HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-11; City Council; ; Update to City Council Policy Statement No. 88 – Board, Commission and Committee Member AppointmentsCA Review CKM Meeting Date: April 11, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Faviola Medina, City Clerk Services Manager faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5989 Subject: Update to City Council Policy Statement No. 88 – Board, Commission and Committee Member Appointments Districts: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving City Council Policy Statement No. 88 updates to the board, commission and committee member application, interview and appointment process. Executive Summary/Explanation & Analysis City Council Policy Statement No. 88 was adopted by the City Council on July 23, 2019, to formalize and ensure transparency and consistency in the board, commission and committee member application, interview and appointment process. An update to the existing City Council policy is necessary to align with current practices and streamline processes to create efficiencies in the use of staff resources. The proposed revisions, detailed in Exhibit 2, are as follows: Removal of Faraday Administration Building Due to the number of board and commission agendas that must be posted on a regular basis, there is little to no space available in the display case at the Faraday Administration Building. Requiring the posting of vacancy notices at that location are burdensome and not always possible. Removal of matrix In an effort to streamline processes and efficiently use staff resources, staff are recommending eliminating the matrix preparation because all of the information in the matrix is available on the applications. Preparation of the matrix is also labor-intensive. Update to process for email to City Council As the City Council Members have to concur on a nomination, all City Council members receive the same information, not just the appointing members. Removal of selection form and tabulation process This section is being updated to reflect the current process. April 11, 2023 Item #1 Page 1 of 8 Addition of required actions to be completed by appointee Further clarity and transparency to requirements added upfront to reduce the instances of appointees declining their appointment after taking the Oath of Office. Staff are recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution approving City Council Policy Statement No. 88 with these changes to the Board, Commission and Committee Member application, interview and appointment process. City Council Policy Statement No. 1 requires a four-fifths vote for approval of all City Council policies revisions. Fiscal Analysis There is no fiscal impact from this action. Next Steps Staff will post the updated City Council policy on the city’s website to ensure that all applicants for board, commission or committee positions are aware of the procedure followed by the City Council when reviewing applications and interviewing applicants. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1.City Council resolution 2.City Council Policy Statement No. 88, issued July 23, 2019, with revisions highlighted April 11, 2023 Item #1 Page 2 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO. 88 UPDATES TO THE BOARD, COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION, INTERVIEW AND APPOINTMENT PROCESS WHEREAS, On July 23, 2019, the City Council adopted City Council Policy Statement No. 88 to formalize and ensure transparency and consistency in the Board, Commission and Committee Member application, interview and appointment process; and WHEREAS, updates to this City Council Policy are needed to help ensure that a consistent procedure is followed for all Boards, Commissions and Committee Member appointments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the City Council approves the updated City Council Policy Statement No. 88 entitled Boards, Commissions and Committee Member Application, Interview and Appointment Process (Attachment A). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 11th day of April, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor f sHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) Exhibit 1 April 11, 2023 Item #1 Page 3 of 8 ~ City Council POLICY STATEMENT Policy No. Date Issued 88 April 11, 2023 Resolution No. 2023-102 Subject: Board, Commission and Committee Member Application, Interview and Appointment Process Purpose To develop a formal and transparent process for the City Council to review applications and interview applicants to serve on the City's Boards, Commissions and Committees. Background Staff has found that the need to formalize the application review and interview process for the selection and appointment of residents to serve on the City's Boards, Commissions and Committees. By formalizing the process through a City Council Policy, City Council and public expectations of the process will be clear. Statement of policy To formalize the application review and interview process for the selection and appointment of residents to serve on the City's Boards, Commissions and Committees. Procedure The Board, Commission and Committee Member Application, Interview and Appointment process shall proceed as follows: • • • • In accordance with the Maddy Act on or before December 31 of each year, the City Clerk's office prepares a Local Appointments List which is published twice in the local newspaper, posted at City Hall, the City Libraries and on the City's website. The notice contains the following: o The name of the incumbent appointee o The date of appointment and the term expiration date Prior to a scheduled or unscheduled vacancy, City Clerk staff also posts the notice specific to that vacancy on the City website and at the City libraries for a period of 30 days. In addition, a notification is sent to all residents who have signed up for notification regarding upcoming vacancies. The e-mail invites the residents to apply if interested in serving if they have not already done so Following the close of the 30-day application period, the City Clerk's Office will verify that each applicant is a registered voter in the applicable district The City Clerk's office will provide all of the applications received by the application deadline via e-mail to the recommending City Council Member (Mayor or District representative) who is tasked (per Carlsbad Municipal Code) with reviewing the applications and interviewing the potential candidates with the goal of recommending no more than two candidates per open position as well as the rest of the City Council. If there are more than two applicants per opening, the recommending member will select Attachment A April 11, 2023 Item #1 Page 4 of 8 City Council Policy Statement No. 88 April 11, 2023 Page 2 up to two candidates to advance in the process. If there are two or less applicants per opening, all candidates will advance in the process. •If more than 10 applications are received for the current vacancy, the applications will be batched by district number. •This e-mail will also include a link to the Carlsbad Municipal Code establishing the Board, Commission or Committee and a link to the City’s Boards and Commissions roster that includes the names and district number of the existing Board, Commission and Committee members •The City Council will have two weeks to review the application materials, conduct