HomeMy WebLinkAbout150 HEMLOCK AVE; D; PC2022-0027; PermitBuilding Permit Finaled Plan Check Permit Print Date: 03/14/2023 Job Address: 150 HEMLOCK AVE, # D, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-8233 Permit Type: BLDG-Plan Check Work Class: Residential Parcel#: 2042511800 Track#: Valuation: $141,868.64 Lot#: Occupancy Group: Project#: #of Dwelling Units: Plan#: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Occupant Load: Plan Check#: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: Permit No: Status: (city of Carlsbad PC2022-0027 Closed -Finaled Applied: 06/23/2022 Issued: 09/28/2022 Finaled Close Out: 03/14/2023 Final Inspection: INSPECTOR: Description: 150 HEMLOCK: NEW ATTACHED JADU (397 SF), DECK (40 SF). PATIO (140 SF) AND INTERIOR REMODEL (1,772 SF) MAIN UN WITH NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS FEE BUILDING PLAN CHECK BUILDING PLAN CHECK Property Owner: HOEKSTRA LARRY AND JOANN REVOCABLE TRUST 08-24-04 2575 PIO PICO DR, # 101 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1561 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW-MINOR PROJECTS (LDE) BUILDING PLAN REVIEW-MINOR PROJECTS (PLN) Total Fees: $2,242.31 Total Payments To Date: $2,242.31 Building Division Contractor: AMERICAN PRO-COATING LLC 3681 CAMINO DE LAS LOMAS VISTA, CA 92084-6640 (760) 845-2999 Balance Due: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov AMOUNT $1,195.01 $755.30 $194.00 $98.00 $0.00 Page 1 of 1 {.Cifyof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPIOOMfo~/ E. [) fe.202.2-002."7 Plan Checkl.S'lt Est. Value 4t-l l.(-l.-'6-l,_8_0_6_q~ , PC Deposit 4 I ,r,.$0-3 / B·1n~ i I iill, Date '-· Z3 -~"'L'L ~. L''ill 1•1, :C, [)1\/li;\ON L' J . _, Ls; JobAddress 159 HEHLOCK Ay§IJUE Unit: _ _._ __ .APN: ~04-25/-1,!-QQ CT/Project #:. _________________ ,lot #: ____ Year Built: ;t I e.s s BRIEFDEscR1PnoN0FwoRK: AporlJA A u.A. 0 _ u. AHR c:::usc. l:HTl;:'Ji's(PS lt:1F'@OV6M ENT Apo :Sot:?s 1--J,,t,;!,v WtNC:01.MS 4 Q:;;:x;:;,r,;;s ~NewSF: LivingSF, ?~] DeckSF, +a PatioSF, /4o GarageSF y6 Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? ev o N New Fireplace? O Ye N, if yes how many? ___ _ ~Remodel: ~,]72 SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use? O Y • N D Pool/Spa: p SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ___ ¢-=---------- □ Solar: ¢ KW,, ___ Modules, MOdnt!!d:0Roof 0Ground, Tilt: 0 YON, RMA: 0 YO N, Battery:OYC N, Panel Upgrade:OYON Electric Meter number: ------------0th er: PRIMARY APPLICANT PROPERTY OWNER ~U5T Name: .t:EJJ Y:if"JSS A. I.A. Name: HQ1.%.fif'~ c.A~RTe+Jo ,/QANH r<':eJXAf¾e Address: l3POP Ml5TrqAl< 5het2 Address: /575 E;tCQ QRtV:€ #lo/ Citv:V,SL(EXCf;NJJ;,;(S"State: ch, Zip: :22a§2City:06-,lj?t..5,M,Q State:<?:, Zip:'.?)~ Phone: Z'r'Q ~ c~ i;e-54] 5 Phone:._-_________________ _ Email:k c:l{R/SS¢',f;;:leSf6,YA§Cic;H,<POEmail: -Soboe rerrtrprn . G)M. DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: kE;fJ. cf{('elS s A., LA. Address: l:!>~so dl::n:Y QA.K. SQAp Citv: VALLE?': CEfJ'1'fi;State: CA Zip: £>:?123 '2. Phone: 2@-S'.?'2-5:4:75 Email: k<HZl§S@4:Q651G.Y AgcH, cqM Architect State License: _.c;..,_-...,/ ... 