HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-06; Planning Commission; ; SDP 2017-0006_CUP 2017-0007_HDP 2017-0003_SUP 2017-0002_HMP 2018-0002_MS 2017-0004_V 2018-0003 The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. Application complete date: February 22, 2018 P.C. AGENDA OF: June 6, 2018 Project Planner: Cliff Jones Project Engineer: Tecla Levy SUBJECT: SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/MS 2017-0004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD – Request for approval of a Site Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit, Hillside Development Permit, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit, Habitat Management Permit, Tentative Parcel Map, and Variance to allow for the construction and operation of an 84,243 square foot, two-story, professional care facility building, located at 5592 El Camino Real, at the northeast corner of El Camino Real and Cougar Drive, on an approximately 3.44-acre site, zoned Office with the Qualified Development Overlay, within Local Facilities Management Zone 15. The city planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found not to have a significant impact on the environment, and is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15332 in-fill development, of the State CEQA Guidelines. I. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7298 APPROVING Site Development Plan SDP 2017-0006, Conditional Use Permit CUP 2017-0007, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2017-0003, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit SUP 2017-0002, Habitat Management Permit HMP 2018-0002, Tentative Parcel Map MS 2017-0004, and Variance V 2018-0003, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Site and Setting The project site is located on the northeast corner of El Camino Real and Cougar Drive and currently contains the Madonna Hill Guest Home buildings, a small assisted living facility that operated on the site from the mid-1950s until 2014. The project site is approximately 3.44 acres. The General Plan Land Use designation and Zoning for the site is Office (O). The site is generally flat with a rise from El Camino Real at the southwest corner and a downslope occurring towards the northwest corner. Elevations range from approximately 270 feet above mean sea level (amsl) along the El Camino Real frontage, sloping down to 180 feet amsl at the rear (north) of the property. The site is partially developed with the Madonna Hill Guest Home structures concentrated on the southern half of the parcel. Surrounding uses include undeveloped open space land to the east; a gated residential community to the north down a 40’-50’ slope; El Camino Real, open space and Scripps Coastal Medical Center offices to the west; and a contractor’s yard abuts the project to the south. Further east across Cougar Drive are light industrial/office uses. On-site vegetation consists of disturbed non- native habitat with a minimal amount of southern mixed chaparral at the northwest corner of the site. No special-status species were detected onsite during a biological survey. 2 SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 2 Project Description The existing Madonna Hill buildings will be demolished. The proposed professional care facility building consists of a two-story stepped building design totaling 84,243 square feet (SF) and reaching a maximum height of 43’-3.5”. The building has a stepped design that complements the downward sloping topography of the site and reduces perceived building mass. A grading plan will be required for the 27,900 cubic yards (cy) of cut, 600 cy of fill, and 27,300 cy of export required to accommodate the project. Vehicular access to the site is provided off Cougar Drive and an asphalt driveway runs along the south side of the property providing access to the building, parking, trash, and a fire vehicular turnaround at the end of the property. An asphalt driveway also runs along the west side of the property providing additional building access and parking. The site design captures water runoff which sheet flows to a proposed biofiltration basin at the rear (bottom) of the site. This proposed drainage pattern reflects the existing site drainage condition, with the notable improvement of treating the drainage to remove pollutants before slowly discharging the water into the Aqua Hedionda Creek through a gravel trench spreader. The building is a Spanish architectural style. Design detail has been focused on the front one-third of the building, which is the most visible portion of the building as seen from El Camino Real. This portion of building incorporates a traditional hand applied stucco finish, traditional barrel tile roof with mortar packing, a focal tower and porte-cochere. These design details add visual interest and a defined point of entry. Overall, the building incorporates high quality materials including white stucco (machine applied on lower two-thirds of building), red tiled roofs (s-tile roof on lower two-thirds of building), black wrought iron rails, recessed windows, arches, exposed rafter tails, and tower elements. The building color is white and the trim (including fascia, rafter tails, doors and windows) is dark brown in color. The proposed facility includes 101 units with 122 beds comprised of the following: 1) 78 assisted living units including 50 one-bedroom units, 7 two-bedroom units, and 21 studio units; and 2) 23 memory care units including 9 one-bedroom units, and 14 two-bedroom units. Table 1 below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE 1 – LAND USE DESIGNATION AND ZONING OF SITE AND SURROUNDINGS SITES Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site Office (O) Office (O) Former assisted living facility; Madonna Hill Guest Home North R-8, Residential (4 to 8 dwelling units / acre) Residential Density – Multiple (RD-M) Gated planned residential community South Planned Industrial (PI) Industrial with Qualified Development Overlay (M-Q) Contractor’s Yard Light industrial/office East Open Space (OS) Open Space (OS) Open space West Open Space (OS)/Office (O) Open Space (OS) /Office (O) Open space/Scripps Coastal Medical Center offices SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 3 III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following ordinances, standards and policies: A. General Plan Land Use designation – Office (O); B. Office (O) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.27); C. Variance (CMC Chapter 21.50); D. Conditional Use Permit regulations (CMC Chapter 21.42); E. Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone regulations (CMC Chapter 21.40 and the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards); F. Parking Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.44); G. Hillside Development Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.95); H. Habitat Management Plan (HMP); I. Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Subdivision Ordinance); J. McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP); and K. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90) and Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 15. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations and policies is discussed in the sections below. A. General Plan Land Use Designation – Office (O) The General Plan Land Use designation for the property is Office (O). Table 2 identifies General Plan goals and policies applicable to the proposed project and describes how the project is in compliance with those goals and policies. TABLE 2 – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES AND IMPROVEMENTS Land Use and Community Design Goal 2-G.4 Promote balanced neighborhoods with a variety of housing types and density ranges to meet the diverse demographic, economic and social needs of residents, while ensuring a cohesive urban from with careful regard for compatibility. The proposed professional care facility will provide shelter for Carlsbad residents in need of social interaction activities, medical care, dietary, exercising or other medically recommended programs. The proposed professional care facility use will continue and expand upon the previous professional care facility use, Madonna Hill Guest Home assisted living facility, that operated on the site from the mid-1950s until 2014. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 4 ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES AND IMPROVEMENTS Policy 2-P.37 Require new development located in the Airport Influence Area (AIA) to comply with the applicable land use compatibility provisions of the McClellan Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) through review and approval of a site development plan or other development permit. Unless otherwise approved by City Council, development proposals must be consistent or conditionally-consistent with applicable land use compatibility policies with respect to noise, safety, airspace protection, and overflight notification, as contained in the ALUCP. Policy 2-P.41 Ensure that the review of future projects places a high priority on the compatibility of adjacent land uses along the interface of different residential density and non-residential intensity categories. Special attention should be given to buffering and transitional methods, especially, when reviewing properties where different residential densities or land uses are involved. The proposed project is located within the ALUCP’s Airport Influence Area (AIA) Review Area 1 which requires new development to meet four criteria (noise, safety, airspace protection, and over flight). Further discussed in Section III-J of the Staff Report, the project meets all four of the criteria, making it compatible with the ALUCP AIA development standards. Lastly, the use is compatible with adjacent residential and light industrial/office uses and will serve as a buffer between those uses. Since the site is in a transition space between the residential uses to the north and the light industrial/office uses to the south, the residential-like character of the use will be an appropriate transition between adjacent land uses. Mobility Goal 3-G.4 Manage parking to support all modes of transportation and ensure efficient use of land. The project meets the parking requirements for the proposed use. A sidewalk and a class 2 bicycle facility exist on El Camino Real for pedestrian and cyclist access. Bus transit access is provided at the intersection of El Camino Real and College Boulevard in addition to the intersection of El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue. Noise Goal 5-G.2 Ensure that new development is compatible with the noise environment, by continuing to use potential noise exposure as a criterion in land use planning. The site is within the 60-70 CNEL noise contours per the General Plan Noise Element. The noise analysis for the project concludes that with standard building construction the noise levels of the interior of the building and outdoor activity areas will be below City standards. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 5 ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES AND IMPROVEMENTS Policy 5-P.12 Use the noise policies in the McClellan- Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) to determine acceptability of a land use within the airport’s influence area (AIA) as depicted in the ALUCP. According to the ALUCP’s Compatibility Map for Noise, the project site is located outside the 60dB CNEL noise exposure range. Therefore, no noise restrictions apply to the proposed development. Public Safety Goal 6-G.1 Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from fire, flood, hazardous material release, or seismic disasters. Policy 6-P.34 Enforce the Uniform Building and Fire codes, adopted by the city, to provide fire protection standards for all existing and proposed structures. The proposed building is designed to be in conformance with drainage, flood control and seismic design standards. The project will meet all required Building and Fire codes. In addition, adequate fire access is provided at all points around the building. Sustainability Goal 9-G-2 Undertake initiatives to enhance sustainability by reducing the community’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fostering green development patterns – including buildings, sites, and landscapes. Policy 9-P.1 Enforce the Climate Action Plan as the city’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To comply with the city’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) a Greenhouse Gas Analysis was conducted for the professional care facility. The analysis determined the proposed facility would produce approximately 557 MTCO2E annually. The projected emissions are less than the 900 MTCO2E screening criterion. By emitting less than 900 MTCO2E the project is consistent with the Climate Action Plan. B. Office (O) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.27) The proposed assisted living facility is subject to the development standards of the Office (O) zone (CMC Chapter 21.27). Table 3 demonstrates the project’s consistency with the required development standards for the Office (O) zone. Other standards required by the Scenic Preservation Overlay are discussed in a subsequent section of this report. TABLE 3 – OFFICE ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Standard Provided Building Height 45’* 43’-3.5” maximum. