasible. Additional findings are required by Section 21.210.080 for the HMP minor amendment and are included in the resolution. The HMP amendment to convert a Standards Area to a Hardline Area is subject to a Finding of Consistency by the resource agencies. The city and applicant are working with the resource agencies to resolve minor revisions to the details of the HMP preservation plan and report in order to obtain final confirmation of a Finding of Consistency for the project prior to consideration by the City Council. H. McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) The proposed project falls within the boundaries of the McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP). The ALUCP was amended on December 1, 2011, and all projects within its boundary are required to be reviewed for consistency with its goals and policies. The ALUCP identifies four types of airport impacts that must be considered for each development: Noise, Safety, Airspace Protection, and Overflight. Based on a review of the ALUCP, the project site is located in Safety Zone 6 within the airport influence area (AIA) of the McClellan Palomar Airport (San Diego County Regional Airport Authority - SDCRAA 2011). Additionally, the project site is located within the ALUCP's Airport Overflight Notification Area and Review Area 1 of the AIA (SDCRAA 2011). EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 20 On September 26, 2016, the ALUC determined that the proposed project is consistent with the McClellan- Palomar ALUCP. Based on the ALUC's consideration of four compatibility factors and their associated policy objectives as they relate to noise, safety, airspace protection, and overflight, the following summarizes the ALUC's consistency determination as it relates to each of these factors: 1. Based on a review of Exhibit III-1 from the ALUCP (2011), the project site is located to the south of the 60 dBA CNEL noise contour and the ALUCP identifies all uses located outside the 60 dB CNEL noise contour as compatible with airport uses. 2. According to Policy 3.4.4(e) of the ALUCP (2011), residential development is compatible with Safety Zone 6. 3. The proposed project is in compliance with the ALUCP airspace protection surfaces because a determination of no hazard to air navigation has been issued by the FAA. 4. The project site is located within the Airport Overflight Notification Area (Review Area 1) of the AIA for the airport. Residential properties located in an overflight notification area may be subject to some of the annoyances or inconveniences associated with their proximity to airport operations, and therefore the project will be required to record an overflight notification for the project site area. I. Growth Management - Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 21 The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 21 in the southwest quadrant of the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table 5 below. TABLE 5— GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration 435 sq. ft. Yes Library 232 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 123 EDUs Yes Parks 0.87 acre Yes Drainage 154 cfs; Drainage Basin D Yes Circulation 1,230 ADT Yes Fire Station No. 2 Yes Open Space 35 acres provided on- and off-site Yes Schools Carlsbad (E=43.49/M=12.74/HS = 11.79) Yes Sewer Collection System 123 EDUs Yes Water 67,650 GPD Yes A constraints analysis of the 50.8 acre project site indicates that there are 39.88 net developable acres. Applying the project's existing General Plan Land Use designation of R-4 (0-4 dwelling units per acre and a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 3.2 dwelling units) to the 39.88 acres would allow for 128 dwelling units on the site. As discussed previously, the land use is proposed to be changed to reflect the clustering and resulting density of development on the northern portion of the property. The project proposes 123 dwelling units, which is consistent with the R-8 Land Use designation and is five fewer units than could have been developed under the existing land use. Therefore, five dwelling units will be deposited into the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank (EDUB). In addition, the two parcels that comprise the mitigation site represent 4.37 net acres of developable land that could allow for 14 units of residential development based on the GMCP. The change in land EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 21 use designation and conservation of the entire mitigation site as Open Space voids potential development on these parcels, so a further 14 dwelling units will be deposited into the EDUB for the mitigation parcels. Therefore, the project will deposit a total of 19 dwelling units into the EDUB for the Southwest Quadrant. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the Poinsettia 61 project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines, and the Environmental Protection Procedures (Title 19) of the CMC. The EIR addresses the environmental impacts associated with all discretionary applications for the proposed project, including development of the project. City staff issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on January 22, 2016, and on March 1, 2016. The NOP was distributed to all Responsible and Trustee Agencies, as well as other agencies, and members of the public. Staff scheduled a public scoping meeting in order to increase opportunities for public input. Notices of the scoping meeting were sent to all property owners within a 600-foot radius of the project boundaries as well as being published in the San Diego Union Tribune. The public scoping meeting took place on February 11, 2016, at the Faraday Center. At the scoping session, the public was invited to comment on the scope and content of the EIR. Written responses were received and these comments were taken into consideration prior to developing a detailed scope of work for the EIR and are published in the Introduction chapter of the EIR. The main comments submitted on the NOP during the public review and comment period were directed towards potential traffic and noise impacts on existing residential neighborhoods, and consistency with the Habitat Management Plan. The Poinsettia 61 project EIR analyzed the following areas of potential environmental impact: Aesthetics Agriculture and Forestry Resources Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology and Soils Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Climate Change Hazards and Hazardous Materials Hydrology and Water Quality Land Use and Planning Noise Population and Housing Public Services Transportation and Traffic Utilities and Service Systems Following consideration of the public and agency comments submitted on the NOP, it was determined that the proposed project would not result in a significant impact to the following environmental topics: Mineral Resources Recreation EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 — POINSETTIA 61 February 1, 2017 Page 22 Additionally, the Draft EIR includes other sections required by CEQA including an Executive Summary, Project Description, Cumulative Effects, Effects Found Not to Be Significant, and Growth Inducing Effects and Alternatives. Three alternatives are considered in the EIR. The alternatives include the "no project/no development" alternative, a "Poinsettia Lane only" alternative, and a "reduced site" alternative. On October 31, 2016, the Draft EIR was published and the City notified interested Responsible and Trustee Agencies, as well as other interested agencies. The "Notice of Completion" (NOC) commenced an initial 45-day public review and comment period expiring on December 15, 2016. The NOC advised that the Draft EIR was available for review at four locations: City of Carlsbad Planning Division; the City Clerk's Office; the Georgina Cole Library; and the Carlsbad City Library. Complete hardbound and CD copies were also available with the appendices through the Planning Division. The Draft EIR was also published on the City's website at (http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/planning/agendas.asp). In response to the NOC, a total of nine comment letters were submitted prior to the close of the public review period for the Draft EIR. Responses to the comment letters are contained in the Final EIR, and were sent to each commenting individual, organization or agency. The response transmittal letter also provided notice of availability of the Final EIR. The Final EIR includes a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). The MM RP is also attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 7224 for the EIR. The analysis contained in the EIR concluded that all significant impacts would be mitigated to below a level of significance. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7224 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7225 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7226 4. Planned Development Compliance Tables C, E and City Council Policies 44 and 66 5. Location Map 6. Disclosure Statements 7. Reduced Exhibits "A" — "MMM", dated February 1, 2017 8. Correspondence from the Public 9. Final EIR for Poinsettia 61 dated January 17, 2017 (copy on file in the Planning Division and available at http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/planning/agendas.asp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR POINSETTIA 61, EIR 15-03, AND RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF THE CANDIDATE FINDINGS OF FACT AND A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 50.80 ACRE SITE WITH A 123 UNIT SINGLE-FAMILY CONDOMINIUM PROJECT, AND A 10-ACRE MITIGATION SITE, LOCATED SOUTH OF CASSIA ROAD, BETWEEN THE EXISTING WESTERN AND EASTERN SEGMENTS OF POINSETTIA LANE, AND EAST OF AMBROSIA LANE WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 21. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA 61 CASE NO.: EIR 15-03 WHEREAS, Lennar Homes of California, Inc., “Developer,” has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by 2010-1 RADC/CADC Property XII LLC, “Owner,” described as a Portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23 and a Portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, both of Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Unites States Government Survey thereof (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, a Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR 15-03) was prepared in conjunction with said project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on February 1, 2017, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, examining the Project EIR, Candidate Findings of Fact, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all factors relating to the Project EIR. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7224 PC RESO NO. 7224 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B) That the Final Project Environmental Impact Report consists of the Final Project Environmental Impact Report, EIR 15-03, dated January 17, 2017, appendices, written comments and responses to comments, as amended to include the comments and documents of those testifying at the public hearing and responses thereto is hereby found to be in good faith and reason by incorporating a copy of the minutes of said public hearing into the report, all on file in the Planning Division incorporated by this reference, and collectively referred to as the “Report.” C) That the Environmental Impact Report, EIR 15-03, as so amended and evaluated, is recommended for acceptance and certification as the final Environmental Impact Report and that the final Environmental Impact Report as recommended is adequate and provides reasonable information on the project and all reasonable and feasible alternatives thereto, including no project. D) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby RECOMMENDS CERTIFICATION of the Environmental Impact Report for the POINSETTIA 61 project, EIR 15-03 and RECOMMENDS ADOPTION of the Candidate Findings of Fact (“CEQA Findings”), attached hereto marked as “Exhibit A” and incorporated by this reference and of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (“Program”), attached hereto marked as “Exhibit B” and incorporated by this reference; based on the following findings and subject to the following condition. Findings: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does hereby find that the Final Project EIR 15- 03, the Candidate Findings of Fact and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, have been prepared in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines, and the Environmental Review Procedures of the City of Carlsbad. 2. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed, analyzed, and considered Final Project EIR 15-03, the environmental impacts therein identified for this project; the Candidate Findings of Fact (“Findings” or “CEQA Findings”) attached hereto as “Exhibit A,” and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (“Program”) attached hereto as “Exhibit B,” prior to RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of this project. 3. The Planning Commission finds that Final EIR 15-03 reflects the independent judgment of the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission. 4. The Planning Commission does accept as its own, incorporate as if set forth in full herein, and make each and every one of the findings contained in the CEQA Findings (“Exhibit A”), including feasibility of mitigation measures pursuant to Public Resources Code 21081 and CEQA Guidelines 15091, and infeasibility of project alternatives. 5. The Planning Commission hereby finds that the Program (“Exhibit B”) is designed to ensure that during project implementation, the Developer and any other responsible parties implement the project components and comply with the feasible mitigation measures identified in the CEQA Findings and the Program. 6. The Record of Proceedings for this project consists of The Report, CEQA Findings, and Program; all reports, applications, memoranda, maps, letters and other planning documents prepared by the planning consultant, the environmental consultant, and the City of Carlsbad that are before PC RESO NO. 7224 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 the decision makers as determined by the City Clerk; all documents submitted by members of the public and public agencies in connection with the Project EIR; minutes of all public meetings and public hearings; and matters of common knowledge to the City of Carlsbad which they may consider, including but not limited to, the Carlsbad General Plan, Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance, and Local Facilities Management Plan which may be found at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive in the custody of the City Clerk, and 1635 Faraday Avenue in the custody of the City Planner. Condition: 1. The Developer/Owner shall implement the mitigation measures described in “Exhibit B,” the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, for the mitigation measures and monitoring programs applicable to development of the Poinsettia 61 project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 1 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDINGS OF FACT (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE §21081 CEQA GUIDELINES §15091) Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR 15-03) Poinsettia 61 Project (SCH No. 2016031006) 1.0 Introduction A Final Environmental Impact Report (hereafter “Final EIR”) has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act to address the potential environmental effects of the proposed Poinsettia 61 Project and associated actions (hereafter “proposed project”) and considered by the City in connection with its public consideration of requested approvals for the proposed project. The proposed project involves the development of 123 single-family residential units and the completion of the last remaining section of Poinsettia Lane (“Reach E”). While the full scope of the proposed project and associated approvals are detailed further in Section 1.1 and Section 1.3, the proposed project would involve a General Plan Amendment (GPA 14-06) to change the existing Residential (R- 4) use to Residential (R-8) use for the portion of the project site proposed for development and to designate the remainder of the project site as Open Space (OS). The project would also involve a Zone Change from One-Family Residential (R-1) to Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) for the portion of the project site proposed for development and OS for the conserved portions of the project site. The Final EIR also analyzed the environmental effects of a range of project alternatives. The Final EIR and its separately bound technical appendices are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. 1.1 Proposed Project The proposed project consists of 50.80 acres of land located in the southwest quadrant of the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County. Carlsbad is a coastal city located 30 miles north of downtown San Diego. The City is bordered to the north by the City of Oceanside, to the south by the City of Encinitas, to east by the cities of Vista and San Marcos, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. The project site is comprised of five parcels of land identified as Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) 215-020-07, 215-050-21, -22, -44, and -47. The project is located south of Cassia Road, between the existing western and eastern segments of Poinsettia Lane, and east of Ambrosia Lane. Project Characteristics The proposed project site comprises 50.80 acres of land, and would be developed with 123 single- family residential units. A key component of the project is the completion of Poinsettia Lane Reach E (including bridge), which is a Mobility Element roadway. The area proposed for residential EXHIBIT A Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 2 development would be developed at a density of approximately 6.1 dwelling units per acre (du/ac), consistent with the proposed Residential (R-8) General Plan Land Use designation of the project site. Site improvements include residential development and supporting infrastructure, roadway and bridge improvements, pocket parks/common open space. The City is proposing a 15-foot wide City trail easement within the existing San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) easement that traverses the property. Residential Development The project applicant proposes the development of 123 single-family residential units on two development lots (Lots 1 and 2). Of the proposed units, 61 would be located east of Poinsettia Lane and 62 would be located west of Poinsettia Lane. The residential units would be developed on the previously disturbed agricultural area on the easterly and westerly side of the future extension of Poinsettia Lane between Cassia Road and Oriole Court. This area has been previously disturbed by agricultural practices and grading for the future extension of Poinsettia Lane. The proposed residential units would be constructed in four different floor plans and would range from 1,745 square feet (sf) to 2,718 sf in size. The proposed residential buildings will feature three architectural styles. These styles are intended to provide varied yet harmonious architectural themes. Pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, the proposed project would include 15 on-site inclusionary second dwelling units on the project site and purchase four inclusionary housing credits in the Southwest Quadrant of the city. A second dwelling unit is an accessory structure that is intended for human habitation, which may be attached to, or detached from, the principal dwelling. The proposed inclusionary second dwelling units are attached to the main home and feature a separate private entrance, bedroom, bathroom, laundry, eat-in kitchenette and living room. Poinsettia Lane – “Reach E” Improvements As part of the proposed project, approximately 1,600 linear feet of Poinsettia Lane (“Reach E”) would be constructed within the project site to its full width. This would result in Poinsettia Lane providing a continuous link from Melrose Drive to Interstate 5. The Reach E improvements would be completed by the applicant and financed in part with reimbursements from the existing Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 funds. The east side of Poinsettia Lane would be constructed with two 12-foot thru lanes, an 8-foot bike lane, and an 8-foot wide decomposed granite trail. The west side of Poinsettia Lane would be constructed with two 12-foot thru lanes, an 8-foot bike lane, and concrete sidewalks. The proposed project includes the construction of a new two-span bridge to extend the eastern portion of Poinsettia Lane across the existing canyon through the site. The total span of the bridge, from the top of each abutment, is 272 feet. The height of the bridge would be approximately 30 to 35 feet. Open Space Approximately 25.1 acres of the project site will be recorded as an open space lot and conserved as permanent open space. This open space lot will be preserved in accordance with the requirements of the City’s Habitat Management Plan, which includes the establishment of a biological conservation easement, endowment, as well as on-going monitoring and maintenance responsibilities. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 3 Project Design Features Several Project Design Features have been incorporated into the project that are intended to reduce energy consumption through building designs that increase energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of energy efficient appliances. Also, these features can reduce vehicle miles traveled through promoting pedestrian access and use of public transportation. The following project design features are included as part of the proposed project: The east side of Poinsettia Lane would be constructed with two 12-foot thru lanes, an 8-foot bike lane, and an 8-foot wide decomposed granite trail. The west side of Poinsettia Lane would be constructed with two 12-foot thru lanes, an 8-foot bike lane, and concrete sidewalks. Provision of bus stops on either side of Poinsettia Lane (within project limits). Additionally, the project proposes features that are consistent with the City’s Climate Action Plan (CAP). These features include such measures as: Installation of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems. PV systems will be installed on the rooftops of residential units. Compliance with the Green Building Code. CALGreen, also known as Title 24, is California’s Building Energy Code. All buildings will comply with the CAP measure requiring compliance with the energy code. The proposed project will be designed to be consistent with Title 24, Part 6 Energy Budget for the Standard Design Building. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) Lighting. All landscape related lighting and signage will be LED. At least 75 percent of project luminaires will be LED or similarly efficient lighting. Solar Water Heating. Solar water heating will be provided as part of the residential PV rooftop systems. Increase Zero-Emissions Vehicle Travel. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations/parking spaces will be provided within the common area of the project and each residence will be pre- wired for EV service equipment. Use of Recycled Water. The project will be fitted with “purple” piping, which will facilitate the use of reclaimed water for the project. The reclaimed water would be utilized for all common areas landscaping, which reduces the demand for energy and in turn, reduces overall GHG emissions associated with water treatment. 1.2 Project Objectives The following statements represent objectives of the project. These objectives also provide a basis for identification of alternatives evaluated in the EIR. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 4 Implement a project which is aesthetically pleasing, compatible, and complimentary to adjacent land uses and facilities. Implement the applicable portions of the City of Carlsbad General Plan and Zoning Code; and the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan, as adopted by the concurrent application. Construct Poinsettia Lane Reach “E” to complete this General Plan Mobility Element Roadway. Add to the City’s inventory of housing by providing for-sale market housing opportunities. Development and retention of open space and wildlife habitat through the preservation and enhancement of sensitive flora and fauna consistent with the City’s HMP. 1.3 Project Approvals Actions and Approvals by the City of Carlsbad The following identifies the legislative and discretionary actions and approvals by the City of Carlsbad for the proposed project. General Plan Amendment (GPA 14-06). An amendment to the City’s General Plan is required in order to implement the proposed project as follows: Land Use and Community Design Element. Change Residential (R-4) land use designation to Residential (R-8) for the portion of the project site proposed for development. The remainder of the project site would be designated Open Space (OS). Additionally, adjacent parcels (APNs 215-050-45 and -46) for mitigation purposes would be included in the General Plan amendment and would be designated as OS. Zone Change (ZC 14-04). Zone change from One-Family Residential (R-1) to Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) for the portion of the project site proposed for development and OS for the conserved portions of the project site. Additionally, adjacent parcels (APNs 215-050- 45 and -46) for mitigation purposes would be included in the zone change and would be designated as OS. Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 14-06). A Local Coastal Program Amendment to amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use and Zoning maps to be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Maps to address an associated General Plan Amendment and Zone Change on the project site. Certification of the Final EIR (EIR 15-03). After the required public review of the Draft EIR, the City of Carlsbad will respond to comments, edit the document, and produce a final EIR to be certified by the City Council as complete and providing accurate information concerning the environmental impacts from the implementation of the proposed project. Vesting Tentative Tract Map (CT 14-10). The Applicant is requesting approval of a Vesting Tentative Tract Map required for development of the project site. A tentative tract map is required by the California Subdivision Map Act (Government Code §66426 et seq.). Planned Development Permit – Residential (PUD 14-12). The Project applicant is requesting a planned development permit (PUD) to facilitate individual ownership of units and subdivision of the residential areas. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 5 Site Development Plan (SDP 14-15). A Site Development Plan (SDP) is required for the affordable housing component of the project. Coastal Development Permit (CDP 14-34). A Coastal Development Permit is required to construct the proposed project. This permit is necessary as the proposed project is located within the Mello II Segment of the City’s LCP. Hillside Development Permit (HDP 14-07). Grading of the proposed project is subject to the City’s Hillside Development Ordinance as project areas contain hillside conditions that are defined as slopes greater than 15 feet in height and 15% in slope. The purpose of the Hillside Development Permit is to regulate grading conformance with the City’s Hillside Development Ordinance (Municipal Code §21.95.010) standards and policies. Habitat Management Plan Permit (HMP 14-04) and Consistency Findings. A HMP Permit is required for projects which impact sensitive biological resources as defined pursuant to the HMP. In addition, as the project proposes the conversion of the properties from a Standards Area to a Hardline Area, a Minor Amendment to the HMP is required through the processing of Consistency Findings. Discretionary Action and Approvals by Other Agencies The following identifies the discretionary action and approvals by the Coastal Commission for the proposed project. Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 14-06). A Local Coastal Program Amendment to amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use and Zoning maps to be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Maps to address an associated General Plan Amendment and Zone Change on the project site. 1.4 Purpose of CEQA Findings CEQA Findings play an important role in the consideration of projects for which an EIR is prepared. Under Public Resources Code §21081 and CEQA Guidelines §15091 above, where a final EIR identifies one or more significant environmental effects, a project may not be approved until the public agency makes written findings supported by substantial evidence in the administrative record as each of the significant effects. In turn, the three possible findings specified in CEQA Guidelines §15091(a) are: (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the final EIR. (2) Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. (3) Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the final EIR. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 6 CEQA Guidelines §15092(b) provides that no agency shall approve a project for which an EIR was prepared unless either: 1. The project as approved will not have a significant effect on the environment, or 2. The agency has: a. Eliminated or substantially lessened all significant effects on the environment where feasible as shown in the findings under Section 15091, and b. Determined that any remaining significant effects on the environment found to be unavoidable under Section 15091 are acceptable due to overriding concerns as described in Section 15093. 2.0 Findings of Significant Impacts, Required Mitigation Measures and Supporting Facts The City, having reviewed and considered the information contained in the EIR, finds pursuant to Public Resources Code §21081(a)(1) and Guidelines §15091(a)(1) that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which would mitigate, avoid, or substantially lessen to below a level of significance the following potential significant environmental effects identified in the EIR. 2.1 Agricultural Resources 2.1.1 Conversion of Farmland to Non-Agricultural Use A. Significant Impact. Implementation of the proposed project would convert approximately 20 acres of land designated as “Unique Farmland” to non-agricultural use. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with conversion of Unique Farmland to non-agricultural use would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measure AG-1. C. Mitigation Measure Mitigation Measure AG-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall purchase 15.1 acres of in-lieu fee mitigation credits for impacts to non-special-status communities and land cover types. This acreage is based on impacts to land identified as “Unique Farmland” on the Constraints Map approved by the City of Carlsbad, minus 2.7 acres already paid for pursuant to HMP Permit 10-02 (Poinsettia Place). Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 7 2.2 Biological Resources 2.2.1 Special-Status Plants – Indirect Impacts A. Significant Impact. Indirect impacts to special-status plants could result primarily from adverse edge effects. During construction activities, edge effects may include dust which could disrupt plant vitality in the short-term or construction related soil erosion and water runoff. In addition, potential long-term indirect impacts on special-status plant species could include trampling by humans traveling off trail, invasion by exotic plants and animals, exposure to urban pollutants (fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and other hazardous materials), increase or decrease in natural fire regime, soil erosion, and hydrologic changes (e.g., surface and groundwater level and quality). B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential indirect impact associated with special-status plants would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measures BR-1 and BR-2. C. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure BR-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall incorporate the following measures into the grading plans, final project design, and landscaping plans: A qualified biologist shall conduct a training session for all project personnel prior to proposed activities. At a minimum, the training shall include a description of the target species of concern and its habitats, the general provisions of the Endangered Species Act (Act) and the HMP, the need to adhere to the provisions of the Act and the HMP, the penalties associated with violating the provisions of the Act, the general measures that are being implemented to conserve the target species of concern as they relate to the project, access routes, and project site boundaries within which the project activities must be accomplished. The footprint of disturbance shall be specified in the construction plans. Construction limits will be delineated with orange fencing, and in areas potentially subject to project related runoff, silt fencing will be used to delineate the impact footprint. All fencing will be maintained until the completion of all construction activities, at which time all fencing will be removed. All construction personnel and associates shall be instructed that their activities, vehicles, equipment, and construction materials are restricted to the proposed project footprint, designated staging areas, and routes of travel. If any impacts shall occur beyond the approved impact footprint, all work in the immediate vicinity shall cease until the disturbance limit breach has been addressed to the satisfaction of the City and resource agencies. The upstream and downstream limits of project disturbance plus lateral limits of disturbance on either side of the riparian vegetation on site shall be clearly defined, marked in the field, and reviewed by the project biologist prior to initiation of work. Projects should be designed to avoid the placement of equipment and personnel within the riparian vegetation or on adjacent upland habitats used by target species of concern. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 8 A water pollution and erosion control plan shall be developed that describes sediment and hazardous materials control, dewatering or diversion structures, fueling and equipment management practices, and other factors deemed necessary by reviewing agencies. Erosion control measures shall be monitored on a regularly scheduled basis, particularly during times of heavy rainfall. Corrective measures will be implemented in the event erosion control strategies are inadequate. Sediment/erosion control measures will be continued at the project site until such time as the revegetation efforts are successful at soil stabilization. The qualified project biologist shall review grading plans (e.g., all access routes and staging areas), and monitor construction activities throughout the duration of grading/ground disturbance associated with the project to ensure that all practicable measures are being employed to avoid incidental disturbance of habitat and any target species of concern outside the project footprint. Construction monitoring reports shall be completed and provided to the City summarizing how the project is in compliance with applicable conditions. The project biologist should be empowered to halt work activity if necessary and to confer with City staff to ensure the proper implementation of species and habitat protection measures. Any habitat destroyed that is not in the identified project footprint shall be disclosed immediately to the City, USFWS, CDFW, and CCC and shall be compensated at a minimum ratio of 5:1. Access to and from the site will be located along existing access routes or disturbed areas to the greatest extent possible. All access routes outside of existing roads or construction areas will be clearly marked. Construction employees will limit their activities, vehicles, equipment, and construction materials to the fenced project footprint. Equipment storage, fueling, and staging areas shall be located on disturbed upland sites with minimal risk of direct drainage into riparian areas or other sensitive habitats, and at least 100 feet from waters of the United States. These designated areas shall be located in such a manner as to prevent any runoff from entering sensitive habitat. All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent the release of cement or other toxic substances into surface waters. All project-related spills of hazardous materials shall be reported to the City and shall be cleaned up immediately and contaminated soils removed to approved disposal areas. When stream flows must be diverted, the diversions shall be conducted using sandbags or other methods requiring minimal instream impacts. Silt fencing or other sediment trapping materials shall be installed at the downstream end of construction activity to minimize the transport of sediments off site. Settling ponds where sediment is collected shall be cleaned out in a manner that prevents the sediment from re- entering the stream. Care shall be exercised when removing silt fences, as feasible, to prevent debris or sediment from returning to the stream. Erodible fill material shall not be deposited into water courses. Brush, loose soils, or other similar debris material shall not be stockpiled within the stream channel or on its banks. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 9 Construction through sensitive areas shall be scheduled to minimize potential impacts to biological resources. Construction adjacent to drainages should occur during periods of minimum flow (i.e., summer through the first significant rain of fall) to avoid excessive sedimentation and erosion and to avoid impacts to drainage-dependent species. Construction near riparian areas or other sensitive habitats should also be scheduled to avoid the breeding season (January 1 through September 15) and potential impacts to breeding bird species. Fugitive dust will be avoided and minimized through watering and other appropriate measures. If dead or damaged listed species are located, initial notification must be made within three working days, in writing, to the USFWS Division of Law Enforcement in Torrance, California, and by telephone and in writing to the applicable jurisdiction, Carlsbad Field Office of the USFWS, and CDFW. Exotic species that prey upon or displace target species of concern shall be permanently removed from the site. To avoid attracting predators of the target species of concern, the project site shall be kept as clean of debris as possible. All food related trash items shall be enclosed in sealed containers and regularly removed from the site(s). Pets of project personnel shall not be allowed on site where they may come into contact with any listed species. The City of Carlsbad has the right to access and inspect any sites of approved projects including any restoration/enhancement area for compliance with project approval conditions including these BMP. The USFWS and CDFW may accompany City representatives on this inspection. Mitigation Measure BR-2 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the following items will be provided to and approved by the City and/or the Preserve Steward: Plans for fencing, drainage, restoration and other activities that might directly or indirectly impact sensitive habitats or species; the plans will document compliance with Adjacency Standards, if applicable (HMP P. F-16). Plans for landscaping adjacent to natural habitat will include the following stipulations: (1) no invasive exotic plant species (Lists A and B of the Cal-IPC exotics list) will be used in landscaping; (2) no plants that require excessive irrigation, fertilizers, or pesticides will be used in landscaping; and (3) irrigation of landscaping within 200 feet of a hardline boundary will be controlled to prevent runoff into the preserve. Fencing plans will describe the type and location of fencing, including (a) permanent fencing along any urban/wildlands interface to deter unauthorized access (if deemed necessary by the City), (b) permanent fencing to direct animals toward wildlife undercrossings and away from traffic, and (c) temporary fencing to delineate the construction footprint, impact zones within the footprint, protected areas, and no- construction buffer zones. 2.2.2 Special-Status Wildlife – Direct Impacts Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 10 A. Significant Impact. If initial habitat clearing occurs during the breeding season for avian species, reproduction for species within the project site may significantly affect those populations. If construction activities cannot be avoided during the breeding season, minimization measures will be required to reduce impacts to less than significant levels. If clearing activities occur, even outside of the breeding season, the carrying capacity of the regionally available suitable habitat will have been reduced and may significantly adversely impact special-status species populations. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential direct impact associated with special- status wildlife would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measures BR-3, BR-4, BR-5, and BR-6. C. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure BR-3 If construction occurs during the bird breeding season (January 1 – September 15), a qualified biologist shall conduct pre-construction surveys for active migratory bird nests including raptor nests. The survey shall begin not more than three days prior to the beginning of grading activities. The USFWS will be notified at least seven days before clearing and grubbing begins. During this activity, a qualified biologist will walk the area ahead of construction equipment to flush birds away from impact areas. The biologist will immediately report to USFWS the number and location of any federally listed birds disturbed by clearing and grubbing. No gnatcatchers will be injured or killed. Mitigation Measure BR-4 A qualified biologist will conduct a focused species gnatcatcher survey in appropriate habitat within and surrounding the project area. The surveys will consist of three visits, one week apart; the last of these will be conducted no more than three days prior to construction. Surveys will also be conducted by a qualified biologist in appropriate habitat for nesting raptors and migratory birds (including, but not limited to the least Bell’s vireo) and within an additional 500- foot survey buffer within 3 days of construction. The USFWS will be notified immediately of any federally listed species that are located during preconstruction surveys. If nests of listed birds, migratory birds, raptors, or other sensitive species are located, they will be fenced with a protective buffer of at least 500 feet from active nests of listed species, and 300 feet from other sensitive bird species. All construction activity will be prohibited within this area. During the breeding season, construction noise will be measured regularly to maintain a threshold at or below 60 dBA hourly Leq within 500 feet of breeding habitat occupied by listed species. If noise levels supersede the threshold, the construction array will be changed or noise attenuation measures will be implemented, such as noise barriers, screens, and/or noise attenuation blankets. Mitigation Measure BR-5 On-site restoration within potential temporary impact areas shall be based on preconstruction habitat conditions evaluated by a qualified biologist within three months of impact. Based on a current evaluation, restoration of temporary impacts are estimated to include coyote brush scrub (0.2 acre Poinsettia Lane) and southern maritime chaparral (0.4 acre Residential Development and 0.2 acre Poinsettia Lane). As with habitat creation and enhancement sites, the restoration of temporary impacts shall be evaluated and designed through preparation of a Restoration Plan, consistent with MHCP Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 11 Volume II, Appendix C (Revegetation Guidelines), to be reviewed and approved by the City Planner, in consultation with the USFWS, CDFW, and CCC. An approved habitat restoration specialist will be designated and will determine the most appropriate method of restoration. Restoration techniques, as specified in the Restoration Plan, may include hydroseeding, hand-seeding, imprinting, and soil and plant salvage. The Habitat Restoration Plan shall also include criteria to measure success and describe how monitoring of revegetation efforts will be implemented. At the completion of project construction, all construction materials shall be removed from the site. Additionally, if deemed necessary, any topsoil located in areas to be restored would be conserved and stockpiled during the excavation process for use in the restoration process. Mitigation Measure BR-6 Pursuant to the HMP, a mitigation ratio of 3:1 shall be applied to permanent impacts to 6.3 acres of southern maritime chaparral. Mitigation is required in the form of habitat restoration as well as preservation. Habitat restoration must achieve no-net-loss per special-status vegetation community/habitat type (at least 1:1 restoration to impact ratio regardless of the total mitigation ratio). Habitat restoration (i.e., creation and substantial restoration) totaling 6.3 acres and habitat preservation totaling 12.6 acres (or equivalent) shall be evaluated and designed through preparation of a Restoration Plan to be reviewed and approved by the City Planner, in consultation with the USFWS, CDFW, and the CCC. The Restoration Plan shall also demonstrate a minimum 5.1-acre addition in the HMP Preserve area (which may co-occur with habitat restoration areas). Additions of greater than 5.1 acres of HMP Preserve may be credited towards the habitat preservation requirement. The project applicant will submit final habitat restoration plans to the City and/or Agencies for review at least 30 days prior to initiating project impacts. The Restoration Plan shall be prepared and implemented consistent with MHCP Volume II, Appendix C (Revegetation Guidelines, pages C-1 to C-2), and Volume III; HMP pp. F-8 to F-11; and Open Space Management Plan Section 3.1.5. The Restoration Plan shall, at a minimum, include an evaluation of restoration suitability specific to proposed habitat types, soil and plant material salvage/translocation, planting and seeding lists, discussion of irrigation, maintenance and monitoring program, and success criteria. All areas shall be monitored for a minimum of 5 years to ensure establishment of intended plant communities. Due to the fact that the availability and acceptability of mitigation, including the type and amount of credit, may change between preparation of this EIR and final permit issuance for the proposed project (including review and approval by resource agencies), a number of mitigation options (presented in EIR Table 5.4-13) have been identified. Any combination of these mitigation options may ultimately be used to meet the mitigation requirements set forth in the Carlsbad HMP. On-site Mitigation A Conceptual Restoration Plan (Dudek 2016, Appendix D of Biological Technical Report) describes the following three categories of restoration/mitigation: Habitat establishment (i.e., creation) within existing disturbed lands. These areas are locations within the open space area that are currently composed of either Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 12 disturbed habitat, agriculture land, ornamental areas, eucalyptus woodland, or ruderal land, which can be converted to native habitat through minor grading and the specified restoration efforts. Habitat restoration within existing habitat areas, that have low native cover either from previous disturbances, or insufficient natural re-establishment after the 2014 Poinsettia Fire. These areas are located within the open space area, not including areas within existing utility or road easements, where there was severe damage from the 2014 Poinsettia Fire and where minimal native vegetation re- establishment is occurring, and/or where previous site disturbances have reduced native cover, or has opened up the areas to non-native weed and exotic species invasion. Within these areas, restoration is possible through the removal of trash and debris, eradication of weeds and non-native/exotic species and through supplemental planting of native shrub and understory plants, coupled with seeding with appropriate native species to help restore these areas to sustainable native habitat. Substantial restoration within previously disturbed habitat areas, homeless encampments, trash and debris areas, and previous trails to be abandoned. These areas are located within the open space area, not including areas within existing utility or road easements, where previous disturbance from homeless encampments and damage from significant trash and debris piles is expected to limit the re- establishment of native vegetation following the 2014 Poinsettia Fire. Current assessments are inconclusive regarding the degree to which these areas will passively re-establish with native habitat. Within these areas, substantial restoration is possible through the conversion of these areas to more pristine native habitat through the planting of native trees, shrub and understory plants, coupled with seeding with appropriate native species to help restore these areas to sustainable native habitat. For purposes of the information shown in EIR Table 5.4-13 and as documented in the Conceptual Restoration Plan (Dudek 2016, Appendix D of Biological Technical Report), it is assumed the 100% creation credit is recognized for habitat establishment within existing disturbed lands; the percent creation/substantial restoration credit for habitat restoration within areas of low native cover is based on the actual area of bare ground/invasive species; and an additional 25% of the historically disturbed lands would qualify for creation/substantial restoration credit. The second and third categories may alternatively be recognized as preservation credit. Also, as documented in the Conceptual Restoration Plan, a portion of the onsite restoration plan includes southern maritime chaparral - live oak woodland and southern maritime chaparral – wetland transition areas as appropriate areas on site. It is assumed that these areas be credited to the southern maritime chaparral 1:1 no-net loss restoration requirement on the basis that these communities integrate with southern maritime chaparral on-site and contribute to the overall ecological function of southern maritime chaparral. Off-site Kevane Parcels The Conceptual Restoration Plan (Dudek 2016, Appendix D of Biological Technical Report) also includes proposed restoration of two off-site Kevane parcels (APNs 215-050-45 and -46) (as shown in EIR Figure 5.4-9), using the same restoration treatments and mitigation credits as discussed above for on-site open space. These two off-site parcels would also be eligible for southern maritime chaparral preservation credits, for any acreage not accounted for in the restoration plan or as mitigation for HMP Preserve acreage. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 13 The property would be incorporated into the on-site restoration program and conserved in a manner consistent with the on-site open space including the requirements stated above regarding an approved Restoration Plan. Veteran’s Park A total 3.1 acres of land may be added to the HMP Preserve at Veteran’s Park (as shown in EIR Figure 5.4-10). The exact location has not been identified at this time because the City is currently evaluating the site for park development. The site mostly supports coastal sage scrub and annually maintained nonnative grassland; disturbed areas within the final mitigation area would be restored with coastal sage scrub. There is some southern maritime chaparral in the vicinity but all of the open space directly adjacent to the mitigation area is occupied by coastal sage scrub. Given the coastal location of this habitat and the use of similar species that use southern maritime chaparral, this would be considered as mitigation for southern maritime chaparral impacts. For purposes of information shown in EIR Table 5.4-13, it is assumed that all 3.1 acres are currently disturbed and would be restored to coastal sage scrub and therefore recognized as creation/substantial restoration mitigation credit. This area would add 3.1 acres of the HMP Preserve, therefore counting towards the HMP Preserve (no-net-loss) requirement. An additional 3.1 acres of land at Veteran’s Park, within the existing HMP Preserve, is also suitable for habitat creation/substantial restoration. The majority of the area is currently annual grassland and suitable for coastal sage scrub creation along the western edge of the HMP Preserve. Additional pockets of disturbed land occur in the central and eastern portion of the HMP Preserve between areas of existing coastal sage scrub and southern maritime chaparral. These areas may be restored and credited towards the habitat creation or preservation requirements of the project. Aviara Community Park Aviara Community Park is located less than one mile northwest of the project and currently supports north-facing slopes and hillsides with southern maritime chaparral that is not within the HMP Preserve. As shown in EIR Figure 5.4-11, a 5.5-acre area has been identified to be added to the HMP Preserve (thus contributing to the HMP Preserve [no-net-loss] requirement). This area consists of 2.0 acres of highly disturbed southern maritime chaparral (less than 20% native cover) and 3.5 acres of existing southern maritime chaparral that is either undisturbed or has limited areas of disturbance (greater than 80% native cover). An additional 2.1 acres of manufactured slope with existing ornamental vegetation is suitable for restoration with coastal sage scrub species, would provide an enhanced buffer between the park and HMP Preserve, and therefore could be credited towards the preservation credit. This area would not be added to the HMP Preserve, as manufactured slopes are generally not included in the Preserve. Reiter Parcel A 10.2-acre parcel south of the Poinsettia project is currently undeveloped and mapped as a Standards Area. If conserved and restored in a manner consistent with the on-site open space, this parcel is estimated to provide 1.5 acres of creation/substantial restoration credit, with the remaining 8.7 acres of land credited as preservation (as shown in EIR Figure 5.4-12). Conservation of this entire parcel and retirement of development potential would expand the HMP Preserve by 2.5 acres. Viadana/Pavoreal HOA Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 14 These two Homeowner’s Association-owned HMP Preserve open space areas total 20.7 acres (as shown in EIR Figure 5.4-13) but are not under formal HMP Preserve management because their dedication pre-dates the HMP and no long-term management funding has been established. The property may be eligible for mitigation credit if the Applicant establishes an adequate Preserve Management Plan and restores disturbed areas within the 20.7-acre property. It is estimated that the properties support approximately 2.0 acres of disturbed areas that could be credited towards the habitat creation/substantial restoration requirement, with the remainder of the parcel being credited towards the habitat preservation requirement at a 0.5:1 ratio (i.e., 50% credit). Carlsbad Oaks Conservation Bank Approximately 24 acres of credit remain unallocated at the Carlsbad Oaks Conservation Bank. The bank is located north of Palomar Airport Road and east of El Camino Real and thus outside of the coastal zone, but does support a variety of habitat including southern maritime chaparral, southern mixed chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and oak woodlands. Credits may be used to satisfy the habitat preservation requirements, subject to agency approval. Other Restoration in City-Owned HMP Preserve Similar to habitat restoration proposed within the existing HMP Preserve at Veteran’s Park, additional City-owned HMP Preserve lands may be identified to provide additional mitigation credits towards the habitat creation/substantial restoration and/or habitat preservation requirements. Such restoration would be subject to the requirements of BR-6. Other Private Property Acquisition Similar to purchase and conservation of the Reiter Parcel, additional private property(ies) may be purchased and conserved consistent with the requirements of BR-6 and provide additional mitigation credits towards the habitat creation/substantial restoration, habitat preservation, and/or HMP Preserve requirements. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or clearing of any habitat, the project applicant shall take the following actions to the satisfaction of the Planning Director in relation to the open space lot which is being conserved for natural habitat in conformance with the City’s HMP: a) Prior to recordation of the approved final tract map, the applicant shall record a Conservation Easement, as defined by California Civil Code Section 815.1 or other protective measure over all on-site and off-site mitigation land. b) Provide proof that appropriate type and acreage of land or mitigation credits have been purchased at an approved mitigation bank or other site for off-site mitigation. c) Select a qualified conservation entity to manage the conserved land. d) Prepare a Property Analysis Record (PAR) to estimate costs of in perpetuity management and monitoring. e) Provide a non-wasting endowment based on the PAR to sufficiently cover the costs of in-perpetuity management and f) Monitoring. g) Prepare a Preserve Management Plan, pursuant to the guidelines set forth in Section F(2) and Section F(3) of the Carlsbad HMP (November 2004) and the Guidelines for Preserve Management (July 2009). In addition, given the recent fire on the property, Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 15 a Post-Fire Habitat Recovery Stewardship Plan shall be prepared and implemented to ensure the recovery of pre-existing native vegetation communities to the extent feasible. 