3'"'--f\"-'§...._J _____ _ CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Business Name: A Olif> ( cAµ eED ·COe-"Tt r:§ Address: 9ct:gJ CA;MlN9:9fi /AS .Joe,e, P City: VISTA State: CA. Zip: ~2<::>&4 Phone· zo-e4;5-2 ::>;?:> Email:_. __________________ _ CSLB License #: !;,-'?:41230:3 Class:.....,~....,.'.h,...,...~'----- Carlsbad Business License # (Required): _ _,,~,.,, ... f ____ _ APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information of the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. NAME (PRINT): )::_p.Jmm L. CHR:.ts.;5 s1GN: ~ DATE: {¥' 21 I ~'2 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 442-339-2719 Email; Building@carlsbadca.gov REV. 04/22 THIS PAGE REQUIRED AT PERMIT ISSUANCE PLAN CHECK NUMBER: ______ _ I /Jerebyaf firm underpenaltyof perjury that I a,;, licen;ed under provisions of Chapter 9 ( commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full fo,·ce and effect. I also affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations /CHOOSE ONE}: 01 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit is issued. PolicyNo. _____________________________________ _ -OR- ~ have and will maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Name: A:co t: D Policy No. fl-AO 10 7 !) f>o:!, Ex-p~i,~at~lo~n~D-a~te~: -o=-zc-/ro,-1-/r-z-=-occz,=-=3~-------oR-• 0 Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation Laws of Californla. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to crlmlnal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, In addition the to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit Is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name: _______________________ lender'sAddress: ______________________ _ CONTRACTOR CERT/FICA TION: The applicant certifies that all documents and plans clearly and accurately show all existing and proposed bultdlngs, structures, access roads, and utllltles/utility easements. All proposed modifications and/or additions are cleartv labeled on the site plan. Anv potentiallv e1dsUng detail within these plam lm;onslstent with the site plan are not approved for construction and may be required to be altered or removed. The city's approval of the applicaUon Is based on the premise that the submitted documents and plans show I· the correct dimensions of; the property, bulldlngs, structures and their setbach from property lines and from one another; access roads/easements, and utilities. The edstlng and proposed ; use of each building as stated Is true and correct; all easements and other encumbrances to development have been accurately shown and labeled as well as all on-site grading/site preparallon. ,! All Improvements existing on the property were completed in accordance with all regulations In existence at the time of their construction, unless otherwlse noted. i NAME (PRINT): SIGNATUR~-~3 :::, => DATE:=O~J~;;_--='3"_fJ-._;;l__ L.~ ~~te_: lfthe_person_~1 _____ ·n-." .. , ... -._,,,-----·.· .-~!~~-•-fo_':.!,.~':,_~ractor rovlde a I er~.-~ut~~~!~'-~~-~~-c_o_n_tr,a!1!~.