HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-14; City Council; ; Cost Recovery Policy for the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, and Community Development CommissionCA Review CKM Meeting Date: March 14, 2023 To: Mayor/President and City Council/Board From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Zach Korach, Finance Director zach.korach@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2127 Subject: Cost Recovery Policy for the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, and Community Development Commission Districts: All Recommended Action 1.Adopt a resolution adopting a City Council Cost Recovery Policy 2.Adopt a Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors resolution adopting a Cost Recovery Policy 3.Adopt a Community Development Commission resolution adopting a Cost Recovery Policy Executive Summary The city, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the city’s Community Development Commission, charge fees for many services and periodically evaluates fees to ensure that the fees do not exceed the reasonable cost of providing the service. Staff are proposing this cost recovery policy to create a standard methodology to set fees in relation to these costs. The target cost recovery levels vary for each service based on the benefit of the service to individual users and to the general public, the ability for users to obtain the service from other providers, the comparability of the fee to other similar communities, the impact of the fee level on demand for the service, and other factors. The proposed policy will create a clear process for: •Evaluating the costs of providing services •Setting and changing fees •Ensuring the use of a balanced approach in setting fees relative to the cost of service Staff are providing three proposed resolutions, one for the City of Carlsbad (Exhibit 1), one for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (Exhibit 2) and one for the city’s Community Development Commission (Exhibit 3) because the city, the water district and the commission all require fees for certain services. The policy is attached to each resolution. of the City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District and Community Development Commission March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 1 of 87 City Council Policy No. 1 specifies that adoption of a City Council policy requires four affirmative votes. Adoption of a resolution applying the policy to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the Community Development Commission requires three affirmative votes. Discussion Background The California Constitution and other state laws authorize local governments to adopt and implement fees for certain municipal services provided that these fees do not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing these services. These services include providing copies of documents, lending library materials, and reviewing development applications. Approximately every five to seven years, the city performs a comprehensive cost of service study to evaluate city services and any fees the city and its subsidiary entities charge for those services. While fees are typically adjusted annually based on inflationary factors, these comprehensive studies allow for a more complete assessment of the true cost of providing services and how fees relate to costs. The last comprehensive cost of service study was completed in 2021. That study found that the overall level of cost recovery for city fees was 43%, meaning that General Fund revenues were covering 57% of the cost of providing these services. Based on the results of this study, fees were reviewed individually to determine if they should be changed to a more appropriate cost recovery level. The study recommended implementing a cost recovery policy to establish a regular methodology for evaluating and setting city and water district fees in a way that balances cost recovery and public benefit. Fees subject to policy Most but not all city fees will be subject to the proposed policy, including those for special events, fire permits and inspections, and development applications and plan review. Some categories of fees have been excluded from this policy because they follow distinct analytical and procedural requirements or are set by state or federal law or another outside agency. Examples of fees that are not subject to this policy include waste collection rates, administrative penalties, water and wastewater service rates set by rate studies, business license taxes, emergency medical service and ambulance fees, and fees for Parks & Recreation or Library & Cultural Arts programs and classes. Cost recovery criteria The level of cost recovery suggested for each fee in the proposed policy considers the public versus private benefit of the program. The use of General Fund revenues to subsidize services is proposed for some services, while a higher rate of cost recovery is proposed for others. The proposed policy considers the following criteria in setting cost recovery targets for city fees: Community-wide versus individual benefit. The level of cost recovery considers the degree to which the public at large benefits from the service, and the degree to which the individual or entity requesting or requiring the service benefits from the service. The use of General Fund revenues to reduce cost recovery levels is appropriate for services with community-wide benefit, while full cost recovery is appropriate for services that benefit specific individuals or groups. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 2 of 87 Effect of pricing on the demand for services. The level of cost recovery and related pricing of services can affect demand for these services. For example, there may be instances in which increasing fees could result in decreased use of the service, which could result in the city or CMWD falling out of compliance with regulations, or even create public safety hazards. While setting fees at full cost recovery levels can ensure that the city is providing services for which there is genuinely a market not overly stimulated by artificially low costs, it may also hinder the delivery of services to lower income groups and small businesses. Comparability with other communities. Comparing the city’s fees to other communities provides useful background information in setting fees, however, fee surveys should never be the sole or primary criteria in setting city fees because there are many factors that affect how and why other communities have set their fees. Information cannot generally be obtained in terms of what cost recovery level other communities intended to achieve, what specific costs were considered when computing the fees, and when the last time fees were comprehensively evaluated. Additionally, rate structures typically vary from one agency to another, and do not always provide a good basis for comparison. Cost recovery levels The degree to which pricing for services recovers the city’s costs of providing the service will vary based on these factors. The policy proposes three cost recovery ranges: Level of cost recovery Target rate of cost recovery Low 0%-30% Mid 31%-80% High 81%-100% Low-level cost recovery services: Some services provided by the city are essential to provide for public safety and welfare. These services can have a lower cost recovery target than others. In general, low-level cost recovery is appropriate under one or more of the following conditions: • There is no intended relationship between the amount paid and the benefit received • The service is essential to protecting public safety, or city assets and infrastructure • Collecting fees is not cost-effective, nor will it impact the efficient delivery of the service • There is little public benefit to assigning a higher fee amount in that fee category and/or the City Council desires to greatly subsidize or incentivize use of the service • There is no intent to limit the use of the service • The service is non-recurring, generally delivered on a peak demand or emergency basis, cannot reasonably be planned for on an individual basis, and is not readily available from a private sector source • Collecting fees would discourage compliance with regulatory requirements • The service is deemed to provide a primarily economic, social, or environmental outcome that is essential to the community Examples include fees for city-sponsored special events and minor building permits. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 3 of 87 Mid-level cost recovery services: There are some services that provide the user of the service with a higher benefit than the general public. The proposed policy suggests that these services be partially subsidized. Mid-level cost recovery is generally appropriate when one or all of these conditions are present: • The service expands or enhances an essential city service • Regulation of an activity is required by a state or other local agency • The City Council desires to subsidize use of the service to ensure the community has access to the service based on financial or economic considerations • Collecting fees at mid-level would maintain and encourage voluntary compliance with regulatory requirements • The service would provide a desired economic, social, or environmental outcome. • Examples include utility account service fees and fire safety inspections. High-level cost recovery services: Some services clearly benefit the user of the service individually. A pricing strategy to achieve full cost recovery is typically implemented in such cases. Circumstances favoring high cost recovery levels include instances in which service charges are considered a major source of funding for the delivery of the service. These conditions include: • The service is similar to services provided through the private sector • Other private or public alternatives could or do exist for the delivery of the service • The service primarily benefits the customer and not the general public • For equity or demand management purposes, it is intended that there be a direct relationship between the amount paid and the level and cost of the service received • The use of the service is specifically discouraged • The service is regulatory in nature and voluntary compliance is not expected to be sufficient to meet regulatory requirements Examples include major building permits and permits for commercial events. The proposed policy details the target cost recovery range for each fee. Procedures The proposed policy establishes a schedule to comprehensively review city fees to determine if the current fee amounts reflect their respective cost recovery targets and are consistent with best practices and statutory requirements. • A comprehensive cost of service study will be conducted every five to seven years. • Off-cycle updates will occur annually, with fees adjusted by a percentage equal to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, or another reasonable inflationary factor. • Individual fees may be adjusted during the interim period based on supplemental analysis whenever there have been significant changes in costs. • The City Council will have the opportunity to review and the authority to approve any changes to the Master Fee Schedule (Exhibit 4), which lists all of the fees charged by the city. The City Council may decide to increase fees over a period not to exceed three years when immediate adjustments to targeted cost recovery amounts may be unrealistic. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 4 of 87 Fiscal Analysis There is no immediate fiscal impact from adopting this policy. Fees will continue to increase by annual inflationary factors, and any fees below their recommended cost recovery range will increase to meet their target range over a period of no more than three years. Options Staff recommend that the City Council adopt the resolutions implementing the proposed cost recovery policy. Adopting this policy for the city, CMWD and the city’s Community Development Commission will provide a clear methodology for balanced management of city fees. The policy will also assist in: • Evaluating the costs of providing services • Setting and changing city fees • Ensuring the city uses a balanced approach in setting fees relative to the cost of service Staff have identified no drawbacks from adopting the proposed policy. Next Steps Once adopted, the cost recovery policy will be implemented by staff. Staff will analyze all fees in the Master Fee Schedule subject to the new policy and recommend changes to fees to meet their target cost recovery levels within three years. Any recommended fee changes due to the policy’s implementation will be brought forward with the proposed Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Master Fee Schedule this spring. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors resolution 3. Community Development Commission resolution 4. FY 2022-23 Master Fee Schedule March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 5 of 87 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-082 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A CITY COUNCIL POLICY FOR COST RECOVERY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has the authority to establish fees for city services; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to recover the costs of city services; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that each city service provides varying benefits to individuals, business and community groups and warrants particular cost recovery structures based on the types of benefits conferred by each service; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to implement a cost recovery policy in order to establish a set of guidelines for target cost recovery ratios for each category of services for which the city charges a fee; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to outline a set of procedures for the periodic evaluation of city fees and cost recovery levels; and WHEREAS, the cost recovery policy is applicable to all entities for which the City Council acts as the legislative body upon adoption of the policy by those entities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the City Council adopts the new City Council Policy titled Cost Recovery Policy as shown in Attachment A. Exhibit 1 March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 6 of 87 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, and the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California on the 14th day of March, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk {SEAL) March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 7 of 87 City Council POLICY STATEMENT Policy No. Date Issued 95 March 14, 2023 Resolution No. 2023-082 Subject: Cost Recovery Policy for Fees and Charges for Services Purpose It is important for the city to have a sound and consistent cost recovery policy that will serve as a management tool for establishing, implementing, and evaluating fees and charges.1 This policy ensures that the city's fees and charges are managed in a manner that will: •Provide for the delivery of quality services •Maintain and enhance service delivery •Support a balanced budget through evaluation and review of the city's total estimated and reasonable cost of providing services •Set fee amounts in accordance with local goals as pertains to code compliance, cost recovery, economic development, and community values •Ensure that any action to establish, increase, or impose a fee is conducted in a manner that satisfies the requirements of state law The City of Carlsbad is authorized to adopt and implement fees and charges for certain municipal services, provided the fees and charges do not exceed the reasonable cost of providing such services. This policy sets forth cost recovery targets, timelines for fee increases, annual cost inflation adjustments, and frequency of comprehensive review for all city fees and charges. Background The city's fees for services, products, and regulatory activities are not taxes requiring voter approval under California State Constitution, Article XIII C, Section 1 (a voter initiative added by Proposition 218 and amended by Proposition 26) if the fees do not exceed the reasonable cost of the services, products or regulatory activities. In addition to the Constitution, state and local laws also provide authorization to charge fees for services. For example, Government Code 66014 governs many fees as it pertains to development approvals. The language of Government Code 66014 mirrors the reasonable cost limitation expressed by the Constitution. This policy addresses all city fees and charges included in the city's Master Fee Schedule, with a few exceptions. Fees for services not subject to this policy typically require different analyses and adoption processes than the fees that are subject to this policy. 1 The policy, as it applies to Carlsbad Municipal Water District fees and housing services fees, was approved by the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on [date) by Resolution No. [number] and the Community Development Commission on [date] by Resolution No. [number]. Page 1 of 7 Attachment A March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 8 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 2 Subject to this Policy Not Subject to this Policy • Miscellaneous administrative fees • Special events fees • Streetlight energizing fees • City Clerk’s Office fees • Library fees • Fire fees: o Fire extinguishing and alarm systems permit fees o Annual inspections and fire code permits o Other fire fees • Fees for development applications, including entitlements, plan review, permit issuance, inspections • Police administrative and service fees • Utility account and service fees • Utility meter installation fees • Fees charged on an hourly, time and materials, or actual cost of service basis • Permit fees required to operate a business • Any fees prohibited by law from exceeding the reasonable cost of providing services • Deposits and securities • Safety Training Center facility fees • All fees for rental or use of city facilities and/or equipment • Administrative citation penalties • Vehicle, traffic and parking civil penalties • Development impact fees, utility connection fees • Trash collection rates • Fees set through contracts with third-party vendors • Water and wastewater service rates and property related fees and taxes governed by Proposition 218 • Fees set by external agencies • Other monetary exactions imposed on a project on an ad hoc basis in connection with the approval of a development project • Business license taxes • Emergency medical services, paramedic and ambulance fees • Parks & Recreation and Library & Cultural Arts program and class fees2 • All fees for services set by state or federal statute Statement of policy It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad that the following guidelines will be used in establishing and maintaining fees and charges: 1. Revenues for individual fees and in aggregate for any fee program shall not exceed the reasonable cost of providing services. 2. Comprehensive review of all city fees and charges shall occur every five to seven years. 2 Resolutions No. 2008-192 and No. 2015-173 authorized the City Manager or a designee to set all fees included in the Community Services Guide provided that fees both do not exceed the cost of providing the program and that these fees are no lower than the lowest fee charged for similar programs in the cities of Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido, or Encinitas. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 9 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 3 3. In certain circumstances where cost recovery may be unrealistic or undesirable, the City Council may subsidize a portion of or an entire fee program and/or individual fees. 4. In certain circumstances where immediate adjustments to full cost recovery may be impractical, it may be appropriate to phase in fee increases over multiple years. 