HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-11; City Council; ; Mayoral Appointment of One Member to the Planning CommissionCA Review CKM Meeting Date: April 11, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Tammy McMinn, Senior Deputy City Clerk tammy.mcminn@carlsbadca.gov, or 442-339-2953 Subject: Mayoral Appointment of One Member to the Planning Commission Districts: All Recommended Actions Adopt a resolution appointing one member to the Planning Commission. Executive Summary The City Council is being asked to appoint one member to the Planning Commission, which reviews development projects and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding implementation and updating of the city’s General Plan, among other duties. Explanation & Analysis Commissioner Carolyn Luna was appointed to the Planning Commission in February 2018 to fill the expired term of Commissioner Patrick Goyarts. Commissioner Luna was reappointed in January 2022 for a term ending in December 2026. Commissioner Luna resigned Feb. 15, 2023, after being appointed to fill the vacant City Council District No. 2 seat, leaving an unexpired term ending in December 2026 to coincide with the term of the Mayor. The City Clerk’s Office received 14 applications from residents wishing to serve on the Planning Commission. In keeping with City Council Policy No. 88, the Mayor recommended the following two residents to advance in the process and interview with the full City Council: Mayoral recommendation •David Hubinger – District 4 •Diane Proulx – District 2 (currently serving on Traffic & Mobility Commission) Exhibit 2 contains the applications of those applicants moving forward in the interview process. The Maddy Act, California Government Code Sections 54970-54974, requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative body shall prepare a local appointments list that contains the appointive terms of board and commission members that will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee, the date of appointment and the term’s expiration date is also included on the list. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk’s Office accepts applications for any upcoming vacancies. These applications are available on the city’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office. April 11, 2023 Item #9 Page 1 of 9 Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.15.050(2) states, “Although each member of the City Council elected by a district shall use his or her best efforts to appoint individuals residing in that district to these commissions, members of the City Council may appoint individuals not residing in their districts in their discretion in order to assure that the most interested and qualified individuals serve on the commissions.” According to City Council Resolution No. 2018-178, this Planning Commission unscheduled vacancy shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The Planning Commission shall consist of seven members, and of four ex officio members who shall be the Community Development Director, City Engineer, City Attorney and City Planner. Other members of the Planning Commission are: Commission member District Bill Kamenjarin 2 Alicia Lafferty 1 Roy Meenes 3 Peter Merz 4 Kevin Sabellico 4 Joseph Stine 4 Members of the Planning Commission are subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act and must file statements of economic interest each year, and complete two hours of ethics training every two years. Fiscal Analysis This action has no financial impact. Next Steps Following the appointment of one member to the Planning Commission, the City Clerk’s Office will update the commission roster and coordinate the oath of office and the filing of the appointees’ statement of economic interest and ethics training certificate. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. Applications received from residents advancing to the interview process April 11, 2023 Item #9 Page 2 of 9 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-108 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Carolyn Luna was appointed to the Planning Commission in February 2018, to fill the expired term of Commissioner Patrick Goyarts; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Luna was reappointed in January 2022, for a term ending in December 2026; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Luna resigned Feb. 15, 2023, after being appointed to fill the vacant City Council District No. 2 seat, leaving an unexpired term ending in December 2026 to coincide with the term of the Mayor; and WHEREAS, an unscheduled vacancy on the Planning Commission exists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Planning Commission, for a term ending in December 2026, to coincide with the term of the Mayor, or until a replacement is appointed. David Hubinger PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 11th day of April, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder. Luna. None. None. f SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) Exhibit 1 April 11, 2023 Item #9 Page 3 of 9 Exhibit 2 April 11, 2023 Item #9 Page 4 of 9 , Boards, Commissions and Committees · Application for Appointment RECEIVED JAN O 6 2023 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission ✓ Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks & Recreation Traffic & Mobility Commission Commission ' Tourism Business Improvement Golf Lodging Business Agricultural Mitigation Fee District Improvement District Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Community-Police Engagement Commission Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Date of Birth: David Hubinger Reauired for Voter Reaistration Verification Q D Home Address I District No. 4 ✓ I City Carlsbad ZIP 92011 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation Retired Employer Employer Address City ZIP Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. ✓ I a':1 a registered voter in Carlsbad. ✓ Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. ✓ Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. ✓ I am a Citizens Academy graduate. ✓ I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to ✓ serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. ✓ I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. ✓ I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. ✓ April 11, 2023 Item #9 Page 5 of 9 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. !Explanations Please describe your educational background Please describe relevant experience Please describe your current or past community involvement Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Additional information or comments Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature --------~-----------Date ________ _ * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form April 11, 2023 Item #9 Page 6 of 9 DAVID M~ HUBINGER Revenue and Profit Growth I Marketing and Sales Strategies I Executional Excellence I Acquisition Strategies Client Services and Relations I Contract Negotiation I Market Penetration I Leadership Development and Coaching QUALIFICATIONS PROFILE Performance driven and growth-focused professional, with a proven track record of success, offering broad-based experience in business management and consulting services within the consumer products industry. Expertise identifying opportunities, formulating innovative solutions, and developing strategic and executional plans to achieve organizational objectives .. EXPERIENCE Mylmmunome Inc. (2022 to Present) Co-Founder and Board Member = Biotechnology company with proprietary technological platforms that provide comprehensive profiling of human immunity to enable longer and healthier lives. Nanommune Inc. (2020 to 2022) Chief Executive Officer and Board Member = Multiplex assay platform for high-through put serological and epidemiological studies and serological surveillance tool to determine the prevalence of infection during a pandemic. Dave Hubinger Consulting, Carlsbad; CA (2015-2020) Independent Consultant I Food Industry Expert □ Provided consultative support to private equity firms and small to medium-sized companies by creating strategic plans to achieve significant improvements in growth and profitability DPI Specialty Foods, Ontario, CA (2012-2014) President □ Expertly led $300M specialty food distributor with 570 employees that provide services to major grocery chain and independent stores in the Arizona, Nevada, and Southern California markets □ Significantly enhanced earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) from loss of $20M to a positive $SM within two years Nestle, Various Locations (1982-2012) President -Nestle Confections and Snacks □ Led $2B sales, $200M EBIT division with 3000 employees, and 9 factories in meeting sales and profit objectives, establishing strategic direction, deploying capital, driving top line sales, creating effective brand communication, achieving operational and supply chain efficiencies, and winning competitive positions in the marketplace Other Nestle Positions Held: Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) -Nestle Ice Cream VP, Head of United States Sales -Nestle Professional Group Vice President -Nestle Confections and Snacks Nestle Internal Consulting Team -Nestle, Australia Vice President I General Manager -Willy Wonka Candy Division, Nestle Confections Vice President of Strategic Customer Service -Nestle USA Vice President of Sales -North Central Division, Nestle Food Company Category Marketing Director -Nestle Food Company Marketing Manager -Nestle World Headquarters, Vevey, Switzerland OTHER EXPERIENCE Adjunct Professor, Management University of San Diego, San Diego, CA EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Leadership Studies -University of San Diego, San Diego, CA Master of International Management -Thunderbird School of Global Management, Glendale, AZ Bachelor of Science in Business Administration -Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Ml PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Harvard Business School Executive Program, Cornell, Food Executive Program, London School of Business Executive Program April 11, 2023 Item #9 Page 7 of 9 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library Board ofTrustees Historic Preservation Commission Parks & Recreation Commission Tourism Business Improvement Golf Lodging Business District Improvement District CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee Community-Police Engagement Commission RECEIVED JAN -4 2023 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Planning Commission V Senior Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Personal lnformatf on If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Date of Birth: ~ Diane Prou lx Reauired for Voter Reaistration Verification Home Address I District No. 2 ✓ City Carlsbad ·z1p 92010 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation Mgmt Employer Grand Pacific Resorts Employer Address City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. v' I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. v' Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, .,. please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please .,. explain below. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. V I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to .,. serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at .,. the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. v' I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. v' April 11, 2023 Item #9 Page 8 of 9 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. !Explanations Please describe your educational background BA-I nformationManagement ProjectManagementCertification Please describe relevant experience The last 15 years I have been involved with development and building of multiple resort properties. I am familiar with entitelment processes,land planning, EIR, Native American processes, permittin, traffic and parking concerns, etc. Please describe your current or past community Involvement I currently serve on teh Traffic and Mobility Commission, as well the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Board. Previously served on Housing Element, EC3 Committee, two term Park and Rec Commission Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (Including non-profit organizations) I please see attached Additional information or comments I am interesting in serving the Carlsbad rommunity • I bOlieve ii is essential !hot residents play an active role in tho their community. I would tike to serve to: 1. Have a voice in the decision making in our community 2. Serve the community 3. I have alrong Interest in planning, land use and 10caI government 4 New teaming opportunities Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. ff you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: · City of Carlsbad City Cl ' 1200 Carlsb,Qll,.~..-.,,vv~~ 1tting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered Clear form Print form Submit form April 11, 2023 Item #9 Page 9 of 9 Boards, Commissions, Committees for Diane Proulx As of 1/1/2023 1. City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission 2. City of Carlsbad Housing Element Advisory Committee 3. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Board 4. City of Carlsbad EC3 Committee 5. City of Carlsbad Park and Rec Commission 6. Residential HOA Board 7. Carlsbad Citizen Academy 8. Carlsbad Chamber Candidate Academy 9. San Diego County Water District Academy 10. Carlsbad High School Site Council 11. Carlsbad High School Touchdown Club-Co-Founder/VP 12. Carlsbad Pop Warner-President, Corp Sponsorships Chair, Equipment Chair Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Diane Proulx <dproulx@gpresorts.com> Monday, April 10, 2023 12:56 PM City Clerk FW: Planning Commission Appointment Planning Commissioner-Proulx.pdf All Receive -Agenda Item# _:l For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date L//Jqt?,CA ....-cc ~ CM ~ACM ......-DCM (3).L.. Good afternoon -thank you for the below information -While I will attend the meeting, I will still submit the attached comments for the distribution. Also, can you please confirm the council meeting start time. Thanks, Diane From: Tammy Cloud-McMinn <Tammy.McMinn@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 11:25 AM To: Tammy Cloud-McMinn <Tammy.McMinn@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Faviola Medina <Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov>; Kaylin McCauley <kaylin.mccauley@carlsbadca.gov>; Ana Alarcon <Ana.Alarcon@carlsbadca.gov>; Andrea Dykes <Andrea.Dykes@carlsbadca.gov>; Eli Snyder <Eli.Snyder@carlsbadca.gov>; Eric Lardy <Eric.Lardy@carlsbadca .gov> Subject: Planning Commission Appointment This Message Is From an External Sender This message came from outside your organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recogni:z;e the sender and know the content is safe. Good Morning, You have been chosen as a finalist in the appointment process for the Planning Commission. This item will be heard at the April 11, 2023 City Council Meeting where the City Council will be making their final decision on who will be appointed. You are encouraged to attend and speak to your qualifications and your desire to be appointed. You may also email your desire to be appointed to clerk@carlsbadca .gov where it will be distributed to all Council Members prior to the meeting. Please don't hesitate to call me should you have any questions. Kind regards, Tammy~ 1 ~City of Carlsbad Tamara McMinn, CPMC, CMC Senior Deputy City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov P: 442-339-2953 F: 760-720-6917 E: tammy.mcminn@carlsbadca.gov Connect ,vi th u Facebook I Twitter I You Tube I Flickr I Pinterest I Enews I .J, Consider the environment before printing this e-mail Confidentiality Notice: Please note that email correspondence with the City of Carlsbad, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt. 2 Good evening Mayor and Councilmembers, I have submitted my application for the open Planning Commission seat and wanted to share a little more about myself. I have lived and [thankfully] worked in Carlsbad for almost 25 years. My two son's attended Carlsbad Schools and both are graduates of Carlsbad High School. Over the years, I have been an active member of our Community serving on multiple committees, commissions, and boards. I believe my application noted my volunteerism, but will mention that I currently serve on the Traffic and Mobility Commission and recently served as Vice Chair on the Housing Element Advisory Committee. Carlsbad's Housing Plan was successfully approved by the state on its first submittal and the city is currently on track to complete the state approved plan to increase access to affordable housing over the next eight years. I was also a member of the EC3 (Envision Carlsbad) Committee that provided the framework for updating the General Plan, Zoning Ordinances and the Local Coastal Program. Additionally, I served two terms on the Park and Rec commission and I am currently on the Board of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. As a Planning Commissioner I would bring the knowledge and experience I have gained by serving on multiple committees and commissions in the City and I am deeply committed to our community and want to continue to be a part of making Carlsbad a wonderful place to live, work, retire fo r all members of the community.