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2022-12-07; Planning Commission; ; CDP 2022-0024 (DEV2022-0067) – DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION
Single Family Coastal Development Permit Item No. 1 Application complete date: October 31, 2022 P.C. AGENDA OF: Dec. 7, 2022 Project Planner: Esteban Danna Project Engineer: Nichole Fine SUBJECT: CDP 2022-0024 (DEV2022-0067) – DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION - Request for approval of a Coastal Development Permit to allow for the construction of a 515-square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence within the Mello II Segment of the city’s Local Coastal Program located at 4924 Loma Laguna Drive within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The project site is within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15301(e) for small additions to existing structures of the state CEQA Guidelines. I.RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT a Planning Commission Resolution (Exhibit 1), APPROVING a Coastal Development Permit (CDP 2022-0024) based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II.PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Site/Setting: The 0.17-acre (7,560 square feet) project site is located at 4924 Loma Laguna Drive as shown on the attached location map (Exhibit 2). The topography of the site is generally flat and the vegetation on the site includes ornamental landscaping. The surrounding neighborhood is developed with single-family residences. The Agua Hedionda Creek open space area and trail are located to the southeast of the property (adjacent to the rear property line). No public beach access or coastal resources are identified onsite. Table “A” below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site R-4, Residential R-1, One-Family Residential Single-family home North R-4, Residential R-1, One-Family Residential Single-family home South R-4, Residential R-1, One-Family Residential Single-family home East OS, Open Space OS, Open Space Open Space West R-4, Residential R-1, One-Family Residential Single-family home Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 1 of 23 0 CDP 2022-0024 (DEV2022-0067) – DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION Dec. 7, 2022 Page 2 Proposed Residential Construction: The project consists of the construction of a 515-square-foot addition to an existing 1,363-square-foot, single-story single-family residence with an attached two-car garage. The project proposes the addition of 39 square feet to the existing entry area and a 476-square-foot master suite addition above the existing garage. Upon completion, the house will be two-stories, 1,878 square feet and 21’-10” in height. The project would require no significant grading nor removal of native vegetation. III. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations and requirements: A. R-4 Residential General Plan Designation; B. R-1 One-Family Residential Zone; C. Coastal Development Regulations for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201) and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203); and D. Growth Management (CMC Chapter 21.90). The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable city regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. R-4 Residential General Plan Land Use Designation The project site has a General Plan Land Use designation of R-4 Residential which allows for the development of single-family residences at a density of 0-4 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 3.2 du/ac. The project proposes an addition to an existing residence (which was subdivided originally at a density of 5.88 du/ac). Per Land Use Element Policy 2-P.7 one single-family dwelling is permitted to be constructed on a legal lot that existed as of October 28, 2004. The subject lot was legally created on May 31, 1972. Therefore, the existing single-family residence is consistent with the Elements of the city’s General Plan. B. R-1 One-Family Residential Zone (CMC Chapter 21.10) The project is required to comply with all applicable regulations and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) including the One-Family Residential (R-1) zone (CMC Chapter 21.10). Table B below shows how the project complies with the applicable requirements. TABLE B – R-1 ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED Building Height 30 feet/2 stories 21’-10”/2 stories Front Yard Setback 20 feet minimum 25 feet Side Yard Setback 7 feet minimum 8 feet Rear Yard Setback 14 feet minimum 35 feet Lot Coverage 40 percent 24.8 percent Parking Two-car garage Two-car garage Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 2 of 23 CDP 2022-0024 (DEV2022-0067) – DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION Dec. 7, 2022 Page 3 C. Coastal Development Regulations for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201) and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203) The project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) but is not within the appeals jurisdiction. The site is located within and subject to the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone. The project’s compliance with each of these programs and ordinances is discussed below: 1. Mello II Segment of the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies The subject site has an LCP Land Use Plan designation of R-4 Residential, which allows for a density of 0 to 4 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). One dwelling unit is be permitted on this 0.17-acre property. The addition to the single-family residence will not increase the number of units on the property. Therefore, no change in density is proposed or required to be analyzed. The project consists of the addition of an existing single-family residence and attached garage. The remodeled residence and garage will not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or the public right-of-way, nor otherwise damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone as there are currently no views of the coastline from this location. No agricultural uses currently exist on the previously developed site, nor are there any sensitive resources located on the site. The residence is not located in an area of known geologic instability or flood hazard. Since the site does not have frontage along the coastline, no public opportunities for coastal shoreline access are available from the subject site. Furthermore, the residentially designated site is not suited for water-oriented recreation activities. 2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203 of the Zoning Ordinance) in that the project will adhere to the city’s Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban run-off, pollutants and soil erosion. The subject project does not include steep slopes (equal to or greater than 25 percent gradient) or native vegetation. D. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the city. There will be no impact to public facilities because the project will not increase the number of units on the property. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), and its implementing regulations (“CEQA Guidelines”) adopted by the Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency, list classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and as a result are exempt from further environmental review under CEQA. City staff completed a review of the project and potential environmental impacts associated with the project pursuant to CEQA and concluded that the project qualified for an exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301(e) (Existing Facilities), which includes additions to existing structures. A notice of intended decision regarding the environmental determination was advertised on November 8, 2022 and posted on the city’s website. The notice included a general description of the project, the Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 3 of 23 CDP 2022-0024 (DEV2022-0067) – DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION Dec. 7, 2022 Page 4 proposed environmental findings, and a general explanation of the matter to be considered. The findings and determination contained in that notice was declared as final on the date of the noticed decision, unless appealed as provided by the procedures commencing in Chapter 21.54 (Procedures, Hearings, Notices, and Fees) of the Zoning Ordinance. During the 10-day public review period, the city received no comment letters from the public regarding the prospective environmental determination. Since no appeal was filed and no substantial evidence was submitted that would support a finding that the exemption requirements would not be satisfied, the project was determined by the city planner to not have a significant effect on the environment. The CEQA Determination letter is attached to this staff report as Exhibit 4 and demonstrates that the project is categorically exempt from further environmental review. The city planner’s written decision is final and the CEQA determination is not within the Planning Commission’s purview. With the appropriate environmental clearances in place, all of the city’s procedural requirements and relevant aspects of CEQA have been satisfied. EXHIBITS: 1.Planning Commission Resolution – Approval – Exhibit 1 2.Location Map 3.Disclosure Form 4.CEQA Determination 5.Reduced Exhibits 6.Exhibit(s) “A” – “H” dated December 7, 2022 Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 4 of 23 ( PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION (7468) A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE CITY'S LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM LOCATED AT 4924 LOMA LAGUNA DRIVE WITHIN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 1. CASE NAME: CASE NO: DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION CDP 2022-0024 WHEREAS, Logan Anderson, "Developer," has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by Hallie Thompson, "Owner," described as LOT 30 OF CARLSBAD TRACT 71-5, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7292, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDEROF SAN DIEGO COUNTY MAY 31, 1972. ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Coastal Development Permit as shown on Exhibit(s) "A" -"H" dated December 7, 2022, attached hereto and on file in the Carlsbad Planning Division, "CDP 2022-0024 (DEV2022-0067)-DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION" as provided in Chapter 21.201.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Division studied the Coastal Development Permit application and performed the necessary investigations to determine if the project qualified for an exemption from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act, {CEQA, Public Resources Code section 21000 et. seq.), and its implementing regulations (the State CEQA Guidelines), Article 14 of the California Code of Regulations section 15000 et. seq. After consideration of all evidence presented, and studies and investigations made by the city planner and on its behalf, the city planner determined that the project was exempt from further environmental review pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15301(e) (Existing Facilities) This exception is for additions to existing structures that will not result in an increase of more than 10,000 square feet if the project is in an area where all public services and facilities are available to allow for maximum development permissible in the General Plan and the area in EXHIBIT 1 Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 5 of 23 ,I which the project is located is not environmentally sensitive. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment and all of the requirements of CEQA have been met; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 2022, the city distributed a notice of intended decision to adopt the "Existing Facilities" exemption. The notice was circulated for a 10-day period, which began November 8, 2022, and ended on November, 18, 2022. · The city did not receive any comment letters on the CEQA findings and determination. The effective date and order of the city planner CEQA determination was November 19, 2022; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on December 7, 2022, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Coastal Development Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A)That the above recitations are true and correct. B)That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission APPROVES of "CDP 2022-0024 (DEV2022-0067) -DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION," based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1.That the proposed development is in conformance with the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies in that the site is designated for residential development and the project proposes the addition to a single-family residence. The development is consistent with the LCP Mello II R-4 land use designation. No agricultural activities, sensitive resources, geological instability, flood hazard or coastal access opportunities exist onsite. Given that the project is located in a residential neighborhood where the majority of dwellings are one-and two-stories, the addition resulting in a two-story single-family residence will not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public right-of-way, nor otherwise damage the visual beauty of the Coastal Zone. 2.The proposal is in conformity with the public access and recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act in that the property is not located adjacent to the coastal shore; therefore, it will not interfere with the public's right to physical access or water-oriented recreational activities. PC RESO CDP Adoption -2-Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 6 of 23 ( 3. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Zoning Ordinance) in that the project will adhere to the city's Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban runoff, pollutants, and soil erosion. No steep slopes or native vegetation is located on the subject property and the site is not located in an area prone to landslides, or susceptible to accelerated erosion, floods, or liquefaction. 4.The project is consistent with the City-Wide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 1 and all city public policies and ordinances. The project includes elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding: sewer collection and treatment; water; drainage; circulation; fire; schools; parks and other recreational facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need. Specifically, a.The project has been conditioned to provide proof from the Carlsbad Unified School District that the project has satisfied its obligation for school facilities. b.The Public Facility Fee is required to be paid by Council Policy No. 17 and will be collected prior to the issuance of building permit. 