HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-04; City Council; ; Release of claims regarding the Rosemary Falkenstein TrustCA Review ___AF___ Meeting Date: April 4, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director suzanne.smithson@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2010 Subject: Release of claims regarding the Rosemary Falkenstein Trust District: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution waiving and relinquishing any right to contest or object to the actions of the trustee of the Rosemary Falkenstein Trust. Executive Summary In 2018, Rosemary Falkenstein bequeathed a portion of her estate to the Carlsbad City Library. The administration of the trust is now complete and the Carlsbad City Library may receive a final distribution of up to $25,016.35. Attorneys for the trustee are requesting that the City Council approve an agreement waiving and relinquishing any right to contest or object to the actions of the trustee of the Rosemary Falkenstein Trust, a final step in the closing of the estate. Explanation & Analysis Rosemary Falkenstein and her husband, Dr. Herbert Falkenstein, retired to Carlsbad in 1975. Dr. Falkenstein, a scholar, college professor and diplomat, served on the city library’s Board of Trustees from 1977-1988. As president of the Library Board in 1979-80, Falkenstein set goals to increase the library service to the southern section of the city, ultimately resulting in the construction of the City Library on Dove Lane, which opened in 1999. Dr. Falkenstein also built a significant reputation as the creative force behind a series of popular, free and timely library lectures and seminars, assisted by his wife Rosemary. He founded a lively discussion group of local, national and international issues called the North County Forum which met at the Carlsbad City Library. Rosemary Falkenstein left 10% of her estate to the library, for the purpose of purchasing history books. The Carlsbad City Library received $861,163, which was accepted via City Council Resolution 2018-209. In late February 2023, staff received correspondence from the attorneys for the trustee of the estate stating that administration of the trust is complete, and the library may receive an additional $25,016.35 final distribution. (Exhibit 2). Resolution 2018-209 accepted any final distribution. April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 1 of 20 Attorneys for the trustee are seeking a release of claims from each beneficiary regarding the trust established under the last will and testament of Rosemary Falkenstein, which will waive and relinquish any right to contest or object to the actions of the trustee from Dec. 7, 2020, to Jan. 31, 2023. Without a release of claims from each beneficiary, the trustee will likely petition the court to approve the final accounting of the trust, which would result in additional attorney’s fees and costs and reduce the amount of the final distribution. Fiscal Analysis The final distribution from the Falkenstein Trust will be deposited in a library special revenue account, with a designation for expenditures in support of history resources. Next Steps Library staff will request appropriation of the funds through the regular budget process or as part of a capital project as appropriate, both subject to City Council approval, in accordance with Rosemary Falkenstein’s wish to preserve and support historical resources. Environmental Evaluation In accordance with Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. February 2023 letter from trustee April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 2 of 20 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-100 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, WAIVING AND RELINQUISHING ANY RIGHT TO CONTEST OR OBJECT TO THE ACTIONS OF THE TRUSTEE OF THE ROSEMARY FALKENSTEIN TRUST WHEREAS, Rosemary Falkenstein bequeathed a portion of her estate to the Carlsbad City Library for the purpose of purchasing history books; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California accepted an $861,163 donation via City Council Resolution 2018-209 in December of 2018; and WHEREAS, the final administration of the trust is complete and a final distribution of $25,016.35 will be paid to the Carlsbad City Library; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the final distribution, attorneys for the trustee are requesting the City sign an agreement waiving and relinquishing any right to contest or object to the actions of the trustee of the Rosemary Falkenstein Trust. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the City Manager, or designee, is authorized and directed to execute the Release of Claims Regarding the Testamentary Trust of Rosemary Falkenstein (Attachment A). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 4th day of April, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. 1'Y KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) Exhibit 1 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 3 of 20 fui Attachment A April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 4 of 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DAVIDS. PAWLOWSKI, SBN: 169909 ALBENCE & ASSOCIATES, APC 7777 Fay Avenue, Suite 315 La Jolla, CA 92037 Telephone (858) 454-0024 Facsunile (858) 454-1250 AttornA for Trustee TANY ISAAK In the Matter of: THE TESTAJvIENTARY TRUST ESTABLISHED UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAivIENT OF ROSEl'vIARY FALKENSTEIN, dated September 2, 1999. I, the undersigned, declare as follows: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RELEASE OF CLAIMS REGARDING THE TESTAIVIENTARY TRUST ESTABLISHED UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ROSEMARY FALKENSTEIN, 1. ROSEMARY FALKENSTEIN, as trustor, executed her Last Will and Testament, containing a Testamentary Trust, at Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, on September 2, 1999. The Trust is known as the TESTAMENTARY TRUST ESTABLISHED UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ROSEMARY FALKENSTEIN (hereinafter "the Trust"). 2. SUSANK. FOX was appointed by the Court to serve as trustee on September 26, 2018, and she served as trustee until her death on December 6, 2020. 3. TANYA ISAAK 01ereinafter "the Trustee") was appointed by the Court to senre as successor trustee on November 24, 2021 and has served as trustee since that time. 4. The Trustee has administered the Trust and is in a position to make final distributions from the Trust. The Trustee has provided me with an accounting covering December 7, 2020 to January 31, 2023 ("the Accounting") and a Proposed Distribution Schedule. The Accounting adequately disclosed all of the assets of the Trust. 5. I hereby waive and relinquish any right to contest or object to the actions of the Trustee from December 7, 2020 to January 31, 2023 as disclosed in the Accounting. Further, I hereby forever release and discharge the Trustee of and from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions Attachment A April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 5 of 20 ' . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 and liabilities or responsibilities of whatsoever kind or nature, arising out of or in connection with her tenure as trustee of the Trust for actions or omissions occurring prior to January 31, 2023. 6. I hereby agree to assume and pay my proportionate share (not to exceed the amount of the trust estate distributed to me) of all taxes and other liabilities for which the trust estate or Trustee may hereafter be liable, to the extent the Trustee would have been entitled to be reimbursed from tl1e Trust property had such property remained in the possession of the Trustee and not been distributed to tl1e beneficiaries. 7. The terms of this Release of Claims, the Trust, the Accounting, and the Proposed Distribution Schedule, shall be binding upon myself, my heirs, legatees and assignees. 8. In the event legal action is necessary to enforce or interpret this Release of Claims, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs. 9. I acknowledge I have been given ample opportunity to retain independent legal counsel to represent me in this matter and I have chosen not to retain legal counsel. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Date: _______ _ By:---------------Print Name ____________ _ 22 Tax ID No. _________ _ (necessary for income tax returns) 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 2 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 6 of 20 ALBENCE & ASSOCIATES APC ATTORNEYS AT LAW LA .JOLLA OFFICE 7777 FAY AVENUE SUITE 3 I 5 LA .JOLLA CA 92037 TEL 858.454.0024 FAX 858.454. I 250 WWW .ALBENCE. COM REPLY To: T OFFICES AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHRISTOPHER ...J. ALBENCE, Eso* DAVIDS. PAWLOWSKI, Eso KEELEY c. LuHNow, Eso *CERTIFIED SPECIALIST, ESTATE PLANNING, TRUST AND PROBATE LAW THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA BOARD OF LEGAL SPECIALIZATION University of Victoria WWW.ALBENCE.COM February 27, 2023 Planned Giving & Estate Administration PO Box 1 700 STN CSC Carls bad City