5. The procedures for adopting fees for development applications or projects shall follow the procedures for adopting various fees provided by Government Code sections 66016- 66019, or other applicable law, and shall be effective no sooner than 60 days following the final action. 6. Fees and charges should be sensitive to the “market” for similar services. 7. A unified approach should be used in determining cost recovery levels for various programs and their individual fees and charges based on this policy. Influential Factors to Cost Recovery Policy Reasonable, routinely reviewed, and well managed fees for services are one of the many responsible financial steps needed to support the city’s overall financial sustainability. When considering whether fees and charges should be adopted to recover 100% of the costs of providing services, city staff and the City Council will consider the following influential factors: • The level of cost recovery should consider the degree to which the public benefits from the service versus the degree to which the user of the service themselves benefits. • The level of cost recovery should consider how the pricing of services can affect the demand and subsequent level of services provided. Based on the consideration of factors that influence cost recovery policy, the degree to which pricing for services recovers the city’s costs of providing the service will vary. • Low-level cost recovery services should aim to recover between 0%-30% of their costs. These include services where there is no intended relationship between the fee and the benefit received, that are essential to community safety, or for services where collecting fees would discourage compliance. • Mid-level cost recovery services should aim to recover between 31%-80% of their costs. These include services where the specific user of the service receives a higher level of benefit than the general taxpayer, but where the city has an interest in encouraging compliance by subsidizing the cost of the service. • High-level cost recovery services should recover between 81%-100% of their costs. These include services where the individual primarily and directly benefits from the service, not the community at large. These may be services that could otherwise be provided by the private sector or use of the service is not encouraged. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 10 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 4 Service/Program Cost Recovery Target Pricing Strategy General and Administrative Fees – Finance, Clerk, City Manager Appeals to City Council MID (31%-80%) Both individual and community benefit from the service Business license master list of new/active licenses HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Community facilities district annexation services HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Miscellaneous services where amount of the fee is not set by state or federal statute HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Special Events Fees City-sponsored special events. Special events sponsored by the city or a non-profit organization with a community-wide benefit that are free and open to the public LOW (0%-30%) Community primarily benefits from the service Special events that are open to the public where admission or fees for participation are not charged MID (31%-80%) Both the event sponsor and the community benefit from the service Special events where admission is ticketed or fees for participation are charged HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Library Fees Library card replacement, hold requests, interlibrary loans, general day-to-day service fees LOW (0%-30%) Community primarily benefits from the service Refund processing initiated by customer LOW (0%-30%) Community primarily benefits from the service Fire Fees Fire code permits, annual occupancy regulatory inspections (both state-mandated and non-mandated) MID (31%-80%) Both individual and community benefit from the service Fire/life safety plan check and inspection fees for development services (e.g., sprinkler, alarms, new construction) MID (31%-80%) Individual benefit received from the service. Fees should generally be set at the higher end of the mid- range March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 11 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 5 Police Fees Patrol and general enforcement services MID (31%-80%) Community primarily benefits from the service Copies of reports for victims of crimes MID (31%-80%) Ensure access to valuable service All fees for records management, towing, or other items which are not limited per state or federal statute MID (31%-80%) Individual benefit received from the service, or fee is administrative as pertains to a violation of code/law Utility Administrative Fees New account set up, reinstating of service for delinquent accounts to the extent not limited by SB 998, meter installation, all other fees for services MID (31%-80%) Individual benefit received from the service Land Development Permitting & Inspection Services Discretionary Entitlement Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to general plan amendment, rezone, local coastal plan amendment, conditional use permit, coastal development permit, site development plan) HIGH (81%-100%) Individual directly benefiting from the permitted action pays a majority, if not all the permit processing costs Minor Discretionary Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to permits that are more administrative in nature (i.e., accessory dwelling units) LOW (0%-30%) Ensure compliance with essential regulatory codes and standards by minimizing the permit application costs Ministerial Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to building, grading, map, and improvement plan) HIGH (81%-100%) Individual directly benefiting from the permitted action pays a majority, if not all the permit processing costs Minor Ministerial Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to minor commercial or industrial tenant improvements, adjustment plats, right-of- way use or encroachment agreements) MID (31%-80%) Ensure compliance with essential regulatory codes and standards by minimizing the permit application costs March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 12 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 6 Administrative Ministerial Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to minor and/or routine residential repairs LOW (0%-30%) Ensure compliance with essential regulatory codes and standards by minimizing the permit application costs Permit Inspection Services HIGH (81%-100%) Individual directly benefiting from the permitted action pays a majority, if not all the permit processing costs Procedures This Cost Recovery Policy establishes a scheduled program to comprehensively review the fee schedule to determine if the current fee amounts are reflective of the costs to provide such services and are consistent with best practices and statutory requirements. • A comprehensive analysis of city service delivery costs associated with fees and charges shall be made approximately every five to seven years. • Off-cycle updates will occur annually, where fees will be adjusted by a percentage equal to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics or another reasonable inflationary factor. • Individual fees may be adjusted during the interim period based on supplemental analysis whenever there have been significant changes in costs. • The City Council shall have the opportunity to review and the authority to approve any changes to the Master Fee Schedule. • The City Council may decide to increase fees over a period not to exceed three years in certain circumstances where immediate adjustments to targeted cost recovery amounts may be unrealistic. Comparability with Other Communities Comparing the city’s fees to other communities provides useful background information in setting fees. It allows the city to assess the market price of the service as compared to other agencies as well as to learn about alternative methods of charging fees for certain services. However, fee surveys should never be the sole or primary criteria in setting city fees as there are many factors that affect how and why other communities have set their fees at their levels. Terms and Limitations 1. All rights and obligations existing under any user fee schedule in effect prior to the effective date of a resolution approving a user fee update, shall continue in full force and effect. Updates to user fee schedules should not affect or disrupt the continuity of the city’s business or administration of its law, including: • Actions and proceedings that began before the effective date of the resolution. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 13 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 7 • Prosecution for ordinance violations committed before the effective date of the resolution. • The amount, or collection, of license, fee, penalty debt, forfeiture, or obligations due and unpaid as of the effective date of the resolution. 2. This Cost Recovery Policy does not invalidate any action taken prior to its effective date if the action was proper under the law governing the action at the time the action was taken. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 14 of 87 RESOLUTION NO. 1701 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A COST RECOVERY POLICY WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California has the authority to establish fees for district services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors finds it necessary to recover the costs of district services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors believes that each district service provides varying benefits to individuals, business and community groups and warrants particular cost recovery structures based on the types of benefits conferred by each service; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires to implement a cost recovery policy in order to establish a set of guidelines for target cost recovery ratios for each category of services for which the district charges a fee; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors wishes to outline a set of procedures for the periodic evaluation of district fees and cost recovery levels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the Board adopts the City of Carlsbad's Cost Recovery Policy (Attachment A), as it may be amended from time by the City of Carlsbad City Council, as the District's Cost Recovery Policy. Exhibit 2 March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 15 of 87 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad and the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 14th day of March, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, President SHERRY FREISINGER, Secretary (SEAL) March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 16 of 87 City Council POLICY STATEMENT Policy No. Date Issued 95 March 14, 2023 Resolution No. 2023-082 Subject: Cost Recovery Policy for Fees and Charges for Services Purpose It is important for the city to have a sound and consistent cost recovery policy that will serve as a management tool for establishing, implementing, and evaluating fees and charges.1 This policy ensures that the city's fees and charges are managed in a manner that will: •Provide for the delivery of quality services •Maintain and enhance service delivery •Support a balanced budget through evaluation and review of the city's total estimated and reasonable cost of providing services •Set fee amounts in accordance with local goals as pertains to code compliance, cost recovery, economic development, and community values •Ensure that any action to establish, increase, or impose a fee is conducted in a manner that satisfies the requirements of state law The City of Carlsbad is authorized to adopt and implement fees and charges for certain municipal services, provided the fees and charges do not exceed the reasonable cost of providing such services. This policy sets forth cost recovery targets, timelines for fee increases, annual cost inflation adjustments, and frequency of comprehensive review for all city fees and charges. Background The city's fees for services, products, and regulatory activities are not taxes requiring voter approval under California State Constitution, Article XIII C, Section 1 (a voter initiative added by Proposition 218 and amended by Proposition 26) if the fees do not exceed the reasonable cost of the services, products or regulatory activities. In addition to the Constitution, state and local laws also provide authorization to charge fees for services. For example, Government Code 66014 governs many fees as it pertains to development approvals. The language of Government Code 66014 mirrors the reasonable cost limitation expressed by the Constitution. This policy addresses all city fees and charges included in the city's Master Fee Schedule, with a few exceptions. Fees for services not subject to this policy typically require different analyses and adoption processes than the fees that are subject to this policy. 1 The policy, as it applies to Carlsbad Municipal Water District fees and housing services fees, was approved by the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on [date) by Resolution No. [number] and the Community Development Commission on [date] by Resolution No. [number]. Page 1 of 7 Attachment A March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 17 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 2 Subject to this Policy Not Subject to this Policy • Miscellaneous administrative fees • Special events fees • Streetlight energizing fees • City Clerk’s Office fees • Library fees • Fire fees: o Fire extinguishing and alarm systems permit fees o Annual inspections and fire code permits o Other fire fees • Fees for development applications, including entitlements, plan review, permit issuance, inspections • Police administrative and service fees • Utility account and service fees • Utility meter installation fees • Fees charged on an hourly, time and materials, or actual cost of service basis • Permit fees required to operate a business • Any fees prohibited by law from exceeding the reasonable cost of providing services • Deposits and securities • Safety Training Center facility fees • All fees for rental or use of city facilities and/or equipment • Administrative citation penalties • Vehicle, traffic and parking civil penalties • Development impact fees, utility connection fees • Trash collection rates • Fees set through contracts with third-party vendors • Water and wastewater service rates and property related fees and taxes governed by Proposition 218 • Fees set by external agencies • Other monetary exactions imposed on a project on an ad hoc basis in connection with the approval of a development project • Business license taxes • Emergency medical services, paramedic and ambulance fees • Parks & Recreation and Library & Cultural Arts program and class fees2 • All fees for services set by state or federal statute Statement of policy It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad that the following guidelines will be used in establishing and maintaining fees and charges: 1. Revenues for individual fees and in aggregate for any fee program shall not exceed the reasonable cost of providing services. 2. Comprehensive review of all city fees and charges shall occur every five to seven years. 2 Resolutions No. 2008-192 and No. 2015-173 authorized the City Manager or a designee to set all fees included in the Community Services Guide provided that fees both do not exceed the cost of providing the program and that these fees are no lower than the lowest fee charged for similar programs in the cities of Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido, or Encinitas. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 18 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 3 3. In certain circumstances where cost recovery may be unrealistic or undesirable, the City Council may subsidize a portion of or an entire fee program and/or individual fees. 4. In certain circumstances where immediate adjustments to full cost recovery may be impractical, it may be appropriate to phase in fee increases over multiple years. 5. The procedures for adopting fees for development applications or projects shall follow the procedures for adopting various fees provided by Government Code sections 66016- 66019, or other applicable law, and shall be effective no sooner than 60 days following the final action. 6. Fees and charges should be sensitive to the “market” for similar services. 7. A unified approach should be used in determining cost recovery levels for various programs and their individual fees and charges based on this policy. Influential Factors to Cost Recovery Policy Reasonable, routinely reviewed, and well managed fees for services are one of the many responsible financial steps needed to support the city’s overall financial sustainability. When considering whether fees and charges should be adopted to recover 100% of the costs of providing services, city staff and the City Council will consider the following influential factors: • The level of cost recovery should consider the degree to which the public benefits from the service versus the degree to which the user of the service themselves benefits. • The level of cost recovery should consider how the pricing of services can affect the demand and subsequent level of services provided. Based on the consideration of factors that influence cost recovery policy, the degree to which pricing for services recovers the city’s costs of providing the service will vary. • Low-level cost recovery services should aim to recover between 0%-30% of their costs. These include services where there is no intended relationship between the fee and the benefit received, that are essential to community safety, or for services where collecting fees would discourage compliance. • Mid-level cost recovery services should aim to recover between 31%-80% of their costs. These include services where the specific user of the service receives a higher level of benefit than the general taxpayer, but where the city has an interest in encouraging compliance by subsidizing the cost of the service. • High-level cost recovery services should recover between 81%-100% of their costs. These include services where the individual primarily and directly benefits from the service, not the community at large. These may be services that could otherwise be provided by the private sector or use of the service is not encouraged. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 19 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 4 Service/Program Cost Recovery Target Pricing Strategy General and Administrative Fees – Finance, Clerk, City Manager Appeals to City Council MID (31%-80%) Both individual and community benefit from the service Business license master list of new/active licenses HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Community facilities district annexation services HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Miscellaneous services where amount of the fee is not set by state or federal statute HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Special Events Fees City-sponsored special events. Special events sponsored by the city or a non-profit organization with a community-wide benefit that are free and open to the public LOW (0%-30%) Community primarily benefits from the service Special events that are open to the public where admission or fees for participation are not charged MID (31%-80%) Both the event sponsor and the community benefit from the service Special events where admission is ticketed or fees for participation are charged HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Library Fees Library card replacement, hold requests, interlibrary loans, general day-to-day service fees LOW (0%-30%) Community primarily benefits from the service Refund processing initiated by customer LOW (0%-30%) Community primarily benefits from the service Fire Fees Fire code permits, annual occupancy regulatory inspections (both state-mandated and non-mandated) MID (31%-80%) Both individual and community benefit from the service Fire/life safety plan check and inspection fees for development services (e.g., sprinkler, alarms, new construction) MID (31%-80%) Individual benefit received from the service. Fees should generally be set at the higher end of the mid- range March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 20 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 5 Police Fees Patrol and general enforcement services MID (31%-80%) Community primarily benefits from the service Copies of reports for victims of crimes MID (31%-80%) Ensure access to valuable service All fees for records management, towing, or other items which are not limited per state or federal statute MID (31%-80%) Individual benefit received from the service, or fee is administrative as pertains to a violation of code/law Utility Administrative Fees New account set up, reinstating of service for delinquent accounts to the extent not limited by SB 998, meter installation, all other fees for services MID (31%-80%) Individual benefit received from the service Land Development Permitting & Inspection Services Discretionary Entitlement Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to general plan amendment, rezone, local coastal plan amendment, conditional use permit, coastal development permit, site development plan) HIGH (81%-100%) Individual directly benefiting from the permitted action pays a majority, if not all the permit processing costs Minor Discretionary Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to permits that are more administrative in nature (i.e., accessory dwelling units) LOW (0%-30%) Ensure compliance with essential regulatory codes and standards by minimizing the permit application costs Ministerial Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to building, grading, map, and improvement plan) HIGH (81%-100%) Individual directly benefiting from the permitted action pays a majority, if not all the permit processing costs Minor Ministerial Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to minor commercial or industrial tenant improvements, adjustment plats, right-of- way use or encroachment agreements) MID (31%-80%) Ensure compliance with essential regulatory codes and standards by minimizing the permit application costs March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 21 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 6 Administrative Ministerial Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to minor and/or routine residential repairs LOW (0%-30%) Ensure compliance with essential regulatory codes and standards by minimizing the permit application costs Permit Inspection Services HIGH (81%-100%) Individual directly benefiting from the permitted action pays a majority, if not all the permit processing costs Procedures This Cost Recovery Policy establishes a scheduled program to comprehensively review the fee schedule to determine if the current fee amounts are reflective of the costs to provide such services and are consistent with best practices and statutory requirements. • A comprehensive analysis of city service delivery costs associated with fees and charges shall be made approximately every five to seven years. • Off-cycle updates will occur annually, where fees will be adjusted by a percentage equal to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics or another reasonable inflationary factor. • Individual fees may be adjusted during the interim period based on supplemental analysis whenever there have been significant changes in costs. • The City Council shall have the opportunity to review and the authority to approve any changes to the Master Fee Schedule. • The City Council may decide to increase fees over a period not to exceed three years in certain circumstances where immediate adjustments to targeted cost recovery amounts may be unrealistic. Comparability with Other Communities Comparing the city’s fees to other communities provides useful background information in setting fees. It allows the city to assess the market price of the service as compared to other agencies as well as to learn about alternative methods of charging fees for certain services. However, fee surveys should never be the sole or primary criteria in setting city fees as there are many factors that affect how and why other communities have set their fees at their levels. Terms and Limitations 1. All rights and obligations existing under any user fee schedule in effect prior to the effective date of a resolution approving a user fee update, shall continue in full force and effect. Updates to user fee schedules should not affect or disrupt the continuity of the city’s business or administration of its law, including: • Actions and proceedings that began before the effective date of the resolution. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 22 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 7 • Prosecution for ordinance violations committed before the effective date of the resolution. • The amount, or collection, of license, fee, penalty debt, forfeiture, or obligations due and unpaid as of the effective date of the resolution. 2. This Cost Recovery Policy does not invalidate any action taken prior to its effective date if the action was proper under the law governing the action at the time the action was taken. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 23 of 87 RESOLUTION NO. 558 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A COST RECOVERY POLICY WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California has the authority to establish fees for housing services; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds it necessary to recover the costs of housing services; and WHEREAS, the Commission believes that each housing service provides varying benefits to individuals, business and community groups and warrants particular cost recovery structures based on the types of benefits conferred by each service; and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to implement a cost recovery policy in order to establish a set of guidelines for target cost recovery ratios for each category of housing services for which the Commission charges a fee; and WHEREAS, the Commission wishes to outline a set of procedures for the periodic evaluation of Commission fees and cost recovery levels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the Commission adopts the City of Carlsbad's Cost Recovery Policy (Attachment A), as it may be amended from time by the City of Carlsbad City Council, as the Commission's Cost Recovery Policy. Exhibit 3 March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 24 of 87 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, and the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 14th day of March, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: None. None. None. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 25 of 87 City Council POLICY STATEMENT Policy No. Date Issued 95 March 14, 2023 Resolution No. 2023-082 Subject: Cost Recovery Policy for Fees and Charges for Services Purpose It is important for the city to have a sound and consistent cost recovery policy that will serve as a management tool for establishing, implementing, and evaluating fees and charges.1 This policy ensures that the city's fees and charges are managed in a manner that will: •Provide for the delivery of quality services •Maintain and enhance service delivery •Support a balanced budget through evaluation and review of the city's total estimated and reasonable cost of providing services •Set fee amounts in accordance with local goals as pertains to code compliance, cost recovery, economic development, and community values •Ensure that any action to establish, increase, or impose a fee is conducted in a manner that satisfies the requirements of state law The City of Carlsbad is authorized to adopt and implement fees and charges for certain municipal services, provided the fees and charges do not exceed the reasonable cost of providing such services. This policy sets forth cost recovery targets, timelines for fee increases, annual cost inflation adjustments, and frequency of comprehensive review for all city fees and charges. Background The city's fees for services, products, and regulatory activities are not taxes requiring voter approval under California State Constitution, Article XIII C, Section 1 (a voter initiative added by Proposition 218 and amended by Proposition 26) if the fees do not exceed the reasonable cost of the services, products or regulatory activities. In addition to the Constitution, state and local laws also provide authorization to charge fees for services. For example, Government Code 66014 governs many fees as it pertains to development approvals. The language of Government Code 66014 mirrors the reasonable cost limitation expressed by the Constitution. This policy addresses all city fees and charges included in the city's Master Fee Schedule, with a few exceptions. Fees for services not subject to this policy typically require different analyses and adoption processes than the fees that are subject to this policy. 1 The policy, as it applies to Carlsbad Municipal Water District fees and housing services fees, was approved by the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on [date) by Resolution No. [number] and the Community Development Commission on [date] by Resolution No. [number]. Page 1 of 7 Attachment A March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 26 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 2 Subject to this Policy Not Subject to this Policy • Miscellaneous administrative fees • Special events fees • Streetlight energizing fees • City Clerk’s Office fees • Library fees • Fire fees: o Fire extinguishing and alarm systems permit fees o Annual inspections and fire code permits o Other fire fees • Fees for development applications, including entitlements, plan review, permit issuance, inspections • Police administrative and service fees • Utility account and service fees • Utility meter installation fees • Fees charged on an hourly, time and materials, or actual cost of service basis • Permit fees required to operate a business • Any fees prohibited by law from exceeding the reasonable cost of providing services • Deposits and securities • Safety Training Center facility fees • All fees for rental or use of city facilities and/or equipment • Administrative citation penalties • Vehicle, traffic and parking civil penalties • Development impact fees, utility connection fees • Trash collection rates • Fees set through contracts with third-party vendors • Water and wastewater service rates and property related fees and taxes governed by Proposition 218 • Fees set by external agencies • Other monetary exactions imposed on a project on an ad hoc basis in connection with the approval of a development project • Business license taxes • Emergency medical services, paramedic and ambulance fees • Parks & Recreation and Library & Cultural Arts program and class fees2 • All fees for services set by state or federal statute Statement of policy It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad that the following guidelines will be used in establishing and maintaining fees and charges: 1. Revenues for individual fees and in aggregate for any fee program shall not exceed the reasonable cost of providing services. 2. Comprehensive review of all city fees and charges shall occur every five to seven years. 2 Resolutions No. 2008-192 and No. 2015-173 authorized the City Manager or a designee to set all fees included in the Community Services Guide provided that fees both do not exceed the cost of providing the program and that these fees are no lower than the lowest fee charged for similar programs in the cities of Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido, or Encinitas. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 27 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 3 3. In certain circumstances where cost recovery may be unrealistic or undesirable, the City Council may subsidize a portion of or an entire fee program and/or individual fees. 4. In certain circumstances where immediate adjustments to full cost recovery may be impractical, it may be appropriate to phase in fee increases over multiple years. 5. The procedures for adopting fees for development applications or projects shall follow the procedures for adopting various fees provided by Government Code sections 66016- 66019, or other applicable law, and shall be effective no sooner than 60 days following the final action. 6. Fees and charges should be sensitive to the “market” for similar services. 7. A unified approach should be used in determining cost recovery levels for various programs and their individual fees and charges based on this policy. Influential Factors to Cost Recovery Policy Reasonable, routinely reviewed, and well managed fees for services are one of the many responsible financial steps needed to support the city’s overall financial sustainability. When considering whether fees and charges should be adopted to recover 100% of the costs of providing services, city staff and the City Council will consider the following influential factors: • The level of cost recovery should consider the degree to which the public benefits from the service versus the degree to which the user of the service themselves benefits. • The level of cost recovery should consider how the pricing of services can affect the demand and subsequent level of services provided. Based on the consideration of factors that influence cost recovery policy, the degree to which pricing for services recovers the city’s costs of providing the service will vary. • Low-level cost recovery services should aim to recover between 0%-30% of their costs. These include services where there is no intended relationship between the fee and the benefit received, that are essential to community safety, or for services where collecting fees would discourage compliance. • Mid-level cost recovery services should aim to recover between 31%-80% of their costs. These include services where the specific user of the service receives a higher level of benefit than the general taxpayer, but where the city has an interest in encouraging compliance by subsidizing the cost of the service. • High-level cost recovery services should recover between 81%-100% of their costs. These include services where the individual primarily and directly benefits from the service, not the community at large. These may be services that could otherwise be provided by the private sector or use of the service is not encouraged. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 28 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 4 Service/Program Cost Recovery Target Pricing Strategy General and Administrative Fees – Finance, Clerk, City Manager Appeals to City Council MID (31%-80%) Both individual and community benefit from the service Business license master list of new/active licenses HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Community facilities district annexation services HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Miscellaneous services where amount of the fee is not set by state or federal statute HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Special Events Fees City-sponsored special events. Special events sponsored by the city or a non-profit organization with a community-wide benefit that are free and open to the public LOW (0%-30%) Community primarily benefits from the service Special events that are open to the public where admission or fees for participation are not charged MID (31%-80%) Both the event sponsor and the community benefit from the service Special events where admission is ticketed or fees for participation are charged HIGH (81%-100%) Individual benefit received from the service Library Fees Library card replacement, hold requests, interlibrary loans, general day-to-day service fees LOW (0%-30%) Community primarily benefits from the service Refund processing initiated by customer LOW (0%-30%) Community primarily benefits from the service Fire Fees Fire code permits, annual occupancy regulatory inspections (both state-mandated and non-mandated) MID (31%-80%) Both individual and community benefit from the service Fire/life safety plan check and inspection fees for development services (e.g., sprinkler, alarms, new construction) MID (31%-80%) Individual benefit received from the service. Fees should generally be set at the higher end of the mid- range March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 29 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 5 Police Fees Patrol and general enforcement services MID (31%-80%) Community primarily benefits from the service Copies of reports for victims of crimes MID (31%-80%) Ensure access to valuable service All fees for records management, towing, or other items which are not limited per state or federal statute MID (31%-80%) Individual benefit received from the service, or fee is administrative as pertains to a violation of code/law Utility Administrative Fees New account set up, reinstating of service for delinquent accounts to the extent not limited by SB 998, meter installation, all other fees for services MID (31%-80%) Individual benefit received from the service Land Development Permitting & Inspection Services Discretionary Entitlement Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to general plan amendment, rezone, local coastal plan amendment, conditional use permit, coastal development permit, site development plan) HIGH (81%-100%) Individual directly benefiting from the permitted action pays a majority, if not all the permit processing costs Minor Discretionary Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to permits that are more administrative in nature (i.e., accessory dwelling units) LOW (0%-30%) Ensure compliance with essential regulatory codes and standards by minimizing the permit application costs Ministerial Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to building, grading, map, and improvement plan) HIGH (81%-100%) Individual directly benefiting from the permitted action pays a majority, if not all the permit processing costs Minor Ministerial Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to minor commercial or industrial tenant improvements, adjustment plats, right-of- way use or encroachment agreements) MID (31%-80%) Ensure compliance with essential regulatory codes and standards by minimizing the permit application costs March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 30 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 6 Administrative Ministerial Permit (review and processing, including but not limited to minor and/or routine residential repairs LOW (0%-30%) Ensure compliance with essential regulatory codes and standards by minimizing the permit application costs Permit Inspection Services HIGH (81%-100%) Individual directly benefiting from the permitted action pays a majority, if not all the permit processing costs Procedures This Cost Recovery Policy establishes a scheduled program to comprehensively review the fee schedule to determine if the current fee amounts are reflective of the costs to provide such services and are consistent with best practices and statutory requirements. • A comprehensive analysis of city service delivery costs associated with fees and charges shall be made approximately every five to seven years. • Off-cycle updates will occur annually, where fees will be adjusted by a percentage equal to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics or another reasonable inflationary factor. • Individual fees may be adjusted during the interim period based on supplemental analysis whenever there have been significant changes in costs. • The City Council shall have the opportunity to review and the authority to approve any changes to the Master Fee Schedule. • The City Council may decide to increase fees over a period not to exceed three years in certain circumstances where immediate adjustments to targeted cost recovery amounts may be unrealistic. Comparability with Other Communities Comparing the city’s fees to other communities provides useful background information in setting fees. It allows the city to assess the market price of the service as compared to other agencies as well as to learn about alternative methods of charging fees for certain services. However, fee surveys should never be the sole or primary criteria in setting city fees as there are many factors that affect how and why other communities have set their fees at their levels. Terms and Limitations 1. All rights and obligations existing under any user fee schedule in effect prior to the effective date of a resolution approving a user fee update, shall continue in full force and effect. Updates to user fee schedules should not affect or disrupt the continuity of the city’s business or administration of its law, including: • Actions and proceedings that began before the effective date of the resolution. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 31 of 87 City Council Policy Statement March 14, 2023 Page 7 • Prosecution for ordinance violations committed before the effective date of the resolution. • The amount, or collection, of license, fee, penalty debt, forfeiture, or obligations due and unpaid as of the effective date of the resolution. 2. This Cost Recovery Policy does not invalidate any action taken prior to its effective date if the action was proper under the law governing the action at the time the action was taken. March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 32 of 87 Master Fee Schedule FY 2022-23 All Fees Within, except Trash Collection Rates, Effective Sept. 1, 2022 Trash Collection Rates Effective July 1, 2022 SDCWA Fees and Fish & Games Fees for CEQA Compliance Effective Jan. 1, 2023 Hydraulic Modeling Fees Effective Feb. 4, 2023 Exhibit 4 March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 33 of 87 C cityof Carlsbad Contents Section 1 – General City Service Fees, Deposits, Rates, Penalties and Fines Miscellaneous Fees and Returned Checks ....................................................................................... 4 Deposits and Securities .................................................................................................................... 5 Special Events and Safety Training Center ....................................................................................... 6 Ambulance and Street Light Energizing ........................................................................................... 7 City Clerk Fees .................................................................................................................................. 8 Library Fees ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Fire (Fire Extinguishing and Alarm Systems) .................................................................................. 10 Fire (Development Applications, Plan Review, and Inspection) .................................................... 11 Fire (Fire and Life Safety Inspections and Fire Code Permits) ....................................................... 13 Police Department Fees ................................................................................................................. 14 Administrative and Vehicle, Traffic, and Parking Penalties ........................................................... 15 Trash Collection Rates .................................................................................................................... 16 Utility Account and Service Fees .................................................................................................... 23 Utility Meter Installation and Connection ..................................................................................... 25 Utility (San Diego County Water Authority) .................................................................................. 27 Section 2 – Development Related Fees Planning Department Fees ............................................................................................................ 29 Engineering Department Fees ....................................................................................................... 33 Building (New Construction, Additions and Major Remodels) ...................................................... 37 Building (Minor/Miscellaneous Residential & Commercial Improvements) ................................. 42 Building (Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical) ............................................................................ 45 Building (Simple Single or Combination Permits List) .................................................................... 46 Section 3 – Development Impact Fees Bridge and Thoroughfare District 2 Map ....................................................................................... 48 Local Facilities Management Zones Map ....................................................................................... 49 Park in Lieu Fees, Park Districts Map ............................................................................................. 50 Planned Local Drainage Fee Areas and Map .................................................................................. 51 Sewer Benefit Area and Connection Fees Map ............................................................................. 53 Affordable Housing, Habitat Mitigation, and Traffic ..................................................................... 55 March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 34 of 87 Section 1 General City Service Fees, Deposits, Rates, Penalties and Fines March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 35 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Miscellaneous Fees Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call ‐ 1% of principal being  repaid (All Assessment Districts using 1915 Act Bonds)each [1] $50 min/$500 max  Business License ‐ additional CA fee each [4],[6]4.00$  Business License ‐ master list of active business licenses each [2]33.00$  Business License ‐ monthly list of new licenses each [2]6.00$  Cable Channel Administration Fee per hour [3]94.00$  Electric Vehicle Charging Fee per kWh [1]0.35$  GIS ‐ digital data delivery, production of new documents,  reproduction of existing documents, and technical services per hour [1] Actual Cost Hearing Disposition Services for Parking Citations ‐ Personal Hearings each [1] Actual Cost Hearing Disposition Services for Parking Citations ‐ Written Review each [1] Actual Cost City Publications each [1] Copy Charge  Community Facilities District Annexation ‐ City Labor (Plus actual  consultants costs)each [2]1,620.00$  Returned Check Fee First Returned Check each [5]25.00$  Each Additional Check each [5]35.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. [4] Set per CA Government Code 4467 [5] Set per CA Civil Code 1719 [6] Business license tax, set per Carlsbad Municipal Code 5.08.010, is separate from these fees. 4March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 36 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Deposits and Securities Grading and Erosion Control Grading Security (with approved plans)deposit [1],[2]  Based on Grading  Cost Estimate  Grading Cash Deposit deposit [1],[2]  Up to 10% of total  grading security  Development/Subdivision Improvements Faithful Performance Security deposit [1],[2]  Based on  Improvement Cost  Estimate  Labor and Materials Security deposit [1],[2]  50% of Faithful  Performance  Security  Monumentation Security deposit [1],[2]  Based on Total Cost  of Monumentation  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Per CA Government Code 53079, 1% shall be deducted from any interest due. The city may require a security be provided to ensure work related to a project is completed in accordance with  the Carlsbad Municipal Code and development agreements executed with the city.  This information is to help  understand the standard structure of how these deposits and securities are calculated.  The security amounts are  calculated using final city‐approved cost estimates, not initial or draft estimates during plan check. 5March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 37 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Special Events Fees Special Event Application ‐ Minor ‐ 2 or less intersections (fee + services rendered)each [1],[3]144.00$  Special Event Application ‐ Major ‐ 3 or more intersections (fee + services rendered) each [1],[2]432.00$  Special Event Application ‐ Third party Vendor Fee per day [1],[2]97.00$  Special Event City Services ‐ Staff Time per hour [1] Actual Cost Safety Training Center Facility Fees One Shooting Range full day [1]1,263.00$  One Shooting Range 1/2 day [1]632.00$  Two Shooting Ranges full day [1]1,419.00$  Two Shooting Ranges 1/2 day [1]742.00$  Classroom full day [1]600.00$  Classroom 1/2 day [1]343.00$  Confined Space Prop full day [1]664.00$  Confined Space Prop 1/2 day [1]332.00$  Grinder full day [1]476.00$  Grinder 1/2 day [1]277.00$  Grinder/Commercial Prop (No Fire Ops)full day [1]687.00$  Grinder/Commercial Prop (No Fire Ops)1/2 day [1]343.00$  Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops)full day [1]687.00$  Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops)1/2 day [1]343.00$  PriSim (Training Simulator)full day [1]500.00$  PriSim (Training Simulator)1/2 day [1]250.00$  Pump Draft Pit full day [1]400.00$  Pump Draft Pit 1/2 day [1]200.00$  Streetscape full day [1]167.00$  Streetscape 1/2 day [1]122.00$  Special Events Recovery ‐ Hourly hourly [1]55.00$  Shooting Range ‐ Hourly hourly [1]128.00$  Shooting Range Hazardous Waste Disposal Fees each [1],[3]217.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Carlsbad Municipal Code 8.17 defines and outlines Special Events which may require a permitting. [3] Fee charged as determined by staff Full details on how to apply for a Special Event Application can be referenced in the Special Event Reference  Handbook available on the City of Carlsbad website. The below fees are listed for reference only and may not be  representative of the entirety of a Special Event Application cost. A valid, unexpired City of Carlsbad Business  License is required for all special event applicants.  Carlsbad Municipal Code Section  8.17.070 CMC requires an  applicant to pay a non‐refundable fee to allow third party vendors to participate under the applicant’s business  License. 6March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 38 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Ambulance Fees  Assessment/Non‐Transport with medication given. No charge for  assessment if no medication given and non‐transport. per [1]224.00$  Advanced Life Support 1 ‐ Resident and Non‐Resident ‐ plus Level I or  Level II supplies and medications per [1]1,286.00$  Advanced Life Support 2 ‐ Non‐Resident ‐ plus Level II supplies and  medications per [1]1,510.00$  Advanced Life Support 2 ‐ Resident ‐ plus Level II supplies and  medications per [1]1,399.00$  Basic Life Support ‐ Resident and Non‐Resident per [1]1,050.00$  Mileage Charge mile [1]25.00$  Oxygen Charge per [1]84.00$  Street Light Energizing Fees 40 watts each [2]90.00$  45 watts each [2]98.00$  70 watts each [2]136.00$  85 watts each [2]160.00$  100 watts each [2]183.00$  150 watts each [2]260.00$  200 watts each [2]338.00$  250 watts each [2]416.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Street Light Energizing Fees are the cost for energizing each street light for eighteen months, and include a $30.00  charge per light for connecting the light to an SDG&E service point. 7March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 39 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  City Clerk Fees Blueprinting of Standard Size each [1]5.00$  Appeals to City Council each [2]115.00$  Candidate Filing Fee each [3]25.00$  Notice of Intention to Circulate Initiative Petition each [4]200.00$  Subpoena Fees Deposition Subpoena per day [5]275.00$  Records Subpoena ‐ research per hour [6]15.00$  Copy Fees Copies & Printing ‐ Black & White each [1]0.10$  Copies & Printing ‐ Color each [1]0.10$  CD Copy each [1] Actual Cost DVD Copy each [1] Actual Cost USB Drive Copy each [1] Actual Cost FPPC Fees Campaign Statements per page [7]0.10$  Conflict of Interest Statement per page [7]0.10$  Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case‐by‐case  basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time  of service provided. per hour [2]115.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Set per City of Carlsbad Municipal Code 1.12.010 [4] Set per CA Elections Code 9202 [5] Set per CA Government Code 68096.1(b) [6] Set per CA Evidence Code 1563(b)(1) [7] Set per CA Government Code 81008 8March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 40 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Library Fees Copies & Printing ‐ Black & White each [1]0.20$  Copies & Printing ‐ Color each [1]1.00$  Account Collection Fee per item [1]10.00$  Hold Request Non‐Pickup Fee per item [2]1.00$  Borrowing ‐ Audio/Visual Equipment, per item per day [1]5.00$  Card Replacement per card [2]2.00$  Carlsbad History Collection Photo Fee per request [1] Actual Cost  Inter Loan per request [2]6.00$  Lost/Damaged Item Processing fee per item [2]6.00$  Lost/Damaged Item per item [1]List Price Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case‐by‐case  basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time  of service provided. per hour [2]12.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update 9March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 41 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Fire Extinguishing and Alarm Systems New Sprinkler System ESFR Fire Sprinkler System (Initial system)each [2]1,017.00$                  Each additional System each [2]281.00$  Per Additional Inspection each [2]121.00$  ESFR Fire Sprinkler System with In‐Rack Sprinklers each [2]1,177.00$                  Each additional System each [2]281.00$  Per Additional Inspection each [2]121.00$  Fire Pump (first pump)each [2]936.00$  Each Additional pump each [2]321.00$  NFPA 13 System < 100 heads each [2]735.00$  Per Additional Inspection each [2]121.00$  Per Additional Plan Type each [2]160.00$  NFPA 13 System > 100 heads (includes one riser)each [2]1,017.00$                  Each Additional Riser each [2] 281.00$  Per Additional Inspection each [2]121.00$  Per Additional Plan Type each [2]160.00$  NFPA 13R System 3‐16 units (per building)each [2]1,017.00$                  Per Additional Inspection (per building)each [2]160.00$  Per Additional Plan Type each [2]160.00$  NFPA 13D Single Family System (Plan Review Per Initial or Single  Plan Type)each [2]292.00$  Per Additional Plan Type each [2]160.00$  NFPA 13D Single Family System (Inspection Per Building)each [2]148.00$  Underground Piping with up to 4 Hydrants/Risers each [2]895.00$  Underground Piping with 5 or more Hydrants/Risers each [2],[3] 1,180.00$                  Tenant Improvement Sprinkler System NFPA 13 or 13R System 6 heads or less each [2]148.00$  NFPA 13 or 13R System 7 ‐ 100 heads each [2]654.00$  Per Additional Inspection each [2]160.00$  Per Additional Plan Type each [2]160.00$  NFPA 13 or 13R System > 100 heads each [2]774.00$  Per Additional Inspection each [2]160.00$  Per Additional Plan Type each [2]160.00$  Other Extinguishing Systems Gas Systems (Med Gas, Industrial Gas, LPG)each [2]493.00$  Hood & Duct Extinguishing System each [2]493.00$  Each additional System each [2]241.00$  Pre‐Action System with Alarm each [2]654.00$  Refrigeration Systems < 500 lbs.each [2]855.00$  Refrigeration Systems > 500 lbs.each [2]1,458.00$                  Special Equipment (Ovens, Dust, Battery)each [2]493.00$  Special Extinguishing System each [2]694.00$  Spray Booths each [2]493.00$  10March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 42 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Alarm Systems New Alarm System each [2] 1,499.00$                  Per Additional Inspection each [2]160.00$  Per Additional Plan Type each [2]160.00$  Sprinkler Monitoring each [2]453.00$  Per Additional Inspection each [2]160.00$  Per Additional Plan Type each [2]160.00$  Tenant Improvement Fire Alarm System each [2]735.00$  Per Additional Inspection each [2]160.00$  Per Additional Plan Type each [2]160.00$  Development Applications, Plan Review and Inspection Building Construction Plan (Architectural Review) A‐1 Occupancies ‐ New each [2]1,407.00$                  A‐1 Occupancies ‐ Tenant Improvements each [2]1,076.00$                  A‐2 & A‐3 Occupancies ‐ New each [2]965.00$  A‐2 & A‐3 Occupancies ‐ Tenant Improvements each [2]744.00$  A‐4 & A‐5 Occupancies ‐ New each [2]1,407.00$                  A‐4 & A‐5 Occupancies ‐ Tenant Improvements each [2]1,076.00$                  E Occupancies ‐ New each [2] 1,407.00$                  E Occupancies ‐ Tenant Improvements each [2]1,076.00$                  E Occupancies (Daycare only) each [2]563.00$  F Occupancies ‐ New each [2]965.00$  F Occupancies ‐ Tenant Improvements each [2]744.00$  H Occupancies (not including Chem Class) ‐ New each [2] 965.00$  H Occupancies (not including Chem Class) ‐ Tenant  Improvements each [2]744.00$  I Occupancies ‐ New each [2] 965.00$  I Occupancies ‐ Tenant Improvements each [2]744.00$  L Occupancies ‐ New each [2]563.00$  L Occupancies ‐ Tenant Improvements each [2]443.00$  R‐1 & R‐2 Occupancies <50 units New flat [2]1,407.00$                  R‐1 & R‐2 Occupancies ≥50 units New flat [2]1,739.00$                  R‐3 Townhomes New each [2]965.00$  R Occupancies All  ‐ Tenant Improvements each [2] 744.00$  S Occupancies < 50,000 sq. ft. New flat [2]563.00$  S Occupancies < 50,000 sq. ft.  ‐ Tenant Improvements flat [2]443.00$  S Occupancies ≥ 50,000 sq. ft. New flat [2]1,046.00$                  S Occupancies ≥ 50,000 sq. ft.  ‐ Tenant Improvements flat [2]803.00$  11March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 43 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Plan Review and Inspection Hazardous Materials Storage Chem Class <10 Chemicals flat [2]574.00$  Chem Class 10‐ 25 Chemicals flat [2]895.00$  Chem Class  26 ‐ 100 Chemicals flat [2]1,297.00$                  Chem Class >100 Chemicals flat [2]1,700.00$                  Fire Department Access & Fire Lanes flat [2]292.00$  High Piled Storage flat [2]895.00$  High Rise Structure greater than 55 feet 402.00$  Per Additional Floor flat [2] 321.00$  Storage Tanks Aboveground Storage Tanks (First tank)each [2]855.00$  Underground Storage Tanks (First tank)each [2]774.00$  Each Additional Tank each [2] 121.00$  Vegetation Fuel Modification Custom Home flat [2]574.00$  Tract <75 Homes flat [2]1,057.00$                  Tract ≥75 Homes flat [2]1,539.00$                  Smoke Control ‐ Rationale Analysis & Plan Review 1,620.00$                  Other Fire Fees Aerial Fireworks Display Major each [2] 1,528.00$                  Minor each [2] 884.00$  Plan Review Processing Fee each [2]27.00$  Per Hour ‐ Overtime hourly [2]174.00$  Per Hour ‐ Regular Office Hours hourly [2]160.00$  Hourly Services for: Alternate Methods and Materials Review, Time  and Materials Review, Project Meetings, etc. First Hour each [2]188.00$  Each Additional Hour hourly [2] 160.00$  Plan Resubmittal (3rd and Subsequent Submittal, per hour)hourly [2]160.00$  Reinspection (Per inspection)each [2]228.00$  Tent Permit (Not associated with special events) Single tent each [2]241.00$  2‐5 tents flat [2]482.00$  6 or more tents flat [2]644.00$  Weed Abatement Administrative Fee 321.00$  Fire Nuisance Alarm ‐ 1st response in 12 month period each [1]‐$  Fire Nuisance Alarm ‐ 2nd response in 12 month period each [1]96.00$  Fire Nuisance Alarm ‐ 3rd response in 12 month period each [1]191.00$  Fire Nuisance Alarm ‐ each additional response thereafter each [1] 375.00$  Fire Nuisance Alarm ‐ each billing each [1] 13.00$  Special Events Application Processing flat [2],[6] 160.00$  Special Events ‐ Fire Prevention/Operations Support Prior To/During  Event each [2],[6] Actual Cost 12March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 44 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Fire & Life Safety Inspections and Fire Code Permits Fire Inspections for the following Occupancies: Care Facility for more than 6 ambulatory & non‐ambulatory  clients each [2],[4]174.00$  Hospitals, Nursing homes, Mental hospitals, Detoxification and  Surgery Centers each [2],[4]335.00$  Commercial Care Facility (i.e. Child, Drug & Alcohol, Juvenile, &  etc.)each [2],[4]174.00$  Pre‐Inspection Residential Care Facility (i.e. Single Family  Residences)each [2],[4]174.00$  High Rise Facility > 75 ft. (per floor of building)each [2],[4] 174.00$  State Mandated School Inspection ‐ Public or Private School [2],[4] Pre‐School each [2],[4]402.00$  Elementary/Middle School each [2],[4]644.00$  High School each [2],[4]965.00$  State Mandated Hotel and Motel Inspection 1‐5 Buildings per property flat [2],[4]563.00$  6‐10 Buildings per property flat [2],[4]965.00$  11 or more buildings per property flat [2],[4] 1,206.00$                  State Mandated Apartment Inspection 3‐10 units per building flat [2],[4]201.00$  11‐40 units per building flat [2],[4]241.00$  Greater than 40 units per building flat [2],[4]322.00$  Fire Code Permits ‐ Initial Permit Tier 1 each [2],[5]174.00$  Tier 2 each [2],[5]335.00$  Tier 3 each [2],[5]496.00$  Fire Code Permits ‐ Annual Renewal Permit Tier 1 each [2],[5]94.00$  Tier 2 each [2],[5]174.00$  Tier 3 each [2],[5]255.00$  Assembly  < 300 people flat [2]174.00$  > 300 people flat [2]335.00$  All Other Occupancies Annual Inspections Tier 1 ‐ 5,000 sq. ft. or less flat [2]134.00$  Tier 2 ‐ 5,001 to 20,000 sq. ft.flat [2]214.00$  Tier 3 ‐ 20,001 and greater flat [2]335.00$  Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case‐by‐case  basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the  time of service provided. per hour [2]160.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Additional Reinspection fees shall apply for phased inspection projects at the discretion of the Fire Marshall [4] [5] [6]Additional fees for Standby of fire personnel and equipment during event will apply. Tier 1 – Candles – Open Flame; Cryogens; Dry Cleaning; Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG); Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing; Industrial Ovens;  Hot Works; Welding Tier 2 – Aerosol; Aviation Facility; Waste Handling; Carnival/Fair; Combustible Materials Storage; Compressed Gas; Dust Producing  Operations; Flammable Liquids – Storage; Combustible Liquids – Storage; Flammable/Combustible Liquids – Tanks;  Flammable/Combustible Liquids – AST/UST Removal; Fruit Ripening; Hazardous Materials; Magnesium Work; Repair Garage; Tire Storage;  Explosives‐Model Rockets All annual inspection fees shall include time for the initial inspection and 1 reinspection.  All subsequent reinspection shall be charged an  additional rate per inspection.   13March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 45 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Police Fees Audio/Photos on Disk each [2]40.00$  Burglary Alarm Registration Fee each [2]26.00$  False Alarm Response ‐ Second Occurrence each [2]36.00$  False Alarm Response ‐ Additional Occurrence each [2]67.00$  Excess False Alarm Panic Response ‐ Robbery each [3]100.00$  Excess False Alarm Panic Response ‐ Burglary each [3]100.00$  Copy Investigation Record each [2]55.00$  Dispatch Records Searches per query [2]20.00$  Entertainment License each [2]280.00$  Fingerprinting processing Fee each [2],[5]24.00$  Fix‐It Ticket ‐ moving violation each [2],[6]19.00$  Fix‐It Ticket ‐ parking/registration violation each [2],[6]12.00$  Handicap Placard Violation Waiver Processing Fee each [2],[7]26.00$  Photograph Copy ‐ Subpoena or Records requests that require  retrieval in QueTel evidence program.each [2]19.00$  Police/Fire ‐ Emergency Response DUI Traffic Collision (max $12,000  per incident)each [1] Actual Cost Production of body worn camera videos. Staff time per hour of  production and redaction of videos.each [1] Actual Cost Report Copy Fee (Free to Victim)each [2]12.00$  Rental of Conference rooms to Safety Personnel each [2]210.00$  Storage/Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge each [2]145.00$  Administrative Fee ‐ DUI each [1]22.00$  Massage license permit (plus fingerprint processing fee)each [4]146.00$  Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case‐by‐case  basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time  of service provided. per hour [2]80.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Set per City of Carlsbad Municipal Code 8.50.080 [E] [4] Set per City of Carlsbad Municipal Code 5.16.070 [5] Plus actual cost from processing agency [6] Requires proof of correction [7] Waived with proof of correction 14March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 46 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Administrative Citation Penalties 1st Violation of a City Ordinance each [2]100.00$  2nd Violation of a City Ordinance each [2]200.00$  3rd Violation of a City Ordinance each [2]500.00$  Subsequent violation of same ordinance within one year each [2]500.00$  Vehicle, Traffic, and Parking Civil Penalties CA Vehicle Code Parking Violation, if not specified by separate fee  amount (rounded)each [3]48.00$  CA VC 22500(i) Bus Zone each [3]263.00$  CA VC 22500(l) Curb Cut/Disabled Access each [3]343.00$  CA VC 22507.8 (a)‐(c) Disabled Parking Space/Access Area/Loading  Area each [3]343.00$  CA VC 22522 Sidewalk Access Ramp (3 ft. away)each [3]343.00$  CA VC 22526 (a)(b) Block Intersection/Gridlock each [3]63.00$  CA Vehicle Code Violation for Equipment, if not specified by  separate fee amount  (rounded)each [3]38.00$  CA VC 4000(a) Expired Registration each [3]63.00$  CA VC 26100C Tinted Covers on Headlights each [3]48.00$  CA VC 28071 Passenger Car Bumpers Required each [3]88.00$  Carlsbad Municipal Code Parking Violations, if violation not  established by the CA Vehicle Code Parking Violation or CA Vehicle  Code Equipment Violation. each [1] 50.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per City of Carlsbad Resolution 2001‐167 and limit set per CA Government Code Section 36900 [B] [3] Set per City Policy to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department Parking Fee Violation Table. 15March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 47 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Trash Collection Rates (Stormwater fee included) Residential Services 3‐Cart  (64 or 96 gallon cart)[1]28.02$  3‐Cart Low Generator (35 gallon cart)[1]25.54$  Back Yard Service Fee (added to curbside rate)[1]35.26$  Additional Solid Waste Cart [1]3.05$  Additional Recycled Materials Cart (4+)[1]3.05$  Additional Organics Cart (4+)[1]3.05$  Commercial Services Commercial Solid Waste ‐ 64 or 96 Gallon Cart One pick‐up per week [1]27.94$  Two pick‐ups per week  [1]55.90$  Three pick‐ups per week  [1]83.84$  Four pick‐ups per week  [1]108.27$  Five pick‐ups per week  [1]132.80$  Six pick‐ups per week  [1]157.31$  Extra pick‐up per week  [1]13.16$  Commercial 96 Gallon Cart ‐ Recycling and Organics Included One pick‐up per week  [1]58.61$  Two pick‐ups per week [1]103.60$  Three pick‐ups per week [1]148.54$  Four pick‐up per week  [1]191.82$  Five pick‐ups per week [1]235.29$  Six pick‐ups per week [1]278.71$  Multi‐Family: Set of Solid Waste, Recycling, and Organics (per unit)[1]12.77$  Commercial Solid Waste Yard Bins 1‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]73.64$  1‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]125.08$  1‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]176.71$  1‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]228.18$  1‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]279.90$  1‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]331.56$  1‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]35.42$  2‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]100.03$  2‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]176.04$  2‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]252.09$  2‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]328.01$  2‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]404.09$  2‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]480.12$  2‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]48.11$  3‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]135.89$  3‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]247.77$  3‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]359.63$  3‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]480.12$  16March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 48 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  3‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1] 583.36$  3‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1] 695.26$  3‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]64.57$  4‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]181.22$  4‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]338.41$  4‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]495.67$  4‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]652.86$  4‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]810.07$  4‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]967.29$  4‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]77.25$  5‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]226.57$  5‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]429.15$  5‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]631.69$  5‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]810.07$  5‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]1,036.82$  5‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]1,239.40$  5‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]89.90$  6‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]247.77$  6‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]480.12$  6‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]695.26$  6‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]967.29$  6‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]1,239.40$  6‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]1,588.05$  6‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]112.39$  Commercial Split Bins (includes 2 locks )[1] One pick‐up per week [1]109.74$  Two pick‐ups per week [1]200.29$  Three pick‐ups per week [1]290.82$  Four pick‐ups per week [1]381.35$  Five pick‐ups per week [1]471.88$  Six pick‐ups per week [1]562.43$  Commercial Bin Compactor ‐ Solid Waste 3‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]190.49$  3‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]356.71$  3‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]522.93$  3‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]689.14$  3‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]855.37$  3‐yard bin ‐ six picks‐up per week [1]1,021.63$  3‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]77.47$  4‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]314.57$  4‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]602.70$  4‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]891.27$  4‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]1,179.78$  4‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]1,468.39$  4‐yard bin ‐ six picks‐up per week [1]1,757.05$  17March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 49 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  4‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]127.93$  6‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]491.72$  6‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]969.21$  6‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]1,447.56$  6‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]1,926.40$  6‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]2,405.46$  6‐yard bin ‐ six picks‐up per week [1]2,884.62$  6‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]199.96$  Commercial Recycling 32 gal cart ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]20.43$  32 gal cart ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]40.87$  32 gal cart ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]61.30$  32 gal cart ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]79.15$  32 gal cart ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]97.09$  32 gal cart ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]115.01$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]22.36$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]44.72$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]67.07$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]86.62$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]106.24$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]125.85$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ extra pick‐up [1]10.53$  1‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]58.91$  1‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]100.06$  1‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]141.37$  1‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]182.54$  1‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]223.92$  1‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]265.25$  1‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]28.33$  2‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]80.03$  2‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]140.83$  2‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]201.67$  2‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]262.40$  2‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]323.27$  2‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]384.10$  2‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]38.49$  3‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]108.71$  3‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]198.22$  3‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]287.71$  3‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]384.10$  3‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]466.69$  3‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]556.20$  3‐yard bin ‐ seven pick‐ups per week [1]648.13$  3‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]51.65$  4‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]144.97$  18March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 50 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  4‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1] 270.73$  4‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1] 396.53$  4‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]522.29$  4‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]648.06$  4‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]773.83$  4‐yard bin ‐ seven pick‐ups per week [1]899.72$  4‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]61.80$  5‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]181.25$  5‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]343.32$  5‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]505.35$  5‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]648.06$  5‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]829.45$  5‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]991.52$  5‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]71.92$  6‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]198.22$  6‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]384.10$  6‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]556.20$  6‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]773.83$  6‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]991.52$  6‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]1,270.44$  6‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]89.92$  Commercial Bin Compactor ‐ Recycling 3‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]152.39$  3‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]285.37$  3‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]418.35$  3‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]551.31$  3‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]684.30$  3‐yard bin ‐ six picks‐up per week [1]817.30$  3‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]61.97$  4‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]251.66$  4‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]482.16$  4‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]713.01$  4‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]943.82$  4‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]1,174.72$  4‐yard bin ‐ six picks‐up per week [1]1,405.64$  4‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]102.34$  6‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]393.38$  6‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]775.37$  6‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]1,158.04$  6‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]1,541.12$  6‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]1,924.37$  6‐yard bin ‐ six picks‐up per week [1]2,307.70$  6‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]159.97$  Commercial Organics Recycling 32 gal cart ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]20.43$  19March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 51 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  32 gal cart ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1] 40.87$  32 gal cart ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]61.30$  32 gal cart ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]79.15$  32 gal cart ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]97.09$  32 gal cart ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]115.01$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]22.36$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]44.72$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]67.07$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]86.62$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]106.24$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]125.85$  64 or 96 gal cart ‐ extra pick‐up [1]10.53$  1‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]58.91$  1‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]100.06$  1‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]141.37$  1‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]182.54$  1‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]223.92$  1‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]265.25$  1‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]28.33$  1.5‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]69.47$  1.5‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]120.45$  1.5‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]171.52$  1.5‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]222.47$  1.5‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]273.60$  1.5‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]324.67$  1.5‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]33.41$  2‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]80.03$  2‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]140.83$  2‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]201.67$  2‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]262.40$  2‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]323.27$  2‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]384.10$  2‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]38.49$  3‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]108.71$  3‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]198.22$  3‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]287.71$  3‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]384.10$  3‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]466.69$  3‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]556.20$  3‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]51.65$  4‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]144.97$  4‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]270.73$  4‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]396.53$  4‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]522.29$  4‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]648.06$  20March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 52 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  4‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1] 773.83$  4‐yard bin  ‐ extra pick‐up [1]61.80$  Commercial Bin Compactor ‐ Organics Recycling 3‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]152.39$  3‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]285.37$  3‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]418.35$  3‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]551.31$  3‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]684.30$  3‐yard bin ‐ six picks‐up per week [1]817.30$  3‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]61.97$  4‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]251.66$  4‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]482.16$  4‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]713.01$  4‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]943.82$  4‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]1,174.72$  4‐yard bin ‐ six picks‐up per week [1]1,405.64$  4‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]102.34$  6‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]393.38$  6‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]775.37$  6‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]1,158.04$  6‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]1,541.12$  6‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]1,924.37$  6‐yard bin ‐ six picks‐up per week [1]2,307.70$  6‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]159.97$  Special Haul Bin Rate 3‐yard bin ‐ one pick‐up per week [1]166.12$  3‐yard bin ‐ two pick‐ups per week [1]259.62$  3‐yard bin ‐ three pick‐ups per week [1]353.11$  3‐yard bin ‐ four pick‐ups per week [1]446.61$  3‐yard bin ‐ five pick‐ups per week [1]540.12$  3‐yard bin ‐ six pick‐ups per week [1]633.62$  3‐yard bin ‐ extra pick‐up [1]54.24$  Construction and Demolition Recycling  Special Haul Bin (no Storm Water Fees) 1 week or less [1]117.32$  2‐yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin [1]136.79$  3‐yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin [1]139.03$  4‐yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin [1]151.10$  6‐yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin [1]156.09$  Other Fees and Charges Bin Exchange [1]75.92$  Bin Lock Set Up Fee [1]47.45$  Locking Fee [1]18.04$  Overloaded Bins [1]65.37$  21March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 53 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Bin paint charge fee  ‐ allowed 1 per year.  