HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-25; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Reports for November 2022 and December 2022Meeting Date: Jan. 25, 2023 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director sheila.crosby@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5520 Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director katie.nye@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2094 Subject: Library Reports for November 2022 and December 2022 District: All Recommended Action Receive the Narrative Report and Statistical Report for November 2022 and December 2022. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the library’s monthly narrative and statistical report for November 2022 and December 2022. These reports provide a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as data and information about the services and programs presented for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.Narrative report for November 2022 2.Statistical report for November 2022 3.Narrative report for December 2022 4.Statistical report for December 2022 Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 1 of 13 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report EXHIBIT 1 Carlsbad City Library Monthly Library Report November 2022 Highlights: 1. Totes Thankful The Totes Thankful program was so successful last year that Library Staff decided to offer it again this year. All three library locations and all public facing service desks offered a tote bag to anyone who wrote something they were thankful for on a paper leaf. The leaves were posted at various service areas at each library; there were 327 tote bags distributed. Tote Thankful quotes: • "The amazing people who work here." • "I'm thankful for the eBooks I can take when I travel on the Thanksgiving holiday." • “I am thankful for the kind staff @ our Cole library. " 2. Paint a Present Take & Make Kits using Creativebug Paint a Present holiday take and make kits for adults were available at all three library locations to encourage patrons to use the online database Creativebug. The kits include a mini-canvas, watercolor paint set, Creativebug logo pencil and instructions with a QR code to Creativebug. The program launched on Nov. 28 with 50 kits being distributed by Dec. 4. Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 2 of 13 EXHIBIT 1 Programs: 3. Tween Scene Look in the sky – it's a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a ROCKET! The Nov. 14 program was all about rockets. Attendees participated in water bottle rocket launches measured with an altimeter. Staff held the program in the vacant lot near the Georgina Cole Library. Everyone was required to stand a safe distance from the launch space and being water- based, there were no actual explosives. This STEAM program was a big success and patrons have been asking when it will be offered again. 4. Cover-to-Cover reading program The annual reading program sponsored by In-N-Out Burger ran from Oct. 1 to Nov. 12. Libraries throughout the County participate in the program. Young readers to age 12 earn rewards of up to three burgers per child for recording and reporting their reading. In Carlsbad, 672 registered participants read a total of 12,793 books. Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 3 of 13 EXHIBIT 1 5. 1000 Books Before Kindergarten The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program to promote early literacy began in January of 2021. As of Nov. 30, 2022, there are a total of 522 readers, who have read 28,170 books. Excitement was in the air as the first three patrons achieved the final reward, a personalized pencil case, for reading 1000 books. The Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane Children’s staff used a new tool, a Silhouette Cameo, to personalize each reader’s pencil case and the readers were delighted to receive their reward. 6. DNA Interest Group In a partnership program with the North San Diego County Genealogical Society, Genetic Genealogist Kitty Munson Cooper presented several case studies that used automated DNA genealogy tools to help people find their unknown biological parents. The program was offered in person and virtually with an attendance of 43. Services: 7. Juvenile account changes Beginning Nov. 1, after a patron turns 18 and visits the library to update their account, they will receive a new account number. Previously, staff updated the existing account, but now a completely new card will be issued to protect the patron’s privacy. With this change, adult patrons can be assured that only they have access to their account and not their parents. 