Library 1775 Dove Lane Carlsbad, CA 92011 Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 Canada City of Hope Medical Center Department of Planned Giving 1500 E. Duarte Rd. Salvation Army of Canada Estates Section 2 Overlea Blvd. Duarte, CA 91010-3012 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4H 1P4 John Walker 1332 Krug Court Vista, CA 92081 Robert Walker 1329 Orangewood Square Corona, CA 92882 Canadian Red Cross Society 100-1305 11 Avenue SW Calgary, AB Canada T3C 3P6 Re: Testamentary Trust Established Under the Last Will and Testament Of Rosemary Falkenstein Dear Beneficiaries: As you may recall, this Firm represents Tanya Isaak as Trustee of the Testamentary Trust Established Under the Last Will and Testament Of Rosemary Falkenstein (hereinafter "the Trust"). The Trust is now in a position to be fully distributed. Page 1 of 3 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 7 of 20 The Trustee has performed all required duties of a Trustee, including the care and custody of the assets composing the corpus of the Trust; marshaling all assets; disbursements of the expenses; making investments in the best interest of the Trust. The Trustee will also complete and file the final tax returns for the Trust. Attorneys, Albence & Associates, APC, employed by the Trustee, performed the following services: being available to the Trustee during the period of the accounting for all required legal services connected ,,,ith the Trust and its administration. All investments of Trust principal shown in this account were authorized and proper investments of the principal of this Trust under its provisions and under the laws of this state, and were made or retained as set forth in this account for the best interest of the Trust and for all interested persons. All cash has been invested and maintained in interest-bearing accounts or in investments authorized by law or the governing instrument, except for such sums that were/ are reasonably necessary for the Trust's orderly administration. The Trustee has not hired any family members or affiliates of the Trustee to perform any service to the Trust during tenure as Trustee. The Trustee is required by law to advise you of the following: 1. Each beneficiary may petition the court under California Probate Code §17200 to obtain an accounting of the Trust and review the acts of the Trustee. 2. Claims for breach of trust are barred after the expiration of three (3) years from the date you receive an account and report that discloses facts giving rise to a claim under California Probate Code § 16063. Enclosed is an Accounting of the Trust for the period December 7, 2020 through January 31, 2023, with a Proposed Distribution Schedule. As disclosed above, California Probate Code §16063 allows for a three (3) year statute of limitations on accountings. Therefore, in order to protect the Trustee from these potential claims, which may not result for three years, it is my professional advice to the Trustee to hold a sufficient reserve until the three (3) years have expired. By holding a reserve, the Trustee will have access to Trust funds to address any legal action or administration issues which may arise. It will also provide liquidity to address any unanticipated or unknown expense or tax. \X'ithholding a reserve will result in less of a distribution to the beneficiaries at this time. Alternatively, the Trustee could submit the accounting to the court for approval pursuant to California Probate Code §17200. This will provide the Trustee with the desired protection because upon approval by the court the three (3) year statute of limitations would no longer apply. The Trustee could make the proposed distributions set forth in the Proposed Distribution Schedule without the need to be as cautious and without retaining a large reserve. However, preparing a court accounting and accompanying report and submitting this matter to Page 2 of 3 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 8 of 20 the court will increase the amount of attorneys fees and costs. Further, it will delay the Trust's distribution pending the conclusion of the court process. In an effort to avoid these two potentially undesirable courses of action, I propose the following: if you approve the Accounting and are in agreement with the enclosed Release of Claims, please sign it and return it to my La Jolla office. In addition, please write your social security number (or your organization's tax identification number) on the line below your signature. The Trustee's accountant needs to include the