After first paint within one  year, there will be a charge per paint request.[1] 130.67$  Bin Relocation (first 25 feet free)9.02$  Special haul bin delivery [1]52.33$  Certified burial at Miramar plus special handling fee charged by  Miramar [1]409.62$  Commercial Return to Service Fee ‐ The return to service fee for two  or more calls in a one‐month period by a bin [1]84.19$  Copy Fee ‐ The charge for copies requested by customers [1]1.79$  Delivery of extra cart [1]14.66$  Late Fee ‐ There will be a minimum fee on any delinquent account ‐  $3 minimum charge [1]4.51$  Bulky Item ‐ Exceeding 5 per pick up ‐  First item [1]53.30$  Bulky Item ‐ Exceeding 5 per pick up ‐ each addl item [1]13.66$  Per Bulky Item ‐ first item [1]53.30$  Per Bulky Item ‐ each additional item [1]13.66$  Bulky Item requiring 2 people to handle [1]76.54$  Contamination Fee ‐ to recover costs for separating solid waste  placed in a recycling or green waste container or for arranging a  special, unscheduled collection due to contamination. [1]67.96$  Scout service per bin per service [1]61.49$  Residential Return to Service Fee ‐ The return to service fee for two  or more calls in a one‐month period by a residential customer [1]42.81$  Restart Fee ‐ The fee for restarting commercial service when a  permanent account has been terminated for non‐payment.[1]25.68$  Roll off Service Service Fee ‐ Roll off service [1]278.87$  Disposal Fee per Ton (pass through)[1]51.05$  Recycling Processing Fee per Ton (pass through)[1]35.51$  Organics Processing Fee per Ton (pass through)[1]77.87$  C&D Processing Fee per Ton (pass through)[1]73.28$  Contaminated Load (per occurrence)[1]278.87$  Roll off ‐ Demurrage Per Day Charge [1]5.94$  Delivery [1]71.77$  Delivery Demo (includes signage) [1]75.87$  Relocation Charge onsite [1]56.07$  Relocation Charge offsite [1]79.99$  Wash Out Receiver Boxes [1]64.15$  Dead Run charge [1]96.15$  Standby charge after 5 minutes [1]2.54$  [Notes] [1] Set per contract by Republic Services Single and Multi‐Family Resident Bulky Item Pick‐Ups ‐ 5 items maximum per pick up Commercial Bulky Item Pick‐Ups 22March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 54 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit Utility Account and Service Fees Water Account Fees Discontinuation of Service - Non-Payment (Shut-off)each [2]48.00$ Service Reconnection (Non-Payment) - Same Day/Non-Business hours (After Hours Turn-On)each [2],[3]216.00$ Continuity of Service each [2]9.00$ Electronic Notice (in lieu of door hanger)each [2]3.00$ Door Hanger Notice each [2]20.00$ New Account Set Up (Admin)each [2]40.00$ Service Reconnection for Non-Payment (Next Day) Business Hours (Next Scheduled Day Turn-On)each [2],[3]100.00$ New Account Service Connection - (Same Day) Business Hours (Same Day Turn-On)each [2]136.00$ Water Services Fees Utility Standards and Specifications each [1] Actual Cost Potable Water Meter - Construction Meter Deposit deposit [1]900.00$ Potable Water Meter - Construction Meter Installation each [2]232.00$ Potable Water Meter - Construction Meter Relocation each [2]103.00$ Blueprinting of Standard Size (24" x 36") Improvement Plan Sheet (cost for each)each [2]6.00$ Potable Backflow Preventer Annual Testing - 1st Notice each, per month [1]3.00$ Potable Backflow Preventer Annual Testing - 2nd Notice per month [1]20.00$ Potable Backflow Preventer Annual Testing - 3rd Notice per month [1]50.00$ Potable Water Shutdown Fee each [1]867.00$ Recycled Water Fees Recycled Backflow Preventer Annual Testing - 2nd Notice per month [2]13.00$ Recycled Backflow Preventer Annual Testing - 3rd Notice per month [2]39.00$ Cross-Connection Inspection - County Department of Environmental Health (CDEH)each [2] Actual Cost Recycled Backflow Preventer Annual Testing - 1st Notice each, per month [2]3.00$ Cross-Connection Reinspection each [2] Actual Cost Recycled Water Meter - Construction Meter Deposit deposit [1]900.00$ Recycled Water Meter - Construction Meter Installation each [2]232.00$ Recycled Water Meter - Construction Meter Relocation each [2]103.00$ E28 Recycled Water Shutdown - Actual Cost each [2]867.00$ Wastewater Fees Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Fee each [1]151.00$ Third Party Hydraulic Modeling Fees Third Party Hydraulic Modeling - Consultant Cost (All Water Systems) per project [1],[4] Actual Cost Processing Fees - Wastewater 1-4 units residential and commercial > 9,400 sq. ft.per project [2],[5]382.00$ All others per project [2],[5]764.00$ Processing Fees - Potable Water System Pressure Check each [2]326.00$ 1-4 units residential and commercial > 9,400 sq. ft.per project [2],[5]651.00$ All others per project [2],[5]1,085.00$ 23March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 55 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit Processing Fees - Recycled Water System Pressure Check each [2]302.00$ 1-4 units residential and commercial > 9,400 sq. ft.per project [2],[5]503.00$ All others per project [2],[5]1,005.00$ Utilities Department Fees Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time of service provided. per hour [2]163.00$ [Notes] [1]Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3]Set per CA Health and Safety Code 1169149(a)(1) [4]Total fee will reflect actual consultant billings [5]Staff cost is in addition to actual consultant billings 24March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 56 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Utility Meter Installation Fees Potable Water (meter size, inches) 5/8" Ultrasonic per [1]399.00$  Fire Protection – 5/8" Ultrasonic per [1]399.00$  3/4” Ultrasonic per [1]395.00$  1” Ultrasonic per [1]506.00$  1‐1/2” Ultrasonic per [1]614.00$  1‐1/2” Turbo per [1]745.00$  2” Ultrasonic per [1]873.00$  2” Turbo per [1]918.00$  3" Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 4" Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 6” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 8” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 10” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 12” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost Recycled Water (meter size, inches) 5/8" Ultrasonic per [1]399.00$  Fire Protection – 5/8" Ultrasonic per [1]399.00$  3/4” Ultrasonic per [1]395.00$  1” Ultrasonic per [1]506.00$  1‐1/2” Turbo per [1]745.00$  2” Turbo per [1]918.00$  3" Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 4" Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 6” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 8” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 10” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 12” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost The following language is based on Carlsbad Municipal Water District Ordinance 45: Where a single family  residential water meter is required to be 1” due to a fire sprinkler requirement, the Connection Fee, SDCWA  System Capacity Charge and the Water Treatment Capacity Charge will be based on the size of the meter  necessary to meet the water use requirements, not the actual meter size of 1”. These fees are in addition to the  Potable & Recycled Water Connection Fees and  SDCWA Fee. 25March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 57 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Utility Potable and Recycled Water Connection Fees (meter size, inches) Ultrasonic 5/8” each [1]4,870.00$  3/4”each [1]6,943.00$  1”each [1]10,958.00$                1‐1/2”each [1]20,699.00$                2”each [1]31,172.00$                3”each [1]52,737.00$                4”each [1]82,036.00$                6”each [1] 152,352.00$              8”each [1] 180,069.00$              Turbo (All Irrigation Meters) 1‐1/2”each [1]24,300.00$                2”each [1]38,963.00$                3”each [1]82,036.00$                4”each [1] 234,389.00$              6”each [1] 468,769.00$              8”each [1] 656,502.00$              [Notes] [1] Set per City policy These fees are in addition to the Meter Installation Fees and SDCWA Fees. 26March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 58 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) Fees SDCWA System Capacity Charge (meter size, inches) Fire Protection per [1]  Based on size of  meter  5/8" Displacement per [1] $                 5,700.00 3/4” Displacement per [1] $                 5,700.00 1” Displacement per [1] $                 9,120.00 1‐1/2” Displacement per [1] $               17,100.00 1‐1/2” Turbo per [1] $               17,100.00 2” Displacement per [1] $               29,640.00 2” Turbo per [1] $               29,640.00 3” per [1] $               54,720.00 4” per [1] $               93,480.00 6”per [1] $            171,000.00 8”per [1] $            296,400.00 10”per [1] $            444,600.00 12”per [1] $            752,400.00 Water Treatment Capacity Charge (meter size, inches) Fire Protection per [1]  Based on size of  meter  5/8" Displacement per [1] $ 159.00 3/4” Displacement per [1] $ 159.00 1” Displacement per [1] $ 254.00 1‐1/2” Displacement per [1] $ 477.00 1‐1/2” Turbo per [1] $ 477.00 2” Displacement per [1] $ 827.00 2” Turbo per [1] $ 827.00 3” per [1] $                 1,526.00 4” per [1] $                 2,608.00 6”per [1]$                 4,770.00 8”per [1] $                 8,268.00 10”per [1] $               12,402.00 12”per [1] $               20,988.00 [Notes] [1] The following language is based on Carlsbad Municipal Water District Ordinance 45: Where a single family  residential water meter is required to be 1” due to a fire sprinkler requirement, the Connection Fee, SDCWA  System Capacity Charge and the Water Treatment Capacity Charge will be based on the size of the meter  necessary to meet the water use requirements, not the actual meter size of 1”. These fees are set by San Diego County Water Authority, effective January 1, 2023, and are in addition to the Meter Installation Fees  and Potable and Reclaimed Connection Fees. 27March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 59 of 87 I I I I Section 2 Development Related Service Fees March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 60 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Planning Department Fees Agricultural Mitigation Fee per net  converted  acre [1] $              10,000.00  Amendments and Revisions to Approved Projects flat [1]  50% of Current  Application Fee  Appeals to Planning Commision/City Council [2]847.00$  Building Plan Review Minor Projects, per permit each [3]98.00$  Major Projects, per permit each [4]295.00$  Coastal Development Permit (CDP)  2 ‐ 4 unit or lot subdivision and SFD w/bluff (per unit or lot,  whichever is greater)per unit/lot [2]2,831.00$                   5 or more units or lot subdivision per permit [2]4,610.00$                   Emergency flat [2]573.00$   Exemption flat [2]316.00$   Minor Permit flat [2]1,111.00$                   Non‐Residential + 10 cents per sq. ft.flat [2]1,255.00$                   Single Family Lot flat [2]1,398.00$                  Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Within Biological Habitat Preserve flat [2]1,096.00$                  Minor flat [2]975.00$  Regular flat [2]5,821.00$                  Daycare Permit (7 ‐ 14 Children)flat [2]272.00$  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Initial Study ‐ NEGATIVE DECLARATION flat [2]2,243.00$                  Initial Study ‐ MITIGATED NEG DEC flat [2]1,234.00$                  Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Addendum First 20 hours of project planner base fee (flat) [2]3,261.00$                  >20 hours of project planner per hour [2]106.00$  Focused/Supplemental (requiring a public hearing) First 120 hours of project planner and 20 hours of project  engineer base fee (flat)[2]16,471.00$                >120 project planner hours and >20 project engineer hours per hour [2]244.00$  FULL EIR First 180 hours of project planner and 40 hours of project  engineer base fee (flat) [2]25,259.00$                >180 project planner hours and >40 project engineer hours per hour [2]244.00$  29March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 61 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Fish & Game Fee Environmental Impact Report (EIR)flat [5] $3,889.25  Environmental Document pursuant to a Certified Regulatory  Program (CRP)flat [5] $1,355.25  Negative Declaration (ND)/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) flat [5] $2,814.00  Extensions to projects in process flat [1] 25% of current fee  General Plan Amendment deposit [2]5,541.00$                  Habitat Management Plan (HMP) Amendment to Plan Document ‐ Major ‐ first 60 hours of project  planner base fee (flat)[2]6,939.00$                  >60 hours of project planner per hour [2]106.00$  Amendment to Plan Document ‐ Minor flat [2]4,186.00$                  Permit ‐ Major ‐first 40 hours of project planner base fee (flat) [2]5,074.00$                  >40 hours or project planner per hour [2]106.00$  Permit ‐ Minor ‐ first 20 hours of project planner base fee (flat) [2]703.00$  >20 hours of project planner per hour [2]106.00$  Permit ‐ MINOR W/MINISTERIAL PERMIT flat [2]1,249.00$                  Hillside Development Permit ‐ Major ‐ first 40 hours of project  planner base fee (flat) [2]3,261.00$                  Hillside Development Permit ‐ Minor ‐ first 20 hours of project  planner base fee (flat) [2]1,613.00$                  Inspection ‐ Additional Planning per hour [2]106.00$  Inspection ‐ Overtime per hour per hour [2]121.00$  Landscape Plan Check/Inspection Fees City Processing Fee per project [2]318.00$  Contractor Cost per project [1] Actual Cost  Local Coastal Plan ‐ Amendment flat [2]8,100.00$                  Local Facilities Management Fees ‐ as established by Council deposit [1] Actual Cost Local Facilities Management Plan/Amendment ‐ Fee + deposit in  minimum increments of $5,000 deposit [1]10,000.00$                Master Plan Master Plan ‐ Pre‐Filing Submittal flat [1]8,630.00$                  First 200 hours of project planner and 100 hours of project  engineer base fee (flat)[2]36,154.00$                >200 project planner hours and >100 project engineer hours per hour [2]311.00$  Major Amendment First 100 hours of project planner and 40 hours of project  engineer base fee (flat) [2]17,208.00$                >100 project planner hours and >40 project engineer hours per hour [2]290.00$  30March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 62 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Minor Amendment First 30 hours of project planner and 7 hours of project  engineer base fee (flat) [2]2,165.00$                  >30 project planner hours and >7 project engineer hours per hour [2]290.00$  Non‐Conforming Construction Permit flat [2]905.00$  Notice Fee (+ postage)flat [1] Actual Cost Plan Consistency Determination [2]918.00$  Planned Development  (residential/non‐residential) ‐ 5 or more  lots/units ‐ Major Subdivision per project [2]10,853.00$                Planned Development (residential/non‐residential) ‐ 4 or fewer  lots/units per project [2]3,914.00$                  Planning Commission Agenda and Minutes (+ postage)per page [1] Copy Charge  Planning Commission Determination‐other flat [2]2,122.00$                  Postage (All)flat [1]  Current Postage  Rate x Number of  labels  Precise Development Plan flat [2]9,878.00$                  Preliminary Plan Review ‐ Major (Other)flat [2]918.00$  Preliminary Plan Review ‐ Minor (SFD)flat [2]258.00$  Reversion to Acreage (Consistent with city payroll records charged  against a $3,100 deposit) First 25 hours of project planner and 20 hours of project  engineer base fee (flat)[2]5,039.00$                  Satellite Antenna Permit flat [2]545.00$  Sign Program Sign Permit (including non‐commercial)flat [2]79.00$  Sign Program flat [2]1,369.00$                  Modified Minor Sign Program flat [2]907.00$  Modified Regular Sign Program flat [2]3,414.00$                  Site Development Plan Minor ‐ Village Area Request for a Parking Option flat [2]1,163.00$                  Minor ‐ Residential, less than or equal to 4 units/lots or as  required per CMC/PLAN flat [2]5,800.00$                  Major ‐ 5 or more units/lots or as required per CMC/PLAN flat [2]14,710.00$                Special Use Permit ‐ Other flat [2]4,451.00$                  Special Use Permit ‐ Floodplain flat [2]4,451.00$                  31March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 63 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Specific Plan Base Fee First 200 hours of project planner and 60 hours of project  engineer base fee (flat) [2]33,581.00$                >200 project planner hours and >60 project engineer hours per hour [2]290.00$  Amendment ‐ Major First 180 hours of project planner and 30 hours of project  engineer base fee (flat) [2]25,901.00$                >180 project planner hours and >30 project engineer hours per hour [2]290.00$  Amendment ‐ Minor First 20 hours of project planner and 7 hours of project  engineer base fee (flat) [2]1,885.00$                  >20 project planner hours and >7 project engineer hours per hour [2]290.00$  Street Name Change flat [2]1,920.00$                  Tentative Maps Tentative Parcel Map ‐ Minor Subdivision ‐ 0‐ 4 Lots/Units flat [2]4,939.00$                  Tentative Tract Map ‐ 5 ‐ 49 units/lots flat [2]10,695.00$                Tentative Tract Map ‐ 50 + units/lots flat [2]16,332.00$                Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay flat [1] 25% of current fee  Third Party Review Processing Fee per project [2]652.00$  Consultant Cost per project [1] Actual Cost  Variance flat [2]3,670.00$                  Variance ‐ Minor flat [2]975.00$  Village Area Village Area Review ‐ Administrative flat [2]533.00$  Village Area Review ‐ Major ‐ Plus Noticing Costs flat [2]3,775.00$                  Village Area Review ‐ Minor ‐ Plus Noticing Costs flat [2]2,059.00$                  Village Area ‐ Parking In Lieu Fee each [1]11,240.00$                Wireless Communication Third Party Review flat [1] Actual Cost Zone Change flat [2]6,365.00$                  Zone Code Compliance Letter flat [2]150.00$  Research Fee per hour [2]150.00$  Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case‐by‐case  basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time  of service provided. per hour [2]106.00$  TOTAL [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Minor: residential new/remodel, commercial/industrial tenant improvement [4] [5] Major: Commercial/Industrial new Set by Department of Fish and Wildlife. Fish & Game fees are additional to the EIA/EIR fees. Includes $50.00 County Clerk processing fee. Updated with new fees effective Jan. 1, 2023. 