5.The Planning Commission finds that the project, as conditioned herein, is in conformance with the Elements of the city's General Plan, in that the General Plan Land Use designation for the property is R-4 Residential, and under Land Use Element Policy 2-P.7, one single-family dwelling is permitted to be constructed on a legal lot that existed as of October 28, 2004. The subject lot was legally created on May 31, 1972. Therefore, the existing single-family residence is consistent with the Elements of the city's General Plan. 6.The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. 7.The Planning Commission expressly declares that it would not have approved this Coastal Development Permit application to use the Property for completing and implementing the project, except upon and subject to each and all of the conditions hereinafter set, each and all of which shall run with the land and be binding upon the Developer and all persons who use the Property for the use permitted hereby. For the purposes of the conditions, the term "Developer" shall also include the project proponent, owner, permittee, applicant, and any successor thereof in interest, as may be applicable. If the Developer fails to file a timely and valid appeal of this Coastal Development Permit within the applicable appeal period, such inaction by the Developer shall be deemed to constitute all of the following on behalf of the Developer: a.Acceptance of the Coastal i;>evelopment Permit by the Developer; and b.Agreement by the Developer to be bound by, to comply with, and to do all things required of or by the Developer pursuant to all of the terms, provisions, and conditions of this Coastal Development Permit or other approval and the provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code applicable to such permit. PC RESO CDP Adoption -3-Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 7 of 23 , Conditions: General NOTE: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions shall be satisfied prior to issuance of building permit. 1.Approval is granted for CDP 2022-0024 as shown on Exhibits "A" -"H", dated December 7, 2022, on file in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference. Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. 2.The information contained in the application and all attached materials are assumed to be correct, true, and complete. The Planning Commission is relying on the accuracy of this information and project-related representations in order to process and approve this Coastal Development Permit application. This permit may be rescinded if it is determined that the information and materials submitted are not true and correct. The Developer may be liable for any costs associated with rescission of such permits. 3.If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the city shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the city's approval of this Coastal Development Permit. 4.Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Coastal Development Permit documents, as necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. 5.Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Furthermore, no part of this Coastal Development Permit's approval shall be construed to permit a violation of any part of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, state, or federal law. During project construction and after project completion, the Developer shall ensure the subject land use activities covered by this permit is conducted in full compliance with all applicable statutes, orders, and laws. 6.If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. 7.Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the city arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) city's approval and issuance of this Coastal Development Permit, (b) city's approval or PC RESO CDP Adoption -4-Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 8 of 23 issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c) Developer/Operator's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the city's approval is not validated. 8.Prior to submittal of the building plans, improvement plans, grading plans, or final map, whichever occurs first, developer shall submit to the City Planner, a 24" x 36" copy of the (Tentative Map/Site Plan or other), conceptual grading plan and preliminary utility plan reflecting the conditions approved by the final decision-making body. The copy shall be submitted to the City Planner, reviewed and, if found acceptable, signed by the city's project planner and project engineer. If no changes were required, the approved exhibits shall fulfill this condition. 8.Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide proof to the Building Division from the Carlsbad Unified School District that this project has satisfied its obligation to provide school facilities. 9.This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 10.This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within 24 months from the date of project approval. 11.Prior to the issuance of the building permit, Developer shall submit to the city a Notice of Restriction executed by the owner of the real property to be developed. Said notice is to be filed in the office of the County Recorder, subject to the satisfaction of the City Planner, notifying all interested parties and successors in interest that the City of Carlsbad has issued a(n) Coastal Development Permit by Resolution -Approval, Attachment 1 on the property. Said Notice of Restriction shall note the property description, location of the file containing complete project details and all conditions of approval as well as any conditions or restrictions specified for inclusion in the Notice of Restriction. The City Planner has the authority to execute and record an amendment to the notice which modifies or terminates said notice upon a showing of good cause by the Developer or successor in interest. 12.The appropriate user development fees and Citywide Facility fees shall be paid in accordance with the prevailing fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit issuance, to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. Through plan check processing, the Developer shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees, School Fees, Traffic Mitigation Fees, Flood Control Mitigation Fees, Park Mitigation Fees, Fire Mitigation/Cost Recovery Fees, and other fees listed in the Fee Schedule, which may be amended after the date of this permit's approval. Arrangements to pay these fees shall be made prior to building permit issuance to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department. 13.Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing water and sewer services to the project provides written certification to the city that adequate water service and sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the time of the application for the building permit, and that water and sewer capacity and facilities will continue to be available until the time of occupancy. PC RESO CDP Adoption -5-Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 9 of 23 ( ( 14.Developer shall report, in writing, to the City Planner within 30 days, any address change from that which is shown on the permit application, any change in the telecommunications provider, or any transfer in ownership of the site. NOTICE TO APPLICANT An appeal of this decision to the City Council must be filed with the City Clerk at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008, within ten (10} calendar days of the date of the Planning Commission's decision. Pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.54, section 21.54.150, the appeal must be in writing and state the reason(s) for the appeal. The City Council must make a determination on the appeal prior to any judicial review. The project site is within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. This Coastal Development Permit (CDP) shall not become effective until ten (10) working days have elapsed, without a valid appeal being filed with the Coastal Commission, following the Coastal Commission's receipt of the city's notice of the CDP issuance ("Notice of Final Action"). The filing of a valid appeal with the Coastal Commission within such time limit shall stay the effective date of this CDP uritil such time as a final decision on the appeal is reached by the Coastal Commission. NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are· hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. PC RESO CDP Adoption -6-Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 10 of 23 • PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on December 7, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Kamenjarin, Meenes, Sabellico, Merz, Stine NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Luna, Lafferty ABSTAIN: JOSEPH STINE, Chair CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: MIKE STRONG Assistant Director of Community Development PC RESO CDP Adoption -7-Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 11 of 23 LOM A L A G U N A D R L O M A C T E L C AMINO R E A L LA COSTA AV A L G A R D C A R L S B A D B L CDP 2022-0024 DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION SITE MAP J SITE!"^ Map generated on: 10/31/2022 EXHIBIT 2 Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 12 of 23 EXHIBIT 3 Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 13 of 23 { City of Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue P-1(A) City of Carlsbar1 {76oJ 602-4610 "ftvww.carlsbadca.gov Plannina Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person___________ Corp/Part ___________ _ Title ___________ _ Title -------------- Address Address ------------------------ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Hallie Thompson Title ------------ Address 4924 Loma Laguna Dr. Corp/Part ___________ _ Title --------------- Address ------------- Page 1 of 2 Revised 07/10 Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 14 of 23 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust________ Non Profit/Trust _________ _ Title Title ___________ _ -------------- Address -----------Address ____________ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. t(~ '/M~n, Dec.21 ,2021 Signature of ownrldate Hallie Thompson Print or type name of owner Signature of applicant/date Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 EXHIBIT 4 Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 15 of 23 CEQA DETERMINATION OF EXEMPTION Subject: This California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Determination of Exemption is in compliance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.060. An appeal to this determination must be filed in writing with the required fee within ten (10) calendar days of the City Planner's decision consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.140. City Planner Decision Date: November 7, 2022 Project Number and Title: CDP 2022-0024 (DEV2022-0067) -DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION Project Location -Specific: _49_2_4_L_o_m_a_La~g~u~n~a_D_r~. __________________ _ Project Location -City: ~Ca~r~ls~b~ad~-----Project Location -County: ~Sa~n~D_i""""e~go'------ Description of Project: 476-square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: ~C~it..,_y~o~f ~Ca=r~ls=b~a=d _______________ _ Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: =Lo=g=a=n""""A~n~d=e~rs~o-'-'n _____________ _ Name of Applicant: =Lo=g=a=n""""A~n~d=e~rs~o-'-'n'------------------------- Applicant's Address: 1106 2nd Street, #561, Encinitas, CA 92024 Applicant's Telephone Number: ~(7~6'""0..,_) """"47""'3'--"""0""""30"'"'5'"--------------------- Name of Applicant/Identity of person undertaking the project (if different from the applicant above): Exempt Status: (Check One) D Ministerial (Section 21080(b)(l); 15268); D Declared Emergency (Section 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); D Emergency Project (Section 21080(b)(4); 15269 (b)(c)); [2J Categorical Exemption -State type and section number: 15301(e) -Existing Facilities D Statutory Exemptions -State code number: __________________ _ D Common Sense Exemption (Section 15061(b)(3)) Reasons why project is exempt: Small addition to an existing single-family home. Lead Agency Contact Person: Esteban Danna Telephone: 442-339-2629 ~~ ERIC LARDY, City Planner Date DWG# DATES JOB PROJECT © 2022 MARCELA & LOGAN, ARCHITECTS inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Drawing is an instrument of service and is the sole property of Marcela & Logan, Architects, (M&L,A). Any use of this drawing without written consent by Marcela and Logan, Architects is prohibited. The architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, deviations, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents. Always use dimensions as shown. Drawing are not to be scaled. Drawing scales as indicated are for reference only and are not intended to accurately depict actual or design conditions. Written dimensions shall govern. 1106 Second St #561 Encinitas, CA 92024 M 760 473 0305 L 619 807 0640 www.marcelalogan.com STAMP TITLE SHEET A000 APR 7, 2022 21, 17 ADDITIONDECHAMPSAVIN APR 30, 2023 C A R L S B A D DE C H A M P S A V I N R E S I D E N C E VICINITY MAP PROJECT TEAM OWNER HALLIE THOMPSON & MATHIEU DE CHAMPSAVIN 4924 LOMA LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (858) 602-2486 matdechamp@gmail.com ARCHITECT MARCELA & LOGAN, ARCHITECTS INC 1106 SECOND ST #561 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 (619) 807-0640 LOGAN ANDERSON, AIA logan@marcelalogan.com PROJECT DATA N O T E S STORMWATER CONCRETE WASHOUT · (SW1) CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH AND USE AN ADEQUATELY SIZED CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA TO CONTAIN WASHOUT WASTES ON SITE. IT IS ILLEGAL TO WASH CONCRETE, SLURRY, MORTAR, STUCCO, PLASTER AND THE LIKE INTO THE STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM OR ANY RECEIVING WATER. CONTRACTOR SHALL POST A SIGN DESIGNATING THE WASHOUT LOCATION. CONSTRUCTION SITE ACCESS · (SW2) A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION SITE ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR VEHICLES EGRESS AND INGRESS TO PREVENT TRACKING DIRT OFF SITE. THIS SHALL INCLUDE USING MATERIAL SUCH AS GRAVEL AND/OR CORRUGATED STEEL PANELS/PLATES. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES · (SW3) A SPECIFIC AREA AWAY FROM GUTTERS AND STORM DRAIN SHALL BE DESIGNATED FOR CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES PARKING, VEHICLE REFUELING, AND ROUTINE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE. ALL MAJOR REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE OFF-SITE. EROSION CONTROL · (SW4) EROSION CONTROL MUST BE PROVIDED FOR ALL EROSIVE SURFACES. SLOPED SURFACES ESPECIALLY SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST EROSION BY INSTALLING EROSION RESISTANT SURFACES SUCH AS EROSION CONTROL MATS, ADEQUATE GROUND COVER VEGETATION, AND BONDED FIBER MATRIX. · (SW5) NO EXCAVATION AND GRADING ACTIVITIES ARE ALLOWED DURING WET WEATHER. · (SW6) DIVERSION DIKES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO CHANNEL RUNOFF AROUND THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT CHANNELS AGAINST EROSION USING PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. · (SW7) REMOVE EXISTING VEGETATION ONLY WHEN ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. LARGE PROJECTS SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN PHASES TO AVOID UNNECESSARY REMOVAL OF THE NATURAL GROUND COVER. DO NOT REMOVE TREES OR SHRUBS UNNECESSARILY; THEY HELP DECREASE EROSION. · (SW8) PLANT PERMANENT VEGETATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, ONCE EXCAVATION AND GRADING ACTIVITIES ARE COMPLETE. · (SW9) WATER USAGE FOR DUST CONTROL SHALL BE MINIMIZED. ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL STORAGE · (SW10) STORED MATERIALS SHALL BE CONTAINED IN A SECURE PLACE TO PREVENT SEEPAGE AND SPILLAGE. CONTRACTOR SHALL STORE THESE PRODUCTS WHERE THEY WILL STAY DRY OUT OF THE RAIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT FOR ALL STORED ON-SITE. · (SW11) ELIMINATE OR REDUCE POLLUTION OF STORMWATER FROM STOCKPILES KEPT ON-SITE. STOCKPILES MAY INCLUDE SOIL, PARING MATERIALS, ASPHALT CONCRETE, AGGREGATE BASE, ETC. STOCKPILES SHALL BE LOCATED AWAY FROM CONCENTRATED STORMWATER FLOWS AND STORM DRAIN INLETS. STOCKPILES SHALL BE COVERED OR PROTECTED WITH SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES AND PROVIDED WITH A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BARRIER AROUND THE PERIMETER AT ALL TIMES. TRAINING · (SW12) CONTRACTORS' EMPLOYEES WHO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SHALL BE TRAINED TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STORMWATER POLLUTION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. THESE BMP NOTES SHALL BE AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE WORKING ON SITE. THE PROPERTY OWNER(S) AND THE PRIME CONTRACTOR MUST INFORM SUB- CONTRACTORS ABOUT STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS AND THEIR OWN RESPONSIBILITIES. WASTE MANAGEMENT · (SW13) CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPERLY DISPOSING OF ALL WASTE AND UNUSED CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. DUMPING OF UNUSED OR WASTE PRODUCTS ON THE GROUND, WHERE WATER CAN CARRY THEM INTO THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. · (SW14) NO SEEPAGE FROM DUMPSTERS SHALL BE DISCHARGE INTO STORMWATER. BERMS/DIKES SHALL BE PLACED AROUND DUMPSTERS TO DIVERT THE NATURAL STORM RUNOFF. DUMPSTERS SHALL BE CHECKED FREQUENTLY FOR LEAKS. DUMPSTER LIDS SHALL REMAIN CLOSED AT ALL TIMES. DUMPSTERS WITHOUT LIDS SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN STRUCTURES WITH IMPERVIOUS ROOFING OR COVERED WITH TARPS IN ORDER TO AVOID RAIN CONTACT WITH ANY TRASH MATERIAL. · (SW15) MANY CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, INCLUDING SOLVENTS, WATER-BASED PAINTS, VEHICLE FLUIDS, BROKEN ASPHALT AND CONCRETE, WOOD, AND CLEARED VEGETATION CAN BE RECYCLED. NON-RECYCLABLE MATERIALS MUST BE TAKEN TO AN APPROPRIATE LANDFILL OR DISPOSED OF AS HAZARDOUS WASTE. FOR INFORMATION ON DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, CALL THE "HAZARDOUS WASTE HOTLINE" TOLL FREE AT (800) 714-1195. FOR INFORMATION ON LANDFILLS AND TO ORDER DUMPSTERS CALL "EDCO" AT (760) 436-4151. · (SW16) POLLUTANTS SHALL BE KEPT OFF EXPOSED SURFACES. PLACE TRASH CANS AND RECYCLING RECEPTACLES AROUND THE SITE. · (SW17) PORTABLE TOILETS MUST BE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER AND CHECKED FREQUENTLY FOR LEAKS. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AND LOCATE PORTABLE TOILETS AWAY FROM STORM DRAIN INLETS ON PERVIOUS SURFACES. · (SW18) ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SHALL BE KEPT AWAY FROM THE STREET, GUTTER, AND STORM DRAIN. CONTRACTOR MUST ROUTINELY CHECK AND CLEAN UP MATERIAL THAT MAY HAVE TRAVELED AWAY FROM CONSTRUCTION SITE. GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CGC1 THE SITE SHALL BE PLANNED AND DEVELOPED TO KEEP SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM BUILDINGS. PLANS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER THAT SHOW SITE GRADING AND PROVIDE FOR STORM WATER RETENTION AND DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. BMPS THAT ARE CURRENTLY ENFORCED BY THE CITY ENGINEER MUST BE IMPLEMENTED PRIOR TO INITIAL INSPECTION BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. CGC 4.106.3. CGC2 A MIN OF 65% OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE IS TO BE RECYCLED. CGC 4.408.1. CGC3 THE BUILDER IS TO PROVIDE AN OPERATION MANUAL (CONTAINING INFORMATION FOR MAINTAINING APPLIANCES, ETC.) FOR THE OWNER AT TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION. CGC 4.410.1. CGC4 DURING CONSTRUCTION, ENDS OF DUCT OPENINGS ARE TO BE SEALED, AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IS TO BE COVERED. CGC 4.504.1. CGC5 VOCS MUST COMPLY WITH THE LIMITATIONS LISTED IN SEC 4.504.3 AND TABLES 4.504.1, 4.504.2, 4.504.3, AND 4.504.5 FOR: ADHESIVES, PAINTS AND COATINGS, CARPET AND COMPOSITION WOOD PRODUCTS. CGC 4.504.2. CGC6 IF PROVIDED, WHOLE HOUSE EXHAUST FANS SHALL HAVE INSULATED COVERS OR LOUVERS WHICH CLOSE WHEN THE FAN IS OFF. THE COVERS OR LOUVERS SHALL HAVE MIN R4.2 INSULATION. CGC 5.507.1. CGC7 BATHROOM FANS SHALL BE ENERGY STAR RATED, VENTED DIRECTLY TO THE OUTSIDE AND CONTROLLED BY A HUMIDSTAT. CGC 4.506.1. CGC8 HEATING AND AC SHALL BE SIZED AND SELECTED BY ACCA MANUAL J OR ASHRAE HANDBOOK OR EQUIVALENT. THE DUCT SIZING SHALL BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE ACCA METHODS LISTED IN CGC SECTION 4.507.2. CGC9 PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING THE LICENSED CONTRACTOR, ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OF THE OVERALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN THE GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CERTIFICATION FORM AND GIVE TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TO BE FILED WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. CGC10 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION WATER USE SHALL HAVE WEATHER BASED CONTROLLERS. CGC 4.304.1. CGC11 WHEN A SHOWER IS PROVIDED WITH MULTIPLE SHOWER HEADS, THE SUM OF FLOW TO ALL THE HEADS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE 20% REDUCED LIMIT, OR THE SHOWER SHALL BE DESIGNED SO THAT ONLY ONE HEAD IS ON AT A TIME. CGC 4.303.2. CGC12 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN TO THE JURISDICTION AGENCY THAT REGULATES WASTE MANAGEMENT, PER CGC 4.408.2. CGC13 THE MOISTURE CONTENT OF WOOD SHALL NOT EXCEED 19% BEFORE IT IS ENCLOSED IN CONSTRUCTION. THE MOISTURE CONTENT NEEDS TO BE CERTIFIED BY ONE OF 3 METHODS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 4.505.3. BUILDING MATERIALS WITH VISIBLE SIGNS OF WATER DAMAGE SHOULD NOT BE USED IN CONSTRUCTION. THE MOISTURE CONTENT MUST BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR BY ONE OF THE METHODS LISTED IN CGC 4.505.3. CGC14 STORM WATER DRAINAGE/RETENTION DURING CONSTRUCTION: PROJECTS WHICH DISTURB LESS THAN ONE ACRE OF SOIL SHALL MANAGE STORM WATER DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: A. RETENTION BASINS; B. WHERE STORM WATER IS CONVEYED TO A PUBLIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM, WATER SHALL BE FILTERED BY USE OF A BARRIER SYSTEM, WATTLE OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD. CGC 4.106.2. CGC15 GRADING AND PAVING. SITE GRADING OR DRAINAGE SYSTEM WILL MANAGE ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWS TO KEEP WATER FROM ENTERING BUILDINGS (SWALES, WATER COLLECTION, FRENCH DRAINS, ETC). CGC 4.106.3. EXCEPTION: ADDITIONS NOT ALTERING THE DRAINAGE PATH. CGC16 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING. NOTE ON THE PLANS THAT ELECTRICAL VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE) IS REQUIRED IN NEW ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOMES WITH ATTACHED GARAGES. SHOW ON THE PLANS THE LOCATION OF THE ELECTRICAL VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT. THE EVSE MUST CONSIST OF MINIMUM 1” CONDUIT EXTENDING FROM THE MAIN PANEL TO A JUNCTION BOX WHERE THE EVSE RECEPTACLE WILL BE PROVIDED. THE MAIN SERVICE PANEL MUST BE SIZED TO ACCOMMODATE 208/240 VOLT, 40 AMP DEDICATED BRANCH CIRCUIT. CGC 4.106.4. CGC17 NOTE ON THE PLANS THAT THE GAS FIREPLACE(S) SHALL BE A DIRECT-VENT SEALED COMBUSTION TYPE. WOODSTOVE OR PELLET STOVES MUST BE US EPA PHASE II RATED APPLIANCES. CGC 4.503.1. CGC18 SHOW COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING TABLE FOR NEW/REPLACED FIXTURES, PER CGC 4.303.1. FIXTURE FLOW RATES FOR INDOOR WATER USE FIXTURE TYPE MAX FLOW RATE @ ≥ 20% REDUCTION SHOWERHEADS 1.8 GPM @ 80psi LAVATORY FAUCETS, RESIDENTIAL 1.2 GPM @ 60psi (2) KITCHEN FAUCETS 1.8 GPM @ 60psi GRAVITY TANK-TYPE WATER CLOSETS 1.28 G/FLUSH (1) FLUSHOMETER TANK WATER CLOSETS 1.28 G/FLUSH (1) FLUSHOMETER VALVE WATER CLOSETS 1.28 G/FLUSH (1) ELECTROMECHANICAL HYDRAULIC WATER CLOSETS 1.28 G/FLUSH (1) (1) INCLUDES SINGLE AND DUAL FLUSH WATER CLOSETS WITH AN EFFECTIVE FLUSH OF 1.28 GALLONS OR LESS. SINGLE FLUSH TOILETS - THE EFFECTIVE FLUSH VOLUME SHALL NOT EXCEED 1.28 GALLONS. THE EFFECTIVE FLUSH VOLUME IS THE AVERAGE FLUSH VOLUME WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASME A112.19.233.2. DUAL FLUSH TOILETS - THE EFFECTIVE FLUSH VOLUME SHALL NOT EXCEED 1.28 GALLONS. THE EFFECTIVE FLUSH VOLUME IS DEFINED AS THE COMPOSITE, AVERAGE FLUSH VOLUME OF TWO REDUCED FLUSHES AND ONE FULL FLUSH. FLUSH VOLUMES WILL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASME A112.19.2 AND ASME A112.19.14. (2) LAVATORY FAUCETS SHALL NOT HAVE A FLOW RATE LESS THAN 0.8 GPM @ 20psi. SHEET INDEX A000 TITLE SHEET A001 SITE PLAN & PROJECT AREA DIAGRAMS A100 DEMOLITION PLAN A101 1ST FLOOR PLAN A102 2ND FLOOR PLAN A104 ROOF PLAN A200 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A201 BUILDING ELEVATIONS GOVERNING CODES PART 2: 2019 CA BUILDING CODE PART 2.5: 2019 CA RESIDENTIAL CODE PART 3: 2019 CA ELECTRICAL CODE PART 4: 2019 CA MECHANICAL CODE PART 5: 2019 CA PLUMBING CODE PART 6: 2019 CA ENERGY CODE PART 9: 2019 CA FIRE CODE PART 11: 2019 CA GREEN BLDG STNDS CODE PROJECT ADDRESS = 4924 LOMA LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PROJECT DESCRIPTION = ADDITION TO, AND REMODELING OF,AN EXISTING ONE-STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. ADDITION OF A MASTER SUITE AND RECONFIGURATION OF EXISTING BEDROOMS AND BATHROOMS. APN = 207-280-33-00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION = TR 7292 LOT 30 OCCUPANCY = R3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE = VB ZONE = R-1 / COASTAL LOT AREA = 7,560sf BUILDING AREAS LOT COVERAGE = 1,878 ÷ 7,560 = 24.8% (40% ALLOWABLE) FLOOR AREA RATIO = N/A GRADING = NONE PROPOSED OR REQUIRED PARKING = EXISTING TWO-CAR GARAGE FIRE SPRINKLERS = NONE (E) 1ST FLR SFR AREA 1,363 SF (N) 1ST FLR SFR AREA 39 SF (N) 2ND FLR SFR AREA 476 SF 1,878 SF (E) GARAGE AREA 476 SF 476 SF PROJECT SITE EXHIBIT 5 Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 16 of 23 ~--------1 • RC E LA LOGAN H I T E C T S • LANDSCAPED AREA L O M A C T L O M A L A G U N A D R LANDSCAPED AREA 18.0' WIDE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY SETBACK LINE, TYP (E) BUILDING OUTLINE, TYP 6.0' HIGH WOOD FENCE, TYP ENTRY WALK F Y SB 20.0' 28.0' RY SB 14.0' S Y SB7.0' SY SB7.0' CENTERLINE, TYP 8.2' 8.0' PROPERTY LINE, TYP (E) ONE-STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE RY SB 14.0' drainage direction drainage direction drainage direction drainage direction drainage direction drainage direction drainage direction 22' - 8" 21' - 0" (E) TWO-CAR GARAGE HATCH REFLECTS (N) 2ND STORY SFR ADDITION HATCH REFLECTS (N) 1ST STORY SFR ADDITION 1,877 SF LEGEND: LOT COVERAGE FOOTPRINT DWG# DATES JOB PROJECT © 2022 MARCELA & LOGAN, ARCHITECTS inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Drawing is an instrument of service and is the sole property of Marcela & Logan, Architects, (M&L,A). Any use of this drawing without written consent by Marcela and Logan, Architects is prohibited. The architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, deviations, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents. Always use dimensions as shown. Drawing are not to be scaled. Drawing scales as indicated are for reference only and are not intended to accurately depict actual or design conditions. Written dimensions shall govern. 1106 Second St #561 Encinitas, CA 92024 M 760 473 0305 L 619 807 0640 www.marcelalogan.com STAMP SITE PLAN & PROJECT AREA DIAGRAMS A001 APR 7, 2022 21, 17 ADDITIONDECHAMPSAVIN APR 30, 2023 C A R L S B A D SCALE: 1" = 10'-0"1 SITE PLAN N N SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0"2 LOT COVERAGE AREA DIAGRAM Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 17 of 23 , , I I I I I I (D 0 • RC E LA LOGAN H I TEC T S • EtffWAL DATE OF C 11.\.\, F P 40g Ra n g e Re f r i g e r a t o r DW = (E) WALL TO BE REMOVED = (E) WALL TO REMAIN = (N) 2x WALL 2x6 @ EXTERIOR 2x4 @ INTERIOR, TYP/UON (E) BED 1 +8FT (E) BED 2 +8FT (E) WIC +8FT (E) BATH 2 +8FT (E) BATH 1 +8FT (E) DINING +8FT (E) LIVING +8FT (E) KITCHEN +8FT (E) M BED (E) TWO-CAR GARAGE +8FT DWG# DATES JOB PROJECT © 2022 MARCELA & LOGAN, ARCHITECTS inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Drawing is an instrument of service and is the sole property of Marcela & Logan, Architects, (M&L,A). Any use of this drawing without written consent by Marcela and Logan, Architects is prohibited. The architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, deviations, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents. Always use dimensions as shown. Drawing are not to be scaled. Drawing scales as indicated are for reference only and are not intended to accurately depict actual or design conditions. Written dimensions shall govern. 1106 Second St #561 Encinitas, CA 92024 M 760 473 0305 L 619 807 0640 www.marcelalogan.com STAMP DEMOLITION PLAN A100 APR 7, 2022 21, 17 ADDITIONDECHAMPSAVIN APR 30, 2023 C A R L S B A D 1. REMOVE ALL DASHED/HATCHED WALLS AND/OR OBJECTS N O T E S FLOOR PLAN LEGEND N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 1ST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 18 of 23 • L _______________ ~ L 7 - □ i - ~ ~ II II • II -----u ~ □ ./ • L··· • • 7 • i_ i = 1i j I ! - .. ~• K~~/··•~ - I I I I I I I I I I □ L I (// : I ·· .. ··· .•. I I ~ ~□ - L./ □ ~ 1/· 0 • I.Ji~~ L/ ~ I - - - -. .:;, • RC E LA LOGAN H I TEC T S <:,tD All ..... ,~~NE A fG-~~~@@ • REtffWAL DAT OF C 11.\.