beneficiaries' social security numbers (and tax identification numbers) on the Trust income tax returns. Upon receipt of an executed Release of Claims from the beneficiaries of the Trust Estate, the Trustee will make the distributions as set forth in the Proposed Distribution Schedule. You should consult with your income tax preparer regarding any potential taxes you may owe as a result of the inheritance you receive from the Trust. If you are in agreement with the accounting and release method, please indicate so by executing the Release of Claims and returning it to me ,vi thin 30 days of the date of this letter. You may return the release by email to Dave@albence.com, fax, or regular mail. If I do not receive Release of Claims from all beneficiaries, then the Trustee will likely petition the court for approval of the accounting, which ,vill cost additional fees and cause delay. Should you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Very truly yours, David S. Pawlowski DSP/jkg cc: Tanya Isaak Page 3 of 3 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 9 of 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DAVIDS. PAWLOWSKI, SBN: 169909 ALBENCE & ASSOCIATES, APC 7777 Fay Avenue, Suite 315 La?colla, CA 92037 Te ephone (858) 454-0024 Facsunile (858) 454-1250 AttornA for Trustee TANY ISAAK. In the Matter of: THE TESTAJvfENTARY TRUST ESTABLISHED UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ROSEMARY FALKENSTEIN, dated September 2, 1999. I, the undersigned, declare as follows: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RELEASE OF CLAIMS REGARDING THE TESTAiVIENTARY TRUST ESTABLISHED UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ROSEMARY FALKENSTEIN, 1. ROSEMARY FALKENSTEIN, as trustor, executed her Last Will and Testament, containing a Testamentary Trust, at Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, on September 2, 1999. The Trust is known as the TESTAMENTARY TRUST ESTABLISHED UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAJ\1ENT OF ROSEMARY FALKENSTEIN (hereinafter "the Trust"). 2. SUSANK. FOX was appointed by the Court to serve as trustee on September 26, 2018, and she served as trustee until her death on December 6, 2020. 3. TANYA ISAAK 01ereinafter "the Trustee") was appointed by the Court to serve as successor trustee on November 24, 2021 and has se1ved as trustee since that time. 4. The Trustee has administered the Trust and is in a position to make final distributions from the Trust. The Trustee has provided me with an accounting covering December 7, 2020 to J anuaiy 31, 2023 ("the Accounting") and a Proposed Distribution Schedule. The Accounting adequately disclosed all of the assets of the Trust. 5. I hereby waive and relinquish any right to contest or object to the actions of the Trustee from December 7, 2020 to January 31, 2023 as disclosed in the Accounting. Further, I hereby forever release and discharge the Trustee of and from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 10 of 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 and liabilities or responsibilities of whatsoever kind or nature, arising out of or in connection with her tenure as trustee of the Trust for actions or omissions occurring prior to January 31, 2023. 6. I hereby agree to assume and pay my proportionate share (not to exceed the amount of the trust estate distributed to me) of all taxes and other liabilities for which the trust estate or Trustee may hereafter be liable, to the extent the Trustee would have been entitled to be reimbursed from the Trust property had such property remained in the possession of tl1e Trustee and not been distributed to tl1e beneficiaries. 7. The terms of this Release of Claims, the Trust, the Accounting, and the Proposed Distribution Schedule, shall be binding upon myself, my heirs, legatees and assignees. 8. In the event legal action is necessary to enforce or interpret this Release of Claims, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs. 9. I acknowledge I have been given ample opportunity to retain independent legal counsel to represent me in this matter and I have chosen not to retain legal counsel. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Date: _______ _ By:----------------Print Name ____________ _ 22 Tax ID No. ----------( n e c es s a 1 y for income tax returns) 23 24 25 26 27 28 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 11 of 20 MATTER OF: CASE NUMBER: Testamentary Trust Established Under the Last Will and Testament I la lb le 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13a 13b 13c of Rosemary Falkenstein Tanya Isaak, Trustee SUMMARY OF ACCOUNT First and Final Account Current (December 7, 2020 through January 31, 2023) C H ARGES Property on Hand at Beginning of Account Period, consisting of: Cash As sets Non-Cash Assets Schedule PH $ 276,552.18 $ - Total Property on Hand at Beginning of Account Period Additional Prope1ty Received During Period of Account Schedule PR Receipts During Period of Account Schedule A Gains on Sales During Period of Account Schedule B Other Charges: Schedule OCH Net Income From Trade or Business During Period of Account Schedule NI TOT AL CHARGES CREDITS Disbursements During Period of Account Schedule C Losses on Sales During Period of Account Schedule D Distributions During Period of Account Schedule W Other Credits: Schedule OCR Net Loss From Trade or Business During Period of Account Schedule NL Property on Hand at End of Account Period, consisting of: Schedule E Cash Assets $ 262,163.47 Non-Cash Assets $ - Total Propetty on Hand at End of Account Period TOTAL CREDITS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Information Schedule/ Change in Form of Assets Schedule F Proposed Plan of Final Distribution Schedule W Fair Market Value of All Assets at Beginning of Account Schedule PH Fair Market Value of All Assets at End of Account Schedule E $ 276,552.18 $ - $ 727.06 $ - $ - $ - $ 277,279.24 $ 15,115.77 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 262,163.47 $ 277,279.24 Included Included $ 276,552.18 $ 262,163.47 Rosemary Falkenstein Testamentary Trust Tanya Isaak, Trustee First and Final Account Current 12/07/2020 -01 /31/2023 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 12 of 20 SCHEDULE PH PROPERTY ON HAND AT BEGINNING OF ACCOUNT PERIOD Description Cash Assets Chase, Checking #XXXX-XXXX-XXX-7603 Chase, Savings #XXXX-XXXX-XXX-6007 Merrill Lynch, Cash/ Money Market #XXXX-3867* Subtotal Cash Assets Non-Cash Assets Stock Certificates: 4.000 Coastal International, Ltd. 25.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 25.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 50.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 100.000 Gulf Life Holding Company I 00 .000 Gulf Life Holding Company 100.000 Gulf Life Holding Company I 00.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 100.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 100.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 200.000 Gulf Life Holding Company I 00.000 Gulf United Corporation 5.000 Northwest Pipeline Corporation 1.000 The United Corporation 3.000 The Uniled Corporation I 00.000 Utilities Power & Light Corporation 100.000 Utilities Power & Light Corporation Subtotal Non-Cash Assets TOTAL BEGINNING ASSETS (12/07/2020): *Prior accounting ended with I 0/31/2020 activity due to inability to obtain statements after former Trustee's passing. Rosema1y Falkenstein Testamentary Trust Tanya Isaak, Trustee Carry Value Market Value $ NII , NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL $ $ 3,853.10 3,853.10 20 ,293 .56 20,293.56 252,405.52 252,405.52 276,552.18 $ 276,552.18 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL $ 276,552.18 $ 276,552.18 First and Final Account Current I 2/07/2020 -0 I /3 I /2023 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 13 of 20 SCHEDULE A RECEIPTS DURING PERIOD OF ACCOUNT Date Description Amount Interest Income, Chase #6007 12/31/20 Chase Interest 0.34 01/29/21 Chase Interest 0.32 02/26/21 Chase Interest 0.22 03/31 /21 Chase Interest 0.36 04/30/21 Chase Interest 0.33 05/28/2 I Chase Interest 0.31 06/30/21 Chase Interest 0.36 07/30/21 Chase Interest 0.33 08/31/21 Chase Interest 0.35 09/30/21 Chase Interest 0.33 I 0/29/21 Chase Interest 0.32 11/30/21 Chase Interest 0.35 12/31 /2 I Chase Interest 0.34 Ol /31/22 Chase Interest 0.34 02/28/22 Chase Interest 0.31 03/31/22 Chase Interest 0.34 04/29/22 Chase Interest 0.32 05/31/22 Chase Interest 0.35 06/30/22 Chase Interest 0.19 07/29/22 Chase Interest 0.26 08/31/22 Chase Interest 0.36 09/09/22 Chase Interest 0.09 6.82 Interest Income. Chase #7603 12/31/20 Chase Interest 0.03 01/29/21 Chase Interest 0.03 02/26/21 Chase Interest 0.03 03/31/21 Chase Interest 0.03 04/30/21 Chase Interest 0.03 05/28/21 Chase Interest 0.03 06/30/21 Chase Interest 0.03 07/30/21 Chase Interest 0.03 08/31/21 Chase Interest 0.03 09/30/21 Chase Interest 0.03 I 0/29/21 Chase Interest 0.03 11/30/21 Chase Interest 0.03 12/31/21 Chase Interest 0.03 01/31/22 Chase Interest 0.03 02/28/22 Chase Interest 0.03 03/31/22 Chase Interest 0.03 04/29/22 Chase Interest 0.03 05/31/22 Chase Interest 