2.2.3 Special-Status Wildlife – Indirect Impacts A. Significant Impact. Indirect impacts to special-status wildlife species could result from adverse edge effects. During construction activities, edge effects may include dust which could disrupt vegetation vitality in the short-term or construction related soil erosion and water runoff. Indirect impacts from construction-related noise may occur to special-status wildlife if construction occurs during the breeding season (February 15 through August 31 for most species, and January 1 through September 15 for raptors). During the breeding season, there is high potential for the special-status coastal California gnatcatcher to nest in nearby coastal sage scrub, and for the yellow warbler to nest within the riparian habitat adjacent to the proposed development. Additionally, there is moderate potential for special-status raptors (i.e., Cooper’s hawk and loggerhead shrike) to nest within the eucalyptus and oak trees adjacent to the proposed development. Long-term adverse impacts to wildlife include predation by urban pest species (e.g., American crows (Corvus brachyrhyncos), raccoons, striped skunks), lighting and noise, and human presence. These long-term indirect impacts are considered potentially significant. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with special-status wildlife would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measures BR-1, BR-2, BR-3, BR-4, B-7, and B-8. C. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure BR-1 (as listed above) Mitigation measure BR-2 (as listed above) Mitigation Measure BR-3 (as listed above) Mitigation Measure BR-4 (as listed above) Mitigation Measure BR-7 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall incorporate the following measure into the grading plans, final project design, and landscaping plans: Lighting in or adjacent to the preserve will not be used, except where essential for roadway, facility use, and safety. If nighttime construction lights are necessary, all lighting adjacent to natural habitat will be shielded and/or directed away from habitat. Mitigation Measure BR-8 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the following item will be provided to and approved by the City and/or the Preserve Steward: Plans for lighting that might directly or indirectly impact sensitive habitats or species; the plans will document compliance with Adjacency Standards, if applicable (HMP P. F-16). 2.2.4 Sensitive Natural Community – Direct Impacts Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 16 A. Significant Impact. Temporary impacts to special-status vegetation communities include 0.6 acre of southern maritime chaparral, and 0.2 acre of coyote brush scrub. These impacts are associated with both the residential and Poinsettia Lane portions of the project. These temporary direct impacts to special-status vegetation communities are considered significant impacts. Direct permanent impacts associated with the project include residential development and expansion of Poinsettia Lane. These impacts include permanent impacts to 6.3 acres of southern maritime chaparral and disturbed southern maritime chaparral. These permanent direct impacts to special-status vegetation communities are considered significant impacts. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with special-status wildlife would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measures BR-5 and BR-6. C. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure BR-5 (as listed above) Mitigation Measure BR-6 (as listed above) 2.2.5 Sensitive Natural Community – Indirect Impacts A. Significant Impact. Indirect impacts to special-status upland vegetation communities could result primarily from adverse edge effects. During construction activities, edge effects may include dust which could disrupt plant vitality in the short-term or construction related soil erosion and water runoff. Potential long-term indirect impacts on vegetation could include trampling by humans traveling off trail, invasion by exotic plants and animals, exposure to urban pollutants (fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and other hazardous materials), increase or decrease in natural fire regime, soil erosion, and hydrologic changes (e.g., surface and groundwater level and quality). B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with special-status wildlife would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measures BR-1 and BR-2. C. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure BR-1 (as listed above) Mitigation Measure BR-2 (as listed above) 2.2.6 Jurisdictional Waters A. Significant Impact. Areas downstream of the project site may be subject to erosion, sedimentation, and pollution during and following project construction. These indirect impacts are considered potentially significant. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with special-status wildlife would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measures BR-1 and BR-2. C. Mitigation Measures Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 17 Mitigation Measure BR-1 (as listed above) Mitigation Measure BR-2 (as listed above) 2.2.7 Wildlife Corridors A. Significant Impact. The local habitat linkage/wildlife corridor in the eastern portion of the project site would be subject so edge effects. The constrained corridor in this area would be indirectly impacted both in the short- and long-term. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with special-status wildlife would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measures BR-1 and BR-2. C. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure BR-1 (as listed above) Mitigation Measure BR-2 (as listed above) 2.3 Cultural Resources 2.3.1 Archaeological Resources A. Significant Impact. The presence of previously recorded archaeological resources in the area suggests a potential for the occurrence of previously undiscovered archaeological resources on the project site. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with previously undiscovered archaeological resources would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measure CR-1. C. Mitigation Measure Mitigation Measure CR-1 The following shall be implemented to minimize impacts to subsurface tribal cultural resources: Prior to the commencement of ground disturbing activities, the project developer shall enter into a Pre-Excavation Agreement, otherwise known as a Cultural Resources Treatment and Tribal Monitoring Agreement, with the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians or other Luiseño tribe. This agreement will contain provisions to address the proper treatment of any tribal cultural resources and/or Luiseño Native American human remains inadvertently discovered during the course of the project. The agreement will outline the roles and powers of the Luiseño Native American monitors and the archaeologist. A copy of said agreement shall be provided to the City of Carlsbad prior to the issuance of a grading permit. A Luiseño Native American monitor shall be present during all ground disturbing activities that may impact native soils. Ground disturbing activities may include, but are not limited to, archaeological studies, geotechnical investigations, clearing, grubbing, trenching, excavation, preparation for utilities and other infrastructure, and grading activities. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 18 Any and all uncovered artifacts of Luiseño Native American cultural importance shall be returned to the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians, and/or the Most Likely Descendant, if applicable, and not be curated. The Luiseño Native American monitor shall be present at the project’s preconstruction meeting to consult with grading and excavation contractors concerning excavation schedules and safety issues, as well as consult with the principal archaeologist concerning the proposed archaeologist techniques and/or strategies for the project. Luiseño Native American monitors and archaeological monitors shall have joint authority to temporarily divert and/or halt construction activities. If tribal cultural resources are discovered during construction, all earth moving activity within and around the immediate discovery area must be diverted until the Luiseño Native American monitor and the archaeologist can assess the nature and significance of the find. If a significant tribal cultural resource(s) and/or unique archaeological resource(s) are discovered during ground disturbing activities for this project, the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians shall be notified and consulted regarding the respectful and dignified treatment of those resources. Pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for archaeological and tribal cultural resources. If however, the Applicant is able to demonstrate that avoidance of a significant and/or unique cultural resource is infeasible and a data recovery plan is authorized by the City of Carlsbad as the lead agency, the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians shall be consulted regarding the drafting and finalization of any such recovery plan. When tribal cultural resources are discovered during the project, if the archaeologist collects such resources, a Luiseño Native American monitor must be present during any testing or cataloging of those resources. All collections made by archaeologists will be collected and treated following the guidelines and regulations set forth under 36 CFR 79, Federal regulations for collection of cultural materials. If the archaeologist does not collect the tribal cultural resources that are unearthed during the ground disturbing activities, the Luiseño Native American monitor, may in their discretion, collect said resources and provide them to the San Luis Rey band of Mission Indians for dignified and respectful treatment in accordance with their cultural and spiritual traditions. If suspected Native American human remains are encountered, California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the San Diego County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. Suspected Native American remains shall be examined in the field and kept in a secure location at the site. A Luiseño Native American monitor shall be present during the examination of the remains. If the San Diego County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) must be contacted within 24 hours. The NAHC must then immediately notify the “Most Likely Descendant” of receiving notification of the discovery. The Most Likely Descendant shall then make recommendations within 48 Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 19 hours, and engage in consultation concerning treatment of remains as provided in Public Resources Code 5097.98. In the event that fill material is imported into the project area, the fill shall be clean of tribal cultural resources and documented as such. If fill material is to be utilized and/or exported from areas within the project site, then that fill material shall be analyzed and confirmed by an archaeologist and Luiseño Native American monitor that such fill material does not contain tribal cultural resources. No testing, invasive or non-invasive, shall be permitted on any recovered tribal cultural resources without the written permission of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians. Prior to the release of the grading bond, a monitoring report and/or evaluation report, if appropriate, which describes the results, analysis and conclusions of the monitoring program shall be submitted by the archaeologist, along with the Luiseño Native American monitor’s notes and comments, to the City of Carlsbad for approval. Said report shall be subject to confidentiality as an exception to the Public Records Act and will not be available for public distribution. 2.3.2 Paleontological Resources A. Significant Impact. Implementation of the proposed project would result in a potentially significant paleontological resource impact in association with grading/excavation in previously undisturbed areas of the Santiago Formation, which has a high sensitivity for paleontological resources. The development of the proposed project may directly or indirectly negatively impact or destroy a yet unidentified paleontological resource without proper mitigation. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with paleontological resources would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measures CR-2 through CR-7. C. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure CR-2 A qualified paleontologist shall monitor all grading that includes initial cutting into any area of the project site as the project site sits on paleontologically sensitive Santiago Formation deposit. If any paleontological resources are identified during these activities, the paleontologist shall temporarily divert construction until the significance of the resources is ascertained. Mitigation Measure CR-3 Paleontological monitoring shall occur only for those undisturbed sediments wherein fossil plant or animal remains are found with no associated evidence of human activity or any archaeological context. Mitigation Measure CR-4 Paleontological monitors shall be equipped to salvage fossils as they are unearthed to avoid construction delays, and to remove samples of sediments which are likely to contain the remains of small fossil invertebrates and vertebrates. Monitors shall be empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to allow removal of abundant or large specimens. Monitoring may be reduced if the potentially fossiliferous units described above are not present Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 20 or if the fossiliferous units present are determined by a qualified paleontological monitor to have low potential to contain fossil resources. Mitigation Measure CR-5 All recovered specimens shall be prepared to a point of identification and permanent preservation, including washing of sediments to recover small invertebrates and vertebrates. Mitigation Measure CR-6 Specimens shall be identified and curated into an established, accredited, professional museum repository with permanent retrievable storage. The paleontologist shall have a written repository agreement in hand prior to the initiation of mitigation activities. Mitigation Measure CR-7 A report shall be completed describing the methods and results of the paleontological monitoring and data recovery program. 2.3.3 Human Remains A. Significant Impact. Implementation of the proposed project could inadvertently impact undiscovered human remains during excavation and grading activities. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with the disturbance of human remains would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measure CR-8. C. Mitigation Measure Mitigation Measure CR-8 If human remains are found during any ground disturbance associated with project development activities, including the archaeological test or data recovery programs, the project proponents and its agents must comply with Public Resources Code (PRC) 5097.98 and California Health and Safety Code 7050.5. a) The discovery location will be protected and secured from further disturbance. b) The Archaeological Project Manager will contact the San Diego County Medical Examiner. c) If the remains are determined by the Medical Examiner or an authorized representative to be Native American, the Medical Examiner will contact the NAHC. d) The NAHC will designate and contact the Most Likely Descendant (MLD). e) The property owner will provide the MLD with access to the discovery location, which will have been protected from damage. f) The MLD will make a recommendation for treatment of the remains within 48 hours. The descendants’ preferences for treatment may include the following: i) The nondestructive removal and analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American human remains. ii) Preservation of Native American human remains and associated items in place. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 21 iii) Relinquishment of Native American human remains and associated items to the descendants for treatment. iv) Other culturally appropriate treatment. g) If the MLD does not make a recommendation within 48 hours, or if the recommendations are not acceptable to the property owner following extended discussions and mediation, the property owner will reinter the remains and burial items with appropriate dignity on the property, in a location not subject to further subsurface disturbance. The location of reinterment will be protected by at least one of the three following measures: i) Record the location with the NAHC or the SCIC. ii) Utilize an open space or conservation zoning designation or easement. iii) Record a document with San Diego County. h) If multiple human remains are found, extended discussions will be held with the MLD. If agreement on the treatment of these remains is not reached, they will be reinterred in compliance with PRC 5097.98(e). If Native American remains are discovered during ground disturbance and are positively identified as such by a representative of the County Medical Examiner, they will be kept in situ, or in a secure location in close proximity to where they were found, and any analysis of the remains will occur only on-site in the presence of a Luiseño Native American monitor. 2.4 Geology and Soils 2.4.1 Seismic Hazards A. Significant Impact. Shallow groundwater was encountered within the loose alluvial soils along the eastern edge of the northern development area. According to the geotechnical investigation report, the potential exists for liquefaction of the alluvium due to the design basis earthquake. There is also a potential for landslide and slope instability to occur on the project site. The project site is located in an area where landslides are relatively common. Slope stability analyses conducted on the project site indicate that the presence of highly fissured claystone beds within the Santiago Formation creates the potential for future slope instabilities. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impacts associated with liquefaction and landslides would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 22 C. Mitigation Measure Mitigation Measure GEO-1 Prior to approval of final engineering and grading plans for the project, the City shall verify that all recommendations contained in the Report of Geotechnical Investigation for the Poinsettia 61 Development prepared by Group Delta Consultants, Inc. (November 20, 2014) have been incorporated into all final engineering and grading plans. The City’s soil engineer and engineering geologist shall review grading plans prior to finalization, to verify plan compliance with the recommendations of the report. All future grading and construction of the project site shall comply with the geotechnical recommendations contained in the geotechnical report. The report identifies specific measures for mitigating geotechnical conditions on the project site, and addresses grading, slope stability, foundations, concrete slabs-on-grade, and earth retaining walls. 2.4.2 Unstable Geologic Unit or Soil A. Significant Impact. The project site is covered in young alluvial deposits and undocumented fill soils. These soils are compressible and susceptible to liquefaction. In addition, slope stability analyses conducted on the project site indicate that the presence of highly fissured claystone beds within the Santiago Formation creates the potential for future slope instabilities. Without mitigation, the presence of these materials may have the potential to produce potentially significant impacts concerning unstable geologic units or soils. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with an unstable geologic unit or soil would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1. C. Mitigation Measure Mitigation Measure GEO-1 (as listed above) 2.4.3 Expansive Soils A. Significant Impact. According to the geotechnical report prepared for the project, highly expansive clays exist at the project site, within relatively thin claystone beds in the Santiago Formation. Heave may occur if the expansive soils are placed or left within pavement, foundation, or slab subgrade. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with expansive soils would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1. C. Mitigation Measure Mitigation Measure GEO-1 (as listed above) 2.5 Hydrology and Water Quality 2.5.1 Violation of Water Quality Standards – Construction Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 23 A. Significant Impact. Implementation of the proposed project includes short-term construction activities including grading and excavation. These activities could result in potential erosion/sedimentation and discharge of construction-related hazardous materials (e.g., fuels, grease, etc.) into local storm drains. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with violation of water quality standards would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measure WQ-1. C. Mitigation Measure Mitigation Measure WQ-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit for any phase of the development, the applicant shall prepare and submit for review and approval of the Carlsbad City Engineer, a SWPPP to demonstrate that pollutants will be controlled through compliance with the City of Carlsbad Stormwater Management and Discharge Control Ordinance, General Construction Stormwater Permit (Order No. 2012-0006-DWQ, NPDES CAS000002), and the General Municipal Stormwater Permit (R9-2013-0001, as amended by Order Nos. R9-2015-0001 and R9-2015-0100, NPDES No. CAS0109266). The applicant shall be responsible for monitoring and maintaining the BMP erosion control measures identified below on a weekly basis in accordance with the City’s grading and erosion control requirements (Municipal Code Section 15.16. et seq.). The locations of all erosion control devices shall be noted in the SWPPP referenced on the grading plans. BMPs that shall be installed include, but are not limited to, the following: Silt fence, fiber rolls, or gravel bag berms; Check dams; Street sweeping and vacuuming; Storm drain inlet protection; Stabilized construction entrance/exit; Hydroseed, soil binders, or straw mulch; Containment of material delivery and storage areas; Stockpile management; Spill prevention and control; Waste management for solid, liquid, hazardous, and sanitary waste-contaminated soil; and Concrete waste management. 2.5.2 Violation of Water Quality Standards – Long-term Operations A. Significant Impact. Once constructed, the proposed residential uses would likely generate certain pollutants commonly found in similar developments that could affect water quality downstream from the project site. With the inclusion of these uses, the proposed project has the potential to result in long-term impacts on water quality due to the addition of pollutants typical of urban runoff. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 24 B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with long-term impacts on water quality would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measure WQ-2. C. Mitigation Measure Mitigation Measure WQ-2 Prior to the issuance of grading permits or other approvals for any public or private right-of- way improvements or site development plans, the developer shall prepare and submit for review and approval of the Carlsbad City Engineer, SWQMP, grading and improvement plans that demonstrate that pollutants will be controlled through compliance with the City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual. Approval of such plans shall be subject to a determination by the Carlsbad City Engineer that the proposed project has implemented an integrated Low Impact Development (LID) approach to meet criteria described in the City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual. The proposed project has incorporated LID strategies which include site design BMPs, source control BMPs and pollutant control BMPs into the project design to the maximum extent practicable. 2.6 Land Use and Planning 2.6.1 Plan Consistency A. Significant Impact. The project site is located within the Airport Overflight Notification Area and Review Areas 1 and 2 of the Airport Influence Area for McClellan-Palomar Airport. Residential properties located in an overflight notification area may be subject to some of the annoyances or inconveniences associated with their proximity to airport operations. The Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) requires that all new residential projects located within the overflight notification area be required to record a notice informing of the potential environmental impacts related to the aircraft, and the property is subject to overflight, sight and sound of aircraft operating from the McClellan-Palomar Airport. B. Facts in Support of Finding (1). The project’s potential impact associated with residential properties located in an overflight notification area would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measure LU-1. C. Mitigation Measure Mitigation Measure LU-1 New residents within the McClellan-Palomar Airport Overflight Notification Area as defined by the ALUCP shall be notified as part of the real estate disclosure package that the project site is outside the 60 dB(A) CNEL airport noise impact area, but still subject to intermittent single- event noise impacts, sight and sound of aircraft operating from McClellan-Palomar Airport. The state statute dictates that the following statement shall be provided: NOTICE OF AIRPORT IN VICINITY: This property is presently located in the vicinity of an airport, within what is known as an airport influence area. For that reason, the property may be subject to some of the annoyances or inconveniences associated with proximity to airport operations (for example: noise, vibration, or odors). Individual sensitivities to those annoyances can vary from person to person. You may wish to consider what airport Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 25 annoyances, if any, are associated with the property before you complete your purchase and determine whether they are acceptable to you. This measure shall be implemented concurrent with the real estate disclosure package. Prior to issuance of building permits, the City of Carlsbad Planning Division shall be responsible for verification of implementation of this measure through the recordation of a Notice. 3.0 Effects Found Not to be Significant The City finds, based on the substantial evidence appearing in Chapter 7.5 of the EIR, that the following impacts on the following resources will not be significant: Mineral Resources and Recreation. Based on the analysis contained in the EIR impacts to Aesthetics/Grading (Section 5.1), Air Quality (Section 5.2), Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Section 5.7), Hazards and Hazardous Materials (Section 5.8), Noise (Section 5.11), Population/Housing (Section 5.12), Public Services (Section 5.13), Transportation (Section 5.14), Utilities and Service Systems (Section 5.15) were found to be less than significant. 4.0 Findings Regarding Feasible Alternatives Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15126.6(a), EIRs must “describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the project, or to the location of the project, which would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project, but would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project, and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives.” The EIR considers a reasonable range of alternatives. The alternatives to the project are evaluated in Chapter 6.0 of the EIR in terms of their ability to meet the basic objectives of the project, and eliminate or further reduce its significant environmental effects. Based on these parameters, the following alternatives were considered: (1) No Project/No Development Alternative; (2) Poinsettia Lane Only Alternative; and (3) Reduced Site Alternative. 4.1 No Project/No Development Alternative This alternative assumes that the project site would remain undeveloped and vacant. This alternative also assumes that Poinsettia Lane (Reach E) would not be constructed. Under this alternative, agricultural resources, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, and land use and planning impacts associated with the project would be avoided. This alternative would not result in impacts to the remaining issue areas. However, this alternative is rejected as it would not meet any of the basic objectives of the proposed project. Specifically, this alternative would not meet these project objectives: Implement a project which is aesthetically pleasing, compatible, and complimentary to adjacent land uses and facilities. Implement the applicable portions of the City of Carlsbad General Plan and Zoning Code; and the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan, as adopted by the concurrent application. Construct Poinsettia Lane Reach “E” to complete this General Plan Mobility Element Roadway. Add to the City’s inventory of housing by providing for-sale market housing opportunities. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR Findings of Fact City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 26 Development and retention of open space and wildlife habitat through the preservation and enhancement of sensitive flora and fauna consistent with the City’s HMP. Therefore, the No Project/No Development Alternative is not recommended for approval. 4.2 Poinsettia Lane Only Alternative Under this alternative, no residential development would occur on the project site. The only development that would occur is the extension of Poinsettia Lane (Reach E). This alternative avoids the land use impact associated with intermittent airport overflights. Under this alternative, impacts to agricultural resources, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, and hydrology and water quality would be reduced. This alternative would result in similar impacts to the remaining issue areas when compared to the proposed project. However, this alternative is rejected as it would not meet the project objective of adding to the City’s inventory of housing by providing both for-sale market and for-sale affordable housing opportunities. Specifically, this alternative would not meet these project objectives: Implement a project which is aesthetically pleasing, compatible, and complimentary to adjacent land uses and facilities. Implement the applicable portions of the City of Carlsbad General Plan and Zoning Code; and the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan, as adopted by the concurrent application. Add to the City’s inventory of housing by providing for-sale market housing opportunities. Development and retention of open space and wildlife habitat through the preservation and enhancement of sensitive flora and fauna consistent with the City’s HMP. Therefore, the Poinsettia Lane Only Alternative is not recommended for approval. 4.3 Reduced Site Alternative Under the Reduced Site Alternative, the number of residential units would be reduced from 123 units to 62 units. The residential development would occur only in the northwestern portion of the project site. This alternative would eliminate the development of 61 dwelling units on the northeastern portion of the project site. Similar to the proposed project, this alternative also proposes the completion of Poinsettia Lane (Reach E). Under this alternative, impacts to agricultural resources, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, and hydrology and water quality would be reduced. This alternative would result in similar impacts to the remaining issue areas when compared to the proposed project. This alternative would meet all of the objectives of the project; however, it is not recommended for approval because it would provide 50% less housing opportunities as compared to the proposed project, including 50% less affordable housing, thereby decreasing the City’s ability to increase its inventory of housing by providing less for-sale market housing opportunities. Therefore, the Reduced Site Alternative is not recommended for approval. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-2 Table 0.3-1. Poinsettia 61 Project (EIR 15-03) Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateAgricultural Resources AG-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall purchase 15.71 acres of in-lieu fee mitigation credits for impacts to non-special-status communities and land cover types. This acreage is based on impacts to land identified as “Unique Farmland” on the Constraints Map approved by the City of Carlsbad, minus 2.7 acres already paid for pursuant to HMP Permit 10-02 (Poinsettia Place). PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to issuance of a grading permit Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall purchase 15.71 acres of in-lieu mitigation credits for impacts to non-special-status communities and land cover types. Biological Resources BR-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall incorporate the following measures into the grading plans, final project design, and landscaping plans: A qualified biologist shall conduct a training session for all project personnel prior to proposed activities. At a minimum, the training shall include a description of the target species of concern and its habitats, the general provisions of the Endangered Species Act (Act) and the HMP, the need to adhere to the provisions of the Act and the HMP, the penalties associated with violating the provisions of the Act, the general measures that are being implemented to conserve the target species of concern as they relate to the project, access routes, and project site boundaries within which the project activities must be accomplished. The footprint of disturbance shall be specified in the construction plans. Construction limits will be delineated with orange fencing, and in areas potentially subject to project related runoff, silt fencing will be used to PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to issuance of a grading permit Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall incorporate the measures listed in Mitigation Measure BR-1 into the grading plans, final project design, and landscaping plans for approval by the City, California Coastal Commission and the resource agencies (USFWS and CDFW). EXHIBIT B Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-3 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDatedelineate the impact footprint. All fencing will be maintained until the completion of all construction activities, at which time all fencing will be removed. All construction personnel and associates shall be instructed that their activities, vehicles, equipment, and construction materials are restricted to the proposed project footprint, designated staging areas, and routes of travel. If any impacts shall occur beyond the approved impact footprint, all work in the immediate vicinity shall cease until the disturbance limit breach has been addressed to the satisfaction of the City and resource agencies. The upstream and downstream limits of project disturbance plus lateral limits of disturbance on either side of the riparian vegetation on site shall be clearly defined, marked in the field, and reviewed by the project biologist prior to initiation of work. Projects should be designed to avoid the placement of equipment and personnel within the riparian vegetation or on adjacent upland habitats used by target species of concern. A water pollution and erosion control plan shall be developed that describes sediment and hazardous materials control, dewatering or diversion structures, fueling and equipment management practices, and other factors deemed necessary by reviewing agencies. Erosion control measures shall be monitored on a regularly scheduled basis, particularly during times of heavy rainfall. Corrective measures will be implemented in the event erosion control strategies are inadequate. Sediment/erosion control Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-4 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDatemeasures will be continued at the project site until such time as the revegetation efforts are successful at soil stabilization. The qualified project biologist shall review grading plans (e.g., all access routes and staging areas), and monitor construction activities throughout the duration of grading/ground disturbance associated with the project to ensure that all practicable measures are being employed to avoid incidental disturbance of habitat and any target species of concern outside the project footprint. Construction monitoring reports shall be completed and provided to the City summarizing how the project is in compliance with applicable conditions. The project biologist should be empowered to halt work activity if necessary and to confer with City staff to ensure the proper implementation of species and habitat protection measures. Any habitat destroyed that is not in the identified project footprint shall be disclosed immediately to the City, USFWS, CDFW, and CCC and shall be compensated at a minimum ratio of 5:1. Access to and from the site will be located along existing access routes or disturbed areas to the greatest extent possible. All access routes outside of existing roads or construction areas will be clearly marked. Construction employees will limit their activities, vehicles, equipment, and construction materials to the fenced project footprint. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-5 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDate Equipment storage, fueling, and staging areas shall be located on disturbed upland sites with minimal risk of direct drainage into riparian areas or other sensitive habitats, and at least 100 feet from waters of the United States. These designated areas shall be located in such a manner as to prevent any runoff from entering sensitive habitat. All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent the release of cement or other toxic substances into surface waters. All project-related spills of hazardous materials shall be reported to the City and shall be cleaned up immediately and contaminated soils removed to approved disposal areas. When stream flows must be diverted, the diversions shall be conducted using sandbags or other methods requiring minimal instream impacts. Silt fencing or other sediment trapping materials shall be installed at the downstream end of construction activity to minimize the transport of sediments off site. Settling ponds where sediment is collected shall be cleaned out in a manner that prevents the sediment from re-entering the stream. Care shall be exercised when removing silt fences, as feasible, to prevent debris or sediment from returning to the stream. Erodible fill material shall not be deposited into water courses. Brush, loose soils, or other similar debris material shall not be stockpiled within the stream channel or on its banks. Construction through sensitive areas shall be scheduled to minimize potential impacts to biological resources. Construction adjacent to drainages should occur during periods of minimum Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-6 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateflow (i.e., summer through the first significant rain of fall) to avoid excessive sedimentation and erosion and to avoid impacts to drainage-dependent species. Construction near riparian areas or other sensitive habitats should also be scheduled to avoid the breeding season (January 1 through September 15) and potential impacts to breeding bird species. Fugitive dust will be avoided and minimized through watering and other appropriate measures. If dead or damaged listed species are located, initial notification must be made within three working days, in writing, to the USFWS Division of Law Enforcement in Torrance, California, and by telephone and in writing to the applicable jurisdiction, Carlsbad Field Office of the USFWS, and CDFW. Exotic species that prey upon or displace target species of concern shall be permanently removed from the site. To avoid attracting predators of the target species of concern, the project site shall be kept as clean of debris as possible. All food related trash items shall be enclosed in sealed containers and regularly removed from the site(s). Pets of project personnel shall not be allowed on site where they may come into contact with any listed species. The City of Carlsbad has the right to access and inspect any sites of approved projects including any restoration/enhancement area for compliance with project approval conditions including these BMP. The USFWS and CDFW may accompany City representatives on this inspection. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-7 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateBR-2 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the following items will be provided to and approved by the City and/or the Preserve Steward: Plans for fencing, drainage, restoration and other activities that might directly or indirectly impact sensitive habitats or species; the plans will document compliance with Adjacency Standards, if applicable (HMP P. F-16). Plans for landscaping adjacent to natural habitat will include the following stipulations: (1) no invasive exotic plant species (Lists A and B of the Cal-IPC exotics list) will be used in landscaping; (2) no plants that require excessive irrigation, fertilizers, or pesticides will be used in landscaping; and (3) irrigation of landscaping within 200 feet of a hardline boundary will be controlled to prevent runoff into the preserve. Fencing plans will describe the type and location of fencing, including (a) permanent fencing along any urban/wildlands interface to deter unauthorized access (if deemed necessary by the City), (b) permanent fencing to direct animals toward wildlife undercrossings and away from traffic, and (c) temporary fencing to delineate the construction footprint, impact zones within the footprint, protected areas, and no-construction buffer zones. PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to issuance of a grading permit Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall submit the following items to the City and/or the Preserve Steward for approval: plans for fencing, drainage, restoration and other activities that might directly or indirectly impact sensitive habitats or species. BR-3 If construction occurs during the bird breeding season (January 1 – September 15), a qualified biologist shall conduct pre-construction surveys for active migratory bird nests including raptor nests. The survey shall begin not more than three days prior to the beginning of grading activities. The USFWS will be notified at least seven days before clearing and PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to construction If construction occurs during the bird breeding season (February 15– September 15), a qualified biologist shall conduct pre-construction surveys for active migratory bird nests including raptor nests. The biologist will immediately report to USFWS the number and location of Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-8 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDategrubbing begins. During this activity, a qualified biologist will walk the area ahead of construction equipment to flush birds away from impact areas. The biologist will immediately report to USFWS the number and location of any federally listed birds disturbed by clearing and grubbing. No gnatcatchers will be injured or killed. any federally listed birds disturbed by clearing and grubbing. BR-4 A qualified biologist will conduct a focused species gnatcatcher survey in appropriate habitat within and surrounding the project area. The surveys will consist of three visits, one week apart; the last of these will be conducted no more than three days prior to construction. Surveys will also be conducted by a qualified biologist in appropriate habitat for nesting raptors and migratory birds (including, but not limited to the least Bell’s vireo) and within an additional 500- foot survey buffer within 3 days of construction. The USFWS will be notified immediately of any federally listed species that are located during preconstruction surveys. If nests of listed birds, migratory birds, raptors, or other sensitive species are located, they will be fenced with a protective buffer of at least 500 feet from active nests of listed species, and 300 feet from other sensitive bird species. All construction activity will be prohibited within this area. During the breeding season, construction noise will be measured regularly to maintain a threshold at or below 60 dBA hourly Leq within 500 feet of breeding habitat occupied by listed species. If noise levels supersede the threshold, the construction array will be changed or noise attenuation measures will be implemented, such as noise barriers, screens, and/or noise attenuation blankets. PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to constructionPrior to construction, a qualified biologist will conduct a focused species gnatcatcher survey in appropriate habitat within and surrounding the project area. Surveys will also be conducted by a qualified biologist in appropriate habitat for nesting raptors and migratory birds (including, but not limited to the least Bell’s vireo) and within an additional 500- foot survey buffer within 3 days of construction. The on-site biologist shall provide a written report to the City Planning Division stating whether species were observed within 500 feet of proposed grading activities. BR-5 On-site restoration within potential temporary impact areas shall be based on preconstruction habitat conditions evaluated by a qualified biologist within three months of PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to issuance of a grading permit Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall submit a restoration plan) to be reviewed and approved by the City Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-9 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateimpact. Based on a current evaluation, restoration of temporary impacts are estimated to include coyote brush scrub (0.2 acre Poinsettia Lane) and southern maritime chaparral (0.4 acre Residential Development and 0.2 acre Poinsettia Lane). As with habitat creation and enhancement sites, the restoration of temporary impacts shall be evaluated and designed through preparation of a Restoration Plan, consistent with MHCP Volume II, Appendix C (Revegetation Guidelines), to be reviewed and approved by the City Planner, in consultation with the USFWS, CDFW, and CCC. An approved habitat restoration specialist will be designated and will determine the most appropriate method of restoration. Restoration techniques, as specified in the Restoration Plan, may include hydroseeding, hand-seeding, imprinting, and soil and plant salvage. The Habitat Restoration Plan shall also include criteria to measure success and describe how monitoring of revegetation efforts will be implemented. At the completion of project construction, all construction materials shall be removed from the site. Additionally, if deemed necessary, any topsoil located in areas to be restored would be conserved and stockpiled during the excavation process for use in the restoration process. Planner, in consultation with the USFWS, CDFW, and CCC. BR-6 Pursuant to the HMP, a mitigation ratio of 3:1 shall be applied to permanent impacts to 6.3 acres of southern maritime chaparral. Mitigation is required in the form of habitat restoration as well as preservation. Habitat restoration must achieve no-net-loss per special-status vegetation community/habitat type (at least 1:1 restoration to impact ratio regardless of the total mitigation ratio). Habitat restoration (i.e., creation and substantial restoration) totaling 6.3 acres and habitat PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to issuance of a grading permit Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall submit mitigation plans for impacts to southern maritime chaparral to the City for approval. The project applicant shall submit a Restoration Plan to be reviewed and approved by the City, in consultation with the USFWS, CDFW, and the CCC. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-10 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDatepreservation totaling 12.6 acres (or equivalent) shall be evaluated and designed through preparation of a Restoration Plan to be reviewed and approved by the City Planner, in consultation with the USFWS, CDFW, and the CCC. The Restoration Plan shall also demonstrate a minimum 5.1-acre addition in the HMP Preserve area (which may co-occur with habitat restoration areas). Additions of greater than 5.1 acres of HMP Preserve may be credited towards the habitat preservation requirement. The project applicant will submit final habitat restoration plans to the City and/or Agencies for review at least 30 days prior to initiating project impacts. The Restoration Plan shall be prepared and implemented consistent with MHCP Volume II, Appendix C (Revegetation Guidelines, pages C-1 to C-2), and Volume III; HMP pp. F-8 to F-11; and Open Space Management Plan Section 3.1.5. The Restoration Plan shall, at a minimum, include an evaluation of restoration suitability specific to proposed habitat types, soil and plant material salvage/translocation, planting and seeding lists, discussion of irrigation, maintenance and monitoring program, and success criteria. All areas shall be monitored for a minimum of 5 years to ensure establishment of intended plant communities. Due to the fact that the availability and acceptability of mitigation, including the type and amount of credit, may change between preparation of this EIR and final permit issuance for the proposed project (including review and approval by resource agencies), a number of mitigation options (presented in EIR Table 5.4-13) have been identified. Any combination of these mitigation options may ultimately be used to meet the mitigation requirements set forth in the Carlsbad HMP. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-11 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateOn-site Mitigation A Conceptual Restoration Plan (Dudek 2016, Appendix D of Biological Technical Report) describes the following three categories of restoration/mitigation: Habitat establishment (i.e., creation) within existing disturbed lands. These areas are locations within the open space area that are currently composed of either disturbed habitat, agriculture land, ornamental areas, eucalyptus woodland, or ruderal land, which can be converted to native habitat through minor grading and the specified restoration efforts. Habitat restoration within existing habitat areas, that have low native cover either from previous disturbances, or insufficient natural re-establishment after the 2014 Poinsettia Fire. These areas are located within the open space area, not including areas within existing utility or road easements, where there was severe damage from the 2014 Poinsettia Fire and where minimal native vegetation re-establishment is occurring, and/or where previous site disturbances have reduced native cover, or has opened up the areas to non-native weed and exotic species invasion. Within these areas, restoration is possible through the removal of trash and debris, eradication of weeds and non-native/exotic species and through supplemental planting of native shrub and understory plants, coupled with seeding with appropriate native species to help restore these areas to sustainable native habitat. Substantial restoration within previously disturbed habitat areas, Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-12 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDatehomeless encampments, trash and debris areas, and previous trails to be abandoned. These areas are located within the open space area, not including areas within existing utility or road easements, where previous disturbance from homeless encampments and damage from significant trash and debris piles is expected to limit the re-establishment of native vegetation following the 2014 Poinsettia Fire. Current assessments are inconclusive regarding the degree to which these areas will passively re-establish with native habitat. Within these areas, substantial restoration is possible through the conversion of these areas to more pristine native habitat through the planting of native trees, shrub and understory plants, coupled with seeding with appropriate native species to help restore these areas to sustainable native habitat. For purposes of the information shown in EIR Table 5.4-12 and as documented in the Conceptual Restoration Plan (Dudek 2016, Appendix D of Biological Technical Report), it is assumed the 100% creation credit is recognized for habitat establishment within existing disturbed lands; the percent creation/substantial restoration credit for habitat restoration within areas of low native cover is based on the actual area of bare ground/invasive species; and an additional 25% of the historically disturbed lands would qualify for creation/substantial restoration credit. The second and third categories may alternatively be recognized as preservation credit. Also, as documented in the Conceptual Restoration Plan, a portion of the onsite restoration plan Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-13 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateincludes southern maritime chaparral – live oak woodland and southern maritime chaparral – wetland transition areas, as appropriate areas on site. It is assumed that these areas be credited to the southern maritime chaparral 1:1 no-net loss restoration requirement on the basis that these communities integrate with southern maritime chaparral on-site and contribute to the overall ecological function of southern maritime chaparral. Off-site Kevane Parcels The Conceptual Restoration Plan (Dudek 2016, Appendix D of Biological Technical Report) also includes proposed restoration of two off-site Kevane parcels (APNs 215-050-45 and -46) (as shown in EIR Figure 5.4-9), using the same restoration treatments and mitigation credits as discussed above for on-site open space. These two off-site parcels would also be eligible for southern maritime chaparral preservation credits, for any acreage not accounted for in the restoration plan or as mitigation for HMP Preserve acreage. The property would be incorporated into the on-site restoration program and conserved in a manner consistent with the on-site open space including the requirements stated above regarding an approved Restoration Plan. Veteran’s Park A total 3.1 acres of land may be added to the HMP Preserve at Veteran’s Park (as shown in EIR Figure 5.4-10). The exact location has not been identified at this time because the City is currently evaluating the site for park development. The site mostly supports coastal sage scrub and annually maintained nonnative grassland; disturbed areas within the final mitigation area would be restored with coastal sage scrub. There is some southern maritime chaparral in the vicinity but all of the open space directly adjacent to the mitigation area is Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-14 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateoccupied by coastal sage scrub. Given the coastal location of this habitat and the use of similar species that use southern maritime chaparral, this would be considered as mitigation for southern maritime chaparral impacts. For purposes of information shown in EIR Table 5.4-13, it is assumed that all 3.1 acres are currently disturbed and would be restored to coastal sage scrub and therefore recognized as creation/substantial restoration mitigation credit. This area would add 3.1 acres of the HMP Preserve, therefore counting towards the HMP Preserve (no-net-loss) requirement. An additional 3.1 acres of land at Veteran’s Park, within the existing HMP Preserve, is also suitable for habitat creation/substantial restoration. The majority of the area is currently annual grassland and suitable for coastal sage scrub creation along the western edge of the HMP Preserve. Additional pockets of disturbed land occur in the central and eastern portion of the HMP Preserve between areas of existing coastal sage scrub and southern maritime chaparral. These areas may be restored and credited towards the habitat creation or preservation requirements of the project. Aviara Community Park Aviara Community Park is located less than one mile northwest of the project and currently supports north-facing slopes and hillsides with southern maritime chaparral that is not within the HMP Preserve. As shown in EIR Figure 5.4-11, a 5.5-acre area has been identified to be added to the HMP Preserve (thus contributing to the HMP Preserve [no-net-loss] requirement). This area consists of 2.0 acres of highly disturbed southern maritime chaparral (less than 20% native cover) and 3.5 acres of existing southern maritime chaparral that is either undisturbed or has limited areas of disturbance (greater than 80% native cover). Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-15 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateAn additional 2.1 acres of manufactured slope with existing ornamental vegetation is suitable for restoration with coastal sage scrub species, would provide an enhanced buffer between the park and HMP Preserve, and therefore could be credited towards the preservation credit. This area would not be added to the HMP Preserve, as manufactured slopes are generally not included in the Preserve. Reiter Parcel A 10.2-acre parcel south of the Poinsettia project is currently undeveloped and mapped as a Standards Area. If conserved and restored in a manner consistent with the on-site open space, this parcel is estimated to provide 1.5 acres of creation/substantial restoration credit, with the remaining 8.7 acres of land credited as preservation (as shown in EIR Figure 5.4-12). Conservation of this entire parcel and retirement of development potential would expand the HMP Preserve by 2.5 acres. Viadana/Pavoreal HOA These two Homeowner’s Association-owned HMP Preserve open space areas total 20.7 acres (as shown in EIR Figure 5.4-13) but are not under formal HMP Preserve management because their dedication pre-dates the HMP and no long-term management funding has been established. The property may be eligible for mitigation credit if the Applicant establishes an adequate Preserve Management Plan and restores disturbed areas within the 20.7-acre property. It is estimated that the properties support approximately 2.0 acres of disturbed areas that could be credited towards the habitat creation/substantial restoration requirement, with the remainder of the parcel being credited towards the habitat preservation requirement at a 0.5:1 ratio (i.e., 50% credit). Carlsbad Oaks Conservation Bank Approximately 24 acres of credit remain unallocated at the Carlsbad Oaks Conservation Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-16 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateBank. The bank is located north of Palomar Airport Road and east of El Camino Real and thus outside of the coastal zone, but does support a variety of habitat including southern maritime chaparral, southern mixed chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and oak woodlands. Credits may be used to satisfy the habitat preservation requirements, subject to agency approval. Other Restoration in City-Owned HMP Preserve Similar to habitat restoration proposed within the existing HMP Preserve at Veteran’s Park, additional City-owned HMP Preserve lands may be identified to provide additional mitigation credits towards the habitat creation/substantial restoration and/or habitat preservation requirements. Such restoration would be subject to the requirements of BR-6. Other Private Property Acquisition Similar to purchase and conservation of the Reiter Parcel, additional private property(ies) may be purchased and conserved consistent with the requirements of BR-6 and provide additional mitigation credits towards the habitat creation/substantial restoration, habitat preservation, and/or HMP Preserve requirements. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or clearing of any habitat, the project applicant shall take the following actions to the satisfaction of the Planning Director in relation to the open space lot which is being conserved for natural habitat in conformance with the City’s HMP: a. Prior to recordation of the approved final tract map, the applicant shall record a Conservation Easement, as defined by California Civil Code Section 815.1 or other protective measure over all on-site and off-site mitigation land. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-17 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateb. Provide proof that appropriate type and acreage of land or mitigation credits have been purchased at an approved mitigation bank or other site for off-site mitigation. c. Select a qualified conservation entity to manage the conserved land. d. Prepare a Property Analysis Record (PAR) to estimate costs of in perpetuity management and monitoring. e. Provide a non-wasting endowment based on the PAR to sufficiently cover the costs of in-perpetuity management and Monitoring. f. Prepare a Preserve Management Plan, pursuant to the guidelines set forth in Section F(2) and Section F(3) of the Carlsbad HMP (November 2004) and the Guidelines for Preserve Management (July 2009). In addition, given the recent fire on the property, a Post-Fire Habitat Recovery Stewardship Plan shall be prepared and implemented to ensure the recovery of pre-existing native vegetation communities to the extent feasible. BR-7 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall incorporate the following measure into the grading plans, final project design, and landscaping plans: Lighting in or adjacent to the preserve will not be used, except where essential for roadway, facility use, and safety. If nighttime construction lights are necessary, all lighting adjacent to natural habitat will be shielded and/or directed away from habitat. PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to issuance of a grading permit Prior to issuance of grading permit, the project applicant shall incorporate the measure listed in Mitigation Measure BR-7 into the grading plans, final project design, and landscaping plans for approval by the City. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-18 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateBR-8 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the following item will be provided to and approved by the City and/or the Preserve Steward: Plans for lighting that might directly or indirectly impact sensitive habitats or species; the plans will document compliance with Adjacency Standards, if applicable (HMP P. F-16). PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to issuance of grading permit Prior to issuance of grading permit, the project applicant shall submit lighting plans to the City and/or Preserve Steward for review and approval. Cultural Resources CR-1 The following shall be implemented to minimize impacts to subsurface tribal cultural resources: Prior to the commencement of ground disturbing activities, the project developer shall enter into a Pre-Excavation Agreement, otherwise known as a Cultural Resources Treatment and Tribal Monitoring Agreement, with the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians or other Luiseño tribe. This agreement will contain provisions to address the proper treatment of any tribal cultural resources and/or Luiseño Native American human remains inadvertently discovered during the course of the project. The agreement will outline the roles and powers of the Luiseño Native American monitors and the archaeologist. A copy of said agreement shall be provided to the City of Carlsbad prior to the issuance of a grading permit. A Luiseño Native American monitor shall be present during all ground disturbing activities that may impact native soils. Ground disturbing activities may include, but are not limited to, archaeological studies, geotechnical investigations, clearing, grubbing, PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to construction As a result of consultation with the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians, prior to the commencement of ground disturbing activities, the measures identified in Mitigation Measure CR-1 will be implemented. A copy of the Pre-Excavation Agreement, otherwise known as a Cultural Resources Treatment and Tribal Monitoring Agreement, with the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians or other Luiseño tribe shall be provided to the City of Carlsbad prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-19 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDatetrenching, excavation, preparation for utilities and other infrastructure, and grading activities. Any and all uncovered artifacts of Luiseño Native American cultural importance shall be returned to the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians, and/or the Most Likely Descendant, if applicable, and not be curated. The Luiseño Native American monitor shall be present at the project’s preconstruction meeting to consult with grading and excavation contractors concerning excavation schedules and safety issues, as well as consult with the principal archaeologist concerning the proposed archaeologist techniques and/or strategies for the project. Luiseño Native American monitors and archaeological monitors shall have joint authority to temporarily divert and/or halt construction activities. If tribal cultural resources are discovered during construction, all earth moving activity within and around the immediate discovery area must be diverted until the Luiseño Native American monitor and the archaeologist can assess the nature and significance of the find. If a significant tribal cultural resource(s) and/or unique archaeological resource(s) are discovered during ground disturbing activities for this project, the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians shall be notified and consulted regarding the respectful and dignified treatment of those resources. Pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-20 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDatearchaeological and tribal cultural resources. If however, the Applicant is able to demonstrate that avoidance of a significant and/or unique cultural resource is infeasible and a data recovery plan is authorized by the City of Carlsbad as the lead agency, the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians shall be consulted regarding the drafting and finalization of any such recovery plan. When tribal cultural resources are discovered during the project, if the archaeologist collects such resources, a Luiseño Native American monitor must be present during any testing or cataloging of those resources. All collections made by archaeologists will be collected and treated following the guidelines and regulations set forth under 36 CFR 79, Federal regulations for collection of cultural materials. If the archaeologist does not collect the tribal cultural resources that are unearthed during the ground disturbing activities, the Luiseño Native American monitor, may in their discretion, collect said resources and provide them to the San Luis Rey band of Mission Indians for dignified and respectful treatment in accordance with their cultural and spiritual traditions. If suspected Native American human remains are encountered, California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the San Diego County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-21 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDatea final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. Suspected Native American remains shall be examined in the field and kept in a secure location at the site. A Luiseño Native American monitor shall be present during the examination of the remains. If the San Diego County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) must be contacted within 24 hours. The NAHC must then immediately notify the “Most Likely Descendant” of receiving notification of the discovery. The Most Likely Descendant shall then make recommendations within 48 hours, and engage in consultation concerning treatment of remains as provided in Public Resources Code 5097.98. In the event that fill material is imported into the project area, the fill shall be clean of tribal cultural resources and documented as such. If fill material is to be utilized and/or exported from areas within the project site, then that fill material shall be analyzed and confirmed by an archaeologist and Luiseño Native American monitor that such fill material does not contain tribal cultural resources. No testing, invasive or non-invasive, shall be permitted on any recovered tribal cultural resources without the written permission of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians. Prior to the release of the grading bond, a monitoring report and/or evaluation report, if appropriate, which describes the results, analysis and conclusions of the monitoring program shall be submitted by the archaeologist, along Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-22 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDatewith the Luiseño Native American monitor’s notes and comments, to the City of Carlsbad for approval. Said report shall be subject to confidentiality as an exception to the Public Records Act and will not be available for public distribution. CR-2 A qualified paleontologist shall monitor all grading that includes initial cutting into any area of the project site as the project site sits on paleontologically sensitive Santiago Formation deposit. If any paleontological resources are identified during these activities, the paleontologist shall temporarily divert construction until the significance of the resources is ascertained. PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division During construction activities Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer and contractor shall both provide a statement agreeing to comply in full with Mitigation Measure CR-2 during construction of the project. Evidence of a contractor with a qualified paleontologist to carry out the monitoring shall be provided to the City Planning Division. During construction, a qualified paleontologist shall monitor all grading that includes initial cutting into any area of the project site. CR-3 Paleontological monitoring shall occur only for those undisturbed sediments wherein fossil plant or animal remains are found with no associated evidence of human activity or any archaeological context. PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division During construction activities Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer and contractor shall both provide a statement agreeing to comply in full, that paleontological monitoring shall occur only for those undisturbed sediments wherein fossil plant or animal remains are found with no associated evidence of human activity or any archaeological context. CR-4 Paleontological monitors shall be equipped to salvage fossils as they are unearthed to avoid construction delays, and to remove samples of sediments which are likely to contain the remains of small fossil invertebrates and vertebrates. Monitors shall be empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to allow removal of abundant or PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division During construction activities Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer and contractor shall both provide a statement agreeing to comply in full, that paleontological monitors shall be equipped to salvage fossils as they are unearthed to avoid construction delays, and to remove Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-23 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDatelarge specimens. Monitoring may be reduced if the potentially fossiliferous units described above are not present or if the fossiliferous units present are determined by a qualified paleontological monitor to have low potential to contain fossil resources. samples of sediments which are likely to contain the remains of small fossil invertebrates and vertebrates. CR-5 All recovered specimens shall be prepared to a point of identification and permanent preservation, including washing of sediments to recover small invertebrates and vertebrates. PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division During construction activities Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer and contractor shall both provide a statement agreeing to comply in full, that all recovered specimens shall be prepared to a point of identification and permanent preservation, including washing of sediments to recover small invertebrates and vertebrates. CR-6 Specimens shall be identified and curated into an established, accredited, professional museum repository with permanent retrievable storage. The paleontologist shall have a written repository agreement in hand prior to the initiation of mitigation activities. PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division During construction activities Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer and contractor shall both provide a statement agreeing to comply in full, that specimens shall be identified and curated into an established, accredited, professional museum repository with permanent retrievable storage. The paleontologist shall have a written repository agreement in hand prior to the initiation of mitigation activities. CR-7 A report shall be completed describing the methods and results of the paleontological monitoring and data recovery program. PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division During construction activities Post paleontological monitoring, a qualified paleontologist shall complete a report describing the methods and results of the monitoring and data recovery program. The Planning Division shall verify that the report has been submitted. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-24 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateCR-8 If human remains are found during any ground disturbance associated with project development activities, including the archaeological test or data recovery programs, the project proponents and its agents must comply with Public Resources Code (PRC) 5097.98 and California Health and Safety Code 7050.5. a) The discovery location will be protected and secured from further disturbance. b) The Archaeological Project Manager will contact the San Diego County Medical Examiner. c) If the remains are determined by the Medical Examiner or an authorized representative to be Native American, the Medical Examiner will contact the NAHC. d) The NAHC will designate and contact the Most Likely Descendant (MLD). e) The property owner will provide the MLD with access to the discovery location, which will have been protected from damage. f) The MLD will make a recommendation for treatment of the remains within 48 hours. The descendants’ preferences for treatment may include the following: i) The nondestructive removal and analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American human remains. ii) Preservation of Native American human remains and associated items in place. iii) Relinquishment of Native American human remains and associated items to the descendants for treatment. PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division During construction activities If human remains are found during any ground disturbance associated with project development activities, including the archaeological test or data recovery programs, the project proponents and its agents must comply with Public Resources Code (PRC) 5097.98 and California Health and Safety Code 7050.5. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-25 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateiv) Other culturally appropriate treatment. g) If the MLD does not make a recommendation within 48 hours, or if the recommendations are not acceptable to the property owner following extended discussions and mediation, the property owner will reinter the remains and burial items with appropriate dignity on the property, in a location not subject to further subsurface disturbance. The location of reinterment will be protected by at least one of the three following measures: i) Record the location with the NAHC or the SCIC. ii) Utilize an open space or conservation zoning designation or easement. iii) Record a document with San Diego County. h) If multiple human remains are found, extended discussions will be held with the MLD. If agreement on the treatment of these remains is not reached, they will be reinterred in compliance with PRC 5097.98(e). i) If Native American remains are discovered during ground disturbance and are positively identified as such by a representative of the County Medical Examiner, they will be kept in situ, or in a secure location in close proximity to where they were found, and any analysis of the remains will occur only on-site in the presence of a Luiseño Native American monitor. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-26 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateGeology/Soils GEO-1 Prior to approval of final engineering and grading plans for the project, the City shall verify that all recommendations contained in the Report of Geotechnical Investigation for the Poinsettia 61 Development prepared by Group Delta Consultants, Inc. (November 20, 2014) have been incorporated into all final engineering and grading plans. The City’s soil engineer and engineering geologist shall review grading plans prior to finalization, to verify plan compliance with the recommendations of the report. All future grading and construction of the project site shall comply with the geotechnical recommendations contained in the geotechnical report. The report identifies specific measures for mitigating geotechnical conditions on the project site, and addresses grading, slope stability, foundations, concrete slabs-on-grade, and earth retaining walls. City Standard Conditions of Approval In addition to Mitigation Measure GEO-1 identified above, the project will be required to comply with the following city standard Conditions of Approval: The proposed project shall comply with the City’s Excavation and Grading Ordinance (§15.16, Carlsbad Municipal Code). Grading information shall be submitted for review by the City with each subdivision map. Grading shall comply with grading standards and manufactured slope revegetation requirements of the City. All applicable federal, state, and local permits regarding drainage shall be obtained. Such permits include the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the Regional Water Quality Control Board. PD & PC City of Carlsbad Engineering Division Prior to issuance of a grading permit Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the City’s soil engineer and engineering geologist shall review grading plans prior to finalization, to verify plan compliance with the recommendations of the report. In addition, the City’s Engineering Division shall verify that the project complies with the City Standard Conditions of Approvals, as listed in Mitigation Measure GEO-1. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-27 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDate Erosion control measures shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer in accordance with the City’s grading and erosion control requirements (Municipal Code §15.16. et seq.). The locations of all erosion control devices shall be noted on the grading plans. All grading permits issued authorizing grading during the rainy season (November 16 of any year to April 14 of the following year), shall require the installation of all erosion and sedimentation control protective measures in accordance with city standards. Erosion and runoff control measures shall be designed and bonded prior to approval of grading permits by the City. All permanent slopes shall be planted with erosion control vegetation, drained and properly maintained to reduce erosion within 30 days of completion of grading. Erosion control and drainage devices shall be installed in compliance with the requirements of the City. All erosion and sedimentation control protective measures shall be maintained in good working order throughout the duration of the rainy season unless it can be demonstrated to the City Engineer that their removal at an earlier date will not result in any unnecessary erosion of or sedimentation on public or private properties. Hydrology and Water Quality WQ-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit for any phase of the development, the applicant shall prepare and submit for review and approval of the Carlsbad City Engineer, a PD & PC City of Carlsbad Engineering Division Prior to issuance of a grading permit for any phase of the development. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for any phase of the development, the project applicant shall prepare and submit for review Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-28 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateSWPPP to demonstrate that pollutants will be controlled through compliance with the City of Carlsbad Stormwater Management and Discharge Control Ordinance, General Construction Stormwater Permit (Order No. 2012-0006-DWQ, NPDES CAS000002), and the General Municipal Stormwater Permit (R9-2013-0001, as amended by Order Nos. R9-2015-0001 and R9-2015-0100, NPDES No. CAS0109266). The applicant shall be responsible for monitoring and maintaining the BMP erosion control measures identified below on a weekly basis in accordance with the City’s grading and erosion control requirements (Municipal Code Section 15.16. et seq.). The locations of all erosion control devices shall be noted in the SWPPP referenced on the grading plans. BMPs that shall be installed include, but are not limited to, the following: Silt fence, fiber rolls, or gravel bag berms; Check dams; Street sweeping and vacuuming; Storm drain inlet protection; Stabilized construction entrance/exit; Hydroseed, soil binders, or straw mulch; Containment of material delivery and storage areas; Stockpile management; Spill prevention and control; Waste management for solid, liquid, hazardous, and sanitary waste-contaminated soil; and Concrete waste management. and approval of the Carlsbad City Engineer, a SWPPP to control pollutants in compliance with the City’s Stormwater Management and Discharge Control Ordinance, General Construction Stormwater Permit, and the General Municipal Stormwater Permit. The applicant shall be responsible for BMP erosion control measures on a weekly basis. WQ-2 Prior to the issuance of grading permits or other approvals for any public or private right-of-way improvements or site development plans, the developer shall prepare PD & PC City of Carlsbad Engineering Division Prior to issuance of a grading permit. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or other approvals for any public or private right-of-way improvements or site development Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-29 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateand submit for review and approval of the Carlsbad City Engineer, SWQMP, grading and improvement plans that demonstrate that pollutants will be controlled through compliance with the City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual. Approval of such plans shall be subject to a determination by the Carlsbad City Engineer that the proposed project has implemented an integrated Low Impact Development (LID) approach to meet criteria described in the City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual. The proposed project has incorporated LID strategies which include site design BMPs, source control BMPs and pollutant control BMPs into the project design to the maximum extent practicable. plans, the project applicant shall prepare and submit for review and approval of the Carlsbad City Engineer, SWQMP, grading and improvement plans that demonstrate that pollutants will be controlled through compliance with the City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual. Land Use Planning LU-1 New residents within the McClellan-Palomar Airport Overflight Notification Area as defined by the ALUCP shall be notified as part of the real estate disclosure package that the project site is outside the 60 dB(A) CNEL airport noise impact area, but still subject to intermittent single-event noise impacts, sight and sound of aircraft operating from McClellan-Palomar Airport. The state statute dictates that the following statement shall be provided: NOTICE OF AIRPORT IN VICINITY: This property is presently located in the vicinity of an airport, within what is known as an airport influence area. For that reason, the property may be subject to some of the annoyances or inconveniences associated with proximity to airport operations (for example: noise, vibration, or odors). Individual sensitivities to those annoyances can vary from person to person. You may wish to consider what airport annoyances, if any, are associated with the property before you complete your purchase and determine whether they are acceptable to you. PD & PC City of Carlsbad Planning Division Prior to issuance of a building permit Prior to issuance of a building permit, the City of Carlsbad Planning Division shall verify through the recordation of a Notice that new residents within the McClellan-Palomar Airport Overflight Notification Area as defined by the ALCUP are notified as part of the real estate disclosure package that the project site is outside the 60dB(A) CNEL airport noise impact area, but still subject to intermittent single-event noise impacts, sight and sound of aircraft operating from McClellan-Palomar Airport. Poinsettia 61 Project Final EIR 0.3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program City of Carlsbad, California January 2017 | 0.3-30 Mitigation Measure Type Monitor Schedule Compliance Action Verification of Compliance Remarks InitialDateThis measure shall be implemented concurrent with the real estate disclosure package. Prior to issuance of building permits, the City of Carlsbad Planning Division shall be responsible for verification of implementation of this measure through the recordation of a Notice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FROM R-4 RESIDENTIAL AND OPEN SPACE TO R-8 RESIDENTIAL AND OPEN SPACE (OS) AND TO ADJUST BOUNDARIES OF OPEN SPACE; A ZONE CHANGE FROM ONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) AND OPEN SPACE TO RESIDENTIAL DENSITY-MULTIPLE (RD-M) AND OPEN SPACE; AND A LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM LAND USE AMENDMENT AND ZONE CHANGE TO REFLECT THE PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN LAND USE AND ZONING FOR A 50.8-ACRE SITE AND 10-ACRE MITIGATION SITE LOCATED SOUTH OF CASSIA ROAD, BETWEEN THE EXISTING WESTERN AND EASTERN SEGMENTS OF POINSETTIA LANE, AND EAST OF AMBROSIA LANE WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 21. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA 61 CASE NO: GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06 WHEREAS, Lennar Homes of California, Inc., “Developer,” has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by 2010-1 RADC/CADC Property XII LLC, “Owner,” described as a Portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23 and a Portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, both of Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Unites States Government Survey thereof (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Local Coastal Program Amendment as shown on Exhibits “GPA 14-06”, “ZC 14-04”, and “LCPA 14-06” dated February 1, 2017, attached hereto and on file in the Carlsbad Planning Division, POINSETTIA 61 – GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06, as provided in Government Code Section 65350 et. seq. and Chapter 21.52 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed Zone Change and Local Coastal Program Zone Change are set forth in the draft City Council Ordinance, EXHIBIT “X” dated February 1, 2017, and attached hereto as ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06 – POINSETTIA 61; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7225 PC RESO NO. 7225 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on February 1, 2017, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Local Coastal Program Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of POINSETTIA 61 – GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06, based on the following findings: Findings: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does hereby find: A. it has reviewed, analyzed and considered Final EIR 15-03, the environmental impacts therein identified for this project; the CEQA Findings; the Statement; and the Program prior to RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the project; B. the Final EIR 15-03, the CEQA Findings, the Program and the Statement have been prepared in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines and the Environmental Review Procedures of the City of Carlsbad; and C. they reflect the independent judgment of the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission. General Plan Amendment, GPA 14-06 2. The Planning Commission finds that the project, as conditioned herein, is in conformance with the Elements of the City’s General Plan, based on the facts set forth in the staff report dated February 1, 2017, including, but not limited to the following: A. The project is consistent with the Land Use and Community Design Element in that it is compatible with existing surrounding development and open space, and is in proximity to nearby services. The change in land use to R-8 allows for a planned unit development of detached single family condominiums that are clustered to maximize and preserve open space areas around the development. The northern portion of the project site to be developed with 123 detached single-family residential units is below the GMCP for the existing land use designation and is consistent with the R-8 General Plan land use designation. The project is consistent with the Housing Element and Inclusionary Housing Ordinance because the project includes 15 on-site accessory dwelling units attached to the main home, and the purchase of four affordable housing credits in the southwest quadrant. PC RESO NO. 7225 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B. The project is consistent with the Mobility Element in that it will complete the last remaining section of Poinsettia Lane (“Reach E”) which is one of the City’s most important transportation linkages. The completion of Poinsettia Lane will improve the connectivity of existing residential communities located on both current termini of Poinsettia Lane. With the completion of the Poinsettia Lane extension, the existing bike lane on Poinsettia Lane will extend through the project and connect from Carlsbad Boulevard to Melrose Drive. The main entry into the development will be via a full- access intersection, and the design also includes secondary accesses to Poinsettia Lane. The main internal streets and drive aisle will provide safe sidewalk access to Poinsettia Lane. A trail will also be provided within the SDG&E easement extending south through the project. Bus turnouts are provided within the project frontage on the eastbound and westbound sides of Poinsettia Lane. C. The project is consistent with the Noise Element in that the project’s traffic will not have any significant noise impacts on off-site land uses, and the project’s perimeter walls will preclude noise exceeding 60 dBA (the City’s CNEL exterior noise standard) in outdoor active use areas. All on-site residential buildings/structures that are directly adjacent to Poinsettia Lane will have mechanical ventilation systems to meet the 45 dBA CNEL interior noise standard for noise-sensitive uses. The project site is located outside of the 60 dBA CNEL noise contours generated by typical McClellan-Palomar Airport operations. The homes will be located within the Airport Overflight Notification Area for the airport, so the project will record a notice informing future residents that the property is subject to overflight, sight and sound of aircraft operating from the airport. D. The project is consistent with the Public Safety Element in that it will implement requirements related to its location within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. The project is located in proximity to El Camino Real, which is designated as an emergency access or emergency evacuation route under the City’s Emergency Plan. Completing Reach E of Poinsettia Lane improves emergency access and evacuation routes in the area. The project site is within the five minute response time of Fire Station 2, located less than one mile southeast of the project site, and Fire Station No. 4, located approximately 1.4 miles west of the project site. A Conceptual Fire Protection Plan has been prepared for the project to demonstrate how the proposed project will conform to the policies and requirements of the Landscape Manual, particularly the Fire Policies and Fire Protection Requirements. The plan includes written and graphic illustrations of fire hydrant locations, rear yard setbacks, 60 foot fire fuel modification zones are provided for both manufactured slope areas and native slope areas, emergency/maintenance access, maintenance responsibility and schedule of frequency, any other project modification to protect the development from fire hazards, and street widths. E. The project is consistent with the Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element in that approximately 25.1 acres of land will be dedicated and preserved as permanent open space. The project site is currently within a Standards area of the Habitat Management Plan (HMP), but the designated open space areas will become part of the HMP’s Hardline Area preserve. Although the project does not comply with HMP standards restricting development to the westerly portions of the parcels, the project increases open space acreage, preserves habitat and wildlife corridors and linkages, and analyses indicated that no biological benefit would accrue from further reductions in the project’s residential units. The project applies Open Space land use and zoning designations to the conserved open space lots for resource protection. The project will PC RESO NO. 7225 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 also implement an on-site habitat restoration plan, an onsite Post-fire Habitat Recovery Stewardship Plan, a Contractor Education Program and biological construction monitoring, will include City review of project design features to minimize indirect impacts, and will avoid habitat clearing and reduction of construction noise during the breeding season. F. The project is consistent with the Sustainability Element in that it implements and is consistent with measures identified in the Climate Action Plan through the provision of renewable energy generation (photo-voltaic (PV) systems on rooftops), energy conservation (Green Building Code), LED or similarly efficient project lighting, solar water heating as part of the residential PV rooftop systems, accommodating Zero- Emission vehicles, and other greenhouse gas reduction measures and features. G. That the proposed open space area: 1) is equal to or greater than the area depicted on the Official Open Space and Conservation Map in that the existing 9.6 acres of open space will increase to over 25 acres plus the adjacent 10 acres of mitigation land, as further shown on Exhibit “GPA 14-04” attached hereto; and 2) is of environmental quality equal to or greater than that depicted on the Official Open Space and Conservation Map in that the site’s existing designated Open Space will be preserved or restored; the increased area of open space will include preserved, restored or created habitat in compliance with the Habitat Management Plan and be converted from a Standards Area to a Hardline Area; impacts to existing habitat will be fully mitigated to at least meet prescribed ratios and result in no net loss of habitat; and additional off-site mitigation lands southeast of the project and in Veteran’s Park will provide restored or created habitat in compliance with the Habitat Management Plan; and 3) is contiguous or within close proximity to open space as shown on the Official Open Space and Conservation Map, as shown on Exhibit “GPA 14-04” attached hereto. 3. The project is consistent with the adopted Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the McClellan- Palomar Airport (ALUCP), dated December 1, 2011, in that, on September 26, 2016, the ALUC determined that the proposed project is consistent with the McClellan-Palomar ALUCP as the project site is outside the 60 dBA noise contour, the proposed residential uses are compatible uses in Safety Zone 6, the project is compliant with airspace protection surfaces because a determination of no hazard to air navigation was issued by the FAA, and the project will record notification to future residents of aircraft overflight. Zone Change, ZC 14-04 4. That the proposed Zone Change from One-Family Residential and Open Space to Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) and Open Space for a 50.8-acre site, and from One-Family Residential and Open Space to Open Space for a separate, adjacent 10-acre mitigation site, is consistent with the goals and policies of the various elements of the General Plan, in that the proposed RD- M and Open Space zoning designations implement the proposed R-8 and Open Space General Plan Land Use designations. The clustering of homes within the proposed RD-M zone of the site allows for a larger area of conserved and preserved Open Space. The RD-M zoning designation will allow for a detached single family residential condominium development that meets all PC RESO NO. 7225 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 applicable standards of the RD-M zone and the Planned Unit Development ordinance. The 10- acre mitigation site will also be preserved as designated Open Space within the City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Preserve. 5. That the Zone Change will provide consistency between the General Plan and Zoning as mandated by California State law and the City of Carlsbad General Plan Land Use Element, in that the Residential Density-Multiple and Open Space zone designations shown on Exhibit “ZC 14-06” attached hereto implement the Residential (R-8) and Open Space General Plan Land Use designations. 6. That the Zone Change is consistent with the public convenience, necessity, and general welfare, and is consistent with sound planning principles in that the residential uses allowed by the proposed zone change are compatible with the adjacent residential and open space land uses. Local Coastal Program Amendment, LCPA 14-06 7. That the proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment meets the requirements of, and is in conformity with, the policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and all applicable policies of the Mello II segment of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program not being amended by this amendment, in that the amendment ensures consistency with the Carlsbad General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and does not conflict with any coastal zone regulations, land use designations or policies. 8. That the proposed amendment to the Mello II segment of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program is required to bring the property’s Local Coastal Program Land Use and Zoning Designations into consistency with the proposed General Plan Amendment (GPA 14-06) and Zone Change (ZC 14- 04. General 9. The project is consistent with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 and all City public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding sewer collection and treatment; water; drainage; circulation; fire; schools; parks and other recreational facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need. Specifically, A. The Public Facility fee is required to be paid by Council Policy No. 17 and will be collected prior to the issuance of building permit. 10. All necessary public facilities can be provided concurrent with need, and adequate provisions have been provided to implement those portions of the capital improvement program applicable to the subject property. 11. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. PC RESO NO. 7225 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Conditions: NOTE: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions shall be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit, building permit or recordation of final map, whichever comes first; or pursuant to an approved construction schedule at the discretion of the appropriate division manager or official. 1. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the City’s approval of this General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Local Coastal Program Amendment documents, as necessary, to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development different from this approval shall require an amendment to this approval. 3. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. 5. Developer shall implement, or cause the implementation of, the Poinsettia 61 Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. 6. Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City’s approval and issuance of this General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Local Coastal Program Amendment, (b) City’s approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c) Developer/Operator’s installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the City’s approval is not validated. 7. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 8. This approval is granted subject to certification of EIR 15-03 and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7224 incorporated herein by reference. EXHIBIT X Dated February 1, 2017 ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM ZONING MAPS (ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06) TO ALLOW A ZONE CHANGE FROM ONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) AND OPEN SPACE TO RESIDENTIAL DENSITY-MULTIPLE (RD-M) AND OPEN SPACE; A LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM ZONE CHANGE FROM ONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) AND OPEN SPACE TO RESIDENTIAL DENSITY-MULTIPLE (RD-M) AND OPEN SPACE; AND TO ADJUST BOUNDARIES OF OPEN SPACE FOR A 50.8-ACRE SITE AND 10-ACRE MITIGATION SITE LOCATED SOUTH OF CASSIA ROAD, BETWEEN THE EXISTING WESTERN AND EASTERN SEGMENTS OF POINSETTIA LANE, AND EAST OF AMBROSIA LANE WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 21. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA 61 CASE NO.: ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06 WHEREAS, Lennar Homes of California, Inc., “Developer,” has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by 2010-1 RADC/CADC Property XII LLC, “Owner,” described as a Portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23 and a Portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, both of Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Unites States Government Survey thereof (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Zone Change and Local Coastal Program Amendment as shown on Exhibits “ZC 14-04” and “LCPA 14-06” – POINSETTIA 61 dated February 1, 2017, attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council did, on the _____ day of ______________________, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said City Council considered all factors relating to the “ZC 14- 04/LCPA 14-06 – POINSETTIA 61.” NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Section 21.05.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, being the Zoning Map and the Local Coastal Program Zoning Map, are amended as shown on the maps marked “ZC 14-04 – POINSETTIA 61” and “LCPA 14-06 – POINSETTIA 61” dated February 1, 2017, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7225 shall also constitute the findings and conditions of the City Council. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. (Notwithstanding the preceding, this ordinance shall not be effective until LCPA 14-06 is approved by the California Coastal Commission.) INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the ______ day of _________________, 2017, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the ______ day of ____________________, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: _________________________________ CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney _________________________ MATT HALL, Mayor _________________________ BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) MOO RHENPLPOINSE T T I A L N CALLIAND R A RDDOCE N A RDMIMOSADRAMANTECT ORIOLE CT AMBROSIA L N FOLLETTESTSKIMMER C T MOORHENPLPOINSE T T I A L N CALLIAND R A RDD O CE N A RDMIMOSADRAMANTECT ORIOLE CT AMBROSIA L N FOLLETTESTSKIMMER C T GPA 14-06 Poinsettia 61 February 1, 2017Exhibit "GPA 14-06" EXISTING PROPOSED R-23 R-4 OS OS R-4 OS R-8R-15OS R-8 R-4 OS OS OS R-4 OS R-4 OS R-23 R-4 OS OS R-4 OS R-8R-15OS R-8 R-8 OS OS OS OS From:To:A. 215-020-07 R-4 R-8/OSB. 215-050-21 R-4/OS R-8/OSC. 215-050-22 R-4/OS OSD. 215-050-44 R-4/OS OSE. 215-050-47 R-4/OS OSF. 215-050-45 R-4/OS OS (Offsite Mitigation)E. 215-050-46 R-4/OS OS (Offsite Mitigation) Related Case File No(s): EIR 15-03/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/ PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04General Plan Land Use Designation ChangesProperty OffsiteMitigationArea OffsiteMitigationArea MOO RHENPLPOINSE T T I A L N CALLIAN D R A RDD O CE N A RDMIMOSADR FIO NA PL AM AN T E CT ORIOLE CT A MBROSIA L N FOLLETTESTSKIMMER C T MOORHENPLPOINSE T T I A L N CALLIAND R A RDD O CE N A RDMIMOSADRAMANTECT ORIOLE CT AMBROSIA L N FOLLETTESTSKIMMER C T ZC 14-04 Poinsettia 61 February 1, 2017Exhibit "ZC 14-04" EXISTING PROPOSED P-C R-1-Q OS P-C P-C RD-M-QRD-MOS R-1 P-C R-1-Q OS P-C P-C OS RD-M-QRD-MOS R-1 R-1 OS OS OS OS RD-M R-1 OS OSOS OS From:To:A. 215-020-07 R-1 RD-M/OSB. 215-050-21 R-1/OS RD-M/OSC. 215-050-22 R-1/OS OSD. 215-050-44 R-1/OS OSE. 215-050-47 R-1/OS OSF. 215-050-45 R-1/OS OS (Offsite Mitigation)E. 215-050-46 R-1/OS OS (Offsite Mitigation) Related Case File No(s): EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/ PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04Zoning Designation ChangesProperty OffsiteMitigationArea OffsiteMitigationArea MOO RHENPLPOINSE T T I A L N CALLIAND R A RDDOCE N A RDMIMOSADRAMANTECT ORIOLE CT AMBROSIA L N FOLLETTESTSKIMMER C T MOORHENPLPOINSE T T I A L N CALLIAND R A RDD O CE N A RDMIMOSADRAMANTECT ORIOLE CT AMBROSIA L N FOLLETTESTSKIMMER C T LCPA 14-06 (Land Use)Poinsettia 61 February 1, 2017Exhibit "LCPA 14-06" EXISTING PROPOSED R-23 R-4 OS OS R-4 OS R-8R-15OS R-8 R-4 OS OS OS R-4 OS R-4 OS R-23 R-4 OS OS R-4 OS R-8R-15OS R-8 R-8 OS OS OS OS From:To:A. 215-020-07 R-4 R-8/OSB. 215-050-21 R-4/OS R-8/OSC. 215-050-22 R-4/OS OSD. 215-050-44 R-4/OS OSE. 215-050-47 R-4/OS OSF. 215-050-45 R-4/OS OS (Offsite Mitigation)E. 215-050-47 R-4/OS OS (Offsite Mitigation) Related Case File No(s): EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/CT 14-10/ PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04LCPA Land Use Designation ChangesProperty R-1-Q OS RD-M-Q R-1 OffsiteMitigationArea OffsiteMitigationArea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN PERMIT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 50.8 ACRE SITE FOR A 123-UNIT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE LAST REMAINING SECTION OF POINSETTIA LANE (“REACH E”), ALL LOCATED SOUTH OF CASSIA ROAD, BETWEEN THE EXISTING WESTERN AND EASTERN SEGMENTS OF POINSETTIA LANE, AND EAST OF AMBROSIA LANE WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 21. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA 61 CASE NO.: CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14- 07/HMP 14-04 WHEREAS, Lennar Homes of California, Inc., “Developer,” has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by 2010-1 RADC/CADC Property XII LLC, “Owner,” described as a Portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23 and a Portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, both of Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Unites States Government Survey thereof (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit, Site Development Plan, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit as shown on Exhibit(s) “A” – “MMM” dated February 1, 2017, on file in the Planning Division CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/ HMP 14-04 – POINSETTIA 61, as provided by Chapter 20.12, 21.06, 21.45, 21.95, 21.201 and 21.210 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on February 1, 2017, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7226 PC RESO NO. 7226 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit, Site Development Plan, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of POINSETTIA 61 – CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14- 34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04, based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1. The Planning Commission finds that the project, as conditioned herein, is in conformance with the Elements of the City’s General Plan based on the facts set forth in the staff report dated February 1, 2017, and the findings contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7225 for GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06. 2. The project is consistent with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 and all City public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding sewer collection and treatment; water; drainage; circulation; fire; schools; parks and other recreational facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need. Specifically, A. The project has been conditioned to provide proof from the Carlsbad Unified School District that the project has satisfied its obligation for school facilities. B. Park-in-lieu fees are required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 20.44, and will be collected prior to issuance of building permit. C. The Public Facility fee is required to be paid by Council Policy No. 17 and will be collected prior to the issuance of building permit. D. The Local Facilities Management fee for Zone 21 is required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.90.050 and will be collected prior to issuance of building permit. 3. The project is consistent with the adopted Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the McClellan- Palomar Airport (ALUCP), dated December 1, 2011, in that, on September 26, 2016, the ALUC determined that the proposed project is consistent with the McClellan-Palomar ALUCP as the project site is outside the 60 dBA noise contour, the proposed residential uses are compatible uses in Safety Zone 6, the project is compliant with airspace protection surfaces because a determination of no hazard to air navigation was issued by the FAA, and the project will record notification to future residents of aircraft overflight. 4. The project is consistent with the City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan (CAP) through the provision of renewable energy generation (photo-voltaic (PV) systems on rooftops), energy conservation (Green Building Code), LED or similarly efficient project lighting, solar water heating as part of the residential PV rooftop systems, accommodating Zero-Emission vehicles, and other greenhouse gas reduction measures and features as conditioned herein that reduce GHG emissions consistent with the CAP. PC RESO NO. 7226 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5. That the project is consistent with the City’s Landscape Manual and Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 18.50). Tentative Tract Map, CT 14-10 6. That the proposed map and the proposed design and improvement of the subdivision as conditioned, is consistent with and satisfies all requirements of the General Plan, any applicable specific plans, Titles 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and the State Subdivision Map Act, and will not cause serious public health problems, in that the project implements the goals and policies of the General Plan as discussed in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7225; is consistent with all minimum requirements of Titles 20 and 21 governing lot size and configuration; and has been designed to comply with all applicable city regulations. 7. That the proposed project is compatible with the surrounding future land uses since surrounding properties are designated for open space and residential development on the General Plan, in that the adjacent and existing open space and residential uses to the north, south, east and west are similar to the proposed development. 8. That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of the development since the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate residential development at the density proposed, in that all required minimum development standards and design criteria required by the applicable Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance are incorporated into the project; the project clusters development so as to better preserve open space and habitat corridors and linkages; the proposed density is less than what could have been developed under the previous zoning on the site; and the grading volume is warranted so as to meet habitat management and open space objectives. 9. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements of record or easements established by court judgment, or acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, in that the project has been designed and conditioned such that there are no conflicts with established easements. 10. That the property is not subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act). 11. That the design of the subdivision provides, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision, in that units are oriented to allow for solar exposure and take advantage of prevailing breezes. 12. That the Planning Commission has considered, in connection with the housing proposed by this subdivision, the housing needs of the region, and balanced those housing needs against the public service needs of the City and available fiscal and environmental resources in that, as conditioned, the proposed housing can be adequately served by existing public services and no new facilities are required, and by providing 15 percent (19 units) of the dwelling units as affordable units to low-income households, through the construction of inclusionary accessory dwelling units incorporated within the space of 15 residences and purchase of four affordable housing credits within the southwest quadrant of the City of Carlsbad. 