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 6 Building Setbacks Front Yard – one-story portion of building (Prime Arterial – El Camino Real): 40’ 44’ Front Yard – two-story portion of building (Prime Arterial – El Camino Real): 58’- 3.5”* 80’ Building Setbacks Interior Side Yard: 18’-3.5”* 20’ west side and 59’ east side Rear Yard: 18’-3.5”* 113’ Parking/Driveway Setbacks Front Yard (Prime Arterial – El Camino Real): 30’ 5’ or greater. Excess right-of-way exists between El Camino Real and the front property line, which results in additional setback area of 25’ to 80’ between El Camino Real and parking / driveway areas. Variance findings and analysis are provided in Section C. Interior Side Yard: 5’ 5’ or greater Rear Yard: 5’ 14’ or greater Parking Area Landscape 10% minimum 10.7% Parking Lot Trees 1 tree per 4 stalls: 55 surface parking stalls ÷ 4 = 14 trees required 15 trees Building Coverage 50% maximum 22% Walls A solid masonry wall is required along common lot line of adjacent residentially zoned property. A six-foot composite fence (designed to look like wood) in a dark brown color is proposed to be constructed along the common lot line of the adjacent residential community to the north, as opposed to a solid wall. Variance findings and analysis are provided in Section C. Lighting Exterior lighting is required for all employee and visitor parking areas, walkways, and building entrances and exits. Light sources shall be designed to avoid direct or indirect glare to any off- site properties or public right-of-way. The project is conditioned to submit and obtain city planner approval of an exterior lighting plan including parking areas, walkways, and building entrances and exits, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Furthermore, all lighting is conditioned to be designed to reflect downward and avoid any impacts on adjacent homes or property. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 7 Standard Provided Roof Appurtenances All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated and shielded from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets. Proposed roof equipment is concealed below the proposed architectural parapet; and as conditioned, will be painted to match the roof surface. Trash Enclosures Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City Standards. A trash enclosure facility that is enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall and gate is proposed on the south side of the building adjacent to the driveway. The enclosure is designed in accordance with City Standards and is architecturally consistent with the proposed building. Parking 0.45 parking space per bed 122 x 0.45 = 55 spaces 55 spaces * Pursuant to CMC Section, building setbacks for two-story buildings above 35 feet up to a maximum of 45 feet in height shall be increased at a ratio of one horizontal foot for every one foot of vertical construction beyond thirty-five feet. The highest point of the building is 43’-3.5” tall, which requires 8’-3.5” of additional building setback to be applied. The El Camino Real Corridor Standards allow building heights to exceed 35 feet provided deviation findings are made as summarized in the Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone section of this report. The O zone requires approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP) per the provisions of CMC Section 21.06, Qualified Development Overlay zone, which is intended to promote attractive and harmonious development relative to the surrounding buildings and uses, as well as the environmental setting in which the project is located. The 3.44-acre site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the professional care facility. The site does not have any constraints that would impede development or require significant site alterations. The professional care facility with the requested variance and standard modification satisfies all applicable requirements, including but not limited to building setback, landscaping requirements, lot coverage, parking requirements, and El Camino Real Corridor design theme standards. The existing surrounding streets which are fully improved have adequate capacity to accommodate the 366 Average Daily Trips (ADT) generated by the project. The design of the facility is compatible with the adjacent residential use and provides a visual transition between the adjacent light industrial office uses across Cougar Drive to the south and the abutting residential homes to the north. The use is compatible with adjacent residential and light industrial/office uses and will serve as a buffer between those uses. C. Variance The applicant has requested a variance for the following: a) to allow a 5’ retaining wall to encroach into the 30’ front yard setback area by ten linear feet (the Office zone, CMC Section 21.27.050.A.9 requires walls in the 30’ front yard setback area to be 42” in height or less); b) to allow parking and a driveway in the required 30’ front yard setback area (CMC Section 21.27.050.A.4 requires driveways and parking to be located outside of the 30’ front yard setback area for lots fronting a prime arterial (El Camino Real is a prime arterial)); and 3) to allow a 6’ composite fence (designed to look like wood) to be constructed along SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 8 the common lot line of the adjacent residential community to the north, as opposed to a solid wall (CMC Section 21.27.050.A.9 requires a solid masonry wall, 6’ in height, to be constructed along the common lot line with any residentially zoned property, except in the front yard where the height shall be reduced to forty-two inches in height). Each of the variance findings, pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.50, and the supporting analysis are described below. 1. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. a) The proposed 5’ retaining wall in the front yard setback area is needed to accommodate the proposed driveway access from Cougar Drive at a lower elevation, which allows for contour grading and the building to be stepped into the slope to match the existing topography per the El Camino Real Scenic Corridor standards. The driveway cannot be located along an alternative frontage such as El Camino Real as it is not a preferred location. There are no other properties in the vicinity, similarly zoned or otherwise, that have limited locations for driveway access. The retaining wall will not be visible from the adjoining property to the south, from El Camino Real or from Cougar Drive due to the existing grades and vegetation, which are features that will remain with the proposed design. b) The areas of parking space and drive aisle that encroach into the 30’ front yard setback is mitigated by excess right-of-way between El Camino Real and the property. The excess right-of-way between El Camino Real and the property is 25’ to 80’, which serves as the intended setback of 30’ between El Camino Real and the parking/driveway areas. There are no other properties in the vicinity under identical zoning that have this extended right-of-way between the street and the front property line. Furthermore, the parking and driveway areas are visually screened by an existing landscaped berm that is proposed to remain. c) A solid masonry wall along the common lot line between the residential use and the subject property would create a barrier to the existing and proposed drainage that allows water to shed to an existing brow ditch located in the residential subdivision, which leads to the City’s storm drain system. A physical barrier (solid wall) would necessitate capturing additional water runoff on site and the enlargement of the biofiltration basin, which is not only a hardship for the project by forcing complications to the design and use of the property, but is also a less desirable approach to handling storm water. Furthermore, the proposed fence achieves similar visual screening as a block wall; existing landscape on the 40’-50’ downward slope limits the visibility of the fence from the residential building pads; and a solid wall is not necessary for sound attenuation as the 40’ plus vertical and 70’ plus horizontal separation between the residential building pads and the proposed site is a substantial distance that allows for substantial noise dissipation. 2. That the variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located and is subject to any conditions necessary to assure compliance with this finding. a) No other properties in the vicinity of a similar zoning are burdened with such significant limitations on access to public roadways combined with maintaining contour grading to match the existing sloping topography per the El Camino Real Scenic Corridor standards; b) no other properties in the vicinity of a similar zoning are burdened with such significant limitations by an extended right-of-way, SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 9 which effectively functions as a front yard setback from El Camino Real; and c) no other properties in the vicinity of a similar zoning are burdened with having to maintain a unique watershed and there is an existing drainage facility that is adequate and appropriate to handle the flows to the north. 3. That the variance does not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zone regulation governing the subject property. The granting of the variance does not authorize a use which is not otherwise expressly permitted by the zoning regulations. The professional care facility is a conditionally permitted use within the Office (O) zone. Therefore, a deviation to allow parking, a driveway, and a 5’ wall in the front yard setback area as well as a 6’ composite fence on the property line (as opposed to a masonry wall) does not authorize a use or activity which is not authorized by the zone. 4. That the variance is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the General Plan and any applicable specific or master plans. The proposed use is expressly authorized by the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan regulations governing the subject property with the approval of a conditional use permit. The granting of a variance to allow parking, a driveway, and a 5’ wall in the front yard setback area as well as a 6’ composite fence on the property line (as opposed to a masonry wall) is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the General Plan for the Office Land Use designation. D. Conditional Use Permit Regulations (CMC Chapter 21.42) The proposed professional care facility is considered a conditionally permitted use in the Office (O) zone pursuant to CMC Section 21.27.020 Table A. The use requires Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit subject to the provisions of CMC Chapter 21.42. The four findings for approving a Conditional Use Permit for the construction and operation of a professional care facility in the Office zone can be made pursuant to CMC Section 21.42.030, as discussed below: 1. That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, and is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan. The proposed professional care facility will provide shelter for Carlsbad residents in need of social interaction activities, medical care, dietary, exercising or other medically recommended programs. The proposed professional care facility use will replace and expand upon the professional care facility use, Madonna Hill Guest Home assisted living facility, that previously operated on the site from the mid-1950s until 2014. The use is compatible with adjacent residential and light industrial/office uses and will serve as a buffer between those uses. The project will result in development of an underutilized lot. The facility is in harmony with the General Plan by providing desired professional care facility shelter, and the proposed use has been designed to be compatible with the surrounding uses. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 10 2. That the requested use is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent residential and light industrial/office uses and will serve as a buffer between those uses. The use does not create negative noise, traffic, or visual impacts. Lastly, ingress and egress to the site is safe by providing access off of a private driveway from Cougar Drive. 