\ F P 40g Ra n g e Re f r i g e r a t o r DW UP (E) TWO-CAR GARAGE +8FT (E) BED 1 +8FT (E) BED 2 +8FT BED 3 +8FT (E) WIC +8FT(E) BATH 1 +8FT (E) KITCHEN +8FT (E) DINING +8FT (E) LIVING +8FT (E) BATH 2 +8FT 48 ' - 0 " 25 ' - 4 " 22 ' - 8 " 53' - 10" 21' - 0"10' - 6"22' - 4" 18 ' - 8 " 4' - 0 " 17 ' - 0 " 1' - 8 " 5' - 2"48' - 8" = (E) WALL TO BE REMOVED = (E) WALL TO REMAIN = (N) 2x WALL 2x6 @ EXTERIOR 2x4 @ INTERIOR, TYP/UON DWG# DATES JOB PROJECT © 2022 MARCELA & LOGAN, ARCHITECTS inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Drawing is an instrument of service and is the sole property of Marcela & Logan, Architects, (M&L,A). Any use of this drawing without written consent by Marcela and Logan, Architects is prohibited. The architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, deviations, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents. Always use dimensions as shown. Drawing are not to be scaled. Drawing scales as indicated are for reference only and are not intended to accurately depict actual or design conditions. Written dimensions shall govern. 1106 Second St #561 Encinitas, CA 92024 M 760 473 0305 L 619 807 0640 www.marcelalogan.com STAMP 1ST FLOOR PLAN A101 APR 7, 2022 21, 17 ADDITIONDECHAMPSAVIN APR 30, 2023 C A R L S B A D 1. DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD AND ALL CONCERNS BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT 2. EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL HAVE LANDINGS NOT MORE THAN 7-3/4" BELOW THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD 3. ALL EXISTING "NONCOMPLAINT" FIXTURES (TOILETS THAT USE MORE THAN 1.6 GALLONS OF WATER PER FLUSH, SHOWERHEADS THAT HAVE A FLOW CAPACITY OF MORE THAN 2.5 GALLONS OF WATER PER MINUTE, AND INTERIOR FAUCETS THAT EMIT MORE THAN 2.2 GALLONS OF WATER PER MINUTE) SHALL BE REPLACED. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLAINCE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL PERMIT APPROVAL 4. ALL DOMESTIC HOT WATER PIPING TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM INSULATION INSTALLED: 1/2" PIPE (1/2" INSULATION); 3/4" PIPE (1" INSULATION); 1" TO 1-1/2" PIPE (1-1/2" INSULATION). ADDITIONALLY, THE 1/2" HOT WATER PIPE TO THE KITCHEN SINK, AND THE COLD WATER PIPE WITHIN 5' OF THE WATER HEATER BOTH REQUIRE 1" MINIMUM INSULATION 5. BELOW GRADE HOT WATER PIPING IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED IN A WATERPROOF AND NON- CRUSHABLE SLEEVE OR CASING THAT ALLOWS FOR REPLACEMENT OF BOTH THE PIPING AND INSULATION 6. NEW SFD OUTDOOR LIGHTING FIXTURES THAT ARE ATTACHED TO A BUILDING ARE REQUIRED TO BE HIGH EFFICACY, BE MANUALLY ON/OFF SWITCH CONTROLLED, AND HAVE BOTH MOTION SENSOR AND PHOTOCELL CONTROLN O T E S FLOOR PLAN LEGEND N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 1ST FLOOR PLAN Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 19 of 23 ,v ,, . . , • L _______________ ~ n ' I' ----- - - - - - - ----- - - ----c, -- n n ,---------,-,,--~ -./ ~ ~ I _J _J • ,_ . I I I I I I I I I I ~ C L L I (// : I --------•. I I ~ ~□ - L-/ C i / . .:;, • RC E LA LOGAN H I TEC T S <:,tD All ..... ,~~NE A fG-~~~@@ • REtffWAL DAT OF C 11.\.\ KING DN 22 ' - 8 " 21' - 0" 10 ' - 8 " 12 ' - 0 " 6' - 8"6' - 10"7' - 6" 12 ' - 8 " 6' - 0 " 4' - 0 " 6' - 8"3' - 6"10' - 10" = (E) WALL TO BE REMOVED = (E) WALL TO REMAIN = (N) 2x WALL 2x6 @ EXTERIOR 2x4 @ INTERIOR, TYP/UON DWG# DATES JOB PROJECT © 2022 MARCELA & LOGAN, ARCHITECTS inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Drawing is an instrument of service and is the sole property of Marcela & Logan, Architects, (M&L,A). Any use of this drawing without written consent by Marcela and Logan, Architects is prohibited. The architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, deviations, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents. Always use dimensions as shown. Drawing are not to be scaled. Drawing scales as indicated are for reference only and are not intended to accurately depict actual or design conditions. Written dimensions shall govern. 1106 Second St #561 Encinitas, CA 92024 M 760 473 0305 L 619 807 0640 www.marcelalogan.com STAMP 2ND FLOOR PLAN A102 APR 7, 2022 21, 17 ADDITIONDECHAMPSAVIN APR 30, 2023 C A R L S B A D SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 2ND FLOOR PLAN N 1. DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD AND ALL CONCERNS BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT 2. EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL HAVE LANDINGS NOT MORE THAN 7-3/4" BELOW THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD 3. ALL EXISTING "NONCOMPLAINT" FIXTURES (TOILETS THAT USE MORE THAN 1.6 GALLONS OF WATER PER FLUSH, SHOWERHEADS THAT HAVE A FLOW CAPACITY OF MORE THAN 2.5 GALLONS OF WATER PER MINUTE, AND INTERIOR FAUCETS THAT EMIT MORE THAN 2.2 GALLONS OF WATER PER MINUTE) SHALL BE REPLACED. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLAINCE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL PERMIT APPROVAL 4. ALL DOMESTIC HOT WATER PIPING TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM INSULATION INSTALLED: 1/2" PIPE (1/2" INSULATION); 3/4" PIPE (1" INSULATION); 1" TO 1-1/2" PIPE (1-1/2" INSULATION). ADDITIONALLY, THE 1/2" HOT WATER PIPE TO THE KITCHEN SINK, AND THE COLD WATER PIPE WITHIN 5' OF THE WATER HEATER BOTH REQUIRE 1" MINIMUM INSULATION 5. BELOW GRADE HOT WATER PIPING IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED IN A WATERPROOF AND NON- CRUSHABLE SLEEVE OR CASING THAT ALLOWS FOR REPLACEMENT OF BOTH THE PIPING AND INSULATION 6. NEW SFD OUTDOOR LIGHTING FIXTURES THAT ARE ATTACHED TO A BUILDING ARE REQUIRED TO BE HIGH EFFICACY, BE MANUALLY ON/OFF SWITCH CONTROLLED, AND HAVE BOTH MOTION SENSOR AND PHOTOCELL CONTROLN O T E S FLOOR PLAN LEGEND Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 20 of 23 '. , \ r-- 1 ,, I, , , ~ a r~1 ' - - - - - ,-r ----, -, '1 ~</ ----- !------ ] u • -I I I I , ' , , , --, --=i ' ------------ C L ________________ 7T I I I I I I I I ,, 7 7 I I I I I I I ,, , , , . i i C I i' I i' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ------------------------------ ' ' • RC E LA LOGAN H TEC T S • EtffWAL DATE OF C 11.\.\, 24" 24" 18 " 18 " (E) ROOF TO REMAIN 4:12 4:12 O'HAGIN ROOF VENT, TYP ALUMINUM DOWNSPOUT ALUMINUM GUTTER BUILDING PERIMETER, TYP DWG# DATES JOB PROJECT © 2022 MARCELA & LOGAN, ARCHITECTS inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Drawing is an instrument of service and is the sole property of Marcela & Logan, Architects, (M&L,A). Any use of this drawing without written consent by Marcela and Logan, Architects is prohibited. The architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, deviations, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents. Always use dimensions as shown. Drawing are not to be scaled. Drawing scales as indicated are for reference only and are not intended to accurately depict actual or design conditions. Written dimensions shall govern. 