13. That the design of the subdivision and improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat, in that EIR 15-03 was prepared to determine if the project could have any potentially significant PC RESO NO. 7226 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 impacts on the environment. The EIR identified potentially significant impacts to resources including but not limited to biological, cultural and geological, and mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design of the project or have been placed as conditions of approval for the project such that all potentially significant impacts will be mitigated to below a level of significance. 14. That the discharge of waste from the subdivision will not result in violation of existing California Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements, in that the project has been designed in accordance with the City’s Stormwater regulations and has been conditioned to implement Best Management Practices for water quality protection and to comply with the City of Carlsbad’s BMP Design Manual, Order R9-2013-0001 and amendments R9-2015-0001 and R9-2015-0100 issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for the San Diego Region, and with the City of Carlsbad’s Municipal Code. 15. The project has been conditioned to pay any increase in public facility fee, or new construction tax, or development fees, and has agreed to abide by any additional requirements established by a Local Facilities Management Plan prepared pursuant to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This will ensure continued availability of public facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts created by the project. 16. This project has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved as part of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21. As provided in the analysis contained in EIR 15-03, implementation of the proposed project would not result in a significant impact to public services and utilities; therefore, no mitigation measures are proposed. 17. That all necessary public facilities required by the Growth Management Ordinance will be constructed or are guaranteed to be constructed concurrently with the need for them created by this project and in compliance with adopted City standards, in that implementation of the project would not adversely impact planned or current levels of service for public facilities such as sewer, water, open spaces, parks, libraries and fire. All future development within the project site will be required to construct necessary infrastructure as identified in the LFMP. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the Zone 21 LFMP. Planned Development Permit, PUD 14-12 18. The proposed project is consistent with the general plan, and complies with all applicable provisions of this chapter, and all other applicable provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, in that the density of 6.1 dwelling units per acre for the 20.1 acre area of the project site that will be developed for residential uses is consistent with the R-8 General Plan land use designation (4-8 du/ac). The project is consistent with all minimum development and design standards applicable to the property as contained in Chapters 21.24 Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) Zone and 21.45 (Planned Developments) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 19. The proposed project will not be detrimental to existing uses, or to uses specifically permitted in the area in which the proposed use is to be located, and will not adversely impact the site, surroundings, or traffic, in that the 123-unit single-family residential condominium project meets the development standards of the Zoning Ordinance; is compatible with existing nearby residential development; is permitted by the Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) Zone and is proposed to be constructed at a density (6.1 du/ac) that falls within the range of the applicable R-8 General Plan land use designation; completes the last remaining section of Poinsettia Lane for improved circulation connectivity; will generate 1,230 Average Daily Trips (ADT) which will PC RESO NO. 7226 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 be adequately accommodated by the existing and completed street network servicing the project; and has been found to be consistent with the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. Impacts related to the development of the project have been adequately mitigated to a less than significant level as shown in the EIR 15-03 for the project. 20. The project will not adversely affect the public health, safety, or general welfare, in that the project has been designed to comply with all applicable development standards to ensure compatibility with surrounding residential and open space uses. 21. The project’s design, including architecture, streets, and site layout a) contributes to the community’s overall aesthetic quality, b) includes the use of harmonious materials and colors, and the appropriate use of landscaping, and c) achieves continuity among all elements of the project, in that the detached single-family residential condominium development is clustered in the northern portion of the project site with open space to the south. The site layout includes homes on short drive aisles off the main private streets, and includes three recreation areas as well as a recreational vehicle storage area. Four different floor plans are proposed, ranging in size from 1,745 square feet to 2,718 square feet. One single story floor plan is proposed, and the other three are two-story plans. One of the floor plans provides an alternative layout to include second (accessory) dwelling units, 15 of which will have a modified floor plan to help meet the project’s inclusionary housing requirement. The home exteriors feature three different architectural styles – Craftsman, Spanish and Tuscan – to ensure a varied yet harmonious architectural theme for the development. Poinsettia Lane will feature a trail and meandering sidewalk within landscaped buffers that will connect to existing sidewalks on Poinsettia Lane. The homes feature a variety of materials that include stucco, stone veneers, flat and s-shaped concrete roof tiles, shutters, decorative trim, wrought iron, potshelves, decorative tile, wainscots, columns, rafter tails and Juliet balconies. Most of the roofs incorporate a 4:12 roof pitch in a combination of gabled and shed roof elements that will provide a variety of roof ridges and heights on the homes. All elements (i.e. site layout, architecture, landscaping) create continuity in the overall project design. 22. The proposed planned development designed with the modified development standard is consistent with the purpose and intent of Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.45, in that the increased height of the gravity/mechanically stabilized earth walls of up to 12 feet are necessary to accommodate a clustered property development on environmentally and topographically constrained land that precludes the full development of a site as a standard single-family subdivision so as to reduce impacts on biological resources. 23. The proposed modification will result in the preservation of natural habitat as required by the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP), in that the project’s gravity walls are necessary to preserve existing riparian habitat and buffers, canyon topography, and habitat and wildlife corridors and linkages. Furthermore, the project preserves approximately 25.1 acres of permanent open space. 24. The amount of natural habitat preservation required by the HMP could not be achieved by strict adherence to the development standards of this chapter, in that complying with the six-foot maximum height limit would require a third tier of gravity walls that would encroach into preserved habitat areas. Eliminating the downslope retaining walls altogether would result in the destruction of significant areas of habitat and canyon topography to accommodate the proposed development. PC RESO NO. 7226 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25. The proposed modification(s) will not adversely affect the public health, safety, or general welfare, in that the proposed walls will be constructed in accordance with geotechnical recommendations and all applicable building codes, and will be landscaped so they will not create adverse visual impacts. 26. The modification is consistent with all Local Coastal Program policies and standards for the protection of coastal resources, in that the retaining walls are necessary to preserve existing riparian habitat and buffers, canyon topography, and habitat and wildlife corridors and linkages, and will not have any impact on coastal public access or recreational resources since the project is not near such resources. Site Development Plan, SDP 14-15 27. That the requested use is properly related to the site, surroundings and environmental settings, is consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the area in which the proposed use is to be located, and will not adversely impact the site, surroundings or traffic circulation, in that the project consists of the construction of 123 single-family residential condominiums on 20.1 acres of a 50.8-acre site. The site is adjacent to existing open space, multiple-family and single-family residential developments and is in proximity to a variety of commercial, recreational and educational uses. The proposed single-family residential project at a density of 6.1 du/ac is consistent with the R-8 Residential (4-8 du/ac) General Plan Land Use designation. The project is consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan as discussed above. The proposed detached single-family residential condominium homes with exclusive use areas for the private yards will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the area in which the use is located in that single-family residential planned developments are a permitted use within the Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) Zone and compatible with the existing residential and open space uses near the project site. The 123 unit single-family residential condominium project will not adversely impact the site, surroundings, or traffic circulation in that the existing surrounding streets and the completion of Poinsettia Lane have adequate capacity to accommodate the 1,230 Average Daily Trips (ADT) generated by the residential project; the project complies with all minimum development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including but not limited to the RD-M Zone and the Planned Development Ordinance; and the project is adequately parked onsite and does not result in any significant environmental impacts. 28. That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use, in that the 123 detached single-family residential condominium project complies with all of the minimum development standards (i.e. front, side and rear setbacks, lot coverage, parking, and height restrictions) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including but not limited to the RD-M Zone and the Planned Development Ordinance, as demonstrated in the project staff report. 29. That all yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained, in that as demonstrated in the project staff report, the 123 detached residential condominium homes with exclusive use areas for the private yards comply with all of the minimum development standards (i.e. front, side and rear setbacks, lot coverage, parking, and height restrictions) of the Residential Density – Multiple (RD-M) Zone and the Planned Development Ordinance. Landscaping along the perimeters of the property in the front setback areas on Poinsettia Lane will be provided consistent with the requirements of the city’s Landscape Manual. The six foot perimeter walls that will be constructed behind the landscaped buffer along Poinsettia Lane are adequate to attenuate roadway noise to an acceptable level. PC RESO NO. 7226 -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30. That the street systems serving the proposed use are adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use, in that the 123 unit single-family residential condominium project will not adversely impact the site, surroundings, or traffic circulation in that existing surrounding streets and the completion of Poinsettia Lane have adequate capacity to accommodate the 1,230 Average Daily Trips (ADT) generated by the residential project; the project complies with all minimum development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including but not limited to the RD-M Zone and the Planned Development Ordinance; and the project is adequately parked onsite and does not result in any significant environmental impacts. 31. That the project’s proposed alternatives to meet inclusionary housing supports specific housing element policies and goals and assists the city in meeting its state housing requirements in that new construction of inclusionary units would present unreasonable hardship in light of site constraints and resultant developable project area. The Housing Policy Committee supports the proposed project provision of 15 percent (19 units) of the dwelling units as affordable units to low-income households through the construction of inclusionary accessory dwelling units incorporated within the space of 15 residences, as conditioned, and purchase of four affordable housing credits within the southwest quadrant of the City of Carlsbad. Coastal Development Permit, CDP 14-34 32. That the proposed development is in conformance with the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies in that the project preserves approximately 49% of the site as open space, provides measures adequate to mitigate impacts to onsite habitat including offsite habitat mitigation land, changes the project’s preserve open space from a HMP Standards Area to a Hardline Preserve Area, and includes erosion control measures that protect down slope coastal resources. 33. The proposal is in conformity with the public access and recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act in that the property is not located adjacent to a beach or water-based recreational facilities but does, however, include a public trail within the onsite SDG&E easement. 34. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Zoning Ordinance) in that the project will adhere to the City's Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban runoff, pollutants, and soil erosion. The site is not located in an area susceptible to accelerated erosion or floods, but the project’s geotechnical report indicates that some areas of the property are subject to potential expansive soils, unstable geologic units and liquefaction, and landslides. EIR 15-03 mitigation measures require adherence to the recommendations of the project’s geotechnical report which include removal of clayey soils and loose, alluvial soils, replacing with compacted fill, and using buttressing excavations, keyways, liners and subdrains, and landscaping for slope stability. Hillside Development Permit, HDP 14-07 35. Undevelopable areas of the project, pursuant to Section 21.53.230(b) of the Zoning Ordinance, have been properly identified. 36. The project complies with the purpose and intent provisions of Section 21.95.010 in that: PC RESO NO. 7226 -8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A. The project is consistent with the Land Use and Community Design and Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Elements of the General Plan since portions of onsite habitat will be preserved and designated as permanent Open Space. B. The existing hillside conditions and undevelopable areas of the project site have been properly identified on a slope analysis and slope profile and have been incorporated into the project. C. The project relates to the slope of the land by focusing development in the northern previously disturbed portion of the project site, incorporating contour grading into manufactured slopes which are located in visible public locations, and avoiding grading in the steepest portions of the project site. D. The project’s alteration of natural hillsides will ensure protection of riparian ecosystems, and better preserve and enhance wildlife habitats and native vegetation areas on the site. The project’s impacts to habitat are fully mitigated per EIR 15-03. 37. The project complies with Sections 21.95.140 of the Zoning Ordinance, and Section 21.95.160 if a modification to the development and design standards is approved, in that: A. Project impacts on other areas of onsite habitat will be mitigated at the ratios required for the specific habitat communities. B. Slopes and areas remaining undisturbed will be dedicated and designated as permanent Open Space to reduce the potential for localized erosion and slide hazards, to prohibit the removal of native vegetation except for creating firebreaks and/or planting fire retardant vegetation and to protect visual resources of importance to the entire community. C. The project design and lot configuration minimizes disturbance of hillside lands, in that the area of the project to be developed is within the northern, previously disturbed portion of the project site that was previously used for agricultural operations. The design thus avoids impacting the majority of the site’s natural slopes over 40% which are located within the existing canyon feature and in the southern portion of the project site. D. The proposed grading volume (9,648 cubic yards/acre) falls within the potentially acceptable level, per CMC Section 21.195.140(D). The project design and grading are necessary to preserve and enhance the habitat and canyon topography of the site by limiting the area of development primarily to the northern portion that was previously disturbed by agricultural operations. E. No development will occur on undevelopable areas pursuant to provisions of Section 21.53.230, except as permitted pursuant to Section 21.95.140.B and in accordance with Section 21.203.040. Existing natural slopes over 40% gradient do not comprise a prominent land form feature. Development of areas with slopes over 25% are permitted in order to preserve natural habitat as required by the city’s Habitat Management Plan and the required amount of preservation could not be achieved by strict adherence to the requirements of Section 21.203.040.A(1)(a) and (b). 38. The project design substantially conforms to the hillside development guidelines manual in that the project’s manufactured slopes that are over 40 percent gradient and greater than 20 feet in height are treated appropriately and justified for the purpose of preserving habitat. These slopes are located along perimeter property lines, primarily an uphill slope at the northern project boundary, and a downhill slope north of the existing riparian habitat areas that are required to be preserved and buffered. The manufactured slopes that are over 20 feet in height are contour graded so that they either follow the topography and buffer line of the riparian area to the south or transition the development to existing slopes to the north of the project. PC RESO NO. 7226 -9- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Some of the slopes are designed with single or two terraced, planted gravity walls, also known as mechanically stabilized earth walls. The majority of the walls are six feet in height although a small section of one wall adjacent to the riparian buffer reaches a height of eight to 12 feet. The heights have been minimized to the extent possible, contour grading is used where appropriate, and the walls are terraced. The retaining walls are necessary in order to avoid the existing riparian habitat and buffer area and keep the development within the northern disturbed portion of the site so as to better preserve open space and habitat corridors and linkages. Habitat Management Plan Permit, HMP 14-04 39. That the Poinsettia 61 project parcels (APNs 215-020-07 aka Maldonado, 215-050-21 aka Namikas, 215-050-22 aka Sudduth, and 215-050-44 and 215-050-47 aka Kevane) are shown in Figure 28 of the approved HMP as a “Standards Area,” and are not a Hardline Area. 40. That authorization to impact sensitive habitats through the removal of 6.3 acres of southern maritime chaparral and disturbed southern maritime chaparral (Habitat Group B) and 20 acres of disturbed and agricultural lands (Habitat Group F) was processed through the resource agencies by a Finding of Consistency, and is subject to continuous compliance with all provisions of the Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad (HMP), the Citywide Incidental Take Permit issued for the HMP, the Implementing Agreement, the Terms and Conditions of the Incidental Take Permit, and the Biological Opinion. 41. That authorization to impact sensitive habitats is subject to continuous compliance with all mitigation measures as stated in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7224 for those other approvals, including but not limited to recordation of conservation easements over all conserved areas and management and monitoring in perpetuity by a qualified conservation entity. 42. That authorization to impact sensitive habitats is subject to continuous compliance with the provisions of Volumes I, II and III of the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program and the Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for Threatened and Endangered Species Due to Urban Growth within the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program Planning Area (SCH No. 93121073). 43. That all impacts to habitat will be incidental to otherwise lawful activities related to construction and operation of the Poinsettia 61 project. 44. That the project design as approved by the City of Carlsbad has avoided and minimized impacts to wildlife habitat and species of concern to the maximum extent practicable. Specifically, approximately 49% of the site will be designated as an open space preserve. 45. That adequate funding has been provided to address changed circumstances and adaptive management needs that may be reasonably anticipated in the future, consistent with the HMP Implementing Agreement. 46. That the authorization to impact sensitive habitats as a result of the project will not appreciably reduce the likelihood of survival and recovery of the species in the wild due to compliance with all of the above stated requirements, as well as ongoing monitoring and reporting to the wildlife agencies and the public. PC RESO NO. 7226 -10- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 47. That the City Planner is authorized to sign the Take Permit. 48. The Planning Commission hereby finds that all development in Carlsbad benefits from the Habitat Management Plan, which is a comprehensive conservation plan and implementation program that will facilitate the preservation of biological diversity and provide for effective protection and conservation of wildlife and plant species while continuing to allow compatible development in accordance with Carlsbad’s Growth Management Plan. Preservation of wildlife habitats and sensitive species is required by the Open Space and Conservation Element of the City’s General Plan which provides for the realization of the social, economic, aesthetic and environmental benefits from the preservation of open space within an increasingly urban environment. Moreover, each new development will contribute to the need for additional regional infrastructure that, in turn, will adversely impact species and habitats. The In-Lieu Mitigation Fee imposed on all new development within the City is essential to fund implementation of the City’s Habitat Management Plan. Pursuant to the HMP, EIR 15-03 mitigation measures require the project to pay habitat in-lieu fees for impacts to 15.71 acres of Group F habitat. 49. The minor amendment to the HMP for the conversion of a standards area to a hardline preserve area and the new hardline preserve area boundary conform to the standards contained in Section D.3(C) of the HMP and meet the required consistency findings in that: A. The proposed project and all project alternatives have been analyzed in an appropriate environmental (CEQA) document as set forth in EIR 15-03 including but not limited to the Final Biological Resources Technical Report, Poinsettia Project, Carlsbad, California, January 2017, prepared by Dudek. B. The impacts to habitat have been minimized to the maximum extent practicable in that development is clustered within the agricultural areas and other areas adjacent to existing development; no wetland, vernal pool or oak woodland habitats are impacted by the project; no temporary or permanent impacts to southern willow scrub riparian habitat will occur; and the project provides no-net-loss of maritime succulent scrub, and southern maritime chaparral habitat types through mitigation that includes creation/substantial restoration at a minimum 1:1 ratio and impacts to narrow endemic plant species do not exceed the HMP threshold for impacts to on-site populations. C. The project has mitigated its impacts to the maximum extent practicable in that the project provides for no-net-loss of southern maritime chaparral and impacts meets or exceeds the required 3:1 mitigation ratio with a 1:1 component consisting of creation or substantial restoration in on-site and off-site locations. D. The project does not reduce the ability to meet the specific habitat conservation obligations of the HMP, IA, MHCP, and NCCP and 10(a)1(B) permits in that the project meets all requirements of the above permits, and creates additional HMP Preserve acreage. 50. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. Conditions: NOTE: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions below shall be satisfied prior to grading permit, or building permit, or recordation of final map, whichever comes first; or pursuant to an approved construction schedule at the discretion of the appropriate division manager or official. PC RESO NO. 7226 -11- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the City’s approval of these Planned Development Permit, Site Development Plan, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit. Developer or a successor in interest shall have the vested rights conferred in Chapter 20.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as a result of the approval of the Vesting Tentative Tract Map. 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit, Site Development Plan, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit documents, as necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. 3. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. 5. Developer shall implement, or cause the implementation of, the Poinsettia 61 Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (EIR 15-03). 6. Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City’s approval and issuance of this Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit, Site Development Plan, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit, (b) City’s approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c) Developer/Operator’s installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the City’s approval is not validated. 7. Prior to submittal of the building plans, improvement plans, grading plans, or final map, whichever occurs first, developer shall submit to the City Planner, a 24" x 36" copy of the Tentative Map, conceptual grading plan and preliminary utility plan reflecting the conditions approved by the final decision making body. The copy shall be submitted to the city planner, reviewed and, if found acceptable, signed by the city's project planner and project engineer. If no changes were required, the approved exhibits shall fulfill this condition. PC RESO NO. 7226 -12- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide proof to the Building Division from the Carlsbad Unified School District that this project has satisfied its obligation to provide school facilities. 9. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 10. This approval is granted subject to the approval of EIR 15-03, GPA 14-06, ZC 14-04, and LCPA 14- 06 and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolutions No. 7224 and 7225 for those other approvals incorporated herein by reference. 11. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within 24 months from the date on which the California Coastal Commission votes to approve the project. 12. Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing water and sewer services to the project provides written certification to the City that adequate water service and sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the time of the application for the building permit, and that water and sewer capacity and facilities will continue to be available until the time of occupancy. A note to this effect shall be placed on the Final Map. 13. Developer shall pay the citywide Public Facilities Fee imposed by City Council Policy #17, the License Tax on new construction imposed by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.030, and CFD #1 special tax (if applicable), subject to any credits authorized by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.040. Developer shall also pay any applicable Local Facilities Management Plan fee for Zone 21, pursuant to Chapter 21.90. All such taxes/fees shall be paid at issuance of building permit. If the taxes/fees are not paid, this approval will not be consistent with the General Plan and shall become void. 14. Developer shall submit to the City a Notice of Restriction executed by the owner of the real property to be developed. Said notice is to be filed in the office of the County Recorder, subject to the satisfaction of the City Planner, notifying all interested parties and successors in interest that the City of Carlsbad has issued a Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit, Site Development Plan, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit by Resolution(s) No. 7226 on the property. Said Notice of Restriction shall note the property description, location of the file containing complete project details and all conditions of approval as well as any conditions or restrictions specified for inclusion in the Notice of Restriction. The City Planner has the authority to execute and record an amendment to the notice which modifies or terminates said notice upon a showing of good cause by the Developer or successor in interest. 15. Prior to the approval of the final map for any phase of this project, the Developer shall execute an Affordable Housing Agreement with the City to provide and deed restrict 19 rental dwelling units (15% of total dwelling units) as affordable to lower-income households at 70% of the San Diego County Median Income for 55 years, in accordance with the requirements and process set forth in Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. To satisfy the requirements of Chapter 21.85 and subject to final approval by the City Council, the Developer has proposed an alternative to construction of inclusionary units by constructing 15 accessory (second) dwelling units within the development and the purchase of 4 affordable housing credits from an offsite combined affordable housing development located within, or on the boundary of, the PC RESO NO. 7226 -13- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 southwest quadrant. The 15 accessory (second) dwelling units within the development and being constructed to satisfy the requirements of Chapter 21.85 shall be designed as 1 bedroom units with separate exterior access and no access to the single family home; the units may be attached to the single family home, but there shall be no entrance constructed from the accessory (second) dwelling unit into the single family home at any time. The subject accessory (second) dwelling unit shall be designed and constructed to include a full kitchen with full-size sink, stove & oven, refrigerator and adequate cabinet space and food preparation counter tops. The accessory (second) dwelling unit shall also meet all other requirements of a “Dwelling Unit” as defined in the Carlsbad Municipal Code, which is a single unit providing complete, independent living facility for one or more persons including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, and having only one kitchen. The final design for the accessory (second) dwelling unit shall be approved by the Housing & Neighborhood Services Director and shall be attached to the Affordable Housing Agreement, which shall be subject to final approval by the City Council. A fully executed copy of the Affordable Housing Agreement shall be submitted to the City Planner no later than 60 days prior to the request to final the map. The recorded Affordable Housing Agreement shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest. 16. Developer shall construct the required inclusionary units concurrent with the project’s market rate units, unless both the final decision-making authority of the City and the Developer agree within an Affordable Housing Agreement to an alternate schedule for development. 17. As a condition of this approval, applicant must comply with the requirements of all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project and any mitigation requirements of the environmental documents for the project. Pursuant to Government Code section 65871 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 20, Chapter 20.04, section 20.04.140 applicant shall grant a conservation easement for the conservation, protection, and management of fish, wildlife, native plants and the habitat necessary for biologically sustainable populations of certain species thereof, in accordance with the City’s adopted Habitat Management Plan. 18. Developer shall dedicate, on the final map, an open space easement over all of LOTS 9 and 10 which is to prohibit any encroachment or development, including but not limited to fences, walls, decks, storage buildings, pools, spas, stairways, and landscaping, as shown on Exhibits “A” – “MMM”. 19. Prior to issuance of a grading permit or clearing of any habitat, whichever occurs first, the Developer shall take the following actions to the satisfaction of the City Planner in relation to the open space lot(s) which are being conserved for natural habitat in conformance with the City’s Habitat Management Plan: Select a conservation entity, subject to approval by the City, that possesses qualifications to manage the open space lot(s) for conservation purposes. A. Prepare a Property Analysis Record (PAR) or other method acceptable to the City for estimating the costs of management and monitoring of the open space lot(s) in perpetuity in accordance with the requirements of the North County Multiple Habitats Conservation Plan and the City’s Open Space Management Plan. B. Based on the results of the PAR, provide a non-wasting endowment or other financial mechanism acceptable to the City Planner and conservation entity, if any, in an amount sufficient for management and monitoring of the open space lot(s) in perpetuity. C. Record a Conservation Easement over the open space lot(s). D. Prepare a Preserve Management Plan which will ensure adequate management of the open space lot(s) in perpetuity. PC RESO NO. 7226 -14- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 E. Obtain approval of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and California Coastal Commission (CCC) for the restoration plan, preserve management plan, PAR, and endowment consistent with the Final EIR Appendix C, Final Biological Resources Technical Report, Poinsettia Project – Carlsbad, California (BTR), and Table 2 of the HMP Consistency Findings in Appendix E of the BTR, or as otherwise approved by USFW, CDFW and CCC. 20. This project has been found to result in impacts to wildlife habitat or other lands, such as agricultural land, non-native grassland, and disturbed lands, which provide some benefits to wildlife, as documented in the City’s Habitat Management Plan and the environmental analysis for this project. Developer is aware that the City has adopted an In-lieu Mitigation Fee consistent with Section E.6 of the Habitat Management Plan and City Council Resolution No. 2000-223 to fund mitigation for impacts to certain categories of vegetation and animal species. The Developer is further aware that the City has determined that all projects will be required to pay the fee in order to be found consistent with the Habitat Management Plan and the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. Developer or Developer’s successor(s) in interest shall pay the fee prior to recordation of a final map, or issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first. If the In-lieu Mitigation Fee for this project is not paid, this project will not be consistent with the Habitat Management Plan and the General Plan and any and all approvals for this project shall become null and void. 21. Developer shall submit and obtain City Planner approval of a Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan showing conformance with the approved Preliminary Landscape Plan and the City’s Landscape Manual. Developer shall construct and install all landscaping and irrigation as shown on the approved Final Plans. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. All irrigation systems shall be maintained to provide the optimum amount of water to the landscape for plant growth without causing soil erosion and runoff. 22. The first submittal of Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be pursuant to the landscape plancheck process on file in the Planning Division and accompanied by the project’s building, improvement, and grading plans. 23. Developer shall establish a homeowner's association and corresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs). Said CC&Rs shall be submitted to and approved by the City Planner prior to final map approval. Prior to issuance of the first production unit’s certificate of occupancy, the Developer shall provide the Planning Division with a recorded copy of the official CC&Rs that have been approved by the Department of Real Estate and the City Planner. At a minimum, the CC&Rs shall contain the following provisions: A. General Enforcement by the City: The City shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce those Protective Covenants set forth in this Declaration in favor of, or in which the City has an interest. B. Notice and Amendment: A copy of any proposed amendment shall be provided to the City in advance. If the proposed amendment affects the City, City shall have the right to disapprove. A copy of the final approved amendment shall be transmitted to City within 30 days for the official record. C. Failure of Association to Maintain Common Area Lots and Easements: In the event that the Association fails to maintain the “Common Area Lots and/or the Association’s Easements” as provided in Article , Section the City shall have the right, but not the duty, to perform the necessary maintenance. If the City elects to perform such maintenance, the City shall give written notice to the Association, with a PC RESO NO. 7226 -15- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 copy thereof to the Owners in the Project, setting forth with particularity the maintenance which the City finds to be required and requesting the same be carried out by the Association within a period of thirty (30) days from the giving of such notice. In the event that the Association fails to carry out such maintenance of the Common Area Lots and/or Association’s Easements within the period specified by the City’s notice, the City shall be entitled to cause such work to be completed and shall be entitled to reimbursement with respect thereto from the Owners as provided herein. D. Special Assessments Levied by the City: In the event the City has performed the necessary maintenance to either Common Area Lots and/or Association’s Easements, the City shall submit a written invoice to the Association for all costs incurred by the City to perform such maintenance of the Common Area Lots and or Association’s Easements. The City shall provide a copy of such invoice to each Owner in the Project, together with a statement that if the Association fails to pay such invoice in full within the time specified, the City will pursue collection against the Owners in the Project pursuant to the provisions of this Section. Said invoice shall be due and payable by the Association within twenty (20) days of receipt by the Association. If the Association shall fail to pay such invoice in full within the period specified, payment shall be deemed delinquent and shall be subject to a late charge in an amount equal to six percent (6%) of the amount of the invoice. Thereafter the City may pursue collection from the Association by means of any remedies available at law or in equity. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in addition to all other rights and remedies available to the City, the City may levy a special assessment against the Owners of each Lot in the Project for an equal pro rata share of the invoice, plus the late charge. Such special assessment shall constitute a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon each Lot against which the special assessment is levied. Each Owner in the Project hereby vests the City with the right and power to levy such special assessment, to impose a lien upon their respective Lot and to bring all legal actions and/or to pursue lien foreclosure procedures against any Owner and his/her respective Lot for purposes of collecting such special assessment in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article of this Declaration. E. Landscape Maintenance Responsibilities: The HOAs and individual lot or unit owner landscape maintenance responsibilities shall be as set forth in Exhibit . F. Balconies, trellis, and decks: The individual lot or unit owner allowances and prohibitions regarding balconies, trellis, and decks shall be as set forth in Exhibit . G. Open Space lots: The HOA open space lots within the development (Lots 3-8) shall remain under the ownership and responsibility of the HOA for the purposes of open space, landscape and common recreation areas. The CC&Rs shall prohibit any encroachment or development for private benefit onto said lots, including but not limited to private: fences, walls, decks, storage buildings, pools, spas, stairways, and landscaping, etc. H. RV Storage: The individual unit owner allowances and prohibitions regarding use of the RV storage area, and the HOA maintenance responsibilities, shall be as set forth in Exhibit ______. I. Rentals: If any of the units in the project are rented, the minimum time increment for such rental shall be not less than 30 days. The CC&Rs for the project shall include this requirement. 24. Prior to issuance of the first production unit’s certificate of occupancy, the Developer shall submit to the City Planner a recorded copy of the Condominium Plan filed with the Department of Real Estate which is in conformance with the City-approved documents and exhibits. PC RESO NO. 7226 -16- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25. Developer shall provide bus stops to service this development at locations and with reasonable facilities to the satisfaction of the North County Transit District and the City Planner. Said facilities, if required, shall be free from advertising and shall at a minimum include a bench and a pole for the bus stop sign. The facilities shall be designed to enhance or be consistent with basic architectural theme of the project. 26. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated and concealed from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, in substance as provided in Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satisfaction of the Directors of Community and Economic Development Department and Planning. 27. Developer shall submit a street name list consistent with the City’s street name policy subject to the City Planner’s approval prior to final map approval. 28. Prior to occupancy of the first dwelling unit, the Developer shall provide all required passive and active recreational areas associated with each respective residential development lot (Lot 1 or Lot 2) per the approved plans, including landscaping and recreational facilities. 29. Developer shall report, in writing, to the City Planner within 30 days, any address change from that which is shown on the permit application, any change in the telecommunications provider, or any transfer in ownership of the site. 30. If satisfaction of the school facility requirement involves a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District or other financing mechanism which is inconsistent with City Council Policy No. 38, by allowing a pass-through of the taxes or fees to individual home buyers, then in addition to any other disclosure required by law or Council policy, the Developer shall disclose to future owners in the project, to the maximum extent possible, the existence of the tax or fee, and that the school district is the taxing agency responsible for the financing mechanism. The form of notice is subject to the approval of the City Planner and shall at least include a handout and a sign inside the sales facility stating the fact of a potential pass-through of fees or taxes exists and where complete information regarding those fees or taxes can be obtained. 31. Developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Map, or an alternative, suitable to the City Planner, in the sales office at all times. All sales maps that are distributed or made available to the public shall include but not be limited to trails, future and existing schools, parks, and streets. 32. Developer shall post a sign in the sales office in a prominent location that discloses which special districts and school district provide service to the project. Said sign shall remain posted until ALL of the units are sold. 33. Prior to the recordation of the first final tract map or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first, the Developer shall prepare and record a Notice that this property is subject to overflight, sight and sound of aircraft operating from McClellan-Palomar Airport, in a form meeting the approval of the City Planner and the City Attorney (see Noise Form #2 on file in the Planning Division). 34. Developer shall post aircraft noise notification signs in all sales and/or rental offices associated with the new development. The number and locations of said signs shall be approved by the City Planner (see Noise Form #3 on file in the Planning Division). PC RESO NO. 7226 -17- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 35. Developer shall submit and obtain City Planner approval of an exterior lighting plan including parking areas. All lighting shall be designed to reflect downward and avoid any impacts on adjacent homes or property. 36. The Developer shall implement the following greenhouse gas reduction measures per the Poinsettia 61 Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Analysis, October 2016, prepared by HDR: A. Installation of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems on the rooftops of residential units. B. All buildings shall comply with the CAP measure requiring compliance with the energy code. The proposed project will be designed to be consistent with Title 24, Part 6 Energy Budget for the Standard Design Building. C. All landscape related lighting and signage shall be LED. At least 75 percent of project luminaires shall be LED or similarly efficient lighting. D. Solar water heating shall be provided as part of the residential PV rooftop systems. E. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations/parking spaces shall be provided within the common area of the project and each residence shall be pre-wired for EV service equipment. F. The project shall be fitted with “purple” piping, which will facilitate the use of reclaimed water for the project. The reclaimed water shall be utilized for all common areas landscaping. Engineering Conditions General 37. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to or from any proposed construction site within this project, developer shall apply for and obtain approval from, the city engineer for the proposed haul route. 38. This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for the development of the subject property, unless the district engineer has determined that adequate water and sewer facilities are available at the time of permit issuance and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. 39. Developer shall submit to the city engineer an acceptable instrument, via CC&Rs and/or other recorded document, addressing the maintenance, repair, and replacement of shared private improvements within this subdivision, including but not limited to private streets, utilities, street trees, sidewalks, landscaping, street lighting, raised medians, enhanced paving, water quality treatment measures, low impact development features, storm drain facilities, etc. located therein and to distribute the costs of such maintenance in an equitable manner among the owners of the properties within this subdivision. 40. Developer shall prepare, submit and process for city engineer approval a final map to subdivide this project. There shall be one Final Map recorded for this project. Developer shall pay the city standard map review plan check fees. 41. Developer shall install sight distance corridors at all street intersections and driveways in accordance with City Landscape Manual and City Engineering Standards. The property owner shall maintain this condition. PC RESO NO. 7226 -18- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 42. Prior to approval of improvement plans, grading plans or final map, developer shall submit to the city engineer written approval from North County Transit District (NCTD) demonstrating that improvement requirements for mass-transit have been satisfied. Fees/Agreements 43. Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the city engineer for recordation, the city’s standard form Geologic Failure Hold Harmless Agreement. 44. Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the city engineer for recordation the city’s standard form Drainage Hold Harmless Agreement. 45. Developer shall cause property owner to submit an executed copy to the city engineer for recordation a city standard Permanent Stormwater Quality Best Management Practice Maintenance Agreement. 46. Developer shall enter into a Reimbursement Agreement for the design and construction costs of the Poinsettia Lane (Reach E) improvements from Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 funds prior to Final Map approval. The improvements eligible for reimbursement are ‘core’ improvements including the bridge, full width grading, median curbs, 18 feet of paving on either side of the median, storm drain, right-of-way and environmental mitigation. The agreement shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, City Attorney and Finance Director. 47. The Developer shall pay the projects’ contribution to Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2. A portion of the core improvement cost may be credited against the project’s contribution to Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, City Attorney and Finance Director. 48. The Developer shall enter into a Reimbursement Agreement with CMWD for the design and construction of a pressure reducing station near the existing westerly terminus of Poinsettia Lane, near Oriole Court to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, City Attorney and Finance Director. 49. Prior to approval of the final map or issuance of any permits, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the city to pay the city’s Transportation System Management Program and Transportation Demand Management Program fees established as a result of the forthcoming Traffic Impact Fee Update. The form and content of said agreement shall be to the satisfaction of the city engineer and city attorney. Grading 50. Upon a review of the proposed grading and the grading quantities shown on the tentative map, a grading permit for this project is required. Developer shall prepare and submit plans and technical studies/reports for city engineer review, post security and pay all applicable grading plan review and permit fees per the city’s latest fee schedule. 51. Supplemental grading plans are required for precise grading associated with this project. Developer shall prepare, and submit for approval, grading plans for the precise grading as shown on the tentative map all subject to city engineer approval. 52. This project requires offsite grading. No grading for private improvements shall occur outside the project unless developer obtains, records, and submits a recorded copy, to the city engineer, a PC RESO NO. 7226 -19- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 temporary grading, construction or slope easement or agreement from the owners of the affected properties. If developer is unable to obtain the temporary grading or slope easement, or agreement, no grading permit will be issued. In that case developer must either apply for and obtain an amendment of this approval or modify the plans so grading will not occur outside the project and apply for and obtain a finding of substantial conformance and/or consistency determination from both the city engineer and city planner. 53. Developer shall comply with the city's Stormwater Regulations, latest version, and shall implement best management practices at all times. Best management practices include but are not limited to pollution control practices or devices, erosion control to prevent silt runoff during construction, general housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices or devices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to stormwater, receiving water or stormwater conveyance system to the maximum extent practicable. Developer shall notify prospective owners and tenants of the above requirements. 54. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, developer shall submit to the city engineer receipt of a Notice of Intent from the State Water Resources Control Board. 55. Prior to the issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, developer shall submit for city approval a Tier 3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (TIER 3 SWPPP). The TIER 3 SWPPP shall comply with current requirements and provisions established by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board and City of Carlsbad Requirements. The TIER 3 SWPPP shall identify and incorporate measures to reduce storm water pollutant runoff during construction of the project to the maximum extent practicable. Developer shall pay all applicable SWPPP plan review and inspection fees per the city’s latest fee schedule. 56. This project is subject to ‘Priority Development Project’ requirements. Developer shall prepare and process a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP), subject to city engineer approval, to comply with the Carlsbad BMP Design Manual latest version. The final SWQMP required by this condition shall be reviewed and approved by the city engineer with final grading plans. Developer shall pay all applicable SWQMP plan review and inspection fees per the city’s latest fee schedule. 57. Developer is responsible to ensure that all final design plans (grading plans, improvement plans, landscape plans, building plans, etc.) incorporate all source control, site design, treatment control BMP, applicable hydromodification measures, and Low Impact Design (LID) facilities. Dedications/Improvements 58. Developer shall cause owner to dedicate to the city Poinsettia Lane for public street and public utility purposes as shown on the tentative map. The offer shall be made by a certificate on the final map or separate recorded document. All land so offered shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the city. Streets that are already public are not required to be rededicated. Additional easements may be required at final design to the satisfaction of the city engineer. 59. Developer shall cause owner to dedicate to the city general utility and access easement within private streets A, B and C and private drive aisles S, T and Z as shown on the tentative map. The offer shall be made by a certificate on the final map or separate recorded document. All land so offered shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the city. Additional easements may be required at final design to the satisfaction of the city engineer. PC RESO NO. 7226 -20- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 60. Developer shall cause owner to dedicate to the city sewer easement within private aisles E thru R as shown on the tentative map. The offer shall be made by a certificate on the final map or separate recorded document. All land so offered shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the city. Additional easements may be required at final design to the satisfaction of the city engineer. 61. Developer shall cause owner to dedicate to the city a 15 feet wide trail easement within the existing SDG&E easement as shown on the tentative map. The offer shall be made by a certificate on the final map or separate recorded document. All land so offered shall be free and clear of all other liens and encumbrances and without cost to the city. Additional easements may be required at final design to the satisfaction of the city engineer. 