3. That the site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, parking, loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping and other development features prescribed in this code and required by the city planner, planning commission or city council, in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood. The 3.44-acre site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate a professional care facility. The site does not have any constraints that would impede development or require significant site alterations. The professional care facility with the requested variance and standard modification from the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards satisfies all applicable requirements, including but not limited to building setback, landscaping in the setbacks, lot coverage, parking requirements, and El Camino Real Corridor design theme standards. Lastly, the design of the facility is compatible with the adjacent residential use, and provides a visual transition between the adjacent light industrial office uses across Cougar Drive to the south and the abutting residential homes to the north. 4. That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use. The project site will be accessed off of Cougar Drive, which can accommodate the 366 ADT expected to be generated by the proposed professional care facility. The project is well below the significant traffic threshold of 500 ADT and not anticipated to impact the existing levels of service on El Camino Real and Cougar Drive. E. Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone regulations (CMC Chapter 21.40 and the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards) Special Use Permits are required for development of sites located within a Scenic Preservation or Floodplain Overlay zone. Proposed development projects along El Camino Real and within up to 500 feet from the roadway are subject to the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards and the Scenic Preservation Overlay (CMC Chapter 21.40). The intent of these standards is to maintain and enhance the appearance of the El Camino Real roadway area by setting standards for setbacks, grading, building height, design and signs, etc. In addition, the standards intend to emphasize and retain the natural topography adjacent to El Camino Real. Minimal cut or fill will be allowed for development so that it does not detract from the existing identified characteristics. Grading will not be allowed to create more “visible” development along the roadway. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 11 The proposed project is in Area 4 (College Avenue intersection to Cassia Road) of the El Camino Real Corridor, where research facilities, business parks and the airport dominate this central portion of the city. The one common characteristic that melds the various components of this corridor is a “campus” look. The subject site is a transitional location between the residential uses to the north and Planned Industrial (P-M) zone to the south. The proposed project, with the exception of building height, is consistent with the development standards and intent of those standards with regard to aesthetic considerations. An analysis of how the project conforms with the standards of Area 4 and intent of those standards with regard to aesthetic considerations is addressed in Table 4 below. TABLE 4 – EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR STANDARDS COMPLIANCE AREA 4 STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROVIDED Design Theme Campus type with varied architectural styles for the research facilities, business parking and airport that dominate this central portion of the city. The building reflects Spanish architecture, which is an appropriate architectural style for the residential-like character of the use. Since the site is in a transition space between the residential uses to the north and the light industrial / office uses to the south, the Spanish architecture is appropriate with the adjacent architectural context. Furthermore, varied architectural styles are permitted within the corridor and allowing Spanish architecture at the edge of the corridor will not negatively impact the intent of the corridor, which is to have industrial “campus” style buildings at the central portion of the city. Sidewalks As determined by staff Sidewalks along El Camino Real as well as Cougar Drive currently exist and will remain on the perimeter of the project site. Signs Free standing monument, not to exceed 5’ above street grade and 24 square feet in area. Upon submittal, the sign permit shall be compliant with the Corridor Standards. Max. Building Height 35' from pad grade 43’-3.5” maximum (with increased setbacks per CMC Section 21.34.070(A)(1) and El Camino Real Corridor Standards deviation findings*). Max. Grading Change No cut or fill exceeding 15' from original grade. Proposed finished grades are within 15 feet of original grade. Min. Setback 30' 44’ setback Roof Equipment No roof equipment can be visible from adjacent streets. Proposed roof equipment is concealed below the proposed architectural parapet *When practical application of the El Camino Real Corridor Standards is not feasible and not in the best interest of good planning practices, deviations to the standards may be approved by the Planning Commission. The required findings to allow a deviation in building height for the building can be made and are summarized below. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 12 The four findings for approving the deviation to the El Camino Real Corridor Standards can be made as discussed below: 1. That compliance with a particular standard (Building Height) is infeasible for a particular project. It is not feasible to avoid the two portions of the building with an overlap where the building height exceeds 35’ due to the sloping of the grade between building pads (“grade steps”) and the need to provide elevator access amongst the floors. The overlap of the building levels at the grade steps is an important feature for the operation of the professional care facility use. The feature allows elevator service to the overlapping levels and is important to the function and safety of the future residents of the facility. Visually, the finished grade reduces the perceived height of these two areas, which makes the areas appear no taller than the rest of the building. Furthermore, spreading out the building over a greater area of the site to reduce building height is infeasible due to the following: 1) limited access to the site restricts the location of the building footprint and dictates where Fire Department circulation for access to the building can be located towards the rear (north end) of the site; 2) the rear of the property falls within a PCCSYA (Potential Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Area) area, that prohibits disturbance at a portion of the northwest and north side of the property. The requirement of the PCCSYA to allow treated and modified storm water to continue to flow over the sediment area requires a retention basin and outfall structures that also limit the available area for a building footprint at the rear of the site; 3) there is a water/sewer easement that runs the full width (west to east) at the rear of the property that prevents development at the north end. Lastly, the entry tower, proposed at 38’-6.5”, is part of the architectural character of the building. The tower is part of the design theme of “Old California/Hispanic” as stated in the City of Carlsbad El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards. 2. That the scenic qualities of the corridor will continue to be maintained if the standard is not fulfilled. A deviation in building height from 35’ to 43’-3.5” will not affect the scenic qualities of the corridor as this site slopes up and then down from El Camino Real and there is currently no view across the property as a landscaped berm exists in the extended right-of-way between the back of sidewalk and the property line, which results in little scenic value worthy of preservation. The existing topography screen is maintained to a large extent in the proposed project, augmented by new landscaping that will continue throughout the extended ROW to the back of sidewalk, enhancing the appearance of the El Camino Real roadway. Furthermore, the proposed building design “steps down” and follows existing topography and the building overlap areas where the building exceeds the 35’ height limitation cannot be seen from view of the El Camino Real Corridor. The tower element is integral to the Spanish design of the building. 3. That the project will not have an adverse impact on traffic safety. The building will not be located within the path of travel for any vehicles nor does building height have any impact on traffic safety. The 366 ADT expected to be generated by the proposed professional care facility is not anticipated to impact the existing levels of service on El Camino Real and Cougar Drive. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 13 4. That the project is designed so as to meet the intent of the scenic preservations overlay zone. The proposed design of the building was executed with the priorities of the Scenic Preservation Overlay zone in mind. The proposed building design steps down in grade, following existing topography, and the building overlap areas where the building exceeds the 35’ height limitation cannot be seen from view of the El Camino Real corridor. The Spanish architecture is an appropriate architectural style for the residential-like character of the use and the Scenic Preservation Overlay allows for a variety of architectural styles. The tower element is integral to the Spanish design of the building. F. Parking Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.44) The parking requirement for the professional care facility (assisted living) is 0.45 parking spaces per bed. With 122 beds proposed, the project requires 55 parking spaces (122 x 0.45 = 55). The project meets this parking requirement providing 55 parking spaces (53 standard, one disabled, and one van accessible parking space). G. Hillside Development Regulations (CMC Chapter 21.95) The project requires a Hillside Development Permit because the site includes a change in grade elevation greater than 15 feet and has slopes greater than 15 percent. The project meets all the requirements of the Hillside Development Regulations. Hillside conditions of the project have been properly identified on the constraints map, which show existing and proposed conditions and slope percentages. While the project is proposing some development of slopes greater than 40 percent, none of these slopes meet all the criteria necessary to restrict development because the 40 percent slope areas proposed for development have elevation differentials that are less than 15 feet, consist of an area less than 10,000 square feet in size, and are not comprised of any prominent land form features. The volume of hillside grading for the project is 8,110 cubic yards per acre, which is considered potentially acceptable subject to the approval of the city planner and city engineer. Both the city planner and engineer have reviewed the volume of grading and determined that the proposed hillside grading cut will enable a stepped building design that complements the downward sloping topography of the site and reduces perceived building mass. Therefore, the slopes may be developed. H. Habitat Management Plan The City of Carlsbad’s Habitat Management Plan (HMP) identifies the 3.44-acre site as a development area, which is located adjacent to and west of a Proposed Hardline Conservation Area that is not yet under long-term management. The adopted HMP is a comprehensive plan to protect native plant and animal species and their habitats by the creation of a citywide, regional habitat preserve system. In return, impacts to native habitats outside the citywide, regional preserve system boundaries are allowed. The native habitat contained on this project site is not a part of, nor is of any biological value to the HMP citywide regional habitat preserve system, and will not jeopardize the existence or survival of any rare, threatened or endangered plant or animal species. The impact will be mitigated through the payment of a habitat in-lieu mitigation fee as a condition of approval of the project. Detailed analysis is provided below. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 14 The Biological Technical Report (BTR) prepared in accordance with the HMP concludes that on-site flora consists of disturbed non-native habitat with a minimal amount of southern mixed chaparral native habitat at the northwest corner of the site. The applicant proposes to “take” the 0.13 acres of southern mixed chaparral identified on the site due to its small area and it is not adjacent to a managed HMP preserve. These impacts have already been analyzed, anticipated and authorized by the City’s HMP. Pursuant to the HMP, the project is conditioned to pay a habitat in-lieu fee for disturbing 2.67 acres of Group F (Disturbed Lands) vegetation and 0.13 acres of Group D (southern mixed chaparral) habitat. No special-status species were detected onsite during the biological survey conducted as part of the BTR prepared for the project. I. Subdivision (C.M.C. Chapter 20) The Land Development Engineering Division has reviewed the proposed Tentative Parcel Map and has found that the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City’s Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20) for Minor Subdivisions. The subdivision is considered minor because it involves the merger of land into four or fewer parcels. The project currently spans two (2) legal parcels (APNs 209-060-56 and 209-060-57). As part of the proposed project, the two lots are proposed to be merged into one (1) common lot. The merger of land and the required improvements will not conflict with easements of record or easements established by court judgment, or acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. J. McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) The project site is located within the Airport Influence Area (AIA) Review Area 1 of the McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Plan (ALUCP), requiring the project to be consistent with four criteria contained in the ALUCP Section 2.4.2. Each criterion involves specific standards to avoid potentially harmful development within the AIA. The project is consistent with the noise criterion because it is outside the 60dB CNEL range. It is located in safety zone 6 and is a compatible use within the zone. The Federal Aviation Administration determined the project to be of no hazard to airspace. The project is not required to provide an overflight notification because the use is a professional care facility and not residential. K. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90) and Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 15 The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 15 in the Northeast Quadrant of the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table 5 below. SDP 2017-0006/CUP 2017-0007/HDP 2017-0003/SUP 2017-0002/HMP 2018-0002/ MS 2017-004/V 2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) – SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD June 6, 2018 Page 15 TABLE 5 – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration N/A Yes Library N/A Yes Waste Water Treatment 176 EDU Yes Parks N/A Yes Drainage 17.8 CFS Yes Circulation 366 ADT Yes Fire Station No. 5 Yes Open Space Standard being met for existing and approved projects Yes Schools N/A Yes Sewer Collection System 177 EDU Yes Water 300 GPM Yes IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The city planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15332, in-fill development, of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. A Notice of Exemption shall be filed with the County Clerk upon approval of this project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7298 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Reduced Exhibits 5. Exhibits “A” – “AA” dated June 6, 2018 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SALK AV SU NNYCREEKRD EL CAMINO R E A L PALM E R W Y FOXTAILLOOP FE R M I C T COYOTECT WOLVERINETR IMPALA DR BADGERLN PRI V AT E D Y C O U G A RDR SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017 – 0002 HMP 2018-0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV 2016-0053) Summit Senior Carlsbad SITE MAP SITE E L C AMINO R E A L LA COSTA AV A L G A R D C A R L S B A D B L ATTACHMENT 2 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Title T PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/30/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: XS D9-A4 D9-A4 D9-A4 MH OHT 220 230 2 4 0 ST OP OHT X D9-A4 XS X 150 155 155 160 16 0 165 165 170 17 0 170 175 175 175 18 0 180 180 18 5 185 185 19 0 190 190 X191.6 X194.8 195 195 195 195 X197.1 2 00 2 00 200 20 0 20 0 205 205 205 205 205 X 21 0 210 210 210 210 X 215 215 215 215 215 X X MHX XS X 220 220 220 X X X X X X X X 22 5 225 225 225 X X X X X X 230 230 230 X X 235 235 235 235 X X X X X X236.7 X 237.4 MHX X237.7 X X X238.3 X238.3 X X 239.6 240 240 2 4 0 240X X X X240.4 X X X X X X X 242.3 X X242.5 X 242.7 X X242.9 X 243.6 X GVX X X 244.3 GVX GVX X244.4 X 244.6 X 245 245 245 245 245 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PBX X GVX 250 250 250 250 250 GVX X X PBX PBX X X MHX PBX X X X X XXXXXXX X PBX PBX PBX X X X XXXX X X XXXX 255 255 255 255 2 5 5 255 X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXX X X X X X X258.6 X258.8 X X259.3 X X X X 260 260 260 26 0 26 0 X X260.3 X X X X X 261.5 X 261.5 X X X X X X X X264.4 IRRX X X X 265 265 265 265 2 6 5 X PBX X 265.4 X X IRRX X266.2 X266.4 X X X267.6 X267.6XXX X X268.4 X X 268.7 X X 270 270 270 2 7 0 270 X X IRRX I R R X X X X X X X X 275 275 X275.7 X 277.2 CURB & GUTTER EXISTING 6" TYPE G CURB & GUTTER EXISTING 6" TYPE G 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Summit Senior Life, LLC Carlsbad Senior Housing 2 6 - APR- 2 0 1 8 0 9 : 2 5 J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _ S e n i o r \ C i v i l \ S HEE T S \ S D Cor pS t d s 2 0 0 5 . d s c r i p t J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _S e n i o r \ Ci v i l \ SHE E T S\ 17 7 5 9 _ 0 1 _ P r e l i m_ Gr d _ E xh i b i t . dg n c 20 1 7 Rick Eng inee ring Com pany J-17759 FG 216.5 2941.9 SF WI SDD-116~10' B-1 INLET SDD-116~10' B-1 INLET D9-A4 RW 63'63' 126' EXIST RW CL 10'10'53'53' 4.5' 2% 16'4.5' 2% 2%2% 5.5'5.5' SIDEWALK CONCRETE EXISTING SIDEWALK CONCRETE EXISTING NTS EL CAMINO REAL TYPICAL SECTION E L C A M IN O RE AL COUGAR DR 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 30' 1530 30 60 90 FF 236.10 2:1 1.7 % PI FS 234.4 PI FS 236.9 FS 241.9 PI FS 247.0 BW 248.3 TW 250.5 PI FS 251.0 BW 252.5 TW 257.5 BW 250.6 TW 254.5 BW 259.0 TW 264.0 PI FS 257.4 FG (268.5) BW 261.0 TW 266.0 TC 261.9 TC 25 9 .4 TC 259 .7 FS 259.6 TC 258.8 3.5% TC 259.6 TC 260.1 TC 258.6 FS 258.5 FS 250.8 TC 251.3 TC 260.3 2.0 % TC 259.9 FS 259.4 TC 259.9 FL 257.4 TC 257.9 FS 259.4 TC 259.9 TC 259.5 TC 259.8 FG (248.5) FG (238.0) FF 248.10 FF 260.10 FS 250.8 8.0 % 12 .8% 5.7 % 0.5% 3.1% 0. 5% FS 247.0 TC 247.6 1.0 % 10 .3% 8 .0 % 1.0% FS 236.10 1.0 % PA LM ER W AY FS 228.5 FS 260.1 2 .0 % 1. 4% FS 260.1 3.1% FS 259.1 TC 260.5 FS 222.5 9.2% 2:1 FG 221.7 TC 222.2 GB ON FRONT YA RD 30' PARK ING / DR IVE WAY SET BACK ON FRON T YA RD 5 0' BU ILD ING SET BACK ON I N TE RIO R SID ES 10' B U ILD ING SET B A C K PI FS 260.7 TC225.5 FL 256.8 TC 257.3 FS 260.1 A A 1.0% 0 .8% 1.0% 1.0%1.0 %28'14'14' 40' 20'20' 26 .50 ' 19' 19' 19' 19 ' 19' D R IV E W A Y A D RI V EW AY B NTS SLO PE SLO PE 2:1 SLO PE 2:1 S LOP E 2: 1 2: 1 SLO PE SLOPE 2:1 LEGEND EXISTING EX. MAJOR CONTOUR EX. MINOR CONTOUR EX. OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE EX. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE EX. GAS LINE EX. SEWER LINE EX. OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE EX. UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE EX. WATER LINE EX. STORM DRAIN EX. STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE EX. TREE/BUSH EX. BUILDING EX. STRIPING SYMBOL SYMBOL EX. FIRE HYDRANT EX. SEWER LATERAL EX. RIGHT-OF-WAY EX. BOUNDARY DETAIL FOR BIOFILTRATION BASIN (PVT) TYPICAL SECTION 5' EXIST. 8" PVC SEWER CURB INLET TYPE B-1 SDP2017-0006 CUP2017-0007 (5' MAX.) RETAINING WALL 12 6.00 ' TC 235.70 PER ROW PROPOSED PARKING STALLS FS 247.3 TC 247.8 SECTION C-C NTS CENTERLINE CURB & GUTTER GUTTER PARKING SLOPE RETAINING WALL BUILDING SIDEWALK PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED WATER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED FIRE SERVICE PROPOSED SUBDRAIN CURB INLET PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PROPOSED STORM DRAIN C C E E B B SECTION E-E NTS 24' 12' 12' 24' 12'12' 9' T Y P. 26 ' 35 ' 72' FILL CUT PL 1.2% 3.0' 6" CURB RETAINING WALL VARI ES SDD-116~10' B-1 INLET . 95% TC 222.5 FG 222.0 ON INTERIOR SIDES 5' PARKING/DRIVEWAY SETBACK ON INTERIOR SIDES 10' BUILDING SETBACK SEW ER EA SEM EN T 25' EX ISTING W A TER & FG 222.0 TC 222.6 5' FL 259.4 TY P. 9' T Y P. 9' TY P. 9' T Y P. 9' 18 15 6 6 8 6 TC 233.6 3 FG 222.0 TC 222.6 30' 30' 28' ACCESS ROUTE PER SDRSD G-14F CONCRETE DRIVEWAY EXIST. R/W PER ROS 517 CL OF COUNTY ROAD A-13 P E R R O S 5 1 7 E XI S T. R/ W TC 261.9 PROPOSED ROOFDRAIN DOWNSPOUT FS 248.69 TC 249.19 26' PER ROS 517 EXIST. R/W10' 2 6' 5' BW 220.4 TW 222.6 BW 220.4 TW 222.6 NTS COUGAR DRIVE PROPOSED SECTION SECTION F.3 ADJENCY STANDARDS 4) SITE TO FOLLOW THE HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN, 3) ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 21.53.230 DOES NOT APPLY 2) AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC = 290 1) EARTHWORK QUANTITIES NOTES EX. LOT LINE FG 225.0 FS 234.7 FF 236.10 FG 225.0 FS 234.7 FF 236.10 RIPRAP HEADWALL W/ FG 221.1 TC 221.6 FG 223.8 TC 235.28 TC 235.15 72'-VARIES 10' 4.5' 2%2% 5.5' CL AGG. BASE EXIST. S'LY PL 2% CURB & GUTTER EX. 6" TYPE G SIDEWALK EX. CONC. VARIES 5.5' CURB & GUTTER PROP. 6" TYPE G SIDEWALK PROP. CONC. PAVEMENT 26' EX. ROAD PAVEMENT ROAD PROP 15' 11' OVER 12" A.B. PAVEMENT EX. 4" A.C. VARIES PL TRENCH PROP. GRAVEL 2.0% (10 %) STORM DRAIN PROPOSED 8" PVC 9' STORM DRAIN PROPOSED 8" PVC 1/5/1938 IN BK 743, PG 64 PUBLIC RD ESMT REC'D PR 3 & 4: RS 682 & 60 ' PER ROS 517 CL OF COUNTY ROAD A-13 PER ROS 517 ROAD A-13 ROW OF COUNTY 2.0% '111 52' SECTION D-D NTS 9' PROPOSED SEWER CLEANOUT RIPRAP HP FS 266.33 1 0. 2 %PI FS 261.4 TURNAROUND AREA FIRE TRUCK PROP. PARKWAY SPREADER ~ 3' DEEP X 6' WIDE PROPOSED GRAVEL TRENCH BW 222.0 TW 222.6 BW 246.7 TW 247.4 BW 244.2 TW 246.7 10' 2.0% STEM WALL PROPOSED ASPHALT ASPHALT PROPOSED TC 263.18 EXIST. PAVEMENT 6" BERM. TRANSITION TO & GUTTER BEGIN 50' END 6" TYPE "G" CURB FS 259.61 TO EXIST. PAVEMENT FROM 6" BERM END 50' TEMP. TRANSITION (TYP) DOWNSPOUT ROOFDRAIN PROPOSED 50'GRADING OFF-SITE TC (268.6) PCR IMPROVEMENT GUTTER TO EXISTING 6" TYPE "G" CURB & CONNECT PROP. 6" PROPOSED AREA DRAIN SECTION B-B NTS FF 260.1 5' STALL PARKING MAX. 2:1MAX. 2:1 VARIES WIDTH WALKWAY TC 259.6 TC 258.8 WALKWAY MAX. 2:1 MAX. 2:1 `7' 24' AISLE DRIVE 2% MAX. 2:1 FS 257.4 PL 115'` `2' GROUND EXISTING BW 259.0 TW 264.0 (MAX. HT-5') RETAINING WALL VA RI ES VARIES VARIES V ARIES PL CL 2% PER PLAN VARIES SERVICE PVT. FIRE PVC SEWER PVT. 6" & GUTTER 6" TYPE G CURB CURB & GUTTER 6" TYPE G NTS DRIVEWAY A TYPICAL SECTION 24'/28' 2% SERVICE PVT. FIRE NTS DRIVEWAY B TYPICAL SECTION SIDEWALK CONCRETE V ARIES VARI ES VARIES GUTTER RIBBON 6" CURB 6" CURB 2%2%2% 19' PARKING SPACES 26.5' DRIVE AISLE 19' PARKING SPACES 5' VARIES 3' 1.5% PROPOSED STORM DRAIN HEADWALL STORM DRAIN PROPOSED 10" HDPE FG 222.1 TC 222.7 W/ RIPRAP SPILLWAY CURB CUT LP FG 221.4 TC 221.9 W/ RIPRAP SPILLWAY CURB CUT LP FG 221.1 TC 221.6 HP FG 221.7 TC 222.2 GUARDRAIL PROPOSED HANDRAIL 1 2 1 3 SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET. BIOFILTRATION MEDIA. BASIN BOTTOM 216.5 2 1 SECTION A-A NTS ` GROUND EXISTING 213.10~30" FL OUT FL IN 215.0 8" PVC PERF FF 236.1 OPENING IN BACK MODIFIED B-1 INLET OVERFLOW STRUCTURE 222.6 TOP OF CURB 28' WATER MAIN EXISTING 10" PVC SEWER EXISTING 8" PVC 222 CL DWY ACCESS PL MIN. D-D BELOW SEE DETAIL @ 1.0% 24" HDPE FL @ 234.7 WALKWAY 5' CANTILEVER 2% CLEANOUT TYPE A PROPOSED BW 220.4 TW 222.6 HEIGHT 2.0' RETAINING WALL MAX PROPOSED GRADING BW: 225.0 TW: 236.1 MAXIMUM HEIGHT 11.1' STEMWALL FG 225.0 (4.2' MAX.) RETAINING WALL BW 242.3 TW 246.5 (2' MAX.) RETAINING WALL F F 6" CURB GUARDRAIL PROPOSED 2% 1.5' CL ZONE LOADING 14.2'14.3' FF 248.1 SIDEWALK BW: 242.3 TW: 246.5 MAXIMUM HEIGHT 4.2' RETAINING WALL NTS SECTION F-F DIRECTION OF FLOW PLOT DATE: 03/06/2018 PROJECT NO: 17759 C0-1 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN HT 0.5' FG 237.20 TW 237.70 HT 0.5' FG 234.2 TW 234.7 TC 234.45 FG 225.0 HT 5.0' FG 230.0 TW 235.0 FL 259.9 TC 260.4 TC 26 0 .7 T C 25 9 .8 G G 1 2 FF 236.1 80' COURTYARD 30'20' PL GROUND EXISTING BROW DITCH EXISTING ` `(FG 198) (FG 238) FF 236.1 STEM WALL VARIES GUARDRAIL PROPOSED19.0' PARKING BW: 230.0 TW: 235.0 MAXIMUM HEIGHT 5.0' RETAINING WALL 5.0' 1.5% SIDEWALK 2.0% 2 1 NTS SECTION G-G 3.0' RIBBON GUTTER R/ W E XI S T. 5' EX. POLE (TYP.) EX. POLE PER DWG 361-6B EXIST. 