1106 Second St #561 Encinitas, CA 92024 M 760 473 0305 L 619 807 0640 www.marcelalogan.com STAMP ROOF PLAN A104 APR 7, 2022 21, 17 ADDITIONDECHAMPSAVIN APR 30, 2023 C A R L S B A D N O T E S ROOF PLAN N §R806.1 ATTIC VENTILATION OPENINGS SHALL BE COVERED WITH CORROSION-RESISTANT METAL MESH WITH 1/16” MINIMUM TO 1/4” MAXIMUM OPENINGS. §R806.2 THE TOTAL NET FREE VENTILATING AREA SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1/150 OF THE AREA OF THE SPACE VENTILATED EXCEPT THAT REDUCTION OF THE TOTAL AREA TO 1/300; IS PERMITTED PROVIDED THAT AT LEAST 50 PERCENT AND NOT MORE THAN 80 PERCENT OF THE REQUIRED VENTILATING AREA IS PROVIDED BY VENTILATORS LOCATED IN THE UPPER PORTION OF THE SPACE TO BE VENTILATED AT LEAST 3 FEET ABOVE THE EAVE OR CORNICE VENTS WITH THE BALANCE OF THE REQUIRED VENTILATION PROVIDED BY EAVE OR CORNICE VENTS. AS AN ALTERNATIVE, THE NET FREE CROSS-VENTILATION AREA MAY BE REDUCED TO 1/300; WHEN A CLASS I OR II VAPOR BARRIER IS INSTALLED ON THE WARM- IN-WINTER SIDE OF THE CEILING. §R806.2 WHERE EAVE OR CORNICE VENTS ARE INSTALLED, INSULATION SHALL NOT BLOCK THE FREE FLOW OF AIR. A MINIMUM OF A 1-INCH SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE INSULATION AND THE ROOF SHEATHING AND AT THE LOCATION OF THE VENT. §R806.5 ENCLOSED RAFTER SPACES DO NOT REQUIRE VENTING IF THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC INSULATION DESIGN IS USED: • IF THE INSULATION IS AIR-PERMEABLE AND IT IS INSTALLED DIRECTLY BELOW THE ROOF SHEATHING WITH RIGID BOARD OR SHEET INSULATION WITH A MINIMUM R-5 VALUE INSTALLED ABOVE THE ROOF SHEATHING. (OR) • IF THE INSULATION IS AIR-IMPERMEABLE AND IT IS IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF SHEATHING.(OR) • IF TWO LAYERS OF INSULATION ARE INSTALLED BELOW THE ROOF SHEATHING: AN AIR-IMPERMEABLE LAYER IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF SHEATHING AND AN ADDITIONAL LAYER OF AIR PERMEABLE INSULATION INSTALLED DIRECTLY UNDER THE AIR-IMPERMEABLE INSULATION. §R807.1 BUILDINGS WITH COMBUSTIBLE CEILING OR ROOF CONSTRUCTION SHALL HAVE AN ATTIC ACCESS OPENING TO ATTIC AREAS THAT EXCEED 30 SQUARE FEET AND HAVE A VERTICAL HEIGHT OF 30 INCHES OR GREATER. THE VERTICAL HEIGHT SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE CEILING FRAMING MEMBERS TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF FRAMING MEMBERS. THE ROUGH-FRAMED OPENING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 22 INCHES BY 30 INCHES AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN A HALLWAY OR OTHER READILY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION. WHEN LOCATED IN A WALL, THE OPENING SHALL BE MINIMUM OF 22 INCHES WIDE BY 30 INCHES HIGH. WHEN THE ACCESS IS LOCATED IN A CEILING, MINIMUM UNOBSTRUCTED HEADROOM IN THE ATTIC SPACE SHALL BE 30 INCHES AT SOME POINT ABOVE THE ACCESS MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE BOTTOM OF CEILING FRAMING MEMBERS. SEE THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE FOR ACCESS REQUIREMENTS WHERE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IS LOCATED IN ATTICS. 1. NEW ROOF ASSEMBLIES TO ACHIEVE A CLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY 2. NEW ROOFING TO BE ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING, TIMBERLINE HD BY GAF. COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING RESIDENCE. ICC ESR-1475 3. ATTIC AREA REQUIRING VENTING: 476sf USE O'HAGIN "M" STYLE VENTS, 98.75si / VENT. (476 x 144) ÷ 150 = 456.96si; 456.96 ÷ 98.75 = 4.63 VENTS (5)REQUIRED. INSTALL 3 VENTS HIGH AND 2 VENTS LOW. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 ROOF PLAN Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 21 of 23 r-------------------------7::: = [::] < [::] = =L_...., ____ T _____ _ I = > I I I I I I I I I I I l'- 1 I I I I I I I I I ,-- 1 I I I _____________ J ,----------------------------, I __________ J L---------------------------------------------------------------~ • RC E LA LOGAN H I TEC T S • EtffWAL DATE OF C 11.\.\, 1ST FLR 1ST CLG 1 2ND FLR 2ND CLG 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 13 " 32 2 3 4 5 7 8 4 12 21 ' - 1 0 3 / 8 " 1ST FLR 1ST CLG 2648 2ND FLR 2ND CLG 5 21 ' - 1 0 3 / 8 " 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 13 " 31 9 DWG# DATES JOB PROJECT © 2022 MARCELA & LOGAN, ARCHITECTS inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Drawing is an instrument of service and is the sole property of Marcela & Logan, Architects, (M&L,A). Any use of this drawing without written consent by Marcela and Logan, Architects is prohibited. The architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, deviations, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents. Always use dimensions as shown. Drawing are not to be scaled. Drawing scales as indicated are for reference only and are not intended to accurately depict actual or design conditions. Written dimensions shall govern. 1106 Second St #561 Encinitas, CA 92024 M 760 473 0305 L 619 807 0640 www.marcelalogan.com STAMP BUILDING ELEVATIONS A200 APR 7, 2022 21, 17 ADDITIONDECHAMPSAVIN APR 30, 2023 C A R L S B A D 1. <insert notes> N O T E S ELEVATION KEYNOTES SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 WEST ELEVATION ID DESCRIPTION 1 EXISTING/FINISH GRADE 2 EXISTING BOARD & BATT SIDING 3 STUCCO SIDING 4 PAINTED WOOD HORIZONTAL BAND BOARD 5 +42" PAINTED METAL GUARDRAIL 6 PAINTED WOOD RAFTER TAIL 7 PAINTED WOOD FASCIA 8 ALUMINUM GUTTER 9 ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 22 of 23 0 0 00 0 I ' ' I I 0 • RC E LA LOGAN H I TEC T S • EtffWAL DATE OF C 11.1.\' 1ST FLR 1ST CLG 1 429 2ND FLR 2ND CLG 7 3 4 12 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 13 " 21 ' - 1 0 3 / 8 " 1ST FLR 1ST CLG 8' - 0 " 6 5 1 2ND FLR 2ND CLG 8' - 0 " 13 " 21 ' - 1 0 3 / 8 " 98234 DWG# DATES JOB PROJECT © 2022 MARCELA & LOGAN, ARCHITECTS inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Drawing is an instrument of service and is the sole property of Marcela & Logan, Architects, (M&L,A). Any use of this drawing without written consent by Marcela and Logan, Architects is prohibited. The architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, deviations, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents. Always use dimensions as shown. Drawing are not to be scaled. Drawing scales as indicated are for reference only and are not intended to accurately depict actual or design conditions. Written dimensions shall govern. 1106 Second St #561 Encinitas, CA 92024 M 760 473 0305 L 619 807 0640 www.marcelalogan.com STAMP BUILDING ELEVATIONS A201 APR 7, 2022 21, 17 ADDITIONDECHAMPSAVIN APR 30, 2023 C A R L S B A D 1. <insert notes> N O T E S ELEVATION KEYNOTES SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 EAST ELEVATION ID DESCRIPTION 1 EXISTING/FINISH GRADE 2 EXISTING BOARD & BATT SIDING 3 STUCCO SIDING 4 PAINTED WOOD HORIZONTAL BAND BOARD 5 +42" PAINTED METAL GUARDRAIL 6 PAINTED WOOD RAFTER TAIL 7 PAINTED WOOD FASCIA 8 ALUMINUM GUTTER 9 ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING Dec. 7, 2022 Item #1 23 of 23 0 000 m/ ,/ // / ,~ .,_ ' u I 0 a, ~ • RC E LA LOGAN H T E C T S • EtffWAL DAT OF C 11.\.\, Esteban Danna, Associate Planner Community Development Department December 2, 2022 Dechampsavin Addition { City of Carlsbad AERIAL MAP DECHAMPSAVIN ADDITION CDP 2022-0024 8 O 12.5 25 50 75 {city of Carlsbad PROJECT DESCRIPTION •515 s.f.addition and remodel •Total 1,878 s.f. •2-stories, 21’-10” in total height { City of Carlsbad Front Elevation (City of Carlsbad PROJECT ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations and requirements: •R-4 Residential General Plan Designation; •R-1 One-Family Residential Zone; •Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program; and •Growth Management { City of Carlsbad ITEM: RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: ADOPT the Resolution APPROVING Coastal Development Permit CDP 2022-0024 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. { City of Carlsbad