HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-06; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6058 Meeting Date: Feb. 6, 2023 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Lauren Ferrell, Associate Engineer lauren.ferrell@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2558 Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager hossein.ajideh@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2756 Subject: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6058 Recommended Action 1. Receive a presentation regarding the Intersection Control Alternatives Analysis for the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements Project, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6058; and 2. Receive input from the community; and 3. Support staff’s recommendation to the City Council to implement a modern-day roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. Executive Summary The City of Carlsbad is committed to creating “complete streets,” roads that are safe and accessible, while balancing the needs of drivers, bicyclists, walkers, and other road users. One area the city is redesigning into “complete streets” is Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue, which will address the narrow sidewalk over the bridge, the bus stop in the center median island, efficient intersection control, and making more room for walkers and bikers. In 2015, the city received a grant from the San Diego Association of Governments Active Transportation Grant Program, or ATGP. The Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements project was selected for the grant because it promotes active transportation improvements and traffic calming at this heavily traveled segment of Carlsbad Boulevard to make it safe for all users. Additionally, the improvements meet the guiding principles set forth by the city’s General Plan Mobility Element, which the City Council adopted in 2015. While this project started before the city’s current traffic safety emergency, the proposed improvements support the city’s focus on creating safer streets for all modes of transportation. The project also serves to close a critical multimodal gap in the transportation network by improving the bicycle, pedestrian and transit environment on Carlsbad Boulevard. Operational Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 1 of 324 enhancements to all modes provided by the project will improve connectivity and safety for all users. Staff have completed a variety of analyses and have worked with project neighbors and the community to get their input on potential designs for the area. Two options for reconfiguring the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue are feasible. Both options will widen the walking path over the bridge just south of Tamarack Avenue, relocate the bus stop and add street parking. The options differ in how they manage traffic flowing through the intersection. One features a traffic signal and the other a roundabout. The city’s first roundabout on Carlsbad Boulevard is north of the project site at State Street, and the City Council has approved another roundabout at Cannon Road and Carlsbad Boulevard. Based on staff’s intersection control alternatives analysis focused on vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian modes, improved safety and best meeting the city’s policies for mobility, staff recommend option two, roundabout. Discussion The Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements, Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, Project No. 6058 incorporates elements from the Mobility Element of the General Plan and Sustainable Mobility Plan. The project limits are provided in Exhibit 1 Location Map. With the goal to enhance safety for all users including drivers, walkers and bicyclists, the scope of work proposes improvements such as: • Reconfiguration of the intersection to provide efficient traffic flow • Widening of the sidewalk, including to the south across the bridge • Relocating the North County Transit District bus stops to provide safer access • Improving pedestrian and bike facilities • Improving Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, facilities Background The City of Carlsbad has received approval from the San Diego Association of Governments, or SANDAG, two 36-month grant extensions. The second extension of the ATGP will expire in May 2025. The city considers this project as a high-profile project since it is along the coast and would impact many city residents and visitors. In addition to temporary construction impacts, the project will also have a permanent impact on the look and the feel of the whole area. Due to these impacts, the city conducted an extensive public outreach effort to gather the public’s input. As part of the public engagement process from 2016 to 2018, staff hosted two community workshops and open houses, an online survey, an in-person survey, and four on-site public informational questions and answers. Staff additionally presented the project’s proposed improvements to the California Coastal Commission and made presentations to the former Traffic Safety Commission, now known as the Traffic & Mobility Commission. Staff incorporated Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 2 of 324 feedback from these engagements to develop and refine design options for the intersection improvements and associated technical studies. During the preliminary assessment, topographic and site surveys revealed property line ambiguities between the city and the California Department of Parks and Recreation, or State Parks, properties. Staff have been in ongoing coordination with State Parks staff since early 2018 to address the long-term operating and maintenance associated with the project. City staff have also worked with State Parks staff to receive concurrence on conceptual intersection control designs since portions of the project are located within the State Park’s right-of-way. Three alternatives were presented to State Parks for consideration, and additional evaluation was prepared to address their comments. In 2021, city staff received a concurrence letter from State Parks staff on the project’s conceptual designs. Once city staff received the concurrence letter on the conceptual design options from State Parks, staff advertised a request for qualifications in summer 2021 for engineering and environmental services for the project. The city’s selection panel completed negotiations with the selected firm, Wood Rodger, Inc. In March 2022, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with Wood Rodgers, Inc. to provide engineering and environmental services for the project. Existing Conditions Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue is currently a signalized intersection with pedestrian crosswalks on the north and east legs. The northbound and southbound approaches currently include protected left-turn phasing and the eastbound and westbound approaches include split phasing. The study area consists of the following roadway segments that make up the four approaches of the study intersection: Carlsbad Boulevard: •A four-lane roadway that runs north-south between the city limits. •The southbound approach of the study intersection includes two through lanes, a southbound left-turn pocket, and a signal-controlled channelized southbound right-turn lane. •The northbound approach includes one through lane, a shared through-right turn lane, and a northbound left-turn pocket. •Based on the General Plan Mobility Element (Mobility Element), Carlsbad Boulevard is designated as an Identity Street north of Tamarack Avenue and as a Coastal Street south of Tamarack Avenue. Tamarack Avenue: •A two-lane roadway with a two-way left-turn lane that generally runs east-west between Carlsbad Boulevard and College Boulevard. •Tamarack Avenue forms the westbound approach of the study intersection and contains one shared through-right turn lane and a left-turn pocket. •Tamarack Avenue is designated as a Neighborhood Connector Street. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 3 of 324 Beach Access Road • A local access road that provides access to Tamarack State Beach parking lot. • The Beach Access Road forms the eastbound approach to the study intersection and contains a shared through-left turn lane, and a stop-controlled channelized right-turn lane. Existing Pedestrian Facilities Within the project area, sidewalks exist along both sides of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. Sidewalk along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of Tamarack Avenue is 4- feet-wide and buffered by a guardrail. Sidewalk along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Tamarack Avenue is 8-feet-wide buffered by a landscaped area. Only two crosswalks exist at the project intersection with push buttons, countdown signal heads, curb ramps on the north and east legs of the intersection. Also, in the nearby vicinity is the Agua Hedionda trail head and Coastal Rail Trail facilities. Additionally, the existing conditions include narrow sidewalks, especially along the bridge where people commonly walk in the bike lane. Currently there are no ADA compliant crossings at this intersection. Existing Bicycle Facilities The project area includes Class II bike lanes. A Class II bike lane provides a delineated pathway assigned to bicyclists to enable more predictable movements, accommodating bicyclists through corridors. These Class II bike lanes are located along the northbound and southbound Carlsbad Boulevard, and along the eastbound and westbound Tamarack Avenue. Existing Transit Facilities Immediate in the project area are North County Transit District, or NCTD, bus stops. The bus stops are located on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard, approximately 170 feet north of Tamarack Avenue, and on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard within the refuge island on the west leg of the intersection. Both stops contain signage; however, there are currently no ADA- compliant pedestrian facilities providing access to the stop on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard. Guiding Principles The goal of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project is to accommodate all modes of transportation and improve beach access while promoting active transportation and traffic calming at this heavily traveled segment of Carlsbad Boulevard. This will make it safer for all modes of users and ensure an exceptional coastline experience in all the ways people want to enjoy it. The project improvements are proposed in accordance with the local policies, including complete streets, Mobility Element of the General Plan, Sustainable Mobility Plan and Climate Action Plan. The intent of complete streets is to create roads where all modes of transportation are considered, to get people safely where they want to go by their choice of travel, walking, biking, or driving. This policy reflects a new way of thinking about how people get around Carlsbad, moving from managing car traffic to an approach focused on all modes of travel. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 4 of 324 The city’s Sustainable Mobility Plan includes specific guidance on the consideration of roundabouts for intersection control which states, “The City of Carlsbad recognizes that roundabouts are an effective intersection traffic control measure to calm traffic and improve safety of intersections for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles by reducing speeds and conflict points. Roundabouts have added benefits of improving efficiency of vehicle operations of intersections, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from idling vehicles and enhancing aesthetics. Roundabouts will be considered on existing city streets where they could effectively address safety or traffic operations issues or in new development projects when intersection control is being considered. It is recognized that roundabouts may not be appropriate in the built environment or at some high-volume intersections and shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.” In addition, the city recently declared state of local emergency for bike, e-bike and traffic safety following an over 200% increase in bike and e-bike collisions since 2019. Since the traffic emergency was declared in August 2022, and subsequently extended as of Jan. 24, 2023, the city has made improvements to over 90 miles of local streets, increased traffic enforcement and reprioritized traffic safety related projects. Safety is at the forefront of this project to safely move all modes of travel through and around this intersection, while managing vehicle speeds to promote safe pedestrian and bicycle movements. Public input Since the project began community feedback has helped shape the design and focus of these improvements. Extensive outreach was conducted from 2016 to 2018, gathering the community’s priorities and input on the potential designs. Stakeholder outreach with California Coastal Commission and State Parks has been ongoing and will continue throughout the engineering design and environmental permitting process. Recently, visual simulations of the intersection control options were developed and shared with the public to request input before moving on to the next stage. Outreach included: • Mailer to property owners and residents located within the project area • Community input banner hung on-site to promote the public input opportunity • E-newsletters • Social media posts • Media articles • In-person meetings with various community members and interest groups within the project area. Design Options Based on previous work initiated during the early stages of the project to identify the intersection control options, city staff and the consultant team worked to further evaluate these options related to feasibility, operational functionality, and constructability. Two intersection control design options are presented herein and include: • Option 1 – Traffic Signal • Option 2 – Single-lane Modern Roundabout Both design options will include the following improvements: Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 5 of 324 • Widen the sidewalk over the bridge on the west side, south of the intersection • Relocate bus stops • Add street parking • Add pedestrian crossing south of Sequoia Ave, near Agua Hedionda Lagoon by the Carlsbad Blvd Trailhead Analysis Completed The evaluation of these two design options for the intersection control at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave included a detailed analysis focused on vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian modes. Intersection counts were collected on May 12, 2022, when school was in session, as well as for two summer Saturdays, June 18, 2022, and June 25, 2022. The two summer Saturday counts were taken to satisfy the city’s Local Coastal Program requirement. Traffic impacts and performance were evaluated based on three project scenarios using the traffic counts collected as described above. 1. The existing conditions, which serves as the baseline. 2. The cumulative conditions that represent existing traffic volumes plus traffic projected to be generated from near-term approved future projects that are expected to influence the project area. 3. And lastly, the Horizon Year 2035 conditions, which is the future year scenario based on growth found in the Transportation Forecast Information Center, or TFIC, as part of the SANDAG’s Regional Transportation Demand Model, or RTDM. The following was analyzed for each design option. • Vehicular Level of Service and Delay • Roundabout Feasibility and Operations • Vehicular Queueing Analysis • Pedestrian Level of Service • Bicycle Level of Service • Project Area Collision Summary and Safety Evaluation The results are provided in Exhibit 2, Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis dated January 2023. Option 1 – Traffic Signal This intersection control option represents a three-lane signalized condition in which the following improvements would be made, as shown on the cross section in Figure 1: • Addition of high visibility pedestrian crossings on all four legs of the intersection • Addition of green bike lane conflict zone striping that highlights the presence of bicyclists • Bulb-outs/curb extensions with directional curb ramps at the southeast corner of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue intersection and east leg of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Sequoia Avenue intersection • A parking lane and buffered bike lane on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Tamarack Avenue • Removal of the southbound channelized right-turn lane and conversion of one southbound through lane to a shared-through right lane Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 6 of 324 • Reduction of southbound Carlsbad Boulevard to one lane just before the proposed midblock crossing • Minimum expansion of the sidewalk width over the bridge that will vary between 8 and 15 feet • Minimum expansion of the bike lane (varies from 6 to 8 feet) and buffer width (0 to 3 feet) Figure 1 - Traffic Signal Option Cross-Section Looking South on Carlsbad Boulevard Visual simulations are included in Figure 2 to provide a graphical representation of how the intersection may look with the traffic signal option. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 7 of 324 *Graphical representation only. Final design may vary. Figure 2 –Traffic Signal Simulations, looking south and north, respectively Under the traffic signal intersection option, the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Redwood Avenue would remain full-access, however, the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Sequoia Avenue would be converted to right-in/right-out only. Option 2 – Single-lane modern Roundabout The roundabout intersection control option proposes many improvements similar to the traffic signal option but with additional buffered bike lanes, and wider sidewalks. The cross section for this option is shown in Figure 3. In the southbound direction, a lane would be dropped starting just south of Cherry Avenue and would open back to two through lanes south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge. In the northbound direction, a lane would be dropped south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge and would open back to two through lanes north of Hemlock Avenue. Figure 3 - Roundabout Option Cross-Section Looking South on Carlsbad Boulevard This alternative proposes the following additional differentiators from Option 1. • An additional high visibility crosswalk on the east leg of Redwood Avenue • ADA directional curb ramps at all pedestrian crossings within the roundabout • Maximized with for bike lane (varies between 7 to 8 feet) with a 3-ft buffer throughout. • Additional landscaping in and around the roundabout perimeter. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 8 of 324 Visual simulations are included in Figure 4 to provide a graphical representation of how the intersection may look with the single-lane modern roundabout option. *Graphical representation only. Final design may vary. Figure 4 – Roundabout Simulations, looking south and north, respectively This roundabout option assumes installation of a metering signal on the eastbound approach (west leg) with queue detection on the northbound approach (south leg) located approximately 500 feet south of the yield line. This means the vehicles approaching the roundabout from the Beach Access Road (parking lot) will be metered in a similar fashion to a freeway on-ramp to ensure the queue on Carlsbad Boulevard is clearing the intersection. An additional benefit of this option is that the intersections of Carlsbad Boulevard with Redwood Avenue and Sequoia Avenue remains fully accessible with no added restrictions. Overall Intersection Control Options Comparison The Alternatives Analysis process was used to evaluate and compare the two intersection control options. In addition to city policies, engineering standards, the following criteria was Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 9 of 324 included in the evaluation. An overall comparison between the two intersection options is summarized in Table 1. The evaluation criteria include: • Pedestrian, bicycle and transit enhancements • Traffic impacts and performance • Environmental, including, biological resources, cultural resources and air quality/greenhouse gas emissions • Safety, including, collisions and conflict points and speed management • Beach access • Aesthetics Although both options provide enhancements to the pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities compared to current condition, the differences between the alternatives should be noted. The roundabout provides significant benefits over the traffic signal option, including shorter crossing distances, slower traffic speed through the intersection, less vehicle congestion, shorter vehicle queuing distances, and lower number of potential conflict points. For sidewalk facilities, the roundabout doubles the sidewalk width to 10 feet on the east side of Carlsbad Blvd to the north of Tamarack Avenue, whereas with the traffic signal option it would remain unchanged at 5 feet. On the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard, south of the intersection, the roundabout provides maximized sidewalk width widening compared to the traffic signal option. Additionally, the sidewalk width over the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge can be maximized with the roundabout option to provide more space for coastline access. Widening the sidewalk will in turn enhance the coastline experience and beach activities as pedestrians and bicyclists will feel more comfortable, reclaiming the area. Bicycle facilities benefit the most with the roundabout option. This option provides the widest bike lane and buffer widths (the preferred 8-foot width with 3-foot buffer). As for safety, the roundabout option produces less than half the number of conflict points between all modes of transportation, including vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The traffic signal option will introduce some new conflicts points at the bus pull-outs, which will make this option have slightly higher conflict count than the today’s current condition. The total conflict points between vehicles and bicyclists at the intersection is only 27 for the roundabout, whereas a high of 69 conflict points with the traffic signal option. Traffic performance was quantified through the determination of “Level of Service”, or LOS. Level of Service measures traffic operating conditions, whereby a letter grade “A” through “F” is assigned to an intersection or roadway segment, representing progressively worsening traffic operations. LOS “A” represents free-flow conditions with little to no delays, while LOS “F” represents jammed or grid-lock conditions. The roundabout intersection option achieved the highest LOS of B for the peak-hour traffic, compared to LOS C for the other option. This means traffic can be expected to perform better with the roundabout, even at the worst hour, compared to the other alternatives. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 10 of 324 Queuing for all movements at Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue was evaluated against available storage space. The results for the traffic signal option would exceed the proposed turn pocket length for the northbound, southbound and westbound left-turn movement during at least one peak hour under all scenarios. Under the roundabout option, queueing on all approaches is shown to fit within the available storage space. As part of a previous outreach, the public expressed concern for the effect of the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Sequoia Avenue. The left-turn from Carlsbad Boulevard onto Sequoia Avenue would be closed with the traffic signal option, while it would remain open with the roundabout intersection option. According to the US Department of Transportation Federal Highways Administration’s Roundabouts: An Informal Guide: “Roundabouts may provide environmental benefits if they reduce vehicle delay and the number and duration of stops compared with an alternative. Even when there are heavy volumes, vehicles continue to advance slowly in moving queues rather than coming to a complete stop. This may reduce noise and air quality impacts and fuel consumption significantly by reducing the number of acceleration/deceleration cycles and the time spent idling. In general, if stop or yield control is insufficient, traffic through roundabouts generates less pollution and consumes less fuel than traffic at fixed-time signalized intersections.” The roundabout intersection option shows improvement in traffic congestion from the current intersection condition. As a result, all emissions generated by gasoline vehicle usage would be reduced. The roundabout allows the normal flow of traffic to continue moving without stopping and idling at the intersection in nonpeak times, and avoids cold starts and stops, which tend to generate more emissions compared with just slowing down. Qualitatively, the roundabout is the superior build alternative from an air quality and greenhouse gas emissions standpoint. While posted speeds will be the same for both options, the roundabout provides the most effective speed management since drivers will merge to one lane in each direction followed by the smaller radius circular motion of the roundabout. Drivers awareness is heightened while navigating the roundabout due to the yield motions required and the flowing movement. In addition, the roundabout provides the widest sidewalks for pedestrians and the widest buffer areas for bike lanes. For the bicyclists that choose to stay within the roadway and enter the roundabout with the vehicular traffic, vehicle speeds will be dropped enough that they can position themselves amongst the vehicles (in front or behind) at similar speeds. In comparison, the traffic signal option provide speed management with bulb-outs/curb extensions at joining intersections. When comparing the safety of both options, the roundabout would provide the most dynamic speed management scenario with the most reduced injury and fatality rate. According to the Transportation Research Board, or TRB, (2001) and National Cooperative Highway Research Program, or NCHRP, (2007), the safety improvements provided by the roundabout include: • More than 90% reduction in fatalities Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 11 of 324 • 67% reduction in injuries • 35% reduction in all crashes • Slower speeds are generally safer for pedestrians In addition, according to FHWA (2000) roundabouts reduce the frequency and severity of crashes by: • Eliminating the most severe types of crashes– high angle movements including right- angle, left-turn, and head on collisions • Decreasing relative speeds approaching and through the intersection. Lower speed is associated with better yielding rates and reduced vehicle stopping distance • Minimizing the speed differential of most road users • Shortening the pedestrian crossing distances and pedestrians only cross one direction of traffic at a time at each approach • Decreasing vehicle to vehicle, pedestrian to vehicle and bicycle to vehicle conflict points Table 1 provides more details and comparison between the traffic signal and roundabout intersection control options. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 12 of 324 Table 1. Intersection Control Options Comparison Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 13 of 324 Recommendations Staff have reviewed the intersection control alternatives analysis in detail to evaluate the feasibility, operational functionality and performance, and safety enhancements for all users for the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue intersection. Based on the results staff recommend the single-lane modern roundabout as the preferred intersection control option. Based on the community feedback highlighting the desire for better speed management, alleviating congestion, improved safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, the roundabout option addresses all these elements the best, while best meeting city policies and standards. The roundabout option would be the safest option and change the characteristics of the road to promote improved driver behavior. Based on the engineering evaluation provided by the design consultant, the roundabout option provides most efficient traffic operations, safer and shorter pedestrian crossings, better improvements for bicyclists with respect to bike lane and buffer widths with the ability to either use the multiuse path or the travel lane, with enhanced coastline experience. The roundabout option creates the safest intersection scenario of the two options through: • Reducing vehicle conflicts with pedestrians and bicyclists • Reducing bike and vehicle speed differentials • Reducing vehicle speed in general within and approaching the intersection • Widening the sidewalk to increase pedestrian capacity and comfort Studies have shown that roundabout intersection significantly reduce the number of serious collision conflict points and result in a 90% reduction in fatalities compared to signalized intersections. Additionally, the roundabout was modeled to ensure delivery trucks, trash trucks, and emergency service vehicles can navigate in all directions through the intersection. Furthermore, the roundabout option is the more sustainable option compared to a signalized intersection. This option is the best for financial and environmental sustainability. It will minimize infrastructure maintenance needs and costs. It will also reduce the air pollution generated by vehicles and require less electricity and maintenance costs than a signalized intersection. The roundabout option would require less pavement than the signalized intersections and this leads to fewer greenhouse gas emissions from the construction and maintenance and less surface water runoff during rain events. In addition, roundabouts can reduce noise levels, as the design results in slower speeds through the intersection providing a notable improvement in local noise pollution and providing residents with a quieter environment. It’s for the reasons provided throughout the staff report and based on the engineering and mobility evaluations and compliance with city plans and policies that staff recommend the roundabout as the preferred intersection control at Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. Next Steps Following the Traffic & Mobility Commission’s review, staff will present the project to the City Council with a recommendation to approve the preferred option. Once the preferred Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 14 of 324 intersection control option is determined, the project will advance to final engineering design and environmental review and permitting phase. Final engineering design and environmental permitting will begin in April 2023 and is estimated to be completed in early 2025. The project plans and specifications are targeted for approval and authorization to solicit bids for construction in mid-2025. Staff plan to return to the City Council with a request to award the construction contract in mid-2025. The construction is targeted to start in late 2025 and be completed by late 2026, contingent upon coordination with State Parks and obtaining a Coastal Development Permit. Exhibits 1. Location map 2. Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 3. Public Correspondence Received as of Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023, at 12 p.m. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 15 of 324 CARLSBAD BLVD. AT TAMARACK AVE. PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 1 C A R L S B A D B L V D . G A R F I E L D S T . R A I L R O A D IN T E R S T A T E 5 O C E A N S T . H A R D I N G S T . A D A M S S T . H I G H L A N D D R . CARL S B A D VILLA G E DR. OAK AVE. PINE AVE. TAMA R A C K AVE.CHES T N U T AVE. AGUA HEDIONDALAGOON PROJECT SITE PROJECT SITE CIP No. 6058 Exhibit 1 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 16 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 1 of 27 To: Lauren Ferrell, PE, QSD/P - City of Carlsbad Cc: Nathan Schmidt - City of Carlsbad Scott Lyle - City of Carlsbad From: Melissa Gomez, PE Date: January 24, 2023 Subject: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis INTRODUCTION This memorandum has been prepared to present an Alternatives Analysis for the proposed Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project located in the City of Carlsbad, California. This analysis evaluates four (4) project alternatives: ·No Build Alternative ·Alternative 1 – Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative ·Alternative 2 – Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative ·Alternative 3 – Roundabout Intersection Alternative The results of this analysis are based on the city-approved Mobility Analysis, dated December 2, 2022. PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES As determined by the project development team, the City of Carlsbad, and the stakeholders of this project, the goal of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project is to accommodate all modes of transportation and improve beach access while promoting active transportation improvements and speed management at this heavily traveled segment of Carlsbad Blvd to make it safer for all modes of users. The city council aims to become a leader in multimodal transportation systems, implementing creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within Carlsbad to enhance Carlsbad’s coastline and ensure an exceptional experience in all the ways people want to enjoy it. The goal of the project is to also close a critical gap in the transportation network by improving the bicycle, pedestrian, and transit environment on Carlsbad Boulevard, thus promoting alternative modes as viable forms of transportation, and improving safety for users that choose those alternative modes. The project improvements provide operational enhancements for vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and riders consistent with the city’s General Plan Mobility Element and Climate Action Plan. Improvement features will include: ·Reconfiguration of the intersection to ease traffic flow ·Widening of the sidewalk, including to the south across the bridge ·Relocating the North County Transit District bus stops to provide safer access ·Improving pedestrian and bike facilities Visit https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/public-works/projects/our-coastline/tamarack-area- coastal-project for project status updates and information. Exhibit 2 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 17 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 2 of 27 EXISTING CONDITIONS STUDY INTERSECTION This analysis focuses on the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. The project location and study limits are shown in Figure 1. Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue is currently a signalized intersection with 10-foot-wide pedestrian crosswalks on the north and east legs. There is a 4-foot-wide pedestrian refuge island through the north leg crossing. The sidewalk has visible cracks and spalling with minor settlement and uplift in some areas. The northbound and southbound approaches currently include protected left-turn phasing and the eastbound and westbound approaches include split phasing. The study area consists of the following roadway segments that make up the four approaches of the study intersection: Carlsbad Boulevard: A four-lane roadway that runs north-south between the city limits. The posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour (mph) north of Tamarack Avenue and 35 mph south of Tamarack Avenue. Based on the City of Carlsbad General Plan Mobility Element (Mobility Element), Carlsbad Boulevard is designated as an Identity Street north of Tamarack Avenue and as a Coastal Street south of Tamarack Avenue. The southbound approach of the study intersection includes two through lanes, a southbound left-turn pocket, and a signal-controlled channelized southbound right-split lane. The northbound approach includes two through lanes and a northbound left-turn pocket. Tamarack Avenue: Within the study area, Tamarack Avenue is a two-lane roadway with a two-way left- turn lane that generally runs east-west between Carlsbad Boulevard and College Boulevard. The posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour (mph) west of Skyline Road and 35 mph east of Skyline Road. Tamarack Avenue forms the westbound approach of the study intersection and contains one shared through-right turn lane and a left-turn pocket. Based on the Mobility Element, Tamarack Avenue is designated as a Neighborhood Connector Street. Beach Access Road: The Beach Access Road is a local access road that provides access to the Tamarack State Beach parking lot, owned and operated by California Department of Parks and Recreation, State Parks. There is no posted speed on this road, however, speeds can be assumed to be 25 mph or less. The Beach Access Road forms the eastbound approach to the study intersection and contains a shared through- left turn lane, and a stop-controlled channelized right-turn lane. ADJACENT INTERSECTIONS Redwood Avenue: Redwood Avenue is a two-lane east-west local roadway that forms a full access side- street stop-controlled intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard approximately 300 feet north of Tamarack Avenue. Redwood Avenue is designated as a “village street” in the Mobility Element. Sequoia Avenue: Sequoia Avenue is a two-lane east-west local roadway that forms a full access side-street stop-controlled intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard approximately 300 feet south of Tamarack Avenue. Sequoia Avenue is designated as a “local/neighborhood street” in the Mobility Element. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 18 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 3 of 27 Figure 1. Project Location Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 19 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 4 of 27 PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE, AND TRANSIT FACILITIES Existing Pedestrian Facilities Within the study area, sidewalks exist along both sides of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. Sidewalk along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of Tamarack Avenue is 4 to 5-feet-wide and buffered by a guardrail. Sidewalk along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Tamarack Avenue is 8- feet-wide buffered by a landscaped area. The Carlsbad Boulevard & Tamarack Avenue intersection contains pedestrian crosswalks with push buttons, countdown signal heads, curb ramps on the north and east legs of the intersection, and the Agua Hedionda trail head and Coastal Rail Trail facilities in the nearby vicinity. Existing Bicycle Facilities The City of Carlsbad General Plan Mobility Element and Carlsbad Bikeway Master Plan references three (3) bikeway facility types, consistent with Caltrans definitions, as follows: · Class I Bikeway (bike path) – provides a separated corridor that is not served by streets and highways and is away from the influence of parallel streets. Class I bikeways are for non-vehicle use only with opportunities for direct access and recreational benefits, right-of-way for the exclusive use of bicycles and pedestrians, and cross flow conflicts are minimized. · Class II Bikeway (bike lane) – provides a delineated right-of-way assigned to bicyclists to enable more predictable movements, accommodating bicyclists through corridors where insufficient room exists for side-by-side sharing of existing streets by motorists and bicyclists. · Class III Bikeway (bike route) – shared facility that serves either continuity to other bicycle facilities or designates preferred routes through high demand corridors. Class II bikeways (bike lanes) exist on the following facilities: · Northbound and southbound Carlsbad Boulevard within the study area. · Eastbound and westbound Tamarack Avenue within the study area. Existing Transit Facilities Transit in the City of Carlsbad includes North County Transit District (NCTD) transit service, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) paratransit service, the COASTER commuter rail, and Amtrak rail service. Bus stops exist within the immediate study area on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard, approximately 170 feet north of Tamarack Avenue, and on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard within the porkchop island on the west leg of the intersection. Both stops contain signage and benches, however, there are currently no ADA- compliant pedestrian facilities providing access to the stop on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard. The bus stops are serviced by Route 101 of the NCTD (referred to as the “BREEZE”). Currently, Route 101 provides service along Highway 101 between Oceanside Transit Center in Oceanside and UTC Transit Center in San Diego. Service is provided seven days a week with approximately 30-minute headways throughout the day and hourly headways in the evenings. CONCEPTUAL ALTERNATIVES PROPOSED ALTERNATIVES This analysis studies the following four project alternatives: No Build Alternative: This alternative presents a baseline condition in which no improvements would be made to the study intersection and corridor. Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative: As seen on the attached Alternative 1 exhibit, this alternative represents a signalized condition in which the following improvements would be made: Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 20 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 5 of 27 · New striping along Carlsbad Boulevard between Hemlock Avenue and just south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge, along Tamarack Avenue approximately 175 feet east of Carlsbad Boulevard, and along the Beach Access Road approximately 100 feet west of Carlsbad Boulevard. · Addition of high visibility pedestrian crossings on all four legs of the study intersection and on the east leg of the Carlsbad Boulevard & Sequoia Avenue intersection. · Addition of green bike lane conflict zone striping that highlights the presence of bicyclists. · Bulb-outs/curb extensions with directional curb ramps at the southeast corner of Carlsbad Boulevard/Tamarack Ave intersection and east leg of the Carlsbad Boulevard/Sequoia Avenue intersection. · A parking lane and pull-out bus stop alongside a buffered bike lane on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Tamarack Avenue. · A pull-out bus stop on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of Tamarack Avenue alongside a bike lane. · 6-ft bike lane without a buffer on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Tamarack Avenue to Hemlock Avenue. · 6-ft bike lane with a 2-ft buffer on both sides of the bike lane (with adjacent on-street parking) on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Tamarack Avenue. · 6-ft bike lane without a buffer on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of Tamarack Avenue for approximately 420 feet which then transitions to an 8-ft bike lane with a 3-ft buffer as it continues south, ending south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge. · 6-ft bike lane without a buffer on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue, followed by a 6-ft bike lane with a 2-ft buffer south of Sequoia Avenue to the project limits south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge. · 7-ft bike lane on both sides of Tamarack Avenue · 10-ft western sidewalk to the north of Tamarack Avenue provided for the length of the proposed bus stop only, as there is already an existing meandering sidewalk that would remain in place. · Existing 5-ft eastern sidewalk would remain in place to the north of Tamarack Avenue. · 9-ft western sidewalk to the south of Tamarack Avenue, which would then widen to 11 feet to the south followed by a maximum 15.5-ft width on the bridge. · 10-ft eastern sidewalk between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue followed by a 5 to 6-ft eastern sidewalk south of Sequoia Avenue. · A new signalized midblock pedestrian crossing on Carlsbad Boulevard approximately 680 feet south of the study intersection with ADA curb ramps. · New directional ADA curb ramps at all pedestrian crossings within the study intersection and on the east leg of the Carlsbad Boulevard & Sequoia Avenue intersection. All other curb ramps at adjacent intersections would remain protected in place. · One 10.5-ft to 11-ft through lane and one 10.5-ft to 11-ft through-right lane in the northbound direction · One 10-ft to 10.5-ft through lane and one 10-ft to 10.5-ft through-right lane in the southbound direction · A single 10-ft northbound and southbound exclusive left-turn lane · 11-ft through lanes on Tamarack Avenue in both eastbound and westbound directions · 11-ft left-turn lane on Tamarack Avenue · Exclusive and separated 20-ft right-turn lane from Beach Access Road to southbound Carlsbad Boulevard, separated by a median with a Caltrans Type C Island Passageway. · A single through and receiving lane on the Beach Access Road of varying widths Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 21 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 6 of 27 · Removal of the southbound channelized right-split lane and conversion of one southbound through lane to a shared-through right lane. · Reduction of southbound Carlsbad Boulevard to one lane just north of the proposed midblock crossing with the merge taper beginning approximately 420 feet south of the Carlsbad Blvd/Tamarack Ave intersection. · Signal modification to include pedestrian phases for the west and south legs. The signal is assumed to remain actuated uncoordinated. Under the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative, the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Redwood Avenue would remain full-access, however, the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Sequoia Avenue would be converted to right-in/right-out only. Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative: As seen on the attached Alternative 2 exhibit, this alternative represents a signalized condition that consists of almost all the improvements included in the Signalized 3- Lane Intersection Alternative but omits the lane reduction on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard south of Tamarack Avenue. Carlsbad Boulevard would remain a 4-lane corridor throughout the project limits. Due to the inclusion of the 4th lane, the western sidewalk to the south of Tamarack Avenue, would widen to a maximum 11-ft width to the south. Additionally, the southbound bike lane south of Tamarack Avenue would be 6 feet wide without a buffer. All other lane, sidewalk, and bike lane widths would remain the same as the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative. Roundabout Intersection Alternative: As seen on the attached Alternative 3 exhibit, this alternative proposes many improvements similar to the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative but with additional buffered bike lanes, wider sidewalks, and would construct a single lane roundabout at the study intersection. In the southbound direction, a lane would be dropped starting just south of Cherry Avenue and would open back to two through lanes south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge. In the northbound direction, a lane would be dropped south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge and would open back to two through lanes north of Hemlock Avenue. This alternative proposes the following additional differentiators from the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative: · An additional high visibility crosswalk on the east leg of Redwood Avenue. · ADA directional curb ramps at all pedestrian crossings within the roundabout · 8-ft bike lane with a 3-ft buffer on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Tamarack Avenue to Hemlock Avenue. · 8-ft bike lane with a 3-ft buffer on both sides (with adjacent on-street parking) on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Tamarack Avenue. · 8-ft bike lane with a 3-ft buffer on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of Tamarack Avenue. Figure 2. Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative Cross-Section Looking South on Carlsbad Boulevard Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 22 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 7 of 27 · 7-ft bike lane with a 3-ft buffer on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue, followed by an 8-ft bike lane with a 3-ft buffer south of Sequoia Avenue to the project limits south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge. · 10-ft western sidewalk to the north of Tamarack Avenue. Existing meandering sidewalk would remain in place. · 9.2 to 10-ft eastern sidewalks to the north of Tamarack Avenue. · 14-ft western sidewalk to the south of Tamarack Avenue, which would then widen to 16 feet to the south followed by a 15-ft sidewalk width on the bridge. · 10-ft eastern sidewalk between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue followed by an 11-ft eastern sidewalk south of Sequoia Avenue, which widens to 14 feet to the south followed by a 13-ft sidewalk width on the bridge. · 10.5-ft to 11-ft single through lane on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard, which would then widen as it approaches the roundabout. · 11-ft single through lane on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard, which would then widen as it approaches the roundabout. · 17-ft single lane within the roundabout. · Truck apron interior circle of the roundabout. · Additional truck apron in the southeast corner of the roundabout. · 10-ft medians on Carlsbad Boulevard both north and south of the roundabout. · 11-ft eastbound through lane and westbound through lane on Tamarack Ave, each of which would widen as it approaches the roundabout. · 11.5-ft eastbound lane and 10-ft westbound lane within the Beach Access Road, each of which would widen as it approaches the roundabout. · Exclusive and separated 22-ft right-turn lane from Beach Access Road to southbound Carlsbad Boulevard, separated by a median with a Caltrans Type C Island Passageway. · Varying width medians on Tamarack Avenue and the Beach Access Road. · Additional landscaping around roundabout perimeter. · The intersection improvements will include conduit to facilitate each leg and pedestrian crossings could be signalized in the future as needed to address operational issues. This alternative assumes installation of a metering signal on the eastbound approach (west leg) with queue detection on the northbound approach (south leg) located approximately 500 feet south of the yield line. This means the vehicles approaching the roundabout from the Beach Access Road will be metered in a similar fashion to a freeway on-ramp to ensure the queue on Carlsbad Boulevard is clearing the intersection. The intersections of Carlsbad Boulevard with Redwood Avenue and Sequoia Avenue would Figure 3. Roundabout Intersection Alternative Cross-Section Looking South on Carlsbad Boulevard Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 23 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 8 of 27 remain full access. The three conceptual project alternatives are shown in Appendix A. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS PROCESS This section details the alternatives and criteria to meet the goals defined by the City of Carlsbad and all modes of transportation needs in a multi-step screening process as shown in the figure below. PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE, AND TRANSIT ENHANCEMENTS One of the main goals of this project is to enhance the public facilities provided for pedestrians and bicyclists. For pedestrians, this means creating wide and spacious sidewalks for pedestrians to both walk alongside each other while also being able to stop and admire the coastline. Implementing curb extension at the corners of the intersection will enhance pedestrian safety by increasing pedestrian visibility and slowing vehicles. Curb extensions increase overall visibility by aligning pedestrians with the parking lane and by reducing the crossing distance for pedestrians. By physically and visually narrowing the roadway, vehicles are encouraged to slow down. For bicyclists, this means providing bike lanes with buffers to separate bicyclists from vehicular traffic for an added level of safety. When the bike lane runs adjacent to the on-street parking, a buffer between the parking lane and the bike lane is also preferred. Bike lane widths should be a minimum of 6 feet, but 8 feet is preferred to provide bicyclists with plenty of space to ride without providing so much width that a motor vehicle could mistake the bike lane for a traffic lane. For transit, this means providing near-side pull-out bus stop configurations. Near-side pull out stops benefit traffic flow by not blocking the through lane while buses are stopped at the station. Safety is also improved since transit riders come from the font, which is more visible to the transit operator. Pedestrian enhancements will also benefit transit users, as wider sidewalks provide additional space for waiting riders in addition to space for bus stop amenities. To evaluate the pedestrian and bicycle enhancements, the Mobility Analysis performed for this project determined the Multimodal Level of Service (MMLOS) for pedestrians and bicyclists. MMLOS provides a qualitative “grade” assigned to specified travel modes, ranging from a LOS A to LOS F. As outlined in the city’s General Plan, LOS A reflects a high service standard for a travel mode (e.g., outstanding Figure 4. Alternatives Analysis Process Evaluation Criteria · Pedestrian and Bicycle Enhancements · Traffic Impacts & Performance · Environmental Constraints · Safety · Beach Access · Aesthetics Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 24 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 9 of 27 characteristics and experience for that mode) and LOS F reflects a poor service standard for a travel mode (e.g. congestion for vehicles, no bicycle, pedestrian, or transit facilities, etc.) MMLOS evaluates the safety and quality of access and mobility for pedestrian, bicyclist, and transit users using methods documented in the Carlsbad General Plan Mobility Element, Chapter 3. The City of Carlsbad MMLOS Tool takes into account inputs such as sidewalk and bike lane widths, speed limit, presence of pedestrian and bike lane buffers, and speed management features such as bulb-outs and high visibility crosswalks. Per Policy 3-P.4 in the General Plan Mobility Element, the study area pedestrian and bicycle facilities should maintain LOS D or better. As published in Table 3-1 of the city’s General Plan, Transit is not subject to a MMLOS standard. Pedestrian and Bicycle MMLOS for the three main approaches of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue intersection, as well as the segment of Carlsbad Boulevard between Sequoia Avenue and the south end of the bridge, were evaluated for all alternatives under Existing conditions. Cumulative and Horizon Year scenario analysis was omitted because Cumulative ADT volumes showed only a very slight increase over Existing ADTs and projected Horizon Year ADTs were lower than Existing ADTs. As such, Horizon Year and Cumulative condition MMLOS results were projected to be the same as Existing MMLOS results. Pedestrian LOS for the segment of Carlsbad Boulevard between Sequoia Avenue and the south end of the bridge is better under the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative and Roundabout Alternative than under the 4-Lane Alternative, as the roadway would be narrower at the midblock crossing, allowing pedestrians to cross fewer lanes. Table 1 shows the pedestrian and bicycle scores and LOS for each direction of the study segments. As shown in Table 1, all three proposed project alternatives were found to provide notably better pedestrian LOS and similar or better bicycle LOS over No Build conditions. See Appendix D for the MMLOS Worksheets used to determine these results. In addition to the MMLOS analysis, it should be noted that each alternative provides different pedestrian and bicycle facilities. As noted in the alternative descriptions, these are: · Pedestrian Facilities: o No Build Alternative – Existing sidewalks are approximately 5 to 6 feet wide throughout the project area, except on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of Tamarack Avenue where the sidewalk has metal beam guardrail followed by a barrier along the bridge, which shrinks the sidewalk to 4 to 5 feet. Additionally, there is no curb-adjacent sidewalk on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the north of Tamarack Avenue; which instead has an offset meandering sidewalk 8 feet wide. Crosswalks exist only on the north and eastern leg of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue intersection with a maximum crossing width of 76 feet. o Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative – Proposed sidewalks on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the north of Tamarack Avenue, and on the east side to the south between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue, are 10 feet wide. The existing 5-ft sidewalk on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the north of Tamarack Avenue would remain protected in place. The proposed sidewalk on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the south of Tamarack Avenue is 9 feet minimum to 16 feet maximum. And the proposed sidewalk on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the south of Sequoia Avenue is 5 feet minimum to 6 feet maximum. Crosswalks and directional curb ramps are proposed on all legs of the intersection with a maximum crossing width of 65 feet. A Caltrans Type C Island Passageway is proposed within the median island separating the exclusive right-turn lane coming from the Beach Access Road. o Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative – Proposed sidewalks are the same as the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative except on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the south of Tamarack Avenue: here they are 9 feet minimum to 11 feet maximum. Proposed crosswalks are the same as the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 25 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 10 of 27 o Roundabout Alternative – Proposed sidewalks on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the north of Tamarack Avenue, on the east side to the north between Tamarack Avenue and Redwood Avenue, and on the east side to the south between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue are 10 feet wide. On the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the north of Redwood Avenue, the proposed sidewalk is 9.2 feet wide. Proposed sidewalk on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the south of Tamarack Avenue is 14 feet minimum to 16 feet maximum. And the proposed sidewalk on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the south of Sequoia Avenue is 11 feet minimum to 14 feet maximum. Crosswalks are proposed on all legs of the roundabout with median refugee island further reducing the maximum crossing width to 22 feet. Each median refugee island includes a Caltrans Type A or B passageway. A Caltrans Type C Island Passageway is proposed within the median porkchop separating the exclusive right-turn lane coming from the Beach Access Road. · Bicycle Facilities: o No Build Alternative – The existing bike lane on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the north of Tamarack Avenue is 6.5 to 7.5 feet wide with no buffer. The existing bike lane on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the north of Tamarack Avenue is 5 to 7 feet wide with no buffer. The existing bike lane on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the south of Tamarack Avenue is approximately 7 feet wide with a 2-ft buffer that widens to a 5-ft buffer over the bridge. And the existing bike lane on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard to the south of Tamarack Avenue is approximately 7 feet wide with a varying buffer that widens to 5 feet over the bridge. Bicyclists and vehicles have 65 potential conflict points. o Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative - All 6-ft bike lanes, sometimes with 2-ft buffers and sometimes without buffers, with a 3-ft buffer for the southbound bike lane over the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge. Bicyclists and vehicles have 69 potential conflict points. o Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative – All 6-ft bike lanes, half with 2-ft buffers and half without buffers. This alternative has the same number of potential bike and vehicle conflicts as the Signalized 3-lane intersection Alternative. o Roundabout Alternative – All 8-ft bike lanes with 3-ft buffers, except alongside the adjacent parking where the bike lane is 7 feet with a 3-ft buffer on both sides. Bicyclists and vehicles have 27 potential conflict points, which is about 50% fewer conflict points compared to a signal-controlled intersection. · Transit Facilities: o No Build Alternative – The existing bus stop in the southbound direction of Carlsbad Boulevard is located within the median island refuge at the southwest corner of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue intersection. The pedestrian access ramp is not ADA-compliant and does not connect to the pedestrian traveled path. When stopped at this station, the bus is within the 8-foot bike lane and forces bicyclists into the vehicle lane to bypass the stopped bus, introducing a major conflict point. The existing bus stop in the northbound direction is located 120 feet north of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue intersection and located 5 feet from a driveway. The sidewalk is 5 feet wide which does not meet the minimum ramp deployment area (FHWA, 2015). When stopped at this station the bus will be within both the bike lane and vehicle lane, causing cars to stop or make unsafe maneuvers around the stopped bus. o Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative – Relocates bus stops to a near side configuration. 