10" PVC (CL150) WATER PER DWG 361-6B EX. LOT LINE BACKFLOW PREVENTOR PER CMWD W-21 DDCV PER CMWD W -22 HDPE PIPE PROP. 24" CLEANOUT TYPE A INLET MOD B-1 HDPE PIPE PROP. 24" PER CMWD W-21 PROPOSED BACKFLOW ON FRON T YA RD 30 ' PARKING / DRIVEWAY SET BACK ON FRON T YARD 5 0 ' BUILDING SET BACK PROPOSED DDCV PER CMWD W-22 EXIST. R/W PER ROS 13203 PER ROS 13203 1/5/193 8 IN B K 74 3, PG 64 PUB LIC RD ES MT REC'D PR 3 & 4:R S 68 2 & EXISTING R O W R/W EX IST . R/W EX IST. FOR FIRE ACCESS CANTILEVER WALKWAY (5.0' MAX.) RETAINING WALL TURN RADIUS FIRE TRUCK SAFE DISPERSAL AREA DECK 232.7 BW 222.05 TW 224.50 5 ' FIRE ACCESS BW 224.8 TW 228.5 FG 225.4 TW 230.0 FS 234.7 FF 236.10 2007-0681759 PER DOC. NO. R.O.W. DEDICATED PROPOSED SYMBOL PROPOSED VA CAT ION P ER PARC EL MAP 30 ' RIGH T OF WAY 3.5'-10' 2.0' DITCH EX. BROW EX. GROUND (2:1) GROUND FINISHED PROPOSED BW: 222.8 TW: 228.0 MAXIMUM HEIGHT 5.8' RETAINING WALL (5.8' MAX.) RETAINING WALL R/ W E XIS T. EXISTING GRADE FG 210.0 DAYLIGHT AT 6' 3 ' BT 207.0 FG 212.2 FLOWLINE OUT AT W/RIP RAP HEADWALL PROPOSED D-35 CLEANOUT PROPOSED TYPE A-4 PL ANGULAR ROCK 3' DEEP X 6' WIDE 8" MINUS GRAVEL TRENCH SPREADER FL 207.25 3" PERF. SUBDRAIN FL 207.0 SUBDRAIN OUTLET 6' - 9' 2 1 @ 1.0% 24" HDPE MEMBRANE WATER PROOF FL 212.3 (TYP.) PIPE 18" HDPE OUTLET 8" PERFORATED SDR 35 PVC PIPE AS SHOWN ON PLAN (0.5% MIN SLOPE) 3" ASTM NO. 8 3" ASTM NO. 33, CHOKING LAYER (CH): DRIVEWAY "A" IMPERMEABLE GEOMEMBRANE PER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATIONS (30-MIL THICK HDPE OR EQUIVALENT PVC LINER) OF NATIVE MATERIAL 90% COMPACTION 2:1 CONVEYANCE (7") FINISHED GRADE WQ PONDING 6" 3:1 MODIFIED B-1 INLET OVERFLOW STRUCTURE 4" PEA GRAVEL PERMEABLE 9" CLASS 2 3" PEA GRAVEL 2:1 3" MULCH LAYER HMP VOLIME 4.1" FLOW MID 0.6875' THREADED END CAP 0.75" LOW FLOW ORIFACE WATER SURFACE 2: 1 18" BIOFILTRATION SOIL MIX 3:1 RISER 8" PVC CLEANOUT @ 1% 24" HDPE BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY ON I N TE RIO R SID ES 5' PA R K I N G/ D RIV EW AY SE TB A C K ON IN TE R I O R SID E S 5' PA R KING / D R I V EW A Y SET B A C K ON IN TE R IO R SI D E S 10' B U I L D I N G SE TB A C K BOUNDARY PROPERTY PROPOSED R/W VACATION PROPOSED STAIRS 25' EASEMENT UTILITY R/ W P R OP. BOUNDARY PROPERTY AREA DRAIN PROPOSED 6" AREA DRAIN PROPOSED 6" 2 :1 2:1 2 :1 BOUNDARY PROPERTY REMEDIAL 30,400 CY 27,300 CYEXPORT 600 CYFILL 27,900 CYCUT PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN MARCH 06, 2018 HMP2018-0002 HDP2017-0003 SUP2017-0002 MS2017-004 (DEV2016-0053) V2018-0003 CARLSBAD SUMMIT SENIOR TC 2 58 .6 PAVEMENT EX. EDGE OF XS 220 230 240 ST OP X X 150 155 15 5 160 160 165 165 170 17 0 170 175 175 17 5 180 180 180 185 185 185 19 0 190 190 195 195 195 195 200 20 0 200 20 0 20 0 20 5 205 205 205 205 X 210 210 210 210 210 X 215 215 215 215 215 X X MHX XS X 220 220 220 X X X X X X X X 22 5 225 225 225 X X X X X X 230 230 230 X X 235 235 235 235 X X X X X MHX X X X 240 240 2 4 0 240 X X X X X X X X X X X X GVX X GVX GVX X 24 5 245 245 24 5 245 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PBX X GVX 250 250 250 250 250 GVX X X PBX PBX X X MHX PBX X X X X XXXXXXX X PBX PBX PBX X X X XXXX X X XXXX 255 255 255 255 2 5 5 25 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXX X X X X X X X X X X 260 260 260 260 26 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X IRRX X X X 265 265 265 265 2 6 5 X PBX X X IRRX X XXXX X X X 270 270 270 2 7 0 270 X X IRRX I R R X X X X X X X X 275 275 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Summit Senior Life, LLC Carlsbad Senior Housing 2 6 - APR- 2 0 1 8 0 9 : 2 5 J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _ S e n i o r \ C i v i l \ S HEE T S \ S D Cor pS t d s 2 0 0 5 . d s c r i p t J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _S e n i o r \ Ci v i l \ SHE E T S\ 17 7 5 9 _ 0 2 _ P r e l i m_ Ut i l _ Ex h i b i t . d g n c 20 1 7 Rick Eng inee ring Com pany J-17759 FG 216.5 2941.9 SF D9-A4 D9-A4 D9-A4 MH WI SDD-116~10' B-1 INLET SDD-116~10' B-1 INLET D9-A4 ON FRONT YA RD 30' PARK ING / DR IVE WAY SET BACK ON FRON T YARD 50' BU ILD ING S ET BACK ON I N TE RIO R SID ES 10' B U ILD ING SET B A C K EXIST. R/W PER ROS 517 ROAD A-13 ROW OF COUNTY ON FRON T YA RD 30 ' PARKING / DRIVEWAY SET BACK ON FRON T YA RD 50 ' BUILDING SET BACK EXIST. R/W PER ROS 13203 PER ROS 13203 R/W EX IST . R/W EX IST. 2007-0681759 PER DOC. NO. R.O.W. DEDICATED VA CAT ION P ER PARC EL MAP 30 ' RIGH T OF WAY R/ W E XIS T. BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY ON I N TE RIO R SID ES 5' PA R K I N G/ D RIV EW AY SET B A C K ON IN TE R I O R SID E S 5' PA R KING / D R I V EW A Y SET B A C K ON IN TE R IO R SI D E S 10' B U I L D I NG SET B A C K BOUNDARY PROPERTY R/ W P R OP. BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY E L C A M IN O RE AL 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 30' 1530 30 60 90 FF 236.10 2:1 FH FH FF 248.10 FF 260.10 PV T 6" PV C SEW E R @ 9.7% P VT 6 " PVC S EWER @ 9.7 % PV T 6" PV C SEW ER @ 8. 9% FH FH TG 256.8 PV T FIR E SER V I C E PVT FIRE S ERVICE COUGA R DR P A LM ER W AY IE 222.4 TYPE RSD S-7 C.O. I INV 216.9 EXIST. SEWER CONNECT TO ` POC IRRIGATION POC DOMESTIC WATER POC FIRE SERVICE IE 243.1 IE 231.1 EXIST. WATER CONNECT TO IE 235.8 TYPE RSD S-7 C.O. MODIFIED B-1 INLET SPILLWAY CURB CUT SPILLWAY CURB CUT EXI ST. STO RM D R AI N EXIST. SEW ER E X I ST. W A TE R EXIST. 24" WATER EXIST. 24" WATER PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN EXISTING FH NOTES LEGEND PROPOSED EXISTING OHT EX. MAJOR CONTOUR EX. MINOR CONTOUR EX. OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE EX. GAS LINE EX. SEWER LINE EX. OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE EX. WATER LINE EX. STORM DRAIN EX. STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE EX. TREE/BUSH EX. BUILDING EX. STRIPING SYMBOL SYMBOL CENTERLINE GUTTER CURB & GUTTER PARKING SLOPE RETAINING WALL BUILDING EX. FIRE HYDRANT EX. SEWER LATERAL S SIDEWALK EX. RIGHT-OF-WAY EX. BOUNDARY SDD-116~10' B-1 INLET PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED WATER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED FIRE SERVICE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PROPOSED STORM DRAIN HEAWALL CURB INLET PROPOSED STORM DRAIN D9-A4 CURB INLET TYPE B-1 ABANDONED IN PLACE LATERAL TO BE EXIST. SEWER ABANDONED IN PLACE LATERAL TO BE EXIST. SEWER RIPRAP HEADWALL W/ EXI ST. 8" PV C SEW ER PER D W G 361- 6 B EXI ST. 10 " P VC ( CL1 5 0) W ATER PER DW G 361 - 6 B EX. LOT LINE SERVICE PVT FIRE PROPOSED ROOFDRAIN DOWNSPOUT FL 212.38 TYPE A CLEANOUT @ 1.0% 24" HDPE EX. LOT LINE PLOT DATE: 03/06/2018 PROJECT NO: 17759 C0-2 PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN FL 207.25 SUBDRAIN 3" PERFORATED IE 218.9 TYPE RSD S-7 C.O. S E W ER @ 9 .4% PV T 6 " PVC PROPOSED SEWER CLEANOUT PROPOSED PERFORATED SUBDRAIN SPREADER ~ 3' DEEP X 6' WIDE PROPOSED GRAVEL TRENCH RIP RAP SUBDRAIN HEADWALL DAYLIGHT LINE FL 207.25 SUBDRAIN 3" PERFORATED TYP. FL 212.38 HEADWALL W/ RIP RAP 18" HDPE STORM DRAIN PROPOSED 8" PVC STORM DRAIN PROPOSED 10" HDPE STORM DRAIN PROPOSED 8" PVC @ 0.0% 24" HDPE TO BE VACATED SDG&E EASEMENT BE ABANDONED AND EXISTING OHE TO PROPOSED BACKFLOW PER CMWD W-20 PROPOSED DDCV PER CMWD W-22 PROPOSED R/W VACATION ON INTERIOR SIDES 5' PARKING/DRIVEWAY SETBACK ON INTERIOR SIDES 10' BUILDING SETBACK PROPOSED STAIRS EX. LOT LINE R /W PROP . PVT 8" FIRE S ERVICE FL 207.0 OUTLET PIPE 3" PVC 3' DEEP X 6' WIDE SPREADER GRAVEL TRENCH TYP. FL 212.38 HEADWALL W/ RIP RAP 18" HDPE SEWER EASEMENT 25' EXISTING W ATER & EX. STREET LIGHT ANCHOR EX. WIRE EX. SIGN POST EX. SIGN MARCH 6, 2018 BROOKS BOX 12" X 12" PROPOSED 8" PVC PIPE PROPOSED 8" PVC PIPE PROPOSED 8" PVC PIPE PROPOSED BROOKS BOX 12" X 12" PROPOSED BE REMOVED BY AT&T TO EX. POLE OWNED 5.) DRAINAGE - 17.8 CFS 4.) TRAFFIC GENERATION - 122 BEDS X 3 = 366 ADT (TO BE VERIFIED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT) DEMAND = ASSUME 1,500 GPM 3.) FIRE - CITY OF CARLSBAD DEMAND = 300 GPM 2.) WATER - CITY OF CARLSBAD 38,900 GPD/ 220 GPD = 177 EDU DEMAND = 38,900 GPD (0.06 CFS) 1.) SEWER - CITY OF CARLSBAD SDP2017-0006 CUP2017-0007 HMP2018-0002 HDP2017-0003 SUP2017-0002 MS2017-004 (DEV2016-0053) V2018-0003 CARLSBAD SUMMIT SENIOR PER W-20 AND BACKFLOW PREVENTORS W/ 2" WATER METERS PER W-4 PROP. 2-2" WATER SERVICES SERVICE W/DDCV PROP. 8" FIRE EX. POLE TO BE REMOVED EX. POLE TO BE REMOVED DOWNSPOUT (TYP) PROPOSED ROOFDRAIN EX. POLE TO BE REMOVED BE REMOVED EX. LINE TO BE REMOVED EX. AT&T LINE TO UNDERGROUNDED REMOVED AND EX. AT&T LINE TO BE EX. POLE TO BE REMOVED EX. POLE TO BE REMOVED 220 230 2 40 ST OP 145 150 15 0 15 5 15 5 160 160 165 165 170 170 170 175 17 5 175 180 180 180 185 185 185 190 190 190 X191.5 X191.6 X194.8 195 195 195 19 5 X197.1 20 0 200 200 200 200 205 205 205 20 5 205 210 210 210 210 210 X 215 215 215 215 215 X X X 220 220 220 X X X X X X X X 225 225 225 225 X X X X X 230 230 230 X X 235 235 235 235 X X X X X 236.7 X 237.4 X237.7 X X X238.3 X238.3 X X239.6 240 240 24 0 240X X X X240.4 X X X X X X X242.3 X X242.5 X242.7 X X242.9 X 243.6 X X244.3 X 244.4 X244.6 24 5 245 245 24 5 245 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 250 250 250 250 250 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 255 255 255 255 2 5 5 255 X X X X X X X X X X X X258.6 X258.8 X X259.3 X X X X 260 260 260 26 0 26 0 X X260.3 X X X X X261.5 X261.5X X X X X264.4 265 265 26 5 2 6 5 2 6 5 X265.4 X X X266.2 X 266.4 X X 267.6 X267.6 X268.4 X268.7 X 270 270 270 2 7 0 270 X X X 275 275 X275.7 X277.2 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Summit Senior Life, LLC Carlsbad Senior Housing 2 6 - APR- 2 0 1 8 0 9 : 2 4 J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _ S e n i o r \ C i v i l \ S HEE T S \ S D Cor pS t d s 2 0 0 5 . d s c r i p t J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _S e n i o r \ Ci v i l \ SHE E T S\ 17 7 5 9 _ 0 3 _ C o n s t r a i n t s _ Ma p . d g n c 20 1 7 Rick Eng inee ring Com pany J-17759 XS D9-A4 D9-A4 MAP 15253 M A P N O . 14 0 6 0 A PN: 20 9- 060- 57 A PN: 209 - 06 0- 56 PR - PA R C EL 1 (PR IVA T E ST .) (PUBLIC ST.) 70 7 1 72 73 74 7 5 76 77 7879 PM 18059 ( PU B LI C ST.) PR - PA RC EL 2 APN: 209-111-31 FIELD MALONE/VENZON APN: 209-111-30 G O RDO N A PN: 209 - 111 - 29 AP N: 2 0 9-111- 28 DO RAIS W AM Y/ GO W DER AM O RSOLO AP N: 2 0 9- 11 1- 2 7 AP N: 20 9-111- 26 HAN CHANG/MI S ON R OUILLE R AP N: 209-111-25 APN: 209-111-24 DAI LIANG/WU RONG APN: 2 09 -0 4 0 -46 WRISLEY 19 9 0 FAMILY TRUST APN: 209-060-61 LYALL ENTERPRISES INC 1.30 ` A C R ES 2.14` A C R ES S79 °50'28"E 313 .36' 102 .74' 212 .62' N20 °5 3 '55 "E 37 0 .03 ' N40°08'40" W 352.95' 23 8 .75' 114.20' S 2 0°5 9'45 " W 59 9 .68 ' N2 0°53 '55 " E 52 5 .19 ' 1 2 SNF SNF 2 C1 C1 1°15'13" 1863.00' 40.76' ---------------------------------------- NAME DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CURVE TABLE L 1 L2 L2 N 20°53'53" E 30.53' L1 N 20°59'45" E 49.24' ---- ---------------- --------- NAME DIRECTION LENGTH LINE TABLE 7 9 8 13 12 3 4 5 12' 6 1110 2 5' PUB LIC U TILITY EA SEM EN T PE R M AP 1406 0 DECK POO L TANK PROPANE BRICK P AVERS LS LS PAN EL S SO LA R LS LS DECK DECK TRASH BIN BR OW DITCH BROW DITCH BU ILD ING PAN E LE D, MANU F A C TU R E D SING LE S TORY WOOD ( LE ANS NE' LY) 4' WIRE F E NCE 6' CH AINLIN K (LEANS E'LY) 5' WI RE F ENCE 4' WI RE FENCE SHED SERV IN G AD JOINING PRO PERTY D IR T PA RK ING /STORAG E A R EA 4' WI RE FENCE 4' WIRE FENCE HEAVY BRUSH HEAV Y BR USH HEAVY BR USH FOO T ING ON CIND ER B LOCK D ILA P IDA T ED WOO D SH ED 2 STALLS 2 STALL S 1 STALL S 5 S T ALL S B LD 1 B LD 5 B LD 3 B LD 4 B LD 2 BL D 7 B LD 6 5' CHA INLINK FENCE 92 .6' 109.7' 28.6' 8.9' MAP NO. 823 PORTION LOT B ROS 4223 TITLE REPORT ITEMS NOT A SURVEY MATTER OCTOBER 6, 2015 AS ORDER NO. 12206371-996-SD1. REFERENCE IS MADE TO CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY PRELIMINARY REPORT PREPARED NO. DATE NO. ITEM RECORDING DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REMARKS PLOTTED PLOTTED 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 ROAD SURVEY 682 OF LAND LYING WITHIN RS 682 RIGHTS OF PUBLIC TO ANY POR. PLOTTED COUNTY ROAD EASEMENT PLOTTED 01-05-1938 BK 743, PG 64 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELEC. ESMT.10-17-1960 FILE 206390 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELEC. ESMT.PLOTTED10-17-1960 FILE 206395 09-18-1969 FILE 171623 DRAINAGE EASEMENT PLOTTED 8 9 DRAINAGE EASEMENT10-30-1970 FILE 199725 DRAINAGE CHANNEL EASEMENT PLOTTED10-30-1970 FILE 199725 2000-067397212-12-2000 CMWD WATER PIPELINE PLOTTED 12-12-2000 2000-0673973 WASTE WATER PIPELINE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLOTTED 10-25-2007 2007-0681759 ACCESS RIGHTS RELINQUISHED PLOTTED 10-25-2007 2007-0681760 SLOPE & DRAINAGE EASEMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD PLOTTED TOPOGRAPHIC LEGEND X XS X X X (R) GFA WIRE ANCHOR STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SIGN POST SEWER MANHOLE RADIAL BEARING WATER VALVE WATER METER GROUND FLOOR AREA BUILDING FENCE CONCRETE ASPHALT BERM ASPHALT A X AIR RELEASE VALVE BACKWATER VALVEBWV HBX WATER TESTING STATION GAS LINE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE SEWER LINE OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINEOHT UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE WATER LINE RW 63'63' 126' EXIST RW CL 10'10'53'53' 4.5' 2% 16'4.5' 2%2%2% 5.5'5.5' 72' 10'26' 4.5' 2%2% 5.5' CL12'24' CURB & GUTTER EXISTING 6" TYPE G CURB & GUTTER EXISTING 6" TYPE G SIDEWALK CONCRETE EXISTING SIDEWALK CONCRETE EXISTING 12" SWALE EARTH EXIST. SLOPES EXIST. 