0.03 06/30/22 Chase Interest 0.03 Rosemary Falkenstein Testamentary Trust First and Final Account Current Tanya Isaak, Trustee I 2/07/2020 -0 I /3112023 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 14 of 20 SCHEDULE A RECEIPTS DURING PERIOD OF ACCOUNT Date 07/29/22 Chase 08/31/22 Chase 09/09/22 Chase Interest Income, Merrill Lynch #3867 11/30/20 Merrill Lynch 12/31/20 Merrill Lynch 01/29/21 Merrill Lynch 02/26/21 Merrill Lynch 03/31/21 Merrill Lynch 04/30/21 Merrill Lynch 05/28/21 Merrill Lynch 06/30/21 Merrill Lynch 07/30/21 Merrill Lynch 08/31/21 Merrill Lynch 09/30/21 Merrill Lynch 10/29/21 Merrill Lynch 11/30/21 Merrill Lynch 12/31/21 Merrill Lynch 01/31/22 Merrill Lynch 02/28/22 Merrill Lynch 03/31/22 Merrill Lynch 04/29/22 Merrill Lynch 05/31/22 Merrill Lynch 06/30/22 Merrill Lynch 07/29/22 Merrill Lynch 08/31/22 Merrill Lynch 09/30/22 Merrill Lynch 10/31/22 Merrill Lynch I 1/30/22 Merrill Lynch 12/30/22 Merrill Lynch 01/12/23 Merrill Lynch Interest Income, Torrey Pines Bank #5707 04/30/22 Torrey Pines Bank 05/31 /22 Torrey Pines Bank 06/30/22 Torrey Pines Bank 07/31/22 Torrey Pines Bank 08/31/22 Torrey Pines Bank 09/30/22 Torrey Pines Bank I 0/31/22 Torrey Pines Bank I 1 /30/22 Torrey Pines Bank 12/31 /22 Torrey Pines Bank 01/31/23 Torrey Pines Bank Rosemary Falkenstein Testamenta1y Trust Tanya Isaak, Trustee Description Interest Interest Interest J nterest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest J nterest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Amount 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.64 2.80 2.80 2.62 2.53 2.99 2.71 2.53 2.99 2.71 2.89 2.71 2.63 2.89 2.80 2.80 2.53 2.8 I 2.3 I 2.32 2.18 2.11 22.14 33.81 94.37 156.00 175.81 76.23 614.02 1.09 1.80 3.94 8.23 7.96 8.49 12.91 13.72 15.06 32.38 I 05.58 First and Final Account Current 12/07/2020 - 0 I /3 I /2023 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 15 of 20 SCHEDULE A RECEIPTS DURING PERIOD OF ACCOUNT Date Rosemary Falkenstein Testamentary Trust Tanya Isaak, Trustee Description TOTAL RECEIPTS: Amount $ 727.06 First and Final Account Current I 2/07/2020 - 0 I /3 I /2023 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 16 of 20 SCHEDULEC DISBURSEMENTS DURING PERIOD OF ACCOUNT Date No. Administration 04/13/22 1002 Libetty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Libetty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Liberty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Liberty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Liberty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Libetty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Libetiy Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Liberty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Libetty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Liberty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Liberty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Liberty Fiduciary Services 04/13/22 1002 Libe11y Fiduciary Services Bank Fees 06/30/22 EFT Chase Bank #7603 07/29/22 EFT Chase Bank #7603 08/31/22 EFT Chase Bank #7603 Professional Fees, Attorney 04/13/22 1003 Albence & Associates APC 04/13/22 1004 MMPP&H 04/13/22 1006 MMPP&H 04/13/22 1007 MMPP&H Professional Fees, Bond 04/13/22 l000 Bond Services Of California 11/18/22 1013 Bond Services Of California Professional Fees, CPA 04/13/22 1001 Levitzacks CPA 06/23/22 EFT Levitzacks CPA Professional Fees, Trustee & Staff Fees 04/13/22 1002 Libetty Fiduciary Services 07/14/22 1009 Isaak Fiduciary 07/21/22 1010 Isaak Fiduciary 08/19/22 1012 Isaak Fiduciary I 0/11/22 1011 Isaak Fiduciary Taxes 04/13/22 1005 United States Treasury Rosemary Falkenstein Testamentary Trust Tanya Isaak, Trustee Description Amount USPS -Certified, Carlsbad City Library 4.75 USPS -Cettified, City of Hope 4.75 USPS -Certified, Lorraine Brown 4.75 USPS -Cettified, Est of Charles M. Walk 4.75 USPS -Postage, Canadian Red Cross 2.63 USPS -Postage, University of Victoria 2.63 USPS -Postage, Salvation Army Cananda 2.63 USPS -Ce1tified, Ogden Service Center 4.10 USPS -Cettified, IRS 4.10 Computershare -Expedited Statement 35.00 Computershare -Expedited Statement 25.00 Courthouse -Parking Fee 8.00 Superior Couit -Ce1tified Minute Order 52.50 155 .59 Monthly Maintenance Fee 35.00 Monthly Maintenance Fee 35.00 Monthly Maintenance Fee 35.00 105.00 Client Retainer 3,000.00 Dec 2021 Attorney Fees 31 .00 Aug 2021 Attorney Fees 1,868.14 Nov 2021 Attorney Fees 729.50 5,628.64 202 I -2022 Trust Bond 1,360.00 2022-2023 Trust Bond 1,360.00 2,720.00 Outstanding Charges for Prior