-~~~erhead. (l_(.i_[''._:_ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the fo/lowlng reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, wlll do the work and the structure is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement Is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). •OR- D I, as owner of the property, am exduslvely contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) lfcensed pursuant to the Contractor's license Law). -OR-DI am exempt under Business and Professions Code Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 3 for this reason: AND, 0 FORM 8·61 "Owner Bullder Acknowledgement and Verifkatlon Form" is required for any permit issued to a property owner. By my signature below I acknowledge that, except for my personal residence in which I must have resided for at least one year prior to completion of the improvements covered by this permit, I cannot legally sell a structure that I have built as an owner-builder if it has not been constructed in its entirety by licensed contractors. I understand that a copy of the applicable law, Sect Ion 7044 of the Business and Professions Code, is avaflable upon request when this appllcat I on f s submitted orat the following Web site: http:l lwww.leglnfo.ca,gov/cafaw.htmf. OWNER CERT/FICA TION: The applkant certifies that all documents and plans clearly and accurately show all existing and proposed bulldings, structures, access roads, and utllities/utillly \ easements. Alt proposed modifications and/or additions are clearly labeled on the site plan. Any potentially existing detaU within these plans Inconsistent with the site plan are not approved for construction and may be required lo be altered or removed. The city's approval of the application Is based on the premise that lhe submitted documenls and plans show the correct dimensions of; the property, buildings, structures and their setbacks from property Jines and from one another; access roads/easements, and utilities. The existing and proposed use of each building as stated Is true and correct; all easements and other encumbrances to development have been accurately shown and labeled as well as all on-site grading/site preparation. A11 i ij Improvements existing on the property were completed In accordance with all regulatlons ln existence ;,t the time of their construction, unless otherwise noted. t ! NAME (PRINT): __________ SIGN: __________ DATE:_______ 1 l. N_t?t!~!!~~ P.~nlng above ls,_!ln authorized '!I!!!!' f~r the Pi:2e~-~~Ll!!~!~e .!~~~~.e~ee!!.X own';! ...... -, _J 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad.CA 92008 Ph: 442-339-2719 Email: 2 REV. 04/22 , Parker Structural Engineering, Inc. 565 San Dieguito Drive Encinitas, CA 92024 760.436.1223 Emsil: parkerstructural@yahoo.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR 150 HEMLOCK REMODEL 150 HEMLOCK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ARCHITECT: 4 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE JOB NO. 22104 AUGUST 12, 2022 PLAN CHECK 2nd SUBMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS* DESIGN CRITERIA 1-2 ROOF FRAMING 3-4 2N□ FLOOR FRAMING 5-9 LATERAL ANALYSIS 10-15 FOUNDATION 16-18 MISCELLABNEOUS 19-20 • Revised pages: 5, 8, 9, 13-15, 20 0 N ...__ ON ■- 000 N ..--NQ ..