2 : 1 2 : 1 ROAD BED GRADED EXIST. 2% AGG. BASE EXIST. 1 2 " AT EP AC CHOKER EXIST. OVER 12" A.B. PAVEMENT EXIST. 4" A.C. PL S'LY PL CONSTRAINTS MAP NTS EL CAMINO REAL TYPICAL SECTION NTS COUGAR DRIVE TYPICAL SECTION 49.25' EX. RIGHT-OF-WAY EX. LOT LINE EX. BOUNDARY EL C A M I N O RE AL COUGA R EVIRD PA LM ER W AY EX. LOT LINE 90 ' EXIST. R/ W E XI S T. R/ W EXIST. R/W EXIST. R/W R/W EXIST. R/W EXIST. EX RET. WALL BUILDING REMOVABLE EX RET. WALL BUILDING REMOVABLE EX WALL 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 40' 2040 40 120 80 PLOT DATE: 03/06/2018 PROJECT NO: 17759 C0-3 CONSTRAINTS MAP TRAILER STORAGE1/5/1938 IN B K 74 3 , PG 64 PUBL IC R D E S MT RE C 'D PR 3 & 4: RS 68 2 & E XIST ING R /W 126.00 ' PR AS ORDER NUMBER 122063-996-501 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY VEGETATION DENSE PAVEMENT EDGE OF H EAVY BR U SH PAN EL S SO LA R P OO L DECK DECK BR OW DIT CH 4' WI RE FENCE 4' WIRE FENCE 4' WIRE FEN CE HEAVY BRUSH 5 ' CHA INLINK F ENCE BRIC K P A VERS 5' WI RE F ENCE 6' CH AINLIN K (L E ANS E'LY) SH ED WALL EX RET. BR OW DITCH POLE 45 ' 45' 18 ' 18' BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY R/ W E XIS T. R/W EXIST. R /W EXIST. EXIST. R/W PER ROS 13203 EXIST. R/W PER ROS 13203 R/W PROP. EX. STREET LIGHT EX. SIGN POST EX. SIGN POST ANCHOR EX. WIRE BOUNDA RY PROPERTY EXIST. BOUNDA RY PROPERTY EXIST. BOUNDARY PROPERTY EXIST. MARCH 06, 2018 R /W PROP . BE REMOVED BY AT&T TO EX. POLE OWNED SDP2017-0006 CUP2017-0007 HMP2018-0002 HDP2017-0003 SUP2017-0002 MS2017-004 (DEV2016-0053) V2018-0003 CARLSBAD SUMMIT SENIOR TO BE REMOVED EX. POLE X MHX XS X MHX BIN TRASH X GVX GVX GVX X X TO BE REMOVED EX. POLE TO BE REMOVED EX. POLE PBX GVX GVX X PBX PBX X MHX PBX XXXXXXX PBX PBX PBX TO BE REMOVED EX. POLEXXXXXXXX X XXXX X X X X X X IRRX X XX X PBX UNDERGROUNDED REMOVED AND EX. AT&T LINE TO BE TO BE REMOVED EX. POLE IRRX XXXX X X IRRX IRRX X X X X X X 220 230 240 ST OP 15 0 155 155 160 160 165 165 170 170 170 175 175 17 5 180 180 180 18 5 185 185 190 190 190 X191.5 X191.6 X194.8 195 195 195 195 X197.1 200 200 200 20 0 20 0 205 205 205 205 205 X 21 0 210 210 210 210 X 215 215 215 215 215 X X MHX X 220 220 220 X X X X X X X X 225 225 225 225 X X X X X X 230 230 230 X X 235 235 235 235 X X X X X X236.7 X 237.4 MHX X237.7 X X X238.3 X238.3 X X 239.6 240 240 2 4 0 240 X X X X240.4 X X X X X X X 242.3 X X242.5 X 242.7 X X242.9 X 243.6 X GVX X X 244.3 GVX GVX X244.4 X 244.6 X 245 245 245 24 5 245 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PBX X GVX 250 250 250 250 250 GVX X X PBX PBX X X MHX PBX X X X X XXXXXXX X PBX PBX PBX X X X XXXX X X XXXX 255 255 255 25 5 2 5 5 25 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXX X X X X X X258.6 X258.8 X X259.3 X X X X 260 260 260 260 26 0 X X260.3 X X X X X 261.5 X 261.5 X X X X X X X X264.4 IRRX X X X 265 265 265 265 2 6 5 X PBX X 265.4 X X IRRX X266.2 X266.4 X X X267.6 X267.6XXX X268.4 X X 268.7 X X 270 270 270 2 7 0 270 X X IRRX I R R X X X X X X X X 275 275 X275.7 X 277.2 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Summit Senior Life, LLC Carlsbad Senior Housing 2 6 - APR- 2 0 1 8 0 9 : 2 3 J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _ S e n i o r \ C i v i l \ S HEE T S \ S D Cor pS t d s 2 0 0 5 . d s c r i p t J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _S e n i o r \ Ci v i l \ SHE E T S\ 17 7 5 9 _ 0 4 _ S l o p e _An a l ys i s _ Ex i s t i n g _ Co n d i t i on s . d g n c 20 1 7 Rick Eng inee ring Com pany J-17759 E L C A M IN O RE AL COUGA R DR P A LM ER W AY FO X TA IL LO O P 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 30' 1530 30 60 90E L C A M IN O RE AL COUGA R DR P A LM ER W AY LEGEND SLOPES PROJECT BOUNDARY 0.00% - 15.00% / 2.21 AC. (64.1%) 15.00% - 25.00% / 0.62 AC. (18.0%) 25.00% - 40.00% / 0.19 AC. (5.5%) > 40.00% / 0.42 AC. (12.2%) 3.44 AC TOTAL FO X TA IL LO O P PLOT DATE: 03/06/2018 PROJECT NO: 17759 C0-4 SLOPE ANALYSIS - EXISTING CONDITION SLOPE ANALYSIS - PROPOSED CONDITION MARCH 06, 2018 SDP2017-0006 CUP2017-0007 HMP2018-0002 HDP2017-0003 SUP2017-0002 MS2017-004 (DEV2016-0053) V2018-0003 CARLSBAD SUMMIT SENIOR 220 230 240 ST OP 15 0 155 155 160 160 165 165 170 170 170 175 175 17 5 180 180 180 18 5 185 185 190 190 190 X191.5 X191.6 X194.8 195 195 195 195 X197.1 200 200 200 20 0 20 0 205 205 205 205 205 X 21 0 210 210 210 210 X 215 215 215 215 215 X X MHX X 220 220 220 X X X X X X X X 225 225 225 225 X X X X X X 230 230 230 X X 235 235 235 235 X X X X X X236.7 X 237.4 MHX X237.7 X X X238.3 X238.3 X X 239.6 240 240 2 4 0 240 X X X X240.4 X X X X X X X 242.3 X X242.5 X 242.7 X X242.9 X 243.6 X GVX X X 244.3 GVX GVX X244.4 X 244.6 X 245 245 245 24 5 245 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PBX X GVX 250 250 250 250 250 GVX X X PBX PBX X X MHX PBX X X X X XXXXXXX X PBX PBX PBX X X X XXXX X X XXXX 255 255 255 25 5 2 5 5 25 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXX X X X X X X258.6 X258.8 X X259.3 X X X X 260 260 260 260 26 0 X X260.3 X X X X X 261.5 X 261.5 X X X X X X X X264.4 IRRX X X X 265 265 265 265 2 6 5 X PBX X 265.4 X X IRRX X266.2 X266.4 X X X267.6 X267.6XXX X268.4 X X 268.7 X X 270 270 270 2 7 0 270 X X IRRX I R R X X X X X X X X 275 275 X275.7 X 277.2 COUGA R DR P A LM ER W AY 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 30' 1530 30 60 90 LEGEND SLOPES PROJECT BOUNDARY 0.00% - 15.00% / 2.65 AC. (75.3%) 15.00% - 25.00% / 0.08 AC. (2.3%) 25.00% - 40.00% / 0.06 AC. (1.7%) > 40.00% / 0.73 AC. (20.7%) 3.52 AC TOTAL* *TOTAL AREA IS GREATER THAN EXISTING DUE TO THE OFFSITE GRADING AREAS SLOPE ANALYSIS - PROPOSED CONDITION PLOT DATE: 03/06/2018 PROJECT NO: 17759 C0-5 SLOPE ANALYSIS - PROPOSED CONDITION MARCH 06, 2018 SDP2017-0006 CUP2017-0007 HMP2018-0002 HDP2017-0003 SUP2017-0002 MS2017-004 (DEV2016-0053) V2018-0003 CARLSBAD SUMMIT SENIOR 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Summit Senior Life, LLC Carlsbad Senior Housing 2 6 - APR- 2 0 1 8 0 9 : 2 2 J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _ S e n i o r \ C i v i l \ S HEE T S \ S D Cor pS t d s 2 0 0 5 . d s c r i p t J : \ 1 7 7 5 9 _ S u mm i t _S e n i o r \ Ci v i l \ SHE E T S\ 17 7 5 9 _ 0 5 _ S l o p e _An a l ys i s _ Pr op o s e d _ Co n d i t i on s . d g n c 20 1 7 Rick Eng inee ring Com pany J-17759 FG 216.5 2941.9 SF XS D9-A4 D9-A4 D9-A4 MH WI SDD-116~10' B-1 INLET SDD-116~10' B-1 INLET D9-A4 E L C A M IN O RE AL COUGA R DR 2:1 1.7 % 3.5% 2.0 % 8.0 % 12 .8% 5.7 % 0.5% 3.1% 0. 5% 1.0 % 10 .3% 8 .0 % 1.0% 1.0 % PA LM ER W AY 2 .0 % 1. 4% 3.1% 9.2% 2:1 GB ON FRON T YA RD 30' PARK ING / DR IVE WAY SET BACK ON FRON T YARD 50' BU ILD ING S ET BACK ON I N TE RIO R SID ES 10' B U ILD ING SET B A C K 1.0% 0 .8% 1.0% 1.0%1.0 % D R IV E W A Y A D RI V EW AY B SLO PE SLO PE 2:1 SLO PE 2:1 S LOP E 2: 1 2: 1 SLO PE SLOPE 2:1 EXIST. 8" PVC SEWER . 95% ON INTERIOR SIDES 5' PARKING/DRIVEWAY SETBACK ON INTERIOR SIDES 10' BUILDING SETBACK 2.0% (10 %) PER ROS 517 ROAD A-13 ROW OF COUNTY 2.0% 1 0. 2 % 2.0% PER DWG 361-6B EXIST. 10" PVC (CL150) WATER PER DWG 361-6B BACKFLOW PREVENTOR PER CMWD W -21 DDCV PER CMWD W -22 ON FRON T YA RD 30 ' PARKING / DRIVEWAY SET BACK ON FRON T YA RD 50 ' BUILDING SET BACK EXIST. R/W PER ROS 13203 R/W EX IST . R/W EX IST. TURN RADIUS FIRE TRUCK R/ W E XIS T. BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY ON I N TE RIO R SID ES 5' PA R K I NG / D RIV EW AY SET B A C K ON IN TE R I O R SID E S 5' PA R KING / D R I V EW AY SET B A C K ON IN TE R IO R SI D E S 10' B U I L D I NG SET B A C K BOUNDARY PROPERTY R/ W P R OP. BOUNDARY PROPERTY 2 :1 2:1 2 :1 BOUNDARY PROPERTY XS Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Landscape Architects A S S O C I A T E S I N C. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com CL-1 Preliminary Landscape Plan SHEET 1 OF 5 Preliminary Landscape Plan CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUIRED NOTES: POSITIVE SURFACE DRAINAGE (2% GRADE IN PLANTING AREAS) AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AND TERMINATING IN APPROVED DRAINAGE SYSTEM MUST BE PROVIDED. 1. PER CITY REQUIREMENT 50% OF SHRUBS (EXCEPT ON SLOPES 3:1 OR STEEPER) SHALL BE A MINIMUM 5 GALLON SIZE. 2. ALL UTILITIES ARE TO BE SCREENED WITH PLANTING. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO SHOW AND LABEL ALL UTILITIES AND PROVIDE APPROPRIATE SCREENING. 3. IRRIGATION SHALL BE ONLY SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION FOR VEGETATION WITHIN 24 INCHES OF AN IMPEREABLE SURFACE UNLESS THE ADJACENT IMPERMEABLE SURFACES ARE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CAUSE WATER TO DRAIN ENTIRELY INTO THE LANDSCAPE AREA. SLOPES 6:1 OR STEEPER REQUIRING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS SPECIFIED HEREIN SHALL BE TREATED WITH ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING PLANTING STANDARDS: A. STANDARD 1 - COVER CROP / REINFORCED STRAW MATTING: COVER CROP SHALL BE A SEED MIX TYPICALLY MADE UP OF QUICK GERMINATING AND FAST COVERING GRASSES, CLOVERS, AND / OR WILD FLOWERS. SUBMIT THE SPECIFIC SEED MIX FOR CITY APPROVAL PRIOR TO APPLICATION. THE COVER CROP SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE AND MANNER SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE 90% COVERAGE WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS. TYPE OF REINFORCED STRAW MATTING SHALL BE AS APPROVED BY THE CITY AND STAKED TO THE SLOPE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURE. REINFORCED STRAW MATTING SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN PLANTING OCCURS BETWEEN AUGUST 15 AND APRIL 15. THE COVER CROP AND / OR REINFORCED STRAW MAT SHALL BE USED THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR. B. STANDARD #2 - GROUND COVER ONE HUNDRED (100%) PERCENT OF THE AREA SHALL BE PLANTED WITH A GROUND COVER KNOWN TO HAVE EXCELLENT SOIL BINDING CHARACTERISTICS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM SIZE OF FLATTED MATERIAL AND SPACED TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE WITHIN ONE YEAR). C. STANDARD #3 - LOW SHRUBS LOW SPREADING WOODY SHRUBS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF 2-3/4 INCH LINERS) SHALL COVER A MINIMUM OF SEVENTY 70%) PERCENT OF THE SLOPE FACE (AT MATURE SIZE). D. STANDARD #4 - TREES AND / OR LARGE SHRUBS TREES AND / OR LARGE SHRUBS SHALL BE (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF 1 GALLON CONTAINERS) AT MINIMUM RATE OF ONE (1) PER TWO HUNDRED (200) SQUARE FEET. SLOPES - 6:1 OR STEEPER AND: A. 3 FEET OR LESS IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND ARE ADJACENT TO PUBLIC WALKS OR STREETS REQUIRE AT MINIMUM STANDARD #1. B. 3 FEET TO 8 FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT REQUIRE STANDARDS #1 (EROSION MATTING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIEU OF A COVER CROP) , #2 AND #3. C. IN EXCESS OF 8 FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT REQUIRE STANDARDS #1 (EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIEU A COVER CROP), #2, #3, AND #4. AREAS GRADED FLATTER THAN 6:1 REQUIRE STANDARD #1 (COVER CROP) WITH TEMPORARY IRRIGTION WHEN THEY HAVE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. SHEET GRADED PADS NOT SCHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF COMPLETION OF ROUGH GRADING. B. A POTENTIAL EROSION PROBLEM AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY. C. IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY AS HIGHLY VISIBLE AREAS TO THE PUBLIC OR HAVE SPECIAL CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. "I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REQULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER" SDP 2017 - 0006 CUP 2017 - 0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017 - 0002 / MS 2017-004 (DEV 2016 - 0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD VAI SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: WL 10/25/2017 Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Landscape Architects VAI A S S O C I A T E S I N C. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com CL-2 Conceptual Water Conservation Plan SHEET 2 OF 5 CONCEPTUAL WATER CONSERVATION PLAN SDP 2017 - 0006 CUP 2017 - 0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017 - 0002 / MS 2017-004 (DEV 2016 - 0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: WL 10/25/2017 Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Landscape Architects VAI A S S O C I A T E S I N C. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com CL-3 Landscape Maintenance Plan SHEET 3 OF 5 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY PLAN SDP 2017 - 0006 CUP 2017 - 0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017 - 0002 / MS 2017-004 (DEV 2016 - 0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: WL 10/25/2017 Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Landscape Architects VAI A S S O C I A T E S I N C. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com CL-4 Fuel Modification Plan SHEET 4 OF 5 GENERAL FUEL MODIFICATION PLAN CONDITION "A" SDP 2017 - 0006 CUP 2017 - 0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017 - 0002 / MS 2017-004 (DEV 2016 - 0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: WL 10/25/2017 Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Landscape Architects VAI A S S O C I A T E S I N C. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com CL-5 Water Use Plan SHEET 5 OF 5 WATER USE PLAN SDP 2017 - 0006 CUP 2017 - 0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017 - 0002 / MS 2017-004 (DEV 2016 - 0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD DESIGNATES AREAS WHICH WILL BE IRRIGATED BY RECLAIMED WATER WHEN AVAILABLE SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 3D Perspectives A0-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 3D Perspectives A0-01 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Site Plan A0-10 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: UNIT MIX Unit Name AL 1a AL 2a AL 2b AL 2c AL S MC 1 MC 2A MC 2B Unit Type ASSISTED LIVING - 1 BED ASSISTED LIVING - 2 BED ASSISTED LIVING - 2 BED ASSISTED LIVING - 2 BED ASSISTED LIVING - STUDIO MEMORY CARE - 1 BED MEMORY CARE - 2 BED MEMORY CARE - 2 BED Beds 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 122 Qty 50 5 1 1 21 9 1 13 101 Area (SF) 519 904 938 962 400 405 497 405 Total (SF) 25,950 4,520 938 962 8,400 3,645 497 5,265 50,177 sq ft SITE PLAN KEYNOTES 1. TRASH ENCLOSURE SEE A0-1 FOR PLANS, ELEVATIONS AND SECTION 2. MONUMENT SIGN NOT TO EXCEED 5' ABOVE STREET GRADE AND 24 SF IN AREA PER AREA 4 OF EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 3. ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 4. VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 5. SAFE DISPERSAL AREA TO BE PERMANENTLY MAINTAINED AND IDENTIFIED PER CBC 1028.5. THIS DECK WILL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH TREX DECKING MATERIALS AND GRAVEL WILL COVER THE SLOPE BELOW. 6. LOCATIONS OF BALCONIES, PATIOS AND COVERED WALKWAYS 7. ONLY ESSENTIAL LIGHTING FOR ROADWAY, FACILTIY USE AND SAFETY AND SECURITY PURPOSES ALONG NORTH SIDE OF SITE. LIGHTING ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF SITE SHALL BE LOW PRESSURE SODIUM ILLUMINATION SOURCES THAT IS SHIELDED TO FOCUS DOWNWARD 8. FIRE APPARATUS TURN-AROUND 9. RETAINING WALL - REFER TO CIVIL DWGS 10. AREA OF PROPOSED BENCH AND 2:1 SLOPE PER CIVIL DRAWINGS. # # MEANS OF EGRESS FIRE HYDRANT NEW CONCRETE WALKWAY OR PAVING ACCESSIBLE ROUTE OF TRAVEL - (5% MAX - 2% MAX CROSS SLOPE) PROPERTY LINE KEYNOTE NUMBER SITE PLAN LEGEND FOR FURTHER SITE INFORMATION, SEE CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS NEW ACCESS ROAD SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Trash Enclosure Elevations & Details A0-20 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: 6' - 0 " SECTION (TRASH ENCL) TYP. 3 CY BIN TYP. 3 CY BIN 03 A0-20 6" 6" 8" CONC. FILLED CMU @ TRASH ENCLOSURE (SEE ELEV FOR WALL HEIGHTS) EXTERIOR STUCCO - SMOOTH FINISH TO MATCH BUILDING CONCRETE SLAB CONCRETE CURB @ TRASH ENCLOSURE (SEE PLAN) FINISH GRADE 24" X 8" FOUNDATION 6'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 1 ' - 0 " 9'- 0 " FRONT (NORTH) TRELLIS: WOOD WALL: 8" CMU (SOLID GROUTED) w/ MORTAR CAP FINISH: STUCCO TO MATCH ADJACENT BUILDING - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD (OUTSIDE FACE) PAINTED (INSIDE FACE) 6' - 0 " 2' - 0 " 1 ' - 0 " 9'- 0 " SIDE (EAST) 6'- 0 " 4'-0" CLEAR SIDE (WEST) 4'-8" (MIN 4' CLEAR) 4'- 0 " CL E A R 12'-0" (MIN. CLEAR) 19 ' - 0 " 1'- 6 " 1'- 6 " 8'-4" 4' - 0 " CL E A R 06 A0-2 06 A0-2 08 A0.2 08 A0.2 08 A0.2 08 A0.2 STEEL 5' X 5'-4" GATE @ EA BIN LEVEL LOADING AREA (CONCRETE) 12 X 12 AREA DRAIN (TYP) 8" CMU WALLS TYP TR A S H B I N (3 C Y T Y P . ) RE C Y C L E B I N (3 C Y T Y P . ) REFUSE TRUCK LOADING APPROACH TR A S H B I N (3 C Y T Y P . ) 0.5% (TYP) SIM SIM 6'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 1 ' - 0 " 9'- 0 " FRONT (EAST) GATEGATEGATE TRELLIS: WOOD WALL: 8" CMU (SOLID GROUTED) w/ MORTAR CAP FINISH: STUCCO TO MATCH ADJACENT BUILDING - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD (OUTSIDE FACE) PAINTED (INSIDE FACE) 6'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 1 ' - 0 " 9'- 0 " SIDE (NORTH) 6'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 1 ' - 0 " 9'- 0 " TYP. 3 CY BIN TYP. 3 CY BIN BACK (WEST) 6' - 0 " 2' - 0 " 1 ' - 0 " 9' - 0 " SIDE (SOUTH) 1'-6" 4'-0" CLEAR 4' - 0 " CL E A R 14 ' - 0 " (M I N . ) C L E A R 8'- 6 " 12'-7 1/2" 06 A0-20 06 A0-20 8" CMU WALLS TYP. LEVEL LOADING AREA (CONCRETE) 12 X 12 AREA DRAIN (TYP) STEEL 5' X 5'-4" GATE @ EA. BIN TR A S H B I N (3 C Y T Y P . ) RE C Y C L E B I N (3 C Y T Y P . ) REFUSE TRUCK LOADING APPROACH 0.5% (TYP) 02 A0-2 02 A0-2 02 A0-2 02 A0-2 6'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 1 ' - 0 " 9'- 0 " BACK (SOUTH) SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"06Trash Enclosure Section SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"02Trash Enclosure 1 Elevations SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-0"03Slab and Wall Detail SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"04Trash Enclosure 2 Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"08Trash Enclosure 2 Elevations SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"01Trash Enclosure 1 Plan WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Bldg 1 Entry Level A1-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REFREF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REFREF REF REF REF South Elevation 17 9 ' - 1 0 " 32'-2" 1' - 9 " 6 ' - 0 " 1 ' - 9 " 4 2'-6 1 / 2 " 2 7'- 9 1/2" 2'-2 " 7'-8 " 2'-2 " 174'-1" 43'-10" 49 ' - 2 1 / 2 " 45° 135° 02 A4-00 02 A5-00 LINE OF BUILDING BELOW LINE OF BUILDING BELOW LIBRARY 838 SF LIVING 718 SF OFFICE CONF WORK SPACE OFFICEOFFICEOFFICE MAIL LOBBY 302 SF STAIR 1 OFFICE CARD 856 SF RR 62 SF RR 63 SF ELEV. E-1 ELEV EQ LAUNDRY 417 SF HK 90 SF ELEC 106 SF CORSTAIR 2 ELEV. E-2 BALC 182 SF CARD 302 SF DECK 261 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL 2b 938 SF BALC 83 SF AL 2c 962 SF BALC 77 SF REC 01 A4-00 03 A9-00 03 A9-00 02 A10-00 02 A10-00 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"01Bldg 1 Entry Level WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Bldg 1 Second Floor A1-01 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: REF REF REF REF REFREF REF REF REF REF REF South Elevation 02 A4-00 02 A5-00 174'-1" 62 ' - 3 " HK 207 SF ELEC 182 SF COR STAIR 1 STAIR 2 ELEV. E-1 AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 2a 904 SF BALC 83 SF AL 2a 904 SF BALC 83 SF AL 2a 904 SF BALC 83 SF 01 A4-00 03 A9-00 03 A9-00 02 A10-00 02 A10-00 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"01Bldg 1 Second Floor WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Bldg 2 Second Floor A1-02 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REF REFREF REF REF REFREF REF REF REF REF REFREF REF REF REF REF South Elevation 229'-7 1/2" 24 5 ' - 1 / 2 " PRIVATE DINING LIVING 802 SF DECK 841 SF DINING 1,668 SF KITCHEN 1,162 SF THEATER 824 SF LAUNDRY 404 SF HK 87 SF ELEC 102 SF STAFF LOUNGE 268 SF COR STAIR 2 ELEV. E-1 ELEV. E-2 STAIR 3 HK 203 SF RR 76 SF RR 76 SF STO 47 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL S 400 SF AL 2a 904 SF BALC 83 SF AL 2a 904 SF BALC 83 SF 02 A4-00 02 A5-00 03 A9-00 03 A9-00 02 A10-00 02 A10-00 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"01Bldg 2 Second Floor WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Bldg 2 First Floor A1-03 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: South Elevation 161'-11 1/2" 13 2 ' - 7 1 / 2 " 79'-9" 39 ' - 1 0 " MEMORY CARE GARDEN COUNTRY KITCHEN 234 SF DINING 749 SF ACTIVITY 823 SF COR HK 372 SF ELEV EQ REC 223 SF OFFICE 337 SF ELEV. E-2 STAIR 3 STORAGE 466 SF RR 66 SF RR 66 SF MC 1 405 SF MC 1 405 SF MC 1 405 SF MC 1 405 SF MC 1 405 SF MC 1 405 SF MC 1 405 SF MC 1 405 SF MC 1 405 SF MC 2A 497 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF MC 2B 405 SF 02 A4-00 02 A5-00 03 A9-00 03 A9-00 02 A10-00 02 A10-00 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"01Building 2 First Floor WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Roof Plan A3-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: XX X:12 AREA MOST VISIBLE TO EL CAMINO REAL. THIS ROOF TO BE TWO-PIECE CLAY TILE ROOF WITH BOOSTER TILES ON EDGES AND RIDGES WITH RANDOM MORTOR PACKING. MORTOR PACKING ON 25% OF THE TILES ON THE FIELD AND 100% OF THE TILES WITHIN THE FIRST TWO ROWS OF TILES AND ALONG RAKES AND RIDGELINES, 6" DIAMETER MORTAR SPHERE APPLIED TO EACH INTENDED TILE. - REFER TO SHEET A4-00/01 FOR ELEVATION OF MOST VISIBLE VIEW FOR APPLICATION ROOF SLOPE DOWN KEYNOTE NUMBER ROOF PLAN LEGEND TYPICAL MAIN ROOF PITCH UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON ROOF PLAN. 4:12 FLAT ROOF PITCH UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON ROOF PLAN. 1/2":12 GUTTER DOWNSPOUT (#DrgID(ref)/#LayID(ref)) DS 3:12 3:12 3: 1 2 3: 1 2 3:12 3:12 3:12 24' 12' 12' 12' 0' 0' 0' 0' -12' KITCHEN MECHANICALKITCHEN EXHAUST RESIDENT CONDENSER UNITS RESIDENT CONDENSER UNITS RESIDENT CONDENSER UNITS AREA OF TWO-PIECE CLAY TILE ROOF APPLICATION AREA OF TWO-PIECE CLAY TILE ROOF APPLICATION ROOF WELL ROOF WELL ROOF WELL ROOF WELL FLAT ROOF FLAT ROOF FLAT ROOF FLAT ROOF OPEN TO COURTYARD BELOW OPEN TO GARDEN BELOW DSDS DSDSDSDSDS DS DS DS DS DS DSDS DS DS DS DS DS DSDSDS DS DS DSDS DS DS DS DS DSDS RIDGE H I PVALLEYVALLEYHIPVALLEYVALLEY RI D G E RI D G EVALLEYVALLEY RI D G E RI D G EHIPRIDGEVALLEYHIPHIPRI D G E RI D G E V A L L E YVALLEYVALLEYVALLEYVALLEYVALLEYV A L L E Y V A L L E Y RI D G E RI D G E RI D G E RI D G E RIDGE RIDGEVALLEYRIDGE RIDGE RIDGE RIDGE RI D G EHIPHIP H I P H I P H IPHIPVALLEY V A L L E YHIPHIPVALLEYVALLEYHIPHIPVALLEYVALLEY RIDGE RIDGE RI D G E V A L L E Y H I PHIPHIP RIDGE RIDGE RIDGE H I PHIPHIPHIP RIDGE RI D G E V A L L E YVALLEYSCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"01ROOF PLAN WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Exterior Elevations A4-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: 29 ' - 6 1 / 2 " 30 ' - 6 1 / 2 " 31 ' - 3 1 / 2 " 38 ' - 6 1 / 2 " 40 ' - 8 " 30 ' - 9 " 37 ' - 1 " 5' - 9 " 32 ' - 9 " 9' - 0 " 29 ' - 8 1 / 2 " 28 ' - 1 0 1 / 2 " ROOF TILE - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD STUCCO - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD VINYL WINDOW - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD TRIM & DOORS - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD WROUGHT IRON RAILING - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD CUT AREA EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE TRASH ENCLOSURE 2 CUT AREA CUT AREA PORTE COCHERE ROOF ROOF ROOF ROOF TRASH ENCLOSURE 1 EXTERIOR STAIR ROOF HEIGHT FROM FINISHED GRADE ROOF HEIGHT FROM FINISHED GRADE LINE SHOWN AT 35' - MAXIMUM HEIGHT PER CITY OF CARLSBAD EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AREA 4 ROOF HEIGHT FROM EXISTING GRADE CMC SECTION 21.04.065, HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS TAKEN THE EXISTING GRADE OR FINISHED GRADE, WHICHEVER IS LOWER ARCHITECTURAL TOWER PROJECTION - ARCHITECTURAL TOWERS MAY BE PERMITTED UP TO 55' PER CMC 21.27.050 (A)(3)(b) 38 ' - 6 1 / 2 " 28 ' - 2 " 15 ' - 6 1 / 2 " 31 ' - 3 1 / 2 " EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE FILL AREA CUT AREA CUT AREA ROOF TILE - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD TWO-PIECE CLAY TILE ROOFING WITH BOOSTER TILES ON THE EDGES AND RIDGES WITH RANDOM MORTAR PACKING. MORTAR PACKING ON 25% OF THE TILES ON THE FIELD AND 100% OF THE TILES WITHIN THE FIRST TWO ROWS OF TILES AND ALONG ANY RAKE AND RIDGELINE, 6" DIAM. MORTAR SPHERE APPLIED TO EACH INTENDED TILE. THE MOST VISIBLE AREAS OF THE PROJECT (I.E., THE TOWER, PORTE COCHERE AND AREAS VISIBLE FROM EL CAMINO REAL) WILL SHOW APPLICATION STUCCO - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD THE MOST VISIBLE AREAS OF THE PROJECT (I.E., THE TOWER, PORTE COCHERE AND AREAS VISIBLE FROM EL CAMINO REAL) WILL HAVE A HAND TROWELED, SMOOTH MISSION FINISH WROUGHT IRON RAILING - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD VINYL WINDOW - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD TRIM & DOORS - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD ROOF PORTE COCHERE ROOF ROOF EXTERIOR STAIR ROOF HEIGHT FROM EXISTING GRADE CMC SECTION 21.04.065, HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS TAKEN THE EXISTING GRADE OR FINISHED GRADE, WHICHEVER IS LOWER ARCHITECTURAL TOWER PROJECTION - ARCHITECTURAL