Work 542.50 Misc Correspondence & Tax Services 1,961.25 2,503 .75 Nov 2020 Trustee & Staff Fees 360.40 Sep 2021 -Mar 2022 Trustee & Staff Fee: 1,563.00 Apr 2022 Trustee & Staff Fees 752.50 May 2022 Trustee & Staff Fees 234.33 Jun -Sep 2022 Trustee & Staff Fees 960.00 3,870.23 Unpaid Additional 20 I 8 Federal Taxes 132.56 132.56 First and Final Account Current 12/07/2020 -0 I /3 I /2023 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 17 of 20 SCHEDULE C DISBURSEMENTS DURING PERIOD OF ACCOUNT Date No. Rosemary Falkenstein Testamentary Trust Tanya Isaak, Trustee Description TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: Amount $15,115.77 First and Final Account Cun-ent I 2/07/2020 - 0 I /3 I /2023 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 18 of 20 SCHEDULEE PROPERTY ON HAND AT END OF ACCOUNT PERIOD Description Cash Assets Chase, Checking #XXXX-XXXX-XXX-7603 * Chase, Savings #XXXX-XXXX-XXX-6007* Torrey Pines Bank, Checking #XXXXXX5707 Merrill Lynch, Cash/ Money Market #XXXX-3867* Subtotal Cash Assets Non-Cash Assets Stock Certificates: 4.000 Coastal International, Ltd. 25.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 25.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 50.000 Gulf Life Holding Company I 00.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 100.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 100.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 100.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 100.000 Gulf Life Holding Company I 00.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 200.000 Gulf Life Holding Company 100.000 Gulf United Corporation 5.000 Northwest Pipeline Corporation 1.000 The United Corporation 3.000 The United Corporation I 00.000 Utilities Power & Light Corporation 100.000 Utilities Power & Light Corporation Subtotal Non-Cash Assets TOTAL ENDING ASSETS (01/31/2023): * Account closed Rosemary Falkenstein Testamentary Trust Tanya Isaak, Trustee Carry Value Market Value $ NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL $ $ 262,163.47 262,163.47 262,163.47 $ 262,163.47 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL $ 262,163.47 $ 262,163.47 First and Final Account Current I 2/07/2020 - 0 I /3 l /2023 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 19 of 20 SCHEDULE F INFORMATION SCHEDULE/ CHANGE IN FORM OF ASSETS Asset I Transaction Description TRANSFERS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS: 04/13/22 04/13/22 09/23/22 09/09/22 09/23/22 09/09/22 01/26/23 01/12/23 01/26/23 01/13/23 Transfer TO: Torrey Pines Bank #XXXXXX5707 Transfer FROM: Merrill Lynch #XXX-XX3867 Transfer TO: Torrey Pines Bank #XXXXXX5707** Transfer FROM: Chase #XXXX-XXXX-XXX-7603* Transfer TO: Torrey Pines Bank #XXXXXX5707** Transfer FROM: Chase #XXXX-XXXX-XXX-6007* Transfer TO: Torrey Pines Bank #XXXXXXS707** Transfer FROM: Merrill Lynch #XXX-XX3867* Transfer TO: Torrey Pines Bank #XXXXXX5707** Transfer FROM: Merrill Lynch #XXX-XX3867*** VOIDED CHECKS 5/13/2022 Torrey Pines Bank, Check# I 008 * Account Closed and Check Issued **Check from Closed Account Deposited ***Check Issued for Additional Interest on Closed Account Rosemary Falkenstein Testamentary Trust Tanya Isaak, Trustee Amount (50,000.00) 50,000.00 (3 ,748.74) 3,748.74 (20,300.38) 20,300.38 (202,943.31) 202,943.31 (76.23) 76.23 First and Final Account Cu1Tent 12/07/2020 - 0 I /3 I /2023 April 4, 2023 Item #4 Page 20 of 20 SCHEDULEW PLAN OF FINAL DISTRIBUTION Asset I Transaction Description TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE Trustee Reserve for Additional Expenses/faxes* NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTIONS: University of Victoria Foundation Carlsbad City Library City of Hope Medical Centre The Governing Council of the Salvation Army in Canada Canadian Red Cross Society Estate of Roger S. Brown (Estate of Lorraine Walsh Brown) Robet1 E. Walker (Estate of Charles Malcolm Walker) John C. Walker (Estate of Charles Malcolm Walker) TOT AL AMOUNT TO BE DISTRIBUTED: *Trustee Reserve to consist of Final Legal Fees and Expenses Final CPA Fees for Tax Return/Form Preparation Final Fiduciary Fees and Expenses TOT AL RESERVE: Rosemary Falkenstein Testamentary Trust Tanya Isaak, Trustee Shares 40.00 10.00 J0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 100.00 Amount $ 262,163.47 $ (12,000.00) $ 250,163.47 100,065.39 25 .0 I .35 25,0 I 6.35 25,016.35 25 ,016.35 25,016.35 12,508.17 12,508.17 250,163.47 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 12,000.00 First and Final Account Current 12/0712020 - 0 I /3 I /2023