--M lON 0 N-._ '<T CO I ~ N N 0 N 0 Q. JOB 100 Hemlock Remodel JOB# 22104 Parker SHEET NO 1 OF ''/ , } 1' /)' a ) I CALCULATED BY BP DATE 3/22 Encinttas, CA 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com CHECKED BY REV DATE Pl;SIGN CRIJl;BIA CODE: 2018 International Building Code (!BC) 2019 California Building Code (CBC) SEISMIC: SOC= 1. = D 1.0 SCALE COORDINATES: 33.149 latitude -117.346 longitude SOIL SITE CLASS = R= C Fv= 1.90 (ASCE 7-16 Table 11.4-2) WIND: WOOD: n = Ss= s, = Sds = Sd1 = Rho= 2x, 3x,4x >4x 6.5 3.0 1.099 0.396 0.879 0.502 1.00 (wood shear walls) V = Sds/(R/10) 0.135 W Eh= V*Rho = 0.135 W LRFD 0.7xV = 0.095 W ASD 96 MPH 3-sec gust speed EXP D Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 1 Vmin= Vmin= Vmax= SOIL: Allow. soil bearing = 1500 psf for CBC Class 5 soil (assumed) D:IPSE\Projects\Apartments\150 Hemlock Remodel 22104\eng\150 Hemlock Design Loads 0.039 W 0.030 W 0.322 W (12.8-5) (12.8-6) (12.8-3) 3/18/2022 Parker Encinitas, CA 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com DESIGN LOADS (E) ROOF DEAD LOADS Asphalt Shinales 3/8" Plv over 1 x Skip Sht'a 2x6 Rafters @ 24" 2x10 Ceiling Joists@ 16" Insulation Gvn. Cla. ME&P Miscellaneous Dead Load Live Load (E) SECOND FLOOR DEAD LOADS Floorina 'El Ply 2x14 Joists IBl 16" 1 /2" Gyp_ Or Wood Ceilina ME&P Miscellaneous Dead Load Live Load (E)WALLS DEAD LOADS Stucco Wood or Composite Sidina 1/2" Gvo. 3/8" OSB 2x @16" Insulation MISC. Dead Load JOB 100 Hemlock Remodel SHEET NO. 2 CALCULATED BY BP CHECKED BY SCALE losfl 3.0 2.2 1.0 2.9 1.0 2.2 1.0 1.7 15.0 20.0 BALCONY /pec.K (psf) DEAD LOADS 1.0 Elastomeric Coatina 2.5 3/4" Plv/OSB 3.6 2x Joists, Riooed 2.2 Stucco Ceiling 1.0 Miscellaneous 1.7 uead Loag 12.0 Live Load 40.0 (psf) Stucco Interior Exterior 10.0 4.4 2.2 1.7 1.1 1.6 0.2 O.o 0.3 6.0 16.0 D:IPSE\Projects\Apartments\150 Hemlock Remodel 22104\eng\150 Hemlock Design Loads JOB# 22104 OF DATE 3/22 REV DATE (psf) 0.5 2.5 1.7 10.0 1.3 11>.0 60.0 3/18/2022 /H.! r !-1 N f.. t;f '·'AL/" N'I c,-. (/v ~ (;f;.1.,,p-v 1, .. rr .:= II II II L= ..__,_ ___ ---..-,-------\;1---------·-·•·--· . i ' BEDROOM- 0, ---- / ' iOOf f ~AMIN(tf K.~PJ.,.AN 3/u," ... l ' -0'' Parker Strnctural Eng,neenng Inc Encinitas, CA 760.436.1223 www.parl<erstructural.com f<_ 00 f f t<-k~A IN&} \-\~kD~~S RH ~! JOB __ -4-l ""'-~-=O___,!-tt..:..J, ~i,:;.f:....--1.;...· LO-=-=C:;...:t:..;:..,/~f2-""'e,.'-M_O...;.D_t..-_1_ ... ___ _ 4 SHEETNO. _________ Of ______ _ 3/z. z CALCULATED ev ________ OATE--i,~---- CHECKEDBV _________ DATE ______ _ ~~------------------ INVERTED 'HUC48 Max' HGR. PDR. Rtv1. 4x12 Sf.CON O P1,,1J()t, Ffl,lrM1Ne, ¥,$ifi,,,AN '>/ti, ''::: I t. a'' N (l) Parker Strucr11ral f11g111eH111g Inc Encinitas, CA 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com 2--"-'0 f"i.,ODf2.. Ft<A/v1f tJC1 JOLS1S .'.2 J -I --I JOS_--1-I.L..!20~.l...!.H.=::::~~v!L!:L:..!:::~..!::::C,,I:{c--:.....t::..g.!.::&1~0~0~-~:::=·'--:::.._ __ _ SHEETN0. __ ..:;_0 ______ OF ------- CALCULATED BY _______ _ '!;./"2-"Z-DATE---=T/ _..:::;.~--- CHECKED BY _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE _________________ _ Sff(N /, r.t {iJ :-(dot-(.,Of'~~) 1,3 3 1 :,;. Zl rl0 D~ BD,fltL...,,,. IDt r'f-1L M:::-l-{c;S +--01-_,.c 04.::7'-{l (:.iS) --i5z,,,i1--,f,t- \J,;.. 70'7 #-\J ~.:;. qq O '~ V:-oi Z>-& @ n '"1...A .