62. Developer shall design the private aisles E thru Z as shown on the tentative map to the satisfaction of the city engineer. The structural section of all private streets shall conform to City of Carlsbad Standards based on R-value tests. All private streets shall be inspected by the city. Developer shall pay the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees for private streets. 63. Developer shall design the private drainage systems, as shown on the tentative map to the satisfaction of the city engineer. All private drainage systems 12” diameter storm drain and larger shall be inspected by the city. Developer shall pay the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees for private drainage systems. 64. Developer shall prepare and process public improvement plans and, prior to city engineer approval of said plans, shall execute a city standard Subdivision Improvement Agreement to install and shall post security in accordance with C.M.C. Section 20.16.070 for public improvements including but not limited to median improvements, curb and gutter, sidewalk, bike lanes, street lights, trails, and public utility improvements as shown in the tentative map, per city standards to the satisfaction of the city engineer as shown on the Tentative Map. Said improvements shall be installed to city standards to the satisfaction of the city engineer. These improvements include, but are not limited to: A. Full width improvements to Poinsettia Lane (approximately 1,600 feet from the existing easterly terminus near Cassia Street to existing westerly terminus near El Camino Real) to Major Arterial Standards, including Poinsettia Lane Bridge across the existing canyon within the project site as shown on the tentative map. B. Street and utility improvements for Private Streets A, B and C as shown on the tentative map. C. Looped public water system as shown on the tentative map. D. Recycled water system as shown on the tentative map. E. Sewer system as shown on the tentative map. F. Potable pressure reducing station near the exiting westerly terminus of Poinsettia Lane near Oriole Court as shown on the tentative map. Developer shall pay the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees. Improvements listed above shall be constructed within 36 months of approval of the subdivision or development improvement agreement or such other time as provided in said agreement. 65. Developer shall prepare and process improvement plans and, prior to approval, shall execute a city standard Subdivision Improvement Agreement to install and shall post security in accordance with C.M.C. Section 20.16.070 for public signal improvements shown on the tentative map. Said improvements shall be installed to city standards to the satisfaction of the city engineer. More specifically, these signal improvements include but are not limited to constructing a new fully PC RESO NO. 7226 -21- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 actuated traffic signal including all appurtenances and traffic signal interconnect conduit and cable, at the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Street A and C as shown on the tentative map. Developer shall install the traffic signal only with written authorization from the city engineer. Developer shall pay the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees. Improvements listed above shall be constructed within 18 months of approval of the subdivision or development improvement agreement or such other time as provided in said agreement. 66. Developer shall provide all-weather maintenance access roads to the public drainage facilities (e.g.: headwalls, rip-rap field, etc.) for this project to the satisfaction of the city engineer. Where maintenance access roads are not practical and/or permitted, developer shall incorporate low- maintenance design features to the satisfaction of the city engineer. Non-Mapping Notes 67. Add the following notes to the final map as non-mapping data: A. Developer has executed a city standard Subdivision Improvement Agreement and has posted security in accordance with C.M.C. Section 20.16.070 to install public improvements shown on the Tentative Map. These improvements include, but are not limited to: 1) Full width improvements to Poinsettia Lane (approximately 1,600 feet from the existing easterly terminus near Cassia Street to existing westerly terminus near El Camino Real) to Major Arterial Standards, including Poinsettia Lane Bridge across the existing canyon within the project site as shown on the tentative map. 2) Street and utility improvements for Private Streets A, B and C as shown on the tentative map. 3) Looped public water system as shown on the tentative map. 4) Recycled water system as shown on the tentative map. 5) Sewer system as shown on the tentative map. 6) Potable pressure reducing station located near the exiting westerly terminus of Poinsettia Lane near Oriole Court as shown on the tentative map. 7) A new fully actuated traffic signal including all appurtenances and traffic signal interconnect conduit and cable, at the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Street A and C as shown on the tentative map. B. Building permits will not be issued for development of the subject property unless the appropriate agency determines that sewer and water facilities are available. C. Geotechnical Caution: 1) The owner of this property on behalf of itself and all of its successors in interest has agreed to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Carlsbad from any action that may arise through any geological failure, ground water seepage or land subsidence and subsequent damage that may occur on, or adjacent to, this subdivision due to its construction, operation or maintenance. D. No structure, fence, wall, tree, shrub, sign, or other object may be placed or permitted to encroach within the area identified as a sight distance corridor as defined by City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards or line-of-sight per Caltrans standards. PC RESO NO. 7226 -22- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 E. The owner of this property on behalf of itself and all of its successors in interest has agreed to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Carlsbad from any action that may arise through any diversion of waters, the alteration of the normal flow of surface waters or drainage, or the concentration of surface waters or drainage from the drainage system or other improvements identified in the city approved development plans; or by the design, construction or maintenance of the drainage system or other improvements identified in the city approved development plans. Utilities 68. Developer shall meet with the fire marshal to determine if fire protection measures (fire flows, fire hydrant locations, building sprinklers) are required to serve the project. Fire hydrants, if proposed, shall be considered public improvements and shall be served by public water mains to the satisfaction of the district engineer. All residential units shall have automatic fire sprinklers. 69. Developer shall design and construct public facilities within public right-of-way or within minimum 20-foot wide easements granted to the district or the City of Carlsbad. At the discretion of the district or city engineer, wider easements may be required for adequate maintenance, access and/or joint utility purposes. 70. Prior to issuance of building permits, developer shall pay all fees, deposits, and charges for connection to public facilities. 71. The developer shall design landscape and irrigation plans utilizing recycled water as a source and prepare and submit a colored recycled water use map to the Planning Department for processing and approval by the district engineer. 72. Developer shall install potable water and/or recycled water services and meters at locations approved by the district engineer. The locations of said services shall be reflected on public improvement plans. 73. The developer shall install sewer laterals and clean-outs at locations approved by the city engineer. The locations of sewer laterals shall be reflected on public improvement plans. 74. The developer shall design and construct public water, sewer, and recycled water facilities substantially as shown on the tentative map to the satisfaction of the district engineer and city engineer. 75. The developer shall provide separate potable water meters for each separately owned unit within this subdivision. 76. The developer shall submit a detailed sewer study, prepared by a registered engineer, that identifies the peak flows of the project, required pipe sizes, depth of flow in pipe, velocity in the main lines, and the capacity of the existing infrastructure. Said study shall be submitted concurrently with the improvement plans for the project and the study shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the district engineer. 77. The developer shall submit a detailed potable water study, prepared by a registered engineer that identifies the peak demands of the project (including fire flow demands). The study shall identify velocity in the main lines, pressure zones, and the required pipe sizes. Said study shall be PC RESO NO. 7226 -23- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 submitted concurrently with the improvement plans for the project and the study shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the district engineer. 78. The developer shall submit a detailed recycled water study, prepared by a registered engineer that identifies the peak demands of the project. The study shall identify velocity in the main lines and the required pipe sizes. Said study shall be submitted concurrently with the improvement plans for the project and the study shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the district engineer. 79. The developer shall submit detailed design drawings and studies prepared by a registered engineer for the construction of a pressure reducing station located near the exiting westerly terminus of Poinsettia Lane near Oriole Court as shown on the tentative map. Said drawings and studies shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the district engineer. Fire Conditions 80. A fire lane plan including red curbs and sign details shall be submitted as a deferred submittal directly to fire for approval. 81. Private Streets A, B, C and Aisle Z shall have street names. All other aisles will not need to be named as they are not considered fire access roads. Code Reminders The project is subject to all applicable provisions of local ordinances, including but not limited to the following: 82. This vesting tentative map shall expire two years from the date on which the California Coastal Commission voted to approve this application. 83. Developer shall pay planned local area drainage fees in accordance with Section 15.08.020 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code to the satisfaction of the city engineer. 84. Developer shall park-in-lieu fees in accordance with Section 20.44 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code to the satisfaction of the city engineer. 85. Developer shall pay traffic impact and sewer impact fees based on Section 18.42 and Section 13.10 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, respectively. The Average Daily Trips (ADT) and floor area contained in the staff report and shown on the tentative map are for planning purposes only. 86. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, Developer shall pay a Public Facility fee as required by Council Policy No. 17. 87. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, Developer shall pay the Local Facilities Management fee for Zone 21 as required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.90.050. 88. Developer shall pay a landscape plancheck and inspection fee as required by Section 20.08.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 89. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. 90. The project shall comply with the latest residential disabled access requirements pursuant to Title 24 of the California Building Code. PC RESO NO. 7226 -24- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 91. Premise identification (addresses) shall be provided consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 17.04.320. 92. Any signs proposed for this development shall at a minimum be designed in conformance with the City’s Sign Ordinance and shall require review and approval of the City Planner prior to installation of such signs. NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the “imposition” of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as “fees/exactions.” You have 90 days from date of approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT C.1 Density Per the underlying General Plan designation. When two or more general plan land use designations exist within a planned development, the density may be transferred from one general plan designation to another with a general plan amendment. The project complies with the existing underlying R-4 General Plan Land Use Designation GMCP density of 3.2 du/acre. The proposed General Plan Amendment transfers density by changing the land use designation from R-4 to R-8 for approximately 20.1 acres of the site, and preserves approximately 25.1 acres as open space. The 123-unit project is consistent with the R-8 GMCP density of 6 du/acre. C.2 Arterial Setbacks All dwelling units adjacent to any arterial road shown on the Circulation Element of the General Plan shall maintain the following minimum setbacks from the right-of-way: Prime Arterial 50 Feet Major Arterial 40 Feet Secondary Arterial 30 Feet Carlsbad Boulevard 20 Feet The project complies with the 40- foot-wide setback requirement from Poinsettia Lane. Half (50%) of the required arterial setback area located closest to the arterial shall be fully landscaped to enhance the street scene and buffer homes from traffic on adjacent arterials, and: Shall contain a minimum of one 24” box tree for every 30 lineal feet of street frontage; and Shall be commonly owned and maintained The project complies with the requirement that half of the required setback area from Poinsettia Lane shall be fully landscaped including street trees and HOA-owned and maintained. Project perimeter walls greater than 42 inches in height shall not be located in the required landscaped portion of the arterial setback, except noise attenuation walls that: Are required by a noise study, and Due to topography, are necessary to be placed within the required landscaped portion of the arterial setback. No project perimeter walls will be located in the required landscaped portion of the arterial setback. C.3 Permitted Intrusions into Setbacks/ Building Separation Permitted intrusions into required building setbacks shall be the same as specified in Section 21.46.120 of this code. The same intrusions specified in Section 21.46.120 shall be permitted into required building separation. All buildings meet all required setbacks and building separation requirements. C.4 Streets Private Minimum right-of-way width 56 feet Project meets all minimum design requirements for the proposed private streets. Minimum curb-to-curb width 34 feet Minimum parkway width (curb adjacent) 5.5 feet, including curb Minimum sidewalk width 5 feet (setback 6 inches from property line) Public Minimum right-of-way width 60 feet N/A. Project is not proposing a public street within the residential development. The completion of Minimum curb-to-curb width 34 feet Minimum parkway width (curb adjacent) 7.5 feet, including curb ATTACHMENT 4 Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 Minimum sidewalk width 5 feet (setback 6 inches from property line) Poinsettia Lane is designed to city standards. Street Trees within parkways One-family dwellings and twin homes on small-lots A minimum of one street tree (24-inch box) per lot is required to be planted in the parkway along all streets. See below. Condominium projects Street trees shall be spaced no further apart than 30 feet on center within the parkway. Project complies. Street trees are proposed adjacent to Poinsettia Lane as well as along the main ingress/egress private streets and main drive aisle. Tree species should be selected to create a unified image for the street, provide an effective canopy, avoid sidewalk damage and minimize water consumption. The landscaping complies with the Carlsbad Landscape Manual and creates a unified image for the streets, provides an effective canopy, avoids sidewalk damage and incorporates recycled water for irrigation. C.5 Drive-aisles 3 or fewer dwelling units Minimum 12 feet wide when the drive-aisle is not required for emergency vehicle access, as determined by the Fire Chief. N/A If the drive-aisle is required for emergency vehicle access, it shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. 4 or more dwelling units Minimum 20 feet wide. All private drive aisles have a minimum width of 20 feet. All projects No parking shall be permitted within the minimum required width of a drive-aisle. No parking is proposed within the minimum required width of the proposed private drive-aisles. A minimum 24-foot vehicle back-up/maneuvering area shall be provided in front of garages, carports or uncovered parking spaces (this may include driveway area, drive-aisles, and streets). All garages provide a minimum 24- foot vehicle back-up maneuvering area in front of garages. Additional width may be required for vehicle/emergency vehicle maneuvering area. Fire truck turning movements have been incorporated into the design of the drive aisles. Parkways and/or sidewalks may be required. Pedestrian walkway connections are provided along the private streets (parkway and sidewalk on both sides) and main drive aisle (sidewalk on one side) of the project. No more than 24 dwelling units shall be located along a single- entry drive-aisle. N/A, the project is not a single- entry development All drive-aisles shall be enhanced with decorative pavement. The drive aisles are enhanced with colored concrete paving. C.6 Number of Visitor Parking Spaces Required (1) Projects with 10 units or fewer A .30 space per each unit. The proposed project includes 123 dwelling units. As a result, a total of 31 visitor parking stall are required. The project provides 33 stalls on-site and therefore complies with this requirement. Projects 11 units or more A .25 space per each unit. When calculating the required number of visitor parking spaces, if the calculation results in a fractional parking space, the required number of visitor parking spaces shall always be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 C.7 Location of Visitor Parking On Private/ Public Streets On-street visitor parking is permitted on private/public streets, subject to the following: The private/public street is a minimum 34-feet wide (curb-to- curb). There are no restrictions that would prohibit on-street parking where the visitor parking is proposed. The visitor parking spaces may be located: Along one or both sides of any private/public street(s) located within the project boundary, and Along the abutting side and portion of any existing public/private street(s) that is contiguous to the project boundary. Most of the on-street visitor parking is located on the private streets, and complies with these requirements. In parking bays along public/private streets within the project boundary, provided the parking bays are outside the minimum required street right-of-way width. Some of the visitor parking is located in parking bays that are all outside the minimum required street right-of-way width. When visitor parking is provided as on-street parallel parking, not less than 24 lineal feet per space, exclusive of driveway/drive-aisle entrances and aprons, shall be provided for each parking space, except where parallel parking spaces are located immediately adjacent to driveway/drive-aisle aprons, then 20 lineal feet may be provided. The parallel parking stalls provided throughout the development comply with this requirement. Within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, on-street parking shall not count toward meeting the visitor parking requirement. N/A On Drive- aisles Visitor parking must be provided in parking bays that are located outside the required minimum drive-aisle width. Some of the visitor parking stalls are located on the main drive aisle and are all outside the minimum drive aisle width. On a Driveway Outside the Beach Area Overlay Zone One required visitor parking space may be credited for each driveway in a project that has a depth of 40 feet or more. N/A For projects with 10 or fewer units, all required visitor parking may be located within driveways (located in front of a unit’s garage), provided that all dwelling units in the project have driveways with a depth of 20 feet or more. N/A Within the Beach One required visitor parking space may be credited for each driveway in a project that has a depth of 40 feet or more. N/A Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 Area Overlay Zone If the streets within and/or adjacent to the project allow for on-street parking on both sides of the street, then visitor parking may be located in a driveway, subject to the following: All required visitor parking may be located within driveways (located in front of a unit’s garage), provided that all dwelling units in the project have driveways with a depth of 20 feet or more. If less than 100% of the driveways in a project have a depth of 20 feet or more, then a .25 visitor parking space will be credited for each driveway in a project that has a depth of 20 feet or more (calculations resulting in a fractional parking space credit shall always be rounded down to the nearest whole number). N/A All projects The minimum driveway depth required for visitor parking (20 feet or 40 feet) applies to driveways for front or side-loaded garages, and is measured from the property line, back of sidewalk, or from the edge of the drive-aisle, whichever is closest to the structure. N/A Compact Parking For projects of more than 25 units, up to 25% of visitor parking may be provided as compact spaces (8 feet by 15 feet). No overhang is permitted into any required setback area or over sidewalks less than 6 feet wide. No compact visitor parking spaces are provided. For all projects within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, up to 55% of the visitor parking may be provided as compact spaces (8 feet by 15 feet). N/A Distance from unit Visitor parking spaces must be located no more than 300 feet as measured in a logical walking path from the entrance of the unit it could be considered to serve. Visitor parking is located within 300 feet of the units it could potentially serve. C.8 Screening of Parking Areas Open parking areas should be screened from adjacent residences and public rights-of-way by either a view-obscuring wall, landscaped berm, or landscaping, except parking located within a driveway. Visitor parking will be screened with landscaping. There are no open parking areas. C.9 Community Recreation al Space (1) Community recreational space shall be provided for all projects of 11 or more dwelling units, as follows: Project complies. The project includes 123 dwelling units. As a result, a total of 24,600 square feet of community recreational space is required. The project provides 26,170 square feet of common community recreation space and therefore complies with this requirement. Minimum community recreational space required Project is NOT within R-23 general plan designation 200 square feet per unit Project IS within R-23 general plan designation 150 square feet per unit Projects with 11 to 25 dwelling units Community recreational space shall be provided as either (or both) passive or active recreation facilities. N/A Projects with 26 or more dwelling units Community recreational space shall be provided as both passive and active recreational facilities with a minimum of 75% of the area allocated for active facilities. The project complies. Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 Projects with 50 or more dwelling units Community recreational space shall be provided as both passive and active recreational facilities for a variety of age groups (a minimum of 75% of the area allocated for active facilities). Project complies. The project includes 123 dwelling units. As a result, 18,450 square feet of active recreation space is required. The project proposes 21,000 sq. ft. (80%) of active recreation spaces including a pool/spa area and tot lots. For projects consisting of one-family dwellings or twin homes on small-lots, at least 25% of the community recreation space must be provided as pocket parks. Pocket park lots must have a minimum width of 50 feet and be located at strategic locations such as street intersections (especially “T-intersections”) and where open space vistas may be achieved. N/A All projects (with 11 or more dwelling units) Community recreational space shall be located and designed so as to be functional, usable, and easily accessible from the units it is intended to serve. Project complies. Community recreational spaces are located throughout the development and are functional, usable, and easily accessible from the units they serve. Credit for indoor recreation facilities shall not exceed 25% of the required community recreation area. N/A Required community recreation areas shall not be located in any required front yard and may not include any streets, drive-aisles, driveways, parking areas, storage areas, slopes of 5% or greater, or walkways (except those walkways that are clearly integral to the design of the recreation area). N/A Recreation Area Parking In addition to required resident and visitor parking, recreation area parking shall be provided, as follows: 1 space for each 15 residential units, or fraction thereof, for units located more than 1,000 feet from a community recreation area. N/A The location of recreation area parking shall be subject to the same location requirements as for visitor parking, except that required recreation area parking shall not be located within a driveway(s). N/A Examples of recreation facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: Active Swimming pool area Children’s playground equipment Spa Courts (tennis, racquetball, volleyball, basketball) Recreation rooms or buildings Horseshoe pits Pitch and putt Grassy play areas with a slope of less than 5% (minimum area of 5,000 square feet and a minimum dimension of 50 feet). Any other facility deemed by the City Planner to satisfy the intent of providing active recreational facilities. Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 Passive Benches Barbecues Community gardens Grassy play areas with a slope of less than 5% C.10 Lighting Lighting adequate for pedestrian and vehicular safety shall be provided. Project complies. Pedestrian scaled LED path lighting will be installed along the pedestrian walkways and drive aisles. C.11 Reserved C.12 Recreation al Vehicle (RV) Storage (1) Required for projects with 100 or more units, or a master or specific plan with 100 or more planned development units. Exception: RV storage is not required for projects located within the R-15 or R-23 land use designations. Project complies. A minimum of 2,460 sq. ft. of RV storage is required and more than 2,600 sq. ft. of RV storage is provided. 20 square feet per unit, not to include area required for driveways and approaches. Developments located within master plans or residential specific plans may have this requirement met by the common RV storage area provided by the master plan or residential specific plan. RV storage areas shall be designed to accommodate recreational vehicles of various sizes (i.e. motorhomes, campers, boats, personal watercraft, etc.). Project complies. The storage of recreational vehicles shall be prohibited in the front yard setback and on any public or private streets or any other area visible to the public. A provision containing this restriction shall be included in the covenants, conditions and restrictions for the project. All RV storage areas shall be screened from adjacent residences and public rights-of-way by a view-obscuring wall and landscaping. Project complies. C.13 Storage Space 480 cubic feet of separate storage space per unit. Each unit proposes a two-car garage (20 ft. x 20 ft. minimum interior space), which satisfies the storage space requirement. If all storage for each unit is located in one area, the space may be reduced to 392 cubic feet. Required storage space shall be separately enclosed for each unit and be conveniently accessible to the outdoors. N/A Required storage space may be designed as an enlargement of a covered parking structure provided it does not extend into the area of the required parking stall, and does not impede the ability to utilize the parking stall (for vehicle parking). N/A A garage (12’x20’ one-car, 20’x20’ two-car, or larger) satisfies the required storage space per unit. Complies – see above. This requirement is in addition to closets and other indoor storage areas. N/A (1) This standard does not apply to housing for senior citizens (see Chapter 21.84 of this code). Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT E.1 Livable Neighborhood Policy Must comply with City Council Policy 66, Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods. SEE SEPARATE COMPLIANCE CHART E.2 Architectural Requirements One-family and two-family dwellings Must comply with City Council Policy 44, Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines SEE SEPARATE COMPLIANCE CHART Multiple-family dwellings There shall be at least three separate building planes on all building elevations. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include, but not be limited to, building walls, windows, and roofs. N/A All building elevations shall incorporate a minimum of four complimentary design elements, including but not limited to: A variety of roof planes; Windows and doors recessed a minimum of 2 inches; Decorative window or door frames; Exposed roof rafter tails; Dormers; Columns; Arched elements; Varied window shapes; Exterior wood elements; Accent materials such as brick, stone, shingles, wood, or siding; Knee braces; and Towers. N/A E.3 Maximum Coverage 60% of total project net developable acreage. Project complies. Total building coverage is approximately 21% E.4 Maximum Building Height Same as required by the underlying zone, and not to exceed three stories (1)(7) Project complies. Height does not exceed 30’ and does not exceed 2 stories. Single-story Plan 1 is maximum 22’, and two story plans are up to 27’. Projects within the R- 23 general plan designation (1)(7) 40 feet, if roof pitch is 3:12 or greater N/A 35 feet, if roof pitch is less than 3:12 Building height shall not exceed three stories E.5 Minimum Building Setbacks From a private or public street(2)(3) Residential structure 10 feet Project complies. Buildings meet all setback requirements (minimum 40 feet from Poinsettia Lane, 10 feet from internal private streets; no direct entry garages on public or private streets). Direct entry garage 20 feet From a drive- aisle(4) Residential structure (except as specified below) 5 feet, fully landscaped (walkways providing access to dwelling entryways may be located within required landscaped area). 5 feet minimum Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT Residential structure – directly above a garage 0 feet when projecting over the front of a garage. N/A Garage 3 feet Project complies. The project provides 5 foot setbacks for garages facing directly onto a drive-aisle. All residential units will be equipped with an automatic garage door opener. Garages facing directly onto a drive-aisle shall be equipped with an automatic garage door opener. Projects of 25 units or less within the R-15 and R-23 general plan designations 0 feet (residential structure and garage) N/A Garages facing directly onto a drive-aisle shall be equipped with an automatic garage door opener. N/A Balconies/decks (unenclosed and uncovered) 0 feet Project complies. Buildings meet all setback requirements, no balconies or decks cantilever over a drive isle. May cantilever over a drive-aisle, provided the balcony/deck complies with all other applicable requirements, such as: Setbacks from property lines Building separation Fire and Engineering Department requirements From the perimeter property lines of the project site (not adjacent to a public/private street) The building setback from an interior side or rear perimeter property line shall be the same as required by the underlying zone for an interior side or rear yard setback. Project complies. Buildings meet all setback requirements. E.6 Minimum Building Separation 10 feet 10 feet minimum provided, project complies. E.7 Resident Parking (6) All dwelling types If a project is located within the R-23 general plan designation, resident parking shall be provided as specified below, and may also be provided as follows: 25% of the units in the project may include a tandem two-car garage (minimum 12 feet x 40 feet). Calculations for this provision resulting in a fractional unit may be rounded up to the next whole number. N/A One-family and two- family dwellings 2 spaces per unit, provided as either: a two-car garage (minimum 20 feet x 20 feet), or 2 separate one-car garages (minimum 12 feet x 20 feet each) In the R-W Zone, the 2 required parking spaces may be provided as 1 covered space and 1 uncovered space (5) Project complies. All dwellings have a two-car garage. Studio and one- bedroom units 1.5 spaces per unit, 1 of which must be covered (5) N/A Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT Multiple- family dwellings When calculating the required number of parking spaces, if the calculation results in a fractional parking space, the required number of parking spaces shall always be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Units with two or more bedrooms 2 spaces per unit, provided as either: a one-car garage (12 feet x 20 feet) and 1 covered or uncovered space; or (5) a two-car garage (minimum 20 feet x 20 feet), or 2 separate one-car garages (minimum 12 feet x 20 feet each) In the R-W Zone and the Beach Area Overlay Zone, the 2 required parking spaces may be provided as 1 covered space and 1 uncovered space (5) Each unit proposes a two-car garage (20 ft. x 20 ft. minimum interior space), which satisfies the resident parking requirement. Required parking may be provided within an enclosed parking garage with multiple, open parking spaces, subject to the following: Each parking space shall maintain a standard stall size of 8.5 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of supporting columns; and A backup distance of 24 feet shall be maintained in addition to a minimum 5 feet turning bump-out located at the end of any stall series. N/A Required resident parking spaces shall be located no more than 150 feet as measured in a logical walking path from the entrance of the units it could be considered to serve. Garages are integrated into the floor plans and meet this requirement. E.8 Private Recreational Space One-family, two-family, and multiple- family dwellings Required private recreational space shall be designed so as to be functional, usable, and easily accessible from the dwelling it is intended to serve. Project complies. Private recreational space is within the designated exclusive use area for each home and is designed to be functional, usable, and easily accessible from the dwelling units it is intended to serve. Required private recreational space shall be located adjacent to the unit the area is intended to serve. Project complies. Private recreational space is located adjacent to the units it is intended to serve. Required private recreational space shall not be located within any required front yard setback area, and may not include any driveways, parking areas, storage areas, or common walkways. Project complies. Required private recreational space is not located within any required front yard setback area; and does not include any driveways, parking areas, storage areas or common walkways. Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT One-family and two- family dwellings Minimum total area per unit Projects not within the R- 15 or R-23 general plan designations 400 square feet Project complies. A minimum of 400 square feet is provided for each dwelling within the designated exclusive use area. Projects within the R-15 or R-23 general plan designations 200 square feet May consist of more than one recreational space. N/A May be provided at ground level and/or as a deck/balcony on a second/third floor or roof. Provided at ground level. If provided at ground level Minimum dimension Not within the R-15 or R- 23 general plan designations 15 feet Project complies. Minimum dimension is 15 feet. Within the R- 15 or R-23 general plan designations 10 feet Shall not have a slope gradient greater than 5%. Project complies. Attached solid patio covers and decks/balconies may project into a required private recreational space, subject to the following: The depth of the projection shall not exceed 6 feet (measured from the wall of the dwelling that is contiguous to the patio/deck/balcony). The length of the projection shall not be limited, except as required by any setback or lot coverage standards. Project complies. Open or lattice-top patio covers may be located within the required private recreation space (provided the patio cover complies with all applicable standards, including the required setbacks). Project complies. If provided above ground level as a deck/balcony or roof deck Minimum dimension 6 feet N/A Minimum area 60 square feet Multiple-family dwellings Minimum total area per unit (patio, porch, or balcony) 60 square feet N/A Minimum dimension of patio, porch or balcony 6 feet N/A Projects of 11 or more units that are within the R-23 general plan designation may opt to provide an additional 75 square feet of community recreation space per unit N/A Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT (subject to the standards specified in Table C of this Chapter), in lieu of providing the per unit private recreational space specified above. (1) If a project is located within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, building height shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 21.82 of this code. (2) See Table C in Section 21.45.060 for required setbacks from an arterial street. (3) Building setbacks shall be measured from the outside edge of the required street right-of-way width, whichever is closest to the building. (4) Building setbacks shall be measured from one of the following (whichever is closest to the building): a) the outside edge of the required drive-aisle width; b) the back of sidewalk; or c) the nearest side of a parking bay located contiguous to a drive- aisle (excluding parking located in a driveway in front of a unit’s garage). (5) Any uncovered required parking space in the R-W zone may be located within a required front yard setback and may be tandem. (6) This standard does not apply to housing for senior citizens (see Chapter 21.84 of this code). (7) Protrusions above the height limit shall be allowed pursuant to Section 21.46.020 of this code. Such protrusions include protective barriers for balconies and roof decks. Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT E.1 Livable Neighborhood Policy Must comply with City Council Policy 66, Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods. SEE SEPARATE COMPLIANCE CHART E.2 Architectural Requirements One-family and two-family dwellings Must comply with City Council Policy 44, Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines SEE SEPARATE COMPLIANCE CHART Multiple-family dwellings There shall be at least three separate building planes on all building elevations. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include, but not be limited to, building walls, windows, and roofs. N/A All building elevations shall incorporate a minimum of four complimentary design elements, including but not limited to: A variety of roof planes; Windows and doors recessed a minimum of 2 inches; Decorative window or door frames; Exposed roof rafter tails; Dormers; Columns; Arched elements; Varied window shapes; Exterior wood elements; Accent materials such as brick, stone, shingles, wood, or siding; Knee braces; and Towers. N/A E.3 Maximum Coverage 60% of total project net developable acreage. Project complies. Total building coverage is approximately 21% E.4 Maximum Building Height Same as required by the underlying zone, and not to exceed three stories (1)(7) Project complies. Height does not exceed 30’ and does not exceed 2 stories. Single-story Plan 1 is maximum 22’, and two story plans are up to 27’. Projects within the R- 23 general plan designation (1)(7) 40 feet, if roof pitch is 3:12 or greater N/A 35 feet, if roof pitch is less than 3:12 Building height shall not exceed three stories E.5 Minimum Building Setbacks From a private or public street(2)(3) Residential structure 10 feet Project complies. Buildings meet all setback requirements (minimum 40 feet from Poinsettia Lane, 10 feet from internal private streets; no direct entry garages on public or private streets). Direct entry garage 20 feet From a drive- aisle(4) Residential structure (except as specified below) 5 feet, fully landscaped (walkways providing access to dwelling entryways may be located within required landscaped area). 5 feet minimum Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT Residential structure – directly above a garage 0 feet when projecting over the front of a garage. N/A Garage 3 feet Project complies. The project provides 5 foot setbacks for garages facing directly onto a drive-aisle. All residential units will be equipped with an automatic garage door opener. Garages facing directly onto a drive-aisle shall be equipped with an automatic garage door opener. Projects of 25 units or less within the R-15 and R-23 general plan designations 0 feet (residential structure and garage) N/A Garages facing directly onto a drive-aisle shall be equipped with an automatic garage door opener. N/A Balconies/decks (unenclosed and uncovered) 0 feet Project complies. Buildings meet all setback requirements, no balconies or decks cantilever over a drive isle. May cantilever over a drive-aisle, provided the balcony/deck complies with all other applicable requirements, such as: Setbacks from property lines Building separation Fire and Engineering Department requirements From the perimeter property lines of the project site (not adjacent to a public/private street) The building setback from an interior side or rear perimeter property line shall be the same as required by the underlying zone for an interior side or rear yard setback. Project complies. Buildings meet all setback requirements. E.6 Minimum Building Separation 10 feet 10 feet minimum provided, project complies. E.7 Resident Parking (6) All dwelling types If a project is located within the R-23 general plan designation, resident parking shall be provided as specified below, and may also be provided as follows: 25% of the units in the project may include a tandem two-car garage (minimum 12 feet x 40 feet). Calculations for this provision resulting in a fractional unit may be rounded up to the next whole number. N/A One-family and two- family dwellings 2 spaces per unit, provided as either: a two-car garage (minimum 20 feet x 20 feet), or 2 separate one-car garages (minimum 12 feet x 20 feet each) In the R-W Zone, the 2 required parking spaces may be provided as 1 covered space and 1 uncovered space (5) Project complies. All dwellings have a two-car garage. Studio and one- bedroom units 1.5 spaces per unit, 1 of which must be covered (5) N/A Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT Multiple- family dwellings When calculating the required number of parking spaces, if the calculation results in a fractional parking space, the required number of parking spaces shall always be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Units with two or more bedrooms 2 spaces per unit, provided as either: a one-car garage (12 feet x 20 feet) and 1 covered or uncovered space; or (5) a two-car garage (minimum 20 feet x 20 feet), or 2 separate one-car garages (minimum 12 feet x 20 feet each) In the R-W Zone and the Beach Area Overlay Zone, the 2 required parking spaces may be provided as 1 covered space and 1 uncovered space (5) Each unit proposes a two-car garage (20 ft. x 20 ft. minimum interior space), which satisfies the resident parking requirement. Required parking may be provided within an enclosed parking garage with multiple, open parking spaces, subject to the following: Each parking space shall maintain a standard stall size of 8.5 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of supporting columns; and A backup distance of 24 feet shall be maintained in addition to a minimum 5 feet turning bump-out located at the end of any stall series. N/A Required resident parking spaces shall be located no more than 150 feet as measured in a logical walking path from the entrance of the units it could be considered to serve. Garages are integrated into the floor plans and meet this requirement. E.8 Private Recreational Space One-family, two-family, and multiple- family dwellings Required private recreational space shall be designed so as to be functional, usable, and easily accessible from the dwelling it is intended to serve. Project complies. Private recreational space is within the designated exclusive use area for each home and is designed to be functional, usable, and easily accessible from the dwelling units it is intended to serve. Required private recreational space shall be located adjacent to the unit the area is intended to serve. Project complies. Private recreational space is located adjacent to the units it is intended to serve. Required private recreational space shall not be located within any required front yard setback area, and may not include any driveways, parking areas, storage areas, or common walkways. Project complies. Required private recreational space is not located within any required front yard setback area; and does not include any driveways, parking areas, storage areas or common walkways. Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT One-family and two- family dwellings Minimum total area per unit Projects not within the R- 15 or R-23 general plan designations 400 square feet Project complies. A minimum of 400 square feet is provided for each dwelling within the designated exclusive use area. Projects within the R-15 or R-23 general plan designations 200 square feet May consist of more than one recreational space. N/A May be provided at ground level and/or as a deck/balcony on a second/third floor or roof. Provided at ground level. If provided at ground level Minimum dimension Not within the R-15 or R- 23 general plan designations 15 feet Project complies. Minimum dimension is 15 feet. Within the R- 15 or R-23 general plan designations 10 feet Shall not have a slope gradient greater than 5%. Project complies. Attached solid patio covers and decks/balconies may project into a required private recreational space, subject to the following: The depth of the projection shall not exceed 6 feet (measured from the wall of the dwelling that is contiguous to the patio/deck/balcony). The length of the projection shall not be limited, except as required by any setback or lot coverage standards. Project complies. Open or lattice-top patio covers may be located within the required private recreation space (provided the patio cover complies with all applicable standards, including the required setbacks). Project complies. If provided above ground level as a deck/balcony or roof deck Minimum dimension 6 feet N/A Minimum area 60 square feet Multiple-family dwellings Minimum total area per unit (patio, porch, or balcony) 60 square feet N/A Minimum dimension of patio, porch or balcony 6 feet N/A Projects of 11 or more units that are within the R-23 general plan designation may opt to provide an additional 75 square feet of community recreation space per unit N/A Poinsettia 61- EIR 15-03/GPA 14-06/ZC 14-04/LCPA 14-06/CT 14-10/PUD 14-12/SDP 14-15/CDP 14-34/HDP 14-07/HMP 14-04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT (subject to the standards specified in Table C of this Chapter), in lieu of providing the per unit private recreational space specified above. (1) If a project is located within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, building height shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 21.82 of this code. (2) See Table C in Section 21.45.060 for required setbacks from an arterial street. (3) Building setbacks shall be measured from the outside edge of the required street right-of-way width, whichever is closest to the building. (4) Building setbacks shall be measured from one of the following (whichever is closest to the building): a) the outside edge of the required drive-aisle width; b) the back of sidewalk; or c) the nearest side of a parking bay located contiguous to a drive- aisle (excluding parking located in a driveway in front of a unit’s garage). (5) Any uncovered required parking space in the R-W zone may be located within a required front yard setback and may be tandem. (6) This standard does not apply to housing for senior citizens (see Chapter 21.84 of this code). (7) Protrusions above the height limit shall be allowed pursuant to Section 21.46.020 of this code. Such protrusions include protective barriers for balconies and roof decks. APPLICABLE FOR PROJECTS WITH 5 OR MORE HOMES CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 – NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Floor Plans and Elevations 1. All residential projects shall be required to have a minimum number of different floor plans, different front and corresponding matching rear elevations with different color schemes as identified below: 2-4 dwelling units shall provide 1 floor plan and 2 different elevations. 5-12 dwelling units shall provide 2 different floor plans and 2 different elevations. 13-20 dwelling units shall provide 2 different floor plans and 3 different elevations. 21+ dwelling units shall provide 3 different floor plans and 3 different elevations. Project complies. The project consists of 123 single family dwellings with 4 different floor plans and 3 different elevation styles: Craftsman, Spanish and Tuscan. 2. Every house should have a coherent architectural style. All elevations of a house, including front, side and rear, should have the same design integrity of forms, details and materials. Project complies. All homes have consistent design integrity on all elevations. 3. In addition to the previous requirements, design details should reinforce and enhance the architectural form and style of every house and differ from other elevations of the same floor plan. A minimum of 4 complimentary design details, including but not limited to those listed below, shall be incorporated into each of the front, rear and street side building façade(s) of the house. Design Details Project complies. At least 4 design details have been included in each of the 3 architectural styles. The homes feature a variety of materials that include stucco, stone veneers, flat and s-shaped concrete roof tiles, shutters, decorative trim, wrought iron, potshelves, decorative tile, wainscots, columns, rafter tails and Juliet balconies, etc. Balconies Decorative eaves and fascia Exposed roof rafter tails Arched elements Towers Knee braces Dormers Columns Exterior wood elements Accent materials (i.e.; brick, stone, shingles, wood or siding) 4. Floor plans in a project shall exhibit a variety of roof ridges and roof heights within a neighborhood. Project complies. Each home has a combination of gabled and shed roof elements that will provide a variety of roof ridges and heights on the dwellings. Each plan has three different ridge heights on the roof. Roof ridge heights vary from 22 feet to 27 feet. 5. Houses with both the same floor plan and elevation style shall not occur on adjacent lots. Project complies. 6. Reverse floor plans shall be included where possible to add variety to the street scene. Project complies. □ □ □ ~ □ □ ~ □ ~ ~ ~ ~ □ ~ CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 – NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Single Story Requirements 7. A minimum of 15% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures. Single-story is defined as a maximum plate-line of 15 feet and a maximum building height of 20 feet. Lofts are permitted subject to CMC Section 21.04.330. or A minimum of 10% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures and 15% shall be reduced second story structures. A reduced second story structure shall comply with the following criteria: A minimum of 60% of the roofline shall be single story; A 2-story element may be added in the central portion of the front and rear elevation; and The second story element may be no greater than 25% of the floor area of the first floor of the house (including garage). or For alley-loaded product, a minimum of 20% of the homes shall be single-story for the front 20% of the home (overall depth of house times 20%). Project complies. The project provides 21 single-story homes (Plan 1), which represents 17% of the total number of homes. Lofts will meet requirements of CMC Section 21.04.330 and be less than 50% of the ground floor area of the home. Single story height definition is met by 15’ plate height, 20’ roof height, and small area of architectural roof ridge projection up to 22’. 8. A maximum of 20% of the total number of homes are exempt from the requirement to have a single-story building edge. N/A 9. The remaining total number of homes shall comply with one of the following guidelines: The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 8 feet and shall run the length of the building along one side except for tower elements. The roof covering the single-story element shall incorporate a separate roof plane and shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two-story element. Porches and porte-cochere elements shall qualify as a single-story edge. Houses with courtyards that are a minimum of 15 feet wide located along the side of the house and setback a minimum of 15 feet from the property line are not required to have a single-story building edge. The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet and shall run the length of the building along one side. The roof of the single-story element shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two-story element of the building. The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 3 feet for 40% of the perimeter of the building. 83% of the homes comply with at least one of the guidelines: PLAN 2 (35 of 123): Has a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet that runs the length of the building along one side. The roof of the single-story element is substantially lower than the roof for the two- story element of the building. PLAN 3 (36 of 123): Has a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet that runs the length of the building along one side. The roof of the single-story element is substantially lower than the roof for the two- story element of the building. PLAN 4 (31 of 123): Has a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 3 feet for 44% of the perimeter of the building, thus meets the minimum 40% requirement. □ □ □ □ ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 – NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Multiple Building Planes 10. For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there shall be at least 3 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of street frontage or less and 4 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a street frontage greater than 45 feet. Balconies and covered porches qualify as a building plane. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include, but not be limited to, building walls, windows, porches and roofs. The minimum depth between the faces of the forward-most plane and the rear plane on the front elevation shall be 10 feet. A plane must be a minimum of 30 sq. ft. to receive credit under this section. Project complies. 82% of the floor plans have a minimum of at least 3 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of street frontage or less and 4 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a street frontage greater than 45 feet. 11. Rear elevations shall adhere to the same criteria outlined in Number 10 above for front elevations except that the minimum depth between front and back planes on the rear elevation shall be 4 feet. Rear balconies qualify as a building plane. Project complies. See response above. 12. For at least 66% of the homes in a project, one side elevation shall have sufficient offsets or cutouts so that the side yard setback averages a minimum of 8.5 feet. Project complies. 75% (Plans 1-3) of the homes have a side elevation with sufficient offsets or cutouts to that the side yard setback averages at least 10 feet. Windows/Doors 13. At least 66% of exterior openings (door/windows) on every home in the project shall be recessed or projected a minimum of 2 inches and shall be constructed with wood, vinyl or colored aluminum window frames (no mill finishes). Project complies. 100% of windows on every home in the project are recessed with a 2 inch thick surround, and at least 71% of doors on every home are recessed a minimum of 2 inches. All homes are constructed with vinyl window frames. 