HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-11; City Council; ; Request for a Carlsbad City Council Member and a City Staff Member to Participate in the City of Oceanside’s Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project Design CompetitiCA Review __AF__ Meeting Date: April 11, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director kyle.lancaster@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2941 Subject: Request for a Carlsbad City Council Member and a City Staff Member to Participate in the City of Oceanside’s Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project Design Competition Review District: All Recommended Action Consider a request for a Carlsbad City Council Member and a city staff member to participate as voting jurors or as non-voting advisory panelists in the City of Oceanside’s Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project Design Competition review, and act to either: 1.Decline the City of Oceanside’s request for a Carlsbad City Council Member or a city staff member to participate in the pilot project’s design competition review, or 2.Direct staff to return with an item to rescind or amend Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 2022-011, and appoint a City Council Member to participate as a juror or advisory panelist for the pilot project’s design competition review, and/or 3.Direct staff to return with an agenda item to rescind or amend Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 2022-011, which would allow the City Manager the discretion to appoint a city staff member to participate as a juror or as an advisory panelist for the pilot project’s design competition review, or 4.Provide other direction to staff as appropriate Executive Summary The City of Oceanside’s Coastal Zone Administrator has requested that a Carlsbad City Council member and city staff member participate as a voting juror or a non-voting advisory panelist in the design competition for Phase 2 of Oceanside’s Sand Replenishment and Retention Project. The Carlsbad City Council has stated its opposition to constructing devices that could interfere with the natural flow sand into Carlsbad, as this project has the potential to do. Carlsbad staff are providing further information on the City of Oceanside’s Sand Replenishment and Retention Project and the corresponding request for the City of Carlsbad’s participation. April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 1 of 10 Explanation & Analysis Timeline Jan. 19, 2023 - Oceanside’s Coastal Administrator emailed Carlsbad staff with a link to the published agenda packet for the Oceanside City Council meeting on Jan. 25, 2023. The Coastal Administrator provided this summary of the Oceanside City Council meeting agenda item on this project: Staff is recommending that Oceanside move forward with the Phase 2 contract which will 1) determine an improved sand source for beach nourishment, likely to be found off our shore within tidelands trusted to the City by State Lands Commission in 1963; and 2) design a pilot retention structure that will mimic natural sand retention, inviting innovation into the design by way of a design competition. The design competition is structured so that our prime engineering consultant, GHD, Inc., will devise strict design criteria and objectives, but allow firms to meet those objectives in a myriad of engineering and architectural ways… I am expecting that some kind of artificial reef or headland could be one of the three design options. These options will be reviewed through an extensive public and regional outreach program, as well as by a Jury/Steering Committee. We anticipate the Jury/Steering Committee to be comprised of representatives from different silos, interests and expertise in the community and region. Jan. 20, 2023 - Carlsbad staff sent an email to the Oceanside Coastal Administrator stating that the Carlsbad City Council’s statement of opposition to constructing devices that could interfere with the natural flow sand into Carlsbad remained unchanged (City Council Resolution No. 2022-011, included as a part of Exhibit 1). Jan. 23, 2023 - The Oceanside City Manager and the Oceanside Coastal Administrator met with the Carlsbad City Manager, the Carlsbad Deputy City Manager for Community Services and staff. The Oceanside Coastal Administrator committed to continuously involving the Carlsbad community and staff throughout the public and regional outreach program for this project. Jan. 25, 2023 - The Oceanside City Council approved (4-1, with Mayor Sanchez dissenting) a professional services agreement with GHD, Inc., in the amount of $2,591,681, for consultant services in support of Phase 2 of the Sand Nourishment and Retention Project. Feb. 9, 2023 – Carlsbad city staff distributed a City Council memorandum with a detailed update on the City of Oceanside’s planned sand replenishment project. (Exhibit 1). March 6, 2023 - The Oceanside Coastal Administrator requested, via email, that a Carlsbad City Council Member and city staff member participate as voting jurors or as non-voting advisory panelists in the pilot project’s design competition review. In those emails, the Oceanside Coastal Administrator stated: Our Phase 2 Project will involve a Design Competition to determine the most appropriate, efficient and beneficial retention structure for the region and Oceanside’s coastline. Your participation is requested in this process due to your expertise in the subject matter and interest in the resiliency of Oceanside’s coastline. April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 2 of 10 Attached to the emails was a form, titled City of Oceanside Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project Design Competition – Jury Solicitation (Exhibit 2). That form states in part: Background - The Design Competition Jury will consist of 6-7 voting members from various sectors and interest groups and is intended to reflect the community, regional and stakeholder interests in the implementation of a pilot, sand retention