-AJ 0 PROOUCT '/111 Parker Structural Eng1nee11ng Inc Encinitas, CA 760.436.1223 www .parkerstructural.com :2,t-1 o f L-o o R rt:t 1.;1 u-J b. 9~.AMS 1--B-I I sf kN'/ 10,0 W ---..-(12.t L{Oi:,,C-) ~ 1 .._ q &<{ t-::: 4-1..~(lf'. 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V ~ 7//0 It--VA~ z.,; {0 :/- i,~ -'?:, tl ~,,,.co N 'f S(?P(T'l -.,. , .. ( .I-1, I Cti-!1··1..ev- 11--l-\"2,0 ~I)¥ 'l i otL (1.,v,-3 r,o,') 1-11 ....._ 1-1, 0 " . r--..? iA.. 1,.. 1 ~ -1;, *· ~-9[)(Z 4-)( g V ,,,, I?; q o P.: V 1t ,,, ',o <Iv II -',-0041 rl!Vt;'f (,) jf~l "1ir _3' 'ff,,,. 12-6o~(ott ) 0 PRODUCT 207 Parker JOB ___ l~_o_~_~_'H;___~_o..:,.~_;___U1..,..;:;;..'...,_@-=c....:co-Cl:,'..,_'L-___ _ Structural Engmeenng Inc t SHEET NO. ________ Of ______ _ Encinitas, CA 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com CALCULATED BY, _______ DATE........::::>"1---/....,"/_.--Z.,"------ CHECKED BY ______ _.g=--f:.,V DATE--'~4/-',Z.::;_,Z,, ___ _ $CALE _______________ _ ,z,tJD f'I.---OO(Z FEZ Mvt_t_Ng 1&-Lt ~W'-1 ~ l'1 1 W::-(\6+V?rsf)z-'+ ~P'C-(t>')ir (1Z-t-\J:O,tJ).1 1 ;,, l('r,I_.C ~ ~(1'1'~ ,,,,,.J;. (M l,,.J 1,11: -:: \00 f'IC-P < 40pl?-L.-r i'" U ,1/f-L- If_::_1)+-L l fA~ J-.t 100 :lr"·-N' L K.i."' =70,z~ 1;-.P..-,-~Or2 (2)2-><!'f \J ~ !OWi¼-VA ,,,,~11-z_U. SflW"" ,zi:; 1 1'",;... "?? 0$(-, L "'7Bpi;.C. ;,,v,--(10i-3iyck) IZ' ::-1io-,1f ?l ,.. 'fSC:,.r /~ !.. Wi .,.{,ot,iy,q &.~•,.. &-;p:f !) ... 1,.l-{Opl f.., vi :; 3'-I-·. 7 ..... ~ V,, ?,<;k ii-& Sff>l1'.I;: ~ 1 r /1~::; 3 1,q ,.~ p:;;. 1i "1s" t;> + ~,w.µ L. .:::-l-f ioo /J:.. Fjf2 (i;;) (0)( !tr Sdu..f-snw.+ ,,~uio.ltr•f'i ( Old 1Jf. it t ) iv\,; :..j1'?0 »--~ ..c fv'l.11 :-·6(',0 j .J'-?-r:Ml 'J ~ '.2-1 I O ~ 'Jc, -:: 'f ~ 7 f H 1 11 • 1'- /1,,ZS* 0 ;.;~3,tJJ::,.. 1 I H £-JU If I tf hf.. ' V«? {~.I /L 7Y,.S1'- (!J~) p t ~·•--i,. (,15 ' 2.7.7 I D PROOUCT'm Parker J08_~\_0-"-()_+f"'"""~_.M---"-'-!..._O..c....C,·-'-k. _______ _ Structural E11g111ee11ng Inc Encinitas, CA 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com 1, ND P\..-0 0 R FRAM IN 6, -\--\~D~S 1-~-I I SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE 5pf(T'f ~ \1-. ':i c.v~ ( 15+--W I"~~ J IO~"-' .f-I !Pps~ (10 ,c;) ~ 5 Ur/~ fp-1,l)Of ! ~ l ' r o" r ',/livJJ r,---~<,otDrl'?vO~L (1s<J..ryi,'i F-i ~(1~15~ 1>* 4B50~ LJ+ (&or-,tL){f 1'1<.t')-,:, lt.,H-lf f)r~'-{'5b ibl,.. tB,S r,.Y• \?-./AAl'.J :Lc.:D-1-L.· r.11-= ii;,ok••l-r L. M,:: ,z_q,01<,{>-)-fat 3,1/z..y!LJ. ,,;,.... '/:;;. ~.4 k VA:: <f. 3 IL ;:..¼ .z_ ~FA:N -;.-J~ I {JJ-:-(,-i.4o~f) 10.~'+(,ttlO,,st)c,'-t 1/)_ +l~p.J(q')·(r=-1'U>f>c)\u· "J,1--.&l -l'!•,~r b:t(Lor'l'f r"-'1 ,,") 1-J1». if'>~t . -:. ~L\"t.t fl( \) ..... C/f.tO(J tt L It-')~Of!( l i- [Ct : o t Ll (/J..: [~()4 pl~ TL rv1~z.l..f,,;c.~-~ ..... ---=-f'A4 ~z_qq-;-!!.r'.:I f ~ci ~ v❖ twio~ Vt,..""' :;.0~ ~ OF DATE "3/,Z,1-I DATE e/2,--z,, I i, '? I 1. z,' t ' ,. 75' l 1 '2-8 '0 -'f) 1-Z ?C>~L.,,.. i ~ (, 0 4--~ 3 '>'5"5',!J,D :-i sa .. ~r 4q;5o* !.