8-ft wide bus station pull out with 80-foot-long and 10-foot-wide bus station. Along the length of the bus pull-out is a 6-foot-wide high visibility green painted bike lane with a 2-foot buffer on both sides. o Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative – Same transit enhancements as Signalized 3- lane Intersection Alternative. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 26 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 11 of 27 o Roundabout Alternative – 8-ft wide bus station pull out with 80-foot-long and 10-foot-wide bus station. Along the length of the bus pull-out is a 7-ft high visibility green painted bike lane with a 3-foot buffer on both sides. Although the three proposed alternatives all provide clear enhancements to the pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities compared to the No Build Alternative, the differences between the alternatives should be noted. The roundabout provides significant benefits over the two signalized alternatives, including shorter crossing distances, slower traffic speed, and lower number of potential conflict points. For sidewalk facilities, where the signalized alternatives maintain existing 5-ft sidewalks on the east side to the north of the intersection and proposed 5-ft sidewalks south of Sequoia Avenue on the east side, the roundabout replaces these with much wider 10-ft and 11 to 14-ft widths, respectively. Additionally, on the west side south of the intersection, the roundabout provides sidewalk widths between 14 to 16 feet, the signalized 3- Lane intersection alternative provides 9 to 16 feet, and the 4-lane provides 9 to 11 feet. In a populated and heavily traveled segment of a beachside location such as this, maximizing these widths is of extreme importance. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 27 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 12 of 27 Table 1. MMLOS Results Segment No Build Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative Roundabout Alternative Pedestrian Bicycle Pedestrian Bicycle Pedestrian Bicycle Pedestrian Bicycle NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Score LOS Carlsbad Blvd (south leg) – Sequoia Ave to Tamarack Ave 45 F 55 E 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 90 A 90 A 100 A 100 A 90 A 90 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A Carlsbad Blvd (north leg) – Tamarack Ave to Redwood Ave 70 C 70 C 95 A 100 A 95 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 85 B 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A Tamarack Ave (east leg) – Carlsbad Blvd to Garfield St 80 B 80 B 95 A 95 A 100 A 100 A 95 A 95 A 100 A 100 A 95 A 95 A 100 A 100 A 95 A 95 A Carlsbad Blvd (bridge) – Sequoia Ave to south end of Bridge 45 F 45 F 100 A 100 A 95 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 85 B 95 A 100 A 90 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A Notes: Source: City of Carlsbad MMLOS Tool Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 28 of 324 Draft Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 13 of 27 TRAFFIC IMPACTS AND PERFORMANCE The Mobility Analysis performed for this project evaluated the following scenarios using the Traffic Counts included in Appendix B: • Existing Conditions: Existing traffic volumes from counts taken in May and June of 2022 on Thursday’s and Saturday’s. These traffic counts are provided in Appendix B. • Cumulative Conditions: A near-term scenario representing existing traffic volumes plus traffic projected to be generated from approved and reasonably foreseeable pending projects that are expected to influence the study area and intersection. • Horizon Year 2035 Conditions: a future year scenario based on growth found in the Transportation Forecast Information Center (TFIC) as part of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) ABM2+/2021 Regional Transportation Demand Model (RTDM). The study intersection was evaluated under the following time periods: • Typical Weekday AM peak hour • Typical Weekday PM peak hour • Summer Weekend (Saturday) midday peak hour Level of Service Traffic operations were quantified through the determination of “Level of Service” (LOS). Level of Service is a qualitative measure of traffic operating conditions, whereby a letter grade “A” through “F” is assigned to an intersection or roadway segment, representing progressively worsening traffic operations. LOS “A” represents free-flow conditions with little to no delays, while LOS “F” represents jammed or grid-lock conditions. For the Mobility Analysis performed, it was assumed that city roadways and intersections should strive to maintain LOS D or better operations during peak periods, when possible. Intersection LOS results are shown in Table 2 below for all alternatives and scenarios. As shown in Table 2, the study intersection would operate at LOS C or better under all scenarios. Table 2. Carlsbad Boulevard & Tamarack Avenue Intersection LOS Alternative Control Type Peak Hour Existing Cumulative Horizon Year Delay (s/veh)1 LOS Delay (s/veh) LOS2 Delay (s/veh) LOS No Build Alternative Signal AM 13.9 B 13.7 B 13.3 B PM 23.7 C 24.6 C 23.6 C SAT 24.4 C 25.1 C 24.9 C Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative Signal AM 17.6 B 17.1 B 17.2 B PM 26.9 C 26.8 C 26.6 C SAT 30.3 C 30.8 C 29.8 C Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative Signal AM 17.4 B 17.8 B 17.1 B PM 26.0 C 26.9 C 25.6 C SAT 29.6 C 30.6 C 29.1 C Roundabout Intersection Alternative Roundabout AM 3.9 A 4.0 A 3.6 A PM 18.8 B 22.0 C 15.7 B SAT 13.2 B 15.5 B 12.5 B Notes: Bold values indicate LOS E or F. 1Average control delay is reported for signalized and roundabout control types. 2 Level of Service (LOS) is a qualitative measure of traffic operating conditions, whereby a letter grade “A” through “F” Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 29 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 14 of 27 Alternative Control Type Peak Hour Existing Cumulative Horizon Year Delay (s/veh)1 LOS Delay (s/veh) LOS2 Delay (s/veh) LOS is assigned to an intersection or roadway segment, representing progressively worsening traffic operations. LOS is determined using methods documented in the Transportation Research Board Publication Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition (HCM). Queuing 95th Percentile queuing for all movements at Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue was evaluated against existing and proposed available storage space using SimTraffic for signalized intersection control and Sidra software for roundabout control. Storage space for turn lanes was based on turn pocket length and storage space for through movement was based on the distance to the nearest cross street. Table 3 below shows the 95th percentile queueing at each movement compared to the available storage length. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 30 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 15 of 27 Table 3. 95th Percentile Intersection Queueing Alternative Movement Storage (ft)1 95th Percentile Queues (ft) Existing Cumulative Horizon Year AM PM SAT AM PM SAT AM PM SAT No Build Alternative NBL 70 37 119 109 30 122 143 31 112 110 NBT 230 89 488 291 93 502 321 88 446 294 SBL 115 61 136 132 59 137 143 61 131 151 SBT 235 113 145 194 115 142 215 111 150 206 SBR 70 15 23 90 0 23 89 0 24 101 EBT 235 36 64 69 33 61 78 31 69 76 EBR 30 5 22 24 0 24 29 4 27 28 WBL 75 124 115 124 124 118 133 113 117 124 WBT 450 65 97 123 80 103 138 76 117 114 Signalized 3- Lane Intersection Alternative NBL 115 38 133 133 39 133 129 32 119 105 NBT 230 105 539 314 98 535 332 103 495 305 SBL 97 75 162 209 78 165 213 74 167 213 SBT 235 177 209 336 166 203 348 167 222 325 EBT 235 34 64 75 34 63 75 40 59 74 EBR 30 0 7 28 4 18 26 0 4 29 WBL 93 163 138 176 169 140 178 158 127 162 WBT 450 121 126 178 143 135 194 140 108 157 Signalized 4- Lane Intersection Alternative NBL 115 38 137 124 37 130 136 34 118 132 NBT 230 104 536 316 109 535 335 102 500 317 SBL 97 73 146 159 69 137 192 69 137 168 SBT 235 129 171 234 139 152 272 120 154 260 EBT 235 37 60 78 37 65 70 32 58 68 EBR 30 0 10 36 4 19 26 0 13 23 WBL 93 165 136 171 171 143 172 160 132 157 WBT 450 133 126 160 150 127 190 130 119 137 Roundabout Intersection Alternative NB 215 7 117 85 8 135 97 7 99 83 SB 220 44 24 109 46 25 122 41 23 106 EB 260 5 10 28 5 10 29 5 10 28 WB 450 23 25 28 24 25 75 21 22 61 Notes: Bold values indicate queues that exceed storage length. 1Storage reported is available queueing length within a turn pocket or the length of a through lane before nearest conflicting cross- street. 2 Where multiple lanes exist for one movement, queue reported is the highest for that movement. 3 Movement abbreviations are as follows: Northbound (NB), Northbound Left (NBL), Northbound Through (NBT), Southbound (SB), Southbound Left (SBL), Southbound Right (SBR), Southbound Through (SBT), Eastbound (EB), Eastbound Through (EBT), Eastbound Right (EBR), Westbound (WB), Westbound Left (WBL), Westbound Through (WBT). As shown in Table 3, under the Signalized 3-Lane and 4-Lane Intersection Alternatives, queueing would exceed the proposed turn pocket length for the northbound, southbound, and westbound left-turn movement during at least one peak hour under all scenarios. Minimum turn pocket lengths to accommodate maximum projected left-turn queues under the Signalized 3-Lane and 4-Lane Intersection Alternatives are as follows: Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 31 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 16 of 27 · Northbound Left-Turn: o Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative: 135 feet o 4-Lane Alternative: 140 feet  Proposed northbound left-turn queue lengths for the signalized alternatives can be maximized to 150 feet. The additional length would take some width from the western sidewalk; however, if selected this change would be implemented in final design. · Southbound Left-Turn: o Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative: 215 feet o Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative: 195 feet  Proposed southbound left-turn queue lengths for the signalized alternatives were maximized at 97 feet. This length cannot be increased without removing access from southbound Carlsbad Boulevard to Redwood Avenue. · Westbound Left-Turn (from Tamarack Avenue): o Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative: 180 feet o Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative: 175 feet  Proposed left-turn queue lengths for the signalized alternatives were maximized at 93 feet. This length cannot be increased without acquisition of right of way from adjacent properties. Northbound and southbound queueing are projected to exceed available storage during at least one peak hour for all scenarios under the Signalized 3-Lane and 4-Lane Intersection Alternatives. Worst-case southbound queues under the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative would be 348 feet long (back of queue would pass Redwood Avenue). Worst-case southbound queues under the 4-Lane Alternative would be 272 feet long and are projected to be better than those under the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative since the lane reduction of southbound Carlsbad Avenue south of Tamarack Avenue would not occur under this Alternative. Worst-case northbound queues are projected to be 539 feet and 536 feet long under the 3-Lane and 4-Lane Alternatives, respectively, reaching back to the northern end of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge. As the intersection of Sequoia Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard would be converted to right-in/right-out only under these Alternatives, no queueing-related improvements are recommended at the Carlsbad Boulevard & Sequoia Avenue intersection. Note that under worst-case conditions, both the northbound and southbound queues were observed to clear the intersection in one cycle. Under the Roundabout Alternative, queueing on all approaches is shown to fit within the available storage space. Eastbound (from beach parking driveway) shared left/through queueing is projected to fit within available storage under all scenarios and alternatives. Eastbound right-turn queueing is shown to slightly exceed the short, channelized right-turn pocket during the Existing Summer Saturday Peak Hour for the 4-Lane Alternative. However as there is additional storage space along the drive aisle before reaching the beach parking lot, queue storage is assumed to be adequate for this approach under all scenarios and alternatives. Queueing at Redwood Avenue and Sequoia Avenue As part of a previous outreach, the public expressed concern for the effect of the project alternatives on queueing at the intersections of Carlsbad Boulevard with Redwood Avenue and Sequoia Avenue. These potential queueing impacts were thus evaluated as part of the Mobility Analysis. Redwood Avenue is proposed to remain full-access under all alternatives and Sequoia Avenue is proposed to be converted to right-in/right-out only under the 3-Lane and 4-Lane Alternatives. Results showed that maximum westbound and southbound left-turn queues at Redwood Avenue would both fit within available storage space. At Sequoia Avenue, results showed that maximum westbound Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 32 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 17 of 27 queues are projected to fit within available storage space. As worst-case northbound left-turn queueing at Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue is projected to be 137 feet, there may not be enough space to retain the southbound left-turn pocket at Sequoia Avenue under the 3-Lane and 4-Lane Alternatives. Therefore, it is recommended that Sequoia Avenue operate with right-in/right-out control under the 3- Lane and 4-Lane Alternatives as proposed. Since there would be no northbound left-turn pocket at the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue intersection under the Roundabout Alternative, there would be adequate room to provide a southbound left-turn pocket at Sequoia Avenue under the Roundabout Alternative. Maximum 95th percentile southbound left-turn queues at Sequoia Avenue are projected to be 25 feet, which fits within available storage. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS Biological Resources Early evaluation of the Biological Study Area and record searches of the surrounding areas identified disturbed coastal sage scrub habitat that exists in a small strip between Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack State Beach. There is potential for special status plant species in the project area based on the available coastal habitat types present. The No Build Alternative would result in no changes to the Biological Study Area. Each of the three build alternatives have potential to result in small, sliver impacts to adjacent habitat; however, the City of Carlsbad is committed to minimizing or avoiding impacts wherever feasible, and mitigating impacts when necessary. At this stage of the alternatives analysis, there is no substantive difference in the anticipated impacts to biological resources between the three build alternatives. Cultural Resources Review of cultural records and coordination with State Parks identified one built environmental cultural resource in the project area. State Parks has previously evaluated the Tamarack Beach Comfort Station building and determined that it should be considered eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. None of the build alternatives are expected to result in direct or indirect impacts to the Comfort Station. Additional coordination with local Native American groups and State Parks relating to the protection of cultural and historic properties will occur during the environmental document phase of the project. Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions The data from the Mobility Analysis performed for this project allows for a qualitative analysis of long term air quality emissions as a result of the three build alternatives, when compared with the No Build Alternative. Vehicle emissions are generated proportionately with gasoline usage and gasoline usage is affected by changes in Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Vehicle Hours Traveled (VHT). Since this is an intersection improvement project, no new trips are expected to be generated as a result of this project. Table 2 above shows that none of the proposed alternatives would result in failing Level of Service so no cut-through traffic or vehicles detouring around the intersection as a result of traffic congestion are expected. As a result, this alternatives evaluation considers that each of the four alternatives would have the same VMT. According to the US Department of Transportation Federal Highways Administration’s Roundabouts: An Informal Guide: “Roundabouts may provide environmental benefits if they reduce vehicle delay and the number and duration of stops compared with an alternative. Even when there are heavy volumes, vehicles continue to advance slowly in moving queues rather than coming to a complete stop. This may reduce noise and air quality impacts and fuel consumption significantly by reducing the number of acceleration/deceleration cycles and the time spent idling. In general, if stop or yield control is insufficient, traffic through roundabouts generates less pollution and consumes less fuel than traffic at fixed-time signalized intersections.” Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 33 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 18 of 27 VHT is directly affected by level of service and delay. When considering the three build alternatives and comparing them to the No-Build Alternative, the 3-Lane and 4-Lane Alternatives provide variation in delay depending on the turn movement and time of day. As shown in Table 3 above, some delay values show improvement, and some are worse when compared to the No Build Alternative. If these signalized alternatives are selected, additional qualitative modeling is recommended to provide a more detailed representation of changes in air quality and greenhouse gas emissions that would occur in comparison with the No Build Alternative. The Roundabout Alternative shows improvement in delay and traffic congestion across the board when compared with the No Build Alternative. As a result, all emissions generated by gasoline vehicle usage would be improved with this alternative. Furthermore, the roundabout allows the normal flow of traffic to continue moving without stopping and idling at the intersection in non- peak times, which further would reduce VHT and avoids cold starts and stops which tend to generate more emissions compared with just slowing down. Qualitatively, the roundabout is the superior build alternative from an air quality and greenhouse gas emissions standpoint. SAFETY Collisions and Conflict Points This section discusses the collision history in the vicinity of the study intersection and safety impacts of the different alternatives. Approximately fourteen years of crash data (January 2008 – July 2022) were provided by the city (included in Appendix E) to identify high collision locations and common collision characteristics. Table 4 summarizes the collisions in the study area, including the collision severity (fatal, serious injury, other visible injury, complaint of pain, and property damage only (PDO)), the collision type (broadside, sideswipe, rear-end, hit object), the cause of the collision (driving under the influence, unsafe speed, improper turning, etc.), and the modes of transportation involved in the incident (vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to bicyclist, and vehicle to pedestrian). Table 4. Project Area 2022 Crash Data Summary: Severity & Type Intersection To t a l C r a s h e s Severity Type Cause Modes Fa t a l Se r i o u s I n j u r y Ot h e r V i s i b l e I n j u r y Co m p l a i n t o f P a i n PD O Br o a d s i d e Si d e s w i p e Re a r - E n d Hi t O b j e c t Ot h e r No t S t a t e d DU I Un s a f e S p e e d Im p r o p e r T u r n i n g Un s a f e S t a r t / B a c k i n g Tr a f f i c S i g n a l s & S i g n s Mo d e o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Carlsbad Boulevard & Redwood Avenue 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Veh/Veh: 2 Veh/Bike: 0 Veh/Ped: 0 Carlsbad Boulevard & Tamarack Avenue 11 0 0 4 5 2 1 2 5 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 Veh/Veh: 7 Veh/Bike: 1 Veh/Ped: 0 Carlsbad Boulevard & Sequoia Avenue 3 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Veh/Veh: 2 Veh/Bike: 0 Veh/Ped: 0 Tamarack Avenue & Garfield Street 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Veh/Veh: 1 Veh/Bike: 0 Veh/Ped: 0 Total 18 0 0 5 8 5 2 4 8 2 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 As shown in Table 4, the majority of collisions occurred at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. The most common type of collision was rear-end, followed by sideswipe collisions. The primary collision factors were driving under the influence, unsafe speed, improper turning, traffic signals Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 34 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 19 of 27 Figure 5. Vehicle to vehicle conflict point comparison for conventional intersection versus a single-lane approach roundabout (FHWA, 2000). and signs, and unsafe starting or backing. Implementation of speed management measures proposed in the project improvement alternatives would potentially help reduce the number of collisions caused by unsafe speed and improper turning. When comparing the safety of the three proposed alternatives, the roundabout would provide the most dynamic speed management scenario with the most reduced injury and fatality rate. According to the Transportation Research Board (TRB) (2001) and National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) (2007), the safety improvements provided by the roundabout include: · More than 90% reduction in fatalities · 67% reduction in injuries · 35% reduction in all crashes · Slower speeds are generally safer for pedestrians In addition, according to FHWA (2000) roundabouts reduce the frequency and severity of crashes by: · Eliminating the most severe types of crashes– high angle movements including right-angle, left- turn, and head on collisions. · Decreasing relative speeds approaching and through the intersection. Lower speed is associated with better yielding rates and reduced vehicle stopping distance. · Minimizing the speed differential of most road users · Shortening the pedestrian crossing distances and pedestrians only cross one direction of traffic at a time at each approach. · Decreasing vehicle to vehicle, pedestrian to vehicle, and bicycle to vehicle conflict points The frequency of crashes at an intersection is related to the number of conflict points at an intersection as well as the magnitude of conflicting flows at each conflict point. A conflict point is a location where the paths of two vehicles, a vehicle and bicycle, or a vehicle and pedestrian diverge, merge, or cross each other. Fewer conflict points means fewer opportunities for collisions. The severity of a collision is determined largely by the speed of impact and the angle of impact. The higher the angle and higher the speed, the more severe a collision. The following figures compare the conflict points from that of a conventional intersection to that of a single-lane approach roundabout intersection. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 35 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 20 of 27 Figure 7. Pedestrian to vehicle conflict point comparison for conventional intersection and single lane approach roundabout (FHWA, 2000). A pedestrian is three times more likely to die when struck at 30 mph than at 20 mph, a difference of only 10 mph in speed. Typical commuter bicyclists’ speeds are in the range of 12 to 15 mph. Therefore, the difference in speed is critical to all users. The minor additional delay or inconvenience to drivers of lower- speed roundabout designs (as compared to higher-speed roundabout designs) is a tradeoff for the Figure 6. Bicycle to vehicle conflict point comparison for conventional intersection versus a single-lane approach roundabout (FHWA, 2000). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 36 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 21 of 27 substantial safety benefit to pedestrians and bicyclists. Older drivers may benefit from the additional time to perceive, think, react, and correct for errors, as may all users (FHWA, 2000). Speed Management Methods While posted speeds will be the same for all alternatives, the roundabout provides the most effective speed management of the proposed alternatives by forcing drivers to merge to one lane in each direction followed by the smaller radius circular motion of the roundabout. Drivers must be more aware to navigate the circular motion, as they are forced to slow down. In addition, the roundabout provides the widest sidewalks for pedestrians and the most buffer areas for bike lanes. It also forces bicyclists to slow down to enter 5-foot-wide bike ramps angled at approximately 45 degrees to their direction of travel before joining with pedestrians in the sidewalk. For the bicyclists that choose to stay within the roadway and enter the roundabout with the vehicular traffic, vehicle speeds will be dropped enough that they can position themselves amongst the vehicles (in front or behind) at similar speeds. In comparison, the Signalized 3-Lane and 4-Lane Intersection Alternatives provide speed management through the use of bulb-outs/curb extensions at joining intersections as well as some widening of sidewalks and some buffers for bike lanes (similar to the existing condition). These two alternatives provide the same sidewalk and bike lane improvements throughout except in the southbound direction south of Tamarack Avenue, where space from the lane drop is given to these other facilities. This lane drop in the southbound direction provides an additional speed management measure for the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative. As vehicles merge to one lane going southbound, they may also be forced to stop at the signalized pedestrian crossing with high visibility crosswalk prior to the bridge. Although the Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative also has this crossing, the two lanes heading southbound won’t be forced to slow down prior to the pedestrian signal. The Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative is likely to produce vehicles traveling at the fastest speeds in the southbound direction. In addition, this pedestrian crossing in the Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative has the longest crossing distance of the three proposed alternatives, making it the least safe crossing of the three. In the northbound direction, the Signalized 3-Lane and 4-Lane Intersection Alternatives are the same and will therefore produce the same vehicle speeds. Both signalized alternatives, however, improve sidewalk and bicycle facilities over existing conditions, and therefore still provide a safer intersection and corridor compared to the No Build Alternative. BEACH ACCESS As discussed in the Safety section above, all three proposed build alternatives provide safety improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists, and since many will be visiting the coastline and the beach, this means a safer route for beach access as well. As noted above, all three build alternatives improve access for pedestrian and bicyclists, but the roundabout alternative provides the safest scenario of the three by: · Reducing vehicle conflicts with pedestrians and bicyclists · Reducing bike and vehicle speed differentials · Reducing vehicle speed in general within and approaching the intersection · Widening the sidewalk to increase pedestrian capacity and comfort Widening the sidewalk will in turn enhance the coastline experience and beach activities as pedestrians will feel more comfortable, reclaiming the area. The roundabout alternative allows for the most sidewalk widening, although all of the proposed alternatives offer improvements to sidewalk widths. The roadway improvements proposed with this project are being coordinated with the City of Carlsbad Beach Access Repairs Project, in which the city is working to repair access stairways, existing sidewalks, and the seawall located along Carlsbad Boulevard, between Pine Ave and Tamarack Ave, and Carlsbad State Beach. Note that the proposed improvements for the Beach Access Repairs Project do not encroach into the proposed Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 37 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 22 of 27 project limits for the subject project. However, the improvements are directly adjacent. With these two projects side-by-side, all modes of users can expect a safer experience during their visit to the coastline and Tamarack Beach upon these projects’ completion. AESTHETICS As would be expected with new construction, the three proposed alternatives would all improve the aesthetics of the corridor and subject intersection and introduce new landscape areas to offset proposed flatwork. The signalized alternatives would likely implement planters within the curb extensions/bulb-outs alongside and between each of the curb ramps. The roundabout would do the same, as well as provide a minimum 2-ft planter strip behind the curbs within the roundabout itself. There is an opportunity to provide further landscaping with potential for a large tree or piece of artwork within the center. Additionally, the roundabout would provide a clearer unobstructed coastline view and maximize the public and private vista areas with the removal of the overhead traffic signals. Although all build alternatives provide aesthetic benefits over the No Build Alternative, the roundabout would be the most charming and visually appealing alternative of the three, as depicted in the visual simulations below. These simulations include views from both north and south of the subject intersection on Carlsbad Boulevard of the proposed Signalized 3-Lane Intersection (which can be assumed to be an equal visual representation to the Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative) as well as the Roundabout Intersection Alternative. Figure 8. Visual rendering of the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative from north of Tamarack Avenue looking south on Carlsbad Boulevard. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 38 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 23 of 27 Figure 9. Visual rendering of the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative from south of Tamarack Avenue looking north on Carlsbad Boulevard. Figure 10. Visual rendering of the Roundabout Intersection Alternative from north of Tamarack Avenue looking south on Carlsbad Boulevard. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 39 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 24 of 27 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES OVERALL EVALUATION In the Mobility Analysis, the project alternatives were evaluated based on a point system associated with the lowest projected vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle LOS for each alternative, where LOS A represents 6 points, LOS B represents 5 points, LOS C represents 4 points, LOS D represents 3 points, LOS E represents 2 points, and LOS F represents 1 point. Additionally, queueing was evaluated by assigning points based on the worst-case 95th percentile queues where 0-100 feet of queueing represents 6 points, 101-200 feet represents 5 points, 201-300 feet represents 4 points, 301-400 feet represents 3 points, 401-500 feet represents 2 points, and 501+ feet represent 1 point. Table 5 provides a comparison between each alternative based on this system. As shown in Table 5, the Roundabout Alternative received the best overall score (21 points) based on vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle LOS and queueing. In addition to providing acceptable LOS and reasonable queueing, the Roundabout Alternative would also enhance the pedestrian and bicycle experience and improve safety in the study area. The second runner-up was the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative with 17 points, followed closely by the 4-lane Alternative with 16 points. Compared to the No Build Alternative at 12 points, all three build alternatives provide significant improvements compared to the existing condition. Figure 11. Visual rendering of the Roundabout Intersection Alternative from south of Tamarack Avenue looking north on Carlsbad Boulevard. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 40 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 25 of 27 Table 5. Alternatives Comparison LOS Type Points No Build Alt Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alt Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alt Roundabout Intersection Alt Vehicular LOS 4 4 4 4 Pedestrian LOS 1 6 5 6 Bicycle LOS 6 6 6 6 Worst-Case Queueing 1 1 1 5 Total 12 17 16 21 Notes: LOS A = 6 points, LOS B = 5 points, LOS C = 4 points, LOS D = 3 points, LOS E = 2 points, LOS F = 1 point Queueing: 0-100 ft = 6 points, 101-200 ft = 5 points, 201-300 ft = 4 points, 301-400 ft = 3 points, 401-500 ft = 2 pts, 501+ ft = 1 point Based on the parameters, the Roundabout Alternative provides the best overall score based on vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle LOS and queueing. In addition to providing acceptable LOS and reasonable queueing, the Roundabout Alternative would also enhance the pedestrian and bicycle experience. By narrowing the roadway to one through lane in each direction followed by a sharp curve into the roundabout, vehicle speeds and pedestrian crossing distances will be significantly decreased. As discussed in the Safety section of this report, this would reduce the number of high-speed collisions and provide the safest scenario for all users. In addition, the roundabout also slows bicyclists’ speeds by using 5-foot-wide bike ramps angled at 45-degrees, forcing them to slow down as they join with pedestrians within the sidewalk. For bicyclists that choose to stay within the roadway and join with the vehicles entering the roundabout, vehicles are slowed enough that they’ll be traveling at similar speeds. As discussed in each of the sections of this report, the enhancements provided by the roundabout are superior to the other alternatives in almost every category, including pedestrian and bicycle enhancements, traffic impacts and performance, environmental constraints, safety, and aesthetics. For the one remaining category: beach access, all three build alternatives were found to produce similar benefits by aligning with the adjacent Beach Access Repair Project. Overall, the roundabout was the front runner in almost every category, and overall provides the most benefits. Displayed below in Table 6 is an overall alternatives comparison table outlining several aspects of the proposed design alternatives as well as the No Build Alternative. This table has been assembled as a tool for comparing many of the features offered from each alternative, although does not include every topic considered in this report. Items shown include: · The sidewalk width over the Agua Hedionda Lagoon bridge is provided, showing that the Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative and the Roundabout Intersection Alternative provide more space for coastline viewing from the bridge than the Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative. · The existing 5-foot sidewalk on the east side of Carlsbad Blvd to the north of Tamarack Avenue will remain protected in place for the signalized alternatives, while it will be widened to 10 feet for the Roundabout Intersection Alternative. · Bike lane and buffer widths are provided—the key being that the Roundabout Intersection Alternative provides the widest of both (generally the preferred 8-foot width with 3-foot buffer). · All proposed alternatives add additional parking spaces over the No Build Alternative. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 41 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis 26 of 27 · The left-turn from Carlsbad Boulevard onto Sequoia Avenue would be closed with the two signalized alternatives, while it would remain open in the No Build and Roundabout Intersection Alternatives. · As discussed in the Safety section, the roundabout produces far less conflict points between all modes of transportation, including vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Displayed in the table is the total conflict points between vehicles and bicyclists at the subject intersection for each alternative. The proposed signalized alternatives introduce some new conflict points at the bus pull-outs, so have a slightly higher count than the No Build Alternative, while the Roundabout Intersection Alternative is less than half the number of conflict points of all other alternatives. · As discussed in the Safety section, the signalized alternatives introduce some safety measures, which make them safer than the No Build Alternative. However, the Roundabout Intersection Alternative provides the highest improvement regarding safety. · All proposed alternatives achieved LOS A for Pedestrian MMLOS, compared to LOS D for the No Build Alternative. However, all alternatives (including the No Build Alternative) achieved LOS A for Bicycle MMLOS. · In the Mobility Analysis, the Roundabout Intersection Alternative achieved the highest LOS of B for the peak-hour traffic, compared to LOS C for all other alternatives. This means traffic can be expected to perform better with the roundabout, even at the worst hour, compared to the other alternatives. For the reasons outlined above and throughout this report, the design team suggests selection of the Roundabout Alternative as the preferred alternative for this project. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 42 of 324 Alternatives Analysis for Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Ave Intersection Improvement Project Sidewalk over Bridge Eastern Sidewalk on Carlsbad Blvd Bike Lane Safety Buffer for Bike Lanes Adds Parking Spaces Left turn to Sequoia Ave Bike & Vehicle Conflict Points Improves Safety Reduces Car Emissions Average MMLOS 2035 Worst-Case Traffic Level of Service (LOS) West Side North of Tamarack Ave Carlsbad Blvd Tamarack Ave Carlsbad Blvd Tamarack Ave Ped. Bicycle No Build Alternative 6 ft 5 ft 5 ft – 7.5 ft 7 ft 0 ft - 2 ft 0 No Yes 65 No No Improvement LOS D LOS A LOS C Alternative 1 - Signalized 3-Lane Intersection Alternative 15.5 ft 5 ft 6 ft - 8 ft 6 ft - 7 ft 0 ft - 3 ft 0 Yes No 69 Better Minor Improvement LOS A LOS A LOS C Alternative 2 - Signalized 4-Lane Intersection Alternative 9.5 ft - 11 ft 5 ft 6 ft 6 ft - 7 ft 0 ft - 2 ft 0 Yes No 69 Good Minor Improvement LOS A LOS A LOS C Alternative 3 - Roundabout Intersection Alternative 15 ft - 16 ft 10 ft 7 ft - 8 ft 5.5 ft - 7 ft 3 ft 0 ft - 4 ft Yes Yes 27 Best Highest Improvement LOS A LOS A LOS B Table 6. Overall Alternatives Comparison 27 of 27 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 43 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis APPENDICES: Appendix A: Project Alternative Exhibits Appendix B: Traffic Counts Appendix C: Cumulative Project List, Trip Generation, Distribution, and Assignment Appendix D: MMLOS Worksheets Appendix E: Collision Data REFERENCES: Final Mobility Analysis. Wood Rodgers, Inc., San Diego, C.A., 2022. NCHRP Report 572: Roundabouts in the United States. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, TRB, NAS, Washington, D.C., 2007. “Roundabouts, A Safer Choice.” Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-SA-08-006, https://highways.dot.gov/sites/fhwa.dot.gov/files/2022-06/fhwasa08006.pdf Roundabouts: An Informational Guide. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., latest version, except as noted. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/00067/00067.pdf “Safety Effect of Roundabout Conversions in the United States: Empirical Bayes Observational Before-After Study.” Transportation Research Record 1751, Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Washington, D.C., 2001. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 44 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis Appendix A: Project Alternative Exhibits Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 45 of 324 BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS ONE PROJECT AT A TIME 2251 SAN DIEGO AVE. STE A-130 Tel 619.819.9240 Fax 619.512.5599SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 ℄ ℄ ℄ ℄ Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 46 of 324 BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS ONE PROJECT AT A TIME 2251 SAN DIEGO AVE. STE A-130 Tel 619.819.9240 Fax 619.512.5599SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 ℄ ℄ ℄ ℄ Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 47 of 324 BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS ONE PROJECT AT A TIME 2251 SAN DIEGO AVE. STE A-130 Tel 619.819.9240 Fax 619.512.5599SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 ℄ ℄ ℄ ℄ Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 48 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis Appendix B: Traffic Counts Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 49 of 324 File Name : CAR_Carl_Tam AM Site Code : 99922433 Start Date : 5/12/2022 Page No : 1 City of Carlsbad N/S: Carlsbad Boulevard E/W: Tamrack Avenue Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound Tamrack Avenue Westbound Carlsbad Boulevard Northbound Beach Parking Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 07:00 AM 8 71 0 79 26 3 6 35 1 24 8 33 1 2 0 3 150 07:15 AM 11 87 1 99 28 1 12 41 5 29 9 43 1 5 2 8 191 07:30 AM 9 113 2 124 48 2 14 64 3 43 17 63 1 0 1 2 253 07:45 AM 6 118 0 124 57 3 25 85 1 41 13 55 3 1 0 4 268 Total 34 389 3 426 159 9 57 225 10 137 47 194 6 8 3 17 862 08:00 AM 14 104 9 127 62 2 16 80 1 46 12 59 0 1 3 4 270 08:15 AM 12 94 3 109 54 12 11 77 4 53 19 76 1 3 4 8 270 08:30 AM 14 93 6 113 53 8 19 80 8 75 26 109 2 2 0 4 306 08:45 AM 16 93 4 113 29 5 13 47 8 71 20 99 1 2 5 8 267 Total 56 384 22 462 198 27 59 284 21 245 77 343 4 8 12 24 1113 Grand Total 90 773 25 888 357 36 116 509 31 382 124 537 10 16 15 41 1975 Apprch %10.1 87 2.8 70.1 7.1 22.8 5.8 71.1 23.1 24.4 39 36.6 Total %4.6 39.1 1.3 45 18.1 1.8 5.9 25.8 1.6 19.3 6.3 27.2 0.5 0.8 0.8 2.1 Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound Tamrack Avenue Westbound Carlsbad Boulevard Northbound Beach Parking Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 07:45 AM 6 118 0 124 57 3 25 85 1 41 13 55 3 1 0 4 268 08:00 AM 14 104 9 127 62 2 16 80 1 46 12 59 0 1 3 4 270 08:15 AM 12 94 3 109 54 12 11 77 4 53 19 76 1 3 4 8 270 08:30 AM 14 93 6 113 53 8 19 80 8 75 26 109 2 2 0 4 306 Total Volume 46 409 18 473 226 25 71 322 14 215 70 299 6 7 7 20 1114 % App. Total 9.7 86.5 3.8 70.2 7.8 22 4.7 71.9 23.4 30 35 35 PHF .821 .867 .500 .931 .911 .521 .710 .947 .438 .717 .673 .686 .500 .583 .438 .625 .910 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951)268-6268 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 50 of 324 File Name : CAR_Carl_Tam AM Site Code : 99922433 Start Date : 5/12/2022 Page No : 2 City of Carlsbad N/S: Carlsbad Boulevard E/W: Tamrack Avenue Weather: Clear Carlsbad Boulevard B e a c h P a r k i n g T a m r a c k A v e n u e Carlsbad Boulevard Right 18 Thru 409 Left 46 InOut Total 292 473 765 Ri g h t 71 Th r u 25 Le f t 22 6 Ou t To t a l In 12 3 32 2 44 5 Left 14 Thru 215 Right 70 Out TotalIn 642 299 941 Le f t 6 Th r u 7 Rig h t 7 To t a l Ou t In 57 20 77 Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:30 AM 07:45 AM 08:00 AM 08:00 AM +0 mins.9 113 2 124 57 3 25 85 1 46 12 59 0 1 3 4 +15 mins.6 118 0 124 62 2 16 80 4 53 19 76 1 3 4 8 +30 mins.14 104 9 127 54 12 11 77 8 75 26 109 2 2 0 4 +45 mins.12 94 3 109 53 8 19 80 8 71 20 99 1 2 5 8 Total Volume 41 429 14 484 226 25 71 322 21 245 77 343 4 8 12 24 % App. Total 8.5 88.6 2.9 70.2 7.8 22 6.1 71.4 22.4 16.7 33.3 50 PHF .732 .909 .389 .953 .911 .521 .710 .947 .656 .817 .740 .787 .500 .667 .600 .750 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951)268-6268 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 51 of 324 File Name : CAR_Carl_Tam PM Site Code : 99922433 Start Date : 5/12/2022 Page No : 1 City of Carlsbad N/S: Carlsbad Boulevard E/W: Tamrack Avenue Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound Tamrack Avenue Westbound Carlsbad Boulevard Northbound Beach Parking Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 04:00 PM 28 122 4 154 35 4 23 62 10 243 47 300 8 2 9 19 535 04:15 PM 24 113 2 139 24 3 33 60 6 244 71 321 4 3 10 17 537 04:30 PM 22 115 7 144 27 7 18 52 9 274 73 356 2 7 5 14 566 04:45 PM 24 101 2 127 24 1 5 30 7 215 98 320 2 3 3 8 485 Total 98 451 15 564 110 15 79 204 32 976 289 1297 16 15 27 58 2123 05:00 PM 27 97 3 127 33 4 17 54 14 243 66 323 2 6 5 13 517 05:15 PM 23 84 4 111 24 8 25 57 9 241 63 313 4 6 2 12 493 05:30 PM 20 103 5 128 28 1 20 49 12 227 74 313 4 4 3 11 501 05:45 PM 15 76 3 94 33 1 19 53 9 207 55 271 1 3 5 9 427 Total 85 360 15 460 118 14 81 213 44 918 258 1220 11 19 15 45 1938 Grand Total 183 811 30 1024 228 29 160 417 76 1894 547 2517 27 34 42 103 4061 Apprch %17.9 79.2 2.9 54.7 7 38.4 3 75.2 21.7 26.2 33 40.8 Total %4.5 20 0.7 25.2 5.6 0.7 3.9 10.3 1.9 46.6 13.5 62 0.7 0.8 1 2.5 Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound Tamrack Avenue Westbound Carlsbad Boulevard Northbound Beach Parking Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:00 PM 04:00 PM 28 122 4 154 35 4 23 62 10 243 47 300 8 2 9 19 535 04:15 PM 24 113 2 139 24 3 33 60 6 244 71 321 4 3 10 17 537 04:30 PM 22 115 7 144 27 7 18 52 9 274 73 356 2 7 5 14 566 04:45 PM 24 101 2 127 24 1 5 30 7 215 98 320 2 3 3 8 485 Total Volume 98 451 15 564 110 15 79 204 32 976 289 1297 16 15 27 58 2123 % App. Total 17.4 80 2.7 53.9 7.4 38.7 2.5 75.3 22.3 27.6 25.9 46.6 PHF .875 .924 .536 .916 .786 .536 .598 .823 .800 .891 .737 .911 .500 .536 .675 .763 .938 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951)268-6268 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 52 of 324 File Name : CAR_Carl_Tam PM Site Code : 99922433 Start Date : 5/12/2022 Page No : 2 City of Carlsbad N/S: Carlsbad Boulevard E/W: Tamrack Avenue Weather: Clear Carlsbad Boulevard B e a c h P a r k i n g T a m r a c k A v e n u e Carlsbad Boulevard Right 15 Thru 451 Left 98 InOut Total 1071 564 1635 Ri g h t 79 Th r u 15 Le f t 11 0 Ou t To t a l In 40 2 20 4 60 6 Left 32 Thru 976 Right 289 Out TotalIn 588 1297 1885 Le f t 16 Th r u 15 Rig h t 27 To t a l Ou t In 62 58 12 0 Peak Hour Begins at 04:00 PM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:00 PM 05:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:00 PM +0 mins.28 122 4 154 33 4 17 54 6 244 71 321 8 2 9 19 +15 mins.24 113 2 139 24 8 25 57 9 274 73 356 4 3 10 17 +30 mins.22 115 7 144 28 1 20 49 7 215 98 320 2 7 5 14 +45 mins.24 101 2 127 33 1 19 53 14 243 66 323 2 3 3 8 Total Volume 98 451 15 564 118 14 81 213 36 976 308 1320 16 15 27 58 % App. Total 17.4 80 2.7 55.4 6.6 38 2.7 73.9 23.3 27.6 25.9 46.6 PHF .875 .924 .536 .916 .894 .438 .810 .934 .643 .891 .786 .927 .500 .536 .675 .763 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951)268-6268 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 53 of 324 Location: Date: 5/12/2022 N/S: Day: Thursday E/W: North Leg East Leg South Leg West Leg Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Pedestrians Pedestrians Pedestrians Pedestrians 15 3 0 14 32 15 0 0 10 25 13 4 0 16 33 7301222 12 5 1 24 42 15 4 0 22 41 13 13 0 26 52 12 8 0 30 50 102 40 1 154 297 North Leg East Leg South Leg West Leg Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Pedestrians Pedestrians Pedestrians Pedestrians 21 6 0 15 42 23 4 0 19 46 10 1 2 25 38 22 10 0 26 58 18 3 0 33 54 42 12 0 25 79 38 12 0 20 70 16 4 0 17 37 190 52 2 180 424 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 5:45 PM TOTAL VOLUMES: 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 7:15 AM 7:30 AM 7:45 AM TOTAL VOLUMES: 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:30 AM 8:45 AM Carlsbad Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue PEDESTRIANS Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 951‐268‐6268Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 54 of 324 Location: Date: 5/12/2022 N/S: Day: Thursday E/W: Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 060203011000 13 030101020000 7 030200002000 7 070000020000 9 020000024000 8 090250072000 25 030361170000 21 090000053010 18 0 42 0 10 11 5 1 26 12 0 1 0 108 Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 01300001110000 25 070100082000 18 0150100054000 25 01900030161011 41 130404051000 18 01005020100000 27 12903000105000 48 01714020143110 43 2 113 1 18 0 11 1 79 16 1 2 1 245 Tamrack Avenue TOTAL VOLUMES: Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound 5:30 PM 5:45 PM Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Eastbound TOTAL VOLUMES: 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 7:45 AM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:30 AM 8:45 AM Southbound Westbound Northbound Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad BICYCLES 7:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:15 AM Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 951‐268‐6268Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 55 of 324 File Name : CAR_Carl_Tam 6-18 Site Code : 99922433 Start Date : 6/18/2022 Page No : 1 City of Carlsbad N/S: Carlsbad Boulevard E/W: Tamrack Avenue Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound Tamrack Avenue Westbound Carlsbad Boulevard Northbound Beach Parking Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 11:00 AM 20 151 14 185 54 10 30 94 17 129 32 178 6 6 11 23 480 11:15 AM 20 132 7 159 34 4 29 67 12 163 25 200 3 3 7 13 439 11:30 AM 24 142 9 175 27 6 18 51 15 172 40 227 8 6 5 19 472 11:45 AM 27 163 3 193 45 5 22 72 11 206 41 258 3 4 5 12 535 Total 91 588 33 712 160 25 99 284 55 670 138 863 20 19 28 67 1926 12:00 PM 30 125 4 159 44 12 32 88 8 164 50 222 2 4 10 16 485 12:15 PM 18 149 13 180 40 2 21 63 11 201 34 246 4 10 6 20 509 12:30 PM 29 168 11 208 41 0 36 77 10 230 37 277 0 0 17 17 579 12:45 PM 26 143 12 181 42 0 21 63 16 236 24 276 0 0 14 14 534 Total 103 585 40 728 167 14 110 291 45 831 145 1021 6 14 47 67 2107 Grand Total 194 1173 73 1440 327 39 209 575 100 1501 283 1884 26 33 75 134 4033 Apprch %13.5 81.5 5.1 56.9 6.8 36.3 5.3 79.7 15 19.4 24.6 56 Total %4.8 29.1 1.8 35.7 8.1 1 5.2 14.3 2.5 37.2 7 46.7 0.6 0.8 1.9 3.3 Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound Tamrack Avenue Westbound Carlsbad Boulevard Northbound Beach Parking Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 11:45 AM 11:45 AM 27 163 3 193 45 5 22 72 11 206 41 258 3 4 5 12 535 12:00 PM 30 125 4 159 44 12 32 88 8 164 50 222 2 4 10 16 485 12:15 PM 18 149 13 180 40 2 21 63 11 201 34 246 4 10 6 20 509 12:30 PM 29 168 11 208 41 0 36 77 10 230 37 277 0 0 17 17 579 Total Volume 104 605 31 740 170 19 111 300 40 801 162 1003 9 18 38 65 2108 % App. Total 14.1 81.8 4.2 56.7 6.3 37 4 79.9 16.2 13.8 27.7 58.5 PHF .867 .900 .596 .889 .944 .396 .771 .852 .909 .871 .810 .905 .563 .450 .559 .813 .910 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951)268-6268 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 56 of 324 File Name : CAR_Carl_Tam 6-18 Site Code : 99922433 Start Date : 6/18/2022 Page No : 2 City of Carlsbad N/S: Carlsbad Boulevard E/W: Tamrack Avenue Weather: Clear Carlsbad Boulevard B e a c h P a r k i n g T a m r a c k A v e n u e Carlsbad Boulevard Right 31 Thru 605 Left 104 InOut Total 921 740 1661 Ri g h t 11 1 Th r u 19 Le f t 17 0 Ou t To t a l In 28 4 30 0 58 4 Left 40 Thru 801 Right 162 Out TotalIn 813 1003 1816 Le f t 9 Th r u 18 Rig h t 38 To t a l Ou t In 90 65 15 5 Peak Hour Begins at 11:45 AM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 11:45 AM 11:45 AM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM +0 mins.27 163 3 193 45 5 22 72 8 164 50 222 6 6 11 23 +15 mins.30 125 4 159 44 12 32 88 11 201 34 246 3 3 7 13 +30 mins.18 149 13 180 40 2 21 63 10 230 37 277 8 6 5 19 +45 mins.29 168 11 208 41 0 36 77 16 236 24 276 3 4 5 12 Total Volume 104 605 31 740 170 19 111 300 45 831 145 1021 20 19 28 67 % App. Total 14.1 81.8 4.2 56.7 6.3 37 4.4 81.4 14.2 29.9 28.4 41.8 PHF .867 .900 .596 .889 .944 .396 .771 .852 .703 .880 .725 .921 .625 .792 .636 .728 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951)268-6268 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 57 of 324 Location:  N/S:  E/W: Date: 6/18/2022 Day: Saturday North Leg East Leg South Leg West Leg Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Beach Parking Driveway Pedestrians Pedestrians Pedestrians Pedestrians 28 11 0 8 47 57 12 0 4 73 49 16 0 12 77 26 7 0 10 43 41 11 0 15 67 36 17 0 4 57 58 23 0 1 82 39 12 0 1 52 334 109 0 55 498 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM TOTAL VOLUMES: 12:00 PM 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 12:45 PM Carlsbad Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue PEDESTRIANS Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 951‐268‐6268Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 58 of 324 Location:  N/S:  E/W: Date: 6/18/2022 Day: Saturday Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 33102010341020 74 13714010406000 90 227180322110100 75 32302010271000 57 01801210291000 52 22224002174011 55 02206141112000 47 42885010273023 81 15 208 12 32 3 12 5 206 28 1 5 4 531 Beach Parking Driveway TOTAL VOLUMES: Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Eastbound 11:45 AM 12:00 PM 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 12:45 PM Southbound Westbound Northbound Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad BICYCLES 11:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:15 AM Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 951‐268‐6268Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 59 of 324 File Name : CAR_Carl_Tam 6-25 Site Code : 99922433 Start Date : 6/25/2022 Page No : 1 City of Carlsbad N/S: Carlsbad Boulevard E/W: Tamrack Avenue Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound Tamrack Avenue Westbound Carlsbad Boulevard Northbound Beach Parking Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 11:00 AM 27 136 9 172 49 7 24 80 15 100 25 140 4 7 9 20 412 11:15 AM 21 136 5 162 52 12 29 93 12 123 30 165 8 7 23 38 458 11:30 AM 21 143 12 176 45 6 32 83 12 128 29 169 3 6 21 30 458 11:45 AM 32 170 13 215 50 11 32 93 10 120 31 161 3 12 10 25 494 Total 101 585 39 725 196 36 117 349 49 471 115 635 18 32 63 113 1822 12:00 PM 18 157 13 188 29 6 33 68 8 136 38 182 10 9 12 31 469 12:15 PM 31 139 8 178 32 8 28 68 12 122 26 160 4 6 16 26 432 12:30 PM 27 183 13 223 36 5 33 74 12 140 24 176 9 3 9 21 494 12:45 PM 23 172 8 203 41 6 28 75 6 120 29 155 6 8 14 28 461 Total 99 651 42 792 138 25 122 285 38 518 117 673 29 26 51 106 1856 Grand Total 200 1236 81 1517 334 61 239 634 87 989 232 1308 47 58 114 219 3678 Apprch %13.2 81.5 5.3 52.7 9.6 37.7 6.7 75.6 17.7 21.5 26.5 52.1 Total %5.4 33.6 2.2 41.2 9.1 1.7 6.5 17.2 2.4 26.9 6.3 35.6 1.3 1.6 3.1 6 Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound Tamrack Avenue Westbound Carlsbad Boulevard Northbound Beach Parking Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 11:45 AM 11:45 AM 32 170 13 215 50 11 32 93 10 120 31 161 3 12 10 25 494 12:00 PM 18 157 13 188 29 6 33 68 8 136 38 182 10 9 12 31 469 12:15 PM 31 139 8 178 32 8 28 68 12 122 26 160 4 6 16 26 432 12:30 PM 27 183 13 223 36 5 33 74 12 140 24 176 9 3 9 21 494 Total Volume 108 649 47 804 147 30 126 303 42 518 119 679 26 30 47 103 1889 % App. Total 13.4 80.7 5.8 48.5 9.9 41.6 6.2 76.3 17.5 25.2 29.1 45.6 PHF .844 .887 .904 .901 .735 .682 .955 .815 .875 .925 .783 .933 .650 .625 .734 .831 .956 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951)268-6268 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 60 of 324 File Name : CAR_Carl_Tam 6-25 Site Code : 99922433 Start Date : 6/25/2022 Page No : 2 City of Carlsbad N/S: Carlsbad Boulevard E/W: Tamrack Avenue Weather: Clear Carlsbad Boulevard B e a c h P a r k i n g T a m r a c k A v e n u e Carlsbad Boulevard Right 47 Thru 649 Left 108 InOut Total 670 804 1474 Ri g h t 12 6 Th r u 30 Le f t 14 7 Ou t To t a l In 25 7 30 3 56 0 Left 42 Thru 518 Right 119 Out TotalIn 843 679 1522 Le f t 26 Th r u 30 Rig h t 47 To t a l Ou t In 11 9 10 3 22 2 Peak Hour Begins at 11:45 AM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 11:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:45 AM 11:15 AM +0 mins.32 170 13 215 49 7 24 80 10 120 31 161 8 7 23 38 +15 mins.18 157 13 188 52 12 29 93 8 136 38 182 3 6 21 30 +30 mins.31 139 8 178 45 6 32 83 12 122 26 160 3 12 10 25 +45 mins.27 183 13 223 50 11 32 93 12 140 24 176 10 9 12 31 Total Volume 108 649 47 804 196 36 117 349 42 518 119 679 24 34 66 124 % App. Total 13.4 80.7 5.8 56.2 10.3 33.5 6.2 76.3 17.5 19.4 27.4 53.2 PHF .844 .887 .904 .901 .942 .750 .914 .938 .875 .925 .783 .933 .600 .708 .717 .816 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951)268-6268 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 61 of 324 Location:  N/S:  E/W: Date: 6/25/2022 Day: Saturday North Leg East Leg South Leg West Leg Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Beach Parking Driveway Pedestrians Pedestrians Pedestrians Pedestrians 38 15 0 15 68 45 18 1 12 76 58 22 0 5 85 35 16 0 1 52 38 14 0 11 63 52 18 1 14 85 56 17 0 2 75 45 14 0 4 63 367 134 2 64 567 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 12:45 PM TOTAL VOLUMES: 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM 12:00 PM Carlsbad Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue PEDESTRIANS Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 951‐268‐6268Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 62 of 324 Location:  N/S:  E/W: Date: 6/25/2022 Day: Saturday Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 53544022393212 99 33136030300000 76 12601150292000 65 43406230216100 77 130210000344000 81 12709320221000 65 21803121293010 60 2200402091122 43 19 221 9 43 7 19 3 213 20 4 4 4 566 Carlsbad Boulevard Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Beach Parking Driveway Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound 12:30 PM 12:45 PM TOTAL VOLUMES: 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM 12:00 PM 12:15 PM Tamrack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad BICYCLES Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 951‐268‐6268Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 63 of 324 Page 1 City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Boulevard B/ Sequoia Avenue - Bridge 24 Hour Directional Volume Count CARCASE Site Code: 999-22433 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 Phone: (951) 268-6268 email: counts@countsunlimited.com Start 6/30/2022 Northbound Hour Totals Southbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 170 12 228 12:15 6 202 16 222 12:30 14 162 6 219 12:45 5 176 35 710 7 216 41 885 76 1595 01:00 6 195 7 219 01:15 5 180 6 225 01:30 2 198 2 217 01:45 3 183 16 756 2 159 17 820 33 1576 02:00 2 205 5 193 02:15 1 189 1 172 02:30 7 233 2 186 02:45 1 251 11 878 2 160 10 711 21 1589 03:00 1 226 1 192 03:15 1 273 0 187 03:30 0 239 8 216 03:45 3 276 5 1014 5 196 14 791 19 1805 04:00 1 270 4 202 04:15 6 264 4 161 04:30 3 291 9 168 04:45 2 269 12 1094 8 193 25 724 37 1818 05:00 4 272 15 183 05:15 6 301 23 173 05:30 13 304 33 200 05:45 15 286 38 1163 62 158 133 714 171 1877 06:00 22 235 69 158 06:15 27 175 76 196 06:30 37 215 90 171 06:45 36 186 122 811 120 152 355 677 477 1488 07:00 51 197 95 156 07:15 37 169 102 148 07:30 56 173 143 138 07:45 67 173 211 712 121 148 461 590 672 1302 08:00 69 156 137 151 08:15 86 156 155 119 08:30 99 102 146 102 08:45 91 100 345 514 146 82 584 454 929 968 09:00 95 75 120 80 09:15 86 58 125 73 09:30 122 79 137 75 09:45 103 64 406 276 142 64 524 292 930 568 10:00 106 93 139 82 10:15 137 102 132 79 10:30 148 82 155 55 10:45 147 62 538 339 151 39 577 255 1115 594 11:00 154 54 181 31 11:15 163 42 176 15 11:30 166 25 178 14 11:45 152 17 635 138 261 19 796 79 1431 217 Total 2374 8405 2374 8405 3537 6992 3537 6992 5911 15397 Combined Total 10779 10779 10529 10529 21308 AM Peak - 11:00 --- 11:00 ----- Vol.