project. Additionally, 3-5 non-voting, advisory members will also be invited to participate. Three design teams will be selected to compete in this process with hopes of sparking innovative ideas to solve a decades long problem of coastal erosion and regional disagreement on the best path forward. The purpose of the Design Competition Jury is primarily to represent your industry or stakeholder group’s interest and provide formal input on the work submitted by design teams. Juror Requirements & Compensation - Design Competition Voting Jurors are expected to be free of conflicts of interest and to be able to provide an unbiased review of materials produced during the design competition. Participation on the Design Competition Jury is anticipated to require commitment to the following events: • Participate in Jury orientation (1.5 hours) – April 2023 • Review of Design Team Materials (Design Brief, RFP for Professional Design Services, etc.) (2 hours) - April 2023 • Participate in one of three Public Workshops – May 2023–October 2023 • Participate in…Competition presentation from 3 Firms (2 hours) – November 2023 o Debrief and Discussions following Presentation (2 hours) - November 2023 • Provide evaluation of submitted Design Team Pilot-Project Concept Designs & Vote on Preferred Design (3 hours)–December 2023 o Non-voting jurors will also be invited to join the Design Competition Jury to be inclusive of a variety of perspectives related envisioning Oceanside’s coastal future. Non-voting jurors will be chosen for their knowledge of a specific area that may contribute the overall selection process. Juror Application - The Project Team is sending out targeted invites to individuals who fit the designation juror categories. March 15, 2023 - Completed applications were due to the City of Oceanside, with a caveat that applications would be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. March 24, 2027 - Carlsbad staff emailed the Oceanside Coastal Administrator, advising: Carlsbad staff will not be participating in this process, either as a voting juror or as a non-voting advisor. We will, however, still monitor the public information available on the progress of the project. Please also continue to provide us with periodic updates and any significant changes to the project. April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 3 of 10 March 27, 2023 - The Oceanside Coastal Administrator again requested that a Carlsbad City Council Member participate in the pilot project’s design competition review. The email from the Coastal Administrator states in part: It would be great to have your representation as a voting or non-voting member of our Jury for our Phase 2 Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project. Participating in our Jury will give you a chance to directly weigh in on the designs for our Pilot Project with any regional concerns. This is true collaboration, and it would be really great to work with you on this. Factors to consider Oceanside staff have explained that they do not intend for the project’s design competition review jury or panel to be a body subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. However, formal action by the City Council to appoint persons to the panel or jury could inadvertently contribute to the creation of a legislative body that must comply with requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act. For either a Carlsbad City Council Member or city staff member to meet Oceanside’s eligibility criteria to participate as a juror or as an advisory panelist in the Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project Design Competition review, rescinding or amending Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 2022-011 may be necessary to minimize real or perceived bias or conflict of interest. As noted above, that resolution expresses a statement of opposition to constructing devices that could interfere with the natural flow sand into Carlsbad. However, the jury would be tasked with reviewing the various proposals for sand nourishment and retention and scoring them against a set of criteria established by Oceanside’s project team. The City of Oceanside Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project Design Competition – Jury Solicitation form states in part: Juror Requirements & Compensation - Design Competition Voting Jurors are expected to be free of conflicts of interest and to be able to provide an unbiased review of materials produced during the design competition. Without rescinding or modifying the resolution, a Carlsbad City Council Member or city staff member on the jury could be faced with the task of voting on an Oceanside sand nourishment and retention project that conflicted with Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 2022-011, thus presenting a source of bias or conflict of interest. Fiscal Analysis There is no direct fiscal impact associated with staff’s recommended action, although two of the options require investment of the appointed City Council member’s or staff member’s time. Options Staff have identified the following options for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Decline the City of Oceanside’s request for a Carlsbad City Council Member or a city staff member to participate in the pilot project’s design competition review. 2. Direct staff to return with an item to rescind or amend Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 2022-011, and appoint a City Council Member to participate as a juror or advisory panelist for the pilot project’s design competition review. April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 4 of 10 3. Direct staff to return with an item to rescind or amend Carlsbad City Resolution No. 2022-011, which would allow the City Manager the discretion to appoint a city staff member to participate as a juror or as an advisory panelist for the pilot project’s design competition review. 4. Provide other direction to staff as appropriate. Next Steps Staff will carry out the direction provided by the City Council. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. Carlsbad City Council memorandum, dated Feb. 9, 2023 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 2. Oceanside Sand Nourishment & Retention Project, Design Competition – Jury Solicitation April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 5 of 10 Exhibit 1 Carlsbad City Council memorandum, dated Feb. 9, 2023 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 6 of 10 Sand Nourishment & Retention Pilot Project Design Competition – Jury Solicitation Background The City of Oceanside in partnership with GHD and Resilient Cities Catalyst is soliciting applications to participate on the Design Competition Jury for the Oceanside Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project. The Design Competition Jury will consist of 6-7 voting members from various sectors and interest groups and is intended to reflect the community, regional and stakeholder interests in the implementation of a pilot, sand retention project. Additionally, 3-5 non-voting, advisory members will also be invited to participate. Three design teams will be selected to compete in this process with hopes of sparking innovative ideas to solve a decades long problem of coastal erosion and regional disagreement on the best path forward. The purpose of the Design Competition Jury is primarily to represent your industry or stakeholder group’s interest and provide formal input on the work submitted by design teams. Juror Requirements & Compensation Design Competition Voting Jurors are expected to be free of conflicts of interest and to be able to provide an unbiased review of materials produced during the design competition. Participation on the Design Competition Jury is anticipated to require commitment to the following events: •Participate in Jury orientation (1.5 hours) – April 2023 •Review of Design Team Materials (Design Brief, RFP for Professional Design Services, etc.) (2 hours) - April 2023 •Participate in one of three Public Workshops – May 2023 – October 2023 •Participate in Design Competition presentation from 3 Firms (2 hours) – November 2023 o Debrief and Discussions following Presentation (2 hours) - November 2023 •Provide evaluation of submitted Design Team Pilot-Project Concept Designs & Vote on Preferred Design (3 hours) – December 2023 Non-voting jurors will also be invited to join the Design Competition Jury to be inclusive of a variety of perspectives related envisioning Oceanside’s coastal future. Non-voting jurors will be chosen for their knowledge of a specific area that may contribute the overall selection process. Jury Categories, Voting & Non-Voting: The following categories are being considered to represent the voting and non-voting members of the juror. Exhibit 2 April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 7 of 10 Voting Category Description Coastal Management Expert As Design Teams consider innovative interventions, they will confront in- water and nearshore structures that will have, for the benefits of sand retention, impacts on the geomorphology of the coast. The “Coastal Management Expert” is an academic and/or a practitioner with an advanced degree, body of work, and research on coastal sediment processes, including a comprehensive understanding of geomorphology. This person is expected to bring expertise to the proposed designs that takes into consideration the impacts to the nearshore coastal dynamics. Permitting Viability Expert The permitting processes in California are strenuous and nuanced, the “Permitting Viability Expert” is an academic and/or practitioner who has direct experience navigating various coastal project permitting processes and viability studies in the State of California. Through the lens of permitting, this person is expected to provide feedback on the potential barriers to implementation, as well as considerations in the design for ease in permitting. Surf Resource Preservation Surfing is an extremely popular recreational activity along Oceanside’s four-mile shoreline due to the consistency of surf and variety of surf breaks. The preservation of surfing as a recreational resource in the community of Oceanside is vitally important to its identity and local economy. Thus, consideration for how the designs may impact or improve surfing conditions in the City is critically important. This juror is envisioned to be an experienced, Oceanside surfer, preferably well-traveled, such that they can apply years of knowledge surfing in various coastal environments to infer how the designs may work in the City of Oceanside. Nearshore Marine Resources Expert Sand retention strategies and interventions, including nature-based- solutions, will be developed with the intent to benefit the natural environment and should demonstrate impactful and effective benefits to non-human ecosystems. The “Nearshore Marine Resources Expert” is an academic and/or practitioner with an advanced degree, body of work, and research on beach ecosystems, nearshore reefs, marine ecosystems and ecology. This juror is envisioned to apply their knowledge base to the designs to assist in balancing the projects integration with the nearshore marine environment. Coastal City Representative Coastal management actions in Oceanside will require the consideration of coastal communities to the south due to the linked nature of coastal resources and management within the littoral cell. A “Coastal City Representative” is a local elected or appointed official from a nearby coastal community who has demonstrated knowledge and leadership in coastal resource management in the San Diego region. Community Representative Oceanside has a strong cultural history in North County, San Diego and the community’s relationship to the beach is fundamental to the experience of living in Oceanside. The “Community Representative” is an Oceanside resident who may or may not be represented by a broader community- based organization and can adequately represent the broad interests of the community. This person may be