8. Ask a Genealogist Ask a Genealogist provides patrons a one-hour, one-on-one appointment with a member of the genealogy staff to focus on specific areas of interest. Five people used this service in November. Special Projects: 9. Summer Reading Adventure (SRA) 2023 “Find Your Voice” Staff have created an SRA committee to prepare for the 2023 summer program. During the month of November, subcommittees met and conducted initial planning and brainstorming. Members of the committee are on 1-2 subcommittees, with the chair serving as the link between all subcommittee work. The goal is for all performers and rewards to be selected by early February. The Summer Reading Adventure program will run for seven weeks in 2023 starting June 19. Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 4 of 13 EXHIBIT 1 Accomplishments: 10. Project Management Fundamentals for Librarians Five staff were selected to participate in project management training to further their skills. Library Technician Hannah Lockhart, Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden, Librarian Heidi Wyner, Senior Librarian Allyson Goodwin, and Librarian Maile McKeon attended and completed a series of trainings offered by the professional industry periodical, Library Journal. The course focused on “the ways that leading projects can offer librarians personal and career development and the prospect of achieving lasting impact.” Community Connections: 11. Carlsbad Village Street Faire Carlsbad City Library & Cultural Arts were represented at the street faire on Nov. 6, interacting with 110 community members. Cultural Arts hosted a Pop-Up Art activity and Library Technician Linsey Brizuela promoted library programs and services, including Library Learning Center and Exploration HUB programs, teen services and volunteer opportunities. 12. Outreach • Two library tours for 39 eighth graders from Pacific Ridge School were given by Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden and Library Assistant Christina Lorenzo on Nov. 28 and 29. Students learned how to access databases and connect with a live tutor in Brainfuse and received a tour of the library. Students were also given time to browse and check out books. • Principal Librarian Laura Mendez attended the Encinitas Unified School District Library Media Technician meeting on Nov. 14 to learn more about the district’s academic needs and promote library programs and services. Encinitas Unified has five schools within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad and utilizes library services from both Carlsbad City Library and San Diego County Library. • Librarian Emily Hardy attended the Carlsbad Unified School District Library Media Aide meeting on Nov. 17 to connect with school library staff and promote library programs and services. • Pedaling around Carlsbad, the Books To Go team attended 11 events and engaged with 744 people. At the Farmer’s Market and at the Sea Wall, 325 community members were reached. On five trips to local schools, the bike connected with 76 preschoolers, 296 elementary school students and 47 middle school students. Books To Go events promote reading, our streaming services, traffic safety, library services and events. Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 5 of 13 EXHIBIT 1 • A Brainfuse HelpNow demonstration video was created by Teen Services Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden at the request of a CUSD academic counselor to showcase for students needing tutoring services. HelpNow is an online tutoring and homework help service offered at no charge to patrons and available 24/7 via the library’s eResources web page. It supports students in K-12 courses. • Librarian Emily Hardy judged student essays for a PTA National Reflections writing contest in collaboration with Carlsbad Unified School District. The theme was “Using Your Voice.” This work aims to bolster the strategic partnership with CUSD. Patron Stories (heard around the library): “Thank you for the information about Hoopla. It does have a lot of the programs from Acorn. The Carlsbad library is a wonderful resource. Help is always available. eBooks are my favorite, and I am always pleased when the library purchases my recommendations. Surprisingly this happens fairly frequently. Thank you again.” - Sunny Lo” “Thanks to Perry for teaching me/us how to convert VHS tapes at the Exploration HUB.” – Frank “I really appreciate the large new book selection and used bookstore!” - Hope, who left a 5-star review on Google Reviews. Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 6 of 13 EXHIBIT 2 LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS November 2022 November 2019 (Pre-COVID-19) November 2022 Total Library Hours Open 724 570 Total Visitors On-site (2022 includes curbside) 49,631 38,624 Library Services Circulation of Library Materials 86,202 70,163 eAudiobook/eBook/eMagazine Downloads Audio/Video Streaming* 13,084 0 17,258 731 *Available offerings have adjusted 2019: No vendor data available for Audio streaming, Video streaming offerings ended Oct. 28 2022: Kanopy relaunched Aug. 1; Hoopla launched Aug. 17 Circulation Total 99,286 88,152 Reference Questions 13,656 10,202 Technology eResource Use Library Website Sessions In-House Computer Use 6,717 37,475 5,806 6,575 33,043 2,617 Programs, Facility Usage Number of Programs Presented (On-site, Off-site, 2022 includes virtual) Programs Attendance 189 4,632 98 2,873 Number of Community Rentals Community Rentals Attendance 65 4,281 56 2,512 Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 7 of 13 (carlsbad City Library mt 0000 VwW ~ m 0 fl □ ~i 8A8 c.:> EXHIBIT 3 Carlsbad City Library Monthly Report December 2022 Highlights: 1. Santa Visits Santa Claus visited both the Library Learning Center and the Georgina Cole Library on Dec. 15. 60 attendees visited the Cole Library and snapped photos with Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, and 38 attendees visited the Library Learning Center. In addition to photo opportunities, there were crafts and educational toys for children and families to enjoy. 2. Krampus Escape Room Teen Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden & Library Assistant Christina Lorenzo hosted the Krampus Escape Room event at the Library Learning Center on Dec. 12. Eight teens attended and worked collaboratively to solve riddles and puzzles to discover who among them was the Krampus. 3. Creativebug: Paint a Present Take & Make Kits “Paint a Present” Holiday take and make kits were available at all three City of Carlsbad library locations. The program launched on Nov. 28 and all 50 kits were gone by the end of the week. The kits aimed at driving discovery and use of the Creativebug database among our teen and adult patrons. Creativebug had its highest usage and new user numbers for all of 2022 in December, correlating with the dates of this pilot program. 4. Write to Writer Challenge Adult learners in Southern California Library Literacy Services programs submitted 38 letters for the Writer to Writer Challenge in December, including three of our Carlsbad learners. The annual challenge invites adult learners to read a book and write a letter to the author about how the book impacted their life. Next, the letters are reviewed by coordinators and the highest scoring letters are sent to learner panels for the final round of judging. Winners and runners-up will be announced in February. Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 8 of 13 EXHIBIT 3 5. Fix-It Clinic On Dec. 10, staff facilitated a Fix-It Clinic event in partnership with Zero Waste San Diego and the City of Carlsbad Public Works Department at the Cole Library. Activities included sewing instruction, a Furoshiki gift wrapping station, bike clinic and appliances repair. The City’s Environmental Sustainability Department also offered reusable produce bags for those in attendance. 55 community members participated in the event. Special Projects: 6. Tactile Play Project The Facilities team installed tactile wall tiles in the children’s area at the Cole Library. These sensory tiles are designed for children of all ages to touch and interact with while exploring their environment. Six tiles were purchased and installed with funds donated by a patron specifically for improvements in the children’s area. 7. Propose a Program or Service & Authors and Publishers Forms New resources are available to patrons who are interested in proposing a program or service or would like to donate or request a title for the collection. Community members can fill out an online form through the library’s website, where the request will be routed to the appropriate staff for consideration. Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 9 of 13 EXHIBIT 3 8. AmeriCorps Literacy Volunteers The Literacy Services division has been awarded two half-time AmeriCorps member positions through a partnership with the California State Library, California Volunteers, Literacyworks and Pacific Library Partnership. Members Terry S. and Mihoko Z. will contribute 900 hours each through October 2023. The volunteers will contribute to pandemic recovery through literacy tutoring, outreach, recruitment, and other activities. 9. Genealogy Collections Process Project Collections & Technical Services Librarian Kim Tubbs-Nelson worked hand in hand with Senior Librarian Marsha Weeks to review and revamp procedures and division of labor around the cataloging and processing of genealogy materials. Goals are to streamline processes and make discovery easier for users of the collection. Community Connections: 10. Library Learning Center Mural The Cultural Arts Department hosted two focus groups and a community event on Dec. 2 and Dec. 3 for Studio Tutto, the artist team selected to create a temporary public art project for the Library Learning Center in Spring 2023. Over 30 attendees of all ages participated in conversations, crafts, and a survey to inform the design of the mural. 