- D PRODUCT 2ff/ Wind Simple v2.3.0 -Output Report Project: Prepared by: Company: Phone: INPUT Exposure Category D Code: ASCE 7-16 Email: Design Wind Velocity: 96 mph. Building Eave Height he = 18 ft. Mean Roof Height h = 19 .95 ft. Building Length L = 33.5 ft. Building Width B = 24 ft. LIB = 1.395833 [This is a Class 1 building] Roof Type: Hip Roof with 18 degrees inclination FACTORS Topographic Factor Kzt,wall = 1.000 Topographic Factor Kzt,roof = 1.000 C&C Effective Wind Area EWA = 10.000 MAIN WIND-FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM MWFRS Wall Pressure (psf): Direction Pressure Net Windward Ph 23.09 15.32 Longitudinal Po 22.86 15.09 Ph 24.48 15.18 Transverse Po 24.22 14.91 MWFRS Roof Pressure (psf): Zone 1 DATE: 03/18/2022 Leeward Side Internal -7.77 -13.38 +/-3.91 -9.30 -13.22 +/-3.91 4 easel -18.93 -15.03 -23.04 -20.48 -16.82 Case 2 6.12 -6.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 t)'o;<"f, .. ,,-... .,.,,c;_tc. "'.Q"'-1 'vv..w,11i··•.,,, 1. Lo\ f5r ( 'Vi . .; ')(1<,' kf,J ~ \7.i k ( t-~ fv) b1t.1.£.. ~w,·,) ~ f).i (,1-.z,1:-)-::-1.7 \L (AsD) ""7' ~t.,°'~ Y,, ~ ¢Sl WIN\) G,u\/~N'S tUKS-r-we,s., S. K. Ghosh Associates lnc. j 334 Colfax St., Palatine, IL 60067 Page 1 of3 I I Wind Simple vl.3.0 -Output Report DATE: 03/18/2022 Project: Prepared by: Company: Phone: Email: Roof Zones for Wind along Building Length L 0.5h • 9_975· 0 5h • 9.975' Roof Zones for Wind along Building Width B S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc. I 334 Colfax St., Palatine, IL 60067 Page 2 of3 a 150 Hemlock Remodel 150 Hemlock Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA Latitude, Longitude: 33.1494787, -117.3457408 'Date Deelgn Code Reference Oocumant : Ri.k Category !SlteClau Sos So1 Value 1.099 0.396 1.319 null -See Sectlon 11.4.8 0.879 null -See Sectlon 11.4.8 Type Yalue . SOC null -See Section 11.4.8 Fa 1.2 Fv nut1 -See Sectloo 11.4.8 PGA 0.486 FpGA 1.2 PGAt,i 0.584 TL 8 SsRT 1.099 SsUH 1.232 'SsD 1.5 · S1RT 0.396 S1UH 0.438 S1O 0.6 PGAd 0.603 CRs 0.892 . CR1 0.904 De9Criptlon 3/17/2022, 2:54:41 PM ASCE7-16 ft D -DefalJt (See Section 11.4.3) MCER ground motion. (for 0.2 secood period) Description MCER ground motion. (for 1.06 period) Site-modified spectral acceleration value Slte-modifted spectral acceleration value Numeric seismic design value at 0.2 second SA Numeric seismic design value at 1.0 second SA Seismic design categoly Site ampllfk:atlon factor at 0.2 second Site amplification factor at 1.0 second MCEG peak ground acceleration Site amplification factor at PGA Site modified peak ground acceleratlon Long-period transition period in seconds Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (0.2 second) Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration Factol8d deterministic acceleration value. (0.2 secaid) Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (1.0 second) Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability ol ecceedance In 50 years) spectral acceleration. Factored delerministic acceleration value. (1.0 second) Factored deterministic acceleration value. (Peak Ground Acceieration) Mlpped value of the risk coefficient at short periods Mapped value of the risk coefficient at a period of 1 s OSHPD Map data ©2022 JOB 150 Hemlock Remodel JOB• 22104 Parker SHEET NO. 13 OF -. , . : . . . ' Encinitas, CA 92024 760.436.1223 www.par1<erstructural.com CAI.CULA TEO BY BP CHECKED BY SCALE PARTIAL SEISMIC ANALYSIS (UNIT 1 ) FORCE DISTRIBUTION (2-story) ROOF Area 1000 sq. ft. Roof Weight 15.0 psf Ext. Wall Weight 6.0 psf Partition Weight 2.0 psf W TOTAL~ kips 2ND FLOOR Area 850 sq. ft. Floor Weight 13.0 psf avg. Ext. Wall Weight 14.0 psf Partition Weight 4.0 psf W TOTAL ~ kips TOTALW= 49 kips UNFACTORED BASE SHEAR, V• 0.095 W = 4. 