- 635 --- 796 ----- P.H.F. 0.956 0.762 PM Peak -- 05:00 --- 12:00 ---- Vol.-- 1163 --- 885 ---- P.H.F. 0.956 0.970 Percentag e 22.0% 78.0% 33.6% 66.4% ADT/AADT ADT 21,308 AADT 21,308 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 64 of 324 Page 1 City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Boulevard B/ Sequoia Avenue - Bridge 24 Hour Directional Volume Count CARCASE_Sat Site Code: 999-22433 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 Phone: (951) 268-6268 email: counts@countsunlimited.com Start 6/18/2022 Northbound Hour Totals Southbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 26 211 25 184 12:15 18 231 28 198 12:30 19 237 13 228 12:45 13 240 76 919 13 203 79 813 155 1732 01:00 8 236 6 222 01:15 9 207 7 221 01:30 7 222 6 260 01:45 7 246 31 911 8 227 27 930 58 1841 02:00 9 205 5 241 02:15 8 229 8 234 02:30 7 202 5 184 02:45 8 229 32 865 7 229 25 888 57 1753 03:00 6 236 4 214 03:15 4 215 2 221 03:30 8 205 4 240 03:45 8 208 26 864 4 217 14 892 40 1756 04:00 5 203 3 243 04:15 3 198 5 178 04:30 3 181 6 232 04:45 4 202 15 784 8 205 22 858 37 1642 05:00 2 174 11 191 05:15 4 187 20 165 05:30 8 210 32 222 05:45 13 180 27 751 26 182 89 760 116 1511 06:00 16 185 29 160 06:15 20 178 35 161 06:30 29 157 64 169 06:45 33 158 98 678 48 145 176 635 274 1313 07:00 44 171 62 145 07:15 57 155 63 141 07:30 52 146 83 135 07:45 45 139 198 611 68 140 276 561 474 1172 08:00 52 143 84 138 08:15 62 140 94 131 08:30 105 131 89 124 08:45 85 119 304 533 113 108 380 501 684 1034 09:00 99 90 112 100 09:15 121 85 130 91 09:30 97 75 153 82 09:45 130 64 447 314 137 74 532 347 979 661 10:00 109 57 170 75 10:15 128 42 195 68 10:30 150 49 172 63 10:45 133 38 520 186 214 50 751 256 1271 442 11:00 178 35 222 46 11:15 194 29 169 35 11:30 214 25 185 27 11:45 248 23 834 112 225 20 801 128 1635 240 Total 2608 7528 2608 7528 3172 7569 3172 7569 5780 15097 Combined Total 10136 10136 10741 10741 20877 AM Peak - 11:00 --- 10:15 ----- Vol.- 834 --- 803 ----- P.H.F. 0.841 0.904 PM Peak -- 00:15 --- 01:30 ---- Vol.-- 944 --- 962 ---- P.H.F. 0.983 0.925 Percentag e 25.7% 74.3% 29.5% 70.5% ADT/AADT ADT 20,877 AADT 20,877 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 65 of 324 Page 1 City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Boulevard B/ Sequoia Avenue - Bridge 24 Hour Directional Volume Count CARCASE_SAT2 Site Code: 999-22433 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 Phone: (951) 268-6268 email: counts@countsunlimited.com Start 6/25/2022 Northbound Hour Totals Southbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 26 202 25 184 12:15 17 162 27 171 12:30 22 182 10 204 12:45 13 154 78 700 14 201 76 760 154 1460 01:00 12 159 7 181 01:15 10 174 6 198 01:30 11 205 16 196 01:45 7 167 40 705 8 194 37 769 77 1474 02:00 6 169 9 256 02:15 8 201 7 216 02:30 5 194 3 187 02:45 8 210 27 774 6 218 25 877 52 1651 03:00 2 213 5 204 03:15 4 187 2 197 03:30 4 183 3 193 03:45 7 182 17 765 4 192 14 786 31 1551 04:00 2 215 4 184 04:15 3 161 5 189 04:30 5 240 11 199 04:45 4 253 14 869 9 206 29 778 43 1647 05:00 8 300 21 188 05:15 4 290 20 186 05:30 7 311 27 209 05:45 12 332 31 1233 30 181 98 764 129 1997 06:00 13 296 29 159 06:15 26 295 35 171 06:30 26 251 56 144 06:45 34 165 99 1007 66 146 186 620 285 1627 07:00 41 209 67 142 07:15 50 172 81 117 07:30 58 151 77 120 07:45 55 176 204 708 79 113 304 492 508 1200 08:00 85 145 98 136 08:15 101 137 88 132 08:30 107 127 117 112 08:45 111 61 404 470 121 106 424 486 828 956 09:00 115 57 126 91 09:15 117 67 129 81 09:30 125 75 143 82 09:45 137 64 494 263 152 71 550 325 1044 588 10:00 148 55 149 72 10:15 150 39 157 58 10:30 170 51 187 60 10:45 161 41 629 186 157 56 650 246 1279 432 11:00 146 33 187 43 11:15 171 26 196 30 11:30 167 25 202 24 11:45 147 33 631 117 230 28 815 125 1446 242 Total 2668 7797 2668 7797 3208 7028 3208 7028 5876 14825 Combined Total 10465 10465 10236 10236 20701 AM Peak - 10:30 --- 11:00 ----- Vol.- 648 --- 815 ----- P.H.F. 0.947 0.886 PM Peak -- 05:30 --- 02:00 ---- Vol.-- 1234 --- 877 ---- P.H.F. 0.929 0.856 Percentag e 25.5% 74.5% 31.3% 68.7% ADT/AADT ADT 20,701 AADT 20,701 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 66 of 324 Intersection Turning Movement Prepared by: N-S STREET:DATE:LOCATION: E-W STREET:DAY:PROJECT# NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL LANES:0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6:00 AM 6:15 AM 6:30 AM 6:45 AM 7:00 AM 0 59 1 1 161 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 225 7:15 AM 0 46 2 1 175 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 229 7:30 AM 0 77 1 0 228 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 307 7:45 AM 0 69 1 0 225 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 299 8:00 AM 0 89 2 0 164 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 259 8:15 AM 0 77 1 1 173 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 254 8:30 AM 0 82 0 2 155 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 241 8:45 AM 0 98 5 3 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM TOTAL NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL Volumes 0 597 13 8 1410 0 0 0 0 16 0 5 2049 Approach %0.00 97.87 2.13 0.56 99.44 0.00 ############76.19 0.00 23.81 App/Depart 610 /602 1418 /1426 0 /21 21 /0 730 AM PEAK Volumes 0 312 5 1 790 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 1119 Approach %0.00 98.42 1.58 0.13 99.87 0.00 ############90.91 0.00 9.09 PEAK HR. FACTOR:0.911 33.146855, -117.344816 08/27/19 CarlsbadCarlsbad Blvd. Sequoia Ave.19-1419-002TUESDAY 0.867 AM Peak Hr Begins at: 0.688 WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND 0.0000.871 1-Way Stop (WB) COMMENT 1: GPS: CONTROL: veracity grouptraffic Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 67 of 324 Intersection Turning Movement Prepared by: N-S STREET:DATE:LOCATION: E-W STREET:DAY:PROJECT# NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL LANES:0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6:00 AM 6:15 AM 6:30 AM 6:45 AM 7:00 AM 0 49 1 1 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 174 7:15 AM 0 42 2 1 114 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 163 7:30 AM 0 73 1 2 163 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 242 7:45 AM 0 67 0 0 184 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 254 8:00 AM 0 88 1 0 126 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 217 8:15 AM 0 83 0 3 133 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 220 8:30 AM 0 93 0 3 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 225 8:45 AM 0 87 3 1 99 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 197 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM TOTAL NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL Volumes 0 582 8 11 1067 0 0 0 0 9 0 15 1692 Approach %0.00 98.64 1.36 1.02 98.98 0.00 ############37.50 0.00 62.50 App/Depart 590 /597 1078 /1076 0 /19 24 /0 730 AM PEAK Volumes 0 311 2 5 606 0 0 0 0 4 0 5 933 Approach %0.00 99.36 0.64 0.82 99.18 0.00 ############44.44 0.00 55.56 PEAK HR. FACTOR:0.918 33.148205, -117.345909 08/27/19 CarlsbadCarlsbad Blvd. Redwood Ave.19-1419-003TUESDAY 0.830 AM Peak Hr Begins at: 0.750 WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND 0.0000.879 1-Way Stop (WB) COMMENT 1: GPS: CONTROL: veracity grouptraffic Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 68 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis Appendix C: Cumulative Project List, Trip Generation, Distribution, and Assignments Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 69 of 324 3060 STATE STREET RESTAURANT - 3060 STATE STREET 1,358 sf restaurant & outdoor patio converted from existing vacant commercial building. In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total 1.358 1,000 Sq. Ft. GFA1 191 7 8 15 9 6 15 132 24 20 44 191 7 8 15 9 6 15 132 24 20 44 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE - 2710 OCEAN STREET Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse: Consolodation of 5 parcels for new 40,000 sq ft professional services building for memory care and independent living. In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total 56 beds /40,000 sf beds /1,000 Sq. Ft. GFA1 168 7 5 12 5 7 12 168 6 13 19 168 7 5 12 5 7 12 168 6 13 19 CHINQUAPIN COASTAL HOMES - 330 CHINQUAPIN AVENUE Chinquapin Coast Homes: Three Triplex buildings containing nine airspace condominium units. In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total 9 DU1 72 1 5 6 5 2 7 79 2 3 7 72 1 5 6 5 2 7 79 2 3 7 GARFIELD BEACH HOMES - 3570 GARFIELD STREET Construction of 12 single family dwelling units. In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total 12 DU1 120 3 7 10 8 4 12 123 11 9 20 120 3 7 10 8 4 12 123 11 9 20 VIGILUCCI'S SEAFOOD & STEAKHOUSE - 3878 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD Addition of a 1,925 sf to the patio area to accommodate 104 seats for dining use. In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total 1.925 sf /104 seats Seats /1,000 Sq. Ft. GFA1 193 1 1 2 11 5 16 267 20 14 34 193 1 1 2 11 5 16 267 20 14 34 Land Use Category Quality Restaurant Quantity Units Total Project Trips Notes: 1 GFA = Gross Floor Area 2 Trip rates are calculated based on SANDAG's Brief Guid of Vehicular Trip Generation Rates for the San Diego Region (April 2002). Equivalent number of beds was calculated using ITE trip rates for 1,000 sf of Assisted Living. 3 Trip rates are calculated based on ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) average rates. Quantity Units Weekday2 SANDAG - Condominium (or any multi-family 6-20 DU/acre) Summer Saturday3 ITE 215 Single-Family Attached Housing Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily Midday Peak Hour Midday Peak Hour Weekday2 SANDAG - Convalescent/Nursing (56 Beds) Notes: 1 GFA = Gross Floor Area 2 Trip rates are calculated based on SANDAG's Brief Guid of Vehicular Trip Generation Rates for the San Diego Region (April 2002) 3 Trip rates are calculated based on ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) average rates. Quantity Units Weekday2 SANDAG - Sit-Down, High Turnover Restaurant (less 12% pass-by trips) Daily Total Project Trips PM Peak HourDailyAM Peak Hour Midday Peak Hour Summer Saturday3 ITE 930 Fast Casual Restaurant Restaurant Land Use Category Summer Saturday3 ITE 245 Assisted Living (40,000 square feet) Single-Family Detached Housing Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily Land Use Category Condominium Notes: 1 DU = Dwelling Units 2 Trip rates are calculated based on SANDAG's Brief Guid of Vehicular Trip Generation Rates for the San Diego Region (April 2002) 3 Trip rates are calculated based on ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) average rates . Quantity Units Weekday2 SANDAG - Single-Family Detached (Average 3-6 DU/acre) Summer Saturday3 ITE 210 Single-Family Detached Housing Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily Midday Peak Hour Land Use Category Assisted Living Total Project Trips Notes: 1 GFA = Gross Floor Area 2 Trip rates are calculated based on SANDAG's Brief Guid of Vehicular Trip Generation Rates for the San Diego Region (April 2002) 3 Trip rates are calculated based on ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) average rates . Total Project Trips Notes: 1 DU = Dwelling Units 2 Trip rates are calculated based on SANDAG's Brief Guid of Vehicular Trip Generation Rates for the San Diego Region (April 2002) 3 Trip rates are calculated based on ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition) fitted curve equations. Quantity Units Weekday2 SANDAG - Quality Restaurant (1.925 square feet) Summer Saturday3 ITE 931 Fine Dining Restaurant (104 Seats) Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily Land Use Category Midday Peak Hour Total Project Trips Cumulative_Project_Volumes.xlsxFeb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 70 of 324 3060 STATE STREET RESTAURANT INBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 20% OUTBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 20% CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE INBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 50%20% OUTBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 20%50% CHINQUAPIN COASTAL HOMES INBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 20%80% OUTBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 50%50% GARFIELD BEACH HOMES INBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 40%20% OUTBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 60% VIGILUCCI'S SEAFOOD & STEAKHOUSE INBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 40%40% OUTBOUND INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 40%40% Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 71 of 324 3060 STATE STREET RESTAURANT AM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Summer Saturday INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE AM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 4 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 PM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 3 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Summer Saturday INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 3 0 3 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 CHINQUAPIN COASTAL HOMES AM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 PM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Summer Saturday INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 GARFIELD BEACH HOMES AM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Summer Saturday INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 4 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VIGILUCCI'S SEAFOOD & STEAKHOUSE AM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PM INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 0 4 4 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 Summer Saturday INTID NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR WBL WBT WBR EBL EBT EBR 1 0 0 8 8 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 72 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis Appendix D: MMLOS Worksheets Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 73 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis No Build Alternative Conditions – Existing Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 74 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes No * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 5 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?No No * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?No No * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Number of Through Lanes:2 2 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)No No Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'greater than 5' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? Yes Yes Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Blvd (North Leg) Redwood Ave Tamarack Ave Coastals 18,500 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 70 | C NB SCORE | LOS 70 | C SB SCORE | LOS May require improvements and upgrades to fully support CAP goals! X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 75 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 6 8 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 0 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Blvd (North Leg) Redwood Ave Tamarack Ave Coastals 18,500 95 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 76 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?No No * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 6 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?No No * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?No No * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:2 2 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)No No Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Blvd (South Leg) Tamarack Ave Sequoia Ave Coastals 21,400 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 45 | F NB SCORE | LOS 55 | E SB SCORE | LOS May require improvements and upgrades to fully support CAP goals! X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 77 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 6 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 4 2 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Blvd (South Leg) Tamarack Ave Sequoia Ave Coastals 21,400 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 78 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction EB WB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 5 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?No No * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?No No * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? Yes Yes Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Tamarack Ave (East Leg) Carlsbad Blvd Garfield St Neighborhood Connector 6,900 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 80 | B EB SCORE | LOS 80 | B WB SCORE | LOS May require improvements and upgrades to fully support CAP goals! X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 79 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction EB WB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 6 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 0 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Tamarack Ave (East Leg) Carlsbad Blvd Garfield St Neighborhood Connector 6,900 95 | A EB SCORE | LOS 95 | A WB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 80 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?No No * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 5 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?No No * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?No No * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:2 2 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)No No Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Blvd (Bridge Segment) Sequoia Ave South End of Bridge Coastals 21,400 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 45 | F NB SCORE | LOS 45 | F SB SCORE | LOS May require improvements and upgrades to fully support CAP goals! X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 81 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 6 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 4 4 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Blvd (Bridge Segment) Sequoia Ave South End of Bridge Coastals 21,400 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 82 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis Signalized 3- & 4-Lane Intersection Alternatives Conditions – Existing Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 83 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 10 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Number of Through Lanes:2 2 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)No No Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'greater than 5' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?Yes Yes Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?Yes No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? Yes Yes Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Boulevard (North Leg) Tamarack Avenue Redwood Avenue Identity (adjacent to residential) 18,500 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 95 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 84 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?Yes Yes Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 6 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 2 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Boulevard (North Leg) Tamarack Avenue Redwood Avenue Identity (adjacent to residential) 18,500 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 85 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):10 7 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:2 2 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)No No Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?Yes Yes Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?Yes Yes Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? Yes Yes Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Boulevard (South Leg) Tamarack Avenue Sequoia Avenue Coastals 21,400 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 86 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?Yes Yes Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 6 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 0 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Boulevard (South Leg) Tamarack Avenue Sequoia Avenue Coastals 21,400 90 | A NB SCORE | LOS 90 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 87 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction EB WB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):6 6 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?No No * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No Yes Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?Yes Yes Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? Yes Yes Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Tamarack Avenue (East Leg) Carlsbad Boulevard Garfield Street Neighborhood Connector 6,900 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 100 | A EB SCORE | LOS 100 | A WB SCORE | LOS May require improvements and upgrades to fully support CAP goals! X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 88 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction EB WB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 7 7 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 0 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Tamarack Avenue (East Leg) Carlsbad Boulevard Garfield Street Neighborhood Connector 6,900 95 | A EB SCORE | LOS 95 | A WB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 89 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 11 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:2 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?Yes Yes Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?Yes Yes Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Boulevard (Bridge Segment-3-Ln Alt) Sequoia Ave South End of Bridge Coastals 21,400 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 95 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 90 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?Yes Yes Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 6 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 2 3 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Boulevard (Bridge Segment-3-Ln Alt) Sequoia Ave South End of Bridge Coastals 21,400 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 91 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 11 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:2 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)No No Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?Yes Yes Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?Yes Yes Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Boulevard (Bridge Segment-4-Ln Alt) Sequoia Ave South End of Bridge Coastals 21,400 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 85 | B NB SCORE | LOS 95 | A SB SCORE | LOS X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 92 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?Yes Yes Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 6 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 2 0 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Boulevard (Bridge Segment-4-Ln Alt) Sequoia Ave South End of Bridge Coastals 21,400 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 90 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 93 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis Roundabout Intersection Alternative Conditions - Existing Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 94 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):10 10 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'greater than 5' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?Yes Yes Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?Yes Yes Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Boulevard (North Leg) Tamarack Avenue Redwood Avenue Identity (adjacent to residential) 18,500 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 95 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 8 7 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 3 3 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Boulevard (North Leg) Tamarack Avenue Redwood Avenue Identity (adjacent to residential) 18,500 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 96 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):10 14 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?Yes Yes Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?Yes Yes Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Boulevard (South Leg) Tamarack Avenue Sequoia Avenue Coastals 21,400 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 97 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 7 8 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 3 3 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Boulevard (South Leg) Tamarack Avenue Sequoia Avenue Coastals 21,400 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 98 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction EB WB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):6 6 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?No No * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?Yes Yes Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?Yes Yes Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Tamarack Avenue (East Leg) Carlsbad Boulevard Garfield Street Neighborhood Connector 6,900 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 100 | A EB SCORE | LOS 100 | A WB SCORE | LOS May require improvements and upgrades to fully support CAP goals! X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 99 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction EB WB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):30 mph 30 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 5.5 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 0 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Tamarack Avenue (East Leg) Carlsbad Boulevard Garfield Street Neighborhood Connector 6,900 95 | A EB SCORE | LOS 95 | A WB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 100 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):13 14 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?Yes Yes Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?Yes Yes Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Carlsbad Boulevard (Bridge Segment) Sequoia Ave South End of Bridge Coastals 21,400 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 101 of 324 ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):35 mph 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft)Lane Width (ft) 8 8 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 3 3 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Boulevard (Bridge Segment) Sequoia Ave South End of Bridge Coastals 21,400 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 102 of 324 Final Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Alternatives Analysis Appendix E: Collision Data Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 103 of 324 Public Works Department/Traffic & Mobility Division From 1/1/2008 to 8/17/2021 Total Collisions: 15 44425 Injury Collisions: 12 Fatal Collisions: 0Text1Text3Text4Text5Text8Text10 Text11 Text20 Text21 Text22 City Text6 Text7 Text9 Text18 Text19 Text12 Text13 Text14 Party No Party Type Dir of Travel Movement Gender Age Veh Type Sobriety Assoc Factor Safety Equip Special Info15-05955 8/19/2015 11:35 WednesdayCARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV 137'Direction: South Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Starting or Backing 22106 Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver North Stopped In Road Male Age: 24 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In UseParty 2 Driver North Proceeding Straight Male Age: 58 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use15-08388 11/21/2015 03:31 Saturday REDWOOD AV - CARLSBAD BL 15'Direction: East Dark - Street Lights Clear Pty at Fault:In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Hit ObjectFixed Object Unknown Hit & Run: Misdemeanor Property Damage Only # Inj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver East Making U Turn Not Stated Age: Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Impairment Not Known Assoc Factor: None Apparent Not Stated16-02044 3/26/2016 09:02 Saturday CARLSBAD BL - REDWOOD AV 20'Direction: North Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver South Proceeding Straight Female Age: 85 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In UseParty 2 Driver South Stopped In Road Male Age: 51 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use 16-03420 5/14/2016 10:06 Saturday CARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV 0'Direction: Not Stated Daylight Cloudy Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge BroadsideOther Motor Vehicle Traffic Signals and Signs 21453A Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver South Proceeding Straight Female Age: 26 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: Inattention Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver East Proceeding Straight Male Age: 61 Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use16-06087 8/29/2016 20:08 Monday CARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV 3'Direction: North Dark - Street Lights Clear Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Other Bicycle Driving Under Influence 212005 Hit & Run: No Other Visible Injury # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Bicyclist South Traveling Wrong Way Male Age: 29 Veh Type: Bicycle Sobriety: HBD Under Influence Assoc Factor: Violation Not StatedParty 2 Driver West Making Right Turn Female Age: 23 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Not Stated 16-06738 9/25/2016 20:31 Sunday TAMARACK AV - GARFIELD ST 0'Direction: Not Stated Dark - Street Lights Clear Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge BroadsideOther Motor Vehicle Traffic Signals and Signs 22450A Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver East Proceeding Straight Female Age: 39 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver South Proceeding Straight Female Age: 34 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use17-03791 6/13/2017 02:00 Tuesday CARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV 400'Direction: South Dark - Street Lights Clear Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Hit ObjectFixed Object Driving Under Influence 23152A Hit & Run: No Other Visible Injury # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver North Other Unsafe Turning Female Age: 20 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HBD Under Influence Assoc Factor: None Apparent Not Stated17-05644 9/2/2017 18:00 Saturday CARLSBAD BL - SEQUOIA AV 81'Direction: North Daylight Cloudy Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # Inj: 2 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver North Proceeding Straight Male Age: 29 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In UseParty 2 Driver North Stopped In Road Male Age: 48 Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use 19-00295 1/14/2019 13:20 WednesdayCARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV 60'Direction: SOUTH Daylight Raining Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: Other Visible Injury # Inj: 3 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver NORTH Proceeding Straight F Age: Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In UseParty 2 Driver NORTH Stopped In Road F Age: Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In UseParty 3 Driver NORTH Proceeding Straight F Age: Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In Use19-05635 8/22/2019 14:02 Thursday CARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV 0'Direction: Not Stated Daylight Cloudy Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge SideswipeOther Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22100A Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver NORTH Making Right Turn M Age: Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In UseParty 2 Driver NORTH Making Right Turn M Age: Veh Type: Sobriety: Under Drug Influence Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 19-06000 9/8/2019 08:45 Sunday CARLSBAD BL - SEQUOIA AV 57'Direction: SOUTH Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge SideswipeMotor Vehicle on Other Roadway Improper Turning 22107 Hit & Run: Misdemeanor Property Damage Only # Inj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver SOUTH Changing Lanes Not Stated Age: Veh Type: Sobriety: Impairment Not Known Assoc Factor: None Apparent Not Stated Party 2 Driver SOUTH Proceeding Straight F Age: Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use20-03812 6/27/2020 09:36 Saturday CARLSBAD BL - SEQUOIA AV 105'Direction: SOUTH Daylight Cloudy Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Other Than Driver Hit & Run: No Other Visible Injury # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver NORTH Proceeding Straight F Age: Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: Other Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In UseParty 2 Driver NORTH Stopped In Road M Age: Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 21-00313 1/13/2021 16:45 WednesdayTAMARACK AV - CARLSBAD BL 79'Direction: EAST Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Starting or Backing 22106 Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver WEST Backing F Age: 63 Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Unknown Not Stated Party 2 Driver WEST Stopped In Road F Age: 41 Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Not Stated21-01756 3/18/2021 18:11 Thursday CARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV 33'Direction: SOUTH Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Driving Under Influence 23152(a)Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # Inj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver NORTH Proceeding Straight F Age: 24 Veh Type: Sobriety: HBD Under Influence Assoc Factor: Violation Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In UseParty 2 Driver NORTH Stopped In Road M Age: 56 Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 21-03637 5/30/2021 18:30 Sunday REDWOOD AV - CARLSBAD BL 0'Direction: Not Stated Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 In Area: CarlsbadRedwoodBridge SideswipeParked Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22107 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only # Inj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver EAST Making Right Turn M Age: 31 Veh Type: Sobriety: Under Drug Influence Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Parked Vehicle WEST Parked Not Stated Age: 0 Veh Type: Sobriety: Not Applicable Assoc Factor: None Apparent Not StatedParty 3 Parked Vehicle WEST Parked Not Stated Age: 0 Veh Type: Sobriety: Not Applicable Assoc Factor: None Apparent Not Stated Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 104 of 324 Collision Summary Report City of Carlsbad Public Works Department/Traffic & Mobility Division 7/25/22 From 8/21/2021 to 7/25/2022 Total Collisions: 3 Injury Collisions: 1 Fatal Collisions: 0 CARLSBAD BL & TAMARACK AV Page 1 of 1 21-07741 11/19/2021 09:30 Friday Rear-End Parked Motor Vehicle CARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV Driving Under Influence 27'Direction: SOUTH Property Damage Only # Inj: 0 # Killed: 023152(a)Hit & Run: No Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: 56M Assoc Factor: Violation Proceeding Straight Sobriety: HBD Under InfluencVeh Type: NORTDriverParty 1 2015 CHEVROLET MALIBU Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Cell Phone Not In Use Age: 0Not Sta Assoc Factor: None Apparent Stopped In Road Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: NORTParked VehicleParty 2 2020 FORD EXPLORER Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep 21-07914 11/25/2021 14:25 Thursday Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle CARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV Unsafe Speed 13'Direction: SOUTH Property Damage Only # Inj: 0 # Killed: 022350Hit & Run: Misde Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 Not Stated Age: 0Not Sta Assoc Factor: None Apparent Proceeding Straight Sobriety: Impairment Not KnoVeh Type: NORTDriverParty 1 1999 MAZDA PROTEGE Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: 67F Assoc Factor: None Apparent Stopped In Road Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: NORTDriverParty 2 2021 LEXUS RX350 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep 22-00200 1/10/2022 15:42 Monday Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle CARLSBAD BL - TAMARACK AV Improper Turning 181'Direction: NORTH Other Visible Injury # Inj: 2 # Killed: 022107Hit & Run: No Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: 28F Assoc Factor: Violation Proceeding Straight Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: SOUTDriverParty 1 2018 LEXUS RX350 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: 65M Assoc Factor: None Apparent Slowing / Stopping Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: SOUTDriverParty 2 2004 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR Sport Utility Vehicle Settings for Query: Street: CARLSBAD BL Cross Street: TAMARACK AV Sorted By: Date and Time Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 105 of 324 From:Alan Feingold To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad Blvd roundabout Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 9:27:08 PM Hi! As a Carlsbad resident I am 100% opposed to roundabouts. Carlsbad Boulevard is a busy, high traffic roadway. Leave it four lanes with traffic lights. Enough with the so-called road diets and traffic calming. These don’t calm traffic. They make drivers angry and make the road more dangerous, not less. Please stop pandering to the spandex bicycle crowd. They don’t seem to accept that bike lanes are for bikes and traffic lanes are for cars. If you want safer streets, strictly enforce traffic rules against cyclists and e-bikes. They regularly run red lights and ignore stop signs. They fail to yield to pedestrians. Large packs of them, especially on the weekends, refuse to stay in the bike lanes where they belong. Severely crack down on cycle lawlessness and road safety will improve for everyone. Thank you! Alan CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Exhibit 3 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 106 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:albert sherring <justodd.stuff@yahoo.com> Sent:Friday, January 6, 2023 3:49 AM To:Traffic Subject:Reconfigured intersection Tamerack and Carlsbad Blvd I choose option 1    Thank you,  Bert S.  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 107 of 324 From:noble To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd Roundabout - Public Input for Feb 6, 2023 hearing Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 11:46:45 AM Traffic Committee: Regarding the Carlsbad proposal for a Roundabout at the Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd intersection, I am against this proposal. I am submitting this email because I will not be able to attend the Feb 6th public hearing in person. Roundabouts are a great solution in specific settings such as slowing the primarily car traffic on neighborhood streets such as the Roundabouts on Leucadia Blvd. In fact, I wish there was one on La Costa Ave at Gibraltar. However, a Roundabout on the busy intersection of Carlsbad Blvd/Hwy 101, with competing cyclists, pedestrians, and cars, has the potential to place all at risk. The recently installed Roundabout on Hwy 101 in Encinitas is an example of it being scary for cyclists because of the narrowing of the road going through the Roundabout. TheTamarack/Carlsbad Blvd intersection adds many more pedestrians to the mix, which renders that intersection even more chaotic and dangerous. A Roundabout at the Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd might also have the unwanted consequence of forcing more cars onto neighboring residential streets. Pedestrian-activated Flashing Lights are also not a good idea, especially if the flashing light is "yellow" rather than "red." They are dangerous for 1) pedestrians who are ignored by cars that consider a "yellow" light as a suggestion to stop, and 2) for cars who stop short, triggering a rear-end accident by the vehicle behind. An example of dangerous a dangerous flashing yellow light is on Hwy 101 in Pacific Palisades (Los Angeles). Respectfully, Alice Noble CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 108 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Amie Boring <amie.boring@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, January 6, 2023 6:21 AM To:Traffic Subject:Fwd: Feedback on changes to Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection To Whom It May Concern,   I am in favor of the light option, NOT the roundabout.  Reducing traffic to a single lane will cause bottlenecks and  increase commute times along the coast.  Amie Boring  ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  From: City of Carlsbad <communications@carlsbadca.gov>  Date: Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 4:12 PM  Subject: Feedback on changes to Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection  To: <amie.boring@gmail.com>  To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Having trouble viewing this email? View as web page To help protect your priv acy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. The City of Carlsbad is asking the public to review two options for reconfiguring the busy intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue and provide feedback to the Traffic & Mobility Commission by Feb. 6. Traffic & Mobility Commission Monday, Feb. 6 4 p.m. Provide input in person - Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Email traffic@carlsbadca.gov Both options will address three important changes: Widening the walking path over the bridge just south of TamarackAvenue Relocating the bus stop Adding street parking Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 109 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Amy <amylk@pacbell.net> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 5:59 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue-Option 1 Option 1 is the only option for my community. The Roundabout has proven to be a failure at many other intersections. The one on Carlsbad/Oceanside intersection has proven to be to be a failure! Traffic is often backed up. The roundabout makes the traffic situation much worse. I live in Carlsbad near Tamarack for I see first had how the roundabouts are a huge mistake. This would be a huge mistake at Tamarack Ave as traffic is already congested. The roundabout would back the traffic past Cannon Rd. NO VOTE FOR ROUNDABOUT ANY WHERE! Thank you, Amy Kornasiewicz CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 110 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Andrew Hurst <andrew.hurst@aya.yale.edu> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 8:01 PM To:Lauren Ferrell Cc:Traffic Subject:Tamarack revision feedback Hi Lauren, thank you so much for sending this notice of the revision plan. I live on Chinquapin Ave and have enjoyed my  time in Carlsbad way more than anywhere else I've lived in North County (Solana Beach, Cardiff, etc).      I think the roundabout is a great option, and it seems to have worked really well in Leucadia. No idea of the specific data  regarding a roundabout's ability to manage flow efficiently in/out of the beach lot, but I imagine it's better.      Since this will mean more steady traffic through that intersection, a really meaningful (and cheap) addition would be  another on‐demand crosswalk (similar to the two or three a bit north) between the Agua Hedionda Lagoon trailhead and  the stairs down to the Tamarack jetty. There's a lot of jaywalking traffic that occurs because there's not really any good  options for residents on that side of the lagoon, and the lack of a stoplight would mean there aren't as many breaks in  traffic for people to make their crossing.    Any idea of the cost of one of the crossings that was added to the north?    Thanks,  Andrew  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 111 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:audrey wehba <alwcaz279@outlook.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 6:13 PM To:Traffic Subject:Feedback on Tamarach intersection Hi I s it only possible to give feedback in person or is there a form/survey.  If email is sufficient, I would like to register my support for the roundabout   Audrey Wehba   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 112 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Barbara Oetting <theoettings@yahoo.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 10:50 AM To:Traffic Subject:tamarack roundabout comment Dear City of Carlsbad, I am a longtime resident of the city, and while I don't mind roundabouts in general, I think putting a roundabout at this location is a bad idea. At least according to your renderings, it appears that the plan would combine a roundabout (which is confusing to people), a sharrow lane (which is confusing to people), and a pedestrian crosswalk (which is confusing to people). Add to the mix visitors who aren't familiar with the setup, and kids/teenagers going to the beach who aren't known for following rules of the road. It's just too much going on for one small area, and would be an accident waiting to happen. Even in the rendering it looks like the guy in the wheelchair is about to get hit by a car. I hope you decide on a safer solution. Barbara Oetting CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 113 of 324 From:Bich Ha Groll To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Date:Thursday, January 19, 2023 1:16:17 PM Hi - As a community member, I would like to vote for "traffic signal" instead of "Roundabout" option. Thanks! Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 114 of 324 1 From: Brblank <brblank@roadrunner.com>  Sent: Friday, January 6, 2023 8:42 PM  To: Communications <Communications@CarlsbadCA.gov>  Subject: Re: Feedback on changes to Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection   I am in favor of the option of a stoplight and 3‐4 lanes on Carlsbad Blvd at Tamarack:  1. Traffic on Carlsbad Blvd ,  northbound, in the 4‐6 time frame is very congested.  Reducing to two lanes would result in more congestion, more  pollution as cars idle in the que to enter the proposed round about. Like it or not, Hwy 101 is the alternative route when  I5 is congested/stop/go.  Two lane option would make traffic flow and entry from the neighborhood, except, at  stoplight, very difficult.  2. The two lane option would severely limit emergency vehicles (fire/police) from moving  Northbound or Southbound on 101. 3. Carlsbad needs to decline the request from Virgilicci’s to expand, as this would  increase congestion at the intersection.  3. Moving the bus stop makes sense for me.  4. Additional parking should not be  at the expense of smoother traffic flows…….Bill Blank  Sent from my iPhone  On Jan 5, 2023, at 4:12 PM, City of Carlsbad <communications@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:  Having trouble viewing this email? View as web page Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 115 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Bill Shuster <bthor@att.net> Sent:Thursday, January 12, 2023 10:35 AM To:Traffic Cc:BILL SHUSTER SR. Subject:CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND TAMARACK AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS OPTION 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IS BEST. IN THE SUMMER LARGE RV'S (SOME TOWING TRAILERS) WILL BE USING THIS INTERSECTION. TRAFFIC SIGNAL IS THE BEST OPTION. PEOPLE THAT PUSH THESE ROUNDABOUTS HAVE NEVER OPERATED A LARGE RV OR TOWED A TRAILER. GOING WEST ON TAMARACK THRU A ROUNDABOUT INTENDING TO GO SOUTH ON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD WITH A LARGE RV, TRUCK & TRAILER (CREWCAB + TRAILER IS OVER 48 FEET) WILL BE A DANGEROUS MANEUVER IN SUMMER TRAFFIC. A TRAFFIC SIGNAL IS BEST FOR THIS INTERSECTION. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME, BILL SHUSTER CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 116 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:BILL WISENER <onsbbay@att.net> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 6:05 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarac intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. I think that option #2 is definitely the best choice for the people of Carlsbad. The only concern is that it will restrict traffic of people visiting Carlsbad. One of the problems in Carlsbad is that there is not enough parking for the beach goers that visit here from out of town. I also believe the speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd should be 35 all the way to Island Way once the restriping of the roadway between Palomar Airport and Island Way is completed. There is too much walking and bike riding activity in this stretch of the road to allow for a 50 mile per hour speed limit. Bill Wisener . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 117 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:BLYTHE DOANE <blytheskylark@aol.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 11:42 AM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd I think the current stop lights are much safer than a roundabout. The flashing pedestrian lights give plenty of warning  and slow traffic better than a roundabout would.   Drivers get clear signals which they will not have with a roundabout and pedestrians who jaywalk will be injured.  Carlsbad Blvd is one of the loveliest drives in the county. Don’t ruin it.  Blythe Doane  Sent from my iPad  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 118 of 324 From:Bob To:Traffic Subject:Re: Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd Date:Monday, January 16, 2023 10:03:25 AM *Rooted in data. Hahaha Sent from a really small keyboard > On Jan 16, 2023, at 9:59 AM, Bob <ljspop@yahoo.com> wrote: > > I would advocate for the traffic circle and ask that the city provide safety/flow statistics on the options to help the debate be rotted in data and not the conjecture I am seeing. > > Expanding the lanes here will just make the traffic go faster and be more dangerous is my thinking, would love to see the data to back that up or disprove it. > > Thanks for the opportunity to weigh in. > > Bob Lowell > > > Sent from a really small keyboard > CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 119 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Bob Wilcox <rswilcox@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:38 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack intersection Hello,   My family (including one child under 2 and another baby one the way) uses the Tamarack beach entrance and sea wall  walking paths near the corner of Carlsbad and Tamarack frequently. The traffic circle would be a huge improvement  compared to both what is there now as well as the other option that would keep 2 lanes and the traffic light.  Safety should be a priority, and based on the information you all put together on these options, the traffic circle would  be by far the safest option for this intersection, which sees heavy bike and pedestrian traffic.  Thank you,  Bob Wilcox  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 120 of 324 From:Bradley Benton To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Tamarack Ave roundabout Date:Monday, January 23, 2023 9:13:25 AM Hi Lauren, Wanted to share feedback as a 35+ year Carlsbad resident that has lived this entire time within blocks of this intersection. I strongly advocate for possible improvements to this intersection - but Not Converting this intersection to a Roundabout. I am an avid biker and walker, and use this intersection every day I am not traveling - so my feedback is valid and current. I lived on Sequoia Ave for a decade, and understand it's shortcomings when intersection PCH. Right turns are like any other intersection, and if I every needed to go south on PCH at rush hour, I would simply go east to Garfield, then left and down to the intersection in question. Would add no more than 60-90 seconds to my travel, and with the left turn light at Tamarack (turning south on PCH) this method was faster than trying to turn south off of Sequoia onto PCH, and Much safer. I bike up into Oceanside every weekend (to the pier area), and the roundabout leaving Carlsbad is the most dangerous part of my travel! Do you bike this roundabout every week? Locals and tourists, both, do not know how to properly use roundabouts. I see near collisions almost every weekend! I am not safe, and about 1 out of 4 times I go though this roundabout I almost get run over. Most dangerous intersection in Carlsbad to me personally. I see your note about FHA safety, and from personal experience on a regular basis, I 100% disagree! Roundabouts in Europe probably can stand behind data like this as they know how to use these intersections. The CB/Oceanside Roundabout is horrible for both driving and biking. If I went down your list - here are my comments as a long time Carlsbad resident that uses this intersection on a daily basis in multiple ways (car/bike/walk): Traffic: Satisfactory for leave it alone is fine by me Bike/car conflict: Who ever says a roundabout is safer is absolutely crazy, and obviously doesn't bike from Carlsbad down to Oceanside much! This is a totally false position (suggesting the Roundabout is safer) Sidewalk width - no real meaningful difference between the two, and should not play into any decision as important and impacting as this. I walk to Cannon regularly, and have no issues with the sidewalks. Bike lane - I bike this intersection almost every weekend, and I am perfectly fine with what we have. I see little advantage to me by changing. I think these buffers are crazy, I stay in my lane, and cars stay in theirs. We Must keep 2 lanes flowing both ways on PCH (4 lanes), and all roads that are 2 lane each way today must stay that way. What they did down in Oceanside merging down to a single lane causes mile long backups in the summer each way. BTW, the roundabout between CB and Oceanside creates a auto traffic nightmare in the summer as well! This should be removed in my book. Sequoia - already shared above Car noise and pollution - Who ever thought up this one needs counseling. Hope it wasn't you ;o) I 100% disagree with both concepts of this line item, and think it's a way to divert attention from the real issues. Emergency access - your tables suggest no improvement. I would suggest a roundabout would slow down Fire and emergency vehicles tremendously - as it would stall them with the roundabout, and they can maneuver though a standard (existing) stoplight. I think this is a smart intersection already, and can detect flashing lights on emergency vehicles and switch traffic control lights to enable emergency vehicles easier access. Even if it does not, what we have is better than a roundabout in my book. If it's not a smart intersection, spend our hard earned tax dollars on that type of improvement! So as you can tell, as a Long time Carlsbad resident, that has lived within a few block of this intersection for 35 years - I am completely against making this into a roundabout. I hope you weigh residence input to Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 121 of 324 those that have almost 4 decades of personal experience, use the intersection daily, and have seen first hand how horrible roundabouts completely eliminate my personal safety. Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss my personal, long term, interaction with this intersection. Bradley K Benton290 Hemlock Ave.Carlsbad, CA 92008(760) 434-1233 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 122 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Brett Kinard <brett.kinard@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 6:57 AM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd. & Tamarack I live on Tamarack and either drive or walk through the intersection every day... My vote is for the Traffic Light option! I  think it is just too busy an intersection for a round‐a‐bout. Those are better for intersections that aren't quite as busy.   Thank you for listening,  Brett Kinard  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 123 of 324 From:Brooke Barney To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Feedback Date:Wednesday, January 4, 2023 8:22:46 PM Hi Lauren, I have been living in Carlsbad for years. I live right next to this intersection Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd, and it is a busy one. Please don’t make option 2 “Roundabout” the new safety plan. This is too much for the amount of people that would be riding bikes and crossing, no cars would get a turn to go at all. This would create a traffic nightmare, and nobody or most people in this area do not know how to correctly or safely use roundabouts either. I have seen the bad results of a roundabout that does not work well in Oceanside and in Encinitas in smaller areas, and additionally this is just too large a intersection for a roundabout. I really feel this would create a bigger danger for pedestrians and bikers because the backup of cars would cause road rage and people would accidentally get hit since there are no lights controlling everything. Thank you for your consideration of my opinion and understanding of my request not to use a roundabout in this intersection in Carlsbad. Best, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 124 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Bruce Pettibone <bruce_pettibone@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:32 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd - Option 1 I prefer Option 1 Thank you, -Bruce CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 125 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Caitlin <brightestgreeneyes@yahoo.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 7:38 PM To:Traffic Cc:brightestgreeneyes@yahoo.com Subject:Traffic Plans for Carlsbad Blvd. I am in opposition of the roundabouts on Carlsbad Blvd.  I live off of Tamarack and frequent the ocean often.  The current design has little to no issues.  Leave it be.  IF there is no other option, but to chose one offered, the signal at the intersection is best.  Sincerely,  Ms. Caitlin Hawkins  +JMJ+ "You belong to God, children, and you have conquered them , for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1John 4:4  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 126 of 324 From:Carl Pope To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Option 2 Recommendation Date:Saturday, January 7, 2023 1:30:13 PM Traffic & Mobility Commission and City staff; Please accept my recommendation to approve Option 2 (roundabout) for the Tamarack and Carlsbad Boulevard intersection. Thank you, Carl Pope CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 127 of 324 From:San Clemente Marine Corps Support Group To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard & Tmarack Ave. Date:Wednesday, January 4, 2023 11:54:47 AM Thank you Lauren for the information. My last name is Hogan and our address is 370 Tamarack. You asked for my input on the improvements, I would prefer a stoplight to a roundabout. My experience is that while roundabouts are the current trendy solution, stoplights work best and take up less space. Thank you for asking! Carla CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 128 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Carol Hammond <cmhammond@sbcglobal.net> Sent:Sunday, January 29, 2023 1:15 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd. intersection/Proposed Ideas Hello, I am a Carlsbad resident.  I’ve been asked to give feed back on the two proposed ideas for this intersection.     I cannot state this more strongly, that the only sensible option is NUMBER 1.  It makes good sense for traffic flow and  pedestrian and bike safety.    Option Number two is simply a bad idea.  I have family who live on Carlsbad Blvd and I witness almost daily the traffic on  this street.  It’s very heavy at times especially during spring and summer months.  The proposed idea of traffic  Roundabouts will create so much more idling traffic jams as cars wait their turn to get through the 2 lane highway at the  intersection.  This traffic will increase noise and air pollution and create dangers for bikers and pedestrians because  most drivers are confused when they get to the traffic roundabouts.    Option ONE is the best solution.    Thank you.    Carol Hammond  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 129 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Carol Scurlock <cascurlock@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 2:35 PM To:Traffic Subject:round about atTamarack Please consider NOT putting in another roundabout on Carlsbad Blvd.  The traffic needs the controls of traffic lights for  pedestrian and bike safety along with out of town visitors trying to negotiate a roundabout in their vehicles ‐ hasn't been  successful at other sites.   That is a small intersecion and needs to be kept the way it is.     Carol Scurlock  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 130 of 324 From:Carole Ziegler To:Traffic Subject:Traffic pattern near Tamarack Date:Wednesday, January 18, 2023 7:41:50 AM I am a 76 year old woman who bicycles through Carlsbad regularly. I would prefer a roundabout like has been done to Meade in San Diego City. In doing so, there should be acampaign to educate people about the rules of the road, i.e. that someone already in the roundabout has the right of way. Extra signs to note that bicyclists will be moving into thetraffic as they approach the roundabout. That part is a bit risky. Carole Ziegler CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 131 of 324 From:Catherine Stoll To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack improvements Date:Friday, January 20, 2023 3:08:13 PM I ride my ebike several times a week along Tamarack and south onto Carlsbad Blvd. I think a roundabout at that intersection would be aesthetically pleasing and also provide enhanced safety for those of us making our way through traffic. It would also be helpful to have green cross hatching on Carlsbad Blvd to remind drivers the bike lane is not a place to stop and check out the surf, load/unload passengers and gear for their day at the beach or wait while they pray for a parking space to miraculously appear. The single-lane roundabout looks like a winner to me! Catherine Stoll CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 132 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:chad50merc <chad50merc@aol.com> Sent:Friday, January 6, 2023 6:04 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and Coast Hwy intersection options Hello traffic commission,     I would put my vote in for opinion #2. We need more street parking with larger area for walkers/runners. We don't  need more traffic lanes. I would use the street as a bike lane to accommodate more street parking.   Thanks,   Chad Hensch  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 133 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Christi Soukup <christisoukup@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 8:53 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack & 101 Road Change Option 1 would be safer for all!  Option 2 concerns:  I live in Bressi Ranch ‐ we have at least 4 roundabouts in our neighborhood. Half of the residents here still don’t have a  clue how to correctly use a roundabout!  Now you’re going to expect over 3 million tourists annually to figure it out. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.      Sent from my iPhone  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 134 of 324 From:Christine Habib To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Safety and Mobility Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 12:39:45 PM I want to encourage widening the walking path/sidewalk south of Tamarack, on the west side of Carlsbad Blvd (ocean side of street). It is necessary to step off the sidewalk and enter thestreet/bike lane when pedestrians are passing each way on the sidewalk. There isn't enough space for people to pass each other without entering the road. Adding street parking around Tamarack might help out the neighbors because we park in frontof their homes in the blocks around Tamarack. HOWEVER, adding street parking would mean more cars entering and leaving lanes of traffic, and potentially more unsafe conditionsfor cyclists and pedestrians. I would rather see the beach parking lot expanded than add more parking chaos on the street. Thank you.Christine Habib CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 135 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Cindy Cremona <cindy.cremona@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 11:54 AM To:Traffic; citycouncil@carlsbadc.gov Subject:proposed changes to the 101 Dear traffic and city council,   I'm writing about the proposed changes to the 101. It seems Carlsbad is bent on going down the same road that my city,  Encinitas, has with Streetscape. Residents, businesses and cyclists are not happy with the results of Streetscape so far.  Its cost has far exceeded its estimates and at $65M, has created debt and taken funding from more important basic  infrastructure projects, specifically flooding in the same area.   Why are coastal cities that are determined to densify, removing lanes and ultimately creating more pollution (via more  traffic) by creating lane reductions? I'd hate to see Carlsbad's beautiful coast destroyed by expensive, popular plans that  have not served other cities well and will only create division between residents and more division with its government.  Though change is inevitable, it's incumbent on city leadership to plan judiciously and wisely for growth by  improving infrastructure and planning for more traffic and better traffic flow, as well as creating enough parking for  businesses, residents and visitors, which is the lifeblood of all of our communities.  Kind regards,  Cindy Cremona  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 136 of 324 From:Colten Mcquade To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Feedback for Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Date:Monday, January 16, 2023 12:54:32 PM Dear Lauren,I looked at the plans projected for the intersection at Carlsbad blvd and Tamarack Avenue. I definitely and strongly urge the City to useOption 1 for two reasons. 1) Traffic signal keeps traffic moving. Roundabouts are so outdated andpeople don't know how to use them. We will have traffic nightmares which is a costly way to get drivers frustrated!2) The Freeway, El Camino Real, and Carlsbad Blvd. are the only means of north- South traffic if the freeway is backed up( which it doesseveral times daily). or there is an accident. A roundabout would only contribute to the congestion. I am sure therewill be buildings built where the power plant is somewhere in the near future and there will be a considerable traffic increase in this area. Aroundabout would only contribute to the congestion. I am for option 1 and totally against option 2 and any further use ofroundabouts in Carlsbad. -- Sincerely, Colten Mcquade CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 137 of 324 From:Craig Nelson To:Traffic Subject:poorly designed roundabout Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 3:31:19 PM I generally like roundabouts. This one proposed , I vehemently object to. Why? - Reducing 2 lanes to 1 assures gridlock regardless of the roundabout - more pollution and increased global warming - The design you used at the Oceanside border is poor (not my original choice of words) - the bike lanes disappears into the car lane at the roundabout ...so I can choose to stop (going uphill South ...p*** poor) , merge in front of cars (die) , or ride up the sidewalk. Why not ask the various (real) bicycle clubs (Swami's , SDBC, CycloVets , CAF) who ride there every day ( notice I left out the lobby group ). Craig Craig A. Nelson “The great virtue of a free market system is that it does not care what color people are; it does not care what their religion is; it only cares whether they can produce something you want to buy. It is the most effective system we have discovered to enable people who hate one another to deal with one another and help one another.” Milton Friedman CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 138 of 324 From:Dan Hammer To:Traffic Cc:Council Internet Email; mayor@carlsbadca.gov; Manager Internet Email Subject:Tamarack Ave & Carlsbad Boulevard Date:Wednesday, January 18, 2023 9:45:24 AM Dear Commissioners:Thank you for your efforts to improve safety and traffic flow at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard.I support Option 1. Although I generally support roundabouts, this intersection presents an unusual challenge to such an installation -- namely, that drivers exiting the State Beach parking lot are below the grade level of Carlsbad Boulevard. Entering a traffic circle from this approach would be difficult and hazardous. This challenge would be even greater for the many out-of-town visitors who use the beach parking lot but are unfamiliar with our streets and traffic.As a frequent user of this parking lot, I would feel safer and more comfortable with a red or green light -- that is, knowing for sure whether I should stop or proceed through the intersection. I encourage you to adopt Option 1 for improved signaling and lane use. Thank you for considering my input.Sincerely, Dan Hammer CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 139 of 324 From:Dan Kalin To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarack & Carlsbad Boulevard Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 3:03:40 PM My major concern is that Option 2 will not be able to handle the traffic at the intersection or at Vigilucci’s. What do they say to Option 2? - Dan Kalin CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 140 of 324 From:Dane & Kelly Ingram To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack - Carlsbad Blvd Traffic Concerns Date:Thursday, January 26, 2023 12:43:21 PM Kelly and Dane Ingram, residents at 111 Tamarack Ave Unit A101, were present at a traffic presentation held in the Community Room on premise. We provided Lauren and theteam feedback regarding the traffic. As for proximity to the traffic options proposed. There are no non-business residents as close to the street level as our residence at 111 TamarackAve. We are in favor of Option 2, the roundabout design. Here's why: 1. It will slow speeds through the intersection. 2. It will reduce noise levels from motorcycles revving their bike to accelerate3. It will be MUCH safer for pedestrian crossings. 4. The traffic enforcement outside our North facing window will be minimized5. It will minimize car club and motorcycle cruising this stretch. 6. It will minimize the 5 traffic detours when traffic builds on the 5. We are excited about the proposed option and look forward to the completion for this project All the best, Kelly and Dane IngramA101 -- CA 0M74 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 141 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:David Van Der Linden <davevdl@sbcglobal.net> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 10:13 AM To:Traffic Subject:Reconfiguration of Tamarack at Coast Highway To whom it may concern, I would like to see option #1 implemented. I am not a fan of a traffic circles, especially at an intersection that is so busy. Regards, Dave Van Der Linden CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 142 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Dave Lyon <dhlyonarch76@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 26, 2023 6:23 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack intersection Dear City Planners.  I support the intersection Option # 1 in the north and south directions. Option #2 has to much potential for driver and  human error on an intersection with that much traffic.  Not to mention bicycle and pedestrian error.   This is a very busy  intersection and should remain a signaled situation.  David Lyon  Sent from my iPhone  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 143 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Debbie Peters <debbiepeters712@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:29 PM To:Priya Bhat-Patel; Traffic Subject:Traffic at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd intersection HI, I’m sending my thoughts about the proposed changes for this intersection.  I believe the safest and most effective  option is to keep the traffic signals.  I base this on my experience driving/walking in an area that has many roundabouts ‐  Vail, Co.  I spend a number of months each year in Vail and it too is a tourist area and has become a year round resort  community.  The roundabouts here work well in areas where you’re mostly dealing with cars and buses.  They do not  work well when you consistently have people on foot or riding bicycles.   The roundabouts become very dangerous  under these circumstances and end up being much less effective than having a signal control the movement of vehicles  and walkers/cyclists.       The roundabout in the north part of Carlsbad (leading into Oceanside) works well because there aren’t many walkers in  that area and most of the bicyclists are headed north/south.    This isn’t the case at the Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd  intersection.  it often feels like there are as many people walking/cycling at this intersection as there are vehicles.      I appreciate the opportunity to provide input.    Regards,  Debbie Peters  Aviara Community  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 144 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Lauren Ferrell Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 3:56 PM To:Traffic Subject:FW: Redesign the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Attachments:Debe Blake_Redesign the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave.pdf         Lauren Ferrell, PE, QSD/P  Associate Engineer  Public Works – Transportation Engineering ASCE Region 9 Infrastructure Symposium Chair ASCE San Diego Section Past‐ President City of Carlsbad  1635 Faraday Ave.  Carlsbad, CA 92008  New** O|442‐339‐2558  C|442‐325‐4621  www.carlsbadca.gov    lauren.ferrell@carlsbadca.gov    ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: Debe Blake <debeblake@yahoo.com>  Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 11:36 AM  To: Lauren Ferrell <Lauren.Ferrell@CarlsbadCa.gov>  Subject: Redesign the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave    Dear Lauren,    My name is Debe Blake and I live at 111 Tamarack Ave. Unit #205.  I am sending this email to you regarding the redesign  of the Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave intersection.  I would love to see option 2 ‐ Roundabout implemented.  I feel the  traffic would flow better at this intersection and less vehicles would be running the red light.    My only concern is where is the more street parking going?  I would hate to see RVs and cars parked across the street  from us blocking our view of the sand and surf.  The main reason we bought in this complex is because of the  unobstructed views.    Thank you and I am looking forward to the final project.    Debe Blake      CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 145 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Deborah Taylor <deborah@mhtaylor.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 10:55 PM To:Traffic Subject:Reconfiguration of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarak Option1 is the better solution because traffic will move more efficiently. The roundabout however will create more  congestion and slow traffic down to a crawl.  Thank you,  Deborah Taylor  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 146 of 324 From:debra cruse To:Lauren Ferrell Cc:debra cruse Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, January 21, 2023 9:45:47 PM Hi Lauren, I am responding to the brochure we received recently regarding potential changes on Carlsbad Blvd. at theTamarack intersection. Having lived on Garfield Street for a long time, both my husband and I have come up withsome creative solutions to the current alternatives being offered to ease traffic flow, increase pedestrian safety,provide access to the coast and all of its wonderful beaches, and support the property owners who deal with uniquechallenges living along the coast. 1. Rather than construct a round-about, please keep the two lanes and the light at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. This light allows pedestrians to cross safely, allows ample flow on either side of the meridian/center line and keeps the flow of the coast going. 2. Blocking off Sequoia St and turning it into a cul-de-sac would result in a safer way to enter the neighborhood. There is always an inordinate amount of traffic cutting through and making a left turn onto Garfield Street without looking left due to a large tree and a Stop sign that obstructs vision to the driver. It is dangerous for pedestrians as well who are walking on Garfield Street. 3. By maintaining just one access into the neighborhood with the stop light at Tamarack the side streets will be safer without access from the coast through Sequoia. People must cross at the corner on Tamarack or make a right turn here, or continue down the coast. A roundabout is not a good solution for this intersection. We definitely need the two lanes going north and south on Carlsbad Blvd. 4. By keeping the light at Tamarack, and not turning onto Sequoia, the bus stop can be enlarged for safety, the bike lane would continue without interruption, pedestrians would not have to cross another street; thus eliminating another conflict point. 5. The neighbors who live on Sequoia would have easier and safer egress and ingress into their own driveway. 6. Tamarack is a busy intersection and we need to keep everyone safe...we love that the police position themselves at the north end of Agua Hedionda lagoon and watch for speeders.....we need to keep that stretch at 35 mph or slower.... 7. Without access into Sequoia Street, bike riders would not have to check for traffic at the turn as there would be no turn...the bike lane would not be interrupted and everyone would be safer. Please consider these alternatives to the plan that was presented for these changes to Tamarack Ave. and Carlsbad Blvd. Debra Cruse 3912 Garfield St. Carlsbad, Ca 92008 760 672 7067 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 147 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:GrumpyPadre <grumpypadre@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 3:28 PM To:Traffic Subject:Updated Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack designs ready for feedback Some thoughts on your street projects:    "roundabout at Tamarack Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard.”  I would be concerned about the traffic coming up from the beach parking lot, traffic coming up the hill has limited  visibility    "roundabout at Cannon Road and Carlsbad Boulevard."  Isn't a new fire station going in on Canon road (old SDGE) just a block from Carlsbad Boulevard blvd? Fire engines don't  navigate well over roundabout.    My opinion on roundabouts:  They are ok for low volume of traffic like State St.  But for heavy flow it becomes more of a race for drivers to get into roundabout.      Dennis McCarney  Carlsbad,Ca  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 148 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Dick Sanders <rsanders0116@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 3:27 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack options I favor a roundabout option    Thanks   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 149 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:mackaydon@aol.com Monday, January 9, 2023 7:40 AM Traffic Sent: To: I vote for Option #2 Don MacKay CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 150 of 324 From:Don Thorstenson To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Redesign of Tamarack Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Date:Thursday, January 5, 2023 5:05:23 PM Lauren, I wanted to provide some feedback on the proposed redesign of the Tamarack/Carlsbad intersection. We live at Tamarack, on the southeast corner of that intersection. We are strong advocates of Option 2 “Roundabout”. Traffic is frequently backed up in front of our place from the signal. We’ve seen many places locally and around the states where roundabouts provide much less congestion. For us and other residents this will also mean much less pollution from the standing vehicles. There are many vehicles every day traveling north on Carlsbad Blvd that pull an illegal u-turn (or many times a 3- point turn) trying to access the beach to the south. Having a roundabout in place would eliminate that traffic hazard and make it easy for beach goers to access the southern beach. Thank you for considering the communities input. If we can provide any additional perspectives, fee free to reach out. -Don Don Thorstenson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 151 of 324 From:Doug Fullmer To:Traffic Subject:Traffic Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 7:44:15 AM Absolutely love roundabouts, very simple solution to traffic issues- and they look good Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 152 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:elissa Edwards <elight78@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 10:12 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection I see the email that was sent out with the traffic signal or roundabout options. As a 18 year Carlsbad resident, I see alot  of issues in putting a roundabout in at this very busy intersection. The traffic signal is a much better and safer option on  my opinion. The traffic light is there currently based on high traffic volume. If a roundabout is put in, I believe it would  create more traffic, more accidents, and pedestrians causing traffic as well. Hopefully the current traffic signal stays in  place to keep the road safer.    Elissa Edwards  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 153 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Erika Munoz <erika99m@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 10:14 PM To:Traffic Subject:Vote for the Roundabout I support the roundabout plan Thank you Sent from E Munoz Erika CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 154 of 324 From:moto panino To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad/Tamarack Options Date:Saturday, January 7, 2023 8:41:08 AM Hello, If you’re seeking input from Carlsbad residents, then I prefer to see Option 1: traffic signal. I can’t imagine trying to get onto Coast hwy from Tamarack with only a one-lane traffic circle( too much traffic volume). Evan T DeWan Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 155 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:jwallennevada@gmail.com Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:31 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Improvements Dear Lauren Ferrell,    We have owned our beach house for over 16 years on l52 Chinquapin and very familiar with that intersection.  We use  the crosswalk several times a week.    I love, love, love roundabouts;  however, the’re way too many pedestrians using that intersection to be safe for either  pedestrians or vehicles.  Roundabouts are new to California which means that people are  unfamiliar with the right of  way rules for them and may cause a lot of accidents.    We live in Henderson, Nevada and have many roundabouts in Lake Las Vegas and the city of Henderson.  Very few  pedestrians cross our roundabouts.  The reason roundabouts are good is because it keeps the traffic flowing; but if there  pedestrians crossing its going to cause a lot of rear end traffic accidents or a pedestrian accidents. Plus the driver  entering into the roundabout will need all the concentration to exit the desired lane.    Our suggestion would to leave the Signals.  DO NOT DO ROUNDABOUTS !    Evonne & John Allen    Sent from my iPad  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 156 of 324 From:Patricia Flaherty To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave. Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 1:34:48 PM Dear Traffic and Mobility Commission, My husband and I live very near the corner of Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd., and approve of the improvement option of creating a Roundabout as described in the mailer we have received. This option will decrease the noise and exhaust pollution in the immediate area and will make it easier and safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. We look forward to continued updates on the project as described! Thank you very much for seeking our input. Sincerely, Patricia Flaherty and Patrick Coffey CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 157 of 324 From:coastalcasitas To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack feedback Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 4:44:49 PM Hello Lauren, Living in the immediate vicinity of this project gives me a point of view I hope will bereviewed. We navigate this proposed intersection daily and have an alternative idea. I will comment on the proposed plans then offer my suggestion. Option 1:Sequoia Ave is the main problem: * street parking has no order and many times passageway is reduced to a very narrow 1 laneroad * Vehicles traveling eastbound from Carlsbad Blvd and then turning left on Garfield St.encounter a blind corner from the NW corner. Near accidents are a daily event here and with a reduced traffic flow at Carlsbad Ave & Tamarack Ave, the Sequoia Ave traffic will increasesubstantially as vehicle attempt to shortcut that intersection Option 2: * reducing Carlsbad Ave from 4 lanes to two will create an immediate traffic jam * with no traffic light, frustrated drivers will be meeting other vehicles, cyclist, and pedestrians at 1 narrow conflict point * southbound left turn into the beach parking from the roundabout during high season creates another conflict point * Sequoia Ave problem (see option 1 comments). Substantial traffic increase at the Garfield intersection creates an additional traffic burden on the Garfield residents. * westbound exit from Sequoia Ave will be nearly impossible Suggestion for consideration: * Option 1 best serves the flow of traffic and adding a second crosswalk is a great idea * Close off the ingress / egress flow to Sequoia from Carlsbad Ave making Sequoia a cul- de-sac. (think Manzano Dr & Carlsbad Blvd). The inconvenience to Garfield St, ChinquapinAve, Date Ave, and Palm Ave residents will be minimal, create a safer access point for pedestrians accessing the beach, and undoubtedly be a safer traffic solution for the SequoiaAve and Garfield St residents. Thank you for your consideration. Best, Gary Cruse -- ____________________________________________ Gary & Debra Cruse 3912 Garfield St Carlsbad, CA 92018 o: 760.685.2675 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 158 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Gary Ochs <golocofilms@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 11:39 AM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarac and Carlsbad Blvd My wife and I have been residents of Carlsbad for over 35 years.  We are familiar with this intersection, having driven  through it hundreds of times.  And we like to walk along the bluffs there.  We are very familiar with Roundabouts, having  driven through them in Carsbad, Leucadia, an La Jolla.  ALL OF THEM are some of the WORST ideas anyone could ever  come up with.  They are dangerous, and a high level safety hazard.  And at this proposed intersection???   Wow, that is  such a busy intersection from all four directions.  IF you go through with this terrible idea, I shudder to think of the  traffic accidents that will happen.  And I feel sorry for any pedestrians or bicycle riders that want to go through that  intersection.    Just so you know, I am a college graduate with a BS in Chemistry, and a MS in Computer Science.  And I owned and ran  my own business in San Marcos and Vista (called Ochs Oil Company) for over 30 years.  So I know about research, and  leadership.  And responsibility.  Please reconsider this terrible idea.  Roundabouts might work some places, but NOT at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd  and Tamarack.  Just saying.  Gary Ochs  Sent from Mail for Windows  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 159 of 324 From:George Saiz To:Traffic; Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Proposal Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 11:38:04 AM As an impacted resident, below is my input on the two options proposed: Option 1 - Traffic Signal As a resident of Sequoia, the restricted access makes it much more difficult to leave and or come home. I exit frequently southbound onto Carlsbad Blvd, as well as return from the village via left turn southbound on Carlsbad Blvd. Travel will require more time and gas, and lower the value of my property with limited access. I don’t see an explanation of where the additional width for the bus insets and expansion of the Carlsbad Blvd sidewalk will come from? Your table say this option will reduce car & noise emissions. I cannot see why that would occur - please explain. Option 2 - Roundabout This is clearly my least preferred option. We use the pedestrian crossing daily going across both Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. This option presents significant opportunity for car vs pedestrian situations. Californians are not experienced with roundabouts and the area is highly trafficked by younger drivers who frequently speed. The safety of pedestrians and the exposure to liability by the city is significant. At nighttime, both in the summer with tourists and in the fall with less daylight, visibility of pedestrians will be limited. It is very common for Carlsbad Blvd to become a version of the old Carlsbad Raceway after 8:00pm each night, with cars easily reaching speeds of 80-90+ mph. Pedestrians will be unsafe in the crosswalks as will cars trying to enter/exit the roundabouts. The roundabouts also appear to feature single lanes as they approach and exit. This will become a huge bottleneck during the summertime and each week night from 4:00pm - 6:00pm with commuter traffic. This will significantly add to traffic, car noise, and emissions in the area—and not present the “best” option as your table depicts. Cars trying to navigate the roundabouts will be suddenly reduced from two lanes to one and then have to wait on pedestrian traffic. It will become an even worse traffic nightmare. This will not be “efficient” for future traffic flow as your table denotes. Again, not sure where the width is coming from on Carlsbad Blvd for the bus inlets and the expanded width of the sidewalks. Thanks for the opportunity to comment. George Saiz CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 160 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Greg McGuire <greg.mcguire09@gmail.com> Sent:Saturday, January 14, 2023 10:30 AM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Hello, As a Carlsbad resident who lives just off of Tamarack Avenue, I strongly support the construction of a single- lane, modern roundabout for the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave. The additional space that it provides for pedestrians and cyclists will lead to less accidents and safer experiences for residents and visitors. Thank you, Greg McGuire CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 161 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Havilah Steinman <havilahjoy@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 26, 2023 8:52 PM To:Traffic Subject:RE: Input for Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd Roudabout Hi Traffic & Mobility Commission ‐   My husband and I live off Chinquapin, about two blocks from where the proposed roundabout would be. I think the  roundabout is a great idea. I am always very nervous crossing the street at that intersection, particularly because cars  will turn right directly off Carlsbad Blvd onto Tamarack on my footpath even when it's my turn with the crossing light.  They just don't pay attention. It's particularly dangerous at night, and I've almost been hit a couple of times. Or they will  be coming towards the water down Tamarack and turn right in my footpath even when it's not their turn at the light. It's  especially dangerous crossing on the other side of the road too, the side where the ocean is, because the bus stop is  right there and there's no real crosswalk. Please let me know who I can send support letters to so I can continue to show  my support for this project as a local resident.   Thank you very much,   Havilah  ‐‐   Havilah Steinman Bakken   Research and Knowledge Analyst at Ogletree Deakins  Connect with me on LinkedIn   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 162 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:its me <house166b@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 6:37 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack input NO round about!    Option 1    Long time Resident, chestnut ave.    Was there a link to vote? Am medically housebound.  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 163 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Janelle Dodkin <janelle@dodkin.com> Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 11:01 AM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Ave improvements Hi.  I’d like to give you my feedback on the proposed improvements to the Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Ave intersection  improvements.    I like the idea of the roundabout, but I am a little concerned about the amount of foot traffic at the intersection.  Lots of  people (including myself cross Carlsbad Blvd there and there is lots of traffic.  One lane should help though.    My other comments:  1.  I do think that the sidewalk needs to be widened over the parking lot/bridge.  It’s not wide enough for two people to  walk side by side.  It’s especially difficult when someone has a stroller.    2.  If walking on the West side of Carlsbad Blvd at the entrance to the parking lot there is no crosswalk or signals for  pedestrians, which makes it difficult to figure out when to walk.  It looks like that may be addressed in the renderings, so  I hope that gets taken care of.    Thank you,  Janelle Dodkin    CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 164 of 324 From:Jayne To:Traffic Subject:Round about Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 11:26:29 AM Construction You’ve asked before the round about @ Tamarack & Carlsbad Blvd. The citizens already saidNO Why are you wasting time on an item already disapproved? If vehicles are driving too fast put speed bumps. We will have total vision for the ocean for.Locals & tourists alike . Remember You work for the Citizens of Carlsbad -- Sent from Gmail Mobile CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 165 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Jeanette <jweeks0400@att.net> Sent:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 11:18 AM To:Traffic Subject:Re Tamarack intersection Hello,   I’d like to give my opinion on what is happening at Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack. My vote is to put in the stop light  and make the necessary road changes as shown in option one.    I do not think the roundabout will make it easier through that intersection for anybody, and I believe it will cause more  congestion.    Sincerely,   Jeanette Weeks   “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you” - Princess Diana  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 166 of 324 From:jeanine riccoboni To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Date:Tuesday, January 3, 2023 6:03:34 PM I own a unit at 111 Tamarack Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 and was very happy to see the redesign ideas. My husband and I are all for option 2 - roundabout. The noise from the cars speeding during the day and especially at night is extremely loud andoften scares us. It’s even worse when the cars and motorcycles wait at the light and rev their engines. From our balcony we have seen so many fights between bike riders and motorists. We alsoseen a lot of close accidents between them. Crossing that intersection to get to the beach is quiet a nightmare especially for the people crossing with children and their beach gear. The last concern is when cars are exiting the beach parking lot, not everyone looks both waysbefore turning right on red. It’s dangerous. Thank you for working on this project and for asking for out input. I hope you consider the roundabout for safety and efficient traffic flow. Jeanine Riccoboni CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 167 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Jeff Gindin <jeffreylgindin@hotmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 5:06 PM To:Traffic Subject:street options HI:    I am not sure that I should have a “voice” because we are only in Carlsbad six or seven weeks per year but….. I am not a  fan of round‐a‐bouts, but you have clearly determined that it is the beƩer opƟon.     Appreciate being able to express my opinion.    Thanks,  Jeff Gindin    CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 168 of 324 From:Jeff Landes To:Traffic Subject:Round-a-bout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Boulevard. Date:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 3:53:03 PM Dear Traffic Department. I fully support placing a round-a-bout at the subject location. Thank you much, Jeff Landes CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 169 of 324 From:Jeff Schafer To:Traffic Cc:schafer2684@roadrunner.com Subject:Feedback on traffic options at Tamarack and Coast highway 101 Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 10:09:41 AM Hello, I reviewed the renderings and descriptions for options 1 and 2. I favor option 2 but have the following comments/concerns: 1. The bike lane gets weird through the traffic circle. I don’t understand how bikes safely navigate the circle without totally hindering vehicles. Would one stupid bike rider cause the entire circle to come to a stop? 2. There should be some sort of evidence regarding the effectiveness of the traffic circle for its size and expected traffic volume. Show data that proves it is better throughput than option 1, across many traffic volumes (light, medium, heavy). 3. Show predicted impact of large trucks going through the circle. Will there be limits on vehicle size which can safely navigate the circle with bikes and pedestrians? 4. Show that you have considered kids on e-bikes. There are so many and they are not always skilled riders – but they go fast as if they were motorcycles. This circle will be much more crowded than the one near the North end of Carlsbad so I don’t think that can be used as evidence for how well this new one will work. Thanks for your consideration. Best regards, Jeff Schafer CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 170 of 324 From:Jeff C To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Ave Resident Feedback Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 12:29:00 PM Hello, I wanted to provide my SUPPORT for the tamarack avenue roundabout. We have an increasing number of bicyclists and we need to calm traffic on Carlsbad Avenue. My suggestion for improving it would be to create separated bike lanes where a curb creates a buffer between cyclists and cars. We have too many young teenagers and adults getting hit riding bikes and ebikes and we need dedicated bike lanes on the coast and on arteries that access the coasts. Overall I support this project as it but feel it could be enhanced by creating a dedicated bike lane. Leaving the intersection as a light is a recipe for disaster. Jefferson Cox CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 171 of 324 From:Jens Peter Timm To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue redevelopment community input Date:Wednesday, January 4, 2023 7:11:34 PM Dear Ms. Ferrell, Yesterday, we received the City of Carlsbad mailer inviting public input on the improvements being considered for the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. We were disappointed to see the revival of what we viewed as an ill-considered proposal to convert this intersection into a roundabout. Contrary to the north end of Carlsbad, where the roundabout connecting State Street to Carlsbad Boulevard works well, this intersection is much more complex, including the entrance to Tamarack State Beach, and has a high volume of pedestrian traffic for both the beach and sea wall promenade. Further, the high volume of north/south Carlsbad Boulevard bike traffic is already problematic at this intersection. Often the bike traffic (particularly the larger bike groups), do not obey the traffic lights as they should, running red lights, failing to yield, and otherwise endangering pedestrian traffic. We fully support greater police enforcement for this issue; however, we also see that the share the road and yield-to-pedestrian aspect of the roundabout proposal will only serve to exacerbate an already widely recognized problem. We fully supported the earlier proposal of dropping the number of vehicle lanes down to three and other measures of slowing traffic, but the conversion of this complex mixed-use intersection into a roundabout will create a pinch point that will adversely affect neighboring streets, including our own, as well as endangering all non-vehicle users as traffic backs up and tempers flare. We have lived in this area of Carlsbad for over 12 years, and have been watching this project closely. Each proposal cites studies from various sources i.e. "according to the Federal Highway Administration," however, not only is this assertion devoid of context, I have not seen any study of this particular intersection which takes into consideration the high volume of pedestrian traffic (particularly non resident tourists during summer) and the impact on efficiency and safety of the proposed all-segment-yield pedestrian crossing. The conclusion that I believe the previous study had regarding this intersection, was that a roundabout was not feasible. We would be interested in understanding how this revived proposal addresses those previously identified deficiencies. Having resided in London for several years, we are very familiar with what a high-functioning roundabout can accomplish. That being said, in London, where there is a high amount of pedestrian cross-traffic, either there are stop signals incorporated into the roundabout, or pedestrian traffic is entirely diverted into underground passages, neither of which have been considered in the proposed design concept. Further, unlike previous proposals of the redevelopment, the inclusion of southbound traffic exiting from Sequoia implies that the southern lagoon pedestrian crossing has been eliminated from this design concept, a development we find unfortunate. I do not know if you were on this project when previous public comment was solicited, but I invite you to review the survey conducted at that time and read it for impartiality. We participated in that survey when it was posted, and believe it could serve as a prime example in a master class on obvious survey bias. Lastly, we were disappointed that the option to reduce the coast highway by one lane to improve both the promenade and increase beach access parking along the entire corridor south to Cannon seems to have been dropped from consideration. In light of future redevelopment opportunities hopefully provided by use of the property previously occupied by the power station, this seems like an opportunity missed to expand the beautiful beach access Carlsbad already provides. Thank you in advance for your consideration of my feedback, and for making yourself available to residents. Sincerely, Jens Peter Timm and Melaine Timm Owners Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 172 of 324 From:Jill Cooper To:Traffic Subject:Support for Tamarack roundabout option Date:Saturday, January 14, 2023 12:37:56 PM To the City of Carlsbad Traffic Commission: I strongly support the roundabout option of the traffic designs that you're considering at the intersection of Tamarack and 101. I'm a Solana Beach resident who enjoys driving to Carlsbad, then walking on the beach, dining, and shopping with friends. The roundabout option is a safe, efficient design for pedestrians, motorists, and bicyclists. It will effectively slow down car traffic so that all who move through the intersection can do so safely and confidently. As a member of BikeWalkSolana, an advisory group to the City of Solana Beach City Council, I'm also a strong advocate for traffic calming through roundabouts whenever possible. I am sure that you on the Traffic Commission are aware of the many benefits of roundabouts. Please be sure that you emphasize their benefits to Carlsbad residents once you select the roundabout design...so you don't have a public relations disaster with people who oppose them at all costs. In 2018 the City of Solana Beach was forced to eliminate roundabouts from the design of the Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Improvement Project due to an outcry from a small group (ROAR: Residents Opposed to All Roundabouts). Roundabouts: YES!!! Sincerely,Jill Cooper, BikeWalkSolana CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 173 of 324 From:James Ewing To:Traffic Subject:Traffic design options for the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 2:33:27 PM My vote is for option 1: traffic lights. I feel it will be safer for bicyclist. Jim Ewing CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 174 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:James Hawes <jim.hawes@sbcglobal.net> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 7:13 PM To:Traffic Subject:Comment on Single-Lane Roundabout Proposal for Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue To: City of Carlsbad Traffic Commissioners, Ref: Single-Lane Roundabout option: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue A single lane roundabout will be an extremely dangerous choice. With NO signal control over pedestrian traffic, during most daylight hours and on weekends, North and Southbound traffic will be at a crawl and backed up as a constant uncontrolled flow of pedestrians cross the intersection. Cars entering the roundabout from Tamarack Ave or from the beach parking lot will certainly not have a fair, controlled, opportunity to enter the circle. This option will surely cause motorists to bypass the roundabout by taking a Sequoia-to-Garfield or Redwood-to-Garfield route to bypass the roundabout during most traffic hours. This will cause additional traffic and pedestrian danger. The CLSBVD-State St. roundabout works fairly well, but it has very little pedestrian and cross-traffic and is basically a merging intersection with a roundabout option (as I assume you are all aware). Thanks for letting me voice an opinion! Cheers, Jim Hawes CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 175 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Jim and Luanna Quirk <jimluquirk@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 6:09 PM To:Traffic Subject:My Suggestion Hello,  Do something very similar to Carlsbad Blvd and Carlsbad Village Drive. I think that would work well.  Jim Quirk  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 176 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:jim.veltman <jim.veltman@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 8:23 AM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabouts at Tamarack There are several roundabouts in North County now.  They all work really well and make the traffic move very quickly.  I support using them whenever possible.    Jim Veltman  Carlsbad    Sent from my iPhone  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 177 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:J W <jspotdot@hotmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 3:30 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack @Carlsbad Blvd I absolutely do not believe a roundabout will be safer at Tamarack and Canon.  I think in very few situations, where you  have one lane roads, this form of traffic control works.  I have traveled and driven in many parts of the world and believe roundabouts work best in single lane applications.   When we see the assortment of vehicles from bikes, scooters, 18 wheelers, RV’s, tour buses etc…….  and we try to  compress this into a one lane roundabout it is ridiculous.  I’ve lived in the neighborhood over 40 years and this is not a solution or improvement.  Jim Watson  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 178 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Joel Dean <jdkeithjd@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 7:56 AM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabouts Constructing roundabouts at the intersections of Cannon & Tamarack with PCH is a great idea. I approve it. The other  improvements to the walkways should also be constructed.  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 179 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:John Caldwell <schecky@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:20 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and CB Drive Hi,   First of all, thanks for looking into this intersection.  I travel it most days and it can be improved.  Two comments.    First, assuming the roundabout will have a more positive overall impact on car traffic flow (except for the busiest times) ‐  I vote for the roundabout.    Second, it would be great if we have the patience to wait to do construction in off‐peak months (ie: pls don't start the  construction on Memorial day).  Thanks a lot.  John  ‐‐   John Caldwell   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 180 of 324 From:Jonathan Daly To:Traffic Cc:Yolanda Daly Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection changes Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 11:48:14 AM We prefer option 2. Function and aesthetics seem to be optimal with this option. We are both bicyclists and car drivers. We would like to know where the transitions to single lane in each direction starts and stops on both sides of the roundabout. Nice work! Thanks you,Yolanda & Jonathan Daly Get Outlook for iOS CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 181 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Joseph M Sardina <JSardina@protonmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 1:00 PM To:Traffic Subject:Reconfiguring the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Feedback Thanks for asking for feedback on the 2 proposed options for this intersection. As much as I want to like the roundabout, based on the renderings I cannot envision how pedestrians will ever be able to make it across the crosswalks or how vehicles will be able to turn left into or out of Sequoia. Regards, Joseph Sardina Sent with Proton Mail secure email. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 182 of 324 From:Josh To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Carlsbad Blvd Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 12:54:13 PM Please stop messing up Carlsbad streets and the city itself. Do not put a round about at tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Stop doing stuff to do stuff. If people want to ride e-bikes then they should have to get a license and drive in the lanes just like with mopeds back when. Stop messing up Carlsbad. Thank you. Josh. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 183 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Joshua Tillema <jwtillema@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 7:51 AM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout proposal at Tamarack To whom it may concern,     In general, I am in favor of converting the intersection to a roundabout. However, I do not support the version in the  render, because it forces bicyclists and cars to merge.  This is a very bad design. Bicycles need their own infrastructure.  And with ebikes becoming more and more common, and with their potential to replace cars as primary transport, we  should take bicycle infrastructure more seriously. The following video is an example of proper  design. https://youtu.be/FR5l48_h5Eo    I would like to further add that the parking and bike lane arrangement along the southbound stretch of coast highway  needs to be changed to protected bike lanes. In the current design, motorists park in the bike lanes while they wait for a  space to open up, forcing bicyclists either into the traffic lane, or between cars, both of which are hazards to bicyclists.  Here is a video on protected bike lanes. https://youtu.be/XN‐tSpQZmYk.  And a design manual can be seen  here.  https://www.nycstreetdesign.info/geometry/protected‐bike‐lane    Coast highway is a treasure of Carlsbad that people love to walk, jog, bike, or drive. We should make it the best it can be  for all.    Thanks for your consideration.    Best regards,    Josh Tillema  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 184 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Joy N. <joynoonan@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 10:35 PM To:Traffic Subject:Proposed Round about I do not see any advantage of creating a roundabout at Tamarack and PCH. Traffic is not bad there, and I drive there  frequently, throughout the week. I also think it would cause problems for pedestrian traffic. Please don't change things  that already work, taxpayer dollars would be wasted.    