14. Windows shall reinforce and enhance the architectural form and style of the house through, the use of signature windows and varied window shapes and sizes. Project complies. All of the dwellings provide for multiple window shapes and sizes. The design of windows trim, headers and sills, as well as window groupings and divide patterns, compliment the architectural elevation styles. Front Porches 15. Fifty percent (50%) of the homes shall be designed with a covered front porch, open courtyard, or balcony (each with a minimum depth of 6 feet and a minimum area of 60 square feet) located at the front of the dwelling. The minimum depth for a covered front porch shall be measured from the front façade of the home to the inside of any supporting porch posts. The front and sides of porches shall be open except for required and/or ornamental guardrails. A variety of roof elements shall be provided over porches. Porches may not be converted to living space. Project complies. 88 homes (72%) have a covered front porch with a minimum depth of 6 feet and a minimum area of 60 square feet located at the front of the dwelling that meets these requirements. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 – NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Front Entries 16. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the homes must have a front entry to the home that is clearly visible from the street. Walkways from the front door to the street are encouraged. Project complies. 108 homes (88%) facing streets have a front entry that is clearly visible. Chimneys 17. Chimneys and chimney caps shall be in scale with the size of the home. No more than 2 chimneys shall be allowed for homes on lots in planned developments having an area less than 7,500 square feet. No chimneys are proposed. Garage Doors 18. Garage doors for 3 or 4 cars in a row that directly face the street must have a minimum of an 18” plane change between the garage doors after the 2 car garage door. No three or four car garages are proposed. Note #1: Fractional units of .5 or greater shall be rounded up to the next whole number and located in a manner to achieve the best project design as determined by the project planner. When a percentage of units are described in the guidelines, the intent is to have that percentage spread throughout the entire project. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 66 – LIVABLE NEIGHBORHOODS Principle Compliance Comments 1. Building Facades, Front Entries, Porches Facades create interest and character and should be varied and articulated to provide visual interest to pedestrians. Clearly identifiable front doors and porches enhance the street scene and create opportunities for greater social interaction within the neighborhood. Building entries and windows should face the street. Front porches, bay windows, courtyards and balconies are encouraged. The project is designed with a variety of floor plans and architectural styles to create visual interest and character. Front doors are clearly identifiable. Side and rear elevations that will be the primary street scene facades are well articulated and include thematic architectural details. Porches and balconettes are featured in some of the plans. The site plan layout varies the floor plans and elevation architecture to the extent possible to create visual interest along the private streets and main drive aisle. The homes provide interest through architectural features incorporating a variety of colors, planes and materials to provide visual articulation and interest. Materials and features include stucco, stone veneers, wood rafters, shutters, wrought iron balconettes, and flat and s-shaped concrete roof tiles. The Plan 2 features a Juliet balcony, the Plan 3 a front porch, and Plan 4 a recessed front porch. 2. Garages Homes should be designed to feature the residence as the prominent part of the structure in relation to the street. A variety of garage configurations should be used to improve the street scene. This may include tandem garages, side-loaded garages, front-loaded garages, alley-loaded garages and recessed garages. The project is designed with homes and garages off private drive aisles throughout the development, so the garages do not face the private streets or main drive aisle. The Plan 1 places the garage on the same plane as the front of the home and the Plan 4 garage is set back from the front of the home. Residential units are designed to feature articulated side and some rear elevations along the street scene and the recreation areas are prominent features along the streets and drive aisle. Clusters of between three and six homes on each drive aisle and proximity to the three recreation areas will help encourage social interaction and walkability. 3. Street Design An interconnected, modified (grid) street pattern should be incorporated into project designs when there are no topographic or environmental constraints. Interconnected streets provide pedestrians and automobiles many alternative routes to follow, disperse traffic and reduce the volume of cars on any one street in the neighborhood. Streets should be designed to provide both vehicular and pedestrian connectivity by minimizing the use of cul-de-sacs. The street network should also be designed to create a safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycling environment. Local residential streets should have travel and parking lanes, be sufficiently narrow to slow traffic, provide adequate access for emergency and service vehicles and emergency evacuation routes for residents and include parkways with trees to form a pleasing canopy over the street. Local residential streets are the public open space in which children often play and around which neighborhoods interact. Within this context, vehicular movement should be additionally influenced through the use of City-accepted designs for traffic calming measures. The presence of habitat and the goal to preserve the majority of the project site as open space dictates a clustered development that does not lend itself to a grid street pattern. The residential community is designed with an interconnected network of private streets and drive aisles to easily access homes, as well as provide access for emergency and service vehicles. A full access intersection is provided at the main entry, as well as a secondary access on each side of Poinsettia Lane within the development. The project will also complete the last remaining section of Poinsettia Lane. Pedestrian pathways will be located throughout the site that allow residents to easily and safely access Poinsettia Lane. The project’s streets provide for both vehicular travel and on-street parking. The short drive aisles faced with homes access onto the private streets and main drive aisle that provide sidewalks, parkways and street tree canopies for a pleasing pedestrian experience. Poinsettia Lane through the project will be built with a bus turn-out in both directions for easy access to transit. The completion of Poinsettia Lane will improve and enhance interconnectedness of the surrounding area. 4. Parkways Street trees should be planted in the parkways along all streets. Tree species should be selected to create a unified image for the street, provide an effective canopy, avoid sidewalk damage and minimize water consumption. Landscaping and street trees are provided to enhance architecture, provide green areas and an effective canopy, screen parking, and create a unified image for the street. 5. Pedestrian Walkways Pedestrian walkways should be located along or visible from all streets. Walkways (sidewalks or trails) should provide clear, comfortable and direct access to neighborhood schools, parks/plazas and transit stops. Primary pedestrian routes should be bordered by residential fronts, parks or plazas. Where street connections are not feasible (at the end of cul- de-sacs), pedestrian paths should also be provided. Pedestrian pathways are located on both sides of the private streets and one side of the main drive aisle to allow residents to easily and safely access the project’s recreation areas and sidewalks and a trail on Poinsettia Lane that will connect with existing sidewalks. 6. Centralized Community Recreation Areas Park or plazas, which serve as neighborhood meeting places and as recreational activity centers should be incorporated into all planned unit developments. As frequently as possible, these parks/plazas should be designed for both active and passive uses for residents of all ages and should be centrally located within the project. Parks and plazas should be not be sited on residual parcels, used as buffers from surrounding developments or to separate buildings from streets. The project proposes three recreation areas throughout the development, designed for both active and passive use. They are strategically located for access to residents, and are designed for residents of all ages. They are not located on residual parcels and do not function as buffers or to separate homes from the street. The project has incorporated three neighborhood recreation areas to further promote healthy lifestyles, connectedness, and foster a sense of community. These recreation facilities include a pool/spa area and children’s play areas, in addition to passive amenities including benches, barbecues and dedicated green space. A MBROSIA LN POINSE T T I A L N CASSIA RD MALLEE STCALLIAN D R A RDDO CEN A R D MIMOSADR FIO NA P L AM AN T E CT ORIOLE CT FAIRLEAD AV FOLLETTESTSKIMMER CT EIR 15-03 / GPA 14-06 / ZC 14-04 /LCPA 14-06 / CT 14-10 / PUD 14-12 /SDP 14-15 / CDP 14-34 / HDP 14-07 / HMP 14-04 Poinsettia 61SITE MAP JPALOMARAIRPORTRD E L C AMREALL A COS TA AV C A R L S B A D B LCARLSBADVILLAGEDREL C AMINOREAL MELRO S E DRAVIARAPY RANCHOS ANTAFERDC OLLE GEBLSITE OffsiteMitigationArea (cityof Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) Development Services Plannlng Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Appllcant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership Interests on all appllcatlons which wlll require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The followlng Information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed t.intll 1hls Information Is completed. Please print. :Note: . :.Person ls d.~flrWc1 as ''Any i,ndlvldual, firm, co-partnership, Joint ve/'\ture, assoclafloo, s·oclal club, 'fraternal 9rg,anlz~llo(I, oorp9rat16n, estate,.trus.t, tecelver, syndicate; In lh!s ~t1Q any other county, city and coonty, ·city municipality, dlS'trlct or _other pot!Ucat sub~lv(slon or any other gtoup or comblnallon acting as a unit." Agents may sign this docum_ent however, the legal name and ~ntlly or the appllcanl an~ property 9wner ·must be provided b!:tlow. . · · 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE,_ LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a flnanclal Interest In the application. If the applicant Includes a corporation or partnership, Include the hames, lilies, addresses of all Individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a pubUcly-owned corporation, Include the names, tltles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached If necessary.) Person Aodrew Han Corp/Part. __________ _ Title Appllcaht Title ____________ _ Address 25 Enterprise, Suite 300 Address __________ _ Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership Interest In the property Involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (I.e., partnership, tenants In common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership Includes a corporation or partnership, Include the names, titles, addresses of all Individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, Include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached If necessary.) Person Corey Walker Corp/Part __________ _ Tllle __ o""'w .... ne...,r ______ _ Title ____________ _ Address 4601 Co1le9e Blvd., Suite 300 Acldress ___________ _ Leawood, KS, 66211 Page, or 2 Revtaed 07/10 3. NON .. PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any p~rson Identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above Is a nonprofit organization or a trust, 11st the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non• profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profitrrrust_______ Non Profit/Trust ________ _ Tltle___________ Tit le ___________ _ Address ________ _ Address ----------- 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business 1ransacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees end/or Councll within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes {XI No If yes, please Indicate person(s): _________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets If necessary. I certify that all the above Information ls true and correct to the best of my lmowledge. ~qL-=fsL= sfunatu( of apploant/date ' Corey Walker Andrew Han Print or type name of owner Print or type name of appllcant Sig, ature of owner/applicant's agent If appllcable/date John Sherritt Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P·1 (Al Pago 2 ot 2 Revised. 07110 ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-828512-23-2016SHEH IND EX AO.O TITLE !MEET AO.I AlCHITECTUIAL DHl6N Gm!DIIINEI PIH I 'A' AO.l UCHITECTUIAL DHl6N GHDIIINEI PIH 2 'I' AO.l HCHITECTUIAL DHl6N GHDILINEI PIH l 'C' A0.4 UCHITECTUIAL DHl6N GHDIIINEI PIH 4 'A' AI.D PUN I fROIT ELmTIOI Al.I PLAN IA Al.l HOOi PLAN ADDEIDU"! Al.l PLAN IA EITEllOl EIIUTION Al.4 PLAN 1B EXTEIIOI ELmllON Al.l PUN IC EXHIIOR ELEfATION A2.0 PLAN 2 fROIT ElmTIOI Al.I PUN H AU HOOi PLAN ADDEIDU"! AU HOOi PLAN ADDEIDU"!•ALTEINUE EmY A2.4 PLAN H EITEllOl ELIYATIOI Al.l PLAN 28 EUEIIOR ELEYATION AU PLAN 2C !HEIIOl ILEUTION AU PLAN 2 mmm ENTRY EITERIOI ELEYATIOI Al.D PLAN I fROIT EIUATIOI Al.I PLAN IA AJ.l HOOi PIAN ADDEIDU"! Al.l PLAN IA EITEllOI EIIYATIOI Al.4 PLAN Ii EXTEIIOR ELEUllON Al.l PLAN JC !HEIIOR ILEfATION AU PLAN 4 fROIT Ell¥ATIOI A4.I PLAN 0 CODE AIALY!I! AU HOOi PIAN ADDEIDU"! 2013 CIC AU PLAN O EITEllOl ELEYATIOI l-1 I U OCCUPANCY A4.4 PUN 48 EXTEIIOR ELEUllDN Y-B COIHIUCllDN AU PLAN 4C EXHIIOl ILETATION I & ! HOIIE! POINSETTIA TITLE SHEH ===========================-----LENNAR. CHUBAD, CA IT & I. JIIJ-IIIJ ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES (POLICY 44)1. Provide a number of different floor plans, different front and correspondingmatching rear elevations with different color schemes:required: 21+ dwelling units shall provide 3 different floor plans and 3 different elevations.provided: 123 dwelling units: 4 Plans and 3 Elevations2. Coherent architectural style:refer to exterior elevations3. Min. 4 complementary details shall be incorporated into front, rear and streetside building facades:4. Exhibit a variety of roof ridges and heights.refer to elevations5. Same plans and elevation shall not occur on adjacent lots:refer to site plan6. Provide reverse plans to add variety to the street scene:refer to site plan7. Minimum of 15% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures.Lofts are permitted subject to CMC Section 21.04.330.Plan TypeypQuantityyyPercent Single StorygyPlan 12117%8.Max of 20% of homes are exempt from a single-story building edge.N/A9.Single story-story building edge:9.1. Provide a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5' andshall run the length of the building along one side.9.2. Provide a single-story building edge w/ a depth of not less than 3' for 40%of the perimeter or provide a single-story building edge with a depth of notless than 5' and shall run the length of the building along one side.refer to floor plans at left10. For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there shall be at least 3 separatebuilding planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of street frontage orless and 4 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a streetfrontage greater than 45 feet.refer to floor plans at leftPlan Types in ConformanceypQuantityyyPercentage in conformancegPlan 23535/123=28%Plan 33636/123=29%Plan 43131/123=25%Total:82%11.Rear elevations: see item 10refer to floor plans12.Min. of 66% of homes shall average a min. of 8.5' for one side elevation in theside yards.Plan Type in ConformanceypQuantityyyPercentage in conformancegPlans 1-39292/123=75% 13.Min of 66% of all windows/doors on house shall be recessed with 2" thicksurround.provided: 100% of windows with 2" thick surround.14. Windows shall vary in shapes/sizes to enhance architectural form and style. refer to elevations15.50% of homes shall have a covered front porch, open courtyard, or balcony w/min. depth of 6' and a min of 60 sq.ft.Total homes with element: 88% of homes with element: 72%refer to floor plan for dimensions and area16.75% of homes shall have a front entry visible from the street.Plan TypeypQuantityyyPercentage w/ Entry Visible from StreetgyPlans 1,2,3, & 4 108/12388%facing streetsA. ShuttersB.Gable end ventsC.Decorative gable end detailD. Arched/decorative openingE.Belly-bandF.Decorative trimG.PotshelfH.Decorative tileI.CorbelJ.WainscotK.ColumnL.Rafter TailsM.Designed Roof Elements20'-2" x 20'-0"GarageGarageBath 2BaBedroom 211'-0" x 10'-10"W.I.C.WW.12'-0" l.f.W.I.C.12'-0" l.f.12M. Bedroom14'-0" x 14'-0"M. BathKitchenEntryyLaund.LandGreat Room20'-6" x 14'-0"MKcnnrylinenhigh glassPorch7'-10" x 7'-10"61 SQ. FT.Side Yard Calculations17'x1'=17 s.f.5'x35'=175 s.f.27'x10'=270 s.f.Total=462 s.f./46 ft.Side Yard=10.04 ft. avg.FIRST FLOOR PLANBedroom 313'-6" x 10'-6"Loft13'-6" x 12'-4"Bath 3"66"66"BaUPPER LEVELPLAN 1 ELEVATION 'A' - FRONTPLAN 1 ELEVATION 'A' - REARScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-828504816POINSETTIA LENNAR. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES PLAN I 'A' CARLSBAD, CA l T GI# 1111-0IIJ 1016.11.11 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES (POLICY 44)1. Provide a number of different floor plans, different front and correspondingmatching rear elevations with different color schemes:required: 21+ dwelling units shall provide 3 different floor plans and 3 different elevations.provided: 123 dwelling units: 4 Plans and 3 Elevations2.Coherent architectural style:refer to exterior elevations3.Min. 4 complementary details shall be incorporated into front, rear and streetside building facades:4.Exhibit a variety of roof ridges and heights.refer to elevations5.Same plans and elevation shall not occur on adjacent lots:refer to site plan6. Provide reverse plans to add variety to the street scene:refer to site plan7.Minimum of 15% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures.Lofts are permitted subject to CMC Section 21.04.330.Plan TypeypQuantityyyPercent Single StorygyPlan 12117%8.Max of 20% of homes are exempt from a single-story building edge.N/A9.Single story-story building edge:9.1. Provide a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5' andshall run the length of the building along one side.9.2. Provide a single-story building edge w/ a depth of not less than 3' for 40%of the perimeter or provide a single-story building edge with a depth of notless than 5' and shall run the length of the building along one side.refer to floor plans at left10. For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there shall be at least 3 separatebuilding planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of street frontage orless and 4 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a streetfrontage greater than 45 feet.refer to floor plans at leftPlan Types in ConformanceypQuantityyyPercentage in conformancegPlan 23535/123=28%Plan 33636/123=29%Plan 43131/123=25%Total:82%11.Rear elevations: see item 10refer to floor plans12.Min. of 66% of homes shall average a min. of 8.5' for one side elevation in theside yards.Plan Type in ConformanceypQuantityyyPercentage in conformancegPlans 1-39292/123=75%13.Min of 66% of all windows/doors on house shall be recessed with 2" thicksurround.provided: 100% of windows with 2" thick surround.14. Windows shall vary in shapes/sizes to enhance architectural form and style. refer to elevations15.50% of homes shall have a covered front porch, open courtyard, or balcony w/min. depth of 6' and a min of 60 sq.ft.Total homes with element: 88% of homes with element: 72%refer to floor plan for dimensions and area16.75% of homes shall have a front entry visible from the street.Plan TypeypQuantityyyPercentage w/ Entry Visible from StreetgyPlans 1,2,3, & 4 108/12388%facing streetsA.ShuttersB.Gable end ventsC. Decorative gable end detailD. Arched/decorative openingE.Belly-bandF. Decorative trimG.PotshelfH.Decorative tileI.CorbelJ.WainscotK.ColumnL.Rafter TailsM. Designed Roof ElementsKitchen20'-8" x 20'-2"GarageBedroom 411'-0" x 9'-8"Dining Roomg16'-10" x 12'-2"Entryyyycoats/storage15'-0" x 14'-4"Great RoomBath 3h KthnKitKchthehnnm1iDiiDi1"Bo"nyyyyEtsccstcsooocctooooooooooarooraaaaagtgtttagggsgsgsgsgggggggggggg/e//ggggggggeecococooooatsattss/atthtcoats/ccocoooaoaattss//storagesstsotoooorraagagggegeePlane 3Plane 2Plane 3Plane 1Side Yard Calculations19'x2'=38 s.f.5'x31'-10"=159 s.f.24'x11'-8"=284 s.f.Total=481 s.f./45.5 ft.Side Yard=10.6 ft. avg.Plane 3Plane 1Plane 4Plane 2FIRST FLOOR PLANLaund.Bath 2210'-4" x 11'-8"Bedroom 211'-0" x 10'-2"Bedroom 314'-0" x 17'-8"M. BedroomM. BathW.I.C.20'-0" l.f.linen0 x 10 2LaPlane 2Plane 3Plane 1Plane 3Plane 1Plane 2Plane 1Plane 1Plane 3Plane 4Plane 2SECOND FLOOR PLANPLAN 2 ELEVATION 'B' - FRONTPLAN 2 ELEVATION 'B' - REARScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-828504816POINSETTIA LENNAR. " s·-o-35•--0· 15'-8" 19'4" !rr----------------------------~!_CH_IT_EC_TU_RA_L_DE_SI_GN_G_U_ID_EL_IN_ES_P_LA_N _2 _'B_' _ ...... A~O .. , CARLSBAD, CA KT GT# 1013-HIJ 2016.11.1] !ml~ ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES (POLICY 44)1. Provide a number of different floor plans, different front and correspondingmatching rear elevations with different color schemes:required: 21+ dwelling units shall provide 3 different floor plans and 3 different elevations.provided: 123 dwelling units: 4 Plans and 3 Elevations2.Coherent architectural style:refer to exterior elevations3.Min. 4 complementary details shall be incorporated into front, rear and streetside building facades:4. Exhibit a variety of roof ridges and heights.refer to elevations5.Same plans and elevation shall not occur on adjacent lots:refer to site plan6. Provide reverse plans to add variety to the street scene:refer to site plan7.Minimum of 15% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures.Lofts are permitted subject to CMC Section 21.04.330.Plan TypeypQuantityyyPercent Single StorygyPlan 12117%8.Max of 20% of homes are exempt from a single-story building edge.N/A9.Single story-story building edge:9.1. Provide a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5' andshall run the length of the building along one side.9.2. Provide a single-story building edge w/ a depth of not less than 3' for 40%of the perimeter or provide a single-story building edge with a depth of notless than 5' and shall run the length of the building along one side.refer to floor plans at left10. For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there shall be at least 3 separatebuilding planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of street frontage orless and 4 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a streetfrontage greater than 45 feet.refer to floor plans at leftPlan Types in ConformanceypQuantityyyPercentage in conformancegPlan 23535/123=28%Plan 33636/123=29%Plan 43131/123=25%Total:82%11.Rear elevations: see item 10refer to floor plans12.Min. of 66% of homes shall average a min. of 8.5' for one side elevation in theside yards.Plan Type in ConformanceypQuantityyyPercentage in conformancegPlans 1-39292/123=75%13.Min of 66% of all windows/doors on house shall be recessed with 2" thicksurround.provided: 100% of windows with 2" thick surround.14. Windows shall vary in shapes/sizes to enhance architectural form and style. refer to elevations15.50% of homes shall have a covered front porch, open courtyard, or balcony w/min. depth of 6' and a min of 60 sq.ft.Total homes with element: 88% of homes with element: 72%refer to floor plan for dimensions and area16.75% of homes shall have a front entry visible from the street.Plan TypeypQuantityyyPercentage w/ Entry Visible from StreetgyPlans 1,2,3, & 4 108/12388%facing streetsA. ShuttersB.Gable end ventsC. Decorative gable end detailD.Arched/decorative openingE.Belly-bandF.Decorative trimG.PotshelfH.Decorative tileI.CorbelJ.WainscotK.ColumnL.Rafter TailsM. Designed Roof Elements18'-4" x 13'-10"Great Roomcoats/storage12'-4" x 14'-4"Dining RoomKitchenEntryPdr.dr20'-0" x 20'-2"GarageGo'Dn4nomDinDninngnRoooomm2-4x414-4Kchnteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee///////////////EEttcEEEttoooattoooooPorch10'-6" x 6'-4"67 SQ. FT.Plane 1Plane 1Side Yard Calculations15'-6"x1'-6"=23 s.f.5'x33'-10"=169 s.f.27'x10'=270 s.f.Total=462 s.f./45.5 ft.Side Yard=10.2 ft. avg.Plane 3Plane 2Plane 1Plane 2Plane 3Plane 4FIRST FLOOR PLAN12'-4" x 15'-0"M. BedroomLaund.M. Bath10'-0" x 10'-0"Bedroom 410'-0" x 10'-0"Bedroom 210'-0" x 10'-0"Bedroom 3Bath 2linenW.I.C.CWW17'-0" l.f.flfBLPlane 2Plane 3Plane 1Plane 2Plane 3SECOND FLOOR PLANPLAN 3 ELEVATION 'C' - FRONTPLAN 3 ELEVATION 'C' - REARScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-828504816POINSETTIA LENNAR. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES PLAN 3 'C' CARLSBAD, CA Kr G r # lOIJ-OIIJ 2016.11.1] ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES (POLICY 44)1. Provide a number of different floor plans, different front and correspondingmatching rear elevations with different color schemes:required: 21+ dwelling units shall provide 3 different floor plans and 3 different elevations.provided: 123 dwelling units: 4 Plans and 3 Elevations2.Coherent architectural style:refer to exterior elevations3.Min. 4 complementary details shall be incorporated into front, rear and streetside building facades:4.Exhibit a variety of roof ridges and heights.refer to elevations5.Same plans and elevation shall not occur on adjacent lots:refer to site plan6. Provide reverse plans to add variety to the street scene:refer to site plan7.Minimum of 15% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures.Lofts are permitted subject to CMC Section 21.04.330.Plan TypeypQuantityyyPercent Single StorygyPlan 12117%8.Max of 20% of homes are exempt from a single-story building edge.N/A9.Single story-story building edge:9.1. Provide a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5' andshall run the length of the building along one side.9.2. Provide a single-story building edge w/ a depth of not less than 3' for 40%of the perimeter or provide a single-story building edge with a depth of notless than 5' and shall run the length of the building along one side.refer to floor plans at left10. For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there shall be at least 3 separatebuilding planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of street frontage orless and 4 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a streetfrontage greater than 45 feet.refer to floor plans at leftPlan Types in ConformanceypQuantityyyPercentage in conformancegPlan 23535/123=28%Plan 33636/123=29%Plan 43131/123=25%Total:82%11.Rear elevations: see item 10refer to floor plans12.Min. of 66% of homes shall average a min. of 8.5' for one side elevation in theside yards.Plan Type in ConformanceypQuantityyyPercentage in conformancegPlans 1-39292/123=75% 13.Min of 66% of all windows/doors on house shall be recessed with 2" thicksurround.provided: 100% of windows with 2" thick surround.14. Windows shall vary in shapes/sizes to enhance architectural form and style. refer to elevations15.50% of homes shall have a covered front porch, open courtyard, or balcony w/min. depth of 6' and a min of 60 sq.ft.Total homes with element: 88% of homes with element: 72%refer to floor plan for dimensions and area16.75% of homes shall have a front entry visible from the street.Plan TypeypQuantityyyPercentage w/ Entry Visible from StreetgyPlans 1,2,3, & 4 108/12388%facing streetsA. ShuttersB.Gable end ventsC.Decorative gable end detailD. Arched/decorative openingE.Belly-bandF.Decorative trimG.PotshelfH.Decorative tileI.CorbelJ.WainscotK.ColumnL.Rafter TailsM.Designed Roof Elements13'-10" x 16'-10"Great RoomBath 4linencoats/storagestw/dstacked20'-2" x 20'-2"GarageEntryKitchenSuiteNext Gen13'-4" x 20'-4"Pdr.10'-2" x 16'-10"Dining Room0omRoomomm100KKcceennKKitcKchcenennD-ixgg6RDDinDiniggRRR102x1x66eeeeeeeeeeeeeeerraracoatsagEntrrsgsg4stackedawaddeath 4Porch7'-10" x 8'-2"64 SQ. FT.Plane 2Plane 1Plane 1Plane 2Plane 4Plane 3Plane 5Plane 4Plane 2Plane 3FIRST FLOOR PLANBath 3linen13'-0" x 18'-10"M. BedroomM. Bath25'-0" l.f.W.I.C.11'-0" x 12'-4"Bedroom 215'-8" x 11'-8"Bedroom 310'-8" x 13'-4"Bedroom 4Laund.Bath 2o0eah 3Plane 2Plane 5Plane 2Plane 3Plane 1Plane 1Plane 4Single-story CalculationgyBuilding Perimeter: 193'-8"Single-story perimeter : 84' 7"Percentage: 44% single-storySECOND FLOOR PLANPLAN 4 ELEVATION 'A' - FRONTPLAN 4 ELEVATION 'A' - REARScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-828504816POINSETTIA LENNAR. ,._,, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES PLAN 4 'A' CARLSBAD, CA l T GI# 1111-0IIJ 1016.11.1] ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015Tuscon Matertal Legend: ~~~~I Legend: Concrete Low Profile 'S' TIie Stucco Anlsh Wrought Iron Decorattve Ceramic Ille Enhanced SIiis 2xStucco Finish Trim Concrete Low Profile 'S' lile Stucco Finish Stone Veneer Shutters Decorative Gable End Detail Enhanced Sills 2x Stucco Finish Trim .G. Elevation '1 B' -Tuscan POINSETTIA [[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]] [[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]] [[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]]•[[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]] [[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]][[]]]]] Elevation '1 A' -Spanish I mm Elevation '1 C' -Craftsman PLAN FRONT ELEVATION =============================----LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1,. JIIJ-DIIJ Croftsmon Materiel Legend: Flot Concrete Tile Roofing Stucco Finish Stone Veneer Enhanced Sills 2x Stucco Finish Trim Cementrtous Siding I I 20'-2" x 20'-0"GarageGarageBath 2BaBedroom 211'-0" x 10'-10"W.I.C.WW.12'-0" l.f.W.I.C.12'-0" l.f.12M. Bedroom14'-0" x 14'-0"M. BathBedroom 313'-6" x 10'-6"Loft13'-6" x 12'-4"KitchenEntryLaund.LanGreat Room20'-6" x 14'-0"Bath 3M"6""Kcnnry20"oxBalinenhigh glassScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015POINSETTIA LENNAR. 9 I!) 9 I!) 'SI 5'-0" D D 55'-0" 45'-0" 5'-0" 9 I!) ~=1 I ~ Q□ 9 9 I!) I!) 'SI I!) 9 9 I!) I!) PLAN IA -1,745 S.f. CARLSBAD, CA l T GI # 1111-GIIJ Bedroom 211'-0" x 10'-10"EntryBedroom 211'-0" x 10'-10"Entry20"ox20"oxnyyEntrnyynyEtlinenlinenScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015POINSETTIA LENNAR" 9 JO I I I I I I I I ' I ~ I D D ----9 JO ------------------~ Plan IC -1,745 s.f. D 9 JO ------------------~ Plan I B - I , 7 4 5 s.f. FLOOR PLAN ADDENDUMS Al.i CARLSBAD, CA l T GI # 1111-GIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015m LEFT RIGHT POINSETTIA m CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPlER 21.95.1 Ml.1 \ \ \ \ 10'-8'' \ \ \ \ \ MIN. SETBACK TO TOP OF SLOPE ')JJ-0' Max. Height Limit ~F,fLAN llt,t.JCII!: t1' ll:OCl'l"IIOl:-'!\2U.N.O ,_..., __ J_ Of~PCVll»IY' • • ... Per Carlsbad Building Height Definition Zoning Ordinance 21.04.065 and 21.10.050 -Building Height ~---+-----------Goble End Accent Detail ----------------Decorative Tile Surround _,,=...._;::------;,----Multlple Plane Changes Exposed Shape Roof Rafters ~-+,.,-Style ---il-----ffl-----~ --c;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;i~ t ~~t~~f . . ~~~~-...j.......jf-Styte PLAN IA EXTERIOR ELEVATION Appropriate Mulllons ~---Styte Appropriate Potshelf I I =================================------LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015m m LEFT ' \ \ \ \ ,t: .7 \ \ \ \ \ \ 11' \ \ \ \ \ MIN. SETBAC~ TO TOP OF SLOPE 'JJ:HI' Max. Height Umi1 ,--1 I I I I I I -------7 I . : I L----------~~,FLAN ~~~ Per Carlsbad Buiding Height Definition Zoning Ordinance 21.04.065 and 21.10.050 • Building Height IHI I I I ~-Q I N S E =T T=l=A==============--tLA N I B EXTERIOR ELEVATION =====-_A_l_.4 nm11 LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015lB lB LEFT " " Ul ., " ,!eee= B ll m --RIGHT POINSETTIA '" " ' \ \ \ \ m 1G .7 \ " ' ., " ll D -/ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE____,, CHAPTER , ' \ \ ' \ ' ' ' V'\\ ' 11'-9' MIN. SEIBACK TO TOP OF SLOPE --------7 I . : I L __________ ..r--______ _. 'JJ:HI' Max. Height Umi1 Per Carlsbad Buiding Height Definition Zoning Ordinance 21.04.065 and 21.10.050 • Building Height ' ~ PLAN IC EXTERIOR ELEVATION ============================-""""-•• LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ I I I ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015~~~~~I legend: Concrete low Protne 'S' TIie Stucco Finish Wrought Iron Romeo and Juliette Balcony Enhanced Sills 2x Stucco Finish Trim 30'-0" Max. Height Umlt '<--PerCar1sbad Building Height Deftnl11on Zoning Ordinance-------------21.04.065 and 21.10.050 -Building Height [l]]]]][l]]]]][l]]]]][I]]]]] [l]]]]][l]]]]][l]]]]][I]]]]] [l]]]]][l]]]]][l]]]]][I]]]]]• F.G.. ..... ..... iiiiilliiillllll_Illllll __ Illllll __ Illllll __ Elevation '2A' -Spanish ___ 30'-0' Mox. Height Limit-----------------------------------------\.-30'-0' Max. Height Limit--------------------------------------------Per Cor1sbod Building Height Deffnl11on Zoning Ordinance Per Car1sbad BuDdlng Heigh! Deflntllon Zoning Ordinance 21.04.065 and 21.10.050 -Building Height 21.04.065 and 21.10.050 -Building Height Tuscan Material Legend: Concrete Low Profile 'S' TIie Stucco Finish Stone Veneer Shutters Decorative Gable End Detail Enhanced SIiis 2x Stucco Finish Trim Elevation '2B' -Tuscan POINSETTIA 0 (ll □□□□□□□□ c=Jc=Jc=Jc=J L____L__JL__JL__J c=Jc=Jc=Jc=J . • .. Elevation '2C' -Craftsman PLAN 2 FRONT ELEVATION ======================================----LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ Craftsman Material Legend: Flat Concrete Tile Roofing Stucco Finish Stone Veneer Enhanced SIiis 2x Stucco Finish Trim Cementlttous Siding I I Kitchen20'-8" x 20'-2"GarageLaund.Bath 2210'-4" x 11'-8"4"Bedroom 2eddd11'-0" x 10'-2"Bedroom 314'-0" x 17'-8"M. BedroomM. BathW.I.C.20'-0" l.f.Bedroom 411'-0" x 9'-8"Dining Roomg16'-10" x 12'-2"Entryylinencoats/storage15'-0" x 14'-4"Great RoomBath 3h 0 x 10 2theKitcthehenem1iDiiDiBo"nyEtccscsooocctooooooaarooaaaaattggttagggsgsgsgsgggggg//e//gggggeet/tt//cococoooatsattss/Latttcccoaoaoatatts/s//stootororagagagegegeeScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015POINSETTIA LENNAR" 0 0 0 0 0 9 lO Q fr) 45'-0" 5'-0" 35'-0" 5'-0" --, I I I -..__,.____,._____,_.m ~ : ~ C]1 ~ ~ D D □ []Ill'-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 2 __ 4--+-"---+--------¥1 PLAN 2A -1,895 S.f. CARLSBAD, CA l T GI # 1111-GIIJ b _, 9 lO lO Bath 2210'-4" x 11'-8"Bedroom 211'-0" x 10'-2"Bedroom 3Bedroom 411'-0" x 9'-8"EntryylinenBath 3h 1'-6"Bath 2210'-4" x 11'-8"Bedroom 211'-0" x 10'-2"Bedroom 3Bedroom 411'-0" x 9'-8"EntryylinenBath 3h at0 x 10 2Bo"0 x 10 2Bo"EtEtatttattt16ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015POINSETTIA LENNAR" I I I : D D I I I I I 'Ll 9 I ~ --------------Plan 2( -1,895 s.f. D D D Plan 28 -1,895 s.f. D FLOOR PLAN ADDENDUMS CARLSBAD, CA l T GI # 1111-GIIJ I ' I ~ A2.i Bedroom 411'-0" x 9'-8"Dining Roomg16'-10" x 12'-2"Entrycoats/storageBath 3h Bedroom 411'-0" x 9'-8"Dining Roomg16'-10" x 12'-2"Entrycoats/storageBath 3h Bedroom 411'-0" x 9'-8"Dining Roomg16'-10" x 12'-2"Entrycoats/storageBath 3h ALTERNATE ENTRY AT CORNER / SIDE ENTRY-ELEVATION "C"ALTERNATE ENTRY AT CORNER / SIDE ENTRY-ELEVATION "B"ALTERNATE ENTRY AT CORNER / SIDE ENTRY-ELEVATION "A"gg000" x00cscsooctooooaroaaaatggtaggsgsgggggggg/e/gggggeeEEttEEEttgg000" x00cscsooctooooaroaaaatggtagggsggsgggggggg/e/gggggeenrEtgg000" x00ccscsooocctooooooarooaaaaattggttagggsgsgsgsggggggg//e//gggggeenrEtcoacocooaoaaats/ttss//coacocooaoaaats/ttss//coacocooaoaaats/ttss//cococoooatsattss/cococoooatsattss/cococoooatsattss/atttatttatttcccoaoaoatatts/s//stootororagagagegegeecccoaoaoatatts/s//stootororagagagegegeecccoaoaoatatts/s//stootororagagagegegeePorchPorchPorchScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015------------------7 __________________ J POINSETTIA LENNAR" ------------------7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I __________________ J ------------------7 FLOOR PLAN ADDENDUMS-ALT. ENTRY CARLSBAD, CA l T GI# 1011-0IIJ A2.l ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015",s--------LEFT POINSETTIA '3t:1--0' Max. Height Limit 1>erc:arlscaasu11aing-Heighri'ielinlfionzonii'ig"oratnance21.o(flMand"1iJo.oso-su11aing-He,gtif ___ _ ,,------,---------Gable End Accent Detoll ::;::,-""""::-+-----:r-----Multiple Plane Changes Exp0$<ld Shope Roof Rafters I I PLAN 2A EXTERIOR ELEVATION =================================------LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015LEFT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CHAPTER r---~16'~~•----r MIN. SETBACK TO TOP OF SLOPE 30'--0" Max. Height Umlt 1--, 1.1 I I 11-------'-------'I I •I I I I I I I _____ .J 0\/llliN«I: lr =""°': t12 U.N.O '""!Mllilf-~ Per~onscaaiiullalng -Heigtil Delirufion foning-orillnance 2f.l'.i4Nsaiia:fi .Tlfc551f-1iullcling-Heigtil----WW W m HEHi I I ~-QIN S E=TT=l=A==============--tLAN 2B EXTERIOR ELEVATION=====--A~2=.~ nm11 LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015LEFT RIGHT POINSETTIA ' ' \ ' ' \ ' ' ' ' CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE ' ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ' \ ' \ ' \ ' CHAPlER 21.95.140.lx------"17~-7'--' ---x MIN. SETBACK TO TOP OF SLOPE -----, t1~: I : I+--~-------'-! I I I I I I _____ .J 30'-0" Mox. Height Umtt "<---1>arc::aifscoaeunaing -Heighl 5elin1fion zi:iiiing-orillnonce 2f.l'.i4Nsaiia:fi .Tlf.oslf-eulliling-He,gtil----~ I I PLAN 2C EXTERIOR ELEVATION =============================-----LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-201530'-0" Max. Height Limit '-:--Perca~sbad Bulldlng Height Definition Zoning Ordinance----------------------------21.04.065 and 21.10-050-Building Height '{'.,.G~-...\iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;.;;;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiijiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.l..-• 2A -ALTERNATE CORNER/ SIDE ENTRY 30' ..IJ' Max. Height Limit 30' ..IJ' Max. Height Limit --Per Cortsbod Building Height Definition Zoning Ordinc.,nce -----------------------------------..::..:--Per Co~sbad Building Height Definition Zoning Ordinonce ----------------------------------21.04.065 ond 21.10.050 -Building Height 21.04.065 ond 21 .10.050 -Building Height EB --, ---_, ----l 2C -ALTERNATE CORNER/ SIDE ENTRY I I I POINSETTIA PLAN 2 ALT. ENTRY EXT. ELEVATION ==========================-"""-•• LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015:ict-0' Max. Height Umlt -..,,....... Per Carlsbad Building Height Definition Zoning Ordinance---------------------21.04.065 and 21.10.050-Building Height Elevation '3A' -Spanish Spanish Material Legend: Concrete Low Profile 'S' TIie Stucco Finish Wrought Iron Enhanced Sills 2x Stucco Finish Trim 30'-0" Max. Height Limit 30'-0' Max. Height Limit ---PerCartsbad Bulldlng Height Deflnltfon Zoning Ordinance -----------------------'-.-PerCartsbad BuHdlng Height DeHnltfon Zoning Ordinance---------------------21.04.065 ond 21.10.050 -Building Height 21.04.065 and 21.10.050 -Building Height Tuscon Material Legend: Concrete Low Profile ·s· TIie Stucco Finish Stone Veneer Shutters Decorotive Goble End Detail Enhanced sms 2x Stucco Finish Trim POINSETTIA Elevation '3B' -Tuscan 0 (ll ,,, ~~~ " -~~ --.u.--. -= [I] ~ [I] = ;BB ml, [I] [I] = = .............,, -~ -A -I J . .:..,,,,:. . □□□□□□□□ c=Jc=Jc=Jc=J . -.•-i.-: = L____L__J L__J[_____J IIIlil .ii c=Jc=Jc=Jc=J . -.-. Elevation '3C' -Craftsman PLAN 3 FRONT ELEVATION ======================================----LENNAR. CHUBAD, CA IT & I. Jlll-11IJ " " ~ D I era ttsman Mate rial Legend: Fl at Concrete TIie Roofing ucco Finish St St one Veneer En hanced Sills 2x Stucco Finish Trim ementilious Siding C I I 18'-4" x 13'-10"Great Roomcoats/storage12'-4" x 15'-0"M. BedroomLaund.M. Bath10'-0" x 10'-0"Bedroom 410'-0" x 10'-0"Bedroom 210'-0" x 10'-0"Bedroom 3Bath 212'-4" x 14'-4"Dining RoomKitchenEntryPdr.dr20'-0" x 20'-2"GaragelinenPorchW.I.C.CW17'-0" l.f.GR31n4nx4oomDininnngnRoooomomm1214x4x14x444Khnteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee//////////////EEttyooEEttooBLScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015POINSETTIA LENNAR" 9 IO Q in st Q in 5'-0" D D 45'-0" 35'-0" 27'-0" -----------------, I 11 11 11 11 5'-0" --,--+-------'tc 9 IO Q in IO L _____________ _ -----~ _____ [_[ __ -----+---------__ ~ ~ PLAN 3A -1,962 S.f. CARLSBAD, CA l T GI # 1111-GIIJ 10'-0" x 10'-0"Bedroom 3Bath 2EntryPdr.drPorch10'-0" x 10'-0"Bedroom 3Bath 2EntryPdr.drPorchEtyyyyEtyyEnEtrytyyBBScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015POINSETTIA LENNAR" I I I I I I I D b ! □~-cccccccccc-------TT-----t---J •IT _________________ l_l ____ J_j I I I I I I I I I I Plan 3( - 1,962 s.f. CJ D D CJ ~r-:~-==========~-----L-~--------------Plan 3B -1,962 s.f. FLOOR PLAN ADDENDUMS CARLSBAD, CA l T GI # 1111-GIIJ --I I I I I I I I I 7] ' "' AJ.i ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015m m m LEFT m m m RIGHT POINSETTIA m pmll'lllj mm m m m m CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 16"-0" \ \ \ \ \ MIN. SETBACI: TO TOP OF SLOPE \ \ \ \ 5' g 30'-0' Max Height Umlt ~f,fLAN ~.:,,~~ is--Per"C:cirfsoaaiiulic31rig-Helgtif 5elinlffoii fonliig-C"rillnance ;!f.04Nsaiid"2i .Tlf.65!f-1iullalng-Helgti!----' ~[ __ o0o ~ ~ m m [tffi8I ~ pmll'lllj ~'¥tml • 5' ~~ m ~~ ~ D mm ,: , .;. lo r--REAR I I I PLAN lA EXTERIOR ELEVATION ========================~---LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015m LEFT w mm m m CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ ' ' ' ' ' ' \ 16'-I'' ' \ ' ' ' MIN. SETBACK TO TOP OF SLOPE ' \ ' ' 9 lo! 30'--0" Max. Height Limit --------, ~f,fLAN ~.:,,~~ -Per ca~sbod Building Height Definition Zoning Ordinance :21.04.065 and 21.10.050-Building Heigh! '-c--~~ ~..,,,, ~ ~ --,~~/ /~---I;, :?= ~ !J ~ ..,. -..[ ~ '~ Cm-" ----"'( = ' ----~----~ '~ ~ " ' ~ -~ "' or.: ,_ lffAR3B """ ~ -Style Appropriate Rafter Tails Goble End Accent Detail Multiple Plane Changes Shutters w/ Accent Color Style App1t1priate Window Sill Style Appropriate Window Trim Style App1t1priate Mullions Line of Top of Yard Wall Style Appropriate Corbels Belly Bond I I ~-Q I N S E =T T=l=A==============--tLA N l B EXT E RIO R E LEV AT ION =====--A~J~. 4 nm11 LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015le] LEFT POINSETTIA ~ E:lI \ \ \ 1L, .7 \ a CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CHAPTER r----l~N~J• ___ ,. MIN. SETBACK TO TOP OF SLOPE 30'-0' Max. Height Umlt Per"C:cirfsti'aaiiulic31rig-Helgtif 5elinlffoii fonliig-C"rillnance ;!f.04Nsaiid'2i .Tlf.65!f-1iullalng-Helgti!----REAR I I I PLAN lC EXTERIOR ELEVATION ============================-""""-•• LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015Sponish Moterial Legend: Concrete Low Profile 'S' Tile S1vcco Finish Wrought Iron Decorative Ceramic tile Enhanced Sills 2x Stucco Finish Trim 30'-0" Max. Height Umtt '-<--Per Carlsbad Buildlng Height Definition Zoning Ordinance---------------------------------21.04.065 and 21.10.050 -Building Height []]]]]][]]]]]][]]]]]][]]]]]] []]]]]][]]]]]] []]]]]] []]]]]] []]]]]] IIIIIII IIIIIll lIIIIII IIIIIII ~'gt~ri~fi'.1egend: IIIIIll lIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIll lIIIIII IIIIIII 11ffH Flot Concrete TIie Roofing FG IIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIII lll:lll S1vccoFlnlsh ~ ~ iii'llllliiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,i Stone Veneer Elevation '4A' -Spanish EnhancedSills 3/J'-O' Mox. Height Limit 30'--0" Max. Height Limit 2x Stucco Finish Trim Per Carlsbad Bulldlng Height Definition Zoning Ordinance-----------------------------------'<-Per Carlsbad Bulk:llng Height Deflnltfon Zoning Ordinance---------------------------------21.04.065 and 21.10.050 -Building Height 21.04.065 and 21.10.050 -Building Height Tuscon Material Legend: Concrete Low Profile 'S' TIie S1vcco Finish Stone Veneer Shutters Decorative Gable End Detail Enhanced Sills 2x Stucco Finish Trim Elevation '4B' -Tuscan POINSETTIA 0 (I) c:::::::J c:::::::J Elevation '4C' -Craftsman PLAN 4 FRONT ELEVATION ====================================-----LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ I I 13'-10" x 16'-10"Great RoomBath 3Bath 4linenlinencoats/storagesw/dstacked13'-0" x 18'-10"M. BedroomM. Bath25'-0" l.f.W.I.C.11'-0" x 12'-4"Bedroom 215'-8" x 11'-8"Bedroom 310'-8" x 13'-4"Bedroom 4Laund.Bath 220'-2" x 20'-2"GarageEntryKitchenSuiteNext Gen13'-4" x 20'-4"Pdr.10'-2" x 16'-10"Dining RoomPorchlinenw/dstackedSuiteNext Gen13'-4" x 20'-4"24" range/oven micro.Ref.0omRoomomm6100KKcceennKKitcKchcenennD-ixgg6RDDinDiniggRRR102x1x666exeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoe"nrssaatgEtsggex4Lh 3stackedawaddeaathh44above.At lots 3, 4, 15, 21, 22, 69, 75, 87, 100, 110, 118, 133, 136, 140, and 121(15) Total Secondary Dwelling Units. ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015Next Gen Kitchen at Secondary Dwelling Units POINSETTIA LENNAR" 9 0 9 0 st 9 Ill 5'-0" D D 55'-0" 45'-0" ------------------------,-------------7 I I LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL mllffll LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LL I LLLLLLLLL LL LaL LL LL LL E LL L L □ LL L L LL L L LL LI L LL U'.: L LL LLl.!e LL LL LLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLL LLLLLLLLLLL I ' ' LLLL LLLL LL LL LL LL D D L _____________ _ ~ _________ -_l ----, 5'-0" --7 I I I I I 9 I' 15'-0" 5'-0" I ~ I I ~------------------L------------~ PLAN 4A-2,718 S.F. CARLSBAD, CA l T GI # 1111-GIIJ 9 0 9 Ill 9 (0 0 Ill 9 Ill Bath 315'-8" x 11'-8"Bedroom 310'-8" x 13'-4"Bedroom 4Bath 2SuiteNext Gen13'-4" x 20'-4"PorchBath 315'-8" x 11'-8"Bedroom 310'-8" x 13'-4"Bedroom 4Bath 2SuiteNext Gen13'-4" x 20'-4"Porchexexh 3h 3ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015POINSETTIA LENNAR" Plan 4( -2,718 s.f. Plan 48 -2,718 s.f. FLOOR PLAN ADDENDUMS CARLSBAD, CA l T G Y # 1013-0lll A4.i ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015m ~ m jlffllf!lll:!I m m i<>jf7 LU mm LEFT \ \ \ \ ]~\ .7 \ \ m m m m m \ 'I-~ :I' m m mi m m RIGHT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 21.95.1..«l.1 POINSETTIA ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ ' \ \ \ 18'-0" MIN. SETBACK TO TOP OF SLOPE ' \ \ \ ' I I I I I I I :•1----........ -----t I I I I ~-0' Max. Height Uml1 i>er c:anscaasulldlng -Helgh1 oeflnlffon zonfrig@nance :11.1r,(l'l6Sana:i1 .TO:-Cls(f-suf1atng-Helglil ---• •• m PLAN 4A EXTERIOR ELEVATION I I I ===========================-----LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015LEFT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ m m m m m RIGHT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ r -------1 I I I : .. : I I I ,!-I-~ :•11-----"""-------'t----, : .. I I 30'-0' Max. Height Umtt Per't:orlsoaaeuAalrii,rHelgh15eflnlffon foiilnifO"ralnaiice ';!f.04Mscincffi .Tlf651f-Bullillng-Helgtil--. REAR I I I ~-Q I N S E =T T=l=A==============--tLA N 4 B EXTERIOR ELEVATION =====-_A_4_.4 nm11 LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ ScaleArchitecture+Planning17922 FitchIrvine, CA 92614949.851.2133ktgy.com25 Enterprise, Suite 300Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656949-349-8285024806-25-2015LEFT \ \ \ \ ~~ {~, .7 \ ~------··~-...... \ " .p ~ " \ " " \ m~~:~ \ 1fi lli lli ' \ ' \ ' \ .~~, ' ' ' \ ' \ EI m m m m /\\ RIGHT CARl.'iBAD MUNICIPAL CODE ____/ CHAPTER 21.95.1-40.1 19'•7' MIN. SETBACK TO TOP OF SLOPE POINSETTIA 9 lo! l r I I I I : . : I I I i+I-~ fli+----""''-----'=1----, 1!lt 30'-0" Max. Heigh! Limit -Per Ca~sbod Building Height Definition Zoning Ordinance 21.04.065 and 21. 10.050-Buiding Heigh! " " " " ---:; " " ,. ~Ul ill" [I] I I ~ 'ill ~ rn [I] [I] /"' 9 ~ ~·, ' ~ -~ .w ti! -------~ ' " or.: ~-~ ~ l<l::AI< r'LAN' ID / ✓ ---PLAN 4C EXTERIOR ELEVATION ================================-----LENNAR. CAHSBAD, CA IT & 1. JIIJ-DIIJ / ,, ------GableE nd Detail Accen1 Shutters Accen1 w/ Color d Recesse Window MulHple Plane es Chang S1yle Apwoprt Mulions ate ...... S1yle t,.ppraprt ate Sill Window S1yle Approprt ate Trim Window Line off opof II YardWa Bell Ba y nd I I I GENERAL NOTES ASSFSSOR'S PARCEL No.. . . . . • . . . . . . • • . . . . 215-020-07, 215-050-21, 22, 44, 47 TOTAL ACRES. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . 5080 AC. CROSS EX/SllNG ZONING .............. , . , . , ... R-I PROPOSED ZONINC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RD-II / OS EX/SllNC GENERAL PLAN DESICNA TlON . . . . . • . • . . . R-4/0S PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN DESICNA l!ON. . . . . . . . . . R-8 / OS EX/SllNC LAND USE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACRIC/Jl TURAL OPEN SPACE PROPOSED LAND USE ....•.•............. RESIDENl!AL / OPEN SPACE PUBLIC STREETS ............•......... I (POINSETTlA LANE) NUMBER OF RESIDENTlAL UNITS. . . . . . . . . • . • . . 123 RESIOENllAL LOTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 2 HOMEWOWNER'S ASSOC/A TlON LOTS ....•...•.... 6 OPEN SPACE LOTS. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . 2 TOTAL NUI.IBER OF LOTS. . ...•.•.•..••.... 10 DENSITY .............••..•...•.... 2.42 DU/AC TOTAL BUILD/NC COVERACE ...•............. SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN TOTAL BUILD/NC AREA .....•..•...••..... SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN LANDSCAPED AREA ..................... SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN PARK/NC SPACES REOUIRED/PROPOSED ........... SEE SHEET 2 EMPLOYEE EA TlNC AREA. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . N/A OPEN SPACE / RECREATlONAL SPACE ........... SEE SHEET 2 UNDEVELOPABLE AREA. . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . SEE CONSTRAINTS MAP STORACE SPACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN A l,f/i'ACE DAil y TRAmc CENERA TED. . . . . . • . • . . . SEE "f'ROJECT TRIP CENERA TlON: THIS SHEET SCHOOL DISTRICT. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . CARLSBAD UN/f!ED SCHOOL DISTRICT SEWER DISTRICT. . . . • . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PEAK WATER OEMAND (FIRE). . . . • . • . . . • . . . . PROPOSED WATER DEMAND. . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . SEE 'WATER DEMAND: THIS SHEET PROPOSED SEWER DEMAND. . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . SEE "SEWER CENERA TlON: THIS SHEET ORA/NACE 0/SCHARCE &-BASIN ....•.•...•.•.. SEE "STORMWATER FLOW CENERAl!ON: THIS SHEET CITY OF OCEANSIDE PROJECT TRIP GENERATION AREA USE AMOUNT PROPOSED BUILD/NC RESIOENl!Al 123 UNITS SEWER GENERATION 5 7 TRIP RATE AOT 10 TRIPS / UNIT 1,230 ~ VISTA AREA USE AMOUNT FLOM?ATE CENERATlON IICO t.)~r-"'.: '<--o"'" PACIF IC OCEAN NOTE!! CITY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ELECTRONIC DATA f!LES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY ANO ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTlCAl SIJRVEY CONTROL ©2016 O'Day Consult ants, Inc. G:\141018\_Tentolive!vlop\1418ATM01-Title.dwg Nov 21 , 2016 \0:48om CIT Y OF :,.....----. .. SAN MARCOS Xrels: 1418M~AP; 141BASite; 1418ATP1; 141BAN; 141 8A\J1C; l418AUTl; 1418ASTR; 1418ATMLY; 1418Alli ~ 1 2 3 4 PROPOSED BUILD/NC RES/DEN l!Al 123 UNITS 220 CPO / UNIT WATER DEMAND AREA USE AMOUNT USACE PROPOSED BUILD/NC RESIOENTlAL 123 UNITS 550 CPD / UNIT STORMWATER FLOW GENERA T!ON CITY DRAINAGE BASIN '/J' AREA TOTAL BASIN PURPOSE WATER LINE INGRESS AND EGRESS POWER TRANSMISSION LINES TREE TRIMM/NC AMOUNT I00-YR. FLOW RATE 106.32 AC. 154.1 CFS EASEMENTS OF RECORD EASEMENTS PER PRELIMINARY TlllE REPORT BY f!RST AMERICAN TlllE COMPANY NO. NCS-532268-SD, DA TED SEPTEMBER 12, 2014. OWNER DOCUMENT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DIST. DOC. No. 88650 PRIVATE f!LE No. 90057 SAN DIECO CAS &-ELECTRIC CO. BK. 5252, PC. 186, 189&192 SAN DIECO CAS & ELECTRIC CO. BK. 5356, PC. 162, 170&178 0.03 CPD 67,650 REC. DATE MAY 21, 1963 MAY 23, 1963 IIA Y 28, 1954 SEP. 8, 1954 ' I 1' y ' ' I ' ' •, \\~\~ /~-~\\( DISPOSITION VACATE VACATE REMAIN REMAIN KEY MAP SCALE· f" = 200' SHEET INDEX I Tlll.E SHEET 2 TYPICAL SEC TlONS &: DETAILS 3-8 PLAN SHEETS 9 RECREA l!ONAL VEHICLE STORAGE DETAIL 10 POINSETTlA BRIDCE &: DETAILS GRADING ANAL YSIS LOT 1 LOT 2 POINSEmA LN. REMEDIAL 15,r; SHRINKAGE CUT (C. Y.) 157,JBB BB,632 10,165 B6,000 FILL {C. Y.) 112,167 101,7BB J1,B2J NET (C. Y.) 45,221 CUT 13,156 FILL 21.65B FILL 12,900 FILL EXPORT: 6,507 APPROVED THIS IS THE APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP/SITE PLAN FOR PROJECT NO. ___ PER CONDITION NO. __ _ PLANNING DEPT. DATE ENGlNEERING DEPT. DATE!: OWNER 2010-1 RADC/CADC PROPERTY XII, llC 4601 COLLECE Bl 11J., SUITE 100 LEAWOOD, KS 66211 BY DATE llllE SUBDIVIDER LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE, SUITE 300 ALISO WEJD, CA 92656 BY TlllE DATE CIVIL ENGINEER/LANO SURVEYOR O'oA Y CONSULTANTS, INC. 2710 LOKER A VENUE WEST. SUITE 100 CARLSBAD, CA 92010 PHONE· (160) 931-7700 BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: 2.5" DISC STAMPED 'CLSB-017 l.S. 6215' LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA Ali£ BR!DCE OVER ENCINITAS CREEK, 185' WEST OF £L CAMINO REAL ON NORTH SIDEWALK OF BIRDCE, 6" NORTH OF CURB & 2.5" IIEST OF THE EAST ENO OF BRIOCE WALL. RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURVEY No. 17271, POINT No. 17 ELEVATION: 21.739 DATUM: NAIV 88 LEGEND VESTING TENTATIVE MAP FOR POINSETTIA C. T. C.D.P. P. U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. G.P.A. z.c. L. C.P.A. £.I.R. EX!SllNG 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 PROPOSED SIJBOIVISION BOUNDARY. . . • . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . --------- LOT LINE ..................... . CONOOM/NIUII UNIT LINE .....•..........•.•...•............... CONDOIIINIUM UNIT NUMBER ......•.•...•.•..........•...•..... PAO £LEVA TlON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . • . • . • . . . . . • . . f!N!SH FLOOR £LEVAT70N . . ..............•................•. UNIT TYPE. . ..............•.•.......•......•.......•. PRIVATE RECREATlON SPACE .........•.......•........•....... @!> P249.1 FF249.B EASEMENT LINE. . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . f!RE HYDRANT. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . WATER MAIN. . ..•........•.•.•. --w------w---- WATER SERVICE ........ , . , ....... , -----@ ----~® RECLA/ME WATER MAIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . --RW-----RW--- SEWER MAIN &-A.H.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ---S----0---S----0- SEWER LATERAL &: C. 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------1s ----~G) STORM DRAIN (PUBLIC) &-CATCH BASIN INLET . . . ==0 ..... --so-~ STORM DRAIN (PR/VA TE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --PSD-- CONTOUR W/[LEVA TlON . . . . . . . . • . . . . . GRADED CUT SI.OPES (2.· 1 MAX} ---452-----,152-- GRADED fill SI.OPES (2.· 1 MAX} ·=L =r"= ·=r~= DA Yl.lCHT LINE. . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • . • . . . . . . • . • . • . • . • . • . . -. ,y; --if --+ LIMIT OF REMEDIAL GRADING. . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . -------- ., RETAIN/NC WALL (MASONRY). . ..............•.•.•.•...•....•.... -~~-~~-- RETAINING WALL (PLANTABLE GRA WTY WALL). . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . RETAIN/NC WALL {NON-PLANTABLE CRA VITY WALL) . . • . . . • . • . • . • . . . . • . • . . . DIRECTlON OF DRAINAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B!ORETENTlON BASIN. . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • . • . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • . • . • . . 6' CURB .........•.•...•..... CURB &-CUTTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DECORA TlVE PAVING {SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN}. . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • SIDEWALK . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . • _• ---•~-~- D.C. PATH ................•................•........... STREET LICHT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o-----Q "RETAIN/NC WALLS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WTH A DECORATlVE BLOCK OR STUCCO F!NISH. SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORllON OF THE SOLITHWEST ()IJARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ()I.JARTER OF SECTlON 23 AND A PORllON OF THE NORTHWEST OUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST OUARTER OF SECTlON 26, BOTH OF TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORD/NC TO UNITED STATES COVERNIIENT SURVEY THEREOF. CONDOMINIUM NOTE W? THIS SUBDIVISION IS A CONOOII/NIUM PROJECT AND CREA TES 123 RESIDENTlAL AIRSPACE UNITS, AS DEf!NEO IN SECTlON 1351 OF THE C/Wl CODE OF THE STA TE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS f!LEO PURSUANT TO THE PROWSIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT. WATER METER NOTE EACH CONDOIIINIUM UNIT SHALL BE SERVED BY A SEPARATE WATER METER AND SERWCE o---J:l REVISED: NO',£M8ER 4, 2016 REVISED: SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 REVISED: I/ARCH 8, 2016 REVISED: DECEMBER 1, 2015 REVISED: JULY 16, 2015 REVISED: JUNE 19, 2015 REVISED: MA Y I J, 2015 REVISED: I/ARCH 9, 2015 PREPARED: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 VESTING TENTATIVE MAP 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Corisbad, California 92010 760-931-7700 Fox: 760-931 -8680 ODo)'Consultants.com Civil Engineering Planning Processing Surveying TITLE SHEET SHEET 1 OF 10 SHEETS DESIGNED BY: LS., B.R. DATE: SEPT. 2014 DRAWN BY: __,G=.M,,,_. __ SCALE: A5 SHOWN PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 141018 ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE: 55381 TRAIL ESMT VARIES R/W VARIES 1 /0' 5/' J2' 8' 12' 102' 51' 9' 9' J2' /0' 12· 12' ~-,,.. "1(,,-z BIKE LANE THRU LANE THRU LANE THRU LANE THRU LANE BIKE LANE l!. 7' WIDE D.G. MEANDERING TRAIL R/W I I 10· , l vARIES 5" A. C. PAVEMENT OVER 6" A.B. MIN. OR AS RECOMMENDED BY SOILS ENC/NEER STAMPED CONCRETE PATTERN & LANOSCAPINC PRQPQSEP PQINS£T77A LANE 6 • TrPE 'c' CURB & CUTTER STA. 18o+0242-182+2J.16 & 183+1276-185.66.09 (MAJOR ARTERIAL) NOT TO SCALE 102' R/W 51 51 J2' g ' g' J2' /0' i B' 12' 12' 12' 12' B' 4.5' 5' I I BIKE LANE THRU LANE THRU LANE THRU LANE THRU LANE BIKE LANE I ' I , 5' WIDE MEANDERING CONCRETE SIDEWALK R/W 10· 2% 2% I ~ ( S;;;~;, ;;;;;;;,,, ~,, / ;,: ;~;~;:;RB \_4~ ~' "-'-.... '''''' '-......... ' '-........ ' ''' ' .... ''-'-'-'-''-,. 5" A. C. PAVEMENT OVER___/ . I 6 A.B M,1,, OR AS PATTERN & RECOMMENDED BY SOILS LANDSCAPING ENGINEER PROPQ,EP PO/N?f[Tl,4 LANE 51' J2' STA. 116+15.24-119.3204 (MAJOR ARTERIAL) NOT TO SCALE 102' 9' 9' & CUTTER R/W 5/' J2' /0' R/W 8' /2' 12' 5. o' 4. O BIKE LANE THRU LANE 12' 12' 8' 4. o' 5' 1----TH.-'R,_UccL_AN.-E-----1-TH.-'RU-=--LA-NE~+-B~YK,~'E~LA_N,_'E-+-'--+-"--i 1 1 · ~~'l, z:y THRU LANE 5' PCC SIDEWALK 5" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 6• A.B MIN. OR AS RECOMMENDED BY SOILS ENC/NEER STAMPED CONCRETE PATTERN & LANDSCAPING PROPOSED PQIN,?fUlA LANE STA. 188+79.14-192+44.51 (MAJOR ARTERIAL) NOT TO SCAL E R/W 56' CENERAL ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT R/W II, 11' 5• TYPE 'C' CURB & CUTTER 2% 11' 2% /.5'+--+II +---- 6" TYPE 'C' CURB & CUTTER 7 f--0. 5 ' ( TYP.) <·,/' 4• Pee"-~ SIDEWALK !cf: 4" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 4" A.B MIN. OR AS RECOMMENDED BY SOILS ENGINEER PROPOSED PRIVATE STREETS ti '. 'B; ct t'' NOT TO SCALE JO' Ii 20' PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT JO' 10' 5.0' O" CURB 5.0 4" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 4" A.B MIN. OR AS RECOMMENDED BY SOILS ENGINEER PRQPQ.,EQ PR/VA TE AISLES F' THRU 2?' NOT TO SCALE R/W J4' GENERAL ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT R/W < / --t!t.-r. µ~'/., i:' ~ 1/ 5.0' /2' 6" TYPE 'C' CURB & GUTTER E. /2' 5.0' ---I <.·,7 "-,;,,,;,-r. "' J4 ' Ii JO' GENERA ACCESS & & UT/LI EASEMENT /2' 12' o• CURB J' RIBBON GUTTER 4.5" PCC SIDEWALK 4" A. C. PAVEMENT OVER 4" A.B. MIN. DR AS RECOMMENDED BY SOILS ENGINEER (AISLE 'z' ONLY) PRQPQ,FQ PRIVATE Al$1f 'Z' NOTE!! ELECTRONIC DA TA FILES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT TD BE USED FDR HORIZONTAL OR vERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL © 2016 O'Day Consu ltan t s, Inc. G:\\41018\_Tenlaii·,te,V,□p\1 418A-M02-De\Jil ~.d•uq lfov 21, 2016 10:35~m NO T TO SCALE Xr~is• 1L18A-HOA-~lnlnt: 1418/l.SltP.: 141~Al llt: IL18AS T,~: 1418i!.nA; 141RAT:<T: 141RilN: 1418AMAP; 141RATPI; 81 -IH lln:?.-TT .. 200 ' PO/NSETllA LANE CONSTRUCTION PHASES SCALE: 1" = 200' SCALE: 1 " = 200' • ---· t =-__ i__EXIS.llNfLG91JUN[)_ ------------............ , PROPOSED GRAOE f -.........J. I ............. ~WAll I ' I ,Ft;llQN ti-A' {SEE SHEET J) SCALE: HORIZ 1 • = 40" VERT: /" = 40' 11 AISLE 'Z' LOT EXHIBIT SCALE: 1 " = 200' SECllQN 'B-B' {SEE SHEET 4) SCALE-HDRIZ I" = 40" VERT: /" = 40' Q' 200' liio"",;iiiiil""'~ SCALE: 1" = 200' ____ ', LOT AREA SUMMARY LOT 1 (RESIDENTIAL) 7.1 AC. LOT 2 (RESIDENTIAL) 6.7 AC. LOT 3 (H.O.A.J 0.4 AC. LOT 4 (HO.A.) 3. 7 AC. LOT 5 (H.O.A.) 0.2 AC. LOT 6 (HO.A.) 3.4 AC. LOT 7 (H.O.A.) 0.6 AC. LOT 8 (H.O.A.) 0.4 AC. LOT 9 (OPEN SPACE) 3.1 AC. LOT 10 (OPEN SPACE) 21.5 AC. PO/NSEmA LANE J.7 AC. TOTAL 50.8 AC. LOT UN£ i 20' SCALE: 1" = 40' lm-21 ® ,- I I ®- . • I . • I . • I • • EXa.USIVE US£ AHEA LIN£ • . rn --I • ® • I -----1 • . I I I I _lL.J..a~. . I I @ __ l • . lliJ ® I'-== ~-,-----' : . ..___~ EXa.USIVE US£ ARE'A LIN£ MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY I 1 I I I I I I I I I -<J J J I I i I IDl @ - I ®- I I lliJ ® ~ I I ~-'1--r:=:_--::T.:.. -..Y ---P-= ---"-f --~ --- TYPICAL PR/VA TE WATER &- o· -- LEGEND UNIT NUMBER ................... @ PLAN TYPE...................... ITKl SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY ..•...•. ---- LOT LIN£ ........................ ---- EXCLUSIVE US£ AREA LIN£. .... -.. _,._ EASEMENT LINE •................ -~-~- EXCLUSIVE US£ AREA. . •• . . . .. .. ~ HO.A. MAINTAINED AREA ...... OWNED & MAINTAINED BY H.O.A .................... ' W/½1 40 ' C. T. C.D.P. P. U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. G.P.A. z.c . L.C.P.A . £.I.R. 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 --20 SCALE: 1" = 40' '"' I BUILDING MIX BUILDING TYPE LOT 1 LOT 2 * PLAN 1 9 UNITS 12 UNITS PLAN 2 18 UNITS 17 UNITS PLAN J 18 UNITS 18 UNITS PLAN 4 8 UNITS 8 UNITS "PLAN 4-2 8 UNITS 7 UNITS TOTAL 61 UNITS 62 UNITS 'SINGLE STORY UNIT REQUIREMENT = 15% "PLAN 4 flfTH SECOND DWELLING UNIT TOTAL 21 UNITS 17.1% 35 UNITS 28.4% 36 UNITS 29.3% 16 UNITS 13.0% 15 UNITS 12.2% 123 UNITS 100% PARKING SUMMARY -LOT 1 DESIGNATION REQUIRED PROVIDED RESIDENT 122 COVERED 122 GARAGE GUEST 15 SPACES 17 SPACES REC. AREA 5 SPACES 5 SPACES TOTAL 142 SPACES 144 SPACES SECOND D W[LUNG 8 SPACES PR/VA TE SEKR SERVICE CONNECTIONS PARKING SUMMARY -LOT 2 DESIGNATION REQUIRED PROVIDED f ~ o· 20' 10 SCALE: 1" = 20' LDT LINE 5' MIN. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXCLUSIVE I USE AREA LINE I I I I I • l ' .-------. \4R-2 \ ® ' I 1 5' MIN. I i ~ _...; ~ /0' MIN. "' : lr) ~ I • • I • • I • • I • • I • • t-• • I • • I • • • . I SETBACKS &-BUILDING SPACING i o· 20· ----10 SCALE: 1. = 20' LDT LINE I I I I I I I I I I TOP DF-J SLOPE I I I I I EXCLUSIVE I USE AREA LINE • SURFACE flDW ----......... I ,------., \4R -2 \ ® \---------- I I I I I---"' I I I I L --··-··-·· ----- • • I . • i; • • i\ • • 11 • • ii • [} ---- ' I --- TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: 25" DISC STAMPED 'a.SB-Oil LS. 62/5' LOCA llON: NORTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA A 1-£ BRIDGE OVER ENCINITAS CREEK, 185' /fEST OF EL CAMINO REAL ON NORTH SIDEWALK OF BIRDCE, 6' NORTH OF CURB & 25' WEST OF THE EAST END OF BRIDGE WALL RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURVEY No. 17271, POINT No. 17 ELEVATION: 21.139 DATUM: NAVD 88 RESIDENT 124 COVERED 124 GARAGE GUEST 16 SPACES 16 SPACES REC. AREA 4 SPACES 4 SPACES TOTAL 142 SPACES 144 SPACES SECOND D W[LL/NG 7 SPACES COMMUNITY OPEN SPACE & RECREATIONAL SPACE DESIGNATION REQUIRED TOTAL COMMON OPEN SPACE 24,600 S.F. {200 S.F/lJNIT x 12J UNITS) AC7/VE US[ ALLOCATION 18,450 S.F {75% OF TOTAL COMMON OPEN SPACE} DESIGNATION PROVIDED ACTIVE USE -REC. AREA No. I /J,600 S.F. ACTIVE USE -REC. AREA No.2 7,400 S.F. TOTAL AC7/VE USE 21,000 S.F. PASSIVE US[ -REC. AR[A No.J 5,170 S.F. TOTAL PASSIVE USE 5,170 S.F. TOTAL RECREATION SPACE 26,170 S.F. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE DESIGNATION REQUIRED PROVIDED TOTAL PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 49,200 S.F. 49,200 S.F. (400 S.F./UNIT x 123 UNITS) (15' MIN.) RV STORAGE AREA DESIGNATION REQUIRED PROVIDED TOTAL RV STORAGE AREA 2,460 S.F. 3,200 S.F. REVISED: NOVEMBER 4, 2016 REVISED: SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 REVISED: MARCH 8, 2016 REVISED: DECEMBER I, 2015 REVISED: JULY 16, 2015 REVISED: JUNE 19, 2015 REVISED: MAY IJ, 2015 REVISED: MARCH 9, 2015 PREPARED: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92010 760-931 -7700 Fox: 760-931 -8680 ODoyConsul ton ts. com VESTING TENTATIVE MAP TYPICAL SECTIONS tf DETAILS Civil Engineering Planning Processing Su rveying SHEET 2 OF 10 SHEETS DESIGNED BY: L.S .• B.R. DATE: SEPT. 20 14 DRAWN BY: _G_.M_. __ SCALE: AS SHOWN PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB ND.: 141018 ENG INEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR . RCE: 55381 \ CITY TO OB EASEMENT F, PUBLIC TRAt. EASEMENT A CONSTRUCJl ~ NOTE!! ELECTRONIC DATA ALES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY ANO ARE NOT TO 8£ USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL ©2016 O'Day Consultants, Inc . ..C;':\14,018\_Tentolive!vlop\1418ATMOJ-08.dwq No-, 17, 2016 10:43om %els: 1418M~AP; 141SASite; 1418ATP1; 1418AUll; 1418ASTR; 1418AT~LY; 1418-AThl; 1418ATXT; BL -LrN102-TT; 1418AN S££ SHEET No. 5 BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: 2.5" DISC STAMPED 'a.SB-017 LS. 6215' NORTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA Ali£ BRIDGE OVER ENCINITAS CREEK, /85' llf'ST OF EL CAMINO REAL ON NORTH SIDEWALK OF BIRDGE, 6' NORTH OF CURB & 2.5' /lf'ST OF THE EAST ENO OF BR/OGE WALL. RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURVEY No. 17271, POINT No. 17 ELEVATION: 21.739 DATUM: NAIV 88 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Corisbad, California 92010 760-931-7700 Fox: 760-931 -8680 ODo)'Consultants.com 0 -~--P2 .4 FF2 1.1 I /~ ~"" II II II II 10 II o· 20' 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 BO' -----10 40 SCALE: 1" = 40' r-----r------1-1 ~I -~ ~ Q.. I ~: °' I I @I>--~1-11-+..L P251.2 FF252.1 Civil Engineering Planning Processing Surveying DESIGNED BY: LS., B.R. DATE: SEPT. 2014 DRAWN BY: __,G..,.M"'-. __ SCALE: 1" = 40' PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 14101B ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE: 553B1 "") • ~ ~ ~ ~ ti') NOTE!! , ~ 17.7 '8.5 ;/' [) )'' ,-< 16 I 4R,I z.e--i --' .2 CID 246.4 247...1__ [0\ -- 48.0 ,,.,: :.-· '0 ·:· .. /("-:·; \ =---~--~· ' . ' V l2R! i · , --, , ( 57-., l,,=-1\ ~' • / 2ar:8:Z-( -~-l\'\· . ~48:9 ' 249. I • ""'...,;~-i;T ""Ir"'~ I ' s::, ELECTRONIC DATA FILES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY ANO ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL ©2016 O'Day Consultants, Inc. G:\141018\_Tentolive!vlop\1418ATMOJ-08.dwq No-, 17, 2016 10:44om Xrels: 1418M~AP; 1418ASite; 1418ATP1; 1418AUTL; 1418ASTR; 1418AT~LY; 1418-AThl; 141fiAM; BL -LrN102-TT; 1418AN S££ SHEET No. 6 BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: 25" DISC STAMPED 'a.SB-017 l.S. 6215' NORTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA Ali£ BR/OGE OVER ENCINITAS CREEK, /85' llf'ST OF EL CAMINO REAL ON NORTH SIDEWALK OF BIRDGE, 6' NORTH OF CURB & 2.5' /lf'ST OF THE EAST ENO OF BR/OGE WALL. RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURVEY No. 17271, POINT No. 17 ELEVATION: 27.739 DATUM: NAIV 88 REVISED: NOVEMBER 4, 2016 REV/SEO: SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 REVISED: MARCH~ 2016 REVISED: DECEMBER 1, 2015 REVISED: JULY 16, 2015 REVISED: JUNE 19, 2015 REV/SEO: MA Y 1 J, 2015 REVISED: MARCH 9, 2015 PREPARED: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Corisbad, California 92010 760-931-7700 Fox: 760-931 -8680 ODo)'Consultants.com / ( C. T. 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 O' 20' BO' ~1 0~~"""""401iiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SCALE: 1 " = 40' VESTING TENTATIVE MAP Civil Engineering Planning Processing Surveying SHEET 4 OF 10 SHEETS DESIGNED BY: LS., B.R. DATE: SEPT. 2014 DRAWN BY: ~G=.M~. __ SCALE: 1" = 40' PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 14101B ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE: 55381 / J ------,___ ' I l I I ~j2 .· ~ :~ ~ ~-~ ~--,,1, _ __,•---:'c-, ~ .. I~~ EXIST. 54" RCP S.0 7 / 1 · ~ I~ N PER CITY OF CARLSBAD , t I ~ 1 ;i I f2 7 Dl+G No, 341-5 j I la . , - 12" ACP WAlFR ABAND()N.JJJU'ElJ 1, , "1 ~ : ·I I .. PER CITY OF CARLSB,j , 1 ,· ,1 I DWG. No, 341-5 '/ 11 /---•'H f------<I' Extsr. e· PH:' S£11ER I i , 1 1 PER CITY OF CARLSBAD ' I t "'i I I I owe. No. 341-5 / I 1 ' , : ~ / CONCRE I ,, _/ I ~ CROSS Cl!! TlFR -~ [ : , I , I /1 I &l -' I CITY TO OBTAIN EASEMENT FOR ----j""s;;;~-fl;,~'ri} ~ . , I PUBLIC TRAIL EASEMENT AND I' ' '- CONSlRUCTlON NOTE!! ' I I ELECTRONIC DATA RL£S ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL ©2016 O'Day Consultants, Inc. G:\141 0l8\_Tentali"e!vlap\1418ATM03-0!l.dwq N<J'l 17, 2016 10:47am Xrels: 1418M~AP; 141BASite; 1418ATP1; 1418AUTI...; 1418ASTR; 1418AT~LY; 1418-AThl; 1418AM; BL -LrN102-TT; 1418AN P2.ffl:d- F; 47.0 -\ I V ~ ~- 246.4 ) : QJ I I I "i I (::) -\-- SEE SHEET No. 7 DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: DENSE BRUSH GNV 2.5" DISC STAMPED 'cLSB-017 LS. 6215' NORTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA Al-£ BRIDGE OVER ENCINITAS CREEK, 185' IIEST OF EL CAMINO REAL ON NORTH SIDEWALK OF BIRDGE, 6' NORTH OF CURB & 2.5' /IEST OF THE EAST END OF BR/OGE WALL. RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURVEY No. 17271, POINT No. 17 ELEVATION: 21.739 DATUM: NAIV 88 EXIST. CREENHOUSE TO BE REMOVED EXIST. BUILl)fNC'~~ C. T. C.D.P. P. U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. G.P.A. z.c. L. C.P.A. £.I.R. 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 ·l+--'--~--~---TOBEReflO /~ON-11--~, v , A/ ON. SJ:!f£0-') - S'.f',,0<a),E'~ _,,. .= -I J,1>,4/J I / .n· C.Vc /·, RIPARIAN I >-~'ft,-'. c&!J,J';[. .J ·%~ \ 0/SSJPAIIJRE"J5'RCY q, ~ /E'ER SOR<;p · "'<~ / 20J.o flJ',P-11 , ( 4® T=J.4 CFS , T=o.J IPS '% 0 o· 20' BO' ---,,, I \ --10 40 SCALE: 1 ' = 40' ~ • )~ ~~-'),I ~ ~ -~ ~ c;; If PROPOSED 12' TRAIL EASEMENT , f I 6' l 6' SECllQN E-E KSlERL Y EASEUENT 4: TRAIL NOT TO SCALE NOlFS: 1. RLL RUTS TO PROVIDE MORE EVEN WALKING TRAIL SURFACE VESTING TENTATIVE MAP REVISED: NO',£MBER 4. 2016 REVISED: SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 REVISED: MARCH 8, 2016 REVISED: DECEMBER 1, 2015 REVISED: JULY 16, 2015 REVISED: JUNE 19, 2015 REVISED: MA Y 1 J, 2015 REVISED: MARCH 9, 2015 PREPARED: NOVEMBER 25, 201,f. SHEET 5 OF 10 SHEETS 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Corisbad, California 92010 760-931-7700 Fox: 760-931 -8680 ODo)'Consultants.com Civil Engineering Planning Processing Surveying DESIGNED BY: LS., B.R. DATE: SEPT. 2014 DRAWN BY: __,G..,.M.,_. __ SCALE: 1" = 40' PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 141018 ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE: 55381 NOTE!! ELECTRONIC DATA FILES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY ANO ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL ©2016 O'Day Consultants, Inc. G:\141018\_Tentolive!vlop\1418ATMOJ-08.dwq No-, 17, 2016 10:47am Xrels: 1418M~AP; 1418ASite; 1418ATP1; 1418AUll; 1418ASTR; 1418AT~LY; 1418-AThl; 141fiAM; BL -LrN102-TT; 1418AN S££ SHEET No. 4 BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: 25" DISC STAMPED 'a.SB-017 l.S. 6215' NORTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA Ali£ BR/OGE OVER ENCINITAS CREEK, /85' llf"ST OF EL CAMINO REAL ON NORTH SIDEWALK OF 8/RDGE, 6' NORTH OF CURB & 2.5' /lf"ST OF THE EAST ENO OF BR/OGE WALL RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURVEY No. 17271, POINT No. 17 ELEVATION: 21.739 DATUM: NAIV 88 ~ LL.___,----, X ' X 250.1 X REVISED: NOVEMBER 4, 2016 REV/SEO: SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 REVISED: MARCH~ 2016 REVISED: DECEMBER 1, 2015 REVISED: JULY 16, 2015 REVISED: JUNE 19, 2015 REV/SEO: MA Y 1 J, 2015 REVISED: MARCH 9, 2015 PREPARED: NOV£!,(8£R 25, 201,f. 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Corisbad, California 92010 760-931-7700 Fox: 760-931 -8680 ODo)'Consultants.com r 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 O' 20' BO' liiiil""I, oliijiiii:i!°"""""~4oijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio SCAl.f: 1 • = 40' --RW- VESTING TENTATIVE MAP Civil Engineering Planning Processing Surveying SHEET 6 OF 10 SHEETS DESIGNED BY: LS., B.R. DATE: SEPT. 2014 DRAWN BY: ~G=.M~. __ SCALE: 1" = 40' PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 141018 ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE: 55381 NOTE!! \ \ " . f I C f I I I I ·. I I . I 111 I I I Ii 1. i I I . ' . \ 2-1-5.6 X 24£. 6 \ X i ELECTRONIC DA TA FILES AR£ FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND AR£ NOT TO 8£ USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR vfRl/CAL SURVEY CONTROL © 2016 O'Day Consu ltan t s, lne, G:\l410'18\_Tenlaii',/e,V,□p\1 41B1n~03-03.d A·g l~o~ i7, 2016 10:48am Xrnis' 1L18AMAP: 1418,'.Sltfl: 1411'\AT:"'1: 1418AUTI_: 1411:\ASTR: 1"'18ATl~I.Y: I 41 5Aru; 14)81\TXT; RI. -LEl'l1n'.l-TT; 14i8/i.fJ I I C. T. \ \ I \ \~ ~-;g; c ~:f:~: __ N89'J2 fTJif 612. (J'_ -----~--"--------------, --S D P 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 \ \ ~ " . G.P.A . ~ -~ <s {l z.c. \ •i ) y /ii,·. : \,~ I, I I ' I / I l I I ~ o' 20· so· ~, 0~~4~0.----~ SCALE: 1" = 40' ENG INEER OF WORK: RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SUR//EY No. 17271, POINT No. 17 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92010 760-931 -7700 Fox: 760-931 -8680 ODoyConsul ton ts. com Civil Engineering Planning Processing Su rveying ELEVATION: 21.139 DA TUM: NA VO 88 TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. DATE: RCE: 55381 SEE SHEET No. 6 \ --------------__.,,.,,,,-~ i95 --------N89'.J2,'TJ"lr612.1J' --, f rr~~,,</ . L II, J X 245./ X 24:3 ORIOLE CT. "" I ' , I / Ix 2 ii 5 246.1 t le I' ~ '.,,, -x,~ -I ' 0 ~ ~~aif~e.srnc,, j : . 'a\ / f ,/ ~--~ ------------_250 --- 5x'. j---------:.__25=----E:-3--255 -.c.------ X I db I \, ~: -~250~~/ I I I I I l 'I I I "-.'-✓-~ ~ I I I ' , I I ),- ' ·1 I ~ --~ I <cs / o,1D i I I I . I \' >-,_ I -I ! 1 ,_____,_____ ,------,/' ornsr a.wsH rnv ""-\~ , ' . \: >--. ~~ ~ ,, I~ . ocrJsr r~ 1 1 > ~-_,_,_ ~-------I T / (;}' ~ ~ \_ .'\: ~ ~ ''·-A~ . I ' ' ; . ' . ,_..________ ~"" -:~ -,.--,._ -------'11)/ ~ / ~~ \ I / 1 \ \ I / \ l T I / C ',,/ ) ·~. \----'---'"-. 10 /~ 11 ) 1 ' ,, 1 ) , 111 ' I __ .: ~~-/ f /,/ ,, ( I I , I ~ I \ · ..• , --------------I ' ............ •. 0? I I S- . . / DE'if LJ/luS~ GIN I I l ',\ "s~~ , a \ : .' } ( / I 1, I -I I I I I I • I I . I ') -~ ~\ l60 ~ ' ~' 7 60: ~-'· . / ~ I ~~) J ' ~~~_/ / R _,I : I / I ' ' ' ' I ', ~1/ifc'i%/',';, ." •. ' I • .~ \ \. ___ _..--: ' ' c._../ i I JI ,.,~// / /;;'! _:;;_I } ?) ( ) 1 · " DM"R " ' (.0 "' ------------------/ _______/ .• l ~ ' ~ ~ PNCC "f'' cw " , ·~ '" \ ':, \ :\~_ 7, 1 , • A ,.---, ---, : , X 207.6 X I -._c, . ; I I I I C. T. C.D.P. P. U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. G.P.A. z.c. L.C.P.A. £.I.R. o' 20' l 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 80' -----10' 40' SCALE: 1" = 40' / I I\ )97.6 REVISED: NOVEMBER 4, 2016 REVISED: SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 REVISED: MARCH 8, 2016 REVISED: DECEMBER /, 2015 REVISED: JULY 16, 2015 REVISED: JUNE 19, 2015 REVISED: MAY /J, 2015 REVISED: MARCH 9, 20/ 5 PREPARED: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 VESTING TENTATIVE MAP NOTE!! ELECTRONIC DA TA FILES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR V£Rl/CAL SURVEY CONTROL © 2016 O'Day Consultants, Inc. G:\l410'18\_Tenlaii',/eN'□p\1 41B1n~03-03.d~·g l~o~ ·7, 2016 10:49am Xrnis: JLIRAW,P; 141~,1.Sltf!; 1411'\AP I; 141fiAl.lTL; 141!\ASTR; 1L1 8ATl~IY; 141i'ATM; 14lRATX T; RI -EH1[12-TT; 14il'll\fJ ) \ X ~-. ,, ---. --r ,, I / 1 -,, / BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: LOCA llON: 25' DISC STAMPED 'CLSB-017 L.S. 62/5' NORTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA A VE BR/DC£ OVER ENCINITAS CREEK, /85' /fEST OF EL CAMINO REAL ON NORTH SIDEWALK OF BIRDCE, 6' NORTH OF CURB&: 25' /fEST OF THE EAST END OF BRIDGE WALL. RECORD FROM: RECORD OF S/JR//EY No. 17271, POINT No. 17 ELEVATION: 21.139 DA TUM: NA VO 88 ESS/ o. --'-" '!" ii'\ 'ti SI * NO. 55JS1 * 'J.;;r.t CIVIi. r:f<-*'t' OF rJ\\.\~ SHEET 8 OF 10 SHEETS OJ~~ _._c DESIGNED BY: L.S .• B.R. DATE: SEPT. 2014 ":1 DRAWN BY: ~G.M~-_ SCALE: 1" = 40' ---=------==------,-,--=--'-,-~~-I-,-~-PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB ND.: 141018 C O N S U L TNT S 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92010 760-931-7700 Fox: 760-931 -8680 ODoyConsul ton ts. com Civil Engineering Planning Processing Surveying ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLl, JR. RCE: 55381 ' ,, ,, ' '·, t . . . - ' 1 I . -.. I ,, ' I'" I ' - [D I GD I \ I 1.------r:--\ \ -I ~ I I I I I I \ I -"i r=i \ ' ' @ __ J - 250:2 I FF250-9 ', rjl' \, -' lL:!----J: ___ ..1\---:--:'--;:, \ -••-•·-••-'=i I NOTE!! --· V) -------·· ---·· -< I I I I I \ 't.-1~-"I - -' ef ELECTRONIC DATA RLES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY ANO ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTlCAL SURVEY CONTROL ©2016 O'Day Consultants, Inc. G: \ 14101 il\_len\<ltivellap \1418A 11,109-Veiik eTurn .d•11g ~Jo•, 17, 2016 11: 29am :<r~r~: '14-WNAhP; H 1tl~.Sile; H i l:l~II"; 14'1!lf,TM; H 1tl,',TXI"; 8L -LEN1D2-TI - . I \ • -I I ® ---p1z50. 7 FF''251.4 I I I I ' I I \ I I I I I \ \ ' ' ' I I I I I I r I rn \ \\ \\ \~, -----------~ -------------------/~ \ / \ I \ 8-K STQBACE AREA SCALE· 1 • = 20' ....... I I I I - =I =I I ' I I I I .,, I,, .. 147 , I I CT] ®i 1 __ E252.3 I I 'FF253.0 I I I I "I BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: 2.5" DISC STAMPED "C!.SB-017 L.S. 6215' LOCATION: NORlHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA A 1£. BRIDGE 01/FR ENCINITAS CREEK, 185' WEST OF EL CAUINO REAL ON NORlH SIDEWALK OF BIROCE, 6° NORTH OF CURB &-2.5' WEST OF THE EAST END OF BRIDGE WALL. RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURI/FY No. 11211, POINT No. 11 ELEVATION: 21.139 DATUM: NAIO 88 ESS ,.;:. "' --:z 0 ,.,, 'ci !;} * NO. 55381 * ~~ CIVIi. ~~ OF CALI~ C. T. C.D.P. P.U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. G.P.A. z.c. L. C.P.A. £.I.R. o' 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 40' -----5 20 SCALE: 1' = 20' NOTE 30 FOOT LONG MOTOR HOME VEHICLE PATH PER AASHTO EXHIBIT 2-2a REWSED: NOVEMBER 4, 2016 REWSED: SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 REWSED: MARCH B. 2016 REWSED: DECEl,fBER f, 2015 REWSED: JULY 16, 2015 REWSED: JUNE 19, 2015 REWSED: MAY 13, 2015 REWSED: MARCH 9, 2015 PREPARED: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 2710 Lokar Awtnue West Suite 100 Carlsbad, Callfomla 9201 O 760-931-7700 Fox: 760-931-8680 O□ci.)C0nsultonts.c0m VESTING TENTATIVE MAP R. V. STORAGE & VEHICLE TURNING Civil Engineering Planning Processing Surve-ying SHEET 9 OF 10 SHEETS DESIGNED BY: L,S BR, DATE: SEPT. 2014 DRAWN BY: ___,G=.M"'-. __ SCALE: 1" = 40" PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 141018 ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR . RCE: 55381 AAAPPROVEDTHIS IS THE APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP/SITE PLANPLANNING DEPT. DATE ENGINEERING DEPT. DATEFOR PROJECT NO. PER CONDITION NO.ABUTMENT 1 DA TUM ELEV: 180.00 186+00 \ \ I I I IBB 185+80.50 l \ I I ' ---272'-o" 82'-O" 1O8'-O" PIER 2 18O'-O"± 187+00 ELEVAT!ON SCALE: 1 • = 40' ~,1 I 1 · . _·. _--. ___ --. ___ !' / 'y----(/ PIER 3 188+00 . . 82'-O" (J) I o, I-LI ~ l__lc1 ct,1=_!_1 _J_I I ~ I ' .1-L ~ · ------\ TT l ( ) I ) .\ . \ \ I I I \ I TO AVIARA PKWY \ _,/1. ' I N. /R 1400' __ _ I ------· I I I I l,""-\ YV yy () 0 \ "' \ 0, "' / ----MANHOLE NOTE!! I I I l ELECTRONIC DATA ALES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT TO 8£ USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VER11CAL SURVEY CONTROL © 2016 O'Day Consultants, Inc. C:\ 4·1c--13\ -2rta:L·c\,]m\_141•:i~.-1.i10 Fci'3Ctlic 3ri::lqcd~,a k•1 17. ::::c,·s 11 22cvn /·o ,: ILj-):-~LL-UU/\1; -·ll~i•l',1; ,, ti•\1 ---f _ ---+-_ 111==1 I I r; _ -1 r-1 I 1--1 I 1--1 I 1--1 I 1--1 I -'-'-I I 1--1 I 1--1 ~ 1--1 I 1--~ / BRIDGE PLAN STA. 185+80.50-188+52.50 SCALE: 1" = 40' OJ. ~ ORIGINAL GROUND ALONG LEFT EDGE OF DECK --189+00 " POINSETTIA LANE C.T. 43• -1 o" ' ' 43' -1 o" I I 8'-o" 12'-o" 12'-o" 9'-o" 9'-o" 12'-o" 12'-o" 8'-o" 6'-o" l-::S~H~L~D-l------'~LA~N~E=----<-r--'~LA~N~E=--t--=---=---1-'=---=---,-t-.......c~LA~N~E~-i----:~LA~N~E~-t-•s~H~L~D-i SW C.D.P. P. U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. o' 40' SCALE: 1" = 4-0' \ I ' LEFT BRIDGE 2'-0" 11'-0" CLEAR SPACE TYPICAL SECT!ON A-A SCALE: 1" = 40' SHLD ..,,_ _____ -(, I---------.< ;-;_.}.\·:}; .:'.i:}};:'(:;·/;'.:/;:>:<:::,,,;·-: j{.{~-Fffe!~m KEY (D TWELVE FOOT (12') !'JD£ DEDICATED TRAIL EASEMENT. @ EIGHT FOOT (8') WIDE STABILIZED DECOMPOSED GRANITE TRAIL TREAD. @ 2' MAINTENANCE ZONE ON BOTH SIDES. .. NO IRRIGATION HEADS OR APURTENCES SHALL BE PLACED IN THIS ZONE. LOW GROUNDCOVERS 6" OR LESS MAY BE ALLOWED. @ DECOMPOSED GRANITE WITH STABILIZER. COLOR SHALL BE BUFF, GRAY OR LIGHT TAN. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO OWNER FOR APPROVAL. INSTALL IN TW0-2" LIFTS. COMPACT BETWEEN LIFTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS. G.P.A. z.c. L. C.P.A. £.I.R. MANHOLE IN SHOULDER WATER MAIN LOCATED AT BRIDGE CELL ~=-CENTERLINE RIGHT BRIDGE NOTES: A. TRAIL WIDTH MAY VARY DEPENDING UPON LOCATION WITHIN OPEN SPACE OR LANDSCAPED AREAS. TRAIL TREAD WIDTH TO BE 8' UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE FOR THE TRAIL. F. INSTALL 1B" WIDE MULCH MAINTENANCE AREA ON BOTH SIDES OF TRAIL. G. MATERIALS AND METHODS FOR TRAIL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS. H. CONCRETE HEADER SHALL BE INTEGRALLY MIXED COLOR TO MATCH DG TRAIL. I. SLOPE CONCRETE HEADER CONTINUOUS @ 6" WIDE x 8" DEPTH CONCRETE EDGE (CURB) COLOR TO MATCH DECOMPOSED GRANITE @ 2" DEEP MULCH AREA , FINISH GRADE OF MULCH SHALL BE 1/4" BELOW TOP OF CONCRETE EDGING. (V 90% COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL. @ FINISHED GRADE. MQDIRED DECOMPOSED GRANITE TRAIL DETAIL 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 14-06 14-04 14-06 15-03 N. ~ POINSETTIA LANE ~ N. ~ N. ~ N. <.O <.O lJ1 N OJ. I ' EB --~\---'-'JOO=-' IW,'-"''[J"-=1£-'SD=G&==l£_,£"-')l"'S£,""ill.'"-'£N:..:.T ___ --ll PROPOSED I 5' TRAIL EASEMENT VARIES I VARIES l • 189t00 -1.5• r;_ 1.5• I PROPOSED PEDE:STRIAN ACCESS E:ASEMENT '-....... VARl£S1 <·/">-.., 2' MIN. R/W '8' 10· VARIES POINSETTlA LANE 188+52.50 I -+---I "'--tr."' I ro.5· o.51 \1~1->w====ir-r,{_;::::::;::::::;~:;:::::;:::i i),,--.:; w \ I ,, r I V NOTES: ,~ ----1 I Cl 17 ------T-' I -·-~~ ,_, ,--.-~ .. --.-~~_,I_ E~SWGSDG&E I ACCESS ROAD SECTION c-c SDG&E EASEMENT & TRAIL NOT TO SCALE I o• CURB FACE ~ 6" l'JDTH x 8' DEPTH NOTES: 7' !'JD£ D.G. MEANDERING TRAIL o• CURB FACE ~ 4• l'JDTH x 4• DEPTH 6" CURB & GUTTER LANDSCAPING SECTION D-D PRQPa?[n POINSETTIA TRAIL NOT TO SCALE I. PROVIDE 3" DEPTH OF D. G. IN 2 LIFTS ON COMPACTED SUBGRADE 2 D.G. SHALL HA VE STABILIZER. 1. CITY TO OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM SDG&E FOR PUBLIC TRAIL AND CONSTRUC110N. 2 ALL RUTS TO PROVIDE MORE EVEN WALKING TRAIL SURFACE. 3. CONSTRUCT IN ACCORDANCE l'JTH CITY STANDARD. 4. SEE MODIAED CITY OF CARLSBAD DECOMPOSED GRANITE TRAIL DETAIL 1· BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: 25" DISC STAMPED 'ct.SB-017 LS. 6215' LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA AW. BRIDGE: O'IER ENCINITAS CREEK, 185' WEST OF E:L CAMINO REAL ON NORTH SIDEWALK OF BIRDCE, 6' NORTH OF CURB & 25' WEST OF THE EAST END OF BRIDGE WALL RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURVEY No. 17271, POINT No. 17 ELEVATION: 21.739 DA1UM: NAVO 88 TRAIL SECT!ONS REVISED: NOVEMBER 4, 2016 RE:VISED: SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 REVISED: MARCH 8, 2016 REVISED: DECEMBER!, 2015 RE:VISED: JULY 16, 2015 REVISED: JUNE 19, 2015 REVISED: MA Y I 3, 2015 REVISED: MARCH 9, 2015 PREPARED: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Carlsbad, Colifomio 92010 760-931-7700 Fox: 760-931-8680 ODo)'Consultants.com VESTING TENTATIVE MAP POINSElllA BRIDGE AND DETAILS Civil Engineering Planning Processing Surveying SHEET 10 OF 10 SHEETS DESIGNED BY: LS. B.R. DATE: SEPT. 2014 DRAWN BY: ~G=.M~. __ SCALE: AS SHOWN PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 141018 ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE: 55381 SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANCONCEPTUAL ' ' I I I r-_ LI! I ' I ' r~ 1 I ~..._1 ' I ' I i I i I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,' I,: I loo_ I 16!.!'IN I I ~N I N~ I Ii=-'-'-I I I I I I I I I I I i l r111,-1---!-c.,+. ~ I e:/ "' I rn QJ 9 CD CD P;/4&6--l·L~ Hrr1 FF nt 4 ·~ I ' 248.4 247.4 246. GB --,_ ~:: Lla---=4--;.a-.-=.a-a.=~-=---_,_=f•-~=--=-,:-----,--I Slump Block Retaining Wall and Slump Block Wall Combination IEIR 15-031 I AM FAl.1IUAR WITH lHE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN lHE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WA 1ER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED lHIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH lHOSE REGULATIONS AND lHE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND A OREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REOUIREIAENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONS1RUC110N DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY lHA T lHE PLAN IMPLEMENTS 11-IOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WA lER. p,NDSC ()en, L ,-06' ~«' "' "'#""'1.~>~I -.i n G:::4---7~""--1 ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RE'IISION DAlE 4 250.0 QJ~-, --® LBt~ fvlll_J--~'l 250.0 [1'J rn -2 □ ® ® 'liPo 249.7 llil ® 248.1 BVC . Pl 248[ 50'V 21 EVC "' "j <ri 246 9 0 0 0 445. -L-l1i~ /7~z 118\i 246.1 J'f~CTLI=L__J_JlL_l__L~'44'ntt'11 ave . Pl 0 I~ ~'l v~ 0 0 245.7 --2,5.4 P246.2 246.4 246. 1 _ 246.9 [1'J llE)] ---__ ...,J. ___ [iJil rn QJ ® CID CID P2444--4'.4 lg -~F~,x j.1 .6 DESCRIPTION ALL & FENCE PLAN GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 EIR 15-03 \ \ 1-1 SYMBOLS LEGEND DYi (I Tubular Steel Gate Vinyl Gate ~-~~ ----~--------------------------------------------------------, • fhl '----------71 i7_ 248.3 IT] ----00 ® _rnrl 47.1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ® lY_V_ ~Jb~ ~YJJ 248.0 248.4 248.7 248. 7 249. 1 249.4 ll1l'] CD I I Matchline -See Sheet l.S-3 landscape Archllreclure Urban Design Planning Habitat Restoration 100 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecoHaborativewest.com 49 24H==J ' _________, I I ---------.... ,,.11_,,_11_,,_ Tubular Steel Fence on Slump Block Wall Vinyl Fence Slump Block Wall with Sack Finish Tubular Steel Fence ------------~--=-=--=-=--,,;--~-;;;.;;=,:;;;=~;:;::: : ----Heavy Timber Cable Fence w/ Gate Slump Block Retaining Wall w!Sack Finish Slump Block Retaining Wall \ \ LENNAR® LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349--8101 \ \ \ \ ___ • Bl Planted Gravity Wall Slump Block Pilaster with Sack Finish Monument Wall NOTE: SEE SHEET LS-3 FOR WALL AND FENCE DETAILS \ ' Slump Block Retaining Wall and Slump Block Wall Combination KEYMAP rn Not10Scale 0 20' 80' Scale: 1' = 40' LS-1 September 21, 2016-5th City Submittal SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANCONCEPTUAL ALL & FENCE PLAN GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 EIR 15-03 IEIR 15-031 Slump Block Retoining Woll and Slump Block Wall Combination I AM FAl.1IUAR WITH lHE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN lHE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WA 1ER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED lHIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH lHOSE REGULATIONS AND lHE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND A OREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT lHE PLAN IMPLEMENTS lHOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. J • , ··-··-··-•·-·•-··-··-·•-[7:::' g ~7 1 F252.4 , , , I I I I I -· · -· · ---,;liding-&,lid Gate -----. . -.. -\ I ,_.,d I~ ~ 49 I ~ GB I P249.9 I FF250.6 I I I ,I O'lNN ~~ (fg~'f@_eeo'i't~omply with lr~C)( equire ents ~ '-<:::J ~ P25D-:B--FF251.5 1 250.0 . . \ . ~ ' :-<:::] :-<:::] p,NDSC ()en, L ,-' ' ' ' ,■ ' . ' I' 06' ~«' ,,_, "'#;AJ.~>~I -.i n G:::4---7~""--1 ' ' RE'IISION DATE DESCRIPTION 9· i• ,.~ '). --landscape Archllreclure Urban Design Planning Habitat Restoration @--P251.2 FF252.1 100 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecoHaborativewest.com \\ \\ \\ I I I I l I I @!) P252.0 FF2~):ZC-. I><] ,-=---.J t:J :-<:::J ® P251.4-FF252.1 ---1 [:::>-1 c:>-i El ~g _P252.0 1 FF252.7 ~:2 ~ ~ 253.2 , , I 7-...r' LENNAR® LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 I .... \ _J_ SYMBOLS LEGEND DYi (I ---------.... ,,.11_,,_11_,,_ • IZI Tubular Steel Gate Vinyl Gate Tubular Steel Fence on Slump Block Wall Vinyl Fence Slump Block Wall with Sack Finish T ubulor Steel Fence Heavy Timber Coble Fence w/ Gate Slump Block Retaining Woll w!Sack Finish Slump Block Retaining Woll Planted Gravity Woll Slump Block Pilaster with Sock Finish Monument Woll NOTE: SEE SHEET LS-3 FOR WALL AND FENCE DETAILS Slump Block Retaining Woll and Slump Block Woll Combination KEYMAP rn NotloSaJ/e 0 20' 80' Scale: 1' = 40' LS-2 September 21, 2016-5th City Submittal SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANSlump Block Retaining Wall and Slump Block Wall Combination CONCEPTUAL ALL & FENCE PLAN 243.J 243 1 i'Il _.,.._-\ II I ~ rF-1 I H.:.-,-~-~ Matchline -See Sheet LS-1 \<-i TW245.3 < S241.0 : -c:::J @-c:::J ,£245.'B-1"1)246.5 -~~':'.:--..___,UJ::b,JJ-I~LJJ_i__J__~=:'.:1::_124~00.s~:i Tubular Steel Fence Scale: 1 /2"= 1 '-0" IEIR 15-031 -Tubular Steel Fence I AM FAl.1IUAR WITH lHE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN lHE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WA 1ER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE AEGIJLATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED lHIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND lHE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND A OREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONS1RUC110N DOCUMENTS. I CER'TIFY lHA T lHE PLAN IMPLEMENTS lHOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WA lER. ~v 9-~ PZ.ZU FF242.2 FF242.7 -e2• . 1 FF241.B Ifill Tubular Steel Fence Tubular Steel Fence on Slump Block Wall Scale: 1 /2"= 1 '-0" p,NDSC ()en, L ,-06' ~«' ,,,, "'#""'1.~>~I -.i n G:::4---7~""--1 AE'IISION DAlE 6'o.c. mox. DESCRIPTION I I I I I I I I I I I I , , , / ,' / , / , / ,/ '/ ---, , I SYMBOLS LEGEND -;-,--.,....,.-,-_---:::-~--------------lfY1I ru Tubular Steel Gate Vinyl Gate I \ \ \ ■-------■ Tubular Steel Fence on Slump Block Wall =========== Slump Block Wall Scale: 1 /2"= 1 '-0" 11 11 11 landscape Archllreclure Urban Design Planning Habitat Restoration 11 11 11 11 11 Slump Block Woll Cap Slump Block Woll >i 0 E "' 100 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949,366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecoHaborativewest.com >i 0 E "' "' --~ ~'.',I Matchline -See Sheet LS-2 \ \ I \ \ \ I / / / ) I ? / I Heavy Timber le 'f'tn~ w/ G te Slump Block Retoi ,~ vVa~~ck ,,.~ Slump Block Retoi ing \-Vall~ --':::i ~ JO' o.c. mox. 0 OS Woo P t ¼ Stainless Steel Coble~, <. ® (/ ~/; ' 0(1 ® <. ~ /) Heavy Timber Cable Fence Scale: 1/2"=1'-0" Details As Shown are for Graphic purposes only. Not for Construction. NOTE: SEE SHEET LS-3 FOR WALLAND FENCE DETAILS LENNAR® LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 0 20' 4(1 80' Scale: I' = 40' "' ,;, GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 KEYMAP SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 EIR 15-03 / rn NolbSmlo LS-3 I I I September 21, 2016-5th City Submittal SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANSHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANCONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN G'A 14-06 ZC14--04 LCPA 14-06 CT14-10 PUD14-12 SDP14-15 CDP14-34 I-DP14-07 t-M'14--04 Ell 15-03 Exi:sling 2CJ Water Easement lo be vacated. Refer lo Civil Eng. Plans I I l I I I I CD CD CD ;EE-. L-E\ ,, I,: CD CD rEE-,' L-E\ 1/, 248,4 247.4 v=~---~ GB ' . ij :Vv ~~-v~ _____ I I ®---I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ® ® ® ;EE-' i-E\ " -L-L1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I fxjsting 2(1 I ,---c-1 , v~,23~ 'v:i i2------------Easement (Offsite) Proposed 20' Sewer Easement 7 / ! //// / ' / IEIR 15-031 I AM FAIAIUAR WITH 11-E REOUlaAENTS FOR LAIOSCAPE AN:> RRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN lHE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LAIOSCAPE MANUAL AN) WATffi EA'ICENT LANDSCAPE REGULA llONS. I HAVE PREPARED lHS PLAN IN cowt..JANCE WITH 1HOSE REGULA llONS AN) 11-E I..AN)8CAJ'E MANUAL AND AGREE TO COM'L Y WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WIEN SUBl.fT1l,jQ CONSlRUCllON DOCIM3ITTI, I CER1FY THAT 11-E PLAN IMPLEMENTS 11-IOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVDE EA'ICENT USE OF WA'JER. 26 J>NDS QeO, £; " '·f-.-At?fi=,tV ~ h Q.._.; ..., -i 16 i"\-",---{l ', '~ ' \ \ \ --------® ' \-EL --• r---. , -c:::J I --~ Matchline -See Sheet lS-6 REWllON DAlE DESCllFIION ..... ,. An:hBactunt Urlxa,Dosign Planning ----\ ' I \ ': \ \ \ ' w~I ' " \ \ \ 100 IMrida Miramar San Clemente Calilamia 92672 Phone 949 .366.6624 Fm 949.366.6626 www.~....,.,,...com CID 24 Vertical Trees Vertical Accent Trees Evergreen Canopy Trees Legend: Large to Medium Evergreen Shrubs Medium Evergreen or Accent Flowering Shrubs Low Evergreen Groundcovers TYPICAL SCHEMATIC PLANTING ENLARGEMENT: LEGEND: 0 Concrele sidewalk 0 Bench 0 Exclusive u.e Area 0 Shade Sfrudura wilh BBQ and P'101ic Tobie 0 Play Equipment © Chriise Lounge 0spo ©Pool 0 Aa:,,ss Path lo Basin ® DG Trail wilh Concrete Edging @ Rubberized surfueing at Play Area @rrashCon @Porldng @ Fence or Woll-Refer Sheet IS-l-lS-3 @ Shade Sfrudura wilh seating orao @Basin @ S',ghtLJne @ Proposed Easement ® Property line NOTES: ® Aa:,,ss Gale @ Drainage per Civil Engineer @ Street Lights per Others @ Restroom Building per Oihers @ Planted G111Vity Woll @PDARomp ® Asphoh per Others @ Existing Easement @ Sliding Solid Gale @ Decorative Pavement Colored Concrete wilh Sowcut Joints and ,.,,.l,ed hn~h @ Right of Woy @ frt Storoge Porlcing @ V-Ditch per Civil Engineer @ Median Planfers and Concrale per C',ty of Carlsbad Landscape Manual Section 6-Streetsc:ope Program ® 40' Arterial Setbodc Nole: N least hoff closest to Poinsetiia Street to be landscaped to enhance the street scene and buffer homes from troflic. Th~ buffer to include o Min, 24' Box free per every 3C1 street lionloge, @ Lounge Fumitura at lookout orao 1. SEE SHEET LS-7 FOR PLANTING LEGEND 2. NO TREES IN EASEMENTS LENNAR® LEHWIHOIEI 25 a.101,e:: AUIO 'IEJO, CA 92658 (941)-3,8-ftn Scale: 1"=20 KEYMAP rn Not10Scate 0 20' 80' Scale: l' = 40' LS-4 Septeni>er 21. 2016-5th City SlDnittal SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANIEIR 15-031 I AM FAIAIUAR WITH lHE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN lHE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WA 1ER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED lHIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH lHOSE REGULATIONS AND lHE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND A OREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT lHE PLAN IMPLEMENTS lHOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN ,/ ,. ~ ?~'/A ,., ... ?: \ ' l'!• ~II) /" I /. ' ' ' p,NDSC ()en, L ,-06' ~«' ,,_, "',;/'-;,,"<t':;>~I -.i n G:::4---7~""--1 ' ' \ \ ' ' ' RE'IISION DATE 75 ' ' ~ ::::::::i \_,d ' 1/ 28 .·.·.·.·.<·.·.·.·:•:·>.<·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ' .............. . . . . . ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --------•-~~~~ ~~----... ----_. ..... ~_,._ ..... ._ ... "'-.,__.__.<c_,_._._.._ .. _._ ...... . ' ' ~ ___ ., ' ' I DESCRIPTION I I I I I I I I I I I / @_, \.,d \_,d ' I I I '\ landscape Archllreclure Urban Design Planning Habitat Restoration JW25J.J FS250.6 100 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecoHaborativewest.com r ® r ___ l :-<::J :-<::] ' 40 25 _;; [V [:::=: ~ ' _____ I ;,; · --· ◄<~----1--_,,-,.,,,ing Adiacent Nyl;..e Landscape 1/ /2 LENNAR® LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 LEGEND: Ci) Concrele sidewalk 0 Bench G) Exclusive Use /veo 0 Shade Sfrudu,e wilh BBQ and P-,cnic Table 0 Play Equipment 0 Chaise lounge 0spa 0 Pao/ 0 Pca!SS Palh to Basin ® DG T roil wilh Conaele Edging @ Rubberized surfacing at Play lveo @ Trash Can @ Parldng @ fena, or Wal~ Reier Sheet LS-1-1.5-3 @ Shade Sfruduie wilh seating aiea @Basin ® SightLJne @ Proposed Easement ® Properly Dne NOTES: GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 @ Pca!SS Gale SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 EIR 15-03 @ Drainage per Ovil Engineer @ Slreel LJgh1s per Olhers @ Reshoom Building per Oll,e,. @ Planled Grovily Wall @) ADA Ramp @ Asphalt per Olhers @ Exisling Easement @ Sliding Solid Gale ® Decorotive Pavement Colored Conc,ele wilh Sawcut Joints and washed Rn~h @ Right of Way @ IN Storage Parldng @ V-Ditch per Civil Engineer ® Median P/anlei, and Concieie per Crly of Carlsbad landscape Manual Section 6-Slreefscape Progrom 40' Atferia/ Sefbaclc Nole: IV least haff closest to Poinsettia Sfree/ to be landscaped to enhance lhe sfree/ scene and buffer homes horn trofflc. Th~ buffer to include a Min. 24' Box free per e,eiy 30' sheet frontage. @ lounge Fumifu,e at looh,ut a,ea 1. SEE SHEET LS-7 FOR PLANTING LEGEND 2. SEE SHEET LS-4 FOR TYPICAL SCHEMATIC PLANTING PLAN ENLARGEMENT 3. NO TREES IN EASEMENTS 6 KEYMAP 0 20' 80' Scale: 1' = 40' rn NotloSa,/e LS-5 September 21, 2016-5th City Submittal SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANCONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 26 I ~ [l::j Matchline -I ~1,.,,-,,----'----' See Sheet LS-4 ·;I \\\\ / / Matchline -See Sheet LS-5 ''" / , ~ -''---"' _ __,__,. I I ' / __ ,. _,__ \ --1. -_ _,___,,., ' --------~ ' f -) --'. \ " \\-~ ' / &i ·n fo~ ---""· Refer to Civil ® __ @ i-L1 LL1-,· 1/, -/_ • ®_~_ L----I ® ® 1-E\ !LL • , I /~v, '-----® ----, LL1-: -<:::] @-<:::J L__ • 21 \ \ l "'~ i "'~ Note: Slope parkwoy lo drain away from curb. 20 --·•-, LEGEND: !~-----t-----.. ~ 0 Concrete sidewalk @ kcess Gate --~-, _ "' _ "\ ___________________________________________ G)}eoch _______ ___@__DrainageperCrnlEnginee_r ____ _ ~ "' 0 Exclusive Use Area @ Street Ughls per Othe,s ~ -........... ~ '\. ~ 0 Shade Slrudure wilh BBQ and P-icnic Tobie @ Res1room Building per Othe,s ~ .... -----'\. ~ ~ ~ 0 Play Equipment ® Planted Gravity Wall ",------..: '\. "' "-@ Chaise Lounge @ NlARamp "'~ '\. "' "-0 Spa @ Asphalt per Others , ~ ~ '\. \_., @ Pool @ Existing Easement "\. "-""-."~ "!'~''" ~ 0 kcessPothtoBosin @sliding Solid Gate ""-. @ 0G Trail wilh Concrete Edging @ Decorolive Pavement Colored Conaete , wilh Sawcut Joints and washed ffnish @ Rubberized surfacing ot Ploy Area @ Trash Con @ @ @ Parking fence or Woll-Reier Sheet LS-1-LS-3 Shade Slrudure wilh seating area @Basin ® SightUne @ Righto/Woy ® RV Storoge Parking ® ® V-Di!di per Crvil Engineer Me.f,on Planters and Concrete per Oly of Carlsbad londsa,pe Manual Section 6-Slreelscape Program @ 4(1 Atterial Setback I / I ) I I I' I I < ' I \ --------------------NOTES: r ' / ' I I / ------------, Proposed Slonn Drain fosement @ Proposed Easement ® Property line Note: Al least haH closest lo Poinsettia Street lo be /andsa,ped lo enhance lhe street same and buffer homes from tmlfic. This buffer lo include o Min. 24' Box tree per e;ery 3(1 street fronloge. 1. SEE SHEET LS-7 FOR PLANTING LEGEND ~...,1-,-----{19 &isling Wofer IEIR 15-031 I AM FAIAIUAR WITH lHE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN lHE CITY OF CARLSBAD"S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WA 1ER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED lHIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND lHE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND A OREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONS1RUC110N DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY 1HA T THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS 11-IOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WA lER. p,NDSC ()en, L ,-06' ~«' ,,_, "',;/';,,"<t':;>~I -.i n G:::4---7~""--1 REVISION DAlE DESCRIPTION landscape Archllreclure Urban Design Planning Habitat Restoration 100 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecoHaborativewest.com Lounge Fumirure ot Lookout oreo 2. SEE SHEET LS-4 FOR TYPICAL SCHEMATIC PLANTING PLAN ENLARGEMENT 3. NO TREES IN EASEMENTS 0 2a 4(1 80' Scale: 1 ' = 4(1 LENNAR® LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 KEYMAP GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 EIR 15-03 rn No/t>Sa,l, LS-6 September 21, 2016-5th City Submittal SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANCONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE LEGEND & NOTES GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 EIR 15-03 IEIR 15-031 I AM FAIAIUAR WITH lHE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN lHE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WA 1ER EFACIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED lHIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH lHOSE REGULATIONS AND lHE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND A OREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REOUIREIAENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONS1RUC110N DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY lHAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS 11-lOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFACIENT USE OF WA lER. p,NDSC ()en, Li () ;;-~ «' ,,_, "',;/'-;,'"<t':;>~I -.i n G:::4.. --7~""--1 RE'IISION DAlE Planting Legend: Symbol +••······· • + ••• + •••• + + •• + ••••••••••••••• .......... + + ••••••• + .......... .......... . . . . . . ffll -•· ........ ' . ........... ......... ' ' . . . . . . . . . . ......... ' ........... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESCRIPTION Areo Maintained HOA-Slopes T mnsilion Zone " See Footnote 4 below HOA-Detention Basin Bottom HOA-Turf HOA-Parkways * See Footnotes l ,2 & 3 below HOA-Planted Wall HOA.Area ~ See Footnotes 1,2 & 3 below Botanical Nome *" Arctostaphylos 'Pacific Mist' Baccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks' Bacchoris pilularis 'Pigeon Point' Ceanothus G. 'Yankee Poinf Heteromeles arbutifolio Leymus condensatus Leymus triticoides Platanus rocemoso Quercus agrifolia Rhamnus ca/ifornica spp. Rhus integrifolia Umbellularia califomico Carex tumu/icolo Marathon II Common Name Pacific Mist Manzanita Dwarf Coyote Brush Dwarf Coyote Brush Yankee Paint Ceanothus Toyon W;/d Rye Creeping Wild Rye California Sycamore Coast Live Oak California Coffeeberry Lemonade Berry California Laurel Foothill Sedge Fescue Size & Comments 5 gal. @ 6' o.c. 5 gal. @ 8' o.c. 5 gal. @ 8' o.c. 5 gal. @ 6' o.c. 5 go/. @ 8' o.c. 1 gal. @ 4' o.c. 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. 15 gal.@ 10' o.c. Min. 24' Box Min.@ 10' o.c. 5 gal. @ 6' o.c. 5 gal. @ 8' o.c. 15 gal. @ 10' o.c. Min. l go/. @ 2' o.c. Sodded Poinsettia Parkway Theme Tree: (50% of street trees-one per 40' of street frontage) Magnolia grondiflora Magnolia 24" Box Min. Poinsettia Parkway Support Tree: (Min. of 30% to be support trees) Brochychiton acerifolius Flame Tree Stenocarpus sinuotus Firewheel Tree Internal Parkway Trees: Jacaranda mimosifolia Lagerstmemia indica Podocarpus grocilior U/mus parvifolia Shrubs/ Groundcover: Carex proegracilis Lantana spp. Rhophiolepis 'Ballerina' Rhophiolepis 'Claro' Jacaranda Crepe Myrtle Fem Pine Chinese Elm California Field Sedge Lantana Ballerina Indian Hawthorn Clara Indian Hawthorn Iva hayesiono Hayes Iva Myoporum parvifolium 'Putah Creek' Creeping Myoporum ** Rosmarinus o. 'Huntington Carpet' Huntington Carpet Rosemary Trees: Arbutus unedo Cossio leptophylla ** Chomaerops humilis .,. Cupressus sempervirens Fei;oa sellowiano Jacaranda mimosifolia .,,. Juniperus spp. Logerstroemio indico Laurus nobilis Magnolia spp. ** Podocarpus spp. Pyrus colleryono 'Bradford' Slrelilzia nicoloi T ristania conferlo Ulmus parvifolio Shrubs/ Groundcoyer: Strawberry Tree Gold Medallion Tree Mediterranean Fan Palm /to/ion Cypress Pineapple Guava Jacaranda Tree Juniper Crepe Myrtle Boy Laurel Magnolia Fern Pine Bradford Pear Giant Bird of Paradise Brisbone Box Chinese Elm ,¾]aponthus spp. Lily-of-the-Nile ,Agave spp. Agave Aloe spp. Aloe A/yogyne huegelii Blue Hibiscus Anigozanthus spp. Kangaroo Pow /\zolea 'Southern lndica' Azalea Bougainvillea spp. NCN Buxus m. japonico Japanese Boxwood Calliondra haemotocepha/a Pink Po-wder Puff Co//istemon spp. Callistemon Camellia spp. Camellia Corex spp. Sedges Corissa spp. (Shrub Form) Natal Plum Carissa m. 'Boxwood Beauty' Natal Plum Clystostoma co//istegioides Violet Trumpet Vine Coprosmo spp. Mirror Plant Cotoneasler spp. (Shrub Form) Cotoneaster Cotoneoster dommeri 'Lowfosf Beorberry Cotoneaster Dietes bicolor Forlnight Lily Distictus buccinatoria Blood-red Trumpet Vine Fatsia spp. Fatsia Grevillea spp. NCN Hemerocollis spp. Doyli/y Lantana spp. (Shrub Form) Lantana Lantana montevidensis Trailing Lantana Lavondula spp. Spanish Lavender Lavatera spp. Tree Mallow Ligustrum i 'Texonum' Texas Privet Liriope giganteo Giant Lily Turi .,. Lonicera spp. Bush Honeysuckle ** Miscanthus spp. Maiden Grasses Murraya exotica Dwarf Orange Jessamine Myoporum parvifolium 'Putoh Creek' Creeping Myoporum Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston Ivy Passif/oro alatocoeru/ea Passion Vine Pe/argon/um spp. Geranium Phormium spp. New Zealand Flax Pittosporum tobira spp. Mock Oronge Psidium littora/e Strawberry Guava Rhophiolepis 'Ma;estic Beauly' Majestic Beauty Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis spp. India Hawthorn Rosa bonksiae Lady Banks' Rose Roso spp. Rose ** Rosmorinus spp. (Shurb Form) Rosemary .,. Rosmarinus prostrafus Creeping Rosemary u Salvio spp. Sage Sorcococca ruscifolia Sweet Box Senecio mandro/iscae NCN Strelilzia reginoe Trachelospermum spp. Viburnum spp. Wistera spp. Bird of Paradise Star Jasmine Viburnum Chinese Wisteria 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. l gal. @ 2' o.c. 5 gal. -varies 5 gal. @ 30" o.c. 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. l gal. @ 30" o.c. 1 gal. @ 5' o.c. 1 gal. @ 4' o.c. 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. 15 go/. Min. 15 gal. Min. 15 gal. Min. 24" Box Min. 15 gal. Min. 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. 15 gal. Min. 24" Box Min. 15 gal. Min. 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. l gal. @ 24' o.c. l gal.-varies l go/.-varies 5 gal. @ 5' o.c. l gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies 5 gal. @ 30" o.c. 5 gal. @ 6' o.c. 5 gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies 1 gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies 1 gal. @ 2' o.c. 5 gal. @ 5' o.c. 5 gal.-varies l gal.-varies l gal. @ 3' o.c. 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. 5 go/. @ 6' o.c. l go/. @ 3' o.c. 5 gal.-varies l gal.-varies l gal.-varies l go/. @ 3' o.c. 1 gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies 5 gal. @ 30' o.c. 1 gal. @ 2' o.c. 1 gal. @ 3' o.c. l go/.-varies 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. l gal. @ 5' o.c. 1 gal. @ 5' o.c. 5 gal. @ 5' o.c. 1 gal. @ 2' o.c. 5 gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. 5 gal. @ 5' o.c. 5 gal.-varies 5 gal. @ 6' o.c. l gal.-varies l gal. -varies l gal. @ 3' o.c. l gal. -varies 5 gal. @ 30" o.c. 1 go/.@ 18' o.c. 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. l gal. @ 2' o.c. 5 gal.@ 3' o.c. 5 gal. @ 6' o.c. Wu/cols low Moderate -Low Moderate -Low Low Low Moderate -Low Moderate low Low Moderate -Low low Low low Moderate Moderale Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Very Low Low low low Low Moderate Low Low Moderate Low Moderate Low Moderofe Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate low Low low low Moderate low Moderate Moderate low Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate low low Moderate Moderate Moderate low Moderate Low Low low Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Low Moderate low Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Symbol Footnotes: Area Maintained HOAArea * See Footnotes I & 2 below Median Poinsettia Streetscope * See Footnotes 1,2 & 3 below ** Hi h flammable /ants. Botanical Name Trees: Arbutus unedo .,,. Pinus eldorica .,. Pinus halepensis Rhus lancea Shrubs/ Groundcover: .,,. Acacia redo/ens spp. ,¾;Jave spp. Aloe spp. Bougainvillea spp. Crassula spp. fncelia farinosa Euphorbia tirucalli 'Sticks of Fire' .,. Rosmarinus spp. Tree: Magnolia grandiflora Shrub: Common Name Strawberry Tree Elder Pine Aleppo Pine African sumac Prostrate Ac.ado ,¾;Jave Aloe NCN Jade lncienso Red Pencil Tree Rosemary Magnolia Pittosporum tobiro 'Wheeler's Dwarf Dwarf Mock Orange Size & Comments 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min . 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. 5 gal. @ 8' o.c. 5 gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. 5 gal. @ 30" o.c. 5 gal.-varies 24' Box Min. 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. Poinsettia Parkway Theme Tree: (50% of required street trees-one per 40' of street frontage) Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia 24" Bax Min. Poinsettia Parkway Support Tree: (Min. of 30% to be support trees) Brachychiton ocerifolius Flame Tree Stenocorpus sinuatus Firewhee/ Tree 24" Box Min. 24" Box Min. Trees: (20% of Parkway project identity and/or accent lrees to be selected from this list.) De/onix regio Royal Poinciana 24' Box Min. Drocaena droco Dragon Tree 15 go/. Min. Metrosideros excelso New Zealand Christmas Tree 24" Box Min. .,. Pinus eldarica Elder Pine 24" Box Min. .,,. Pinus ho/epensis Aleppo Pine 24" Box Min. Rhus loncea African sumac 24" Box Min. Spothodeo campunuloto African Tulip Tree 24' Box Min. Tristan/a conferta Brisbane Box 24" Box Min. Shrubs/ Groundcover: Azalea 'Southern lndica' Camellia spp. Corex praegracilis Lantana spp. Rhaphio/epis 'Ballerina' Rhophiolepis 'Clara' T rachelospermum spp. Viburnum spp. Azalea Camellia California Field Sedge Lantana Ballerina Indian Hawthorn Clora Indian Hawthorn Star Jasmine Viburnum 5 gal.-varies 5 gal.-varies l gal. @ 2' o.c. 5 gal. -varies 5 gal. @ 30" o.c. 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. 1 gal. @2' o.c. 5 gal. @ 3' o.c. J. Plants from this list to be selectively used on o case-by case basis according lo planter size, i.e. smoller plants/ trees for smaller zones, lorger for larger zones . 2. Shrubs and groundcovers lo be located such that to/lest types are in lhe background, and /owesf types in the foreground. 3. Plants located within Sight Disfonce Triangles to be no taller than 30" @ maturity. 4. Plants selected from this list lo comply with Fuel Modification requirements within that parlicular zone . 5. High fuel species ore not to he used where located within fire suppression zones. 6. 500..6 of shrubs (Except on slopes 3: J or steeper) shall be min. 5 gal. size. 7. Woody shrubs shall be p/onled over herbaceous ground cover areas lo cover 60% of the groundcover area (of mature size). 8. Evergreen plants shall be used lo screen unsightly elements and shall be spaced to provide JOO% screening within two (2) years of installation. NOTE: Slopes 6: J or steeper requiring erosion control measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the following planting standards: o. Standard #1-Cover Crop/ Reinforced Strow Matting: Wu/cols Low Low Low Low Low Low Low low Low Low Low Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Low low Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Cover crop shall be a seed mix typically mode of quick germinating and fost covering grosses, dover, and/or wild flowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to applicolion. The cover crop shall be applied al o mfe and manner sufficient to provide 90% coverage within thirty (30) days. Type of reinforced straw matting sho/1 be as approved by the city and staked to the slope as recommended by the manufacturer. Reinforced straw malting shall be required when planting occurs between Al.!gust J 5 and April 15. The cover crop and/or reinforced straw mot shall be used the remainder of the year. b. Standard #2-Ground Cover: One hundred (I 00%) percent of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to hove excel/en I soil binding characteristics (Planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year.) c. Standard #3-Low Shrubs: Low spreading woody shrubs (Planted from o minimum of 2-3/4 inch liners) shall over a minimum of seventy (70%) percent of the slope face (at mature size). d. Slandard #4-Trees and/ar Lorge Shrubs: Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from o minimum of I gallon containers) al o minimum rote of one (1) per the hundred (200) square feet. Slopes 6: J or steeper and: a. 3' or less in verlicol height and are ad;ocent to public walks or streets require al minimum Standard # 1. b. 3' lo 8' in vertical height require Standard# I (Erosion control matting shall be inslolled in lieu of o cover crop), #2 and #3. c. In excess of 8' verlicol height require Standards # I (erosion control molting shall be installed in lieu of a cover crop), #2, #3, and #4. Areas graded flatter than 6: J require Standard # 1 (cover crop) with temporary irrigation when they have one or more of the following conditions: o. Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading. b. A potential erosion problem os determined by the Cily. c. Identified by lhe Cily os highly visible areas fa the public or hove special conditions that warrant immediate lreatment. • Trees located within 5' of public sidewalk or other hardscope to hove root barriers. * 3" layer of mulch to be applied on all exposed soil surfaces excepf tusf gross or direct seeding applications. • Landscape Plans will comply with City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual February 2012 NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET LS-4 FOR TYPICAL SCHEMATIC PLANTING PLAN ENLARGEMENT 2. NO TREES IN EASEMENTS 0 2(J 40' Scale: 1' = 40' 80' landscape Archllreclure Urban Design 100 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecoHaborativewest.com LENNAR® LS-7 Planning Habitat Restoration LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 September 21, 2016-5th City Submittal SHEETOWNER:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADBIOLOGICAL IMPACTS MAPIEIR 15-031 REVISION DATE ..... -......... . 4 •••••••••••• ·• ..... ••·••····· , ••••••••••• •1 .............. , •••••• ··c••• •••. .. .. .. . . . . . . . , ............... , • ·-· •••••••••• ■4 •-••· ... , ..... ,.-.~ •••••••••••••••••• .. ,. ·••.•·· ............. . ,.. •·• ................. -.. , .. ........ ~ •'!-••······ •.•..•..•.. i~•-······················ . . " . . .............. -.......... . . _,.. . .;-. ............... •-• ,, ........... • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ···~--•.•························ •••h••••••••••••••••••••••'••• ?I ~••• ·-... , ,, ' .. ,.. , .. ,.~ ,, ..... • •• •• • •• •• •• • ···•·· .. . •· .. . . . .. , •••••• •• • ••••••••• ··••·•·••1 -~· .. . . .... ···•·· •·-•···· •••••••••••• •• •• •• -·· .. ,:!■(· -.-; .... ..,., ··■,~ , • • ••• .............. ·~· ··,~··~·· ······~···· ..... , ...... , .. .. •• ~ ... 'i ......... , ....... , .......... . ~_.:,,... ----LENNAR® DESCRIPTION LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 8 Project Boundary Vege~ation Communities 100 Foot Buffer §AGR, Agriculture : : : : Restoration Areas CBS, Coyote Brush scrub ~~-~ -~-Jurisdictional Delineation §DH, Disturbed Habitat Ea CCC Riparian Habitat EUC, Eucalyptus_ Woodland Q Data Stations LOW, coast.Uvi;a O,3kWoodland 2010 Plant Locations c::::JoRN, Ornamental D Del Mar manzarnta (Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp crass1foila) § POS, Poison Oak Scrub 2014 Plant Locations RUD ~udera1 A SMC Suulhern Maritime Chaparral ~ Nuttall's scrub oak {Q)Jercus dumosa) c::::J SWS, Southern" Willow Scrub summer hoity (Comarostaphylis diltersifolia) § b.SMC, .Burned southern M arilime Qhaparral .._ torrey pines (PinuS torreyana ssp·_,torreyan(i) dSMC, Disturbed Southern M·aritime Chaparral doNET, Disturbed Welland 0 100 200 Feet Project Impacts Permanent Temporary -Polns_e.ttia Bridge -Poinsettia Lane E)(tension Open Space E:::21 Fuel M an3gemenl zone LS-8 SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANFIRE SUPPRESSION PLAN GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 EIR 15-03 Iii I !1 I I i I I i I I ... I j CD CD ------i I I I CD P248.3 --P24-7,.5 FFf''gE--ffl1r96 I i I /I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4R-2 'L KTit2 I i I I /I I .,( I I 17_ P248.3 -£v v~ 74Tff-·---24-7.5 2485 2482 i I I I I FF249.D I ' I ' / I : I ,I /i I I I I CD CD CD ! I I i I : I ' I I I I I I I I l?f/t-l4~~ --·247:~ 4, -~ ~~t I I I I I I 1 I I I I I IEIR 15-031 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /1 /I I I I I I /I I I I I I I I I I I /I : I /I I I I I I I I : I I I I I , I I I I ' I I I I I I I / I I I I I \ I At.1 FAt.11UAR WITH THE REOlJIREt.1ENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE t.1ANUAL AND WAlER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND AGREE TO COt.1PL Y WITH All. REOUIREMENTS WHEN SUBt.11TllNQ CONSlRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY 1HA T THE PLAN lt.1Pl.Et.1ENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFACIENT USE OF WA lER. l~-w....r-i~-~I P248.6 2487 248.5 FF249.3 I~ P249.8 FF250.5 aikv 249.:r--250.0 /'NDSC-4 oen, L;c-0 ' " , v-0 ~ "' "/-IC,....£>./E-1/ ~ n Q:: <I.. ..., -I * * ~~ 249 7 @ --•~.9 . t6 \\ \" \\ \ '\\ \ \' \ \" ----~ \ ~"".... / \ \~ \ \ -, -I ® -----2-47.7 lf}85 =c€l \ \ ~ ',,,, \ \ \ \ -··-··-··-•·-· -·•-··-··-··-· \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \' ·. \ \ \ \ \ \ 248.1 eve ---,,.-.2 2480 _____ \ ------\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Pl 248E ® ® ® so· ' -1f}l ii~---,48]'! I -;,: I ~~·~ [VC ® lY_Y __ ~,~ 248.0 248.4 ~ 248 7 249. 1 ~, I I _YJJ 248.7 2494 \ \ ---= @ __ _ 245.Jl----7 24157--' I-<::::] I Landscape Architecture Urban Design Planning Habitat Restoration \ \ \ \ 100 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949 .366.6624 Fax 9.49.366.6626 www.thecollaborativewest.com REVISION DAlE DESCRIPTION -•·-··-··-\ LEGEND ZoneA-1 -Planting within Zone A-1 sha/1 consist of ground cover or low growing shrubs species (less than 3' in height) known to hove fire resistive qualities. -Zone A-1 shall be measured horizontally 20' outward from outlying edge of any habitable structures or inward from top of slope. -No trees or shrubs (over 3' in height at maturity) shall be allowed. -Irrigation shall be required and maintained. -All ottochments to the structure shall be noncombustible -No solid fuel fire pits or outdoor fire places shall be permitted. ZoneA-2 -Planting within Zone A-2 shall consist of low water use plant species known to have slow burning, low fuel characteristics. -Zone A-2 shall be measured horizontally 20' outwurd from outlying edge of Zone A-1. -No trees shall be allowed. -Irrigation shall be required and maintained. -If Zane A-2 crosses over a fence line, a 6' wide strip of modified landscaping shall be provided paro/lel to the fence line in order lo provide access for firefighters. Plant located within the 6' access area shall not exceed a height of l 8" at maturity. ZoneA-3 -The horizontal distance from the structure(s) to hazardous native vegetation shall not be less than 70'. -Zone A-3 shall be measured outward from outlying edge of Zone A-2. It shall include the remainder of Zone A-2 and high risk fire areas. -Planting within this zone shall consist of low water use or drought toleront plant species known to have slow burning, low fuel choroderislics. -No frees shall be allowed. ZoneA-3 (Succulents and/or Non-Combustible Plant Material) -This Zone shall be comprised of a minimum 75% succulents (i.e. Cacti) and No Combustible material (i.e. Boulders, Rock Outcroppings or Artificial/ Faux Concrete Rockscope). Balance of the area to be landscaped with approved drought tolerant, deep rooted, moisture retentive material for a suslainable design from the Carlsbad Fire Department approved plant list and the Coos/al Commission requirements. - - -20' Upland Buffer Umit ~ Fire Hydrant * Maintenance Access NOTES: 1. Refer to City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual Section 5: Fire Protection Requirements. 2. Annual HOA maintenance walk with their contractor to be completed by April 1st each year. 3. Refer to City of Carlsbad Fire Department Standard FPB-051 "Guidelines for Development within Fire Suppression Zones" 4. Debris and trimmings produced by maintenance and thinning shall be removed from the site or shall be converted to mulch by a chipping machine and evenly dispersed over the area to a maximum depth of four (4) inches. KEYMAP 0 20' 80' Scale: 1' = 40' rn Not10Scale LENNAR® LS-9 LENNAR HOMES 25 ENlERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 September 21, 2016-5th City Submittal SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANIEIR 15-031 ' " 1~ • ~-,,:::; ~_,, ... V ~ ~ ~ ,,,. ~~ \ ~-5 JI ~0 i"1 ~-:it~~? c:::,.i?"' /c, I I AM FAIAIUAR WITH lHE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN lHE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WA 1ER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE AEGIJLATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED lHIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND lHE LANDSCAPE t.1ANUAL AND A OREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSIBUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY 1HA T THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS 11-IOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WA lER. p,NDSC ()en, L ,-g[]-p25 ~ FF25~'.::'.c:::::J ' :-d ~ p2sr:-r1 FF252 4 () ;;-~ t'f\ ,,_, o',;f-;,A,£:>~I -.i n G:::4---7~""--1 FIRE SUPPRESSION PLAN GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 EIR 15-03 ®-p25~~ I FF25,~ @ I \ I ' 2s2.1 I FFf52.8 ' @_, ' ~ I \ I 25'~ ' I FF2,~ c:;::::: \ I ' 0W7 I 1 F252.4 \-d I ~ I I p249.9 I I ~8 FF250.6 ~3 I I --FF2s2.o I .✓ ......... --· RE'IISION DAlE DESCRIPTION I I I ·-··-•·--··-··-··-··-17 82 ,)150. 7 FQS 14 ' [:?°"I I ~) ---p2so.J FF251.0 ' C-0' 0 ~ .1"249 9 ,-FF250 6 5,:---~-~-=-----==~~=~~,m:::::::: --'::_,_ - ---_·-~------~ -''•--~··•~·•••••••·· I ®--I fJ1'!!a (( '/no'\ ·:i, \ ~-' II P250.?..--\ 11 \ FF2f°2) 11 \ \ .-1\ 21-' !-<:.] ~ P250:B--FF251.5 1 • ..-• • ,• I "->-1/-:· ~ -------------------® 0.9 1.6 I ~: :~ ®::J P252.--:6--FF253.3 ~ p?f;fi FF25J2 [:::>-: c::® --P252.7 FF253.4 ' ~ _e2s2.J 1 FF253.0 /2 ' .. I ' ·, ' . ' ' ' ' I ' I : ' ' I I I I I ' I H1 I I ' I I I I ' I ' q: I ' I ,t : ,I : , I ' I I ' I I : I ) _:....--I LEGEND Zone A-I -Planting within Zone A-1 shall consist of ground cover or low growing shrubs species (less than 3' in height) known to have fire resistive qualities. -Zone A-1 shall be measured horizonta/Jy 20' outward from outlying edge of any habitable structures or inward from top of slope. -No frees or shrubs (over 3' in height of maturity) shall be allowed. -Irrigation shall be required and maintained. -All attachments to the structure shall be noncombustible -No solid fuel fire pils or outdoor fire places shall be permitted. ZoneA-2 -Planting within Zone A-2 shall consist of low waler use plant species known to hove slow burning, low fuel characteristics. -Zone A-2 shall be measured horizontally 20' out-word from outlying edge of Zone A-1. -No trees shall be allowed. -Irrigation shall be required and maintained. -If Zone A-2 crosses over a fence line, a 6' wide slrip of modified landscaping shall be provided parallel to the fence line in order to provide access for firefighters. Plant located within the 6' access area shall not exceed a height of 18" at maturity. ZoneA-3 -The horizontal distance from the structure(s) to hawrdous native vegetation shall not be less than 70'. -Zone A-3 shall be measured outward from outlying edge of Zone A-2. It shall include the remainder of Zone A-2 and high risk fire oreos . -Planting within this zone shall consist of /ow water use or draught tolerant plant species known to have slow burning, low fuel characteristics. -No trees shall be allowed. ZoneA-3 (Succulents and/or Non-Combustible Plant Material) -This Zone shall be comprised of a minimum 75% succulents (i.e. Cacti) and No Combustible material (i.e. Boulders, Rock Outcroppings or Artificial/ Faux Concrete Roekscape). Balance of the area to be landscaped with approved drought tolerant, deep rooted, moisture retentive material for a sustainable design from the Carlsbad Fire Department approved plant list and the Coastal Commission requirements. - - -20' Upland Buffer Limit ~ Fire Hydrant * Maintenance Access NOTES: 1. Refer to City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual Section 5: Fire Protection Requirements. 2. Annual HOA maintenance walk with their contractor to be completed by April 1st each year. 3. Refer to City of Carlsbad Fire Department Standard FPB-051 "Guidelines for Development within Fire Suppression Zones" 4. Debris and trimmings produced by maintenance and thinning shall be removed from the site or shall be converted to mulch by a chipping machine and evenly dispersed over the area to a maximum depth of four (4) inches. KEYMAP 0 20' 80' Scole: 1' = 40' rn NotloSaJ/e landscape Archllreclure Urban Design 100 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecoHaborativewest.com LENNAR® LS-10 Planning Habitat Restoration LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 September 21, 2016-5th City Submittal SHEETOWNER:PREPARED BY:POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123)CITY OF CARLSBADLANDSCAPE PLANFIRE SUPPRESSION PLAN ' I "~ " " " " " I / 1 ' ' I l , I i I ' : " " " " ' I : ~ : I I I ' I ' ,. I I I '' ' I I I I I I I I ' \ I <lM>V P244.B--FF245.5 I I I ® I P243.8 --L-L"fF244 5 -£~-244.3 245.0 ----CID 2 4\~ -E2l14 CID ----4-:3.9 • !/ 6 vAfb ·--·z•P#-'.O 244.7 ® YlB·:o 2 -,17 ' ' I I-\ ~ I IVH ! I ~ [1:::j Matchline -See Sheet LS-9 [:::::,-' ~ --246.8 247.5 .. i -=::::] @-=::::J P245.'8-FF246.5 -====---============ "Jbv p24-zo-· FF242.7 -~~ ff2422 \00 --p2,rr. 1 FF241.B ~ I i ---··---!~=-~----') "" "" ~•---,-,-----~------------------------~ "" ------=: ~ " "" " ~ ~ " "" "" rl" ✓ '~ "-;~ "" i ~ "" ' ~ "" "" i "" "" ~ """ "" "" ! "" '~ ~ "" : "" "" ' ~ "" "" "" "" ~ """ y "" ' ~0-" "" LEGEND ' 1 " '~ ~ "" I -·-ZoneA-1 _____ _ -Planting within Zone A-1 shall consist of ground cover or low growing shrubs ----------------species (Jess than 3' in height) known to hove fire resistive qualities. -Zone A-1 shall be measured horizontally 20' outward from outlying edge of any habitable structures or inward from top of slope. -No trees or shrubs (over 3' in height at maturity) shall be a/lawed. -Irrigation shall be required and maintained. -All aHochments to the structure shall be noncombustible -No solid fuel fire pits or outdoor fire places shall be permitted. ZoneA-2 -Planting within Zone A-2 shall consist of low water use plant species known to have slow burning, low fuel characteristics. -Zone A-2 shall be measured horizontally 20' outward from outlying edge of Zone A-J. -No trees shall be allowed. -Irrigation shall be required and maintained. -If Zone A-2 crosses over a fence line, a 6' wide strip of modified landscaping shall be provided parallel to the fence line in order to provide access for firefighters. Plant located within the 6' access area shall not exceed a height of 18" at maturity. ZoneA-3 -The horizontal distance from the strudure(s) to hazardous native vegetation shall not be less than 70'. -Zone A3 shall be measured outward from outlying edge of Zone A-2. It shall include the remainder of Zone A-2 and high risk fire areas. -Planting within this zone shall consist of low water use or drought tolerant plant species known to have slow burning, low fuel characteristics. -No trees shall be allowed. ZoneA-3 (Succulents and/or Nan-Combustible Plant Material) -This Zone shall be comprised of a minimum 75% succulents (i.e. Cad;) and No Combustible material (i.e. Boulders, Rock Outcroppings or Artificial/ Faux Concrete Rock.scape). Balance of the area to be landscaped with approved drought tolerant, deep rooted, moisture retentive material for a sustainable design from the Carlsbad Fire Department approved plant list and the Caastol Commission requirements. - - -20' Upland Buffer Limit Fire Hydrant Maintenance Access !••••••••••••••-••••••-••~~••••••----~ ~"" ,_______ ----------------•--•------------.--------• N89'J2'!J"W 67213' : _ "-""-_ ~ , • -~---. Norf.s~ ----• --••• ---•• -•••• -••• -•• ·1· •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • -• • • • -• • • -• • • --• • • --• • -• • • - -• ----, IEIR 15-031 I AM FAIAIUAR WITH lHE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN lHE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WA 1ER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE AEGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED lHIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND lHE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND A OREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONS1RUC110N DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY 1HA T THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS 11-\0SE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WA lER. p,NDSC ()en, L ,-06' ~«' ,,_, "';f-;A,£:>~I -.i n G:::4---7~""--1 AE'IISION DAlE 1. Refer to City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual Section 5: Fire Protection Requirements. 2. Annual HOA maintenance walk with their contractor to be completed by April 1st each year. 3. Refer to City of Carlsbad Fire Deportment Standard FPB-051 "Guidelines for Development within Fire Suppression Zones" 4. Debris and trimmings produced by maintenance and thinning shall be removed from the site or shall be converted to mulch by a chipping machine and evenly dispersed over the area to a maximum depth of four (4) inches. landscape Archllreclure Urban Design 100 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecoHaborativewest.cam LENNAR® Planning Habitat Restoration DESCRIPTION LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO. CA 92656 (949)-349--8101 0 20' 4(1 80' Scale: I' = 40' GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 KEYMAP SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 EIR 15-03 rn NolbSmlo LS-11 September 21, 2016-5th City Submittal Irrigation Systems: HOA Maintained Irrigation Systems: 1. HOA maintained areas will have irrigation systems accommodating either potable or reclaimed water use as identified on these plans. Reclaimed Systems will initially be charged with Potable Water until all phases of the project complete construction, at which time the systems will be changed to Reclaimed Water irrigation systems. Reclaimed irrigation systems shall meet all regional DEH and local health and water codes, and City of Carlsbad landscape requirements in force at the time of final landscape approval including, but not limited to, installation of signage, tags, labels, purple colored irrigation piping and valve boxes to denote reclaimed water use. 2. HOA Irrigation System shall incorporate the following water conservation features: a. An Et based control system capable of automatic run time adjustment based on real time weather conditions. Additionally, the controller shall include flow sensing and flow management capabilities to detect system and mainline breaks, and optimize water application within the allowable watering window. Control system will also include a rain shut-off device. b. Drip irrigation will be used on most level area shrub plantings zones to maximize the distribution uniformity of irrigation application. c. High efficiency, low precipitation rate Mp rotators matched precipitation type heads will be used on the slope plantings, turf plantings, and selected wider shrub planting zones. d. Check Valves will be used to prevent water loss through low head drainage. e. Pressure regulating sprinkler bodies will be used to insure opt imal pressure at the irrigation heads and to prevent water loss through fogging. City Maintained Median Irrigation Systems: 3. City maintained irrigation medians will be installed per City Parks Department standards. HOA Maintained Median Irrigation Systems: 4. HOA maintained irrigation medians will be installed per City Parks Department standards, but shall be maintained by the HOA. Home Owner Private Irrigation Systems (not a part of this submittal, future reference only): 5. Home Owner Private maintained areas will have an irrigation system serviced with potable water. Potable water irrigation systems shall meet all regional/local water codes and City of Carlsbad landscape requirements. 6. Home Owner Private maintained areas shall incorporate the following water conservation features: a. An Et based control system capable of automatic run time adjustment based on real time weather conditions. Control system will also include a rain shut-off device as a part of the weather sensing sensor. b. High efficiency irrigation rotors and/or mp rotators matched precipitation type heads will be used on the slope plantings. c. Bubbler irrigation will be used on the street tree plantings to maximize the distribution uniformity of irrigation application. d. Spray irrigation will be limited to small areas, where rotor or rotator type heads would not fit. High efficiency Toro 'O' or Rainbird 'HE' series nozzles will be used in these conditions. e. Check Valves will be used to prevent water loss through low head drainage. f. Pressure regulating sprinkler bodies will be used to insure optimal pressure at the irrigation heads and to prevent water loss through fogging. Irrigation System Calculations -Overall: 1. The following is a Summary of those calculations: Maximum Allowable Water Use: Estimated Total Water Use: Maximum Allowable Water Use: Estimated Total Water Use: Aqua Commercial Irrigation 810 Los Vallecilos Blvd., Suite 204 San Marcos, California 92069 Ph: (760)750-1900 Fax: (750)750-1999 2,293 CCF Potable 2,112 CCF Potable 9,233 CCF Recycled 6,370 CCF Recycled I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY Tl7A T THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS T170SE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. CONCEPTUAL IRRIGATION CALCULATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 POTABLE WATER IRRIGATION CALCULATIONS APPENDIX E: WELO WORl(SHEETS Poinsettia 61 -Homeowner Association (HOA) Maintained Areas: Zones Receiving Potable Water Hydrozone Table for Calculating ETWU Please complete the hyd1·ozone table(s). Use as many tables as necessary CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTIMATED TOTAL WATER USE (ETWU) I lydrozone Number (1-5 with SLA Zone 13elow -use as many tables ~---~as necessar · to complete all hvdrozones) F:v.::ipotranspir.::ition Rate (Fto)* Convcn;ion fa<:tor (Step I x Step 2) Pldnl f,c1t.:lor {Pr)*~(from V,lUCOTS} (VT,W_HW)(u.1- 0.8) Hydrozune Are.i (HA) (Step 4 x Step S:l lrrigution Efficiem:y (IE)"** Step 6 Process Step No. (Below) 3 4 5 " 44 f-----+-------------- 2 0.62 3 27.28 4 o.8 0.5 0.5 l 5 2290 14218 71734 1581 6 1832 7109 35867 1581 7 0.7 o.8 o.8 ' 8 2617.1 8886.3 44833.8 1581.0 9 57918.14 STA I /Total All Step 8 + Total SL\ sq.ft. in Step 5) Includes So. Ft. from :md sheet hvtlwzone table (Step J x Step 9) J::i>t.imatcd fot.:i.l \-\1.i.tcr Lsc in g.i.llons per yc,1r (ETVVU) Tolill shall not f'xreed MAWA Eto* 1-Vest of T-5 = 40. o /io.st of l-5 C1nd lV('.st r.if I) Comino r('of -44,0 1:,cist of LI Camino Real= 47.0 ***LH Micm-spray = .80 Spmy-.55 Rotor= .70 Hubbler = .75 nr1j) = .80 0 ApplicaJJt may provide a different bto if supported by documentation .subject to approval by the City Planning Division *~-Plant Factor and Water Use 0.1 = VL\;\/. 1/eJ}' Low V\iater Use u.J = LW -Low t·Vcitt"r Ust· PluHt'> o.) = Mi,\/-Moderate ·water Use Plants o.8 = HV\/-High \Voter Use Plants Applicant may provide a different Lt: if !;llpporkd by donim<'nWtion i;llbjed to Approval by the City Plmming 1Jivi5ion ('f'urf uni/ Lumhmpe frriyc1tion Bt·~·t 1\.fonagement Practices, April 2005) MAXIMUM APPLIED WATER USE (MA WA) calculation: Potable Water HOA (44.0)(0.62)(0.7 x 89,823) + (0.3 x o(sla)) • MAWA • I 1,715,260 lgal. PREPARED BY: • • REVISION DA 1E DESCRIPTION RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION CALCULATIONS APPENDIX E: WELO WORKSHEETS Poinsettia 61 -Homeowner Association (HOA) Maintained Areas: Future Recycled Water Zones (Temporarily Potable -Phased Project) Hydrozone Table for Calculating ETWU Please complete the hydrozonc tablc(s). Cse as many tables as necessary CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTIMATED TOTAL WATER USE (ETWU) ~--~Hydrnzone Nurnbee (1-3 with SIA Zone Below -use as many tables as necessary to complete all hydrozones) PrnLes~ Slep No. (flelow) 2 6 7 8 44 Evapo(1\111spi1arion Rare (Flof" f----+-----------~-------, Conversion F.i.ctor (Step 1 x Step 2) Plant Factor IJ'F)Hlfrom WUCOI.Sj (VL\N_HWJ(o,1- 0.8) Hydrn:mnc> Arc>;1 (HA) (Step 4 x Step 5J lnigation Efficiency (l.E) ""H Step G _l 4 0.3 5 252566 6 75769.8 7 0.7 8 1082,p.6 9 o.fr2 27.28 0.3 0.3 05 0.5 21887 9246 499o8 560 6566.1 2773.8 24954 280 0.7 o.8 0.7 0.55 9380.1 3.167-3 3561(8.6 509.1 SLA ('l'otal 1\11 Step 8 + l'otal SLA sq.lL. in Slep '.,) Includes Sq, Ft. from 2nd sheet hvdrozone table (Step 3 x Step 9J Estim.Jted total Water Use ia gallun~ per yeilr (ETvVU) -Total sliall noc PX('PPd MA½' A Eto" \.-Vest of l-5 = 40.0 w Eci.sr of I 5 mid '\i\i('st of r;/ Camino rcnl = 44.0 Fa.sf (f Fl Comi110 Reol-4/,0 "**TE .'"1icro-sprciy = .80 Spray= -55 Ro(OI' -,:KJ B1.1bbler = . 75 Drip =.80 0 1lpp/icant may provide a dijferenr £to [f support('d by dociJm,:,ntation .mbj('(t to approval by the City Planning Division ** P1ant Factor and Watel' Use 0.1 = VL\.V -Very Lov.1 \.Vatei· Use o. 3 = L H' -Low Water Use Plants 0.5 = Mh' Moderate l-Vater Use Plants o.S -HW High \:Valer Use Planls Applicant may provide a diff'erent IE if supported by documentation 5ubiect to App!'ova/ by the City Planning Division (Twfa11d Landscape irrigation Best !\.-fanaqement Prnctice.s, A/Jl'il 2005) APPENDIX E: WELO WORKSHEETS Poinsettia 61-Homeowner Association (HOA) Maintained Areas: Future Recycled Water Zones (Temporarily Potable -Phased Project) Please complete the hydrozone table(s). Use as many tables as necessary CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTIMATED TOTAL WATER USE (ETWU) ~--~ Hydrozone Number (1-5 ,,.,iLh SLA. Zone Below -use as m,.rny Lables Process Step No. {Below) as necess,11y lo complele ,111 hydrnzones) 9 10 44 fa,aputranspira.tion Rate r----,---------------~----, (Eto)'" Conversion Factor 2 0.62 (Step 1 x Step 2) 3 27.28 Pfa11L f<lclur (PP)"~(rrom 4 0.5 0.5 Hydrozone Al'ea (HA) 5 837 26651 (Step 4 x Step 5) 6 418.5 1332 5·5 0 0 0 Irrigation Ffficicncy 7 (IE)*** o.55 o.8 Step fi 8 760.9 16656.9 (T ot.i.1 All Step 8 + T ot;;1J 9 SJ.A sc .ft. in Str11 i::\ 0.0 (Step _3 .x Step 9) Estimated 'J'otal \'\/ ater Use in g.illons per year 10 (see first sheet) (£TI.YU) -Total shall not e.xceetl MA\.YA Flo* l.Vesl oII-5 -40.0 East of T-5 and West of El Camino real= 11.0 East of El Camino Real= 47.0 ***IF Micl'o-spray-.So Spmy = .55 Rotor= .70 Bubbler=. 7'i Drip -.So SLA () /1.pplicalll may provide a dij]ercnl Elo if supported by dornmentation st1bject to approval by the City Planniny Division ** Plant Factor and Water 0.1 = Vf,{:\,' -Vel}' Low \Voter Use 0.3 = L\.'\l -Low \!Vater u.~e Plants 0.5 = Affi' A1oderale l-Valer Use Pltmls o.8 = TrHl -ffigh Water Use fl/ants A,.pplicant muy provide a ,l({ferent IL if supporled by documenialion subjecl lo Appmval by t/Je City Planning Divi.'i'ion (Twf and Landscape frrigation Best Managemenl Praclices, April 2005j MAXIMUM APPLIED WATER USE (MAWA) calculation: Recycled Wa.tel' HOA (44.0)(0.62)(0.7 x 361,655) + (0.3 x o(sla)) = M,'\Wi\ = I 6,t.Jo6,164 lgal OWNER: I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans contained in the city of Carlsbad's landscape manual and water efficient landscape regulations. I have prepared this plan in compliance with those regulations and the landscape manual and agree to comply with all requirements when submitting construction documents. I certify that the plan implements those regulations to provide efficient use of water. , Scott M. Lindner, RLA 2818, CID March 6, 2015 SHEET Landscape Architecture Urban Design 1 00 Avenida Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecollaboralivewest.com LENNAR1 LANDSCAPE PLAN Ll-1 Planning Hobitot Restoration LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123) CITY OF CARLSBAD April 11, 2016-5th City Submittal l 1 = I ,-, "' ". ""' "' ali..i ·-.<:'-1 ,_, ,,., ~ I [\/ST. --+-I I r, T , r<lr _/ ) ,.J I \I --q'i.....- _L CD ~i (?J) CD r 6\ D C D c:::=+,,; " @ 7 I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. 'Z Exp. 212B/1 B Data CONCEPTUAL IRRIGATION PLAN r" I Matchline -See Sheet Ll-4 PREPARED BY: REVISION DA TE DESCRIPTION Landscape Architech.lre Urban Design Planning Hobitot Restor'otion (") I --a 100 Aven ido Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecollaborotivewest.com OWNER: I I I I I I Symbol Hydrozone Am Irrigation Planting Type: Area Area%: Water Use per Maintained System: Square YearCCF: By: Footage: ., HOA-Reclaimed-Low Water 252,566 55.94% 3948 CCF I Slopes MP Use Stlrubs, Rotators Ground Cover and Trees I #2 HOA-Reclaimed-low Walt!r 21,887 4.S5% 342 CCF Detention MP Use Ground Seisin Rotators Covers " HOA -Potable -High Water 2,290 0.50% 95CCF Turi MP Use Turf Rotatots " HOA-Potable-Moderate 13,218 3.10% 324 CCF Parkways Drip Water Use I Ground Covers and Trl:'es " HOA-Potabl~ Moderate 71,734 15.90% 1635 CC.F I Non-Sloping Drip Water Use Areas Shrubs, (nam::iw) Ground cov.er and Trees .. HOA -Redalmed-Low Water 9,246 2.05% 126 CCF Planted wall Drip Use Shrubs " HOA-Reclaimed-Moderate 49,908 11.05% 1300 CCF Non-Sloping MP Water Use Are;1s (wide) Rot.itors Shrubs ilnd Ground Cover .. OTV Reclaimed-Moderate S60 0.12% 19CCF Maintained Spray Water Use Median (per City Groi.md Std's) Covers and Trees .. HOA Reclaimed-Moderate 837 0,19% 28 CCF I Maintained Spray Water Use Median (peraty Ground Std's) Covers and Trees I '10 HOA Reclaimed-Moderate 26,651 5.90% 607 CCF Narrow Drip Water Use Planters Shrubs ,11 Water 1,581 0.40% 58 CCF Features Totals: 450,478 100% 2,112 CCF Potable 6,370 CCF Recyded Note that systems denoted as recyded wateraDOve will initially be charged with potable water until all portions of the project are con5tructed and the approved b111he governing water agency. ''""' l OM.Y LOW VOI..UMI: Oft SU:1-SURF'AQ: FHC.A.TION IS ALLOWASI..E v.m-tH 24' OF IJPl:fl:I 'EtSI E St.RFACES I.NLES8 n-tE ADJAce.rT N"EJit.EA.El.E SURl"ACES ARE DESt:liED AtOCOMSTFIUCTED TO ~ SfflE. Y INTO A L./\N09CAPED M£A. 2. AOlATO'i t-EADS, WI-EN LO:::ATBJ ADJACENT TO IMPEIMEAa.£ &.flFACES SHAU. BE SETBACK 24' FROM Tl-E /JOJACEHr SlfiFACE. THE: PLANT ~ATERAL N Tl-ESE CASES 1'4.1... EIE All.OWED TO SPREAD MO 11-E 24" SETEAC>:. ~ Refer to Sheet Ll-1 for Irrigation Calculations and Descriptions. Aqua Commercial Irrigation 810 Los Vallecitos Blvd., &J~e 204 San Marcos, California 92069 Ph: (760)750-1900 Fax: (760)750-1999 00 lrngat,on Design, Planning /Ji W;iter M.-,n.-gem,;mt KEYMAP 0 20' 40' Sca le, 1" = 40' GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 4 80 ' k ENNARj LANDSCAPE PLAN POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123) CITY OF CARLSBAD LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 rn Nol to Scale SHEET Ll-2 April 11, 2016-5th City Submittal CONCEPTUAL IRRIGATION PLAN I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. 0 CJ CAL 9J Fuel Mod ification Zones refer to Landscape Concept Plans . 0 87 ~ { LIM!Tj REMEDIAL GRADING D Matchline -See Sheet Ll-4 REVISION DA TE DESCRIPTION n (foiJ) 1 // D I PREPARED BY: D _L--- Londscope Architecture Urban Design Planning Habitat Restoration "° '> "' t2 D J.....i ,, ,'1- ~ ~ 'J - 0 ~L,VSr LOT LINE / ) l 00 Avenido Miromor Son Clemente Colifornia 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fox 949.366,6626 www.lhecoltoborotivewest.com OWNER: S-ymbol Hydrozone Area Maintain@d B-y: #1 HOA- Slopes #2 HOA- Detention Basin " HOA- Tud #4 HOA- Parkways .. HOA- Non-Sloping Are:as (narrow) .. HOA - Planted wall ., HOA- Non-stoi:,ing Areas (wide) #8 CITY Mainfained Median " HOA Maintained Medi.an #10 HOA- Narrow Planters #11 Water Features Irrigation Planting Type: Arl!-a Mea %: Water USf! per System: Square Vear CCF: Footage: Reclaimed-Low Water 252,566 SS.94% 3948 CCF MP Use Shrubs, Rotator.s Ground Cover and Trees Rec1almed-Low Water 21,887 4.85% 342 CCF MP Use Ground Robtor.s Covers Potable-High Water 2,290 0.50% 9S CCF MP Use Turf Rotators Potable-Moderate 13,218 3.10% 324 CCF Drip Water Use Ground Covers and Trees Potable-Moderate 71,734 15.90% 1635 CCF Drip Reclaimed- Drip Reclaimed- MP Rotators Reclaimed- Spray (per City Std's) Rec1aimed- Spray (per City Std's) Reclaimed- Drip Water Use Shrubs, Ground Cover and Trees Low Water Use Shrubs Moderat,e, Water use Shrubs and Ground Cover Moderate Water Use Ground Cove~ and Trees Moderate- Water use Ground Covers and Trees Moderate Water Use Shrubs 9,246 49,908 560 '" 26,651 1,581 450,478 2.05% 11.0S% 0.12% 0.19% S.90% 0.40% 100% 126 CCF 1300 CCF 19CCf 28CCF 607CCF 58CCF 2,112 CCF Potabl, 6,370 CCF Recycled Note that systems denoted as recycled water above will initially be charged with potable water until all portions of lhe project are constructed and the approved by the governing water agency. NOTES: 1 Or-LY LOWva.UME: OR Sl&-SlffACE IFIRCA110NJS J>.U...C'INAELE l'lmtN :2:4· Of M'El'MEABLE St.ff'ACES lN.ESS TI-£ ADJACENT Mf'E™E.Aa.E SUFf'ACES ARE DES!Ct,'ED MO CONSTAOCTEO TO DRAN ENTFIB_ Y M'O A L.Atf:ISCAPED ~ 2.. AOTATOA l"EADS, WHEN LOCATW ADJACENTTOM"E~SUFFACB st1AU. El:SEIBACK 24' FflOM THE: ADJACENT Sl.fFACE. TI-£ PLANT MATERIAL N 'll-ESE CASES Will. 8E AL.LOWED TO Sl'fEAO lmQ TH~ 2.4' SETBACK AREA Refer to Sheet Ll-1 for Irrigation Calculations and Descriptions. Aqua Commercial Irrigation 810 Los Vallecilos Blv<I., Suite 204 San Marcos, Galifomia 92069 Ph: (760)750-1900 Fax: (760)750-1999 OC1 lrrig.:.tion Design. Planning & Water Management KEYMA P 0 20 ' 40' Scale : 1" = 40' GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 80' bENNARj LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 LANDSCAPE PLAN POINSETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123) CITY OF CARLSBAD SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 rn NotloScole SHEET Ll-3 April 11, 2016-5th City Submittal =-J ( ~ ( • --~ ,. / I ; CONCEPTUAL IRRIGATION PLAN 7 7 D D ~ -, I -1 Dr. T/NG cLECTRV 4· TR4 HISS-ON TC~ER Matchline -See Sheet Ll-2 n I 1 1 \___,_//Ml,' o:c RIMED/AL GRAD,NC Tl-IS TlJff= #EA MJ.. 0AAtl AWAY FflOM SO!:WAU:/CI..R3 ANO MO PAAK. \ I \ Fuel Modification Zones refer to La ndscape Concept Plans. onserva 10n J I I / / __) ~ \ ~ / Symbol Hyd,owne A,ea Irrigation Planting; Type: ..... System: Square Area%: ?-"' P '--~ °"--U,WIT OF REMCDIAI Cl?4DINC Water Use per Year CCF: 0 '-----.... 0 / / / _,/.,./'\ Matchline -See Sheet Ll-3 ----F---j ( ( AJ LIM/ /4 ____.,-~ CAD/NC r[D!Al ~ --\.,,, / RIPARIAN HABITAT \--- I \ '' '' f-!4BIT4 T ~ ,,,-LIM! T OF / Rt1fEDIAL ·, r GR4DINC ~ GPA 14-06 zc 14-04 LCPA 14-06 CT 14-10 PUD 14-12 f?PARIAN H 8IT1 T 1 /,,-Fr1sr LOT L//Vf_i,------\ M••~~i"'d ,,---,16T LO-L'Nt IJ~~tc----~--------'~;---------====----------~+---------i-----\---------+-----;;;;;;;F-;==f=::.,::• =R~F:~=~~~~==t+-___c:___--~---"'-'::::::::::,_----+--_L__--==~~_j\~\--~"~ ___, ( ,~\ I--. ""'" H r Footage: 2 SS.94% 3948 CCF l J.-'----------MP use Shrubs, Rotators Ground Cover • . I \ I l., _, ) \ \ ----l ,\ ) \ ' <\ \ I Matchline -See Sheet Ll-5 I AM FAMILIA R WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. \. #2 HOA-21,887 4.85% 342 CCF and Trees Red aimed-Low Water Detention __,, "---------. ..........__, Basin '-HOA- MP Use Ground Rotators Covers Potable -High Water 2,290 0.50% 9SCCF / PROPOSFD 15r ,..( Tt?A!L EASOJFi11 \ ~· Exp. 212B/1 B Data I I I " i REVISION DA TE DESCRIPTION " •• #7 -____..-.. I ) .. '10 , Turt HOA- Parkways HOA· Non-Sloping Are.as {narrow) HOA- 'lanted wall ) HOA- Non-Sloping Area,s (wide) C\TY Maint<1ined Median HOA Maintained Median HOA- Narrow Planters MP Use Turf R(ltators ----Potable-Moderate Drip ., / wa~r use / Ground Covers and Trees Potable-Moderate 71,734 Drip Water Use / Shrubs, Ground Covef and Trees \ Red aimed- Drip Red aimed- MP Low Water ·, 9,246 Use Shrubs Moderate 49,908 Water Use Shn,.1bs and -.-R(ltilton. Ground Cover Reclaimed· Spray jper City Std'sl Moder.it"" ; ' Water Use \ Ground I Covers <1nd Trees I Red aimed-Moderate I • ., Spray , Water Use "" lper Ci}v Ground ) Std'sl cavers and ( Trees Redai med• Moderate 26,651 r p Water Use Shrubs I 3.10% 324 CCF /1 15.90% 1635 CCF I \ \ I 2.05% 11.05%. 1300 CCF ------------------0.12% 19CCF 0.19% 28CCF '-... \ ' S.90% \ 607 CCF I I ,11 ____..-· Water I 1,581 0.40% / SSCCF , Features I 450,478 10? / 2,112 CCf Potable 6,370 CCF Recycled , N01ES 1 ON...Y LOW VOLi.ME OR &&SURFACE fflCiATON IS ALLOWABLE wm+J 24' OF lld?1:AMEA8LE SUFFACES UNLESS THE ADJACENT IW'ERM=A81.E 91.ffACES ARE DESIGNED NO CONSTRUCTED TO DRAIN ENlFIB. y mo A l..AOOSCAPED AfEA. 2. ROTATOR HEADS. Wl-1Etl '..OCATED ADJACtNT TO ILf'BWEAEl.E SUFACES 61-Wl.. BE ScTBACK 24" ~ 1HE ADJACENT SUFFACE. TI-IE l'LANT LI.A TEffAL IN TlESE CASES M..L BE ALL0\118) TO SPfEAD NTO THE 24· SETSACK lffA PREPARED BY: Landscape Architech.lre Urban Design Plann ing Hobitot Restor'otion J r I ------------ r \ \ \ \ ~ I Refer to Sheet Ll-1 for Irrigation Calculations and Descriptions. Aq ua Commercial Irrigation 810 Los Valledlos Blvd .. SUlte 204 San Marros, California 92069 Ph: (760)750-1900 Fax: (760)750-1999 OWNE R: , J) 0 OC1 lrri9c1tion De.sign. Planning & Water ManagemE>nl ~" \\ 0 ------1' \ '----~ 20' 40' Scale 1" = 40' 100 Aven ido Miramar San Clemente California 92672 Phone 949.366.6624 Fax 949.366.6626 www.thecollaborotivewest.com k ENNARj LENNAR HOMES 25 ENTERPRISE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949)-349-8101 I 80 ' ) ( / \ __// KEYMAP LANDSCAPE PLAN POINS ETTIA 61 (LOTS 1-123) CITY OF CARLSBAD SDP 14-15 CDP 14-34 HDP 14-07 HMP 14-04 / / rn Not to Scale SHEET Ll-4 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ' " Apr il 11, 201 6-5th City Submittal I I I I I I Rtovs \ I ' ., - \ " .., \ " ,;,; \ " ·.· \ " ·-• -~ ~----..i:. 1 ~:--__ I - I I I / I I I I --1 --------- 1 I I I I I CD P248.3 5 , FFI!4ft.V-' . 4R-2 ' S 14-21 m ,"l, ®·- P24B.6 FF249.3 l4R-2\ @ , Pi46.3-· 5 FF'f'47.p -t . . . . . I W I @s· --c;,45, 9 250:6 5' llil ® ----.,,-£45.3 ·" 24a.o s· ..,, \ \/'-; <' \ " \ \/ \_,,,\ \ )( / -- .... I <!> I() J, 10 I <!) .., I lil " . I J, 5' ; CID "l. NOTE!! ELECTRONIC DA TA Fll£S ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL ©2016 O'Day Consultants, Inc. --2'1-5.4 246.1 lfilll '.:: \Users \JasonS\cppdata\lCJca \temp \!1cFub isi _ 412\1-1 18-Setbac''-"v\Pe~01-02.d1·1g Sep 22. 2C1 5 3: :::'5pT \ ' ~ \ ,C ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ . I I ....... ~ & ~Q) . 'I- l:!:l ~ ,V) I i~ I J e-- xr~fa• 14IAA~ll\P: 14-I8AS"11;; "4I?.ATPI: 1411',0Slt~: 1L1AAIITI; 14IA.!ISTR: 141R-Smht'1r.kP·•tRflr.: 141BRT:<T: IL1ARWL: I418ATXT: 141eATF1-Fl~r()nl1•: 1418AN :~• 'v AISLE -QJ I 7.~ -~ :, __ ~-~. ,- 1.1248.0 7.6 2 . 248.7 249.1 Of" c.,, - 7.6' \41?1 • I -® 248.7 249.4 SEE SHEET No. 2 PARKING DESIGNATION RESIDENT GUEST REC. AREA TOTAL SECOND DWELLING \ \· / ,/ \ \ / \ \ ./ \\ :< \ //./ \ \ / \ '/ .>< \\ / \ / SUMMARY -LOT 1 REQUIRED PROVIDED 122 COVERED 122 GARAGE 15 SPACES 17 SPACES 5 SPACES 5 SPACES 142 SPACES 144 SPACES I 8 SPACES PARKING SUMMARY -LOT 2 DESIGNATION REQUIRED PROVIDED RESIDENT 124 COVERED 124 GARAGE GUEST 16 SPACES 16 SPACES REC AREA 4 SPACES 4 SPACES TOTAL 144 SPACES 144 SPACES SECOND DWELLING I 7 SPACES R-1 -- LEGEND GUEST PARKING. G- RECREATION AREA PARKING. • . . R- SECOND DWELLING PARKING. . . . SD- PRIVA TE RECREATION SPACE. . Ii il I {400 SF. MIN.) REC. AREA No.1 (AC11\£) 13,600 S.F. V Al ·s· @) P252.0 FF2!i2~7 ' I.)\ .J ~ w .. ,,""' .._ __ ...,_,, ----- .~...._ __ / I '-uMIT oF I /_-UPLAND BUFFER . ALTERNATIVE REMEDIAL I GRADING . -.. \..o,Jt,.Ct-) ~~ t,.C· I I o' 10 / LIMIT { REMEf GRA[ 20' 40' -- - SCALE: 1" = 40' I j , REI/TSED: MAR. II, 2076 SE TBA CK NO TE SEE BUILDING/SLOPE SETBACK SUMMARY ON SHEET 2 1.000 FOOT RADIUS NOTE ALL UNITS ARE LOCATED WITHIN !,000 FEET OF AN ACllVE RECREAllON AREA. SETBACKS PRIVATE RECREATION SPACE AND ON-STREET PARKING POINSETTIA I 80 REI/TSED: JULY 16, 2015 REI/TSED: JUNE 19, 2015 REI/TSED: MA Y 13, 2015 REI/TSED: FEB 79, 2075 JANUARY 23, 2015 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 C□rlsbad, California 92010 760-931-7700 Fax: 760-931-8680 ODayCon sultants.com Civil Engineering Planning Precessing Surveying DESIGNED BY: L.S. B.R. DATE: JAN. 2015 DRAWN BY: ~G~.M~. __ SCALE: 1" = 40' PROJECT MGR.: lC. JOB NO.: 141018 ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE: 55381 7 NOTE!! I I \ \ \ \ ~ \ ' \ ·, \ ~ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ ', I I I I I I I I I I , , I I I I I I I I I \ \ 1 I I ' I I ' i I I I I I I \ I ELECTRONIC DA TA FILES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NO.T TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL ©2016 O'Day Cons ultants, Inc. I I I I I I I C: \User.; \J□sonS\.:ippd□ta\ls:ic□l\temp \AcPubl ish_ 412\ 141B-Set~aekPvl:Rec01-02.dwg Sep 22, 2016-3: 27pm rn i;{ """""'""'i"" 20 ---:,~5 Xre~ 1418AMAP: 14181'tSile: 1418ATP1; 14189Site; 141BAUTL; 1418ASTR; 1418-Setb□c:kPvtR~c; 141881XT: 14-18BUTL: 1418ATY.T; i 418ATP1-Pla~0nly. 1418AN ' C-------11----f--t-- 0, (,, ' .... I a "' ' S££ SHEET No. 1 -A/SL[ 'N' PVT. I .~ l __ 7 _ ':, 248,0 7.6 248.7 [0 "' - 7.6' I -® 248.7 249.4 SD-7 G-IJ G-15 G-16 -STREET 'A I 7 PVT.) ' . . @) 246.4 247c.J __ I BUILDING SETBACK* BUILDING D-1 H-1 C-1 SETBACK LOT# (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) TYPE COM PLIANT 39 PLAN4 18.S 23 3.4 YES 51 PLAN 4 18 23 2.7 YES 52 PLAN 2 10.6 14.6 0.5 YES 53 PLAN 1 40 26 31.1 YES 98 PLAN 3 24 23 11.3 YES 99 PLAN 4 20 23 5.6 YES 104 PLAN 4-2 20 23 5.6 YES D-1: HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM TOP OF SLOPE TO REAR EDGE OF BUILDING H-1: VERTICAL DISTANCE (HE1GHT) FROM TOP OF SLOPE TO HIGHEST POINT AT REAR EOG£ OF BUILDING C-1. VERTICAL CLEARANCE FROM /MAG/NARY DIAGONAL PLANE TO HIGHEST POINT AT REAR EOG£ OF BUILDING ' SETBACK FROM REAR £DC£ OF BUILD/NC 1 2·1 SLOPE ! 5' MIN. HE1GHT LIMIT OF REMEDIAL GRAD/NC '-...' ~UPLAND BUFFER Al TERNA 711/E 0.7. I IMAGINARY---._ / DIAGONAL PLANE > I j, /_ I I I t------REAR EDGE OF BUILDING H-1 TOP OF SLOPE I o.1 ~D-1 ~ 2 BUILDING SETBACK SCALE /" = /0' I r '-/ ,. --- I J / / o· 20· so· _..1 'iiio,.::i-_"""""""'i40•· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ SCALE: 1" ~ 40' 1,000 FOOT RADIUS NOTE ALL UNITS ARE LOCATED WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF AN AClll/E RECREA llON AREA. SETBACKS PRIVATE RECREATION SPACE ANO REVISED: MAR. I/, 2016 REVISED.· JULY 16, 20/5 REVISED: JUNE 19, 2015 REVISED: MA Y /J, 2015 REVISED: FEB. 19, 2015 JANUARY 2.J, 2015 271 0 Loker A.venue West Su ite 100 Carlsb ad, California 92010 760-931-7700 Fax: 760-931-8680 OD □yConsu I ton ts.com ON-STREET PARKING POINSETTIA Ci-.,il Engineering Pl□nriin g Processing Surveying SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS DESIGNED BY: L.S. B.R. DATE: JAN. 2015 DRAWN BY: G.M . SCALE: 1'' = 40' PROJECT MGR .: T.C. JOB NO.: 141018 ENG INEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMO THY 0. CARROLL. JR. RCE: 55381 CITY OF OCE AN SIDE CITY OF VISTA t. J~r-, o.P 'I' PAC IFI C OCEAN NQTE!l CI TY OF ENCIN ITAS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ELECTRONIC DA TA FILES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT TO 8£ USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SUR VEY CONTROL ©2015 O'Doy Consu ltants, Inc. C:\141018\_CQnslr,;:,int~Mop I41!:!,ATMConstr.:,;ntsOl-Tille.dwg Mor 00. 2015 3:57~m CITY OF =,...,.----\4 SAN MARCOS )(r,:fs: t 418J.MAP; 1418A TP1; t 418AN; 1418A,'"'1C; 1418AUTI.; 1418ASJR; 1418A lMC\lnL Y; 1 418A TMConaitrqiri\$; 1418A TP1-CJDS,.,rfrJci:-$1t;,p,:Anoly:,is; 1 4 !8ATh4C,;m,..troin \~-TXT; 1418ACQnait(oin \s-PrevCroC<a<;I; 1418ACQfl<;:lroinl$-8ioh;igy 6 [HQ] PURPOSE 1 WATER LINE 2 INGRESS AND EGRESS 3 POWER TRANSMISSION LINES 4 TREE TRIMMING -.____,,._r, % 'lrr -t------,,i:---'1 __,, ~ .// r;. nr........-, ,' ;0, // ~ KEY MAP SCALE· I• = 200' SHEET INDEX / TIil£ SHEET 2-7 PLAN SHEETS EASEMENTS OF RECORD EASEMENTS PER PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY NO. NCS-532268-SO, DA TED SEPTEMBER 12, 2014. OWNER DOCUMENT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DIST DOC. No. 88650 PRIVATE FIL[ No. 90057 SAN DIEGO GAS &-ELECTRIC CO. BK. 5252, PG. 186, 189&-192 SAN DIEGO GAS &-ELECTRIC CO. BK. 5356, PG. 162,170&-178 REC. DATE MAY 21, 1963 MAY 23. /963 MAY 28, 1954 SEP. 8, 1954 o· 200· SCALE: 1" ~ 200' DISPOSITION MODIFY VACATE REMAIN REMAIN C.T. C.D.P. P. U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 CONSTRAINTS MAP FOR POINSETTIA 6 I LEGEND & CONSTRAINTS NOTES AREA /. MAJOR RIDGE LINES .................. N/A ...........•.... 2. RIPARIAN OR WOODLANDS .............. S££ PLAN ........... . RIPARIAN~ WETLANDS (SOUTH, RN WILLOW SCRUB) ••~•'-""...-, (SOUTHERN WILLOW SCRUB -DISTURBED). . (._..,lll.-,._ •. I ...... 0.27 ACRES WOODLANDS (COAST LIVE OAK WOODLAND). .. ·-·--· ~[l)f ___ l ....... 4.47 ACRES 3. INTERMITTENT DRAINAGE COURSE .......... ----+-------+----... . 4. 25-40% SLOPES .................... S££ SLOP£ SUMMAR'(. SLOP£ SUMMARY 5. GREATER THAN 40% SLOPES ........•... SE£ SLOPE SUMMARY.. SLOP£ SUMMARY 6. MAJOR ROCK OUTCROPPINGS ........•... N/A .............. . 7. EASEMENTS ....................... SEE EASEMENT TABL[ .. . 8. FLOODWAYS ...............•••...... N/A ............... . 9. ARCHEOLOC/CAL Si TES ........•••••.... N/,4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. SPECIAL PLANNING AREAS ........•••... N/,4 ............... . II BIOLOGICAL HABITATS ................. SEE PLAN. ...... SE£ VECATATION TABLE 12. BEACHES ...................••.... N/A ............... . 13. PERMANENT BODIES OF WATER ........... N/A ............... . 14. WETLANDS ......................... SEE PLAN. .......... . 15. MAJOR POWER TRANSMISSION EASEMENTS ... _Q] ................ 3.18 ACRES 16. RAILROAD TRACK BEDS ................ N/A ..........••.... I 7. PREVIOULSY GRADED SLOP[ ......•.•.... Wffi'l,1/;½) ........... 2. 7 ACRES VEGETATION TYPES [-·-Low--·1 COAST LIVE OAK WOODLAND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . •--•--•- [••-••-••-••] SOUTHERN IIILLOW SCRUB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.~--.. SOUTHERN IIILLOW SCRUB -DISTLIRBED. . . . . . [:::its]l:::J COYOTE BRUSH SCRUB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cas DIEGAN COASTAL SAGE SCRUB .........•••. ~_C_:SS _ ___. £UCAL YPTLIS WOODLAND. . . . . . . . • • • • • • . . . ;:::=EU=C=:::: ORNAMENTAL. ...........•........•... :=:::::ORN:::::::: POISON OAK SCRUB. . .....•••••........ ;:::=P:::::OS:::::::=: RUDER AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~---"R"'UD'--___. SOUTHERN MARITIME CHAPARRAL. ........... .__---=SM"'C'------' SOUTHERN MARITIME CHAPPARAL -DISTLIRBED .. .__--=dSM=C _ _, AGRICUL TUR£. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~_A_GR _ ___. DISTLIRBED HABITAT ......••••......•••. ~-DH--~ TOTAL ACRES SLOPE SUMMARY TOTAL *GREATER THAN AREA 4.47 AC. 0.22 AC. 0.05 AC. 2.36 AC. 4.67 AC. 0./6 AC. 0.59 AC. 0.22 AC. 0.36 AC. 24.12 AC. 1.19 AC. 15.11 AC. 6.80 AC. 60.92 AC. SLOPE AREA 40% EXEMPT NET < 15% 29.83 AC 15-25% 19.91 AC 25-40% 7.71 AC > 40% 3.47 AC 2.98 AC 60.92 AC •GREATER THAN 40% SLOP£ EXEMPT BECAUSE OF: A) PR[VIOUSL Y CRAO£D SLOP£ B) SL OP£ LESS THAN I 5 FT. HIGH C) SLOP£ LESS THAN 10,000 SO. FT. OF AREA 29.83 AC 19.91 AC 7. 71 AC 0.49 AC 0) HILLSIDE AREA IWIERE CIRCULATION ELEMENT ROADWAY OR A COLLECTOR STREET MUST 8£ LOCATED CONSTRAINTS MAP TITLE SHEET REVISED: MARCH J, 2015 Rfl1S£D: FEBRUARY IJ, 2015 DECEMBER 5, 2014 SHEET f OF 7 SHEETS 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Corlsbod, California 92010 760-931 -7700 Fax: 760-931-8680 ODoyConsul ton ts.com Civil Engineering Plcmning Processing Sur....eying DESIGNED BY: L.S . 8.R. DATE: SEPT. 2014 DRAWN BY: G.M. SCALE: AS SHOWN PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 1410 18 ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE : 55381 ~1 _] NQTE!l ELECTRONIC DA TA FILES AR£ FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND AR£ NOT TO 8£ USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VER TlCAL SUR VEY CONTROL ©2015 O'Day Consu lta nts, Inc. C:\141()18\_Constroin\~Map 1416A.1MConstroints02-07.dwg 1-ior 07. 2015 12:12pm _ _ _ _ )(r,:fs: t 418AMAP; 1418ASile; 14 !86Site: 1418AIJTL; 1418ASfR; 1418ATXT; 1418A TI.1C,;mL Y; 1418ATMCons\re;,inls; H-1881.ln; 141811,TPl -CJDS~rf,;,ce-Sl,;,peAn,;ily;,s; 1418ACon~\ra.nts-P,evCroQ,;~; 1418ACQr,~l(o,n ts-Biology, t 4188"1XT ~? I ~,,..________y -· - -------==~ SEE SHEET No. 4 ~~//~~ / ;--.;Si9,'.?¥l:...=r::____,~ittr C.T. C.D.P. P. U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 o· 20· so· 10' 40 SCALE: 1. = 4-0' CONSTRAINTS MAP PLAN SHEET REVISED: MARCH J, 2015 Rfl1S£D: FEBRUARY 13, 2015 DECEMBER 5, 2014 2710 Loker Avenue West Civil Engineering Suite 100 Plcmning Corlsbod, California 92010 Processing 760-931 -7700 Sur....eying Fax: 760-931-8680 ODoyConsul ton ts.com SHEET 2 OF 7 SHEETS DESIGNED BY: L.S . 8.R. DATE: SEPT. 2014 DRAWN BY: G.M. SCALE: 1 • = 40' PROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 141018 ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE : 55381 AGR \ \ I , \ ', \ \ I , I \ ' I \ I NOTE!! Fi FCTR(}l/;r, f)A r;, Fil F'i ARF i't!R RFFFR£/✓CF ONLY AND ARE /'/OT TO BE USED FOR 1--/0R/ZONTAL C!i V£R T,'CAL SUR 'IEY COi/ TROL (;12015 O'Doy Ccnsultcnts, Inc. G: \141G1 8\_C.::ns:raints1A'1~ \141 BA Tl'AC-:instrainls02-□7.d'.vg M-::r 07, 2015 12: [6pm AGR I I I I , I , I I , , I / I I dSAl-C_-- irnf~· 14181-1~ ~.P; 141 6ASi,e; 14168:';ile: 1416AUTL; 1418ASTR; '416A T:<T; 14\ BA-MC;cinl \'; 1418.i', -f~Cons\rninls: 14168lJTL; 14-18~. TF1 -'.:".3[)Surfor.e-SloreAnr.lysia: 141 BAGr.rslrninls-::irevG'aded; 1418ACcr strnhts-Gicilo~y: 1 "188TXT /. AGR / / / SEE SHEET No. 5 ----- \ / l?£V!S£D: MAPC/-l J; 20i'5 l?EV!SED: fEBR(JA/fY I.J, 2015 iJtc'1MIJ£f,' 6, J0/4 L /lU Lr:ker Avenue W1::st Suite 100 l.{1··lsbnd, Culifmni(i 97010 760-931-7700 Fa>:: 76C·-931-8680 ODny[o11s1JI t:111 l s.cmr, C.T. C.D.P. P.U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 SCA.LC: 1" ::: 40' CONSTRAINTS MAP PLAN SHEET Civi l l:.ngineering Pl□nnirg Processin9 Surveying SHEET 3 OF 7 SHEETS n,SIGNED FY: LS, B.R. DA.TE: SEPT. 701 4 DRAWN BY: G.M. SCALE: 1" ~ 40' 0 ROJECT MGR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 141018 FN-'.:;lt-JFFR OF 'v\lORK. DATE · TIIIJH-Y 0. CARRJLL, ,IR RCE: J:)381 C.T. C.D.P. ~/1(/) j I l i: -{ 1 , I I \ I ' SEE SHEET No. 2 P. U.D. ,,----~"-----c___ S.D.P. r--,:> H.D.P. EXIST. ij" VC SE,J¾'t;IN; .1, ~ ~ PER Cl TY OF CARLSBf lJ ~ owe. No. 41-5 j / ~ I !&J l<S /i (.~~j;r _., ~ L) ~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~ __/RUD "~·· . ..-:-----;:--E. .20' \;Z "'' '~ .. ~_rtWCTt-t~~~ill)ir-~bl.fi-lJ ~~ --,~ --...-...- 1 -~--= -~ .. ,::.----;::: Vt.,ZEN1::z '?'.4" ,)' / -I '.:__·~~~~=sq ----~~~~:_~:~~~~ ~ ---~ _.,,-;~----Slf'S ~~~ /41 ~ ;-,,,,___ ~ 7' ----~ I:;-;:_~~~~~ _,__, I ~, --•.CC --✓-~=--~~ H.M.P. 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 ~ ///// 7 I r /_ ~ 'i / __...._. ~ ·-·· _.i_ ---~/11)"7 ~/ ;,:/ S¥ /1 u r 1/ / ~~---~ _ --:::--·, /_.{ l f ~✓ / -sKlb / :,/sws ,.,_~~ Pos--;;,'iJ , / t vJ_.1 . ~ -~ --, V 1. // / PE8,,,CITY OF CA&S8.0 I /j _ _ ~ _ __ ___.J ! / WC No. 34~.6 . / I __. -. ~~ ~ I . _,,.,. 7 c:_:::=;~/ /, / ....,..,._,, \ ---1_ ,,----\ .!I/! /(,~'f' /;o , ~ i ___... i ---,' :7·""-f . f {;, o· 20· so· ~1 0~~40 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio SCALE: 1" = 40' 'ONNECli TO·~ I ~..,,....__~ . ~,(_ rr-----;--, I stlc ~ 'SMC /CB-S, ' ~: :'./'.:; }, · ,SMi v ----i---" ._,'._.. ___ ~ ~-- ) / ---k NQTE!l ~,,,-~ I _L._ l 7?/1/9 -----~ ,--~rn ___ -) , A L • , ' ~j ~ ..-----ii\ \J '1\\\\\\~~w'im\\\\\l~_,\!U ',, ✓ ' ~-~ -~ 'J I / J -----\ \ II IIIII II I I ~ ' ) ~~-Y/ I j/\ ~\ I =-{: ,, Si7 ~ __..._... • / t-~ I ,7 __, ( • I I ' ~ ',,/ ' ~ ' I A i Jl l/l'./ll f:tl//1111 11 11 11 I / ',, \ I /~ ' / "----~ ------------.,,.;J _/\ : / ', \ ' .. , ..... , ,:¥......_ : -------- \ ------____ ----.1 ~ ,,,.,, ~ ; C ' ' ', I; ', ""!C ..._.,..~ v ~~ ' r WA 7i' · At--+~-~_j__J_ -1 -/ / f )< I I / t- i~ ,,..,-_ ~,., ''//!l/l/517 I ;; I -.1✓ IX)~,_ --"".--I I I ) I I ~___,.......!-i-,_ . l SEE SHEET No. 6 ELECTRONIC OA TA FILES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONL y AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VER TlCAL SUR VEY CONTROL ©2015 O'Day Consu ltants, Inc. CONSTRAINTS MAP ~~~ PLAN SHEET -~-REV/SEO: MARCH J, 2015 ·r ·r ---y -----REV/SEO: FEBRUARY 13, 2015 SHEET 4 OF 7 SHEr:.T.J l....___ __ --::---~DECEi'tf@MBEiK]jR 5,Jf2201~4 ~-----r-___:~~----::-:=:-1 -~f £SS tn,; 0 I~~ DESIGNED BY: L.S . 8.R. DATE: SEPT. 20 14 $ ~'\ 0, CAR.f~ '<'.: PROJECT MGR,: T,C, JOB NO.: 1410 18 ,"" :;:<1, , :? DRAWN BY: G,M. SCALE: 1" = 40' li j' "<'.'~\ c O N S U LT NT S ~* NO. 55.381 *SJ 2710 Loker Avenue West Civil Engineering Suite 100 Plcmning Carlsbad, California 92010 Processing u'-4/,; CIV\\... 'R-,.~~ 760-931 -7700 Sur....eying f' Of CALl~Cj Fa.c 760-931-8680 ODoyConsul ton ts.com ENGINEER OF WORK: DATE: TIMOTHY 0. CARROLL, JR. RCE : 55381 SMC NOTE!! FLFCTROl11r: DA TA FilE'i ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE /'/CT TO BE USED FOR 1--/0R/ZONTAL OR VE/I T,'CAL SUR '!FY CONTROL (c:)20 15 O'Ooy Consulton t s, Inc. G: \141C1 8\_Ccns:rain1s1A'1~ \141 BA ThAC-:instrainls02-07.d'.vg M-::r 07, 201 5 12: L.9prn )(refs: 141SMM.P: 1416ASiie; 14188Si\P.; 1416AUTL; 1418ASTR; '< 416A T:<T; 14\ BA TMC;onl \'; 1418A-f~Con5\rriinls: 1416[3UTL; 14-1 SA TP1-C3DSurfo1ce-Slor eAnolysia: 141 BAGor5lroinls-::ir1ovr.raded; 1418ACorstrnh\s-Giriln~y: 1.<.188TXT SEE SHEET No. J ~ 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 o· 20· so· ~~1 0~' ;:,,,,,,=40iiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ SCALE 1 ' -40' CONSTRAINTS MAP PLAN SHEET DATE: Tll~JTHY 0. CARROLL, ,JR RC E: :iS.38 1 NOTE!! FLFCTROl11r: DA TA FilE'i ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE /'/CT TO BE USED FOR 1--/0R/ZONTAL OR VE/I T,'CAL SUR '!FY CONTROL (c:)20 15 O'Ooy Consulton t s, Inc. G:\141C18\_Ccns:rain1slA'1~\141BAThAC-:instrainls02-07.d'.V9 M-::r 07, 201 5 12:10pm . . . . )(refs: 141SMM.P: 1416ASiie; 14188Si\P.; 1416AUTL; 1418ASTR; '< 416A T:<T; 14\ BA TMC;onl \'; 1418A-f~Con5\rriinls: 1416[3UTL; 14-1 SA TP1-C3DSurfo1ce-Slor eAnolysia: 141 BAGor5lro1n\s-::ir1ovr.raded; 1418ACorstrn,~ts-G,riln~y: 1.<.188TXT I SMC f ( I 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 SCALE I " ~ 40' "' DATE: Tll~JTHY 0. CARROLL, ,JR RC E: :iS.38 1 SMC NOTE!! Fi FCTR(}l/;r, f)A r;, Fil F'i ARF i't!R RFFFR£/✓CF ONLY AND ARE /'/OT TO BE USED FOR 1--/0R/ZONTAL C!i V£R T,'CAL SUR 'IEY CONTROL (;12015 O'Doy Ccnsultcnts, Inc. G:\141G18\ C.::ns:raintslA'1~\141BATl'AC-:instrainls02-□7.d'.vg M-::r 07, 2015 12:11pm _ ~ . . , , ::, , . 18 C t , t--G' I 1"188TXT irnf~· 1418.Zt~~.P: 1416ASi,e; 14168:';ile: 1416AUTL; 1418ASTR; '4-16ATXT; 14\BA-MC;cinl\'; 1418.i',-f~Cons\rninls: 14168lJTL; 14-18~.TF1-Gj[):,urfor.e-Slorf;,.nr.lys,a: 141BliGr.rslrn,ri\s-ri;vG oded, 14 A .crs '"'~, 1cio~y: - l?£V!.5£D· MAPC/l J; 20i'5 l?EV!SED f[8R1JAlfY I.J, 2015 iJtC1WJU,' o, J0/4 L /lU Lr:ker Avenue W1::st Suite 100 l.{1··lsbnd, Culifmni(i 97010 760-931-7700 Fa>:: 76C·-931-8680 ODny[o11s1JI t:111 l s.cmr, C.T. C.D.P. P.U.D. S.D.P. H.D.P. H.M.P. 14-10 14-34 14-12 14-15 14-07 14-04 SCA.LC: 1" = 40' CONSTRAINTS MAP PLAN SHEET Civi l l:.ngineering Pl□nnirg Processin9 Surveying SHEET 7 OF 7 SHEETS n,SlcNED FY: LS, B,R, DA.TE: SEPT. 701 4 DRAWN BY: ~G=.M~. -~ SCALE: 1" ~ 40' 0 ROJECT 1\'1GR.: T.C. JOB NO.: 141018 FN-'.:;lt-JFFR OF 'v\lORK. DATE · TIIIJH-Y 0. CARRJLL, ,IR RCE: J:)381 Concerned Citizens of the Project 61 Poinsettia Lane Extension by Lennar The proposed development of 123 homes and the Poinsettia Lane extension by Lennar will greatly impact the safety and enjoyment of the Viadana and Pavoreal neighborhood that we presently enjoy. We request that a traffic analysis be completed and mitigation measures be incorporated into any plan that the Carlsbad City Council will consider for adoption and if not, we respectfully request the project be denied. The Viadana Community will be greatly impacted by the Poinsettia 61 Project as proposed by Lennar. Our community has not been properly notified, informed or considered in the proposed project by Lennar. We wish to have our concerns addressed and mitigated before the City Council considers adoption of the proposed plan. Viadana is comprised of 82 homes which span from Skimmer Court to Oriole Court, Mimosa, Moorhen and Dove Lane. Our residents are mixed generation with many children and senior citizens who presently enjoy the walkability of our neighborhood to the post office, theater, urgent care, coffee house, grocery story and more. Many of our school age residents walk and ride their bikes to the local elementary and middle school. Our safety, enjoyment and property values are at risk with the current proposed development. I. Traffic: 1. Is there a traffic study? a) If so, when was it completed? b) What does it say the level of service will be for Skimmer/Poinsettia intersection? c) Oriole/Poinsettia intersection? d) El Camino Real/Poinsettia intersection? 2. What mitigation measures are incorporated to minimize the traffic impacts? a) to the Viadana neighborhood? b) Pavoreal? 3. The Project appears to divert traffic from Cassia and El Camino Real into the Viadana and Pavoreal community without appropriate mitigation. We request an analysis of 1.) a no-right turn from Poinsettia onto Oriole Court. 2.) a round-about at the intersection of Poinsettia and Oriole and Skimmer Court to slow traffic and allow for safe entry into and out of neighborhood by residents. 3.) consideration of pedestrians from Skimmer Court 4.) traffic calming such as Islands on Mimosa Drive to slow traffic Any mitigation, must consider the aesthetic of the neighborhood and enhance not detract from its beauty. 4. What measure have been included to direct traffic out to El Camino instead of through Viadana? Pavo real? These are just a few of the questions and concerns we have and we again request, the City Council to deny adoption of this plan as it is today. Res pe ctf u I ly, Concerned Citizens of the Project 61 Poinsettia Lane Extension by Lennar as signed below ..J a.J:4t{_~ City of Carl sbad JAN 2 5 2017 Planning Division i,.. Concerned Citizens ofihe Project 61 Poinsettia Lane Extension by Lennar The proposed development of 123 homes and the Poinsettia Lane extension by Lennar will greatly impact the safety and enjoyment of the Viadana and Pavoreal neighborhood that we presently enjoy. We request that a traffic analysis be completed and mitigation measures be incorporated into any plan that the Carlsbad City Council will consider for adoption and if not, we respectfully request the project be denied. Name (Print) S_ignature Address l----'-~--____;:__;"----<--______;......::....._--+----,4-----=----~-+--------------1 ;> ~~~~~=~~!::;z:::==:f::~.a;:::=;~~~~~f:::!:~~~~~====! 4 ~~AL!-~--l-4--L~...CO.---f"--==_..::::..,~__,::;...~=F"r-~:::::......;_.=,...,ta,a::-L-_a:..,::::.....a........i.!:,~~~~:..,.._--1 -s· 1--------'I-J.a.<.L.....l.-----\..._.L!!...._!_,Ll:~~.._~~~~IJL,e::.~=--.j....:.....~:::::........:~.!...:::........:::.......:=.!._i:___i Ct ' -e_,,, }-:f~ 6f- 3 I--Lµ:ll,1..t::.-.#-~~~---+-~~~~......:::;.__----+...:.../1:;..L....;;;;.~-~-ifl_/._D !>E __ ~-----1 7 D 2,:==!:::::::::!=:::5:::::===:::=~::::::!===~~~=~~~~===::::::;::~::::::;=====N\===\ =""=o.S==C\..===~ ~ ,t'VU 0\. '-f lf611 (V\iMA-cffaJ ])v ✓ DCiUl5 ('S, ~~~~~===~;;:::::;::~£;.:;~===~::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!::::=:::=:::::::~=====: I (o ft d~( i4 1-------------------------------'----------==:..........:.......:.,,,e.;:'--------1 111---~D..£'.______.:~~~-1---L~~~~--.....i..:::::.6~.....J-__f..L_L.J..Lr.J.~...J.:::::..!r-----' l) U~M~~~~~~===i~0i9jil~/1.'1_,~·ft1v~J~~-c>f' ~1/r~ (ti A\-t~o. µo'?-alls (oqs:r Nuv,os1 o~. Concerned Citizens of the Project 61 Poinsettia Lane Extension by Lennar lo/ l l½ b ' l :==~1:ti::s::========::;:==::=~~=i#-===#===~========~=====:::::::::±~ ~ ~---=--CAA_. _fh'\_~....;....'-'_t----t,,"r-T-1--'----------,1--b___._ ____ • ---I 7( 1tovfl.., lo ~r t-----':;or---V--,-t---c::,---<--t-----;:;;;---f;------,:------,---+----+---------1 ~~ ~~~~==========~=====¥=:b!~~9.z::::====:!:=::=:=====::::::!::::;f£:!f:.~===;~~ Concerned Citizens of the Project 61 Poinsettia Lane Extension by Lennar N ~Me -Pf'Li iNr ~ r I-] /'1 I /VI D5A-~ {/Jqc;;-3 v) ),'/y) _Jr. bq s1 M; tVLoso..lr. q 20 t( Fe,riof'IC/e 2--s,·1utA. ~q h 3 Mtlhdj Dr. b ~~7 /JA/t1At>s:;1-fA. 9}-LJ// (p{41Q.. M,~lA. ~-°{;)Of I (/Ji2 M,'n,os~ btr. 920// 6~8 l M,tt110J1 Dr~ °IZD//