TOWERS MAY BE PERMITTED UP TO 55' PER CMC 21.27.050 (A)(3)(b) LINE SHOWN AT 35' - MAXIMUM HEIGHT PER CITY OF CARLSBAD EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AREA 4 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"02East Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"01South Elevation WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Exterior Elevations A5-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: 30 ' - 2 " 31 ' - 9 " 40 ' - 1 1 1 / 2 " 33 ' - 5 1 / 2 " 43 ' - 0 " EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE VINYL WINDOW - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD TRIM & DOORS - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD WROUGHT IRON RAILING - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD FILL AREA 2:1 SLOPE CUT AREAFILL AREA FILL AREA ROOF TILE - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD STUCCO - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD EXISTING GRADE BEGINNING OF BENCH BENCH @ 235.43 SEE CIVIL END OF BENCH CUT AREA TOP OF SLOPE EXISTING GRADE BEGINNING OF BENCH END OF BENCH 2:1 SLOPE BENCH @ 247.43 SEE CIVIL TOP OF SLOPE EXISTING GRADE ROOF ROOF HEIGHT FROM EXISTING GRADE CMC SECTION 21.27.050 (A)(3), HEIGHT LIMIT 35'; UP TO 45' WITH INCREASED SETBACKS ROOF HEIGHT FROM EXISTING GRADE ROOF HEIGHT FROM EXISTING GRADE CMC SECTION 21.04.065, HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS TAKEN THE EXISTING GRADE OR FINISHED GRADE, WHICHEVER IS LOWER FFE 236.10 PER CIVIL DRAWINGS FFE 248.10 PER CIVIL DRAWINGS LINE SHOWN AT 35' - MAXIMUM HEIGHT PER CITY OF CARLSBAD EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AREA 4 31 ' - 5 " 31 ' - 9 " EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE ROOF TILE - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD VINYL WINDOW - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD TRIM & DOORS - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD WROUGHT IRON RAILING - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD FILL AREAFILL AREA STUCCO - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD TRASH ENCLOSURE 1 ROOF HEIGHT FROM EXISTING GRADE ROOF HEIGHT FROM EXISTING GRADE CMC SECTION 21.04.065, HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS TAKEN THE EXISTING GRADE OR FINISHED GRADE, WHICHEVER IS LOWER LINE SHOWN AT 35' - MAXIMUM HEIGHT PER CITY OF CARLSBAD EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AREA 4 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"02West Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"01North Elevation WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Enlarged Unit Plans A6-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: REF 2' - 0 " 20 ' - 0 " 4' - 0 " 26 ' - 0 " 7' - 0 " 12'-0"10'-0" 22'-0" 7'-6 1/2"6'-10"7'-7 1/2" AL 1a 519 SF BALC 70 SF 1'- 6 " 24 ' - 5 " 25 ' - 1 1 " 7'-8"8'-4" 16'-0" MC 1 405 SF RE F 8'-0"8'-0" 16'-0" 2' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " 26 ' - 0 " AL S 400 SF 1'- 6 " 24 ' - 5 " 25 ' - 1 1 " 11'-8"8'-4" 20'-0" MC 2A 497 SF REF 13'-0"11'-8"11'-11" 36'-7" 26 ' - 0 " 3'- 1 1 " 7' - 0 " AL 2a 904 SF BALC 83 SF REF 24'-0"9'-7" 33'-7" 5' - 1 / 2 " 26 ' - 0 " 31 ' - 1 / 2 " 11'-9"21'-10" 26 ' - 3 1 / 2 " 4' - 9 " AL 2b 938 SF BALC 83 SF REF 26 ' - 0 " 6' - 1 0 " 26'-2 1/2"12'-10 1/2" 13'-5 1/2"7'-2"6'-1/2"12'-6" 10 ' - 4 " 4' - 2 1 / 2 " 18 ' - 3 1 / 2 " 32 ' - 1 0 " 1' - 1 0 " 39'-1/2" AL 2c 962 SF BALC 77 SF 1' - 6 " 24 ' - 5 " 25 ' - 1 1 " 7'-8"8'-4" 16'-0" MC 2B 405 SF SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"04AL 1 Bed SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"01MC 1 Bed SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"05AL Studio SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"02MC 2A - 2 Bed SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"06AL 2a Bed SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"08AL 2b Bed SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"07AL 2c Bed SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"03MC 2B - 2 Bed WL 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Sections A9-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/30/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: ELEV.EQ. -24' -2 SUB-LEVEL 1 -12' -1 SUB-LEVEL 2 ±0" 1 ENTRY LEVEL +12' 2 FLOOR 2 +24' 3 ROOF +36' 4 TOP OF ROOF 11 ' - 1 0 " LINE OF EXISTING GRADE MECH. EQUIPT. WELL FLAT ROOF UNIT COURTYARD UNITUNITHALL UNITUNITHALL UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT HK HALLRR LIBRARY LIVING BALC. BALC. HALL HALL ELEC.HK HALL UNIT1.7 1.7 BMP BASIN MECH. EQUIPT. WELLMECH. EQUIPT. WELL 10 ' - 0 " R E A R B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 60 ' - 0 " F R O N T Y A R D P R I M E A R T E R I A L S E T B A C K HALL HALL LINE OF PROPOSED GRADE -24' -2 SUB-LEVEL 1 -12' -1 SUB-LEVEL 2 ±0" 1 ENTRY LEVEL +12' 2 FLOOR 2 +24' 3 ROOF +36' 4 TOP OF ROOF 13 ' - 1 1 1 / 2 " 14 ' - 2 1 / 2 " LINE OF EXISTING GRADE 1.7 1.7 FLAT ROOF UNIT COURTYARD FLAT ROOF UNIT UNIT HALL HALL HALL HALL UNIT LINE OF PROPOSED GRADEACCESS ROAD PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 10 ' - 0 " S E T B A C K L I N E 10 ' - 0 " S E T B A C K L I N E -24' -2 SUB-LEVEL 1 -12' -1 SUB-LEVEL 2 ±0" 1 ENTRY LEVEL +12' 2 FLOOR 2 +24' 3 ROOF +36' 4 TOP OF ROOF 5'-0" 6' - 3 " 35 ' - 4 1 / 2 " 6'- 1 " 6'- 2 1 / 2 " UNITHALL MECH. EQUIPT. WELL UNITHALL UNITHALL UNIT UNIT UNITHALL UNITHALLUNIT UNIT UNIT UNITUNIT UNITUNIT HALL HALL HALL COURTYARD COURTYARD LINE OF EXISTING GRADE 1.7 1.7 EL CAMINO REAL EL CAMINO REAL CENTER DIVIDE MECH. EQUIPT. WELL MECH. EQUIPT. WELL EL CAMINO REAL BMP BASIN 1.7 10 ' - 0 " R E A R S E T B A C K PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 60 ' - 0 " F R O N T Y A R D P R I M E A R T E R I A L S E T B A C K 9' - 8 1 / 2 " LINE OF PROPOSED GRADE 02 02 01 01 KEY PLAN 0303 SCALE: 1" = 30'01SITE/BUILDING SECTION SCALE: 1" = 30'03SITE/BUILDING SECTION SCALE: 1" = 30'02SITE/BUILDING SECTION WL B2 First Floor B2 Second Floor B1 Second Floor B1 Entry Level 3 Roof 4 Top of Roof B2 First Floor B2 Second Floor B1 Second Floor B1 Entry Level 3 Roof 4 Top of Roof B2 First Floor B2 Second Floor B1 Second Floor B1 Entry Level 3 Roof 4 Top of Roof 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Sections A10-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: -24' -2 SUB-LEVEL 1 -12' -1 SUB-LEVEL 2 ±0" 1 ENTRY LEVEL +12' 2 FLOOR 2 +24' 3 ROOF +36' 4 TOP OF ROOF LINE OF EXISTING GRADE MECH. EQUIPT. WELL COURTYARD UNIT BALC. 1.7 UNIT BALC. UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNITHALL HALL 1.7 MECH. EQUIPT. WELL 10 ' - 0 " S I D E S E T B A C K PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 10 ' - 0 " S I D E S E T B A C K 12 ' - 9 " LINE OF EXISTING GRADE LINE OF PROPOSED GRADELINE OF PROPOSED GRADE 9'- 5 1 / 2 " MECH. EQUIPT. WELL UNIT COURTYARD LINE OF EXISTING GRADE 1 .7 1.7 UNIT UNIT UNITHALL HALL UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT LIVING UNIT UNIT UNIT ACTIVITY UNIT UNIT UNIT LINE OF PROPOSED GRADE BMP BASIN FIRE APPARATUS TURNAROUND MECH. EQUIPT. WELL 10 ' - 0 " B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K 60 ' - 0 " F R O N T Y A R D P R I M E A R T E R I A L S E T B A C K PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 01 01 KEY PLAN 0202 SCALE: 1" = 30'02SITE/BUILDING SECTION SCALE: 1" = 30'01SITE/BUILDING SECTION WL B2 First Floor B2 Second Floor B1 Second Floor B1 Entry Level 3 Roof 4 Top of Roof 10/25/2017 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Exhibit Elevations A11-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/25/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: 38 ' - 6 1 / 2 " 28 ' - 2 " 15 ' - 6 1 / 2 " 31 ' - 3 1 / 2 " EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE FILL AREA CUT AREA CUT AREA ROOF TILE - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD TWO-PIECE CLAY TILE ROOFING WITH BOOSTER TILES ON THE EDGES AND RIDGES WITH RANDOM MORTAR PACKING. MORTAR PACKING ON 25% OF THE TILES ON THE FIELD AND 100% OF THE TILES WITHIN THE FIRST TWO ROWS OF TILES AND ALONG ANY RAKE AND RIDGELINE, 6" DIAM. MORTAR SPHERE APPLIED TO EACH INTENDED TILE. THE MOST VISIBLE AREAS OF THE PROJECT (I.E., THE TOWER, PORTE COCHERE AND AREAS VISIBLE FROM EL CAMINO REAL) WILL SHOW APPLICATION STUCCO - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD THE MOST VISIBLE AREAS OF THE PROJECT (I.E., THE TOWER, PORTE COCHERE AND AREAS VISIBLE FROM EL CAMINO REAL) WILL HAVE A HAND TROWELED, SMOOTH MISSION FINISH WROUGHT IRON RAILING - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD VINYL WINDOW - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD TRIM & DOORS - SEE COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD ROOF PORTE COCHERE ROOF ROOF EXTERIOR STAIR ROOF HEIGHT FROM EXISTING GRADE CMC SECTION 21.04.065, HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS TAKEN THE EXISTING GRADE OR FINISHED GRADE, WHICHEVER IS LOWER ARCHITECTURAL TOWER PROJECTION - ARCHITECTURAL TOWERS MAY BE PERMITTED UP TO 55' PER CMC 21.27.050 (A)(3)(b) LINE SHOWN AT 35' - MAXIMUM HEIGHT PER CITY OF CARLSBAD EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AREA 4 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G C O N S U LT I N G Carlsbad Senior Housing Summit Senior Life, LLC 5592 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92010 Visual Simulations A12-00 PROJECT NO: 17001 PLOT DATE: 4/30/2018 BIM Server: IPA-BIM-SRVR - BIM Server 20/17001 Pacific Summit Carlsbad SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007 / HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017-0002 / HMP 2018- 0002 / MS 2017-004 / V2018-0003 (DEV2016-0053) - SUMMIT SENIOR CARLSBAD 17001PROJECT: DRAWN BY: DATE OF ISSUE: Planning Commission June 6, 2018 Summit Senior Carlsbad SDP 2017‐0006/CUP 2017‐0007/HDP 2017‐0003/SUP  2017‐0002/HMP 2018‐0002/MS 2017‐0004/V 2018‐0003  (DEV2016‐0053) PA LM E R WY SALK AV LYNX WY ELCAMINOREAL SUNNYCREEKR D C O U G A R DR IMPA LA D R FER MI CT BADGER LN FOXTAIL LOOP WOLVERINETR COYOTECT Location Map COYOTECT SALK AV ELCAMINOREAL C O U G A R D R PALMER WY FOXTAILLOOP 0200400100 Feet SDP 2017-0006 / CUP 2017-0007HDP 2017-0003 / SUP 2017 – 0002HMP 2018-0002 / MS 2017-004 V2018-0003 (DEV 2016-0053) Summit Senior Carlsbad Project Description •Professional Care Facility  –78 assisted living units & 23 memory care units –84,243 sq. ft. –Spanish architectural style –Access off Cougar Drive Front Perspective (Birdseye) Rear Perspective (Birdseye) Rear Perspective (Birdseye) East Elevation (Side) West Elevation (Side) North Elevation (Rear) South Elevation (Front) Project Consistency •General Plan – Office (O) •Zoning –Office (O)  •Hillside Development Regulations •Habitat Management Plan •California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) •El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards •Variance El Camino Real Corridor Standards Deviation El Camino Real Corridor Standards Deviation •Scenic Qualities of the  corridor will be maintained. •Project is designed to meet  the intent of the corridor. •Project will not have an  adverse impact on traffic  safety. Variance 1. Allow a 5’ retaining wall in 30’ Front Yard  Setback. 2. Allow parking and driveway in 30’ Front Yard   Setback. 3. Allow a 6’ composite fence (designed to look like  wood) as opposed to block wall adjacent residential  property line.   5’ retaining wall in 30’ Front Yard Setback •5’ retaining wall in 30‘ FYSB needed to accommodate the proposed driveway. •Driveway cannot be located along an alternative frontage such as El Camino Real  as it is not a preferred location. •Retaining wall will not be visible from the adjoining property to the south, from  El Camino Real or from Cougar Drive due to the existing grades and vegetation. 25’ 80’ Parking & drive aisle in 30’ FYSB •Excess right‐of‐way is 25’ to 80’,  which serves as intended 30’  setback.   •No other properties in the vicinity  have this extended right‐of‐way  between the street and front  property line. •Parking and driveway remain visually  screened by existing landscaped  berm. Composite fence vs. block wall •Solid masonry wall would create a barrier to  existing drainage.   •Barrier would necessitate enlargement of the  biofiltration basin = hardship & less desirable  for handling storm water. •Proposed fence achieves similar visual  screening as a block wall. •Existing landscape on the 40’‐50’ downward  slope limits the visibility of the fence from  residential below. •Solid wall is not necessary for sound  attenuation = 40’ + vertical and 70’ +  horizontal separation allows for substantial  noise dissipation.  Recommendation That the Planning Commission: ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7298 APPROVING SDP 2017‐0006/CUP 2017‐0007/HDP 2017‐0003/SUP 2017‐0002/HMP 2018‐0002/MS 2017‐004/V 2018‐0003 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Composite Fence