7 Kips rho• 1.00 3/22 FIEVO,\TE 8/22 E-W WIND BASE SHEAR, V = 7. 7 Kips <-E-W direction Wind governs, factor EQ up by 1.65 LEVEL w, H, k ft. ROOF 23 18 2nd FLOOR 26 9 I:= 49 DIAPHRAGM FORCES, Fpx LEVEL l:l-1 k ROOF 3.0 2NDFLOOR 4.7 A 2-HR 17 270 1-2 11.2 420 B 2-HR 20 340 1-2 11 340 8.6 1-2 8.5 300 D 2-HR 15 390 NORTH-SOUTH DIRECTION 1 1-2 50 150 Hemlock Seismic PCC ·----.-•-- W1 xH1 F 414 237 651 l:W1 f F F total V (k) (k) (plf) 1.3 1.3 78 1.4 2.7 124 1.7 1.7 83 1.1 2.8 102 1.0 1.9 116 1.9 1.9 127 8.4 7.4 k EQ WIND E-W f f LEVE 0.13 2-R 0.06 1-2 ,___,.____. % DL resisting overturning= 60% for WIND (3/8• Ply U.N.O.) V total WALL SINGLE T,C DUflr C add Tnet HD (plf) TYPE WALL (k) (kif) (k) (k) TYPE 78 6 8.5 0.7 0.250 0.5 -0.2 none 242 6 5.6 2.8 0.140 0.5 1.6 M2 H1 83 20 0.7 0.250 0.5 -1.1 none 253 6 11 2.8 0.140 0.5 1.0 M2 H1 229 6 8.5 1.9 0.140 0 .5 1.3 H2 H1 127 15 1.1 0.250 0.5 -0.3 none 0.2 0.2 <-4-o dt<IC posts w/ 2 knee braces ------------· W-.90 Tu (k) (E) 2.85 (E) (E) 1.93 (N) 2.29 (E) (E) 8/11/2022 -----· Parker Structu1a/ Eng,nrenng Inc Encinitas. CA 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com JQB __ ...... 1~c;~o_+-f!....!..!::t~M...:..-=.Lo=--e,:::...::::.,t,__ _______ _ SHEETNO. ___ l_"3._q ______ OF ______ _ CALCULATED ev ________ DATE __ 8/'-l-;_.J '7._'2. __ _ CHECKEDBV _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE _________________ _ KN~i::: 13,f.AC-£,S f '1 v i:.-C,k' COL)Jt-Ar-/-S (ur,u:., 1) ~wiAJ~ -zoo!:! (fr!Jf"V' L.td•-e.;,a.l ;21;,-i1 !'-'f15 :.rrt.:1/:-;'r...t.-i) I I'll "/ w,';, ,I --ti\:;: zoo)). 1~ {,t)i~ ( P:;') ; 3a~ .µ, :,., -:;:, Iv' A f-11. EA'-I". C,{) IA f' L. ~ kf f,. ~ ft CL. ~ /.r,-r',...f· l':..&1 'C go o I.~ 8' I 1-' ~-J ~l (Vr 11'6'' d L.l>rb1 5Gl&t.-!)) vJ/~ 11 .ewi 6u l V°A¾,,-=-\../ o %Jr (1. ~ ~: (1--$1,A'-'i,'-) ~ t.tLf 8b 7 '{oo~ (b t ~ Co . . , u~ ,..,. ,,..,i l t ( )(,,, ) "' Ot.J,.~-,.. !..f.-. ~0. '._O:< °'. ""Cl.~ 3,0:::, _/11'1 : __ i .--~0 j,(, ,:,,SU'eWS -t--v o Co II\ s ~ t-hclf KN~ t 6 ~./C.-~6 v•/ ("7 I , '3/ rJ. r•,,/_ I " L O f I. 1{/ :, . / _._._ " j; u .. I:, t:,., '.; I.,.,,_.: :,,,I r vft L7 ._, -t.-• ..-/ -~v• !;,. fC 1' ~f'4•~·) D PRODUCTW . '-., .. 0 --------~ .. ~ ... _. ,,. ,,_ ' . 5~15/JIIC. r(c(s, kt<~/6 --~b61r 3/1(,".., I' -O'' I -- I ' ! I I I I' i, 1, I C0 -t .0 :c: EDR.--RM. r --· ---. D NING ROO LIVING ROOM (~) It; ''wn>C toWTI N IAtfl,d f'Tt1 . {A~s·uM<W) I ' : i I I I ' , I I : ; I ' . ' I r .1 KI TCHEN i--·--·-··-+·+··--~ I I !==!=====~L __ -··· ----t-1--.. --i ·-\· -:-···-: --;· .. i·-, • J .-, ' : • • ' I L _,.L .. 1 ___ ! LIVIN G ROOM PDR. R(A . C..-". ··.=====+=1--I D D l I ! DINING ROOM . r fO (AtJ Pft, / ON 1<' '1f..~_Af.l_, '?>/11,"::; 11--0" {lo (i) 1'5 I/ iJ /Pi C~N'[I ,J l.LC}.,(5 P~-(A«L1,-.tto) Parker St111crwal Engmeeflng Inc Encinitas, CA 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com f o Oil NGzS f-\ JOe_--'-1_r;-_o_H.:__:;__~;_H=~....::.OC..-.::::I:::-;_· .....:IZ=~....:.;M;_O::...D,c__..=;~=l-_____ _ SHEET NO. __ \ '7 ______ OF ______ _ CALCULATED ev _______ DATE ~/ '2,. 