a youth leader or advocate. April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 8 of 10 Non-Voting Category Potential Examples Federal Agency U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA, NOAA, Navy State Agency Coastal Commission, RWQCB, CDFW, State Lands Commission Grant Funders Ocean Protection Council, State Coastal Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Board, Division of Boating & Waterways, CDFW, San Diego Foundation NGOs Surfrider Foundation, Wildcoast, Save the Waves, Audubon, Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Foundation Juror Application The Project Team is sending out targeted invites to individuals who fit the designation juror categories. Prospective jurors are requested to submit a short resume/bio (max 1 page) and complete the below questionnaire. Juror applications are due by 5pm PT March 15; however, will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Juror Questionnaire: Name: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________ Expected Juror Category (i.e. Surf Resource Preservation): _____________________________ What is your relationship with the Oceanside coast? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ In one sentence, what is your vision for the Oceanside coast? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide 1-2 sentences that describe your qualifications to participate as a juror. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide 1-2 sentences that describe why you want to participate as a juror. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 9 of 10 What, if any, concerns do you have about potentially participating as a juror on this project and reviewing concepts submitted by Design Teams? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ From your perspective how much weight should be given to the following pilot-project design criteria (select one percentage per criteria): • Technical Performance (stabilizing beach widths): 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% • Project Cost / Financial (initial construction cost and maintenance costs): 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% • Environmental Impacts or Benefits: 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% • Innovative Design Techniques: 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% • Social Benefits (improved safety and recreational space): 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% Commitment to remaining fair and honest. I understand that concepts presented within the Design Competition may diverge from my own beliefs and opinions. Regardless of this, I am committed to providing a fair and objective evaluation of the designs and will participate in the competitive process in a professional and constructive way. I commit to disclose any real or perceived conflicts of interest with the Design Teams, design concepts, and overall project. I declare that the information above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I understand that I may be removed from the juror at any point by the Project Team. _________________________ _____ _______________ Signature Date April 11, 2023 Item #8 Page 10 of 10 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Tuesday, April 11, 2023 4:13 PM City Clerk FW: Council Agenda# 8 From: Carolyn Krammer <carolnoceanside@cs.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 3:49 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Council Agenda# 8 ~LV-IAA ~ ~ Mr-.JJ,(\J../ . Of--t\\\\i~ 1\-) 2,-p,'(J\, All Receive -Agenda Item# 9 ,11,. For the Information of the-;-- CITY COUNCIL Date1}11t/i,'!> CA_ CC,./ CM_ACM_DCM (3)~ Council Agenda Item 8. REQUEST FOR A CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL MEMBER AND A CITY STAFF MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE'S SAND NOURISHMENT AND RETENTION PILOT PROJECT DESIGN COMPETITION REVIEW Good afternoon Mayor and City Councilmembers, Thank you for allowing us to participate in the item before you. This is a topic of great concern to all coastal cities on the south drift of Oceanside. As we all know Sand is a precious resource for all our coastal cities and we should all be allowed to have nature deposit it in a very natural way. Our sand flow to the south has a direct impact on Carlsbad our first coastal city to the south. The City of Oceanside has not abandoned its proposal to put groins and jetties on Oceanside beaches. Hard structures of any kind that stop the natural flow of sand to the south is not acceptable due to the impacts of our southerly neighbors. If that is what the study finds, they want you to abandon your concern for your city and go along with it. Please do not give up your Resolution as it is your right and duty to protect your city beaches. We support Staffs original e-mail to the Oceanside Coastal Administrator "advising that Carlsbad staff will not be participating in this process, either as a voting juror or as a non-voting advisor. We will, however, still monitor the public information available on the progress of the project. " Please support Option # 1 and decline the City of Oceanside's request and retain your right to protect your beaches. Thank you for your time and consideration. Carolyn Krammer, Chairperson Citizens for the Preservation of Parks & Beaches 904 Leonard Avenue Oceanside, CA. 92054 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Tuesday, April 11, 2023 4:13 PM City Clerk FW: Item #8 -Council Agenda From: Shari Mackin <bzshari@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 3:20 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Shari Mackin <bzshari@gmail.com> Subject: Item #8 -Council Agenda Honorable Mayor and City Council, Thank you for your service to the community -Carlsbad is a great place to live and play due to good decisions by City Council Members. Tonight you have before you, Item #8, a request to participate in the City of Oceanside's Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project Design. I would like to ask you to please vote option #1: decline the City of Oceanside's request for a Carlsbad City Council Member or a city staff member to participate in the pilot project's design competition review. Last year, Carlsbad made a commitment to it's community stating Carlsbad was opposed to the installation of groins/groin field in Oceanside due to the impacts to Carlsbad which would include (to say the least) loss of sand to Carlsbad during the natural sand movement along the longshore current. I thank you for that commitment to your residents and our neighbors to the south of Carlsbad. If you choose any other option listed on the agenda, you will have to rescind last year's vote and statement on groins as this project does not exclude groins from the study or selection. Thank you, Shari Mackin Former Deputy Mayor, City of Oceanside !CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i~ !safe.I · Participation in Oceanside’s Sand Nourishment & Retention Pilot Project Design Competition Review Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Parks & Recreation Department April 11, 2023 { City of Carlsbad TODAY’S PRESENTATION •Executive Summary •Competition Review Details •Recent Timeline •Brown Act Applicability •Council Resolution Conflict •Recommended Action ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW { City of Carlsbad EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Staff received Oceanside’s request for Carlsbad City Council member and a city staff member to participate in the Oceanside Sand Nourishment and Retention Pilot Project’s Design Competition review •Carlsbad City Council previously stated its opposition to constructing devices that could interfere with the natural flow sand into Carlsbad ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad COMPETITION REVIEW -EXPLANATION •In January 2023, Oceanside staff advised it would be recommending Oceanside City Council move forward with phase 2 of its project: 1.Determining an improved sand source for nourishment, likely found off shore within tidelands trusted to city by State Lands Commission 2.Designing a pilot retention structure that will mimic natural sand retention, inviting innovation into the design by way of a competition ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad COMPETITION REVIEW -EXPLANATION •Strict design criteria/objectives are to be set, but allow firms to meet those objectives in a myriad of engineering and architectural concepts •Concepts are to be reviewed through an extensive public and regional outreach program, as well as by a jury and an advisory committee ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad COMPETITION REVIEW -JURY •To consist of 6-7 total voting members from the categories of: Coastal management expert Permitting viability expert Nearshore marine resources expert Staff resource preservationist Coastal city representative Community representative ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad COMPETITION REVIEW -JURY •Expected to be free of conflicts of interest and to be able to provide an unbiased review of materials produced during the design competition •Anticipated to require time commitment of over 10 hours per member ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad COMPETITION REVIEW –ADVISORY PANEL •To consist of 3-5 total non-voting members from the categories of: Federal agency State agency Grant funder Non-government organization ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad RECENT TIMELINE •Jan. 20, 2023 -Carlsbad staff reiterated the City Council’s opposition •Jan. 23, 2023 –Oceanside staff committed to involving the Carlsbad community/staff throughout a public and regional outreach program •Jan. 25, 2023 –Oceanside City Council approved professional services agreement for phase 2 of the project ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad RECENT TIMELINE •March 6, 2023 –Oceanside staff requested Carlsbad Council Member and city staff member participate as jurors or as advisory panelists •March 24, 2023 –Carlsbad staff advised Oceanside staff it would not be participating, either as a juror or as an advisory panelist •March 27, 2023 –Oceanside staff renewed the request ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad FACTOR -BROWN ACT APPLICABILITY •Oceanside staff does not intend for the project’s design competition review jury or panel to be a body subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act •However, action by City Council to appoint persons to jury or panel could inadvertently contribute to the creation of a legislative body ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad FACTOR -COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONFLICT •Jurors are to be tasked with reviewing and scoring options for sand nourishment and retention against criteria established by Oceanside •Jurors are to be free of conflicts of interest and are to be unbiased •A City Council Member or staff member on jury could be faced with voting on concepts that conflict with Council Resolution ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW (city of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION 1.Decline City of Oceanside’s request for a City Council Member or a city staff member to participate, or 2.Direct staff to return with an item to rescind or amend Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 2022- 011, and appoint a City Council Member to participate as a juror or advisory panelist, and/or ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION 3.Direct staff to return with an agenda item to rescind or amend Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 2022-011, which would allow the City Manager the discretion to appoint a city staff member to participate as a juror or as an advisory panelist, or 4.Provide other direction to staff as appropriate ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW { City of Carlsbad QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Thank you ITEM 8: PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION REVIEW { City of Carlsbad