interviews and provide the recommendations (if applicable) •Staff will schedule the appointment for the City Council meeting that follows the review period if possible •Staff will reach out to each applicant (or two recommended candidates if applicable) notifying them of the Council Meeting date when the appointment will take place and invite and encourage them to attend the meeting and speak for 2-3 minutes regarding their qualifications for serving on the desired Board, Commission or Committee. Staff will also advise the applicants to be prepared to respond to questions that the City Council may ask •The recommending City Council Members will nominate their recommended appointee. The entire City Council shall then vote to confirm or oppose the appointment •Upon confirmation, the City Clerk’s Office will notify the successful candidate(s), and within 30 days the appointee is to complete the following: be administered the Oath of Office, file an assuming Conflict of Interest FPPC Form 700, complete a 2-hour AB1234 Ethics course and review the provided materials necessary to perform the duties of the appointment April 11, 2023 Item #1 Page 5 of 8 Policy No. 88 Date Issued Resolution No. Subject: Board, Commission and Committee Member Application, Interview and Appointment Process Purpose To develop a formal process for the City Council to review applications and interview applicants to serve on the City’s Boards, Commissions and Committees. Background Staff has found that the need to formalize the application review and interview process for the selection and appointment of residents to serve on the City’s Boards, Commissions and Committees. By formalizing the process through a City Council Policy, City Council and public expectations of the process will be clear. Statement of policy To formalize the application review and interview process for the selection and appointment of residents to serve on the City’s Boards, Commissions and Committees. Procedure The Board, Commission and Committee Member Application, Interview and Appointment process shall proceed as follows: •In accordance with the Maddy Act on or before December 31 of each year, the City Clerk’s office prepares a Local Appointments List which is published twice in the localnewspaper, posted at City Hall, the City Libraries, the Faraday Administration Building and on the City’s website, . The notice contains the following: •The appointive terms which will be expiring during the next calendar year o The name of the incumbent appointee o The date of appointment and the term of expiration date •Prior to a scheduled or unscheduled vacancy, City Clerk staff also posts the notice specific to that vacancy on the City website, and at the City libraries and at the Faraday Administration Building for a period of 30 days. In addition, an e-maila notification issent to all residents who have signed up for notification regarding upcoming vacancies. The e-mail invites the residents to apply if interested in serving if they have not already done so •Following the close of the 30-day application period, a matrix will be created containing information that was entered into the applicationsthe City Clerk’s Office will verify thateach applicant is a registered voter in the applicable district •If there are more than two applications per open position, tThe City Clerk’s office will provide all of the matrix applications received by the application deadline via e-mail to the recommending City Council Member (Mayor or District representative) who is Exhibit 2 April 11, 2023 Item #1 Page 6 of 8 City Council Policy Statement No. 88 April 11, 2023 Page 2 tasked (per Carlsbad Municipal Code) with reviewing the applications and interviewing the potential candidates with the goal of recommending no more than two candidates per open position as well as the rest of the City Council. If there are more than two applicants per opening, the recommending member will select up to two candidates to advance in the process. If there are two or less applicants per opening, all candidates will advance in the process. • If more than 10 applications are received for the current vacancy, the applications will be batched by district number. • Staff will send an e-mail to all City Council members that contains the full matrix, highlights the two recommended candidates selected by the recommending City Council Member (if more than two applicants per opening) and the applications received by the deadline. The This e-mail will also include the language from the Ordinance or Resolutiona link to the Carlsbad Municipal Code establishing the Board, Commission or Committee and a link to the City’s Boards and Commissions roster that includes the names, and district number and length of service of the existing Board, Commission and Committee members • The City Council will have two weeks to review the matrixapplication materials, conduct interviews and provide, the recommendations (if applicable) and application materials • Staff will schedule the appointment for the City Council meeting that follows the review period if possible • Staff will reach out to each applicant (or two recommended candidates if applicable) notifying them of the Council Meeting date when the appointment will take place and invite and encourage them to attend the meeting and speak for 2-3 minutes regarding their qualifications for serving on the desired Board, Commission or Committee. Staff will also advise the applicants to be prepared to respond to questions that the City Council may ask • The candidates selected to advance in the process will be interviewed by the City Council at a meeting of the City Council. Each candidate may be asked questions by members of the City Council. The City Council will be provided a selection form to identify their recommended appointee • Following the interviews in open session, The recommending City Council Members will identify nominate their recommended appointee by circling the name on the selection form and submitting the form to the City Clerk for tabulation (regardless of whether or not candidates appeared for an interview). The City Clerk shall announce the names of the applicants and how many nominations they received. The City Council will then discuss the applicants and their nominations. The nominating City Council Member will then and make a motion to appoint either the applicant with the most nominations or the other applicant. Upon receiving a second, tThe entire City Council shall then vote to confirm or oppose the appointment • Upon confirmation, the City Clerk’s Office will notify the successful candidate(s), and within 30 days the appointee is to complete the following: be administered the Oath of Office, file an assuming Conflict of Interest FPPC Form 700, complete a 2-hour AB1234 April 11, 2023 Item #1 Page 7 of 8 City Council Policy Statement No. 88 April 11, 2023 Page 3 Ethics course and review the provided the necessary materials necessary to perform the duties of the appointment •The selection form submitted by each City Council Member will remain on file in the City Clerk’s Office as a part of the permanent record for that agenda item Attachments 1.Board, Commission and Committee Member Application Form 2.• Applicant Selection Form Formatted: Font color: Text 1 Formatted: List Paragraph Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" +Indent at: 0.5" April 11, 2023 Item #1 Page 8 of 8