2, CHECKEDBY ________ DATE _____ _ SCALE _______________ _ p::: 3c;c;s-.U1>f li'fo#'-Lv-~~gso.JJ ~ (1-Jtf-' r)(n} jLl ~ l)rLl p? 8 4 os #-7 fa-;; & 170-# ~ c~) Cot-11, rtz, lA.N O ~1'<-P l N ( ~) :PtJ0-11 tJ 61 y,-1.. f "" ti lo-1¼1).i-l'Z'5DJILr + \1{,0#t-(z.H-1 ,.)('.,.) 1 \rC-; 1>-t-, 1s( 1.,~ f:::: 17 -i 1 ~ ~ L (Pa. :: e, l 7 0 Ii h-,, { f,,) aN 1· 1 N '.ifl.1 <; -i:= ·rc"\. :o ~ ~) f~-rt N&: oK D PRODUCT 207 Parker JOB 150 Hemlock Remodel JOB# 22104 SHEET NO. , • I, j/ 0 ' I ! Encinitas, CA 92024 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com CALCULATED BY BP CHECKED BY SCALE IContinuous Footing Axial Allowable Bottom Plate ---Post Continuous Footing "slab & sand ftg. depth = X X L L=2x+3.5"= 3tS " Area= \S "x 31,5 " Ftg. Width L = 5qz, s in2 = t..j . I tf Allowable Axial Load = \ ~ tJ o psf x ------Allow Soil Area Bearing OF DATE 3/22 REVDATc tf = & l70 lbs Parker Structural Enginee11ng, Inc Encinitas, CA 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com I '?,, 0 '(J\"L-L-J<.. ~IL-, IN 6l I 5 J-1A)c flST '°f.M'.-1(\j6) p ~ 1,,0D i ( 5' ... ',,, f ~ 'J,IJO ~ (06 ¥cP1 J , :-r :; 3~ ff~-t -7' ·10,/ 6prt..1.tl / M,-,ct ~ tW1iJ(3,c;')-,5ooi.w ~fl 11 ss 1Yi x l Yi x 1/1" ro st fA~ ~ .&& { fG k.c.i'/ G,"314-,,1'·11,z. ~ {}, 1"7 i~-sc:. C,o NN 1::,(...11 IN 1 -C --s-ooJ<,.W·{i1.) -:.-(,OOµ. ,;·· ( z. 1~,s) 1'\f)/,,...1. T 143.i--71 a V ~v ~ -----;,. 7(4 'f ! A_.1~--------·-·-. .). T ; (p?,,r.,~ tt:rrA"\r 1 c:~ tf~M Loci<-JOe __ ..,_1 "--=/l/;__.:._:__:_---=---:.:_:_ ________ _ SHEETNQ._...,__q ______ QF ______ _ CALCULATEDBY _______ DATE.~~,q./_,2-~"2-__ _ CHECKEDBY ________ DATE. _____ _ SCA~---------------- '\ ~,:~ ~ J N If) ! :r C --+-:-'It--'-~~~ $Thl?l fl~G,t G ~. SlOC. o f fo~,,,... vv/ 1 1-,A-q ~cA2 ~ ~i-f/1~1'¢>< i/' LA~ sce.GW Tti. = 2/,G.1/irJ (1,._::;·~: ~ ~ft'5Ji. 7(,3<,Jf-(O~) ~ II I use.. H55 I ix I z, POS'\ f> 5 t-Y\·x, ~ I ( ll) 3/f ~ t, () l 3 (, :_AG.. .Y.-f IWJ.5 --ro t,r;x B M 1N {?lSAfA (of-'f1-H'2.U ~ 8DL1S) D PROOUCT 207 ' Parker JOB 150 Hemlock SHEET NO. •• I ~ J JI ) • ' ~, Encinitas, CA 92024 760.436.1223 www.parkerstructural.com CALCULATED BY BP CHECKED BY SCALE IGLASS GUARDRAIL tt-l~IL-L-PAN!;?l..-5 GLASS THICKNESS Factor of Safety = 4, per ICC Modulus of rupture of tempered glass = 24,000 psi. h = height of rail from attachment (in) M = bending moment (in-lb) S = section modulus (in3) w = uniform load (lb/ft) P = concentrated load (lb) t = thickness of glass (in) f = unit stress (psi) w = width (in) Requirements for Glass Infill Panel using 50 lb Concentrated Load f = M/S f = Modulus of Rupture (mean)/Safety Factor f = 24,000/4 = 6000 psi (maximum allowable stress) M = h x P / 4 = 38 in x 50 lb/ 4 = 475 in-lb Section Modulus for 1/4" glass (0.234" actual; assuming a 48" wide panel): S = (w x t2)/6 =(48" x .2342)/6 = 0.438 in3 f= M/S f = 475 in-lb/0.438 in3 = 1,080 psi 1,080 psi< max allow. stress of 6,000 psi --> 1/4" tempered glass OK I I f r l r : t : • I ' I • I I I [' I I : ; I I ' • I I c I . I I ~ ,· I • I ..... ,_ t' ; r· 'I JOB# 22104 OF DATE 8/22 REV DATE l I ' ! Load I G U S~ f,Ar-J E-L J<;!l--fo~r f;e,yoNO D:\PSE\Projects\Apartments\150 Hemlock Remodel 22104\eng\150 Hemlock Glass Guardrails8/11/2022