Joy Noonan   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 185 of 324 From:Judy Frankel To:Traffic Cc:Nathan Schmidt Subject:Re: Carlsbad Blvd Changes at Tamarack Date:Wednesday, January 25, 2023 1:34:42 PM For Traffic Commission meeting please add to package On behalf of BikeWalk Carlsbad I’m writing in support of option 2 for a roundabout at the Tamarack intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. Roundabouts are 90% safer than signalized intersections for all users. The roundabout allows for all traffic to keep moving and although speeds are slower and therefore safer, the throughput for all traffic is the same or better as it can keep moving without waiting for signals and being backed up at lights. Crossing for all pedestrians is safer as motorists are moving slower with more attention and not blowing through lights. Pedestrians, runners, dog walkers will greatly benefit from the wider sidewalks and there will be less overflow into the street to pass. The roundabout at State street and Carlsbad Blvd was a huge improvement for bike and pedestrian safety. There has been push back on roundabouts with users being unfamiliar with them, but after they go in the communities are extremely happy with the results. La Jolla is a great example of this. We hope Carlsbad will continue the use of roundabouts to keep traffic moving safely through the corridor. Thank you Judy Frankel BikeWalk Carlsbad https://www.facebook.com/BikeWalkCarlsbad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 186 of 324 From:Judy Steen To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack intersection proposed changes Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 12:07:17 PM I strongly favor Option 2! Roundabouts are a much smarter choice to me. Traffic flows much easier. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 187 of 324 From:Julie Cunningham To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Survey re: Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Date:Sunday, January 8, 2023 3:25:28 PM Dear Ms. Ferrell, I received your survey. Thank you for asking for our opinion. That is exceptionally kind. I would like to vote for the roundabout. I live very close to this intersection and I see how fast people drive down Carlsbad Boulevard. Given the population of pedestrians and bicyclistsnear this area, I think everyone needs to slow down and a roundabout will accomplish that. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, Julie & Roger Cunningham3655 Garfield Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 188 of 324 From:michael ajdour To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack & 101 intersection Date:Saturday, January 14, 2023 1:36:45 PM Dear Traffic Commissioners, I use this intersection regularly 10-14 times or more a week as either pedestrian or driver. Itworks fine the way it is. Traffic circles are fine in the right place, but not in this one because of the steep hill eastbound. The intersection that backs up is at Cannon, not this one. Focus there. Fix what's not working well instead of meddle with the spot that does. Thanks, Julie Ajdour Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 189 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Julie & Ian Davies <ukhouse@roadrunner.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 3:00 PM To:Traffic Subject:Options for Tamarack at Carlsbad Blvd Hi    I disagree with the option to put a roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack  It is too busy of an intersection, this will not make this junction safer, it will make a bottleneck and  changing this down  to one lane will increase traffic and frustrations.    People do not know how to drive around the roundabout at Buena Vista Lagoon entering  Carlsbad.  Drivers and People trying to cross the road and cyclists will all be impacted negatively.    I drive this road daily to and from work, there are so many speeders, there will be more accidents.  We need speed bumps all the way down from CVD to Cannon.  Every morning going and coming  home from work  I have someone on my tail aggressively, I move over and they bomb down the road well over  45mph...   People are going to get frustrated and drive around the roundabout whether it is safe or not.  we will have long lines of traffic.... it is bad now.... what about emergency vehicles, how are they  going to get  through when it is backed up. What about summer traffic with RVs and out of state drivers  unfamiliar with the area.    Cyclists if you make the lane wider, they will only cycle 3 or 4 abreast and make safety an issue.      On the cyclist lanes now they ride 2 abreast instead of one; someone is always riding on or over  the white line... making it difficult   to drive past and most of the time there are always cars in the other lane, so hard to just move  over.    I also disagree on a roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Cannon..... A lot of the traffic is North and  South, people trying to   turn south or north from Cannon will not be able to get on the roundabout to do so.      Problem with Carlsbad blvd:     Speeders and drivers that do not stop at the flashing pedestrian lights/walkway, I have seen  people have close calls.   I myself have almost been hit on two occasions, from drivers not  adhering to the flashing lights.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 190 of 324 2 Appreciate being able to voice my opinion.  Julie Davies   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 191 of 324 From:Julie Forester To:Traffic Subject:Renderings of proposed intersection Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 1:35:02 PM Hello, Just looked at the information regarding a proposed round a bout at Tamarack and 101. I live on the beach not far from there and a Round a bout would not be good. Way too much traffic. I think it would cause too many problems. Looks nice but not good. I really think we need lights in the ground at all the pedestrian cross walks. Actual lights that light up, twinkle across the asphalt. May cities have them and we need them. I really can’t believe we don’t have them. Good luck. Julie Forester CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 192 of 324 From:Justin Ferayorni To:Lauren Ferrell Cc:Stacy Ferayorni Subject:Tamarack/101! thank you for calling me back! Date:Saturday, January 7, 2023 12:08:38 PM Lauren, Thanks so much for calling me back! There is a lot of discussion on Sequoia about this proposal and has been for years. We are collectively concerned, and Sequoia Ave itself is a narrow cut-off street that has had its own issues especially in the summer. One of the residents (who has since passed away) had been trying hard for years to make it a one-way street going west-only. I also have many other folks in the neighborhood that we can round up. My wife, Stacy (cc’ed), and I are happy to help. We know many of the residents on Chinquapin and some of the other streets near the lagoon as well. Can we set up a time to speak or meet next week? Please send me some options that work for you and we can go from there. Afternoons generally better for me, but let me know. Regards, Justin ____________________________________________________________________________ __ Justin Ferayorni, CFA Tamarack Capital Management, LLC 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 360 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-429-7252 Justin@tamarackcap.com CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY NOTICE The contents of this message and any attachments may be confidential and proprietary and also may be covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. This message is not intended to beused by, and should not be relied upon in any way by, any third party. If you are not an intended recipient, please inform the sender of the transmission error and delete this message immediatelywithout reading, disseminating, distributing or copying the contents. Tamarack Capital Management makes no assurances that this e-mail and any attachments are free of viruses and other harmfulcode. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 193 of 324 From:Justin Ferayorni To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd Date:Wednesday, January 4, 2023 7:00:17 PM Lauren, I received the Tamarack Ave flyer from a neighbor today, and hopefully ours will arrive soon as well.I would like to see the traffic estimates on Sequoia Avenue with the plans and the Garfield/Tamarackintersection. I’d also like to see the other engineering traffic flow reports around the roundaboutduring peak season (summer) with pedestrians able to cross at will. I would like to see theassumptions in these models as well - ie - do they expect fewer vehicles to pass these roads versus theexisting 101 for some reason? I’d also like you to review my email sent to you previously below. I will reiterate that the 101Oceanside border roundabout can not seem to be navigated competently by motorists when I passthough it, so I would expect this proposed roundabout to fail more severely with more traffic volume. Furthermore, there is no discussion or proposals about cut-off traffic on Sequoia Ave, which I wouldexpect to get worse as a percentage of vehicles passing it with either of these proposals. I’d be pleased to sit down and discuss, which I requested in the previous email. I also asked abouttraffic impact studies, but those have not been provided either. I expect I will be very active duringthis process for Carlsbad. If it would be more productive to assemble others who live on SequoiaAvenue and the area affected by these proposals in the area south of Tamarack off Garfield Avenue, Ican begin that process as well, so please let me know the best or preferred way to move forward. Regards, Justin Ferayorni Sent from my iPad Justin Ferayorni, CFATamarack Capital Management, LLC760-429-7252Justin@tamarackcap.com CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY NOTICE The contents of this message and any attachments may be confidential and proprietary and also maybe covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. This message is not intended to be usedby, and should not be relied upon in any way by, any third party. If you are not an intended recipient,please inform the sender of the transmission error and delete this message immediately withoutreading, disseminating, distributing or copying the contents. Tamarack Capital Management makesno assurances that this e-mail and any attachments are free of viruses and other harmful code. On Jul 19, 2022, at 6:04 PM, Lauren Ferrell <Lauren.Ferrell@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:  Good Evening Justin, Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 194 of 324 Thank you so much for reaching out the city and your continued interest in upcoming projects in your area. On March 8, 2022, the City Council approved an agreement with an engineering consultant to provide engineering design and environmental services and we have started the conceptual design and feasibility for the Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Pedestrian Improvements project. There will be future opportunities for public input as we move forward with the design alternatives, environmental process, and through the Traffic & Mobility Commission. I’ve provided a link below to the project’s website for more details. https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/parks-recreation/coastal-corridor/tamarack-area- coastal-project Thank you, Lauren Ferrell, PE, QSD/P Associate Engineer Public Works – Transportation Engineering ASCE San Diego Section President City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 New** O|442-339-2558 C|442-325-4621 www.carlsbadca.gov lauren.ferrell@carlsbadca.gov From: Justin Ferayorni <justin@tamarackcap.com> Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2022 4:14 PM To: Lauren Ferrell <Lauren.Ferrell@CarlsbadCa.gov> Subject: Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd Lauren, Hi, I found you on the City of Carlsbad website associated with the Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd planning after looking over the Palomar/101 plan. I previously communicated with Lolly Sangster. My family and I live on Sequoia Avenue and I work off Avenida Encinas (address below), so my commute to work is rather short but entirely encompasses the Tamarack plan and I experience navigating this area very frequently obviously. I have a lot of concerns as the Carlsbad village traffic flow changes over the last few years have seemed to create more traffic than less (double cross walks at Carlsbad Village and Grand; and the undersized roundabouts that Americans continue to struggle with at the 101/Oceanside border) – I’d love to know if the city views these as successes. As a Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 195 of 324 resident, I vote “not”. This is very important to me given our proximity of our home on Sequoia Avenue and daily use of these streets. From what I learned from Lolly, pedestrian safety had been placed ahead of all other considerations; though I have no knowledge of any “ safety events” that would suggest pedestrians are unsafe. Are there events or evidence of unsafe outcomes? Given the plan as proposed, I would expect a much more substantial back up in traffic at the four-way stop at the Garfield/Tamarack intersection. All of the residents of the area in our neighborhood (residing south of Tamarack Ave; east of 101; and west of the railroad tracks) must now funnel through that intersection as opposed to being able to take a left from Sequoia to travel south on the 101. I am not one to trust others’ work, so I’d like to know if there are traffic impact studies during peak rush hours at the Garfield/Tamarack intersection? The left from Sequoia Avenue to travel south on the 101 is used frequently by area residents. It offers a surprisingly easy, short wait to execute; and this plan will divert that traffic towards that intersection. One of the previous proposals considered turning the 101 between the Agua H. bridge and Cannon to be one lane. How can this plan be considered independently of the Cannon/101 roundabout proposal that is in the works along with other items that are being considered? Substantial traffic backups already exist along the 101-south from Tamarack Ave to Cannon due to the merger near Cannon. This further demonstrates the traffic back up problem created by merging traffic on such a high flow road. Lolly had indicated is this plan is somewhat less-than-ideal, but being considered to avoid the longer review time from the coastal commission – is that the case? Why not wait until the “better” or “perfect” plan can be approved and executed, rather than spend $2- 3 million on a short-term idea that seems to have challenges? My street (Sequoia Avenue) is already a major “cut-off” street to avoid the Tamarack Avenue right to proceed east from the 101. Cut off traffic flows through at high speeds in their rush-hour aggravation often. What can be done to stop or alleviate this? (humps; or a not-cut-off regulation such as Encinitas has off the 101 on the west side during rush hour?). I would like to speak with you at some point soon when convenient to understand the process and how to be involved with the city’s process in general. If Sequoia turns into a one-way street that only travels east, it will likely turn the street into a bumper-to- bumper highway during periods of the day. Regards, Justin Ferayorni Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 196 of 324 ______________________________________________________________________________ Justin Ferayorni, CFA Tamarack Capital Management, LLC 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 360 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-429-7252 Justin@tamarackcap.com CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY NOTICE The contents of this message and any attachments may be confidential and proprietary and also may be covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. This message is notintended to be used by, and should not be relied upon in any way by, any third party. If you are not an intended recipient, please inform the sender of the transmission error and deletethis message immediately without reading, disseminating, distributing or copying the contents. Tamarack Capital Management makes no assurances that this e-mail and anyattachments are free of viruses and other harmful code. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 197 of 324 From:Karen Lindsey To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Ave. Date:Tuesday, January 17, 2023 3:38:47 PM Lauren, After reviewing the info sent to our homes regarding the intersection and safety issues, I would vote for a traffic circle, option 2. I would also like to know when the under ground crossing , or eliminating the loud freight train horns late at night at the intersection of Tamarack and the train. We live at 361 Tamarack. Thank you for your attention to these matters. Kindly, Karen Lindsey Karen L. Lindsey CENTURY 21 Everest - CalBRE#00829082 4165 Thousand Oaks Blvd #100, Westlake Village, CA 91362 (805) 469-8262 klinzsold@gmail.com Karen@karenlindsey.com WARNING! WIRE FRAUD ADVISORY: Wire fraud and email hacking/phishing attacks are on the increase! If you have an escrow or closing transaction and you receive an email containing Wire Transfer Instructions, DO NOT RESPOND TO THE EMAIL! Instead, call your escrow officer/closer or Lender immediately, using previously known contact information and NOT information provided in the email, to verify the information prior to sending funds. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 198 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Karl Schaeffer <kmsproduxs@yahoo.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 10:14 AM To:Traffic Subject:No More Roundabouts in Carlsbad Please Please no more roundabouts in Carlsbad.  I watched a driver almost hit me in the wrong lane near Legoland Monday  night (01.09.2023) near that roundabout.  Having lived here all my life  when the city was smaller and people cared  makes me question some of the motives at the government level and how they come into action. I wonder who thought  these were a good idea  People don’t do well with the current roundabouts in place today.  If anything, time to take  them down like the brilliant and wasteful taxpayer spending on the Tamarack Bars. Thank you for taking my input.     Thank you,  Karl    At a glance  The City of Carlsbad is committed to creating roads that are safe and accessible, while balancing the needs of drivers, bicyclists, walkers and other road users.  Several years ago, the city worked with project neighbors and the community to get their input on potential designs. Since that time, the city completed additional technical work and is now ready to get the community's input before moving on to the next phase.  Input can be shared with the Traffic & Mobility Commission in person on Feb. 6 or email to traffic@carlsbadca.gov  This project was started before the city’s local traffic emergency, but its goals support the Safer Streets Together initiative. Public input New designs for the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue are ready for review. Both options will address three important changes:  Widening the walking path over the bridge just south of Tamarack Avenue  Relocating the bus stop  Adding street parking The options differ in how they manage traffic flowing through the intersection. These options include:  A three or four-lane road with a traffic signal  A single lane modern roundabout   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 199 of 324 From:Kathleen DeMill To:Traffic Subject:TAMARACK DESIGNS Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 2:25:01 PM I much prefer Option 1. Thank you, Kathleen DeMill CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 200 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Kathleen Beristain <kathyberistain@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 7:09 PM To:Traffic Subject:Input on Tamarack intersection options Hi, I will not be able to provide input in person on Feb 6th however I’d like to voice my opinion on the options. I would  vote for option one: traffic light. The roundabout will cause too much traffic because it goes down to a two lane road.  If  you truly want to get the public’s opinion I wouldn’t limit this to in‐person input. Thank you for considering my opinion.    Kathy  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 201 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:kathy dodson <kbdodson@yahoo.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 8:05 AM To:Traffic Subject:Fw: Reminder: Updated Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack designs ready for feedback Dear Traffic & Mobilitiy Commissioners, As a resident of Carlsbad, I would like to provide input on these options, but am unable to attend the meeting. I far prefer Option #2. It optimizes use of the public thoroughfare for all modalities of transportation, not just vehicles. It fits the changes happening in Encinitas where highly trafficked areas are slowed down, cars are limited and space is provided for walkers and cyclists. Vehicles on Carlsbad Boulevard already need to slow or stop for light and pedestrian crossing. A traffic circle would allow for continuous movement of all modes. Every year there are more and more examples of cities reworking their streets to better accommodate bikes and pedestrians. It is the future, and option #2 brings this future to Carlsbad. Sincerely, KathyDodson ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: City of Carlsbad <communications@carlsbadca.gov> To: "kbdodson@yahoo.com" <kbdodson@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 at 07:33:30 AM PST Subject: Reminder: Updated Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack designs ready for feedback To help protect yMicrosoft Office pautomatic downlopicture from the Having trouble viewing this email? View as web page To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Thank you for your continued interest in improvements around Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. Updated designs for options to reconfigure the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue are now ready for additional input to the Traffic & Mobility Commission by Feb. 6. Traffic & Mobility Commission Monday, Feb. 6 4 p.m. Provide input in person - Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Email traffic@carlsbadca.gov What’s been done so far? Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 202 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Kim Bishop <kim_bshp@yahoo.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 8:48 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Ave improvements I looked at the renderings for Tamarack in Carlsbad.  I ride my bike through this intersection a lot.  There is a lot of traffic  through this area and a roundabout would cause a tremendous amount of congestion and backlog/backup through this  intersection.  And, it looks like a safety issue for bicycles. It forces bikes into the traffic lanes and forces a conflict with  cars turning right onto Tamarack.  There should be a dedicated right turn lane onto Tamarack from northbound traffic.   This is where I see the most backups and conflict with bikes.  This is partially caused by the first stop sign on east bound  Tamarack.  Cars will back up from the stop sign all the way into the intersection.  I have been hit by a car due to this  backup situation.  A car trying to  turn right but being backed up by other cars delayed by the stop sign.  The stop sign  should be removed east bound to allow cars to get through and away from the busier intersection at Coast hwy.  Extend  the bus lane into a dedicated right turn lane.  Also a lot cheaper and less disruptive than a roundabout.    Thanks for listening and I hope you consider my concerns.  Brian Bishop    Sent from my iPad  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 203 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Kimberly Mcinerney <info@btvstudio.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 10:25 AM To:Traffic Subject:Traffic plan Hi,  Roundabouts are the BEST and my first choice once this question is answered:  What is the plan to reduce the traffic lanes to one for the roundabout? The bus stop makes sense.  Now, put one at Park & Hillside, please.  Thanks!  Kimberly McInerney  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 204 of 324 From:Kristy Smith To:Traffic Subject:NO - Tamarack round about Date:Thursday, January 12, 2023 6:43:25 AM Hello I am voicing my opinion on the proposed round about on Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Thisis not a good option for continued vehicle traffic flow and a horrible option for pedestrians and bicycles! I vote No to this "improvement" Thank you! Kristy Smith CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 205 of 324 From:Kristine Schindler To:Traffic Subject:Fwd: Feedback on changes to Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 9:19:51 AM Traffic & Mobility Commissioners and staff -I would like to express my support for planned improvements to the Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection. Looking at the proposed options, the roundabout option has many more safety advantages not to mention less environmental impacts since it reduces vehicle idling. The roundabout further north at Carlsbad Blvd (Coast Hwy 101) and State St years ago was a huge improvement and transformed a very dangerous intersection into a much safer environment and a more aesthetically pleasing entranceway into Carlsbad. It was a game changer for bicycle safety that is for sure. Building on this first roundabout on Coast Hwy, another planned at Cannon and this proposed option at Tamarack is a great path forward for the City of Carlsbad. As you likely know, the City of Encinitas will be constructing several roundabouts as part of Leucadia Streetscape along Coast Hwy to the south. Transforming this corridor from a car eccentric focus to a more complete street addressing all road users, including bicyclists and pedestrians, will further bring the areas back to the community to create a more thriving + active space along the coast. Traffic calming is an important feature of the roundabout option. As a driver, bicyclist, and pedestrian that frequents this project area, I wanted to express my support for the roundabout option. Thank you for your continued efforts as you serve your community (and greater North County) on this Commission. My Best,Kristine Schindler ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: City of Carlsbad <communications@carlsbadca.gov>Date: Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 4:12 PMSubject: Feedback on changes to Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersectionTo: <kristineschindler7@gmail.com> Having trouble viewing this email? View as web page Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 206 of 324 From:Kyle Lynn To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Ave Date:Thursday, January 5, 2023 8:35:46 AM Hi Lauren, I have lived in Carlsbad for over 4 years now and I have had zero issues with the traffic signal. I think it would be the best option as it allows two lanes of traffic to go through as opposed to one for the traffic circle. My vote is traffic signal. Thanks for considering the communities input. Best, Kyle CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 207 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Lamia Nahoul <lamia4na@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:31 PM To:Traffic Subject:Mobility and Traffic Feedback on Tamarak and Carlsbad Blvd. I vote for widening the walkway and having three or four‐lane with traffic signal.  That’s a very busy area and placing a traffic light is much safer for pedestrians‐ so often I see drivers not slowing down  while pedestrians are trying to cross. A round about is less safe.  Thanks,  Lamia N.  Sent from my iPad  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 208 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Leslea Meyerhoff <leslea.meyerhoff@att.net> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:44 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack in Carlsbad Boulevard intersection Hello, I am a Carlsbad resident and I’ve lived in this beautiful city since 1999. I’ve reviewed the conceptual designs for  this intersection, and do not think a roundabout is appropriate because it will likely create additional pedestrian and  vehicle conflicts since the traffic will never actually stop. Typical pedestrians at this intersection include people walking  their dogs and mothers pushing their babies in strollers or watching their toddlers ride scooters or bikes. Cyclists can  approximate vehicle speeds at a roundabout, but these other pedestrian groups are unable to match the speeds vehicles  would approach and pass through a roundabout. This would create a dangerous situation and would not improve public  safety.    In general, I like roundabouts because they keep traffic slowing but in this case where there is significant non‐vehicular  traffic in the way of pedestrians and cyclists I cannot support a roundabout, at this particular location. The idea of  widening the bridge over the lagoon entrance is good because it’s very tight for pedestrians to pass one another on the  west side of the roadway.    I walk the Carlsbad seawall weekly and in all seasons and see a lot of downsides with a roundabout at Tamarack and  Carlsbad Boulevard. I think the one at State Street works pretty well probably because there are not nearly as many  pedestrians using this stretch of roadway.     Thank you for the opportunity to review and provide comments on these preliminary designs.    Leslea Meyerhoff  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 209 of 324 From:Linda Farrell To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout Design Comment Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 11:16:01 AM I see two problems with the roundabout design. 1. It creates a vehicle choke point taking the roadway from 2 lanes to 1 in order to negotiate the roundabout. 2. It mixes bicycles that don’t want to use the roundabout with pedestrian traffic together on the sidewalk I’ve lived in the U.K. and am very familiar with roundabouts and their benefits with keeping traffic flowing. That only occurs when the lanes are not diminished for the roundabout. Crossing the intersection at Pine to access the beach I am all to familiar with having to be heads up for the vehicles and numerous bicyclists who run that light. I can’t imagine having to navigate a sidewalk safely with the same bicyclists. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 210 of 324 From:Lisa Sherman To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad Blvd/Tamarack Ave Date:Wednesday, January 4, 2023 11:33:26 AM Hello! I’m excited that the city will be improving this very busy area. I live at Tamarack and Garfield. I walk/drive/bicycle through this area every day. I love the ideas presented with the traffic circle and wider sidewalks. However, based on the circle at PCH near the Oceanside border, I’m wondering if it won’t be frustrating for pedestrians and motorists? The circle at the Buena Vista Lagoon is great because there is very little foot traffic and the cars flow nicely. Tamarack might do better with an intersection like what is at the Village — all cars or all pedestrians with an ‘X’ crossing for foot traffic. Thank you for your efforts to include citizens in this process. I’m sure it’s going to be a big job. Best Regards Lisa Waggoner Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 211 of 324 From:elizabeth morrissy To:Lauren Ferrell; Traffic Subject:redesign: Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Ave Date:Wednesday, January 4, 2023 12:44:16 PM Hi, My name is Lizzy and I reside on the 300 block of Acacia Avenue in Carlsbad. I received a notice in the mail regarding the redesign of the nearby intersection and would like to provide my feedback. I believe option 2, roundabout, is the better option and that’s my vote. It can be such a cluttered area with people walking, biking, strollers, dogs, as well as cars, and I think this maximizes the space/area the best without increasing traffic for vehicles. I’m excited for this - it’s a great idea! Thank you, Lizzy Morrissy CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 212 of 324 From:Lori Krupa To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 6:23:44 AM The area is pretty good as it is. I run there almost every day. Paint the green markers in the bike lane area and maybe put some share the road signs up. The intersection does NOT need to be “reconfigured” and it certainly does not need confusing roundabouts. The cross walks with the hazard lights already slow people down. THAT was a great idea and probably not that expensive. People and drivers looking at the ocean and people watching slow people down. This is not the area where there is a problem. The problem areas are Oak and Roosevelt for starters. People and bikes blow that stop sign daily. I watch it happen from my office. I am sure there are other problem areas in the village that are not coming to mind right now. Spend the money on placing more officers in the area (Carlsbad Blvd and Oak) to slow down the errant speeders driving north and watching for drivers blowing yellow and red lights on Carlsbad Village Drive and Marion and Jefferson. Also, Jefferson by Hosp Park is a terribly dangerous road. THAT is an area that needs attention. Green market should absolutely be placed there. No one stays in the lines on that road. It’s ridiculous. There are cyclists and pedestrians walking in the area all of the time. Also, why are there no street lights on that section of the road? Come on people. If you don’t live in the village or drive or walk the area EVERYDAY you should not be making decisions for the area. Krupa Law GroupLori L. Krupa CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 213 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Lori Robbins <silentmeowing@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 12, 2023 11:01 PM To:Traffic Subject:Input for tamarack round about   * traffic will be stopped as people cross the street. There is a high percentage of pedestrians there. (Unlike state  stree)Traffic will back up because of the frequent pedestrian crossings.  *high percentage of tourist drive here. (Many do not know how to navigate a round a bout creating confusion and  hesitation.) *now that jay walking is legal, pedestrians will walk over to the island, further endangering cars and  themselves *round abouts are hard for cyclists to maneuver. Cars can slip from the circle and hit cyclist.  Lastly  Whatever is the final decision, it is a rare opportunity for public art ‐ just like the gorgeous sculpture at State street  elevates the intersection  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 214 of 324 From:Lucy Lusk-Rackham To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Date:Saturday, January 14, 2023 8:18:22 PM NOOOOOO - Americans do not know how to navigate roundabouts like Europeans do. The city will build this corner into the city’s nightmare safety corner. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 215 of 324 From:lblack50@aol.com To:Traffic Subject:Intersection of Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd Date:Tuesday, January 24, 2023 11:53:02 AM I have already commented on this once before but the more I think about it, the dumber it seems. I'm not sure who came up with the idea of the Roundabout, but as I understand the way it works this is an absolutely stupid idea. As I understand a Roundabout, the first car into the circle has the right of way throughout the circle, A 4-way stop makes more sense than this. With a Roundabout, you are hoping everyone judges correctly and no one is in a hurry, This is a well-used intersection. To me that alone makes no sense, but I will provide the following reasons: 1.It is ugly 2.An accident is more likely than with a traffic light (or even a 4-way stop) 3. It is also heavily used by bicyclists so now who gets into the intersection first....a bicycle or a car. 4. It is also heavily used by pedestrians who will have more difficulty getting across the street than with a traffic light which allows them the right-of-way. I don't see any sense in putting a Roundabout on ANY intersection that is heavily used by cars, pedestrians AND bicyclists. Roundabouts as I see their placement are in locations normally where traffic is not heavy and there is very little pedestrian use. On Sunday I turned left on Tamarack onto Carlsbad Blvd to go to Costco. Mistake! I avoided the freeway because it was heavy with traffic. Carlsbad Blvd was worse. Both lanes were bumper to bumper going south. A Roundabout there would have been crazy. Cars would have been slipping into the Roundabout before their turn and judging when your turn was would be almost impossible. A Roundabout makes no sense at this intersection, unless I am missing something. I have been driving 60 years (and most of it has been in the Carlsbad/Oceanside area) so I know a bit about traffic patterns around here. Even if I am only making a right turn in a Roundabout, I can't do it until I determine if the car that got in the circle before me is coming three-quarters of the way around. Okay, so that is my 3-cents worth! Lura Black CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 216 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Marc Weiswasser <marc@casinorecruiter.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 7:10 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad & Tamarack proposals We would like to give our feedback on the 2 proposals for the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave. We are totally against taking away one lane, and thus having vehicles travelling in 1-lane both ways, and as such we vote for Option 1. We would LOVE to see a Roundabout, as that totally reduces speeding and accidents, but NOT at the expense of taking a vehicle lane away from each direction. The traffic currently is very high at this intersection, and eliminating one lane will create horrendous traffic backups. If there was a way to have the Roundabout and keep the 2 lanes in both directions, that would have our full support. But short of that we vote for Option 1. Thank you. Marc & Kerry Weiswasser CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 217 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Maria <mnovida@yahoo.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 9:26 PM To:Traffic Subject:Input for carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Hello there,  I have seen the renderings and the options for the intersection for Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd and I believe option 1  with traffic signals would work better than placing a roundabout. I walk and bike thru that intersection many times and I  just don’t feel the safety of having a roundabout.  Thank you,  Maria Leupold  Sent from my iPhone  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 218 of 324 From:Marilyn Bemiss To:Traffic Subject:Option 1 for Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd Date:Thursday, January 26, 2023 11:52:12 AM Good day, My husband and I live on Hibiscus Circle just off Tamarack. We are homeowners, for 12 years now, that purchased in this area because we loved close, easy, non -congested access to The Village and safe walking trails access to the Carlsbad State beach.We ate also regular bicycle riders who appreciate the safety of signals for pedestrians and bicyclists. With more single family homes being replaced by multi-family complexes, it would be beneficial to have the modified lanes and additional traffic signals for all residents and tourists that are enjoying the area. Please place my yes vote with the option 1 restructure, not option 2 (round about).Thank you for you time and efforts in handling this delicate matter. Warmly, Marilyn Bemiss -- Warmly, Marilyn Bemiss Lyon 951-764-5774 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 219 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Lauren Ferrell Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 3:48 PM To:Traffic Subject:FW: Tamarack and Coast Hwy Attachments:Marion Whitney_Tamarack and Coast Hwy.pdf        Lauren Ferrell, PE, QSD/P  Associate Engineer  Public Works – Transportation Engineering  ASCE Region 9 Infrastructure Symposium Chair  ASCE San Diego Section Past‐President  City of Carlsbad  1635 Faraday Ave.  Carlsbad, CA 92008  New** O|442‐339‐2558  C|442‐325‐4621  www.carlsbadca.gov    lauren.ferrell@carlsbadca.gov    From: Marion Whitney <marionwhitney@mac.com>   Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2023 7:16 PM  To: Lauren Ferrell <Lauren.Ferrell@CarlsbadCa.gov>  Subject: Tamarack and Coast Hwy    I  am a resident in this area and am responding to the mail out    brochure that arrived today.       I vote for a Round About at Tamarack and the Coast Hwy. Option 2  I could not see a place on line to place my preference so please consider  this email as my vote.      Also …. in crossing Carlsbad Blvd daily to do my walks   it is imperative that rather than flashing lights we need FULL Stop traffic lights.  I have been close to being hit many times.    At least 4 ‐ 5 cars pass by when the amber  light is flashing for   pedestrians to cross.      There NEVER seems to be any traffic enforcement  giving out tickets for these offenders!!!   WHY??      Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 220 of 324 2 The city is missing out on a lot of money from traffic fines  and we pedestrians are risking out lives crossing the street.  Thank you for documenting my opinion and placing my vote preference  Marion Whitney  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 221 of 324 From:mark underwood To:Traffic Subject:round abouts. Date:Tuesday, January 17, 2023 7:21:11 PM I say no round abouts. Home owner with kids on park drive. People are not able to use them correctly. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 222 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Marsha Mueller <marsha_mueller@hotmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 10:47 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack & Carlsbad Blvd Hello!  My family and I live off Tamarack & Jefferson, thus we go through the intersection of Tamarack & Carlsbad Blvd  frequently—both as a motorist as well as a pedestrian.     I can not express enough to the city how much a roundabout in that location is NOT a good idea.  A roundabout within  an intersection that is as pedestrian dense as Tamarack & Carlsbad Blvd is flat out dangerous and a very bad idea.    I know that the city is trying to improve traffic flow but a roundabout would only make traffic much worse with how  many people cross through that intersection on a daily basis.  The busy cross walks need to be timed with traffic lights  and a 4 way stop for the utmost safety.  If the crosswalks are not timed there will be a constant flow of pedestrians using  the cross walk one after another rather than grouping together which will greatly impede the flow of traffic.  A  roundabout in this busy intersection with heavily used crosswalks will confuse drivers and potentially result in the death  of a pedestrian.  If the use of the cross walk is not timed with the traffic lights it will back up traffic exponentially.    My family walks the sidewalk on the southbound, west side of Carlsbad Blvd frequently to go to the beach near tower 33  & I agree that it should be widened.  I have two young children and see the reasoning and need for this.  My family and I  greatly prefer the plan WITHOUT the roundabout.    Thank you,  Marsha Montague    Sent from Mail for Windows    CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 223 of 324 From:Matthew Smith To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack/Carlsbad blvd Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 4:36:32 PM My name is Matthew Smith, I live off of tamarack. I’m in a wheelchair and travel on that intersection often, I really like the idea of the roundabout. It would make crossing easier and aesthetically more pleasing. RegardsMatthew Smith CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 224 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Matthew Walker <mattdwalk@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 4:54 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Bvd and Tamarack Ave Hello,     As a resident and homeowner in Carlsbad, my wife and I often run, walk, bike, (surf) and drive in this area.  I want to  voice my preference for the roundabout option.  It keeps traffic flowing nicely, looks nice, has less streetlight issues, and  ‐ nationwide, there are 35% fewer car accidents in roundabouts than in traditional intersections.    Thank you,    Matt W  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 225 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Meg Beauchamp <megbowen1@mac.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 6:16 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack renderings Thank you for providing renderings of proposed designs. Although I love the idea of a roundabout, the loss of a lane for  cyclists and then the proposal for them to share the lane with cars ( sharrow) seems problematic. It’s possible I’m not  seeing the big picture but it appears that cars and cyclists will use the roundabout together. In comparison to State at  roundabout, Tamarack is a highly trafficked area for cars, bikes and pedestrians, whereas the roundabout at State St   and the coast highway sees fewer pedestrians.  Are these the only options? No other ways are feasible?  Thank you  Meg Beauchamp  92008    Sent from my iPhone  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 226 of 324 From:Menny Shushan To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue improvements Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 8:32:07 AM My name is Menny Shushan. I vote for option 2 -Roundabout as the more desirable solution to improve the intersection. While it might be more difficult to implement and make life for us more difficult for the duration of construction, option 2 is more aesthetically pleasing and fits with the character of the beach we live on. Thank you, Menny CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 227 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Michael Skinner <mskinnermd@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:26 PM To:Traffic Subject:Feedback on changes to Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection Although the traffic circle seems like a nice idea, I would be concerned about creating a bottleneck for both north and  southbound traffic, which ultimately will result in more congestion.  Michael Skinner, MD CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 228 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:mccoyjmmm@aol.com Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 8:39 AM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Ave Safety Improvements We would like to see a roundabout at this intersection. John & Michele McCoy CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 229 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:MPK <packnpens@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 2:31 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack & C-bad Blvd Intersection PLEASE go with the traffic signal option!  The confluence of cars, pedestrians, bikes, e‐bikes and more is too much for a  round‐about to work safely and effectively.  ‐‐   Mike Kalscheur  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 230 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Monica Olivas <mmiera@yahoo.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 8:20 AM To:Traffic Subject:Traffic Options Vote I'd vote for Option 1. I've been in many roundabouts in the area and people really don't know how to use them and will cause more confusion. Also, with so many tourists that come through, they won't know how to manage as well. I see more issues than improvements. Have you looked at impacts of these changes to Leucadia and whether it's positive. Monica Olivas CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 231 of 324 From:Morgan Tobin To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Roundabouts Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 1:47:52 PM Good afternoon, I saw the article about the proposed roundabouts and feel like this is a positive addition to Carlsbad Blvd. I live on Carlsbad Blvd and Ponto Dr. and can sit in my backyard and watch the traffic. The amount of cars I hear zooming through at high speeds is alarming considering all of the runners and cyclists. I'm also afraid someone may lose control and smash into my house. I am a proponent of more roundabouts here and think it would be good to do safety videos or how to videos since people in the US clearly don't know how a roundabout works. I look forward to hearing which option is chosen. Thank you, Morgan Tobin (she/her/hers) Community Relations Specialist Parking Services & University Scheduling 619-260-2939 www.sandiego.edu/parking www.sandiego.edu/scheduling CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 232 of 324 From:Chishti, M To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Intersection Feedback Date:Wednesday, January 18, 2023 8:54:34 AM Hello, Quick feedback on the proposed options for the Tamarack/PCH intersection. I'm the owner of 305 Tamarack Ave and am very familiar with this intersection both as a driver and pedestrian. I think that option 1 is the only viable choice, because of the volume of pedestrian trafficespecially during the summer months. I think option 2 would result in significant traffic congestion in that area far exceeding a stop light, because of the pedestrian flow in addition toreducing to only one lane. That would create a perfect storm for very undesirable traffic congestion. Option 1 will make pedestrian crossing much safer than it currently is. Thank you! Muhammad Chishti CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 233 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Myles <mpomeroy@san.rr.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 17, 2023 5:07 PM To:Traffic Subject:Traffic Control Options at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Hello,    I am a bicyclist who frequently rides along Hwy 101. I am familiar with the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack. I  strongly support the roundabout option rather than the traffic signal. The roundabout would help to reduce traffic  speeds, making the intersection safer for cyclists and pedestrians.    Your own comparison chart indicates that the single‐lane roundabout option is best with respect to compliance with city  plans, safety, reduces bike‐car conflict points and reduces GhG emissions. There should be no debate that the  roundabout is the superior solution.    Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in.    Myles Pomeroy  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 234 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Nancee Caye <2ncaye@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 11:40 AM To:Traffic Subject:NO ROUNDABOUT I know very few people who want any roundabouts, and none who want one where it is proposed. It flummoxes most drivers, endangers bikers (who are in numbers along that route) and will cause worse problems when tourists come to town. Just use the traffic signals! For once, listen to the majority of your citizens in this and stop pushing the roundabouts on the coast! I've been a resident for 36 years, and the access to the coast and the lovely drive along the coast just keeps getting worse the more the 'City' tries to 'improve' it. Nancee Foglesong CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 235 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Nancy Djavaherian <nancydjava@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 2:01 PM To:Traffic Subject:Proposed roundabouts As a bicyclist, I have to say that I HATE roundabouts!  I am a Carlsbad resident, and ride regularly on Carlsbad Blvd., but  avoid riding through the roundabout at State Street at all costs.  I have done it, it was crowded with cars turning in  different directions, and I definitely did not feel safe.  If it is deemed necessary to improve the Cannon and Tamarack  intersections, I would much prefer traffic signals.  Thank you for considering my opinion.  Nancy Djavaherian  Sent from my iPad  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 236 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Jane Krekorian <puravida.neil.jane@aol.com> Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 2:13 PM To:Traffic Subject:Proposed changes for Tamarack Ave & Carlsbad Blvd I am in favor of widening the walking path over the water and more parking. I am very opposed to a roundabout  replacing the signal at this location.  There is far too much foot traffic and car traffic at this location for a roundabout.  Regards  Neil Krekorian  Sent from my iPad  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 237 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:vongymnich@aol.com Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 3:18 PM To:Traffic Cc:NICK VON GYMNICH Subject:Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd Input (roundabout) Hello,   I'm a property owner/live in Carlsbad. I support the building of a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and  Tamarack.   Data shows that roundabouts dramatically cuts down on fatal accidents and will allow better flow of traffic.  Thank you for your hard work and making Carlsbad safer for both pedestrians, bicycles and cars.  Thank you,  Nick von Gymnich  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 238 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Nina Eaton <ninaknows@me.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 9:25 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack & Carlsbad Blvd options Having lived 2 years on the corner of Sequoia & Carlsbad Blvd…and now living 1 mile south of Tamarack on Tierra Del  Oro….I believe option 2, with a roundabout,  with fewer traffic lanes is a wonderful idea. I experienced somewhat the  same situation in Leucadia recently. The street was definitely calmed by fewer lanes and by the roundabout.  The  highway was no longer a thoroughfare.  I’d like to see Leucadia’s design have some influence on Carlsbad’s.  I also believe the 10 ft sidewalk is greatly needed for the amount of foot traffic seen daily and the wider bike lane is a no  brainer.  Nina Eaton  Sent from my iPhone  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 239 of 324 From:Noa Nimrodi To:Traffic Subject:Redesign of the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 4:15:21 PM To whom it may concern, Thank you for giving options for the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. My husband and I prefer Option 2– Roundabout. Thanks, Noa&Nir Nimrodi noanimrodi.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 240 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Olivia Castaneda <ojlcastaneda@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:59 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack improvements To whom it may concern,     As a long time carlsbad resident and someone who lives quite near this project, thank you for addressing the Carlsbad  Blvd and Tamarack crossing. This intersection is sorely in need of improvements and either proposed solution will  greatly increase accessibility for all. I am strongly in favor of Option 2 to make the intersection a roundabout for  multiple reasons.     Looking at Leucadia, Encinitas, Solana Beach, and  our downtown village area here in Cbad, the more space we pull away  from cars and give to the people the better it is for making towns feel more like communities and also better for  businesses.  More people are walking which means they’re more likely to stop into local shops and also drivers are going  slow enough to actually notice what shops and restaurants exist in the area. While this particular intersection is more  residential than commercial, making the area more pedestrian friendly will also encourage people to explore our  beautiful lagoon trail in addition to allowing easier access to Tamarack Beach.     Most importantly, roundabouts are shown to be safer and more environmentally friendly than stoplights.     “Roundabouts are a safer alternative to traffic signals and stop signs. The tight circle of a roundabout forces drivers to slow down, and the most severe types of intersection crashes — right-angle, left-turn and head-on collisions — are unlikely.  Roundabouts improve traffic flow and are better for the environment. Research shows that traffic flow improves after traditional intersections are converted to roundabouts. Less idling reduces vehicle emissions and fuel consumption. Roundabouts generally are safer for pedestrians. Pedestrians walk on sidewalks around the perimeter and cross only one direction of traffic at a time. Crossing distances are relatively short, and traffic speeds are lower than at traditional intersections.” (source: https://www.iihs.org/topics/roundabouts) We need a roundabout at this intersection to force drivers coming from the south to slow down as they enter an area where so many pedestrians are crossing Carlsbad Boulevard to visit our beaches. Less idling cars means less emissions and better air quality where so many tourists and locals love to spend their time. Every single change our city makes should prioritize pedestrian safety to encourage locals and tourists to leisurely enjoy our beautiful city. Option 2 is safer, more environmentally friendly, and better for our city. Thank you for your time, Olivia Castañeda   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 241 of 324 From:Pam Corbin To:Lauren Ferrell; Traffic Subject:Carlsbad blvd and Tamarack project Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 7:31:32 PM Hello, This is Al and Pam Corbin. We are one of the few on the Blvd who do not rent out their house as a vacation rental. We have suffered the Blvd. issues now for 15 years, and would love improvements in the noise and traffic. We would like to select option # 2 as the preferred project. We love the idea of the bus stop in front of our house being moved South, The roundabout which would be a huge improvement, and, hopefully slow the speeders, racing vehicle's, help with the noise from loud vehicles exhaust, and only 1 lane would be so nice for our neighborhood. Widening the sidewalk would be helpful in front of the restaurant, as people have to walk out in the street if 2 people are on the sidewalk.The only thing we ask is that you don't have street parking on the Blvd. in front of our house. We have enough cars parking on Redwood, and the restaurant crowd parking on our streets. I feel we are disturbed enough by the restaurant, and cars. Please contact us with any questions.Thank you, Al and Pam Corbin CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 242 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Pamela Martin <pamelakaymartin@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 6:48 AM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarack and 101 I think this is not the best situation for a roundabout. I cross the street there often.  I think that one lane will cause cars  spewing fossil fuels all the way back to Palomar Airport Road and beyond. There is already a problem with this in the  summer especially. I think it would put people at risk. I favor other traffic calming installments that would slow traffic  down between Tamarack and Cannon.   ‐‐   Pamela Kay Martin  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 243 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Patti Langen <patti.langenzoo@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 5:39 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Ave. and Carlsbad Blvd. Intersection Hello,     I noticed an issue with the statement regarding bicycle lanes and the roundabout option.   The table below implies that the bike width lane will be 7‐8 feet. It should be 0‐8 feet, because the bike lane completely  disappears in the roundabout, see below.     In the roundabout option, cyclists are pushed out into traffic and forced to merge with the thousands of cars per day  that use Coast Highway.   This is NOT a safe option. While cars would likely slow down, either due to narrower lanes or simply because all cars  would be sharing a single lane,  cyclists are going to be hard pressed to merge with that traffic. The design as shown below is a recipe for cyclist collision  with cars, and cyclist deaths. I implore  you to create a safer design for cyclists in this scenario.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 244 of 324 2    Patricia Langen  Carlsbad, CA, 92008    CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 245 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Paul Dooley <pwdooley@att.net> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 3:14 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd. Intersection I am writing to give comments on the proposed options put forward for the Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd. intersection. I am a 25-year resident of Carlsbad, and have a lot of experience with this intersection, both driving and as a pedestrian. I lived a block from the intersection for 7-8 years (Garfield at Redwood), and now live just behind City Hall. I still walk from Carlsbad Village Drive to the power plant/Poseidon outflow channel at least once a week. Overall, I appreciate that the City is working to improve the intersection and the sidewalks and parking around it. I particularly like that the sidewalk over the bridge is to be widened with either option. While what's there works, it is narrow and squeezes pedestrian traffic. I believe that more pedestrians will use the route when it is widened, and fewer will resort to using the bike lane as an alternate. As far as the main intersection options go, I prefer Option 1. In general, as a driver, I like roundabouts, but I do not think that it is a good idea at this intersection due to the large number of pedestrian crossings that occur there. I do not feel that roundabouts are a plus for pedestrians. The whole idea is that the drivers slow down, but do not have to stop. As a driver, one tends to focus on the actions of other cars, and not on pedestrians. It has worked very well at Carlsbad Blvd. and State, and I imagine that it will work pretty well at Carlsbad Blvd. and Cannon. But both of those intersections have significantly fewer pedestrians than at Tamarack. I realize and appreciate that Carlsbad has recently added more pedestrian crossing lights between Pine and Tamarack, and those are great, but pedestrian traffic at the Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. light will always remain heavy. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, Paul W. Dooley CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 246 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Per Kjellgren <per@kjellgren.org> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 7:59 AM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabouts Roundabouts are generally great as they covert a batch system to a continuous flow system. However, they have to be  large enough to swallow tomorrow’s traffic volume. A too small roundabout is a waste of money.   Per Kjellgren   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 247 of 324 From:rachael.stoltz To:Traffic Subject:Public input Tamarack Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 10:54:41 AM Hi Rachael Ross local business owner and a resident on the corner of Tamarack and Garfield. I've read the proposal. I do like the idea of widening the sidewalk and bike lanes. I normallylove roundabouts but thier are a number of problems I see with putting one on Tamarack. 1. During summer months the foot traffic is high at that intersection. Traffic will back upbecause of constant pedestrian flow. 2. The danger to pedestrians mostly from motorcycles and fast cars not slowing down orlooking closely enough especially when making right hand turns. 3. I probably have had cars come at me at me and quickly brake at that intersection makingright hand turns over 300 times. I walk it every other day. I make eye contact with each car as the pedestrian and wave to ensure my safety but I've seen tourist almost get taken out. Somereally close calls. Some suggestions 1. Make the Tamarack PCH intersection like the one on Pch and Carlsbad village. With a noright hand turn light up sign when pedestrians are crossing and a diagonal cross. 2. Put a pedestrian light up cross walk at the corner of Tamarack and Garfield. Like the oneson PCH. That intersection has so much foot and bike traffic same issues. Thank you for your consideration. Rachael Ross Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 248 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:RAH <randyahixon@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 6:58 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Tamarack intersection re-design I prefer and support the use of roundabout intersections.  However, there is a now a frequent rush hour back up  northbound on Carlsbad approaching Canon. For this intersection, It appears that narrowing Carlsbad at Tamarack to  one lane for a traffic circle would create the same long back up – likely all the way back into the Canon intersection –  when traffic merges from the two lanes between Canon and Tamarack.  With that type of back up from the south, it  seems it would be difficult for traffic to merge onto Carlsbad from Tamarack due to the constant flow of northbound  traffic through the roundabout.    Regards,  Randy Hixon   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 249 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Rebecca Douglass <rebeccadouglass@roadrunner.com> Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 10:05 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Roundabout Dear City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission, I do not approve of the Tamarack round‐about that is being  considered. A complete waste of taxpayer money.  Respectfully,  Rebecca Douglass  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 250 of 324 From:Rebecca Hoy To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Option 2 Date:Thursday, January 12, 2023 7:24:46 PM Hi Lauren- Our family went for a walk to Tamarack and the coast hwy to visualize the options. We can clearly see option 2- being the best one. As a bike rider and mom of two teens, the narrowing of the road to one lane is essential. It gives drivers a necessary “slow” down. Currently, our coast line becomes a raceway with cars racing from one stoplight to the next. We’re looking forward to the future roundabout. - Rebecca Hoy Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 251 of 324 From:Rebecca Hoy To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Option 2 Date:Thursday, January 12, 2023 7:24:46 PM Hi Lauren- Our family went for a walk to Tamarack and the coast hwy to visualize the options. We can clearly see option 2- being the best one. As a bike rider and mom of two teens, the narrowing of the road to one lane is essential. It gives drivers a necessary “slow” down. Currently, our coast line becomes a raceway with cars racing from one stoplight to the next. We’re looking forward to the future roundabout. - Rebecca Hoy Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 252 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Rebecca Douglass <rebeccadouglass@roadrunner.com> Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 10:05 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Roundabout Dear City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission, I do not approve of the Tamarack round‐about that is being  considered. A complete waste of taxpayer money.  Respectfully,  Rebecca Douglass  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 253 of 324 From:Rebecca Hoy To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Option 2 Date:Thursday, January 12, 2023 7:24:46 PM Hi Lauren- Our family went for a walk to Tamarack and the coast hwy to visualize the options. We can clearly see option 2- being the best one. As a bike rider and mom of two teens, the narrowing of the road to one lane is essential. It gives drivers a necessary “slow” down. Currently, our coast line becomes a raceway with cars racing from one stoplight to the next. We’re looking forward to the future roundabout. - Rebecca Hoy Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 254 of 324 From:Rebecca Hoy To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Option 2 Date:Thursday, January 12, 2023 7:24:46 PM Hi Lauren- Our family went for a walk to Tamarack and the coast hwy to visualize the options. We can clearly see option 2- being the best one. As a bike rider and mom of two teens, the narrowing of the road to one lane is essential. It gives drivers a necessary “slow” down. Currently, our coast line becomes a raceway with cars racing from one stoplight to the next. We’re looking forward to the future roundabout. - Rebecca Hoy Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 255 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Rebecca Douglass <rebeccadouglass@roadrunner.com> Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 10:05 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Roundabout Dear City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission, I do not approve of the Tamarack round‐about that is being  considered. A complete waste of taxpayer money.  Respectfully,  Rebecca Douglass  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 256 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Susan Clifford <sarclifford@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 7:37 PM To:Traffic Subject:No to Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack My Husband and I vote no to proposed the Roundabout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd.  Rick and Susan Clifford  Sent from Mail for Windows  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 257 of 324 From:Rick Nicotera To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, January 7, 2023 8:57:04 AM We vote for Roundabouts. The advantages are numerous and indisputable. BTW, El Camino Real between C'Bad Village Drive and Cannon is a highway that has become a dangerous residential drag strip, with too many intersections and cross streets for the posted 55 mph speed limit. What are we waiting for? Why is College Blvd set at a safer speed limit? El Camino is a nemesis for those of us living here. Thank you,Rick Nicotera CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 258 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Robin Bareng <robin.bareng@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 10:24 AM To:Traffic Subject:NO ROUNDABOUT!!!! Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements The absolute last thing Carlsbad needs is a roundabout at Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack. It will introduce another  significant and unnecessary choke‐point on the coast. What are the results of the traffic flow studies for the  summertime, with out‐of‐towners trying to figure out a roundabout while trying to access the parking lot on Tamarack?  While local buses and traffic are just trying to move through?    This intersection is completely different than the one at State St, and WILL NOT work the same. I hate the State St  roundabout, but it serves as a “break” between Carlsbad and Oceanside. We do not need a “break” in the middle of  Carlsbad Blvd…the traffic backup will completely destroy any traffic flow on the road.   We need a traffic lane for north/south through‐traffic. We need a turning lane to get onto Tamarack and down to the  parking lot. We need a merging lane for buses into the north/south traffic; a roundabout would shove ALL TRAFFIC into a  single roundabout and paralyze the intersection.   Please publish traffic data for review, we need more than pretty pictures and renderings.  rkb  Pontiac Drive  - - Robin K Bareng, MD CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 259 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:roberto vigilucci <robertovigilucci@me.com> Sent:Saturday, January 14, 2023 7:37 AM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad/Tamarack intersection Hello, after meeting with Lauren ad Tom ad received all the information , My preference would be the roundabout  Thanks    CIAO ROBY VIGILUCCI  VIGILUCCI’S.COM  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 260 of 324 From:roland madden To:Traffic Cc:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad blvd/tamarack - option 1 is my preference Date:Monday, January 9, 2023 1:48:31 PM Despite the roundabout favored in your recent brochure, I prefer the traffic signal, option 1. As a pedestrian who deals with the intersection 3-5 times per week I think the traffic light is a safer option for walkers. Thank you. Roland madden, 245 chinquapin. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 261 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Ross G Rose <ross@washtek.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 6:10 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack/carlsbad blvd I support the roundabout option 2  Ross g rose  Sent from my iPad  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 262 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Ryan MacLure <rmaclure@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 9:39 AM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection Good morning,     I received an email regarding the tamarack intersection upgrade and as a resident of Carlsbad and a CA registered civil  engineer, I wanted to give my support for the round about option. I fully support the use of round abouts wherever  possible due to their improvement of traffic flow and safety.     Thank you,  Ryan MacLure   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 263 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Sam <sambouwer@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 5:46 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and CB Blvd Prefer Option 1, Traffic Signal. Roundabouts and a single lane can cause a tremendous amount of back up and many  drivers don’t know how a roundabout works. Thank you.  Samantha Hackett  Sent from my iPhone  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 264 of 324 From:Sandra O"Brien To:Traffic Subject:Feedback: C"bad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Date:Saturday, January 7, 2023 8:59:43 PM I live very close to this intersection and am in favor of a roundabout. Anything to help slow traffic racing down Carlsbad Blvd. I would also like to see a crosswalk with flashing lights (similar to those north of this intersection) placed at the trailhead of Agua Hedionda Lagoon (just south of Tamarack Ave) crossing the street to the bridge/beach. There are quite a few pedestrians (me included) who walk the lagoon and cross at this point. A flashing crosswalk would be much appreciated! Thank you Sandra T. O’Brien “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anaïs Nin CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 265 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Scott McClatchey <scottmcclatchey59@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 4:00 PM To:Traffic Subject:Input on Tamarack & Carlsbad Blvd intersection I live in Carlsbad and wanted to weigh in.  I prefer the roundabout due to its efficiency, safety, and elegance.  Traffic  lights just slow traffic and create the potential for frustrated drivers to speed up to try to "beat the light", which means  high speed collisions are more likely with the traffic light.  Roundabouts slow traffic to keep the 'crazies' from going 85  mph, but they allow traffic to keep flowing when there isn't any cross‐traffic.  This happens frequently ‐ I sit at  intersections probably 3 times a day waiting for the red light to change, while there is no cross‐traffic at all.  Very  frustrating and so unnecessary.  Let's be progressive and let traffic flow in a more natural and efficient way.   Thank you,  Scott McClatchey  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 266 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Stacey Boyer <staceylboyer@gmail.com> Sent:Sunday, January 8, 2023 1:29 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and PCH Please consider our input on the proposed changes.  My husband and I have reviewed the mock up renditions of the  improved intersection vs using a roundabout in this location.  We frequently walk this route and we see a roundabout as  a pedestrian and bicycle death sentence.  LOL that is a little dramatic but not entirely.  Roundabouts promote constant  flow of traffic but pedestrians and also bikes require a stop of traffic.  A signalized intersection is more safe because  drivers are more accustomed to it.  In a roundabout situation both pedestrians and bikers lose visibility to drivers  because drivers are more focused on maintaining flow.  I hope you consider this point.  Best,  ‐‐   Stacey Boyer CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 267 of 324 From:Stacy Ferayorni To:Traffic; Lauren Ferrell Subject:Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd. traffic plan Date:Monday, January 9, 2023 9:39:09 PM Hello, I'm a Carlsbad resident since 1974. A homeowner living on Sequoia Ave since 2001. My husband and I have raised our two kids on Sequoia. When we remodeled in 2003, we made sure a front gate and a driveway gate was in the landscape plan. We did this because our young children would play in the front yard, and it has never been safe. Mainly due to the traffic flow and the speed of cars driving up Sequoia. When I was in high school in the late 70s, we used to drive up Sequoia as a short cut to Tamarack Ave. Once I lived on the street, I realized just about everyone did the same. Prior to living on Sequoia, I lived on Garfield at Hemlock for 15 years. Needless to say, I've been in the neighborhood for many, many years and personally experienced the increase of traffic, both pedestrian and auto, on a daily basis. Sometime ago I spoke to the City about making Sequoia Ave a one way street with traffic flow only going west. Many of my neighbors would like to see the street closed off at Carlsbad Blvd. all together. This new plan will severely impact my street, no matter what option is chosen. The increase of traffic we will have on our street from a one lane round about is not acceptable. Not to mention the lack of traffic flow on Carlsbad Blvd. Everyone will be driving up Sequoia to get out of the long line into the roundabout. And angry drivers are a concern. I already see aggravated drivers on a daily basis, speeding up my street to miss the red light at Tamarack. I would like the city to take into consideration the amount of foot traffic crossing Carlsbad Blvd. to the beach. People with surfboards, children, wagons, coolers, beach chairs, umbrellas, bbq grills, fishing poles, etc. How will they safely cross in a roundabout and not impede traffic? The city needs to consider other options. Both Cardiff and Solana Beach have walkways under the railroad tracks for safer pedestrian crossings to the beach. Carlsbad should put a similar walkway under the bridge overpass, just south of Sequoia. One that would start at the trailhead, under bridge, to the existing stairs at the Tamarack parking lot. This would give pedestrians a safe place to cross and not delay the flow of traffic. The flow of traffic in the village has worsened with the installation of the diagonal crosswalks. The single lane roundabout in north Carlsbad creates traffic backup because the turn radius ia too narrow. It's a very bad idea for the amount of traffic at Tamarack. Commuters use Carlsbad Blvd as a first option when I-5 is jammed north and south. If the city chooses option 1, keeping the traffic signal, making no left turn from Sequoia going west and no left turn onto Sequoia going south, I will propose to close Sequoia at Calsbad Blvd. from all incoming traffic. See you at the meeting on February 6th. Sincerely, Stacy Foster Ferayorni Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 268 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Stephen Poovey <spoovey@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 10:23 PM To:Traffic Subject:Cbad Blvd and Tama intersection I vote for Option 1 with the light, not the roundabout.     Much better pedestrian crossing on west side of the blvd.  Agreed that walkway on bridge could be widened as well.    Thanks,  Steve      CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 269 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Stephen Stewart <smstewart@me.com> Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 2:02 PM To:Traffic Subject:Traffic & Mobility Commission - Tamarack & Carlsbad Blvd Has the city conducted traffic flow study to determine impact of narrowing intersection from 1 to 2 lanes?  Are studies  available to compare expected serviceability of roundabout vs signaled intersection?   Data should be commensurate  with the expected volume and comparable designs of the subject intersection.    I am supporting roundabout design but several citizens are concerned of traffic flow/ volume with narrowing of lane.   Also how can the design support widening the sidewalks?  Is there enough space?    Stephen Stewart  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 270 of 324 From:skuzmack@sbcglobal.net To:Lauren Ferrell Cc:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Project Date:Tuesday, January 3, 2023 8:59:04 PM Hi, I’d like to offer perspective on the project for this intersection. As someone who has lived a block or so from this intersection since 1994, an avid cyclist who travels this intersection regularly and as a pedestrian going to and from the beach, there are some important insights I’d like to point out. What I look for is to reduce the potential for tension and/or collisions between drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. Being all three gives me a unique perspective that I think is worthy of sharing. I want to break this down into northbound and southbound because Carlsbad Blvd is a downhill slope when heading south and uphill of course when heading north. The slope dictates approach speeds especially for cyclists. 1. Heading north: Cyclists go slower up hill than down. While avid cyclists go about 15+ miles per hour through this intersection heading north, leisure riders will go maybe 8 to 10 miles per hour. When either type of cyclist approaches the intersection as a roundabout, they must “take the lane” to enter the intersection because of the narrowness of the entry point and the elimination of the bike lane. Cyclists must look back and judge the speed of approaching drivers before entering the car lane ahead of the roundabout. If timed well or in light traffic, it’s not an issue. With heavier traffic or when a driver is traveling at a greater speed, the cyclist entering the lane aggravates the driver understandably. At worst a collision occurs. The roundabout creates a new danger that does not currently exist because of the elimination of the bike lane and the protruding curb on the right which can be easily hit by a cyclist navigating through the narrow passageway. 2. Heading south: Taking the same situation as above, now avid cyclists approach the intersection at around 20+ miles per hour and leisure cyclists around 15+ miles per hour because it is downhill. The narrow passageway and the elimination of the bike lane intensifies the situation of the northbound side. From a pedestrian point of view: As a pedestrian, I am mostly afraid of the cyclists. There are no red light/green light indicators at a roundabout. Only the flashing yellow push button lights. As a pedestrian when I cross into the crosswalk of a roundabout with one or more cars waiting, allows me to confidently walk across. But the car or cars also create a visual blind to cyclists as they enter the roundabout. I must then stop to see if the cyclist will stop, causing me to have the drivers waiting on me to wait a little longer so that I can make sure I am clear to continue. The potential for collisions between cyclists and pedestrians is elevated. Tension between pedestrians and drivers for “holding them up” is elevated. I have seen situations like this as a cyclist. Leisure cyclists are less aware of this danger and I have seen near collisions. We have our police doing their best to issue citations along Carlsbad Blvd to protect pedestrians from cyclists. My point is why even introduce this new danger in the first place. Police can’t protect every pedestrian at all times. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 271 of 324 I think having a definitive red light/green light intersection provides certainty to all three parties. I am in favor of the traffic signal option because it provides more certainty and safety for all three parties. The traffic lights sets the rules of who goes next versus leaving it up to the three parties. A great example is the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Carlsbad Village Drive. All four entry points have certainty for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. There is greater peace and lesser conflict because of the traffic signals and four way pedestrian 35 second all direction walkway. Even regular red light/green light intersections provides greater peace because all parties know who has right of way at every given moment. Roundabouts introduce random in my opinion. I understand that the city might use the roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and State St as a successful example for Tamarack. Two things are different there versus Tamarack. One, it’s a three way versus four way entry. And number two, it’s a steeper slope. A three way entry, especially this particular three way is lesser volume than the four way entry at Tamarack. Based on my observation, the number of vehicles entering from State St heading north is not nearly the volume as either main entry point at Tamarack. I think the vehicle back up potential at a Tamarack roundabout would be much greater than the State St roundabout. The slope of Carlsbad Blvd is important there because as a cyclist heading north, the downhill provides the higher speed to “take the lane” much earlier on the approach and at vehicle speeds which is much safer. Therefore, less conflict between drivers and cyclists. Heading north, it is so steep, cyclists hitting the curb on the right at that pinch point is much less likely by going so slow. Cyclists must still block vehicles as they enter the roundabout at slow speeds though. No way to avoid that part. Regarding the Sequoia Ave access, as a local I never take it westbound to turn left on Carlsbad Blvd. The traffic makes this option much less desirable than going to the Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd intersection and wait through a full red light and turn left. Same for entering Sequoia heading south. I never take that left. It’s much quicker for locals to take Redwood or Tamarack east off of Carlsbad Blvd. The volume of traffic makes this choice much more pleasant and a faster way home. So, I don’t think restricting the access to Sequoia under the traffic signal option is an issue. Given the heightened vehicle back up lines with a roundabout, entering or exiting Sequoia becomes even less desirable. Locals mainly only use Sequoia when heading northbound as a cut to Garfield St. Overall, making the sidewalks wider is a great idea. This is especially true of both sides of the bridge over the lagoon. Getting pedestrians out of the bike lane will reduce potential collisions on that bridge as well. It will be much more prettier as well. If the roundabout idea prevails, I would highly suggest finding a way to not eliminate the cyclist lane at the four corners of the roundabout and/or not make the curbs so tight for cyclists to enter and exit the roundabout. These four corners are where new problems will be introduced where they do not exist today. Thank you for your attention. Steve Kuzmack 3970 Garfield St Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-458-4541 Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 272 of 324 From:Steve Mott To:Traffic Subject:feedback Tamarack @ CBad Blvd Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 1:33:40 PM I received the renderings and info about the proposals and wanted to respond sayingthe roundabout is a good idea, but at Tamarack would greatly increase C'Bad Blvdtraffic both north bound and south bound. I would find alternate route to the Village ifthe lanes north and south bound were restricted down to one lane approaching aroundabout. Improved left turn and right turn lanes those directions would be muchbetter. My opinion, better roundabout opportunity at Cannon where C'Bad Blvd north/south is already one lane. Steve Mott smott@earthlink.net 3414 Don Carlos Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92010 (805) 906-6688 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 273 of 324 From:Steven Effertz To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, January 7, 2023 11:46:29 AM Dear Lauren, My wife and I live near the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue and would much prefer a roundabout. Our major preference is that it would slow down thespeeders going through that intersection and along Carlsbad Boulevard. It is also much more aesthetically pleasing. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our opinion on this decision that affects all of us. Sincerely, Steven and Gina Effertz3707 Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA 92008(760) 822-1776 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 274 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Steven Medina <steven.medina55@yahoo.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 11, 2023 8:18 PM To:Traffic Subject:Updated Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Designs Feedback Good Morning - Thanks so much for the opportunity to provide feedback to the subject matter. As a Carlsbad Resident, since 1988, I have seen the corner of Tamarack and Carlsbad evolve. One thing that has remained constant is the vehicular, and now bicycle and e-bike and pedestrian, traffic that has remained ever present. My wife and I had travelled, extensively, through Spain, Portugal and France. For a highway/roadway, as busy as the Tamarack/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection, utilized round-a-bouts were of a much larger scale, with two lanes of traffic revolving around the circle. Throwing in bicycles, e-bikes and pedestrians into the size of the proposed Option 2 makes for "an accident waiting to happen". Further, with no noted pedestrian signals, and with cyclists having to "dodge" confused motorists who are attempting to enter and exit the circle is just not a logical plan. One additional note, with Vigilucci's being right on the corner of this busy intersection, already difficult access to their valet parking and their use of a drop-off point for their guests would be greatly compromised. I realize that this is not part of the primary concern but, it will produce unnecessary safety hazards. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy traffic circles but, due to the size of the intersection, lack of pedestrian and cyclist safety measures, I have to side with Option 1. If you have any questions or require additional information, please let me know. Respectfully, Semper Fortis, Steven R. Medina Captain, US Navy (Retired) "EVERYTHING is Interconnected" CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 275 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:susan gutierrez <schneb6@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:58 PM To:Traffic Subject:intersection Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Having grown up in the east and driving with roundabouts, I personally think Option 2 is great, but considering what I have seen with the lack of knowledge by local and visiting drivers on how to best use a roundabout / circle- I would favor option 1 with a traffic light. The roundabout entering into Carlsbad from Oceanside is a mess with drivers not familiar to the protocol of using a roundabout; some of them race to enter others and look at it in dismay. Others just STOP. What we really need in addition to a change is a traffic cop- directing traffic and handing out a ticket. Sue ‐‐   Sue Gutierrez CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 276 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Sunny Blende <blendehixon@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 5:57 PM To:Traffic Cc:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Regarding - Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Ave Intersection Improvement project Hello,   I am a resident of Carlsbad, near where the above project is located. I spoke with Lauren Ferrell this afternoon to learn  more about this project. I am writing to encourage the project to move forward with the Traffic Circle option due to the  future slowing of this congested area as well as the safety issues and esthetics of this area. I also STRONGLY encourage a  crosswalk going from Sequoia to the other side of Carlsbad Village Drive. This is an area that is often “jaywalked” with  heavy traffic and dangerous consequences.There is good reason to widening the bridge in the area for pedestrians. Two‐ way pedestrian traffic when it involves small children, baby carriages and dogs gets extremely difficult. I applaud you  and your committees for their foresight.   Thank you,  Sunny Blende  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 277 of 324 From:s k To:Traffic Subject:Tamarak input Date:Friday, January 20, 2023 3:00:18 PM Hello, As a long time Carlsbad resident we prefer option one and the reason for that is having option two makes it extremely difficult to cross the street as well as ride our bikes through the roundabout. The roundabout at the end of Coast Hwy/State Street has been very difficult for us to use over the years, including crossing without a car coming too quickly around the roundabout, as well as riding our bikes in the roundabout and feeling like at any moment I’m going be hit by a car. Please don’t ruin what already works there with traffic flow being great now. Our summers are busy and traffic will back up with continued pedestrians crossing at that location, so how about option one and allow pedestrians to cross like you do at Carlsbad Village Drive and Coast Highway? Thank you for listening. Susan Kellogg Darryn Kellogg Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 278 of 324 From:Susan Cleveland To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd new traffic options Date:Wednesday, January 18, 2023 2:52:48 PM To whom it may concern: I am a long time Carlsbad resident that has lived here since 1995. I have carefully reviewed the proposal options for the intersection of Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. (coast hwy). Frankly I nor my husband or neighbors find anything of value to change the current intersection. It won't add value to our community and there's nothing wrong with the current intersection. Why spend the money when there's nothing wrong? We all feel the money would be better spent on doing something about the teenagers using their motorized bikes. Putting up electronic signs is NOT THE ANSWER! There needs to be an age limit to operate an electronic bike along with a driving test required for teenagers to operate an electronic bike. I have seen numerous violations where kids drive in a lane for cars, they do not stop at stop signs/traffic signals, and I almost hit 2 kids on the winding road of Jefferson that winds around the Buena Vista lagoon to Marron Road. They are BIKES and NOT a motorcycle! THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED ASAP BEFORE SOMEONE IS KILLED! Please consider spending the money where it can show the most value for the community and people's lives. Thank you, Susan Cleveland CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 279 of 324 From:Susan Hargis To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Feedback for Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Date:Friday, January 13, 2023 6:01:14 PM Lauren,I looked at the plans projected for the intersection at Carlsbad blvd and Tamarack. I definitely and strongly urge the City to use Option 1for two reasons. 1) Traffic signal keeps traffic moving. Roundabouts are so outdated andpeople don't know how to use them. We will have traffic jams galore. A very expensive way to get drivers frustrated!2) The Freeway, Elcamino Real, and Carlsbad Blvd. are the only means of north- South traffic if the freeway is backed up( which it does severaltimes daily). or there is an accident. A roundabout would only contribute to the congestion. I am suresomewhere in the near future there will be buildings built where the power plant is and there will be a considerable traffic increase in thisarea. A roundabout would only contribute to the congestion. I am for option 1 and totally against option 2 and any further use ofroundabouts in the city of Carlsbad. Kindest Regards, Susan Hargis CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 280 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Teri Polley-Michea <terirecycles@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 1:47 PM To:Traffic Subject:Round about at tamarack Dear traffic commission,  As much as I love round abouts having one at that intersection would be so dangerous. Currently it is frightening to cross  the street unless you put in a pedestrian bridge.  It would slow and back up traffic in all directions. That is such a high  density area, I hope you reconsider the design for all of our safety!  Thank you!    Be well...        Always be kind,  Teri Polley‐Michea  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 281 of 324 From:Terry Gagnon To:Lauren Ferrell Cc:Terry Gagnon; Marian Gagnon Subject:Redesign of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Date:Monday, January 30, 2023 6:58:52 AM Lauren, Thank you for your recent mailer regarding this important intersection in our neighborhood. I recognize this is a busy intersection and improvements can be made. We have owned our house for about 18 years and have seen an increase in traffic and a few changes along Carlsbad Blvd. I feel the best solution is Option #1 – Traffic Signal. The Signal provides a positive “Stop” in traffic which will provide a much needed break in traffic on Carlsbad Blvd. for pedestrians crossing Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive. This stretch of Carlsbad Blvd. has a tremendous amount of pedestrians crossing with the aid of button operated flashing lights. Unfortunately, it has been my family and our neighbor’s families experience that many drivers either ignore and or don’t see the flashing lights, causing many close calls between pedestrians and vehicles. If a traffic circle is installed, I envision a steady flow of vehicles which will only increase the difficulty in crossing Carlsbad Blvd. Additionally, the Traffic Circle will also dump more east bound vehicle traffic from Carlsbad Blvd. onto Tamarack causing a backup at the stop sign one block away at Tamarack and Garfield. The Traffic Circle would create another side issue. Decreasing signals will create an increase in traffic volume due to, during heavy 5 freeway traffic, travelers would opt off the freeway and onto Carlsbad Blvd. This is already an issue that will only increase with the Traffic Circle. Please keep the signal and make improvements that don’t impact the quality of life for the local residences. Thank you, Terry Gagnon 315 Hemlock Carlsbad, CA 92008 Cell: 818-929-2331 Email: terry@pacificlift.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 282 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:thanerivers <turkeys98@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 5:01 PM To:Traffic Subject:traffic at Tamarack Comments     1) there is a question about the buss stop.  How about we eliminate this and every bus stop, as well as the totally empty  busses that drive all over?  Cancel all busses with no ridership, and have anyone who needs public transportation to  apply for a city/county state funded uber account.  that will save us all $/pollution/ time/traffic    2) round abouts are ok if they work.              ‐‐   Thane      CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 283 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:tp.spamfilter@gmail.com Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 11:23 AM To:Traffic Subject:FW: Vote Attachments:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack_230111_192223.pdf What are costs of the 2 options?  Can we leave as is by law?    From: Therese Patterson <therese@tpatterson.me>   Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 7:23 PM  To: Taylor Patterson <me@taylorpatterson.com>; tp.spamfilter@gmail.com  Subject: Vote     Input about the options can be given to the Traffic & Mobility Commission Monday, Feb. 6, 2023 4 p.m. In person at Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Email to traffic@carlsbadca.gov The agenda and agenda packet will be posted no later than Feb. 3. Sign up to get notified.     ~therese    CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 284 of 324 From:Timothy Donovan To:Traffic Subject:Option 2 - Roundabout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 7:28:19 AM Hello. I am concerned about Option 2, that incorporates a roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack. The rendering indicates that people riding bikes will be forced into traffic when proceeding through the roundabout. This seems somewhat dangerous, because it assumes drivers will respect the right of way of bike riders. A dedicated bike lane with a buffer would seem to provide more safety. This area also has many pedestrians. My experience has been that motorists oftentimes don’t respect pedestrian signals, unlike a red light. Thanks for the opportunity to provide input. Tim Donovan CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 285 of 324 From:Tina Thorstenson To:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Tamarack Ave /Carlsbad Blvd Date:Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:58:48 PM Hi Lauren, We received your notice of a design change for the tamarack /carlsbad intersection. We live right at that intersection and would be very interested in Option 2: the roundabout. We find that cars stack up in front of our house regularly and after a recent trip to Australia are recently reacquainted with how well roundabouts work! Thanks for asking for feedback! Feel free to reach out anytime if you’d like additional information. Tina CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 286 of 324 From:tom hadder To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and PCH proposals Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 7:17:40 PM I am a 40 year resident of Carlsbad. We live about 2 miles east of this intersection on James Drive just south of Tamarack. This intersection has always been an important part of ourtravels in Carlsbad, rather to the beach or to downtown. I vote in favor of the roundabout. It looks much better without the traffic lights hangingaround plus the traffic flow is non stop. I use the roundabout at entrance to Carlsbad at thenorth end of town on the PCH several times a week. Coming from the north I circle around to State Street and I am always pleased with the traffic flow regardless of the volume. Trafficlights just impede traffic flow while the roundabouts keep things moving. Thanks for your outreach! Tom Hadder CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 287 of 324 From:Tom Reedy To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and the 101 Date:Friday, January 6, 2023 8:40:14 AM Option 1. However, the bottom line is the CPD can NOT handle the load they have. CONSANT motorcycle and car Racing on the 101!!!!! Brought it your/Mayor (joke) Hall, City Council remembers, CPD. The Traffic circle in North Coast hwy. Again, people don’t follow the rules of the road. Do not yield, speeding ect. Get a clue!! STOP the CONDO/Apartment building Bing!!!!! We the local people are not happy campers anymore!!! Good luck, Kyia Sent from Mail for Windows CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 288 of 324 From:Communications To:Traffic Subject:FW: Feedback for Carlsbad, CA Date:Tuesday, January 17, 2023 11:24:18 AM From: Carlsbad Web Team <webmaster@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Monday, January 16, 2023 3:38 PM To: Communications <Communications@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Feedback for Carlsbad, CA You have received this feedback from TRICIA GANELIN < tganelin@roadrunner.com > for the following page: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/city-hall/meetings-agendas/boards-commissions/traffic-mobility- commission The roundabout planned/approved for Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarac Ave IS A VERY BAD PLAN. Because there are no traffic lights at the roundabout, drivers will proceed without stopping if the circle is empty of oncoming cars and will not stop for pedestrians. That is very likely given how 1) pedestrians and bikers are less visible when crossing IN FRONT OF a roundabout, and 2) drivers are often pre- occupied with the pretty ocean views and sidewalk activity at that spot. Second, because Carlsbad Blvd is often bumper to bumper during both the morning and evening commutes, a driver approaching from Tamarac to go south on Carlsbad blvd, for example, cannot get into the roundabout to make that turn - traffic will be continuous. I've been in that situation numerous times in roundabouts in Vista and no one lets you in probably because they think you will be 'cutting' into their line - when you really only want to go in the opposite direction. Moreover, in a Vista roundabout, I witnessed a horrible bike accident in which the biker was crossing the walkway in completely stopped traffic (standstill in all directions - thinking it was safe)- the driver then got an okay to enter the roundabout and -- boom - the biker was hit because the driver had waited so long to enter the roundabout he/she was not looking to the right for the biker. But this situation would not have occurred if there were street lights at the 4-way intersection because the lane in which drivers enter would have been stopped. Please abandon this roundabout plan - it is very unsafe! CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 289 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Valerie and Dennis Cowan <dvcowan54@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 12:07 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack intersection After looking at the options it seems that the round‐about would be great for slowing down traffic.  However, the  intersection is very busy so it might be better to use Option 1 to prevent huge backups.      CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 290 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:vendlich@sbcglobal.net Sent:Thursday, January 12, 2023 11:04 AM To:Traffic Subject:No- Carlsbad Blvd Roundabouts & Restripe Cannon Traffic is already slow.  People are really good at keeping the speed limit.  No confusing roundabouts needed.  Traffic  lights and ped crossings work fine.  Please Put the dollars $s elsewhere.    Also, a good way to spend $s….please consider restriping Cannon Blvd east of el Camino Real in the hotel/industrial  area in order to provide safe passage for vehicles.   The bike lanes are WAY to wide.  We need to share the road, not  squeeze oncoming traffic closer together.  Currently the bike lanes are hogging up too much space for safe vehicle  passing traffic west of ECR.  It’s pretty scary driving between the 5 and El Camino Real.   IF you really want to be good stewards of our tax dollars and  realistically improve safety for ALL, including the elderly driving cars between ECR and the freeway please restripe.  Thx!  Focus ⎹⎺⎻⎼⎽⎾⎿ on the residential and school sections of Cannon mostly west of ECR for the extreme expanded bike lanes for  the school kids.  Plenty of room there  Thank you,  Valerie Endlich  Sent from my iPhoneկհձղճ   Val   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 291 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Veronica McDermott <xoveronica@hotmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 8:15 PM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack/coast intersection improvements   I live near here and the Roundabout is an awful idea. With so many pedestrians and bikers in that area daily, it will be  dangerous, and cause a lot of traffic.  Not sure they thought that one through.  I do think the sidewalk needs to be widened over the bridge.  Sent from my iPhone    Concerned resident,  Veronica McDermott  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 292 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Wendy Sieger <wsieger2000@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, January 5, 2023 7:30 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Feedback Dear Traffic Commission,      As a coastal Carlsbad residence near Carlsbad Blvd & Breakwater in Poinsettia Cove, we prefer Option 2 / Roundabout. We  strongly feel Option 2 is the superior option. Thank you!     Wendy Sieger  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 293 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:William D. Volk <william.volk@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, January 13, 2023 12:31 PM To:Traffic Cc:William D. Volk Subject:In regards to the traffic options for Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. To whom it may concern,  I have been a resident of Carlsbad since 2008.  Having viewed the description and graphical representation of the two options presented, I urge the adoption of Option  2, the Single‐lane roundabout.  Not only is this safer for pedestrians and cyclists, it has been shown to be more efficient than traffic lights.  In this experiment it was shown to be 20% more efficient than traffic lights:  https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://youtu.be/BvNO8LWVfAg?t=160__;!!E_4xU6‐vwMWK‐ Q!roXcAiWRZnjiitB3Db2yijRqDOTVr2‐rhD01_o8XUmxb6KTX_gsa8Wi0JP4D71uvih9jJxZVw1kiZNM4rAhZGaxFpj8$  In addition it is aesthetically pleasing and will aid in keeping drivers from exceeding the speed limits.  William D. Volk  Game Production, Marketing and Design  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 294 of 324 From:Aleksandr To:Traffic Cc:Lauren Ferrell Subject:Carlsbad & Tamarack Date:Tuesday, January 31, 2023 12:21:49 PM Hi there, owner of 260 Tamarack Avenue putting in a vote for option 1 (traffic signal). Thank you,Aleksandr Sergeyev CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 295 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Alex Tahan <alextahini1@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 31, 2023 10:39 AM To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Dear Commissioners,    My name is Alex Tahan and I am a resident of Northern San Diego.     I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave.  Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in  Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option.    Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad  coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high‐speed traffic.    I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option.    Sincerely,  Alex Tahan  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 296 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Kian Ramani <kianramani@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 31, 2023 12:12 PM To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Dear Commissioners,    My name Kian Ramani and I am resident of the city of San Diego    I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave.  Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in  Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option.    Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad  coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high‐speed traffic.    I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option.    Sincerely,    Kian  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 297 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Kristin Brinner <kristin.brinner@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 31, 2023 11:27 AM To:Traffic Cc:Karl Rudnick Subject:Fwd: Supporting Roundabout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd Dear Carlsbad Traffic Commission,   I strongly support Option 2, using a roundabout to improve the intersection of Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd.  I regularly drive and bicycle throughout North County and I can clearly see the primary benefits for Option 2: improved  safety for everyone who uses the road: motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, and others. The safety improvements from  roundabouts are well known as they reduce the number of conflict points, making the most dangerous head‐on and T‐ bone collisions between a motor vehicle and others virtually impossible. The accommodation for pedestrians in a  modern roundabout ensures pedestrians only need to look for conflicts in one direction as they proceed to/from the  pedestrian refuge in the splitter vane halfway. These safety improvements are important for your Vision Zero  aspirations.  Speeds will be reduced to a moderate 15‐20 mph: slower speeds through the intersection again make it safer for all.  Average travel times through a single roundabout will shorten trips and eliminate waiting at traffic signals, where idling  vehicles only add to pollution and noise, not to mention the aggravation of having to sit at a light.  Finally, your artist rendition for Option 2 shows how you can create not only a functional safety and efficiency  improvement but beautify an otherwise utilitarian road intersection. This will be a wonderful place to drive, bicycle and  walk, a model for other intersections along our North County Coast.  Kristin Brinner  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 298 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Nastassia Patin <n.v.patin@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 31, 2023 10:26 AM To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Dear Commissioners, I love to ride my bike up the coast on the weekends, but am often intimidated by cars going at high speeds with little regard for pedestrians or cyclists. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely,  Nastassia ‐‐   Dr. Nastassia Patin  Postdoctoral Associate  Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies University of Miami/NOAA  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 299 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Serge Issakov <serge.issakov@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 30, 2023 9:10 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave improvements Carlsbad Traffic Commission:   I'm writing to support the roundabout option when reconfiguring the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave.  I'm a former resident of Leucadia and longtime resident of La Jolla where we have five roundabouts in a row on LJ Blvd  in Bird Rock. There was a lot of debate and objection to that project too, but there is no doubt how effective  roundabouts are at traffic calming, slowing traffic, and improving safety, all while maintaining traffic throughput at a  high level. It's a win‐win‐win over traffic signals, all day long, every day. I have no doubt this intersection will see the  same advantages.  As a cyclist I must add that slowing cars down to the 15‐20 mph range, which roundabouts do,  brings them down to  bike speeds, making in‐line integration of bikes and cars through the intersection feasible and safe, which is far better  than setting up riders for right hooks, left crosses and drive‐out crashes, as traffic signal intersections tend to do. We see  the roundabout advantages now on 101 in Leucadia, as well as in Bird Rock, and more and more other locations  throughout the county.  I look forward to seeing cars, bikes, e‐bikes all rolling through that intersection for years to come, safely yielding to, and  stopping for, pedestrians, as necessary.  Thank you,  Serge Issakov  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 300 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Tony W. <tonywisneske@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 31, 2023 12:11 PM To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Roundabout Hello,   I’m writing to voice my strong support for the roundabout option at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack.   I live on Tamarack and frequently bike through that intersection and find cutting across multiple lanes of traffic to make  a left turn onto Tamarack very stressful. A roundabout would be much safer and efficient for people on bikes and also  create a more hospitable zone for what is already a high pedestrian traffic area frequented by children and older folks.  If I can make a suggestion, with increased bike ridership more bike racks would be great at Tamarack beach both by the  upper sidewalk and down below at the parking lot.  I hope the roundabout is approved and thank you for making our streets safer for everyone.  Best,  Tony Wisneske  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 301 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:pwdbicycle@aol.com Sent:Tuesday, January 31, 2023 2:43 PM To:Traffic Subject:Go with Option 2 As a Solana Beach resident who often rides through the intersection, both individually and with a cycling group, I strongly favor Option 2. Your chart clearly indicates that Option 2 has advantages in so many ways. Another advantage with Option 2 is that it will eliminate lawbreaking southbound cyclists who currently treat the intersection as a T-intersection, as if cars aren't coming up from the beach to the west. There will no longer be a red light to run and the potential for a horrible accident with an unseen car coming from the right. Congratulations on coming up with a functional and beautiful design. Paul Dicktein CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 302 of 324 1 From: Barbara Segal <sunngirl67@gmail.com>  Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 6:17 PM  To: Communications <Communications@CarlsbadCA.gov>  Subject: Re: City Manager’s Update: Jan. 5, 2023   I see no meed for a roundabout at Tamarack and 101…l use this almost daily, and never notice a problem….the  rendering of a roundabout looks a lot more dangerous than what is already there.  On Jan 5, 2023, at 5:05 PM, City of Carlsbad <communications@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:  View this email in your web browser To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Jan. 5, 2023 Happy New Year, Carlsbad! Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 303 of 324 1 From: donna dietrich <donnadietrich08@gmail.com>  Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 8:21 AM  To: Communications <Communications@CarlsbadCA.gov>  Subject: Re: Reminder: Feedback on changes to Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack intersection It works for me with no change. On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 7:33 AM City of Carlsbad <communications@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: To help protect yMicrosoft Office pautomatic downlopicture from the Having trouble viewing this email? View as web page To help protect your priv acy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. The City of Carlsbad is asking the public to review two options for reconfiguring the busy intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue and provide feedback to the Traffic & Mobility Commission by Feb. 6. Traffic & Mobility Commission Monday, Feb. 6 4 p.m. Provide input in person - Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Email traffic@carlsbadca.gov Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 304 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Terri Acker <terriacker54@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 9:18 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and coast hwy improvement I am writing to oppose your idea of a roundabout.    Carlsbad Blvd is far to busy to narrow down to one lane. The traffic backup would be very bad.    Also the round about would be far to small.  Remember, this isn't 1950 and a sleepy little town. It is a heavily traded road.  Terri Acker  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 305 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:ziv ran <z1vr4n@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 9:26 AM To:Traffic Subject:tamarack&101 Basically ok as is except:   1. Should eliminate option to proceed straight from Tam down to beach;  instead, beach traffic should rt turn to 101 then uturn then rt turn to beach;  similarly, traffic from beach shld rt turn only.    2. Currently, there is too much foot traffic in the sb bike lane creating hazard  as bikers must swerve into motor traffic lane to avoid pedestrians. Should keep  pedestrians off bike lane.  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 306 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Robert Wilkinson <bob@wdesigngroup.net> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 10:16 AM To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Providing input - I vote for option #2 - the roundabout asap thanks ! Respectfully, Robert Wilkinson Wilkinson Design Group Land Planning + Landscape Architecture CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 307 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Doug Hansen <doug6636@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 10, 2023 8:15 AM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout I loathe stoplights and wish America wasn't so backwards using millions of traffic lights instead of traffic circles. Use  them here wherever you can!   Doug Hansen   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 308 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Joyce Hassell <chassell@roadrunner.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 11:23 AM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout No please!    Sent from my iPhone  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 309 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Lori Parks <lparks876@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 10:14 PM To:Traffic Subject:roundabout I'm just sharing my input about a roundabout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Merging 3 lanes into one line would be a  colossal disaster!      Also, I live on Chestnut and the people and students from Carlsbad High speed down my street continuously. I know  speed bumps aren't an answer because the speed limit is 30 but how do we begin to change it to 25 so something can  happen before someone gets killed? I just don't understand why something hasn't already happened to quell the  speeding.    Thank you,  Lori Parks  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 310 of 324 1 Eliane Paiva From:Steve Lundqvist <stevelundqvist@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, January 9, 2023 4:10 PM To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarack and 101 This would create a huge fiasco! Not a flat plane to work on unless you make the roundabout incredibly small....  CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 311 of 324 From:Jason Oziel To:John Kim; tom.frank@carlsbad.com Cc:tlmorgan20@gmail.com; Michael Zepeda; Melanie Burkholder; Traffic Subject:Fwd: Tamarack project update Date:Tuesday, January 31, 2023 8:19:01 PM Gentlemen, I received the below update from the city on the Tamarack project. To say I'm disappointed is anunderstatement. Cutting down from the planned 9 vertical deflections to 4 will certainly NOT havethe same effect on this corridor than what was originally intended and proposed. When consideringthe long stretch of road, the changes in elevation throughout that encourage speeding and the sheernumber of vehicles using this street as a thoroughfare, one doesn't need a traffic engineer to come tothe conclusion that there is no way the new design will have the same intended effect. Commonsense should prevail. While I have yet to see the design, you specifically call out keeping the raised crosswalk atSunnyhill, which is easily the most unused pedestrian cross point on this proposed stretch of roadwhile making no mention of the other raised crosswalks which are so desperately needed wherethey were proposed. I am praying that those are still in consideration (at Valley and James). Should those no longer be in consideration, I would have to wonder why the sense of urgency tokeep the raised crosswalk at Sunnyhill over these other two locations near the schools and expectthe city to back up their findings with facts that are made public. The speed tables that extend the entire width of the street pose potential parking issues as well ashave a negative impact to the many bikers that use this roadway. I'm interested to understand thepushback from the Carlsbad fire department on the cushions versus the tables that extend the widthof the roadway. The below excerpt is from the US Department of Transportation Federal HighwayAdministration on roadway safety: Field tests have shown speed cushions to reduce general vehicle speeds while providing little to no delay to fire vehicles.vi Speed cushions are being used in place of speed humps in many jurisdictions due to their positive reception from fire departments. The following are examples:vii Austin, Texas found speed cushions have only a minimal, if any, impact on emergency response times with a less than 1 second delay experienced by most emergency vehicles. In San Diego, California, fire vehicles can travel over the cushions at full speed with no delay (when driving in the middle of the roadway). I will plan to be at the meeting on the 6th to voice my concerns in person but I would love to hearback from you prior to the meeting. I guessing another community meeting should be in order as Ihave a strong suspicion the majority of the folks who showed up for the roundtables a few monthsago to support change will be very disappointed in what the traffic engineers have come back with. Regards,Jason Oziel Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 312 of 324 From:Manya Hult To:Traffic Subject:options for Tamarack-C"bad Blvd intersection Date:Wednesday, February 1, 2023 4:55:21 PM I'm a resident of Carlsbad and frequent this intersection by auto, bike and as a pedestrian. After seeing how well other roundabouts have worked on the 101, I think option 2, aroundabout in this location would be the best choice. Good planning! Manya Hult CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 313 of 324 From:Andrew Whitmore To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad blvd Roundabout Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 9:01:28 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is _andrew whitmore__ and I am resident of _carlsbad__ I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Andrew Whitmore CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 314 of 324 From:Kristine Schindler To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd - Roundabout Please Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 9:22:44 AM Traffic and Mobility Commissioners - First, thank you for your service to the City of Carlsbad community and beyond. I understand the intersection design plans for Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd are coming to theCommission on Monday afternoon. Since I am unable to attend, I wanted to share my support for the roundabout option via email ahead of the meeting. I had engaged in the community input effort previously and through that process shared mysupport for the roundabout option, but wanted to ensure that I showed my support as well directly here to you. Having additional roundabouts along this corridor is key for traffic flow and traffic calmingAND enhanced safety for all road users. The first roundabout installed more than a decade ago at the north end of the city at State St and Carlsbad Blvd was majorly transformative in somany positive ways. I encourage you as a commission to support an additional roundabout being considered at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. it will benefit motorists, bicyclists, andpedestrians alike and will transform and provide an opportunity for the beautification of this key location along this coastal corridor. Again, thank you for your service and your efforts around more mobility choices and trafficsafety improvements. My best, Kristine. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 315 of 324 From:Denise Mueller To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarack and 101 Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 9:32:34 AM February 2, 2023 Dear Commissioners, My name is Denise Mueller and I am 25-year homeowner in Carlsbad and also an avid cyclist. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 316 of 324 From:Mike Merrill To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout - Tamarack & Carlsbad Bv Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 9:19:17 AM I am a Carlsbad resident in support. Mike Merrill CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 317 of 324 From:Carlos Carrion, Jr. To:Traffic Subject:Proposed Roundabout Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 9:52:07 AM  Dear Commissioners, My name is Carlos Carrion, Jr I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, _____Carlos Carrion Jr Sent from CJ’s iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 318 of 324 From:Alex Hamlow To:Traffic Subject:Supporting the proposed Roundabout Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 9:51:06 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Alex Hamlow I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which willmake this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Alex Hamlow CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 319 of 324 From:Debra Caro To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave traffic Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 10:25:53 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Debra Caroand I am resident of South Carlsbad. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd.and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eightypercent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make thissection of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway forhigh-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Debra Caro CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 320 of 324 From:Joan-Marie Reker To:Traffic Subject:Feb 6 bike traffic discussion Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 11:14:15 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Joan-Marie Reker and I am resident of Carlsbad California. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Joan-Marie Reker CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 321 of 324 From:shawn johnson To:Traffic Subject:Support For a Roundabout at the Intersection of Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 10:28:00 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Shawn Johnson I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Shawn Johnson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 322 of 324 From:Jen Strawser To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout on Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 11:39:36 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Jen Strawser and I am a resident of Encinitas, however prior to living in Encinitas, I lived on Walnut and Carlsbad Blvd. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of CarlsbadBlvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not tochoose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just athroughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Jen Strawser CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 323 of 324 From: To: Subject: Date: Michael Liao Traffic Support a Roundabout at the Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Thursday, February 2, 2023 11:46:17 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Michael Liao I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Michael CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Feb. 6, 2023 Item #4 Page 324 of 324 From:Adam Monahan To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 8:31:19 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Adam and I am resident of Little Italy in San Diego As someone who frequently bikes around Carlsbad I strongly support the roundabout option. I have both biked and walked through similar configurations elsewhere in the county and feel100% more safe and comfortable than at a more traditional intersection. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Adam Monahan CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Alberto Fragoso To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 10:01:19 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Alberto I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Alberto Fragoso CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:gober2c@aol.com To:Traffic Subject:Meeting Agenda Item - 4. CARLSBAD BOULEVARD Etc. - Community Comments & Input Date:Sunday, February 5, 2023 6:54:05 PM Dear Traffic & Mobility Commission Members: In connection with the Feb. 6, 2023, 4 p.m., meeting agenda Item - 4. CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ANDTAMARACK AVENUE INTERSECTION, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 6058,please find our community comments and input below: We strongly disagree with the Carlsbad design team’s suggested selection of the Option 2 Roundabout Alternative as the preferred alternative for the following reasons: 1) By simply driving north and south along the coast during a mid-week rush hour period, it is readilyevident that Option 1 – Traffic signal, and the 4-Lane road provided, is necessary and advisablecompared to the Option 2 Roundabout, considering the very high number of vehicles currently needingaccess to Carlsbad Boulevard, and utilizing this coastal roadway daily. 2) The Option 1 – Traffic signal, and the 4-Lane road provided with traffic signals, is also much safer than the Option 2 Roundabout option proposed by the design team for pedestrians desiring to quickly and safely cross this very busy intersection, including disabled pedestrians. 3) The Option 1 – Traffic signal, and the 4-Lane road provided with traffic signals, is also safer than theOption 2 Roundabout option proposed by the design team for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing when the blinding sun slowly goes down in the early evenings at this intersection. 4) Finally, under the Option 2 Roundabout, how are westbound vehicles supposed to quickly and safely transition onto northbound/southbound Carlsbad Boulevard during rush hour commuting times with heavy traffic (i.e. an endless number of rush hour vehicles going northbound/southbound at high speed on Carlsbad Boulevard, with no traffic lights or stop signs to assist the transitional traffic and pedestrians)? Option 1 – Traffic signal, and the 4-Lane road provided, is again highly advisable compared to the Option 2 Roundabout option. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Anne and Giovanni Bertussi Carlsbad. CA CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Annika Jimenez To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 6:22:44 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Annika Jimenez and I am resident of District 4, South La Costa. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Annika Jimenez Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Ari Isaak To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 9:57:34 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Ari Isaak and I am resident of City of San Diego. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Ari Isaak, GISP Director of Innovation and StrategyEvari GIS Consulting, Inc. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Bill Baer To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Bl/Tamarack Av Road changes Date:Sunday, February 5, 2023 6:41:58 PMTraffic Commission,I am writing to urge you to not approve the roundabout design at the intersection ofCarlsbad Bl and Tamarack. Narrowing the lanes down to one will create alot of stoppedtraffic. Along with the pedestrians crossing, it will be a nightmare to get thru thatintersection. Roundabouts are good options when in the right place. This location is notthe right place. Again, please vote no on the roundabout option.Bill BaerCarlsbad resident since 1973 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Brett Schmidt To:Traffic Subject:Citizen Feedback on Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 9:56:07 AM Good morning, I wanted to provide my opinion on the potential options for modifying the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. I have relocated to Carlsbad for work from Orange County January of 2022, so I have been living here for about a year. I have been commuting and navigating around Carlsbad using my personal vehicle for the majority of the time, with reluctance. I have just recently sold my vehicle and made the shift towards using a bicycle as my primary mode of transportation due to the presence of numerous bikelines and alternate transportation options that the Northern San Diego County Region offers. My feedback for the intersection would be to choose the roundabout. The option reduces the focus on cars, optimizes the flow of traffic, and provides additional space forbicyclists/alternate transport. I think continuing to emphasize alternate transport options beyond cars will continue to have its desired effect of reducing car dependency. Thank you, Brett Schmidt CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Charlotte Benson To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 8:11:40 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Charlotte Benson and am of resident of San Diego. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. I often drive through the new roundabouts in SD and love them! Big fan of the plant deal with this option as well. Overall an amazing and thoughtful design. Sincerely, _____ Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Cindy Kasper To:Traffic Subject:NO roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 11:30:54 AM Carlsbad citizens don’t want this ! To go from 2 lanes to one at that location is just a bad idea CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Dan Ignosci To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 7:14:06 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Dan Ignosci and I am resident of San Clemente, but I ride through Carlsbad many times each year. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Dan Ignosci CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Dane Miller To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 10:29:47 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Dane Miller and while I do not live in Carlsbad myself, I do visit a couple times a year to see family. As a tourist, I enjoy walking and shopping around downtown, and the ability to easily walk from restaurants to the beach. Roundabouts make the area more pleasant (and safer!) for people walking around town. This design encourages people to actually enjoy the area and spend time at local businesses, rather than speed through. (This is especially relevant for the elderly members of my family who do not want to rush across the crosswalk of a 5-lane road.) I strongly support the roundabout design at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Dane Miller Resident of Oakland, twice yearly visitor to Carlsbad _____ CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Debe Blake To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue to improve traffic flow Project Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 2:45:10 PM My name is Debe Blake and I live in Carlsbad. I am sending this email to you regarding the redesign of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave intersection. I live right next to this intersection. I would love to see option 2 -Roundabout implemented. I feel the traffic would flow better at this intersection and less vehicles would be running the red light. My only concern is where is the more street parking going? I would hate to see RVs and cars parked across the street from us blocking our view of the sand and surf. The main reason we bought in this complex is because of the unobstructed views. Thank you and I am looking forward to the final project. Debe Blake CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Elena Thompson To:Traffic Subject:2-4-23 In support of Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd (Hwy 101) Plans Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 6:46:42 AM Hello Traffic and others, We are in full support of your plans for the roundabout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd., and other safety measures with the new designs. Carlsbad sets the standard for improving aging and dysfunctional mobility designs along thecoastline! For this reason, we choose to ride our bikes and walk north, in Carlsbad, over our city to the south. Thank you! Please proceed. Sincerely, Elena Thompson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Endre Algover To:Traffic Subject:Comment on Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack intersection Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 6:07:38 PM (1)PLEASE don't put yet another roundabout in at this intersection. I have lived here most of my life near the current roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and State and, regardless of what your statistics may show, I have seen and experienced far more confused drivers and near accidents now than before the roundabout. (A) Out-of- towners frequently do not have experience with roundabouts and the counter-intuitive rules for how to use them. (B) So far Carlsbad has made roundabouts that are too small and so mistakes made by drivers have immediate effect with little time for otherdrivers to accommodate the errors. (2)Whatever you eventually do with the intersection at Tamarack, please do not overly favor the convenience of foot traffic. Carlsbad already does way too much tocater to tourism, sacrificing the quality of life in the City for year-round residents. An example of this would be the lights at Grand and at Carlsbad Village Drive and Carlsbad Blvd, where the light cycles (including the walk signs) take so long that we locals avoid driving at the intersections to save time. Thanks, Endre Algöver . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Fran Prather To:Traffic Subject:Proposed changes to Tamarack Date:Sunday, February 5, 2023 8:22:26 PM Good evening: I am very happy to see the proposed changes to the intersection of Tamarack & Carlsbad Blvd. Both proposals definitely have benefits. As a 5-year resident of the area, I agree that widening the road, more parking, and expanding the pedestrian walkway are wonderful ideas. As a person who frequently walks my dog along the area, I heavily favor the proposal that has traffic lights, Option 1. Whenever I have tried to cross at the current pedestrian areas, even with the lights flashing, many motorists do not stop. I currently only walk to the traffic lights to cross, as I feel like I’m taking my life in my hands at the other pedestrian crossings. In addition, while I understand that roundabouts have environmental benefits, most drivers don’t know how to use the roundabouts safely. I drive to Oceanside frequently and have found myself stuck behind drivers who don’t know how to merge. I’ve also seen cyclists almost get hit by cars whose drivers don’t follow Chevron lane rules. I’ve seen pedestrians almost hit while trying to cross. With how heavy pedestrian traffic is at this intersection, I think we will see many injuries, both from cars and from cyclists who will now not stop for pedestrians. The traffic lights will force everyone to stop. For public safety, the traffic lights are the best option. Thanks, Fran Prather Please excuse typos, sent from my iPhone. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Jack Kennedy To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Sunday, February 5, 2023 11:02:39 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Jack and I am resident of Oceanside employed in Carlsbad I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Jack Kennedy CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:James Gross To:Traffic Subject:Love the new roundabout proposal at Tamarack Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 7:42:46 PM I ride there all the time and often bring my kids. My wife won’t because of concerns around car speed. Best of luck with the roundabout proposal. BestJames CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Jeff To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Sunday, February 5, 2023 1:39:46 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Jeff Holmes and I am resident of __Vista_ I am the president of the NCV Cycling Club with 120 members. Pete Penseyres is a member of our club. We wanted to add our voice in support of the round about. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, _____ Jeff Holmes m. (760) 803-1041 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Jim To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad/Tamarack intersection improvement comments Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 7:31:39 PM Without spending a lot of time criticizing the minutiae of these proposals, I think a traffic circle is a really bad idea for this location. Although the improved aesthetics are alluring, I think it would make this intersection a nightmare in summer. Consider that no one, not pedestrian, not cyclist, not driver will be constrained by anything other than their own sense of giving right-of-way where right-of-way may be due. I think we're talking anarchy here. In my opinion, it will make what is already what can be a difficult intersection to navigate much worse. Jim Harte CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:John S. Wright To:Traffic Cc:Priya Bhat-Patel Subject:Bikes merging at roundabouts / Tamarack-Carlsbad project Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 12:30:24 PM Hi Please, please, please, work on a roundabout design that does not require bicycles to merge with cars, motorcycles and trucks. That type of merge is the most dangerous move in cycling. A man was killed on Carlsbad Blvd. this year merging into main traffic. Children are not prone to look over their shoulders on e-bikes, nor are many roadies. Please research traffic circles in the Netherlands. Regards, John CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Joyleen Tropel To:Traffic Subject:Traffic & Mobility Commission - Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Date:Sunday, February 5, 2023 3:17:39 AM Hello, I would like to personally and sincerely request that NO traffic circle be built at the intersection of Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. I own and live in a home at Chinquapin and Jefferson. I am raising my young family right herein this neighborhood where decisions like this matter a great deal for us. For us we walk at this intersection multiple times a week and drive through it almost daily. Please no traffic circle! While I have seen traffic circles work in different parts of the world (I used to live in the United Kingdom), here in North County San Diego and Carlsbad specifically I haveexperienced them to be consistently dangerous and inefficient because people don’t know how to properly use them. No one here in Carlsbad can guarantee that this will be safe or moreefficient than a traditional intersection. Just by using the traffic circle north of the city, a person can easily tell that people don’t know what they are doing (not acknowledging who hasthe right of way, varying/dangerous speeds - too fast & too slow, no courtesy use of blinkers). I am so fearful that the amount of traffic (walkers, bicyclists, and motorists) is a perfect stormfor a tragic accident. The people involved might be me, my husband, or children. While traffic circles may generally/statistically help vehicle flow, it doesn’t help when people are veryunfamiliar and don’t know how to use them. A traffic circle is not a good choice for the Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd intersection with a large amount of pedestrians, residents andvisitors, and those just passing through our beautiful city. I am asking, begging, pleading that the City of Carlsbad and its residents choose to NOT place a traffic circle at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Sincerely,Joyleen Maravilla Concerned Carlsbad Resident-- Joyleen T. Maravilla CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:J V To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 3:22:00 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Julian and I am resident of San Diego, I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up toeighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will makethis section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Julian CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Karl To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 11:50:02 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Karl and I am resident of Oceanside, and grew up in Carlsbad. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Thanks, Karl Leider CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Logan Chopyk To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 12:03:39 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Logan Chopyk and I am resident of San Diego. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Logan Chopyk Trombone, San Diego Symphony Orchestra Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Maddie Woods To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 8:47:17 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Madeline and I am resident of San Diego. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Madeline Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Mark Embree To:Traffic Subject:Agenda Item #4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Date:Sunday, February 5, 2023 1:35:52 PM Dear Traffic Mobility Members, Unfortunately, my schedule prevents me from speaking in person at the February 6th, 2023 meeting. I’m writing to endorse the roundabout proposal at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard. The Carlsbad Police report validates our family’s, long-held belief; the driver who hit and killed Christine Embree in the intersection of Valley and Basswood was distracted. The infrastructure in place at the time of the collision and in place today did not require the driver of the vehicle that struck Christine to engage with the road. She was allowed to operate her vehicle distracted. A roundabout at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard would force a driver and a bicyclist to engage with the road. Not only must speed be reduced to maneuver in the roundabout, but one must continuously be alert for merging traffic. We believe Christine would be alive today had a roundabout been in place at the intersection of Valley and Basswood on August 8th, 2022. In my further review of the artist’s rendition of the roundabout, I didn’t see flashing lights at the crosswalk south of Tamarack Avenue. Possibly just an oversight. From personal experience, I know the lights assist with crossing Carlsbad Boulevard north of Tamarack Avenue. Thank you for taking the time to read my endorsement and for volunteering to create safer streets in Carlsbad. Best Wishes, Mark Embree CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Myles Blackwood To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 5:46:46 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Myles Blackwood and I am resident. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Myles Blackwood CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Nicol Watson To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 8:35:43 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Nicol and I am resident of Carlsbad. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Nicol Watson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:RANDY LAINE To:Traffic Subject:MAKE ZERO CHANGES TO CARLSBAD BLVD & TAMARACK Date:Saturday, February 4, 2023 12:18:15 PM PUBLIC COMMENT: MAKE ZERO NEW CHANGES TO CARLSBAD BLVD & TAMARACK Best regards, Randy Laine CARDCONNECT Card Processing Specialist CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Shelby Huffaker To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 7:08:28 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Shelby Huffaker and I am a Master of Public Health student and a resident of Downtown San Diego. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of CarlsbadBlvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not tochoose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just athroughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Shelby Huffaker CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Leeza Land To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 6:40:23 AM Please! No round a bout! Leeza LandSent from my iPhoneCAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Dave Voss To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 6:13:09 AM Dear Traffic and Safety Commissioners, My name is Dave Voss. I am a resident of Carlsbad and use my bike for many uses, includingstore and errand trips, commuting, and recreation. I strongly and enthusiastically support a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eightypercent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad and we must adjust our infrastructure to make safety the highest priority. In addition, this option creates more space for wide sidewalksand bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support the roundabout option. Sincerely,Dave Voss CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission From: Steve Linke Meeting Date: February 6, 2023 Subject: Public comment on Item #4: Carlsbad Boulevard/Tamarack Avenue intersection roundabout I was on the Traffic & Mobility Commission until a few weeks ago. I support roundabouts at intersections that would clearly benefit from them. However, I would advise asking for more information in order to make a data-driven decision in this case. There are still unanswered safety and operational concerns that continue my “lukewarm” support for this particular roundabout: • The lack of traffic controls for pedestrians, as well as the potential risk of bicycle-pedestrian collisions on the sidewalks, raise safety concerns. • The heavy mixtures of pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle volumes raise both safety and operational concerns. • No details are provided in the staff report about the roundabout itself or the traffic analysis methods. Given its apparent small diameter and the expected volumes of users, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidance indicates that this roundabout will not have enough capacity, further amplifying operational concerns. Please note the following data from the staff report: • Daily vehicle volumes are about 21,000 (~85%) on Carlsbad Boulevard and 3,000 (~15%) on Tamarack Avenue for a total of 24,000 vehicles traversing the intersection daily. • In the weekday peak hour, 184 pedestrians, 109 cyclists, and 2,123 vehicles traversed the intersection. • In the weekend peak hour, 249 pedestrians, 211 cyclists, and 2,108 vehicles traversed the intersection PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Roundabout advantage: At a single-lane roundabout, pedestrians only have to cross two vehicle lanes, and there is an “island” refuge between them. The shortened crossing distance is safer than crossing all of the vehicle through and turn lanes of a signalized intersection. Disadvantage: There is no traffic signal to stop vehicle and bicycle traffic, so pedestrians just have to wait for a break in traffic or start across the crosswalk and hope that traffic stops for them. This is particularly unsafe for sight-impaired individuals. The staff report indicates that this roundabout will be designed to accommodate potential future stop controls for pedestrians, but that defeats the “continuous flow” concept of a roundabout and could have significant operational consequences that are not addressed in the traffic study—meaning that a conventional traffic signal may have been the better operational option. Also, if cyclists fail to dismount and walk their bikes on sidewalks, pedestrians are at risk of being hit (see below). 2 CYCLIST SAFETY Roundabout advantage: The preferred method for cyclists to navigate a single-lane roundabout is to merge into the middle of the vehicle lane as the bike lane disappears, and then go around in the middle of the roundabout lane among the vehicles. This allows maximum visibility of the cyclist to create a safer traverse through the intersection. For cyclists who are not comfortable taking the vehicle lane, they can go up a ramp onto the sidewalk and, typically, dismount and walk their bikes along the sidewalks and crosswalks until they re-take the bike lane. Disadvantages: Cyclists who are not comfortable in the center of the roundabout lane may stay to the right of the lane, encouraging vehicles to pass them in the roundabout, which is very unsafe due to the narrow lane. Cyclists who are uncomfortable taking the vehicle lane at all are forced to take a far more convoluted pedestrian route to traverse the intersection, and, if they refuse to dismount and walk their bikes on the narrower sidewalks and crosswalks, they put pedestrians at risk of being hit. POTENTIAL OPERATIONAL FAILURE A single-lane roundabout can accommodate a larger volume of vehicles with shorter travel time (continuous flow) relative to a traffic signal (stop and go) on a street with one lane in each direction—as long as pedestrian interruptions are not high. However, when pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle volumes are high, a single-lane roundabout cannot handle as much as a traffic signal with two lanes in each direction. And, when a roundabout’s capacity is exceeded, it can become a congested mess. I was unable to find in the staff report any mention of the diameter (or the corresponding target speed) of the proposed roundabout—or any of the other details or methods I had previously requested—even though that data has to be used in a roundabout traffic analysis. So, it is not possible to assess the validity of the analysis or the ability of the roundabout to handle the expected volumes of pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles. Based on the renderings, I would estimate that the roundabout will be approximately 75 feet in diameter, with a corresponding target speed of about 15 mph. This relatively small diameter (very few vehicles can be present simultaneously in the roundabout) puts it in the category of a very small “urban compact roundabout” or a large “mini-roundabout.” Data published by the FHWA indicate that smaller roundabouts like this tend to have capacities (above which “level of service” transitions from “E” to “F”) of only about 14,000 vehicles per day1—far less than the 24,000 vehicles per day currently serviced by this intersection. And FHWA guidance on even much larger roundabouts max out at around 20,000 vehicles per day2. FHWA guidance also indicates that peak entries from one direction should not exceed about 1,150 vehicle equivalents per hour into this type of roundabout (and that is likely overestimated in this case, 3 because it assumes a minimum 80-foot diameter roundabout). However, peak entries are well over 1,300 per hour on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard. 3 It seems that some sort of metering traffic signal will have to be installed on the western leg coming from the beach, but it is unclear the impact that will have. In any event, it is important to see the actual roundabout traffic analysis to determine how this roundabout will somehow overcome the capacity concerns indicated in the FHWA guidance. In addition, I think robust education and enforcement are going to be necessary initially at this roundabout to keep pedestrians and bicyclists safe. SUPPORTING ENDNOTES These are derived from “Roundabouts: An Informational Guide (Second Edition),” Federal Highway Administration. 1 “Exhibit 3-2: Planning-level maximum daily service volumes for mini-roundabouts.” The following graph assumes roundabouts of 45 to 80 feet in diameter, which likely includes the proposed roundabout. The left turn percentage at the intersection is about 5%, and the cross-traffic on the minor street (Tamarack Avenue) is only about 15%, indicating that the rough capacity would be around 14,000 vehicles per day (blue line). 2 “Exhibit 3-1: Maximum daily service volumes for a four-leg roundabout.” The yellow line on the following graph assumes a full-size single-lane roundabout (typically more than double the diameter of the proposed roundabout with a correspondingly higher capacity). Even so, the daily volumes at the proposed intersection are still higher than expected capacity, particularly after accounting for the fact that the cross-traffic on the minor street (Tamarack Avenue) is only about 15%, and the fact that the western leg contributes such a small volume. 4 3 “Exhibit 4-3: Approach capacity of a single-lane roundabout.” The blue dashed line is for “Urban Compact Roundabouts” with diameters of 80 to 180 feet, so this analysis may overestimate capacity relative to the proposed roundabout. Even so, the northbound Carlsbad Boulevard peak hour had 1,297 vehicles and 109 cyclists, which translates to well over 1,300 vehicle equivalents entering the roundabout (“entry flow”), exceeding capacity. Note that the “circulatory flow” (other vehicles going past that entry point to execute left turns) was about 120 vehicles. From:KAY GAVIN To:Traffic Subject:Feedback for new options at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 1:46:17 PM First, Thank you for the opportunity to provide input prior to the meeting on Monday 2/6. Option 2 which takes us down to a single lane in both directions with the round-about will only back-up traffic into the village which is the last thing we want especially during the summer & vacation months and all the events Carlsbad hosts. Also the pedestrian crossings just prior to the roundabout seems to cause some confusion not to mention MANY places in the US still have not embraced roundabouts so the tourists, which we have an abundance of, may not know the proper yielding - again causing confusion, more back-up and potential accidents.. Our vote, along with our neighbors input, is for the traditional Traffic light option. The traffic light option seems to support all the needs while keeping traffic moving in both directions with 2 lanes, adding an additional pedestrian crossing and also providing additional room to pedestrians and cyclists. Thank You again for allowing our input! Kay & Kevin Gavin CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Kyle DudleyTo:John Kim; tom.frank@carlsbad.comCc:Melanie Burkholder; TrafficSubject:Fw: Tamarack project updateDate:Friday, February 3, 2023 5:37:48 PM Hello All, I am writing you with great concern about the U-turn this project has just taken. Every single neighbor that I have spoken to is against this and the consensus among the neighborhood is extreme disappointment with this team. These changes go against the goal of the project and weaken the proposal to the point that it will not come close to having the effect we as residents had hoped for. Our community attended multiple meetings and we spoke about the Fire Department and how they had pushed back against this issue in the past, and we were told that had been resolved, clearly it was not. The Fire Department is located off Carlsbad Village, which does not directly expose any residential properties and is bult as a thoroughfare from the 5 to El Camino Real for traffic with multiple lanes. In addition, Cannon Rd is equally setup for fast traffic and in a non-residential are. One street is less than a mile south of Tamarack and one is less than a mile north. With both of these street’s setup for heavy traffic and high speeds, why would you keep targeting the exposed residential neighborhood on Tamarack which are literally speeding right through a school zone. There are over 20+ young children that live on my block of Tamarack between Highland and Park including the James street corridor. All these kids are Middle School age or younger and traverse Tamarack at great risk multiple times day. All residents in this area use the dog run located next to Valley Middle School and directly out from James street where it intersects with Tamarack. Not only residents, but there are soccer, lacrosse, football, rugby and more organized kids sports going on every weekend in the Valley Middle field, which sits directly on Tamarack. Removing the proposed raised crosswalk at Tamarack and James goes to show that this public relations team and the engineers working this project do not understand our concerns as a community. When drivers get to the stop sign at Highland and Tamarack going east that is the exact start of the problem. 90% of our traffic problem is due to drivers using this as a launch ramp due to the steep decline and this is where most speed is generated going east. This impacts not only the residents on this entire Tamarack corridor who have kids at the schools and/or use the dog run next to the field, but also the residents in the James/Jeanne corridor and the entire weekend crowd of parents, grandparents and kids who come for the sports. Every single time anyone wants to cross Tamarack, they have to wait and dart across the busy street as cars come flying down the hill off Highland, this poses the most dangerous threat to the neighborhood as this is the crossing spot for field sports, school access, dog walkers and most activity at Valley Middle School. We need this raised cross walk at James and Tamarack for the massive safety risk the hill at Highland poses to the community and seems to encourage the high speeds for which this entire project has been tasked to address. I see close calls and drivers gunning it down this hill every day. The newly proposed speed table between 1539 and 1549 will do nothing to help. I have three young children all under eight years old and this is beyond infuriating. We need to advocate to protect our residents but especially our children. In this corridor of Tamarack we are within two blocks of Magnolia Elementary, adjacent to Valley Middle School and three blocks from Carlsbad High School. We are in a school zone, but you wouldn’t know it. We do not need to be using Tamarack as an emergency vehicle route when we have Carlsbad Village and Cannon on either side. The Fire Department is located off Carlsbad Village, which does not directly expose any residential properties and is built as a thoroughfare from the 5 to El Camino Real for traffic with multiple lanes. In addition, Cannon Rd is equally setup for fast traffic and in a non-residential as well. One street is less than a mile south of Tamarack and one is less than a mile north. With both street’s are setup for heavy traffic and high speeds, why would you keep targeting the exposed residential neighborhood on Tamarack and allowing drivers to speed right through a school zone? I fear all the goodwill and positivity that we all felt over the last 5 or so months is coming to an end as we see the bureaucracy creep in. You are choosing saving seconds of time for emergency vehicles (which studies into speed cushions have proven their impact to be insignificant when taken into account overall emergency response times) by sacrificing the safety, well-being and neighborhood feel of all of these Carlsbad residents. We as home owners have been through months of meetings, emails and advocacy to get this done. The approval from residents was near unanimous for the proposal prior to the changes. Everyone I’ve spoken to since the email is furious and feel as though the rug has been pulled from under us yet again and the typical bureaucracy from the city departments has taken over the will of the people. The change from the speed cushions to the speed tables is just another softening of what was given to us and supported by the residents. This change is a big impact and lessens the intention of the initiative once again, it makes no sense especially based on the studies such as referenced by my neighbor Jason Oziel that show that this change isn’t needed and the time saved is not significant. Removing over half of the proposed deterrents weakens the project and does not come close to addressing the point of the issue, we need to force people to slow down not hold their hand and gently suggest it. We have the chance to do this right and it looks like you are choosing not to. It seems you are catering to traffic over people, the antithesis of this Carlsbad traffic Safety Initiative. I will be in person, along with many fellow residents, at the Monday meeting to discuss all of this and hopefully come back to the plan that we had all agreed worked. Thank you for your time, Kyle Dudley From: City of Carlsbad <communications@carlsbadca.ccsend.com> on behalf of City of Carlsbad <communications@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 6:40 PM To: kyledudley37@hotmail.com <kyledudley37@hotmail.com> Subject: Tamarack project update View this email in your web browser From:Pamela Corbin To:Traffic Subject:round a bout Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 2:02:53 PM We live next door to vigillucies, and are in favor of the round a bout due to noise, speeding and street racing. However, we do not want parking on the West side (South bound) of the street, across from our house. I see the bus stop going South, will be moved to the North about 150 feet, from where it is now located. We can live with that, but we have enough traffic congestion from the restaurant to have to put up with any more. See you Monday. Thank you, Al and Pam Corbin . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Andrew Baker To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 12:33:21 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Andrew Baker and I am resident of San Diego. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up toeighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will makethis section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Andrew Baker CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Pupping To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Intersection Comment Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 5:19:09 PM City of Carlsbad Mayor, Council and City Staff: We strongly disagree with approving any roundabouts on Carlsbad Blvd. Removing lanes provides a disservice to the community as a whole. Our beaches should be accessible for all and not just those that live close enough to walk or bike. The design will not only further impact drivers but also impact emergency response. Why should cyclist have precedence over drivers on the roadway when realistically there are more vehicle commuters. It is more dangerous to have cyclist move into a busy single sharrow lane and through the roundabout with vehicles than it is to keep separate. As a driver of a vehicle and cyclist, I feel more in danger with Option 2. If you must improve the intersection, go with Option 1. Thank you, Anita and Lenny Pupping CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Anna Chrisman To:Traffic Subject:Roundabouts Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 1:51:26 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Anna Chrisman and I am resident of Carlsbad. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Further, I would like to inquire about the timeline for the planned roundabouts on Roosevelt/Chestnut and Madison/Chestnut. Both of these will make my son’s commute to school much safer, and I am very much hoping they will be in place by the time the next school year starts. Sincerely, Anna Chrisman Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Bruce Tipton To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack roundabout Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 12:49:35 PM Just a quick note of support for the propose roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack as they are generally safer and more efferent. Thanks. Bruce Tipton CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Christine Smoczynski To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarack Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 1:36:53 PM Looking at the two visual options, the roundabout would not be an ideal for southbound traffic. There are MANY cyclists that use the bike lanes. Sharing the southbound lane with cars could cause a multitude of issues for safety as well as slowing traffic considerably. Please reconsider a roundabout. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Nastassia Patin To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 4:32:07 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Dr. Nastassia Patin and I am a resident of San Diego. I love to ride my bike up the coast on the weekends, but am often intimidated by the high traffic speeds and disregard for pedestrians and cyclists. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely,Nastassia -- Dr. Nastassia Patin Postdoctoral Associate Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies University of Miami/NOAA CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Gregg Ferry To:Traffic Subject:Fwd: Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave – Feb. 6 Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 3:36:07 PM Having been a cyclist almost as long as Carlsbad has been a city, having cycled around the world in 60 countries, having been through traffic circles big (ARC DE TRIOMPHE) and small (Leucadia and Hymettus), having been dealt with every indignity that can be doled out to a cyclist, I have the experience to advise that any traffic circle that does not fullyaccommodate unfettered flow for a cyclist guarantees an accident. Do not take this lightly. I inform all cyclists, especially those from other countries, that the United States is the most dangerous place to ride a bicycle. This is because of the inattentiveness of motorists in this country, at best, and utter disdain as typical. Do not ignore this poor assessment of motorists. And to make matters worse, this is a tourist town and tourists are at their worst. That said, there is insufficient space for a proper traffic circle. Sincerely Gregg Ferry ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: City of Carlsbad <communications@carlsbadca.gov>Date: Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 12:32 PMSubject: Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave – Feb. 6To: <rapethecoast@greggferry.com> Having trouble viewing this email? View as web page From:Jaime Albano To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 12:45:17 PM My name is Jaime Albano and I am resident of ___Oceanside. I live right at the border near Paloma’r airport rd. I have an ebike and would be most appreciative to have a roundabout in Carlsbad at Tamarack and PCH. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Jaime Albano CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Jay Robinson-Duff To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 11:59:19 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Jay Robinson-Duff and I am resident of San Diego I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up toeighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will makethis section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely,Jay Robinson-Duff _____ CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Jedediah Staley To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 1:57:54 PM 100% in favor of a new traffic roundabout as proposed for PCH and Tamarack! Sincerely, Jedediah L Staley Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Robert Melton To:Traffic Subject:Street Changes Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 2:09:30 PM Dear Traffic and Mobility Commission, Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the intersection at Tamarack and Carlsbad Boulevard. The drawings you shared for two possible solutions to this intersection are quite varied. One shows the “round- about” configuration and the other shows the “crosswalk” solution. Here is my take away on both drawings. Round-about: This intersection is a TIGHT intersection to begin with. Now, add in a bike lane and a car lane that merge on approaching the roundabout. If I were a bike rider, I would not be comfortable at all merging with cars onto a roundabout. Then, consider this…. It’s a typical weekend, or just a beautiful day to go to the beach. You’ve amassed your family and friends with all of your beach equipment….wagons, strollers, surfboards ,etc. You all are waiting for a safe break in the roundabout. The little ones are rambunctious, the moms and dads are looking right and left. One of the children too anxious to wait, breaks from their parents’ grip and steps or runs into the street. Notice, because it is such a limited space between the sidewalk and the road, it’s very possible a bike will hit the child or, a car will. Obviously, my concern, as your concern is, the safety of everyone. I do not think this plan is safe in the least. The second plan gives a little more room for crowds that enjoy our weather and beaches, to safely cross. The bold blinking lights are the better of the two options. There is a CLEAR opportunity to cross safely. Please consider my thoughts. Carlsbad is a family city, not just a bicycle community. Both groups have more of a chance to be safe with this plan. Sincerely, Joanne Melton Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Kent Whitson To:Traffic Cc:Dana Whitson Subject:Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Agenda Item for February 6 Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 2:12:25 PM Dear Transportation and Mobility Commission Members,By way of introduction, I am a longtime homeowner in the Terramar neighborhood and served as Carlsbad's first traffic engineer in 1973 and later as a consultant through the mid-1980's. Iwas also a transportation planner at SANDAG and a contract traffic engineer for several different San Diego County cities. I have looked at the two proposals for this intersection and believe that Option 2- traffic circleis preferable, as long as traffic demands can be met. If so, this option offers better traffic calming and aesthetic values. Thank you for researching the public comments. Sincerely, Kent A. Whitson, PE CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:KRIS To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 4:04:50 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is ___ and I am resident of ___ I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up toeighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will makethis section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Kris CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Kristin Matteson To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and Cbad Blvd vote Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 12:39:26 PM Hello Cbad City Planners, I vote for Option 1. I support creating complete streets in our current age and moving forward. I think two lanes helps keep the flow of traffic on our beautiful Cbad Blvd which allows us residents to enjoy the street without losing a lane. Losing a lane will create more traffic and part of what residents like is to drive the beautiful stretch with two lanes and ride our bikes on nice paths. Thank you for asking for our input. Best, Kristin Matteson Resident since 1993 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Mariah Baughn To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 12:47:41 PM Dear Commissioners, I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Mariah Baughn Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Mary Hassing To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 12:22:20 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Mary Hassing and I am resident of Carlsbad I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Mary Hassing Sent from Mail for Windows CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Michael Von Neumann To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack/Carlsbad Roundabout Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 3:44:07 PM Commissioners, I strongly support installing a roundabout at the intersection of Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Roundabouts have been shown to greatly reduce t-bone crashes between vehicles. They also help to slow traffic which decreases the chances of severe or fatal crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists. Roundabouts also help to keep vehicles moving along the road rather than having to sit and idle through multiple cycles at a signalized intersection. I personally traverse Carlsbad Blvd. multiple times a week, both by auto and bicycle, and would welcome a roundabout. It is safer all around. Michael von Neumann CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Michelle Biber To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 1:36:50 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is __Michelle Biber_ and I am resident of __Carlsbad_ I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up toeighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will makethis section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely,Michelle Biber CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:MPK To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack & Cbad Blvd Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 2:32:59 PM PLEASE don't put a roundabout at this location! The combination of vehicles, pedestrians, bikes and all the various forms of e-bikes, scooters and other equipment will be total chaosand dangerous. Cars are going to be looking at the other cars and trying to figure out who has the right-of-way, which is going to make it all the more difficult to see pedestrians and bikes.It's too active of an intersection for a roundabout. -- Mike Old Carlsbad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Moline NelsonSchrader To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 5:38:55 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Moline Schrader and I am resident of El Cajon a city with horrible bike lanes. I tried bikingin Carlsbad once last year. Never again it’s worse than El Cajon. But I also live in Big Bear Lake a small city that hosts 20-50 thousand tourists every weekend during thesummer and winter. They have and are incorporating roundabouts to guide traffic. At the same time theyare creating magnificent bike paths. Maybe you should follow their lead. They started working on it10years ago. All of these pictures were taken late on a Sunday afternoon after all the tourists left for theweekend. The zoo, ski resort and golf course are all on just a block or two away on this street. Nowimagine all the cars! They’ve also incorporated parking and free trolley/bus service to reduce the cars onthe roads in the area.Except for one sketchy street crossing (the city and state are working on it) we can bike with the familyand stress free for a total of, 18 miles round trip.CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know thecontent is safe. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support safer options. Sincerely, Moline Schrader Sent from my iPhone From:Norval Lyon To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Carlsbad Blvd interchange Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 1:12:24 PM I am an Oceanside resident who regularly rides the coast road in Carlsbad both solo and with members of the North County Cycle Club. I am fully in favor of the solution with a roundabout which slows traffic through and leading up to the junction, reduces in most cases traffic delay (no waiting at red lights) and increases safety for cyclists from the north when making a left turn to Tamarack - no need to cross traffic lanes. Additionally it will also eliminate cyclists and others, such as skateboarders, who on occasion shoot through red lights (but not on my rides). Norval LyonPresident North County Cycle Club CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Pascal Polonik To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 12:07:48 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Pascal Polonik - I am resident of San Diego and I often pass through this intersection I would like to strongly support the roundabout - this is an area with many road users besides cars and a roundabout would be a much safer and much more pleasant option. The coast is the biggest asset to this area - people want to spend time there, not rush through it. Making this a more pleasant space to be will be a major asset to the immediate community and to the county as a whole. Thank you for your consideration! Pascal CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:ROBIN STARK To:Traffic Subject:A voice of support for the roundabout! Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 12:52:41 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Robin Stark and I am resident of Cardiff I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. I have been in several "near misses" as I legally crossed a street on my bike and almost got t-boned by cars either taking a right turn (same direction) or left turn into me (coming other direction) . I am a huge advocate of traffic circles and love riding in Europe where they are the norm. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, _____ - Robin Stark CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Sergio Messina To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad Blvd Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 3:27:46 PM Safe , healthy and much needed let us do this on our beautiful coast. Sergio Messina -- Thus it is and thus it will always be.... CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Si Wang To:Traffic Subject:Re: Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Feb 6,2023 Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 5:08:29 PM Si Wang Sent from my iPhone > On Feb 3, 2023, at 5:05 PM, Si Wang <siwang@roadrunner.com> wrote: > > Please do not put another small traffic circle in Carlsbad. In my opinion small traffic circles do not work and just snarls up traffic. Large multi-lane traffic circles do work however there is no existing intersection in Carlsbad that has the space available for that. Don’t make the same mistake as on Cassia Road and Carlsbad Blvd and State > > Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Stephanie Slagle To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 2:05:50 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Stephanie and I am resident of San Diego. My husband and I lived in Carlsbad near Tamarack for five years until recently, and still visit often. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. My husband and I often rode our bikes through this intersection and always found it scary to navigate around the turning vehicles with the traffic light system in place and cars driving too fast on Carlsbad Blvd. We would love to see a roundabout take its place. It will make the sidewalks safer, too, for the many hundreds of people who take walks along the boulevard everyday, the same way we used to with our dog. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Stephanie Slagle CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Steven C Shepherd Architect To:Traffic Subject:I support the Roundabout Design Option at Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 1:59:35 PM Hello Commissioners, My name is Steve Shepherd, and unlike most of those emailing you on this topic, I am not a resident of Carlsbad, but rather a public works appointee and safe streets advocate from a different coastal California city. I am taking this opportunity to email you because I've seen the benefits of roundabouts and their effectiveness in both calming vehicle traffic and promoting a smooth and safe vehicle flow. This is a complex intersection that lends itself to the safety provided by a roundabout as compared to a standard traffic signal. In addition, it is quite clear that the Roundabout Option provides better safety and more opportunities for those walking, biking, or rolling along this wonderful beachfront boulevard. When we seek to modify our public rights-of-way, the decision on how to proceed often comes down to our priorities, and while many blindly prioritize standard improvements simply because that's the way it's always been done, I urge you to look further. I urge you to prioritize increased safety and accessibility over just "following along." I urge you to select the design that reflects the values of your community. Please look beyond that which has always been and select something that can be better. Sincerely, Steve Shepherd _____ CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Tim McCombs To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack intersection. Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 1:52:40 PM I am out of town on the 6th. Here is my opinion on the 2 options: Option 1 is OK, not optimal. Option 2 would be a disaster, another Bar Pavillion in the making. Squeezing all the traffic on the Coast Highway down to one lane, shared with selfish bike riders, with a roundabout?? With people wanting to cross Coast Highway to boot?? This will cause a major traffic jam! Roundabouts can work well where there is light traffic with very little foot traffic, but it won't work here...WAY to congested. Plus, bike traffic is directed up onto the sidewalk here? I know that is not the intention but that's how it is drawn out. I have been a Carlsbad resident for nearly 37 years and I drive through this intersection 2-4 times everyday. Option 2 is a very poor design. Tim McCombs CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:warrior rabbit To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 3:24:03 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Tina Houle and I am a resident of San Diego. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. As someone who bicycles, I'm concerned about vehicular traffic. Segregated paths are ones I find best! Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency throughout the county, and Carlsbad has no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Tina CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. San Diego County Bicycle Coalition 300 15th St San Diego, CA 92101 February 03, 2023 Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Support for Roundabout and Tamarack Ave. and Carlsbad Boulevard Intersection Dear Commissioners, I’m writing on behalf of the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition to comment on Item Four of the Monday, December 5th meeting of the Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection, Capital Improvement Project No. 6058. We would like to state our strong support for the roundabout option.Without question, a roundabout would be the safer option for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians alike and would allow for smoother traffic flow while creating a more vibrant public space along Carlsbad’s Coast. Reasons to Support a Roundabout While single-lane roundabouts are almost always safer than traffic signals, we believe the roundabout that staff are proposing at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue is particularly well designed and deserving of the support of this commission. We would like to break down the reasons why we support this roundabout into four categories: 1. Proven safety data Decades of research have confirmed that roundabouts are safer than stop or signal-controlled intersections.Studies in the United States have found that installing roundabouts in the place of traffic signals leads to 35-47 percent reductions in all crashes and 72-80 percent reductions in serious injury-causing crashes. However, not all roundabouts are created equal– without certain safety features, some roundabouts can be more dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians. As we’ll explain later, though, the roundabout proposed in Carlsbad has safety features that particularly benefit cyclists and pedestrians. 2. Roundabouts physically calm traffic Traffic signals ultimately rely on drivers following the law to protect other road users. If a driver is impaired, distracted, or purposefully noncompliant, there is nothing preventing them from blowing through a signal and colliding with other road users in the intersection at high speed. Roundabouts, in contrast, force all drivers to slow down by making them navigate around a fixed object in the middle of the intersection. Roundabouts designed to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian traffic– like the one proposed at the intersection of Tamarack and Carlsbad– should have a design speeds of 15-20mph, meaning the angles to navigate the roundabout are sharp enough that drivers cannot comfortably pass through at higher speeds. Regardless of a driver's intent or state of impairment, well-designed roundabouts should make it impossible for them to blow through an intersection at high speed. Slowing drivers down is crucial, because speed is by far the highest factor in determining whether a pedestrian or cyclist will survive a crash. While the odds of a pedestrian dying are only 10%if they are hit by a car traveling 20 mph, those odds increase to 75% when a car is traveling 50 mph. With a signalized intersection, we could expect drivers to regularly speed through at 50mph on Carlsbad Blvd. A roundabout would make those speeds impossible. 3. The proposed roundabout creates space for a complete street In the two alternatives presented for Carlsbad Boulevard, the roundabout option is proposed to have one lane in each direction, while the signalized option would have three lanes. Staff have informed us that both of these designs are projected to allow for similar traffic volumes and similar travel times. This lane reduction is absolutely crucial for the safety of cyclists and the activation of this section of the Carlsbad coast as a public space. While the signalized, multi-lane alternative only allows for extremely narrow, 5-foot bike lanes along the gutter, the roundabout option creates enough space for 8-foot bike lanes with 3 foot buffers in each direction. Five foot, unbuffered bike lanes next to multiple lanes of traffic are only comfortable for the most experienced cyclists; 8 foot buffered bike lanes with wide buffers would be comfortable for almost everyone. Additionally, single-lane roads are much safer for all road users than multi-lane roads. Regardless of the posted speed limit,studies have shown that drivers drive much faster on multi-lane roads than single lane roads. As mentioned earlier, speed is the largest factor in whether a crash is fatal, so slowing traffic speeds is an essential safety strategy. Finally, the lane reductions enabled by the roundabout would create radically more space for pedestrians. The traffic signal option would maintain the existing 5-foot sidewalk width. This current width is far too narrow to accommodate the many people who walk along the Carlsbad Coast, which causes many joggers to run in the bike lanes instead, creating a significant crash risk. The roundabout option would allow for the creation of 10-foot sidewalks along the coast, creating space for the many people who already walk the coast, and creating space for more people to enjoy this natural resource. 4. The proposed roundabout would create comfortable options for cyclists of all confidence levels While all roundabouts are safer for drivers, roundabouts must be designed with cyclists and pedestrians in mind to be safer for them as well. Carlsbad’s proposed design thoughtfully considers the needs of cyclists of all comfort levels. Cyclists would have two options when approaching the Tamarack and Carlsbad roundabout from the bike lane. If less confident interacting with traffic, they could merge right onto the multi-use path adjacent to the roadway, allowing them to cross the next leg of the intersection as pedestrians. If more confident, they could merge left into the general-purpose lane, allowing them to navigate the roundabout as a vehicle. With a design speed of 15 mph, commanding the traffic lane as a vehicle would be comfortable for most cyclists. After the roundabout, both options allow cyclists to merge back into the bike lane to continue. This design is fantastic, because it anticipates the needs of both experienced and inexperienced cyclists. Moreover,studies have shown that this specific design is safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike. Possible Improvements to Design While we are enthusiastically supportive of the roundabout option, there are three possible design amendments that we believe could improve the safety of the roundabout. First, the proposed design includes a slip lane that allows drivers to turn right from the beach parking lot to Carlsbad Boulevard without entering the roundabout.Slip lanes encourage drivers to turn right without slowing down, and introduce an additional conflict point for pedestrians as they cross the street. Moreover, the traffic volumes coming out of the parking lot into the roundabout would most likely be relatively lower than those of any other leg of the intersection, so the traffic justification for the additional slip lane is unclear.This slip lane should be eliminated to increase bicycle and pedestrian safety. Second,research has shown that for cyclists crossing roundabouts as pedestrians to be safe, drivers must be given clear visual cues that cyclists may be present. The current rendering shows cyclists simply merging onto the sidewalk/ multi-use path prior to the roundabout and crossing as pedestrians.To clearly indicate that cyclists may be present, the section of the multi-use path intended for cyclists after the merge should be brightly marked in green paint and the path of cyclists across the roundabout legs should be marked with bright green conflict striping. Third, while merging less confident cyclists onto the multi-use paths is a safe design, the multi-use paths adjacent to the roundabout should be widened as much as possible to allow for a clear striping separating bicyclists and pedestrians while giving both ample space to maneuver. Conclusion Thank you for taking our recommendations into consideration. As always, we appreciate Carlsbad’s regional leadership on building streets that are safe for all modes of transportation. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns about these recommendations. Sincerely, Will Rhatigan Advocacy Director San Diego County Bicycle Coalition will@sdbikecoalition.org From:Trisha To:Traffic Subject:feedback for the Tamarack Intersection Safety Improvements Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 11:07:13 PM Hello, My family has lived in the 101 neighborhood between Tamarack and Pine for 18 years. We often use the pedestrian crossings at and between these streets daily if not multiple times perday. My young children and I have nearly been run over in these crossings at least once a summer, and my husband often has to yell to get the drivers' attention while we are in themiddle of the crossing, to make sure we can finish crossing safely. Two particularly close-calls happened at the northeast corner of the Tamarack intersection. We are all strongly in favor of the roundabout option for this intersection. Not only will it limitthe amount of lanes we have to navigate when crossing the street, but will help make the cars more aware of pedestrians and hopefully put drivers in a "yielding" orientation. Further, it will keep traffic flowing smoothly, which will improve general congestionthroughout the neighborhood. The only drawback I can see is that people want a chance to admire the ocean view and a stoplight gives them the pause to safely do that. But overall, thesafety gains of a roundabout far outweigh any negatives. Here are my children's votes in favor of the roundabout, in their own words: Bear (age 12): "There's not as many crashes when there's roundabouts. A roundabout would be a lot nicer, instead of a straight road. I like roundabouts, they're more efficient." Keyoni (age 11): "I think that roundabouts would be good because we've almost been hit manytimes when we cross that road and the roundabout could really help with that. Roundabouts are a very efficient way to move traffic and I love going around them when we can. I thinkthey're really helpful and it could get a very good look on Carlsbad and I would love going down to the beach and crossing at the roundabout." Whitley (age 7): "I want the roundabout because it's fun to go around it." Thank you for the chance to offer our input! Trisha Van Stright (and family) p.s. An art piece in the middle featuring depictions of our local wildlife (dolphins, pelicansetc.) would be lovely! (But if it features surfing, please consult the surf community foraccuracy ;) CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and From:Tom Steele To:Traffic Subject:Carlsbad & Tamarack changes Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 10:22:14 AM Option 1 Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Tina Steele To:Traffic Subject:Feedback for tamarack & CB blvd Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 5:16:22 PM Hello, I would prefer the option 1. No roundabout! Thank you, Tina Steele CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Ryan Tillman To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 11:06:02 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Ryan and I am resident of Oceanside. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up toeighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will makethis section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Ryan Tillman CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Ron Alpert To:Traffic Subject:The community needs a roundabout at the Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave. Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 4:08:38 PM The community needs a roundabout at the Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave. In life, travel light and travel far, and travel well! Ron Alpert CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Patrick Grillot To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 11:12:11 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Patrick Grillot, and I’m a San Diego County resident. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up toeighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will makethis section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Patrick Grillot CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Carl Pope To:Traffic Subject:2/6/23 Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission Mtg Item #4 Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 11:28:38 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Carl Pope and I am a resident of District 1 in Carlsbad. I use this intersection almost everyday as a driver, bicycle rider and pedestrian. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option which is staff's recommendation. Thank you for your consideration. Carl Pope CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Kathy Deering To:Traffic Subject:Please No Roundabout at Tamarack! Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 3:43:53 PM Dear Traffic and Mobility Commission: Regarding the potential changes to the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue intersection, I implore you to make safety the priority and opt for the three/four-lane with traffic light instead of a roundabout. With the numerous pedestrians and cyclists, especially during the summer, a roundabout at that location is an invitation to disaster. A roundabout to keep traffic flowing is good in theory, but as witnessed at the roundabout at the north end of town, few people understand how to use one properly; I have seen numerous close calls that have placed individuals and vehicles at risk. A likely response to traffic back-ups caused by heavy pedestrian use (beach access) in crossing areas of a roundabout is for drivers to use neighborhood streets as an alternative, again risking pedestrian safety. In my opinion the best solution is to provide a traffic light as at the Carlsbad Village Drive intersection with all pedestrians crossing at the same time. A further suggestion is to install flashing lights in the crosswalk pavement at ALL beach crossings, as all too frequently drivers ignore the lights on curb and median signs. Sincerely, Mary (Kathy) Deering Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Dwayne Elliott To:Traffic Cc:Kevin Baross Subject:Traffic roundabouts are a great idea! Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 7:06:57 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Dwayne Elliott. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. aka Coast Highway and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to EIGHTY percent. Traffic safety is important in all areas and there is no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks AND bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for EVERYONE, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. It is the best alternative for our future lives, especially those like me who ride through Carlsbad like myself. Sincerely, Dwayne Elliott CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Christie Nunan To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout proposal Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 3:37:45 PM My name is Christie Nunan and I am a resident of Carlsbad. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Christie Nunan CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Jake Nelson To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Date:Thursday, February 2, 2023 3:33:22 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Jake Nelson and I am a resident of Encinitas. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. I travel this road frequently to visit friends and family and aroundabout at this intersection would be a welcome change to the drive! Additionally, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just athroughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Jake Nelson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Joe Marandola To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 8:09:15 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Joe Marandola I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, rather than just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Joe Marandola CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. G) -----+-- From:Lin Ball To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at tamarack Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 1:29:23 PM I am not in favor of a roundabout At tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. I am concerned about the amount of auto traffic and pedestrian traffic. Summers are crazy at that intersection as are weekends. I’ve witnessed two near misses of pedestrians at the north roundabout. I don’t think that is the right place for a roundabout. Lin Ball Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Amber Brewer To:Traffic Subject:Traffic Project at Tamarack Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 8:58:05 AM I am for option 1 at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Thank you,Amber Brewer CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Craig Arterburn To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Avenue & Carlsbad Blvd. Intersection Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 11:45:46 AM To Traffic Commission: I implore you to NOT install a round-about or rotary at this intersection. Rotaries may be okay for intersections with minimal pedestrian traffic, but this intersection is heavily trafficked by pedestrians and bike riders. Traffic lights forcing vehicles to stop for these pedestrians has got to be safer despite what any surveys or polls may claim. I predict more accidents and potential city liability with a rotary here. Rotaries are overrated. Don't cave to the craze that some other cities have. Research and assess where these other cities have placed their rotaries. I’ll bet they're not in areas with this much pedestrian and bike traffic. Craig Arterburn CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Dale Bodman To:Traffic Subject:Traffic Circle- Cannon and Carlsbad Boulevard Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 9:01:34 AM I am writing as a long time resident of Carlsbad and a Professional Civil Engineer in the State of California. I am advocating against your idea of putting in a traffic circle at the above location or any other location along Carlsbad Boulevard. The City has installed a traffic circle at the north of town. This traffic circle does not work- This traffic circle does not work! Drivers do not know how to transition in a traffic circle therefore causing large backups. This will also occur at these other locations causing huge traffic problems. Do not approve any more traffic circles. Dale Bodman, PE CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Betsy Heckel To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout Tamarack Ave & Coast Hwy Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 9:55:15 AM Hello, I am writing this email with regards to the proposed roundabout at the intersection of Tamarack Ave and Coast Hwy. I live nearby, off of Tamarack Ave and drive that route daily. A roundabout is a very bad idea at that intersection and I do not support it. There is far too much traffic and far too many pedestrians. A roundabout paired with the crosswalks north on Coast Hwy, the traffic will be lined up for a mile in both directions, especially with pedestrians constantly crossing at the roundabout. Again, I do not support this proposal and ask that the City of Carlsbad come up with a better idea, or simply leave the intersection alone. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”! Sincerely, Elizabeth Burton CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Jason Oziel To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack/Carlsbad Blvd "improvements" Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 12:58:04 PM Hello, Being as I may be late to today's meeting and I want my comments on the record, I am including in written form in case I miss the public comment portion. I am 100% against a roundabout at the intersection of Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. I amactually a fan of roundabouts in general and do agree that they tend to keep traffic flowing and reduce friction points. HOWEVER, they are not a cure-all and aren't always the right option. I strongly believe this case falls into that category where a roundabout is absolutely the WRONG solution. The city is trying to use the success of the roundabout at the north end of town to glorify whatto expect at this intersection. That would be like trying to compare and apple to a banana. There are nothing alike except that they are both fruits! The existing roundabout doesn't haveanything remotely close to Tamarack in terms of pedestrian (particularly youth) traffic. Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd is one of the most heavily traveled intersections for pedestriansin our city. In my view, this factor alone makes it a poor candidate for a roundabout. Most of the studies that have been done on roundabout safety refer to vehicles and speak in generalterms about improved pedestrian safety as a result of generally slower speeds. However they fail to address the nuances that this intersection experiences such as the volume of pedestriantraffic, large cyclist groups (you know, the spandex crew), youth and adults on e-bikes, skateboards, and more. In the documents presented as part of the agenda packet, it was stated that pedestrian countswere done over three days (one Thursday in May and 2 Saturdays in June). Anyone that has spent any time in Carlsbad knows that is NOT the busiest time where we have the mostpedestrians using this stretch. Our beaches don't get packed until July and August! Also, the times this data was collected was from 11 am to 12:45 pm on the Saturdays. That sure seemspretty limited and not a good representation of what happens throughout the day. What is going to happen when the state lot at the end of Tamarack is jam packed with people trying to find parking and the entrance is backed up the hill? This happens regularly in thesummer before the cones come out and close off access. With only one lane feeding into the lot from the north, if this lot gets backed up, there is no way for traffic to flow through theroundabout and continue south. What is going to happen when there is a pedestrian or biker that gets hit in the roundabout and needs assistance? How will traffic be impacted with emergency vehicles. There will not beanother lane to go around. With the lanes of traffic merging into one lane through the roundabout, the bike lanes will be merged into traffic lanes to go through the roundabout. Many casual bikers as well as youthriders are not comfortable navigating that process. The proposed project encourages bikers who are not comfortable using the vehicular traffic lanes to access the sidewalk via the rampsputting them in the direct line of travel with many pedestrians. This will no doubt cause more conflict points than what is reflected in your renderings. What is going to happen when a 14 year old comes barreling down Tamarack Ave to get tosurf PE on his/her ebike and cruises right into the circle if they perceive even the slightest of gaps in traffic (you know that will happen) and there are pedestrians trying to cross as well? Itsounds like an accident waiting to happen. There have been ZERO serious accidents at this intersection in the last 12 months. While I agree that improvements are needed to make all users safe no matter the mode oftransportation, the roundabout is not the answer. Option 1 still widens sidewalks, provides safer pedestrian crossings, and would be a major upgrade to the current configuration. It hasmy vote! Regards, Jason OzielOlde Carlsbad resident on Tamarack Ave CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Kathleen Fares To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 11:48:03 AM I would like to see a roundabout at the Tamarac Carlsbad Boulevard intersection. The roundabout seems to me the only consistent way to slow down vehicle traffic. I would like to see more “speed bumps’, roundabouts, and pedestrian flashing light signs throughout the village. While there are many improvements being made in regards to vehicles sharing the road for bikers the village needs to focus on safe pedestrian traffic. For example, there are limited options to safely cross State street, Laguna drive, Grand ( especially near the Village Faire area. ) and Carlsbad drive. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I would like to suggest hiring more staff to decrease the turn around time to actually handle these needed projects . Kathleen Fares CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Kevin Casey To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack Project Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 7:12:25 AM I am in favor of the roundabout option. Kevin T Casey CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Laura Keenan To:Traffic Subject:Item 4: Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Avenue From a Bike Widow Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 8:01:54 AM Dear Commissioners, My name is Laura Keenan. My husband, Matt Keenan, was killed 16 months ago while riding his bike. He was only 42 years old and father to our then 15 month-old son. Since his death I've gotten very involved in safe street advocacy and last year I founded Families for Safe Streets San Diego. We're a group of families whose loved ones have been killed in traffic crashes or are survivors ourselves. All of our members' loved ones were killed while walking, biking or scootering. We advocate for safe streets in San Diego County to save lives and other families from our pain. I am a resident of San Diego and worked for many years in Carlsbad. I have many friends in Carlsbad and am up there regularly. Thank you for taking the recent crashes in Carlsbad so seriously. I look forward to seeing safer streets throughout the city. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts save lives because they limit the top speed of cars; they are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to 80%. The woman who hit my husband was going at least 35 mph. He didn't have a chance even though he was doing everything right, riding in the bike lane with his helmet on and using the brightest lights possible. He died on the scene. It is impossible to drive 35 mph ina roundabout, but it is easy to drive through a traffic light at those speeds or faster. Like many cities in San Diego and the US, traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad. Please prioritize lives and choose the safest option. In addition, I know there's concern that roundabouts will create congestion and add to total travel time. However, that is not true. Since roundabouts allow for yields, rather than stops, travel times are not longer even though the top speeds are reduced. They allow for a more continual flow of traffic. My husband would be alive today helping me raise our son and seeing him grow up if the driver who hit him was going 15 mph, the speed this roundabout design dictates. Thank you for prioritizing lives by choosing the roundabout option. I and all of the Families for For Safe San Diego thank you. Sincerely, Laura Laura Keenan Founder of Families for Safe Streets San Diego CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. February 6, 2023 Mr. NathanSchmidt CityofCarlsbad Traffic & MobilityCommission 1635FaradayAvenue Carlsbad, CA92008 SentViaElectronic Mail: Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.govand traffic@carlsbadca.gov Re: NCTDBusStopsatCarlsbadBlvd. andTamarack Ave. Intersection DearMr. Schmidt: Thankyoufortheopportunitytoreviewtheproposed changesfortheCarlsbadBlvd. and Tamarack Ave. intersection, basedontheCityofCarlsbadTraffic & MobilityCommission newsletter published onJanuary5, 2023. BusStops atProject Site: Uponreviewoftheprojectby the NorthCounty TransitDistrict (NCTD), NCTDhas determined thatthereare BREEZE Route101busstops (ID: 21515and21032) atthe projectsiteofCarlsbadBlvd. andTamarack Ave. Oftheproposed rendering options, NCTDprefersOption2withtheproposedroundabout attheCarlsbadBlvd. and Tamarack Ave. intersection. Theroundabout willlikelymove trafficmoreefficientlyandNCTDdoesnothaveanobjectiontothestoprelocationtobefore theroundaboutdueto operatorpreferences. Fromapedestrianperspective, the roundaboutoptionshortensthatpathoftravelwhencrossingCarlsbadBlvd. NCTD appreciates thattheproposeddesignsincludebuspulloutstoprevent ourbusesfrom impacting thetrafficflow. InordertomeetNCTD’sminimum standards, NCTDrequeststheconstruction ofAmericans withDisabilitiesAct (ADA)-compliantbusstoppads forpassengerboarding. Thedesign shouldbeconsistentwithNCTDstandardsandincludethefollowing: Aclearsidewalkareathatiseight (8)-foot-deepbyfive (5)-foot-wideconcrete boardingandalightingareathatmeetsstandards setforthbytheADAandthatis connectedtothecurbandstreet. Thispadrequirementcanbesatisfiedwiththe pavedsidewalkifthesidewalkmeetstheminimumeight (8)-foot depth. Thisis essentialforriderswithamobilitydevice. Therecannotbevegetationorlandscaping betweenthispadandthestreet. Thisclearareacannothaveanystreetfurnitureor impediments intheeight (8)-footbyfive (5) footspace. Re: NCTDBusStops atCarlsbad BlvdandTamarack AveIntersection February 6, 2023 Page2of2 Continuation, orimproved replacement, oftheexisting benches. Connection toaminimum three (3)-foot-wideADAsidewalk path along Carlsbad Blvdthatisunimpeded bystreetfurniture, trees, orlandscaping. Desirable amenities forstopimprovement includesolar powered shelters, clearly demarcated pedestrian crosswalks, and pedestrian lighting forvisibility andoverall safety. Detours Required: Uponreview ofthenoticereceived byNCTD, NCTDhasdetermined thattheconstruction maytakeplaceintheright-of-wayofNCTDBREEZE Route101. NCTDrequests thatyouoryourcontractor provide anoticeoftwo (2)-weeks priortostarting work. Thatway, wemaysendasupervisor tomeetwithyourconstruction crewtodetermine ifyourtraffic control methods affectNCTD’sstops. Anoticeshouldbeprovided viae-mail todetours@nctd.org. City of Carlsbad: Supporting activetransit-friendly design willsupport thefulfillment ofcitygoals. Pedestrian improvements andincreased connectivity arekeymeasures intheCity’sClimate Action Plan Implementation Matrix (pg. 5-3). Thank you again forallowing NCTDtoreview andcomment onthisproject. Should you haveanyquestions related tothisreview, feelfreetocontact meat (760) 966-6683orvia e-mailatkpersons@nctd.org. Sincerely, Katie Persons Director ofService Planning cc: ChrisOrlando, ChiefPlanning andCommunications Officer, NCTD Damon Blythe, Chief ofBusOperations, NCTD Derrick Wojcik-Damers, Director ofBusOperations, NCTD MaryBalderrama, Transit Planner, NCTD From:Nicole Matteson To:Traffic Cc:Larry Matteson Subject:Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Feedback Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 8:01:45 AM Attachments:Screenshot 2023-02-05 at 2.31.50 PM.png Hello, My name is Nicole Matteson and I am currently a Master of Urban and Regional Planning candidate at UCLA who researches bike lane infrastructure at UCLA's Institute ofTransportation Studies under the mentorship of Dr. Adam Millard Ball. I was raised in Carlsbad and grew up on its beaches. After reviewing the proposed designs for the intersection improvement at Tamarack ave andCarlsbad blvd, I have some questions and concerns. I would have loved to join the public meeting tomorrow, but I have a Bike and Pedestrian Planning class at the same time (ironic!). My comments are as follows: 1. What is the intention of this project if it could be narrowed down to one thing? Iunderstand this is hoping to relieve traffic and be part of your "complete streets" initiative, but often it is impossible to accommodate drivers, bikers, and pedestrians inone project- one must make sacrifices. It is better to do one thing really well instead of three things poorly. If your intention is to make the intersection safer for bikers, whydoes the roundabout not have a separate (buffered at least) area for bikers? The roundabout is incredibly large, there are ways to protect bikers without them merginginto a shared lane, such as an external colored bike lane that lines the perimeter. 2. If the intersection changes to one motor vehicle lane in each direction, where does themerge occur and how do you plan to reduce congestion at that merge? Do these designsreflect traffic predictions well into the future?3. If your intention is to reduce traffic, will there be any infrastructure and qualityimprovements made to the bus service on this route? I understand the bus stop hasmoved and has a pull out. Will there be a shelter added to the bus stops to protect transitriders from extreme heat? Have you considered a dedicated bus lane? Perhaps adedicated shared lane for bicyclists and buses? The only effective and long termsolution for reducing vehicular traffic is getting people out of their cars. I understandtransit ridership in Carlsbad is not ideal, but how can we make transit more desirableand easy? Bus riders are not second class citizens, we must change that stigma to trulyimprove traffic congestion and mobility in Carlsbad. It would be silly to invest so muchmoney into a project that will only temporarily improve traffic flow now, but not a fewyears down the road.4. Have you considered a parking protected bike lane? This will create a physical barrierbetween vehicular traffic and bicyclists which is safer for both bikers and drivers.5. I see that it is a goal of this project to add more street parking to Carlsbad Blvd. Istrongly recommend against this and believe any additional street parking along thecoast will not improve vehicular congestion in the near and long term. It would be idealto instead introduce a dedicated beach parking area off the main road. This way beachgoers could park and walk a short distance to the beach while enjoying the newpedestrian infrastructure. If the goal is to reduce vehicular congestion, we should beproviding alternative places for vehicles to park. This will promote active transportationand improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety.6. Regarding option 1, have you considered reducing the width of the inner vehicular lanesto 9.5-10 ft and the turn lanes to 9 ft? Research has shown that vehicle lanes areunnecessarily large and that reducing their width can actually improve safety because itmakes drivers become more cautious and aware. This would free up at least another footthat can be added to the bike lanes, with priority going to the south bound bike lane.With the rise of electric bikes, we need bike lanes that can accommodate both electricbicyclists and traditional bicyclists. Electric bikers may need to pass traditional bikersbecause they can reach higher speeds. Adding more space to bike lanes can providepassing room without needing to enter vehicular traffic. If there is a recording of the meeting I will look forward to watching it, but if not I plan to readthe minutes of the meeting. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of mycomments, I look forward to more opportunities to discuss infrastructure investments inCarlsbad! All the best,Nicole MattesonMaster of Urban & Regional Planning Candidate,Class of 2023, UCLA CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Olivia Cullen To:Traffic Subject:Support for Roundabout at Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 1:17:54 PM Dear Commissioners, My name is Olivia Cullen and I am resident of 140 Acacia Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. I'm writing to voice my enthusiastic support for a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Roundabouts are proven to reduce serious or fatal crashes by up to eighty percent. Traffic safety is an emergency in Carlsbad, and we have no excuse not to choose the safest option. Moreover, this option creates more space for wide sidewalks and bike lanes, which will make this section of the Carlsbad coast a welcoming space for everyone, ratherthan just a throughway for high-speed traffic. I strongly encourage the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support this option. Sincerely, Olivia Cullen CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Polly Williams To:Traffic Subject:Roundabout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 12:17:01 PM Hi There, I had planned to be at the Traffic & Mobility Commission meeting tonight to register my concerns about the proposed roundabout at Tamarack and Carlsbad Blvd. Unfortunately, I’m unable to do so. I called the City this morning in hopes of speaking with someone directly and was asked to write an email to this address instead. My family and I live on Carlsbad Boulevard. We are in favor of the more standard two lanes in both directions option and opposed to the traffic roundabout. Our opposition to the roundabout takes two forms - both micro (impact to us personally as residents on the street with two teenagers) and macro (safety, traffic flow, traffic volume, quality of life for all). Would it be possible for a staff member to call me? I’d like to hear what you’re thinking and share my specific concerns with you. My name is Polly Williams and I live in Carlsbad. My family has owned this home since 1972 and I have lived here full time since 2015. It is hard enough to get in and out of our driveway at peak hours under current conditions; a roundabout would make it nearly impossible. Thank you, Polly CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:tklane8459@aol.com To:Traffic Subject:Comments on Carlsbad Blvd. Tamarac Proposals Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 10:01:15 AM I have reviewed Proposal #1 and # 2, and to me it is clear that Proposal #1 is superior and safer than Proposal #2. As an avid bicycle rider who frequently rides on Carlsbad Boulevard, safety is a paramount concern. Below are my reasons. Proposal #1 has a clearly marked dedicated bike lane along the side of Carlsbad Boulevard road and going thru the Tamarac intersection. Cyclists do not have to leave the bike lane and merge with traffic, which is very dangerous. If you need to improve the visibility and safety of the existing bike lane then do so. Proposal #1 has a traffic light to slow down (yellow light) and stop all traffic completely. This gives drivers, cyclists and pedestrians an opportunity to stop, check their surroundings and proceed more safely. There isn't a constant flow of cars and bicyclists trying to safely navigate the Roundabout. You currently have a speed limit in this area, so review that, modify if necessary, and then enforce it. Proposal # 2 has bicycles MERGING with traffic and trying to safely navigate the Roundabout with cars. This is incredibly dangerous (ask any cyclist). I avoid the Roundabout at the north end of Carlsbad because it is so dangerous to navigate on a bicycle. Drivers rarely stop, cut in front of you, are reluctant to let you merge, see bicyclists as an annoyance, tailgate you, and want to zip through the Roundabout as quickly as possible. Drivers and bicyclists have to continuously look in all directions for cars, bicyclists and pedestrians in or near the Roundabout, entering the Roundabout, leaving the Roundabout or going full circle in the Roundabout. The fact is that NOBODY seems to know who has the Right-of-Way in a Roundabout. All vehicles are constantly moving which is dangerous. Your rendering for Proposal #2 has a guy in a wheelchair trying to scurry across the Roundabout with traffic coming in both directions, which is ridiculous. If this handicapped person had a red light which stopped traffic, he wouldn't have to scurry through a constant flow of traffic and put his life in the hands of hopefully considerate drivers. Do you really think this Proposal will prevent collisions and save lives? I truly hope that you will make the right decision and choose Proposal #1. Thank you. Sincerely, Thomas Lane From:David Fitzgibbons To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack & Carlsbad proposed improvements Date:Monday, February 6, 2023 12:13:17 PM First, we applaud this city's recent efforts to improve traffic safety for all. My spouse and I have been residents since 1984 and are avid cyclists. We are strongly against traffic circles especially at this busy intersection. A road diet along with improved bike lines are the simplest and safest option. And of course , continued traffic enforcement by our outstanding police officers. My wife refuses to ride in Encinitas due to the hardscape / bollard hazards. She also will not ride to Oceanside due to the traffic circle north of Army Navy Academy. Needlessly merging bikes as well as vehicles into one lane is not the best solution when you have a safer option. When faced with 2 options, most times the simplest solution is the better choice. Grateful Carlsbad Residents, David and Maren Fitzgibbons CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:BILL WISENER To:Traffic Subject:Speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd Date:Friday, February 3, 2023 12:50:33 PM Since the plan is to make Carlsbad Blvd southbound one driving lane up to Island Way my suggestion is the the speed limit be 35 until Island Way. There is so much foot traffic on the road up to Island Way that it would be much safer if the 35 MPH limit were to be maintained. Right now it shifts to 50 MPH at the light by the Hilton Garden INN. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Project No. 6058 Lauren Ferrell, Associate Engineer Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Feb. 6, 2023 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1.Receive a presentation 2.Listen to community input 3.Make recommendation to the City Council ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue COMPLETE STREETS •California law •Get where you want to go by your choice of travel –walking, biking, driving •Safety for all modes of travel •Connectivity and accessibility ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue GENERAL PLAN ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue •Enhance all modes of transportation •Improve connectivity •Enhance, buffer and widen bike lanes •Design to safely move all modes of travel •Mobility and vehicle speed management to promote safe pedestrian and bicycle movement TRAFFIC SAFETY EMERGENCY PROJECT GOALS Enhance safety and traffic flow for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists: Reconfigure the intersection to ease traffic flow Widen sidewalks, including across the bridge Relocate NCTD bus stop to provide safer access Improve pedestrian and bike facilities Improve ADA facilities ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue EXISTING CONDITIONS ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue EXISTING CONDITIONS ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue EXISTING CONDITIONS ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project -6058 ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue •Community meetings •On-site outreach •Survey 2016 and 2018 OUTREACH ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue •Mailer •On-site banner •Community meetings •E-newsletters •Social media 2023 OUTREACH WHAT WE HEARD •More room for walkers and bikers •Keep traffic moving efficiently •Slow down traffic •Parking ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue ANALYSES COMPLETED •Vehicular Level of Service and Delay •Roundabout Feasibility and Operations •Vehicular Queueing Analysis •Pedestrian Level of Service •Bicycle Level of Service •Project Area Collision Summary and Safety Evaluation ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue PROPOSED OPTIONS Options for intersection control: 1.Option 1 –Traffic Signal 2.Option 2 –Roundabout ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue PROPOSED OPTIONS Improvements included for both options: •Widen sidewalk over bridge •Relocates bus stops •Adds street parking •Add pedestrian crossing south of Sequoia Ave, near Agua Hedionda Lagoon Carlsbad Blvd Trailhead ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Option 1 –Traffic signal Option 1 –Traffic signal ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Option 1: Traffic signal Raised Median Carlsbad Boulevard Ta m a r a c k A v e n u e Bus Pull-Out Bus Pull-Out Wide Sidewalk Bike Lane (no buffer) Se q u o i a A v e n u e Re d w o o d Av e n u e Buffered Bike Lane Buffered Bike LaneAdded Parking Bike Lane (no buffer) Existing Sidewalk Wide Sidewalk Buffered Bike Lane Option 1 –Traffic signal Option 2 -Roundabout Option 2 -Roundabout Raised Medians ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Ta m a r a c k A v e n u e Raised Medians Bus Pull-Out Bus Pull-Out Buffered Bike Lanes Wide Sidewalks Wide SidewalksBuffered Bike Lanes Se q u o i a A v e n u e Re d w o o d Av e n u e Option 2: Roundabout Added Parking Metered Signal Option 2 -Roundabout TRAFFIC COUNTS* ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement Project -6058 Weekday AM and PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes: Existing AM(PM)Cumulative AM(PM)Horizon Year AM(PM) PEDESTRIAN COUNTS* ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Weekday AM and PM & Summer Saturday Afternoon Peak Hour Pedestrian Counts: Carlsbad Blvd/Tamarack Ave Intersection Leg North Leg East Leg South Leg West Leg Weekday AM(PM)52(114)30(31)1(2)102(95) Avg Summer Saturday Afternoon Peak Hour 174 63 0 41 BICYCLE COUNTS* ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Weekday AM and PM & Avg Summer Saturday Afternoon Peak Hour Bicycle Counts (Left + Through + Right Movements): Carlsbad Blvd/ Tamarack Ave Intersection Direction Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Weekday AM(PM)23(62)17(24)31(48)1(2) Avg Summer Saturday Afternoon 105 31 101 7 TRAFFIC ANALYSES* ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Option Level of Service No Build B/C Signalized B/C Roundabout A/B/C INTERSECTION SAFETY ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue NEXT STEPS TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION FINAL DESIGN, ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS CITY COUNCIL CONSTRUCTION ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue SUMMARY Safety More room for bikers and walkers Complies with city plans Efficient, reduces emissions ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue RECOMMENDED ACTION 1.Receive a presentation 2.Listen to community input 3.Make recommendation to the City Council ITEM 4: Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue