HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-13; City Council; 2009; ZONE CHANGE #106, MASTER PLAN #105 & FINAL E.I.R. FOR PONOEROSA HOMES; for property located north side of 0livenhain Road, easterly of El Camino Real, for construction of.. Date Aprii i 3', i 973 ·~ -·-~ ... --.... """"'" ... "~"'' .,~,.,-.,., .. ' -~ .,.,,~ ., .. ' ._. 4 .. :;; ,.;; 1 1 '-' ~J D J I I '': 0 • ~,? 0 '1 . . Referrer,: City Council £.1r J 3 -/fs 1-~C) SubJect: ZONE CHANGE #106, ·MASTER PLAN #105 & FINAL E.I.R. Submitted 3y: ~/ FOR PONOEROSA HOMES; for property located north side of 01ivenhain (.L,/ { Road, easterly of El Camino Real, for construction of 420 single-Planning family units, on 120 acres of land. · Commission j · Statement of the Matter . At a regular meeting of ·the Carlsbad Planning Comnission on April 10, 1973, approval was given to a preannexational change of zone from County L-C (limited control) to City. of Carlsbad P-C (Planned-Community) for 420 dwelling units to be constructed on property located northerly of Olivenhain Road, easterly of El Camino Real. Planning Commission adopted Resolution No.887 as presented, with reasons set out in Staff Report. ·· Also at this meeting, Master Plan #105 was adopted by Commission Resolution No.888, and approval given for the Final Environmental Impact Report as submitted. ·· Exhibit l. Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 887(Zone Change) and 888 (Master Plan) 2. Applic;ation for Zone Change and Master Plan/Certificatfon of Ovmership. 3. Staff Report dated April 10, 1973 4. Ltr. fm. San Diego County to City, Attn: Mr. Meyer, re: comments on E.I.R. report for Ponderosa Homes. 5. Report from Rick Engineering dated March 6, 1973 re: Rancho Del Ponderosa/P.C. 6·. Draft Environmental Impact Report for Rancho Del Ponderosa, prepared by Rick Engineering Co., dated Feb. 2, 1973. !7..-'--' -Final Envjropmen~al !r.npact Report #122, pr~pared b_y Staff, 8. Resolution Adopting the Master Plan~J/1 6 9~ Resolution and Ordinance Granting the Zone Change STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of preannexationa 1 change of zo.ne, adoption of Master Plan and final E.I.R. for Rancho Del Ponderosa (Ponderosa Homes), per conditions and reasons contained in the attacned documents. . ' AB No. City Manager's Recommendation i · 1 ! i ) J Date: April 13, 1973 Concur with recommendation of Planning Commission. Council Action -2- PLANNING COMMISSION c::)ia7 A RESOLUTI011 OF THE PLANNING cmmsSION OF THE CITY OF :.a.qLSBAQ, v.'...I i=O~'.H.4, RECOMME@ING TO THE CITY COUNCIL .:..?P?.ov;.;_ :;= ; ;r::i,~i;'.IEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE FROM SAN ::='.~Q c::...:17"f L-C (Limited Control} TO CITY OF CARLSS..l.D ~-: (P1 anned Community), ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE Or OLIVENHAIN ROAD, EASTERLY OF EL CA/HrlO REAL. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 420 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS. TO BE KNOI-/N AS PONDEROSA HOMES. Cv I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS. on the 10th day of April, 1973, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a preannexational change of zone from County L-C (limited Control) to City of Carlsbad zoning P-C (Planned-Community), on property generally located on the north side of Olivenhain Road, easterly of El Camino Real, for construction of 9 420 single-family dwellings. said Rroperty more particularly described as: 10 11 12 13 i Being the easterly 2505 feet of the Southerly 2107 feet of Lot No. 11 of Rancho Las Encinitas. Map No. 848. in the County of San Diego. State of California. WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the 14 "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and it has been 15 declared that this-project "may have a significant impact on the environment". 16 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering the 17 testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the 18 Planning Corrmission did find the following facts and reasons to exist which 19 make the approval of a preannexational zone change necessary to carry out the 20 provisions and general purpose of Title 21: 21 22 23 24 l. The proposed application is consistant 1~.ith the General Plan as it applies to contiguous properties within the City of Carlsbad. 2. The proposed zone is consistent with the Housing Element of the General Plan. 3. The proposed development satisfies the intent of the 25 Planned Community {P-C) Ordinance. 26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Corrmission of the City 27 of Carlsbad, that it does hereby recommend approval to the City Council, of the 28 adoption of an amendment to Title 21 to allow a preannexational zone change 29 frpm County L-C (Limited Control) to City of Carlsbad zoning P-C (Planned 30 Community) on above described property. 31 X X I 32 X X -1- l =::.55~, APPROVED ANO ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plar.ning 2 Co111'1!ission, held on the 10th day of April, 1973, by the following vote, 3 to wit; 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11I 12· 13 14 15 16 l? ATTEST: AYES: Co11111issioners Dominguez, Dewhurst, Jose, Forman & Noman. NOES: Commissioners Palmateer and Little ABSENT: None EOMoNO W. DOMINGUEZ, Chafrnran 18 DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary. 19 20 21 22 23i 24 25- 261 I 2, I 2a I 29 i I I 30 I 31 32 -2- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) SS CITY OF CARLSBAD ) I, (I-le) ---'J_a;;;;;m.,;..e-=-s"--'M;.;.=... _P;:....;;..e-=-t-=-e-=-r-=-s_._1---=J-=-r-=-·----being duly sworn depose and (Name) declare to the best of -~-my.__~---.... ;knowledge that the foregoing is (my, our) I i true and correct under the penalty of purJury: EXECUTED AT _..,,..,_I_r ... v_i_n_e_, ____ C_a_l~i,_· f_o..,..r_n ... i_a __ (City) (State) DATE February 5, 1973 ___ ...,.{"'"Mo_n..,.t.,...h )..---------.... (...-Da~y .... ) _____ ('""Y,...ea-r .... )-- APPLICANT, OWNER AND/OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: Kaiser Aetna, a California general partnership (Print Name) 2082 Business Center Drive (Mailing Address) Irvine, CA 92629 IN+ .. :'"'Id State) ,-2180 (Zip) STATE OF CAlffORNL\ } COUNTY OF __ O_RAN __ 1GE ______ _, ss. A' On February S, 1973 -relephone Number) ------------------ltt"fore me. the undenip:neJ. a ~nt1ry Puhlic in and for Hid .ia1,. penonally appeamL_..lam-e-s ..... ?-:~l ..... ...,P....,e..,t.,e._.r..,,S:..,....,:.J,._r_._ ________ _ ; known to m" to hr. lh~ ag.-nt of thr parlnf"rship that exeru1r.d the within in!'trument and arknow)~IJrtl lo me ~ that..--he_ r.:.-ru1r.d thr tamt-for and on hehalf of ,aid partn~r~hip anti that said partnrr,.hip rxer.urf"fl the ~•mr . .. ~ 'WITNES~ ffl)" hand and offirial seal. :; ,.i -+-1' ! Signa1u:e__ _ I_J;., ' If j · H. S. BARTOSIK ) r?ltlt Ma ftr tllltllf llefll'lal N&IJ -4- ; i A : z ( Plan Aoplication Page Two III. EXISTING ZONE: Gr SUBJECT PROPERTY L.C. -County of San Diego ----------------~---- HAS A MASTER PLAN BEEN APPROVED? Yes. DATE: ------- OWNER AND/OR OHNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) SS CITY OF ____ ) I, (we), __ J....a.,am.=e-=-s._M"".-"'-P""'e""'t-=e-=-r-=s""",--"'J_.r...,. ______ being duly sworn depose and (name) declare to the best of -.-_ .... m __ v.__..-___ knowledge that the foregoing is true (my, our ) and correct under the penalty of purjury: EXECUTED AT _ _,I(""~CTi-:-~;-.)r-•---------------c=a=lr.(\="=i""~""'"fe""),...i .... a ___ _ DATE February (Month) s (Day) APPLICANT, mmER AND/OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORAi'IGE } ss. 1973 (Year) Kaiser Aetna, a California general artnershi • gnature it s uly eters, Jr., Authorized 2082 Business Ctr.Dr. Agent (Mailing Address) T---.: -r State) {Zip] 180 February 5, 1973 . b•forc mejh• undenil"1ed. a Nntary Public On James M. Peters, r. ~(Telephone Number) in and for •aid •tale. personally appeared I I I L I I the aoent of tht par1nt"rship lhat exe<"Utf'd the within inl'trument and arknow r, J?:f'f to me -.nown to me o '"" ., • h" I h that-he-t.t.rcuted the ~•m"" for and on l.ehaU nf ,aid partnf'r~hip and that saad partnf"ri;o ip f"x~ulr« t e !'amt-. "'LJ I ....-.·••••••••·•• .. ••• .. • ...... : · WIT:-IES~ my hand and otliri~I ••• . 1 • • ~ &£All : ~ r,. ;. '{ --f-:--.! K ·i \_, ,r ,1·,rj tu<j · f NO\':;~~~: Sipature · COUNTY OF ORANG& : -----~"~· -:i.S=:.7BAR~T:-;O:-;S:::;I~K---:•:;.. Nt Colniwls,ion r,,;,,,. ...,.,_ 29. 1m : .l i '.'lame IT)pe<I nr l'rintrdl ...... -••• • ••••••••- fTlllt .,.. fw lfllclal Hlarlal tuU I I··