32March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 64 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Engineering Department Fees Adjustment Plat per project [2]1,670.00$                   Building Plan Review Minor Projects, per permit each [3]194.00$   Major Projects, per permit each [4]581.00$   Certificate Certificate of Compliance each [2]1,355.00$                   Certificate of Compliance In Lieu of Parcel Map each [2]3,564.00$                   Certificate of Correction each [2]1,053.00$                   Construction Change Review ‐ Major Base Fee per project [2]889.00$   Plus fee per sheet per sheet [2]291.00$   Construction Change Review ‐ Minor Base Fee per project [2]631.00$   Plus fee per sheet per sheet [2]184.00$   Developer Agreements ‐ Deposit $10,000 increments (Consistent with city payroll records + overhead)deposit [1] Actual Cost Easement Document Processing and Recording ‐ Major (all others) per project [2]845.00$   Easement Document Processing and Recording ‐ Minor (Single  Family Lot)per project [2]150.00$   Encroachment Agreement Processing per project [2]437.00$   Grading Permit Investigation Fee (Consistent with city payroll  records + overhead)deposit [1] Actual Cost Grading Plan Check Fees (cubic yard) 0 ‐ 100 CY flat [2]549.00$   101 CY flat [2]1,100.00$                   each additional 100 CY up to 1,000 each [2]226.00$   1,001 CY flat [2]3,290.00$                   each additional 1,000 CY up to 10,000 each [2]194.78$   10,001 flat [2]5,178.00$                   each additional 10,000 CY up to 100,000 each [2]280.56$   100,001 flat [2]7,898.00$                   each additional 10,000 CY up to 200,000 each [2]443.00$   200,001 flat [2]12,669.00$                 each additional 100,000 CY up to 400,000 each [2]143.00$   400,001 flat [2]12,977.00$                 each additional 100,000 CY up to 1,000,000 each [2]143.00$  1,000,001 flat [2]13,902.00$                 each additional 100,00 CY each [2]1,290.70$                   33March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 65 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Grading Permit Fees (cubic yard) 0 ‐ 100 CY flat [2],[4], [5]549.00$   101 CY flat [2],[4], [5]557.00$   each additional 100 CY up to 1,000 each [2],[4], [5]103.78$   1,001 CY flat [2],[4], [5]1,563.00$                   each additional 1,000 CY up to 10,000 each [2],[4], [5]105.11$   10,001 flat [2],[4], [5]2,582.00$                   each additional 10,000 CY up to 100,000 each [2],[4], [5]200.67$   100,001 flat [2],[4], [5]4,527.00$                   each additional 10,000 CY up to 200,000 each [2],[4], [5]200.10$   200,001 flat [2],[4], [5]6,682.00$                   each additional 100,000 CY up to 400,000 each [2],[4], [5]305.55$   400,001 flat [2],[4], [5]13,263.00$                 each additional 100,000 CY up to 1,000,000 each [2],[4], [5]1,528.33$                   1,000,001 flat [2],[4], [5]23,139.00$                 each additional 100,00 CY each [2],[4], [5]2,148.50$                   Improvement Plan Review Fee $0 ‐ $20,000 flat [2]1,757.00$                   $20,001 flat [2]3,376.00$                   each additional $10,000 up to $50,000 each [2]454.67$   $50,001 flat [2]4,845.00$                   each additional $10,000 up to $100,000 each [2]385.00$  $100,001 flat [2]6,919.00$                   each additional $10,000 up to $250,000 each [2]576.13$  $250,001 flat [2]16,226.00$                 each additional $10,000 up to $500,000 each [2]194.44$  $500,001 flat [2]21,461.00$                 each additional $10,000 up to $1,000,000 each [2]104.94$  $1,000,001 flat [2]27,112.00$                 each additional $10,000 each [2]251.74$   34March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 66 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Improvement Inspection $0 ‐ $20,000 flat [2]413.00$   $20,001 flat [2]2,183.00$                   each additional $10,000 up to $50,000 each [2]678.33$   $50,001 flat [2]4,375.00$                   each additional $10,000 up to $100,000 each [2]203.00$  $100,001 flat [2]5,468.00$                   each additional $10,000 up to $250,000 each [2]162.87$  $250,001 flat [2]8,099.00$                   each additional $10,000 up to $500,000 each [2]187.48$  $500,001 flat [2]13,147.00$                 each additional $10,000 up to $1,000,000 each [2]130.20$  $1,000,001 flat [2]20,158.00$                 each additional $10,000 each [2]187.17$   Mapping Fees Final Tract Map ‐ Major Subdivision  Base Fee per project [2]9,706.00$                   additional acre per acre [2]6.00$   Parcel Map ‐ Minor Subdivision per project [2]4,356.00$                   Neighborhood Improvement Agreements each [2]204.00$  Oversize Load Permit ‐ 1 trip each [6]16.00$   Oversize Load Permit ‐ Annual/Per Year each [6]90.00$   Quitclaim of Easement each [2]889.00$   Reapportionment Fees for 1911 Act Assessment Districts each [1] Actual Cost Retaining Wall Plan Check Fees Retaining Wall Plan Check Valuation $0 ‐ $50,000 flat [2]450.00$   $50,001 ‐ $250,000 flat [2]2,192.00$                   $250,000+flat [2]3,861.00$                   Reversion to Acreage deposit [2]3,673.00$                   Right‐of‐Way Permit  Minor ‐ Non‐Construction each [2]222.00$   Minor ‐ Construction each [2]451.00$   Utility City Processing Fee each [2]365.00$   Inspector's Time hourly [2]144.00$   Utility (by contract)each [2]961.00$   Use ‐ Initial Permit Curb Cafe each [2]451.00$   Outdoor Display each [2]222.00$   Sidewalk Café each [2]451.00$   35March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 67 of 87 Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Use ‐ Annual Renewal Curb Cafe each [2]222.00$  Outdoor Display each [2]222.00$  Sidewalk Café each [2]222.00$  Village Area ‐ Curb Café (max of two parking spaces)per space/  per year [2]1,292.00$                  Secured Agreement Processing ‐ Extension each [2]415.00$  Secured Agreement Processing ‐ Replacement, plus improvement  plan revision fees if required each [2]730.00$  Segregation of Assessments ‐ 1‐ 4 lots (Consistent with city payroll  records + overhead, consultant cost and recording fee.  Also see  Streets and Highways Code Section 8760‐8769 ) deposit [1] Actual Cost Segregation of Assessments ‐ 5 lots or more ‐ fee + $20 per lot  (Consistent with city payroll records + overhead, consultant cost and  recording fee.  Also see Streets and Highways Code Section 8760‐ 8769) deposit [1] Actual Cost Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Fees Plan Review Fee Tier 1per site [2] 69.00$  Tier 2per site [2]365.00$  Tier 3 one acre or  less [2]835.00$  Tier 3 ‐ Supplemental Fee per acre [2]106.00$  Inspection Fee Tier 1per site [2]292.00$  Tier 2per site [2]1,609.00$                  Tier 3 one acre or  less [2]2,723.00$                  Tier 3 ‐ Supplemental Fee per acre [2]443.00$  Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) Fees Plan Review ‐ Base Fee each [2]431.00$  Plan Review ‐ For each subsequent acre or portion thereof over  one half acre per acre [2]104.00$  Inspection Fee ‐ Base Fee each [2]363.00$  Inspection Fee ‐ For each subsequent acre or portion thereof  over one half acre per acre [2]144.00$  Street Vacation ‐ Street/Public Service Easement Vacation ‐ Regular each [2]4,336.00$                  Street Vacation ‐ Street/Public Service Easement Vacation ‐  Summary each [2]1,720.00$                  Third Party Review Processing Fee per project [2]365.00$  Consultant Cost per project [1] Actual Cost Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case‐by‐case  basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time  of service provided. per hour [2] 209.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Minor: residential new/remodel, commercial/industrial tenant improvement [4] Major: Commercial/Industrial new [5] [6] [7] Maximum limit set by CA Vehicle Code 35795(b)(1) Quantities are calculated by using the greater of cut/fill, plus remedial work. Plan checks extending more than 24 months may be assessed  an additional fee of 25% of the current plan check fee. Minor grading plan check fees are 50% of standard plan check fees. Qualifying for minor grading plan check is subject to City Engineer approval per CMC 15.16.062. 36March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 68 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type NotesFee/Deposit Building Department Fees New Construction, Additions, and Major Remodels [1] Commercial/Industrial Uses ‐ Structural (All newly constructed or  added space for non‐residential occupancies classified as CBC Group  A, B, E, F, H, I, M, or other commercial occupancies not specifically  addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule) 0 ‐ 500 sq. ft.flat [2]1,038.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.33$  5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,502.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.44$  10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,685.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.04$  50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]6,415.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.10$  100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]11,393.00$                additional sq. ft.each [2]0.11$  Commercial Residential and Multifamily Residential Uses ‐ (All  newly constructed or added space for residential occupancies  classified as CBC Group R (except R‐3), or other residential  occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee  Schedule) 0 ‐ 500 sq. ft.flat [2]984.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.54$  5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]3,433.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.54$  10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]6,123.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.05$  50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]8,118.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.14$  100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]15,012.00$                additional sq. ft.each [2]0.15$  Low and Moderate Hazard Storage ‐ (All newly constructed or added  space for storage occupancies classified as CBC Group S, or other  storage occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee  Schedule) 0 ‐ 500 sq. ft.flat [2]1,011.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.35$  5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,608.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.23$  10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]3,780.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.03$  50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,871.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.01$  100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]5,324.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.05$  37March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 69 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type NotesFee/Deposit Attached Accessory and Utility Uses ‐ (All newly constructed, added  or structurally remodeled space for utility and accessory occupancies  classified as CBC Group U, or other utility and accessory occupancies  not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule 0 ‐ 200 sq. ft.flat [2]532.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 399 each [2]1.46$  400 sq. ft.flat [2]825.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 599 each [2]0.67$  600 sq. ft.flat [2]959.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 999 each [2]0.33$  1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,091.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 2,999 each [2]0.16$  3,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,411.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.47$  Detached Accessory and Utility Uses ‐ (All newly constructed, added,  or structurally remodeled space for utility and accessory  occupancies/uses not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee  Schedule) 0 ‐ 200 sq. ft.flat [2]532.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 399 each [2]1.46$  400 sq. ft.flat [2]825.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 599 each [2]0.67$  600 sq. ft.flat [2]959.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 999 each [2]0.33$  1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,091.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 2,999 each [2]0.16$  3,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,411.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.47$  Shell Buildings for all Commercial/Industrial Uses ‐ (The enclosure  for all newly constructed or added space for non‐residential  occupancies classified as CBC Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, or other  commercial occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this  Fee Schedule where the interior is not completed or occupiable) 0 ‐ 500 sq. ft.flat [2]879.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.23$  5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,917.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.28$  10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]3,301.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.02$  50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,365.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.01$  100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,898.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.05$  38March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 70 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type NotesFee/Deposit Commercial/Industrial Tenant Improvement ‐ Structural ‐  (Structurally remodeled space for non‐residential occupancies  classified as CBC Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, or other commercial  occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule  where the structure is not altered) 0 ‐ 500 sq. ft.flat [2]772.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.22$  5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,757.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.10$  10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,236.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.06$  50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,526.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.05$  100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]6,894.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.07$  Commercial/Industrial Tenant Improvement ‐ Non‐structural ‐ (Non‐ structurally remodeled space for non‐residential occupancies  classified as CBC Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, or other commercial  occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule  where the structure is not altered) 0 ‐ 500 sq. ft.flat [2]698.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.21$  5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,650.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.07$  10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,023.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.05$  50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,019.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.04$  100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]6,042.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.06$  Commercial Residential and Multifamily Residential Remodels ‐  Structural ‐ (Structurally remodeled space for residential occupancies  classified as CBC Group R (except R‐3), or other residential  occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee  Schedule) 0 ‐ 500 sq. ft.flat [2]825.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.46$  5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,875.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.34$  10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,551.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.07$  50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]7,187.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.09$  100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]11,552.00$                additional sq. ft.each [2]0.12$  39March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 71 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type NotesFee/Deposit Commercial Residential and Multifamily Residential Remodels ‐  Non Structural ‐ (Non‐Structurally remodeled space for residential  occupancies classified as CBC Group R (except R‐3), or other  residential occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this  Fee Schedule) 0 ‐ 500 sq. ft.flat [2]825.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.27$  5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,023.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.40$  10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,046.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.06$  50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]6,442.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.09$  100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]10,701.00$                additional sq. ft.each [2]0.11$  Single Family Dwellings and Duplexes ‐ (All newly constructed or  added space for residential occupancies classified as CBC Group R‐3,  including custom builds and model homes for tract master plans, or  other similar residential occupancies not specifically addressed  elsewhere in this Fee Schedule) 0 ‐ 1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,251.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 2,499 each [2]0.44$  2,500 sq. ft.flat [2]1,917.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 3,999 each [2]0.28$  4,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,342.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 5,999 each [2]0.27$  6,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,875.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 7,999 each [2]0.29$  8,000 sq. ft.flat [2]3,460.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.43$  Duplicate Floor Plan Review ‐ Single Family Dwellings and Duplexes 0 ‐ 1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,044.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 2,499 each [2]0.26$  2,500 sq. ft.flat [2]1,438.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 3,999 each [2]0.14$  4,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,650.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 5,999 each [2]0.21$  6,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,076.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 7,999 each [2]0.19$  8,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,449.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.31$  40March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 72 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type NotesFee/Deposit Duplicate Floor Plan Review ‐ Attached or Detached Accessory and  Utility Uses 0 ‐ 200 sq. ft.flat [2]506.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 399 each [2]0.80$  400 sq. ft.flat [2]666.