11. Books To Go The Books To Go team hosted 10 events and engaged with 900 community members in the month of December. The book bike visited the Rotary’s Holiday Tree Lighting, Farmer’s Market, Sea Wall and local schools. Books To Go events distribute free books, and promote eResources like Libby and Hoopla, along with other library services and events. 12. School Connections Children’s Librarian Hugo Ricalday-Cuevas attended the Encinitas Unified School District Library Media Aide meeting on Dec. 12 to discuss library programs and services for elementary students, as well as learning challenges and academic goals for faculty. 13. Channel 10 Literacy News Segment Channel 10 News Reporter Moses Small filmed a segment featuring Literacy Services on Dec. 1 at the Library Learning Center. The two-and-a-half-minute piece was edited from over an hour of filming and interview sessions with 12 tutors and learners and one staff member. The reporter captured a learner’s story and included key elements about literacy and Carlsbad’s program, which aired on the evening news. The segment can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/FV1Ig_7nTHg Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 10 of 13 EXHIBIT 3 14. San Diego Council on Literacy’s Literacy Champions Library Assistant Sandra Riggins and Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott attended the San Diego Council on Literacy’s Literacy Champions event on Dec. 7, at National University. Attendees networked with literacy supporters and honored the new inductees to the Literacy Hall of Fame. Patron Stories (heard around the library): • Children’s Services at the Cole Library was delighted to get holiday greeting cards from patrons expressing appreciation for the library and its programs. • A patron who asked multiple reference questions and booked a study room for the first time had this to say about his experience at the Cole Library branch: “I’m really impressed by the customer service here. It’s old school customer service. You don’t experience that many places these days.” • Literacy Services provided free cards for tutors and learners to express their gratitude during the holiday season. One learner wrote, “Thank you for your efforts and service. We appreciate your friendliness and expertise.” Her tutor wrote, “(My learner) and I always love meeting to learn and grow, and you are a huge part of this!” • Exploration HUB patron, Cheryl B. used the digital conversion equipment to complete an extensive project, and during her time in the HUB, learned about 3D printing. HUB staff assisted her with a wine charm design for her book club. She stated, “I absolutely loved how the charms came out! They were perfect, exactly as I envisioned. I truly appreciated the extra efforts your team made in allowing the different colors, too, as I know it would have been easier to make them all the same color. To finish, I hand- painted the “pages” white.” Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 11 of 13 Wishing you a holiday season filled with peace, love, and joy. The Jones Family Frorri, \r-ic.i'o.1 C~i..r-\ot+e/ ~r-~n• U l~ EXHIBIT 3 Other: 15. Seed Libraries The library’s three seed libraries distributed a total of 389 seed packets in December: • Cole Library - 259 • Dove Library - 95 • Library Learning Center - 35 Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 12 of 13 EXHIBIT 4 LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS December 2022 December 2019 (Pre-COVID-19) December 2022 Total Library Hours Open 820 600 Total Visitors On-site (2022 includes curbside) 48,450 28,498 Library Services Circulation of Library Materials 81,891 62,922 eAudiobook/eBook/eMagazine Downloads Audio/Video Streaming* 13,525 583 17,749 682 *Available offerings have adjusted 2019: No vendor data available for Audio streaming, Video streaming offerings ended Oct. 28 2022: Kanopy relaunched Aug. 1; Hoopla launched Aug. 17 Circulation Total 95,999 81,353 Reference Questions 12,928 8,504 Technology eResource Use Library Website Sessions In-House Computer Use 6,165 40,157 6,241 6,274 30,087 2,576 Programs, Facility Usage Number of Programs Presented (On-site, Off-site, 2022 includes virtual) Programs Attendance 189 4,632 74 2,191 Number of Community Rentals Community Rentals Attendance 65 4,281 46 2,159 Jan. 25, 2023 ITEM 1 Page 13 of 13 (carlsbad City Library mt 0000 VwW ~ m 0 fl □ ~i 8A8 c.:>