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 599 each [2]0.26$  600 sq. ft.flat [2]718.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 999 each [2]0.47$  1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]905.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 2,999 each [2]0.15$  3,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,198.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.40$  Site Improvements ‐ This includes substantial development of private  parking lots which are processed separate of the structure and  include any combination of the following: Underground utilities,  parking lot lighting, accessible path of travel analysis, grading,  drainage and compliance with the City's parking and driveway  standards. 0 ‐ 500 sq. ft.flat [2]425.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.14$  5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,038.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.07$  10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,384.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.01$  50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,597.00$  additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.01$  100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,023.00$  additional sq. ft.each [2]0.02$  [Notes] [1] [2]Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region  Urban CPI. Valuation based on current valuation multiplier published by the San Diego Chapter of the International Code Council. CBC 109.3 Building permit valuations. 41March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 73 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type NotesFee/Deposit Building Department Fees Minor/Miscellaneous Residential & Commercial Improvements [3] Above Ground Storage Tank per permit [2]250.00$  Cell Site Radio over 30 ft. high  each [2]697.00$  Dish, 10 ft. dia. w/decoder each [2]518.00$  Equipment Enclosure each [2]1,184.00$                  Awning or Canopy per permit [2]296.00$  Bollards up to 4pcs per permit [2]370.00$  Certificate of Occupancy per permit [2]16.00$  Decks / Balcony Repair each [2]108.00$  New/Replace each [2]889.00$  Demolition of Building Commercial each [2]206.00$  Residential each [2]592.00$  Fence or Freestanding Wall up to 100'each [2]666.00$  Fire Damage Repair ‐ Residential ‐ Minor per permit [2]248.00$  Fireplace Repair/Replace per permit [2]444.00$  Foundation Repair Commercial each [2]555.00$  Residential each [2]555.00$  Greenhouse per permit [2]555.00$  Manufactured House / Building Commercial per permit [2]314.00$  Residential per permit [2]555.00$  Mobile Home (Within a park, per current edition of Title 25,  published by California Division of Housing and Community  Development.) per permit [2]629.00$  Partition/ Wall ‐ Interior/Non‐Structural <100'per permit [2]374.00$  Patio Frame with Cover each [2]108.00$  Frame with Cover & Walls each [2]592.00$  Screen or Plastic Walls each [2]444.00$  Plastering Outside per permit [2]370.00$  Remodel ‐ Residential Kitchen/Bath each [2]377.00$  Other ‐ up to 500 sq. ft.each [2]518.00$  Other ‐ above 500 sq. ft.per 100 sq. ft. [2]0.37$  Repairs ‐ Miscellaneous Commercial each [2]394.00$  Residential each [2]93.00$  42March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 74 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type NotesFee/Deposit Retaining Wall Non‐Engineered ‐ City Standard per permit [2]108.00$  Reroofing  Commercial per permit [2]286.00$  Residential per permit [2]96.00$  Roof Structure Repair / Reinforcement Commercial each [2]272.00$  Residential each [2]384.00$  Saunas (Steam)per permit [2]333.00$  Sign Wall ‐ Illuminated per permit [2]150.00$  Wall ‐ Non‐Illuminated per permit [2]150.00$  Pole per permit [2]370.00$  Monument per permit [2]150.00$  Skylight Commercial each [2]370.00$  Residential each [2]370.00$  Solar ‐ Residential (Up to 10 kW)per permit [2],[4]289.00$  Per kW above 10kW per kW [2],[4]15.00$  Add Residential Battery Back‐up per permit [2],[4]222.00$  Add Residential Panel Upgrade per permit [2],[4]258.00$  Add Reverse Tilt System/ Ground Mount per permit [2],[4]333.00$  Solar ‐ Commercial (Up to 50 kW)per permit [2],[4]666.00$  Per kW between 51kW ‐ 250kW per kW [2],[4]7.00$  Per kW above 250kW per kW [2],[4]5.00$  Spray Booth Install / Clean Room per permit [2]267.00$  Stairs  New/Replace First Story each [2]407.00$  Additional Story each [2]333.00$  Repair each [2]407.00$  Siding Stucco each [2]407.00$  Stone/Brick Veneer each [2]429.00$  Storage Racks    <8 ft, first 100 lf per permit [2]481.00$     each add'l. 100 lf each [2]88.00$  >8 ft, first 100 lf per permit [2]518.00$  >8 ft, ea. Add'l 100 lf each [2]237.00$  Swimming Pool Commercial per permit [2]246.00$  Residential per permit [2]246.00$  Temporary Seating or Bleachers Install per permit [2]555.00$  Trash Enclosure Install per permit [2]258.00$  43March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 75 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type NotesFee/Deposit Windows / Door Commercial each [2]333.00$  Residential each [2]333.00$  Other Inspections (Per Hour) Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge: two  hours)per hour [2]129.00$  Re‐inspection fees per hour [2]129.00$  Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum  charge: one half‐hour)per hour [2]129.00$  Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to  approved plans (minimum charge: one half‐hour)per hour [2]129.00$  Other Building Fees Building Permit Revision, Fee + Third Party Hourly Charge per hour [2] Actual Cost Building Plan Check Fee (8% discount on repetitive plan checks) each [2],[5] Actual Cost Green Building Standards Plan Check and Inspection each [2] Actual Cost Green Building State Standards Fee (SB1473)each [1]  $1.00 per every $25,000 in building valuation or fraction thereof (minimum fee $1.00)  Strong Motion Instrumentation Fee (SMIP) and Seismic Hazard  Mapping Fee  ‐ Residential each [1]  Pass through from  State: $13.00 per  $100,000 valuation  (minimum $0.50  fee)  Strong Motion Instrumentation Fee (SMIP) and Seismic Hazard  Mapping Fee ‐ Commercial each [1]  Pass through from  State: $28.00 per  $100,000 valuation  (minimum $0.50  fee)  Penalty for Commencing Work Before Permit Issuance each [6]  Double the permit  fee  Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case‐by‐case  basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time  of service provided. per hour [2]148.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] [4] Limited to maximum amounts set by AB 1414. [5] Plan check fee based on 65% of the current building permit fee and is due upon initial submittal [6] CMC 18.20.010 and CMC 18.04.010 Valuation based on current valuation multiplier published by the San Diego Chapter of the International Code Council. CBC 109.3 Building permit valuations. 44March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 76 of 87 I I I I Fee Name Fee Type NotesFee/Deposit Building Department Fees Simple Single or Combination Permits (see list of simple items)per permit [1]208.00$  Water Heater Only per permit [1]116.00$  Complex Mechanical Permits FAU less than 100,000 Btu/h per permit [1]518.00$  FAU greater than 100,000 Btu/h per permit [1]666.00$  Floor furnace (including vent)per permit [1]370.00$  Suspended, wall, or floor‐mounted heaters per permit [1]296.00$  Appliance vents not included in an appliance permit per permit [1]592.00$  Boiler up to 100,000 Btu/h per permit [1]703.00$  Boiler 100,000 Btu/h to 500,000 Btu/h per permit [1]296.00$  Compressor up to 3 HP per permit [1]333.00$  Compressor up to 3 HP to 15 HP per permit [1]348.00$  Other Complex Mechanical per permit [1]444.00$  Complex Electrical Permits Commercial Appliance per permit [1]296.00$  Power Apparatus per permit [1]296.00$  Motor not over 1 HP each [1]296.00$  Motor over 1 HP and not over 10 HP each [1]296.00$  Motor over 10 HP and not over 50 HP each [1]296.00$  Motor over 50 HP and not over 100 HP each [1]333.00$  Motor over 100 HP each [1]370.00$  Generator not over 1 KW each [1]296.00$  Generator over 1 KW and not over 10 KW each [1]333.00$  Generator over 10 KW and not over 50 KW each [1]444.00$  Generator over 50 KW and not over 100 KW each [1]444.00$  Generator over 100 KW each [1]518.00$  Transformer not over 1 KVA each [1]370.00$  Transformer over 1 KVA and not over 10 KVA each [1]370.00$  Transformer over 10 KVA and not over 50 KVA each [1]407.00$  Transformer over 50 KVA and not over 100 KVA each [1]444.00$  Transformer over 100 KVA each [1]444.00$  Services of 600 volts or less and over 400 amperes to 1000  amperes in rating each [1]444.00$  Services over 600 volts or over 1000 amperes in rating each [1]592.00$  Other Complex Electrical each [1]444.00$  Complex Plumbing Permits Fire Suppression System/Commercial Hood per permit [1]629.00$  Onsite Sewer 6" & Over per permit [1]407.00$  Onsite Water 6" & Over per permit [1]407.00$  Onsite Storm Drain 6" & Over per permit [1]407.00$  Other Complex Plumbing per permit [1]444.00$  [Notes] [1]Set per 2021 ‐ Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region  Urban CPI. Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Permits ‐ Not Associated with a Building Permit 45March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 77 of 87 Fee Name Simple Mechanical Items: Addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit, absorption unit, or each heating,  cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system. HVAC change out ‐ existing dwelling Air‐handling unit under 10,000 CFM Evaporative cooler Ventilation fan connected to a single duct Hood and duct system Duct systems Miscellaneous mechanical (wall furnace, condensing units, gas outlet/gas test, etc.) Other simple mechanical  Simple Electrical Items: Receptacle, switch, and lighting outlets Lighting fixtures Pole or platform‐mounted lighting fixtures Theatrical‐type lighting fixtures or assemblies Appliances not exceeding one horsepower (HP), kilowatt (KW), or kilovolt‐ampere (KVA), in rating Busways Trolley and plug‐in‐type busways ‐ each 100 feet or fraction thereof Signs, outline lighting, or marquees supplied from one branch circuit Services of 600 volts or less and not over 200 amperes in rating Miscellaneous apparatus, conduits, and conductors Portable generators less than 10,000 W Temporary power panel/service Temporary power pole Other simple electrical Simple Plumbing Items: Plumbing fixtures Building sewer Rainwater systems Water heater Industrial waste pretreatment interceptor Water piping and/or water treating equipment Repair or alteration of  drainage or vent piping Backflow devices Atmospheric‐type vacuum breakers Gas test Gas outlets Residential remodel/repairs Other simple plumbing Simple Single or Combination Permits List 46March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 78 of 87 Section 3 Development Impact Fees March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 79 of 87 HOLD FOR NEW MAP FROM GIS 48March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 80 of 87 Boundary of Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 {Aviara Parkway -Pointsettia Lane) 1'253'1 Exempt From Fee Area l=:::J Fee Paid by Agreement ~ Fee Previously Paid (222l Fee Area c:::::J Local Facility Management Zones = Fee Boundary Area 5 J:\cbgis\prodocts\Standard Maps\FINANCE\f,eeSched.Jles\BandT2_Rev2022.pagx Fee Schedule: Zone 5 -$ 421 / ADT * Zone 20 -$ 2,182 / ADT * Zone 21 -$ 1,761 / ADT * *Average Daily Trips (ADT) per SANDAG Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates J © 2022 Oy cl (artsbad 49March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 81 of 87 City of Carlsbad Local Facilities Management Zones (LFMZ) LEGEND 0 = Outside CFD #1 Zone 1 • No Fee Zone 14 • No Fee Zone 2 -No Fee Zone 15 -No Fee Legend ..,--n LFMZ t.,:r BOUNDARY 16 Zone 3 -No Fee Zone 16 -$0.40/SqFt Zone 4 • No Fee Zone 17 • $0.40/SqFt (New Construction) ...,~=lli""''--', Zone 5 -$0.40/SqFt (New Construction) Zone 18 -$0.40/SqFt (New Construction) Zone 6 • $310/Unit Zone 19 • No Fee Zone 7 • No Fee Zone 20 • No Fee Zone 8 -No Fee Zone 21 -No Fee Zone 9 • No Fee Zone 22 • No Fee Zone 10 -No Fee Zone 23 -No Fee Zone 11 -No Fee Zone 24 -No Fee Zone 12 -No Fee Zone 25 -No Fee Zone 13 -$0 .40/SqFt J:lcarg1s2\produds\planning\r197.08\LFMZ.mxd 50March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 82 of 87 Park Districts QuadranUPark Area Quadrant 1 = NW Quadrant 2 = NE Quadrant 3 = SW Quadrant 4 = SE Account No 330 0000 5561 331 0000 5561 332 0000 5561 333 0000 5561 Fee Applicable to Residential Subdivisions Only: Single Family Detached & Duplex (0-lot line or attached wall) Attached Residential (4 units or less) Attached Residential (more than 4 units) Mobile Homes J:\cargis2\products\planning\t197.08\Par1t Dislricts.mxd NE SE SW (per unit) 5,728 4,804 4,636 3,696 NW (per unit) 7,649 6,414 6,190 4,934 51March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 83 of 87 Planned Local Drainage Fee Areas J:\cargis2\products\planning\r197.08\Planned Local Drainage Fees.mxd Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee Level/Deposit  Planned Local Drainage Area Fees (PLDA) PLDA A, Low Runoff per acre 7,421.00$  PLDA B, Low Runoff per acre 2,774.00$  PLDA C, Low Runoff per acre 2,692.00$  PLDA D, Low Runoff per acre 2,553.00$  PLDA A, Medium Runoff per acre 14,757.00$                PLDA B, Medium Runoff per acre 5,347.00$  PLDA C, Medium Runoff per acre 3,809.00$  PLDA D, Medium Runoff per acre 4,177.00$  PLDA A, High Runoff per acre 32,158.00$                PLDA B, High Runoff per acre 12,019.00$                PLDA C, High Runoff per acre 11,669.00$                PLDA D, High Runoff per acre 11,065.00$                Low Runoff Potential Medium Runoff Potential High Runoff Potential CF ♦ GC ♦ L ♦ O ♦ OS ♦ P ♦ PI ♦ PI/O ♦ R ♦ R1.5 ♦ R4 ♦ R8 ♦ R15 ♦ R15/L ♦ R15/O ♦ R15/VC ♦ R23 ♦ R30 ♦ OK‐TC ♦ VC ♦ VC/OS ♦ V ♦ PLDA FEE CATEGORYGeneral Plan Land  Use Designation 52March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 84 of 87 53March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 85 of 87 CARLSBAD 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 602-2750 VALLECITOS 201 Vallecitos de Oro San Marcos, CA 92069 (760) 7 44-0460 LEUCADIA 1960 La Costa Av Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 753-0155 Sewer Districts Legend Sewer Service Area D CARLSBAD ~ VALLECITOS D LEUCADIA J:\car is2\ roducts\ lannin \r167.05\Water Districts.mxd 54March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 86 of 87 Sewer Fees Sewer Connection Fees* General Capacity Fee of $1 ,074 per EDU for All Areas Plus Sewer Benefit Fees Shown Below Sewer Benefit Area Fees* Area A B C D E F G H I J K L M Cost Per EDU ($) 0 0 2,763 2,769 4,083 4,105 0 1,204 0 0 0 0 0 J:\c ·s,products\Standard Maps\FINANC8.FeeSchedules. Dale: 5/9/2022 *CMC 13.10.020(C) shall be used to determine Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU). Legend A,B,C Sewer Benefit Area Sewer Benefit Area Boundary Previous Sewer Benefit Areas I and K arc now in L Fee Name Fee Type Notes Fee/Deposit  Affordable Housing Credit Cassia Heights (Southeast and Southwest quadrants)per unit [1]71,405.00$                Tavarua Senior Affordable Apartments (Northwest quadrant)per unit [1] 105,678.00$              Affordable Housing Impact Fee Affordable Housing Impact Fee per unit [1]2,925.00$  Affordable Housing In‐Lieu Fee (per single‐family market rate unit on  single‐family lot)per unit [2]8,529.00$  Affordable Housing In‐Lieu Fee (residential development projects  proposing two to six units), per sq. ft. of net building area per unit per sq. ft.[2]15.00$  Habitat Mitigation Fees, Per Acre Type D ‐ Coastal Sage Scrub per acre [1]37,036.00$                Type E ‐ Non‐Native Grassland per acre [1]18,519.00$                Type F ‐ Agricultural Land, Disturbed Land, Eucalyptus Woodland per acre [1]3,704.00$  Public Facilities and Community Facilities District Fees Public Facilities Fee ‐ inside CFD per project [1]  1.82% of building  permit valuation  Public Facilities Fee ‐ outside CFD per project [1]  3.5% of building  permit valuation  Community Facilities District #1 Fees [1] Please see current  information packet  Traffic Impact Fees Apartment (Inside of CFD 1)per ADT [1]345.00$  Apartment (Outside of CFD 1)per ADT [1]405.00$  Commercial/Industrial Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD)per ADT [1]137.00$  Commercial/Industrial Cost Per Trip (Outside of CFD)per ADT [1]162.00$  Condominium (Inside of CFD 1)per ADT [1]345.00$  Condominium (Outside of CFD 1)per ADT [1]405.00$  Single Family (Inside of CFD 1)per ADT [1]345.00$  Single Family (Outside of CFD 1)per ADT [1]405.00$  [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Updated via City Council Resolution; effective April 1, 2022. 55March 14, 2023 Item #8 Page 87 of 87 I I I I Consideration of a Cost Recovery Policy Zach Korach, Finance Director Jeremy Bates, Senior Management Analyst March 14, 2023 { City of Carlsbad TODAY’S PRESENTATION •Overview •Policy Statement •Procedures •Proposed Action ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad OVERVIEW •City is currently recovering only 43% of cost of providing services •State law: city fees cannot exceed the reasonable cost of providing services •City performs periodic reviews to evaluate fees against cost of service •Goal of policy is to balance cost recovery and public benefit ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad INFLUENTIAL FACTORS IN COST RECOVERY •Community-wide vs. individual benefit •Higher cost recovery is appropriate for services that clearly benefit an individual •Lower cost recovery is appropriate for services that provide a community benefit ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad INFLUENTIAL FACTORS IN COST RECOVERY •Effect or pricing on demand for services •Setting fees at full cost recovery levels may lead to non-compliance with regulations, public safety hazards, or make it harder for some individuals to access services •Must balance this against recovering the cost to the city of providing the service ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad INFLUENTIAL FACTORS IN COST RECOVERY •Comparability with other communities •Important to provide background information and see if the city is “in the market”, but should never be the primary criteria in setting fees and comparisons aren’t always analogous ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad LOW COST RECOVERY SERVICES •0% -30% cost recovery target •Services where there is a significant community benefit, a goal to encourage compliance, and/or the service is essential to public safety or infrastructure •Examples: City sponsored special events, minor residential building permits ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad MID-LEVEL COST RECOVERY SERVICES •31% -80% cost recovery target •Services where there is a significant individual benefit but also a community benefit, and/or a goal to encourage voluntary compliance with regulatory requirements •Examples: Utility account service fees, Fire safety inspections ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad HIGH COST RECOVERY SERVICES •81% -100% cost recovery target •Services where there is a significant individual benefit, and/or where private alternatives exist for the service, or the use of the service is discouraged •Examples: Commercial special events, permit fees for major development projects ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad PROCEDURES •This spring: staff will recommend any fee changes to meet target cost recovery levels within three years as part of proposed fee schedule •Annually: City Council reviews proposed updates to city fees based on consumer price index •Every 5-7 years: comprehensive cost of service study to evaluate all fees •Individual fees can be adjusted between updates as needed ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad PROPOSED ACTION Adopt a resolution establishing a cost recovery policy ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY { City of Carlsbad QUESTIONS ITEM 8: COST RECOVERY POLICY (city of Carlsbad